Alaska Itinerary

Downtown Ketchikan Walking Tour: Must-See, Must-Do, Must-Eat

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Exploring downtown Ketchikan on foot is an adventure not to be missed. With every step, you’ll discover something new and exciting. From the historic Creek Street to the lively art scene, downtown Ketchikan is a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be uncovered. In this article, we’ll guide you through the must-see sights, must-do activities, and must-eat places. We’ll also answer the question: is it better to explore Ketchikan with a guided walking tour or venture out alone? With our insights, you’ll be equipped to make the most of your downtown Ketchikan walking tour, creating memories that will last a lifetime.

A collage of 4 photos showing several attractions in downtown Ketchikan worth seeing during the walking tour: the Lumberjack show, a wooden eagle statue, colorful houses on Creek Street, and beautiful architecture.

Why Choose a Walking Tour in Downtown Ketchikan?

Downtown Ketchikan, with its compact and walkable layout, is ideally suited for exploration on foot. Choosing a walking tour here isn’t just about convenience. It’s about immersing yourself in the local atmosphere and discovering the city’s soul. With our tips, you can discover Ketchikan on your own. However, we also give you the pros and cons of taking a local tour. Choose whatever suits your travel style, needs, and budget.

Downtown Ketchikan – Our Experiences

Arriving in Ketchikan via cruise, much like we did during a 10-day Alaska cruise , often gives you only one day to soak in Ketchikan’s charm . A stroll through downtown is a must—the delightful scenery and architecture are a feast for the eyes.

While Ketchikan boasts a variety of shore excursions , our spotlight in this article is on the enchanting downtown area, a place that genuinely captivated Chris and me. We’ll share insights on the best spots to visit. Armed with this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate the heart of Ketchikan independently, making the most of your time in this picturesque port.

Agnes in front of the Welcome Arch sign in Ketchikan.

Ketchikan Guided Walking Tours vs. Self-Guided Exploration

When it comes to discovering downtown Ketchikan, you have two excellent options: joining a guided walking tour or embarking on a self-guided exploration. Each choice offers its own unique benefits, and understanding these can help you decide the best way to experience the heart of Ketchikan.

Ketchikan Guided Walking Tours: Pros

  • Expert Insights . Guided tours are led by knowledgeable locals who can share in-depth history and fascinating stories you might not find in guidebooks. They bring the town’s culture, history, and legends to life.
  • Convenience . With a guided tour, the planning is done for you. You won’t need to worry about which route to take or what sights to prioritize. It’s a hassle-free way to ensure you see the highlights.
  • Social Interaction . Guided tours provide an opportunity to meet fellow travelers. Sharing the experience can make it even more enjoyable and memorable.
  • In each town we visit, we choose at least one trip with a local guide to learn as much as possible about the place we visit. So, if your budget allows it, we recommend walking with a local. During our next visit, we plan to take this Husky Walking Tour .

Ketchikan Guided Walking Tours: Cons

  • Less Flexibility. Guided tours follow a set itinerary. This means you have limited control over how much time you spend at each site. If you love to linger, this might feel restrictive.
  • Cost . While offering great value, guided tours typically cost more than exploring on your own, especially if you’re traveling with a group or family.

Downtown Ketchikan Self-Guided Exploration Pros

  • Flexibility. Going solo means you can tailor your day exactly how you want it. Spend more time at the places that interest you and skip the ones that don’t.
  • Pace Yourself . You decide when to start and end your tour. You can also take breaks whenever you like, trying out local cafes or just soaking in the views.
  • Cost-Effective. Exploring on your own is generally more budget-friendly. You can access many of Ketchikan’s sights for free or for a small donation.

Beautiful historic wooden buildings in downtown Ketchikan in pastel colors, with mountains and trees in the background.

Ketchikan Self-Guided Exploration Cons

  • Research Required . You’ll need to do some homework to get the most out of your exploration. But in this article, we will help you with it! This means identifying must-see spots and mapping out your route in advance.
  • Missed Stories . Without a guide to provide context, you might walk past significant sites without realizing their importance or the stories behind them.

boats in Ketchikan.

