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Het is een bekend gegeven dat het internet een steeds grotere rol speelt in het dagelijks leven van mensen. Google Street View biedt een uitstekende oplossing voor deze trend. Klanten kunnen nu 24/7 virtueel door jouw bedrijf navigeren.

Met officieel meer dan 65.000 beelden, 250 miljoen views behoort AS-IS Virtual Tour tot de bekendste streetview fotografen van Nederland.

Met 2.000+ Google pagina’s in beheer welke wij optimaliseren en voorzien van 360° beeldmateriaal, (drone) video’s en (drone) foto’s zorgen wij dat menig bedrijf vele malen hoger rankt in de zoekresultaten van Google. Wil jij dit ook? Neem vandaag nog contact met ons op en laat jouw bedrijf online stralen!


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gemaakte Virtual tours

Met behulp van onze virtuele tours hebben we voor meer dan 1.000 bedrijven uit vrijwel elke branche hun online aanwezigheid versterkt. (Potentiële) klanten kunnen nu online binnenkijken en een goede eerste indruk opdoen.

Unieke streetview beelden

Elk beeld staat voor een losse 360° foto voor een van onze klanten, welke hen meer zichtbaarheid in Google geven en meer potentiële klanten aantrekken. Gemiddeld zorgt ieder beeld voor vele duizenden weergaven in Google.

Drone vlieguren

Dankzij deze vele vlieguren hebben we adembenemende luchtfoto’s en video’s vastgelegd en onze virtuele tours een unieke dimensie gegeven. Wij vliegen met zowel reguliere drones als FPV-drones (First Person View).

Google bedrijfsprofielen in beheer

AS-IS VIrtual Tour was de éérste Google Trusted Verifier van Nederland en ontzorgt inmiddels ruim 2.000 bedrijven die met een bedrijfsprofiel hun online aanwezigheid willen versterken en optimaliseren.

jaar 360° foto-ervaring

Al in het eind van de jaren ’90 zijn wij begonnen met 360° fotografie. In 2014 werden we deel van het Google Trusted Photographer traject, speciaal voor Street View fotografie. Met onze expertise realiseren we jouw droombeelden.

weergaven op google

Onze geüploade beelden hebben op Google samen meer dan 250 miljoen unieke fotoweergaven gegenereerd, wat getuigt van de immense impact en populariteit van deze visuele content bij een breed publiek.

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Jouw google specialist.

AS-IS Virtual Tour heeft diepgaande expertise in Google Ads, Google Mijn Bedrijf-optimalisatie, Google Workspace beheer en Google Street View implementaties. We bieden uitgebreide oplossingen voor een sterke online aanwezigheid van jouw bedrijf en zorgen ervoor dat jouw aantal weergaven in de het Google ecosysteem ongekende niveaus bereikt.

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Met ruime ervaring in webdesign en webhosting biedt AS-IS Virtual Tour aantrekkelijke en functionele websites. Onze specialisatie in virtuele tours brengt bedrijven tot leven online.

Lourdesplein 1, 4615 EX Bergen op Zoom

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as is virtual tour country

The 12 Best Virtual Vacations You Can Take Without Traveling

as is virtual tour country

While recent events may have kept us off planes and, well, on our couch, travel still remains one of the best ways to demonstrate our global interconnectedness and humanity. So for now, because we are all in this together (and separately from our individual couches), we’ll have to be armchair voyagers as we explore museums, libraries, and historical, religious, and cultural sites. Learning and discovery don’t have to stop. Keep reading to find out about the best virtual vacations from the comfort—and safety—of your own home.

Have a Virtual Adventure at the Grand Canyon

The National Park Service does more than educate sightseers in person when they visit any of the 61 national parks. You can view the Grand Canyon via 360-degree photographs on an archeology virtual tour, go on a virtual hike past layers of earth to the famous Phantom Ranch, or float down the Colorado River on a rafting trip.

Online: View virtual tours, maps, and photographs through the National Park System’s website.

See Llamas at Machu Picchu

Wendy Altschuler

High in the Peruvian Andes mountains sits Machu Picchu , an ancient citadel built in the 15th century. A visit here will reward you with stunning mountain views, llama sightings, and great hikes throughout olden ruins.

Online: Visit the citadel online through a 360-degree virtual tour , provided by You Visit.

Wander Through the Sistine Chapel in Italy

Located in the Apostolic Palace in Vatican City, the Sistine Chapel is famous for the Renaissance frescos that brighten up the interior. In person, when open to the public, The Sistine Chapel is crowded, and it can be difficult to view all of the artwork. A virtual tour is not only a great way to appreciate the chapel without the interference of too many people, but you can also see the gardens, Pontifical Villas, and Vatican City museums.

Online: See the Vatican grounds, including the Sistine Chapel , by clicking on arrows to move up, down, left and right throughout each tour. You’ll also be able to zoom in to get a better look at the paintings.

Visit the Land of Creation

Jerusalem is home to three monolithic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The Church of the Holy Sepulcher is one of the most notable locations in Jerusalem . Located in the Christian Quarter of the Old City in Israel, this religious site is said to be where Jesus was crucified, where his empty tomb is located, and where he is believed to have been resurrected.

Online: Experience 360-degree virtual tours of Jerusalem, including The Church of the Holy Sepulcher, the Western Wall, Old City markets, Mount of Olives, and much more via Samsung XL.

Tour the White House

Visiting Washington, D.C. , is inadvisable right now, but you can still go on a virtual tour of the White House . See the Eisenhower Executive Office Building positioned next to the West Wing where White House Staff offices are located. Click through a 360-degree view of the Vice President’s Ceremonial Office, the Secretary of War Suite, the War Library/The Law Library, and The Indian Treaty Room. Learn about how the art and décor of the White House has changed with each Presidential occupancy. You’ll have the opportunity to view the Entrance Hall, Cross Hall, East Room, Green Room, Blue Room, Red Room, State Dining Room, Vermeil Room, China Room, East Garden Room, and more.

Online: Google Arts & Culture offers a wide variety of virtual reality tours.

Visit the Guggenheim Museum in New York City

 Courtesy of The Guggenheim Museum

New York City’s Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is one of the most stunning Frank Lloyd Wright-designed structures in the country. The white spiral ramp in the interior takes you from the bottom to the top in an organized and visually pleasing way.

Online: Google Arts & Culture will lead you through the museum’s multiple floors, highlighting 600 artworks along the way. You’ll be able to zoom in and out and rotate your view 360 degrees.

Understand the Natural World in Washington, D.C.

TripSavvy / Victoria Chamberlain

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History , home to 125 million artifacts, is one of the most-visited natural history institutions on the planet. Visit the exhibits—permanent, current, and past—from your desktop or mobile device on a virtual tour. You’ll be able to click on blue arrows as you navigate through each exhibit, located on the ground, first, or second floors. Be patient as pages load and click on camera icons to get a close-up view of a particular object.

Online: The museum’s website showcases a wide variety of exhibits via virtual tours.

Visit the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island in New York City

If you’ve never been to New York City, then the Statue of Liberty on Liberty Island and the Ellis Island National Museum of Immigration on Ellis Island are likely high on your travel wishlist. Both islands, which are part of the same National Park System, are worth exploring. Go on a virtual tour of Ellis Island to see where more than 40 percent of Americans can find family history and climb inside of the Statue of Liberty.

Online: The National Park Service has virtual tours of Ellis Island , created by Heritage Documentation Programs, and the Statue of Liberty National Monument. Scholastic also has an informative Teacher’s Activity Guide that will allow you to see photos, listen to audio, and learn about Ellis Island on an interactive tour.

Smile Back at Mona Lisa in Paris

kwanchai_k photograph / Getty Images

The Louvre in Paris is the largest art museum on the planet, home to more than 35,000 displayed works, including Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. While this historic museum is usually congested, especially on the weekends, you can visit virtually, from the comfort of your own home, and see the museum’s most impressive works. If nothing else, this online experience can be valuable research for when you travel to Paris in the future.

Online: Immerse yourself in the museum’s galleries and exhibits via virtual reality. See Egyptian antiques, the Louvre’s moat, and, of course, Mona Lisa’s smile. The museum’s website also has a number of videos that you can watch to get a better understanding of the museum’s art. Note: You’ll have to download Flash Player. You Visit also has a great 360-degree virtual reality display of several museum galleries.

Witness the Treasures of England’s British Museum

 TripSavvy / Gautier Houba 

Home to the Rosetta Stone, Greek vases, Egyptian mummies, an Easter Island statue, an Aztec double-headed serpent sculpture, and n umerous other artifacts and artworks , the British Museum is one of the most popular tourist attractions in London. See impressive examples of human history, art, and culture through a virtual tour.

Online: See the British Museum via Google, where you can navigate a timeline to view specific artifacts.

Learn About Amsterdam’s History and Culture at The Rijksmuseum

Merten Snijders /  GettyImages

The Rijksmuseum is one of the most visited museums in Amsterdam, and for good reason. See works from the Dutch Golden Age by Rembrandt, Vermeer, Ruisdael, Steen, and more. The building itself is also a work of art and worth viewing through virtual reality.

Online: Virtual tours, of the interior as well as the exterior, are available through Google Arts & Culture.

Float Along the Great Wall of China

Fortification walls, stretching thousands of miles, were built in northern China to protect the country against invaders and to control trade along the Silk Road. The Great Wall of China is known as one of the most impressive and significant archeological human feats in history.

Online: Wander through sections of the Great Wall of China through a virtual tour, provided by You Visit. Click on the camera icons to see close-up photographs.

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60 Virtual Tours To Travel The World During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Chloe Smulian

  • Written by Post author: Chloe Smulian
  • Post last modified: Updated on April 2, 2024

free virtual tours to travel the world for free

A comprehensive list of free virtual tours that will intrigue and delight all types of travel lovers. Discover the Seven Wonders of the World, visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites and iconic landmarks around the world from the comfort of your home! Experience your first virtual travel experience with us.

With extensive travel bans, citywide lockdowns and strict social distancing measures, it’s hard not to eventually let cabin fever weigh you down. This is especially true if you’ve got a healthy addiction to travel like us. So we’ve found a way around the problem – virtual travel!

Obviously it doesn’t replace the real thing, but it’s better than nothing. It’s also a great way to get travel inspiration and learn some interesting facts about the destination until we can travel again.

It will give you something positive to look forward to while we all do the responsible thing and #stayhome. Treat it like Facetiming the world!

It’s also a great thing to do with kids at home. They’ll especially love the wildlife live webcam feeds! This list is guaranteed to keep them occupied for days if not weeks!

So whether you love city escapes, exploring museums or learning interesting facts about the natural and man-made wonders around the world, there’s something for everyone.

Make sure you share this with your friends and family who love travelling too.

What Do You Need To Virtual Travel The World

Virtual touring the world is easy. All you need is a laptop, cellphone or tablet and an internet connection. You don’t need a VR set (virtual reality set), but if you have one it’s a bonus.

