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32 Tips for Making a Long-haul Flight More Comfortable

These hacks will help you enjoy the journey — and feel better on arrival.

Whether you're taking a seven-hour trip across the pond to Europe or embarking on the nearly 19-hour odyssey from New York City to Singapore, a long-haul flight can be boring, uncomfortable, and exhausting. The nuisances of time-consuming air travel can range in severity from mildly inconvenient (annoying seat mates, let's say) to the downright dangerous (developing a blood clot on a plane is no joke). Luckily, there are some easy ways to make a big journey more bearable. Here are 32 of our favorite tips for long flights.

Book your flight early for good seats.

This should go without saying. The earlier you book, the better your chances of scoring your favorite seat, whether it's at the window, so you can watch the scenery, or at the aisle, with easiest access to the lavatory. It's just that simple.

Consider a seat in the back of the plane.

Your favorite seat probably isn't in the back of the plane. It's noisy back there, tends to have little leg room, and means you're the last off the plane when it lands. However, there are perks to choosing a back seat. If you're flying with an airline like Southwest that doesn't have assigned seats, you might have better luck claiming a row to yourself or at least an empty seat next to you in the back. Also, being in the back lets you watch which rows don't fill up ahead of you, so you can claim one of the emptier ones after everyone is seated.

Use those air miles to upgrade.

If you've got 'em, flaunt 'em. You'll thank yourself when you're reclining in a first-class seat, sipping Champagne and pretending to like caviar. And if you don't have the miles, this might be the time to splurge for a superior first- or business-class seat. Even upgrading to premium economy will give you priority check-in, extra legroom, and comfortable seats.

Or angle for a free upgrade.

It's worth a go, isn't it? Arrive early, dress nicely, travel alone, and put on your most winning smile for the best chance at success. Your odds of scoring a last-minute upgrade are better if you have elite status with the airline.

Adjust your sleep pattern before your flight.

In the days before your flight, adjust your sleep patterns (a few 4 a.m. or 7 p.m. bedtimes should do it, depending on what time of day you'll be flying). If your flight is during the day, be well rested before you fly. If it's a red-eye, arrive at the airport tired. Trust us on this, though: staying awake for 24 hours before your trip to balance out jet lag just doesn't work.

Check in early.

The last thing you need before your long-haul journey is to panic your way through a busy airport, arriving at the gate sweaty and frazzled — or, worse, to miss your flight.

De-stress before you board.

You don't want to spend your whole flight buzzing about all the things you have to do or what you might have forgotten. Carve out some time before your trip to sit down with a nice breakfast. Go to the gym. Read a book. Go for a walk. It's important to relax before it's time to fly.

Margot Cavin/Travel + Leisure

Don't overpack your personal item.

You'll need more for a long-haul flight than you would for a short one, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to overfill your bag with unnecessary extras. Keep only the essentials in your personal item so they're always easy to find and within reach.

Bring your own pillow.

A travel pillow is a staple carry-on item for long-distance travelers. Almost every airport sells them, and looking a little ridiculous with one around your neck is a small price to pay for arriving at your destination without a crick.

Wear noise-canceling headphones.

Noise-canceling headphones help block out annoying airplane clatter and loud passengers, so you can zone out with a riveting podcast or a favorite playlist. If you don't have them, a pair of good old-fashioned earplugs will also help.

Buckle your seat belt over your blanket.

If you plan to sleep with a blanket during your flight, make sure your buckled seat belt is still visible. In case of turbulence, the seat belt light will turn on, and flight attendants may come around the cabin to check that everyone is buckled up. If you're buckled beneath your blanket where they can't see it, they will wake you up to check.

Pack an eye mask.

An eye mask is especially useful if you're flying during the day, or if you want to catch some shut-eye before the cabin lights are dimmed.

Dress comfortably.

Keep it loose and comfortable — you're not here to impress anyone. Also remember to bring layers for when it gets cold. A cardigan or sweatshirt is always good to have on hand.

Try to relax.

Do whatever it takes — meditate, listen to some calming music, do some breathing exercises. Not only will it help you sleep more easily, but it's also good for your psyche in general.

Bring a travel blanket, not a regular blanket.

Don't bring anything too thick (remember, it has to fit in your carry-on), but make sure it's enough to keep you warm when the plane's air-conditioning is going full blast.

Download movies onto your tablet or laptop for backup.

In-flight entertainment systems are not always reliable. They sometimes fail, and when they do, you'll be glad to have something to do, watch, or listen to in reserve.

Charge your electronic devices.

The last thing you need is for your iPad to run out of juice one hour into an 11-hour flight. This is especially true if your in-flight entertainment system isn't working.

Load up on podcasts.

Listening to podcasts uses up less battery life than watching a movie, and they can be more entertaining than music. You can get through an entire flight on podcasts alone.

Stay healthy.

Sitting in a cramped metal tube for the better part of a day (or more) is not good for you. Fight off dehydration and blood clotting — your two biggest enemies in the sky — by regularly drinking water, stretching, and walking around the cabin.

Bring what you need to freshen up.

This is for everyone else's sake as much as your own. Bring toiletries in your carry-on so you can brush your teeth, throw on some deodorant, or even change your clothes in the lavatory. Also, try to stick to your bedtime routine. Wash your face in the bathroom before you go to sleep.

Get creative.

You rarely get the chance to sit down for such a long time, more or less distraction-free, so why not make the most of it? Bring a notebook, a sketchpad, or whatever else you need to exercise the right side of your brain. Switching activities throughout the flight instead of focusing on just one thing will also keep you feeling fresh.

Be productive.

If you have your laptop with you, this might be a good opportunity to catch up on any busywork that needs doing. Everyone else on your flight will think you're a sophisticated jet-setting businessperson. Never mind the Netflix tab you have open.

Befriend the crew.

Simply not being horrible to the flight crew is a given, but you could always go one step further and make an active effort to be nice. Not only will you up your chances of preferential treatment, but you'll also be doing something lovely for the folks who look after you up there.

Pack extra snacks.

Airline food is not often plentiful, even on long-haul flights, and it's important to stay nourished. No need to overdo it, of course, but no one was ever sorry to find a couple pieces of forgotten fruit or granola bars in their carry-on. Make sure the food you bring is not messy, but nutritious and easy on the stomach so you'll feel your best when you land.

Moisturize your skin.

The dry, recycled air on a plane has a way of making your skin look and feel parched and lackluster. In addition to drinking plenty of water, slather on a bit of extra moisturizer. In fact, use your thickest night cream — the one you reserve for winter. And reapply it throughout the flight.

Elevate your feet.

Sitting with your legs bent and feet on the floor for a long time can cause pain and swelling in your feet and ankles as the fluid in your body naturally flows downward. If you can, prop your feet up on a special contraption like a portable footrest, or even your underseat carry-on if it's hardy enough.

Wear compression socks.

Compression socks help minimize swelling on and after your flight by increasing blood circulation. At a minimum, they can keep you more comfortable, but more importantly, reduce the risk of developing blood clots during a long flight.

Pack a nasal spray.

Have you ever noticed a generally icky and dry feeling in your sinuses while flying? That feeling is caused by a shift in air pressure and the low humidity in the cabin. Experts recommend using a decongestant nasal spray in each nostril before takeoff and descent to alleviate those symptoms.

Adjust your watch.

It's important to acclimatize yourself to the time zone you're flying into. As soon as you get on the plane, change your watch to the local time of your destination, then alter your routine accordingly.

Be selective about your drink choices.

Some passengers enjoy a glass of wine or beer (often free on international flights) to accompany their in-flight meals and entertainment. That said, you probably shouldn't treat booze as a way to fight boredom or cope with your flight. You'll end up using those tiny bathrooms far more frequently than you'd like, plus alcohol is dehydrating and could mess up your sleep pattern. Soda can have a similar effect because of the caffeine, and the bubbles can make you feel gassy and bloated.

Bring your best conversation.

Many people dread sitting next to a chatty seatmate, but don't be afraid to strike up a conversation with your neighbor if the opportunity arises. You could be seated next to a genuinely interesting and friendly fellow traveler, and talking makes the time go faster.

Pack lots of activities for your kids.

Traveling with children? Make sure you have plenty of activities to keep them entertained throughout the flight. Bring the gaming systems, iPads preloaded with their favorite shows (and headphones), and coloring and sticker books. Plus, don't forget their favorite snacks.

long haul travel tips

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Travelling Thirties

38 Best Long Haul Flight Essentials + Insider Tips

As someone who moved to the other side of the world, Long Haul Flights very quickly became part of my regular routine.

I am not one to fly for business, so I do not have the perks of free upgrades and you will find me in the back of a plane in economy!

Unfortunately, there is no “secret hack” to turning your economy flight into a first class flight.

However, you can pack some “long haul flight essentials” to make your flight much more bearable.

From my very first flight to London, where my not-so-polite seat neighbour told me to stop crying (dude, I don’t know when I’m going to see my family again!), I have become a pro at packing and preparing for my long haul flights and coming up with the best list of essentials for long flights.

Lucky for you…. I am share some of my long flight essentials (always pack a blanket scarf) and general tips with you to hopefully make your next flight a little less…..sucky?

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In a hurry? Download your packing list for long haul flights

Table of Contents

Pack your Long Haul Flight Essentials Kit

These are the items that are going to transform your economy flight into a first-class flight….. who am I kidding?

These items will not make it a first-class flight, but they will make your economy flight a little more comfortable.

1. Baby wipes

I used to travel with cleanser but I have found that baby wipes are little easier to travel with and because they have a few uses they are one of the best items for long haul flights.

I love to wipe my face and neck as soon as I get on the plane. It helps to replicate my night time routine and get me ready to relax.

I also like to wipe down my surroundings, I know that plans are cleaned but like to make sure!

Baby wipes are great for that mid flight shower – remember, we’re in economy not first class!! I also like to have a bit of a “wash” before arriving in my destination.

Baby wipes are the number one long air travel must haves if you like feeling clean on a long haul flight.

2. Deodorant

This plane travel essential is more for your seat neighbours! I always panic that I am going to be stinky on my flight, so I am constantly using deodorant throughout my flights. I love the fresh coconut scent of this deodorant !

3. Lip Balm

Lip Balm is a definite essential because airplanes are super dehydrating. There is nothing worse than being dehydrated when you are trying to sleep!!

A green building in front of snow capped mountains

4. Moisturiser

Moisturiser is another LONG haul flight essential. I moisturise several times through out the flight so I don’t look 100 years old when I arrive in my destination.

I either use a regular moisturiser or if I can’t be bothered constantly applying moisturiser , I take a thick mask with me (just remember to put it into a travel container!)

5. Travel Bottles

Remember when travelling on long haul international flights your liquids and gels need to be under 100mL. This is where travel bottles will come in handy.

You can pour (or scoop) your larger bottles and containers into your small travel bottles . This will ensure you’re not getting into trouble at security and that you aren’t wasting product.

An airplane tray table folded down with a 7-up can next to a cup with 7-up, a straw and a lemon in it behind a packet of pretzels

On most long haul flights, you will get some food. It just might not be as often as you like it or the kind of food that you feel like in the middle of the night so I suggest you pack your own food!

7. Travel Cup

I always get bored at airports and buy drinks just for the sake of it. When ever possible I would much rather use a reusable cup to help do my bit for the environment. Reusable cups are great as a general travel essential so I highly recommend you get one!

8. Reusable water bottle

Reusable water bottle in case you didn’t read earlier, airplanes are very hydrating places and water bottles in the airport are VERY expensive (and bad for the environment). I always take a water bottle with me and ask the flight attendants (very politely) if I they will fill it up for me. I love collapsible water bottles because when they are empty they don’t take much space.

I always bring gum with me, it helps if you can’t find a toothbrush and it can help your ears when your flight is taking off or landing.

Stairs leading up to a snow capped castle with fog covering the Tourette of the castle

10. Hair Ties

When moving around airports my hair always gets in the way, so I like to have a few hair ties handy. I prefer to use the silk scrunchies because they’re much kinder to my hair.

11. Toothbrush

I think this one is self explanatory but something can be easily forgotten. I always buy a new tooth brush and pack in my hand luggage so I can’t forget to pack it on the day I leave.

12. Head phone splitter

If you’re travelling with a partner or a friend and using a laptop or iPad for entertainment you will want to grab a head phone splitter !

long haul travel tips

13. Noise cancelling Head phones

Noise cancelling headphones are perfect to block out the noisy sounds of the plane, babies crying or the snoring passenger next to you.

I love these headphones as they allow me to sink into a movie and the time flies by (pardon the pun!) and are definitely must haves for long haul flights.

Two gentlemen talking at a Christmas market

14. Travel Pillow

Your long haul flight essentials kit is not complete without a travel pillow . Inflatable travel pillows are great options because you can add as much (or as little) air as you like and when you’re not using them they’re easy to fold away in your bag.

15. Eye Mask and Ear Plugs

Eye mask and ear plugs are perfect for being able to block out the world on a long haul flight, especially if it is a night time flight.

16. Blanket Scarf

This essential item has so many uses but I find airplanes so cold and I the blankets on the planes are pretty thin so I love bringing a blanket scarf. These can be bulky but I am always so grateful for it when ever I use it!

17. Warm socks

I find warm fluffy socks really improve my flight experience more than you could imagine. Not only do I hate having a cold feet but I also find that any time I’m getting comfortable at home, I put on some warm fluffy socks. So why not use them on a long haul flight as well?

18. Compression Socks

If your feet or legs swell when you’re flying it is a great idea to grab a pair of compression socks . Compression socks can also help with deep vein thrombose when travelling, but make sure you are moving around during your long haul flight.

A blue christmas tree covered with white lights and a sign saying vilnius in front of a tall tower

19. A change of clothes and spare underwear

There are a million reasons why you should always bring a change of clothes and spare underwear with you on the plane. Lost luggage? At least you have some fresh clothes for the first 24 hours of your trip. Flying from a hot country and to a cold country? Or maybe you’re just like me and you like to have fresh clothes on when you land!

A change of clothes is one of the top carry-on essentials for long flights. So don’t forget your change of underwear, a t shirt and a cardigan or jumper.

long haul travel tips

21. Slides or flip flops

As mentioned above, I love wearing socks during my flight but I never go to the toilet in just socks, is that water on the floor? I find slides are perfect for wearing over my socks to the toilet or just around in the plane in general.

22. Face mask

These days no body goes any where without a face mask but it is particularly important when travelling. To keep yourself and everybody else safe, please make sure you carry a mask with you next time you are on a plane.

23. Hand sanitizer

Along with a face mask, hand sanitizer can be found every where these days. It is something I have always travelled with but never used as much as I should. I love this hand sanitizer because it is cruelty free and not harsh on your skin.

A little squirt of hand sanitizer before you eat or touch a communal space can help keep us all safe and travelling.

24. Disinfectant wipes

Planes have always been known as not always being the cleanest places and airlines are saying that since 2020 they are cleaning the planes more thoroughly.

However, since I began taking long haul flights I have always wiped down my tray table, in flight entertainment unit (if there is one) and my arm rests I cannot recommend highly enough that you do this every time you fly.

They are an essential item for long flights. Disinfectant wipes don’t take up much room and they can make your flight more enjoyable knowing that you have cleaned your area.

a bicycle parked out the front of a bright orange house with wooden red shutters at Nyboder in Copenhagen

25. Sunscreen

Not only is sunscreen essential for when you arrive in your destination but it is also one of the best travel essentials.

Even though you are at high altitudes if you are sitting on the window you can still be exposed to UVA. I always apply sunscreen before every flight and as I’m landing, even if its just a stop over.

26. Rain jacket

There is nothing worse than landing at London Heathrow after a 24 hour flight from Australia and it is pouring rain when you’re trying to get to your accommodation.

Ever since my first flight to London, I have always packed a light weight rain jacket in my carry on. It is much easier to access than if it is in your main luggage and you never know when you might need it.

27. Travel purse

Along with my carry on back pack, I always have a small purse that I have across my body. In this small bag I carry my passport, iPhone, credit cards, cash, spare sim card, tickets and really anything that is valuable to me.

These are things that are expensive, hard to replace or would make my travels very difficult if they got stolen.

Whenever I am on the plan I “wear” this bag or I have it sitting next to me on my seat. As it is so small it doesn’t count toward your carry on luggage and it gives me piece of mind that if I go to sleep my important things won’t get stolen.

I bought my travel purse in the leather markets in Florence (I highly recommend a visit when you’re in Florence ) but this one is quite similar .

The malmo castle in malmo

I highly recommend converting some of your home currency to the local currency of your first destination.

Depending on where you are going it can be quite hard to get money when you first land. You always need money at the airport, whether it is for the bus, a taxi or a transfer, you will need to pay for this.

I don’t like get stuck with only a card so I exchange about $100AUD so I am covered when I first get there.

I also always have about $100AUD on me at all times that I can change if I find I am stuck without any money.

Pro Tip: I never suggest carrying 100s of dollars in any currency just in case something happens and its gets stolen!

29. Notebook

I never travel with out a notebook . I sometimes write a diary during my travels but it is handy for noting down the places you want to see during your trip, you can write down directions for getting to your first nights accommodations as soon as you leave the airport.

It also provides you with some entertainment on the flight!

What use is a notebook if you don’t have a pen? Aside from being able to to write in your notebook, a pen is useful for filling out departure or arrival cards you need to fill in. You can’t always rely on flight attendants or fellow passengers to lend you a pen.

31. Entertainment

Someone hold  green, red and blue uno cards with uno cards in a pile on a table next to a green passport case and a can of soft drink in the background. Uno cards are a must for entertainment on a long haul flight.

Most Long Haul Flights these days have inflight entertainment that includes music, movies, eBooks, TV shows and games.

However, sometimes you end up sitting in a seat where the entertainment is broken. Or you are on an older flight that doesn’t have the entertainment units.

Be prepared and bring your own entertainment. I like to pack a book because I am old school and like physical books but I also download podcasts before the flight leaves or bring my laptop with movies downloaded.

Entertainment is also very important if you end up stuck in an airport a lot longer than you thought, it is definitely one of the top must haves on a long flight.

I once booked a 17 hours lay over in the Middle East and I didn’t realise until I arrived. Let’s just say, I learnt every single corner of the airport!!

32. Universal Adapter

Universal adapters are one of the best travel accessories for long flights as they help you charge your devices no matter where you are in the world!

It takes away some of the preplanning you have to do and prevents you from having a hundred different adapters for countries you might only visit once.

33. USB cord

USB cords are definitely must haves for long flights! Whether you are using the USB socket on the plane or your portable charger, you will want to make sure you have a fully charged phone when you land!

