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25 Places You Should not Miss to Visit While You Are in Lumbini, Nepal

Lumbini, the holy place in the Terai region of Nepal, is probably one of the most famous tourist destinations for all Buddhist devotees all over the world. Apart from Buddhist devotees, its breathtaking beauty, peaceful environment, and the best Buddhist shrines have attracted thousands of regular tourists from every corner of the earth.

This UNESCO-enlisted birthplace of Lord Gautam Buddha has a lot of things to offer to its visitors- from shrines, and monuments that reflect Buddhism to the beautiful gardens and ponds.

Spread over 4.8 Kilometers in length and 1.3 kilometers in width, the Lumbini heritage is in the monastic region where no monuments other than monasteries can be built.

Korean buddhist temple in lumbini Nepal Birthplace of Lord Buddha

The building of any recreational objects is illegal in Lumbini in this area. Within that area, there are lots of Buddhist shrines that are worth visiting. So, if you are planning to visit Lumbini but have no knowledge about the places, here are the 9 most important places in the Lumbini area that you must visit while you are in this region.

25 Places to Visit in Lumbini, Nepal

UNESCO enrolled the origin as a world legacy site because of its significance to the Hindu and Buddhist religious groups and also the history and culture of the whole world. The Lumbini legacy site covers 4.8km long and 1.3 km in width and is expressed as a religious zone where no one but cloisters can be fabricated.

  • 1. Maya Devi Temple / Maya Devi sanctuary

2. Ashok Pillar

3. myanmar golden temple, 4. world peace pagoda, 5. dharma swami maharaja boddhavihar.

  • 6. China Temple / China sanctuary

7. Lumbini Museum

8. sanctum -santorum of the birthplace of lord buddha, 9. puskarnithe sacred pool, 10. eternal peace flame, 11. kapilvastu, 12. terrified garden, 13. the marker stone:, 14. the nativity sculpture:, 15. tilaurakot:, 16. araurakot:, 17. gotihawa:, 18. kudan:, 19. niglihawa:, 20. sagarhawa:, 21. devedaha:, 23. try indian foods from street vendors, 24. rent a bicycle and explore rural terrain, 25. sign up for a meditation class.

Working on any recreational structure in the zone is precluded and is isolated from the Eastern zone (with Theravadin cloisters) and the Western zone (Mahayana and Vajrayana religious communities). The significant attractions of Lumbini are as per the following.

1. Maya Devi Temple /  Maya Devi sanctuary

The temple of Maya Devi is the major attraction around the Lumbini area. This temple is a building that protects the exact spot where Lord Buddha was believed to have been born. Along with that stone, it also has many bricks and structures from the time Buddha was born.

The Bondi Tree which is nearby the temple is the tree where Queen Maya Devi took a rest while she was traveling. The temple is also accompanied by a pond where people believe that Buddha took his very first bath.


Maya Devi Temple in Lumbini, Nepal Birthplace of Lord Buddha

The most noted and vital sanctuary in the commencement reveres the conventional area of Buddha’s introduction to the world. The Maya Devi sanctuary is one of the real attractions of Lumbini. The later sanctuary is a white building that secures the correct spot of Buddha’s introduction to the world, meant by a marker stone.

The Bodhi tree is the tree where Maya Devi rested in the shade while she was voyaging. It was there that she started giving birth and took a custom plunge into the close-by lake, which is accepted to be where Buddha scrubbed down as well.

Notwithstanding the Ashokan Pillar, the other sanctum of significance is the base-help pictures of Maha Maya Debi-the Queen of King Suddhodan. Revered in a little pagoda-like structure, the picture demonstrates Maya Debi, the mother of Crown Prince Siddhartha Gautam. She is seen supporting herself by hanging on with her correct hand to a branch of a sal tree, with the recently conceived newborn child Buddha standing upright on a lotus platform on a level radiance.

Two other divine figures are portrayed in a demonstration of pouring sacred water and lotuses given from paradise Earlier the picture was put in the well-known white sanctuary of Maya Debi other than the column now completely disassembled to clear a path for the unearthings which uncovered the Sanctum Sanctorum, the correct spot where our Lord was conceived.

It is best for the general population who are intrigued to think about the historical backdrop of Nepal. They can know much data about the group of Lord Buddha. They likewise can know his adolescent way of life and the way he got salvation.

Right beside the Maya Devi Temple, lies the Pillar which was built by Emperor Ashoka of India in 249 BC. It is also known as Ashoka Pillar. This pillar has an inscription that describes the importance of Lumbini as the birthplace of Lord Buddha. This pillar holds very important historical significance as it is proof that Buddha was born in the Lumbini rather than in India.

It is trusted that this Pillar was worked in 249 BC when Emperor Ashoka of India went by the then-thriving town of Lumbini. He constructed four stupas and a Pillar with a stallion icon at the best and an engraving that portrays his visit and the significance of Lumbini as the origin of Lord Buddha.

The column is encompassed by a little fence, enriched with vivid supplication banners, and has dishes to light incense sticks and contemplate. This column holds a recorded hugeness and it is thought to be one of the significant attractions of Lumbini.

The Ashok Pillar; was founded by the now-well-known German classicist Dr. Further, the column is the principal epigraphic confirmation identifying with the life history of Lord Buddha and is additionally the most noticeable point of interest in the favorable garden.

The memorable significance of the column is proven by the engraving engraved on the column (in Brahmi characters). It is said that the Hindu Indian Emperor Ashok-the Great, who got changed over, went to the site in the twentieth year of his increase to the honored position and as a tribute to the unadulterated origination raised the column.

The engraving on the column is generally interpreted as; King Piyadesi the dearest of the Gods, having been blessed 20 years, came himself and worshiped saying-Here Buddha Sakyamnu was conceived. He caused to make a stone (capital) speaking to a stallion and caused (this) stone column to be raised. Since here the reverential one has conceived the town of Lumbini has made free of expenses and beneficiary of riches.

Myanmar Golden Temple is the oldest structure in the Lumbini area. This temple has three prayer halls. Inside the temple, there is the Lokamani Pula Pagoda which is a Burmese-style Pagoda that resembles the Shwe-Dagon Pagoda of Yangon. This golden temple was made by the Myanmar government in the Lumbini area.

Myanmar Golden Temple,  Lumbini Nepal Birthplace of Lord Buddha

One of the most established structures on the premises with three supplication lobbies is the Myanmar brilliant sanctuary. Appropriate inside the sanctuary premises is the Lokamani Pula pagoda, another Burmese-style pagoda that takes after the Shwedagon Pagoda of Yangon. This site is beautiful to the point that you will be astonished and won’t let your eyes off this Temple.

The World Peace Pagoda is probably the most beautiful in the Lumbini area. Built at the cost of over one million US dollars by the Japanese, it is a shiny white structure with the golden statue of the Lord Buddha. Though the peace pagoda is not in the Lumbini world heritage site area, this landmark is equally famous as any other monastery inside the Lumbini area.

World Peace Pagoda in Lumbini, Nepal Birthplace of Lord Buddha

This pagoda was worked by the Japanese at the cost of US $ 1 million, simply outside the fundamental region. The pagoda has the statue of Lord Buddha in the position he took when he was conceived. It is a glimmering white structure with a brilliant statue. It is one of the rising attractions of Lumbini.

This Vihar is Tibetan-styled Gompa which is right outside the complex. This Vihar was built by the Raja of Mustang and Eminence ChogyaTrichenRinboche. In this Vihar, a puja is conducted every single day by around sixty monks who reside. This Vihar is one of the landmarks of the Lumbini world heritage site.

This Tibetan-styled Gompa outside the complex was worked by His Eminence Chogya Trichen Ringboche and Raja of Mustang where Tara Puja is led each day by the 60 priests who dwell there.

6. China Temple /  China sanctuary

China temple is a huge complex with lots of prayer rooms, meditation cells, and pagodas. This elegant monastery is a very much impressive structure because of its style and uniqueness. Arriving at this monastery through various other monasteries, this monastery looks like something out of the Forbidden City.

It is a complex of pagodas, petition rooms, and reflection cells. Alternate sanctuaries and religious communities incorporate the Korean sanctuary, while others are worked by Vietnam, Thailand, Mongolia, Germany, Sri Lanka, and different nations. This site is beautiful to the point that you will be astonished and won’t let your eyes off this Temple.

In the Lumbini area, apart from all the majestic and supreme monasteries, lies a museum that is a landmark in itself in terms of its style. This museum is devoted to the life of Lord Buddha and it has many photos and objects from Buddhist places all over the world. If you are visiting Lumbini and want to know more about Buddhism and Lord Buddha, this is the place you must not ignore.

It is situated in the Cultural Zone and contains Mauryan and Kushana coins, religious original copies, earthenware pieces, and stone and metal models. It additionally has a broad accumulation of stamps from different nations delineating Lumbini and the Buddha.

Birthplace of Lord Buddha Lumbini Nepal Picture

Lumbini International Research Institute: situated inverse to the Lumbini Museum, LIRI gives investigate offices to the investigation of Buddhism and religion as a rule. Run together by the Lumbini Development Trust (LDT) and the Reiyukai of Japan, LIRI contains various books on religion, reasoning, craftsmanship, and design.

The Lumbini exhibition hall is known as a Buddhist workmanship display and focuses on Buddhism. It helps save Buddhist culture and instructs us on its esteem. It grants learning to educated and also ignorant people of the general public through workmanship remains.

Earthenware board of Siddhartha and Yasodhara in bed posture, human and creature puppets, Punch stamped and Kushana coins, different copies of Buddhist pictures, and photographs from Indian exhibition halls are shown. The wonderful discoveries of Lumbini like Bodhisattva, Maitreya, Ratnasambhava, Vajravārāhi (Tara), nativity figure of Buddha, combination stone (Marker stone), and Padampaniavalokitesvar are not kept in this gallery.

Either unique or imitations of the great structures and antiques of Kapilvastu, Devadaha, Ramagrama, and Lumbini ought to be shown here. Guests should feel that they are viewing the historical center of Lumbini, the origination of Lord Buddha, yet no Indian gallery.

Being the viable medium for kids, outlines, pictures, light slides, picture collections, films, handouts, miniaturized scale films, indexes, and manuals ought to be delivered as instructive materials for schools, grounds, and colleges.

Shown items ought to be present in short, exact, and simple to-peruse stories, exhibited in the divider, protest names, and varying media, for example, recordings and CD-ROMs. Intuitive electronic maps, PC-based tests that test guests’ learning, and projects that enable guests to reproduce a rocket dispatch or airship landing are other connections with a display include that make utilization of PC innovation.

The Lumbini historical center should offer to handle trips for school gatherings, and it ought to be given instructive materials and workshops that assist instructors to utilize gallery accumulations and presentations as educational programs assets.

The most important landmark of Lumbini is probably the stone slab located under Sanctum sanctorum. This stone slap base identifies the exact location of the original place where Gautam Buddha was born. This stone slab is protected in the Maya Devi Mandir.

In the South of the Maya Devi Temple, there is a well-known holy pool or pond named Puskarni. This pond is thought to be the same divine pool in which queen Maya Devi took a religious dip right before giving life to Lord Buddha. The pool is architecturally marvelous and has three terraces in ascending order.

Near the Asokan Pillar on the southern side is the blessed lake, the Puskarini, accepted to be the sacred lake in which Maya Devi washed up just before bringing forth the Lord Buddha. It is additionally the site where the newborn child sovereign Siddhartha was given his first cleaning shower. The lake has terraced steps and is bolted by wonderfully layered blocks.

South of the Ashokan column, there is well known holy survey named Puskarni accepted to be a similar heavenly pool in which Maya Debi took a devout plunge just before bringing forth the Lord and where the newborn child Buddha was given its first cleansing shower. Compositionally the pool has three anticipating patios in the rising request and is uncovered with fine block brickwork.

Another major attraction of the Lumbini area is the Eternal Peace Flame or Shanti Deep. This flame burns continuously for an indefinite period. Lots of tourists visit Lumbini to see this torch that burns always for peace.

Around twenty-five hundred and a few years back, Kapilvastu was a little republic arranged underneath the Churia or Shiwalik scope of the foothills of the Himalayas. At the season of the introduction of Buddha, Suddhodana the father of Buddha was managed by Kapilvastu as his boss or lord.

The main portrayal of Kapilvastu is by the Chinese student of history and traveler, Fa-Hien who went by Lumbini and Kapilvastu in 403. A.D. When he achieved the site, the city was set apart by destroying demolishes and hills. A couple of priests and everyday citizens lived there. Removal of Kapilvastu and the surroundings was begun in 1899 and Kapilvastu was situated in 1901.

Appropriate unearthings were directed in 1967 and forward to the division of archaic exploration, His Majesty? Government (HMG). At this site, the auxiliary remains of the castle of Lord Suddhodana, and a few stupas were found. More imperative points of interest are yet to be uncovered after further unearthings. Kapilvastu is an imperative local place of Buddha where he put in his initial 29 years of life.

Kapilvastu is related to a few episodes of his life, for example, meeting the wiped-out individual, contemplation of Saint Asit, rivalry with Shakya youth, shooting of a bolt to make the spring of water spout out et cetera. At the point when Buddha got illumination in Bodhgaya at this place, 500 Shakyas and 8 sovereigns received Buddhism. At this place, he lectured his dad and Son Rahul moreover.

Lumbini is a position of the journey for Buddhists and a position of worship for peace admirers of any religious confidence all through the world. The focal point of fascination at Lumbini is the holy garden with Mayadevi Sanctuary portraying the introduction of Lord Buddha, the Ashokan column pinpointing the place of birth of the Buddha, and the Sakyan Tank where Mayadevi, the mother of the Buddha should have taken a plunge before delivering the child.

All around this heavenly site there are leftovers of religious communities and chaityas worked throughout the hundreds of years following the Buddha’s introduction to the world in 623 B.C. This site is beautiful to the point that you will be astonished and won’t let your eyes off this place.

This stone aggregate found profoundly covered in the sanctum sanatorium pinpoints the correct area for the introduction of Lord Buddha. This was found after the fastidious removal of the Maya Devi Temple site in 1996. The correct size of the Marker Stone is 70×40×10 cm. This is presently secured with impenetrable glass.

The picture of Maya Devi otherwise called the Nativity form dated back to the fourth century AD, and portrays Maya Devi, holding the branch of a tree with her correct hand for help. Alongside her Gautami Prajapati, her particular sister, in supporting stance in the season of conveyance is standing. The recently conceived sovereign Siddhartha is standing upright on a Lotus platform, with two heavenly figures accepting him.

The old capital of Sakya, Kapilvastu, has now been related to Tilaurakot, a site in ruins found 25 km west of Lumbini. The five times home of this walled city start in the eighth – 7h B.C. what’s more, ended in 2 d century A.D. Unearthings have uncovered the establishments of a fortification with safeguard divider, portals, religious communities, and stupas.

Araurakot lies around 9 km upper east of Tilaurakot. P.C. Mukherji (1899) recognized it as the natal town of Kanakmuni Buddha. It is a rectangular sustained region that contains a channel with piles of old remains.

Gotihawa lies 5 km southwest of Taulihawa town and is viewed as the natal town of Krakuchanda Buddha. The place has vestiges of antiquated homes, stupas, and religious communities. The place was gone to by Ashoka as confirmed by a column with engravings. The column is broken with the upper part absent.

Kudan is found 2 km southwest of Taulihawa on approach to Gotihawa. Gigantic basic remnants are demonstrating the destruction of cloisters and stupas with a tank close by.

Nighthawk, 7 km northwest of Tilaurakot, was another site went to by Ashoka and set apart with a column. The column is broken into two pieces. The standing base column has Ashokan engraving in Brahmi and the upper column has Devanagari* engraving stamping Ripu MaiWs visit in 1312 AD. There are vestiges of religious communities, stupas, and homes. It is distinguished as the antiquated town of Sobhawati, the origin of Kanakmuni Buddha

Sagarhawa lies at 3.5 kin. north of Tilaurakot and west of Banganga river. It is a rectangular depression. Excavations done in 1896 traced seventeen stupas and large monuments made from well-burnt bricks. Findings of the casket and other rare antiquities indicate them to be votive stupas of the war dead. However, these stupas remain no more as they were excavated to their foundation without a restoration.

Devedaha lies 34 km northeast of Lumbini near the village of Khairhani. The Kolya of Devadaha is considered a maternal tribe of Gautam Buddha. There are archaeological mounds near the village.

22. Ramgram:

Ramgram lies 4 km south of Paris town in Nawalparasi district. The remains of the stupa and monastery as mounds are beside the bank of the Jahari river in Kerwani village. The huge stupa mound is 30 ft high and 70 ft. in diameter. Koliyas of Ramagram are listed among the eight tribes that received the corporeal relics of the Buddha at Kushinagar.

With all of the above-mentioned attractions, Lumbini is considered one of the holiest places to visit for all Buddhists and Hindus. This site is equally popular among historians and other people who like to know about Buddhism and Lord Buddha more.

Other than structures, Lumbini is also known for the wide species of birds that roam around. It includes gaps, eagles, sarus cranes, and other various endangered animals. Apart from the Lumbini area, the nearby villages are also worth visiting. Understanding the lifestyle of the diverse people living around Lumbini can be a whole new experience.

Lastly, a trip to Lumbini can provide you with a whole new experience combining nature, culture, religion, and the very warm welcome of the local people. So, do not miss visiting this beautiful and peaceful place and gaining inner peace. You will never be disappointed with Lumbini.

Extra Things to do in Lumbini.

The best thing I like about traveling is the local food. I am a food Junkie and like to taste varieties of local food. If you are among the people who like to taste local street food instead of eating at McDonald’s while traveling, Lumbini might be a great place for you.

A sub-mixture of Indian/Nepali food in varieties of styles can be found in this region. Many street vendors are selling delicious homemade local food, mostly with Indian Flavor. Remember, Lumbini is right at the Indian Border. Hence, Indian food is common.

