Species Designations

Upon encountering a species the Borg Collective assign a species designation to it indicatory as to the order in which they have encountered each race.

  • 1.1 Species 116 - Delta Quadrant
  • 1.2 Species 125 - Delta Quadrant
  • 1.3 Species 149
  • 1.4 Species 180 - Ferengi - Alpha Quadrant
  • 1.5 Species 218 - Talaxian - Delta Quadrant
  • 1.6 Species 259
  • 1.7 Species 262
  • 1.8 Species 263
  • 1.9 Species 312
  • 1.10 Species 329 - Kazon - Delta Quadrant
  • 1.11 Species 407
  • 1.12 Species 521 - Delta Quadrant
  • 1.13 Species 571 - Delta Quadrant
  • 1.14 Species 689 - Norcadian - Delta Quadrant
  • 1.15 Species 2000 - Cardassian - Alpha Quadrant
  • 1.16 Species 2461 - Brunali - Delta Quadrant
  • 1.17 Species 3105 - Rhawn
  • 1.18 Species 3259 - Vulcan - Alpha Quadrant
  • 1.19 Species 3783 - Romulan - Alpha Quadrant
  • 1.20 Species 4228 - Hazari - Delta Quadrant
  • 1.21 Species 4774 - Skedan
  • 1.22 Species 5008 - Klingon - Alpha Quadrant
  • 1.23 Species 5174 - Delta Quadrant
  • 1.24 Species 5618 - Human - Alpha Quadrant
  • 1.25 Species 5973
  • 1.26 Species 6291 - Yridian - Alpha & Beta Quadrants
  • 1.27 Species 6339 - Grid 124, Octant 22-Theta
  • 1.28 Species 6961 - Katarian
  • 1.29 Species 8472 - Fluidic Space
  • 1.30 Species 10026

Species and Names [ ]

  • Species 116 (VOY: "Hope and Fear")
  • Species 125 (VOY: "Dark Frontier")
  • Species 149 (VOY: "Mortal Coil")
  • Species 180: Ferengi (VOY: "Infinite Regress")
  • Species 218: Talaxians (VOY: "Mortal Coil")
  • Species 259 (VOY: "The Gift")
  • Species 262 (VOY: "The Omega Directive")
  • Species 263 (VOY: "The Omega Directive")
  • Species 312 (VOY: "Natural Law")
  • Species 329: Kazon (VOY: "Mortal Coil", "Relativity")
  • Species 407: Lennli (Star Trek Screensaver)
  • Species 521: Shivolians (VOY: "Survival Instinct")
  • Species 571 (VOY: "Survival Instinct")
  • Species 689: Norcadians (VOY: "Ashes to Ashes")
  • Species 2000: Cardassians (Star Trek Screensaver)
  • Species 2461: Brunali (VOY: "Child's Play")
  • Species 3105: Rhawn (Star Trek Screensaver)
  • Species 3259: Vulcans (VOY: "The Raven")
  • Species 3783: Romulans (Star Trek Screensaver)
  • Species 4228: Hazari (VOY: "Think Tank")
  • Species 4774: Skedan (Star Trek Screensaver)
  • Species 5008: Klingons (Star Trek Screensaver)
  • Species 5174 (VOY: "Hunters")
  • Species 5618: Humans (VOY: "Dark Frontier")
  • Species 5973 (VOY: "The Haunting of Deck Twelve")
  • Species 6291: Yridians (VOY: "Equinox")
  • Species 6339 (VOY: "Infinite Regress")
  • Species 6961: Ktarians (VOY: "Dark Frontier")
  • Species 8472 (VOY: "Scorpion", "Scorpion, Part II", "Prey", "In the Flesh")
  • Species 10026 (VOY: "Dark Frontier")

Species 116 - Delta Quadrant [ ]

Species 116 displayed an aptitude for "seeing patterns where others see only confusion" allowing them to notice patterns of all forms and precisely extrapolate that pattern further which enabled them to learn the correct grammar and syntax of entire languages after only hearing a few phrases. Other forms of patterns such as encryption algorithms were also very easy for this race to decipher.

Species 116 utilized a propulsion system named a Quantum Slipstream which enabled them to "avoid the storm on the horizon" and outrun the Borg for centuries before the Borg became more and more capable of pursuing the vessels due to the assimilation of Transwarp technology , expanding and assimilating the surrounding systems until finally the species were cornered in their own space. (VOY - "Hope and Fear"). Then the Species 8472 war broke out between the Collective, Species 116 saw this as their last hope that the Borg would be destroyed before the U.S.S. Voyager aided the Borg against the invaders for their own personal gain. (VOY - "Scorpion"). Due to their assistance, the Borg defeated species 8472 and assimilated all but 10,000 members of species 116 which held Voyager accountable for the destruction of their race as the Collective continued to expand and finally surrounded their system with hundreds of cubes (VOY - "Hope and Fear").

Arturis, a member of species 116

Species 125 - Delta Quadrant [ ]

This is the species from which the Borg Queen herself originates, the species possessed an over-sized cranial region exhibiting telepathy and extraordinary mental processing capacity. When they are sufficiently challenged enough to be required to give their tasks a degree of attention, they will twitch their heads and when extremely challenged they will focus by closing their eyes.

Borg Queen, a member of species 125.

Species 149 [ ]

Species 149 was regarded as a medically technologically advanced species. The Borg assimilated knowledge involving nanoprobes for the reanimation of a lifeform as long as 73 hours following death. Provided the neural pathways are intact, 70 micrograms of nanoprobes which are pre-modified to the specific subject's physiology are sufficient to reverse cellular necrosis while the cerebral cortex is stimulated with a neural electric isopulse at 1 second intervals, Nanoprobes can compensate for any cellular degradation after the technique is completed. However, the subject requires regular doses of additional modified nanoprobes until the victim's cells are capable of functioning on their own (VOY - "Mortal Coil").

Species 180 - Ferengi - Alpha Quadrant [ ]

Species 180 name themselves as Ferengi. Ferengi were encountered early by the Collective. However, why a vessel belonging to a race originating in the Alpha Quadrant was found in the Delta Quadrant remains a mystery.

Ferengi. Species 180

Species 218 - Talaxian - Delta Quadrant [ ]

Species 218 name themselves as Talaxians. The Collective assimilated a small freighter belonging to Species 218 in the Dalmine Sector, assimilating the crew of 39. Their dense musculature made them excellent tactical drones. (VOY - "The Raven")

Neelix, Talaxian, Species 218

Species 259 [ ]

Species 259 are an advanced omnicordial lifeform which inhabited Galactic Cluster 3. The species numbered some 22 billion when they were assimilated and had developed an advanced pattern-duplication design that was later incorporated into Borg autonomous regeneration sequencer technology.

Species 262 [ ]

Deemed to be a relatively primitive species by Borg standards, following their assimilation in the 22nd century. Their mythology referred to a substance which could "burn the sky". The Borg were intrigued and later discovered it to be a reference to the Particle 010 (Omega Molecule)

Species 263 [ ]

Deemed to be a relatively primitive species by Borg standards, Species 263 was the second in a series of thirteen species assimilated in the pursuit of attaining any and all information relative to Particle 010. In the mythology of the species, they believed the molecule to be a drop of blood from their creator.

Species 312 [ ]

Species 312 was a race assimilated by the Borg before 2374 possessing advanced tetryon-based energy barrier technology. Sometime before their assimilation, the race constructed an energy barrier around the planet Ledos in the Delta Quadrant. This was several hundred years before 2377, to protect the primitive race on the surface from the interference of other warp capable species.

Species 329 - Kazon - Delta Quadrant [ ]

Species 329 name themselves as Kazon, a relatively primitive, yet warp-capable species with a limited understanding of the technology in their possession which they gained control of after conquering their former oppressors. Their technology and biological lifeform was deemed unworthy of assimilation.

Species 407 [ ]

A species named the Lennli.

Species 521 - Delta Quadrant [ ]

A humanoid species native to the Delta Quadrant.

Species 571 - Delta Quadrant [ ]

A humanoid race based in the Delta Quadrant which according to their own established mythology worship the god Brothera. The species was assimilated sometime before 2369 after-which three drones escaped from a Borg Sphere which crashed landed on Planet 1865-Alpha severing the three drones from the Collective mind.

