Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005)

Scott bakula: capt. jonathan archer, cmdr. jonathan archer.

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Scott Bakula, Connor Trinneer, and Adam Taylor Gordon in Enterprise (2001)


Captain Jean-Luc Picard : [the final lines in the show]  Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its continuing mission...

Captain James T. Kirk : explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations...

Captain Archer : boldly go where no man has gone before.

[observing an unconscious Klingon pilot] 

Admiral Leonard : He's a Kling-ot.

Tos : A Kling-on.

Captain Archer : Where'd he come from?

Commander Williams : Oklahoma.

[after finding a ship from the future with a corpse in it that has both human and Vulcan genes, T'Pol has to make a report for the Vulcan High Command] 

Captain Archer : I wonder... if they'll believe that humans and Vulcans will be... swapping chromosomes one day.

Subcommander T'Pol : They're more likely to believe in time travel.

[Archer is being interrogated violently by a Reptilian] 

Captain Archer : I'll bet you didn't know this, but at one time, most of my world was ruled by reptiles.

Commander Dolum : I wasn't aware of that.

Captain Archer : A comet hit around 65 million years ago caused a mass extinction. Most of the reptiles died out. Mammals became the dominant species.

Commander Dolum : How unfortunate.

Captain Archer : Still, the reptiles might have come out on top, if it hadn't been for a slight disadvantage.

Commander Dolum : And what was that?

Captain Archer : They had brains the size of a walnut. That's very small. Apparently, it's a constant in the universe.

Commander Dolum : [resisting the urge to strangle Archer]  Earth vessels... how many?

Captain Archer : The reptiles didn't all die out. Some evolved into snakes, alligators, turtles. As a matter of fact, one of my favorite restaurants in San Francisco makes the most wonderful turtle soup. You should try it sometimes if you're ever in the area.

Commander Dolum : [putting his hand to Archer's throat]  You want me to kill you?

Captain Archer : Just making conversation.

[to T'Pol] 

Captain Archer : You have no idea how much I'm restraining myself from knocking you on your ass.

Captain Archer : [after using a "phase pistol" for the first time]  Well, I guess stun works.

Captain Archer : [Archer and T'Pol are being stalked by a large, ravenous Vulcan sehlat]  How long before it starts to lose interest in us?

Subcommander T'Pol : Days, at least. They're very persistent creatures. When I was a child I had one as a pet.

Captain Archer : You had one of those?

Subcommander T'Pol : Domesticated. They're smaller... slightly.

Captain Archer : How slightly?

Subcommander T'Pol : You have Porthos.

[referring to Captain Archer's pet beagle] 

Captain Archer : Porthos doesn't try and eat me when I'm late with his dinner.

Subcommander T'Pol : Vulcan children are *never* late with their sehlat's dinner.

Captain Archer : I can believe that.

Captain Archer : You missed T'Pol's latest battle with chopsticks.

Commander Tucker : Darn. Dinner and a show.

Subcommander T'Pol : The Earth cargo ship Fortunate. Y-class freighter. Maximum speed: warp one point eight. Crew complement: twenty-three.

Travis Mayweather : Not counting newborn babies.

Captain Archer : Ensign?

Travis Mayweather : I grew up on a J-class, a little smaller but the same basic design. And one thing I can tell you is that at warp one point eight, you've got a lot of time on your hands between ports. That's how my parents wound up with me.

Subcommander T'Pol : Do you have any helpful information on this vessel beyond its recreational activities?

Captain Archer : I've always been much better at avoiding farewells than giving them, so I'm not even gonna try. But I'm going to ask all of you to think back to the day when this ship was first launched. We were explorers then. When all this is over, when Earth is safe, I want you to get back to that job. There are 400 billion stars in our galaxy. We've only explored a tiny fraction of them. We have a lot to do. Of all the captains that'll sit in this chair, I can't imagine any of them being more proud than I am right now.

Bu'kaH : I've never seen your kind before, but you have made an enemy of the Klingon Empire.

Captain Archer : From what I've noticed, that's not hard to do.

[Archer, T'Pol and Ambassador Soval are hiding from hostile Andorians] 

Captain Archer : No offense, but my ears are less likely to draw fire then yours.

Vulcan Ambassador Soval : [to T'Pol]  What is their fixation with our ears?

Subcommander T'Pol : I believe they are envious.

Captain Archer : We should be entering the nebula.

Subcommander T'Pol : The readings could be misleading.

Captain Archer : As Dr. Phlox would say - optimism.

Subcommander T'Pol : Optimism doesn't alter the laws of physics.

Captain Archer : Am I sensing concern? Last I checked, that was considered an emotion.

Captain Archer : What's the matter? No genetic tricks to keep you from getting knocked on your butt?

[Eating a piece of cheese while talking to his dog, Porthos] 

Captain Archer : You know that you and cheddar don't get along.

Commander Dolum : You don't want to know my specialty!

Captain Archer : Let me guess... stinking up the room?

Captain Archer : I hope nobody's in a hurry to get back home... Starfleet seems to think we're ready to begin our mission.

Sarin : The Cabal doesn't make decisions on its own. They're simply soldiers... fighting a Temporal Cold War.

Captain Archer : Temporal? You've lost me.

Captain Archer : You're from 900 years in the future, and you need MY help?

Dr. Arik Soong : Oh, Commander Tucker, I'm so sorry about the loss of your "Vulcan" friend.

Captain Archer : That's enough!

Captain Archer : I believe someone once defined a compromise as a solution that neither side is happy with.

Shran : In that case, these talks have been extremely successful.

[Silik is trying to operate his time-travel device, when Archer suddenly appears and attacks him] 

Captain Archer : I said, you're an ugly BASTARD.

Captain Archer : When I used to dream about this mission, the last thing I envisioned was having a Vulcan onboard who continuously sucked the air out of the room.

[on a planet with a toxic atmosphere] 

Captain Archer : [to Reed]  Try not to breathe.

[the evil Archer and Hoshi from the Mirror Universe have learned of a parallel universe] 

Captain Archer : Instead of building an empire, Earth became part of an interspecies alliance.

Ensign Hoshi Sato : [reading]  The United Federation of Planets.

Captain Archer : More like a Federation of Fools.

Captain Archer : [in the Mirror Universe]  Great men are not peacemakers, great men are conquerors!

Captain Archer : Enterprise was designed to be a ship of exploration.

Degra : If we're successful, it will be again.

[Archer and T'Pol are tied back-to-back to each other] 

Captain Archer : Houdini could get out of this.

Subcommander T'Pol : Perhaps you should invite him on your next mission.

[T'Pol is lying in sick bay after saving a Vulcan Captain's life] 

Captain Archer : [to Vulcan Captain]  I know how you must feel. She saved my life once too. She can be a real pain-in-the-ass. Stubborn, arrogant. Sometimes, she makes me angry enough, I want to shove her out of an airlock. I can understand why the High Command is upset. But it took a lot of courage to step in front of that plasma bullet. Do you really want to take her back home in disgrace?

Captain Archer : Remind me to stop trying to help people.

Captain Archer : [after being ranted at by a female Klingon he's trying to help]  Remind me to stop trying to help people.

Dr. Phlox : The will of the patient is the cornerstone of Denobulan medical ethics.

Captain Archer : Don't you believe if you can help someone, you're ethically bound to do so?

Dr. Phlox : Hippocrates wasn't Denobulan.

Captain Archer : One thing I learned from A.G.: you're never gonna get anywhere without taking risks.

Subcommander T'Pol : You obviously admired this man.

Captain Archer : Quite a bit.

Subcommander T'Pol : And yet he cracked your molar.

Captain Archer : [sniggers]  Humans can have funny ways of forming friendships.

Subcommander T'Pol : To say the least.

[Subcommander T'Pol is leaving the Enterprise] 

Commander Tucker : You're gonna miss her, aren't you?

Captain Archer : When they first assigned her, I felt like strangling Soval.

Commander Tucker : She does kinda grow on you.

[Archer and Robinson are making an illegal warp flight] 

Captain Archer : [over the radio]  NX-Beta to Commodore Forrest. You might wanna check your sensors. You'll see were holding steady at 2.5.

Admiral Maxwell Forrest : Congratulations. Now get the hell back here!

[Archer is obsessed with writing a preface for the biography of his father, and recites the first page to Cmr. Tucker] 

Captain Archer : What do you think?

