
South Africa is a magical place with many possibilities! Wild Wildebeest Safaris offers a utopia of adventure, natural beauty, and lush accommodations which combine to create a truly memorable vacation. When hunting with Wild Wildebeest Safaris, we aim to provide you with superior trophies while giving attention to every detail to ensure that you have an African Adventure of a lifetime.

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Auction Hunts: Deal? Or Duped?

  • Thread starter Cam Moon
  • Start date Oct 6, 2019

Cam Moon

  • Oct 6, 2019

Hi all. I'm thoroughly enjoying this site and truly appreciate the diversity of the members and their different ideas. I value that members may not always share the same opinions, but (for the most part) seem to respect each other's thoughts and ideas. I appreciate all productive input and would like to give a quick "Thank you!". I've read some posts recently where members have either bid on hunts at fundraising auctions, won a hunt in a draw or raffle, and/or have been discussing the same. I've noticed a lot of negative feedback with regards to these situations. I'm wondering how many people would share their first hand experiences with these "winnings". When I learn about any type of bait and switch tactics it certainly turns me off. I don't like the idea of something being overvalued just so people will bid higher or buy more tickets either. I've also heard of some ridiculously high trophy prices on animals that are not included in the winners package. And even some undisclosed or hidden costs. All of these upset me. I believe that there are several members on here that don't feel near the financial burdens that some others (myself included) feel, but I think for the majority, the bottom line as far as overall costs plays a very significant role. I hunt because it's my passion! I scrounge and save and put myself in debt because nature and hunting are a part of me and who I am. Now I've been bitten by the African hunting bug, and by gawd every dollar counts! So my question is this.... Are ALL these so called winners being duped? Could they simply contact one of the many reputable outfits available here and get just as good of a deal or better? Or are there some really good opportunities to be had at tremendous value at these auctions, draws, and raffles?  


Cam Moon, read my recent hunt report. We recently bookended a Zambezi valley buffalo hunt with two auction hunts; Limpopo with Numzaan and Namibia with AfriHunt. Both were quality operations and the hunts were as advertised.  



The auction hunts normally say what is included, if they don't I would not bid on it. My experience when I've reviewed what is included is that it's not much and the final cost will be much much higher. In all cases I felt that I'd be better off booking with an outfitter directly. I've found that I'll end up with a hunt I'm more interested in, in terms of animals, lodging, staff support, and of course cost. This is not to say there aren't good deals out there, I just haven't found one, just be careful of what you bid on. I've looked into auctions, but have not bid on any.  

Red Leg

There are some great auction buys to be had. HOWEVER, you must educate yourself to understand what you are seeing in the offer. Ridiculously high trophy fees can quickly eradicate any savings in the daily rate. And there are many postage stamp operations of which I have no interest however cheap the sale. Much of this sort of thing can be ferreted out of the catalog description. Usually, local chapters publish auctions prior to the event. Google up the various outfitters and find the two or three that look like a place you really want to hunt. I recently returned from a buffalo hunt in the Limpopo that I bought because no one else placed a bid. It was a cow hunt, but the outfitter was sitting at my table. I asked him if the buyer could opt for a bull at his regular trophy fee rate. He readily agreed, and when the hunt came up, I purchased it rather than let it go without a bid. It was a superb experience that cost me perhaps 60% of the hunt had I merely booked it. Years ago, I purchased a mule deer hunt at auction for my son and me in British Columbia. I have hunted with that outfitter four times over the subsequent decade. So yes, there are some great buys among the donations. If you do just a little bit of research prior to the event, they are actually pretty easy to identify.  


There is definitely good, bad, and ugly out there. Auctions play on emotions and a lot of people get wound up in the moment, make assumptions, don't read the details, and don't do any comparisons. You have to be critical not emotional, which you are since you're asking these questions. I personally fall into the latter group who hasn't found that gem from the auctions I've seen and has done well just looking around. But I've known a few experienced people who have done well with auction hunts, so I'm pretty sure there's some good deals to be found, just not every hunt on the auction block, or sometimes any from a particular auctions offerings.  



I have bought two hunts at auction one was with @Wild Wildebeest Safaris and was excellent. The other was my first trip to RSA and it was fun, but had some seriously disappointing events take place, I attribute most of it to the operator having marital troubles and not really giving a damn about his hunt. I have spoken with this PH since and he was apologetic about the attention that he did not give out hunt. As @Red Leg said above, do some research and it is easy to sort out what is a bargain and what is a burn. Most of these guys that donate tend to have house parties in the states during the shows and it is a great opportunity to get to know them and possibly strike up some nice deals to add into your contract. The way I look at these donation hunts is as a two way street. They are donating a trip that they most likely know is not going to be full value of the hunt at auction, the outfitters depend on a client adding animals to a package and I believe in doing that and most definitely do when I’m hunting. During your research you can compare trophy fees with other outfits in the area and if the auction package had 50% higher fees than the one down the road you know they are trying to make up their “donation” by increased trophy fees. If they are in line with the norm, great, shoot more on your trip. The old adage buyer beware is true in everything, researching before buying is the only way to negate those risks.  



I have not bid on an auction but I have seen the horror stories on here. If I was to bid on auction, it would have to be for a bargain price. Otherwise, I would just book with one of the fine outfitters here. I know the fundraisers are a social experience, but you really need to grab your phone and research the company and reviews before you buy rather than after.  



