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Coin des Collectionneurs

Pokésciences, le parc safari - guide du lieu - pokémon saphir alpha et rubis oméga, qu'est-ce que le parc safari .

Le Parc Safari est un lieu unique se trouvant sur la Route 121 , qui permet aux Dresseurs de la région de Hoenn de croiser plusieurs sortes de Pokémon. A une certaine époque, le parc était payant, mais depuis que des bénévoles se chargent de cet endroit, l'entrée est gratuite. Beaucoup de Pokémon se trouvent ici. Certaines espèces rares peuvent être capturées plus facilement, et d'autres ne peuvent être trouvées nulle part ailleurs. Dans le bâtiment d’entrée, parlez à la Terreur pour recevoir la CT85 ( Dévorêve ). Dans ce guide du lieu, vous retrouverez une liste complète des objets pouvant être obtenus, ainsi que des Pokémon.

Plusieurs types de terrains sont présents dans le Parc Safari, et certaines zones ne sont accessibles qu'avec le Vélo de Course ou le Vélo Cross. Pour quelques objets, les deux vélos sont requis (consultez cette page pour savoir comment avoir les deux bicyclettes). Le Vélo de Course est nécessaire pour gravir les pentes raides, alors que le Vélo Cross permet de sauter sur les rebords et traverser les rampes étroites. En outre, Il faudra que vous ayez sur vous un Pokémon connaissant la CS Surf . La Méga-Canne est également appréciable pour capturer un Pokémon inédit. Entre les différentes zones du parc, les Pokémon peuvent changer (voir détail ci-dessous).

Les objets disponibles

Objets cachés.

  • Les Pokémon sauvages

Après avoir vaincu Primo-Kyogre/Primo-Groudon (exclusifs au Navi-Dex)

Détail de la carte.

Cet article a été mis à jour pour la dernière fois le 06/09/2015 à 17:51.

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  • Banque Pokémon et Poké Transfert
  • Le Pokémon Global Link
  • Partie 1 : le Départ
  • Partie 2 : le premier Badge
  • Partie 3 : le deuxième Badge
  • Partie 4 : séjour à Poivressel
  • Partie 5 : le troisième Badge
  • Index de la soluce


  • Pokédex de Hoenn
  • Descriptions des Pokémon
  • Étymologies des Pokémon

Les Pokémon

  • Les Méga-Évolutions
  • La Primo-Résurgence
  • Liste des Pokémon sauvages
  • Les Pokémon exclusifs
  • Les Pokémon Indisponibles
  • Les Pokémon Fixes
  • Les Pokémon exclusifs au Navi-Dex
  • Les Évolutions
  • Les différentes formes
  • Les Pokémon Légendaires
  • La reproduction Pokémon
  • Les Pokémon offerts
  • Échanges internes


  • Capturer Groudon et Kyogre
  • Capturer Rayquaza et Deoxys
  • Capturer Heatran
  • Capturer Lugia et Ho-Oh
  • Capturer Raikou, Entei et Suicune
  • Capturer Créhelf, Créfollet, Créfadet
  • Capturer Dialga, Palkia et Giratina
  • Capturer Cresselia
  • Capturer Cobaltium, Terrakium et Viridium
  • Capturer Boréas, Fulguris et Démétéros
  • Capturer Reshiram, Zekrom et Kyurem
  • Capturer Regirock, Regice, Registeel
  • Capturer Regigigas

Les Champions

  • Arène de Mérouville
  • Arène de Myokara
  • Arène de Lavandia
  • Arène de Vermilava
  • Arène de Clémenti-Ville
  • Arène de Cimetronelle
  • Arène d'Algatia
  • Arène d'Atalanopolis

Ligue Pokémon

  • Damien du Conseil 4
  • Spectra du Conseil 4
  • Glacia du Conseil 4
  • Aragon du Conseil 4
  • Pierre Rochard, Maitre de la Ligue


  • Les Maitres des Capacités
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Les Concours

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  • Présentation et principe des Concours
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  • La chasse aux drapeaux
  • Les Amis Secrets
  • Les Coins Secrets de Hoenn
  • Les Légendes de Hoenn
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  • La Grotte Zénith
  • Lavandia Sea
  • New Lavandia
  • La Cantine Lavandia
  • La Grotte Tréfonds
  • Pacifiville et Chenaux 132, 133, 134
  • La Maison des Pièges
  • La Maison de Combat
  • Guide des Lieux

Autres lieux


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  • Liste des CT et CS
  • Liste des Baies
  • Liste des Décorations
  • Liste des Méga-Gemmes
  • Objets tenus par les Pokémon sauvages

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Toute l'actualité Pokémon Diamant Étincelant et Perle Scintillante sur Pokekalos

  • Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha
  • Parc Safari">Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha > Parc Safari

Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha - Parc Safari

Parc Safari dans Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha est un lieu important situé dans la région de Hoenn. Vous pouvez retrouver tous les détails (pokémon, combats, objets) concernant Parc Safari ci-dessous.

Guide des lieux de Parc Safari Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Pokémon Saphir Alpha

Pokémon (zone nord-est)

Dans les hautes herbes, dans les très hautes herbes, pokémon (zone nord-ouest), pokémon (zone sud-est), pokémon (zone sud-ouest), pokémon (partout), navidex (après groudon / kyogre), en pêchant (canne), en pêchant (super canne), en pêchant (méga canne), distributeurs.

Aucun dresseur ne se trouve dans cette zone.

