North American Division Club Ministries

Club Ministries

North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists

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Club Ministries

Investiture Achievement Curriculum


IA Director's Guide

This Director’s Guide will give you a complete overview of what is required for the completion of each level and some basic teaching tips you or the Instructors in your club can use to help Pathfinders complete the requirements. Investiture Achievement is for Pathfinders in grades 5-10 or their equivalent and it is divided into six levels—one for each year.

The Director's Guide is available for purchase at AdventSource online or you can download the entire PDF here.

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Investiture Achievement curriculum is the core of the Pathfinder ministry and will lead the Pathfinders in your club through an exciting journey as they learn and grow in their Christian experience.

The Investiture Achievement curriculum is for Pathfinders in grades 5-10 or their equivalent. As you review the requirements, you will see that they are aligned with the goals that are listed for each segment. Throughout the curriculum, special focus is given to creating a series of age-appropriate requirements that are sequenced to build from year to year, allowing Pathfinders to build on the skills previously learned. You are encouraged to use the best practices in education to meet the Pathfinder ministry goals.

The Investiture Achievement curriculum is divided into 6 levels: Friend, Companion, Explorer, Ranger, Voyager, and Guide ( see menu for each level ). Each level of the Investiture Achievement requirements are divided into seven tracks:

  • Personal Growth
  • Spiritual Discovery
  • Serving Others
  • Making Friends
  • Health and Fitness
  • Nature Study
  • Outdoor Living

Pathfinders who want to be invested in the Advanced level must complete all basic requirements plus additional requirements as listed in each track. They will also earn many additional honors as they complete the requirements in the Honor Enrichment track.

Requirements can be met in a variety of ways based on how each individual Pathfinder learns best. Each year that a Pathfinder is invested and advances to the next level the tracks remain the same as the previous year. However, the activities to fulfill the requirements change in order to allow each Pathfinder the opportunities to participate in new experiences and challenges and to practice skills and use information previously learned.

This curriculum is designed to create an ongoing learning environment. To maximize the success for each Pathfinder, club directors, instructors, and all Pathfinder staff must intentionally:

  • Inspire and motivate Pathfinders.
  • Emphasize quality, not quantity, of learning.
  • Build on knowledge that has been gained in earlier levels.
  • Allocate time to practice new concepts and skills.
  • Aim for understanding rather than memorization.
  • Consider developmental and individual abilities of each Pathfinder.
  • Employ effective and flexible strategies to aid learning.
  • Use concrete and meaningful activities.

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Seventh-day Adventists are devoted to helping people understand the Bible to find freedom, healing, and hope.

About the Adventist Church:

Service Vitality Spirituality Beliefs

  • Be a teenager 14 years of age, and/or in grade 9 or its equivalent.
  • Through memorization and discussion, explain the meaning of the Adventist Youth Pledge.
  • Be an active member of Pathfinders.
  • Select and read three books of your choice from the Teen Book Club list.
  • Make a written or oral presentation on respect for God’s law and civil authority giving at least 10 principles of moral behavior.

Spiritual Discovery

  • Study the personal work of the Holy Spirit as it relates to mankind, and discuss His involvement in spiritual growth.
  • By study and group discussion increase your knowledge of the last-day events that lead up to the Second Advent.
  • Through study and discussion of Bible evidence discover the true meaning of Sabbath keeping.
  • Have a current Memory Gem Certificate.
  • Read the books of Proverbs, Habakkuk, Isaiah, Malachi, Jeremiah or complete the Junior Bible Year reading program.

Serving Others

  • As a group or individually, invite a friend to at least one of your church or conference Teen/Youth Fellowship activities.
  • As a group or individually, help organize and participate in a project of service to others.
  • Discuss how a Christian Adventist youth relates to people in every-day situations, contacts and associations.
  • Spend at least 2 hours with your Pastor, Church Elder or Deacon observing them in their pastoral/case ministry.

Friendship Development

  • Self Concept
  • Human Relationships - Parents, Family, and Others.
  • Earning and Spending Money.
  • Peer Pressure.
  • List and discuss the needs of the handicapped, and help plan and participate in a party for them.
  • Visit an institute for physically or mentally challenged and present a report on the visit.

Health and Fitness

  • Choose and complete any two requirements from the Temperance Honor.
  • Organize a Health Party. Include health principles, talks, displays, etc.
  • Study the effective refusal technique of Joseph and explain why it is important to use it today.

