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Travel Alvin Riley, 27, of Washington, D.C. was sentenced to 15 years in prison followed by 8 years of supervised release for conspiracy to distribute and possess with intent to distribute 500 grams or more of cocaine and possession of a firearm in furtherance of a drug conspiracy, announced U.S. Attorney for the District of Maryland  Rod J. Rosenstein. Travel Riley was one of thirty defendants indicted as part of a drug conspiracy which operated in Maryland, the District of Columbia and New York.

According to the statement of facts presented at his guilty plea, from October, 2002 to June, 2004 Riley conspired with Luis Mangual Jr. and others to distribute cocaine in Maryland and Washington, D.C.   Records showed over 1,000 telephone calls between Mangual and Riley from October 29, 2002 to May 31, 2004.  From April 2004 through May 2004, calls were intercepted involving numerous conversations about impending cocaine transactions, including the drug proceeds that Riley owed for cocaine received from Mangual.  Mangual was also observed traveling to SE Washington, D.C. to meet with Riley. During the course of the conspiracy, Riley received more than 500 grams but not more than  two kilograms of cocaine.

During the execution of a search warrant on June 1, 2004 at Riley’s residence, agents  recovered the cellular telephone Riley used to communicate with Mangual, drug paraphernalia including a drug scale, approximately $2,500, .40 caliber ammunition, and a .40 caliber semi-automatic handgun which contained  Riley’s DNA.

Mangual, 45, of Washington, D.C. pleaded guilty to the same conspiracy charge as well as 27 additional drug related offenses including money laundering. Mangual’s sentencing is scheduled for October 16, 2006.

The case was investigated by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the Montgomery and Prince George’s County Police Departments. Assistant U.S.mAttorneys Deborah A. Johnston and Bonnie S. Greenberg, are prosecuting the case.

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Sports Litigation Alert

Court Denies Summary Judgment Motions in Case Involving High School Coach Who Sued for Nonrenewal of Contract

Jun 3, 2022


A federal judge from the Eastern District of Arkansas has denied the summary judgment motions of a coach as well as the school district and the individual defendants he sued, finding too many material facts remained to be determined before he could grant summary judgment for either side.

The Vilonia School District (District) hired plaintiff Alvin Riley as a teacher and girls basketball coach in 2001.  In 2012, Riley received a negative evaluation and was required to attend anger management counseling because of his behavior during a game. Six years later, Riley was reprimanded for asking injured students to participate in practice. Riley was cited for insubordination and lack of professional responsibility in his 2019 evaluation. A year later, he received a letter of reprimand for his behavior with players and his evaluation rated him as needing “improvement.” He was notified that his contract would not be renewed for the 2020-2021 school year.

The Vilonia School Board met and decided not to renew Riley’s contract because of the 2018 reprimand, the 2020 reprimand, and Riley’s behavior during the 2018 through 2020 basketball seasons. The nonrenewal recommendation letter stated in part:

On September 28, 2018, you were reprimanded … [for] unprofessional conduct …when you asked two members of your basketball team to participate in a drill during first period athletics despite your knowledge that these students were injured and had provided you with medical documentation stating that they were not to participate in any athletic activity until further notice from their medical provider.

On February 11, 2020, you were reprimanded … and directed to refrain from further actions or comments directed to members of the high school girls’ basketball team that are derogatory, demeaning, and/or profane, and to conduct yourself in a manner that demonstrates your role as a positive and encouraging supporter of your players. You were also directed to demonstrate professionalism, integrity, loyalty, and support of the district in terms of your appearance, demeanor, and actions and comments toward players, coaches, officials, parents, and fans… [d]espite [this,] you have exhibited a profound lack of professional conduct in your treatment of the players on your team. You have persistently berated players to the point of causing them extreme distress and reducing them to tears on numerous occasions, and you routinely yell loudly at players and become extremely angry at them. You have been extremely aggressive and demeaning in your conduct toward your players, frequently stomping your feet and exhibiting other body language in addition to yelling and screaming at them in an enraged, out of control, and angry manner. You have failed to coach your team in a positive manner; instead, you have made demeaning and negative comments to the players that do not reflect the professional standards the district expects of its coaches.

Riley sued Superintendent David Stephens, Athletic Director Nick Newman, and Board Member Ed Sellers, for violating the Arkansas Teacher Fair Dismissal Act (Fair Dismissal Act), Ark. Code Ann. section 6-17-1501 et. seq, for age discrimination under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), 29 U.S.C. section 621, et seq, and under Ark. Code Ann. section 21-3-201 et seq, and for violating the Due Process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

He subsequently moved for partial summary judgment on his Fair Dismissal Act claim. The defendants moved for summary judgment on all of Riley’s claims.

Regarding Riley’s motion on the Fair Dismissal Act claim, the court denied the claim. “Under the Act, a superintendent must have just and reasonable cause to recommend that a board of education decline to renew a teacher’s contract,” wrote the court, citing Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-1503(a)(1). “If nonrenewal is based on a teacher’s failure to meet the school district’s expectations, the district must (1) bring the problems to the teacher in writing; and (2) document the district’s efforts to assist the teacher to correct the problems that may cause nonrenewal. Id. § 6-17-1504(b). The district’s decision not to renew a teacher’s contract is void if the district fails to substantially comply with Fair Dismissal Act.” Id. § 6-17-1503(c); Watson Chapel Sch. Dist. v. Russell, 367 Ark. 443, 444, 241 S.W.3d 242, 243 (2006), aff’d, 2009 Ark. 79, 313 S.W.3d 1.

Riley argued that the district violated the Fair Dismissal Act “by failing to document its efforts to assist him in correcting the reasons for nonrenewal.” Pl.’s Br. Supp. Mot. Part. Summ. J. At 12-17, Doc. No. 18, Jasper Sch. Dist. No. 1 of Newton Cty. v. Cooper, 2014 Ark. 390, 441 S.W. 3d 11.

“Although the statute requires the district to document its efforts to assist Riley, the statute does not specify the method of documenting those efforts,” wrote the court. “In a letter dated February 11, 2020, Newman reminded Riley of previous conversations that Newman had with Riley regarding his behavior. Doc No. 16-3 at Ex. 9. That letter also outlines the district’s expectations for Riley’s future conduct. Id. Before sending this letter to Riley, the District had already sent him to counseling in 2013 based on similar behavior, Doc. No. 16-2, and given him written evaluations. This is sufficient to document the district’s efforts to assist Riley.”

Riley also claimed that the district violated the Fair Dismissal Act by considering reasons for nonrenewal that were not listed in the letter notifying him of nonrenewal. “Summary judgment is denied on this point because there are issues of material fact in dispute that must be decided by the jury,” wrote the court.

Elaborating, it noted that “a teacher who has been notified that his contract will not be renewed can request a hearing before the school board. Ark. Code Ann. § 6-17-1509(a). At the hearing, the board cannot consider any reasons for nonrenewal that were not listed in the notice of nonrenewal. Id. § 6-17-1509(c)(5). Riley argues that the district violated this provision in two ways. First, a student’s scholarship essay, a memo drafted by the assistant superintendent, and defendant Newman’s handwritten notes were presented at the hearing, even though they were not cited in the notice of nonrenewal. Pl.’s Br. Supp. Mot. Part. Summ. J. at 18. Second, during the Board’s private deliberations, it discussed a false allegation that Riley was kicked out of the locker room during a game, although this allegation was not discussed during the hearing. Id. at 17. In response, the district states that the documents it reviewed were not new reasons; they were merely the evidence in support of the reasons listed in the recommendation. Defs.’ Resp. at 6-8, Doc. No. 25. The district further contends that, even if the Board considered Riley’s removal from the locker room, it substantially complied with the Act because the locker room incident is related to the reasons he was given for nonrenewal. Id. at 8.

