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The Aleppo Citadel, one of the main attractions in Syria. It is a massive structure, surviving for thousands of years

Traveling to Syria (2024): Everything you Need to Know

Syria is a country filled with history, culture, and natural beauty. Situated in the Middle East, it has a rich past, full of ancient cities and cultural centers waiting to be explored.

While traveling to Syria might seem strange or even crazy to some people (That was the case for me, too, before I did my research and learned more), the country has emerged as a prominent travel destination in the past few years.

I had the privilege of spending 6 days in this wonderful country, and I can surely say that traveling to Syria was a life-changing experience.

If you want more to be persuaded, you can read my guide with 25+ compelling reasons to Visit Syria in 2024.

A Little Bit Of History

Syria has a long and varied history that goes back thousands of years. Since the ancient times, it has been home to many different civilizations like the Phoenicians, Assyrians, and Romans. It has served as a crucial center for both Christianity and Islam (Impressive, isn’t it?).

Over the centuries, Syria has been ruled by different empires, such as the Byzantines and Ottomans. The modern Syrian state gained its independence in 1946.

Historic fun fact: In 1958, Syria and Egypt came together to form a union called the United Arab Republic (UAR). Egypt’s President, Gamal Abdel Nasser, had a vision of uniting Arab countries to stand against foreign influences. The union was announced from the balcony of a historic hotel in Aleppo (More to that in the next article). However, it didn’t last long, mainly because of differences in culture, politics, and money. The union ended in 1961. Even though it was brief, it showed how tough it can be for Arab countries to unite, while also highlighting their desire to work together.

Most probably, however, you might have heard of Syria because of its more recent and- let’s be honest-troubled history.

What’s The Situation In Syria Right Now?

War-torn buildings found somewhere in Syria

The Syrian crisis is a very complex topic which involves multiple different sides and will need much more than one paragraph to be covered. So, to save time and energy, I will not dive deeply into that.

There are many great sources to get information from, and I would surely recommend to do so before traveling to Syria, because it is a very interesting part of human history.

Basically, to give some context, the Syrian Government has regained control of most of the country, while the conflict has entered a period of stalemate. We could start speaking about the end of it, as many consider the Government the winner.

Is It Possible To Travel To Syria?

In the last few years, Syria has opened its borders to foreign visitors. In fact, in 2023, more than 1 million foreign visitors and 1.2 million Syrians from abroad chose the Middle Eastern country for their vacation. This was also the first year the country welcomed American tourists.

Americans had been banned from traveling to Syria for the past years years, but that’s no more the case. US citizens can now visit the country as tourists. However, as we will discuss later, the visa fees for them are a bit higher than for travelers from the rest of the world. There should be no other problem for Americans traveling to Syria, though.

Is It Safe To Travel To Syria In 2023?

This is one of the most common questions I got asked from everyone who knew about me traveling to Syria. The answer is rather complicated.

While the Syrian Government has gained back control of the majority of the country, there are still a few places occupied by rebel groups. However, the only places you are allowed to visit when traveling to Syria as a tourist are the ones that belong to the Government. These places have been out of the conflict for quite some time and are safe to visit.

During the entire time I was exploring Syria, I felt as safe as everywhere else I’ve been. For me, it was no different from any other Middle Eastern country.

One of the first things that has to come to your mind when planning a trip is insurance.

Safetywing’s Nomad Insurance is one of the best options available out there. With a maximum coverage of 365 days, they are a great option whether you are a Nomad or not! They offer very low rates, but excellent coverage and immediate support (in a few minutes!). The best part? Nomad Insurance can be purchased even if you have left your home country already.

Lastly, they also cover extreme sports , something that can come in very handy if you are an adventurous soul.

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*please note that Nomad Insurance does not cover travel to Syria. However, they are an excellent option for the rest of your trips.

As long as you are with your guide and listen to what they advise you, you‘ll be alright. You will pass many checkpoints and see a lot of soldiers around, but they are there to protect you. You’ll always be greeted with a smile and a warm “Welcome.”

There have been a few moments of tension in recent years. However, the Government always canceled visa approvals whenever they thought the country was unsafe for visitors.

Obviously, I cannot guarantee anyone’s safety when traveling to Syria, and you always travel at your own risk. However, I can say that there was no place in the country where I felt insecure, even a tiny bit.

Is It Ethical To Travel To Syria?

Now, let’s get to the tough part. There has been a long-lasting debate on whether traveling to Syria (or any other country that has suffered in the past few years) is ethical. Even for a long time after deciding to plan this trip, I had only one question in my mind: “Am I doing the right thing?”. 

Many people asked me if I had thought this through, and many others condemned this trip and deemed it wrong or irresponsible before it started. 

After spending a few days in this fantastic country and having the chance to speak with a few people, I think I have my answer. 

The truth is that Syrian people want tourists to come to their country. There are a few reasons for that. 

First, it is proof that life is slowly getting back to normal after many years of suffering, and the once-thriving tourism sector is starting to step on its feet again. Syrians are proud people. They feel very happy that someone trusts them by visiting their country after all that has happened. 

They are more than willing to reflect this trust back to you. They will tell you stories of their past, happy or sad, but always with a smile on their face. There were many days in my trip that felt like I was receiving love from everywhere. There is no other way of explaining this feeling, just love. 

Secondly and most importantly, Syria has been hit hard by the consequences of the war. Western sanctions have put a heavy toll on Syrian people, who see their buying power reduced with each passing day.

Syria cannot export its goods and bring foreign cash into the country, which results in a recycling economy with massive inflation. To Syrian people, money brought from outsiders like tourists can be lifesaving, as tourists might be their only source of income for their businesses.

Obviously, what is considered right and wrong is subjective. After my experience in Syria, I no longer have an internal debate on whether going through with this trip was ethical or not. I witnessed people striving to rebuild their lives and make their stories heard.

Regardless of my personal opinion on the war and the situation around it, I believe that the benefits of tourism for the people far outweigh the morally grey areas of the trip. Boycotting tourism and not traveling to Syria for “ethical reasons” is going to hurt the locals more than the ones it was intended for. That sounds a bit unethical, too, isn’t it?

