The future of tourism: Bridging the labor gap, enhancing customer experience

As travel resumes and builds momentum, it’s becoming clear that tourism is resilient—there is an enduring desire to travel. Against all odds, international tourism rebounded in 2022: visitor numbers to Europe and the Middle East climbed to around 80 percent of 2019 levels, and the Americas recovered about 65 percent of prepandemic visitors 1 “Tourism set to return to pre-pandemic levels in some regions in 2023,” United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), January 17, 2023. —a number made more significant because it was reached without travelers from China, which had the world’s largest outbound travel market before the pandemic. 2 “ Outlook for China tourism 2023: Light at the end of the tunnel ,” McKinsey, May 9, 2023.

Recovery and growth are likely to continue. According to estimates from the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) for 2023, international tourist arrivals could reach 80 to 95 percent of prepandemic levels depending on the extent of the economic slowdown, travel recovery in Asia–Pacific, and geopolitical tensions, among other factors. 3 “Tourism set to return to pre-pandemic levels in some regions in 2023,” United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), January 17, 2023. Similarly, the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) forecasts that by the end of 2023, nearly half of the 185 countries in which the organization conducts research will have either recovered to prepandemic levels or be within 95 percent of full recovery. 4 “Global travel and tourism catapults into 2023 says WTTC,” World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), April 26, 2023.

Longer-term forecasts also point to optimism for the decade ahead. Travel and tourism GDP is predicted to grow, on average, at 5.8 percent a year between 2022 and 2032, outpacing the growth of the overall economy at an expected 2.7 percent a year. 5 Travel & Tourism economic impact 2022 , WTTC, August 2022.

So, is it all systems go for travel and tourism? Not really. The industry continues to face a prolonged and widespread labor shortage. After losing 62 million travel and tourism jobs in 2020, labor supply and demand remain out of balance. 6 “WTTC research reveals Travel & Tourism’s slow recovery is hitting jobs and growth worldwide,” World Travel & Tourism Council, October 6, 2021. Today, in the European Union, 11 percent of tourism jobs are likely to go unfilled; in the United States, that figure is 7 percent. 7 Travel & Tourism economic impact 2022 : Staff shortages, WTTC, August 2022.

There has been an exodus of tourism staff, particularly from customer-facing roles, to other sectors, and there is no sign that the industry will be able to bring all these people back. 8 Travel & Tourism economic impact 2022 : Staff shortages, WTTC, August 2022. Hotels, restaurants, cruises, airports, and airlines face staff shortages that can translate into operational, reputational, and financial difficulties. If unaddressed, these shortages may constrain the industry’s growth trajectory.

The current labor shortage may have its roots in factors related to the nature of work in the industry. Chronic workplace challenges, coupled with the effects of COVID-19, have culminated in an industry struggling to rebuild its workforce. Generally, tourism-related jobs are largely informal, partly due to high seasonality and weak regulation. And conditions such as excessively long working hours, low wages, a high turnover rate, and a lack of social protection tend to be most pronounced in an informal economy. Additionally, shift work, night work, and temporary or part-time employment are common in tourism.

The industry may need to revisit some fundamentals to build a far more sustainable future: either make the industry more attractive to talent (and put conditions in place to retain staff for longer periods) or improve products, services, and processes so that they complement existing staffing needs or solve existing pain points.

One solution could be to build a workforce with the mix of digital and interpersonal skills needed to keep up with travelers’ fast-changing requirements. The industry could make the most of available technology to provide customers with a digitally enhanced experience, resolve staff shortages, and improve working conditions.

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Complementing concierges with chatbots.

The pace of technological change has redefined customer expectations. Technology-driven services are often at customers’ fingertips, with no queues or waiting times. By contrast, the airport and airline disruption widely reported in the press over the summer of 2022 points to customers not receiving this same level of digital innovation when traveling.

Imagine the following travel experience: it’s 2035 and you start your long-awaited honeymoon to a tropical island. A virtual tour operator and a destination travel specialist booked your trip for you; you connected via videoconference to make your plans. Your itinerary was chosen with the support of generative AI , which analyzed your preferences, recommended personalized travel packages, and made real-time adjustments based on your feedback.

Before leaving home, you check in online and QR code your luggage. You travel to the airport by self-driving cab. After dropping off your luggage at the self-service counter, you pass through security and the biometric check. You access the premier lounge with the QR code on the airline’s loyalty card and help yourself to a glass of wine and a sandwich. After your flight, a prebooked, self-driving cab takes you to the resort. No need to check in—that was completed online ahead of time (including picking your room and making sure that the hotel’s virtual concierge arranged for red roses and a bottle of champagne to be delivered).

While your luggage is brought to the room by a baggage robot, your personal digital concierge presents the honeymoon itinerary with all the requested bookings. For the romantic dinner on the first night, you order your food via the restaurant app on the table and settle the bill likewise. So far, you’ve had very little human interaction. But at dinner, the sommelier chats with you in person about the wine. The next day, your sightseeing is made easier by the hotel app and digital guide—and you don’t get lost! With the aid of holographic technology, the virtual tour guide brings historical figures to life and takes your sightseeing experience to a whole new level. Then, as arranged, a local citizen meets you and takes you to their home to enjoy a local family dinner. The trip is seamless, there are no holdups or snags.

This scenario features less human interaction than a traditional trip—but it flows smoothly due to the underlying technology. The human interactions that do take place are authentic, meaningful, and add a special touch to the experience. This may be a far-fetched example, but the essence of the scenario is clear: use technology to ease typical travel pain points such as queues, misunderstandings, or misinformation, and elevate the quality of human interaction.

Travel with less human interaction may be considered a disruptive idea, as many travelers rely on and enjoy the human connection, the “service with a smile.” This will always be the case, but perhaps the time is right to think about bringing a digital experience into the mix. The industry may not need to depend exclusively on human beings to serve its customers. Perhaps the future of travel is physical, but digitally enhanced (and with a smile!).

Digital solutions are on the rise and can help bridge the labor gap

Digital innovation is improving customer experience across multiple industries. Car-sharing apps have overcome service-counter waiting times and endless paperwork that travelers traditionally had to cope with when renting a car. The same applies to time-consuming hotel check-in, check-out, and payment processes that can annoy weary customers. These pain points can be removed. For instance, in China, the Huazhu Hotels Group installed self-check-in kiosks that enable guests to check in or out in under 30 seconds. 9 “Huazhu Group targets lifestyle market opportunities,” ChinaTravelNews, May 27, 2021.

Technology meets hospitality

In 2019, Alibaba opened its FlyZoo Hotel in Huangzhou, described as a “290-room ultra-modern boutique, where technology meets hospitality.” 1 “Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba has a hotel run almost entirely by robots that can serve food and fetch toiletries—take a look inside,” Business Insider, October 21, 2019; “FlyZoo Hotel: The hotel of the future or just more technology hype?,” Hotel Technology News, March 2019. The hotel was the first of its kind that instead of relying on traditional check-in and key card processes, allowed guests to manage reservations and make payments entirely from a mobile app, to check-in using self-service kiosks, and enter their rooms using facial-recognition technology.

The hotel is run almost entirely by robots that serve food and fetch toiletries and other sundries as needed. Each guest room has a voice-activated smart assistant to help guests with a variety of tasks, from adjusting the temperature, lights, curtains, and the TV to playing music and answering simple questions about the hotel and surroundings.

The hotel was developed by the company’s online travel platform, Fliggy, in tandem with Alibaba’s AI Labs and Alibaba Cloud technology with the goal of “leveraging cutting-edge tech to help transform the hospitality industry, one that keeps the sector current with the digital era we’re living in,” according to the company.

Adoption of some digitally enhanced services was accelerated during the pandemic in the quest for safer, contactless solutions. During the Winter Olympics in Beijing, a restaurant designed to keep physical contact to a minimum used a track system on the ceiling to deliver meals directly from the kitchen to the table. 10 “This Beijing Winter Games restaurant uses ceiling-based tracks,” Trendhunter, January 26, 2022. Customers around the world have become familiar with restaurants using apps to display menus, take orders, and accept payment, as well as hotels using robots to deliver luggage and room service (see sidebar “Technology meets hospitality”). Similarly, theme parks, cinemas, stadiums, and concert halls are deploying digital solutions such as facial recognition to optimize entrance control. Shanghai Disneyland, for example, offers annual pass holders the option to choose facial recognition to facilitate park entry. 11 “Facial recognition park entry,” Shanghai Disney Resort website.

Automation and digitization can also free up staff from attending to repetitive functions that could be handled more efficiently via an app and instead reserve the human touch for roles where staff can add the most value. For instance, technology can help customer-facing staff to provide a more personalized service. By accessing data analytics, frontline staff can have guests’ details and preferences at their fingertips. A trainee can become an experienced concierge in a short time, with the help of technology.

Apps and in-room tech: Unused market potential

According to Skift Research calculations, total revenue generated by guest apps and in-room technology in 2019 was approximately $293 million, including proprietary apps by hotel brands as well as third-party vendors. 1 “Hotel tech benchmark: Guest-facing technology 2022,” Skift Research, November 2022. The relatively low market penetration rate of this kind of tech points to around $2.4 billion in untapped revenue potential (exhibit).

Even though guest-facing technology is available—the kind that can facilitate contactless interactions and offer travelers convenience and personalized service—the industry is only beginning to explore its potential. A report by Skift Research shows that the hotel industry, in particular, has not tapped into tech’s potential. Only 11 percent of hotels and 25 percent of hotel rooms worldwide are supported by a hotel app or use in-room technology, and only 3 percent of hotels offer keyless entry. 12 “Hotel tech benchmark: Guest-facing technology 2022,” Skift Research, November 2022. Of the five types of technology examined (guest apps and in-room tech; virtual concierge; guest messaging and chatbots; digital check-in and kiosks; and keyless entry), all have relatively low market-penetration rates (see sidebar “Apps and in-room tech: Unused market potential”).

While apps, digitization, and new technology may be the answer to offering better customer experience, there is also the possibility that tourism may face competition from technological advances, particularly virtual experiences. Museums, attractions, and historical sites can be made interactive and, in some cases, more lifelike, through AR/VR technology that can enhance the physical travel experience by reconstructing historical places or events.

Up until now, tourism, arguably, was one of a few sectors that could not easily be replaced by tech. It was not possible to replicate the physical experience of traveling to another place. With the emerging metaverse , this might change. Travelers could potentially enjoy an event or experience from their sofa without any logistical snags, and without the commitment to traveling to another country for any length of time. For example, Google offers virtual tours of the Pyramids of Meroë in Sudan via an immersive online experience available in a range of languages. 13 Mariam Khaled Dabboussi, “Step into the Meroë pyramids with Google,” Google, May 17, 2022. And a crypto banking group, The BCB Group, has created a metaverse city that includes representations of some of the most visited destinations in the world, such as the Great Wall of China and the Statue of Liberty. According to BCB, the total cost of flights, transfers, and entry for all these landmarks would come to $7,600—while a virtual trip would cost just over $2. 14 “What impact can the Metaverse have on the travel industry?,” Middle East Economy, July 29, 2022.

The metaverse holds potential for business travel, too—the meeting, incentives, conferences, and exhibitions (MICE) sector in particular. Participants could take part in activities in the same immersive space while connecting from anywhere, dramatically reducing travel, venue, catering, and other costs. 15 “ Tourism in the metaverse: Can travel go virtual? ,” McKinsey, May 4, 2023.

The allure and convenience of such digital experiences make offering seamless, customer-centric travel and tourism in the real world all the more pressing.

Hotel service bell on a table white glass and simulation hotel background. Concept hotel, travel, room - stock photo

Three innovations to solve hotel staffing shortages

Is the future contactless.

Given the advances in technology, and the many digital innovations and applications that already exist, there is potential for businesses across the travel and tourism spectrum to cope with labor shortages while improving customer experience. Process automation and digitization can also add to process efficiency. Taken together, a combination of outsourcing, remote work, and digital solutions can help to retain existing staff and reduce dependency on roles that employers are struggling to fill (exhibit).

Depending on the customer service approach and direct contact need, we estimate that the travel and tourism industry would be able to cope with a structural labor shortage of around 10 to 15 percent in the long run by operating more flexibly and increasing digital and automated efficiency—while offering the remaining staff an improved total work package.

Outsourcing and remote work could also help resolve the labor shortage

While COVID-19 pushed organizations in a wide variety of sectors to embrace remote work, there are many hospitality roles that rely on direct physical services that cannot be performed remotely, such as laundry, cleaning, maintenance, and facility management. If faced with staff shortages, these roles could be outsourced to third-party professional service providers, and existing staff could be reskilled to take up new positions.

In McKinsey’s experience, the total service cost of this type of work in a typical hotel can make up 10 percent of total operating costs. Most often, these roles are not guest facing. A professional and digital-based solution might become an integrated part of a third-party service for hotels looking to outsource this type of work.

One of the lessons learned in the aftermath of COVID-19 is that many tourism employees moved to similar positions in other sectors because they were disillusioned by working conditions in the industry . Specialist multisector companies have been able to shuffle their staff away from tourism to other sectors that offer steady employment or more regular working hours compared with the long hours and seasonal nature of work in tourism.

The remaining travel and tourism staff may be looking for more flexibility or the option to work from home. This can be an effective solution for retaining employees. For example, a travel agent with specific destination expertise could work from home or be consulted on an needs basis.

In instances where remote work or outsourcing is not viable, there are other solutions that the hospitality industry can explore to improve operational effectiveness as well as employee satisfaction. A more agile staffing model  can better match available labor with peaks and troughs in daily, or even hourly, demand. This could involve combining similar roles or cross-training staff so that they can switch roles. Redesigned roles could potentially improve employee satisfaction by empowering staff to explore new career paths within the hotel’s operations. Combined roles build skills across disciplines—for example, supporting a housekeeper to train and become proficient in other maintenance areas, or a front-desk associate to build managerial skills.

Where management or ownership is shared across properties, roles could be staffed to cover a network of sites, rather than individual hotels. By applying a combination of these approaches, hotels could reduce the number of staff hours needed to keep operations running at the same standard. 16 “ Three innovations to solve hotel staffing shortages ,” McKinsey, April 3, 2023.

Taken together, operational adjustments combined with greater use of technology could provide the tourism industry with a way of overcoming staffing challenges and giving customers the seamless digitally enhanced experiences they expect in other aspects of daily life.

In an industry facing a labor shortage, there are opportunities for tech innovations that can help travel and tourism businesses do more with less, while ensuring that remaining staff are engaged and motivated to stay in the industry. For travelers, this could mean fewer friendly faces, but more meaningful experiences and interactions.

Urs Binggeli is a senior expert in McKinsey’s Zurich office, Zi Chen is a capabilities and insights specialist in the Shanghai office, Steffen Köpke is a capabilities and insights expert in the Düsseldorf office, and Jackey Yu is a partner in the Hong Kong office.

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12 key trends shaping the hospitality industry in 2024

Discover the 12 key trends shaping the hospitality industry in 2024. From sustainability and cultural diversity to health and wellness, find out how these trends are shaping the future of hospitality.