Good advice above. I've bought 2 auction hunts at SCI. Here is the most recent one: I have seen hunts go for almost 80% of stated value and some for 10%. You have to do your research and read all of the fine print. Gotta know exactly what your bidding on! I can't tell you how many people come on here asking about an outfitter AFTER they have bought the hunt. BEFORE you bid is the time to ask. A little research will tell you ahead of time what hunts are available. Don't do it on impulse!! So many folks get a few drinks in them and bid on a hunt that has a lot of add on costs. If possible speak to the outfitter ahead of time. This is how I stretch my hunting $$. One of the TV show hosts that I hunted with last yr. told me thats how they do some of their own hunts. Bruce  


Deal or duped? The answer is yes. They can be both, just like a hunt purchased through any other method can be both. Like @Red Leg and @Bullthrower338 both said you can get a great deal, but do your research. And beware! Some auction hunts are a true donation from the outfitter, but some outfitters ENTIRE marketing strategy is donation hunts. And yet, they stay in business or even thrive. What does that tell you?  

Mark Biggerstaff

Mark Biggerstaff

I will say this. I have never bid on an auction hunt but I did win one in a contest. It was my first hunt to South Africa in 2018. It was with Bos en Dal Safaris. I won 3 days and two animals in that contest. I could have not been more pleased with that experience I had. Everything was just as said, I added days and animals and it exceeded my expectations. I did not have the opportunity at one of the animals that was in the package I won but I was credited that Trophy fee to the ones I did. That was one memorable hunt and have since booked two more trips with them. I have bought at auction hunts that were here in USA. Some where complete failures and some where great. Do your homework on the hunts before you agree.  


As all have said, do VERY diligent research days or weeks before the auction, not when the auction is about to close. The other point to make is not just what is included, but read between the lines to see what is NOT included, then decide what you will spend. I have been on several auction hunts, most quite good and have rebooked with several. They are usually a great fundraiser for the hosting organization.  



I think like everyone has said just do your homework on what it actually is and includes. I have done it one time and it worked out great.  


Buyer beware is the best approach. Others have said the same as I'm going to provide here but this is another data point for you. 2012 DSC auction hunt. My first hunt in Africa - Chewore North Zimbabwe. The economy wasn't that great and the bidding was low. I paid about 60% of retail for one heck of hunt inclusive of daily rates for hunter / non-hunter, 10 days, 2 days fishing, Cape buffalo trophy and filming of hunt. 2016 DSC auction hunt. My second hunt in Africa - Niassa Province Mozambique. No one knew the PH but the outfitter was well known. I paid about 30% of daily rates and then I had to pay for non-hunter daily rates and normal trophy fees. Both of these hunts were fantastic, my affordable way to do Cape buffalo twice, and we gained lasting friendships with the PHs. In 2008 I had an opportunity at a cancellation white tail hunt in Illinois and went for it. Saved about 35%. Poor room / board. Poor guiding. The outfitter had shot a B&C buck a few weeks before I arrived and was all proud of himself. Never saw a buck and only saw about 10 does in five days. I relied on the booking agent instead of doing my research. Shame on me. I am a life member of Coastal Conservation Association. A safari company from South Africa has offered hunts through our national organization. While working as a volunteer at our annual fundraiser I saw their hunt offer on the silent auction table. No where near the deals offered regularly by sponsors on this site. I heard a few young people talking about going - I took them aside and provided my thoughts on the offer and suggested they wait, take their time, do research, join this site and work with some of our sponsors.  

Jay Bucher

  • Oct 7, 2019

I bid and won a trip with Wild Wildebeest Safaris at an RMEF banquet. It was clearly explained what was and was not included. I knew someone who had went on same hunt and loved it. He had went again the next year. The trip far exceeded my expectations. To be honest if I hadn’t won the auction I probably still would not have gone to Africa. Jay  

Philip Glass

Philip Glass

  • Oct 8, 2019
Cam Moon said: Hi all. I'm thoroughly enjoying this site and truly appreciate the diversity of the members and their different ideas. I value that members may not always share the same opinions, but (for the most part) seem to respect each other's thoughts and ideas. I appreciate all productive input and would like to give a quick "Thank you!". I've read some posts recently where members have either bid on hunts at fundraising auctions, won a hunt in a draw or raffle, and/or have been discussing the same. I've noticed a lot of negative feedback with regards to these situations. I'm wondering how many people would share their first hand experiences with these "winnings". When I learn about any type of bait and switch tactics it certainly turns me off. I don't like the idea of something being overvalued just so people will bid higher or buy more tickets either. I've also heard of some ridiculously high trophy prices on animals that are not included in the winners package. And even some undisclosed or hidden costs. All of these upset me. I believe that there are several members on here that don't feel near the financial burdens that some others (myself included) feel, but I think for the majority, the bottom line as far as overall costs plays a very significant role. I hunt because it's my passion! I scrounge and save and put myself in debt because nature and hunting are a part of me and who I am. Now I've been bitten by the African hunting bug, and by gawd every dollar counts! So my question is this.... Are ALL these so called winners being duped? Could they simply contact one of the many reputable outfits available here and get just as good of a deal or better? Or are there some really good opportunities to be had at tremendous value at these auctions, draws, and raffles? Click to expand...

Mort Hill

  • Oct 11, 2019

One of the basic rules our chapter of SCI in Nashville uses, while I was on their board, was as part of the vetting process we only entertained donations from outfitters where we had personal experience of going on the hunt, or talked directly with someone who had been on the hunt. This has helped tremendously in keeping a good track record of positive feedback from bidders and winners. Nothing carries more weight that an average Joe in the audience being asked before bidding to say a few words about his or her experience. These are not plants but just real reviews by those who have been, and the bidding normally takes off on these hunts. I too have bought auction hunts based on this premise and it has not failed me yet.  