“It was appropriate for the board to consider documents supporting the four reasons Riley was given for nonrenewal. It is, however, inappropriate for the board to base, in whole or in part, its decision not to renew Riley’s contract on his removal from the locker room because Riley was never given an opportunity to defend this allegation. Matthew Reynolds states that the board discussed Riley being ‘kicked out of the locker room on a couple times.’ Reynolds Dep. at 20. Doc. No. 16-4. The district denies this claim. Defs.’ Resp. at 8. This material fact is therefore in dispute. At trial, if Riley proves that the board members discussed these issues during their private deliberations, the district may put on evidence showing that it substantially complied with the Act, but these are issues for the jury to decide.”

Turning to the defendants’ motion for summary judgment on Riley’s age discrimination claim, the court noted that the plaintiff must establish a claim under the McDonnell Douglass burden-shifting framework. McDonnell Douglas Corp. v. Green, 411 U.S. 792, 93 S. Ct. 1817, 36 L. Ed. 2d 668 (1973).

Thus, Riley must show that he: (1) was at least forty years old; (2) suffered an adverse employment action; (3) was qualified for his job or that he was meeting the district’s reasonable expectations at the time of the adverse action; and (4) was replaced by someone substantially younger. Lewis v. St. Cloud State. Univ., 467 F.3d 1133, 1137 (8th Cir. 2006); see also Haigh v. Gelita USA, Inc., 632 F.3d 464, 466 (8th Cir. 2011).

The burden then shifts to the district to provide a legitimate, nondiscriminatory reason for Riley’s nonrenewal. McDonnell Douglas, 411 U.S. at 802. If the District articulates a nondiscriminatory reason, Riley must show that the stated reasons for the termination are pretext for discrimination. Id. at 804.

“Riley has met elements one, three, and four of his prima facie case,” wrote the court. Whether Riley has shown that he was meeting the district’s reasonable expectations is in dispute. Even assuming Riley has established a prima facie case, the district has asserted a legitimate nondiscriminatory reason for Riley’s nonrenewal—the 2018 reprimand, the 2020 reprimand, and Riley’s behavior during the 2018 through 2020 basketball seasons. Now, Riley must show that those reasons were pretext for discrimination.

Although the District cites Riley’s “needs improvement” and “unsatisfactory” evaluation scores in 2018 through 2020, Defs.’ Br. Supp. Mot. Summ. J. at 12-13, Riley points out that Newman and Stephens could not recall Riley ever using profanity, and that the district could not provide any specific examples of derogatory, demeaning, or profane actions by Riley. Pl.’s Resp. Br. at 9-10, 29. Whether Riley was meeting the district’s reasonable expectations regarding attrition is also in dispute. Simon Dep. at 12-14, Doc. No. 19-8. Finally, Riley points to the fact that the district denied the existence of any documents responsive to his freedom of information request prior to the hearing, but his lawyer received ‘thousands of pages of correspondence’ after the hearing concluded, Pl.’s Resp. Br. at 12, and that some of the documents contradict testimony given at the hearing. Id. This is sufficient to create a genuine dispute of fact regarding whether the district’s reason for nonrenewing Riley is pretext for age discrimination.’

The Arkansas age discrimination law mirrors the ADEA. For the reasons stated above, supra section III.B.2, summary judgment was denied on Riley’s state age discrimination claim.

Summary judgment was also denied on Riley’s due process claim because there is a material issue of fact regarding the information considered by the board members during their deliberation, supra section III.A.2, and whether the district withheld documents from Riley prior to the hearing. Supra § III.B.

Alvin Riley v. Vilonia School District, et al., E.D. Ark.; CASE NO. 4:20-CV-01012-BSM; 3/4/22

Attorneys of Record:  For Alvin Riley, Plaintiff: John C. Ogle, LEAD ATTORNEY, Clark Law Firm, Fayetteville, AR; Suzanne G. Clark, LEAD ATTORNEY, Clark Law Firm, Fayetteville, AR.

For Vilonia School District, David Stephens, Individually and in his capacity as Superintendent of the Vilonia School District, Nick Newman, Individually and in his capacity as Athletic Director of the Vilonia School District, Ed Sellers, Individually and in his capacity as Board Member of the Vilonia School District, Defendants: George Jay Bequette, Jr., William Cody Kees, LEAD ATTORNEYS, Bequette, Billingsley & Kees, P.A., Little Rock, AR.

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Laken Riley’s Brutal Murder Should Never Have Happened

Commentary By

travel alvin riley

Election Law Reform Initiative Manager, Senior Legal Fellow

travel alvin riley

Senior Legal Fellow and Deputy Director, Meese Center

travel alvin riley

Key Takeaways

Laken Hope Riley was brutally murdered in broad daylight while she was out jogging, allegedly by an illegal alien named Jose Antonio Ibarra.

New York’s sanctuary policy...protecting criminals let Ibarra go so he could travel to the University of Georgia to cruelly attack a defenseless college student.

Those in government whose policies allowed this foreseeable, horrific act to happen also have blood on their hands. Shame on them.  

Laken Hope Riley, a lovely young lady in the prime of her college life, was brutally murdered in broad daylight while she was out jogging on the University of Georgia campus, allegedly by an illegal alien named Jose Antonio Ibarra. This crime was as foreseeable as it was preventable.  

Ibarra has been charged with the slaying of the Augusta University nursing student. But he never would have been able to carry out such a vicious crime if it weren’t for the reckless sanctuary policy of the city of New York and the deliberate, intentional disregard of our immigration laws by the Biden administration.

Ibarra is an illegal alien from Venezuela who should never have been in this country to start with, much less on the streets of Athens, Georgia. He was stopped by the U.S. Border Patrol in 2022 when he crossed into Texas near El Paso. But because of the Biden administration’s unlawful mass parole of illegal aliens and its callous “catch and release” policy, this criminal was allowed to roam freely in communities from Texas to New York and finally to the campus of the University of Georgia.

What should infuriate all of us, and particular the grieving family of Laken Riley, is that the administration knows that Venezuela has been intentionally emptying its prisons of violent criminals, including murderers and rapists, so they can mix with the illegal aliens crossing our southern border. This according to a security intelligence report from the Department of Homeland Security sent to the Border Patrol that was leaked to Breitbart . The result in Venezuela is that violent deaths there have fallen to a 22-year low as their criminals have found a new place to commit their crimes—the United States. 

>>>  The Consequences of Unchecked Illegal Immigration on America’s Public Schools

Despite this, the Biden administration has continued its policy of an open border by releasing illegal aliens they only briefly and temporarily detain, including Venezuelans, into the interior of the United States. This is their policy, even though DHS has no ability to identify which of these Venezuelans (or other aliens) are criminals with violent pasts. 

Due to Biden’s open-door policy, Ibarra was able to move from Texas to New York City after he was “paroled” by DHS. There, he was arrested in September 2023 by the NYPD for “acting in a manner to injure a child” and for a “motor vehicle violation.” Was he detained as an illegal alien who committed a felony and can be deported from the country by DHS? No, that didn’t happen.