We recommend using Google Chrome web browser because some of these virtual tour websites are not in English. Chrome makes it really easy translating foreign languages to English or whatever language you prefer.

Lastly, have a little patience as some of these virtual tours take a bit longer to load.

New Seven Wonders Of The World Virtual Tour

Everyone’s heard of the Seven Wonders of the World. But did you know that there are two different lists for the 7 Wonders of the World?

No? We didn’t either. The list most people know is the New Seven Wonders of the World. But there’s also the Ancient Seven Wonders of the World.

Are you one of the those rare humans that can list all New 7 Wonders of the World?

virtual tour the 7 wonders of the world including great wall of china, christ the redeemer, chichen itza and petra

1. Great Wall of China

Often cited as the only human-made structure that is visible from space. The Great Wall of China is probably the most well known Wonder of the World. It captures over 2,000 years of history and stretches more than 21,000 km across several provinces in China. That’s as long as 5 times the length of Australia!

This iconic landmark is usually teemed with tourists all year round. But you can visit it crowd-free on this Great Wall of China virtual tour.

2. Chichen Itza, Mexico

The ancient city of Chichen Itza is one of the most well restored Mayan sites in Mexico and also its biggest tourist attraction. El Castillo may be the most famous pyramid of Chichen Itza, but there are many other ancient ruins to explore.

If you love astronomy, you’ll love learning how each structure was intricately designed to align with specific planets and stars. Sounds fascinating?

You can virtually tour Chichen Itza and explore some of its most popular sites and facts right from the comfort of your own home.

3. Christ The Redeemer, Brazil

The cultural icon of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and a symbol of Christianity across the world. The Christ The Redeemer statue is the largest art deco statue in the world. It stands 38 meters tall (around 13 storeys high) and stretches 28 meters wide.

It was built by the Roman Catholic community of Brazil following the end of World War I. The community was concerned about the growing ‘godlessness’ when Brazil officially became a republic and the church was officially separated from the state.

You can skip the 200+ step climb to the top on this stunning virtual tour of Cristo Redentor .

4. Petra, Jordan

Also known as the ‘Carved City’ or the ‘Lost City’, Petra is known as one of the oldest cities in the world. It is estimated that the city was established in the 4th century (312 BC) but was only discovered by Western civilisation in the 1800s.

Only 15% of Petra has been explored by archaeologists, so not much is known besides it being home to about 800 tombs.

It’s simply one of those places that you have to see to believe that it exists in real life. Petra is still on our travel bucket list, but this virtual tour is probably one of our favourites!

machu picchu, rome colosseum and taj mahal virtual travel experience

5. Taj Mahal, India

One look at the Taj Mahal and it’s easy to see why it’s a wonder. It’s considered to be one of the most magnificent masterpieces of architecture in the world. Besides that, it’s also a symbol of love. Don’t believe us? See the Taj Mahal in VR for yourself.

The emperor built it in remembrance of his third wife who passed away giving birth to their 14th child. Today the couple remains buried together beneath the main inner chamber of the Taj Mahal.

It took more than 22,000 workers, 1,000 elephants and 22 years to build this incredible structure. Now there are concerns that it will crumble into pieces as its wooden foundations are rotting away.

6. Rome Colosseum, Italy

Did you know that Italy has the most number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world? There are a total of 51 World Heritage sites within Italy of which the Colosseum is the most famous.

Historically, the Colosseum was a place where gladiator fights and executions took place in Ancient Rome. Today it stands as a symbol of power and majesty of the Roman Empire. It’s also one of the most popular tourists attraction in the world.

7. Machu Picchu, Peru

Machu Picchu is famous for being the Lost City of the Incas. It is believed that this is where the Incas escaped to when the Spanish conquistadors arrived in the 16th century.

Besides its historical significance, Machu Picchu also showcases the Incas’ incredible mastery of stone. The stones used to construct some of the most beautiful structures in Machu Picchu were cut so precisely and wedged so closely together, that a credit card cannot be inserted between them.

Not only was this more aesthetically pleasing, it also has engineering advantages. The stones were designed to bounce through earthquake tremors and fall back into place. This was only possible because no mortar (or cement) was used and the reason why Machu Picchu still stands today.

Virtual Tours of Top UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Top unesco sites in africa.

famous unesco world heritage sites in africa include the drakensberg mountains, great pyramids of egypt and kilimanjaro

8. The Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt

The Great Pyramid of Giza is one of the most famous landmarks around the world. Its sheer colossal size and perfect symmetry makes you wonder how this world icon was constructed more than 4,500 years ago.

Today, the Pyramids of Giza are the only surviving members of the Ancient Seven Wonders of the World.

9. Kilimanjaro National Park, Tanzania

Kilimanjaro is one of the largest volcanoes in the world and also home to Africa’s highest mountain.

If you love hiking as much as we do, then Kilimanjaro is probably on your bucket list too. Close to 35,000 people attempt to hike Mount Kilimanjaro every year. But only 40% of them successfully reach the summit and around 5 to 15 people die every year attempting it.

There isn’t a proper virtual tour of Kilimanjaro , but you can get some awesome 360 panoramic views using Google Map street views. Just drag the little yellow man to the circles on the map to ‘explore’ the area.

Save Me For Later

pinterest save image for 60 free virtual tours to travel the world from home during self quarantine

10. Drakensberg Mountains, South Africa

Not only is the Drakensberg Mountains a UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site, it’s also a UNESCO Cultural World Heritage Site. Drakensberg is culturally significant because it hides more than 20,000 San rock paintings inside its nooks and crevices.

These rock paintings are important because they represent the earliest form of human creativity. They also symbolise the beginning of art in the world today.

We’ve had the privilege of hiking the Drakensberg Mountains when we lived in South Africa. If you plan to hike it too, make sure you read our top Drakensberg hiking trails of the Royal Natal National Park . We also share tips on how you can hike the Drakensberg with children .

Since that’s not possible right now, you can enjoy the magnificence of the Drake nsberg on this beautiful virtual tour.

Top UNESCO Sites in Asia

world heritage sites in asia like bagan, angkor wat, terracotta army in china

11. Bagan, Myanmar

Bagan is known as the ‘sea of temples’ because it has the largest concentration of Buddhist temples in the world. There were originally 10,000 Buddhist temples, pagodas and monasteries built here in the 1000s and 1100s. But only 2,000 of them still exist today.

Needless to say that the entire Bagan Archaeological zone is too vast to explore by foot alone. You can compliment your walk with a ride on old rickety bicycles, hot balloon rides or on this mind blowing virtual tour of Bagan .

12. Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Angkor Wat is famous for being the largest religious monument in the world. Yes, it’s even bigger than Bagan! Before the fall of Angkor Wat in the 15th century, it was actually the largest city in the world.

Unlike Bagan, most of Angkor Wat still exists today. It was built with durability in mind because it was designed and dedicated to the immortal gods.

13. Terracotta Army, China

This World Heritage Site isn’t a temple, but a mass grave. It’s the burial ground for the First Emperor of China and his world renowned Terracotta Army.

No one knows exactly how many terracotta warriors were made. But it’s been estimated that more than 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses were sculpted. And if that wasn’t amazing enough, each soldier has its own distinct facial features and were all built to life-size.

It took around 40 years to ‘build’ the entire army and its sole purpose was for protecting the emperor in his afterlife.

You can wander between these soldiers yourselves on this Terracotta Warrior virtual tour.

Top UNESCO Sites in Europe

virtual tour of top unesco world heritage sites in europe like stonehenge and the acropolis of athens in greece

14. Acropolis of Athens, Greece

‘Acropolis’ translates into ‘high city’ in Greek. Most cities in ancient Greece had their city centres built on a mound or a hill. This is where they would build their important temples and where citizens could retreat to if under attack.

The most famous acropolis of Greece is, of course, the one in Athens with the iconic Pantheon dominating its skyline. The Acropolis of Athens has withstood the test of time, including bombardments, earthquakes and vandalism. Yet it still stands today as a reminder of the rich history of Greece.

15. Stonehenge, United Kingdom

Also known as the Bronze Age Ring of Standing Stones, Stonehenge is one of the UK’s most unique sites and visited attractions. It’s a prehistoric monument steeped in all kinds of myth and speculation because no one knows its true origin or purpose.

Some believe that Stonehenge was a Druid temple, built by ancient Celtic pagans as a centre for their religious worship. Others believe it to have astronomical significance as the light from sunrise and sunset aligns with the stones during summer and winter solstice.

Why don’t you decide for yourself based on the interesting facts you’ll learn on this Stonehenge virtual tour.

Top UNESCO Sites in North and South America

world heritage sites in the US and south america

16. Mesa Verde National Park, USA

Mesa Verde is the largest and one of the most spectacular archeological sites in the USA. It was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site because it encapsulates how Native Americans once lived by carving their homes into the cliff.

It’s one of the most well preserved ruins of the Ancestral Pueblo people in North America and you can virtually explore Mesa Verde right from the comfort of your own home.

17. Mayan Ruins of Tikal, Guatemala

At first glance, the Mayan Ruins of Tikal appears to be quite similar to the ruins of Chichen Itza. They were both major cities in the history of the Mayan civilisation and are both declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The biggest difference between the two is that Tikal is less visited and often less crowded compared to the more popular Chichen Itza. That’s because Tikal is located in the remote Guatemalan forests whereas Chichen Itza is much easier to access.

Some areas of Tikal remain unmapped or excavated too. So if you love hidden gems, make sure you visit the Mayan Ruins of Tikal , even if it’s only by virtual tour for now.

18. Easter Island, Chile

Easter Island is a Chilean island in the south Pacific Ocean. It’s famous for its 900+ giant statues known as Moais, which are scattered around the entire island.

It is believed that the Rapa Nui natives built these Moais to honour chieftains and important individuals from their village. They believed that by doing this, the spirit of the person would forever watch over the tribe and bring good fortune.

Today, Easter Island is believed to be the most remote inhabited island in the world. That’s why it’s also very expensive to get to. But have no fear, you can admire Easter Island virtually until then.

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings Around the World

Some of the most iconic and recognised landmarks and buildings around the world that you can explore for free from home.

free virtual tour of white house and statue of liberty

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in USA

19. The White House, United States

Anyone can visit the White House free of charge. But you have to register and request a tour online and wait between 3 weeks to 3 months to visit. Skip the wait on this White House virtual tour.

20. Statue of Liberty, USA

More than 130 years ago, France gifted the Statue of Liberty to the United States to celebrate the friendship the two endured during the American Revolution. Today it represents freedom and democracy in the USA.

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in the United Kingdom

21. Buckingham Palace, United Kingdom

The official residence of The Queen and a must-visit when in London. Skip the long 3 month wait and the €30 entrance ticket and see Buckingham Palace virtually.

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in Italy

the leaning tower of pisa, vatican city and doge's palace

22. The Vatican, Italy

Vatican City is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and the seat of government. More than 5 million people come to Rome every year to feast their eyes on the prized paintings and sculptures of the Vatican and to experience the most religious and cultural site in the world. Check out for the tour.