Commander Tucker : Sounds good.

Captain Archer : Let me read you the rest.

Commander Tucker : I really need to get to work on this.

Captain Archer : It's just a few more pages!

Commander Tucker : How many more?

Captain Archer : Nineteen.

Commander Tucker : *Nineteen*? Are you writing the preface or the book?

Captain Archer : [agitated]  I've got a lot to say!

Commander Tucker : No kidding!

Captain Archer : [agitated]  What's that supposed to mean?

Commander Tucker : If I may, sir... it's a little long-winded.

Captain Archer : [highly insulted]  You're lucky you're a decent engineer, because you obviously don't know anything about writing!

Commander Tucker : [agitated]  I'm not the only one!

[Archer, Tucker and Reed are highly agitated from a nearby radiation source] 

Commander Tucker : [showing Archer his schematics for the new Captain's chair]  You might want to see this, sir! Interactive status displays, secondary helm control. It's even got inertial micro-dampers. The ship could be shakin' apart and you'd hardly feel a thing!

Lt. Reed : [frustrated]  You ignored a Tactical Alert for this?

Commander Tucker : [ignores Reed]  I want to run some colours by you for the head rest.

Lt. Reed : This is all a big joke to you!

Commander Tucker : [to Reed]  Give it a rest!

Lt. Reed : This isn't a bloody pleasure cruise! Without proper discipline on this ship, this mission is doomed!

Commander Tucker : [highly annoyed]  Why don't you play soldier somewhere else?

Lt. Reed : [with suppressed anger]  If this were a military situation, you'd be taken out and shot!

[Tucker and Reed start fighting] 

Captain Archer : Hey!

[he breaks them apart, then slams Tucker against the wall.] 

Captain Archer : I don't care what colour the headrest is, or whether it can serve me ice-tea! I just want to sit when I'm on duty!

[releases Tucker, then slams Reed against the wall.] 

Captain Archer : And if I hear that alarm one more time, I may have *you* taken out and shot!

[releases Reed, then turns to T'Pol.] 

Captain Archer : Unless there's a *real* emergency, like a reactor breach, I don't want to be disturbed!

Captain Archer : [while wading through a sewer]  Sewage takes on a whole new meaning when it comes from a dozen different species.

Kessick : 31, to be exact.

[Hoshi is left in the company of a stranger] 

Captain Archer : Do I have to tell you to stay on your toes?

Ensign Hoshi Sato : I think that falls under the goes-without-saying category, sir.

Captain Archer : Did you bring a phase-pistol?

Ensign Hoshi Sato : I'll keep it under my pillow.

Captain Archer : Remember that proto-star we ran across last week?

Commander Tucker : Yeah.

Captain Archer : I'm not seeing it here.

[indicating a Vulcan star chart] 

Commander Tucker : Are you saying those Vulcan star charts aren't all that accurate? Well, if that's true, good luck getting them to admit it.

[Archer wants to visit the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem] 

Captain Archer : How d'you think they'd feel about a visit?

Subcommander T'Pol : P'Jem is a place of quiet contemplation, captain. I'm not certain we'd be welcome.

Commander Tucker : It's because Vulcans think we smell bad, isn't it?

Captain Archer : [after hearing the rules for visiting a Vulcan monastery]  I thought Starfleet training was tough.

Captain Archer : So if anyone has a suggestion, I'm all ears...

[realizing there are Vulcans in the room] 

Captain Archer : No offense.

Captain Archer : Take your Vulcan cynicism and bury it with your repressed emotions.

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Scott Bakula

Before Enterprise , Bakula gained fame for starring on Quantum Leap (1989-1993). For his performance as Dr. Sam Beckett on this series, Bakula received four Emmy Award nominations as Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series. He also won the Golden Globe for the role. He directed three episodes of the series. His co-star in the series, Dean Stockwell , went on to appear alongside Bakula once again in the Enterprise episode " Detained ".

Nearly nine years after Enterprise ended, Bakula appeared as Special Agent Dwayne "King" Pride on a two-part episode of CBS ' NCIS , which was a lead-in to the spin-off series NCIS: New Orleans (2014-2021) and Bakula's starring role in it.

  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Early career
  • 3 Leap to stardom
  • 4 Later career
  • 5 Enterprise and Star Trek
  • 6 Recent projects
  • 7.1 Appearances as Jonathan Archer
  • 8.1 Fan sites

Biography [ ]

Born in St. Louis, Missouri, Bakula performed his first acting role in a musical, as the title character in the First Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood's production of Menotti's Amahl and the Night Visitors . He went on to attend Kirkwood High School in Missouri. He became involved in multiple theatrical productions in Missouri, including the lead in Man of La Mancha , a role he later reprised in the Quantum Leap episode "Catch a Falling Star".

Prior to joining the world of Hollywood, Bakula starred on Broadway in many plays and musicals, the most prominent of which were Romance, Romance , Marilyn, An American Fable , Three Guys Naked From The Waist Down , Philadelphia Chickens , and Cabaret . His earliest Broadway experience, however, was as an understudy in the musical Is There Life After High School , which featured future Enterprise co-star Harry Groener as a performer. Bakula went on to attend the University of Kansas and graduated with a degree in theater.

Bakula's first marriage was to stage actress Krista Neumann in 1981. They had one child together, a daughter named Chelsy (born in 1984). They also adopted a son, named Cody. The two divorced in 1995. The following year, Bakula married model and actress Chelsea Field . Together they had two children, Wil (born in 1995) and Owen (born in 1999).

Early career [ ]

Bakula first appeared to television audiences as the star of the sci-fi/family TV movie I-Man in 1986. This movie was directed by Corey Allen and co-starred Star Trek: The Next Generation guest actress Ellen Bry . Bakula reunited with Allen for two more TV movies the following year: The Last Fling and Infiltrator .

Later in 1986, Bakula had the lead role in the short-lived sitcom Gung Ho , which co-starred fellow Trek alumni Clint Howard and Patti Yasutake . Also in 1986, Bakula appeared in the first episode of the sitcom Designing Women , playing Dr. Ted Shively. He reprised the role of Shively in several more episodes between 1987 and 1988. Among his co-stars on this series was " By Any Other Name " actress Julie Cobb .

In 1987, Bakula and Gregory Itzin both guest-starred in a two-hour special episode of Matlock entitled "The Power Brokers". The following year, Bakula was again given the lead role in a sitcom, this time Eisenhower & Lutz on CBS . Like Gung Ho , however, this series was also canceled during its first season.

Leap to stardom [ ]

The following year, Bakula starred in his first successful series, Quantum Leap . With this series, Bakula not only shot to stardom, he achieved cult status and became a household name, as well.

Bakula was quick to follow on his success by breaking into feature film while Quantum Leap was still in production. He made his film debut in 1990, playing Kirstie Alley 's husband in the comedy Sibling Rivalry . The following year, he starred in the football movie Necessary Roughness . In 1992, he returned to TV movies, co-starring with Miguel Ferrer in the crime drama In the Shadow of a Killer .

Despite its popularity and success, Quantum Leap was canceled in 1993 after five seasons. Among the other Star Trek performers he co-starred with throughout the series were Marc Alaimo , John Anderson , Parley Baer , Fran Bennett , Dan Butler , K Callan , Kimberly Cullum , Susan Diol , Terry Farrell , Meg Foster , Susan French , Willie Garson , Mike Genovese , Brian George , James Greene , Harry Groener , Anne Haney , Jerry Hardin , Teri Hatcher , Richard Herd , J.G. Hertzler , Sherman Howard , Stephen Lee , Neal McDonough , Mary Elizabeth McGlynn , Bruce McGill , Stephen McHattie , Kate McNeil , Robert Duncan McNeill , Alan Oppenheimer , Robert Pine , Richard Riehle , Leon Rippy , Charles Rocket , Raphael Sbarge , William Schallert , Alan Scarfe , Carolyn Seymour , Ron Taylor , Tamlyn Tomita , Deborah Van Valkenburgh , and Liz Vassey . James Whitmore, Jr. directed fifteen episodes of the series.

Later career [ ]

Scott Bakula on Star Trek Nemesis set

Scott Bakula with Brent Spiner and Patrick Stewart on the set of Star Trek Nemesis

Following Quantum Leap 's end in 1993, Bakula began playing the recurring role of reporter Peter Hunt in the popular CBS television series Murphy Brown . His character, which he played fourteen times between 1993 and 1996, was also an occasional love interest for the title character, played by Candice Bergen.

