Tours Diarios

Tours en Cajamarca

Catedral de Cajamarca

City Tour en Cajamarca (Privado)

Visitamos la Plaza de Armas, la Catedral, la Iglesia San Francisco, el Cuarto de Rescate, El Complejo Belen: Hospital de Hombres y de Mujeres y cerro Santa Apolonia.

Salidas: 10:00 a.m. y 3:00 p.m. (De Martes a Domingo). Idioma: Español.

Costo:   40.00 soles   por persona

tours a cajamarca

Canal de Cumbemayo (En Grupo)

Mirador de Bellavista para tener una vista panorámica de Cajamarca, Museo de Sitio, Santuario, Tunel, Bosque de Piedras o los Frailones, Piedra del Sacrificio, entrada del Canal

Salidas: 9:30 a.m. (Todos los días). Idioma: Español.

Costo:   35.00 soles   por persona

tours a cajamarca

Tour Granja Porcón (En Grupo)

Visitamos Huambocancha (centro de artesanía en piedra de Cajamarca), Granja Porcón, Talleres Artesanales, Minicentral Hidroeléctrica, Mini zoológico.

Salidas: Todos los días a las 9:00 a.m. Idioma: Español.

Costo: 35.00 soles   por persona

tours a cajamarca

La Colpa – Llacanora – Cataratas (En Grupo)

Salimos de Cajamarca hacia La Colpa para visitar su Laguna Artificial, la Capilla, y ver el Tradicional llamado de las vacas. Luego caminata hacia las caídas de agua de Llacanora, Baños del Inca.

Salidas: Todos los días a las 3:30 p.m. Idioma: Español.

tours a cajamarca

Ventanillas de Otuzco – Tres Molinos (En Grupo)

Visitamos el Puente Colgante, las Ventanillas de Otuzco, la Hacienda Tres Molinos, el Jardín Botánico de las Hortensias y el Fundo Los Alpes para conocer sobre la producción de lácteos. Salidas: 3:30 p.m. Todos los días. Idioma: Español.

tours a cajamarca

Namora (En Grupo)

Turismo vivencial en Cajamarca para visitar el Complejo Cápac ñan y las esculturas de los 14 incas, Los Sapitos: zona zoológica de formaciones naturales en piedra, Talleres de guitarras y la Laguna San Nicolás. Salidas: 9:30 a.m. (Todos los días).

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tours a cajamarca

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Cajamarca Monumental 4 días

  • Cusco, Perú

Cajamarca Monumental 4 dias

3 dias 2 noches


Tipo de Tour:

Max. personas:

  • 10 a 15 paxs
  • Duración: 3 dias 2 noches
  • Tipo de tour:Caminatas

Precio por persona en servicio de grupo

tours a cajamarca

  • WhatsApp: +51 939 240 650
  • WhatsApp: +51 939 420 650

Sobre este viaje


Con nuestro Tour Cajamarca Monumental 4 días podras descubrir Cajamarca una ciudad en las montañas de los Andes en el norte de Perú. La histórica plaza principal, Plaza de Armas, está rodeada de arquitectura colonial barroca. La Catedral de Cajamarca tiene un altar dorado, mientras que el Convento de San Francisco tiene catacumbas y un museo religioso. Cerca está el Cuarto del Rescate, donde estuvo preso el último emperador inca, Atahualpa.

Además del peso de su historia, Cajamarca ha conservado su propio encanto único. ¿Te imaginas un establo donde las vacas son llamadas por su nombre y ordeñadas… y responden?, ¿o una fiesta de carnaval durante cuatro días seguidos llena de color y alegría?

Cajamarca, la capital del carnaval del Perú.

El clima de Cajamarca y la mejor época para viajar.

Por supuesto, cada temporada es adecuada para viajar. Eso sí, teniendo en cuenta una temporada bien marcada. LLUVIA De noviembre a mediados de abril, de mayo a septiembre, el sol es fuerte durante el día y el cielo azul claro se extiende en la ESTACIÓN SECA (verano).

La ciudad de Cajamarca tiene un clima cálido y seco con días soleados y noches frías. Temperatura media máxima (22°C) y temperatura mínima (10°C).

Día 01: Transfer in / Necrópolis de Otuzco. Día 02: Laguna de Namora / San Nicolás / Antigua Hacienda La Collpa. Día 03: Complejo Arqueológico Cumbe Mayo Día 04: traslado de salida.

  • Inicia: En Cajamarca.
  • Finaliza: En Cajamarca.
  • Guiado: En español.
  • Tipo de servicios: En Compartido

Servicios Incluidos Tours a Cajamarca 4 dias:

  • Traslados de llegada y de salida.
  • 04 días / 03 Noches de alojamiento en el hotel elegido.
  • 03 desayunos continental, americano o buffet, de acuerdo al hotel elegido.
  • 01 almuerzo en uno de los mejores restaurantes de la ciudad.
  • Servicios en SIC: Ventanillas de Otuzco + Tres Molinos + Fundo Los Alpes / Cumbe Mayo / Ex Hacienda La
  • Collpa / Excursión a Namora y Laguna de San Nicolás.
  • Guía oficial de turismo en idioma español. Adicionar suplemento por guía en otro idioma.
  • Movilidad en vehículos de transporte turístico e ingresos a los lugares a visitar.
  • Atención personalizada por parte de Andino Tours Perú

Servicios no incluidos Tours a Cajamarca 4 dias :

  • Alimentacion no detallada.
  • Cualquier otro gasto no especificado en el párrafo “El Programa Incluye”

¿Qué llevar para tu Viaje a Camajarca?