23. Leaning Tower of Pisa

The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most recognised landmarks in the world. The intention was to build the tallest bell tower for that era in order to show off Pisa’s growing wealthy and prosperity. The ‘leaning’ part of the equation was actually an engineering mistake.

24. Doge’s Palace, Venice

More than a 1,000 years ago, Doge’s Palace was the home to the ruler of Venice and the seat of power for the Venetian Republic. Today it is one of Venice’s must-see museums. Wander around the corridors of the Doge’s Palace or along one of its many surrounding canals on this beautiful virtual tour.

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in Germany

25. Reichstag Parliamentary Building, Berlin

The Reichstag is one of the most important buildings in Berlin today. Built to symbolise the reunification of Germany. It’s one of the few parliamentary buildings in the world that allows the public to watch over government processions. Similar to the White House, it’s free to visit but you have to book months in advance for a tour. Wait no more as this virtual tour of the Reichstag is pretty awesome.

Wondering how travelling in Berlin and Germany has changed since COVID? Find out what it’s like to visit Berlin during the coronavirus pandemic .

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in France

famous sightseeing spots in france include the louvre museum, palace of versailles and the catacombs of paris

26. Palace of Versailles, France

Did you know that the Palace of Versailles was a mere hunting lodge before it became the world’s largest palace? It’s one of the most important landmarks in French history because it symbolises the power and downfall of the French monarchy.

Explore its opulent, regal interior and admire its intricate details on this Palace of Versailles virtual tour.

27. The Louvre Museum, Paris

The Louvre use to serve as the royal palace for the French monarchy. It only became an art museum after the royal family moved their residence to Versailles. Today it is the world’s largest art museum and an iconic historical monument in Paris.

28. The Catacombs of Paris, France

It’s no coincidence that the word ‘catacombs’ rhymes with ‘tombs’. The Catacombs of Paris is the world’s largest underground burial site. The city was growing too fast for its cemeteries to handle the bodies of the dead. The solution was to move the bodies and bury them underground. Archaeologists estimate that around 6 to 7 million bodies were buried down there. Creepy…

Iconic Landmarks and Buildings in Israel

29. The Holyland, Bethlehem and Jerusalem

Also known as the most sacred place on earth. It is here at The Holyland that the main religious faiths believe that God first entered into a relationship with the human race.

Virtual Tours of Top Natural Wonders and Attractions

armchair travel experiences of the top natural attractions in the world including the northern lights, cliffs of moher, niagra falls and raja ampat

30. Niagara Falls , Canada – see live video feeds of these world famous falls on EarthCam.

31. The Northern Lights , Canada – another great live webcam to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights. Remember to watch this in the evening Canadian time.

32. Victoria Falls , Zambia – a magnificent virtual tour of the world’s largest waterfall.

33. Sahara Desert , Africa – explore the world’s largest desert without getting sand in your eyes.

34. Mount St Helens , USA – travel back in time and witness the day Mount St Helens erupted back in 1980.

35. Mount Everest , Himalayas – the only way to trek the world’s highest mountain without training is going on this virtual tour. Remember to click on the arrows to explore around.

36. Cliffs of Moher , Ireland – discover the most beautiful natural landscapes of Ireland on this gorgeous virtual tour.

37. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park , USA – one of our favourite virtual tours from the whole list. Not only is it mesmerising, but you can also learn so many interesting facts on this tour.

38. Grand Canyon , USA – enjoy a virtual hike and explore one of the most famous national parks in the USA.

39. Yellowstone National Park , USA – a nature lover’s paradise. Make sure you use Google Chrome for this tour.

40. Zhangjiajie National Forest Park , China – otherwise known as ‘Avatar Mountain’. The mesmerising, otherworldly landscapes that inspired the ‘floating mountains’ in one of our favourite movies, Avatar.

41. Galapagos Islands , Ecuador – A scuba diver and nature lover’s idea of paradise! This is right on the top of our travel bucket list.

42. Raja Ampat , Indonesia – The epitome of utopia. Hundreds of jungle-covered islands as far as the eye can see and some of the best beaches, coral reefs and scuba diving spots in the world.

Virtual Tours From The Top: City Skylines

360 panoramic views over some of the best city skylines in the world like new york, tokyo, hong kong and paris

43. New York Skyline – New York, New York! Head up to the 102th floor of the Empire State Building on this virtual tour and admire the city that never sleeps from above.

44. Tokyo Skytree , Japan – Teleport yourself to the highest structure in Tokyo and admire the vibrant capital city of Japan from the top. We hope you aren’t afraid of heights because the Tokyo Skytree is 634 meters tall which is more than double the height of the Eiffel Tower.

45. The Eiffel Tower , Paris – Head to the top deck of the Eiffel Tower and marvel at the City of Love on this breathtaking virtual tour.

46. The Peak , Hong Kong – Ever heard the phrase ‘A New York minute is a Hong Kong second’ before? Discover one of the most populous and expensive cities in the world from its highest peak. When you’re ready to visit Hong Kong in person, make sure you read our 7 tips to travel Hong Kong on a budget before you go.

47. St Paul’s Cathedral , London – Admire London’s epic skyline from the top of St Paul’s Cathedral.

Free Virtual Museum Tours

You should download the Google Arts and Culture app to your phone if you’re a museum lover. You’ll find tons of stunning virtual tours and interesting things to learn from the arts and culture world. Here are some of our favourite free virtual museum tours.

free museum virtual tours during the coronavirus pandemic and travel bans

48. The British Museum , London – The famous British Museum is dedicated to human history, art and culture. Their permanent collection consists of more than 8 million pieces of artwork. Making it one of the largest and most comprehensive compilations in the world.

49. Musée d’Orsay , Paris – If you love French art whether that’s paintings, sculptures, furniture or photography, you’ll love the Musée d’Orsay Museum.

50. Pergamon Museum , Berlin – Explore one of the largest and most visited museums in Germany. The Pergamon Museum is known for its antiquity collection and Islamic and Middle Eastern artworks.

If you love history and want to learn more about the story behind the Berlin Wall like why it was famous and so important. We’ve explained it simply (i.e. Story of the Berlin Wall for dummies) in our Berlin Wall by Bike guide.

51. Rijksmuseum , Amsterdam – The national museum of the Netherlands that holds some of the world’s most famous artworks from artists like Vermeer and Rembrandt.

52. Van Gogh Museum , Amsterdam – Another jewel from Amsterdam. The Van Gogh Museum needs no introduction.

53. The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York – Also known as The Met. This is one of the largest museums in the world. You can easily spend days if not weeks here admiring everything from antiquities, paintings, sculptures to modern art and fashion. A museum that has something for everyone.

Live Webcam Feeds for Wildlife Watching and Scuba Diving

We saved the best for last. Watch wildlife and underwater sea life from home via live webcam feeds! If you didn’t know you could do that, now you know.

free live webcam feeds of wildlife and aquariums around the world

54. Tau Game Lodge in Madikwe , South Africa – The beautiful Madikwe Game Reserve is located on the edge of the South African border close to Gaborone, Botswana. They have a 24 hour live webcam looking over one of the water reservoirs where the animals come to drink.

55. Kruger National Park , South Africa – Have you always dreamt of going on safari? Wait no more! WildEarth is hosting daily safari rides, twice a day so you can see some of South Africa’s most beautiful wildlife live with their awesome rangers! This is definitely one of our favourite wildlife webcam feeds! Support WildEarth with a donation if you can during these difficult times.

56. African River Wildlife, Kenya – There are more than 10 live webcam feeds here so you’re spoilt for choice. Head over to and enjoy ‘Facetiming’ these amazing creatures.

57. Virtual Dives with National Marine Sanctuaries – Discover the underwater world with virtual scuba diving! There’s a host of coral reefs waiting for you to explore. Just click on the video and use your mouse or VR set to look around.

58. Underwater Cave Diving – Even certified scuba divers like us are not allowed to explore underwater caves without the right technical qualifications and training. So whether you’re a scuba diver or not, you’ll most definitely enjoy this cave scuba diving virtual tour.

Want to learn how to scuba dive? Check out our Beginners Scuba Diving guide where we share how you can save time and money getting certified.

59. Georgia Aquarium – ‘FaceTime’ with the residents of Georgia Aquarium via their live webcams. See sea lions, puffer fish and even the elusive beluga whale.

60. Monterey Bay Aquarium – Another amazing aquarium with an array of live webcams. Spy on sea otters, jellyfish, penguins and even turtles and sharks.

Virtual Tours: How To Travel For Free From Home

We had a lot of fun looking for different ways to ‘travel’ the world from home. We hope you enjoyed your first experience of ‘armchair travel’. We’d love to hear which one was your favourite.

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Why virtual tours are here to stay

John Garry

Jul 14, 2020 • 4 min read

Once a niche, virtual travel is now a necessity

Once a niche, virtual travel is now a necessity. Can it last? Westend61 / Getty

As countries closed their borders to stop the spread of COVID-19, Maja Campelj and Tina Hudnik did the unthinkable – they traveled around the world. 

"We've been to Norway, we really liked Bilbao, and we've been to China," boasts Maja. "We went to Uganda to see the mountain gorillas, which I haven't seen before. Last week, we were immersed in Moldova. This week, we're really looking forward to Mexico." 

Maja and Tina, co-founders of the sustainability-focused tour guide academy G-Guides , aren't hopping on planes, mind you – they're traveling from their armchairs.

Two women take a selfie on a town bridge

In March, the Slovenia-based team launched a new digital course tackling the travel industry's final frontier – virtual tours. The five-day course, certified by the World Federation of Tourist Guide Associations , has attracted students from over 50 countries around the globe, and "the numbers are just increasing," Tina beams. Because of their students' tours, Maja and Tina are circling the world faster than Phileas Fogg in his wildest dreams. 

"More people are attending our course because more people realize that virtual tours are here to stay," adds Maja.

With travelers embracing a new normal and tourism professionals preparing for an uncertain future, G-Guides is at the forefront of a global revolution. Virtual tours are quickly becoming the antidote to wanderlust and the answer to questions about how the travel industry can weather the pandemic.

Connecting people around the world

Before the ongoing health crisis upended global tourism, virtual reality (VR) gained traction as both a marketing tool for travel companies and a way to vacation through visually immersive simulations. Platforms like Google Earth VR sprang up to offer virtual escapes 365 days a year, and headsets like the Oculus Rift now provide 360-degree views of the world's most famous sites. 

Guide talking about Washington to tourists in a bus, USA

Still, while much of the technology supporting these virtual adventures is groundbreaking, it can't replace the autonomous, all-sensory experience of in-person exploration. There's no way to feel the force of an Icelandic waterfall , smell a field of tulips blooming in the Netherlands, or taste a traditional Mexican torta while staring at a screen. That's why Maja and Tina are training guides to do much more than show sites and regurgitate facts; they're transforming tour guides into what they call “cultural immersion facilitators.”

