Microsoft Streets and Trips Alternative for 2024 - A Complete Guide [video included]

By christina carpio, posted in sales software / tools, featured, sales management.

Microsoft streets and trips

Every salesperson has their favorite sales tool to efficiently get the job done. But in a rapidly-evolving industry, tools often get replaced by the next generation of software.

Back in the day, everyone's favorite sales tool was Microsoft Streets and Trips . It was one of the most popular mapping softwares, used by thousands of salespeople.

Wonder what happened to it and what the best alternatives are now? Let's find out!

Streets and Trips Best Alternative

What is microsoft streets and trips, is microsoft streets and trips still available, how do i update microsoft streets and trips.

  • What is the best Microsoft Streets and Trips alternative?
  • Best Alternative to Streets and Trips - Optimized Routing and Scheduling

Best Alternative to Streets and Trips — Check-ins and Follow-up Reminders

  • Best Alternative to Streets and Trips — Mobilize your CRM

Best Alternative to Streets and Trips — Improved Customer Data Visualization and Filtering

Best alternative to streets and trips — lead generation on-the-go, best alternative to streets and trips — integrated team view, best alternative to streets and trips — advanced reporting, more alternatives to microsoft streets and trips.

  • Try out the Best Streets and Trips Alternative

Released in 2000, Microsoft Streets and Trips was a mapping and routing software designed to build multi-stop routes.

It had six million miles of maps including details such as stores, restaurants, and gas stations. Its invention was a major milestone in the evolution of traveling resources.

Streets and Trips' users loved its route optimization  options  for multiple stops , which allowed them to choose their preferred route based on various criteria (freeway, scenic route, secondary roads, etc.). Plus, routes could be changed on the fly, with no need for Internet connection.

Streets and Trips showed relevant points of interest along the way. It also allowed users to add notes, phone numbers, and any other relevant information about their customers. These features were especially useful for field salespeople.

Yet despite its groundbreaking features and popularity, Streets and Trips had limitations . As you could only install it on PCs with a CD-ROM, Streets and Trips suffered from the technological restrictions of its time, such as a lack of updates. 

It also was a time well before the era of mobile devices, when a lot of pre-planning was necessary for scheduling routes. As such, Streets and Trips lacked many of the on-the-go capabilities that today’s field sales industry demands.

Still, Microsoft Streets and Trips enjoyed tremendous popularity with salespeople . We had become dependent on its user-friendly interface and extensive maps to plan and optimize our daily sales routines.

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Streets and trips

Unfortunately, Microsoft Streets and Trips is no longer available for download . As the saying goes — all good things must come to an end.

Streets and Trips struggled to remain competitive in the rapidly-evolving digital mapping industry. Microsoft switched their focus to search engine Bing, with the hope that their mapping service Bing Maps could compete with the powerhouse of the industry, Google Maps.

Lost in the shuffle, Microsoft Streets and Trips 2013 was the last version available to the public, leaving many field salespeople without one of their most trusted resources for outside sales.

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Since it was discontinued, salespeople have wondered how they can update their favorite mapping software. 

And it’s a good question — will Microsoft Streets and Trips work on their newer operating systems?

Even if you figure out a way to make Streets and Trips work on your current software, its download options are unavailable , making it impossible to update.

This left many outside sales professionals stranded, looking for the best Streets and Trips replacement .

What is the best Microsoft Streets and Trips alternative?

After Microsoft Streets and Trips and other popular software of the time such as Microsoft MapPoint were discontinued, it left many asking, what will replace Microsoft Streets and Trips?

The answer is  Badger Maps , an app developed specifically with today’s field salespeople in mind.

Badger Maps is the best alternative to Microsoft Streets and Trips for outside sales. It’s user-friendly, easily customizable, and updated regularly with new features.

Badger Maps offers the advanced features that sales reps and managers loved in Microsoft Streets and Trips – things like routing, data visualization, check-ins, detailed follow-ups , and more.