Organization and Leadership Development

  • Discuss and prepare a flow chart on local church organization, and list the departmental functions.
  • Participate in local church programs on two occasions each, in two departments of the church.
  • Fulfill Requirements 3, 5, and 6 of the Stewardship Honor
  • Complete the Drilling and Marching Honor
  • Complete the Junior Youth Witnessing Honor

Nature Study

  • Review the story of Nicodemus and relate it to the life cycle of the butterfly, or draw a life-cycle chart of the caterpillar giving the Spiritual significance.
  • Complete a Nature Honor not previously earned.
  • Plan a list of at least 5 nature related activities that may be used for Sabbath afternoons.

Outdoor Living

  • With a party of not less than four, including an experienced adult counselor, hike 25 kms in a rural wilderness area, including one night in the open or in tents. The expedition planning should be a joint effort of the party and all food needed should be carried. From notes taken, participate in a group discussion led by your counselor, on the terrain, flora and fauna, as observed on the hike.
  • Complete one Recreational honor not previously earned.
  • Pass a test in Voyager first aid.
  • Design and build 5 articles of camp furniture and design an entrance for your club camp that could be used for a Camporee.

Lifestyle Enrichment

  • Complete one Honor in Outreach Ministries, Health and Science, Household Arts, Outdoor Industry, or Vocational categories not previously earned.


pathfinder voyager class requirements

pathfinder voyager class requirements

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Character advancement, core classes, base classes, hybrid classes, unchained classes, occult classes, alternate classes, npc classes, prestige classes, 3rd party concepts.

A character’s class is one of his most defining features. It’s the source of most of his abilities, and gives him a specific role in any adventuring party.

As player characters overcome challenges, they gain experience points. As these points accumulate, PCs advance in level and power.

The following eleven classes represent the core classes of the game.

Source : PRG:APG

While most common folk have shared ale with a fighter or perhaps even seen a wizard perform an awesome act of magic, these are not the only adventurers known to legends and history. The following character classes present new options for players and greater variety for a Game Master’s cast of nonplayer characters. The base classes are equivalent in power to the core classes.

Game Masters are encouraged to allow players to choose freely from these classes, but each GM must make a personal decision about what is and isn’t allowed in his campaign, and the relative prevalence of such character classes in his or her world. Each new class presents interesting character themes and special abilities.

See also : 3rd Party Classes

Source : PRG:ACG

Most heroes progress along a single path—choosing to become a fearsome fighter , pious cleric , or mighty wizard —but some are drawn to many roads. For them, it can be hard to find a balance between abilities offered by disparate classes. Hybrid classes solve this dilemma by blending features from two classes, adding rules to make them work seamlessly together.

Parent Classes : Each one of the following classes lists two classes that it draws upon to form the basis of its theme. While a character can multiclass with these parent classes, this usually results in redundant abilities. Such abilities don’t stack unless specified. If a class feature allows the character to make a one-time choice (such as a bloodline ), that choice must match similar choices made by the parent classes and vice-versa (such as selecting the same bloodline ). The new classes presented here are all hybrids of two existing core or base classes.

Source : PRG:PU

Your choice of class remains one of the most important parts of creating a character. This section presents four new takes on familiar classes, which have been redesigned to improve their ease of use and power relative to other classes.

Source : PRG:OA

Beyond the worship of the divine and the studies of arcane scholars lies the mysterious terrain of the mind, accessed through psychic magic. Classes that draw upon psychic magic do so via innate mental abilities, whether they directly cast spells, create elemental effects, or focus psychic energy through objects. Members of these occult classes find themselves drawn to the strange and the hidden; they have connections to the timeless Astral Plane, the haunted bleakness of the Ethereal Plane, and the history of the Material Plane chronicled as psychic impressions in places and objects.

The six classes presented below all use psychic magic. In most cases, this means they cast psychic spells.

Source : PRG:UC

Alternate classes are standalone classes whose basic ideas are very close to established base classes, yet whose required alterations would be too expansive for an archetype. An alternate class operates exactly as a base class, save that a character who takes a level in an alternate class can never take a level in its associated class – a samurai cannot also be a cavalier , and vice versa.

See also : 3rd Party Alternate Classes

Aside from the players, every other person encountered in the game world is a nonplayer character (NPC). These characters are designed and controlled by the GM to fill every role from noble king to simple baker. While some of these characters use player classes, most rely upon basic NPC classes, allowing them to be easily generated. The following rules govern all of the NPC classes and include information on generating quick NPCs for an evening’s game.

