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Afrika Safari

250+ afrika safaritouren mit 4.486 aktuellen erfahrungsberichten.

Kenia & Tansania Wildlife Safari 11 Tage Rundreise

Safari Familienreise Camping Reise Wildlife Tour Jeep Tour Weihnachts- & Silvesterreise +3

Kenia & Tansania Wildlife Safari 11 Tage

Kenia und Tansania Rundreise - 15 Tage Rundreise

Safari Familienreise Wildlife Tour Jeep Tour Tierwanderung Big Five Safari Weihnachts- & Silvesterreise +4

Kenia und Tansania Rundreise - 15 Tage

"Topleute, Topqualität, Topessen und super viel gesehen. War einfach super, danke nochmal euch kennenlernen zu dürfen." Thomas, verreist im Juni 2015

Tansania: Big Five Luxus Safari (nachhaltiger Reisen) Rundreise

Safari Familienreise Wildlife Tour Jeep Tour Big Five Safari Weihnachts- & Silvesterreise +3

Tansania: Big Five Luxus Safari (nachhaltiger Reisen)

Kenia & Tansania Safari 13 Tage Rundreise

Kenia & Tansania Safari 13 Tage

"Unsere Erfahrung war unglaublich und hätte nicht besser sein können. Ich kann jedem nur empfehlen, mit diesen Jungs eine Ostafrikareise zu unternehmen." Jean, verreist im Juli 2023

Das Beste aus Kenia und Tansania - 12 Tage Rundreise

Das Beste aus Kenia und Tansania - 12 Tage

Das Beste von Kenia und Tansania - Luxuslodge Safari (12 Tage) Rundreise

Safari Familienreise Wildlife Tour Jeep Tour Weihnachts- & Silvesterreise +2

Das Beste von Kenia und Tansania - Luxuslodge Safari (12 Tage)

Kenia Safari ab Nairobi - 12 Tage Rundreise

Kenia Safari ab Nairobi - 12 Tage

"Kenia ist ein wunderschönes Land, mit wunderbaren, freundlichen Menschen. Ich kann diese Tour nicht genug empfehlen." Catherine, verreist im April 2023
  • Nur €150 Anzahlung

Tansania Safari & Kultur - 9 Tage Rundreise

Tansania Safari & Kultur - 9 Tage

Serengeti und Campin Safari Tour (6 Tage) Rundreise

Serengeti und Campin Safari Tour (6 Tage)

"Diese unglaubliche Reise von dem Moment an, als wir online kommunizierten, bis hin zu jedem einzelnen Detail, bis hin zum Wasser!" Hussein, verreist im September 2021

Moremi - 14 Tage Erlebnis-Reise Rundreise

Safari Wildlife Tour Jeep Tour Inklusive Flug +1

Moremi - 14 Tage Erlebnis-Reise

  • Inklusive Flug

Afrika Erfahrungsberichte

Tolle Erlebnisse im Nationalpark Wir hatten supertolle, gut organisierte zwei Wochen im Serengeti Nationalpark, sowie im Ngorogoro Krater. Wir wurden schon zu Beginn pünktlich auf dem Flughafen in Arusha abgeholt und hatten von da an einen perfekten Service. Wir waren zusammen mit Jerome D. Swai und dem Fahrer Cypiars welche beide nur zu empfehlen sind. Jerome kocht wunderbares Essen!! Wir haben eine Reise in Zelten gemacht, war einfach klasse das feeling so nah an der Wilden Natur zu sein. Kann nur sagen: Topleute, Topqualität, Topessen und super viel gesehen. War einfach super, danke nochmal euch kennenlernen zu dürfen. Grüsse aus der Schweiz P.S: Da spontan hier schreibe, nur Fotos von Fotos aus unserem Safarifotobuch :-), hoffe das gibt trotzdem einen ungefähren Eindruck vom erlebten.
Mein Mann und ich sind gerade aus Tansania zurückgekehrt. Es war ein unbeschreibliches und unvergessliches Safari-Erlebnis; wir hatten eine Sieben-Tage Big Five Luxus Safari über Tourradar gebucht. Alles war perfekt von World Adventure Tours durchorganisiert. Die Natur war wunderschön, wie ich sie noch nie vorher gesehen hatte. Wir haben so viele Tiere hautnah erlebt; das Sortieren unserer Bilder wird wohl diesmal etwas länger dauern. Unser Guide Issa war sehr erfahren und hat uns die Tierwelt mit all seinen Erklärungen sehr nahe gebracht. Die Verpflegung während der sieben Tage war lecker. Wie können WAT und vor allem unseren Guide Issa wirklich sehr weiterempfehlen.
  • Big Five Safari (1267)
  • Tierwanderung (500)
  • Gorilla Trekking (174)
  • Flugsafari (24)
  • Elefantentour (21)
  • Flitterwochen Safari (12)

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African Wildlife Safaris Logo

Travel to Africa on safari with African Wildlife Safaris

An African safari is one of the most exciting and rewarding holidays you could ever experience. Discover the real spirit of Africa on our personalised, tailor made African safaris and tours ,  from up-close encounters with Africa’s iconic wildlife to authentic cultural experiences.

The sheer abundance of animals will take your breath away, as well as the variety of species and the ease of viewing them. In addition to the famous gameviewing locations such as the  Masai Mara  in  Kenya , the  Serengeti  in Tanzania,  Kruger National Park  in South Africa, and the  Okavango  in Botswana, we also have intimate knowledge of some of the lesser known locations where incredible wildlife viewing can be experienced.

At the same time the continent has even more to offer: dramatic landscapes, colourful tribes, interesting cultures, and a wide range of outdoor adventures. From  Morocco  to  Madagascar ,  Cairo  to Cape Town, we offer a range of fabulous  African safaris, tours  and beach holidays.

There are also a wide variety of accommodation options to choose from. Whether you are looking for an experience staying in modest bush camps and lodges, or are wishing to travel in total luxury staying at exclusive premier tented camps located in the heart of prime game viewing locations, we have the expert advice to create the safari experience you are looking for.

We understand that every traveller is different, so we tailor our Africa safaris and tours to suit your requirements. You choose where and when you want to go, where you want to stay, and our experienced Africa staff will custom design an itinerary to suit your specific style, interests and budget. We also offer one or two escorted set-departures every year for those travellers who prefer to travel in a group.

Experience the diversity of a Botswana safari, from the Kalahari to the beautiful Okavango Delta wetlands...

Sail the iconic Nile River and spend an evening watching the sun set by the grand Pyramids of Giza...

Broaden your travel to Africa by visiting historical and cultural Ethiopia with a civilisation dating back thousands...

Safari in wildlife-rich parks such as the Masai Mara and visit the tribal lands of the Samburu people...

Visit the world’s fourth largest island, a strange and exotic land ringed by golden beaches and palm trees...

The land-locked country of Malawi is dominated by the Rift Valley and the astonishing expanse of Lake Malawi...

Experience a tropical island paradise of unspoiled white sandy beaches that give way to a warm turquoise sea...

Explore Morocco, land of mystery and romance, offers a profusion of historical, cultural and scenic splendours...

Relax on tropical islands, rimmed by sandy beaches and coral reefs, set in the azure waters of the Indian Ocean…

Discover Namibia's sand dunes and deserts, unique animals, nomadic tribes people and spectacular coast...

Experience the most unforgettable wildlife encounter of your lifetime – a trek to see the magnificent mountain gorillas.

The sovereign African nation of Seychelles is heaven for snorkellers, scuba divers and bird-watchers as well as a hideaway for honeymooners.

Search for big game in Kruger National Park, take a luxury rail journey or enjoy a gourmet experience in the Cape...

South Africa

Take a safari to the savannas of the Serengeti with its herds of wildlife, or trek to the top of Kilimanjaro...

Uganda is a country of snow-capped mountains, dense rainforests where gorillas and other primates roam free...

Walk with wildlife in Zambia's Luangwa Valley National Park, marvel at Victoria Falls, explore the Lower Zambezi...

Canoe in Zimbabwe‘s Mana Pools whilst elephants feed just metres away and visit the awesome Victoria Falls...

Best things to do in Africa

What are the best places to visit in Africa? What are the best things to do in Africa? When is the best month to travel to Africa? We are here to help, be inspired with our range of recommended Africa Safaris & Tours across our range of destinations including Botswana, Kenya, Namibia, Ethiopia, South Africa and Tanzania. This information provides a good starting point in planning your African adventure and has been chosen by our expert staff.

Vumbura Plains Botswana

Wilderness Safaris Luxury Camps

Dedicated to sharing Africa’s wildest places with guests in a responsible manner, Wilderness Safaris operates on 2.6 million hectares of southern Africa’s best wildlife parks and reserves, using only camps that are designed to be as eco-friendly as possible, in some of the world’s best wilderness and wildlife locations. For more information, please view the following destination pages: Botswana , Namibia , Zambia & Zimbabwe .

Luxury Rail Journeys with Rovos Rail

Travel Agatha Christie style on opulent Rovos Rail which easily rivals the Orient Express. Re-live history and step back in time to the romantic days of pre-war rail travel with luxurious suites, lavish period decor and an elegant Victorian dining car. Journey from the historic railway station in Pretoria to beautiful Cape Town, or travel north to the renowned Victoria Falls. For details please view the following destination page: South Africa .

Pride of Lions at Sabi Sabi Earth Lodge

South Africa – Legendary Kruger Safari

For the ultimate wildlife experience there is little to rival South Africa’s Kruger National Park and its surrounding exclusive private game reserves. Offering an unrivalled opportunity to view Africa’s famous “Big 5” as well as wild dog, cheetah, and herds of plains game, famous lodges include Mala Mala, Sabi Sabi, Singita, and Londolozi. For more information, please view the following destination page: South Africa .