The difference is that Badger Maps is optimized for modern-day selling, making it an invaluable tool for all field salespeople.

What makes Badger Maps the Best Alternative To Streets and Trips?

Created specifically for the outside sales community, Badger Maps allows for route optimization, customer check-ins , and a variety of other features to maximize time in the field .

One of Badger Maps greatest advantages is its user-friendliness, making it the best Microsoft Streets and Trips alternative. Badger Maps even offers new users free onboarding with Account Specialists who will walk you through the app’s features. You can quickly start optimizing your sales routes with unlimited stops and start increasing your sales.

The #1 route planner for field sales in all app stores, Badger Maps is designed to solve the main problems outside salespeople face in the field . From planning out their route to keeping track of check-ins in order to better manage their customer relationships, Badger Maps is the all-in-one app for field sales efficiency.

Available on iOS, Android, and PC, Badger Maps can be with you anywhere in the field. It gives you easy access to customer data and optimized routes, which is perhaps its biggest upgrade from Streets and Trips. But it’s not just the most convenient mapping software for salespeople searching for an alternative to Microsoft Streets and Trips — it’s also the most effective

It’s a great Microsoft MapPoint and BatchGeo alternative as well.

The best part about Badger Maps? Its selection of innovative mapping and routing features, designed to maximize field sales productivity. This includes:

  • Optimized routing and scheduling
  • Check-ins and follow-up reminders
  • Improved customer data visualization and filtering
  • Lead generation on-the-go
  • Integrated team view
  • Advanced reporting
  • Bi-directional CRM integration

Crush your quota with Badger

“It took me 2 days to plan routes with Streets and Trips. With Badger Maps, it takes 3 hours for a new rep to plan his initial visits of all 110 store locations.”

Matthew Brooks

Business Development Manager, Cargill

Best Alternative to Streets and Trips — Optimized Routing and Scheduling

Badger Maps makes it easy to optimize your route and plan your schedule - all in one tool. Using Badger Maps as a multi-stop route planner  saves you hours in weekly planning, as it automatically generates the fastest route to all your appointments. As a result, you’ll spend more time in the field and close 20-25% more deals.

In Route Mode, Badger Maps gives you turn-by-turn directions and live traffic updates to keep you on the fastest track. Additionally, you can cut down planning time by saving routes for at a later time. 

Microsoft Streets and Trips' route optimization feature was cutting-edge. Yet Streets and Trips did not live to see the age of smartphones and was only available on the computer. Badger Maps, on the other hand, is a mobile first app available across all Android and iOS devices and the web, so you can carry your routes and customer information anywhere, even in the field.

With Badger Maps Check-ins feature, you can keep track of all your client interactions as they take place. 

When you create a check-in, you can log your interaction (meeting, phone call, etc.), and add time-stamped notes of the interaction to stay organized.

If you use a CRM, all the notes you make when in the field will automatically sync. This way, you have all your meeting notes on-the-go and you'll never misplace valuable customer information. With Badger Maps, what happens in the field also happens in the office.

While Microsoft Streets and Trips was an extremely useful software, it was created for a more general market. Badger Maps is an app dedicated to salespeople, so we know the  importance of follow-ups . Studies have shown that 80% of deals need five or more follow-ups to close.We make sure you never miss a single one

The Follow-ups feature lets you add a date for your next follow-up and set an appointment reminder. With Follow-ups to keep you on track, you will never miss an opportunity simply because you forget to contact a prospect.

Best Alternative to Streets and Trips - Mobilize your CRM

Sales teams can mobilize their CRM with Badger Maps , allowing them to access and update customer info directly from the field. This enables field teams to sync and leverage data in their CRM, all from their phone. Badger Maps can integrate with leading CRMs such as HubSpot, Salesforce , Microsoft Dynamics , Zoho , Insightly , NetSuite , and many more.