CBH Australia

CBH Australia

  • Oct 12, 2019

Consider posting as wanted if you are not sure on auctions. I got many offers. Sounds like the hunts offered are at a plus Trophy rate. Probably a good buy For the hunt sounds like animals are at trophy rates with most unless stated as included. My experience was posting in deals and offers asking for a cull hunt meaning to type 2022 but wrote 2020, good thing she agreed we are going in January. Wasn’t set on anything in particular except a good experience. Plenty of operators contacted me and were happy to answer questions and provide references. They seem to work hard for our business My chosen operator got a mention from a couple of Aussies on here. He made a good offer and others good offers it all varied. I was just doing some light reading but the website made me do it. Actually I met a South African fellow in an Aussie gun shop while I was trying to digest all of this information. I asked what he thought of the offer and he said it is a good deal. When you have a couple of deals on the table then see If you can tailor one of these to suit. I did we have 2 tour days guided by operator so we can see something while we are there. It seems most offer same inclusions for the hunt. Standards may vary and paying more should get you better accomodation etc but I hope the hospitality is good everywhere. I can let you know in 3 months. In another thread a member suggested the economy is slow and prices are competitive at present.  

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Where to see Wildebeest in South Africa

Wildebeest are a group of antelope, although its superficially bovine appearance sometimes sees them mistaken for buffalo. Known for their spectacular migrations, this these resilient beasts are one of Africa’s most successful herbivores.

About image

Quick facts about Wildebeest

The lugubrious-looking blue wildebeest is the better known of two wildebeest species, the other being South Africa’s rare black wildebeest (Connochaetes gnou). A large, robust antelope of the hartebeest (Alcelaphinae) tribe, it is identified by its dark grey/brown colouration and front-heavy profile, embellished with handlebar horns, black beard and luxuriant tail. Wildebeest use their broad muzzles to crop short grass and often feed alongside zebra and other grazers. Family groups and bachelor herds may coalesce in gatherings many thousands strong when migrating in search of fresh grazing. All females give birth at the start of the rainy season – the explosion of youngsters overwhelming the many predators, such as lion and hyena, lying in wait.

Max. running speed

When wildebeest evolved

Proportion of day spent grazing (Serengeti rainy season)

Regional subspecies

The top camps for seeing wildebeest in South Africa

Based on 40 reports by our travellers since Jun 2018, visitors at these camps in South Africa have the best chances of sighting wildebeest.

Best chances to see

Good chances to see

Some sightings

No sightings yet

Top 10 camps for wildebeest

% of travellers who saw wildebeest

Where to see wildebeest in Africa

Wildebeest inhabit short-grass plains and bushy savannah in eastern and southern Africa. You’ll find them in numerous reserves, from Kenya to South Africa, but the greatest spectacle is their annual migration across the Serengeti.

Top tips for viewing wildebeest

The Serengeti’s celebrated ‘Great Migration’ involves an annual clockwise cycle of up to 1.5 million blue wildebeest, alongside zebra and various antelope, following seasonal rainfall towards optimum conditions for feeding and calving. To catch this spectacle, and perhaps witness the drama of a river crossing, take advice when planning your safari. Large herds also roam Zambia’s Liuwa Plain and Tanzania’s Tarangire , although the huge migrations across Botswana’s Kalahari are no more, courtesy of veterinary cordon fences. Most other savanna reserves support smaller but healthy populations, provided permanent water is available. Check out Zambia’s Luangwa Valley for the shy Cookson’s wildebeest, a local subspecies. Watch rival male wildebeest contest a territorial skirmish and you’ll soon see these animals as more than just predator bait.


Our best South Africa holidays for wildebeest sightings

Based on our travellers' reports, these ideas for South Africa safaris are likely to give the best wildebeest sightings

Itinerary image

The Highlights of Africa


An epic adventure taking in some of Africa’s most incredible sights and wildlife experiences, from Cape Town to the Okavango Delta, Victoria Falls, the Maasai Mara and an encounter with mountain gorillas.

US$14,380 - US$18,260 per person

Itinerary image

Kwandwe Self-drive Safari


An elegantly stylish lodge that is well suited to families, Kwandwe offers a range of safari activities and the chance to sight all of the "Big 5" during exploration of the Eastern Cape.

US$2,870 - US$4,460 per person

Itinerary image

Black Wildebeest Self-drive Safari


Journey from South Africa’s cosmopolitan Cape Town to central Namibia’s Okonjima Nature Reserve during this self-driven safari. The route passes through a stunning variety of landscapes, offering access to this beautiful continent’s rich diversity.

US$3,330 - US$3,830 per person

Itinerary image

Leopard Safari


Victoria Falls, Botswana and Cape Town – a classic southern African itinerary combining luxury, wilderness, safari and culture. We can't think of a better way to spend two weeks.

US$12,250 - US$18,030 per person

View all holidays to South Africa

wild wildebeest safaris prices

More information about wildebeest in our other destinations

Click here for detailed information about wildebeest in other countries, including the places for sighting wildebeest.