Most of the food you will find is vegetarian. Momo, Noodles, Curries, Pakauda, Samosa, Tikiya Chat, and Pani Puri are the most common. Order your food, sit for a while and enjoy the food. You won’t find Western Hygiene here but find the local taste.

Spicy Foods

To get more inside the local culture, I normally try to explore rural parts in comparison to the modern town. A rental wheel on your own is the best way for sightseeing. Multiple options are available in Lumbini for sightseeing around major monasteries area.

You can use rickshaws for sightseeing other than a cab. Give it a try bicycle and burn fat instead of fuel. However, during summer it’s not recommended. The temperature can be more than 40 degrees Celsius during the daytime. Look around you in Lumbini, everyone is on a bicycle. Why?

cycling in Remote or village area of Terai Madhesh Nepal

Because the roads are flat and easy to ride, the weather is generously warm and traffic is minimal. Head for the country, look for quiet roads, there are many. As you ride you will pass by local huts, happy children yelling Namaste, mustard fields with yellow flowers, rice paddies, and occasional surprises.

It is farmland and friendly people, goats, buffalos, and oxen. You will see ancient agricultural methods still working! It’s a study of the past set in the present. You can rent a bicycle everywhere either on an hourly or daily basis for next to nothing. It’s cheap and provides pleasure, so go for it.

Everyone in the 21st century is busy with their day-to-day life and likes to relax at least for a while during weekends. People normally practice meditation in many forms. Normally, I used to practice Tai Chi and listen to Tibetan Incarnation for meditation. Since I was running out of time, I couldn’t give it a try for meditation while I was in Lumbini.

However, you can spot some of those meditation centers inside the premises of Lumbini, go give it a try for next to nothing. Meditation is a major component of Buddhism. Yes, you might have practiced meditation classes in your own country, with either a little success or a lot of failures.

Then we give up. But when you are in Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, this is the best place to try meditation. To assist you, there are several meditation centers run by Buddhist Monks. You can room and board there, become a part of that community and immerse yourself.

With all these attractions of Lumbini, the destination is visited by thousands of Buddhists and Hindu devotees from all around the world along with historians and tourists interested in Buddhist religion and culture.

Apart from the structures, the Lumbini area is also famous for the wide array of bird species found in its farmland and reservoirs including the Sarus crane, Indian spotted eagle, gyps, owls, and other endangered animals too.

People interested in trekking can also take the Lumbini circuit tour to visit the 64 scattered archaeological sites in the area. The trip to the villages in the surrounding areas also lets one experience and understand the lifestyles of the diverse ethnic people as one goes to the villages and indulges in the everyday lives, culture, and customs of the warm and friendly people.

The trip to Lumbini is a complete package-combining nature with the culture and religion and warm hospitality of the people making it a truly peaceful and spiritual experience.

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8 Places to Visit in Lumbini + Things To Do

8 Places to Visit in Lumbini + Things To Do

1. Maya Devi Temple & the Sacred Garden

Maya Devi Temple , Lumbini

Location : Taulihawa Road, Lumbini Sanskritik 32900, Nepal . Save on Google Maps .

Lumbini Travel Essentials:

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Nepal WIFI/SIM Card

See also :   Places to visit in Nepal  |  Kathmandu Tourist Spots  |  Everest Base Camp Trek Itinerary  |  Spots to See in Chitwan  |  Where to go in Pokhara .

More travel tips coming up! In the meantine, enjoy this  quick list  of attractions and tourist spots in Lumbini. To help with your trip planning, I’ve added links to the locations on Google Maps. Feel free to click/tap on the links posted. Then, use the “save” feature on the Google Maps app for easy reference. I’ve also shared photos from my  Instagram feed . Use Instagram’s save feature for quick access to your travel/feed goals.

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2. The Bodhi Tree & Maya Devi Pond

Maya Devi Bodhi Tree, Lumbini

3. Ashoka Pillar

Ashoka Pillar, Lumbini

Location : Maya Devi Temple , Taulihawa Road, Lumbini Sanskritik 32900, Nepal . Save on Google Maps .

4. World Peace Pagoda

World Peace Pagoda, Lumbini

Location : Lumbini Sanskritik 32914, Nepal . Save on Google Maps .

5. Central Canal & Lumbini Monastic Site

Central Canal, Lumbini

Location : Lumbini Sanskritik 32900, Nepal . Save on Google Maps .

6. The Eternal Peace Flame of Lumbini

Eternal Flame of Lumbini

Location : Central Canal, Lumbini Monastic Site, Lumbini, Nepal . Save on Google Maps .

7. International Monasteries & Temples

South Korea Dae Sung Shakya Temple, Lumbini

Location : Lumbini Monastic Site, Lumbini, Nepal . Save on Google Maps .

8. Lumbini Crane Sanctuary

Lumbini Crane Sanctuary

What places have you added to your bucketlist? Have you been to beautiful places in Lumbini that should be on this list? Feel free to share your thoughts!

Places to visit in Lumbini

Lumbini tourist spots, things to do in Lumbini, where to go in Lumbini & more.

Note: Destinations featured above are not listed by rank.

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Book sooner rather than later if you already have your dates set. Cheaper-priced rooms and hotels with high reviews tend to get fully booked faster, especially during busy days like weekends, holidays & peak tourist seasons.

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places to visit in Lumbini

10 Places To Visit In Lumbini | A Guide to Spiritual Sites

Lumbini is a sacred and holy place in the Terai region of Nepal. It is one of the most renowned tourist destinations, especially for Buddhist devotees. Apart from the religious significance, the breathtaking natural beauty and the delightful Buddhist shrines attract tourists from all around the globe.

Did you know that Lumbini is a UNESCO-enlisted world heritage site ? The fact that it is a world heritage site and the birthplace of lord Gautam Buddha, attracts numerous tourists to this site. This spiritual site has a lot to offer, hence it attracts visitors from different religions.

One of the primal attractions is the Mayadevi temple. This is renowned for being the birthplace of lord Gautam Buddha. This is where Mayadevi gave birth to lord Gautam Buddha.

If you’re looking for information on the world heritage sites of Nepal you should definitely check out our Top 10 Must-Visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites of Nepal .

Table of Contents

Places To Visit In Lumbini

The UNESCO-enlisted world heritage site, Lumbini holds immense cultural and religious significance. However, it is not just about the religious and cultural significance, you will find numerous places to explore here. We have curated a descriptive list of places to visit and things to do in Lumbini. You can follow through with the list to determine the significance of each spot. 

Lumbini Museum

Maya devi temple and sacred garden, maya devi pond and the bodhi tree, ashoka pillar, explore world peace pagoda lumbini, boating in central canal, the eternal peace flame, lumbini crane sanctuary, cycling tour around, signup for meditation class.

Lumbini Museum is a tempting spot for exploration. This is a spectacular spot to study ancient Buddhist history. It is an appealing spot to explore while you are here in Lumbini. It is an incredible space to explore and learn about Buddhist history. This museum showcases around 12000 artifacts that include; terai cottas, religious manuscripts, metal sculptures, and coin collections from Khusana and Maura dynasties.

You can also explore the Lumbini International Research Institute(LIRI), opposite the Lumbini Museum. This place provides research facilities for studying Buddhism. 

tourist places in lumbini nepal

The sacred garden lies at the heart of Lumbini. It is one of the most significant spots in the area as lord Gautam Buddha was born here. This is the spot where Queen Mayadevi gave birth to Prince Siddhartha 623BC, under a Sal tree on a full moon night. 

It is believed that the exact spot where Budhha was born is visible at the Marker Stone. Lumbini Mayadevi temple was built to preserve this sacred spot. Under the roof of this temple lies the archeological remains of previous worship places constructed between the 6th century and the 5th century. 

tourist places in lumbini nepal

Situated right in front of the renowned Mayadevi temple, the Mayadevi pond is a square-shaped structure that has steps all around that ascends to the water level. Also renowned as Puskarini. It is considered that this is where Maya Devi used to Bathe and lord Buddha’s first bathing was done in this pond. During special occasions, the steps surrounding this pond are illuminated with oil lamps during dusk to worship this sacred space. 

The Bodhi tree is located opposite the Mayadevi pond in Lumbini. It is said that Siddhartha Gautama achieved spiritual enlightenment in India under the Bodhi tree. This state of enlightenment is referred to as Bodhi. “Bodhi tree” is also known as Bo, this is the term used for a very old fig tree. The term Bodhi tree is assigned to numerous important trees in Buddhism today. The Bodhi tree is often confused with Sal or Ashokan tree.

tourist places in lumbini nepal

The Ashoka pillar located in Lumbini is a 3rd-century stone pillar that was built under the reign of Emperor Ashoka. The Ashoka pillar was built as a mark of respect by Emperor Ashoka after he traveled to the birth palace of Gautam Buddha and accepted Buddhism. This fact makes the Ashoka pillar a vital attraction in this country. It also holds the oldest inscription as compared to the other Ashoka Pillars, hence making it the first-ever such structure built. It is located inside the appealing Maya Devi temple complex. It is quite a refreshing structure due to its appealing history.

tourist places in lumbini nepal

The world peace pagoda, also regarded as the Japan peace stupa, is a symbol of peace that was built in the 21st century. It is one of the major tourist destinations in Lumbini. This world peace pagoda was built by Japanese Buddhists. This glorious stupa is white in color and the giant golden Buddha statue is the jewel on the crown in Lumbini. This monument was built in the early 21st century. 

As the name suggests, even the areas around the pagoda are peaceful and serene. You will witness the locals relaxing under the shade of the trees that line the boundary. 

tourist places in lumbini nepal

Boating in the Central Canal is another delightful adventure. Whilst boating, you will witness the appealing structures on both sides of the Mayadevi complex. In collaboration with Lumbini development, trust boating is one of the most renowned activities enjoyed by visitors to the Mayadevi complex. This is another appealing adventure, boating in the central canal. While boating here you can witness beautiful structures on both sides of the Mayadevi complex. You can also find outboard motorboats that carry trips at each end of the canal. 

tourist places in lumbini nepal

Another massive attraction of the Lumbini area is the Eternal Peace Flame, also known as Shanti Deep. This flame burns continuously, for eternity. A lot of tourists are attracted to this flame that burns for peace. The Eternal peace flame is situated at the southern end of the canal in Lumbini. It is one of the major attractions in the Lumbini Garden. This flame was created in 1986 to celebrate the international year of Peace. The eternal peace flame in Lumbini was brought from the United States Of America for promoting peace and harmony among the nations. 

tourist places in lumbini nepal

The wetlands surrounding the world peace pagoda are preserved as a crane sanctuary and you will get a chance to witness rare Sarus cranes roaming through the fields. The entrance gate is right before the gate of Pagoda. It is one of the most attractive spots in Nepal and is definitely worth a visit. 

This sanctuary is spread over an area of 6 square kilometers that carries the ruins of the palace of Tilaurakot where Gautam Buddha spent 29 years of his life. This sanctuary was set up by the International crane foundation in the early 90s. This is a must-visit for anyone interested in wildlife adventure. 

If you want to gain more insight into the local culture, we recommend you explore the rural parts rather than the modern town. Renting a cycle and exploring the village on two wheels can be idealistic for sightseeing. You will find numerous options for sightseeing around the monastery area. 

You can ride via rickshaw rather than booking a cab. However, it might get difficult during the summer as the temperature rises from 40 degrees Celsius. The roads here in Lumbini are flat which makes it easy to ride a bicycle. The weather is generally warm and the traffic is minimal. As you ride your bicycle, you will pass by local huts, yellow mustard fields, rice paddies, and other additional surprises. 

You will witness farmland with goats, buffalos, oxen, and friendly locals. You will witness the rare sightings of ancient agricultural methods that are still working to date. You can easily rent a bicycle on an hourly, or daily basis. It is cheap as well as a convenient option for exploring Lumbini. 

With the chaotic and hectic everyday schedule in the 21st century, there is barely any time to relax and unwind. So, meditation has become a crucial practice. There are numerous forms of meditation that have immense benefits. 

You can find several meditation centers inside the premises of Lumbini. You can give it a try and reap the benefits of meditation practices. Lumbini is an ideal place for doing your meditation practices. You will get assistance from several Buddhist monks. With these major attractions, this place attracts a lot of Buddhists and Hindu devotees. 

Some of the meditation classes in Lumbini include; Panditarama Lumbini Vipassana Meditation Center, Dhamma Janani Vipassana Meditation Center, The World Center For Peace And Unity, European Buddhist Monastery, Bramha Kumaris Bhairahawa. These meditation centers are the facilities dedicated to where courses are held regularly throughout the year. 

Lumbini is a holy place and several tourists visit this place for significant spiritual experiences. You will also get an opportunity to witness numerous monasteries built by various Buddhist countries including; Germany, Japan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Myanmar, and China. While you visit these peaceful monasteries, you will get a chance to bask in the serene, spiritual environment. 

You can try out numerous things in Lumbini. But if you are looking for a deeper and more immersive experience then you can visit Buddhist meditation centers. You can indulge in meditation and yoga therapy. You can also involve in interaction with the Buddhist monks who serve in these monasteries. This rare opportunity will leave you feeling more vibrant, lively, and woke from the inside. If you would like to take up this rare opportunity then connect with Bold Adventures on 7 days Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour .

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The birthplace of Buddha

A temple marks the exact spot where Buddha was born more than 2500 years ago, starting the journey of a man who would change the world!

Written by Michael Turtle

Michael Turtle is the founder of Time Travel Turtle. A journalist for more than 20 years, he's been travelling the world since 2011.

Michael Turtle is the founder of Time Travel Turtle and has been travelling full time for a decade.

Updated: August 5, 2023

Lumbini, Nepal

Like many religious origin stories, the genesis of Buddhism starts with a baby. It’s said that from the moment of birth, this baby was destined to change the world.

The year was 623 BC and a pregnant Queen Mayadevi, the wife of a ruler of a kingdom in present-day Nepal, was walking back to her hometown to give birth.

But the baby came slightly sooner than expected and so, with a full moon in the night sky, she stopped under a sal tree and gave birth. Today, this place is called Lumbini.

According to the stories, as soon as the little boy was born, he walked seven steps to the north, looked around, and then announced that this would be his final rebirth.

Those seven steps were just the first of many important ones to come.

The baby boy was named Prince Siddhartha. He would be raised as royalty but eventually leave the palace in search of a deeper meaning to life.

Eventually, at the age of 35, Prince Siddhartha would find enlightenment. In this moment, he would become the Buddha   – and the founder of one of the world’s great religions.

It’s no wonder that Lumbini has become one of the most important pilgrimage sites in the world for Buddhists, representing the beginning of it all.

** Jump down to the best places to visit in Lumbini **

Understanding Buddhism

Buddhism is an interesting religion because, when compared to the other main faiths in the world, it has a big difference – it is based around a human and not a god.

Previously, I knew very little about Buddhism, so thinking more about this key difference was an important first step in my journey of understanding. And what better place than Lumbini to do this.

For religions like Christianity, Islam, or Hindu, there are deities at the core of the narrative. With Buddhism, it’s not about worshipping an omnipotent and omniscient god. It is much more about a way of living.

And this comes from Buddha himself.

He was not a god – and, in fact, he told his followers not to worship him. In many ways, he is best described as a philosopher or a prophet who preached about life in a way that captivated the souls of the people.

Now, we all know that when it comes to religions, there’s a decent mix of history and imagination in their foundational stories.

When it comes to Buddhism, there is much more factual history in the narrative than in other major faiths.

Let’s forget about some of the decoration that’s been added to the tales over the years – such as the baby Prince Siddhartha walking seven steps and declaring he won’t be reborn again. Most objective observers could probably agree that things like this are not factually accurate from a historical perspective.

But the majority of the life of Buddha, and hence the keystone of Buddhism, can easily be proved as historically true.

So, when you consider the impact he had on the people he met, we have to assume that his teachings were impressive, that he was able to inspire people enough to follow them.

We have to assume that, even is there was nothing divine about the Buddha, that he was one of the greatest thinkers of human history and his messages had a resonance that changed people’s lives.

It’s worth stressing that everything I’ve said is not to take away from the spiritual side of Buddhism and the aspects that are based more in faith than fact.

The point I’m trying to make is that Buddha is a part of world history, regardless of your belief system. And his teachings have universal relevance and are as relevant today as they were 2500 years ago.

Even one of the most important elements of the Buddhist faith, the enlightenment, can be looked at in two ways.

It could be an ethereal experience in which Prince Siddhartha passed into another plane. Or it could just be the time when finally he had clarity of thought and the maturation of his messages was complete.

Either way, it probably doesn’t matter. The story of Buddha is as relevant for one person as it is for another, regardless of how you approach it.

The history of Lumbini

Today, the site at Lumbini is a physical representation of the story of Buddhism. But it wasn’t always that way.

When Queen Mayadevi stopped here in 623 BC to give birth, there was nothing of significance here. And that’s fitting. There’s a purity and a cleanliness to the story that the boy who would become Buddha was not born in a house but beneath a tree, near a pond, under a full moon.

For many centuries after that, Lumbini remained relatively undeveloped.

The site was first officially declared the birthplace of Buddha in the 3 rd century BC by the great Indian emperor Ashoka. But, even then, it was only a limited number of temples and pagodas that were built here by worshippers.

Lumbini was apparently visited a lot by pilgrims in the Middle Ages and so more infrastructure was added – but it was mostly lost and covered by forest from the 15 th century onwards.

The site of Lumbini would only be ‘rediscovered’ by archaeologists at the end of the 19 th century.

Even then, This only changed very recently (in a relative sense), in 1978, when a new masterplan to develop the site was unveiled.

The idea to turn the Lumbini site into a new visitor experience was the result of a campaign by the then UN Secretary General U Thant, a Buddhist from Myanmar, who visited in 1967 and was shocked at how little care was being taken of the birthplace of Buddha.

The Lumbini Master Plan

What came out of the campaign by U Thant was the idea of a complete redevelopment of Lumbini. It led to a new master plan for the site developed by Japanese architect Kenzo Tange and approved in 1978.

