Brīvdienu ceļojumi viena soļa attālumā

  • Visi ceļojumi 2024./25. gada ziemas ceļojumi Ceļojumi ģimenēm Ceļojumi Jāņos Ceļojumi Jaunajā gadā Ceļojumi Lieldienās Ceļojumi skolēnu rudens brīvlaikā Eksotiskie ceļojumi Īpaši izdevīgi piedāvājumi Īsās brīvdienas Pēdējā brīža ceļojumi SPA brīvdienas Vasaras ceļojumi
  • Visi galamērķi Albānija Andora - slēpošana Antālija Apvienotie Arābu Emirāti Austrija - slēpošana Azoru salas Bali Bodruma Bulgārija Dominikāna Ēģipte Evijas sala Fēru salas Francija Francija - slēpošana Gotlande Grankanārija Grieķija Gruzija Halkidiki Horvātija Hurgada Islande Itālija Itālija - slēpošana Jordānija Kaboverde Kefalonija Kipra Korfu Korsika Krēta Madeira Malaga Maljorka Maroka Maurīcija Meksika Melnkalne Monpeljē Francijā Peloponesa Porto Portugāle Portugāles dienvidi Rimini Roda Sardīnija Šarmelšeiha Seišelu salas Senegāla - Dakāra Serbija Sicīlija Slovēnija SPA Igaunijā SPA Lietuvā Spānija Spānija - Barselonas piekraste Šrilanka Taizeme Tasas sala Tenerife Tunisija Turcija Vjetnama Zanzibāra Ziemeļkipra

2024. gada vasaras ceļojumi

Ceļojumi Jāņos

  • Ceļojumi Jāņos
  • 5 naktis vai vairāk
  • lidojums no Rīgas

Ceļojumi vasarā

2024. gada vasaras sezonas ceļojumu iepriekšpārdošana

Vislielākā viesnīcu izvēle

  • dažādi galamērķi
  • vislielākā izvēle
  • visizdevīgākie apmaksas noteikumi

no  227  € *


Ceļojumi uz Turciju

Turcija, Turcija

  • 2 līdz 7 vai vairāk dienas
  • dažādi ēdināšanas veidi
  • 07.04. – 29.10.2024.

no  490  € Original price was: 490 €. 310  € Current price is: 310 €. *

Pēdējā brīža ceļojumi uz Turciju

Pēdējā brīža ceļojumi – Turcija


no  650  € Original price was: 650 €. 310  € Current price is: 310 €. *

Bodruma Turcijā

Ceļojumi uz Bodrumu Turcijā

Turcija, Bodruma

  • 6 naktis/ 7 dienas
  • 18.09. – 16.10.2024.

no  370  € *

Ceļojumi uz Melnkalni


Melnkalne, Melnkalne

  • 15.05. – 18.09.2024.

no  449  € Original price was: 449 €. 310  € Current price is: 310 €. *

Ceļojums uz Melnkalni - ACD Wellness 4*

Mierpilna atpūta Melnkalnē Jāņos

Melnkalne, ACD Wellness & Spa 4*

  • 24.06.2024.

852  € Original price was: 852 €. 805  € Current price is: 805 €. *

Ceļojums uz Melnkalni - Montenegrina Hotel & SPA 4*

Viss iekļauts atpūta skaistajā Melnkalnē

Melnkalne, Montenegrina Hotel & SPA 4*

  • viss iekļauts
  • 12.06.2024.

1098  € Original price was: 1098 €. 834  € Current price is: 834 €. *

Ceļojums uz Šrilanku Jaunajā gadā

Šrilanka Jaunajā gadā

  • tiešais reiss no Rīgas
  • 23.12.2024.

no  1300  € Original price was: 1300 €. 948  € Current price is: 948 €. *

Ceļojumi uz Šarilanku

Ceļojumi uz Šrilanku ar tiešo reisu no Rīgas!

  • 9, 10 vai 20 naktis
  • 20.10. – 27.03.2025.

no  2030  € Original price was: 2030 €. 1018  € Current price is: 1018 €. *

Ceļojums uz Šrilanku - Coastal Village Cabanas 3*

Ekonomisks ceļojums uz Šrilanku

Šrilanka, Coastal Village Cabanas 3*

  • 02.01. un 23.01.2025.

1676  € Original price was: 1676 €. 1148  € Current price is: 1148 €. *


Dāvanu karte ceļojumiem

Dāvanu karte

  • Dāvanu karte derīga 1 gadu
  • Summa pēc paša izvēles
  • Derīga dažādu ceļojumu rezervācijām

Ceļojums uz Ēģipti, Šarmelšeihu - Charmillion Club Aqua Park 4*

Šarmelšeiha! Atpūtas ceļojums ģimenei

Ēģipte, Šarmelšeiha, Charmillion Club Aqua Park 4*

  • 20.06.2024.
  • piedāvājums ģimenēm: 2+1 vai 2+2*

730  € Original price was: 730 €. 393  € Current price is: 393 €. *

Ceļojumi skolēnu brīvlaikā

Ceļojumi skolēnu rudens brīvlaikā!

Dažādas viesnīcas ceļojumiem skolēnu brīvlaikā


601  € Original price was: 601 €. 396  € Current price is: 396 €. *

  • Šarmelšeiha

Šarmelšeiha Ēģiptē

Pēdējā brīža ceļojumi – Šarmelšeiha

Ēģipte, Šarmelšeiha, Šarmelšeiha

no  503  € Original price was: 503 €. 296  € Current price is: 296 €. *

Ceļojums uz Ēģipti, Šarmelšeihu - Jaz Belvedere 5*

Šarmelšeiha ģimenēm Jāņos

Ēģipte, Šarmelšeiha, Jaz Belvedere 5*

  • 20.06.2024 .
  • piedāvājums ģimenēm 2+1 vai 2+2

823  € Original price was: 823 €. 454  € Current price is: 454 €. *


Ceļojumi uz Krētu

Grieķija, Krēta, Krēta

  • 26.04. – 20.10.2024.

no  520  € Original price was: 520 €. 330  € Current price is: 330 €. *

Krēta - Danaos Beach Apartments 3*

Atpūta Krētas salā 3* apartamentu tipa viesnīcā

Grieķija, Krēta, Danaos Beach Apartments 3*

  • numuri ar virtuves stūrīti
  • jūlijā un augustā

622  € Original price was: 622 €. 479  € Current price is: 479 €. *

Ceļojums uz Krētu - Banana Moon Boutique Hotel 3*

Mierpilna Viss iekļauts atpūta Krētā

Grieķija, Krēta, Banana Moon Boutique Hotel 3*

998  € Original price was: 998 €. 567  € Current price is: 567 €. *


Ceļojumi uz Korfu salu

Grieķija, Korfu, Korfu

  • 7 naktis, 8 dienas
  • 08.05. – 05.10.2024.

no  605  € Original price was: 605 €. 435  € Current price is: 435 €. *

Atpūtas ceļojums uz Korfu salu - Potamaki Beach Hotel 3*

Izdevīgas Jāņu brīvdienas Korfu salā

Grieķija, Korfu, Potamaki Beach Hotel 3*

  • 22.06.2024.