How To Travel To Syria In 2023

Us with our guide, Sally

The first thing you should know about traveling to Syria is that since 2018, you must organize your trip with a local tour operator. 

We chose to do our trip with Golden Team Syria . They have one of the most reputable travel agencies in the country. They took care of everything for us before we arrived. They were excellent professionals and tried their best to fulfill every request that we had. 

A driver and guide were solely dedicated to our trip, and they eventually became our friends. Sally and Abo Azad, if you are reading this, thank you for making this trip unforgettable. 

I will definitely choose Golden Team again next time I will be traveling to Syria, and I would highly recommend them. You can find more information on their website. Just tell them the places you would like to visit and the days you have available, and they will try to make the best program possible.

Do I Need A Visa To Travel To Syria?

Most nationalities do need a visa to travel to Syria. The tour operator of your choice will again take care of the procedure for you. The cost of the visa varies depending on your country of origin.

The Greek visa cost was 60 euros, which we paid upon arrival at the border. The cost of the visa for Americans in 2023 is 160$. The procedure is pretty straightforward, and it won’t take a lot of time before you get your passport stamped.

What Else Do I Need Before Traveling To Syria?

In order to visit Syria, you will also need to get a security clearance. It is a document certifying that you are a tourist and will make your life much easier at checkpoints, etc.

It is mandatory to have it, but the travel agency will take care of it for you. Its cost is most of the times included in the tour package offered to you by your operator. They will just need a copy of your passport and information on what you do for a living. This document will also make your visa procedure a lot easier.

You will get all the paperwork at the border upon arrival. The security clearance will be held by your guides at all times. They will show it to the authorities when necessary, so there is no need to worry about it

Can I Travel To Syria Alone?

Information available online has been conflicting about this one. While, as a general rule, traveling to Syria with a tour operator is mandatory, there have been people online saying that you can obtain a visa to travel alone from the embassy that covers your country. There have been people that have managed to travel to Syria independently.

This way, however, it appears to be harder to get a Syrian Visa. If you need more information about this, contact the Syrian embassy in your country.

In my experience, traveling to Syria without a tour operator will make it a lot harder for you because of the lack of English-speaking people at the checkpoints and the paperwork you have to prepare and show. A tour operator will make this process a lot easier.

How To Enter Syria

Driving to Damascus

Most European countries have yet to resume direct commercial flights to Damascus. However, we were surprised to find out that on the same day we were arriving, there was indeed a direct flight from Athens. It was a very interesting (and a bit shocking, but in a good way) think to see before boarding on our own flight to Beirut. 

The most common way people visit Syria is through Beirut , Lebanon. Once your flight arrives in Beirut, you’ll be greeted by a driver (arranged by the local tour operator of your choice) who will take you to the Lebanon-Syria border. The trip to the border lasted around one hour and a half, but it can take longer depending on the traffic.

Then, you will pass through customs on both the Lebanese and Syrian sides. This process is easy, and straightforward. You do not have to do anything, your driver will do the talking and take care of the procedure.

Once you pay the visa fee on the Syrian side and your passport gets stamped, another driver will be waiting for you to take you to Damascus. It took around 45 minutes to arrive to the capital city of Syria. Again, this whole procedure can take some time, depending on how many people are waiting to enter Syria and the traffic on the road.

Keep in mind as a general rule that this journey can last between 2.5 to 4 hours.

What is The Currency In Syria?

Cash in Syria is inflated. 150 dollas in Syrian pounds

The currency used in Syria is called the Syrian pound (SYP) . It has a rich history dating back to the early 20th century when it was first introduced as the national currency.

All transactions inside the country have to be in the local currency. Generally you cannot use USD or Euros when traveling to Syria, but there are some exceptions.

The exchange rate can change very fast, even in a few days. When we traveled in August 2023, the rate was 1 USD= 15.000 Syrian pounds.

Is Syria Expensive?

Syria is actually a very affordable country to visit. It is for sure the cheapest country I have been to so far. A full traditional meal for 3-4 people at a middle-to-high-end restaurant will set you back around 15-20$ in total. A sandwich will cost around 1-2$, and a soda 1$ tops.

Small souvenirs like keychains etc., cost around 0.5$ per piece. As you can see, traveling to Syria on a budget can be very easy. However, there are more expensive and high-end options if you are a person who likes luxury and more expensive options.

Is Syrian Food Good? 

Syrian food is just amazing. A Syrian feast consisting of kebab, hummus, eggplants and more, somewhere in Damascus

I am not kidding when I say that Syrian food is the best one I’ve ever had while traveling . Syrian cuisine is similar to the Lebanese one. It is a flavorful blend of Middle Eastern and Mediterranean influences, reflecting its rich history.

There is a great variety of traditional dishes that you just have to try! Popular dishes include shawarma, falafel, and kibbeh, while mezzes like hummus and tabbouleh are common starters. Syrian meals are best enjoyed with Arabic coffee or mint tea. It features fresh ingredients like olive oil, herbs, and spices, often combined with bulgur, rice, and grilled meats such as lamb and chicken.

From street food to middle-to-high end restaurant food, everything was always fresh and delicious. This is among the things that I miss the most when thinking about traveling to Syria. 

What About Water In Syria?

I was very surprised (and I believe that you will be too) to find out that tap water in Syria is drinkable . Water comes from natural springs and is completely fine to drink. I would never expect that before traveling to Syria.

In fact, someone there told us that it is kind of illegal to bottle water and sell it. I am not sure if that is completely true, but that’s what we were told by locals.

Tips That Might Come In Handy When Traveling To Syria

The Krak Des Chevraliers, one of the best preserved medieval castles in the world

Before I conclude this article, I would like to give some tips that will possibly make it easier for you to organize your trip to Syria. Some of those things I wish I would have known before traveling to Syria. I hope they can be helpful for others too.

1. Do Your Research

I would advise you to do an extensive search on the places you’d like to visit. Learn about their history, from ancient times to the present. Don’t hesitate to read about the toll the war had on them. It is a way of appreciating more the luck you have by being able to visit them.