Bakula continued working in feature films. He co-starred with his future wife Chelsea Field in A Passion to Kill (1994, with Star Trek: The Original Series guest France Nuyen ). That same year, Bakula had a small but pivotal role in the thriller Color of Night , co-starring Brad Dourif , Jeff Corey , and Erick Avari .

In 1995, Bakula made an appearance in the film My Family (which featured Bibi Besch and Bruce Gray as a married couple) and starred in Lord of Illusions (1994, co-starring Next Generation guest performers Famke Janssen and Vincent Schiavelli . He also starred in the science fiction TV movie The Invaders , a revival of the classic 1960s series of the same name. The following year, Bakula was once again given the lead role in a television series, starring as Mr. Smith on Mr. & Mrs. Smith . But the series was canceled after only one season, and Bakula returned to TV movies and feature films.

Bakula lent his voice to the main character of the 1997 animated musical feature, Cats Don't Dance . Also lending their voices to the film were Lindsay Ridgeway , Frank Welker , John Rhys-Davies , and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine star René Auberjonois . Bakula then co-starred with Corbin Bernsen in Major League: Back to the Minors (1998) before playing a gay man in American Beauty (1999). This latter film later won five Academy Awards, including Best Picture.

Bakula next co-starred with Ron Perlman , John Schuck , and David Graf in the 2000 TV movie The Trial of Old Drum . That same year, he co-starred with Star Trek: Voyager star Robert Beltran in the romantic comedy Luminarias . In 2001, he had a role in the TV mini-series A Girl Thing . This series co-starred Star Trek actor Bruce Greenwood and Next Generation star Brent Spiner , the latter of whom Bakula would work with again in the Enterprise episodes " Borderland ", " Cold Station 12 ", and " The Augments ". Bakula also had a role in Life as a House (2001).

Enterprise and Star Trek [ ]

Scott Bakula with ENT DVD

Bakula holding an Enterprise DVD set

In 2001, Bakula was cast in the role of Captain Jonathan Archer for the fifth live-action Star Trek series, Enterprise . A fan of The Original Series}}, Bakula was thrilled with the assignment.

On Enterprise , Bakula enjoyed a more leisurely schedule than he had while filming Quantum Leap since he was not required to carry the show primarily by himself. He also had a special clause in his contract which required filming to be finished by 6pm on a Wednesday so he could have dinner with his family. Describing how producers Rick Berman and Brannon Braga sold him on playing the role of a Star Trek captain, Bakula stated, "They talked about going back to a feeling of more of the Kirk , Spock , Bones relationship on board … [It would be] more about the relationship between the crew, and the captain, and his officers, as opposed to a relationship to the universe. And that, right away, was very appealing to me." [1]

Bakula appeared in all 98 episodes of the series, which lasted four seasons from 2001 through 2005 , when it was canceled due to low ratings. He and co-star Jolene Blalock were the last members of the main cast to be released following the end of principal photography on the final episode, " These Are the Voyages... " on 5 March 2005 .

In August 2006, Bakula attended his first Star Trek convention , namely Creation's celebration of Trek 's 40th anniversary in Las Vegas.

Bakula reprised the role of Jonathan Archer , albeit in voice only, for the video game Star Trek: Legacy . The game also features the voices of the four other captains of the Star Trek universe – William Shatner , Patrick Stewart , Avery Brooks , and Kate Mulgrew .

Several costumes and accessories worn by Bakula during the run of Enterprise were sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay, including a desert gear lot [2] and a pair of boots. [3]

On 23 January 2010 , Bakula and fellow SAG actor JoBeth Williams announced the winners for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Television Series and for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture during the pre-award show. Star Trek won the latter award.

Recent projects [ ]

Following the cancellation of Enterprise , Bakula returned to the stage to star as Virginia farmer Charles Anderson in a revival of the Civil War production Shenandoah . The play was performed at the historic Ford's Theatre in Washington, DC from 22 March through 30 April 2006. Although Shenandoah was no longer in production, Bakula still had the long hair that he grew for his role in the play when he appeared at the Creation's Trek convention in Las Vegas.

In 2006, Bakula guest-starred on the television comedy series The New Adventures of Old Christine , playing the one-time boyfriend of the lead character, Christine (played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus). The twist is that Bakula's character, Jeff, is Christine's ex-husband's new girlfriend's father. Bakula made a return appearance on the show in 2009.

Bakula also starred in the 2007 Lifetime movie Blue Smoke , directed by David Carson . He then appeared in an episode of the Comedy Central series American Body Shop as "a drunk, womanizing, one-legged Scott Bakula impersonator". [4]

Bakula starred in a revival of the Broadway musical No Strings at UCLA's Ralph Freud Playhouse. The play ran from 8 to 20 May 2007. Afterward, he starred in the world premiere production of Jane Anderson's Quality of Life , which ran at LA's Geffen Playhouse from 2 October through 18 November 2007.

In December 2007, Bakula guest-starred on Boston Legal , starring William Shatner and John Larroquette . [5] [6] The episode, entitled "Glow in the Dark," aired on 12 February 2008. Although Bakula did not share any scenes with Shatner (and didn't even meet him on the set), he did work with Larroquette and reunited with his Murphy Brown co-star, Candice Bergen. Bakula joins an already long list of Star Trek performers to appear on Boston Legal ; in addition to Shatner and Larroquette, the series previously featured the likes of René Auberjonois , Michelle Forbes , Ethan Phillips , Jeri Ryan and Armin Shimerman .

Bakula had a benefit cabaret event in January 2008 for the Ford's Theatre in Washington D.C. entitled "A Cabaret Evening With Scott Bakula and Friends." Bakula more recently sang and danced in the lead role of Tony Hunter in Dancing in the Dark , a stage musical based on the movie Band Wagon , at The Old Globe Theater in San Diego, California. The sold out event ran from 15 March 2008 to 20 April. The producers of the show hope to take it to Broadway in about a year.

In April 2008 Bakula appeared as a recurring character in the "office affair" segments of Tracey Ullman's new Showtime series State Of The Union . In early 2009, Bakula was seen in a three-episode arc on the NBC series Chuck , in which he portrayed the estranged father of the main protagonist, Chuck Bartowski. Two of Bakula's episodes (the first and the third) were directed by Star Trek: Voyager alum Robert Duncan McNeill , who is also a producer on the show. Bonita Friedericy , the wife of Bakula's Enterprise co-star John Billingsley who herself appeared on Enterprise , is a main cast member on Chuck .

Bakula had the second lead role opposite Matt Damon in The Informant! , a dark comedy/espionage thriller directed by Steven Soderbergh . In this film, Bakula played FBI Agent Brian Shepherd, who teams up with Damon's biochemist character to expose an international price-fixing scheme.

Bakula next starred in the ongoing drama on TNT entitled Men of a Certain Age , in which he plays Terry, who is described as a handsome, intelligent actor struggling to make it in the business. On July 15, 2011, TNT cancelled the series after two seasons. Despite its short run the series did win a Peabody Award in 2010. [7] Men of a Certain Age marked Bakula's first time as a TV series regular since Star Trek: Enterprise was canceled in 2005. [8] [9]

In 2012, Bakula guest starred in six episodes (including the series finale) of Desperate Housewives , appearing alongside Teri Hatcher , Vanessa Williams , and Brenda Strong , joining a large number of Star Trek alumni who appeared in the series during its eight-season run.

2013 saw Bakula taking on the role of Bob Black, the gay man who introduced Liberace to Scott Thorson , in the HBO film Behind the Candelabra , based on Thorson's memoir of the same name.

In 2014 and 2015 Bakula could be seen on the HBO series "Looking" as the recurring character Lynn, a handsome entrepreneur and romantic interest for one of the series three leads.

In February 2014 it was announced that Bakula would star as Special Agent Dwayne Cassius Pride in a CBS NCIS spin-off series located in New Orleans. The series started to shoot that February and was launched through a two-part episode of NCIS , with the actual series NCIS: New Orleans premiering in September 2014. [10] [11] One of his co-stars for the first two seasons was Zoe McLellan . A first season episode featured Dean Stockwell. The series eventually ended in May 2021.

