JETT PROPELLED She’s got a big, swanky tour…

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JETT PROPELLED She’s got a big, swanky tour bus, the Blackhearts backing her up, a savvy manager, legions of loyal fans and an ultra-cool black leatherjacket. Whaat more could a hard rocker want?


In this case, very hard rock and rollers: a tattoo-ridden, all-male trio of Blackhearts with large hair, excellent sunglasses and a drummer with a ring in his nose. At the moment, they sit up front, giggling and cavorting over an Andrew Dice Clay video. Their curling, hanging cigarette smoke mingles with the sound of the Diceman waxing putrescent; the air up here is exactly what the atmosphere will be like on the morning after doomsday.

Way in the back, where she has made it clear she isn’t amused by the sexually explicit blurtations of the Diceman, sits Joan Jett, the 31-year-old leader of the band. As usual she is clad totally in black: short-cropped hair with the luster of polished onyx; a black, long-sleeve turtleneck set off by layers of silver chains, each supporting a silver ball or a pendant; her fingers sport a glitter of rings and around her wrists a jangle of simple silver bands competes with a lone black scarf wrapped around a forearm. Her jeans are tight and black, falling over soft, black leather boots. From her waist she has just removed a huge black gunfighter’s belt that slings a black leather fanny pack along her hip.

But there, beside her, almost a presence unto itself, sits the piece de resistance, the sacred coat: a black leather, chrome-studded biker’s jacket with more belts than a cheap saloon. It looks tough enough to clear out a joint on its own.

All of that black serves only as a stark, slightly unsettling, sometimes alluring contrast with her face. Pale, heavily made up so as to be almost theatrical, it says ever so brazenly “read my lips.” And those lips are as red and as startling as a trooper in

the rear-view mirror at midnight.

But then, as improbable an ending as a Woody Allen punch line, her eyes come into focus. A gentle, sweet, non sequitur brown, they betray a soft vulnerability behind her leathery image. You can even hear it in her voice, a deep, raspy purr, like a panther with laryngitis.

“I guess I have to take credit for the name Blackhearts,” she says, grinning. “I thought it would be easy for people to write the name of the band on bathroom walls. So it would be remembered.”

Across the aisle, a sandy-haired ex-keyboard player named Kenny Laguna nods. “It’s a nautical term,” he says. She frowns at him, this man who rescued her career from oblivion 10 years ago and who has served ever since as her manager and mentor.

“Really,” he says. “From the days of pirates and tall ships. I looked it up. A blackheart was someone who went his own way.”

She digests it for a moment, lowers those brown eyes. She says almost to herself, “A blackheart is a loner.”

ACTUALLY, BLACKHEART FITS Joan Jett almost better than it does the boys at the front of the bus. Her uncompromising approach to her music (Kenny prefers the word stubborn) has long kept her out of the Top 40 — the musical path to the land of commercial success. Her image as a tough-talking, hard-rocking biker vixen with a bad reputation, has kept her largely a cult figure, a quirky enigma who every now and then surprises the pop world with a perfectly viable hit like “I Love Rock and Roll” or “I Hate Myself for Loving You.”

The trouble is, every time her appeal broadens, the hard-core base of her fans — to whom she feels an almost visceral loyalty — shouts betrayal. In the meantime, the pop-music establishment,

still remembering her punkish days in the ’70s as a member of the first all-girl band, the Runaways, and a pal of Sex Pistols bad boy Sid Vicious, never quite accepts her. She gets scant, if any, attention on Top 40 stations.

And so, instead of playing the big amphitheaters, she dogs the small-club circuit — her tour bus is heading even now toward a rendezvous with Hammerjacks, bringing Joan, a former Marylander, back to the fringes of downtown Baltimore. Endlessly gigging her way across the country, she and the Blackhearts play in places like Buffalo, N.Y., or Fargo, N.D., or Pipestone, Minn. But, she says, she loves it, says she doesn’t regret that one of her former bandmates from the Runaways — Julie Fox — has gone on to become a Harvard lawyer. “In my next life I can do that. How many times do you get to do this? To get to be able to do this? For a reason deeper than I know . . . “

Buried within all of that depth lies a stubborn idealism. She steadfastly refuses, for instance, to lend her name or voice or lyrics to lucrative television commercials. She rails at the way a beer jingle can use a pop song to push its product but corrupt the mental associations one has for the song and its time in history.

“No amount of money could pay me to buy off those memories,” she says. “They said I could just sing a commercial and not use my name. They said no one will know it’s you. But I’ll know. Take money? To ruin ‘I Love Rock and Roll’ forever?”

Across the aisle, where his eyes are shielded by sunglasses, you can almost see Kenny’s orbs rolling back into his head at such pronouncements. This is the man who had to cajole Joan into buying a fancy sports car — a black Jaguar — threatening to buy her one himself if she didn’t. Well, she bought it, but doesn’t

drive it that often. She says she leads a bohemian existence, doesn’t need much money, only occasionally goes out to buy a pair of pants or a new bondage belt.

Kenny throws up his hands. As her manager he knows that 300 road shows a year are pretty much required to make ends meet and keep Joan in black leather and the boys in that fancy-bathroom-tile fast lane. He would love her to do commercials. He needles her about it, jokes about what could be done with all the cash, but because he is also her friend he is not about to push her.

WHEN KENNY MET JOAN IN 1980, she was a burned-out punk rocker without a focus. Born in Philadelphia, she moved with her family to Rockville, Md., during the mid-’60s. It was there she got her first guitar as a gift, and also fell in love with the Orioles. When she was 13, her father, a salesman, was transferred to Los Angeles. During two years of hanging around with the glitter rock-and-roll set of Hollywood, she taught herself the guitar. In 1976 she helped found the Runaways. “I didn’t see anything else like it then,” she says of the all-girl rock quartet. “I thought, ‘What a way to grab attention.’ But the attitude was, ‘Girls were supposed to get married and have children.’ It amazed me, the fact people said I couldn’t do it. I wanted to prove girls were capable of playing rock and roll. But everybody expected us to take off our clothes.”

In order to play with the Runaways, she left high school in her senior year, earning her diploma by passing a GED test.

“My parents were not too pleased,” she says. “I’m sure they would have preferred I chose to do something else. My parents were separated by then. My father didn’t have a say in it. It was more or less my Mom. She knew what I wanted. I loved being part of a band, playing guitar, just learning to write songs and express myself.”

Still, the Runaways ran their course by the time she was 20, and most of the pop music world thought Joan Jett’s career was finished. Enter Kenny Laguna.

In the ’60s he was the keyboard player for a variety of rock-candy bands like Tommy James and the Shondells and the 1910 Fruitgum Company, and by 1980 he was a songwriter-producer-music impresario. When he and his wife, Meryl, met Joan back then, they immediately liked her and more or less adopted her. Even today she lives much of the time at their Long Island home.

It was Kenny, over the last decade, who navigated her through the confusing maze into which pop music had evolved. Whereas once any music with an electric guitar was rock and roll, there is now post-punk and heavy metal and new wave and alternative and a zillion other offshoots including something completely off the wall called rock and roll. Each niche is a minor kingdom unto itself; there are monarchs and there are outcasts and given the whimsical nature of music fans, today’s sultan is very likely to be tomorrow’s swat.

When no major labels were interested in Joan, Kenny engineered a new career for her by the strategic release of independently produced albums. He has continuously and protectively kept her on course as a No. 1 favorite in the ever-shrinking niche of basic hard-rock music. But he is clearly worried.

“Now you’ve got to fight for rock and roll,” he says. “You call a radio station to get them to play one of Joan’s songs and they say, ‘I already played a rock song.’ It’s a funny generation. That thing that rock and roll spawned from is almost over. Now you hear rock coming out of BMWs.”

Joan smiles, the scorn thick in her voice. “Now, everybody has a leather jacket in their closet ready for their rock night,” she says. “There used to be a meaning behind the leather, beyond looking cool. It wasn’t a fashion statement, it was just a statement. Now it means nothing.”

She looks suddenly sad, her voice dropping a notch. “But it still means something to me.”

Kenny is chuckling. “As a kid I had to hide my leather jacket from my father. I kept it at a friend’s house. Sometimes he’d come by school and see me with it and I’d have to come up with a story.”

Joan, who grew up a decade later, nods. “It was the same when I wore my jacket. Parents don’t like leather jackets, that’s part of it. Everyone made fun of me in California. They threw things at me when I wore my jacket. They thought I was weird. They didn’t understand. Nor did they understand the guitar playing. I really don’t know what their problem was.”

Kenny does. Most definitely.

“It’s part of the erosion of rock and roll.”

BUT, JUDGING BY THE SIZE of the crowd at Hammerjacks, when the Blackhearts and their bus pull into town, there has been very little erosion in this part of the world.

To the uninitiated, Hammerjacks is that brooding hard-rock quarry on the fringes of Camden Yards, the one commuters skirt daily as they drive into Baltimore along the I-395 overpass. This oddly peaked, barnlike structure, topped by a sign that features lighting bolts striking a hammer, is known to many only as Joan Jett is known: by a tough reputation. Hammerjacks is a place where banjo players need not apply, where ear drums are an endangered species, where, in comparison, the barrel of a 12-bore gun is about as noisy as a Christian Science Reading Room. It is a place where fully cranked guitars and drums literally move the air, riffle your clothing, drive you back like a bouncer with an attitude.