"We really train them hard on how to transmit the five senses over the screen," notes Maja. But that's not all – through the course at G-Guides, industry professionals learn to create trips that inspire what globetrotters are missing most while stuck at home – personal connection.

"Intercultural communication skills and engaging storytelling – that's what it's all about," says Maja. "It's not about the place - every single place in this world can be exciting if someone can make it exciting." What matters most when a virtual tour ends is that participants "feel like they're connected with someone at the other end."

The virtues of virtual tourism

The benefits of virtual tours extend far beyond the interpersonal. "If we're ready to embrace this change, we have a unique opportunity to make tourism work for the majority of people," says Maja.


For travelers with mobile, visual, or auditory impairments, virtual tours allow them to experience destinations that were once off-limits. For environmentally-focused vagabonds, traveling via technology is a new way to reduce their carbon footprint and avoid flight shaming without forgoing a foreign excursion. When it comes to money and time, the benefits are equally evident. "I'm a busy woman," Maja admits. "I don't have time to go to all these places. If I have a knowledgeable guide who can really immerse me in the culture, I can have an experience in a shorter, cheaper time."

In cities like Amsterdam and Venice , which are usually overwhelmed with sightseers in the summertime, virtual tours may also provide relief. "I think virtual tours will contribute to the dispersion of people around the globe," says Maja. With unparalleled access to a diverse array of people and places, she’s right. The travel industry’s latest pivot may make this a small world after all.

Maja and Tina could talk about virtual tours all day long, but there isn’t much wiggle room in their busy schedules. "In one hour, we're going to St. Petersburg," Tina laughs. Today’s adventures already took them to the United States and China . 

Their itinerary might inspire envy, but lucky for us, we're only one click away from a virtual journey all our own.

Want to check out more virtual tours? The Lonely Planet Guides app has over a thousand 360º videos of destinations all over the world.

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A new wave of virtual trips let you travel the world from your living room

Virtual travel The online experiences that let you see the world remotely

As COVID-19 wreaks havoc on the travel industry – forcing countries to close borders , cancel flights and place populations on lockdown – going on holiday has had to be postponed . However, the need for escapism is more acute than ever, as is our curiosity, which is not satisfied by being housebound. Instead of bingeing endless Netflix shows, the answer could lie in virtual travel. (If people are paying to see a hologram of Whitney Houston perform in concert, then why not?)

Virtual travel The online experiences that let you see the world remotely

In the USA , video games are, apparently, being played at record levels, while sales of home consoles such as Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 are rocketing in South Korea . The same can be expected in the UK while people are quarantined – but instead of playing shoot-’em-ups, how about taking a walk around the Academy Ruins in Anthem or nosing around the White House in Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 ?

At the beginning of 2020, Rough Guides published a guide book to virtual Xbox worlds, proving that gaming tourism – whereby people play to explore, rather than win – is now a legitimate trend. The book provides sightseeing guides to eight Xbox One X Enhanced games such as Shadow of the Tomb Raider, Forza Horizon 4 and Metro Exodus , with sections on getting around, etiquette, shopping and things not to miss, just as it would with a physical city.

Virtual travel The online experiences that let you see the world remotely

The Rough Guide to Xbox states that game graphics are now so immersive and all-consuming that the ‘thrilling feeling of being somewhere new is no longer the exclusive domain of real-world travel’. It adds that the rise in popularity of in-game photography – gamers sharing images of the places they’ve discovered on Instagram – demonstrates that there is still social kudos attached to visiting a digital destination. The only thing you won’t come back with is a tan.

Using a virtual-reality (VR) headset – either a stand-alone unit or one that connects to a gaming PC or console – is a way to be transported to other realms in 3D. The wireless Oculus Quest has partnered with National Geographic to offer disembodied hikes around Machu Picchu and even kayak around Antarctica, while PlayStation 4’s headset can plunge you into the stunningly beautiful and seemingly endless No Man’s Sky (the idea is to travel through galaxies discovering new resources on alien planets).

Virtual travel The online experiences that let you see the world remotely

Although not currently accessible due to temporary coronavirus measures, London’s futuristic Otherworld gaming arcade is a thrilling example of how VR is evolving as a form of entertainment. Here, punters enter sci-fi gaming pods where they can climb Mount Everest in hyper-real immersive 3D, or walk through the beautiful landscapes of Iceland inspired by Björk’s Vulnicura album.

Otherworld says: ‘Free from physical and spatial constraints, it can provide a limitless number of impossible and exhilarating experiences.’ (If you have seen Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One , you will have a good idea of what it's like.) Sure, VR is never going to replace travel but that’s not the intention. It’s about providing perfect moments – the kind we talk about on our return from a trip – like watching a sunrise from the top of a volcano. And the best thing is, it’s relatively cheap, plus you don’t have to worry about jet lag, getting ill or mosquito bites. This is travel for the mind, not the body.

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Another example is Google Arts & Culture, which has compiled virtual tours of hundreds of the world’s best museums and galleries – from MoMA in New York and Florence’s Uffizi to the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg and Tate Britain. It works on desktops but the tablet/smartphone app is best – and for those who have a Google Cardboard headset (phones slot straight in), it will be even more immersive.

As cultural institutions such as these are shuttered during the pandemic to help facilitate social distancing, Google’s endeavour means that not only can people explore their famous halls, but they can also do so without queues and crowds, with the option to zoom in for high-definition examinations of colours and brushstrokes.

Piazzale degli Uffizi in Florence

It doesn’t end there. With Google Street View, you can poke around backstage at the Paris Opera, stand on top of the Taj Mahal and step inside Hong Kong’s Blue House, a living time capsule. Google Earth VR, meanwhile, lets you fly like a superhero around some of the world's most amazing sites, from the Hoover Dam to the Matterhorn. (An HTC Vive or Oculus Rift headset are needed to experience these.)

At the end of March 2020, the British Library launched a series of virtual historic globes that have been digitised over the course of two years by imaging specialists. Described as ‘one of the most beautiful but fragile subsets in the British Library’s vast maps collection,’ the terrestrial and celestial globes date between 1600 and 1950, and represent centuries of knowledge about our planet and cosmos. Although seeing them in person is not possible as the library is temporarily closed, the public can explore them in detail from afar online .

Paris opera

Of course, being grounded is frustrating, and it’s shocking to see hotels closing and airlines slashing entire networks, but it’s an opportunity to get perspective on everything we’ve taken for granted. As problems such as overtourism are solved overnight, at least in the short term, giving the planet some breathing space, now is a time to embrace overlooked technological possibilities. We can spend evenings having virtual FaceTime-and-wine hangouts with friends, and even stream opera and classical music concerts from global institutions.

Virtual travel The online experiences that let you see the world remotely

For example, during the coronavirus outbreak, the Berlin Philharmonic has opened up its digital concert hall to give access to its performance archives, while New York’s Metropolitan Opera has aired past productions filmed for its Live in HD series for cinemas. Plan the rest of your self-isolation staycations as you would a holiday, and you’ll soon feel part of the world again – watching La Traviata in Teatro Massimo Palermo one night, followed by a morning meandering around Amsterdam’s Van Gogh Museum. And you don’t even need to pack a suitcase.

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Top 10 virtual tours: see museums and the world without leaving home

Stuck at home? You can still enjoy amazing sights and experiences

Machu Picchu virtual tour

Many of the world’s most iconic locations now offer virtual tours, meaning you can visit museums, world heritage sites and other attractions from the comfort of your couch. You don’t need a VR headset , either, although some attractions do support virtual reality for a more immersive experience.

So if you’re looking for things to do at home, and in need of a change of scenery, simply grab your laptop, tablet or phone, and join us on a world tour filled with history, nature and – of course – technology.

1. Machu Picchu, Andes Mountains, Peru

Machu Picchu

A simply stunning UNESCO World Heritage site, Machu Picchu is a visual wonder that just has to be seen. You no longer need to fly all the way to Peru to see it in all its glory, however, as the virtual tour is comprehensive, immersive, and filled with fascinating insights.

With 360-degree views of the ruins of Inca settlements and lush green landscapes, you can visit every popular vantage point and learn more about the history of the famous site thanks to a helpful voice narrator. OK, you can’t feel the warm breeze around you, but if you turn on the heat and have a handy desk fan set to low, it’s almost as good as the real thing. Almost.

Behold the marvel : Machu Picchu

2. The Louvre Museum, Paris

The Lourve virtual tour

An attraction visited by millions of tourists in person every year, the Louvre Museum has also created a selection of virtual tours based on its permanent collections. Explore Egyptian antiquities, the Remains of the Louvre’s Moat, and the decorative arts of the Galerie d’Apollon. 

The tour is easy to navigate, with an expandable minimap that lets you highlight exhibits to view with just a couple of clicks. You can also find out more about each room in The Louvre, with detailed descriptions that will probably make the room you’re actually sitting in feel frightfully dull in comparison. 

Take a trip: Louvre Museum

3. The National Museum of Computing, Milton Keynes, UK

National Museum of Computing virtual tour

The National Museum of Computing contains the world’s largest collection of working historic computers. That means one of them probably runs Microsoft Vista and is still working...

The museum features a fantastic, intuitive, virtual 3D tour. You can zoom in on each exhibit’s details, and find out more about every aspect of computing history, such as the world’s oldest working digital computer. Impressive stuff.

Discover a digital treasure trove: The National Museum of Computing

4. Georgia Aquarium, Georgia, USA

Georgia Aquarium virtual tours

Nothing beats the beauty of nature, so it’s good to know you can still get your daily dose of “aww” from the safety of your sofa. The Georgia Aquarium has over 50 species ranging from sea lions to underwater puffins, with many available to view via webcam. There’s also a daily and weekly livestream that’s aimed at piquing children’s interest in animals, and a great at-home educational tool if you want to entertain the little ones. 

Ever wondered what a Beluga Whale gets up to in its spare time? Just click on the link below and find out. Water-way to have a good time. 

Sea more: Georgia Aquarium

5. A 3-Minute Tour, Tokyo

What if we told you that you could ride in a Tuk Tuk, walk across the famous Shibuya crossing, win a Pikachu from a claw machine, and make friends with a robot… all in under three minutes. That might be physically impossible, but with VR it’s a breeze.

If you’ve ever wanted to take a whistle-stop tour of Japan, the Japan National Tourism Organization has created a 360-degree virtual reality video that lets you do all of the above, and lots more. 

Simply put on a VR headset to experience a surreal thrill ride, where you’ll go from feeding a deer to facing off against a sumo wrestler in a matter of seconds. The video is also viewable in 2D, and well worth a look. 

Check it out below.

6. The British Museum, London

British Museum virtual tour

Home to a remarkable collection that spans over two million years of human history and culture, The British Museum has nearly 50 online exhibits to view. From Bonaparte and the Battle of Waterloo to exploring the history of LGBTQ, there’s plenty of informative content to delve into.

For a more interactive experience, check out the Museum of the World tour . You can browse through a large selection of exhibits that are dated by century, continent and category – such as trade and conflict or art and design. Each exhibit offers a detailed description as well as accompanying audio, which helps provide a fascinating backstory to each piece. 

