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  • Last updated: June, 2022

Journey Through Spain’s Islamic History: The 5 Best Islamic Tours in 2024

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In 711 CE, Muslims from North Africa invaded the Iberian Peninsula. They stayed in Spain until 1492 when the Catholic Monarchs overthrew the King of the “Emirato de Granada.”

As a result, Spain has a rich, overflowing Islamic culture and an enormous artistic and architectural heritage, including palaces, mosques, and much more.

With that in mind, we have put together a list of the Best Islamic Tours of Spain while citing the most Famous Islamic Architecture and Art in Spain.

Best Islamic Tours in Spain

Photo by Akshay Nanavati on Unsplash

The Alcazar Royal Palace Tour

Medina Azahara, Córdoba

Madinat al-Zahra Tour

Foto de David Vives en Unsplash

Aljafería Palace Tour

Alhambra. Photo by Walkerssk at Pixabay.

The Alhambra and Generalife Tour

Foto de Girl with red hat en Unsplash

The Mosque of Cordoba Tour

What are the best islamic tours in spain.

  • The Mosque of Cordoba


The Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba was built in the 8th century  under Emir Abd ar-Rahman I on the remains of a Visigothic Christian church (the Basilica of St. Vincent Martyr). 

The Emir wanted Cordoba to eclipse Byzantium and Baghdad in science, culture, and the arts. The sultan had recently fled there after his family’s overthrow in Damascus.

Why should you go on an Islamic Tour of the Mosque of Córdoba?

There are many reasons why you should visit The Mosque of Cordoba. For instance, the Mosque of Cordoba was the second largest mosque in the world, behind Mecca for a long time. 

In addition, the Mosque of Cordoba is a unique construction because of the number of architectural styles it preserves: Mudejar, Umayyad, Baroque, Gothic, and Renaissance. 

How long does the Mosque of Cordoba tour last?

The duration of the visit is approximately one hour, but if you do the visit during the daytime, you can stay for as long as you need. 

How much does the Mosque of Cordoba tour cost?

The prices vary depending on the time of the visit and the type of ticket: 

Visit the Mosque-Cathedral during the daytime.

General admission: 11€.

Discount: 9€ for over 65s, 15 to 26 years old students, and Youth Card holders.

Discount: 6€ for children from 10 to 14 years old, and up to 64% for the disabled and (adult) members of large families

Discount: 4€ for large families with children from 10 to 14 years old

Night visit

General admission: 18€.

Discount: 12€ for seniors (65+), the disabled, students up to 26 years old, and children from 7 years old and older. Must show official accreditation.

Free: Children under 7 years old (without an audio guide and accompanied by an adult with a valid ticket).

Dress code of the Mosque of Cordoba

Uncover your head when entering the Mosque-Cathedral. Remember that you are visiting a sacred place; access it with appropriate clothing.

Do I need to bring my passport?

It is not necessary to bring your original passport. A copy or a photo should be fine.

Other information of interest

The use of tripods or stands is prohibited, as well as the filming and photographing of liturgical celebrations. 

The Alhambra and Generalife, Granada

The Alhambra was a palace, citadel, and fortress, the residence of the Nasrid sultans, high officials, court servants, and elite soldiers. It reached its splendor in the second half of the 14th century, coinciding with the sultanates of Yusuf I (1333-1354) and the second reign of Muhammad V (1362-1391).

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Why should you visit the Alhambra and Generalife?

The Alhambra is a must-see monument. It bears witness to the Moorish rule in the territory and its architectural style, which is why it was recently declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

You should also make a visit to enjoy its gardens and surroundings. Its majestic towers are a must-see once-in-a-lifetime experience.

How long does the Alhambra and Generalife tour last?

The general visit to the monumental complex lasts approximately three hours.

How much does the Alhambra and Generalife tour cost?

Different prices depending on the inclusions:

Alhambra General

  • Price: 14 €
  • Nasrid Palaces: Mexuar, Comares Palace, Palace of the Lions and Corredor-Lindaraja.
  • Partal: portico of the palace, gardens, and walks.
  • Alcazaba: The Candle Tower and Garden of the Adarves.
  • Generalife: gardens and palace (The court of the Main Canal, The Soultana’s Court, and the water Stairway).

Dobla de Oro General

  • Price: 22.74 €
  • Alhambra general day visit: Nasrid Palaces, Alcazaba, Generalife palace and gardens.
  • General visit Alhambra: Nasrid Palaces, Alcazaba, Gardens and Generalife Palace.
  • Corral del Carbón: la alhóndiga de los mercaderes.
  • Bañuelo: one of the best-preserved public Arab baths on the peninsula.
  • Palacio de Dar al-Horra: official residence of Aixa la-Horra, mother of the last emir of Granada, Boabdil.
  • Casas Moriscas: Horno de oro, Chapiz y Zafra.
  • Qubba del Cuarto Real de Santo Domingo.

Dress code of the Alhambra and Generalife

The Alhambra has no specific dress code. Depending on the time of year, we recommend either something cool to deal with the hot Summer temperatures or, in Winter taking a jumper due to the breeze.

It is mandatory to present your original ID or passport to access the monumental complex.

It’s essential to be on time for the Nasrid Palaces. Don’t forget to bring the ticket with its QR code in physical or digital format (including for children under 12 years).

Aljafería Palace, Zaragoza

The Aljafería Palace is an 11th-century Moorish castle-palace. It was built as a recreational residence for the Taifa kings in the 11th century under King al-Muqtadir. Remains of its fortified enclosure are still preserved. It was built as a place of recreation and also served as a defensive building.

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Why should you visit the Aljafería Palace?

You can not miss the Aljaferia Palace because it is considered one of the peaks of Hispano-Muslim art, along with the Alhambra in Granada and the Mosque of Cordoba. 

Also, it is the northernmost Islamic palace in Europe and the most luxurious and best-preserved of the Taifa period.

How long does the Aljafería Palace tour last?

The duration depends on if the visit is guided or not. Free tours are about 45 minutes long, and guided tours are 60 minutes.

How much does the Aljafería Palace tour cost?

The prices are as follows:

  • General admission: 5€.
  • Discount: 1€ for students and the retired.
  • Free: Children under 12 years old.

Dress code of the Aljafería Palace

There is no specific dress code, so we recommend dressing according to the season. The Summer will be tremendously hot, so dress light and apply plenty of sun cream. Alternatively, a jumper is a great idea against the wind in the Winter.

Guided visits will be available during July and August. The English tour begins at 11 am, while the French tour starts at 5 pm.

Please be punctual when arriving at the ticket office. If a visitor is ten minutes late, they risk not being able to enter the palace (or at the very least a lengthy wait) if all other groups are full.

Use the QR codes located at various points of the monument and the brochures available.

Follow the route marked inside the palace and the indications on display.

Madinat al-Zahra: Archaeological Ensemble, Córdoba

Medina Azahara, Córdoba

The history of Medina Azahara begins with Abderraman, III. He decided to build a city on the outskirts of Cordoba between 936 and 976. Abderraman, III built the city to bring together the caliphate’s administrative and residential work.

The materials used in its construction tell us of the great interest of the monarch to show his great power and supremacy. 

Why should you visit Medina Azahara?

Medina Azhara is a must-see because it’s one of Andalusia’s most important works of Muslim art. In its time, it was the highest expression of the rise and power of the Caliphate of Cordoba.

How long does the Medina Azahara tour last?

The approximate time of the visit to Medina Azahara, including the museum tour, is between 2.5 and 3 hours.

How much does the Medina Azahara tour cost?

The entrance to Medina Azahara is free for citizens of the European Union. For all other visitors, the entrance fee is 1.50 €.

There is no specific dress code to enter the Medina Azahara. Therefore, dress according to the season; in the Summer months, something light and fresh, while in Winter, a jumper (or if very cold, a coat) to stay warm.

It is not necessary to bring your original passport. A copy should be fine to authenticate your nationality.

There is a bus that drives you from Cordoba to Medina Azahara. Its price is 2,50€. Children between 5-12 years are 1,50€.

The Alcazar Royal Palace of Seville

In the year 913, the Umayyad caliph Abderramán III ordered the construction of a new center of government in Seville on the site of an ancient Visigothic settlement that had previously been Roman. 

This “multicultural” curiosity about its foundation seems a foretaste of the many historical ups and downs that would shape its present appearance. 

After the disintegration of the Caliphate of Cordoba, the Royal Alcazar would pass into the hands of the abbots (Taifa of Seville), the Almoravid emirs, and, in the last Islamic Period, the Almohads. 

The successive reforms of that time had already turned the Real Alcázares into an excellent palace complex surrounded by walls in the middle of the 13th century.


Why should you visit The Alcazar Royal Palace of Seville?

The Alcázar of Seville was built as a fortress to protect the Muslim authorities and is currently the oldest royal palace in Europe. Its extensive history is reflected in the variety of its architecture, which mixes Baroque with Renaissance, Romanesque, Gothic and Mudejar.

How long does the Alcazar Royal Palace of Seville tour last?

The recommended duration of the visit is two hours, although you can make a quick visit in one hour and fifteen minutes. But if you want to do a detailed visit, it requires about three hours.

How much does the Alcazar Royal Palace of Seville tour cost?

The entry fees are as follows:

  • General admission: 14,50€.
  • Pensioners and students from 17 to 25 years old: 7€ (you must show proof at reception).
  • For children under 13 years old: 1€.
  • Audioguide: 6€.

There is no specific dress code. Seville can be unbearably hot during the Summer, so dress light. During the Winter, you will likely only need a jumper at most.

The use of tripods or stands is prohibited.

Famous Islamic Architecture in Spain

Muslim art, also known as Islamic art, is the set of artistic manifestations that occurred in the different religious areas of Islam.

Islamic art and, in particular, Islamic architecture in Spain can be classified into 5 stages depending on the different reigns:

1. Cordovan or Caliphal Period (8th-11th century)


Cordovan art has many influences from Visigothic art, especially in the use of horseshoe arches. 

It’s also very characteristic to see voussoirs in color and texture (alternating striped colors). This alfiz is a molding explicitly used to frame the arches or the openings of windows and doors.


The famous art of this period

During this period, the most well-known pieces of architecture are:

  • Central vault of Macsura
  • The Mosque of Bad el-Mardum in Toledo
  • Madinat as-Zahra Palace in Cordoba

2. Taifa Period (11th-12th century)

The art of the Taifa kingdoms was characterized by emulating the splendor of the previous era, with almost excessive overloading of ornamental constructions. 

Despite the everyday use of low-cost plasterwork materials, it served its ornamental function well. Unfortunately, very few buildings have been preserved due to poor quality materials.


Famous art of this period

One of the few buildings we still have from this Period is La Aljafería Palace in Zaragoza.

3. Almorávide Period (12th century)

The use of the muqarnas characterized its artistic manifestations. This decorative element is a stalactite hanging from the arches and domes and is made of plaster, often polychrome.

It is an art that is heavily linked to the Taifa kingdoms. However, there are hardly any remains and significant samples of this period, the best preserved being those found in North Africa.

4. Almohade Period (12th century)

This civilization arrived in the Peninsula and brought with it


one of the most original and new elements that had not been used before, known as sebka. Sebka is a type of geometric decoration in the form of a network of superimposed rhombuses that masks the construction systems.

The most important building of this period was the Mosque of Seville nowadays. Only a few parts have been preserved:

  • Patio de los naranjos
  • The “minaret” today is known as the Giralda

5.Nazarí period (13th-15th century)


The materials were poor but covered with plasterwork, marble, sebka, and tiles. As for constructive elements, the most common are the round arches and the white marble columns with thin shafts and Corinthian capitals.

Since Granada was the capital of Al-Andalus during this time, all the representations of this period are in La Alhambra. 

Some parts worth mentioning are:

  • Patio del Cuadro Dorado.
  • Patio de Comares.
  • Patio de los Leones.

Famous Islamic Art in Spain

Unfortunately, there remain very few Islamic art sculptures and paintings in Spain. However, we know that Muslim decorative arts varied, ranging from ceramics to carpets, fabrics, and goldsmiths.

Among the few sculptural works that have been preserved, it is worth mentioning the bronze fawn from the Madinat as-Zahra Palace in Cordoba. 

In painting, it is of particular interest the fresco on tesso painted on the vault of the Sala de los Reyes of the Alhambra with courtly themes and hunting.

Which city in Spain has a famous old mosque?

The oldest mosque in Spain is the Mosque-Cathedral of Córdoba. It used to be a mosque, although nowadays it is a catholic cathedral.

What was the Islamic capital of Spain?

The capital of Islamic Spain has varied throughout the years. 