Family of cheetahs in Kenya

Kenya Safari – Masai Mara

The famous Masai Mara encompasses both a national reserve and a Maasai tribal area on Kenya’s south west border with Tanzania. It is considered to offer the best game viewing in Kenya due to its abundant species of birds and animals including grazers such as zebra, giraffe and elephant, as well as predators such as lion, leopard and cheetah. For more information, please view the following destination page: Kenya .

Grootbos Forest Lodge

South Africa – Grootbos Private Reserve

The award winning Grootbos Private Nature Reserve offers 5 star luxury accommodation overlooking the Cape’s famous Walker Bay where up to 160 Southern Right whales make their home between June and December. It is possible to see the “Marine Big 5” – whales, great white sharks, dolphins, seals and penguins – all in one day. For more information, please view the following destination page: South Africa .

A Troop of Gorillas in Rwanda

Rwanda & Uganda Gorilla Trekking

An encounter with a family of mountain gorillas in the mountainous forests of Rwanda or Uganda is without doubt one of the world’s most inspiring wildlife experiences. These endangered primates live in the cool, mist-swathed forests of the Virunga Volcanoes, or in Uganda’s Bwindi Impenetrable Forest. For more information, please view the following destination pages: Rwanda and Uganda .

Mana Pools Walking Safaris

Zambia Wild – A True Safari

Victoria Falls Helicopter Flight

Victoria Falls

The Victoria Falls are on the Zambezi River, and border the countries of Zambia and Zimbabwe. Also called Mosi-oa-Tunya (The Smoke that Thunders) the falls plummet 108 metres over a width of nearly 2 kilometres into the deep gorge below and are considered to be one of the seven natural wonders of the world. For details, please view the following destination pages: Zimbabwe and Zambia .

Canoeing at Mana Pools

Canoeing the Zambezi River

Experience the adventure of canoeing down the mighty Zambezi River through some of Africa’s most beautiful wilderness. Imagine the thrill as your canoe passes close to a herd of elephants drinking and bathing in the river, or a pod of hippo wallowing in the shallows. No method of travel could bring you closer to the beauty of the African bush. For details, please view the following destination page: Zimbabwe.

Mauritius Wedding

A jewel in the heart of the Indian Ocean, the tropical island paradise of Mauritius is both an exotic holiday destination and an ideal stopover en route to Africa. Dramatic volcanic mountains form the centre of the island, whilst most of the spectacular coastline is protected by a coral reef, and white sandy beaches give way to a warm torqiuse sea. For details, please view the following destination page: Mauritius .

Tanzania Wilderbeest Migration

Tanzania – Serengeti Migration

The unique Serengeti ecosystem is world famous for its spectacular scenery and wildlife. It covers 30,000 square kms and is the arena for the largest terrestrial mammal migration in the world. Every year over 1.5 million wildebeest, 250,000 zebra and 400,000 Thomson’s gazelles migrate across these “endless plains” as they have done for millennia. For details, please view the following destination page: Tanzania .

The Pyramids of Giza

Step back in time and explore the cultural treasures, rich history and spectacular desert landscapes of Egypt.A curious mix of old and new, Egypt offers fascinating historic sites, exotic culture, colourful souks, tantalising cuisine, a sunny climate and gorgeous beaches. For more information, please view the following destination page: Egypt

Recommended Africa Safaris

The following tours are private, independent and can be easily customised to suit your personal travelling requirements. Please contact us to begin designing your personalised Africa experience.

African Safari Extravaganza

This epic itinerary encompasses an epic five-country train journey aboard the Rovos Rail, a safari in Tanzania's Ngorongoro Crater and Serengeti as well as a beach getaway on the Indian Ocean coast.

Antiquities & Wildlife

Explore the antiquities of Africa on this 16 day tour to Tanzania and Egypt. Explore the Pyramids of Giza and Marvel at the mighty Shypnx

Beautiful Botswana

Discover Botswana's most beautiful wilderness areas and an abundance of incredible wildlife on this luxury 10 night safari.

Best of Kenya and Tanzania

This safari combines the best wildlife experiences of Kenya and Tanzania, including the Samburu, Lake Nakuru, the Masai Mara and Serengeti.

Best of South Africa

Experience the very best of South Africa from vibrant Johannesburg and spectacular Cape Town to seeking out the 'Big 5' on safari and discovering the beautiful Cape Peninsula.

Cape Town and Garden Route Discovery

Experience the sites of Cape Town, Cape Winelands, the Karoo semi-desert and the lush forests and lagoons of the famous Garden Route.

Cape, Kruger and a Castaway Island

This 13 day African getaway has it all: Cape Town, the winelands, Kruger National Park and even a castaway island off the coast of Mozambique.

Exclusive Botswana

Take in the best of Botswana on this 12 day exclusive safari, travelling from the Makgadikgadi Pans through the Linyanti into the Okavango Delta.

Highlights of Botswana and Zambia

This trip combines Zambia's wild South Luangwa National Park and iconic Victoria Falls with Botswana's magnificent Okavango Delta and elephant-rich Chobe National Park.

Kruger and The Cape

Discover some of South Africa's best known attractions on this journey that begins with a big game safari in the world-renowned Sabi Sand and concludes in beautiful Cape Town.

Malaria Free Safari

This malaria-free South Africa safari means that you don't need to worry about taking medication on your holiday. This is an ideal option for families with young children or travellers with health concerns.

Mana Pools Canoe and Walking Trail

This thrilling safari provides incredibly close encounters with wildlife either from your canoe or on foot in Zimbabwe's stunning Mana Pools National Park.

Find out more about our tailor made African safaris. Get in touch with one of our Destination Specialists.

Subscribe below to keep up to date, find out more about our tailor made african safaris, africa faqs, what are the best places to visit in africa.

Exploring the waterways of the Okavango Delta, Bushmen of the Kalahari, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro or Mount Kenya, exploring the Serengeti, the great wildebeest and zebra migration in Tanzania, the world’s most magnificent ancient monuments in Egypt, the unique landscape and animals in the deserts of Namibia and the Gorillas in Rwanda and Uganda.

What are the best things to do in Africa?

Stunning safari drives, walking safaris, Mokoro excursions and cultural experiences.

When is the best month to travel to Africa?

Generally the best time to Travel to Africa is during the dry season (May-Oct), but game can be seen year-round in many parts.

Is it dangerous to travel to Africa?

Africa is a huge continent with many countries and some are considered dangerous. Generally the Southern and East African countries are safe and peaceful such as Botswana, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa. These are also the best countries to visit for seeing incredible wildlife and scenery. For more information, please contact one of our specialists .

Are African Safaris Dangerous?

African safaris can be exhilarating. Getting up close to animals in the wild is and experience like no other. Most African safaris are conducted in 4WD Land Rovers or Land Cruisers and therefore generally very safe. Some safaris can be done on foot or by Mokoro (traditional canoe) and this can create a higher level of risk however these tours are still considered safe as most animals keep there distant from humans. Guides can also carry rifles to be used as a last resort.

safari tour afrika tiere

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12 Top African Safari Tours

Cross this must-do activity off your bucket list.

Top African Safari elephant

Courtesy of Micato Safaris

Spot the big five on your safari adventure.

Safari tours in Africa are just as diverse as the continent itself, though these types of trips typically require a large sum of money. Whether you want to spend a few days gorilla trekking in Uganda or a couple weeks spotting the "big five" – lions, leopards, African elephants, rhinos and Cape buffalos – in South Africa, you'll find an array of tours to best suit your needs. To help you narrow down your options, U.S. News compiled a list of 12 can't-miss African safari tours. Read on to find your once-in-a-lifetime trip.

Note: Some of the African countries in this article may require travelers to get an entry visa and certain vaccinations in order to visit. Jump to the list of visa and vaccination requirements by country at the bottom of this page for more information.


African Safari vacation

Courtesy of &Beyond

Visitors who don't want to sacrifice creature comforts while on safari will appreciate &Beyond's offerings. During the tour operator's 10-day Kings of the Jungle safari – which starts at $11,340 per person – travelers will see breathtaking natural wonders like the Ngorongoro Crater and the Maasai Mara savanna. But the highlight of this journey is its four-night stay at Tanzania's Serengeti National Park . After watching animals like wildebeest and zebras partake in the great migration while also spotting lions, giraffes and more, vacationers retreat to high-end tents and lodges with private bathrooms.

[See more of Serengeti National Park: Things to Do | Hotels | When to Visit | Photos ]

Wilderness Safaris

African Safari camp vacation

Courtesy of Wilderness Safaris

For some of Africa's most jaw-dropping scenery, opt for the seven-night Namibian Adventure Safari tour offered by Wilderness Safaris. This weeklong trip features visits to the Namib Desert's dune-filled Sossusvlei region (which you may recognize from the film "Mad Max: Fury Road") and the mountainous Palmwag Concession – a protected area with springboks, giraffes, black rhinos and more. The package's per person fee starts at $6,725, which covers most meals, park entrance fees, and transfers from Namibia's capital Windhoek and between the safari destinations. It also covers your stay at properties like the fully solar-powered Hoanib Skeleton Coast Camp and the five-star Little Kulala lodge amid the stunning desert.

Wild Rwanda Safaris

African Safari gorilla in Rwanda

Courtesy of Wild Rwanda Safaris)

Adventurous travelers sticking to a more conservative budget should consider Wild Rwanda Safaris' Bwindi Gorilla Safari. The three-day package features a full day in southwestern Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park (a haven for silverback gorillas) and an adjacent Batwa Pygmy community. Wild Rwanda Safaris allows guests to choose between midrange, luxury and super luxury accommodation, which can help keep costs down if necessary. The company's packages include the $700 permit required to visit the gorilla park. The round-trip journey by safari vehicle to and from Kigali, Rwanda, and English-speaking guide services are also covered in all rates. The tour can begin from Kampala, Uganda, as well, although you'll spend longer on the road to the park.

