tarsar marsar trek video

Tarsar Marsar

Arguably The Prettiest Trek In India

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tarsar marsar trek video


tarsar marsar trek video


Tarsar Marsar is arguably the prettiest trek in India. This is a title we do not give treks lightly. Especially when its formidable sister trek,  Kashmir Great Lakes , is in the picture.

However, Tarsar Marsar is a trek where alpine lakes take a life of their own. It is not just the fact that you get to camp beside these royal blue, snow-fed lakes (you don’t get this camping chance even at KGL). Or the secluded nature of these campsites (a Godsend in today’s trekking scenario!).

You get to circumvent the entire perimeter of Tarsar and Sundersar, offering you multiple perspectives of the very same lake!

Then there is the elusive Marsar, almost always hidden under a shroud of clouds. We see this lake from an overhang, sitting 600–700 ft below. It is a perfect spot to witness the grandeur of the lake, with the sun rising right above it. This is until dollops of clouds waft their way through the U-shaped valley and settle above the lake. The lake disappears from view within seconds!

The Tarsar Marsar trek takes you right to the heart of Kashmir. From the quaint village of Aru to the clearings of Lidderwat. From the rolling green mountains of Shekhawas to the massive alpine lakes. The setting of Tarsar Marsar is such that it leaves you visually stunned for weeks together!

Tarsar Marsar - Complete Trek Information

We have always wanted trekkers to be well-informed before they go on a Himalayan trek. Knowledge is the difference between a safe trek and a dangerous one. It’s also the difference between a wholesome experience and a superficial experience.

Use this section to learn about the Tarsar Marsar trek. It has in-depth information about each day of the trek, what to expect, and how you need to prepare for it. Many years of expertise have gone into this content. Trekkers find these extremely useful.

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Quick Itinerary

Get your trek plan

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How Does Each Day Look

Complete day-wise guide with photos

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How Difficult Is Tarsar Marsar Trek

Why fitness is important for the trek

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Best Time To Do Tarsar Marsar Trek

Time your Trek well

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How To Reach Tarsar Marsar Basecamp

Plan your travel with this

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What To Pack For Your Tarsar Marsar Trek

Things to take

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How to get fit for Tarsar Marsar Trek

Fitness matters for the trek

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Campsites at a Glance

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Tarsar Campsite is one of the most memorable experiences of the trek. Picture by Namita Kaith

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The setting of Shekwas Campsite cannot be compared to any other trek. It is nestled between three valleys intersecting. Picture by Abhijit

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Sundersar Campsite. Circumvent the entire perimeter of Sundersar and it offers you multiple perspectives of the very same lake! Picture by Santhosh

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Shekwas Campsite seen from the top of the mound. Picture by Abhijit

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Your first campsite will be the Lidderwat Campsite surrounded by ancient coniferous trees. Picture by Santhosh

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Tarsar Campsite. With increased groups camping next to the lake, Indiahikes has moved a bit above to get the seclusion. Picture by Santhosh

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Another photo captured from the Shekwas Campsite. Picture by Santhosh

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Overlooking the pass of Tarsar. Taken from Tarsar Campsite. Picture by Waleed

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Sundersar Campsite. You will notice the lake resembling the shape of the moon. Picture by Waleed

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Lidderwat Campsite. The grasslands are a huge place for camping. However, during the peak season, you will have multiple organisations camping together. Picture by Santhosh

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Do not miss the Night sky at Sundersar Campsite. The reflection that you see on the lake is something remarkable to even imagine. Picture by Waleed

Why I Believe Everyone Must Trek: A Note from the Founder

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Trekking transforms lives. It has completely changed my life. When I see my colleagues at Indiahikes, all of them have been impacted greatly. The transformations have been profound and irreversible. 

I see it in our trekkers too. I have seen them change professions, careers or start a new life. I have seen them get in and out of relationships, and start new projects. These are life-changing experiences. 

I have seen children building resilience. I have seen families come together. When I see those above 55, I see them rediscover passion and a sense of purpose. These are not small gains.

In the mountains new professions, new economies and new businesses have opened up. Our staff no longer go to cities to earn their living. Their income has increased. Above all, they are happiest working in this world. Trekking has been truly transformative.  

Everyone must trek. It transforms lives far more than you imagine. 

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Expert Speak

Arjun Majumdar

Founder & CEO, Indiahikes

tarsar marsar trek video

Arjun Majumdar, the Founder of Indiahikes, went on this exploratory trek almost a decade ago. He is a veteran of

the trekking community in India. He’s an expert when it comes to the trek. Here’s Arjun talking about one of The Prettiest Trek In India country.

I have to admit, the Tarsar Marsar is my favourite trek in Kashmir, even more than the Kashmir Great Lakes. I know I have to hear a lot of flak for this. So I’ll right away get down to why I like this trek so much.

What I Like and Don’t Like About Tarsar Marsar Trek

What I Like About Tarsar Marsar Trek

Arjun Majumdar, the Founder of Indiahikes, went on this exploratory trek almost a decade ago. He is a veteran of the trekking community in India. He’s an expert when it comes to the trek. Here’s Arjun talking about one of The Prettiest Trek In India country. I have to admit, the Tarsar Marsar is my favourite trek in Kashmir, even more than the Kashmir Great Lakes. I know I have to hear a lot of flak for this. So I’ll right away get down to why I like this trek so much.

1 . Intimacy of the Lakes

I loved the intimacy of the lakes on this trek that I didn’t get on the Kashmir Great Lakes trek. I was right on the edge of the shores of the Tarsar and Sundarsar, my tent on the grassy glades of these lakes, watching the dark blue aquamarine waters being fed by snow patches.

The sight stayed with me. I went on long walks all alone along the shores of the lakes, my thoughts to myself. These were rare moments on a trek, which I didn’t get elsewhere. Tarsar always gives me these moments.

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The intimate experience of camping by alpine lakes. Photo by Namitha Kaith

2 . Marsar Lake

From Sundarsar there is a secret passage over a Col that led me to a cliff over Marsar. I timed it right twice, an hour after sunrise, to see something spectacular. Rushing down the valley that leads to Marsar, huge columns of clouds rolled in towards Marsar.

Sunlight glinted over the top of the clouds throwing wonderful shadows as they rolled in at an angle. The sight was so spectacular from my vantage point above the cliffs, that I almost wanted to applaud. Within fifteen or twenty minutes the clouds blanketed Marsar, taking the lake out of sight.

Even without the rolling clouds, the sight of Marsar took my breath away. Easily, it was one of the largest lakes with the deepest blue waters that I had seen in Kashmir.

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The elusive Marsar lake was caught on camera as soon as the clouds parted. The lake left me dumbfounded the first time I had a glimpse of it. Photo by Harisha NV

3 . Tarsar Lake

The sight of Tarsar as I climbed to the Tarsar pass is one of my favourite sections. I think the best photos of the lake come from this section. I just loved sitting on a ledge, high above the lake, watching the long stretch of blue waters of Tarsar as the morning sun catches it at its best. Every time I do this trek I take out those few minutes to do this. I think most trekkers enjoy this bit a lot.

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The dreamy Tarsar Lake.  You get to circumvent the entire perimeter of this lake, offering you multiple perspectives. Picture by Sudheer Hegde

4 . The Plains of Jagmargi

My favourite top secret section of the trek is the plains of Jagmargi. You get them an hour or so before you reach Sundarsar. I suddenly found the rushing stream going dead quiet, forming giant crystal clear pools. On my left were vast grasslands, stretched out in a big oval arch.

Somewhere in the far distance, like a western movie, the grasslands touched the foot of rugged hills — a sight I have not seen on any other trek before — an entire big sweep like this.

Sheep and horses grazed peacefully. As I passed by I caressed some of the sheep and they didn’t move an inch. But what stunned me were the flowers. It was a carpet of wildflowers, purple, white, blue and yellow, nurtured by the abundance of water. I couldn’t trek. Because every step I took would crush flowers under my feet. It took me a long while to cross this section.

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Wildflowers abound in the meadows of Jagmargi. Photo by Rajesh Kallaje

5 . Shekwas Campsite

Give me the Shekwas campsite for a day and I will trade two campsites from any other trek. I just love the setting! Nestled in the junction of three green valleys (name another trek where you see three valleys intersecting — it is very rare!), a ridge climbs right outside the camp.

I remember I took off my shoes and climbed, and climbed and climbed on those soft grass. I climbed endlessly until the camp was a dot below, perhaps a thousand feet, yet the ridge had a long way to go.

From this viewpoint, I saw what we call Kashmir, a heaven on earth! Sweeping mountains, great grasslands in the valleys, and an undulating landscape that can only be made by a divine source. To top it each of these valleys had a river running through them with the sun setting on its glinting surface. I sat on a small outcrop of a rock for a long time until it was dusk.

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The settings of Shekwas campsite can not be compared with any other trek. Picture by Abhijit

6 . The Variety of the Trek

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Aru is almost too idyllic to be true. Picture by Santhosh.

What I Don't Like About Tarsar Marsar Trek

1 . This is a hard one. In every trek I can pick flaws, but Tarsar Marsar is a trek that is absolutely flawless.

It is not hard on the legs, it has a lovely drive getting to the base camp. The base camp is worthy enough for a few days of stay! The trek has tremendous variety.

It shows you Kashmir for what heavenly it can be. Plus three beautiful lakes, where you camp next to two of them! All in all, it is a complete package. To me, it edges out even the Kashmir Great Lakes trek. Not by a lot, but surely by a wee bit. 

Indiahikes Features

You’re guarded with our trek again philosophy

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If you are unable to complete a trek, or if you love a trek, you can repeat it with us anytime. You don’t have to pay us for it. See our thoughts behind this here .

Daily 3-time health checks keep you safe at any altitude

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Our thrice-a-day oxi-metre checks keep altitude sickness at bay, never allowing you to reach a point where you need evacuation.

Join any group, they are all women-friendly groups 

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With around 30% of our trekkers being women, all women, including those travelling solo are comfortable to join any of our groups.

Request Jain/Vegan-friendly food

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Our kitchen teams understand your needs as a vegan (or a Jain). We will take special care of your food, even in the remote Himalayas. 

Be comfortable and sustainable with bio toilets

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We have specially designed bio toilets to ensure you have no sight or smell in toilets, at the same time making sure the toilets cause no harm to the fragile ecosystem we trek in.

Fresh, nutritious food at every camp

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We’ll admit it. Our love for food surpasses our love for minimalism. Expect freshly cooked, multi-cuisine food at all camps, designed to meet your nutritional requirements and keep your taste buds happy!

Tarsar Marsar Is Best Discovered Through Pictures

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A shepard's hut

Picture by: Siddharth Seth

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View of Tarsar lake

Picture by: Atinderpal Singh

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When you trek through the forests and cover the last hump, the grasslands of Lidder are stunning.

Picture by: Gourab Nandy

Grasslands of Lidderwat

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The intimate setting of the Tarsar Lake makes you feel more connected to nature and reflect on your thoughts.

Picture by: Nitesh Salkade

Tarsar Lake

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A gorgeous photo at Lidderwat during the early hours of morning.

Picture by: Shreenath

The Iconic Lidderwat Hut.

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As you take a stroll around the Tarsar lake, do not miss to look up. Mount Kolahoi with the glacier is towering at the horizon.

Mount Kolahoi Peak

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In the evening, go down to the clump of coniferous trees. There is a lovely Gujjar settlement there. You can get a peek at how life is in a Gujjar settlement.

Gujjars of Lidderwat

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You reach Sundersar in the evening time from Tarsar Pass. Do not miss exploring outside your campsite and looking at the transition of the colours.

Picture by: Ajay

Evening Colors near Sundersar

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Wild horses grazing along the glades of the Tarsar Lake.

Picture by: Santhosh

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The view and colours of the lake from the other side are very different from what you see at the campsite.

A Different View of Tarsar Lake

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Right from the start of the trek, Lidder River is mostly to your right. When you cross over and approach the campsite, take a look back at the beautiful setting you just crossed.

Picture by: Amit anand

The Lidder River

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When you trek from Sundersar to Lidderwat via Shekwas, there is a point similar to a cliff where you see the entire wide valley. This point is called the Sangam.

Picture by: Ankit Banerjee

Sangam Valley

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Mule men waiting for the sun to rise and feel the warmth.

Picture by: Waleed

Kolohoi Peak at Tarsar

Trek Trivia

Things Nobody Tells You About Tarsar Marsar Trek

  • Mystery into names of the Lakes
  • Tribal Tales
  • Interesting Fact

Did you know that the name of the Tarsar Marsar Trek is linked to life and death?

The name Tar and Mar in Kashmiri roughly translate to life and death. There is famous local folklore in Kashmir on why these lakes were named as such. Do ask your guides for the story.

Locals say that one can find true peace at the Tarsar lake. It joins one place to another and makes you feel at ease. On the other hand, it is believed that Marsar lake is the opposite. 

Sundersar, the second lake on the Tarsar Marsar trek, is more locally known as Chandrasar because of the crescent moon-like shape of the lake. On this trek, you get to visit 3 beautiful lakes that give you a deep insight into Kashmir.

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Did you know about the ancient tribe at Lidderwat?

The true start of the Tarsar Marsar trek begins at Lidderwat. Lidderwat is not just a place. It's a junction. 

At this junction, there's a family of Gujjars. Gujjars are an ethnic agricultural and pastoral community of India. There's something extremely special about them. They've mostly earned a living by keeping cattle and selling milk, and wool.

As the winters begin, the Gujjars vanish by September and go down to Jammu. They are mostly here from the three months of July to September. Make sure to interact with them and find out more on the trail. They are usually in their Pathani suit.

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Did you know that Marsar lake is connected to the mighty Dal lake?

The Marsar lake which you'll come across on the Tarsar Marsar trek is connected to Dal lake. All alpine lakes have runoff. Marsar's runoff connects to Dal lake. 

It goes towards Dachigam National park. This national park is between Dal and Tarsar Marsar. 

It is a true scenic beauty, and a privilege to witness the aura of the Dal lake. The Marsar lake is small in size. The mysterious vibe and blue colour of the lake are a sign to behold. However, the beauty of this lake will captivate your heart. 

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Leaving Mountains Better

Green Trails is our promise to leave the mountains better. We have removed over 1 lakh kilos of the waste left behind by others on trekking trails. Yet this is a small percentage of what we do. Green Trails dives into reducing the use of resources, reducing our carbon footprint and bringing about a change in the daily practices of our trekkers too.

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5 Reasons Why Indiahikes

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When we brought out new trails in Indian trekking, safety came with us. Back in 2012, we were the first to introduce microspikes, and two years later, pulse oximeters became standard thanks to us. Nobody does safe treks like Indiahikes. In the mountains, emergencies don't care who you're with – everyone knows that when trouble hits, you look for the yellow tents of Indiahikes.

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We are pioneers in trekking. Since 2007, we have brought out treks that have become India's most famous treks: Roopkund, Rupin Pass, Buran Ghati, Kedarkantha, Kashmir Great Lakes, Tarsar Marsar, Brahmatal, Phulara Ridge—the list goes on. In 2023 alone, we brought out five new treks in Indian trekking. We know treks better than anyone . This comes directly from the reason why Indiahikes was born: to bring out trek information and enable trekkers to trek on their own.

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More than 25,000 people trek with us every year. We are the largest trekking organisation in India. 24% of our trekkers come back to trek with us every year. Over 4,000 students from the top educational institutions trek with us every year. Aside from this, families with children choose to trek with Indiahikes knowing that our treks are the safest. We have taken over 8000 children trekking so far, and the number continues to grow.

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We focus on designing transformative experiences. Our trek leaders conduct thought-provoking exercises that help you reflect and contemplate. This impact stays with you for a long time. Trekkers return feeling energised, more confident, or developing abilities to deal with difficulties. Many have changed careers, rethought their core values, become more humble, shown gratitude to others, or started a new fitness journey.

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Since 2012, we have pioneered sustainable practices that have become standard in trekking. Using eco-bags, our trekkers have cleared over 120 tonnes of litter from the mountains. We do not carry packaged foods; instead, we serve freshly made food. We do not light campfires; we carry coal to light angethis to keep you warm. Our bio-toilets not only keep our toilets odour-free but also enrich the soil. When you trek with us, you leave mountains better.

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Himalayan Hikers – The Trekking Community In India

Tarsar Marsar Trek

Tarsar marsar trek in kashmir.

Tarsar Marsar Trek


Reviews (4), things to take, available dates, include-exclude, tarsar marsar trek, the prettiest lakes in kashmir aru valley -india- complete information, 2024.

Tarsar Marsar Trek lies in the fascinating beauty of Kashmir which is well known across the globe. Therefore, on Tarsar Marsar Trek go deep in the heart of Kashmir and get totally different experiences of Trekking in India .

During the trek, get a chance to camp beside the serene bluish alpine lakes. And, all the way to Tarsar get multiple sights of the same Lake.

On the other hand, Marsar which remains hidden under a sheet of clouds. Witness its splendor from an overhang lying below 600-700 feet. But, the lake can only be seen until the clouds are clear. So, certainly, Tarsar Marsar is the prettiest lake in India .

The trail hides in a thick blanket of snow and green valley. The lush verdant forests turn white making it a small wonderland! The Tarsar Marsar trek is not only for experienced trekkers but for amateurs and children too families, school groups.

Tarsar Marsar Trek

The Tarsar Marsar Trek is a Popular trekking route in the Kashmir Valley

Here are some of the main points of interest along the trek:.

Aru Valley: The trek starts from the picturesque Aru Valley, located about 12 km from the town of Pahalgam.

Lidderwat: After crossing the Lidder River, the trek leads to Lidderwat, a beautiful meadow surrounded by towering mountains.

Sheeshnag: The next stop is Sheeshnag, a glacial lake nestled amidst the mountains. The lake is named after the seven peaks that surround it, which are said to resemble the heads of a mythical creature.

Tarsar Lake: The highlight of the trek is Tarsar Lake, a stunning high-altitude lake located at an elevation of 3,962 meters. The lake is surrounded by lush green meadows and snow-capped peaks, and is a popular camping site.

Marsar Lake: After Tarsar, the trek leads to Marsar Lake, another high-altitude lake situated at an elevation of 3,798 meters. The lake is known for its crystal-clear blue waters and is surrounded by snow-covered mountains.

Homwas: The trek ends at Homwas, a small village located on the banks of the Wangath River.

Overall, the Tarsar Marsar Trek is a challenging but rewarding trek that offers stunning views of some of the most beautiful landscapes in the Kashmir Valley region.

tarsar marsar

The Astounding Campsites in Tarsar Marsar Trek

The first highlight of this trek is camping beside snow-fed alpine lakes which is the most important and best part of this trek. In addition, witness the changing colors of the lakes as the sun shines upon them. Do not miss the spellbinding sunset and sunrise views over the Lake at Tarsar and Sundersar campsites.

Moreover, explore the amazing clearings lying after the dense coniferous forests and spot few Gujjar huts on the way.

Best Time to Do Tarsar Marsar Trek

Tarsar marsar  trek  is a very beautiful and moderate trek in the Kashmir aru Valley, The Tarsar marsar Trek is great for those people who have a great passion for mountaineering. Hills and consider it a special purpose in their life.

We are are doing this trek for years, we have every experience related to this trek. The right time to do this trek is from 5th June to the last of September, especially in the months of June, green and colorful bugyal meadows, snow is found in abundance here, which makes your trek very memorable

During the day the temperature of tarsar marsar trek is around ( 05°C to 15 °C  and during the night the temperature comes down to 03 °C  to  05 °C  which is not bad.

You will never consider yourself boring in tarsar marsar Trek, this trek can give you nothing but joy, You will get to see the culture and beauty of  Kashmir valley in this trek which will always keep you connected towards the mountain.

Best Time to do Tarsar Marsar Trek

Aru Base Camp & Exotic Grasslands in Tarsar Marsar Trek

Aru is the base camp of Tarsar Marsar trek, it is a small idyllic village surrounded by lavish grasslands. The village is famous because of some cottages, poplar trees, and a rivulet flowing through this village’s heart.

The Aru villagers so heartily welcome trekkers that they surely come again to do another trek. The nature of Kashmir – meadows, rivers, streams, birds, animals and flowers everything is attracting people to visit it. Really, Jammu and Kashmir valley is no less than a paradise which is also known as the Taj of India

Before, Sundersar campsite, pass through wide Jagmargi grasslands. Therefore, get amazed by its pulchritude because the wide grasslands are surrounded by mountains and a small rivulet flows through the pristine valley blooming with colorful flowers in yellow, blue and pink shades.

How Difficult is the Tarsar Marsar Trek?

The Tarsar Marsar trek is considered a moderate to challenging trek, suitable for experienced trekkers or those with a good level of fitness and hiking experience. The difficulty level can vary depending on factors such as weather conditions, personal fitness, and previous trekking experience. Here are some factors to consider:

Terrain : The trek involves traversing through various terrains such as meadows, forests, rocky trails, steep ascents, and descents. The terrain can be uneven and challenging at times, requiring a certain level of physical fitness and stamina.

Altitude : The trek reaches a maximum altitude of around 13,500 feet (4,115 meters) at the Tarsar Pass. Altitude sickness can be a concern, so it’s important to acclimatize properly, stay hydrated, and take necessary precautions.

Distance and Duration : The trek covers a distance of approximately 45-50 kilometers, which is typically completed in 7 days. The daily walking duration can range from 4-7 hours, depending on the itinerary and individual pacing.

Weather and Temperature : The weather in the region can be unpredictable, with cold temperatures, rain, and snow possible even during the trekking season. It’s important to be prepared for varying weather conditions and pack appropriate clothing and gear.

Camping and Facilities : The trek involves camping at various locations along the route. Basic facilities such as tents and sleeping bags are usually provided by trek organizers, but it’s advisable to check in advance. There may be limited or no access to amenities like electricity, running water, or mobile network coverage in certain areas.

Is Tarsar Marsar Trek  Safe for me ?

The Tarsar Marsar trek can be moderate, especially for beginners or those with limited trekking experience. However, with proper preparation, guidance, and taking necessary precautions, it can still be a safe and enjoyable experience. Here are some points to consider:

Physical Fitness : The trek requires a reasonable level of physical fitness and endurance. Beginners should assess their fitness level and undertake suitable training before attempting the trek. Regular exercise, cardio workouts, and building stamina through hiking or walking can help prepare the body for the demands of the trek.

Guided Trek : For beginners, it’s advisable to join a guided trek where experienced guides can provide assistance, support, and knowledge about the route. They can help with navigation, and safety precautions, and offer guidance during challenging sections of the trek.

Acclimatization : Proper acclimatization is essential, especially when trekking at high altitudes. Beginners should take the necessary time to acclimatize and adjust to the altitude before attempting the Tarsar Marsar trek. It’s important to follow gradual ascent techniques, stay hydrated, and be aware of the symptoms of altitude sickness.

Safety Precautions : It’s crucial to prioritize safety during the trek. This includes following the guidance of the trek leaders, maintaining a steady pace, using appropriate trekking gear, staying hydrated, and avoiding overexertion. Understanding the risks associated with the trek, such as weather conditions or challenging terrains, is important for making informed decisions.

Preparation and Equipment : Beginners should ensure they have the necessary equipment, clothing, and gear suitable for trekking in varying weather conditions. This includes proper hiking boots, warm clothing, rain gear, a sleeping bag, a first aid kit, and other essential items. It’s advisable to consult with experienced trekkers or seek professional advice to ensure you have the right gear.

Travel Insurance : It’s always recommended to have travel insurance that covers trekking activities, including emergency medical evacuation, in case of unforeseen circumstances or emergencies.

Tarsar Marsar Trek

Why choose Tarsar Marsar Trek?

Before heading towards the itinerary, it is really essential to perceive the reason behind choosing Tarsar Marsar  Trek.

See firstly, the trekking distance is a total of by taxi 224 Km and on foot 48 km which is to be covered into 6 nights 7 days. From Srinagar to Srinagar

Tarsar Marsar Trek is a low altitude mountain trek Altitudes is 13205 feet

The Starting trail is easy to moderate as compared to other treks this is a Moderate trek. So this trek is best for family and beginners, school tour

Need proper gear & clothing for sub-zero temperatures?

You got to see so many heavenly bodies at one place like the panoramic view of the Himalayan ranges, you can see pine forests, and different varieties of flora and fauna surpassing bona fide Kashmir culture.

I think Do spare time in Interaction with our local’s team, and you will get to know about some of the ancient tales of Indian mythology and our local cultures, these is good ideas for trekkers Beautiful landscapes so carry proper photo gear & Extra battery backup.

The backpack should not exceed 12 kg only

Trekkers carry your Photo ID, Adhar Card, Passport, Visa, medical certificate trek insurance  for entry at forest check posts on the trek it is very important

Why Choose Tarsar Marsar Trek

What should you keep in mind for the July, Aug, Sep, Season trek to Tarsar Marsar Trek?

Tarsar Marsar Trek is as good as it is said, you also need to be prepared., Tarsar Marsar Trek is a moderate trek that starts from Srinagar and ends after the trek same point,

So what are the special things to keep in mind before coming on this trek?

Summer Season

Summer trek to Tarsar Marsar Trek is very special, the view and the temperature are all favorable to you

For summer trek, you have to bring only normal clothes, so that your trek can be good, there is no need for hot clothes, but in hiking it is also necessary to bring all the equipment which is necessary for you.

It is necessary to have 3 pairs of clothes from trekking, especially the poncho, you will have to bring every season

In the summer season, the temperature is always normal, so there is no need for hot clothes.

  Monsoon Season

During the monsoon season, it rains occasionally during the Tarsar marsar Trek, especially in the Kashmir valley, so if you have dry clothes here, it is very good, even when wet, it dries quickly.

At this time you have to bring at least 3 pairs of clothes, for monsoon trek you do not have to bring too warm clothes, at this time you, hiking pants and t-Sart, I can trek

It’s only a little cold in the morning and evening and the day is a good temperature for you

Before going on any trek, it will be easy for you to take information related to each season.

Trekkers need to know about these, you can ask us anytime like, trek route, trek map, temperature, weather condition, difficulty level, trek starting point, end point, transport, view of the trek, best time to visit, How to reach, trek distance etc, Trek Location, keep this information before going

Altitude we are going to cover in Tarsar Marsar Trek

Aru Village – 7958 feet)

Lidderwat – 9136 feet)

Shekwas camp -11089 feet)

Tarsar Lake – 12500 feet)

Marsar Lake – 11500 feet)

Tarsar Marsar Trek

Key Points of Tarsar Marsar Trek

Duration: – 06 Nights  07 Days

Base camp: – Aru Village

Monsoon Temperature: – Day (5°C to 15°C) Night (2° C to 5° C)

Tarsar Marsar – Altitude: – 13205 Feet

Best Time: – June, July August, September

Trek Level: – Moderate

Trek distance: – On foot 23 Km – By taxi 420 km

Group Size: – 8 to 15 people

Short Itinerary of Tarsar Marsar Trek

Day 1- Pickup to you from Srinagar TRC office 1:00 pm  – Drive to Aru village – 112 Km (4/5 Hours (7958 feet) overnight stay Home stay

Day 2 – Trek from Aru village to Lidderwat (10 km) (5/6 Hours) (9136 feet) overnight stay at camp

Day 3 – Trek from Lidderwat to Shekwas camp (06 km) (4/5 Hours) (11089 feet) (overnight stay our campsite

Day 4 – Trek from Shekwas camp to Tarsar Lake (05 km) (3/4 Hours) (12500 feet) overnight stay camp.

Day 5 – Trek from Tarsar Lake to Sundersar camp (05 km) (3/4 Hours) (12978 Feet) overnight stay camp

Day 6 – Trek from Sundersar camp to visit Marsar Lake go to Homwas camp (09 km) (6/7 Hours) (11500 Feet) overnight stay camp

Day 7 – Trek from Homwas to Aru Village (13km) same day drive to Srinagar by taxi (112 km) – 4/5 Hours

How to Reach Tarsar Marsar Trek?

To reach Aru, Srinagar for the Tarsar Marsar trek, you can follow these steps:

Arrive in Srinagar : Book a flight to Srinagar International Airport, which is well-connected to major cities in India. Alternatively, you can also reach Srinagar by train or bus from other parts of the country.

Travel to Pahalgam : From Srinagar, you need to travel to Pahalgam, which is the starting point of the Tarsar Marsar trek. You have a few options to reach Pahalgam:

Private Taxi: Hire a private taxi from Srinagar to Pahalgam. This is the most convenient option but can be a bit expensive.

Shared Taxi: You can find shared taxis or cabs near the Tourist Reception Center (TRC) in Srinagar. These taxis follow a fixed route and are a more affordable option.

Public Bus: Take a public bus from Srinagar to Pahalgam. The Srinagar Bus Stand near Lal Chowk is the main bus terminal in the city.

Reach Aru : Aru is a small village located around 12 kilometers from Pahalgam. Once you reach Pahalgam, you can hire a local taxi or take a shared cab from the taxi stand to reach Aru. The journey from Pahalgam to Aru takes approximately 30-40 minutes.

Start the Tarsar Marsar Trek : Aru serves as the starting point for the Tarsar Marsar trek. You can find local trekking guides and porters in Aru if you require their services. Make sure to carry all the necessary trekking gear, equipment, and supplies for the trek.

Please note that it’s always a good idea to check the current travel conditions and any restrictions or permits required for the trek before planning your trip. It’s also recommended to consult with local authorities, tour operators, or experienced trekkers for the most up-to-date information regarding the Tarsar Marsar trek.

Tarsar Marsar Trek

Will there be electricity in the Tarsar Marsar trek

Let me tell you that there is no electricity in the forest area of the Tarsar Marsar trek. Here we use Stobe Light and or Solar Light, candle light at the nights

If you come on this trek, then you should bring your own headlight and your camera with full charge, if possible, it would be good to bring extra battery backup, and also bring the phone after full charge, today people most of phones use the same

You will get the last electricity only in our Home Stay Aru Village, where you have to charge the battery of your phone and camera at night.