At 31, Joan Jett has been rocking and rolling longer than she hasn’t and she loves clubs like this. It goes back to her basic reasons for getting her parents to give her that guitar when she was a Rockville teen-ager. When she got it she didn’t start strumming sweet Joni Mitchell stuff, but went immediately to the heavy base power chords all the way up the neck, playing along with records by groups like Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Cream and T. Rex.

“I wanted something primitive,” she says. “The really enjoyable thing was just learning to write songs and express myself through music. Playing guitar, you have a real physical connection to the music. It’s something you feel. That’s why I enjoy playing in small venues. The front row is 20 feet away.”

As she speaks, she gets to her feet and leans across the aisle of the bus, playing an air guitar a foot from Kenny’s face.

“I’m only a few feet away,” she says, still strumming the air. “They see your face, they see what’s going on, they get that extra feeling from the actual performance: the primitiveness of it. They see the music played — not that we do anything special — but they see my eyes, my mouth. I’m singing to everybody and it feels good.”

Kenny is smiling again. He tells the story of what happened when he first met Joan after the Runaways folded. He took her in, bought her a pair of jeans because she didn’t have any money and had only one pair of pants to her name. He then helped her put together an album of songs — they co-wrote most of them — and when they were about to start recording he suggested she allow studio musicians to overdub her rhythm guitar parts. She went through the roof and threatened to walk out.

“She confronts me on that right away,” he says. “I said, ‘You’re so f—— poor you don’t even have two pairs of pants. So don’t do the record.’ She said, ‘I’d rather work at McDonald’s.’ And I’m thinking, ‘Where does she get these balls to say this?’ She calls my bluff right away.”

“Right,” says Joan. “I wasn’t going to change just to get accepted.”

“She was pretty wild,” adds Kenny. “So many kids were coming to see her, kids who felt disenfranchised. She had a black leather jacket, she was singing that you didn’t have to give a s— about your reputation. It was vivid. It was definitely a statement. It was her. She got better, she drank less. When I met her she was a wild drinker. We used to have five glasses of wine on stage. Then, boom, she stopped outright.”

“Yeah,” she says. “Those were times when it was pretty crazy. I wasn’t afraid of dying. I was afraid of losing the band, of not being able to be a musician.”

THE CAPACITY CROWD AT Hammerjacks this Friday night is mostly a young one in their early 20s, most of them wearing jeans and sneakers. A few with leather jackets, a few more with Orioles caps.

A contingent of Oriole front-office folk pays Joan a visit in her dressing room before the show. Her association with the team goes back to the day in August of 1969 when her father took her to her first ballgame at Memorial Stadium. She was 9. Jim Palmer that day threw a no-hitter, and ever since she has been a fanatical Oriole fan. Every night during the season she checks scores by phone as soon as she gets off stage. She is no stranger to the Oriole clubhouse, is so well-known there that she was invited to sing the national anthem on opening day in 1989. And last spring she participated in the Orioles’ annual fantasy camp in Florida for fans who have diamonds in their dreams.

In the darkened hallway outside her dressing room, she talks with Charles Steinberg, the Orioles’ director of productions. She is hopeful about new Oriole additions Rick Sutcliffe and Storm Davis. There is some talk that maybe she could do the national anthem in the new stadium. She seems excited.

To her, athletics and rock and roll have a lot in common. She never played Little League, she says, only sandlot ball. Rock and roll is a lot like the sandlot. You improvise, you are freed from structure, you get to wear whatever clothes you want to wear, you can’t get thrown off the team for swearing.

A few minutes later she is on stage, and she is a different person from the withdrawn, nervous figure on her bus. Her Gibson Musicmaker guitar is white, her costume this night is all black, topped by a red spangled jacket. For 90 straight minutes she twists and jumps, throwing her body, squealing her trademark “Ow!”

Her music is as basic as rock can get. Three guitars, drums, unchained energy and sweat. It is loud and aggressive, her lyrics suggestive and defiant: a foaming rebellion against all in life that stinks.

I been laughed at

I been shut out

but let there be no doubt

I never been afraid of the chances I’m taking

It offers, if not hope, then the next best thing, an opportunity to rage against hopelessness, whether the hopelessness is merely of getting to the bar for another beer, of getting some action

going or of just getting a life.

I’m just a victim of circumstance

just a victim of a bad reputation

I got no chance to shake it

For all the rebellion, though, she will point to a fairly basic British-written tune as her definition. “It may sound corny but I’d say ‘I Love Rock and Roll’ is the one song that sums me up,” she says. “It’s such pure emotion. There aren’t a lot of complicated explanations required about it. It’s just there.”

The audience loves her, calls her back. After the show, as her bus pulls away, heading for her hotel, a young man runs after, pulling his T-shirt up. She turns in her seat, laughing. Kenny says, “He’s just showing you his chest.” She laughs again and says, “Yeah, but I’ve never seen it done like that before.”

IN THE HOTEL, KENNY turns serious again, worrying about rock and roll’s future.

“There’s a lot of menace to rock and roll,” he says. “Rock has to have a certain rage. That’s the thing that can’t be taught. To me it’s maxed out. Corporate America and rock and roll have merged. Rock and roll stood against that. I think the fans see it but I don’t think they care. We’re a lazy society. The desire to go out and see the subculture has disappeared. Maybe rock and roll is simply like Sinatra was with the last generation. Rock and roll was a rebellion against something. Now it is that thing.”

Joan, though, seems relaxed, different from the costumed woman on the bus, different from the wild performer on stage. This persona seems more at home with those brown eyes,

thoughtful, introspective, smiling.

“People usually use the word aggressive to describe me,” she says. “I somehow don’t think that’s the right word. Tough? I think the word tough is too much. I think people get tough and aggressive mixed up with mean. I don’t think I’m mean. For the most part I think I’m fairly easy to get along with.”

That seemed evident after the Hammerjacks show when she sat on her bus for an hour, happily signing autographs and posing for snapshots with some of the most polite fans ever to grace a rock and roll coach.

“I was always too shy to ask people for an autograph,” she says. “Too many times you see bands tell people to f— off. It’s such a special thing, getting an autograph. . . . “

But Kenny worries about her fans.

“Joan has menace in her whole persona,” says Kenny. “Some of her fans are scary. Among the disenfranchised are a lot of fans who think she’s singing to them.”

Of course they do. The disenfranchised are her crowd and she’s not about to abandon them. They, after all, are the ones who know why they’re wearing leather.

“You’ve got a responsibility to stay true to your kind of music, to not have a veneer of safeness over you,” she says. “How many of us feel disenfranchised with life? You don’t have to be screwed up to relate to this music. You can just have everyday problems. Kids find it easy to relate to.”

She pauses, leans forward for emphasis, her voice as intense as it was two hours ago.

“They empower themselves by realizing they understand what I’m saying,” says the No. 1 Blackheart. “It’s us together.”

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Heart & Joan Jett Concert Shuttle

Hop on the Party Bus to see Heart and Joan Jett at Shoreline Amphitheater!

Heart Concert

M Ride offers round-trip, luxury transportation to most concerts, sporting events and festivals in the Bay Area as well as private charters for groups. We make getting there fun!

Hop on the bus and enjoy round-trip, luxury transportation to see Heart and Joan Jett at Shoreline Amphitheater on Wednesday, August 24.

The bus will pick up at The Shop (1980 Union Street) at 4PM. There will be a second pickup in the Financial District at The Hyatt Regency (5 Embarcadero Center) at 4:30PM.

-Ticket Purchase includes a Round-Trip Bus Ride to the Event, Does not include tickets to the event


-Depending on capacity, may be a van, minibus or motorcoach -BYOB -21 and over

About M Ride:

M Ride is San Francisco’s favorite Party Bus company with round trip rides to all the Best Concerts, Sporting Events, Wineries and more in the Bay Area.

M Ride offers rides to most events at Shoreline Amphitheater, SAP Center San Jose, Oracle Arena and Oracle Arena as well as Outside Lands, Bottle Rock, Treasure Island Music Festival and more! Buses will be leaving from The Shop San Francisco (1980 Union Street) and some will stop at Bart on the way to specific events. All busses are BYOB so feel free to make your own party! M Ride Offers transportation to:

Shoreline Amphitheater Concord Pavilion Levi’s Stadium SAP Center Oracle Arena O.Co Coliseum Pier 70 AT&T Park Events Center at San Jose University Fox Theater Oakland Paramount Theater Greek Theater Berkeley Sonoma Raceway | Mountain Winery

Need to rent a limo or party bus for a group?  CLICK HERE  to get a quick and easy quote.

Upcoming San Francisco Party Buses:

9/3: Coldplay at Levi’s Stadium

9/9: Dierks Bentley at Shoreline Amphitheater

9/15: Adele at Oracle Arena

9/16: Luke Bryan at Shoreline

9/18: Daryl Hall & John Oates

10/1: Florida Georgia Line at Shoreline

10/16: Maroon 5 at Oracle Arena

joan jett tour bus

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Paulson Tours

Almost Sold Out

joan jett tour bus

Alanis Morissette with Joan Jett – 7/5/24

Friday @ 7:00 PM - Bethel Woods, NY

$ 119.00 – $ 310.00

All packages include deluxe motorcoach and tailgate.