34. Packing cubes

Packing cubes are not necessarily on the top of your “things to bring for long flights” list but, I hate trying to rummage around in my bag to find my socks at the very bottom of the bag, so I use packing cubes .

I use these in main luggage and my carry on to keep everything super organized.

I only started using packing cubes before my latest four month trip around Europe and I have no idea how I ever survived without them before!

35. Copy of your passport

A can of Maeloc Cider on a table next to glass filled with cider and ice and an Australian passport in front of the drinks

When travelling overseas I am always worried something will happen to my passport.

It is my life line when I’m travelling, it proves my identity but in a crisis it will also help if I turn up to the Australian Consulate any where.

Whilst nothing beats actually having your passport (it is a must have for international flights) if something goes wrong and you lose your passport or it gets stolen having a copy of it can help you get your new passport processed and to prove your identify without the actual passport.

I find a paper is sometimes more useful than having it stored on your phone incase you don’t have reception or battery.

36. Extra passport photo

As with the one above, carry a passport photo can help you get your new passport processed faster if you carry a spare passport photo with you.

37. Make sure you are covered

While this one is not a long haul flight essential in the fact that it fits in a kit, it is an essential in that you cannot leave home with out. Yes, I am talking about travel insurance.

What happens if you get sick abroad and need to go to hospital? What happens if you lose your luggage? What happens if you trip is cancelled? What happens if your accommodation is cancelled?

Someone lying in a hammock in an open living area

Fingers crossed, none of the above happen to you but you have to be covered if they do happen.

Especially, if it is a medical emergency. This is a situation that cannot be ignored and needs to be attended to straight away.

However, if you do not have travel insurance, these can be very expensive.

You should always, always, always, purchase travel insurance as soon as you have booked or paid for something related to your trip.

Find Your Perfect Policy Here

38. Don’t fight over the outlets

An iphone plugged into a power outlet

It seems that airports never have enough outlets and if they do, there is already a hundred travellers (okay, I may be slight exaggerating) crowded around it.

I find a Long Haul Flight Essential is having a fully charged phone and after travelling for 14 hours (and only being two thirds of the way) my phone is usually dying.

So, I have found a couple of “tricks”, that aren’t really tricks, to avoid the fight over the power outlets.

Away Carry On luggage – if you have purchased the Away luggage, you will have your handy power pack built in to your luggage. Just don’t forget to charge your luggage before your long haul flight.

Portable Power Pack – adding a portable power pack to your airplane essentials is pretty easy.

It doesn’t take up too much space and it will take away the stress of arriving in your destination with a flat battery and no idea how to get to your accommodation.

I love this power pack because it will charge my phone fully FIVE times and it charges very quickly.

Power Board – packing a power board will help when there are a quite a few people fighting over the same outlet.

These are also fantastic for hostels or if you travel with a few different electronics that need charging.

If you are using a Power Board, make sure it suits the plugs from your home country and bring your universal power adapte r so you can plug into any plug!

Preparing for your trip

The arc de triomphe

If you are like me, you’re constantly on pinterest before each long haul flight looking up things like “how to survive a long haul flight, long haul flight essentials, what to pack for a long haul flight, things to bring for a long flight, getting a free upgrade to business”

I won’t lie, you are not going to find the magic hack and your chances of getting upgrade to premium economy, let alone, business class (or first class) are very slim. However, it is important to start preparing for your long haul flight before you get to the airport.

Decide on your carry on luggage

Unless you are flying on a big international airline , most airlines will charge for luggage and will make you check in your carry on bag if it two grams over your allowance!

So make sure your carry on luggage meets the requirements .

When it comes to luggage, any kind of luggage, you need to think of it as an investment. You do not want to be half way through your trip and have your zipper break or your handle fall off.

You want to make sure that you have quality luggage that will last you for many years.

As a rough guide, your luggage should last you 8 – 10 years. This comes from someone who doesn’t exactly look after their luggage!!

I use my luggage as a seat, I drag it through airports, roll it down stairs – so don’t be like me…..look after your luggage and it will last you a long time!

Some of my luggage recommendations are:

The Away Roller Bags: These suitcases are beautiful! They are hard shelled cases with a built in laundry bag with compressor so it doesn’t become super bulky before you can find a laundry.

One side of the case is made for soft items such as clothing and the other side is for harder items such as shoes and toiletries.

I recommend the suitcase with the built in battery pack to help charge your electronics on the go.

Two away suitcases outside with a dog in the doorway

The Tortuga Outbreaker Backpack: If you prefer a backpack to a suitcase then the Outbreaker is the one for you.

It packs like a suitcase and carry’s like a backpack. The best thing about this pack is that is opens like a suitcase so you don’t have to pull everything out of your bag to find your hair tie that is all the way at the bottom!!


Check out ‘The Long Haul Life Saver’

The Ultimate Guide to Long-Haul Flights  is your essential companion for stress-free, enjoyable long-distance travel.

Packed with actionable tips, interactive checklists, and quick guides, this eBook ensures you arrive refreshed and ready for adventure. Perfect for both seasoned travellers and first-timers.

Make sure you’re covered with travel insurance

Don’t even think about skipping travel insurance when you book your trip.

Airlines usually won’t cover mishaps like delayed flights, lost luggage, or unexpected medical needs.

Trust me, I learned this the hard way: a jellyfish in Corfu left me not just in pain, but with a massive doctors bill.

Now, I get insured the second I book anything for a trip. If you can’t afford insurance, you can’t afford to travel, period

Top Tip: Make sure you check the policy you plan on purchasing because it will tell you exactly what you are covered for, so there are no nasty surprises.

Don’t forget to download your carry on packing list for long flights :


What to pack for a long haul flight.

It can be stressful trying to figure out what to bring on a long flight, here are the main things you need for long flights:

Reusable water bottle  – on long haul flights hydration is super important Eye mask and ear plugs   – these greatly help with sleeping Chargers  – you want to make sure your devices are charged at the other end Travel pillow  – these are compact and really help you stay comfortable on a flight Blanket scarf  – airplanes can get very cold and sometimes the airline blanket isn’t enough Toothbrush – keep your breath minty fresh Baby wipes –  keep you feeling fresh on the flight and are great to wipe down surfaces

What to wear on a long haul flight?

On a long haul flight you need to be comfortable. Wearing tight and restrictive clothing are generally uncomfortable, especially after 15 hours.

Make sure you wear clothes that are breathable and layers are great option to help you stay warm on your flight.

For safety reasons, high heels are not a great idea. If you need to leave the plane in an emergency you are often not allowed to wear your high heels.

During a 12 hour (or longer) flight you want to make sure you are going to be comfortable and entertained.

What is considered a long haul flight?

Generally flights over seven hours are considered to be long haul flights. These flights are often international flights.

What to take on a long flight?

The best things to take on a long flight are: an eye mask, travel pillow, ear plugs, reusable water bottle, entertainment (book, iPad), ear phones, hand sanitizer, tooth brush and a blanket scarf.

What are some overnight flight essentials?

Some overnight flight essentials you can’t travel without are some comfortable clothes (or pajamas), eye mask, ear plugs, travel pillow, noise cancelling headphones, snacks and some slippers or comfortable socks.

Wrap Up: Long Haul Travel Essentials

Embarking on a long haul flight can be both exciting and daunting, but with the right essentials, it can transform into a comfortable and enjoyable experience.

Prioritize your comfort, well-being, and entertainment to make the most of your journey, and remember that preparation is key.

From packing a neck pillow, cozy blanket, and noise-canceling headphones to staying hydrated, moving around, and engaging in calming activities, each element plays a vital role in ensuring a smooth and stress-free long haul flight.

Don’t hesitate to customize your travel kit to suit your unique requirements.

Whether you’re a seasoned globetrotter or a first-time long haul traveler, incorporating these essentials will undoubtedly enhance your travel experience.

If you’re looking for ways to save on your next long haul adventure, be sure to check out Faredrop .

With Faredrop’s innovative platform, you can discover fantastic flight deals and exclusive offers, allowing you to embark on your dream journeys without breaking the bank.

Remember, the world is waiting to be explored, so make your next long haul flight a memorable one by being prepared and snagging the best deals with Faredrop .


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I'm Fiona, the Australian blogger behind Travelling Thirties. Travel has always been my passion since 2007. I created this site to help inspire you to travel the world. In 2010 I moved from Australia to Scotland with $500 and a one way ticket, no one thought I'd last 5 minutes but I lasted 5 years. I share everything from one day itineraries to travel tips and tricks from Australia to Europe that will inspire you to get out and travel. Some of my favourite countries I have been to are France, Finland, Denmark, and England.

Travel Expertise: Europe Travel, France Travel, Christmas Markets, travel planning, itineraries and travel tips

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11 tips for surviving a long-haul flight in economy

Samantha Rosen

We don't have to tell you this, but flying in economy isn't exactly a glamorous or enjoyable experience.

Sure, it's totally fine for quick domestic flights, but being contained in a small seat that doesn't have much recline, pitch or legroom for more than a few hours really starts to take a toll on your body (and, let's be real, your mind). Luckily for you, we've rounded up some of our favorite tips and tricks so you can walk off your next long-haul flight feeling fresh as a daisy.

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Choose your seats wisely

Don't pick your seat assignment blindly. We recommend checking Seat Guru before you click "confirm" — after all, you don't want to end up smack in the middle of a 2-4-2 configuration or right next to the lavatory, do you? You may also want to consider selecting an exit row seat (just know the pros and cons) for more legroom. But unless you have status, you'll probably have to pay for the privilege.

Check in early

Didn't get 22A? Don't panic. But don't wait until you get to the airport to check in for your flight, either. During the (usually 24-hour) check-in period, watch the seat map and refresh it regularly — something better could easily open up at this time, and if you're able to score a window or aisle seat, the quality of your flight will be significantly better.

Get comfortable

We've said it before, and we'll say it again: Comfort is key when traveling, especially toward the back of the plane. More likely than not, you're going to want to get some shuteye, so wear clothes that resemble (or at least feel like) pajamas, without actually being, you know, pajamas. You still want to look at least somewhat presentable .

Dress in layers

Travelers should always dress in layers, but this is especially true if you're on a long-haul flight. Nothing, after all, is more uncomfortable than wild inflight temperature swings. And don't expect airlines to give you more than a bolt of thin fabric in coach as a stand-in for a blanket, so consider investing in a cozy scarf, wrap or cape that you can easily slip on and off, wear as a sweater or curl up under when you're trying to sleep.

For men and women, we love Jet&Bo's "Make Travel Luxurious Again" travel set , which includes a travel wrap, socks and a sleep mask that pack away in a zip-up case that easily fits in your carry-on. And did we mention everything is made of 100% cashmere? You'll be more comfortable (and feel more extravagant ) than travelers flying in the front of the plane. Well, almost.

Bring your own amenities

On that note, you're going to want to come prepared. Don't just show up for your flight with only your bags in tow. Many travelers, including The Points Guy himself, have been known to save first- and business-class amenity kits for trips in the back of the bus.

But you can always put together your own. Whether it's a great neck pillow, the aforementioned travel set, your favorite sleep mask or a footrest (economy can be uncomfortable for short people, too!), bring items with you that will make you feel "at home" as much as possible. There are a few items that you'll always want to keep handy, so be sure to create an amenity kit with hand sanitizer, lip balm, tissues, ear plugs and either toothpaste and a toothbrush or, at least, a bottle of mouthwash.

As an aside, I flew seven flights in coach in four days and believe me when I say the foot sling was a game-changer.

Drink water

When you think you've had enough water, drink some more. Flight attendants — especially in coach — are somewhat notorious for not handing out enough water, but don't be afraid to ask for what you need. Air on planes is known for being incredibly dry, and it can really start to mess up your body. You'll be able to start your trip on the right foot if you're hydrated and taking care of yourself, so pack a reusable water bottle — like the lightweight Vapur bottles that collapse and lie flat when empty — and fill it up after security.

Bring snacks

Airplane food isn't exactly a gourmet dining experience (unless, of course, you're sitting at the pointy end of the plane). So, pack some of your favorite snacks from home to do away with those pesky hunger pains. Just be mindful of your fellow passengers , please and thank you, and stick to less, well, aromatic foods .

Take care of your skin

Remember what we said about air on planes being really dehydrating? Same principle applies for your skin. Do a moisturizing face mask, apply your favorite creams and oils — whatever you need to do to keep your skin feeling good. You'll likely never see any of these people again, so put your pride aside and focus on your wellbeing.

Drown out the sound

Splurge on the best noise-canceling headphones money can buy, and then drown out all the gloomy sounds of economy. Slip on the downright luxurious Bang & Olufsen Beoplay H8i or classic road warrior Bose QuietComfort 35 Headphones II and say goodbye to the engine roar, howling babies (and their parents) and the whoosh of the lav toilet flushing. You can thank us later.

Bring some backup

Like we said, you'll likely want to get some sleep on the long flight (and if nothing else, it's a good way to pass some time). If you can't fall asleep easily naturally, it's not a bad idea to bring a little help with you. Whether it's melatonin, a dose of Benadryl or something a little stronger — prescribed by your doctor, of course — being able to fall asleep easily can make a world of difference.

Stock up on entertainment

It's no secret that many airlines' inflight entertainment systems aren't exactly the most entertaining. And they're certainly not reliable, especially if you're enduring the long haul in coach. So, download that podcast you've been meaning to listen to or every episode of the television series you've been wanting to binge. If that's not your style, there's always a good old fashioned book that could use some love.

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Will your long-haul flight in economy to the other side of the world be the best one of your life? Probably not. Will it be at least bearable — or dare we say comfortable — with these tips in mind? Absolutely.

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Long Haul Flights Essentials Tips For How to Survive Long Flights by JetSettingFools.com

Long Haul Flight Essentials: 30 Tips To Survive Long Flights

Welcome to JetSetting Fools, here you will find our best travel tips for destinations worldwide. Some of the links on this site are Affiliate Links and if you use them to make a purchase, we may earn a commission. For more information, read our Disclosure Policy .

Long haul flights are a source of angst for many travelers. However, with the right essentials for a long-haul flight, even a 15-hour plane ride can be pleasant – or, dare I say, fun . We love long flights (and actually prefer them over short stints in the air), but only because when we board the plane, we are armed with our Long-Haul Flights Essentials that makes traveling by plane a breeze!

Why Long Haul Flight Essentials are a Travel Necessity

Preparing for Australia: Spending the entire day at the airport isn't so bad with passes to the Club and views of the planes

Any plane journey over 6 hours is considered a long haul flight – and 6-plus hours is a long time to sit in a seat surrounded by strangers. While first class seats are, without a doubt, the most comfortable way to travel, the high price is a hindrance for most passengers.

Don’t fret! Travelers can experience comfort in economy seating by packing the essentials for a long haul flight.

We are covering the details of our Long Flight Essentials List that covers everything from clothing to entertainment – and even a few little luxuries – that will make the experience just a touch better.

Creating a List of Travel Essentials for Long-Haul Flights

To be honest, it took me some time to hone my skills to create a master list of essentials for long haul flights. On my first plane ride from the United States to Europe, I had made no effort to seek out long-haul flight tips…and I was woefully unprepared. It was a miserable plane trip – and when we landed in Paris I was grumpy and jet-lagged.

Determined not to make that mistake again, on subsequent plane trips I sought out the best long-haul flight tips and refined my list of flight essentials. The more we flew, the better prepared I was.

Now, as a full-time traveler, I don’t even think about how to survive a long-haul flight. With my travel hacks for long flights, I only look forward to enjoying the ride.

How To Survive Long Haul Flights

Sunrise on Leg 3 of our Epic Travel Day

Surviving a long-haul flight is not a difficult task if you have the right travel essentials for long flights. What I have learned in my travels is that long haul flight survival is not just limited to what you bring on long flights. It is equally important to consider what to wear on a long-haul flight.

It is these 2 things together – what to wear and what to bring – that ultimately make up our list of Long-Haul Flights Essentials.

Our list highlights the long haul essentials that you will want for your plane trip. Want a printed list? Get your FREE Printable Long Haul Flight Essentials list here !

Pro Tip: With only a few variations, this list can be used for long haul bus travel as well!

How To Survive Long Flights


Deciding what to wear on a long-haul flight is one of the key elements to enjoying the journey – so before we get to our list of Must Haves for Long Flights, let’s talk about clothing first.

Comfort Clothing: Long Flights Essentials

As you prepare for your plane journey, above all, your long-haul flight outfit must be comfortable. That said, outfits for long haul flights can be stylish – but comfort comes first (and, if you are most comfy wearing pajamas on a red-eye flight, some airlines provide them in First Class!).

Outfit Tips for Long Haul Flight

Because what you wear has such a big impact on your comfort, we have quite a few outfit tips for a long haul flight.

#1 Wear Layers

Wearing layers is one of the top tips on how to survive long flights in economy – or in any seat on the plane, to be truthful! Planes can be hot…and planes can be cold, and then hot again. And you, as a passenger, have no control over the thermostat.

Therefore, one of the best travel hacks for long flights is to wear layered clothing so that you are able to stay comfortable regardless of the stifling heat or cold air con. 

#2 Elastic Waistband or Loose Dress Tips for Long Flights

It is common for most people to experience some swelling while flying – especially on long haul flights – so it is best to combat the swelling by wearing loose-fitting clothing or pants that offer a little stretch.

I prefer dresses on airplanes – over shirts and pants – because they are not binding. However, if you wear pants, I recommend that your long-haul flight pants have an elastic waistband for more comfort.

#3 Long Flight Hack for Women: Dress and Leggings Combo

One of the best Long Flight Hacks for outfits for women is to wear a loose dress – and leggings under the dress. The stretchy material of leggings makes it easy to move around the plane, stow luggage in the overhead compartment and get situated in your seat.

Furthermore, wearing leggings under a dress can help to keep you warm if the plane is frigidly cold…but if it gets too hot on the plane (which is often does during a flight), you can remove your leggings layer (possibly without even getting up from your seat!) to help you regulate your body temperature.

#4 Wear Things for a Long Flight that Add Style

An easy way to create a stylish long-haul flight outfit without sacrificing comfort is to add a simple accessory. Dress up your casual clothing with a colorful scarf or jewelry (but avoid rings that may feel too tight with swelling).

BONUS TIP: My Best Outfit for Long Haul Flight

I, personally, like to wear a loose-fitting dress as my long-haul travel outfit. Typically, when I fly I wear a loose casual dress (preferably with short sleeves). To complete my outfit, I layer it with leggings under the dress, a thin hoodie over the dress and sandals or slip on shoes.

Pro Tip: Read more about travel footwear in our article breaking down the Best Travel Shoes !

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Qantas Long Flight Airplane, Brisbane, AU

Now that you know what to wear, let’s chat about long flight carry on essentials. These are all of the long-haul flight accessories that you will want to pack in your hand luggage – things that will make surviving long-haul flights a lot easier!

