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Největší poloostrov Chorvatska a zároveň největší zelená oáza na Jadranu je Istria, vždyť třetinu jejího povrchu tvoří zeleň. K porostům borovic a keřů makií neodlučitelně patří také réva. Rostla zde a rodila hroznové víno ještě za dob Římanů. Poznat místní malvasii, turan či muškát na jedné z vinných cest nebo alespoň ochutnat skleničku v některém z našich hotelů ve střediscích Umag a Rabac je příjemným zpestřením dovolené na Istrii. Nejbližší a nejoblíbenější oblast chorvatského přímoří nese pojmenování Kvarner, stejně jako Kvarnerský záliv, ve kterém najdeme největší ostrov Chorvatska – Krk. Spojený s pevninou mostem má jedinečné podmínky pro rozvoj cestovního ruchu, jehož začátky sahají až ke konci 19. století. Všech 15 pláží na ostrově Krk obdrželo známou Modrou vlajku za čistotu moře a pláže, proto náš výběr letovisek Njivice, Malinska a Punat není náhodný. Kromě známých pláží nabízí ostrov mnoho malých, skrytých pláží, nudistické i ty pro vaše čtyřnohé mazlíčky. Abychom potěšili i nejmenší děti, vydáme se na ostrov Rab. V zátoce Crnika, na písečné Rajské pláži dlouhé 1,5 km, najdou doslova svůj ráj. Kvarner, to je i pohoří Gorski Kotar a na jeho úpatí pobřeží s letoviskem Crikvenica, píšící svou lázeňskou historii již od dob Rakousko-Uherska. Dnes si ji za místo odpočinku můžete vybrat i vy. Tradice a současnost se zde spojili stejně jako spojuje pobřežní promenáda „lungo mare" městečka na pobřeží. Jedním z nich je i u nás velmi žádané, starabylé i nové zároveň - Novi Vinodolski. Nejkrásnější pohled na něj, na blízké pláže, ostrovy a celou oblast Vinodol se vám naskytne ze šesti vyhlídkových míst nazvaných příznačně „Oči Vinodola".
nevelké rozlohou ale velké svojí rozmanitostí je Chorvatsko. Od zelené Istrie po majestátní Biokovo nad Makarskou, od kouzelných Plitvických jezer po malebný Trogir, od istrijského Umagu po nejslunečnější ostrov Hvar. Pláže, městečka, ostrovy, památky UNESCO, národní parky patří k této kouzené zemi stejně jako neodmyslitelně průzračné Jadranské moře. Navštívit, poznat a zamilovat si kteroukoliv z těchto míst bude jen začátkem vašeho příběhu, který si začnete o Chorvatsku psát. „Dobro došli!“ Můžete navštívit všechny kontinenty, okusit rozmanitá jídla, koupat se v mořích i oceánech, ale pokud nepoznáte krásy Chorvatska, bude vám k dokonalému obrazu světa něco chybět: nejčlenitější pobřeží Středomoří ozdobené kamínkovými i písečnými ptážemi, lemováno vonícími borovými lesy, s kulisou skalnatých útesů, tyčící se vysoko k nebi nad vodami smaragdového Jadranského moře. Města, pevnosti, kláštery, kostely, roztrousené na více než tisících ostrovech a po pobřeží, pamatují časy dávných Římanů, Benátské republiky i vládu Rakousko-Uherska. Právě k těm časům se váží počátky cestovního ruchu v Opatiji a Crikvenici, kam se chodila léčit rakousko-uherská šlechta. Chorvatský turismus od té doby ušel dlouhou cestu a neustále pokračuje. Široká nabídka doplňkových služeb od vysokohorské turistiky, adrenalinových sportů na vodě či na souši, přes nejširší síť cyklistických cest ve Středomoří až po prezentaci jedinečnosti v gastronomii, kultuře, historii. Díky pestré paletě možností země zaujímá první příčky ve světových žebříčcích oblíbenosti. Slogan sezóny „Nenaplňujte svůj život dny - naplňte své dny životem!" je proto nejlepší pozvánkou do Chorvatska.
Fakultativní výlety
Popis hotelu
v borovicovém lesoparku na poloostrově Kačjak (Dramalj) • cca 5 km od oblíbeného městečka Crikvenica • cca 100 m od oblázkové pláže (v závislosti od polohy pavilonu), případně vybetonovaných nebo přírodních plat na slunění
jednoduše, ale účelně zařízené 2-lůžkové pokoje s možností přistýlky (pevné lůžko) ve dvoupodlažních pavilonech • většina pokojů s balkonem a posezením • vlastní příslušenství (koupelna se sprchou a WC)
centrální budova s recepcí • wifi na recepci • restaurace s letní terasou • aperitiv bar s letní terasou • parkování možné u jednotlivých ubytovacích pavilónů (za poplatek) • kavárna u pláže
polopenze - snídaně a večeře formou chutných švédských stolů • nápoje k večeři (víno, pivo, nealko)
oblázková a kamínková pláž s pozvolným vstupem do moře cca 100 m od pavilonů • pláž vhodná pro děti i neplavce • přírodní a betonová plata na slunění • lehátka a slunečníky (za poplatek)
Sport a zábava
tenisové centrum • minigolf • dětské hřiště • stolní tenis • podél pobřeží poloostrova množství chodníčků vhodných na procházky • bohatá nabídka fakultativních výletů za krásami Chorvatska, jako například vyhledávané Plitvická jezera
Oficiálni hodnocení
z důvodu omezeného přístupu není možný příjezd autobusu přímo k pavilonům, CK zajišťuje nástup a výstup na parkovišti u Holiday Resort Ad Turres, doprava taxíkem z místa výstupu k pavilonům Holiday Resort Kačjak není zahrnuta v ceně zájezdu.
Kačjak b.b., HR-512 65 Dramalj GPS: N 45˚12‘10.45‘‘ - E 14˚38‘59.91‘‘
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Home > Istria In Croatia: 24 Off The Beaten Path Places To Visit In Istria
Istria In Croatia: 24 Off The Beaten Path Places To Visit In Istria
Written by our local expert SJ
Sarah-Jane has lived in Croatia for 10+ years. SJ, as she is known, has been traveling the Balkans & beyond since 2000. She now shares her passion for traveling with her husband & kids.
If you’re considering visiting Istria, chances are you’ve heard of its heavy hitters in the main towns of Pula, Rovinj, and Motovun. But as someone who’s called Croatia home and spent weeks exploring Istria over the last decade, I’m here to guide you down the Istrian road less traveled.
In my Istria travel guide, we’ll explore my favorite part of Croatia, where crowds thin out. Still, the cultural tapestry remains vivid, woven with the rich threads of Italian and Croatian heritage.
Skip Ahead To My Advice Here!
Best Things To Do In Istria
Even though I live in Dalmatia, I have to say *looks around cautiously* Istria is where I belong . I know, I know, I am opening a can of worms here. It’ll have my neighbors spitting on me and telling me to leave. But first, let me explain.
It’s the food.
It’s the small hilltop towns.
It’s the spectacular historical landmarks .
It’s the diversity. From the blue sea to the lush green lands.
It’s the fact that you can be on the seaside for coffee in the afternoon and in a meadow, vineyard, or forest by dinner.
It’s so easy to get off the beaten path.
In this post, I’ll share with you Istria’s lesser-known side, the one I’ve come to cherish through years of discovery. You’ll be privy to the authentic spots that have captured my heart – beautiful places devoid of fanfare but brimming with charm.
I’ll reveal where to dig into the most robust Istrian meals and indulge in genuine truffle experiences that I’ve come to anticipate each year. Plus, we’ll visit local haunts where tradition isn’t just preserved; it’s a way of life.
Istria’s landscapes, a stunning canvas of rolling hills and sparkling seas, have been the backdrop to my wanderings. They’re waiting to color your experiences, too, from the vineyards that stretch like green seas to the towns where every stone tells a story.
The best part? If you’re coming from Zagreb, the journey to Istria is an easy transition from urban rush to pastoral calm. You’re never far from the tranquility of Istria’s hills and the warmth of its people.
Let’s step off the beaten path and into the heart of Istria – the places that don’t always make the postcards but are always highlighted in my every return.
Best Places To Visit In Istria Croatia
1. brijuni islands.
Just a short boat ride from Fažana, the Brijuni Islands await a tranquil retreat. Once the summer residence of President Tito, this cluster of 14 islands is now a National Park celebrated for its unspoiled nature and historical sites.