What to pack for Tarsar Marsar Trek

When packing for the Tarsar Marsar trek, it’s important to strike a balance between carrying essential items and keeping your backpack light. Here’s a list of items you should consider packing:

Base Layers: Moisture-wicking and quick-drying T-shirts and thermal tops.

Insulating Layers: Fleece jackets or down jackets to keep you warm during colder temperatures.

Waterproof Jacket: A durable rain jacket or windbreaker to protect against rain and wind.

Trekking Pants: Lightweight, quick-drying pants that provide comfort and flexibility.

Warm Layers: A couple of warm sweaters or hoodies for cooler evenings.

Undergarments and Socks: Carry enough pairs for the duration of the trek, preferably moisture-wicking and comfortable.

Hiking Boots: Sturdy, ankle-supporting waterproof boots with good traction.

Camp Shoes: Lightweight and comfortable sandals or slippers for wearing at campsites.

Gear and Equipment :

Backpack: A well-fitting backpack with a capacity of around 50-60 liters to carry your gear.

Sleeping Bag: A warm and lightweight sleeping bag suitable for the temperatures during the trek.

Trekking Poles: Optional but helpful for stability and reducing strain on your knees during ascents and descents.

Headlamp or Flashlight: Essential for navigating in the dark and during early morning or late evening hikes.

Water Bottle and Water Purification: Carry a reusable water bottle and water purification tablets or a water filter to ensure a safe drinking water supply.

Trekking or Hiking Tent: If you prefer to carry your own tent, choose a lightweight and sturdy tent suitable for camping during the trek.

Sleeping Pad: A lightweight inflatable sleeping pad or foam pad for insulation and comfort during camping.

Personal Toiletries: Toothbrush, toothpaste, biodegradable soap, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and wet wipes.

Sun Protection: Sunscreen, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat to protect against the sun’s rays.

Miscellaneous :

First Aid Kit: Carry a basic first aid kit with essential medications, band-aids, antiseptic ointment, and any personal medications you may require.

Navigation and Communication: A map, compass, or GPS device for navigation, and a fully charged mobile phone with a power bank for communication (keep in mind that network coverage may be limited in certain areas).

Snacks and Energy Bars: Carry lightweight and high-energy snacks such as nuts, energy bars, and dried fruits for quick energy boosts during the trek.

Cash and Identification: Carry sufficient cash in small denominations and a valid identification document.

Remember to pack light and only carry the essential items to avoid unnecessary weight. Additionally, check the weather forecast and the specific requirements of your trek with the trek organizers to ensure you have all the necessary gear and equipment.

  Self-Certificate of Emergency Breakout

  what we do during an emergency breakout in the tarsar marsar trekking.

Trekking in the Himalayas is not a cup of tea but it is a rewarding experience. However, it’s important to keep things in mind when it comes to Safety. One must know about the weather conditions, the altitude gain, fitness and other factors that can wreck your experience. In such adverse conditions, you are solely responsible for your well being and act maturely.

Read About Safety Tips For Safe Trekking

Preparations before the Trek

You’ve to understand that treks are away from cities and medical help is not always easily available. So, if you are heading for an adventurous trekking trip, stick to certain trekking guidelines and tips. Following these simple tips will help make the trek more fun and experiential for you as well as your fellow trekkers.

These tips and guidelines cater to useful and requisite information about your fitness training, packing and health precautions to be taken before and during the trek.

Firstly, when you start, target 5 km in 40 minutes

Then gradually increase your pace by running at least 4 times a week. Then try to bring it down to 5 km in less than 37 minutes

If you are a person who prefers cycling over running then your target must be 22 km means you should be able to cover 22 km in 60 minutes.

Walking is a great exercise that gives great shape to your legs and your body. It helps in burning calories and cut down excess weight and strengthens the heart.

Jogging is effective in increasing the human lifespan and makes your lungs stronger. It is an aerobic activity that requires a lot of oxygen. This is a great exercise for fighting obesity and staying healthy.

Squats are the best form of functional exercises to improve stability. They also strengthen your legs, thighs, hips, and hamstring.

Another great cardiovascular exercise is pushing your body upstairs after stairs. This is regarded as the best exercise for increasing strength and power

What we do during an emergency breakout in the Tarsar Marsar Trek?

First of all, the safety of trekkers is much more for us, if you see in the trek, then there are all the risks, which I do not think about.

Himalayan Hikers worry more about you that no one should ever have any problem in the trek.

What should we and you keep more safety in the trek

  • Whenever you are going for any trek, it is very important that you go completely fit and ready.
  • The trek is not difficult, if you make your feet and your mind calm and strong, you will find the trek very easy.
  • While trekking, keep in mind that you are walking on the right route or not always with your guide.
  • Most people look somewhere and where they are walking, this can cause twitching in your legs, which can ruin your entire trek.
  • It is important to ask your doctor if you have any medical problems
  • I should always keep my medical kit with me, it is very important.
  • Himalayan Hikers always keep a medical kit with you, such as oxygen cylinders, medicine to be given in emergency on the trek
  • If any trekkers have any more problems, then they are brought back to the base camp by laying them in the stretcher.
  • Our camp in Tarsar marsar trek is around the 6000 feet to 13000 feet where you can not have any problem of oxygen
  • In case of any medical problem, the help of your guide or well-informed trekkers should be taken
  • If there is major health problems in Tarsar marsar trek , then Nearest Hospital is in Srinagar which is about 112  Kms away from Tarsar Marsar Trek
  • Along with the trek we keep getting acclimatization

Day 1 : Pickup to you from Srinagar Airport to Aru Village

Total distance 112 km – 4/5 Hours journey

Mode of journey – By taxi

Altitude – Aru – 7958 feet

Night stay – Hotel – on twin share basis

Reach Aru Village in 3 /4 hours via Pahalgam, to Aru village, you can reach Pahalgam through two routes; Bijbehra is the famous tourist route and the drive is a picturesque one through rural areas of Kashmir.

Witness trees and orchards along the way and in half an hour reach Aru, base camp of Tarsar Marsar trek, Aru village. 7958 feet above mean sea level. A small but beautiful hamlet with wooden homes on stilts.

Day 2 : Trek from Aru village to Lidderwat Camp

Total distance 10 km – 5/6 Hours journey

Mode of journey – On foot

Altitude Lidderwat – 9136 feet

Night Stay – Our Campsite – on twin share basis

After breakfast the start trek from Aru to Lidderwat is a long one. Start your trek through a village and follow the course of River Lidder. The trail is wide and from there whole Aru village is visible. Ahead, reach Dalla; a clearing. From here, enter a pine forest and come across Nandkei; a group of Gujjar settlement.

After you cross this forest section, go further and come across open grasslands, there you can see Gujjar families. Half an hour walk from here will lead you to multiple streams, cross them and reach Lidderwat in another half an hour. Start trekking through the forest of pines, go higher and stare at the beautiful scenery offered. Now, enter the fir forests and after some minutes of walk reach Lidderwat.

The Lidderwat have surpassing meadows and you can camp other side because there is open space for camping. Spend time exploring this place, and enjoy relaxing stay in tents.

Day 3 :Trek from Lidderwat to Shekwas camp

Trek Distance  06 km – 4/5 Hours journey

Altitude – Shekwas – 11089 feet

Night Stay – Our Camp site – on twin share basis

Follow the course of River flowing along and take the trail through pine forest above. After a gradual climb, continue trekking through the pine forests and some small clearings for 30 minutes. Ahead, enter the Lidderwat valley, there are wide grasslands surrounded by mountains with some snow patches.

The splendid valleys meet together and the trail goes upward. Towards the left are Bhakarwal shelters on the right of the river and en route come across small clear streams crossing the trail, you can also refill your water bottles from here.

Now, trek down the river and cross it with the help of boulders and a bridge further. By following the river continue trekking on the trail and after 30 minutes you will reach a wide clearing “Homwas”.

At Homwas you can see some Gujjar huts, trek through a grassy area which is a relief to the feet. After crossing this section come across a narrow valley and trek along the river. Ascend for one hour and reach a point with a group of Silver Birch trees and amazing scenery.

Further, come across grassland beautiful and wide which leads to two soothing green valleys. Have a look at the meadows and pass through the trail with few Gujjar huts to reach your camping site Shekwas. It is an extraordinary ground with mesmerizing sights, spend your night here relaxing in tents.

Day 4 : Trek from Shekwas camp to Tarsar Lake.

Trek Distance 05 km – 3/4 Hours journey

Altitude – Tarsar Lake – 12500 feet

Night Stay – Camp site – on twin share basis

The trail to Tarsar is through a ridge which has an overhanging stream and further it leads to the hill in front. Cross some short ridges opening to awe struck sceneries and after two hours of trekking, get first sight of Tarsar Lake.

The sight will energize you to reach the alpine Lake, cross a stream by hopping on boulders and reach the grassy field of Tarsar. It is a perfect camping spot.

Pitch your tents anywhere on the ground. Camp along the snow fed clear bluish lake and get mesmerized by the idyllic setting. Overnight stay in camp

Day 5 : Trek from Tarsar Lake to Sundersar camp.

Trek Distance – 05 km – 3/4 Hours journey

Altitude – Sundersar – 12978 feet

Night Stay – our Camp – on twin share basis

The other side views of Tarsar are spellbinding and the stretches of grassy valley will leave you speechless because they seem never ending and trekking on the velvety grass of the valley is a bliss. This valley leads to the meadows of Shekwas. But, mostly people descend from Tarsar until the Shekwas leads to Sundersar valley, but climbing this pass saves 3-4 hours.

Start descending through the shepherds’ trail which will take you to middle of the valley. Walk along the stream on the beautiful velvet like grass. En route see Bakkarval shelters lying on left, the trail lies behind these shelters through the boulder area. Further are lushest grasslands you will ever come across and amidst the meadows stream transforms into a large pond which is fed by the snow patches on the mountains.

Cross this section in 30 minutes and come to the meadow’s end. Reach the base of ridge by crossing a stream with the help of boulders, ascend for 15 minutes through a narrow valley to reach the ridge top. Surprisingly a wide meadow pops in front with colorful bed of flowers. The views are enthralling from here and end route of this trek is also visible with a trail leading to mountains.

Follow the trail and reach beautiful grassy land of Sundersar Lake, here you can pitch your tents anywhere on the flat ground, camping here is a delight. Enjoy in the serene beauty of Kashmir and comfortably stay in tents.

Day 6 : Trek from Sundersar camp to visit Marsar Lake go to Homwas camp

Trek Distance – 09 km – 6/7 Hours journey

Altitude – Homwas camp – 11500 feet

Night Stay – our Camp – on twin/three share basis

Pass along the shores of Sundersar Lake to get far side and through two passes you can reach Marsar. Take the shorter trail and ascend through the boulder zone, be careful while ascending because there is snow over the boulders which make this section tough. In 30 minutes pass can be reached which is an amazing grassland with gentle trails leading to the flat grounds below.

Reach the flat grounds and cross the small streams along the trail. Climbing to the ridge starts from here which offers heart racing view of Marsar. It is twin of Tarsar but remains hidden under the mist and clouds. Descend to Sundersar and reach there in 40 minutes.

Spend some time at Sundersar valley and get back to Jagmargi valley, witness the grasslands again and admire the natural beauty. Do not cross the Tarsar pass but go through the different trail to Shekwas, from here you can reach Homwas in 30 minutes. Reach there, setup your tents, have delicious food after today’s long trek, retire for the night

Day 7 : Trek from Homwas to Aru Village (13km) same day drive to Srinagar by taxi (112 km) (4/5 Hours

Total distance – 125 km – 8/9 Hours journey

Mode of journey – – On foot – 13 km – By taxi 112 km

Descend from Homwas to Lidderwat. The sights of today’s trek are beguiling and you can spot Kolahoi glacier on the way. Come across the Lidderwat pine forest, take a break at Lidderwat and then head to Aru. Now, Aru is 13 km away and you can reach there in another 4 hours. Vehicles will be arranged for you till Srinagar. Reach late evening 8 Pm

Mandatory Documents

Please carry the documents given below.

Original and photocopy of government photo identity card- (Aadhar Card, Driving License, Voters ID, etc, Passport and Visa important to foreigners Medical Certificate (First part should be filled by the Doctor and Second part by the Trekker) Declaration Certificates

Note: –   Many trekkers commit the same mistake of carrying unnecessary items on a trek which only makes the backpack heavy. It is important to know the right items to carry. It differs from season to season if you are trekking in summers then carry less layers of warm clothing and if you are trekking in winters carry enough layers to protect yourself against chilly cold.

Necessary Items for trekkers

carry on a trek

Backpack (50 to 60 liters) A strongly built backpack with good support is compulsory for a trek. (Rain cover is important)

Sturdy Trekking Shoes The shoes should be strong enough with good support. The people ask if sports shoes would be comfortable but it is good to bring the right trekking shoes.

The Clothes You Should Bring On a Trek Avoid keeping extra clothes because it only makes you backpack heavy.

Trek Pants – The jeans are never suitable for a trek so you need at least 2-3 trek pants for treks carry more for longer treks.

Jacket – Jackets are very important to carry on a trek it protects you against the chilly weather. So carry 2 jackets on a week long trek.

Layers of warm Clothing  Carry warm woolen layers or fleece. Carry more layers during winter season (at least 2 to 3) and less during summer.

Thermals – The Temperature decreases at night so you might be need thermals for Night.

T- Shirts – Bring those t shirts which dry fast.

Poncho –They are needed if you are trekking on a Rainy day to keep you dry.

Hiking Pole

Water Bottle 2

Cap or Balaclava

Woolen and Waterproof Gloves

Socks (Woolen and Regular)

Torch head light

Personal Toiletry Items –  (toothpaste, toothbrush, toilet paper, sanitizer etc.)

Carry Personal Medical Kit

Personal Medical Kit (Carry minimum 5 tablets and maximum 10)

Medicine for Altitude Sickness

Medicine for acidity and discomfort.

Fever and Headache Medicines

Pain Reliever

Motion Sickness Medicine

Medicine for Allergies

Medicine for Diarrhoea

Sprains Cream or Spray

Antiseptic Cream

Stretchable/Elastic bandage

Note:- Please take all medicines only when prescribed by the doctor. In case you face any problem during your trek, discuss and take advice from the Professional guide.

It is important to have some guidelines in place in case something unexpected happens. Here are some general guidelines that may be helpful:

  • Have a first-aid kit: Make sure to carry a well-equipped first-aid kit that can be used to treat minor injuries and ailments.
  • Follow safety protocols: It is important to follow all safety protocols and guidelines related to the trek. This includes staying on designated trails, avoiding risky or dangerous areas, and staying with your group.
  • Have a communication plan: Make sure to have a communication plan in place in case of emergencies. This may include carrying a mobile phone or a satellite phone, or using a walkie-talkie to stay in touch with other members of your group.
  • Know the local emergency services: Be aware of the local emergency services available in the area where you will be trekking. This includes knowing the location of the nearest hospital, police station, or rescue service.
  • Carry proper gear and equipment: Make sure to carry appropriate gear and equipment for the trek, including proper footwear, warm clothing, and rain gear. This will help you stay comfortable and safe during the trek.
  • Follow Leave No Trace principles: Follow Leave No Trace principles and leave the trekking area as you found it. This includes packing out all trash and waste, avoiding damaging vegetation, and respecting wildlife.
  • Stay calm and collected: In case something unexpected happens, try to stay calm and collected. Assess the situation and take appropriate action to stay safe and help others in your group.

It’s also a good idea to consult with a local trekking agency or experienced guide before embarking on a trek, as they can provide additional guidance and support to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Tarsar Marsar Trek FAQ

1. What is the Tarsar Marsar Trek? The Tarsar Marsar Trek is a stunning trek in the Kashmir Valley that takes you through alpine meadows, pristine lakes, and beautiful valleys. The trek is known for its twin alpine lakes, Tarsar and Marsar, which are surrounded by majestic mountains.

2. Where is the Tarsar Marsar Trek located? The Tarsar Marsar Trek is located in the Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir, India. The trek starts from Aru, a village near Pahalgam.

3. How do I reach the starting point of the trek? The trek starts from Aru. Here’s how you can reach Aru:

  • By Air : The nearest airport is Sheikh Ul-Alam International Airport in Srinagar, about 100 km from Aru. From there, you can hire a taxi to Aru.
  • By Train : The nearest railway station is Jammu Tawi Railway Station, about 300 km from Srinagar. You can take a bus or taxi from Jammu to Srinagar, and then to Aru.
  • By Road : Aru is well-connected by road. You can take a bus or taxi from Srinagar, which is approximately a 3-4 hour drive.

4. What is the best time to visit the Tarsar Marsar? The best time to trek to Tarsar Marsar is during the summer months of July to September. During this period, the weather is pleasant, and the meadows and lakes are at their most beautiful.

5. What is the duration of the trek? The Tarsar Marsar trek typically takes 7-8 days, including travel time to and from Aru.

6. What is the difficulty level of the trek? The trek is considered moderate. It involves gradual ascents and descents, with some steep sections. It is suitable for trekkers with a reasonable level of physical fitness.

7. What is the altitude of the Tarsar Marsar Trek? The highest point of the trek is Marsar Lake, which is at an altitude of approximately 4,000 meters (13,123 feet).

8. What should I pack for the trek? Here’s a list of essential items to pack:

  • Warm clothing (layers, thermal wear, down jacket)
  • Waterproof jacket and pants
  • Trekking shoes with good grip
  • Trekking poles
  • Backpack (40-60 liters)
  • Sleeping bag (if not provided by the trekking company)
  • Personal medical kit
  • Water bottles and purification tablets
  • Snacks and energy bars
  • Raincoat/poncho
  • Sunscreen, sunglasses, hat
  • Flashlight/headlamp with extra batteries
  • Toiletries and personal hygiene items

9. Do I need a permit for the trek? Yes, you need permits to trek in the Kashmir region. These can usually be arranged by your trekking company or obtained from local authorities in Srinagar.

10. What kind of accommodation is available during the trek? Accommodation during the trek typically includes camping in tents at designated campsites. The facilities are basic but comfortable.

11. Are there any risks or challenges on the trek? The trek involves challenges such as:

  • Changing weather conditions
  • Physical strain from long trekking days
  • Altitude-related issues
  • Navigating remote areas It’s essential to acclimatize properly, stay hydrated, and follow the guidance of your trek leader.

12. Is it safe to trek alone? While it is possible to trek alone, it is highly recommended to join a group or hire a local guide for safety, navigation, and a richer experience.

13. Can I do the trek if I have no prior trekking experience? The trek is moderately challenging and best suited for those with some prior trekking experience. Beginners should ensure they have a good level of physical fitness and perhaps undertake some shorter treks beforehand to build endurance.

14. What kind of food is provided during the trek? Most trekking packages include vegetarian meals, which are nutritious and catered to trekking needs. The food usually includes local cuisine, rice, chapati, vegetables, dal, and snacks.

15. What are some key highlights of the trek?

  • Spectacular views of Tarsar and Marsar Lakes
  • Beautiful alpine meadows and flower-filled valleys
  • Views of snow-clad peaks and glaciers
  • Camping beside pristine lakes
  • Crossing high mountain passes

16. Are there any cultural or historical aspects of the trek? The trek passes through remote areas inhabited by the Gujjar and Bakarwal communities, offering a glimpse into their nomadic lifestyle and culture. The region is also rich in history and folklore.

17. What kind of fitness is required for the trek? A good level of fitness is required for the Tarsar Marsar trek. Regular cardiovascular exercise, such as jogging, swimming, or cycling, and leg strengthening exercises can help prepare for the trek.

18. What should I be aware of regarding altitude sickness? Altitude sickness can affect anyone above 2,500 meters. To minimize the risk:

  • Acclimatize properly
  • Stay hydrated
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking
  • Ascend slowly and give your body time to adjust

This FAQ should provide a thorough overview for anyone considering the Tarsar Marsar trek. If you have more specific questions, feel free to ask!

Are you Looking for Trekking Equipment on Rent?

If any trekker needs trekking equipment on Rent then Himalayan Hikers has the best trekking equipment available on rent.

There are many people behind this who are in great need of it, it is better to hire it at affordable price without spending much money for just a few days.

Rent Costs per Day

1. Hiking shoes Per day Rs. 100/-

2. Hiking Pant Per Day Rs. 100/-

3. Down Jacket Per Day Rs. 100/-

4. Hiking Pole Per Day Rs. 50/-

5. Headlight Per Day Rs. 50/-

6. Trekking Bag 50 to 60 litter Per Day Rs. 50/-

7. Gloves Per Day Rs. 50/-

Trek Equipment You can book directly at the Base Camp of your trek.

06 July to 12 July 2024 (Open)

07 July to 13 July 2024 (Open)

13 July to 19 July 2024 (Open)

14 July to 20 July 2024 (Open)

20 July to 26 July 2024 (Open)

21 July to  27 July 2024 (Open)

27 July to 02 Aug  2024 (Open)

28 July to 03 Aug  2024 (Open)

August -2024

03 Aug to 09 Aug  2024 (Open)

04 Aug to 10 Aug  2024 (Open)

10 Aug to 16 Aug  2024 (Open)

11 Aug to 17 Aug  2024 (Open)

17 Aug to 23 Aug  2024 (Open)

18 Aug to 24 Aug  2024 (Open)

24 Aug to 30 Aug  2024 (Open)

25 Aug to 31 Aug  2024 (Open)

31 Aug to 06 Sep  2024 (Open)

What is Included In This Trek?

Transport from Srinagar to Srinagar

Forest Permit and entrance fee

Accommodation in tents on twin share basis

All meals: breakfast, packed lunch, tea, coffee, snacks, soup and dinner

High quality tents Dome tent

Sleeping bags

Separate Toilet tents – Ladies and Gents

Dining Tent

Dining Table

Kitchen team

Radio Walkie Talkie for Communication

Good Experience Trek Leader guide and Technical guide

Medical Kit

Oxygen Cylinders

Crampons and Gaiters

What is Not Included In This Trek?

Personal Insurance

Medical Certificate

Personal toiletry Items and Personal Medicine kit

On first day En Route to base camp the Breakfast and Lunch are Not Included

Last Day En Route Lunch and Dinner are Not Included

Porters Costs Per Bag per Day Rs. 500.00 pay to directly base Camp

4 reviews for Tarsar Marsar Trek

tarsar marsar trek video

Kiran Shandilya – July 12, 2021

Really a very good team Himalayan Hikers ? Professional trek leaders / guides , good porters, very good behavior from all of the Himalayan Hikers team / staffs. tarsar marsar trek our 5th trek with them and no problem arises till date with a complete end to end services of Himalayan Hikers team. Really highly satisfied, Keep it up team, we will meet soon ???

tarsar marsar trek video

haritha singh – July 6, 2021

Have done Tarsar marsar trek with Himalayan hikers 2018 Extremely well trained trek leaders, Food and Camp is well taken care of such that it suits the conditions, and is also tasty. The local people they hire as support staff are very humble, friendly and will help you with anything they can in their capacity if you ask them for.

tarsar marsar trek video

Rahul Kumar – July 3, 2021

Best experience with himalayan hikers this is best trekking organisation

tarsar marsar trek video

Priyanka dee – November 20, 2019

Extraordinary experience. Guide (Pravesh) was very helpful and knew the trek routes very well. Great food (lunch dinner and breakfast including healthy soup, hot and coffee) was provided as well as tents with sleeping bags and necessary equipment. I definitely recommend Himalayan Hikers for any nature lover and for anyone who enjoys trekking.

tarsar marsar trek video

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Tarsar Marsar Trek

Tarsar Marsar Trek

Tarsar Marsar Trek

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14900 /person $ /person.

  • August-2024
  • September-2024
  • +5% GST (goods and services tax)
  • Services from Aru to Aru

Insurance 245

Insurance is Mandatory.

Non-Indian rates are slightly higher. Trek coordinator will provide balance payment link post-booking.

  • Get insurance through us or elsewhere. If not through us, email for a refund after booking.

Cancellation 4 or more days before the start of the trip results in a 100% cash refund.

Cancellation less than 4 days from the start of the trip results in no refund.

Transport 1600

Transportation Srinagar to Aru & retun is optional

Choose add-ons during booking. If missed, log in and add them later

Book transportation at least 10 days before the trek.

Cancellation less than 4 days from the start of the trip results in a 50% cash refund.

Cancellation after the trip date does not qualify for a refund.

Offload 1800

Backpack offload is optional

Choose add-ons during booking. If missed, log in and add them later.

Book off-load at least 10 days before the trek.

For offline bookings at the base camp, a convenience fee of Rs. 2000 applies.

Cancellations made before the trip date will receive a full refund.

For more information. Please complete this form.

Help & Support

Trek Name: Tarsar Marsar Trek

Adventure Type: Trekking

Base Camp: Aru

Season: Monsoon | Autumn |

Month: July | August | September |

Country: India

Altitude: 13500 Ft.

Grade: Moderate

Rail Head: Jammu

Stay: Camping (Twin sharing) & Hotel/Guesthouse

Food: Meals while on trek & at Hotel/Guesthouse (Veg & Eggs)

Location: Kashmir

Distance: 48 Km.

Trail Type: Circle trail | Camping in various locations, starting and ending at the same point.

AirPort: Srinagar (sheikh ul-alam international)

One day, if you wake up in the meadows of Kashmir on your trek to  Tarsar Marsar , that moment, your entire life is going to dissolve into a distant dream. As though you have just crossed the threshold and come to heaven. The famous couplet of the Persian poet shall ring true— if there is a paradise on earth, it is here, it is here, it is here!

The valley of Kashmir is an experience that may rob the most masterful wordsmith of adjectives, but never fail to brew unceasing lyricism in the heart of her beholders. Kashmir’s inherent classical romanticism aside, there are some things exclusively special to trekking and the Tarsar Marsar twin lakes trek brings all of them together.

Grasslands like velvet, walking through hovering pine trees that are beautiful and fragrant, little thatched roofed hamlets peopled by beautiful humans, the perfect stillness of azure waters, and camping by the glacial lakes which give the trek its name. What’s more wonderful, on practical trekking terms, Tarsar Marsar doesn’t charge a great deal of physical challenge, acclimatization prerequisites, or exhaustion.

Tarsar Marsar Trek Informative Video

Special Note: Lately, there has been much apprehension regarding treks in Kashmir owing to perennial reports of trouble brewing in the valley. Therefore, in a responsibly organized journey, with some foresight, we wish to add an extra day or two to the 7-day itinerary. If we must make an emergency halt, the need for which we pray doesn’t occur, these buffer days will be useful. This can be confirmed and elaborated upon at the time of your trek registration.

  • Who can Participate
  • Important Links
  • How to Reach
  • Trek Essential

Who Can Participate

  • Age; 12 years +.
  • First timers can apply; previous trekking experience is more appreciated.
  • The climber must be fit and have sufficient stamina to cover 5 km of distance in 35 minutes without stress.
  • The climber should be able to carry a 10-15 kg backpack.

Srinagar To Aru Base Camp

  • Altitude: 2,400 m/ 7,950 ft.
  • Drive Distance(Srinagar To Aru): 112 km.
  • Drive Time: 4 hrs.
  • Depart Srinagar by 1 pm.
  • Aru is on the bank of Lidder River.
  • Since there are no shops around ensure that you have all you need already.
  • Please note that prepaid SIM cards don’t work in Kashmir.
  • Pahalgam is the last point where you get a mobile network.
  • Last ATM is in Pahalgam.
  • Stay in a lodge/guest house.
  • Don’t forget to carry your ID proof in original and 2 photocopies.

Our first-day destination is Aru on the banks of Lidder and Aru Rivers, situated 12 km off Pahalgam. A fairly developed tourist stop, Aru is regarded as the main base for two well-loved treks - the Tarsar Marsar and Kolahoi Glacier Trek, the destination of the latter being the origin of the Lidder-Aru Rivers.

Our representatives will meet you in Srinagar and from there you will take a short 3 to 4 hrs drive to Aru via Pahalgam. From Pahalgam, two routes go towards Aru, one through the village of Anantnag and one through Bijbhera. Bhijbera route is a tourist trail that presents the beautiful rural scenery of Kashmir with apple orchards, apricot, and walnut trees. Since a steady telephonic network cannot be confirmed at Aru, you need to wrap up your communication at Pahalgam itself. At Aru, you will be welcomed at a riverside camping zone, off the touristy hub, by the sweet-flowing Lidder. There are lots of activities around the town at Aru– from trout fishing in Lidder, and the Aru Biosphere Reserve to horseback riding and heliskiing in winter. You can explore and mark these for a later visit because we will be reaching quite late into the dusk around 6 pm.


Aru To Lidderwat

  • Altitude: 2,800 m/ 9,150 ft.
  • Trek Distance: 10 km | Duration: 6 - 7 hrs.
  • Altitude Gain: 400 m/ 1,200 ft.
  • Easy terrain, gradual ascent.
  • Water can be refilled from streams.
  • Packed lunch on the way.
  • Stay in tents.

Today we will be following the Lidder River upstream. The trail starts right out of the village and follows the course of the river. It is a long but gentle climb to Lidderwat. After about 9 to 10 km the trail moves up soft slopes, entering a thicket of conifers, revealing a sweeping view of the Aru Valley down below on the left side. We continue venturing through the forest shade before we arrive at a clearing filled with Gujjar huts. This is the Nandekai Village, inhabited by seasonal, migrating shepherd people, and agrarian, foraging Gujjar community. Here is a slice of idyll, picture-perfect, and a far call from life as we know it. We won’t be crossing through the heart of the village but rather get a priceless bird’s eye view of the picturesque setting as we move uphill.  A little after we enter a tumbling meadow as the fir tree thickets completely ebbs away.  This is still part of the Gujjar Village ecosystem and you are going to find horse-riding folks and cattle grazers.

The trail cuts across a couple of valley streams next as we go. We soon come across a crude log bridge over the second brook. The streams are very clear and it is safe to drink the water in the stream. This is the spot to refill our water and take some rest, maybe have the packed lunch carried from the last campsite. The Lidderwat locale is still an hour’s journey from here.