Ex: Traveling with Kelly group, Room next to, etc


Additional information, travel to the home of woodstock to see alanis morissette with joan jett and morgan wade.

Since 1995,  Alanis Morissette  has been one of the most influential singer-songwriter-musicians in contemporary music. Her deeply expressive music and performances have earned vast critical praise and seven Grammy awards. Morissette’s 1995 debut,  JAGGED LITTLE PILL , was followed by nine more eclectic and acclaimed albums.”

Joan Jett  grew up during a time when rock ‘n’ roll was off limits to girls and women, but as a teenager, she promptly blew the door to the boys’ club right off its hinges. After forming her band the Blackhearts in 1979, with whom Jett has become a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, she has had eight platinum and gold albums and nine Top 40 singles.

Your Paulson Tours trip includes:

  • Professionally Driven Deluxe Motorcoach
  • Rocking Tailgate Party w/ Hot & Cold Foods
  • Concert Tickets

Departure places & times 

  • 1:30 pm – Sam’s Club on 309 in Wilkes-Barre Twp
  • 1:45 pm- Park and Ride, Route 315, Pittston
  • 2:15 pm- Former Kmart, Route 6, Dickson City

About Event Tickets

  • Event ticket prices shown are per person and seating will be 1 or 2 together at the event, unless otherwise noted. If buying 3 or more, we will do our best to get you as close as possible.
  • If you want to guarantee 3 or more together, call for price.
  • Event tickets to most events are mobile tickets and will be emailed or text to the Mobile number or email on your order the week of the event along with the final trip details

What you can bring

  • Always suggest extra water & ice
  • Pillow, Blanket, or headphones for the bus ride. (Makes it much more comfortable)
  • Small cooler on bus, for drink & food for the bus ride. , (Keep out of aisle)
  • Garbage Bags to keep your area of the bus clean.
  • Larger cooler, if needed. Can be in placed in luggage area.
  • Bag Chairs for tailgate
  • Small Tent(if needed)
  • Tailgate games or any items that you’d like to bring for the tailgate.

Keep in mind that we are all going to the same place for the same reason and it’s about enjoying the trip/event.

Be respectful to each other.

Thank you for your support – Enjoy your trip!

Paulson Tours 

Since 1994 –  3o years in business!

Cancellation and other Policies

All sales are final.  Due to the strict policies of brokers, buses & hotels, all deposits are non-refundable on the day of booking.  Refunds will not be issued for this tour. We recommend trip cancellation insurance.  Go to to compare rates and coverage. If Paulson Tours cancels a tour, you will be refunded in full. You will have the option of receiving your refund in the form of a gift certificate.

All times are subject to change. Paulson Tours reserves the right to alter the itinerary at any time, before and/or during the trip.

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Music | This sure looks like one of the best package…

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Music | This sure looks like one of the best package concert tours of 2024

Alanis morissette visits shoreline amphitheatre in 2024.

FILE PHOTO — Alanis Morissette performs at Bourbon and Beyond Music Festival at Kentucky Exposition Center on Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022, in Louisville, Ky. (Photo by Amy Harris/Invision/AP)

That’s because Morissette has announced plans for a 31-date North American tour.

The Triple Moon Tour follows the Grammy winner’s highly successful 2021-2022 trek, which celebrated 25 years of Morissette’s landmark debut, “Jagged Little Pill.”

Morissette will be accompanied on this tour by a couple of really terrific support acts — Rock and Roll Hall of Famers Joan Jett & the Blackhearts as well as rising country music star Morgan Wade.

“I am inspired and heartened and feel giddy inside to be going on this upcoming summer tour with Joan and Morgan and all our teams,”​​Morissette said in a news release. “Can’t wait to see you, can’t wait to perform!”

The tour includes a Bay Area stop on Aug. 7 at Shoreline Amphitheatre at Mountain View.

Tickets go on sale to the general public at 10 a.m. Nov. 17, . There is also a Citi presale beginning Nov. 14, . Fans can also sign up for the artist’s mailing list by Nov. 15 to get access to presale tickets. See the artist’s website for details.

Besides announcing tour dates, Morissette has also been busy recording Christmas music and has released a seasonal EP dubbed “Last Christmas.” The EP features versions of of Wham’s “Last Christmas,” iJohn Lennon and Yoko Ono’s “Happy Xmas (War is Over),” William Chatterton Dix’s “What Child Is This?” and Katherine Kennicott Davis’ “Little Drummer Boy.”

Tour dates:

Sun Jun 09 – Phoenix, AZ – Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre

Wed Jun 12 – Austin, TX – Moody Center

Fri Jun 14 – Dallas, TX – Dos Equis Pavilion

Sun Jun 16 – Houston, TX – Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion Presented by Huntsman

Wed Jun 19 – Tampa, FL – MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre*

Thu Jun 20 – West Palm Beach, FL – iTHINK Financial Amphitheatre*

Sat Jun 22 – Alpharetta, GA – Ameris Bank Amphitheater

Sun Jun 23 – Nashville, TN – Bridgestone Arena

Wed Jun 26 – Charlotte, NC – PNC Music Pavilion

Thu Jun 27 – Raleigh, NC – Coastal Credit Union Music Park at Walnut Creek

Sat Jun 29 – Columbia, MD – Merriweather Post Pavilion

Tue Jul 02 – Camden, NJ – Freedom Mortgage Pavilion

Wed Jul 03 – Holmdel, NJ – PNC Bank Arts Center

Fri Jul 05 – Bethel, NY – Bethel Woods Center for the Arts

Sat Jul 06 – Hartford, CT – Xfinity Theatre

Tue Jul 09 – Mansfield, MA – Xfinity Center

Wed Jul 10 – Wantagh, NY – Northwell Health at Jones Beach Theater

Tue Jul 13 – Toronto, ON – Budweiser Stage

Tue Jul 16 – Clarkston, MI – Pine Knob Music Theatre

Wed Jul 17 – Cuyahoga Falls, OH – Blossom Music Center

Tue Jul 23 – Maryland Heights, MO – Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre

Wed Jul 24 – Cincinnati, OH – Riverbend Music Center

Sat Jul 27 – Noblesville, IN – Ruoff Music Center

Sun Jul 28 – Milwaukee, WI – American Family Insurance Amphitheater

Wed Jul 31 – Denver, CO – Ball Arena

Thu Aug 01 – Salt Lake City, UT – USANA Amphitheatre

Sat Aug 03 – Auburn, WA – White River Amphitheatre

Sun Aug 04 – Portland, OR – Moda Center

Wed Aug 07 – Mountain View, CA – Shoreline Amphitheatre

Thu Aug 08 – Palm Springs, CA – Acrisure Arena

Fri Aug 10 – Inglewood, CA – Kia Forum

*With support from Joan Jett and the Blackhearts only

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Hal b. selzer.

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Blackhearts bassist tells how he joined forces with Joan Jett

Exclusive video interview with FBPO’s Jon Liebman September 10, 2018

By David Sands

Put a few more dimes in the jukebox, baby, and you’re sure to hear some of the artists Hal B. Selzer has collaborated with over the years. Currently, the bassist for Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, he’s made a name for himself performing and recording with the likes Bruce Springsteen, Jon Bon Jovi, Gary “U.S.” Bonds, Southside Johnny, Lisa Bouchelle, Mitch Ryder, Linda Perry and Ben E. King and playing with the hard rock bands Silent Witness and Adrian Dodz. Beyond that Selzer has also toured with the Broadway show “Rock of Ages,” penned music columns for a variety of national and international publications, and is a producer for the Comcast Network’s “Rock Star Kitchen.”

FBPO’s Jon Liebman recently met up with Selzer on the Joan Jett tour bus to discuss his early days playing music on the Jersey Shore, his introduction to the Blackhearts, his admiration for James Jamerson and a fruitful meeting with Paul McCartney.

Watch our interview with Hal!

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Comments on Hal B. Selzer

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Loved your interview with Jon. Great to hear about your career! Also, you really shot up since I last saw you at Hickory Hill Drive, Gary and Wilma’s little brother!

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joan jett tour bus

Alanis Morissette Announces Tour With Joan Jett

Seven-time Grammy Award -winning singer/songwriter Alanis Morissette will tour North America next year. She just announced 31 shows that include Denver, Salt Lake City, Portland, Houston, West Palm Beach Florida, and Raleigh, North Carolina.

Morissette commented, “I am inspired and heartened and feel giddy inside to be going on this upcoming summer tour. Can’t wait to see you, can’t wait to perform!”

The three month trek, runs June 9 through August 10 and features special guest Rock and Roll Hall of Famer , Joan Jett & the Blackhearts , along with support from Morgan Wade .

Tickets go on sale next Tuesday, November 14.

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Alanis Morissette announces summer tour with Joan Jett

Alanis Morissette arrives at the opening night red carpet for "Jagged Little Pill" on...

(Gray News) – Alanis Morissette is hitting the road next summer on The Triple Moon Tour, she announced Thursday .