Here, you can hop on a tour to explore ancient Roman villas and a safari park with exotic animals. The main island, Veli Brijun, is the most accessible and offers a little bit of everything, from historical tours to simply basking in the serene beauty of untouched Mediterranean landscapes.
For the kids, look out for the dinosaur footprints!
2. Lim Fjord
If you find yourself in Istria and have a hankering for some of the freshest oysters you’ll ever taste, Lim Fjord is your go-to spot.
Officially known as Lim Bay or Lim Channel, this stretch of the Adriatic Sea cuts into the Istrian coast like a Norse fjord, offering a briny bounty that’s as delicious as it is renowned.
The fjord’s unique mixture of fresh and saltwater creates an ideal environment for shellfish — and the oysters here? They’re a local favorite for a reason. Pull up a chair at one of the fjord’s waterside eateries, and you’ll be served oysters that were likely plucked from the sea that very day.
Paired with a crisp glass of Malvasia, a local white wine, you’ll quickly understand why this is more than a meal; it’s an experience. Beyond the shellfish, the fjord itself is a sight to behold, with steep, green-lined cliffs that provide a dramatic backdrop to your culinary adventure.
Unique Things To See Along The Istrian Coast
3. novigrad – between umag & poreč..
One of three towns in Croatia with the same name, Istria’s Novigrad , is sometimes called Novigrad Istarski to avoid confusion. This beautiful town lies on a small peninsula on the northern coast of Istria, roughly in the middle between Umag and Poreč.
Its origins go back to the 5th and 6th centuries, and during the Middle Ages, it was the seat of the Diocese of Novigrad. The town’s layout and general structure have retained much of that medieval history. There are still numerous narrow, winding streets in its old town center. Lots of small atmospheric shops still occupy the old buildings.
Dive into the charm of Umag, a quaint coastal town in Istria that offers more than just stunning beaches and clear blue waters. Renowned for its thriving nightlife and top-notch tennis facilities – having played host to the ATP Croatia Open for many years – Umag simultaneously provides a peaceful escape and active vacation.
While exploring the old town, you’ll be greeted by ancient walls and stunning architecture, providing the kind of beauty that calls for leisurely strolls and al fresco dining. Getting to Umag is a breeze, with its proximity to Italy and Slovenia making it accessible by car. At the same time, Pula Airport, approximately 83 km away, is the nearest airport for those arriving by plane.
Another great small town in Istria is Vrsar. This small fishing town lies about 10 kilometers south of Poreč, about halfway down the west coast of Istria.
It occupies a small coastal hill, while several small islets lie just off its scenic waterfront. Like many other seaside towns in Istria, Vrsar also has a lovely marina and a vibrant old town.
Its old town consists of winding streets, alleys, and charming stone buildings. There’s a beautiful waterfront promenade, too, while various viewpoints offer fine views of the surrounding landscape and are excellent sunset-viewing locations. It is a fun destination to stretch your legs for an hour or two while road-tripping around Istria.
Fažana is a charming little coastal town in Istria, often seen as the gateway to the enchanting Brijuni Islands. It’s a lovely place where the local fishing trade still bustles, giving visitors a taste of authentic coastal life. The town’s waterfront is lined with colorful buildings and has a promenade ideal for leisurely walks, with views stretching out to the northern Adriatic Sea and the archipelago beyond.
You can spend your time here exploring the local markets, where fresh catch and regional olive oil tastings are up for grabs, or perhaps eat your way through the fish restaurants.
Fazana isn’t just a feast for the palate; its beaches are a treat for the senses, too. Wandering through the main town, you’ll find a charming blend of old-world allure and vibrant life. It’s the kind of place that’s tranquil enough to unwind yet lively enough to keep the holiday spirits high.
Pastel-hued buildings and soaring church spires sketch a postcard-perfect skyline, while a diverse array of accommodations ensures there’s a cozy spot for every traveler and every budget. Whether you’re here for a weekend or a week, Fazana’s charm is sure to make a lasting impression.
7. Premantura
Premantura is your laid-back escape from the everyday rush. Just a quick jaunt from the energetic pulse of Pula, this small town is your launchpad to the wild beauty of Cape Kamenjak, where rugged landscapes meet tranquil seas.
In Premantura, life slows down to a comfortable, easy-going rhythm. Here, you’re not just another face in the crowd but part of a community where local cafes, quaint accommodations, and neighborhood shops make you feel right at home.
Outdoor enthusiasts, get ready. Premantura is all about embracing the call of the wild. Hit the trails on a bike or on foot to snag some Instagram-worthy clifftop views, or chill out in hidden coves with water so clear you’d think it’s glass. And if you’re into windsurfing or kayaking, the breezes here are as inviting as the myriad of islets just a paddle away. As evening falls, kick back and watch the sunset perform its daily spectacle, turning the sky into a live canvas.
Whether you’re rolling solo, bringing the family for some quality beach time, or looking for a low-key romantic getaway, Premantura is about as authentic as it gets.
Charming Towns In Istria For Your Itinerary
8. završje, close to motovun.
Završje lies in northwestern Istria, not too far from Motovun . Also perched scenically atop a hill, this is a real architectural gem . Built with wood and stone, Završje is one of the most off-the-beaten-path places in Istria. Few tourists ever go there—those who do love the experience.
This is not a big town by any means. If anything, it’s a village. Built atop a prehistoric fort and strategically important to the Romans, its roots go back thousands of years. Medieval and Venetian noblemen later recognized the town’s beauty and significance, adding more fortifications.
Therefore, even though it’s less visited, Završje has lots to check out. From its palace and castle to the Church of St. Mary and the Church of St. Rocco, there are plenty of architectural highlights, especially considering its size. Another notable feature is the Three Istrian Musketeers cycling route .
In the same area as Završje, also near Motovun, Oprtalj is another of the Istrian hilltop towns worth visiting . This small town also features fortified town walls, a bell tower, and winding alleyways. It’s a fantastic place to immerse yourself in Istria’s rich history and fascinating folklore.
Oprtalj’s churches are adorned with works of art. Simultaneously, the restaurant that overlooks the valley below serves traditional dishes—don’t forget to try the local white and black truffles if you have not already!
Gastronomy plays a significant role in the story of tourism in Oprtalj. It has many farms, and agricultural taverns are places you should check out when visiting Istria.
Try to plan your visit to Oprtalj around the town’s famous chestnut fair – known as a kestenijada! We spent a glorious day at the fair with the two kids. It is even the place where my youngest learned to walk and took his first jittery steps.
Between the huge kid’s park, music, beer, wine, food, and chestnuts, there is plenty to keep you (and the kids) happy for many hours. The entrance is free, and the prices of food and drinks are very reasonable.
10. Vodnjan
Located about 10 kilometers north of Pula, Vodnjan is another often-overlooked town in Istria that is well worth visiting. It’s a typical Istrian town packed with olive groves. Its historical town center is filled with beautiful old buildings, numerous churches, cobbled streets, and authentic shops .
In terms of tourist attractions, Vodnjan has a lot going for it, including some possible surprises. This historic city dates back over half a millennium and was the first of all Istria towns to get electric city lighting. You can still see that very first electric lamp in town!
Additionally, Vodnjan also has its own collection of mummies. You didn’t see that coming, right?! You can see Vodnjan’s mummies, which are the preserved bodies of saints, in glass cases at the Church of Saint Blaise. That church, by the way, is also the largest in Istria, housing hundreds of religious relics, including, supposedly, one of the thorns of Jesus’ crown, a piece of Jesus’ cross, and a fragment of the veil of the Holy Virgin. This makes this stunning church a popular pilgrimage destination in Istria.
Another central claim to fame of this beautiful town is that it has the longest street in all of Istria. There’s plenty to see and do here for a few hours, in other words!
Another family first happened here – my eldest son ate his very first plate of the magical Istrian pljukanci pasta. Albeit with butter and not the Boskarin saice, we did.
Situated deep in the center of Istria, far away from the crowds along the coastal towns, Hum is self-proclaimed as the smallest town in the world —but not officially, as in the Guinness Book of World Records that we can see.
Although its population fluctuates between twenty to thirty, it is an official town – with a mayor and all.
Just this fact alone would make it an interesting place to visit, but there’s more to it than that. This tiny village consists of no more than about a dozen stone houses and is entirely encircled by a stone wall.
Surprisingly, such a small place needed to be fortified at a particular point in its history, a testimony to the fact that this region was once much contested, a fertile landscape valuable to several foreign powers.
Attractions in and around Hum include the Glagolitic Alley, a three-kilometer-long walkway lined with massive stone monuments, the Romanic Chapel of St. Jerolim, and the stone streets, buildings, and walls. You may also want to explore the lush landscapes in the area, home to truffle forests , meadows, and hills.