How to Explore Downtown Ketchikan on Your Own

If you choose the self-guided route, consider these tips for a fulfilling experience:

  • Use Technology: Download maps and apps dedicated to Ketchikan. Many offer self-guided tour routes and detailed information about each point of interest.
  • Pick Up a Map: Stop by the local visitor center for a map and insider tips on what to see and do.
  • Plan Your Route: Decide what you want to see ahead of time, but leave room for spontaneous discoveries along the way.

A large building in downtown Ketchikan and the front of it, a mural with colorful fish and the inscription Welcome to Ketchikan.

Must-See Sights in Downtown Ketchikan During Your Self-Guided Walking Tour

Below is a walk around downtown Ketchikan, which should not take more than 3 hours, including short stops. We list the main points and places worth attending during the walk. But below you will also find a list of the most exciting activities downtown, including attending the famous Lumberjack show , for which you should reserve 1.5 hours.

The Rock Sculpture depicts silhouettes of pioneers: miners, fishermen, and Indians.

Ketchikan Visitors Bureau

Start your trip at the visitor bureau and take a free city map. It’s located beside the “The Rock,” which portrays seven figures representing Ketchikan’s first peoples and pioneers. The sculpture encapsulates the city’s history and marks the start of the walking tour. Visitors are invited to learn about the area’s past and current offerings, emphasizing Ketchikan’s unique place in Alaskan history.

Welcome Arch

Take pictures of the Welcome Arch. Erected in the early 1920s, the Welcome Arch was built to greet steamship visitors. It’s a symbol of the town’s hospitality and stands as a historic entry point. The current arch is a replica by the Chamber of Commerce in the 1950s, serving as a gateway to the town’s rich past.

Welcome Arch in downtown Ketchikan with mountains in the backdrop.

Yates Memorial Hospital

Follow the Mission Street (where the Arch is located), where you will see Yates Memorial Hospital. Established in 1905 to serve as a residence for the Episcopal Mission, the structure transitioned 1909 into a hospital with a dozen beds, catering to the flourishing timber sector of Ketchikan. Now, it serves as the editorial home of Alaska’s First magazine.

St. John’s Episcopal Church

This structure is Ketchikan’s oldest church building. Constructed 1902 from local cedar, the church was initially perched on pilings above the sea. It’s a significant historical and spiritual landmark in the community.

Whale Park and Chief Kyan Totem Pole

A verdant space amid the city, Whale Park is a site of natural tranquility. The Chief Kyan Totem Pole, carved by Israel Shotridge in 1993, is a modern tribute to the town’s Native heritage.

Chief Johnson Totem Pole

This pole is a replica of a pole carved in 1901 by Tlingit Chief Johnson and commemorates the heritage of the Kadjuk House of the Raven Clan. The original totem is at the Totem Heritage Center, while the pole in the park is a replica installed in 1989.

We have marked several main points of walking downtown on Google Maps below to give you an idea of the town’s center. However, we describe more sights below. It’s best to take a free brochure from the Visitor Center or purchase this self-guided audio tour app at an affordable price.

Presbyterian Church

Built-in 1931 to replace the original Presbyterian congregation’s mission church, the building has served the community in various capacities. It was once used as a shop and even a public radio.

Tongass Historical Museum

The museum showcases Ketchikan’s history, from its origins as a fishing camp to developing into a bustling town. The Centennial Building commemorates the area’s past with exhibits and a picturesque totem pole, “Raven Stealing the Sun,” carved in 1983.

Tongass Historical Museum with totem in the front of it.

Water Warehouse and Creek Overlook

Follow Bawden Street on your downtown Ketchikan walk. Located in the heart of Ketchikan, the water warehouse, built in 1912, is one of the town’s last standing commercial structures from the early 20th century. It’s situated by Ketchikan Creek, providing a fantastic vantage on the creek and schooling salmon.

Fish Ladder

This is where Ketchikan Creek’s salmon struggle back to their native streams, fighting their way up the creek. The fish ladder aids these salmon in bypassing the waterfall, which would otherwise be a natural barrier to their spawning journey. The ladder demonstrates the town’s commitment to preserving the salmon population, a crucial aspect of the local ecosystem. Visitors can watch this struggle and success unfold, symbolizing the tenacity of life.