Microsoft street and trips

By integrating Badger Maps with your CRM, sales reps working in the field can visualize all of their data on an engaging and interactive map. This shows reps exactly where their customers are and how best to prioritize them. 

With Badger Maps Bi-directional Integration, sales teams will be able to see all their activity in Badger Maps instantly in their CRM too.

These vital CRM capabilities make Badger Maps the best Streets and Trips replacement for field teams.

“CRM usage increased more than 50% once our sales team adopted Badger”

Regional Sales Manager, Danaher

Discover how Danaher increased CRM usage by 50% with Badger Maps!

With Badger Maps Data Visualization and Filtering features,  territory management  is painless.

The Colorize and Filter features give you a smarter view of your territory. It makes it easy to view your priority accounts, mass update information, and plan your future sales calls. Filters are fully customizable, allowing you to visualize customers based on any criteria you find useful.

Using Badger Maps colorize and filter features is as easy as editing pushpins in Microsoft Streets and Trips. Badger Maps advantage is that once you colorize and filter, you can immediately make your next move. Using the Lasso tool, you can quickly select all the pins you want to create a route for or mass update, with no tedious steps in between.

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Badger Maps Cutter & Buck Case Study

Ever had a customer cancel a meeting at the last minute? With Badger Maps  lead generation tool  ' Places ', you’ll always have a back-up plan.

'Places' helps salespeople cut back on idle time and find new opportunities around every corner. Whether your meeting was canceled or you have time to spare, you can simply go to the Places tool, search by business category, and instantly view new leads in your selected area.

Since Streets and Trips wasn’t made with a salesperson's needs in mind, it lacked this important feature. Street and Trips was limited to showing business reviews and ratings. Badger Maps built on what Streets and Trips started and added this crucial tool to maximize every salesperson's potential.

Street and trips

Teamwork is a huge part of many people’s sales process. One of Badger Maps most popular features, “My Team,” allows you to link different Badger Maps accounts together into teams.

Both sales reps and managers can benefit from using My Team. Team View allows reps to see their account status, view their territories, and access team activity reports.

Managers can use Manager View to access all team member check-ins, territories, routes, and activity reports. Having this information allows managers to get an accurate view of what’s going on in the field and catch problems before they arise. Managers can also directly edit their team members’ territories and routes. 

Badger Maps knows the importance of collaboration, so the feature is customizable for field sales teams of any size.

The best part? Badger Maps has a free team pilot program so that you can see how it works for your entire team. 

Streets and trips

With Badger Maps, it's easy to know what goes on in the field. Every time you make a check-in, Badger Maps saves the information in a check-in report. The report includes account information, a timestamp, and the notes of that visit.

Every Friday, check-in reports are automatically sent to your inbox. Users can also export their report at any time, allowing them to view their progress without manually going through each account.

For reps, these reports provide the ability to track performance and keep notes of the work they've completed over a given period of time

For managers, reports help  identify sales curves and trends  and build an incentive program for reps.

Report generation was nonexistent in Microsoft Streets and Trips. This resulted in hours spent tending to tiresome administrative duties. Badger Maps automatically generates reports each week, saving you time and helping you be more productive than ever.

With so many mapping tools available, it makes sense to explore your options to be certain you choose the right one for your needs. Here are a few additional mapping tools that are worth looking into:

  • Price : Free
  • Best fo r: Road Trips, Simple Routing

Launched in 1996, MapQuest was the first commercial web mapping service. This reliable software is used to create simple routes, locate businesses, and book hotels. 

MapQuest limits how many stops you can add to optimized routes, which makes it better suited for road trips and other simple routes.


  • Price : Free or Plus for $35.99/year
  • Best for: Road Trips, Sightseeing 

Roadtrippers is a web-based software application and mobile app designed to help travelers plan epic road trips. With Roadtrippers you can plan trips, discover unique destinations along your route, read reviews of points of interests, and calculate gas cost. 