Nomad Tanzania

African Safari in Tanzania

Courtesy of

Sign up for Nomad Tanzania's Southern Tanzania safari and you're bound to get an up-close look at Tanzania's diverse wildlife. Offering eight days of activities, including game drives and boat trips in Ruaha National Park and Nyerere National Park, this safari gives you prime opportunities to spot lions, cheetahs, leopards and elephants, among other species. What's more, lodging at the company's campsites, select meals, and flights to and from Dar es Salaam are factored into the package's prices. Expect to pay a minimum of $5,700 per person; prices vary depending on the time of year, and the tour isn't offered in April and May.

Micato Safaris

(Courtesy of Micato Safaris)

If you want to explore multiple destinations while on safari with plenty of comfort (but a price tag to match), book the 15-day Micato Grand Safari. This outing by Micato Safaris starts with a two-day visit to Nairobi, Kenya, before continuing to the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Maasai Mara National Reserve, and the Amboseli and Serengeti national parks for wildlife-viewing excursions. During your trip, you'll see Mount Kilimanjaro as zebras, gazelles and more roam in the foreground. The package costs at least $22,450 per person (based on double occupancy rates) and includes a hot air balloon ride, a camel tour led by members of the Samburu tribe, and lodging at upscale properties like Serengeti's Four Seasons outpost. The company also offers various extensions allowing you to explore other parts of Africa, from the island paradise of Zanzibar to the deserts of Namibia.

Rothschild Safaris

African safari vacation

Courtesy of Rothschild Safaris

If your ideal safari vacation consists of customizing your trip from start to finish, consider an outing with Rothschild Safaris. The company offers itineraries in locales like Zambia and Madagascar , but if you're hoping to catch a glimpse of the big five animals, the Essence of Tanzania safari is a good bet. This nine-day experience, which embarks from Arusha and returns there by plane, includes game-viewing drives in Tarangire National Park and accommodations like canvas tents and farmhouse lodges. Elephants, zebras and lions are just some of the animals you may spot during your journey. You'll also have the opportunity to go on a nighttime safari to spot nocturnal wildlife.

Lion World Travel

African safari vacation

Courtesy of Lion World Travel

As the trip name implies, Lion World Travel's 10-day Best of Cape Town & Botswana vacation package combines sightseeing in Cape Town, South Africa , with a classic safari in Botswana. During the latter half of the itinerary, visitors will explore Botswana's Okavango Delta (home to cheetahs, crocodiles, hippos and more) and Chobe National Park, which is believed to have Africa's largest elephant population. Prices start at $4,299 per person and cover game drives; many of your meals; and stays at luxury hotels, camps and lodges. You'll need to pay an extra charge for the flights within the tour (Cape Town to Botswana as well as Botswana to Johannesburg ).

[See more of Cape Town: Things to Do | Hotels | When to Visit | Photos ]

Bearded Heron Safaris

African safari vacation

Neil Heron | Courtesy of Bearded Heron Safaris

Travelers keen on seeing South Africa's Kruger National Park through the eyes of a local naturalist will appreciate the 15-day safari with Bearded Heron Safaris. Led by Neil Heron, a nature guide and wildlife photographer and writer, Bearded Heron Safaris' longest option features small game drives that may include lion, rhino, zebra and leopard sightings throughout all corners of Kruger. Rates are inclusive of in-park cottage accommodations and all breakfasts, dinners, snacks and drinks. Flights and park fees are not included. For a 15-day safari, expect to pay 76,900 South African rand (about $4,500) per person.

[See more of Kruger National Park: Things to Do | Hotels | When to Visit | Photos ]

Discover Africa

Black rhinoceros in the african savannah

Getty Images

For an inside-out trip through the natural wonders of Botswana, Discover Africa's nine-day Epic Botswana Adventure is a formidable option. You'll start out at a riverside lodge on the Chobe River – a great location for elephant spotting – before moving onto the marshy Okavango Delta, a wildlife-rich area where you can spot a huge range of animals from leopards to rhinos. The safari ends at the Makgadikgadi Pans National Park, a good place to admire wildlife like zebras and buffalo on the savanna as well as salt pans from a former lake. You'll stay in upscale lodges and campsites within close reach of the wilderness. All meals and transport along the tour are included in the price tag (which starts at $4,800 per person), but international flights are excluded.

Wild Wings Safaris

safari tour afrika tiere

If you're looking to have a broader experience that mixes in some history and beach time, consider Wild Wings Safaris' eight-day Battlefields, Bush and Beach Safari. You'll start off visiting some of South Africa's historic sites from the Boer wars, before moving on to the Phinda Private Game Reserve, which doesn't allow day visitors, so you should be able to look out for the big five without too many crowds. The tour wraps up at Thonga Beach Lodge, where you can snorkel or scuba dive near coral reefs in the Indian Ocean. As far as safaris go, this one is an affordable option, starting at about $2,795 per person with all meals included as well as a rental car; for the cheapest price, you will need to drive yourself between the destinations, but it's possible to pay an additional fee for a driver to guide you instead.

Cuckoo Safaris

Aerial few of the world famous Victoria Falls with a large rainbow over the falls. This is right at the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe in Southern Africa. The mighty Victoria Falls at Zambezi river are one of the most visited touristic places in Africa.

This tour company kicks off its tours from the majestic Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe, with a host of safaris that range from two days to nine, across Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswana, including some family-friendly choices. For an affordable option, there's the four-day Discover Victoria Falls, Chobe and Hwange Park safari, which will take you on two full-day tours to Chobe National Park (across the border in Botswana) and to Hwange, Zimbabwe's largest national park, where you should keep your eyes peeled for lions, elephants and more. This safari also includes a sunset cruise on the Zambezi River. The price starts at $900 per person, which includes the tours plus breakfast, lunch and lodging in Victoria Falls; travelers will need to pay for entrance fees to the parks and dinner.

Compass Odyssey

safari tour afrika tiere

Courtesy of Compass Odyssey

Explore the savanna and deserts of southwest Africa with Compass Odyssey's eight-day Namibia Wildlife Safari. You'll visit a community-based conservation area in Damaraland – known for its desert-adapted elephants, oryx, giraffes and other wildlife – while staying in the rustic-chic Doro Nawas Camp. You'll also spend two days in Etosha National Park, seeking wildlife at the park's bustling waterholes by day and embarking on an evening game drive as well. Starting at $3,750 per person, the tour includes most meals and all park entry fees, but not flights; the company does allow the tour to be customized on request.

Vaccination and visa requirements for African countries

Some popular safari destinations may require you to have received certain vaccinations in order to enter the country as a tourist. Inoculation requirements can include vaccination against COVID-19 and yellow fever, and you'll need to get these vaccines before departing on your trip. Be sure to bring proof of vaccinations with you. If you are transiting through another country en route to your safari tour, you must check that you also meet immunization requirements for the stopover location.

Note that, outside of what's required, there are a number of other vaccinations that are recommended, so ensure you're up to date and fully protected before you travel. In addition, many safari locations are prone to malaria; you should consult with your doctor to see if you need to bring anti-malaria medication on your trip.

Safari countries have varying visa requirements for travelers from the U.S. – these are detailed below. Depending on your itinerary, you may need a single- or multiple-entry visa, and some visas require you to apply in advance of traveling and/or have a certain number of blank pages in your passport. Regardless of your destination, your passport should be valid for at least six months before you leave for your trip.

Here are the vaccine and visa requirements for major safari destinations as of November 2022:

Botswana: If you have recently visited a country where yellow fever is common, you will need to be vaccinated against this illness. This does not include the U.S. but does include a number of countries in Africa, Central and South America. Consult the World Health Organization's website for a list of countries with risk of yellow fever transmission, including Kenya and Uganda.

U.S. citizens and nationals can stay in Botswana for 90 days without a visa.

Kenya: Travelers to Kenya must have been vaccinated against COVID-19 with the last shot administered more than 14 days before arrival in the country. Unvaccinated visitors can enter with a negative PCR test, conducted no more than 72 hours before departure. Proof of COVID-19 tests or vaccines must be uploaded to an online system called Panabios. Kenya is a country where you'll be at risk of yellow fever transmission; it also requires those traveling from other places with yellow fever or cholera outbreaks to be vaccinated against these illnesses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that you protect yourself against yellow fever before your trip here.

Americans need an e-visa to enter Kenya. You should apply online at the eVisa government website no more than eight weeks before your trip, as visas are not available upon arrival in Kenya. See more on the U.S. Department of State's website .

Namibia: Those traveling from a country where yellow fever is common need to be vaccinated against it. No visa is required as long as you're staying for 90 days or less.

Rwanda: If you're coming from a country where yellow fever is endemic, a yellow fever vaccination is required before departure.

U.S. citizens and nationals can be issued a 30-day visitor visa on arrival in Rwanda or through the Rwandan Embassy in Washington, D.C. A single-entry visa costs $50, and it's recommended you bring sufficient cash in U.S. dollars to pay for this (although credit card payment may be accepted at Kigali International Airport). Consult the State Department website for more information.

South Africa: A yellow fever vaccination is required if you're traveling from a country with a risk of transmission. No visa is required for stays of 90 days or less.

Tanzania: Travelers must be able to present proof of COVID-19 vaccination with a QR code to enter Tanzania. Unvaccinated travelers must take a PCR test no more than 72 hours before departure, and the test results should be accessible by QR code. Yellow fever vaccines are mandatory if you're traveling from a location where yellow fever is present – including if you spend more than 12 hours in transit in such a country.