736  € Original price was: 736 €. 654  € Current price is: 654 €. *

Ceļojums uz Korfu - Rossis 3*

Mierpilna atpūta Korfu

Grieķija, Korfu, Rossis 3*

  • 05.10.2024.

no  801  € Original price was: 801 €. 685  € Current price is: 685 €. *

  • Evijas sala

Ceļojumi uz Evijas salu - Stefania Beach Resort 3*

Aktīvās atpūtas ceļojums uz Evijas salu

Grieķija, Evijas sala, Stefania Beach Resort 3*

  • jūnijā, jūlijā

no  999  € Original price was: 999 €. 519  € Current price is: 519 €. *

Ceļojums uz Evijas salu Grieķijā

Atpūtas ceļojums uz Evijas salu

Grieķija, Evijas sala, Evia Riviera Resort 4*

no  1079  € Original price was: 1079 €. 839  € Current price is: 839 €. *

Ceļojums uz Evijas salu Grieķijā - Miramare 4*

Pludmales atpūtas ceļojums uz Evijas salu Grieķijā

Grieķija, Evijas sala, Miramare 4*

no  1169  € Original price was: 1169 €. 959  € Current price is: 959 €. *

  • 2024./25. gada ziemas ceļojumi
  • Ceļojumi ģimenēm
  • Ceļojumi Jaunajā gadā
  • Ceļojumi Lieldienās
  • Ceļojumi skolēnu rudens brīvlaikā
  • Eksotiskie ceļojumi
  • Īpaši izdevīgi piedāvājumi
  • Īsās brīvdienas
  • Pēdējā brīža ceļojumi
  • SPA brīvdienas
  • Vasaras ceļojumi
  • Ziemeļkipra
  • Apvienotie Arābu Emirāti
  • Azoru salas
  • Monpeljē Francijā
  • Francija – slēpošana
  • Itālija – slēpošana
  • Portugāles dienvidi
  • Senegāla – Dakāra
  • Seišelu salas
  • SPA Lietuvā
  • Andora – slēpošana
  • Austrija – slēpošana
  • SPA Igaunijā
  • Spānija – Barselonas piekraste
  • Grankanārija

Pieteikties jaunumiem

Copyright © 2024 SIA Active Travel

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  • Sīkdatņu noteikumi
  • Ceļojumu rezervēšanas noteikumi

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Our Travel Designers believe by providing personalized service, that is founded on detail and communication, we can ensure not only an extraordinary vacation experience, but a seamless planning process. Our offices stretch from Charleston, West Virginia to Tampa, Florida, but our clients experience our best, no matter where they are located in the United States.

We service multiple destinations and styles of travel, including land and resort stays throughout Europe, the Caribbean, Mexico, Hawaii and the South Pacific Islands, ocean, expedition, and river cruising, private & guided tours, as well as Walt Disney Travel Company and Universal Studios theme park packages.


Let's get started.


Leanne Stephenson

Owner & Travel Designer

I am dedicated to ensuring you come away from your vacation having experienced what you were hoping & envisioning it would be.  Whether you aim to connect with those you love, make new friends, or refresh your spirit traveling solo, let me handle the stress & details of planning, and even elevate your experience, so you can focus on what matters.


Torri Johnson

I am deeply committed to providing my clients with a truly exceptional experience that is uniquely tailored to their needs & desires. Whether you want a romantic getaway to Italy's coastline, a family adventure to the Caribbean or Mexico, or a guided trip as a solo traveler, I would love to be a part of your journey and take the burden of planning the details off your shoulders so you can fully enjoy your travel experience.


Heather Harrelson

Travel Designer

I love sharing my years of travel experience with others and want to help you fulfill your adventures as I work with you to create a custom travel experience you’ll never forget!


Jerebeth Saylor

Concierge Assistant

Jerebeth is invaluable to our agency.  Her skill set and dedication to detail allow us to assist more clients with an even higher level of service than when we all began in the travel industry.  We are incredibly grateful for her!  If you were not referred to one of the designers above specifically, please click BEGIN below and she will match a designer to your request.

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  • About Latvia Facts about Latvia Practical information Brochures and maps Top 10 attractions
  • Experience Regions Active holiday Architecture Culture Cities Events Nature Wellness For families with kids
  • Discover Riga
  • Eat&drink
  • Where to stay
  • Trip planner

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Shopping and design boutiques

Every place is made special by the people who live, manage and create it. One of the most interesting and inspiring ways to understand exactly what Latvian craftsmen and designers create is to visit various design shops and markets. And here the offer is really wide: experts in their craft have prepared everything from cosmetics, textiles and jewellery to design items.

For those who want quality, natural products and the best of Latvian design, it is worth visiting the Latvian design and lifestyle barn RIIJA . The store, located in the very centre of Riga, offers a wide range of Latvian designer goods; everything from linen bedding and clothing to beauty products, furniture, interior items and lighting. Natural materials, quality and the work of Latvian craftsmen, who combine traditional craftsmanship with a contemporary perspective, are what unite the range of products available in the store.

M50 veikals Riga

The charming store M50 , located on the iconic Miera Street, is definitely the place to view and buy the most current Latvian fashion designer products. M50 store offers clothes, jewellery, design items, ceramics, books and exciting gifts by more than 100 Latvian designers and artists. In addition, the store also offers clothes from the owner's own fashion brand, which combines Latvian nature, warm memories and humour.

Galerija ETMO

Natural linen and warm wool scarves, clothing and home textiles woven on authentic wooden looms, wool felt design accessories, glass, porcelain and clay. All of this is deeply rooted in Latvian craftsmanship and traditions. And all this is available in the Galerija ETMO .  In addition, some items are available in limited quantities.

The deepest traditions are woven into each national costume of the country. It is a patriotic festive outfit for every Latvian, as well as a special souvenir for tourists. In order to get such a gift for yourself or others, it is definitely worth visiting the National Costume Centre Senā klēts . In the store, it is possible to view more than 70 sets of folk costumes: archaeological and ethnographic folk costumes from various regions of Latvia - Kurzeme, Zemgale, Augšzeme, Vidzeme and Latgale. It is also possible to buy jewellery, blankets, shawls, scarves, knitwear, linen products, ceramics, wooden spoons, decorations and much more from the ethnographic heritage.

Veikals Pienene Riga

The design shop and cafe Pienene is a place where you can “meet” the works of Latvian designers and craftsmen, and where you can meet friends, because it is there that both a shop and a cafe are combined under one roof. It is possible to buy tableware, textiles, cosmetics, clothing, jewellery and other products in the store, and Pienene itself has become a brand that also produces various textile products. Whereas everyone can treat themselves to Latvian delicacies in the cafe.

Miesai is a shop where every aesthete will appreciate the available products. The brand and products were created by one of the leading Baltic brand design studios - Asketic. The goal of the shop Miesai is not to lose Latvian design traditions, and to take the best of them and dress them in a contemporary form. The brand emphasises minimalism, functionality and uniqueness in its products and their packaging.

The concept store Svinam has a special place in the very heart of the VEF Quarter, where the decorator Baiba Prindule-Rence manages it. In the store, you can buy various carefully selected design goods, as well as visiting the concept store itself is a real adventure and visual pleasure for every aesthete.

Shops for the little ones

Latvian masters and designers have also thought about clothes and products for children. In the HEBE store, you can buy both clothes and accessories, as well as the popular Tuta’s Fox! HEBE is a children's clothing brand that highlights the most important in design: joy, imagination, comfort and quality. For the little ones and slightly older ones, it is worth visiting the Mazā cilts store, where developmental toys, books and interior and design goods created in Latvia are available. The store aims to unite Latvian manufacturers who have a passion for their idea in their eyes and care for our little ones - children.

Stationery stores

There's something special about writing-pads, notebooks, planners and handwritten greeting cards. You can view, touch and buy specially selected, interesting, high-quality stationery and accessories created in Latvia in the Manilla store. It is also possible to stay longer in the design and stationery store and enjoy a cup of coffee. Whereas Piparmētra is a stationery shop where all products - planners, calendars, stickers, cards, notebooks, gift papers and posters are created by two Latvian designers. As the girls admit, paper allows them to stop the daily rush, and evaluate and mark the most important things.

The Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia has long been gathering homemakers and craftsmen from all over Latvia to meet at fairs: On Michaelmas Day, at the Modern Craft Market and other events. Trading is usually accompanied by entertaining performances, attractions for adults and children, and a visit to the museum is a special experience itself.

Vecrīgas Ziemassvētku tirgus

Old Riga Christmas Market

An annual and very special event is the Old Riga Christmas Market in Dome Square. It is the right place to capture the holiday spirit and choose special gifts for your loved ones. It is a place to enjoy local traditions, warm up and celebrate.

Kalnciema kvartāla tirgus

Kalnciema Quarter Market

In many local families, Kalnciema Quarter Market is now more than a market - it is a tradition. The farmers and artisans market in Āgenskalns takes place every Saturday and gathers all kinds of traders, from homemakers and farmers to designers. Both the traditional Latvian solstice celebrations and new holidays are celebrated on Kalnciema Street: almost every Saturday the market is dedicated to a special theme, to which the diverse range of products of the market is also adapted.

