• Edit source

Magic is the manipulation of mana to cast spells .

  • 1 Background
  • 2 Potential
  • 3 Magic Test
  • 6 References

Background [ ]

“Once, everyone used to know magic", at least according to Ceria's grandfather. It was as simple as breathing even for children, and all half-elves learned Tier 2 magic before they’d reached their teenage years. But in Human cities and other nations, students study under older mages or travel to schools like Wistram Academy .

Magic surrounds everything, but an individual’s capacity for magic varies. And the same goes for the surroundings. Thus, in a highly magically charged environment spells are naturally easy to cast. In a null zone, a [Mage] must rely solely on their own internal magical energy to cast spells. [1]

Magically created material are devoid of microorganisms or impurities, but are also unstable as they cannot be maintained with the magic that made it, which slowly leaves the spell. Thus it will dissolve on a microscopic level and easily breaks apart. [2]

Potential [ ]

The potential of becoming a [Mage] differentiates itself from species to species. Half-Elves , for instance, have a greater affinity towards spellcasting than Humans.

Gazers , too, are a race naturally inclined towards magic, as they are highly magical beings like the half-Elves and to an extent, the  Lizardfolk . However their magic is more chaotic than that of typical [Mages]. [3]

Drakes have an average potential for magic. Though many consider magic undrakelike. Oldblood Drakes however are much more inclined to pursue magic.

Minotaurs are one of the species that have the smallest affinities towards magic, making it even an achievement for them to cast only 2nd Tier spells.

That is not to say that those races have to abandon the magecraft because they think it a waste of time or it won't add anything to their military prowess. One way to go around that problem is shamanism. A [Shaman], chosen by the tribe, will draw Mana not only from the environment but also from the mana supply of their tribe's member, making them in a large tribe especially fearsome. The downside of that method is that the [Shamans] create the spells out of a collective will and lack structure and form. [4]

Another option is to pursue the path of Witchcraft. While similar to shamanism in that it revolves around the use of emotions and collective will into forming a [Witches] ‘Craft’. Witches can also gain power through sacrifices, contracts, items, and ideas. The downside here though is that [Witches] have trouble fighting things in their natural state. A natural wildfire is far harder to deal with for a Level 40 [Witch] then a Level 40 [Mage].

It is also important to note that a person’s magical abilities can change over time. Mostly through exposure to highly magical environments like Fissival , or through the System itself. Drinking large quantities of mana potions or consumption of other various magical materials can also increase a person’s magical abilities, like with Chesacre . Likewise while magical aptitude can be increased, it can also be taken away. Like with the magic crippling systems the Walled Cities put in place against the Gnolls. And area’s of high Antimagic can cripple anyone with magical talent who has spent large amounts of time in said area. Like with the Blighted Kingdom 's 5th Wall. [5]

Another element to consider is that while many people could practice Magic. The skill barrier, resources, and overall interest in the subject can often lead many to stop pursuing the path.

Magic Test [ ]

There are several ways of testing the affinity of a person towards magic. The traditional Human method is by saturating the area around the tester with raw Mana and allow them to demonstrate their magical ability—or lack thereof. If they possess the potentail, they would be able to cast spells by just imagining, be it fire, water, or a shiny pot.

The Half-Elves draw a silver glowing symbol with their wand in the air. The testee is supposed to look at it and show if they can understand it. To non-mages it looks like a bunch of squiggles and straight lines put together randomly. [6]

Miracle [ ]

Miracles are thought by some to be an older, extinct form of magic. Instead of mana, miracles relied in the faith and belief in gods. As the gods have long since ceased to exist, at least in the eyes of the public, so have miracles likewise ended. [7]

Miracles have since returned with the advent of The Prophet & Pawn and his [Priest] class. And have made a widespread resurgence since then among the Free Antinium, appearing as abilities used by the [Priests], [Templars], and [Crusaders] among them and the Seventh Hive .

The full capabilities of Miracles are currently unknown. But continued and practiced worship in entities is the gateway towards obtaining them. Gods are not a needed factor, as the Antinium’s Heaven proves. Still providing the strength of Miracle without being a god.

  • The language of magic is Latin. [5]

References [ ]

  • ↑ Chapter 1.34
  • ↑ Chapter 9.23 GGGGGGGGG
  • ↑ Chapter 4.06 KM
  • ↑ 5.0 5.1 Interlude - Death and Stitches
  • 1 Erin Solstice
  • 2 Belavierr Donamia

The Most Read Books of the 2024 Reading Challenge (So Far)

The Wandering Inn #5, part 1

The wandering inn: book 7 - the rains of liscor, pirateaba , andrea parsneau  ( narrator ).