Supporting acts include Joan Jett and Morgan Wade.

The tour will stop in 31 cities, starting June 9 in Phoenix and ending Aug. 10 in Inglewood, California.

General on-sale starts Nov. 17 at 10 a.m. local time.

Fans can sign up for a presale code for early access to tickets on Morissette’s website here .

Here is the full list of tour dates:

  • June 9 – Phoenix, AZ – Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre
  • June 12 – Austin, TX – Moody Center
  • June 14 – Dallas, TX – Dos Equis Pavilion
  • June 16 – Houston, TX – Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
  • June 19 – Tampa, FL – MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre
  • June 20 – West Palm Beach, FL – iTHINK Financial Amphitheatre
  • June 22 – Alpharetta, GA – Ameris Bank Amphitheatre
  • June 23 – Nashville, TN – Bridgestone Arena
  • June 26 – Charlotte, NC – PNC Music Pavilion
  • June 27 – Raleigh, NC – Coastal Credit Union Music Park at Walnut Creek
  • June 29 – Columbia, MD – Merriweather Post Pavilion
  • July 02 – Camden, NJ – Freedom Mortgage Pavilion
  • July 03 – Holmdel, NJ – PNC Bank Arts Center
  • July 05 – Bethel, NY – Bethel Woods Center for the Arts
  • July 06 – Hartford, CT – Xfinity Theatre
  • July 09 – Mansfield, MA – Xfinity Center
  • July 10 – Wantagh, NY – Northwell Health at Jones Beach Theater
  • July 13 – Toronto, ON – Budweiser Stage
  • July 16 – Clarkston, MI – Pine Knob Music Theatre
  • July 17 – Cuyahoga Falls, OH – Blossom Music Center
  • July 23 – Maryland Heights, MO – Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre
  • July 24 – Cincinnati, OH – Riverbend Music Center
  • July 27 – Noblesville, IN – Ruoff Music Center
  • July 28 – Milwaukee, WI – American Family Insurance Amphitheater
  • July 31 – Denver, CO – Ball Arena
  • Aug. 01 – Salt Lake City, UT – USANA Amphitheatre
  • Aug. 03 – Auburn, WA – White River Amphitheater
  • Aug. 04 – Portland, OR – Moda Center
  • Aug. 07 – Mountain View, CA – Shoreline Amphitheatre
  • Aug. 08 – Palm Springs, CA – Acrisure Arena
  • Aug. 10 – Inglewood, CA – Kia Forum

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(Gray News) – Alanis Morissette is hitting the road next summer on The Triple Moon Tour, she announced Thursday .

Supporting acts include Joan Jett and Morgan Wade.

The tour will stop in 31 cities, starting June 9 in Phoenix and ending Aug. 10 in Inglewood, California.

General on-sale starts Nov. 17 at 10 a.m. local time.

Fans can sign up for a presale code for early access to tickets on Morissette’s website here .

Here is the full list of tour dates:

  • June 9 – Phoenix, AZ – Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre
  • June 12 – Austin, TX – Moody Center
  • June 14 – Dallas, TX – Dos Equis Pavilion
  • June 16 – Houston, TX – Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
  • June 19 – Tampa, FL – MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheatre
  • June 20 – West Palm Beach, FL – iTHINK Financial Amphitheatre
  • June 22 – Alpharetta, GA – Ameris Bank Amphitheatre
  • June 23 – Nashville, TN – Bridgestone Arena
  • June 26 – Charlotte, NC – PNC Music Pavilion
  • June 27 – Raleigh, NC – Coastal Credit Union Music Park at Walnut Creek
  • June 29 – Columbia, MD – Merriweather Post Pavilion
  • July 02 – Camden, NJ – Freedom Mortgage Pavilion
  • July 03 – Holmdel, NJ – PNC Bank Arts Center
  • July 05 – Bethel, NY – Bethel Woods Center for the Arts
  • July 06 – Hartford, CT – Xfinity Theatre
  • July 09 – Mansfield, MA – Xfinity Center
  • July 10 – Wantagh, NY – Northwell Health at Jones Beach Theater
  • July 13 – Toronto, ON – Budweiser Stage
  • July 16 – Clarkston, MI – Pine Knob Music Theatre
  • July 17 – Cuyahoga Falls, OH – Blossom Music Center
  • July 23 – Maryland Heights, MO – Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre
  • July 24 – Cincinnati, OH – Riverbend Music Center
  • July 27 – Noblesville, IN – Ruoff Music Center
  • July 28 – Milwaukee, WI – American Family Insurance Amphitheater
  • July 31 – Denver, CO – Ball Arena
  • Aug. 01 – Salt Lake City, UT – USANA Amphitheatre
  • Aug. 03 – Auburn, WA – White River Amphitheater
  • Aug. 04 – Portland, OR – Moda Center
  • Aug. 07 – Mountain View, CA – Shoreline Amphitheatre
  • Aug. 08 – Palm Springs, CA – Acrisure Arena
  • Aug. 10 – Inglewood, CA – Kia Forum

Copyright 2023 Gray Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved.

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The trek will hit 26 cities across the US, kicking off in Baltimore, MD, on June 6. Joan Jett & The Blackhearts support on all dates.

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Bryan Adams announced his 2023 ‘So Happy It Hurts’ Tour with iconic group Joan Jett and the Blackhearts on last night’s episode of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon .

Shop the best of Bryan Adams’ discography on vinyl and more .

Produced by Live Nation, the notable run will hit 26 cities across the U.S. this summer, with stops in New York City, Boston, Tampa, Denver, Phoenix, San Francisco and more. The tour kicks off on Tuesday, June 6 in Baltimore at CFG Bank Arena and wraps on Thursday, August 3 in Seattle at Climate Pledge Arena.

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The upcoming tour is in support of Bryan Adams’ 15th studio album, So Happy It Hurts , which was released March 11, 2022. The album is also nominated for Best Rock Performance at the upcoming 2023 Grammy Awards , taking place this Sunday, February 5.

Tickets go on sale starting Friday, February 3 at 12pm local time. Check your local event listings on Ticketmaster for more information.

Bryan Adams’ So Happy It Hurts’ 2023 Tour dates:

Tue Jun 06 – Baltimore, MD – CFG Bank Arena Wed Jun 07 – Philadelphia, PA – Wells Fargo Center Fri Jun 09 – New York City, NY – Madison Square Garden Sat Jun 10 – Boston, MA – TD Garden Sun Jun 11 – Uncasville, CT – Mohegan Sun Arena Tue Jun 13 – Buffalo, NY – KeyBank Center Wed Jun 14 – Detroit, MI – Little Caesars Arena Thu Jun 15 – Cleveland, OH – Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse Sat Jun 17 – Nashville, TN – Bridgestone Arena Sun Jun 18 – Duluth, GA – Gas South Arena Tue Jun 20 – Hollywood, FL – Hard Rock Live Wed Jun 21 – Tampa, FL – Amalie Arena Wed Jun 28 – Sugar Land, TX – Smart Financial Centre at Sugar Land Thu Jun 29 – Fort Worth, TX – Dickies Arena Sat Jul 01 – St. Louis, MO – Enterprise Center Sun Jul 02 – Rosemont, IL – Allstate Arena Mon Jul 03 – St. Paul, MN – Xcel Energy Center Thu Jul 06 – Denver, CO – Ball Arena Fri Jul 07 – Salt Lake City, UT – Maverik Center Tue Jul 25 – Phoenix, AZ – Footprint Center Wed Jul 26 – San Diego, CA – Viejas Arena Fri Jul 28 – Palm Springs, CA – Acrisure Arena Sat Jul 29 – Los Angeles, CA – Kia Forum Sun Jul 30 – San Francisco, CA – Chase Center Wed Aug 02 – Portland, OR – Veterans Memorial Coliseum Thu Aug 03 – Seattle, WA – Climate Pledge Arena

Listen to the best of Bryan Adams on Apple Music and Spotify .

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joan jett tour bus

‘It Was 11 Guys on a Bus, and Then Me’: Women on the Warped Tour

As the traveling punk-rock extravaganza begins its final full cross-country run, the women who performed on the male-dominated festival tell their stories.

Credit... Bryan Bedder/Getty Images

Supported by

By Steve Knopper

  • June 21, 2018

On the first Warped Tour, in 1995, the traveling punk-rock extravaganza was so low-budget that its founder, Kevin Lyman, had to buy supermarket hot dogs to feed the musicians. One day, the Sublime singer Bradley Nowell’s Dalmatian urinated on the buns.

“That was my favorite moment,” recalled Donita Sparks of L7, another top band on the bill that year. The other roving festivals of the time, from Lollapalooza to Lilith Fair, had an air of sophistication, but Warped was dirty, D.I.Y., and lacking air-conditioning and proper restrooms — and only three of the 21 headlining bands included women. When the tour sets off from Pomona, Calif., on Thursday for what’s billed as its final full cross-country trek , only six of the 84 bands listed on the lineup posted on the Warped website have women members, or 7 percent, far lower than the 19 percent average on top festivals this year, according to a recent study by the online music magazine Pitchfork.