Āgenskalna tirgus

Āgenskalns Market

Nearby, on the left bank of the Daugava, there is also the recently renovated Āgenskalns Market , which gathers manufacturers, traders, and various caterers under its roof. This market is also definitely a meeting place. The spacious open-plan space creates a special feeling of togetherness. In addition, the market owners regularly take care of various events, for example, organizing the Potato Festival, and seasonal and even flea markets.

Rīga Design market

Besides, Riga Design Market takes place once a month, and it is possible to meet designers and brands there from all over the Baltics. Depending on the season, these markets tend to be themed, for example, offering to buy gifts in the winter or the brightest costumes for festivals in the summer. Riga Design Market has grown and now goes beyond the borders of the capital; it is also possible to visit it periodically in Sigulda, Carnikava and other cities of Latvia The most important thing is to follow the information on their website.

The largest shopping centers in Riga:

  • Galerija Centrs in the Old Town;
  • Stockmann in the city center;
  • Akropole Riga in Ķengarags;
  • Akropole Alfa in Teika;
  • Spice in Zolitūde;
  • Sky&More in Sarkandaugava.

There you will find brands that are known worldwide, such as H&M, Zara and Debenhams, local brands (e.g. Maya), and other Baltic brands – like Monton and Ivo Nikkolo.

Not far from Riga and near Jurmala, you can visit Via Jurmala Outlet Village - the outlet shopping village. More than 60 clothing, footwear, and accessories stores, cafes, restaurants, Gastro Market, and a large children's playground are located in the 13,500 m2 open-air area. Via Jurmala Outlet Village is located on the Jurmala highway that connects Riga and the famous resort town Jurmala and is only a 10-minute drive from the International Riga Airport.

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Cultural sites in Latvia

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Culture and traditions in Latvia

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Combine work with recreation – work...

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For coffee lovers

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Where to enjoy a cocktail in Riga a...

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Architectural diversity in Latvia

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Love LV Travel

Your vacation visionary creating your one-of-a-kind trip, travel should be stress free, highest standards for your best experience.

As a vacation visionary, I always ensure that I find the perfect trip for every traveler by taking the time to understand their unique preferences, needs, and budget.

I begin by asking a series of questions to determine their travel style, interests, and expectations.

Based on this information, I work closely with my clients to identify the best trip options that match their preferences.

I have extensive knowledge of the travel industry and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and offerings, which allows me to provide my clients with expert advice and insider tips. I also have strong relationships with travel companies and can leverage these connections to secure the best deals and perks for my clients.

Overall, my personalized approach and attention to detail ensure that I find the perfect trip for every traveler.

All you have to do is pack!

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Why Use a Travel Agency? Why Use Love LV Travel?

We are a full service travel agency.

Sure, you could plan your own trip, but why? We plan every aspect of your trip from your pick up at home to your ride back home. All you have to do is pack.

When your flight gets canceled, do you want to call the airline?

When you want to change your cruise reservation, do you want to call the cruise line?

Are you overwhelmed by planning your trip? We do it for you and put everything you need into a convenient app with the links to all the information you need.

These are the advantages of working with a travel agent.

And not all travel agents are the same. We're here to make your travel dreams come true.

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Our Unique Planning Services

We plan everything so you don't have to.

Any travel agent can book a trip. We create your trip. 

We take your ideas and make them reality.

We meet with you to find out what you want to do, we'll make suggestions and then create the trip of your dreams. All you have to do is pack.

If you can dream it, we can create it.

Our Custom Itineraries

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We present your itinerary in document and app form

Every piece of information you may need is loaded into the app. 

  • Flight information,
  • Ground transport

All at your fingertips.

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Our app 

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Communication is Key

Everything you need, including a way to keep in touch with us.

Plus, should you have a question while traveling, you can use the app to communicate with us while you're connected to Wi-Fi, saving data and phone charges if you're traveling overseas.

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Don't wait! Contact us today so we can begin planning your ideal trip. We'll plan every detail or we'll find you a cabana by on the beach. It's your trip, we'll make the recommendations and book it according to your preferences. We have packages that are pre-determined and the ability to create fantastic, custom trips that will be the trip of your lifetime. Until the next one. Fill out the contact form and let us make your dream vacation a reality!

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Covering 30 destinations in both print and digital versions, the Louis Vuitton City Guides are widely regarded as indispensable companions for the discerning traveler.

For over 20 years, Louis Vuitton has instilled its signature Spirit of Travel into its growing City Guide series to propose fresh and personal perspectives on a variety of destinations across the globe. Featuring independent writers and guests with wide and varied backgrounds, each guide spots trends and reveals unique insights: from grand luxury hotels to charming boutique inns, top-tier restaurants to neighborhood bistros, antique shops to fashion boutiques, along with iconic must-sees and little‑known places. Special guest contributors, secret places, walking tours, cultural events, recommendations from savvy journalists, photographic portfolios – the spirit of the Louis Vuitton City Guide series is constantly evolving, taking its unique approach in new directions.

New Editions

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The Collection

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Los Angeles

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Rio de Janeiro

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San Francisco

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Following previous box set releases, Louis Vuitton is again offering an exceptional, limited-edition set of sixteen of its City Guides as the ultimate collection for travel lovers. Available in both French and English versions, the sets include 16 destinations around the world selected for this new limited edition. This box set with its modern, clean style is certain to enchant wandering souls on the hunt for rare finds.

Digital Experiences

The Louis Vuitton City Guide App is a complete catalog of the Maison’s travel guides to the most fascinating cities. The digital version of the Paris City Guide is available for free on the App Store.

With an established catalogue of 30 cities, in both print and digital version, the Louis Vuitton City guide has establish itself as the indispensable companion to the discerning traveler.

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If they yin, we yang, if they zig, we zag, lavish, uncompromising design.



All about design, design suite interior (no windows).

First things first, our Design Suite has no windows but lots of details to see. It’s more spacious than a standard room and its design is above standard. King size bed with leather and brass wall and custom furniture. Bespoke all marble bathroom with his…

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Portrait Suite Interior

Portfolio suite with balcony, gallery suite with balcony, panorama suite beyond balcony, infinity suite beyond balcony, the latest from instagram.

travel boutique lv

When girls say they want to go out for “casual drinks” at O:LV this is what they mean. 🍸✨ #theolivexperience Here some TOP drinks to order at Arya Rooftop: Hibiscus Mule Negroni Tommys Margarita Expresso Martini Mss. Kuzzi ...

Spring has sprung, and so have our signature cocktails! Join us at Raya for a taste of the season’s finest blends. Our mixologist Aramis never disappoints. Cheers to springtime delights! 🌸🍸 #theoliveexperience Ingredients: •Tequila-Shiso Redistillation •Sake •Elderflower Liqueur •Juzu ...

Surround yourself with the timeless elegance of O:LV. From the moment you arrive, every experience gives out sophistication and refinement. #theoliveexperience

Surround yourself with the timeless elegance of O:LV. From the moment you arrive, every experience gives out sophistication and refinement. #theoliveexperience ...

Let the healing properties of our salt baths melt away your stress and leave you feeling revitalized. Enhance experience by adding in room packages to your stay. Discover more at  #theoliveexperience

Let the healing properties of our salt baths melt away your stress and leave you feeling revitalized. Enhance experience by adding in room packages to your stay. Discover more at #theoliveexperience ...

Experience an adventure unlike any other at O:LV Hotel. Discover ultimate comfort in our spacious rooms. Stretch out, relax, and unwind. Your perfect escape awaits. #theoliveexperience

Experience an adventure unlike any other at O:LV Hotel. Discover ultimate comfort in our spacious rooms. Stretch out, relax, and unwind. Your perfect escape awaits. #theoliveexperience ...

At O:LV, design is our signature. Every detail, a masterpiece. Experience the essence of elegance. #theoliveexperience

At O:LV, design is our signature. Every detail, a masterpiece. Experience the essence of elegance. #theoliveexperience ...