Species 689 - Norcadian - Delta Quadrant [ ]

Species 689 name themselves Norcadian, an advanced humanoid species native to the Delta Quadrant and the planet Norcadia Prime. This species hosts a violent sport named Tsunkatse.

Norcadian, Species 689

Species 2000 - Cardassian - Alpha Quadrant [ ]

Species 2000 name themselves Cardassian, a warp-capable species native to the Alpha Quadrant and the planet Cardassia Prime. Known to be highly xenophobic and ruthless.

Cardassian, Species 2000

Species 2461 - Brunali - Delta Quadrant [ ]

Brunali were once a standard space faring species. However, following the Borg constructing a transwarp conduit directly to their homeworld, they became subject to frequent attacks by vessels passing by. Following this, the species returned to a low state of technology with all of their remaining technology hidden beneath the surface. No longer possessing advanced space faring weaponry, the Brunali turned to their skills in genetic technology. Engineering a number of their children with an anti-Borg pathogen encoded in their DNA, they used their children as weapons, sending them towards their nearby transwarp conduit for the purpose of infecting Borg vessels.

Distinctive Technology: The Brunali Pathogen - upon assimilation, the pathogen kills every drone aboard the vessel, the pathogen is, however, unable to cross the defenses of the Vinculum which prevents it from infecting the entire Collective. Vessels infected with pathogens of this nature are disconnected from the Hive Mind.

Brunali, Species 2461

Species 3105 - Rhawn [ ]

Species 3259 - vulcan - alpha quadrant [ ].

The Vulcan species are primarily pacifists by nature. Although space-faring, they maintain a strong connection to their established religion. The species is most notable for their extremely developed mental abilities and touch-telepathy.

Vulcan, Species 3259

Species 3783 - Romulan - Alpha Quadrant [ ]

Romulan, Species 3783

Species 4228 - Hazari - Delta Quadrant [ ]

The Hazari are a race of bounty hunters in the Delta Quadrant. Their physiology made excellent tactical drones.

Species 4774 - Skedan [ ]

Species 5008 - klingon - alpha quadrant [ ].

Klingon, Species 5008

Species 5174 - Delta Quadrant [ ]

A race native to the Delta Quadrant, the Borg once encountered a small vessel belonging to the species. The crew onboard had been eviscerated, the Borg considered the matter irrelevant and did not investigate further. It was later revealed the Hirogen were responsible.

Species 5618 - Human - Alpha Quadrant [ ]

An unremarkable race in terms of biological distinctiveness, possessing below-average cranial capacity, minimal redundant systems and limited regenerative abilities. Humans are, however, technologically advanced. They are also the founding race of the United Federation of Planets, an alliance of 150 races spanning 8,000 lightyears. Humans are considered by the Borg to be a highly resistant species. Several direct attempts to assimilate the species have failed (Star Trek: First Contact, TNG - "Best of Both Worlds") The Borg are currently developing a new method of assimilation via a nanoprobe virus.

Seven Of Nine, liberated from the collective.

Species 5973 [ ]

Species 5973 is the designation for a multispectral particle lifeform native to Galactic Cluster 8.

Species 6291 - Yridian - Alpha & Beta Quadrants [ ]

Yridians are renowned information merchants native to the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

Species 6339 - Grid 124, Octant 22-Theta [ ]

Species 6339 are a humanoid, warp-capable species originating in Grid 124, Octant 22-theta. The Borg encountered the species in 2371. By 2375, the Collective had assimilated over eleven billion individuals. Due to their partial extinctions as a result of the Bor g, Species 6339 maintained extremely well-armed vessels, possessing over 22 phaser cannons on their aft sections alone. In 2375, the Borg detected a shuttle craft belonging to Species 6339 possessing 13 lifeforms aboard. A cube was dispatched to intercept and assimilate the vessel. However, Species 6339 had developed and infected the lifeforms with a synthetic pathogen designed to attack the programming of a Borg vessel's vinculum causing it to malfunction. Due to the malfunctioning vinculums, the drones on-board developed a form of multiple-personality disorder and partial insanity resulting in the destruction of the Borg cube. Each Borg vessel which attempted to retrieve the vinculum would also be affected, which Species 6339 hoped would result in the eventual destruction of hundreds of vessels (VOY "Infinite Regress").

Species 6961 - Katarian [ ]

Species 8472 - fluidic space [ ].

Species 8472 is regarded by the Borg as the ultimate form of biological evolution, they are a space-faring, telepathic, extremely xenophobic, non-humanoid species originating from an extradimensional realm named Fluidic Space. All of their technology is organic and is immune to all forms of technology such as: Borg nanoprobes, sensors, tractor beams, and transporter beams. They possess a triple-helix DNA coding making them the most densely-coded lifeform ever encountered.

A member of Species 8472.

Species 10026 [ ]

Species 10026 is the Borg designation for a warp-capable species whose homeworld was assimilated by the Borg in 2375 resulting in the assimilation of 392,000 lifeforms and 39 vessels. The Queen dispatched two Borg cubes and accompanied them within her own personal diamond. Initially, species 10026 dispatched vessels to intercept and combat the Borg using their modulating phaser pulse which allowed them to successfully damage Borg vessels. The Borg Queen was able to adapt easily by triaxilating the Borg vessels' shield geometry to absorb the phaser pulses. However, she allowed the vessels to attack her Diamond until her shields almost failed in an effort to provoke 7 of 9's assistance in adapting, and ultimately assimilating, the species.

A member of Species 10026 being assimilated.

  • 1 Species Designations
  • 2 Assimilation
  • 3 Transwarp

Ex Astris Scientia

Borg Species Numbers

star trek borg species 5618

  • Designations are at least roughly chronological, with the earliest known being three-digit and the latest being five-digit numbers.
  • Numbers are assigned to any species the Borg encounter, no matter if and how many of them are assimilated or whether they are "distinctive" enough to be assimilated at all.

There is one reference for the number of assimilated species that is accordingly lower than the highest species designation: Seven of Nine says that the Borg have "referenced this condition [of romantic love] in over 6000 assimilated species" in VOY: "The Disease".

Species in Ascending Order

star trek borg species 5618

Species 116 Arturis's species VOY: "Hope and Fear"

The whole race, except for 10,000-20,000, has been assimilated.

Species 125 Borg Queen's species VOY: "Dark Frontier"

The Borg Queen mentions to Seven that she came from Species 125.

Species 149 VOY: "Mortal Coil"

This species originally devised the procedure that led to Seven's method to save Neelix with nanoprobes.

star trek borg species 5618

Species 180 Ferengi VOY: "Infinite Regress"

We don't know why Ferengi are categorized so early in Borg history. Maybe some of them ended up in a wormhole long ago, or Seven was simply confused and meant to say "Species 5180".

star trek borg species 5618

Species 218 Talaxians VOY: "Mortal Coil"

Seven: "A small freighter, containing a crew of 39 taken in the Dalmine sector. They were easily assimilated. Their dense musculature made them excellent drones."

Species 259 from Galactic Cluster 3 VOY: "The Gift"

Their technology of autonomous regeneration sequencers was assimilated by the Borg.

Species 262 VOY: "The Omega Directive"

Assimilated 229 years ago. According to Seven, Species 262 was "primitive, but their oral history referred to a powerful substance which could burn the sky [the Omega Molecule]. "

Species 263 VOY: "The Omega Directive"

Seven: "They, too, were primitive and believed it [the Omega Molecule] was a drop of blood from their creator."

Species 312 VOY: "Natural Law"

They used a similar technology to the energy barrier encountered by Seven and Chakotay.

star trek borg species 5618

Species 329 Kazon VOY: "Mortal Coil", "Relativity"

According to Seven of Nine, "they were unworthy of assimilation."

Species 521 Shivolians VOY: "Survival Instinct"

Seven and Naomi see a Shivolian in the mess hall, while Voyager is docked at the Markonian outpost.

star trek borg species 5618

Species 571 species of Four of Nine, the younger male drone VOY: "Survival Instinct"

Four of Nine is against disassembling a dead drone, because this would be against the will of Brothara, a supernatural deity worshipped by Species 571.

star trek borg species 5618

Species 689 Norcadians VOY: "Ashes to Ashes"

Mezoti identifies herself as being of that species number. We should trust her.

star trek borg species 5618

Species 802 Medusans PRO: "Let Sleeping Borg Lie"

The Borg identify Zero when he connects with the Collective.

star trek borg species 5618

Species 2461 Brunali VOY: "Child's Play"

Icheb belongs to this species. The number has not been ultimately confirmed, the information may come from the script.