Firstly, the capital changed between Seville and Cordoba during “Valiato de Al-Ándalus” between 711 and 756 CE. 

Later on, in 756 CE Abd al-Rahman III declared religious independence and proclaimed “El Califato de Córdoba” in Cordoba as its capital.

Lastly and due to the reconquest, in 1238, the “Emirato de Granada” was established. Granada became its capital until 1492 when the Catholic Monarchs overthrew King Muhammad XII.

More Tours in Spain

  • The Best of Seville: Culture, art, and history
  • Nature, art, and history in Catalonia
  • Multicultural Spain: Madrid & Barcelona
  • Mediterranean Spain
  • Madrid in-depth surroundings
  • From Quixote to Columbus
  • Beyond Art & Architecture: Madrid, Bilbao, and Barcelona
  • The Ancient Roman Route: The Silver Route
  • Pilgrimage from Fatima to Lourdes
  • Hidden Jewels of Andalusia

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Discovering Muslim Spain

Bringing to life the history of al-andalus  fully accompanied by a professional local guide, 6 days - 5 nights from £550.

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Journey to Southern Spain to discover the secrets of the magnificent land of Al-Andalus. 

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A land that was ruled by the Muslims for almost 800 years. During their reign they transformed a backward society to the most sophisticated and advanced in Europe. Whilst the rest of Europe was enveloped in the gloom of the ‘dark ages’ Muslim Spain was perhaps the epicentre of knowledge and education for the whole of Europe and beyond. Street lights, paved roads, advanced irrigation systems, universities, and great men of learning were common place in Al-Andalus in stark contrast to the rest of Europe.

We invite you on this eye-opening journey that will truly bring to life the history of Al-Andalus. A journey that will take you on an emotional rollercoaster – there will be times of happiness as well as times of sadness. 

To really discover the secrets of this amazing land, we think it is essential to have local expert guides who can help us uncover the many secrets that are waiting to be discovered. 

We promise that this will be an experience that you will not forget for a very long time!

Available Tour Dates (6 Days - 5 Nights): ​​ ​ ​ ​​ ​ ​​​​​​

17th - 22nd June 2024

15th - 20th July 2024

19th - 24th August 2024

09th - 14th September 2024

14th - 19th October 2024

18th - 23rd November 2024

23rd - 28th December 2024

PICK UP & DROP OFF TIMES – Pick up  from Malaga (AGP) Airport, flight should arrive before 12.00pm – Drop off  to Malaga (AGP) Airport, flight should depart after 12.30pm

Day 1 - Malaga Airport to Cordoba 

After meeting at Malaga Airport we will proceed to Cordoba. We will arrive at lunch time, you can have free time for lunch, After lunch we will visit the Great Mosque of Cordoba, the Bridge of Musa ibn Nusayr, Calahorra Tower, which are the main visits of the day. After the guided tour, there will be free time in the old quarters. Overnight in Cordoba. 

Day 2 -  Cordoba to M.Azahra to Seville

After Breakfast we will visit Madinah Al-Zahra archeological site and an interactive Museum. It was the City of the Umayyad Khalifa during the 10th Century, it represents the pinnacle of Muslim rule in Spain. Afterwards we will proceed to Seville. Here we will visit the Royal Alcazar, a Christian Palace built by Muslim craftsmen with unique mudejar decoration; the Giralda Tower; the former Minaret of the Mosque of Seville from the year 1182. Plaza España is our last stop in Seville, we will try to view the sunset here. After the guided tour, there will be free time in the Muslim quarters to explore and for shopping. Dinner and overnight in Seville.

Day 3 -  Seville to Granada

After Breakfast, we will continue our journey to Granada (2hrs). On arrival in Granada we will check-in at the hotel to freshen up. In the evening we will visit the Albayzin, former Muslim quarters, enjoy panoramic views of Alhambra. Dinner and overnight in Granada.

Day 4 -  Alpujarra Mountains

After Breakfast we will make our trip to the Alpujarra mountains, where the last Muslims of Al-Andalus were living and practicing Islam for more than 150 years after the fall of Granada. New Muslims are living here now, some with their own olive plantations, possibly the very same olives trees that were once planted by the Muslims who fled to these mountains hundreds of years ago. We will visit the traditional village of Pampaneira, where you can see the local carpets, the chocolate factory, traditional houses, and the beautiful architecture of the place. We will have lunch in a local restaurant, and after this we will go to the countryside, where you can walk around the orange orchards and olive trees. We will return to Granada where you will have free time for shopping and exploring the area. Overnight in Granada.

Day 5 -  Alhambra, Granada

After breakfast we will visit the Alhambra, the most visited monument in Spain, and the best preserved medieval Muslim royal palace in the world. During our visit we will walk in the royal houses of the Muslim sultans from the Nasrid dynasty, founded by Muhammad al-Ahmar, and we will “Read the Alhambra”, by following the Arabic inscriptions on the walls, full of du’a, Qur’an, poetry and more. We will then visit the main Masjid of Granada, where we will offer prayers. For the rest of the day you will have free time to relax, explore and shopping. Overnight in Granada

Day 6 - Granada to Malaga Airport

After breakfast, we will head to Malaga Airport according to the drop off time. If you want to stay longer in Granada or Malaga, we can help you to arrange a public bus to Malaga Airport on your departure day.

* There may be minor changes to the itinerary & including switching days

This package includes: ​

Accommodation in good quality hotels

Services of an experienced local guide

Guided visit of every city focused on the Islamic Heritage tour itinerary 

Entrance tickets to various sites

Ground transportation in Spain

HALAL RESTAURANT GUIDE  (Cost of meals not Included)  Our guide will accompany you to the restaurants where you can order and pay for the meals

Not Included: ​

Extras in the hotels

Lunch and dinner

Tips for the guide (tips 5€/person/day are expected)

Price (per person) Sharing Twin/Triple Room

Adult Rate : £550*

Children Rate (Age 3-9): £350*

Infant Rate (0-2): £100

Additional single room supplement fee: £150

Full payment required with booking.

Price does not include tips for driver and guide.

SEVILLE: EXE Sevilla Macarena 4 Star (or similar)

CORDOBA: Ayre  EXE Las Adelfas 4 Star (or similar)

GRANADA: EXE Triunfo 4 Star (or similar)

All hotels will be confirmed prior to departure.

How to Book : 1. Please call us to ensure we still have availability on your chosen departure dates

2. Book your flights (taking into account drop-off and pick-up times) - Please call us if you need help with arranging flights

3. Complete  booking form

4. Make payment by bank transfer:


Sort Code: 20-08-98

Account Number: 90918997

Reference: Please insert your postcode

Passports must be valid for at least 6 months from the date of travel. If you do not hold a British passport, please ensure you acquire the necessary visas prior to departure. 

Important notes; Flights are not included, please ensure to book your flights according to the airport transfer times outlined above.

Entrance to the Alhambra Palaces is subject to securing the entrance tickets.

Call Now To Enquire: 0121 753 7890 

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Ancient Architecture

from ONLY £799 pp

Embark on an extraordinary journey through the heart of Islamic Spain with Ustadh Asim Khan in our exclusive Andalusia Heritage Tour. Explore the most significant historical and cultural sites in Cordoba, Seville, and Granada, delving into a captivating blend of rich Islamic influences.

In Cordoba, marvel at the majestic Mosque-Cathedral, a symbol of Andalusian Islamic architecture, and stroll through the enchanting streets of the old town adorned with remnants of its rich past. In Seville, immerse yourself in the intricate beauty of the Alcazar Palace and wander through the charming alleys of the historic Jewish Quarter.

No visit to Andalusia is complete without experiencing the breathtaking Alhambra Palace in Granada, a masterpiece of Islamic art and architecture. Witness the stunning gardens, intricate tilework, and ornate arches that embody the essence of Moorish culture.

For nature enthusiasts, our Andalusia Nature Tour offers an exploration of the region's picturesque landscapes, from the majestic Sierra Nevada mountains to the tranquil olive groves of Jaen. Hike through scenic trails, discover hidden waterfalls, and marvel at the beauty of the Andalusian countryside.

Join us on our Andalusia Highlights Tour, a comprehensive journey through the best of Islamic Spain, encompassing the iconic landmarks, natural wonders, and culinary delights that define this enchanting region.

Experience the magic of Andalusia with Ustadh Asim Khan as your guide. Subscribe now to be among the first to uncover the details of this unforgettable adventure!  For more info  contact our team in London.

- Hotel Stay:

Cordoba - 4* Ciudad de Cordoba Hotel or similar (2 nights)

Seville - 4* Sevilla Palmera Hotel or similar (2 nights)

Granada - 4* Gran Luna Hotel or similar (3 nights)

- Breakfast

- Ground Transportation

- Fees for attractions as per itinerary

- Scholar (Ustadh Asim Khan)

- Team Leaders from UK


- Flights (Can be arranged with our Team)

- Extras at Hotel

- Any tips for Hotels or locals

Basic Tour Itinerary

Wed 7 aug day 1 seville arrival.

Arrival at seville Airport.

Transfer to the Hotel for check in and freshen up.

Evening Walk in Seville Plaza España.

Overnight stay in Seville.

Thu 8 Aug Day 2 Seville & Cordoba 

Breakfast at Hotel and Check Out.

Walking Tour in the Muslim Quarters of Seville, Jardines de Murilos.

Visit The Royal Alcazar.

Photo stop at Giralda Tower, Torre del Oro (Golden Tower).

Transfer to Cordoba.

Check in to Hotel.

Short evening walk in Cordoba before or after Dinner.

Overnight stay in Cordoba

Fri 9 Aug Day 3 Cordoba

Breakfast at Hotel

Visit the Mosque of Cordoba and a Walking Tour of Cordoba's Muslim Quarter.

Pray Jummah at the Cordoba Mosque.

Short rest at Hotel, Freshen Up.

Visits to the Calahorra Tower Museum and The Bridge of Musa Ibn Nusayr. Enjoy a beautiful sunset on the bridge.

Sat 10 Aug Day 4 Cordoba, Medinat Azahra & Granada

Visit the Medinat Azahra's Archeological Site.

Transfer to Granada.

Stop in the traditional rest area for Olive oil and local souvenir shopping.

Lunch and Hotel Check In.

Evening Visit of Albayzin Quarters and Granada Mosque with a panoramic view of Al Hambra Palace.

Overnight stay in Granada.

Sun 11 Aug Day 5 Granada & Alhambra

Visit the Alhambra Palace and Generalife.

Walking Tour of Granada City Centre, Visits to Alcaiceria and Plaza Bibrambla and Plaza Nueva. A nice opportunity to try some traditional Churros!

Mon 12 Aug Day 6 Alpujarra Mountains

Breakfast at Hotel.

Transfer and excursion to Alpujarra Mountains.

Photo stop at Nasrid Bridge and visits to the Fortress of Lanjaron as well as the traditional village of Pampaneira where you can visit the authentic houses, the Chocolate Factory and view the famous local Carpets.

Go back to Granada

Tue 13 Aug Day 7 Granada, Costa del Sol & Seville

Transfer to Seville via Costa Del Sol.

First stop in Nerja's Balcony of Europe. With spectacular views to the mediterranean sea.

Second stop in Fuengirola Town.

Prayers at local Masjid and continue to Seville.

Check In to Hotel

Wed 14 Aug Day 8 Airport Transfer

Transfer to Seville Airport to depart.

Basic Tour Details & Inclusions

4/5* Accomodation


Expert Guides

& Lunch

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In the Grand Mosque of Cordoba

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By Ustadh Asim Khan


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Visit Al Andalus

BEST SELLER DEPARTURE TOURS upcoming dates 2023 ...

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We invite you to join us in rediscovering the Muslim heritage of Southern Spain , by the hand of the second generation of Spanish Muslims , come and discover our history with this premium tour.


Malaga, Cordoba, Seville, Granada, Ronda, Alpujarras

6 Days | 5 Nights

spain islamic tours


We invite you to join us in a journey of discovery, experiencing the ancient Muslim culture of Morocco , its architecture, its handcrafts and its exquisite cuisine. In this tour we will be able to visit 2 continents , Africa and Europe, by crossing through the straight of Gibraltar to Tarifa in Spain .

Marrakech, Rabat, Tangiers, Seville, Cordoba, Granada, Toledo, Madrid

8 Days | 7 Nights


Spain tours.

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spain islamic tours


Madrid, Toledo, Cordoba, Granada, Seville

This halal tour is made for those who wish to visit Andalusia and get a full view of its history , landscapes , and heritage .