Additional Clothes for Long Haul Flight

We already discussed the best outfits for long-haul flights, but there are a few more clothing items you should bring on your flight. In addition to the clothes that I wear as my outfit for long haul flight, I also pack a wrap, clean underwear and compression socks in my luggage that goes under the seat in front of me.

#5 Top Tips for Long Haul Flight Clothes: Bring a Wrap

My wrap is one of the most versatile items I travel with – and it is one of my must-haves for long haul flights. In flight, I can use it as a pillow, blanket, scarf, head cover or seat cover. It is one of the favorite items on my Packing List !

#6 What To Pack for a Long Haul Flight: Underwear

Packing clean underwear in a long-haul flight carry on is one of the hacks I picked up as a novice traveler. If you are going to check luggage (and the majority of your clothing), then packing a pair of underwear into your carry on luggage assures that you will have a clean pair…even if your checked luggage gets lost by the airline. 

However, I often change into the clean pair of underwear in the plane bathroom before touching down (or in the airport bathroom on arrival). It just feels so much cleaner to start off in a city with a fresh pair! 

Pro Travel Tips: Use my Packing Hacks for tips on the best way to pack – and get our top advice on ensuring your luggage doesn’t get lost by the airline!

#7 Extra Outfit: Best Long Flight Hacks

While a fresh pair of panties is one of my carry on essentials for long flights, for ultra long flights that are 12+ hour journeys, I like to pack a complete outfit change.

Donning a clean shirt, pants and undergarments feels so much better at the end of a long flight! I also advise freshening up – and I share my list of essential toiletries for long-haul flights a bit later in the article.  

#8 Compression Socks are Long Flight Must Haves

It makes sense to pack socks for long haul flights for when cabin temperatures are too cold. However, regardless of the temperature, I think wearing compression socks is a necessity.

As unattractive as the long-haul flight socks may be, they have substantial health benefits, like reducing swelling and preventing blood clots (both of which can more easily occur on long haul flights). Plus, they will keep your feet warm.

Pro Tip: I wait to put my compression socks on until right before I board the plane. This way, I am wearing a clean pair of socks for the journey – and I even use a wet wipe (more about those later) to clean my toes before I put the clean socks on my feet. 

#9 What To Take on Long Flights: Slippers

I think slippers are one of the Ultra Long Haul Flight Must Haves. Cozy plane slippers that have a rubber sole and are machine washable are ideal.

This way, you can keep your feet warm while on the plane – and you can still get up and walk around in the slippers during the flight. Plus, because of the rubber sole, you can wear them into the plane bathroom.

Airplane Essentials for Long Flights to Stay Healthy

Let me start off by saying that I am not a doctor, it is best to seek health advice for long haul flights from your medical provider. Bearing that in mind, there are a few things that I do for the benefit of my personal health while traveling on airplanes (and when traveling, in general).

Hand sanitizer, anti-bacterial wipes and a small medical kit are items that are in my long-haul flight hand luggage (and I use the wipes before I even sit in my seat!). Disposable toothbrushes come in handy on flights to keep your teeth and mouth clean as well.

Additionally, even though most planes are equipped with HEPA air filters that are tested to be 99% effective against viruses, a face covering may still be required for travel, so it’s a good idea to pack at least one (but it’s better to have two).

Top Tip: Find out more in our article, How To Stay Healthy While Traveling .

#10 What To Take on Long Flights: Antibacterial Sanitizer and Wipes

Traveling with antibacterial sanitizer and wipes just makes good sense – and it is one of our top Long Haul Flight Health Tips, too.

In fact, anti-bacterial hand sanitizer and wipes are plane essentials for long flights.

We have always used wet wipes to clean and disinfect our seats. Not only do we wipe down the entire seat and head rest, but we make sure to clean the arm rests, seat buckles, touch screen, seat back pocket and the tray table.

Pro Tip : Invest in a Long Flight Survival Kit that includes everything you need! An airplane germ-fighting kit is a great gift for travelers who will be taking long flights. For more travel gift tips, use our Top Unique Gifts for Travelers !

#11 Mini First Aid Kit is a Must Have for Long Haul Flights

A small med kit is also part of our long-haul carry on essentials. In our kit, we carry travel-size tums (for Jet Bloat), anti-diarrheal (just in case), pain relievers (like aspirin) and a few Band-aids – because, in general, these are just good items to have on hand.

A few other items that might make your Just In Case list of long flight necessities are tissues , nose saline and eye drops.

Pro Tip: I used to wear contacts – and quickly learned that bringing a pair of glasses on board is one of the long haul flight travel essentials for contact wearers! In fact, it might be best to take your contacts out prior to boarding and plan on wearing your glasses for the duration of the long flight.

#12 Disposable Toothbrushes are Good Things to Take on a Long Flight

Keeping my teeth and mouth clean during a flight is important! That said, taking a toothbrush and toothpaste into a germ-filled plane bathroom is not ideal (and the water is usually not potable!).

Instead, I use a convenient disposable toothbrush – which is designed as a one-time use toothbrush to be used without water, so I can brush and toss. If my only row mate is my husband, I can even brush my teeth right in my seat!

Because I like my mouth to feel fresh, I use several throughout the flight (after meals, before I fall asleep, when I wake up and before I disembark).

Additionally, flossers are good things to bring on a long flight so that you can even better clean in between your teeth.

Long Haul Flight Beauty Essentials

Having a beauty regime on a flight is one of the best tips for long haul flights…one that your skin will thank you for! My top beauty essentials for long haul flights are simple: lip balm and moisturizer. I think they are the two best items for long flights to help your skin. That said, there are many beauty essentials for a long flight and I highlight those, as well.

#13 Long Haul Flight Tips for Skincare: Lip Balm and Moisturizer

The dry air on airplanes can wreak havoc on skin, which is why lip balm and moisturizer are necessities. I carry a small hand moisturizer that can be used on my face, too – and I apply both the lotion and the lip balm liberally throughout the flight.

#14 Hydration Beauty Travel Essentials Long Flight

A hydrating face mist – like the one by Mario Badescu – can help your skin feel fantastic, even on a long flight. The facial spray is infused with aloe, herbs and rosewater to aid in rejuvenating your skin.

Another popular facial mist is the Evian Water Spritz . The micro-droplet mist hydrates your skin with pure Evian water. As with all liquid products that you take on a plane, be sure to bring the TSA approved travel size! 

Dry sheet face masks (like the 111Skin Rose Gold Brightening Facial Mask ) or the Summer Fridays Jet Lag Face Mask cream are other long-haul flight skin care products that travelers use in-flight.

#15 Long Airplane Trip Essentials for Freshening Up

Some of the best items for long haul flights are the ones that revive and refresh you – even after a long redeye flight. We already talked about brushing teeth, but there are a few more things you can do to feel refreshed.

Waterless cleansing wipes ( like these !), underarm deodorant wipes and travel sized deodorant are freshening-up necessities for long flights.

Wondering what to bring on a long haul flight for your hair? Try a Dry Shampoo that will absorb oils and grease for a fresh-washed look. 

Bonus Travel Beauty Tips Long Flights: No Make Up

One of the top long-haul flight beauty tips that some travelers find difficult to get on board with is to fly without wearing makeup. But, trust me, your skin will appreciate it! A made-up face will not likely last the duration of the long flight anyway.

Rather than wearing any makeup in-flight, I stop at the airport bathroom on arrival and – after I change into fresh underwear and clothes – I can wash my face and apply minimal makeup (so be sure to keep that in your carry on luggage, too!)

Long Haul Flight Essentials by JetSettingFools.com

How To Survive Long Haul Flights in Economy Comfortably

Everyone knows that economy seats on a long flight are a bit uncomfortable (okay, maybe more than ‘a bit’). However, with the right economy essentials for a long haul flight, the ride can be so much more pleasant. As full-time travelers – with limited luggage space – these are not items that we personally use. However, I have to admit that when I notice my row mates using them, I am panged with jealousy.

#16 Airplane Hacks for Long Flights in Economy: A Seat Cushion

A memory foam seat cushion can make all the difference in a standard economy plane seat. This seat cushion is designed with travelers in mind – and is not only comfortable and supportive, by breathable and compact. 

The Therm-a-Rest self-inflating seat cushion can also be used for long plane journeys – and it weights just 4 ounces.

#17 Best Travel Items for Long Flights for Comfort: Foot Hammock

Riding in economy on long-haul flights can by a struggle. That said, there are a few travel hacks – like the tray table foot hammock – that can exponentially increase your chances of surviving a long-haul flight in economy.

An on-board foot hammock helps to elevate your feet for a more comfortable flight…even in cramped spaces. The foot sling is also designed to prevent swelling.

#18 Fun Things for Long Flights

Want a first-class experience in economy seating? Upgrade your flying experience with a fun in-flight cocktail kit (these contain no alcohol and you must follow your airline’s on-board rules!).

The mini portable kits allow you to create a tasty cocktail so that you can enjoy an exceptional drink (in a much less expensive seat).

Long Plane Ride Essentials for Sleeping

Sleeping on a plane can be difficult, but not if you are prepared with the best long-haul flight accessories! For us, the best way to get sleep on an airplane is to eliminate light and noise – and we do so by using sleep masks and ear plugs – but we have several sleepy time travel tips for long flights.

#19 Long Haul Flying Tips for Sleeping In-Flight: Wear an Eye Mask

When it comes to sleeping masks, there are thousands to choose from. That said, for airplane sleeping masks, contoured sleeping masks that block out 100% of the light are ideal. The PrettyCare Sleep Mask comes in a set of two, is affordable and gets rave reviews from fellow travelers.

#20 Ear Plugs are the Best Things for Long Flights

We usually use cheap earplugs on flights – but light sleepers may benefit from noise canceling silicone sleeping ear plugs, like these .

Additionally, when my allergies cause congestion, I like to use Earplanes . Not only do they reduce cabin noise, but they are specially designed to relive air pressure and the resulting discomfort.

#21 What To Take on a Long Haul Flight: Travel Pillows

Most airlines offer pillows (and blankets) to all passengers – even those in economy – for longer flights, so you don’t necessarily need to bring your own pillow for plane travel. That said, a good travel pillow can be the difference between peacefully sleeping on a plane and struggling to fall asleep.

Luckily, I can sleep anywhere – so flight pillows for long haul flights are not an item we carry.

However, if you are looking for a long-haul flight pillow, there are a few the come highly rated by fellow travelers – like the trtl Pillow that earns rave reviews.

#22 Sleep Remedy Long Flight Tips

Many travelers sing the praises of taking a sleep remedy in order to get a little shut eye on a long haul flight.

A natural sleep remedy, like melatonin, or prescribed pills by your doctor might help you get the sleep you need on a plane. Before deciding to take anything on a flight, however, check with your doctor first. And, never try taking any remedy for the first time on an airplane.

Pro Tip : Lavender essential oil aromatherapy is also highly touted to help people get a few zzz’s on a flight – but, like with any fragrance on a plane, consider your neighboring passengers.

#23 White Noise or Meditation Apps for Long Distance Flight

Meditation and white noise apps are must haves for long plane rides – especially if you are a light sleeper! Coupled with a good pair of headphones (which we get to in the next section), you can enjoy pure bliss on your flight.

We recommend finding the right app long before your scheduled flight – and even try it out a few times to ensure it will help lull you to sleep. Make sure the app is downloaded to your phone and ready to go before your flight.

Long Flight Travel Essentials for Entertainment

Landing at SFO Airport, CA, USA

When it comes to long haul travel essentials, on-board entertainment is the thing that passes the time. Kris is happily entertained if he has a window seat, but I need something more directly engaging.

Thankfully, most long-haul airplanes are fitted with Seat Back Entertainment – thousands of movies and television shows at the touch of the screen. Utilizing the provided in-flight entertainment is an obvious choice when it comes to being entertained on a flight – but I never solely rely on it because it is not guaranteed.

Not all airlines offer seat-back entertainment – and a few low-cost carriers charge to use it. Sometimes the movie selection is not to my liking. And, in one case, my screen was broken (and – of course – it was on a totally full flight when there were no open seats I could switch to).

Therefore, it is essential to be prepared with things to do on long haul flights that don’t involve the provided in-flight entertainment.

#24 Long Haul Travel Tips for Entertainment: Noise Canceling Headphones

Earphones are travel essentials for long haul flights. In fact, I always bring two pairs…just in case one breaks or somehow gets lost.

Noise reducing headphones are an absolute dream on planes and definitely worth the upgrade if you don’t already have them. If you use wireless headphones , remember to bring the charger (and a back up wired pair, too, as you may need them to utilize the seat back entertainment options).

#25 Best Apps for Long-Haul Flights

We already covered using apps to help you sleep on flights, but there are a few other apps that we think are long plane trip essentials.

Two fantastic apps that should be downloaded and set up prior to take off are Audible (for audiobooks) and Spotify (for music).

That said, perhaps the very best apps for long flights are for the airline carrier you are flying. When you download the free flight carrier app, you typically have access to all of the movies and other digital entertainment options offered by the airline while in flight. Plus, you will have access to other pertinent flight information – like time left in flight, route maps and meal info.

#26 What To Bring on Long Flight: Power Bank and Chargers

One of the absolute essentials for long haul flights is fully charged devices. You do not want to board a flight without fully charged phones, tablets or laptops.

Even with a full charge, however, power cords are long haul plane essentials. Many seats now have USB ports where you can charge your device. (Check on SeatGuru to see if your seat has one, but keep in mind that things – planes and seats – can always change).

Just in case, however, we recommend bringing a portable charger on board, too (it’s not supposed to be in your checked luggage anyway).

As we already mentioned, make sure you download any music, books or apps that you will want to use in-flight prior to arriving at the airport.

#27 Non-Digital Hacks for Long Flights

Non-electronic entertainment is another one of our long-haul essentials. I usually have a book (an actual, paper book) that I can read, but sometimes I will opt for a newspaper or magazine. ( Love with a Chance of Drowning and The Yellow Envelope are two excellent travel books!)

Puzzle books – like Word Search, Crosswords and Sudoku – can provide hours of entertainment. For the sake of space, we recommend buying an all-in-one activity book that includes a variety of puzzles.

The quiet time on a plane also provides an excellent opportunity to journal, sketch or draw. As I always carry a notebook and pen, sometimes I write or jot down notes about my trip (but these cool travel journals are good for trips, too).

If you have travel companions, playing cards are good for long-haul flight entertainment, too. War and Rummy are two easy card games to play in flight – and, if you are flying solo, you can always play a game of Solitaire.

Playing cards are an everyday item that we recommend travelers pack for their trip. Find more tips for Everyday Items for Travel !

Long Haul Flight Snacks and Water

Food is one of my long-haul flight must-haves! Regardless of whether the airline serves included meals during the flight, I bring my own snacks and a water bottle on the plane.

#28 Long Haul Flying Tips: Food that is Healthy

While I am not a traveler that snubs my nose at plane food (I actually usually like it!), there are some instances where the offered dish is not to my liking…or simply not filling enough. To stave off any hunger pangs during the trip, I bring a few healthy snacks in my carryon.

 Almonds, apples and granola bars are my go-to things to bring on long flights, as they are easy to pack and more filling than greasy, salty chips. (That said, some airlines do provide snacks – check what is available in the galley.)

#29 Best Hacks for Long Flights: Candies and Gum

Gum, mints and hard candies are something else we carry with us on flights. Chewing gum and sucking on hard candy can help to equalize the pressure in your ears (because swallowing opens the Eustachian Tubes) – so we like to have a piece of gum or candy on the descent.

Furthermore, gum and mints can help freshen your breath after a long flight!

#30 Water is a Must Have for Long Flights

Staying hydrated can help make plane travel a lot more comfortable (both during the flight and especially after!).

Drinking water is available to passengers throughout the flight (although some budget airlines might charge for it!) – but I still prefer to bring my own water bottle.

Having a closed container of water is much more preferable to the tiny cups of water many airlines provide (as I can tuck it into the seat back pocket). A collapsible water bottle is great for travelers! Once through security, fill up your bottle before you board your flight. Throughout the flight, you can ask the flight attendant for refills, too.

Long Haul Flight Survival Guide by JetSettingFools.com

More Long Haul Flight Hacks

Flying over Indonesia on Malaysia Airlines during our Epic Travel Day

Now that you have your travel outfit selected, your list of things to bring for long flights and advice for what to do on a long-haul flight, we have a few more long-haul flight tips and tricks!

What Bag To Pack for Long Flight

Our tips for a long-haul flight include the best items that will make plane travel more comfortable and pleasant. However, when determining what to pack for a long haul flight, it is just as important to consider your actual packing strategy – as in, what bag to stow at your feet and how to pack it.

The items that we listed as long flight essentials should be within reach – even when the seatbelt sign is illuminated. Because they need to be easily accessible, it is best to pack these items in a good day bag that is stowed at your feet under the seat in front of you.

Carry On for Long Haul Flight Tips

With all of the cords and gadgets for long haul flights, carry on luggage can get messy…and things can get lost.

Because space is limited, it is best to use a bag that can easily be organized with multiple compartments and pockets.

We recommend that you organize your belongings with a Grid It Organizer so that you can easily find what you need in your bag during the flight.

Pro Traveler Tip: Want more luggage tips? Find out why love Packing Cubes and prefer traveling with a Backpack vs Suitcase ! 

Make a Personalized Flight Essentials Kit

Packing for a long-haul flight can be a daunting task. However, if you have a pre-packed long-haul flight survival kit, it will make the chore of packing an absolute breeze. To create your long-haul travel kit, start with your long-haul flight checklist (or get ours here !).

Identify all of the items on your list that you can leave packed in the long-haul flight kit (things like earplugs, sleep mask, water bottle, extra charging cords, etc). Gather them in a bag or storage box and check those off your list. Then, as your next trip approaches, all you need to do is grab the items already set to go from your long-haul flight travel kit – and then gather and pack the remaining items from your list.

Long Flight Tips for Exercise

Long haul flight exercises are a good way to fend off the unfortunate side effects of long-haul flights.

One of the best exercises for long haul flights is to simply get up and walk around. But you can also do easy in-seat exercises – like rolling your ankles, wrists, shoulders and neck – for better circulation.

Money Advice for Long-Haul Flights

While most commercial airlines include food, beverage and seat-back entertainment in the price of the ticket, low cost carriers that fly long-haul routes do not. If you are flying with a budget airline, cash and credit cards is one of the things to bring for a long flight!


What To Do on Long Flights to Avoid Jet Lag

It is likely that your long haul flight will cross time zones – which often results in dreaded jet lag on arrival. However, there are a few ways to avoid it!