Look around to find the right travel agency ( Golden Team is still my suggestion), read reviews, and do not be afraid to ask people before you choose the best fit for you. Making the right decision will help you feel more comfortable and sure about traveling to Syria.

2. Always Listen To Your Guides

Guides in Syria are all licensed, well-educated, and know better when it comes to your safety. You should always be respectful to them and accept when they say that something is not possible.

Do not challenge them, and always remember they are doing their jobs. They just want to help you make the most out of your trip.

3. Get Travel Insurance.

This should go without saying in any trip in general. Most travel insurance companies, for obvious reasons, do not cover traveling to Syria. We used IATI insurance for our trip. We didn’t need to use their services, but they seemed reputable, and their fare was budget-friendly.

Another useful thing would be to always have a first aid kit with the necessary medicine with you. There is no guarantee that you’ll be able to find what you need in Syria.

4. Bring Enough Cash With You

Due to the sanctions, Syria’s banking system is not connected to the rest of the world. Syria is a cash-driven society. Keep in mind, as I stated above, that the only acceptable currency is the Syrian pound .

You should easily find places to exchange USD for Syrian pounds. Our driver told us that we would find a better rate in Lebanon but always get advise from your agency. USD generally has a much, much better rate than Euros in Syria , so if you are from Europe, exchange to USD before arriving in Lebanon.

Because there is no way to get money from abroad, have more cash in case of an emergency. There is no need to exchange all of them for Syrian pounds at one time, so keep a few extra bucks with you.

5. Always Be Aware Of Where You Are

You are traveling to Syria, a country still trying to recover from many years of war. Electricity is not always guaranteed. Your hotel will most probably have a generator on when power cuts occur (multiple times a day), but only the essential devices will be connected to it.

We could not get a SIM card because the power went down, and the system could not process our order. Those things can happen when you travel to such places, so be prepared and don’t get mad when such difficulties do occur.

6. Get A SIM Card

Internet in Syria is very slow and is not always guaranteed to work when power cuts happen. That’s why a SIM card with data can be lifesaving when traveling to Syria. We didn’t manage to get one for the reasons stated above, but I would surely recommend you try to get one.

Ask your guide about the best provider available. Cost shouldn’t be a problem, as the internet in Syria is very affordable.

7. Bring A Power Bank With You

As I said before, generators give electricity to only the necessary devices during power cuts. This does not always include plugs. That’s why having a power bank when traveling to Syria is a must.

My power bank had a capacity of 20,000 maH, which proved to be more than enough for a 6-day trip to the country. I don’t know what I would have done without it.

8. Engage With The Locals, But Respect Their Boundaries.

Syrians are very hospitable people who are eager to welcome you and tell you their stories. We had many people approaching us to engage in conversations. We started a few conversations, too. Some of the stories were sad, scary, and very emotional. It would be best if you always went with the flow.

See what someone is willing to share with you, as they may have a traumatized past. Do not put pressure, and always be respectful. Ask only for what you feel is appropriate, and I guarantee you will get to know many amazing and inspiring people.

9. Don’t Take Photos Of Checkpoints.

This is also something that you have to keep in mind before traveling to Syria. Generally, when traveling to Syria, you can take photos of everything except military buildings and checkpoints.

You should always respect this rule. You do not want to get yourself in unnecessary trouble. Of course, you can ask your guide if you are not sure about one place.

10. Spend Money, Really

This one might sound strange, but hear me out. The Syrian economy is a recycling one due to the sanctions. This means that foreign cash is very much needed; people need it.

Syrians are very proud. It is very possible that they will not accept money from you because they don’t want to be pitted. Unless you buy something from the business, they most likely won’t take any money. That’s why I would advise you to buy as many things as possible from multiple different stores, restaurants, or street food stands.

Syria is very cheap, and there are many cool things to take back home after traveling to Syria. That’s the best way to help Syrians, spending money on small and medium-scaled, local businesses.

Like every other Middle Eastern country, the tipping culture in Syria is deeply rooted. You should always tip when in cafes or restaurants. The tip does not have to be big, and will always be appreciated. Again, you will be helping workers and their families.

12. Don’t Bargain

Unlike other Middle Eastern countries, Syrians do not over-inflate their prices to foreigners. That’s why there will be no need to bargain when traveling to Syria. Prices will, most of the time, be honest and affordable. That’s cool, isn’t it?

13. Don’t Be Afraid, Enjoy

You most probably made a leap of faith when deciding to plan your trip to Syria. Try to overcome the feeling of fear that you might have before starting your trip. The country is beautiful, the people amazing, and the food is like nothing else.

You will have a fantastic time when traveling to Syria, but you must always have an open mind. It’s a trip of a lifetime, so make sure to enjoy it. You’ll come back with amazing stories to tell, that’s the only thing for sure!

Final Thoughts

Me while traveling to Syria, standing in front of the Aleppo citadel

Traveling to Syria right now might sound tricky, but that is not necessarily the case. While the scars of the war can still be present, the country is trying to rebuild itself and leave the past behind. That’s the feeling I got after spending 6 days in this wonderful country.

Tourism can massively help the locals’ quality of life. Those people deserve to see their life coming back to normal; they need to feel trusted and get hope for a better future. Visiting them, helping their businesses, and letting them share their stories with you can be a massive step on this direction.

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Is Syria safe to visit in 2024?

By Joan Torres 5 Comments Last updated on July 31, 2024

is Syria safe

Wanna travel to Syria with Against the Compass?

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Join a group of like-minded travelers in our next scheduled tour in Syria on:

September 15th to 27th, 2024

Prior to 2010, Syria was one of the most touristic countries in the Middle East , receiving an average of more than 8 million tourists per year.

In 2011, however, an unfortunate war made Syria one of the most dangerous countries in the world, preventing travelers from venturing into an amazing destination with epic places to visit.

Nevertheless, few travelers know that, after several years of darkness, Syria is welcoming tourists again, and the reason is that some parts of the country are gaining significant stability, hence becoming safer for travelers.