See also : 3rd Party NPC Classes

Prestige classes allow characters to become truly exceptional, gaining powers beyond the ken of their peers. Unlike the core classes, characters must meet specific requirements before they can take their first level of a prestige class. If a character does not meet the requirements for a prestige class before gaining any benefits of that level, that character cannot take that prestige class. Characters that take levels in prestige classes do not gain any favored class bonuses for those levels.

See also: 3rd Party Prestige Classes

Base classes are a great place to start, but they can’t cover every possible character concept and specialization. Archetypes help to fill in the gaps. These are quick, plug-and-play sets of alternate class ability substitutions arranged around specific character concepts, designed to help players customize a given base class to their individual needs.

Arcane Archetypes Monster Classes

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A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

  • Federation starship classes
  • Cruiser classes
  • Frigate classes
  • 23rd century Federation starship classes

Pioneer class

  • 2 Known Ships
  • 3.1 Connections
  • 4 References

History [ ]

The USS Pioneer was the prototype of the Pioneer -class and designed to undertake missions usually carried out by larger vessels but for shorter durations due to the frigate's limited crew complement and size. Still, the Pioneer and its sister ships were often found on the Klingon and Romulan frontlines. Ships of this class were smaller than a Constitution -class heavy cruiser . Tier 1 ships required for a commanding officer to be ranked lieutenant or higher. [1] ( STO video game : Agents of Yesterday )

Known Ships [ ]

  • USS Pioneer
  • USS Myrmidon

Appendices [ ]

  • TOS: " Where No Man Has Gone Before " (mentioned)
  • STO video game : Agents of Yesterday

Connections [ ]

References [ ].

  • ↑ Star Trek Online: Explore the Final Frontier
  • 1 Lamarr class
  • 2 Wesley Crusher
  • 3 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • Adventurers
  • Pathfinders
  • Masterguide
  • Photo Gallery
  • Expedition Club
  • Used Uniforms
  • Useful Links

pathfinder voyager class requirements

Here are the most recent files available for download:


Apr 29 2023



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Jul 23 2021

VO_ACMMar14 Disability Access Symbols

Mar 10 2021

VO_ACMFeb21 Desire Of Ages ch54

Feb 27 2021

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02 Voyager Workbook V0.1

Mar 08 2019

01 New Voyager Manual

Feb 05 2018

Honour Resources

pathfinder voyager class requirements

Honour Book - GC2011

Apr 08 2020

Honour Worksheets - NAD2002

SEC Area8 Pathfinders

Basildon | braintree | bury st. edmund | cambridge | chelmsford | colchester | grays | haverhill | hutton | lpswich | kings lynn | norwich | peterborough central | peterborough portuguese | southend, voyager class requirements.

  • Be a teenager 14 years of age, and/or in grade 9 or its equivalent.
  • Through memorization and discussion, explain the meaning of the Adventist Youth Pledge.
  • Be an active member of Pathfinders.
  • Select and read three books of your choice from the Teen Book Club list.


  • Make a written or oral presentation on respect for God’s law and civil authority giving at least 10 principles of moral behavior.

Spiritual Discovery

  • Study the personal work of the Holy Spirit as it relates to mankind, and discuss His involvement in spiritual growth.
  • By study and group discussion increase your knowledge of the last-day events that lead up to the Second Advent.
  • Through study and discussion of Bible evidence discover the true meaning of Sabbath keeping.
  • Have a current Memory Gem Certificate.
  • Read the books of Proverbs, Habakkuk, Isaiah, Malachi, Jeremiah or complete the Junior Bible Year reading program.

Serving Others

  • As a group or individually, invite a friend to at least one of your church or conference Teen/Youth Fellowship activities.
  • As a group or individually, help organize and participate in a project of service to others.
  • Discuss how a Christian Adventist youth relates to people in every-day situations, contacts and associations.
  • Spend at least 2 hours with your Pastor, Church Elder or Deacon observing them in their pastoral/case ministry.

Friendship Development

  • Self Concept
  • Human Relationships - Parents, Family, and Others.
  • Earning and Spending Money.
  • Peer Pressure.
  • List and discuss the needs of the handicapped, and help plan and participate in a party for them.
  • Visit an institute for physically or mentally challenged and present a report on the visit.

Health and Fitness

  • Choose and complete any two requirements from the Temperance Honor.
  • Organize a Health Party. Include health principles, talks, displays, etc.
  • Study the effective refusal technique of Joseph and explain why it is important to use it today.