Species 3259 Vulcans VOY: "The Raven"

Seven: "Vulcan. Species 3259. Your enlarged neocortex produces superior analytical abilities."

Species 4228 Hazari VOY: "Think Tank"

Seven: "Technologically advanced, extremely violent. They make excellent tactical drones."

Species 5174 VOY: "Hunters"

Seven mentions that a small ship of that species was found, the passengers killed (probably by the Hirogen).

Species 5618 Humans VOY: "Dark Frontier"

Borg Queen: " Species 5618, human. Warp-capable, origin grid 325, physiology inefficient, below average cranium capacity, minimum redundant systems, limited regenerative abilities."

Species 5973 VOY: "The Haunting of Deck Twelve"

When Neelix tells of an entity of possibly non-corporeal nature, Rebi suggests that it could have been Species 5973.

Species 6291 "Yridians" VOY: "Equinox"

Both the Borg and the Federation believed that the species was extinct. Note that these obviously can't be the familiar Yridians from TNG. The ultimate proof can be found in ENT: "Twilight".

star trek borg species 5618

Species 6339 VOY: "Infinite Regress"

Seven: "Species 6339, Humanoid. Warp-capable. Origin: Grid 124, Octant 22 Theta. They first encountered the Borg approximately four years ago. Since that time, 11 billion individuals have been assimilated. Three days ago, the Collective detected one of their last surviving shuttlecraft. A cube was sent to intercept it." The shuttle was purposely infected with a virus that would spread through the Borg vinculum.

Species 6961 "Ktarians" VOY: "Dark Frontier"

Erin and Magnus Hansen examine a drone on the Raven. "Species 6961...Ktarian...Tritanium infrastructure. He's a tactical drone." Note that this alleged Ktarian looks neither like the TNG nor like the VOY Ktarians .

star trek borg species 5618

Species 8472 VOY: "Scorpion", "Prey", "In the Flesh", etc.

Species 8472 is a non-humanoid species from a realm called "Fluidic Space", impervious to assimilation and to Borg weapons.

Species 10026 VOY: "Dark Frontier"

Seven is supposed to assist in the assimilation of a planet with 329,000 members of this species.

Borg Gallery

Borg Ship Classes

Some screen caps from TrekCore .

star trek borg species 5618


Last modified: 13 Aug 2023

star trek borg species 5618

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I'm trying to keep it up to date, so please email me if you know of a species I've missed or a source for one I have. I'd particularly like corroborating evidence for Species 2461, or at least a witness who heard the species numbered. Many thanks to all those who have already mailed in corrections and additions.

And the assimilated are:

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Borg Species Designations

For thousands of years the Borg spread throughout the galaxy, conquering, assimilating, and thus destroying countless civilizations. Following every encounter, the Borg catalogue each new species with a numerical designation, rather than a proper name. The goal of the Borg, in most cases, was to completely assimilate each species by incorporating their knowledge and technology into the unified Borg Collective. One by one, each living being was converted into Borg drones. In many cases, all that remained of an assimilated civilization was the memory of its unique contributions that resided only within the accumulated knowledge of the Borg. That, and the numerical species designation. Often even the name is lost, forgotten or deleted as irrelevant. Conversely, the species designations gave a sense of the long and terrible history of the Borg and the thousands of species they encountered and absorbed.

Species designation: 116 | 125 | 149 | 180 | 218 | 259 | 262 | 263 | 312 | 329 | 521 | 571 | 689 | 2461 | 3259 | 4228 | 5174 | 5618 | 6291 | 6339 | 6961 | 8472 | 10026


A technologically sophisticated humanoid civilization from the Delta Quadrant . Members of this species were gifted linguists, some knowing several thousand languages. The Borg spent several centuries trying to assimilate Species 116, but they were outwitted and eluded the Borg until 2374, when the Borg abducted all but about 20,000 individuals. Arturis was a member of Species 116 who had escaped assimilation but later was captured after his plans to lure the U.S.S. Voyager NCC-74656 to the Borg failed. [ 7 ]


The species the Borg Queen encountered by the Voyager in 2374 came from. No other information about this race was known. [ 10 ]


Civilization assimilated by the Borg that had advanced medical technology, including a method for reversing cellular necrosis, thus allowing the Borg to reactivate drones as much as 73 hours after “death.” This technique was used by Seven of Nine aboard the Voyager to revive Neelix . [ 4 ]

SPECIES 180: Ferengi

The Ferengi . It is not known why the Ferengi, an Alpha Quadrant race, has such a low species number, which would imply that they were encountered and catalogued very early in the Borg’s existence. [ 8 ]

SPECIES 218: Talaxians

The Talaxian race, of the Delta Quadrant; catalogued by the Borg when a small freighter containing a crew of 39 was taken in the Dolmine Sector. The Talaxians were easily assimilated, and their dense musculature made them excellent drones. [ 2 ]


Technologically advanced omnicordial lifeform that inhabited Galactic Cluster 3. This species developed the pattern-duplication design that was at the heart of the Borg autonomous regeneration sequencers. [ 3 ]


A primitive Delta Quadrant culture assimilated by the Borg around 2145. Their oral history referred to a powerful substance which could “burn the sky.” The Borg were intrigued, and they followed a trail of myth through several cultures until it learned about the Omega molecule . [ 6 ]


A primitive Delta Quadrant culture assimilated by the Borg around 2145. Species 263 believed the Omega molecule was a drop of blood from their creator. [ 6 ]


A Delta Quadrant civilization assimilated by the Borg several centuries before 2374. Species 312 developed tetrion-flux technology that could create an energy barrier undetectable by conventional sensors. Apparently this species had constructed such an energy barrier on the planet Ledos over the southern sub-continent in order to protect the primitive Ventu people from intrusion by the more advanced Ledosians. [ 18 ]

SPECIES 329: Kazon

The Kazon race, of the Delta Quadrant. The Borg encountered a Kazon colony in the Gand Sector, Grid 6920, but considered the race unworthy of assimilation because their biological and technological distinctiveness was unremarkable. [ 12 ]

SPECIES 521: Shivolians

The Shivolian race, of the Delta Quadrant. A female member of this species visited the Voyager while the ship was docked at a Markonian Outpost in 2375. [ 14 ]


A species that worshipped the supernatural deity Brothara, and frowned upon the desecration of dead bodies. P’Chan , whose Borg designation was Four of Nine, was from this species. [ 14 ]

SPECIES 689: Norcadians

The Norcadian race, of the Delta Quadrant. [ 15 ]

SPECIES 2461: Brunali

The Brunali race, of the Delta Quadrant. [ 15 ] The Brunali world was located near a Borg transwarp conduit and had been attacked three times in ten years; each time the Borg wiped out the society they had worked hard to rebuild. This race had developed sophisticated techniques in agricultural genetics which allowed them to grow crops in inhospitable environments, and they used the same science to engineer an anti-Borg pathogen that they implanted into the genetic code of some of their children, including Icheb . [ 16 ]

SPECIES 3259: Vulcans

The Vulcan race, of the Alpha Quadrant. The Vulcan’s enlarged neocortex produced superior analytical abilities. [ 2 ]

SPECIES 4228: Hazari

The Hazari race, of the Delta Quadrant. Technologically advanced, extremely violent, the Hazari made excellent tactical drones. Other races often hired them as bounty hunters. [ 11 ]


A spacefaring Delta Quadrant civilization. The Borg once encountered a small ship of this species where the occupants were gutted in a complete osteomy, their entire skeletons surgically removed along with musculature, ligaments, tendons and internal organs. The Borg never determined the perpetrators, considering it irrelevant, but it was apparently the Hirogen . [ 5 ]

SPECIES 5618: Humans

The Human race, of the Alpha Quadrant. Considered by the Borg to possess below-average cranial capacity, minimal redundant systems and limited regenerative abilities. But several attempts to assimilate this species failed, provoking the Borg’s interest. [ 9 ]


Gaseous lifeform native to Galactic Cluster 8. [ 17 ]

SPECIES 6291: Yridians

The Yridian race. The Borg had determined that the Yridians were extinct, as had the Federation , but exo-biologist Rudy Ransom made contact with the race, proving otherwise; Ransom was promoted to captain and given command of the U.S.S. Equinox NCC-72381 as a result of the accomplishment. [ 13 ]


