• Bird Watching and Wildlife
  • Karakorum to Hot Springs
  • Golden Dunes to Steppe Waterfall
  • Gobi Desert Marvels
  • Sand to Green Sea
  • Crown Gems of Mongolia
  • Become A Mountain Nomad
  • Become A Desert Nomad
  • Kazakh Eagle Festival
  • Gobi Desert to Oasis
  • BEST of Northern Mongolia
  • Tavan Bogd Mountain Region
  • Zavkhan Dunes to Otgontenger Mountain
  • Triple Lakes
  • National Naadam Festival
  • Legendary Art of Mongolian Archery
  • Learn the Mongolian Horse-head Fiddle
  • Mongolian Khoomei
  • Learn the Elite Art of Mongolian Calligraphy
  • Learn the Famed Fine Asian Arts
  • Empowerment Impacts
  • 7 Days – Khuvsgul Lake Horse Riding
  • 7 Days – Nomadic Homestay at Terelj National Park
  • 5 Days – Experience Western Mongolia’s Kazakh Lifestyle
  • Horse Riding Trails with Nomadic Community Support (2024 TBD)
  • Complete List of Community Based Nomadic Trails (2024 TBD)
  • LEARNING AREA: Language, Culture, etc.
  • Mongolian Foods
  • Mongolia Horse Riding Tours and Culture
  • How to Successfully Homestay
  • Winter Mongolia Homestays
  • Eastern Mongolia Homestays
  • Western Mongolia Homestays
  • Northern Mongolia Homestays
  • Mongolia’s Shamanism
  • 1. Gobi Desert
  • 2. White Lake
  • 3. Lake Khuvsgul
  • 4. Gobi’s Flaming Cliffs
  • 5. Tavan Bogd Mountain
  • 6. Khar Nuur Lake
  • 7. Karakorum
  • 8. Golden Ulgii Mountain
  • 9. Bird Watching and Wildlife
  • Lunar New Year Info
  • Winter Ice Festival – Khuvsgul
  • Thousand Camel Festival
  • Ulaanbaatar Marathon
  • Deeltei Mongolia Day
  • Tsaatan Reindeer Festival
  • Yak Festival
  • Nomadic Cultural Naadam
  • Danshig Naadam and Tsam
  • Eagle Festival
  • Ulaanbaatar City Food
  • Choiljin Lam Temple
  • Natural History Museum
  • Bogd Khan Winter Palace
  • Gandan Monastery
  • Sukhbaatar Square
  • Zanabazar Museum
  • Khuvsgul Trekking Trails
  • Terelj Trekking Trails
  • Northern Mongolia
  • Eastern Mongolia
  • Southern Mongolia
  • Western Mongolia
  • Preperations – FAQs
  • GER to GER Mongolia Blogs
  • TRAVEL TO MONGOLIA Flights, Trains, Mongolian Visas, Embassy
  • Mongolian Climate
  • MONGOLEI REISEN – Deutsch Sprachheft
  • GEOTOURISM MONGOLIA – Mongolei Reisen
  • What to Expect
  • Local Living VS Package
  • Suitability Check
  • Terms and Conditions

Mongolia Tours | GER to GER Mongolia - Experience Mongolia's Nomadic Lifestyles

MongoliaN Community Based Tourism (CBT) 

Truly benefiting locals.

Authored between 2002-04 and launched in 2005, GER to GER is  “THE WORLD’s FIRST”  Mongolian Community Based Tourism initiative (social enterprise) to work sustainably with nomadic families across Mongolia for over 15+ years.


At ger to ger we advance the united nations goals within our community based tourism operations across mongolia – it hasn’t been easy but it’s been worth it, our sdg achievements via community based tourism in mongolia.

AT GERtoGER we are able to tangibly prove how we advance the UN’s MDGs/SDGs in our day-to-day community based tourism operations for DECADES (SINCE I started AUTHORing IT from 2002):

  • SDG 1 – NO POVERTY: up to 80% of Humanitarian Trips’ finances are returned to rural nomads, drivers, etc.; 20% towards rural communities’ marketing and workshops.
  • SDG 2 – ZERO HUNGER: We have/continue to employ nomadic families who are the poorest of the poor, marginalized, challenged, etc.
  • SDG 3 – GOOD HEALTH AND WELLBEING:   trainings on health/safety/reduce sanitation illnesses (Hepatitis, etc.); incomes for medical insurance, visits, medication, surgeries, etc.
  • SDG 4 – QUALITY EDUCATION:   Via workshops/incomes nomadic adults/children are receiving education via workshops (locals/internationals), schools, high schools and universities. 
  • SDG 5 – GENDER EQUALITY:   Over 70% of our national managers are women; rurally, women care for travelers’ family experience (food, drink, etc.) while men generally guide (though some women guide). 
  • SDG 6 – CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION: VIA TRAINING/OPERATIONS 1) nomads/travelers – “Leave No Trace” 2) waste management to mitigate watershed damages along routes, etc.
  • SDG 7 – AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY: assisted all nomadic families to obtain savings accounts across Mongolia – credit histories used for financial services/small-loans to procure solar/wind powered units and other environmentally safe and affordable tech to make their lives more comfortable and safe (solar freezers for meet/foods, etc.).
  • SDG 8 – DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROWTH:   Social economic development via tourism while combating negative aspects of open market growth (mainly “ Karens “).  Over 90% of HR are rural; via “Geotourism” we strengthen rural supply chains and via community based tourism development we actively seek both direct and indirect means to further advance a variety of social economic development initiatives with both local and international partners e.g. renovating and equipping schools/kindergartens with not only educational materials but also with heating systems (as many student freeze in winter in northern/central Mongolia) as well as enhancing schools’ decors to make them more pleasant for both students and teachers.
  • SDG 9 – INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE:   “GER to GER” is the Mongol Empire’s ancient “kinetic supply chain” – today this ancient supply chain advances Mongolia’s social economic aspirations. 
  • SDG 10 – REDUCE INEQUALITIES: In addition to financial equality, SDG initiatives in Mongolia and abroad – for the last 6+ years we’ve been tracking, mapping, countering, etc., a variety of “inequalities” from Asia to EU to mitigate home-grown issues across multiple countries/internet-platforms. Today, beyond extremists, the greatest risks for developing nations like Mongolia are “ Karens ” that pose an immediate threat via online misinformation that disrupts market economics via negatively impacting countries, businesses and people’s image.
  • SDG 11 – SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES:   GERtoGER meshes “kinetic” and “static” supply chains into itineraries, products, etc., towards advancing social economic development. GERtoGER’s founder has spent 23+ years assisting Mongolia through its post-Soviet transitional development (tourism, meat, cashmere) – first USAID funded “The Competitiveness Initiative”. 
  • SDG 12 – RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND PRODUCTION:  1) travelers are trained on “subsistence nomadic lifestyles, traditions, history, etc.” 2) nomadic tribes are provided with cashmere-alternatives owing to overgrazing issues (sharp increase in goat numbers); sustainable eco-incomes vs. land degradation incomes that impacts nomadism, livestock, GDPs, nature/environment.
  • SDG 13 – CLIMATE ACTION:  We have conducted Nomad Relief Efforts during climatic disasters; films, media pieces, awareness campaigns, etc. 2) We established networks ‘that can’ monitor trends (goats, desertification, watershed situations, weather impacts on land degradation, etc.)
  • SDG 14 – LIFE BELOW WATER:   Via workshops all herder/travelers are trained about the importance of water resources in relation to mitigating waste related issues, etc. Though Mongolia may not have oceans – the quality of Mongolia’s watersheds are vital to nomadic populations throughout the country. Mr. Fromer assisted USAID Gobi Initiative’s “Watershed Monitoring” program works as the quality of the watersheds directly impacts Mongolia’s GDPs (cashmere, meat, tourism) as nomadic families are the core “node” of all three industries.
  • SDG 15 – LIFE ON LAND:  Via workshops herders/travelers are trained about the importance of land resources in relation to mitigating waste related issues, watershed impacts on land quality, weather/climatic degradation of land, etc., in addition to serious issues pertaining to overgrazing, etc., GER to GER has established nomadic networks ‘that can’ monitor such remote concerns (GDP concerns).
  • SDG 16 – PEACE, JUSTICE, AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS: We promote the UN’s UDHRs within Mongolia, social media, etc. Mr. Fromer encourages all countries to “maintain the peace” via making the general public aware of social-issues (extremists, oppression OPS, racial hate CRIMES, etc.) that may indeed hinder social economic development. Today, beyond extremists, the greatest risks for developing nations like Mongolia are “ Karens ” that pose an immediate threat via online misinformation that disrupts market economics via negatively impacting countries, businesses and people’s image.
  • SDG 17 – PARTNERSHIP FOR THE GOALS: We proactively expand our partnerships and collaborative initiatives .

Responsible Travel Notes: 

* All Mongolian Community Based Tourism Offers (Nomadic Trails) and Homestays are 100% “Reality Trips” that are managed and operated by locals and nomadic families; GER to GER Office operates ONLY AS A Humanitarian “Travel Agent” for communities (non-tour operator).

* GER to GER’s Mongolian Community Based Tourism Offers (Nomadic Trails) is about “Reality” – real families, real lifestyles, real situation, etc. (who are the Mongols? And not about our expectations).

* GER to GER’s Mongolian Community Based Tourism Offers (Nomadic Trails) are not an amusement park experience – it’s about awareness/respecting nomadic lifestyle and learning “their ways” (not ours), etc.

* GER to GER’s Mongolian Community Based Tourism Offers (Nomadic Trails) is an opportunity for people to learn how to integrate within other cultures vs. other cultures catering to our international norms and standards that we have become overly accustomed too and demand others to adhere too (like paid entertainment slaves).

* GER to GER has generated over a Million USD towards Mongolia’s social economic development via supply-chain synergies and provides over 80% of its revenues toward rural nomadic families that greatly need this alternative income source.


Some successes from 1000s include:, hashuu’s wife.

“Ger to Ger saved my husband’s health in 2016… Ger to Ger paid for his entire hip replacement surgery/one month’s physical therapy treatment cost at the Korean Hospital. Today, he is working by himself and started to herd animals alone without requiring other people’s assistance; his backbone pain gone forever.”

“The benefits of working with Ger to Ger are countless.”

“Income that my family earned from tourism sector has paid for my husband’s rehab and medical treatment for his liver.”

A Nomad States

“My additional revenue from tourism industry benefitted my livestock to grow sustainably as I had no longer kill animals to pay my four children’s tuitions and my wife’s liver treatment.”

Battsetseg Gonchigdorj

“After collecting my salary for couple years, I was able to pay for my two older daughters’ university tuitions. The oldest daughter fulfilled her dream as a pre-med student and the other one studied Korean language. The young two daughters are studying in English school and high school specialized in math.”

Jargalsaikhan Purevjal

“I used my salary to purchase more animals for my family and a horse cart so I don’t need to beg other families to lend us their cart so my family can move during seasonal migration.”

Amarjargal Dorjsuren

“In 2008, my brother was killed due to unsafe working conditions in the unlicensed Nalaih mines. If my husband and I were not working at Ger to Ger, my husband could have been killed too. It’s truly wonderful that Ger to Ger assisted my family and also saved my life for my children… I’m always Appreciative.”

“In 2006, Ger to Ger invited my family to become a host family however we had no financial resources and no animals to transport travelers. Regardless of our challenges, Ger to Ger team extended their hands by recommending to rent animals and Gers from other families until we were able to procure our own.”

“We used to herd for other families for many years because we did not have our own animals. But after working with Ger to Ger our livelihoods improved and we purchased our own animals; and herding them now. Also few years ago, one of my sons had heart problem and had to have urgent surgery. If we did not work with Ger to Ger and did not earn money from tourism sector we could not have afford to pay the surgery cost and save my son. Today my son is healthy and herding animals, next year he will start studying in University.”

Tested, Tried, 100% Proven AND Traceable History

Supportive online documentation.