Organization and Leadership Development

  • Discuss and prepare a flow chart on local church organization, and list the departmental functions.
  • Participate in local church programs on two occasions each, in two departments of the church.
  • Fulfill Requirements 3, 5, and 6 of the Stewardship Honor
  • Complete the Drilling and Marching Honor
  • Complete the Junior Youth Witnessing Honor

Nature Study

  • Review the story of Nicodemus and relate it to the life cycle of the butterfly, or draw a life-cycle chart of the caterpillar giving the Spiritual significance.
  • Complete a Nature Honor not previously earned.
  • Plan a list of at least 5 nature related activities that may be used for Sabbath afternoons.

Outdoor living

  • With a party of not less than four, including an experienced adult counselor, hike 25 kms in a rural wilderness area, including one night in the open or in tents. The expedition planning should be a joint effort of the party and all food needed should be carried. From notes taken, participate in a group discussion led by your counselor, on the terrain, flora and fauna, as observed on the hike.
  • Complete one Recreational honor not previously earned.
  • Pass a test in Voyager first aid.
  • Design and build 5 articles of camp furniture and design an entrance for your club camp that could be used for a Camporee.

Lifestyle Enrichment

  • Complete one Honor in Outreach Ministries, Health and Science, Household Arts, Outdoor Industry, or Vocational categories not previously earned.

Moscow High School Class of 1965


  1. Voyager Level

    Voyager Level. Voyagers are Pathfinders in 9th grade. Voyagers recite the Adventist Youth (AY) aim, motto, and pledge, illustrate through words and actions the AY aim meaning, and earn the Voyager reading certificate. Some of the fun and exciting honors Voyagers can earn are Internet - Advanced, Scuba Diving, Advanced Communications, Advanced ...

  2. Voyager

    Complete one Honor in Outreach Ministries, Health and Science, Household Arts, Outdoor Industry, or Vocational categories not previously earned. General Be a teenager 14 years of age, and/or in grade 9 or its equivalent. Through memorization and discussion, explain the meaning of the Adventist Youth Pledge. Be an active member of Pathfinders.


    3. Pass a test in Voyager First Aid. ADVANCED It is recommended that those who wish to do advanced work in the Voyager Class, they do the following requirements which will fulfil half the requirements for the A.Y. Silver Award Plan. If they do the Advanced requirements for the Guide Class, this will entitle the teen to the A.Y. Silver Award ...

  4. Voyager Class

    The Pathfinder class for those in your club that are 14 years of age. All resources to assist staff in teaching this class are free to download on this page: Class Card. UPDATED: Voyager Workbook. Contact your local Youth Department to see if any of these resources are available to purchase. CLICK ON THE IMAGE ABOVE TO DOWNLOAD.

  5. Achievement Classes/Voyager/General

    Voyager/General. Requirement 1. Be a teenager 14 years of age, and/or in grade 9 or its equivalent. The Voyager level has been designed to be within reach of a person in the ninth grade or higher. It should be challenging, yet achievable for a child at this point in his or her formal education. Requirement 2.

  6. Voyager Booklet v3

    VOYAGER CLASS BASIC REQUIREMENTS GENERAL Requirement ( ) Date Signature 1 Be 14 years old and /or in Year 10 or its equivalent 2 Be an active member of the Pathfinder Club (confirm 75% attendance) 3 Through memorisation and discussion, explain the meaning of the Adventists Youth Pledge ...

  7. PDF Copyright © 2013 by the Youth Ministries Department of the Seventh-day

    VOYAGER AIM, MOTTO, PLEDGE & LAW AIM The Advent Message to All the WorId in My Generation. MOTTO "The love of Christ constrains me." PLEDGE By the grace of God, I will be pure and kind and true. I will keep the Pathinder Law. I will be a servant of God and a friend to man. PATHFINDER LAW The Pathinder Law is for me to: 1. Keep the morning ...

  8. Manual-Voyager

    For a baby - press in center of sternum with 2 fingers - depress sternum about 2 cm. Rock back, releasing pressure but maintaining contact. Repeat operations 4 and 5 at a rate of the normal pulse, i.e. about 80 per minute adult and 100 per minute child and baby.

  9. PDF Voyager Teachers Manual

    Pathfinder dub or Sabbath S&lool activity. HONOR ENRICHMENT For the Voyager Class see the for the explanation of its requirements. For the Frontier Voyager do all the required, optional and above stated requirements. see Instn.znt.:.s-Maaual for qualifying requirements. see A.Y-HonQœHandþQQX for requirement helps.