Istria has many other charming towns beyond Rovinj, Motovun, and even Porec and Pula . One of the top Istrian places I suggest you visit is Bale.
It is situated in the southwestern corner of the Istrian peninsula, about twenty kilometers from Pula. This medieval town, its origins in the Roman stronghold known as Castrum Vallis, is sometimes regarded as the best-kept secret in Istria.
Constructed entirely from stone, it features a labyrinth of cobbled streets lined with old stone townhouses, a Gothic-Renaissance castle, and the 36-meter-high bell tower of the St. Julian Church.
A laid-back and welcoming atmosphere awaits you in this friendly town, while nearby rocky beaches and the camping area are among the most pristine on the triangular peninsula.
13. Labin – A Rovinj & Motovun Mix
Perhaps the best possible mix of Rovinj and Motovun, two of the most popular tourist destinations in Istria, Labin lies about three kilometers from the Adriatic Sea. Set 325 meters high on a hill, it offers gorgeous views of the Kvarner Gulf, including the coastal resort of Rabac.
Labin is a quintessential picturesque hilltop town featuring the colorful architecture that’s found most notably in Rovinj. Its steep and narrow, sometimes cobbled streets take you on a fun urban adventure, while countless pastel-colored buildings contribute to the undeniable charm of this less-visited Istrian town.
For such a small town, it packs a large number of attractions. These include the Fortica Fortress, the Mining Museum , and numerous art galleries and museums. Of course, it wouldn’t be a town in Istria, a food-focused region, if there weren’t several excellent restaurants as well.
14. Grožnjan
Known as the “Town of Artists,” Grožnjan is a pretty hilltop town typical of Istria filled with studios and art galleries. It’s the setting of summer film schools, art, and music workshops.
It hosts an annual jazz festival, recently getting well-deserved international recognition as one of Europe’s best small jazz festivals. Additionally, it would do its nickname of artist’s town injustice if there wasn’t an annual painting festival, too!
This charming town boasts some beautiful medieval architecture in its historic center, fun cobbled streets, and amazing views of the surrounding Istrian countryside.
Engage with the rustic charm and gastronomic wonders of Buje, known particularly for unearthing the largest white truffle, propelling it to fame amongst culinary enthusiasts. This Istrian town, located near the Slovenian border, is a beacon for those exploring the best places to visit in Istria, particularly for wine and truffle aficionados.
Wandering through its old cobblestone streets, you’ll discover historical elements interspersed with vibrant eateries and bars. Buje is easily accessible by road from various points in Istria, and with the nearest airports being Trieste (Italy) and Pula, it’s possible to combine your visit with other European destinations.
16. Svetvinčenat
Calling Svetvinčenat a town might be somewhat of an overstatement. Home to just over 2,000 people, this is more like a village than an actual town .
Nonetheless, it boasts a centuries-long history and is home to a few fascinating historic attractions, making it a worthy stop on any Istria road trip itinerary.
The village grew around a Benedictine abbey, first mentioned in historical documents dating from the 10th century. Its premier tourist attraction nowadays is the striking Morosini-Grimani Castle, one of the best-preserved Venetian buildings in Istria. The Renaissance square, known as “Placa,” is a fun place to wander across, too, while the Church of Saint Vincent has remains of beautiful frescoes.
If you’re looking to explore Istria beyond its glossy veneer, a day in Žminj, with its welcoming residents and enduring customs, is a must.
Located between two of the most famous valleys in the Istria region, you will find Zminj. Lim Valley and Rasa Valley are lush, fertile, and packed with scenery, which should give you some idea of the beauty of Zminj itself. Žminj exudes an authenticity that captivates those seeking to explore the best of Istria away from the bustling tourist hotspots.
Around this region, you will find many culturally significant sites, one of which is in the town center itself, in the form of a large tower citadel. The Old Town is a definite must-visit, packed with winding, cobbled streets, and picturesque stone houses, giving you an idea of times gone by while simultaneously providing a vibrant cultural scene through its various festivals and events, showcasing traditional Istrian music, dance, and cuisine.
Each August, the town hosts the Bartulja festival, a celebration of its patron saint that transforms the quiet streets into a showcase of folklore and tradition.
On top of all this history and beauty, you will find gastronomy and delicious dishes to try in Zminj. Check out some of the local cuisines on offer, like a stop at Mljekara Latus . This milk bar opened its tasting room in March 2016, and they know cheese, so don’t be shy. Located in Žminj, not very far from Rovinj, the tasting room is one kilometer from the main road to Pula – Pazin, so it’s easy to make a stop to or from Pula .
If cheese is your not bag, what about Istrian Ox? This mouth-watering traditional dish can be enjoyed at Konoab Puli Pineta in Żminj; their specialty is meat, meat, and more yummy meat so that you won’t be disappointed.
And, of course, there are also many hiking and cycling routes to explore the stunning nature and landscapes around the region. It’s also an excellent way to burn off some of that food you gorged on in the town’s restaurants!
Local Tip: The centrally located town serves as an excellent starting point for exploring Istria by car.
A rather unassuming small town in Istria at first, Pićan has a cultural heritage so rich it would make other similarly sized towns across Europe super-jealous. Its history goes back to Roman times when this was the site of a military stronghold called Petina. Incidentally, the Pićan area’s wine was so good it was renowned even in the highest social classes in Rome . Nowadays, you can still sample world-class wine here!
Later on, Pićan was the seat of the Diocese of Pićan, one of the oldest and smallest dioceses in the Christian world, from the 5th to the 18th century. It became a thriving medieval community complete with governors, officers, and various artisans during this period. The 14th-century Town Gate is still the prominent landmark in town.
Other top attractions in Pićan are the Parish Church of the Announcement with its striking Bell Tower, the Church of Saint Michael, and the Saint Helen Viewpoint.
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Historic gems around the istrian peninsula, 19. glagolitic alley.
On my travels through Istria, I encountered the Glagolitic Alley—a notable 7km stretch from Roč to Hum, lined with 11 monuments that narrate the tale of the Glagolitic Script, right up to the imposing town gates of Hum.
Let’s delve into the Glagolitic Script. It’s the oldest Slavic alphabet, emerging in the 9th century. Think of it as a fusion of Greek and Latin scripts conceived by the scholarly St Cyril. This Byzantine monk from Thessaloniki, along with his brother St Methodius, was tasked by Emperor Michael III in 863 to spread Christianity in Great Moravia.
During their mission, they sought to democratize the Christian texts. The result was the Glagolitic Script, but it wasn’t straightforward. Direct translations from Latin or Greek were impractical, leading to the invention of a new language, drawing from the Macedonian Slavic dialect of Thessaloniki.
The script gradually became integral to the region, surviving well beyond its creators’ lifetimes and leaving its imprint across Croatia. Despite Latin’s eventual dominance, Glagolitic’s heritage is immortalized on Glagolitic Avenue.
The script’s name originates from the Slavic word for ‘speaking.’ It’s even found its way into modern culture, appearing in video games like The Witcher and TV shows such as Log Horizon. It also diversified into styles like Angular and Round Glagolitic. Although it’s not used in daily communication today, its significance to Croatian culture is undeniable.
It’s a unique opportunity to connect with a vital piece of Croatia’s cultural heritage.
20. Dvigrad Ruins
Its name meaning “Two Towns,” Dvigrad initially consists of two separate communities, Castel Parentino and Moncastello. Only the ruins of Moncastello remain today. This abandoned medieval town is one of Istria’s most fascinating attractions, having been inhabited from Illyrian times through the 18th century.
You can visit the ruins of Dvigrad today and wander through the remains of this medieval town castle. Surviving buildings and structures, although severely ruined, include two rings of town walls, defensive towers, the imposing Church of Saint Sophia, the main town square, and the palace.
Peaceful Retreats In Green Istria
We used Livade as our base for exploring a section of Istria on more than one occasion. We did so for several reasons:
- For its proximity to Motovun and the surrounding villages we planned to explore in Istria
- We found a great place that has views across to Motovun, and that had a heated swimming pool
- The Zigante Truffle festival takes residence here for ten weekends over September, October, and November – and we wanted to spend time eating and drinking our way around the festival.
Livade is small, but it is an excellent base for central Istria. There is a market, several coffee spots , and several excellent restaurants. I totally recommend Konoba Dorjana. A blog reader suggested it to me, and my host also gave it the local thumbs up – we ate two of our best meals there! Try the game goulash as well as the homemade fuži with truffles .