Instead, Ibarra was released by no-bail New York City, where the Soros-supported rogue prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, doesn’t believe in prosecuting misdemeanors and waters down most felonies. He released Ibarra before a detainer could even be issued by DHS which, these days, doesn’t have much interest in detaining and deporting criminal illegal aliens with only limited exceptions. 

Under New York’s sanctuary policy, the city won’t even cooperate with DHS when it wants to detain a criminal. It won’t honor a detainer warrant issued by DHS because it insists on a warrant issued by a court, which is not practical given the huge numbers of illegal aliens in the country, and is not necessary under federal immigration law. This is just a requirement implemented by New York to avoid turning any illegal aliens over to the federal government, no matter how vicious their criminal history.

New York’s sanctuary policy has been denounced by the commissioner of police. And it is that sanctuary policy protecting criminals that let Ibarra go so he could travel to the University of Georgia to cruelly attack an innocent, defenseless young college student.

>>>  Voters Want Meaningful Reforms To Stem Illegal Immigration

What is particularly monstrous about this is that Ibarra should have been detained at the border when he first crossed into the United States. He should have been detained in New York City when he was arrested there for committing a crime endangering a child. He should have been picked up by DHS in New York and deported so he would not have had the chance to even be in Athens, which apparently also has what amounts to a sanctuary policy in place. 

It was the combination of reckless sanctuary policies by cities like New York, the no-bail, no-prosecution policies of rogue prosecutors like Bragg, and the irresponsible and heedless – but intentional – policy of Joe Biden and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, that has opened our border and released dangerous aliens into communities all over America that led to the death of Laken Riley. Aliens whose backgrounds, identities, and criminal histories are unknown and unverifiable. 

Jose Antonio Ibarra may be the criminal who has been charged with murdering Laken Hope Riley. But those in government whose policies allowed this foreseeable, horrific act to happen also have blood on their hands. Shame on them.  

This piece originally appeared in James Magazine Online


The Biden Border Crisis

Border crisis is no accident. it’s biden making good on campaign promises..

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Conservatives Should Not Help Biden Destroy Border Security

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Congress and the Administration must start pursuing fair and practical solutions to America’s broken immigration system and porous borders. Learn more with Solutions.

Senate Negotiations Border Security Coalition Letter Dec. 2023

Memorandum: Tracking Movement of Illegal Aliens from NGOs to Interior of USA

20 Ways States Can Prevent Illegal Immigration:  View the Booklet

Illegal Alien Encounters Surge and Shift Under Biden:  View the Data Visualization

Major Spike in Convicted-Criminal-Alien Encounters by U.S. Border Patrol: View the Data Visualization  

COMMENTARY 3 min read

COMMENTARY 4 min read

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Riley v. Vilonia School District et al, No. 4:2020cv01012 - Document 35 (E.D. Ark. 2022)

Court Description: ORDER denying 16 Motion for Partial Summary Judgment; and denying 19 Motion for Summary Judgment. Signed by Judge Brian S. Miller on 3/4/2022. (ldb)

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How slain georgia nursing student laken riley was failed by the system: letters to the editor — feb. 27, 2024.

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The migrant charged in the death of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley slipped through law enforcement's hands twice.

The Issue: The previous arrest and release of migrant Jose Ibarra in New York, alleged murderer of Laken Riley.

As a former Manhattan assistant district attorney, I urge The Post to pose the following questions to New York prosecutors and legislators in the wake of University of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley’s murder — allegedly by Jose Ibarra, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela (“ He Was Free to Roam, ” Feb. 25).

Given that Ibarra was previously arrested in New York for endangering the welfare of a 5-year-old, the following must be answered:

What was the disposition of the arrest? Did any local district attorneys decline to prosecute the arrest?

If charges were filed, was he eligible for cash bail? If so, did the local prosecutor ask for bail?

Was bail denied? If so, who was the judge that denied it?

Did any local laws prevent Ibarra’s detainment before remanding him to the custody of ICE?

We are seeing the tragic results of our nation’s immigration policies’ collision with New York’s perverse criminal justice “reforms,” alongside district attorneys viscerally opposed to incarceration.

Matthew Brief

With the news of Ibarra being released from jail in New York and traveling to Georgia to then allegedly murder Riley, I have to say: It is too late for a President Biden border miracle to secure re-election. Blood is on Biden’s hands, and there is nothing that he can say to save this administration. The damage is done.

I also feel that the American people are tired of hearing too much about Ukraine and not enough about Biden’s apathy towards illegal immigrants committing murder.

George Pfeiffer

East Haven, Conn.

Boy — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was quite vocal on the subject of stopping the deluge of illegal criminals into our country, stating in an X post: “Seeking asylum is a legal right of all people. In the face of an authoritarian threat, we should not buckle on our principles — we should commit to them.” She also said it was “outrageous” and that “the President should refuse to sign” a bill to limit asylum.

Then, a few days later, a 22-year-old nursing student was allegedly murdered by an illegal Venezuelan immigrant who had been previously arrested in AOC’s home city of New York and subsequently released. AOC has declined to comment since.

Nick McNulty

Windham, NH

Police in New York arrested and then released Ibarra, an illegal immigrant who is in this country thanks to Biden and the Democrats. He should have been immediately deported upon his arrest in New York — but he wasn’t.

Laken Riley’s family is now grieving her death, allegedly at the hands of this criminal. Her family should immediately sue Biden, Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Gov. Hochul. This thug is here as a result of Biden’s executive actions and the Democrats’ push to increase Democrat-leaning populations through illegal immigration.

L. Sullivan

Another American family is devastated by the actions of a criminal who should never have been in this country.

A bright and dedicated young woman — studying to be a nurse — reportedly died brutally at the hands of someone who was no stranger to illegal activities.

I would hypothetically wonder how Biden sleeps at night knowing that his disregard for the American people has cost the lives of many, but I don’t believe he has a conscience.

Putnam Valley

President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and Homeland Security chief Alejandro Mayorkas are accomplices to Ibarra’s alleged murder of Riley and other violent crimes in America attributed to their handling of the border crisis. They should be held responsible.

Palmer Woodrow

Las Vegas, Nev.

It is with great sadness that I read about the murder of nursing student Laken Riley, especially when I think of my granddaughters.

I hope there will be sanity restored to both New York and the rest of the nation come Election Day.

Martin Garfinkle

Staten Island

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.

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Carl Alvin Schwenden

Brief life history of carl alvin.

When Carl Alvin Schwenden was born on 1 October 1894, in Louisiana, United States, his father, Charles A Schwenden, was 30 and his mother, Mary Siegel, was 30. He married Blanche Rita Riley on 26 October 1922, in Los Angeles, California, United States. They were the parents of at least 2 sons and 1 daughter. He lived in Alhambra, Los Angeles, California, United States in 1950 and New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, United States in 1991. He registered for military service in 1919. He died on 2 March 1991, in Los Angeles, California, United States, at the age of 96, and was buried in Whittier, Los Angeles, California, United States.

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  • Carl A Schwenden, "United States 1950 Census"
  • Carl Alvin Schwender, "Louisiana, Orleans Parish, Birth Records, 1819-1906"
  • Carl Albert Schwenden, "California, County Marriages, 1850-1953"

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Children (3), parents and siblings, siblings (3), world events (8), 1896 · plessy vs. ferguson.

A landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court upholding the constitutionality of racial segregation laws for public facilities if the segregated facilities were equal in quality. It's widely regarded as one of the worst decisions in U.S. Supreme Court history.

1906 · Great San Francisco Earthquake

A 7.8 magnitude earthquake shook San Francisco for approximately 60 seconds on April 18, 1906. A 1906 report by US Army Relief Operations recorded the death toll for San Francisco and surrounding areas at 664. Later reports record the number at over 3,000 deaths. An estimated 225,000 people were left homeless from the widespread destructuction as 80% of the city was destroyed.

The Prohibition Era. Sale and manufacture of alcoholic liquors outlawed. A mushrooming of illegal drinking joints, home-produced alcohol and gangsterism.

Name Meaning

Some characteristic forenames: German Kurt, Wolfgang.

habitational name for someone from any of the places called Schwende (see Schwendemann ) or Schwend(t) in Baden, Bavaria, Württemberg, Switzerland, or a topographic name for someone living in a cleared area in the forest (compare 2 below).

Dictionary of American Family Names © Patrick Hanks 2003, 2006.

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Alvin Riley

We found 242 people in 40 states named Alvin Riley living in the US. The state with the most residents by this name is Georgia , followed by Louisiana and Ohio . Public records for Alvin Riley range in age from 34 years old to 90 years old. Possible relatives for Alvin Riley include Sherika Riley , Sylvia Riley , Amanda Riley and several others. An associated email addresses for Alvin Riley are kfdcxsz*** , co.ri*** and more. A phone number associated with this person is (202) 506-**** , and we have 5 other possible phone numbers in the same local area codes 202 and 510 . more

Last updated Feb 15, 2024

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1209 E 42Nd St, Prt Wentworth, GA 31404

907 S Harrison St, Hugoton, KS 67951

6101 Walton St, Pensacola, FL 32503

951 Highway 64 E, Vilonia, AR 72173

3000 Monroe St, New Orleans, LA 70118

Jackson, TN

Creston, OH

Washington, DC

Minnetonka, MN

Grayson, GA

Memphis, TN

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Galesburg, IL

Mansfield, OH

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Alvin riley phone numbers & home addresses  86, photos  3.

Alvin Riley

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Medicine doctors, alvin riley social networks  19.

Alvin Riley

Alvin Leo Riley

Swansea High School, Swansea, South Carolina (Sc)

Alvin Riley, Fortier High School | New Orleans, La

Alvin Riley videos  59

Chipmunk ft Talay Riley - Look for me (Alvin and the chipmunks)

Chipmunk Ft Talay Riley - Look For Me ( Alvin And The Chipmunks)

Sing Along: The CyberMunks - "Baba O'Riley (Fast Lanes Mix)"

Sing Along: The Cybermunks - "Baba O' riley (Fast Lanes Mix)"

LeBron to Miami reaction, plus Dan Gilbert's comic sans and more

Lebron To Miami Reaction, Plus Dan Gilbert's Comic Sans And More

"The Shads" - reborn again? check it out.

"The Shads" - Reborn Again? Check It Out.

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Alvin Riley resumes & CV records  20

Alvin Dale Riley

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Alvin W. Riley

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Alvin Keith Riley

Alvin Keith Riley

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Alvin E Riley

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Public records  8

Alvin Vance Riley , age 78

Alvin Paul Riley , age 77

Alvin Theodore Riley , age 70

Alvin Paul Riley , age 53

Alvin Wesley Riley , age 90

Alvin F Riley , age 67

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Alvin riley - professional licenses (6 documents found), related names, faq: learn more about our top result for alvin riley, what is alvin riley's address.

Alvin Riley's address is 7103 1St St E 150Th, Puyallup, WA 98373 .

What is Alvin Riley's phone number?

Alvin Riley's phone number is (202) 506-**** .

How old is Alvin Riley?

Alvin Riley's is 34 years old.

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Alvin Riley's email address is kfdcxsz*** . We have 5 additional emails on file for Alvin

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We have marriage records for 81 people named Alvin Riley.

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Alvin Riley was born on 1990.

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Miami Heat | Ira Winderman: Lakers’ play for Dan Hurley a…

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Miami heat | ira winderman: lakers’ play for dan hurley a heat reminder of when bob huggins almost was pat riley.

West Virginia coach Bob Huggins calls to his players in the second half of a game against Maryland in the NCAA Tournament in Birmingham, Ala., March 16, 2023. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)

The NCAA-to-NBA pipeline hardly is a new concept. For every Billy Donovan and Brad Stevens who successfully have traversed the potential pitfalls of the direct ascension from college to NBA head coach in recent decades, there also have been the struggles for likes of Fred Hoiberg, Tim Floyd, Mike Montgomery, Lon Kruger, Jerry Tarkanian John Beilein and, yes, even former University of Miami and current Florida State coach Leonard Hamilton, and his disastrous 19-63 season with the Washington Wizards in 2000-2001.

And then there was a moment in time in the spring of 1995 that mostly stands as a moment that history forgot – when Bob Huggins was going to be Pat Riley.

Yes, the Bob Huggins who made Final Four appearances at Cincinnati in 1992 and West Virginia in 2010. The combined five-time Coach of the Year in two conferences. The 2022 inductee into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame. And the coach who retired amid controversy a year ago.

With a bit more haste by Huggins and a bit less by Riley, it well could have been Huggins, not Riley, who was introduced by Heat owner Micky Arison aboard Carnival’s Imagination in the ship’s Destiny lounge on Sept. 2, 1995.

So, no, this latest play for Hurley is nothing new in terms of hope that NCAA success breeds something similar in the NBA, even with the recent failures outweighing the successes, Beilein most recently lasting all of 54 games with the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2019-20.

All of which makes it all the more chilling thinking about what might have been these past three decades had there not been a pause with Huggins in June 1995, as Riley maneuvered his way from the New York Knicks to the Heat’s front office and bench.

Upon Riley’s formal introduction, Arison in 1995 made it clear how close it had come to the sweat of Huggins instead of the style of Riley.

“We came within 24 hours of hiring Bob Huggins,” Arison said at the time. “Had Pat not resigned that day, we would have that weekend probably hired Bob Huggins. We would have made him an offer. I don’t want to assume, but I think he would have accepted it.”

In the wake of Riley faxing in his New York resignation and the Heat settling a tampering claim by the Knicks ($1 million and 1996 first-round pick Walter McCarty), Huggins said it was about more than being pushed aside.

“I pulled out. I pulled out because that’s not what I wanted to do at that time,” Huggins later said, having invested considerable time in researching the opening created by the dismissal of Kevin Loughery and then also of interim coach Alvin Gentry. “At this point in time in my life, I don’t want to be in the NBA. It had nothing to do with Pat Riley.”

Under Riley, the Heat emerged from 1988 expansion team to championship cornerstone.

While the cachet would help deliver the likes of Alonzo Mourning, Shaquille O’Neal, LeBron James, Chris Bosh and others from his executive suite, there also was a level of coaching previously unseen with the Heat.

In the ensuing years, few from the college ranks proved able to deliver to such a degree, with Stevens coming closest and Donovan showing the ability to endure.