  • Mongolian Governmental Ministry Medal of Honor
  • Photographers Without Borders – Featured Article (GERtoGER.org)
  • National Geographic Geotourism Guidebook
  • National Geographic Society Press Release
  • Certificate of Excellence signed by the vice president of National Geographic Society
  • National Geographic Society D.C. certified GEOtourism Ambassador
  • The Amazing Race USA Credit List ( associated with EMMY/DGA Wins)
  • The Amazing Race Australia 2019 (our Episode quoted as “The Best Episode Yet!”)
  • The Amazing Race Australia – Credit List
  • National Geographic’s World Best Travel Experiences
  • WHL Travel’s Urban Adventures Award
  • World Travel Market – London
  • LA Travel & Adventure Show – 2020 Guest Speaker
  • Tourism Watch
  • WELT-SITCHEN – Featured Article (GERtoGER.org)
  • Lonely Planet
  • Rough Guides
  • New York Magazine – The Cut
  • International trade fairs (ITB, WTM, etc.)
  • United Nation’s ESCAP Report ( page 14 )

Short List – Timeline of Achievements, Honors and Recognitions:  

  • 2020 Los Angeles Travel And Adventure Show – official speaker & exhibitor
  • 2019 The Amazing Race Australia (Country Fixer, Facilitator, Production Management, etc.)
  • 2019 One Of 200 Founding Members Of Airbnb Adventures
  • 2019 Photographers Without Borders – featured article
  • 2019 Petit Fute guidebook and online marketing (inside cover-page)
  • 2019 Mongolian Ministry approved exhibitor – WTM London
  • 2019 Mongolian Ministry approved exhibitor – Swiss’s Travel Expo (FESPO)
  • 2018/19 “Recommended Business” Trip Advisor
  • 2018 New York & The Cut Magazines – featured in
  • 2018 USA Today – Gobi Desert
  • 2018 Mongolian Ministry approved exhibitor – Taipei’s Travel Expo
  • 2018 Mongolian Ministry approved exhibitor – Korea’s Travel Expo (KOTFA)
  • 2018 Panelist speaker at the USAID funded Lead Summit (Leaders for Democracy)
  • 2017 Leben Magazine – featured article
  • 2017 Wienerin Reise – featured article
  • 2017 Mongolian Ministry approved exhibitor – World Travel Market London
  • 2017 Mongolian Ministry approved exhibitor – Seoul Travel Mart Expo
  • 2017 Exhibitor – COTTM, Beijing’s International Travel Exhibition
  • 2017 Mongolian Ministry approved exhibitor – ITB Berlin, Germany Travel Expo
  • 2016/17 Mongolia Producer of “Dani’s Way”; Beijing, USA, Mongolia (Mongolian Ministry supported)
  • 2016 Welt-sichten – featured in article
  • 2016 Mongolian Ministry approved exhibitor – World Travel Market London
  • 2016 Mongolian Ministry approved exhibitor – ITB Berlin Travel Expo
  • 2015 Mongolian Ministry Medal Of Honor For Leadership
  • 2015 Mongolian Ministry approved exhibitor – World Travel Market London
  • 2015 Mongolian Ministry approved exhibitor – ITB Berlin Travel Expo
  • 2005-Today IMDb profile; The Amazing Race, No Strangers, In The Footsteps Of Genghis Khan, etc.
  • 2014 Certified member of the American Society Of Travel Agents (ASTA)
  • 2008-14 Lonely Planet “most innovative tourism concept in Mongolia…”
  • 2014 Mongolian Ministry approved exhibitor – ITB Berlin Travel Expo
  • 2014 Adventure Travel Show London exhibitor
  • 2014 Exhibitor – Hong Kong Adventure International Travel Exhibition
  • 2013 Zeit Online – featured article
  • 2013 Mongolian Ministry approved exhibitor – World Travel Market London
  • 2013 Rough Guides – “how to immerse yourself on your local travels”
  • 2012 Exhibitor – COTTM Beijing, China International Travel Exhibition
  • 2012 National Geographic’s “World’s Best Travel Experiences” #8
  • 2010 National Geographic’s Geotourism Ambassadorship
  • 2010 National Geographic’s Global Finalist’s Certificate of Excellence
  • 2010 National Geographic One Of World’s Innovative Travel Entrepreneurs
  • 2010 The Travel World – featured article
  • 2010 National Geographic Geotourism Guide
  • 2009 Top 10 Global Finalist, National Geographic/Ashoka’s “Power Of Place” Geotourism Challenge
  • 2009 WHL Travel’s Urban Adventures Award
  • 2009 Tour Dust’s Scholarship Award
  • 2009 National Geographic’s Weekend Broadcast
  • 2009 National Geographic’s Publication “Mongolei” by Carmen Rohrbach –
  • 2007 NBC Universal Studio’s Syfy Channel – Josh Gates’ “Destination Truth” (Fixer/Production Management)
  • 2007 USAID Grant Winner
  • 2007 Officially recommended case study during UNESCAP’s 63rd session & report – page 14
  • 2006-07 Give2Asia.org – GER TO GER Fund with the assistance of Loreena Mckennitt (Famed Singer)
  • 2006 National Geographic’s D.C. Museum Centerpiece “Mongolia: Rebirth Of Traditions” (Filmmaker)
  • 2006 CBS’s The Amazing Race S10 E.2 – EMMY/DGA Awarded (Country Fixer/Production Management)
  • 2005-Today founded GERTOGER.ORG via a Swiss Agency For Development And Cooperation grant
  • 2005 Won the World Bank Tender – Cross-Industry Supply Chain And Competitiveness Study And Analysis

The Challenges we Face

To advance the un’s mdgs/sdgs via mongolian community based tourism.

I have first-hand experiences with the following – as both unethical tour operators and Karens (aka unrully travelers – learn more about WHAT a Karen is via these links YouTube and Facebook ) have tried for years to destroy and discredit both me (Zanjan Fromer) as well as all our past/current and future MDG/SDG endeavors listed below here. Many of these unethical folks were afraid that both GER to GER as well as myself would foster and generate a lot of public support – and they didn’t want that to happen.


For the last decade, the major issue in Mongolia are irresponsible tour operators/competitors unethically profiteering/gaining from the ‘responsible tourism’ brand by sabotaging Responsible Tour Operators’ markets via disruptors, trolls, scammers, etc., that spread misinformation via Trip Advisor to intentionally damage the alternative incomes of nomadic families via factless statements of concern that the tourism industry “damages” nomads (with intentions to destroy local CBT operations to force communities to seek other tour operators to collaborate with aka “unethical community poaching” of trained HR assets – unethical operators in Mongolia are lazy – they prefer poaching/disruptive adoption than developing their own communities and own HR properly).

More importantly, these unethical folks foster the lack of market distinction between responsible operations (like GER to GER) and irresponsible tour operators. Today, many claim to be ‘responsible’ and experts in community based tourism – and generally they are educated and great talkers – but with some research it’s clear that they’ve adopted lost donor projects and are calling it theirs, etc., for financial and name gains – but are not specialists in community development. These folks, beyond copying GER to GER and the like, are unable to “tangibly prove” how they/themselves are advancing the UN MDGs/SDGs by “their own creations”. It is VITAL to note that copying & pasting existing/donor created CBTs as their own doesn’t qualify “these unethical operators” as CBT developers/specialists as they haven’t properly obtained the necessary experience, skill sets, knowledge, know-how, lessons learned and more for them selves… parroting books, donor reports and the like doesn’t make them experts NOR specialists – only speaking, educating and sharing lessons learned from one’s own experiences does.


Lastly, what truly damages nomadic families are unethical individuals/scams/dishonest reviews via “ Karens ” (aka unrully travelers – learn more about WHAT a Karen is via these links YouTube and Facebook ) that pose an immediate threat via online misinformation and hate (via Trip Advisor, Google Reviews, etc.) which directly/rapidly disrupts market economics and sustainability as well as negatively impacting countries, businesses and people’s image… and worse – for years – they also targeted good businesses, good people and their supporters with constant online/offline harassment.


What will $100 us dollars buy you in mongolia and how will it benefit the locals.

Case Study Parameters: ONLY 1 Person with ONLY $100 USD

Most Guesthouse Tours

No local benefits from $100

  • Russian Van
  • Fuel for 100kms

GER to GER’s “Live Like a Local ” via Community Based Nomadic Trails

15+ years of benefiting locals with up to 80% of Trips’ Costs + paying for all Nomadic Families’ Social Insurances, marketing works, etc.; $100 maximized towards locals.

  • 2 Days/1 Night
  • Training Workshop (History, Culture, DOs/DONTs, Language, etc.)
  • Office Emergency Support 
  • 5 Meals (B,L,D,B,L)
  • Between meal’s Nomadic Snacks
  • Unlimited Hot Milk Tea
  • Unlimited Hot Water
  • Your own Ger
  • Your own bed
  • Nomadic Guide
  • Nomadic Transportation; ox or horse
  • Great trekking routes
  • Fantastic landscapes
  • Great outdoors

Most Low Budget Trips

Most Common Tour Operators

Minimal local benefits from $100

  • Fuel around City


Note: This “approximation” comparison chart of what you could buy with only $100 USD is being provided to show the reality of travel in Mongolia and abroad (prices may vary up/down depending on additional factors). Whereas cheap hostels/operators can provide you with transport, guide and some fuel – they are not able to extend their services to include food/drinks, accommodations, nomadic visitations, cultural experiences, etc., into their budgets; hence, they have to pack you and many others into 1 Russian Van in order to taxi you around the country without quality cultural experiences, quality food, quality accommodations, etc., when price is set at $100. As for Berlin/EU, the amount one may obtain for $100 USD is just a little better as they can accommodate you for 1 day with some food… HOWEVER, GER to GER’s LIVE LIKE A LOCAL EXPERIENCES are indeed THE BEST OFFERs as it includes everything (food, drinks, guides, culture, etc.) not for 1 day but for 2 days! “Live Like a Local” programs are our nomadic Geotourism/Humanitarian Works (very basic services/facilities)  – Live Like a Local Experiences are not to be confused with GER to GER’s Fully Packaged Trips (mid-high end services/facilities).


Hashhuu suffered from a serious injury since childhood, “he wasn’t able to walk normally, couldn’t mount a horse by himself and always required someone’s assistance while herding animals, etc…”.


Ger to ger’s goodwill surgery financed by revenues.

GER to GER 100% financed both Hashuu’s surgery and recovery via its FIRST revenues that the organization generated – as this was his ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’.

IN A COUNTRY WHERE ‘YOUR HEALTH’ MEANS YOUR SURVIVAL’, we at GER to GER knew the importance and took action to assist via our own personal finances.

GER to GER GEOtourism Mongolia

Expectations, Reality and Getting the Most from your community based tourism experiences across Mongolia

Written by Mr. Zanjan Fromer of GERtoGER.org Mongolia – NATGEO Geotourism Ambassador

Here’s my humble opinion based upon decades of living and working among Mongols across Mongolia since 1994.

1. Traveling with Nomadic Families via Community Based Tourism “Living Like a Local” (GER to GER’s Humanitarian Works)

2. traveling mongolia via ger to ger packaged trips (tours), ger to ger conclusions, community based tourism in mongolia, random shots of ger to ger endeavors to develop mongolian community tourism.

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Elsen Tasarkhai

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Exploring the Beauty of Sustainable Tourism in Mongolia


Sustainable tourism, a growing trend worldwide, is centered around preserving the natural and cultural integrity of a destination while providing positive experiences for travelers. In the case of Mongolia, sustainable tourism is not just a buzzword but a way of life for the nomadic herders who inhabit the vast steppes, the Gobi Desert, and the Altai Mountains. Let's explore how Mongolia has embraced sustainable tourism and why it's a model for responsible travel.

1. The Power of Yurts: Traditional Nomadic Stays

One of the most authentic ways to experience Mongolia is by staying in a traditional Mongolian ger or yurt. These portable, circular tents have been the homes of nomadic herders for centuries and are now a key component of sustainable tourism. Tourists have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the nomadic lifestyle, staying with local families who welcome them into their ger camps.

These stays not only provide income for the herders but also encourage cultural exchange. Travelers learn about the daily routines, cuisine, and customs of the Mongolian people while forming genuine connections. This type of community-based tourism fosters respect for the local culture and way of life.

2. Wildlife Conservation and Ecotourism

Mongolia boasts diverse wildlife and unique ecosystems, making it a prime destination for ecotourism. The country is home to the Przewalski's horse, the world's only true wild horse, as well as snow leopards, Gobi bears (Mazaalai), and numerous bird species. These creatures thrive in Mongolia's protected areas, and sustainable tourism initiatives contribute to their preservation.

National parks like Gobi Gurvansaikhan and Hustai National Park are committed to wildlife conservation. Visitors can participate in guided tours and learn about the flora and fauna while adhering to strict ethical guidelines. By choosing these destinations and supporting eco-friendly practices, tourists help fund ongoing conservation efforts.

3. Responsible Adventure Tourism

Mongolia's vast landscapes are an adventurer's paradise. From horseback riding across the rolling steppes to trekking in the Altai Mountains, the country offers countless opportunities for outdoor exploration. Sustainable adventure tourism focuses on minimizing the environmental impact while maximizing the benefits for local communities.

Tour operators in Mongolia are increasingly adopting responsible practices. They emphasize Leave No Trace principles, provide eco-friendly camping options, and promote responsible riding practices. By participating in such tours, travelers not only enjoy exhilarating experiences but also contribute to the sustainability of the region.

