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15 Corporate Incentive Travel Program Tips

By: Angela Robinson | Updated: May 01, 2023

You found our list of the best corporate incentive travel program tips !

Corporate incentive travel programs are initiatives that offer all-expenses paid trips and experiences in exchange for extraordinary performance. For example, a trip to Thailand or Mexico. These programs aim to motivate employees and raise morale, loyalty, and productivity.

Travel incentive programs are one example of employee incentives and employee engagement ideas , and can be a popular employment benefit .

This article includes:

  • incentive travel examples
  • incentive trips for employees
  • group travel incentive programs
  • corporate incentives besides travel

Here is the list!

Incentive travel examples

When it comes to destinations and trip experiences, possibilities are endless. Here are a few examples of incentive travel programs to give you inspiration:

  • A stay in the British countryside complete with castle tours
  • A food tour through Italy or France, or through your home city
  • Museum crawl through New York City
  • Hotel and tickets to a Broadway or West End show
  • A Seine River expedition through Germany
  • Weeklong country-hopping tour
  • Hiking excursion in the mountains
  • Wildlife interaction at a sanctuary
  • Wine country visits
  • Behind the scenes tour of a nearby brewery
  • Weekend stay at a local bed and breakfast
  • Tropical beach escape
  • Historical tour of a prominent city
  • Hot air balloon rides
  • Passes and accommodation to a cultural festival
  • Company cruises
  • Glamping or camping
  • Team building retreats

The items on this list provide a solid baseline for program structures, but there are many possibilities for irresistible trips that will drive employees to perform at their best.

Corporate incentive travel program tips

From soliciting suggestions from staff to leveraging social media, here are the steps for creating an effective corporate incentive travel program.

1. Ask your staff for ideas

A travel program is only an incentive if your staff wants to take the trips you choose. Instead of outright guessing, or stealthily scanning your staff’s Instagram vacation posts, ask your staff for destination and activity ideas.

First, gather plausible options for countries, cities, accommodations, excursions, and activities. Then, distribute a survey, and use the feedback to inform your selections. Consider including a write-in option on your questionnaire so employees can point you towards any useful travel resources or discount programs.

2. Determine the goal of your program

The point of an incentive program is to achieve a particular result or encourage a certain behavior. Thus, when designing your incentive trips for employees, it is important to outline the goal.

Corporate incentive travel program objectives may include:

  • Specific sales targets
  • Increased client satisfaction scores
  • Decrease in paperwork errors
  • Shorter customer wait times
  • Quicker production turnaround time

The goal of the program may include multiple aims, and targets may vary by position or department.

Trips are a significant investment, and organizations expect a worthwhile return on such a weighty investment. By outlining clear goals when introducing the program, you justify the expenditure and link the reward to a clear result.

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3. Provide clear guidelines to staff

Higher management are not the only parties that benefit from having accurate expectations for the program. When announcing the initiative, provide clear guidelines to the staff so employees understand how to earn the rewards. For best results, communicate the necessary targets, performance period timeline, methods of measurement, and ultimate prizes.

You may also want to mention:

  • The level of date flexibility for trips. Can attendees choose from multiple months or weekends, or will there only be one date for the trip? If the latter, then disclose the date upfront.
  • Whether or not family members and guests can join the trips.
  • Included amenities vs add-on options.
  • Accommodations the company can make for staff with special circumstances.

Misunderstanding requirements could lead to staff missing out on the opportunity, causing disappointment. Employees want to feel that managers are upfront and honest, and clear communication fosters trust.

4. Consult a travel expert

Corporate travel programs require a great deal of planning and logistics management. Coordinating such a program alone can feel overwhelming, but travel and events companies that specialize in running incentive programs can simplify the process.

Here are some recommended travel incentive companies:

  • American Express Meetings & Events
  • Creative Group Inc.
  • First Incentive Travel
  • Peak Performance Meetings & Incentives
  • Bishop McCann
  • Bi Worldwide
  • Fox World Travel
  • Maritz Global Events
  • George P. Johnson Experience Marketing
  • World Travel Inc

Even if you decide not to hire a third-party vendor to manage incentive trips, consider consulting a travel agent or other professional who has experience planning and executing group trips. If nothing else, then read HR blogs for advice. You do not need to reinvent the wheel; you can rely on the guidance of professionals who have seen success with incentives to shape your program.

5. Research multiple vendors

While destination management companies often advertise packages that remove the hassle from corporate travel planning, these all-inclusive offerings are not always the best options for your needs. Working with multiple event providers may be a more cost-effective solution that results in better experiences for your employees.

Consider branching out and enlisting different companies for transportation, accommodations, catering, and experiences such as museum tours or adventure sports outings. At minimum, research and compare multiple destination management companies to ensure you find the best deal and optimal level of service.

6. Negotiate exclusives

Most travel incentive companies work with organizations to create tailored, customized plans. When designing trips, securing exclusive amenities and activities can make the experience even more attractive. For instance, booking an illustrious restaurant for a private party with a special menu, or receiving an after-hours, behind-the-scenes tour of a historical site with an expert. Planning experiences that attendees cannot replicate during personal visits makes the experience feel more unique, which compels employees to work harder to secure their spots on the trip.

7. Use organizational resources

While a travel incentive trip differs from a business trip, branches in other geographical regions can be a great help to your planning process. Offices in other states or countries might be able to make an introduction to a contact such as a travel coordinator, local guide, restaurateur, or hospitality professional that can help you coordinate your trip. You might even take advantage of special corporate discounts or offerings thanks to your relationship with the sister site.

Even if your organization does not have locations worldwide, you may employ a teammate who has previously worked, traveled, or lived in your destination and can offer recommendations. Tapping into your company’s internal resources improves the journey.

8. Stick to a budget

Travel programs are rarely low-cost perks. Expenses like transportation, accommodation, meals, and entertainment add up quickly, even if your group remains local. While increases in worker output and performance often justify the price of the program, it is still important to stick to a budget to ensure a balanced return on investment.

Researching beforehand helps avoid overspending. Before you commit to a destination or travel package, ensure you understand the total cost, including any additional expenditures such as insurance, service fees, non-included meals, transportation between venues, and tips for service staff.

Remember that if employees show interest in pricey experiences that the company cannot cover, then you can compensate by scheduling free time and allowing attendees to purchase optional activities.

Here is a list of ways to spend your budget at year-end .

9. Be liberal with options

Your group is a diverse bunch with a wide range of interests. One employee’s dream trip might not be another’s. To guarantee that all travelers enjoy the experience, arrange an array of activities that suit many tastes. For example, plan a bar crawl one evening and an open mic the next. Or, give attendees the choice between wine tasting, rock climbing, or touring a museum.

When planning activities, keep in mind:

  • Physical ability
  • Level of socialization
  • Dietary needs
  • Non-alcoholic options for non-drinkers
  • Price, if members pay out of pocket
  • Cultural sensitivity and inclusivity

Keep these considerations in mind not only when planning activities, but also when booking trip details. For instance, steer clear of destinations with recent human rights violations or recent racial tensions in favor of diverse and inclusive locations where all guests feel welcome.

10. Focus on the experience more than the destination

While the ability to travel to a foreign country or a lively city is a major draw, the location is not as important as your team’s overall happiness. Instead of fixating on the destination, focus on the experience. You do not need to pick a flashy locale to garner interest in the program. Attendees can have fun in a neighboring town or an off-the-beaten-path destination if you plan meaningful and engaging activities.

When choosing a venue for your trip, explore unconventional options and open yourself to interesting possibilities. Aim to connect your staff meaningfully with the local culture and with each other. Keep an eye out for experiences unique to your host city, and aim to be travelers rather than simply tourists. In essence, unlock the full potential of each city, neighborhood, or business instead of relying on the allure of the destination to do the heavy lifting.

11. Offer resources and assistance

Assuming that every trip member is an experienced traveler is a mistake. Travel programs generate interest among a wide range of attendees, from globetrotters to folks who have yet to step foot in an airport. Because there may be a discrepancy in the travel knowledge within your group, offering resources and assistance is helpful. Even if your package includes transportation, members may need to book plane tickets individually, in which case you should designate a helper to answer questions and resolve issues.

Consider also providing:

  • Passport and visa application assistance
  • Packing tips
  • Applicable CDC advisories and vaccine information
  • A guide to cultural norms in your destination country
  • Travel medical and insurance resources
  • Currency exchange services
  • Safety recommendations and emergency contact information

You can equip the group with helpful literature, hold informational sessions, and create online forums where attendees can ask and answer questions, too.

12. Use trips as an opportunity to expand employees’ worldviews

While the trip acts first as an incentive and reward, the vacation can serve as an educational tool, too. By incorporating cultural experiences, you expand teammates’ worldviews, teach empathy, and develop soft skills that enhance employees’ abilities to interact with clients and colleagues.

To capitalize on the effects of the trip, select a destination that pushes staff out of their comfort zone and introduces new viewpoints and experiences. To achieve this end, the destination does not have to be a foreign country. Every country is culturally diverse, and workers benefit from visiting a new region, or even connecting with a distinct subculture close to home. The trip can be an opportunity not only for employees to relax and have fun, but also to grow.

13. Maximize team bonding

Being in an unfamiliar place together can bring a group closer together. Shared experiences are the root of team building, and group trips establish common ground and memories that form a foundation for continuing relationships. Group travel incentive programs can not only save companies time and money, but also supercharge group development. One of the best approaches to travel programs is to maximize team bonding potential by planning group excursions and team building activities and scheduling time for group reflection.

By dedicating Slack channels, social media groups, team chats, pre and post trip sessions, and shared online photo albums to the trip group, you can further fuel interactions between members.

Here is a list of team building ideas to try.

14. Leverage employee testimonials and social media

Organizations devote significant resources to travel programs. One way to optimize return on investment is to leverage employee testimonials and social media as a way to market company culture and motivate colleagues to strive for future travel incentives.

A few suggestions:

  • Distribute a survey at the end of the trip. Make the survey completion a scheduled activity, or incentivize feedback by holding a prize drawing in tandem.
  • Ask employees to submit photos and captions to the marketing team for the company social media page
  • Coordinate a social media takeover campaign where trip attendees schedule content for company social media channels
  • Encourage attendees to tag posts on personal accounts with the company handle and a specific hashtag.
  • Dedicate blog posts to the experience
  • Compile a highlights reel of the trip by editing together video clips
  • Allow participants to speak about the trip on a company podcast
  • Invite attendees to speak at information sessions for future trips

Most folks appreciate having a platform to share their stories and experiences. This user-generated content has many uses both internally and externally, such as in recruitment materials, marketing projects, and employee engagement campaigns .

15. Offer alternatives to travel

Although travel is an enticing incentive, it is not a universal motivator for all employees. Familial obligations, health complications, fear of flying, or a distaste for travel are examples of conditions that might prevent staff from reaping the rewards of the program. To better suit the needs of your entire organization, offer alternatives to trips, such as material bonuses or more localized experiences. Examples might include a chartered day at a nearby winery, tickets to the hometown sports team game, or extra paid time off. Read the next section for more suggestions on non-travel incentive rewards.

Other corporate incentives besides travel

Travel is not viable to every employee’s circumstances. For a more universally appealing incentive program, consider offering alternatives to travel. The following list offers a few suggestions.

Bonuses are the most common employee incentive. Monetary rewards give employees more autonomy over their winnings, since staff has the discretion to use the extra cash as they see fit. Not to mention, a financial award sends the message that the organization shares extra profits with staff, thus compelling employees to generate more revenue for the company.

When introducing financial incentives, it is important to explain a clear bonus structure so that the staff has a solid understanding of expectations and performance metrics.

2. Extra paid time off

Instead of scheduling a trip for employees, you could offer extra paid time off so that employees can travel when, where, and with whom they prefer. Through this method, your staff may opt for a staycation instead, choosing to use the extra time to catch up on errands, develop side hustles, spend time with family members, or relax at home. This approach signals that the company values employees’ personal time and appreciates work life balance. Plus, offering extra time awards employees more freedom to customize their prize.

3. Concerts

Concerts are close-to-home adventures. Music and nightlife enthusiasts love the chance to attend live performances. Access to sold-out or exclusive events, good seats or entry into VIP areas, and other perks like complimentary food or merchandise sweeten the deal. Partnering with a corporate-facing event company or local concert venue can help you net discounts and special offers for your employees.

4. Sporting events

Tickets or company box seats at a sporting event are an enticing prize for sports fans, salespeople, and anyone who relishes the energy of a live game. Best of all, since seasons consist of many games, you can divide the performance period into multiple benchmarks, and employ ticket giveaways as an ongoing motivator. Also, sports inspire attitudes of camaraderie and teamwork which you can channel into your workplace.

5. Technology

New gadgets and upgrades hit the technology market daily. Keeping all gadgets updated can be a challenge, so technology rewards are tempting incentives.

A few suggestions for technology incentives:

  • smartphones
  • video game systems
  • action cameras
  • smartwatches and fitness trackers
  • wireless earbuds
  • 3-D printers

Consider offering technology upgrades for personal use, work use, or a mix of both. For example, promise to buy high-tech printers for the winning department.

6. Parking spots

Parking can be a surprisingly effective employee motivator, especially if you work in a city with scarce or expensive parking options. Even if the office building houses a company garage, employees may eye a desirable spot. Winning a prized parking spot or a complimentary pass checks one box off of the proverbial to-do list and makes the morning commute less hectic. If parking is not part of your employee benefits package, then consider offering the amenity as a prize.

7. Fitness classes

Fitness is important, but not always inexpensive. While many companies offer wellness credits, gym memberships, or exercise classes as perks, bonus fitness services can make attractive prizes.

Here are some ideas for fitness incentives:

  • Home gym equipment
  • Subscription to online Yoga classes or Peloton
  • Personal trainers
  • Workout wardrobes
  • Fitness trackers and smart devices
  • Unusual exercise classes like parkour or circus aerobics

Even if your company provides regular exercise options, an upgraded fitness experience can serve as extra motivation.

8. Charity donations

Monetary gain is not a universal motivator, and at times philanthropy can drive efforts more effectively than cash rewards. One alternative to material prizes is to donate an agreed amount to a charity of the awardee’s choice.

Pro tip: Allow employees to suggest charities that fall within prescribed guidelines instead of picking from a limited list to ensure that workers can raise money for a cause they are passionate about.

9. Task management services

While you may not be able to give your employees extra hours in the day, gifting task services is the next best option. Hiring professional errand-runners frees up time in your employees schedules for relaxation, self-care, and self-improvement.

Suggestions for task services:

  • Grocery deliveries
  • Laundry and dry cleaning services
  • Cooks or professional meal preppers
  • Cleaners or organizing consultants
  • Childcare services

Consider gifting credit towards multiple-service providers like TaskRabbit and Thumbtack so awardees can choose the most useful options.

10. Meals with executives

Lunch or dinner with a member of the C-suite serves the dual function of providing a complimentary meal along with quality time with higher management. For best results, offer one-on-one meetings or small group experiences so that every awardee has ample opportunity to interact with the executive. Similar bonding opportunities include golf games, tennis matches, hikes, creative classes, winery or brewery trips, or video game showdowns.

11. Massages and self-care

Some workers might not treat themselves to massages, spa-days, and other self-love splurges, but will indulge if gifted an activity. Pampering experiences inspire employees to achieve a goal while emphasizing the importance of self-care.

Here are some examples of self-care incentives:

  • Manicures and pedicures
  • Salon appointments
  • Meditation session
  • Career consulting or meeting with a life coach

These prizes send the message that companies care about employee wellbeing as well as performance.

12. Extraordinary events

Though some folks use the term incentive events interchangeably with incentive trips, at-home events can offer the excitement of travel minus the forms, transportation costs, or downtime at the airport. Extraordinary events give employees opportunities to socialize, participate in new experiences, and make memories with colleagues.

Some examples of event incentives include:

  • Improv or standup comedy shows and workshops
  • Cooking classes with renowned chefs
  • Laser tag tournaments
  • Winery or brewery tours
  • Cocktail party at the CEO’s house
  • Amusement park trips
  • Early access to a new venue
  • Special sales or product trials

Limiting the number of spots at these events and awarding entry only to high-achieving employees makes the occasion feel more special and motivates staff to strive towards a goal.

Final Thoughts

Travel is one of the most common bullet points on bucket lists, which means that trips serve as a powerful motivator. By affording employees opportunities to travel, you expand their world views and supercharge their relationships with teammates, all while rewarding extraordinary efforts and results and assigning great value to your workers’ contributions.

Next, check out this list of employee wellness program ideas and this list of incentives to return to the office .

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FAQ: Corporate incentive travel programs

Here are answers to the most common questions about corporate incentive travel programs.

What are corporate incentive travel programs?

Corporate incentive travel programs are motivational campaigns that reward top-performing employees with trips or special experiences. The aim of these programs is to increase staff loyalty, morale, and productivity. Incentive programs typically target specific goals such as fulfilling sales quotas, meeting product development deadlines, or raising customer satisfaction scores.