This new design, still called the Lumbini Master Plan, is what you’ll find when you visit today – and it has a huge impact on the way you’ll experience the site. It’s laid out in a way that’s supposed to take you on your own spiritual journey.

The site is made up of three sections, each exactly a mile long. You’ll start in the first one, called the New Lumbini Village, which has tourist facilities like hotels, food stalls, shopping and a museum.

As you symbolically move from this area of ‘worldly activities’, you’ll go into the central area that represents knowledge and spiritual purification, called the Cultural and Monastic Zone.

You’ll need to travel the whole mile of this section by walking, bicycle, or boat down a canal. On either side, surrounded by forest, are the monasteries (that you can explore later).

Finally, you’ll arrive in the last section, the most sacred of them all – for it was here that Buddha was born. You’ll be able to see the marker stone and spend some time in the sacred garden.

Some visitors will come to Lumbini for an hour or so, see the main temple, and then leave. But there’s much more to the site than that. Spending time exploring the different areas, thinking about what they represent, connecting with the pilgrims who have come here – it’s what your Buddhist journey should be.

Places to visit in Lumbini

To give you an idea of the things you can do at Lumbini, I would like to offer a bit more information about the main sights.

Here are the main places to visit in Lumbini. I’ve put them on a map so you can see how it all fits together.

There is no wrong or right way to explore the area, but it was designed for you to slowly make your way south towards the Sacred Garden as the climax of the visit.

World Peace Pagoda

At the northernmost the site is the World Peace Pagoda. It was built by Japanese Buddhists as a symbol to unite humanity.

It’s an enormous pagoda that dazzles bright white in the sun.

True to the name, you’ll often find locals sitting peacefully in the park around it with a picnic. You can also climb up the stairs and walk around the upper level of the pagoda.

Crane Sanctuary

Next to the World Peace Pagoda is the Crane Sanctuary. This natural reserve has been put aside as a safe area for local birds, including the Saris Cranes.

The cranes are the tallest flying bird in the world and it’s estimated there are about 100 pairs living in the area. They are especially important in Lumbini because of the special link they have to the story of Buddha.

Lumbini Museum

I don’t think Lumbini is the kind of place you come to spend time in a museum. There are enough ‘real’ things to see in Lumbini without needing to spend too much time in a building.

Having said that, you may be interested in the Lumbini Museum in the village area. It has a small collection of artefacts and photos that tell you a bit more about the site and about some general Buddhist traditions.

Central Canal

The Central Canal runs down the middle of the Lumbini site and connects the village area to the Sacred Garden. Along its length, several small brick bridges cross the water.

One of the ways to get through this central section is to catch a boat along the canal. You’ll find drivers waiting at either end.

Otherwise, your other options are to walk along the side of the canal, which is designed to give the impression of a pilgrimage. Or you can cycle through one of the monastic zones on the sides of the site.

West Monastic Zone

Many of the visitors to Lumbini are not simply tourists, here to have a look around and take some photos. Most are true pilgrims, who have come from around the world to visit the birthplace of Buddha. To accommodate them, there are monasteries within the main site.

The monasteries are located in two zones, either side of the Central Canal. The West Monastic Zone is the larger of the two and has 14 monasteries. They are all followers of the Mahayana school of Buddhism.

Each monastery is different and almost all of them have been established by Buddhists from a particular country. It means you can find a wonderful collection of different architectural styles, capturing the whole world.

Most monasteries welcome guests and you can go in and look at the public areas. It’s worth going to as many as possible.

I would particularly recommend the Chinese Monastery, with a golden pagoda at the centre of a manicured garden; the South Korean Monastery, with it’s tall and colourful facade; and the Great Lotus Stupa (sponsored by Germany), with an intricately-painted interior and large garden.

East Monastic Zone

In the East Monastic Zone, there are only five monasteries but they are also worth visiting. These are all followers of the Theravada (Hinayana) school of Buddhism.

Because there are fewer buildings, the zone feels even more peaceful, with more forest between the different structures. If you’re getting around by bike (which is what I would recommend), part of the experience is cycling amongst the nature as you go between the monasteries.

One of the most impressive buildings of the whole Lumbini site is here on the eastern side – the Royal Thai Monastery, with gleaming white marble taking its inspiration from the grand wats of Thailand .

There’s also the Myanmar Golden Temple that is designed to look like the famous Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangon , and the Sri Lanka Monastery that is spread over several levels and surrounded by a water feature.

Sacred Garden

At the heart of Lumbini is the Sacred Garden and it’s here that you’ll find the most important parts of the site. It’s said that this was the very spot where Queen Mayadevi gave birth to Prince Siddhartha in 623 BC.

When you go into the garden, you’ll immediately sense the gravity of where you are. Prayer flags hang between the trees and pilgrims sit underneath them in silent prayer.

The large Sacred Pond is the focal point of the garden and it’s said that this was where Queen Mayadevi had a bath before giving birth, and where she gave her son his first purification bath.

Another very important part of the Sacred Garden is the Ashoka Pillar. This was erected by the Indian Emperor Ashoka in 249 BC to commemorate his visit to Lumbini when he officially declared it to be the birthplace of Buddha.

Mayadevi Temple

But within the Sacred Garden, there is no part that is more significant than the Mayadevi Temple.

The large white temple building that you can see from the outside is actually a modern construction, having been built in 2003. It’s really only there to protect what is inside, and is not important on its own.

Inside is the actual Mayadevi Temple – or, at least, the archaeological remains of it. Experts say they’ve found evidence of a wooden building from the 6 th century BC, that would be the oldest Buddhist shrine in the world. The stone foundations you can see are from various reconstructions over the following centuries.

In the middle of the Mayadevi Temple is the Marker Stone, that shows the supposed exact spot of Buddha’s birth. In the same location is a stone carving of the nativity scene that was made in the 4 th century.

It’s when you arrive at the Marker Stone and take a moment to think about what it represents that you have reached the end of the physical journey that the architects of the Lumbini site designed.

But it is not supposed to be the end of your spiritual journey. Seeing these sites for yourself, allowing your mind to consider new teachings, having conversations with pilgrims or monks – this is how you make the most of a visit to Lumbini. And it’s something you can take away with you as well.

In my next post from Nepal, I’ll tell you a bit about the region around Lumbini, where you can continue your exploration of Buddhism. (Incidentally, there’s a very cool book if you would like to teach Buddhism for kids .)

There is a lot of history here, much of it related to Buddha’s life and his influence in the world in the few centuries after his death. It’s worth taking the time to see some of that too when you’re here.

This site is on the UNESCO World Heritage List ! I'm on a mission to visit as many World Heritage Sites as I can. Only about 800 more to go... eek!

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8 thoughts on “The birthplace of Buddha”

Now I feel regfret because not visit this place when I was in Nepal. Wathing all this, look like watching all over world in same place, alot os histroy also.

This is probably the best article on Buddha. Your article content history of Buddha that was exciting to read and a great experience to observe all those places where Budhha belongs too. It is the best article on Budhha. Great information

Great article!!! Keep posting such articles for travelers help. Really, Lumbini is a divine spiritual place which consisting of different world heritage sites.

Hi, Nice to see detail history of Lumbini the birth place of Lord Buddha with awesome pictures. Please visit Bhutan. Cheers Tshewang

thanks for sharing.. i think soon traveling to lumbini nepal

omg nepal is my favorite place..

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Places To Visit In Lumbini

Lumbini is the most sacred place in the world for Buddhist followers. Known as the birthplace of the Gautama Buddha , Lumbini is a place to visit for the world, not just for Buddhist Pilgrims.

Located in the southern plainlands of Nepal, Lumbini is Nepal’s one of the busiest tourist places. Over 1 million people visit the spiritual sites of beautiful places every year. In this blog, you will find all the best places to visit in Lumbini. It will help you choose the places to visit.

First and Foremost, you should not or will not miss Maya Devi Temple if you ever visit Lumbini. Maya Devi Temple is the temple that is believed to be the exact spot of the Gautama Buddha’s birth. The area is such a serene place. A sacred pond, the historical Ashoka Pillar, and a sacred garden enchant the site.

Apart from Maya Devi Temple, there is Lumbini Crane Sanctuary , the home of endangered cranes and other birds. The World Peace Stupa, one of the 80 Peace stupas in the world , is inside the Lumbini complex. Also, Lumbini Museum, a museum presenting Buddha’s chronology and teaching, is inside the park.

Altogether, there are over 30 monasteries in the great Lumbini area. Each of the monasteries is unique from the others. We can see monasteries built by the Buddhist organizations of various countries like Germany, Canada, Myanmar, Cambodia, Singapore, etc. Walking in such a park gives you an impression of different architecture and art.

In a nutshell, Lumbini is a must-visit place if you treasure history, spirituality, architecture, and religion. There are many places to visit in Lumbini, which can leave you moved.

The major ones are explained below after a quick read about Lumbini.

About Lumbini

Lumbini, Buddha’s birthplace, is located in the Rupandehi district of the southern plainlands of Nepal. Around 566 BCE, Buddha was born to King Suddhodhana and Queen Maya in this very place.

Lumbini is one of the most sacred sites in the world for anyone who believes in religion, especially Buddhist pilgrimages. It was enlisted as a world heritage site in 1997 by UNESCO.

The whole area of temples and shrines is known as the Lumbini Complex. The historical and religious complex is scattered with old temples, gompas, monasteries, and shrines funded by various countries’ Buddhist organizations. Temples from different country organizations surround it, and Maya Devi Temple, Buddha’s exact birthplace, is the complex’s heart.

Some significant monasteries in the Lumbini area are the Royal Thai Monastery, the Golden Temple of Myanmar, the Canadian Monastery, the Singapore Monastery, the Chinese Monastery, and the German Monastery . Maya Devi Temple is the main temple of the entire site. It has the old Maya Devi Temple, a sacred pond, an ancient Ashoka Pillar, and a sacred garden.

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What are the best places to visit in lumbini, maya devi temple.

Maya Devi Temple is the crux of Lumbini. Believed to be the site of Gautama Buddha’s Birth, Maya Devi Temple is one of the holiest shrines for Buddhists.

It is named after the mother of Buddha, Queen Maya Devi. The temple houses ancient stone remains, Buddha & Queen Maya Devi’s old pictures, and the birth spot marker stone.

There is a sacred pond by the temple where Queen Maya Devi washed herself before giving birth to Buddha. The temple lies in the middle of a heavenly garden. Ancient ruins, temples, Bodhi Trees, temples, and prayer flags make the park a spiritual place. The entire complex area that houses Maya Devi Temple, the pond, and the garden is a UNESCO heritage site. You simply cannot miss this place.

Lumbini Museum

Lumbini Museum is another must-visit place in Lumbini residing in the Lumbini complex, a UNESCO-listed site. The museum preserves Lumbini’s rich history and heritage and Buddha’s legends.

If you step inside this museum, you will see the collection of exhibits, photographs, and artifacts that show Buddha’s life and preaching. There are, in total, three galleries that present different aspects of Buddhism. Lumbini Museum is an epicenter of history and culture. A walk into this museum is worth exploring.

World Peace Stupa

It is one of the best places to visit in Lumbini, the World Peace Stupa made by the Japanese Buddhist Organization in 2001. The Buddhist monument spreads the message of peace and concord among all the people in the world. The world peace stupa is one of the 80 pagodas made by the same organization worldwide.

The monument is a white dome-like structure decorated with Buddhist symbols and paintings of Buddha. Four small stupas made in different styles and resembling unique meanings circle the stupa. The stupa’s central part is Buddha’s golden statue in a meditative posture. It also offers a fantastic panorama of surrounding greenery and area. If you visit Lumbini, World Peace Stupa should be on your list.

Lumbini Crane Sanctuary

Lumbini Crane Sanctuary is yet another place you cannot miss while in Lumbini. Located nearby Lumbini Complex, the sanctuary is a wetland area of around 4.6 square kilometers. The site safeguards the Sarus Crane and other habitats.

The sanctuary comprises ponds, marshes, and wetlands. These conditions favor the Sarus Crane and other species in the area. Not just Sarus Crane, we can view storks, pond herons, and other water birds. If you love bird watching, nature walks, and photography, Lumbini Crane Sanctuary is the best site in Lumbini.

International Monasteries and Buddhist Shrines

Lumbini Complex is a 4.8km long compound full of monasteries and shrines. Maya Devi Temple, World Peace Stupa, and Lumbini Museum are in the same complex. Apart from these three sites, you can wander around monasteries of different styles, architecture, and meanings.

The complex is full of nothing but shrines. You can visit the Royal Thai Monastery, German Monastery, South Korean Monastery, Austrian Monastery, Cambodian Monastery, Canadian Monastery, or Golden Temple of Myanmar. It takes a whole day or more to explore each of the sites. The architectures are different, but the vibes are the same. It is peace and spirituality.

What do people also ask for?

Lumbini is one of the major travel destinations in Nepal. Over a million people visit every year. People have queries of all kinds. Here are some of the frequently asked questions about Lumbini:

What is Lumbini famous for?

Lumbini is famous as the birthplace of Buddha. Maya Devi Temple, the exact birth spot, is a significant pilgrimage for Buddhists. People from other religions also visit the place.

Why do tourists Visit Lumbini?

The place is the birthplace of Gautama Buddha , the founder of Buddhism. Hence, people around the globe come to Lumbini to see religious and unique places.

What time to visit Lumbini?

The best time to visit Lumbini is around April and May. Buddha Jayanti, the birthday of Buddha, lies in the season. It is celebrated grandly every year. You get to experience such a great occasion. Otherwise, you can visit Lumbini all year round.

Which temple is famous in Lumbini?

Maya Devi Temple is the most famous temple in Lumbini. The temple is considered the exact birth spot of Buddha. There is the birth spot mark of Buddha, old remnants of the palace, and ancient inscriptions inside the temple. Likewise, a sacred pond, Ashoka Pillar, and a sacred garden are outside of it.

What to buy in Lumbini, Nepal?

You will find many souvenir shops in Lumbini. The best things to buy from Lumbini ar e Thangka paintings, pashmina, singing bowls, traditional jewelry, statues , etc.

How many days are enough for Lumbini?

If you only want to visit the Maya Devi Temple area, 4-5 hours are enough . Otherwise, you will need two days to see all the temples that are in the complex.

How many temples are there in Lumbini?

Currently, there are 32 monasteries in the Lumbini Master Plan area . One is at the New Lumbini village area, two at the sacred garden, and 29 are at the monastic zone of the Lumbini Complex.

What religions visit Lumbini?

Buddhist pilgrimages mostly visit the place. However, the site is open to all and has no restrictions . All religions see Lumbini.

How many tourists visit Lumbini?

Around 1-2 million people visit Lumbini every year from all parts of the world. The inflow was plunged due to COVID-19. However, it is returning to its average.

What is the entry fee at Lumbini?

NPR 200 for foreign nationals , NPR 100 for SAARC Nationals , and NRS 20 for Nepalese. Likewise, the fee to enter Lumbini Museum for foreign citizens is NPR 50, SAARC nationals 50, and NPR 10 for locals . Apart from that, all other sites in Lumbini have free entries.

How far is Lumbini to Kathmandu?

Lumbini is precisely 255 km away from Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, and 127 KM from Pokhara.

How to get from Kathmandu to Lumbini?

You can take a highway bus drive or flight to reach Lumbini from Kathmandu. The drive is around 8 hours long . At the same time, the flight duration is only 35 minutes.

Is Lumbini worth it?

Lumbini is entirely worth it if you want to see the birthplace of Buddha. The temples and monasteries inside the area are worth exploring. The Lumbini visit is worth it if you seek a peaceful and spiritual time.

About Author

Ashish Niraula is a seasoned trekker and professional tour consultant based in the country of the Himalayas. He has over seven years of hands-on experience in the sector, which has helped fortify his knowledge and expertise to craft the most iconic and memorable adventure packages in the Himalayas. Ashish’s passion for traveling and the unwavering drive that always pushes him toward excellency, have helped him earn a reputation as a trustworthy advisor in the tourism sector.

As a traveling enthusiast, Ashish has explored all the major trekking routes of Nepal. With years of experience exploring the mystical Himalayas and professional engagement in the field, Ashish honed his skills to design the most iconic adventure experiences in the Himalayas that cater to the adventure palate of every traveler. From organizing the challenging treks to the rugged Himalayas with incredible thrills to facilitating culturally immersive experiences across the traditional settlements in the country, Ashish’s commitment to excellence shines through every aspect of his work.

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Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal

5 Places to Visit in Lumbini

You are about to visit Lumbini. But are there any other places to explore? Lumbini is also known as the birthplace of Buddha, and visitors can explore quite a few places. 

Lumbini is located in the Rupandehi District of Nepal. It is significant as the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. 

Stay with us as we explore five different places to visit in Lumbini. 

Best Places to Visit in Lumbini

Lumbini is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that provides a blend of historical and spiritual landmarks.  In addition, the place is also known for its peaceful environment and spirituality that attracts different visitors from around the world. 

Here is the detailed breakdown of the place below to make your   Lumbini tour worth it: 

tourist places in lumbini nepal

Mayadevi temple

The Maya Devi Temples combine historical depth, spiritual atmosphere, and serene natural beauty. The Maya Devi Temple is the central attraction in Lumbini and is the exact spot where Siddhartha Gautama, who later became the Buddha, was born. 

Located in the heart of the sacred Lumbini Garden, this temple is of immense religious significance and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

The temple complex is a peaceful sanctuary that draws pilgrims to connect with the history of Buddhism. Inside the temple, a sandstone slab marks the precise birthplace of Buddha. 

Surrounding the temple, the lush Lumbini Garden features ancient ruins, meditation spots, and serene water features for a peaceful environment for reflection and spiritual practice. 

Ashoka Pillar 

The Ashoka Pillar, erected by Emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century BCE, marks the birthplace of Buddha and serves as a historical monument in Lumbini. 

This ancient sandstone pillar represents Ashoka's dedication to Buddhism after his conversion following the Kalinga War.