Visas are required for tourism in Tanzania. You can apply for a single-entry, 90-day visa online for $50 – and be sure to print a copy of the approval to bring with you. The processing period takes up to 10 days. You can also obtain a visa on arrival for a $100 fee; it's recommended you bring cash to cover this. Find more Tanzanian visa information on the State Department website .

Uganda: To enter Uganda, you must either be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or present a negative test taken no more than 72 hours before departure. Like Kenya, Uganda is a country with risk of yellow fever transmission. All visitors must show proof of vaccination against yellow fever to enter Uganda, regardless of where you're traveling from.

American visitors to Uganda must apply online for an electronic visa before departure; arriving in Uganda without completing this process could result in your detainment. Visit the State Department website to learn more.

Zambia: Visitors who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 must show proof of vaccination but do not need a test to enter Zambia; unvaccinated travelers must undergo a PCR test no more than 72 hours before departure. Yellow fever vaccines are only required if you're coming from an area considered at risk.

Visas are required to visit Zambia, but these can be obtained online before your departure or at a port of entry. Check the State Department website for more details.

Zimbabwe: To enter Zimbabwe, travelers must either be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or must take a negative PCR test no more than 48 hours before your departure. As with other countries on this list, visitors from countries with yellow fever outbreaks also require a vaccine against this illness.

U.S. visitors can obtain a 30-day, single-entry visa upon arrival in Zimbabwe for $30. If you're taking a tour that requires you to leave and reenter Zimbabwe, be sure to get a double-entry visa for $45. You can learn more from the State Department website .

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Call Today! 800-421-8907

Kenya Wildlife Safari


11 days from $6,659* per person

* Based on double occupancy, incl. taxes & fuel surcharges, restrictions apply.

* Prices are in US dollars, based on double occupancy.


Similar trips, upcoming group departures.

Jul 14 - 24, 2024. - SOLD OUT

Aug 18 - 28, 2024. - SOLD OUT

Sep 15 - 25, 2024. - SOLD OUT

Oct 13 - 23, 2024. - SOLD OUT

Nov 3 - 13, 2024. From $6,999

Dec 1 - 10, 2024. From $7,199

How Your Trip Matters

Wildlife is a star attraction and so is a memorable day in Nairobi visiting pioneering wildlife sanctuaries and meeting disadvantaged artisans creating beautiful works of art.

Explore the grand Maasai Mara, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Kenya’s top wildlife destination.

Discover the scenic splendor of Samburu National Reserve, known for its rare northern species such as the Grevy’s zebra, Somali ostrich, reticulated giraffe, gerenuk and the beisa oryx.

Experience a day visiting our favorite “Make Travel Matter” sights in Nairobi including the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, best known for its orphaned elephant project.

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**International airfare from New York (JFK) is included. For baggage information visit the airline's website .

1. Sarova Stanley Hotel

Nairobi, Kenya

Sarova Stanley launched itself into Kenyan history in 1902 by becoming the first luxury hotel in Nairobi and the gracious host of prominent world leaders, renowned authors, and international celebrities. Guest rooms offer a blend of Victorian elegance and comfort, combined with all the practical, amenities of the modern age. The hotel offers an eclectic mix of dining options, from delectable Thai specialties, an Al fresco dinner with a city view, to an open air bistro café. The bar, with a refined ambiance, set in early 19th century décor, creates an elegant environment ideal for consuming any brew.

2. Sarova Shaba Game Lodge

Samburu National Park, Kenya

Sarova Shaba Game Lodge is located in the heart of the Shaba Game Reserve along the bank of the Ewaso Nyiro River, laid out around the natural springs that flow into the river. The lodge has a virtual mini forest of indigenous trees and a fish pond.  The chalet-style rooms feature private balconies with close views of the river and game park. Supported by the lodge’s own vegetable and herb garden, all meals are served ‘al fresco’.  Raised on stilts, the restaurant offers breathtaking views of the lush gardens and the Ewaso Nyiro River. The bar is located along the river bank with natural spring water channels where guests can unwind. The swimming pool offers a relaxing spot, further enhanced with an elaborate pool bar that serves refreshing fresh juices, a variety of cocktails, beers and light beverages. Relax and unwind at the spa while listening to the trickling natural streams and sounds of the African jungle.

3. Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge

Kenya, Lake Nakuru National Park

Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge is nestled along the Lion Hill overlooking the spectacular flamingo pink rimmed Lake Nakuru. The location offers an ideal place for panoramic views of the lake and the picturesque Lake Nakuru National Park. The lodge is a natural haven for bird life and attracts over 50 species of birds among the 400 species that inhabit the park. Each chalet offers private patios with panoramic views of Lake Nakuru, ensuite bathrooms with showers, running hot and cold water, razor outlets, beds with mosquito nets, hair dryer and tea/coffee making facilities. The Flamingo restaurant serves buffet breakfast, lunch and dinner.  The rift valley bar is just the right spot for that magical sundowner. The bar opens into an amphitheater where cultural dancers entertain visitors each evening. An inviting swimming pool & sauna facilities are also available. Guests can also enjoy outdoor massage treatments.

4. Sarova Mara Game Camp

Kenya, Masai Mara

Sarova Mara Game Camp is set amidst wide gardens of manicured lawns and exotic plants. The camp offers spacious luxurious tents attractively constructed in light beige canvas with large “windows”, wooden flooring and a permanent roof. All have ensuite bathrooms with hairdryers, shaver outlets for 110v and 200v and fully stocked mini bar. Large wooden decks offer a place to relax outside your tent. Enjoy the wonderful view while listening to the orchestra of rasping cicadas, croaking tree frogs and the intermittent call of birds and monkeys - a memorable symphony. All meals are served at the Isokun Restaurant overlooking the main pool, with a backdrop of the beautiful forest cover that surrounds the camp. The camp is uniquely laid out over the sprawling grounds that include rolling manicured greens, a virtual mini forest of indigenous shrubs and exotic trees, a large pond stocked with fish, mini bird sanctuary and an authentic Maasai village adjoining the Camp.

Day 1. New York/Nairobi, Kenya

Depart New York on your Kenya Airways flight to Nairobi. Sit back, relax, and prepare for an exhilarating adventure.

Day 2. Nairobi, Kenya

Jambo na Karibu! With a warm Swahili welcome, you will be met and transferred to the Sarova Stanley Hotel. Relax and enjoy the remainder of the day at leisure.

Sarova Stanley Hotel

Day 3. Nairobi

safari tour afrika tiere

Day 4. Nairobi / Samburu

After breakfast, continue to the Samburu National Reserve, arriving in time for lunch. Later this afternoon set out on a game drive in search of the rare wildlife only found north of the equator. This region provides excellent year-round game viewing including a chance to encounter the ‘Samburu five’ – reticulated giraffe, Beisa oryx, gerenuk, Somali ostrich & Grevy's zebra. (BLD)

Sarova Shaba Game Lodge

Day 5. Samburu National Reserve

Spend the day game viewing in Samburu and Shaba Reserves with both morning and afternoon game drives. The Ewaso Nyiro River is the lifeline for the people and animals in the area and crocodile share the banks with elephant, lion, buffalo and even the elusive leopard. (BLD)

Day 6. Samburu National Reserve / Lake Nakuru

After an early morning breakfast, continue to Lake Nakuru which is the most famous of the Great Rift Valley lakes and home to a shifting population of over one million flamingos. Arrive in time for lunch at Sarova Lion Hill Lodge. Spend the afternoon on safari in search of both black and white rhino, and you have a higher than average chance of spotting a leopard. Other wildlife includes lion, hippo, the rare Rothschild's giraffe, Colobus monkey, numerous plains game and 450 species of birds. (BLD)

Sarova Lion Hill Game Lodge

Day 7. Lake Nakuru / Masai Mara

After breakfast, you will be driven to the world-famous Masai Mara National Reserve, backdrop to the “greatest wildlife spectacle on earth”, the annual migration of over one million wildebeest. The Masai Mara National Reserve is an extension of the Serengeti National Park. Named for the Maasai tribes people (the traditional inhabitants of the area) and the Mara River which divides it, it is famous for its exceptional population of wildlife. Arrive in time for lunch at your lodge followed by an afternoon game drive on safari in Kenya's most popular reserve. (BLD)

Sarova Mara Game Camp

Day 8. Masai Mara National Reserve

Spend the days on safari in one of Africa's richest wildlife viewing arenas with morning and afternoon game drives. The Masai Mara National Reserve offers wonderful scenery of breathtaking vistas, panoramas of vast rolling plains, hills and woodland groves. The Mara is home to the largest population of lions in Kenya; these magnificent predators spend most of the day sleeping in the shade of Acacia trees. (BLD)

Day 9. Masai Mara National Reserve

Enjoy breakfast before heading out on another game viewing activity. The waters of the Mara River are home to crocodile and hippo, while the woodlands and forests are favored by leopard and elephant. The open savannah areas play host to the plains’ game. You may choose an optional visit to a Maasai village, a fantastic cultural experience (own account). Spend the evening at the lodge where colorful Maasai dance and cultural performances are offered. (BLD)

Day 10. Masai Mara National Reserve / Nairobi / Depart

Enjoy a final game drive on the way to the airstrip. A short flight takes you back to Nairobi and on to your airport hotel. After lunch freshen up, repack and relax in your day room. This evening transfer to Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport with plenty of time to check-in for your onward arrangements. (BL)

Day 11. New York

Arrive home with a lifetime of memories!

Land Arrangements (Price per person)

**Surcharges Apply Limited no single supplement on 2024 departures. (Except May 19, 2024 departure). Limited no single supplement on April & May 2025 departures.Departs with a minimum of 4 guests.

Air Arrangements

International airfare from New York is included in Land Arrangements. Based on space availability.

*Please check with our Safari Specialist for International airfares.

