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  • महाराष्ट्र शासन
  • Government of Maharashtra

Government of Maharashtra

  • About Raj Bhavan
  • Raj Bhavan History

Raj Bhavan Mumbai



Ariel View of The Raj Bhavan, Mumbai

Mumbai Raj Bhavan is the official residence of the Governor of Maharashtra. It is one of the most beautiful buildings in Mumbai city.

It is situated on about 44 acres of land and surrounded by sea on three sides. The Raj Bhavan complex at Malabar Hill has a mile-long stretch of thick forests, a sandy beach and several lush lawns. The most significant fact about Mumbai Raj Bhavan is that it breathes a century and a half of history.

The Mumbai Raj Bhavan has a precious collection of beautiful carpets, paintings, exquisitely carved doors and elegant French-style chairs and sofas with intricate portraits on them.

Visitors to the Raj Bhavan have often been curious to know about the buildings’ history and some of the items kept here. This section will prove to be valuable for lovers of art and history.

The Tides of Time

The Tides of Time

The Tides of Time Sheltered by a cliff, and enshrined by the sea, is an ancient temple at Raj Bhavan. The idols gaze beyond the curve of the harbour into the infinite horizons of history. They have watched the tides of time write scriptures the sands.

Primordial power on the islands, these idols were worshipped by the earliest inhabitants of Mumbai, the Kolis (fisher people). In the ebb and flow of the coming centuries, the temple saw invaders wash upon the shores. The Portuguese landed, swept into the hinterland and established new centres of power. The English arrived, lured by prospects of trade. The Portuguese receded from Mumbai and moved south.

The English remained, sowing their foreign government in the native soil. They commenced their reign from Bombay Castle, the city centre. Political currents would transfer Government House in a series of moves to Malabar Point, where the waves continued to beat upon the temple sands.

Meanwhile, the inexorable for freedom engulfed the nation. On the 15th of August 1947, the triumphant strike the of midnight hour sounded in an independent nation at Government House A new India was born. Government House was renamed Raj Bhavan. The Indian tricolour was unfurled to fly proudly in the cusp of an ancient divinity and a modern democracy.

The idols watched the sun setting on the sails of the British Empire as their fleet faded into the horizon. The Indian Governors invited the Kolis to renew their rites.

The Kolis returned with ritual offerings of flowers and incense, to invoke the gods. They consecrated the idols with milk and ghee. In reverence, they bowed before the silent shrine that continues to chronicle the destiny of Mumbai, a child of the sea.

Winds of Change


The Portuguese (in 1534) dropped anchor in the bay of Bom Baim. They lived on the island, fanned by the sultry tropical breeze until trade winds blew in an Anglo-Dutch force in 1626. The forces of England and Holland, could not wrest control from the Portuguese. They left the island hungry for a piece of the spice trade. The English decided to forego combat in order to conquer this destiny. Place intrigues and matrimonial politics would tie the fortunes of spice.

In 1661, a royal wedding was announced. King Charles II would marry Catherine of Braganza, the sister of the King of Portugal. The twist in the knot was that she would bring with her as dowry, the island of Bom Baim.

The English Governor, Sir Abraham Shipman sailed for Bom Baim to transfer the islands to the crown. The residing Portuguese Governor wilfully delayed the transfer till 1665. Shipman died in the line of duty before he was able to execute his command. The mission was passed on to Humphrey Cooke.

In 1665, Cooke ceremoniously took possession of Bombaie by taking earth and stone in his hands. The Instrument of Possession was signed in the Manor House, anchoring a jewel to the crown.

Bombay Castle

Bombay Castle

The English established themselves at The Manor House and bestowed upon it a new sovereign title, The Bombay Castle. This first Government House was situated in the heart of the Fort, behind the Town Hall and between the Mint and the Old Customs House.

Bombay Castle had a commanding view that strategically encompassed the port, its two bays and the Town. In the words of an ensign, Bombay Castle was, the strongest hold our makers are master of, in India.

Historian James Douglas evokes the powerful impression of Bombay Castle, you pass under a lofty gate. Two figures look upon you, Portuguese soldiers bearing aloft the great globe itself, a significant emblem of an inflated dominion by sea and land.

King Charles II was in perennial need of funds. He leased the islands to the East India Company in exchange for a loan and a yearly rent of ten pounds in 1668. Sir George Oxinden was the first Governor appointed by the East India Company.

By 1686, the East India Company shifted its headquarters from Surat to Bombay. By 1710 the Castle had been provided with a strong magazine, quarters for soldiers and tanks to supply fresh water for a thousand people for twenty months.

Later, this move that had initiated fortifications, prompted another shift. It was deemed strategically inappropriate for the Governor to live within the bulwarks. For, all those who visited him would be able to assess the strength and preparedness of the garrison. The search began for a new residence.

New House

Mr John Spencer’s home in Apollo Street was purchased in 1757, it would be the new residence of the Governor. It was aptly titled New House and subsequently Company House.

The Governor did not reside here for long. Bombay had begun to grow and the heart of the city was becoming congested. Governors had begun to prefer the climes at the occasional hot weather residence at Parel.

Sans Pareil

Sans Pareil

Once a Jesuit monastery, the magnificent mansion at Parel was built on the ruins of the old Vaijanath Temple. A traveller, Carsten Neibur had suggested the villa at Parel be called Sans Pareil (The Peerless) since nothing could compare with it in all of India.

Mr. W. Hornby (1771-1784) was the first Governor to take up residence at Parel. Melody and mellifluous voices filled the Durbar Hall. During these gala evenings, china and crystal would glitter under the chandeliers in the banquet hall. In 1804, diners raised their glasses at a banquet hosted by Gov. Jonathan Duncan to toast the launch of The Literary Society of Bombay.

Meanwhile, in Parel, industrialisation was asserting its noxious effect. The population had burgeoned. Pollutants fouled the air, creating conditions favoured by wind and water-borne diseases.

Governor Richard Temple transferred his residence to Malabar Point. In 1883 Lady Fergusson, wife of the Governor died of cholera in the Parel House. Following her death, Government House officially shifted to Malabar Point.

The Parel Residence was converted into a plague hospital where thousands received treatment for the plague that struck Bombay in 1897-98.

Dr Waldemar Haffkine entered the portals and developed the Plague and Cholera vaccines. Since 1925, this Government House is now known as The Haffkine Institute, in memory of the man who transformed a fortress into a citadel of science.

Raj Bhavan

Prices Memorial, records that Malabar Point was the occasional retreat of Governor Medows (1788-1790). Sir Evan Nepean (1812-1819) lived here in a small room. In 1880, Sir Richard Temple initiated the formal transfer from Parel. The early residence and office was known as Marine Villa. From this aesthetic bud, Raj Bhavan would bloom into a community of estates, adorning 23 acres of land, laced by beach and forest.

Jal Bhushan

Jal Bhushan

Jal Bhushan stands on the foundation of a pretty cottage where Governor Monstuart Elphinstone had lived. Heber describes it as, a pretty cottage on a rocky and woody promontory actually washed by sea spray. A winding road built by Lord Elphinstone leads to the commanding citadel, Jal Bhushan, the office and Residence of the Governor.

French furniture imported by Montstuart Elphinstone is placed in the stately office of the Governor. Artists have endowed exquisite carpentry with rare artistry, painting intricate portraits and tableaux on the wood. With the deft stroke of a brush, they have brought alive the delicacy of lace and the sheen of pearls.

In the grand residence and office, treasures of Indian Art also find their niches. Paintings by Indian Masters attend within Jal Bhushan.

Jal Chintan

Jal Chintan

Perched upon a cliff that leads to the sea, plinth claws into the precipice. On this foundation stands Jal Chintan, once known as Point Bungalow. The official residence for the visiting Prime Minister of India. Unofficially, Panditji’s (Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru), favoured abode

Panditji and other Prime Ministers must have stood on the balcony, contemplating a lone light in the looming sea. The sole probe piercing the dark was Prongs Lighthouse, a beam radiating as far as thirty-five miles. For mariners, the rays of this beacon meant they had arrived in the bay of Bombay.

From the balcony, you can still watch the foaming waves crash upon the dark rocks. Hours fly, as the fierce and rugged cliff battles the surging seas.

Jal Lakshan


The residence is reserved for the visit of the President of India. At Jal Lakshan one presence is permanently in attendance. The collection of portraits of Maratha chieftains. A theory proposes, that Sir Battle Frere commissioned Theodore Jensen to paint this series after the Mutiny of 1857. With his brushes and oils, Jensen actualised the proud bearing and mien of chieftain


The paintings were brought to the Government House. This artistic effort was also prompted by political expediency. Frere had hoped this tribute would placate the leaders and persuade them to accept British suzerainty Jal Lakshan chair details

Jal Lakshan awaits another presence, the visit of the President. In environs befitting his stature, the President invites visitors to the grand receiving rooms. The guests are ushered in and they join the President, seating themselves on the carved furniture gilded with gold.

The Presidential Suite also houses a valuable collection of Mughal Miniatures

Jal Vihar

The Banquet Hall is now called the Jal Vihar. Carved screens, designed by poetic craftsmen separate the dining area from the reception hall.

The vaulted ceilings of both halls are crowned by moulding of the Ashoka Lions of India. The floors are laid with priceless Persian carpets inlaid with ancient motifs that evoke the Mughal era.

The Governor hosts banquets here for dignitaries and visiting Heads of State. Sterling occasions when the silver salvers reflect the luminescence of the tiered chandeliers. With each artistic leitmotif echoing another, Jal Vihar creates for guests an impressive dining experience.