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Wild Encounters

Wild Encounters

LIONS: Following The Pride 40: Failed Wildebeest Chase

Posted: July 7, 2024 | Last updated: July 7, 2024

The three lionesses of the Ximhungwe pride notice impala, waterbuck and a lone wildebeest across the clearings. They start to stalk but eventually miss...Filmed in the Sabi Sand Wildtuin, Greater Kruger National Park, South AfricaSubscribe:​ ​​ ​| Merch: ​ Watch the newest videos: <a href=""></a> Rob The Ranger:TWITTER: ​ ​ BLOG: ​ ​ ​ TUMBLR: ​ ​more videos!Lions, Lions, And More Lions: <a href=""></a> Elephant (Loxodonta africana): <a href=""></a> t=1African Wild Dogs/Painted Wolves: <a href=""></a> =1Hippo (Hippopotamus amphibius): [​ Most Popular: ​ Rob The Ranger Wildlife Videos:The purpose of the channel is to show what it is like to experience seeing wild animals on an African safari. Nature Documentaries are often highly edited to tell a story, wildlife safaris are not, and the idea here is to show the wildlife sightings the way they were seen. Safari tours in Africa are generally suitable for all ages and this channel can be considered an educational channel about incredible nature, some scenes in the nature videos may be more graphic than people are used to but this is the reality of nature and is what you would see if you were present on such a safari in person. Safaris in Kenya, South Africa, or any other African country are an unrivalled experience for anyone with a passion for nature, wildlife photography, and travel. Hopefully the animal videos on this channel can provide a glimpse into what the nature experience is like and encourage more people to take a wildlife safari one day. Make sure to subscribe and enable ALL notifications!#robtheranger #followingthepride #ximhungwelions

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Numzaan Safaris, Limpopo Province South Africa

I had an amazing trip to South Africa in August of 2013. My brother and I did a 7 day plains game rifle hunt. We stayed at Wild Wildebeest Lodge and the accommodations were top notch. Wild Wildebeest and Numzaan had a partnership where Numzaan had the professional hunters and connections to the hunting concessions. They have since split their partnership, but I'd go back and hunt with either of them. The guides were first class and the game was plentiful.

My best advice would be to tell your guide how you want to hunt. We spent tons of time chasing critters through the bush while another in our group spent lots of time sitting on water holes. By the end of the week, it was very relaxing sitting on a water hole and watching animals up close and I wish I would have spent a little more time on water holes. If there is something you want, ask and Numzaan or Wildwildebeest will deliver!


Hunting Blue Wildebeest in South Africa

Hunting blue wildebeest in south africa - hunter's notes.

When hunting blue wildebeest in South Africa, these animals are primarily active during the morning and late afternoon, with the day’s hottest hours spent in rest. On your blue wildebeest hunt, an effective technique is to walk slowly into a suspected resting area or across the wind glassing well ahead for movement. A blue wildebeest trophy is wary and difficult to approach and longer shots may sometimes be required. We offer blue wildebeest hunts of superior quality in prime areas which are large, government-owned game reserves. Herds of animals have roamed these vast expanses of land for years. Hunting blue wildebeest within these large areas is a complete free-range hunt.  We pride ourselves not only in top trophy quality, but in the complete authentic hunting experience. Our professional hunters have years of experience in hunting blue wildebeest and will assist in guiding you on the best hunt of your life.

Hunting Blue Wildebeest in South Africa - Characteristics

With the blue wildebeest, the dark silver-grey body is marked with dark vertical bands on the front quarters. Blue wildebeest are characterised by a long black mane and a beard of hair hanging from the throat and neck. Both sexes grow short curved horns. In adult bulls the horns are heavily bossed. Bulls weigh up to 400 pounds and measures 58 inches at the shoulders.

Limpopo, Free State, Eastern Cape and Zululand.

Blue wildebeest are found in open Savannah, especially thorn woodland. They prefer short grass plains in valleys and floodplains. Seasonal movements take place to areas with short grass if the grass in the particular area becomes too tall to access; drinking water is essential.

Hunting Blue Wildebeest in South Africa - Shot Placement and Caliber

The blue wildebeest is a very resilient antelope. Hunting blue wildebeest with less than .270 caliber is not recommended. On your hunt, the flat shooting .300 magnums are the best option.

When hunting blue wildebeest, aim to position yourself for the side-on shot. Place the shot up the back edge of the front leg and aim approximately four inches above the point of the elbow. This particular shot will take heart and lungs.

Hunting Blue Wildebeest in South Africa - Gallery

Hunting blue wildebeest in south africa - enquire.

Somerby Safaris team is ready to assist to plan your dream African hunting safari! We will make sure that your African safari experience is the most exciting adventure and that it will remain etched in your memory books for life! Please provide us with the following information and then we will get back to you within 24 hours!

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Somerby Safaris provides excellence and is at the top of their field. From arrival to departure Somerby Safaris is driven to be the best!

I have been laying over in cities all over the world for more than 30 years and have had some really great times. But I have 4 words to describe my short time with Somerby Safaris, BEST LAY OVER EVER!!!!!

Have hunted Africa 6 times – First 5 with other outfitters and first one with one with Somerby; 6th Safari beats the first 5, Somerby is the best!

Absolutely one of the best hunting experiences of my life. For anyone looking to book a serious African safari, do not hesitate to contact Somerby!

It’s not just the doing of a thing, but how one does a thing that at the dusk of memory takes one back to the sharp moment of action and then a whiskey and a fire shared with a trusted PH ... that is the true and the beautiful essence of “Safari,” at least for me.

Somerby is a wonderful professional organization to work with, hunt with and just know. Booking your first overseas hunt is a huge decision but you can rest assured that Somerby has all the angles covered before during and after the hunt.

Our hunting experience with Somerby created memories and trophies we will cherish for years. Somerby is second to none. Don't wait, don't think twice - Book NOW!

I have hunted with other hunting outfitters in the US, and Canada, none have compared to Somerby!

As my group and I were on our way back home we were already planning for the trip back to Somerby safari

This was without a doubt, the best hunting trip we have taken. We have been taking hunting trips all over the US and Canada for the last 30 years. This trip topped them All. Somerby's far exceed our expectations and we are already planning our return. If you have ever considered an African Safari, call Somerby's you will be happy you did.