Air Arrangements (Internal Airfare)

Magical Kenya

10 days from $8,899 per person


Looking for an Out of Africa experience? Travel to magical Kenya visiting the savannas of the Maasai Mara, spotting the ‘Samburu five’, and enjoying unique safari clubs and luxurious camps and lodges. 

Captivating Kenya

9 days from $18,195 per person

Participate in Kenya’s conservation success story on this safari adventure combining two amazing wildlife regions. Plus, a donation is made to care for orphaned elephants at Reteti Elephant Sanctuary.

Rwanda in the Mist

Follow in the footsteps of late activist Dian Fossey and observe the “Gorillas in the Mist” on this extraordinary journey into Rwanda’s Virunga Mountains and Parc National des Volcans.



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African Travel Concept

  • African Safari

Southern Africa offers unique and awe-inspiring safari experiences, from Botswana’s Okavango Delta to Namibia’s Etosha National Park, with encounters with the Big Five and diverse wildlife. Zambia’s South Luangwa Park provides walking safaris; Zimbabwe’s Hwange Park boasts immense elephant herds; and Botswana’s Makgadikgadi Pans teem with meerkats and flamingos. South Africa offers Kruger Park and private reserves like Sabi Sand, known for exceptional leopard sightings.

As a safari- specialized international tour operator, we offer a wide array of tailored experiences, from luxurious private reserve safaris to self-drive adventures and family-friendly safaris. Explore African wildlife on game drives, walking safaris, birdwatching, and night-time excursions. With packages across Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, and South Africa, our safaris promise unforgettable and enriching journeys into the wild.

Recommended Tours


Safari, Wine And The Mother City

11 Days | From R 41,786.00 pps

South Africa

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Kruger & Panorama Route Breakaway

4 Days | From R 16,040.00 pps


Private-Collection Bush & Beach

16 Days | From $14,217.00 pps

Botswana | Seychelles


Zimbabwe In Style

10 Days | From $7,600.00 pps


Floating & Big 5 Safari

9 Days | From $9,435.00 pps


Romance Zambia

10 Days | From $90,660.00 pps


Zambia Mobile Walking Safari

8 Days | From R 122,314.00 pps

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Zulu Safari and Pearly Beach

8 Days | From $4,040.00 pps

South Africa | Mozambique

safari tour afrika tiere

Botswana Blooming Desert Mobile Safari

10 Days | From $5,195.00 pps

Guided Safaris in the Kruger National Park Lion sighting

Black Mamba Experience

4 Days | From R 24,310.00 pps

safari tour afrika tiere

Botswana Photographic Safari

7 Days | From $2,450.00 pps

safari tour afrika tiere

Kruger Park Safari Fly-in

4 Days | From R 29,555.00 pps

safari tour afrika tiere

Kruger to Coast

4 Days | From R 160,000.00 pps

safari tour afrika tiere

Malaria Free Family Safari

5 Days | From R 36,000.00 pps

safari tour afrika tiere

Kwandwe, Cape Town & Tswalu

12 Days | From R 266,340.00 pps

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Read more on safari tier ratings scroll down for details....

  • Tier Ratings

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  • S ustainable tourism that allows minimal environmental and habitat impact.
  • E ducation within the local population that allows communities to be protectors and champions of the ecosystems while appreciating and being respectful of customs, language, and ways of life.
  • A uthentic and unscripted nature, wildlife and cultural experience with low tourist numbers at safari camps and lodges.
  • R esponsibility in caring for the environment, business practices, fair trade and high quality operational standards.
  • C onservation model to protect wildlife, reduce pressure and encroachment on the ecology.
  • H ospitality inclusion of communities, and support of camps, lodges and transportation organizations who are genuinely focused on local investment and the creation of community employment.

safari tour afrika tiere

  • Sustainable Conservation
  • Pricing (Off To Peak Season)*

Safari Tier 1

Premier Experience

  • 4 to 12 Rooms
  • Outstanding
  • Highest Impact
  • From $1500 to $2500 For Premier Luxury & $2500 to $4000+ For Ultra-Luxury - Per Day & Person

Safari Tier 2

Deluxe Experience

  • 12 to 30 Rooms
  • Above Average
  • Applaudable
  • Medium Impact
  • From $1000 to $1500+ For Deluxe Experience - Per Day & Person

Safari Tier 3

Value Experience

  • 30 to 100+ Rooms
  • Road Mostly
  • Minimal Impact
  • From $750 to $1000+ For Value Experience - Per Day & Person


five star africanmecca safaris reviews

Greetings to you and our most fervent thanks for a wonderful trip of Kenya, Zanzibar, South Africa & Victoria Falls. Everything went very well. This was truly a perfect vacation. Thank you so much for all your arrangements.

Adrienne & Barrie Carter - Canada

Dear Raza, The accommodations you recommended were superb. We loved them all -- Giraffe Manor, Wilderness Trails, Governor's Il Moran, Ngorongoro Crater Lodge and Mnemba Island Lodge.

Pat Bernard, Vice President, Global Channel Sales, Novell Corp - New Hampshire United States

AfricanMecca Safaris created a remarkable honeymoon tailored to our interests and desires. The quality of service and delivery of experience was unsurpassed. I highly recommend AfricanMecca Safaris to honeymooners, families, or any traveler.

Noorin & Jason Nelson - Maryland, United States

We had a great time on your safaris. Thank you very much for all that you did for us. We were in Africa overall for 5 weeks and spent time in South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Tanzania. We just totally loved it.

Bruce and Susie Ironside - New Zealand

I cannot say enough about the quality of AfricanMecca. Their teams in Kenya and Tanzania were top notch. Raza, again thanks to you and your entire organization! We will be repeat customers.

Dan Kobick - Managing Director, PricewaterhouseCoopers - New York, United States

I booked my safari holiday through AfricanMecca. They were the most helpful company I have ever dealt with and I work within the travel industry. I had the most amazing time. The holiday went as clockwork with no hitches anywhere.

Shelley Roberts - Hemel Hempstead, United Kingdom

This is to let you know my guests, The Bryant's, had a wonderful time on the trip Samburu, Masai Mara/Kenya, Chobe/Botswana & Victoria Falls/Zambia. Everything was perfect! Thank you..

Christine Milan - MT Carmel Travel - Connecticut, United States

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Review diverse Africa safari experiences available from luxury, honeymoons, photo and family tours to bush walks, birding, balloon trips, horse rides including private, custom and boutique options.



Review diverse Africa seaside experiences available from idyllic beaches and castaway barefoot islands to scuba diving and snorkeling in marine reserves, fishing, dhow cruises and coastal excursions.



Review mountain climbing experiences available in Africa – the highest in Africa, Kilimanjaro. Go on guided treks to Mount Kenya, Meru to Ol Doinyo Lengai. Your climb is entirely your own to design.



Review recommended itineraries and prices of our discerning Africa safaris with the option of customizing your tour based on your needs and preferences.



Review experiences from wildlife photo safari, horse riding, bush walks, mountain treks, honeymoon to family beach vacation, diving, snorkeling & fishing.



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Review Africa's beautiful Indian Ocean coast and islands where the turquoise waters tenderly wash up white sand beaches that create a serene ambience.


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Review full or half day city tour options for Cape Town, Nairobi, Johannesburg, Zanzibar etc. Experiences can be customized around your vacation travels.



There are infinite reasons to visit Africa e.g wildlife safaris, gorilla and chimp treks, birding, beaches, mountain climbing, cultural tours and more.


When visiting Africa, we recommend your tour to varied national parks in Africa like Serengeti and Ngorongoro Crater in Tanzania , Kruger in South Africa , Chobe and Okavango Delta in Botswana , Masai Mara in Kenya to climbing Kilimanjaro , or gorilla and chimpanzee primate safari treks in Rwanda & Uganda ending with beachfront retreat to Zanzibar Island or Cape Town.

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Masai Mara Horseback Riding Safari In Kenya With AfricanMecca

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Times Square New York Hosts Kenya Tourism Board & Wilderness Safaris Meet Up

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Afrika Safari Reisen

Abenteuerliche Streifzüge durch unberührte Natur und spannende Tierbeobachtungen : Auf einer Safari in Afrika kannst du den bekannten „Big Five" und zahlreichen weiteren wilden Tiere in spektakulärer Natur begegnen. Nutze die Chance, auf einer Pirschfahrt die Tiere aus nächster Nähe zu erspähen. Ob Tierströme auf der alljährlichen „Great Migration“ zwischen der Serengeti und der Masai Mara oder Gorillas im Zuge eines Gorilla Trackings: Von einem Safari-Urlaub kommst du garantiert mit unvergesslichen Erlebnissen im Gepäck wieder nach Hause.

Safaris Afrika: Reiseziele

Afrika pur in Tansanias Serengeti erleben oder sich auf die Suche nach Gorillas im dichten Dschungel Ugandas begeben. Mit einem Mokoro die verschlungenen Wasserwege des Okavango Deltas erkunden oder über die unglaubliche Anzahl an Tieren während der „Großen Wanderung“ in der Masai Mara staunen ­– all das und noch mehr erwartet dich auf einer Safari-Tour in Afrika.

In Namibias Etosha Nationalpark und Südafrikas berühmten Kruger Nationalpark kannst du zudem mit etwas Glück die „Big Five" beobachten: Auf einer Afrika-Safari führen dich unsere beliebtesten Reiseziele durch atemberaubende Landschaften und faszinierende Tierwelten. Gehe auf Entdeckungsreise und komme Leoparden, Löwen, Elefanten, Gorillas und Co. so nahe wie noch nie.