48 hours in San Juan? Here’s a list you can’t miss: • Day 1: - Breakfast - start your day with a breakfast at a local café. Our recommendations: La. Mallorca at Old San Juan, with a retro feel, Cafe Berlin (@cafe_berlin) offers vegan options and Arya Rooftop(@a_r_y_a_rooftop ) for amazing city views. - Discover Old San Juan - a must- visit historical city full of culture, local gastronomy, and iconic sites. Stop by Cafe Cuatro Sombras (@cafecuatrosombras). - Dinner - dine at Cocina al Fondo (@cocinaalfondo), the James Beard Award-winning chef Natalia Vallejo, the first Puerto Rican to take home the coveted award, and RAYA (@rayabymariopagan), a fusion by one of Puerto Rico’s most renowned chefs, Mario Pagán. - Nightlife - We recommend La Placita de Santurce for a variety of local spots and lively scene. • Day 2: - Beach day - We recommend Condado, Ocean Park, and Isla Verde beaches, all within 5 to 15 minute drives from each other. - Cocktails - make a stop at Casa de Montecristo (@casademontecristopr) for creative cocktails. - Dinner - we recommend La Lanterna (@la_lanterna_pr) for authentic Italian cuisine Save this for your upcoming stay at San Juan! #theoliveexperience #visitpuertorico #puertorico #sanjuan #travel ...

Today, we celebrate what moves us as humans: love. Love yourself fiercely, cherish your friendships, embrace your partner’s warmth, revel in the beauty of life, and hold dear the promise of your future. Happy Valentine’s Day! 🌹 #theoliveexperience

Today, we celebrate what moves us as humans: love. Love yourself fiercely, cherish your friendships, embrace your partner’s warmth, revel in the beauty of life, and hold dear the promise of your future. Happy Valentine’s Day! 🌹 #theoliveexperience ...

Yes, we are also in love with our Infinity Suite. The lighting, the interior design, the view. It’s simple yet sophisticated. Perfect for your Valentines Getaway. ✨ #theoliveexperience

Yes, we are also in love with our Infinity Suite. The lighting, the interior design, the view. It’s simple yet sophisticated. Perfect for your Valentines Getaway. ✨ #theoliveexperience ...

POV: You arrive with your bestie to your Galantines Getaway. ❣️#Galentines #theoliveexperience

POV: You arrive with your bestie to your Galantines Getaway. ❣️#Galentines #theoliveexperience ...


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The 50 coolest clothing stores and boutiques in Las Vegas

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1 Fashion Show Las Vegas

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2 Grand Canal Shoppes at The Venetian Resort Las Vegas

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3 Town Square Las Vegas

4 miracle mile shops, 5 bottega veneta las vegas via bellagio, 6 las vegas north premium outlets, 7 downtown container park, 8 wynn plaza, 9 downtown summerlin, 10 little caesars pizza, 11 rockin bettie, 12 the linq promenade, 13 the forum shops at caesars, 14 las vegas south premium outlets, 15 the shops at crystals, 16 the shoppes at mandalay place, 17 jcpenney, 19 american eagle outlet, 20 dsw designer shoe warehouse, 21 burberry outlet, 22 buffalo exchange, 23 fergusons downtown, 24 men's wearhouse, 25 mastroianni fashions, 26 oakley vault, 27 express factory outlet, 28 hollister co., 30 baobab stage, 31 glam factory vintage, 32 victoria's secret outlet, 35 vintage vegas antiques, 36 the district at resorts world, 38 maurices, 39 chico's off the rack, 40 eden sky, 41 fruition las vegas, 42 everything $10 or less, 44 burnt boutique, 46 finish line, 47 nb las vegas at mgm/showcase mall, 48 tatyana boutique, 49 mr the brand, 50 his & her flamboyant apparel, top searches in las vegas, popular road trips from las vegas, what's the weather like in las vegas.

It depends on when you visit! We've compiled data from NASA on what the weather is like in Las Vegas for each month of the year: see the links below for more information.

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Fast Travel: The Best Itinerary For Spending 48 Hours in Las Vegas

  • By Sage Anderson

Sage Anderson

If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, Rolling Stone may receive an affiliate commission.

Las Vegas is a city that’s almost overwhelmingly energetic, and when you’re on a tight schedule, you’re going to want to maximize your fun potential. Will you grab a ticket to one of dozens of electric residencies like Carrie Underwood ? Or are you going to try and score a reservation to a fine dining eatery like Aqua for some seafood from a Michelin-starred chef ? It can be difficult to know just where to start your adventure when there’s so much to do and it can feel like the strip was practically built on FOMO.

Whether you’re trying to pack in a quick weekend trip, or making the most out of an extended layover, we suggest starting off by picking a resort to anchor your 48-hour Vegas experience around. What happens in Vegas doesn’t need to stay in Vegas, but you certainly need a place to — and we think the most luxurious weekend starts and ends at Resorts World Las Vegas .

With high-end accommodations, world-class dining options, and stellar entertainment options, this is a sign to book that trip you’ve been meaning to take. As Vegas veterans ourselves, we’ve curated an itinerary below chock-full of the best ways to make the most of your stay in Vegas .

Knowing which spots are worth booking can be as confusing as your first time playing poker. The good news: if you’re searching for a destination that gives you access to eating a mouth-watering meal, dancing the night away, and then making it back to your room in one piece afterwards, Resorts World Las Vegas checks all the boxes.

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Time to start your day off right with the most important meal of the day — and trust us when we say you’re going to want a breakfast that will fuel you through every step of the Strip. Chef Ray Garcia’s ¡VIVA! hosts an excellent brunch every Saturday and Sunday that features elevated Mexican brunch favorites, in addition to boozy and bottomless beverages (we wouldn’t recommend this first thing since you’re going to have a packed day, but their Fresa Sandia is quite good if that’s the way your day is going). Get the Chorizo Con Huevos or the Chilaquiles with fresh, crispy heirloom corn tortilla chips and thank us later.


Take a stroll through the The District shopping esplanade where you’ll find 70,000 square feet of shopping in case that compact carry-on of yours couldn’t fit another clubbing shirt. The most eye-catching part of the area though is the 50-foot, LED-panel-covered Globe (affectionately called “The Orb” on our last trip) that’s definitely worth checking out. The Globe offers an immersive art experience, and you can catch a short show with synced lights and music every hour on the hour from noon to 1 a.m.

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If you’re ready to fist-pump to a hot DJ set, but you also want to be in bed at a reasonable hour, slip into a swimsuit and head over to Ayu Dayclub . Resorts World’s Bali-inspired poolside party turns the weekend into a never-ending summer, with white daybeds and chic wooden cabanas you can rent if you’re not ready to pack into the pool with everyone else. Even if you’re just sipping a drink on dry land, it’s a certified vibe, and you might even get to see one of the repeat artists like Kaskade or T-Pain step up to the DJ booth.

That being said, if a “dayclub” isn’t your scene, we still suggest beating that Vegas heat and cooling off at one of the seven pools on property (including the only infinity pool on the Strip).

Early Evening

After a relaxing poolside afternoon soaking up some sun, go back to Famous Foods Street Eats and make your way to Ms. Meow’s Mamak Stall for a secret surprise. Amidst the small shop selling Asian snacks and adorned with lucky cats, ask the person behind the register at Ms. Meow’s to push the shelf-lined wall, and you can slip into the entrance of an intimate speakeasy, Here Kitty Kitty Vice Den. Open daily at 4 p.m., this relaxed and cozy spot seats 34 and serves up tropical cocktails into the wee hours. Sip on the “Hanami,” a sake drink with hints of sakura for a pre-dinner cocktail and take picks by the neon tiger on the exposed brick. But be sure to come here early after opening — this buzzy bar isn’t so much of a secret anymore, and fills up fast.

Now that you’ve had a drink (or two) and are ready for a night out, start with dinner at Wally’s , a beloved transplant from Beverly Hills and Santa Monica. The mouthwatering charcuterie boards are a can’t-miss, filled with peppery wagyu beef salami and L’Amuse Gouda, although the baguette stuffed with brie and a staggering amount of truffles (in the honey, butter, and shaved variety) is also a great choice. And with a selection of more 100 wines by the glass, pull up a chair, sip on a rare pour, and get ready for some of the best elevated comfort food on the Strip.