Rediscovered by Nepalese archaeologists in 1896, the pillar has inscriptions that celebrate Ashoka's pilgrimage to this sacred site. Its discovery reaffirmed the historical and spiritual importance of Lumbini. Located near the Maya Devi Temple, the Ashoka Pillar enhances the spiritual aura of the area and attracts visitors who want to know more about the history of Buddhism. 

tourist places in lumbini nepal

World Peace Pagoda

The World Peace Pagoda was constructed by Japanese Buddhists in the early 21st century. It is a striking white stupa that stands as one of the most renowned tourist attractions in Lumbini. 

The magnificent structure, decorated with a golden Buddha statue, symbolizes peace and harmony and reflects Buddhism's universal teachings. 

Situated within Lumbini's sacred precincts, the World Peace Pagoda enhances the spiritual landscape and embodies a global commitment to peace. 

Lumbini Monastic Site

The Lumbini Monastic Site is a vibrant complex housing dozens of Buddhist monasteries. Each was constructed by different countries in their unique architectural styles. This international collection of monasteries creates a rich decoration of cultural and religious heritage. 

Notable among these are the Myanmar Golden Temple, which dazzles with its intricate gold detailing; the Chinese Monastery, which exemplifies traditional Chinese architectural elegance; the German Monastery, which combines modern and traditional design; and the Thai Monastery, with its distinctive decorations and serene ambience. 

Each monastery offers a unique glimpse into the architectural and spiritual traditions of its home country.

Lumbini Museum Site 

The Lumbini Museum is located in the peaceful Lumbini Garden. It has over 12,000 artifacts like old books, metal statues, and ancient coins from long ago. When you visit, it feels like stepping back in time and discovering the story of Buddhism. 

You can see how Buddhism has changed over the years through beautiful artworks and ancient relics. Each piece in the museum has its own story that shows the dedication and skill of the people who made them. 

The museum is an important place to learn about Buddhism and its significance in the world. It's a library of Buddhist knowledge, keeping Lumbini's memory alive for many years to come.

To wrap up, Lumbini is the birthplace of Buddha and is a special place filled with history and spirituality. From the Mayadevi Temple to the World Peace Pagoda, and the monasteries at Lumbini Monastic Site, each spot tells a unique story about Buddhism. 

With  Nepal Vision Treks , exploring Lumbini becomes even more special. As you visit these places, you enjoy the peaceful surroundings and learn about Buddha's teachings of kindness and peace. Lumbini invites people from all over the world to connect with its spiritual heritage and spread its message of harmony.

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  • 05 May, 2023

A Complete Tour Guide to Lumbini – The Birthplace of Gautama Buddha


Lumbini, the birthplace of Gautama Buddha, has always been a place of pilgrimage for people from all across the world. This UNESCO World Heritage site is rich with elements ranging from elaborately curated monasteries bejeweled with ornaments from all across the world to historical inscriptions and ruins of the castle where Buddha grew up; Lumbini is a treasure trove for spiritual healing and a glance into the genesis of Buddhism across Asia.

Given that this historical gem is located in the southern region of Nepal, dominated by flatlands and luscious greenery, what better way to go around Lumbini than in the back of a rickshaw ? But more about this later…

tourist places in lumbini nepal

Before we begin, here’s a little back story on Gautama Buddha.

Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama, was a spiritual teacher and founder of Buddhism. He was born in the 5th century BCE in what is now Nepal, as the son of the King Śuddhodana. At a young age, he became disillusioned with the materialistic world and left his comfortable life to seek enlightenment.

For six years, Gautama traveled and studied with various spiritual teachers, but none of them could give him the answers he sought. Eventually, he sat down under a Bodhi tree and meditated until he achieved enlightenment. He became the Buddha, meaning “the awakened one.”

For the rest of his life, the Buddha traveled and taught his philosophy, which centered on the Four Noble Truths: the truth of suffering, the cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering, and the path to the cessation of suffering. He emphasized the importance of living a moral life, cultivating mindfulness and compassion, and letting go of attachment and desire.

The Buddha’s teachings spread throughout India and eventually reached other parts of Asia, becoming one of the world’s major religions. The Buddha passed away around the age of 80, having left a legacy of wisdom and compassion that continues to inspire millions of people around the world to this day.

Lumbini – An Introduction 

A common perception of Nepal is one of the hills and snow-capped mountains. However, Lumbini and its surroundings paint a different picture, one that is characterized by flat grasslands and green spaces. 

Lumbini, which was awarded the UNESCO World Heritage site in 1997, is among the holiest places for Buddhism, one of the World’s great religions. Siddhartha Gautama was born in the sacred gardens in Lumbini in 623 B.C.  

There are a number of structures within the archaeological conservation area, including the Maya Devi Temple remain, consisting of brick structures arranged in cross-walls dating back to the 3rd century BC to the present century, as well as a sandstone Ashoka pillar with Pali inscriptions in Brahmi.

Best time to visit Lumbini

Lumbini lies in the southern part of Nepal , with temperatures that rise to almost 40 degrees Celsius in the summer heat. The perfect time to visit this space and comfortably explore the monasteries would be April to May, October to November, or December to February, with temperatures from 12-28 degrees Celsius. 

Here is a brief run-down of all the things you can do to make the most out of your next trip to the sacred land of the Buddha – Lumbini .

Tour of the monasteries 

Lumbini has over 14 monasteries from countries that have a presence of Buddhism. They brought in raw materials from their own countries, building beautiful structures that each signify their cultures. Some of these stupas date back 2000 years!

The Monastic Site is divided into two sections – the Eastward section and the Western section, by a water canal that is often used by travelers to explore on boats. The eastward section is called the East Monastic Zone, where Theravada Buddhism is prevalent, and the westward zone is called the West Monastic Zone, where Vajrayana and Mahayana are predominant.

Monasteries in the Eastward section:

The royal thai monastery .

Perhaps one of the most popular monasteries here in Lumbini, the Royal Thai Monastery is an architectural gem. This gleaming center of attraction in the Eastern zone is built entirely with white marble, with subtle red accents across the monastery. The peaceful ambiance fits well with the perfectly white and clean exterior, making it one of the most picturesque spaces in Lumbini. 

Myanmar Monastery

Said to be the oldest structure among all the monasteries in Lumbini, the Myanmar monastery is built in stunning Burmese-style architecture. The impressive corn cob-shaped shikhara , styled after the temples of Bagan gives a regal look to the whole structure.

Cambodian Monastery 

The intricate details of the Cambodian monastery make it a sight to see in Lumbini. Made in the traditional style of Angkor Wat (a famous temple structure in Cambodia), the details in the carvings are like no other. 

Along with the exterior, the prayer hall inside has high ceilings filled with carvings of the life of Buddha. 

Monasteries in the Westward section : 

Singaporean monastery .

The monastery is a stunning example of traditional Singaporean architecture and is renowned for its beautiful gardens, intricate carvings, and a stunning array of lights that illuminates the temple at night, giving it its nickname ‘Temple of Thousand Lights’. The temple is designed to represent the harmony and unity of different cultures, with its intricate carvings showcasing influences from not just Singapore, but also Nepal, Thailand, and Sri Lanka.

French Monastery 

The French monastery, which lies right opposite the German monastery, is a very different experience from the others in the area. Built-in a simple style with monochromatic colors, it both blends in and stands out in the Western Zone. 

The inside of the French monastery is covered with red marble and granite, which gives a very serene and calming experience. 

tourist places in lumbini nepal

German Monastery  

The German monastery, built by the Tara foundation, is a remarkable piece of architecture in the Western zone. Partly covered by glass, the exterior is covered with intricate designs. The garden surrounding the monastery has sculptures depicting various parts of Buddha’s life.

The prayer hall indoors is a massive setting filled with scriptures and souvenirs from across the world. The high ceilings are adorned with carvings depicting various Buddhist scriptures and illustrations. 

While there are many more monasteries on the premises, (some still under construction), they might be subject to closure or maintenance since the covid-19 lockdowns.

Maya Devi temple with Buddha’s footprints 

The Maya Devi temple is the heart of Lumbini, housing ruins of the castle where Gautamn Buddha grew up. Not only do they have a Nativity sculpture depicting how the birth of Siddhartha Gautam took place, but they have also pinpointed the exact birth spot where the Buddha took his first steps. The reason why this spot has so much significance is because it is told that Siddhartha Gautama took his first steps right after he was born.

People from across the world are known to visit Maya Devi temple to witness this marvel, and pray around the now preserved perfect foot step.

During his visit to Lumbini in 249 B.C., Emperor Asoka  built a platform using burnt bricks to safeguard the Marker Stone and the Nativity Tree under which Mayadevi had given birth to Prince Siddhartha. The present-day Maya Devi Temple was rebuilt in 2003 by Lumbini Development Trust. 

Ashoka Pillar

The Ashoka pillar was erected in the 3rd century and holds some of the oldest inscriptions in Nepal. Ashoka ruled over most of present-day India as head of the Mauryan Empire and erected a pillar on the premises of the Maya Devi temple, indicating the exact spot of the birth of Buddha.

Written in Brahmi script, the pillar’s inscription is said to be the oldest in Nepal and reads: “King Piyadasi (Ashoka), the beloved of Devas, in the 29th year of the coronation, made a visit to Lumbini and paid his homage. Realizing the Buddha was born here, a stone railing was built and a stone pillar erected. Because the Lord was born here, the Emperor had the people of Lumbini village freed from some tax and entitled them to the eighth part only.”

As present-day India was founded and expanded through violent and bloody conquest by Ashoka and his predecessors, it is said that Emperor Ashoka decided to convert to Buddhism and dedicate his life to non-violence. 

This 6-meter tall pink sandstone structure was rediscovered and restored by Nepalese archaeologists in 1896.

Eternal Flame  

The Eternal Flame is located on the southern end of the canal. This is a very popular attraction in Lumbini as it was created in 1986 to celebrate the international year of Peace. The flame was bought from the United States of America (USA) to promote peace and harmony among the nations as well as the global community.

Rickshaw tour across Lumbini

Rickshaws are one of the most commonly used modes of transport in Lumbini and its surrounding areas. Not only are these vehicles cheap and convenient, but also have a very eco-friendly approach to transportation.

Most of the monasteries and heritage sites in Lumbini can seem quite far from each other to travel solely on foot. For the best experience of Lumbini and its heritage sites, I’d recommend booking a rickshaw for the entire day. Their local knowledge and experience with travelers will help with finding the best routes for travel between sites. This also helps you connect and actually talk to locals, learning more about the culture and history of the place.

And what’s even better is that a rickshaw is cheaper and more environmentally friendly than hiring a car.

Additional activities 

Meditating with the monks.

Meditate in the spot where Buddha was born with other monks as you soak in the peace and calm of Lumbini. To learn more about various sacred spaces in Lumbini, check out our blog post on Mediation spaces in Lumbini .

Explore the local areas of Lumbini

Lumbini is much more than the monasteries and temples, as there are vast lands with local residents too. To get a different perspective of what life is like in the Southern part of Nepal, away from the Mountains Lumbini is the perfect place to be.

Boating on the central canal

You can enjoy a peaceful day boating in the central canal that leads you directly to the Maya Devi temple – a great way to travel across the sacred lands of Lumbini.

Tags: boating eternal flame Lumbini Lumbini - Birthplace of Buddha maya devi temple meditation monasteries rikshaw tarai region travel nepal

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ISSUE 8 | 2024

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12 Places in Lumbini That You Must Not Miss (2024)

Globally famous for being the birthplace of Lord Buddha, Lumbini is one of Nepal’s most important tourist destinations. While exploring this country, you will find the most important historical sites in Lumbini. That is why it is quite natural that most of the sightseeing spots in this town are historical and spiritual in nature. Most of the monasteries and buildings in Lumbini were constructed more than 2000 years ago. In case you are a lover of archaeology and religion, you will find this city fascinating. Due to the plethora of heritage buildings and sites, the entire town has been listed under UNESCO World Heritage Site.

For the Buddhist community, Lumbini holds a more profound significance. As we have mentioned earlier, this city is famous for being the Lord Buddha’s birthplace of Gautam Buddha . At the time of Lord Buddha’s birth, this site was known as Kapilavastu. Apart from the said facts, Gautam Buddha decided to leave his life of luxury and pursue a life of enlightenment in Lumbini. Buddhists across the world visit this site throughout the year. Even though most tourists visit Lumbini to witness Nepal’s rich history and spirituality, its scenic view is also breathtakingly amazing. There are many treks available from this town that allow you to explore its archaeological and scenic sites. King Ashoka always constructed different important Buddhist relics and architecture in Lumbini. Places like Ashoka Stupa, Mayadevi Temple, and others are a few of the city’s must-visit sites.

Reaching Lumbini is relatively easy. The nearest airport from this town is the Bhairawaha airport. You will have to get on a flight from the Tribhuvan airport in Kathmandu to access this airport. If you want to save money, you can take the road to get there. The distance between Kathmandu and Lumbini is 265 km. So, it would take you around seven and a half hours to get there. Although the journey might make you feel tired, you will get to complete your trip well under budget. In this blog, we will try to mention the best places to visit in Lumbini in detail. Keep on reading to get a lot of important information regarding this enchanting town.

12 Places in Lumbini That You Must Not Miss

The following sites are integral to the history, culture, and tourism of Nepal. While exploring Lumbini, you should try to explore at least some of them.

1. Bodhi Tree

Located inside the complex of the sacred Maya Devi temple, the Bodhi Tree is one of the most important things to the Buddhist people in the world. Immensely holy for being the tree where Lord Buddha attained enlightenment in this life, this tree is believed to be too sacred. It is thought to Gautam Buddha got liberated from his life consisting of anger, delusions, indulgence, and luxury by meditating under this tree.

Bodhi Tree - Place in Lumbini That You Must Not Miss

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Not only Buddhist people but also for everyone, this tree signifies the underlying strength of being a human. This tree makes people realize that there is more to life than material happiness. The scenic view surrounding this tree is quite calming. The Maya Devi pond is situated right beside it. As the Bodhi tree is decorated with prayer flags, its entire ambiance is quite vibrant.

Address:  Mayadevi Temple Road 16, Lumbini Sanskritik 32900, Nepal.

2. Ashokan Pillar

Among all the Ashokan Pillars that can be seen globally, the one in Lumbini is the most famous. As it adheres with the oldest inscription, its significance is much higher than the rest of them. Constructed in the 3rd century, this ancient structure is located inside the Maya Devi temple’s complex. King Ashoka built this pillar to pay tribute to Lord Buddha.

Ashokan Pillar - Place in Lumbini That You Must Not Miss

He decided to erect this pillar in Lumbini after visiting the town for the first time. As the height of this construction is 6 meters, you will be able to notice it from a far-off distance. For many centuries, this pillar was hidden from the outside world. It was not until 1896 that a Nepalese rediscovered it.

Address:  Lumbini, Nepal.

3. Lumbini Monastic Site

One of the world’s best sites to understand the teaching of Lord Buddha is the Lumbini Monastic Site. In this area, you will learn about the insights that Gautam Buddha had about human existence. There are many monasteries constructed in this area where you will get to know about Buddhism in detail.

Lumbini Monastic Site - Place in Lumbini That You Must Not Miss

From Theravada Buddhism to Vajrayana and Mahayana Buddhism, the different monasteries in Lumbini Monastic Site has a lot to offer. Apart from the teachings, the entire site is terrific. With a serene atmosphere, and beautifully landscaped gardens devoid of Western influence and commercialization, Lumbini Monastic Site is a great place to get some introspection.

4. Maya Devi Temple

Famously listed under the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the Maya Devi is undoubtedly one of Nepal’s most prestigious sites. Constructed in 1978 by a famous Japanese architect, Kenzo Tange, the Maya Devi temple has a tremendous significance to the world’s Buddhist community. The site of this temple’s construction is famous for being the exact birthplace of Lord Buddha.

Maya Devi Temple - Place in Lumbini That You Must Not Miss

Gautam Buddha’s mother, Maya Devi, gave birth to him in this complex in 563 BC. At that time, the site was completely different. To commemorate the sanctity of this site, the Maya Devi temple was created in Lumbini. Inside this temple complex, other monasteries and artificial lakes have also been built.

Address:  Taulihawa Road, Lumbini Sanskritik 32900, Nepal.

Entry Timings:  6 am to 6 pm.

5. Lumbini Museum

With a glorious display of around 12000 artifacts, the Lumbini Museum is one of the best places to see in Lumbini. The artifacts that can be witnessed in this extensively managed site belong mostly to the Kushana and Maurya dynasties. By visiting this site, you will get to see ancient coins, manuscripts, stamps, terra cotta figurines, etc.

Lumbini Museum - Place in Lumbini That You Must Not Miss

The Lumbini museum was constructed in 1970 by a Taiwanese architect named Kris Yao. Apart from the content of this site, its exterior design is also outstanding. You will see the Taiwanese influence in this museum’s architecture quite vividly. The area surrounding this museum is also quite beautiful. It is a great place to learn about the history of Lumbini genuinely.

Address:  Lumbini Sanskritik 32914, Nepal.

6. Sri Lankan Monastery

The Sri Lankan Monastery, or the Sri Lankan temple, is one of the most beautiful and vital establishments in Lumbini. Throughout this monastery, you will find a lot of information regarding Buddhist practices and their importance. If you are lucky, you might get to participate in certain celebrations associated with this site. By visiting this site, you will get a peek into the life of Lord Buddha.

Sri Lankan Monastery - Place in Lumbini That You Must Not Miss

You will understand the evolution of Gautam Buddha’s teaching with time in the Sri Lankan Monastery. This site’s architecture makes it quite different from the traditional Buddhist monasteries that can be seen in Nepal or India. One of the primary reasons for this monasteries construction is to develop camaraderie among India and Nepal.

7. World Peace Pagoda

Constructed by spending US $1 million, the World Peace Pagoda is one of Nepal’s many peace pagodas. The Lumbini Peace Pagoda is exceptionally extravagant and alluring. Built to promote peace between India and Japan, this structure is quite famous among tourists. The milky-white color of this majestic building makes it quite eye-catching and picturesque. While exploring the pagoda, you will notice the marvelous golden Buddhist statue.