Alle Safaris in Afrika

Unsere beliebtesten Afrika Safari-Reisen

Beobachte auf deinem Afrika Safari-Urlaub die riesigen Gnuherden während der „Great Migration“ oder erlebe im Kruger Nationalpark, wie Elefanten in ihrem natürlichen Lebensraum umherstreifen. Übernachte auf deiner Afrika Safari-Tour in komfortablen Lodges in Botswana oder begebe dich auf eine abenteuerliche Campingsafari in Namibia. Stöbere durch unsere Safari-Reisen in Afrika und lasse dich inspirieren !

Simbabwe & Botswana Game Tracker

Du hast Fragen zu einer Safari-Reise in Afrika? Wir helfen dir gerne weiter!

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Wo sollte man in afrika safari machen.

Beliebte Ziele für einen Safari-Urlaub in Afrika sind Südafrika, Namibia, Botswana, Tansania und Kenia. Wer Gorillas und Schimpansen aus nächster Nähe beobachten will, der ist im Dschungel Ugandas und Ruandas am besten aufgehoben. Prinzipiell erspäht man auf einer Safari in Afrika in den zahlreichen Nationalparks das meiste Großwild . Zu den beliebtesten Sehenswürdigkeiten und Naturschutzgebieten Afrikas gehören:

  • Serengeti Nationalpark in Tansania: Gehe auf Pirschfahrt in einem der größten Naturschutzgebiete der Erde und erlebe auf deiner Tansania Abenteuertour in der Serengeti den Beginn der jährlichen „Großen Wanderung“ unzähliger Huftiere.
  • Masai Mara in Kenia: An die Serengeti grenzend, erreicht die spektakuläre „Great Migration“ im Masai Mara Reservat ihren Höhepunkt. Ein faszinierender Tierreichtum erwartet dich.
  • Okavango Delta in Botswana: Beobachte auf einer spannenden Mokoro-Safari im größten Binnendelta der Welt die vielfältige Flora und Fauna dieses einmaligen Naturwunders.
  • Etosha Nationalpark in Namibia: In einer riesigen weißen salzverkrusteten Pfanne liegt Etosha, das bekannteste Schutzgebiet des Landes, in dem du auf deiner Namibia-Campingreise nach den „Big Five“ Ausschau halten kannst.
  • Kruger Nationalpark in Südafrika: Das größte Wildschutzgebiet Südafrikas ist nicht nur Heimat der „Großen Fünf“, auch Warzenschweine, Krokodile, Wildhunde und Nilpferde sind hier zu Hause.
  • Bwindi Impenetrable Nationalpark in Uganda und Volcanoes Nationalpark in Ruanda: Plötzlich tauchen auf deinem Abenteuer in Uganda wie aus dem Nichts die majestätischen Berggorillas im undurchdringlichen Dschungel auf - ein unbeschreibliches Gefühl! Gorillas zu beobachten, gehört wohl zu den beeindruckendsten Tiersichtungen überhaupt.

Safaris Afrika - Wann ist die beste Reisezeit?

Bei Safari-Reisen kommt es darauf an, auf welche Aktivitäten du am meisten Wert legst. Denn je nach Zeitspanne kannst du entweder zahlreiche Tiere in deinem Afrika-Urlaub auf Safari beobachten oder den Fokus mehr auf die spektakuläre Natur Afrikas richten. Für eine Afrika-Safari in den bekanntesten Nationalparks und Schutzgebieten empfehlen sich folgende Zeiträume :

  • Botswana : Für Safaris im Okavango Delta und Chobe Nationalpark eignen sich die Monate April bis Oktober für spannende Mokoro-Fahrten im größten Binnendelta der Welt und für aufregende Pirschfahrten am besten.
  • Simbabwe : Die Monate Juni bis Oktober sind am ehesten für Safaris im Hwange Nationalpark geeignet, wenn sich in der Trockenzeit die Tiere an den Wasserlöchern sammeln.
  • Sambia : Der South Luangwa Nationalpark gilt als einer der tierreichsten des Landes und empfiehlt sich für Safari-Reisen zwischen Mai und Oktober.
  • Namibia: Der Zeitraum zwischen April und Oktober eignet sich vorzugsweise für Pirschfahrten im Etosha Nationalpark, dem meistbesuchten Ziel Namibias.
  • Südafrika: Zwischen Juni und November ergeben sich im Kruger Nationalpark die größten Chancen, auf einem Gamedrive die Big Five zu treffen.
  • Tansania: Wer sich mit den riesigen Herden auf die „Große Wanderung“ durch die Serengeti begeben will, der startet seine Safari zwischen Dezember und März im Südosten oder zwischen Juni und Ende September im Nordwesten. Letzteres trifft ebenfalls auf den Ngorongoro Krater zu.
  • Kenia: Zwischen Juni und Oktober erreichen die Tiere im Zuge der „Great Migration“ die Masai Mara und begeistern mit einem herrlichen Naturschauspiel. Daneben eignet sich der Zeitraum zwischen Dezember und März perfekt für Pirschfahrten in der Masai Mara.
  • Uganda/Ruanda: Ein Besuch bei den eindrucksvollen Berggorillas bietet sich am besten zwischen Dezember und Februar und von Juni bis September an.

Wie viel kostet eine Safari in Afrika?

Safari Reisen in Afrika bescheren dir unvergessliche Erlebnisse . Allgemein gilt: Je weniger Komfort, desto preiswerter wird die Reise. Wenn du nach Afrika reisen und günstig auf Safari gehen willst, dann starte am besten mit einer Campingtour durch Namibia und Südafrika. Diese Reisen mit Zelten als Unterkunft liegen im Schnitt bei 100 € bis 200 € pro Person am Tag.

Bei Touren mit festen Unterkünften und individuell zusammengestellten Reisen kannst du grob mit 200 € bis 300 € pro Person am Tag rechnen. Bis zu 500 € pro Person am Tag kosten exklusive Flugsafaris. Stöbere durch unser vielfältiges Angebot und wende dich bei Fragen an uns , um deinen persönlichen Safari-Urlaub zu buchen.

Safari Afrika - Reisearten: Welche Safaris gibt es?

Ob Abenteuerreisen mit Camping in der Wildnis Namibias oder eine exklusive Flugsafari in Tansania: Ein Afrika-Urlaub mit Safari ist alles andere als langweilig. Raus aus der Komfortzone und rein ins Abenteuer ! Diese Unterkunfts- und Reisearten für eine Safari in Afrika gibt es unter anderem:

Übernachten in Lodges

Komfortabel in einer Lodge in Tansania wohnen und das inmitten der Wildnis zwischen Kilimandscharo und der Serengeti oder in der Masai Mara Kenias? Dies kannst du auf einer spannenden Lodge-Safari durch Afrika erleben.   


Wer es rustikaler mag, der ist auf einer Campingsafari genau richtig. Gemütliches Beisammensein am Lagerfeuer und Schlafen unter dem Sternenhimmel gehören zu einer Gruppen- oder Overlandtour mit Zelt dazu.

Flug- oder Bootssafari

Eine Flug- oder Bootssafari ist die wohl exklusivste Art, Tiere zu beobachten. Entdecke die beeindruckendsten Naturparadiese Tansanias und Botswanas auf einer Flugsafari oder erlebe die Wildnis im Herzen des Okavango Delta auf einer Bootssafari .

Gorilla Tracking

Gänsehaut ist vorprogrammiert, wenn die imposanten Gorillas im dichten Dickicht des Dschungels auftauchen. Beobachte die Tiere in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung auf einem Gorilla Tracking in Uganda oder Ruanda.

Weiterlesen: Möchtest du gern die beeindruckenden "Big Five" sehen? Lies weiter und erfahre mehr über Big Five Safaris .

Safari und Badeurlaub

Gehe in deinem Urlaub auf Safari und springe danach ins kühle Nass: Auf unseren Kombireisen aus Safari und Baden kannst du nach spannenden Pirschfahrten an den traumhaften Stränden des Indischen Ozeans ausspannen und dir die frische Meeresbrise um die Ohren wehen lassen.

Safari Afrika buchen: Mit dem Reisespezialist moja TRAVEL

Erlebe eine unvergessliche Safari : Afrika ist einer der faszinierendsten Kontinente und überzeugt durch seine Tiervielfalt, atemberaubende Natur und Gastfreundschaft der Einwohner. Ob auf Safari im Südafrika-Urlaub oder auf Pirschfahrt in Botswana: moja TRAVEL unterstützt dich gerne bei der Suche und bietet dir zahlreiche Angebote, um eine Safari günstig buchen zu können. Kontaktiere uns ! Unsere Reiseexperten freuen sich, gemeinsam mit dir unvergessliche Safaris zu planen.

Starte auf einer Safari in dein Afrika-Abenteuer!

Wilde Tiere in atemberaubender Landschaft - Auf einer Afrika-Safari erlebst du unvergessliche Momente! Kontaktiere uns, um gemeinsam mit dir deine Reise nach Afrika zu buchen.

Jetzt gleich buchen

FAQ - Häufig gestellte Fragen

Sowohl die Reisen als auch die Kosten für eine Safari in Afrika sind so vielfältig wie die Länder Afrikas selbst. Die Reiseart, das Land, der gewünschte Komfort und die Reisezeit können sich auf die Kosten auswirken. Campingsafaris in Namibia und Südafrika gibt es beispielsweise ab 100 € pro Person am Tag, während Touren mit festen Unterkünften und individuell zusammengestellte Safaris etwa bei 200 € pro Person am Tag starten.

Wo in Afrika Safari machen?

Botswana, Tansania, Kenia, Uganda, Namibia und Südafrika gehören zu den beliebtesten Ländern für eine Safari in Afrika. Viele unterschiedliche Nationalparks und Reservate laden zu Pirschfahrten in beeindruckender Landschaft ein. Für deine erste Safari sind beispielsweise Namibia mit dem Etosha Nationalpark und Südafrika mit dem Kruger Nationalpark besonders gut geeignet, um zu starten.