Jal Sabhagraha

Jal Sabhagraha

Jal Sabhagraha, the tranquil and serene Durbar Hall of the Raj Bhavan. The first light of the rising sun shines through the French windows aligning the horizon.

Jal Sabhagraha is the venue for momentous occasions like, Swearing in Ceremonies. This august hall is also used by the Governor to felicitate litterateurs and artists.

Heritage Bequeathed


The estates of Raj Bhavan undulate from shore to land. Witnessed by the firmament forest, cliff, sea and sand assert themselves over forty-nine acres. Witnessed by man Raj Bhavan is an expression of history, the proud heritage of Maharashtra and India.

Underground British Era Bunker

Underground British Era Bunker

An underground British-era bunker was discovered at Raj Bhavan, Mumbai in the year 2016.

The British – era bunker was built sometime before the First World War when Raj Bhavan served as the ‘Government House’ of the Bombay Presidency.

The 150-meter long, underground British Era bunker, which had remained closed for nearly six decades was discovered by then Governor CH. Vidyasagar Rao on 16th August 2016.

The bunker when opened had various rooms bearing names such as Shell Store, Gun hell, Cartridge Store, Shell Lift, Pump, Central Artillery Store, Workshop, etc. The Bunker opened with a 20-ft tall gate resembling a fort and has a ramp on its west end, just opposite the Darbar Hall. It has long passages and 13 small to medium size rooms. It is a unique piece of architecture, unlikely to be created anywhere in India. The structural audit of the bunker was carried out by the IIT Bombay. Thereafter the work of structural strengthening of the bunker was done. The strengthening work included waterproofing, electrification, air-conditioning and allied works.

Gallery of Indian Revolutionaries

The British-era bunker at Raj Bhavan has been reincarnated as a Gallery of Indian Revolutionaries from Maharashtra and rest of the country. The Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated ‘Kranti Gatha‘ the gallery of Indian Revolutionaries on 14 th June 2022.

The gallery has various murals, busts and paintings of known and unsung Revolutionaries. It was curated under the guidance of historian and writer Dr Vikram Sampath.

The Gallery commemorates the several revolutionaries of Maharashtra, right from the First War of Indian Independence in 1857 to the Naval Mutiny in Mumbai in 1946. It pays tributes to the several Bravehearts from the State who sacrificed their everything for the cause of the freedom of their motherland. They include Vasudev Balwant Phadke, Chapekar Bandhu, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, Babarao Savarkar, Anant Laxman Kanhere, Madame Bhikaji Cama, the first organized secret society of India- the Abhinav Bharat, Ganesh Vishnu Pingle, Vasudev Balwant Gogate, Shivram Rajguru and several others.

The gallery takes the visitors through a time-travel of this entire story of the armed struggle against British rule in Maharashtra (then Bombay Presidency) through exhibits, sculptures and rare archival photographs. The gallery also recreates the scene of the coronation of the perennial inspiration for all revolutionaries— Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

The Gallery of Revolutionaries was dedicated to the people by the Honorable Prime Minister in the year when India is celebrating the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav.

governor house tour

Home / When you can tour Michigan Governor’s Summer Residence on Mackinac Island

When you can tour Michigan Governor’s Summer Residence on Mackinac Island

  • Published on July 12, 2023

It has 11 bedrooms, nine-and-a-half baths, more than 7,000 square-feet and a porch with stunning views of the Jewel Golf Course, Grand Hotel, Mackinac Bridge and the Mackinac Island harbor far below. It has hosted guests including Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Gerald R. Ford, John F. Kennedy, and Harry Truman.

And you’re invited to visit, too.

It has been more than 75 years since the Mackinac Island State Park Commission bought what became the Michigan Governor’s Summer Residence. To this day, the home remains one of many unique sights to see on a narrated horse-drawn carriage tour around Mackinac Island .

The Michigan Governor’s Summer Residence on Mackinac Island is also open for free public tours every Wednesday through the summer. About 4,500 people from around the country tour the residence each year, guided by knowledgeable docents who share interesting tidbits about the home’s furnishings and the people who have stayed there through the decades.

Outside View of Michigan Governor’s Summer Residence on Mackinac Island

Details on the Michigan Governor’s Summer Residence on Mackinac Island

  • The historic three-story home at Huron Road and Fort Street, near Fort Mackinac , was one of the first cottages built on state parkland as Mackinac Island transitioned from a military hub to a tourism attraction. But it wasn’t built as a second home for the governor.
  • The Governor’s Summer Residence originally was built in 1902 as a private cottage for the family of Lawrence A. Young, a prominent Chicago lawyer. Young was a Princeton University baseball team captain whose father, Louisville attorney Bennett H. Young, led a cavalry raid from Canada into Vermont as a Confederate Army colonel during the Civil War.
  • Before building his cottage, called “The Knoll,” on Mackinac Island, Lawrence A. Young moved from Kentucky to Chicago and married Mable Wheeler, a daughter of the Chicago City Railway president. (Wheeler later died in her 40s at The Knoll.) Young worked in law for the railway and the city and served as president of the Washington Park Club, which had one of the country’s finest horse racing tracks at the time.

Outside Gate to Michigan Governor’s Summer Residence on Mackinac Island

  • The property where the Michigan Governor’s Summer Residence sits, on a bluff overlooking the Straits of Mackinac, is one of several in the state park that was leased for private cottages around the beginning of the 20 th century. The cottage was built by Patrick Doud, the great-uncle of longtime Mackinac Island Mayor Margaret M. Doud .
  • Features of the home include Michigan white pine construction on the outside and Georgia yellow pine on the inside. The house includes a full basement, servant’s quarters, and an outside garden.
  • The Young family kept the cottage until the 1920s when it was purchased by a wealthy Detroit-area family. Then, in 1944, the state park commission bought it for $15,000 – or about $260,000 in today’s dollars. Prisoners were brought to the island to help renovate the cottage, and the commission has maintained the home ever since.

The Michigan Governor's Summer Residence on Mackinac Island was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1997

  • Each day, in a Mackinac Island tradition started by Gerald R. Ford when he visited as a teenager, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts serving on the island in the Governor’s Honor Guard conduct flag ceremonies outside the home.
  • In 1997, the Michigan Governor’s Summer Residence was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Come see the Michigan Governor’s Summer Residence yourself on a trip to Mackinac Island !


Scouts carry on patriotic tradition that dates back to Gerald R. Ford

7 sights to see on a horse-drawn carriage tour of Mackinac Island

Why Mackinac Island’s Victorian cottages are so darn big

Things to do on Mackinac Island for history buffs


The jewel of the Great Lakes. Enjoy beautiful vistas, shopping, and carriage rides during the day, and watch the city transform at night with its happening music and bar scene. Mackinac Island has something for everyone.

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Go Inside The Michigan Governor’s Summer Residence on Mackinac Island: Free Tours in 2024

Michigan Governor's Summer Residence Tours - Porch

Look Inside the Michigan Governor’s Summer Residence on Mackinac Island

Step into a world of history and grandeur this summer on Mackinac Island , for free!

The Michigan Governor’s Summer Residence, an iconic three-story Victorian cottage, has once again opened its doors.

Michigan Governor's Summer Residence Tours

Now you can see the historic residence that once hosted famous guests including Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Gerald R. Ford, John F. Kennedy, and Harry Truman.

Tours of the Michigan Governor’s Mansion

Wednesdays in the summer, 9:30 – 11:30 AM

Running from June through August 2024, these free tours are available select Wednesdays from 9:30-11:30 AM.

(Tip: Arrive early and get in line – the tours operate on a first-come, first-served basis.)

Michigan Governor's Mansion Tours - Hours

Once inside, you’ll move from room to room, with stationary guides giving more insight about each stop.

Enjoy the opulence of the living room, dining room, and enclosed porch. And don’t miss a relaxing photo pause on the front porch.

michigan governors summer residence photos - inside

During our visit, a Girl Scouts troop was assisting the tour guides, taking photos for guests on the porch.

The complete tour experience usually wraps up in a breezy 15-25 minutes.

Tour guests can snap photos inside this beautiful residence as well – an exciting policy change made in 2023.

A Look Inside the House

This white Victorian beauty stands majestically at the intersection of Huron Road and Fort Street at the top of the bluff on Mackinac Island, very near the Fort.

With 11 bedrooms and nine-and-a-half baths spread over 7,000 square feet, it’s as spacious as it is elegant.

Inside of the Michigan Governor's Summer Residence on a Tour

The porch is the real show-stopper, in my opinion, offering breathtaking views of the Grand Hotel, Mackinac Bridge, and Mackinac Island.

And here’s a fun tidbit: The house has back staircases and a private entrance. So, even if the governor is in residence during your visit, you won’t even know it.

How it Became the Governor’s Mansion

This grand residence wasn’t always meant for governors. It started as a private summer cottage built by Lawrence A. Young, a prominent stock broker from Chicago.

Constructed in 1902, the house was made with a combination of Michigan White Pine and Georgia Yellow Pine.

Young family in front of their dark green cottage

Located on leased State Park land, it was one of the first cottages to be built as Mackinac Island transformed from a National Park operated by the military to a tourism attraction operated by Michigan.

After a period of disrepair (World War 2 was not kind), the State of Michigan was concerned about the condition of the house, given its close proximity to Fort Mackinac.

michigan governor's summer residence location

In 1944, the opportunity to purchase the house arose. The state scooped it up for $15,000 and initiated renovations.

The house became the Michigan Governor’s summer residence in 1945 – just in time for the annual Governor’s Conference in July.

Debunking the Flag Myth

Lastly, a little myth-busting.