Somerby Safaris is first class all the way! I will be back to Africa and Somerby Safaris is the only Safari for me! Hunting with Somerby Safaris was the best trip of my life! All I can think about is going back! - Thank you, Somerby, for a wonderful Safari!

If you are looking for an outfitter that doesn't treat you like a client but a friend, look no further.


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Owned and operated by Local Nature Enthusiasts who love outdoor adventure activities. We have all been involved with outdoor vacations for the last 10 years with our partners in USA, Italy and Denmark. We have specialized in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda and Uganda tours. The trips on this website are the best you can find - they have been tested and received our stamp of approval. If you are considering an outdoor vacation anywhere in East Africa, write to us and let one of our experienced

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I recently completed a 13-day safari tour through Kenya and Tanzania, and it was an unforgettable experience from start to finish, thanks to the exceptional service provided by the tour operator. The drivers and guides were outstanding....

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wild wildebeest safaris prices

Wildebeest Migration Wonder of the World - Masai Mara Migration Price, Itinerary, & More

Kenya Wildebeest Migration -

The Kenya wildebeest migration is arguably the most facilitating event in the world. The circular movement of millions of wildebeests, zebras, antelopes, and other grazers annually between Serengeti National Park and Masai Mara Game Reserve . 

Scientists cannot precisely tell how the wildebeests know when to migrate or how they know the way. One plausible explanation is that they follow the rain’s scent, which is fascinating.

If you want to experience this wildebeest migration wonder of the world, we advise you to visit Kenya from July to late September, as this is when the animals will be at the Masai Mara. 

You are probably also wondering how much it costs to book wildebeest migration safari packages. Cost is influenced by several factors, such as your duration of stay and type of accommodation. This review will give you a proper breakdown to help you as you plan.

Most importantly, you must be wondering how a migration safari works, what happens while you are at the Masai Mara , and how it feels to watch hundreds of wildebeest cross a crocodile-infested river.

As luck would have it, we had the privilege of witnessing the Masai Mara migration, and we are happy to share our first-hand account of the most fantastic show on earth with you. We have done that with our 3-day or 4-day Kenya animal migration safari packages and itinerary. 

Wildebeest Migration in Kenya – Book Your Great Migration Safari Today

Your Kenya wildebeest migration safari starts here. Book the packages in this piece or customize your safari by calling us or sending a WhatsApp message to +254-748-258-880. 

We are also available through email at [email protected] or [email protected]

The Summarized, 4 Days Kenya Wildebeest Migration Safari Itinerary 

Our 4 days detailed great migration in kenya safari experience itinerary .

As a travel company , one of our goals is to share Kenya’s beauty with our clients. But we cannot share what we don’t know or haven’t experienced. Our team often visits the Masai Mara to experience the wild beast migration in Kenya.

Day 1: Pick Up from Nairobi, Transfer to Masai Mara, & Evening Game Drive

As we usually do with Masai Mara road trips, we leave Nairobi bright and early. Most of our clients arrive in Nairobi by 4 am. We pick them up from the airport and start the road trip by 6 am. 

This is so that we can arrive at the Masai Mara in time for lunch and an early evening game drive. We take the Southern bypass out of Nairobi and join the Nairobi-Nakuru highway. 

Our traditional first stop of the journey is the Great Rift Valley View Point, about an hour from Nairobi. This is a mesmerizing spot where you can see the vast expanse of the Great Rift Valley stretching as far as your eyes can see.

There are plenty of curio shops where you can start picking up souvenirs for your family. After taking the obligatory first photos of the trip, we return to the road. Our next stop will be Narok town.

We arrive at Narok town a couple of hours, about 3-hrs later. Some of the guys take the chance to stretch their legs, others visit the bathroom, and others do final shopping. From here, it takes about 2-hrs to get to the most sought-after game reserve in the world – Masai Mara . 

We can all feel the excitement building up as we near the gates, as this is the best time to visit the reserve . After completing payments ( since we stay inside the park ), we head to our home for the next three or four days.

We are welcomed warmly with a glass of cold mango juice or other drinks and check-in. Usually, when we bring guests, we allow them to relax and rejuvenate for the rest of the afternoon before going on an evening game drive. 

Evening game drives offer great chances to witness a hunt as the predators look for dinner. You can tell that the next few days will be amazing!

Day 2: Full-Day Game Drive at Masai Mara National Reserve – Experience Migration

On the second day, we rise early and meet at breakfast. After the long journey yesterday, we all slept soundly, with the sounds of different wild animals echoing in the distance. The buffet is delicious, but we don’t linger. 

The migration is in full force, and we don’t want to miss a second more. Because of this, today we are taking packed lunch, graciously prepared for us by the hotel. This means we will be gone all day without returning for lunch.

We pack up our gear and head to the Mara River, where all the action is. On our way, we encounter hundreds of wildebeest that have already made the lucky cross, gazelles, zebras, antelopes, and numerous other species.

As we approach the Mara River, we can hear the buzz, sounds, and excitement from a distance. The animals make a loud splashing sound as they jump into the uncertain waters. There is safety in numbers here, and the wildebeest cross in their hundreds.

We take our position near other tour vans and set up equipment on our van’s open roof. We quickly get enthralled by the action taking place down below.

As the animals come down the steep slopes of the elevated banks, some slip and fall their heads first into the water. Thousands more wait by the banks, and one by one, they jump in.

The steep climb out of the water is tough for some who will soon launch for a pride of lions waiting patiently. We suddenly notice some action in the middle of the river. A zebra has fallen prey to three large crocodiles, and it will not win this battle no matter what it does.