Late Evening

With so many bars, lounges, and concerts at Resorts World, you’ve already got a wide range of options for wherever you want the night to take you. Resorts World Theatre might be able to accommodate 5,000, but seeing a show there will feel more like you’re at an intimate club. It even boasts an immersive sound system designed by L-Acoustics. In other words, it sounds really freaking good, no matter where you’re sitting. See the biggest names in comedy like Kevin Hart, or get a front-row seat to Carrie Underwood — one of the year’s most-anticipated shows to see in Vegas. The Grammy winner’s Reflection residency kicked off November 2023, and just added more dates through 2024, so you don’t want to miss it.

Since it’s technically your last day in Vegas, you’re going to want to hit the ground running with some quick bites to keep that Vegas train rolling. Sun’s Out Buns Out single-handedly saved us during our last Vegas trip thanks to both a post-Zouk, late-night Furikake Fries, and a Bacon, Egg & Cheese the morning after. If you couldn’t already tell, there’s one key ingredient here: eggs. Sun’s Out Buns Out serves up egg dishes all day, every day, so grab a fast breakfast here to start your day sunny-side up.

In case you want to sleep in and skip breakfast to maximize your night owl potential, or are still hungry after breakfast, we love Fuhu’s high-energy dining room . It’s more than just a pregaming spot (although it’s a pretty great pregaming spot), it also has a stellar brunch with an Asian flair and hand-crafted signature drinks. Since it’s from Zouk Group, you can listen to DJs and special acts while you munch on scoops of king crab and truffle fried rice (there’s a lot of truffle in this town). The vibe is dark, stylish, and sexy, overall a highly Instagrammable spot.

Let’s slow things down for a little bit and take a break from the bustle of Vegas at the ultra-luxurious Awana Spa . Resorts World’s haven takes a more energetic approach to the spa experience, and socializing is encouraged here, where the Foot Spa Lounge is outfitted with TVs so you can catch any number of games while you ease your tired feet. Head over to the Fountain of Youth, which features six vitality pools, warming tepidarium chairs, steam rooms, cool mist showers and more — all while transportational videos play on a wraparound LED screen that shows you a calming film of the tops of snowy peaks or rushing waterfalls.

For a pre-dinner libation, take an elevator ride to the top of Resorts World to the Allē Lounge on 66 , a dimly lit, inviting spot with wood floors and plush velvet armchairs. The 66th-floor lounge is an elegant spot to sip craft cocktails like a Genting Old Fashioned (Highland Park 12 Year, Demerara Syrup, Angostura Aromatic Bitters, and Regan’s Orange Bitters). But the main attraction here is the breathtaking view of the Strip from its floor-to-ceiling windows, especially when it’s lit up at night. There’s even a telescope so you can grab a closer peek.

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It’s been a long (almost) 48 hours, but you should go out with a bang with a night out at the scene-y Zouk Nightclub. When the sun goes down, the vibes come to life, with high-tech lighting displays (seeing the laser light fixture descend down from the ceiling was the highlight of our last trip) and room-shaking sound. Your favorite DJs have probably performed there, and on any given night you could catch a set from Odesza, Deadmau5, DJ Snake, and more. Afterwards, you can crash back at your Conrad suit and reflect on your successful 48 hours in Las Vegas.

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What to know about gambling before you go to Vegas

Jesse Scott

Apr 19, 2024 • 6 min read


If the lights of Las Vegas’ many casinos lure you on the floor, here’s all you need to know as a first-time gambler © Veronica Jones / Getty Images

If you fancy placing a bet or two (or 20), you’ve hit the jackpot in Las Vegas .

Gambling in all of its forms has been legal in Nevada since 1931, which has made Las Vegas the essential place in the USA to let it ride, double down and max bet (oh my!). Even with other states legalizing casinos and sports betting as well as Native American tribes unveiling casino-resort destinations, Sin City remains in a class of its own.  

And yet...that grumpy chain-smoking dude at the blackjack table judging your every hit. The hundreds of lights blinking at you on a single slot machine. The seemingly endless plusses and minuses on a sportsbook screen glaring down on the masses. We’d forgive gambling rookies for finding it all very intimidating. 

But don’t be scared. Las Vegas is as friendly as it gets in terms of easing into your new favorite game. 

In between strolling The Strip , a day trip into the desert and seeing a fabulous show , chances are you’ll want to give the tables and slots a shot. When you do, here are the answers to any Las Vegas gambling rookie’s key questions.

How many different games can I play in Vegas?

With new games being unveiled seemingly every day – particularly from slot-machine manufacturers – you can easily gamble hundreds of different ways under the roof of a single Las Vegas casino. Table games include such classics as blackjack, roulette, craps, baccarat and various forms of poker, like Ultimate Texas Hold ’Em and Three Card Poker. 

Slot machines feature thousands of different themes, paylines and jackpot options. Among the most omnipresent machines citywide are Megabucks and Wheel of Fortune , which have progressive statewide jackpots that often reach the million-plus level. Sports betting is also a significant draw: you can bet on everything from big-time NFL battles to a small soccer match in Colombia. In some casinos, you’ll even find halls where you can play bingo. 

What are the rules? 

You must be 21 years or older to gamble and drink in Las Vegas casinos. An important yet unspoken rule in our increasingly digital world: casinos don’t take kindly to folks being on the phone during table game action. This policy extends to taking phone calls, scrolling digital inboxes and making Google searches as to whether or not you should hit on 12 against a dealer’s 6 at a blackjack table. (Don’t tire your fingers: the answer is no.)

As for game-specific rules, your best bet is to simply ask a dealer or pit boss before you sit down. Don’t make the rookie mistake of plopping it at a table, betting $100 and saying, “Um, how do I play this?” Settle in at an empty or relatively empty table game – and don’t be bashful in getting your questions answered before diving in.

What about refreshments? In Nevada, you can indeed drink for free while gambling. If you’re feeding a video poker machine embedded in a casino bar, count on the bartender comping your drinks. The same goes for when you’re sitting at slot machines and table games: cocktail waiters and waitresses make regular rounds. Whether your drinks are comped or not (and, really, especially if they’re not), make sure to tip your bartenders and waiters with each round. 


What is the etiquette? And what about strategies for the different games?

Remember that you will be playing every game (save for the action in poker rooms) against the dealer (or “house”). You are not competing against the person at the slot machine next to yours, the dice roller that’s on fire at the craps table or your fellow players at the blackjack table.

Don’t be afraid to ask the dealer general questions about both etiquette and strategy. You’ll be sure to get an opinion – but remember that this is gambling, and you may want to go with your gut regardless. Here are a few pro tips that align with the odds of common games: 

  • Blackjack: Stay if your cards add up to 12 or more and the dealer has a 3, 4, 5 or 6 showing.
  • Three Card Poker: Play if you have a Queen–6–4 or better.
  • Video poker: Always place the maximum bet, as there is a higher bonus payout should you hit a coveted royal flush.

How much money should I bring to place bets with?

This is contingent on how much money you are willing to lose. Casinos are in business to make money, after all – and the house always has the edge. Always.

Bet minimums run the gamut in Las Vegas – you can wager a (literal) penny on select slot machine spins, or $100,000-plus on a single roulette spin at a high-limit table. Before sitting down at any machine or table, note the minimum and maximum bets posted – and place yours accordingly. 

Given that ATM machines within casinos charge exorbitant fees (typically $10, in addition to any fees charged by your bank), bring your budgeted cash amount with you rather than make an on-site withdrawal.

We must never fail to mention that gambling can highly be addictive, and isn’t for everyone. If you’re having trouble stepping away once you’ve started, chat with a casino employee or call the Problem Gambling Helpline at 1-800-GAMBLER.

Are there dress codes at Las Vegas casinos? 

Las Vegas resorts span high-end restaurants, raucous nightclubs and the most informal of poolsides. Given that diversity, dress codes really aren’t a thing on the gambling floor. If you’re coming from the pool, you may be asked to cover up – but that’s about as strict as it will get.