What are some good corporate incentive travel program tips?

Some good corporate incentive travel program tips include:

  • Ask your staff for ideas
  • Determine the goal of your program
  • Provide clear guidelines to staff
  • Consult a travel expert
  • Research multiple vendors
  • Negotiate exclusives
  • Use organizational resources
  • Stick to a budget
  • Be liberal with options
  • Focus on the experience more than the destination
  • Offer resources and assistance
  • Use trips as an opportunity to expand employees’ worldviews
  • Maximize team bonding
  • Leverage employee testimonials and social media
  • Offer alternatives to travel

Though travel programs require extensive planning and organization, following the proper steps can ensure that your program pays off by raising employee output and morale.

What are good companies to use for corporate incentive travel programs?

There are many providers who offer and arrange trips and engaging events for corporate incentive programs.

Here are some recommended companies to use for corporate incentive travel programs:

When selecting a partner organization, research multiple providers and choose an option that fits your company’s budget, company culture, and particular needs.

Do corporate incentive travel programs work?

Travel programs can be powerful motivators. Employer-sponsored trips are an attractive reward, especially when the experiences include exclusives such as exclusive tours, private accommodations, and company parties. Travel programs are an especially compelling incentive for sales teams, though the perk can motivate a vast variety of positions and departments.

Though travel is a hefty investment for organizations, the corresponding rise in productivity is significant. Plus, funding trips signals that employers value their workers efforts and personal growth.

What makes incentive travel programs effective?

Clear goals and benchmarks, measurable metrics, smart internal marketing, meaningful experiences, and attractive awards are all factors that make incentive travel programs effective. The best determinant of the operation’s success is the level of foresight, consideration, and communication that goes into the planning and execution of the program.

Besides travel, what can employers offer in incentive programs?

Some non-travel incentive program rewards include:

  • Extra paid time off
  • Sporting events
  • Parking spots
  • Fitness classes
  • Charity donations
  • Home services
  • Meal with an executive
  • Massages and self-care
  • Extraordinary events

Not every team member is able to travel, yet providing alternate rewards allows dedicated employees to reap the rewards of their efforts.

What is the difference between a corporate incentive program and an employee benefits program?

Organizations offer employee benefits across the board to all workers, although benefits packages might vary depending on position and band level, and individual candidates may be able to negotiate a more attractive package. While benefits programs are ongoing, built-in rewards, incentive programs are auxiliary, often limited-time offers. Corporate incentive programs exist to motivate employees to hit specific targets within a particular time frame.

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Author: Angela Robinson

Marketing Coordinator at teambuilding.com. Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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Marketing Coordinator at teambuilding.com.

Angela has a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and worked as a community manager with Yelp to plan events for businesses.

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  • Incentive Travel

25 / 09 / 2023

What Is Incentive Travel? (Explained With 7 Examples)

What Is Incentive Travel? (Explained With 7 Examples)

In today's competitive business landscape, organizations are continually seeking innovative ways to motivate their employees and drive success. One such strategy that has gained immense popularity in recent years is incentive travel. Let’s delve into the world of incentive travel, explore what it is, how it compares to cash bonuses, its impact on employee motivation, and its significance for organizational goals. We'll also discuss the different types of incentive travel, the target audience for such programs, their frequency, and whether you should create a plan in-house or collaborate with an agency like MICEHospitality. Additionally, we'll provide you with a useful checklist for creating an effective incentive travel plan and share some inspiring examples of successful incentive travel programs.

What is Incentive Tour?

Incentive tour is a powerful motivational tool used by organizations to reward and recognize their top-performing employees. It involves offering a travel experience as a reward for achieving specific performance goals or targets. Unlike cash bonuses, which often get absorbed into routine expenses, incentive tour offers a memorable and highly motivating experience that employees can cherish for a lifetime.

The concept of incentive tour is rooted in the idea that employees who feel valued and appreciated for their contributions are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed to their work. It goes beyond the traditional approach of monetary compensation and taps into the fundamental human desire for experiences, adventure, and personal growth.

Incentive Tour vs. Cash Bonus

The debate between incentive tour and cash bonus is a common one in the realm of employee motivation. While both approaches have their merits, incentive tour stands out for several reasons. First and foremost, it provides a tangible and exciting reward that goes beyond monetary compensation. When employees are offered a chance to embark on an all-expenses-paid trip to a dream destination, it creates a sense of anticipation and excitement that money alone cannot match.

Moreover, incentive tour offers a unique opportunity for team building and bonding among employees. When colleagues travel together, they form stronger connections and develop a deeper sense of camaraderie, which can positively impact workplace dynamics. Cash bonuses, on the other hand, do little to foster such relationships.

In addition to the tangible rewards, incentive tour offers intangible benefits that can have a lasting impact on employees. Travel experiences often lead to personal growth, cultural enrichment, and the creation of cherished memories. These aspects contribute to an employee's overall well-being and happiness, which, in turn, can enhance their job satisfaction and performance.

When employees return from an incentive trip, they often bring back newfound energy and enthusiasm to the workplace. This boosts their morale and leads to increased productivity and a more positive work atmosphere. In contrast, cash bonuses, while appreciated, may not have the same long-term effect on employee motivation and engagement.

Why Incentive Trips Are Important: Impact on Employee Motivation and Organizational Goals

Incentive trips play a pivotal role in boosting employee motivation. They serve as concrete milestones that employees strive to achieve, knowing that their hard work will be rewarded with a remarkable travel experience. This anticipation can fuel increased productivity, engagement, and overall job satisfaction among employees.

From an organizational perspective, incentive travel aligns employee efforts with company goals. By setting specific performance targets tied to the trip, businesses can channel their workforce's energy towards achieving strategic objectives. Whether it's increasing sales, improving customer satisfaction, or enhancing productivity, incentive travel programs can be tailored to support various organizational priorities.

Types of Incentive Travel

Incentive travel programs come in various forms, each catering to different employee preferences and organizational budgets. Here are the most common types:

All-Expense-Paid Trips: These are the most extravagant incentive travel programs, covering everything from flights and accommodation to meals and activities. They offer employees a worry-free experience, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the destination.

Just Stay Incentives: In this type of program, employees are rewarded with a complimentary stay at a luxurious resort or hotel. While it doesn't include travel expenses, it still provides a relaxing and rejuvenating experience.

Just Travel: Here, the focus is solely on the travel aspect. Employees receive travel vouchers or points that they can use to plan their dream vacations. This option offers flexibility and allows individuals to choose destinations that resonate with their interests.

Adventure-Based Incentives: For employees seeking thrill and adventure, organizations can offer incentive programs that include activities such as zip-lining, hiking, or water sports. These programs appeal to those with a sense of adventure and a love for the outdoors.

For Whom Should You Run an Incentive Travel Program

Incentive travel programs are versatile and can be tailored to suit various industries and roles. They are particularly effective for:

Sales Teams: Rewarding top-performing salespeople with incentive trips can drive revenue growth and motivate others to excel.

Customer Service Teams: Recognizing outstanding customer service representatives can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Managers and Executives: Providing leadership with incentive travel opportunities can strengthen their commitment to the organization's success.

Cross-Functional Teams: Incentive travel programs can also be designed to encourage collaboration and teamwork among employees from different departments, fostering a more cohesive and innovative workplace culture.

How Often Should You Run an Incentive Travel Program

The frequency of incentive travel programs can vary depending on your organization's goals and resources. Some companies offer annual trips to maintain consistent motivation, while others may opt for quarterly or biannual programs for more frequent rewards. The key is to strike a balance that keeps employees engaged without overextending the budget.

Annual programs work well for organizations with stable financial resources and a larger workforce, as they can spread the costs over a longer period. Quarterly or biannual programs, on the other hand, are suitable for smaller companies or those with budget constraints.

When determining the frequency, it's essential to consider the nature of your industry and the typical sales or performance cycles. For example, in industries with seasonal fluctuations, it may be more meaningful to schedule incentive trips during off-peak periods to maintain motivation year-round.

In-House Planning vs. Agency Collaboration

When it comes to planning your incentive travel program, you have two primary options: handling it in-house or partnering with a specialized agency like MICEHospitality. Each approach has its advantages.

In-House Planning


Greater Control: Planning in-house allows for complete control over every aspect of the program, from destination selection to itinerary planning.

Customization: You can tailor the program to align with your company culture, values, and employee preferences.

Cost Control: In-house planning can sometimes be more cost-effective, as you have direct control over expenses.


Resource Intensive: Planning incentive travel programs can be time-consuming and require significant resources, including staff time and expertise.

Logistics: Managing the logistics of travel, accommodation, and activities can be complex, especially for large groups.

Agency Collaboration

Expertise: Specialized agencies like MICEHospitality have industry-specific knowledge, contacts, and experience to ensure a seamless and memorable travel experience.

Streamlined Logistics: Agencies handle all the logistical details, from negotiating with vendors to managing travel arrangements.

Time Savings: Partnering with an agency frees up your internal resources, allowing your team to focus on other critical tasks.

Cost: Agency services come at a fee, so it's essential to weigh the cost against the convenience and expertise they provide.

The choice between in-house planning and agency collaboration ultimately depends on your organization's resources, expertise, and specific goals. Whichever route you choose, meticulous planning and attention to detail are crucial for a successful incentive travel program.

Checklist for Creating an Effective Incentive Travel Plan

Creating a successful incentive travel plan requires meticulous planning and attention to detail. Here's a comprehensive checklist to guide you through the process:

Define Clear Goals: Begin by clearly outlining the performance targets and metrics that employees must meet to qualify for the incentive trip. These goals should align with your organization's broader objectives.

Select the Right Destination: Choose a destination that aligns with the interests and preferences of your employees. Consider factors such as travel time, cultural appeal, and accessibility.

Budget Wisely: Determine a budget that allows for a memorable experience without straining your resources. Consider all costs, including travel, accommodation, meals, activities, and incentives.

Engage Employees: Involve employees in the planning process to ensure their preferences and needs are considered. Conduct surveys or focus groups to gather input on destination choices, travel dates, and activities.

Design an Engaging Itinerary: Craft an itinerary that strikes a balance between work-related activities (e.g., recognition events, meetings) and leisure activities (e.g., sightseeing, team-building exercises). Ensure that the itinerary caters to various interests and preferences.

Consider Logistics: Pay meticulous attention to travel arrangements, including flight bookings, airport transfers, and ground transportation. Additionally, carefully select accommodations that offer comfort and convenience.

Safety and Health Measures: In the post-pandemic world, prioritize the safety and well-being of your employees. Implement health and safety protocols, and stay updated on travel advisories and restrictions.

Communication: Clearly communicate the program's goals, rules, and rewards to all eligible employees. Maintain open lines of communication throughout the planning process and provide regular updates.

Recognition and Awards: Plan recognition events during the trip to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of participants. Consider awards or certificates to commemorate their success.

Feedback Mechanism: After the trip, solicit feedback from participants to evaluate the program's effectiveness. Use this feedback to make improvements for future incentive travel programs.

Evaluate ROI: Assess the return on investment (ROI) of the incentive travel program by measuring its impact on employee performance, engagement, and organizational goals.

By following this comprehensive checklist, you can create an incentive travel program that not only outranks competitors but also elevates your organization's performance and employee satisfaction.

Successful Incentive Tourism Examples

To inspire your incentive travel planning, here are some real-life examples of companies that have executed remarkable incentive travel programs:

Reliance Industries Limited

Program Highlights: Reliance Industries, one of India's largest conglomerates, runs incentive travel programs for its employees to recognize exceptional performance. The company offers all-expense-paid trips to both domestic and international destinations. These trips often include luxury accommodations, cultural experiences, and team-building activities.

Tata Motors

Program Highlights: Tata Motors, a subsidiary of Tata Group, is known for its innovative incentive travel initiatives. The company organizes trips for top-performing employees, which include visits to manufacturing plants, international auto shows, and adventure getaways. These programs align with Tata Motors' commitment to recognizing and nurturing talent.

Program Highlights: Infosys, a global IT services company, conducts incentive travel programs for its employees in India. These programs typically feature a mix of professional development, such as training sessions and conferences, along with leisure activities at picturesque destinations. Infosys emphasizes the holistic development of its workforce through these initiatives.

Program Highlights: IBM India, a subsidiary of IBM Corporation, offers incentive travel opportunities for its employees. These programs often include participation in international conferences, workshops, and recognition events at exotic locations. IBM India's incentive travel initiatives align with its commitment to fostering a culture of innovation and excellence.

Program Highlights: Accenture, a global consulting and technology services company with a significant presence in India, runs incentive travel programs for its Indian employees. These programs may involve global recognition events, conferences, and networking opportunities held in desirable international locations. Accenture's incentive travel initiatives aim to reward high performance and promote career growth.

Microsoft India

Program Highlights: Microsoft India, a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation, operates a variety of incentive travel programs for its employees. These programs offer opportunities to attend international conferences, recognition events, and leadership development seminars in attractive destinations. Microsoft India emphasizes employee engagement and professional growth through these initiatives.

HCL Technologies

Program Highlights: HCL Technologies, a leading IT services and consulting company based in India, has implemented incentive travel programs as part of its employee recognition strategy. These programs often include global forums, seminars, and recognition events that allow employees to network with international counterparts. HCL Technologies values employee empowerment and growth through these initiatives.

These incentive tourism examples illustrate how both Indian companies and multinational corporations operating in India prioritize incentive tour as a means of recognizing and motivating their employees. By providing employees with opportunities to travel, learn, and bond with colleagues, these companies not only boost performance but also foster a positive work culture that values achievement and personal development.

In conclusion, incentive travel is a potent tool for enhancing employee motivation, aligning organizational goals, and ultimately driving success. Whether you choose to offer all-expense-paid trips or travel vouchers, the key is to create a program that resonates with your employees and inspires them to excel. By following the checklist and drawing inspiration from successful examples, you can craft an incentive travel program that not only outranks competitors but also elevates your organization's performance and employee satisfaction.

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Incentive Travel

What is incentive travel? How are incentive programs, trips, and events different from conference and meeting planning? In this section we'll look at the definition of incentive travel, including: examples of incentive travel programs, how to become an incentive travel planner, an incentive travel planner job description, career advice, employment information, and the pros and cons of being an incentive travel planner in this sector of the events industry.

A guide to incentive travel programs; definitions, descriptions, and examples.

Careers in Incentive Travel / Destination Management

Why become an incentive travel planner or destination manager? Career advice and employment information.

Being an Incentive Travel Planner

What does an incentive travel planner do? Read a real incentive travel planner job description by Martin Turner, former Director of Travel, International Travel Group, and former Global Head of Events, Credit Suisse .

Pros and Cons of Incentive Travel

Pros and cons of incentive travel by Martin Turner, former Director of Travel, International Travel Group, and former Global Head of Events, Credit Suisse .

Being a Destination Manager

What does a destination manager do? Read a real destination manager job description by Jennifer Miller, Partner and President, ACCESS Destination Services .

Pros and Cons of Destination Management Careers

Pros and cons of destination management careers by Jennifer Miller, Partner and President, ACCESS Destination Services .

MICE: Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Exhibitions

Although the content of an incentive travel program is very different to other types of meetings—in that the emphasis is on entertainment, activities, and socializing—the event planning process is very similar. Meetings and incentive programs both involve location planning, destination management, co-ordinating travel and accommodation, and creating a program of supporting events.

Meeting planners often find themselves working on a mix of meetings, conferences, and incentive travel programs, and in doing so will often call upon the services of a destination manager at a DMC (Destination Management Company). Destination managers are a type of event planner who offers local knowledge and resources to meeting planners in order to help deliver events in a particular region

What Is Incentive Travel?

Incentive travel is the reward element of an incentive, recognition, or loyalty program, which takes the form of an all-expenses paid trip with a program of scheduled events and activities.

Incentive Programs

Incentive, recognition, and loyalty programs (from here on referred to as just ‘incentive programs’) are used by companies as a motivational tool to achieve certain business objectives, for example to increase sales.

Participants—which might be the company’s employees, distributors / re-sellers, or customers—usually have to qualify by achieving a certain level of performance, pre-defined by the terms of the incentive program, e.g. achieving pre-set sales targets.

Those that meet the relevant criteria are then rewarded by taking part in the incentive travel trip (sometimes referred to as the ‘award’). These are usually group trips with a set itinerary where all those qualifying take part in the same program of events and activities, however individual incentive trips are also used by some companies.

Incentive Trips/Awards

To fulfill the award, the company will use some form of event / meeting planner to co-ordinate the trip and design the itinerary, including all travel arrangements, accommodation, receptions, dinners, activities, excursions, entertainment, and special events.

Often, this will involve the meeting planner hiring a Destination Management Company (DMC), located in the city where the event is being held, to assist them in booking and managing local elements, such as restaurants, venues, transport, staffing, production, décor, entertainment, activities, and excursions.