Stay hydrated and avoid drinking alcohol on the flight. Before you start to snooze, adjust your sleep cycle to coincide with your arrival city. You can use an app, like Timeshifter, to help time out your sleep schedule.

Herbal remedies, like No Jet Lag pills , can also help – but talk to your doctor first.

Travel Insurance 

Whether taking a long haul flight or making a short trip to the state next door, trip insurance can come in handy if things go awry. If you haven’t already booked travel insurance for your next vacation, check the affordable rates and robust coverage at World Nomads . 


Get our advice on booking cheap long haul flights, How To Book the Best Flights !

Start packing and planning your next trip ! Search for the lowest airfares , the best accommodations and fun things to do …then start packing ! Want more travel advice? Head over to our Travel Planning Page for more tips on traveling – and for country-specific information, take a look at our Travel Guides Page !

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Long Haul Flights Essentials Tips by JetSettingFools.com

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41 Long Haul Flight Essentials & Tips for 2023

long haul travel tips

We all know that long haul, international flights can really take a lot out of you. From sitting for long periods of time and being cramped in a small space, it is an uncomfortable time for many. I know from experience that you can improve your comfort on long haul flights by packing the right items in your personal item carry-on.

In this post I’ll cover the long haul flight essentials and tips that you need for the best flight experience possible. Note, for the purposes of this post, long haul is defined as anything over a 4 hour flight. These tips are for those of us who are “suffering” in economy, but should be helpful even if you are flying first class or business class.

Table of Contents

Your Body on Long Haul Flight

Long haul and overnight flights do have a significant impact on your body. Just to name a few of the things your body may go through on such a flight:

  • Poor circulation and blood pooling in your feet due to being cramped in a small place for a long period of time
  • You may be more gassy due to lessened pressure on the outside of your body
  • Dehydration due to the dry air being pulled in from outside having very little humidity
  • Dry skin due to dehydration
  • Out of whack circadian rhythm due to flying across many time zones

This post will cover all the long flight essentials that you need to pack with you to take on the plane so that you can combat these symptoms in the best way possible, and have a comfortable flight. Also, if you are looking for what to pack in your main suitcase for your international trip, check out this post .

The Best Carry On Essentials for Long Haul Flights

I never take any long flight without packing the three items below!

Rustig Pressure Reducing Silicone Travel Ear Plugs with Travel Carrying Case - Up to 23 Decibel Hearing Protection (10 Pair), Reusable and Hand Washable

Long Haul Flight Essentials | What to Pack

Flight comfort / sleep essentials.

Perhaps most important for a tolerable long-haul flight is keeping comfy while in the air. Here are a few of my must-have essentials for comfort:

1 | Eye Mask – Drown out the sun and the reading lamps of your seat-mates (they are so bright, right?!) with a nice face mask .

Kimkoo Sleep Mask-Eye Mask for Sleeping, Sleeping Mask Blocking Out Light Perfectly for Women and Men, Soft and Comfortable Blindfold for Travelling, with Pouch (Black+Gray)

  • Blocking light Perfectly- This sleeping eye mask features a patented nose wing design. The bottom of the eye mask is...
  • No pressure on the eyes - This sleeping mask is designed with soft delta side wings, which prevent any unwanted shifting...

2 | Earplugs – Keep noisy babies and overhead announcements muffled while you try to relax. In addition to blocking out unpleasant sounds, get a pair that helps with air pressure relief as well.

  • »REDUCE PRESSURE: Feeling your ears pop on a flight or when driving through changing elevation can be so uncomfortable!...
  • »COMFORT: These silicone ear plugs will help reduce pressure during flights and car rides for a more enjoyable trip!...

3 | Neck Pillow – This is what I think is the most important, as a good neck pillow can save you from so much pain after you land.

You can get all three of these essentials together in this set by Everlasting Comfort . And as an added bonus, the included plush, velour pillow has a pocket to store your headphones, earplugs, and whatever else you’d like to keep close. It is made with memory foam, so you know that it will be very comfortable. And one pro tip here, you may benefit from putting it behind your back rather than around your neck too.

Everlasting Comfort Memory Foam Travel Pillow - Airplane Neck Rest & Plane Accessories (Black)

  • No Longer Struggle with Uncomfortable Airline Seats: Made with premium memory foam, our neck pillow adapts to your...
  • Instant Neck Pain Relief: Sleeping upright in your seat can lead to neck stiffness. With our airplane neck pillow, you...

4 | Tray Table Pillow – If the neck pillow is not comfortable for you, try out an inflatable pillow that you can fold your face in arms into. Definitely a different experience than the standard neck pillow, but may work better for some folks.

JefDiee Inflatable Travel Pillow, Airplane Neck Pillow Comfortably Supports Head and Chin for Airplanes, Trains, Cars Office Napping on The Tray Table (Grey)

  • 🛩️Humanized Design: This neck pillow is designed with an ergonomic 45° angle, allowing your head and neck to lean...
  • 🛩️Comfortable and Durable: The airplane pillow is made of strong, washable and soft PVC flocking, no...

5 | Travel Scarf – I never take any flight without a scarf, as I have experienced a few long-haul flights where economy passengers were not given blankets (ridiculous, I know). I recommend taking a traveling scarf , that is made just for this purpose!

Happyluxe Shawl Wraps for Women, Versatile Wrap Shawl for Women, Wrap Scarf, Pashmina, Travel Gifts for Women - Jet Black

  • Luxurious Shawl Wraps for Women: Experience the luxe touch of our Wayfarer Travel Wrap, 68" x 35", two times softer than...
  • One Great Fabric - Two Great Feels - We offer two distinct versions of our super soft Tencel fabric 1) Our Classic...

6 | Essential Oil(s) – The right essential oil, such as lavender or eucalyptus oil, can help calm any anxiety that you have about flying. Additionally, it will help you deal with unpleasant smells that you may encounter from others on the flight.

If you prefer not to put it on your skin, you can use a diffuser necklace to keep the scent close.

Maromalife Lava Stone Diffuser Necklace Teardrop Essential Oil Diffuser Aromatherapy Necklace 316L Stainless Steel Necklace with 8 Lava Stone, Gift for Women/Men, Mothers Day, Christmas, Birthday

  • Polished Hollow Cage Pendant: This is a upgrade teardrop lava stone necklace diffuser, made of premium stainless steel,...
  • Excellent Aromatherapy Experience: Drop your favorite essential oil into lava stone to enjoy the essential oil aroma....

7 | Life Straw Water Bottle – This is the bottle that I personally take with me every time I travel. I like to bring it because it makes any type of water safe to drink by draining out the bacteria. It is not a small bottle, but is easy enough to carry around with the clip that comes with it. Be sure to come to the airport with the bottle empty, but to fill it up fully before you take off. You will get more water during the flight, but this way you can be sure you don’t go thirsty while flying (or while on your trip).

No products found.

8 | Collapsible Water Bottle – If you want to travel with something smaller/ more compact, the collapsible water bottle may be a better option for you.

Collapsible Portable Sports Water Bottle, Camping Cup With Carabiner, Reuseable, Silicone, Foldable, Leak Proof For Outdoor, Travel Gym Hiking, Cycling, BPA Free

  • SAFETY AND HEALTH - Collapsible travel cup made from food-grade silicone, BPA free and odorless. Feature with...
  • OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE - Can be hung on the bag of a connective hand rope and portable hook.Much easier to hold and...

Related: Tortuga Setout Laptop Backpack Review

Electronic Essentials

9 | Phone – This may be a bit obvious, but your phone is a great resource for entertainment such as playing games, listening to music, or reading. Be sure to download any entertainment that you can’t access without internet before you take off!

10 | Tablet – This may not be an absolute necessary, but it is much easier to read / watch things during the flight. A tablet is also a great tool for downloading videos that you may care to watch during the flight, from sites like Netflix. I tend to travel with my iPad, but the Amazon Fire 10 Tablet is a great (and cheap!) alternative.

Fire HD 10 Tablet (32 GB, Plum, With Special Offers) + Amazon Standing Case (Plum) + Nupro Screen Protector (2-pack)

  • Includes the latest Fire HD 10 Tablet with Special Offers, 32GB, Plum ($149.99), Amazon Cover, Plum ($39.99), and Nupro...
  • 10.1" 1080p full HD display; 32 or 64 GB of internal storage (add up to 512 GB with microSD)

Also, to get more out of your tablet, you can add a keyboard  (like this one)   and essentially use it as a laptop. Load your favorite TV shows and movies while at home on your WiFi so that you can stay entertained if the flight does not have the best options on board.

11 | Noise-Canceling Headphones  – I recommend bringing your own headphones on the flight. They’ll be better quality, and you can guarantee that they have not been used by anyone else before. If you’re looking for an upgrade, the  Beats Studio3 headphones  are the way to go. They are excellent for cancelling out any unpleasant sounds that you might encounter during your flight.

If you’re looking for an upgrade, the Beats Studio3 headphones are the way to go. They are excellent for cancelling out any unpleasant sounds that you might encounter during your flight.

Beats Studio3 Wireless Headphones - Matte Black (Renewed)

  • WHATS IN THE BOX: Beats Studio 3 Wireless Headphones | Carrying Case | (NOT Included: microUSB Cable and Remote Talk...

If you are using iPhone headphones that don’t have the standard jack, order a pair of the good old 3.5mm style before you go!

12 | Portable Charger  – Don’t forget your chargers! These days most long-haul flights do have outlets for you to charge your stuff, so it’s a good idea to have these within close reach as well.

13 | Portable Power Banks – Just in case there is not a outlet on the plane, I always take one of these with me. Best case is that you have one that has both standard USB ports and USB-C ports so it is easy to use all your different charging cords. Here are two options:

INIU Portable Charger, Slimmest 10000mAh 5V/3A Power Bank, USB C in&out High-Speed Charging Battery Pack, External Phone Powerbank Compatible with iPhone 15 14 13 12 X Samsung S22 S21 Google iPad etc

  • ✅【From INIU--the SAFE Fast Charge Pro】Experience the safest charging with over 38 million global users. At INIU,...
  • ✅【Market's Thinnest 10000mAh】 The market’s one and only 0.5-inch power bank that breaks the limit of 10000mAh,...

14 | Electronic Cable Organizer – Now this may seem a bit odd to include on this list, but it is a lifesaver, believe me! When used properly, you will never misplace a single cord again. I use the one pictured below by BAGSMART .

BAGSMART Electronics Organizer Travel Case, Small Cord Bag, Tech Organizer as Travel Accessories for Men Women, Cable Essentials for Phone, SD Card, Black

  • Compact Size: The electronics organizer bag is 9.4" L x 6.7" W x 1.4" H and weighs 0.24 lb, making it a lightweight and...
  • Secure Storage: The bag features 5 elastic loops(S) and 2 elastic loops(L) to keep cables and accessories organized and...

Self-Care | Face, Mouth, & Body

Let’s be honest, one of the worst things about flying is the fact that you have to go way longer than usual without bathing – possibly upwards of 2 days! So I like to bring along a few essentials to help keep fresh during and after the flight:

15 | Body Wipes – Bring wet wipes or baby wipes to keep yourself smelling fresh when you can’t quickly get to a shower.

Surviveware Flushable Wipes for Adults, Men or Women - Unscented Biodegradable Wet Wipe for Face, Body & Butt - Post Workout, Travel & Outdoors, Camping - 32 Count, Pack of 1

  • UNSCENTED WET WIPES: Clean yourself with our unscented biodegradable wipes from head to toe without being overwhelmed by...
  • IDEAL CLEANING WIPES FOR POSTERIOR PAMPERING: At some point, a “number two” is inevitable while out in the woods....

16 | Face Wash – Depending on how long your flight is, you may need to do your standard “bedtime” routine. This means you need to keep up with your skin routine. I know that your choice here can be quite personal, but if you are looking for something new to try, I do recommend Paula’s choice products.

Paula's Choice CLEAR Regular Strength Acne Travel Kit, 2% Salicylic Acid & 2.5% Benzoyl Peroxide for Acne, Redness Relief, Two Week Trial Size

  • EASY-TO-USE ACNE FIGHTING SYSTEM: This 3-step skin care system works quickly to combat and control stubborn acne,...
  • Paula's Choice CLEAR Regular Strength Acne Kit contains 3 products: CLEAR Pore Normalizing Cleanser, CLEAR Regular...

17 | Face Lotion – Bring your favorite face lotion along too. It’s a good idea to reapply as you fly to keep your skin moist; plane air can be quite drying as mentioned above. Don’t forget to bring it in a travel-size container!

In addition to Paula’s choice mentioned above, love face care by Dermalogica – they have a great travel kit that is easy to pack up and take along on your journey (which will also include your face wash).I personally love face care by Dermalogica – they have a great travel kit that is easy to pack up and take along on your journey.

Dermalogica Travel Skin Kit - Set Contains: Face Wash, Face Exfoliator, and Face Moisturizer - Cleanse, Purify and Hydrate To Reveal Brighter, Smoother Skin

  • Washes away impurities without stripping or drying.
  • Reveals brighter, smoother skin.

18 | Deodorant – For the sake of everyone on the plane, please keep your pits fresh. I have been on one too many flights where body odor has been a problem.

If you’re looking for a nice aluminum-free option, try this option by Megababe .

19 | Sunscreen – I like to bring a light sunscreen to keep my face and body protected, especially when traveling during the summer months.

I really like Neutrogena’s sunscreen , as it works well for both lighter and darker skin tones.

Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Water Resistant and Non-Greasy Sunscreen Lotion with Broad Spectrum SPF 45, TSA-Compliant travel Size, 3 Fl Oz, Pack of 2, 6 Fl Oz

  • Twin pack with two 3-fluid ounce bottles of Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry-Touch Non-Greasy Sunscreen with SPF 45 that helps...
  • This lightweight & sheer sunscreen is fast-absorbing with Dry-Touch technology for a non-greasy, matte finish and is...

20 | Makeup – Bring your makeup basics with you – I recommend keeping it light, unless you are attending a formal event while traveling.

21 | Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Floss – Bring along your standard dental hygiene items to keep your breath fresh on the flight :). Pro tip: Keep your regular brushing schedule while on board – brushing before you sleep and after you wake up will be beneficial to you and your seat mates.

See below for a nice travel-sized teeth cleaning kit you can easily pack in your carry-on.

  • Country Of Origin: United States

22 | Hair Ties – Keep your hair out of your face by bringing along hair ties so that you don’t have to worry about it while flying. I pretty much only use those by Goody’s, which really work well and last for a long time (no snapping mid-ponytail).

Goody Ouchless Womens Elastic Hair Tie - 27 Count, Black - 4MM for Medium Hair- Hair Accessories for Women Perfect for Long Lasting Braids, Ponytails and More - Pain-Free (Packaging May Vary)

  • Goody Elastics: Keep hair in place and out of your face with the Goody Ouchless 4MM Elastics. Includes 27 black...
  • Ouchless: The pain-free, strong comfortable hold won’t snag or pull your hair.

23 | Hair Scarf – I recommend bringing your regular hair scarf along if you tend to wrap your hair or pineapple your curly hair at night. You may want to bring a black one so that it appears more like a style than a bedtime thing (if that matters to you).

35' Womens Large Satin Square Scarf Silk Feeling Hair Wrapping Gift Headscarf Scarves

  • Material: Made of 100% silky feel polyester satin.super soft and comfortable. Lightweight but keep your neck warm in...
  • Dimension: 35*35 inches/90*90cm, can be worn around neck, head, waist, or hair as well as on a hat or handbag, etc.

24 | Lip Balm – As mentioned earlier, you are likely to get dry skin while flying, so bring along a lip balm to keep your lips hydrated too. Burt’s Bees is one of my all-time favorite brands as it just works .

Burt's Bees Lip Balm - Pink Grapefruit, Mango, Coconut & Pear, and Pomegranate Pack, Lip Moisturizer With Beeswax, Tint-Free, Natural Origin Conditioning Lip Treatment, 4 Tubes, 0.15 oz.

  • FLAVORFUL LIP BALM: One package contains four 0.15 oz. lip balm tubes of Burt’s Bees Lip Balm in Pink Grapefruit,...
  • MOISTURIZED LIPS: Each balm is infused with responsibly sourced beeswax, nourishing oils and butter for a conditioning...

Keeping up your health when traveling is important, and there is nothing worse than getting sick while on the plane. Just to be prepared, you should keep the following with you at all times:

25 | Hand Sanitizer – This is kind of a given these days, but it is a great idea to always have hand sanitizer on you so you can keep your hands germ free, particularly when you are getting ready to eat.

Purell Advanced Hand Sanitizer Refreshing Gel, Clean Scent, 2 fl oz Travel Size Flip Cap Bottle (Pack of 6) – 3155-04-EC

  • Show you care about well-being with PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizer Refreshing Gel
  • Kills 99.99 percent of most common germs that may cause illness. Outperforms other sanitizers ounce-for-ounce

26 | Prescription Medications – Keep these on your person (NEVER check them!), and keep a reminder if you have to take them at the same time every day.

27 | Melatonin – Melatonin is a great supplement to help you sleep better – very helpful if you have trouble sleeping on planes.

Natrol Sleep Melatonin 5mg Fast Dissolve Tablets, Nighttime Sleep Aid for Adults, 200 Strawberry-Flavored Melatonin Tablets, 200 Day Supply

  • Sleep Supplements: One 200 count bottle of Natrol Melatonin 5mg Strawberry-Flavored, Fast-Dissolve Tablets for a 200-day...
  • Ingredients: These sleep aid supplements are vegetarian and non-GMO

28 | Pain Reliever – Useful in the event that you have a headache or any other body ache during your travels. I prefer Aleve, but Tylenol or Advil are also great options.

29 | Stomach / Digestive Medicines – Travel tummy is a real thing guys! The food in some places may impact you worse than in others, so I recommend taking meds such as Pepto Bismol tablets and Imodium in case of emergency.

30 | Charcoal Tablets – As mentioned above, flying can make you gassy, and therefore a bit smelly. Save yourself and others around you by taking these before your fly. ( Please check any contraindications with current mediations first though .)

Nature's Bounty Activated Charcoal 260 mg, 100 Capsules, Dietary Supplement to Support a Healthy Lifestyle

  • ACTIVATED CHARCOAL CAPSULES: Charcoal powder is used for health, beauty & oral care & has traditionally been used to...
  • DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS: Activated Charcoal is a naturally sourced health and dietary supplement that's been used to support...


31 | First Aid Kit – This may go without saying, but it is best to be prepared with a first aid kit that keeps you safe in case of injury while traveling. This is definitely for the worst-case scenario, but can bring some peace of mind.