QRCode de Pokémon Rubis Oméga Saphir Alpha

  • Plateforme : Nintendo 3DS
  • Nom anglais : Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire
  • Nom japonais : ポケットモンスターオメガルビー & ポケットモンスターアルファサファイア
  • Acheter Pokémon Rubis Oméga
  • Acheter Pokémon Saphir Alpha
  • Atalanopolis
  • Bourg-en-Vol
  • Cimetronelle
  • Clémenti-Ville
  • Pacifiville
  • Atoll de Combat
  • Bois Clémenti
  • Caverne Fondmer
  • Centre Météo
  • Chemin Ardent
  • Désert Central
  • Grotte de l'Îlot
  • Grotte Granite
  • Grotte Origine
  • Grotte Tréfonds
  • Grotte Zénith
  • Lavandia Sea
  • Ligue Pokémon
  • Mont Chimnée
  • Mont Mémoria
  • New Lavandia
  • Parc Safari
  • Pilier Céleste
  • Planque Aqua
  • Planque Magma
  • Route Victoire
  • Ruines Désert
  • Sentier Sinuroc
  • Site Météore
  • Tombeau Antique
  • Tunnel Mérazon
  • Faille Dimensionnelle
  • Forêt Impénétrable
  • Forêt Mirage 1
  • Forêt Mirage 2
  • Forêt Mirage 3
  • Forêt Mirage 4
  • Forêt Mirage 5
  • Forêt Mirage 6
  • Forêt Mirage 7
  • Forêt Mirage 8
  • Gouffre Informe
  • Gros nuages noirs
  • Grotte Evanescente
  • Grotte Mirage 1
  • Grotte Mirage 2
  • Grotte Mirage 3
  • Grotte Mirage 4
  • Grotte Mirage 5
  • Grotte Mirage 6
  • Grotte Mirage 7
  • Grotte Mirage 8
  • Grotte Oubliée
  • Île de l'Arc
  • Île Mirage 1
  • Île Mirage 2
  • Île Mirage 3
  • Île Mirage 4
  • Île Mirage 5
  • Île Mirage 6
  • Île Mirage 7
  • Île Mirage 8
  • Mont Mirage 1
  • Mont Mirage 2
  • Mont Mirage 3
  • Mont Mirage 4
  • Mont Mirage 5
  • Mont Mirage 6
  • Mont Mirage 7
  • Mont Mirage 8
  • Plaine sans Nom
  • Arène de Mérouville
  • Arène de Myokara
  • Arène de Lavandia
  • Arène de Vermillava
  • Arène de Clémenti-Ville
  • Arène de Cimetronelle
  • Arène d'Algatia
  • Arène d'Atalanopolis
  • Liste et localisation des objets
  • Liste et localisation des objets évolutifs
  • Les légendaires

Parc Safari - Hoenn Rubis Oméga & Saphir Alpha Rubis Oméga & Saphir Alpha Émeraude Rubis & Saphir

  • Informations complètes
  • Table des rencontres

parc safari pokemon saphir alpha

À proximité

Capacités utiles.

Objet cs-eau

Zone nord-est

Zone nord-ouest, zone sud-est, zone sud-ouest, pokémon trouvables à parc safari, pokémon trouvables à parc safari (nord-est), pokémon trouvables à parc safari (nord-est, très hautes herbes), pokémon trouvables à parc safari (nord-ouest), pokémon trouvables à parc safari (nord-ouest, très hautes herbes), pokémon trouvables à parc safari (sud-est), pokémon trouvables à parc safari (sud-est, très hautes herbes), pokémon trouvables à parc safari (sud-ouest), pokémon trouvables à parc safari (sud-ouest, très hautes herbes).

parc safari pokemon saphir alpha

Parc safari pokemon 6G, Guide

  • Parc Safari de Hoenn

Profitez de notre guide complet sur les Parc Safari des jeux Pokémon X, Y, Rubis Omega et Saphir Alpha pour rendre vos chasses plus efficaces !

Parc safari pokemon 6G, Guide

Safari des amis (XY)

Le Safari de XY est la grande nouveauté de la sixième génération car unique en son genre : en effet, suivant les intentions des réalisateurs de maximiser la communication entre les joueurs à travers le monde, le « Safari des amis » est une attraction 100% collaborative !

Le principe est simple : Votre code ami est associé à un trio de Pokémon partageant tous un type. Tous les amis avec qui vous avez échangé votre code ami pourront accéder à votre safari, à savoir une zone où ils pourront rencontrer les Pokémon associés à votre code.

Accueil du safari des amis

Vous accédez dès la première visite aux deux premiers Pokémon d'un safari. Cependant, vous ne pourrez accéder au 3e Pokémon que si votre ami a déjà battu la ligue dans son jeu, et si vous êtes tous deux connectés au moment où vous allez au safari.

Liste d'amis Safari XY

Le plus intéressant dans tout ça est que lorsque vous avez débloqué tous les Pokémon d'un safari, vous pourrez rencontrer ces Pokémon dotés de leur talent caché !

De plus, les Pokémon que l'on y capture sont toujours dotés d'un potentiel remarquable : ils possèdent au moins deux IVs à 31 . Cette particularité bien exploitée peut grandement faciliter la construction d'une équipe stratégique . Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur notre guide de l'élevage stratégique .

Enfin, les Pokémon du Safari des amis ont une chance sur 1024 environ d'être chromatiques , contre une sur 4096 de base, ce qui en fait une ressource primordiale pour les shasseurs (chasseurs de Pokémon shinys). Cette probabilité est multipliée par deux en possession du Charme Chroma . Pour plus d'informations, retrouvez notre guide de la chasse aux Pokémon chromatiques .

A l'intérieur du Safari des amis

Voici la liste des Pokémon trouvables dans le Safari des amis de Batisques , classés par type :

  • Safari des amis de Kalos

Ambassadrice du Soleil et Prêtresse de Ho-Oh


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parc safari pokemon saphir alpha

à découvrir

parc safari pokemon saphir alpha

Parc Safari (Hoenn)

Le Parc Safari de Hoenn se trouve sur la Route 121 près de Nénucrique .

  • 2 Dans le parc
  • 3 Pokémon Émeraude
  • 4 Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha
  • 5.1 Troisième génération
  • 5.2 Sixième génération
  • 6.1.1 Nord-ouest
  • 6.1.2 Nord-est
  • 6.1.3 Sud-ouest
  • 6.1.4 Sud-est
  • 6.1.5 Extension nord (tout à l'est)
  • 6.1.6 Extension sud (tout à l'est)
  • 6.2 Sixième génération

Histoire [ modifier ]

Le Parc Safari, à l'instar des jeux précédents, est une zone optionnelle, malgré sa localisation très proche de Nénucrique et du Mont Mémoria , endroits importants pour le scénario des jeux.