Según la epoca del año debes considerar llevar los siguiente:

  • Bloqueador.
  • Zapatillas y botas.
  • Lentes de sol.
  • Ropa abrigadora.
  • Ropa de baño ( Para que te metas a las aguas termales)
  • Agua para las Caminatas, y equipo personal de limpieza.
  • Servicio compartido
  • Servicio privado

Como llegar a Cajamarca?

Vuelos a cajamarca:.

La form mas rapida de llegar a Ayacucho es tomar un vuelo desde la capital de Perú con destino a la Provincia de Huamanga, que demorar alrededor de una hora. Hay aproximadamente 39 vuelos a la semana desde Lima al Aeropuerto Internacional Armando Revoredo Iglesias. Los horarios de salida pueden variar los fines de semana y festivos, por lo que te recomendamos consultar la información de tu vuelo con antelación.

Los costos de viaje aéreo oscilan entre $ 56 dolares a más, todo depende de la fecha en que viaje ver aerolineas vuelos a Cajamarca

Viaje a Ayacucho en bus:

Según nuestros planificadores de ruta, la ruta más corta entre Lima y Cajamarca es de 862,94 km. Se tarda aproximadamente unas 15 horas.Hay varias compañías de autobuses que ofrecen este servicio con diferentes precios y facilidades. Hay boletos desde $15 hasta alrededor de $40.00 dolares.

¡Qué conocer en Perú?

entre los mejores destinos para conocer en Perú, estan el Cañon del Colca en Arequipa , el Lago Titicaca en Puno, el Oasis de Huacachina  en Ica, Huaraz Aventura, la Selva Central, Iquitos, en Cusco la Montaña de Colores y Machu Picchu .

Cada ciudad del Perú, es unico e imperdible, si quieres conocer alguno  de ellos estamos seguros que quedaras fascinado y enamorado del Perú, reserva con tiempo tu viaje y aprovecha, lo mejore del Perú.

Tours Relacionados

Cajamarca especial 5 días, cajamarca clásica 3 días, tour cajamarca 2 días, tour cajamarca 4 días, tour cajamarca 3 días.


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Información del contacto

  • Razón Social: Inv. Tcas. Aremic S.A.C.
  • Ruc: 20604837724
  • APV EL EDEN LT A-19 San Sebastián – Cusco
  • +51 939 420 650 / +51 975 451 429
  • Lun - Sab 8.00 - 18.00 Dom cerrado

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  • Cusco Tours
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  • Términos y Condiciones
  • Acerca de Nosotros
  • Libro de Reclamaciones
  • Políticas de Privacidad
  • Guía de Viajes
  • Disponibilidad Camino Inca 2023

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  • +51 939 240 650
  • Disponibilidad Camino Inca 2022

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5 February, 2024

Discover the Best Tours in Cajamarca: A Complete Guide

tours a cajamarca

Welcome to your next great expedition through Peru with our comprehensive guide that will take you to explore the best tours in Cajamarca. In this magical corner of Peru, every path, every story, and every landscape invite you to live unforgettable adventures. From the depths of its traditions to the summit of its green mountains, prepare your senses to explore the unexplored. Cajamarca awaits you, full of secrets to discover and moments that will be etched in your memory. Let’s embark on this adventure together!


Choose Your Adventure: Must-Visit Tours in Cajamarca

Cajamarca, a city rich in history, culture, and natural beauty, offers a wide range of experiences for every type of traveler. From strolls through ancient ruins to the exploration of majestic natural landscapes, tours in Cajamarca are designed to mesmerize you.


Tour to the Archaeological Complex of Cumbemayo

This tour will take you to explore one of the most fascinating archaeological sites in Cajamarca. Known for its pre-Inca aqueducts carved in stone, Cumbemayo is a testament to the engineering and worldview of ancient cultures. The landscape surrounding the complex, with rock formations resembling petrified figures, adds a mystical touch to the experience.

Visit to the Ventanillas de Otuzco

Another tour in Cajamarca that you can’t miss is the one that takes you to the Ventanillas de Otuzco, an ancient pre-Inca cemetery. The tombs, dug in the form of windows on the canyon walls, are a site of great historical and cultural value. This tour not only allows you to get closer to the funeral traditions of ancient Peruvians but also enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

Visit to the Ventanillas de Otuzco

Baths of the Inca

A tour to the Baths of the Inca offers you a unique relaxation experience in thermal waters that have been used since the time of the Inca Empire. Legend has it that Inca Atahualpa enjoyed these baths before his tragic capture. In addition to the thermal bath, you can enjoy spa services and learn more about local history in the museum located within the complex.

Flavors Route

Not everything in Cajamarca revolves around ruins and landscapes; gastronomy is another pillar of the tourist experience. This tour takes you to taste the unique flavors of the region, including cheese, manjar blanco, and a variety of traditional dishes that make Cajamarca’s cuisine a delight for the palate.

Flavors Route

When to Go? The Best Months to Enjoy Tours in Cajamarca

Tours in Cajamarca

Planning your visit to Cajamarca is crucial to ensure that your experience is unforgettable. The city, known for its rich history, impressive architecture, and natural landscapes, offers different experiences depending on the season.

Dry Season (April to October)

This is considered the best time to visit Cajamarca and participate in outdoor tours. During these months, the weather is mostly dry and sunny, making activities such as visiting the Archaeological Complex of Cumbemayo or the Ventanillas de Otuzco even more enjoyable. Visibility is excellent, ideal for taking spectacular photos.

Rainy Season (November to March)

Although these months are rainier, they also have their charm. The landscapes become greener and more vibrant, adding unique beauty to your Cajamarca tour experience. However, it’s important to consider that some outdoor activities may be affected by the rain.

Outdoor Adventures: Natural Tours to Explore in Cajamarca

Tours to Explore in Cajamarca

Cajamarca is a paradise for nature and adventure lovers. With its stunning Andean landscape, green valleys, and rich traditions, it offers a variety of tours in Cajamarca that allow you to explore the natural beauty of this region in exciting and unique ways.