The trail here curves into another wooded area of gorgeous firs before coming out into the meadows of Lidderwat, where the river flows clear watered. We can find quaint little Gujjar settlements that mark the very locale. Thanks to tourist inflow in recent times, there are also Pahalgam District Authority Huts and food places established for comfortable stays. There are enough places to pitch camps in this section of the trail.

Our camp would be at a quiet spot close to the stream which is nothing short of a dream. There should be enough time before sundown to walk around the peaceful fir tree-shaded Gujjar settlement and explore the meadows, and then lay out in the dying light on soft grass by the streamside to soak in the tranquillity.


Lidderwat To Shekwas

  • Altitude: 3,350 m/ 11,000 ft.
  • Trek Distance: 6 km |  5 hrs.
  • Altitude Gain: 550 m/ 1,850 ft.
  • Moderate terrain, continuous ascent for a few hours.
  • Enough water sources on the way.
  • One river crossing just before Homwas.
  • Hot lunch at campsite.

Today we trek approx 5 hours along a trail winding up directly from behind the PDA homes. The trail starts alongside the Lidder River and in a matter of half an hour you will find yourself inside a forest of pines, the Lidder River is now a distant shadow and the meadows have ebbed away. The woods are not very thick and occasionally open up to wide clearings.

Soon, you will find the stretch of Lidderwat coalescing with a more vast expanse of merging valleys and snow-covered peaks rising straight from the base of the valleys. The grasslands now merge such that it is no longer a single valley but a convergence of many valleys together. There will be multiple clear water streams cutting across our path where you can stop to refill your water bottles.

We will now be heading towards Homwas, which is a little clearing inhabited by a cluster of Gujjar huts and it falls on the other side of the river. After crossing a log bridge, we are ushered into a locality with a few homes and tea shops. You will never fail to find warm hospitality with these villagers and despite the exhaustion of the travels, this makes one’s day.

Crossing the village, you will walk parallel to the crystal river before you enter a different grassy landscape. The walk from Homwas to Shekwas is a delight as you mostly walk on the soft grass. Soon you will arrive at Shekwas. The trail now follows in a south-westerly direction and enters a narrow valley where a  beautiful river constantly keeps you company. You will keep gaining altitude and in an hour, you will enter a cluster of Bhoj trees that unfolds into a green scenery stretching in gentle folds to as long as the eyes can see, the meadows of Shekwas are breathtaking. Gujjar habitation and hospitality are ubiquitous in this area too and their little low-roofed, leaf-thatched huts dot the lush landscape here and there. Our trail climbs past the huts onto a slightly higher camping ground. A sweet night, a star-studded night falls over the meadows.


Shekwas To Tarsar And Explore Tarsar

  • Altitude: 3,800 m/ 12,500 ft.
  • Trek Distance: 4 km | 3 - 4 hrs.
  • Altitude Gain: 450 m/ 1,500 ft.
  • Moderate terrain, continuous gradual ascent.
  • Carry enough water, only a few natural sources are available.
  • In the evening explore Tarsar Lake.
  • Stay in a tent.

From Shekwas, the trail entwines along a grassy landscape for a while. The green moors of Shekwas are best experienced with bare feet. Try this as you set out of Tarsar Lake today. The agenda today is the trek to the first lake, Tarsar. The trail moves through a silken lawn of nature for some time before climbing over a humpbacked hill and after crossing a few ridges you get a little peek of Tarsar’s magnetic blue waters. You will follow a westward direction in general.

It takes a total of 5 hours to reach Tarsar from Shekwas, the view of the lake widening as we go down succeeding smaller ridges. Every ridge on the trail opens to a stupendous view. The views of the snow-clad peaks become grander as we get closer to the lake.  You need to cross the stream, jumping from boulder to boulder adventurously before finally gliding into a verdant meadow around the lake where we will camp at night. Sink your feet deep into the soft grass and watch how the lake water reflects the passing hues of the sky as the day rolls on. Time seems to come to a standstill amid such beauty and silence. There are plenty of flat open spots by the lake where you can pitch your tent. Remember that the entire trek takes place along an eco-friendly zone so please do not litter around the lake or anywhere along your trek and encourage others to not do the same.


Tarsar To Sundarsar

  • Altitude: 4,000 m/ 13,100 ft.
  • Trek Distance: 6 km | 5 hrs.
  • Altitude Gian: 200 m/ 600 ft.
  • Moderate to difficult terrain.
  • Steep ascent in the beginning till the pass, followed by a descent and then a gradual ascend till Sundarsar campsite.

Today we will trek another 6 km to the adjoining Sundarsar Valley through Tarsar Pass. We delve into a connecting stretch first which joins the meadows of Shekwas and Sundersar Valley. Trekking through the Tarsar Pass is time-saving. Climbing the pass saves about 3 to 4 hrs of the trek. The Tarsar Pass presents beautiful views of the valley that spans out so beautifully. Descend from the pass via the shepherd’s trail and a couple of minutes later, you can spot a few Bakkarval shelters on the left side. From behind the shelter, the trail climbs up to a knoll. Past the knoll is the view of a lush meadow of such astounding beauty that it would inspire poets to emote poetry. Sheep and horses graze on the pastures unmindful of your presence. These are one of the most beautiful meadows with a large pond in the middle and in the backdrop, the snow-covered mountains enhance the scenery. You have to cross a ridge top and climb down to reach the green landscapes of Sundarsar.

You can actually test your stamina on this day’s trek after so many days of walking on gentle undulations. On the ascent to the pass, the trail gets steeper but then mellows down to a gentler slope to Sundarsar. The highlight of the stretch comes with a view of Tarsar Lake from the other side of the Pass. The lakeside offers a perfect camping spot to set up your tents for the night.


Visit Marsar And Then Homwas

  • Altitude: Marsar Ridge: 4,100 m/ 13,000 ft | Homwas: 3,500 m/ 11,500 ft.
  • Trek Distance: 11 km | 7 hrs.
  • Altitude loss: 500 m/ 1,600 ft
  • Moderate terrain.
  • 50 minutes continuous to Marsar Ridge.
  • Gradual descent to Homwas.

Today we will ascend higher up through Marsar Ridge. Kilting our way around Sundarsar shores, we will be directed to a boulder-smitten path. Two passes from Sundarsar will take you to Marsar Lake. The boulder-laden route that we take is the quicker one. You can expect slippery snow patched in these rock crevasses, just like the white-covered mountains at the end of the valley that we witnessed through our trek in the last few days. At midday, the snow will melt and it’s going to be a tricky walk. Trekking poles and ice axes can be quite a blessing here.

After covering a partly grass-covered, partly snow-sheeted rock trail over the pass, we slightly descend to a flatland that’s cut through by occasional water flows. Keep to the trail on the left and you will spot a ridge that climbs from your left and to the front. They pass a beautiful stretch of green that leads to flatter grounds and after crossing the grassy stretch and hopping over some brooks, you will spot another ridge on your left. The top of the ridge view reveals the translucent blue Marsar Lake lying somewhere down below. It has the same kind of almond-shaped outline as Tarsar and is almost as big. Snow-covered mountains line along the edge of the lake, offsetting its blueness. The lake happens to overflow on one side and go down in a sweeping glacial stream down to a valley below. The snow melts from the white cliffs and feeds its waters on one side and another side, the Dachigam forest starts. The forest reserve climbs almost up to the lake shores. After spending some time at Marsar Lake we will get back to Sundarsar.

We descend back to Sundarsar camps and then to Homwas, trailing almost along the same way that we came by. It takes about 40 minutes of a downhill climb to reach Sundarsar. The descent is full of nostalgia as you relive your experience on the trail once more. Homwas is reached before nightfall, slightly exhausted.


Homwas To Aru And Drive Srinagar

  • Trek Distance: 13 km trek | 6 - 7 hrs.
  • Drive Distance: 112 km | 4 hrs.
  • Easy terrain.
  • Continuous gradual ascend till Aru.
  • Many water streams are available on the way.
  • Stay in Srinagar (not included in cost).
  • You will reach Aru between 2-3 pm.
  • You will reach Srinagar between 7-8 pm.

Please note that prepaid sim cards do not work in Kashmir.

Don’t forget your ID proof in original and 2 photocopies.

Starting off early morning today, we descend from Homwas to Aru, sweeping over the same enchanting meadowlands we had experienced on the first days, and the same Lidder River, now to be followed downstream. Descending through this trail will give you some sights that you missed previously when climbing up. This includes the views of the shrinking Kolahoi glacier and the pine forests of Lidderwat from a whole new perspective.

We will stop at Lidderwat to rest and have lunch and then set off again, now towards Aru, 10 km from Lidderwat. It takes about 4 hours approx. to cover the distance.

Srinagar-bound vehicles shall be waiting for us at Aru. We can expect to reach the station within 8 at night.


Day-1: Srinagar To Aru Base Camp

Day-2: aru to lidderwat, day-3: lidderwat to shekwas, day-4: shekwas to tarsar and explore tarsar, day-5: tarsar to sundarsar, day-6: visit marsar and then homwas, day-7: homwas to aru and drive srinagar.

Tarsar Marsar Trek Maps

Pulse rate at rest must be in between (60 to 90 beats per minute).

Blood Pressure Reading must be in between (DIASTOLIC 70 – 90, SYSTOLIC 100 - 140 mm Hg).

Respiratory rate at rest must be in between (12 to 20 breaths per minute).

Should not have Liver and kidney issues.

Should not have Diabetes Mellitus, Bronchial Asthma, Heart problems, Hypertension, etc.

No pacemaker implant.

People with Sinus issues, Epilepsy please contact to trek coordinator before booking the trek.

If your BMI is not normal, Please contact our Trek coordinator before Trek booking.

        Medical & Disclaimer Form (Mandatory Documents) Click here to download Medical & Disclaimer Form

  • Government Employees can avail the benefit of Special Casual Leave (SCL) when they join us for a trekking expedition. As per the rules of the Pay Commission, Special Casual Leave can be availed for up to 30 days in a calendar year for trekking/mountaineering expeditions through a registered organization. Trek The Himalayas is a registered adventure tour operator by the Indian Mountaineering Foundation (IMF) and the Ministry Of Tourism (MOT).
  • Trekkers have to apply for leave at least 20 days before the trek departure date.
  • This service is exclusive to Indian government employees and is applicable only for treks within India.
  • Do mail at info@trekthehimalayas to apply and mention your booked trek date and trek name.

Junior trekkers (below 15 years) should have a company of parents/guardians.

Trekkers between 15 to 18 years can come solo with the disclaimer form signed by parent/guardian.

  • Medical & Disclaimer Form (Mandatory Documents) Click here to download Medical & Disclaimer Form

Exercise For Moderate

Fitness Regime For:

Calculate Your Bmi

Your BMI value is

Congratulations, your body is in good conditions!

  • Mandatory Documents to Bring on A Trek  Click Here.

How To Reach

Pick-up location: Tourist reception center, rajbagh, srinagar.

Once you have reached Srinagar, TTH will manage the rest of your travel arrangements, if you have opted for TTH's pick-up service, you can select this option during the booking process by adding it as an add-on.

Do reach Srinagar one day before your trek date for a safer side. Pick-up Place & Time: Tourist reception center, Raj Bagh, Srinagar. and pick up time is between 12:00 noon.

Options to Reach Srinagar: 1.    If you are planning to take a bus, you can reach the bus stand in Srinagar from any major city. It will take approx. 30 minutes to reach the Tourist reception center, rajbagh from the bus stand (approx 8km). 2.    If you are planning to fly to Srinagar which is well connected to all major airports in India, you can reach the Tourist reception center, rajbagh in 15 to 20 minutes via taxi from the airport (approx 13 Km). 3.    If you’re coming by train, there are two railway stations. -   Jammu railway station is about 260 km away and takes around 8 hours by bus. -    Udhampur is 200 km away and from there, it is a 6-hour bus journey to Srinagar.

If you prefer to travel independently, you can either take a government bus or book a private cab. Your trek coordinator will provide guidance on how to arrange for the bus or cab booking.

The designated drop-off point is TOURIST RECEPTION CENTER, Rajbagh, Srinagar.

Arrive in Srinagar by 6:00 pm.

If you have to make any arrangements for further travel from Srinagar, do it the next day.

TTH offers comfortable transportation through Tempo Traveler, Bolero, or equivalent vehicles. If you wish to upgrade your mode of transportation, please contact your trek coordinator for further assistance.

How to Reach Tarsar Marsar Trek Map

 1. Accommodation (as per the itinerary):

  • Guest house (Triple sharing). 
  • Camping (Twin sharing basis).

2. Meals (Veg + Egg):

  • Day 1 Dinner to Day 7 packed lunch as per the itinerary.

3. Support:

  • 1 Versatile base camp manager handles communication and deploys extra manpower in emergencies.
  • 1 Mountaineering & First aid qualified professional trek Leader.
  • 1 Experienced high altitude chef.
  • Local experienced guides (Number of guides depending on the group size).
  • Enough support staff.

4. Trek equipment:

  • Sleeping bag, Sleeping liners (if required), Mattress, Utensils.
  • 3 men all season trekker tent (twin sharing), Kitchen & Dining tent, Toilet tent.
  • Camping stool, Walkie talkie.
  • Ropes, Helmet, Ice axe, Harness, Gaiters & Crampon (if required).

5. First aid:

  • Medical kit, Stretcher, Oxygen cylinder, Blood pressure monitor, Oximeter, Stethoscope.

6. Mules/porters to carry the central luggage. 

7. Clock room facility available at the base camp for additional luggage.

8. All necessary permits and entry fees, Upto the amount charged for Indian.

9. Services from Aru to Aru.

1. Transportation (as per the itinerary):

  • Transport from Srinagar to Aru & return : NON AC.

2. Insurance (Mandatory).

3. Food during the transit.

4. Any kind of personal expenses.

5. Mule or porter to carry personal luggage.

6. Emergency evacuation, hospitalization charge or etc.

7. Anything not specifically mentioned under the head Inclusion.

8. Hotel stay in Srinagar.

  Srinagar Accommodation: The stay at Srinagar on the last day is not included in the trek fee. However we can assist you in booking a hotel or a houseboat for the same, please let us know at least 15 days in advance to the start of the trek. The intimation is by email only at [email protected]

Things can be provided on demand and availability (participant has to pay extra for these things).  

1- Satellite phone/set phone -  a type of mobile phone that connects via radio links via satellites orbiting the Earth instead of terrestrial cell sites like cellphones. Therefore, they can operate in most geographic locations on the Earth's surface.

2- Gamow/PAC HAPO Bag (Portable Hyperbaric Bag) -   is a unique, portable hyperbaric chamber for the treatment of acute mountain sickness (AMS), also known as altitude sickness.

3- AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) -  are portable life-saving devices designed to treat people experiencing sudden cardiac arrest, a medical condition in which the heart stops beating suddenly and unexpectedly. 

Cancellation terms:

Cancellations prior to 25 days from the start of the Trip

Refund options

  • 5% deduction of trek fee
  • 100% cash voucher for any trip till one year
  • Transfer your trek (any trek, any date) to your friend

Cancellation between 24 days and 15 days to the start of the Trip

  • 30% deduction of trek fee
  • 100% cash voucher for same trip till one year
  • 85% cash voucher for any trip till one year
  • Transfer your trek (same trek, any date) to your friend

Cancellation between 14 days and 10 days to the start of the Trip

  • 50% deduction of trek fee
  • 80% cash voucher for same trip till one year
  • 70% cash voucher for any trip till one year
  • Book the same trek, in the same season, with any other batch

Cancellation less than 9 days to the start of the trek

  • No cash refund
  • 20% cash voucher for the same trip till one year
  • 10% cash voucher for any trip till one year
  • Transfer your trek (same trek, same date) to your friend

Note- If a booking is made using a voucher or discount code, the policies related to vouchers and discounts cannot be modified.

In the unlikely event that TTH cancels a trek prior to the scheduled departure date:

While it is extremely rare for TTH to cancel a trek, we understand that unforeseen circumstances or natural disasters may occasionally require us to do so before the scheduled departure. These circumstances could include continuous rain or snow, thunderstorms, snowstorms, landslides, floods, earthquakes, or any other natural calamity that poses a risk to the safety of our trekkers. Additionally, unforeseeable events such as local riots, curfews, pandemics, lockdowns, government orders, or any similar situations that compromise the safety of the trekking experience may also necessitate a cancellation.

In the event of such a cancellation, TTH will provide you with a voucher equivalent to the amount you paid for the trek. This voucher can be redeemed for any of our treks within the next year, allowing you to still enjoy an adventure with us at a later date.

The issuance of a voucher is not applicable in situations where you are required to descend from the trek for any reason. The trek leader may make the decision to send you down from the trek due to factors such as insufficient fitness level, symptoms of Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), high blood pressure, exceeding the designated turn-around-time, health concerns, or if you are found smoking, drinking, or violating the rules set for the trek. In such cases, the provision of a voucher does not apply.

In the rare event that TTH shifts a trek:

We would like to emphasize that weather conditions in high-altitude areas are highly unpredictable and can undergo sudden changes at any time, irrespective of the day. Additionally, circumstances beyond our control, such as natural disasters, political unrest, pandemics, and lockdowns, may impact the feasibility of conducting a trek. In cases where we are unable to proceed with an event due to such circumstances that are beyond our direct control, we will make every effort to provide you with an alternative trek that is safer and more suitable.

In such situations, we will issue a voucher to offset the cost difference between the originally scheduled trek and the alternative trek. This voucher can be redeemed at any time within one year from the date of issue. Please note that a refund fee or reimbursement of the cost difference is not applicable in these cases.

  • Change of trek batch is dependent on the availability of seats in the batch
  • In case of transferring a trek to a friend, he/she should satisfy all the mandatory requirements put forward by TTH
  • TTH holds the right to change/cancel the policies, without prior notice
  • Cash refund is applicable only in case of bookings made without using any promotional offer code or vouchers

Cash Voucher Terms:

  • This is a non-transferable voucher
  • The voucher cannot be merged with any other offer of Trek The Himalayas
  • The voucher is valid for Trek booked directly with Trek The Himalayas in India
  • To avail the voucher please use your register phone number or e-mail id
  • All the other Terms of booking a trek with Trek The Himalayas are applicable to the voucher
  • Trek The Himalayas holds rights to add/remove any of the Terms and Conditions without prior notice

Itineraries are based on information available at the time of planning and are subject to change. "Trek The Himalayas" reserves the right to change expedition dates, people or itineraries as conditions warrant. If a trip must be delayed or the itinerary changed due to bad weather, road conditions, transportation delays, government intervention, airline schedules, sickness, or other contingency for which TTH or its agents cannot make provision, the cost of delays and/or other changes are the responsibility of the participant. TTH reserves the right to decline, or accept, any individual as a trip member for any reason whatsoever.

Trek Essentials

PDF Of Trek Essential Download

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

How to register/create an account with tth.

To register with TTH, visit our website - www.trekthehimalayas.com and create your account. To create your account you will need to use your email address and fill in all the details, set your unique password and your account is ready to use.

How to book a trek?

  • To book a trek with TTH, you first need to register with us and create an account.
  • Choose the trek that you want to do and click on available dates.
  • You will land at the login page, fill in the required details.
  • Add Participants, choose add-on services click on the Pay now button, choose your preferred payment method, and make the payment. TTH accepts multiple payment options, including credit/debit cards, net banking, and UPI.
  • You will receive a confirmation email from TTH with all the necessary details about the trek, including the meeting point, transportation, accommodation, and other important instructions.

Made a payment but did not receive any confirmation.

please send an email to us at [email protected] or reach out to the numbers provided in the Help and Support section of your Trek Page. We will ensure that your issue is promptly resolved.

How to book off-load luggage and transportation?

To book services such as off-load luggage and transportation, you can find them listed as add-ons. These additional services can be booked at the time of your initial booking. If you miss booking add-ons during the initial reservation, you can log in anytime and easily book 4 days before the departure date add-ons through the platform.

If I have booked the wrong trek or date, how can I make changes?

In such a situation, please log in to your account and transfer your trek or date to the desired one within 12 hours or drop us an email at [email protected] 10 days before the departure date of the trek. After the initial 12-hour period, any changes will be processed according to the cancellation policy.

I am a beginner and confused which trek to book.

We recommend visiting our "Suggest Me a Trek" page. By filling out the form, our experts will contact you with the best possible trek options based on your preferences and experience level. Alternatively, you can reach out to us via email at [email protected] or give us a call using the numbers provided on our website for personalized assistance and recommendations.

How is family trek different from regular trek?

Family treks differ from regular treks by focusing on ease of difficulty, offering shorter durations for younger participants, Kid-friendly and easily digestible foods, child-friendly activities, maintaining a higher guide ratio for diverse age groups, and implementing additional safety measures for families.

Ideal treks for children.

Family Trek with Kids recommendation Only Dayara Bugyal and Chopta Chandrashila Trek.

Minimum age for children to trek with TTH.

Minimum age for TTH treks is typically 7 years, though this may vary depending on the specific trek.

Can we take children to high altitudes with their guardian?

Yes, you can take a kids to a high-altitude trek with a parent. Discuss with a trek expert before booking a trek.

Can we send kids without Parents/guardian?

Medical & Disclaimer Form (Mandatory Documents) Click here to download medical and disclaimer form

How to prepare a child for a high altitude trek?

Physical Fitness: Ensure your child is physically fit. Engage them in regular exercise, outdoor activities, and hikes to build stamina and endurance. Hydration: Emphasize the importance of staying hydrated at high altitudes. Encourage your child to drink water regularly, even if they don't feel thirsty. Proper Nutrition: Provide a well-balanced diet with sufficient carbohydrates for energy and foods rich in iron to prevent altitude sickness. Adequate Sleep: Ensure your child gets enough sleep in the days leading up to the trek. Quality rest is crucial for altitude adaptation. Educate on Altitude Sickness: Teach your child about the symptoms of altitude sickness, such as headache, nausea, and dizziness. Encourage them to communicate any discomfort immediately. Appropriate Clothing and Gear: Dress your child in layers to adjust to changing temperatures. Ensure they have appropriate trekking gear, including sturdy footwear. Positive Mindset: Foster a positive mindset. Encourage your child, and let them know it's okay to take breaks when needed. Medical Check-Up: Schedule a medical check-up before the trek to ensure your child is fit for high-altitude activities. Consult with a healthcare professional about any potential health concerns.

Kind of food will be served during the trek for children.

TTH takes special care to provide wholesome and nutritious food for children on treks. Here are some of the foods that are typically served for children: Breakfast: For breakfast, TTH serves a variety of options like porridge, cornflakes, bread, butter, jam, honey, boiled eggs, omelettes, and pancakes. Children can choose from these options to fuel themselves for the day's trek. Lunch: For lunch, TTH serves lunch which includes rotis, vegetables, rice, dal, and salad. The rotis are usually made fresh on the trek and are a good source of carbohydrates. The dal and vegetables provide protein and other essential nutrients. Snacks: TTH provides healthy snacks like fresh fruits, dry fruits, energy bars, cookies, and biscuits to keep the children energized throughout the day. Dinner: For dinner, TTH serves a hot and wholesome meal which includes soup, rice, dal, vegetables, and a non-vegetarian dish (if requested in advance). Children can also choose from a variety of desserts like custard, jelly, and fruit salad. Dietary requirements: If a child has any special dietary requirements, TTH can cater to those needs as well. For example, if a child is lactose intolerant or allergic to nuts, the kitchen staff can make arrangements to accommodate those requirements.

How to choose the right trek?

Choosing the right trek for a beginner can be a bit overwhelming as there are many factors to consider such as distance, elevation gain, terrain difficulty, weather, and time of year. Here are some tips that can help you choose the right trek for a beginner:

1. Determine fitness level:  Assess the fitness level of the beginner to understand their physical capabilities. This will help you select a trek that is challenging but not too difficult.

2. Choose a well-traveled trail:  A well-traveled trail will have more amenities such as signposts, water stations, and shelter. It is also safer as there will be other hikers on the trail.

3. Consider the length of the trek:  For beginners, it is recommended to start with a shorter trek that can be completed in a day or two. This will help them get acclimatized to trekking and build their confidence.

4. Look for gradual elevation gain:  Choose a trek with a gradual elevation gain rather than steep ascents. This will make the trek easier and more enjoyable.

5. Check the weather:  Check the weather forecast before selecting a trek. Avoid treks during the monsoon season or winter when the trails can be slippery or dangerous.

6. Research the trail:  Read about the trail to get an idea of the terrain, altitude, and difficulty level. This will help you select a trek that is suitable for the beginner.

7. Consult with an expert:  If you are unsure about which trek to choose, consult our trek expert Mr. Nitin (+91 70600 59773) between 10 AM to 6 PM (Tuesday - Friday). Mr. Nitin will provide you valuable advice and guidance.

Overall, it is important to choose a trek that is enjoyable, challenging but not too difficult, and suitable for the beginner's fitness level and experience.

Can a beginner choose a tough trek?

It is not recommended for a beginner to choose a difficult Himalayan trek. Trekking in the Himalayas can be physically and mentally challenging, especially if you are not used to the high altitude, steep slopes, and rugged terrain. Choosing a difficult trek without the proper experience, fitness level, and preparation can be dangerous and put you at risk of altitude sickness, injury, and other hazards.

If you are a beginner, it is recommended to start with an easier trek and gradually build up your skills and experience. This will help you understand the challenges of trekking in the Himalayas, and also prepare you physically and mentally for a more difficult trek in the future. It is also important to choose a trek that matches your fitness level, experience, and interest.

What is the age limit for a beginner trekker?

There is no specific age limit for a beginner trekker. However, it is important to consider your physical fitness, health condition, and personal interests before embarking on a trek. Trekking in the Himalayas can be physically and mentally demanding, and requires a certain level of physical fitness and endurance.

If you have any pre-existing medical conditions or are above a certain age, it is recommended to consult with a doctor before embarking on a trek. It is also important to listen to your body and take breaks as needed during the trek to prevent exhaustion or injury.

If I am solo, can I join the trek in a group?

Yes, you can join the trek. We have fixed departure groups where you can simply book your trek and we will take care of curating a group.

How does my family get updated about my Trek?

Before you start the trek, it is recommended that you make all the necessary phone calls as during the trek you may or may not receive network coverage, once you come back to the Base Camp, you can reconnect with your family via phone once again. You can share your trek coordinator contact detail with your family members to get the latest updates about your trek batch.

What food can I expect?

At TTH, we provide wholesome and nutritious meals during the trek. The food is vegetarian and includes a variety of dishes such as rice, dal, vegetables, chapati, paratha, pasta, noodles, and soup. We also offer snacks such as biscuits, and salty, and dry fruits during the trek. Special dietary requirements such as vegan, gluten-free, or Jain food can also be arranged if informed in advance.

I am allergic to some foods.

If you are allergic to some foods, you need to let us know in advance so that we can make arrangements accordingly.

How safe is trekking with TTH?

TTH is a trekking company that prioritizes the safety of all its participants, including women trekkers. They have a comprehensive safety system in place, which includes a dedicated team of experienced and trained trek leaders and support staff who are equipped to handle emergency situations and provide first aid.

TTH also takes specific measures to ensure the safety and comfort of women trekkers. They have a separate tent accommodation for women trekkers, female trek leaders, and support staff. They also provide separate toilet facilities for women and encourage a safe and respectful environment for all trekkers.

Moreover, TTH has a strict policy against any kind of harassment and has a zero-tolerance policy towards such incidents. They have a designated Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) to investigate and address any complaints related to harassment or misconduct. Overall, TTH has a good reputation for safety and responsible trekking practices, and women can feel comfortable and safe while trekking with them.

How TTH will manage if I am the only woman in the group?

In case you are the only women in the group, we provide a single sleeping arrangement. Also, during the trek, the trek leader will always remain by your side to provide optimum safety and reassurance.

How can I know that other women are in the batch?

You can reach out to the trek coordinator to inquire about the number of female trekkers and their respective states who have booked the trek. Please note that the trek coordinator cannot disclose personal details of any trekker. Once you've confirmed your booking, a WhatsApp Group will be created for all the trekkers in your batch. This allows you to connect with fellow trekkers before the trek begins.

Can I know in advance, which trek is led by a women Trek Leader?

While many of our treks are led by female trek leaders, however, it is not possible to know which trek leader is assigned to which group. But nonetheless, whether the trek leader is male or female you can be completely assured of your safety and security with us.

Can I trek with periods? If yes, then where can I dispose of the sanitary pad?

Yes, it is possible to trek with periods. However, it is important to take some extra precautions and preparations to ensure a comfortable and safe trekking experience.

Here are some tips that can help you trek during your period:

1. Use menstrual hygiene products that you are comfortable with, such as tampons, pads, or menstrual cups. It is recommended to carry enough supplies for the entire duration of the trek.

2. Pack wet wipes, hand sanitizer, and plastic bags to dispose of used hygiene products.

3. Wear comfortable and breathable clothing that allows for easy movement and reduces friction. Avoid wearing tight or restrictive clothing that can cause discomfort.

4. Carry pain relief medication, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, in case of menstrual cramps.

5. Stay hydrated and maintain a balanced diet to support your energy levels and overall health.

6. Take breaks as needed and listen to your body. If you feel uncomfortable or experience any unusual symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

It is also recommended to consult with a doctor before going on a trek during your period, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or are taking medication. By taking necessary precautions and being prepared, you can have a safe and comfortable trekking experience even during your period.

We provide proper disposal facilities for sanitary pad disposal during the trek.

How will the accommodation be during the trek?

We offer three person tents with twin-sharing for optimum comfort. A woman trekker will share a tent with another woman trekker and if you are the only woman in the group, you will be given a single accommodation for your comfort and privacy.

Are trek poles, Jackets and other equipment available for rent from Trek The Himalayas?

Yes, we do provide gears on rent. You can book it using you TTH account directly.

Who will be with us on the trek from Trek The Himalayas?

Mountaineering qualified Experienced and first aid certified Trek Leader, First Aid Certify local guide, Cook, helpers and supporting staff.