When it comes to a basis of comparison, one voice who experienced the Riley touch with the Heat and appreciates what is needed alongside James with the Lakers, said Hurley just might make it work with James and Anthony Davis

“I love it. I love it. I love shaking things up a little bit,” former Heat captain Udonis Haslem, who played alongside James for four Heat seasons, said in his analyst role with ESPN . “Oftentimes when you have NBA veterans that have had an amount of success, we get comfortable. And I think for the Lakers, if they want to get back in those championship conversations, if they want to be considered a serious contender in the West, they’ve got to get back comfortable being uncomfortable.

“So I think bringing in a different personality, somebody with a little bit of energy . . . bringing in somebody that’s going to get these guys back comfortable being uncomfortable, I think we can now start to put those guys back in those championship conversations. Because they have the talent with ‘Bron and A.D.”

Twenty-nine years ago, the conversation might have been similar in the Heat locker room, had Huggins acted with a bit more haste and Riley with a bit less.

The rest for the Heat is championship history.

Now it appears the college door is about to swing the other way, with the NBA potentially to see if a college coach this time winds up in the right place at the right time, a franchise’s legacy again in the balance.


GORAN 2.0?: A projected lottery pick who now possibly could fall to the Heat’s No. 15 range in the wake of a pre-draft knee injury, Serbian guard Nikola Topic said he particularly appreciates comparisons to former Heat guard Goran Dragic . “It’s great to hear that they compare me with him,” Topić told the Houston Chronicle . “He is a great player. I’m really truly thankful for that. It is an amazing thing to compare to him.” So, yes, it is possible the Heat next have a Nikola Topic to play alongside Nikola Jovic and compete against Nikola Jokic . “Of course, Nikola Jokić is one of the best players in the world,” Topić said of the MVP leader of the NBA’s Serbian delegation. “Everybody wants to be like him. Of course, me too. In Serbia, of course, a lot of kids started playing basketball because of him, because they want to be like him one day. I really want to continue that list.”

THE FINAL STEP: After his father found himself falling short of the NBA Finals, including during his tenure with the Heat, Dallas Mavericks guard Tim Hardaway Jr. said he appreciates his current opportunity “Especially being the first in my family to do so,” Hardaway said with a laugh, before continuing respectfully with, “no, no. I wouldn’t get to this point without my dad. He’s always by my side. He’s always a phone call away, always supporting me, always comes to the games. He’s a phone call away when I’m struggling, when I’m not. Even if I’m having great games, keep my head down, don’t stop, keep that energy, keep that flow going.” Even in what has become a reduced role, Hardaway is savoring the moment, appreciating his paternal influence. “He’s always reiterating to me to always have fun. He’s been telling me that since high school. That’s what I’ve been trying to do my whole entire career.” Hardaway was limited to 7:42 of mop-up duty in the Mavericks’ Game 1 loss in Boston, missing both his attempts from the field.

BACK AT IT:  With former Heat forward Juwan Howard , after his uneven run at Michigan, back on an NBA bench as an Brooklyn Nets assistant coach, new Nets coach Jordi Fernandez addressed Howard reprising the assistant role held for six seasons with the Heat under Erik Spoelstra . “It’s important that we have enough guys that have done it,” Fernandez said to Newsday of his new staff . “Juwan obviously has done it at a very high level, and some other coaches that have played at a high level, and they can still hoop with the guys. I think that’s important, because a lot of times, you have to connect in different ways, and we have different backgrounds to connect with our guys in a different way.”

TAKE CHARGE MOMENT: Former Heat forward Shane Battier continues to have an impact beyond the court in South Florida, with 100% of the Class of 2024 from Battier Take Charge Foundation Guide Miami having been accepted into collegiate programs. Battier on Thursday helped  commemorate the 18 students from the program who received Florida Prepaid scholarships. In all, more than $3 million in scholarships have been awarded through the program, with an honors ceremony held this past week at Florida Memorial University. The Battier Guide Miami Program launched in 2016, benefiting students at Miami Central and Booker T. Washington high schools.

3. Players who have won their first NBA title in their 17th season or later, a club that Celtics center Al Horford , in his 17th season, is attempting to join in the NBA Finals. Included in the group is Juwan Howard , who won his first title in his 18th season, with the Heat in 2012. Also having done it have been current Mavericks coach Jason Kidd , with the Mavericks in his 17th season, in 2011 against the Heat, and former Heat center Kevin Willis , in his 18th season, with the San Antonio Spurs in 2003.

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A gate in a stone wall is shaded by a tree and surrounded by green bushes, beyond it lies a stone building and stairs.

Summer of Dupes: Alternatives in the Aegean

Between Turkey and Greece, there are plenty of spectacular spots for a seaside vacation. So why not go beyond the usual suspects? Here are five lesser-known choices.

In Datça, Turkey, the Ultava Houses hotel consists of four traditional village homes that have been updated with amenities like private rooftop pool terraces. Credit... Ultava Houses

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By Erin Vivid Riley

  • June 7, 2024

In April, Princess Cruises told passengers that it was canceling a scheduled stop in Santorini, Greece, citing congestion. Four cruise ships were already anticipated to arrive on the same day in June, and were it to join, the ships would have brought some 17,000 visitors to an island of 15,500 residents.

In the Aegean Sea, more than 1,000 islands fill the waters between Greece and Turkey, and the coastlines are lined with spectacular bays. Both countries set tourism records last year, a boon for two fragile economies, but one that follows and in turn fuels frenzied development that threatens local livelihoods, cultural heritage and ecological balance, particularly on the Greek islands.

With plenty of whitewashed islands and historic coastal towns offering the same charms as their neighbors, it’s time to look beyond Mykonos and Marmaris to lesser-known spots that might benefit from more visitors. Whether you’re in search of a hiking adventure, a cultural excursion or seclusion in rugged beauty, here are five destinations that offer distinctly Aegean experiences, without the crowds.

When Michelin expanded its Turkey guidebook last year, the quiet district of Urla, near the port city of Izmir, stole the spotlight. On a windy peninsula with clay-heavy soil, the hilly region has a rich winemaking tradition that dates back 6,000 years. A near-total government monopoly on winemaking stymied production for decades, but recently boutique makers and chef-driven restaurants have carved a path for themselves and put Urla on the gastronomic map.

Newer wine producers like Hus focus almost exclusively on indigenous grapes, joining longtime innovators along the Urla Vineyard Route , which winds through rolling fields, olive groves and nine wineries, two of which have beautiful guest rooms, including 2 Rooms hotel at Şarapçilik (from $230). Each producer is no more than a 20-minute drive from the next.

A plate of food has been photographed from above. On it, artichokes that have been sliced in half sit atop an intensely green juice, with foam, leaves and dollops of orange scattered on top.

“It’s as if everything here is passed down from word of mouth, from generation to generation, from season to season,” said Seray Kumbasar, the sommelier and co-owner of Vino Locale , a fine-casual restaurant among vineyards.

The local grape Bornova Misketi, a semisweet ancestor of muscat, features in many of Vino Locale’s Italian-leaning dishes. Ms. Kumbasar and her husband, Ozan, who is the chef, take a hyperlocal approach, harvesting the restaurant’s produce alongside the farmers who supply it. Most menu items are bright takes on simple ingredients: The heart of a local artichoke is boiled in a fragrant broth of herbs and citrus, then doused with olive oil and paired with fava bean purée and kumquat.

On the way to the coast from wine country, the restaurant OD Urla has a similarly light-handed style. Wood-fired dishes, like a gently cooked octopus or squid drizzled with fermented pomegranate syrup, combine seafood from the peninsula’s waters with produce from an on-site farm.