Star Trek appearances [ ]

Jonathan Archer Star Trek: Enterprise Multiple appearances

Appearances as Jonathan Archer [ ]

  • " Broken Bow "
  • " Fight or Flight "
  • " Strange New World "
  • " Unexpected "
  • " Terra Nova "
  • " The Andorian Incident "
  • " Breaking the Ice "
  • " Civilization "
  • " Fortunate Son "
  • " Cold Front "
  • " Silent Enemy "
  • " Dear Doctor "
  • " Sleeping Dogs "
  • " Shadows of P'Jem "
  • " Shuttlepod One "
  • " Rogue Planet "
  • " Acquisition "
  • " Detained "
  • " Vox Sola "
  • " Fallen Hero "
  • " Desert Crossing "
  • " Two Days and Two Nights "
  • " Shockwave "
  • " Shockwave, Part II "
  • " Carbon Creek "
  • " Minefield "
  • " Dead Stop "
  • " A Night in Sickbay "
  • " Marauders "
  • " The Seventh "
  • " The Communicator "
  • " Singularity "
  • " Vanishing Point "
  • " Precious Cargo "
  • " The Catwalk "
  • " Cease Fire "
  • " Future Tense "
  • " Canamar "
  • " The Crossing "
  • " Judgment "
  • " Horizon "
  • " The Breach "
  • " Cogenitor "
  • " Regeneration "
  • " First Flight "
  • " The Expanse "
  • " The Xindi "
  • " Anomaly (ENT) "
  • " Extinction "
  • " Impulse "
  • " The Shipment "
  • " Twilight "
  • " North Star "
  • " Similitude "
  • " Carpenter Street "
  • " Chosen Realm "
  • " Proving Ground "
  • " Stratagem "
  • " Harbinger "
  • " Doctor's Orders "
  • " Hatchery "
  • " Azati Prime "
  • " The Forgotten "
  • " The Council "
  • " Countdown "
  • " Zero Hour "
  • " Storm Front "
  • " Storm Front, Part II "
  • " Borderland "
  • " Cold Station 12 "
  • " The Augments "
  • " The Forge "
  • " Awakening "
  • " Kir'Shara "
  • " Daedalus "
  • " Observer Effect "
  • " Babel One "
  • " The Aenar "
  • " Affliction "
  • " Divergence "
  • " Terra Prime "

External links [ ]

  • Scott Bakula at the Internet Movie Database
  • Scott Bakula at the Internet Broadway Database
  • Scott Bakula at the Notable Names Database
  • Scott Bakula at Wikipedia

Fan sites [ ]

  • Scott Bakula Entertainment
  • Scott Bakula - Latest Appearances and News
  • Project Quantum Leap
  • 1 USS Voyager (NCC-74656-A)
  • 2 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 3 Star Trek: Prodigy

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Star Trek: Enterprise - Scott Bakula on Captain Jonathan Archer

Hear from the captain himself!

Looking into our Starchive, we came across a gem of an interview!

Scott Bakula takes us back, to before the pilot of Star Trek: Enterprise 's debut, to learn more about his character Captain Jonathan Archer, his sentiments around their mission as well as the purpose of the maiden voyage, and more.

Stay tuned to for more details! And be sure to follow @StarTrek on Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram .

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A certain Captain could return to three Star Trek shows.

star trek series scott bakula

It's been a long road. A new rumor is flying around at Warp 5 that the very first captain of a starship called Enterprise will be returning to the Trek canon in some way shape or form. Take this rumor with a pinch of dilithium, but according to two outlets , actor Scott Bakula is in talks to reprise his role as Captain Archer in a new Star Trek TV project. This rumor comes as Strange New Worlds seemingly starts filming in Toronto. (Ethan Peck's Instagram was a dead giveaway .)

If Captain Archer did return, the best bet seems to be Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , the show that is both a sequel to Discovery Season 2 and a prequel to The Original Series . Here's how Bakula's Jonathan Archer could find himself back in the Final Frontier. Wild speculation ahead.

star trek series scott bakula

Captain Archer in the Enterprise series finale.

Jonathan Archer's timeline

There is no confirmation from Paramount/CBS about Bakula returning as Jonathan Archer. By most metrics, the 2001-2005 prequel series Enterprise is considered the most unpopular Trek show of all time. Nevertheless, Enterprise has been given a lot of love in recent years — with tons of Easter eggs for the show in both Star Trek Beyond , and Discovery . Without the bold choices made in Enterprise , a lot of Discovery and Strange New Worlds wouldn't be possible.

The Enterprise timeline ends pretty clearly in the year 2161, in the episode "Those Are the Voyages..." Discovery Season 1 starts a full century later in 2256. In "The War Within, the War Without" Admiral Cornwell said Enterprise visited the Klingon Homeworld "almost a hundred years ago."

Is Archer alive in the 23rd Century of the Strange New Worlds era? He'd be 146-years-old, which isn't unheard of for Star Trek humans. What's more, according to slightly apocryphal data from text-on-the-screen in "In a Mirror, Darkly Part 2" Archer not only became the President of the United Federation of Planets but also died in 2245, right after he attended the christening ceremony of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701.

Then again, in the 2009 reboot movie, Scotty (Simon Pegg) mentions "Admiral Archer's prized beagle" which seems to indicate that in Kelvin Timeline, Archer was (maybe) still alive in 2258. So, Prime Archer could be alive in Pike's time, which doesn't rule out a regular appearance from Scott Bakula as the character in the timeframe of Strange New Worlds .

star trek series scott bakula

Archer in the Mirror Universe.

Alternate timelines

We still don't know when the new Michelle Yeoh spinoff Section 31 will take place. In Discovery Season 3 the Guardian of Forever said he was sending Georgiou (Yeoh) back to a point in time when the Prime and Mirror Universes were still "aligned." It's unclear if this means Georgiou will emerge before the universes diverged or if she's simply going to a time when travel between the two dimensions wasn't so tricky. Interestingly, if Georgiou land somewhere in the late 22nd Century, say, 2170 or so, it would be far enough after the end of Enterprise (20 years) but still several decades before the birth of her Prime Universe counterpart in 2202. And, interestingly, the late 22nd Century to early 23rd Century is a pretty huge period of Trek history which the legit canon has barely explored.

If Section 31 did happen some time in these missing gaps, then having a post- Enterprise Archer could make a lot of sense. Best of all, Scott Bakula could just pick-up where he left off, kind of like the naturalistic approach to Picard .

star trek series scott bakula

Riker and Troi on a holographic version of Archer's Enterprise .

The Archer cameo may be something else

Because we just saw Leonard Nimoy's Spock in Discovery Season 3, via holographic recording, it's pretty easy to imagine all sorts of ways that a historical Captain Archer could appear in either Discovery Season 4 or Picard Season 2. Somewhat infamously, in the finale of Enterprise , Riker played out an elaborate holodeck simulation set aboard the 22nd CEntury NX-01, which included paling around with Archer. Riker jokingly referenced this specific holodeck program in the Lower Decks Season 1 finale, when he said talked about "You know, Archer and those guys."

So, when you consider that Lower Decks made several jokes about Enterprise, and also loves having zany plotlines, Captain Archer could easily return to that series. Could a Lower Decks Archer exist outside of a holodeck joke? Well, maybe. Lower Decks has yet to do a zany time travel story and considering it's an animated show, the possibilities of jumping into another part of the canon are totally on the table. In fact, Lower Decks showrunner Mike McMahan even told Inverse that doing other versions of Lower Decks in different Trek eras is totally possible: "You can do Lower Decks on a bunch of other ships and other eras."

Will Archer really return? It seems like a longshot, but if it does happen, one thing's for sure. He better bring his cute dog Porthos with him.

star trek series scott bakula

Porthos is Star Trek's best very good boy.

This article was originally published on Feb. 16, 2021

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star trek series scott bakula

Scott Bakula Thinks This Is Why Star Trek: Enterprise Was Doomed

Scott Bakula and Linda Park in Enterprise

" Star Trek: Enterprise " was the first "Star Trek" series I watched to completion and loved unequivocally. It was the first installment that locked me firmly into the franchise's tractor beam. Unfortunately, "Enterprise" hasn't enjoyed as much praise in other corners of the fandom. The series is infamously regarded as the black sheep of "Star Trek." It was marketed as the angsty prequel to the original series that started it all and set 100 years before the voyages of the starship piloted by James T. Kirk — which could have given fans a perfect window into the tumultuous beginning of Starfleet.