4. Nomadic Culture Preservation

Mongolia's nomadic culture is an integral part of its identity. Sustainable tourism endeavors to preserve and celebrate this culture. Visitors can attend traditional festivals, witness throat-singing performances, and participate in workshops on traditional crafts like felt-making and dairy processing.

By engaging with these cultural experiences, tourists gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of Mongolia's heritage. Additionally, the income generated from these activities supports local artisans and helps sustain these traditions for future generations.

5. Protecting the Environment

Mongolia's pristine natural environment is its most valuable asset, and sustainable tourism seeks to protect it. This includes minimizing waste, conserving water, and reducing energy consumption. Many eco-friendly ger camps and lodges in Mongolia are beginning to use solar panels and use composting toilets, demonstrating a commitment to responsible resource management.

Moreover, tourists are encouraged to practice responsible trekking and camping by adhering to designated trails and respecting the fragile ecosystems. The "Take nothing but photographs, leave nothing but footprints" mantra is paramount in preserving Mongolia's unspoiled wilderness.

6. Supporting Local Communities

Sustainable tourism in Mongolia has a direct and positive impact on local communities. It generates income for rural families, reduces urban migration, and supports local businesses. Many tour operators partner with community-based initiatives, ensuring that a portion of the profits is reinvested in education, healthcare, and infrastructure in these remote areas.

By choosing sustainable tourism options and purchasing locally made handicrafts, travelers contribute to the economic development of Mongolia's rural communities, ultimately improving the quality of life for its residents.

Mongolia, with its vast and untouched landscapes, is a remarkable example of how sustainable tourism can thrive when it harmonizes with local culture and nature. The nation's commitment to preserving its nomadic traditions, wildlife, and environment sets an inspiring precedent for responsible travel.

As travelers, we hold the power to make choices that can positively impact the places we visit. By embracing sustainable tourism practices in Mongolia and elsewhere, we not only have the privilege of experiencing the world in a meaningful way but also play a crucial role in safeguarding our planet's most precious treasures for generations to come. So, if you're yearning for an adventure that encompasses both natural beauty and cultural authenticity, Mongolia is waiting to welcome you with open arms and a sustainable approach to travel.

Introduction to Nomadic Life Tour (8 days)

Introduction to Nomadic Life Tour (8 days)

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The Mongolian Tourism Association (MTA) plays an important role in the promotion of Mongolia as a travel destination on both the international market and domestic market. Its activities include the development of new marketing strategies and concepts based on specific themes, events, and attractions. The MTA also brings together and optimizes the diverse marketing activities of partners in the Mongolian travel industry.

Tourism Opportunities in Mongolia

Tourism attractions /cultural, environmental, social/, events and festivals, facts and statistics, facilities and services for business visitors, discounted training opportunities for staff, annual “tourism cup” sports competition, international tourism fair and exhibition organization and assistance, educational and promotional materials, social media networking, www.travelmongolia.org official website providing mta activities and mongolian tourism, voting rights in annual meetings and ability to serve on mta board of directors, direct marketing of member services and advise on website brochures, itineraries and various advertising methods, use mta logo exhibition stand rentals.

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Nomadic by Nature

Welcome to Mongolia

mongolia community tourism

You have probably heard of Mongolia through the famous tales of Genghis Khan, history books and Hollywood films. Very few have actually witnessed the raw beauty, culture and heritage of the country. When people talk about the road less travelled, there is no better place than Mongolia as it is one of the world’s least explored travel destinations.

Imagine vast lands as far as the eyes can see, deterred only by tall mountains and trees. Cobalt blue skies hover over scenic landscape encompassing rivers, lakes, forests and deserts. Here, nature is only rivalled by the traditional hospitality of its people, their culture and heritage.

Come and experience the culture and heritage of the last surviving nomadic societies. Adventure awaits you…

  • Did you know
  • that we are always
  • on the move but still
  • welcome everyone into
  • our communities ?

The world is changing around us but we have always managed to stay true to our millennia-old nomadic lifestyle. Over a third of Mongolia people are still nomadic herders.

Growing trends and shifts toward sustainability and community-based tourism makes Mongolia the ideal destination for travellers who seek just that. Through locally-led tours, visitors can discover the natural beauty, delicious food, exciting festivals and immerse themselves in the cultural heritage of local communities.


Guvanbulag Community

Find out more how Mongolian Communities are welcome travelers to their homes and heaths.

  • the Man of the
  • Millennium is
  • Mongolian ?

We have all heard the tales of the (in)famous Genghis Khan. A warrior. A leader. An emperor of one of the biggest empires – the Mongols. In history, there is no one who else has been as feared and respected simultaneously. No one who was as controversial or rather, misunderstood.

Genghis Khan conquered vast lands stretching from the Pacific Ocean to Eastern Europe, from Siberia to the Persian Gulf thereby changing the course of history. He was the beginning to where we are now. By creating his empire, he shrank the world as did Christopher Columbus after him.

Despite the greatness of Genghis Khan, he embodied the nomadic way of life of the Mongolians. This is what makes him Man of the Millennium and he was a Mongolian. Only by visiting the country will you truly learn of his dynasty and our history.


Genghis Khan Equestrian Statue

Mongolia has a millennia-old history and culture. We are proud of and feel connected to our ancestry.

  • Mongolia has more
  • than 500 bird species ?

With beautiful untouched nature comes exotic wildlife. In particular, Mongolia is especially known for hundreds of migratory and rare birds. Thus, bird watching has become a popular attraction over the years. Visitors and bird enthusiasts will be able to see all sorts of species of falcons, eagles, owls, ducks, swans, buntings and many others.

In November 2012, the Saker Falcon was recognized as our national bird. A fascinating creature indeed.


Bohemian Waxing

Explore Mongolia for birding. See which species we have and where to see them best.

  • that in Mongolia the Milky Way’s stars
  • appear closer and clearer than
  • anywhere else in the world?

Mongolia is just as beautiful at night as it is during the day. Imagine camping in a vast open space, cuddled in your warm blanket with a glass of milk in your hand. At night, look above and you’ll be mesmerized by the sky and Milky Way stars. They appear so close and clear, you would not believe it.

If stargazing is your thing, then we invite you to Mongolia as an unrivalled destination.


Ger Camping Experience

Gers are the traditional homes of many Mongolians. It is perfect for a nomadic lifestyle.

  • Mongolia has
  • a horseracing

As part of our nomadic culture, most people learn to ride a horse at a young age. To celebrate cultural heritage, each year an exciting but challenging horse race festival is prepared. Without a doubt, jockeys and horses go through intense training leading up to the event.

It is one of three games that take place during the Naadam festival. Other games are wrestling and archery.

Typically held from July 11 – 15, Naadam festival brings together communities and villages. However, some villages prefer to do it on their own at another time. So, if you miss it during July, there’s always another chance to see it in another part of the country.

Naadam festival is more than just a sporting event, it’s considered our national holiday. So, come – travel to Mongolia and experience this exciting festival for yourself.


NAADAM Festival

Mongolians know how to celebrate! Find out more about our many events and festivals.

  • than 800 buddhist
  • monasteries ?

We have always practised Shamanism throughout history, but after the 16th century, Tibetan Buddhism gained more popularity in Mongolia. Since then, despite communism and anti-religious campaigns, we still have hundreds of Buddhist monasteries that highlight our culture, heritage and religious traditions.

These magnificent monasteries and temples hold wonder and magnificence in the eyes of the locals and visitors alike.


Buddhist Tourism

Mongolia is a land of wonder. Explore our monasteries, festivals, and sights.

Mongolia isn’t just a destination you visit to tick off a bunch of bucket list items. It’s a place you go to just be. For first time visitors, as with any travel planning, it is important to know as much about the country beforehand.

Outside of the cities, where the real culture and adventure lies, travel is rugged and immersive. Expect to stay in local camps (Gers), be on bumpy roads for long hours and away from the modern conveniences of civilization. If you are open-minded and adventurous, there is so much the country has to offer with its culture, history and nature.

Getting to Mongolia

Direct flights are available from countries such as China, Russia, Germany, Korea, Hong Kong, and Turkey. You can also visit Mongolia by train via Trans-Mongolian Line, which is part of the Trans-Siberian Railway. If you’re looking for an adventure and depending on your nationality, you can even drive to Mongolia from Russia or China.

Travel around

While you can get around most of Mongolia by air, the country is still vast and requires a lot of driving to get to places. Getting to distant places and worthwhile destinations require a lot of patience and travel know-how. However, there are plenty of tour operators and logistics companies that are able to help visitors get around the country.

Mongolia has many famous festivals. Find out when and where you can emerge yourself in the festivities.

Family Activities

Families are important to us. Mongolians has strong family bonds and we welcome anyone regardless of age

Bird Watching

We are a paradise for birding. Find out why you should come to Mongolia to watch birds from all over the world.

Mongolia is nature. Nature is Mongolia. Come to the land of endless steppes, forests and mountains.

History & Culture

We are one of the oldest cultures in the region. Explore more about our story and come to see it for yourself.

With numerous temples and relicts, Mongolia is a spiritual place to visit and explore yourself.

Taste of Mongolia

We have dishes you have never tasted anywhere else. Find out more about Mongolian cuisine here.

Community Based Tourism

Our communities welcome you to Mongolia. Find out how you can experiences the nomadic way of life.

Ride through the wide country, take a road trip of your lifetime or hike through the mountains. Mongolia is a haven for adventures. Come and find yours.

Though the meetings, incentive, conference, and exhibition sector is still new for us. Mongolia offers a number of venues and activities that make your event outstanding.

Ulaanbaatar & Surrounding

Ulaanbaatar is the capital of Mongolia. It’s in the Tuul River valley, bordering the Bogd Khan Uul National Park. Originally a nomadic Buddhist center, it became a permanent site in the 18th century. Soviet control in the 20th century led to a religious purge. Soviet-era buildings, museums within surviving monasteries, and a vibrant conjunction of traditional and 21st-century lifestyles typify the modern city.

mongolia community tourism

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mongolia community tourism

Check out this year's Best in Travel winners

Rugged Mongolia is an adventure destination where travelers can experience vast, untouched landscapes and learn about nomadic culture.

Best Time to Visit

Best places to visit, attractions, must-see attractions.

mongolia community tourism

Amarbayasgalant Khiid

Amarbayasgalant Khiid was built between 1727 and 1737 by the Manchu emperor Yongzheng, and dedicated to the great Mongolian Buddhist and sculptor…

mongolia community tourism

Ongiin Khiid

The bend in the river here marks the remains of two ruined monasteries which are today considered one vast complex known as Ongiin Khiid. Bari Lam Khiid…

mongolia community tourism

Ikh Nartiin Chuluu Nature Reserve

This 670-sq-km nature reserve, only a four-hour drive from Ulaanbaatar, at an elevation of 2200m, is home to hundreds of ibexes (mountain goats), argali …

mongolia community tourism

Khongoryn Els

Khongoryn Els are some of the largest and most spectacular sand dunes in Mongolia. Also known as the Duut Mankhan (Singing Dunes – from the sound they…

mongolia community tourism

Yolyn Am Gorge

A pleasant 2km path leads from the parking area to this gorge filled with blue ice, one of the park's can't-miss sights. You can hike, bike or hire a…

mongolia community tourism

In 1853 Danzan Ravjaa told the local people that he would die in three years but that they could forever come to this place and speak to his spirit…

mongolia community tourism

The so-called Flaming Cliffs are a Gobi highlight and an important palaeontology site first excavated by Roy Chapman Andrews in 1922. Even if you are not…

Scenery near Yolyn Am, Gobi desert, Mongolia

Yolyn Am was originally established to conserve the region's bird life, but it’s now more famous for its dramatic rocky cliffs and narrow, heavily shaded…

Top picks from our travel experts

6 of the best things to do in mongolia.