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Barcelona, Madrid, Toledo, Cordoba, Granada, Seville

11 Days | 10 Nights

This halal tour is made for those who wish to visit Spain and Andalusia for a full experience of history and culture in a relaxed way .

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Morocco tours.

spain islamic tours


Casablanca, Marrakech, Fez, Rabat

7 Days | 6 Nights

This halal tour is made for those who wish to visit the Regal and Monumental beauty of Morocco .

spain islamic tours


Casablanca, Fez, Erfoud, Merzouga, Ouarzazate, Marrakech

9 Days | 8 Nights

This halal tour is made for those who wish to visit  Morocco`s most iconic cities, experience and explore its natural beauty.

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10 Days | 9 Nights

This halal tour is made for those who wish to visit Morocco at its full in a relaxed way.

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Casablanca, Rabat, Meknes, Fez, Erfoud, Ouarzazate, Marrakech

Tailor Made Tours

Visit Al Andalus Tailor Made Tour services is aimed at providing the guests with a unique made to measure traveling and tour experience. The concept is to combine what you want and how you want it with our expertise on the field to create a unique tour package to answer you expectations and wishes on how you want to travel.

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Client Testimonials

The people are hospitable, accommodating and all around amazing. If you plan to tour Spain, don’t do it alone! These guys are rock solid (Masha’Allah)! Thank you for an amazing experience
Tour was amazing and the guys behind it ensured we are comfortable and accommodated to our needs! Highly recommended!
Love the place, beautiful view, great people, superb hospitality, knowledgable and super friendly guides. Makes u comfortable, feels like home, and the tourguides, makes u feel like you’ve known them forever. Take some time to visit Al Andalus, feel the magic when u know about the past and the present.

spain islamic tours



Visit Al Andalus

Visit Al Andalus Tours by Astrolab Travel Group. Visit Al Andalus halal tours is a fully licensed travel and tours agency with registry number CIAN 187722-3, based in Granada, Spain. We love what we do and we are constantly working to create and offer the best halal tours in Spain, Portugal and Morocco.


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 +34 685 259 782  /  +34 722 393 033


© Visit Al Andalus Tours Aviso legal: Real decreto legislativo 1-2007. Ley general para la defensa de los consumidores y usuarios. Ley 34-2002. Ley de comercio electrónico.

Visit the fascinating legacy of Islamic Spain

Spain tours  , al andalus essential, 6 days / 5 nights, al andalus heritage, 7 days / 6 nights, spain & morocco, 9 days / 8 nights, spain discovery, 10 days / 9 nights, spain fashion & shopping, 7 days /6 nights, morocco tours  , royal morocco tour, desert experience tour, morocco legacy, spiritual morocco tour, 8 days / 7 nights, morocco coastal tour, portugal & combined tours  , portugal experience tour, 11 days / 10 nights, portugal discovery, spain & portugal, morocco, spain & portugal, honeymooners  , relaxing al andalus tour, morocco senses, romantic portugal, al andalus jewels, honeymoon selected hotels, customized tours, executive services, meetings & incentives, events & wedding, production services.


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Halal And Muslim Friendly Tourism in Spain, Portugal and Morocco

Tourism is usually considered to be a quest for change and novelty. However, there are many tourists who also seek a sense of familiarity and

spain islamic tours

The Ultimate Muslim-Friendly Guide to Travel in Spain

Islamic Spain tours are gaining more and more popularity every day. Reasons for this include Spain’s rich Islamic history, ease of travel, and stunning halal

spain islamic tours

Tips For Malaysians And Indonesians Travelling To Spain

One of the best places to visit in the world is Spain. Every year millions of people flock to Barcelona, Madrid, and the rest of


Travel | Tours Muslim Friendly Tours Spain, Portugal & Morocco! Customized Tours & Travel Management.

Astrolab Travel Group

Omeya Tours is a fully licensed travel and tours agency with license number CIAN187722-3, based in Granada, Spain. We love what we do and we are constantly working to create and offer the best halal tours in Spain, Portugal and Morocco and soon the rest of the world.

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© Omeya Tours Aviso legal: Real decreto legislativo 1-2007. Ley general para la defensa de los consumidores y usuarios. Ley 34-2002. Ley de comercio electrónico.

Privacy overview.


Andalusia Muslim Tour 6 Days – 590€

  • Book the tour

Southern Spain Andalusia Muslim Tour

Visit seville, cordoba, granada, alhambra & alpujarra .

In the   Andalusia Muslim Tour,  you will be able to visit and learn the Islamic heritage of Spain by the hand of a local Muslim guide, who specialises in the Islamic heritage of Spain. This tour have monthly departures through the year, choose your dates and join the tour. As a  Muslim Travel Agency , all our services are directed for Muslim travelers, so we take care of the Halal Restaurants  and  Prayer Times . There will be time to meet the new Muslim Spanish communities, reviving this Islamic heritage of Spain, using the Moorish architecture in their houses, having olive trees, farms, gardens, and growing up vegetables and fruits, following the Muslim agriculture of Andalusia. You will be able to pick the fresh fruits from the trees and eat it!


  • 2024 Jun 17th – 22nd
  • 2024 Jul 15th – 20th
  • 2024 Aug 19th – 24th
  • 2024 Sep 9th – 14th
  • 2024 Oct 14th – 19th
  • 2024 Nov 18th – 23rd
  • 2024 Dec 23rd – 28th

If you want to Travel in Different Dates, or you prefer to travel only with your family, Simply Request a Private Tour


All Departures are confirmed


Pick up: from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm in Malaga (AGP) Airport Drop off: 10:30 am at Malaga (AGP) Airport. Please make sure that your flight is after 12:30

  4* HOTELS : 5 nights in nice and clean hotels in every city   TICKETS: Mosque of Cordoba, Medinat Al-Zahra (Cordoba), Royal Alcazar (Seville), Alhambra Palaces (Granada)   BREAKFAST: 5 breakfast at hotels MUSLIM GUIDE: English speaking local Muslim guide   WATER: Free water every day  ALL TRANSFERS: We cover all transfers. New and fully AC bus. Relax and enjoy!



The type of transportation will depend on the group size. 5 seats Car (up to 3 persons) — 9 seats Minibus (up to 8 persons) — 24 seats Bus (from 9 persons onwards) 


FLIGHTS are NOT INCLUDED in the package . You have to arrange your own flights according to the pick up and drop off times. LUNCH & DINNER . Our guide will always bring you to the Halal restaurants, where you can order and pay. TIPS. 30€ per ADULT .

PRE-ORDERD MEALS. 15€ per Meal . Welcome Meal and Alpujarra mountains Meal will be Pre-Arranged, as that is the only and best way to offer you the best Service and Halal Restaurant on these Days.


ADULT RATE  Sharing TWIN ROOM: 590€ INFANT RATE  Age 0-2: 100€ CHILDREN RATE  Age 3-9: 350€

TO STAY IN SINGLE ROOM:   150 € extra


Dont Worry! you can Cancel Free of charge up to 15 days before the tour. We will refund you the full Deposit.

Malaga Airport-Cordoba(1:30hr)

Cordoba-m.azahra-seville(1:30hr), seville-granada(3hrs), alhambra and granada, alpujarra mountains & jumaa, granada-malaga airport.

Alhambra Tour Granada Islamic Heritage

Tour Reviews

An amazing 5 day Andalusia tour with Ahmad from Ilim Tour. Ahmad, our tour guide, gave us (myself and my 2 teenage children aged 16 and 18) in-depth information about each of the sites we visited in Cordoba, Seville and Granada and modified our tour to suit the interests of me and my teens (e.g we hiked near Alhambra and also looked at some of the works of the professional grafitti artists around Granada since my daughter loves contemporary street art). Ahmad had an easy going personality which was perfect for our group. He was also considerate, always asking if we wanted to walk or take the car to the next site. There was no hassle trying to find good food in a new country, as Ahmad not only knew all the halal restaurants, but which ones specialised in which types of food. We were always offered at least 2 options for restaurants for lunch and dinner. Ahmad also knew where all the mosques where (mosques are not easy to find in contemporary Spain), and set aside time in the program for salah. Yasin was our guide for Alhambra. His passion for the palace and it’s Islamic history as well as his knowledge of Arabic, art and history brought this beautiful palace to life. In conclusion, great food, considerate tour guides and awe-inspiring sites. We would love to book another tour in future with the wonderful Ilim Tour guides.

Highly recommended for friends who travel to Andalusia with guide Yasin and Bartoloming driver. Guides help in providing travel and kosher meals. And the driver is very comfortable so it can be rest during the ride on the bas starting seville sd madrid. Thank you all for the next trip.

Our Andalusian trip in December 2015 was simply unforgettable. We were a group of 6 adults and a 6-month old baby, but traveling was made easy as Yasin was very accommodating to our needs. Yasin’s vast knowledge of Islamic history is impressive indeed and the stories and experiences he shared with us were nothing short of amazing. We thoroughly enjoyed our holiday thanks to Ilim tour and hope to travel with them again insyaAllah!!

Bismillahirrohmanirrohiim, we are a group of Doctors,lecturers and profesors of Muhammadiyah and Islamic University,and families,about 40 person,are very impressed during visit to Spain,Andalusia Muslim tour, Amazing. we got lessons about the History of Islamic glory in the past that helped brighten of European civilization.there are the Islamic heritage buildings still well preserved until now.We visit Alhambra palace,Cordoba,Seville, Madrid Barnebue stadion and beautiful scene from town to another town. This tour become interesting and memorable becouse we got a guide who understood and served us “with heart and full of patience” becouse our groups is over 50 YO….ha ha.. the guide is Yasin Maymir….Halloo…Yasiiin, becouse of you we are now still in a group “alumni of spain tour”…and we have periodic gathering, for preparing another tour. Oh ya,in this tour we have good Hotels,halal food and comfortable Bus for trasnportation. our suggestion may be in the future the bus will prepare WIFI. we have chance to Sholah/pray in Mosque or small mosque (Musholla) and we have chance to met our Muslim brothers during travel form one city to another city.During the trip Yasin always explain the scenery surround it…If you will hold tour to Andalusia muslim tour , i recommend to contact Yasin Maymir….in Ilimtour Andalusia Muslim Tour and Travel. it”s better for Indonesian tourist we prepare guide that can explain in bahasa… Indonesia”Ayo Yasin kamu harus belajar bahasa Indonesia”…I plan to visit Spain again with group of Directors of Jakarta Islam Hospital…InsyaAllah…aamiin *****

I knew a little bit about Andalusia from an old history. But when our daughters sponsored us to go there with a special tour guide, Yasin, oh my God it was more than just a tour. We have seen most of the world, but with Yasin (a native Spanish muslim in our side all the time during our tour), nothing is missed. I highly recommend if you wanna visit to get historical insight of the Islamic Civilization in Europe (Andalusia) as oppose to just having some pictures taken, go with Yasin. He is simply the best and very friendly. See you again Yasin…….

I experienced the Andalusia tour with my mum, 2 year old daughter and some lovely Muslims from Singapore and Australia. The trip was first class from start to finish. Our main tour guide, Alaudin, was brilliant. He was always punctual, shared his in-depth knowledge of Andalusia and took us to restaurants with delicious and affordable halal food. Yasin took us on a tour of the Alhambra palaces and gardens and it was like stepping back in time many hundreds of years. I have come away knowing much more about Islamic history and feel so happy that Yasin and his team are organising these wonderful tours. Thank you once again for an unforgettable trip. I wholeheartedly recommend this tour to anyone looking to experience Islamic history, make new friends and enjoy beautiful Spain.

Me and my daughter enjoyed an excellent guided tour of Muslim Seville, Cordoba and Granada. Our tour guides Yasin, Alaudin and Rafa were outstanding in their delivery of information- they all spoke with passion and deep knowledge and understanding of their Spanish Muslim past; it was as if they were retelling a drama and made history come to life. Moreover the incorporating of the daily prayers was built in to the schedule making this a truly Muslim tour. Alaudin took us to mosques and family run restaurants that only a local would be able to find. Well done to Yasin’s excellent organisation!

Awesome tour, nice places to visit, spiritually inspiring for Indonesian muslim visitors because they provide comfortable vehicles and hotels with very helpful and kind driver and especially tour guide who is able to speak bahasa Indonesia and having very good knowledge about Islamic histories and cultures of places and buildings visited. Thanks for Yassin ! ???? Barakallah ! Very recommended !!!