In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and shifting consumer preferences, the hospitality industry stands at the forefront of innovation and adaptation. As we step into 2024, the landscape continues to evolve, presenting both challenges and opportunities for businesses in the sector. Understanding and harnessing these emerging trends will be pivotal in shaping the future of hospitality. Here are the trends we’re reading about that are key priorities for hospitality businesses in 2024:  

person placing blocks together showing environmentally friendly icons

1. Sustainability as a priority

With increasing global awareness of environmental issues, sustainability has transitioned from a buzzword to a core principle in the hospitality industry. Guests are actively seeking eco-friendly accommodations and experiences. In 2024, sustainability will continue to be a defining factor in consumer choices and brand loyalty.   

Dr Newman, Chief Sustainability Officer for EarthCheck (previously Banyan Tree Group’s Chief Sustainability Officer) says, “There’s a willingness for many companies to engage with ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) issues, but many simply don’t know where to start.”   

Many hotels are responding by gaining more knowledge and understanding around adopting green practices, from energy-efficient buildings and waste reduction initiatives to locally sourced products and sustainable food options. Looking for more sustainability ideas? Check out the EarthCheck courses on Typsy here.

2. Cultural diversity and inclusivity

3. health and wellness-centric offerings.

The pandemic has elevated health consciousness, propelling the demand for wellness-focused travel experiences. According to a survey by, over 70% of travelers prioritize wellness on their trips. In 2024, hotels and resorts will be expected to expand their wellness amenities, incorporating yoga studios, meditation spaces, healthier menu options, and fitness programs to cater to this growing trend.  

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4. Rise of remote work and bleisure travel

The concept of work has transformed significantly, with remote work becoming more prevalent. This shift has given rise to ' b leisure ' travel – a blend of business and leisure trips. Hotels are adapting their amenities and services to accommodate this hybrid trend. Specialized packages ca tering to remote workers, offering co-working spaces, high-speed internet, and unique leisure experiences, are gaining traction.  

5. Personalized experiences through AI and big data with advanced analytics

The use of advanced analytics to personalize guest experiences is on the rise. According to a report by Accenture, 83% of consumers are willing to share their data for a more personalized experience. Hospitality businesses are leverag ing this d ata to anticip ate guest needs, preferences, and even emotional states, creating hyper-personalized services that resonate with individual travelers.

6. Rise of experience-driven lodging

The shift from 'staying' to 'experiencing' has transformed the lodging landscape. Unique accommodations such as treehouses, glamping sites, and boutique stays are gaining popularity. Statista reports a 42% increase in demand for unique accommodations . As travelers seek distinctive and memorable experiences, hotels are diversifying their offerings to cater to this demand, emphasizing local culture and authenticity.

7. Focus on local talent development

In many regions, a shift towards investing in local talent development programs to mitigate skill gaps will be seen. Ray Pulungan, CEO of Indonesian company, PINTAR says he is seeing an increase in requests for talent development and placement solutions to support the increasing need for workers in the hospitality industry.  

Organizations including VTIC have been running programs to support local talent development across tourism regions in Victoria, Australia to help address the skills gap. Hospitality businesses will look to collaborate with educational institutions, vocational schools, or online training programs to nurture and upskill local talent, reducing reliance on overseas recruitment for certain roles.  

8. Strategic global partnerships for talent acquisition

Hospitality businesses will also look further afield and seek out st rategic partnerships or alliances with international recruitment agencies, educational institutions, or HR firms specialized in sourcing global talent. Collaborations with entities abroad may facilitate smoother and more effective recruitment processes while ensuring compliance with changing regulations. Sometimes visa restrictions impact the ease of international recruitment, however, Governments may implement or revise immigration policies tha t impa ct the recruitment of international staff. Changes in visa regulations, work permits, or immigration laws might influence how easily hospitality businesses can source talent from abroad. 

9. Focus on retention and employee experience

Retaining skilled employees will be a priority. Hospitality companies will invest in improving the overall employee experience, offering competitive benefits, career development and training opportunities , recognition programs, and fostering a positive work culture. Typsy CEO, Jon Plowright says there is increased interest in blending online training and face-to-face learning as an efficient way to upskill teams at scale . Moving forward, the emphasis on creating efficiencies, where it makes sense, and enhancing convenience will persist. Engaged and satisfied employees are more likely to deliver superior guest experiences, impacting the overall success of the business.

10. Contactless technology and seamless operations

The aftermath of the pandemic expedited the adoption of contactless technologies and hospitality management software . QR codes, mobile check-ins, and digital keys have become comm on pl ace for guests , as have re staurant boo king tec hnologies that not only create a great expe rience for the cus tomer bu t can also h el p drive more revenue f or businesses. A great example of optim izing technolog y is from Tano shi Grou p wh ere they s aw 35 % more pe ak covers, doubled their eve nt bookings, and saw a 30% reduc ti on in group no- shows by using reservation management software, ResDiary. Investments in te ch in fr astructu re for smoother o perat ions, alon g with th e incorporation of IoT de vices for smar t ro oms, will remain a pr iority.

11. Cryptocurrency and blockchain integration

The adoption of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology is gaining momentum in the hospitality sector. According to Statista, the global blockchain market in hospitality is projected to grow to over $7.6 billion by 2024. Blockchain offers secure transactions, loyalty programs, and enhanced guest data protection, while cryptocurrencies provide an alternative payment method catering to tech-savvy travelers.

12. Flexible booking options and subscription services

The industry is witnessing a shift towards flexible booking options and subscription-based models. Guests seek more control over their reservations, with options for cancellations and modifications. Subscription services for frequent travelers, offering exclusive perks and discounts, are gaining popularity, fostering long-term relationships with customers.

The hospitality sector is a dynamic ecosystem continually adapting to meet the evolving needs and expectations of its patrons. As we say goodbye to 2023, the industry faces a multitude of transformative trends, each playing a crucial role in shaping its trajectory.   

Embracing these trends isn't merely a choice but a necessity for businesses aiming to thrive in this dynamic landscape. By prioritizing personalization, sustainability, technology integration, staff training and development, flexibility, and innovative guest experiences, hospitality brands can position themselves at the forefront of this evolution, catering to the evolving needs and desires of their guests while staying ahead as an employer of choice in a competitive market.  

Adaptability and a customer-centric approach will be the cornerstone for success, propelling the industry towards a future defined by unparalleled experiences and heightened guest satisfaction.   

An exciting year awaits us in 2024!  

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Economic Impact Research

  • In 2023, the Travel & Tourism sector contributed 9.1% to the global GDP; an increase of 23.2% from 2022 and only 4.1% below the 2019 level.
  • In 2023, there were 27 million new jobs, representing a 9.1% increase compared to 2022, and only 1.4% below the 2019 level.
  • Domestic visitor spending rose by 18.1% in 2023, surpassing the 2019 level.
  • International visitor spending registered a 33.1% jump in 2023 but remained 14.4% below the 2019 total.

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Hospitality Global Market Report 2024- Product Image

Hospitality Global Market Report 2024

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  • February 2024
  • Region: Global
  • The Business Research Company
  • ID: 5781141
  • Description

Table of Contents

Executive summary.

  • Companies Mentioned


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Reasons to Purchase

  • Gain a truly global perspective with the most comprehensive report available on this market covering 50+ geographies.
  • Understand how the market has been affected by the coronavirus and how it is responding as the impact of the virus abates.
  • Assess the Russia-Ukraine war’s impact on agriculture, energy and mineral commodity supply and its direct and indirect impact on the market.
  • Measure the impact of high global inflation on market growth.
  • Create regional and country strategies on the basis of local data and analysis.
  • Identify growth segments for investment.
  • Outperform competitors using forecast data and the drivers and trends shaping the market.
  • Understand customers based on the latest market shares.
  • Benchmark performance against key competitors.
  • Suitable for supporting your internal and external presentations with reliable high quality data and analysis.
  • Report will be updated with the latest data and delivered to you with an Excel data sheet for easy data extraction and analysis.
  • All data from the report will also be delivered in an excel dashboard format.
  • The market characteristics section of the report defines and explains the market.
  • The market size section gives the market size ($b) covering both the historic growth of the market, and forecasting its development.
  • The forecasts are made after considering the major factors currently impacting the market. These include:
  • The impact of sanctions, supply chain disruptions, and altered demand for goods and services due to the Russian Ukraine war, impacting various macro-economic factors and parameters in the Eastern European region and its subsequent effect on global markets.
  • The impact of higher inflation in many countries and the resulting spike in interest rates.
  • The continued but declining impact of COVID-19 on supply chains and consumption patterns.
  • Market segmentations break down the market into sub markets.
  • The regional and country breakdowns section gives an analysis of the market in each geography and the size of the market by geography and compares their historic and forecast growth. It covers the growth trajectory of COVID-19 for all regions, key developed countries and major emerging markets.
  • The competitive landscape chapter gives a description of the competitive nature of the market, market shares, and a description of the leading companies. Key financial deals which have shaped the market in recent years are identified.
  • The trends and strategies section analyses the shape of the market as it emerges from the crisis and suggests how companies can grow as the market recovers.

Report Scope

Companies mentioned (partial list).

A selection of companies mentioned in this report includes, but is not limited to:

  • Compass group Holdings plc
  • Starbucks Corporation
  • Marriott International Inc.
  • Aramark corporation
  • McDonald's Corporation
  • Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Limited
  • Darden Restaurants Inc.
  • Yum China Holdings Inc.
  • Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc.
  • Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc.
  • InterContinental Hotel Group plc
  • IDeaS Revenue Solutions Inc.
  • The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company LLC
  • Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group Ltd.
  • Radisson Hotel Group AB
  • Extended Stay America Inc.
  • AIR Communities LLC
  • Rosewood Hotel Group LLC
  • La Quinta Inns & Suites Holdings Inc.
  • Apple Leisure Group LLC
  • Evolve Vacation Rental Network Inc.
  • Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts Ltd.
  • American Cruise Lines Inc.
  • Ennismore Lifestyle Group Limited
  • Hotel Engine Inc.
  • OTA Insight Limited
  • Red Lion Hotels Corporation
  • Mint House Holdings Inc.
  • Wonders Legal Inc.
  • BentoBox Media Inc.
  • Berkshire Hathaway Inc.

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About the hospitality market.

The Hospitality market is a broad industry that encompasses a variety of services related to the provision of accommodation, food, and entertainment. It includes hotels, resorts, restaurants, pubs, bars, and other related businesses. Hospitality businesses are typically focused on providing a high level of customer service and creating a memorable experience for their guests. The industry is highly competitive and requires businesses to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in order to remain competitive. Additionally, businesses must be able to adapt to changing customer needs and preferences in order to remain successful. Some of the major players in the Hospitality market include Marriott International, Hilton, Hyatt, InterContinental Hotels Group, Accor, Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Choice Hotels International, Best Western Hotels & Resorts, and Radisson Hotel Group. Show Less Read more


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  • Hospitality & Tourism

Global Tourism and Hospitality Market Size, Share, Trends, COVID-19 Impact & Growth Forecast Report – Segmented By Type (Domestic Tourism and International Tourism), Services Provided (Lodging, Food & Beverage, Recreation, Travel & Tourism), Travel Model (Business, Leisure, Other Activities) and Region (North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa) - Industry Analysis (2024 to 2029)

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Global Tourism and Hospitality Market   Size (2024 to 2029):

The Global  Tourism and Hospitality Market  was worth US$ 8207 million in 2023 and is anticipated to reach a valuation of US$ 9800 million by 2029 and it is predicted to register a CAGR of 3% during the forecast period 2024-2029.

Current Scenario of the Global Tourism and Hospitality Market

The tourism and Hospitality Market is the largest industry in the world, contributing 10% of the world’s GDP. Globalization has made tourism a popular leisure activity around the world. tourism has become popular around the world as a leisure activity with easy travelling facilities. The tourism and hospitality market has grown into a multi-billion-dollar industry. The tourism and hospitality sector plays a vital role in the economy of many developing countries like the United Arab Emirates, Nepal, Thailand, Nepal, Maldives, etc.

The growth of the global tourism and hospitality market is due to stable economic growth followed by an increase in per capita income. stable economic growth is expected to drive the global tourism and hospitality market. With improved revenue capacity and the growth of emerging markets, in the tourism and hotel industry, the potential, and scope of the global tourism and hospitality market are expected to increase. Emerging economies now represent a larger market share than developed economies. Government agencies and organizations are promoting tourism to attract various tourists from around the world. These initiatives lead to the growth of the global tourism and hospitality market.


The increase in income is driving the growth of the global tourism and hospitality market..

Traveling has become increasingly common all over the world. Hence, spending on leisure travel and business travel has seen a yearly increase. This increase in travel has also allowed the number of hotel guests and in turn the hospitality markets to grow. The growth of the international  Tourism market  also helps other industries to grow such as the airline industry. Key drivers in this market include falling ticket prices, as ticket prices are falling thanks to several factors, from lower fuel prices, competition from airlines, and a surge in airline companies. low cost. The growth of business travel due to strong economic growth in developing countries is a major driver of the tourism and hospitality market.


The covid-19 health crisis has directly affected the tourism and hospitality markets..

Limited domestic and international travel due to fear and restrictions due to Covid-19 has resulted in slower growth in the global tourism and hospitality industry. Domestic tourism is being heavily focused on, but domestic guests are unlikely to fuel the industry as a whole. Individual countries mainly depend on international arrivals. The global tourism and hospitality market is facing an unprecedented crisis and may not recover in the coming years. Large chains could be forced to lay off large numbers of employees, creating an exodus of workers from the global hospitality industry. Terrorism has affected tourists' perceptions of travel and the risks associated with it, negatively affecting the global tourism and hospitality industry. The high-security risks for tourists traveling to underdeveloped and developing countries pose an immense challenge to the global international tourism market.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was an unprecedented global health, social and economic crisis. tourism is among the most affected sectors with a massive fall in international demand amid global travel restrictions including many borders fully closed, to contain the virus. The global revenue dropped by 17 percent with an estimated loss of 2.4 trillion $. With the launch of vaccines, the industry is expected to recover.

Measures taken by national governments to contain transmission have led to a decline in economic activity, with countries entering a state of lockdown, and the epidemic is expected to continue to negatively impact businesses throughout 2020 and until 2021. However, because this is a "black swan" incident unrelated to weakness persistent to fundamental market or global economic difficulties. However, the fear of Covid-19 among tourists is slowing market growth. A full recovery is expected in 2023. The recent growth is due to countries easing travel restrictions and coming out of lockdowns and businesses resuming operations.


Segmental analysis, global tourism and hospitality market   analysis   by type.

The international tourism market is expected to grow at a high rate due to its popularity mainly due to people around the world having more money in their pocket, as well as the impact of greater globalization.

Global Tourism and Hospitality Market   Analysis   By Services Provided

The Food & Beverages segment is the largest in the global international tourism market, it is made up of establishments that deliver food, snacks, and drinks for immediate consumption, inside or outside the premises Facilities.  The accommodation segment is expected to be the fastest-growing segment in the global international tourism market. The accommodation sector covers an extremely diverse spectrum of properties and consists of luxury palaces, boutique hotels, bed and breakfasts, campsites, inns, and other establishments.

Global Tourism and Hospitality Market   Analysis   By Travel Model

Business Travel is the fastest-growing market. Nowadays, there is a rise in ‘Bleisure’ travel which is the mixing of business with recreational interests on business trips. Industrial analysis shows that almost 49% of people have extended business trips to a leisure trip or planned a business travel break to save on holiday expenses.