La date d'inauguration du Parc est inconnue. Il est cependant très célèbre chez les Dresseurs de tout Hoenn .

Dans le parc [ modifier ]

Poké Dollar

Quand un Pokémon sauvage apparaît, quatre options sont disponibles :

  • Utiliser une Safari Ball
  • Donner un Pokébloc
  • Se Rapprocher

Le Parc Safari est divisé en plusieurs zones dans lesquels des Pokémon différents peuvent être capturés. Certaines d'entre elles sont accessibles à l'aide d'un vélo spécifique : le Vélo Course ou le Vélo Cross .

Le nombre de pas étant limité, il est possible de les économiser en utilisant Doux Parfum sur place.

Pokémon Émeraude [ modifier ]

Deux zones ont été ajoutées où il est possible de capturer des Pokémon de Johto . Elles sont accessibles une fois que le joueur a battu la Ligue Pokémon .

Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha [ modifier ]

Contrairement aux versions GBA, les Dresseurs peuvent entrer dans le parc gratuitement et peuvent utiliser leurs Balls et faire combattre leurs propres Pokémon mais ne recevront pas de Safari Ball.

Objets [ modifier ]

Troisième génération [ modifier ], sixième génération [ modifier ].

parc safari pokemon saphir alpha

Quelques objets peuvent être trouvés dans le Parc Safari. Certains objets/CT nécessitent l'utilisation des deux vélos successivement.

Pokémon [ modifier ]

Nord-ouest [ modifier ], nord-est [ modifier ], sud-ouest [ modifier ], sud-est [ modifier ], extension nord (tout à l'est) [ modifier ], extension sud (tout à l'est) [ modifier ].

Dans Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha , les Pokémon sont répartis dans 4 zones différentes. Cependant , seuls 2 Pokémon changent à chaque fois. Il y a donc une base commune à toutes les zones.

Images [ modifier ]

  • Article incomplet
  • Lieu de Hoenn
  • Lieu (jeu vidéo)
  • Lieu de Pokémon Rubis et Saphir
  • Lieu de Pokémon Émeraude
  • Lieu de Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha
  • Zone Safari
  • Page avec un module Tableau Pokémon

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Get the most of your stay in Moscow

parc safari pokemon saphir alpha

TOP-11 Moscow Parks to Visit

I have chosen the best 11 Moscow parks to visit and spend a beautiful time for you. Do not miss and choose one that you like the most – cycling, festivals, flowers, panoramic views and many other things are waiting for you!

Gorky Park (The Central Park of Culture and Leisure) – The main one of the Moscow Parks

In my opinion this park could be called the main park of the city. Why? Because of its huge territory, the central location and the amount of people visiting the park daily.  It was founded in 1928 and in 2011 it was totally reconstructed. Now it pleases visitors with modern objects and soft green lawns.

  • Oktybrskaya or Park Kultuty metro station, Krimsky Val, 9

The Gorky park is a the right choice for everyone! The youth will like a free WiFi, bicycles, skateboards and other rentals; the couples will enjoy spending time near the river, watching a sunset; parents will appreciate colorful playgrounds and a room for mother and child. Everyone can find something for themselves: from yoga classes  to watching movies in a cozy summer cinema, from dance classes to volleyball playground. Gorky Park is also the venue for all kinds of exhibitions, festivals, events for children and adults. During the winter there is one of the biggest skating rinks in the park.

Museon Art Park – A Second Gorky they say

“Museon” is located on the opposite side of Krimsky Val street. And right now some people believe that Gorky and Museon together is a one space sharing the same beauty.

  • Oktybrskaya or Park Kultuty metro station, Krimsky Val, 2

The Park of Arts was named this way because there is the largest composition of open-air sculptures in Russia. In its territory there are already more than 1000 unique exhibits: from monuments of the socialist realism era to various kinds of contemporary art. But this is not all the attractions of the park. In recent years, “Museon” has become an important cultural site of the city. The park regularly hold many different concerts, festivals, educational projects in the field of art and design. There is a Central House of the Artist, a comfortable summer cinema and other attractions on territory. Be sure to stroll pedestrian Crimean embankment, which looks like a modern park.

Neskuchny Garden – True Russian Nature is Here

Neskuchny garden is located on the right bank of the Moscow River. Today it is also seen as a part of the Gorky Park. This landscape park is one of the oldest in the city and is protected by the state. Its name was received from the Neskuchnoye Estate of  Prince Trubetskoi which is still located in the park.

  • Leninsky Prospekt metro station, Leninsky Prospect, 30

This park is famous mostly for its location close to the Gorky park. It is a quite place with true nature, lots of trees and squirrels and also ancient architecture. As in every park, there are sports and playgrounds, cafes and even a football field.

Zaryadye Park – 5 Steps Away From The Red Square

The area of this brand new park was opened only in September 2017 and located in the very heart of Moscow – right near the Red Square.

  • Open from 10AM to 10PM
  • Teatralnaya, Okhotnyi ryad, Ploschad Revolutsii

The park has 4 zones, each of them represent different parts of Russian landscapes. Above the river there is a floating bridge from where you get to see one of the best panoramic views on Moscow. Other attractions of the park are 5D cinema where you can take a flight above Moscow, few cafes and restaurants, pretty lakes with fishes and old preserved churches. In addition there is still being built a  philharmonic hall, covered with a huge dome and an Ice cage where the temperature will always stay below zero degrees.

When you are on the Red Square do not miss it!

All-Russia Exhibition Center (VDNKh) – The Soviet Style Moscow Park

Park VDNKh – one of the most famous parks in Moscow. This park is one of the sights of the city as it hasn’t changed much since the Soviet era.