Who can not join the trek?

People suffering from Bronchitis, Asthma, High blood pressure, Epilepsy (got faints), TB , Heart problem or on higher BMI side are strictly not allowed to go on any Himalayan trek. Apart from this if you had any medical history, please let us know.

When it gets really cold can I consume alcohol?

No. Alcohol and smocking isn’t allowed while on trek. It is totally misconception that it will keep you warm. Your body need to acclimatize properly and for that eat properly and drink enough water; these things will keep you warm.

What type of toilet facility is TTH providing at the trek?

Toilet tents provide a convenient solution for answering nature's call in the great outdoors. Dry toilets, in particular, offer a highly sanitary approach. By digging a pit and utilizing mud and a shovel, you can easily cover up your waste. This method ensures cleanliness and hygiene while camping or exploring in the forest. 

Remember to pack essential toiletries to complete your outdoor bathroom kit and maintain proper personal hygiene during your adventures. With these practices in place, you can enjoy nature while also respecting it.

How do I manage the negative temperatures on the trek at higher camps? Do I need special jackets?

Layer Up From Head To Toe Eat Full Meals, never sleep empty stomach You can keep warmee (if you’re more susceptible to cold). Use sleeping bag in right way and don’t leave free space in sleeping bag.

For upper body – Thermal layer – T-shirt (full-sleeves) – Fleece T-shirt (for extreme colds) – Fleece layer – Thick Jacket/Down Jacket – Waterproof or Windproof layer (outermost layer, when it is snowing or raining) - For Lower Body – Thermal layer – Hiking pants (normal) or Winter hiking pants

Based on how warm you feel you can skip any of the above layers. Your outer later should be windproof since it is windy at high altitude. The idea behind layering is that the more insulation you have the less cold you feel, and instead of wearing a very thick jacket if you wear multiple layers, your body will be better insulated against the cold.

Do you provide crampon/micro spikes and gaiters?

Yes, we provide micro spikes and gaiters, if required.

What documents need to carry on trek?

Mandatory documents: 2 xerox of ID having address (addhar card/driving license), 2 Passport size photographs, hard copy Medical form signed & sealed by doctor, disclaimer form sign by trekker and high altitude insurance.

If we come prior the trek date, Do you provide accommodation?

No. We don’t but we can suggest you good hotel/Stay nearby pick up location.

Do we get enough water for drinking?

Yes, trekker must carry 2 water bottles 1 litre each so they can refill it at campsite for drinking and keep themselves hydrate.

What kind of shoes we should buy for the trek?

You should buy shoes which has these three features –Good grip, Ankle Support and additional water resistant layers. Generally, we advise Quechua Trek 100, MH 500 and MH 100.

What happens if some members of the team need to turn back before the summit?

No one is forced to go on. There is always enough staff to split the party according to need and regroup later at the camp. Most people have no trouble reaching the highest campsite. If some members decide not to climb the final distance they can wait for the climbers to come back down the same way or take a lateral path to the descent route.

What is the Tarsar Marsar Trek?

The Tarsar Marsar Trek is a mesmerizing expedition that takes adventurers deep into the heart of Kashmir's pristine wilderness. As you embark on this breathtaking journey, you find yourself immersed in a world of unparalleled natural beauty. The trail meanders through verdant meadows adorned with vibrant wildflowers, painting a picture-perfect landscape that seems straight out of a dream. Towering snow-capped peaks stand tall, their majestic presence commanding respect and awe. The crystal-clear waters of the Tarsar and Marsar lakes mirror the surrounding mountains, creating a surreal reflection that evokes a sense of tranquility and wonder. With each step, the trail unveils new vistas, from lush forests to rugged rocky terrains, offering a diverse and ever-changing backdrop that keeps your spirit engaged. As the sun sets, the sky transforms into a kaleidoscope of colors, casting a warm glow on the rugged landscape. Camping under a star-studded canopy, you are lulled to sleep by the gentle melody of nature.

How long is the Tarsar Marsar Trek?

Tarsar Marsar Trek is a 48 km trek.

What is the best time to do the Tarsar Marsar Trek?

The best time to do Tarsar Marsar Trek is during monsoon (Jul - Aug) and autumn (Sep - Mid Nov) .

The best time to do Tarsar Marsar Trek is during monsoon (Jul - Aug) and autumn (Sep - Mid Nov)

Tarsar Marsar Trek is an easy to moderate grade trek.

What is the level of difficulty of the Tarsar Marsar Trek?

What is the highest altitude reached during the tarsar marsar trek.

The maximum altitude reached during the trek is 13,500 ft .

What permits are required for the Tarsar Marsar Trek?

To embark on the Tarsar Marsar Trek , you are required to obtain a few permits and permissions like the Inner Line Permit, and Wildlife Permit. When you trek with us, we obtain all the necessary permits for you.

What is the accommodation like during the Tarsar Marsar Trek?

During the Tarsar Marsar Trek , the accommodation is arranged in guesthouses in base villages and during the trek in camps (twin-sharing).

What is the duration of the Tarsar Marsar Trek?

Tarsar Marsar Trek is a 7-day long trek.

What are the essential items to carry during the Tarsar Marsar Trek?

Here are some of the essentials you should carry for the trek:

1. Trekking shoes: A good pair of trekking shoes is essential for a comfortable trek. Make sure your shoes are well-fitted, sturdy and provide good grip on the trail.

2. Warm Clothing: The weather can be unpredictable in the mountains, so it's important to carry warm clothing, including thermal innerwear, fleece jackets, down jacket, and waterproof jacket.

3. Trekking pants: Carry comfortable and quick-drying trekking pants that are suitable for the weather conditions.

4. Backpack: A good quality backpack with a capacity of 40-50 liters is ideal for carrying your essentials during the trek.

5. Sleeping bag: A good quality sleeping bag is essential for a comfortable stay during the camping nights.

6. Headlamp/Flashlight: Carry a good quality headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries for trekking during early morning or late evening hours.

7. Water bottle: Carry a reusable water bottle and stay hydrated throughout the trek.

8. Snacks: Carry energy bars, dry fruits, and snacks for instant energy during the trek.

9. First aid kit: Carry a basic first aid kit, including band-aids, antiseptic cream, pain relief spray, and medicines for altitude sickness.

10. Sun protection: Carry sunscreen lotion, sunglasses, and a hat to protect yourself from the harsh sun rays.

11. Trekking poles: Trekking poles can help in maintaining balance and reduce the strain on your knees while trekking.

Is it safe to go for the Tarsar Marsar Trek?

The safety of any trekking expedition, including the Tarsar Marsar Trek , depends on various factors such as weather conditions, individual fitness levels, preparedness, and adherence to safety guidelines. While trekking in remote areas always carries inherent risks, taking necessary precautions can help mitigate potential dangers. Engaging the services of an experienced local trekking corporation can greatly enhance your safety. They possess valuable knowledge of the terrain, weather patterns, and emergency protocols, which can be invaluable during your trek.

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Tarsar Marsar Trek: An Ultimate Guide

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Table of Contents

Tarsar Marsar Trek: An Introduction

tarsar marsar trek

The Tarsar Marsar trek is among the most popular in the Indian Himalayas. The trek takes you through the beautiful valleys of Kashmir, offering breathtaking views of the Tarsar and Marsar lakes. The trek is moderate and can be completed in about 7-9 days. In this article, we will discuss the reasons to go on the trek, what to expect on the trek, and how to plan for it.

Reasons to go on Tarsar Marsar Trek

  • The Tarsar Marsar trek is ideal for those who want to experience the beauty of the Himalayas without having to endure a challenging trek. The trek offers diverse landscapes, including beautiful meadows, dense forests, and stunning lakes.
  • The Tarsar and Marsar lakes are the highlights of the trek, and they provide an opportunity to camp by the lakeside and enjoy the serene surroundings

What to Expect?

  • The  trek starts from the Aru Valley and takes you through beautiful meadows and dense forests. As you climb higher, you will see stunning views of the Himalayan peaks.
  • The highlight of the trek is the Tarsar and Marsar lakes, which are situated at an altitude of 13,000 feet. Snow-capped peaks surround the lakes and offer a breathtaking view. The trek also involves crossing streams, glaciers, and high-altitude passes.

Planning Your Tarsar Marsar Trek

tarsar marsar trek video

  • Best Time to Go:  The best time to go on the is from June to September when the weather is pleasant, and the skies are clear.

The trek involves steep ascents and descents, rocky terrain, and high altitude. Trekkers are advised to undergo physical training and acclimatization before embarking on the trek.

  • Acclimatization:  Since the trek involves high-altitude passes, acclimatizing is essential. You should spend a day or two in Srinagar or Aru Valley to acclimatize before starting the trek.
  • Required Permits and Fees:  You must obtain a permit from the Forest Department to enter the Tarsar Marsar area. The permit fee is around INR 1000 per person. However, if you are going with a trekking organization, the organization already arranges this.
  • Gear and Equipment Checklist:  You will need a good pair of trekking shoes, a backpack, a sleeping bag, a tent, warm clothes, and rain gear. You can also rent equipment from trekking agencies. Again, while going with a trekking group, you only need to have good trekking shoes, dry-fit clothing, a 40-60L trekking bag, personal toiletries, etc. A detailed list is shared below.
  • Fees Charged by Trekking Groups:  Trekking agencies charge around INR 14,000 – INR 16,000 per person for the Tarsar Marsar trek, which includes food, accommodation, entry fees, and guide charges. Some organizations also have the pick-up and drop from Srinagar to the start point & back.
  • Best Season: The best time to go on the Tarsar Marsar Trek is between June and September when the weather is pleasant and the trails are open. During this time, the region experiences mild temperatures and clear skies, making it ideal for trekking. However, there maybe rain showers on certain days.

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Getting to the Start Point

Trek Route

  • How to Reach Tarsar Marsar Trek Starting Point:  The Tarsar Marsar trek starts from the Aru Valley, about 110 km from Srinagar. You can take a taxi from Srinagar to Aru Valley.
  • Local Transportation Options:  Local buses and shared taxis are available from Srinagar to Pahalgam, where you can take a cab to Aru Valley. The best option is to take shared taxi from Srinagar, as they run frequently and are affordable (Approx INR 150 – 200 per person).
  • Accommodation Options Before and After the Trek:  Srinagar and Pahalgam have several accommodation options. You can also stay in tents or guesthouses in Aru Valley.

Tarsar Marsar Trek Itinerary

View from Tarsar Pass

Day 1: Srinagar to Aru Valley

  • The first day of the trek involves a four-hour drive from Srinagar to Aru Valley, where you will spend the night. The drive itself is a treat, with stunning scenery all around.

Day 2: Aru Valley to Lidderwat

  • Distance: 10 KM | Time: 6 Hours
  • The trek begins with a six-hour trek from Aru Valley to Lidderwat. The trail takes you through pine forests, meadows, and streams.

Day 3: Lidderwat to Shekwas

  • Distance: 6 KM | Time: 5 Hours
  • The third day of the trek is a five-hour hike from Lidderwat to Shekwas. You will pass through dense forests and cross a stream before reaching your destination.

Day 4: Shekwas to Tarsar Lake

  • Distance: 4 KM | Time: 5 Hours
  • The highlight of the trek, day four, takes you to the beautiful Tarsar Lake. It’s a five-hour trek through lush green meadows, and you’ll also encounter a glacier along the way.

Day 5: Tarsar Lake to Sundarsar

  • The fifth day involves a five-hour trek from Tarsar Lake to Sundarsar. The trail takes you through some challenging terrain, but the stunning views throughout the day make it all worthwhile.

Day 6: Sundarsar to Homwas via Marsar Lake

  • Distance: 11 KM | Time: 7 Hours
  • The sixth day is a five-hour trek Sundarsar  to Homwas via Marsar lake. You will encounter a few streams and meadows along the way, making for a pleasant trekking experience. This will be one of the toughest days of the trek because of the ascent involved.

Day 7: Homwas to Aru & Drive to Srinagar

  • Distance: 13 KM | Time: 7 Hours
  • The last day of the trek is one of the easiest days and can be easily covered in 7 hours with breaks in between for lunch & snacks.

Note: This is a general itinerary, which is followed by most of the trekking groups in India. However, there might be slight differences on the itinerary depending on the trekking group you opt to go with.

Tarsar Marsar Trek Highlights

tarsar marsar trek 2

Stunning Scenery:

The Tarsar Marsar Trek offers some of the most beautiful views you’ll ever see. From lush meadows to snow-capped peaks, this trek has it all.

Wildlife Sightings:

The trek is home to some unique flora and fauna, including the Himalayan black bear, musk deer, and snow leopard.

Local Culture:

The trek takes you through several remote villages, giving you a glimpse into the local culture and way of life and the local trek guides have amazing local stories and folklore which give you a glimpse of their culture and history.

The Tarsar and Marsar Lakes:

The two lakes are the highlight of the trek, offering stunning views of the surrounding peaks and a sense of serenity that is hard to find elsewhere.

tarsar marsar trek route

Safety and Health

Altitude Sickness: The trek reaches an altitude of 13,000 feet, so it’s essential to acclimatize yourself to the altitude before starting the trek. Hence, you should reach Srinagar a day or two in advance & stay hydrated throughout the trek and carry hydration tablets if necessary.

Water and Food Safety: The trek involves several streams and water sources, but it’s essential to carry a water purification system to avoid water-borne illnesses. Also, make sure to carry high-energy snacks and stay hydrated throughout the trek.

First Aid Kit: Carry a basic first aid kit that includes essential medications, bandages, and other medical supplies. However, if traveling with a trek group, they make these arrangements for you.

Emergency Evacuation: In case of an emergency, make sure to have travel insurance that covers evacuation services. Make sure to check with the trek group if they provide the travel insurance to cover your expenses.

The trek is around 48 kilometers long and takes about 7 days to complete.

The best time to go on the trek is from June to September when the weather is pleasant, and the lakes are not frozen.

The trek is considered moderately difficult, with some challenging terrain, but it’s doable for most people with proper preparation.

The trek is generally safe, but it’s essential to take proper precautions and follow safety guidelines to avoid any mishaps.

You’ll need a sturdy pair of trekking shoes, warm clothes, a backpack, a tent, a sleeping bag, and a water purification system.

  • In conclusion, the Tarsar Marsar Trek is an incredible adventure that offers breathtaking scenery, diverse wildlife sightings, and an immersive experience of the local culture.
  • From the picturesque Aru Valley to the serene Tarsar and Marsar Lakes, the trek takes you through some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world. It’s important to keep in mind that the trek requires proper planning, preparation, and caution, especially when it comes to altitude sickness, water and food safety, and emergency evacuation.
  • However, with the right mindset and guidance, this trek can be a life-changing experience that you’ll never forget. So what are you waiting for? Start planning your Tarsar Marsar Trek adventure today!

An Immersive Experience of the Trek

Video Credit:  Ankit Bhatia Films

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Trek Kashmir

Tarsar marsar lakes trek.

Tarsar Marsar Lake Trek : is one of beautiful cross country alpine lakes trek in vicinity of Lidder valley Pahalgam. The trekking encounters three high altitude glacier fed alpine lakes. The trekking route passes through rugged trails magnificent mountain scenery with wild life flora and fauna of north Indian Himalayas. The trail to the lake is well maintained and very much an alpine lover’s dream. You’ll wind through lush green valleys, pine forest and mountainous snowfields, with each unique landscape eliciting its own wonderment.

Tarsar Marsar Alpine Lakes trek

Don’t expect the whole route to be easy going, though. The hike out will require some work on your part as you switchback through rocky slope. Tarsar is most Scenic Lake in the Pahalgam Alpine Lakes. Hikers will encounter a variety of alpine ecosystems. Ridge top views, and of course the deep blue lake — but not without a steady climb first. The route comes across diversity of Nomadic Shepherd from Aru valley to Sumbal Sonamarg. The Lidder valley is extension point and apparently amazing. It is stacked with pine forests, Mountain peaks, gushing Lidder stream and dales of blossoming plants..

tarsar marsar trek video

Tarsar Lake

The glacier fed, oligotrophic Lake, Max. Length: 2 kilometers (1.2 mi) Surface area: 2 km2 (0.77 sq mi) Max. Width: 0.8 kilometers (0.50 mi). Situated upper reaches of Kolahoi mountain ranges of Himalayas. The lake is separated by a mountain with elevation of 4000 meters. From other lake of same nature known as Marsar Lake. Which is in the vicinity of Srinagar Dachigam national park near Mahadev mountain peak. These are twin sisters known as Tarsar Marsar Lakes.

Tarsar Marsar Lakes Trek

Tarsar Marsar Lakes Trek Itinerary

Kashmir Tarsar Marsar Trek Summary:  Trekking region : Aru valley Pahalgam District, Anantnag Jammu and Kashmir, North Indian Himalayas. Elevation 4000 meters, Grade: Cross country Moderate, Time requires , 5 to 7 Days. Total Distance 55 KM. Best time June, July, August, September, October. The trekking itinerary for 6 nights 7 Days. From Aru valley to Sumbal Sonamrg for Fixed departure or group treks Link .

Aru valley Pahalgam

Day 1 : Srinagar to Aru Valley (Distance 114 KM 4 Hours drive) . Pick up from Airport or Srinagar and drive through Pampore saffron fields. Kashmir willow bat factories, Awantipora ancient temple ruins. Apple garden, Pahalgam , and finally a narrow high mountain route from Pahalgam to Aru valley. After reaching Aru valley and camping for overnight. A warm up walk can be done up to other beautiful Kotpather valley.

Lidderwat valley

Day 2 : Aru Valley to Lidderwat Valley (11 km Distance 4 to 5 hours trek Elevation 2900 meters).   After breakfast the trek passes through Aru market. Before starting the gradual ascend for an hour and reaching up to the first nomadic hutments. From there the trek passes through dense pine forest ahead of the Goirmarg. From Goirmarg the trail meets the Lidder Stream up to the Lidder crossing bridge. Following the bridge crossing furthermore the trail reaches to the Lidderwat valley, overnight camping near fresh water springs.

Day 3: Lidderwat to Sekiwais (8 km Distance 4 hours trek Elevation 3500) . The trekking starts with steep ascend up to Humwais valley ahead of Tarsar stream. After crossing the Tarsar stream, the trail turns narrow up wards to Sikwais valley overnight camping.

Day 4: Sekiwais to Tarsar Lake (8 km Distance 4 Hours Trek Elevation 4000 meters) . T he day starts with leading rise through meadows of Tarsar ranges up to the Tarsar Lake. After reaching to Tarsar Lake overnight camping and sightseeing around lake.

Tarsar Marsar Lakes Trek Video

Marsar Lake Elevation 4000 meters)

Day 5 : Tarsar Lake to Marsar Lake (8 km Distance 4 Hours Trek Elevation 4000 meters) . Afterbreakfast the trek start with sudden ascend up to the cliff of Tarsar Lake. After reach on the pass a beautiful panoramic view of Tarsar Lake. And begins steep descending up to the open valleys of Zachmarg. After reaching the Zachmarg campsite furthermore the visit to Sundersar and Marsar Lakes.

Sonmais Valley 3200 Meters)

Day 6: Marsar Lake to Sonmais Valley (9 km Distance 5 Hours Trek 3200 Meters) . The day start easy walking up to Sonamais top. And begins a steep difficult ascend up to Sonmais valley after reaching the Sonmais campsite, sightseeing around the valley.

Sumbal ( 14 km Distance 6 to 7 Hours Trek )

Day 7: Sonmais to Sumbal ( 14 km Distance 6 to 7 Hours Trek ) . After early morning breakfast descending in dense forest.  Encountering wildlife up to Sumbal stop where car will pick us up and drive to Srinagar via Kangan Ganderbal over night house boat.

Day 8 : Shikara tour in Dallake and drop airport.

Book Kashmir Tarsar Marsar Lakes Trek  

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Kashmir Treks

Tarsar Marsar Pahalgam Trek


The Tarsar-Marsar Trek is a best alternative and most beautiful than its sibling Great Lakes trek.  The trek expedition lies in the remote valley of Aru in Lidder Valley. The Tarsar-Marsar as the name suggests treks to the twin lakes of Tarsar and Marsar. The lakes are separated by a mountain.

The route of the Tarsar Marsar trek lies under the towering height of the highest mountain peak of Kashmir, Mount Kolhoi (5400M). It crosses streams, plenty of colorful meadows. Tarsar Marsar trek route falls within the boundaries of Overa-Aru Wildlife Sanctuary. Long tailed marmots are seen through out the trek, with a rare possibility of a sight of Himalayan Brown bears high up in the meadows.

Though trekking in Kashmir is not the newest but still this expedition is no walk in the park. Arduous days, steep and rocky passes, and altitudes approaching 4000m all collide to create a challenging trek in one of the most beautiful and serene Himalayas of Kashmir.

While planning your trek, as a beginner keep the following points in consideration:-

  • you feel fit enough to trek for hours.
  • you walk two or three kilometers daily.
  • you don’t have any breathing problems.
  • you are not scared of heights.


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High Altitude Precautions PDF

HAP pdf

What’s included in the Price?

Twin sharing; 2 persons in a 3-man-tent

Tents (twin sharing), dining and kitchen tent, toilet tents, sleeping bags and mats. Trekking poles (1 per person) also included.

Languages; English, Urdu, Hindi and Kashmiri

Trek -4 meals per day (Breakfast, Lunch, Tea snacks, Dinner)

Wildlife Permits

Packed bottled mineral drinking water (2 ltrs per person) on first day of the trek. Boiled drinking water for the rest trek-days

What’s not included in the Price?

Costs associated with a medical incident, such as your evacuation from the mountain and/ or hospitalization (for which you should have travel insurance)

Additional cost of INR 800/Per Person (one way) An Innova Car (6 person occupancy)

Brief Itinerary

Day 1 :- Arrive Aru Valley, Pahalgam

  • Arrive Aru Pahalgam (Alt. 2450m)
  • Meet our staff for briefings
  • Our first campsite Aru Village

(Welcome Tea, dinner at the camp)

Day 2:- Aru to Lidderwat.

  • Altitude: 2450m to 28oom
  • 9 kms trek, approx 5 hours

(Breakfast, lunch, tea, dinner)

Day 3 :- Liderwat to Sekwas

  • Altitude: 2800m to 3350m
  • 6 km trek, approx 5 hours

Day 4:- Sekwas to Tarsar Lake

  • Altitude: 3350m to 3700m
  • 5 km trek, approx 4 hours

Day 5:- Tarsar to Sundersar

  • Altitude: 3700m to 3850
  • 7 km trek, approx 5 hours trek

Day 6:- Sundersar to Homwas via Marsar

  • Altitude: 3850 to 3400m
  • 9 kms trek, approx 6 hours

Day 7:- Homwas to Aru

  • Altitude: 3400m to 2150m
  • 13 kms trek, approx 6 hours
  • End of the trek

(Breakfast, Lunch)

Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: – Arrival. Reception at Aru Valley, Pahalgam. On arrival at Aru Valley bus station, our representative will receive you and shift you to the tented campsite where you will be provided with a welcome tea or kahwa. Meet our guide and staff for an introduction and briefing. Aru is the last town with a market before the start of the trek. Dinner at the campsite.

Day 2: – Aru to Lidderwat. A gradual ascent from Aru to Lidderwat covering a distance of 10 km in 6 hours with an altitude gain of 342 m. Look out for two clear streams and a wooden bridge half hour before Lidderwat. We also pass through Nandkei Gujjar nomad settlements across the Lidder river. Once we reach Lidderwat, we can explore the meadows and the clear streams that run through it which is an absolute delightful experience. Camp for the nightstay at Lidderwat

Day 3: – Lidderwat to Sekhwas. While trekking to Sekhwas we gain an altitude of 480 m in 5 hours covering a distance of 6 km. The trail is mostly ascending with intermediate flat grounds and one river crossing en route. After passing through pine forests and some intermittent clearings we will reach wide sweeping grasslands that are formed from the merger of many valleys that converge here. The trail climbs swiftly past a few Gujjar huts to the camping grounds of Sekhwas. Camp for the night at Sekhwas.

Day 4: – Shekwas to Tarsar. It is a gentle climb to Tarsar through tall grasses, a few ridges and finally to the shore of the lake. Tarsar Lake is 5 km above Sekhwas and takes 4 hours with an altitude gain of 518 meters. The turquoise blue water is surrounded by lush meadows and snow capped peaks – this campsite is truly heaven on earth. Camp at Tarsar for an overnight stay.

Day 5: – Tarsar to Sundersar. The trek to Sundersar covers a distance of 5 km in 5 hours with a pass crossing. Some trekkers attempt a trek to Marsar, which is a closed lake set inside a cauldron with steep sides. The trail is a steep ascent in the beginning, followed by a descent and then a final gentle ascent to the beautiful Sundarsar a small lake. Around the lake are long meadow stretches with little sprouting flowers of yellow, blue and white. Sundarsar has big, flat stretches that is a perfect camping spot.

Day 6: – Visit Marsar, and get down to Homwas. The trail initially is a climb to Marsar, which is at an altitude of 4100m. We explore the surrounding meadows, and finally descend to 3400m. The trek covers a distance of approximately 8 km in 6 hours. The Homwas valley is a sharp drop of over 600m, over a series of meadows. Each of these meadows has a little stream that runs down from snow melts and falls down to the meadow below forming a clear pond, before sliding off the cliff as a waterfall. The Homwas valley floor, again, is a breathtaking piece of nature’s art with small streams, brooks and green pastures. Camp for the night at Homwas.

Day 7: – Homwas to Aru. Descend 1370m, and 14 km from Homwas to Aru. An early start will get us to Aru in about 5 hours. The trek ends at Aru where from you can proceed to your next destination. Our guide can arrange transportation to Srinagar or Pahalgam.

What to Carry?

The trek is supported by horses. You will need to carry only a light sack, weighing about 4-6kg for your items like passport, money, and camera gear. The following is a list of the items you should carry on the trek. If you have items that can not be used on the trek, you can store them at our houseboat or our office and take them back after returning from the trek.

  • Please note that only postpaid Indian mobile sim cards (Jio, Airtel and BSNL) work in Kashmir Valley. There’s no cellular connectivity from Day 2 to Day 6 of the trek.
  • Please double check your passport or Aadhar numbers before submitting through booking form. These numbers are required for preparation of trek permits.
  • Passport or a valid ID card
  • Duffel Bag 60 liters
  • One Pair Trekking Shoes
  • One Pair Trail Approach Shoes
  • Trekking Pants
  • Hooded Rain Jacket
  • One Pair Sunglasses
  • One Pair Liner Gloves
  • Small Size Day-Pack
  • Two Pair Trekking Socks
  • One Pair Sandals
  • Extra Warm Clothes
  • Warm Hooded Down Jacket
  • Sunscreen Cream
  • Any Personal Medication

Kashmir Treks are achievable by anyone with a healthy lifestyle and a good level of general fitness. Team members should be willing to be part of a team working together to achieve the goal of the expedition. As a team member, you should have an adventurous and robust spirit. The biggest challenge on this expedition will be the many consecutive days of challenging trekking across alpine terrain, much of which at altitudes of above 3000m.

Minimum fitness requirements

  • Trek: up to 7km per day.
  • Daily activity: up to 5 hours’ trekking per day.
  • Carry: up to 5kg in a day-sack.
  • Terrain: remote, uneven, snowy, icy, rocky, sometimes exposed terrain at up to 4200m.
  • Climate: Can be sunny in valleys and cold and windy at high altitudes. June and September months are cooler than those of July and August. Averages are 3000m, 1°C to 20°C.
  • Swim: not required though there will be stream crossings to make.

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Video title

Tarsar Marsar Trek

A Shorter and Easier Alternative to the Kashmir Great Lakes Trek

Available Batches

August 2024, september 2024.

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Brief Description


Brief Itinerary

Detailed itinerary.

Arrival at Aru (8,038 ft)-103 km drive

Report at Dal Lake gate number 1 at 12 noon. You will board a vehicle that takes you on a 2 hour drive to Aru, winding roads that take you through one of Kashmir’s famed tourist destinations of Pahalgam. Aru, our base camp for the Tarsar - Marsar trek, is another 12 kms ahead of Pahalgam. Stay overnight in tents at the open grassy campsite at Aru.

Aru to Lidderwat (9.022 ft)-8 kms

We head out into the tree cover, visible at a distance from the campsite, leaving behind the green pen pastures. The trek starts with a gradual ascend for 2 to 3 hours through a beautiful pine forest trail. A short level walk along the Lidder river thereafter brings you to a tea stall. Another gradual ascend for 1 hour and you can see the Lidder forest rest house in sight. Cross a bridge and get to the Lidder campsite on the other side of the river.

Lidderwat to Sekhwas (11,154 ft)-6 kms

The day’s trek starts with a moderate to steep ascent for 1 hour, followed by a level walk for another hour before we break for lunch, beside a gentle stream. We leave the tree line behind here, and ascend gradually for 1 more hour to reach the Shekwas campsite. From here one can get a good view of the surrounding mountains and the path heading up to the Tarsar lake. A short 1 hour hike from the Sekhwas campsite will take you to the small yet charming Jadar Lake. Return to Sekhwas and rest for the night.

Sekhwas to Tarsar Lake (12,467 ft) -4 kms

A trek to the first of the lakes, Tarsar, is on the agenda today. We trek uphill from the Shekwas campsite, keeping the stream flowing down to our right. The views of the mountains get grander and more snow-clad peaks become visible all around us as we approach the Tarsar Lake. 2 hours of trekking and the beautiful lake reveals itself amidst imposing mountain ridges on 3 sides. A wonderful opportunity to camp next to the emerald blue waters of Tarsar Lake. Spend the day exploring the trails around the Tarsar Lake only to witness the grandeur of the lake surrounded by majestic mountains. The beauty of the lake is that it changes colors depending on the time of the day, season and the angle from which one looks at the lake. Retire for the night.