Which casinos are best for beginners? 

You’ll likely want to start cheap, and blackjack table minimums can be indicative of the prices of other table games at any given casino. A $5 blackjack table isn’t too common these days – but you can find many of them at the no-frills Ellis Island , just off The Strip, and at Downtown Grand . Fun fact: Downtown Grand even offers a $1 game of blackjack. 

Most casinos also offer free “learn to play” sessions. For example, the Golden Nugget offers daily lessons on nine different games spanning pai gow poker to craps to roulette. Ask someone at the casino cage (cashier) wherever you may be staying for the latest schedule of free lessons.

Which game is easiest?

Slot machines merely require you to push a button or pull a lever. That’s it. If you know the basics of poker, the video version of the card game is pretty seamless as well. A third option is roulette: there are 38 numbers (inclusive of 0 and 00) on most roulette wheels in Las Vegas, with your odds contingent on how many numbers you place bets on.

Is there such a thing as a smart bet?

It’s called gambling for a reason, and any form it takes carries inherent risks and zero guarantees of winning. With that said…a “smart bet” in Las Vegas would be one with a lower house edge, meaning better odds to the player. Some of the safer, long-established bets in Vegas include betting the pass line in craps, betting on the banker in baccarat and playing blackjack “according to the book” (or basic strategy).

Keep planning your trip to Las Vegas:

All the best things to do in Sin City Skip the casino floor and check out these free things to do How to get around Las Vegas See desert beauty at the city’s best parks

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Legionnaires' disease cases at Las Vegas hotels under investigation

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The Southern Nevada Health District is investigating cases of Legionnaires’ disease among guests of two Las Vegas hotels.

Two guests who stayed at Caesars Palace and another who stayed at The Orleans Hotel & Casino were diagnosed with the illness, according to Thursday news releases. The disease is caused by Legionella bacteria.

The Caesars Palace customers stayed at the hotel roughly seven months apart in 2022 and 2023, according to a spokesperson for operator Caesars Entertainment.

“Caesars Palace maintains a robust safety program to minimize the potential for the Legionella bacteria to survive in the water systems at its property that meet or exceed industry standards,” the spokesperson told USA TODAY in an emailed statement.

“In addition, we immediately took further steps to remediate the presence of any trace amounts of Legionella bacteria relating to the two instances being investigated by the Southern Nevada Health District,” they added. “We are confident in the integrity of our systems and the safety protocols we rigorously follow.”

While environmental samples from the property previously tested positive for Legionella, it was not detected in the most recent testing, according to SNHD.

The Orleans Hotel & Casino guest was recently identified following an investigation earlier this year after two other confirmed cases of Legionnaires’ disease were reported. Post-remediation testing following those cases did not detect Legionella, but environmental samples have since tested positive.

The hotel is “undergoing remediation and environmental testing to ensure elimination of the bacteria to protect the health and safety of its guests,” SNHD said.

“The health and safety of our guests are extremely important to us, and we have extensive measures in place to minimize risk to our guests,” David Strow, a spokesperson for the hotel’s parent company Boyd Gaming Corporation, said in an emailed statement. Strow said testing did not detect Legionella in the guest’s room, but that the company will continue to cooperate with the investigation.

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This Adults-only, All-inclusive Resort in Los Cabos, Mexico, Has an Oceanfront Infinity Pool With a Swim-up Bar, En Suite Jacuzzis, and 24-hour Nachos

We were among the first to stay at the brand-new Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos.

When it comes to idyllic Mexico vacation spots, Los Cabos needs no introduction. The destination welcomes more than 3 million travelers a year and has no shortage of resorts — and a slew of them are all-inclusive. In February 2024, a new all-inclusive resort, only for adults, opened its doors: Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos .

If the name sounds familiar, it's because the owners also have Grand Velas Los Cabos two doors down from the new property. While the 491-room Grand Velas is family-friendly with amenities like a lounge for teens and a 9 a.m. - 11 p.m. daycare for kids, Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos is strictly for adults 18 years and older.

Juan Vela Ruiz, vice president of Velas Resorts, told Travel + Leisure that the decision to create an adults-only property is about giving travelers more choices. "With Velas Resorts, we try to give a very wide range of options to our guests," Ruiz said. That's why the hospitality company opted to open an adults-only hotel to complement the thriving family-friendly enclave next door.

Ruiz also noted that Grand Velas was one of the original players in the Los Cabos all-inclusive luxury market. "When we first came out with the all-inclusive luxury product, there was no other player [like us in the area]," he said.

Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos

  • All-inclusive resorts often get a bad rep for food quality but this resort really sets the bar high.
  • The oceanfront infinity pool with a swim-up bar is the shining star of the property.
  • Every guest gets a private concierge who is a text message away, and it makes it so easy to ask questions and put in requests.

When I stepped onto the property, I immediately noticed the clean, simple, and modern aesthetic — perfect for an only-for-adults hot spot. Tones of beige dominated with only one bright pop of color: pink bougainvillea flowers. (The flowers are a trademark of Velas properties, which are scattered throughout Mexico.)

Here, my review of the new, all-inclusive Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos.

Grand Velas Boutique has 79 guest rooms and each is more than 900 square feet with a living area, walk-in shower, and either two queen-size beds or a king-size bed. Some rooms offer ocean views and other have garden views, but all rooms have a private terrace with either a Jacuzzi or a plunge pool.

My room had a box of assorted fruits and a tray with a bottle of mezcal. It was also stocked with chips, candy, nuts, and granola. The beverage options included soda, Gatorade, Tecate beer, water, peach juice, and chardonnay. Every night, a delicious dessert amenity appeared with the turndown service.

The bathroom amenities included Molton Brown soap, body wash, and hair products; Dyson hair dryers and straighteners; and dental kits and shaving kits. Each room also came with a straw basket for guests to sport around the resort with their towels and/or belongings.

But the standout part of my suite was definitely the stunning sea views that allowed me to watch the sunrise every morning and also peep whales on the horizon. The view was so good that I spent more time on the balcony than in my room.

Food and Drink

The quality of food at an all-inclusive can make or break the experience. At Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos, the food and beverage options 100 percent make the stay.

The property has five food-and-beverage establishments: Loto, 51 Bar, Del Mar, Roca Bar, and the Pool Bar. All are part of the all-inclusive package and each offers guests something different. "If you go to any of the all-inclusive adults-only boutique hotels in town, they will have one or two restaurants," Ruiz said. "Ours have more, and you will not have to repeat restaurants."

My first stop was 51 Bar, which offers grab-and-go fare, whether for a snack or a lighter breakfast. I was ushered here for my check-in process and swiftly handed a refreshing mocktail to enjoy on one of the plush couches. I found myself visiting for my mid-day caffeine fix and also loitering around the outdoor fireplace for a mocktail at night. (The team of bartenders can whip up mocktails and cocktails throughout the day, and a massive TV in the back serves as a spot for guests to catch up on sports.)

My first sit-down meal was at Loto, a dinner-only spot offering Japanese-Mexican fusion cuisine that specializes in slow-cooking over an open fire. Here, I feasted on tuna tartar cones, a shrimp salad dressed in eel sauce, and an assortment of yaki tori : chicken in shoyu dressing, octopus in gochujang and yuzu, and scallops in miso butter.

For breakfast, guests have the option to indulge in room service on plant-based burritos, vegetarian enchiladas, an assortment of egg dishes, creme brûlée french toast, to name a few options. But there's also daily breakfast (both buffet and à la carte) at Del Mar, which features a menu with traditional Mexican and continental fare.

My first breakfast was huevos rancheros, with a chicken quesadilla and chia-seed pudding on the side. The next day I enjoyed chilaquiles and enchiladas with a side of seasonal fruit. And, as a self-proclaimed beverage queen, I indulged in four drinks every morning: freshly squeezed orange juice, a banana smoothie, water, and a spiced cafe de olla.

During the day, the swim-up Pool Bar offers cocktails, and you can order not-so-small bites, like ceviche, al pastor tacos, fish tempura, and fried shrimp, to the daybeds around the infinity pool.