World Peace Pagoda - Place in Lumbini That You Must Not Miss

There are two flights of stairs that you will have to climb to see this statue. After climbing the stairs, you will also get a panoramic view of the surroundings by encircling the surrounding dome.

8. Maya Devi Pond

The Maya Devi Pond is one of the most notable sites in Lumbini. According to popular belief, Lord Buddha’s mother, Maya Devi, used to bathe in this waterbody. This Pond is commonly known as Pushkarini and has been maintained with utmost care throughout several centuries. The Pond is surrounded by a beautifully landscaped garden where tourists love to click pictures. It is believed some parts of this garden date back to the 3rd century BC.

Maya Devi Pond - Place in Lumbini That You Must Not Miss

This Pond’s importance is so tremendous to the Buddhist community that the Maya Devi temple was built surrounding it. It is also believed that Gautam Buddha was born at the exact spot surrounding this Pond. The Ashoka Pillar is also located pretty close to the Maya Devi Pond.

9. Cambodia Monastery

One of the most vibrant and exotic structures in Lumbini is certainly the Cambodia monastery. This site’s architecture is remarkably similar to that of the Angkor Wat in Cambodia. You will find the Cambodia monastery in the Monastic zone of Lumbini. While exploring this structure, you will notice the beautiful carving of dragons, snakes, and flowers in a myriad of colors.

Cambodia Monastery - Place in Lumbini That You Must Not Miss

The most prominent carving in this temple is the green snakes that are more than 50 meters in length. By visiting this monastery, you will get a glimpse into Cambodian Buddhism and witness one of the most beautiful architectures in Nepal.

10. Sacred Garden

The Sacred Garden is the site that binds the entirety of Lumbini quite spectacularly. Surrounded by the Maya Devi Pond and Ashokan Pillar, this garden is one of the mostly-visited sites in Lumbini. As this spot is considered the place where Lord Buddha was born, Nepal’s government maintains it with utmost diligence.

Sacred Garden - Place in Lumbini That You Must Not Miss

Apart from the Pond and the Ashokan pillar, this garden also contains the famous Bodhi tree where Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment. The colorful flags decorating the park make it even more picturesque and vibrant.

11. Lumbini Crane Sanctuary

Located pretty close to World Peace Pagoda, the Lumbini Crane Sanctuary is one of the most quaint sites of Lumbini. Created to offer habitat to cranes, this region is quite popular among tourists due to its scenic beauty and overall ambiance. While exploring the sanctuary, you will notice different Sarus and grey cranes, herons, and other birds that make the surrounding immensely beautiful.

Lumbini Crane Sanctuary - Place in Lumbini That You Must Not Miss

Surrounding this park, there are some local villages. If you get some time, do not forget to explore these villages. By visiting there, you will get a peek into the life of rural Nepal quite quickly.

Address:  World Peace Pagoda, Lumbini, Nepal.

12. Tilaurakot

Tilaurakot is another sacred Buddhist site in Lumbini where tourists from all around the world flock around. Situated 24 km from Lumbini, this region is famous for being the site where Lord Buddha spent a long period of his life. It is believed Gautam Buddha stayed in Tilaukot for 29 years of his life in this region. Right now, almost the entire area is in ruins, but some evidence has been found that indicates the presence of a residential complex out there.

Tilaurakot - Place in Lumbini That You Must Not Miss

It is believed that the palace where Gautam Buddha lived was located in Tilaurakot. He left his life of luxury to become Lord Buddha.

Address:  Tilaurakot, Nepal.

All the sites mentioned in this blog are the most important sites of Lumbini. They hold tremendous significance to not only the history of Nepal but also of Lumbini. By visiting these places, you will genuinely get to know Lord Buddha and his teachings more closely. If you are a Buddhist, the trip to Lumbini will be one of the most significant journeys of your life. Even if you are not a Buddhist, these sites’ rich history and beautiful architecture will please and captivate you. Before visiting Lumbini, you must remember to cover your shoulders and legs while entering all the religious places. Also, never wear your footwear while entering the temples and monasteries in Lumbini.

Even though the summers are pretty hot in Lumbini, April and May are the best time to visit there. Buddha Jayanti is celebrated in a majestic way in this town, and that is why visiting Lumbini during these months will be a great way to know the Buddhist culture for you.

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Lumbini Nepal

Top 12 things to do while visiting Lumbini in Nepal

Lumbini, located in Nepal, is a significant pilgrimage site for Buddhists as it is the birthplace of Lord Buddha. Besides its religious importance, Lumbini also offers several attractions and activities for visitors.

When visiting Lumbini, Nepal, there are several things you can do to make the most of your trip. Here are some popular activities and attractions to consider:

1. Visit the Maya Devi Temple:

tourist places in lumbini nepal

Explore the sacred temple that marks the exact birthplace of Gautama Buddha. Inside the temple, you can see the Nativity Stone and experience the spiritual ambiance.

2. Explore the Sacred Garden:


Take a stroll through the beautifully landscaped gardens surrounding the Maya Devi Temple. This area is dotted with monasteries, stupas, and Bodhi trees, representing different Buddhist traditions from around the world.

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The Sacred Garden is the main attraction in Lumbini and the birthplace of Lord Buddha. Explore the beautiful gardens, ancient ruins, and monasteries within the premises. Don’t miss the Ashoka Pillar, which marks the spot where Lord Buddha was born.

3. Visit the Ashoka Pillar:

tourist places in lumbini nepal

Located nearby, the Ashoka Pillar is a tall column erected by Emperor Ashoka in the 3rd century BCE. The pillar bears an inscription declaring Lumbini as Buddha’s birthplace and serves as a historical landmark.

4. Discover Monasteries:

tourist places in lumbini nepal

Lumbini is home to monasteries built by various Buddhist communities from different countries. Explore these monasteries to learn about different Buddhist traditions, architecture, and art.

Take a walk and experience the diverse architecture, art, and traditions represented in each monastery. Some notable monasteries include the Maya Devi Temple, the Thai Monastery, and the Chinese Monastery.

5. Meditate and Reflect:

Lumbini Nepal

Lumbini is an excellent place for meditation and inner reflection. Find a peaceful spot in the gardens, or visit one of the meditation centers in the area to experience moments of tranquility and spirituality.

It is a serene and peaceful place, making it ideal for meditation and self-reflection. Find a peaceful spot in the Sacred Garden or one of the monasteries to practice mindfulness and connect with your inner self.

6. Attend Puja Ceremonies:

Lumbini Nepal

If you get the chance, participate in puja ceremonies held in the temples and monasteries. These ceremonies involve chanting, prayers, and offerings, providing a deeper insight into the religious practices of Buddhism.

7. Explore the Lumbini Museum:

tourist places in lumbini nepal

Located within the Lumbini Development Trust compound, the museum showcases artifacts and exhibits related to Buddhism, Buddhist art, and the historical significance of Lumbini.

Learn more about the history and significance of Lumbini at the Lumbini Museum. The museum exhibits ancient artifacts, sculptures, and images related to Lord Buddha and Buddhism.

8. Take a Bicycle Tour:

tourist places in lumbini nepal

Rent a bicycle and explore the surroundings of Lumbini. You can pedal through rural villages, visit nearby archaeological sites, and get a glimpse of the local way of life.

Lumbini and its surrounding areas offer scenic countryside landscapes. Rent a bicycle and explore the nearby villages, fields, and local markets. It’s a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture and witness the rural lifestyle.

9. Visit Tilaurakot:

Lumbini Nepal

Located around 27 kilometers from Lumbini, Tilaurakot is an ancient fortified city associated with the early life of Prince Siddhartha, who later became Buddha. Explore the ruins and learn about the historical significance of this place.

It is believed to be the ancient capital of Kapilavastu, where Lord Buddha spent his early years. Explore the archaeological site, ruins of palaces, and gain insights into the life of Lord Buddha.

10. Experience Cultural Performances:

tourist places in lumbini nepal

During various festivals and special occasions, Lumbini hosts cultural performances and events showcasing the rich heritage and traditions of Nepal. These events can be a great way to immerse yourself in the local culture.

11. Experience the Eternal Peace Flame:

tourist places in lumbini nepal

The Eternal Peace Flame symbolizes peace and harmony. It was lit in Lumbini by the United Nations to promote world peace. Witness the flickering flame and take a moment to absorb its significance.

12. Attend a spiritual ceremony:

If you visit during a Buddhist festival or special event, you may have the opportunity to witness spiritual ceremonies and rituals. These events offer a glimpse into Buddhist traditions and provide a unique cultural experience.

Remember to dress modestly and respectfully, as Lumbini is a religious site. It’s also a good idea to hire a local guide who can provide insightful information and enrich your visit to this sacred place.

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Places to visit in Lumbini

Bathe in the peaceful atmosphere that surrounds Lumbini, the physical representation of the story of Buddhism with its temples, pagodas, shrines and monasteries. Like most religions, the origin of Buddhism begins with the birth of a baby and Lumbini is the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautam buddha. This historic city dates back to 623 BC from when it became a popular pilgrimage site. Its numerous idols, and stupa are a favorite for historically inclined tourists and Buddhist devotees.

Located in the Tarrai belt of the Kapilvastu District, Lumbini is a place of revered tradition and worship for centuries with ancient and modern monuments depicting the Buddhas journey to enlightenment. Lumbini promises a life changing spiritual experience combining nature, culture, religion and heartfelt hospitality, visitors here are taken through a religious journey of sorts from the New Lumbini village to the marker stone in the main temple.

The Lumbini circuit trek is a spectacular experience for adventurers with its 64 scattered archeological sites; a treasure hunt through jungle and ethnic diversity. Along the way can see the Sarus crane, Indian Spotted eagle, gyps, Owls among other creatures native to Nepal. Listed as A UNESCO World Heritage Cultural Site, its history and culture traces back to the origins of Hindu and Buddhist religions. Purely a monastic zone where recreational structures are forbidden, Lumbini is separated into Theravadin monasteries to the eastern zone, Mahayana and Vajrayana monasteries on the western Zone. Some of the best places to visit in Lumbini are;

The Maya Devi Temple

The birthplace of Siddhartha Gautam buddha and a major highlight of Lumbini’s exotic cultural heritage. This whitewashed temple surrounds the exact spot of buddhas birth marked by a marker stone. The famous Bodhi tree has hundreds of colorful prayer flags lined along its sides adding spectacle to its heart-shaped leaves representing Buddhas path to enlightenment.

This bodhi tree is where around 563 BC pregnant queen, Maya Devi on her way back to her hometown, rested and went into unexpected labor and gave birth to Siddhartha Gautam buddha. She dipped in the nearby Maya-Devi pond which is also believed to be where Buddha took his first bath. This sacred pool Pushkarini also has a sacred garden beside it.

The Maya Devi is a UNESCO World Heritage site with continuous developments that compel one to plan a revisit. Designed by Japanese architect Kenzo Tange in 1978, it features landscaped lakes and a host of monasteries as works of architects from all over. All of the monuments and temples were unscathed by the 2015 earthquake.

Ashokan Pillar

A 6-metre-tall sandstone structure Built during 249 BC when emperor Ashoka of India visited Lumbini and was rediscovered by Nepalese archaeologists in 1896. The emperor also built four stupas and a pillar with a horse Idol at the top. The inscription on the pillar is among the oldest inscriptions ever, detailing his visit and recognition of Lumbini as the birthplace of Lord Buddha. The pillar is surrounded by a small fence decorated with colorful prayer flags and bowls for lighting incense sticks and meditating.

Myanmar Golden Temple

One of the oldest structures in the complex with three prayer halls. This Burmese style pagoda resembles the Shwe-dagon pagoda of Yangon with tis golden corn-cob styled Shikhara. The temple is dedicated to lord Buddha and inside it, you will find the Lokamani Pula Pagoda. The blend of white and gold in the temple creates a divine atmosphere that blends with the serenity of the surroundings. A must-stop for visitors.

World Peace Pagoda

The Japan Peace Stupa is located Just outside main area, built by the Japanese for $1 million. It houses the statue of lord buddha in the position he took during birth. This glistening white structure with golden statue is a rising attraction of Lumbini and a reflection of how deep the roots of Buddhism go.

Dharma swami Maharaja Buddha Vihar

A Tibetan-styled Buddhist Gompa outside the complex built by His Eminence Chogya Trichen Ringboche and Raja of Mustang. The Gompa belongs to the Sakyapa order. This site has a kind of ambience and quiet that soothes the soul. Its quiet stature and towering design remind visitors of the spiritual energy that resides within. For meditation experts and beginners, the monks who are residents here conduct Tara Puja every day-something you’ll want to witness.

Lumbini Museum

Built in the 1970s and reimagined by architect Kris Yao from Taiwan, the museum is dedicated to the life Gautam Buddha and its houses photos and artifacts from Buddhist sites all over the world. Its priced possessions include over 10,000 artifacts like religious manuscripts, metal sculptures, Terra cottas, Maurya and Khusana dynasty coins plus stamps depicting Lumbini. For historical enthusiasts, the Lumbini International Research Institute just opposite the museum provides research facilities into Buddhism and the origins of religion.

These lone meadows are the location of Kpilvastu’s remains. Tilaurakot is considered as the place where Lord Gautama Buddha spent 29years of his life in luxury and royalty before he renounced it and walked out of the eastern gate. Listed as a UNESCO tentative site, Tilaurakot features exposed ruins of what looks like a residential complex. Its unearthing is a significant tribute to the historical life of Gautama Buddha. Found on the banks of Banaganga Rice, it even has a museum housing artifact found during the excavation-a trip through Buddhism.

International Monasteries and Temples

Nepal is a revered space of Buddhist religion and Lumbini is a testament to its international relations. Lumbini hosts seven international monasteries and temples built by other nations, a gesture showcasing the tight-knit affair that is Buddhism across the Asiatic nations. they include;

  • Korean Temple (Dae Sung Shakya)
  • China Temple (Zhong Hua Chinese Buddhist Monastery)
  • Cambodian Monastery
  • Sri Lankan Monastery
  • Vietnam Phat Quoc Tu Temple
  • Great Drigung Lotus Stupa

Lumbini Crane Sanctuary

Just a few moments next to the world peace pagoda, the crane sanctuary sits sprawling over 6sq. kilometers of marshes, jungle and plush open fields. The sanctuary is a natural reserve set aside for the local birds including the Saris Cranes. Cranes are a significant part of the Buddhism history and culture and the about 100 pairs found in the sanctuary offer a different perspective to the ancient beauty that surrounds Lumbini.

Central Canal

This quaint splendor runs down the middle of the Lumbini site connecting the village area to the sacred garden. It is lined with several brick bridges to help visitors cross the water. You can catch a canal or boat to get through the central section. If you walk along its sides, you can feel the impression of what it’s like during a pilgrimage.

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Lumbini Nepal: from Where the Buddhism Bloomed

Lumbini Nepal: from Where the Buddhism Bloomed

Nepal is multicultural, multilingual and multi ethnicity nation where people are religious tolerance and peace-loving. In such a tranquil and beautiful country there lies Lumbini, where Siddhartha Gautam, the founder of Buddhism was born. Lumbini is in the plains of Terai, near to Indian border where Siddhartha Gautam (Gautam Buddha) was born. Lumbini is the pilgrimage site for devotees all around the world. If you are looking forward to a spiritual place to visit, Lumbini will be the best option for Lumbini provides an opportunity to witness the Birthplace of Gautam Buddha and the different stages of his life.

Lumbini means ‘the lovely’ in Sanskrit. Located in Kapilvastu district in Province no. 5, Lumbini is 25 kilometers away from  Kapilvastu municipality. Lumbini nestled in the Terai belt of Nepal so it is only 20 kilometers away from India. Lumbini in total covers the area of 4.8 km long and 1.6 km width and divided into the two monastic zones with full of the monasteries where nothing like shops can be opened. A long canal filled with the water separates these two zones. The western monastic zone of the area consists of the Mahayana and Vajravana monasteries and the eastern zone of the area consists of the Thervadin monasteries. The water filled canal served with motorboats that offer tours for the visitors.

The Lumbini encompasses many temples and monasteries. There are more than 25 international monasteries built by the Buddhist countries from all around the world.  Lumbini is famous worldwide for these monasteries as well as Mayadevi Temple, the Ashoka pillar, the ancient bathing pond and Bodhi tree. UNESCO listed Lumbini in a World Heritage Site due to the historical, cultural and religious importance it carries.

Table of Contents

History of Lumbini

According to Buddhist tradition, Maya Devi was traveling to her parent’s home from her home in Kapilvastu in 642 BC. But suddenly, she went through labor and grabbed the branches of a tree and gave birth to Siddhartha Gautam. It is believed that the baby uttered: “it’s my final rebirth” and took seven steps as soon as he was born. For every step, he took immediately after his birth a lotus bloomed. Later, Siddhartha Gautam received enlightenment, became Buddha and founded Buddhism.

In 246 BC, Emperor Ashoka built four stupas and stone pillar during his visit to Lumbini. Many monasteries were built until the 9 th century. However, Buddhism declined after Islam and Hinduism arose and the sacred garden was lost for many years. A German archaeologist rediscovered the site in 1985.

Many Buddhists, as well as Hindus, visit the place every year to explore Buddhism as well as feel the peace in Nepal. Not only for Buddhist, Lumbini is also a holy place for the followers of Hinduism because they believe Gautam Buddha as another form of Lord Vishnu.

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How to reach the lumbini.

If you are traveling to Lumbini from the capital, Kathmandu, you can choose either by air or land. Nepal Sanctuary Treks arrange and prepare tailor-made Lumbini Circuit Tour as per your requirement.

By flight: The flight departs from Kathmandu Domestic airport and take about 40 minutes to reach Bhairahawa airport which is the nearest airport to Lumbini. Further it will take about 30 more minutes to reach Lumbini by vehicle.

By Driving: If you prefer to travel by road then Nepal Sanctuary Treks arrange private vehicle or bus to Lumbini. It is a long journey of about 8 hours. But, if you enjoy having a look at the rural life of Nepal, this will be a good choice.