The North American region is anticipated to witness the most significant market growth at an annual rate of 4.2%. Europe is the largest market for the global travel and tourism industry. The Asia-Pacific region is expected to grow at an annual rate of 5%. The Latin American region is expected to grow at a fast pace due to the rise of cruise tourism in the region. The Middle East & African regions are expected to have tremendous growth due to new developments in the region.


Companies playing a prominent role in the global tourism and hospitality market include TUI Group, TCS World Travel, Expedia Group, American Express Global Business Travel, Gray & Co, Booking Holdings, Air BnB, Group Ltd., TripAdvisor, Inc., Royal Holdings Co., Ltd., Marriott International, Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc., Intercontinental Exchange Inc, and Others.


  • In 2021, TUI sold the RIU Group its 49% ownership in the RIU Hotels & Resorts brand. The Riu family already owns 51% of these properties and is currently the sole owner of them.
  • In 2021, Tripadvisor announced the launch of Tripadvisor Plus, a subscription service priced at 99$ a year this service will provide customers in the U.S. access to savings, discounts, and other perks.
  • In 2021, International Himalaya Hospitality & Hotel Pvt Ltd reached a deal with Marriott International to introduce the company's Moxy Hotels brand in Kathmandu. Moxy Kathmandu, with 108 elegant and contemporary rooms, is planned to debut in 2025.


This research report on the global  tourism and hospitality market has  been segmented and sub-segmented based on type, services provided, travel model and region..

  • Domestic Tourism
  • International Tourism

By Services Provided

  • Accommodation
  • Food & Beverages
  • Recreation & Entertainment
  • Transportation

By Travel Model

  • Business Travel
  • Leisure Travel
  • Other Activities
  • North America 
  • Europe 
  • Asia Pacific
  • Latin America 
  • Middle East & Africa 

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the Tourism and Hospitality Market growth rate during the projection period? +

The Global Tourism and Hospitality Market is expected to grow with a CAGR of 3% between 2024-2029

2. What can be the total Tourism and Hospitality Market value? +

The Global Tourism and Hospitality Market size is expected to reach a revised size of USD 9800 million by 2029.

3. Name any three Tourism and Hospitality Market key players? +

TCS World Travel, Expedia Group, and American Express Global Business Travel are the three Tourism and Hospitality Market key players.

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Global market size of the hospitality industry 2023-2029

Market size of the hospitality industry worldwide in 2023, with forecasts for 2024 and 2029 (in billion u.s. dollars).

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January 2024

Other statistics on the topic Hotel industry worldwide


  • Monthly hotel occupancy rates worldwide 2020-2024, by region
  • Sales of biggest global hotel and resort companies 2023
  • Most valuable hotel brands worldwide 2023, by brand value
  • Global hotel and resort industry market size worldwide 2022-2023

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Statistics on " Hotel industry worldwide "

  • Accommodation booking value worldwide 2017-2027, by type of stay
  • Monthly occupancy rate of hotels worldwide 2020-2024
  • Change in monthly number of hotel bookings worldwide 2020-2023
  • Change in monthly number of hotel bookings worldwide 2020-2023, by region
  • Market value of biggest global hotel and resort companies 2023
  • Market cap of leading hotel companies worldwide 2023
  • Highest earnings among hotel CEOs worldwide 2023
  • Most innovative services for hotel chains worldwide 2023
  • Change in monthly number of online hotel searches worldwide 2020-2023, by region
  • AI/machine learning opportunities in hotels' property operations worldwide 2021-2023
  • Share of tech investments by travel and mobility corporations worldwide 2018-2024
  • Number of hotels in the construction pipeline worldwide 2024
  • Number of hotel rooms in the construction pipeline worldwide 2024
  • Countries with the most hotel construction projects in the pipeline worldwide 2024
  • Countries with the largest amount of hotel rooms in the construction pipeline 2024
  • Cities with the most lodging projects in the pipeline worldwide 2024
  • Cities with the largest amount of lodging rooms in the pipeline worldwide 2024

Other statistics that may interest you Hotel industry worldwide

Industry overview

  • Premium Statistic Global hotel and resort industry market size worldwide 2022-2023
  • Premium Statistic Accommodation booking value worldwide 2017-2027, by type of stay
  • Premium Statistic Monthly occupancy rate of hotels worldwide 2020-2024
  • Premium Statistic Monthly hotel occupancy rates worldwide 2020-2024, by region
  • Premium Statistic Change in monthly number of hotel bookings worldwide 2020-2023
  • Premium Statistic Change in monthly number of hotel bookings worldwide 2020-2023, by region

Key players

  • Premium Statistic Market value of biggest global hotel and resort companies 2023
  • Premium Statistic Sales of biggest global hotel and resort companies 2023
  • Premium Statistic Market cap of leading hotel companies worldwide 2023
  • Premium Statistic Most valuable hotel brands worldwide 2023, by brand value
  • Basic Statistic Highest earnings among hotel CEOs worldwide 2023


  • Premium Statistic Most innovative services for hotel chains worldwide 2023
  • Premium Statistic Change in monthly number of online hotel searches worldwide 2020-2023, by region
  • Premium Statistic AI/machine learning opportunities in hotels' property operations worldwide 2021-2023
  • Premium Statistic Share of tech investments by travel and mobility corporations worldwide 2018-2024

Construction outlook

  • Premium Statistic Number of hotels in the construction pipeline worldwide 2024
  • Premium Statistic Number of hotel rooms in the construction pipeline worldwide 2024
  • Premium Statistic Countries with the most hotel construction projects in the pipeline worldwide 2024
  • Premium Statistic Countries with the largest amount of hotel rooms in the construction pipeline 2024
  • Premium Statistic Cities with the most lodging projects in the pipeline worldwide 2024
  • Premium Statistic Cities with the largest amount of lodging rooms in the pipeline worldwide 2024

Further related statistics

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  • Premium Statistic Number of hotel and catering businesses in Brussels (Belgium) 2012-2018
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of the hospitality industry in the Netherlands 2016-20120by type
  • Premium Statistic Number of hotel and catering businesses in Liège (Belgium) 2012-2018
  • Premium Statistic Number of hotel and catering businesses in Antwerp city (Belgium) 2012-2018
  • Premium Statistic Migrant workforce in the hospitality sector in England 2016, by region
  • Premium Statistic Consumer usage of foodservices Belgium 2017, by moment of the day
  • Premium Statistic Distribution of migrant workers in hospitality in the UK 2011-2016, by industry
  • Basic Statistic Hospitality sector: VAT rates in Belgium 2013
  • Basic Statistic Hospitality sector: VAT rates in Croatia 2013
  • Premium Statistic Direct employment in hospitality in the United Kingdom (UK) 2016. by sector
  • Basic Statistic Hospitality sector: VAT rates in Cyprus 2013
  • Basic Statistic Revenue index of the hospitality industry in the Netherlands Q3 2018-Q4 2023
  • Premium Statistic Volume changes in the leisure industry in the Netherlands 2015-2020
  • Premium Statistic Popular open source positions according to hiring managers worldwide 2020
  • Premium Statistic Global nitrile butadiene rubber latex market value 2019 & 2026
  • Premium Statistic Kloeckner & Co. SE - shipments 2005-2021
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  • Basic Statistic Crocs' retail revenue worldwide 2018-2021, by region

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  • Revenue of the hospitality industry in the Netherlands 2008-2020
  • Number of hotel and catering businesses in Brussels (Belgium) 2012-2018
  • Revenue of the hospitality industry in the Netherlands 2016-20120by type
  • Number of hotel and catering businesses in Liège (Belgium) 2012-2018
  • Number of hotel and catering businesses in Antwerp city (Belgium) 2012-2018
  • Migrant workforce in the hospitality sector in England 2016, by region
  • Consumer usage of foodservices Belgium 2017, by moment of the day
  • Distribution of migrant workers in hospitality in the UK 2011-2016, by industry
  • Hospitality sector: VAT rates in Belgium 2013
  • Hospitality sector: VAT rates in Croatia 2013
  • Direct employment in hospitality in the United Kingdom (UK) 2016. by sector
  • Hospitality sector: VAT rates in Cyprus 2013
  • Revenue index of the hospitality industry in the Netherlands Q3 2018-Q4 2023
  • Volume changes in the leisure industry in the Netherlands 2015-2020
  • Popular open source positions according to hiring managers worldwide 2020
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The future of career advancement in the hospitality industry: trends and predictions

Catherine Schwartz

career advancement

According to the World Travel & Tourism Council , before the pandemic, the hospitality industry accounted for about 1 in 4 jobs created worldwide, 10.3% of all jobs, and 10.3% of global GDP.

However, despite its vital role, career advancement in the hospitality industry has posed a significant challenge to many professionals. The long-standing traditional job hierarchies and a lack of clear career paths have left many in the dark, hindering their ability to reach their full potential.

As the hospitality industry continues to develop further and adapt to changing consumer demands and technological advancements, it’s vital to explore what the future of hospitality holds regarding career advancements.

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This article will explore the emerging trends and predictions for the hospitality industry and provide professionals with practical strategies for navigating the industry’s dynamic landscape.

The current state of career advancement in the hospitality industry

Career advancement in the hospitality industry is challenging for many. Even with the magnitude of the industry and its significance, many professionals have encountered challenges in advancing their careers due to the traditional job hierarchy and the constrained capacity for growth.

The traditional career ladder is somewhat straightforward at the lower levels of the industry, such as housekeeping, front desk, and food services. Individuals at this level typically start their employment in an entry-level position and work up to supervisory roles and, eventually, management positions.

But beyond this point, it’s a different story entirely. The career path is much less lucid, and growth opportunities can be limited.

A significant part of the problem may be attributed to the fact that many hospitality organizations have a rigid job hierarchy that discourages lateral moves or career changes. And this can leave individuals feeling stuck and out of place in their current roles, with little to no room for advancement.

The COVID-19 pandemic also contributed to its quota, as it caused massive disruptions in the industry, leading to massive layoffs and reduced opportunities for expansion and growth. Many individuals with big dreams have been forced to put their aspirations on hold or switch to new industries altogether.

However, despite all of these obstacles, there have also been a few promising advancements over time. For example, the industry is beginning to attach more importance to employee development. It is now investing in programs that provide staff with the necessary skills to advance in their careers.

Richard Mace, CEO at  Malvern House , adds, “There is also more emphasis on mentorship in the hospitality industry, with experienced professionals actively guiding and supporting the development of younger colleagues.”

Emerging trends in the hospitality industry

As the hospitality sector emerges as a highly fluid industry, it is increasingly important to remain up-to-date with the latest developments that could influence professional growth.

One of the most noteworthy developments in the sector is the increasing effect of technological progress. With the surge of online travel agencies, mobile reservation platforms, and other digital solutions, how customers engage with the sector has acquired a new aspect.

Consequently, professionals in the sector need to have a robust comprehension of the influence of technology and its implications for maintaining competitiveness.

Also, with the growing number of international travelers, language skills have become increasingly important.  Learning a new language  can help professionals provide exceptional customer service and enhance their career prospects.

A further up-and-coming development within the hospitality industry is the amplified  significance of sustainability . A growing number of customers are presently giving more significant consideration to how their activities affect the environment. Consequently, there is a swiftly expanding requirement for ecologically responsible resolutions in the industry.

Consequently, hospitality professionals who can proficiently execute eco-friendly practices will experience a surge in demand, thereby initiating a fresh wave of career advancement opportunities.

Alterations in consumer preferences and expectations are further influencing career progression within the hospitality industry. Numerous  customers demand more personalized experiences , leading to an escalating desire for professionals with exceptional communication and social skills.

Professionals who show exceptional ability to connect with guests and provide top-notch customer service will be highly valued in the industry.

Finally, the COVID-19 pandemic has also accelerated specific trends in the hospitality industry, including a growing demand for contactless technology and hygiene practices. As this transforms into the norm in the industry, specialists who possess expertise in these areas will be better situated for career advancement.

By keeping up-to-date with emerging patterns in the hospitality industry, professionals can ensure they stay on the right path to success in the constantly fluctuating hospitality industry.

Predictions for the future of career advancement in the hospitality industry

So, what exactly will the future of career advancement in the hospitality industry look like? Here are a few predictions for the future of hospitality careers.

•  Use of Automation and Artificial Intelligence : With the introduction of self-help kiosks and chatbots, it is probable that  numerous regular tasks will become automated , enabling personnel to concentrate on more demanding and value-enhancing duties.

According to Catherine Schwartz, Finance Editor at   Crediful , “Despite the potential elimination of some positions, this shift will also generate fresh opportunities for experts who possess the skill to operate and exploit this novel yet extremely sophisticated technologies.”

•  Increased demand for soft skills : Soft skills such as emotional intelligence, resilience, adaptability, and creativity will likely be more critical in the hospitality industry. As more and more routine tasks are automated, the  personal touch will become even more essential  to creating an exceptional guest experience. Professionals who can effectively communicate, solve problems, and be team players will be highly valued in the industry.

•  Creation of new job roles : The traditional career progression in the hospitality sector is expected to transform, resulting in fresh employment positions and career paths. For example, the rise of home-sharing platforms like Airbnb has led to the growth and spread of vacation rental management companies, thus, creating new opportunities for professionals who can manage and market properties.

Various trends will likely shape the future of career advancement in the hospitality industry. By staying up to date with all the trends and developing the necessary skills and knowledge, professionals in the industry can set themselves up for success in the coming years.

Strategies for advancing in the hospitality industry

When it comes to advancing in the hospitality industry and achieving desired goals, there are proven strategies that individuals can take advantage of to reach their full potential.

•  Networking and Mentorship : These are essential strategies for career advancement in almost every industry. Professionals should always look for opportunities to meet and connect with others in the industry.

Janelle Owens, Human Resource Director at  Test Prep Insight , states, “Attending conferences and industry events and participating in online forums and social media groups is a great idea. This can help build positive relationships that may lead to potential job opportunities or career advancement.”

In addition, mentorship can be a precious tool for career development. Seeking guidance from experienced professionals in the industry never hurts, and it will only help to navigate career challenges and provide valuable insights and advice.

•  Education and Upskilling : As the industry continues to evolve, professionals must stay up to date with the latest practices so that they are not left behind. Putting in the extra effort to expand your language skills by  learning Koine Greek  for example, and getting more education or certifications can help professionals stand out in an already saturated job market and provide opportunities for career advancement.

Upskilling or acquiring new skills relevant to emerging trends is also very beneficial. For example, acquiring knowledge about sustainability practices, data analysis, or customer experience design can give professionals a competitive edge and open new career paths.

•  Taking on new challenges : Being proactive and taking on new challenges is another fundamental strategy for career advancement in hospitality. Rather than lying around and waiting for opportunities to come to them, professionals should actively seek out new responsibilities and projects that will help them develop their skills.

One option is to take on leadership roles, spearhead new initiatives, and look out for new and creative solutions to problems. This can demonstrate value and potential to employers and position individuals for career growth.

As the hospitality industry continues to evolve, so will career advancement opportunities. Even though challenges and barriers to career advancement in the industry exist, emerging trends and predictions suggest that the future of career advancement is bright.

Technological advancements, changes in consumer preferences and needs, and sustainability concerns are driving massive changes in the industry, leading to new job roles and career advancement opportunities. However, it is more apparent than ever that professionals will need to up their game, adapt and upskill continuously to thrive.

Undoubtedly, the future of career advancement in the hospitality industry is promising. Professionals who continue to develop their skills and competencies will be In a pole position to succeed in this fascinating and dynamic sector.