Exploration of the Condebamba Valley

This valley, known for its breathtaking natural beauty, is the perfect setting for hikes and horseback rides. Tours in Cajamarca that explore this valley will take you through picturesque landscapes, where you can enjoy the serenity of nature and discover ancient pre-Inca ruins hidden among the vegetation.

Visit to the Cumbe Waterfalls

A tour to the Cumbe Waterfalls is ideal for those seeking a dose of adventure and freshness. After a hike through trails surrounded by lush vegetation, you will be rewarded with the view of these beautiful waterfalls. It’s the perfect place to relax, take spectacular photos, and, for the more daring, take a refreshing dip in its crystal-clear waters.

Mountain Biking in Cajamarca

For cycling enthusiasts, tours in Cajamarca offer mountain biking routes that are both challenging and rewarding. Pedal through rural paths, pass through local communities, and enjoy panoramic views of the mountain range. It’s an excellent way to combine sports, adventure, and culture.

Explore History: Cultural Tours You Can’t Miss in Cajamarca

Cultural Tours You Can't Miss in Cajamarca

Cajamarca, a city steeped in historical and cultural richness, invites you to immerse yourself in its glorious past through tours in Cajamarca that highlight its heritage. From ancient archaeological sites to festivals bursting with color, here is a selection of unmissable cultural experiences.

The Meeting of Two Worlds in the Room of the Ransom

This Peruvian expedition tour takes you to the famous Room of the Ransom, where Inca Atahualpa was held captive by Spanish conquistadors. You will learn about the dramatic encounter between two cultures and the fate of the last Inca emperor. This is one of the tours in Cajamarca that provides a deep insight into crucial moments in Peruvian history.

Route of the Churches

Cajamarca is renowned for its impressive colonial architecture, and a tour of its churches is a perfect way to explore it. You will visit architectural gems such as the Cathedral of Cajamarca, the Church of San Francisco, and the Church of Belen. Each one features artistic treasures and architecture that narrates the history of faith and art in the region.

Festivities and Living Traditions

Participating in tours in Cajamarca during local festivals, such as the Carnival of Cajamarca, allows you to experience the city’s culture in a unique way. These tours immerse you in a burst of music, traditional dances, and colorful parades, showing you the joy of the local community and its rich cultural tradition.

Savor Cajamarca: Gastronomic Tours for Adventurous Palates

Savor Cajamarca: Gastronomic Tours

Cajamarca is not only famous for its rich history and beautiful landscapes but also for its exquisite cuisine reflecting Peru’s diversity. Gastronomic tours in Cajamarca are a culinary adventure you can’t miss, offering the opportunity to taste unique dishes and learn about the culinary traditions of the region.

The Cheese and Manjar Route

Cajamarca is renowned for its production of high-quality dairy products. This tour takes you to visit local farms where you can learn about the process of making cheese and manjar, two of the region’s most emblematic products. Not only that, but you’ll have the opportunity to taste different varieties and discover why Cajamarca’s dairy products are so special.

Exploring Local Markets

A stroll through the markets of Cajamarca is an immersion in the colors, aromas, and flavors of local cuisine. Here, tours in Cajamarca focus on showing you the fresh ingredients that form the basis of Cajamarcan cuisine, from aromatic herbs to varieties of potatoes and chili peppers. It’s a vibrant experience that allows you to interact with local producers and learn about the region’s biodiversity.

Cooking with a Local Chef

For those who want to take their experience a step further, some tours in Cajamarca offer the opportunity to cook with a local chef. You will prepare traditional dishes such as roasted guinea pig, stuffed potatoes, or green soup, learning the secrets of authentic Cajamarcan cuisine. This experience not only enriches your palate but also brings you closer to the culture and traditions of Cajamarca.

Craftsmanship and Culture: Discover Local Talent

Craftsmanship and Culture: Discover Local Talent

Cajamarca is not only a treasure trove of natural landscapes and historical sites but also a vibrant center of craftsmanship and culture. Tours in Cajamarca offer you a unique window into the creative heart of the region, where local talent manifests in every piece of art and cultural tradition.

Visit to Craft Workshops

One of the highlights of tours in Cajamarca is the opportunity to visit local workshops where skilled artisans work with precious metals, textiles, and ceramics. You can closely observe how they create their works, many of which are inspired by ancestral techniques passed down from generation to generation. This experience not only allows you to appreciate art in its creation process but also to interact with artisans and learn the stories behind each piece.

Craft Markets

No cultural tour would be complete without a visit to Cajamarca’s craft markets. Here, you will find a wide range of handmade products, from jewelry and textiles to sculptures and paintings. The markets are not only a place to acquire a unique souvenir from your trip but also to experience the hustle and bustle and vitality of local life. Additionally, by purchasing crafts, you are directly supporting the local economy and preserving Cajamarca’s cultural traditions.

Practical Tips for Choosing the Perfect Tour in Cajamarca

Choosing the perfect tour in Cajamarca can be the key to an unforgettable experience in this culturally rich, historical, and naturally beautiful city. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which one is best for you.

Define Your Interests

Before choosing from the various tours in Cajamarca, it’s essential to think about what truly interests you. Are you a history enthusiast looking to explore ancient ruins? Or do you prefer immersing yourself in nature and enjoying stunning landscapes? Perhaps you’re interested in local gastronomy and want to try the region’s typical dishes. Identifying your interests will help narrow down the options and choose a tour that meets your expectations.

Consider the Tour Duration

Tours in Cajamarca vary in duration, from half-day excursions to multi-day adventures. Evaluate how much time you’re willing to dedicate to each activity and ensure the tour fits into your travel itinerary. Keep in mind that some places may require more time for thorough exploration and to absorb their true essence.