This is a comprehensive analysis of how safe is Syria from a tourism perspective. From the latest updates to safety tips and a compelling region breakdown, Against the Compass is always your source.

Why travel to Syria with Against the Compass?

Our honest review of what is it like to visit Syria with Against the Compass, what is it that makes us unique, as well as testimonials from some of our customers.

is Syria safe to visit

In this Syria safety guide you will find:

Table of Contents

  • Syria today
  • Travel insurance
  • Syria Tours
  • Travel advice
  • My personal experience
  • Safety by region
  • Safety tips
  • Solo female travel
  • Is it safe for Americans?
  • More information

our recommended travel insurance for Syria

IATI Insurance is one of the very few that covers travel in Syria.

Latest update: Is Syria safe now?

In March 2011, the Syrian Government decided to suppress the Arab Spring protests violently, an action that unleashed an armed conflict that later became a bloody civil war between tonnes of different groups supported by different foreign forces, including the USA, Iran , Russia, and Turkey.

With several million refugees and hundreds of thousands of dead civilians, the Syrian war is considered to be the worst humanitarian crisis in the 21st century, the legacy of which has left a country divided.

Today, the war is nearly over in many parts of Syria, but it has become a fragmented country made of different regions controlled by distinct armed and ethnic groups, including Al-Nusra, the Free Syrian Army, the Kurds, the Islamic State – composed of sleeping cells mostly hiding and operating in the Syrian desert – and even Turkey and the USA.

The areas controlled by the Government are safe to visit

Honestly speaking, Syria is still hugely chaotic, a real mess but, surprisingly, those areas controlled by the Syrian Government (Bashar al-Assad) are actually enjoying certain stability, safety-wise speaking, and that is why the Government decided to open their territories to foreign tourism.

These Government-controlled territories comprise practically all of west Syria, including popular places such as Damascus, Aleppo , Homs, Krak de Chevaliers, anywhere along the Mediterranean coast and also Palmyra.

Those cities are pretty safe nowadays, open to all travelers with a valid visa, which you can only obtain through a tour operator.

Is Syria safe due to the Israel-Gaza war in 2024?

Back in October 2023, when the war in Gaza started, the situation across several countries in the Middle East was full of uncertainty and highly unstable.

With more than a few war fronts opened in neighboring countries such as Syria or Iraq, nobody knew what this war could lead to, the reason why we decided to temporarily suspend all our Syria tours .

However, life in Syria goes on as usual, markets keep being at their fullest and fortunately, all reciprocal attacks between Israel and Syria have been exclusively targeting military areas, never civilians.

This is the reason why we are traveling back to Syria again.

is Damascus safe?

Travel insurance for Syria

Like in Iran, because of all the sanctions, most travel insurance companies don’t provide cover for travel in Syria.

The one that does, however, is IATI Insurance .

They have loads of different plans for all types of travelers and the best of it is that the readers of this blog can get an exclusive 5% discount .

How to sign up for a tour in Syria

The safest way to visit Syria is with a group and a certified guide who knows the latest security updates.

Our upcoming Syria Expeditions for 2024:

  • Sep 15th to 27th, 2024 (13 days). APPLY NOW
  • Oct 13th to 20th, 2024 (8 days). APPLY NOW
  • Dec 23rd to 30th, 2024 (8 days). APPLY NOW

Syria Tour

Is Syria safe to travel? A look into the Government’s advice

If we look into the Syria travel advice – , the FCDO advises against all travel to Syria, and claims that foreigners should leave by any practical means.

Is Syria dangerous for tourists?

The FCDO say that the situation in Syria remains volatile and dangerous, which is partly true, but only in those regions where the Government doesn’t have any sort of control, especially in the eastern part of the country, an area absolutely off-limits to tourists.

Regardless of your feelings about the current Syrian Government – we are not here to discuss politics – the areas controlled by them are currently safe to travel to, and no Syrian living in that part of Syria will tell you otherwise.

As I always mention in similar safety reports , there is always a certain logic behind the FCDO travel advice, but it barely relates to the actual reality and is typically based on unlikely worst-case scenarios.

That’s why, instead of trusting their over-cautious analysis, do talk to Syrians living in Damascus or Aleppo – not abroad – and travelers who have recently been there as well. You are likely to hear an opinion that doesn’t differ much from what you find in this Syria travel blog.

Syria travel advice

How safe is traveling to Syria from my personal experience

Since the beginning of the war, I have visited Syria three times, and I can only say positive things about it.

On the one hand, Syrians are genuinely kind and happy to see tourists because they are a clear sign that Syria is becoming safer as a country, plus let’s not forget that tourism used to be an essential part of Syria’s economy.

Security in Syria

On the other hand, I can affirm that the security situation between 2018 and 2022 has drastically improved and proof of it is that, back in 2018, going through checkpoints was more way tedious than it is today.

In 2018, road checkpoints used to take ages and in Damascus, I remember the Syrian Army checking my backpack every now and then. In 2022, however, we managed to get through all checkpoints fairly quickly, making everything seem much more relaxed.

A curious fact to mention is that in 2022, the only checkpoint where I was asked for my passport was the Bosra checkpoint, which isn’t controlled by the Government but by the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

backpacking Syria

Is life back to normality in Syria?

Despite the abundance of ghost towns and destroyed buildings, life in Western Syria is slowly coming back to normality, visible in the overpacked souks and restaurants of Damascus, for example.

Homs and Aleppo have struggled much more than Damascus but a lot of rebuilding is ongoing, shops are reopening and, very slowly, Syrians are moving back to their hometowns.

It will take a long time for Syria to recover the beautiful life from before 2010, especially because half of the people fled abroad, plus there isn’t any money to rebuild the numerous destroyed buildings.

Nevertheless, the simple fact that this back-to-normal process has already started can only mean that Syria is becoming safer and that there is hope.

Personally, I found Venezuela extremely more dangerous than anywhere I’ve been in Syria.

which part of Syria is safe

Which parts of Syria are safe to visit?

Read: 1-week safe itinerary for Syria

Here’s an overview of where in Syria is safe to travel.