Tarsar to Sundersar (12,960 ft) via Sonamous Pass (12,960 ft)- 6 km

Today, we have to cross the ridge which surrounds the Tarsar lake. An hour's climb to the top of the ridge and then we descend into the valley on the other side. The view of the valley leading to Zachmargi on the other side of the ridge is simply breathtaking. Upon descending into the valley, we walk along the stream which drains from Sundarsar. Set up camp at Sundarsar. Relax and admire the serene Sundersar Lake. Retire for the night.

Visit Marsar Lake (12, 946 ft) and go to Homwas (11,500 ft) via Marsar ridge (13,201 ft)- 9 km

Walking around Sundersar, we trek up and over a saddle on a ridge located on the far side of the lake. Marsar is an hour's trek away from here. The trail takes you to a vantage point which gives you unparalleled views of the Marsar Lake, which is almost always engulfed under clouds and mist. The weather this height turns bad fast and is unpredictable. So, after soaking in the beauty of the lake and its surroundings, we turn back towards Zachmargi from Sundersar. From here instead of taking the Tarsar pass and reach Sekhwas, we trek for 2 to 3 hours to reach the campsite of Homwas. Retire for the night.

Homwas to Aru (8038 ft) to Srinagar - 13 km. Drive 103 km to Srinagar

Today we depart the campsite of Homwas and take the same route we took at the beginning of the trek to reach Aru via Lidderwat. A two hours descent from Homwas will take you to Lidderwat and this time you can witness all the epic views that you had missed earlier on this trail. Passing through the pine forests of Lidderwat, we rest at Lidderwat for some time before resuming our trek to Aru which will take about 4 more hours to cover. Expect to reach Aru by 1600 hours and our vehicles will be waiting at Aru to drive you to Srinagar. Expect to reach Srinagar by 1900 hours.

What's Included

  • Meals during the trek
  • Forest Permits/Camping Charges/Permits, Trek Permit Fee/IMF Permission (Upto the amount charged for Indian nationals)
  • Camping tents, Temp rated sleeping bags, mattress
  • Safety Equipment includes static rescue rope, seat harness, carabiners, pulleys
  • Mountaineering course certified Trek Leader with Wilderness Emergency Responder & Rescue. course from NIM Uttarkashi
  • First Aid Certified Local guide, cook, helpers
  • Porters or mules for carrying common luggage

What's Not Included

  • Meals during road journeys
  • Any kind of Insurance
  • Any expense of personal nature
  • Portage of personal backpack
  • Any expense not specified in the inclusion list
  • Transportation to and from Srinagar

Are you Eligible for this Adventure?

Located at an elevation of 4,000M, Tarsar Marsar Trek is a moderate level trek which for its difficulty level is suitable for anyone with some prior experience of high-altitudes.

Max Altitude

tarsar marsar trek video

BRS Level Required

Tarsar Marsar Trek is a level 4 adventure on the Bikat Rating Scale.

TThis makes it mandatory for you tomhave high-altitude experience of preferably multiple treks marked at level 3 on the BRS. The altitude, the terrain, and the nature of the climb demand a certain level of endurance and a need for you to be aware of how your body reacts to the various features of the high-altitude environment.

If you do not know what level of BRS trek would suit you best, worry not! Fill out this Form:

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we will send you a progression chart to help you comfortably get out of your comfort zone in order to level up and ultimately reach your highest potential in the big, bad world of outdoor adventure.

Packing List

This is a list of essential items for individuals doing the trek with Bikat Adventures. This list contains only those items which the participants are required to bring with them. The list excludes those items which are provided by Bikat Adventures on the trek. We have divided the items into five categories. All the items in the list are essential except for those marked as optional.

Trekking Gear

  • Ruck sack bag with rain cover. Qty -1
  • Day Pack Bag - Recommended for treks with summit day
  • Head Torch with spare Batteries. Qty -1
  • U V protection sunglasses. Qty -1 Here is how you can choose the best sunglasses for trekking.
  • Water Bottles: 2 bottles of 1 liter each
  • Non-skid, deep treaded, high-ankle trekking shoes Qty -1
  • Pair of light weight Slipper/Sandals Qty -1
  • Quick Dry Warm lower or Track Pants. Qty - 2
  • Full sleeves T-shirts/ Sweatshirts. 1 for every 2 days of trekking
  • Pair of thick woolen socks. 1 pair for every two days of trekking
  • Thermal Body warmer Upper & Lower. Qty-1
  • Undergarments. Qty - 1 for every day of trekking
  • Warm jacket closed at wrist & neck .Qty-1
  • Full sleeves sweater. Qty -1
  • Rain wear ( Jacket & Pants ) . Qty-1
  • Pair of waterproof, warm gloves. Qty-1
  • Woolen cap. Qty-1
  • Sun shielding Hat. Qty -1
  • Personal toiletries kit (Small Towel, Toilet paper, paper soap, Bar soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, cold cream, etc.)
  • Sun screen lotion small pack. Qty -1 Here is your Sun Protection 101 to stay safe in the bright sunny outdoors.
  • Lip Balm small pack. Qty-1
  • Small size, Light weight & Leak proof lunch box. Qty-1
  • Plate. Qty- 1
  • Spoon.Qty-1
  • Tea/Coffee (plastic) Mug.Qty-1


  • Camera (Optional)
  • Carry your medicines in plenty in case you have any specific ailment. Consult your doctor before joining the trek.
  • Dry fruits, Nuts, Chocolate bars (Optional)

Frequently Asked Questions

Eligibility, is this adventure good for me, what’s a good fitness benchmark for this adventure, what skills do i need to complete this adventure, what is the minimum and maximum age limit, about the activity, where is it located, what are some of its highlights, what are some of its challenges, what is the best season for this, what is the accommodation type, what is the temperature like here, is it technically challenging, connectivity, how do i reach the starting point, is there cellular network available throughout, where is the nearest atm, if i choose to travel to the base with you, what is the pick-up point, what time is the drop-off on the last day, what are the nearby attractions that i can explore, equipment & gear, what equipment is provided to us, what can i rent from you, where will i receive the rented items, where do i have to return the rented items, what gear do i need to bring, are there local shops to rent/buy equipment, facilities & additional services, can i offload my bag, can i leave any extra luggage i carry at the base of this adventure, what are the meals like, what are the washroom/ toilet facilities like, what should i do if i get my period on this adventure, what are the medical facilities available to me on this adventure, are there any electricity charging points on this adventure, mandatory documents, what documents do i need to carry, do i need insurance for this, do i need a permit for this, certification, do you provide a certificate of completion, when and how will i get the certificate of completion, international travel, will i need a visa, when should i apply for the visa, what kinds of insurance do i need to travel here, what is the specialty of this when compared to other mountain ranges, till which month can i make a booking for this, what is the qualification of the outdoor leader provided to us, how do you choose your outdoor leaders, is it safe for women, what is the ratio of outdoor leader to participants, what do you do in case of an emergency, what are the rescue options on this adventure, how do you choose your equipment, can i attempt this adventure if i have a specific medical condition, sustainability, what kind of camping do you practice on your outdoor adventures, why are you against fixed camping in the outdoors, how do you manage overcrowding on certain trails, what are some things to remember when using a dry toilet, why should i avoid wet wipes in the outdoors, where should i dispose of my sanitary waste if i am on my period, why should i carry my own utensils on an outdoor adventure, booking process, what happens after i make the payment, do you create a whatsapp group of participants before the start date of the activity, do i need to submit a medical certificate, do i need to submit an undertaking form.

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Small Group Size

Our batch sizes are capped at 15 for smaller treks with the trek leader and trekker ratio of 1:8. This ratio, in our years of experience, has proven to deliver the best trekking experience for individuals as well as groups. Capping the size of the group ensures individual attention to each trekker so that no signs of distress or need during the trek go unnoticed. It also helps to form a more cohesive cohort with better group energy which helps define the rhythm and pace of days on the trek. As you go higher up on the BRS scale, since the stakes are higher, expeditions have an even smaller group size with the ratio of expedition leader to climber set at 1:2.

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Qualified Trek Leaders

We follow a rigorous regime of hiring and training our experts in the field. Each trek leader is a certified mountaineer with years of experience in the field. In addition to their qualification, they also go through practical and situational training to tackle any and all kinds of sudden conditions that may present themselves on the ground. Being unpredictable is the core nature of the mountains but being ready for any circumstance as best as possible is a controllable asset that we try to nurture. Our field experts are also trained in basic medicine and first-aid response. Watch: Forerunners - The Making of A Trek Leader At Bikat Adventures

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Guided Progression

Since Bikat Adventures is a learning-based organization, we help you climb up the ladder of difficulty within the sphere of outdoor adventure systematically. Our on-ground training modules are designed to handhold you through the upskilling process so that you are ready to take on bigger challenges.

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Equipment Quality and Check

All the gear used on our treks and expeditions is tried and tested, maintained for good quality, and is overall top-notch in quality and condition. We are continually looking to obtain the best of everything there is in the market so as to ensure optimum safety.

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Support Systems

Along with the staff you see on-ground, we have a team of superheroes working in the background to give you the best experience possible. Our background team also comprises local staff from each area who know the region best. Having local support helps with studying the area, pre-planning, execution, and in receiving timely support in case of emergencies in these remote locations.

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Our on-field staff is in constant contact with our teams based in primary locations so as to eliminate any avoidable delay in reaching additional help and support when required. We try to use the best tools for communication available, including satellite phones, in regions where they are not restricted.

What our customers Say

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Cancellation Policy

Cash refund

Cancellations up to 30 days prior to departure date

5% deduction

Cancellations between 30 days to 15 days prior to departure date

50% deduction

Cancellations within 15 days prior to departure date

Voucher refund

Cancellations up to 5 days prior to departure date

No Deduction

Cancellations within 5 days prior to departure date

  • Cash refund is applicable only in case of bookings made without using any promotional offer code or vouchers
  • This is only a brief of cancellation terms. For finer details please refer Detailed Cancellation Policy.

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  • How To Reach
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34°08'17.1"N 75°08'49.2"E

Tarsar Marsar Trek

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Surfraw, Kashmir

Pickup Point

Tourist Reception Center, Srinagar

Minimum Age

  • Tarsar Marsar Trek is arguably the prettiest trek in India. 
  • Tarsar Marsar  is a stunning trek with three alpine lakes- Tarsar, Marsar, and Sundarsar which mesmerize one with their beauty. 
  • This trek provides travellers with a refreshing experience! Glee in this moderate level trek with friends and family for an unparalleled experience.

Among countless other stunning trekking trails, Kashmir is also home to the iconic Tarsar Marsar trek . The trek leads to three incredible alpine lakes, namely Tarsar, Marsar, and Sundarsar.  Of all the trekking destinations in India, you can excuse us if we're a bit partial towards Kashmir, where trekking as an experience is on another tangent of beauty altogether.   The trail coils through iconic meadows of Kashmir, stunning high altitude pastures and forests and pastures. The campsites on this trek sit right beside the surreal beauty of these lakes, and a sprawling sky studded with a million stars watch over you. If you're lucky, you may even catch a glimpse of an arm of the Milky Way in all its stellar glory. Besides the beautiful terrains, the beautiful mountain valleys and rustic villages of Kashmir leave you awestruck. 

Best Time To Tarsar Marsar Trek

The best time for Tarsar Marsar trek is from July to August when the floral colours and greenery are in full bloom. The snow cover melts in May/June, leaving behind a lush carpet of colours behind. The weather is also quite pleasant during this window.

Temperature at Tarsar Marsar trek

The temperature ranges from 17 to 20 degrees Celsius during the daytime and 3 to 8 degrees Celsius at night.

Advisory Note : Prior to your your adventure with Trekmunk, it will be mandatory to sign the waiver form and get a medical certificate from a doctor 15 days before the trek, without these, you will not be allowed to start the trek. You'll also need to upload your ID on the website. We need these paperwork of yours to get the permit from tourism department which only issues the permits 10 days or earlier before the trek date. All this can also be done online without using any paper. 

Brief Itinerary

Detailed itinerary, day 1 : drive from srinagar to surfraw and overnight stay at surfraw campsite.

Surfraw is a small village in Ganderbal district and sits on the north side of Sundersar lake. This itinerary will take the north side approach to the lakes. The campsite is approx 1 km from Surfraw village. You'll enjoy a short hike through a quaint village.

Day 2 : Trek from SurfrawSonmasti

Day 3 : trek from sonmasti to zajmarg, day 4 : trek from zajmargi to tarsar lake, day 5 : trek form tarsar to marsar and sundarsar, day 6 : sundersar to sonmasti, day 7 : trek from sonmasti to surfraw; drive to srinagar.

We can arrange a cab for you from the pickup point in Srinagar, the charges for the same are not included in the package. The cost of the cab can be shared among the trekkers joining the trek. For communications purposes, we will create a Whatsapp Group before the departure date of the trek and will share the details regarding the transportation. The drop at Srinagar after the trek will be arranged in a similar way.

Cab cost keeps fluctuating but they tend to be approx 4000/- one way for Innova or similar class vehicle.

How To Reach Tarsar Marsar Trek Starting point in Kashmir:

Surfraw is the base camp for this trek. Srinagar Airport is well connected to the major cities of the country. Frequent flights ply from Delhi, Jammu, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chandigarh, and Kolkata. You will have to take a cab from the airport to Surfraw.

Srinagar is accessible from the other parts of the country via the National Highway 1D. The Srinagar Bus Stand is well connected to Delhi, Chandigarh, and Jammu.  You will have to take a cab to Surfraw.

The Jammu Tawi Railway station is the most convenient stop, from where frequent buses and cabs are available for Srinagar.  You will have to take a cab to Surfraw.

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Why trek with us .

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Fixed Departures All

Get yourself fit, nutrition tips, things to take, health & safety.

  • Accommodations at Trek:  All accommodations on the trek will be on twin sharing basis in Tents.
  • Mountain Guide:  An experienced  mountain guide  will accompany you for the trek. The team will have years of experience and well equipped for any emergency situation.
  • Services of a Professional Trekking Team:  A team of an experienced Cook, Camp Staff, Porters/Mules will accompany you for all the arrangements on the trek .
  • Meals at Trek:  All Meals on the Trek are included. We will serve Vegetarian Indian food on the trek which will be cooked by our high altitude chefs. It will be a five-course meal plan.
  • Camping and Safety Equipment:  All the camping equipment such as Tents, Sleeping bags, Toilet Tents, Dining Tent, Mattresses, and other things will be provided by us and we guarantee the quality. Safety Equipment including Medical kit, Oxygen Cylinder, Oximeter, Crampons & Gaiters(if required) will be provided by us. We recommend you to bring your own sleeping bags if possible.
  • Trek Permits and Forest Camping Charges:  Only for Indian Clients, All the applicable trekking permits, Camping Charges, Forest Entry Fee, etc will be paid by us. Foreigners have to pay these charges if not mentioned.
  • A Life-Changing Experience:  We assure you that by trekking in the Himalayas you will have a life-changing experience and we will do everything we can to provide you with the best services and make your venture in the wild an unforgettable one. 

Note:  Prior to your your adventure with Trekmunk, it will be mandatory to sign the waiver form and get a medical certificate from a doctor 15 days before the trek, without these, you will not be allowed to start the trek. You'll also need to upload your ID on the website. We need these paperwork of yours to get the permit from tourism department which only issues the permits 10 days or earlier before the trek date.

  • GST and Other Taxes:  The goods and services tax is not included in the price mentioned with the trek. They are subjected to change according to the government rules of India.
  • Accommodation and Food in Srinagar:  Food and stay in Srinagar and during transit to Surfraw and back are not included in the package. You can book your hotels or home-stays in Srinagar, we can recommend a few good options.
  • Flights and Transportation to and fro Srinagar:  Flights or other means of transport are not included in the package. 
  • Transportation from Srinagar to Base Camp (Surfraw) and vice versa : Transportation from Srinagar to Surfraw and vice versa is not included in the package. Transportation from Srinagar to Surfraw and back to Srinagar on last day of the trek (Cost of 5-6 seater cab one way is approx Rs. 4000/- Which is shared between the fellow trekkers which will pick you up from Tourist Reception Center, Dal Gate 1, Srinagar) is not included in the package. We can arrange a cab for you according to your requirements but you will be liable to pay for the same. Any expenses occurred during the journey are not included in the package cost.
  • Personal Equipment:  Your Rucksack, personal clothing, shoes, trek poles, and other personal trekking gear is not included in this package. You have to bring your own gear according to the weather and difficulty of the trek.
  • Portage of Personal Bags(Offloading):  We highly advise you to carry your own burden (your rucksack) but due to any reason, if you wish to not carry your rucksack, we can arrange for a porter/mule to carry it. For this service, you will be charged over and above the trek cost. The charges for offloading vary with every trek.
  • Travel Insurance:  Travel Insurance is not included in this package. We recommend you to have travel insurance before opting for such adventures. You can buy insurance from us while booking the trek, it is optional.
  • Personal Expenses:  Any personal expenses incurred (Laundry, Bottled Water, Beverages, Snacks, Orders at tea houses or dhabas, Tips for guides, Camera fees, etc) are not included in the package.
  • Emergency Expenses:  Any costs arising out of unforeseen circumstances such as accidents, bad weather, landslides, road conditions and any other circumstances beyond our control are not included in the package.
  • Anything not mentioned in Inclusions of the package.

Cancellation Policy And More Information

Booking terms:, confirmation policy:.

Upon Booking, An invoice will be sent to your mail & within 12 to 24 hours the booking confirmation with additional details will be sent to your mail.

Cancellation Policy:

This image is only a brief visual representation of the policy.

Please read the detailed policy carefully by clicking on this text.

tarsar marsar trek video

Refund Policy:

Any refund applicable will be processed within 10 to 15 business days as per the company policy.

Postpone/Transfer of a booked trek:

a) You can postpone your booked trek for a period of two months (61 days) but Trekmunk will charge a 20% processing fee. The last date for the postponement will be 15 days before the start of the trek. You can book any slot for the same trek in the next 2 months (61 days) which will totally depend on the availability. You will have to confirm your slot for your future trek 15 days prior to that trek. Failing to book the slot in 2 months (61 days) time, would be considered a cancellation with no refund of any kind. The 2 months (61 days) time frame will be from the start date of the initial trek you booked for. Postponing a booked trek can only be done once. If it is postponed 45 days before the departure date, we will not charge any fee.

b) You can transfer your booked slot for the trek to any fit person till 15 days before the trek. You just have to mail us the request and rest we will handle. The new person has to get all the mandatory documents duly signed for the trek and is bound with this booking contract. It is the participant's responsibility to read and agree to all these terms.

More Information: 

1. We Trek for a Cause: For overall development of the areas we run our operations in, we donate Rs 100/- per booking from our profits which are used for the upliftment of the local people and conserving nature. We have named this initiative as - Trek for a Cause. For more details, follow:  https://www.trekmunk.com/trek-for-a-cause

2. We are paperless: We are focusing on Sustainable Tourism and to do that we are trying all measures to convert our trek operations to be Eco-Friendly. Going Paperless is one step closer to our aim. 

3. Single-Use Plastic: Trekmunk does not encourage the use of single-use plastic items. We are ensuring that our team is working together to reduce the problem and educate those around them. We will send you instructions on how to go plastic-free on your adventures.

4. Preparing for your Holiday: Getting some additional exercise makes a lot of sense to spend time before coming on a trekking adventure. The fitter you are, the more enjoyable you will find the experience. Hiking in the hill country is the best training but jogging, squash and swimming are also good for developing cardiovascular fitness and stamina. To read more on how to get fit, follow:  https://www.trekmunk.com/get-fit-for-trek  

5. Electricity Supply & Plug: You will get electricity supply till the starting point of the trek. If not Indian, We recommend you check if you require an adaptor for your electrical items at:  http://www.worldstandards.eu/electricity/plugs-and-sockets/

6. Currency:  The unit of currency in India is the Indian Rupees.

7. Health & Vaccinations: 

Severe Allergies: If you have a severe allergy please inform the Trekmunk office before you travel. We will do all we can to help, but we cannot guarantee an allergy-free environment on trekmunk trips. You will need to carry your own treatment for the allergy with you, as 'adrenaline auto-injectors' are not carried as standard by our leaders and staff. You should inform your leader on the arrival of your allergy, and let them know where you keep your adrenaline pen.

Vaccinations: You should contact your doctor or travel clinic to check whether you require any specific vaccinations or other preventive measures. You should be up to date with routine courses and boosters as recommended e.g. diphtheria-tetanus-polio and measles-mumps-rubella, along with hepatitis A and typhoid. Malarial prophylaxis is not usually required for trips in the mountains, however, if you are visiting rural and remote low lying areas then they might be necessary. 

8. Passport & Visas/Identity Proofs: If foreigner, Validity for 6 months, should have blank pages, and should be kept with yourself all the time.

9. Water: If you are on a trekking or cycling holiday, water is supplied to fill up your individual bottles. This will be boiled or filtered. Additionally, you should take purification tablets or a filter bottle (such as a LifeStraw, Sawyer Filter) to treat your water when in towns or where water is not supplied. We do not encourage the purchasing of single-use plastic bottles.

10. Altitude: This adventure involves going to a very high altitude. This is not something that you should worry about; the human body is quite capable of adapting to a very wide range of altitudes, but it is important that we follow some simple rules in order to acclimatize successfully. We will send you the information in your mailbox about Acute Mountain Sickness and trekking in high altitudes. On this trip, we carry bottled oxygen for use in emergencies.

11. Guidance on Tipping: Tipping is the accepted way of saying thank you for good service. Normally the guide and any other trek staff are given their tips at the end of the trek and this is best done as a group. The main guide will make sure that the tip is appropriately distributed among all the staff members on the trek.

12. Spending/Emergency Money: Approximately Rs. 8000-10000/- (in Indian Currency)should be carried for miscellaneous expenses including porter and trek crew tips, drinks, soft drinks, etc. We recommend that you carry your travel money in the form of cash as the availability of ATM is less in these remote areas. This can also serve as your emergency spending money.

13. Travel Insurance: It is mandatory to have an insurance for this trek. When taking out insurance please ensure the policy you choose covers you for the activities and altitude included in your itinerary. We will ask for the Travel Insurance Details over a mail.

I had an amazing trek with Trekmunk to Sandakphu November and December 2019. From the first moment of inquiry about the trek and all my questions were answered clearly and on time thanks to Dheeraj who managed to facilitate the trek quite well with his communication. Our guide Ar ...

I had the most wonderful experience trekking through the ranges of Chandrashila with Trekmunk. The small moments of achievement were phenomenal. Chandrashila is the most astonishing peak that I've ever trekked through; I've never been so fascinated. I think I am going to go for a ...

We were a group of 12 friends and booked a trek to Kedartal with Trekmunk, it was an amazing experience..even though it was our first trek to the Himalayas and Kedartal being a difficult terrain trek we were guided excellently by the Trekmunk team. They served us nutritious food, ...

I had an amazing trek with Trekmunk to Sandakphu November and December 2019. From the first moment of inquiry about the trek and all my questions were answered clearly and on time thanks to Dheeraj who managed to facilitate the trek quite well with his communication. Our guide Arpan was very experienced, calm, patient and very helpful to each trekker's needs in the group. He facilitated to find and hire a porter for me once I needed one although we were in the middle of the trail. He also arranged emergency transportation when I had to cut the trek and go back home for an urgent matter. I really enjoyed their service and I would like to repeat the same trek or try other treks with them again.

I had the most wonderful experience trekking through the ranges of Chandrashila with Trekmunk. The small moments of achievement were phenomenal. Chandrashila is the most astonishing peak that I've ever trekked through; I've never been so fascinated. I think I am going to go for another trek with Trekmunk soon enough! The kind of hospitality that is provided to us is worth appreciating. I made many new friends and have enjoyed each and every day of this trek to its fullest.

We were a group of 12 friends and booked a trek to Kedartal with Trekmunk, it was an amazing experience..even though it was our first trek to the Himalayas and Kedartal being a difficult terrain trek we were guided excellently by the Trekmunk team. They served us nutritious food, took complete care of our safety and health and gave us the right advice to overcome AMS. Eagerly awaiting our next trek with them.

I had the best time of my life at Sandakhphu Phalut trek arranged by Trekmunk. Literally I felt like I was in heaven and I was soo very happy. I will recommend everyone to opt for Trekmunk. I was a solo woman traveler and was a bit worried, but things went very smoothly and I enjoyed it a lot. I miss my fellow trekkers too. I am very satisfied with their arrangements.

I chose (after a lot of research) Trekmunk for my first trek - The Hampta Pass and Chandratal Trek. And I am so really glad I did so. The trekker needs to only focus on the trek and the beautiful landscape around him/her. The rest of everything is taken care of by Trekmunk from day 1 till the end of the trek. Scrupulously managed logistics; no compromise on safety and security; experienced, intelligent and knowledgeable trek leaders; scrumptious meals; contingency and backup plans; etc. make Trekmunk an ideal choice to go trekking with. My trek was lead by Ashish Pathania, Prashant Reddy and Sanjay Thakur. The three are were thorough professionals. They were jolly, very helpful, experienced, knowledgeable, organized, and needless to say polite yet strict when needed. They played the most important roles in making sure our overall trekking experience was a wonderful one. Thank you Trekmunk for one of the most beautiful experiences I have had till date. Will see you guys soon.

tarsar marsar trek video

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The Searching Souls  – चल एक सफर पे

Tarsar marsar Trek

Tour dates & itinerary start your dream adventure now, send enquiry & get itinerary on whats app, tarsar marsar trek.

  • Early Bird Offer 20% off
  • Aru to Aru all inclusive
  • Book Now at Just ₹ 4000
  • Easy rescheduling 15 days prior to trek date
  • Highest Rated Trekking Company in India
  • First Company to Introduce Jumbo Bag (Includes all Trekking Gear)
  • Certified by Startup India, Uttarakhand Tourism, MSME and STU
  • Top 10 Most Promising Adventure Travel Company in India

Call our Tarsar Marsar Expert Mr. Devasheesh to know more about the trek

Trek Duration

Trek Distance

Difficulty Level

Best Season

July - Mid Sept

₹ 16500 ₹ 13500

  • Back Pack offloading ₹ 2500/person
  • Srinagar to Srinagar
  • Veg Meals - Breakfast, Lunch, Evening Snacks and Dinner
  • Tents(Triple Sharing basis), Sleeping Bags, Sleeping Matts
  • Experienced and Qualified Guides
  • Friendly and supportive staff
  • Forest permits
  • Medical Amenities – First Aid Kits, Oxymeters, oxygen cylinders.
  • Sanitised and Hygienic Camp sites and Hotels
  • Anything not mentioned in inclusion list
  • Meals during Transportation
  • Any kind of personal Expenses
  • Unscheduled or extended stay due to road blocks, Landslides, Heavy Snowfalls
  • Porter/mule charges (Personal), Back pack offloading Charges
  • Cost of Evacuation in case of emergency


  • No of Members in group (1-4) : Hatch Back - Alto, Swift or Equivalent Vehicle
  • No of members in Group (5-8) : Tata Sumo/Mahindra Bolero or Equivalent Vehicle
  • No of members in group (9-14): Tempo Traveler
  • July: 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27, 28
  • August: 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18, 24, 25, 31
  • Sept: 1, 7, 8, 14, 15
  • In case you want to Customize Tarsar Marsar trek for your group. Give us a call at 8979920602/8006074398
  • Back Pack offloading ₹ 2800/person
  • Trek Insurance and Medical Certificate
  • No of Members in group (1-4) : Hatchback/Sedan/Sumo/Bolero or Equivalent Vehicle

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How We Make Treks Comfortable and Safe for you?

Jumbo bag

Tarsar Marsar Trek Overview & Itinerary

The Tarsar Marsar Lake Trek is an alpine lake located in Tral valley of Pulwama district in Jammu and Kashmir, India. It is famous for its scenic beauty. The lake is separated by a mountain with a minimum peak elevation of 4,000 metres (13,000 ft) from another lake of the same nature known as Tarsar Lake. 

Due to their close proximity and similar physical characteristics, the two lakes are often called as the “twin sisters”. Tarsar-Marsar Trek is one of the highly opted treks of the Kashmir Valley. Subscribe our YouTube Channel . Trekking in Kashmir along the lakes with lucid blue sky and green meadows gives an amazing view and feeling of complete “paradise.”. 

The lakes glitter as the sun rays falls on the clear blue water of the snow-fed lakes. Tarsar Marsar Trek is an unforgettable experience for adventure enthusiasts who seek to explore nature’s beauty while challenging themselves physically. It is a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural experiences, and physical challenges, making it one of India’s most beautiful treks.

What is special about Tarsar Marsar trekking?

  • One of the most prettiest monsoon Treks in India
  • One of the few trekking options available in monsoon
  • Witness Most scenic and picturesque lakes Tarsar, Marsar and Sundersar
  • Takes you to pahalgam and Aru valley which is the heart of Kashmir-the crown of India
  • Witness everything from  meadows, glaciers, passes, and mesmerizing lakes

Tarsar Marsar Trek Video

Experience with tss.


  • Reach Srinagar and get welcomed by our team at TRC office near Dal Lake. Reporting time 11:00 AM
  • Afternoon drive to Aru base camp (3-4 Hours)
  • Overnight stay at camp site
  • Moderate trek through the rolling slopes of  Lidder Valley.
  • An excellent campsite for overnight stay and rest followed by dinner.
  • After breakfast, trek starts with a moderate to steep ascent 
  • Enjoy the day as you cross multiple streams with deep valleys and big meadows on both sides.
  • We camp overnight at beautiful Shekwas.
  • After breakfast, we start from Shekhwas meadow, crossing lush green grasslands you will reach Sumbal.
  • Crossing a stream through rocks and boulders you reach Tarsar grasslands.
  • Overnight Stay at camp.
  • Head towards Tarsar pass and cross over to beautiful Sundarsar lake nestled in long grassy stretches.
  • Dinner and Camp overnight at the lake site.
  • Trail from Sundarsar stretched far across the lake, and towards Marsar.
  • Marsar is a hidden beauty, almost always engulfed under dollops of clouds and mist. 
  • Descend to Homwas camps.
  • Start trekking early in the morning to reach Aru by afternoon.
  • We’ll be passing the Lidderwat campsite on the way
  • Vehicles will be ready to pick you up at Aru, and you can expect to reach Srinagar by 8 pm. 