Best time to visit Lumbini

Located in the south of Nepal, Lumbini experiences a subtropical monsoon climate. May and June are the hottest months. There occurs frequent rainfall during June to August and occasionally up to the end of the September. Climate during December to January is warm with the average temperature of 20°C which can sometimes fall to 8-10°C. It is a good time to visit Lumbini during October and November. The climate is favorable during this time of the year. Also, you can see many flowers around the temples that create serene and beautiful environment.Likewise, April and May is also an ideal time to visit Lumbini. The Buddha Jayanti , falls during these months where devotes celebrate grandly. Many pilgrims come to celebrate this festival during this time.

Major Attractions in Lumbini

There is no place perfect than Lumbini if you are looking for a place of cultural, archeological and religious importance. A tour to Lumbini is a walk with Gautam Buddha, one of the greatest men in the religious world, in a peaceful environment is what makes your soul happy. Here are the places to visit in the Lumbini trip:

Maya Devi Temple

The Maya Devi temple is one of the major attractions of Lumbini. The temple built in honor of Maya Devi, the mother of Gautam Buddha. The white colored temple is in a simple design, and the surrounding of the temple is perfect for morning meditation. The Maya Devi temple preserves the history of the mother of Gautam Buddha. According to Buddhism, Maya Devi gave birth to Gautam Buddha under a Banyan tree, and this temple stands exactly at the site of the tree. Thus being the exact spot where Buddha was born. There is a Bodhi tree nearby the temple where Maya Devi rested during her labor. Some pilgrims make their prayers sitting under the Bodhi tree.


Ashoka Pillar

Ashoka pillar is an inscribed pillar made with stones. Emperor Ashoka (the greatest king of India) built the Ashoka pillar in 246 BC along with four other stupas. The inscription on the surface of the pillar says that Lumbini is a tax-free-zone. Till date, there are 19 Indian pillars with inscription. Most of them are found in India, but the Ashoka Pillar in Lumbini the oldest one.


Puskarni Pond

Towards the south of the Ashoka pillar is a pond called Puskarni pond. Buddhist believes that Maya Devi took a bath in the pond before giving birth to Siddhartha Gautam. The baby Gautam Buddha was also had his purification bath in the very pond as soon as his birth. Nowadays, the devotees take a holy dip in the pond. In the surrounding of the pond, there are the remains of the brick pagodas and monasteries that present a view of the 2 nd century BC and 9 th century AD.


Sacred Garden

The Sacred Garden of Lumbini is popular as the birthplace of Gautam Buddha. It is the family home of the mother of Gautam Buddha. A visit to this site will help you explore how Buddha’s mother returned home, how Buddha was born and grew up.

Want to Visit the Holy Lumbini Circuit?

World peace pagoda.

The world peace pagoda is one of the world’s greatest stupa situated outside the major compound of Lumbini and is easily accessible by bikes. The beautiful pagoda is white and demonstrates the golden statue of Gautam Buddha in a posture during the time of his birth. The Japanese Buddhist built the Peace Pagoda at the cost of one million US dollars. At the bottom of the stupa, there is a grave of a Japanese monk murdered by an anti-Buddhist during the pagoda construction.


Royal Thai Buddhist Monastery

The Royal Thai Monastery is a huge and marvelous piece of architecture in Lumbini. The large monastery lies in the north end of the pond made up of white marvels. The large white monastery standing against the blue sky is something one cannot take their eyes off. The blue-roofed meditation center is another masterpiece of art.


Myanmar Golden Temple

The Myanmar Golden Temple is one of the oldest structures in Lumbini. There are three prayer halls inside the temple. The Myanmar Pagoda Temple also consists of the Lukmani Pula Pagoda temple and another Burmese style pagoda similar to the Shwedagon pagoda in Yangon.


Lumbini Museum

The beautiful Lumbini Museum lies in the northern end of the Lumbini area. The museum preserves the pictures and artifacts of Buddhist sites not only from Nepal but also from the place all around the globe.

The Great Lotus Stupa

The German Tara Foundation built The Great Lotus Stupa. Along with the fantastic structure, it is mainly important because of the religious values it carries within itself. The measurements for the construction of the stupa is according to the year’s old rules at the time of Gautam Buddha. In the center of the stupa, there lies a meditation hall of diameter 20 meters.


Dharma Swami Maharaja Buddha Bihar

The beautiful Dharma Swami Maharaja Buddha Bihar is in Tibetan style. It lies outside the main Lumbini area. Every day 60 monks who live there do a Tara Puja in the Bihar. The art and color in the walls of the Bihar depict the Buddhist art.

Zong Hua Chinese Buddhist Monastery or the China Temple

The China Temple is a beautiful and eye-catching pagoda style temple. The calm environment around the temple gives every visitor with the sense of an ancient, peaceful city.

Excited to Explore the Birthplace of Gautam Buddha? Wait No More

Kudan is a beautiful place to visit in Lumbini. It has huge mound of the structural ruins situated 4.5 km south of Tilaurakot. This was the place where King Suddhodhana met Lord Buddha for the first time after he returned from cosmic enlightenment. There are even a small pond close to Kudan Stupa where you can acquire a great deal about Lord Buddha.

Gotihawa is believed to be the birthplace of the past Buddha Krakucchanda, who came before Shakyamuni Buddha. It is situated about 5 km. southwest of Taulihawa which has Asoka pillar standing on a slab. Adjoining the pillar towards its northeast is a huge stupa made by wedge-shaped Mauryan bricks.

Tilaurakot, is well-known for the archaeological remains of ancient Shakya Kingdom and the childhood home of Prince Siddhartha Gautama. It is located 27 km west of Lumbini where there are ruins and mounds of ancient stupas and monasteries made of kiln burnt bricks and clay mortar.  A moat surrounded the remains and the wall of the city is made up of bricks.


Niglihawa is a significant archaeological site situated about 8 km northwest of Taulihawa. The site consists quadrangular pond locally known as Niglisagar On the western bank of the pond there are two broken pieces of the Asoka pillar built by Emperor Ashoka during his pilgrimage. The pillar is 15 meter tall that bears two peacocks.

Located about 12 km north of Taulihawa, Sagarhawa is the forest site where there is a large rectangular pond locally known as Lumbusagar or long pong in Niglihawa village. The ruins of an ancient tank were excavated and identified by Dr. Alois A. Fuhere as the “Palace of the Massacre of the Shakyas”.

Devdaha is the ancient capital of Koliya kingdom located 38 km east of Lumbini near the village of Khairhani. Devdaha is a maternal home of Mayadevi, mother of Gautama Siddhartha and the place where Siddhartha spent his early childhood. It is a place where Lord Buddha visited Devdaha after seven years of his enlightenment.

There are several place of interests around Devdaha for instance Kumarbarti, Khayardanda, Bairimai/Kanyamai, Bhabanipur/Devidamar, Mathagadi (ancient weapons).

The Ramgram Kingdom

Ramagram kingdom was one of eight Kings who obtained Buddha’s relics and built a pagoda named Ramgram Pagoda situated 60 kilometers to the east of the sacred sites of the Buddha’s birthplace.  Ramagram is a brick mound on the bank of the Jharahi River which is 7 meters high brick stupa comprising one of the eight Astha Dhatu (relics) of Lord Buddha.

Meditation Class

Everyone on 21st century have hectic schedule and seek for inner peace during their weekends or holidays. Lumbini is an ideal place for meditation that helps to unwind at least a while from every day’s life. While you are in Lumbini, you can join meditation class organized during full moon day inside the premises.

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Lumbini Travel Tips – Honest Tips for Visiting the Birthplace of Buddha!

By: Author Sophie Pearce

Posted on Last updated: August 17, 2023

Categories LUMBINI , NEPAL

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Lumbini is famous in Nepal for being the birthplace of Buddha. Thousands of pilgrims visit here every year to worship, meditate and learn at the site.

Throughout the years, the temple complex has grown from just one temple to commemorate the birthplace, to a whole monastic complex with beautiful Buddhist temples which have been donated from around the world!

Personally, I found Lumbini to be quite perplexing.

There were all these great temples on the one side and then a terrible underfunded city on the other. So, it was great to visit the temples but not a fantastic place for tourists and travellers who want to visit there.

I wouldn’t say I regretted my time there as I found the temples to be stunning, but I definitely wouldn’t spend more than one night in the future.

As a result, I wanted to put down all my experiences and so I have created some honest Lumbini travel tips which will help other travellers when visiting Lumbini!

lumbini travel tips

Make sure you save these Lumbini travel tips for later!

1. you can only get here by local bus.

Unfortunately, local buses are the only way to get to Lumbini.

Even though they are called ‘tourist’ buses, none of them have A/C and they’re a pretty hot and dreary ride.

From Chitwan , we had to catch one 4 hours bumpy bus to Bhairahawa and then a local bus to Lumbini.

The local bus was pretty chaotic and most of the people were standing or sitting on the floor. But, it was dirt cheap and only 30 minutes so it’s tolerable.

You’ll get dropped off at the Lumbini ‘Bus Stand’ which is just a stop on the road when you arrive.

lumbini travel tips

2. Be careful when getting a rickshaw to your hotel

Once you get off the bus there will be a crowd of rickshaw drivers waiting for you. It’s worth checking the distance to your hotel before you board one.

I stupidly agreed to a 100 rupee fare to go 500m down the road! A walkable distance.

In the end, I negotiated it into a rickshaw tour for the next day but still, don’t expect them to be honest about the distances!

To be fair, if you can’t stand the heat, a rickshaw is a good idea if you have a lot of luggage. But it’s good to try and save some pennies, or at least negotiate him down!

I was just so hot and delirious after my journey I lost the will haha.

lumbini travel tips

3. Hotels are terrible! Stay in a monastery if you can

If you want a bit of entertainment before you get to Lumbini it’s worth checking out some of the hotel reviews in the area on Booking.com . They are all pretty terrible.

Although the reviews were also bad, I got lucky with Hotel Peace Palace . It was spartan but clean and had good air con!

The rate was super expensive though and they charge way more than it’s worth.

If you’re running out of options, check the dates rates here.

A lot of backpackers we met were staying in the monasteries around the area.

For only $5USD a night, they had a bed in a dorm, a shared bathroom, and 3 meals of Dhal bat a day!

SO much better than eating outside (which I’ll cover below). This is what I would do next time. My hotel was nice enough but the value for money wasn’t.

lumbini travel tips

4. Rickshaws are a good way to get around… but haggle

As mentioned above, it’s good to note that Tuk Tuk drivers are pretty cutthroat around here.

They will charge you double for almost everything. For a half-day rickshaw guide, we negotiated 800 rupees.

But, by the end, after I had heard all his stories about his son needing medical treatment and a lady from France who took pity on him and have him a lakh (100,000 Indian rupees but not sure if it’s true). I felt bad and bumped it up to 1000 rupees.

Sure, it may not be much extra, but, he did rip me off, to begin with, and I wasn’t sure what to trust.

Prices should be 800 Nepalese rupees for a half-day tour of 4 hours. For a full day, it’s around 1500 NPR.

lumbini travel tips

5. The only things to see here are temples

Keep in mind that it’s only temples to see here. So, for some, this may be your worst nightmare!

Personally, I love exploring temples, seeing the pilgrims visiting, and observing all the life and architecture inside so I thought it was time well spent.

The birthplace of Buddha is an absolute must but after that, you can pick and choose what temples you want to visit.

The Buddhist temples here are donated from all over Asia and it’s spectacular to see all the different styles of design.

You can see Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Japan, and South Korea all in one day – no flights or Visas required ;)

There are also temples donated from France and Germany which have a Buddhist influence.

lumbini travel tips

6. Start your tour early to beat the heat!

When I visited in October, it was absolutely boiling. I couldn’t believe the humidity compared to the rest of Nepal!

This is partly because we were now out of the mountains and heading into the border of India.

To beat the heat I would recommend leaving your hotel at 7 am.

That way you can beat the harsh temperatures and avoid burning your feet.

Most temples require you to take off your shoes and so the floor is like lava by midday!

lumbini travel tips

7. You have to take off your shoes… A LOT.

Every temple in Lumbini requires you to take your shoes off when entering. So, I’d wear flip-flops, sandals, or something you can easily slide on and off.

It can get little tiresome untying shoes and taking socks off all the time.

Some places have mats that have been wetted down to cool the floor for visitors, but some, like the peace pagoda, do not have this luxury.

You’ll be walking on bricks and stones which have been baked in the sun!

I’d bring socks with you if you have sensitive feet, but check if it’s permitted before entering.

lumbini travel tips

8. The temples are not open all day

I was surprised to learn that the temples shut at lunchtime. I guess I just presumed it was a 24 hours a day for worship kind of place.

Saying this, I think it is open for worship but just not for tourists.

The birthplace of Buddha opens from 5 am – 7 pm and is open all day.

The other temples are open from 7 am – 1 pm and then reopen after lunch at 2/3 pm until 5 pm.

Keep this in mind if you’re just visiting for half a day as you may be waiting around.

lumbini travel tips

9. The only temple that costs money is the birthplace of Buddha

The birthplace of Buddha is a UNESCO world heritage site and is the only temple that charges for entry here and it’s worth the price.

Tickets are 200 rupees for foreigners and 50 for SAARC countries. All the rest of the temples are completely free!

lumbini travel tips

10. All the restaurants are pretty bad (that’s not an exaggeration)

If you google Tripadvisor restaurants in Lumbini , there are 5 in total. All have reviews of inedible food and bad hygiene.

I was suspicious and did wonder if it was all true but when I sampled the food myself, it was really bad!

My hotel served up a Thukpa with ants swimming in it. So, we headed out to the main bazaar to have a look at alternative restaurants.

We asked some locals whether they knew of any nice places to eat and they said there weren’t any, Haha!

So, we headed to the one with the least bad reviews which was Third Vision restaurant .

This is the only place I would recommend eating. The Nepalese food was just okay and we were joined by flies for dinner.

But, on the positive side, it was food and it didn’t make us sick! We only ate hereafter that but there are some other options you can gamble with.

lumbini travel tips

11. There are SO many bugs at night and will join you for dinner !

Whether it’s the heat or the fact it’s in a remote location after sunset all the bugs come out to play.

They will literally nose dive into your face, crawl in your hair and join you for dinner!

Third Vision did have an indoor section to stop some flying in with the fan on which helped.

My hotel room had air conditioning and a mosquito lamp which helped with the room itself but the bathroom had a vent with holes which let in flies and spiders!

By the end of my stay my bathroom sink and the floor were full of them.. wear decent bug spray and watch out for them on your toothbrush. Ewww!

lumbini travel tips

12. Dress conservatively

Lumbini is a religious pilgrimage site and so you should dress appropriately for visiting the temples and around the people that visit them.

This means shoulders and knees should be covered for both men and women! If you don’t do this, you could be refused entry to the temples.

lumbini travel tips

13. Not all the temples are finished yet

Lumbini is a huge complex and some of the temples are still under construction.

For example, the Cambodian temple is partly finished and won’t be completed until mid-2018.

But, it’s still beautiful and worth a look outside at the progress!

Our guide told us that there are going to be far more temples built here in the future.

Only half of the Cambodian temple was painted, half was under construction! Still beautiful though :)

lumbini travel tips

14. Consider cycling around

A rickshaw was great as the heat was pretty hard to handle. Plus, it covered more ground in a short amount of time.

But, cycling also is a great alternative. This way, you can take your time to explore, plan your own itinerary and not feel rushed by your rickshaw driver.

Keep in mind that the temples shut halfway through the day so you may want to split your ride between the morning and afternoon.

lumbini travel tips

15. Go to the peace pagoda for sunset

Although this peace pagoda in Lumbini isn’t placed on a vantage point like others in Nepal, this one is still a beauty.

At sunset, the floor has cooled down and the sun creates a gorgeous orange glow against the white temple.

Here, you may see Buddhist pilgrims circling and chanting and people meditating.

It’s definitely worth a look at any time of day but my favourite was when the sun goes down.

lumbini travel tips

16. Don’t spend longer than one night here

After you’ve seen the temples which only takes a morning, there is literally nothing else to do here.

So, I would recommend not spending more than one night unless you really want to.

The hotels and restaurants are too terrible to bear longer than that!!

The only reason why I stayed longer than one night was because I wanted to get through the Indian border early in the morning and get a bus to Varanasi. It couldn’t come sooner.

lumbini travel tips

17. Ask if the price is in Nepalese rupees or Indian rupees

As you are so close to the Indian border, Nepalese and Indian rupee are accepted in Lumbini and both have very different exchange rates (well to the British Pound anyway)!

Make sure you clarify how much everything is before you pay and in what rupee.

It may be worth downloading a conversion app to check what price it is for your currency.

ATMs will only distribute Nepalese rupees, but there are currency converters in the main bazaar if you need Indian money.

lumbini travel tips

Read more about Nepal

Here are some related articles to Lumbini and your next destinations in Nepal!;

A Quick Travel Guide to Lumbini: The Birthplace of Buddha

The Ultimate guide to Chitwan National Park

Your travel guide to Pokhara in Nepal

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A complete guide for Pashupatinath Temple

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travel guide lumbini

Save these Lumbini travel tips for later!

lumbini travel tips

Forevere Trek Nepal

Monday 22nd of July 2019

Thank you so much for such a good article. It was very helpful and informative too.

Sandeep Malla

Tuesday 13th of November 2018

Hi Sophie,I absolutely love your blogging which you had shared your real experience.I reckon that you had visited Lumbini in off-season.The best season to visit there is from end of November to end of February because at that time there starts winter season which make tolerable weather.Unlike Kathmandu and Pokhara, Lumbini is located in Teria region closed to Indian border so there is hot weather mostly.Regarding the bus,I guess you had travel in mini bus.If you want travel in Delux bus which has AC,charger,water facility,Wifi and so on then you have to travel at night because they usually run at night time.However traveling fair is quite high.As you mentioned that there is nothing except visiting temples thats true as it is Holy place. However you can go night club but for this you have to visit Butwal city for which it takes 45 min from Bhairahawa city(Lumbini area). Please do not expect expect big night club like in those Kathmandu as these city are small and less density population area.Similarly for accommodation, there are different range of hotel from 5 star to local cheapest hotel.As there is saying you get what you pay for so service depend on your pay.I admit that there is bumpy and dusty road as there is under construction of road to extend there length.However to eliminate this you can travel by domestic airway.Moreover if you want save your time and money asked for lift to local people(for nepali only) whenever you see single rider as they love to give you ride and want interact with foreigner.