Incentives are a very effective way to drive sales. An incentive program might be aimed at a company’s employees i.e. the sales team, or its distributors / re-sellers.

For example, a car manufacturer might create an incentive program for its dealers, whereby they have to meet a certain sales target each month. At the end of the term of the program, a year perhaps, those that made the required amount of sales will be rewarded by coming together with management executives, and the other qualifying dealers, to attend the award trip.

This might consist of a three-day trip to Monte Carlo during the Monaco Grand Prix with a cocktail reception on a yacht, a private dinner at the world famous casino, followed by leisure activities and excursions such as sailing, wine tastings, golf, or a private tour of The Prince’s Palace.

Rewards and Recognition

Group travel can also be used as part of an employee reward and recognition program. Whereas incentive programs aim to inspire or influence someone’s efforts, the purpose of rewards and recognition programs are to reinforce certain behaviors.

A qualifying employee may be deemed to be improving customer service, living the corporate values, or meeting productivity goals. A company might create a group travel program ‘award’ as a way to engage with their employees, recognize performance, and reward top achievers.

The format is similar to those held for sales incentives in that, as a reward, the emphasis is on leisure activities, excursions, group dinners, and receptions. It might be a trip to Sir Richard Branson’s private game resort, Ulusaba Lodge in South Africa, with a program that includes safaris, hot air balloon rides, helicopter tours over canyons, and outdoor dinners and receptions with the finest African cuisine.

Employee Motivation

For example, in addition to various dinners and leisure activities, one company’s program included a team building session called ‘Helping Hands’ where employees were given a box of parts and an instruction booklet. Working as a team they had to assemble an object, which later transpired to be a prosthetic hand, which was then given to a land mine victim who had lost their hand.

Customer Loyalty

Another variation of an incentive program is when group travel is used to reward customer loyalty and repeat business. I have actually been on the receiving end on an incentive program organized by the parent company of a group of event industry suppliers.

The parent company owns a caterer, a venue finding company, a staffing agency, and a technical production company—amongst others. They have an incentive program whereby their customers, event companies such as my own, Left Field Productions , have their annual spend with any of the parent company’s businesses converted into points. Once a certain amount of points is accrued, my company qualifies for between one and three places on a group travel ‘award’.

One year this included a three-day trip to Portofino, Italy, where we stayed in the luxurious Hotel Splendido, which sits on a hillside overlooking the Mediterranean and is frequented by celebrities such as Madonna, George Clooney, and Elizabeth Taylor.

The ‘incentive travel program’ is what, up until now, we have been referring to as the ‘award’; it’s the reward element of the entire ‘incentive program’. Among event planners however, the ‘award’ is generally referred to as the ‘incentive travel program’ or just the ‘travel program’. It’s not really regarded as an event, because it’s usually a lot more than that; it’s a program of events and activities over several days or even a week.

Incentive Program

The ‘incentive program’ is the entire scheme that leads up to and includes the ‘award’. The ‘incentive program’ might start up to a year in advance, often it’s unveiled at the end of the current program—perhaps at an awards dinner on the final evening—in order to build excitement.

The incentive program is often unveiled on the final night of the previous year’s incentive travel program.

Teaser Campaign

‘Teasers’ are sent out to participants to build anticipation of the official launch. For example, if the destination is going to be a beach resort, then a flip-flop might be sent to each participant with a cryptic clue attached. Promoting an incentive is all about building excitement, so often the way it is communicated needs to be creating and engaging.

Official Announcement

Official announcement, information packs, and enrolment kits are sent out for participants to ‘sign up’ to the incentive program. These packs will outline the terms and conditions of the program, with information on what is required to qualify, for example defining sales targets.

Qualification period

During this period, which could last up to a year, participants are required to meet the pre-defined criteria that would enable them to qualify for the award, for example hitting sales targets.

Mid-Program Motivation

More teasers and reminders will usually be sent out over the course of the qualifying period to encourage the participants to meet the necessary criteria.

Qualifiers Announced

Qualifiers or ‘winners’ announced. In some cases, physical trophies or other gifts are handed out at this stage, in advance of the actual ‘award’ trip. Shortly after, travel arrangements will be communicated to the qualifiers.

Guests might travel separately from different locations or, alternatively, group travel arrangements will be made where everybody takes the same flight together.

Upon arrival in the destination city, participants might be greeted at the airport by local representatives, before transferring to their hotels. Often the creative elements of the program start here.

For example, when I attended an incentive program in Monaco, we were flown from London to Nice, South of France, and had expected to be driven on to our hotel in Monte Carlo. However, on arrival in Nice, we discovered a series of helicopters had been laid on to transfer us the rest of the way.

Hotel Check-In

Participants are then greeted at the hotel, checked in, and have some time to settle in before the evening’s welcome dinner. Typically a welcome pack and gift is often left in room.

Welcome cocktail reception. An opportunity for everyone to meet and network, perhaps on a private terrace at the hotel, possibly with live entertainment from musicians and performers. Usually the meeting planner will add in a few extra creative touches to make the reception a little more special, such as a wine or tequila tasting.

Open-air dinner in the hotel’s private gardens overlooking the sea, possibly with after-dinner entertainment and/or some speeches from the hosts. Often the first evening’s dinner is held ‘on-site’ at the hotel as people are tired from travelling.

After-Dinner Drinks

Often, on the first night, this is just informal after-dinner drinks in the hotel bar as most people are tied from travelling. However, depending on the group, there might be cigars and cognac laid on, or a private lounge area with cocktails.

Breakfast at the hotel, perhaps followed by an informal meeting or presentation regarding upcoming activities.

Excursion to local attractions, sightseeing, and shopping. These might be cultural activities or the opportunity to take part in authentic ‘real life’ experiences typical of the location—such as exploring the Hutong area of Beijing by bicycle and having tea with locals in their homes.

Group lunch at a restaurant or special venue. Again, this is an opportunity for the meeting planner to get creative perhaps by obtaining access to a venue or location that's typically not accessible to the general public—such as lunch on a movie set or in private rooms at a royal palace.

Afternoon of leisure activities, which depending on the group, might be traditional activities, such as golf or a spa day. Alternatively, it could be more unusual activities like cage diving with sharks or bulldozer adventure playground days. Often, the meeting planner will try to obtain some sort of unique or VIP access, such as getting to kick around footballs with a professional team and star players at their local stadium.

Reception and Dinner

The second day's evening cocktail reception and dinner typically takes place ‘off-site’ at a restaurant or private venue, usually with entertainment. Again this might involve some sort of unusual venue, such as a USO themed event on a real naval base.

Nightclub / Casino

Option to continue on to a local nightclub/casino.

Breakfast at the hotel, perhaps followed by an informal meeting.

Excursion / Activities

More leisure activities, trips, or opportunity to experience local culture. Depending on the group, this could be anything from cave tours, to zero gravity flights at a NASA training facility, to private backstage tours of a Broadway show and an opportunity to meet the cast.

Group lunch at a restaurant or special venue.

Team Building

Team building / experiential activity—sometimes with a connection to the local community or a charity. This might be building a park in the desert for a children's home or the Helping Hand's activity mentioned previously where the group make prosthetic hands to be given to land mine victims who've lost their hand


Cocktail reception, gala dinner, awards ceremony, and dancing ‘off-site’ at a private venue. Next year's destination/incentive program revealed.

Breakfast at hotel.

Check-out / transfers

Hotel check-out, transfers to airport.

Group lunch at a restaurant or special venue en route to airport

Return flight home

Obviously, this format only outlines the bare bones of a travel program. The challenge for the event planner is in making these programs as creative and engaging as possible—especially when you have to create something new and different every year.

The destination, accommodation, and activities might be amazing in their own right. For example, a three night trip to Hawaii with an itinerary that includes a sunset cocktail cruise, a private dinner on the beach, activities such as surfing, golf, waterfall hikes, hula lessons, and stargazing treks. It might also include excursions to the Diamond Head volcanic crater and Pearl Harbor, before a closing dinner and awards ceremony on the final night.

However, a good planner will make sure they include some extra special moments, private access to people and places, or exclusive experiences that the guests could not create themselves—either through lack of financial resources, local knowledge, contacts, or even imagination.

New Orleans

One leading incentive travel company created a trip to New Orleans for one of its clients, a Fortune 500 company. In addition to the usual 5 star accommodation and the finest local cuisine, the company added some extra touches to make the trip even more special. These included a private parade along Bourbon Street, followed by a dinner on the field of the Superdrome—where they were greeted by a marching band with their names circling on the ribbon board and their photos on the Jumbotron. They even had the chance to toss a few footballs around the pitch.

The following day, to connect with the local community, the group spent the afternoon planting trees and bushes at a newly rebuilt elementary school, which had been devastated by Hurricane Katrina. The playground and the landscaping that the group contributed to were the final touches to the redevelopment that had been seven years in the making.

Whether it’s providing exclusive access to something not readily available to the public, taking part in authentic ‘real life’ experiences typical of the local culture, or giving something back by connecting with the local community, those moments create memories that go far beyond being a business trip or vacation—and is what makes incentive travel work as a motivational tool.

REFERENCES 1. Anatomy of a Successful Incentive Travel Program White Paper, Melissa Van Dyke, Incentive Research Foundation

Why become an inventive travel planner or destination manager? Career advice and employment information.

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Post: Employee Incentive Travel Programs

Employee Incentive Travel concept photo with man dressed in a suit typing on laptop with a travel bubble to the left of his head

Employee motivation is a cornerstone in the overall performance of any organization. Besides monetary compensation, it has been proven that employees respond positively to the added benefits that their workplace brings them. That’s why many organizations are adopting Employee Incentive Travel (EIT) Programs to keep the spirits up. How do you design an incentive travel program? Why should organizations consider the option? What are the benefits of a travel incentive program? These are some of the questions we will cover in this article.

What is an Employee Incentive Travel Program?

An Employee Incentive Travel Program is a recognition program for rewarding exceptional employees with an all-expenses-paid trip to their favorite destination. The essence of the travel incentive program is to reward high-performing employees and motivate the rest to reach the desired standards. 

Some organizations also offer these incentive programs to employees for their loyalty and years of service. 

Benefits of the Travel Incentive Programs

Incentive travel has many benefits, mainly impacting the company’s overall performance. According to Forbes , employee recognition is vital to improve performance and work ethics. Besides improving overall morale, employee appreciation makes them feel they’re part of the company, creating a hospitable working environment that boosts productivity. Here are some common benefits of incentive travel Programs:

Increases Employee Engagement and Motivation

A travel incentive program helps improve focus and motivation, with employees knowing they can earn a well-deserved vacation based on their performance. It creates a serene environment that boosts engagement, with every worker performing at their best. 

Improves Satisfaction and Morale

Job satisfaction is critical to employees’ performance and work ethics. Having something positive to look forward to improves the workers’ morale, which reflects on their performance. A company can reach its objectives and desired goals promptly when everyone executes their roles as required. 

Increases Brand Loyalty

In a world where many workers feel unappreciated and undervalued, brand loyalty is becoming a rare virtue. However, introducing a travel incentive program could counter this feeling by creating a positive workplace culture of inclusivity. Employees tend to be loyal to a brand that appreciates them, with some even bringing in new clients. 

Strengthening Team Relationships

Besides being a getaway, corporate incentive travel programs may also act as a team-building exercise that helps create and strengthen worker bonds. Vacationing together and experiencing new things establishes long-lasting relationships between colleagues, translating to a positive working environment. 

How do You Design an Effective Employee Incentive Travel Program?

Any effective workplace policy should consider inclusivity and fairness when creating it. The same applies to designing an incentive travel program. As a rule of thumb, you should clarify what employees need to do to earn a spot. You could use a point-based system, where workers earn points for every workplace achievement. 

Choosing a preferred destination also boosts morale and motivation. Although a tropical destination is ideal, always consider employees’ needs and interests when picking a spot. 

Make it clear whether the program applies company-wide or targets specific departments. Picking a target audience also helps to tailor the program to their specific needs. In most cases, many companies have multi-department incentive programs to boost morale and motivation. 

It’s proven that having a company-wide incentive program might discourage some from participating due to the increased competition. However, targeting departments narrows down the competition, making everyone believe they can win. 

A budget is also crucial as it determines the destination and the overall experience. Budgeting in advance allows for determining the trip’s length and the activities included. 

Planning for logistics, like accommodation, traveling plans, activities, and meals in advance eliminates the pressure of last-minute cancellation. Only work with the best incentive travel program logistics agency. 

Types of the Incentive Travel Programs

Corporate incentive travel programs take different forms depending on the company’s goals and objectives. However, here are some common incentive travel programs found in many organizations today:

Performance-based Incentive Travel Programs

Every company has predefined performance metrics and awards this program to high-performing employees or teams. Some objectives include meeting project milestones, achieving sales targets, or surpassing key performance indicators (KPIs). It is the most common incentive trip in many organizations. 

New Product Launch Incentive Travel

Companies are known to launch new products regularly and offer this program to a team that helps to launch the product successfully. Market impact is crucial to any new product launch, and motivating employees responsible for this throughout the entire process translates to a successful project.

Sales Incentive Travel Programs

The program is commonly offered to outstanding sales teams and individuals in sales-driven companies for reaching or exceeding the pre-determined sales quotas. The travel incentives might include taking a holiday to a desired destination, staying in a luxury hotel, fine dining, or spa treatments, depending on the company’s budget. Sales incentive trips are usually recommended to motivate employees and achieve desired goals.

Customer Service Incentive Trips

Customer service employees might receive these incentive rewards for their outstanding work helping clients with queries or technical problems. The employee with the most positive client feedback receives the incentive trips, which might include water sports activities or theme park tickets. Doing so improves the customer service department, which helps to retain clients and even get referrals for outstanding work. An all-expenses paid trip eliminates the poor customer service record as everyone is focused on the travel incentives for top-performing employees.

Years of Service Incentive Travel

By offering work anniversary incentives , companies can show employees who have been committed to the company for many years. It’s meant to recognize their years of dedication and hard work during that period. Many companies go overboard to show how they appreciate the veterans by offering incentives like staying at a luxury cruise ship or a vacation to an exotic destination. 

Leadership and Management Development Travel Incentive Programs

The program is reserved for executives, like managers and supervisors, for their outstanding work guiding their teams to reach the objectives. Awarding employees who show initiative and stand out in their roles is also common.

Why Should Organizations Consider Incentive Travel Programs?

Besides motivating employees to perform at their best, travel incentive programs also create a harmonious working environment, especially when the incentive is aimed toward a team. In this case, collaboration and teamwork is the key to getting the reward. In return, the company experiences growth and progress as everyone works together toward a common goal. 

Workplaces can be stressful, especially when trying to reach objectives and goals. Creating an incentive travel program can spice things up, making employees look forward to working days. It also helps them develop the mental resilience to deal with everyday workplace stressors, knowing there is a reward once the project concludes. 

Which Program Works Best for an Organization?

Every organization is different, with varying objectives and projects. Although there is no one-size-fits-all solution to the type of incentive travel program to offer, it helps target departments, as this helps increase competency and performance. 

In this case, members of these departments will have to perform exceptionally to get a chance at winning a spot. 

However, it’s crucial not to alienate any department, as this will be seen as favoritism and generate opposite effects. If an organization cannot afford to sponsor multiple travel incentive programs, it should have one where everyone is eligible to participate. Alternatively, an organization can rotate the programs yearly, with each department receiving a fair shot. 

Keep Employees Motivated

Employee Incentive Travel Programs are crucial for rewarding outstanding workers and motivating others to perform at their best. The programs aim to recognize rising talent and exceptional performers and appreciate long-serving employees. It’s a way of creating a hospitable working environment and alleviating pressure from everyday work. 

Before setting up an incentive travel program, it’s best to consider logistics, budget, a desired location, and the target audience. A successful incentive travel program promotes inclusivity and a fair chance for every employee to participate. It could be awarded to an individual or a team based on the company’s policies and objectives. 

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Incentive Travel: the Best Way to Motivate Your Employees

woman sits by a pool at a tropical resort

Business travel isn’t quite back to pre-pandemic levels the way it’s complement, leisure travel, is. But there is a growing realization among senior level executives that the strategic use of employee rewards can increase profitability . And with much talk the past few years about increasing travel by outlets like Forbes , it’s no surprise that incentive travel is on the rise in the corporate sector. But does your organization really need one? Keep reading to learn the basics of incentive travel with tips and tricks from professional incentive travel planners you won’t find anywhere else.

What is incentive travel?

Incentive travel is any trip paid for by a company as a reward for employees with stellar performance. It’s often used to motivate and reward employees or partners.

Getaways typically last three or more days. Activities include everything from team-building exercises to networking opportunities to and free time to explore the destination.