Turtle Rock

Gorkhi-Terelj National Park

Located 55km northeast of Ulaanbaatar, this popular national park is characterised by picturesque alpine scenery. It offers great opportunities for hiking…

Khermen Tsav

Khermen Tsav

Way off the beaten track; you are likely to have this complex of canyons all to yourself. Some say they are even more spectacular than Bayanzag. Be sure…

mongolia community tourism

Choijin Lama Temple Museum


This temple museum smack in the middle of downtown Ulaanbaatar was the home of Luvsan Haidav Choijin Lama (‘Choijin’ is an honorary title given to some…

Khuisiin Naiman Nuur Nature Reserve

Khuisiin Naiman Nuur Nature Reserve

The area of Naiman Nuur, which was created by volcanic eruptions centuries ago, is now part of the 115-sq-km Khuisiin Naiman Nuur Nature Reserve. Despite…

Khavtsgait Petroglyphs

Khavtsgait Petroglyphs

If you take the main route from Dalanzadgad to Khongoryn Els, keeping the mountains to your left as you go, you can stop and hunt the hills for this…

Mongolian National Modern Art Gallery

Mongolian National Modern Art Gallery

Sometimes called the Fine Art Gallery, this place contains a large and impressive display of modern and uniquely Mongolian paintings and sculptures, with…

Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts

Zanabazar Museum of Fine Arts

This fine-arts museum has a superb collection of paintings, carvings and sculptures, including many by the revered sculptor and artist Zanabazar. It also…

Mongolia, Ulan Bator, Sukhbaatar square

Sükhbaatar Square

In July 1921 in the centre of Ulaanbaatar, Damdin Sükhbaatar (the ‘hero of the revolution’) declared Mongolia’s final independence from China. A square…

Khoton Lake at the foot of the Altai Mountains near the Chinese border, Altai Tavan Bogd National Park.

Altai Tavan Bogd National Park

Western Mongolia

Covering 6362 sq km, Altai Tavan Bogd National Park takes in the Tavan Bogd massif – which includes Khuiten Uul (4374m), Mongolia's highest mountain…

mongolia community tourism

Gurvan Saikhan National Park

Gurvan Saikhan National Park (20,000 sq km) offers a wealth of sand dunes, canyons, dinosaur fossils and mountainous terrain. Desert wildlife includes…

Gandan Khiid monastery, Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia

Gandan Khiid

Around the start of the 19th century more than 100 süm (temples) and khiid (monasteries) served a population of about 50,000 in Urga (the former name of…

Ancient Karakorum

Ancient Karakorum

Stretching out for about 1km east of town is the site of ancient Karakorum. The foundations of Karakorum’s buildings are all underground and little has…

Bogdkhan Uul Strictly Protected Area

Bogdkhan Uul Strictly Protected Area

The Bogdkhan Uul is said to be the world’s oldest nature reserve. Established in 1778, the park was guarded by 2000 club-wielding lamas. Animal poachers…

Stupa of Erdene Zuu monastery in the town of Kharkhorin, Mongolia.

Erdene Zuu Khiid

Founded in 1586 by Altai Khaan, Erdene Zuu (Hundred Treasures) was the first Buddhist monastery in Mongolia. The monastery went through periods of neglect…

View of the Winter Palace of the Bogd Khan, now a museum, located in southern Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.

Winter Palace of the Bogd Khan

Built between 1893 and 1903, this palace is where Mongolia’s eighth Living Buddha, and last king, Jebtzun Damba Hutagt VIII (often called the Bogd Khan),…

National Museum of Mongolia.

National Museum of Mongolia

Mongolia’s wonderful National Museum sweeps visitors from the Neolithic era right to the present day. It’s UB's only genuine blockbuster sight, offering…

Khovsgol Lake in Khovsgol National Park, northern Mongolia.

Khövsgöl Nuur National Park

Cupped in the snowcapped fist of the Sayan and Khoridol Saridag mountains, this national park is anchored by the shimmering blue sweep of the ice-cold,…

Planning Tools

Expert guidance to help you plan your trip.

Best Things to Do

Mongolia is an adventure like no other. Experience the very best of the country with these top activities.

Things to Know

With planning and booking tips along with info on health, safety and etiquette, here's what first-time visitors should know before traveling to Mongolia.


Getting around in Mongolia is a proper adventure. Here’s how to go about it.

Visa Requirements

Been dreaming of Mongolia's vast unspoiled landscapes? We've got good news – getting a visa is now even easier. Here's everything you need to know.

Money and Costs

Some things are expensive in Mongolia, but there are still ways to experience this fascinating country on a budget. Here’s how.

Traveling with Kids

Mongolia is a very special place for a family adventure. Explore nomadic lifestyles, see pristine nature, and create unforgettable memories.

Best Road Trips

Imagine bouncing over rolling grasslands in a 4WD, with nothing but rolling green steppe extending in every direction. This is road-tripping, Mongolian style!

Plan with a local

Experience the real Mongolia

Let a local expert craft your dream trip.

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Mongolia BIT Behind the Scenes 2024

Best in Travel

Oct 30, 2023 • 3 min read

Mongolia has so much to offer travelers looking for wide open spaces, adventure and culture. Here's what it is like to travel there.

mongolia community tourism

Sep 30, 2023 • 6 min read

A woman with a backpack looking at the sunset on a mountain lake in Mongolia.

Sep 28, 2023 • 4 min read

mongolia community tourism

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mongolia community tourism

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mongolia community tourism

Aug 27, 2023 • 5 min read

mongolia community tourism

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mongolia community tourism

Aug 24, 2023 • 9 min read

mongolia community tourism

Aug 20, 2023 • 7 min read

mongolia community tourism

Aug 12, 2023 • 6 min read

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Mongolia and beyond.

Gandan Khiid monastery, Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia

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  • Western Mongolia
  • Northern Mongolia
  • Central Mongolia
  • Southern Mongolia
  • Eastern Mongolia
  • Ulaanbaatar surroundings
  • 10 Surprising Facts about Modern Mongolians
  • 20 Reasons to travel
  • Our sustainability plans
  • Sustainability policy
  • Why choose us
  • Testimonials
  • Attractions
  • Meet Mongolians & Nomadic lifestyle
  • Stay at Luxury Camps
  • Steppe Eco camp
  • Food & Beverage
  • Transportation
  • Tour Equipment
  • Visa Information
  • Accommodation
  • Online payment
  • Tour Schedule
  • Terms & Conditions

Trip advisor


mongolia community tourism

Contrasts of Mongolia

19 Days 18 Nights Explore Great Gobi Cultural heritage sites Wildlife Watching Khuvsgul Lake Spot wild horses

mongolia community tourism

Treasures of Mongolia

12 Days 11 Nights Explore the Great Gobi Visit Orkhon valley Meet Nomad Herders Visit cultural Heritage sites

mongolia community tourism

Essence of Mongolia – 7 Days

7 Days 6 Nights Hot spring Orkhon valley-Cultural Heritage Sites Karakorum-Erdenezuu Sand dunes of the Mini Gobi

mongolia community tourism

Essence of Mongolia – 3 Days

3 Days 2 Nights Yurt homestay alongside nomads Sand dunes of the Mini Gobi Spotting wild horses Trans-Siberian Stopover

mongolia community tourism

Essence of Mongolia – 4 Days

4 Days 3 Nights Yurt stays alongside nomads Sand dunes of the Mini Gobi Spotting wild horses Trans-Siberian Stopover

mongolia community tourism

Essence of Mongolia – 5 Days

5 Days 4 Nights Yurt stays alongside nomads Sand dunes of the Mini Gobi Kharakhorum – Cultural heritage sites Spotting wild horses Trans-Siberian Stopover


Attractions, art & culture, meet the locals, the horse in nomadic culture, where to go , map of mongolia by region, when to go, mongolia calendar: nomadic vs. urban, events 2024, i travel for..., active adventure expeditions, events  & festivals, day excursions & short trips, community based tours, family adventures, trans-siberian stopovers, visualize your trip.


Top family friendly things to do, events in the mongolia.

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Shopping & souvenirs

Mongolian knowledge, eagle festival.

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Tours, Trips & Treks to Mongolia | Travel to Mongolia | Nomadic Journeys

Experience Mongolia with Nomadic Journeys

For 25 years, NOMADIC JOURNEYS has been the leading tour operator in Mongolia. We offer yak and camel treks, horseback expeditions, travel with nomads, as well as birding holidays, snow leopard expeditions, short self-guided trips and world class fly fishing tour along two of Mongolia’s rivers.

We also operate seasonal, fully collapsible yurt (ger) luxury wilderness camps along these rivers where we offer multi-day raft and kayak trips. Make your Mongolia trip memorable and join us for some sustainable travel in the slow lane, in close contact with local nomads and nature, as opposed to long, bone-breaking jeep and bus trips.

Explore our tours, treks and camps by location

Hover your mouse over any of the regions on the map to see our available travel options.

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Altai Mountain Ride

Altai Mountain Ride

Mongol Horse Trails

Mongol Horse Trails

What our customers say.

We have been back home from our recent nice trip and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the assistance you gave us in putting together our custom individualized trip to Western Mongolia. Everything went well and we did enjoy our trip and appreciate the expertise from you and your staffs.

Amazing and relaxing !

We stayed at Jalman Meadows for three days and wished we had arranged a longer stay. It is very remote and tranquil, all quiet, such beautiful nature, amazing views. We hiked up mountains and on flatlands, rode horses with local nomads for half a day. We also got to visit a local nomadic family in their home with the help from one of the staff who translated, and were able to ask questions about their daily life - so interesting! The gers are cozy, beds very comfortable and we slept like babies. Good food, and also available for vegetarians. Friendly staff.This was the very highight of our trip, we just loved Jalman Meadows.

5 star rating

This place is wonderful! They have excellent food, the location is fabulous and the activities are really awesome. We did the yak cart rafting and horse back riding. I highly recommend this place! The staff is thoughtful and very professional!

Simply the best camp we visited!

This was the best camp we stayed at, the attention to detail from mirrors in the gers to being able to get a hot drink anytime, made it exceptional. The staff could not do enough for you, from lighting the fires in the ger, to loading up the bucket in the shower ger. The food was good breakfast was very good. It's situation means that it cannot be seen from the main track. The gers were the best decorated & most comfortable of our stay in Mongolia.

Exotic experience

Delightful stay in a great camp where you live in a "luxury" Ger, eat delicious food and experience life in the desert. Camel Riding was a highlight. The toilet was clean and there was also a washbasin. The Camp has its own Ger where you can take a shower in warm water. The hosts were pleasant and helpful. I would recommend a stay here highly.

Wild Simplicity in a Glamping Environment

Leading up to my visit, I was researching places to stay where I could be away from social media and technology while soaking in the Mongolian wilderness. I came across Nomadic Journeys and Jalman Meadows Wilderness Camp seemed to fit that mold...

Gobi steppe ride was much more than I expected.

Gobi steppe ride was much more than I expected. Our horses and guides were absolutely fantastic. They made us feel welcome, well taken care of, safe and secure. The scenery, the horses and our guides were all delightful. The quality of the tents and meals were above what I expected. All of the elements were there -- people, horses, scenery.

For 25 years Nomadic Journeys has been a leading tour operator in Mongolia, focusing on low impact sustainable tourism. We work with numerous community groups and conservation initiatives around Mongolia. Our philosophy is to offer a low impact travel experience, visiting different places on horse back, yak cart, and camel cart over long difficult journeys on a vehicle. Read more

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Tourism in Mongolia 

Tourism in Mongolia is big business, but why? Why is this industry so important and how should it best be managed? Read on to find out…

Tourism in Mongolia

Mongolia, a land often associated with its legendary nomadic heritage, stands as a testament to the harmonious coexistence of age-old traditions and vast, untouched landscapes. From the rolling dunes of the Gobi Desert to the bustling streets of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia offers a travel experience that’s both enriching and unique. In this article, we’ll journey through the heart of Mongolia’s tourism offerings, exploring a country where the spirit of the Great Khan resonates amidst the echoes of modernity.

Geographical overview of Mongolia 

Tourism in Mongolia

Mongolia is a landlocked country located in East and Central Asia, bordered by Russia to the north and China to the south, east, and west. The country has an area of 1.56 million square kilometres (603,000 square miles), making it the 18th largest country in the world.

Mongolia is largely divided into three regions: the Gobi Desert in the south, the steppe region in the centre, and the mountainous region in the north and west. The Gobi Desert, covering an area of 500,000 square kilometres (193,000 square miles), is one of the world’s largest deserts and is known for its extreme temperatures, ranging from -40°C (-40°F) in winter to over 40°C (104°F) in summer.

The steppe region, covering roughly 80% of the country, consists of grassy plains and is the traditional home of nomadic herders who raise livestock such as horses, yaks, sheep, and goats. This region is also home to the country’s capital, Ulaanbaatar, as well as many other cities and towns.

The mountainous region in the north and west includes the Altai Mountains, which stretch across the western border with China and Russia, and the Khangai Mountains in the central part of the country. This region is known for its rugged terrain, alpine lakes, and abundant wildlife, including wild horses, ibex, and snow leopards.

Mongolia’s climate is characterised by long, cold winters and short, cool summers, with temperatures varying widely depending on the region. The country is also prone to harsh weather conditions such as sandstorms and blizzards.

The tourism industry in Mongolia 

Tourism in Mongolia

Mongolia’s tourism industry has been steadily growing in recent years, as more travellers discover the country’s unique cultural and natural attractions. The country’s vast landscapes, rich history, and traditional nomadic culture make it an appealing destination for adventure seekers, cultural enthusiasts, and nature lovers alike.