But "Enterprise" was by no means perfect. At best, it was rife with missed opportunities. The series tried to deliver on its prequel premise, but largely abandoned enticing "here's how this happened" storylines in favor of extraneous threads. Some of its most promising episodes were those that dealt in the gritty reality that humans faced in lawless space, but those narratives were few and far between. Plus, its theme song apparently sucked (I'm not ashamed to say I loved it, though).

The series finally started to find its footing in its fourth season, but sadly, it wasn't enough to save the "Enterprise" crew from a decisive end. So much was working against "Enterprise" from the get-go. In fact, according to Scott Bakula, who starred in the series as Captain Jonathan Archer, it was plagued with even more tumult behind the scenes

These were the ill-fated voyages...

The early 2000s were a time of total reformation. Network TV was about to reach a sort of apex, but as a result, many networks were struggling to catch the wave. The United Paramount Network (UPN) was one such network, the one that "Enterprise" called home. UPN was jointly owned by ViacomCBS and Paramount when "Enterprise" premiered in 2001. "We were kind of their big star representation," Bakula told Bob Saget on his podcast, " Bob Saget's Here For You ."

Though the series was one of UPN's prestige projects, it still struggled more than the "Star Trek" series that came before. "Enterprise" was the first of the franchise relying solely on a network; every other "Star Trek" show began in syndication. "We were subject to the whims of the network and the advertisers," Bakula recalled. To the actor, this was a major factor in their cancellation:

"All the other [Star Trek shows] ... set up their deals with all the little stations all around America for seven years, and they went and made a TV show for seven years. Which we would have done also if we had been syndicated."

The plight of the Enterprise

In reality, syndication was the least of the show's worries. By 2005, the partnership between Viacom and Paramount was crumbling. Both UPN and its sister network, The WB, were struggling financially. When Viacom and CBS split up the following year, the networks merged to create The CW, sending so many shows into jeopardy. "Enterprise" itself had been culled months before, but Bakula remembers the "political" turmoil that contributed to it.

"Networks [were] being bought and sold and studios [were] changing personnel completely," the actor said. Even the series' original showrunners, Rick Berman and Brannon Braga, were unceremoniously replaced in the final season. Ironically, many have named said season the strongest of the four . On paper, "Enterprise" really was hitting its stride, only to face the ax before the dawn of a new network.

Still, for all its flaws and missed opportunities, so many "Star Trek" fans enjoyed "Enterprise." It's one of the few series that's enjoyed a consistent, dogged campaign for a revival, including a new petition that  started circulating in 2021 . In a lot of ways, it's as good a time to bring "Enterprise" back as any. JJ Abrams' 2009 revamp helped breathe new life into "Star Trek," and since then the franchise has rebounded on television in a big way. Even Viacom and CBS have made up, rebranding decisively and simply as Paramount.

With a new banner for all the "Star Trek" shows, could "Enterprise" actually secure a fifth (or even sixth) season? I wouldn't hold out much hope for one, but anything is possible after a well-timed corporate rebrand.

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Scott Bakula

Birth Name: Scott Stewart Bakula

Birth Place: St Louis, Missouri, United States

Profession Actor, producer

star trek series scott bakula

Reality Cast Member

Executive producer.

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Star Trek Luminaries Including Patrick Stewart And Scott Bakula Assemble For Franchise Peabody Award

star trek series scott bakula

| June 10, 2024 | By: Staff 49 comments so far

On Sunday night, a mix of stars and producers of Star Trek gathered for the Peabody Awards, where the franchise was being honored this year by the prestigious institution.

Peabody Trek

The 2024 Peabody Awards ceremony was held Sunday night, June 9, at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, where Star Trek was presented with the Institutional Award, an honor which has previously been given to other groundbreaking media institutions like The Simpsons ,  60 Minutes ,  Sesame Street ,  FRONTLINE , and  The Daily Show with Jon Stewart .

A number of Star Trek stars (past, present, and future) were on hand for the event, including Scott Bakula ( Enterprise ) Patrick Stewart (TNG, Picard ), Jeri Ryan ( Voyager , Picard ), LeVar Burton (TNG, Picard ), Tawny Newsome ( Lower Decks ), Anson Mount ( Strange New Worlds ), Ethan Peck ( Strange New Worlds ), Rebecca Romijn ( Strange New Worlds ), Wilson Cruz ( Discovery ), Doug Jones ( Discovery ), and Sam Richardson ( Section 31 ). Also on hand were a number of producers, including J.J. Abrams, Alex Kurtzman, Terry Matalas, Olatunde Osunsanmi, Akiva Goldsman, Jenny Lumet, Michelle Paradise, Noga Landau, and Trevor Roth.

The Institutional Award was the final presentation of the night, where many of the above accepted the award on stage after Abrams introduced the award and Alex Kurtzman, who oversees the Star Trek television franchise for Paramount, accepted the award on behalf of the franchise. Kurtzman spoke in part  of Star Trek creator Gene Roddberry’s enduring vision of “hope that our better angels will lead us across the frontiers of space and ourselves with modesty, dignity and respect” and the conviction that “we are all made of the same stardust.”

You can see parts of Abrams and Kurtzman speaking below…

During the event host Kumail Nanjiani went into the audience to hear from Sir Patrick Stewart at one of the Star Trek tables. The actor spoke about how honored he felt being there, “unlike any award ceremony I have ever imagined.” You can watch his comments below …

In a nod to fans, Paramount invited Bjo Trimble to the event. She, along with her recently passed husband John Trimble , were instrumental in the campaign to save the original Star Trek from cancellation. Trimble joined Kurzman and the award for a special portrait as well (see below).

More photos

Here are more photos from the Peabody Awards show (via Getty images).

And here are more official portraits (also via Getty).

Official Peabody Award announcement

In case you missed it, here is the original release from the Peabody Awards from May on why Star Trek was being bestowed with the Institutional Award this year.

Here is the full text of the announcement for Star Trek:

The Institutional Award –  Star Trek

The original  Star Trek  television series aired on NBC for only three seasons, from September 1966 to June 1969. It was fresh, prescient, and so ahead of its time that it couldn’t quite capture the mainstream audience required for hits during a particularly insipid time in television. But fast forward nearly 60 years, and creator Gene Roddenberry’s vision is alive and well, having spawned a media franchise of 13 feature films, 11 television series, and numerous books and comics, with a legendary fan following. Today  Star Trek  is more vibrant, imaginative, funny, entertaining, and progressive than ever. And these days, we’ve got the special effects to make it look stellar.

The original science-fiction series was set aboard a starship,  Enterprise , whose mostly human crew encountered alien life as they traversed the stars, led by the iconic Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner). It was groundbreaking for its diverse cast and for its unapologetically progressive values—exploration over colonialism, cooperation over violence. Its fandom grew over time, and the successors to the original series have updated the franchise without losing its moral core—the dream of a future free from human destruction, poverty, and bigotry. Subsequent captains have served as models of ethical and diverse leadership:  The Next Generation ’s Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart),  Deep Space Nine ’s Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks), and  Voyager ’s Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) among them.

With every passing decade, new versions have proliferated, attracting new generations of fans. Film reboots directed by J.J. Abrams and Justin Lin revived Kirk and his crew with new, young actors, zippier dialogue, and vastly improved effects in the 2000s and 2010s. The Streaming Era has brought a raft of reimaginings with a variety of sensibilities, from the dark and complicated  Star Trek: Discovery  to the crowd-pleasing prequel  Star Trek: Strange New Worlds  (featuring a young Spock!) to the hilariously meta cartoon  Star Trek: Lower Decks . As the latest versions of  Star Trek  invite in a new generation of viewers, the interstellar travelers still encounter danger and difficulty, of course. But the Starfleet crew always comes out on top— and without sacrificing essential values that seem quintessentially human: valor, self-sacrifice, curiosity, compassion, broadmindedness.

“From a groundbreaking television series to an expansive collection of films, novels, comic books and so much more,  Star Trek  has been delivering joy, wonder, and thought-provoking stories since the 1960s,” said Jones. “With powerful anti-war and anti-discrimination messages, it has blazed trails for all science fiction franchises while winning over passionate fans across the globe. We’re proud to honor  Star Trek  with Peabody’s Institutional Award.”