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First published July 26, 2022

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Magical Door

The Magical Door , which is its fandom name and the way it is most referred to, is a high-grade magical artifact that can be used as a portal doorway.

Appearance [ edit | edit source ]

It looks like a plain, wooden door. [1] When it is active, if someone walked to the side, it became two-dimensional, until it nearly disappeared. And from the back, the door was just…a door, standing up. The portal only activated and is visible from the front. [2]

Background [ edit | edit source ]

While it is not known if Thresk is the one who enchanted the door, he did own it and used it in what is now known as the Ruins of Albez , to safeguard the room that contains his belongings, by stopping anyone who physically tried to force their way in with a reinforcement spell, and by teleporting anyone who tried to analyze it at close range, and anyone close to them, into a pit filled with magical runes such as lesser [Insanity], so that they end up killing themselves.

Chronology [ edit | edit source ]

After recovering the door and its anchoring stone, Pisces would study them, and with Ksmvr 's suggestion, would find a loophole in the spell matrix, and figured out how to trigger it independently of the detection trap, as well as reversing the effect so that they could teleport from the anchoring stone to the door as well.

When Erin reached level 48 as a [Magical Innkeeper], the System deconstructed the Door and replaced it with the Skill [Inn: Door of Portals (500 Miles)]. There was a pile of ash where the Door was last placed. [3]

Enchantments [ edit | edit source ]

Teleportation [ edit | edit source ].

The door has a [Teleport] spell enhancement capable of teleporting a user towards a linked anchor, while the main door includes a primary anchor.

Pisces was able to modify the effect so that the anchor could be used to teleport back towards the door, which enabled the possibility of sending people back and forth between door and anchor. It is possible to move both the door itself as it's possible to move the anchor. Also, it's possible to change the anchors that the door is linked to, by replacing the primary mana stone that is kept in the door.

The teleportation spell uses up mana , and these costs increase disproportionately with increasing distance to the linked anchor. Pisces , Moore , Typhenous and Ryoka sat together once to measure the mana consumption for teleportations between Liscor and Celum and came up with an amount of 50 passages of Ryoka-sized people who could pass to Celum and back to Liscor before Erin's [Magical Grounds] would be depleted of mana and would need to recharge.

wandering inn magic door

They then measured the amount of mana needed for smaller distances, and measured the recharge rates of Erin's [Magical Grounds] at that point in time. It was also calculated (just hypothetically) after some extensive experiments, that the door would be able to send someone of Ryoka’s general weight, give or take twenty pounds, 536 miles, given minimal change in altitude or magical ambience. The door would exhaust its magic after such a teleport however, and require roughly 8.2 hours to recharge fully. The door itself can only store a limited amount of mana. [4]

Durability [ edit | edit source ]

The door was not possible to break or destroy - Pisces had to let Undead hack at its hinges to 'unlock' it. It was also possible to use it as a shield against an extremely hot fire golem. The durability has not been further tested later. [5]

Mana Recharge [ edit | edit source ]

The door has a mechanism that allow it to recharge itself by passively absorbing mana. The higher the ambient mana is, the faster it recharged. [Mages] can also recharge it faster by giving it their own mana.

Former Enchantments: [ edit | edit source ]

Detection trap [ edit | edit source ].

The door had a triggering mechanism that detects people magically investigating its enhancement spells. Once triggered, it activated its automatic teleportation effect. [1] Pisces would later alter the enchantment to isolate and disable the detection trap. [6]

Owners [ edit | edit source ]

Former owners: [ edit | edit source ].

  • Horns of Hammerad
  • Erin Solstice

Destinations [ edit | edit source ]

Nine or ten mana gemstone have been installed on the door, each one connected to a different door. The destinations are:

Over 3 to 5 gemstones were used for Liscor's Dungeon in Volume 5 , for the Gnolls' rescue. They were all destroyed after use to prevent Monsters from using them.

Trivia [ edit | edit source ]

  • Typhenous speculates that because the teleporting matrix enchantment was meant as an element of a trap, the portal wasn’t meant to safeguard the user, therefore if the portal is closed on someone's hand or leg they might lose them entirely. [13]
  • Its official name according to the System is the Personal Trapped Safe Room Door of Warmage Thresk . [3]

References [ edit | edit source ]

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 Chapter 3.02 H
  • ↑ Interlude – Numbtongue (Pt.2)
  • ↑ 3.0 3.1 Chapter 9.21
  • ↑ Chapter 4.12
  • ↑ Chapter 3.07 H
  • ↑ Chapter 3.25
  • ↑ Chapter 7.25
  • ↑ 8.0 8.1 Chapter 7.31
  • ↑ Chapter 6.08
  • ↑ Chapter 7.19
  • ↑ Interlude - Hectval (Pt. 1)
  • ↑ Interlude - Hectval (Pt. 2)
  • ↑ Chapter 3.33

Samara Oblast

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Magical Door

The Magical Door , which is its fandom name and the way it is most referred to, is a high-grade magical artifact that can be used as a portal doorway.