Research the Tour Operator

The quality of your experience can significantly depend on the tour operator you choose. Look for reviews and recommendations from other travelers who have participated in tours in Cajamarca. Verify the operator’s reputation, local knowledge, and the value they offer for the price. A good guide can enrich your tour with fascinating stories and information not found in travel guides.

Prepare for the Adventure

Cajamarca, with its varied climate and terrain, may require you to prepare in advance. Depending on the tour you choose, make sure to bring suitable clothing and equipment. For outdoor adventure tours, consider bringing comfortable walking shoes, sunscreen, and warm clothing for temperature changes.

Adjust Your Budget

Before booking, it’s crucial to consider the cost of tours in Cajamarca. Compare prices among different operators to find an option that fits your budget without sacrificing the quality of the experience. Remember to include in your budget additional expenses such as entrance fees, meals, and souvenirs.

Carefully Read the Itineraries

Itineraries provide a clear overview of what each tour includes. Make sure the tour’s pace aligns with your travel style. Some prefer days filled with activities, while others enjoy more free time to explore on their own. Check that the places that interest you the most are included.

Inquire about the Group Size

Small group tours offer a more personalized experience and the opportunity to interact more closely with the guide and other travelers. If you prefer a more intimate or customized experience, look for tours that limit the number of participants.

CONTACT US: We are a  Travel Agency specialized in tourist packages , if you need any information, do not hesitate to write to us. We offer tours in Peru and Bolivia.

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Hermosos paisajes, paz, cultura y mucha belleza te esperan en Cajamarca, «La Capital del Carnaval».

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What to See in Cajamarca

There is so much to do and so much to see in Cajamarca . Check out our list of tourist attractions in the region of Cajamarca .

Plaza de Armas of Cajamarca

Plaza de Armas of Cajamarca

The Plaza de Armas of Cajamarca is considered the most important plaza in South America because it is the location where the Inca emperor Atahualpa was captured by Francisco Pizarro in 1532. Today you will find a beautiful octagonal stone pool signifying where the capture took place. In 1699, the place was finally named the Plaza Mayor of Cajamarca.

Cathedral of Cajamarca

Cathedral of Cajamarca

The Cathedral of Cajamarca was constructed during the late 17th and early 18th century and is located on the side of the Plaza de Armas. The façade with its three entrances represents the Baroque art and the main altar is completely covered with gold.

Iglesia de San Francisco

Iglesia de San Francisco

The San Francisco Church, built with carved stones in the late 17th century, is located in the city center of Cajamarca in front of the Plaza de Armas. The church has three naves, a dome with stained glass windows and walls with various niches, altarpieces, and wooden altars. The adjacent sanctuary is dedicated to the Virgin de los Dolores, the patron saint of Cajamarca. Next to the church you can also find the famous catacombs.

El Cuarto de Rescate

El Cuarto de Rescate

The Cuarto de Rescate (The Ransom Room) is the only Inca building in Cajamarca that still exists. In 1533 Pizarro imprisoned Atahualpa, the last Incan emperor, in this building. Atahualpa filled the room with gold in the hope of being released. However, he was executed after he had finished. Inside the Cuarto de Rescate you can see paintings showing the story of Atahualpa’s time in the room. The entrance ticket is not just valid for the Cuarto de Rescate but also for the Complejo de Belén as well as the Museo Arqueológico and Etnográfico.

Museo Arqueológico y Etnográfico

This museum exhibits ceramics, bone remains, textiles and murals found in excavations carried out by the French Mission in 1947. The findings belong to an unknown pre-Inca culture. Everything that researchers know about this culture is exposed in the museum. The museum is a part of the Belén Monumental Complex that represents the colonial architecture of Cajamarca.

Iglesia Belén

Iglesia Belén Cajamarca

The Belén Church can be found next to the Belén Monumental Complex. This baroque church is one of the most beautiful churches in Cajamarca with its cupola and well-carved pulpit. In the church, one can observe different wood carvings, among them is a wooden Christ. The inside of the church is not the only beautifully decorated area of the building because in addition, the outside walls of the church are adorned.

Casa Museo Nicolás Puga

The Casa Museo Nicolás Puga is a typical house that is more than 200 years old and located a few blocks from the city center, in José Gálvez 634. This museum houses a work of art set that is very important. Most of these cultural goods belonged to important Cajamarca families that settled in the city since the arrival of the Spanish in 1532.

Mirador del Cerro Santa Apolonia

Mirador del Cerro Santa Apolonia

This natural viewpoint is located a few blocks from the city center. From above you can enjoy an amazing view of the city of Cajamarca and the valley. After climbing the stairs, one can also find a chapel dedicated to the Virgin of Fatima and at the top, one can see archaeological remains known as the "Silla del Inca". The Cerro Santa Apolonia is a place of leisure, walks, and beautiful gardens.

Hot Springs in Baños del Inca

Hot Springs in Baños del Inca

These natural hot springs are located 6 km from Cajamarca. Centuries ago it was a place of relaxation for the emperor, Atahualpa. Other than the hot springs, there is also a spa that offers massages.

Ventanillas de Otuzco

Ventanillas de Otuzco

The Otuzco Windows are located 8 km outside the city of Cajamarca in the Inca Baths district. Being the necropolis of an ancient pre-Inca culture, tourists can admire hundreds of 8 to 10 meter deep niches as well as galleries that were carved into the rock. These niches served as grain deposits. To keep the deposits fresh, the niches were re-directed against the wind. Some windows can be entered. Inside the windows, tourists can see obscure galleries that don’t seem to end.

Ex Hacienda La Collpa

Located 11 km outside the city of Cajamarca, this place is surrounded by the countryside. The Ex Hacienda La Collpa is dedicated to the raising of dairy cattle. Tourists can visit the cowshed, the Hacienda House, the artificial lagoon, the Virgen del Carmen Chapel and the viewpoint which offers beautiful views of the green,colorful mountains.