In the charming town of Urla itself, stone alleyways connect multi-hyphenate spaces like İstifçi , where a combined design and wine store leads to a restaurant and hotel; laid-back hangouts like Filos Coffee and Wine , which serves a selection of the area’s wines by the glass; and mom-and-pop shops that do one thing very well, such as Girit Pastanesi with its bademli kazandibi, an almond-studded caramelized milk pudding.

The seaside town of Ayvalik, 250 miles southwest of Istanbul, was once a hub of Ottoman-era olive oil production. Many of the industry’s stone factories are now populated with workshops focused on traditional Turkish crafts. Despite growing tourism, Ayvalik retains “a raw texture,” said Özlem Erol, the founder of the design store Moyy Atölye , as well as “a permanent community that lives and produces here.”

At her boutique, Ms. Erol works with women artisans to design clothing made from feretiko, an airy, handwoven fabric of hemp and cotton, as well as other crafts, like baskets made from the bark of hazelnut trees and braided wooden stools. At Bovindo , one of many shops selling porcelain works created on site, a ceramist creates elaborately etched plates based on her mother’s old dishware. At Tia Vine Cafe & Bar , the husband-and-wife co-owners, Hasan and Neşe Erdem, serve local wines alongside Circassian family recipes, such as haluj dumplings, pockets filled with puréed potato and covered in garlic yogurt.

Most of the action is centered in the neighborhood of Macaron, where every other corner seems to have either a small-batch olive oil store, antiques market or boutique hotel. The most contemporary, Ivy Ayvalik, opened last year in a traditional stone home (from $70). Four compact but comfy rooms sit above a neon-lit cafe and wine bar that stays lively late into the evenings.

From town, it’s a three-mile drive to the island of Cunda and its Ayvalik Islands Nature Park , where you can explore the rocky coves and a hiking path through the hills that opens onto sweeping views, before heading into Cunda’s main town for plates of sardine tartines at Ayna and herbal drinks at Cactus , one of many cocktail bars that circle the area’s central square.

With resort-filled Bodrum to its north, the nightlife capital of Marmaris to its east, and the ever-popular Greek island of Rhodes to its south, it’s a surprise that Datça has stayed relatively unknown. That is, until you look at a map: the long, narrow peninsula is connected to the mainland by a thin isthmus (plus a ferry from Bodrum) that’s somehow been enough to deter most visitors.

Güven Çetinkaya is the chef and co-owner of the Ultava Houses hotel, which consists of four traditional village homes that have been updated with amenities like private rooftop pool terraces (from $170). He said that unlike in more touristed areas, most of Datça’s residents have lived there for a long time. The region’s strict building codes have kept large developments away.

Along with a waterfront of fish restaurants, there’s Eski Datça, or the old town, where bougainvillea spills over stone buildings. There are just enough small restaurants and cafes to start and end your days here, but most visitors spend the hours in between exploring the pebbled beaches tucked into büks, or “bends,” that dot the peninsula’s 200 miles of coastline (Aquarium Cove is a standout).

The drive along the peninsula’s interior — marked by Valonia oaks, deep river gorges and stonewalled almond orchards — is just as spectacular. Along the way are detours to fishing villages turned into modest beach towns, home-style restaurants set in lush gardens, and at the peninsula’s western tip, the ancient site of Knidos and its Hellenic amphitheater.

Almost a third of this island in the western Cyclades can only be reached by footpaths, which act as small windows into its storied history. Some routes date back to the Neolithic period; others were forged by the miners of gold and silver who made Sifnos one of the richest stops in ancient Greece. “Today, they are still used by the locals to reach their terraced fields and small chapels, as well as by hikers,” said Fivos Tsaravopoulos, co-founder of Paths of Greece , a national hiking cooperative.

For close to a decade, the group has carefully restored some 60 miles of the island’s network and organized several self-guided themed hikes . One is a remote nine-mile path that circles Sifnos’s highest point, Mount Profitis Ilias, and passes chapels, terraces and a nature preserve known for bird-watching. “It’s the only way to experience what it’s like to live on this island, one of the most pristine in the Cyclades,” said Mr. Tsaravopoulos, who hopes the paths encourage more travelers to come during the shoulder seasons, when there’s good hiking weather.

In between hikes you can enjoy long meals of Sifnian delicacies, many slow-cooked in olive-wood-fired ovens. Since Nicholas Tselementes, considered the most important chef in Greece’s history, established himself here in the early 1900s, the island has kept up its culinary reputation.

Sifnos staples like revithada, a baked chickpea stew, and mastelo, roasted lamb, can be found at every taverna, while newcomer eateries like Cantina lean more creative — smoked-ox-cheek-croquettes topped with eggplant béchamel, for example. For a stay that rivals those in Mykonos, the 18-room Nos Hotel & Villas (from $825), the island’s latest addition, is all stone and marble surfaces, cinematic lighting and pools perched on the hillside.


About an hour west of Santorini by ferry, Folegandros is a quieter option for a classic Greek-island getaway. The sparsely developed island has no airport, less-accessible beaches and few visitor attractions — and that’s the draw. Its latest hotel, billed as its first luxury property, capitalizes on this feeling of seclusion: Gundari is in an 80-acre nature reserve known for its population of Eleanora’s falcons (from $640).

Unlike other luxury developments in the Cyclades, which often stoked ire among locals, Gundari hopes to set a different tone through its small-footprint commitments. The hotel has its own wastewater treatment system, and all of its stonework was made with rocks excavated on-site. An on-site farm, which employs traditional agricultural practitioners, will soon launch after-school programs.

Each of the 27 rooms comes with a private infinity pool, and its restaurant, run by Lefteris Lazarou — the chef behind Athens’s Michelin-starred Varoulko — will serve a rotating menu of unfussy seafood dishes, such as octopus carpaccio with fava bean cream and black garlic. From its cliffside setting, you can head down to white sand or pebbled beaches via e-bike.

The main port town of Karavostasis is little more than a fishing village. The second largest village, Ano Meria, has ancient hilltop ruins, traditional farmhouses and the Ecomuseum , which captures what homestead life was like. Chora, the island’s de facto capital, with its quintessential whitewashed squares on a cliff’s edge, has all the charm of busy towns on nearby islands but maintains an intact local community.

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Exploring the Outdoors, One Step at a Time

Hiking is a great way to immerse yourself in nature and tune out the chaos of city life. the tips below will help you get ready before you hit the trail..

Hiking offers a host of mental and physical benefits. If you’re new to it, here’s how to get started .

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Make sure you have the right gear . Wirecutter has recommendations for anything you might need — from hydration packs  to trekking poles . And remember to try on hiking boots  at the right time of the day .

These clever apps and devices  will help you to find your way, triage an injury and generally stay out of trouble on the trail.

Planning to venture out for a nighttime  hike ? Opt for wide, easy-to-navigate paths.

Experts say failing to alert family or friends of your plans is one of the biggest mistakes hikers make. Here are some more safety tips .


Steve Kerr and Doc Rivers talk about what JJ Redick might face if he coaches Lakers

Warriors head coach Steve Kerr, right, and assistant Kenny Atkinson watch play while standing along the sideline.

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On Sept. 30, 2014, Steve Kerr presided over his first practice as the head coach of an NBA team. Kerr was now the man in charge of the Golden State Warriors, a job he took without the benefit of any previous coaching experience.