Wann ist die beste Zeit für eine Afrika Safari?

Viele Länder im südlichen und östlichen Afrika sind ganzjährig gut zu bereisen. Allerdings gelten die jeweiligen Trockenzeiten als die beste Reisezeit für Safaris in Afrika. Gerne schauen wir, welche Safari in welchem Land am besten zu deinem Urlaubszeitraum passt.

Wo ist eine Safari am günstigsten?

Eine Safari ist nie die günstige Art zu reisen, jedoch ein unbezahlbares Erlebnis. Dennoch lässt sich sagen, dass Safaris in Südafrika und Namibia oft etwas preiswerter sind als in Tansania oder Botswana. Eine Campingsafari in Namibia und Südafrika für unter 100 € pro Person am Tag ist wohl der günstigste Weg, eine Safari in Afrika zu erleben.

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Good Earth Tours®

Keep african  adventures perfect... travel responsibly.

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Travel Responsibly

Good Earth Tours ® was created to help people travel in Africa easily while also making a difference in the lives of the people we work with within the tourism industry . When it comes to finding an exceptional safari experience, there are a lot of choices – like where to go, where to stay, what to eat, and who will guide you. We know the regions intimately and care about all these things to make your safari the best it can be.

We don’t just design and deliver awesome safaris. We also give our team, suppliers and partners a good and supportive environment to thrive, so they can make your safari really special.

From our cool safari vehicles to taking care of animals and nature, we think about everything to make sure you have a fun and comfortable time. Come and join us on a journey through Africa – every step you take with us makes a big difference. Get ready for an amazing adventure with Good Earth Tours®!

GET Populars

Have you ever dreamed of witnessing the Great Migration in the Serengeti? Imagined yourself standing atop the majestic Mt. Kilimanjaro, taking in breathtaking panoramic views? Envisioned getting up close to untamed wildlife in Southern Tanzania or Northern Kenya? Or perhaps meeting the fierce Maasai warriors in Tanzania, the indigenous Hadzabe people of Lake Eyasi, or the vibrant Samburu community in Central Kenya?

Duration $ 2,595

Price 9 Days

Duration 9 Days

Price $ 2,270

Duration 5 Days

Price $1,935

Price $5,300

Duration $ 2,900

Price 8 Days

Price $2,290

At Good Earth, we understand that a safari transcends the mere presence of extraordinary wildlife in East Africa. Instead, it's the synergy of interconnected elements that crafts an unforgettable safari experience for our valued guests. This ultimate satisfaction prompts delighted clients to share their experiences with friends and family, leading to more travelers choosing to embark on journeys with us!


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Safaris In Tanzania

Safaris in south africa, safaris in uganda, safaris in combo, safaris in rwanda, safaris in kenya, safaris in botswana, trekking in mt. kilimanjaro, trekking in mt. meru, members of the top tourism and sustainable association.

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We're a team of locals who grew up together in a small village in Tanzania (+ one American) sharing a love and passion for the wildlife & nature, people & culture, and beauty of our home and we want to show it off to the rest of the world! We take pride in our reputation for hosting visitors and treating people like family. We are working towards uniting conservation, communities, and sustainable travel by employing locals, giving back to the community and partnering with other locally owned and eco-friendly companies. We may be a newer company but our staff shares a combined experience of over 40 years in tour operations so you are sure to have a safe, fun and a once in a lifetime adventure with us!

Welcome to Tanzania!

Karibu Tanzania! 

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What We Offer

Whether you're looking for an adventure through the plains of the Serengeti, a trek up Mt Kilimanjaro, an eye-opening cultural tour, relaxing on the beautiful beaches of Zanzibar or volunteering in the local community, we can help you make that happen! Simply let us know where you want to go, and we'll help you figure out the rest. We work directly with other companies to get the best deals and ensure you have a fun and life-changing experience!

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Why Book With Us?

When you book with us you're not just going on Safari. You are making an impact on the lives of kids in our local community. A portion of the proceeds of every trip goes to Christ Hope Orphanage in Arusha. We support a total of 80+ kids ranging from primary school to local universities and beyond. While working with us we want you to be completely happy with the experience. If you have questions about us or our services, get in touch! We hope you continue to book with us for many years to come. 

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Witness the Great Migration!

THE GREAT MIGRATION. Afrika's race for life. The journey for the key players in the Great Migration, the roughly two million wildebeest, starts in the southern portion of Serengeti, with the birth of half a million calves between January and March. Serengeti National Park is the #1 safari destination in the world, the only place where you can witness millions of migrating wildebeest over the Acacia plains and probably the closest you will ever get to an untouched Afrikan wilderness!

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  • Diani Beach
  • Iconic Mara
  • Lake Naivasha & Nakuru
  • Mount Kenya
  • Samburu National Reserve
  • Tsavo East & West
  • Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Ngorongoro Crater


For The Curious

Masai Mara Packages

Masai Mara Packages

Kenya Safaris

Kenya Safaris

Special Safaris

Special Safaris

Flight Safaris

Flight Safaris

Mount Kenya Climbing

Mount Kenya Climbing


Kenya Holiday Ideas

Unlock Experiences with exciting and affordable Kenya holiday safaris & adventures made for all type of travelers. Discover your safari vacation in Kenya with kids, friends and loved ones, exploring the best safari lodges in Kenya and Tanzania.


Masai mara experience safari.

The reserve is a photographer’s and travellers paradise, dramatic river crossings and of course... more wildlife and adventure with abundant elephant, buffalo, giraffe, lion and cheetah alongside the migratory wildebeest and zebra and large numbers of hippos and crocodiles are found in the Mara River.

Great Migration Safari

Over two million wildebeest , zebra and other herbivores trek from the southern  Serengeti  to the lush green grasses of the  Masai Mara . Known as one of the seven wonders of the world, the great migration is an iconic safari must-see.


Magnificent masai mara & lake nakuru.

Enjoy unlimited game viewing drives, the colorful Masai tribesmen and cultural tour. A tour in undeniably one of Africa’s top safari destinations.


Masai mara, lake nakuru & amboseli.

A safari to some of Kenya’s leading National Parks and Reserves. Amboseli National Park, famous for its views of Mount Kilimanjaro and good numbers of elephants, Lake Nakuru with its diverse wildlife and distinctive lakes, and the world-renowned Masai Mara.


Masai mara, l.nakuru, l.naivasha ^ hell's gate.

A perfectly tailored 5 days Kenya safari to offer some of the spectacular views in Kenya, this safari takes you on a visit to Masai Mara, the most popular wildlife safari destination in Kenya, Lake Nakuru a birder’s haven and home to the endangered black and white rhinos, and finish off with a cycling safari at Hell’s Gate.


The kenyan explorer safari.

Views of snow-capped Mt. Kilimanjaro - Game drives to see chimpanzees, lions, waterbuck, and elands among others. - Opportunities to touch rhinos - Discovery boat ride – view wildlife on the shore, walking safari on Crescent Island amongst the giraffes, zebras & more.


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Tailor Made Safari Experiences

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A team you can trust.

We’re with you every step of the way on your bucket list African adventure, getting you there and allowing you to enjoy an assurance that you will get the best of our affordable Kenya safari holidays matching from midrange safaris to luxury African holidays.

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First time safari in africa.

Join our daily small group joining safaris in Kenya. See where were off to next! Suitable for solo travelers, couples, friends, or groups. You will have a chance to meet travelers from different backgrounds with different safari views.


Luxury kenya safaris.

Experience the beauty of a luxury Kenya safari, a travel that promises to make you feel better, beyond treating. From the majestic wildlife of Masai Mara to the best luxury safari accommodations in Kenya, let us guide you to some of the most epic wildlife locations on earth.

Combined Wildlife & Beach Tours

Safari & beach holidays.

With diverse attraction sites Kenya offers a special appeal whereby you’ll be in a position to experience an incredible lifetime journey composed of good game watching to great beaches and historic landmarks.


Kenya & tanzania safari.

Our private safaris in Kenya offers you freedom of flexibility and exclusivity during all your game drives, ensuring smooth transfer arrangements and use of the guide and vehicle ensuring value for money.

Join Our Group Tours

Small group joining safaris, daytrip excursions, kenya daytrip tours.

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The Best Safari Destinations In Kenya

Uncover the top African safari destinations with Kenya delivering some of the best African safaris. From unforgettable family friendly safaris with child-friendly activities to game-filled Masai Mara & sun-soaked Kenya beaches, we share Kenya’s best safari parks and reserves to satisfy every traveler.


Famous for hosting the epic Great Migration, the Masai Mara welcomes 1,5 million wildebeests onto its sprawling savannahs each July through to October, and is also home to the big 5 cats/predators.

The backdrop of the scenic Mount Kilimanjaro of Tanzania makes it one of Kenya’s most attractive areas for safari exploration. It is also referred to as the home of the African giant due to its great numbers when it comes to elephants.


 At 5,199 m, stands Mount Kenya, the second highest peak in Africa. Made up of 3 peaks, Batian – Nelion and Point Lenana, the trek up Mount Kenya might look challenging but it rewards all the way to the peak.


Tsavo west & tsavo east.

Tsavo East national park, also labelled “Theatre of the Wild”. Famous with its large herds of the red-dusted Elephants. Tsavo East and Tsavo West national park are the two national parks that form the great Tsavo National Park.

The reserve is characterized by an arid and semi-arid climate, with stunning landscapes and wide open spaces giving you breathtaking views. The reserve offers a colorful variety of experiences for the guests.


Diani Beach is a major beach at the coast of Kenya, and boasts as one of Africa’s leading beach destination. Diani beach is a vibrant paradise on the calm shore of Indian Ocean south of Kenya.