Kindly Note: 1. You need to submit your Medical certificate, Adventure Insurance and Aadhar card at least 15 days before the start date of your trek

Tarsar marsar trekking map.

tarsar marsar trek map

Trek Essentials

Tss jumbo bag.

  • Backpack/Ruck Sack (at least 55 Litres) and a small day bag ( upto 15 litres) for summit day
  • Poncho/Raincoat and Rain Cover for Ruck Sack
  • 2 Quick Dry T-shirts (preferably Full Sleeves) and Track Pants
  • Warm Jacket preferably a down jacket or an equivalent heavy jacket to protect from cold at night
  • Comfortable Shoes with a good grip and ankle support. We recommend Quechua Forclaz 100 or similar shoe
  • A pair of fleece jacket or fleece upper
  • Good Thermals for insulation at night
  • Lip Balm and Cold Cream
  • Sun Cap or Sunscreen (SPF 30+)
  • Dark Sunglasses. People who wear spectacle may use photochromatic lenses in their spects
  • 2 pair of warm socks and at least 2 pair of normal cotton socks
  • 1 Pair of slippers/Sandals
  • Woolen Cap and Gloves for night
  • Toiletries – Tooth brush, Tooth paste, Liquid soap, Hand Sanitizers, Slippers, Light Towel, Toilet Roll (Avoid wet tissues as they are not eco friendly)
  • Torch or Headlamp with extra pair of batteries
  • Personal Medical Kit: Crocin-Fever, Avomine-Motion Sickness, Avil 25mg – Allergies, Combiflam, Disprin-headache, Norflox TZ & Lomofen-diarrhea, digene-acidity, omez/rantadine  antacid, crepe bandages, band aids, ORS, betadiene or antiseptic cream, moov spray/volini, cotton, gauze.
  • Water bottle 1 L or Hydration bag 2 L
  • Other personal accessories – Camera, Tripod, mobile charger, power banks(as there will be no electricity during the trek)
  • Being a high altitude trek, this trek is suitable for climbers with good physical condition and stamina.
  • This is a tentative itinerary which may change as per weather conditions
  • We expect you to carry your rucksacks, in case if you want them to be carried by mules back pack offloading charge up to Rs. 300/bag/day is applicable
  • In case of any natural calamity the company will not be able to refund the trip charges, for more details check our cancellation policy

How to Reach Kashmir?

Faq's of tarsar marsar trek.

The difficulty level of Tarsar Marsar Trek is moderate. Spread over 7 days the ascends are of moderate grading with few difficult patches. 

Tarsar Marsar Trek cost varies from Rs. 15000 to Rs. 18000 depending on the group size and the time of the year you are planning to do it. Being a very popular trek there are many companies which sell this trek online but only few companies are service providers.

July, august and September are the best months to do Tarsar Marsar Trek.

Yes a beginner can do Tarsar Marsar trek. If you are a beginner and planning this trek you should have three things in mind.

  • Physical fitness : You don’t have to be a fitness freak to do a trek it is just that basic fitness should be maintained. You should not be obese and should not have any medical ailments.
  • Mental fitness : You should come with an open mindset and be ready for the harsh conditions winters have to offer.
  • Gear : Being a Monsoon trek good gear is extremely essential.

Both treks are the prettiest monsoon treks in the country, equally beautiful and serene. Kashmir Great lakes trek is slightly more difficult than Tarsar Marsar. Kashmir Great lakes is more popular and has more number of trekkers on the trail.

We would say both treks are equally beautiful and the most beautiful in the country

Tarsar Marsar Trek is a moderate level trek with only few difficult sections.

During the day time the temperature varies from 10 to 18 degrees. During the night time it varies from 8 to 0 degrees.

You can keep extra luggage in the base village for any particular trek. There are no cloak roo charges applicable. Its free of cost

If you are going on a trek don’t expect mobile signals. There are few spots on the trails of few treks where you might find a single tower or something but it always depends if that is enough to make a call or not.

As there are no permanent toilets on the trek, we carry toilet tents which are dry toilets so you need to carry wet tissues/tissue wipes with you.

Yes, TSS team can organize private batches for individual groups, but the cost of the trek may vary according to the number of members in your group. You can talk to our trek coordinator via whatsapp/call to get the customized group rates.

It’s a strict no. If you fall sick during the trek due to alcohol consumption TheSearchingSouls has the right to cancel your trek and send you back to base village. No expenses shall be refunded in that case and you will have to pay additional for stay at base village.

Start running/walking at least 3-4 Kms everyday.

If it’s a snow trek a good trekking shoe is mandatory. If you buy a new shoe do walk for few days so that it fits you well and doesn’t leave you with blisters while you trek. If it is a summer trek or post monsoon trek a shoe with good grip and ankle support will do.

We provide 3 Veg meals and evening Snacks. There will be no non veg served during the trek. Eggs may or may not be served depending on the trek.

We will provide sleeping bags, inner liners, sleeping mats, tents. You just need to carry your personal gear. List of personal Gear is in our website under Trek Essentials.

Himalaya Journeys Treks &Expedition prides itself on being prepared for any emergency situation. Our guides are trained in first aid and can deal with most of the basic ailments that occur during a trek. Every camp site has basic first aid and oxygen cylinders But if a serious emergency occurs, we will evacuate you to the base village and nearest hospital but the expenses of that has to be borne by the individual

Why book with TSS?

Higesht Rated

Kashmir also known as “paradise on earth” is also considered the crown of India. Tarsar Marsar Trek starts from Aru and you reach here via pahalgam. This region is one of the most beautiful parts of Kashmir with lush green valleys and rivers all around. It will be a rejuvenating experience for your soul trekking through the beautiful trails of this trek. 

Synopsis of the Tarsar Marsar Trek

Our company, The Searching Soul, offers exciting trekking opportunities in the Tarsar Marsar Trek, a place that offers a magnificent view of the celestial sky, super abundant meadows and snow paths. We organize Tarsar Marsar Trek specially for monsoon trekking as it is a favourable option for trekkers during this time of the year. 

The monsoon trek of Tarsar Marsar propounds trekking with adventure in an easy approach which automatically makes it a convenient option. It is fully embraced with natural wonders that makes it one of the most sought after treks in Kashmir. The temperature during the Tarsar Marsar Trek goes up to 20 degrees during day time and -2 degrees during night. However, the weather in winter sees the mountains covered in spotless white snow, making it inaccessible in winters.

The base camp for the trek is at Aru. The camp is approximately 3-4 hours drive from Srinagar and this journey in itself is enough to overwhelm a person. The drive is via Pahalgam which is another beautiful destination of Kashmir and further leads towards the Aru Valley.  The difficulty level of the Tarsar Marsar Trek is of moderate grading. July, August and September are best months to undertake the trek. The long duration of the trek which is of around seven days makes the overall experience slightly challenging.

TheSearchingSouls team work with a motive to explore the non-commercialized destinations in India through the medium of trekking. Our aim is to focus on the minor details to make comfort accessible to the trekkers while scouting in the nature. We are an expert and have an upper hand in the tours and excursion activities which are related to trekking.

tarsar marsar

Safety with TSS

The Searching Souls have always taken Safety as the utmost Priority in their Treks. We Have a “Zero Negligence” approach toward Safety. As a result, we have taken the Following Steps.

Medical Tents: TSS is the Only Company in the Country that Pitches dedicated Medical Tents to The Slopes at all their Campsites. The Medical Tents consist of a Stretcher, Oxygen Cylinder, First Aid Kits, Oxymeters, and a few other facilities depending on the Slope and the nature of kedarkanta trek. 

Qualified Trek leaders: All Our Trek Leaders are Qualified From the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering and have thorough knowledge and experience of the Mountains.

Emergency Planning: Team TSS always plans a step ahead in the Mountains as we believe anything at any time can happen in the Mountains, All Our trek leaders, Camp managers, and Cooks are aware of what should be the Course of Action in case of Medical emergency and Natural Calamities in the kedarkantha trekking package. 

TSS Support Team: Safety in the Mountains begins at Home, Proper Planning and preparation are Key in any Mountain Trek. TSS Support Team is always available and will help you prepare better for the Trek through their Expert Knowledge and Guidance.

TSS Jumbo Bags: For executive travelers seeking adventure, trekking is a popular way to explore unfamiliar terrain and find inner peace. However, selecting the right equipment can be crucial to ensure safety and comfort during the journey. TSS recognizes this and offers a solution with their MY JUMBO BAG – BUDDY, which includes all necessary gear for a high-altitude trek at an affordable price. The company also emphasizes the importance of quality equipment in ensuring a successful and memorable trek, while cautioning against overpriced or unnecessary items. With TSS, travelers can confidently embark on their trek, knowing they have a reliable companion in their trek bag.

Are you tired of spending a fortune on expensive trekking equipment? Look no further than MY JUMBO BAG – BUDDY. 

Why Experience the wilderness of Tarsar Marsar trek with The Searching Souls?

Expertise: The Searching Souls is a team of experienced trek leaders who are passionate about sharing their love for the outdoors with others. They have extensive knowledge of Kashmir Treks and the surrounding areas, ensuring that you have a safe and enjoyable experience.

Personalized attention: The Searching Souls focuses on adequate group sizes, allowing them to provide personalized attention to each trekker. They take the time to understand your individual needs and interests and customize the trek to ensure that you have the best experience possible.

Safety: Safety is a top priority for The Searching Souls. They provide all necessary safety equipment, including first aid kits and emergency communication devices, and their trek leaders are trained in wilderness first aid.

Responsible tourism: The Searching Souls is committed to responsible tourism practices. They follow Leave No Trace principles, minimizing their impact on the environment, and also support local communities by using local guides and porters.

Memorable experience: The Tarsar Marsar trek with The searching Souls is not just a trek, but an experience. From the stunning views to the warmth of the local hospitality, the trek is sure to leave you with memories that will last a lifetime.

What should you pack for the Tarsar Marsar trek ?​

Basic trek essentials​.

  • Rucksack (60-70 ltr with cover)
  • Down Jacket
  • Gloves (Woollen and Waterproof)
  • Poncho or a Rain Coat
  • Trekking Pole
  • Trek Shoes - Men or Women
  • Trek Pant – 2 Nos. Preferred
  • Day Pack ( 20-30 litres)
  • A pair of Thermals
  • Warm Socks and cotton socks ( 2-3 pair)
  • Woollen Cap
  • Gloves ( Woollen and waterproof)
  • Extra Layering of Warm Clothing as per necessity
  • Extra lowers for Nights
  • Utensils : Plates, Spoon and Coffee Mug
  • Photo ID proof

Personal Utilities :​

  • Sun Glasses ( UV Protected )
  • Sun Screen Lotion (Min SPF- 30 min)
  • Moisturiser
  • Lunch box, Coffee mug and spoon
  • Water bottle or Hydration Bag
  • Basic First Aid
  • Energy Bars

Toiletries :

  • Toilet paper rolls
  • Wet wipes (unscented)
  • Zip Lock Bags
  • Sanitizing Toilet Spray
  • Soap and Handwash (pocket sized)
  • Tooth Paste and Tooth Brush

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At The Searching Souls, we intend to encourage people, to take out time from their busy lives and join us on a journey of self-exploration in the Himalayas.

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Call: +91- 9634923602,  7895770439


Certified by StartUpIndia, MSME and Uttarakhand Tourism, we are a 5 Star Rated Company with a 95% Customer Satisfaction Score. We deal in Trekking in the Himalayas, Customized group tours.

tarsar marsar trek video

Tarsar Marsar Trek

Among all the treks in Kashmir, Tarsar Marsar Trek stands tall. The trek has a cluster of 3 beautiful alpine lakes, long lush meadows, mighty mountains, and the Lidder River. The trek gives the possibility of lake camping on the Tarsar Lake and the grand view from Marsar Lake Ridge. The trek is best suggested for beginners and is done in 7 days which includes a day for acclimatization at Aru. It is best done between June and October.

This trek starts at Aru Valley – a quaint valley 112 km off Srinagar – and falls in the vicinity of the famous Kolahoi Glacier. The trek is 48km long with a mix of ascends and descends. The famous twin lakes of this trek are Tarsar and Marsar Lakes. They are one of the largest alpine lakes of Kashmir and have stunning beauty. At Tarsar Lake, the campsite is just at the lake with a magnificent view of this lake from your camp. Enjoy your evening exploring this lake.

The Trek is best done in 7 days with one day as acclimatization at Aru Valley. In 6 days of walking, this trek goes over the varied landscape of Kashmir, making it the best highlight of Kashmir’s eternal natural beauty. This trek is best recommended for beginners.

Why Choose Tarsar Marsar Trek?

Alpine lakes:  this trek has 3 stunning alpine lakes. there is a lakeside camping at tarsar which is one of the best attractions of this trek. marsar lake is a massive lake and the sundersar lake is similar to the moon. , lush meadows:  it would be quite right to call this trek a meadow trek. the trek has beautiful wavy meadows that run parallel to the river streams most of the time. you will walk through these lush meadows which are thinly populated by shepherds and their flock., campsites : the campsites of this trek are relatively bigger than other treks. you will camp in the quietness of nature. on one of the days, you will camp beside tarsar lake. at lidderwat, sekiwas, and homwas you will be camping beside river streams., beginners’ heaven:  there are only a few treks in india that are highly recommended for beginners and at the same time carry such a clean landscape. tarsar marsar trek is the best beginners trek in india. the trek exposes the bundle of trekking vistas for new hikers. this trek is neither strenuous nor a simple walk through woods. but a genuine less strenuous trek. it doesn’t have a sharp incline or decline. it has no cliffs, no threatening wildlife, or no maze of jungle where one can lose the way. in conclusion, tarsar marsar is worth doing all the efforts to enjoy the serene landscape., what are the inclusions & exclusions, inclusions:.

  • Veg meals during the trek. Breakfast, lunch, evening snacks, dinner.
  • Tented stay on all nights in high-quality tents on double sharing basis. Sleeping bags, sleeping mattresses, dining tents are included. 
  • Mountaineering qualified trek leaders, and experienced cooks. 
  • Mountain Medicine. First Aid, oxygen cylinder, etc. 
  • All Permission.

Exclusions :

  • Lunch on non-trekking days. 
  • Personal Expenses.
  • Anything not mentioned in the inclusion list.

Extra Services:

If you wish to avail of our transportation service, then the extra cost will be  1800 per person . The transportation cost is to and fro. The pickup and drop place will be Srinagar. 

Offloading charges: In case you want us to carry your backpack, the cost per bag is Rs  2800/ per bag.  The maximum weight allowed is 10kg. Please note that only a proper trekking backpack will be allowed to offload. No trolly or suitcase will be allowed to offload. We strictly follow to adequately place the load on our ponies.

A Day by Day Detailed Itinerary

Day 1: srinagar – aru .

  • Altitude:  2,426m
  • Time taken: 3.5 hours drive

The drive is around 4 hours. Pahalgam is around 100 km from Srinagar and then a further 12 km up is Aru Valley. Aru is arguably the best valley and hamlet in Kashmir. This village has remained the base camp for some of the fascinating treks that include the Tarsar Marsar Trek.

While driving towards Aru, you will see the breathtaking Kashmir valley. The ride goes via NH1 Highway and meets Lidder River before Pahalgam. You will be driving through the famous Pahalgam. You will take a left towards Aru and it’s an easy uphill drive that drops down to the beautiful Lidder rives coming from Tarsar Lake which you will in the coming days.

At Aru, our campsite will be fixed to welcome you with a welcome drink. You will meet your trek leader there who will give a brief about your trek and journey ahead. Around 7 you will be served dinner in the middle of this fascinating valley.

Day 2: Aru – Lidderwat 

  • Altitude:  2,426 m to   2,780 m
  • Time taken: 6 hours
  • Distance:  11km

The gradient of the day is easy, however, there is a long walk of around 11 km. For only the first 30 minutes there is a gradual ascend into the jungle.

The trail of the trek starts with the jungle for about 5 km. The jungle is thick and at a few places opens wide giving way to the shepherd houses and deep gorges in the distance towards your left. The jungle is full of birds, and you will see the trail frequented by shepherds and ponymen.

After the jungle walk, the trail opens onto a vast wavy meadow. The meadow is far stretching with a couple of river crossings. In the middle of this meadow walk, you will be walking just beside the river Lidder. The river dances and flows delightfully.

The grass of the meadow just goes to the bank of the river. You can relax and rest for some time at any of these beautiful locations on the way. Fill your water bottles with this clean glacial water that comes right from Tarsar Lake. This Lidder River will be your travel partner until Tarsar Lake.

While walking for some time, you will see a triangular wooden hut towards your left. Cross the bridge that goes towards the meadow surrounding the hut. You will see your campsite ready for you. You will be welcomed with evening snacks and drinks. This camping site is called Lidderwat.

Day 3: Lidderwat – Shekwas

  • Altitude:  2,780 m   3,360 m
  • Time taken:  5 hours
  • Distance:  6km

The day starts with an ascend and takes you to the higher ground from where you get a wider view of the entire Lidderwat Valley. The grade of the day is easy. Shortly after your first climb, the trail merges into the forest. You will be walking through the jungle and parallel to the Lidder River.

The trail then opens out into the long stretches of meadow walk. You will have to cross the river over a log bridge. The valley is full of wildflowers and grass. You will reach a Homwas where the river meets the meadow, relax, and enjoy the gorgeous beauty here. On your way, you will see shepherd houses and a cluster of Silver Birch

Just before you reach Shekwas there is a boulder section. Be careful with your steps. You will be traversing this section with care, the boulders and big and at times wet with the water that flows below them. Just after the boulder section is the campsite for the night.

Day 4: Shekwas – Tarsar Lake

  • Altitude:  3,360 m to   3,790 m
  • Distance:  5km

Post breakfast, you will be heading towards Tarsar Lake. The gradient of the day is moderate. The trail is dominated by the boulder and rocky section. You will be walking on the boulders and in between the thin trail of boulders. The river runs beside you towards your right. The boulder section almost ends at the river crossing. The bride is of wood and slim, however, the crossing is short.

The trail then has a short gradual ascend and you will meet the shepherd house. The family most of the time welcomes the trekkers. The shepherds roam around this place with their flock.

The trail is then a succession of small ascends and descends. The walk in the middle of the meadow is surrounded by mountains. Tarsar Lake altitude is the highest you will go on this day.

Once the meadows finish, you will see yourself walking towards the ever-gorgeous alpine lake of Kashmir. Tarsar Lake is almond-shaped and one of the prettiest lakes in Kashmir. You will feel the thrill of seeing this lake, it is so mesmerizing that you will not stop before thronging around this lake the moment you see it. The lake is so famous that sometimes this trek is called Tarsar Lake Trek.

The campsite will be ready here for the night stay.

Day 5: Tarsar Lake – Sundersar

  • Altitude: 3,790 m to  3,945 m
  • Distance:  5 km

The gradient of the day is moderate. The trail starts with a sharp ascend for around an hour to the Tarsar Pass. The ridge is just parallel to the lake which takes you to the other side of Tarsar Valley.

Once you have reached the top of the ridge, you get a fascinating view of Tarsar Lake. All the pics that you have seen of Tarsar Lake with a wider view are from this top. All the trekkers stop here for pictures and videos and rest for some time. The descent from this ridge is equally sharp, be careful with your steps and trail.

After you have descended there is a boulder crossing and thereafter you enter into a terrific, beautiful meadow that connects Shekiwas to Sundersar. The meadow has been named Silent Valley owing to its calmness. It has lush grass in between the two mountain stretches. The land is filled with small river streams and water ponds.

After the meadow, there is a short ascend and descend that will take you to your Sundersar campsite.

Day 6: Sundersar to Homwas via Marsar Lakes

  • Altitude:  3,945 m to 3,505 m via Marsar Ridge 4020 m
  • Time taken: 7 hours
  • Distance:  9km

From your campsite, you will reach within half an hour the stunning Sundersar Lake. The lake is small and exquisite with the small mountains surrounding it from three sides. The lake is glacial and circular.

To visit Marsar Lake, you will have to go round to the Sundersar Lake and ascend a ridge. It takes half an hour to climb that till you reach a flat land and within minutes you are beholding the eternal Marsar Lake, placed there in all the calmness and beauty. The lake is wide and enticing. You will see this lake from the vantage point where you get the view of an entire lake.

Enjoy the view of the lake, and take pictures and videos to capture this moment. This is also the highest altitude point of the entire trek. You will be standing at an altitude of around 4020m.

After seeing Marsar, you will take the same route back via Sundersar Lake and descend towards Homwas. The trail is through the meadow and boulder section. Most of this trial is a repeat of

Day 7: Homwas – Aru – Srinagar

  • Altitude:  3,505 m to 2,426 m
  • Distance:  13km

This is the last day of the trek. The trail is long and that which you have already traversed in the first two days of your trek from Aru. The trail will go to Aru via Lidderwat and follow the same route. The trek ends at Aru, the way it starts. From Aru, take a cab that drops you at Srinagar.

Why Choose Real Mountaineers Kashmir For Tarsar Mrsar Trek?

  • Experienced Trek guides: Real Mountaineers Kashmir  has the well qualified trek guides that ensure safety during the trek. We provide the knowledge of every single thing which is mentioned in the itinerary.
  • Safety:  The first priority of our company is safety for trekkers. In order to ensure emergencies during the trek, we provide high safety standards, essential equipment, medical support, and well-trained staff.
  • Hiking Equipment:  We provide the best quality of trekking equipment like sleeping bags, waterproof tents, hiking poles and other trekking instruments. This offers the trekkers a pleasant and comfortable journey.
  • Affordable Pricing:  Our company provides the best prices for their customers; the packages include all the necessary details which are included in the trek packages so that the trekkers can plan their itinerary according to their budget.
  • Excellently Planned Itinerary:  We expertly plan the trek, accounting for the degree of difficulty, the need for acclimatisation, the trekking routes, and the breathtaking scenery. This guarantees a satisfying and enjoyable experience for all.
  • Educational Appeal:  Our trek leaders regularly incorporate information about the local flora, wildlife, and geography into the hikes, making them educational. This adds a more rewarding and educational element to the walk.

Best Time For Tarsar Marsar Trek 

This is the most frequently asked query of our clients. The best time to do Tarsar Marsar Trek is from June to October. In June, you will see snow in the upper reaches and the best snow landscape. The lakes are covered in snow and you see large chunks of snow floating. 

However, from July to September, snow melts and you get to see the best summer landscape with all the greenery in the surroundings. In October, there are high chances of seeing snowfall on the trails of this trek. The trek in May is accessible if the snow has not fallen too much during the winter.

In the months of winter, this trek is closed and not accessible. Because of the heavy snowfall that this region receives, the trek is closed down.

How Difficult Is Tarsar Marsar Trek?

It is an easy to moderate trek. Compared to other treks in Kashmir, this trek is easy and equally breathtaking. The trail is mostly flat and through meadows. There is a boulder section and river crossings on some occasions. There is a jungle walk too, but most of the trail has a meadow walk. This trek is best recommended for beginners. 

How To Reach The Base Camp

To reach for Tarsar Marsar, you will have to reach its base camp in Kashmir’s Aru village. Aru is around 110 km from Srinagar. You can take a shared cab from Srinagar that Real Mountaineers Kashmir India will facilitate, and it takes between 3 to 4 hours to reach the base camp.

By Air:  Srinagar has an airport that has an airway service from all the states of India. The most convenient and short way to reach Srinagar is from New Delhi.

By Train:  Kashmir doesn’t have a railway facility that connects to the other parts of the country. The nearest railway station is in Jammu. Jammu station is very well connected to the other major railway stations of the country.

By Bus:  Srinagar has an NH1 highway that connects it to the rest of the places in India. There are regular bus and cab services from Jammu. You will reach within a day from Jammu to Srinagar.   Once you reach Srinagar book  taxi service in Srinagar  to reach the final destination.

From Srinagar, it’s a 3 to 4-hour drive to the base camp Aru. 

Things To Carry For The Trek

  • Warm clothes should bea carry which include the warm fleeces, warm jackets, thermals, warm socks, gloves taht will protect you from the extreme cold.
  • When going on a trek you must carry the first aid box that will have all the necessary medicines such as pain killers, bandages, medicine for any kind of stomach and headaches.
  • Backpacks should be of good quality that will carry minimum 60-70 litres.
  • Trekking shoes should be of good quality and waterproof that should be comfortable for the trekking terrains.
  • To enjoy trekking, you must carry electronic equipment like a torch, power bank, music system to enjoy the terrains, bluetooth, camera to capture all the beautiful landscapes and mobile phone.
  • Must carry the toiletry things such as toilet papers, tissues, dry tissues, wet tissues, sanitary pads for the female travellers and soap.
  • Sunscreen, lip balm, towels, toothbrush and toothpaste and moisturisers for the extreme cold temperature that will protect your skin. Carry a lightweight sleeping bag that fits the expected temperature range of your hike. Carry water bottle to stay hydrated during the trek.
  • You can also carry the snack such as dry fruits, sprouts energy bars etc to keep yourself strong for the trek.

Before you set out on your trek, make sure this list meets your needs by modifying it to account for the duration of the trip and the requirements of your destination. Prioritise comfort, safety, and minimising your impact on the environment when planning your adventure.

Is Tarsar Marsar Trek Safe?

This is the most frequently asked question from the trekkers. They all want to know how safe is Tarsar Trek is. It is an  easy to moderate  trek with the total distance of 50km around, and the highest tarsar altitude of the trek is around 4000m.

Here are some of the important points related to the safety of the trek.

The Terrain : The terrain of the trek is easy to moderate. It starts with half an hour ascending, then goes into the jungle for the next 5 km around, and then a meadow walk. The walk is easy, and the trail follows small ups and downs.

The trek has a boulder section just around your Shekiwas campsite. The day you will trek to Tarsar Lake, you will have to cover the boulder section. Boulder section comes on your next day as well, as you move from Tarsar to Sundersar Lake.

There are river crossings as well. A couple of log bridges are placed over water streams.

The most difficult ascend in the entire trek is the Tarsar Ridge. This you will be ascending in the morning as you move from Tarsar camp. The ridge is around 150m in height and is sharp. It equally has a sharp descent on the other side.

The first and the last day of the trek long.

However, keeping all these things into consideration, Tarsar Marsar Trek is not a difficult trek. Most of the trekkers make it quite easy. The gradient for the trek is Easy to Moderate. The landscape of this trek is so beautiful that at times you will forget and enjoy the challenges this trek throws at you.

Altitude Gain:  The highest altitude point of the trek is around 4000m which you will reach while ascending the Marsar Ridge. The total altitude gain of the trek is around 1600m. However, you will not be gaining this height in one day. You will be ascending Marsar Ridge on the 5th day of the trek. By this time your body is well acclimatized to the altitude.

In case you feel nausea or any altitude sickness-related symptoms, you need to speak to your trek leader.

The Weather:  The weather remains sunny during the summer season. However, there are chances of seeing snow on the ground if you do this trek in June. There is some snow traverse this month. During the summer months, the weather is pleasant, sun is out and nights are pleasant. August is the warmest month for this trek.

As you are mountains, the weather remains unpredictable though. You never know when it rains in the mountains. During rainy days, the trek becomes a bit tricky as the trail gets muddy and slippery. You need to be extra careful mostly when you cross the boulder section and ascend the Tarsar Ridge.

Real Mountaineers Kashmir expert trek leaders will be accompanying you all along and will assist you in such situations. You need to strictly follow the instructions that they provide you.

Exit Points:  In case you are feeling sick and feel you won’t be able to finish the trek, the best expert advice is to exit the trek. This trek has easy evacuation exits. The nearest you can get is to the base camp Aru. You will be at the base camp and then to the nearest hospital within a day. The nearest hospital is at Sonamarg. From the base camp Aru, you can easily get a cab to Pahalgam which is around 12km from there.

Where is Tarsar Marsar Located?

This trek is located in Aru – a village 12 km from Pahalgam Kashmir. Tarsar Marsar are two lakes that people trek to see. They are among the best alpine lakes here in Kashmir.

These Lakes are situated in the Anantnag district of Kashmir, and both of the lakes are near Pahalgam. Tarsar Lake location is exactly 25km from Aru.

Can we Swim in Tarsar Marsar Lakes?

You can enjoy swimming only if you are a pro swimmer. You must be very careful and thoughtful while swimming there as they are alpine lakes and in a very sensitive environment. The water of these lakes is cold so one must be prepared for the ice-cold water.

Can we do the trek in October?

October is the last month in which you can do this trek. After October this trek gets closed because of heavy snowfall. So yes, you can do the trek in October too. Real Mountaineers Kashmir conduct this trek until October. However, the best time is June to September.

Can we do the trek in June?

Tarsar Marsar is the only summer trek in Kashmir that opens as early as May. So June is the best month to do this trek. You will be mesmerized to see the lushness of the meadows and the chunks of snow floating in its alpine lakes. The landscape is full of snow-capped mountains and the breeze of summer.

Can we do the trek in September?

September is one of the best months for this trek. The temperature is pleasant, and it has the least chances of rainfall. You can finish the trek in shorts and dry fit gear also. It has least chances of giving you the sun burns.

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Tarsar Lake or Tar Sar, shaped like an almond, is an oligotrophic (low in algal production due to low primary productivity, but with quality of drinking water) and an alpine lake situated in Aru in the Anantnag district of Jammu and Kashmir. It is surrounded by meadows dotted with conifer trees, mountains and gorgeous views of snowcapped peaks. It is separated from its sister lake, Marsar, by a mountain with a peak elevation of 4000 meters.