One of Mongolia’s biggest draws is its stunning natural scenery, including the Gobi Desert, the Altai Mountains, and the vast grasslands of the steppe region. These areas offer opportunities for activities such as hiking, horseback riding, camel trekking, and camping.

Mongolia’s cultural attractions are also a major draw for tourists. The country’s history stretches back thousands of years, with evidence of early human habitation dating back to the Stone Age. Visitors can explore ancient cities, monasteries, and other cultural sites, and learn about Mongolia’s rich history and traditional way of life.

The country’s capital, Ulaanbaatar, is a hub for cultural activities, with museums, theatres, and galleries showcasing traditional Mongolian arts and crafts. Visitors can also enjoy traditional music and dance performances, sample local cuisine, and shop for handmade souvenirs.

Mongolia’s tourism industry is still developing, and the infrastructure and services available to tourists vary widely depending on the region. However, the government has identified tourism as a key sector for economic development, and efforts are underway to improve facilities and services for visitors.

Overall, Mongolia’s unique combination of natural beauty and cultural heritage make it an increasingly popular destination for travellers looking for an off-the-beaten-path adventure.

Statistics about tourism in Mongolia 

Here are some of the most current statistics available and the time of publication about tourism in Mongolia:

  • In 2019, Mongolia welcomed a total of 609,621 international visitors, representing a 9.3% increase from the previous year.
  • The largest source markets for tourism in Mongolia are China, Russia, South Korea, Japan, and the United States.
  • The tourism industry contributes around 5% to Mongolia’s GDP, and the government has set a target to increase this to 8% by 2025.
  • There are over 700 tourism-related companies operating in Mongolia, including tour operators, accommodation providers, and transport services.
  • The most popular activities for tourists in Mongolia are trekking, cultural tours, horseback riding, and adventure activities such as off-roading and camel riding.
  • Ulaanbaatar is the main entry point for international visitors, with the majority arriving by air at Chinggis Khaan International Airport.
  • The average length of stay for international tourists in Mongolia is around 10 days.
  • The majority of tourists travel to Mongolia during the summer months, from June to August.
  • The government of Mongolia has identified tourism as a priority sector for development and has implemented policies and programs to support its growth.

Most popular tourist attractions in Mongolia 

Mongolia has a wealth of attractions for visitors to explore, from its stunning natural landscapes to its rich cultural heritage. Here are some of the most popular tourist attractions in Mongolia:

  • Gobi Desert: The Gobi is one of the world’s largest deserts and a popular destination for tourists looking to experience Mongolia’s rugged beauty. Visitors can explore the desert by camel or jeep, and see attractions such as the Khongoryn Els sand dunes, the Flaming Cliffs, and the Gurvan Saikhan Mountains.
  • Khuvsgul Lake: This pristine alpine lake in northern Mongolia is a popular destination for nature lovers, offering opportunities for hiking, boating, and fishing. Visitors can also learn about the traditional way of life of the local Dukha people, who rely on reindeer herding for their livelihoods.
  • Terelj National Park: Located just a short drive from Ulaanbaatar, Terelj National Park is a popular destination for day trips and weekend getaways. The park offers opportunities for hiking, horseback riding, and camping, and features attractions such as the Turtle Rock and the Aryabal Temple.
  • Karakorum/Erdene Zuu Monastery: Karakorum was the capital of the Mongol Empire in the 13th century, and the site of many important historical events. Today, visitors can explore the ruins of the ancient city and the nearby Erdene Zuu Monastery, which was built in the 16th century and is one of Mongolia’s most important Buddhist sites.
  • Ulaanbaatar: Mongolia’s capital city is a vibrant cultural hub, with museums, galleries, and theatres showcasing the country’s rich history and artistic traditions. Visitors can also explore the city’s many restaurants, shops, and nightlife venues.
  • Khorgo-Terkhiin Tsagaan Nuur National Park: This national park in central Mongolia is home to the dormant Khorgo volcano and the Terkhiin Tsagaan Lake. Visitors can hike to the summit of the volcano for panoramic views, or explore the surrounding grasslands and forests.
  • Tsaatan Community: The Tsaatan are a small ethnic group of reindeer herders who live in the remote taiga forests of northern Mongolia. Visitors can learn about their traditional way of life and take part in activities such as reindeer sledding and hunting.
  • Hustai National Park: Located just a short drive from Ulaanbaatar, Hustai National Park is home to the world’s only wild population of Przewalski’s horses, as well as many other species of wildlife. Visitors can go on guided tours to see the horses and explore the park’s beautiful grasslands and hills.
  • Orkhon Valley: The Orkhon Valley is a UNESCO World Heritage Site known for its natural beauty and historical significance. Visitors can explore the ruins of ancient cities and temples, including the Tuvkhun Monastery and the Orkhon Waterfall.
  • Altai Mountains: The Altai Mountains stretch across the western border of Mongolia, offering opportunities for hiking, mountaineering, and wildlife watching. Visitors can also learn about the traditional way of life of the local Kazakh people, who are known for their falconry and handicrafts.

Tourism in Mongolia

Most popular types of tourism in Mongolia 

Mongolia offers a diverse range of tourism activities and experiences that cater to different interests and preferences. Here are some of the most popular types of tourism in Mongolia:

  • Adventure Tourism: Mongolia’s vast landscapes offer endless opportunities for adventure activities such as trekking, camping, horseback riding, mountain biking, and off-roading. The Gobi Desert is particularly popular for its sand dunes and unique landscapes that offer a thrilling experience for adventure seekers.
  • Cultural Tourism: Mongolia has a rich cultural heritage that dates back to the time of Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire. Visitors can learn about traditional nomadic lifestyles, visit Buddhist monasteries and shrines, attend local festivals, and explore ancient ruins and archaeological sites.
  • Wildlife Tourism: Mongolia is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including endangered species such as the snow leopard, the Gobi bear, and the Przewalski’s horse. Visitors can go on guided wildlife tours and nature walks to see these animals in their natural habitats.
  • Ecotourism: Mongolia has a pristine environment with a unique ecosystem that is worth preserving. Ecotourism activities in Mongolia include bird watching, nature walks, and camping trips to explore the flora and fauna of the region.
  • Spiritual Tourism: Mongolia is a predominantly Buddhist country, with many ancient monasteries and sacred sites scattered throughout the country. Visitors can visit these sites to learn about Buddhism and experience spiritual practices such as meditation and prayer.
  • Culinary Tourism: Mongolian cuisine is known for its hearty meat dishes, dairy products, and traditional beverages such as airag (fermented mare’s milk). Visitors can learn about local culinary traditions and attend cooking classes to experience the flavours of Mongolia.
  • Photography Tourism: Mongolia’s vast landscapes and unique culture offer many opportunities for photography enthusiasts. Visitors can capture stunning images of natural landmarks, wildlife, traditional festivals, and cultural ceremonies.
  • Health and Wellness Tourism: Mongolia’s natural hot springs and traditional medicine practices such as acupuncture and herbal remedies have made it a popular destination for health and wellness tourism. Visitors can relax and rejuvenate in a natural spa environment while learning about the traditional healing practices of the region.
  • Educational Tourism: Mongolia’s unique history, culture, and environment provide opportunities for educational tourism, particularly for students and researchers interested in topics such as archaeology, anthropology, and environmental studies.
  • Business Tourism: Mongolia’s booming economy and strategic location make it an ideal destination for business travellers. The country has a growing number of business hotels, conference centres, and networking events catering to the needs of corporate visitors.

Economic impacts of tourism in Mongolia

Tourism has become an important industry in Mongolia and has contributed significantly to the country’s economy in recent years. Here are some of the economic impacts of tourism in Mongolia:

  • Employment: Tourism has created employment opportunities in various sectors such as hospitality, transportation, and tour guiding. According to the World Travel and Tourism Council, tourism in Mongolia employed over 130,000 people in 2019.
  • Foreign exchange earnings: Tourism generates foreign exchange earnings through the spending of international tourists on accommodation, food, transportation, and other tourist activities. According to the National Statistics Office of Mongolia, the tourism industry contributed 6.8% of the country’s GDP in 2019.
  • Regional development: Tourism has the potential to stimulate economic development in remote and rural areas of the country. Tourists often visit areas outside of the major cities, which can help to diversify the economy and promote regional development.
  • Infrastructure development: The growth of tourism in Mongolia has led to the development of new infrastructure such as hotels, guesthouses, restaurants, and transportation services. This infrastructure development can benefit not only tourists but also local residents.
  • Entrepreneurship: Tourism in Mongolia has created opportunities for entrepreneurship and small business development. Many locals have started their own businesses, such as guesthouses, tour companies, and souvenir shops, to cater to the needs of tourists.
  • Government revenue: Tourism also generates revenue for the government through taxes, fees, and permits. The government can use this revenue to invest in infrastructure development and other public services.

Overall, tourism has had a positive impact on Mongolia’s economy by creating employment, generating foreign exchange earnings, promoting regional development, and stimulating entrepreneurship and infrastructure development.

Social impacts of tourism in Mongolia

Tourism can have both positive and negative social impacts on the host community. Here are some of the social impacts of tourism in Mongolia:

  • Cultural exchange: Tourism provides opportunities for cultural exchange between tourists and locals. Tourists can learn about the local culture, customs, and traditions, while locals can share their knowledge and experiences with tourists.
  • Preservation of cultural heritage: Tourism in Mongolia can promote the preservation of cultural heritage by raising awareness about the importance of preserving historical sites and monuments.
  • Employment: Tourism can provide employment opportunities for locals, which can improve their standard of living and contribute to poverty reduction.
  • Community development: Tourism can stimulate community development by providing funds for the development of local infrastructure, such as schools, healthcare facilities, and public parks.
  • Social tension: Tourism can also create social tension between tourists and locals, especially when there is a clash of values or expectations. For example, tourists may not respect local customs and traditions, or may behave inappropriately, which can cause resentment among locals.
  • Environmental impact: Tourism in Mongolia can have a negative impact on the environment, which can in turn affect the social well-being of the local community. For example, pollution and environmental degradation can affect the health and well-being of locals.
  • Inequality: Tourism can exacerbate social inequalities, especially if it only benefits a small segment of the local community. For example, if only a few individuals or companies benefit from tourism, it can create a wider gap between the rich and poor.

Overall, tourism can have both positive and negative social impacts on the host community. It is important for tourism development to be planned and managed in a sustainable manner to minimise negative impacts and maximise positive outcomes for the local community.

Environmental impacts of tourism in Mongolia

Tourism in Mongolia

Tourism can have significant environmental impacts, both positive and negative, on the host destination. Here are some of the environmental impacts of tourism in Mongolia:

  • Natural resource depletion: Tourism in Mongolia can contribute to the depletion of natural resources such as water, land, and energy. This can lead to overuse of these resources, which can cause environmental degradation and impact the local ecosystem.
  • Pollution: Tourism in Mongolia can generate pollution, including air and water pollution, waste generation, and noise pollution. This can negatively impact the local environment and harm the health of both tourists and locals.
  • Wildlife and ecosystem impact: Tourism can have a negative impact on wildlife and the local ecosystem, especially when tourists engage in activities such as hunting, fishing, and off-road driving. These activities can disrupt the natural habitat and cause damage to the local flora and fauna.
  • Climate change: Tourism contributes to climate change through greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, accommodation, and tourist activities. Climate change can have significant negative impacts on the local environment, including changes in temperature, rainfall patterns, and sea levels.
  • Conservation efforts: Tourism can contribute to the conservation of natural areas and wildlife by raising awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and supporting conservation efforts.
  • Sustainable tourism: Sustainable tourism practices can help to minimise negative environmental impacts and maximise positive outcomes. Sustainable tourism practices include responsible use of natural resources, reducing waste and pollution, and supporting local conservation efforts.

Overall, tourism can have both positive and negative environmental impacts on the host destination. It is important for tourism development to be planned and managed in a sustainable manner to minimise negative impacts and promote the conservation of natural resources and the local ecosystem.

Tourism in Mongolia

FAQs about tourism in Mongolia 

Now that we know a bit more about tourism in Mongolia, lets answer some of the most frequently asked questions on this topic:

Do I need a visa to travel to Mongolia?

Yes, most visitors to Mongolia need a visa. You can apply for a tourist visa at a Mongolian embassy or consulate in your home country, or through an online e-visa system.

What is the best time to visit Mongolia?

The best time to visit Mongolia is during the summer months of June to August, when the weather is warm and dry. However, if you are interested in winter activities such as dog sledding and ice fishing, then the best time to visit is from December to February.