  • VDNKh metro station, Prospect Mira, 119

The symbol of VDNKh is a fountain with 16 women symbolizing the friendship of the nations of the USSR. Around this fountain there are all the pavilions representing 16 republics. Now inside the pavilions you find various shops, cafes and exhibitions. If you go deep inside the park you will find a rocket Vostok and and an aircraft. What is funny the inside of the aircraft there is actually a photo exhibition. Near the northern entrance you there is a famous sculpture “Worker and Kolkhoz Woman”. It is extremely famous among Russians as all the movies by Mosfilm corporation used to start with the picture of this statue. But if you go further inside the park you will reach a very calm area. A lake is there, forest and birds singing. Since the park occupies a large area I suggest you to rent a bicycle.

Sokolniki Park – A Place For A Hunt Or For Leisure?

The park got its name because of the royal falconry, which took place there in the past when there was a dense forest. (Sokol means a falcon.) In 2011 it was significantly transformed: updated lawns, landscaped ponds and picnic areas, restored summer cinema and theater, a large rose garden, sports grounds, bicycle paths and other things.

  • Sokolniki metro station, Sokolnichesky Val, 1, p. 1

From the main entrance along the alley you can walk to the Sokolniki circle, where 8 alleys form 9 sectors, in each of them you will find trees of the same breed.  The park is famous for its rosary, as well as flower decoration. On the territory of the park there are concert halls, a library, amusement zone, dances zone and many many other attractions. In winter the park has a skating rink (a free of charge one) and ski runs. During the warm season you can rent a bicycle.

Tsaritsino Park – A Different World Inside Moscow

Here you can walk for hours, admiring the most beautiful nature and magnificent architecture.

  • Open from 6AM to 12AM
  • Tsaritsyno metro station, Dolsky, 1

The most amazing part of the park is the lake with a light and musical fountain. Every evening the fountain starts the show. Lights and music combined make you feel like you are not in Moscow but in a fairy tale. The park is also well equipped for sports lovers and healthy lifestyle. There are volleyball and basketball courts, a tennis court, sports facilities for acrobatics, bodybuilding equipment.

What I personally like about this park is the atmosphere. This place is actually far from the city center but I love going there anyway. Whenever I go there I feel like I left Moscow with all its hectic lifestyle. It is the place where I relax, enjoy myself or a company of my friends and feel kind of different. By the way totally suggested for a date!

Kolomenskoye Park – Combination Of Reserve and Architecture

The Kolomenskoye park is actually a Museum-Reserve. It is a former residence of Russian tsars and one of the most scenic places in Moscow.

  • May to September – open from 8AM to 12AM, October to April – from 8AM to 9PM
  • Kolomenskoye metro station, Andropov Ave, 39

 Alike with Tsaritsino park Kolomenskoye park has its own special atmosphere with all the architecture, trees, ponds and even a river bank. The park regularly hosts various folk festivals and different fairs. In summer time you can play with kites or rent a bicycle and ride around the huge area of the park.

I love the view that you get on the city from one of the hills near the river. I love the apple trees alleys and the beautiful churches. It is also a bit far from the city center but yet worth going there. One of my best friends even celebrated her wedding there.

Aptekarsky Garden or Botanical garden of the Moscow State University – The Best Botanical Garden in The World

Aptekar in Russian language means a pharmacist so basically it is a pharmacist’s garden. It was founded in 1706 by Peter The Great for growing medicinal plants for the royal family. But later they moved it from under the walls of the Kremlin to the current location.

  • Open from 10AM to 8PM
  • Prospect Mira metro station, Prospekt Mira, 26

In the botanical garden there are no attractions and noisy crowds of tourists. The area of the garden is not as big as any other park in Moscow. And the entrance is not free. But this exactly what makes this park one of the most comfortable in the city. In the Aptekarsky garden they grow thousands of different plants, flowers and trees. Some of the trees are more than 300 years old. They held different festivals there: flowers festivals, sand and ice sculptures expositions.

For me it is one of the most beautiful parks not only in Moscow but in the world. I have never seen so many different flowers and plants anywhere else. And trust me I am a real park lover. And what is more the staff really takes care about every single tree or plant there, some of the trees have names and stories. I love it there and I think the price is really worth what you get.

Victory Park – A Park That Makes Us Remember The War

The park is located on the Poklonnaya Hill and it has one of the world’s largest memorial complexes dedicated to the World War II. The park was opened for the 50th anniversary of the Victory on May 9, 1995. It is also one of the main venues in the city for holding a variety of mass events.

  • Park Pobedy metro station, Brothers Fonchenko, 7

On the main avenue of the park there are with 1418 fountains – exactly as long as the war lasted. Fountains make five water terraces, symbolizing five years of military operations. And in the center of the park there is the Museum of the Great Patriotic War. If you are interested in the history of the war do not miss it. The Poklonnaya Hill is a part of the park and from the hill you get one of the best views on the city of Moscow. And I could say this is the best place for watching the fireworks during the mass celebrations. But be aware it gets too crowded then. As in most of the other big parks you can rent a bicycle or rollers there.

Izmailovsky Park – A Mix of a Big Forest and Attractions

Izmaylovsky Park occupies a huge green territory, making up a large part of the Izmailovo district. The park consists of two parts: Izmaylovsky Park of Culture and Rest and the forest park of Izmailovo. First part is full of attractions and restaurants while the second one is like a real forest with pine trees, birch groves, beautiful clearings and ponds.

  • Izmaylovskaya, Shosse Entuziastov or Partizanskaya metro stations, Izmaylovsky Park

It is easy to spend there a whole day. A large landscaped area and a lot of various entertainments for children and adults will help you not to get bored. An observation wheel, a boat station, children’s playgrounds, a dance floor, sports grounds, a skate park – all this is only a small part of the possible leisure activities. In the park there are bike paths and a rental services.

I don’t go there often to be honest. But the park is very very close whenever to a souvenir market on Partizanskaya metro station. And whenever the weather is nice and I have enough of free time I stroll through the alleys of the park and enjoy the nature. So if you are going to the souvenir market too and you have enough free time then do go to the park too.

5 thoughts on “TOP-11 Moscow Parks to Visit”

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Yes, sure 🙂 This is my top list 🙂

Yes, sure. These are my favorites!

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I like this blog very much. Please keep sharing it in future too.