Browse the exhibits: The British Museum

7. The Vatican, Rome

The Vatican virtual tour

Filled with spectacular architecture and historic monuments, The Vatican is within your virtual reach, with a host of museums providing online tours. Step into the Sistine Chapel and Raphael’s Rooms, which are adorned with simply sensational artwork. 

The tour is compatible with WebVR, so you can pop on a VR headset to get an even closer look at some of mankind’s most memorable creations. It’s truly breathtaking, even when viewed through a screen.  

When in Rome, visit: The Vatican

 8. Musée d’Orsay, Paris

Musee d'Orsey virtual tour

Located in the center of Paris, this historic museum was installed in the former Orsay railway station. It was originally built for the Universal Exhibition of 1900, and displays collections of art from the period 1848 to 1914.

Take a leisurely virtual stroll through the opulent hallways and witness works from dozens of famous French artists, including Monet, Gauguin and Van Gogh. With no other visitors to contend with, you can soak up all the culture on display to your heart’s content – and there’s a lot to soak up. 

Take the tour: Musée d’Orsay

9. Athens Acropolis, Athens

Acropolis virtual tour

A must-visit destination for history buffs, the Athens Acropolis includes the world-famous Parthenon, and is a cultural hotspot for tourists. Choose between popular sites such as the Theatre of Dionysus and enjoy in-depth videos that provide a fascinating and educational insight into ancient Greece. 

There are plenty of photographs to view and engrossing facts to learn, so don’t be surprised if you become an armchair expert in no time. Now, where’d you put that amphora of wine? 

Get to the Greek: Athens Acropolis

10. The Royal Academy of Arts, London

Royal Academy of Arts virtual tour

If you’re amazed by architecture, the Royal Academy of Arts has a virtual tour that will make you go “ooo” and “ahh” for hours. The Sensing Spaces exhibition uses high-quality 360-degree photography to give visitors a taste of its structures and remarkable exhibitions – it really does feel as if you’re actually there. 

Each exhibition is complemented by further information for users to read through, but you’re encouraged to come to your own conclusions, and think about what each space means to you.

Visit the exhibition: Sensing Spaces

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Adam was formerly TRG's Hardware Editor. A law graduate with an exceptional track record in content creation and online engagement, Adam has penned scintillating copy for various technology sites and also established his very own award-nominated video games website. He’s previously worked at Nintendo of Europe as a Content Marketing Editor and once played Halo 5: Guardians for over 51 hours for charity. He is now an editor at The Shortcut.

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as is virtual tour country

Let's Roam Explorer

18 Virtual Tours Worth Taking

Many museums, parks, and zoos have recently launched virtual tours and interactive experiences. Check out this list to learn more!

as is virtual tour country

During the COVID pandemic, most of us had our travel wings clipped a bit. The inability to travel was tough but luckily, many travel-oriented companies decided to pivot a bit and offer virtual travel tours and activities. Many of these virtual tours proved to be such a hit that they’re still in place today! 

Virtual tours are a great way to explore a new place, even if you don’t have the luxury of traveling at the time. Some of the best virtual tours take you deep into a destination, sharing insider tips and hidden gems you may never learn about otherwise. This is a particularly great option when you want to “visit” some of the world’s greatest museums and parks without having to endure the crowds and the high costs of getting there!

Explore the world with Let’s Roam .

At Let’s Roam, we specialize in turning the ordinary into the extraordinary. We strongly believe you can have a great time no matter if you’re exploring the streets of Mexico City or hanging out with your friends and family at home. To help you along the way, we’ve created hundreds of exciting app-based scavenger hunts , in-home games , virtual birthday party events, and much more. You can access all of these great experiences through the Let’s Roam app or on our website. 

The Best Virtual Tours to Help You Explore the World

Below you’ll find a list of some of the best virtual tours. Our team of in-house travel experts has scoured the globe (and the internet!) to find the best virtual tours. Many of these virtual tours are free to view and have a ton of other fun goodies that you can listen to or read while you’re there. This is a fun way to pass the time when you’re unable to travel, and it’s much better than looking at these destinations on social media. 

We’ve broken them down by museums and galleries, world landmarks, and parks and zoos and have included information on family-friendly activities available to make it even easier to plan an awesome virtual trip around the world with the whole family!

Museums and Galleries

1. the louvre virtual tour.

The Louvre is one of the best art museums in the entire world. People line up outside for hours to get a glimpse of artworks such as Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and Rembrandt’s Philosopher in Meditation. It probably comes as no surprise that the Louvre is also one of the world’s most searched virtual tours. Not only do you get a private glimpse into Paris’ most legendary art museum, but you get to escape the massive groups. These virtual tours allow you to see not only the museum’s most famous works, but it also allows you to go into the museum archives to see what lies behind the scenes. 

The Louvre offers a wide variety of virtual tours based on interesting themes or areas of the museum. You can choose from Founding Myths: Hercules to Darth Vader, the Body in Movement, and Power Plays. There’s also a Louvre at Home section of their website where you can access different activities and events held at the museum including podcasts, kids activities, and virtual reality experiences.

2. Van Gogh Museum

Van Gogh is considered to be one of the most influential artists of the 19th century. His Post-Impressionistic work is famous for its use of bright colors and vibrant brush strokes that convey deep expression and emotion. While visiting the Van Gogh Museum is a must for anyone traveling through Amsterdam, the Van Gosh Museum also lets you view his famous work from the comfort of your own home!

During your virtual visit, you can check out some of Van Gogh’s masterpieces as well as work by some of his contemporaries through the museum’s online collection. You can also read stories about Vincent’s life and work along with some of his letters and greatest quotes. There’s a special section of the website dedicated to activities for children including coloring books and board games. If that’s still not to satiate your desire to learn more about this famous Dutch artist, you can also download apps to your phone that offer free books or watch videos on YouTube. This is the perfect resource for anyone hoping to learn more about Vincent Van Gogh and his work in a fun and memorable way!

3. The Guggenheim Museum

As one of the most famous museums in New York City, the Guggenheim is at the top of many travel wish lists. From the robust curves of the exterior to the world-class collections inside, this is one museum you won’t want to miss! Some of the highlights of the collection include works by Pablo Picasso, Edgar Degas, and Edouard Manet, amongst many other 20th-century artistic legends. Lucky for us, you don’t have to travel to the Big Apple to get a sneak peek at all the museum has to offer!

The Guggenheim Museum offers an online collection of more than 1,700 artworks by more than 625 artists from the late 19th century through today. The database is searchable by artists, date, movement, and medium. It is designed to showcase the diversity and tenor of the Guggenheim’s New York collection as well as pieces from the Guggenheim Collection in Venice and the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao. The Guggenheim also offers an extensive list of online courses for adults, kid’s activities, and a slew of family-friendly activities. 

4. Google Arts Project: Street Art

Street art has become one of the most beloved art genres around the world. From gritty graffiti to colorful murals, street art tells the story of a destination in a way that few other mediums can. Google has attempted to bring these stories to life through its Google Arts Project. Focusing on street art from around the world, the project features virtual tours of destinations like Buenos Aires and Lima as well as themed tours centered on different types of art. 

Visitors to the Google Arts Project website can go on virtual walking tours, listen to audio tours, and view online exhibitions while learning about the artists through interactive features. It’s a fascinating way to view street art from all corners of the globe without having to pack your passport! If street art isn’t your thing, don’t worry. The Google Arts & Culture Project includes high-res images from more than 2,000 of the world’s leading museums including many of the museums on this list!

5. Metropolitan Museum of Art

Another of New York’s treasures, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, also known as the Met, stands proudly on 5th Avenue, overlooking Central Park. This fantastic museum holds a bewildering collection of more than 490,000 pieces of art and artifacts from all corners of the planet including paintings by Vermeer and sculptures from ancient Egypt. The museum is organized by region of the world, and as you wander through the endless galleries, it feels like you’re traveling around the world without ever leaving Manhattan! 

This world-class museum can be visited anywhere in the world thanks to the Met 360° Project . This virtual experience is a series of six videos that have been created using 360° technology to help you explore every nook and cranny of this famed museum. The videos have been viewed more than 11 million times and offer a unique perspective of what goes on inside the museum. You may find yourself suddenly standing in an empty gallery, soaring high above the museum’s roof, or feeling like you are watching the world in fast-forward thanks to a time-lapse video. The experience is truly unique. Even if you’ve been to the Met before, you have never seen it quite like this!

6. Vatican Museums

As the heart of Catholicism and the home of countless treasures, the Vatican Museums in Rome are some of the most revered museums in the entire world. On their website, you can access a series of virtual tours that take you inside some of the most popular areas of the complex including the Sistine Chapel, the Pio Clementino Museum, and the Profane Museum.

You can start your visit with a 360-degree view of the Sistine Chapel, undoubtedly one of Michelangelo’s most famous masterpieces. The spectacular ceiling can be viewed in high-res detail, giving you a close-up look at the stories of Christ, Moses, and the various Popes over the past 2,000 years. The Vatican also offers real-time live webcams which lets you see what’s happening in Vatican City throughout the day. This is a great way to explore the history and art of the Roman Catholic Church. 

7. British Museum

Famous for being one of the best museums in the United Kingdom, the British Museum first opened its doors back in 1759. The collection has grown exponentially since those early days and the British Museum now holds a collection of more than eight million items showcasing more than two million years of human history. Some of the highlights of the museum include the Rosetta Stone and the Statue of Ramesses II in the Egyptian Sculpture Gallery and items recovered from Ancient Roman cities.

There are many ways you can virtually explore the British Museum. The museum is the world’s largest indoor space on Google Street View so this is probably the best place to start your journey! This gives you the chance to view more than 60 different galleries and create your own curated tour of your favorites. Before you head into each gallery, don’t forget to listen to the insightful introduction from the museum’s audio tours. There are also many online galleries where you can find art from Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, and the Pacific Islands as well as podcasts featuring curators, authors, artists, and scientists. There’s even a library of kid-friendly resources specially designed for ages 3 to 16.

If you’re still hungry for more British art and history, head over to the National Gallery . This art gallery is home to more than 2,600 paintings from around the world. Here, you can take a Director’s Tour of the galleries, view paintings celebrating Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee, or discover Renaissance masterpieces. 

8. Getty Museum

Located in Los Angeles, the Getty Museum is one of the best museums on the West Coast. The Getty Museum’s virtual tours focus on both particular works of art and broader themes. Some of the virtual tours on offer include the Grand Canal in Venice by Canaletto, J. M. W Turner’s Modern Rome, Irises by Vincent Van Gogh, and Manet’s Spring. There is also an orientation film where you can learn more about the museum and its collection.

Although it’s not possible to access the Getty Museum’s virtual tours on their website, they can be found on Google Arts & Culture and on the Joy of Museums Virtual Tours .

9. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

The National Museum of Natural History is one of the many amazing museums in Washington, D.C. This fascinating museum takes you through millions of years of evolution and human history through an incredible selection of artifacts.