What is the currency used in Mongolia?

The currency used in Mongolia is the Mongolian Tugrik (MNT). US dollars and Chinese Yuan are also widely accepted.

What are some must-see destinations in Mongolia?

Some of the must-see destinations in Mongolia include the Gobi Desert, Lake Khovsgol, the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, the ancient city of Karakorum, and the Flaming Cliffs.

Is it safe to travel to Mongolia?

Yes, Mongolia is generally a safe country for tourists, with a low crime rate. However, visitors should take normal safety precautions and be aware of potential hazards such as extreme weather conditions and natural disasters.

What are the best activities to do in Mongolia?

Some of the best activities to do in Mongolia include horseback riding, hiking, camping, visiting traditional nomadic families, exploring ancient ruins, and experiencing traditional Mongolian culture such as throat singing and traditional wrestling.

What is the food like in Mongolia?

Traditional Mongolian cuisine consists mainly of meat, dairy products, and bread. Some popular dishes include buuz (steamed meat dumplings), khuushuur (deep-fried meat pastry), and airag (fermented mare’s milk).

Can I travel independently in Mongolia or do I need a guide?

Independent travel is possible in Mongolia, but it is recommended to hire a local guide or join a tour for safety reasons and to better navigate the country’s remote and rugged terrain.

What is the local culture like in Mongolia?

Mongolian culture is deeply influenced by nomadic traditions and Buddhist beliefs. Hospitality and respect for elders are highly valued in Mongolian culture, and visitors are often welcomed into traditional nomadic families to experience their way of life.

What is the language spoken in Mongolia?

The official language of Mongolia is Mongolian, which is written in the Cyrillic alphabet. English is not widely spoken outside of major tourist areas, so it can be helpful to learn some basic Mongolian phrases before your trip.

To conclude- Tourism in Mongolia

So, that sums up this article about tourism in Mongolia. As we conclude our exploration of Mongolia’s vast and varied tourism offerings, it becomes unequivocally clear that this nation stands as a beacon of unspoiled beauty and deep-rooted traditions. From its nomadic heartlands to its evolving urban centres, Mongolia offers a unique tapestry of experiences, deftly weaving its ancient heritage with the threads of modernity. In the grand tapestry of global tourism, Mongolia emerges as a destination both timeless in its allure and forward-looking in its embrace of the future.

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We are a well-established Mongolian adventure travel company. Nomadic Trails is successfully operating for more than 17 years as one of the ``A`` licensed best Mongolian tour companies.


We specialize in Custom tours. So tell us about your trip requirement. We'll work together to customize your adventure of a lifetime to visit Mongolia.

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Gobi Mongolian sunset with camel caravan

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thanks to Nomadic Trails. Tulga and everyone on his team were so accommodating to any of our requests and even helped us navigate our way through the local market and barter for souvenirs. Truly delicious food as well at every stop. Phenomenal all around. Thank y’all for everything! Unbelievable experience in Mongolia!

Tulga, our tour guide is very knowledgeable and helpful, his driving skills also worth a praise and believe me, on these roads, it is a big advantage for someone like me with a motion sickness. They provided a cook for us, who exceeded all of our expectations. If you want a truly amazing experience just go with them!

and he was able to provide a varied, personal, unique experience. I wanted to create my own personal itinerary and Tulga had the knowledge, contacts, experience and sense of adventure to make that happen. I’ll be returning in 2020 to travel with Nomadic Trails again. Can’t wait!

hopping on our horses to go to the Tsaatan reindeer tribe, then finally staying at one of the best camps in Murun. Everything was so well-organized. Noteworthy is Tulga’s relationship with the tribe, which is an important consideration when we were planning this trip as we want to be as respectful as possible to the tribe for them not to feel uneasy during our stay. Our group was delighted to have raw and authentic Mongolian experience without having to sacrifice comfort – we had delicious food, great accommodation and comfortable transportation all throughout our trip – thanks to the incredible team of Nomadic Trails!

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  • 5 Mongolia Festivals

Mongolia Travel Guide

Basic facts.

mongolia community tourism

★ Top Destinations & Attractions

Ulaanbaatar: Genghis Khan Square, Zaisan Hill , Mongolian Natural History Museum, Lake Khovsgol , National Museum of Mongolia Sainshand: Gobi Desert Karakorum: Erdene Zuu Monastery , ruins of the ancient town of Karakorum

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Mongolia is from May to September, when the temperature is comfortable. However, winter clothing also should be prepared because of the strong wind and the difference in temperature between day and night. It is necessary to bring clothes like coats, wind coat, cotton and down jacket.

Things to Know before Mogolia Train Travel          Destinations along Trans-Mongolia Route  

It’s necessary to prepare enough mineral water because the water on grassland has a high salt and alkali content which is not easy to be adapted.  

Most parts of the country are covered with grassy steppe, and the arable land is limited. The highest point is the Khuiten Peak, 4,653 meters (15,266 ft) high. With mountains to the north and the west and the Gobi Desert to the south, almost all nationals are nomadic and semi-nomadic. Lake Hovsgul is the most famous river in the country.

  • Journey into Infinity Grassland

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Mongolia Community Tours & Vacation | Top 10+ Community Travel Packages

Essence of Mongolia

Mongolia Classic Tours

Essence of Mongolia – 3 Days

Tour Route: Ulaanbaatar - Mongol Nomadic show - Mongol Nomadic Naadam - Archery Competition - Ankle Bone Shooting Festival - Horse Racing - Hustai National Park - Turkic historical site

Tour Highlights

  • Experience traditional Mongolian family life, milking demonstrations, cultural performances, and horsemanship demonstrations
  • Participate in wrestling, archery, ankle bone shooting, and thrilling horse racing events
  • Encounter wild Mongolian horses (Takhi) and explore the beautiful park through hiking
  • Visit the ancient 7th-century graveyard of Ungut to explore Turkic history and culture
  • Stay in traditional Mongolian ger camps, immerse in nomadic lifestyle, and interact with local herders

D4 Ikh Mongol Els - Mongolia tour packages

Mongolia Discovery Tour – 9 Days

  • Explore the historic Gandan Monastery and witness the spiritual rituals in the Migjid Janraisig temple
  • Engage in traditional Mongolian activities like archery and the shagai ankle bones game in Gurvan Bulag
  • Visit the sacred Khogno Khan mountain and the Buddhist temple of Erdenekhamba
  • Experience the beautiful landscapes and stay in a ger camp
  • Take a camel ride in Ikh Mongol Els and visit the Erdene Zuu Monastery in Kharakhorum
  • Explore the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Orkhon Valley

The Quintessence of Mongolia

Mongolia Adventures Tours

The Quintessence of Mongolia – 12 Days

Tour Route: Khustai National Park - Kharakhorum - Zuu Monastery - Local Museum - Naadam Festival - Orkhon Valley - Tuvkhun Monastery - Tsenkher hot spring - Ugii Lake - Gurvanbulag village - Horseback Riding Tour - Khognokhaan Natural Reserve - Uvgun Monastery

  • Encounter the majestic Takhi horses in their natural habitat and explore the park's scenic landscapes
  • Visit the ancient capital of the Mongol Empire
  • Explore the impressive Erdene Zuu Monastery
  • Experience Mongolia's prestigious festival featuring traditional sports and cultural activities
  • Discover the historic landmarks of Mongolia's civilization
  • Explore spiritual sites, hike in granite mountains, and enjoy camel riding in the stunning natural reserve

Treasure of Mongolia - Mongolia tour

Treasures of Mongolia – 12 Days

Tour Route: Ulaanbaatar - Gobi Desert - Yol Valley Ice Field - Khongor Els (Singing Dunes) - Bayanzag Flaming Cliffs - Orkhon Valley - Orkhon Waterfall - Kharakhorum - Hustai National Park - Mt. Bogd Khan Climb

  • Immersing yourself in the natural beauty of the Gobi desert
  • Experience the contrasting landscapes of the ice field in Yol Valley
  • Visit the UNESCO-listed historical site, ride horses to the magnificent Orkhon Waterfall
  • Immerse yourself in the nomadic lifestyle with a stay in a guest ger
  • Explore the ancient capital of Mongolia

Top recommendations for an Unforgettable Mongolia Community Tour & Vacation

Top recommendations for an Unforgettable Mongolia Community Tour & Vacation

Engage in Local Culture and Sports on Your Mongolia Tour Package

Engage in Local Culture and Sports on Your Mongolia Tour Package

Encounter the Majestic Wild Takhi Horses and Hiking Adventures

Encounter the Majestic Wild Takhi Horses and Hiking Adventures on your Mongolia Vacation

Uncover the Ancient Secrets of the Ungut Graveyard and Turkic Culture

Turkish culture that you will experience during your Mongolia Tours

Authentic Mongolian Ger Camp Experience and Nomadic Interaction

Authentic Mongolian Ger Camp Experience on the Mongolia Tours

Spiritual Awakening at Gandan Monastery and Migjid Janraisig Temple

A Spiritual Awakening experience during the Mongolia Community Tour

Exploring Mongolia's Heritage Through Traditional Games

Exploring Mongolia's Heritage Through Traditional Games

Camel Rides: A Glimpse into Mongolian Festivities

Camel Rides in Mongolia Community Tour

Explore the Naadam Festival: A Cultural Spectacle

Explore the Naadam Festival during Mongolia Tours

Traverse the Legendary Landscapes of the Gobi Desert and Beyond

Gobi Desert - A wonderful experiece in Mongolia Travel Package

Historical Exploration: From Ancient Capitals to UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Erdene Zuu Monastery on your Mongolia Vacation

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Visit Mongolia

Travel Guides, Trip Itineraries, + More

Sain baina uu! I’m Breanna, an American travel writer and adventurer based in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. I launched Meanwhile in Mongolia because I’m passionate about sharing information about traveling in Mongolia. From the perfect trip itineraries to tour recommendations , hotel reviews , safety tips and more, I’m covering it all.

Use the search bar below to find what you’re looking for or feel free to reach out to me directly, I love talking all things Mongolia.

Ask me your Mongolia travel questions! Not sure where to start when it comes to booking the perfect Mongolia tour? I offer 30-minute travel consultations.

Most Popular Mongolia Guides:

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Essential Reading:

  • Lonely Planet Mongolia
  • 26 Best Books About Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar Travel Guide

The Best Souvenirs to Buy in Mongolia: Sustainable, Authentic Gifts to Take Home

The best souvenirs to buy in Mongolia from cashmere to locally-sourced beauty products, horse milk vodka, and more. Including where to buy each when you’re visiting Ulaanbaatar.

Mongolian Snuff Bottle

The Mongolian Snuff Bottle Explained

The Mongolian snuff bottle is an essential part of local culture, used in everyday greetings and for special occasions. We explain its history, what it’s made from, how to accept it from your host, and more.

Eagle Festival Tour

Live with an Eagle Hunter Family During this Eagle Festival Tour 2024

Attend the Eagle Festival, live with an Eagle Hunter family, and explore the beauty of the Altai Mountains during this small group tour September 28 – October 9, 2024.

Most Popular Ulaanbaatar Guides:

I’m here to help you navigate Ulaanbaatar like a local . From expert city guides to my favorite restaurants, truthful hotel reviews and airport insider tips, here’s everything you need to know when visiting Mongolia’s capital city.

Plan your visit to Ulaanbaatar with my  Complete Ulaanbaatar Travel Guide 2024 .

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Where to Eat:

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  • Best Vegetarian and Vegan Restaurants Ulaanbaatar

When You Arrive:

  • Landing at Ulaanbaatar Airport
  • Book an Airport Transfer

Shaman Show Ulaanbaatar

9 Cultural Shows to See in Ulaanbaatar (Summer 2024)

Throat singing, traditional dance, horse headed fiddle concerts, and more. Show times, how to buy tickets, and locations.

Ulaanbaatar Best Restaurants

The Best Restaurants in Ulaanbaatar

When it comes to the best restaurants in Ulaanbaatar, there are plenty of great spots for grabbing a bite to eat and drink any time of day.

Join Me in Mongolia and Experience it for Yourself

Book a Tour:

  • Best of Mongolia (Women’s Trip)
  • Search for Snow Leopards in the Gobi
  • Two-Day Horse Trek + Naadam Festival
  • Chinggis Khaan Equestrian Statue Day Trip


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Proudly Based in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia © 2024 Meanwhile in Mongolia​


This website contains links to products and services where I may make a commission when you purchase. This supports the continued upkeep and development of this website. For an explanation on this policy, read my Advertising Policy page .

Premium Travel Mongolia


Our Mongolian tours provide you with opportunities for thrilling activities such as horseback riding across the Mongolian steppe, camel trekking in the dunes of the Gobi Desert, and hiking to remote monasteries nestled in the mountains. The adventurous spirit of Mongolia is sure to leave travelers with lasting memories and a sense of awe.


