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Information for U.S. Citizens in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza

The Department reminds U.S. citizens of the continued need for caution and increased personal security awareness as security incidents often take place without warning. The security environment remains complex and can change quickly depending on the political situation and recent events. Please see the latest Israel Security Alert .

U.S. citizens should heed the  Travel Advisory  for Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. The U.S. Embassy continues to closely monitor the dynamic security situation in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. There are active military operations and active rocket and mortar fire in Gaza and the Gaza periphery.  Terrorist groups, lone-actor terrorists and other violent extremists continue plotting possible attacks in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza. Terrorists and violent extremists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, and local government facilities. Violence can occur in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza without warning. If you require emergency assistance while in Israel, the West Bank or Gaza, contact the  U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem  by email ( [email protected] for those in Jerusalem, the West Bank, and Gaza or [email protected] for those in Israel outside of Jerusaleml).

Individuals seeking to depart Gaza: As of May 7, the Israel Defense Forces control the Gaza side of the Rafah Crossing. Since that day, the Rafah Crossing between Egypt and Gaza has remained closed. As soon as the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem receives information regarding new exit procedures from Gaza to Egypt, including when crossings resume, we will communicate this to the public immediately.

This remains a complex situation with serious implications for the safety and security of U.S. citizens. U.S. citizens in Gaza in need of assistance should contact [email protected] . U.S. citizens in Gaza are reminded that the U.S. government is unable to provide routine or emergency consular services to U.S. citizens in Gaza as U.S. government employees are prohibited from traveling there.

The U.S. government does not control who is permitted to depart Gaza or enter Egypt. Individuals must assess their own safety and risks in attempting to cross the border. Individuals permitted to enter Egypt will likely receive a 72-hour Egyptian visa; all those who cross should have a plan for onward travel from Egypt in this timeframe. U.S. citizens, LPRs and their immediate family members who successfully enter Egypt and require further consular assistance should contact the  U.S. Embassy in Cairo  via the  U.S. Citizens Services Navigator .  Individuals may apply for a U.S. visa at any U.S. Embassy or Consulate; U.S. immigration laws and regulations will apply.

We continue to work in partnership with Egypt and Israel towards safe passage for U.S. citizens, LPRs, and their immediate family members.

Immediate family members of U.S. citizens include:

  • unmarried children under the age of 21, and
  • parents of U.S. citizens.

If the U.S. citizen is under 21, immediate family will also include any siblings who are also unmarried and under 21.

Immediate family members of LPRs include:

  • unmarried children under 21 years of age.

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Actually ah, why are Malaysians not allowed to travel to Israel?

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This article was originally written in Jan 2016.

Before we begin, a poll!

So do you any of you remember your first passport? Do you remember holding it with pride because you now had your face and name on a book that belonged to you (not like a tiny IC urgh)? Do you also remember the feeling of pride being quickly replaced with intrigue when you open your passport and on the first page and it says there…

“Pasport ini sah digunakan untuk semua negara kecuali Israel” – Any Malaysian passport googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1432096356462-0'); });

israel location map

Yea, some of us in the CILISOS office recall feeling the same thing with our first passports. 

When we asked a few of our friends and acquaintances, a number of them said that they were told that Malaysians were not allowed to travel to Israel because it was a dangerous, war-torn country.   That may be true to a certain extent, but that is hard to believe when the World Health Organisation lists the life-expectancy of Israeli people as among the top 5 in the world in 2014. Also there are so many other  countries are currently war-torn but we don’t see Malaysia banning us from going there.  Heck we’re not even anywhere near them so it can’t be over a territorial dispute!

And with our Malaysian passport being one of the strongest in the world   (meaning how many countries we can go to without a visa, 163 countries to be exact), why would there be this massive restriction for just one particular country? Well, the answer is probably a bit more than just for safety reasons la.

Malaysia actually doesn’t accept Israel as a legit country at all!

Hence, the passport thing. You cannot actually go to a country that doesn’t exist , well at least in the eyes of your country. Since our independence in 1957, Malaysia as a country has not established any diplomatic relations with the state of Israel .