Thanks for sharing.

Thank you! 🙂

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  • The Best Parks In Moscow

The Best Parks In Moscow, Russia

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The parks of Moscow, Russia, are the big green lungs of the city, where you can relax from the eternal hum of roads, work and noisy neighbors. Here is our selection of the best parks for a memorable afternoon.

Gorky central park of culture and leisure.

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One of the oldest culture and leisure amusement parks in Russia, Gorky Park was created on the banks of the Moscow River in 1928. It is a perfect place for an active holiday, with lots to do – it even has several shooting ranges. Most notably, the original layout has remained intact to the present day. Gorky Park is always full of people: in the colder months fans of a winter skate queue patiently in order to go on the ice skating rink. In summer many visitors simply have lazy strolls along the alleys of the most famous park in Moscow. Golitsyn Pond is equipped with a boat station, where you can hire a pedalo or catamaran.

Museum-Reserve Tsaritsyno

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Vorobyovy Gory

Vorobyovy Gory can be described as a huge green mass, lying on the bank of the Moscow river. The park can be seen at the exit of the metro station of the same name. Vorobyovy Gory features a high jump platform, which points to its history tied with sports facilities. Near the top of the jump, there is a viewing platform, which is visited by an enormous flow of people with cameras and easels. The panoramic view shows off the wonderful skyline of Moscow, the river, Luzhniki Stadium, Novodevichy Monastery, St Andrew’s Monastery and skyscrapers of the Moscow City complex. If you head towards the building of Moscow State University, in front of it you will spot an alley with the busts of great scientists and a lovely pond. The park also features wonderful slopes and access to the waterfront. Here you can enjoy nature and solitude, paint landscapes or read classical literature.

MSU Botanical Garden Aptekarskiy Ogorod

Aptekarskiy Ogorod is not quite a park but an oasis away from the stone and concrete of the city. At the beginning of 17th century Peter I decided to build a herb garden on this site. With that decree began the stormy history of the garden, which in Soviet times was essentially abandoned. Now it is a small cozy garden, and a lovely place to go during lunch or visit on a romantic date. The park features dozens of attractive, bright colors which cannot be found anywhere else in Moscow, and a beautiful pond dotted with water lilies. There is a shop with rare plants, where you can buy rare seeds of American blueberry or bog oak. During the winter the park hosts festivals of ice sculptures. In spring, exhibitions of orchids are perfect events for admiring their blossoming and a variety of floral crops. In the summer you can simply enjoy teasing fish in the pond, and sitting on a bench admiring the colorful nature.

Izmaylovsky Park

Izmaylovskiy Park of Culture and Leisure is a combination of nature and grounds for outdoor activities and cultural entertainment. Whenever possible, Muscovites try to get to the park to breathe in the fresh, clean air. Izmaylovsky Park was created in 1931, and since then its green doors have been open to visitors all year round. Spending a day out in the park with the family has became one of the good traditions for residents of Moscow. The park resembles more of a genuine forest, with green trees, rotten stumps covered with moss and lichen overgrown with tall grasses.

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Russian Tours and Cruises from Express to Russia

  • Gorky Central Park of Culture and Recreation, Moscow
  • Guide to Russia

What is the history of Gorky Park?

  • In the pre-revolutionary period, Gorky Park was a city dump and wasteland, which was cleared in 1923 to host the All-Russian Agricultural and Artisan Industrial Exhibition
  • In 1928, a huge park was planned on the former site of the exhibition. It would not just be a place of leisure, but a place to proudly display Soviet culture and daily life
  • Gorky Park has remained a cultural hub ever since, and has been renovated and added to over the years to make it one of Moscow’s top attractions today

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Recreation

Gorky Park is the most famous park of Moscow, created during the Soviet period as a hub for relaxation and cultural activities. The park is beloved by Muscovites and tourists alike, who visit in all seasons to stroll, enjoy sports, admire the park’s attractions, and attend cultural events. Gorky Park is the central part of an ensemble of four green spaces – Muzeon Park of Arts, Neskuchny Garden, and Sparrow Hills Nature Reserve – which curve around the southern bank of the Moskva River to the south-west of Moscow city centre. Here you may spend some time and enjoy nature and contemprary art during your vacation in Moscow .

History of Gorky Park

Imperial russia.

In the 17th century, the eastern bank of the Moskva River beyond Moscow’s city limits was home to floodplain meadows, where palace horses grazed. From the mid-1850s, events such as cockfights, fistfights, and races were held here, and by the 20th century this area had become a city dump where the unemployed and homeless people of Moscow lived, which remained this way until the Soviet period. This wasteland lay in stark contrast to the adjoining Neskuchny Sad – ‘merry garden’ – which lay to its south, an area of aristocratic country estates and elaborate gardens.

Soviet Russia

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Recreation

Photo from

Following the October Revolution, Vladimir Lenin travelled around Moscow to find a suitable site for the first All-Russian Agricultural and Artisan Industrial Exhibition, which would reveal opportunities for socialist development of agriculture and industry. Lenin decided on the wasteland alongside the Moskva River, which was cleared with a programme of community work. In 1923, the exhibition began. It encompassed 250 pavilions dedicated to different themes of agriculture and industry, and was divided into thematic zones, such as villages, livestock, crops, engineering, railways, republics of the USSR, and foreign countries. The organisation of the exhibition demarcated the future layout and size of Gorky Park, and the paths, ‘zones’, and main square of the exhibition have been preserved until the present day. In March 1928, Moscow City Council decided to establish a park of culture and recreation on the site of the former exhibition, which would also encompass the Neskuchny Garden. Moscow’s residents were instrumental in the construction of the park – they voiced their desires for events spaces, physical education and leisure facilities, and gave up their weekends to build the park. The park’s main architect was Konstantin Melnikov.

Did you know? Konstantin Melnikov also helped to construct Lenin’s Mausoleum and the Rusakov Worker’s Club, one of Moscow’s Constructivist masterpieces .