Join a Group Tour and Discover Mongolia's Beauty Together! Premium Travel Mongolia's SIGNATURE TOURS are carefully curated to provide you with the ultimate travel experience. These all-inclusive tours are the most requested and sought-after journeys, designed to showcase the best of Mongolia's natural wonders, cultural treasures, and unique adventures.

Danshig Naadam Festival of Mongolia tour | Premium Travel Mongolia

Danshig Naadam Festival of Mongolia tour

Danshig Naadam stands as Mongolia's grandest religious and cultural festival, symbolizing the profound influence of Buddhism on the nation's people and heritage. The festival also features cultural activities such as the Three Games of Men.

The Great Naadam festival 2024 | Premium Travel Mongolia

The Great Naadam festival 2024

Naadam is one of the Mongolian traditional annual festivals that have been celebrated in Mongolia over millennia. The festival have become the cultural sanctity of nomads on the great steppe, keeps tradition and customs alive from ancient times.

Mongolia Highlights - The Gobi desert & Karakorum | Premium Travel Mongolia

Mongolia Highlights - The Gobi desert & Karakorum

Get your chance to reveal the most beauty of the Gobi desert & Khangai regions. The tour starts with visit to Giant Genghis equestrian monument, continues for the cultural experiences in the ancient capital of Karakorum including legendary...

Eagle festival Mongolia 2024 | Premium Travel Mongolia

Eagle festival Mongolia 2024

Eagle Festival that demonstrates the best of the Kazakh culture, namely, hunting with Golden Eagles tradition. A wonderful parade of colorfully dressed Kazakhs with their Golden Eagles on hand, horse or camel racing, archery, and various traditional games


Here, you'll find our Mongolia tours with a Duration of up to 12 Days, Exclusively nomadic homestays, no Ulaanbaatar city tour or hotel stay, Flight-free exploration, Cultural Engagement, Diverse Itineraries, and Small group tours for couples, friends, and families. Let us guide you on an unforgettable journey of cultural discovery and connection with the essence of Mongolia.

Discover the Magic on a Mongolian Winter Tour | Premium Travel Mongolia

Discover the Magic on a Mongolian Winter Tour

Embark on a captivating journey through the captivating landscapes of Terelj National Park, where the untouched beauty of Mongolia's winter reveals itself. Immerse yourself in a range of activities, such as horse riding, dog sledding, and moto-biking, ..

Flavors of the Heartland: Exploring Central Mongolia | Premium Travel Mongolia

Flavors of the Heartland: Exploring Central Mongolia

Unique blend of cultural immersion, natural wonders, and warm hospitality awaits on this 5 day tour. Mongol Nomadic show | Orkhon Waterfall | Tuvkhun Monastery | Karakorum | Hustai National Park

Embracing Nomadic Culture & Natural Beauty of the Middle Gobi | Premium Travel Mongolia

Embracing Nomadic Culture & Natural Beauty of the Middle Gobi

Engage with nomadic culture and bask in the untouched natural beauty. Experience the warm hospitality of local herders, witness beautiful Baga Gazaryn Chuluu's rock formation and beautiful White Stupa - Tsagaan Suvarga, and stargaze under vast skies.

The Lake Huvsgul - Where Adventure Meets Serenity | Premium Travel Mongolia

The Lake Huvsgul - Where Adventure Meets Serenity

Explore northern Mongolia's pristine beauty on a 5-day Lake Huvsgul adventure tour. Hike through mountains, enjoy horse riding, and boat rides on the scenic lake. Meet the enigmatic Tsaatan tribe - reindeer riders and immerse yourself in local culture.


Picture yourself sitting on the porch of a charming restaurant, nestled within a top-tier Ger camp in the heart of the Gobi Desert. As the sun begins to set, you find yourself immersed in an awe-inspiring view of the vast Gobi landscape, with no man-made buildings obstructing your sight. We invite you to embark on our exclusive Mongolia tours, carefully curated to offer PREMIUM EXPERIENCES .

Frozen Frames: A Captivating Mongolian Winter Photo Adventure | Premium Travel Mongolia

Frozen Frames: A Captivating Mongolian Winter Photo Adventure

Taking this photo adventure tour, you'll be immersed in the wonders of wild nature, with opportunities for hiking and trekking through majestic mountains in Renchinlhumbe village, providing perfect photo moments at every turn. ...

Central Mongolia's Exclusive Gems | Premium Travel Mongolia

Central Mongolia's Exclusive Gems

A fully escorted discovery journey through the highlights of Central Mongolia with authentic cultural experiences and soft adventure opportunities.

Eagle hunters of Mongolia | Premium Travel Mongolia

Eagle hunters of Mongolia

A fully escorted discovery journey to the Western Mongolia with authentic cultural experiences and soft adventure opportunities.

The Gobi desert experience | Premium Travel Mongolia

The Gobi desert experience

A fully escorted discovery journey through the highlights of the Gobi Desert with authentic cultural experiences and soft adventure opportunities.

Ulaanbaatar & around tour | Premium Travel Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar & around tour

A fully escorted journey through the highlights of Ulaanbaatar and surrounding with authentic cultural experiences and soft adventure opportunities.


Come, be a part of these extraordinary CULTURAL EXPERIENCES in Mongolia, and witness the magic of compassion and care. Let us guide you through these heartwarming and unique experiences, where the beauty of Mongolia's culture meets the power of kindness and community.

Farm to Fork: Organic Farm Visit & Mongolian Cooking Class with Wine | Premium Travel Mongolia

Farm to Fork: Organic Farm Visit & Mongolian Cooking Class with Wine

Visit an organic farm and join a Mongolian cooking class with wine pairing. Indulge in a unique experience, from harvesting to savoring a delectable farm-fresh meal with wine.

A day with "Magic Mongolia" | Premium Travel Mongolia

A day with "Magic Mongolia"

A day trip to visit the children’s development center, Magic Land to support the sport and cultural development activities

Kazak Cultural Encounter: A Day Trip to Visit a Kazak Family | Premium Travel Mongolia

Kazak Cultural Encounter: A Day Trip to Visit a Kazak Family

Delve into the unique heritage of the Kazak people and create unforgettable memories of Mongolia's vibrant cultural tapestry.

Exploring Mongol Nomadic Heritage Center & Meeting with Real Nomads | Premium Travel Mongolia

Exploring Mongol Nomadic Heritage Center & Meeting with Real Nomads

The program is designed to showcase the significance of Mongolian nomadic culture and its heritage. You also have an opportunity to meet real nomads.

Spiritual Journey:  Day trip to visit a Buddhist temple | Premium Travel Mongolia

Spiritual Journey: Day trip to visit a Buddhist temple

Engage yourself in the tranquil atmosphere, learn about Buddhist traditions, and gain insight into their spiritual practices.

Greetings from Premium Travel Mongolia!

We are a fully accredited travel company based in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia founded and managed by Mongolian travel professionals with over 20 years of experience in Mongolian tourism. We offer exciting Mongolia tours in 2024 including experiential cultural journeys, honeymoon tours, photography trips, and active adventure tours such as horseback riding, mountain trekking, and biking in this ancient land of nomads.

Greetings from Premium Travel Mongolia!  | Premium Travel Mongolia


Our carefully curated Mongolian tours fall into four distinct categories. For those open to meeting new people and joining a small group, explore our " SIGNATURE TOURS " with options for private arrangements as well. For a fascinating and niche experience, our " POPULAR TOURS & CULTURAL EXPERIENCES " starting and ending in Ulaanbaatar are a must-try. And for those seeking a touch of luxury, our " PREMIUM EXPERIENCES " will provide the utmost comfort during your journey. Come, discover Mongolia with us and embark on a truly unforgettable adventure!


Get inspiration

Mongolia, the Land of Blue Skies and Vast Horizons, is a land of awe-inspiring beauty, rich history, and a unique nomadic culture. Discover more!

Featured destination | Premium Travel Mongolia

Featured destination

Bayanzag Flaming Cliffs with dinosaur remain, a sunset camel ride at the Khongor sand dunes & oasis, a hike in the Glacial Yoliin Am Gorge with glimpses of wildlife, ...

Mongolia Facts | Premium Travel Mongolia

Mongolia Facts

These are just a few of the many compelling reasons why Mongolia is a captivating destination for adventurous travelers seeking to explore a world unlike any other.

The places to visit | Premium Travel Mongolia

The places to visit

The clay from the former shores, hills, and soil of the Cretaceous period look like they are on fire during sunrise and sunset. You may feel like you’re one a different planet.

About nomadic culture & nomads | Premium Travel Mongolia

About nomadic culture & nomads

Mongolian’s seemingly simple nomadic lifestyle is enriched by the philosophy of loving in harmony with the natural ...

Mongolia culture & history | Premium Travel Mongolia

Mongolia culture & history

The history of the Mongol nomads started over 2000 years ago with the Hun – the first nomadic state in Central Asia.

Mongolian festivals & events | Premium Travel Mongolia

Mongolian festivals & events

Naadam is the finest of Mongolian festivals, was listed in the Intangible Cultural Heritage of UNESCO in 2010.

Food & beverages | Premium Travel Mongolia

Food & beverages

Mongolian food is certainly not very well known. And first of all, do not expect any “Mongolian Barbeques”, “Mongolian Beef” or “hotspots” in Mongolia.

Top 10 things to do in Mongolia | Premium Travel Mongolia

Top 10 things to do in Mongolia

4x4 vehicles are a great way to explore the country in depth as they give travellers the freedom to travel off-beaten tracks, ...

Nature & wildlife | Premium Travel Mongolia

Nature & wildlife

Mongolia is rich in wildlife, and you will see rare species of animals, birds that cannot be seen elsewhere. Photographing endangered Asia wild ass, Argali sheep, Snow leopard, ...

Mongolia Blogs & News

Rave reviews: A couple from Australia, May 2024 | Premium Travel Mongolia

Rave reviews: A couple from Australia, May 2024

Our valued travelers from Australia shared their feedback about their recent trip to Mongolia in May 2024:

A springtime journey through Mongolia's enchanting landscapes | Premium Travel Mongolia

A springtime journey through Mongolia's enchanting landscapes

Mongolia boasts 4 distinct seasons, each with its own unique charm and beauty. With the recent improvements in infrastructure and the growing number of tourists, some Ger camps now operate throughout the year. This provides travellers with great ...

Tsagaan Sar Travels: A Beloved Traveler's Photo Diary | Premium Travel Mongolia

Tsagaan Sar Travels: A Beloved Traveler's Photo Diary

In a land where tradition dances hand in hand with modernity, our intrepid Premium Traveller, Ms. Shreemoyee S, embarked on an unforgettable journey through Mongolia during the auspicious time of Tsagaan Sar. Cloaked in the elegant attire of the ...

Mongolian Winter Travel Photo Diary: A lovely couple's Adventure | Premium Travel Mongolia

Mongolian Winter Travel Photo Diary: A lovely couple's Adventure

An adventurous young couple from Singapore, embarked on a daring winter expedition to Mongolia, where temperatures plummeted from their usual +28°C to a bone-chilling -30°C. Their 11-day journey, meticulously curated by Premium Travel Mongolia based on...

Mongolian Winter Wonders: Embrace the Extreme | Premium Travel Mongolia

Mongolian Winter Wonders: Embrace the Extreme

The harsh and cold weather, coupled with limited accommodations, makes winter travel in Mongolia a venture reserved for the curious, brave, and adventurous spirits. If you possess the spirit of curiosity, bravery, and adventure, we extend a warm ...

Premium Travel Mongolia: Unveiling the Ultimate Asian Travel Experience at ITB Asia 2023 | Premium Travel Mongolia

Premium Travel Mongolia: Unveiling the Ultimate Asian Travel Experience at ITB Asia 2023

Premium Travel Mongolia is thrilled to announce its active participation in ITB Asia 2023, taking place from October 25 to 27 at the exquisite Marina Bay Sands in Singapore.


Want create your own itinerary start building your dream experience now, why premium travel.

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Discover Mongolia with Confidence: 5-Star Reviews from Our Valued Travelers

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Traveller review, shane & elaine, from australia, may 2024.

Our trip to Mongolia was truly memorable. Crystal communicated throughout the booking and provide updates and advice prior to our trip. We even managed to share a coffee with her on our trip back to the airport. But, that is the challenge of traveling, and our guide Zayaa, easily juggled the itinerary to work around the delays. Come with an open mind and let Crystal and her team show you what Mongolia has to offer.

Jeremy's family & friends

From singapore, dec 2023.

We had a fantastic trip, every part was memorable, wishing you a happy new year in advance!