This app is perfect for adventurers looking to enjoy the journey and not just the destination.

  • Price: Contact for pricing information
  • Best for: Sales/Data Visualization 

Mapline is a web-based mapping tool for territory and data visualization. By importing your data to Mapline, you can get a customized view of your customer base and use the analytical tools to plan your next steps. Additionally, you can use Mapline to create territories and build routes.

Xactly AlignStar

  • Price:  Contact for pricing information
  • Best for : Sales Territory Management 

Xactly AlignStar is a territory management tool that allows you to visualize and adjust territories with no hassle. Through data analysis, AlignStar enables you to rebalance territories based on your parameters, and discover new sales opportunities for your reps.

AlignStar is geared towards sales managers and does not have features, such a route planning, that sales reps may be looking for.

Try out the Best Microsoft Streets and Trips Alternative

For outside salespeople, Badger Maps is the best Microsoft Streets and Trips alternative. Offering many of the same tools that came with Microsoft Streets and Trips, field salespeople throughout the industry have made the switch to Badger Maps — and are loving the updated features.

Support and onboarding for new users is just a call or email away. So make the change to Badger Maps today, and empower yourself with the #1 route planner for field sales on the market.  Start your free trial today!

Co-authors:  Christina Carpio and Mitch Paglia


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In "Sales Software / Tools", "Featured", "Sales Management"

The Field Sales Management Playbook

Route Planning Strategies to Improve your Field Teams Success


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Support for Streets & Trips has ended

Support for Streets & Trips , AutoRoute , and MapPoint ended in 2015.  You can continue to use these products; however, Microsoft will no longer provide software updates or technical support for these apps.  Volume license customers will also be unable to download the apps from the Volume Licensing Service Center .  You can still activate the apps online, or through the automated phone system (from within the product's activation window).  If you need help, you can search self-help articles on or post a question in the Community forums at .  If you enjoyed these products and are looking for a replacement, we encourage you to try out Bing Maps .


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Microsoft Streets & Trips review: Microsoft Streets & Trips

Microsoft streets & trips.

Microsoft's Streets & Trips makes a fine backseat driver, but you should leave this version at the rest stop. This trip planner delivers accurate and easy-to-understand driving directions and comes with some useful mapping tools, but it still suffers the same limitations of last year's version--namely, its lack of online integration. Plus, at $40, it's one of the more expensive options of its kind.

The Bottom Line

If you're on the road a lot, you might be better off with a dedicated GPS device, such as the Garmin StreetPilot III . As for finding quirky roadside attractions, you'll need to do some good, old-fashioned legwork online.

Streets & Trips 2004, like its predecessors, hogs disk space. But unless you want to keep the second CD in the drive every time you use Streets & Trips, we recommend installing the entire program instead of the minimum, even though it takes up 1GB.

The program's interface remains familiar, with three easy-to-navigate panes: a map of your highlighted route in the center, driving directions at the top, and a task pane on the left for route planning and finding nearby attractions. A toolbar atop the center screen includes shortcuts to planning tools and a slider for zooming in on your map. Another toolbar at the bottom houses drawing tools for marking maps. Neither toolbar is customizable.

To get started, simply enter starting and ending points, plus any intermediate stops. Click the Get Directions button, and your route pops up in seconds. If you decide to stop in Memphis instead of continuing on to Chattanooga, simply click the route on the map and drag it on top of Memphis; the program's Snap Routing feature automatically recalculates your journey. This program has an excellent range (it documents more than 6.7 million miles of roads in the United States and Canada), and in our tests, the directions were dead-on. The directions also note any bumps that may come up along the way by providing up-to-the-minute road construction information.

Streets & Trips 2004 introduces a few minor new features. One-way streets are now color-coded and marked--a useful addition, though we wish Microsoft had used a slightly brighter color. Business travelers will love the new options for calculating the amount and cost of fuel on a per-trip basis. You can also plug in your average driving speed for a more accurate driving-time estimate.