Warp -capable humanoid species that originated in Grid 124, Octant-22-theta. They first encountered the Borg c.2371, and in four years, 11 billion of their people were assimilated. In 2375, the Collective intercepted one of their last remaining shuttlecraft and assimilated the 13 people aboard. It turned out that those 13 individuals were sacrificing themselves, as they were carrying a synthetic pathogen that the race had developed to retaliate against the Borg. That virus was originally a biological agent but mutated and attacked the Borg Cube’s Vinculum as it would living cells, and through the Vinculum it was passed on to all drones on the Cube. The pathogen caused thousands of drones to randomly manifest hundreds of thousands of personalities, leading to chaos among the drones and, ultimately, the destruction of their Cube. [ 8 ]

SPECIES 6961: Ktarians

The Ktarian race, of the Alpha Quadrant. A drone originating from this species was studied close up on a Cube by Magnus Hansen . [ 9 ]

SPECIES 8472: Undine

The Undine [ 19 ] were a sophisticated lifeform from an extra-dimensional realm of fluidic space . Species 8472 has an extremely dense genetic structure and an extraordinarily powerful immune system; almost anything that penetrated their cells was instantly destroyed, including chemical, biological, or technological intruders. [ 1 ] In late 2373, the Borg discovered fluidic space and learned that Species 8472 possessed organic spacecraft and a biogenically-engineered weapons technology that was superior to anything known to the Borg. Seeking to assimilate this civilization and its technology, the Borg launched an attack on the fluidic space realm, only to be repelled by Species 8472. [ 2 ] Shortly thereafter, Species 8472 launched a retaliatory strike, sending hundreds of powerful bioships into the Delta Quadrant with the goal of eliminating all lifeforms from the galaxy, destroying entire planets and fleets in Borg-occupied space. The 8472 assault was halted when the Starship Voyager collaborated with the Borg to use new nanoprobe technology the crew had developed, a weapon against which the species had no effective defense. [ 1 ] It was in the midst of the 8472 battle that Seven of Nine came aboard Voyager and was later severed from the Collective. [ 2 ]


A species from Grid 532 in the Delta Quadrant with a population of 392,000 that was assimilated in mid-2375. The Borg Queen tried to force Seven of Nine to help assimilate this race, but Seven instead arranged the escape of four individuals. [ 10 ]

  • 1. “Scorpion.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 168. Television. 21 May 1997.
  • 2. “Scorpion, Part II.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 169. Television. 3 September 1997.
  • 3. “The Gift.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 170. Television. 10 September 1997.
  • 4. “Mortal Coil.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 180. Television. 17 December 1997.
  • 5. “Hunters.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 183. Television. 11 February 1998.
  • 6. “The Omega Directive.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 189. Television. 15 April 1998.
  • 7. “Hope and Fear.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 194. Television. 20 May 1998.
  • 8. “Infinite Regress.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 203. Television. 25 November 1998.
  • 9. “Dark Frontier, Part I.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 211. Television. 17 February 1999.
  • 10. “Dark Frontier, Part II.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 212. Television. 17 February 1999.
  • 11. “Think Tank.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 214. Television. 31 March 1999.
  • 12. “Relativity.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 218. Television. 12 May 1999.
  • 13. “Equinox.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 220. Television. 26 May 1999.
  • 14. “Survival Instinct.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 222. Television. 29 September 1999.
  • 15. “Collective.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 235. Television. 16 February 2000.
  • 16. “Child’s Play.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 239. Television. 8 March 2000.
  • 17. “The Haunting of Deck Twelve.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 245. Television. 17 May 2000.
  • 18. “Natural Law.” Star Trek: Voyager , Episode 268. Television. 2 May 2001.
  • 19. Star Trek: Online. Video Game. February 2010. Cryptic Studios.

Earth colonies

These colonies were established by various Earth governments or United Earth and largely remained in close contact and dependence with and on Earth. Most of them were older than the United Federation of Planets itself.

  • Alpha Eridani II
  • Colony Alpha 5
  • Deneva colony ( Deneva )
  • Earth Colony II
  • Lunar One Colony
  • Orpheus Mining Complex (possibly abandoned in 2154 )
  • Martian Colony 3
  • Utopia Colony
  • Proxima colony ( Alpha Centauri system )
  • Terra Nova colony ( Terra Nova , abandoned in 2083 )
  • Vega colony

Human settlements unaffiliated with Earth


Goro , a Native American of Amerind

While achieving warp capability in 2063, there were Human populations on other planets prior to this. In these cases, they would usually have been brought there by alien species, who had traveled to Earth.

In 2153 , the NX-class starship Enterprise , commanded by Captain Jonathan Archer , discovered a planet in the Delphic Expanse inhabited by six thousand Humans whose ancestors had been transplanted from the Ancient West during the late nineteenth century as slave labor by the Skagarans . ( ENT : " North Star ")

In 2257 , the Federation starship USS Discovery visited the Beta Quadrant planet Terralysium and found it to be inhabited by approximately eleven thousand Humans, descended from several hundred Earth residents who took refuge in a church in 2053 , during World War III , and were rescued by the time traveler Gabrielle Burnham . Burnham used the Red angel suit to transport the people and the church to the remote Class M planet, where they established an agrarian society. The refugees were aware they were no longer on Earth, but they attributed their rescue to divinity, rather than technology; being a mixed-faith group, they devised a new religion based on seven Earth religions and also revering the Red Angel . Deeming Terralysium a pre-warp civilization subject to General Order 1 , Captain Christopher Pike did not publicly reveal Discovery' s presence. ( DIS : " New Eden ")

In 2268 , the USS Enterprise discovered a population of Native Americans on the planet Amerind whose ancestors had been transplanted by an unknown alien race called the Preservers sometime in the 19th century . This population maintained their traditional lifestyle as hunters and gatherers. Captain Kirk , suffering from amnesia, was adopted into one of the tribes of Amerind under the name Kirok before recovering. ( TOS : " The Paradise Syndrome ")

In 2371 , the USS Voyager discovered a world to which a Delta Quadrant species known as the Briori had in 1937 abducted over three hundred Humans from Earth, including aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan , whose disappearances had never been explained. The Briori utilized the Humans as slave labor until they were overthrown, and the Humans established a thriving community. Earhart, Noonan, and six other Humans had been left in a state of suspended animation . Upon being revived by the Voyager crew, Earhart and the others, who had come to be known as " the 37's " by the Human colonists, were given the option of joining the crew on their long journey back to the Alpha Quadrant . Earhart and the 37's declined and elected to remain on the planet with the other Human colonists. ( VOY : " The 37's ")

At least one independent Human polity was not descended from abducted Humans. The Hysperians were " Ren faire type " Humans who colonized the planet Hysperia . They were not known to be affiliated with the Federation, had their own laws, and maintained their own fleet of ships, known as the Hysperian royal navy . Furthermore, Hysperians were led by monarchs such as Queen Paolana , who was the ruler of Hysperia by 2381 . ( LD : " Where Pleasant Fountains Lie ")

Human and Earth DNA, like much of the life in the galaxy, was originally seeded by an ancient humanoid race (which shared similar DNA), and allowed to evolve under Earth's unique conditions. In time, they became Earth's animal biota, and one line evolved into Humans over millions of years. Humans were compatible with many other humanoid races across the galaxy because of this shared DNA. ( TNG : " The Chase "; VOY : " Distant Origin ") Many species were also affected by the same diseases across the galaxy because of the shared DNA. Some of Humanity's evolutionary ancestors included some kind of spider, amphibians, reptiles, primates, apes, and ultimately hominid proto-Humans; each was a separate link in the Humans' evolutionary chain, stretching back to the origins of all lifeforms on Earth. ( TNG : " Genesis "; VOY : " Threshold ")

In TNG: "Genesis", Lieutenant Commander Data speculates that a strange contagion that has overtaken the Enterprise -D is "de-evolving" the crew, by activating introns that revert them to earlier evolutionary forms. The Humans and other "Earth"-based species in the show "devolve" into creatures ranging from arthropods (spiders, in the case of Barclay ), ape-like "proto-Humans", and reptiles (Spot, Data's cat, becomes a lizard). Humans did not actually evolve from modern spiders, but the episode suggests that Humans evolved from a common ancestor between Humans and spiders, an ancestor that predates the proto-Humans. In reality, there are no known arthropods in Humanity's genetic history. ( Timeline of Human evolution ) It is theorized to have instead proceeded from fish, to amphibians, to reptiles, to early mammals, apes, hominids, and ancient Human species.