Contrary to rumors, the State of Michigan flag flying at the governor’s mansion doesn’t indicate the governor’s presence on the Island.

The flag flies proudly every day, whether the governor is there or not.

michigan governors summer residence photos - inside

Is the Governor’s Mansion on Your List?

So, there you have it – a peek into the rich history and grandeur of the Michigan Governor’s Summer Residence on Mackinac Island.

Will you be joining the tours this summer? We’d love to hear about it!

michigan governors summer residence tours

Drop us a comment below and let us know if you’re planning a visit, or if you’ve been lucky enough to experience this historic gem in the past. We welcome your thoughts, questions, and memories.

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Melody VanderWeide

2 thoughts on “go inside the michigan governor’s summer residence on mackinac island: free tours in 2024”.

Good morning, Melody! I love reading your posts on places to visit in Michigan. John and I stayed in Ludington for our 50th anniversary (3/29 – 4/1). We had read your 2922 post about Manistee. We spent a beautiful sunny day there. Ate lunch at a small sandwich shop on River St (I don’t remember the name, but I’ll look it up). They had delicious cinnamon rolls too! Mika Meyers has a Manistee office on River St., so I visited my former co-workers and the 2 attorneys that I knew. We drove and found the Sequoia trees, State Park, and gorgeous color of Lake Michigan in that area. We love Northern Michigan ❤️ Love you, Dawn

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How fun! It sounds like you had a great adventure – there are really so many places to explore. I’m glad you found a gem – and congrats on your 50th!!! ❤️❤️

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All Democratic Governors Attend White House Meeting With Biden

Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer and Andy Beshear were among those attending Wednesday’s meeting in person. At least a dozen governors were joining remotely.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan sitting at a table at the National Governors Association Winter Meeting at the White House last year.

By Campbell Robertson

  • July 3, 2024

All of the country’s Democratic governors were in attendance either virtually or in person at a meeting with President Biden on Wednesday night, the White House said, amid the ongoing political fallout from his performance at last Thursday’s debate.

Among those at the White House were Gavin Newsom of California, Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and Andy Beshear of Kentucky. All three have been floated as potential presidential candidates themselves.

Maura Healey of Massachusetts, Kathy Hochul of New York, JB Pritzker of Illinois and Tim Walz of Minnesota were also at the meeting in person. Mr. Walz, the chairman of the Democratic Governors Association, organized a call with the governors on Monday to discuss concerns about Mr. Biden’s debate performance, which led to Wednesday’s meeting.

Fourteen governors were joining the meeting remotely, including Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania, Roy Cooper of North Carolina and Katie Hobbs of Arizona.

Biden ‘in It to Win It,’ Democratic Governors Say

After a meeting with president biden, some of the country’s democratic governors said they had pledged their support, despite what one governor called his “bad performance” during the first presidential debate..

President Joe Biden is in it to win it. And all of us said we pledged our support to him because the stakes could not be higher. We, like many americans, are — we’re worried. We’re worried because the threat of a Trump presidency is not theoretical for governors. We’ve served when Donald Trump was president and the threats to our nation were real. The Trump presidency was chaos, destruction. A Biden presidency was dealing with Covid, using the science, investing in infrastructure, and working to the middle class. We came in and we were honest about the feedback that we were getting. We were honest about the concerns that we were hearing from people. And we were also honest about the fact that as the president continued to tell us and show us that he was all in, that we said that we would stand with him because, as Governor Walz said, the president has always had our backs. We’re going to have his back as well. Do you think he’s fit for office. Yes, fit for office. The president has three and a half — three and a half years of delivering for us, going through what we’ve all been through. None of us are denying: Thursday night was a bad performance. It was a bad — it was a bad hit, if you will, on that. But it doesn’t impact what I believe he’s delivering.

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In public comments, many Democratic governors have said that they fully support Mr. Biden. Dan McKee of Rhode Island told a local news outlet on Wednesday that he was going to the meeting in person “to express support for the president.”

Wes Moore of Maryland, who was also attending in person, told CBS News on Sunday that he would not seek the nomination should Mr. Biden step aside. “Joe Biden is not going to take himself out of this race, nor should he,” he said.

Some have said that they saw the meeting as a chance for a frank discussion with Mr. Biden about his health. Mr. Beshear told CNN on Tuesday that the governors wanted to “make sure he’s doing OK.”

Josh Green of Hawaii, who was participating remotely, said in an interview on Wednesday that he would be listening for the president’s own thoughts about his capacity for a second term.

A physician who led Hawaii’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, Dr. Green said the president had been “on top of it” in their work together on the Maui wildfire. But he noted that both Mr. Biden and former President Donald J. Trump “are older and both are going to have challenges over the next four years.”

Reporting was contributed by Grace Ashford , Mike Baker , Katie Glueck , Jack Healy , Shawn Hubler , Ernesto Londoño , Eduardo Medina , Simon Romero , Jenna Russell and Mitch Smith .

Campbell Robertson reports on Delaware, the District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia, for The Times. More about Campbell Robertson

Grand staircases, state-shaped pools, and a bowling alley in the basement: Here's what the governor's mansion looks like in every state

  • Forty-five of the 50 United States have official mansions, which governors can live in rent-free while they are in office.
  • But the mansions aren't just a roof over their heads. These sprawling, beautiful, historic mansions are meant to evoke the pride of their states.
  • Arizona, Idaho, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont don't have designated mansions. They either give governors a housing stipend or nothing at all.
  • Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories .

Insider Today

Like the White House, a governor's mansion sets the tone.

After a long day serving constituents, governors get to go home to sprawling, beautiful, historic buildings. They're welcomed by 20-foot entrance ways; their heels ring out on marble floors. If it's been a particularly grim day, they can wash it away with a swim in their state-shaped pool.

These official houses, which are in 45 out of the 50 states, are meant to evoke the pride of their area. Arizona, Idaho, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Vermont are the unlucky states without a designated mansion.

Life in the mansions is more public than a normal home. Visitors can often take tours, and security can be heavy. Careful household budgeting is necessary to avoid criticism from the media or constituents. Some governors have chastised reporters for calling it a mansion , and told them to call it a "residence" instead.

The National Governors Association even published a manual on how to navigate an elected life of, at least what looks like, luxury.

Here's what the governors' mansions look like in every US state.

The Alabama governor's mansion is in Montgomery.

governor house tour

Alabama's 112-year-old state mansion , with a grand staircase and four Corinthian columns, has been the residence of the governor since 1951. The mansion is two floors and 8,500 square feet.

In the 1970s, a state-shaped swimming pool, a guest house, and a water feature were added.

The Alaska governor's mansion is in Juneau.

governor house tour

The mansion was built for $40,000 in 1912. To deal with the cold, the 12,900-square-foot house has eight fireplaces for its 26 rooms . Above a winding staircase hangs a large painting of Russian emperor Peter the Great , who was responsible for Russia discovering Alaska. The painting has BB-gun bullets near Peter's eyes, and there has been a decades-long controversy over who pulled the trigger.

Since 1913, the mansion has opened to the public once a year for a tour at Christmas.

Arizona used to have a governor's mansion in Prescott.

governor house tour

Arizona does not currently have a governor's mansion, but it did once. A 150-year-old log cabin on the Sharlot Hall Museum campus used to be the governor's mansion in Prescott. It was only used for about two years before the capital left Prescott. 

The Arkansas governor's mansion is in Little Rock.

governor house tour

The three-story mansion, a Georgian Colonial-style building, has been home to the state's governors since 1950 . There was no official residence before this one. When it was opened to the public in 1950, 180,000 visitors toured it .

The property is 8.5 acres , with six different gardens. Since 1989, the house received nearly $6 million to renovate and expand the house. It has antique Persian carpets , a 62-piece sterling silver service from the USS Arkansas, and a grandfather clock from Ireland made in the 18th century. Notable visitors who have stayed the night include former President Harry Truman and actor Gregory Peck.

The house can be toured in person, or online .

The California governor's mansion is in Sacramento.

governor house tour

The three-story Victorian-style mansion was built in 1877. It has 30 rooms, Italian marble fireplaces , original wood floors, Persian rugs, and a kidney-shaped swimming pool.

The governor's mansion took a break for almost 50 years when then-Gov. Ronald Reagan moved out, after his wife Nancy called it "a fire trap." From 1967 to 2015, it was a public museum, until Gov. Jerry Brown moved into the property after a $1.6 million renovation .

Sacramento-born writer Joan Didion called the mansion " an enlarged version of a very common kind of California tract house. "

The Colorado governor's mansion is in Denver.

governor house tour

The two-story mansion, known as "Colorado's Home," was built in 1908. It has 27 rooms and has been the official residence since 1960 . It features red brick and white trim, with mahogany woodwork and oak floors inside. It also has a Steinway piano signed by Liberace .

In 2014, one notable addition was the installation of a three-handle draft beer system , serving a rotating selection of local craft beers.

When former Gov. John Hickenlooper was in office, he didn't always live there, and allowed cabinet members, who lived far away, to use it as a dormitory. One of those who took up the offer described the experience to The New York Times  with the question, "Have you ever seen the movie 'The Shining'?"

The Connecticut governor's mansion is in Hartford.

governor house tour

The 15,000-square-foot, Georgian-style mansion was built in 1909 and has housed governors since 1945 . It has 19 rooms, a greenhouse, a pool, and tall gates, which were built in 1971.

In 2018, it appeared on Airbnb , when one candidate advertised rooms for $200 before the website removed the listing. Groups can reserve hour-long guided tours.

The Delaware governor's mansion is in Dover.

governor house tour

The Georgian-style mansion , built in 1798, has served as the state leader's official residence since 1965. It is one of the country's smallest governor's mansions at 3,584 square feet , with seven bedrooms. It might have been part of the Underground Railroad .