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Hospitality industry looks strong for 2023 – despite recession fears

Umar Riaz

EY Americas Real Estate, Hospitality & Construction Consulting Leader

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Despite economic headwinds stoking fears of a 2023 recession, the hospitality industry still defies expectations and posts strong numbers.

  • Travel demand, while currently robust, may be impacted if companies need to cut costs in the face of a worsening economic outlook.
  • The industry should continue to focus on efficiencies at the hotel and corporate levels, prioritizing customer experience, analytics and automation.
  • Transaction activity is likely to be slower; due diligence is critical so teams are prepared when the right deal comes along.

T here is one cautionary note that is always important to keep in mind when evaluating the hospitality industry. Market performance of hospitality has exceeded other industries such as technology and retail, with the gap widening in the second half of the year.¹ Add the fact that revenue per available room (RevPAR) has exceeded GDP growth during the current economic cycle, and 2023 should be a good year for the hospitality sector (see graphic).

  • As per a CBRE study, during the 2009 recession, 10.2% of the properties that experienced a decline in RevPAR saw their rooms revenue drop by more than 30%. On average, these properties also suffered a 35.3% drop in total revenue, but the decline in Gross operating profit averaged 57.0%.
  • As per a CBRE study, in 2001, properties that experienced a decline in RevPAR, only 2% saw RevPAR fall by more than 30%. On average, these properties suffered a 35.3% drop in total revenue which resulted in a 54.2% decline in Gross operating profit.
  • The impact of Covid-19 ended the nine-year trend of profit growth and positive RevPAR for U.S. hotels since 2010, with a significant upwards spike of RevPAR starting in 2020.

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“Historically there has been a strong correlation between GDP growth and RevPAR,” said Umar Riaz, EY Americas Hospitality Sector Leader, in a recent interview with HOTELS Magazine. “But it’s my opinion that given the current dynamics of the travel industry, even if there is a mild recession in the next six months or so, the travel industry will still perform strongly.”

The post-pandemic urge to travel remains strong, which should drive continued growth in 2023. In the US, RevPAR was up 8.1% in 2022 from 2019, and Europe was up 6.1% for the same period. Asia, driven primarily by China, was the weak spot with a 31.2% RevPAR decline from 2019 to 2022. The industry’s average daily rate (ADR), which measures the average rental revenue earned by an occupied room per day, was up 13.6% last year in the US and 18.5% in Europe, when compared with 2019 figures.²

Business travel is also poised for recovery as companies ramp up their travel budgets. Trade shows and conferences are selling out, reflecting the pent-up demand that persists across all industries to get out of the office. Another factor in the industry’s resurgence is the growing work-from-home (WFH) segment of the workforce. In some cases, those employees build their travel plans around both business and leisure. Bleisure travel, where business travelers add on a day or budget extra time in their work trip for sightseeing or some other type of leisure activity, is a growing trend. The result of these market developments is more revenue and continued economic recovery for the hospitality sector.

Reasons for optimism in hospitality sector

The EY organization projects that the global economic picture is mixed heading into 2023, depending on the region, but the long-simmering slowdown will likely turn into a global recession. In the US, the economy is visibly cooling because of persistent inflation, rising borrowing costs, deteriorating private sector morale and rapidly slowing global economic activity. Elevated inflation and a lingering energy crisis will lead to a moderate recession in the Eurozone. In China, the economic outlook remains uncertain, with growth constrained by the recently lifted zero-COVID-19 policy, a lingering property sector downturn and weakening global trade activity.

However, several factors contribute to optimism for the hospitality sector in 2023:

  • Leisure demand, group business travel poised to remain strong: Consumer surveys show that most people are planning at least one leisure trip over the next six months. Rising inflation might mean that consumers will make different choices when they travel, but demand still remains strong. As for group business travel, key statistics, such as a convention center booking increase of 13% in 2023 relative to 2022, point to a strong year for group travel.³ According to a survey conducted by American Express, 65% of respondents expect their spend on meetings and events to increase in 2023.⁴
  • Business travel recovery: According to a recent survey by Morgan Stanley of global corporate travel managers, travel budgets are likely to be 98% of 2019 levels, with nearly half the respondents expecting an increase of budgets relative to 2019.⁵
  • China’s re-opening: Before the pandemic, China was the world’s largest outbound travel market, with Chinese travelers taking 154 million trips and spending $255 billion.⁶ With the lifting of COVID-19 travel restrictions, Chinese travelers will begin to travel again in 2023. While there are still significant airline capacity constraints, there will be a measurable impact on both the domestic and international hospitality industries.
  • The rise of the digital nomad:  According to a recent EY survey of companies , 87% said that COVID-19 has had a profound effect on the workplace, with 72% saying that they now have a hybrid remote/office approach and 75% saying that they anticipate no central office in the foreseeable future. As these workplace trends take hold and people become untethered to their offices, these digital nomads will become even more mobile and will work from places where they want to travel.
  • Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act: Spending associated with the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) that was passed in the US in 2022 should lead to additional spending on hotels.

Deals market could see a slowdown

One aspect of the hospitality sector that isn’t expected to be so strong in 2023 is the transaction market. 

With the Fed continuing to raise interest rates in an attempt to drive down inflation, the cost of borrowing money will continue to go up. As a result, transaction activity is likely to be slow in 2023. Deals will still get done, and there will be opportunities to create value and drive growth through M&A activity in the hospitality sector. Transaction due diligence will be even more critical to identifying the right transaction, given the market circumstances. In some cases, 2023 will be a good time to focus on organic growth. But teams still need to monitor what’s happening in the industry and be prepared should the right deal come along.

Boomerang workers?

During the pandemic, the hospitality industry lost much of its workforce as travel restrictions forced hotels to make severe staffing cuts. The industry’s unemployment rate leapt from 5.7% in February 2020 to 39.3% in April 2020, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).⁷ Many of these workers took jobs in the technology sector, which desperately needed to fill positions to keep up with sudden demand created by lifestyle changes that came about due to the pandemic.

Three years later, the world is adjusting again. While tech companies shed jobs in response to the state of the economy in 2023, the hospitality industry is now ready to hire in response to the expected increase in travel. One of the sectors that had the biggest job growth in December 2022 was travel and leisure. Hotels that have struggled to provide the same level of service and amenities they did prior to the pandemic may be able to fill some of these positions and get closer to full strength.

Bottom line: 2023 should be a good year for the travel and hospitality industry.

The hospitality industry has much to look forward to in 2023 as travel demand continues to grow faster than expected over the last few years. Consumer research reveals that leisure and group business travel remains strong and new workplace trends allow people to travel more as they can work from anywhere. While the transaction market slows down, there is still opportunity to find a good deal while still focusing on organic growth.

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Revving up tourism: Formula One and other big events look set to drive growth in the hospitality industry

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Chair & Professor of Dept. of Tourism, Hospitality and Event Management | Director of the Eric Friedheim Tourism Institute | Affiliate Professor of Dept. of Information Systems and Operations Management, University of Florida

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In late 2023, I embarked on my first Formula One race experience, attending the first-ever Las Vegas Grand Prix . I had never been to an F1 race; my interest was sparked during the pandemic, largely through the Netflix series “ Formula 1: Drive to Survive .”

But I wasn’t just attending as a fan. As the inaugural chair of the University of Florida’s department of tourism, hospitality and event management , I saw this as an opportunity. Big events and festivals represent a growing share of the tourism market – as an educator, I want to prepare future leaders to manage them.

And what better place to learn how to do that than in the stands of the Las Vegas Grand Prix?

A smiling professor is illuminated by bright lights in a nighttime photo taken at a Formula 1 event in Nevada.

The future of tourism is in events and experiences

Tourism is fun, but it’s also big business: In the U.S. alone, it’s a US$2.6 trillion industry employing 15 million people. And with travelers increasingly planning their trips around events rather than places, both industry leaders and academics are paying attention .

Event tourism is also key to many cities’ economic development strategies – think Chicago and its annual Lollapalooza music festival, which has been hosted in Grant Park since 2005. In 2023, Lollapalooza generated an estimated $422 million for the local economy and drew record-breaking crowds to the city’s hotels.

That’s why when Formula One announced it would be making a 10-year commitment to host races in Las Vegas, the region’s tourism agency was eager to spread the news . The 2023 grand prix eventually generated $100 million in tax revenue , the head of that agency later announced.

Why Formula One?

Formula One offers a prime example of the economic importance of event tourism. In 2022, Formula One generated about $2.6 billion in total revenues, according to the latest full-year data from its parent company. That’s up 20% from 2021 and 27% from 2019 , the last pre-COVID year. A record 5.7 million fans attended Formula One races in 2022, up 36% from 2019.

This surge in interest can be attributed to expanded broadcasting rights, sponsorship deals and a growing global fan base. And, of course, the in-person events make a lot of money – the cheapest tickets to the Las Vegas Grand Prix were $500.

Two brightly colored race cars are seen speeding down a track in a blur.

That’s why I think of Formula One as more than just a pastime: It’s emblematic of a major shift in the tourism industry that offers substantial job opportunities. And it takes more than drivers and pit crews to make Formula One run – it takes a diverse range of professionals in fields such as event management, marketing, engineering and beyond.

This rapid industry growth indicates an opportune moment for universities to adapt their hospitality and business curricula and prepare students for careers in this profitable field.

How hospitality and business programs should prepare students

To align with the evolving landscape of mega-events like Formula One races, hospitality schools should, I believe, integrate specialized training in event management, luxury hospitality and international business. Courses focusing on large-scale event planning, VIP client management and cross-cultural communication are essential.

Another area for curriculum enhancement is sustainability and innovation in hospitality. Formula One, like many other companies, has increased its emphasis on environmental responsibility in recent years . While some critics have been skeptical of this push, I think it makes sense. After all, the event tourism industry both contributes to climate change and is threatened by it . So, programs may consider incorporating courses in sustainable event management, eco-friendly hospitality practices and innovations in sustainable event and tourism.

Additionally, business programs may consider emphasizing strategic marketing, brand management and digital media strategies for F1 and for the larger event-tourism space. As both continue to evolve, understanding how to leverage digital platforms, engage global audiences and create compelling brand narratives becomes increasingly important.

A black, futuristic-looking race car sporting the Red Bull logo is seen behind a velvet rope.

Beyond hospitality and business, other disciplines such as material sciences, engineering and data analytics can also integrate F1 into their curricula. Given the younger generation’s growing interest in motor sports, embedding F1 case studies and projects in these programs can enhance student engagement and provide practical applications of theoretical concepts.

Racing into the future: Formula One today and tomorrow

F1 has boosted its outreach to younger audiences in recent years and has also acted to strengthen its presence in the U.S., a market with major potential for the sport. The 2023 Las Vegas race was a strategic move in this direction. These decisions, along with the continued growth of the sport’s fan base and sponsorship deals, underscore F1’s economic significance and future potential.

Looking ahead in 2024 , Formula One seems ripe for further expansion. New races, continued advancements in broadcasting technology and evolving sponsorship models are expected to drive revenue growth. And Season 6 of “Drive to Survive” will be released on Feb. 23 , 2024. We already know that was effective marketing – after all, it inspired me to check out the Las Vegas Grand Prix.

I’m more sure than ever that big events like this will play a major role in the future of tourism – a message I’ll be imparting to my students. And in my free time, I’m planning to enhance my quality of life in 2024 by synchronizing my vacations with the F1 calendar. After all, nothing says “relaxing getaway” quite like the roar of engines and excitement of the racetrack.

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The advent of travel and leisure season fuels demand for staff

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In May, job growth beat expectations in several sectors, including leisure and hospitality. The Bureau of Labor Statistics said the U.S. added 42,000 jobs  in that category —  up about 0.2%  from the previous month.

We are well into leisure and hospitality season with summer travel increasing and more folks going out to restaurants and bars. That fun-seeking, plus the rising wages nationwide that were also highlighted in Friday’s numbers, translate into more jobs.

Prices at restaurants and entertainment venues may be higher than in the past, but we Americans do like to treat ourselves.

“The travel and tourism industry saw a sharp rebound after COVID,” said Rich Harrill, director of the International Tourism Research Institute  at the University of South Carolina. “Some of that’s still leveling off, but we’re still seeing strong job growth in the United States.”

Per Sean Snaith, director of the University of Central Florida’s Institute for Economic Forecasting: “The owners of the restaurants and hotels and these other leisure and hospitality-related industries need to hire additional workers.”

While spending and hiring are up , the leisure and hospitality industry looks a little different from the past.

Hudson Riehle, senior vice president of research at the National Restaurant Association , said people are spending more on takeout and delivery.

For table service, however, “that segment now has over 230,000 fewer positions than it did pre-pandemic. So overall, industry traffic patterns are dramatically different as a result of the pandemic,” he said.

Restaurants, which are expected to bring on more than half a million seasonal workers this summer , have also changed who they’re hiring, Riehle said.

Their search for personnel is broadening the age range: “16-to-19-year-olds are much more likely to be employed in the industry than they were pre-pandemic, and the same is also true for the older cohorts, say, age 60 and above,” he added.

Those older workers can be a big asset to a sector that’s constantly hiring. Perhaps they’re picking up a summer job to supplement their retirement income.

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Hospitality Industry in India Size & Share Analysis - Growth Trends & Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

The Hospitality Market in India is Experiencing Growth Due To the Country's Rich Culture and Diversity, Attracting Global Guests. The Service Sector, Known for Spiritual Tourism, Has Seen A Rise in Domestic Travel, Driven by A Growing Middle Class and Increased Disposable Income. Innovations in Accommodation Like Airbnb and Oyo Rooms Offer Cost-Effective Stays, While the Government Develops Ports As Cruise Tourism Hubs, Providing Hotel Services, Retail, and Restaurants. The Hotel Industry is Expanding With New Projects From International Chains, Driven by Increased Travel and Government Efforts To Boost Tourism.

India Hospitality Market Size

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Hospitality Industry in India Summary

Need a report that reflects how COVID-19 has impacted this market and its growth?

India Hospitality Market Analysis

The Hospitality Industry In India Market size is estimated at USD 247.31 billion in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 475.37 billion by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 13.96% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

India has been successful as a leading global destination for leisure and business travelers, which has undoubtedly positively impacted the country's hospitality sector. 

India’s attractiveness as a global travel destination has been further enhanced by its geopolitical stability, world-class infrastructure, and commitment to hosting international events. Therefore, these factors contribute to the growth of the tourism industry and, as a result, keep the hospitality industry firm.

India’s domestic tourism has shown remarkable resilience and strength, and an increasing preference for staycations among Indian residents has been noticed. This preference for staycation is driven by several factors, including convenience, safety, and the opportunity to discover hidden gems within India.

The growth rate of the hospitality and tourism sector has seen a notable increase. India is included in the list of the top 100 countries with favorable conditions for conducting business (EoDB) and holds the first globally regarding greenfield FDI ranking. To enhance the cruise tourism industry, the Government of India (GoI) has chosen to develop the Chennai, Goa, Kochi, Mangalore, and Mumbai ports as cruise tourism hubs. These ports will have various amenities such as hospitality services, retail outlets, shopping centers, and restaurants.

India Hospitality Market Trends

Increase in the number of hotel projects is driving the market.