Aside from us not being allowed to travel there, Israeli people also  not allowed to travel here without some approval from the Home Ministry.


And it’s not like we’re the only country in the world which has done so. Heck it’s not even like it’s just 1-2 countries. Articles like this and this mention that at least 36 countries worldwide do not consider Israel as a legit country!

foreign relations recognise israel

With there being around 196 countries in the world (around because there are more countries out there that are not legit to other countries ) that means about 18 percent, or almost 1 in 5 of the world’s countries doesn’t recognise Israel as legit. And with all that’s been said, the next most logical thing to ask is…

Because Malaysia supports another state: Palestine

“We have, are, and will always fight together with Palestine for their cause.” – PM Najib Razak, as quoted by The Star

palestine flag

Some of you already hearing bells ringing in your head. Yes this may be considered the war bit. The area which Israel refers to as their state , is also largely disputed to belong to another state, Palestine .

israel-palestine borders

This timeline by Al Jazeera shows that the conflict between the 2 countries goes back to as early as 1799 but things started to get really heated after World War 2  especially as it got closer to the date of Israel’s establishment.

“Jewish Israelis, whose ancestors began migrating to the area in the 1880s, say their claim to the land is based on a promise from God , and also for the need for a safe haven from widespread hostility toward the Jewish people (known as anti-Semitism). The Palestinian Arabs say they are the rightful inhabitants of the land because their ancestors have lived there for hundreds of years. ” – Report by The New York Times

All that has happened has actually resulted in 2 governments recognised partially worldwide. All in an area about the size of Pahang.  (Click here for Pahang size and here for Israel/Palestine size )

But as far as Malaysian relations with these 2 states go, on the side of Palestine , we are one of 135 countries around the world that recognise Palestine as a legit country    (as of 2014).

palestine recognised countries

But on the other hand, our approach to Israel  ( as listed on Kementerian Luar Negeri’s website ), is that we would only consider beginning ties with them when a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinian people is reached.

But then again, Malaysia seems okay with Israel also in some other ways.

Malaysia’s weird relationship with Israel


Recently we even made news when we didn’t allow two Israeli windsurfers to use their flag or play their national anthem if they won , which led to them pulling out.  We’ve also been warned of doing the same to Israeli table tennis athletes in an upcoming tournament in Shah Alam.

Also, many of you would’ve heard of the  protests against McDonald’s, Starbucks, and HSBC ,  or the protests when Israel attacked a Palestinian mosque.  


“Trade continues to accelerate: Between January and July this year, Israeli exports to Malaysia soared to $884.7 million, a 27% jump over the same period last year. By contrast, Malaysia’s foreign trade figures don’t carry any mention of Israel at all. In its annual data for 2012, for instance, trade with Israel is included in an entry for “Other Countries.”” –

Aiyo. Why so shy, Malaysia? The same newspaper even patted Najib on the back for “a new dawn in Muslim-Jewish relations” . In fact, even PAS has voiced out against the government on this hypocrisy.

“To me, this is the hypocritical policy of Umno-BN to at once offer Malaysia’s aid and defence to the Palestinians while at the same time bolstering economic and trade ties with Israel. Indirectly, Malaysia is helping to strengthen Israel in continuing its oppression and killing of Palestinians,” he said in a statement today.” – PAS MP Datuk Mahfuz Omar, MalayMailOnline

In any case, the trade seems to have dropped with Israel exporting only $6.81 million worth of goods to Malaysia in 2020 but, yea, that’s a story for another day la. Let’s get back on topic.

“So as a Malaysian, I can never, ever go to Israel?”

Well, not ever , ever la.

Say you have a really, really important thing you need to go for in Israel, you will need the permission of the Kementerian Dalam Negeri to do so. An official at the Kementerian Dalam Negeri tells us that there are 3 cases where a gomen may allow a Malaysian to go to Israel.