The Vans Warped Tour, now in its 24th year, has expanded its catering to include gourmet and vegan options. But its core mission remains essentially the same — raging, screaming, punk and metal bands and bouncier emo and pop-punk groups, from mainstays like All Time Low and Taking Back Sunday to promising younger acts on smaller stages, setting up shop at amphitheaters and in parking lots from San Diego to West Palm Beach, Fla. Warped has showcased women stars over the years, including No Doubt, Katy Perry, Paramore and the underground bands on the pink-and-black Shiragirl stage, but its gender imbalance has remained striking.

The New York Times spoke to 75 women and nonbinary musicians who have performed on the tour, many of whom echoed NPR Music’s Ann Powers, who recently criticized Warped as a “wild boys’ paradise.” Some divulged #MeToo stories; others ripped bands known for making misogynistic remarks onstage. Most had kind things to say about Mr. Lyman, a former Lollapalooza stage manager who scouts Warped bands himself, praising him for hiring so many women in charge of production, catering and other departments. And some said they are intent on making a statement at this year’s festival. Doll Skin, a quartet of women from Phoenix, is employing an all-female crew and working to support the other women performers. “We make a little alliance, almost,” said the band’s 21-year-old drummer, Meghan Herring. These are edited excerpts from the conversations.

joan jett tour bus

How would you describe your Warped Tour experience?

NOVENA CARMEL, 36, OF WALLPAPER It’s sort of like boot camp and a circus.

CHESKA ZAIDE, 20, OF A+ DROPOUTS Everything I didn’t like about the tour, like the heavy lifting, the sun, just the tiredness of it all, is everything that I loved about it.

SYDNEY “SQUID” SILVER OF LUNACHICKS It’s 100 degrees in the desert in the hot sun. We’re wearing vinyl cheerleader outfits. You actually have to train for it or you’ll pass out.

SIENNA DEGOVIA, 42, OF THE RANDIES Many, many times, I’d set up my sleeping bag in some disgusting restroom gym of a stadium.

MEG FRAMPTON, 33, OF MEG & DIA I did feel a pressure to drink like everybody else and party like the guys, whereas what I would’ve naturally wanted to do was have some tea and, I don’t know, watch a chick flick and go to sleep.

JESSICA VAUGHN, 30, OF CHARLOTTE SOMETIMES It was 11 guys on a bus, and then me. And they were passing gas. That was my summer.

K.FLAY, 32 There’s kind of a scene, within the Warped Tour community, of people who are really into backyard, down-home wrestling. I remember being in downtown Kansas City and it was still burning hot at 10:30 or 11 and everybody was crowded around this makeshift wrestling ring. I was like an anthropologist: “And now, the wrestling!”

LINDSAY CARD, 32, OF MIGHTY MONGO Our bus broke down a lot but we never missed a show. There were times we had to call taxis in the middle of the night to make it to the next venue.

NICOLETTE VILAR, 38, OF GO BETTY GO Looking back at it now, as a grown lady, I think it was straight-up dangerous.

AIXA VILAR, 37, OF GO BETTY GO We were in truck stops in the middle of the night.

NICOLETTE VILAR You guys left me at a gas station once.

AIXA VILAR That was by accident.

On a male-dominated tour, how did you approach your performances?

MONIQUE POWELL, 42, OF SAVE FERRIS The people who came to the shows loved punk, so they were pretty cool with a girl going up there and shooting her mouth off. It really helped me formulate what I was going to become. I really felt so comfortable to be myself.

GINA VOLPE OF LUNACHICKS The drummer for NOFX had broken his thumb right before one of their sets, so they had drummers from eight bands come and play two songs for their set — Pennywise and Green Day and Papa Roach, and our drummer, Helen [Destroy], who at the time was 19. All these dudes came on and played their two songs, then our teenage girl got up there and played her two songs and all the male drummers on the side of the stage sat there with their mouths open because she blew every single one of them away.

STELLA KATSOUDAS OF DIRTY LITTLE RABBITS All the other bands were very aggressive — the girls and the guys. I had this idea in my head that I wanted to completely embrace my femininity, like completely just go over the top with it. So I had this designer custom make me five sparkly tour dresses and I did my hair and my makeup for every single show.

SHAWNA POTTER, 36, OF WAR ON WOMEN It’s important to talk about the fact that we got to rock the [expletive] out, too, and we got to change people’s minds. We had dads coming up to us saying, “I’m so glad my daughter got to watch you, you guys are awesome.” And little trans kids still figuring their [expletive] out, saying, “Thank God you’re here.”

What was your daily lived experience of being a woman on Warped Tour like?

SILVER There was an artist on that tour saying, “Which 20-year-old girls am I going to get pregnant tonight?” And the same individual wanted to shake our hands, and we’re like, “You’ve got to be [expletive] kidding me, man.”

LEANOR ORTEGA TILL, 41, OF FIVE IRON FRENZY You had to be careful going onto everyone’s bus — it’s not a safe idea. One of the bands we went out with had a little inflatable pool. They’d get in their underwear and go out there and hang out. And I knew what they were up to, which was get girls into their underwear to hang out, too. So I would get in there and put my feet in [the pool] and read a book. But the guys knew me and they were nice to me. I was a drag. I don’t care.

KATY PERRY, 33 There were so many strong females who have led the way since the beginning of Warped Tour: Save Ferris, Juliette Lewis, Gwen Stefani, my friend Hayley [Williams] from Paramore. My album at the time was “One of the Boys” so it was something that was crossing my mind often — it felt good not only to be able to keep up with the boys, but do it all in heels.

DEGOVIA There wasn’t a whole lot of oversexualizing of women. Maybe it has to do with how the tour was really connected to skateboarding and skate culture and that was all opening up to women. I didn’t feel a lot of “this girl is hot, so her band is better” — I didn’t get that vibe.

VAUGHN They always pitted Katy Perry and I against each other: “Who do you think is hotter?” That would be a question they asked the boys on Warped Tour in video promos and stuff.

VICTORIA ASHER, 32, OF COBRA STARSHIP I definitely loved the power I had of being one of the few girls on tour. You would be allowed to cut in front of the long food lines and nobody had a problem with it.

Although the numbers have improved, few women have headlined Warped Tour over the years. How much did you notice that?

BRIDGET REGAN, 42, OF FLOGGING MOLLY Obviously you’d have to be blind not to notice that.

JENNY STILLWAGGON RADESKY, 40, OF THE SMOOTHS I was one of seven women that year. And three of the other women were on the tour bus with me, merch sellers. I remember feeling one day like, “Can I interact with other females, please?”

BRETT ANDERSON, 38, OF THE DONNAS It was literally no different than any other day, tour, show, place, anything. It wasn’t like the Warped Tour was any less women than anything else.

KARINA DENIKÉ OF DANCE HALL CRASHERS We didn’t feel intimidated. It felt like you have 300 older brothers protecting you, in some ways.

JULIETTE LEWIS, 45 I got the list right here. Fall Out Boy, Flogging Molly, Coheed and Cambria, Bad Religion, My Chemical Romance, NOFX, Simple Plan, Story of the Year. I’m trying to find the girls. Where the [expletive]?

TATIANA DEMARIA OF TAT I’ve found Warped to be very welcoming to women. For every 100 bands that apply to do Warped Tour, only 10 bands have females in them.

DONITA SPARKS OF L7 In 1999, we flew a plane over the Warped Tour that said, “Warped Needs More Beaver, Love L7.” It was a politically charged prank to promote our own album.

What do you remember about Joan Jett’s presence on the tour in 2006? (She returns for a few dates this year.)

KELLY OGDEN, 38, OF THE DOLLYROTS We met Joan Jett. I was like, “Just wanted to give you our new record, we’re the Dollyrots.” She was like, “I know, I watch your band all the time.”

SHIRA LEIGH YEVIN OF SHIRAGIRL Joan Jett used to ride her bike over and watch all the girl bands. The last day, in Cleveland, we performed “Bad Reputation” together.

JOAN JETT I had my own BMX. You needed a bike to get from stage to stage. A lot of the bands and the crews did that because the stages were far away from each other. As soon as I noticed that, I got a bike, and carried it under the bus in the bay and took it down every day and rode it around. Like camping, kind of.

DANI DOLL, 34, OF MIRACLE DOLLS When we came just for fun, our friends’ band said, “Hey, here’s some passes, you guys want to go backstage and meet Joan Jett?” And we were like, “ Yeah. We want to go backstage and meet Joan Jett.” We went up to her. The guitarist from NOFX was there. He tried to cut in front of us! And Joan Jett said, “Excuse me, I’m talking to these ladies.”

JETT It’s just part of the thing — I want girls to feel comfortable and not intimidated to get up and play.

How did you fight the sexism you faced onstage and off?

THEO KOGAN, 48, OF LUNACHICKS A huge portion of the Blink-182 guys’ audience was teenage girls, and it was an all-ages show and they would say [expletive] like, “Throw us your bras!” I was going onstage and saying, “Hey, girls, don’t do anything those guys tell you!”

DIA FRAMPTON, 30, OF MEG & DIA We’d give somebody a flier to come watch our band and somebody would say, “Oh, you guys gonna show us your breasts?” or something stupid. Meg and I would shrug that off: “It comes with the territory.” You learn, especially now, it’s not O.K. Back then, I was young, I tried to fit in, I didn’t want to be a snotty little girl who makes people feel uncomfortable.