India's hospitality sector has experienced a notable boost due to the surge in hotel projects. The industry saw an increase in occupancy rates ranging from 60-67% compared to the previous year. Despite this, average rates (ARR) have fully recovered, showing a significant rise of 37-39 % from the prior year. Consequently, Revenue per Available Room (RevPAR) has seen a remarkable growth of 89-91% in the current year compared to the previous year.

Driven by a robust rebound in demand, hotel companies have expedited their expansion strategies this year, leading to a more than 35% increase in brand signings by keys compared to the previous year. According to the TopHotelProjects construction database, India is set to welcome 481 projects with 57,879 rooms. For example, IHCL aims to incorporate 8,700 rooms, while LTH plans to add 2,600 rooms by FY26. Additionally, Marriott International anticipates opening 12 hotels in India this year, contributing around 1,200 rooms to the hotel chain's current portfolio in the country. Radisson Hotel Group has also extended its footprint in India by signing 21 hotels across nine brand portfolios last year. Hoteliers have been expanding their presence in leisure destinations and Tier-3 and -4 cities, acknowledging the vast untapped potential in these regions.

Moreover, during India's G20 presidency until November 2023, over 200 G20 meetings were held in 55 different locations nationwide. This significantly benefited the Indian hotel sector, as there was a notable increase in demand for hotels in the cities hosting these meetings.

Hospitality Industry in India: Number of Approved Hotels and Hotel rooms, In Numbers, India, 30th April 2023

Government Initiatives to Attract More Tourism and Rise in Tourism is Driving the Market

The Indian hospitality industry is primarily fueled by strong domestic demand and the Indian government's renewed focus on expanding the tourism sector. Recognizing the sector's potential as a major employment generator, the government actively promotes it through public-private partnerships and a mission-oriented approach involving all stakeholders. The government plans to revive 50 additional airports, heliports, and water aerodromes to enhance regional air connectivity. It also aims to develop fifty tourism destinations as comprehensive packages for domestic and international tourists. The government's continued emphasis on infrastructure development, including significant railways and last-mile connectivity investments, is expected to benefit the sector.

Moreover, the recent reduction in personal income tax will boost disposable income, thereby driving demand in the tourism and hospitality sectors. The Ministry of Tourism has undertaken a revitalization of its Swadesh Darshan Scheme as Swadesh Darshan 2.0 (SD2.0) and introduced the National Integrated Database of Hospitality Industry (NIDHI) to facilitate digitalization and ease of doing business in the hospitality and tourism sector. This initiative, now upgraded as NIDHI+, aims to include not only Accommodation Units but also Travel Agents, Tour Operators, Tourist Transport Operators, Food & Beverage Units, Online Travel Aggregators, Convention Centres, and Tourist Facilitators.

The top states in terms of domestic visits in India are Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Gujarat. India witnessed a promising recovery in the tourism sector, with a notable rise in Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) from various countries.

Hospitality Industry in India: Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs) in India, In Millions, 2019-2023

India Hospitality Industry Overview

The report on the Indian hospitality industry covers major international players and the leading domestic players in the hotel and hospitality industry. The Indian hospitality sector is dynamic and emerging. It holds greater potential to grow for national and international players interested in entering the nation's hospitality industry. Some of the major players in the market include Oberoi Hotels & Resorts, the Park Hotel, ITC Hotels, Lemon Tree Hotels, and Taj Hotels.

India Hospitality Market Leaders

Oberoi Hotels & Resorts

The Park Hotel

Lemon Tree Hotels

*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order

Hospitality Industry in India Concentration

India Hospitality Market News

  • In March 2024, Suba Group of Hotels launched its third hotel i.e., Click Hotel, in Pithampur, Madhya Pradesh, designed to cater to the new age business travelers and features 63 premium contemporary rooms and suites.
  • In February 2024, Radisson Hotel Group announced the signing and opening of the first internationally branded hotel in Ayodhya-Park Inn by Radisson Ayodhya.
  • In September 2023, Parkside Hotels & Resorts announced its intentions to grow its collection by securing contracts for a minimum of 20 hotels in India by the conclusion of 2024.

India Hospitality Market Report - Table of Contents


1.1 Study Assumptions and Market Definition

1.2 Scope of the Study




4.1 Market Overview

4.2 Market Drivers

4.2.1 Growth in Travel and Tourism in India

4.2.2 Increase in the Number of Hotel Projects

4.3 Market Restraints

4.3.1 Lack of Skilled Labor is a Challenge for the Market

4.3.2 Sustainability and Competition Threaten Industry Success

4.4 Market Opportunities

4.4.1 Government Initiatives to Expand the Horizons of the Industry

4.4.2 Online Marketing can be Leveraged to Expand the Customer Base

4.5 Impact of COVID-19 on the Hospitality Industry

4.6 Insights Into Revenue Flows from Accommodation and Food and Beverage Sectors

4.7 Leading Cities in India with Respect to Number of Visitors

4.8 Investments (Real Estate, FDI and Others) in Hospitality Industry

4.9 Technological Innovations in the Hospitality Industry

4.10 Shared Living Spaces Impact on the Hospitality Industry

4.11 Insights Into other Economic Contributors to the Hospitality Industry

4.12 Industry Attractiveness - Porter's Five Forces Analysis

4.12.1 Bargaining Power of Buyers

4.12.2 Bargaining Power of Suppliers

4.12.3 Threat of New Entrants

4.12.4 Threat of Substitutes

4.12.5 Intensity of Competitive Rivalry

4.13 Insights Into Types of Tourism and Travel Agencies Present in India


5.1 By Type

5.1.1 Chain Hotels

5.1.2 Independent Hotels

5.2 By Segment

5.2.1 Service Apartments

5.2.2 Budget and Economy Hotels

5.2.3 Mid and Upper Mid-Scale Hotels

5.2.4 Luxury Hotels


6.1 Market Concentration

6.2 Company Profiles

6.2.1 Oberoi Hotels and Resorts

6.2.2 ITC Hotels

6.2.3 The Park Hotel

6.2.4 The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts

6.2.5 Taj Hotels

6.2.6 Lemon Tree Hotels

6.2.7 Hyatt Hospitality company

6.2.8 Marriott International Inc.

6.2.9 Radisson Hotel Group

6.2.10 OYO Rooms

  • *List Not Exhaustive

6.3 Loyalty Programs Offered by Major Hotel Brands



India Hospitality Industry Segmentation

Hospitality is the term used to describe the connection between a host and a guest, where the host shows kindness towards the guest. This involves receiving and amusing guests, visitors, or unfamiliar individuals. A complete background analysis of the hospitality industry in India, which includes an assessment of the industry associations, overall economy, emerging market trends by segments, significant changes in the market dynamics, and market overview, is covered in the report. The Indian hospitality industry is segmented by type. The market is segmented into chain hotels and independent hotels. The market is segmented into service apartments, budget and economy hotels, mid- and upper-middle-middle-scale hotels, and luxury hotels. The report offers market size and forecasts in value (USD) for all the above segments.

India Hospitality Market Research FAQs

How big is the hospitality industry in india market.

The Hospitality Industry In India Market size is expected to reach USD 247.31 billion in 2024 and grow at a CAGR of 13.96% to reach USD 475.37 billion by 2029.

What is the current Hospitality Industry In India Market size?

In 2024, the Hospitality Industry In India Market size is expected to reach USD 247.31 billion.

Who are the key players in Hospitality Industry In India Market?

Oberoi Hotels & Resorts, The Park Hotel, ITC Hotels, Lemon Tree Hotels and Taj Hotels are the major companies operating in the Hospitality Industry In India Market.

What years does this Hospitality Industry In India Market cover, and what was the market size in 2023?

In 2023, the Hospitality Industry In India Market size was estimated at USD 212.79 billion. The report covers the Hospitality Industry In India Market historical market size for years: 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. The report also forecasts the Hospitality Industry In India Market size for years: 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029.

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Indian Hospitality Industry Report

The hotel and tourism industry in India has been witnessing steady growth due to the country's rich culture and diversity, drawing in guests from around the world. India's service sector has been acknowledged for spiritual tourism and has seen an increase in domestic travel due to the expanding middle class, growing disposable income, and heightened interest among millennials. Innovations like Airbnb and Oyo rooms have revolutionized the accommodation scenario, offering cost-effective stays in prime locations with flexible check-in and check-out options. The government has also taken steps to develop ports as cruise tourism hubs, providing facilities like hotel services, retail, shopping, and restaurants. The hotel industry has also seen a rise in new projects, with international hotel chains announcing their debut in India. The government's efforts to attract more tourism and the increase in travel have been driving the market. The report on the hotel and tourism industry in India covers major international and domestic players in the hotel and catering industry. For a more detailed understanding of key trends, a free PDF download of the sample report is available.

Indian Hospitality Market Report Snapshots

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  • Hospitality Industry

Hospitality Trends: A glimpse into the future of the industry

Future of Hospitality

August 16, 2023 •

10 min reading

Step into the future of hospitality as we uncover the captivating realm of short- and long-term perspectives that are reshaping the industry. Let’s explore how technology is helping hospitality firms create an unparalleled guest experience and learn about the futuristic ideas that spark the imagination and are setting the stage for our extraordinary tomorrow.


This month, we have decided to share with you some industry trends. In the short-term perspective section, we have selected the ones you can expect to see in the next 2-3 years, while in the long-term chapter we highlight trends that will take longer to be implemented.

Short-term perspective

Development of a more inclusive and responsible travel mindset.

In recent years, the concept of responsible travel has gained significant attention and importance in the world of tourism. More and more travelers are committed to making their trips more environmentally and socially responsible. In a similar vein, inclusive travel is becoming essential for customers. In the U.K., two-thirds of customers think an equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) policy is important for companies in the hospitality and tourism industry. For UKHospitality Chief Executive Kate Nicholls, this is not surprising as: “Hospitality has always been a people-first business and has a tradition of being one of the most inclusive sectors in the world.” Both these trends are having a significant impact on the hospitality industry.

How new technologies could facilitate the customer experience

For a long time, flying cars have been seen as a pipe dream at best or a whimsical folly at worst. Remember the Jetsons? Yet, it seems like it may become a reality in the not-too-distant future. Soon, we may be able to hail a flying cab in some cities to go to the train station or to visit a museum! When it comes to facilitating tourists’ journey, Biometric identification , such as fingerprint, facial recognition, and iris scans, is gaining in popularity at airports worldwide, including in Europe. This technology offers faster and more accurate passenger screening, reducing processing time for procedures like baggage check-in. Airports like Dubai International, Hong Kong International, Tokyo Narita, and London Heathrow already utilize facial recognition technology, while the European Union plans to implement an automated entry-exit system using fingerprints and facial images by 2024. Airlines like Emirates and major U.S. carriers have also been incorporating biometric identification for streamlined travel experiences.

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The greening of the industry: Embracing sustainable practices

Vegan food is becoming more and more trendy. While, for some, this trend could threaten the savoir-faire of gourmet cooking (e.g., the art of preparing meat), more and more chefs are starting to develop innovative ways to cook vegetables. In the process, they are developing new complex techniques and new know-how. As summarized by Ixta Belfrage , a U.K.-based cookbook author “Plant forward is the way forward” and she recommends making “plants the star of the dish to eat less animal products”. The democratization of vegan food underlines the sustainability turn undertaken by the hospitality and tourism industry. One fine example of this is also the Global sustainability challenge , which invites students from Hospitality Business Schools all around the world to find innovative and sustainable solutions. This year, the focus was on being “one with nature” and encouraging students to imagine regenerative hospitality concepts.

Long-term horizon

The rise of futuristic-like transportation and traveling means.

Hyperloop trains are seen as sustainable solution for inter-city travel. Even though the technology is not there yet, it is increasingly likely that they will become part of our transportation systems in the long run. Indeed, companies such as Virgin Hyperloop or Elon Musk’s own The Boring Company are working on developing and testing hyperloop technology. Space tourism is becoming a reality for affluent explorers, with various companies offering expeditions beyond Earth's boundaries, such as Blue Origin's trips to outer space and SpaceX's plans for civilian missions around the moon. Yet one should not expect space travel to become the norm anytime soon but, eventually, it is expected to become more accessible and popular on a small scale. One can question the sustainable impact this new kind of travel will have though...


Net-zero target: the ultimate goal for the hospitality industry

Regarding sustainability, one shipbuilder has amassed a dizzying array of technology as it aims to launch its first zero greenhouse gas emissions boat by 2030. The future of travel is inevitably linked to climate change. As a result, actors in the hospitality industry, such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), have committed to being net zero by 2050. Indeed, a mix of technologies , ranging from sustainable aviation fuel to hydrogen-powered engines to all-electric planes in the next decade, should help the industry to reach its carbon neutral goal. However, some have expressed considerable doubts regarding the ability of the airline industry to reach this ambitious target.


Recent stories in the news have pointed to the sustained emergence of several innovations that are likely to stay with us well beyond tomorrow. From seamless technology to futuristic experiences with ubiquitous sustainability, these pervasive innovations are changing the landscape of the hospitality industry, setting new standards forguest services.

Seamless and smooth technologies to easy daily tasks

While we all expect tools like ChatGPT to impact the promotion of tourism, the future of innovation goes beyond AI alone. The future internet will revolutionize travel by offering virtual reality experiences, enhancing real-world travel, and incorporating Web3 technologies. Blockchain and smart contracts can be utilized for booking platforms, eliminating intermediaries, while NFTs can be used to create digital passports as tokens on the decentralized web.

The use of digital wallets and contactless payment systems for mobile ticketing in public transport and tourist attractions means you won’t have to fumble for change when boarding a bus in New Delhi or Sydney or Sao Paolo. In addition, the abundance of data generated through these innovative solutions can also enrich the tourism sector. By analyzing spending patterns and preferences, businesses can tailor their offerings and create personalized marketing and promotion strategies that cater to individual needs and interests.

There have been notable changes in the ways we traditionally handle certain aspects of travel. For instance, managing and safeguarding our luggage used to be our responsibility. However, to address this issue, Accor , a global hospitality leader, is partnering with startup Alltheway to provide a seamless and stress-free travel experience by offering baggage transportation between city centers and airports. This collaboration is set to expand internationally by late 2024.

An all-in-one hospitality solution has garnered attention from such giants as Apple who recently filed a patent for “systems and methods for accessing hotel services using a portable electronic device”. This suggests that Apple could be planning to develop a hotel application that consolidates all guest interactions, including booking a room, check-in, ordering services, and more, into one place.

In general, all guest interactions are important, and the main innovations are expected in six key moments : booking, check-in, service, food and beverage, check-out, and post-experience. For instance, consumers expect the entire booking process to be user-friendly and streamlined, providing them with all the information they need in a single view. Companies must also adopt a mobile-first approach, as an increasing number of travelers now prefer to book reservations on their smartphones or mobile devices. If the content provided is insufficient, or disorganized or the responses are slow, consumers get frustrated fast and will seek alternatives elsewhere.

Another intriguing signal in hospitality points to the future being centered around user disengagement . This approach prioritizes the integration of unobtrusive background technology that enhances human-to-human interaction. In simpler terms, the technology should operate silently, freeing people from screens and other processes that do not add value to their experience. By making the technology invisible yet reliable, hotel staff can spend less time looking at screens when a guest stands right in front of them, allowing them to focus more on personal interactions. Nobody goes to a hotel to suffer through these administrative moments or “engage” with a phone to order something. We need to embrace technology that seamlessly works in the background, enabling maximum human engagement when needed. The rise of interest in devices that bring us back to real life further confirms this signal. For instance, the “Nothing phone” , which leverages the Glyph interface to help users focus more on the world around them rather than their phones, recently announced its second edition, underscoring the growing demand for technology that promotes well-being, mindfulness, and real-life experiences.