Similarly, in the Voyager episode "Threshold", Captain Janeway and Tom Paris evolved into salamanders similar to acanthostega (a quadruped amphibian species that is theorized to have evolved into some of the earliest lizards, and then mammals, which would later split off into apes).

Human anatomy, 2153

A Human anatomical diagram

Humans evolved from australopithecines . ( TNG : " Genesis ") Several related species of humanoids, including Neanderthals , co-existed on Earth some thirty-five thousand years prior to the 22nd century . Evolutionary pressures led to the extinction of these other species. In the 22nd century, Humanity's closest living relative was the chimpanzee . ( ENT : " Dear Doctor ", " The Xindi ") Bilaterally symmetrical bipedal primates , Humans were a warm-blooded humanoid species. ( VOY : " Distant Origin "; ENT : " Azati Prime ") They had two hands and two feet, each of which had five digits. The Human hand featured an opposable thumb and their fingers had multiple points of articulation . ( VOY : " Distant Origin ")

The average Human life span had gradually increased during their history largely in part to advancements in nutrition, medicine and technology improving their health and overall quality of life. At one point, it was only thirty-five years. ( ENT : " Similitude ") That average roughly doubled by the 20th century . During the 22nd century , it extended to about one hundred years. ( ENT : " Observer Effect "). It remained largely the same through most of the 23rd century , though it wasn't unheard of for people to reach their 120s. ( Star Trek ) By the mid- 24th century , Humans often lived to be 120 years old or more, with the oldest living Human ( Leonard McCoy ) living to be at least 137 years old. ( TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ") By the mid-23rd century of the alternate reality , the oldest living Human was Jonathan Archer , who lived to be 145 years old. ( Star Trek )

The anecdotes regarding Humans living up to 137 and 145 years are specifically attributed to Dr. Leonard McCoy and the alternate reality's Jonathan Archer , respectively. In Archer's case, he was said to be alive as of 2257 . Though his full name wasn't mentioned, Star Trek co-writers Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman confirmed it was indeed Jonathan Archer. Even if Nero 's incursion never occurred, Archer would've still turned 121 years old in 2233 .

Enlisted crew closeup

An example of male and female Humans

They had two sexes , as was common to many humanoid species. ( ENT : " Cogenitor "; TNG : " The Outcast ") The female of the species is fertile year round after she reached puberty until the onset of a biochemical stage known as menopause . ( TNG : " Manhunt ") Human gestation was significantly longer than the Bajoran five months. ( DS9 : " Body Parts ") Human females can become pregnant again not long after giving birth. The make-up of Human DNA structure was significant, as, with some modifications, it allowed them to crossbreed successfully with a wide range of other races across the galaxy, including Vulcans , Betazoids , and Klingons . ( TOS : " Where No Man Has Gone Before "; TNG : " Encounter at Farpoint ", " The Emissary "; VOY : " Caretaker ", " Faces ", " Lineage ")

On average, Humans were not as physically strong as some species such as Klingons and Vulcans. ( ENT : " Divergence "; TOS : " This Side of Paradise "; DS9 : " Take Me Out to the Holosuite ") They were, however, resilient in other ways. They were more adaptable to incarceration than Klingons. ( DS9 : " In Purgatory's Shadow ", " By Inferno's Light ", " Inquisition ") They could survive with one lung or kidney , despite having two of these organs initially. ( Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home ; VOY : " Phage ", " Fury ", " Lineage ") Humans could also go days without water and weeks without food due to their bodies' ability to conserve water and live off stored fat. ( ENT : " Strange New World ", " Shuttlepod One ") Their bodies' efficient temperature regulation allowed them to resist and survive cold temperatures that would adversely affect other species such as Cardassians and Klingons or high temperatures that would be uncomfortable for an Andorian . ( VOY : " Displaced "; ENT : " The Aenar ") Their temperature regulation in the form of sweating also provides them with remarkable endurance. It is also responsible for the "Human smell" noted by certain Vulcans. ( ENT : " Broken Bow ") They also possessed more acute hearing than Cardassians. ( DS9 : " Distant Voices ")

Humans had iron -based hemoglobin in their blood . ( TOS : " Obsession "; TAS : " The Pirates of Orion ") Each individual's blood could be one of several blood types , which included AB-positive, O-negative, and B-negative. ( ENT : " Carpenter Street "; DS9 : " Broken Link ", " In Purgatory's Shadow ")

Humans were prone to strong, occasionally overwhelming emotions , such as love, hatred, embarrassment, and elation. ( TOS : " Journey to Babel ") Such feelings extended beyond sentient species. Many Humans anthropomorphized the lower lifeforms they kept as pets . Even fictional characters could elicit Human compassion. ( ENT : " Dear Doctor ")

Compared to other species, Humans displayed some marginal extrasensory perception ; the limited evidence of abilities such as telepathy and precognition remained controversial until the 23rd century . Telepaths such as Miranda Jones were a rarity. ( TOS : " Where No Man Has Gone Before ", " Is There in Truth No Beauty? ")

Enterprise rec deck crew

Various Humans working with other humanoids

Humans were easily the most outworldly, idealistic, and expansionistic race in the United Federation of Planets, and possessed those qualities in a greater degree than many of the alien races they encountered. Humans had no true specialty or extraordinary qualities and were average in both a technological and physical sense.

The Devore inspector Kashyk remarked that Human culture had many contradictions – such as violence and beauty, as well as science and faith – all somehow mingled harmoniously, similar to the counterpoint of a musical composition. ( VOY : " Counterpoint ")

Because Humans were the Federation species most interested in space exploration, they made up a large majority of Starfleet . The fact that Starfleet was originally a pre-Federation Earth organization also contributed to the Human dominance of Starfleet. Humans also made up the majority of colonists on Federation colonies.

Human adaptability and their strong tradition of innovation and cooperation brought them to the forefront of the current Federation interstellar situation. It was for this very reason, however, that Human society was constantly changing and evolving. This was seen not only on the isolated colonies, where the past traditions brought by culturally and geographically homogeneous blocks of colonists competed with new cultural pragmatism demanded of frontier life, but also in the staid and settled core worlds as well. Fashion, speech, and especially political views were constantly changing.

For species that were steeped in tradition and genealogical reverence as the basis of their societies, the Human fascination with the novel experience and their unending desire to innovate and explore, to discover for the sake of discovery, were all difficult concepts to grasp.

Jazz music persisted into the 24th century and became a contribution to galactic culture, as did opera music. Humans played music collaboratively in a format known as " classical music ." ( TNG : " 11001001 ", " The Ensigns of Command ", " Second Chances ", " Phantasms "; DS9 : " The Ship "; VOY : " Virtuoso ", " Renaissance Man ")

Competitive sports from Human cultures also became part of Federation culture in various ways. Sports played in the 24th century included soccer (also known as "football"), fencing , and wrestling . Other Human sports included water polo , baseball , and hockey . ( ENT : " Minefield "; TOS : " The Naked Time "; Star Trek ; DS9 : " Apocalypse Rising ", " Emissary "; VOY : " Critical Care ")

Humans expressed themselves through various art forms. One such art form was known as dance . ( TNG : " Data's Day "; VOY : " Lifesigns ")

Human cuisine had a broad spectrum, and was shared widely with other cultures. Humans were omnivorous, unlike vegetarian Vulcan culture. A small sampling of Human dishes enjoyed by other species included pecan pie and chocolate . Human foods were often connected to a place, a language, or a family, and were a part of a richer cultural experience, such as jambalaya and oden . ( TOS : " All Our Yesterdays "; ENT : " Breaking the Ice "; TNG : " The Game ", " Liaisons "; VOY : " Prime Factors "; DS9 : " Favor the Bold ") In most Human families, the woman shared in the cooking. ( TNG : " Time Squared ")

Human mating rituals sometimes involved a cultural ceremony known as a wedding to indicate a lasting commitment, as in other cultures, such as Vulcan and Klingon. ( TNG : " Data's Day "; Star Trek Nemesis ; ENT : " Breaking the Ice ", " Home "; TOS : " Amok Time "; DS9 : " You Are Cordially Invited ", " 'Til Death Do Us Part ") According to divorcee Leonard McCoy in the alternate reality , " If an Earth girl says, 'It's me, not you,' it's definitely you. " ( Star Trek ; Star Trek Beyond )

Human culture evolved to eliminate war, poverty and disease by the year 2113 . ( Star Trek: First Contact ; ENT : " Broken Bow "; TNG : " Time's Arrow, Part II ")

Humanity's children

In later centuries , Humans expanded on their desire to seek out new life by turning inward, demonstrating their abilities to create new life in their own image.