  • Religious reasons (only for Muslims and Christians)

You gotta apply for it  first though (just a heads up, clicking on link will result in download). Aside from that, if your intention is to go to Israel for cuti , you’re probably not gonna be able to do so. (But in regards to religious reasons, these also depend on the situation over there, because the Home Ministry has banned pilgrimages to Israel in the past , for security reasons.)

But hey… if you just wanna buy their goods, that’s pretty easy to do 🙂

  • Kementerian Luar Negeri

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Japan is dealing with a 'flesh-eating bacteria' outbreak. Here's what we know about STSS and how to avoid infection

An electron microscope image of Group A Streptococcus bacteria interacting with a human neutrophil

You may have seen alarming headlines warning of a deadly outbreak in Japan over the past few days.

Some outlets have used terms like "flesh-eating bacteria" and "kills in two days", which has sparked international interest.

But Japanese authorities say this wording is an exaggeration of a potential symptom of an infection that is rarely spread to others.

Let's unpack what we know about the disease and the story spreading around the world.

What is the bacterial infection in Japan?

The clinical term for the disease is streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS).

According to NSW Health, it's an infection caused by group A bacteria entering the bloodstream or deep tissue.

This kind of bacteria usually causes mild infections like strep throat in children but certain strains can escalate quickly and lead to invasive group A streptococcal disease (iGAS).

If that sounds familiar, you may have read about cases of iGAS on the rise in Australia last year.

STSS is considered a complication of iGAS that can "develop very quickly into a life-threatening emergency".

How quickly is STSS spreading in Japan?

Japan''s National Institute of Infectious Diseases issued a statement in March warning rates were increasing.

As of June 2, reported cases of STSS in Japan were about 977.

That's quite a leap on the previous period — Japan recorded 941 cases across the entirety of 2023.

Here are the Japanese case numbers from the past few years:

CNN reports this year has already seen the highest number of cases reported in Japan since the current recording method began .

It's not exactly clear why cases are on the rise but Japanese health authorities say a rise in respiratory infections is correlated with COVID-19 measures being relaxed.

Tokyo Women's Medical University professor Ken Kikuchi told Japan's national broadcaster, NHK, people's immune systems were weakened during lockdown.

"We can boost immunity if we are constantly exposed to bacteria but that mechanism was absent during the coronavirus pandemic," he said.

"So, more people are now susceptible to infection, and that may be one reason for the sharp rise in cases."

It's also worth noting the trend isn't limited to Japan.

There have also been increases recorded in Europe.

How does it spread?

It's difficult to say.

While people with open wounds are at an increased risk of contracting STSS, it's not known how the bacteria gets into the bodies of nearly half the people who are diagnosed.

The NSW Health Department says the following groups are most susceptible:

  • Older adults and children
  • People with diabetes
  • People with alcohol use disorder
  • People undergoing treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • People with an immunodeficiency  

What are the symptoms of STSS?

Early symptoms include:

  • Fever and chills
  • Muscle aches
  • Nausea and vomiting

About 24 to 48 hours after the first symptoms start, the following symptoms may develop:

  • Low blood pressure
  • Organ failure
  • A faster-than-normal heart rate
  • Rapid breathing
  • The death of body tissue

The death of body tissue, which is also known as necrosis, is where the "flesh-eating bacteria" name has come from.

How is it treated?

People with STSS need to receive care at a hospital.

Australia's national public health information service Healthdirect says the disease is treated with antibiotics.

Surgery may also be required to remove the source of infection.

Are there any travel warnings?

At this stage, you don't need to cancel any travel plans.

Smartraveller, the Australian government's travel advice website, hasn't listed STSS as a health risk for travellers in Japan.

The World Health Organisation also hasn't recommended any travel restrictions for countries experiencing outbreaks.

Even though cases are on the rise, it's still considered very rare for someone with STSS to spread the infection to others.

But the CDC warns "less severe group A strep infections can turn into STSS and these bacteria are contagious".

How can I keep safe?

There's no vaccine available, so the best way to avoid infection is to maintain good hygiene.