But there's also Roca Bar — the name is a tribute to the rock formations Los Cabos is famous for — which is a casual spot for drinks and small bites right next to the pool. You can sit inside and enjoy views of the Sea of Cortez while feasting on dishes like tuna tostadas, ceviche, fish tacos, and more regional fare. (In the evening, Roca Bar's terrace transforms into a spot to enjoy the starry skies.)

And, of course, the aforementioned in-room dining is available around the clock — including nachos you can feast on at any hour.

If the on-site dining options weren't enough, guests of Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos can eat at the five restaurants at Grand Velas Los Cabos next door: Cocina de Autor, Velas 10, Frida, Piaf (French), and Lucca (Italian). All of these dining venues are available to Grand Velas Boutique guests at no extra charge.

"Everything we have in terms of gastronomy at Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos is different from what you have in Grand Velas Los Cabos, but they also complement each other," Ruiz said.

Experiences, Amenities, and Spa

The shining star of the property is its oceanfront infinity pool. And for those who want a little more ocean action, there are even umbrellas and daybeds on the beach, where I hung out keeping my eyes peeled for signs of whales.

The all-inclusive includes an array of tasting experiences. In the Agave tasting room, there is a curated selection of tequila and mezcal, and plenty of tequila tastings on offer. (I had a wine and cheese pairing here that spotlighted local vinos under the helm of the property's sommelier, which included a sheep's cheese from Chiapas paired with a 2022 bottle of Xolo from Valle de Guadalupe.)

There's also an outpost of SE Spa, featuring four ocean-view treatment rooms — two are dedicated to couples treatments. There are an array of signature treatments like “Sounds of the Ocean,” which is a massage coupled with sound-bowl therapy. There's also the “Ice and Fire Therapy" treatment, which uses hot obsidian stones and cold marble stones to stimulate blood circulation. (Treatments will use skin care products from EviDenS de Beauté, Natura Bisse, and Babor.)

No matter what you pick, all treatments include a Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos signature wellness ceremony, which brings guests through a sauna, steam room, ice room, and jacuzzi, and ends with a dip in the magnesium pool.

Between the dining options and experiences on-site, there's no need to leave the property. But should you want to, every guest gets a personal concierge, who can coordinate add-on excursions like whale watching, a sunset tour of the iconic arc (El Arco De Cabo), and a visit to Land's End, which is where the Sea of Cortez meets the Pacific Ocean.

The Location

Travelers can fly to and from Los Cabos International Airport (SJD), which is a half-hour drive from Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos. The hotel sits along the Tourist Corridor of Los Cabos, which is also known as "El Corredor" by locals, and is a 20-minute drive from the resort city of Cabo San Lucas and a 15-minute drive from San José Del Cabo. The boutique property is next to two other Velas properties: Mar del Cabo and Grand Velas Los Cabos .

Accessibility and Sustainability

Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos has elevators and wheelchair ramps, and there are two accessible suites. The pool has access rails. And for guests who want to visit a neighboring property, there is a golf cart service that shuttles you door to door between each resort.

The hotel encourages its guests to reuse sheets and towels instead of requesting a daily replacement. To curb food waste, the kitchen prepares daily based on occupancy and has a system in place to find ways to repurpose fresh ingredients. For instance, vegetables are turned into slow-cooked dishes and broth, and fruits are proactively used in smoothies and to garnish salads.

How to Get the Most Value Out of Your Stay

Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos is part of the I Prefer Hotel Rewards program, which lets travelers book with points earned previously. The hotel also has seasonal pre-sales (so, look for summer pre-sales in the spring, and fall pre-sales in the summer) that offer discounts on airport transportation and spa credits. Nightly room rates at Grand Velas Boutique Los Cabos start at $600 per person for double occupancy. The rates include all food and beverage with 24-hour room service, taxes, and gratuity. You can book your stay at .

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Read the original article on Travel & Leisure .

Susmita Baral/Travel + Leisure

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10 Affordable Places to Travel in the US

By Jamie Spain

10 Affordable Places to Travel in the US

Whether you're planning a grand family vacation or are looking for a quick and breezy solo trip to switch up the scenery, finding affordable places to travel in the US can be difficult. There are so many different things to consider when planning a trip, from hotels and flights to food and activities, and it's safe to say that it can all get rather overwhelming. To help, we've compiled a list of 10 fun and affordable US cities perfect for all types of travelers. From Charlotte, North Carolina , to Albuquerque, New Mexico , these are some of the best budget-friendly cities in the country.

To ensure that our picks are all affordable, we've made selections using data from Priceline on the most affordable domestic flights and hotels in the US this summer (based on average round-trip airfare and average rate per night, respectively). We've also included a few quality hotel and vacation rental options, all under $300 a night, for each destination.

Read on for 10 affordable travel destinations in the US, so you can keep your budget in check while still enjoying your next great vacation.

This image may contain Resort Building Hotel Pool and Water

Hyatt Regency Orlando

Orlando, Florida

It's not the flights or the hotels in Orlando that will stretch your budget (both can be found at fairly reasonable prices if you plan in advance), but the activities. Since Orlando is home to Disney World , if you plan on attending any of the parks, you'll be designating a large chunk of your travel budget to tickets. But the theme parks aren't the only great thing to do in the city —from visiting some amazing museums to enjoying nature-filled parks, there are tons of other activities that are often overlooked. If you do plan to spend a day or two at Magic Kingdom or Universal Studios, you can rest easy knowing that the rest of your trip was budgeted accordingly.

Where to stay in Orlando:

  • For family-friendly fun: Hilton Orlando
  • For a great pool: Hyatt Regency Orlando
  • For a private home: Cozy three-bedroom near downtown Orlando

United States Pennsylvania Philadelphia Hotel Inn at Whitewing Farm

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Philly is home to some amazing attractions, wonderful views, cool hotels , and of course, incredible history. In Philadelphia's Old Town, travelers can walk in the footsteps of America's Founding Fathers—meandering down the same streets and buildings they once did. There are plenty of great free and low-cost activities, including seeing the iconic Liberty Bell, walking past The President's House (the original “White House” before Washington, DC), and exploring Elfreth's Alley, the oldest continuously inhabited residential street in the US. If you find time to try a Philly cheesesteak while you're there, all the better.

Where to stay in Philadelphia:

  • For an escape from downtown: Inn at Whitewing Farm
  • For a micro-hotel experience: Pod Philly Hotel
  • For the University: The Study at University Circle

Image may contain Architecture Balcony Building Chair Furniture and Plant

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Booking an affordable beach vacation can be quite the feat, but Myrtle Beach is the perfect place to go when you want to balance beachy views with budget-friendly prices. Especially in comparison to other South Carolina vacation hotspots like Charleston and Hilton Head , Myrtle Beach is where you'll get the most bang for your buck. Spend most of your time enjoying the sun and sand on the free beaches, or walk the iconic boardwalk a couple (dozen) times.

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Where to stay in Myrtle Beach:

  • For direct beach access: Willow Bay Resort
  • For golf lovers: Marina Inn at Grand Dunes
  • For a balcony: Quaint condo with two double beds

NoMad Las Vegas

Nomad Las Vegas

Las Vegas, Nevada

While you may think of Las Vegas as a place meant solely for casinos and clubbing (not exactly high up there on the list of budget-friendly activities), there are tons of fun and affordable things to do in the city and plenty of great hotels and Airbnbs to stay in. Simply walking (and gawking at) The Strip is an activity of its own, or take a hike to the Red Rock Canyon and enjoy the natural scenery. There are some great museums and exhibits to stop into as well, and seeing the Bellagio fountains is well worth a trip. Don't forget to take a picture next to the iconic “Welcome to Las Vegas” sign.

Where to stay in Vegas:

  • For an off-the-strip experience: Golden Nugget
  • For old-world luxury on a budget: Nomad Las Vegas
  • For a themed resort: The Mirage Las Vegas

United States North Carolina Charlotte hotel Omni Charlotte Hotel

Omni Charlotte Hotel

Charlotte, North Carolina

From the incredible food to the family-friendly activities , there's plenty to do in Charlotte for travelers of all interests. Whether you're simply looking to enjoy the warm weather and eat all the Southern food your stomach can handle, or hoping to visit museums and the Botanical Gardens, you won't spend a single minute bored in this city . For great food and people-watching, head to 7th Street Public Market ; NASCAR fans will want to explore the Charlotte Motor Speedway (kids 12 and under enter most events for free) or the NASCAR Hall of Fame (tickets start at $20) .