The Zigante Truffle Festival is definitely worth a few hours. There are many exhibits with free samples to try before buying. There is also a spacious eating area inside and outside for you to enjoy the dishes.
We loved the truffle eggs, burger, and chips with a truffle mayonnaise! But there was also truffle pasta and truffle tiramisu – if you can believe that!
Speaking of Zigante, Livade is also home to the famous Zigante Restaurant. It’s not cheap, but the food is something out of this world, and the experience is worth the extra euro . And trust me, if you like fine dining and truffles, you want to save your holiday pennies and eat here.
You can read about what to eat in Istria here.
The town of Pazin is located right in the center of Istria and has a long history. Often hailed as the “heart of Istria,” Pazin invites travelers to explore its rich history, palpable through its robust medieval castle that dominates the town’s skyline.
Pazin may be small, but it punches above its weight in historical allure and adventure. The Castle of Pazin dominates the town and is the best-preserved medieval castle in Istria.
The castle towers over a stunning 100m deep abyss, known as Pazin Canyon, that has become a playground for thrill-seekers with its exhilarating zip line.
If that’s a bit too much of an adrenaline rush for you, but you would like to get off the beaten path, take a short drive and head for the Zarečki Krov waterfall, where you can sit by the waterfall and enjoy the serenity.
After you’ve gotten your adrenaline fix, take a moment to explore the castle’s museum to dip into the local history. Wander the town’s streets, and you’ll be rewarded with quaint eateries where Istrian specialties like fuži pasta offer a taste of the region’s culinary heritage.
Wrap up your visit with a leisurely hike along the trails encircling the town, offering both a glimpse of the serene Istrian landscape and a chance to work off that hearty meal.
Serene Beaches And Natural Wonders In Istria Croatia
23. duga uvala, close to pula.
Explore the serene ambiance of Duga Uvala, a concealed gem nestled along the eastern coast of Istria that promises a tranquil retreat away from the typical tourist trails. Distinguished by its secluded bays, clear crystal-clear waters, and pebble beaches, this quiet area offers a respite for travelers looking to immerse themselves in a peaceful coastal escape.
Duga Uvala, while renowned for its natural beauty, also caters to those seeking a leisurely holiday with its wellness center, offering a range of rejuvenating treatments and activities. Easily reachable by car, it’s between Pula and Labin, making it a convenient destination to include in your Istrian itinerary, especially for those exploring the peninsula’s exquisite beaches and tranquil bays.
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Shoulder-Month Favorites
24. motovun.
I know, I know, Motovun is not hidden or off the beaten path. However, depending on when you visit, you can experience a completely different side to this hilltop town than the summer crowds.
I haven’t experienced Istria in the summer, as I find it too beautiful in the spring and autumn to be bothered to join the hustle and bustle of the summer season. With it so much quieter, the cobbled streets of gorgeous towns like Motovun can (almost) be yours in late autumn, and you can experience a real sense of calm.
Cooler temperatures mean long days of exploring are easier on the body , and your food cravings change, too, which is a good thing in the Istrian harvest of autumn. So much good food can be found – and for cheap!
In this quieter time, we love to enjoy the less-packed but still open restaurants. Belly warming soups like Istarska maneštra , an Istrian minestrone-bean-filled soup that will leave you feeling beyond satisfied when served with crusty bread and local wine.
What’s gold in the Istrian autumn is its abundance of white truffles. What might set you back 50 euros for white truffle shavings in New York or London is less than 20 euros for a hearty meal in Istria. If you’re any kind of a foodie, add it to your bucket list .
As you can see, Istrian towns have a Mediterranean climate but are unlike the rest of Croatia. We hope that you enjoy our highlights of Istria.
Places In Istria FAQs
What are the must-visit attractions in istria.
Istria offers a wealth of attractions, including ancient Roman ruins such as the amphitheater in Pula, the picturesque town of Rovinj, the Brijuni Islands National Park , and the beautiful beaches along the coast.
When is the best time to visit Istria?
The best time to visit Istria is during the spring and early autumn when the weather is pleasant, and there are fewer tourists compared to the peak summer season.
What are some traditional Istrian dishes to try?
Istria is known for its delicious cuisine. Some traditional dishes to try include “istrska supa” (fish soup), “fuži” (pasta with truffles), and “maneštra” (a hearty vegetable stew).
Is it necessary to rent a car to explore Istria?
While renting a car provides flexibility, exploring Istria is unnecessary. Public transport options exist, and many towns and attractions are accessible on foot.
Are there any music festivals in Istria during the summer?
Yes, Istria hosts several music festivals during the summer months, including the Outlook Festival in Pula and the Dimensions Festival in Štinjan.
Can you visit Istria on a day trip from Zagreb?
While Istria can be visited on a day trip from Zagreb, spending at least a few days to fully experience the region’s attractions and culture is recommended.
What are some outdoor activities to do in Istria?
Istria offers various outdoor activities, such as hiking in the Učka Nature Park, cycling along the Parenzana trail, and water sports on the Adriatic coast.
What distinguishes Blue Istria from Green Istria?
Blue Istria is recognized for its bustling fishing villages, scenic islands, and beautiful beaches along the coast. In contrast, Green Istria is renowned for its medieval towns, extensive wineries, and forests rich with truffles, presenting a more serene and verdant experience.
Can you name the key places highlighted in Blue and Green Istria?
In Blue Istria, some of the must-visit places include Rovinj, Pula, Poreč, Lim Fjord, and Duga Uvala. On the other hand, Green Istria, Motovun, Oprtalj, and Grožnjan are highlighted as remarkable destinations worth exploring.
What types of experiences does Istria offer to travelers?
Istria welcomes travelers with diverse experiences such as meandering through charismatic Old Towns, admiring the blend of Roman and Venetian architecture, participating in boating adventures, enjoying beach activities, exploring cobbled pathways, engaging in truffle hunting, and indulging in local wine-tasting sessions.
What are some of the best towns to visit in Istria?
Rovinj, Pula, Motovun, Oprtalj, and Grožnjan are popular town choices in Istria.
Which towns in Istria are known for their historic centers?
Rovinj, Motovun, Oprtalj, and Grožnjan have picturesque historical centers with charming architecture and winding alleys.
What are some quick visit options in Istria?
If you have limited time, consider visiting Rovinj, Pula, and Grožnjan. These towns offer a taste of Istria’s beauty and cultural heritage.
What does Lonely Planet recommend for Istria?
Lonely Planet suggests exploring the towns of Motovun, Rovinj, and Grožnjan and enjoying the local cuisine and Istrian wine.
What is the central part of Istria called?
The central part of Istria is known as Green Istria, characterized by its rolling hills, vineyards, and picturesque hill towns.
Which is the largest city in Istria?
The largest city in Istria is Pula, known for its ancient Roman architecture and the impressive Pula Amphitheatre.
Is there an Italian influence in Istria?
Yes, Istria has historical ties to Italy, and you can still see the Italian influence in its architecture, cuisine, and culture.
Are there sandy beaches in Istria?
Yes, Istria has several sandy beaches, such as Bijeca Beach in Medulin and Laguna Beach in Poreč.
Which town in Istria is famous for its wine?
Istria is known for its Istrian wine, and Motovun is a popular town for wine enthusiasts, offering opportunities for wine tasting in its vineyards.
What are some of the coastal areas to visit in Istria?
Rovinj, Pula, and Medulin are coastal towns that provide beautiful vistas, marinas, and access to the Adriatic Sea.
Is there an Istrian hill town that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site?
No, there is no Istrian hill town that is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. However, the Euphrasian Basilica in Poreč is a UNESCO-listed ancient monument.
What part of Istria used to be part of Italy?
Istria was part of Italy in the past, particularly during the period between World War II and the breakup of Yugoslavia.
What is a good day trip option from the Dalmatian Coast to Istria?
Pula, the largest city in Istria, is easily accessible from the Dalmatian Coast and makes for a great day trip option.
Now, tell me, do you feel ready to visit Istria?
- What To Eat In Istria
- Best Beaches In Istria
- Labin And Rabac
- What To Do In Istria
- Central Istria
Comments (11)
Hidden jem…Grozjian!!
Hmm, I have been 2x, it’s okay… but don’t hate me, I don’t love it there.