Keep up with news about the  Star Trek Universe .

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Will Archer return? Please 『Star Trek Archer』

He’s looking great, ready for the part!

He was supposed to have become president of the UFP… I think a series focusing on him in that capacity might be fun… the post-Romulan War political environment could spawn a few good plot lines…

So totally agreed! Even though I don’t want more prequels an Archer streaming movie or show when he becomes Federation President would be the only real exception Outside of the Legacy show that would be my other choice for a future show.

I really just want Archer back!

Seeing Bjo arm-in-arm with Kurtzman feels really sweet and kind of made my day for some reason. Glad they thought to invite her.

The most wholesome thing I’ll see today, no doubt.

Agreed. Very sweet.

Now there’s a cast for a movie if I don’t say so myself..

So this is me being a stickler and officious but shouldn’t the writers of this article have stated the following credits:

Anson Mount ( Strange New Worlds ), Ethan Peck ( Strange New Worlds ), Rebecca Romijn ( Strange New Worlds )

Anson Mount ( Discovery, Strange New Worlds ), Ethan Peck ( Discovery, Strange New Worlds ), Rebecca Romijn ( Discovery, Strange New Worlds )

After all, these versions of Pike, Spock and Una/Number One all started on season 2 of Discovery and if not for that, we never would have gotten “Strange New Worlds”.

Haha, and don’t forget Patrick Stewart (TNG, Picard and DS9)

For that matter: LeVar Burton (TNG, Voyager , Picard) and so forth… if there’s one thing this franchise knows how to do, it’s cross the streams with actors and characters. In the words of Khan, “Of course. We’re one, big, happy fleet!”

Is zippier dialogue what they call that modern Gen Z type speak?

Only if they high key got the rizz, fam.

I don’t care how the zoomers speak I just hope their humor is better than the millennials and gen x who write modern dialog – the humor is so forced and awkward it makes me want to barf. You thought that was gonna make people laugh? Please.

Zippier dialogue? Juvenile dialogue is a better adjective.

My understanding is that zippier dialog is more like Gilmore Girls cadence.

If Kurtzman could pass that trophy down three people to his right and then exit the photo, it would be a keeper.

To who? Which picture? Which right?

To His right.

Let me help you with this. Edit: Congratulations to everyone on this well deserved honor.

See, that wasn’t so hard….

Anson Mount is a gorgeous man…

For a second I thought, “No one’s there from the original series,” and then I remembered that barely anyone’s left from it, and they’re not young.

Well, Shatner is young, but you know what I mean. :-)

It’s a shame none of the people involved with making star trek (I may have missed the them) from TNG all the way through to ENT aren’t there. People like Rick Berman, Ronald D Moore, Michael Westmore, and others who made Star Trek so popular with its comeback from TNG onwards. Star Trek would most likely not have been as big or as popular as it is now if it wasn’t for the work done from TNG onwards.

It is possible many others were invited and simply could not (or chose not to) attend.

That’s a good point.

They help define what Star Trek is for millions of fans to this day. They created an era of shows that have become timeless to many of us fans and I been one since 1968.

It is good to see the new shows bringing back so many of those characters and storylines back today like Discovery just did both for TNG and Enterprise. Don’t forget the classic shows.

For that they do deserve tremendous credit.

Don’t Shatner and Takei both live in the LA area, so I would have thought they might have been able to make it? And no Rod Roddenberry? But happy to see that Bjp Trimble was part of it!

Congratulations to everyone on this well-deserved honor. It’s good to see a solid cross section of Trek talent at the ceremony.

Aww man I love this so much 🥰 I really love this Star Trek family that has been built over the decades. I agree with others saying it would’ve been nice to see some TNG producers and TOS people at the event, but really really glad they invited Bjo – without her and John, none of us would be here :)

It’s too bad that Shatner or Takei or Koenig weren’t there… at least one of the remaining from TOS representing that era. But it is nice to see so many of the previous casts there. And a great thing for the franchise to receive. Bravo!

It would be great if Archer at Bakula’s current age appeared in Strange New Worlds and met Pike, with a reference made to his older self having attended the launch of April’s Enterprise.

Congratulations to everyone involved with Star Trek, for a well-deserved award!

Is Jeri Ryan okay? She looks kind of strange in these pictures.

Wow this was such a great honor and so happy to see the wonderful Scot Bakula with Patrick Stewart, Jeri Ryan and Levar Burton among all the other actor who has given us this wonderful franchise for nearly 60 years now. Well deserved.

Saw Patrick Stewart give a small speech on YouTube talking about how honored he was at the ceremony. It was very touching.

And love to see Matalas and Roth there as well. They given me a beautiful season of Star Trek and easily my favorite since 2005 😊

I hope they give us a true celebration for the 60th Anniversary. Bring back Scott Bakula, William Shatner and some more.

Say what you want about Alex Kurtzman, but the speech was really good.

At least one of the remaining actors of TOS should have been here, I wonder why they couldn’t get at least one of Takei, Shatner or Koenig involved. Also it would be nice if Rod Roddenberry appeared. I know guys like Ron Moore could be busy. I found Bakula’s appearance here interesting, I wonder if its some sort of a tease as he seems to be only actor here who isn’t involved in the New Treks in some capacity. Also I wanted to shout out to how gorgeous Tawny Newsome is.

Chances are they asked some of these people but they could not make it (or they didn’t want to). For example, Trevor Roth (COO of Roddenberry Entertainment) was there, so it’s highly unlikely Rod Roddenberry wasn’t invited too.

Some potential observations/theories..

Scott Bakula is there bc hes going to guest star as Archer in SNW or in a Enterprise/Legacy P+ movie for the anniversary..

Patrick Stewart is there bc hes not yet done with Trek (ST Legacy movie?) same with Jeri Ryan

JJ Abrams is there bc hes coming back to direct the final Kelvin movie for 2026

Or they could be there because they were invited and decided to attend.

We’ll see ..

OK but I’m guessing that’s all it is since that’s usually the case at most award shows.

Archer Comeback? They should bring the Rise of the Federation novel series to film.

the group picture up top with J J is great.

those old scientists, writers, directors, showrunners…

I would love to see Archer again in ANY capacity.

Why does it seem Shatner is never invited? Perhaps he turns it down, but it just seems like Trek is boycotting him

If that was the case I’m guessing Shatner would be complaining about it everywhere. It’s an awards show maybe he just didn’t want to go. I’m guessing he wasn’t alone either.

Love to see something with Archer

What Happened To Scott Bakula's Captain Jonathan Archer On Star Trek?

Captain Archer smiling

"Star Trek: Enterprise" Captain Jonathan Archer (played by Scott Bakula) might not have been as refined and diplomatic as Captain Jean-Luc Picard ( Patrick Stewart ) of the Starship Enterprise or as cool under pressure as Deep Space Nine's Commanding Officer Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks). But as a pioneer of Terran interstellar exploration, Archer proves himself to be one of the most influential figures in the "Star Trek" universe. The son of warp five engineer Henry Archer (Mark Moses), Jonathan grows up to be a vocal advocate for Earth's journey into space while captaining a ship his father helped to design.

Despite the Vulcan Council's efforts to delay Earth's entry into the world of space exploration, a diplomatic near-crisis involving the Klingons gave Archer the opportunity he'd been waiting for, forcing Starfleet to launch the Enterprise much earlier than planned. With a crew Archer put together in a matter of days, the captain would lead Starfleet's first warp-powered interstellar space exploration mission. With his trusty dog Porthos by his side and one of the spiciest crews in "Star Trek," Archer would face off with Klingons, get caught up in a temporal cold war, and form one of the hottest bromances this side of the Alpha Quadrant. Even after his return home, Archer wasn't through carving his name into Starfleet history. After signing the charter that would lead to the eventual creation of the United Federation of Planets, Archer is made admiral, embarks on a long political career, and eventually helps christen James T. Kirk's Enterprise.

How Archer helped build the Federation

As recounted aboard the holodeck by Riker (Jonathan Frakes) in the "Enterprise" series finale, "These are the Voyages...," Archer retires in 2161 before signing the Federation charter. Although "Enterprise" ends with Archer's retirement, the two-parter "In a Mirror, Darkly" gives some pretty big spoilers, as revealed when mirror universe Hoshi (Linda Park) reads through Starfleet records while aboard the prime universe ship the Defiant. Since the Tholians brought the ship over from 100 years in the prime universe future, alt-Hoshi, and alt-Archer are able to read a complete history of their prime universe counterparts. According to those records, prime Archer "earned an impressive list of commendations during his career," with historians declaring him "the greatest explorer of the 22nd century." Starfleet records also reveal that Archer has two planets named after him.