Mini First Aid Kit, 100 Pieces Water-Resistant Hard Shell Small Case - Perfect for Travel, Outdoor, Home, Office, Camping, Hiking, Car (Red)

  • FULLY PACKED ▶ Everything you need is in a small kit! Fully packed with 100 pieces useful and valuable hospital grade...
  • CERTIFICATED ▶ All our products are with international certifications to ensure compliance with global standards...

32 | Antibacterial Wipes – Just in case your flight attendants to provide them to you, I recommend bringing along some Wet Ones to wipe down any surfaces that you will be in contact with. In these times, it never hurts to be safe.

WET ONES Antibacterial Hand Wipes, Fresh Scent 20 ea (Pack of 2)

  • Product of WET ONES

33 | Jet Lag Relief – There are several homeopathic remedies out there today that can help you feel a bit less fatigued and “weird” overall after your first few hours after landing.

Miers Laboratories No Jet Lag Homeopathic Jet Lag Remedy (1 Pack, 32 Chewable Tablets), Travel Must Have, Flight Essential for Jet Lag Relief, Plant-Based.

  • REDUCES JET LAG - After a long-haul flight, we all want to arrive feeling fresh and alert and with NO-Jet-Lag you can....
  • HOMEOPATHIC INGREDIENTS - Using a unique formulation our 5 main active ingredients are all plant based and have NO side...

34 | Pair of Compression Socks  –  These socks   keep the blood circulating as it should, instead of pooling at your feet. They are also good for the prevention of swollen ankles and blood clots (deep vein thrombosis) – I can testify to the former!

SB SOX Compression Socks (20-30mmHg) for Men & Women – Best Compression Socks for All Day Wear, Better Blood Flow, Swelling! (Small, Solid Black)

  • ✅ Improve Blood Circulation: Our compression socks boost your blood circulation and relieve leg pain, swelling, and...
  • ✅ All Day Comfort: Our socks are very comfortable, lightweight, and breathable so that you can wear them all day! The...

35 | Adjustable Airplane Footrest – This footrest is a adjustable sling that you can use to keep your feet up while flying. It pairs nicely with the compression socks to help keep the blood from pooling in your feet. It is a little harder to use if you are in an aisle seat, but easy enough to just take your feet out of when someone is trying to walk by.

Airplane Footrest Made with Premium Memory Foam - Airplane Travel Foot Hammock, No Clashing Foot Hammock & Portable Plane Leg Rest, Provides Relaxation and Comfortable for Long Flight

  • SUPPORT LEG & LOWER BACK - Have you ever suffered from discomfort or even pain in your lower back or leg as you travel...
  • NO FOOT & ANKLES CLASHING - Thanks to the flat and stable wide foot hammock design, our airplane foot rest offer...

Other Essentials

36 | Travel Documents – Your important documents such as passports, IDs, credit cards, and visas should all be on hand with you at all times.

37 | 1-2 Extra Outfits – I like to bring these along, just in case of lost luggage. You never know what might happen! Also, it never hurts to have a few fresh undies in tow.

38 | Travel Journal – If you like to journal, bring it along! This is another way to keep yourself occupied during your time in the air.

Refillable Handmade Travelers Notebook, Leather Travel Journal Notebook for Men & Women, Perfect for Writing, Gifts, Travelers, Small Size 5.2' x 4' Inches - Coffee

  • ✔DURABLE GENUINE LEATHER TRAVEL NOTEBOOK - Made from Classy & Durable Top Layer Genuine Leather with a real leather...
  • ✔PREMIUM THICK PAPER - 100gsm archival-quality pages made from acid-free paper which resists damage from light and...

39 | Travel Insurance – Travel insurance is a good idea, particularly if you are going to be traveling for a long time. There are many options, such as the one provided by World Nomads that can give you more peace of mind while traveling. Buy this BEFORE your flight!

World Nomads provides travel insurance for travelers in over 100 countries. As an affiliate, we receive a fee when you get a quote from World Nomads using this link. We do not represent World Nomads. This is information only and not a recommendation to buy travel insurance.

40 | Good Book – If you are similar to me, and like feeling the page turn when you read, you may want to bring an actual book along. Just try to opt for one that isn’t too big to cary with you!

41 | Snacks – Some airlines can be depending on for good food, and others cannot. It’s a great idea to bring your own snacks along just in case you don’t like the options onboard so that you don’t go hungry on the flight.

Related: Best International Travel Accessories

Packing the Essentials in Your Carry-On

Choosing the Right Bag

I believe strongly in light packing, and that you should take all of your stuff onboard with you when you travel. At the very least, you need to take all of your long haul essentials on the flight with you, and preferably keep them under the seat in front of you.

the tortuga setout laptop bag

I pack the Tortuga Setout Laptop Bag when I travel. It is the perfect personal item bag, and has plenty of space for you to pack everything on the essentials list and more! One of the best things about this bag is that it is full of different compartments so you can keep everything organized. For detailed information on this bag, check out my review of the Tortuga Setout Laptop Bag .

Also, if that one doesn’t fit your needs, I recommend considering the Nordace Smart Backpack which comes with outlets you can use for charging your electronics.

Additional Packing Tips:

liquids in pouch

  • Pack all of your liquids together in a clear container. Countries vary in how strict they are when going through security with liquids, but it’s best to make sure they meet approved limits before you leave. This TSA-approved pouch   is a great option to use, if you do not already have something like it.
  • Keep like items separated for easy organization. I like to keep my makeup products in one pouch and my hair accessories in another, for example.

The Best Clothes for a Long Haul Flight

Your ultimate goal for packing for a long haul flight is COMFORT. Wearing tight or restricting clothes will really just make you miserable if being cute is the only thing you are aiming for. I tend to wear a similar uniform on every long flight, and it’s one that will work for pretty much everyone:

  • Light Shirt – Wear a light T-shirt that you can layer up or down, depending on the temperature inside the plane. I like to wear something from the H&M basic collection myself.
  • Comfy Pants – Don’t wear jeans! It may be tempting to wear your bulkiest clothing, but stretchy and/or loose pants will be your best bet. I like wearing cute baggy pants like these Harem Pants or a good pair of leggings.
  • Sweater – Always bring a sweater or sweatshirt along to keep yourself warm while flying.
  • Comfy Shoes – Bring shoes that you have already broken in that you can walk around in the airport / deal with transfers without experiencing foot pain.

Also, as I mentioned above, don’t forget to pack your Compression Socks and Travel Scarf !

Long Haul Flight Tips and Tricks

There are a few things that you can do in the airport and while you’re on the plane that will make your travel experience go much more smoothly overall:

At the Airport

  • Make the most of your time in the airport by using the FLIO app ( iPhone | Android ) to know what food and amenities to find in each airport. This app also provides flight arrival / departure information, weather, transportation, and more!
  • Another option to consider is using an airport lounge in between flights. For a (usually) reasonable fee, you’ll have access to food and showers while you wait for the next leg of your trip. You can book lounges through the FLIO app. Additionally, if you get the Chase Sapphire Reserve , you’ll have access to Priority Pass, giving you free accesses to lounges around the glove. Read more about the Chase Sapphire Reserve here .
  • Some airports offer one-off amenities that can help you too. For example, I’ve found standalone showers in the Frankfurt airport and beds for rent by the hour in the Beijing airport. Research the airport in advance (using FLIO!) so that you can know what to expect before you land and plan appropriately.

On the Plane

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink lots of water while you’re on the plane to keep from dehydrating on the plane.
  • Get Up and Move: Don’t just sit for hours on end while you’re on the flight. Remember how I mentioned keeping your circulation going above? Well compression socks aren’t the only way to help that – walking is actually the best remedy to prevent complications from poor circulation.
  • Adjust Your Sleep Cycle: If you haven’t already done so before getting to the airport, use your time on the plane to try to adjust to the new time zone. Set your watch ahead (or behind), and try to sleep (or not sleep) based on the time where you are headed.

Long Haul Flight Essentials | Final Tips

And that wraps my list of long haul flight essentials + tips! Do you have any other essentials that you like to carry on long haul flights? If so, drop them in the comments below!

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41 Long Haul Flight Essentials & Tips for 2023

Last update on 2024-07-19 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

long haul travel tips

Christen Thomas is the founder of TravelWanderGrow, established in 2018. She has lived abroad and traveled extensively to over 30 countries. In addition, she is a certified Travel Advisor and is an expert in planning trips focused on city history and culture. As a frequent traveler, she also shares tips on how to prepare to travel well and how to save money while doing so.


Hello Christen, I really am impressed with your website design! This article has many great tips for traveling that are very useful. I definitely could have used some melatonin on my recent trip to Israel. I’m not sure if that would have been enough to sleep on the plane for me though. I am a very light sleeper, so any noise will easily wake me up. The one thing I regret was not bringing noise-cancelling headphones. An extra phone charger for the tour bus would have been great as well. Thanks for all the great tips!

Hi Daniel – Glad you like the site and found the tips useful! Noise cancelling headphones is a great idea – I should add that to my list! Sometimes I bring along some earplugs that I received on a long flight, but I can pretty much sleep through anything haha

I really like your site and enjoyed reading this article. I want one of those TSA pouches. What a great idea. I’m saving this list for my next trip. Thank you!

Happy to help Holly! If you have any questions on anything, just let me know 🙂

I guess we can become best friends! How alike the things we pack to prepare for our long flights!

I would definitely bring my whole set of face care products with me. You know how dry the air on the flight can be, my lips are gonna crack! And how come I never think of the baby wipes! So convenient! Thanks for sharing!:)

Of course Crystal! Great minds think alike 🙂 Baby wipes are an absolute lifesaver for me – it’s a trick I got from my mom. And I 100% feel you on that dry plane skin!

I am saving this for our next trip. I usually get bored during long-haul flights. What neck pillow do you recommend?

Hi Ben! I really like memory foam pillows – check out the one I mention on this post: https://travelwandergrow.com/best-international-travel-accessories-2018

Hey Christen! I always take my compression socks with me so I won’t have those huge ankles after the long flight (or even a shorter one). I had never thought about a bag to my cords and adapters! I will absolutely get that later on, it will make my life so much easier while travelling! 🙂 Thank you for these awesome tips! ps. I love your website design! <3

Thanks for the complement, Mira! I agree – the compression socks are the absolute best. And I’m telling you, that BAGSMART bag will change your life! Hope you get to try it out.

You have many great tips in this post. I saved it to my travel board, so I can go over it while planning my vacation later on this year.

I’m glad you found the post useful, Carolina!

I completely agree with this! I like creating a list like this so I don’t forget the next time I travel. Great tips!

Glad you found this useful Shari-Ann!

These are such great tips! Long haul flights can be BRUTAL and I love curling up with a good audiobook. Thanks for sharing!

You’re right Whitney, an audiobook is another great thing to bring along on the journey 🙂

Omg I need a cable organiser in my life! Thanks for sharing this list

It is one of my favorite packing tools!

I recommend a foot sling for my fellow short people. It really makes a difference! Your back will thank you!! I also like to wear compression sleeves instead of socks just because you can hide them under your pants and still wear cute shoes.

Great tips, thanks for sharing Taren! I have just gotten into the sling myself (also a fellow short person :)).

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How to Survive Long-Haul Flights

Though extreme long-haul air travel never gets easier, there are some things you can do to make it slightly less terrible.

A drawing of a woman sitting in an airline cabin seemingly in a mirror. On the left, she is awake looking at her phone and laptop computer, and on the other she is asleep using eye mask and a travel pillow.

By Katie Robertson

Long-haul flights are generally considered to be those eight hours and over, while any that stretch past a grueling 16 hours are nicknamed “ultra long-haul.” The longest nonstop commercial flights currently available include New York to Singapore (18 hours and 50 minutes; 9,530 miles) and Perth, Australia, to London (17 hours and 45 minutes; 9,010 miles). Qantas Airways, Australia’s national airline, plans to operate two even longer direct flights in 2025: Sydney to London and Sydney to New York — routes that will take up to 20 hours.

For travelers, flying at 35,000 feet for an extended period of time comes with its own set of challenges, including little space for movement, dry cabin air and time zone changes.

Though extreme long-haul air travel never gets easier, there are some things you can do — before, during and after your flight — to make it slightly less terrible.

Jennifer Bagnall, 40, a communications executive who often flies between her home in Los Angeles and Sydney, believes reframing the experience in your mind is an essential first step.

“Instead of approaching it as a long stretch of time in a confined space without escape, I think about how it’s a long stretch of uninterrupted time with no responsibilities and where I can’t be contacted,” she said. “It’s so rare you get that.”

Pack your carry-on smartly and strategize early

You’ll most likely be checking your luggage, so your carry-on bag will need to be well equipped. As well as any items you’re going to use for entertainment, think ahead to what will help you feel the most comfortable. Packing a change of clothes (if there is a stopover, you may be able to find a shower in the airport) as well as a toothbrush and toothpaste will go a long way to helping you feel fresher during your journey. Make sure you’re wearing comfortable clothing and a pair of compression socks to combat swollen feet from so many hours with little physical activity.

“Wear a hoodie,” recommends Nikki Greenberg, 40, a futurist and innovation strategist from Sydney who frequently travels internationally for work. “It is cozy, warm, covers the ears (less noise) and eyes (less light for sleep), and creates a private cocoon environment.”

Find a way to sleep as much as possible

Do anything and everything you can to make sure you spend a large chunk of the time onboard asleep. Some travelers consider sleeping pills or melatonin supplements as must-haves, while eye shades and noise-canceling headphones can reduce cabin lighting and help to dull the roar of the plane. A travel pillow like the Trtl Pillow , which supports your neck, can help when trying to sleep in the upright position.

Mapping out your sleep schedule ahead of time can also be useful, depending on when your flight or flights are departing. Vanessa Quincey, 33, an advertising director from Melbourne, Australia, who has lived in New York for the past decade, stays awake for the shorter leg of her journey — New York to Los Angeles — to ensure she’s extra tired for the long second leg to Melbourne.

“Purchase a ‘Do Not Disturb’ eye mask if you plan on sleeping through meal service,” she said. “The mask will block out the overhead lights, and the ‘do not disturb’ will let the cabin crew know not to wake you.”

Save up entertainment

Plan how you will fill the rest of the time onboard: A 10-episode narrative arc of a TV series will stretch out a lot longer than one movie. You can look ahead on the airline’s website to see what in-flight entertainment will be available on your flight. Be sure to download TV shows, movies, podcasts and music onto your devices before you get to the airport and have to rely on spotty Wi-Fi. Bring a good book you’ve been meaning to read. Have some offline games you can play on your phone or iPad. And don’t forget a backup portable charger.

Patrick Quade, a 52-year-old tech founder from New South Wales in Australia, has done the trip between the United States and Australia more than two dozen times. He recommends setting a goal that takes longer than 20 hours: “Learn Adobe Premiere well enough to make a three-minute short with edits and sound track.”

Never stop hydrating

The air onboard is extremely dry. Pack a decent moisturizer, lip balm, lubricating eye drops and a small nasal spray. Try to avoid alcohol and drink as much water as you can throughout the flight: Bringing your own empty water bottle to fill up at the airport after customs can help with this goal. Powdered vitamins or electrolytes can be added to your water to maximize hydration.

Move when you can

Many people prefer an aisle seat so they are able to get up frequently without disturbing their seat neighbor. Ahead of booking, research the layout and model of planes on websites like SeatGuru to find the most legroom. Do some stretches while you’re waiting in line for the bathroom and walk a few laps of the terminal during a layover to get your blood moving.

Think ahead to your final destination

Without a doubt, the most important thing is to never, ever take a nap if you land during the day, as tempting as it is after a grueling flight. “This is really tough flying to Australia because you usually land early in the morning,” says Nathan Weinrich, who has been traveling home to Australia from New Jersey for eight years. “But it makes a huge difference to how quickly you adjust to the new time zone.”

Katie Robertson covers the media industry for The Times. Email:  [email protected]   More about Katie Robertson

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

Boston:  A destination steeped in history, as ever, has reinvented itself with outdoor spaces for drinking, dining and recreating, and more change in the air .

Spain:  By welcoming visitors with glorious scents and a natural beauty that rivals Provence in France, the annual lavender harvest has revitalized the medieval town of Brihuega .

Santa Fe:  Every spring, hundreds of bicyclists gather in the New Mexico city to ride through a high-desert landscape  rich in art, history and Indigenous culture.

Lausanne:  A new arts district, stylish restaurants and a museum that pays homage to the Olympics greet visitors to this Swiss city , home to the International Olympic Committee.

Orient Express:  The luxury version of this classic train journey costs $50,000. But for $1,000 or less, you can book the trip from Paris to Istanbul yourself .

How to Make a Long-Haul Flight More Comfortable

Image may contain Human Person Animal Bird Transportation Vehicle Aircraft and Airplane

All products featured on Condé Nast Traveler are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Even for the most experienced travelers, the actual process of getting to your destination is hardly ever the fun part. Unforeseen inconveniences aside—think flight delays and last-minute cancellations—there are certainly travelers who enjoy the aviation experience (myself included), and have fine-tuned the art of packing for a strenuous long-haul flight.

For the seasoned explorer with rusty travel skills or the newbie headed to their first far-flung destination, we’ve asked those frequent travelers to share their best tips, tricks, and gear to get through—and maybe even enjoy—a long-haul flight. 

Below, what to pack to make that next overnight or all-day flight more comfortable.

This article has been updated with new information since its original publish date.

Wear comfortable clothing

This may seem like a no-brainer, but whether you’re traveling in a lie-flat first class seat or barely reclining in economy , a pleasant flight starts with feeling comfortable. While you might be able to handle tighter, more restrictive clothing for a short period of time, consider looser loungewear during a long-haul flight.

“I wear clothes that are comfortable but not sloppy,” says Katie Hammel, an avid traveler and content marketing director at Scott’s Cheap Flights . “My husband recently bought me, as an anniversary gift, a set of cashmere joggers and hoodie from Nadaam . [They] are luxuriously soft and so comfortable, but still look put together.”

Take the coziness up a notch by removing your shoes, but pack a pair of easy-to-slip-on sandals or slippers for when you want to use the restroom or wander the aisles. Stretching and moving on such a long flight is key to avoiding swelling and discomfort in the legs. Throwing on a pair of compression socks can also reduce swelling and alleviate the pins-and-needles sensation.

Image may contain: Clothing, Sleeve, Apparel, Human, Person, Suit, Coat, Overcoat, Long Sleeve, Dress, Pants, and Standing

Shop more loungewear sets here .

long haul travel tips

Shop more compression socks here .

long haul travel tips

Pack the right gear

Hammel describes two products as her “holy grail” for enduring long-haul flights: the Travelrest Ultimate inflatable travel pillow and a leg sling . This Travelrest pillow does more than its C-shaped counterparts, allowing for flexibility in the firmness and positioning of the elongated pillow. Amazon’s Bcozzy double support neck pillow is also a top-seller among travelers thanks to its variety of configurations.