Besides having a massive collection of 147 million artifacts, the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History also boasts an impressive “Explore from Home” selection. As part of the Objects of Wonder virtual exhibit, the program shares the story behind many of its items. You can take a virtual narrated tour of the exhibition or visit their online featured collections. 

10. Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)

As the Met’s “little sister,” the Museum of Modern Art specializes in art from the 20th century. For many visitors, the highlight of the museum’s collection includes Van Gogh’s eerie yet idyllic Starry Night. You can find this and many more of the museum’s artwork on their online exhibition. 

The museum also offers some interesting videos online of New York City itself. The videos offer a very interesting perspective of the Big Apple that is a far cry from the glitz and glamour you see on social media and TV. You can also listen to audio shows or watch movies as part of their Film Vault Summer Camp. 

11. The Uffizi Gallery

In a country that’s famous for its art and history, the Uffizi Gallery in Florence stands head and shoulders above its competition. This breathtaking museum is home to some of Italy’s most famous paintings and sculptures including Botticelli’s breathtaking Birth of Venus and Primavera, and Titan’s Venus of Urbino. 

The Uffizi’s virtual tours give you a three-dimensional view of this world-renowned museum. You can see all of their most famous paintings. The best part about it is you don’t have to jostle amongst the crowds of people that are there all year round! There are also videos posted on their website that give you a brief introduction to the museum’s collection as well as nearby attractions like the Pitti Palace and the Boboli Gardens. 

World Landmarks

12. great wall of china.

Stretching a whopping 3,000 miles long, there’s been a long-running rumor for decades that the Great Wall of China is one of the world’s only landmarks that can be seen from space. While that is definitely not true, you can view the longest structure ever built by humans on the China Guide’s virtual tour of the Great Wall. This 2,000-year-old wall stretches through a number of provinces in northern China, and this virtual tour allows you to view this world wonder without having to go through the lengthy and frustrating China visa process. 

Through the virtual tour, you can view both the interior and exterior sections of the wall, enjoy the beautiful scenery of northern China, and get a close-up look at the brick walls and windows that still stand proudly after two millennia. While their website offers a 360-degree virtual tour of the ancient site, you can also join a live tour with a guide who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have! This is a great option for people who want to see more of the Great Wall of China but may not be able to conquer the never-ending steps to get there!

13. Heritage on the Edge

Google’s Heritage on the Edge lets you view UNESCO World Heritage sites using 3D maps. This interactive program provides interesting information about the history and heritage of a site as well as the lengths people are taking to protect these sites from the effects of climate change. Some of the different destinations you can explore include Easter Island, Edinburgh, the California Redwoods, Bangladesh, and Chan Chan, Peru. 

The aim of the project is to digitally preserve these UNESCO sites that are currently being degraded by droughts, erosion, flooding, and more. There are interviews from local communities along with experts discussing how climate change is impacting the sites. The website gives a fascinating look into these areas and is particularly interesting for anyone planning on visiting Easter Island or Edinburgh anytime in the near future. 

14. Eiffel Tower

It’s hard to look at any travel blog or article about Paris without seeing this famous tower. Erected in 1887 as part of the Paris World’s Fair, it quickly became a symbol of the City of Light. Today, people make the journey to the top of the tower to enjoy sweeping views of Paris down below.

Even if you can’t get all the way to Paris, there’s no reason why you can’t see the Eiffel Tower up close and personal! There are many different virtual tours available that will take you up into the tower and let you admire the spectacular views yourself! You simply need to log onto the Eiffel Tower website and look for their mobile tour guide. Here, you can find a plethora of information about the history of the Eiffel Tower as well as the surrounding area. It’s just like having your own personal tour guide but without the high costs and the crowds!

15. Disney World 

Getting to Disney World or Disney Land can be an epic experience for many people. These beloved theme parks make many childhood fantasies come true and have almost become like a rite of passage for many families. However, getting to one of the Disney theme parks can be a painfully expensive and simply painful affair. The long lines and the shocking price tags for pretty much everything can put this adventure out of many people’s reach.

However, this certainly doesn’t mean you and your family have to miss out on the magic of the Magic Kingdom. In fact, there are tons of different ways you can visit the parks virtually. From park walk-throughs filmed by tourists to virtual experiences created by Disney lovers, you simply need to do a quick Google search. One of the best places to start is on Google Street View where you can check out 360-degree panoramas. From there, you can head over to their YouTube channel to virtually experience even more Disney attractions!

Parks and Zoos

16. san diego zoo.

The San Diego Zoo is one of the most famous zoos in the entire United States. Located in Balboa Park just north of downtown San Diego, it’s home to more than 4,000 animals (many of which are endangered) and more than 700,000 individual plants. 

On their website, you can access live cameras including the koala cam, panda cam, hippo cam, and penguin cam. Some of the cameras are live while others are pre-recorded due to ongoing construction at the zoo. This is the perfect way to keep track of your favorite animals in realistic-looking habitats. You can also watch videos covering different topics such as pigmy hippos, tapir calves, and toucan chicks to learn more about these fascinating animals. 

17. Monterey Bay Aquarium

Monterey Bay Aquarium is located on the edge of Monterey Bay just south of San Francisco in Central California. The aquarium offers more than 200 exhibits and 80,000 plants and animals with a focus on local and regional species. Like the San Diego Zoo, the Monterey Bay Aquarium offers live webcams that give you the chance to see your favorite marine animals any time of the day! Some of the animals you can view include jellyfish, penguins, sea otters, sharks, and more! There are also webcams of Monterey Bay and the open bar so you can see what’s happening in the ocean. 

If you want to experience something really unique, head over to the Monterey Bay Aquarium’s YouTube channel where you can watch videos of marine animals paired with ambient and instrumental music. Now that is one mesmerizing way to relax!

18 . Houston Zoo

If the San Diego Zoo doesn’t have webcams of your favorite animals, don’t despair. The Houston Zoo has even more webcams just waiting for you! The zoo’s webcams allow you to see their herd of Asian elephants making their way through their habitat, watch giraffes nibble on their favorite snack of lettuce, or laugh as hippos roll around in a massive mud puddle. For anyone that prefers primates, you can even watch chimpanzees and gorillas interact with guests. The webcams also give you a view into the zoo’s educational programs and animal care

Ready to roam?

We hope this list of virtual tours has left you excited to explore the world! As always, we would love to hear your feedback. Please let us know if there is anything we may have missed!

If you want to read about more destinations around the world, make sure to head over to the Let’s Roam Explorer blog . Here, you will find hundreds of destination guides, travel articles, and must-see lists for destinations around the world. These have all been written by our very own in-house travel experts who can give insider tips for destinations ranging from Alabama to Antarctica and everywhere in between! Also, don’t forget to download the Let’s Roam app before you head off on your next adventure. This handy app gives you access to all of our fantastic scavenger hunts as well as user-generated information for locations across the country. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Many of the world’s most famous museums offer free virtual tours . These are a great way to learn more about the collection itself as well as its history and culture.

Many museums offer interactive virtual tours where you can zoom in on particular works of art to read more about them or look at them in closer detail.

While most zoos don’t offer virtual tours per se, they do offer live webcams that allow you to see what your favorite animals, and their caretakers, are doing throughout the day!

There are many different historical sites and museums that offer virtual tours . If you want to see historical sites, you can check out Google’s Heritage on the Edge.

Virtual tours are the perfect way to get to explore the world around you if you don’t have the time, money, or desire to travel. They’re very educational and can be fun at the same time!

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100+ Virtual Tours of Popular Tourist Attractions Around the World [2024]

Christy Rodriguez's image

Christy Rodriguez

Travel & Finance Content Contributor

88 Published Articles

Countries Visited: 36 U.S. States Visited: 31

Jessica Merritt's image

Jessica Merritt

Editor & Content Contributor

101 Published Articles 529 Edited Articles

Countries Visited: 4 U.S. States Visited: 23

Keri Stooksbury's image

Keri Stooksbury


38 Published Articles 3340 Edited Articles

Countries Visited: 48 U.S. States Visited: 28

100+ Virtual Tours of Popular Tourist Attractions Around the World [2024]

Table of Contents

Czech republic, the netherlands, new zealand, south africa, united arab emirates, united kingdom, united states of america, zambia/zimbabwe, … and beyond, final thoughts.

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Satisfy your wanderlust by exploring famous sights — all from the comfort of your couch!

We’ve put together a list of over 100 virtual tours from more than 35 countries worldwide so that you can explore without having to catch a flight or spend a dime! We’ve organized this gigantic list by country so you can easily navigate to your country of choice or simply work your way down the list and digitally travel all over the globe.

Grab a snack and get ready to explore!

Hot Tip: We’ve also created extensive guides to virtual tours across U.S. National Parks , in addition to museums  and walking tours !

Los Glaciares National Park

Petito Moreno Glacier Argentina

Google Earth has a tour of this UNESCO World Heritage site, which is located in southwestern Argentina. This park contains the Perito Moreno Glacier, which is one of the only advancing glaciers in the world. It is nearly 20 miles long and is a popular tourist attraction and ice-hiking site.

You can also discover other parts of Argentina through Google Earth including:

  • Cerro Uritorco, the highest hill in the Sierras Chicas mountain range
  • Palacio San Jose, the residence of the first constitutional president of Argentina
  • Parque Nacional Nahuel Huapi, the oldest and largest national park, located in the Patagonia region

To view the virtual tour page, click here . 

Great Barrier Reef

Great Barrier Reef

David Attenborough leads you on an interactive underwater tour to explore the Great Barrier Reef. Through interactive time-lapses, videos, and weather maps, the tour shows you the Earth’s most bio-diverse ecosystem.

All the while, a tracker notes miles traveled, total sailing time, and the effects of climate change during your “exhibition,” making this a great educational tour for adults and kids alike!

To start your virtual tour, click here .

Hamilton Island

Whitehaven Beach Whitsundays

Hamilton Island is one of the Whitsunday Islands in Queensland, Australia. This island features beautiful beaches and is close to the Great Barrier Reef. All you need is a tropical drink to be transported!

You’ll find these videos on YouTube, but the site recommends downloading the YouTube app for the best experience. Swim with sea turtles at the Great Barrier Reef, play golf at Hamilton Island’s championship golf course, take a helicopter tour over the iconic heart reef, or sail to the famous Whitehaven Beach on a yacht!

To start your virtual tour, click to explore . 

Bondi Beach Swimming Pool

YouVisit has an interactive tour of Sydney available. You start your journey by taking a ferry to Sydney, walking around Circular Quay, viewing the Harbour Bridge, seeing the Royal Botanical Gardens, and finishing by exploring both Luna and Hype Parks.

The 360-degree views really make you feel like you’re a part of the action!

Sydney Opera House Tour

Sydney Opera House Australia

Views of the iconic Sydney Opera House are synonymous with Sydney itself. Now you can explore this landmark virtually!