1 – Safe regions to visit in Syria

Is any part of Syria safe? – some people wonder. As I mentioned before, the safe areas to visit in Syria are those which are controlled by the Government.

Is Damascus safe?

Officially, the capital has always been one of the safest places in Syria – relatively speaking. While it’s true that the outskirts of the city are heavily bombed, both the old city and the new part of town are untouched, and the different streets and souks are back to life.

Actually, all travelers are absolutely wowed by how ordinary everything seems to be. Today, walking around Damascus on your own is completely safe.

is Damascus safe

Is Aleppo safe?

Liberated in 2017 from Al Nusra, the old city of Aleppo was largely destroyed.

People say that, before the crisis, Aleppo used to have the most beautiful souk in the Middle East . Sadly, most shops are closed nowadays but there is a lot of rebuilding going on and, compared to 2018, many small, family-owned businesses have begun to pop up.

Is Aleppo safe?

Is Homs safe?

By far, Homs was the most affected city by the war, nearly half of it being completely destroyed.

When I first visited it in 2018, it was a deplorable, ghost town. The souk was gone and I could barely see anyone strolling the streets.

But during my second visit in 2022, the souk had been rebuilt and some parts of the city center felt relatively busy. But again, it will take ages for Homs to come back to its original beauty, since many of its districts are today nothing but pure rubble.

is Homs safe?

Is Krak de Chevaliers safe?

Krak de Chevaliers is a Crusader fortress and one of the most well-preserved medieval castles in the world. It used to be a major tourist attraction but during the crisis, it was taken by a branch of Al-Qaeda named Al Nusra before the Syrian Army took it back.

Luckily, the castle remained untouched, and foreign visitors are allowed to visit it again.

Is Krak de Chevaliers safe?

Is Maaloula safe?

Infamous for being the place where those nuns were kidnapped by Al Nusra, Maaloula is a historic, Christian town that was also taken by the jihadists in 2013, and recovered during the battle of Maaloula .

You can still see some destruction but pretty much all churches and monasteries have been rebuilt and Maaloula is welcoming tourists again.

More safe places to visit in Syria

There are more places in Syria that are safe to visit:

  • Hama: the city with the 17 norias
  • Al Mishtaya and Marmarita: lovely Christian villages close to Krak
  • Sidnaya: Christian town close to Maaloula
  • Tartous and Latakia: the two main coastal cities
  • Arwad: the only inhabited island in Syria

Is Hama in Syria safe?

2 – Relatively safe areas to visit in Syria

The following places are actually safe to visit but they have some particularities:

Is Palmyra safe?

The city and archaeological site of Palmyra lie almost 300km east of Damascus. It was taken by ISIS on two separate occasions (2014 and 2016). They blew up the Temple of Bel, but the site is huge and most of its structures are still standing.

The reason why Palmyra is in the relatively-safe section is that ISIS cells are not that far away, and a few attacks have been reported – always targeting the army – along the road that takes you to Palmyra.

The situation, however, is calmer now, there is a crazy amount of security along the way, plus all tourists must be escorted by an army member.

The archaeological site of Palmyra is guarded by the Russian Army. They are based in Qalaat Fakhr ad-Din al-Maani (Palmyra Castle), the fortress that overlooks the ruins, and a former tourist spot for watching sunset.

is Palmyra safe?

Is Bosra safe?

Bosra is a southern city located close to the border with Jordan.

It’s a peaceful town, and pretty much the only safe place to visit that isn’t controlled by the Syrian Government but by the Free Syrian Army, an armed group representing the Syrian people who oppose the Syrian regime.

The FSA had an important role in fighting the Syrian Government during the war but now, they are trying to make peace with each other and, in exchange for controlling that territory, they agreed to allow the Russian army’s presence.

Bosra is safe to visit but it’s quite sensitive and most travelers venture here just to visit the Roman theater.

3 – Dangerous areas to visit in Syria

The dangerous regions to visit in Syria have one thing in common, which is that you can’t visit them, even if you wanted to.

Is Idlib safe?

Being almost an enclave within the Government-controlled west part of Syria, the city of Idlib is an area dominated by Al Nusra. Their domination, however, is merely symbolic because it is actually occupied by Turkey, for real.

No kidding, when you get close to Idlib (and you will on your way to Aleppo), you will receive a Turkish mobile network, along with an SMS literally saying Welcome to Turkey .

Nobody knows which kind of deal is going on there but, in my understanding, it seems the Government has stopped fighting for Idlib, and Turkey began annexing it. In Idlib, they don’t use the Syrian Lira anymore but the Turkish, and their inhabitants are not allowed to enter Syria but they can enter Turkey. It’s not on the Western news, nobody talks about it, but it’s real.

In any case, on your way to Aleppo, despite being so close to Idlib, the situation is safe because the road is controlled by the Government, and they don’t even allow cars to stop.

Is Raqa safe?

The former capital of ISIS is absolutely off-limits to tourists.

While in Syria, I tried to figure out the current situation of Raqa but never managed to get a convincing response. Apparently, part of Raqa province is under the Government’s control, while the rest is under that of the Kurdish forces. Some people claim, nevertheless, that it’s still a dangerous place because ISIS sleeping cells are still a thing there.

Is Rojava safe?

Rojava – officially named the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria – is a region of Syria that could be essentially understood as Syrian Kurdistan . It gained its autonomy as a result of several battles during the war, and here you can read a fantastic explanation of it.

Rojava is still a turbulent region with on and off conflict. For example, in February 2022, ISIS committed an attack on al-Sina Prison , located in a city within Rojava.

In any case, Rojava is absolutely off-limits to tourists now.

is Bosra safe?

Tips: How to stay safe in Syria

Travel with a guide and a group.

Traveling with a group and a local guide who knows the latest security updates will make your Syria trip much safer.

In any case, in order to get a visa for Syria, you must travel with a group and for that, Against the Compass has several scheduled groups per year.

Our upcoming Syria EXPEDITIONS

is Syria safe for tourists

Use travel insurance that covers Syria

In a country like Syria, where safety is the #1 priority, traveling with proper insurance is a must.