An interesting fact about the Tarsar Marsar Trek is that this lake changes its colours throughout the day, depending on the sun’s angle during sunrise & sunset between Turquoise green and many shades of blue. The lake can only be visited during the summer, which is great because you get to spot a variety of birds like black bulbul, bar-headed geese, high-flying coughs and Himalayan golden eagles.  The Marsar Lake is an oligotrophic alpine lake located in the Tral valley of Pulwama district in Jammu and Kashmir. In local parlance, Marsar is a lake that kills (mar: kill, sar: lake). Marsar Lake has a hidden and mysterious feel because it is always covered by clouds and feels like a closely-kept secret. Another myth that the local villagers talk about is that if one pollutes the water of these pristine lakes, it is most likely to cause a torrential downpour. 

The 16th-century Kashmiri ruler Yusuf Shah Chak mentioned the twin lakes in his poetry, writing to his beloved: " When I remember the two tresses of the comely beloved, Tears begin to flow from my eyes like streams from Tarsar and Marsar ."

Cancellation Policy:

With the changing travel advisories and newer regulations coming into the picture,  we understand  that deciding and booking a trek can get tricky. We have relaxed our cancellation policy,  read our new terms and conditions for cancellation here

  • Boat-house stay at Dal Lake
  • Drive from Srinagar to Aru
  • Camping on the beautiful meadows in Kashmir
  • Witness the Tarsar Marsar lakes of Kashmir.
  • 3-star hotel accommodation in Srinagar
  • Porter for your extra luggage during the trek

You need more information?

Day 1:  Arrive in Srinagar Day 2:  Drive from Srinagar to Aru Valley Day 3:  Trek from Aru to Lidderwat Day 4:  Trek from Lidderwat to the Shekwas Day 5:  Trek from Shekwas to Tarsar lake  Day 6:  Trek from Tarsar lake to Sundersar Lake via Tarsar/Sonamous Pass Day 7:  Trek from Sundersar to Homwas via Marsar Lake Day 8:   Trek from Homwas to Aru and Travel to Srinagar Day 9:  Departure from Srinagar 

Tarsar Marsar Trek Day Wise Itinerary:

Day 1: arrive in srinagar.

Altitude:  5,200 ft (1,585 m) Accommodation: Houseboat Meals included: Dinner at the boathouse

On the day of arrival of tarsar trek, we start the routine of briefing the group and introducing you to fellow group members and taking you through the itinerary and plan for the next 8 days. In total, we will be covering 48km of Tarsar marsar trek distance. Post the introduction, you will check in to the houseboat and relax for the day.

Day 2: Drive from Srinagar to Aru Valley

Travel Distance: 100 km Time Taken:  5 hr Altitude:  7,920 ft (2,414 m) Accommodation:  Camp stay Meals Included:  Breakfast at the boathouse and tea, dinner at the campsite

As per the Tarsar marsar trek map on day 2, we start our journey towards Aru. This will primarily help you acclimatize to the higher altitude we will be attained in the next couple of days. The drive from Srinagar to Sonmarg and then to Aru is extremely scenic and will present you with a lot of photo opportunities. You will come across grasslands, scattered forests and snow-covered mountains. You will reach our campsite at Aru around the evening and rest for the rest of the day by the riverside. 

Day 3: Trek from Aru to Lidderwat Pahalgam

Trek Distance: 9 km Time Taken:  5-6 hr Altitude:  9,022 ft (2,750 m) Accommodation:  Camp stay Meals Included: Breakfast, lunch, tea & snacks and dinner

As per the Tarsar marsar trek map, your day starts with an easy hike towards Lidderwat on the well-marked trail with towering pine trees. Don’t miss out on the breathtaking views of the valley alongside the gushing river. The trek starts with a gradual ascend for 2 to 3 hours through a beautiful pine forest trail. A short level walk along the Lidder river thereafter brings you to a tea stall. Another gradual ascend for 1 hour and you can see the Lidder forest rest house in sight. Cross a bridge and get to the Lidder campsite on the other side of the river. Lidderwat campsite has a confluence of streams flowing from Kohlai Peak and Tarsar streams. Overnight stay in Camp or Gujjar Huts. 

Day 4: Trek from Lidderwat to the Shekwas

Trek Distance: 5   km Time Taken: 4-5 hr Altitude:  11,154 ft (3340 m) Accommodation:  Camp stay Meals Included:  Breakfast, Lunch, Tea & Snacks, Dinner

On day 5 of the Kashmir Tarsar marsar lake trek, we embark on a long day towards Shekwas, the trail is well laid out. You would find many friendly shepherds on the route and it is a very beautiful valley, not much strenuous. The day’s trek starts with a moderate to steep ascent for 1 hour, followed by a level walk for another hour before we break for lunch, beside a gentle stream. We leave the tree line behind and ascend gradually for 1 more hour to reach the Shekwas campsite. From here one can get a good view of the surrounding mountains and the path heading up to Tarsar lake. Tarsar marsar trek best time is from July to September when the views are at its best. We can go on a short 1-hour hike from the Sekhwas campsite to a small yet charming Jadar Lake and return back before sunset. Overnight stay in tents.

Day 5: Trek from Shekwas to Tarsar lake 

Trek Distance: 5 km Time Taken: 4-5 hr Altitude:  12,451 ft (3,795 m) Accommodation: Camp stay Meals Included: Breakfast, lunch, tea and snacks, dinner 

On day 5 of the Tarsar marsar trek, we trek uphill from the Shekwas campsite, keeping the stream flowing down to our right. The views of the mountains get grander and more snow-clad peaks are visible all around us as we approach the Tarsar Lake. 2 hours of trekking and the beautiful lake reveals itself amidst imposing mountain ridges on 3 sides. Tarsar Lake is a huge lake and very similar to Gangabal lake on the trek from Naranag to Ganderbal in Kashmir Great Lakes Trek .  A wonderful opportunity to camp next to the emerald blue waters of Tarsar Lake. Tarsar marsar trek difficulty level is moderate. But you get to spend the day exploring the trails around Tarsar Lake only to witness the grandeur of the lake surrounded by majestic mountains. Best time for Tarsar marsar trek is from July to September when the views are the best.

Day 6: Trek from Tarsar lake to Sundersar Lake via Tarsar/Sonamous Pass

Trek Distance: 6 km Time Taken: 5 hr Altitude:  12,945 ft (3,946 m) via ~13,120 ft (~4,000 m) Accommodation: Camp stay Meals Included: Breakfast, lunch, tea & snacks and dinner

After the blissful stay at Tarsar Lake, we move towards Sundarsar Lake. It is a gradual hike in the grassy valley towards a small pass that leads to Sundarsar.  Here, you will be at the highest Tarsar marsar trek altitude. An hour's climb to the top of the ridge and then we descend into the valley on the other side. The view of the valley leading to Zachmargi on the other side of the ridge is simply breathtaking. Upon descending into the valley, we walk along the stream which drains from Sundarsar Lake. Relax and admire the serene Sundersar Lake. 

Day 7: Trek from Sundersar to Homwas via Marsar Lake

Trek Distance: 9 km Trek Time: 7-8 hr Altitude:  11,300 ft (3,444 m) via 13,165 ft (4,013 m) Accommodation: Camp stay Meals Included:  Breakfast, lunch, tea & snacks and dinner

We would make an early morning start to visit Marsar Lake just with our water bottles and snacks. Walking around Sundersar, we trek up and over a saddle on a ridge located on the far side of the lake. Marsar is an hour's trek away from here. The trail takes you to a vantage point which gives you unparalleled views of the Marsar Lake, which is almost always engulfed under clouds and mist. The weather at this altitude turns bad fast and is very unpredictable. So, after soaking in the beauty of the lake and its surroundings, we head back on the same trail to Sundarsar camp and start our way towards Homwas. The trail from Sundarsar to Homwas should take us around 4 hours.

Day 8:  Trek from Homwas to Aru and Travel to Srinagar

Trek Distance:  13 km Trek Time:  6-7 hr Altitude:  7,920 ft (2,414 m) Accommodation: 3 Star hotel in Srinagar Meals Included:  Breakfast, lunch, tea, snacks, and dinner

On the final day of the trek, we depart the campsite of Homwas and take the same route we took on the first day of the trek to reach Aru via Lidderwat. A two hours descent from Homwas will take you to Lidderwat and this time you can witness all the epic views that you had missed earlier on this trail. Passing through the pine forests of Lidderwat, we rest at Lidderwat for some time before resuming our trek to Aru which will take about 4 more hours to cover. Expect to reach Aru by 1600 hours and our vehicles will be waiting at Aru to drive you to Srinagar. Expect to reach Srinagar by around 1900 hours. You check into a hotel, freshen up and rest for the day.

Day 9: Departure from Srinagar 

Altitude:  5,200 ft (1,585 m) Meals Included: Breakfast at Hotel

Today, we wrap up this wonderful experience of trekking in Kashmir and head back to Srinagar. You wake up leisurely, have breakfast, check out and start heading to the airport or choose to stay back in Srinagar (at an added cost). 

  • Bring 4 copies of your ID proof and 4 photographs
  • The cellular network is available only on the post-paid number
  • Consumption of alcohol and smoking is strictly prohibited
  • If you don't want to carry your backpack so you can hire a porter, but you have to keep us informed about this in advance and you have to pay INR 300 to 350 (subject to change) extra per day per bag.
  • We strongly suggest that you should carry your own backpack and the weight of the backpack should not be more than 10 Kg maximum.
  • If the Minimum group strength is not met, we have the right to cancel the departure. Should you wish to customize the trip as per your preferred date, separate charges will apply.
  • Itineraries are based on information available at the time of planning and are subject to change.
  • TrekNomads reserves the right to change expedition dates or itineraries as conditions warrant. 

Risk and Liability 

We will endeavour to make your program smooth and as pleasant as possible. However, the entire course of trekking depends on the ranges of the mighty mountains, physical health, and environmental conditions. Therefore, TrekNomads shall not be responsible for any changes in the itineraries due to unavoidable circumstances and natural disasters such as landslides, road blockages, floods, snowing, cancellation of flights and delay or any type of sickness including altitude sickness.

Do’s and Don’ts:

  • We believe in leaving the mountains in a better condition, which is why we follow a no-litter policy on our treks. Each trekker will have to bring back the waste that is created during the trek.
  • Trekking is best enjoyed when you’ve worn comfortable clothes. Try and avoid wearing Jeans, bright colours and heavy apparel as much as possible.
  • A lighter backpack always helps you have a better trek, try and carry just as much as needed.
  • Always be in sight of your trek lead, if you feel the need to stop for any reason at all, please keep the trek lead informed.
  • If you do come across any reptiles, animals or even insects during the trek, please keep your calm and let it patiently pass by. Any kind of noise and panic will scare them as well.
  • Do not venture out into the forest/waterfalls on your own as it may be dangerous.
  • Trekking is a good adventure, having said that, it is our primary responsibility to take good care of ourselves and be compassionate towards fellow trekkers
  • If, at any point, during the trek, you feel uneasy or unwell, please inform the trek lead immediately
  • Tune in to the sounds of nature while on a trek and avoid carrying speakers or playing music during the course of the trek
  • To help you enjoy the trek to the fullest, we avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol, and other intoxicants during the course of the trek.

What is included in the tour

  • Airport Pick up and Drop Off by NAC vehicle
  • 1 Night stay on a deluxe house-boat at Dal Lake on the day of arrival (Double/Triple sharing basis)
  • 1 Night stay at a three/four-star hotel at Srinagar post return from the trek (Double/Triple sharing basis)
  • 5 Nights Camp stay along the trail during the trek (Double/triple sharing basis)
  • Meals included: Breakfast + Dinner at Srinagar & Breakfast+ Lunch+ Evening Snacks + Dinner on all camping days
  • Standard vegetarian food for breakfast, lunch and dinner during the trek
  • Transportation as per the itinerary by NAC Vehicle, Srinagar to Aru and back
  • Porter for 1 - 60 ltr Bag (Max 10 kgs)
  • Personal Accident, Travel & Medical Insurance
  • Trek equipment: Sleeping bags, Mattresses, Utensils, Ropes
  • Tents: Trekkers tent (twin/triple sharing), Kitchen & Dining tent, Toilet tent
  • 1 Mountaineering qualified & professional trek Leader
  • Local Guide (Number of guides depending on the group size)
  • 1 High Altitude chef & support staff
  • Porters for carrying common equipment (like rations/tents/utensils/groceries)
  • Basic First aid Kit with a portable oxygen cylinder.
  • TrekNomads Fee, Trek Captain support and expertise
  • 10% discount on Fast&Up products
  • 25% discount on HappyBars products 
  • Personalized Dri-Fit T-shirt
  • TrekNomads goodies

What is NOT included in the tour

  • Travel to Srinagar and back 
  • Meals, tea, coffee, mineral water, soft drinks, etc that are not mentioned in the inclusions
  • Medical, Emergency Rescue and Evacuation cost
  • Personal trekking gear
  • Tips for guide, chef, porter, etc
  • Local sightseeing, entrance fee, camera fee, etc
  • Any other expenses incurred apart from inclusions
  • All personal, medical, evacuation and emergency expenses like extra day stay out of itinerary, helicopter services and vehicle charges due to delays, landslides, evacuation
  • Expenses incurred for guide or porter during extra days stay, transport, flight, helicopter service, etc (divided amongst the group which utilises the services of guides/porters on extra days)

Altitude Map:

  • Srinagar: 5,200 ft (1,585 m)
  • Aru: 7,920 ft (2,414 m)
  • Lidderwat: 9,022 ft (2,750 m)
  • Shekwas: 11,154 ft (3340 m)
  • Tarsar: 12,451 ft (3,795 m)
  • Sundersar: 12,945 ft (3,946 m)
  • Sonamous Pass: ~13,120 ft (~4,000 m)
  • Marsar: 13,165 ft (4,013 m)
  • Homwas: 11,300 ft (3,444 m)

Other Details:

  • Trek Gradient: Easy
  • Trek Distance: 48+ Km
  • Assembling Point: Srinagar
  • Trek Duration: 30+ hours
  • Average Temperature: 25°C to 5°C
  • Best Months to trek: July, August & Mid-September

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Tarsar Marsar Trek: One of the Most Beautiful Trek in Kashmir

The ethereal beauty of Kashmir is undoubtedly impressive, which infatuates poets, nature lovers, and tourists. The state’s landscape is embellished with snow-covered mountains, velvety green meadows, fast-flowing rivers, alpine forests, beautiful alpine lakes, and whatnot. Truly, Kashmir deserves the title of “Heaven on Earth".

Keeping aside the natural beauty, Kashmir is also the place of several popular Himalayan trails. Tarsar Marsar trek is one of them.

The trail you follow on the Tarsar Marsar lake trek is unbelievably beautiful. In this extensive guide, I am going to discuss all the facts, attractions, and aspects of this trek.

Tarsar Marsar Lake

tarsar marsar trek video

Tarsar Lake and Marsar Lake are two alpine lakes situated at the altitude of 12500ft and 13000ft respectively in the Kashmir Himalayas.

These two lakes are of similar nature and separated by a mountain. This is why they are called twin sisters.

Tarsar Marsar's location is 20 km to the east of Kolahoi Mountain in the Anantnag district of Jammu & Kashmir. Marsar Lake is specifically in the neighboring area of Dachigam national park. The exquisite Tarsar Marsar lake location and the incredibly pretty landscape of the area are the two things that have made people crazy about this trek.

Best Time to Visit Tarsar Marsar

The best time for the Tarsar Marsar trek is from April to September.

The trail of the Tarsar Marsar trek in May remains clear and the landscape greener. Trek to Tarsar Marsar in June is again a good time to go for.

The best time of all for the Tarsar Marsar trek in August and September. In these two monsoon months, there is little rainfall in the Kashmir valley and the weather remains clear and tourist-friendly.

Weather and Temperature

July to August is the coziest time for this trek. The daytime temperature roams around 15 to 18 degrees when sunny. In cloudy or rainy weather temperature ranges from 4 to 5 degrees. But at night temperature falls drastically to 1-3 degrees.

From mid-August to September Tarsar Marsar weather starts becoming colder. During this time temperature at night fluctuates from -3 to -5 degrees.

Tarsar Marsar Trek: Quick Facts

  • Altitude Range: 7950 ft to 13,400 ft
  • Location: Anantnag District, Jammu & Kashmir
  • Duration: 7 Days
  • Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate
  • Total Distance: 47.6 Km
  • Starting Point: Srinagar
  • Ending Point: Srinagar
  • Base Camp: Aru
  • Best Time to Visit: April to September
  • Temperature: 15 to18 degrees (Highest), -3 to -5 degrees (Lowest)
  • Nearest Airport: Sheikh-Ul-Alam International Airport, Srinagar
  • Nearest Railway Station: Jammu Tawi
  • Nearest ATM: Pahalgam

A short glimpse of the complete itinerary

tarsar marsar trek video

Your journey starts at Srinagar . Our pick up and drop service will drive you to the base camp at Aru via Pahalgam. The total distance is 112 Km you cover by the road that takes 3 to 4 hours. On the way, the best view is the apple orchards and alpine trees. Aru is a picturesque hamlet at the banks of Lidder river at 7959 ft altitude where you spend the first night of your trip.

On the second day say goodbye to Aru and start an easy 10km long ascent following the upstream of Lidder river. You have to trek for 6 hours on the second day. After crossing some local Gujjar settlements and two freshwater creeks you step into Lidderwat valley. The enchanting birds-eye view of Aru valley and Aru village will motivate you to proceed further. The journey for this day will end with camping at Lidderwat valley tucked at 9150 ft, close to the Lidder River.

On day 3 the journey of 5.5 Km starts from the meadow of Lidderwat and finishes at the valley of Shekwas. It generally takes 5 hrs.

From Lidderwat valley the trail follows the Lidder river and enters a pine forest. A wooden bridge will take you to the other side of the Lidder river and after half an hour hiking along the river, you will reach Homwas, a small dell.

Right after Homwas the path is straight and comfortable but not for so long. Trek a steep ascent afterward through a forest of Bhoj trees and some more valleys and clearing you to step into Shekwas, another meadow at 11000 ft where you spend the night in a tent.

The best time for the beautiful alpine lakes you are going to encounter in this trek.

The trail makes you cross several ridges on mountain streams. After steep climbing and trekking for two hours, you will get the first glimpse of the beautiful almond shaped Tarsar lake. The site energizes the beholder to reach the lake as quickly as possible. Trek to Tarsar lake at 12500ft height takes 3 to 4 hours to complete and covers 5 Km distance on this day.

The crystal clear water of Tarsar lake is quartz blue at night, seems like dreamland amidst snow covered mountains.

On day 5 you will witness surpassing beauty on your way from Tarsar to Sundersar lake. The trek starts from Tarsar valley and heads towards Shekwas valley. Following the streams and shepherd’s trail, you will pass through lush green grasslands leaving behind Bakharwal Thatch.

A hike of a total of 5 km taking 5 hours will unfold the coveted Sundersar lake and the valley adjacent to it. The journey for the day ends here with camping at 13000ft altitude at the lakeshore.

The next day your destination is Marsar lake from Sundersar valley.

Traversing the Sundersar Lake you will reach the other side where you have to follow the shorter pass out of two passes. Following a steep ascend through a boulder-filled area you will get into an amazingly beautiful green meadow, and streams intersecting it.

On this day (Day 6) the trek demands you to cover 9 Km in 7 hrs.

Marsar Lake is visible only after you climb to the ridges. Marsar, the twin lake of Tarsar is located at 13400ft. The lake is elusive, remains hidden behind the curtain of clouds most of the time. The landscape of the Marsar lake at the base of mountains from an overhanging cliff is the best attraction of this trek.

On day 7, towards the end of the trip, you head back to Homwas through Jagmargi valley, trekking 13 Km in 6 hrs.

Tips for Tarsar Marsar Trek

  • Tarsar Marsar Kashmir trek is 47.6 km long from the base camp. The trek takes you to the highest 13400ft on the mountain. Therefore, acute mountain sickness is common among first-timers or to those who are more prone to AMS.

Carry medications, check oxygens level, and be attentive to your body. If feeling uneasy then drink water, take medicines, and rest for hours. If you are still not well then discontinue the trek.

  • Tarsar Marsar is a monsoon trek, so never forget to pack a raincoat, plastic bags in your backpack. Also, carry a waterproof cover for your backpack.
  • Pahalgam has the last ATM, but do not rely on the last ATM as it runs out of cash frequently. Withdraw cash at Srinagar or even before that.
  • Mobile service works till Pahalgam. Also, the prepaid SIM does not work in Kashmir. So better take a postpaid phone connection especially for this trek.
  • Electricity is available till the base camp of Aru. Also, in Aru, there is no power backup, so if the electricity service shuts down it takes some time to come back. Therefore, carry a torch and some batteries with you.
  • Do carry the original and a copy of the government-issued identity card. Voter card, Aadhar card, passport, driving license - any one of these is enough. Before trekking, you need to submit the documents to the forest department. Without this step, no one is allowed trekking.

How to Reach the basecamp

To get to the trek you must reach Srinagar. Don't forget to report at the tourist report center of Srinagar.

To Srinagar

Srinagar is well connected with the rest of the country by train and airways.

Most airlines operate flights to Srinagar’s Sheikh-Ul-Alam airport. Metro cities like New Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore, Kolkata, Mumbai are directly connected to Srinagar by air.

The nearest railway station to Srinagar is Jammu. Jammu is again well connected to major junction stations of India.

From Jammu, one can take a flight to Srinagar which takes merely 40 minutes, or take a direct bus that takes around 10 hrs. Taxi and cabs are other options too taking 8 to 9 hrs to reach Srinagar.

Srinagar to Aru(basecamp)

At Moxtain, we provide you with pick up and drop car service from Srinagar to Aru and Aru to Srinagar.

If you want to arrange transportation on your own, then both shared cab and private cab services are available from Srinagar to Pahalgam. From Pahalgam, you need to change your taxi.

However, no bus service is available to Aru.

Difficulty Level of Trek

Tarsar Marsar trek level is easy to moderate. Some portions of the trail have rough patches, steep ascent or descent, and boulder-filled zones that make this trek a little tricky for beginners.

The difficult descent through the pass that comes after Sunderser lake, towards Marsar lake may be the biggest hurdle for any first-timer. Still, a well-prepared individual with good quality trekking shoes can easily overcome it.

If you don't have any experience of trekking but are committed and very passionate about taking this trip, then prepare yourself mentally and physically for 2-3 months.

For experienced trekkers, this trek is a big YES to go for.

Lastly, the Tarsar Marsar lake trek has a lot to offer. There are a very few lake treks in the Himalayas which are as magnificent, as bold, and beautiful as this is in terms of scenery, and the mild challenges the trail throws to trekkers.

So, whatever your experience level is, this trek technically is for all except small children, family, and aged people.

Is This Trek Safe

This trek is absolutely safe because the trail is located in a remote part of Kashmir, far away from urban settlements, and no probability of agitation and skirmish.

The only time when you come in contact with civilization is when you commute from Srinagar to Aru or return to Srinagar by road.

During this time, if you suddenly encounter unrest or a sudden curfew imposed, then don’t panic. Taking some precautionary measures can save you from an unpleasant and dangerous situation, like-

  • Stay in tourist areas, never try to explore unknown areas and downtown on your own.
  • Before booking any private transportation, ask for details and try to verify the information you have been provided with.
  • Stay alarmed and informed with local news, be vigilant about what is happening around you.

Tarsar Marsar Kashmir trek is operated with professional trek leaders who have sound knowledge of the respective terrain and other local circumstances. They are trained to handle AMS and other medical attention initially. The trek is also organized for a span of 7 days so that you can acclimatize well and handle the physical strain of the journey.

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Kashmir Mountains

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Tarsar Marsar Lake Trek

7 Nights 8 Days

Tarsar Marsar lake Trek

The trail is lined with lush meadows, crystal-clear rivers, and mesmerizing mountains and valleys. You can camp next to the emerald-blue lake of Tarsar. The best alternative for the Kashmir Great Lakes trek.

The enchanting Tarsar Lake and Sundersar Lake are the first features on the trail. The best part is that you can camp right next to these serene blue lakes, which are stunning and offer some of the most breathtaking views.

The Marsar Lake is the next stop on this path, and the dramatic views it offers are almost always covered by clouds. Marsar Lake is at a lower altitude, so you can see it from above, but it’s amazing how the clouds change every day. You have to get there early to see these amazing views.

What makes the trek to Tarsar Marsar Lake so appealing?

Tarsar Marsar altitude chart

The tranquility of the surroundings is what makes the Tarsar Marsar Lake trek appealing. The expedition is a peaceful and nurturing journey to the stunning landscape. You can get a panoramic view of the entire landscape from the highest ridges on this scenic trek.

The trek is easy enough for anyone who enjoys the outdoors. The trek has a maximum elevation of 13,000 feet. The trek begins with a brief ascent before entering the dense forest. With the sound of the Lidder river and the chirping of birds, the trail through the pine forest is calming. After about 5 kilometers through the forest, the trail merges with a vast meadow. The Lidder river runs alongside the wavy meadow. When you get to the Lidderwat campsite, it’s a pleasant, easy walk.

Tarsar Marsar Lake Trek Itinerary

Srinagar city is known as the Venice of the East for its unique aquatic culture. The Numerous Lakes and Rivers are all interconnected through canal ways giving rise to a unique city known for its Lavish Houseboats which are intricately designed of pine wood. You will be hosted in these houseboats which are found nowhere else, Once you Arrive you will be taken for a ride around the lake Exploring floating vegetable gardens and islands on the Dal Lake. Overnight at Houseboat.

Brief Overview of the Day

  • Srinagar to Aru Valley 107 km Drive
  • Trek Distance – 10 Km
  • Trek Duration – 5 Hours
  • Max Altitude – 9,150 ft
  • Night stay in tent.

Srinagar to Aru Valley 107 km Drive from Srinagar up to Aru valley via Pahalgam 3  hours drive.

Today we will start walking upstream towards Lidderwat. Soon we will enter a thick forest of conifer trees and you will be able to see Aru Valley down at a distance. After crossing the forest we will reach Nandekai Village which is mostly inhabited by seasonal migrating shepherds. The trek is an easy trail with a gradual ascent.

As we keep walking further we will come across a log bridge and we can rest here for a while before continuing our journey to Lidderwat which is about two hours away from this point. We will enter another wooded area which opens up at the meadows of Lidderwat village. We will be camping near the river for the night.

  • Trek Distance – 6.5 Km
  • Duration – 5 Hours
  • Max Altitude – 11,000 ft.

The destination for today is Shekwas. As we start walking away from the Lidder river, we will enter a pine forest that is not very thick and has a number of clearings throughout the trail. There will be multiple clear water streams crossing our path so we don’t have to worry about the water supplies for today. As we keep walking we will enter another migrant village known as Homwas. Crossing a log bridge, we will enter Shekwas village. The meadows at this location are breathtaking which extends to a distance as far as eyes can see. We will trek a further higher from the village to reach our camping site.

  • Trek Distance – 5 Km.
  • Duration – 4 Hours
  • Max Altitude – 12,449 ft.
  • Night stay in camps at Tarsar Lake

The beautiful trail to Marsar starts with grassy meadows of Shekwas, a beautiful natural lawn. After walking on the grass for some time, we will cross over a hill to reach the first ridge. It will take around 3 hours from here and over a few more ridges to reach Tarsar. The view of the lake will keep unfolding magically before your eyes as we keep crossing the subsequent ridges. On the final part of the trail, we will come across a stream which we will cross by walking over bounders before finally stepping into the grassland around Tarsar Lake. This is our camping site for today and you can take your time to explore the beautiful area around the lake.

  • Max Altitude – 13,000 ft.

We will wake up early and start walking to the adjacent valley of Sundersar via Tarsar Pass. This part of the trail is a bit difficult as the ascent to the pass is steep but it becomes an easy gentle walk down to Sundersar. The trail will take you through a high exit pass, grasslands, and through places filled with wildflowers. Once we reach the valley, we will trek over a trail filled with boulders along the stream to reach Sundersar lake and camp here for the night.

  • Trek Distance – 9 Km
  • Duration – 6 Hours
  • Max Altitude – 13,400 ft.

We will start climbing up higher through the Marsar ridge. The trek is of moderate difficulty as you will find yourself walking over the boulders with melting ice which makes it difficult to walk. Watch your step carefully and follow your trek leader to avoid injuries. After crossing this area filled with boulders, we will start descending to a flat trail with many water streams crossing our way. The lake is located in a similar setting as the previous one. You will be able to see the snow melting from cliffs and feeding water to the lake.

After spending some time at Marsar Lake, we will make our way back to Sundersar Valley and from there we will walk to Homwas. Night stay will be in camps at Homwas.

  • Trek Distance – 13 km
  • Aru Valley  to Srinagar 107 km Drive

Today you take the same route that you had taken at the beginning of the trek via Lidderwat. The trail goes downhill and it is a quick descent. It will take you 2 hours from Homwas to Lidderwat. The beauty of this part of your trek is that you will get to see all of those views that you had initially missed. The shrinking Kolahoi glacier is one of these sights. You will see the pine forests of Lidderwat that you had seen on day one of your treks in a whole new light. After getting some rest at Lidderwat, you head for Aru. It is a 10 km walk from Lidderwat to Aru. This takes around 4 hours to cover. Stop for lunch en-route, you are expected to reach Aru by 4 in the evening. Vehicles will be arranged from Aru to Srinagar. You will reach Srinagar between 7-8 pm overnight stay Houseboat.

After breakfast at houseboat. Our representative will drop you at Srinagar Airport.

Your trek includes

  • Pick Up and drop off from Srinagar Airport.
  • 2 Nights stay in Houseboat with Breakfast and dinner.
  • Transfers from Srinagar to Trekking Start Point and return.
  • Qualified Guide, and Support staff.
  • Meals while on trek (Veg & Egg).
  • Trekking Permits.
  • First-aid medical kits.
  • Flight tickets.
  • Mules or porters to carry personal extra luggage. Note: Bag weight should not be more than 10 kg.
  • Something not specifically mentioned under the pinnacle.
  • Any kind of emergency evacuation charges.
  • Things to Carry

Health & Safety

Cancellation policy.