Tours are available Monday to Friday by appointment.

The Florida governor's mansion is in Tallahassee.

governor house tour

The Greek Revival-style mansion was built in 1956. It features a swimming pool, cabana, exercise room, greenhouse, and rose garden.

In October 2018, it was opened up to state troopers who were on their way to help areas damaged by Hurricane Michael. Fifty troopers had dinner, and 35 slept the night.

The Georgia governor's mansion is in Atlanta.

governor house tour

The 24,000-square-foot mansion, built in 1967 in a Greek Revival-style, has 30 rooms and sits on an 18-acre property. There is no key for the front door , since security is always present. Inside, it has a painting by Benjamin West and a signed, first-edition copy of "Gone With the Wind." The furnishings are thought to be worth more than the house .

A book called "Memories of the Mansion" has been published about the house. Public tours take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

The Hawaii governor's mansion is in Honolulu.

governor house tour

The mansion pictured here was built in 1846, and was the Hawaii governor's mansion from 1959 to 2002 . It was also home to Queen Lili'uokalani.

Since 2002, Hawaii's governor lives in a 5,000-square-foot home right behind the former mansion. It's called "Hale Kia'aina" meaning, "home of the governor."

Idaho doesn't have a governor's mansion, although a billionaire once tried to donate one to the state.

governor house tour

Idaho has had governor's mansions in the past. One home in Boise was sold in 1990 after the governor declined to live there because it had deteriorated.

In 2004, J. R. Simplot, a billionaire who developed commercial frozen french fries, donated a hilltop mansion to the state. The house needed heavy renovations, and high maintenance costs for lawns prompted the state to give it back to the family in 2013. The home was later demolished.

Idaho state pays the governor a housing stipend of $4,500 a month instead.

The Illinois governor's mansion is in Springfield.

governor house tour

The 50,000-square- foot mansion , built in 1855, has housed every Illinois governor since it was finished. The house has a ballroom, four formal parlors, and a library. It is the third oldest governor's mansion still in use.

In 2018, it was opened to the public after $15 million worth of renovations and has had more than 29,000 visitors.

Tours through the mansion are held daily.

The Indiana governor's mansion is in Indianapolis.

governor house tour

The 10,000-square-foot mansion , built in the English Tudor style in 1928, has more than 20 rooms and sits on over 6 acres. It has been the official governor's mansion since 1973 .

The house is " structurally unique " due to it being constructed with concrete reinforcements throughout, which typical English Tudor homes don't have. It has two dining rooms, a sun porch, a pantry for butlers, and staff offices.

Tours can be booked here .

The Iowa governor's mansion is in Des Moines.

governor house tour

The mansion, called "Terrace Hill", was built in the 1860s, but it didn't become state property until 1971. Four governors have lived in the mansion.

It takes Christmas especially seriously . For decades, every year, the residence is taken over for a day, and each room is decorated by different florists or organizations.

In 2012, then-Gov. Terry Brandstad and his wife had to move out when black mold was found in the house. In 2007, several people got a fungal disease linked to bat and bird droppings after attending a party at Terrace Hill.

Since cleared of health hazards, the house is open to tours from March to December.

The Kansas governor's mansion is in Topeka.

governor house tour

The three-story French-style mansion, called "Cedar Crest," was built in 1928 for a newspaper owner. It has been the home to governors since 1962.

Cedar Crest's 6,000 square feet is situated on 244 acres, with hiking trails, ponds, and gardens . It's open to the public on Mondays.

From 1998 to 2000, $4.4 million was spent renovating the house .

The Kentucky governor's mansion is in Frankfort.

governor house tour

The Beaux-Arts-style mansion, built in 1912 and modeled after Marie Antoinette's home near the Palace of Versailles, has been the official residence since 1914. Twenty-four governors have lived in the mansion. It has 25 rooms.

Muhammad Ali, Martin Luther King Jr., and Queen Elizabeth II have all visited the mansion . Guided tours are available for appointment on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The Louisiana governor's mansion is in Baton Rouge.

governor house tour

The 25,000-square-foot Greek-Revival style mansion was built in 1963. It sits on eight acres and overlooks Capitol Lake. It was designed in its style, which was unusual at the time, to ward off being destroyed by fire and neglect .

In 2019, it made headlines after a man managed to break in and fall asleep on a couch .

The Maine governor's mansion is in Augusta.

governor house tour

The 28-room mansion, called "The Blaine House", was built in the 1830s, and became the official residence for the governor in 1919. It was originally built in Federalist style, but was later remodeled to look like a Colonial structure .

Helen Keller, Bette Davis, Groucho Marx, and Amelia Earhart all visited Blaine House.

Tours of the house are available on Wednesdays and Fridays.

The Maryland governor's mansion is in Annapolis.

governor house tour

The Georgian-style 38,000-square-foot mansion has been home to governors since 1870. It has 54 rooms, a 49-step red oak staircase, and a $169,000 Victorian fountain . It has seven public rooms, where portraits of George Washington and Queen Henrietta Maria — the state's namesake — hang.

Tours are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Massachusetts doesn't have a governor's mansion, but reports say it was almost the Ames-Webster Mansion in the early 1970s.

governor house tour

Since the 1850s, there have been attempts to get an official residence. Mostly, the reason it didn't happen , on several different occasions, is financing. In the early 1970s, it's rumored that the Ames-Webster Mansion was on offer , but then-Gov. Frank Sargent was wary about spending, as he'd recently proposed a tax increase.

The Michigan governor's mansion is in Lansing.

governor house tour

The 8,700-square-foot , Ranch-style mansion was built in 1957, and has been the state's official residence since 1969. It has five bedrooms and four bathrooms . In 2004, $2.5 million of private funds were spent to give the house a " facelift ."

The governor of Michigan also gets a summer residence on Mackinac Island , which has been state-owned since 1944, and has 11 bedrooms.

The Minnesota governor's mansion is in St. Paul.

governor house tour

The 16,000-square-foot English Tudor-style mansion was finished in 1912, and became the state's official residence in 1965. It sits on one acre of ritzy Summit Avenue and has housed 11 governors . Inside, there are nine fireplaces, seven bedrooms and 10 bathrooms .

The Mississippi governor's mansion is in Jacksonville.

governor house tour

The Greek Revival-style mansion was built in 1842. It is the second oldest continuously occupied governor's residence in the US.

Over the years, the residence deteriorated , until 1971 when then-Gov. John Williams had to move out due to disrepair. But in 1972, the legislature allocated $2.7 million to restore the building.

The mansion is open to the public for tours Tuesdays through Fridays.

The Missouri governor's mansion is in Jefferson City.

governor house tour

The three-story brick mansion was built in 1872 and has been the official residence since then. It has 13 bedrooms and a 17-foot-high great hall . Due to the period when it was built, it originally didn't have any bathrooms or closets.

The house is currently undergoing a $3.3 million renovation , including updates to the plumbing and heating systems. It hosts more than 50,000 visitors every year .

The Montana governor's mansion is in Helena.

governor house tour

The 11,185-square-foot mansion was built in 1959. It has 11 rooms and seven bathrooms, and floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the Helena Valley. The house curves to a point with a deck at the end , which is meant to look like the bow of a ship.

Before that, the previous governor's mansion was home to nine governors between 1913 and 1959. That historic house is open for tours.

The Nebraska governor's mansion is in Lincoln.

governor house tour

The 15,000-square-foot Georgian Colonial-style mansion was opened in 1958 and sits on a whole city block. It has 31 rooms and four fireplaces. It has a state dining room , with a built in-buffet, which can seat 24 for dinner.

In the 1980s, then- first gentleman Bill Orr was critical of the interior decor and helped raised money for renovations by authoring a cookbook. In 1997, an elevator was also built inside.

The Nevada governor's mansion is in Carson City.

governor house tour

The Classical Revival-style, two-story mansion was built in 1909. It has 23-rooms, a grand entrance area, a private den, a formal dining area, two salons, and a wrap-around porch on the second story.

In 1969, a circular pergola, curved front stairs, and metal balustrades were added to the house . A $5 million renovation in 1999 added a 6,608-square-foot building called the Nevada room , which can cater 300 guests.

It has housed 18 governors.

The New Hampshire governor's mansion is in Concord.

governor house tour

The 6,725-square-foot brick mansion, also known as "Bridges House," was built in 1836 and donated to the state in 1969 .

It has not generally been a place to live for governors and their families, because it only has two bedrooms. Only Gov. Mel Thomson actually lived in it during his term in the 1970s. Most governors use it for official events instead.

The home fell into disrepair in the 1990s, but former Gov. John Lynch and his wife First Lady Susan Lynch worked hard to resurrect the house .

The New Jersey governor's mansion is in Princeton.

governor house tour

The Greek-Revival mansion, called "Drumthwacket," was built in 1834 . It has 20 rooms, a library, a music room, and sits on 11 acres filled with Italian gardens . The state purchased it in 1966.

Every Christmas, the mansion is decorated and opened up to the public .

The New Mexico governor's mansion is in Santa Fe.

governor house tour

The 8,000-square-foot Territorial Revival-style mansion was built in the mid-1950s . It is the third official residence for New Mexico. Harrison Ford was married on the mansion grounds.

Tours are offered from April to October .

The New York governor's mansion is in Albany.

governor house tour

The mansion was built in 1856 and has been the official residence for 32 governors since 1875 . It has 40 rooms, a 20-foot master bathroom , and two swimming pools — one indoor and one outdoor. It sits on six acres.