Hammel initially had concerns that her favorite portable footrest would annoy her fellow passengers. After more than two dozen flights, though, she has yet to receive any complaints.

“It just makes the ride so much more comfortable as it allows you to have your legs in a wider variety of positions,” she says.

Other common causes of discomfort during any flight, but especially longer ones, are cold temperatures and stuffiness. Lavina Dsouza , a UK–based business analyst and journalist who often flies to Asia, always packs a blanket and hand warmers , as well 4Head roll-on menthol sticks to help with headaches and congestion.

Image may contain: Cushion, Pillow, Headrest, Clothing, Cap, Baseball Cap, Hat, and Apparel

Sleep strategically

Sleeping is one of the simplest ways to make a long-haul flight go by quickly, but there’s a method to ensure you don’t totally disrupt your sleep patterns and succumb to jet lag . If you’ll be arriving at your destination during the day, get as much sleep as possible during the flight, so you can hit the ground running and adopt a normal bedtime in your destination. If you’re touching down at night, resist snoozing too much so you’ll be sleepy enough to hit the hay at a decent hour in your new time zone. Food and travel writer Binita Sah goes as far as to coordinate her meals with regular mealtimes in her destination—in fact, most airlines already schedule their food service with this idea in mind.

Of course, sleeping on a plane is sometimes easier said than done, but there are ways to put the odds in your favor. “I love Spacemasks for when you need something uplifting to help you get some sleep as they’re eye masks with aromatherapy scents,” says Sah.

Meditation apps like Headspace or MyNoise are also useful for playing relaxing music or nature sounds that can help you fall asleep.

Prepare entertainment in advance

“I create an itinerary so that I spend the flight time being creative and productive,” says Christopher Paul Jones , who runs a phobia clinic. “Reframe how you see the flight. See it as some uninterrupted you-time, or self care time.”

Plan to download and catch up on your favorite TV series , movies , or podcasts ; finally tackle that task you’ve been putting off; or dive into a good book .

Although airlines often offer a flimsy set of headphones to use with the in-seat TVs, noise-canceling headphones —like this popular pair from Bose —can also double as earplugs for sleeping. If you prefer something smaller, be sure to pack this tiny transmitter that connects the in-seat TV to your AirPods or any other Bluetooth-enabled earbuds.

Image may contain: Electronics, Headphones, and Headset

Stay hydrated

The low humidity levels inside an airplane cabin make dehydration a common problem for passengers, so “bring your own water bottle and make it a large one,” says Henley Vazquez, co-founder of tech-forward travel agency Fora . “You don’t want to rely on flight attendants to bring you water, and you want to stay hydrated.” Some frequent fliers abstain from drinking alcohol and caffeine leading up to a flight to avoid extra dehydration, too.

For Suzanne Aston, lead singer of the Aston Band , it’s especially important to hop off the plane feeling hydrated and ready to head to her next gig, so she goes the extra mile by wearing a HumidiFlyer mask . “It traps exhaled moisture from your breath and allows you to breathe in your own recycled humidity and not the dried, shared air of the plane,” she says, explaining that this mask prevents her throat from drying out and leaves her feeling more refreshed. (To note, the HumidiFlyer is not an anti-viral mask .)

long haul travel tips

Practice self care

The importance of hydration applies to your skin as well. “The dry air in the cabin is particularly harsh on your skin, stripping the moisture barrier of its oils,” says Giacomo Piva, travel industry analyst and cofounder of luggage storage network Radical Storage . “Carry and apply moisturizer at regular intervals throughout the flight, especially for your hands…[and] you’ll reach your destination with plump skin and less irritation.”

Piva even encourages travelers to treat the flight like their own personal spa, using a thick face mask for extra moisture, along with their favorite beauty products .

long haul travel tips

Refresh before getting off the plane

With lost luggage becoming an increasingly common issue, it’s always a good idea to pack a few outfits in your carry-on just in case. But this advice also serves another purpose.

“It makes a big difference when you land to be able to change into something fresh and put yourself together,” says Vazquez. Packing a small toiletry bag with some basics—like a toothbrush, toothpaste, moisturizer, perfume, and eye drops—goes a long way toward starting your trip on the right foot.

long haul travel tips

Woman with long blond hair standing in front of departures board in an airport with all travel essentials for the plane in her bag

25 Long Haul Flight Essentials + Long Flight Tips

As full-time travelers for more than 3.5 years, we have experienced more than our share of long flights–and as a result, we’ve developed an extensive list of long haul flight essentials and long flight tips in order to keep our travel days running as smoothly as possible.

In the very first version of this post that I wrote shortly after beginning our full-time travels, here’s how I summarized the behind-the-scenes of the one-way ticket journey that started it all for us:

“Thirty. Eight. Hours. From leaving the house at 4:30 AM to arriving at an Airbnb flat almost 2 days later, that’s the approximate amount of time that Jeremy and I spent traveling from San Antonio to Madrid.

I’m not going to sugar coat it: it was brutal. In a few years, I’m sure we’ll decide that a couple of 6 hour layovers and an additional 2 hour layover, 4 planes, and a day and a half worth of travel time are in no way worth saving hundreds of dollars on airfare. But right now, we’re young, crazy, and (sort of) frugal. So! The nightmarish layover battle began.”

Vilanculos, Mozambique from the plane

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My prediction was right: these days, we’ve been on enough uncomfortable, excessively long journeys that we try to limit them wherever possible, but long flights are still a fact of life for us.

Here’s what we’ve learned along the way–and what you need to know about long haul flights, from how to choose your travel essentials for the plane to what to wear.

Table of Contents

What to Pack Your Long Haul Flight Essentials In

Long haul flight essentials: what to bring onboard, long flight tips + tricks, planning a trip.

Kate Storm in a brown coat approaching the camera. Several houses decorated for Christmas in Colmar France are behind her.

We don’t get too fancy with our personal item bags, and unless you’re a very heavy packer and need to fit lots of weight into a small space, we don’t think you need to, either.

We use this Pacsafe backpack as a personal bag and throw the bulk of our travel essentials for the plane in there, while a few others float around in my small purse. 

If you’re in the market for a new bag, we highly recommend our backpack, but any school-sized backpack or messenger bag that comfortably fits under an airplane seat will do–we used a Northface Jester backpack for years and loved that one as well.

Jeremy Storm carrying a pacsafe backpack and wearing a gray jacket, looking out over Conor Pass in Ireland

I’m a recent convert to using eye masks, but they make such a difference and have skyrocketed up the list to be one of my most important long haul flight essentials.

It’s amazing how much easier it is to sleep on planes with the light of the world shut out–and as a bonus, they often come in handy once you land, too, as a frustrating number of hotels have some sort of bright and/or blinking light visible in the room at night.

This eye mask is an excellent option, but eye masks are a bit of a personal preference thing–you may want to try this popular one as well.

Kate Storm and Jeremy Storm standing along the Grand Canal of Venice. Kate is in a red dress and there are gondolas behind them.

Wearing your shoes for the entirety of a long plane ride can be incredibly uncomfortable, but touching the plane floor with your bare feet is also just… ew, no.

The solution? Cozy, comfortable socks that can be easily washed after wrapping up your long travel day.

If you’d prefer, you may want to swap typical cozy socks for compression socks for an extra layer of comfort and protection.

Just please don’t be one of those people that don’t put their shoes back on to go to the bathroom–I can think of few things less sanitary than an airplane bathroom floor.

Comfortable Jacket / Pullover

Jacket, pillow, blanket–a basic, cozy jacket or pullover can serve many purposes on a plane.

My Northface fleece pullover has come with me on countless flights and definitely counts as one of my long haul flight essentials.

Hiking in the High Tatras: View over Valley

Moisturizer + Hand Lotion

Nothing dries out my skin quite as fast as the dry, recycled air of an airplane–and a few hours into a long haul flight, I’m always so grateful to be able to slather some extra moisturizer on my skin.

This moisturizer and this hand lotion come in tiny, airport-approved containers.

Vaseline / Lip Balm

Your face and hands aren’t the only things to get dried out on long haul flights: throw a small container of Vaseline (I’ve carried this size for years) or lip balm into your bag of in flight essentials to ensure you don’t land in your destination with chapped lips.

2 Weeks in Mexico Itinerary

Hand Sanitizer

Here’s the deal: airports and airplanes are kind of disgusting.

Add in the close proximity to hundreds of people, sleep deprivation, completely stressing out your body by changing time zones, and hours and hours of breathing recycled air, and it’s way too easy to end up sick after a long flight.

We consider hand sanitizer one of our most important long haul flight essentials–and it comes in handy once you reach your destination(s), too.

Travel Couple in Bangkok, Thailand

I promise, brushing your teeth in an airplane bathroom is just… not worth it. On a layover, maybe. 

But before you land, well. Nothing smells quite like travel breath after a solid 12+ hours in transit, some of that including sleep. 

It is not a good smell, and your travel companion(s) will thank you for adding a small bottle of mouthwash to your list of travel essentials for the plane.

Reusable Water Bottle

Keep it empty until after security, of course, lest it end up in a pile of trash as you go through the line.

Having your own water is absolutely a long haul flight essential, though: even if you’re flying with an airline that provides complimentary drinks and the attendants are liberal with the refills, those tiny plastic cups of water are not nearly enough to keep you going, and nothing says dehydration like hours out of your normal routine at 30,000 feet.

We’re partial to Nalgenes for travel, as they’re durable and easy to clean, but some light packers prefer to bring a collapsible water bottle instead.

Czech Beer in Prague Airport being held against a window with planes in the background--beer definitely isn't a long haul flight essential, but it is tasty

If you have long hair, extra hair ties are an absolute must as far as in flight essentials go.

They’re inexpensive, take up basically no space, and there are few things more aggravating than your one and only hair tie rolling away in the first couple hours of a 10-hour long flight (ask me how I know).


While wifi is increasingly available on flights now, it’s generally both slow and expensive–and even as a full-time travel blogger, I basically never work online during flights for those reasons.

Offline entertainment is the way to go: in-flight movies are a decent option, but usually not enough to keep you entertained for 8+ hours. 

This is an excellent time to break out a Kindle , bring a book of puzzles (I personally love Sudoku), or play offline phone games.

3 blue domes of Santorini--preparing dealing with putting together the right long flight essentials is definitely worth it to land somewhere like this!

Chewing Gum

Jeremy swears by chewing gum to help relieve pressure in his ears and counts it among his personal travel essentials for the plane, but it also serves a second purpose: mildly improving your breath for the benefit of those locked in a very small space with you.

On a long haul flight abroad, odds are that you’ll be handed a landing card to fill out with essential details like why you’re visiting the country, where you’re staying, and personal information.

It’s much easier to handle this on the plane with your own pen that having to wait until you deplane or try to borrow someone else’s–plus, if you’re anything like me, you may want to doodle or write notes during your long flight anyway.

Kate Storm in a gray dress standing in Rue de l'Universite in Paris with the Eiffel Tower behind her

Travel Insurance

We don’t ever suggest traveling without travel insurance–anything can happen on the road, and traveling abroad is definitely a case of better safe than sorry. 

If your flight gets dramatically delayed, your luggage is delayed (happen to us twice) or, worst-case scenario, lost, you’ll be so glad you have travel insurance to save the day.

Check travel insurance policy inclusions and prices for your trip here .

External Battery Charger

While more and more planes (and airports) have USB ports to charge your electronics these days, they’re still far from a guarantee–and there’s no telling what your long haul flight situation will be like until you board.

A much better plan than relying on luck is to follow one of our favorite long flight tips and simply bring your own (backup) portable USB charger .

They’re relatively cheap, easy to pack, can charge multiple devices at once, and can be a lifesaver while you are on the road and need to turn on your phone that has the only copy of your boarding pass.

This one is an excellent option.

How to Ethically Visit Elephants in Thailand

Take it from the woman who once, in complete desperation, paid something like 11 Euro for the world’s worst microwaved pizza on a transatlantic flight: put decent snacks on your long haul flight essentials list and be sure you bring enough.

This is especially important for budget fliers, because on those flights? Even crossing an ocean doesn’t entitle you to a meal as part of your ticket.

Ryanair plane parked on the tarmac with people boarding--you have to be extra careful to pack all your in flight essentials when taking a budget flight

There’s something incredibly peaceful about slipping on a pair of comfortable headphones and disappearing into your own world while on a long plane ride. Flights are inevitably quite loud, and when you can put that behind you, the entire journey becomes much more peaceful.

Jeremy has used these headphones for years and swears by them–they’ve held up amazingly well considering how much travel we’ve put them through.

If you’d prefer something truly noise-canceling, these are a great option .

Want something light and easy to pack instead? These will be much more comfortable for watching in flight movies than the uncomfortable pairs that the airlines tend to pass out.

Howth Cliff Walk in Ireland, a fun bonus stop for your 10 day Ireland road trip itinerary. Wildflowers are in the foreground and a lighthouse in the background.

Basic Medication

Don’t find yourself stuck in the air with a raging headache and no way to alleviate it!

I always throw some basic pain medication like ibuprofen or acetaminophen into my long haul flight essentials bag.

Keep in mind that as far as long flight tips go, technically speaking you’re not allowed to carry medication through security not in its original packaging. 

In my experience, it’s essentially never a problem, but be aware that there is always the risk the meds will have to be thrown out if they’re not in their original containers (so maybe don’t take important prescription meds out of their bottles).

Sleep if you can.

Without a doubt, the most comfortable way to deal with a long haul flight is simply to sleep through it.

Wrap yourself in your jacket, put on your eye mask, maybe take melatonin if that’s your style, and do everything you can to rest.

3 Days in Cape Town Itinerary: Chapman's Peak Drive

Skip the makeup.

This is a personal preference, of course, but long haul flights are the absolute perfect time to forego makeup.

It’ll dry out your skin and make it hard to moisturize, possibly make you break out, and by the halfway point in your flight, it’ll be a mess anyway. 

Looking like you’re a half-delirious zombie after finishing a long haul flight is practically inevitable, so make the whole process easier on yourself by rolling with it from the beginning.

Empire State Building or Top of the Rock: Girl with Binoculars on Empire State Building

Stick with comfortable clothes on long flights.

Think leggings or your most comfortable pants, shoes that are well-broken in, and loose, comfortable tops.

What might be perfectly comfortable to wear on a normal day can become insanely aggravating by the end of a long flight where you could easily be in the same clothes for 20-40 hours at a time, so stick with your most tried-and-true basics.

Ideally, go for breathable fabrics that are easy to layer, so you can add and subtract warmth as necessary.

These days, I’ve been wearing these leggings and a comfortable shirt like this on long flights.

Kate Storm wearing a brown coat and blue backpack, looking up at a departures board in an airport. Her purse holds some of her long haul flight essentials!

Don’t get dehydrated.

It’s so, so easy to end up dehydrated on planes: no matter how generous the flight attendants are with refilling the tiny plastic cups offered onboard, it’s not enough to stay hydrated on a long haul flight… and that’s assuming you’re choosing to drink water from those cups to begin with.

We mentioned bringing a reusable water bottle above, but seriously: if you make sure it’s full before you board your plane and make a point to drink it all while onboard, your body will thank you.

Stretch as often as you can.

Sitting for hours on end in a cramped airplane seat is terrible for your body, so make use of extra bathroom breaks and stretch as often as you can.

I’m absolutely militant about this long flight tip, especially after reading one too many horror stories about pulmonary embolisms , and it definitely helps with flight soreness and fatigue.

Hot Air Balloons Cappadocia, Turkey

Take long walks during your layovers.

Once you deplane and walk, bleary-eyed and exhausted, into an unfamiliar airport for a (potentially long) layover, the temptation to book it right to a lounge or to a meal can be intense–and while those are both excellent ideas for how to spend a long layover, your body will thank you for taking a long walk and letting your body stretch out first.

Have a plan for when you land.

Metro, bus, taxi, rental car?

Know exactly how you’ll be getting from the airport to the hotel before you arrive, and your long travel day will be much easier for it.

The sad fact is that when you’re exhausted, jetlagged, and coming off of an exhausting day of long haul flights, that’s exactly when you’re most vulnerable to things like taxi scams, especially if you’re in a new destination.

Consider one of your long haul flight essentials to simply be a plan: if you know what to expect upon landing and exactly what fair prices for different services are, your travel day will be much less stressful–and after all, the whole point of voluntarily suffering through long haul flights is to reach the other end and have the stress-free trip of a lifetime.

Photo of a woman with long blond hair standing in front of a departures board in an airport. Black and red text on a white background reads what to bring on a long haul flight essentials

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About Kate Storm

Image of the author, Kate Storm

In May 2016, I left my suburban life in the USA and became a full-time traveler. Since then, I have visited 50+ countries on 5 continents and lived in Portugal, developing a special love of traveling in Europe (especially Italy) along the way. Today, along with my husband Jeremy and dog Ranger, I’m working toward my eventual goal of splitting my life between Europe and the USA.

1 thought on “25 Long Haul Flight Essentials + Long Flight Tips”

Great information and can be chosen out one of helpful article specially for travelling for a long time, Included all the important things to carry and explained well, Thanks so much for the great advice. I’ am always on the lookout for travel tips, This article is a huge help.

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10 Tips to Get Through Long Flights

izusek / Getty Images 

The longest flight I’ve ever taken was from Washington, D.C., to Singapore, via Newark and a stop in Frankfurt. It was effectively a 24-hour flight in coach. Even with Singapore Airlines’ great coach product, which includes ergonomic seats and headrests, great inflight menu choices, and more than 1000 options on its entertainment system, that’s still a long time in a narrow seat. If your bank account is not big enough to get one of those lie-flat comfy seats in business or first class, here are ways to get through a long-haul flight.

Spring for a More-Room Economy Seat

Vida Images / Getty Images

If you can, spend a little more for a seat in Main Cabin Extra . You can get up to six more inches of legroom, boarding with group one and being in the first group off the plane. Here's a list of U.S. carriers offering more room in coach.

Snag and Exit Row or Bulkhead Seat

If you can’t spring for economy plus, then try and score an exit row or bulkhead seat (although some airlines do charge for the exit row). Every inch of room counts on long-haul flights.

Wear Comfortable Clothes

PhotoAlto/Thierry Foulon / Getty Images

Dess stylishly (you never know when you might get that upgrade) but comfortably with something like tailored yoga pants, a long-sleeved top, a long cardigan (it doubles as a blanket), and a pashmina scarf. You can’t be comfortable or sleep if you’re wearing tight, binding clothes.