Our group booked this tour group to Seville, Cordoba and Granada. we were picked up and dropped off at Malaga airport. It is a full service tour, included travel in private taxi, 4 star hotel stay and paid entry with guide to all historical sites. The tour guide was a young man with a very pleasant and helpful personality. He was very knowledgeable about Arabic and Islamic Spanish history. His translations and knowledge about the Arabic inscriptions were very impressive. One day he arranged dinner at a local farm, it was a wonderful experience and the Moroccan food was excellent. I would strongly recommend Ilimtour.

We had a wonderful experience in Andalusia. Yasin and Alaudin were great guides and very knowledgeable! They would go all out to help us when they can. We would surely book with them again if we were to visit Spain again. Loved the trip very much! Thank you Yasin and Alaudin!

We were a group of 7 adults from Singapore who toured Andulusia in Sept 2015. It was indeed a very memorable and educational trip as Yasin Maymir of Ilm tour has explained passionately about the different cities of Andulusia. Yasin Maymir was not only our tour guide but also a caring member to us. He went all out to help recover a lost luggage of one of our members. It was indeed a relief for us when we finally got the luggage. Yasin also spent so much time with us till late night making sure that we have good meals and hotel accomodation before going home. He has indeed an immense knowledge of the cities and a very fun guy to be with. He even brought us to his parents’ home and olive farm. It was indeed a pleasant and memorable experience there. We also got a chance to meet his two beautiful daughters and wife. Yasin is indeed a trustworthy person as he only collected the money for our land package on arrival in Madrid. We always recommend Ilim tour to others as it was so easy to book and to communicate with Yasin through whatsapp. We are truly blessed and appreciative to have met Yasin, his family and people of Andulusia. Hope to visit Spain again one day insyaa Allah. All the best and great success in your touring business!

I had the privilege of experiencing one of the most fascinating trips in my life. Our guide mr. Yasin Maymir was very kind and very fun to be around with. He also contained an extensive amount of knowledge of the islamic heritage in Andalucia. Allhamdulilah this trip was quite unforgettable.

Our tour guide’s name was Mohammad Scott. Not only was he knowledgeable but also very punctual, friendly and polite. We had a great time and made beautiful memories. Would highly recommend!

This was a tour we will never forget. Although we visited in 2014 we still have vivid images of the places we visited with Yasin. He was with us every step of the way. His insight and knowledge of Islamic history is phenomenal. Every place we visited became special after he gave us such a vivid and comprehensive history of it. Our knowledge of the slendour and magnitude of the contribution that the Moors made to Medicine, science, philosophy increased by leaps and bounds with each day on the Islamic tour. We enjoyed it so much that we keep recommending the tour to family and friends. We always talk of going on other tours with Yasin and his Tour company.

The best guided tour that I and my wife had experience.

The best vacation ever!! Yasin Maymir of Ilm tour has given us an amazing journey that both culturally enriching and spiritually uplifting. He started the journey by picking us up from a hotel in Malaga on March 30, 2017 that he booked for us even though it was not part of the package. From that date to our departure on April 3rd, Yasin Maymir was not only a tour guide but a caring member of family to us. He has immense knowledge of the places we visited and very fun guy to be with. He made us feel at ease at all time. My two teenage kids, my husband and I looked forward to see him each and everyday. We were sad when our visit came to and end. We wish we could go longer. As soon as we got home, I told every holiday makers I know about how amazing Ilm tour was. The hotels type and location he selected for us were great. The restaurants he took us were superb. Until now, we’re still reminiscing how great the foods, the places and the people he took us to. We can’t thank him enough for such an amazing journey. We will definitely take another tour with Yasin Maymir of Ilm tour God willing!!

Very good service and very nice trip Alhamdulilah

Probably one of the best ways to explore Andalucia, san a private tour! Yaseen was attentive while booking the tour; he was a great help with prompt suggestions and kind feedback. Our guide Mohammad Scott was incredible. He was friendly, helpful, kind, and very lovely. My mother and I joined the trip, and at one point we faced some health issues. Scott was very helpful; he helped us explore our options, and spoke on the phone in Spanish whenever we couldn’t find someone who spoke English. He made sure to check up on us and see that everything is settled. The driver was competent and lovely himself. The tour itself was well-organized, informative and entertaining. Hotels and transportation were excellent. Overall, great value for the trip and I have already recommended Ilimtour to family and friends. Just make sure you have a pair of really comfortable shoes because there us a lot of walking.

We went on tour 2 weeks ago and absolutely loved it. Our tour guide Alauddin was brilliant..we gained a lot of knowledge from him. There was 11 of us in total and we were all grateful that we had him as our guide, its hard to find someone so kind and helpful, when he dropped us off at the airport it felt like we were leaving a family member behind. If we ever go Spain again we will definitely be contacting this company and requesting for Alaudin. The places we visited were so beautiful and everything was sorted out for us, didnt have to worry about booking hotels, finding transport etc. Also felt so good skipping all the queues outside the palaces and it was nice to have someone with you that can help translate. Definitely recommend to other, you will not regret it.

Me and my sister went for the September tour, as our first holiday in Europe. Got to say it was memorable. We went to many beautiful places and we met wonderful people on the tour group which was amazing. We also met the Muslim community of the towns we visited which was awesome. Our tourguide Ayman was very kind and showed us around to all the cool places as well, even when we were not doing the tour and went to hang out afterwards. I would recommend this organisation to everyone, it was not regrettable!

We went on the Andalusia tour last week and I can safely say that it has been one of the best trips we’ve been on. It was truly an unforgettable experience. We learnt so much about the history of Muslims in Spain, and we got to meet local Muslims and visit orange and olive trees farms. Thanks to our amazing guide Yasin. He is a great example of a true Muslim, and is a very compassionate and caring soul. He took such great care of us and made us feel like family. It is very rare in this day and age to find someone of such high akhlaaq (manners). Highly recommended.

We would like to thank Yasin, Aiman and Abu Bakar for making our trip an unforgettable experience. We when to the Andalusia trip (12 nov 2018) the history, scenery and even brought us to mingle with the local muslim for the jumaat prayer it was an unforgettable experience. Yasin even cater to our individual flight timing. We strongly recommended them.

19 March 2019. I was a bit hesitant to book this tour at first, but my worries dissipated when I read the other positive reviews. As a start, Leilya provided detailed answers to my (inquisitive) email queries. The online registration went very smooth. Our tour guide Malik Gil spared no effort to make our experience of Spain a memorable one for my family of 4 (My two teenagers 13 & 14 remained focused the entire time). Armed with top communications skills and English fluency, Malik adapted the program after our keen interest in the people of Spain. (If you are like me and welcome the opportunity to mingle with locals, your tour guide will offer you the opportunity to meet some great folks – We had 3 meals in the company of local families). The other tour guides from the company (Yasin, Alauddin, Scott as well as a few others) came accross to us as people who genuinely love their work. I make the intention to return to Spain Insha’Allah one day. I give this tour company a solid 5 star rating for its professionalism & customer service. Keep it up!

I was a bit hesitant to book this tour at first but I am so glad I did. I had the pleasure of being part of Mohammed Koka’s tour group and had one of the most amazing experiences. Along with the usual, extremely beautiful tourist hunts, we also got to experience the local Muslim culture and had the opportunity to dine with a local Muslim family. Everyone we met that was associated with this company was extremely kind and open. This was definitely an unforgettable experience and I highly recommend booking a tour through Ilimtours, you definitely won’t regret it!

Traveling with Illim tours was such a wonderful experience. I came in with very little knowledge of what to expect and was pleasantly surprised with all of the activities planned out for us. I enjoyed learning about Islamic history from the locals and exploring all of the beautiful and diverse landscapes of Andalusia (although it did look very similar to California). Our tour guide Mohammed Coca, ‘Coca’, as he’s called was rather laid-back but very willing to adjust our travel plans to meet everyone’s needs. He was a captivating story teller and a great tour guide overall. We were traveling with a 3 year old in our group (my nephew) and Coca was always mindful of the fact that we may have to take things a little slow or rest in between outings and my sister and the rest of the group appreciated that. Throughout this tour, you see so much of Andalusia and it does not feel as overwhelming or unpersonalized than if we were to have traveled with a bigger tour group. On top of learning about the Islamic history, we had dinner with a local family in Cordoba and gained some insight into what it is like being a Muslim in Spain. One thing that was not my favorite was the quality of the beds at the hotel we stayed at in Granada (the longest stay overall). They were rather old and hurt my back after the first night, so I would recommend seeing if it would be possible to get better beds or stay at a different hotel in Granada. Also, I was a bit disappointed that we did not go to the olive oil orchard and see how olive oil is processed. I suspect we did not have time since I was leaving early from Granada, but I was still very much looking forward to this part of the tour. Other than that, it was a great experience and I highly recommend to any Muslims looking for a different type of vacation experience.


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9 Must-See Andalusian Islamic Heritage in Spain!

Disclaimer: We independently evaluate all recommended products and services. If you purchase on the links we provide, we may receive compensation at no extra cost to you. Learn more .

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If you’re wondering, “Which part of Spain has Islamic history?”, the answer is none other than Andalusia, Southern Spain.

A Muslim-friendly solo trip to Andalusia is simply incomplete without visiting Andalusia’s Islamic Heritage, such as The Alhambra, and Cordoba Mezquita, to name a few.

While these Islamic sites in Spain are undoubtedly famous throughout the world, there are also other options that you should consider!

Read on to know the entire list of 9 Must-See Andalusian Islamic Heritage in Spain!

Alhambra Palace-Fortress Complex  in Granada

Top of the list when it comes to Andalusia’s Islamic Heritage is none other than The Alhambra.

One of the most famous Islamic monuments in the world is this palace and fortress, which was  the royal residence of the Nasrid Dynasty of Granada , also known as the Emirate of Granada, who were the Moorish monarchs.

Spain for Muslim tourist

Some top sights you can’t miss out on are the Nasrid Palaces, where you can see the Court of the Lions, Janat-al-Arif (known as Palacio de Generalife), and the thriving vegetation around the Alhambra.

  • Address: C. Real de la Alhambra, s/n, 18009 Granada, Spain
  • Opening hours: 8:30 am – 8:00 pm daily
  • Alhambra Map  for your visit.

Mezquita de Cordoba (Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba)

One of Europe’s most significant Islamic Historic Places is the Mezquita de Cordoba.

Initially built as a mosque, known as  the Mosque of Abd al-Rahman I , this monumental site has expanded as the years passed.

Today it operates as a Cathedral. So, you can’t pray inside during your visit.

Andalusia Islamic Heritage

However, you can still see traces of Islamic structures like mihrab, the Islamic slogan of La Ila Ha Il Allah engraved on the wall, and of course, its famous  Andalusian Red-and-White colored horseshoe arches .

Go on  the best of Cordoba  tour to hear the hidden stories of the Mezquita, and understand which part of it is the Islamic area and which part has expanded. This tour also includes a visit to the Old Jewish quarter, so absolutely worth going on!

  • General Visit Entry Fee: 11€ per adult
  • Address: C. Cardenal Herrero, 1, 14003 Córdoba, Spain
  • More information  here

Madinat Al-Zahra, Cordoba

Another significant Islamic site in Spain is none other than Madinat Az-Zahra.

Madinat al-Zahra is a 10th Century city of the Umayyads, and it was built from scratch by order of the Caliph!

Here, you see ruins of rooms that illustrate the luxury and extravagance of the town, Aljama mosque, and The Alcazar — where  the Caliph used to live .

Madinat Al-Zahra

In the end, you’ll see the beautiful Gardens with a backdrop view extending over Wadi al-Kabir valley and the whole of Cordoba.

  • Address: Ctra. Palma del Río, km 5.5, 14005 Córdoba, Spain
  • Click  here  for the latest opening hours

The Minaret of Seville’s Great Mosque — La Giralda, Seville

Seville has a city symbol that will instantly make one recognize it: the bell tower of Seville Cathedral.

It is a city symbol and a sign of Seville’s Islamic History.

This bell tower is iconic, making it one of the important Islamic sites in Seville.

This tower was once  the minaret of Seville’s Central Mosque .

Seville Giralda Islamic Heritage

Opening hours:

  • Monday: 11:00 am – 3:30 pm (free tour with audio guide in Spanish and English – advanced booking only from 4:30 pm – 6:00 pm)
  • Tuesday – Saturday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Sunday: 2:30 pm – 6:00 pm

Address: Av. de la Constitución, s/n, 41004 Sevilla, Spain

Arab Baths of Ronda

One of the important Arab cities (medina) in Spain is Ronda

A hidden treasure of Al-Andalus is the ancient Arab Baths in the legendary town of Ronda.

What’s interesting about this Islamic Heritage in Spain is  the sophisticated water system using a traditional Moorish waterwheel  to deliver water from the Las Culebras stream.