And while they can be given to any department, incentive travel is most commonly used to motivate sales teams. As for who pays the bill, the company typically funds the majority of the expenses. Some incentive trips are offered separately or in combination with other perks.

Cvent interviewed Susan Shure of Susan Shure Travel who gave us some more thoughts on incentive travel.

“Incentive travel is also known in a lot of companies as employee reward programs,” she told us. “Companies can reward employees for years of service, employee of the month or year, and more. These rewards can include trips abroad [to places like] Europe, Caribbean all inclusive, [and] Hawaii, cruises and more.” They may include corporate meetings or some work-related events in addition to the vacation-like itinerary.

Incentive travel has been around since the 1970s, but it is often misunderstood due to the wide variety of forms it can take. But as non-monetary rewards, such as increased paid PTO, are becoming more prevalent in the corporate world, it’s no surprise that there’s a newfound interest in creating programs like these.

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The incentive travel industry as a whole is rebounding from its recession years ago, largely due to the backlash it received from the media and politicians, and from the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the 2019 Incentive Research Fund index, 84% of U.S. businesses used non-cash incentives to retain and motivate their employees, with incentive travel being a popular option before the pandemic. Now with the looming economic recession, non-cash incentives can be a great way to retain employees.

And it’s clear why.

Incentive programs offer a lot of benefits

Like other perks, incentive travel is used to boost employee engagement and productivity. It works by encouraging employees to improve their performance and reach goals. This is especially motivating for younger and mid-career employees.

As of 2020, Millennials make up half of the world’s workforce . And if there’s one thing Millennials love, it’s travel. They’ve reportedly made travel more of a priority than any generation before them . So it’s easy to see why incentive programs are a great fit for most organizations.

Not only that but a travel program helps organizations create a culture of collaboration and commitment to a shared mission. Unifying teams through experiences rather than monetary incentives alone promotes better relationships with the company and positive associations with the business they work for.

This level of customization is one of the most attractive benefits of incentive travel. Not only do businesses have control over what activities they offer but they can also stay within budget and book for their specific party size.

Ni Wayan, Editor and Contributor at Balipedia , adds that the benefits for employers don’t stop there. “I believe that incentive travel is one of the most famous non-cash prizes that’s used by companies to motivate sales staff, partners, and even consumers to greatly improve sales, keep their best reps from going, and motivate the remaining sales staff to pick it up,” says Wayan.  

Incentive travel is also a great way to tie in your company’s values. Christopher Hill of Hands Up Incentives told Cvent via email that his company “specializes in sustainable incentive trips that include a CSR component in order to engage employees, bring them closer together, and enhance their reputation.”

There are many examples of incentive travel

Shure shared with Cvent the following examples of incentive travel packages she has organized:

● An all-expenses-paid trip to Bungalows Key Largo ● All-expenses-paid trip to Maui for a week ● A three-day cruise to the Bahamas ● Four nights at an all-inclusive hotel or resort

And Hill provided another example of a Hawaiian incentive travel package they arranged recently. It “included two days of building a community cultural center in a low-income part of Honolulu.” They also booked a luxury hotel and gala dinners for the group.

As for activities, Hill said they enjoyed everything from “cage shark swimming to mountain biking to a private tour of Pearl Harbor”.

Is incentive travel really worth the investment?

Annual incentive travel spending averaged $4,260 per employee in the U.S. before the pandemic. The return on investment that companies see in their travel programs is often measured in terms of profitability. This method helps determine if the program is working and, in turn, generating higher profits.

Many business owners are not convinced that paying for a perk is worth the intangible value it brings. Nevertheless, companies that choose to create incentive travel programs gain increased employee engagement, satisfaction, and profitability.

These can be measured through various metrics by department or by employee survey. So it is, in fact, more substantial than most executives believe.

And according to the IRF's Anatomy of a Successful Incentive Travel Program , “Examining the tenure and company performance ratings of 105 of the employees who earned the incentive trip, researchers found that 55% of incentive travel earners had top performance ratings and tenure of four years or more, showing a very real correlation between incentives, longevity and quality.” In other words, not only are incentive travel programs fun, they’re also impactful at a high level.

In a nutshell: incentive travel is an investment that's made to maximize business results.

Get to know the bleisure traveler

Wondering how to plan an incentive travel program employees will love?

It takes a little planning and forethought, but the process is relatively straightforward.

1. Have a vision

Set clear, achievable goals that are aligned with strategic business objectives. These goals should be measurable and specific. Even if your company isn’t ready to develop an entire program, you could still offer smaller perks such as plane tickets and a hotel voucher.

2. Know your team

Planners will also need to have a strong understanding of what motivates their employees. It should feel like an award that employees wholeheartedly respond to, so much so that they feel encouraged to develop new skills and ideas to unlock this achievement.

3. Make everything trackable

Adhere to a consistent communication style. Whether it's through a software system or an interactive leaderboard, employees must be able to follow their progress and prove it through detailed records.

4. Promote it often

Supporting the travel program is an integral part of a company's strategy. It should be promoted regularly and celebrated at all levels. During this qualification period, team members will work hard to reach their goals. The continuous effort and excitement management puts into building up the anticipation for the trip will motivate employees even more.

5. Evaluate your program

Continual evaluation of your program rewards and structure is key to sustaining this strategy long term. Use a combination of KPI data linked to goals and an end-of-event assessment to determine if the program is meeting its intended purpose. Simply by asking attendees to rate the events and their overall experience, companies can easily measure the program's success.

6. Reap benefits long term

In that same study conducted by IRF, employees who earned an incentive getaway continued to perform at an elite level after they returned which was inspired by their trip.

Why should you partner with a professional to create your program?

Companies like Shure’s help businesses organize, book, and manage incentive travel. “Susan Shure Travel can put together any kind of employee incentive you want,” says Shure. “We can even arrange for you to charter a cruise ship as a company incentive.” As you can tell by now, the only limit to incentive travel is your imagination.

Follow the road less traveled to secure deals

In an email to Cvent, Broke Backpacker Founder and CEO Will Halton said that there is one often overlooked department of any travel brand you should contact directly when looking for affordable incentive trips. “If you are passionate about travel, look to speak to the marketing team of certain companies to see whether you can work together. Please note that this does[n’t] mean free stays or travel. It means creating a relationship which will help you explore the destination but also help the company to attract new audiences. A relationship is way more valuable in the long term [than] a discounted stay for one or two nights.”

In other words, this long-term strategy is great for securing travel incentives as long as you develop a network of hospitality marketers.

Up next, check out these fabulous venues and destinations for your next travel incentive getaway in The Palm Beaches .

Cvent Guest

Cvent is a market-leading meetings, events, and hospitality technology provider with more than 4,000 employees, ~21,000 customers, and 200,000 users worldwide.

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Congratulations to the 2024 cvent excellence awards finalists, how to market to corporate event planners, what is a hotel business plan, and why you need one.

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What Is Incentive Travel? Definition & Benefits

What Is Incentive Travel?

It’s no secret that offering an incentive to employees is a key factor in boosting performance, sales, and engagement.

So with that in mind, we answer the question, “What is incentive travel?” with a definition and the top benefits of offering an incentive trip program.

What Is Incentive Travel?

Incentive travel is a specific trip or tour offered to top-performing employees as a way to motivate them to make more sales, gain more customers, and/or improve overall performance. By offering an incentive trip, companies are able to drive their business goals and recognize top performers.

An incentive trip can be taken as a group or an individual vacation for the employee and their families.

Benefits of Offering an Incentive Trip

Offering an incentive trip has plenty of benefits, so we’ve outlined the top reasons why your company should start an incentive trip program today.

1. Company growth and increased sales

To reiterate, people like rewards. Employees respond to incentives and, in return, target sales are more likely to be met and there could be an increase in business growth. By giving employees a goal to strive for, it promotes productivity gains that could potentially be seen across the board.

The increase in sales and productivity driven by the workforce will far outweigh the cost of offering an incentive trip. Additionally, by making employees feel valued, this will also likely increase sales and overall performance.

2. Stronger relationships and increased loyalty

Not only will employees be incentivized to sell more or boost their overall performance, but companies that offer incentive travel are also able to build stronger relationships with their employees.

Everyone wants to be rewarded for their hard work and employees recognize when companies offer those rewards. Offering an incentive trip will not go unnoticed.

Additionally, employees may be more likely to stay with a company that offers these rewards. Company loyalty is extremely important in long-term employee retention and incentive travel can help with that.

3. Extra professional development time

During an incentive trip, many companies opt to use some of the time to promote additional professional development through workshops and seminars.

Certainly, one of the most important parts of an incentive trip is to allow employees to relax and reap the benefits of their hard work, but by setting aside a couple of hours for professional development, employers are given the opportunity to blend leisure and learning.

4. Family time leads to a better support network

Many companies offer incentive trips for employees and their families. By allowing their families to join, companies are also promoting a healthy family support system.

Travel creates long-lasting memories and hard-working employees deserve to take some time out with their families to enjoy these memories together. This will hopefully promote high productivity for years to come.

5. Company bonding

Some companies treat incentive travel as more of a retreat for their employees to get to know each other, network, and team build. Whether you are getting the entire team together or a select few of the top sellers, this is an excellent opportunity to allow for some intercompany bonding.

This could also lead to higher sales or company growth because employees are able to get to know each other better on a much different level than they normally would in the office.

This is especially beneficial for companies spread out across the country or those that mainly work remotely. There’s nothing like an in-person connection and an incentive trip does just that. And it’s a lot of fun for everyone!

At the end of the day, offering incentive trips for employees is a win-win for everyone. Employees are encouraged to grow their productivity while they are also shown that their company values them and rewards them for their hard work. The company benefits from this hard work by hopefully seeing growth in the bottom line.

As a travel agency specializing in incentive travel, contact us and let us help you plan an incentive trip to motivate your employees and bring your company to a whole new level!

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Incentive travel that redefines extraordinary

Event Excellence Award Logo

An incentive travel program is about more than just a cool vacation or hot-spot destination. 

For stakeholders, it’s about inspiring peak performance. For attendees, it’s about the reward and recognition they strived for. It’s about creating personalized, authentic experiences all over the world and strengthening relationships with colleagues while immersed in local communities. 

Get ideas that redefine extraordinary

An incentive trip like they’ve never experienced .

We personalize each part of the attendee journey. Like taking trip earners to a surprise lunch on the Great Wall of China. Or making sure ginger ale and crackers are waiting on the plane for the attendee with a fear of flying.

Our event design approach considers:

  • Stakeholder care  – Investing in the right places to meet goals
  • Attendee wonder  – Making them feel known, appreciated and inspired 
  • Novel experiences  – Motivating performance with “never done anything like it” moments 

Global destination expertise

Impress even the most well-traveled attendees with an undiscovered locale.

Our tenured buyers have traveled the globe (most recently Fiji and Cairo!) and have first-hand knowledge to source U.S.-based and international destinations. We’ll help select the perfect place and negotiate a transparent and fair contract.

Immersive brand experiences

Turning already incredible surroundings into larger-than-life experiences is what we do. 

From arranging jaw-dropping technical events (like a 300+ synchronized drone show) to delivering meaningful special touches throughout the trip.


Inform and inspire your attendees leading up to the trip and long after they return home.  

Our award-winning communications team crafts campaign strategy that includes theming and brand development, digital and print elements, and pre-trip creative promotions that excite attendees. 

Event gifting

Make your event their trip. 

We collect attendee preferences upfront to curate gifts they’ll appreciate. This includes supporting local artisans to align with your brand values and creating hands-on gifting experiences.

Event management

Our event managers work behind the scenes to deliver events that feel effortless. Full-time travel directors care for all the on-site needs so you can feel confident about the experience you are giving your attendees.

Air management

Have peace of mind we’ll help get your top performers booked and landed. 

In-house group air experts monitor flights 24/7. And we’re the first in the industry with a proprietary online tool for participants to have a consumer-like experience booking their own travel. 

Safety and security

Attendee well-being is top of mind. 

We contract with vetted global security partners to continuously monitor risks pre-trip and at the property. Our certified on-site team creates emergency plans and are trained to support crisis management situations.

Event analytics

Like you, we want to know which trip details should be repeated or refined for the next year. 

Our analytics team knows events first-hand and can make sure your pre- and post-event surveys  deliver insights that lead to smarter decisions.  

2023 EEA Winner

ITA Group incentive travel event awarded best incentive program

We're proud to be recognized as a BizBash Event Experience Award (EEA) winner for our Google Cloud program in Koh Samui, Thailand. This culturally immersive event brought attendees together to thoughtfully celebrate the energy and vibrancy of the local culture through décor, food and art!

Our behind-the-scenes incentive travel magic

Since the day we opened our doors, we’ve led the industry in incentive travel—creating small, thoughtful touches and big, unforgettable experiences to make attendees feel special. 

See how these leading brands created exceptional experiences

Cultural immersion inspires a world-class incentive travel experience.

How Conga connected its top performers to organizational culture amidst the vibrancy of Marrakesh, Morocco.

Creative problem solving and solid partnership elevates incentive travel programs

Our global incentive travel partnerships are built on trust, innovative solutions, financial transparency and amazing experiences for participants.

Quick and easy pivot from incentive travel to alternate rewards

How offering world-class awards experiences helped a company achieve their incentive travel recognition goals.

Health risk mitigation ensured incentive travel success

How one super regional insurance carrier operated an incentive travel program that successfully delivered on expectations while ensuring peace of mind during a global health crisis.

Incentive travel that takes independent retail stores from good to great

How this aftermarket parts distributor drove sales growth and organizational culture with an incentive travel program.

I’m amazed by and appreciate the knowledge ITA Group brings to the table. We wanted an engagement plan to maximize relationship building with our most important customers, while letting them enjoy their hard-earned trip. From a relationship building, customer engagement, impacting our best customers standpoint, this was the best trip in our history! Client, VP of Marketing

Our experts

Monica fasse.

Industry & Partner Relations Manager

Director, Travel Direction

Event Design Leader

Jodi Swailes

Lead Buyer, Event Purchasing

Use data to personalize the attendee journey

People expect personalized experiences—and incentive travel is no different. Asking the right pre-trip questions will give you the data you need to deliver curated, meaningful experiences that reward attendees’ hard work. 

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The Benefits of Incentive Travel: Motivating Employees and Beyond

Incentive travel is trending, are you ready.

Yes, you heard that right. Consider the two driving themes of late: post-pandemic travel and employee retention.

With the pandemic further and further in the rearview and individuals itching to get out of the house, travel is coming back in a big way ( even with inflation ).

Incentive trips can check both boxes simultaneously with incredible trips that reward your teams for their work and engender loyalty.

But is incentive travel right for your company? Will it benefit your teams and improve business? We argue: yes, it can be highly beneficial for your company and employees.

From higher retention to better connections, here's a quick rundown of the top seven benefits of incentive travel.

Quick Refresher: What is an Incentive Trip?

An incentive trip motivates and rewards employees for hitting significant goals or milestones. It can be an individual or group trip with multiple employees and leadership, and is usually completely paid for by the company.

Sometimes called The President's Club, Diamond Club, or The Winner's Circle, incentive travel is a great opportunity to boost employee morale, employee loyalty, and employee productivity.

These trips can take place in any location, from more exotic locales like Fiji to ones closer to home like Hawaii. Usually, the trips are a mix of group activities, high-end dinners, and personal time to relax and recharge.

group of people on boat enjoying incentive travel benefits in Cabo

What Are the Top Incentive Travel Benefits to my Company?

From improving company culture through team building and bonding, to encouraging teams to hit their sales targets, incentive travel offers many benefits to companies and employees alike.

These experiential rewards often provide more benefits than traditional cash rewards and can be a better way to increase motivation. Plus, even with a large price tag, these non cash rewards can be more cost effective than cash rewards since they garner even higher ROI .

There are many ways an incentive travel program can benefit your company. Let's take a look at some of those benefits of incentive travel now.

1. Reward Employees for Their Hard Work

Many companies struggle to motivate their teams in today's remote and hybrid work environment. When high-performing employees feel they're truly appreciated and have the opportunity for growth, they stay and work harder.

In one study, 65% of employees surveyed strongly agreed that they remember travel and merchandise rewards longer than cash rewards.

The incentive program itself can be a reward, but there are also employee recognition rewards you can tie into the program as well, including award ceremonies, gifts, and excursions for top talent. Think through what would make your team feel most appreciated.

2. Encourage Employee Competition

Incentive travel programs are a fantastic way to create an environment of healthy competition among your workers. They help motivate teams to work hard and achieve their goals so they can attend the trip.

Whether it's hitting targets or gaining more sales, travel incentives boost employee productivity prior to the trip. It's a tangible goal that they can work toward, and it feels more rewarding than a cash bonus, which often can feel like a given part of total compensation.

Motivated employees equal business success.

3. Reinforce Your Brand

Travel incentive travel programs give you the ability to infuse your brand into every aspect of the fun trip, from branded pillows to brand-mission conversations. It's a unique time when employees feel more relaxed and open to conversations about successes and strategies.