Lake Nakuru & Lake Naivasha

These parks offer colorful sceneries for photography and videography. The parks boasts a rich number of wildlife composed of giraffes, leopards, rhinos, buffalos, zebras, impalas, and waterbucks which can be sighted.

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Wildlife conservation.

' src=

As African Vulture Safaris, we are dedicated t0 showcasing the wonders of wildlife while promoting conservation efforts to protect our planet's natural habitats. One of our most popular tours is

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Tour at Maasai Mara

If you are looking for a once-in-a-lifetime safari experience, then look no further than a trip to the Maasai Mara in 2022. The Maasai Mara is one of the most

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Dedicated Dream Team

Making affordable luxury safari dreams come true for more than 60 years, Lion World Travel is one of North America’s largest operators of safaris to Africa. We love Africa and specialize in small group safaris and custom tours to Southern Africa, East Africa and Egypt.

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Born From Kindred Spririts

Luxury African lifestyle brand, which transforms African art into global design through fabric, wallpaper, furniture, cushions and tableware with local artisans. Through our exclusive partnership, you can meet the artists and bring Africa to your home.

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  • Zanzibar (416)
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Top 20 Best Tanzania Safaris - Compare 4,057 Tours

4-Day Best Tarangire, Serengeti & Ngorongoro Crater Trip

4-Day Best Tarangire, Serengeti & Ngorongoro Crater Trip

$1,320 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Mid-range Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Serengeti NP, Central Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Arusha (End)

Allen Tanzania Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  19 Reviews

4-Day Manyara, Serengeti & Ngorongoro Luxury Adventure

4-Day Manyara, Serengeti & Ngorongoro Luxury Adventure

$2,270 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Luxury Lodge

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Lake Manyara NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Arusha (End)

Savannah Explorers   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  497 Reviews

6-Day Safari Adventure Balloon Ride and Night Drive

6-Day Safari Adventure Balloon Ride and Night Drive

$4,080 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Kilimanjaro Airport (End)

Benson Safaris Tanzania   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

4.9 /5  –  221 Reviews

8-Day Mid-Range Serengeti Wildbeest Migration Tour

8-Day Mid-Range Serengeti Wildbeest Migration Tour

$2,530 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Central Serengeti NP, Northern Serengeti NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara NP, Kilimanjaro Airport (End)

Meru Slopes Tours & Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  319 Reviews

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8-Day Midrange Great Migration Safari -Kogatende

$3,870 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Serengeti NP, Northern Serengeti NP, Central Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara NP, Arusha (End)

Habitat Adventures Travel   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  39 Reviews

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3-Day Shared Midrange Safari Serengeti to Ngorongoro

$1,032 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Shared tour (max 6 people per vehicle) Mid-range Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Arusha (End)

kiliclimb Africa Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  38 Reviews

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4-Day Travel Africa Premium Luxury Safari Tanzania

$3,080 to $3,460 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Luxury+ Lodge

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Arusha (End)

Gamedrive Travel Africa Safari Agency   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  318 Reviews

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7-Day Luxury Safari All-Inclusive

$3,344 to $3,966 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Luxury Lodge & Tented Camp

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Lake Manyara NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Arusha (End)

Tour operator has an office in United States

5.0 /5  –  374 Reviews

7-Day Best of Tanzania Safari Experience

$2,310 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Highlands, Ngorongoro Crater, Arusha (End)

RajaTours Tanzania   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  101 Reviews

safari tour afrika tiere

8-Day Safari to Most Celebrated African Parks

$4,048 pp (USD)

Tanzania Roadside Expeditions   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  252 Reviews

safari tour afrika tiere

4-Day The Ultimate Tarangire, Ngorongoro & Serengeti

$1,820 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Mid-range Tented Camp

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti NP, Arusha (End)

Paradise & Wilderness   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

4.9 /5  –  141 Reviews

safari tour afrika tiere

7-Day Best of the Wild Luxury Safari

$3,522 to $3,553 pp (USD)

Kilimanjaro Adventure Safari Club   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  157 Reviews

safari tour afrika tiere

3-Day Luxury Fly in Tour to Serengeti and Ngorongoro

$2,512 to $2,981 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Luxury Tented Camp

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Central Serengeti NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Highlands, Arusha (End)

EATL Tour Company   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  9 Reviews

safari tour afrika tiere

10-Day Exclusive Tanzania Safari with Zanzibar

$3,126 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara NP, Tarangire NP, Zanzibar Stone Town (Zanzibar) , Zanzibar (Tanzania Beaches) , Zanzibar Airport (End)

Tanzania Wildheart Adventures   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  16 Reviews

safari tour afrika tiere

6-Day Majestic Tanzania - High-End

$4,070 to $5,290 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Luxury+ Lodge & Tented Camp

Unlimited Expeditions: The Soul of Tanzania   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

4.9 /5  –  447 Reviews

safari tour afrika tiere

7-Day Grand Migration Tanzania Safari

$2,585 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Lake Natron, Northern Serengeti NP, Central Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Highlands, Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire NP, Arusha (End)

Safari360   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

4.9 /5  –  105 Reviews

safari tour afrika tiere

3-Day 2 Nights Mikumi Safari with Maasai Village Tour

$550 to $638 pp (USD)

Tanzania: Private tour Mid-range Lodge

You Visit: Dar Es Salaam (Start) , Mikumi NP, Dar Es Salaam (End)

Connect African Safaris   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

4.9 /5  –  34 Reviews

safari tour afrika tiere

7-Day The Big Five Safari in Tanzania

$2,232 to $2,363 pp (USD)

You Visit: Moshi (Start) , Arusha (City) , Tarangire NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara NP, Moshi (End)

Serengeti Smile   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

5.0 /5  –  259 Reviews

14-Day Zanzibar and Tanzania Thrilling Vacation

$6,710 to $6,930 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti NP, Lake Manyara NP, Tarangire NP, Arusha (City) , Zanzibar (Tanzania Beaches) , Zanzibar Stone Town (Zanzibar) , Changuu Island (Zanzibar) , Nungwi (Zanzibar) , Spice Farm (Zanzibar) , Jozani Forest (Zanzibar) , Abeid Amani Karume Airport (End)

5.0 /5  –  129 Reviews

safari tour afrika tiere

6-Day Tanzania Midrange Wildlife Safari Experience

$2,090 pp (USD)

You Visit: Arusha (Start) , Tarangire NP, Lake Manyara NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Highlands, Ngorongoro Crater, Arusha (End)

Migration Venture Africa   Tour operator has an office in Tanzania

4.8 /5  –  326 Reviews

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  • Malenky Puppet Theater
  • Balashikha Museum of History and Local Lore
  • Pekhorka Park
  • Saturn Stadium
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  1. Top 20 Best African Safaris

    8-Day Mid-Range Serengeti Wildbeest Migration Tour. $2,530 pp (USD) Tanzania: Private tour Mid-range Lodge & Tented Camp. You Visit: Arusha (Start), Tarangire NP, Central Serengeti NP, Northern Serengeti NP, Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara NP, Kilimanjaro Airport (End) Meru Slopes Tours & Safaris. 5.0 /5 - 319 Reviews.

  2. All-inclusive African Safari

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  4. Africa Safari Itineraries & Tour Prices (2024-2025)

    View recommended itineraries and prices for safaris in Africa. Book honeymoon tour, family safari vacation, solo travel packages, holidays reviews, trip videos, hotel photos & travel maps. ... Find Africa Safaris & Costs By Safari Tier Experiences. ROOM RATE. Safari Room Rate & Hotel Price Guide For Africa. REVIEWS. Africa Reviews For Camps ...

  5. Best African Safari Tours, Packages & Tailored Itineraries

    Connect with an Expert. [email protected]. Go2Africa House, 12A Portswood Road. V&A Waterfront, Cape Town 8001, South Africa. Africa tour and safari packages for luxury, Big 5, family and honeymoon vacations. Everything you need to know about African safaris, from the experts.

  6. Die 10 Besten Afrika Safaris 2024/2025

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    Kenya Wildlife Safari. AIRFARE INCLUDED. Kenya. 11 days from $6,659* per person. * Based on double occupancy, incl. taxes & fuel surcharges, restrictions apply. * Prices are in US dollars, based on double occupancy. 2 Nights Nairobi 2 Nights Samburu National Reserve 1 Night Lake Nakuru 3 Nights Maasai Mara National Reserve.

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  13. 9,887 African Safari Tours (Offered by Top Rated Tour Operators)

    8-Day Safari to Most Celebrated African Parks. $4,048 pp (USD) Tanzania: Private tour Luxury Lodge & Tented Camp. You Visit: Arusha (Start), Tarangire NP, Serengeti NP, Central Serengeti NP, Ngorongoro Crater, Arusha (End) Tanzania Roadside Expeditions. 5.0 /5 - 252 Reviews.

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    Travel Responsibly. Good Earth Tours ® was created to help people travel in Africa easily while also making a difference in the lives of the people we work with within the tourism industry. When it comes to finding an exceptional safari experience, there are a lot of choices - like where to go, where to stay, what to eat, and who will guide you.

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    Dedicated Dream Team. Making affordable luxury safari dreams come true for more than 60 years, Lion World Travel is one of North America's largest operators of safaris to Africa. We love Africa and specialize in small group safaris and custom tours to Southern Africa, East Africa and Egypt. Learn more.

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    Compare 4,578 of the best Tanzania safari tours offered by 259 specialized tour operators. Find the best deals using the largest marketplace for African safaris. ... SafariBookings is the largest online marketplace for African safari tours. Easily compare offers from top-rated tour operators. Make decisions like a pro by using our 106,938 ...

  23. Elektrostal Map

    Elektrostal Elektrostal is a city in Moscow Oblast, Russia, located 58 kilometers east of Moscow.Population: 155,196 ; 146,294 ; 152,463 ; 135,000; 123,000; 97,000 ...

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