Arab bath in Ronda, Spain

You can also see different types of bathing rooms from cold, warm and hot.

Because the Moorish people were Muslims, these baths also served as ablution areas before praying at the Mosque next to it.

  • Address: Calle San Miguel, Barrio de Padre Jesús, s/n, 29400
  • Click  here  for opening hours and the latest admission ticket price.

The Real Alcazar of Seville

For the remains of Seville’s Muslim History, check out the Real Alcazar of Seville.

Built by Abd ar-Rahman II as a fortress, the  Real Alcazar (also known as Dar al-Imarah) is the oldest palace in Europe  and is still used as a royal residence.

Seville Islamic History

If you don’t want to join the guided tour, get the Skip-the-line tickets to the Giralda here .

  • Address: Patio de Banderas, s/n, 41004 Sevilla, Spain
  • Opening hours: 9:30 am – 5:00 pm daily

The Alcazaba of Malaga

If you’re solo traveling to Malaga, the Alcazaba is an Andalusian Islamic Heritage that you should check out.

Alcazaba tour in Malaga

The Alcazaba was built atop a hill in the city by the same  Moorish rulers who constructed the Alhambra  on the ruins of a Roman bastion.

Here, you can see impressive details of Andalusian architecture, tranquil gardens, and of course… a panoramic view of the sea from the Alcazaba.

Also, if you want to know what life was like during the Andalusian period,  joining a guided tour  is a must, as you can hear how Muslims then lived and hidden tales of this palace.

Address: C/ Alcazabilla, 2, 29012 Málaga, Spain

Palacio de la Madraza (Madrasa of Granada)

Islamic Heritage in Andalusia

Founded by Nasrid monarch Yusuf I,  Palacio de la Madraza was once the Muslim School of Koranic Law  site.

Since it is located in Granada, you can expect the interior to be similar to the architectural styles, like the Moorish tiles, identical to the ones in Alhambra.

Today, this Madraza is now home to Granada University and is located opposite the Royal Chapel.

  • Address: Calle Oficios, 14, 18001
  • Opening hours: 10:30 am – 8:00 pm daily.

Albaicin Old Town , Granada

While in Granada, don’t forget to stroll around and explore Granada’s most beautiful district, Albaicin!

Albaicin tour

Also known as Albaycín,  this UNESCO World Heritage site  is the remains of the Arab quarter, rich with Moorish and traditional Andalusian architecture, like remains of  minarets and Spanish-Arab cisterns  adorned with flowering balconies and cobbled medieval streets.

Albaicin is located on the adjacent hill in front of the Alhambra, and is separated by the Darro river.

The Albaicin is also where you’ll get to access the Grand Mosque of Granada.

If you want a complete Islamic Spain tour, do both the Alhambra and the Albaicin so you’ll get a complete  Islamic Heritage tour  understanding in Granada.

Sacromonte tour in Granada

But if you would like to experience the Albaicin,  sunset’s the best time for exploration  as you can see the city’s best spots during the best time of the day.

Takeaway — 9 Must-See Andalusian Islamic Heritage in Spain!

There you have it, the best nine Must-See Andalusian Islamic Heritage in Spain!

We hope this has given you inspiration on where to stop by in Spain for a life-changing experience that will take you back to the times the Moorish ruled Andalusia.

For other inspirations on what to do in Andalusia, check out this post on why Muslim Solo Travelers should visit Andalusia or ask our Community for insights from other Muslimah Solo Travelers .

Safar Salama Tours

Andalusia: Explore The Greatest Spain Islamic Heritage

by Safar Salama Tours | Apr 15, 2019 | Blog , Malaga , See & Do | 0 comments

Spain today is a country with a majority population of Christians. But a lesser known fact is that Muslims conquered and ruled a region of the country called Andalusia or Al-Andalus, at the time, for several centuries. These days were some of the most prosperous times in the history of Al-Andalus, and one of the best examples of minorities -the Christians and Jews- living peacefully in the Andalusian Umayyad dynasty, which lasted from 756 to 1031, and was referred to as “the golden age of tolerance”.

spain islamic tours

A Brief History of Moorish Spain

Andalusia, known as Al-Andalus was a Muslim territory in today’s Spain and Portugal. The era of Muslim rule began when Tariq Ben Ziyad conquered Andalusia in 711 AD in an attempt to free the region from the Visigoths who were wreaking havoc in the area. History states that he arrived with 7000 of his men and claimed victory, after which followed a period of Islamic rule, which lasted from the eighth to the fifteenth century. This time period Is also often referred to as “Moorish Spain”.

What to see

Andalusia is situated in the southern region of the Iberian peninsula and is made up of several cities, such as Seville, Malaga, Jaen, Almeria, Cordoba, Cadiz, Granada, and Huelva. Seville is the capital of Al-Andalus. Andalusia is a region that has it all, from ancient cities to mountainous ranges, picturesque beaches to deserts.There are also several historical attractions and landmarks that one could visit to get an insight into the days of Islamic rule on Muslim-friendly travel to Andalusia. Islamic architecture in Spain is intricate and ornamental, with delicate designs and high arches. The outside walls are usually made of stone, stucco, and plaster.

The Alhambra Palaces in Granada

This beautiful historic palace is set against a backdrop of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Al Hambara is known as “red fort” or “red palace”, because of the color of its surroundings. It was originally built in 889 AD on Roman ruins as a small fortress during the Muslim rule. Afterward, it remained abandoned until its renovations in the mid-13th century.

Today, it is one of Spain’s most famous attractions, and definitely a place not to be missed on an Andalusian holiday. Here, you can so many amazing things like the Patio of Lions, the Justice Gate, and more. Depending on the time of visit, you might have to book your spot in advance as it can get pretty busy. Tickets cost 14 euros for adults, and 9 euros for disabled persons. Children under 12 are allowed free admission.Address: Calle Real de la Alhambra, s/n, 18009 Granada, Spain. Open Hours: Tuesday – Saturday: 9 am – 6 pm, Sunday: 9 am to 3 pm (Mondays closed) +34 958 02 79 71

Alhambra de Granada Private Tour Muslim friendly travel

The Royal Alcazar of Seville

This is an ancient royal palace in Spain that was built by the Muslim kings of Moorish Spain. Even today, this is considered to be one of the most beautiful palaces in Spain and is one of the most outstanding examples of Mudejar architecture in the Iberian peninsula. It is also aUNESCO World Heritage Site. The upper levels of the castle are still occupied by Spain’s royal family as the official Seville residence currently.Tickets to visit the Alcazar of Seville cost about 10 euros normally. You do not have to book ahead, although you might experience long queues at times.

Address: Patio de Banderas, s/n, 41004 Sevilla, Spain. Hours: Monday – Saturday: 9:30AM–5PM +34 954 50 23 24

Alcazar Seville Andalusia Islamic Heritage Tour

The Giralda Tower in Seville

Originally built as a minaret of the Aljama Mosque during Moorish Spain, today the Giralda serves as the bell tower for the Seville Cathedral. It is one of the most iconic landmarks in all of Spain, but few know the Islamic history it holds. It was gazetted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the year 1987. The building remained the tallest in the city for over 800 years. Although it no longer holds the title, you can climb to the top and experience amazing views of the city.

Address: Av. de la Constitución, s/n, 41004 Sevilla, Spain.

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 Plaza De España in Seville

The Plaza De Espana in Seville is one of the best symbols built for the Ibero-American Exposition World Fair in 1929, along with being one of the most beautiful pieces of Neo-Mudejar architecture. This grand building is definitely something you cannot miss on your Andalusian travel itinerary.Not only is the Plaza De Espana an amazing sight to see, there are also plenty of things to see around it, including a beautiful park with ponds and birds. There is also plenty of activity going around at various times of the day, like flamenco dancers!

Address: Av de Isabel la Católica, 41004 Sevilla, Spain

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La torre Del oro

Torre Del Oro, translating to “Tower of Gold”, was constructed in the early 13th century by the Almohad Caliphate. The top of the building served as a military watchtower in Seville while the actual tower was used as a prison in the Middle Ages. It is one of the most popular Andalusian attractions for visitors of all kinds, and a great place to witness a bit of history of Moorish Spain. Address: Paseo de Cristóbal Colón, s/n, 41001 Sevilla, Spain. Hours: Monday – Sunday: 10:30AM–6:45PM. Phone: +34 954 22 24 19

spain islamic tours

Albaicin or Albayzin as it was known during the Muslim rule of Spain is a region of Andalusia that that is a great place to visit. Even today, you can see the narrow winding streets as it existed during the days of the Nasrid Kingdom of Granada. This is often known as “the Arab quarter” or Granada and is one of the best places to witness Moorish architecture. Other attractions you can visit in Albaicin include Carrera Del Darro, one of the oldest streets in the region, Church of San Salvador, a 16th-century mosque that was built over an Albayzin mosque, and numerous 11th-century Arab baths that used to be part of the Mosque of the Walnut Tree. This is also one of the best places to find Halal food in Andalusia.

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The old Mosque of Cordoba

The Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba is also known as the Great Mosque of Cordoba and Mezquita. Although its name contains the word “mosque”, it is also a Catholic Cathedral called the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption. It was one of the biggest mosques in the world, and it’s unique design reflecting the harmony between the Muslims, Christians, and Jews.The history of the building goes even beyond Moorish Spain. It was originally a small Visigoth temple that was converted and expanded into a mosque by Abd al-Rahman in 784. But when the rule of Cordoba returned to the Christians, it was converted back to a Roman Catholic Church. Still, it is known as one of the most accomplished achievements of Moorish Spain and its architecture is something to see on your Andalusian holiday.

Address: Calle Cardenal Herrero, 1, 14003 Córdoba, Spain

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The Alcazaba fortress of Malaga

The Alcazaba is a beautiful Moorish fortress in Malaga that was built in the 11th century by the Hammudid dynasty. It is known to be the best-preserved Alcazaba in Spain today, and one of the two Moorish fortresses in the city.This fortress whose name translates from Arabic to “citadel” is located at the base of the Gibralfaro hill. The view from the top overlooks the busy port city and has a gorgeous garden to explore as well. There is also a small archaeological museum located at the former servants’ quarters where you can see exhibits of Moorish pottery and ceramics. Address: Calle Alcazabilla, 2, 29012 Málaga, Spain. Phone: +34 630 93 29 87

Toledo’s Old City

The city of Toledo is built atop a rugged hill atop the plains of Castilla-La Mancha in central Spain. This city has a long and winding history, starting from the pre-Islamic era of the Romans, to the Visigoths, the Muslims, and then finally, the Christians. As such, the city holds pieces of each of these times in history. There are a number of ancient buildings to visit where you can witness the remnants of Moorish Spain, like the Bisagra Gate and the Sol Gate.

Archeological site of Madinat Al-Zahra

Situated little ways outside Cordoba, this was a Moorish city built by Abd ar-Rahman III, the first Umayyad Caliphate of Cordoba. It took him 25 years to build the city, and it was magnificent in its day. He chose this place to build his palace because of its beautiful landscape, as it lay facing the valley of Guadalquivir river.

Today, most of the city that remains are the ruins of the once majestic city-palace, but there are several fragments of the buildings remaining. You can visit the palaces, the offices of former government heads, the sprawling gardens and the Abd ar-Rahman III hall, one of the most beautiful and ornamental places in the entire city. It is one of the most important Andalusian attractions to see on your Muslim-friendly holiday to get an insight into Moorish Spain. If you are an EU resident, entrance is free. Otherwise, a ticket cost 1.5o euros. There is shuttle service at the bottom of the hill to take you to the site entrance

Address: Ctra. Palma del Río, km 5.5, 14005 Córdoba, Spain. Hours: Sunday: 9AM–3PM, Tuesday – Saturday: 9AM–6PM (Mondays closed) Phone: +34 957 10 36 37 Website:

Medina Al Zahra archeological site Cordoba Travel

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Cordoba Spain Islamic Tour


Spain islamic heritage tour.

A big welcome is reserved for you in Spain by our staff who hand-picked this historic tour for you. Spain is known for its Moorish Heritage due to an Islamic civilization that thrived here for eight hundred years leaving an everlasting legacy nowhere else to be found. Today Spain is a Catholic country and Spaniards never discriminate against other beliefs. Over two million Muslims live side by side with their fellow Christians in harmony and mutual respect. The Muslim community enjoys total freedom to practice its rituals, as well as the norms of prayers, and, has its infrastructure well set for visitors of the Islamic faith. You will find mosques and places set for prayers, halal markets, and restaurants to enjoy all staples unique to Spain. This Tour is a journey through the intricate history of Muslim Spain visiting the highlights of historical importance. We will make sure that you will visit the best Islamic landmarks of Toledo, Sevilla, Cordoba, Granada, Ronda, Malaga, Aranjuez, and Madrid. Enjoy your trip with your tour manager who is scholarly trained to give the layers of Islamic History and architecture of Spain.