Use that time to also reinforce your brand message and engender a greater feeling of loyalty.

We encourage our clients to use custom logos to make the trip feel exclusive. These can be used in social media posts before and after the event, throughout the event on branded cocktail napkins, flags and more, and also on gifts. Try to balance using the brand throughout while still making the experience feel high-end.

group of people on incentive trip in cabo eating dinner next to the ocean

4. Create Memorable Experiences

After years of high stress and burnout, employees are ready to relax. Incentive trips allow for travel without the hassle of planning a vacation themselves.

This takes the pressure off the employees and allows them to relax and enjoy the trip. Those few extra days away from the computer might be exactly what they need to boost creativity and come back refreshed and ready to seize the world again. 

For this reason, most companies that provide incentive travel programs put the utmost importance into providing chances for relaxation, connection, and fun for their employees.

5. Improve Retention Among Top Employees

An incentive trip for your top performers may improve your retention and reduce employee turnover. When hiring a new employee can cost up to 40% of salary , it's wise to keep your best employees feeling appreciated and well rewarded.

Those who feel appreciated and connected to the company culture will feel greater job satisfaction and more company loyalty, and thus will have more incentive to stay.

incentive travel participants enjoying the views of mallorca

6. Attract New Talent

Some companies are known for their travel incentive programs and this can in turn attract high-performing talent. Incentive travel is a major perk for new talent and can be used as a recruitment tactic as part of your new employees' total package.

Make sure these travel rewards are well-communicated in job listings and even offer a sneak peek into these trips on your website.

7. Bring Your Teams Together

Group incentive travel programs give your team and your leadership time to interact and bond. Whether in-office or working from home, your teams need time to connect.

One study stated that 70% of respondents said maintaining relationships with their co-workers was just as important as their job.

During a group incentive trip, leaders can spend time with top talent to build relationships and loyalty and nurture the next generation of leaders in their organization.

Your top sales teams can also spend time swapping stories of success, which they can then use in the future to perform even higher. These casual conversations during sailing trips or zipling tours also help promote stronger company culture and bonds, which benefits everyone.

man jumping off boat into clear ocean water experiencing the benefits of incentive travel

Recap: Will Incentive Travel Benefit My Company?

Incentive programs are an excellent way to improve employee motivation, reduce turnover, connect with executives, and provide a relaxing escape for your top performers. Companies that have implemented experiential rewards see all these benefits and more, and it could be a great way to boost your company's performance.

Unsure yet if incentive trips will work for your company? Discover what's needed to make a successful incentive travel program here.

Work with GoGather on Your Incentive Program

Want to brainstorm an upcoming incentive program with us? GoGather can help you figure out the right plan, from selecting the right location to building an agenda that's enticing and fun. Let's chat.

Plan Your Next Incentive Trip with GoGather

Katie Moser

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What are the benefits of incentive travel programs & rewards?

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Throughout America, Europe and Asia, budgets for incentive travel are growing as companies recognise the benefits and move away from monetary awards and mandated corporate events.

In this article, we learn why incentive travel programs are so popular and look at the benefits for both organisations and employees. ‍

What are the benefits of incentive travel?

Corporate incentive travel programs have become increasingly popular as a way of achieving goals and rewarding top performers. As organisations recognise the benefits of incentive trips, allocated budgets have grown exponentially from 0.5% in 2018 to almost 6% in 2022.

So why have travel incentive programs become so popular? And what makes them preferable over traditional monetary rewards? ‍

Benefits of incentive travel for employers

At one time, organisations would disregard incentive travel programs because they considered them to be exuberant and unnecessary with little tangible value. 

But that school of thought is on the way out.

Leading companies now agree that incentive travel programs are highly effective with a measurable ROI.

  • Tangible benefits: It will come as no surprise that monetary incentives are still the leading reason organisations invest in incentive travel programs. A study by IRF in 2019 deemed that “increased sales and/or profits for the company” is still the leading benefit of incentive travel. Hard dollars and corporate profitability are, naturally, of the utmost importance. ‍
  • Soft power benefits: While increased sales and profits are still the primary reason organisations are using incentive travel awards, IRF’s 2019 study found that “soft power” benefits such as higher employee engagement , better productivity, improved relationship-building between employees and management and the retention of employees and partners are becoming more important to buyers. But that doesn’t mean “soft benefits” don’t produce monetary rewards.  Motivated employees are inspired to develop themselves professionally and reach higher levels of success. This leads to improved performance, more sales and, eventually, increased revenue. ‍
  • Additional benefits: The benefits of incentive travel permeate deep into the fabric of your organisation which can cause some benefits to escape unnoticed. Improved performance can be quite simply correlated to incentive travel programs. But what about other factors?  Consider, for example, how your long-term employees could serve as ambassadors for your brand and inspire new hires to reach their full potential, or how a united workforce demonstrating a strong company culture helps attract top-level talent from your competitors.  These more subtle benefits form part of a high-performing organisational ecosystem that gives you a significant competitive advantage. ‍

Benefits of incentive travel for employees

Despite the obvious joy of a free holiday, incentive travel initiatives provide many benefits for employees:

  • Improved growth opportunities: Incentive trips allow employees to transgress the often impenetrable barriers of the corporate hierarchy. This nurtures their emotional bond with the company and enables them to connect with corporate heavyweights.  Creating opportunities for employees to further their careers is critical for job satisfaction. Most of your employees don’t want to be stuck in the same role forever, they want to grow and take on more responsibility. ‍
  • Stronger interpersonal connections: Incentive travel also provides employees with quality time away from the office, allowing them to build strong relationships and lasting memories. These connections contribute to job satisfaction and improve collaboration.  Strong emotional ties increase the likelihood of an employee going the extra mile or supporting a colleague, even when the task at hand doesn't pertain directly to their role. This is a great indicator that your employees are satisfied and engaged at work. ‍
  • Recognition of contributions: Employees want their hard work to be acknowledged. That shouldn’t come as a shock. According to a SurveyMonkey study of 1,500 employees Americans, 82% of employees are happier when they’re recognised at work .  Travel rewards are a fantastic way of demonstrating appreciation to an employee and making an example of their efforts. When mid-level employees see that their top-performing peers are being well rewarded, they’re more likely to reach strive for success themselves. ‍

Why are incentive travel programs so effective?

People value experiences more than things , that’s what makes incentive travel programs so effective.

The prospect of jetting off on a five-day trip to Hawaii with friends and colleagues is much more appealing than a cash bonus, and once word starts to spread about a potential holiday in the tropics, excitement in the office will build quickly.

This buzz is fundamental to the effectiveness of an employee incentive program — nobody wants to be left behind while the rest of the team packs their swimming trunks. This motivates the potential earner to work harder to meet the criteria for the trip.

In the IRF’s June 2021 study , The Impact of Destination Choice on Motivation , they reported that group incentive travel awards are considered ‘very’ or ‘extremely’ motivating by 80% of survey respondents. ‍

Why monetary rewards don’t help you meet your company goals

Traditionally, managers would motivate behaviours with monetary rewards. But now, 84% of U.S. businesses are using non-cash incentives to push their agendas and as many as 40% are using recognising employee contributions with travel rewards.

That’s because cash rewards aren’t effective motivators. Sure, nobody is going to turn down a juicy end-of-year bonus, but they aren’t sufficient for encouraging new behaviours.

Cash is fleeting. It generates temporary pleasure that’s almost immediately squandered on mundane responsibilities like mortgage payments, credit card debts and utility bills. It’s also extremely personal and doesn’t generate excitement at a group level. 

To turn a mid-level performer into a top-level performer, the reward needs to be highly attractive, like a long weekend in Athens , perhaps?

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Incentive Travel

Guide, help, costs, ideas, and tips for incentive trips, planning an incentive trip.

So you’re thinking about hiring an incentive travel agency? Good for you and better for your audience! Incentive travel is a tried-and-true tactic for nearly half of all businesses in the United States. Whether you want to boost sales, retain your top-performers, or simply build a more cohesive corporate environment, incentive travel will be the catalyst that moves your goals to the finish line.

With US businesses spending over $22.5 billion on incentive travel annually, you can rest assured that an investment in a top-class incentive trip is going to pay off. However, like everything in life, there is a right way to plan and execute incentive trips, and a lot of wrong ways.

Spent on incentive trips from US companies per year

Of US businesses have an incentive travel program

courtesy of The Incentive Research Foundation

Who am I motivating?

There is no one-size-fits-all incentive trip. Understanding your target audience is the first step in designing an effective set of program rules and selecting a destination that will keep your participants excited.

It’s time to put your personal preferences aside and take the time to examine who you’re motivating. Start with the demographics (the data) and psychographics (the feelings) of your audience to focus your thoughts keenly.

It’s easy enough to collect data on gender, age, and income to form a demographic profile, but it’s only one half of the full picture. Psychographics are the often overlooked attributes of an audience that play into deciding how to properly incentivize and delight your group. On average, are your participants more intrinsically or extrinsically motivated? Do they have the capability to improve their performance? What’s their current level of motivation without the possibility of winning a trip?

Once you have a better understanding of not just who your audience is, but how they think, you’re ready to start organizing them into what the marketing world calls “personas.”

“Probably no aspect of program design has a greater impact on outcomes than understanding the audience.”

Rodger Stotz

Incentive Research Foundation

Who is your target audience?


Gender Age Income Job Role Location


Motivations Capabilities Attitudes Interests Aspirations

Crafting Personas

Personas are fictional profiles of a standard member of your target audience created using the most common demographics and psychographics from the group. Using these personas helps those managing and executing the incentive trip get a feel for who they’re trying to reach.

From the below three personas, we can see the differences in what it takes to motivate them, how they’ll each take advantage of a trip, and the impact it would have in their everyday performance. Most importantly, we have a better grasp of what destination would serve as a prize worthy of their aspirational goals.

Abel is a sales rep for a tech start-up.

Income: $120,000

Abel wants some free time but also loves any type of high adrenaline activity. Don’t waste your budget on $300 centerpieces and unidentifiable hors d’oeuvres. Abel’s good with a buffet. But throw in a great band at the after-party, and he couldn’t be happier.

Destination preference: Los Cabos

Gifting preference: Maui Jim Sunglasses

Karen sells beauty products, and lots of them!

Income: $60,000

Make sure there’s a dance floor, because she and her team are going to live it up at the award’s ceremony. A spectacular venue and gorgeous décor will make them all feel special and appreciated.

Destination preference: Paris

Gifting preference: Local artisan shopping experience

Paul is an Inside Sales Rep at a telecom call center.

Income: $45,000

He’s looking forward to a fancy hotel and looking like a rock star to his +1 at the awards ceremony. Throw in a welcome gift and a day-pass for the local hop-on hop-off tour bus, and you will have Paul’s loyalty (for at least another year).

Destination preference: San Francisco

Gifting preference: Room credit for a nice dinner at the hotel


Selecting an incentive travel destination.

As you’ve seen from understanding your audience, selecting a motivational destination can be a delicate mix of both science and art. This is where the expertise of an experienced incentive travel professional can be extremely valuable.

Professional incentive travel managers and meeting planners are well-versed in matching audiences with the right destinations, as well as flight options, “incentive-quality” hotels, and activities that are crafted specifically for the trip.

They’ve traveled all around the globe, seen plenty of resorts from the inside-out, vetted amazing experiences, and built strong local partnerships. They know the hot-list of new openings and the properties with not-so-hot service.

according to Incentive Travel Index from The Incentive Research Foundation , Society for Incentive Travel Excellence , and Financial & Insurance Conference Professionals

Hot Spots for Incentive Trips

Keeping up with the top incentive travel destinations is a part-time job in it itself. Knowing the trends, risks, and value of each destination is just another strong reason why hiring a professional incentive travel planner is worth the line in the budget.

Here is a list of the top 20 incentive travel destinations for 2022, 2023, and beyond to draw inspiration and provide fresh ideas.

incentives and travel

Umbria & Puglia

Undiscovered Italy

incentives and travel

Castles & Green Countryside

incentives and travel

Good Value for your Euro

incentives and travel

Second-Tier Europe

incentives and travel

Northern Lights & Geothermal Baths

incentives and travel

Muy Mucho 5-Star Resorts

incentives and travel

Rebuilt, Renovated, Reopening

incentives and travel

West Indies

Secluded Island Luxury

incentives and travel

3 Resort Options in 1

incentives and travel

Sub-Sahara Safaris

incentives and travel

New Zealand

Fantastic Scenery

incentives and travel

Machu Picchu & Peruvian Culture

incentives and travel

Journey the Malacca Strait

incentives and travel

Bucket-list Bungalows

incentives and travel

Deep South, USA

Lowcountry Hospitality

incentives and travel

Say Aloha to Hawaiian Renovations

incentives and travel

Whistler & Banff

Great Outdoors of Canada

incentives and travel

Festival Spots

Local Extravaganzas

incentives and travel

Wild West Glamping

5-Star Tents

incentives and travel

Euro River Cruise

Explore Villages

Avoiding Common Mistakes

NOT a CEO Getaway

Many CEOs are avid golfers, so the 4-handicapper thinks the most motivational destination would be Pebble Beach or last year’s British Open . However, golf is on the decline with Millennials and Gen-X. It can be difficult to steer the ship away from the boss’s favorite course, but always keep the true purpose of the trip in front of everyone’s mind.

NOT an Executive Committee Retreat

The Sales VPs love the 5-star brands of Four Seasons and Ritz-Carlton , but the rank-and-file folks live on 3-star budgets and feel uncomfortable with $40 breakfast buffets, $30 cheeseburgers, and $20 drinks. Sometimes there’s no need to use up the budget on high-end accommodations or dining options, especially when it comes to the comfort of attendees.

NOT the Meeting Planner Favorite

If you’re the corporate planner tasked with choosing destinations, avoid projecting your personal preferences too – whether it’s beach or mountain, historical or metropolitan, Mexico or Europe, etc. Always hold your audience’s preferences above your own (as difficult as it may be.)

golfer negative

Typical Agenda

Incentive trip itinerary at-a-glance.

Staying on schedule can be one of the most difficult parts of managing an incentive trip.  Providing itineraries that foster relationship-building, celebrate accomplishments, and offer some freedom and flexibility of choice will keep your group happy and organized.

historic tour 640

Arrivals Welcome Reception Dinner

Group Activity Dine-arounds

Choice of Activity Award Dinner

Day at Leisure Dinner at Leisure

Choice of Activity Farewell Reception Farewell Dinner

Building a Budget

How much should we spend on our incentive trip.

Recent research from both SITE ( Society of Incentive Travel Excellence ) and the IRF ( Incentive Research Foundation ) pinpoint the average incentive travel budget per person at $5,193.

However, the number of nights and locations will drastically impact the budget. For example, $2,000 per person might be enough for a domestic 3-night trip to Miami, San Diego, or Las Vegas for retail managers or call center reps. But, a budget of $6,000+ per person would be necessary for a Hyatt resort in Hawaii or a 6-night trip to Italy to motivate a six-figure sales audience.

The average cost of an incentive trip per person

Budget Drivers

Number of trip qualifiers (and guests) Destination 3, 4, or 5-star Hotel Duration – # of Nights Airfares Ground Transportation

Events, Receptions, and Gala Dinners Decor & Entertainment Other Meals or Meal Allowances Number of Activities Gifts & Giveaways Promotional Communications

Zero Net Cost

Some may be intimidated by reaching out to incentive travel companies fearing cost or long commitment contracts. Rest assured that incentive travel companies work diligently to keep your business year-over-year by adding fresh ideas, impeccable service, and stringent negotiating to meet your bottom line.

In fact, when most clients ask if hiring an incentive travel company is more expensive, they discover that the ~15% agency fee is offset by savings generated by an incentive agency’s expertise in finding better rates on lodging and events, local partnerships with the best discounts on activities and dining, and avoiding hidden costs and fees ahead of time.

More often that not, clients realize there’s zero net cost overall by hiring an incentive agency due to these advantages, and that doesn’t include your valuable time as the owner of the program internally. Freeing yourself from having to plan an entire incentive trip alongside your day-to-day responsibilities can prove to be invaluable for both you and your team.

Calculate your Budget

The budget drivers are helpful in realizing what factors will need to be considered before making your cost projections, and ultimately, what your incentive trip will include and what will be left out.

But how much does each budget driver affect your bottom line?

Luckily for you, we have a handy incentive trip budget calculator that gives you a decent starting point. Play around with different “what-if” scenarios, like increasing your number of winners or choosing a domestic over international.

Unique Events

Creating unforgettable events.

Extraordinary, memorable events are what separates a top-notch incentive trip from a mere corporate-funded vacation. For new trips, experienced planners can be a huge help in crafting superior, and budget-friendly, events.