IATI Insurance is one of the very few that covers travel in Syria + COVID-19.

Don’t talk about politics

Locals are not allowed to say anything bad about the Government, and neither are foreigners.

According to many Syrians, walls in Syria have ears, so I recommend staying away from political conversations.

Don’t venture into sensitive areas

In the unlikely event that you are wandering around Syria on your own, don’t go to sensitive areas, and not only for your safety, but also because you risk getting arrested, as happened to a certain backpacker who I prefer not to name.

Basically, he managed to reach the front between the Government and I don’t know which other group, a foolish act that got him arrested for a week.

Is Syria safe to visit for solo female travelers?

Is Syria a safe country for women travelers?

Similar to neighboring Lebanon , Syria is an ethnically, religiously, and culturally diverse country, also home to a large secular population and a lot of Christians.

What I want to say is that Syrians are used to dealing with all sorts of people, meaning that bumping into a bunch of liberal women strolling down the streets of Damascus isn’t a rare thing to see so, unless you are visiting pretty conservative areas, you can dress up as you please, relatively speaking, of course.

Moreover, while it’s true that many people do fast during Ramadan, many Muslims don’t, plus a lot of restaurants keep their doors open, and the reason is that the relatively secular population in Syria is quite large.

Traveling as a woman in Syria is, obviously, more challenging than if you are a man – like in any other country – but what I can tell you is that popular destinations such as Morocco, Egypt or even Jordan are way more challenging than Syria, from a solo woman perspective.

In any case, solo travel isn’t really allowed in Syria, but you must be with a local guide.

Is traveling to Syria safe for Americans?

Syrians are generally kind-hearted people who don’t make judgments based on nationalities.

While it’s true that many Syrians blame – partly – the USA for what happened in the country recently, they also know that American tourists have nothing to do with the US Government and that they visit Syria just to learn about the conflict, meet beautiful Syrians and visit all their historical gems.

If you want to know how to travel to Syria as an American, check our visa guide .

Conclusion: Is Syria safe for tourists?

It’s important to keep in mind that the situation in the areas controlled by the Syrian Government are not entirely safe, but relatively safe, so always pay attention to your surroundings and do your own research before going there. Against the Compass is not responsible for any potential, unfortunate event related to the current crisis.

More information for traveling safely in Syria

📢 In my Travel Resources Page you can find the list of all the sites and services I use to book hotels, tours, travel insurance and more.

Remember to check our upcoming tours: Syria Tours run by Against the Compass

All our guides to Syria

  • Syria Travel Guide
  • Travel Guide to Aleppo
  • Syria Itinerary

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Is Syria safe to travel

I am impressed by the sites of Syria. Before all this war, it had so many gems to see. I know in time things will get better, but there was so much loss. It would be nice to see Syria and encourage Syrians to look towards the future.

Thank you <3

We stand with Syria.

Thank you for the great info!

Is it possible to transit through Syria from Türkiye to Jordan? No stops, just straight driving (plus checkpoints). Turkish license plate, Canadian or Turkish passports.

Hi Salam, unfortunately, the Syrian/Turkish border is closed as of today

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Syria is one of the richest countries of the world with its diversity of civilizations, archeological sites, as well as its assorted nature from its desert, to its mountains, plains, sea and rivers. This is the land where great civilizational achievements, which were reached throughout the efforts and gained experiences of the human race, first saw the light.

Palmyra was a capital to one of the most important kingdoms of the Levant. The kingdom of Palmyra, currently known as “the bride of the desert”, dates back to the second century B.C. Notable for its marvelous monuments and its expanding streets surrounded by columns, gates, temples and its theatre as well as suburbs, houses and palaces, and its historical castle

بهدف تأمين فرص عمل في المؤسسات والمنشآت السياحية تطلق وزارتا السياحة والشؤون الاجتماعية والعمل بالتعاون  مع الأمانة السورية للتنمية الثلاثاء القادم

وزارة السياحة تؤكد على المقبولين للتعاقد بموجب إعلان المسابقة والاختبار المعلن عنهما لصالح الوزارة  والواردة أسماؤهم في القرارات

Under the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism and in cooperation with the General Sports Federation and the Tartous Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Union of Fine Artists in Syria opened on Friday an exhibition of 50 paintings and 25 sculptures of 37 artists 

In order to highlight and promote the city of Qadmous and its tourist, archeological and natural elements, Tartous Tourism Directorate held the cultural week in Qadmous city in cooperation with the city of Qadmous and under the patronage of Tartous Governor

In the framework of encouraging youth initiatives and activating domestic tourism to different governorates, a trip to Wadi Qandil in Lattakia Governorate was organized for three days

The work of the Sand Sculpture Forum will be opened at the marina (Yacht Club) organized by the National Association for Tourism Development in Syria in collaboration with the Lattakia City Council and the Union of Fine Arts in Syria

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Home » Travel » Is It Safe To Travel To Syria Reddit

Is It Safe To Travel To Syria Reddit

Is syria safe for tourists.

Syria is not safe for personal travel. Attempting any form of travel in this very hazardous security environment would place you at grave risk. Criminals, terrorists and armed groups target foreigners for terrorist attacks, assassination and kidnapping for ransom or political gain. Syria is an active conflict zone.

Is Damascus Safe 2021?

OVERALL RISK : MEDIUM. Though Damascus is considered dangerous for everyone, it is currently probably the safest are in Syria. Life goes on as before there, and the biggest risk comes from the dangers of war, not crime.

Why you shouldn’t travel to Syria?

However, Syria has been caught up in serious warfare and it is, at this point, so dangerous to visit it that it has become impossible to visit the country as it is essentially a war zone. The civil war has been raging in the country since 2011, and Syria is now probably the most dangerous destination in the world.

Are Syrians allowed to visit us 2020?

USA is open with restrictions for travel. Most visitors from Syria need to provide a negative COVID-19 test result to enter USA. No quarantine is required. Find travel restrictions, quarantine and entry requirements to travel USA.