Is there a good way to go from Zagreb to Buje in Istria? And where to stay in Buje? I understand it’s quite a small town. I’d like to visit this summer, it’s where my great-grandparents were from
It’s about 3 hours by car you can get a transfer with our company on the link below or by bus :D. That is so cool you are going back to your roots –<3 that. http://s27412.p99.sites.pressdns.com/croatia-transfers-croatia-airport-transfers/
(My) Jane and I will stay in Icici, Opatija 23/8-30/8 this year, and will drive around Istria as much as we can. Following week we will spend in Povljana, Pag – before we fly home again to Denmark. Will be a great vacation as usual …
yes, yes, sure sounds like it! You two should move here. Wink.
We (two retired teachers from Canada) are headed to Croatia in May and June, 2017. We will be staying in the Rijeka area for part of the time and exploring Istria before driving down the Dalmatian coast. We had planned trips to Groznjan, Rovinj, Pula and now you have added some new places to explore. Thank you!
Yay! You are so so very welcome. Enjoy. I have another post next week on Istria with even more ideas :D
Very proud Donkey ✅
I’ve been following you guys for some time now, but am only just actually finally getting around to planning a trip to Croatia this year. Thanks for all the tips!
You are so welcome!
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Home » Travel Guides » Croatia » 15 Best Things to Do in Rovinj (Croatia)
15 Best Things to Do in Rovinj (Croatia)
Rovinj is a stunning little city in Croatia filling every inch of a peninsula bordered on three sides by the Adriatic Sea. The core of the old town is mostly Venetian and built with pale limestone that glows in the sun, containing exciting fragments from every stage of its turbulent history.
On a visit you can tour the maze of streets before a meal beneath a parasol at the picturesque working port. Beyond Rovinj you can seek out ancient ruins, visit unfrequented beaches and breathtaking natural spaces like the 10 kilometre-long Lim Fjord.
Let’s have a look at the best things to do in Rovinj :
1. Old Town
Rovinj was actually an island before a land reclamation project in 1763 by the Venetians.
What you’ll see in the old town is a medieval tangle of tight streets and alleys that pass under archways and twist up stairways worn by centuries of footfalls.
This historic centre is small, but it won’t be hard to get disoriented by this dense labyrinth of quaint cobblestone streets!
Eventually you’ll come to restaurants, cafes or even the water’s edge, and you can always find time for a cup of coffee to watch this ancient town go about its day.
2. St. Euphemia Cathedral
The square campanile of this baroque church dominate Rovinj’s skyline and closely resembles St. Mark’s in Venice.
So it’s no surprise that the 17th-century St. Euphemia was built by the Venetians, who were in control of Rovinj throughout this period.
To get the lie of the land you can make your way up the campanile, which is 61 metres-high and even offers views of the Alps to the north on a clear day.
The church’s interior meanwhile boasts some sumptuous design, including a marble altar with a 15th-century statue of the saint before a sarcophagus containing Euphemia’s relics.
3. Lim Fjord
You can reach this strange and beautiful natural wonder by road or by tour boat from Rovinj’s port.
It is described as both a fjord and a canal, but really it’s a 10 kilometre-long river canyon guarded by steep wooded mountainsides that soar to 100 metres.
What really makes this scene and gives it the appearance of a fjord is the width of the river, up to 600 metres in places.
On land you can hike or bike through the mix of deciduous and coniferous forest and stop by at the restaurant at the mouth of the canyon. Here they serve seafood such as oysters and mussels farmed in these waters.
4. Rovinj Port
The best views (and photos for instagram) of Rovinj can be had from the city’s port. From this perspective you can see those beautiful painted houses that crowd the waterfront, and the marvellous campanile of St. Euphemia behind them.
Turn seawards and you’ll witness a working port in action, with fishers setting out or coming home, or mending nets on the jetty.
All along the water’s edge are restaurants and cafes, and there’s surely no better place in the city to while away a couple of hours on a sunny day!
5. Punta Corrente
The boot-shaped peninsula a short way south of Rovinj is a relaxing natural park. Punta Corrente (Golden Cape) was the vision of the 19th-century Austrian industrialist Johann Georg von Hütterott who purchased this land and allowed its nature to flourish.
Now it’s nothing short of an idyll; a beautiful swathe of softwood forest, where cedars, Douglas firs, cypresses and Aleppo pines planted more than 100 years ago are thriving.
Come here to saunter along the trails, relax on the grassy areas or unwind by the little rocky coves along the coast.
6. Monkodonja
When you consider the great age of this archaeological site, atop a scenic hill outside Rovinj, it’s a wonder that so much of it is still intact.
This Bronze Age hill fort was founded in 1800BC, and ceramic fragments discovered at the site suggest that Monkodonja had ties with the Ancient Greek city of Mycenae.
At the site you can check out the walls, many of which are a metre or more in height, and you can also walk along ancient paved areas and a see a cultic cave.
All the while you’ll be able to gaze out over Adriatic and its little green islands, which are particularly lovely at sunset.
7. Balbi’s Arch
Leading to Grisla Street away from the main square is this imposing arch from the late 1670s, and named after Daniel Balbi who was the mayor at the time.
The arch replaced an old town gate and bears the classic Venetian hallmark of the Lion of St. Mark. Curiously there are also two stone heads, one on either side of the arch.
On one you can make out the head of a bearded Venetian, and on the other there’s a Turk, wearing a turban.
8. Rovinj Heritage Museum
This attraction was founded by a group of Rovinj’s artists in the 1950s as a way of bringing together the area’s cultural wealth and displaying the work of local painters and sculptors.
So there’s a gallery space here with some 1500 pieces of contemporary art, next to exhibit rooms with important artefacts relating to the various cultures that settled in Rovinj and the city’s rich maritime history.
The museum’s grand home is a big part of its appeal; it’s a four-storey baroque palace built by the Counts of Califfi in the 1600s.
9. Rovinj Town Clock
If the city’s clock has a fortified air to it, that’s because it once formed Rovinj’s southern defences.
This square tower in the Rovinj’s main square dates back to 1100, and has undergone a few expansions in its time, particularly in the 1600s when it was updated by the Venetians.
Just beneath the clock face you can make out a relief of that famous winged Lion of St. Mark, the symbol of Venice.
For a few hundred years there was a one-cell prison at the base of the tower, now a bureau de change.
10. Local beaches
After days of sightseeing you can also park yourself next to the calm Adriatic Sea, which looks especially tempting on those hot days in July and August.
Within just a few kilometres up or down the shoreline there are 13 beaches. Few of these will resemble the traditional image of a big sandy bay; Istria’s beaches are either hidden coves with rocks that you can dive off, or small arcs of white shingle.
Monte Beach for instance is right next to St. Euphemia in the old town, with a stairway leading down to a pool enclosed on three sides by rock.
The pebble beach at Lone Bay is more developed, fringed by pine forest and furnished with sun loungers.
11. Local gastronomy
For a genuine taste of Istria try fuzi pasta, which is the local pasta variety.
These are small rolled sheets (relatively similar to penne) served with a veal sauce made with wine and tomatoes. In many restaurants they’ll also grate white truffle on top.
Truffles grow in abundance in central Istria’s damp oak forests, and in fact, the all-time largest in the world was discovered outside of Buje in 1999, weighing 1.31 kgs!
Istria’s Italian connection is also clear from the amount of traditional oven pizzerias in towns like Rovinj.
12. Dvigrad
Take a 20-minute trip through the Istrian countryside to see the ruins of a medieval town that was abandoned in the 1700s during a plague epidemic, never to be repopulated.
You can see the castle’s crenellated tower from the Lim Fjord and on a visit you’ll be free to nose around these evocative ruins, including the town gate, walls, some 200 houses and the sagging ruins of the St. Sophia church.
The entire site is being restored and over time more of this eerie old town is taking shape.
Even if you only hold a passing interest in ancient history, you have to get down to Pula in the south of Istria.
The big landmark here is the Arena, a vast Roman amphitheatre with high arched walls that rival Rome’s coliseum.
So much remains that you can even see the original infrastructure; the tunnels that gladiators navigated beneath the arena, and the facilities enjoyed by the richer spectators.
Also see: Things to do in Pula
On the Forum, the Temple of Augustus is also still standing and a working part of the city, as are the gates and triumphal arches of a place that can feel frozen in time.
14. Brijuni National Park
Follow the coast down towards Pula until you reach the seaside town of Fazana.
From here you can catch the ferry to Veli Brijun, the largest island in the remarkable Brijuni National Park.
It’s part of an archipelago of largely uninhabited islands with a fascinating natural and human history. Since prehistory people had settled here, but by the 1700s they had left due to outbreaks of plague.
Make sure you track down the ruins of the two Roman villas, and St. Mary’s Church, built by the Knights Templar in the 1200s. At the Brijuni Cretacious Park you can also see 200 million year-old dinosaur footprints set in the limestone.