Notable incidents include when Theodore Roosevelt had to break in through a first-floor window when he locked himself out, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo getting spooked, when he thought it was haunted by the spirit of a groundskeeper, who served the house's original owners.

The North Carolina governor's mansion is in Raleigh.

governor house tour

The 35,000-square-foot, Victorian-style mansion has been the official residence since 1891. It's the state's fourth, and has housed 30 governors. Inside, it has rooms with 16.5-foot ceilings, an elevator, and a bomb shelter.

It sits on almost 5 acres, and is the country's third-biggest governor's mansion. Former President Franklin D. Roosevelt thought it had the most beautiful interior out of all of them.

The North Dakota governor's mansion is in Bismarck.

governor house tour

The 13,700-square-foot mansion was finished in 2018 and cost nearly $5 million to build . It has six bedrooms, 6.5 bathrooms, marble floors, white oak walls, and cedar ceilings.

It also has a 22-foot ceiling in its reception area, with a spiral staircase that's meant to resemble the Capitol's Memorial Hall.

The Ohio governor's mansion is in Columbus.

governor house tour

The 13,000-square-foot mansion was built in the 1920s and has housed governors since 1955 . It has 20 rooms and sits on 3 acres , with a heritage garden. The house was donated to the state in 1955 and since then, every Ohio governor, except two, have lived there while in office.

The Oklahoma governor's mansion is in Oklahoma City.

governor house tour

The 14,000-square-foot, Dutch Colonial-style mansion has been the official residence since 1928. It's been home to 19 governors . It has a limestone exterior that matches the State Capitol, and a walnut-paneled library filled with books about the state or written by writers from the state.

It also has an Oklahoma-shaped pool , and a tennis court that was originally built as a landing pad for then-President Lyndon B. Johnson's helicopter.

Tours are available by reservation from January to May.

The Oregon governor's mansion is in Salem.

governor house tour

The 11,409-square-foot, Tudor-style mansion , called "Mahonia Hall", has been the official residence since 1987. It was built in the 1920s.

It has eight bedrooms, 6.5 bathrooms, a wine cellar, and a sun room, and a ballroom.

The Pennsylvania governor's mansion is in Harrisburg.

governor house tour

The Georgian-style, 28,000-square-foot mansion was built and became the official residence in 1968 . It's three stories, and sits on 3.5 acres , which is filled with a series of gardens, and bee hives that produce 90 pounds of honey every year.

Visitors can also tour the house on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Rhode Island doesn't have a governor's mansion.

governor house tour

There are several possible reasons why the Rhode Island governor doesn't get to live rent-free. One is that the state legislature used to rove around, and until 1854 the island had five capitals, and then two until 1900. Both of these factors made it difficult to choose a permanent location for a mansion.

Along with this, the size of Rhode island makes for a short commute, and the state reportedly lacked funds.

The South Carolina governor's mansion is in Columbia.

governor house tour

The two-story, Federal-style mansion was built in 1855, originally as an officer quarters for a military academy. It has been the official residence since 1868 . It's housed more than 30 governors and their families. Inside, there's a formal drawing room and a state dining room. It sits on 9 acres , and is shaded by old magnolias, oaks, and elms .

In 2003, then-Gov. Mark Sanford and his family moved into the house after renovations, but due to accepting the lowest bid from construction companies, poor repairs led to six family members having to move into the one-room pool house .

For the last 40 years, the mansion has been decorated and opened to the public  every Christmas.

The South Dakota governor's mansion is in Pierre.

governor house tour

The 14,000-square-foot, two-story mansion has been the official residence since 2005 .The mansion has five bedrooms, a grand dining hall that can hold 80 people , two fireplaces, and a commercial kitchen. Its exterior is a mixture of field stone, copper flashing, brick, and concrete.

The house can be toured throughout the summer .

The Tennessee governor's mansion is in Nashville.

governor house tour

The three-story, Georgian-style mansion was built in 1931 and became the official residence in 1949. The house has 16 rooms, including a 14,000-square-foot banquet and meeting space beneath the front lawn.

Inside, some of the art includes a portrait of Elvis and photos of him when he was dating then-Gov. Buford Ellington's daughter. The entrance has a black and white marble floor — the black marble was imported from Belgium, and the white from Georgia.

It sits on 10 acres and used to be called "Far Hills," because of its view. It has housed nine governors and their families.

Free tours are available throughout the year.

The Texas governor's mansion is in Austin.

governor house tour

The Greek Revival-style mansion has been the state's official residence since 1856 . The house has a veranda, floor-to-ceiling windows, and six 29-foot columns along the front porch.

In 2008, an arsonist threw a Molotov cocktail at the house and caused major damage. Then-Gov. Rick Perry and his family (who weren't at the house during the fire) couldn't move back in for four years. Before the fire, it housed Texas politician Sam Houston's four-poster bed , and the writing desk of Stephen F. Austin, who has been dubbed the founder of Texas.

The Utah governor's mansion is in Salt Lake City.

governor house tour

The French Renaissance mansion, called the "Kearns Mansion," was built in 1902 and became the official residence in 1937 . It has 28 rooms — including six bathrooms, 10 fireplaces, a ballroom, a billiards room, two dining rooms, and three vaults for wine and other valuables.

The interior is decorated in bronze, iron, Russian mahogany , and oak from France and England . The mansion has a bowling alley in the basement, and used to have a large metal safe to keep candy guarded.

In 1993, a fire damaged the building and almost $8 million was spent restoring the residence.

It's open for public tours .

Vermont doesn't have a governor's mansion.

governor house tour

Vermont's governor might be missing out because of the state's "famous frugality ". It could also be because Vermont's people want a relatable governor .

In 2012, there was a proposal to convert a mansion into a conference center, and have a 3,500-square-foot guest apartment for the governor. But it doesn't appear that went anywhere, as the current Gov. Phil Scott lives with his family in Berlin, Vermont.

The Virginia Governor's mansion is in Richmond.

governor house tour

The two-story, Federal-style mansion has been the official residence since 1813. It has housed 60 governors and their families , and is the oldest governor's mansion in the country still in use.

It has hosted Queen Elizabeth II, Winston Churchill, and former presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Barack Obama.

The Washington governor's mansion is in Olympia.

governor house tour

The 21,000-square-foot, Georgian-style mansion has been the official residence since 1909. The house has 19 rooms, a ballroom, and a state dining room. Its exterior is made from red brick from Seattle and white marble from Alaska. It sits on 12 acres . It's been damaged twice by earthquakes, first in 1949 and again in 2001.

In 1997, the mansion made headlines when bats were seen inside, which led to fears of rabies for the governing family.

The West Virginia governor's mansion is in Charleston.

governor house tour

The Georgian Colonial-style mansion has been the official residence since 1925.

The house has eight bedrooms, four bathrooms, a drawing room, a ballroom, a state dining room, a sitting room, and a library. At its entrance, there are black and white marble floors, the black from Belgium, the white from Tennessee. It also has dual staircases, which were inspired by the White House.

The Wisconsin governor's mansion is in Maple Bluff.

governor house tour

The Classical Revival-style, three-story mansion was built in 1927 and has been the official residence since 1950 . It is Wisconsin's second governor's mansion.

It has 34 rooms , 13 bathrooms, and a 20,000-square-foot basement. Its walls are between 12 and 18 inches thick. It sits on almost 4 acres , with 10 gardens , and overlook Lake Mendota.

Tours are available in the spring and summer.

The Wyoming governor's mansion is in Cheyenne.

governor house tour

The 7,785-square-foot mansion was built in 1976. It was made out of stained redwood siding and moss rock. It is the second official residence for the state.

Tours are available Tuesdays through Thursdays.

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The house of governor-general

The house of governor-general, Moscow, beginning of the 20th century

Strolling along Tverskaya street you can not help but notice a red five-storey building with columns and a pediment. Nowadays it is the Mayor's office got after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The old picture shows how it looked like in the 19th century. It had 3 storeys and household premises. It was a residence of a governor-general, the head of Moscow. In 30s of the 20th century Tverskaya street was  widened  according to the general plan of reconstruction. This edifice happened to be under the threat of its extinction since it was right in the middle of a new street.Thus the decision was taken to move it 13 meters backwards to preserve. It was executed. Later on 3 more storeys were  built over and it was painted dark red thus getting the present view.  

Once having a tour with your Moscow guide , learn a mysterious story of this house.

Bridge The Time Gap

The construction of Moscow State University. Moscow, 1951-52. source: www.oldmos.ru

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Biden meets with Democratic governors as White House works to shore up support

By Nancy Cordes , Ed O'Keefe

Updated on: July 4, 2024 / 4:57 PM EDT / CBS News

Washington —  President Biden met with 20 Democratic governors Wednesday night as the White House and his reelection campaign work to shore up support for him after last week's shaky debate performance . 

The governors at the meeting included Tim Walz of Minnesota, the chair of the Democratic Governors Association; Gavin Newsom of California; J.B. Pritzker of Illinois; Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan; Kathy Hochul of New York; Wes Moore of Maryland; John Carney of Delaware; Maura Healey of Massachusetts; Dan McKee of Rhode Island; and Andy Beshear of Kentucky. Others attended virtually.

"Yes, he's fit for office," Walz told reporters outside the White House following the meeting. "None of us are denying Thursday night was a bad performance. It was a bad hit, if you will, on that, but it doesn't impact what I believe, that he's delivering." 

Moore was more tempered with his remarks, saying that the governors "were honest" with Mr. Biden "about the feedback" they are receiving regarding the debate.

"We were honest about the concerns that we were hearing from people," Moore said. "And we were also honest about the fact that, as the president continued to tell us and show us that he was all in, that we said we would stand with him."