Harris Street Bridge

Continue your downtown Ketchikan walk via Park Avenue, along Ketchikan Creek to Harris Street Bridge. This site is celebrated for its splendid view of salmon in Ketchikan Creek. The bridge has been a part of the community since the 1930s, bolstering the natural salmon runs. Although the hatcheries it overlooks are now closed, the bridge remains a prime spot for witnessing Ketchikan’s salmon heritage.

Fish Ladder on Ketchikan Creek.

This park has small ponds dating back to the early 1900s and was the site of the city’s first hatchery. Its history is complemented by a lit fountain, built in the 1930s and restored in 1989, offering a quaint and historic outdoor space for relaxation.

Totem Heritage Center

One of the Ketchikan facts is that the city has one of the world’s most extensive collections of totem poles. At 601 Deermount Street, you will find Totem Heritage Center . Renowned for its collection of original, unrestored totem poles from the Tlingit and Haida communities, the center celebrates the exquisite 19th-century Native craftsmanship.

It’s part of the municipal museum department and offers guided tours that delve into the rich Native art traditions. The price is affordable, as it’s only $6 per adult.

Our Tip: If you’re fascinated by the rich heritage of Alaskan totem poles and find yourself journeying through the Alaska Inside Passage with a day to spare in Sitka , visit the Sitka National Historical Park . Here, you’ll encounter a remarkable collection of 30 unique totem poles, each telling its own story.

Totem pole in Ketchinak with carved birds, animals, Native tribes.

St. Elizabeth’s Church

Keep walking downtown Ketchikan along Deermount Street to see St. Elizabeth’s Church. Constructed by the Ketchikan Native Episcopal Community in 1927 during segregation, this church now functions as the Ketchikan Mortuary.

Ketchikan Indian Community (K.I.C.)

K.I.C. is an organization recognized under the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934. It plays a significant role in healthcare, education, and cultural preservation for the Tlingit, Haida, and other Alaska Natives. The center is marked by Northwest Coast-style eagle and raven totem poles crafted by Tlingit artist Ernie Smeltzer with local high school students in 1988.

Sun Raven Totem Pole

You have been entering the Stedman-Thomas Historic District , which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places, since 1996. On the way you will see Sun Raven Totem Pole. Carved by artist Israel Shotridge in 2003, this totem pole is a replica of an original from the Tlingit tribe on Tongass Island, erected in honor of the Sun Raven.

New Your Cafe at Tomas Street in Ketchikan.

Thomas Street

Characterized by its wooden plank streets, Thomas Street runs alongside the historical berth of Ketchikan’s docks. Dating back to the 1800s, this area has been a bustling hub, historically hosting boatyards, carpentry workshops, and various other businesses, capturing the town’s entrepreneurial spirit. The famous New Your Cafe is on this street.

Thomas Basin and Viewing Platform

The basin was originally part of a much larger Ketchikan Creek, serving the community’s fishing boats at low tide. The 1922 arrival of Roy Jones heralded the construction of a baseball field, which later gave way to a harbor.

Today, the area boasts a boardwalk with striking views of the harbor and fishing activities. It is complete with an interpretative totem pole crafted by Haida artist Warren Peele, symbolizing an eagle in flight.

Stedman Street Bridge and Creek Street viewing platform.

Stedman Street Bridge

Serving as a vital artery for the community, Stedman Street Bridge overlooks the point where salmon journey upstream. The sidewalk along the bridge is a popular spot for fishing enthusiasts, offering an unobstructed view of the creek where anglers lined up in hopes of a catch.

Creek Street Historic District

Now you are entering the most beautiful historic street in Ketchikan, to which we dedicated a separate article: exploring Creek Street . Once the epicenter of Ketchikan’s red-light district after its establishment in 1902, Creek Street has seen more than its share of colorful history. Over thirty establishments lined the creek. During Prohibition, some houses covertly operated as speakeasies, with rowboats delivering clandestine patrons and goods under the cover of darkness. The city ended the illicit activities in 1953, transforming Creek Street into a blended residential and commercial district.