Is Syria still in war?

The war is currently being fought by several factions, including the Syrian Armed Forces and its domestic and international allies, a loose alliance of mostly Sunni opposition rebel groups (such as the Free Syrian Army), Salafi jihadist groups (including al-Nusra Front and Tahrir al-Sham), the mixed Kurdish-Arab Syrian.

Is alcohol legal in Syria?

Alcohol in Syria is not banned as it is in some Muslim countries. Nor is it reserved for the upper class elite or religious minorities. Syria’s constitution uses Islamic jurisprudence as a primary source of law, but the Baathist regime has kept alcohol legal, available and cheap.

How safe is Syria in 2021?

We continue to advise: Do not travel to Syria due to the extremely dangerous security situation. Armed conflict is ongoing and air strikes, kidnappings and terrorist attacks are common.

Is Aleppo safe?

The city is one of the most unsafe in Syria. Given all the decline due to the war in Aleppo, the high crime rate and all the actions of residents are criminal. However, the main danger comes from the military conflict in the country.

Is Syria safe for Indian?

Indian, Europeans, Americans – it was safe for everyone to travel. The Syrians seem to be very friendly people. Road travel was safe – they have excellent roads and barely any traffic, so its possible to get from Aleppo in the north to Damascus in the south in about 8 hrs.

Is sending money to Syria illegal?

Unfortunately, you can’t send money to Syria. Even if you have a loved one in Syria who needs money desperately, an international money transfer to a sanctioned country is illegal in the US.

Is Syria safe now 2020?

Syria – Level 4: Do Not Travel. Do not travel to Syria due to COVID-19, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, armed conflict, and risk of unjust detention. Syria has experienced active armed conflict since 2011. No part of Syria is safe from violence.

Can a Syrian travel to us?

Syrian applicants may apply for non-immigrant visas at any U.S. Embassy or Consulate, and the same standards under U.S. law and policy apply at each U.S. Embassy and Consulate where one applies for a visa. Syrian applicants may apply for immigrant visas at the U.S. Embassies in Amman, Jordan or Beirut, Lebanon.

Can a Syrian become a US citizen?

Syrian immigrants become naturalized U.S. citizens at high rates. Among those who have been here for more than 20 years, 91 percent have become U.S. citizens.

Is Syria a rich country?

$60 billion (nominal; 2010 est.) $136 billion (PPP; 2021 est.).

What is currently happening in Syria?

By March 2019, IS had lost control of all the land they once occupied. More than 12,000 suspected IS members are now being held by Kurdish forces. Recently, the US removed troops from north-east of the country, which gave way for Turkey to launch a military attack against Kurdish-forces in northern Syria.

What is the problem in Syria?

About 6.8 million Syrians are refugees and asylum-seekers, and another 6.7 million people are displaced within Syria. This means 13.5 million Syrians in total are forcibly displaced, more than half of the country’s population. Nearly 11.1 million people in Syria need humanitarian assistance.

Which country can you drink at 16?

At least eight countries and regions have set their MLDA at 16 years. These countries include Barbados, the British Virginia Islands, Cuba, Luxembourg, Panama, Serbia, Serbia, and Zimbabwe. In these countries, it is an offense for anyone to sell, give, or offer alcoholic drinks to people under the age of 16 years.

What parts of Syria are safe?

Which parts of Syria are safe to travel? Damascus, Homs, Aleppo, Latakia, Tartus and the Krak De Chevaliers Castle. For Palmyra, apparently, you still need a special permit. If you go on a tour, it should be easy to get one but I am not sure how independent travelers could get one.

Is Syria a dry county?

Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia are all quite wet, and alcohol is available in restaurants, bars and shops.

Is Saudi Arabia Safe?

Saudi Arabia is mainly safe but there are extremely unsafe areas, particularly near the border with Iraq and Yemen. Some of the biggest concerns for tourists in Saudi Arabia should be disrespecting their moral codes, as this is followed by severe punishments.

Is Turkey safe for tourists?

As a rule, Turkey is safe for tourism. The country remains one of the most popular destinations around the globe. The country’s most popular tourist destinations, including Antalya, Cappadocia, and Istanbul, are generally safe. Nevertheless, travelers still need to remain vigilant.

Is Pakistan safe to visit?

If you want to travel to Pakistan, Pakistan is currently safe for travelers of all genders. There are still security issues in more remote areas of the country, but after years of struggle with violence and terrorism, many places in Pakistan are now safe for locals and foreigners alike. In short: yes, Pakistan is safe.

What country is not safe for travel?

Rank of dangerous countries for travel Rank Country Region 1 Pakistan ASIA (EX. NEAR EAST) 2 Afghanistan ASIA (EX. NEAR EAST) 3 Central African Rep. SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA 4 Iraq NEAR EAST.

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  1. Syrian tourism : r/Syria

    These idiots don't recognise that many Syrians can't come back to their homeland and that they are promoting the regime one way or another. After all it's safer for them than it's for us in our own country. Westerner tourists are always dumm especially Americans literally no one likes them all over the world. Reply.

  2. Is it safe to travel to Syria? : r/Syria

    Yes it is. Especially Damascus, Tartous, Latakia, Homs, and Hama. Some people will say it's not; they (1) don't know what they're talking about, (2) are repeating propaganda talking points that are now obsolete, (3) most likely are NOT in Syria.

  3. Is it safe to travel to Syria? : r/travel

    To travel to Syria, it's advisable to opt for land routes rather than air travel. Entering from Jordan or Lebanon is recommended, with a suggestion to enter via Jordan and exit through Lebanon by land. Securing a visa requires clearance from Syria's tourism ministry, which typically involves coordination through a local tour agency.

  4. Visiting Syria : r/Syria

    I would have left an instgram page for you. For a friend of mine who is a travel guide. I used to work in tourism when I lived in Syria. But unfortunately now I don't live in Syria anymore. I just don't want to be accused of advertising. But I really recommend you talk to a travel guide/agency in Syria. I can send you a couple of options if you ...