Cross-Cultural Services is offering special Islamic Heritage journeys and trips in Spain to take Muslim visitors through an engaging, insightful tour into this important period in world history. Enjoy and explore the forgotten Islamic civilization of Spain guided by local Spanish Muslims. The package includes Meeting you at the airport of Madrid as you arrive, all local transportation, 4* hotels with breakfast, local Spanish Muslim guides and entrance fees to sights we visit, museums and other monuments, all taxes, and more.

Spain first Islamic capital tour

Day 1: Arrival at Madrid Airport

Arrival at Madrid Airport Barajas. Meet and greet with our local representative and transfer to the hotel. We arrange for prayers in Spanish Mosque. Our small group starts visiting the most important and historical monuments such as Plaza España and Plaza del Sol. Dinner will be taken in a Halal restaurant at 21.00 h. approximately and then, check-in to hotel and relax.

Day 2: Madrid - Toledo

Breakfast will be served in your hotel at 9.00 approximately, and later, transfer to Toledo, the oldest towns in Europe and has great artistic beauty and buildings from almost all periods in history (Arabian, Gothic, Mudejar, Renaissance and Baroque style of architecture). Toledo is called the “City of the Three Cultures” since Christians, Muslims, and Jews lived together. In the XVI century, it was also the place of residence of the great painter El Greco. We will make a Panoramic Tour of Toledo by Bus, with a photo stop in Mirador del Valle. At 14.00 h. have lunch. After that, we will make walking tour Visiting Square Zocodover, Street of Commerce, Damascena Workshop and the Former Mosque of Bab Al-Mardum. Your private guide will take you on this monumental city tour for most of the afternoon. Free time for shopping if it is possible and have dinner at 21.00 h. approximately. Check-in at the hotel and overnight in Toledo.

Day 3: Travel from Toledo to Granada

Breakfast at 8.30 h. At 9.00 h. departure to Granada, which trip will take approximately 4 hours. Once in Granada, have lunch in a specialized-Moorish restaurant food at 14.00 h. After that, take a little break at a hotel in order to relax a little before your local guide meets you and continue visiting the city center. At 17.00 h, visit Albaicin quarter with the most spectacular viewpoints, such as San Cristobal, San Nicolas or San Miguel, where the visitant can feel all Granada's beauty from different perspectives, and Elvira Street, the largest and main road during the Islamic age in Granada. Dinner at 21.00 in a halal restaurant. Afterward, transfer to the hotel and check-in.

Day 4: Granada guided tour

Breakfast at 9.00 h. Then, transfer to the Alhambra so as to, at 11.00 h., discovering Granada’s beautifulness through visiting the most famous archaeological remains like The Alhambra: Palace, citadel and fortress, residence of the Muslim sultans who inhabited the kingdom from the ninth century, and where they left all their wit and wisdom represented through their works. In addition, visit the Generalife Gardens: Fountains, gardens, and courtyards whose sights and sounds have inspired the minds of writers like Washington Irving and his "Tales of the Alhambra”. After that, at 14.00 h, have lunch in a halal restaurant and break at the hotel. At 18.00 h, visit the city center where there will be free time for shopping. At 20.00, dinner and back to the hotel.

Day 5: Travel from Granada to Malaga

Breakfast at 9.00 h. at the hotel. After that, transfer to Málaga, one of the oldest cities in Europe with a rich historical past marked by the passing of Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, and Muslims. The guided tour starts in Alcazabilla Street, close to the Roman Theatre and the Cathedral of Malaga, where we will know about the Muslim legacy in a city they inhabited for eight centuries. Have lunch at 14.00 h approximately. Then, in the city center and next to the sea, we find the Alcazaba of Malaga, one of the city´s most important monuments well-renowned for its beauty and history. This fortress was built in the XI century as a castle that became a fortress. We will wander along with its main rooms as our local guide reveals many other curiosities: Plaza de Armas, Puerta de Los Arcos, Cuartos de Granada, the Torre del Homenaje, and much more. Free time and in the evening, have dinner at 21.00 h, and finally, check-in at hotel and overnight in Málaga.

Day 6: Malaga - Costa del Sol

Breakfast at 9.00 h. at the hotel. Then transfer to Marbella, a shopper´s paradise with its many hypermarkets, supermarkets, designer boutiques, and back street tourist shops. Free morning for shopping. Have lunch at 14.00 h. approximately and, in the afternoon, continue shopping until 17.00 h. After that, transfer to Torremolinos, in order to walk along its award-winning beaches. In the evening, have dinner at 21.00 and check-in at the hotel to relax.

Day 7: Torremolinos - Sevilla

Breakfast at 9.00. Next, transfer to Seville, which arrival will take 2 hours approximately. Once there, visitants will be able to know the Andalusian capital in depth by visiting the Royal Fortress, the main representative Islamic remains as well as Giralda or Gold Tower. Lunch in a specialized-fish restaurant at 14.30 h. After that we will be visited Tetuán Street for the purpose of buying whatever visitants want. Then, in the afternoon, free time for shopping. Dinner at 21.00 and check-in hotel. Overnight in Seville.

Day 8: Seville City Tour

Breakfast. As it is commonly known, Ishbiliya or Sevilla is Spain’s most beautiful city. The Muslims left a rich legacy in this historical city that gave birth to a culture that was the epitome of the refinement of the Moorish-Andalusian heritage. Visit what was once the main mosque, which was demolished and replaced by a Gothic Cathedral. Visit Spain Square, located in the Parque de María Luisa, built-in 1928 for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929; stop by the Golden Tower, built in the 13th century by the Almohad dynasty in order to control access to Seville via the Guadalquivir river. visit Plaza España and a walk around Guadalquivir River in order to contemplate the Gold Tower. Around 21.00 h., have dinner and later, check-in in the hotel and relax.

Day 9: Sevilla to Cordoba

Breakfast at 9.00 at the hotel. Check out and transfer to the magnificent city of the Caliphate “Córdoba”. Start your city Muslim Heritage tour in Qurtuba with a stroll through the cobbled streets of this jewel city of the Middle Ages. Be spellbound by the Mezquita, the exquisite mosque started by Abdul Rahman I and expanded by his successors. The Great Mosque -Aljama- of Córdoba as it is also known, built during the period of Moorish governance in the most splendid Islamic monument in the western world. Its construction commenced in 785 when Abd Rahman established Córdoba as the capital of Al-Andalus; it was extended during successive periods by Abd Rahman II, Al-Hakam II, and Almanzor sultans. Have lunch at 14.00 h approximately. In the afternoon, after lunch, we will continue with the visit of a Twelfth-Century House that retains the intimate atmosphere of Hispanic-Muslim houses, with an exhibition of Arabic coins, decorative items, etc., of the Andalusian Muslim period. Have dinner and later, check-in at hotel, dinner, and overnight in Cordoba.

Day 10: Cordoba Guided Tour

Breakfast at the hotel. Departure to visit Medinet Al Zahra, the magnificent and mysterious city that Muslim King Abd-al Rahman III had built at the foot of Sierra Morena, eight kilometers from the city of Cordoba, contains, even in its name, legendary stories. Back to Cordoba and have lunch at 14.00 h. In the afternoon, a complete tour through the rest of the Islamic heritage of Cordoba: Calahorra Tower, Roman temple in the center of the city, Roman bridge, as well as walking on its flowery main streets. If it is possible, free time for shopping. In the evening, have dinner and back to the hotel.

Day 11: Cordoba - Aranjuez - Madrid

Breakfast at hotel at 9.00 h. Then, departure to Madrid in order to spend the last day the best as we could. But, before, we will make a stop in Aranjuez, the historic city of southern Madrid. Once there, we will know about all its history and visit all the main monuments such as the Royal Palace, Isabel II gardens, Island garden… Have lunch and in the afternoon, free time shopping for some souvenirs. At 15.00 h. transfer to Madrid again, in order to visit some of the monuments we could not visit the first day, such as Bernabeu, Retiro Park or Debod temple. In the evening, have dinner and check-in in the hotel to spend the last night in Madrid.

Day 12: Madrid - Home

Breakfast at hotel at 8.30 h. Later, depending on the Flight Departure, we might go to “Las Rozas” Factory Outlet, where you can have free time for shopping. We will Transfer to the airport 4 hours before flight departure.

  • Eleven nights accommodation in 3 star hotels
  • Land Transportation in a Deluxe Van
  • Multi Lingual Tour Manager and local guides
  • Hotel Taxes and Baggage handling
  • Halal Breakfast and Dinner daily

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Alcazar Tours

Morocco Tours

Portugal tours, spain tours.

  • Customize it

spain islamic tours

Our discounted Morocco trips.

Alcazar Tours Inc. is a Muslim travel agency initially founded in response to the low-quality supply for Muslims traveling Halal. The mass-market mentality of Muslim travel and tourism to Morocco, Spain, and Portugal was exploited mainly by tour operators of mass tourist markets designed for profit only.

Muslim travel has its particularities; Alcazar Tours, Inc. sets out privately to create a new approach to Muslim travel in Spain and Morocco for groups and private tours. Respectfully and adequately, these group tours are distributed in different regions, creating opportunities for the Muslim traveler and local people to connect spiritually and share Islamic values and Sufi teaching in remote areas. You can travel with a small group or in a private. We can customize it, especially for you in Spain and Morocco, emphasizing Islamic education and Sufi environment preservation since 1994.

We became the first tour company to create group scheduled programs and private itineraries to develop Muslim-responsible travel when others were busy focusing on mass tourism in the big cities, resorts, and beaches. Alcazar Tours, Inc. is incredibly proud of the reputation we have earned supplying Muslim Travel to Spain, Morocco, and Portugal. You can join our scheduled halal tours with a group tour, or you can contact us if you prefer independent tours that we can customize specially for you at all budgets. Also, we have since developed Sufi programs with integrity.

Morocco Muslim Vacation pacakges. Islamic Tailored Private Trips.

Morocco islamic tours.

Morocco is one of Africa’s most geographically, culturally, and socially diverse Muslim Countries, and it is spectacularly beautiful and rewarding to discover and explore. Visiting Morocco or taking a Muslim … Heritage tour will offer the best combination between a European country and an African/Arab one, whether you join one of our pre-packaged tours or set for a personalized private trip customized just for you. Only eight miles separate Tangier from Spain at the straight of Gibraltar so that you can extend your Spain quest to a short trip to Morocco from Spain for one day or multiple tours. A spectacular cross at the straight of Gibraltar where the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea meet. Traveling to this Islamic destination of Morocco from Spain will give you the ultimate grip on ancient Islamic history and countless civilizations that swept through for thousands of years.

Most importantly, the Moorish Heritage in Islamic Spain. This Muslim Cherifian Kingdom of Morocco is an enticing country to visit for Muslims from around the globe; a destination endowed with beautiful landscapes, great food, and Music, some of the most crucial metropolia of Islamic and Sufi teachings, like Fez, Tangier, and Marrakech not to speak of the Sahara holy cities like Sijilmassa and Zagora to Tombouktou, some of the highest mountains on the continent, and is laced with fertile plateaus and plains giving way to the Atlantic Ocean where you can enjoy natural beaches and aquatic sports, it is home to the ancient cedar forests of the Middle Atlas Mountains where you can hike and trek endlessly, to the most spectacular dunes of the Sahara desert where you can camp, ride camels and enjoy the African starry skies at night. Morocco is also known for its diverse geography, landscapes, architecture, history, sacred Music, and chants of Sufi and Islamic faiths, not to forget the culinary art of best Tagines and Halal cuisine. Cooking classes in Morocco are an experience among many activities on your tours to Morocco. We invite you to join one of our pre-packaged Islamic heritage tours to explore the beauty and charm of this destination, whether in a Heritage group tour or simply as Muslim private FITs personalized as a private journey if you prefer independent travel. We can custom design the best Morocco Muslim tour for you.