Colorful stilt houses overlooking Ketchikan Creek on famous historic Creek Street.

Ketchikan Daily News

Once you leave Creek Street, head towards Dock Street to Ketchikan Daily News. Standing as the enduring voice of the local community since 1900 and continuing solo after 1935, the Ketchikan Daily News building encapsulates a rich journalistic tradition. It’s a testament to the city’s evolving narrative and the resilience of local reportage.

Edmonds Street

This street challenges visitors with a steep climb, offering a sweeping view of downtown. It’s a testament to Ketchikan’s rugged topography and innovative engineering, providing a unique perspective on the town’s layout.

Main and Dock Streets

The heartbeat of downtown Ketchikan’s historic center, these streets offer a stroll through time among enduring structures like the Heckman Building, which has been a cornerstone of the community since 1912.

Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council

This council energizes Ketchikan’s cultural scene, showcasing the works of local artists and hosting events that draw visitors and residents alike to the Main Street Gallery.

Eagle Park: Agnes is standing next to a large wooden and colorful eagle sculpture.

Directly across from this quaint park lies the Gilmore Hotel, an edifice celebrated on the National Register of Historic Places. Visitors to Eagle Park can enjoy moments of tranquility while basking in the historical ambiance of this serene area. Take a picture with a giant wooden eagle sculpture.

The Tunnel in Ketchikan, also known as the “Tunnel to Nowhere,” is distinctive. Carved through solid rock, it was completed in 1954, offering a new route through a mountain that previously required a steep climb. This engineering marvel is a practical passageway that simplifies travel between parts of the town.

Harbor View Park

This park offers a sanctuary where the rhythms of the harbor can be appreciated. Here, locals and visitors enjoy the dance of commercial and pleasure vessels against the backdrop of a bustling Ketchikan waterfront.

Harbor View Park

Must-Do Activities in Downtown Ketchikan

Downtown Ketchikan is a hub of activity, offering visitors a wide range of experiences highlighting the town’s rich culture, history, and natural beauty. Here are the must-do activities that should be on every traveler’s list:

Explore Creek Street

  • Activity Highlights: Walking along Creek Street isn’t just about sightseeing; it’s about stepping back in time. Take a leisurely stroll on the historic boardwalk, visit the Dolly’s House Museum, and watch for salmon in the creek.
  • Why It’s a Must: Ketchikan’s most photographed area. The combination of history, architecture, and natural beauty is unmatched.

Attend the Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show

  • Activity Highlights: Experience the thrill of watching Alaskan lumberjacks in action , competing in log rolling, chopping, and sawing. It’s an entertaining show that pays homage to Alaska’s logging history.
  • Why It’s a Must: It’s a fun and family-friendly way to connect with Alaska’s logging heritage and witness unique athletic feats.

The Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show: men are sawing a tree trunk.

Shop for Local Art and Souvenirs

  • Activity Highlights: Downtown Ketchikan has numerous galleries and shops featuring local art, crafts, and souvenirs. You can find a piece of Ketchikan to take home, from indigenous art to handcrafted jewelry.
  • Why It’s a Must: Shopping here supports local artists and craftspeople, and you’ll find unique items unavailable elsewhere.

Souvenirs shops in downtown Ketchikan.

Visit the Totem Heritage Center

  • Activity Highlights: Discover the rich indigenous culture of the area through an impressive collection of totem poles and artifacts. The center offers a deep dive into the artistry and significance of totem pole carving.
  • Why It’s a Must: It’s a rare opportunity to see original totem poles and learn about the Native cultures of Southeast Alaska.

Take a Harbor Walk

  • Activity Highlights: The harbor walk offers stunning views of the marina, with opportunities to see local wildlife, including eagles and seals. It’s a peaceful way to enjoy Ketchikan’s natural beauty. Bring binoculars, and check out our detailed Alaska cruise packing list with a free PDF checklist to prepare for your trip.
  • Why It’s a Must: The walk combines scenic views, wildlife spotting, and a chance to see Ketchikan’s bustling harbor life up close.

 Harbor in Ketchikan full of boats during sunny day.