The Sydney Opera House and the Google Cultural Institute joined together to provide an interactive tour that takes you around the famous exterior, allows you to tour sets and the orchestra pit, and even features a performance by Nicole Car and the Sydney Symphony Orchestra.

Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

Uluru Ayers Rock Australia

One of Australia’s most scenic spots is the Uluru rock formation, also known as Ayers Rock. Uluru is sacred to the Aboriginal people of the area and the surrounding area features an abundance of springs, waterholes, rock caves, and ancient paintings.

Qantas Airlines has a virtual reality app that allows you to experience an epic flyover via helicopter. You can experience it on your phone, or even a virtual reality (VR) device like Samsung Gear VR, Oculus Rift, or HTC Vive.

To view the virtual tour page and instructions on how to download the app, click here . 

Schönbrunn Palace, Vienna

Schonbrunn Palace Virtual Tour

Schönbrunn Palace was the summer residence of the Habsburg rulers and is the most-visited tourist attraction in Vienna. The palace consists of over 1,400 rooms and is considered one of the most important architectural, cultural, and historic monuments in Austria.

Once you leave the palace, be sure to venture out to the gardens to explore an impressive maze, orangery, and a botanical garden — all containing impressive fountains and sculptures.

To start your virtual tour, click to explore the palace or start by strolling through the park .

Amazon Rainforest

Amazon Rainforest

“Under The Canopy” is a VR experience produced by Conservation International and its partners. This unique view into the Amazon Rainforest and River Basin allows you to see how indigenous tribes live, follows along with a sloth’s journey, and goes deep into the rainforest.

The goal of this educational tour is to teach viewers how to protect the rainforest against the worst impacts of climate change. To get the full experience, you need to download the YouTube app, but you can also view the tour directly on the website.

Start here for more details.

Iguazu Falls

Iguazu Falls

While the exact number of waterfalls varies by season, the majestic Iguazu Falls are considered to be the world’s largest waterfall system and are also a UNESCO World Heritage site.

AirPano offers interactive photos and videos to explore these stunning vistas from both the Brazilian and Argentinean sides of the falls. Whether you choose the viewing platforms, trails, or videos via helicopter, you are sure to be amazed!

Sanctuary of Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro

Christ the Redeemer in Rio

The Christ the Redeemer statue overlooks the city of Rio de Janeiro and was voted one of the “New7Wonders of the World.” This statue is a symbol of Christianity across the world and also a cultural icon of both Rio de Janeiro and Brazil. 

Google Arts & Culture allows you to visit the statue virtually through its app. See unique details, such as the mosaic coating made of small, triangular-shaped pieces of soapstone that cover the entire surface of the statue!

To begin, first download the Google Arts & Culture app ( iOS , Android ) and then begin your virtual tour here .

Angkor Wat, Siem Reap

Angkor Wat Cambodia

Google Street View lets you experience the mysterious temples of Angkor Wat in Siem Reap. There are many other temples to explore, including:

  • The “lost temple” of Beng Mealea
  • Angkor Thom
  • Ta Prohm (made famous by Tomb Raider!)
  • Pink temple of Banteay Srei

Each walk includes the history and detailed descriptions of important pieces of artwork found along the way. And the best thing is — no crowds!

Start your virtual tour here . 

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

Journey Behind the Falls is a popular tourist attraction on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls. It offers a unique view below and behind the falls that you are now able to experience in virtual reality!

Niagara Falls Tourism has brought this experience to life with an interactive video detailing your trip. Experience the power of the falls from multiple vantage points — without the need for a rain poncho!

Visit Niagara Falls virtually here .

Old Quebec, Quebec City

Old Quebec

Known for its classical architecture and a distinctive European feel, Quebec City is a popular tourist destination. Old Quebec is the historic area of the city, rich in historic landmarks and museums. It is also a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Start with a sunrise walk on the Dufferin Terrace, where you can see the St. Lawrence River and a breathtaking view of the Château Frontenac. Take a funicular to get to the Petit-Champlain District and admire the charming boutiques and terraces. The 360-degree views will certainly impress!

Start your virtual stroll here .

Polar Bears, Churchill

Polar Bears in Churchill Canada

Churchill, Canada is known as the Polar Bear Capital of the World! Using Google Street View, search for polar bears as you trek along the frozen tundra — without needing your warmest winter coat!

This joint effort by Polar Bears International, Earth Outreach, and Google Maps allows you to learn more about the bears and their habitat, the impacts of climate change, and the work being done to advance the cause of polar bear conservation.

Begin your virtual trek here .

The Bund, Shanghai

View From The Bund Shanghai

The Bund is the waterfront located on the western bank of the Huangpu River in Shanghai, China. It is famous for its grand buildings and the epic view of the city skyline.

On this interactive walking tour, you can see the city during the day and night, explore the Bund Bull and Monument to the People’s Heroes, and learn about the history of Shanghai through the architecture of its buildings.

Visit the Bund by clicking here . 

Forbidden City, Beijing

Forbidden City

The Forbidden City is a palace complex in central Beijing, China. It was the former Chinese imperial palace and state residence of the emperor of China from the Ming dynasty until 1924. It is also China’s best-preserved imperial palace.

This tour allows you to see the main areas of the complex, including:

  • Hall of Supreme Harmony
  • Imperial Gardens
  • Meridian Gate
  • Pavilion of Ten Thousand Springs

Begin your virtual tour by clicking here . 

Great Wall of China

The Great Wall boasts a history of over 2,000 years and stretches more than 3,000 miles across several provinces of northern China. With over 10 million visitors each year, it is one of the world’s most-visited tourist attractions.

This virtual tour lets you walk along the Jinshanling to the Simatai section of the wall, experiencing multiple seasons along the way. This 6.5-mile stretch provides guests with some of the best views of the wall since this region is well-known for having some of the most well-preserved sections with original features still intact.

Walk along the Great Wall by starting here .

Guilin Mountains, Guangxi

Guilin Mountain China

“Avatar” fans will be interested to know that the movie’s floating mountains were based on the karst formations in the Guilin mountain range. This UNESCO World Heritage site is known for its natural scenery and wild and untouched landscape.

AirPano takes you on a flight over the area, exploring famous sites such as Seven Stars Park, Reed Flute Cave, Folded Brocade Hill, and Green Lotus Peak.

Start your interactive flight here . 

Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge, Hunan

Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge

Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge is a skywalk bridge that is made from glass — making it completely transparent. It spans 1,410 feet across China’s Grand Canyon. When it opened, it was the longest and tallest glass-bottomed bridge in the world!

The safety of this bridge has been called into question after incidents at similar bridges resulted in injuries. This makes for an even better reason to virtually experience this bridge safely and enjoy the heart-stopping views from the comfort of your own home!

Start your video tour here . 

Prague Castle

Prague Castle

Prague Castle sits overlooking the beautiful city of Prague. It serves as the official office for the president of the Czech Republic. Prague Castle is among the most-visited tourist attractions in Prague — attracting over 1.8 million visitors annually.

The Czech government has put together a virtual look at the courtyard, gardens, the castle’s picture gallery, and even the inside the Cathedral of St. Vitus.

Prague Walking Tour

St. Charles Bridge Prague

Step into this fairy tale town with a 4K virtual walk around Prague, also known as the “City of a Hundred Spires.” Start your tour at Charles Bridge, wander down the twisting cobblestone streets, and end your day by visiting one of Prague’s pubs.

You will really feel like you stepped into Prague with the city sounds and tourist chatter in this real-time stroll to Powder Tower — passing many historic buildings along the way.

Start your walking tour here .

Pyramids of Giza, Giza

Pyramids of Giza

Among the most famous tombs in the world, the Pyramids of Giza were built for the pharaohs Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. The pyramids originally held the royal mummies and their worldly effects to be used in the afterlife.

Stand beside these 4,500-year-old pyramids that overlook the modern city of Cairo. The behind-the-scenes portion of the Google Street View trek gives you details about the construction process and purpose of this Ancient Wonder of the World.

Start your walk to the pyramids here .

Sphinx, Giza

Sphinx Egypt

The Great Sphinx was believed to have been built by ancient Egyptians of the Old Kingdom (around 2500 B.C.). This limestone statue has the body of a lion and the head of a human and faces from west to east, directly in the shadow of the famous pyramids of Giza.

Google Earth allows you to virtually see the Great Sphinx on the Giza Plateau.

Start your explorations here .

Tomb of Queen Meresanhk III, Giza

Meresankh III Tomb

Close to the Great Pyramid lies the tomb of Queen Meresankh III, the wife of Khafra and granddaughter of Khufu. The Giza Project, presented by Harvard University, allows us to virtually explore her tomb.

You will find many well-preserved wall reliefs as well as 10 large statues of women that are carved out of the northern wall. It is believed that the women represent Meresankh herself, her mother, and her daughters.

Venture underground by starting here . 

Catacombs of Paris, Paris

Paris Catacombs

Not for the squeamish, the Catacombs of Paris hold the human skulls and bones of more than 6 million people in a network of subterranean tunnels underneath the streets of Paris . Explore these catacombs, some of which date back over 1,200 years!

There are 5 areas you can navigate through:

  • The Alcôve de L’Ossuaire
  • The Atelier
  • The Cloche de Fontis
  • The Galerie de Port-Mahon
  • The Lampe Sépulcrale de L’Ossuaire

Begin your virtual tour here . 

Château de Versailles, Versailles

Chateau de Versailles

The Palace of Versailles was the principal royal residence of France from 1682 until 1789. What began as a simple hunting lodge transformed into a palace with over 2,300 rooms! Explore many of these rooms on your virtual tour.

Google Arts & Culture provides the unique experience of seeing Versailles free of tourists. Zoom in on artifacts, step into 3D renderings of rooms and wander around the expansive gardens. This is definitely a unique experience!

The best experience can be found by downloading the Google Arts & Culture app ( iOS , Android ), but you can also start your journey here .

Eiffel Tower, Paris

Sunset under the Eiffel Tower Paris France

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most recognizable structures in the world. It was visited by almost 7 million people last year, but you can avoid the crowds and take a virtual tour instead!

TV5 Monde created a 360-degree virtual reality tour that reveals every aspect of the Eiffel Tower in 3 minutes, featuring a sunrise from the Champ-de-Mars and a panoramic ascent to the top, both inside and out. Learn about 130 years of history and enjoy the stunning views.

Begin your virtual ascent here .

Louvre, Paris

Louvre Museum Paris

The Louvre is the world’s largest art museum and contains some of the world’s most amazing artwork and treasures. If you spent 60 seconds looking at each of the objects for 8 hours a day, it would take you 75 days to see them all.

Here is just a sampling of some of what you can view virtually:

  • Roman Antiquities Hall
  • “Winged Victory”
  • Napoleon’s Apartment
  • Tuileries Garden

Begin your journey through the Louvre here .

Hot Tip: We’ve also created a guide to the 50 best museums that you can tour and visit virtually !

Musee D’Orsay, Paris

Musee D'Orsay

The building of the Musee D’Orsay is just as beautiful as the artwork it contains. The Beaux Arts-style building was formerly a train station and later a hotel.