  5. How plausible is a trip to Syria in the present days? : r/Syria

    If the only other country you have been to is Italy, you will be in for a massive shock. I wouldn't even consider it until you have traveled to other non-Western countries. Totally possible! If you know someone in the country, it's possible to go solo with an invitation. Otherwise, you need to book a tour.

  6. Traveling to syria with a tour guide or alone : r/Syria

    Don't worry, the areas/cities under government control are 100% safe. Make sure to stick with your guide. People are friendly overall but you might get hustled if you go somewhere by yourself, especially because you don't speak Arabic, making you an easy target. Make sure to visit Aleppo and try our delicious cuisine! 2.

  7. Syria, 10 years ago. Sorry for the terrible pic quality.

    The Temple of Bel (Columns) is totally gone except for the doorway, ISIS blew it up. But a lot of Palmyra ruins are still there. Krac des Chevaliers (Crusader castle) and Aleppo Citadel are still (mostly) intact. Damascus itself didn't suffer much during the war. 29.

  8. Syria's tourism industry: A potential goldmine : r/Syria

    Anyway as of 2020 the war is almost over and most of syria is safe, so once the war is fully over (and international flights fully resume to Syria and COVID-19 is a thing of the past), I seriously think Syria should invest in its tourism industry, I think we can all agree that Syria is a beautiful country with so much to offer and so much ...

  9. How to travel to Syria in 2024: Need to know

    Last updated information 2024. Getting a Syrian visa nowadays is pretty straightforward but that's something you can't do alone because the Ministry of Tourism dictates that all travelers who want to get a Syrian tourist visa must book a tour with an operator.. For that, Against the Compass is a licensed and valid tour operator that can help you obtain a visa for Syria.

  10. What was Syria like? : r/travel

    Syria was absolutely amazing. Spent a week there in Feb 2011, so probably was one of the last tourists to see it intact. The Arab Spring protests had started in Egypt but hadn't taken place yet in Syria (though everyone was watching Egypt on TV). Visited Hama, Krac des Chevaliers castle, Aleppo, Palmyra and Damascus.

  11. Traveling to Syria (2024): Everything you Need to Know

    A full traditional meal for 3-4 people at a middle-to-high-end restaurant will set you back around 15-20$ in total. A sandwich will cost around 1-2$, and a soda 1$ tops. Small souvenirs like keychains etc., cost around 0.5$ per piece. As you can see, traveling to Syria on a budget can be very easy.

  12. Tour guide recommendation for those in need of someone legit

    I had a 3-day tour with Hamza Battia (@hamzabattia) and the experience was fantastic! He helped me tailor make my trip to my particular interests. Syria is a beautiful and safe country and I would highly recommend Syria for your bucket list. Hamza is both kind and extremely knowledgeable. I think I made a new friend.

  13. Feedback about my trip to Syria

    Syria is an amazing country, with lovely people that always receive you with smiles, with a lot of history to discover and in any moment I felt unsafe. I walked in Damascus at 1 am alone without a guide in total darkness and I felt safer than in many countries in Europe.

  14. Is Syria safe to visit in 2024?

    September 15th to 27th, 2024. Prior to 2010, Syria was one of the most touristic countries in the Middle East, receiving an average of more than 8 million tourists per year. In 2011, however, an unfortunate war made Syria one of the most dangerous countries in the world, preventing travelers from venturing into an amazing destination with epic ...

  15. Travelling to Syria

    1 day trip form Beirut to Damascus Jul 27, 2024. Day Trip Report - September 2023 Jul 25, 2024. Travelling to Syria Jul 24, 2024. Electronic visa for Syria to be launched on May 1st Jul 20, 2024. Second Trip to Syria Jul 14, 2024.

  16. Arab tourism to Syria sees significant growth in 2023

    Arab tourism to Syria sees significant growth in 2023 News & Economy - أخبار واقتصاد Open. Locked post. New comments cannot be posted. ... Reddit's largest community for the discussion of replica fashion. Please press "See Community Info." Members Online.

  17. Syria Forum, Travel Discussion for Syria

    Syria Destination Experts. RaymondgGordon. 19,994 forum posts. Members who are extremely knowledgeable about this destination and answer travellers' questions frequently. Beyond destination forums. Air Travel.

  18. Tourism in Syria

    The Ministry of Tourism is the responsible government department. Number of foreign tourist arrivals in Syria. Before the start of the Syrian Civil War, 8.5 million tourists visited Syria in 2010, who brought in tourist revenue estimated at LS 30.8 billion ( US$ 8.4 billion, at 2010 rates), and accounted for 14% of the country's economy.

  19. Syrian Ministry Of Tourism

    Under the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism and in cooperation with the General Sports Federation and the Tartous Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Union of Fine Artists in Syria opened on Friday an exhibition of 50 paintings and 25 sculptures of 37 artists. 07. 08 - 2017. Al Qadmous with its tourist, archeological and natural resources ...

  20. Is it Ethical to Travel to Syria?

    The only crop we will harvest by spurning tourism to Syria is a further impoverishment and seclusion of the long-suffering citizens still inhabiting this splendid land of ancient ... Facebook 0 Twitter LinkedIn 0 Reddit Tumblr Pinterest 0 0 Likes. Next. Russian Closed Cities and Restricted Areas: Let's Debunk a Myth! Gianluca Pardelli March 25 ...

  21. Is It Safe To Travel To Syria Reddit

    However, Syria has been caught up in serious warfare and it is, at this point, so dangerous to visit it that it has become impossible to visit the country as it is essentially a war zone. The civil war has been raging in the country since 2011, and Syria is now probably the most dangerous destination in the world.

  22. truc tiep bong da viet nam syria|Thương hiệu thông thường

    Tải ứng dụng Tải ứng dụng Reddit Đăng nhập Đăng nhập vào Reddit. ... truc tiep bong da viet nam syria⭐️Sòng bạc trực tuyến uy tín hàng đầu tại Việt Nam⭐️Đảm bảo uy tín trong mười năm⭐️Đăng ký ngay, nhận ngay phần thưởng hậu hĩnh️⭐️Mời bạn bè giành thưởng ...

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