A typical schedule will open with a welcome reception on-property to facilitate new relationships and keep the schedule light after a day of travels. Creative planners will highlight the best venues, whether it’s poolside, on the beach, or on a patio or lawn with jaw-dropping views. Don’t be afraid to ask resorts if you can utilize space outside of the ballroom.

Mid-trip evenings are often filled with “dine-arounds” to take winners off property to experience popular restaurants. Or, incentive planners will tap unique local venues for a creative group dinner experience, like a Napa wine cave dinner or renting a celebrity’s private estate. You can dive even deeper into local authenticity by finding dining club parties where locals prepare a meal for guests in their own homes.

The final night is traditionally a gala dinner filled with recognition of top achievers, step-and-repeat photos, a refined menu, and upscale décor and entertainment. Creative planners will recommend the best spot, whether it’s on the beach, dressing up a ballroom, or a unique venue nearby. 

wine cave dinner

Activity Options for Incentive Trips

Unique, local, and authentic experiences are becoming the biggest trend of successful incentive trips. In years past, activities usually included golfing, spa days, and a catamaran sail. Today, it seems every destination has a zip line tour, a snorkel sail, and an ATV excursion!

Incentive travelers crave new experiences, especially the up-and-coming Millennials. Many travel planners are adding new twists to the traditional tours to stray from the beaten path and keep participants excited.

CMPs ( Certified Meeting Planners ) will collaborate with destination partners to offer activities that are unique to the location – such as cenote cave swims in Riviera Maya, Napali coast boats in Kauai, or Lord of the Rings tours in New Zealand.

african safari

Gifts that "WOW"

Incentive travel gifting is an art.

Room gifts, or “pillow gifts,” are a fun way to surprise and delight newer winners. They are simple to administer because everyone gets the same item, and they are often less expensive at $25 to $50.

Individualization   was the first trend in gifting by engraving or monogramming the standard pillow gift, such as a monogrammed bathrobe, an embossed leather item, engraved wine glasses, or a Waterford crystal bowl.

Choice   became the next trend in personalization. Maui Jim pioneered gifting experiences by bringing 12 styles of their high-end, polarized sunglasses and letting attendees pick their favorite pair of shades. Recent entrances to the gifting category include other sunglasses brands, Bose headphones and Bluetooth speakers, watches, shoes, sandals, handbags, and more.

One word of caution : executing a gifting experience in a foreign country or small island is not as easy as shopping your local megamall. Adequate inventory, shipping challenges, and high import duties can create headaches quickly.

Localization   is the most recent trend where gifts are sourced locally with artisans, which can be unique and cost-effective in foreign countries. One of our all-time, most popular gifts were custom-fitted, Italian-leather gloves in Florence.

incentives and travel


Don't let your trip be the best-kept secret.

Far too often, the incentive promotion strategy is an afterthought. Like any successful marketing effort, an effective incentive program needs a comprehensive campaign strategy, creative theme, and rhythmic messaging to create top-of-mind awareness.

In today’s world, people are bombarded with media. Emails stuff inboxes at the rate of 200+ per day. Users glance for a nanosecond, with their index finger on the delete-key, rapidly clicking like a teenage video gamer.

It’s vital that your promotional strategy does not depend solely on a few emails. Your message must break through the clutter.

Create a Trip Website

A trip website offers dual benefits – good promotion during the qualifying period and an efficient registration form after winners are announced. A pretty web design can be easy because travel is visually engaging. A microsite serves as a central portal for the schedule, hotel info, activities, rules, and a contact page.

During registration, the online form automates data capture of the winner’s information including guest name, flight departure airport, passport numbers and expiry dates, activity selections, food allergies, and dozens of other preferences. While a microsite provides pull communications, motivational push communications must be sent too.

A clever, attractive theme can go a long way. Use the natural attraction of the travel destination for visual interest. Here’s a quick list of communication recommendations:

Teasers .   Before officially announcing the program, distribute a teaser — something that hints of events to come. It might be a small promotional item or a visually-appealing mailer to pique interest. We recommend one giveaway at kickoff and another at program mid-point to serve as an effective reminder.

Kickoff Announcement.   Custom design a promotional flyer to generate excitement and share high-level details. Promote the trip and direct everyone to the incentive website for full details.

Sales Kickoff.   If you have an SKO (sales kickoff), put together a video or PowerPoint slides. One client rolled in iced buckets of Jamaican Red Stripe beer to announce a Caribbean trip.

Graphical Email.   Create an HTML email template for year-long use.  

Postcards.   Direct mail postcards are making a dramatic comeback. Email marketing is over-saturated with declining open rates and click-through. Mail an inexpensive postcard each quarter. Mail it to their home, and you catch the attention of the family too!

Posters.   18×24 sized posters are super billboards in large offices.

Leaderboards.   Track achievements, promote competition, and give recognition with regularly-updated, online leaderboards. 

Winners’ Kits. Make your qualifiers feel like VIP’s before the trip begins with a themed winner’s kit that has some destination-specific gifts and information on what’s to come. 

incentives and travel

High-Touch Logistics

On-site management is key.

While we focus on on-site logistics and hospitality services, it would be a big mistake to overlook the many, many more hours of pre-trip meeting planning. A globe-trotting incentive planner gives valuable advice, manages the hundreds of pre-trip planning details, and guarantees your program goes off without a hitch.

An on-site, travel manager serves as a single point-of-contact, ensuring the highest level of service. The experienced manager will coordinate transportation to the hotel, host the hospitality desk, and supervise support staff and suppliers. Additional “TDs” (Travel Directors) will ensure your winners are treated like VIPs and oversee all functions and activities.

CAUTION!  Be careful when sending internal corporate employees to manage the trip as a perk. Not only will they lack the expertise, but more importantly, if their travel was presented as a perk, they will not want to stay up until midnight waiting for delayed flights, advance breakfast preparation at 6 a.m., or sweat with vendors on event décor setup.

Just how much needs to be managed on-site?

Attendee Flight Arrivals Transportation and Pickups Hotel Room Check-Ins Hosting the Hospitality Desk Food & Beverage Management Arranging Room Drops and Pillow Gifts

Directing Support Staff Security and Emergency Planning Setting Up and Checking Audiovisual Enforcing the Schedule and Itinerary VIP Services for Winners and C-Suite and so much more…

Risk Management

The ultimate responsibility of any meeting planner or incentive travel director is safeguarding the health and safety of their travelers. Incentive travel companies are certified experts in preparing for all possibilities because they’ve seen everything that can impede on your incentive travel plans.

Work with a professional agency to create contingency plans for everything: What if a participant gets sick or hurt onsite? What if transportation breaks down en route to an activity? What about if a weather catastrophe forces a cancellation?

There are seemingly endless questions to ask yourself when preparing ahead of time to   manage your incentive travel program’s risk . Hiring an incentive pro will take the guesswork out of the equation and insure you and your group focus on having an amazing experience rather than worrying about what could go wrong at any moment.

Hire an Incentive Pro

How to hire an incentive travel agency.

If your incentive travel group is larger than 40 people (usually 20 qualifiers and 20 guests), we highly recommend that you hire an incentive travel company to take the reigns and work with you on creating an unforgettable trip.

Take Your Learning to the Next Level

incentives and travel

This site is an informational resource for companies starting an incentive trip or looking to improve their trip with new ideas, travel trends, or tips from the experts. If you have any questions or want to discuss program needs, feel free to reach out!



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Planning an Incentive Trip?

We can help.

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Group Travel

Enjoy an all-inclusive, highly personalized meeting planning service for your next corporate event. Whether your group has 10 or 500 attendees, Peak Performance can coordinate every aspect with expertise and professionalism. Don’t suffer through another ineffective meeting.

Sales Incentives

Your team is the heart of your organization and incentive travel programs are a great way to inspire and reward all their hard work. Give your business a competitive edge with a custom group incentive travel program perfect for your organization.

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Individual Incentives

incentives and travel

"Beverly arranged and managed the early Envivio Sales incentive trips for us. Each of our events was an outstanding and motivating experience Our Sales team appreciated the attention to detail and to fun. Qualifying for the "trip" was a motivating factor behind many end of year sales pushes. I will use Beverly again in the future."

Kevin O’Keefe

Vice president world wide sales, maginatics, inc..

incentives and travel

"Peak Performance’s attention to detail and personal service made me feel like I had a true corporate meeting planning partner that I could rely on throughout the planning process right up until I was on site. I look forward to doing more meetings with them."

Mickey Poorman

Laird technologies.

incentives and travel

"I've been working with Bruce and his team on two projects and they've been great to work with. Bruce has helped us set up a referral/incentive program for us to roll out with our clients and strategic partners. Bruce was great to work with. He's set up a 7 tier program that allows for flexibility and he's also helped us to market the program."

Sandler Training

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"I have used your services two years in a row and you all have made my vacation a great one. You have the most helpful and considerate employees. Always very friendly, respectful and willing to make my travel experience a good one. Thank you and keep up the great job."

Marco Lopez

C& j energy services, inc, latest blog posts.

incentives and travel

The Allure of Incentive Trips is Strong.

incentives and travel

Bucket List Destinations for your next President's Club

incentives and travel

Incentive Travel Industry is Growing

1720 Kendarbren Drive, Suite 722 Jamison Pa, 18929

An Introduction to Corporate Incentive Travel and Events

The Key to Planning Effective Employee Incentives

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An incentive event, also sometimes known as an incentive program or incentive trip, is a planned event or tripthat is used to encourage people to achieve a specific business goal. An incentive event is often a program organized to recognize a specific individual or individuals who achieved certain goals whereas incentive travel or an incentive trip is a term usually used to describe a multi-day trip that is awarded to an individual or individuals who achieved specific goals. Most often the goals set are related to sales and business development, but executives and managers have utilized these sorts of incentives for any number of profitable business goals.

How Incentive Events and Travel Work

While these incentives can range from a dedicated local program to an employer-sponsored vacation, when it comes to driving sales, many companies have found that destination-based reward programs (that is to say incentive travel) are some of the most effective forms of employee incentives. Incentive trips can serve as powerful motivation and improve your team’s morale and performance. Who wouldn't want to spend a few days away from work in a beautiful location all on their company's dime?

When it comes to incentive travel, corporate event planners will generally organize an incentive program with a trip to a world-class destination or resorts with the sole purpose of encouraging employees to achieve the specific goals that will qualify them for the trip. The company will promote the incentive travel and the explicit goals that must be met to be eligible, and those who qualify are rewarded with an all-expenses-paid trip.​

What Makes Incentive Events Effective

When executed well, incentive events and incentive trips should both motivate and reward. Good incentive events will inspire employees to reach specific goals as well as serve as a reward for those who accomplish them. While incentive travel can vary from organization to organization and even year-to-year for the same company, the most effective incentives are those opportunities that will pique the interest of your employees.

Ensuring that an incentive trip is incentivizing enough is the first step. The next step for an effective incentive event or trip is to promote the incentive travel and the eligibility criteria (such as sales goals). If employees are not aware of the goals, their deadlines, and the specifics of the incentive, the incentive cannot do its job to motivate performance. While most corporate event planners and the executives or managers involved generally do a great job with the promotion of the incentive travel, they typically fall short in the execution.

Planning Successful Events

One of the most common mistakes with incentive travel and events is in planning the event itself and the follow-up. An effective incentive event should be an interactive and engaging method of inspiring employee morale and performance before, during, and after the event. That is to say that great incentives will motivate employees to attain the goals and the event itself should continue to motivate those high performers.

While incentive events should always have fun and enjoyable components that don't feel like work (it should feel like an award), the most effective events and trips include activities and agenda items that teach and inspire. What better way to reach higher goals next year than to have your top performers learn from one another? In the words of one great event management company, without "fanning the flames of motivation [your incentive event becomes] nothing more than a subsidized business party."

  • How to Write a Welcome Letter for an Incentive Trip
  • Develop Incentive Travel Programs for Your Workplace
  • What Are Employee Incentives at Work?
  • The Most Common Types of Corporate Events
  • 10 Tips for Planning an Amazing Company Holiday Party
  • Non-Monetary and Low-Cost Perks and Benefits for Employees
  • Top Department Store Mission Statements
  • Food and Beverage Chain Mission Statements
  • Top Trade Shows and Opportunities for Event Planners
  • Meeting Planning - Organizing Conventions & Conferences
  • 6 Ways to Break Into Corporate Event Planning
  • What Do Destination Management Companies Do?
  • 11 Steps to Start a Corporate Employee Wellness Program
  • Corporate Culture
  • Breaking Into Event Planning as an Event Coordinator
  • How to Select the Perfect Keynote Speaker

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ITE launches MIBTF – Moscow Incentives and Business Travel Forum

ITE Travel Exhibitions announced the launch of a new annual event Moscow Incentives and Business Travel Forum …

ITE Travel Exhibitions announced the launch of a new annual event Moscow Incentives and Business Travel Forum (MIBTF) to take place on the 26th March 2004 at the Ararat Park Hyatt, Moscow. Organised in conjunction with BTAA (British Travel Agencies Association), this exclusive one day event is aimed at suppliers, travel agents, tour operators and corporate buyers with an interest in growing their share in the business and incentive travel industry in Russia and CIS. MIBTF has evolved out of an increasing demand from MITT (Moscow International Travel and Tourism Exhibition) participants for a forum dedicated to the business meetings and incentives industry. MIBTF is the only specialised business travel event to be held in Moscow, and will form part of the week long activity of events surrounding MITT 2004 . MIBTF will allow business and incentive travel specialists the unique opportunity to discuss the development of the business travel industry in the Russia and CIS and offers continuing education on the changing needs of the market. Additionally, a comprehensive programme of seminars will be available for those attending the forum. The travel industry in Russia and CIS continues to show dynamic growth with new trends emerging, including the rapid development in the business and incentive market. 50-60% of the business travel market produces a yearly turnover of an estimated $6million per company alone. ITE Travel Exhibitions sees the new launch as a significant initiative in the development of the industry. Stanislava Blagoeva-Duschell, Operations Director – ITE Group Plc, states, `The launch of MIBTF has received phenomenal response. We are confident that MIBTF will offer a most productive and informative business travel forum for industry specialists.`

Theodore Koumelis

Theodore Koumelis

Theodore is the Co-Founder and Managing Editor of TravelDailyNews Media Network; his responsibilities include business development and planning for TravelDailyNews long-term opportunities.

  • Theodore Koumelis https://www.traveldailynews.com/author/theodore-koumelis/ FAA and EASA pledge strong cooperation to address aviation challenges of the next decade
  • Theodore Koumelis https://www.traveldailynews.com/author/theodore-koumelis/ Tapestry Collection by Hilton debuts in York
  • Theodore Koumelis https://www.traveldailynews.com/author/theodore-koumelis/ Emirates powers flights with SAF from Singapore
  • Theodore Koumelis https://www.traveldailynews.com/author/theodore-koumelis/ Botswana voted Best Safari Country 2024

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Why You’ll Pay More and Behave Better When You Travel This Summer

From Barcelona to Bali, higher fees and new rules are targeting overtourism and unruly behavior. Some locals are worried the changes will keep tourists away.

Crowds of people in bathing suits and shorts sit beneath colorful umbrellas on a beach that is so crowded, the sand cannot be seen.

By Paige McClanahan

A new tourist fee in Bali. Higher hotel taxes in Amsterdam and Paris. Stricter rules on public drinking in Milan and Majorca. Ahead of the summer travel season, leaders in many tourist spots have adopted measures to tame the tourist crowds — or at least earn more revenue from them.

All of this may pose headaches for travelers, although in most cases, the new fees or tax increases represent only a tiny fraction of the total cost of a trip. The goal is to ensure that tourism functions smoothly for visitors and locals alike, said Megan Epler Wood, managing director of the Sustainable Tourism Asset Management Program at Cornell University.

“All tourism is dependent on beautiful natural and cultural resources. You have to protect those resources in order to be a viable tourism destination — and if you don’t, they degrade,” Ms. Epler Wood said.

In some places, proposals for new fees or visitor rules have drawn opposition from residents, who fear they might scare away the tourists who bolster the local economy. But destinations need to find ways to counteract what Ms. Epler Wood calls “ the invisible burden ” of tourism, which includes strains on a community’s infrastructure, utilities and housing stock, as well as tourists’ carbon footprint and any challenges they might impose on residents’ daily lives.

“You put so much pressure on the place that the people who live there become unhappy, and then they don’t present a very good face to tourists,” Ms. Epler Wood said. “The longer you wait, the higher the cost to fix it.”

Here is a look at new measures that travelers can expect this summer, and where others might be coming in the future.

New visitor fees

Since February, visitors to the Indonesian island of Bali have been asked to pay a levy of 150,000 Indonesian rupiahs, or about $9.40 per visit. Revenue will be used to support the preservation of cultural and natural assets on the island, where tourism has brought major challenges related to litter, water supply and overcrowding. Visitors are encouraged to pay the new fee online before departure, although it’s also possible to pay on arrival at the airport.