The stronger, more intelligent and physically resilient 20th century Augments may or may not have qualified as a separate species, but following his experience with Augments in the 22nd century , Dr. Arik Soong abandoned genetics for cybernetics . His work was continued and fulfilled by Dr. Noonien Soong , who created a series of sentient Soong-type androids , including Lore , B-4 , Juliana Soong (the nearly perfect reproduction of his then-comatose wife), and Data (the first android to be officially ruled by Federation law as sentient, and who proved capable of reproduction by creating his own daughter, Lal ). ( TOS : " Space Seed "; ENT : " The Augments "; TNG : " Datalore ", " The Measure Of A Man ", " Inheritance "; Star Trek Nemesis )

Humans also used holographic technology to sprout new sentient life, beginning with the first self-aware holographic character, James Moriarty , in 2365 . The work of Dr. Lewis Zimmerman on Emergency Medical Holograms birthed The Doctor , Humanity's most complex photonic lifeform , developed in the later 24th century. ( TNG : " Elementary, Dear Data "; VOY : " Caretaker ")

Alternate timelines

In an alternate timeline , Humanity was assimilated by the Borg in 2063 after the Borg prevented first contact between Humans and Vulcans. This timeline was erased when the USS Enterprise -E traveled back in time from the year 2373 to 2063 and ensured that first contact took place as history recorded it after all. ( Star Trek: First Contact )

In another alternate timeline, Humanity was nearly wiped out by the Xindi in 2154 , who destroyed not only Earth, but Mars , the Alpha Centauri colony , and the Vega colony , so only six thousand Humans survived. These Humans escaped to Ceti Alpha V . This alternate timeline was undone in 2165 , when an experimental treatment was able to retroactively remove interspatial parasites which had nested in the brain of Captain Jonathan Archer in the year 2153 ; with the parasites no longer rendering him unfit for duty, Archer was able to remain in command of Enterprise , and successfully prevented the Xindi weapon from destroying Earth. ( ENT : " Twilight ")

As evidenced by the final draft script of ENT : " Shockwave, Part II ", Humans of another alternate timeline were at one point intended to appear in that episode, living in a city which had been ruined a long time beforehand. However, in the final version of that episode, no such Humans appear.

Mirror universe

In the mirror universe , Humans were known as Terrans and were the founders of the Terran Empire . They were filled with fear and suspicion when a Vulcan scout ship landed on Earth to initiate first contact in 2063. The Humans slaughtered the Vulcan crew and used the technology within to create an interstellar empire. ( ENT : " In a Mirror, Darkly ")

This Empire lasted centuries until it was overshadowed by the equally vicious aspirations of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance . Although many races in the mirror universe harbored hopes of forming a peaceful alliance to protect civilization, Terrans were rarely found among these rebels due to the wealth and safety afforded by their violent expansionist policies. ( DS9 : " Crossover ")

Aliens becoming Human

  • Odo (punishment by the Founders , 2372)
  • Q (punishment by the Q Continuum , 2365)
  • Q , Jr. (punishment by the Continuum, 2378)
  • Quinn (granted by the Continuum, 2372)

Other information

  • The Borg designation for Humans was "Species 5618". Humans were considered by the Borg to possess below-average cranial capacity, minimal redundant systems, and limited regenerative abilities. ( VOY : " Dark Frontier ")
  • The Ferengi changed the pronunciation of the term Human, pronouncing it as "hew-mon". ( LD : " Envoys ")
  • Q once stated that the Human race might one day become more powerful than the Q. ( TNG : " Hide And Q ")
  • Occasionally, the term "Human" was used to describe races even though no link to Earth was evident, such as the Betans or the being Lazarus . ( TOS : " The Alternative Factor ", " The Return of the Archons ")
  • Miri native , a Human-looking species native to a planet closely resembling Earth .

Related topics

  • Human history
  • Human philosophy
  • Unnamed Humans
  • Neanderthal
  • Human recreational activities
  • Human foods and beverages
  • Examples of Human artists, musicians, and works of literature

Background information

Humans are the only species to have made an appearance in almost every episode to date of all twelve Star Trek series and all thirteen films . No Humans appeared in the Star Trek: Voyager episode " Living Witness " and the Star Trek: Prodigy episodes " Lost and Found ", " Starstruck ", " Dream Catcher ", " Terror Firma ", " Time Amok ", " A Moral Star, Part 1 ", and " Ghost in the Machine ", though several holographic representations of Humans are present in the aforementioned episodes. In addition, the plurality of the lead characters of every Star Trek series (with the exception of Prodigy ) so far have been Human.

In the final draft and the revised final draft of the script for TOS : " The Enemy Within ", Leonard McCoy submitted that part of "the Human condition" was having "an enemy within."

Several non-canonical medias retcon some alien species as Humans:

  • In the novel Forgotten History the planet Miri is revealed to be a version of Earth from an alternate parallel timeline that had become folded into the prime timeline due to temporal instability in the region. So the Miri natives are revealed to be Humans.
  • According to the novel The Poisoned Chalice , the " Magna Romanii " are Humans transplanted from Earth by the Preservers .
  • In the comic book " The Return of the Archons, Part 2 " the Betans of Beta III are revealed to be the Human descendants of a lost Federation colony.
  • According to The Worlds of the Federation and the novelization Star Trek 3 , the Capellans are described as Humans.
  • According to Star Trek Maps , it is also widely believed that Omega IV started out as a lost Human colony that had reverted to barbarism.
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual reveals that the Angel I natives are the descendents of a number of female leaders of the Back to Earth movement which later settled on Angel One , with the colonists becoming known as Angelites.

External links

  • Human at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • Human (Star Trek) at Wikipedia
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Star Trek: Prodigy

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

  • Memory Beta articles sourced from Star Trek Online
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from episodes and movies
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from novellas
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from short stories
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from comics
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from RPGs
  • Borg Collective

Borg species designations

The Borg use a system of species designations to identify various races and cultures they have encountered.

It is not explicitly stated how these designations are assigned, though it is generally assumed that they are simply incremental, each newly encountered species getting a number one higher than the previous. This mostly holds up when comparing numbers to probable first contact dates or vicinity to Borg space, though some anomalies exist, most notably the Alpha Quadrant species Ferengi having an unusual low number of 180. Numbers appear to be assigned at first contact, and don't seem to be recycled even after the whole species is assimilated.