JEANNE WAWRZYNIAK, 39, OF ALL THAT REMAINS Every once in a while I got “Oh, marry me!” But I never got anyone trying to grope me or anyone saying anything super rude.

TAYLOR JARDINE, 28, OF WE ARE THE IN CROWD We had this one band come on our bus. I didn’t have to sing the next day. I remember drinking too much and going, “Oh my God, I’ve got to go to bed.” [A man from the other band] kept grabbing me and making me sit super-close and keeping [his] arm around me — and we had never talked, I never knew this person at all. It was definitely uncomfortable. Thankfully, my guys are very protective. The next morning, I recall the guys going, “They are not welcome on our bus again.”

SYDNEY SIEROTA OF ECHOSMITH It is really hard on Warped Tour to have physical boundaries, because everyone’s so close and it’s so crowded and people are unpredictable. So there were meet-and-greets where somebody would try to touch my butt.

MARIEL LOVELAND OF CANDY HEARTS I was assaulted on Warped Tour. I felt like I had to say something because this person was threatening to ruin my reputation and my position on the tour by making up stuff to get me kicked off. Instead of my team and the people who worked for me being like “We’ll do what we can to make you feel safe” — which Kevin did do — it was “Why did you open your mouth?”

COURTNEY LAPLANTE OF IWRESTLEDABEARONCE I’d just been playing Canadian Legions and stuff. There were a few times I’d come up to the barrier, I’d be so excited to sing at the fans, and someone would just reach out and honk my breasts. And I was like, “What do I do? Do I just punch in that direction?”

ELIZABETH CARENA OF MOTHER FEATHER I was going backstage to help another artist do his makeup for his show and I was walking by, and Waka Flocka Flame shouted out, “Hey, your booty’s hanging out!” I thought it was funny! He didn’t catcall me.

ANN COURTNEY OF MOTHER FEATHER It was a “heads-up, girl!”

CARENA More like a shout-out.

What did playing on the Warped Tour teach you about touring and yourself?

ALEXIA RODRIGUEZ, 30, OF EYES SET TO KILL What did I learn? Wear sunscreen.

FRANCHESKA PASTOR, 20, OF BAD SEED RISING I loved it because it was dirty, it was grungy, it was gross, it was very aggressive — which are the terms I use to describe myself.

LOVELAND As a musician, I wouldn’t let my daughter go without me, absolutely not. But as a fan, it’s fun.

JESS BOWEN, 28, OF THE SUMMER SET I was super sad when I heard that it was going to be the last year. I have a family at Warped Tour. When I go to Warped Tour, I kind of feel the most comfortable. I feel myself.

ALICIA SOLO, 25, OF BEAUTIFUL BODIES It’s like getting a Purple Heart for the music industry. If you can get through Warped Tour, you can do anything.

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Bryan Adams running to Phoenix with help from Joan Jett

Feb 2, 2023, 2:00 PM

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PHOENIX – Footprint Center will be heaven for Bryan Adams fans this summer when the Canadian singer-songwriter takes the stage.

Adams’ So Happy It Hurts Tour will stop at the downtown Phoenix arena on July 25, with special guest Joan Jett and the Blackhearts kicking off the show.

Tickets go on sale to the general public at noon Friday.

Adams is hitting the road in support of his latest studio album, “So Happy It Hurts,” which came out in 2022. The title track was nominated for best rock performance at this year’s Grammy Awards.

Bryan’s highly anticipated ‘So Happy It Hurts’ Tour with special guest @joanjett , hits 26 cities across the USA this Summer! Get PRE-SALE tickets TODAY at 10am local time! Use code: SOHAPPYUSA Full list of dates at: #SoHappyItHurts — Bryan Adams (@bryanadams) February 1, 2023

The Canadian Music Hall of Famer was a hit machine in the ’80s and ’90s, with 11 top-10 smashes such as “Heaven,” “(Everything I Do) I Do It For You,” “Run to You” and “Summer of ‘69.”


Here are the shows set for Phoenix area's biggest concert stages in 2024

Here are the shows set for Phoenix area's biggest concert stages in 2024

Jett will be a tough act to follow. The 2015 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee has been rocking out since the ’70s, releasing classics such as “I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll,” “Crimson And Clover” and “I Hate Myself For Loving You” along the way.

Before becoming a frontwoman, Jett was a member of the groundbreaking all-female band The Runaways.

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Picacho Peak (Twitter Photo/@AZStateParks)...

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(AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli.)...

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Day & Night Air Conditioning, Heating and Plumbing

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Joan Jet is an icon and a role model for young girls that desire to be in music. Joan has overcome a lot for women in rock music over the years and continues to do so. She is absolutely inspirational and amazing. I have loved her since I was a little girl and finally this summer I was able to see her at Summerfest in Milwaukee WI and she was fantastic. She looks amazing and sounds even better.

I honestly did hope during her show that Dave Grohl would come out and drum for her at some point but unfortunately he did not, however she did play a new song that she wrote with Dave and I really hope they collaborate more.

She was so incredible when she played with Nirvana at the Rock in Roll Hall of Fame induction of Nirvana and I just want more. I am crossing my fingers that she comes back to Milwaukee next year for Summerfest or even just for an independent show later this year would be awesome. My best friend went with me and he has had a crush on her since he was a teen. He was able to get up to the second row during the concert where a group of nice young girls allowed him to step in and take a fantastic picture of her. We were so happy to get to hear her live. Keep rocking, Joan!

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Music + Concerts | 30 of the biggest summer concert tours coming…

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Music + concerts, music + concerts | 30 of the biggest summer concert tours coming to southern california, taylor swift, morgan wallen, blackpink, marco antonio solís, metallica and beyoncé are just a few of the artists hitting area stadiums, arenas and amphitheaters this season..

joan jett tour bus

Though we’re in the thick of a dreary June gloom, the official kickoff of summer begins on Wednesday, June 21 and the sun sets on the season on Friday, Sept. 22. Several local stadiums, arenas and outdoor amphitheaters are ready to welcome a slew of artists out celebrating album and career anniversaries, new material or a comeback tour.

ALSO SEE: 27 music festivals coming to Southern California in 2023

Here’s a list of some of the major tours coming to Southern California. Be sure to check the official venue websites and ticket sellers for the most current event information.

Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour will hit SoFi Stadium in...

Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour will hit SoFi Stadium in Inglewood Aug. 3-5 and 8-9. (Photo by Suzanne Cordeiro, AFP via Getty Images)

Morgan Wallen’s One Night at a Time World tour comes...

Morgan Wallen’s One Night at a Time World tour comes to SoFi Stadium in Inglewood July 22. (Photo by Matt Winkelmeyer, Getty Images for iHeartRadio)

Banda MS will play at the Kia Forum on June...

Banda MS will play at the Kia Forum on June 23-24. (Photo by Drew A. Kelley, Contributing Photographer)

Danny Elfman will bring his Danny Elfman: From Boingo to...

Danny Elfman will bring his Danny Elfman: From Boingo to Batman to Big Mess and Beyond! show to North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre in San Diego on Aug. 3 and FivePoint Amphitheatre in Irvine on Aug. 5. (Photo by Frazer Harrison, Getty Images for Coachella)

Maggie Rogers is bringing her Summer of ’23 tour to...

Maggie Rogers is bringing her Summer of ’23 tour to the Hollywood Bowl on Aug.13. (Photo by Watchara Phomicinda, The Press-Enterprise/SCNG)

Paramore is bringing its This Is Why tour to the...

Paramore is bringing its This Is Why tour to the Kia Forum on July 19-20. (Photo by Drew A. Kelley, Contributing Photographer)

Blackpink will perform at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles on...

Blackpink will perform at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles on Aug. 26. (Photo by Drew A. Kelley, Contributing Photographer)

Banda MS, the Mexican banda group from Mazatlán, Sinaloa , will perform for the first time at the Kia Forum for two nights, celebrating its 20th anniversary with a mix of old and new songs along with acoustic norteño music segments. Eden Muñoz will open the shows. 8 p.m. Friday, June 23 and Saturday, June 24 at Kia Forum, 3900 W. Manchester Blvd., Inglewood. Tickets start at $69.50 at .

Tickets start at $69.50 at .

The R&B star was ready to celebrate the 20th anniversary of her debut album “Who is Jill Scott? Words & Sounds Vol. 1” in 2020, but it was postponed due to the pandemic. She’s back now to celebrate he 23rd anniversary of the album and fans can expect to hear tracks like “A Long Walk” and “Do You Remember.” 8 p.m. Thursday, June 22 at Hollywood Bowl, 2301 N. Highland Ave., Los Angeles. Tickets start at $59 at .

Louis Tomlinson

Harry Styles isn’t the only One Direction member to making major waves in music, his former 1D cohort Louis Tomlinson will be out on the road in support of his latest record, “Faith in the Future.” 7 p.m. Friday, June 30 at Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles. Tickets start at $34 at .