Must-Eat Places in Downtown Ketchikan

Downtown Ketchikan is a feast for the eyes and a paradise for food lovers. The town’s culinary scene is a delightful mix of fresh seafood, cozy cafes, and eateries offering hearty meals. Here are the must-eat places that promise an unforgettable dining experience:

Annabelle’s Famous Keg and Chowder House

  • What It Offers: Known for its fresh seafood and historic ambiance, Annabelle’s is a favorite among locals and visitors alike. The chowder here is legendary, a must-try for any seafood enthusiast.
  • Why It’s Special: Located in the historic Gilmore Hotel, dining here offers a glimpse into Ketchikan’s past. The Keg Room features a fine selection of Alaskan beers, perfect for pairing with your meal.

The Alaska Fish House

  • What It Offers: This eatery boasts the freshest catch from Ketchikan’s waters. Their fish tacos and grilled salmon are standout dishes that draw crowds.
  • Why It’s Special: The Alaska Fish House offers stunning waterfront views besides the food. It’s an ideal spot for a meal that comes with a side of breathtaking scenery.

The Alaska Fish House in Ketchikan.

Sweet Mermaids

  • What It Offers: Sweet Mermaids is the go-to place for coffee lovers and those with a sweet tooth. Their freshly baked pastries, alongside a robust coffee menu, make for a perfect breakfast or afternoon treat.
  • Why It’s Special: The cozy, inviting atmosphere makes it a great place to relax and soak in the local vibe. Their quiches and soups are also worth trying for a light, savory option.

Burger Queen

  • What It Offers: A local favorite for a quick and satisfying meal. Despite its name, Burger Queen offers more than burgers; their fish and chips are among the best in town.
  • Why It’s Special: It’s a no-frills, down-to-earth eatery that focuses on quality and flavor. An excellent choice for those looking for a hearty meal without the wait.

Cape Fox Lodge

  • What It Offers: In Cape Fox Lodge , you will have a dining experience with a view. Their menu features a variety of dishes, but the Alaskan specialties, like the King Crab legs, are the real stars.
  • Why It’s Special: Accessible by a funicular ride up the hill, the lodge offers panoramic views of Ketchikan and the surrounding waters. It’s a dining experience that combines excellent food with spectacular views.

seafood in Ketchikan.

Downtown Ketchikan Final Thoughts

Exploring downtown Ketchikan is like opening a treasure chest of experiences. Every corner of this town tells a story, from the historic charm of Creek Street to the vibrant local art scene, or thrilling Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show. Whether you wander through its streets on a guided tour or carve your own path, you’re guaranteed an adventure rich in culture and natural beauty.

As you plan your journey to this enchanting Alaskan town, remember that the true essence of Ketchikan lies not just in its sights but in its spirit. It’s a community rich in history, thrumming with life, and generous in beauty. So, take your time, dive deep, and let Ketchikan reveal its wonders. This is more than just a destination; it’s an experience that will stay with you long after you return home.

More Ketchikan Travel Guide Content To Help You Out:

  • Ketchikan Itinerary
  • Best Ketchikan Shore Excursions
  • Ketchikan Facts and Numbers
  • Review: Is The Lumberjack Show In Ketchikan Worth It?
  • Bear Watching in Ketchikan: Is it worth it?
  • Review: Rainforest Sanctuary in Ketchikan: Is it worth it?
  • Admiring Ketchikan Creek Street: Photo Journey
  • How to Get to Ketchikan?

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Agnes Stabinska is the creative force and co-founder behind the Alaska Itinerary blog. With a degree in Tourism Management and postgraduate studies in Journalism, Agnes combines academic expertise with real-world experience. Alongside her partner, Chris, she's your go-to guide for an authentic Alaskan adventure.

Agnes doesn't just write about Alaska; she lives it. From capturing the state's breathtaking landscapes through her lens to hiking its rugged trails or observing bears and whales in their natural habitat, her firsthand experiences are your compass to all things Alaska.

With Agnes and Chris, you're not just reading another travel blog; you're tapping into a treasure trove of insider tips, curated itineraries, and invaluable insights to make your Alaskan journey truly unforgettable.

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Ketchikan Maps

Walking tour, city, island, & area maps.