From left, Govs. Wes Moore of Maryland, Kathy Hochul of New York and Tim Walz of Minnesota speak to reporters after a meeting with President Biden at the White House on July 3, 2024.

Hochul said that Mr. Biden is "in it to win it," adding that "all of us" in the meeting "pledged our support to him, because the stakes could not be higher." 

"I feel very confident in his abilities, we talked about the plan, and how he's going to be very focused on issues that matter to Americans. And I felt very confident coming out of this meeting as well," Hochul said.  

In a separate statement released through his office, Newsom said that he "heard three words from the President — he's all in. And so am I. Joe Biden's had our back. Now it's time to have his."

In the meeting, three governors expressed "pointed," but "not harsh" criticism of Mr. Biden's electoral chances in the wake of his debate last Thursday and openly questioned his ability to win their states.

Two people familiar with the sit-down told CBS News that Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, Maine Gov. Janet Mills and New Mexico Gov. Michelle Luján Grisham expressed concerns with the president's performance and fretted openly it could spoil his chances of winning their states.

Spokespeople for all three governors didn't reply to requests for comment late Wednesday and early Thursday.

"The basic gist was, 'You're too old and it won't fly in our states,'" one of the people familiar with the meeting said.

The president had no notable response to the criticism, the people said, as he reiterated his plans to keep running despite a tough debate performance affected by what he described as a need for more sleep and a cold.

Mr. Biden told governors he needs to get more sleep and curtail public events and meetings that begin after 8 p.m., according to meeting participants.

It's a stark admission for a commander in chief who is regularly kept out past that hour for state dinners and other appearances and is known to take some work home with him to continue working late into the night. The admission could also draw campaign attacks from Republicans who might question whether the 81-year old would be able to carry out presidential duties late at night or during overnight hours if the need arises.

Biden under pressure

The meeting came as the White House and Biden campaign work to keep Democratic governors and other elected Democrats in the fold after his rocky debate . Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas became the first Democratic lawmaker to call on Mr. Biden to drop out of the presidential race on Tuesday, a suggestion the campaign quickly dismissed.

In an all-staff campaign call earlier Wednesday, Mr. Biden said he will remain in the race , sources familiar with the call told CBS News. 

"Let me say this as clearly as I possibly can and as simply and straightforward as I can: I am running. I'm the nominee of the Democratic Party. No one's pushing me out. I'm not leaving," the president said, according to one source.  

The meeting with governors is notable because up until this point, it's mostly been Mr. Biden's top aides and advisers who have been reaching out to elected Democrats to reassure them after his debate performance. Members of the Democratic Governors' Association held a call Monday to discuss the ongoing response to last week's debate and a widespread concern among the state chief executives that Mr. Biden has done little outreach to governors, specifically over the course of the campaign year, according to two people familiar with arrangements for the call.

The Biden campaign had been trying to arrange time for Vice President Harris to speak with governors, but the governors decided Monday they wanted to hear directly from the president.

"They'd like to hear from him directly before going and sticking out their necks for him again," said one of the people familiar with the plan, granted anonymity to speak frankly about them.

Prior to the meeting, Hochul and New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy — who hosted one of the fundraisers the president and first lady attended over the weekend in the New York area — were the only two governors known to have spoken directly to Mr. Biden since the debate.

Beshear told reporters Monday that "the debate performance was rough," but that he will continue to support Mr. Biden "so long as he continues to be in the race." Beshear added that Mr. Biden is the candidate, and "only he can make decisions about his candidacy." 

Beshear, Pritzker and Whitmer — all governors who have been floated to replace the president if he were to step down as the presumptive Democratic nominee — co-headlined a fundraiser in Los Angeles for Mr. Biden last Thursday evening. The event was a multi-million dollar affair that put potential future presidential aspirants in a room full of donors who could bankroll their future campaigns.

On " Face the Nation " Sunday, Moore was emphatic about his continued support for the president, insisting that "Joe Biden is our nominee. Joe Biden is our leader."

Hunter Woodall contributed to this report.


Nancy Cordes is CBS News' chief White House correspondent based in Washington, D.C. Cordes has won numerous awards for her reporting, including multiple Emmys, Edward R. Murrow awards, and an Alfred I. duPont-Columbia University Award.

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History & Timeline

Whitmer to join White House meeting with Biden amid calls for him to quit race

governor house tour

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer planned to participate in a White House meeting with President Joe Biden on Wednesday, joining other Democratic governors for a discussion as calls for Biden to leave the presidential race have grown increasingly loud in the days following his weak debate performance against former President Donald Trump.

Whitmer will attend the meeting in person, her Director of Communications Bobby Leddy wrote in an email. He did not immediately provide any insight on what Whitmer hopes to convey to Biden at the meeting.

The meeting comes as some Democrats have expressed serious concerns that Biden can't prevail in an election against Trump, raising speculation that Biden might step aside and allow other rising national stars in his party — such as Whitmer — to replace him before Democrats officially nominate their presidential candidate.

Biden's campaign has given no indication he's considering dropping out. It would be nearly impossible to replace Biden at the top of the ticket without his consent given he has already amassed the support of a majority of the Democratic delegates he needs to secure his party's nomination.

New poll shows: Michelle Obama would beat Trump. Here's what it says about Whitmer.

Prep for the polls: See who is running for president and compare where they stand on key issues in our Voter Guide

Whitmer — a national co-chair for Biden's campaign — has sought to shore up support for the president after his debate performance cast fresh doubts about his candidacy. Earlier this week, the national news outlet Politico reported Whitmer told Biden's campaign chair that Biden could no longer win Michigan, according to an anonymous source close to another top Democrat. Whitmer pushed back.

"Anyone who claims I would say that we can't win Michigan is full of s***," Whitmer wrote on the social media platform X, linking to a video championing Biden. She included a link to donate to the political action committee she launched to support his reelection campaign. A spokesperson for the PAC the day after the Biden-Trump debate reiterated Whitmer's support for the president when asked about the possibility she would run if Biden were to exit the race.

2024 Presidential Election: Biden's rocky debate performance prompts new calls for Whitmer to step in

Michigan is a key state for Democrats this fall. Trump narrowly won the state in 2016. Biden defeated Trump in 2020. But polling this cycle has largely shown Biden trailing Trump in the state.

The Biden campaign has planned a tour through battleground states — including Michigan — in the coming days. California Gov. Gavin Newsom plans to campaign on behalf of Biden in South Haven during the July Fourth holiday, according to information posted on Facebook by the Van Buren County Michigan Democrats. Newsom — like Whitmer — is another Biden campaign surrogate whose name pundits have floated as a possible replacement if Biden leaves the race. Biden will make his own swing state stop with a visit Friday to Wisconsin, where he will make an appearance in Madison, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel .

Contact Clara Hendrickson: [email protected] or 313-296-5743. Follow her on X, previously called Twitter, @clarajanehen .

Looking for more on Michigan’s elections this year? Subscribe to our elections newsletter and always feel free to share your thoughts in a letter to the editor .

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Maine State Museum

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  • Maine State House Mobile Tour
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Blaine House and State House Capitol Tours

Enjoy a scenic visit to the governor’s mansion or maine’s capitol building.

Guided State House and Blaine House tours are available. The Maine State Museum schedules tours for both. To schedule these tours, contact the museum at 207-287-2301 or complete the Reservation Form . Both buildings are not open on holidays.  

Note: filling out the reservation form does not guarantee you a time slot. Book a tour at least three working days in advance to allow museum staff time to schedule and confirm your tour.  

governor house tour

Maine State House-Capitol Building

Maine’s capitol building , the State House, is open during weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m . The building is free and open to the public. Click here to see the session schedule.  

Guided State House Tours

  • Guided tours are free of charge and are offered by appointment Monday through Friday at 9:00 am, 10:00 am, 11:00 am, and noon.
  • Guided tours are 60 minutes long. They include general information on State House history, architecture, and function.  
  • Guided tours must be scheduled three working days in advance. Walk-ins are welcome, but a guided tour is not guaranteed. Staff may not be available, or there may be other tours or programs in the building.  Click here to schedule a tour.

Self-Guided State House Tours

  • During open hours, visitors may choose to self-guide around the State House. This means walking through the building at your own pace without information or support from State House staff.
  • The State House Mobile Tour will provide information as you self-guide and can be accessed here . 
  • You can find a pamphlet on State House History to help your self-guided experience. They are available at the information desk, located just past the security screening.

All State House Tours

  • All tours are limited to 20 people each. If the tour group is a school or camp group, 5 additional chaperones may accompany each 20-person group.
  • Capitol Police will be conducting entry screening of all visitors to the State House, including student groups.
  • Food and drinks are not allowed in the State House.

Helpful links:

  • Reservation Form
  • Bus parking & drop off (updated during construction)
  • Self-Guided Tour of the State House
  • History of the State House
  • State House Fossil Hunt
  • Attractions In and Around the State House
  • About the Senate Chamber Art

Blaine House in Augusta, front view

Blaine House-Governor’s Mansion

The Blaine House is the home of Maine’s Governors and their families, and is also a public building. Guided tours of the Blaine House are available for free, but must be scheduled in advance. There are no walk-in visits. 

Note: Official functions may cause the cancellation of scheduled tours.