Over 100,000 Muscovites flocked to the opening of the park on 12th August 1928. The brand-new park was equipped with two theatres, a cinema, nursery, reading room, restaurant and café, music stages, sports arenas, rowing boats, and even a giant helter-skelter slide. Unfortunately, because of the vast size of the crowd and the general excitement, the park was damaged and closed until September.

Did you know? The park was not named after Maxim Gorky, writer and founder of Socialist Realism, until 1933.

In 1929, Betty Glan – at the mere age of 26 – became director of the park. She decided to reconceptualise it, uniting leisure, design, and ideology with the help of Moscow’s most eminent architects, designers and artists. Over the next decade, more cultural venues were established in the park, the Pushkinskaya Embankment along the Moskva River was developed, and the landscaping of the park was carefully cultivated. Architect Alexander Vlasov was particularly influential, and won the Grand Prix at the 1937 World Exhibition in Paris for his design of Gorky Park. This period under Glan’s directorship until 1937 was known as the ‘golden age’ of Gorky Park, which became not just a place for recreation, but a public space where Soviet culture and everyday life could be proudly displayed.

Did you know? During the Second World War topical events were held in Gorky Park, such as the championship in bayonet combat, grenade-throwing competitions, and air defence training. What’s more, an exhibition of captured enemy weapons – tanks, artillery, aeroplanes, and more – was organised in Gorky Park and continually updated throughout the war.

In the post-war decades new attractions were continually added to Gorky Park. These included the majestic 24-metre triumphal arch at the entrance to the park, an astronomical observatory (which remains open today), the famous Ferris wheel (unfortunately dismantled in 2008), and a fountain with lights and music.

Russia today

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Recreation

Photo from

The Gorky Park ensemble continued to flourish as a centre of culture and recreation in post-Soviet Russia. The adjoining Muzeon Park of Arts was founded in 1992, and Garage Museum of Contemporary Art was established in Gorky Park in 2008. The ensemble underwent serious reconstruction in 2011. Many new sports facilities were added, including centres for beach sports and extreme sports, bicycle paths and sports equipment rental hubs, and much effort was devoted to reviving original buildings, sculptures, and landscape compositions. Two years later, the embankment of the Moskva River from the southern tip of Zamoskvorechye Island all the way to Sparrow Hills was redeveloped and pedestrianised, making it possible to peacefully walk or cycle along the Moskva for many kilometres.

What can you do at Gorky Park today?

  • Explore the park and see architectural attractions, fountains, and beautiful gardens
  • Visit Garage Museum of Contemporary Art and the Gorky Park Museum
  • Go boating on the lakes and stroll down the Pushkinskaya Embankment
  • Rent bicycles or scooters, skateboard, and visit the sports centres

What can you do at Gorky Park?

Park attractions.

While exploring the treelined paths of Gorky Park, you’ll come across a number of attractions. To the west of the main entrance, near the river, is a beautiful geometric bandstand used for music and literary evenings in the Soviet period. As you head down the central alley of Gorky Park from the main entrance, you’ll see a statue of Maxim Gorky on your right, and discover the light and music fountain with its dancing jets of water – find the schedule of its performances here .

Did you know? Don’t be afraid to feed the red squirrels and birds you encounter on your walk around Gorky Park – there are even vending machines which sell special food for the animals!

The southern section of Gorky Park is occupied by the Golitsynsky Garden. In 1802, the Golitsyn Hospital was founded here as a hospital for the poor; it still adjoins Gorky Park today. Gardens were created as a relaxation place for patients, extending from the hospital building to the riverbank, and included landscaped gardens, a Chinese Bridge, and two ponds. On the riverbank is the Rotunda of the Golitsyn Hospital, which has been preserved since the 19th century. There is also a rose garden and fountain by the Bolshoi Golitsynsky Pond.

Did you know? In the Golitsynsky Garden is also located an unusual architectural monument – a public toilet designed by Alexander Vlasov in the 1930s, which is recognised as an ‘object of cultural heritage’!

Outdoor activities

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Recreation

Gorky Park’s extensive and varied grounds aren’t only good for walks! You can relax on the water by renting boats to sail on the Pionersky and Bolshoi Golitsynsky Ponds, or visiting the Olivkovy Beach on the Pushkinskaya Embankment to sunbathe. As well as this, you can hire bicycles, electric scooters, longboards or even roller skates to explore the park and embankments, play table tennis, visit the sports complex to play football, basketball, handball, badminton or volleyball, or visit the Vans skatepark or Nike sports centre for workouts and classes such as rooftop yoga.

Gorky Park Museum

Gorky Central Park of Culture and Recreation

Photo from

Visit the Gorky Park Museum, located in the left pier of the entrance arch. The current exhibition is dedicated to Gorky Park in the ‘golden age’ of the 1930s, and shows the development of Moscow’s central park through the eyes of Betty Glan. There is an observation deck on top of the arch, which offers a lovely view over the park and Moscow’s skyline.

Did you know? In the entrance arch there is also a gift shop where you can purchase balls, frisbees, blankets, and other items to enjoy your visit to Gorky Park.

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art

Garage Museum

Photo from

In Gorky Park you will find Garage Museum, Russia’s first philanthropic institution dedicated to contemporary art, founded in 2008 by Roman Abramovich and Dasha Zhukova. 10 major exhibitions are hosted each year to showcase the work of established and up-and-coming artists. Also organised are a rich programme of events including curator-led excursions, workshops, masterclasses, lectures, concerts, performances, festivals, and film screenings at Garage’s outdoor cinema. Read our article about Garage Museum of Contemporary Art to learn more.

Food and drink

There are plenty of excellent cafes and restaurants dotted around Gorky Park, where you can stop for a quick coffee or enjoy a long meal with a view. They include the stylish lakeside café Ostrovok (Little Island) and upmarket restaurant Vremena Goda (Seasons) which serve European and Russian food, colourful lakeside Thai restaurant Lebedinoe Ozero (Swan Lake), trattoria Merkato with its huge summer terrace, restaurant Syrovarnya (Cheese Factory) with a menu focused on its homemade cheese, food-truck court Restoparking which is stylised as a drive-in café, and ice-cream and tea shop Chaynaya Vysota.