Xavier & Syazwani

It's been great! Zaya is awesome. Loved the horse riding today so might seriously consider taking the 2 days trip on horseback to see the tsaatan tribe again in summer! Definitely! We love the itinerary and service so definitely want to make sure Premium Travel Mongolia becomes the go-to agency!

Alex Yuen & Charlene Boh

From singapore, sep 2023.

Crystal at Mongolia Premium Travel crafted a bespoke itinerary for our Mongolian adventure, tailored to our unique requests and allowing us to see so much in a short time. Our guides, Zaya and Habak, were knowledgeable and passionate about their country's culture and rich history. The picturesque landscapes, idyllic rolling hills, and sparkling streams created the perfect getaway. Thank you, team, for an awe-inspiring trip!

Mr. Abace van de Nur

From portugal, aug 2023.

Premium Travel Mongolia did an excellent service with our group of 20 people taking us all over the country. Tour guide AMARA is a gem, thank you!

Alicia, Kevin and Ingrid

From hong kong | aug 2023.

Hi Crystal, We just got back to Hong Kong safely! Just want to say a huge thank you for all the help rendered to a smooth and enjoyable trip for us. We appreciate all the help given, including pre-trip queries, getting us a SIM card and checking in with us during the trip. Orna and bulga has been a great help to for our entire trip!!! Thanks very much once again!

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Here you’re! We’re delighted you've found Premium Travel Services – Mongolia. We are here to help you plan a special holiday. You’ve got few steps ahead to receive your very private and tailor-made holiday in Mongolia. Following booking form to fill-in will give us better understanding what exactly you’re looking for. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you.

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5 remote destinations to put on your travel radar

Lesser-known travel destinations have an undeniably romantic draw, but many can struggle to keep up with the tourism demands of the modern world. Yet our impact on these off-the-beaten-track areas can be positive — especially if we travel wisely and well.

Whether it’s a misty mountainside reverberating with animal calls or a sparkling beach that appears still undiscovered, there’s something truly magical about exploring a remote destination. Travelling to the world’s lesser-visited corners offers an opportunity to expand your knowledge and understanding of our planet through cultural, wildlife, adventure and scientific experiences — particularly when travelling with an operator that offers expert guides well versed in the area's requirements. Here are five of the best destinations to consider.

1. Rwanda  

Best for: mountain gorillas and off-the-beaten-track safaris

Rwanda is a destination of great natural variety, home to shimmering lakes, modern cities an undulating patchwork of emerald green hillsides. It's a two-and-a-half-hour drive from the country’s well-connected capital, Kigali, to the remote Volcanoes National Park . Here you’ll find some of the country’s most memorable wildlife experiences, including the opportunity to track and view mountain gorillas. With trekking hikes sometimes lasting well over four hours, it’s worth every step to view these awe-inspiring animals in their natural habitat, against a backdrop of the Rwenzori Mountain Range and five of the eight Virunga volcanoes. Visitors can follow in the footsteps of world-famous primatologist Dian Fossey and learn about the work she did to help save the species from extinction. Specific permits are required and strict guidelines are in operation to ensure the wildlife are protected, so it’s best to travel with an informed, expert guide.

Then, head east to Rwanda’s Akagera National Park , where a world-class rewilding project is underway. Increased community engagement and conservation measures — including a new law enforcement strategy as well as wildlife reintroduction, monitoring and surveying — has resulted in the wildlife population of Akagera growing from less than 5,000 in 2010 to 12,000 today. Go to spot lions, Masai giraffes and southern white rhinos.  

How to do it: Direct flights are available from many international destinations to Kigali. From here, the best way to explore Volcanoes National Park and Akagera National Park is on an expert-led itinerary with a local private guide. To find out more, visit vayaadventures.com

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2. Costa Rica  

Best for: nature-based activity and tropical rainforests

With rainforests brightened by birdsong, lively rivers and intimidating volcanic landscapes, Costa Rica’s reputation for exciting travel experiences is one that those in the know have long tried to keep to themselves. Adrenaline-hungry travellers seeking aquatic adventures can go white-water rafting or kayaking on the Pacuare River, while those with a head for heights can get a bird’s-eye perspective by zip-lining through the rainforest in Herradura.

In 2021, Costa Rica was awarded the Earthshot Prize to Protect and Restore Nature , due to its reforestation and ecotourism efforts. It's also one of the few countries in the region to develop a comprehensive National Decarbonisation Plan, aiming to become carbon neutral by 2050. Choosing to travel here helps support these endeavours, particularly if you visit with an operator that focuses on active learning and carbon offsetting.

How to do it: Fly to San José, from which you can join a Costa Rica tour that takes in a number of outdoor activities and responsible destinations. Learn more at roadscholar.org

mongolia community tourism

3. Mongolia

Best for: monasteries, mountains and nomadic culture

Situated between Russia and China, Mongolia is a destination that’s become synonymous with remote and rugged adventure — its deserts, forests and grasslands untapped by the majority of travellers. Ulaanbaatar, the country’s capital, is undoubtedly the best base from which to begin your trip. Here, Mongolia’s traditional yurt-style architecture sits alongside the striking Soviet design of buildings such as the National Theatre, while sites such as Choijin Lama Temple and Gandan Monastery offer an insight into the country’s fascinating religious history.

Those seeking the utmost adventure should head northeast, to the picturesque natural landscapes of Gorkhi-Terelj National Park — or southwest, to the vast expanse of the Gobi Desert, where trekking, horse-riding and archery opportunities await amid the peaks of the Gobi Altai Mountains. Don't miss a trip to the Flaming Cliffs, where the rocks glow in vibrant shades of red and orange at sunset. This is where Dr. Roy Chapman Andrews and his team from the American Museum of Natural History made the world's first discovery of dinosaur eggs, and visitors can still view many fossils. Base your stay at Three Camel Lodge , around an hour's drive away from the cliffs. Here, cultural experiences are combined with a commitment to supporting local causes, from paleontological expeditions to the Mongolian Bankhar Dog Project.  

How to do it: You can fly direct to Ulaanbaatar from a number of countries across Europe and Asia. To explore the best of the Gobi Desert, book onto a guided expedition. Learn more at nomadicexpeditions.com

mongolia community tourism

4. Lipsi, Levitha and Amorgos

Best for: quiet islands, ancient villages and empty beaches

Despite its reputation as a well-travelled tourism destination, Greece has more than 1,200 islands and islets, many of which remain relatively little known. On the quieter islands, the ancient custom of filoxenia guarantees a warm welcome. The word, meaning hospitality, literally translates as a love of strangers. It’s best showcased on the island of Lipsi, where the Lipsi Winery welcomes visitors to enjoy a tasting of wines including Aposperitis, an award-winning sweet red made using Greece’s indigenous Fokiano grapes. Exclusive to the winery, this drink is made using the island’s traditional techniques (picking fully ripe grapes that are then left to dry for days in the sun), which produces a distinct fruity flavour.

Even within the Aegean island groups of the Cyclades and Dodecanese — home to the popular destinations of Mykonos, Santorini, Rhodes and Kos — you can find plenty of lesser-visited islands with whitewashed villages, dome-topped churches and isolated beaches to discover. From Levitha — home to just a handful of people — to the caves and coves of Amorgos, visiting quieter islands means that the economic benefits of tourism can be spread to businesses that are located outside of major tourist hotspots.

How to do i t: Fly to Athens to board a cruise that takes in all these destinations and more. To find out more, visit varietycruises.com

mongolia community tourism

5. Antarctica  

Best for: polar wildlife and expert tours

As your ship sails through the Antarctic Peninsula’s 800 miles of ice-carved channels, islands, glaciers and iceberg-strewn bays, the crystal-clear light will have you reaching for your camera over and over. And it’s not just the landscapes — Antarctic wildlife is fascinating, too, with many spectacular species to spot. Keep your eyes peeled for several different types of penguins, as well as seals and whales.

A trip to Antarctica also provides an opportunity to visit a number of fascinating historic sites, including the remote South Shetland islands, a critical breeding ground for penguin colonies. It’s best to explore in the company of expert guides, who can help ensure you discover this pristine environment in the most responsible way, while also sharing their in-depth knowledge. Many polar expedition ships feature talks on geology, glaciology, history and wildlife, as well as expert-led excursions such as Zodiac (small boat) tours, sea kayaking and standup paddleboarding between icebergs.   Robert Kunikoff, a travel adviser with Global Travel Collection, says “exploring Antarctica is an extraordinary opportunity, but it's essential to approach it with humility and responsibility. We are custodians of this pristine environment during our visit, and so are tasked with ensuring its preservation for future generations."

How to do it: An expedition cruise is the best way to discover the Antarctic peninsula, with expert guides and on-ship scientific offerings. Find an expert advisor at globaltravelcollection.com

A penguin on a rocky beach

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First Nations Tourism Mentoring Scheme helps create truth-telling experience at Port Lincoln

woman at ocean scene

Tourists are increasingly seeking out Indigenous cultural experiences.

Tourists to South Australia spent $228 million on Aboriginal experiences last year, up $47 million from 2019.

What's next: 

Operators of a new First Nations tourism venture on the Eyre Peninsula see it as chance for understanding, truth telling and cultural preservation.

Indigenous tourism operators across the country are confronting uncomfortable truths and sharing stories from one of the oldest living cultures.

According to Tourism Australia, holiday-makers are increasingly seeking cultural experiences as part of their Australian holidays.

It said the number of visitors who engaged in cultural activities across the country increased by almost 30 per cent from 2019 to 2022.

University of Adelaide tourism researcher Freya Higgins-Desboilles said tourism was a way for non-Indigenous and Indigenous people to build personal connections that could bridge a historical divide.

tourists look over a sunny ocean day from a hill

"This form of tourism is actually really conducive to building those personal connections that will make non-Indigenous people able to listen," she said.

"And it hurts, you know, it's difficult to talk about these things.

"Part of it is about how do we heal the relationships that come from the way that Australia was created and the historical damages that we've done as Australians, and then come to a pathway to a shared future?"

Uncomfortable truths

The healing journey has produced a new tourism venture on the Eyre Peninsula.

Port Lincoln Barngarla woman Emmalene Richards has spent the past two years creating a cultural tour of a region that was the scene of some of the most violent encounters between First Nations groups and European settlers in South Australia.

A man with a beard and green shirt stands on a beach

She was partnered through the First Nations Tourism Mentoring Scheme with a local tourism operator to learn about the existing market and how to deliver an effective Indigenous tourism experience.

"It has been a bit of a journey, it's taken nearly two years just to get it to where we are now, and the future looks really exciting," tourism mentor Craig Haslam said.

"It's really refreshing to actually see Emma engaging with people and people really enjoying her story."

Ms Richards' family was changed forever in 1967 when six of her father's siblings, aged between two and 10, were taken from school and their home at Mallee Park and became part of the Stolen Generation.

That history of forced separation from culture and country was the force driving Ms Richards' passion for reconnecting to Barngarla history and culture.

Indigenous woman with native tree

"Tourism plays a really important role in Aboriginal people being able to continue their culture, being able to tell their stories, being able to share their knowledge, and being able to make those connections with people from different places," she said.

"As well as the good there's bad, but both sides of the story need to be shared."

'It's about sharing'

According to a University of Adelaide project mapping colonial encounters between Aboriginal people and European settlers in South Australia, Eyre Peninsula was the scene of the most intense and protracted frontier conflict in the state after white settlement began in 1839.

Violent clashes between Barngarla and Nauo communities and colonists even resulted in some early settlers suspending agriculture activities and taking refuge on Boston Island while awaiting military back up.

A mission in nearby Poonindie was established in the 1850s by the Church of England as a so-called training institute for young Indigenous people across the state.

It meant families from around South Australia had connections to the area.

The events formed the basis of a wide-ranging cultural tour embracing the dark side of the region's story as well as the legacy of Indigenous survival and ongoing cultural.

"It's the real, genuine, first original story of Australia," Ms Richards said.

tourists shelley beach

"It creates opportunities to start looking at how can we work together in truth telling and storytelling and listening to each other and acknowledging each other and having that respect for each other's story.

"And it's not about blaming, it's not about shaming, it's about sharing. And it's about sharing both sides of the story."

She said it was a legacy of cultural preservation she hoped to pass on to the next generation.

woman in black tshirt at beach smiles to camera

Her daughter Kiandra Richards said her mum wanted her children to reconnect to the country because she didn't get a chance to do it when she was child.

Ms Richards said she hoped other tourism operators across South Australia would capitalise on the growing demand as an opportunity for Indigenous employment and cultural appreciation.

"If it's done the right way with good intentions and open hearts, we've got endless possibilities of how we can change the future for everybody," she said.

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