Cumbemayo Archaeological Complex

Cumbemayo Archaeological Complex

The archaeological complex of Cumbemayo , located 20 km from the city of Cajamarca, is one of the oldest constructions in South America. It was constructed by the Cajamarca culture around 1,500 BC and consists of three archaeological groups. Most appealing is the aqueduct which runs 8 kilometers and carries water from the hills to the city. But also the sanctuary is worth a visit due to its interesting rock structure which resembles a big human head. Apart from the aqueduct and the sanctuary tourists can also visit caves and shelters at the complex.

Granja Porcón

At this 12,800 hectares farm you can feed animals and participate in agricultural activities. The farm is located 20 km north of Cajamarca. It is the perfect place for hiking or horseback riding through the forest. Rappelling, canoeing and cycling are possible too!


City Tour Cajamarca

Cajamarca in the North of Peru is historically known for the Battle of Cajamarca, which marked the defeat of the Inca Empire by the...

Cajamarca Tours

Not yet very popular among travelers in Peru, the city of Cajamarca is free of mass tourism. A perfect destination for travelers...

Cajamarca Guide

Cajamarca is a city located in the north of Peru, bordering the country of Ecuador. It has a height of 2,750 meters (8,900 feet)...

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¿Que lugares puedo conocer en Cajamarca?

  • Plaza de Armas, Iglesia Santa Catalina de Alejnadría, Iglesia San Francisco, Iglesia de Belén, Hospital Colonial de Varones.
  • Colonia de Santa Apolonia, Altares Ceremoniales «Sillas del Inca»
  • Mirador de Bellevista, Layzón, Museo de Sitio, Santurio, Tunel de los Deseos, Bosque de Piedras.
  • Piedras del Sacrificio, Bocatoma del Canal, Canal de Cumbe Mayo, Abrigos Rocosos.
  • Laguna Artificial.

El clima en Cajamarca

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  • Oct 3, 2019

3-Day Itinerary for Cajamarca, Peru

Updated: Jan 12

Are you planning to travel to Cajamarca in Peru? In this article, we outline a 3-day itinerary for Cajamarca, including advice on where to stay, how to get to Cajamarca, and the best things to do in and around this hidden gem city in Peru . We spent three days in Cajamarca back in 2018. We had a hard time finding information online in English. That's why we want to share our insights on this blog.

About Cajamarca

The city of Cajamarca is sitting in a valley between the brawny Andes Mountains in the Northern Highlands of Peru. With a mild, dry, and sunny climate, Cajamarca boasts the perfect getaway. The city is home to brilliant Colonial architecture, beautiful countryside, abundant dairy products and cheeses, and rich history. This mix of ingredients is what makes Cajamarca an unforgettable destination. Relatively unknown to international tourists, you will feel like a true pioneer when exploring the city! Check here how Cajamarjca would fit into a 1-month itinerary around Peru.

Cajamarca Peru sunset

3-Day Itinerary for Cajamarca

Day 1: acclimatize, relax and discover the historic center of cajamarca.

Upon arrival to the city, you should not underestimate the impact of the altitude on your body. Cajamarca is located at approximately 2,700 m (8,900 ft) above sea level, so you should take it easy on your first day. This will also give you the opportunity to explore the historic center on foot! Cajamarca played an important role in South American history, which is still noticeable today. In this ancient Inca city, the Conquistador Francisco Pizarro imprisoned and killed the legendary Inca chief Atahualpa, which marked the start of the defeat of the Inca Empire. The building where Atahualpa was detained, ‘ el Cuarto del Rescate ’, is the only Inca ruin that is still standing in the center. After the Spanish overruled, the city was designed in the traditional Spanish way. These Colonial constructions remained relatively intact thanks to the isolation of the city. Today, you can witness this remarkable architecture all around the city. Especially remarkable are the Cathedral , and the churches of San Francisco, Belen, and La Recoleta . These are all located within walking distance from the main square, or ‘ Plaza de Armas ’, which is probably one of the most beautiful and well-maintained plazas in the country. With a variety of restaurants, stores, and tourist offices around, you can easily lose track of the time!

If the square isn’t exciting enough, you can also immerse yourself in the true Peruvian culture at the Mercado Central . Become part of the typical Peruvian ambiance and enjoy its richness of colors, noises, and flavors. The market will definitely leave an overwhelming impression because of the vast crowd of Peruvian shoppers and vendors, blasting music from their store and shouting out the most recent discounts.

After being totally flabbergasted by the chaos of Cajamarca, it is time to enjoy some peace and quiet at the most picturesque viewpoint in the city. The Santa Apolonia natural viewpoint is best visited during the sunset hours when the entire city and its surrounding mountains turn orange and flaming red. Crack a beer or a bottle of wine, buy some local cheese, listen to music, watch the local kids flying their kites, and most importantly… cherish this magical moment!

stay in cajamarca

Day 2: Visit Cumbe Mayo and the beautiful countryside near Cajamarca

On the second day, it is time for more action! Embark on an incredible journey to Cumbe Mayo, which is the architectural highlight of the region. An area filled with giant rock formations demonstrates a pre-Incan hydraulic system, which is at least 3,000 years old and thus one of the oldest in South America. This fascinating construction was created by the Cajamarcans, who used dark volcanic stones as a tool. However, Cumbe Mayo represents much more than hydraulic engineering. Massive volcanic rocks are spread around a vast area, which makes it an interesting and impressive sight. Allow yourself enough time to walk around and pay attention to the ancient petroglyphs which are carved in the stones!

To learn more about its history, you can opt to take a guided tour . Tours are usually offered in Spanish only , and can be booked in any tourist office in Cajamarca. A half-day tour, including a guide and transportation, costs only 20 soles (equalling 5 euro).