Fall Out Boy 

The emo-alternative rock group is out on its So Much For (Tour) Dust jaunt in support of its eighth studio album, “So Much (For) Stardust,” which includes the singles “Love from the Other Side” and “Heartbreak Feels So Good.”  The band will also be joined by Bring Me The Horizon and a rotating cast of openers on select dates. 6:30 p.m. Saturday, July 1 at North Island Credit Union, 2050 Entertainment Circle, San Diego. Tickets start at $24.75 at ; 6:15 p.m. Sunday, July 2 and Monday, July 3 at BMO Stadium, 3939 S. Figueroa Street, Los Angeles. Tickets to the July 2 show are sold out and tickets to the July 3 show start at $49.50 at .

Morgan Wallen

The highly-popular, record-breaking country artist will bring his One Night at a Time stadium tour to Southern California in support of his latest record, “One Thing at a Time,” which includes the tracks “Thought You Should Know,” “You Proof” and “Last Night.” He’ll be joined by Hardy, Ernest and Bailey Zimmerman. 5:30 p.m. Friday, July 14 and Saturday, July 15 at Petco Park, 100 Park Blvd., San Diego; and 5:30 p.m. Saturday, July 22 at SoFi Stadium, 1001 Stadium Drive, Inglewood. Tickets to all shows are sold out, however tickets start at $200 at .

Following a five-year absence, rock band Paramore is back on the road with a new album, “This is Why.” The tour features special guests Bloc Party, Foals, The Linda Linda’s and Genesis Owusu. 7 p.m. Saturday, July 15 at Acrisure Arena, 75702 Varner Road, Palm Desert. Tickets start at $114 at ; 7 p.m. Sunday, July 16 at Viejas Arena, 5500 Canyon Crest Dr., San Diego. Tickets start at $129 at ; 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 19 and Thursday, July 20 at Kia Forum, Inglewood. Tickets start at $139 at .


The art-pop duo is ready to hit the stage for a special hometown show in support of its latest album, “The Girl Is Crying in Her Latte.” They Might Be Giants will open. 5 p.m. Sunday, July 16 at Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles. Tickets start at $17 at .

Bryan Adams

The “Summer of ’69” rocker is bringing his So Happy It Hurts Tour with support from Joan Jett to the area. Adams recently headline the Palomino Stage at the Stagecoach Country Music Festival in Indio , so we can confirm his greatest hits were played. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 26 at Viejas Arena, San Diego. Tickets start at $129 at ; 7:30 p.m. Friday, July 28 at Acrisure Arena, Palm Desert. Tickets start at $59.50 at ; 7:30 p.m. Saturday, July 29 at Kia Forum, Inglewood. Tickets start at $79.50 at .

Tears For Fears 

The ’80s rock group known for hits like “Everybody Wants To Rule The World” and “Shout” are bringing the Tipping Point Tour Part II to California in conjunction with the latest record of the same title, its first album in more than 17 years. Southern California rockers Cold War Kids will open. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 1 at Acrisure Arena, Palm Desert. Tickets start at $39.50 at ; 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 2 at Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles. Tickets start at $59.50 at .

Alicia Keys 

R&B and soul singer Alicia Keys will perform in the round for the first time ever on her summer tour and she’ll be playing all of the hits. 8 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 2  at Kia Forum, Inglewood. Tickets start at $149 at .

Taylor Swift

Pop singer-songwriter Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour, which features bits from each of the records from throughout her career including the latest, “Midnights,” includes a record-setting five evenings in Inglewood. The tour completely sold out within minutes upon the initial on sale so scoring passes to this one may be tricky, however there are lots of steep-priced tickets available via secondary sellers like . 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 3-Saturday, Aug. 5, Tuesday, Aug. 8 and Wednesday, Aug. 9 at SoFi Stadium, Inglewood.

Danny Elfman

Lead singer of Oingo Boingo, Tim Burton collaborator, producer and the singing voice of Jack Skellington is bringing his From Boingo to Batman to Big Mess and Beyond! show back to Southern California for two nights only. 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 3 at North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre, Chula Vista. Tickets start at $39.50 at ; 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 5 at FivePoint Amphitheatre, 14800 Chinon, Irvine. Tickets start at $49.50 at .

Beck and Phoenix 

Singer-songwriter Beck and French electro-pop band Phoenix have announced that they’re joining forces for a co-headlining summer run dubbed the Summer Odyssey Tour. Select dates will feature support from Jenny Lewis, Sir Chloe and Japanese Breakfast. 5:45 p.m. Monday, Aug. 7 Kia Forum, Inglewood. Tickets start at $90 at ; 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 8 at Viejas Arena, San Diego. Tickets start at $27 at ; 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 9 at Pacific Amphitheatre, 100 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. Tickets start at $49.50 at .

Greta Van Fleet 

Michigan-born, Grammy award-winning rock band Greta Van Fleet will hit the road in support of its third studio album, “Starcatcher,” which is due out on July 21. The record already has songs on rock radio including “Meeting the Master” and “Sacred the Thread.” Kaleo will open. 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 10 at Kia Forum, Inglewood. Tickets start at $49.50 at .

Drake and 21 Savage

Canadian rapper Drake and Atlanta-based rapper 21 Savage announced a ton of dates for their co-headlining It’s All a Blur Tour, which is in support of the duo’s collaborative album, “Her Loss.” 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 12 and Sunday, Aug. 13, Tuesday, Aug. 15 and Wednesday, Aug. 16 at Kia Forum, Inglewood. Tickets start at $209 at ; 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 21 and Tuesday, Aug. 22 at Arena, 1111 S. Figueroa St., Los Angeles. Sold out, resale tickets are available at .

Marco Antonio Solís 

Marco Antonio Solís, co-founder of Los Bukis, is hitting the road solo this year with his El Buki World Tour. The Ario de Rosales, Mexican-born and raised artist, announced the 40-date trek to celebrate his legendary repertoire and Latin ballads. 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 12 at BMO Stadium, Los Angeles. Sold out, resale tickets available at ; 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 18 at Acrisure Arena, Palm Desert. Tickets start at $59 at ; 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 1 at Viejas Arena, San Diego. Tickets start at $59.50 at .

Maggie Rogers 

Singer-songwriter and Grammy best new artist of the year nominee Maggie Rogers will be out on the road on her Summer of ’23 Tour in support of her 2022 album, “Surrender.” Canadian indie-pop group Alvvays will open the show. 7 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 13 at Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles. Tickets start at $17 at .

Post Malone 

Rapper, singer-songwriter, producer and all-genre music lover Post Malone will bring his If Y’all Weren’t Here, I’d Be Crying Tour to Southern California in support of his forthcoming fifth studio album, Austin,” which includes the singles “Chemical” and “Mourning.” 7 p.m. Aug. 13 at North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre, Chula Vista. Tickets start at $79 at ; 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 19 at Glen Helen Amphitheater, 2575 Glen Helen Pkwy., San Bernardino. Tickets start at $45 at .

Colombian singer Karol G has extended her Mañana Será Bonito Tour, which is in support of her fourth album of the same title. The record landed Karol G at No. 1 on the Billboard 200, making her the first woman ever to debut in the top spot with a Spanish-language album. 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 18 and Saturday, Aug. 19 at the Rose Bowl, 1001 Rose Bowl Dr., Pasadena. Tickets start at $125 at .

Darius Rucker

The Hootie & the Blowfish frontman turned country music superstar is out on his Starting Fires Tour. The set will be a mix of Hootie & the Blowfish favorites, cuts from Rucker’s solo career and new music from the forthcoming album, “Carolyn’s Boy.” 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 18 at FivePoint Amphitheatre, Irvine. Tickets start at $49.75 at ; 8 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 23 at Greek Theatre, 2700 N. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles. Tickets start at $34 at ; 8 p.m. Friday, Aug. 25 at Petco Park, San Diego. Tickets start at $52 at ; 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26 at Yaamava’ Theater, 777 San Manuel Blvd., Highland. Tickets start at $180 at .


Metal band Metallica’s M72 Tour will include two dates at each venue stop with the band performing completely different setlists each evening in the round with a new crop of opening acts.  6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 25-Sunday, Aug. 27 at SoFi Stadium, Inglewood. Two-day tickets start at $176 at .


After a headlining slot at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Indio this year, K-pop group Blackpink announced a few encore performances of its Born Pink North American Tour. 8:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 26 at Dodger Stadium, 1000 Vin Scully Ave., Los Angeles. Sold out, however fans can still sign up for the waitlist at .

New York rapper 50 Cent is heading out on The Final Lap Tour, which comes in celebration of the 20th anniversary of his 2003 debut record, “Get Rich or Die Tryin’.” The set will feature all the greatest hits and rapper Busta Rhymes and R&B singer Jeremih will serve as opening acts. 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 30 at Arena, Los Angeles. Tickets start at $79.50 at ; 7 p.m. Thursday,  Aug 31 at North Island Credit Union Amphitheatre, Chula Vista. Tickets start at $39.50 at ; 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 1 at FivePoint Amphitheatre, Irvine. Tickets start at $39.50 at .

Sam Smith 

English singer-songwriter and LGBTQ+ icon Sam Smith is bringing music from their fourth album, “Gloria,” including the songs “Love Me More,” “Unholy,” and “Gimme,” to the masses. Jessie Reyez, who appears on the song “Perfect” on Smith’s latest album, will open the show. 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 31 and Friday, Sept. 1 at Kia Forum, Inglewood. Tickets start at $89.50 at .