Beginning Aug. 1, most foreign travelers to the Galápagos Islands — which had a record-breaking 330,000 visitors last year — must pay a $200 entry fee, double the current rate. The money raised will be used to support conservation, improve infrastructure and fund community programs.

The change is the first increase to the entry fee since it was introduced in 1998, said Tom O’Hara, communications manager for the Galápagos Conservation Trust . Mr. O’Hara noted that the increase comes a year after the UNESCO World Heritage Committee urged the government of Ecuador to work toward a “zero-growth model” for tourism in the Galápagos.

“It’s quite a complicated topic,” Mr. O’Hara said, noting that the fee increase has been viewed “as part of the solution to overtourism.” On the other hand, he added, “everyone is trying to reassure the local tourist industry that this isn’t going to kill tourism on the islands.

In April, Venice began imposing a fee — 5 euros, about $5.40 — on day-trippers visiting on peak days, with the goal of striking “a new balance between the tourists and residents.”

But the new Venice Access Fee has drawn criticism from residents. “This project is a disaster for us. We are a city, not a park,” said Matteo Secchi, the president of Venessia.com, an association of Venice residents. Mr. Secchi said that a communications campaign would have been more effective.

The possibility of a new tourist fee has also drawn local opposition in Hawaii, where Gov. Josh Green has proposed a “climate impact fee” for visitors to the state. The measure failed during a recent meeting of the State Legislature, but Governor Green has persisted in calling for visitors to help fund the state’s preparation for future climate shocks.

“We have to get this tiger by the tail,” he told journalists in May, adding that $25 per visitor could raise $250 million a year, which the state could use to guard against climate disasters, manage erosion, strengthen infrastructure and protect parks.

Hotel fees and other taxes get a bump

Hotel taxes, also known as occupancy or accommodation taxes, are widespread in the United States and Europe, where they were on the rise for a decade leading up to the pandemic. With tourism’s rebound to prepandemic levels, several destinations have increased or adjusted the tax to capture more revenue.

Like Hawaii, Greece — which also suffered severe wildfires last summer — is looking to steel itself against climate disasters, and the government wants tourists to help foot the bill. Greece is calling the charge a climate crisis resilience fee , and it will be collected by accommodation providers. The tax will be higher from March to October, when it will top out at €10 per night at five-star hotels. The rate drops from November to February, and for hotels with fewer stars. The fee replaces the previous hotel tax, which ranged from €0.50 to €4 per night.

In Amsterdam, the hotel tax, which was already one of the highest in Europe, rose to 12.5 percent from 7 percent on Jan. 1. City lawmakers have also raised the tax on cruise passengers to €14 from €11 per person per night.

The hotel tax in Barcelona also rose this year, increasing to €3.25 per night. The measure was the final step-up in a gradual increase that began before the pandemic. A spokesman for Barcelona City Hall said that further tax increases would be aimed at tourist rental apartments and cruises that make short stopovers, which contribute less to the city’s income. The spokesman also noted that revenue generated by the tourist tax is being used, among other things, to fund the installation of solar panels and air-conditioning in Barcelona’s public schools.

Ahead of this summer’s Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris, lawmakers in the Île-de-France region have imposed a new tax, on top of the normal hotel levy. With the new tax, which will fund public transportation in the region, a guest in a five-star hotel now owes a total of €10.73 in tax per night stayed, while a stay in a two-star hotel incurs a tax of €3.25 per night.

Though the measure was adopted by the regional government, it was not supported by the leadership in Paris itself. A spokeswoman for Paris City Hall called the move “a democratic power grab” that “in no way benefits the city of Paris.” She noted that even with the funds generated by the new tax, the region still raised the price of tickets for public transportation in the city during the Olympics — a measure that has disgruntled many Paris residents.

Introducing new rules

In other tourist spots, the focus is on curbing behavior that pollutes the local environment or harms residents’ quality of life.

In Japan, authorities at Mount Fuji will cap visitors at 4,000 per day. They have also imposed a new fee of 2,000 yen (about $13) for access to the iconic summit. Elsewhere in the country, a community council in the Gion neighborhood of Kyoto has closed some small roads to tourists, after complaints that the area, home to the city’s geisha district, was suffering from crowds.

“We will ask tourists to refrain from entering narrow private streets in or after April,” Isokazu Ota, a leading member of the community council, told Agence-France Presse in March. “We don’t want to do this, but we’re desperate.”

A spokeswoman for the city’s tourism board described the road closures as “a local initiative,” adding that “neither Kyoto City nor the Kyoto City Tourism Association are aware of any details beyond what is reported in the media.”

Rowdy visitor behavior has been the target of new rules in Milan. In some areas, city leaders have banned outdoor seating after 12:30 a.m. during the week and 1:30 a.m. on the weekend in response to resident complaints. They have also limited the late-night sale of takeaway food and drinks.

And in certain areas on the Spanish Balearic Islands of Majorca and Ibiza that are overrun with drunk tourists, the government has imposed a ban on late-night sales of alcohol and the consumption of alcohol in the street. New restrictions have also been imposed on party boats in the same areas.

“Tourism has negative externalities that must be managed and minimized,” Marga Prohens, the president of the Balearic Islands, told a local gathering this month , according to The Majorca Daily Bulletin. Local tourism, she said, “cannot continue to grow in volume.”

Paige McClanahan, a regular contributor to the Travel section, is author of “The New Tourist: Waking Up to the Power and Perils of Travel,” forthcoming from Scribner on June 18.

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

Port Antonio, Jamaica:  The Grammy-nominated D.J. and music producer Diplo recommends spots in a city he loves  on Jamaica’s northeast coast. A dance party makes the cut.

New Mexico:  The Gila Wilderness, home to wolves, mountain lions and other wildlife, marks a century as a “land lab,”  where nature thrives as far as the eye can see.

Greece:  Is Serifos the perfect Greek island? A writer’s checklist included ferry service, great beaches and good local restaurants.

Brooklyn:  This 36-hour itinerary  skips the most touristy and overdeveloped areas, including Williamsburg and Dumbo, and requires no restaurant reservations or advance planning.

Costa Rica:  Travelers are signing up for phone-free tours to try to escape technology’s tether on daily life. But would it make for a better experience ?

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Variety Cruises Launches Incentive Promotion for Travel Advisors

  • June 18, 2024

Panorama in French Polynesia

Variety Cruises announced today an incentive promotion for travel advisors booking holidays on the company’s Tahiti and French Polynesia cruises.

According to a press release, advisors who sell three cabins on Variety’s itineraries in Tahiti that depart now through April 30, 2025, and are booked by September 15, 2024, qualify for a free cruise for two people.

Advisors can choose to use the free cabin as a familiarization trip for themselves and a guest, or it can be sold or used as a promotion for their clients, the company added.

“We’re so appreciative of all our travel advisor partners and wanted to give back to this community by offering a special experience in one of the world’s most beloved travel destinations,” said Filippos Venetopoulos, CEO of Variety Cruises.

“We hope that this offer will help travel planners create memories that last a lifetime for themselves, after working tirelessly to make their clients’ dream trips come to life,” he added.

Variety offers several options for travelers in the region, with three applicable itineraries ranging from seven to 11 nights and starting at $2,750 per person.

On each cruise, travelers will sail round-trip from Papeete port in Tahiti to uncover the Society Islands of French Polynesia by small ship, with itineraries visiting Bora Bora, Taha’a, Moorea, Huahine, and Raiatea.

The “Sell Three, Sail Free in Tahiti” promotion is valid for new bookings confirmed and deposited through September 15, 2024, for sailings departing now through April 30, 2025.

To qualify, travel advisors must advise Variety Cruises by email and provide their three booking numbers to [email protected] and [email protected].

The advisors’ free cruise is available on the company’s seven-night Tahiti itineraries and must be taken before April 30, 2025.

The promotion does not apply to the company’s Tahiti and Tuamotu Islands sailings in November 2024.

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The complete guide for incentive trips for employees

What is an incentive trip, what are the benefits of incentive travel for employees, they’re motivated by the opportunity to travel, a chance for rest and improved work-life balance, opportunities to bond with their teams, increased job satisfaction, what are the benefits of incentive travel for organizations, it boosts motivation and productivity, productivity leads to increased sales and profits, employees are likely to stay longer at your company, top-quality candidates are attracted to travel perks, how do you structure an effective incentive travel program, decide on which type of incentive travel program you want to create, sales incentive reward programs, performance-based incentive programs, recognition incentive programs, use an online corporate travel company to help manage your trips, decide how you’ll evaluate the success of incentive trips, ask employees to provide feedback, analyze performance metrics, assess employee engagement, how do you communicate and promote the incentive travel program to employees, make a big initial announcement, create a video about the incentive trip, personalized communication, wrapping up: final tips for implementing successful incentive trip programs.

  • Clearly define your trip objectives and align them with your business goals.
  • Tailor the incentive trip program to match your business and its needs.
  • Use an online travel company to help you plan successful, customized, hassle-free experiences.
  • Communicate the program details to generate excitement and participation.
  • Regularly evaluate and adjust the program based on feedback and results.

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What is group travel insurance?

  • Coverage options
  • Choosing the right plan

Purchasing and managing group policies

  • Special considerations
  • Final recommendations and tips

Group Travel Insurance: A Comprehensive Guide

Affiliate links for the products on this page are from partners that compensate us (see our advertiser disclosure with our list of partners for more details). However, our opinions are our own. See how we rate insurance products to write unbiased product reviews.

  • Group travel insurance is a single policy that covers groups of 10 or more. 
  • Everyone in the group must have the same itinerary and travel to the same destination.
  • Shop early and compare quotes to get the best deal. 

Whether preparing for a large family reunion in another state, booking a business trip with colleagues, or traveling with your college crew to a new country, you might consider group travel insurance. Group travel insurance provides financial protection for trips of 10 or more groups. But apart from the party size requirements, it functions the same as other travel insurance policies. 

Here's what you need to know about group travel insurance — how to determine if you need it, different options, and tips to secure the best deal. 

Group travel insurance is a single travel insurance policy that protects everyone on a trip. The policies are available for groups of 10 or more. Unlike other insurance policies that only cover one person or family travel insurance that only covers related travelers, group travel insurance can cover any group traveling together. You do not have to be related.

Group travel insurance policies usually offer comprehensive coverage, including standard protections against lost luggage, legal fees, medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and more. 

Key Benefits of Group Travel Insurance


Group travel insurance may be cheaper than buying separate policies for each individual traveler. Insurance companies may provide discounts for insuring multiple people, as this lowers administrative overhead per person. This is similar to how auto insurers offer rate reductions for consumers who insure multiple people under one policy. 

It's worth noting that group travel insurance costs depend on the insurer and your trip details. Comparing quotes can help you find the best rates on the coverages you need.

You can find our guide to the best cheap travel insurance here.

Simplified management

Group travel insurance might make sense if everyone in your group has the same itinerary and travels to the same destination. The main perk of group travel insurance versus separate policies for each person is that it streamlines the purchasing process. You can buy one policy instead of multiple.

But to make it work, your group needs to be organized. This is especially true if group members intend to split the cost of the policy. It's crucial to communicate well with the people in your group and ensure everyone is on the same page. 

Coverage Options

Common coverage features.

Most group travel insurance policies offer comprehensive coverage, which usually covers common travel issues like cancellations and medical emergencies. 

Here's what comprehensive group travel insurance covers :

  • Trip cancellation insurance: If you need to cancel your trip, this coverage reimburses you for the cost of travel. Each policy includes a list of cancellation reasons that are covered.
  • Travel insurance for baggage: This covers the cost of stolen or missing luggage.
  • Emergency medical evacuation insurance : Covers the cost of transportation from one location to another due to an emergency medical situation.
  • Travel medical insurance: If you need medical care due to illness or injury while traveling, this part of the policy covers the cost. 
  • Trip interruption travel insurance: If you have to cut your trip short due to an unforeseen emergency, this helps pay for travel plan changes. 
  • Trip delay travel insurance: If there are delays to your flight or another aspect of your trip, this covers extra costs associated with the delay. It might include reimbursement for meals or hotel expenses. 

Additional coverage options

You can customize your travel insurance policy with coverage options at an additional premium. These add-ons can be helpful to provide adequate coverage for your group's specific needs. Some examples include:

  • Adventure and sports coverage: For planned activities that involved increased risk (e.g., hiking, scuba diving, skiing, etc.) 
  • Special events coverage: For cancellations, interruptions, or other losses that occur during planned events (e.g., weddings, corporate events, excursions, etc.)
  • Equipment coverage: For damage, loss, or theft of equipment or gear brought on the trip (e.g., sports equipment, tech, etc.)
  • Pre-existing condition waiver : For those with pre-existing conditions to receive travel medical coverage while traveling

Choosing the right group travel insurance

Assessing group needs.

Assessing your group's needs can help you choose the right group travel insurance. Some factors to consider include but aren't limited to the duration and destination of your trip, the type of travelers and their needs (including their ages and any pre-existing conditions), planned activities, and the group's budget.

Comparing insurance providers

Depending on the details of your trip, group travel insurance might be cheaper than purchasing individual policies for each traveler. But that is not always the case. As you shop for group travel insurance, there are steps you can take to ensure you get the best deal.

Get multiple quotes

It's smart to compare quotes from several providers. Multiple quotes allow you to compare coverage options and pricing. You can use a travel insurance comparison site like SquareMouth or TravelInsurance.com. Or you can contact providers directly. Once you know the price range for protection, you can select the provider that seems like the best fit. 

The best time to buy travel insurance is right after you make your first trip deposit. Your policy kicks in right away, which is helpful if an event occurs that forces you to cancel your trip. Additionally, an early purchase can be necessary to qualify for certain riders, such as pre-existing condition coverage and CFAR travel insurance .

Application and enrollment process

You should be prepared to provide the following information about your group when fielding quotes from travel insurance companies. 

  • Trip dates 
  • Travelers' names and date of birth
  • Destination 
  • Initial trip deposit date 
  • Cost of trip per traveler (prepaid and nonrefundable expenses)

Your insurance company may ask for additional information, such as pre-existing medical conditions and planned activities. 

Policy management and claims

The coverage you select applies to everyone in the group. Each group member can make individual claims, which is helpful if only one or two people need to make a claim. But if everyone is involved, the entire group can file claims. 

Special Considerations for Group Travel Insurance

Tailoring policies to group type.

It's important to tailor your insurance policy based on the type of group and the trip to ensure adequate protection. For example, if you're traveling with senior members, you want your policy's medical coverage to include pre-existing conditions. If your trip has physical or outdoor activities, adventure and sports coverage is additional protection worth considering. 

A travel insurance agent can help you identify which coverages are necessary for your group's trip and find a policy that works for your group's budget.

Handling diverse member needs

Handling the diverse needs of group members within a single policy requires careful attention to policy details, including coverage specifics and deductibles. Start by thoroughly reviewing the policy to understand the included coverages and associated deductibles. If certain coverages are unnecessary for your group, ask your insurer whether they can be removed to reduce costs. 

You may want to look for a policy with add-ons or customizable options. This allows you to tailor the coverage to meet the specific needs of different group members. Additionally, consider raising the deductible to lower the premium. However, ensure the deductible amount is affordable for all members in case a claim needs to be filed. This ensures your group has adequate protection while accommodating the diverse financial needs of the group.

Group travel insurance final recommendations and tips

Best practices for group leaders.

Before your trip, communicate insurance details like coverage inclusions, exclusions, deductibles, and how to file a claim with your group. It also helps to maintain policy documents in case an unexpected event arises. 

You and your group should also establish a contingency plan and save your insurance's emergency hotline contact number for medical emergencies, natural disasters, or other travel disruptions.

Resources for further information

For further information on group travel insurance, check out:

  • Insurance companies' websites for information about coverage options, exclusions, and getting a quote. 
  • Travel insurance comparison sites allow users to compare policies from multiple providers at once based on coverage, price, and other factors. Some examples of comparison websites include InsureMyTrip , Squaremouth, and VisitorsCoverage . 
  • Travel agencies to help you book your trip and pick group travel insurance based on your itinerary. 
  • Consumer review sites like Trustpilot and ConsumerAffairs to read first-hand testimonials by real users on their experience with a company. 

Group travel insurance FAQs

Group travel insurance typically requires a minimum of 10 travelers to qualify for group travel insurance, but this varies by provider.

Yes, many group travel insurance policies offer options for various activities specific to the group's needs and travel itinerary, such as adventure and sports, special events, and equipment coverage. 

Group travel insurance can be more cost-effective per person than individual policies, especially for larger groups. Compare quotes from various insurance providers to get the best deal on the coverages you need. 

If one member  of a group travel insurance plan has an issue, that member can file a claim with the travel insurance company individually. That's why it's important for every member to be familiar with the claims process in case an issue arises. 

A group leader should consider the group's specific needs, planned activities, destination-specific risks, and the group's budget when choosing a travel insurance policy. 