Guided Blaine House Tours

  • Tours are available free of charge Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:00am, 10:30am, and 11:00am   Click here to schedule a tour
  • Guided tours are 25 minutes long. They explore the first floor rooms of the 1833 mansion and describes the historical background of teacher turned political leader, James G. Blaine. The tour also provides information about the official uses of the house.
  • The Blaine House tour is appropriate for children age eight (Grade 3) and older.  Note: Official functions may cause the cancellation of scheduled tours.
  • Tour group sizes are limited to a maximum of 20 people. If the tour group is a school or camp group, a maximum of 5 group leaders/chaperones may accompany the group.
  • All Blaine House tours for individuals and groups must be scheduled at least three working days in advance. You may use the  Reservation Form  or call 207-287-2301.
  • Food and drinks are not allowed in the Blaine House.
  • A completed  Blaine House Security Form is required for ALL GROUPS AND INDIVIDUALS and MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR TO THE RESERVATION DATE.
  • Blaine House Security Form
  • More information on the Blaine House

Maine State Museum

27th Governor of Queensland Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM

  • Government House
  • Visit Government House

Book a Public Tour

Immerse yourself in the rich history of the people’s house.

Each week the doors of Fernberg are opened and guests are warmly welcomed to experience a treasured piece of Queensland history, with free guided tours available to members of the public.

  • Tours run for 90 minutes and are led by a knowledgeable guide
  • All tours include tea and coffee
  • Bookings are dependent on the Governor's program and may, on occasion, require re-scheduling, or parts of the House to be closed to tours

House Tours

Running from February – November

Go behind-the-scenes at Government House and explore rooms including the Drawing Room, State Dining Room, Investiture Room, and Billiard Room.

You will also learn about the history of the House and the Constitutional, Ceremonial and Community roles of the Governor.

Note: this tour involves walking, comfortable shoes are recommended! These tours are also wheelchair accessible.

Filming/photography: Government House staff reserve the right to film and/or photograph tours and events within the grounds of the Fernberg Estate and do so regularly for official social media accounts and for educational purposes. All care is taken to do so in a respectful manner and avoid clear identification of individuals, especially children. If you do not wish to be featured on Government House social media, please advise your tour guide or the staff member involved. 

Book your free Government House Tour here:

Wednesday 26 June - 2.00pm-3.30pm

Tuesday 2 July - 2.00pm-3.30pm

Tuesday 30 July - 10.30am-12.00pm

governor house tour

Garden Tours

Running from May – September (2.00pm to 3.30pm)

Our free guided garden tours involve extensive outdoor walking, including up and down steep hills. Comfortable shoes, sunscreen and a hat are highly recommended. 

Book your free Government House Garden Tour here:

Wednesday 3 July - 2.00pm-3.30pm

Tuesday 16 July - 2.00pm-3.30pm

governor house tour

The Governor should be addressed as 'Your Excellency' and will endeavour to greet each visiting group, schedule permitting. 

All volunteer guides are registered Blue Card holders.

Yes, please advise staff prior to your visit if there are members of your group who have walking difficulties or if wheelchair access is required.

Limited parking is available on-site for private vehicles and buses.

Follow this link to the school and community group tour page.  Please ensure bookings are made directly by the organiser. Government House will not accept bookings from bus company representatives.

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Ukraine war latest: Putin says he will take Trump 'seriously' on ending war

Vladimir Putin has said Russia takes Donald Trump's declaration that he could end the war "completely seriously", although he doesn't know the details of the proposals. The US presidential candidate previously claimed he could create peace in 24 hours if he makes it to the White House.

Thursday 4 July 2024 22:05, UK

  • Putin says he will take Trump 'seriously' on ending war | Zelenskyy challenges former US president to reveal peace plan
  • Kremlin dismisses idea that Turkey could help end war
  • Indian PM to visit Russia next week
  • Number killed in Dnipro attack rises - as city observes day of mourning
  • Exclusive : Russia, Glasgow and why the cost of living crisis came to an end
  • Your questions answered: Has the West been honest about Ukraine's failures? | Is Kyiv next?
  • Listen to the Daily above and tap here to follow wherever you get your podcasts
  • Live reporting by Bhvishya Patel

We'll be back soon with more updates on the war in Ukraine.

Russian strikes killed two people and wounded 26 in Ukrainian regions stretching from the south to the east and northeast today, local authorities have said.

A missile strike in southern Odesa region killed a woman, injured seven people and damaged port infrastructure, regional governor Oleh Kiper said on Telegram.

Meanwhile, in the northeastern Kharkiv region, a second woman was killed and a man wounded in a strike by a Russian guided bomb on the village of Ruska Lozova, according to regional governor Oleh Syniehubov.

Nine others, including four children, were wounded in a drone attack and shelling in the town of Novohrodivka, in the frontline Donetsk region, governor Vadym Filashkin said.

Elsewhere, Dnipro regional governor Serhiy Lysak reported seven wounded in the southern town of Nikopol. 

All the affected regions have been subjected to repeated attacks since the start of Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022.

Russia denies targeting civilians or civilian infrastructure, but thousands of people have been killed and wounded.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has told his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping that he wants Turkey-China ties to continue improving.

He has also said steps taken to improve such ties would benefit both countries.

Both the Turkish and Chinese leaders met at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation summit in the Kazakh capital Astana today and discussed the Russia-Ukraine war and the fighting in Gaza.

During the meeting, Mr Erdogan called for "effective measures" by the international community to prevent either conflict from spreading.

One civilian has been killed after a ballistic missile struck the southern port city of Odesa.

Governor Oleh Kiper said at least seven others had been injured after the attack on the region and houses and port facilities had been damaged.

"The civilian port infrastructure is under attack," Mr Kiper said on Telegram .

Odesa has been a frequent target of Russian forces in the war, with many attacks aimed at the city's port facilities. 

Russia denies targeting civilians or civilian infrastructure.

The Hungarian prime minister will meet Vladimir Putin in Moscow tomorrow, according to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) . 

Viktor Orban will be accompanied by Hungary's foreign minister Peter Szijjarto, the outlet reports, citing an unnamed Hungarian government source.

The reported visit comes days after Mr Orban urged Volodymyr Zelenskyy to consider a ceasefire to accelerate an end to the war with Russia.

Mr Orban, who is an outspoken critic of Western military aid to Ukraine and has the warmest relations of any EU leader with Mr Putin, held talks with Mr Zelenskyy during his first trip to Kyiv in more than a decade yesterday.

Mr Orban said he asked the Ukrainian leader to think about a ceasefire before the follow-up international summit Kyiv hopes to hold later this year.

Apple has removed 25 VPN mobile apps from its AppStore in Russia, following a request by Russia's state communications watchdog Roskomnadzor, Interfax reports.

Demand for VPN services soared in Russia after Vladimir Putin ordered troops into Ukraine in 2022 and the authorities restricted access to some Western social media.

Russian communications watchdog Roskomnadzor has already blocked access to some large VPNs, but others remained available.

Images are emerging of the damage inflicted on Chasiv Yar in eastern Ukraine after months of Russian assault.

The Ukrainian army said today they had retreated from an area on the outskirts of the strategically important city in the Donetsk region after a 10-month battle there.

Months of relentless Russian artillery strikes have devastated Chasiv Yar, leaving homes charred.

Ukrainian commanders in the area say their resources remain stretched, largely due to a months-long gap in military assistance from the US which threw Ukraine's military onto the defensive.

Around 190,000 recruits have signed contracts to join the Russian military so far in 2024, the state-run RIA news agency reports, quoting former president Dmitry Medvedev.

Mr Medvedev, who is deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, said the current average recruitment rate was about 1,000 people a day.

For context : Russia is encouraging people to sign up for the war in Ukraine by paying them above average wages. 

Vladimir Putin has said Moscow has no need to enforce a new round of compulsory mobilisation because so many men are signing up on voluntary contracts.

A duo of Russian pranksters who often target and compromise people the Russian state is interested in have been given a top state award in the Kremlin, the RIA state news agency reports.

Vladimir Kuznetsov and Alexei Stolyarov, who use the aliases "Vovan and Lexus", were presented with the award by the Kremlin at a ceremony yesterday.

The award is given to Russian and foreign nationals for strengthening peace, friendship, cooperation and understanding between Moscow and other nations, among other criteria.

There was no immediate word from the Russian pranksters, who last month released footage of a video call they had with UK Foreign Secretary David Cameron after tricking him into thinking he was speaking to a former Ukrainian president.

During the hoax call, Lord Cameron thought he was speaking with former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko.

The duo are well-known inside Russia, having duped a string of politicians over the years, including Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and, in 2022, Britain's then-defence minister, Ben Wallace.

Vladimir Putin has said his preference for Joe Biden remains unchanged after watching fragments of the debate between the US president and Donald Trump.

Asked by a state television reporter if Mr Biden or Trump was better, if his publicly stated preference for Biden had changed after the debate, and if he had seen it, Mr Putin said: "Nothing has changed."

"Did we not know what could come? We knew," the Russian president added.

Mr Putin has several times said he feels Joe Biden is preferable as the future US president to Trump, even after Mr Biden cast the Kremlin chief as a "crazy SOB".

Mr Putin said he had seen parts of the debate between both Mr Biden and Trump but he had other things to attend to.

"I saw some fragments," Mr Putin said. "But I have enough to do."

Asked about Trump's statements that he could end the Ukraine war swiftly if he won the presidential election, Mr Putin said Russia took him seriously but had no sense of the details of any of Trump's peace proposals.

"The fact that Mr Trump, as a presidential candidate, declares that he is ready and wants to stop the war in Ukraine, we take this completely seriously," he said.

What else did Putin say today?

The Russian leader also reiterated that Moscow would not declare a ceasefire in Ukraine until Kyiv takes steps that are "irreversible" and acceptable to the Kremlin.

He said it was pointless for Russia to attempt to appeal to the Ukrainian parliament when it came to Moscow's ideas to end the conflict between the two countries.