Futuristic cues in the hospitality industry

The most futuristic innovations appear to be emerging in the food industry. According to the report dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Deliveroo , we can anticipate a much more personal touch in our diets. For instance, the integration of BreathTech can allow us to breathe into a device and receive personal recommendations on the optimal food to consume for our health. AI will aid in creating diets that are fully aligned with our individual nutrition needs. Furthermore, 3D printing technologies will create printed lunches for us, making food preparation much more convenient. Additionally, through the use of VR/AR and smart glasses, we can trick our brains and senses into thinking that we’re eating chocolate when, in fact, it may be broccoli. These innovations are reshaping our very perception of what food is and isn’t. While dining remains one of the tangible things we want to experience and share with others, the surge in take-away concepts in recent decades may pave the way for 3D food printers , which could become omnipresent by 2073.


Furthermore, there is a growing expectation for more sustainable solutions in the food sector, as traditionally unhealthy ingredients can now be substituted with novel products. For instance, one startup foresees exponential growth in the personalized nutrition segment and is actively developing plant-based products and other ingredient innovations for diverse applications. These advancements aim to create healthier meals and contribute to a more sustainable ecosystem. We also anticipate a transition in the entire value creation process, shifting towards sustainability and upholding the principles of a circular economy.

At the city level, positive dynamics are expected as well. Dubai, renowned as the “City of the Future” , is committed to being even more futuristic and further advancing its tourism industry by embracing greater levels of inclusivity, sustainability, and technological development. As an example of their dedication, all hotels in Dubai are mandated to adhere to the country’s sustainability standards.

Forward-thinking players in the hospitality industry are eager to embrace the Metaverse and experiment with blending the real and virtual worlds to create unforgettable personalized experiences. This includes innovative concepts such as a futuristic virtual check-in, virtual art installations in hotel lobbies, or hosting virtual concerts, all aimed at pushing the boundaries of traditional hospitality.

Decentraland, a virtual world powered by blockchain technology, is emerging as a vibrant hub for hotels and restaurants looking to explore new frontiers. One example of this is LEVENverse, which envisions a fun and immersive virtual hotel environment by LEVEN, challenging the conventional hotel archetype and offering a captivating experience for guests. These pioneering efforts are just a glimpse of the possibilities that come with the convergence of technologies and imagination. For instance, in a groundbreaking move, Indonesia became the first country to use Web3 and NFTs to protect its cultural heritage and revitalize its tourism industry. By embracing current and new technologies, we are ready to explore the transformative potential of immersive and interactive digital experiences.


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  • Read how travel can become more inclusive with "The Future of queer travel"
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  • Have a look at Masdar City and its innovative transportation system
  • Widen your knowledge about The future of food and nutrition by listening to Professor Johannes le Coutre
  • Discover insights from renowned hotelier Liz Lambert about creating unique guest experiences in the travel landscape and what the future holds for us in hospitality

Lionel Saul

Research Assistant & Visiting Lecturer at EHL Hospitality Business School

Tatyana Tsukanova

Research Associate at EHL Hospitality Business School

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Nashville working to balance tourism growth with local needs in new strategic plan

by Kylie Walker

Party Buses and Pedal Taverns circle downtown Nashville on July 8, 2023. Transportainment remains a popular attraction downtown.{ }

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — Nashville's tourism and hospitality industry says there's a plan to balance growth while keeping locals in mind.

This is an undertaking that’s been more than two years in the making, involving input from more than 100 community leaders.

These strategic plans have of course changed over the last decade. Before, city leaders had a focus on how to grow Music City. Now that we've gotten there, it’s a focus of how to manage that growth.

Ranked a top global destination year after year by major travel outlets, there’s no denying Music City is a major hotspot for tourists.

We are going to see unprecedented growth in the next decade, just like we have in the last decade. But the question is, how do we manage that?" said Colin Reed with the Ryman Hospitality.

Reed has worked hand in hand with the Nashville Convention and Visitors Corporation, meeting with key stakeholders in the city to create a detailed framework with eight areas of focus moving forward, which includes improvements to downtown Nashville.

Reed says Davidson County is the largest contributor to state taxes. He says these improvements are critical for both the state and the city.

"About a decade ago, we would collect in Davidson County about 25 million dollars for hotel taxes," Reed added. "In the last 12 months, that number was 125 million dollars, and we believe that if we have the same growth rate, that number at the end of the next decade will be more like 600 million."

And with Nashville tourism being a huge economic engine, visitor growth is expected to grow to more than 21 million people in 2034.

Deana Ivey, the President and CEO of the Nashville CVC, says cleanliness and safety are a big focus, benefiting both tourists and those who call Nashville home.

Ivey says they're working with the police, the mayor, and downtown partnerships to implement these suggestions.

Other areas of focus include attracting international visitors and embracing family-friendly programming.

Read the full Nashville hospitality strategic below or by clicking here .

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growth in hospitality and tourism

Nashville tourism leaders unveil bold plan to manage rapid growth with safety

growth in hospitality and tourism

  • Colin Reed of Ryman Hospitality Properties and Deana Ivey of the Nashville Convention and Visitors Corp. co-chaired the strategic planning group.
  • The plan focuses on Nashville's reputation, public safety and the financial impact of the tourism industry.
  • The city's tourism industry is expected to continue to grow quickly over the next decade.

Nashville needs to undergo big changes to get its house ready for more visitors over the next decade and to maintain Music City's ascent, according to a sweeping new long-term strategy from its chief tourism executives.

"The Music City Strategic Plan," released to The Tennessean Thursday morning, calls on Metro Nashville to increase policing, asks bar owners to deter raucous behavior and challenges hospitality industry leaders to show support for improvements, among other recommendations.

"We have a great destination, but we also need to take care of it," said Deana Ivey, the president and CEO of the Nashville Convention and Visitors Corp. "And we want to make sure that growth continues. The plan is our roadmap to tell us what we need to take care of."

The report says Nashville's reputation is threatened by "alcohol overconsumption, drug use and brawling," among other concerns.

Facing the challenges of ever-growing Music City tourism

It outlines eight objectives to push back on the problems and create several advisory groups and marketing campaigns to move the recommendations forward.

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Ivey co-chaired the report's strategic-planning groups with Colin Reed, executive chairman of Ryman Hospitality Properties, operator of some of Nashville's most famous brands including Opryland. Dozens of downtown business leaders took a hard look at the city to help develop the plan — from Garth Brooks' honky-tonk partner Max Goldberg and Metro Planning Director Lucy Kempf, to Titans President Burke Nihill and Fifth Third Bank executive Kevin Lavender.

"I think it tells a really powerful story about where we are as a city, how fragile and important this music-based entertainment is, and how the global growth is taking place as these artists are connecting with consumers all across the planet," Reed said. "And how this will stimulate future growth in this wonderful town."

The group has been meeting since late 2022 to address the biggest challenges facing Nashville's tourism industry. Their plan comes the same week as the Davidson County Medical Examiner's office released Riley Strain's autopsy report , revealing the 22-year-old visiting college student's excessive alcohol intoxication contributed to his accidental drowning after he left friends on Lower Broadway on March 8.

The tourism report found that: "A thriving hub in the heart of Nashville, the Downtown Tourism District has faced considerable challenges recently. Current issues on Broadway, such as overconsumption, overcrowding, and noise pollution, damage Nashville’s reputation as a warm, welcoming city."

It calls for more Metro Nashville police officers, added family-friendly attractions and, among other things, creates a Music City Local Host Committee of hospitality CEOs to attract big events, advise government leaders and raise private funds for events at the new Nissan Stadium.

The strategic plan is backed by some of the most influential voices in Nashville's hospitality industry. In the working group were leaders representing organizations like the Nashville Downtown Partnership, the Nashville International Airport, the Country Music Association and Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

Uniting state, local politicians around tourism growth

Tensions reached a fever pitch last year between Nashville's Democratic-leaning political leaders and Tennessee's Republican elected officials.

After Metro Nashville Council members rejected a bid for the 2024 Republican National Convention in 2022, state leaders lashed out against what they said was bad local fiscal management. Last year, state officials attempted to take over the Metro Nashville Airport Authority Board of Commissioners and sought to cut the number of Metro Council members from 40 to 20 .

Reed said the simmering tension is bad for tourism.

"We’re going to be sitting down with state leadership to present the impact of our industry. I’m hopeful we can have a calming effect," Reed said. "It’s about the education of these folks so they truly understand the power of this industry and where it is going."

Ivey said improving the experience for tourists downtown and maintaining Nashville's positive reputation is a top priority.

"If we don’t take care of our business and keep the city safe and clean, all that can go away," Ivey said. "It can go away quickly and the spigot could be turned off. That would be a real problem for this city."

They proposed new marketing campaigns highlighting the positive while also encouraging hospitality leaders to do more to curb the problems.

The city saw a record 16.8 million visitors in 2023 , and direct visitor spending amounted to $10.56 billion, up 6% from the year prior. The hospitality industry employs more than 70,000 people locally.

That's a dramatically different picture than just a decade ago.

"We’ve evolved," Reed said. "The things we are thinking about today as an industry are very different from the things we thought about a decade ago."

Moderate projections show that, within a decade, the number of tourists visiting Nashville could swell to more than 20 million people a year. Those tourists would leave behind hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenues for Davidson County and the state of Tennessee, according to the report. Annual direct visitor spending could reach as high as $20 billion in 2034 if the growth of tourism keeps its current historic pace.

Growth in the hotel industry has also soared, resulting in increased revenue from the city's lodging taxes. The most aggressive revenue growth has come from the hotel occupancy tax, which has soared more than 262% over the past decade.

Hotel room supply has grown 59% since 2013, and more than 13,000 hotel rooms are currently in various stages of development , in addition to the approximately 40,000 that already exist.

Beyond downtown: Spreading the wealth with new housing, transit

While downtown's Lower Broadway is the most concentrated tourism hub, Nashville's distinct neighborhoods are increasingly on the list for visitors.

Neighborhoods like East Nashville, Germantown and the Gulch are especially popular for repeat visitors, and areas outside of downtown are noticed for their culturally diverse businesses and attractions.

That's why the strategic plan recommends the expansion of family-friendly attractions and increased support for Nashville's racially and ethnically diverse business owners.

"I think people misunderstand, or they assume, that the only tourism that is here are the people who are drinking on Broadway," Ivey said. "They don’t realize that there are visitors throughout all the neighborhoods."

Attracting a growing number of international tourists is a key priority as well. The report recommends additional global marketing focused on "ensuring an authentic and welcoming Nashville experience."

Reed said when it comes to supporting city-led efforts to expand access to public transportation and affordable housing , some of the dozens of hospitality leaders who contributed to the plan should be willing to throw support to the work.

"I’m very hopeful that these people will be supporting initiatives from elected officials," Reed said.

The report itself stresses the importance of robust attainable housing near the downtown core for the city's hospitality workers and creative community who work near downtown every day.

"We are pleased to hear that Mayor O’Connell will be proposing a transit initiative in 2024 and the industry will look forward to doing its part to advocate for greater investment in affordable public (transportation) for the benefit of our workforce and our visitors," the report says.

Reducing crime and improving the city's reputation

While overall crime only rose 1% from 2019 to 2022, violent crime jumped from 21% to 25% — mostly in areas frequented by tourists, the report states.

"We must combat a mentality that 'tourism at all costs' is healthy for our city’s growth and progress," says the report.

Solutions proposed are more security cameras, better street lighting, stricter rules for vendors and training for hospitality workers to help sexual assault victims and to intervene in dangerous situations , among others.

And it argues police staffing and pay, which starts at $45,000, should be increased.

"MNPD currently is roughly 200 officers short of budgeted officer staffing levels, the minimum headcount necessary for effective performance," the report states. "MNPD is struggling to attract, recruit, and retain police officers. This pay scale is problematic in a city experiencing significant cost of living increases. According to one analysis performed in 2022, the average compensation for the MNPD ranks ninth among police departments in Tennessee."

While downtown Nashville's problematic reputation is based in some fact, the area gets a bad rap considering its outsized economic contribution to the county, the report says.

"Hospitality is the second largest industry in Nashville and Tennessee, directly employing more than 70,000 residents," states the report. "Music City’s reputation, major events and new state-of-the-art hospitality assets are sources of pride and enjoyment for Nashvillians."

The report recommends a "communications campaign" focused on the hospitality industry's large economic impact and highlighting its community assets like restaurants, sports arenas and concert venues.

"Despite these benefits, in recent years, many residents have blamed the tourism industry solely for the angst many feel due to the city’s recent growth challenges," it states.

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The Hotel Group celebrates 40 years of hospitality greatness


The Hotel Group celebrates its 40th anniversary, marking four decades of growth from a startup to a leading hotel management company, highlighted by multiple industry awards and a strong focus on quality service and strategic partnerships.

SEATTLE, WA – Award-winning hotel management company, The Hotel Group (“THG”), an affiliate of Hotel Equities , celebrates its 40th anniversary this week, marking a significant milestone in its journey from a determined start-up in 1984 to one of today’s leading hotel management companies.

Founded in 1984 by Edmond Lee , THG assumed management of 3 Executel hotels in Oklahoma and Texas. From its outset, THG followed the mantra, “Serve, Inspire & Deliver” a principle that guided the company as it embarked on its mission to provide exemplary management services. A compelling differentiator early-on for THG was its intentional focus on recruiting and retaining “Best in Class” team members who pledged to deliver hands-on, high-quality management service to its client partners. Today, the firm manages a portfolio of 21 award-winning hotels with a healthy pipeline of new development projects underway. Doug Dreher and Randy Meyer serve as THG’s principals.

A Legacy of Caring for People

“Celebrating 40-years is such an exciting opportunity that wouldn’t be possible without our best-in-class team,’” said Doug Dreher, CEO of THG. “Both on property and at the corporate level, our team works tirelessly providing our guests with our signature Hospitality Greatness; making us the company that others are measured against.”

THG’s commitment to a people-first approach has not gone unnoticed. The company has received numerous industry accolades over the years, including these most recent recognitions.

  • Two-time recipient of the Hilton Connie Award (2021/2024) for The Sound Hotel Seattle Belltown, Tapestry Collection by Hilton
  • Marriott Diamond Circle Award winner Residence Inn Wenatchee 
  • Marriott Platinum Circle Award, Maintenance & Upkeep Award for the TownePlace Suites by Marriott Ellensburg

The honors are a reflection of THG’s commitment to creating a collaborative environment where everyone contributes.

Building a Strong Partnership

Over the years, THG has demonstrated resilience in the face of adversity, navigating economic downturns and significant challenges. This resilience not only fortified the company’s operations but also strengthened the character of its team, managing through both prosperous and challenging times, guided by its mission, vision, and values, including its service vision of Inspired Hospitality Greatness.

Strategic decision-making and thorough research have been vital to THG’s success. This principle of due diligence has ensured that partnerships and investments are well-considered and beneficial for the long term. They joined forces in a strategic partnership with Hotel Equities in 2021 which has provided THG with additional resources, support, and collaborative opportunities, further bolstering  growth as part of Hotel Equities’ collective family of brands.