Kerr looked out before him and saw the faces of stars Stephen Curry, Klay Thompson and Draymond Green staring back at him, waiting for the newbie to put his coaching plan in place on that initial day.

“It was a little bit of a s— show, to be honest. I had these plans with the coaching staff beforehand, but it was like the first day of school, only I was a brand new teacher,” Kerr, laughing, recalled about his first day coaching the Warriors. “You have to get through the bumps in the road and iron things out. But I remember the first two days were a little chaotic. I was trying to do a lot of things. I quickly realized that you don’t have nearly as enough time as you thought you would to address every issue. And that’s a big part of it.”

If JJ Redick gets the Lakers ’ head coaching job that seems destined to become his, according to people not authorized to speak publicly on the matter, having the right staff will be beneficial since he has no coaching experience.

Kerr won five NBA championships as a player. He became a minority owner of the Suns upon retiring, then the president of basketball operations and general manager of the team. He left that post and to join TNT as an analyst until leaving that job in 2014 to become coach of the Warriors.

What he quickly learned during the early practice sessions and in games throughout his maiden voyage as a coach was to lean on his highly capable and experienced staff.

JJ Redick leaves the court after being honored by the Orlando Magic during a game on Feb. 14

JJ Redick gets his shot with in-person Lakers interview this weekend

The Lakers are set to do their most extensive interviews with JJ Redick after UConn coach Dan Hurley turned down the team’s coaching offer.

June 13, 2024

Kerr turned to former coach Alvin Gentry and Ron Adams, considered the savant of assistant coaches at the time in the NBA, for advice.

“I was lucky I had Ron Adams and Alvin Gentry with me. Although I shouldn’t call it luck. I purposely hired them because I knew I would need their expertise,” said Kerr, who won the first of his four NBA championships in that rookie season. “And they were great, they were fantastic and helped me through that transition process.”

The Times spoke to five former players who became head coaches without having been on the bench in that role and each was adamant the sage assistants are important to have for guidance.

Redick, who played 15 seasons in the NBA, is an analyst for ABC/ESPN and has his “Mind the Game” podcast with Lakers superstar LeBron James .

“If JJ does get the job, JJ has been out of the game for a few years and had an opportunity to be around guys in other settings,” said Derek Fisher, the Crespi High coach who won five NBA titles with the Lakers before he became a first-time coach with the New York Knicks in 2014.

“Like, he has a podcast with LeBron. That didn’t necessarily exist when I was making that transition. But it’s a good example of how different that is for even a guy that may not have previous experience coaching. It’s really the relationships with players that drive your success to a large degree anyway. So, if you’re in a position where you have that to lean on, it does help cushion the experience part. That’s something that the collection of individuals on the staff can help offset the lack of coaching experience.”

The pull to become a coach for Doc Rivers came after 13 years in the NBA as a player and three years working for TNT after his retirement, calls from legendary coaches Pat Riley and Chuck Daly sparking his interest.

Doc Rivers points toward the court while coaching from the sideline of a game for Philadelphia.

So Rivers, currently the coach of Milwaukee, took the job with the Orlando Magic in 1999 without any experience. But he had former head coaches Dave Wohl and Johnny Davis by his side.

Rivers recalled how a few games into his first season he wanted to change his offense.

Wohl and Davis told Rivers that “you can’t do that,” because they had installed a new offense in training camp.

Still, Rivers was insistent.

“I said, ‘Yeah, I’m going to do it.’ And they were all against it, and I did it,” said Rivers, who was selected coach of the year in his first season. “It changed our team because it fit what we were. It took guts. So, that taught me a lot. You are going to be wrong sometimes, but you got to be willingly wrong and you got to be willing to take chances. I thought that was the biggest lesson that year.”

Mark Jackson was a point guard in the NBA for 17 seasons before he joined ESPN as an analyst. Yet, Jackson yearned to be an NBA coach, figuring his time as a point guard made him a coach on the court that would translate even if he lacked any experience on the bench.

“I wouldn’t say learn as you go along,” said Jackson, who took over the Warriors in 2011. “There are certain things that you have to learn that you didn’t do as a player. Now you’re making the decisions, decisions that you never thought about making like, ‘Do we stay overnight? Do we leave after the game? What time is practice? How long do we practice?’ I was fortunate to have good people around me, as far as my staff, particularly Mike Malone and Pete Myers, guys that had been assistants for a long time. They made life easier for me.”

Warriors head coach Mark Jackson hugs guard Stephen Curry after he was taken out of a playoff game against the Clippers.

When Vinny Del Negro became a first-time coach with the Chicago Bulls in 2008, he hired former head coaches Del Harris and Bernie Bickerstaff to show him the ins and outs of being the man in charge.

Del Negro also took another approach to help in his learning curve.

“When I got the Chicago job, I went and coached the team in the summer league,” he said. “I just jumped right in. I needed that. Everyday you do it, every game, you get a little bit more comfortable and you understand things a little bit better and you’re learning your players, and you know things you can do better every game. That’s what you are doing on a daily basis.”

As he began to think about coaching, Kerr said he spent years preparing how to interview for jobs and what kind of coaching philosophy he wanted to develop.

Kerr said some of the best advice he got about becoming a coach was from Jeff Van Gundy, a former Knicks and Rockets coach.

“I asked his advice and I said, ‘If you were me and just getting started and wanted to prepare for an interview and prepare to become a coach, what would you do?’” Kerr said. “And he said, ‘Everytime you stop and think about what kind of coach you want to be, write it down. Whatever you are thinking, write it down.

“Before long, you are going to collect your thoughts, you’re going to have them on paper, you’re going to be able to look at them and think about them and adapt them and put together a philosophy that you can present to somebody.’ And it was the best advice anybody gave me.”

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GOP plots revenge in Congress amid raging views on Trump conviction; fundraising surges

WASHINGTON – Republican lawmakers are seeking revenge for the historic conviction of former President Donald Trump in a New York hush money case, which they’re calling a miscarriage of justice and a pointed political maneuver.

In the Senate, a cohort of conservative lawmakers are pledging to stop all Democratic priorities and block Biden administration nominees from approval. 

And in the GOP-led House, lawmakers plan to interrogate the Manhattan prosecutors that sought the conviction, strip federal funding from the state of New York, and defund the efforts of special counsel Jack Smith , who is overseeing Trump’s classified documents case.

Their efforts may not be successful – the House’s pushes are sure to face a dead end in the Democratically-controlled Senate, for example – but it reflects the party’s continued loyalty to Trump and the political opportunity they see to rally support for his reelection bid.

On the campaign trail, they’re using the conviction to their advantage. The GOP’s donor platform, WinRed, was overwhelmed with traffic in the wake of the ruling, and both the Senate and House GOP campaign arms have reported a surge in fundraising. 

Prep for the polls: See who is running for president and compare where they stand on key issues in our Voter Guide

Candidates in competitive states are also already pushing messages that their Democratic competitors refuse to condemn the ruling, including new advertisements from GOP senate candidates in Montana and Ohio alleging their opponent supports a judicial strategy to interfere in the presidential election.

The verdict “adds fuel to Trump’s campaign. I think people view this more as a cause now than just a head-to-head matchup,” said Sen. Eric Schmitt, R-Mo., who was one of the senators to pledge to block movement in the Senate. He noted the fundraising jump and the new Senate ads. 

“I think it’s touching a nerve with the American people. They’re going to run their own races, but the truth is, I think the American people understand what’s at stake, which is, do we want to have a constitutional republic or a banana republic?”