  • Species 13: Tuktak ( VOY novel : Seven of Nine )
  • Species 29: Iconian ( STO mission : " Sleepers ")
  • Species 116 ( VOY episode : " Hope and Fear ")
  • Species 125 : ( VOY episode : " Dark Frontier ")
  • Species 149 ( VOY episode : " Mortal Coil ")
  • Species 180: Ferengi ( VOY episode : " Infinite Regress ")
  • Species 218: Talaxians ( VOY episode : " The Raven ")
  • Species 259 ( VOY episode : " The Gift ")
  • Species 262 ( VOY episode : " The Omega Directive ")
  • Species 263 ( VOY episode : " The Omega Directive ")
  • Species 312 ( VOY episode : " Natural Law ")
  • Species 329: Kazon ( VOY episodes : " Mortal Coil ", " Relativity ")
  • Species 407: Lennli ( VOY novel : Seven of Nine )
  • Species 433: Greech ( VOY novel : Unworthy )
  • Species 478: Hirogen ( VOY - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novella : Places of Exile )
  • Species 521: Shivolians ( VOY episode : " Survival Instinct ")
  • Species 571 ( VOY episode : " Survival Instinct ")
  • Species 642: Narisians ( ST novel : Engines of Destiny )
  • Species 689: Norcadians ( VOY episode : " Ashes to Ashes ")
  • Species 775: Canine , carnivore ( dog ) ( VOY - Gateways novel : No Man's Land )
  • Species 802: Medusan ( PRD episode : " Let Sleeping Borg Lie ")
  • Species 874 ( ST novel : Engines of Destiny )
  • Species 912: Dulaph ( VOY novel : Unworthy )
  • Species 1137: Calentar ( VOY - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novella : Places of Exile )
  • Species 1184: Nihydron ( VOY novel : A Pocket Full of Lies )
  • Species 1429 ( ST novel : Engines of Destiny )
  • Species 1432: Edtani ( VOY - Strange New Worlds III short story : " Gift of the Mourners ")
  • Species 1567 ( VOY video game : Elite Force )
  • Species 1599: Betazoids ( ST novel : Engines of Destiny )
  • Species 1629: Irsk ( VOY novel : Unworthy )
  • Species 1732: Q ( VOY - Strange New Worlds IV short story : " Iridium-7-Tetrahydroxate Crystals Are a Girl's Best Friend ")
  • Species 1811 ( VOY novel : Seven of Nine )
  • Species 1881: Voldranaii ( TNG - Hive comic : " Hive, Issue 1 ")
  • Species 2000: Cardassians ( VOY screensaver )
  • Species 2461: Brunali ( VOY episode : " Child's Play ")
  • Species 2822 ( VOY novel : Seven of Nine )
  • Species 3105: Rhawn ( VOY novel : Seven of Nine )
  • Species 3259: Vulcans ( VOY episode : " The Raven ")
  • Species 3783: Romulans ( VOY screensaver )
  • Species 3992: Lukari ( STO - Kings & Queens mission : " Taken By Surprise ")
  • Species 4228: Hazari ( VOY episode : " Think Tank ")
  • Species 4244: Arnarians ( Adventures RPG module : Delta Quadrant Sourcebook )
  • Species 4521: ( TNG video game : Starfleet Command III )
  • Species 4672 ( VOY - Planet Killer comic : " Ultimate Weapon ")
  • Species 4774: Skedan ( VOY novel : Seven of Nine )
  • Species 5008: Klingons ( VOY screensaver )
  • Species 5174 ( VOY episode : " Hunters ")
  • Species 5618: Humans ( VOY episode : " Dark Frontier ")
  • Species 5973 ( VOY episode : " The Haunting of Deck Twelve ")
  • Species 6291: Yridians ( VOY episode : " Equinox ")
  • Species 6339: Octanti ( VOY episode : " Infinite Regress ")
  • Species 6649: Neyser ( VOY novel : Unworthy )
  • Species 6961: Ktarians ( VOY episode : " Dark Frontier ")
  • Species 7509: T'kari ( VOY - The Amazing Stories short story : " When Push Comes to Shove ")
  • Species 7690: Ankari ( VOY - Distant Shores short story : " Brief Candle ")
  • Species 8472 : Groundskeepers / Undine ( VOY episodes : " Scorpion ", " Scorpion, Part II ", " Prey ", " In the Flesh ")
  • Species 8532: Taaf ( TOS novel : No Time Like the Past )
  • Species 9341 ( TNG video game : Armada )
  • Species 9552: Hedeomiks ( VOY novel : A Pocket Full of Lies )
  • Species 10026: Kitarians ( VOY episode : " Dark Frontier ", soundtrack listing)
  • Species 10997 ( Adventures RPG module : Delta Quadrant Sourcebook )
  • Species 12199 ( VOY - Strange New Worlds IV short story : " Iridium-7-Tetrahydroxate Crystals Are a Girl's Best Friend ")
  • Species 95012: Pakleds ( TNG - Strange New Worlds 10 short story : " A Dish Served Cold ")

External link [ ]

  • Borg species designations article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • 1 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • 2 Lamarr class
  • 3 Wesley Crusher

Star Trek: Is Section 31 Responsible for the Borg?


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In Star Trek , Section 31 is the Federation’s “dirty tricks division,” a branch of Starfleet Intelligence answerable to no authority and charged with using extreme methods to stop existential threats. Ironically, it has created as many dangers as it has destroyed, most notably Control: the central antagonist in Star Trek: Discovery Season 2 that came close to extinguishing all life in the galaxy. That has fueled an intriguing pair of fan theories, which posit the Borg are a creation of Section 31 that has turned on humanity like Frankenstein’s monster. Although several unpleasant in-canon sticking points derail the core of the theory, it’s nevertheless quite elegant. And some of the spinoff theories actually fit within accepted canon.

The core theory , hatched during Discovery 's second season, holds that that Leland -- a Section 31 agent who merged with the synthetic components of Control -- becomes the first “proto-Borg” and uses the Red Angel suit to travel back in time to the Delta Quadrant and lay the foundation for the Borg Collective. The problems with the theory largely stem from subsequent Discovery  episodes , which never bring the Borg into the equation: Control is a creation of Section 31, not the Borg.

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But even without that, the theory can’t hold up to established canon. To begin with, the first introduction to the Borg, in Star Trek: The Next Generation  Season 2 Episode “Q, Who?,” states they know little to nothing about the Federation. Subsequent retconning muddied those waters a bit -- Seven of Nine’s parents, for instance, went looking for the Borg based on rumors -- but the episode makes it clear the Borg and the Federation had no contact before that moment. That’s borne out by Star Trek: Voyager  Season 5, episodes 15 and 16, “Dark Frontier,” in which the Borg refer to humanity as “Species 5618: Humans,” just one of many rather than any manner of source or origin species.

Despite that, the theory touched on several viable lines of inquiry, as did a second thread, which suggested that the spore drive is a creation of Section 31 using stolen Borg technology. That, too, isn’t plausible. However, the second theory touched on the same ideas as the first: Section 31, using forbidden experimentation, inadvertently creates the Borg who are sent further into the past to start the Collective.

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The common points -- time travel and the Section 31 connection -- offer suggestions that don’t go quite as far as the fan theories but are a lot more feasible in the face of the current canon. For instance, while the Borg may not have originated with Section 31, they traveled to the past during the events of Star Trek: First Contact . Borg survivors of that movie reappeared in Star Trek: Enterprise  Season 2, Episode 23, “Regeneration,” and left Collective technology behind. It’s entirely possible that Section 31 appropriated such tech for their own use, which gave them an edge in their clandestine manipulations and allowed the breakthroughs that resulted in Frankenstein creations like Control.

That’s speculative, but it highlights the potential that both theories touch on. Section 31 is supposed to look into strange and dangerous technology like the Borg. With Discovery ’s heavy emphasis on time travel, it makes connections between the black ops division and the cybernetic hive-mind not only more plausible but more interesting. Section 31 is supposedly due to receive its own series featuring Philippa Georgiou  in the lead. Perhaps it will tug on some of the threads that these theories laid out.

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Q who ! First Borg encounter ???

  • Thread starter Reeborg
  • Start date Nov 18, 2010
  • Nov 18, 2010

Strange argument that Q had caused the Borg's awareness of humans. They (the borg) had already destroyed (and probably) assimilated human and Romulan outposts (population, Season 1). So why was it stated that the encounter in Q Who would be responsable?  

Fleet Admiral

Prior to that encounter, humans were fairly primitive and uninteresting as far as assimilation targets went. No assimilation action seemed to follow the Neutral Zone scooping. But in "Q Who?", Q gave Picard's ship the ability to appear out of nowhere, and then disappear from the clutches of the Borg. Surely a development worth checking on... The Borg had probably known about humans since time immemorial, since they are said to be a hundred thousand years old, if not older still. Q couldn't be blamed for the fact that humans are listed as "Species 5618" by the Borg (a number lower than those of some other Alpha species such as Yridians and Ktarians). But he could be blamed on making humans an interesting species! Timo Saloniemi  

Exactly. That's the sort of stuff eleven Milky Way species out of ten appear to have (even if the Delta Quadrant folks don't seem to have figured out how to make transporters). That's old news for the Borg. But "Q-tech" would certainly pique their interest. If Romulans and humans were interesting as such, one'd think the Borg would have done something about it. Apparently, they didn't. Timo Saloniemi  

Fleet Captain

An interesting line of reasoning Timo.  