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RRVBC creates donation incentives to address ‘critical blood shortage’

R OCKFORD, Ill. (WIFR) - Due to what it’s calling a “critical blood shortage,” the Rock River Valley Blood Center introduces multiple new donor loyalty programs to encourage blood donations.

Fourteen hospitals in the area use the RRVBC as their sole provider of blood, which requires 800 donors to supply the demand, according to the center.

There are three new donor programs:

Never Miss a Monday Every Monday through Aug. 26, people who donate blood on a Monday will receive a gift from a local business on a first-come, first-serve basis while supplies last. Donations can be made at any of the four RRVBC locations.

The Four Seasons Club encourages people to donate during each season. Once you’ve donated in every season, participants receive a gift valued at $100.

Spin 6 VIP encourages platelet donors to donate six times a year. Platelets are cells found in blood that make clots, and they only last seven days after being donated. Those that donate platelets six times can receive a gift valued at $100.

“The need for blood and platelet donations is constant and critical – especially right now as we are working to increase donations to combat our recent critical shortage. We hope these new programs will incentivize regular donations and help us maintain a steady supply for our community’s patients,” said Heidi Ognibene, Chief Operating Officer at RRVBC, in a news release. “If each of our donors gave multiple times a year instead of just once, we would never face shortages. Through these programs we also aim to recognize and reward the generosity of our dedicated donors.”

To find out more about the Rock River Valley Blood Center, or to schedule an appointment, visit the organization’s website or call 815-965-8751.


It’s been a record-setting year for global travel – here’s how we make tourism inclusive and sustainable

A colourful market in Columbia selling bags, clothes and crafts: Inclusive and sustainable travel and tourism includes supporting micro-, small- and medium-sized businesses.

Inclusive and sustainable travel and tourism includes supporting micro-, small- and medium-sized businesses. Image:  Unsplash/Michael Barón

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  • The global travel sector is experiencing a robust recovery, with tourists increasingly spending more on travel.
  • Despite the overall positive outlook, some destinations struggle with operational challenges, including workforce issues and resource management amid rising tourist numbers and environmental concerns.
  • The travel and tourism sector’s potential for advancing socio-economic prosperity is particularly impactful through the support of micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises.

The global travel sector forecast is in and it's sunny skies ahead. Through March 2024, consumer spending on travel remains strong, and passenger traffic has soared. Empowered by a strong labour market worldwide, tourists will be on the roads, air and seas once again, with more of people’s budgets on travel.

The latest report from the Mastercard Economics Institute, Travel Trends 2024: Breaking Boundaries , reveals that 2024 has already witnessed multiple record-setting days as consumer spending on leisure travel remains strong. The data shows that post-pandemic travellers continue to seek unique experiences rooted in local cultures while increasingly prioritizing spending on memorable events across sports, music and festivals.

The Mastercard Economics Institute’s analysis reveals that travellers also seek opportunities to extend their stays, prioritizing leisure for longer. For the first 12 months between March 2019 and February 2020, a trip’s average length of stay was about four days. As of March 2024, the average length of a leisure trip has edged closer to five days, which translates into an economic boost for the destinations and communities hosting them.

Have you read?

These are the top 10 countries for travel and tourism, what is travel and tourism’s role in future global prosperity, travel & tourism development index 2024, tackling tourism’s challenges.

Yet, while the overall outlook for travellers looks bright, that’s not the case for all destinations. Some tourism hotspots and lesser-known locales are facing growing challenges around operating conditions. The World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI) 2024 highlights the ongoing constraints facing the global travel and tourism sector – including the lack of investment in skilled and resilient workforces and issues around resource management – cultural and natural – as destinations grapple with higher tourist visitor numbers and rising environmental concerns.

The report offers travel and tourism decision-makers recommendations around how the sector can take a more active role in tackling social challenges across socio-economic prosperity, peace and cultural exchange. As the industry accounts for approximately one-tenth of global gross domestic product and employment , the public and private sectors must work together to ensure future tourism development is, first and foremost, inclusive and sustainable.

Supporting the backbone of travel and tourism

As the TTDI 2024 notes, one area where the sector’s potential in advancing socio-economic prosperity can be particularly impactful is in the economic empowerment of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). According to the World Travel & Tourism Council, more than 80% of travel and tourism businesses fall under this category.

Policies and investments promoting the adoption of digital solutions and enhancing digital skills development while improving access to credit can provide a major boost to tourism-focused MSMEs.

In Costa Rica, the Instituto Costariccense de Turismo, a member of Mastercard’s Tourism Innovation Hub , is championing such an approach to ensure increased tourist traffic results in better opportunities for MSMEs. Last year, the institute launched Tico Treasures , a platform facilitating tourist connections with Costa Rica’s Crafts with Identity programme, a group of 17 artisan collectives across the country. The platform allows visitors to discover local Costa Rican products, learn about artisan communities and then purchase and ship the goods back to their home country – all through one experience.

The programme is an example of public-private collaboration, including backing from Correos de Costa Rica, Banco de Costa Rica and the Instituto Costariccense de Turismo. Its objectives are multifold: delivering more authentic experiences for tourists, expanding citizens’ access to the digital economy and contributing to MSME resilience.

Protecting future environments

There are also novel approaches to solving destinations’ sustainability challenges underway. A key role of the Travel Foundation , a global non-government organization, is to facilitate innovative public-private collaborations in tourism that accelerate and scale sustainable solutions. One notable example is in Scotland, where the national tourism organization VisitScotland is partnering with the Travel Corporation, a global tour operator, to help decarbonize the destination supply chain. Both organizations are pooling their insights, data and expertise to support local businesses, develop new ideas for reducing carbon footprints and identify barriers to a green transition.

The learnings from this and other projects led by the Travel Foundation will be shared to influence future policy, investment and product development decisions at national and global levels. By combining public sector resources and capabilities with private sector technological expertise, travel and tourism decision-makers can enact policies and programmes that balance tourism growth with environmental protection, providing a nuanced approach that works for unique destinations.

It’s an important time for the sector – to leverage travel and tourism’s robust recovery and advance socio-economic prosperity, fuelling a more inclusive future for our treasured destinations. By accelerating collaboration between governments, destination management organizations and technology companies, we can ensure destinations, the communities that power them and the environments they inhabit are at the heart of all future tourism development.

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Ukraine war latest: Putin arrives in North Korea; Russian forces 'move closer to key supply route'

Vladimir Putin has arrived in North Korea for a two-day visit - his first in more than two decades. Elsewhere, the UK's Ministry of Defence says Russian forces are moving closer to a key Ukrainian supply route in the eastern Donetsk region.

Tuesday 18 June 2024 22:59, UK

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That's all of our live coverage on the conflict for now. 

We'll bring you any major developments overnight, and we'll be back with our regular updates in the morning. 

More details about Vladimir Putin's arrival in North Korea have started coming through...

The Russian president arrived in the country for the first time in 24 years earlier this evening, and was greeted by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. 

The two men had a brief conversation and then left Pyongyang Airport in the same car. 

Now, Korean Central News Agency has reported that the pair shared their "pent up inmost thoughts" with each other and "opened their minds". 

The North Korean state news organisation said the conversation was "friendly" and came as their relationship "entered a course of new comprehensive development". 

It added that Putin's visit was important in "powerfully propelling the cause of building a powerful country". 

Of course, the Korean Central News Agency's original reporting is in Korean, so there may be some discrepancies in the translation. 

The destruction of Russian targets in border regions "really matters", Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said as he praised world leaders for their determination to protect Ukraine, 

Delivering his nightly address, the Ukrainian president said: "The destruction of Russian terrorists' positions and launchers by our forces, our warriors, near the border really matters. 

"We witness the world's determination opening new prospects for restoring our security. Among other things, this includes the security of Kharkiv." 

His comments come after Ukraine claimed responsibility for an overnight drone attack on a Russian oil facility. 

The strike caused a massive blaze in Russia's Rostov region and marked the latest long-range attack by Kyiv's forces on a border region.

Ukraine has in recent months stepped up aerial assaults on Russian soil, targeting refineries and oil terminals, in an effort to slow down the Kremlin's war effort. 

At the same time, Moscow's army has been pressing hard along the front line in eastern Ukraine, where a shortage of troops and ammunition has made defenders vulnerable.

As we have been reporting this evening, Vladimir Putin has arrived in North Korea for the first time in 24 years to begin a two-day visit. 

The Russian president was greeted by North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un, with the men seen laughing and hugging as they had a conversation near Putin's plane.

A red carpet was rolled out for his arrival as well. 

The US has said it is concerned about the "deepening" cooperation between Russia and the North Korea.

The Pentagon voiced concern about the growing ties between Moscow and Pyongyang as Vladimir Putin arrived in North Korea for his first visit in 24 years. 

"The deepening cooperation between Russia and the DPRK is something that should be of concern, especially to anyone that's interested in maintaining peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula," Major General Patrick Ryder, a Pentagon spokesperson, told reporters.

DPRK is an abbreviation for North Korea's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. 

We have just received the first photos of Vladimir Putin arriving in North Korea. 

The Russian president was greeted by the country's leader Kim Jong Un as he left his plane. 

The pair hugged and had a brief conversation before leaving in the same car. 

We are starting to get more details about Vladimir Putin's arrival in North Korea. 

As the Russian president touched down, he was greeted by the country's leader Kim Jong Un. 

The two men had a brief conversation next to Putin's motorcade, before leaving Pyongyang Airport in the same car.

As we told you in our last post, Vladimir Putin has arrived in North Korea for his first visit in 24 years. 

The Russian president's plane touched down in Pyongyang around 2.45am local time (6.45pm UK time) after a stopover in Russia's far east. 

He was reportedly greeted by North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un. 

Here's a quick look at what is expected to take place during his two-day visit...

One of the first events to take place will be one-on-one discussions between the two leaders. 

There will also be a gala concert, state reception, honour guards, document signings, and a statement to the media, Russia's Interfax news agency quoted Mr Putin's aide as saying.

A number of Russian officials have travelled to Pyongyang as well as part of Mr Putin's delegation, including defence minister Andrei Belousov, foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and deputy prime minister Alexander Novak. 

Ahead of the visit, North Korea appeared to make preparations for a possible military parade in downtown Pyongyang. 

Vladimir Putin has arrived in North Korea, the Kremlin has confirmed. 

The Russian president touched down in the country's capital, Pyongyang, where he will begin his two-day visit.

He was greeted at the airport by North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un, according to RIA Novosti. 

A formal meeting between the two leaders is expected to take place tomorrow. 

In a presidential order issued yesterday, Putin said Moscow was looking to sign a "comprehensive strategic partnership treaty" with North Korea. 

The international community has raised alarm bells regarding his trip, with NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg saying the military alliance was concerned about the support Russia could provide for North Korea's missile and nuclear programmes. 

Three Russian government aircraft have landed in Pyongyang in North Korea, according to flight tracking data. 

It is unclear if Vladimir Putin is on board any of the planes, but their arrival comes as the Russian president is expected to visit the country.

Flight Radar 24 shows the planes travelled from Yakutsk in east Siberia, where Putin travelled to earlier today. 

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  2. 15 Corporate Incentive Travel Program Tips

    Corporate incentive travel program tips. From soliciting suggestions from staff to leveraging social media, here are the steps for creating an effective corporate incentive travel program. 1. Ask your staff for ideas. A travel program is only an incentive if your staff wants to take the trips you choose.

  3. The complete guide for incentive trips for employees

    Tailor the incentive trip program to match your business and its needs. Use an online travel company to help you plan successful, customized, hassle-free experiences. Communicate the program details to generate excitement and participation. Regularly evaluate and adjust the program based on feedback and results.

  4. How to plan an incentive trip: a step-by-step guide

    The first step in planning incentive travel trips is defining what outcomes your organization wants to achieve by delivering such a memorable experience. As much as incentive trips are designed to reward top performers, you'll also want to keep your company goals in mind. When rewarding employees with travel, you might also want to consider ...

  5. What Is Incentive Travel? (Explained With 7 Examples)

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  6. What is incentive travel? (4 Incentive travel program examples)

    Incentive travel programs can be used to achieve a variety of desired outcomes from improved employee engagement to client spending incentives. Let's take a closer look at four possible uses of corporate incentive travel programs. 1. Employee motivation. One of the best ways to overcome organisational challenges such as low productivity ...

  7. Top 7 incentive travel companies

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  8. What is Incentive Travel? Definition & Examples from the Pros

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  10. Incentive Travel: the Best Way to Motivate Your Employees

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  11. What Is Incentive Travel? Definition & Benefits

    Incentive travel is a specific trip or tour offered to top-performing employees as a way to motivate them to make more sales, gain more customers, and/or improve overall performance. By offering an incentive trip, companies are able to drive their business goals and recognize top performers. An incentive trip can be taken as a group or an ...

  12. Incentive Travel Programs & Services

    An incentive travel program is about more than just a cool vacation or hot-spot destination. For stakeholders, it's about inspiring peak performance. For attendees, it's about the reward and recognition they strived for. It's about creating personalized, authentic experiences all over the world and strengthening relationships with ...

  13. The Benefits of Incentive Travel: Motivating Employees and Beyond

    Incentive travel programs are a fantastic way to create an environment of healthy competition among your workers. They help motivate teams to work hard and achieve their goals so they can attend the trip. Whether it's hitting targets or gaining more sales, travel incentives boost employee productivity prior to the trip.

  14. 7 Benefits of Incentive Travel for Companies and Employees

    Travel incentive programs allow employees to tick items off their bucket list without the associated guilt. 4. The Gift of Travel Is More Memorable Than Money. According to the Journal of Economic Psychology, when given the choice in the abstract, employees generally choose cash rewards over non-cash rewards.

  15. What are the benefits of incentive travel programs & rewards?

    Benefits of incentive travel for employees. Despite the obvious joy of a free holiday, incentive travel initiatives provide many benefits for employees: Improved growth opportunities: Incentive trips allow employees to transgress the often impenetrable barriers of the corporate hierarchy. This nurtures their emotional bond with the company and ...

  16. Incentive Travel

    Good for you and better for your audience! Incentive travel is a tried-and-true tactic for nearly half of all businesses in the United States. Whether you want to boost sales, retain your top-performers, or simply build a more cohesive corporate environment, incentive travel will be the catalyst that moves your goals to the finish line. With US ...

  17. Corporate and Incentive Travel

    The incentive travel industry, also known as motivational travel, is a type of travel that is offered as a reward or incentive for achieving a specific goal or performance target. According to the 2022 Incentive Travel Index, released by the Incentive Research Foundation (IRF), the incentive travel industry is a growing and vital part of ...

  18. Introduction to Corporate Incentive Travel and Events

    While incentive travel can vary from organization to organization and even year-to-year for the same company, the most effective incentives are those opportunities that will pique the interest of your employees. Ensuring that an incentive trip is incentivizing enough is the first step. The next step for an effective incentive event or trip is ...

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  22. Global Hot Spots Take Aim at Overtourism

    June 4, 2024. A new tourist fee in Bali. Higher hotel taxes in Amsterdam and Paris. Stricter rules on public drinking in Milan and Majorca. Ahead of the summer travel season, leaders in many ...

  23. Variety Cruises Launches Incentive Promotion for Travel Advisors

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  24. The complete guide for incentive trips for employees

    Tailor the incentive trip program to match your business and its needs. Use an online travel company to help you plan successful, customized, hassle-free experiences. Communicate the program details to generate excitement and participation. Regularly evaluate and adjust the program based on feedback and results.

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  26. Group Travel Insurance: Benefits, Options, and Tips

    Group travel insurance is a single policy that covers groups of 10 or more. Everyone in the group must have the same itinerary and travel to the same destination. Shop early and compare quotes to ...

  27. RRVBC creates donation incentives to address 'critical blood ...

    R OCKFORD, Ill. (WIFR) - Due to what it's calling a "critical blood shortage," the Rock River Valley Blood Center introduces multiple new donor loyalty programs to encourage blood donations.

  28. How we make travel and tourism inclusive and sustainable

    The travel and tourism sector's potential for advancing socio-economic prosperity is particularly impactful through the support of micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises. The global travel sector forecast is in and it's sunny skies ahead. Through March 2024, consumer spending on travel remains strong, and passenger traffic has soared.

  29. Fiscal Year 2024 Incentive Payments

    All requests for incentive-payment uploads for fiscal year 2024 must be submitted to [email protected] and received no later than close of business (5:00 pm) on Friday, June 21, 2024 . Contact the General Accounting Office (GAO) Central Payroll if there are any questions. Author. Central Payroll. Date. Tue, 06/18/2024 - 09:30. Statewide ...

  30. Ukraine war latest: Russian forces 'move closer to key supply route

    Incentives such as cash bonuses and financial aid for housing or a car have been offered to those who join. Ukrainians can update their information on a dedicated app called Reserve+ or go to an ...