Although alternate Archer cuts her off, eagle-eyed viewers who screencap the computer screen Hoshi is reading from can get a complete history of Archer's post-Enterprise days. After his time aboard the Enterprise, he earns the rank of Admiral and becomes Chief of Staff at Starfleet Command before his retirement. He also serves as a prominent ambassador for several years and works as a Federation Councilman before getting elected to the United Federation of Planets presidency in 2184.

In 2245, he attends the NCC-1701's christening, before peacefully dying the following day. With so many productive post-spacefaring years during the foundational years of the Federation, a growing contingent of fans have said they would like to see Paramount create a "Star Trek" series that follows Archer through his political career. Such a series could focus on the growing pains of humanity's evolution to the more enlightened post-scarcity world we see in "Star Trek: The Original Series."

star trek series scott bakula

Hit Comedy Ghosts and Star Trek: Prodigy Lead CBS SDCC Lineup [Exclusive]

  • CBS Studios brings Star Trek , Ghosts , & Everybody Still Hates Chris to SDCC.
  • Star Trek: Prodigy , Ghosts , & Everybody Still Hates Chris panels promise exclusive content & guest appearances.
  • Collider's Perri Nemiroff will be in attendance to moderate the panel for Ghosts in Ballroom 20 on Saturday, July 27.

CBS Studios is gearing up for an electrifying return to San Diego Comic-Con , promising fans a host of exclusive panels, screenings, and fan experiences. Collider is delighted to exclusively reveal that, beyond the much-loved Star Trek Universe panel, this year’s lineup includes the popular children’s animated series Star Trek: Prodigy , the hit supernatural comedy Ghosts , and the highly anticipated new adult animated series Everybody Still Hates Chris .

As announced yesterday, the Star Trek Universe returns to the iconic Hall H with a star-studded panel that promises exclusive content and exciting surprises. Scheduled for Saturday, July 27, from 1:45-3:15 PM PT, the panel will feature back-to-back conversations with the cast and producers of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , Star Trek: Lower Decks , and Star Trek: Starfleet Academy . Additionally, fans will receive a warm Hall H welcome to new cast members from Star Trek: Section 31 . Moderated by award-winning filmmaker, director, and executive producer Justin Simien , this session is set to be a highlight of the convention with plenty of reveals and exclusive insights.

What Is CBS Bringing to SDCC?

Star trek: prodigy panel in room 6de.

On Sunday, July 28, from 10:00–11:00 AM PT, Star Trek: Prodigy fans will gather in Room 6DE for a special screening of an episode from the second season, followed by a panel discussion. Attendees will hear from Star Trek legend and voice actor Kate Mulgrew , voice actor Brett Gray , and executive producers Kevin and Dan Hageman . Moderated by Ryan Britt, editor at Inverse, the panel will also feature a special giveaway item, making this a must-attend event for fans of the series.

Ghosts Panel in Ballroom 20

Fans of the hit supernatural comedy Ghosts won’t want to miss the exclusive panel in Ballroom 20 on Saturday, July 27, from 10:00-10:45 AM PT. The panel will feature series stars Utkarsh Ambudkar, Richie Moriarty , Román Zaragoza , and Rebecca Wisocky , along with executive producers Joe Port and Joe Wiseman . Moderated by Perri Nemiroff , senior producer at Collider, the discussion will delve into the Season 3 cliffhanger and offer tantalizing hints about what’s to come in Season 4. Expect a lively and spirited conversation that captures the essence of the show.

Everybody Still Hates Chris Panel in Indigo Ballroom

Get ready for a trip back to the late 1980s with Everybody Still Hates Chris , an adult animated series inspired by Chris Rock ’s experiences growing up in Brooklyn. The panel will take place in the Indigo Ballroom on Saturday, July 27, from 11:15-12:15 AM PT. Join the series’ voice cast , including Terry Crews, Tichina Arnold, Tim Johnson Jr., Ozioma Akagha, Terrence Little Gardenhigh , and Gunnar Sizemore , along with executive producer and showrunner Sanjay Shah . This panel will feature an exclusive first look at the series and a discussion filled with surprises, offering fans a sneak peek into the reimagined classic coming soon to Comedy Central.

Mark your calendars and prepare for an exciting weekend filled with exclusive content, star-studded panels, and unforgettable moments at San Diego Comic-Con. CBS Studios is set to deliver an incredible lineup that celebrates its most beloved series and introduces fans to thrilling new adventures. Ghosts is available to stream on Paramount+ and you can watch the new season of Star Trek: Prodigy on Netflix .

Ghosts (US)

A young couple, Sam and Jay, inherit a haunted mansion and, unaware of their invisible housemates, plan to turn it into a B&B. Their lives become much more complicated after a fall causes Sam to see the ghosts. Based on the UK series.

Release Date October 7, 2021

Creator Joe Port, Joe Wiseman

Cast Danielle Pinnock, Brandon Scott Jones, Rose McIver, Utkarsh Ambudkar

Main Genre Comedy

Genres Comedy, Fantasy

Rating TV-PG

Watch on Paramount+

Hit Comedy Ghosts and Star Trek: Prodigy Lead CBS SDCC Lineup [Exclusive]

Screen Rant

Chris pine's father was in star trek twice before j.j. abrams' movie.


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Star Trek 2009 Ending & Movies Future Explained

The new sons of star trek series is something special, & fans deserve more (series review), the q are finally evolving in star trek lore (all thanks to q's son).

  • Robert Pine appeared in Star Trek before his son Chris Pine, playing two characters in different series.
  • Star Trek: Voyager and Star Trek: Enterprise both featured appearances by Robert Pine, showcasing his range as an actor.
  • Chris Pine's desire to return as Captain Kirk mirrors his father's continued involvement in the franchise.

Robert Pine played two different characters in Star Trek long before his son, Chris Pine, was cast as Captain James T. Kirk in J.J. Abrams' franchise reboot. Best known for playing Sgt. Joseph Getraer in CHiPs , Robert Pine has appeared in a host of iconic TV shows from the 1960s right up to the 2020s. While Robert Pine appeared in the franchise after becoming a household name, his son Chris Pine's breakthrough role was leading the cast of J.J. Abrams' Star Trek movie as Captain James T. Kirk.

Although he started out as an actor at the time of Star Trek: The Original Series , Robert Pine was never in contention for any guest roles opposite his son Chris Pine's predecessor, William Shatner . In a 2020 interview with , Pine explained that, because he was under contract with Universal, he couldn't appear in TOS as it wasn't one of their shows. In 1996, having previously read for several characters, Robert Pine was finally cast in the first of two Star Trek TV show roles.

J.J. Abrams' Star Trek 2009 saw the young Kirk and Spock join forces to save Earth. A deep dive into how Star Trek 2009 ended and what it all means.

Chris Pine's Father Robert Was In Star Trek: Voyager & Enterprise

Robert Pine made his Star Trek debut as the antagonistic Ambassador Liria in Star Trek: Voyager season 3, episode 3, "The Chute" . Liria was the representative of the Akritirian people, whose legal system had no appeals process. Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) went toe to toe with Liria to negotiate the release of Lt. Tom Paris (Robert Duncan McNeill) and Ensign Harry Kim (Garrett Wang), but to no avail. It was a small but integral role, which required Pine to deliver a page of dialog via Voyager's viewscreen. Reflecting on the experience in 2020, Robert Pine said:

"’s an easy shot with maybe one or two angles and different close-ups. So you’re probably done within an hour, you say goodbye to everyone, and you’re gone [laughs]. It’s not very romantic..."

Chris Pine's father, Robert, had a slightly more substantial role a few years later, when he played Captain Tavin in Star Trek: Enterprise season 1, episode 17, "Fusion" . Tavin was unique among Star Trek 's Vulcans , as his crew believed that emotions should be reintegrated into their psyche. Tavin and Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) got on well, as the Enterprise NX-01's commanding officer was amazed by how personable his Vulcan counterpart was. In his 2020 retrospective interview, Pine remembered that he struggled to remember a lot of his lines as Tavin, but praised Scott Bakula for his patience.