Below you will find several Ketchikan maps to help orient you to our wonderful island and town.  Where in the world is Ketchikan, Alaska anyway?  :-)  Don't worry - you'll know exactly where it's located when you're done here!  Also, don't forget to check out the Walking Tour Map for a great, free, tour of the city!

Let's start with the basics - how about a quick google map of the area! Did you know it was that far South?  

Now that you know, more or less, where Ketchikan is located, here are a few more to make sure you know your way!

Click here to see the full size map of the Islands around Ketchikan

Here is a map of the many islands around Ketchikan.

Click here to save the map as a PDF

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Zooming in a little farther we see a map of Revillagigedo Island

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As we zoom in even further we get to City Level

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And finally we get to the downtown street level!

Ketchikan Walking Tour Map

The Ketchikan Historic Society has produced a Walking Tour Map of Ketchikan that lists a total of 64 points of interest in the Downtown & West End part of town.  The map is broken up in two sections - the West End and the Downtown area.  The Walking Tour Maps are free of charge and are found in the Ketchikan Visitors Bureau and all around town.  Click on the below links to view the map & description of the points of interest for each area. 

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View Downtown Walking Tour Map

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View West End Walking Tour Map

And for my boaters - Click the below photos for links to NOAA Charts:

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Click here to view the Ketchikan Harbor Chart

Click here to see the entire Alaska Chart list

Whew!  You shouldn't get lost now!  :-)  I hope I have provided all of the Maps of Ketchikan you can stand!  Please contact me if any of the links are broken or you are unable to view the maps or if you simply need more information!

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Walking tour of Ketchikan’s historic downtown district.

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Ketchikan Walking Tour

Totem Heritage Center Entrance, Ketchikan Walking Tour Path

Totem Heritage Center Entrance

Ketchikan Walking Tour – Deer Mountain Hatchery

We ended up creating our own self guided Ketchikan Walk Tour, which we thoroughly enjoyed.  We started by catching a free bus.  It’s very exciting to step off the cruise ship and on to a bus without any idea where it’s going.  We ended up at the Totem Heritage Center , which has an impressive display of totem poles and historical photos.  Next door we visited the Deer Mountain Hatchery.  A tribal community operates the Deer Mountain Hatchery with the money raised from tourism.  They raise salmon and care for injured eagles.  Two injured female eagles were at the center.  Both suffered broken wings and will spend the rest of their days at the center.  The eagles will likely live another 20 years in captivity.

Israel Shotridge, Tlingit Carver, Teaching the next Generation, Visit Ketchikan

Israel Shotridge, Tlingit Carver

The Deer Mountain Hatchery had thousands of young salmon.  One adult salmon had just returned from the ocean to the hatchery.  The highlight of the visit to theDeer Mountain Hatchery was a totem being carved by Israel Shotridge , a well known Tlingit carver.  He was there teaching a young boy to carve on a totem that was nearing completion after 6 months of carving.  We enjoyed seeing Israel pass on the tradition.  I also got a great shot of Israel Shotridge mocking a threatening and goofy pose with one of his adzes.  I promised his wife I wouldn’t post it on the internet though.

Ketchikan Walking Tour Path

Ketchikan Walking Tour Path

Ketchikan Walking Tour – Creek Street

From the hatchery, we followed Ketchikan Creek back to town.  We follow the map we got at the visitor center on the pier.  The trail twisted and turned on wooden boardwalks and stairs along the creek.  Our Ketchikan Walking Tour next brought us to Creek Street.  At Creek Street, all the shops and buildings extend out over the creek.  Here we found a funicular tram that takes up to 10 passengers up to the Cape Fox Lodge .  There was no one supervising the tram – it was self serve, which was a bit strange.  We checked out the interior of the hotel and its tribal art.

Jessica rescues Jamie, Ketchikan Walking Tour

Jessica rescues Jamie

At Creek Street, I took some interesting photos of construction being done using a chain saw.  The platform they were attempting to collapse accidentally fell into the Ketchikan Creek.  When they attempted to stop the platform from entering the harbor, someone jumped in the creek to stop it.  The next thing I knew a comical photo session turned into the shocking experience of watching someone nearly drown from hypothermia.  I went to a small business and had them call for emergency help.   Meanwhile someone else was able to find a rope and save the man from the freezing water.  Emergency vehicles handled things from there.  Quite the day in Ketchikan.