Muslim Heritage Tours to Spain

Spain is a land of stoics and mystics, poets and painters, dreamers and realists, music, and great Halal food; Spanish cuisine is known around the globe for its exoticism and zest. Evidently, by visiting Moorish or Muslim Spain in one of our set scheduled group tours or a personalized private journey, we will custom design just for you; you will explore Spain’s intricate tapestry of colors and shapes to realize why the Muslim Moors referred to it as “the ultimate paradise.” We intend to assist travelers in unlocking Spain’s magic and mystery to introduce you to its people’s zest for life, loyal friendship, and unsurpassed hospitality. Spanish culture is rooted in Spanish music and dance, arts and architecture, spirituality as Islamic and Sufi values, and love for esthetic beauty. Culinary arts of Halal tasting would encourage you to take cooking classes and other activities on your tour. Spain’s cuisine diversity and variation make it one of the best countries in the world for Muslims to visit and enjoy a rewarding trip. If Tourism in Spain has been booming for decades, this only proves that Spain has much to offer for tourists, whether Muslims or not. Spain is a spectrum of cultural, adventure, spiritual, and artistic Painting. Many Muslim Tour itineraries are available for you to choose from. Again, the excellent flamenco music of all time is one of Spain’s attractions. Alcazar Tours, Inc. offers fully escorted and guided Muslim tours to Spain in small groups and individual FITs to all kinds of visitors of the Islamic faith and other confessions. For those who discriminate against group tours, we have reserved the right for them to customize a private tour for their party, such as a small family tour traveling together or a small group of friends based on Islamic norms of halal food and respect for Islamic rituals. Discover the Magic of Spain group tours and private journeys with Alcazar Tours and Services Muslim Tours in Spain. You will undoubtedly fall in love with Spain.

Portugal Cultural Tours

Portugal is one of Europe’s oldest countries, so it is worth it to venture for a cultural trip with a small group or personalize a private journey to Portugal; we are here to assist you with all your travel arrangements to Portugal. Endowed by the most enticing landscapes that vary on every horizon, Portugal remains a travel destination yet to be discovered. Join one of our pre-packaged tours to explore the Portuguese people’s nobleness and unsurpassed hospitality. We should not forget that historically, Portugal was also a Muslim Dominion in the Middle Ages so that you can extract hidden treasures about the Moors and at the peak of Islamic Civilization. Even today, one of Portugal’s large provinces is still called Al Garve, which means “West” in Arabic. When Muslims ruled the Iberic Peninsula, Spain, and Portugal, they called that part of the empire simply the West. The Portuguese people have long inherited so much from Muslim life and teaching and kept all that is so beneficial and progressive to improve their life holding on a large part of Arabic terminology still used in Portuguese today not to speak of rituals and beliefs that is still noticeable today. Islamic heritage tours to Portugal are worth discovering as they emphasize Portugal’s cultural and historical aspects. Andalusian influence of 800 years of history has marked its imprints of Islamic civilization in Portugal to reckon with.

Another thing not to forget is that Portugal has occupied the western shores of Morocco for 500 hundred years, lived side by side with Moroccans to the point ethnologists and linguists can sometimes get confused about which is Moroccan versus Portuguese due to what is shared in daily lives and the intermarriages with Muslims, the influence of Muslim scholars and thinkers, the arts and crafts we share not to forget that it was customary for notable families and nobles including kings to marry Berber women known for their unsurpassed beauty and sophistication. The cultural and artistic exchange between Southern Europe, especially the Iberic Peninsula, and North Africa is thousands of years old. You are about to embark on a trip to discover the marvels of Portugal, whether you travel with our pre-packaged tours or prefer independent travel so we can personalize a memorable private trip just for you. Alcazar Tours is totally at your disposal. Islam and Sufism teachings are still a way of life in a Catholic nation so rooted in Islam. Here is another European Country for Muslims yet to be discovered. Join one of our cultural, adventure, or Muslim tours to Portugal. Your satisfaction is guaranteed as we offer the best-customized services to Portugal at the best price.

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Miloud was more than a driver on our trip with Alcazar Tours. He felt more like a friend. He had such a diverse and deep knowledge of the areas of Morocco. We felt the passion and sincerity in his guidance and the history of Morocco. He gave us excellent recommendations for dining. He is an honest and trustworthy guide. My husband and I had a great time. We would highly recommend it!!

Miloud is a creative, thoughtful, caring tour leader. He can work with all ages and any number of guests. His love of Morocco and many contacts make time with him very special. We spent 11 days in his company and found it hard to say goodbye. Morocco lives long in our travel memories because of his detailed care. We highly recommend Miloud and Alcazar Tours to everyone who wishes to discover the realm of a cultural tour to Morocco.

Excellent service!! The best driver in Marrakech. Very well-oriented and resourceful. The vehicle was always clean and airconditioned. He provided us with cool water every time. A+ services with Alcazar Tours.

Alcazar Tours

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Dar El Salam


Exploration • fun • relaxation, carefully curated travel for american muslims.

Embark on exhilarating journeys with your loved ones to some of the world’s most remarkable holiday destinations. Our destinations are thoughtfully chosen to offer you outstanding halal-friendly experiences . Plus, you’ll have the opportunity to bond with like-minded fellow Muslim travelers who understand your unique needs and create lasting friendships. It’s more than just a trip; it’s a chance to connect and meet Muslims from diverse communities, forging lifelong connections.

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Embark on our Japan Adventure for an enchanting fusion of time-honored customs and contemporary wonders. Immerse yourself in the lively atmosphere of Tokyo, uncover the tranquil splendor of Kyoto, and savor a seamless, Muslim-friendly voyage from start to finish

Discover the birthplace of Bukhari and Tirmidhi on a captivating trip to Uzbekistan. From the grandeur of Samarkand’s Registan Square to the historical charm of Bukhara, you’ll explore their legacies and the Silk Road wonders of Khiva and Shakhrisabz. Dive into the rich history and spirituality of Uzbekistan while experiencing its warm hospitality.

spain islamic tours

Traveling to Sicily as part of a Muslim group offers a unique opportunity to explore the island’s Islamic past. Sicily’s history during the Arab rule from the 9th century is a captivating chapter of cultural exchange and prosperity. Explore and admire Arab-Norman architecture and connect with the island’s rich cultural tapestry. Sicily’s Islamic roots await your exploration.

Spain - Al Andalus

Embark on a journey to Spain, where you’ll immerse yourself in its captivating Islamic heritage. Explore historic mosques, marvel at the enduring legacy of Arab influence in cities like Granada and Cordoba, and connect with the country’s rich culture. Spain’s Islamic roots are ready to be rediscovered on this unforgettable adventure.

spain islamic tours

South Korea

Join our South Korea Tour for a captivating blend of tradition and modernity. Explore Seoul’s vibrant streets, discover the serene beauty of Jeju Island, and enjoy a hassle-free, Muslim-friendly experience throughout your journey.

Colombia, a South American gem, offers diverse landscapes, vibrant culture, and rich heritage. From Cartagena’s historic charm to Bogotá’s cosmopolitan pulse, the country is a tapestry of experiences. With Amazon rainforests, the Andes, and Caribbean coastlines, its natural beauty is unmatched. Colombia’s vibrancy shines through festivals, music, and cuisine. In a Muslim group, you can savor halal dining and enjoy a supportive environment for your religious practices.

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Best of Turkey

Allow us to guide you on an enchanting journey through Turkey, where history and modernity seamlessly converge. Explore the mesmerizing architecture of Istanbul’s Hagia Sophia, indulge in the rich flavors of Turkish cuisine amidst bustling bazaars, and submerge yourself in Cappadocia’s unique culture with its otherworldly landscapes. Turkey’s diverse landscapes, storied history, and lively culture eagerly anticipate your exploration, ensuring an unforgettable travel adventure

Embark on a remarkable journey to Morocco, where ancient traditions merge with stunning landscapes. Explore the bustling markets of Marrakech, wander through the labyrinthine streets of Fes, and marvel at the architectural wonders of Casablanca. From the Sahara Desert’s majestic dunes to the vibrant colors of Chefchaouen, Morocco offers a mosaic of experiences that will enchant your senses and create lasting memories.

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The Blessed Sanctuary. The place that Allah Himself sanctified and blessed. A place that the heart of every believer is connected to. Our beloved Prophet (saws) encouraged us to pray in the 3rd holiest site in Islam. On this trip, fulfill that dream of visiting this blessed land and praying in Masjid Al-Aqsa.  Enjoy the honor of the multiplied reward of praying in Masjid Al-Aqsa, experience the religious and historical sites of the city, and meet the loving residents of this beloved city. The entire city and its surroundings are a blessed sanctuary, don’t miss your chance to be a part of that history. 

Alaska Cruise

Marvel at the magnificent creation of Allah SWT as you sail through the alpine frontier of Alaska, gazing in awe at the jagged peaks as they merge with clear pristine waters.  Alaska remains as one of our planet’s last remaining unspoiled destinations.  .

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Best of Egypt

Egypt is a place that takes you back in time, not only hundreds of years, but thousands, with a vast and rich history. Amongst the earliest civilizations, it was ruled by ancient Egyptian pharaohs, Persians, Greeks and finally by Muslims around 1400 years ago.

Kenya is the country where safari was born. Discover the dramatic Great Rift Valley, mountain highlands or the coastline of the Indian Ocean with its white sandy beaches. Kenya is also home of the Big Five and you will experience close encounters with lions, elephants, rhinos and many other wildlife. Book your safari to the world famous Masai Mara Game Reserve or Amboseli National Park, offering spectacular views Mt. Kilimanjaro towering at 5,895m

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Bosnia and Herzegovina

Step into Bosnia, a land brimming with history, breathtaking landscapes, and heartfelt hospitality. Prepare to be enthralled by its hidden gems and distinctive allure. Let the adventure begin!

With a mix of rugged jungles, active volcanoes and world-class beaches, Costa Rica offers some of the best natural sights and experiences in the world, all conveniently packed into one territory. Almost a quarter of the land is preserved within national parks, allowing a wide range of animals and plants to flourish, making Costa Rica an ideal destination for ecotourism. 

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Ukraine-Russia war latest: Putin warns Russia could provide long-range weapons to attack West - and issues new nuclear threat

Vladimir Putin has warned he could supply weapons to other nations to strike Western countries in a meeting with international journalists. The Russian president also reaffirmed the country's position on using nuclear weapons. Follow live updates below.

Thursday 6 June 2024 16:51, UK

Pic: AP

  • Putin warns Russia could provide long-range weapons to attack West
  • Lavrov: French military instructors in Ukraine would be 'legitimate target'
  • Ivor Bennett:  Why is Lavrov in Africa?
  • Ukraine peace summit 'opens door to limited talks with Russia'
  • Big picture:  Everything you need to know about the war right now
  • Your questions answered: Are there any signs of an underground resistance in Russia?

That's it for our live coverage of the war in Ukraine for today.

You can scroll through the blog below to catch up on the day's developments.

By Nicole Johnston, Asia correspondent in Beijing

Putin's St Petersburg summit comes right out of the same playbook as China's President Xi Jinping.

So how do you get a read on China's geo-political thinking? One way is by wading through the dry and detailed pronouncements of its president, that's where the nuggets are.

In 2022, Xi said: "The world today is undergoing major changes, unseen in a century.

"The most important characteristic of the world is chaos and the trend is likely to continue."

In the world according to Xi, the time is right to reorder global governance with China at its pinnacle, where it belongs. His view is that the US anchored world order is breaking down.

Many countries in the global south are on board with China, chaffing at the dominance of the US led international system and ready to countenance a shake-up.

Russia is in lock step with China. 

Both countries need each other. Though Russia needs China more, for trade and diplomatic cover.

In this great power rivalry, the China-Russian axis could draw in other regional disrupters like Iran and North Korea.

If that happens it will be a formidable alliance based on hostility towards the US, sympathy for Russia, a deep fear of subversion and in the case of China, a relentless goal to unify with Taiwan.

Ukraine's main hydropower company says it has initiated proceedings to secure damages for Russia's destruction of the Kakhovka dam and power station a year ago today.

State-run Ukrhydroenergo said it estimates the damage to be around €2.5bn (£2.12bn).

The explosion of the dam on 6 June 2023 - which sent huge amounts of water across swathes of southern Ukraine and left thousands of people without drinking water - was met with global outcry and accusations of a war crime.

"The company's actions aim to compensate for the losses caused by the destruction of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant," Ukrhydroenergo said in a statement. 

"The company believes that initiating international arbitration process is the most promising way to compensate for the losses." 

The firm said Vladimir Putin, his government and other authorised bodies had been informed.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Ukrainian first lady Olena Zelenska have arrived in Normandy for an event to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

French President Emmanuel Macron greeted the Ukrainian leader with a hug as he arrived, and the president was applauded as he went to take his place inside the event.

Several other political figures including UK defence minister Grant Shapps embraced Mr Zelenskyy as they greeted him.

Earlier, the Ukrainian president said he was "honoured" to participate in the anniversary event and said he would also take part in "important events and meetings aimed at strengthening our country".