Whether you’re an expert, have had courses in the past or are just starting out, it’s a great idea to include scuba diving in your itinerary.
Everything is just right for it around here: the sea is mostly smooth and safe and there are all sorts of interesting things to see beneath the waves.
Experienced divers could explore the wreck of the SS Baron Gautsch, an Austrian merchant ship that was sunk after hitting a mine in the First World War. Ronvinj’s Valdaliso Diving Centre is one of a select few dive centres with permission to dive at this exciting wreck.
15 Best Things to Do in Rovinj (Croatia):
- St. Euphemia Cathedral
- Rovinj Port
- Punta Corrente
- Balbi's Arch
- Rovinj Heritage Museum
- Rovinj Town Clock
- Local beaches
- Local gastronomy
- Brijuni National Park
When is the best time to visit Croatia in 2024?
Mar 20, 2024 • 11 min read
Whether you want to avoid the hottest times or join the biggest parties, we can help you plan your visit to Croatia © Golden Hour999 / Shutterstock
Croatia has vibrant cities, tumbling waterfalls and rolling vineyards.
But most visitors are here for its 1800km (1120 miles) coastline, which tumbles down the Adriatic like a glorious, half-finished jigsaw puzzle. Here you’ll find idyllic coves, sophisticated ports and ferries that glide from island to island.
Choosing the best time to go to Croatia depends on what you want from your visit. High season brings high temperatures and a party vibe, particularly on the Dalmatian Coast, home to highlights like walled Dubrovnik , its hip cousin Split , and Hvar Town ’s classy waterfront. Shoulder season is quieter, and great for hiking and watersports, while winter lets you experience culture and festivals at off-season prices in the capital, Zagreb .
The south of Croatia is a little warmer than the north, but the main difference in temperature is between the coast and the interior. By the sea, summers are warm and winters relatively mild, while in the interior, temperatures are more continental, with slightly warmer summer temperatures and colder winters.
Our guide to what's happening throughout the year in Croatia will help you plan the perfect vacation for your needs.
June to August’s high season is the hottest time to visit
Croatia’s tourism peaks between June and August, when the Adriatic’s warm waters charm countless visitors. There are boat parties and medieval fairs, the booze flows freely, and the smarter resorts fill with yachters. It’s great fun, though afternoons are roasting hot, the lines at attractions are at their longest, and accommodation costs rise. Inland, temperatures are higher, but crowds are less noticeable and Zagreb empties as locals head for the coast.
June is the quietest month of high season, but with clear skies, music festivals and the promise of early summer, it's a strong contender for Croatia’s best month. Ferries move on to their summer schedule, which makes heading out to islands such as pristine Cres , happening Hvar and forested Mljet a breeze. The cities are buzzing, and the LGBTIQ+ community lights up the streets during Zagreb Pride.
Local Flavor: Istria
Visitor numbers really ramp up come July – you'll need to arrange accommodation well in advance and work harder to find a sunbathing spot. If the bustle gets too much, try touring the quieter Kornati Islands , hopping on a sea kayak from Dubrovnik, or exploring the vineyards and hills of the interior. The Dubrovnik Summer Festival kicks off in early July, and the International Folklore Festival brings a celebration of traditional culture to Zagreb .
The sea is warmest in August, beach bars hum with revelers, Zagreb empties out and festivals salute high summer. Sonus is a techno party on Pag, Špancirfest brings music and culture to Varaždin, there’s a fair dating back to Venetian times on Krk , and jousting in Sinj. Bookings are essential everywhere on the coast – festival-goers who try and make do with a tent will swelter.
May and September to October have sunshine and fewer crowds
Late spring and early fall are arguably the best times to visit Croatia. Sea temperatures are pleasant, and there’s plenty of sunshine, but the country’s pebble beaches and rocky coves are relatively quiet. With endless still seas, May and September are great times to sail in Croatia. Onshore, these are the best times to cycle, hike or visit the national parks . Better still, accommodations are also easier to come by than in high season.
The resort towns are warming up for the summer in May, making this a splendid month to wander squares and promenades and take short dips in the cool sea. Accommodation prices are lower, and bays and coves that are packed in summer have a tranquil feel. Rafting on the Cetina River or the Zrmanja (just east of Zadar ) is also a highlight. The summer party season starts to gear up at the Sea Star Festival .
Things start to quiet down a little in September after a hectic summer season, but there are still plenty of ferries and cultural events to transport body and soul. This is another great time for a Dalmatian beach trip , while truffle season comes to Istria.
By October, Croatia is in shoulder season proper, with kids back in school and some ferry services and hotels closing over the course of the month. The coast is fairly warm with cool evenings and a mellow vibe, and you can still get anywhere and do just about anything, whether it's feeling tranquil on the islands or exploring Dubrovnik’s walls.
Accommodations are cheapest from November to April
There’s a reason the crowds stay away between November and April. The interior can be freezing, and while the coast is milder, it’s still affected by the bura wind that whips across the European plain, canceling ferries and snatching hats off heads. But if you’re here for food and culture, you can still have a fine time. Rates at hotels and other accommodations are at their lowest, and you’ll be sharing the galleries and backstreets with locals.
Temperatures can still be pleasant in November, but hotels and restaurants on the coast may be closed, and the waters are chilly. Instead, treat any sunshine as a bonus, use the lower prices and shorter lines to tour cultural sights, celebrate the silver screen at the Zagreb Film Festival and watch as the last leaves (and potentially the first snow) fall.
There's no way to sugarcoat it – December is cold, many tourist businesses are shut, and snow settles on high ground. It’s a good time to experience Dubrovnik's local life: bars and galleries are open, while the run-up to Christmas brings mulled wine and DJ sets to those prepared to brave the winter streets.
You'll See This Everywhere: Bakeries
The mercury is still low in January, so why not stay indoors and discover Zagreb’s lively cafes, impressive galleries and museums – and you can get a late-night culture fix at the annual Night of Museums. Sljeme (near Zagreb) or Platak (near the coastal hub of Rijeka) offer reasonable skiing.
The days get a little longer in February, but tourists are rare, and accommodations remain heavily discounted. It’s an intriguing time to tour the coast – focus on sights like Trogir’s richly carved cathedral rather than the beaches. Rijeka’s carnival is Croatia’s biggest and wildest, with a costume parade, bell-ringing and bands. Brighter, drier weather makes March a good bet for mixing visits to churches and galleries with outdoor exploration. You can hike along the coast or hills, or take in the Krka and Plitvice national parks, where wooded slopes wind between lakes and waterfalls that thunder with meltwater.
The sea hasn’t yet warmed up in April, but trees are bright with blossom and sunshine is never far away – try Istria ’s hill towns (where asparagus season is in full flow) or the Samobor Hills near Zagreb. Parades liven up many towns over Easter and music fills every corner of Zagreb at the Music Biennale .
New Year’s Concert, Dubrovnik . Dubrovnik ushers in the new year with a traditional annual concert by the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra on the Stradun at noon.
International Percussion Ensemble Week , Bjelovar . Bjelovar resonates to the rhythms of percussion instruments during this three-day festival featuring ensembles from across Croatia, Europe and further afield.
Museum Night , various cities . On the evening of the last Friday in January, museums across Croatia throw open their doors to visitors free of charge.
Feast of St Blaise, Dubrovnik . Dubrovnik’s patron saint is celebrated with much pomp on February 3rd with a procession of the saint’s relics through the city streets and other ceremonial rituals recognized by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Rijeka Carnival, Rijeka. On the last Sunday before Ash Wednesday, Rijeka hosts Croatia’s biggest carnival with a grand colorful parade.
Split Marathon, Split. On the last weekend in February, running enthusiasts flock to Split to join in a 5k or 10k (3-mile or 6-mile) race starting from the seaside promenade through the streets of the old town and forested Marjan Park .
Oyster Festival , Mali Ston. The Pelješac peninsula’s local shellfish specialty has its own festival in March when restaurants serve up fresh platters of oysters accompanied by crisp Pelješac wines.
Life on Mars Trail Race , Pag. Avid trekkers can explore Pag Island’s stark landscapes via three different trails of varying difficulty, including a 100m-long (328ft) Via Ferrata trail for climbers.
Zagreb Festival of Lights, Zagreb . Light installations illuminate the capital’s upper and lower towns during this five-day festival combining art, design, architecture and spectacle.
Weekend Food Festival, Rovinj . Lovers of fine food and wine come together for three days to explore Croatian gastronomy via masterclasses and gala dinners with top chefs.