Mr Putin said last month that Russia would end the war in Ukraine only if Kyiv agreed to drop its NATO ambitions and hand over the entirety of four provinces claimed by Moscow, demands Kyiv swiftly rejected as tantamount to surrender.

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governor house tour


  1. Tour of the Texas Governor's Mansion!

    governor house tour

  2. Governor's Mansion

    governor house tour

  3. Take a tour inside the Texas Governor's Mansion

    governor house tour

  4. Take A Virtual Tour Of The NY Governor's Mansion

    governor house tour

  5. Take a tour inside the Texas Governor's Mansion

    governor house tour

  6. The Virtual Reality Tour of the Governor's Mansion

    governor house tour


  1. A Tour Of Government Spokesperson Isaac Mwaura's Home || ART OF LIVING

  2. A Tour of the Luxurious Home of Bungoma Governor Hon. Kenneth Lusaka

  3. Karachi Me Mughal Daur Ki Tarha Governor House Ke Bahar Bell Lag Gai

  4. Governor House ll State Foundation Day ll March 2024

  5. Governor House Tour 😮#shirazivillagevlog #shortsviral

  6. at governor house 2024


  1. Raj Bhavan Maharashtra

    30.06.2024: Governor presides over a Conference on Latest Criminal Law Reforms 2023. 29.06.2024: Governor presents Rashtra Seva Samman' to art director Jayant Deshmukh. 21.06.2024: Governor leads Raj Bhavan in performing yoga. 19.06.2024: Maharashtra Governor calls on President Murmu.

  2. Raj Bhavan Mumbai

    Introduction. Mumbai Raj Bhavan is the official residence of the Governor of Maharashtra. It is one of the most beautiful buildings in Mumbai city. It is situated on about 44 acres of land and surrounded by sea on three sides. The Raj Bhavan complex at Malabar Hill has a mile-long stretch of thick forests, a sandy beach and several lush lawns.

  3. Michigan Governor's Summer Residence

    When you can tour Michigan Governor's Summer Residence on Mackinac Island. Published on July 12, 2023. It has 11 bedrooms, nine-and-a-half baths, more than 7,000 square-feet and a porch with stunning views of the Jewel Golf Course, Grand Hotel, Mackinac Bridge and the Mackinac Island harbor far below. It has hosted guests including Bill ...

  4. Government House

    State Circle and School St. Annapolis, MD. 21401. Get Directions. Contact. Local Phone: 410-974-3531. Fax: 410-974-5155. Georgian-style Colonial mansion is the official residence of Maryland's Governor. Open for tours by appointment.

  5. Go Inside The Michigan Governor's Summer Residence on Mackinac Island

    Tours of the Michigan Governor's Mansion. Wednesdays in the summer, 9:30 - 11:30 AM. ... Constructed in 1902, the house was made with a combination of Michigan White Pine and Georgia Yellow Pine. Inscription: Young Family at their Residence Lawrence, Mabel, Henry, Alice and Robinson Young in front of the dark green summer cottage circa 1903 ...

  6. Governor's Mansion

    The governor's mansion is a fun place to visit in Sacramento. It is a real life house with furnishings left by the many different governor's families that have lived there. The tour guides have interesting and fun stories to tell about people like Ronald Regan, Kathleen Brown and others.

  7. Virtual Tour

    Virtual Tour. Step behind the door of "The People's House" to take a virtual 3D tour. Explore the first-floor public rooms and interact with clickable tagged objects to learn more about the art, architecture and lives of Drumthwacket's three private owners before it became the official residence of New Jersey governors.


    On today's episode of Homeworthy, the First Lady of Illinois, MK Pritzker, gives us an exclusive look inside the Governor's Mansion in Springfield, Illinois....

  9. The Virtual Reality Tour of the Governor's Mansion

    Take a tour of the Governor's Mansion

  10. All Democratic Governors Attend White House Meeting With Biden

    All of the country's Democratic governors were in attendance either virtually or in person at a meeting with President Biden on Wednesday night, the White House said, amid the ongoing political ...

  11. Photos Show What the Governor's Mansion Looks Like in Every State

    North Dakota's new governor's mansion under construction in 2017. James MacPherson / AP. The 13,700-square-foot mansion was finished in 2018 and cost nearly $5 million to build. It has six ...

  12. Pennsylvania Governor's Residence

    The Pennsylvania Governor's Residence is the official residence of the governor of Pennsylvania, ... Every holiday season the house is opened for special tours. The mansion is located adjacent to the Susquehanna River and flooding has proven to be a significant hazard. Water intrusion in the basement area is a frequent issue and the mansion has ...

  13. Governor's Mansion

    Experience the historical architectural splendor of the Oklahoma Governor's Mansion. This 19-room residence, complete with an Oklahoma-shaped pool, houses the state's First Family and boasts artwork and antiques that provide visitors with a fascinating glimpse of the past. For tour reservations and more information, contact Liz Wood at [email protected] or (405) 888-6353

  14. The house of governor-general

    The house of governor-general, Moscow, beginning of the 20th century. Moscow Mayor's office, Moscow, 2010 ... Once having a tour with your Moscow guide, learn a mysterious story of this house. Bridge The Time Gap. The construction of Moscow State University. Moscow, 1951-52. source: www.oldmos.ru ...

  15. Visit us

    Visit us. Government House Sydney welcomes visitors to the House and magnificent grounds of one of Australia's oldest buildings. Opening Times. The House is open Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 10:30am to 3:00pm with Guided Tours operating half-hourly [subject to variations listed below]. One Sunday a month the Governor hosts Jazz@theHouse.

  16. Video: Democratic governors talk about their meeting with Biden

    CNN's MJ Lee reports on the meeting at the White House with President Biden and a number of Democratic governors.

  17. Biden meets with Democratic governors as White House works to shore up

    Washington — President Biden met with Democratic governors Wednesday night as the White House and his reelection campaign work to shore up support for him after last week's shaky debate performance.

  18. Drumthwacket

    Welcome to Drumthwacket, "The People's House". Constructed on land that witnessed the 1777 Princeton battle for American independence, today Drumthwacket serves as the stately home and grounds of the official residence of the Governor of New Jersey. Listed on the National Register of Historic Places and one of the most elegant of our ...

  19. Government House

    Welcome to Government House. Government House is the official residence of the governor of Maryland. Located in Annapolis, it is directly across the street from the historic Maryland State House. Currently, Government House is the home of Governor Wes Moore and his wife, Dawn Moore. The Moores have two children.

  20. Tours

    We can't wait to share this beautiful space with you. Please use this form to request a tour. Please keep in mind when requesting a tour your visit is not officially booked until you receive a confirmation either by phone or email from a Governor's Residence staff member. Questions about tours, please call or email us at 717-787-1192 and leave ...

  21. Whitmer plans to join governors at Biden White House meeting

    Gov. Gretchen Whitmer planned to participate in a White House meeting with President Joe Biden on Wednesday, joining other Democratic governors for a ... The Biden campaign has planned a tour ...

  22. Tour the Governor's Mansion

    Public tours are conducted throughout the year Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays between 10:00 AM and 11:30 AM. Sign-ups for individuals, groups between 10 and 29, and groups greater than 30 are available. The tour is a hybrid of a guided and self guided tour. We have docents stationed in each room to teach you about the collection, but you may go from room to room at your own pace.

  23. Blaine House and State House Capitol Tours

    Enjoy a scenic visit to the Governor's mansion or Maine's capitol building! Guided State House and Blaine House tours are available. The Maine State Museum schedules tours for both. To schedule these tours, contact the museum at 207-287-2301 or complete the Reservation Form. Both buildings are not open on holidays.

  24. 03 July 2024

    On Wednesday, in the afternoon, at Government House, Her Excellency the Honourable Dr Jeannette Young AC PSM greeted members of the public visiting for a guided tour of the House and gardens.

  25. Book a Public Tour

    House Tours. Running from February - November. Go behind-the-scenes at Government House and explore rooms including the Drawing Room, State Dining Room, Investiture Room, and Billiard Room. You will also learn about the history of the House and the Constitutional, Ceremonial and Community roles of the Governor.

  26. Tour Request

    Please choose three dates everyone in your party is available to tour the White House. Tours are available Tuesday through Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., and Friday and Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The tours are self-guided. White House tours may be submitted up to 6 months in advance, but no later than 3 weeks before the requested ...

  27. Joe Biden to hold White House meeting with governors: What to know

    President Biden is expected to meet Wednesday with a group of Democratic governors in a closed-door meeting at the White House. It marks his latest effort to reassure supporters of his ability to w…

  28. Ukraine war latest: Putin says he will take Trump 'seriously' on ending

    Vladimir Putin has said Russia takes Donald Trump's declaration that he could end the war "completely seriously", although he doesn't know the details of the proposals. The US presidential ...

  29. List of heads of Moscow government

    Tsardom of Russia and Russian Empire The House of Moscow Civil Governor (on the left, address: Tverskaya Street, house 20, building 1) was built in 1770s. Moscow Governor General House (now Residence of the Mayor of Moscow, aka "Tverskaya Street, 13" and Mossovet building) was built in 1778-1782.. Governorates of the Russian Empire was created by the edict (ukase) of Peter the Great on 18 ...

  30. Governor of Moscow Oblast

    The Governor of Moscow Oblast (Russian: Губернатор Московской области) is the governor of Moscow Oblast, a federal subject of Russia.. The governor is the highest-ranking official and head of administration of the government of Moscow Oblast, and is elected for a five-year term that is renewable once consecutively.. The current governor is Andrey Vorobyov of United ...