  • Trekking Shoes (Do not carry sneakers/ sports shoes. Carry shoes that has good grip and ankle support)
  • Backpack (40 -60 litres): A backpack with sturdy straps and a supporting frame. Rain cover for a backpack is essential.
  • Daypack 20 litres: On the day of the summit, you’ll need a smaller backpack to carry water, snacks and your medical kit. Bring a foldable backpack.
  • Layers/Warm Clothes/Thermals
  • Trek Pants/T-shirts/Undergarments as per your convenience. Carry the actual number required and stay light Sunglasses, Suncap, sunscreen.
  • Hand gloves, socks 2 pairs and woollen socks
  • Headlamp/LED Torch is mandatory
  • Trekking Pole
  • Poncho/Raincoat
  • Cutlery: Carry a spoon, coffee mug and a lunch box. (Mandatory)
  • Personal Medikit
  • Toiletries: moisturiser, light towel, lip balm, toilet paper, toothbrush, toothpaste, hand sanitiser. Do not carry wet wipes. One 1 litre water bottle.
  • Plastic covers: carry a few extra plastic bags for wet clothes. Make sure you take them back and not litter the mountains.
  • Before starting the trek, calculate your BMI (Ideal BMI should be between 18.5 and 24.9)
  • Health and Safety checks mentioned below should be made before getting prepared for the trek
  • A balanced mind and body is the first thing that should be given importance before taking off, because this is what will bring out the best of you in every condition.
  • Your body should be fit enough to cover the entire trek with the backpacks on your back along with your body weight. That is why proper stamina and strength is needed. Also because trekking is done in uneven multi terrains and not on smooth paths. So in order to gain leg strength, perform simple squats.
  • Flexibility is very important when it comes to trekking. A good flexibility will be an advantage while walking on trails, climbing and river crossing etc. Attain flexibility by simple stretching or yoga.
  • As the Himalayan treks are basically ascending and descending the slopes, you will need a proper transmission of Oxygen from the lungs and heart to the body muscles. For this, trekkers should have a good cardiovascular endurance that can be gained by doing cardio exercises like running, swimming, cycling etc.

It is good to make your booking two months prior in advance. In the event of cancellation of any trek/adventure activity due to any reasons, it is compulsory to notify us in writing. Cancellation charges will only be effective from the date we receive your request in writing.

If the trek is cancelled by us due to any reason (heavy snowfall, rainfall, natural disaster etc.) then the refund would not be initiated but you can go on the same trek another year. Kashmir Mountain Adventures Family is always with you, Thanks The cancellation charges are as follows:

  • (No bank charges deducted will be Refundable)
  • Up to 30 Days – 90% cost is Refundable
  • Between 21 to 30 Days – 50% cost is Refundable
  • Less than 20 Days – No Refund
  • (Refunds are initiated in 7-8 business days)

Kashmir mountains

17,500 + 5% GST

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Tarsar Marsar Trek

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  • Jammu & kashmir
  • Tesar Masar Trek

The Tarsar Lake or Tar Sar is an almond-shaped, oligotrophic alpine lake situated in the Kashmir Valley, specifically in Aru, Anantnag district, Jammu and Kashmir, India. The Tarsar Lake is dominated by the peaks of the Kolahoi mountain some 20 km to the east. The lake is separated by a mountain with a minimum peak elevation of 4,000 meters (13,000 ft.) from another lake of the same nature known as Marsar Lake, which is in the vicinity of Dachigam National Park. Together these two lakes are referred to as the twin sisters. The 16th-century Kashmiri ruler Yusuf Shah Chak mentioned the twin lakes in his poetry, writing to his beloved: When I remember the two tresses of the comely beloved, Tears begin to flow from my eyes like streams from Tarsar and Marsar. The Tarsar Lake is drained by an outlet stream which falls into the Lidder River at Lidderwat, 15 km to the east. Being the nearest seasonal settlement, Lidderwat is located on the trek route to the lake from Aru, Pahalgam. The Marsar Lake on the other hand drains out and flows in the opposite direction of the Tarsar Lake.

  • Srinagar to Aru base camp
  • Aru to Lidderwat
  • Lidderwat to Shekwas
  • Shekwas to Tarsar and explore Tarsar
  • LTarsar to Sundarsar
  • Visit Marsar and then to Homwas
  • Homwas to Aru and drive to Srinagar


What is included in the tour.

  • Accommodation during the trek.
  • Vegetarian Food.
  • Trekking Equipment (Tents, Sleeping Bags)
  • Safety Equipment (First Aid,ropes,iceaxe,crampons etc)
  • Forest permits and camping charges
  • Services of Trek Leader,Guide,Cooking Staff.

What is NOT included in the tour

  • Personal Expenses of any kind.
  • Food during the Transit
  • Mules or Porter charges to carry backpacks
  • Anything not included in the inclusions above.

Things to Carry

  • Sports shoes or trekking shoes in good condition
  • 2 liter water bottle per person
  • Energy bars, dry fruits, flavored milk, Electrolyte drinks

Kodachadri trekking and camping located on the edges of Karnataka, sanctified with some of the most enchanting landscapes. Abode to abundant peaks and waterfalls. Kodachadri, the tenth highest peak of Karnataka, gets its name from Kodacha and Adri, signifying ‘home of the hill jasmine flowers’ in the local dialect. Otherwise called the Jasmine of Hills, the peak of Kodachadri is an ideal canvas to the setting of the renowned Mookambika Temple and the Mookambika National Park. Residing at the focal point of this National Park, Kodachadri bestows various opportunities to wildlife and trekking buffs. Kodachadri Trek is taking off high at a rise of 4406 feet; the Kodachadri summit is a dramatic peak with dense forest swathe surrounding it. Likewise, it is a characteristic territory to the dazzling scope of biodiversity, for example, Malabar Pied Hornbill, Malabar Languor, and Indian Rock Python , alongside mountain vegetation and indigenous fauna.

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Tarsar Marsar vs Kashmir Great Lakes

Trekking in Kashmir is beyond beautiful mountains. Kashmir treks bring you close to enigmatic glacial lakes, verdant valleys, spectacular mountain views, and the prettiest campsites. The tag of ‘Heaven on Earth’ comes to reality when you explore the higher reaches of Kashmir and explore its beauty through two stunning treks of Tarsar Marsar and Kashmir Great Lakes.

When we come to treks in Kashmir, there are two prominent and popular treks everyone is fond of. However, trekkers are often in dilemma when it comes to zeroing down on one. Although there is an abundance of new and upcoming treks in Kashmir, these two classics still rule as the most popular trekking destinations in Kashmir. 

Tarsar Marsar in the Pahalgam region of Kashmir and the Kashmir Great Lakes in Sonmarg are equally beautiful yet offer contrasting landscapes, sceneries, and different trails. The trekkers who wish to explore treks in Kashmir are often confused to choose one. Here is a detailed analysis of two of the most popular treks in Kashmir. 

Tarsar Marsar vs Kashmir Great Lakes: Difficulty level

Tarsar Marsar Trek spreads over seven days and climbs to an altitude of 13201 ft. Kashmir Great Lakes is comparatively longer and more challenging. KGL is completed and is also explored in seven days and the highest altitude you will climb to is 13,800ft. However, KGL has more difficult trails.  You will have longer walking hours and traverse through some tricky terrain. 

On the Tarsar Marsar trek, you cover a total distance of roughly 40 km. The trail is comfortable as compared to its twin KGL. Tarsar Marsar is categorized as a moderate trek. KGL is a difficult trek and you will be covering a distance of around 70 km in seven days. KGL demands long walks on meadows, traversing your way on boulders and moraines. There are also three passes you cross on the KGL trek. The trail is a combination of steep ascents and descents on most days. The trek is suitable for people with prior experience of high-altitude treks. 

Tarsar Marsar vs Kashmir Great Lakes: Campsites 

The Tarsar Marsar campsite boasts a stunning view of a tranquil lake

The Tarsar Marsar experience flaunts campsites like no other treks. The unparalleled beauty of the campsite at Lidderwart, and Shekwas is beyond imagination, and straight out of a dream. They say, that in Kashmir,  you experience a heavenly encounter and Tarsar Marsar opens a vast spread of heavenly campsites, and alpine lakes. Shekwas Campsite on day 3 of your trek offers dreamlike landscapes in front of you. Our trekkers often wish to embrace Shekwas campsite for a few more days. The lush green meadows nestled in the lap of three valleys, making it a perfect spot to soak in the rawness of nature. 

The best part about the Tarsar experience is camping right next to the alpine lakes. This opportunity is exclusive to Tarsar. When you open your eyes in the morning, the first thing you will lay your eyes on is the glistening water of these lakes. On the Tarsar Marsar trek, you have the opportunity to camp just on the bank of the lakes, a rare thing to find on any other trek. 

KGL lets you experience the beauty of around 7 alpine lakes, however, there is no camping next to the lake on the trek. Although there are no campsites next to the lakes, KGL has something new to offer on every day of the trek. As you will be traversing your way in different valleys on different days, the campsites are lush green meadows with streams flowing nearby. Be it the massive meadow of Nichnai, or the wallpaper-like setting of Satsar meadows, KGL has so much variety to offer on each day of the trek. 

Tarsar Marsar vs Kashmir Great Lakes: The Lake Experience 

The majestic view of Kashmir Great Lakes

The KGL boasts around six beautiful alpine lakes. You will have the opportunity to witness the turquoise water of not just one but six alpine lakes. There is a classic beauty of the Twin Lakes of Gangabal and Nandkhol. Other twin lakes of Vishnusar and Kishansar and their picturesque setting is a scenery straight out of postcards. When you reach Satsar, there are a few small lakes part of Satsar that are accessible from the campsites. Satsar translates to seven lakes. 

The colour of the lakes on KGL changes throughout the day. You will witness the glittering blue water in the morning as it rises, and discover the shades of blue in the evening. It is therapeutic to just sit by the corner of these lakes and gaze at the unending beauty. 

The lake experience in Tarsar Marsar is as pretty as KGL if not more. As compared to KGL, the lakes on Tarsar Marsar treks are secluded and give you exclusivity. On Tarsar Marsar Trek, you will have exclusive access to an exotic Tarsar and Marsar, and its emerald green water. The striking beauty of these two lakes can compel you to freeze the moment. 

Tarsar Lake has a perfect setting to immerse yourself in its beauty. The soft grass on the bank of the lake is a perfect spot to explore the lake barefoot. Many trekkers choose to just sit by the shore of the lake and marvel at the grandeur of its beauty. You can take a round of the lake and enjoy the beauty of the lake from different angles. The enigmatic Marsar on the other hand remains shrouded in clouds. On a clear day, you will witness its enchanting and flawless beauty. 

Though the number of treks is more on KGL, however, just the three lakes of Tarsar, Marsar, and Sundersar are enough to compete with KGL’s number. The main highlight of the lakes on Tarsar is access to camp just bang on the shore of the alpine lakes, something that is not allowed on KGL. 

Tarsar Marsar vs Kashmir Great Lakes: The Basecamp Experience 

The difference in the landscapes of the two treks is visible right at the basecamps. While Aru Village near Pahalgam is greener and surrounded by dense forest, Shitkadi near Sonmarg is amidst rugged mountains and scanty forest covers. 

Tarsar Marsar’s Basecamp, Aru village, is one of the prettiest villages you will witness. Aru Village is around 100 km from Srinagar. You reach the base camp after four hours of traversing through beautiful villages and apple-laden orchards.

The setting of Aru Village is no less than a dream. The snowcapped mountains in the background, the mountain river flowing by the side, and the dense pine and oak trees circling the village. Tarsar Marsar starts to get interesting right at its base camp. The beauty of Aru Village is only a teaser of what you discover in the next seven days. Aru Valley has an option for trekkers to explore the village. The village offers quite interesting views in its vicinity.  

The Basecamp of Kashmir Great Lakes is Shitkadi. Unlike Aru village, you will spend the night in a tent at Shitkadi Campsite. Shitkadi is a few km ahead of Sonmarg. The Shitkadi camp rests amidst the lush green surroundings and the Sindh River flows just next to the campsite. To camp by the river on your very first day starts the trek on an adventurous note. 

On the Tarsar Marsar trek, the verdant valleys of Aru Village give you a sneak of how your days are going to unfold. KGL’s base camp in Shitkadi prepares you for an adventurous journey through beautiful valleys, some tricky patches, and long walking hours on the trail. 

Tarsar Marsar vs KGL: The Verdict 

If you want to experience the raw beauty of Kashmir, you must find time to explore both treks. The two treks offer distinct landscapes of two different parts of Kashmir. There are a few similarities yet so much contrast in what they offer.  Tarsar Marsar takes you to the heart of Kashmir and lets you discover the hidden beauty of the valley. The trail traverses through a secluded forest and verdant valleys and you will have ultimate wilderness. Tarsar Marsar remains unexplored with hardly a few groups on the trail. KGL, being the most popular amongst the trekking community attracts a huge number of trekkers every season. The trail will have any groups heading towards the campsites. The campsites of KGL will have more tents as compared to Tarsar. 

Kashmir Great Lakes is touted as the prettiest trek in India, undoubtedly so. However, Tarsar Marsar has equally beautiful trails and exotic campsites. While the meadows on Tarsar are greener, the valleys on the KGL offer more colours as wildflowers adorn these valleys in a vibrant pop of colours. 

KGL is perfect for you if you have already been on a few high-altitude treks. It will be easier to tread your path on tricky patches of the trek and deal with the long walking hours. However, if you are a beginner and wish to start your trekking journey in Kashmir, Tarsar Marsar can be an easier option than KGL. We have had beginners joining on both our treks in Kashmir. With the right amount of preparation, you can consider KGL as well. It is not unachievable, but it will be challenging and demanding for beginners. 

We hope to have provided some insights about both the treks in Kashmir. If you plan to trek in Kashmir this year, you can find out more about OWLS Kashmir treks here. 

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Incredible tarsar marsar trek.

Tarsar Marsar Trek: .Region:North India Jammu and Kashmir District Anantnag,Himalayan Range,Duration: 7 days, Trekking Altitude 4000 meters, Grade cross country High Altitude Moderate , trekking Distance: Aru valley to Sonmos, Sumbal Sonamarg 60 km , Temperature 15 (°C) to 25 (°C) in summers,   Best time for trek June to October.Starting point Aru Valley Trek Ends Sonmos,Sumbal Sonamrg.  video. Map  Review   Best treks   Linked destination :Srinagar, Pahalgam , sumbal sonamarg. contact us for inquires .

Note : Most of the trekking Groups Start Aru valley and come back same route from Marsar lake. Our company crosses the trek via Sonmas top to Sonmas valley over Sumbal Sonamarg.

Kashmir Tarsar Marsar Lakes Trek

Kashmir Tarsar Marsar Trek Kashmir

Tarsar Marsar Lake Trek Overview : The Tarsar Marsar Trek begins in the far northwest of the Kashmir Valley and the area is dominated by Mount Kolahoi, which at 5600 meters is the highest mountain in the Kashmir Valley. This majestic trek is rare in its kind. Times have literally stood still for centuries in this part of the Himalayas, where the inhabitants of different origins have maintained their customary lifestyle for centuries, traversing the pine-clad mountains of the Great Himalayan Range. Wildflowers, gigantic alpine trees, the roaring waters of the Lidder River and countless wild animals enliven the hikers on their way.

Marsar Lake

Tar sar Marsar Lakes

The Tarsar-Marsar lakes host various species of migratory birds such as brent geese, Himalayan golden eagles, lammergeiers, soaring jackdaws, cinnamon sparrows and black bulbuls. The trek passes Dachigam National Park, home to one of the rarest species of Kashmiri hangul, ibex, musk deer, Himalayan brown bear and golden marmot. Kashmir is a valley of mountains and lakes where a number of trekking tours are available. Read more about trekking routes in Kashmir and the seven great lakes . Take a look at these best pictures and videos of Tarsar Marsar Trek

Lidderwat to Tarsar

Detailed Itinerary for Tarsar Marsar Lake Trekking

The Trekking is for 6 nights 7 Days from Aru valley to sumbal Sonamarg if a day is added then there are two more alpine lakes Yamsar and Khemsar to explore for private or solo tarsar marsar trek read more .

Aru Valley Pahalgam Altitude 2400 Meters

Day: 1 Srinagar to Aru Valley 115 km Drive from Srinagar up to Aru valley via Pahalgam 3 to 4 hours drive over night in camps. Evening hike up to Kothepathre, this hike is wonderful to make up your rhythm.

Lidderwat Valley Altitude 3000 Meters

Day 2: Aru valley to Lidderwat( 5 to 6 hours walking): The trail follows the lidder river to the open meadows of Lidderwat valley. The valley is primary base campground for various treks in this region. This valley is outwardly staggering, it is loaded with pine forests; mountain crests streams and glades of blooming plants and excellent campsite over night camps.

Hamwais Sakwais Altitude 3400 meters

Day 3:Lidderwat to Seikwais ( 4 to 5 hours Trekking ): From lidderwat the lofty curve takes to hamwais over the stream after soak strolling the trail ranges to seikwas at the stature of 3400 meters, sekwais is high Altitude knoll and create huge number of wildflowers along with admirable campsite on shore of Tarsar stream. From seikiwas there are twin lakes for a day trip Yamsar and Khemsar lakes.

tarsar lake

Tarsar lake height 3900 meters

Day 4 :Seikwais to Tarsar lake ( 3 to 4 hours trek) : The steep ascent to tarsar lake is very beautiful with variety of wild flowers. Tarsar Lake is high Altitude snow capped lake; Tarsar Lake is famous and Greatest Lake in Lidder Valley Pahalgam. Other than number of little elevated lakes. Outstanding outdoors up and down the lake side.

Marsar and Sundersar Lakes Altitude 4000 meters

Day 5 :Tarsar to Sundersar Marsar lake ( 4 to 5 hours trek) :A steep ascend over Tarsar ridge to zazmarg through wonderful open valleys and scopes sundersar lake. Some little springs can been seen en route to Sundersar. From Sundersar Campsite a short trip to Marsar lake over night sundersar.

Sunder Lakes to Sonmos valley

Day 6 :Sonasar to Sonmass valley : The Track starts easy walking from sonasar to Sunimous Summit. The route descends on narrow path up to sonmass valley, overnight camping.

Sonmos Valley

Day 7: Sonmass to Sumbal road :T he walk descends on a smooth route in dense forest like Amazon up to Sumbal road, after reaching on the road the vehicle will drive to Srinagar.

Sundersar Lake

 Best Time Kashmir Tarsar Marsar trek

Best time : Month of  June , The Trek usually start from mid June, the pockets of trails is under snow. Snow enthusiast will enjoy this part of the year. Month of  July August; It is middle period of trekking, Clean passes blooming wild life. Month of September October : From the mid September the autumn begins and Mountains, trees, plants change in multi color it best time for photography.

Temperature: July, August 20 (°C) to 25 (°C) September, October 10 (°C) to 25 (°C) Weather: June, July, August, Have rain spills, September, October remain mostly dry.

Sonmas valley

Book Kashmir Tarsar Marsar Lake Trek 2024-Cost 20000/ rupees

Trek Kashmir Mountain Travel is organizing Tarsar Marsar group and Customize Solo Trekking as well. We have been doing trekking from almost a century in this area. The lidderwat tarsar marsar trek is one of earliest treks in Kashmir. We take Small batch and give quality services.Package Details:  16500/ Charges, As a Group Rates no due no additional charges, the rates include six Nights seven days trekking, from Aru valley to sumbal Sonamarg. Mountain Guide,  Cook,   Cooking Helpers,   Back up Horse for any emergency ,Camps,   Sleeping Bags,  Sleeping Mats, Blankets ,  Toilet tent,   Breakfast,    Dry lunch,   Dinner ,  Tea,   Coffee , Chicken  Vegetarian and non vegetarian meals.    Baggage Horses.  Additional services 1000 rupees for 10 kg offloading of your personal    baggage. Transport 2000 rupees, Srinagar to Aru valley and back Sumbal to Srinagar . Grand tot al 20000/Rupees per person with transport, contact us for queries.

Fixed Departure Group Trekking 202 4

June -July Groups 202 4 (4 June to 10 June)-(11 June to 17 June)-(18 June to 2 4June)-

July Groups 2024 (1 July to 7 July)-(8 July to 14 July) (15 July to 21 July)  (22 July to 28 July)- ( 29 July to 4 August ).

August Groups 202 4 (5 August  to 11 august)  (12 august to 18 august)  (19  august to 25 august)  (26 august to 1 September )

September Groups 202 4 (2 September to 8 September) ( 9 September to 15 September )(16 September to 22 September) (23 September to 29 September) ( 30 September to 6 October )-

October Groups 202 4 (7 October  to 13 October )

tarsar alpine lake

1:What Gears I should pack?

Trekking Gears: 1. Day pack 20 liters. 2. Good trekking shoes no sports shoes 3. water bottle 4. Sun glass for snow and glaciers 5. rain cote unpredictable rains some time. 6. Sweaters 7. Full jacket with cap 8. Inner trouser 9. Tracking pants 10. Trekking poles 11. torch 12. slippers 13. thick sock two pairs 14. Cold creams and lips cream 15. Lunch box and spoon or hot bowl 16. Keep your passport or ID card with you during trekking 17. Mixed Dry Fruits 18. Hat or turban 19. Sun cream 20. Extra Camera batteries or power bank, According jk tourism guide lines a medical certificate is must to get trekking permit. Medical certificate format read more .

Tarsar Marsar Trekking Map

2: How Diffcult is Tarsar Marsar Lake Trek?

The trek is easy moderate; The trek has only one pass compare to Kashmir great lakes have three passes. I would suggest any one with basic fitness

3: How do we get Drinking water?

Kashmir is land of fresh water body; we get fresh water from glacier streams and Natural springs.

4: How safe is Tarsar Marsar lake trek can we do solo?

The trek is very much safe, the hikers come frequently from aru valley for day treks and long tours, doing solo is possible, you have to be careful with wild life. Because some portion of route passes through den forest.

5. Is tarsar marsar trek best to Start Aru and end Aru or Star from Aru and end Sumbal Sonamarg?

Answer: The natural route of Tarsar Marsar trek is, Start from Aru and end Sumbal, Because you will see some of beautiful valleys like Sunimous valley and thick forest like Amazon.

Stages : Srinagar to aru valley 115 km drive ,Aru valley to lidderwat valley 11 km trek, Lidderwat valley to sikiwais 9 km trek,sikiwais to tarsar lake 7 km trek ,Tarsar lake to sundersar lake 7 km trek ,sundersar to sunimous valley 8 km trek,sunimous to sumbal 13km trek ,and complete Kashmir tarsar marsar lake trek.

Contact us ( [email protected]) phone: 9419592631

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We (myself, my wife and son) have successfully completed the Tarsar-Marsar trek in 22nd-28th Sept, 2017 under the able guidance of Mr Riyaz Pakhtoon. Tarsar-Marsar is cross-country trek starting at Aru of Lidder valley and ending at Sumbal of Sind valley. It was a fascinating trek with so many varieties in landscape – one can experience lush green alpine meadows of Aru-Lidderwat-Sekiwas, serene high altitude lakes – Tarsar Marsar and Sundarsar, walking along the river bed, little bit boulder hopping, a high altitude pass (Tarsar pass 4200m) crossing and descent through the very nice valley of Sonamous and on a clear day even can have a view of snow peaks of great Himalayan range. Trail was moderate with 2-3 tricky stretches and could be covered without much difficulty even by my 9yr old son. The arrangement done by Riyaz was excellent – transfer from Srinagar to trek start and end points was managed exceptionally on time, the trekking gears sleeping bags, tents, mats were neat and clean and of good quality. Foods were also delicious and a special thanks to Tariq (Riyaz’s brother) for providing a scope to taste few Kashmiri cuisines even on a trek. Riyaz and his team (Horsemen – Muin baba and Yousuf) were extremely caring for the comfort of the trekkers. He even brought one hot bag to provide warmth to my son during chilling nights at the high camp sites. I must mention that Riyaz has a very good vision to spot wildlife – be it a Marmot or Himalayan black bear or different species of birds. Overall we enjoyed the trek a lot and still cherish its memories. I would highly recommend Mr. Riyaz Pakhtoon as one of the best guide and trek organizer of the Kashmir valley for beginners or families as well as for experienced groups.

Tarsar/Marsar lake was breath taking the experience with Riyaz and his crew. I would love travel back in coming years with his trekking company. We had a great time as a small group, and at one stage we have to face brown bear on our track that was a thrilling experience indeed for everyone. Riyaz brother kept us warm with his cooking skills, and I felt nostalgic after the trip for a while especially with his tea. Horseman “my baba” and “Yousuf” were very caring through the trip and kept us on time through the trip if it is breakfast or departure to our next camp. The coolest thing they provide nice trekking gears, so it makes the life easier for many trekkers. Unfortunately, I took mine with me. With the chirping sounds of marmots and birds, the scenic location in day time will mesmerise you with dreamy milky way during the night hours. I would really recommend their travels regardless of any age groups and country. Please do give a try.

Did this in early October, probably one of the last batches(the dates were not even mentioned on the website). Amazing service and awesome people. Riyaz and his brothers were very helpful; right from answering all the queries to organizing this. We were a small group of five and still the prices were the same. Even though it was almost off season, he had organized everything well.

This place has 10-12 lakes nearby. When time permits I will will be coming for longer ones. They have brilliant knowledge of the terrain and you definitely feel safe.

Looking forward to doing more with you guys. Highly recommended. Thanks for making the trip memorable.


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    Besides the beautiful terrains, the beautiful mountain valleys and rustic villages of Kashmir leave you awestruck. Best Time To Tarsar Marsar Trek. The best time for Tarsar Marsar trek is from July to August when the floral colours and greenery are in full bloom. The snow cover melts in May/June, leaving behind a lush carpet of colours behind.

  12. Tarsar Marsar Trek

    Tarsar Marsar Trek Overview & Itinerary. The Tarsar Marsar Lake Trek is an alpine lake located in Tral valley of Pulwama district in Jammu and Kashmir, India. It is famous for its scenic beauty. The lake is separated by a mountain with a minimum peak elevation of 4,000 metres (13,000 ft) from another lake of the same nature known as Tarsar Lake.

  13. Tarsar Marsar Trek

    Tarsar Marsar is a marvelous trek in the heart of Kashmir. I lead this trek back in 2017 and believe me, I call it one of the best treks I've been to. The tr...

  14. Tarsar Marsar Trek

    Among all the treks in Kashmir, Tarsar Marsar Trek stands tall. The trek has a cluster of 3 beautiful alpine lakes, long lush meadows, mighty mountains, and the Lidder River. ... Enjoy the view of the lake, and take pictures and videos to capture this moment. This is also the highest altitude point of the entire trek. You will be standing at an ...

  15. Tarsar Marsar Trek

    The Landscape of the trek. During this journey of 7 days, you will witness the miracles of nature in the form of green lush meadows, inverted waterfalls, snow-fed rivers, snow-capped mountains, tall pine trees, gypsy life, wildflowers, valleys, and the open view of the lesser Himalayas including high mountain peak of Kashmir (Mt. Kolahoi 5425 m).The Tarsar Marsar Lakes trek is the only trek ...

  16. Tarsar Marsar Trek [Premium]

    Tarsar Marsar Trek Day Wise Itinerary: Day 1: Arrive in Srinagar. Altitude: 5,200 ft (1,585 m) Accommodation: Houseboat Meals included: Dinner at the boathouse. On the day of arrival of tarsar trek, we start the routine of briefing the group and introducing you to fellow group members and taking you through the itinerary and plan for the next 8 ...

  17. Tarsar Marsar Trek: One of the Most Beautiful Trek in Kashmir

    Tarsar Marsar's location is 20 km to the east of Kolahoi Mountain in the Anantnag district of Jammu & Kashmir. Marsar Lake is specifically in the neighboring area of Dachigam national park. The exquisite Tarsar Marsar lake location and the incredibly pretty landscape of the area are the two things that have made people crazy about this trek.

  18. Tarsar Marsar Lake Trek

    Distance: 33 Km. Tarsar Marsar Lake Trek is one of the highly opted treks of the Kashmir valley. It is a trek encompassing a journey to the two beautiful twin lakes, identical in nature and notable for their almond shape. Tarsar and Marsar Lakes, are encircled by the peaks of Kolohai glacier. The trail is lined with lush meadows, crystal-clear ...

  19. Best Time To Trek To Tarsar Marsar, Kashmir Great Lakes

    The Tarsar Marsar Trek in Kashmir is easily the prettiest trek in India. You trek from one lake to another, from Tarsar, to Marsar and then to Sundarsar and ...

  20. Tarsar Marsar Trek: Detailed Itinerary, Reviews, Safety & More

    Tarsar Marsar Trek: Detailed Itinerary, Reviews, Safety & More

  21. Tarsar Marsar Trek: Discover the Alpine Wonders

    Experience the magic of Tarsar Marsar Trek, a captivating journey through the pristine landscapes of Kashmir. Our website is your gateway to discovering the beauty of Tarsar and Marsar lakes, nestled amidst majestic mountains and lush meadows. Explore trekking routes, find detailed information on packages and itineraries, and get expert tips for a safe and memorable trekking experience.

  22. Tarsar Marsar vs Kashmir Great Lakes

    On the Tarsar Marsar trek, you cover a total distance of roughly 40 km. The trail is comfortable as compared to its twin KGL. Tarsar Marsar is categorized as a moderate trek. KGL is a difficult trek and you will be covering a distance of around 70 km in seven days. KGL demands long walks on meadows, traversing your way on boulders and moraines.

  23. Tarsar Marsar trek -Budget Trek Kashmir

    Ascending Kolahoi Ranges Kashmir Tarsar Marsar Trek Kashmir. Tarsar Marsar Lake Trek Overview: The Tarsar Marsar Trek begins in the far northwest of the Kashmir Valley and the area is dominated by Mount Kolahoi, which at 5600 meters is the highest mountain in the Kashmir Valley.This majestic trek is rare in its kind. Times have literally stood still for centuries in this part of the Himalayas ...