"This event and day serve as a reminder of the courage and determination demonstrated in the pursuit of freedom and democracy," he said.

"Allies defended Europe's freedom then, and Ukrainians do so now. Unity prevailed then, and true unity can prevail today."

Earlier today we reported claims by Russian officials that Ukrainian drones hit an oil refinery and fuel depot in Russian border regions.

Rostov regional governor Vasily Golubev said an overnight drone attack struck the Novoshakhtinsk refinery, causing a fire to erupt. 

Meanwhile the governor for Belgorod, a Russian border region which has come under frequent Ukrainian fire during the war, said a drone hit an oil depot and caused an explosion.

No casualties were reported in either attack.

The trial of a US soldier accused of stealing is under way in Russia's far eastern city of Vladivostok.

Staff Sergeant Gordon Black flew to the city to see his girlfriend last month but was arrested after she accused him of stealing from her, US and Russian officials said.

The 34-year-old, who was on leave at the time, faces up to five years in prison if found guilty.

The US army said the soldier had not been given official clearance to travel to Russia's far east.

According to Russian news agency RIA, Sgt Black will give evidence during the trial and respond to the allegations against him.

He has been cooperating with authorities, the report said.

Following today's court session, Sgt Black's girlfriend, Alexandra Vashchuk, told reporters "it was a simple domestic dispute" during which the soldier "became aggressive and attacked" her.

"He then stole money from my wallet and I didn't give him permission to do it," she said.

Joe Biden has just addressed the crowds at the US national D-Day commemoration in Normandy, alongside French president Emmanuel Macron.

The US president began with a retelling of the devastation and evil unleashed on the world by Hitler and told the stories of some veterans in the audience.

"Every one of them knew the probability of dying was real, but they did it anyway," he said.

Mr Biden prayed that America never forgets the importance of alliances, noting NATO as the "greatest military alliance in the history of the world".

"Isolationism was not the answer 80 years ago, and it is not the answer today," he said.

"We know the dark forces that these heroes fought against 80 years ago, they never fade." 

He added: "The struggle between dictatorship and freedom is unending. Here in Europe we see one stark example. Ukraine has been invaded by a tyrant bent on domination."

Mr Biden continued: "Make no mistake, the autocrats of the world are watching closely.

"To surrender to bullies, to bow down to dictators, is simply unthinkable. Were we to do that, it means we would be forgetting what happened here on these hallowed beaches.

"History tells us that freedom is not free: If you want to know the price of freedom, come here to Normandy and look."

Russia has detained a French national on suspicion of collecting information on Russian military activity, investigators have said.

The man had visited the country repeatedly over several years, Russia's Investigative Committee said.

He's also said to have held meetings with Russian citizens.

The man has not been named.

The outcome of the US election this November is unlikely to have any impact on Washington's policy towards Russia, Vladimir Putin has said.

In comments cited by the Russian embassy in the UK, the Russian president said the Kremlin does "not think there will be any serious changes".

"You know perfectly well that the current developments in the US are political infighting; they are burning themselves out, their state and their political system," he said.

Democrat Joe Biden and Republican Donald Trump are their parties' presumptive nominees for the looming election.

Several polls are putting Trump ahead of Mr Biden, despite his recent criminal conviction.

Earlier this year, Mr Putin said he would prefer to see Mr Biden re-elected to the White House as he is "more experienced". 

But he has also enjoyed a previous good relationship with Trump, who has often praised his leadership. 

Hungary will attend a Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland next week despite Budapest strengthening its ties with Moscow.

Foreign minister Peter Szijjarto confirmed at an economic forum in St Petersburg that his country would be represented at the summit on 15 June.

The summit is aimed at building support among dozens of countries for a 10-point peace proposal from Volodymyr Zelenskyy, which includes Russian troops fully withdrawing from Ukrainian territory.

Russia has not been invited, and has branded it a waste of time.

Hungary, an EU and NATO member, has often pushed back against sending Western aid to Ukraine and has been critical of sanctions on Russia.

Vladimir Putin and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban also reaffirmed their commitment to bilateral ties during a meeting in October.

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  1. Islamic architecture in Spain: Top 8

    spain islamic tours

  2. The 5 Best Islamic Tours Of Spain [March 2024]

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  3. Islamic architecture in Spain: Top 8

    spain islamic tours

  4. Islamic architecture in Spain: Top 8

    spain islamic tours

  5. Islamic architecture in Spain: Top 8

    spain islamic tours

  6. The 5 Best Islamic Tours Of Spain [March 2024]

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  1. Tour of Islamic Spain

  2. The FINAL Expulsion of Muslims from Andalusia (1609 CE)

  3. Discover Seville, Spain: Unveiling the Rich History of Islamic Spain Tours #Seville #IslamicSpain

  4. Discover Seville, Spain: Unveiling the Rich History of Islamic Spain Tours #Seville #IslamicSpain

  5. Explore Seville, Spain: Food, Culture & Islamic Heritage Tours 🇪🇸✨ #IslamicSpain #Seville #Spain



  1. The 5 Best Islamic Tours Of Spain [June 2024]

    Famous Islamic Architecture in Spain. Muslim art, also known as Islamic art, is the set of artistic manifestations that occurred in the different religious areas of Islam. Islamic art and, in particular, Islamic architecture in Spain can be classified into 5 stages depending on the different reigns: 1. Cordovan or Caliphal Period (8th-11th century)

  2. Spain

    An 8-day tour bringing the history and heritage of Muslim Spain to life. See for yourself how over 700 years of Muslim rule left a legacy of Islamic Spain that remains today in the beautifully ornate mosques and palaces, as well as the rich local culture. ... Seville houses one of the most famous and iconic remnants of Islamic Spain ...

  3. Home

    Get the Best of Barcelona! A Complete Stop Over incl. a Free&Easy day. Muslim Packages Spain, Portugal & Mediterranean Tours. Prayer facilities & Certified Halal Food. Islamic Heritage programs, Shopping, Medical Trips & MICE.

  4. Let's go Halal: Muslim Tours, Trips & Holidays in Spain

    City guides, halal food, friendly hotels, Alhambra tickets. BEST deals in Andalusia, Madrid, Barcelona, Spain. Everything Muslim travellers need in just one click. Toggle navigation. Contact (+34) 699 988 712 Travel Agents ; Where to go; Experiences; Restaurants; Hotels & more;

  5. A Tour of Islamic Spain

    Journey to Southern Spain to discover the secrets of the magnificent land of Al-Andalus. A land that was ruled by the Muslims for almost 800 years. During their reign they transformed a backward society to the most sophisticated and advanced in Europe. Whilst the rest of Europe was enveloped in the gloom of the 'dark ages' Muslim Spain was ...

  6. Spain, Morocco & Europe Muslim Tour

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  7. Islamic Spain

    Embark on an extraordinary journey through the heart of Islamic Spain with Ustadh Asim Khan in our exclusive Andalusia Heritage Tour. Explore the most significant historical and cultural sites in Cordoba, Seville, and Granada, delving into a captivating blend of rich Islamic influences. In Cordoba, marvel at the majestic Mosque-Cathedral, a ...

  8. The Ultimate Muslim-Friendly Guide to Travel in Spain

    Islamic Spain tours are gaining more and more popularity every day. Reasons for this include Spain's rich Islamic history, ease of travel, and stunning halal food of Spain. With more than 80 million tourists visiting in the year 2019, Spain is the second most visited country in the world. Similarly, halal tourism has grown significantly.

  9. Visit Al Andalus Tours

    Visit Al Andalus Tours by Astrolab Travel Group. Visit Al Andalus halal tours is a fully licensed travel and tours agency with registry number CIAN 187722-3, based in Granada, Spain. We love what we do and we are constantly working to create and offer the best halal tours in Spain, Portugal and Morocco.

  10. Omeya Tours

    Omeya Tours is a fully licensed travel and tours agency with license number CIAN187722-3, based in Granada, Spain. We love what we do and we are constantly working to create and offer the best halal tours in Spain, Portugal and Morocco and soon the rest of the world.

  11. Spain Packages

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  12. Spain Muslim Tours

    Our Muslim heritage tours, journeys, and trips to Spain are hand-picked to take Muslim visitors through an engaging, insightful journey into this important period in world history. Enjoy and explore the forgotten Islamic civilization of Spain guided by local Spanish Muslims well trained Tour guides in 2024/2025.

  13. Explore Islamic Spain Tour: Resurrection Andalucia Tour

    Resurrection: Andalucia Muslim Heritage Tour 7D/6N. Ronda - Sevilla - Cordoba - Granada. Trip Dates. Ticket Price From £725. Reserve your spot today with only £60 deposit, with nothing else to pay until 8 weeks before your trip departure. Please read the 'Price' and 'Terms and Conditions' tabs before completing your booking.

  14. Alhambra Tour of Islamic Heritage

    He will Carefully explain the Rise and Fall of Islam in Granada, and connect with the history of 800 years of Islam in Spain. Furthermore, he will read for you the Alhambra Arabic Inscriptions. ... Thank you for sharing your article about Barcelona Tour for Muslim Travelers - Ilimtour Travel Agency. Jubril Alao. October 15, 2017.

  15. South Spain Muslim Heritage Tours

    Malaga: Hotel Las Vegas, 2 nights. Granada: Hotel Navas, 2 nights. Cordoba: Hotel Averroes, 1 night. Sevilla: Hotel Virgen de los Reyes, 1 night. Ronda: Hotel Los Moros, 1 night. A study tour of Islamic History in Andalusia south of Spain province. Travel with a small group and superb Tour guides in Spain.

  16. Andalusia Muslim Tour 590€

    Discover the Islamic Heritage of Spain in our Andalusia Muslim Tour for just 590€ Monthly Departures. All included: Muslim Tour Guide - Visit Cordoba, Granada, Seville, Ronda, Alpujarra - Transportation - 4*hotels - Tickets. Reduced groups: up to 15 people. Customized Private Tour can be organized.

  17. Sabikatours

    SabikaTours Travel Advantages. Travel with us and experience the essence of Halal tourism like never before. Our expertly curated itineraries cater to the unique needs and interests of our Muslim travelers, ensuring a safe and authentic journey. From comfortable accommodations to delicious halal food options, every detail is taken care of so ...

  18. 9 Must-See Andalusian Islamic Heritage in Spain!

    The Alcazaba of Malaga. If you're solo traveling to Malaga, the Alcazaba is an Andalusian Islamic Heritage that you should check out. The Alcazaba was built atop a hill in the city by the same Moorish rulers who constructed the Alhambra on the ruins of a Roman bastion. Here, you can see impressive details of Andalusian architecture, tranquil ...

  19. Andalusia Islamic Tour

    It is one of the most popular Andalusian attractions for visitors of all kinds, and a great place to witness a bit of history of Moorish Spain. Address: Paseo de Cristóbal Colón, s/n, 41001 Sevilla, Spain. Hours: Monday - Sunday: 10:30AM-6:45PM. Phone: +34 954 22 24 19.

  20. Home

    Discover MADRID. Get the Best of Madrid! A Complete Stop Over incl. a Free&Easy day. Halal Tours Spain, Portugal & Mediterranean Muslim Packages. Prayer facilities & Certified Food. Islamic Heritage Travel, Shopping, Medical Trips & MICE.

  21. Spain Muslim Heritage tours

    This Tour is a journey through the intricate history of Muslim Spain visiting the highlights of historical importance. We will make sure that you will visit the best Islamic landmarks of Toledo, Sevilla, Cordoba, Granada, Ronda, Malaga, Aranjuez, and Madrid. Enjoy your trip with your tour manager who is scholarly trained to give the layers of ...

  22. Muslim Heritage Tours to Spain and Morocco

    Alcazar Tours Inc. is a Muslim travel agency initially founded in response to the low-quality supply for Muslims traveling Halal. The mass-market mentality of Muslim travel and tourism to Morocco, Spain, and Portugal was exploited mainly by tour operators of mass tourist markets designed for profit only. Muslim travel has its particularities ...

  23. Tours

    Spain's Islamic roots are ready to be rediscovered on this unforgettable adventure. PLAN YOUR TRIP. South Korea. Join our South Korea Tour for a captivating blend of tradition and modernity. Explore Seoul's vibrant streets, discover the serene beauty of Jeju Island, and enjoy a hassle-free, Muslim-friendly experience throughout your journey ...

  24. Ukraine-Russia war latest: Putin warns Russia could provide long-range

    The US army said the soldier had not been given official clearance to travel to Russia's far east. According to Russian news agency RIA, Sgt Black will give evidence during the trial and respond ...