  10. PDF Pathfinder Voyager Class Requierements

    Voyager Class Requirements Insignia Fifth Class Name. Pin showing that student has finished the Class. Voyager Ribbon. For the Advanced Class. Voyager Chevron. To be placed on the Left Sleeve. General 1. Be a teenager 14 years of age, and/or in grade 9 or its equivalent. 2. Through memorization and discussion, explain the meaning of the ...

  11. Investiture Achievement

    Investiture Achievement curriculum is the core of the Pathfinder ministry and will lead the Pathfinders in your club through an exciting journey as they learn and grow in their Christian experience. The Investiture Achievement curriculum is for Pathfinders in grades 5-10 or their equivalent. As you review the requirements, you will see that ...

  12. PDF Class Requirements Workbook

    n Guide First AidADVANCEDIt is recommended that for those that wish to do advanced work in the Guide Class, they do the following requirements which will fulfil half the requirements for. the A.Y. Silver Award Plan. If they do the Advanced requirements for the Voyager Class, this will entitle the te.

  13. SEC Pathfinders & Adventurers

    The expedition planning should be a joint effort of the party and all food needed should be carried. From notes taken, participate in a group discussion led by your counselor, on the terrain, flora and fauna, as observed on the hike. Complete one Recreational honor not previously earned. Pass a test in Voyager first aid.


    VOYAGER Class Requirements. General. Be a teenager 14 years of age, and/or in grade 8 or its equivalent. Through memorization and discussion, explain the meaning of the Adventist Youth Pledge. Be an active member of Pathfinders. Select and read three books of your choice from the Teen Book Club list. Advanced.

  15. Investiture Achievement/Voyager/Spiritual Discovery

    Voyager/Spiritual Discovery. Requirement 1. Review the Biblical reasons for the 28 Fundamental Christian Beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as their only creed and hold certain fundamental beliefs to be the teaching of the Holy Scriptures. These beliefs, as set forth here, constitute the church ...

  16. Investiture Achievement/Voyager/Honor Enrichment

    1934. Word Processing. Vocational. 2. 2013. Club Planning Note: The Honor Enrichment requirements for the Advanced levels of Explorers, Rangers, Voyagers and Guides are the same. Therefore you can teach a different honor for Requirement 1 and Requirement 2 each year that covers most of your club. Just don't repeat the same honors over a 4 year ...

  17. Curriculum

    The curriculum is divided into 6 age-specific classes. Friend - 10 years old. Companion - 11 years old. Explorer - 12 years old. Ranger - 13 years old. Voyager - 14 years old. Guide - 15 years old. Each class program is developed for the special needs of that age group and is self-contained, with requirements in the areas of ...

  18. Achievement Classes

    They include, therefore, Bible and nature study, the learning of useful and helpful things to do about the home, out-of-door activities, first aid, and personal and home hygiene. All of which are to help the boys and girls find true happiness in missionary service. Why Achievement Classes?

  19. Classes

    Core Classes. The following eleven classes represent the core classes of the game. Class. Descrption. Barbarian. The barbarian is a brutal berserker from beyond the edge of civilized lands. Bard. The bard uses skill and spell alike to bolster his allies, confound his enemies, and build upon his fame. Cleric.

  20. Class C driver Moscow

    Salary for the job: Class C driver Moscow - USD 790 Average salary Moscow - USD 888 Wages are paid in local currency: RUB (Russian rubles) The impact of the work experience on the salary: Experienced: + 21% Mid-Career: + 13% Entry-Level: - 10% Chart: (1) Salary - Class C driver (2) Average salary - Moscow

  21. Pioneer class

    The Pioneer class was a Federation starship class, a tier 1 utility cruiser/frigate in Starfleet service in the mid-23rd century. The USS Pioneer was the prototype of the Pioneer-class and designed to undertake missions usually carried out by larger vessels but for shorter durations due to the frigate's limited crew complement and size. Still, the Pioneer and its sister ships were often found ...

  22. SEC Area8 Pathfinders

    Voyager Class Requirements General. Be a teenager 14 years of age, and/or in grade 9 or its equivalent. Through memorization and discussion, explain the meaning of the Adventist Youth Pledge. Be an active member of Pathfinders. Select and read three books of your choice from the Teen Book Club list. Advanced

  23. Moscow High School

    Karen Westberg. Wayne Westberg. Doris Widman. Susie Williams. Linda Wilson. Cheryl Wischmeir. Teri Wise. Allyn Woerman. We invite Classmates of Moscow High School's 1965 class in Moscow Idaho to participate in this site.