What’s nearby?

Gorky Park is bordered by Muzeon Park of Arts, Neskuchny Garden, and Sparrow Hills Nature Reserve. This huge ensemble curves for eight kilometres along the bank of the Moskva River, providing a beautiful oasis of green in Europe’s biggest city.

Muzeon Park of Arts

Muzeon Park

Photo from

Muzeon Park of Arts is the largest open-air sculpture museum in Russia, home to 1,000 sculptures by Soviet and Russian sculptors, including those by famous artists. A large part of Muzeon is occupied by the New Tretyakov Gallery , which houses Russia’s most complete exhibition of national art from the 20th century to the present day. The pedestrianised Krymskaya Embankment which extends alongside Muzeon has recently undergone redevelopment, and is one of Moscow’s most popular spots to relax.

Neskuchny Garden

Neskuchny Garden is the oldest park in Moscow, founded in 1728 by Prince Nikita Trubetskoy, who threw fantastic festivities in his manor house and gardens – neskuchny means ‘merry’ in Russian. Many other noble families also built their country estates in this area, which became a public park and garden after being acquired by the royal family. Today, the Neskuchny Garden is home to historical buildings, fountains, and gardens from the 18th and 19th centuries, sports facilities, an open-air theatre, and a huge greenhouse which supplies flowers to Gorky Park.

Sparrow Hills

Sparrow Hills Nature Reserve is a huge forest park lining the steep bank of the Moskva River and the only specially protected nature area near the city centre. It is home to ecological trails, ponds, natural springs, rare species of plants and animals, many spots for picnicking, cafes, and a mini zoo. At the bottom of the park lie the Vorobyovskaya and Andreevskaya Embankments, with promenades along the Moskva River, a beach, and piers offering boat trips. As with Gorky Park, Sparrow Hills is hugely popular for sports and outdoor activities in all seasons. A new winter sports complex with snowboarding, ice skating, and ski tracks and jumps is currently under construction. When the weather is pleasant, you can rent a bicycle to ride the 8 kilometres along the river from Muzeon to Sparrow Hills.

Essential information for visitors Address and contact details Gorky Park, Krymsky Val, 9, Moscow, 119049 Website: Email:  [email protected] Telephone: +7 (495) 995-00-20 Nearest metro: Oktyabrskaya (570m), Park Kultury (860m) Opening hours and tickets

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Pokédex Hoenn

Pokédex d'Hoenn

Le Pokédex d'Hoenn fut le tout premier à mettre en place le Mode Régional , disposant d'un nombre limité de Pokémon des 3 premières générations, et le Mode National donnant accès à la totalité des Pokémon disponibles une fois la Ligue Pokémon vaincue. Nous avions ainsi intialement 202 Pokémon disponibles en démarrant l'aventure sur Pokémon Rubis Saphir .

Sur Pokémon Rubis Omega Saphir Alpha ce concept n'a pas changé, néanmoins ce nouveau Pokédex n'est pas exactement le même que son prédécesseur. Car il liste désormais 211 Pokémon , afin de pouvoir inclure les évolutions 4ème Génération des Pokémon déjà présents. Je pense par exemple à Noctunoir que vous retrouverez face au Conseil 4 Spectra .

La localisation de certains Pokémon sera mise à jour une fois les jeux sortis.

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  1. Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha > Guide complet de Hoenn > Parc

    parc safari pokemon saphir alpha

  2. Let's Play Pokémon Saphir Alpha #21 (FR)

    parc safari pokemon saphir alpha

  3. Parc Safari dans Pokemon Rubis Omega & Saphir Alpha

    parc safari pokemon saphir alpha

  4. Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha > Guide des Lieux > Parc Safari

    parc safari pokemon saphir alpha

  5. ALPHA SAPHIR Pokemon :: 70 :: Safari zone ::Ger::HD::100%

    parc safari pokemon saphir alpha

  6. Parc Safari dans Pokemon Rubis Omega & Saphir Alpha

    parc safari pokemon saphir alpha


  1. Pokémon Saphir

  2. [🌟468] Noeunoeuf chromatique / shiny Exeggcute

  3. [🌟467] {IRL#2} Mimitoss chromatique / shiny Venonat

  4. Let's Play Pokémon Alpha Saphir [German][#20] Rivalenkampf in Seegrasulb-City!

  5. Safari Park Karachi

  6. (Bonus) Pokémon Light Platinum : Découvrons le Parc Safari !


  1. Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha > Guide des Lieux > Parc Safari

    Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir AlphaGuide des LieuxParc Safari. Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha. Guide des Lieux. Parc Safari. Guides des Lieux. Routes. Villes. Lieux importants. Cliquez pour agrandir.

  2. Parc Safari dans Pokemon Rubis Omega & Saphir Alpha

    Tu l'auras compris, on a affaire à un vrai Parc Safari, dans l'esprit des versions originales de Rubis et Saphir. Dans l'esprit seulement, puisqu'à défaut de franches innovations, il y a quelques différences. Et oui, tu peux oublier les mangeoires à PokéBlocs à l'utilité obscure, dire adieu aux face à face à mains nues entre toi et un ...

  3. Le Parc Safari

    Le Parc Safari - Guide du lieu - Pokémon Saphir Alpha et Rubis Oméga Qu'est-ce que le Parc Safari ? Le Parc Safari est un lieu unique se trouvant sur la Route 121, qui permet aux Dresseurs de la région de Hoenn de croiser plusieurs sortes de Pokémon.A une certaine époque, le parc était payant, mais depuis que des bénévoles se chargent de cet endroit, l'entrée est gratuite.

  4. Pokémon Rubis et Saphir > Guide du Parc Safari

    Pokémon Rubis et Saphir. Guide du Parc Safari. Le Parc Safari est un endroit où vous pouvez capturer des Pokémon impossibles à trouver ailleurs pour la modique somme de 500 Pokédollars. C'est un endroit conseillé pour ceux qui souhaitent compléter leur Pokédex avec des Pokémon de Kanto et Johto. Le Parc se trouve sur la Route 121, un ...