The ‘how’ of operations is a critical aspect for THG and one to which their low turnover rate is largely attributed.  “For us, the ‘how’ is so much about our values and how we impact our team’s lives and it was critical for us that we found like-minded partners aligned in vision. It’s not just what we’re focused on; it’s how we do it,” Dreher explained. This values-based approach has resulted in impressive metrics, including an average management contract length of 11 years and a low turnover rate of 10.65%, representative of a loyal and committed workforce.

A Note of Gratitude

“As we look ahead to an exciting new chapter, we are incredibly grateful for the support we have received from our guests, associates, and partners over the years,” said Dreher. “Together, we will continue to achieve great things and create lasting memories for those we serve. Thank you for being an essential part of our story. Here’s to many more years of growth, success, and shared accomplishments.”

THG is actively seeking new opportunities to bring renowned service and quality to more locations, ensuring that more travelers can experience the THG difference. Look out for THG’s continued expansion in the Pacific Northwest and Midwest regions of the US.

Vicky Karantzavelou

Vicky Karantzavelou

Vicky  is the co-founder of TravelDailyNews Media Network where she is the  Editor-in Chief . She is also responsible for the daily operation and the financial policy. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Tourism Business Administration from the Technical University of Athens and a Master in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Wales.

She has many years of both academic and industrial experience within the travel industry. She has written/edited numerous articles in various tourism magazines.

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The industry veteran discusses Dubai’s hospitality sector growth, competition, and sustainability efforts in a dynamic tourism market

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Christophe Schnyder, MD, Sofitel The Palm, a 546-key Accor Group property, speaks to Gulf Business about Dubai’s maturing hospitality landscape.

An industry veteran, who has spent over two decades in the region, Schnyder shares insights about the emirate’s thriving hospitality sector, its resilience, and ongoing transition to sustainable practices.

growth in hospitality and tourism

Q. The hospitality industry is a key pillar of Dubai’s economy. How do you look at the growth post the pandemic years? 

Christophe Snyder: The growth is undeniable. We’ve had an incredibly strong first quarter in 2024, even surpassing what we thought was the peak in 2023. This growth is not just from established markets but also new ones like Scandinavia, where we’ve seen significant interest after targeted sales efforts.

Direct engagement with travel agents in these markets has been crucial, and we continue to expand our presence globally.

Furthermore, Dubai never ceases to amaze me. Even during challenging times like the 2008-09 financial crisis or the Covid-19 pandemic, the growth and resilience of Dubai are astonishing. 

The city’s continuous innovation and development keep it in the global spotlight, making it an exciting time to be in the hospitality profession here.

Q: Dubai now has more hotel rooms than Las Vegas. How does this impact your strategy with so many new competitors in the market?

Christophe Snyder: The rapid expansion of Dubai’s hospitality sector has indeed brought about a competitive landscape, reminiscent of global tourism hubs like Las Vegas.

With the city surpassing Las Vegas in the number of hotel rooms, it’s clear that Dubai is setting new benchmarks in the hospitality industry. This surge in hotel capacity reflects the city’s ambition to cater to a diverse and growing influx of tourists and business travellers.

At Sofitel The Palm, we view this increased competition as an opportunity rather than a challenge. The influx of new hotels like the Marriott, Hilton, Atlantis The Royal, and Taj, each bringing thousands of new rooms to the market, means that guests have more choices than ever before. These new properties often come with the latest amenities and aggressive marketing strategies, naturally attracting attention and drawing in guests eager to experience the novelty.

However, our strategy focuses on leveraging the strengths of being a well-established property. Opened in 2013, Sofitel The Palm has built a loyal customer base who appreciate the unique atmosphere and personalised service we offer. While new hotels may attract guests with their fresh appeal, many of these guests eventually return to us, valuing the familiarity and the high standards they have come to expect from Sofitel The Palm.

Q: Speaking of loyalty, how is Sofitel The Palm integrating technology to enhance customer retention?

Christophe Snyder: Accor’s loyalty programme, ALL, introduced two years ago, has made earning and redeeming points much simpler and more rewarding. 

This programme supports our efforts to maintain guest loyalty. 

Additionally, we rely on Accor’s global presence to attract new and returning guests, providing benefits that encourage booking through their app and fostering brand loyalty.

Q: With Dubai planning to make Al Maktoum Airport a major hub, how do you anticipate this will impact footfall at Sofitel The Palm?

Christophe Snyder: The development of Al Maktoum International Airport into a major global aviation hub is set to have a significant impact on the hospitality sector in Dubai, including Sofitel The Palm. The airport, with its ambitious goal to accommodate up to 250 million travelers annually, is poised to transform the dynamics of travel and tourism in the region.

For Sofitel The Palm, the increased connectivity and accessibility that Al Maktoum Airport will provide, are incredibly exciting. Here’s how we anticipate it will influence our business:

Increased influx of tourists : The expansion of Al Maktoum Airport will undoubtedly lead to a surge in tourist arrivals. As one of the largest and most modern airports in the world, it will attract more flights from various parts of the globe. This influx will bring a diverse range of travellers, from leisure tourists to business delegates, all seeking accommodation in Dubai. Given our location and reputation, we expect to capture a significant portion of this increased tourist traffic.

Enhanced accessibility : With Al Maktoum Airport serving as a major entry point, reaching Sofitel The Palm will become even more convenient for international travellers. The airport’s strategic location and efficient transport links will make it easier for guests to travel to our resort, whether they are here for a short stay or an extended holiday.

Opportunities for growth : The growth in passenger numbers presents opportunities to expand our offerings and attract new market segments. We anticipate an increase in transit passengers looking for luxurious and comfortable stays during their layovers, as well as travellers who might extend their stopovers to explore Dubai. Sofitel The Palm can cater to these needs with our range of facilities and services.

Q: You’ve witnessed Dubai’s peaks and troughs. How has the human resource landscape evolved?

Christophe Snyder: The 2020 pandemic led to significant downsizing, and rebuilding our team post-pandemic was challenging, especially with events like Expo 2020 attracting staff away.

Additionally, the influx of new hotels, in Dubai and Saudi Arabia , has created a dynamic job market, making it common for staff to move between properties frequently. Retaining talent is an ongoing challenge, and we focus on engagement and career development to keep our team committed.

Q: The UAE aims to achieve Net Zero by 2050. How is Sofitel adapting its operations to meet this goal?

Christophe Snyder: At Sofitel The Palm, we’ve implemented a comprehensive recycling programme. This foundational step was crucial, but we have expanded our efforts significantly over the years.

As part of Accor, one of the world’s leading hospitality groups, we align with the Planet 21 programme, which focuses on sustainable development and environmental stewardship. This initiative has guided us in eliminating single-use plastics from our property. For instance, we’ve replaced plastic water bottles with a water bottling station on-site, allowing us to provide guests with filtered, bottled water in reusable glass containers. This investment was substantial, but it’s been instrumental in reducing our environmental footprint.

Our property was designed with sustainability in mind. We have over 530 square metres of solar panels that provide up to 50 per cent of our hot water, particularly in sunnier seasons. This system, installed during the initial construction, now offers significant energy savings and reduces our reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

We’ve also upgraded to LED lighting throughout the property and optimised our HVAC systems to be more energy-efficient. By utilising grey water for our extensive landscaping needs, we’ve significantly cut down on fresh water usage. These measures not only lower our operational costs but also contribute to our overall sustainability goals.

Our commitment to sustainability has been recognised with several accolades, including the Green Globe Gold certification and the Dubai Sustainable Tourism Stamp.

Additionally, we’ve implemented programmes where guests can choose to reuse their linens and towels, reducing water and energy usage. Many travellers today are looking for eco-friendly accommodations, and we’ve noticed that our guests appreciate and support these initiatives.

The positive feedback from our guests and the operational benefits we achieve underscore the importance of these initiatives. As we move forward, we remain dedicated to contributing to the UAE’s Net Zero by 2050 target and setting an example in the industry.

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Careers in hospitality and tourism: Job list of opportunities for learning and travel

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Hospitality careers

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World-class hospitality qualifications

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The hospitality and tourism industry is booming thanks to accessible international travel and consumers’ enthusiasm for discovering new places.

Continuing growth in the industry means there is an enticing range of career paths in hospitality and tourism you can consider when deciding on your future, such as event manager, luxury manager, marketing manager, and more.

If you’re curious about what type of role might be best for you, there are plenty of options that combine exciting opportunities for personal development and working around the world.

In this article, we’ll go over the different hospitality and tourism career pathways you could aim towards. We’ll also discuss what the different roles entail and how you can gain the skills and knowledge to succeed in hospitality and tourism.

What is a hospitality and tourism career?

Career opportunities in the hospitality and tourism industry include a wide range of roles and responsibilities. The hospitality field revolves around providing exceptional experiences for guests and travelers.

While the stereotype may portray hospitality as simply serving drinks or waiting tables, the reality is far more varied. Hospitality is all about providing services and amenities to guests, ensuring their comfort, satisfaction, and enjoyment during their stay. This includes accommodations such as hotels, resorts, and vacation rentals, as well as food and beverage services, event planning, entertainment, and recreational activities.

Tourism involves the travel activities of individuals and groups for leisure, business, or other purposes. It encompasses everything from sightseeing and adventure tourism to cultural exchanges and eco-tourism.

A career in hospitality and tourism can take many forms, depending on one’s interests, skills, and qualifications. You can find everything from entry-level roles to managerial and executive careers, which are ideal roles for a lot of people.

Why pursue a career in the industry?

With tourism and hospitality booming there are more reasons than ever before to consider a career path in this rewarding sector.

Hospitality venues are keen to employ skilled and qualified individuals who can help their businesses thrive. The industry itself can be an exciting and endlessly interesting area to work in.

In this field, you’ll get to work with people from all over the world. You’ll also be able to work in a range of appealing locations since hospitality is truly a global industry. It’s also a great option for people who like to challenge themselves to continuously improve.

Find your path to success: hospitality and tourism jobs list

There are plenty of different employment opportunities in tourism and the hospitality industry, meaning that there are roles that suit everyone. Explore the wide array of opportunities available in this exciting industry as we look at a list of careers in hospitality and tourism, each offering pathways to success and fulfillment.

Hotel operations

This is a catch-all term that encompasses the various departments and functions within a hotel that work together to ensure the smooth and efficient running of the establishment. From front-of-house services that directly interact with guests to back-of-house operations that support the overall infrastructure, hotel operations are essential for delivering exceptional guest experiences.

What different hotel operations jobs are there?

Hotel operations roles include everything that makes a hotel run smoothly. These include:

  • Front desk agent/receptionist
  • Front of house manager
  • Housekeeping
  • Food and beverage service
  • Food and beverage management
  • Revenue management
  • Sales and marketing
  • Engineering and maintenance management
  • General manager

Every department will have a hotel management role associated with it, such as the front of house manager overseeing all front desk agents and receptionists. At the very top is the general manager or executive manager, who ensures that all these different departments run smoothly together.

growth in hospitality and tourism

What are the different departments in a hotel?

There are a range of different departments in a hotel, including:

  • Front of house
  • Back of house and housekeeping
  • Maintenance
  • Event management
  • Food and beverage services
  • Guest experience

Hotels also need general managers who handle the overall operations of all these departments.

What skills are required to work in hotel operations?

To work in hotel operations, you should work on building skills such as:

  • Time management
  • Team leadership
  • Organization
  • Analytical skills
  • Communication

These useful transferable skills will set you up well for a hospitality and tourism career and in other areas too.

How can I start a career in hotel management?

There are two main routes to working in hotel management. You can either start working your way up from entry-level roles via other careers in the hotel industry or you can study for a hospitality degree .

Salaries in Hotel operations

Working in hotel operations can be lucrative if you aim for a hospitality management career. Some of the top salaries are:

  • Assistant hotel manager: $64,993
  • Hotel general manager: $118,000
  • Hotel finance director: $195,241
  • Housekeeping manager: $62,601

Travel and tourism

Unlike hospitality, which focuses on providing accommodation, food, and other services to guests, travel and tourism encompass a broader spectrum of experiences and activities beyond the confines of a hotel or resort. While hospitality is an integral part of the travel and tourism industry, the latter extends to include transportation, attractions, tour operators, travel agencies, and destination management organizations.

List of professions in the tourism industry

There are also a wide range of travel and tourism industry jobs, such as:

  • Travel agency management
  • Tour guide positions
  • Event planning and coordination
  • Transportation and logistics in the tourism industry
  • Adventure and eco-tourism careers
  • Destination marketing
  • Cruise ship management
  • Tourism research and analysis

These will have many of the same requirements as hotel roles. However, they can lead to working in varied environments, especially if you work in luxury management , which focuses on high-end services.

Salaries in travel and tourism

Choosing these careers in tourism and travel can lead to high salaries, such as:

  • Cruise ship director: $64,267
  • Travel agent: $59,263
  • Destination marketer $108,782
  • Tourism manager: $76,729

Restaurant and culinary services

This sector of the hospitality industry focuses on providing food and beverage services to customers, offering a diverse array of culinary experiences tailored to meet varying tastes, preferences, and occasions. From the ambiance and presentation to the quality and taste of the food, restaurant and culinary services play a pivotal role in creating memorable dining experiences for patrons. 

Interesting roles in the restaurant and culinary services

Hospitality careers also include food and beverage services work, which includes:

  • Restaurant management positions
  • Bar managers
  • Culinary arts and chef careers
  • Front-of-house and back-of-house staff for restaurants
  • Sommeliers and beverage professionals
  • Catering and event management

Salaries in the restaurant and culinary services

If you are looking at culinary job opportunities in the tourism and hospitality industry, you could expect salaries such as:

  • Restaurant manager: $58,442
  • Bar manager: $76,586
  • Catering manager: $53,566
  • Head chef: $95,100
  • Sommelier: $63,788

What skills are required to work in restaurant management?

As well as the management skills you’d need for any of these hospitality careers, you’ll also be expected to have culinary experience for a role in restaurant management. You could gain this either through specialized study or by working in a professional kitchen environment, a bar or with a catering company. The skills you will need include:

  • Customer service
  • Multi tasking
  • Organizational skills

What is the role of a sommelier?

A sommelier is a wine expert. They are usually responsible for choosing and updating a venue’s wine list. They’ll also work with chefs to make sure dishes have suitable wine pairings and they can often give advice to customers on wines that enhance their menu selections.

Hospitality marketing and sales

This industry encompasses a range of activities, including market research, advertising, branding, digital marketing, sales campaigns, and customer relationship management. The goal of hospitality marketing and sales is to identify target markets, communicate the value proposition of hospitality offerings, and drive bookings and reservations through effective promotional strategies and sales efforts.

Roles to consider in hospitality marketing and sales jobs

amriphoto/E+ via Getty Images

Another career option in hospitality is to work in marketing and sales. This can mean being responsible for:

  • Sales and revenue management
  • Digital marketing strategies for hotels and travel companies
  • Branding and public relations
  • Customer service and guest relations

How can I pursue a career in hospitality marketing?

For one of these hospitality careers, you will need a good knowledge of both the hospitality field and marketing. You can learn the skills you need from a college or hospitality school in Switzerland to give you the best chances of success.

What skills are essential for a sales manager in the hospitality industry?