That includes:

  • Washing your hands often and using hand sanitiser
  • Washing your body and hair often with soap and clean, running water
  • Keeping any wounds clean and bandaged until they heal
  • Avoid bodies of water like hot tubs, swimming pools, lakes, rivers and oceans if you have an open wound
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can malaysia travel to israel

Prosedur Kebenaran ke Israel


There are no diplomatic relations between Israel and Malaysia. Should an emergency arise, the Malaysia Government have no authority to assist Malaysians in Israel.

However, the Malaysia Government allows Malaysians to take part in a pilgrimage to travel to Israel/ Jerusalem with restricted permission at their own risk and responsibilities.

The application must be submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs – MOHA (Kementerian Dalam Negeri) within 60 days from the date of the trip. Once the application is approved, the applicant must be present at the MHC Immigration Department. We will stamp the permission endorsement in the passport. The restricted endorsement given is for a single journey. It is the applicant’s responsibility to apply for the visa to Israel.

Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) , Bahagian Keselamatan, Blok D1, D2 & D9, Kompleks D, Pusat Pentadbiran,Kerajaan Persekutuan, 62546 Putrajaya Tel: 03 8000 8000 /03 8886 8064 Fax : 03-88891613 / 03-88891610

  • Write a formal letter mentioning; 1. Purpose of visit, 2. Duration of stay, 3. Number of people, 4. Entry and Exit points (to/ From Israel), and 5. Current address, contact number and email address.
  • A Copy of MyKad
  • A Copy of passport validity for more than 6 months (Main Page)
  • A Copy of valid immigration status in the country (Residence Permit)
  • Proof of religion, e.g. baptism certificate or letter from church confirming member of the church congregation (non-Muslim); conversion certificate/ card or MyKad (Muslims)
  • Hotel Booking (check-in and check-out dates)
  • Flight Booking (arrival and departure dates)


  • One recent passport sized photo (white background)
  • A Copy of Malaysian Passport (Main Page)
  • Hotel Booking
  • Flight Booking
  • Approval letter issued by MOHA (KDN)
  • Completed and duly signed application form PIM. 19/94 Lampiran A

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Kosovo and Israel agree to allow each other’s citizens visa-free entry

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PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) — Citizens of Kosovo and Israel will be able to visit the other nation without a visa following an agreement between the two governments signed Tuesday, the Kosovar Foreign Ministry said.

The visa waiver agreement was signed in the Kosovar capital, Pristina, by visiting Israeli Interior Minister Moshe Arbel and Kosovar Foreign Minister Donika Gervalla.

Gervalla said the agreement will “open a new chapter in promoting our country, our cooperation and economic development, youngsters’ educational development and the implementation of joint initiatives and projects between our citizens and our countries in the future.”

The visa waiver will go into effect in September. No details on the length of stay were given.

This year Kosovars can also enjoy visa-free stays of up to 90 days -– within six months -– in any of the 27 Schengen-area member states in Europe.

Kosovo and Israel formally established diplomatic ties in February 2021. Israel is the 117th country to recognize Kosovo.

Kosovo’s independence from Serbia in 2008, nine years after a U.S.-led 78-day NATO airstrike campaign against Serbia to stop a bloody crackdown against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo, is recognized by most Western nations, but not by Serbia and its allies Russia and China.


The government of former U.S. President Donald Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital in late 2017 and moved the U.S. Embassy there in May 2018.

Kosovo was the first European country, and the first country with a Muslim majority, to establish an embassy in Jerusalem, following the U.S. and Guatemala. An opening ceremony was held in March 2021.

Semini reported from Tirana, Albania.

Follow Llazar Semini at

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Israel by Locals

Can Israeli Citizens Travel to Malaysia?

Malaysia, a vibrant Southeast Asian country known for its diverse culture, stunning landscapes, and mouthwatering cuisine, beckons travelers from around the world. For Israeli citizens considering a journey to this enchanting land, it’s essential to understand the travel regulations and visa requirements. In this blog post, we will explore the question of can Israeli citizens travel to Malaysia, visa considerations, travel tips, and important safety considerations.