You can still mark favorite locales or interesting attractions with pushpin icons. You can also create your own pushpin images or add Web links to any pushpin's description.

Speaking of the Web, Streets and Trips 2004 still lacks content for evaluating destinations. If you're salivating for blackberry pie in the middle of Oregon, you can get numbers and addresses for local diners--but no pie-quality tips. A search for hotels offers the same disappointing result--no ratings, let alone built-in Web links for making reservations.

Streets & Trips offers fairly good printing options. You can now print a full-page map, but alas, there's still no preview option.

Microsoft upgraded the program's GPS support for Pocket Streets, the bundled application that lets you export maps to a Pocket PC device. If you have GPS gear connected to your Pocket PC handheld (the GPS must support NMEA 2.0 or later), you can see your location on the Streets & Trips map. You can also turn a map (or a map and driving directions) into a Web page and even set it to update every time you make a change to the map or route in Streets & Trips.

You'll get standard Microsoft service and support. There's a fairly thorough help file and decent built-in help (although we were irritated that we couldn't search for specific keywords from within the program). There are a few FAQs posted online, but if they don't help, you can try searching the Microsoft Knowledge Base. If you need help from a live human being, you can file an online help ticket or contact customer service by phone (available Monday through Friday, 5 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday 5 a.m. to 3 p.m. PT).

Score Breakdown

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Microsoft Streets & Trips: A Review Of Mapping Software For Frequent Travelers

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I have the 2005 version of Microsoft Trips and Streets software , but there is a newer version published in 2008.

Here’s why I like Microsoft Streets and Trips…

The Microsoft website description of Streets and Trips says:

Every trip is a good one with Microsoft Streets & Trips 2008! With tools and features to help you create custom routes, set driving preferences, plan breaks, and calculate travel costs, this trip planning software makes travel easier, whether you’re going around town or anywhere across the U.S. and Canada. As the #1 best-selling travel and map software, it gets you where you’re going quickly, easily, and without all the guesswork.

My Favorite Features


  • I have found this program to be very accurate and easy to use. I can input the address of the starting location, the address of the ending location, and get a printable map of the most direct route to get there. I can choose whether I want to take interstate highways, state highways, or the scenic route.
  • If I want to take a side trip to a particular place, all I have to do is click on any part of the route, and drag it over to include the place I want to go. It is easy to force the route to a particular road, too, if you would rather go a different way than what the software comes up with.
  • A feature of this software that I particularly like is the Route: Options. I can input the average miles per gallon we get while towing, and the average price we pay for fuel. When I plan my route, I will then get driving directions, and an approximate total cost of fuel to complete the trip.
  • Another thing I like is the Nearby Places function. I can instruct the program to find a city. Once the name of the city is highlighted on a map, I can right click on the name of that city, then choose Find Nearby Places. A list of nearby places — that includes a list of campgrounds in the area — will then pop up. I can tell the software to find places from 1 to 50 miles around that city. The information for campgrounds includes the name, address, and telephone number, so calling to make reservations is a breeze.

Microsoft Mapping Software Gets High Marks


So, if you are the navigator on your RV trips, and you need a good map program, try the Microsoft Streets and Trips .

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Microsoft Streets & Trips 2006

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User Reviews

12 User Votes

no good to me

I would not download, nice interface, my wife is able to run it to navigate., bogus download, good product, easy to handle, installation files corrupt 11-3-10, it is nice to have maps when you're not connected., i still have streets 2006, unable to install on windows vista, good maping system.

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Microsoft Streets and Trips 2010 and MapPoint 2010 Construction Data Update

Download the latest construction data to keep your maps current

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System Requirements

Supported Operating Systems

Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XP

Install Instructions

Related resources.