We get engrossed in the action and lose track of time. The rumbling in our tummies reminds us that it is lunchtime. We head off to a popular picnic spot near the Mara River, where we enjoy chicken sandwiches and cold juice and marvel at what we just witnessed.

We will have a lot of fun going through all the photos. As the afternoon turns into dusk, we head back to the hotel, exhausted but enthralled. I look forward to a warm bath and a cold beer. New adventures await us tomorrow.

Kenya Wildebeest Migration - Aj Kenya Safaris

Day 3: Optional Hot Air Balloon Safari Followed by Full-Day Migration Safari – Experience the Migration 

Day three is usually more of the day two great migration in Kenya , but with a morning twist – a hot air balloon ride over the Masai Mara. Only a helicopter safari excursion can rival a hot air balloon experience over Masai Mara. 

You can opt to start your day with this 1-2-hr ride over the dotted Mara, which ends with a champagne breakfast right in the jungle. The operation begins at around 5 am, with the morning pick up from the accommodation. It ends at approximately 9.30 am. Time to continue with game drives. 

Today, we take some time away from the Mara River to explore the rest of the park. Numerous herds of animals have made it across, and the park is buzzing with action.

Everywhere we look, the open green plains are filled with both predators and prey. We encounter a herd of elephants by some acacia trees and a lone leopard up a tree. The day is also a success, and we return to the camp at dusk.

Day 4: Optional Morning Game Drive, Visit a Maasai Village, and Transfer to Nairobi 

As is the norm on our last day at the Masai Mara , we pack up and check out our rooms after breakfast. We will have one final game drive (IF STAYING INSIDE THE RESERVE) on this last day as we head out of the park . This is a great chance to see anything we might have missed during our stay.

In our case, we head straight back to the Mara River to catch some action as we depart. There is much to see, and soon it is 9 am, and we reluctantly drive out of the park for a Maasai village.

We have made friends in the village over the years, and we usually head there to see how they are faring. As usual, Kilusu, the head of the village, entertains us with stories in broken Swahili and English and soon has us laughing our hearts off.

We always arrange for our clients to visit a Masai Village and interact with this unique Kenyan tribe during our planned Masai Mara safari visits. The Maasais, to date, stubbornly cling to their traditions in the face of modernity. 

The women still make manyattas (traditional houses) from a mixture of soil and cow dung, and the primary responsibility of little boys is to herd cattle and goats. Maasai morans (warriors) dress up and entertain our guests with singing and dancing. The famous Masai jump is particularly fascinating for most guests who like to try it.

This is usually a great chance to buy authentic jewelry made from beads and other traditional materials. After, the long 5-hr drive to Nairobi begins. We sometimes encounter some traffic occasioned by ongoing road construction on the highway, but we make it to Nairobi, tired but safe and sound.

On a typical trip with guests, we would drive you back to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport if you were heading back to your country. If you are visiting other areas in Kenya, we transfer you back to your hotel in Nairobi or take you to the next destination. 

Items Included in the Kenya Wildebeest Migration Packages Price

  • Pick up from JKIA on day 1
  • Services of a professional safari guide 
  • Bottled mineral drinking water during the safari
  • Exclusive use of a 4×4 safari land cruiser 
  • All park fees and government taxes 
  • Full-board accommodation at Masai Mara for three nights on sharing basis 
  • Game drives at Masai Mara on day 1
  • Full-day game drive at Masai Mara on day 2
  • Full-day game drive at Masai Mara on day  3
  • Visit a Maasai village on day 4
  • Transfer to Nairobi (JKIA) on day 4

Items Excluded from the Masai Mara Migration Packages Price

  • A hot air balloon safari – USD 500 Per Person 
  • Tips and gratuities to safari guide
  • Local and internal flights 
  • Laundry services 
  • Money transfer fee

Wildebeest Migration Safari Packages Price Per Person Sharing – 2024

*The price is based on 2 adults sharing a safari vehicle and a double room.

Wildebeest Migration Wonder of the World – FAQs

We usually get many questions from people who would like to experience the wildebeest migration of Kenya. Here are some of the commonly asked questions about the Masai Mara migration.

 1. What Month is the Great Migration in Kenya?

The great wildebeest migration takes place in Kenya between July and October. At this time, thousands of wildebeest, zebras, antelopes, and eland will have circled back from Tanzania’s Serengeti Game Reserve, arriving at the Mara River in July.

However, there is no set date when the migration begins and ends, as the animals have intrinsic knowledge of when to move to the Masai Mara and when to go back to the Serengeti.

 2. What is the Best Time to Visit Kenya?

Ideally, the best time to visit Kenya is between July and October, when the wildebeest migration occurs. However, Masai Mara is a vast, wildlife-rich park that will thrill you regardless of what time of the year you visit.

In other words, you will still see numerous animals and have a wonderful trip, no matter the time of the year. Spending Easter, Christmas, or New Year in the wild can be remarkable.

 3. How Much Does Kenya Migration Safari Cost?

Several factors determine the cost of a Kenya animal migration safari or Masai Mara migrations safari. One of these factors is the duration of your stay. The longer you stay, the higher the cost.

Another factor is where you stay. The Mara has all types of accommodation, ranging from budget to super luxurious. Again, your preferences here will determine costs. 

The means of transport is another factor. Flying, for instance, is faster but more expensive. If you are going by road, taking a 4*4 safari jeep/land cruisers will be more costly than a nine-seater open rooftop van.

Lastly, if you want to enjoy extra activities such as a balloon ride, helicopter excursion , or romantic bush dinner, these may push your cost higher.