Israel and Malaysia currently maintain no formal diplomatic relations. Malaysian passports bear the inscription: “This passport is valid for all countries except Israel”. Israeli passport holders are forbidden to enter Malaysia without written permission from the Malaysian Ministry of Home Affairs. The recognition of Israel is a politically delicate issue for the Malaysian government.

Having said that, while Malaysia officially maintains an outwardly hostile position towards Israel, commercial relations between the two countries do exist.

So the short answer is no, you can’t.

Visiting Malaysia Using Foreign Passport

As an Israeli citizen, you are not allowed to enter Malaysia using your Israeli passport, but in case you hold a foreign one you can use it to visit the beautiful country. In doing so, it is important to follow some recommendations:

First, do not mention at the border that you have an Israeli passport. Also, avoid showing them your Israeli passport by mistake. To ensure a smooth entry, it is best to place it in a separate bag.

Furthermore, refrain from using your Israeli passport to exit the country from which you intend to travel to Malaysia. Malaysian officials may inquire about your previous destination and request to see your exit stamp. As a result, likely, you won’t be able to enter that country using your Israeli passport, although some places (like Hong Kong) may be more lenient in this regard.

Can Israeli Citizens Travel to Malaysia?

Travel Tips To Malaysia

Passport Validity: Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended date of departure from Malaysia.

Cultural Respect: Malaysia is a culturally diverse nation, with a mix of Malay, Chinese, Indian, and indigenous communities. Respect local customs, traditions, and religious practices while visiting various regions.

Local Etiquette: Greet people with a smile and a warm “Salamat” (hello) to make a positive first impression. Understanding local etiquette enhances your travel experience and fosters meaningful interactions with locals.

Try the Cuisine: Don’t miss the opportunity to indulge in Malaysia’s tantalizing cuisine. From flavorful curries to delicious street food, the country offers a feast for the senses.

Safety Considerations

While Malaysia is considered a safe travel destination, it is advisable for all travelers, but furthermore to Israeli citizens, to exercise general caution and follow standard safety practices:

Keep Valuables Secure: As with any travel destination, be mindful of your belongings, especially in crowded areas and tourist hotspots.

Emergency Contact Information: Save the contact details of your country’s embassy or consulate in Malaysia in case of any emergencies or unforeseen circumstances.

Health Precautions: Stay updated on any health advisories or vaccination requirements before traveling to Malaysia.

Related content: Can Israeli Citizens Travel to Indonesia? | Can Israeli Citizens Travel to Oman?

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Malaysia’s China-friendly stance is a bid to get its biggest trading partner to help keep the economy stable: ‘You can’t be choosy’

Chinese Premier Li Qiang arrives at Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia, June 18, 2024.

China Premier Li Qiang got the red carpet treatment when he landed in the Southeast Asian country of Malaysia on Tuesday, the last leg of a three-country regional tour.

During his first two stops—in New Zealand and Australia—Li had to navigate a complex relationship with major trading partners still beset by simmering disagreements.

But Li was in friendlier territory for his last stop. Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim, has been much more open toward Beijing and China. In public statements and interviews, Anwar has criticized a rising tide of “China-phobia,” emphasized his country’s nonaligned status , called Chinese President Xi Jinping an “outstanding” leader, and even said Malaysia wants to join the BRICS international grouping of countries ahead of Li’s visit.

By the time Li left Malaysia on Thursday, Anwar had called China a “true friend.” 

During Li’s visit, China agreed to allow imports of fresh Malaysian durian, a spiky pungent fruit increasingly popular with Chinese consumers. Previously Malaysia, one of the world’s biggest producers of durian, could only ship frozen durian and related products to China. Malaysia exported $253 million worth of frozen durian products to China last year.

China and Malaysia signed over a dozen pacts during Li’s time in the Southeast Asian country, including a new five-year deal for trade and economic cooperation.

Li also attended a groundbreaking ceremony for a terminal of Malaysia’s East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) in Gombak, in the state of Selangor. The ambitious ECRL project, backed by China, aims to connect the two coasts of peninsular Malaysia. China’s premier suggested that Beijing is open to connecting the ECRL to other China-funded railway projects in Laos and Thailand, expanding China’s Belt and Road Initiative, the country’s global infrastructure project, further into the region.