To be sure, the idea that Q went "Borg, mankind. Mankind, Borg" is a fandom one only. The episodes themselves don't make such an allusion. Instead, our heroes feel that Q's revealing the horrific Borg to mankind, a one-sided affair, might have been a welcome wake-up that would help the Federation better prepare against future threats. Not quite the same thing as Q revealing mankind's existence to the Borg. Timo Saloniemi  



^I think your point there is correct, Timo. Q introducing the Feds to the Borg was to warn Picard and company that "this is what's out there". I think he even says something to that effect, IIRC.  


Lieutenant Junior Grade

Also I think the mindset of bettering yourself may have been something that they wanted to get into the biological 'section' of their assimilation  


Vice Admiral

Setting aside the Neutral Zone outposts, we know that the Borg were already aware there was something up about the Alpha quadrant. The ENT episode "Regeneration" postulates the Borg were already sending a ship to investigate the Alpha quadrant because back in 2155 (or so) a signal was sent to the Delta quadrant detailing Earth's location. The signal just took 200 years to get there. When Q sent the Enterprise to system J-25, they were still well within the Beta quadrant. Possibly only a few sectors away from Romulan space. So, what were the Borg doing there if not already expanding toward the Alpha quadrant.  

C.E. Evans

Of course, there's also the bit about the Hanson family making contact with the Borg years before the Enterprise -D did. Even allowing that the Borg may have known about Humans for a very long time, the Borg may have received a significant update on the previously uninteresting Species 5618 from the computer aboard the ill-fated Raven-- and from a little Human girl they assimilated previously known as Annika...  


Rear Admiral

I'm not so sure that it was even 'Q-tech' that got the Borg's interest. I think it may have been the 1701-D itself. The Borg may well have been aware of humans for quite some time, depending on what ret-con you adhere to, and simply didn't find them worthy of interest...yet. Perhaps they had them on their 'watch list'. Perhaps it was even the encounter with the Raven that caused the Borg to take a closer look (scoop) at the colonies along the neutral zone. It is possible that the tech they encountered there still wasn't enough to get their interest. It's really not that big of a leap. Many would say that the colonies would of had plenty of 'modern tech'. To an extent, sure. But there are plenty of on screen examples that show that most colonies are just that. Not high tech, uber industrialized centers of trade, but colonies in which to live and grow. In most cases they are not even close to the tech level of the Enterprise. That's why they always seemed to need its help. Now consider if the Borg would have targeted a Star Base instead of the boarder colonies. That would have created an entirely different chain of events. There, they would have encountered the Federation's tech at its highest level and immediately made the entire Federation a target for assimilation. But unbeknownst to them, they chose the wrong target and ended up with 'bad data'. Now fast forward two years and Q comes a long and decides to teach Picard & Co a lesson and plops them somewhere in system J-25. The last human ship the Borg had encountered (at least that we know of) was the Raven. Compaired to Enterprise, the Raven would be like compairing a P-51 to a F-22. When the Borg encounter Enterprise and scan its database realizing just how advanced Fed Tech really is, humans go instantly from the 'watch list' to the 'assimilate list'. Fortunately for Picard & Co, JLP admits his that he needs Q, they are 'snapped' home at the last minute, and the Fed now know that the Borg are coming. Kick in their complacency accomplished.  

Trek Survivor

  • Nov 19, 2010

Can I just make clear that NOTHING in "The Neutral Zone" or "Q Who" confirms that the Borg were responsible for the outposts destruction. Yes, it was originally intended that way, but to my knowledge the aired episodes didn't confirm it was the Borg.  

Quite so. In "BoBW", Shelby and Data establish that the scooping up of the Jouret colony was done by the same folks who scooped up the J-25 civilization, but they don't claim that the forensic evidence would also connect the Neutral Zone outposts to the same perps. In fact, later episodes don't mention the RNZ incidents at all. It should be noted, though, that what was destroyed at the RNZ was a series of "outposts" and "starbases", not colonies. Also, throughout the first season of TNG, something was amiss at the Neutral Zone - references to it were made in "Heart of Glory" and "Angel One" - so Starfleet would probably have been devoting resources to these bases. If top-notch Starfleet military technology was what makes the Borg hot and bothered, then, they would have gotten a taste of it from those installations already. In that case, the "Q Who?" encounter would not have been an important milestone. Of course, we may be completely mistaken in the assumption that something triggered the Borg interest. For all we know, the Borg had already written down an assimilation schedule three thousand years ago: "1000 years from now, go see if use of iron is widespread. 2000 years on, check on progress in global transportation and spreading of agriculture to hostile climes. 2500 years from this point, see if there's any industry or EM activity. Depending on results, increase the frequency of visits. Assimilate when warp tech surpasses Specification 8882B or the Exotic New Tech Index reaches 12.5. " The RNZ scoops and the "BoBW" invasion may have been scheduled events. Timo Saloniemi  

Nerdius Maximus

Nerdius Maximus

The Borg were first encountered by Captain EO who DISassimilated them and turned them into background dancers!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxKvAsuAqZU&feature=player_embedded  

  • In "The Neutral Zone" the Federation and the Romulans discover that outposts on both sides of the Zone have been "scooped up" and carried off.
  • In the following season: "Q-Who" Q sends the Enterprise to system J-25 to teach the crew a lesson and Worf declares that the class-M planet in the system was attacked in a way that is identical to what happened to the outposts along the Neutral Zone.
  • The following season: "The Best of Both Worlds" Shelby says that what happened to Juret IV is almost identical to Riker's reports of system J-25.


Yep, it's mentioned in "Q Who?" that what happened to that world in J-25 was the same as what happened to the Neutral Zone bases.  

Timo said: It should be noted, though, that what was destroyed at the RNZ was a series of "outposts" and "starbases", not colonies. Timo Saloniemi Click to expand...

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STFC: Species 5618

STFC players can find Species 5618 in the Alpha Quadrant, however, the exact systems are unknown.

Star Trek Fleet Command (STFC) is an exhilarating video game that invites gamers to explore a vast galaxy.

As you progress in the game, you will encounter various species, some of which are hostiles and some friendly. One of these species is Species 5618.

Table of Contents

There are various systems and Quadrants that players can explore in STFC. While exploring the Alpha Quadrants, you may encounter Species 5618, which are Humans.

They are an unremarkable race in terms of their biological distinctiveness, as they possess below-average cranial capacity.

Furthermore, Species 5618 has minimal redundant systems and limited regenerative abilities. That being said, the species is technologically advanced.

Species 5618 is the founding race of the United Federation of Planets, which is an alliance of 150 lightyears spanning 8000 light years.

The Borg regards Species 5618 as a highly-resistant species. However, several direct attempts to understand the species have failed. The Borg are currently developing a new method to understand Species 5618 via a nanoprobe virus.

Some of STFC’s events require players to vanquish Species 5618. During a previous event, a player revealed on the official Discord channel that there are no hostiles of 5618.

That being said, there are hostiles that they may be a part of, but the hostiles that you must defeat are a collection of species, not just 5618.

Players therefore had to destroy several enemy ships, but the ship may not have a 5618 on board.

In which event must players defeat Species 5618?

It is currently impossible to know which in-game events require players to vanquish Species 5618. However, if tan in-game event is active, we recommend that you carefully read its description to determine which species you have to defeat.

Sometimes the event will not indicate which species you have to defeat as it is a trivia event, so you have to use the given clues to find out whether you have to defeat species 5618 or not.

Alpha Quadrant

According to Star Trek lore, the Alpha Quadrant was the common designation for one quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy. Gamers can use the Border of the Alpha Quadrant to enter the Delta Quadrant, which was recently added to STFC .

At the border of the Alpha Quadrant, players and forces of the region have started delving further into Deep Space and have discovered the Delta Quadrant . In this space, you will find planetary missions, new species and lost hostiles .

In which systems can you find Species 5618?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to  determine in which systems you can encounter Species 5618. However, it is known that the species is in the Alpha Quadrant.

If you need to find Species 5618, you should explore the Alpha Quadrant to find them.

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    The Borg had probably known about humans since time immemorial, since they are said to be a hundred thousand years old, if not older still. Q couldn't be blamed for the fact that humans are listed as "Species 5618" by the Borg (a number lower than those of some other Alpha species such as Yridians and Ktarians).

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    The Borg regards Species 5618 as a highly-resistant species. However, several direct attempts to understand the species have failed. The Borg are currently developing a new method to understand Species 5618 via a nanoprobe virus. ... According to Star Trek lore, the Alpha Quadrant was the common designation for one quarter of the Milky Way Galaxy.

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