Robert Pine and Scott Bakula had previously appeared together in Quantum Leap , season 4, episode 11, "The Play's The Thing".

Chris Pine Wants To Return As Captain Kirk In Star Trek 4

Like his father with his role as Captain Tavin, Chris Pine is also eyeing up a second go at the Star Trek franchise. Earlier in 2024, PopVerse reported that Chris Pine wants to return as Captain Kirk , citing a panel at ACE Superhero Comic Con 2024. During the panel, Chris Pine told the audience:

In terms of the next phase of [Star Trek], obviously you’re all fans, so I’m sure you’ve read it… We all like one another a lot. I’m good friends with everybody I’ve worked with. We have a great time doing it. I’m a lot older now, so I would be curious where that next story lands us in terms of what it would be and what we’ve said in the press.

Chris Pine's desire to play an older Captain Kirk makes Star Trek 4 an enticing prospect . All six of William Shatner's Star Trek movies were about aging and legacy, so it would be fascinating to see what that means for Chris Pine's version of Captain Kirk. Perhaps Chris Pine's relationship with his father, Robert, could influence the star's characterization of an older James T. Kirk, further cementing the links between the Pine family and the Star Trek franchise.

Star Trek (2009)

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J.J. Abrams' 2009 movie Star Trek rebooted the iconic sci-fi franchise in a totally new timeline. When a Romulan ship travels back in time and alters the past, the lives of James T. Kirk (Chris Pine), Spock (Zachary Quinto), and the future crew of the USS Enterprise are drastically changed. In this new timeline, the Romulan Nero (Eric Bana) sets out for revenge on Spock, setting off a chain of events that reshape the entire universe.

Star Trek: Voyager

The fifth entry in the Star Trek franchise, Star Trek: Voyager, is a sci-fi series that sees the crew of the USS Voyager on a long journey back to their home after finding themselves stranded at the far ends of the Milky Way Galaxy. Led by Captain Kathryn Janeway, the series follows the crew as they embark through truly uncharted areas of space, with new species, friends, foes, and mysteries to solve as they wrestle with the politics of a crew in a situation they've never faced before. 

Star Trek: Enterprise

Star Trek: Enterprise acts as a prequel to Star Trek: The Original Series, detailing the voyages of the original crew of the Starship Enterprise in the 22nd century, a hundred years before Captain Kirk commanded the ship. Enterprise was the sixth series in the Star Trek franchise overall, and the final series before a twelve-year hiatus until the premiere of Star Trek: Discovery in 2017. The series stars Scott Bakula as Captain Jonathan Archer, with an ensemble cast that includes John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating, Anthony Montgomery, Linda Park, and Connor Trinneer.

Star Trek


  1. scott bakula Star Trek Day, Fandom Star Trek, Star Wars, Star Trek

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  2. Scott Bakula

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  3. Exclusive: Scott Bakula Returning To Star Trek As Captain Archer in

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  4. a close up of a person in a uniform

    star trek series scott bakula

  5. Captain Jonathan Archer

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  6. Scott Bakula Interview from Star Trek: Enterprise -- The Complete First Season Blu-ray

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  2. Star Trek: Enterprise

  3. Ranking the Crew of Star Trek: Enterprise

  4. Star Trek: Enterprise Season 1 Episode 22 Vox Sola

  5. Star Trek: Enterprise 1x03 'Fight Or Flight' REVIEW

  6. Star Trek ENTERPRISE


  1. Star Trek: Enterprise (TV Series 2001-2005)

    Star Trek: Enterprise: Created by Rick Berman, Brannon Braga. With Scott Bakula, John Billingsley, Jolene Blalock, Dominic Keating. A century before Captain Kirk's five-year mission, Jonathan Archer captains the United Earth ship Enterprise during the early years of Starfleet, leading up to the Earth-Romulan War and the formation of the Federation.

  2. Scott Bakula

    Scott Stewart Bakula (/ ˈ b æ k j ʊ l ə /; born October 9, 1954) is an American actor and singer. He is known for his roles in two science-fiction television series: as Sam Beckett on Quantum Leap - for which he was nominated for four Primetime Emmy Awards and three Golden Globe Awards (winning one) - and as Captain Jonathan Archer on Star Trek: Enterprise.

  3. Scott Bakula Explains How 'Enterprise' Could Have Run 7 Seasons; Says

    The event ended with a rare appearance of Scott Bakula. The Star Trek: ... affirming his belief the show would have matched the 7-season runs of the three previous Star Trek series if it had been ...

  4. Scott Bakula

    Scott Bakula. Actor: Quantum Leap. Scott Stewart Bakula was born on October 9, 1954 in St. Louis, Missouri, to Sally (Zumwinkel) and J. Stewart Bakula, a lawyer. ... He also starred in the prequel series Star Trek: Enterprise (2001) as Jonathan Archer, the captain of Earth's first long-range starship. Today, he lives in Los Angeles, California ...

  5. Star Trek: Enterprise (TV Series 2001-2005)

    Star Trek: Enterprise (TV Series 2001-2005) Scott Bakula as Capt. Jonathan Archer, Cmdr. Jonathan Archer. Menu. Movies. ... Series: Star Trek [WIP] a list of 24 titles created 2 weeks ago See all related lists » Share this page: Clear your history. Recently Viewed . Get the IMDb app ...

  6. Star Trek: Enterprise

    Star Trek: Enterprise, originally titled simply Enterprise for its first two seasons, is an American science fiction television series created by Rick Berman and Brannon Braga.It originally aired from September 26, 2001 to May 13, 2005 on United Paramount Network ().The sixth series in the Star Trek franchise, it is a prequel to Star Trek: The Original Series.

  7. Scott Bakula

    Scott Stewart Bakula (born 9 October 1954; age 69) is the acclaimed actor who portrayed the lead role of Jonathan Archer on Star Trek: Enterprise. Before Enterprise, Bakula gained fame for starring on Quantum Leap (1989-1993). For his performance as Dr. Sam Beckett on this series, Bakula received four Emmy Award nominations as Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series. He also won the Golden ...

  8. Scott Bakula, Five Years On

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  9. Enterprise's Scott Bakula Looks Back On "Wonderful Stuff" In His Star

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  10. Remembering Star Trek Enterprise with Scott Bakula

    Pick it up right here. Or even better, beam it in! Senior Editor Scott Collura co-hosts the Star Trek podcast Transporter Room 3. Follow him on Twitter at @ScottIGN, on IGN, and subscribe to his ...

  11. Star Trek: Enterprise

    Scott Bakula takes us back, to before the pilot of Star Trek: Enterprise 's debut, to learn more about his character Captain Jonathan Archer, his sentiments around their mission as well as the purpose of the maiden voyage, and more. Stay tuned to for more details! And be sure to follow @StarTrek on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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  13. 'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' rumors reveals the return of a

    If Captain Archer did return, the best bet seems to be Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, the show that is both a sequel to Discovery Season 2 and a prequel to The Original Series. Here's how Bakula's ...

  14. Enterprise's Captain: It Was Scott Bakula "Or No One," Says Star Trek

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  15. Scott Bakula's Star Trek Return Could Happen In Strange New Worlds

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    Jonathan Frakes understands Scott Bakula's frustrations. UPN. Jonathan Frakes has shared his true feelings about "Star Trek: Enterprise's" controversial finale before, noting that the show's fans ...

  17. Scott Bakula Thinks This Is Why Star Trek: Enterprise Was Doomed

    Star Trek: Enterprise was on the air at a tumultuous time for network television, thus dooming the prequel series. ... In fact, according to Scott Bakula, who starred in the series as Captain ...

  18. Enterprise's Scott Bakula On If He'd Consider A Star Trek Return

    Star Trek: Enterprise star Scott Bakula has revealed he would be open to returning to the Star Trek universe at some point in the future.Enterprise, which was the sixth spin-off in the Star Trek franchise, first aired in September 2001, before concluding in May 2005. Set 100 years before the events of the original series, it followed the crew of the Enterprise as they explored the galaxy and ...

  19. Scott Bakula List of Movies and TV Shows

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  21. What Happened To Scott Bakula's Captain Jonathan Archer On Star Trek

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  27. Chris Pine's Father Was In Star Trek Twice Before J.J. Abrams' Movie

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