Appearance [ edit | edit source ]

It looks like a plain, wooden door. [1] When it is active, if someone walked to the side, it became two-dimensional, until it nearly disappeared. And from the back, the door was just…a door, standing up. The portal only activated and is visible from the front. [2]

Background [ edit | edit source ]

While it is not known if Thresk is the one who enchanted the door, he did own it and used it in what is now known as the Ruins of Albez , to safeguard the room that contains his belongings, by stopping anyone who physically tried to force their way in with a reinforcement spell, and by teleporting anyone who tried to analyze it at close range, and anyone close to them, into a pit filled with magical runes such as lesser [Insanity], so that they end up killing themselves.

Chronology [ edit | edit source ]

After recovering the door and its anchoring stone, Pisces would study them, and with Ksmvr 's suggestion, would find a loophole in the spell matrix, and figured out how to trigger it independently of the detection trap, as well as reversing the effect so that they could teleport from the anchoring stone to the door as well.

When Erin reached level 48 as a [Magical Innkeeper], the System deconstructed the Door and replaced it with the Skill [Inn: Door of Portals (500 Miles)]. There was a pile of ash where the Door was last placed. [3]

Enchantments [ edit | edit source ]

Teleportation [ edit | edit source ].

The door has a [Teleport] spell enhancement capable of teleporting a user towards a linked anchor, while the main door includes a primary anchor.

Pisces was able to modify the effect so that the anchor could be used to teleport back towards the door, which enabled the possibility of sending people back and forth between door and anchor. It is possible to move both the door itself as it's possible to move the anchor. Also, it's possible to change the anchors that the door is linked to, by replacing the primary mana stone that is kept in the door.

The teleportation spell uses up mana , and these costs increase disproportionately with increasing distance to the linked anchor. Pisces , Moore , Typhenous and Ryoka sat together once to measure the mana consumption for teleportations between Liscor and Celum and came up with an amount of 50 passages of Ryoka-sized people who could pass to Celum and back to Liscor before Erin's [Magical Grounds] would be depleted of mana and would need to recharge.

wandering inn magic door

They then measured the amount of mana needed for smaller distances, and measured the recharge rates of Erin's [Magical Grounds] at that point in time. It was also calculated (just hypothetically) after some extensive experiments, that the door would be able to send someone of Ryoka’s general weight, give or take twenty pounds, 536 miles, given minimal change in altitude or magical ambience. The door would exhaust its magic after such a teleport however, and require roughly 8.2 hours to recharge fully. The door itself can only store a limited amount of mana. [4]

Durability [ edit | edit source ]

The door was not possible to break or destroy - Pisces had to let Undead hack at its hinges to 'unlock' it. It was also possible to use it as a shield against an extremely hot fire golem. The durability has not been further tested later. [5]

Mana Recharge [ edit | edit source ]

The door has a mechanism that allow it to recharge itself by passively absorbing mana. The higher the ambient mana is, the faster it recharged. [Mages] can also recharge it faster by giving it their own mana.

Former Enchantments: [ edit | edit source ]

Detection trap [ edit | edit source ].

The door had a triggering mechanism that detects people magically investigating its enhancement spells. Once triggered, it activated its automatic teleportation effect. [1] Pisces would later alter the enchantment to isolate and disable the detection trap. [6]

Owners [ edit | edit source ]

Former owners: [ edit | edit source ].

  • Horns of Hammerad
  • Erin Solstice

Destinations [ edit | edit source ]

Nine or ten mana gemstone have been installed on the door, each one connected to a different door. The destinations are:

Over 3 to 5 gemstones were used for Liscor's Dungeon in Volume 5 , for the Gnolls' rescue. They were all destroyed after use to prevent Monsters from using them.