On average, this is an example of how much you can expect to spend at the Masai Mara for two people sharing. 

  • A budget Kenya migration Safari package costs anything from \$300 per person sharing per day.
  • A mid-luxury Kenya migration safari package costs as little as \$450 per person sharing per day.
  • An all-inclusive luxury Kenya migration safari package costs anything from \$700 per person per day

 4. How Many Days Do You Need in Masai Mara?

As mentioned, the Masai Mara is a vast park. During the wildebeest migration in Kenya, we recommend that you plan a minimum of 3-night or 4-day. Of course, the longer you stay, the more chances you will see more, particularly during the great migration.

If you are short of time, we advise a minimum of two nights at the very least.

 5. How Do You Get to the Masai Mara?

There are two main ways of getting to the Masai Mara, and we can arrange either based on your preferences. First, you can fly to the Masai Mara from Nairobi’s Wilson Airport. This takes about 45 minutes.

The second option is to go by road, which takes about six hours, either by a 4*4 land cruiser or pop-up van. You can hire a private van for your party or share it with other guests for the road trip.

wild wildebeest safaris prices

We are travel. We are local.  We are your wildest safari expectations fulfilled. We show you Kenya better than anyone.


  • 3 Days in Masai Mara
  • 4 Days Masai Mara
  • 18 days Kenya Family safari
  • 18 Days Kenya Safari
  • 16 days kenya safari
  • Diani Beach
  • Amboseli Park
  • Booking Terms and Conditions

More guides

  • Mombasa beach
  • Kenya Safari
  • Kenya Photo safari
  • Kenya wildlife safari
  • Kenya Adventure
  • Kenya Migration Safari
  • Honeymoon Packages
  • Kenya, Kiambu County, Ruiru Town Greec Towers, Office Number D7 and D8
  • +254-704-532-105
  • [email protected]

Wildebeest Safaris Ltd.

Ngorongoro , Tanzania

A UNESCO World Heritage Site located in Tanzania and the largest intact volcanic caldera in the world.

Masai Mara , Kenya

The Masai Mara is regarded as the jewel of Kenya’s wildlife viewing areas. The annual wildebeest’s migration alone involves over 1.5 million animals arriving in July and departing in November.

Amboseli , Kenya

Amboseli is famous for its big game and its great scenic beauty – and the landscape is dominated by the towering Mount Kilimanjaro.

Lake Nakuru , Kenya

Lake Nakuru National Park is renowned as a bird sanctuary with over 400 bird species, including huge flocks of flamingoes and many other water birds.

Our Safaris

tours and travels in kenya

3 Day Masai Mara Crossing

tours and travels in kenya

5 Day Kenya Adventure

  • USD $1,050 pp

tours and travels in kenya

7 Day Kenya Exclusive Safari

  • USD $1,930 pp

tours and travels in kenya

9 Day Migration Safari

  • USD $3,400 pp

tours and travels in kenya

10 Day Kenya and Tanzania Discovery Safari

  • USD $3,750 pp

About Wildebeest Safaris

For most nature and adventure lovers an East African safari such as private safaris tours in Kenya & Tanzania is a significant investment and proves to be “Trip of a Lifetime” as well as for some other travelers it becomes a wonderful obsession to return again and again. Planning the ultimate and safe Kenya and Tanzania safari tours can be a daunting task with infinite choices to make and amazing brochures that will make every choice sound perfect.

tours and travels in kenya

Serengeti Katikati Tented Camp

Located adjacent to the famous Western Corridor and Grumeti River, the lodge has been designed to blend completely into the living landscape.

Discover the heartbeat of Africa with us!

  • Lake Nakuru
  • Tsavo East & Tsavo West
  • Lake Manyara
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African Hunting Safari Rates

Our listed african hunting safari prices for 2025, custom safaris, daily rates.

(charged for every night in camp)

* day fees are charged for every night spent in camp

Daily rates include:

  • An African hunting experience of a lifetime
  • Services of a professional hunter, tracker and vehicle
  • All land transportation and transfers
  • All meals, drinks and accommodation
  • Daily laundry service and WiFi in camp
  • Field prep of trophies and delivery to local taxidermist
  • All taxes and permit fees
  • Optional day trip to Addo Elephant National Park

Daily rates exclude:

  • Airfares to/from and within South Africa
  • Cost of ammunition of borrowed rifles

Trophy Fees - Custom Safaris


  1. Wild Wildebeest Safaris

    Wounded Animals / Animals Not Recovered. 15% Value Added Tax will be added to price as trophy will not be exported. Wild Wildebeest Safaris is a leading hunting outfitter in South Africa offer guided safaris and exceptional trophy hunting opportunities. Call us today!

  2. Wild Wildebeest Safaris

    Wild Wildebeest Safaris. With access to thousands of acres of concessions and private game farms across Southern Africa, Wild Wildebeest Safaris offers our valued clients access to more than 50 game species to hunt. We hunt in exclusive areas where game is in abundance, the views are spectacular, the lodging is five-star and where you will ...

  3. Wild Wildebeest Safaris

    Wild Wildebeest Safaris Daily Rates for 2023. 1 x Client with 1 x Professional Hunter: $350 per person per day. 2 x Client with 1 x Professional Hunter: $300 per person per day. Non-Hunter: $280 per person per day. Children younger than 11 years: $150 per person per day. Photographic Safaris: $550 per person per day.


    Wild Wildebeest Lodge offers a utopia of adventure, natural beauty, and lush accommodations which combine to create a truly memorable vacation. When hunting at Wild Wildebeest Lodge, we aim to provide you with superior trophies while giving attention to every detail to ensure that you have an African Adventure of a lifetime. If you are a non ...