Queen Bey is currently out on her first solo tour in six years, The Renaissance World Tour , in support of her dance-infused 2022 album “Renaissance,” which won a Grammy award for best dance/electronic album. 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 1, Saturday, Sept. 2 and Monday, Sept. 4 at SoFi Stadium, Inglewood. Sold out, but resale tickets are available at .

The F.O.R.C.E. Tour, standing for Frequencies Of Real Creative Energy, is LL Cool’s first tour in nearly 30 years. The 24-city trek will have appearances by The Roots, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Salt-N-Pepa, Queen Latifah, Rakim, Common others. 8 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 3 at Kia Forum, Inglewood. Tickets start at $69.50 at .


English virtual band Gorillaz, fronted by Damon Albarn, were a hit out at the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival in Indio earlier this year and brought out several special guests to deliver hits and songs from its latest album, “Cracker Island,” which dropped back in February. 4:30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 10 at BMO Stadium, Los Angeles. Tickets start at $94 at .

Swedish rock band Ghost will be out on its Re-Imperatour in support of its 2022 album, “Impera,” this summer and returning to Inglewood, where it headlined its first arena-sized gig in 2018 , for two shows. Amon Amarth will open both evenings. 7:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 11 and Tuesday, Sept. 12 at Kia Forum, Inglewood. Tickets for Sept. 11 are sold out, but fans can still purchase tickets for the second show starting at $59.50 at .

The Lumineers 

Folk rock band The Lumineers are touring in support of its latest record, “Brightside,” which released in 2022. The band has been playing a mix of the old and new on tour so far, including hits “Ho Hey,” “Stubborn Love” and “Ophelia.” 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 15 at Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles. Tickets start at $63 at .

Lionel Richie with Earth, Wind and Fire 

“American Idol” judge and R&B icon Lionel Richie will join forces with Earth, Wind and Fire this summer for a hit-filled tour that will surely get fans up and dancing all night long. 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 15 at Kia Forum, Inglewood. Tickets start at $60.95 at ; 8 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 16 at Yaamava’ Theater, Highland. Tickets start at $200 at .

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  1. Joan Jett & The Blackhearts in Baltimore, 2023 Concert Tickets

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  1. TOUR

    Home STREAM Tour VIDEO MERCH Home STREAM Tour VIDEO MERCH. Track to get concert, live stream and tour updates. Upcoming Dates. Bandsintown Fist Logo. Bandsintown Fist Logo. Sun, JUN 9. Talking Stick Resort Amphitheatre. Phoenix, AZ. with Alanis Morissette, Morgan Wade. RSVP. Tickets. Wed, JUN 12. Moody Center. Austin, TX ...

  2. Joan Jett Finds the Promised Land

    Twenty degrees and ice everywhere you look and Joan Jett is sitting on the steps of her tour bus parked outside the stage entrance of the Palace Theater in Albany, New York; the bus door's wide ...

  3. JETT PROPELLED She's got a big, swanky tour…

    JETT PROPELLED She's got a big, swanky tour bus, the Blackhearts backing her up, a savvy manager, legions of loyal fans and an ultra-cool black leatherjacket. ... sits Joan Jett, the 31-year-old ...

  4. Heart & Joan Jett Concert Shuttle

    Hop on the bus and enjoy round-trip, luxury transportation to see Heart and Joan Jett at Shoreline Amphitheater on Wednesday, August 24. The bus will pick up at The Shop (1980 Union Street) at 4PM. There will be a second pickup in the Financial District at The Hyatt Regency (5 Embarcadero Center) at 4:30PM.

  5. Alanis Morissette with Joan Jett

    Joan Jett grew up during a time when rock 'n' roll was off limits to girls and women, but as a teenager, she promptly blew the door to the boys' club right off its hinges. After forming her band the Blackhearts in 1979, with whom Jett has become a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, she has had eight platinum and gold albums and nine Top ...

  6. Alanis Morissette, Joan Jett, Morgan Wade team for 2024 concert tour

    Alanis Morissette fans now have something to look forward to in 2024. That's because Morissette has announced plans for a 31-date North American tour. The Triple Moon Tour follows the Grammy ...

  7. Hal B. Selzer

    Blackhearts bassist tells how he joined forces with Joan Jett. Exclusive video interview with FBPO's Jon Liebman September 10, 2018. ... FBPO's Jon Liebman recently met up with Selzer on the Joan Jett tour bus to discuss his early days playing music on the Jersey Shore, his introduction to the Blackhearts, his admiration for James Jamerson ...

  8. Alanis Morissette Announces Tour With Joan Jett

    Morissette commented, "I am inspired and heartened and feel giddy inside to be going on this upcoming summer tour. Can't wait to see you, can't wait to perform!" The three month trek, runs June 9 through August 10 and features special guest Rock and Roll Hall of Famer, Joan Jett & the Blackhearts, along with support from Morgan Wade.

  9. Joan Jett Had Some Feelings To Share About Rush

    SPIN Magazine does a killer job of dusting off articles from their archives and this 1987 feature on Joan Jett has a real kicker. The piece starts with Jett standing outside her tour bus after a gig in Albany, signing autographs for and talking rock with about 100 fans. You know, the exact t

  10. Joan Jett & the Blackhearts Tickets, 2024 Concert Tour Dates

    Joan Jett and the Blackhearts continue to tour the world with headlining shows and alongside fellow rock legends like The Who, Green Day, Heart, Foo Fighters and Alanis Morrissette (Summer 2024). 'Bad Reputation,' a documentary about Jett's life, premiered to critical acclaim at the 2018 Sundance Film Festival.

  11. The Road Often Traveled

    Ed Sargent stepped on a tour bus 3 days after finishing finals at UT Martin in 1982 and began a jazz ride that lasted 24 years. Now he is taking a walk on the wild side. Sargent, Grammy-nominated producer and longtime tour manager for trumpeter Maynard Ferguson, became tour manager for rock guitarist Joan Jett and her band the Blackhearts in 2007.

  12. Alanis Morissette announces summer tour with Joan Jett

    (Gray News) - Alanis Morissette is hitting the road next summer on The Triple Moon Tour, she announced Thursday. Supporting acts include Joan Jett and Morgan Wade. The tour will stop in 31 cities, starting June 9 in Phoenix and ending Aug. 10 in Inglewood, California. General on-sale starts Nov. 17 at 10 a.m. local time.

  13. Alanis Morissette announces summer tour with Joan Jett

    Supporting acts include Joan Jett and Morgan Wade. The tour will stop in 31 cities, starting June 9 in Phoenix and ending Aug. 10 in Inglewood, California. General on-sale starts Nov. 17 at 10 a.m ...

  14. Bryan Adams Announces So Happy It Hurts Tour Dates

    The trek will hit 26 cities across the US, kicking off in Baltimore, MD, on June 6. Joan Jett & The Blackhearts support on all dates. Bryan Adams announced his 2023 'So Happy It Hurts' Tour ...

  15. 'It Was 11 Guys on a Bus, and Then Me': Women on the Warped Tour

    Joan Jett onstage at the Vans Warped Tour in 2006. The festival, which begins its 24th installment this week, is known for its striking gender disparity: 7 percent of the bands listed on the bill ...

  16. Bryan Adams running to Phoenix with help from Joan Jett

    Adams' So Happy It Hurts Tour will stop at the downtown Phoenix arena on July 25, with special guest Joan Jett and the Blackhearts kicking off the show. Tickets go on sale to the general public ...

  17. Joan Jett And The Blackhearts Bad Reputation Nation

    Then she has to make her way from her backstage tour bus to the main stage - one of 10 stages - where she and her band ... (Meg and Dia tonight) and later in the tour JOAN JETT. Tyler from Valient Thorr is painting a cast and Erica hopes to get Travis from Gym Class Heroes involved because he's a fantastic artist. Many bands, including The ...

  18. Joan Jett

    Joan Jett (born Joan Marie Larkin; September 22, 1958) is an American rock singer, guitarist, songwriter, record producer, and actress. She is best known for her work as the frontwoman of her band Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, and for founding and performing with the Runaways, who recorded and released the hit song "Cherry Bomb".With the Blackhearts, Jett is known for her rendition of the ...

  19. Joan Jett Tour Announcements 2024 & 2025, Notifications, Dates

    Unfortunately there are no concert dates for Joan Jett scheduled in 2024. Songkick is the first to know of new tour announcements and concert information, so if your favorite artists are not currently on tour, join Songkick to track Joan Jett and get concert alerts when they play near you, like 103115 other Joan Jett fans.

  20. 30 of the biggest summer concert tours coming to Southern California

    Adams recently headline the Palomino Stage at the Stagecoach Country Music Festival in Indio, so we can confirm his greatest hits were played. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 26 at Viejas Arena, San ...

  21. Routes & Schedules

    Commuter Express Service. To get you to and from Los Angeles, the San Fernando Valley and beyond. Route 757. North Hollywood, Red Line, Orange Line. Route 796/791. Woodland Hills, Canoga Park, Chatsworth. Route 797/792. UCLA, Westwood, Century City. Route 799/794.