Sophie Pearce

Tuesday 20th of November 2018

Hi Sandeep, thanks for the comments. I did indeed go in the off season but I would say that Lumbini would always be the same experience whether you went in the on/off season. It's a religious site and not necessarily set up for tourism (just yet). I feel a lot needs to be done in terms of funding the infrastructure of the city itself to make it a more accessible place for tourists. Good tip about the club but 45 mins is quite a long excursion and the transport options are limited. Sophie x

Nepal Car Rent

Wednesday 10th of October 2018

Lumbini is always a great place to travel . Travel to Lumibini to with VEhicles Rental NEPAL

Saturday 29th of September 2018

Thanks for these tips Sophie. My wife is Buddhist and this would be a good visit for a day from our Kathmandu visit.

Ah it’s definitely the place to go if you’re Buddhist ! The temples there are incredible! Thanks for reading and enjoy the trip. Sophie x

Sunday 3rd of June 2018

The birthplace of Buddha.. Always wanting to be there

It was an incredible visit! Thanks for reading. Sophie x

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Places to visit at lumbini, things to do.

Places to Visit At Lumbini, Things to do

Visiting Lumbini is one of the spiritual spots in the world. Where is Lumbini Nepal? Lumbini is in the southern plain of Nepal is the cultural and religious hub, especially for the Buddhists. Amazingly beautiful monasteries built by different countries following their own national styles are the center of Lumbini attractions. This article will help you to discover all the important places to visit in Lumbini Nepal. 

1. Exploration of Different Monasteries In Lumbini

One of the major attractions of visiting Lumbini is the dozens of Buddhist Monasteries that the countries having faith in Buddhism have built monasteries in their unique styles reflecting their nationalities in the actual birth-land of Gautam Buddha. We highly recommend visiting Lumbini Monastic sites for you to visit during your Lumbini day tour:

  • World Peace Pagoda
  • Myanmar Golden Temple
  • Chinese Monastery
  • Dharma Swami Maharaja Buddha Vihar
  • German Monastery/The Great Lotus Stupa
  • Thrangu Vajra Vidya Monastery
  • Great Drigunj=g Lotus Stupa
  • Manang Samaj Stupa
  • Vietnam Phat Quoc Tu Temple
  • Korean Temple/ Dae Sung Shakya
  • Sri Lankan Monastery
  • Cambodian Monastery
  • Royal Thai Buddhist Monastery

2. Mayadevi Temple

Mayadevi Temple is the main attraction of Lumbini. The main spot where Buddha was born is well protected in the premises. This well-known temple is a  UNESCO World Site  which is located in the middle of the sacred garden of Lumbini. 

Places to visit in Lumbini Nepal

The Bodhi Tree near the Mayadevi temple carries historical significance. It is believed that Queen Mayadevi grasped the branch of this tree while giving birth to Siddhartha Gautam. The sacred pond on the same premises is a beautiful pond where Siddhartha is believed to have his first bath. 

3. Ashoka Pillar

Ashoka, an influential Indian Emperor erected the pillar in Lumbini probably in the 3 rd  century as a tribute to the birthplace of Lord Buddha in his visit to this holy land. It is believed to be rediscovered by Nepalese archaeologists in 1896. 

4. World Peace Pagoda

World Peace Pagoda is an early 21 st  -century monument built by Japanese Buddhists popularly naming the structure the “Japan Peace Stupa”. It is a symbol of Peace. This stupa is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Lumbini. This glorious stupa following the traditional pagoda-style architecture . It is white with a golden Buddha statue in color. This is also a places to visit in Lumbini Nepal.

5. Dharma Swami Maharaja Buddha Vihar

This Buddhist Gompa belongs to Sakyapa established by Chogyam Trichen Rinpoche. This site is the perfect place for meditation because of the peace and tranquility in and around the monastery. You can have a perfect Lumbini day tour.

6. Tilaurakot

Tilaurakot is a historically significant place nearly 24 kilometers far from Lumbini. According to Buddhist history, Siddhartha Gautam spent 29 years of his early life in Tilaurakot. This small but important site is really famous tourist destination. A small museum nearby has some of the objects that were found during the excavation. It is one of the best places to visit in Lumbini Nepal.

7. Lumbini Museum

The widely famous Lumbini Museum is located within the Garden arena. The museum displays more than 12000 artifacts. The religious manuscripts, metal sculptures, coins from Maurya and Khusana dynasties, and many other important items are safe in the museum. 

Lumbini International Research Institute provides research facilities for scholars and researchers wishing to explore the facts about Buddha and Buddhist philosophy.  

8. Lumbini Crane Sanctuary

Therefore, Lumbini, the most important Buddhist Pilgrimage destination is today a perfect spot for cranes. The area extended around 6 squares kilometers including the remaining of the Tilaurakot palace is full of beautiful cranes. Have an amazing time with the majestic birds in the peaceful land of Lord Buddha.

So, the above mentioned places are the things to do in Lumbini Nepal.

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Lumbini, Nepal

Nepal Tourist Attraction

  • Destination

Soak up the peaceful atmosphere as you visit another tourist hotspot of Nepal- Lumbini. The city which is synonymous with peace is a popular tourist site in Nepal and attracts many visitors from around the world every year. The historic city where the Lord Buddha was born dates back to 623 B.C and soon became a popular pilgrimage site. Indian ruler Ashoka was one of the pilgrims who visited the place and erected one of the commemorative pillars. Today one of the most important pilgrimage sites in the world, Lumbini houses over twenty-five international Buddhist monasteries and Buddhism meditation centers. Mayadevi Temple is one of the most important sites in Lumbini. The place is considered to be the birth spot of Buddha, even the inscription on the Ashokan Pillar refer the same. It is said that it was the same spot where newly born Buddha took up his first seven steps and gave a peace message to humanity. When in Lumbini, a tourist must visit beautifully carved monasteries built by different Buddhist countries like Japan, China, Myanmar, Sri Lanka and Germany and soak in the peaceful and spiritual environment of the place. Know the cultural importance of the place by visiting Panditarama Vipassana Center and indulging in some meditation and yoga therapy, one can also interact with monks who worship in the vicinity of monasteries. Feel the nirvana as you put step into this beautiful land of Buddha.


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Nepal is a land of breathtaking landscapes, rich culture, and historical significance. Here are seven of the best places to visit in Nepal.

08 Jul, 2024

Kumar Utkarsh

Lumbini: The birthplace of Lord Buddha, Lumbini is a significant pilgrimage site for Buddhists.

Everest base camp: the journey offers stunning views of mount everest and other towering peaks, along with a glimpse into sherpa culture., kathmandu valley: the capital city is home to unesco world heritage sites such as durbar square, swayambhunath., annapurna circuit: the annapurna circuit offers diverse landscapes, from lush subtropical forests to alpine meadows., pokhara: pokhara is known for its stunning mountain views, including the annapurna range and lakes., nagarkot: nagarkot is renowned for its panoramic views of the himalayas, including mount everest on a clear day., chitwan national park: chitwan is famous for its rich wildlife, including bengal tigers, one-horned rhinoceroses, elephants, and various bird species..

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Lumbini Trip Packages

Places to visit in Western Development Region

Things to do

  • About Lumbini

One of the world's most important spiritual sites is home to the historic birthplace of the Buddha. Today you can visit over 25 international Buddhist monasteries, study Buddhism, meditation and visit Buddha's birthplace itself within the sacred Mayadevi Gardens!

Mayadevi Temple is one of the important sites in the Lumbini Garden with many historians and archaeologists referring to it as the place of birth of Lord Buddha. Inscriptions on the Ashoka Pillar also refers the spot as his birthplace. It is said that here the newly born Prince took his first seven steps and gave a peace message to humanity.

You can walk around the garden or find a peaceful meditative spot to contemplate. The focal point for pilgrims is a sandstone carving depicting the birth of the Buddha, reputedly left here by the Malla King Ripu Malla, in the 14th century, when Mayadevi was worshipped as an incarnation of the Hindu mother goddess. Another main attraction is the Ashokan Pillar, which was built by the great Indian Emperor Ashoka while visiting the birthplace of Buddha back in 249 BC.

Most people rush through Lumbini, allowing only a few hours to look around. However, you could easily spend one or two days exploring the zone and its monasteries, and soaking up the peaceful atmosphere.

Things to do in Lumbini

Lumbini Museum

Lumbini Museum

Mayadevi Temple

Mayadevi Temple

Japan Peace Stupa, Lumbini

Japan Peace Stupa, Lumbini

Lumbini tour packages.

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10 Days 9 Nights kathmandu to pokhara Trip Package



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Kathmandu Tour Package for 8 Days 7 Nights

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Magical 11 Days 10 Nights Kathmandu Trip Package

Group Tour - India & Nepal -Varanasi, Gorakhdham,Lumbani,Pokhara,Kathmandu -SV023

Group Tour - India & Nepal -Varanasi, Gorakhdham,Lumbani,Pokhara,Kathmandu -SV023

Beautiful Kathmandu Tour Package for 13 Days 12 Nights

Beautiful Kathmandu Tour Package for 13 Days 12 Nights

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Family Getaway 10 Days bhaktapur Trip Package

Family Getaway 10 Days bhaktapur Trip Package

Ecstatic 2 Days 1 Night Lumbini Vacation Package

Ecstatic 2 Days 1 Night Lumbini Vacation Package

Experience 2 Days Delhi to Lumbini Holiday Package

Experience 2 Days Delhi to Lumbini Holiday Package

Heart-warming Lumbini Tour Package from Delhi

Heart-warming Lumbini Tour Package from Delhi

Hyderabad 3 night 4 Day Trip

Hyderabad 3 night 4 Day Trip

Lumbini Tour 3 Nights 4 Days

Lumbini Tour 3 Nights 4 Days

Heart-warming 4 Days 3 Nights Kathmandu, Pokhara and Lumbini Holiday Package

Heart-warming 4 Days 3 Nights Kathmandu, Pokhara and Lumbini Holiday Package

Experience 7 Days 6 Nights Kushinagar Religious Vacation Package

Experience 7 Days 6 Nights Kushinagar Religious Vacation Package

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Ecstatic 7 Days Bodhgaya to Rajgir Culture and Heritage Holiday Package

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6 Days 5 Nights Nalanda Weekend Getaways Trip Package

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tourist places in lumbini nepal

Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Nepal

N epal is a country of rich and diverse culture, as it is home to a diverse mix of people, languages, ethnicity, and social structures. Every year thousands of tourists visit the country to explore its natural habitats and cultural heritage. There are hundreds of destinations in Nepal that beckon tourists from across the world to explore the bountiful beauty that nature has gifted this country.

Here are the top 10 tourist attractions in Nepal that one can add to their next-to-go list and explore — 

Annapurna Conservation Area

Annapurna Conservation Area is one of the most popular places in Nepal owing to its proximity to the Annapurna Base Camp. It is also one of the closest trekking destinations from Pokhara, which lies around 40kms north of the city. 

Established in 1992, Annapurna Conservation Area is home to several endangered plant and animal species.

The world’s deepest gorge — the Kali Gandaki Gorge, and the Annapurna Mountain Range lies in the north of the region.

Peaks of Annapurna I, II, III, IV, Himchuli, Gangapurna, Dhaulagiri, Machhapuchre, and Shringi Himal are visible from the region.

Sagarmatha National Park

Sagarmatha National Park is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites that was built in 1976 by the Nepal Government in the Everest region.

Several trekking destinations like the  Everest Base Camp Trek , Gokyo Lake, and Three Passes, that lie within Sagarmatha National Park are very popular among tourists.

Along with trekking, the National Park also offers magnificent views of the Mahalangur Mountain Range, including the highest peak in the world — Mount Everest.

Besides, there are several other mystic mountains in this area, including Cho Oyu, Ama Dablam, Lhotse, Nuptse, and Island Peak.

Sagarmatha National Park is home to several endangered animals, such as the snow leopard, Himalayan Tahr, Red Panda, and 194 species of birds and several rare herbal trees and shrubs.

Travelers can reach Sagarmatha National Park by taking a flight from Kathmandu to Lukla or via bus to Salleri and then trek to Lukla.

Manaslu Conservation Area

Manaslu Conservation Area, a popular tourist attraction in Nepal, was established in 1998. It covers a total land area of 1663 square kilometers and is home to 33 species of mammals, 110 species of birds, 11 species of butterflies, and three species of reptiles.

Manaslu Conservation Area, that starts from Arughat and ends in Larke La Pass, is rich in diverse climatic conditions as it spreads widely from sub-tropical to Nival regions.

The beautiful vistas of Mount Manaslu, Himal Chuli, Chamar, Shringi Himal, Tsum Valley and the Kali Gandaki river are a must-visit.

Travelers can reach Manaslu Conservation Area after a drive from Kathmandu to Besi Sahar and then trek to Arughat.

Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal, is also called ‘The City of Temples.’ The city is famous for its holy sites and shrines like Pashupatinath, Swayambhunath, Boudhanath, Budhanilkantha, and Dakshinkali.

The Kathmandu Valley is very rich in history as well. The three Durbar Squares of Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, and Patan are significant to the Malla and Shah Dynasties , who ruled the Kingdom of Nepal for centuries. The Royal Courtyards, Golden Taps, Halls and historical sites are some of the must-visit parts of the Durbar Squares.

Besides, there are several historical landmarks such as Dharahara, Clock Tower (Ghantaghar), Sahid Gate, Rani Pokhari, and Hanumandhoka.

Kathmandu can be visited all across the year to explore Nepal’s culture and history.

Pokhara is one of the top tourist attractions in Nepal. The beautiful ‘City of Lakes’ has several beautiful lakes like the Phewa Lake, Begnas Lake, and Rupa Lake.

Pokhara is a vantage point to view Himalayan peaks like Machhapuchre, Dhaulagiri, Annapurna, and Himchuli. The shadow of Machhapuchre that dances on the surface of Phewa Lake is one of the top attractions.

Besides lakes, there are several places to visit in Pokhara, like Sarangkot Hill, International Mountain Museum, Tal Barahi Temple, Davis Falls, Mahendra Cave, and Shanti Stupa.

The nightlife on the Lake Side is very popular among partygoers as the city has several westernized pubs and hospitality centers where one can enjoy live music, dance parties, and free drinks.

Chitwan National Park

Chitwan National Park lies in the central Terai region of Nepal, and it is one of the best destinations to go on a jungle safari. 

It is a protected area established in 1973 AD by Nepal Government to conserve wildlife and plant species.

Besides the National Park, there are several other destinations like Bis Hazari Lake, Elephant Breeding Sanctuary, Devghat, Jalbire Waterfall, and Tharu Village where travelers can explore the culture and natural heritage of the Terai region of Nepal.

Travelers can reach Chitwan after a drive from Kathmandu Bus Park or by taking a direct flight to Bhadrapur Airport.

Bardia National Park

One of the main reasons to visit Bardia in Nepal is the Bardia National Park, which is a sanctuary well-known for its Bengal Tigers.

Popular Hollywood actor Leonardo DiCaprio had visited the Bardia National Park to spread awareness for protecting the endangered species.

Bardiya National Park is home to 642 species of animals, 407 species of resident and migratory birds, 125 species of fish, and 839 varieties of plants.

There are several homestay facilities in the Tharu community that can be visited to experience the culture of Nepal.

Travelers must not miss the Machhan Tree House when they visit Bardiya, alongwith the jungle safari, and bird watching at Bardia Shiva Community Forest.

Muktinath Temple

Muktinath is one of the holiest places for both Hindu and Buddhist devotees. It is one of the high-altitude tourist destinations that lies 3,762 meters above sea level. Travelers can reach directly by taking a flight to Jomsom and then hiking to Muktinath. it can also be explored as part of the Annapurna Circuit Trek.

Muktinath Temple has 108 spouts where people take a holy dip believing that their sins get washed away after bathing in the water bodies. The Eternal Flame and other shrines around the temple are also very popular. 

Tatopani, a natural hot spring close to Muktinath, is where trekkers take a bath after covering the exhausting Annapurna Circuit Trek.

Upper Mustang

The Upper Mustang is a cold desert region in Nepal that is popular among adventure-seekers and travel enthusiasts.

The trek starts with a flight from Pokhara to Jomsom and then a hike to Kagbeni. Along the way, there are diverse Thakali and Sherpa settlements where travelers can enjoy the hospitality and Thakali cuisine.

For followers of Buddhism, the ancient Tibetan Gompas are a must-visit. The wall-carved settlements of Lo-Manthang provide historical insights into the ancient kingdoms in the region. 

Those visiting the Upper Mustang region can view the Annapurna and Dhaulagiri Mountain range, Gompas, traditional villages, and lush green forests.

Lumbini – the birth place of Lord Buddha

Lumbini, is one of the holiest sites for Buddhists as Lord Buddha was born here.  The city, which falls in Kapilvastu district of Nepal, has several tourist destinations like Maya Devi Temple, Maya Devi Garden and Pool, Ashoka Pillar, and the Palace, that are very popular among tourists.

Lumbini has several meditation centers that help people mediate and attain inner peace.

Travelers can reach Lumbini by driving to Kapilvastu or by taking a flight to Bhadrapur or Bhairahawa and then taking a short ride to the destination.