Long hours on a plane can cause pressure and swelling, so slip on a pair of socks as you rest.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Thanks to dry recycled cabin air, you can get really dehydrated on a long flight . There are some who say no alcohol, but I will indulge in a glass of wine or an adult beverage or two. But I will also drink lots of water.

izusek / Getty Images

It’s not good to stay in your seat when you’re awake. So get up and take a walk to get your circulation going. This will also lessen your chances of getting deep vein thrombosis. Also, don’t forget to stretch.

Let’s get real. Sleeping in a coach seat is not like sleeping in your own comfy bed at home. Sometimes you need a little help falling asleep. Melatonin can help both during the flight and with jetlag when you arrive at your destination. There are also OTC sleep aids on the market that can help. Be sure to check with your doctor about what might be best for you.

Sleep Mask and Neck Pillow

Again, you are not at home, so you need to do what you can to recreate it to get your rest. And while neck pillows look silly, it will support your head as you sleep. And a good sleep mask blocks out light, which also helps with sleep.

Noise Cancelling Headphones

knape / Getty Images

These can be a lifesaver by cutting out the noise on an airplane, including the engine whine, the children’s whine and other assorted sounds.


Fabio / Getty Images

You may not like what’s available on an airline’s ​in-flight entertainment system, so make sure your smartphone, tablet or eReader is loaded with content. And make sure your airline has in-seat power outlets or bring your own portable electronics charger. 

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10 Long-Haul Flight Tips For Maximum Comfort

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airport terminal

I don’t think many people out there actually look forward to flying. I mean, other than the fact it’s a way to get to the place you really want to see. If I had one superpower it would be to blink and be somewhere in no time at all. But unfortunately that’s not something we can do, so flying it is . Which is why I want to share my long-haul flight tips for a more comfortable flight.

As a Brit who now lives in Canada, long haul flights are kind of my jam. And while I still don’t particularly like flying, I am getting more used to it and finding more ways to make the time fly quicker (pun totally intended). So read on for my top travel tips for surviving long flights.

Top 10 Long-Haul Flight Tips

British Airways planes

Spending a long time on a flight means being prepared. As well as figuring out which essentials to bring with you , it’s also about comfort. Planning in advance for maximum comfort is a must when you’re traveling so far . And while many people have their own long-haul flight tips, these are the ones that have worked best for me.

Check in as early as possible

plane window seat

When the 24 hour mark hits, GO GO GO!!!! Your future comfort could depend on your strategically planned seat selection. Me?? I love a good aisle seat.

Getting to stretch your legs a bit on a long flight is invaluable. So aisle seats are the best for easy access to get out. They avoid having to wake up complete strangers who seem to have the ability to sleep like they’re dead.

Even if you don’t want to pay for seat selection at time of booking you can still look at the airplane layout. Scope out the seats you might want for when check in opens and select the seats at the 24 hour mark without the additional cost.

Pack light and choose your bag wisely

boarding pass - planning for your next long-haul flight

Most people’s biggest travel problem – chronic overpacking! Guilty! But one thing I have stopped doing in recent years is using those little wheeled suitcases for carry on.

More often than not you’ll see a dozen people in the aisle as the plane doors are closing, all looking for somewhere to stow their bags. Not me though. I travel with a backpack now. Using packing cubes and compression bags , I can fit more in my backpack easily.

Without the concern of whether there will be room in the overhead, I no longer feel the need to rush forward when the gate opens . Put your backpack in the overhead compartment if there’s space, but it will also fit comfortably under the seat.

Bring noise-cancelling headphones

noise canceling headphones

Do you like listening to people snoring at 35,000 feet? Me neither. Invest in some nice noise cancelling headphones for a really relaxing flight. I think most of us sit on a plane wishing we could be anywhere else. But that’s hard to do when you hear everything going on around you .

Watching movies on the small screens with the cheap plastic headphones is no better. With your own headphones you can plug them into your computer or phone and watch pre-downloaded Netflix shows.

You don’t need to spend a fortune for noise-cancelling headphones either. Check out these ones on Amazon for a budget version of the more expensive brands .

Bring something to read

flight essentials: bring a book or puzzles

Sure it might be easy to sit back and watch movie after movie. But staring at a screen about 6 inches from your face for 10 hours might not be the best for you. Mix it up a bit and read a book.

I often find I don’t have time to read anymore when I’m busy working, but come vacation time you can bet my bag is full of literary delights to escape with . Get started on your poolside reading early.

Can’t be bothered with a full book? Bring a magazine, crossword book or even a game to play with your travel companion. Just something else to do to avoid constant screen time.

Drink plenty of water

bring a reusable water bottle on your next flight

One of the best long-haul flight tips for your health! Don’t be tempted by sodas and alcohol. Keep a clear head and a comfortable tummy . Both are famous for dehydrating you more which is not good on a long flight.

As a bit of a Diet Coke fan, I still try to steer clear of it on flights. The fizzy carbonated drinks give you more gas. The gas then builds up due to the decrease of cabin pressure of the high altitude. As a result you’ll be more uncomfortable and bloated, and sometimes nauseous.

Drink water instead, it is much better for you and will make you feel way more comfortable on your long flight. Click here for top ways to stay healthy while traveling in winter .

Bonus Tip: Take a reusable water bottle with you and fill it up after security.

Be nice to the people around you

plane seats

Don’t rush to your seat hitting everyone with your giant bags. Resist the urge to fight over the arm rest and instead say Hi to your neighbor. They’ll be next to you for the next 8+ hours, do you really want to get off on the wrong foot?

Everyone is flying for different reasons. Visiting someone, or leaving someone behind. Some might even be terrified of flying. I know I’ve often been more than a little emotional on a long flight leaving home, compounded by my poor judgement in selecting Marley & Me or Toy Story 3 as in flight movies.

So being extra nice to someone takes little to no effort. Who knows, maybe you’ll even have a great conversation with your seat neighbor . If they’re from the place you’re going to visit they might even have some great travel tips for you.

Get up and walk around

get some exercise and stretch on your next long-haul flight

Stretch your legs and get your circulation going. Sitting for long periods of time is not good for you, especially when you need to aid digestion of any snacks and drinks you’ve had. Take a walk at least once an hour if you can. Or at least do some stretches in your seat .

On my last Air China flight to Vietnam they showed an exercise video mid-flight. Everyone followed along to the small space yoga/tai chi video showing how to stretch at your seat with the limited space you have. It was actually really helpful, made me feel much better and of course it was fun.

Bring healthy snacks

healthy snacks for flights

Don’t sit and eat junk food for the whole flight. Your body will not thank you for it -neither will your neighbor. On long flights especially, it can be easy to eat out of boredom.

But I always feel so sick after eating a bunch of junk food I can’t walk off. So one of my top long-haul flight tips: ditch the salty chips and sweets. They will dehydrate you more. Instead, bring more healthy in-flight snacks .

Veggies and dip are perfect: Hummus with celery, snap peas, carrots and cucumber will help keep you hydrated. Or some fruit (even if it’s dried fruit). Pack a good old fashioned sandwich with any healthy filling you want and avoid the heavy salted in-flight meals.

Flight Safety Tip: leave the mixed nuts at home in case anyone on your flight has an allergy .

Wear loose comfy clothing

pack the essentials on your next long haul flight

You’re not going to a fashion show, so wear what makes you feel comfortable. Layers are great for flights as the temperature onboard can be different from the airport or outside. Notoriously feeling cold on flights, I like to wear a sweater and bring a hoodie in case I need an extra layer.

Sweat pants or loose workout pants are great because they stretch which means you won’t have the discomfort of wearing jeans sitting down for 10 hours.

Wear shoes that are easy to take off in case you need to de-shoe for security. Running shoes/sneakers are the best as often you don’t always have to take them off . Plus you can loosen them on the flight. Just don’t be the one to put your bare feet up between someone’s headrests.

Bonus Tip: Take a change of clothes if you have a connecting flight. My last journey was 20 hours end to end so a change of clothes made me feel like a new person.

Pack the health and beauty essentials

long haul flight tips: pack a toothbrush

The cold air on planes can seriously dry out your skin. Therefore before you fly, remove all your makeup and moisturize, moisturize, MOISTURIZE !

Sample size or travel size moisturizers are perfect for flying and unscented is best in case those around you have allergies. Repeat throughout the flight, and your skin will thank you later.

Also remember to pack a travel toothbrush and travel size toothpaste in your hand luggage. If you’re on an epically long flight (or worse, connecting flights), brushing your teeth can feel amazing.

Bonus Travel Tip : Hold onto those mini dental hygiene packs you sometimes find in hotels, or the samples you sometimes get from the dentist. They’re just the right size to go in your zip lock bag of liquids.

Flying high with the best travel tips

If these tips don’t get you ready for that international flight I don’t know what will. Being prepared is key, making sure you have everything you might need without over-packing. Be smart with your travel choices and you’ll go far (last long haul flight joke I promise).

On my next big trip my ultimate goal is to do one major long haul trip with carry on baggage only. The packing cubes and packing compression bags are the way forward I think. That and not bringing 5 pairs of shoes everywhere I go.

But no matter how much you choose to pack, remember some of these essential long-haul flight tips and your journey will be a lot more comfortable.

If you’ve enjoyed this post leave a comment or share using the social media buttons below. What are your favorite long-haul flight tips for surviving long plane journeys?

long-haul flight tips for a more comfortable plane ride

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13 thoughts on “10 Long-Haul Flight Tips For Maximum Comfort”

I love this post! And, I do a lot of the things you mention, though I probably could get up and walk more and drink more water for sure. I bring my eReader with me everywhere, so great for trying to not overpack, but the darn computer and camera always do me in, lol!

Surprisingly, I like flights unless I do not have a cold and cough because the ear pain can be extremely painful. Moreover, I love the smell of the airports and the plane. But yes, any flight journey of more than 2 hours does take a toll on my body.

Living in Sydney Australia I’m no stranger to long haul flights & I like your suggestions. I always choose an aisle seat so I can get up and move around & wear compression stockings as this helps to reduce the swelling in my ankles which can last for a couple of days. Thanks for sharing!

love this, so relatable! As an IBS sufferer, flying makes me feel so bloated and lethargic! I neeever drink alcohol either, and always bring my own food, as I’m practically allergic to most things an airline will serve me! Good tips on the noise cancelling headphones, its the screaming children for me!

I love all of your tips. I live in the UK but I am from US. So having to take long flights is a common thing for me. Yes I agree to always get an aisle seat. I had to fly on a military flight for a deployment and I couldn’t pick my seat. I had to sit in the middle and it was the worse experience bc the guy next to me was sleep the entire flight overseas. I have to move around and get my blood circulating or my legs will go numb. Also, I like your tips for moisturizing and drinking water. Great post.

This is exactly how I feel about flying! I don’t like it, many times I’m even anxious about it, but I have to tolerate it to get where I want. Can we teleport already!? I did the mistake of not checking in early before and I was stuck with the seats that the airline assigned me when I bought the tickets. So I ended up separated from my bf, both stuck in the window seat (one in front of the other) because there were no adjacent free seats left. I didn’t leave my seat for the entire night (Doha-Kuala Lumpur) 🙁 So great tips, I’ll remember them!

I agree that a long-haul flight is something you better be well prepared for. Travelling with a backpack only is a great idea but for me not so easy to follow all the time. I always take a good travel pillow because I think that sleeping is the best way how to spend time on long-haul flights. Thanks for your great tips!

These are all great tips! I am so with you on the aisle seat after being trapped once haha!

So many essential tips! Such a good point about staying hydrated and saying no to dehydrating drinks, too. I always feel more rested after a long flight if I’ve drank lots of water the entire time and stayed away from junk food.

Super helpful tips. I do a lot of them, too, when I´m on a long flight.

This was really helpful, thank you. After two years I’ve forgotten about a lot of these! I’m actually cautiously looking forward to flying again, several hours with a book and nothing else to do sounds delightful 😀

These are super helpful tips! I always bring water but forget to drink it and end up with a major headache by the end of the flight. Also a great idea to get up and stretch your legs, something else I rarely end up doing.

Love that you included be nice to people around you. Especially these days!

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Tips on how to survive a long-haul flight

Posted: May 23, 2024 | Last updated: May 23, 2024

<p>Whether you're embarking on an eight-hour <a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/travel/491120/things-you-should-never-do-on-an-airplane" rel="noopener">flight</a> or a lengthy 20-hour journey, long-haul flights can be boring, uncomfortable, and exhausting. Sometimes long-haul travel can perhaps become super inconvenient with annoying passengers, or even dangerous due to deep-vein thrombosis. Not only does a poorly planned journey ruin your flight, but also the days that follow.</p> <p>If you want to make your long-haul flight infinitely more bearable, click through the following gallery for some essential tips.</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/144142?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=500296v1en-us"> Hideous creatures in films that are actually beautiful actresses</a></p>

Whether you're embarking on an eight-hour flight or a lengthy 20-hour journey, long-haul flights can be boring, uncomfortable, and exhausting. Sometimes long-haul travel can perhaps become super inconvenient with annoying passengers, or even dangerous due to deep-vein thrombosis. Not only does a poorly planned journey ruin your flight, but also the days that follow.

If you want to make your long-haul flight infinitely more bearable, click through the following gallery for some essential tips.

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<p>The earlier you book, the better your chances of scoring your favorite seat. So don't hesitate—book your tickets as early as possible.</p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Book your tickets early

The earlier you book, the better your chances of scoring your favorite seat. So don't hesitate—book your tickets as early as possible.

Follow us and access great exclusive content every day

<p>As most people will scramble to be at the front, you've got a far better chance of ending up with an empty seat or two beside you at the back. Before your flight, keep an eye out to see if there are any empty rows you can claim last minute.</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/164853?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=500296v1en-us"> These actors were heartthrobs in their youth </a></p>

Sit in the back

As most people will scramble to be at the front, you've got a far better chance of ending up with an empty seat or two beside you at the back. Before your flight, keep an eye out to see if there are any empty rows you can claim last minute.

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<p>It's not always easy when you're in a crowded plane, but get some sleep, even if it’s a short nap. For extra comfort, get a blanket and pillow.</p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

It's not always easy when you're in a crowded plane, but get some sleep, even if it’s a short nap. For extra comfort, get a blanket and pillow.

<p>If you have air miles, make sure to use them on an upgrade. You will get much more comfort and arrive at your destination rested after many hours of traveling.</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/178190?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=500296v1en-us"> Wedding dress trends for 2018</a></p>

Use air miles to upgrade

If you have air miles, make sure to use them on an upgrade. You will get much more comfort and arrive at your destination rested after many hours of traveling.

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<p>Sadly, we don't always have the miles, but one step up is premium economy. It might be slightly more expensive, but the benefits of priority check-in, extra legroom, and comfortable seats makes it worth it.</p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Splurge on premium economy

Sadly, we don't always have the miles, but one step up is premium economy. It might be slightly more expensive, but the benefits of priority check-in, extra legroom, and comfortable seats makes it worth it.

<p>This might be worth a go if you arrive early at the check-in. However, the odds of scoring a last-minute upgrade are better if you have elite status with the airline.</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/182067?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=500296v1en-us"> Aussie celebs born outside Australia</a></p>

Try for a free upgrade

This might be worth a go if you arrive early at the check-in. However, the odds of scoring a last-minute upgrade are better if you have elite status with the airline.

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<p>There are a couple of things you can do to mitigate jet lag. One tip is to spend the days before your flight adjusting your sleep patterns to match your destination. Another piece of advice is to book your flight so that it arrives during the day.</p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Prepare for jet lag

There are a couple of things you can do to mitigate jet lag. One tip is to spend the days before your flight adjusting your sleep patterns to match your destination. Another piece of advice is to book your flight so that it arrives during the day.

<p>The last thing you need before a long-haul flight is to panic your way through a busy airport, or, in the worst case, miss your flight. It's better to just wait a bit longer at the airport before boarding.</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/186709?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=500296v1en-us"> The most beautiful flags in the world</a></p>

Check in early

The last thing you need before a long-haul flight is to panic your way through a busy airport, or, in the worst case, miss your flight. It's better to just wait a bit longer at the airport before boarding.

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<p>Keep your outfit as comfortable as possible. Remember to bring layers for when it gets cold during the flight. A cardigan or sweatshirt is always good to have on hand.</p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Dress right

Keep your outfit as comfortable as possible. Remember to bring layers for when it gets cold during the flight. A cardigan or sweatshirt is always good to have on hand.

<p>A small pillow is a must-have carry-on item for long-distance travelers. You can find them at almost every airport, and it's a small price to pay for not destroying your neck.</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/190447?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=500296v1en-us"> Regrets? The actors who turned down roles in successful movies</a></p>

Bring your own pillow

A small pillow is a must-have carry-on item for long-distance travelers. You can find them at almost every airport, and it's a small price to pay for not destroying your neck.

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<p>Before you embark on your journey, do some things to relax yourself. This could be having a nice breakfast, going to the gym, or reading a book.</p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

De-stress before you arrive

Before you embark on your journey, do some things to relax yourself. This could be having a nice breakfast, going to the gym, or reading a book.

<p>If you can't afford noise-canceling headphones, go for high-quality earplugs instead. It's a great way to block out the airplane noise and loud passengers.</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/251231?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=500296v1en-us"> Can you guess the celebs in these pictures? </a></p>

Block out sounds with noise-canceling headphones

If you can't afford noise-canceling headphones, go for high-quality earplugs instead. It's a great way to block out the airplane noise and loud passengers.

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<p>You need to bring more for a long-haul flight than you would for a short one, but it's not a good idea to overpack your carry-ons. Bring the essentials so they're always within arm's reach.</p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Don't overdo the carry-ons

You need to bring more for a long-haul flight than you would for a short one, but it's not a good idea to overpack your carry-ons. Bring the essentials so they're always within arm's reach.

<p>In case of turbulence, the seat belt light will turn on, and flight attendants may come to check that everyone is buckled up. If you're buckled beneath your blanket where they can't see it, they will wake you up to check.</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/255526?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=500296v1en-us"> Wildest Aussie conspiracy theories</a></p>

Buckle your seat belt over your blanket

In case of turbulence, the seat belt light will turn on, and flight attendants may come to check that everyone is buckled up. If you're buckled beneath your blanket where they can't see it, they will wake you up to check.

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<p>It's important to prepare yourself for the time zone of where you're heading. When you get on the plane, change your watch to the local time of your destination, then alter your routine accordingly.</p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Adjust your watch

It's important to prepare yourself for the time zone of where you're heading. When you get on the plane, change your watch to the local time of your destination, then alter your routine accordingly.

<p>An eye mask is extremely useful if you're flying during the day, or if you want to get some sleep before the cabin lights are dimmed.</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/269146?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=500296v1en-us"> Take a look at some of the most isolated places in the world</a></p>

Bring an eye mask

An eye mask is extremely useful if you're flying during the day, or if you want to get some sleep before the cabin lights are dimmed.