Music Biennale Zagreb, Zagreb . Every two years Croatia’s biggest contemporary music festival draws lovers of melody with an eclectic program of contemporary opera, jazz, electronic music, chamber ensembles, symphony orchestras, as well as multimedia installations and contemporary dance.
Istria 100, Istria . This annual trail race across Istria’s sublime landscapes draws runners from around the world who can choose from five scenic routes of different lengths and difficulty levels.
Sea Star Festival, Umag . This four-day beachside music festival is one of Croatia’s biggest with an eclectic lineup of some of the top names in electronic, techno, and trap music.
Sudajma, Split. Split celebrates its patron saint, St Domnius, on May 7th with a procession along the seaside promenade, open-air concerts, and a grand fireworks display.
Spring Procession , Gorjani. On Pentecost Sunday girls dressed in colorful traditional costumes sing and dance in a springtime procession through the village of Gorjani near the town of Đakovo.
Zagreb Pride, Zagreb. On the second Saturday of every June, the capital’s LGBTIQ+ community takes over the streets with a colorful march and street celebration .
International Children’s Festival , Šibenik. Children are at the center of this week-long event filled with music, dance, theater, craft workshops, film, puppets and parades.
Sword Dance Festival , Korčula. Starting in June and continuing until September, visitors to Korčula island can witness performances of Moreška , a 17th-century mock battle tradition performed with swords by costumed participants.
Zagreb International Folklore Festival, Zagreb . Performers from across Croatia and around the world gather in Zagreb to present concerts and performances, as well as workshops on folkloric traditions.
Dubrovnik Summer Festival, Dubrovnik . In 2024, this cultural festival will celebrate its 75 th year with 47 days of theater productions, concerts, and dance and folklore performances.
Pula Film Festival, Pula . Over nine days every July, Pula’s first-century Roman amphitheater as well as other venues across the city host Croatia’s oldest film festival .
Sinjska Alka, Sinj . On the first Sunday of August , the 1715 victory over Turkish invaders is commemorated with a series of games played by costumed knights on horseback. Recognized by UNESCO, this tournament is the last remaining example of medieval knightly competitions.
Sonus Festival, Pag . Revelers gather on Pag Island for five heady days and nights of open-air beachside and boat parties to the pulsing sounds of techno.
Špancirfest, Varaždin . Over ten days at the end of summer, this family-friendly street festival delights with street performances, concerts and creative workshops.
Lovrečeva-Krk Fair, Krk . It's the 500 th edition of this fair in 2024, celebrated each year since Venetian times on August 8th, 9th and 10th with a large open-air market and live music.
Stories of Diocletian, Split . Over the last three days of August, Split goes back to its Roman past with Roman reenactments filling the streets and squares in and around UNESCO-listed Diocletian’s Palace .
Subotina, Buzet . This annual folk festival is kicked off with the cooking up of a giant truffle omelet on the square of this hill town in Istria, while its residents dress up in period costumes and the streets are filled with music and local specialties.
Goulash Disko Festival, Komiža . It’s all about peace, love and music on Vis Island over four days with a musical lineup of tropical grooves, Gypsy Punk, African Disco, Latintronics and more global beats.
Visualia Festival of Light, Pula . For three days Pula becomes the city of lights when its buildings and landmarks are lit up with 3D mapping effects and light installations .
Marunada Chestnut Festival, Lovran . This Fall festival is one for those with a sweet tooth – visitors are regaled with cakes, sweets, cocktails and ice creams made with sweet chestnut, a local specialty.
Autumn Music Variety, Dubrovnik . Hosted by the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra, this classical music festival showcases upcoming Croatian composers with guest appearances by celebrated conductors.
Istrian Grappa Fair, Hum . Sample locally produced Istrian rakija (grappa) infused with fruits and herbs in the world’s smallest town.
Zagreb Film Festival, Zagreb . Croatia’s largest international film festival showcases independent and debut films by directors from Croatia and around the world.
IstriaVirgin Olive Oil Festival, Vodnjan . Lovers of extra virgin olive oil gather to meet local producers and taste the season’s freshly pressed oils.
Zigante Truffle Days, Livade . Join in cooking shows, demonstrations of truffle-hunting, and sample Istria’s highly-prized black and white truffles at this annual festival .
Advent Zagreb, Zagreb . The capital gets decked up with plenty of Christmas cheer during this huge yuletide market that includes ice rinks, themed night walks, and stalls peddling mulled wine and sweet treats.
Dubrovnik Winter Festival, Dubrovnik. From the first day of Advent, Dubrovnik's squares and streets become the festive stages for concerts, performances and children’s plays as well as a Christmas market and gastro events .
Opatija Advent, Opatija . Romantic seaside Opatija dresses up in Christmas colors while its parks, squares and waterfront promenade transform into magical winter wonderlands .
This article was first published Apr 21, 2021 and updated Mar 20, 2024.
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Najväčší polostrov Chorvátska a zároveň najväčšia zelená oáza na Jadrane je Istria, veď tretinu jej povrchu tvorí zeleň. K porastom borovíc a kríkov makií neodlučiteľne patrí aj vinič. Rástol tu a rodil hroznové víno ešte za čias Rimanov. Spoznať miestnu malváziu, turan či muškát na jednej z vínnych ciest alebo aspoň ochutnať pohárik lahodného vína je príjemným spestrením dovolenky na Istrii. Najbližšia a najobľúbenejšia oblasť chorvátskeho prímoria nesie pomenovanie Kvarner, rovnaké ako Kvarnerský záliv, v ktorom nájdeme najväčší ostrov Chorvátska - Krk. Spojený s pevninou mostom má jedinečné podmienky na rozvoj cestovného ruchu, ktorého začiatky siahajú až ku koncu 19. storočia. Všetkých 15 pláží na ostrove Krk obdržalo známu Modrú vlajku za čistotu mora a pláže, preto náš výber letovísk Njivice, Malinska a Punat nie je náhodný. Okrem známych pláží ponúka ostrov mnoho malých, skrytých pláží, nudistické i tie pre vašich štvornohých miláčikov. Kvarner, to je aj pohorie Gorski Kotar a na jeho úpätí pobrežie s letoviskom Crikvenica, píšucim svoju kúpeľnú históriu už od čias Rakúsko-Uhorska. Dnes si ju za miesto oddychu môžete vybrať aj vy. Tradícia a súčasnosť sa tu spojili rovnako ako spája pobrežná promenáda „lungo mare“ mestečká na pobreží. Jedným z nich je aj u nás veľmi žiadané, starobylé aj nové zároveň - Novi Vinodolski. Najkrajší pohľad naň, na blízke pláže, ostrovy a celú oblasť Vinodol sa vám naskytne zo šiestich vyhliadkových miest nazvaných príznačne „Oči Vinodola“.
Neveľké rozlohou ale veľké svojou rozmanitosťou je Chorvátsko. Od zelenej Istrie po majestátne Biokovo nad Makarskou, od čarovných Plitvických jazier po malebný Trogir, od istrijského Umagu po najslnečnejší ostrov Hvar. Pláže, mestečká, ostrovy, pamiatky UNESCO, národné parky patria k tejto čarovnej krajine rovnako ako neodmysliteľné, priezračné Jadranské more. Navštíviť, spoznať a zamilovať si ktorékoľvek z týchto miest bude len začiatkom vášho príbehu, ktorý si začnete o Chorvátsku písať. „Dobro došli!“ Môžete navštíviť všetky kontinenty, okúsiť rozmanité jedlá, kúpať sa v moriach aj oceánoch, ale pokiaľ nespoznáte krásy Chorvátska, bude vám k dokonalému obrazu sveta niečo chýbať: najčlenitejšie pobrežie Stredomoria ozdobené kamienkovými aj piesočnatými plážami, lemované voňajúcimi borovicovými lesmi, s kulisou skalnatých brál, týčiacich sa vysoko k nebu nad vodami smaragdového Jadranského mora. Mestá, pevnosti, kláštory, kostoly, roztrúsené na viac ako tisícich ostrovoch a po pobreží, pamätajú časy dávnych Rimanov, Benátskej republiky aj vládu Rakúsko-Uhorska. Práve k tým časom sa viažu počiatky cestovného ruchu v Opatiji a Crikvenici, kam sa chodila liečiť rakúsko-uhorská šľachta. Chorvátsky turizmus odvtedy prešiel dlhú cestu a neustále napreduje. Široká ponuka doplnkových služieb od vysokohorskej turistiky, adrenalínových športov na vode či na súši, cez najširšiu sieť cyklistických ciest v Stredomorí až po prezentáciu osobitostí v gastronómii, kultúre, histórii. Vďaka pestrej palete možností krajina zaujíma prvé priečky vo svetových rebríčkoch obľúbenosti. A tak známy slogan „Nenapĺňajte svoj život dňami – naplňte svoje dni životom!“ je preto najlepšou pozvánkou do Chorvátska.