  • MapPoint 2009 / Streets & Trips 2009 Construction Update
  • Streets & Trips 2008 Construction Update
  • MapPoint Home Page
  • Streets & Trips Home Page

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Streets and trips 2013 w new computer

I've used Microsoft Trips and Streets on a laptop when travelling since 2000.

I had a laptop with windows 8, updated to windows 10 and windows streets 2013 and  a Microsoft GPS worked just fine.

Just got a new laptop, planning to travel, and my new puter with windows 10 and all updates, cannot recognize the microsoft GPS.

It jingles when plugged in and lights up, but the computer cannot find a gps connected to the laptop.

I downloaded trips and streets 2013 from the web cause i had a product key from my old puter

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I'm sorry, but this answer does not solve my problem

I was able to install and activate S&T 2013 on my new laptop.

The problem is that the computer/software says it cannot find a GPS "no GPS receiver is detected"

S&T is on the new puter and working fine except GPS won't work.

But it does connect cause it jingles and lights up.

Inactive profile

To isolate the issue, we have some questions for you:  

What GPS are you using? Is it an external GPS or internal GPS?  

Have you confirmed if the new laptop is compatible with the device? To confirmed it, you need to call the manufacturer to know if the new laptop has internal GPS chipset.  

Have you tried running the applications in compatibility mode?  

We'll be waiting for your response.  

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  4. Microsoft Expedia Streets & Trips 2000 ad

  5. Sago Mini Trips Full Game Walkthrough (iOS, Android)


  1. Microsoft Streets and Trips Alternative for 2024

    Microsoft Streets and Trips was a mapping and routing software that was discontinued in 2013. Check out the Best Streets and Trips Alternatives for 2024 ... Badger Maps, on the other hand, is a mobile first app available across all Android and iOS devices and the web, so you can carry your routes and customer information anywhere, even in the ...

  2. How to use Microsoft Streets & Trips on Android?

    There are several RDP/VNC application on Android, which can be used to "run" any Windows application. What you basically need to do is fairly straightforward: Setup a server or virtual machine running a Windows machine. Install a RDP / VNC viewer on your Android. Configure the viewer to connect to the server.

  3. Microsoft Streets and Trips 2013

    Regarding to your information I assume that you want the installer file of Microsoft Streets and Trips 2013. Maybe you can follow this link to download this software. Download Microsoft MapPoint 2013 and Microsoft Streets & Trips 2013 Construction Data Update from Official Microsoft Download Center. If there is anything not clear, please do not ...

  4. Microsoft Streets and Trips Alternative for 2021

    Harness The Power of Google Places Point of Interest Data. SPOTIO's integration with Google Places is one of the reasons it is the optimal Streets and Trips alternative for 2021. There are over 100 million "places" in Google Places, all with comprehensive points of interest data. Also, Google Places data updates daily, to the tune of 25 ...

  5. Microsoft Streets and Trips Alternatives and Similar Software

    There are more than 10 alternatives to Microsoft Streets and Trips for a variety of platforms, including Web-based, iPhone, Android, iPad and Android Tablet apps. The best Microsoft Streets and Trips alternative is Roadtrippers, which is free. Other great apps like Microsoft Streets and Trips are Maptitude, Maplytics, Mapline and TripCase.

  6. Microsoft Streets & Trips

    Microsoft Streets & Trips, known in other countries as Microsoft AutoRoute, is a discontinued mapping program developed and distributed by Microsoft.Functionally, the last version is a subset of Microsoft MapPoint targeted at the average consumer to do a variety of map related tasks in the North American region including the United States, Canada, and Mexico, such as route planning.

  7. Support for Streets & Trips has ended

    Support for Streets & Trips, AutoRoute, and MapPoint ended in 2015. You can continue to use these products; however, Microsoft will no longer provide software updates or technical support for these apps. ... If you need help, you can search self-help articles on or post a question in the Community forums at https://answers ...