Where to stay in Charlotte:

  • For history: The Dunhill Hotel
  • For a low-key place to rest your head: Charlotte Marriott City Center
  • For a central location: Omni Charlotte Hotel

The Rally Hotel

The Rally Hotel

Colorado Springs and Denver, Colorado

Just a little over an hour apart by car, Denver and Colorado Springs are both great options for families and friends looking for a mountain escape. If you're seeking something a bit more residential and not so hustle-and-bustle, Colorado Springs will be perfect, with its great hiking trails and gorgeous views. For those looking for a taste of city life, stay in downtown Denver, where you'll get all the benefits of the great outdoors alongside the liveliness of a big city. Cut costs by spending most of your time hiking, biking, and enjoying nature.

Where to stay in Colorado Springs and Denver:

  • For community in Colorado Springs: Kinship Landing
  • For sports fans in Denver: The Rally Hotel
  • For a hip scene in a great location in Denver: The Maven Hotel at the Dairy Block

Hotel Parq Central

Hotel Parq Central

Albuquerque, New Mexico

Albuquerque may not be on the top of your to-do list, but there are many reasons why this New Mexico city is worth a visit. It's a great destination for year-round travel thanks to its incredible hot-air balloon scene (it's home to the world's largest Hot Air Balloon Festival), Southwestern art, tasty food, and desert scenery. Head to the Albuquerque Museum (tickets start at $3) or the National Hispanic Cultural Center (free for guests 16 and under; $6 for adults) for some history and art in the city, or simply walk around the area and enjoy the desert views alongside the many art galleries, shops, and restaurants.

Where to stay in Albuquerque:

  • For good location: Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town
  • For retro charm: El Vado Motel
  • For a stay near Route 66: Hotel Parq Central

Image may contain Restaurant Furniture Chair Couch Interior Design Indoors Room Cafeteria Lobby and Pub

Baltimore, Maryland

Baltimore is another city on this list that is steeped in history, but if you're not much of a history buff, there's still plenty to enjoy about the city. Known for its seafood and beautiful waterfront, (and, of course, for being the setting of the musical Hairspray), you'll certainly want to indulge in crab cakes, oysters, or crab dip, especially if you can do so along the water. There are also tons of budget-friendly activities, including walking through Fell's Point, a great neighborhood filled with restaurants, shops, and entertainment, touring some of the museums, taking a peak inside the Peabody Library, or walking alongside the harbor.

Where to stay in Baltimore:

  • For a pop of color: Ulysses
  • For a modern boutique property: Hotel Indigo Baltimore Downtown
  • For a private townhouse: Colorful two-bedroom in Federal Hill

Image may contain Landscape Outdoors Nature Scenery Aerial View Mountain Mountain Range Urban Panoramic and Plateau

Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort

Phoenix, Arizona

Head to hot, dry Phoenix , Arizona, the perfect destination for pool days, hiking and nature viewing, and museum visits. Phoenix is also just about two hours away from Sedona, making it a great home base for a day trip to see the red rock formations. The Desert Botanical Gardens (tickets start at $15) will be a hit amongst the whole family, while the Hole in the Rock hike (or the more challenging Camelback Mountain hike) offer a chance to take in gorgeous desert views.

Where to stay in Phoenix:

  • For retro-cool: Rise Uptown Hotel
  • For a desert oasis: Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass
  • For mountain views: Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort

Arlo Wynwood Miami

Arlo Wynwood Miami

Miami, Florida

Miami doesn't always scream affordable, but thanks to the city's large airport with many daily domestic flights and a surprising number of affordable hotel and Airbnb options, travelers can head to this incredible city without having to stretch their budget too far. Where your wallet may take a hit is the food and activities, so plan carefully before you arrive. To keep things affordable, spend most of your time enjoying the free beaches with a picnic you pack yourself, or walking around Miami Beach. You can also take yourself on a personal tour of Wynwood's outdoor murals or enjoy one of the free outdoor yoga classes .

Where to stay in Miami:

  • For a “luxury” hostel experience: The Freehand
  • For a unique boutique hotel: Esmé Miami Beach
  • For a Wynwood escape: Arlo Wynwood Miami

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Win a Stay at This Iconic Las Vegas Hotel Suite From 'The Hangover' — Here's How to Enter

Just please, don't end up with a tiger in your room.

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Sylvain Sonnet/Getty Images

We will soon mark a very important anniversary for one of Hollywood's greatest comedies. We are, of course, talking about "The Hangover," aka the best buddy movie and best flick about Las Vegas in history, which celebrates its 15th anniversary on July 16. And we aren't the only ones honoring the movie. is also here to celebrate it by offering one lucky person the chance to stay in a suite at Caesar's Palace. 

"Is your dream to visit one of Vegas' finest? To wake up and find a tiger in your bathtub? Or perhaps have Mike Tyson be in your hotel room waiting for you," the contest's page reads . "If this resonates, then The Hangover Suite Giveaway is just the thing for you! (Tiger and Mike Tyson not included)."

The contest includes a night at the suite featured in the film , hence why the competition refers to it as the "Hangover Suite." But please note the suite isn't actually themed around the film, so don't get disappointed if you win and Bradley Cooper isn't there waiting for you. The stay is worth more than $2,000. You can bring along a guest, but you and the guest are both responsible for transportation, food or drink, and any expenses incurred — including if you have to pay off any gangsters or pay for the return of Tyson's tiger along the way. 

To enter the contest, suggests you "brush up" on your film knowledge by watching the film  "once, twice, maybe thrice."  Then, when you're feeling ready, open the quiz page to see how well you actually remember every detail of the film. And we mean every detail. (When we took the quiz the questions included things like, "What is the name of the wedding florist company delivering flowers to the wedding in the first scene of the movie," and "What car is Doug given to drive to Vegas in?")

And sorry to say, cheating may be tough. The test is limited to just 10 minutes, so you better know your stuff. Don't worry. You've got a few days for a re-watch and research as the competition closes on June 30. Find out more and enter at . 

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The 14 bespoke homes will start on the 11th floor of the surrey, a corinthia hotel, and range from two- and three-bedroom residences to a duplex penthouse.  , abby montanez, abby montanez's most recent stories.

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A historic Upper East Side hotel is set to become one of the city’s most coveted housing developments. 

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the surrey residences nyc

Starting on the 11th floor of the 16-story building, there will be 14 bespoke residences available for purchase, ranging from two-bedroom and three-bedroom layouts to one super-swanky duplex penthouse. Pricing for the units hasn’t been released; however,  Robb Report  has exclusively learned that the homes are estimated to start at around $8 million. Buyers will also get to choose their own interior design package; the developers tapped the online furniture gallery Invisible Collection to curate the furnishings and decor. Move-ins and sales for the residences are expected to launch this fall and are led by Douglas Elliman’s Lauren Muss and Michelle Griffith. 

the surrey residences nyc

The Surrey was originally designed by the illustrious architecture firm Schwartz & Gross, and improvements are currently being spearheaded by the New York City -based firm BKSK Architects . Once renovations of the nearly century-old building are complete, it will also be the first New York City location of the Italian eatery Casa Tua, an elite private members’ club that has outposts in Miami Beach, Aspen, and Paris. The ground-floor restaurant will be open to the public and the private members club will be located on the second floor.

With the New York City real estate market regaining momentum, the Reubens are among a slew of developers erecting condo towers on the Upper East Side. Elad Group recently revealed a new boutique luxury condo,  THE 74 , which will arrive next summer. There’s also  The Treadwell on East 62nd Street, an Art Deco-inspired high-rise that opened last year. 

Abigail Montanez is a staff writer at Robb Report. She has worked in both print and digital publishing for over half a decade, covering everything from real estate, entertainment, dining, travel to…

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