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Oficiálne hodnotenie:.
hotel **** / depandance ***
na začiatku vyhľadávaného letoviska Crikvenica a jeho promenády s množstvom kaviarní a barov s terasami, obchodíkov so suvenírmi a reštaurácií • vzdialenosť hotela od krásnej kamienkovej pláže s pozvoľným vstupom do mora cca 150 m• ležadlá a slnečníky na pláži (za poplatok)• v centre letoviska, asi 1,5 km od areálu hotela je mestská piesočnatá pláž Gradsko Kupalište (vstup za poplatok)
v depandance hotela: príjemne zariadené, moderné klimatizované 2-lôžkové izby s francúzskym balkónom • 2-lôžkové izby s možnosťou až 2 prísteliek (vysúvacie postele 80 x 180 cm) , balkónom a orientáciou na more (za príplatok) • minibar • wifi na izbách (zdarma) • LCD TV • telefón • trezor • kúpeľňa so sprchou a WC • sušič na vlasy • v depandance nie je výťah
Vybavenie hotela » elegantná vstupná hala s recepciou • klimatizovaná reštaurácia • wifi v lobby (zdarma) • aperitív bar • tanečná terasa s výhľadom na more • vonkajší bazén na terase hotela Omorika • pool bar • detský kútik • parkovanie v areáli (zdarma) • nabíjacia stanica na elektromobily (za poplatok) • v blízkosti za poplatok: tenisové kurty • stolný tenis • minigolf• futbalové ihrisko • široký výber vodných športov na pláži • neďaleké adrenalínové zábavné centrum pre deti a dospelých • možnosť fakultatívnych výletov
polpenzia – raňajky a večere formou bohatých švédskych stolov v reštaurácii 4* hotela Omorika, nápoje k večeri (víno, pivo, nealko)
Adresa: Milovana Muževiča 20, 512 60 Crikvenica
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Adresa: Kralja Tomislava 23, HR-515 11 Malinska GPS: N 45°07'10.8" - E 14°31'17.1". Späť na výpis hotelov. Pobytové zájazdy - Chorvátsko. Last Minute dovolenka pri mori. Jedna z najväčších CK predávajúca letné dovolenky a zájazdy do letných dovolenkových destinácii a tiež pútnické a poznávacie zájazdy.
Adresa: Lišanjska ul., 51250, Novi Vinodolski, Chorvátsko. Späť na výpis hotelov. Pobytové zájazdy - Chorvátsko. Last Minute dovolenka pri mori. Jedna z najväčších CK predávajúca letné dovolenky a zájazdy do letných dovolenkových destinácii a tiež pútnické a poznávacie zájazdy.
Kačjak b.b., HR-512 65 Dramalj GPS: N 45˚12'10.45'' - E 14˚38'59.91''. Späť na výpis hotelov. Pobytové zájazdy - Chorvátsko. Last Minute dovolenka pri mori. Jedna z najväčších CK predávajúca letné dovolenky a zájazdy do letných dovolenkových destinácii a tiež pútnické a poznávacie zájazdy.
Pobytové zájazdy - Chorvatsko. Last Minute dovolenka pri mori. ... Největší poloostrov Chorvatska a zároveň největší zelená oáza na Jadranu je Istria, vždyť třetinu jejího povrchu tvoří zeleň. ... Cestovní kancelář TIP travel s.r.o., Náměstí 14. října 1307/2, 150 00 Praha 5 - Smíchov | IČO 017 40 512 | zapsané v ...
Read on for our travel guide to Istria - arguably the most underrated corner of Croatia. Where is Istria? The Istrian peninsula sits at the very northern tip of Croatia. The peninsula falls mostly in northern Croatia, with a thin slither just over the border in neighboring Slovenia. A three-hour drive from Vienna and just 90 minutes from ...
Travel.Sk / Cestovné kancelárie / CK TIPtravel / Leto / Chorvátsko / Istria / Istria. Travel.Sk - NOVÁ VERZIA; 02/33872835. kontakty Pon-Pia 9:00-17:00. ... Nemusíte ísť do žiadnej pobočky CK, pretože stránky Travel.Sk sú našou pobočkou priamo na Vašom stole. Vaša dovolenka je na našich stránkach.
Největší poloostrov Chorvatska a zároveň největší zelená oáza na Jadranu je Istria, vždyť třetinu jejího povrchu tvoří zeleň. ... Nejstarší a nejkrásnější národní park v Chorvatsku, zapsaný v seznamu světového přírodního dědictví UNESCO. ... Cestovní kancelář TIP travel s.r.o., Náměstí 14. října 1307/2 ...
3. Novigrad - Between Umag & Poreč. One of three towns in Croatia with the same name, Istria's Novigrad, is sometimes called Novigrad Istarski to avoid confusion. This beautiful town lies on a small peninsula on the northern coast of Istria, roughly in the middle between Umag and Poreč.
Po 18:00 hodine a mimo pracovných dní kontaktujte. Do 20:00 hodiny. ZA Aupark »041 / 286 32 10. KE Aupark »055 / 286 32 13. NR Mlyny »037 /652 42 94. Do 21:00 hodiny. BA Aupark »02 / 54 64 73 98. TIP travel Facebook. návrat hore.
Sep 28, 2023. Written By Go Ask A Local. Welcome to Istria, a hidden-away region in northwestern Croatia that presents a delightful combination of rustic charm, picturesque medieval towns, gorgeous beaches and nature, and delicious local cuisine. Istria boasts a lovely coastline with pretty beaches and a crystal clear sea, backed by a bucolic ...
Idyllic Istria, the wedge-shaped peninsula at Croatia's northwest corner, reveals itself gradually and seductively. Pungent truffles, Roman ruins, striking hill towns, quaint coastal villages, carefully cultivated food and wine, and breezy Italianate culture all compete for your attention. At a Glance. Extremely romantic, Venetian-style coastal ...
Europe. Continental Croatia meets the Adriatic in Istria (Istra to Croats), the heart-shaped, 3600-sq-km peninsula in the country's northwest. The bucolic interior of rolling hills and fertile plains attracts food- and culture-focused visitors to Istria's hilltop villages, rural hotels and farmhouse restaurants, while the indented coastline ...
Truffles grow in abundance in central Istria's damp oak forests, and in fact, the all-time largest in the world was discovered outside of Buje in 1999, weighing 1.31 kgs! Istria's Italian connection is also clear from the amount of traditional oven pizzerias in towns like Rovinj. 12. Dvigrad Source: SSKH-Pictures / shutterstock Dvigrad
This is another great time for a Dalmatian beach trip, while truffle season comes to Istria. By October, Croatia is in shoulder season proper, with kids back in school and some ferry services and hotels closing over the course of the month. ... Tips & Advice. Montenegro vs Albania: how to choose between two Balkan beachfront countries. Oct 4 ...
NR Mlyny »037 /652 42 94. Do 21:00 hodiny. BA Aupark »02 / 54 64 73 98. TIP travel Facebook. Chorvátsko Istria Crikvenica Depandance Omorika depandance hotela ***+.
Dovolenky na Istrii. Dovolenka v Istrii 2024 už od 76 € a všetky za konečné ceny s poplatkami. Najbližšie a najzelenšie pobrežie Jadranu je ukrytou záhradou, ktorá otvára dvere do slnečného a príjemne teplého stredomoria. Istria je magickou zemou, obdarenou panensky nedotknutou prírodou, ktorá rozvoniava šalviou a levanduľou.
Dovolená Chorvatsko, Istrie 2024 / 2025. Istrie je jednou z nejoblíbenějších dovolenkových destinací na celém Jadranu: čekají na vás skvělé služby, spousta možností zábavy, čisté moře a krásné pláže. Vyberte si zájezd nebo ubytování na Istrii a zažijete skvělou dovolenou v turistickém ráji na severu Chorvatska!
Travel.Sk s.r.o. cestovná agentúra. Hviezdoslavovo námestie 7. 811 02 Bratislava. Callcentrum. pondelok - piatok 09:00 - 17:00. 02/33 872 835. Travel.Sk je cestovná agentúra - predajca zájazdov výlučne renomovaných cestovných kancelárií. Obstaranie zájazdu cez internet je jednoduché a šetrí Váš čas.