Ketchikan Walking Tour More Pics

Funicular to Cape Fox Lodge, Ketchikan Walking Tour

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  3. Ketchikan Alaska Tour

  4. Hiking in Beautiful Ketchikan, Alaska

  5. Arriving In Ketchikan



  1. ‎Ketchikan Walking Tour on the App Store

    The are two walking tours in the free map. This app only covers one of the two. It was useful that they provide map support, but iPhone XS was seldom the exactly following the tour line making it a bit confusing. Also, the user interface is a bit clumsy as the map does not switch back to the tour waypoint description if you tap on a waypoint.

  2. Ketchikan Walking Tour

    About this app. Enjoy Ketchikan's historic downtown district. The downtown tour range from museums to historic churches, Native totem poles, the red-light district and wooden streets from days of old.

  3. The Ketchikan Walking Tour Map

    Ketchikan Walking Tour Map Experience Ketchikan Alaska on foot for free! The Ketchikan Historic Society produces a Free Ketchikan Walking Tour Map that lists a total of 64 points of interest in the Downtown & West End part of town.. This map is free of charge and can be found in the Ketchikan Visitors Bureau and at locations all around town. If you would like to preview this free walking tour ...

  4. Walking Tour of Scenic Downtown Ketchikan

    This tur­ret­ed Vic­to­ri­an was built in 1904 for H.Z. Burkhardt,a founder of Ketchikan Pow­er Co., pre­de­ces­sor of Ketchikan Spruce Mill. It's among our last exam­ples of the Queen Anne style pop­u­lar in the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry. List­ed on the Nation­al Reg­is­ter of His­toric Places in 1982 .

  5. Ketchikan Historic Walking Tour: Home

    The Historic Ketchikan Walking Tour introduces you to the community's premier historic sites and wildlife. Here in the First City we've got the most historic properties out of any community in Alaska, so there's a lot to look at during your visit! This is the way to see Ketchikan, walking at one's own pace from one historic highlight to the ...

  6. ‎Ketchikan Walking Tour on the App Store

    Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots and learn more about Ketchikan Walking Tour. Download Ketchikan Walking Tour and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. ‎Enjoy a self-guided walking tour of Ketchikan's historic downtown district.

  7. Ketchikan Historic Walking Tour: Walking Tour App

    Walking Tour App; Map; About Us; Walking Tour App -----Home. Entertainment. Dolly's House Museum; Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show; KRBD; Tongass Historical Museum; Totem Heritage Center; Food & Beverages. 108 Taphouse; 49er Bar & Liquor Store; Alaska Fish House ... Cape Fox Tours; Ketchikan Outdoors;

  8. Downtown Ketchikan Walking Tour: Must-See, Must-Do, Must-Eat

    Ketchikan Guided Walking Tours vs. Self-Guided Exploration. When it comes to discovering downtown Ketchikan, you have two excellent options: joining a guided walking tour or embarking on a self-guided exploration. Each choice offers its own unique benefits, and understanding these can help you decide the best way to experience the heart of Ketchikan.

  9. ‎Ketchikan Walking Tour on the App Store

    Download Ketchikan Walking Tour and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. ‎Enjoy a self-guided walking tour of Ketchikan's historic downtown district. Global Nav Open Menu Global Nav Close Menu

  10. Ketchikan Walking Tour

    Data practices may vary based on your app version, use, region, and age. Learn more. Here's more information the developer has provided about the kinds of data this app may collect and share, and security practices the app may follow. Data practices may vary based on your app version, use, region, and age. Learn more. Games. Apps.

  11. Exploring Ketchikan on Foot

    Exploring Ketchikan on Foot. Exploring Ketchikan on foot is not only possible, but is one of the best things you can do given an hour and a half in town. An adventure within the downtown footprint of Ketchikan brings in the perfect mix of history, shopping, local art, and fresh seafood. The layout of the town is 100 years old, evidenced by the ...