(Above mentioned article is consumer connect initiative. This article is a paid publication and does not have journalistic/editorial involvement of IDPL, and IDPL claims no responsibility whatsoever)

 Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Nepal

Embassy of Nepal in Bangkok and the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) Promote Nepal Tourism "Experience Nepal: Lumbini to Himalayan Bliss" Event to Showcase Nepal's Diverse Attractions

The Embassy of Nepal in Bangkok and Nepal Tourism Board (NTB), in association with Nepal Airlines Corporation, Nepal Association of Tour & Travel Agents (NATTA), Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA), Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAN), Society of Travel and Tour Operators Nepal (SOTTO-Nepal), Nepal Association of Rafting Agencies (NARA), and the Tourist Bus Association of Nepal, proudly presents "Experience Nepal: Lumbini to Himalayan Bliss". World Buddhist Destinations, the Khun Mae Dr. Siri Karinchai Foundation, and Lalit Mandap Travel also support this event.

Embassy of Nepal in Bangkok and the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) Promote Nepal Tourism "Experience Nepal: Lumbini to Himalayan Bliss" Event to Showcase Nepal's Diverse Attractions

The promotional event, held at Amari Bangkok, aims to highlight Nepal's rich cultural and natural heritage, focusing on key attractions such as Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, and the majestic Himalayan ranges. The event promises an immersive experience into Nepal's tourism offerings, targeting business and leisure travelers from Thailand.

The event will commence with a welcome speech by Mr. Prakash Adhikari, Deputy Chief of Mission, Embassy of Nepal, Bangkok followed by a detailed presentation by the Nepal Tourism Board titled "Lumbini to Himalayan Bliss," showcasing the spiritual and adventurous allure of Nepal.

A highlight of the event was the experience shared by Mr. Vitidnan Rojanapanich, the first Thai national who has successfully summited Mount Everest, offering personal insights into the thrilling mountaineering opportunities in Nepal.

His Excellency Mr. Dhan Bahadur Oli, Ambassador of Nepal to Thailand, has provided remarks underscoring the significance of Nepal-Thailand tourism relations and the potential for future collaboration.

The event also facilitated business-to-business (B2B) meetings between Nepalese and Thai tourism entrepreneurs, fostering potential partnerships and business opportunities. Attendees will have the unique opportunity to engage with representatives from various sectors of the Nepalese tourism industry, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the diverse travel experiences Nepal offers.

In addition to the formal presentations and networking opportunities, attendees were treated to a Nepali cultural performance, offering a glimpse into the vibrant traditions and artistic heritage of Nepal.

The "Experience Nepal: Lumbini to Himalayan Bliss" event promises to be a pivotal platform for promoting Nepal as a premier travel destination, encouraging Thai travelers to explore the serenity of Lumbini and the exhilarating heights of the Himalayas.

Embassy of Nepal in Bangkok and the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) Promote Nepal Tourism "Experience Nepal: Lumbini to Himalayan Bliss" Event to Showcase Nepal's Diverse Attractions

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  • Tuesday, 9 July 2024
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Nat'l consensus on issues of Nepal's international borders, DPM Shrestha says


Kathmandu, July 4: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Narayan Kaji Shrestha has said a national consensus was built on the issues of Nepal's international borders.     

At a meeting of the National Assembly (NA) on Thursday, the DPM said the government is firm and clear about Nepal's territory in Limpiyadhura, Kalapani and Lipulek, the areas east to the Kali/Mahakali River as per the Sugauli Treaty.     

On the occasion, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister Shrestha said that an understanding was reached between the prime ministers of Nepal and India on revising and updating the Treaty of Peace and Friendship of 1950 and other treaties and bilateral agreements through the established diplomatic mechanisms during the recent India visit of Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda'.     

Shrestha shared that PM Prachanda had urged the Indian side to address all issues including the borders sooner by activating the existing mechanisms.     

The Indian Prime Minister also agreed to advance all mechanisms to resolve the issues while noting the proposal positively, according to Shrestha.     

In his remarks, Minister Shrestha claimed Nepal has gained credibility and respect on the world stage due to its independent, balanced, impartial and objective perspectives.     

Likewise, he said that the relevance of the NAM has further increased in the changing global context and expressed the commitment of the government to further shed light on its significance.     

Similarly, the Foreign Minister informed the government was serious about the issue of recruitment of Nepali youths in foreign armies and added that the Nepal government has no policy to allow Nepali citizens for their recruitment in other countries' armies except with some countries having agreements in the past.     

He stated that the government officials are in regular contact, coordination and dialogue with the Embassy of Russia in Kathmandu and the Embassy of Nepal in Moscow regarding the issues of Nepalis dead in the Russia-Ukraine conflict and others kept hostage.(RSS)

Nat'l consensus on issues of Nepal's international borders, DPM Shrestha says

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Nat'l consensus on issues of Nepal's international borders, DPM Shrestha says

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Monsoon creates havoc in Nepal: Floods, landslides and lightning kill 47 people, major dams at risk | VIDEO

According to labour minister dol prasad aryal addressing the national state assembly, at least 47 people lost their lives due to heavy monsoon rains in nepal. he stated that four fatalities were attributed to floods triggered by the monsoon, while landslides claimed the lives of 24 individuals..

nepal floods

Severe flooding in the capital city of Kathmandu inundated streets, rendering homes and vehicles underwater, and forcing residents to wade through brown floodwater to go about their daily tasks. Landslides and flash floods are common in mostly mountainous Nepal during the monsoon season and kill hundreds of people every year. The annual monsoon rains, which started in mid-June, would normally continue until mid-September.

VIDEO: Heavy water-logging witnessed in Kathmandu following heavy downpour

Major rivers flooded, settlements at risk across nepal.

According to Kathmandu Post, several major rivers in Nepal have overflowed, posing significant risks to numerous settlements. In Chitwan, the Narayani River and in Banke, the Rapti River surged beyond safe levels on Saturday. All 36 sluice gates of the Gandak barrage at Tribeni were opened due to the Narayani River breaching its danger mark. Mahesh Rayamajhi, a sub-inspector at the Tribeni Police Post, reported that the river's flow reached 260,000 cusecs on Saturday afternoon.

Meanwhile, heavy rainfall in Lumbini Province led to dangerous water levels in the Rapti and Babai rivers, prompting local authorities to issue high-alert warnings to riverside communities. In Koshi Province, continuous rainfall caused the Koshi River, Nepal's largest river system, to rise to dangerous levels, with water flowing at 272,485 cusec by 3 pm on Saturday. To prevent inundation, 35 out of 56 sluice gates at the Koshi Barrage were opened, reported KP.

Similarly, the Mahakali and Karnali rivers also experienced significant rises in water levels. Deputy Superintendent of Police Umesh Joshi in Kanchanpur reported that the Mahakali River's flow reached 121,000 cusecs on Saturday evening, leading the district administration to ban heavy vehicles from crossing the bridge at the Sharada Barrage.

(With inputs from agencies)

Also Read: Nepal: 14 killed as landslides, floods and lightnings ravage Himalayan nation | VIDEO

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Weather Forecast: Chances Of Heavy Rainfall In Madhesh, Sudur Paschim, Lumbini,Bagmati And Koshi

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With the impact of monsoon in all provinces with trough close to Southern Nepal , ,there will be Generally cloudy throughout the country. Light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning is likely to occur at a few places of the all provinces. Chances of heavy rainfall at one or two places of Koshi province, Bagmati Province, Gandaki Province, Lumbini Province and Sudur Pashchim Province .

There will be partly to generally cloudy throughout the country. Light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning is likely to occur at a few places of Koshi Province, Madesh Province, Lumbini Province and Sudur Pashchim Province and at one or two places of rest of the Provinces , chances of heavy rainfall at one or two places of the Koshi province, Madesh Province, Gandaki Province and Lumbini Province .tonight.

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VOL. 17, No. 22, June.28,2024 (Ashar-14. 2081) Publisher and Editor: Keshab Prasad Poudel Online Register Number: DOI 584/074-75

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VOL. 17, No. 21, June.14,2024 (Jestha-32. 2081) Publisher and Editor: Keshab Prasad Poudel Online Register Number: DOI 584/074-75

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VOL. 17, No. 20, May.24,2024 (Jestha-11. 2081) Publisher and Editor: Keshab Prasad Poudel Online Register Number: DOI 584/074-75

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VOL. 17, No. 19, May.10,2024 (Baishak,28. 2081) Publisher and Editor: Keshab Prasad Poudel Online Register Number: DOI 584/074-75


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  1. 23 Places to visit in Lumbini Nepal 2024

    2. World Peace Pagoda Lumbini. Top Attraction 3.8 /5. 72 km. from city center 2 out of 23. Places To Visit in Lumbini. Japan Peace Stupa, also known as World Peace Pagoda is an early 21st Century monument - a symbol of peace and a famous tourist attraction in Lumbini.

  2. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Lumbini

    It was wonderful visit of Lumbini , birth-place of buddha. Its a open museum where we can learn about ancient... See ways to experience (31) 4. Royal Thai Monastery. 61. Religious Sites. Royal Thai Monastery located in the Eastern monastic zone in Lumbini. Offering lunch between 12-1pm daily.

  3. THE 30 BEST Places to Visit in Lumbini (UPDATED 2024)

    A holy place for every Buddhist, Lumbini and the ancient ruins are associated with the birthplace of Buddha. 2. World Peace Pagoda. World Peace Pagoda is a Japanese Stupa located near outside the main compound of Lumbini Park, Lumbini, Nepal.

  4. 25 Places You Must Visit While You Are In Lumbini Nepal

    25 Places to Visit in Lumbini, Nepal. UNESCO enrolled the origin as a world legacy site because of its significance to the Hindu and Buddhist religious groups and also the history and culture of the whole world. The Lumbini legacy site covers 4.8km long and 1.3 km in width and is expressed as a religious zone where no one but cloisters can be ...

  5. 8 BEST PLACES to visit in Lumbini + THINGS TO DO

    See also: Places to visit in Nepal | Kathmandu Tourist Spots | Everest Base Camp Trek Itinerary | Spots to See in Chitwan | Where to go in Pokhara.. More travel tips coming up! In the meantine, enjoy this quick list of attractions and tourist spots in Lumbini.To help with your trip planning, I've added links to the locations on Google Maps.

  6. 10 Places To Visit In Lumbini

    Lumbini is a sacred and holy place in the Terai region of Nepal. It is one of the most renowned tourist destinations, especially for Buddhist devotees. Apart from the religious significance, the breathtaking natural beauty and the delightful Buddhist shrines attract tourists from all around the globe.

  7. The best places to visit at Lumbini, Nepal: The birthplace of Buddha (2024)

    Sacred Garden. At the heart of Lumbini is the Sacred Garden and it's here that you'll find the most important parts of the site. It's said that this was the very spot where Queen Mayadevi gave birth to Prince Siddhartha in 623 BC. When you go into the garden, you'll immediately sense the gravity of where you are.

  8. Places To Visit In Lumbini

    Explore the birthplace of the Buddha with our guide to the top places to visit in Lumbini. Discover major attractions like the Maya Devi Temple, the Ashoka Pillar. +977 9841516494 (What'sApp/Viber) ... Lumbini is Nepal's one of the busiest tourist places. Over 1 million people visit the spiritual sites of beautiful places every year. In this ...

  9. Top 5 Places to Visit in Lumbini

    Lumbini is also known as the birthplace of Buddha, and visitors can explore quite a few places. Lumbini is located in the Rupandehi District of Nepal. It is significant as the birthplace of Siddhartha Gautama, who later became known as Buddha, the founder of Buddhism. Stay with us as we explore five different places to visit in Lumbini. Best ...

  10. A Complete Tour Guide to Lumbini

    Stunning view of Maya Devi Temple with Ashoka Pillar behind it Best time to visit Lumbini. Lumbini lies in the southern part of Nepal, with temperatures that rise to almost 40 degrees Celsius in the summer heat.The perfect time to visit this space and comfortably explore the monasteries would be April to May, October to November, or December to February, with temperatures from 12-28 degrees ...

  11. 12 Places in Lumbini That You Must Not Miss (2024)

    Globally famous for being the birthplace of Lord Buddha, Lumbini is one of Nepal's most important tourist destinations. While exploring this country, you will find the most important historical sites in Lumbini. That is why it is quite natural that most of the sightseeing spots in this town are historical and spiritual in nature. Most of the monasteries and buildings in Lumbini were ...

  12. Things to do and Places so see in Lumbini

    Lumbini, a homeland of Buddha, lies in the south-western of the Terai region of Nepal. This place is one of the sacred Buddhist pilgrimage sites that holds great both historical and religious importance. From the magnificent Lumbini Museum to the Sacred Garden, visitors to this exotic city will discover a trove of spiritual, cultural, and historical treasures.

  13. Top 12 things to do while visiting Lumbini in Nepal

    Lumbini, located in Nepal, is a significant pilgrimage site for Buddhists as it is the birthplace of Lord Buddha. Besides its religious importance, Lumbini also offers several attractions and activities for visitors. When visiting Lumbini, Nepal, there are several things you can do to make the most of your trip. Here are some popular activities ...

  14. Lumbini Travel Guide 2024

    Lumbini draws thousands of pilgrims and tourists every year and has now become a UNESCO world heritage site. Beyond the birthplace, there are also some awesome Buddhist temples and monasteries to visit that have been donated from all over the world! You can visit shrines from Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, and even France!

  15. Places to visit in Lumbini

    Ashokan Pillar. A 6-metre-tall sandstone structure Built during 249 BC when emperor Ashoka of India visited Lumbini and was rediscovered by Nepalese archaeologists in 1896. The emperor also built four stupas and a pillar with a horse Idol at the top. The inscription on the pillar is among the oldest inscriptions ever, detailing his visit and ...

  16. Lumbini Nepal: from Where the Buddhism Bloomed

    Lumbini means 'the lovely' in Sanskrit. Located in Kapilvastu district in Province no. 5, Lumbini is 25 kilometers away from Kapilvastu municipality. Lumbini nestled in the Terai belt of Nepal so it is only 20 kilometers away from India. Lumbini in total covers the area of 4.8 km long and 1.6 km width and divided into the two monastic zones ...

  17. Lumbini Nepal Tourism (2024) Travel Guide Top Places

    Get travel guides and plan your trip to Lumbini with tour packages, places to visit, sightseeing, hotels, and reviews by other travellers. Explore . Countries Singapore UAE Oman Thailand Nepal Vietnam ... 3 out of 14 Places to visit in Nepal $ 294 onwards View Packages . Get Package Offers View Lumbini Hotels Top Hotel Collections ...

  18. THE 15 BEST Things to Do in Lumbini (Updated 2024)

    Half Day Mayadevi Temple Tour in Lumbini. 1. Historical Tours. from. C$63. per adult (price varies by group size) 6-Day Nepal Buddhist Pilgrimage Tour Package (Kathmandu and Lumbini) 17. Historical Tours.

  19. Lumbini Travel Tips

    The birthplace of Buddha opens from 5 am - 7 pm and is open all day. The other temples are open from 7 am - 1 pm and then reopen after lunch at 2/3 pm until 5 pm. Keep this in mind if you're just visiting for half a day as you may be waiting around. 9. The only temple that costs money is the birthplace of Buddha.

  20. Places to Visit At Lumbini, Things to do

    This small but important site is really famous tourist destination. A small museum nearby has some of the objects that were found during the excavation. It is one of the best places to visit in Lumbini Nepal. 7. Lumbini Museum. The widely famous Lumbini Museum is located within the Garden arena. The museum displays more than 12000 artifacts.

  21. Lumbini Travel Guide

    Soak up the peaceful atmosphere as you visit another tourist hotspot of Nepal- Lumbini. The city which is synonymous with peace is a popular tourist site in Nepal and attracts many visitors from around the world every year. The historic city where the Lord Buddha was born dates back to 623 B.C and soon became a popular pilgrimage site.

  22. 7 Best Places To Visit In Nepal

    Nepal offers a wealth of breathtaking destinations, including the Kathmandu Valley's historical and cultural sites like Kathmandu, Bhaktapur, and Patan. Nature lovers will enjoy Pokhara's mountain views and Phewa Lake, while wildlife enthusiasts can explore Chitwan National Park. Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, is a significant pilgrimage site. Adventurers can trek to Everest Base Camp ...

  23. Lumbini Tourism (2024) Nepal

    Lumbini Tourism (2024) Nepal: Get complete information on best tourist places in Lumbini. Find top attractions, Best places to see, things to do in Lumbini with traveller reviews. Plan your Lumbini. Plan your Lumbini trip with Hellotravel. Download travel checklist for Lumbini now.

  24. Top 10 Tourist Attractions in Nepal

    Manaslu Conservation Area. Manaslu Conservation Area, a popular tourist attraction in Nepal, was established in 1998. It covers a total land area of 1663 square kilometers and is home to 33 ...

  25. Lumbini

    Lumbini - Lord Buddha Birth Place #nepal #buddha #buddhism #lumbini #birthplace #buddhabirthplace #trip #tour #tourism #roadtrip #delhi. Metok Lhadon · Sound of Peace

  26. Embassy of Nepal in Bangkok and the Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) Promote

    The promotional event, held at Amari Bangkok, aims to highlight Nepal's rich cultural and natural heritage, focusing on key attractions such as Lumbini, the birthplace of Lord Buddha, and the majestic Himalayan ranges. The event promises an immersive experience into Nepal's tourism offerings, targeting business and leisure travelers from Thailand.

  27. Nat'l consensus on issues of Nepal's international borders, DPM

    In his remarks, Minister Shrestha claimed Nepal has gained credibility and respect on the world stage due to its independent, balanced, impartial and objective perspectives. Likewise, he said that the relevance of the NAM has further increased in the changing global context and expressed the commitment of the government to further shed light on ...

  28. Monsoon creates havoc in Nepal: Floods, landslides and lightning kill

    In Koshi Province, continuous rainfall caused the Koshi River, Nepal's largest river system, to rise to dangerous levels, with water flowing at 272,485 cusec by 3 pm on Saturday.

  29. Weather Forecast: Chances Of Heavy Rainfall In Madhesh, Sudur Paschim

    Light to moderate rain with thunder and lightning is likely to occur at a few places of the all provinces. Chances of heavy rainfall at one or two places of Koshi province, Bagmati Province, Gandaki Province, Lumbini Province and Sudur Pashchim Province . There will be partly to generally cloudy throughout the country.