You may also like: Take a look at some of the most isolated places in the world

<p>Whether it's meditation, listening to some calming music, or doing some breathing exercises, these are all techniques that will help you sleep more easily and put your mind at ease.</p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Try to relax

Whether it's meditation, listening to some calming music, or doing some breathing exercises, these are all techniques that will help you sleep more easily and put your mind at ease.

<p>Make an active effort to be nice. Not only will you up your chances of preferential treatment, but you'll also be doing something kind for the people taking care of you up there.</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/326873?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=500296v1en-us"> Body parts that you can live without</a></p>

Befriend the crew

Make an active effort to be nice. Not only will you up your chances of preferential treatment, but you'll also be doing something kind for the people taking care of you up there.

You may also like: Body parts that you can live without

<p>Remember that it has to fit in your carry-on, so don't bring anything too thick. Make sure it's enough to keep you warm when the plane's air-conditioning is on.</p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Travel blankets are a must

Remember that it has to fit in your carry-on, so don't bring anything too thick. Make sure it's enough to keep you warm when the plane's air-conditioning is on.

<p>Sitting down for too long isn't good for your health. Fight off deep-vein thrombosis by regularly stretching and walking around the cabin.</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/363050?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=500296v1en-us"> Taylor Swift and other stinky stars with bad personal hygiene</a></p>

Stay healthy

Sitting down for too long isn't good for your health. Fight off deep-vein thrombosis by regularly stretching and walking around the cabin.

You may also like: Taylor Swift and other stinky stars with bad personal hygiene

<p>The last thing you need is your device running out of battery one hour into an 11-hour flight. Especially if your in-flight entertainment system isn't working!</p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Charge your devices

The last thing you need is your device running out of battery one hour into an 11-hour flight. Especially if your in-flight entertainment system isn't working!

<div class="paragraph"> <p>In-flight entertainment systems are not always reliable. They sometimes fail, and sometimes they don't have the entertainment you want. You'll be glad to have some backup.</p> </div><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/377750?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=500296v1en-us"> Elvis Presley: the untold story of the King</a></p>

Download some backup movies and podcasts onto your device

In-flight entertainment systems are not always reliable. They sometimes fail, and sometimes they don't have the entertainment you want. You'll be glad to have some backup.

You may also like: Elvis Presley: the untold story of the King

<p>Airline food isn't always filling, even on long-haul flights, and it's important to stay well nourished. You won't be sorry to find fruit or granola bars in your carry-on.</p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Pack extra snacks

Airline food isn't always filling, even on long-haul flights, and it's important to stay well nourished. You won't be sorry to find fruit or granola bars in your carry-on.

<p>Bring toiletries in your carry-on and make sure to brush your teeth, throw on some deodorant, or even change your clothes in the bathroom. Not only for you, but for everyone else's sake as well!</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/383371?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=500296v1en-us"> 'Twilight Zone: The Movie' and other TV and film accidents</a></p>

Stay hygienic

Bring toiletries in your carry-on and make sure to brush your teeth, throw on some deodorant, or even change your clothes in the bathroom. Not only for you, but for everyone else's sake as well!

You may also like: 'Twilight Zone: The Movie' and other TV and film accidents

<p>It's not always that you get to sit down for such a long time, more or less distraction-free. Make the most of it by brining a notebook, a sketchpad, or whatever else you need to get creative.</p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Get creative

It's not always that you get to sit down for such a long time, more or less distraction-free. Make the most of it by brining a notebook, a sketchpad, or whatever else you need to get creative.

<p>If you have your laptop with you, take the opportunity to catch up on some work that needs doing. And if you get bored, you can easily watch something.</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/406446?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=500296v1en-us"> Daily habits that increase your risk of getting sick</a></p>

Get productive

If you have your laptop with you, take the opportunity to catch up on some work that needs doing. And if you get bored, you can easily watch something.

You may also like: Daily practices that increase your risk of getting sick

<p>Some people enjoy a glass of wine or beer, often free on international flights, to accompany their in-flight meals and entertainment. Don't be afraid to enjoy a glass!</p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Get a drink

Some people enjoy a glass of wine or beer, often free on international flights, to accompany their in-flight meals and entertainment. Don't be afraid to enjoy a glass!

<p>However, be sensible when it comes to booze onboard, as it can mess up your sleep pattern. But one thing that's really important is to drink plenty of water. It will fight off dehydration and help combat jet lag.</p><p>You may also like:<a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/n/414200?utm_source=msn.com&utm_medium=display&utm_campaign=referral_description&utm_content=500296v1en-us"> Celebs accused of homophobia and transphobia </a></p>

Don't forget to hydrate

However, be sensible when it comes to booze onboard, as it can mess up your sleep pattern. But one thing that's really important is to drink plenty of water. It will fight off dehydration and help combat jet lag.

You may also like: Celebs accused of homophobia and transphobia

<p>Most people dread sitting next to someone chatty, but maybe it's a genuinely interesting and friendly fellow traveler. Long flights can get boring, so don't be afraid to strike up a conversation. But, of course, don't bother anyone if it's not appropriate</p> <p>Sources: (Travel + Leisure) (USA Today)</p> <p>See also: <a href="https://www.starsinsider.com/travel/329726/dont-make-these-airport-mistakes">Don't make these airport mistakes</a> </p><p><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/community/channel/vid-7xx8mnucu55yw63we9va2gwr7uihbxwc68fxqp25x6tg4ftibpra?cvid=94631541bc0f4f89bfd59158d696ad7e">Follow us and access great exclusive content every day</a></p>

Bring your best conversation

Most people dread sitting next to someone chatty, but maybe it's a genuinely interesting and friendly fellow traveler. Long flights can get boring, so don't be afraid to strike up a conversation. But, of course, don't bother anyone if it's not appropriate

Sources: (Travel + Leisure) (USA Today)

See also: Don't make these airport mistakes  

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I Only Fly Coach, But These 5 Expert Travel Hacks Make Me Feel Like I'm in First Class

Photo of dark green suitcase and carry-on luggage on balcony overlooking Mediterranean sea.

With a heavy roster of flights this summer and beyond, my group chats and social media feed is filled with chic outfits, incredible landscape photos, and lust-worthy hotel shots during a period of intense travel . My secret to partaking in a fun-filled, luxurious summer abroad is to save your money anywhere else you can—which, in my case, usually involves taking red-eye flights and sitting in the back of a cramped economy section.

I'm an expert traveler (last year, I logged over 150 hours just flying!), so trust me when I say that I've hacked making economy seats feel like I'm in first class. Whether it comes to maximizing your in-flight beauty routine or packing those viral travel accessories for a long-haul international flight, these five travel tips will make your experience to your final destination that much better— no upgrades needed!

Invest in a High-Quality Carry-On Suitcase

Woman traveling, wearing jeans, blazer, and blue carry-on suitcase at airport

Long gone are the days of tumbling through the airport with a half-broken suitcase that's missing a wheel or two. After severely upgrading my $35 carry-on I fished from the clearance bin to a Rimowa cabin-size suitcase, I've been telling everyone in my life to do the same. Unlike checked luggage, you'll be with your carry-on throughout your flight, so it's important to buy an investment piece that lasts. Who cares if you're in row 33?

Classic Cabin

Plan Your In-Flight Beauty Routine

Woman traveling, wearing under-eye mask and over-the-ear headphones.

I'm guilty of neglecting my skincare when I'm traveling on a long-haul flight. Instead of washing your face with bathroom soap and hoping for the best, opt to upgrade your wellness experience with travel-size products you can apply from the comfort of your seat. Sheet masks, eye patches, and lip balm are all small changes that can have a big impact if you're traveling for six or more hours.

So Eye-Ronic Reusable Eye Mask

Pack a Cozy Matching Set for Long-Haul Flights

Woman traveling, wearing matching two-piece set with UGG slippers

As much as I wish I could be one of those chic travelers who wears a white button-down shirt and jeans to the airport, I have to be realistic. Instead of turning a look for the tarmac, opt to wear your favorite, yet cute, two-piece matching set so that you look (and feel!) put together while wearing something more akin to a pajama.

Roll-Edge Sweater

Don't Forget the TikTok Travel Accessories

Woman traveling, holding passport case with boarding pass and white jeans with ballet flats.

Although TikTok Shop and Amazon might have some questionable viral flight accessories, I have to admit that some of the travel-focused products you see on the apps are worth it. After succumbing to the algorithm and buying things like portable chargers, supplement cases, and packing cubes, my in-flight experience has been elevated to the max. Nothing brings more comfort than knowing I've maximized my economy seat!

The Cosmetics Case

Comfortable Footwear Makes or Breaks Your Experience

Woman traveling, wearing Adidas Samba shoes in the back of car

Just like wearing a matching set, don't be afraid to wear your favorite pairs of cozy slippers or tried-and-true sneakers on your flight. While it's tempting to opt to wear your chunkiest, heaviest shoes on the plane to optimize your luggage space and avoid overweight baggage fees, you'll end up regretting it shortly after takeoff. If you're not into the cozy slippers look while walking around an airport, buy a thin, packable pair you can change into once you're up in the air.

Ultra Mini Classic Boot

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long haul travel tips

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Elektrostal, visit elektrostal, check elektrostal hotel availability, popular places to visit.

  • Electrostal History and Art Museum

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  • Cities near Elektrostal

Photo by Ksander

  • Places of interest
  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center
  • Saturn Stadium

Members can access discounts and special features

Elektrostal, visit elektrostal, check elektrostal hotel availability, popular places to visit.

  • Electrostal History and Art Museum

You can spend time exploring the galleries in Electrostal History and Art Museum in Elektrostal. Take in the museums while you're in the area.

  • Cities near Elektrostal

Photo by Ksander

  • Places of interest
  • Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center
  • Central Museum of the Air Forces at Monino
  • Peter the Great Military Academy
  • History of Russian Scarfs and Shawls Museum
  • Bykovo Manor
  • Balashikha Arena
  • Fryazino Centre for Culture and Leisure
  • Military Technical Museum
  • Church of Our Lady of Kazan
  • Drama Theatre BOOM
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Ramenskii History and Art Museum
  • Orekhovo Zuevsky City Exhibition Hall
  • Borisoglebsky Sports Palace
  • Fairy Tale Children's Model Puppet Theater
  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Church of Vladimir
  • Shirokov House
  • Noginsk Museum and Exhibition Center
  • Pavlovsky Posad Museum of Art and History
  • Saturn Stadium
  • Zheleznodorozhny Museum of Local Lore
  • Stella Municipal Drama Theater
  • Fifth House Gallery
  • Likino Dulevo Museum of Local Lore
  • Malakhovka Museum of History and Culture
  • Art Gallery of The City District


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  1. 32 Helpful Tips for Long Flights

    Bring what you need to freshen up. This is for everyone else's sake as much as your own. Bring toiletries in your carry-on so you can brush your teeth, throw on some deodorant, or even change your ...

  2. 24 Tips For Long Haul Flights To Know Before You Fly

    1. Wear a Sweatshirt. bringing a sweatshirt is one of those essential long flight tips. If you're wondering what to take on a long-haul flight, a sweatshirt, fleece, or jacket should be of most importance. Don't forget a coat or sweater when getting on any flight.

  3. 38 Best Long Haul Flight Essentials + Insider Tips

    Eye mask and ear plugs are perfect for being able to block out the world on a long haul flight, especially if it is a night time flight. 16. Blanket Scarf. This essential item has so many uses but I find airplanes so cold and I the blankets on the planes are pretty thin so I love bringing a blanket scarf.

  4. How to survive a long-haul flight: 10 proven tips

    5. Take your own snacks. You'll get fed on a long-haul flight but it may not be when or even what you're expecting — travelling through time zones often means you end up with breakfast at dinner time and noodles or curry first thing in the 'morning'. To stave off any bouts of hunger while you're waiting for the rattle of the food trolley, stow a few slow-energy release snacks like ...

  5. 12 Tips (and Carry-On Essentials) for Surviving a Long-Haul Flight

    RELATED: 6 Tips for Sleeping Well on a Plane. 12. Get up every few hours to keep the blood flowing. Pressurized cabins spell less oxygen for passengers and, over periods of time, symptoms due to lower blood oxygen levels that include fatigue, headaches, swollen limbs, and dehydration.

  6. How to survive a long-haul flight in economy

    Dress in layers. Travelers should always dress in layers, but this is especially true if you're on a long-haul flight. Nothing, after all, is more uncomfortable than wild inflight temperature swings. And don't expect airlines to give you more than a bolt of thin fabric in coach as a stand-in for a blanket, so consider investing in a cozy scarf ...

  7. Long-Haul Flight Survival Guide: 21 Comfort Hacks and Travel Tips

    Airpods won't connect to them, and you'll be stuck with the most basic headphones available on the plane, which you don't want (trust me). 8. Pack your own eye mask. An eye mask is a simple but effective tool for blocking unwanted light, whether it's from cabin lights or fellow passengers watching movies.

  8. Long Haul Flight Essentials: 30 Tips To Survive Long Flights

    #24 Long Haul Travel Tips for Entertainment: Noise Canceling Headphones. Earphones are travel essentials for long haul flights. In fact, I always bring two pairs…just in case one breaks or somehow gets lost. Noise reducing headphones are an absolute dream on planes and definitely worth the upgrade if you don't already have them.

  9. 41 Long Haul Flight Essentials & Tips for 2023

    Long haul and overnight flights do have a significant impact on your body. Just to name a few of the things your body may go through on such a flight: Poor circulation and blood pooling in your feet due to being cramped in a small place for a long period of time. You may be more gassy due to lessened pressure on the outside of your body.

  10. How to Survive Long-Haul Flights

    Read more: Travel 101: Hacks, Tips and Advice. Advertisement. ... Though extreme long-haul air travel never gets easier, there are some things you can do to make it slightly less terrible.

  11. How to Make a Long-Haul Flight More Comfortable

    For the seasoned explorer with rusty travel skills or the newbie headed to their first far-flung destination, we've asked those frequent travelers to share their best tips, tricks, and gear to ...

  12. 25 Long Haul Flight Essentials + Long Flight Tips

    25 Long Haul Flight Essentials + Long Flight Tips. As full-time travelers for more than 3.5 years, we have experienced more than our share of long flights-and as a result, we've developed an extensive list of long haul flight essentials and long flight tips in order to keep our travel days running as smoothly as possible.

  13. The 10 things you should do before, during and after a long haul flight

    The 10 things you should do before, during and after a long haul flight: How to recover from a long day of travel By Natalie B. Compton Updated January 3, 2023 — 10.35am first published at 10.09am

  14. 13 Tips for Surviving a Long-haul Flight

    Get your body prepared. 1 / 14. The day before your flight, spend some time at the gym, walking or stretching in preparation for spending 24 hours in a sitting position. Make sure you're well-rested, too - denying yourself sleep in order to be exhausted on the plane can backfire.

  15. 20 Must-Know Tips for Surviving Long-Haul Flights (2024)

    13. Stay Entertained with Books, Movies, and Games. Long flights can stretch out before you, but they're a breeze when you have your favorite stories, films, and puzzles. Don't rely on the airline to keep you amused. Packing your own entertainment ensures you have plenty of choices.

  16. 10 Tips to Get Through a Long Flight

    Exercise. izusek / Getty Images. It's not good to stay in your seat when you're awake. So get up and take a walk to get your circulation going. This will also lessen your chances of getting deep vein thrombosis. Also, don't forget to stretch. 07 of 10.

  17. 27 Long Haul Flight Essentials, Plus Travel Tips for Economy Fliers

    Gum: Both to help with your ears as you ascend and descend, and to help with your long flight stank breath. READ THIS POST. 43 Travel Essentials to Pack for Hot Climates. These days, you'll always find me wearing a KN95 mask in the airport and on the plane.

  18. 10 Long-Haul Flight Tips For Maximum Comfort

    So read on for my top travel tips for surviving long flights. Top 10 Long-Haul Flight Tips. Spending a long time on a flight means being prepared. As well as figuring out which essentials to bring with you, it's also about comfort. Planning in advance for maximum comfort is a must when you're traveling so far. And while many people have ...

  19. A flight attendant's secrets to surviving long-haul flights

    Any air travel can be stressful, but facing down a long-haul flight can be especially intimidating. ... CNN Travel asked Major for his tips and tricks on surviving multiple hours in the sky.

  20. Tips on how to survive a long-haul flight

    Whether you're embarking on an eight-hour flight or a lengthy 20-hour journey, long-haul flights can be boring, uncomfortable, and exhausting. Sometimes long-haul travel can perhaps become super ...

  21. Best Strategies for Long-Haul Flight Comfort?

    Air Travel - Best Strategies for Long-Haul Flight Comfort? - Hi everyone, I have a long-haul flight coming up soon, and I'm looking for some tips to make the journey as comfortable as possible.

  22. 5 Expert Travel Tips to Level Up Your Flights This Summer

    I'm an expert traveler (last year, I logged over 150 hours just flying!), so trust me when I say that I've hacked making economy seats feel like I'm in first class. Whether it comes to maximizing your in-flight beauty routine or packing those viral travel accessories for a long-haul international flight, these five travel tips will make your experience to your final destination that much ...

  23. Elevated long-haul experience: 5 tips for great sleep in the ...

    At least when I travel, they are standard equipment, but you don't always have to take care of everything yourself. In addition, you can ask the cabin crew for socks to bring extra warmth to your toes," Heini describes. ... 次のページに移動:Elevated long-haul experience: 5 tips for great sleep in the AirLounge .

  24. Likino-Dulyovo, Russia: All You Must Know Before You Go (2024

    Likino-Dulyovo Tourism: Tripadvisor has 61 reviews of Likino-Dulyovo Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Likino-Dulyovo resource.

  25. Lyubertsy, Russia: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024

    Lyubertsy Tourism: Tripadvisor has 1,975 reviews of Lyubertsy Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Lyubertsy resource.

  26. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Travel Guide. Check-in. Check-out. Guests. Search. Explore map. Visit Elektrostal. Things to do. Check Elektrostal hotel availability. Check prices in Elektrostal for tonight, Jun 15 - Jun 16. Tonight. Jun 15 - Jun 16. Check prices in Elektrostal for tomorrow night, Jun 16 - Jun 17. Tomorrow night.

  27. Visit Elektrostal: 2024 Travel Guide for Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast

    Travel guide resource for your visit to Elektrostal. Discover the best of Elektrostal so you can plan your trip right. Vacation Packages. Stays. Cars. Flights. Support. All travel. Vacation Packages Stays Cars Flights Cruises Support Things to do. My Account. Members can access discounts and special features.