The number of Peruvian tourists flocking to the area on these tourist buses can be disturbing at times. Therefore, I personally recommend walking back from the Cumbe Mayo to the city of Cajamarca instead of returning by the tourist bus. This alternative also allows you to spend more time at the site itself, enjoy the peace and natural surroundings, and go back at your own pace. There isn’t a marked or straightforward path back, but you should just keep following the Cajamarca river (clearly indicated on This downhill route takes approximately 3 hours and stays close to the main motorway. The walkway will take you along traditional Peruvian farms, rolling hills, and meadows clothed with flocks of alpacas, sheep, and goats. It is recommended to bring a lunch or some snacks as there are no shops along the way.

Cumbe Mayo near Cajamarca in Peru

Day 3: Combine excursions to the Baños del Inca, Ventanillas de Otuzco, and cheese factory

On the last day, you can combine several excursions that are just a short drive outside the city. Start the day with a relaxing soak at “Los Baños del Inca” , the perfect respite for travelers. These Inca Baths are thermo-medicinal hot springs where the Incas used to unwind after a long trip. The hot water has a volcanic origin and is therefore rich in important minerals like sodium and calcium. For that reason, the hot springs are curative and beneficial for the treatment of various health conditions. Nowadays, due to the enormous popularity, the thermal pools have evolved into a true touristic complex that provides many facilities for families and individuals such as private and collective pools, indoor and outdoor pools, bungalows, showers, and massage services or treatments. It is recommended to go early in the morning, as the thermal pools are extremely popular with Peruvian tourists and locals. Los Baños del Inca is located 6km outside of Cajamarca and can be reached on foot (1,5-hour walk), by taxi, by combi (minibus that leaves from Chachamayo and Plaza a Puga), or by an organized tour (costs 25 soles).

After this rejuvenating experience, continue your journey with a visit to the Ventanillas de Otuzco . This pre-Incan necropolis is a fascinating archaeological site made up of roughly 200 small ‘windows’ or ‘holes’ carved into volcanic rock by the ancient Cajamarca culture. The old tombs were originally filled with mummified bodies of the upper class along with their valuables, jewelry, and sometimes even gold. However, these were eventually plundered and destroyed by the Spanish. Even though the burial holes in the rock are empty today, the history of the Cajamarca culture and their burial practices make this site particularly interesting! It is recommended to take a guided tour to fully understand the importance of this place.

End this wonderful day with a short visit to one of the cheese factories around. The Cajamarca region is known for its dairy production, which explains the abundance of cheese and chocolate shops around the city. The cheese factories are located just outside the center, amidst the green hills and farms. Learn about the production of cheese and indulge yourself with a wide variety of cheeses to choose from! It is possible (and recommended!) to book an organized tour that combines a visit to the cheese factory and the Ventanillas de Otuzco . They typically depart from the main plaza twice a day (morning and afternoon) and cost no more than 25 soles.

las Ventanillas de Otuzco peru

Places to Stay in Cajamarca

As Cajamarca remains fairly unexplored by international travelers, the prices are significantly lower than other touristic places. You can easily find a cheap hotel room in the middle of the historic center. There is no need to book in advance as the hotels are usually quite empty. Besides, only a few hotels are actually listed online, which makes it a struggle. I stayed in a private room at a simple three-star hostel, Imperio Hostel , for about 15 euros per night. In some hotels, you might be able to bargain about the price.

Getting to Cajamarca

Cajamarca is the gateway to Ecuador, the east bordering the Amazon River Basin like Chachapoyas (known for the Kuelap ruins and the Gocta falls), and the coastal area such as Trujillo and Huanchaco. There are several buses that run between these destinations on a daily basis. The bus is the most inexpensive mode of transportation and offers magnificent views along the way. However, it is also long as the roads are often twisty, bumpy, and in poor condition. Unfortunately, if you are traveling to any smaller destinations, it is often the only option.

If you are coming from Lima, there is the possibility to fly to Cajamarca . Flying is slightly more expensive (around 50 euro one-way), but much quicker (approx. 80 mins). LAN Airlines operates three direct flights from Lima to Cajamarca daily. If you are coming from another major tourist destination, you might consider combining flights. Note that these flights will always go through Lima and may have bad connections that are time-consuming!

adventure in cajamarca

So that was our 3-day itinerary for Cajamarca in Peru. We hope that this will help you in planning your trip. For more Peru inspiration, check out our other articles:

1-month itinerary for Peru

Where to go in Lima, Peru

A Guide to Marcahuasi: the hidden gem of Peru

Why You Should Visit the Palccoyo Mountains

Or check out other sources about Cajamarca:

A Guide to Cajamarca

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Tierra del encuentro de 2  Culturas opuestas  que marcaron el curso de la historia del Perú.

Cajamarca es una tierra donde la historia se une a la naturaleza para crear una experiencia inolvidable con los mejores Tours full day durante 1 día . Puedes encontrar en Cajamarca una magnífica arquitectura colonial, pueblos coloridos y una gastronomía digna de admirar. Relájate en los baños del Inca, admira el Complejo Arqueológico de Cumbemayo y diviértete en sus carnavales llenos de vida y color.