Why are Malaysia and Anwar being so nice to China?

China has been Malaysia’s largest trading partner for over a decade, meaning the Southeast Asian country needs to remain in Beijing’s good books. 

“When your economy is not in the best shape and you need all this help, you can’t be choosy,” says Ei Sun Oh, senior fellow at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs. 

Malaysia’s GDP grew by 3.7% in 2023, below the government’s target of 4.0% to 5.0%. The government attributed the weaker-than-expected performance to “weakness in external demand.” Malaysia’s currency, the ringgit, has also weakened in recent months, making imported goods more expensive and contributing to inflation.

The economy is becoming a greater political concern for Anwar: 43% of Malaysians said they disapproved of the government’s handling of the economy, compared with 19% a year earlier, according to a November poll from the Merdeka Center. 

Anwar visited China twice last year, notes Sheana Yue, a Singapore-based economist with Oxford Economics, during which the prime minister won some “pretty large investment deals” from Chinese businesses. 

Yue points to an extension of visa-free travel arrangements between China and Malaysia as a tangible benefit from Li’s trip. Before the COVID pandemic, China was the third-largest source of visitors to the Southeast Asian country. But numbers haven’t recovered since China lowered its quarantine restrictions in early 2023. Just 1.5 million Chinese traveled to Malaysia in 2023, compared with 3.1 million in 2019.

Geopolitics may also play a role. Malaysia’s government has long pursued a nonaligned strategy, which can sometimes be misunderstood as a pro-China stance, says Rahman Yaacob, a research fellow in the Southeast Asia program at the Lowy Institute. “Malaysia is trying to attract as many investment and trade partners as possible,” he notes.

Anwar’s openness to joining the BRICS could be a play to “enhance Malaysia’s global standing,” says Wen Chong Cheah, an Asia analyst with the Economist Intelligence Unit. 

Both Cheah and Oh believe the war in Gaza might also be driving Malaysia’s friendlier relationship with China. Malaysia’s population largely supports Palestine, and has gone as far as boycotting Western brands like Kentucky Fried Chicken and Starbucks to protest U.S. support for Israel.

Anwar has also defended engaging with Hamas, arguing that preserving ties allows him to help broker peace in the region. 

Yet Rahman doesn’t see the war in Gaza as the reason driving Anwar’s China tilt. Instead, the Lowy Institute analyst interprets the prime minister’s approach as a way to foster a stable economy. 

“Economic stability is necessary for any government to survive,” he says. Anwar has “firsthand” experience of that, when he served as Malaysia’s deputy prime minister during the Asian Financial Crisis. “He knows that economic difficulty will lead to political and security instability,” Rahman says. 

Correction, June 23, 2024: A previous version of this piece misstated an analyst’s workplace.

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Did You Know M’sians Can Visit Israel Without A Passport? Here’s What It Takes

can malaysia travel to israel

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Do you have your passport now with you ? If you do, check it! What does it say right on the front page? No, below the MALAYSIA PASSPORT. Yes, it’s the line that says ‘This passport is valid for all countries except Israel’. Has that line ever piqued your curiosity or at least made you wonder if you could ever visit Israel in your lifetime?


Source: thirunavukkarasukarasu

Facebook user Thirunavukkarassu Karasu posted an informational Q&A about whether or not Malaysians can go to Israel.

Monday sermonette: Can Malaysians visit Israel? I'm amazed at the number of people still ignorant about the law in… Posted by Thirunavukkarasu Karasu on  Sunday, December 15, 2019

He addressed some really important questions like firstly; can Malaysians even visit Israel – which is yes, BUT you can’t use your passport. I know, I know, without a passport, you can only travel within Malaysia. So, how does this work?

Well, since Malaysia doesn’t recognize the state of Israel, the only way Malaysians can visit there is without a passport. The way to do this is to apply directly with Wisma Putra, and they will guide you through the process. Apparently, applications are considered on a case by case basis and is up to the Minister’s discretion and based on the merits.