  12. An Easy Walking Tour Of Ketchikan, Alaska

    Ketchikan, Alaska, is the southeasternmost city in the 49th state and is located at the entrance to the inside passage. It's often referred to as Alaska's first city since it sits furthest south, and the first city reached by large cruise ships. The mountainous Tongass National Forest surrounds the town, and due to the rugged terrain, the ...

  13. Ketchikan Historic Walking Tour: Map

    Above are the Ketchikan Historic Walking Tour map advertisers and sponsors. Their locations are also indicated in the physical map (lots of those available at the Visitor's Center) and on our Walking Tour app. From food to art to clothing, there's a lot of ways to take some Alaska back home with you.

  14. Walking Tour, City, Island, & Area maps

    The Ketchikan Historic Society has produced a Walking Tour Map of Ketchikan that lists a total of 64 points of interest in the Downtown & West End part of town. The map is broken up in two sections - the West End and the Downtown area. The Walking Tour Maps are free of charge and are found in the Ketchikan Visitors Bureau and all around town.

  15. Ketchikan Historic Walking Tour

    Walking tour of Ketchikan's historic downtown district. Links. iOS Android Map Android Map

  16. Ketchikan Walking Tour

    The trail twisted and turned on wooden boardwalks and stairs along the creek. Our Ketchikan Walking Tour next brought us to Creek Street. At Creek Street, all the shops and buildings extend out over the creek. Here we found a funicular tram that takes up to 10 passengers up to the Cape Fox Lodge . There was no one supervising the tram - it ...

  17. THE BEST 10 Ketchikan Walking Tours (w/Prices)

    A: The best Walking Tours in Ketchikan according to Viator travelers are: Ketchikan Authentic Native Experience Private Tour for up to 6. Ketchikan Duck Tour. 3 Hour Rainforest Walk and Totem Park. "OVER THE TOP TOURS" city highlights, wildlife and more! City Highlights Totem Parks and Sightseeing.

  18. 10 Best Trails and Hikes in Ketchikan

    Looking for the best hiking trails in Ketchikan? Whether you're getting ready to hike, bike, trail run, or explore other outdoor activities, AllTrails has 30 scenic trails in the Ketchikan area. Enjoy hand-curated trail maps, along with reviews and photos from nature lovers like you. Explore one of 10 easy hiking trails in Ketchikan or discover kid-friendly routes for your next family trip.

  19. Ketchikan: Self-Guided Audio Tour

    Submerge yourself into Ketchikan, the Salmon Capital of the World. Located far south in Alaska, Ketchikan is a beautiful area surrounded by the Tongass Narrows and Deer Mountain in the background. On this audio tour, you will learn about the history and legends of the local aboriginal tribes at the Totem Heritage Center and Stedman Thomas ...

  20. Where the Eagle Walks

    Historic Ketchikan Walking Tour. Where the Eagle Walks: Ketchikan, AK Home Tours and Lectures About Contact THE BEST WAY TO EXPERIENCE KETCHIKAN'S HISTORY. Where The Eagle Walks is a small business owned and operated for the past 27 years by Joe Williams, Jr. Mr Williams is a Tlingit Indian, born and raised in Saxman. He lived in Anchorage for ...

  21. Walking Tours Throughout Ketchikan, Alaska

    Ketchikan Walking Tours. Go on a walking tour to explore the town's historic streets, vibrant culture, and natural beauty at a leisurely pace. Knowledgeable guides will lead you to hidden gems, sharing intriguing stories and fascinating facts along the way. Admire the intricate totem poles, stroll along the picturesque waterfront, and immerse ...

  22. Ketchikan Historic Walking Tour: About Us

    Pioneer Printing Co., Inc., which provides the Ketchikan Walking Tour Map, is the parent company of the Ketchikan Daily News. Owned and operated by the Williams family of Ketchikan since 1972, the second and third generation publish a newspaper six days weekly, provide commercial printing, sell Ketchikan photography and maintain a variety of ...

  23. Ketchikan Walking Tour by Pioneer Printing Company, Inc

    Enjoy a self-guided walking tour of Ketchikan's historic downtown district. ... Similar Apps to Ketchikan Walking Tour Yukon Walking Tours. Government of Yukon.