Tours & Actividades en Cajamarca para disfrutar en Familia y Amigos


Tours a Cumbemayo

Desde : S/.50.00


Tours a la Colpa

Desde :S/ 50.00


Tours a la Granja Porcón

Desde :S/.50.00


Tours a Ventanillas de Otuzco


Tours a los Baños del Inca


City Tours 

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Sobre Chachapoyas

La historia de Chachapoyas se remonta a épocas ancestrales (7000 años a.C.) en las que los primeros habitantes habitaron la zona dejando las huellas de su pasado sobre vestigios en roca. Sin embargo, el legado más representativo de la vida en su territorio es el que dejó la cultura Chachapoyas (siglo XIII d.C.). Los chachapoyas fueron una población de espíritu combativo y fiero en batalla. Opusieron una feroz resistencia a la expansión incaica, pero fueron derrotados por el Inca Tupac Yupanqui.Su fundación española data del año 1538, bajo el nombre de San Juan de la Frontera de los Chachapoyas. En 1544 se dispuso el traslado del asentamiento de la ciudad hacia una zona menos accidentada y de mejor clima. Durante la guerra de la Independencia, los pobladores de Chachapoyas despertaron su ancestral espíritu de lucha para sumarse al ejército libertador. El 6 de junio de 1821 aconteció la Batalla de Higos Urco, legendario enfrentamiento en que la valentía y el coraje del pueblo chachapoyano venció a las fuerzas realistas, dejando nombres heroicos para la posteridad como el de la combativa Matiaza Rimachi, mujer indígena de gran bravura a la hora de defender sus ideales.Actualmente la ciudad de Chachapoyas, por ser la más antigua y de mayor tradición histórica, es reconocida como la capital amazónica y puerta de entrada a la selva peruana. Su ubicación entre la Sierra y la Ceja de Selva le otorga un clima variado y agradable. Su nombre proviene de la palabra indígena “sachapuyos” que significa “hombres de la neblina” por la peculiar neblina que domina el área del cerro de Puma Urco, próximo a la ciudad.

Sobre Cajamarca

Para adquirir pasajes a Cajamarca en bus, te ofrecemos información sobre la ciudad que también puede ser de tu interés.Es una de las ciudades más antiguas del Perú y del Imperio Inca. Los primeros pobladores fueron Huacaloma, Layzón, Cumbe Mayo y Otuzco que se asentaron en Cajamarca hace unos 3.000 años. La ciudad fue testigo de feroces batallas entre los Incas y los conquistadores durante la Conquista del Perú, y además fue donde Francisco Pizarro capturó a Atahualpa, último inca que rehusó someterse a la cultura y fe cristianas. Se dice que es la ciudad más española del Perú.

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Principales operadores de autobuses en Chachapoyas

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  • Turismo Virgen del Carmen

Principales operadores de autobuses en Cajamarca

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  • Transportes Mendo
  • Anita Tours - Continental Pacífico
  • Express Palace
  • Inca Atahualpa
  • Anita Tours - Continental Pacifico

Ciudades peruanas en Bus

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  • Pasajes en bus de Lima a Cusco
  • Pasajes en bus de Lima a Huaraz
  • Pasajes en bus de Lima a Ica
  • Pasajes en bus de Lima a Máncora
  • Pasajes en bus de Lima a Nazca
  • Pasajes en bus de Lima a Paracas
  • Pasajes en bus de Lima a Trujillo
  • Pasajes en bus de Trujillo a Lima
  • Pasajes en bus de Lima a Chiclayo
  • Pasajes en bus de Lima a Ayacucho
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    Tours a Cajamarca. Campiña tours te lleva a conocer los lugares turísticos más impresionates de Cajamarca. Ver todos los tours. Bella Cajamarca (Sólo tours) 2 días de tours. Reserva con S/.100. Ver más. Cajamarca majestuosa. 3 días de tours. Reserva con S/.200. Ver más. Cajamarca encantadora (Sólo tours) 4 días de tours.

  3. Cajamarca Monumental 4 días

    Introduccion. Con nuestro Tour Cajamarca Monumental 4 días podras descubrir Cajamarca una ciudad en las montañas de los Andes en el norte de Perú. La histórica plaza principal, Plaza de Armas, está rodeada de arquitectura colonial barroca. La Catedral de Cajamarca tiene un altar dorado, mientras que el Convento de San Francisco tiene ...

  4. THE 5 BEST Cajamarca Tours & Excursions

    THE 5 BEST Cajamarca Tours & Excursions. 1. Time to Travel - Day Tour. I would highly recommend Time to Travel Tours for any guided experience in the Northern Peru region. 2. Marañón Experience. It was an adventure of a lifetime with so many beautiful memories! 3. Sierra Dorada.

  5. 5 MEJORES tours en Cajamarca (Actualizado 2024)

    Visitas turísticas en Cajamarca. 1. Time to Travel - Day Tour. Muy bonito pasó mis padres e hija en la agencia time to travel los días 19 hasta el 22 de agosto buen servicio ,guías... 2. Marañón Experience. Esta es fue una experiencia en familia muy impresionante y muy atractiva para volverla a repetir con la familia...

  6. Peru Tours: Cajamarca City Tour

    The charming city of Cajamarca is set within the Andes in northern Peru. During this tour you'll explore the city and see some of its most notable sites. Featured in: Architecture. Duration: 3 hrs. Available Days: Every day. Schedule: 9:00 AM, 2:00 PM.

  7. Discover the Best Tours in Cajamarca: A Complete Guide

    Gastronomic tours in Cajamarca are a culinary adventure you can't miss, offering the opportunity to taste unique dishes and learn about the culinary traditions of the region. The Cheese and Manjar Route. Cajamarca is renowned for its production of high-quality dairy products. This tour takes you to visit local farms where you can learn about ...

  8. Cajamarca: City Tour

    When booking your City Tour of Cajamarca, travelers can enjoy the flexibility of free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund. The tour duration is 3 hours, providing a comprehensive exploration of Cajamarca's history and culture. Payment options include reserving now and paying later for those seeking flexible travel plans.

  9. Cajamarca city tour

    The highland city of Cajamarca is renowned for its colonial architecture and Inca heritage. On this tour, travel in the comfort of a private vehicle and enjoy the undivided attention of your private guide as you take in the city's best bits. Admire the views from the Hill of Santa Apolonia; visit landmarks including the Church of Nuestra Señora de la Piedad, Cajamarca Cathedral, and ...