“So your visit to Israel is not a Malaysia Baru thing?” “No, it’s got nothing to do with Malaysia Baru or Baru Bian. Malaysia Lama already permitted fixed annual quotas for Malaysian Christians and Muslims to visit Jerusalem.”

He ended the Q&A by saying that the most important thing to be done if you are to visit Israel is to respect the laws of both countries as well as respecting all religions – and probably keep your controversial opinions to yourself?

The thread definitely answers a lot of burning questions and you should definitely take all these things into consideration if you want to visit Israel!

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  6. Category:Israel–Malaysia relations

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  1. Israel Visa for Malaysian citizens in 2024

    A total of 5 documents are required to apply for the Israel Visa refused. Israel Visa refused is refused for Malaysian citizens. Israel does not issue tourist visas to Malaysian citizens. Travel officially restricted by Malaysian government to pilgrims only. Confirmation from Israeli Foreign Ministry is required before a visa is issued.

  2. Traveling to Israel from Malaysia in 2024: Passport, Visa Requirements

    250mL of perfume. Goods for personal use, such as clothing and toiletries. Other personal goods or gifts up to a value of US$200. This can include up to 3kg of foodstuff, but no more than 1kg of one type of food. This exemption may not be combined with other travellers to import goods exceeding the value of US$200.

  3. Traveling to Israel Now: What To Know

    The short answer to this question is yes. While many governments worldwide have recommended only essential travel to Israel, it is possible and feasible to fly to Israel. In fact, tourists continue traveling to Israel every day. There are a range of airlines operating flights in and out of the country, and hotels are available for your stay.

  4. Israel-Malaysia relations

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  5. Latest Information for U.S. Citizens

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  8. Israel for Malaysia citizens in 2024

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  12. Visa Requirement by Country

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  14. Travelling to Israel as a Malaysian

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  15. Actually ah, why are Malaysians not allowed to travel to Israel?

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  23. Malaysian traveling to Israel

    The problem is not the Israeli government - they have no problem letting Malaysians visit Israel. I understand that it is the Malaysian government that does not allow Malaysians to visit Israel. We had a guest from Malaysia recently in Jerusalem, but she got her visa through the Israeli embassy in Singapore. 3.

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  25. Can Israeli Citizens Travel to Malaysia?

    As an Israeli citizen, you are not allowed to enter Malaysia using your Israeli passport, but in case you hold a foreign one you can use it to visit the beautiful country. In doing so, it is important to follow some recommendations: First, do not mention at the border that you have an Israeli passport. Also, avoid showing them your Israeli ...

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  27. Traveling to Malaysia from Israel in 2024: Passport, Visa Requirements

    Up to 3 pieces of new clothing and 1 new pair of footwear. 1 personal electronic per traveller. Food products up to RM75 in value. Other goods, including gifts and souvenirs up to a value of RM400. Goods from Langkawi, Pulau, Tioman or Labuan may be up to a value of RM500. Find more information on the customs regulations of Malaysia page.

  28. Did You Know M'sians Can Visit Israel Without A Passport? Here's What

    Well, since Malaysia doesn't recognize the state of Israel, the only way Malaysians can visit there is without a passport. The way to do this is to apply directly with Wisma Putra, and they will guide you through the process. Apparently, applications are considered on a case by case basis and is up to the Minister's discretion and based on ...

  29. Malaysia Tourist Visa for Israel citizens in 2024

    A total of 5 documents are required to apply for the Malaysia Visa refused. Malaysia Visa refused is refused for Israeli citizens. Malaysia does not issue tourist visas to Israeli citizens. Malaysia tourist visa things to consider. Admission for Israeli passport holders are strictly refused, no matter for tourism or visiting purpose.

  30. Malaysian traveling to Israel

    This is a question that you have to ask in Malaysia - we can't answer that. But you are correct ... Safety in travel to Israel during war in October 2023 (Non-political only!) Show More . Show less . Israel Destination Experts. davetheguide. 5,365 forum posts. drill-n-fill. 20,086 forum posts.