  8. How to Map with Streets & Trips

    A basic tutorial on creating routes with Microsoft Streets and Trips

  9. Microsoft Streets & Trips review: Microsoft Streets & Trips

    Streets & Trips 2004 introduces a few minor new features. One-way streets are now color-coded and marked--a useful addition, though we wish Microsoft had used a slightly brighter color.

  10. Download Microsoft MapPoint 2013 and Microsoft Streets & Trips 2013

    Close Streets & Trips and/or MapPoint. Click the download link to start the download. Click Save or Save this program to disk. Save the file in the Data folder; For XP C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft Streets & Trips\19.0\Data or

  11. Microsoft Streets & Trips: A Review Of Mapping Software For Frequent

    Microsoft Mapping Software Gets High Marks. Microsoft Streets and Trips is not the only mapping program available, but at $39.95 it is in the same price range as most other comparable software. And with the 2008 Connected version, you get a free 1-year subscription to MSN Direct for traffic updates and gas prices, plus a compact GPS Locator and ...

  12. Microsoft Streets and Trips Downloads

    Harassment is any behavior intended to disturb or upset a person or group of people. Threats include any threat of violence, or harm to another.

  13. How to Download and Install Microsoft Streets and Trips 2013?

    To install Microsoft Streets & Trips you need to download it from a website such as CNET. Or, use Maptitude mapping software as an alternative.

  14. Microsoft Streets and Trips 2009 basic tutorial

    Microsoft Streets and Trips mapping software allows users to enter addresses then maps the most efficient route between those addresses. This tutorial introd...

  15. Microsoft Streets & Trips 2006 : Microsoft : Free Download, Borrow, and

    Wayback Machine (Android) Browser Extensions. Chrome; Firefox; Safari; Edge; Archive-It Subscription. Explore the Collections; Learn More; Build Collections; ... Microsoft Streets & Trips 2006 by Microsoft. Publication date 2005-09-02 Topics Map, Streets, Trips, Windows 98. Microsoft Streets & Trips 2006 v13.00.09.0200

  16. Microsoft Streets & Trips 2013

    Microsoft Streets & Trips 2013: Route Planner demonstration of planning a trip from Guffey, CO to Roswell, NM.

  17. How do I activate and register Microsoft Streets & Trips?

    I installed Streets & Trips but can't find how to activate and register the software. I tried help but wasn't able to find the answer. Hope this helps. Rob Brown - Microsoft MVP <- profile - Windows Expert - Consumer : Bicycle <- Mark Twain said it right.

  18. Microsoft Streets and Trips for Windows

    Download Microsoft Streets and Trips latest version for Windows free to try. Microsoft Streets and Trips latest update: November 7, 2018

  19. Microsoft Street and Trips

    Microsoft Street and Trips I have been using Streets and Trips for years to plan extended vacation trips. However I need to get a new computer and I understand that Streets will not work with Windows 10. I cannot find another program that will replicate what Streets does. Other programs will navigate to one place at a time not allow for ...

  20. Download Microsoft Streets and Trips 2010 and MapPoint 2010

    Close Streets & Trips and/or MapPoint. Click the download link to start the download. Click Save or Save this program to disk. Save the file in the Data folder; For XP C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Microsoft Streets & Trips\17.0\Data or

  21. Microsoft Streets and Trips

    Microsoft Streets & Trips is a mapping program developed by Microsoft based on Microsoft MapPoint technology. The Microsoft Streets & Trips software eventually stopped being updated in 2013, and related support was discontinued in 2015, with Bing Maps being the successor. Here are a few suggestions to try and resolve the issue:

  22. Streets and trips 2013 w new computer

    I've used Microsoft Trips and Streets on a laptop when travelling since 2000. I had a laptop with windows 8, updated to windows 10 and windows streets 2013 and a Microsoft GPS worked just fine. Just got a new laptop, planning to travel, and my new puter with windows 10 and all updates, cannot recognize the microsoft GPS.