  5. Wild Wildebeest Safaris

    Claim This Business. With access to thousands of acres of concessions and private game farms across Southern Africa, Wild Wildebeest Safaris offers our valued clients access to more than 50 species. Experience true Southern African hunting and hospitality at its best! Contact: Jorika Prinsloo. Telephone No.: +27827174351.

  6. Hunting

    When hunting with Wild Wildebeest Safaris, we aim to provide you with superior trophies while giving attention to every detail to ensure that you have an African Adventure of a lifetime. For pricing details contact the Outfitter! Terms & Conditions. $1000 deposit to reserve hunting dates. Breakdown.

  7. Price Lists

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  8. Auction Hunts: Deal? Or Duped?

    I've also heard of some ridiculously high trophy prices on animals that are not included in the winners package. And even some undisclosed or hidden costs. All of these upset me. ... I have bought two hunts at auction one was with @Wild Wildebeest Safaris and was excellent. The other was my first trip to RSA and it was fun, but had some ...

  9. Trophy Hunting in the Limpopo Province of Southern Africa

    At Wild Wildebeest Safaris we customise your dream safari to suit your individual needs and requirements. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information about the available hunting areas and trophy prices. About the Limpopo Province . Recommended for your: First Time Hunting in South Africa/Introduction to South African Hunting.

  10. Best safaris for Wildebeest in South Africa

    Rating the best safari camps & lodges in South Africa for Wildebeest sightings. Analysis of 40 wildlife reports made since Jun 2018 by travellers. ... Black Wildebeest Self-drive Safari. ... This fly-drive safari is a steal - but nothing is cut-price about the wildlife, lodges and guides. Malcolm Tattersall 9 May 2024.

  11. LIONS: Following The Pride 40: Failed Wildebeest Chase

    Safaris in Kenya, South Africa, or any other African country are an unrivalled experience for anyone with a passion for nature, wildlife photography, and travel.

  12. Numzaan Safaris, Limpopo Province South Africa

    Numzaan Safaris, Limpopo Province South Africa. in Africa. I had an amazing trip to South Africa in August of 2013. My brother and I did a 7 day plains game rifle hunt. We stayed at Wild Wildebeest Lodge and the accommodations were top notch. Wild Wildebeest and Numzaan had a partnership where Numzaan had the professional hunters and ...

  13. Hunting Blue Wildebeest in South Africa

    The blue wildebeest is a very resilient antelope. Hunting blue wildebeest with less than .270 caliber is not recommended. On your hunt, the flat shooting .300 magnums are the best option. When hunting blue wildebeest, aim to position yourself for the side-on shot.

  14. Species Price List

    Non-Trophy animals are considered females and if no prices are listed, only the trophy is applicable ... Black Wildebeest: TOPS: 800: 500: Blesbuck Common : 380: 350: Blesbuck White : 700 : Blue Wildebeest : 850 : Buffalo : 9500: ... African Wild Side Safaris Kobus +27 83 625 6806 Vera: +27 83 629 9412 [email protected].

  15. Wild Wildebeest Safaris

    At Wild Wildebeest Safaris we customise your dream safari to suit your individual needs and requirements. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information about the available hunting areas and trophy prices. About the Northern Cape Province . Ideal for return clients to collect more species and experience a different biosphere in South ...

  16. Reviews of Wildebeest Safaris (Kenya)

    If you are considering an outdoor vacation anywhere in East Africa, write to us and let one of our experienced. No safaris offered by Wildebeest Safaris on SafariBookings at the moment. Average rating: 4.8/5 stars, based on 482 reviews. Owned and operated by Local Nature Enthusiasts who love outdoor adventure activities. We have all been involved.

  17. Kenya Wildebeest Migration Safari Packages & Tours

    Our team often visits the Masai Mara to experience the wild beast migration in Kenya. Day 1: Pick Up from Nairobi, Transfer to Masai Mara, & Evening Game Drive ... Wildebeest Migration Safari Packages Price Per Person Sharing - 2024. Masai Mara Hotel/Camp/Lodge: Price Per Person Sharing: Crocodile Camp: USD 1765: Basecamp Adventure: USD 1805:

  18. Wildebeest Safaris Ltd.

    About Wildebeest Safaris. For most nature and adventure lovers an East African safari such as private safaris tours in Kenya & Tanzania is a significant investment and proves to be "Trip of a Lifetime" as well as for some other travelers it becomes a wonderful obsession to return again and again. Planning the ultimate and safe Kenya and ...

  19. Wild Wildebeest Safaris

    At Wild Wildebeest Safaris we customise your dream safari to suit your individual needs and requirements. Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information about the hunting area and trophy prices. Hunting in Mozambique. Ideal for Clients wishing to experience bigger, open area hunting, 490 000 acres.

  20. African Hunting Safari Rates and Trophy Prices

    Daily rates exclude: Airfares to and from South Africa. Taxidermy. Cost of ammunition (camp rifle) $2 medium caliber, $4 big game caliber. Hunting Packages. Spiral Slam from $7 300. Karoo Special from $4 600. Kudu Hunting from $4 700. Our Hunting Packages are all inclusive but can be customised to suit the requirements ofhunters.

  21. Wild Wildebeest Safaris

    The South African cheetahs has been reintroduced in the Free State for the first time in June 2013 after a hundred years of regional extinction, at Laohu Valley Reserve near Philippolis. Wild Wildebeest Safaris is a leading hunting outfitter in South Africa offer guided safaris and exceptional trophy hunting opportunities. Call us today!