Trivia [ edit | edit source ]

  • Typhenous speculates that because the teleporting matrix enchantment was meant as an element of a trap, the portal wasn’t meant to safeguard the user, therefore if the portal is closed on someone's hand or leg they might lose them entirely. [13]
  • Its official name according to the System is the Personal Trapped Safe Room Door of Warmage Thresk . [3]

References [ edit | edit source ]

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 Chapter 3.02 H
  • ↑ Interlude – Numbtongue (Pt.2)
  • ↑ 3.0 3.1 Chapter 9.21
  • ↑ Chapter 4.12
  • ↑ Chapter 3.07 H
  • ↑ Chapter 3.25
  • ↑ Chapter 7.25
  • ↑ 8.0 8.1 Chapter 7.31
  • ↑ Chapter 6.08
  • ↑ Chapter 7.19
  • ↑ Interlude - Hectval (Pt. 1)
  • ↑ Interlude - Hectval (Pt. 2)
  • ↑ Chapter 3.33

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  1. Magical Door

    wandering inn magic door

  2. The Wandering Inn [ART] A walking inn that comes to you! : r/DnD

    wandering inn magic door

  3. The Wandering Inn

    wandering inn magic door

  4. Interlude

    wandering inn magic door

  5. ArtStation

    wandering inn magic door

  6. The Wandering Inn

    wandering inn magic door


  1. POV magic door

  2. КАК ПОЛЬЗОВАТЬСЯ Fading doors И Keypad

  3. 3 ОЧЕНЬ СТРАННЫХ ИНДИ-ХОРРОРА! [Прохождение The door you can never open, Timberlodge Inn и Eternity]

  4. Magic door☀️📱 with @xiaomi #xiaomi13ultra #creative #sunset

  5. Why You Should Read The Wandering Inn Vol. 1

  6. Tenge is the best 😂Meeting through the magic door


  1. Magical Door

    The Magical Door, which is its fandom name and the way most referred to, is a high-grade magical artifact that can be used as a portal doorway. It looks like a plain, wooden door.[1] When it is active, if someone walked to the side, it became two-dimensional, until it nearly disappeared. And from the back, the door was just…a door, standing up. The portal only activated and is visible from ...

  2. Magical Door

    The Wandering Inn Wiki. Navigation Main page; Browse the Wiki! ... the System deconstructed the Door and replaced it with the Skill [Inn: Door of Portals (500 Miles)]. There was a pile of ash where the Door was last placed. ... given minimal change in altitude or magical ambience. The door would exhaust its magic after such a teleport however ...

  3. Magical Items, Skills, The Inn, and its Door : r/WanderingInn

    Wood. 3: The Inn Itself Is Magical. The Wandering Inn was built with copper nails instead of iron nails. It's been home to magical flowers not found anywhere else in modern Innworld. Its barmaid is a [Worldly Princess]. There's a Doombringer [Druid] running around stealing food and handing people adorably pompous notes.

  4. The Magic Door (or Erin's gonna be rich) : r/WanderingInn

    in the inn the door had erin's skill to provide mana to the inn location, including door. in liscor, the door does not have the deep pool of mana to draw on. i think there was even a mention of mages assigned to the door to recharge it. so. while door is generating income, it is also generating expanses. now. i am not saying there are no profits.

  5. [Theory] Erin should try placing her magic door in the [Garden of

    Also the Magic Door might not work inside, the garden blocked scrying and other magic and Skills after all. People have talked about the Wandering Inn wandering but maybe the inn itself doesn't need to if Erin and her Magic Door does. If she could open doors to the garden anywhere she could have a wandering picnic garden with a built in ...

  6. 9.62

    9.62. A [Witch of Second Chances] sat in her inn, and the night had settled early. It was barely 7, and the skies were dark; the Floodplains were draped in a cloth made of blackness. But fires lifted the darkness up, countless watchfires trying to defy the oppressive gloom and the shadows of the High Passes, like slumbering giants.

  7. 7.25

    And as Erin wrestled with the magic door—Relc pulled it out of the wagon and set it up with one claw. "4 th Company! Secure the area! Watch for invisible or concealed targets! Or traps!" Embria bellowed. The wary Drakes spread around. Erin just stared as the door opened and Viceria gasped. The inn was full of people. "Dead fucking gods.

  8. Chapter Overview

    Chapter 1.08. After Pisces fails to threaten Erin, they discuss the world, from geography to magic to politics. Pisces reveals he's a mage student from Wistram and a Necromancer . Chapter 1.09. Pisces is almost apprehended by Relc and Klbkch in Erin's inn because Erin talked to much. Chapter 1.10.

  9. The Wandering Inn (13 book series) Kindle Edition

    With the magic door drawing the attention of world powers and the looming crisis of the Goblin Lord, Erin Solstice's inn is busier than ever. Read more. See product details for: Kindle $3.99 ... The Wandering Inn is still serving food and respite and even plays to adventurers and Antinium alike. But something is coming from the dungeons.