  5. Pokémon SAPHIR ALPHA 07

    Rediffusion du samedi 12 Août 2023 sur Twitch : capture un Absol pour se préparer à la prochaine arène et on fait le PARC S...

  6. Pokemon saphir Alpha partie 23 parc safari et la altarite absolite!

    Salut à tous pour une nouvelle vidéo Pokemon saphir Alpha partie 23 parc safari et les mega gemme absolite altarite!N'hesite pas à liker,commenter abonne-toi...

  7. POKEMON SAPHIR ALPHA #6 : Un petit tour au parc Safari ! Le pokedex se

    Si la vidéo vous plait, n'oubliez pas de laisser un pouce bleu et de vous abonner ;-) Vous pouvez voir les streams en direct sur la chaine Twitch : https://w...

  8. Safari Zone

    The Safari Zone is a gated off area in eastern-central Hoenn where you can catch a large number of different and rare Pokemon. This area can only be reached from Route 121 . Head inside the ...

  9. Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha > Parc Safari

    Parc Safari dans Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha est un lieu important situé dans la région de Hoenn. Vous pouvez retrouver tous les détails (pokémon, combats, objets) concernant Parc Safari ci-dessous. Carte - Parc Safari. Nord ↑. Est →. Sud ↓.

  10. Fiche de Parc Safari

    Vendu pour 300 au distributeur. CT85 Dévorêve. Donnée dans le bâtiment. Pépite. Au sol 1 (Vélo de Course) Grande Perle. Au sol 2 (Vélo de Course) Absolite. Au sol (Vélo Cross)

  11. Parc Safari de Hoenn

    Parc safari pokemon 6G, Guide. Le safari de Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha est également un tournant dans l'histoire des zones Safari Pokémon dans le sens où toutes les règles imposées par le ...

  12. Parc safari pokemon 6G, Guide

    Parc safari pokemon 6G, Guide. Safari des amis de Kalos. Profitez de notre guide complet sur les Parc Safari des jeux Pokémon X, Y, Rubis Omega et Saphir Alpha pour rendre vos chasses plus ...

  13. Parc Safari (Hoenn)

    Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Saphir Alpha . Contrairement aux versions GBA, les Dresseurs peuvent entrer dans le parc gratuitement et peuvent utiliser leurs Balls et faire combattre leurs propres Pokémon mais ne recevront pas de Safari Ball. Objets Troisième génération Pokémon Rubis, Saphir et Émeraude

  14. Le Parc Safari dans Pokemon Rubis & Saphir

    Et ce que vous pouvez y trouver. Dans Pokémon Rubis et Saphir, le Parc Safari refait surface. De quoi vous rappelez les heures les plus sombres de vos parties de Pokémon Rouge et Bleu. Dans ce parc Safari vous ne retrouverez que des anciens Pokémon, pas de nouveautés. Il est situé près de la ville de Nénucrique.

  15. Pokémon Saphir

    Et on continue dans les lieux un peu cachés de Pokémon Saphir ! Aujourd'hui, on découvre le parc Safari où on capture 2 Pokémons et L'épave, un bateau abando...

  16. Avoir les deux Vélos dans Pokemon Rubis Omega & Saphir Alpha

    Le Vélo Course Le Vélo Cross Avoir les deux - un rêve devenu réalité Vous vous trouvez au Parc Safari et vous êtes chagriné à l'idée de perdre 500 Pokédoll. Pokemon Rubis Omega & Saphir Alpha Avoir les deux Vélos.

  17. Let's Play Pokémon Saphir Alpha #21 (FR)

    Hey salut tout le monde on se retrouve pour le Let's Play de Pokémon Saphir Alpha (FR) je suis heureux enfin Pokémon Saphir Alpha et Pokémon le Let's Play Po...

  18. 11 Moscow Parks To Visit And Spend a Beautiful Time

    The Kolomenskoye park is actually a Museum-Reserve. It is a former residence of Russian tsars and one of the most scenic places in Moscow. Free. May to September - open from 8AM to 12AM, October to April - from 8AM to 9PM. Kolomenskoye metro station, Andropov Ave, 39.

  19. Les Pokéblocs dans Pokemon Rubis Omega & Saphir Alpha

    Ils avaient une utilité non négligeable dans le Parc Safari. En effet, ils remplaçaient les appâts de Pokémon Rouge et Bleu! Peut-être que dans Pokémon Rubis Oméga Saphir Alpha cette fonctionnalité sera toujours d'actualité, même si pour l'instant on a aucune informations sur le Parc Safari. → Retour au Sommaire. Créer des Pokéblocs

  20. The Best Parks In Moscow Russia

    Gorky Central Park of Culture and Leisure. One of the oldest culture and leisure amusement parks in Russia, Gorky Park was created on the banks of the Moscow River in 1928. It is a perfect place for an active holiday, with lots to do - it even has several shooting ranges. Most notably, the original layout has remained intact to the present day.

  21. Gorky Central Park of Culture and Recreation, Moscow

    Telephone: +7 (495) 995-00-20. Nearest metro: Oktyabrskaya (570m), Park Kultury (860m) Opening hours and tickets. Gorky Park is Moscow's most famous park, beloved by Muscovites and tourists alike who visit in all seasons to stroll, play sports, admire the park's attractions, and attend events.

  22. Pokédex Hoenn dans Pokemon Rubis Omega & Saphir Alpha

    Sur Pokémon Rubis Omega Saphir Alpha ce concept n'a pas changé, néanmoins ce nouveau Pokédex n'est pas exactement le même que son prédécesseur. Car il liste désormais 211 Pokémon, afin de pouvoir inclure les évolutions 4ème Génération des Pokémon déjà présents. Je pense par exemple à Noctunoir que vous retrouverez face au ...

  23. Parc Safari

    Musique des jeux Pokémon Rubis Oméga et Pokémon Saphir Alpha, sur 3DS. (2014)Compositeurs : Shota Kageyama, Minako Adachi, Hideaki Kuroda, Hitomi Sato.Playli...