  10. City Tour, Cajamarca

    Itinerary. Start at around 9:30am - 10:00am for morning tour and 3:30pm - 4:00pm for afternoon tour at your accommodation or other place in the city centre of Cajamarca. End of tour at around 12:30pm for morning tour and 6:30pm for the afternoon tour at your accommodation or other place in the city centre of Cajamarca.

  11. Cajamarca Tours: Explore the North of Peru

    Cajamarca is a historic city with cultural highlights such as the Ventanillas de Otuzco, an archaeological site. Don't miss out on Cumbemayo with its petroglyphs that help to understand the ancient Peruvian culture. Add some relax to your trip, with a tour of the hot springs Baños del Inca!

  12. The BEST Cajamarca Region Tours and Things to Do in 2023

    Find the top-rated and best-reviewed tours and activities in Cajamarca Region for 2023. From prices and availability to skip-the-line options and mobile tickets, get all the information you need to make the most of your trip to Peru.

  13. Excursiones, visitas guiadas y actividades en Cajamarca

    Tour por el valle de Cajamarca. Sin valorar. 34 viajeros. Cancelación gratuita. Descubre el valle de Cajamarca visitando sus lugares más emblemáticos, como el paseo de los Incas, el Cerro Coyor o la laguna de San Nicolás. 5 horas Español Excursiones de un día. 22,30 US$.

  14. Cajamarca

    10 días de sólo tours; Paquetes completos a Cajamarca. 02 días / 01 noche; 03 días / 02 noches; 04 días / 03 noches; 05 días / 04 noches; 06 días / 05 noches; 07 días / 06 noches; 08 días / 07 noches; 09 días / 08 noches; 10 días / 09 noches; Paquetes Carnaval de Cajamarca 2024. 03 días / 02 noches del 09 al 11 de Febrero

  15. 2024 2 Days Private Tour in Cajamarca

    Onto this tours travellers will enjoy all the most important places from Cajamarca, ensure to know the deep past of cajamarca just in one trip, we are part of your experience so we help you to achieve your trip goal, visit cumbe mayo with 3000 yers old aqueduct, the resqueu room were Atahualpa was in the prison, the pre-inca´s cemetery

  16. Cajamarca Tours 2024: Enjoy Excursions & Activities

    Cajamarca is most famous for being the site of the 1533 ambush and capture of the Inca Atahualpa by Fransico Pizarro and his conquistadores.. Today, El Cuarto del Rescate, or the Ransom Room, with its trapezoidal doorways and signature Inca walls, stands as a testament to one of the Western world's most infamous acts of treachery. The Spanish held the emperor captive for months while his ...

  17. Tourist Attractions in Cajamarca

    Ventanillas de Otuzco. The Otuzco Windows are located 8 km outside the city of Cajamarca in the Inca Baths district. Being the necropolis of an ancient pre-Inca culture, tourists can admire hundreds of 8 to 10 meter deep niches as well as galleries that were carved into the rock. These niches served as grain deposits.

  18. Paquetes Turisticos Cajamarca, Alojamiento y tours 2024

    Conoce Cajamarca con los Paquetes Turisticos, Incluye traslados en el destino, alojamiento, tours y entradas a los atractivos a visitar. (51.1) 748-2255 | (+51) 937838812 | [email protected]. Login. Login. Username or E-Mail. Password. ... Tours Cajamarca. Paquetes Turisticos a Cajamarca 2024. Cajamarca. Desde $160. 4 dias . Cajamarca 3 dias ...

  19. 3-Day Itinerary for Cajamarca, Peru

    Tours are usually offered in Spanish only, and can be booked in any tourist office in Cajamarca. A half-day tour, including a guide and transportation, costs only 20 soles (equalling 5 euro). The number of Peruvian tourists flocking to the area on these tourist buses can be disturbing at times.

  20. THE 5 BEST Cajamarca Tours & Excursions for 2024 (with Prices)

    2024. 1. Time to Travel - Day Tour. 140. Hiking & Camping Tours • Nature & Wildlife Tours. By nancynb06. I would highly recommend Time to Travel Tours for any guided experience in the Northern Peru region. 2. Marañón Experience.

  21. Tours de Cajamarca 2024: Fabulosas Excursiones y Actividades

    Los 2 tours imprescindibles de Cajamarca para reservar en 2024. Tours de Cajamarca, donde comenzó la caída del Imperio Inca con la captura de Atahualpa por el conquistador Francisco Pizarro. Visite la «Cámara del Rescate» de Atahualpa, el último vestigio de la arquitectura incaica en una de las ciudades andinas más pintorescas e ...

  22. Tours a Cajamarca » Trujillo Tours Norte Peru -Tours a Trujillo

    Cajamarca es una tierra donde la historia se une a la naturaleza para crear una experiencia inolvidable con los mejores Tours full day durante 1 día . Puedes encontrar en Cajamarca una magnífica arquitectura colonial, pueblos coloridos y una gastronomía digna de admirar.

  23. Chachapoyas a Cajamarca Pasajes De Bus

    Un viaje de Chachapoyas a Cajamarca dura aproximadamente 9 horas con 20 minutos y se recorren 340 kilómetros. El bus desciende de la Selva peruana y se pasa por Yerbabuena, Collonce y Encañada, entre otros, hasta que llega al departamento deseado. En Cajamarca el clima es frío y el cielo es nublado, la temperatura promedio es de 12ºC.

  24. Viajes y turismo en Perú y Trujillo

    Viajes y turismo en Perú y Trujillo Perú Together Travel quiere compartir contigo la gran aventura de vivir cada viaje como experiencia única.