  10. The Wandering Inn Wiki

    The Wandering Inn is an ongoing Fantasy-LitRPG web serial by pirateaba.Since the first chapter in July 2016, the web serial currently has nine volumes with over 12.4 million words (and counting).To get started, you can read for free on the website, read the e-books on Kindle, or listen to the audiobooks via Audible.. Please feel free to contribute to the wiki and help us build the most ...

  11. The Magic Door...to clarify... spoilers 9.24 : r/WanderingInn

    r/WanderingInn is a subreddit for discussing pirateaba's ongoing serialized webnovel, The Wandering Inn. ... Discussion I think there is much to clarify for Erin's new Magic Door Portal. Capacity: now seems to be ~112 people every 2h. If the door were open 18h of the day = 112x9=1000 people/day no recharging required or possible.

  12. Magic

    Magic is the manipulation of mana to cast spells. "Once, everyone used to know magic", at least according to Ceria's grandfather. It was as simple as breathing even for children, and all half-elves learned Tier 2 magic before they'd reached their teenage years. But in Human cities and other nations, students study under older mages or travel to schools like Wistram Academy. Magic surrounds ...

  13. The Wandering Inn: Book 7

    With the magic door drawing the attention of world powers and the looming crisis of the Goblin Lord, Erin Solstice's inn is busier than ever. Genres Fantasy Magic Audiobook Fiction Adventure Epic Fantasy Role Playing ... This installment of The Wandering Inn carries on with the superb character-driven fantasy story penned by the creative genius ...

  14. Magical Door

    The Wandering Inn Wiki. Navigation Main page; Recent changes; Random page; Help about MediaWiki; Images; Special pages; Upload file [Wiki Warriors] Wiki Migration; Article Guide; ... The Magical Door, which is its fandom name and the way most referred to, is a high-grade magical artifact that can be used as a portal doorway.

  15. The Wandering Inn

    Hey everyone, I'm happy to once again shout out a fellow web serial author I know personally, Axel Terizaki! They've commissioned amazing art for The Wandering Inn and have just released Blind Spot, a trilogy of Light Novel books about a visually-impaired girl of Japan. Blind Spot is a coming of age story spanning several […]

  16. Samara Oblast Map

    Samara Oblast is a region in the Middle Volga, bordering Ulyanovsk Oblast to the west, Tatarstan to the north, Orenburg Oblast to the east, and Saratov Oblast to the south. Photo: Brandmeister, Public domain. Photo: Юрий Гусев, CC BY-SA 3.0. Ukraine is facing shortages in its brave fight to survive. Please support Ukraine, because ...

  17. Magic Door stones -> D&D Magic Item : r/WanderingInn

    I love the idea of Erin's Magic Door, specifically the paired 'portal stones,' and am working on a home-brew D&D 5e version as a plot point for an upcoming adventure. ... As demonstrated in the world of The Wandering Inn, every adventurer group will want to get their hands on some bag of holdings sooner or later, they're just too convenient not ...

  18. Magic

    Magic is the manipulation of mana to cast spells.. Background [edit | edit source] "Once, everyone used to know magic", at least according to Ceria's grandfather. It was as simple as breathing even for children, and all half-elves learned Tier 2 magic before they'd reached their teenage years. But in Human cities and other nations, students study under older mages or travel to schools like ...

  19. The 16 best American restaurants in Samara Oblast

    Excellent eating experience.. from walking in the door and being greeted by employee, seated and drink order taken, was maybe 10 minutes. Meal was served hot and excellent taste. Server was very friendly and helpful. Very good tea, lemonade and cocktails! Steaks, I think, is the best in Samara!

  20. The 40 best fast food restaurants in Samara Oblast

    I stumbled upon this place while wandering through Samara. Having grown up with many Serbians I had to check it out. It was one of the coolest food places during my entire 3 week trip in Russia. Simple but filling and delicious Serbian food at a great price! Anyone living or travelling in Samara you need to check this place out.

  21. Erin the InnWitch : r/WanderingInn

    The character is The witch in the forest creates chaos in every fable. [The Wandering Witch] In the past, there we theories about The Wandering Inn picking up and moving a la Baba Yaga's cottage, and that would play into Erin becoming a [Witch]. However, before Erin can become a witch, she would of course need a Hat.

  22. Magical Door

    The Magical Door, which is its fandom name and the way most referred to, is a high-grade magical artifact that can be used as a portal doorway.. Appearance [

  23. The 50 best outdoor dining in Samara Oblast

    (Translated by Google) Everything's OK. The receptionist at the motel is friendly. Very clean room. But the management doesn't care about the guests! 😡 The sound of a grinder under the window from 7:00 to 12:00.