Vital skills for a marketing or sales job in hospitality and tourism, such as marketing manager, include:

  • Project management
  • Data analysis

Salaries in hospitality marketing and sales

Sales and marketing roles often offer salaries in the higher bands of hospitality, such as:

  • Hotel sales manager: $119,726
  • Director of sales: $195,525
  • Marketing manager: $134,424
  • Sales strategy analyst: $63,585

Event planning and management 

These roles involve the meticulous coordination and execution of various events, ranging from corporate conferences and weddings to festivals and special occasions. The responsibilities include venue selection, logistics planning, budget management, vendor coordination, and on-site supervision. Event planners and managers work closely with clients to understand their objectives, preferences, and expectations, tailoring each event to meet specific needs and create memorable experiences for attendees. 

Careers in event planning and management

There are plenty of career opportunities in event hospitality, including:

  • Wedding planner
  • Corporate event planner
  • Event manager
  • Event designer
  • Event marketing specialist

What skills do I need for event planning?

In order to be successful in the field of event management and planning, you will need to build skills such as:

  • Problem solving

Event management salaries

Salaries in event management often depend on which kind of events you plan, and at what venues. As a rough guide, you could earn:

  • Wedding planner: $39,465
  • Event planner: $63,154
  • Corporate event planner: $74,119
  • Event manager: $111,710
  • Event marketing: $188,417

Learn more about Hospitality Careers

growth in hospitality and tourism

Hospitality Careers

Guide to career paths in hospitality

growth in hospitality and tourism

Your career guide: hospitality and tourism management jobs

Hospitality and tourism careers: how to get started.

growth in hospitality and tourism

What’s the most international career path?

Transitioning into a career in hospitality and tourism.

If you are looking to start your career in the hospitality and tourism professions, the important steps are:

  • Education and training to get you the skills and qualifications needed for hospitality employment prospects
  • Learning transferable skills, such as those listed in this article, to help you in whatever hospitality career you move into
  • Networking and making industry connections to help you find job opportunities in tourism and hospitality
  • Doing a hospitality internship or apprenticeship to give you real-world experience

What qualifications do I need to pursue a career in hospitality and tourism?

The best qualifications for hospitality careers are specialist hospitality certificates.

Whether you’re thinking about a bachelor’s degree, a diploma or an advanced qualification, these courses will give you the experience and skills necessary to compete for the most sought-after careers in the industry.

If you are looking at a career as a restaurant manager, you should also look for some culinary qualifications.

If you’re looking at degree options, you should aim to choose a course that includes internships. These will provide vital on-the-job training, as well as giving you a chance to network with professionals who are already established.

What are the job prospects and growth potential in the industry?

The hospitality and tourism industries have huge potential for growth due to the demand for quality travel experiences from a global customer base.

This means there are many opportunities for career advancement, especially in luxury management and other high-end hospitality sectors.

Once established in hospitality and tourism, there are also plenty of options to either specialize in area-specific management roles or to aim for general management or executive management roles.

All of these jobs in hospitality will have their own challenges and benefits.

What skills are important for success in hospitality and tourism?

There are many skills you can develop to improve your prospects in the  hospitality business . Some of those you should work on consolidating include:

  • Communication, both written and verbal
  • Time management skills
  • Team leadership skills
  • Analytical and data handling skills

All of these are transferable or soft skills, which you can use in any job role. You’ll also need to learn specific skills relating to the role you want.

For example, if you want to work in restaurant management, you should aim to build culinary skills alongside those listed above.

If you want to work in sales management, you should aim to develop skills in finance and marketing.

Why hospitality and tourism careers?

Working in hospitality and tourism can be a great career for people who want to challenge themselves, travel, be constantly learning and work in a truly global enterprise.

The sector is experiencing healthy growth and consumer enthusiasm for travel and new experiences is not likely to diminish. You can expect rewarding career prospects with the possibility of advancement.

There are roles to suit all talents, including front of house, food and beverage management, hotel manager, general manager and lots more.

If you want to embrace any of the roles on our hospitality job list, the most efficient route is to get a world-recognized hospitality degree that ensures you gain the skills and knowledge to succeed.

If you want to pursue any of these  hospitality careers , from hotel general manager to  becoming an event planner , getting a quality education can be the first and most essential step.

Photo credits Main image:  Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision via Getty Images

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Setting the standard in hospitality degrees

Our world-leading hospitality bachelor’s degree is an intensive mix of developing skills and making priceless connections that mean access to roles at the highest levels of the hospitality industry.

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Scoring Big: How Sport Tourism Impacts the Global Hotel Industry

stadium Seats  

June 27, 2024 By Joe Vargas

Note: This article first appeared in  Hospita lity Net .

The sports tourism sector is poised for dramatic growth over the next five years. Understanding this sector and ensuring that your hotel operations are ready is the key to success.

Sports tourism, as it’s called, is one of the  fastest-growing sectors in the travel industry , according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization. Hotel room rates on Super Bowl weekend soared 257% compared to 2023, the biggest year-over-year spike for a first-time host city in NFL history. According to hotel data and analytics firm STR, Southern Nevada’s 172,707 rooms (at 393 hotels) charged a record average of $768 from Feb. 9-11.

The 2024 Olympics are just around the corner, and some might say that they are the pinnacle of all sporting events worldwide. A total of 15.3 million visitors are expected to visit the capital of France during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Every type of traveler, experienced and novice, high-touch luxury guests, and hostel guests - will visit the city several weeks before, during, and after the games.

From the hospitality industry's perspective, this means millions of room nights and restaurant visits during this quadrennial event.

Accor Hotels announced in 2021 that it would become the official partner of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in France, a significant development in the country’s hospitality industry. As demonstrated by their recent partnership, a strong bond between Accor and Paris event organizers has been evident since the bidding phase.

In other high-profile sports, Hilton sponsors the McLaren Formula 1 Team, Wyndham sponsors a PGA tournament, and IHG is the preferred hotel sponsor of Major League Baseball.

Travel + Leisure Co. and Sports Illustrated Resorts announced plans to open a network of sports-themed resorts in American college towns. The first one is scheduled to open in Tuscaloosa, Alabama — home to the University of Alabama — in late 2025.

In the past five years, sports tourism has been gaining steam, and now, it is a primary focus for many countries, regions, and local municipalities. Whether it is a local baseball, football, cricket, or hockey game, hotel companies and destinations are seeing the true importance of sports tourism. Also, sporting events of various kinds and sizes attract tourists as participants or spectators, and destinations can feature their local flavors to distinguish themselves and provide authentic local experiences.

The market is massive and only stands to grow

Sporting events clearly contribute to the economy, with travelers spending money on hotel stays, local food, gas for their vehicles, local shopping, and visiting other tourist spots. And let's not forget the accommodation of participants, including players and officials.  Reports  show that they stay an average of 2.9 days longer than other tourists and spend an average of 20% more per day than regular tourists.

When it comes to the lodging industry, more rooms sold at a higher price point means greater profitability if managed correctly. The UNWTO states that  Sports tourism generates around 10% of the world’s expenditure on tourism . It has an estimated growth rate of 17.5% between 2023-2030, moving masses intra and intercontinentally.

The one caveat stated above is that more rooms sold at a higher ADR do not always translate to increased profitability for a hotel. Yes, sports tourists spend a great deal of money, but your hotel's operational efficiency will always impact your profit margins.

Sports tourism also helps to promote social, economic, and environmental action, accelerates development, and can leave a long-lasting positive impact. More financial support for this sector is projected to accelerate expansion, with many governments promoting sports holiday destinations to domestic and international tourists to boost their foreign exchange revenues.

Don’t Forget Event Tourism

Event Tourism also is increasing in popularity with concerts and non-sporting events taking center stage. The best example of this is Taylor Swift. Yes, we all have heard about the impact of her concerts on specific locations and the economic benefits that they have on a destination, but travelers are also spending a great deal of money on flights just to get to the concerts. It is as if she is not only a local economic driver but also travelers spend huge amounts both pre and post event in travel related activities.

Other areas that event tourism are beneficially affecting destinations and the local economy are cultural and festival fairs, city-wide business events, spiritual and religious tourism and trade shows. The increase of event tourism in concert with sports tourism should be top of mind for our hoteliers to maximize their revenue potential and always be aware of changing event trends.

Game-changing Technology

So, what can the hotel industry do to ensure that they are efficiently capturing the major share of the sports tourism dollar while delivering optimal service? Technology and well-trained property staff are the best ways for hoteliers to increase the bottom line.

The suitable implementation of modern technology has become a key differentiator. Whether focusing on a unified approach (all systems delivered and installed primarily from a single vendor) or best of breed (different vendors and different solutions), how you decide to research, purchase, and install technology is key to maximizing efficiencies and driving profitability.

Finding the right mix between technology and service delivered by front-line staff can be difficult, but this is why your technology partner is here. They are here to assist you in the best way they can so your hotel can drive optimal revenues with the least operational cost impacts.

Embracing and promoting sustainable and eco-friendly practices presents an opportunity to attract environmentally conscious sports tourists and contribute to the overall growth of responsible and sustainable sports tourism.

Investment in sports infrastructure, including stadiums and training facilities, enhances the appeal of destinations and their associated hotels. State-of-the-art facilities attract sports tourists and contribute to the market's overall growth. The emergence of niche segments like adventure sports tourism and sports wellness retreats caters to specific preferences, diversifying the market and attracting a broader range of travelers seeking specialized experiences.

Fans of local US sports now have greater visibility and a greater understanding of sports from outside their region. Premier League and MLS soccer in the US continue to grow their respective fan bases, and even cricket is starting to gain visibility within the US market. Even small, local sporting events such as hockey tournaments now drive tourism dollars to the cities hosting these types of competitions.

Sports tourism is an amazing sector that the entire hospitality industry can leverage to drive more revenues. Each hotel operator must ensure that they maximize their profitability by implementing technology in concert with their staff and delivering optimal guest service.

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Scoring Big: How Sport Tourism Impacts the Global Hotel Industry

The sports tourism sector is poised for dramatic growth over the next five years. understanding this sector and ensuring that your hotel operations are ready is the key to success..

growth in hospitality and tourism

Sports tourism, as it’s called, is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the travel industry , according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization. Hotel room rates on Super Bowl weekend soared 257% compared to 2023, the biggest year-over-year spike for a first-time host city in NFL history. According to hotel data and analytics firm STR, Southern Nevada’s 172,707 rooms (at 393 hotels) charged a record average of $768 from Feb. 9-11.

The 2024 Olympics are just around the corner, and some might say that they are the pinnacle of all sporting events worldwide. A total of 15.3 million visitors are expected to visit the capital of France during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Every type of traveler, experienced and novice, high-touch luxury guests, and hostel guests - will visit the city several weeks before, during, and after the games.

From the hospitality industry's perspective, this means millions of room nights and restaurant visits during this quadrennial event.

Accor Hotels announced in 2021 that it would become the official partner of the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in France, a significant development in the country’s hospitality industry. As demonstrated by their recent partnership, a strong bond between Accor and Paris event organizers has been evident since the bidding phase.

In other high-profile sports, Hilton sponsors the McLaren Formula 1 Team, Wyndham sponsors a PGA tournament, and IHG is the preferred hotel sponsor of Major League Baseball.

Travel + Leisure Co. and Sports Illustrated Resorts announced plans to open a network of sports-themed resorts in American college towns. The first one is scheduled to open in Tuscaloosa, Alabama — home to the University of Alabama — in late 2025.

In the past five years, sports tourism has been gaining steam, and now, it is a primary focus for many countries, regions, and local municipalities. Whether it is a local baseball, football, cricket, or hockey game, hotel companies and destinations are seeing the true importance of sports tourism. Also, sporting events of various kinds and sizes attract tourists as participants or spectators, and destinations can feature their local flavors to distinguish themselves and provide authentic local experiences.

The market is massive and only stands to grow

Sporting events clearly contribute to the economy, with travelers spending money on hotel stays, local food, gas for their vehicles, local shopping, and visiting other tourist spots. And let's not forget the accommodation of participants, including players and officials. Reports show that they stay an average of 2.9 days longer than other tourists and spend an average of 20% more per day than regular tourists.

When it comes to the lodging industry, more rooms sold at a higher price point means greater profitability if managed correctly. The UNWTO states that Sports tourism generates around 10% of the world’s expenditure on tourism . It has an estimated growth rate of 17.5% between 2023-2030, moving masses intra and intercontinentally.

The one caveat stated above is that more rooms sold at a higher ADR do not always translate to increased profitability for a hotel. Yes, sports tourists spend a great deal of money, but your hotel's operational efficiency will always impact your profit margins.

Sports tourism also helps to promote social, economic, and environmental action, accelerates development, and can leave a long-lasting positive impact. More financial support for this sector is projected to accelerate expansion, with many governments promoting sports holiday destinations to domestic and international tourists to boost their foreign exchange revenues.

Don’t Forget Event Tourism

Event Tourism also is increasing in popularity with concerts and non-sporting events taking center stage. The best example of this is Taylor Swift. Yes, we all have heard about the impact of her concerts on specific locations and the economic benefits that they have on a destination, but travelers are also spending a great deal of money on flights just to get to the concerts. It is as if she is not only a local economic driver but also travelers spend huge amounts both pre and post event in travel related activities.

Other areas that event tourism are beneficially affecting destinations and the local economy are cultural and festival fairs, city-wide business events, spiritual and religious tourism and trade shows. The increase of event tourism in concert with sports tourism should be top of mind for our hoteliers to maximize their revenue potential and always be aware of changing event trends.

Game-changing Technology

So, what can the hotel industry do to ensure that they are efficiently capturing the major share of the sports tourism dollar while delivering optimal service? Technology and well-trained property staff are the best ways for hoteliers to increase the bottom line.

The suitable implementation of modern technology has become a key differentiator. Whether focusing on a unified approach (all systems delivered and installed primarily from a single vendor) or best of breed (different vendors and different solutions), how you decide to research, purchase, and install technology is key to maximizing efficiencies and driving profitability.

Finding the right mix between technology and service delivered by front-line staff can be difficult, but this is why your technology partner is here. They are here to assist you in the best way they can so your hotel can drive optimal revenues with the least operational cost impacts.

Embracing and promoting sustainable and eco-friendly practices presents an opportunity to attract environmentally conscious sports tourists and contribute to the overall growth of responsible and sustainable sports tourism.

Investment in sports infrastructure, including stadiums and training facilities, enhances the appeal of destinations and their associated hotels. State-of-the-art facilities attract sports tourists and contribute to the market's overall growth. The emergence of niche segments like adventure sports tourism and sports wellness retreats caters to specific preferences, diversifying the market and attracting a broader range of travelers seeking specialized experiences.

Fans of local US sports now have greater visibility and a greater understanding of sports from outside their region. Premier League and MLS soccer in the US continue to grow their respective fan bases, and even cricket is starting to gain visibility within the US market. Even small, local sporting events such as hockey tournaments now drive tourism dollars to the cities hosting these types of competitions.

Sports tourism is an amazing sector that the entire hospitality industry can leverage to drive more revenues. Each hotel operator must ensure that they maximize their profitability by implementing technology in concert with their staff and delivering optimal guest service.

Joe Vargas

641 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10011 United States

Phone: 1 800 260 2640

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  30. Scoring Big: How Sport Tourism Impacts the Global Hotel Industry

    The sports tourism sector is poised for dramatic growth over the next five years. Understanding this sector and ensuring that your hotel operations are ready is the key to success. ... Sports tourism is an amazing sector that the entire hospitality industry can leverage to drive more revenues. Each hotel operator must ensure that they maximize ...