A Senate blockade is likely

A group of eight conservative senators led by Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, released a statement Friday in the wake of the verdict claiming that the Biden Administration has “made a mockery of the rule of law.”

“As a Senate Republican conference, we are unwilling to aid and abet this White House in its project to tear this country apart,” they wrote.

The group, which has since added three other members, pledged to block any additional funding that doesn't address national security, block confirmations of Biden’s political and judicial nominees, and purposely slow down consideration of any Democrat-led legislation.

Most of the significant policy that Congress will pass this year has already gone through – the closer lawmakers get to an election, the harder it is for them to compromise on significant legislation. So most of the policy the conservative group plans to block would likely be Democratic messaging bills that stand no chance of passage anyway. 

“We don’t have a lot to do between now and (the election) other than judges and nominations,” said Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R-Ala., who is part of the blockade effort. “But as Republicans, we need to stand up for our country. This wasn’t against Donald Trump. This was against people that are true Americans and believe in this country.”

Confirming the president’s nominees for political and judicial positions is a key duty of the Senate – and can have big ripple effects in people’s lives, as they carry out basic government functions. It's also key to judicial appointments, reflecting the perspective of the president that appointed them well after leaving office.

The upper chamber requires every single senator to agree to speed things up for timely consideration of legislation and appointments, so the lawmakers’ threat to clamp down on nominees could be a serious headache for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, clogging up the Senate floor with lengthy appointment considerations instead of policy.

House GOP to fight with 'everything in our arsenal'

House Judiciary Committee Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, has requested Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg along with Matthew Colango, an attorney on Bragg’s team, to testify before a subcommittee probing weaponization of the federal government next week. 

The two would speak in a hearing to “examine actions by state and local prosecutors to engage politically motivated prosecutions . . . in particular, the recent political prosecution of President Donald Trump,” Jordan wrote in a letter to the prosecutors last week. 

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., pledged on “Fox News Sunday” that his conference would “fight back . . . with everything in our arsenal,” but it’s unlikely the lower chamber could do much to help the former president. Johnson noted Jordan’s panel and added that Republicans would work “within the confines of the rule of law.”

The conviction is certain to reignite calls from Johnson’s right flank to restrict federal funding for the Justice Department and namely, the U.S. Office of Special Counsel. Conservative agitators have taken aim at special counsel Jack Smith, who indicted Trump last year for mishandling classified documents and trying to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election he lost. 

Jordan sent a letter to House Appropriations Committee Chair Tom Cole, R-Okla., on Monday, recommending the committee to withhold funding for “rogue prosecutors (who) abuse the rules of professional conduct and their duty to do justice in service of politicized ends.”

Though even if Republicans did move to defund the special counsel's office, that would happen through the annual government funding process, which isn't expected to be completed anytime soon.Even if Republicans were to try cutting off funding for the special counsel’s office, such a move has a next-to-zero chance of passing the Democratic-controlled Senate and White House.

“We’re gonna try but (if) we send it over the Senate, it’s not gonna do anything,” Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., who supports defunding the office of special counsel, conceded.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., wants to go further and hold back all federal funding – such as money for education and law enforcement – for the whole state of New York. She posted on X, formerly Twitter, that “Republicans should not vote to fund a single penny to that corrupt state.”

The Georgia Republican also told reporters on Monday she has “articles of impeachment” against Biden ready, but said she would talk to Johnson first and introduce it to her colleagues in a closed-door meeting on Tuesday morning. House Republicans’ existing impeachment inquiry into the president has largely fizzled out as GOP lawmakers have grown skeptical about the investigation’s lack of evidence.

Surge in fundraising

The conviction is already becoming a talking point for Republicans in competitive Senate and House races. 

Republican candidate Tim Sheehy took out an ad claiming Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., is among the Democrats cheering on “state sponsored political persecution.”Also, GOP candidate Bernie Moreno released an ad saying Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, stands with Biden “even as he turns the judicial system into a weapon to interfere in a presidential election.”

There is no evidence to suggest that the Biden Administration was involved with the criminal trial, which was prosecuted in the New York state legal system.

The Trump campaign said on Friday that it had raised nearly $53 million in the 24 hours after he was convicted. By comparison, the campaign had raised around $58 million in the second half of 2023.

The two campaign arms for House and Senate Republicans – the National Republican Congressional Committee and the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee – reported the largest single day of online fundraising for the campaign cycle on the day after the verdict, raising more than $300,000 and $360,000, respectively.

The surge could close the financial gap with Democrats, who had been outpacing Republicans in fundraising this cycle.

Rep. Elissa Slotkin, D-Mich., who is running for the open Senate seat in her state, said it’s “too early to know” how much impact the verdict might have on competitive races like hers. She acknowledged that Republicans had a spike in donations after the verdict was announced, but said Democrats are also working to leverage the news for fundraising.

“Everyone I know was talking about a spike in donations in the first 24 hours after the verdict, so it just re-emphasizes just how polarizing Trump is,” she said. “I don’t think it helps Trump win those independents because a lot of them are like, ‘well, I don’t love the idea of a convicted felon.’”


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  2. United States v. Riley, Criminal Action 1:22-cr-163 (RDA)

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  5. USA v. Riley (8:22-mj-02166), Maryland District Court

    1 Rule 5(c)(3) Documents Received from The United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia as to Travel Alvin Riley. (mtds, Deputy Clerk) Related: [-] 2 2 Initial Appearance in Rule 5(c)(3) Proceedings as to Travel Alvin Riley held on 7/25/2022 before Magistrate Judge Timothy J. Sullivan. (FTR - Diaz 3B) (mtds, Deputy Clerk)

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  8. Home

    Hi, I'm Riley, a travel planner and blogger. I'm passionate about finding exciting destinations and helping people plan the perfect trip. I love to share my experiences through my blog so that others can learn from them and make their own trips even more enjoyable. With my help, you'll be able to find the perfect destination for your next ...

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  11. Alvin Riley Jr.

    Attorney · Newly licensed attorney as of November 2023. Currently on medical leave · Experience: Boedeker Law, P.C. · Education: University of Detroit Mercy School of Law · Location: Roseville ...

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  13. Riley v. Vilonia School District et al, No. 4:2020cv01012

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  23. Dupe Destinations in the Aegean

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  25. Steve Kerr, Doc Rivers on the challenges JJ Redick might face

    Kerr turned to former coach Alvin Gentry and Ron Adams, considered the savant of assistant coaches at the time in the NBA, for advice. "I was lucky I had Ron Adams and Alvin Gentry with me ...

  26. Alvin Reuben Riley (1918-1988)

    Mother: Alice Pearl Riley Father/parent: Claud Riley Alvin married Mary Catherine Zwisler 26/03/1943, Queensland Date of Burial 26/08/1988, aged 70 years Last Address 131 NORTH STREET, MARYBOROUGH ~~~~~ Service Numbers: Q6041, QX21837 Enlisted: 20 March 1941 Last Rank:...

  27. While Alvin Bragg Was Having a Trump Trial . . .

    In the 28 days ending May 26, a period that covers about two-thirds of Mr. Trump's trial, the New York Police Department's patrol boroughs of Manhattan North and Manhattan South reported 4,900 ...

  28. GOP plots revenge as Donald Trump conviction hits Congress

    House Judiciary Committee Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, has requested Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg along with Matthew Colango, an attorney on Bragg's team, to testify before a subcommittee ...