Inside, the museum contains a wide range of magnificent French art from the period 1848 to 1914, including furniture, paintings, photographs, and sculptures. Paintings by greats such as Renoir, Monet, Degas, Manet, and Van Gogh are on virtual display throughout the museum.

As is usual for Google, you can explore via Street View or download its app for a more interactive adventure.

Acropolis, Athens

Acropolis Athens

The Acropolis stands watch over the city of Athens. These ruins serve as a reminder of the rich history of Greece. Today, it is a cultural UNESCO World Heritage site and home to several temples that you can visit courtesy of the Acropolis Restoration Service.

On this virtual tour, explore the Parthenon, Erechtheion, Propylaea, and the Temple of Athena Nike while learning about the historical significance of the Acropolis and restoration efforts that are taking place.

Start your virtual tour here or you can follow directions on how to download the app.

Tikal Guatemala

Tikal was once the capital of one of the most powerful kingdoms of the ancient Maya. The site is part of Guatemala’s Tikal National Park and in 1979 it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

There are thousands of ancient structures and temple complexes at Tikal, but only a fraction of these sites have been excavated. On this virtual tour, explore some of the most prominent surviving pyramids — Temples I to VI — some of which are over 200 feet high!

Start exploring virtually by clicking here .

Ice Cave and Aurora Borealis Tour

Lava Cave Iceland

Ice caves are an extraordinary and mesmerizing wonder of nature. They’re a common tourist attraction in Iceland. The best time to visit is from November to March when the weather has been consistently cold enough for the ice caves to become stable enough to visit and explore properly.

Hike along with this YouTube adventurer to explore the freezing ice caves in Vatnajokull and the aurora borealis from the comfort of your warm home!

Start your virtual hike here .

Red Fort, Delhi

Red Fort Dehli

The Red Fort is a historic fort in the city of Delhi and served as the main residence of the Mughal emperors. It was constructed by the same architect that built the Taj Mahal.

Google Maps Street View allows you to get an up-close look at this fort. Explore the 1.5 miles of defensive walls, walk through the main gate, and explore the beautiful domed ceilings.

Start your Google Maps walk here . 

Taj Mahal, Agra

Taj Mahal India

The Taj Mahal is a marble mausoleum in Agra, India. This UNESCO World Heritage site was commissioned in 1632 by the emperor to house the tomb of his favorite wife. The Taj Mahal receives close to 8 million visitors a year and in 2007 it was declared one of the “New7Wonders of the World.”

Google Maps allows you to walk around this beautiful site from the comfort of your computer, tablet, or phone. It advertises that you can “enjoy postcard views or discover rarely-seen perspectives” as well as “get up close to the hand-carved details and explore expansive landscapes.”

Start your virtual walk here .

Borobodur Temple, Java

Borobudur Temple Indonesia

Borobudur Temple is a famous Buddhist temple dating from the 8th and 9th centuries located in central Java. The monument was restored with UNESCO’s help in the 1970s.

Google Earth allows you to explore the beauty of the temples in Borobudur. Tour the various tiers and wall reliefs, including numerous stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha. Also, enjoy the gorgeous views overlooking the island.

Begin your virtual tour here .

Prambanan Temple, Yogyakarta

Prambanan Temple

Prambanan attracts many visitors from around the world. Built during the 10th century, it is the largest temple compound dedicated to Shiva in Indonesia. While it went through a period of decline, the British rediscovered Prambanan, along with Borobudur above, in the early 19th century.

While a major earthquake in the 16th century caused serious damage, there are still many beautiful temples to explore. By using Google Earth, you can walk among many stunning structures with stone spires and sculptures.

Start your wandering here . 

Cliffs of Moher, County Clare

Cliffs of Moher

The Cliffs of Moher are sea cliffs located in County Clare that run for about 9 miles. The stunning cliffs rank among the most-visited tourist sites in Ireland with around 1.5 million visits a year!

Start your walk at multiple sweeping viewpoints along the cliffs, move to the view from the top of O’Brien’s Tower, and explore the visitor’s center on your interactive tour.

Enjoy the views of the sea by starting here .

Jerusalem Western Wall

Jerusalem is one of the world’s foremost pilgrimage destinations since it is considered holy to Jews, Christians, and Muslims. 360 Virtual Tour has put together a digital tour of Jerusalem so you can experience what it’s like to explore the Holy Land.

See many of the most-visited sites, such as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Dome of the Rock, the Western Wall, and more.

Tel Aviv Museum of Art

Tel Aviv Art

Explore the art collection in Tel Aviv’s Art Museum. You can visit select exhibitions, including the SOLAR GUERILLA, at the Tel Aviv’s Museum of Art.

This exhibition showcases how cities can be used as tools for change. It presents case studies from Chicago, Copenhagen, Hong Kong, London, New York, Shanghai, and Tel Aviv and highlights ideas such as sponge cities and solar trees.

Start exploring the exhibition here .

Colosseum, Rome

Colosseum Rome

The Colosseum is located in the center of the city of Rome . It is the largest amphitheater ever built —holding between 50,000 and 80,000 spectators. It was used for gladiatorial contests and other events, such as mock sea battles, animal hunts, executions, and reenactments of famous battles.

Take a virtual tour around the corridors of the arena’s unknown underground, learn historical details, and more.

To begin, first download the Google Arts & Culture app ( iOS , Android ) and then start your tour here .

Uffizi Gallery, Florence

Birth of Venus Uffizi Florence

The Uffizi is an art museum located in Florence. It is one of the largest and best-known museums in the world, holding an immense collection of priceless works from the Italian Renaissance.

Google Arts & Culture allows you to tour inside the museum without any crowds virtually through its app. Walk down the hallways and explore the collection.

A sampling of the artwork inside includes:

  • “Annunciation” by  Leonardo da Vinci
  • “The Birth of Venus” by Sandro Botticelli
  • “La Primavera” (Spring) by  Botticelli Filipepi
  • “Madonna with the Long Neck” by Parmigianino Mazzola

To begin, first download the Google Arts & Culture app ( iOS , Android ) and then begin your tour here .

Valley of the Temples, Sicily

Valley of Temples Sicily

The Valley of the Temples is an archaeological site in Sicily. Once part of the Ancient Greek empire, it is one of the most outstanding examples of Greek art and architecture. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the main attractions of Sicily.

Your tour will allow you to take a virtual walk around the Temple of Juno, the Temple of Zeus, and the early Christian acropolis.

Venice Gondolas

Venice is a magical city situated on a group of 118 small islands — linked by over 400 bridges. Travel the canals, walk the streets, ride boats, and cross bridges to reveal one of the world’s most unique cities.

This virtual tour is a fantastic introduction to Venice, especially for those who have mobility issues that make crossing bridges difficult, but also useful in times when you can’t travel.

Explore the city virtually by clicking here . 

Hanami Around the World

Cherry Blossoms in Osaka Japan

While the pandemic spoiled many people’s plans to visit the cherry blossoms in Japan, Google Earth has got you covered. Enjoy the amazing experience of Hanami in Japan!

This tour starts in Japan but also jumps to 9 other popular sakura spots around the world, including Paris and Washington, D.C. It can also help you plan prime-viewing locations for when you are able to take your trips!

Start experiencing the cherry blossom festival here . 

Mt. Fuji Japan

Mt. Fuji is Japan’s tallest mountain, known for its perfect conical shape. Fujisan, as it is reverently referred, is used as a cultural icon of Japan and is frequently visited by sightseers and climbers.

Now, you can see the beautiful Mt. Fuji from home. Google Street View lets you see what it would take to hike to the top and be rewarded with stunning views from the summit.

To begin your virtual tour, click here .

Onsen All Over Japan

Onsen in Japan

An onsen is a Japanese hot spring — and since Japan is a volcanically active country, it has thousands of onsens scattered throughout its major islands.  Locals and tourists alike flock to the traditional inns and bathing facilities that these hot springs feed into.

Take a tour through the hot springs of Japan. Google Earth allows you to explore 13 of these magical hot springs situated all over the country.

Start your explorations here . 

Treasury Petra Jordan

Petra is an ancient city located in Jordan. The Nabataeans might have settled in what would become the capital city of their kingdom as early as the fourth century B.C. It is famous for its pink sandstone walls and stunning carvings.

Trek through the Siq and explore sights such as the Treasury, Royal Tombs, Little Petra, and Monastery. Learn about the people who inhabited Petra while staying out of the sun!

Start your walk around Petra here .

Samburu National Reserve

Samburu National Reserve

The Samburu National Reserve is a game reserve on the banks of the Ewaso Ng’iro in Kenya. This river provides water, without which the game could not survive. The elephants of this region have been studied by Save the Elephants  for over 20 years.

Get to know the landscape, people, and wildlife of Samburu through this virtual trek. Learn about conservation efforts and see elephants up close!

Start your virtual safari here .

Museo Frida Kahlo, Mexico City

Museo Frida Kahlo

The Frida Kahlo Museum, also known as the Blue House, is a historic house museum and art museum dedicated to the life and work of Mexican artist Frida Kahlo.

Use Google Street View to see inside of the Mexico City museum and zoom in on some of her most-famous artwork including:

  • “Frida and the Caesarian Operation” (1931)
  • “Long Live Life” (1954)
  • “Portrait of My Father Wilhelm Kahlo” (1952)



Teotihuacan is an ancient Mesoamerican city located near modern-day Mexico City. It is known for its Mesoamerican pyramids and also for being the largest city in the pre-Columbian Americas at its peak.

You can now see the pyramids at Teotihuacan from home. On this tour, walk along the Avenue of the Dead, visit the Temple of the Sun, Temple of the Moon, and more — and experience each viewpoint in 360 degrees!

Begin your virtual journey here . 

Climb Mount Everest

Mount Everest

Mount Everest is Earth’s highest mountain above sea level at 29,029 feet. Everest attracts many climbers, but it also presents dangers, such as altitude sickness, weather, and avalanches. More than 300 people have died trying to reach the summit.

But you don’t have to risk death to experience what it takes to summit Mt. Everest. You will need a VR device to be fully immersed in this experience, but if you don’t have one, you can always watch a video of the final ascent here .

Start your VR experience here . 

Anne Frank House, Amsterdam

Anne Frank House

The Anne Frank House, now a museum, is located in central Amsterdam and hid the young Jewish diarist, her family, and 4 other people from Nazis during World War II.

The Anne Frank Museum offers a virtual tour so that you can experience a video diary, see the Secret Annex where she lived and what it looked like when she was there, and more.

Begin your tour of her life here . 

Keukenhof Tulip Fields, Lisse

Keukenhof Tulip Fields

Keukenhof is one of the world’s largest flower gardens and is widely known for its beautiful tulip fields. Keukenhof opens for 8 weeks from mid-March to mid-May, with peak viewing for tulips arriving near mid-April, where it can receive 26,000 visitors per day.

The exhibition’s blooms are available virtually — free of crowds!

Begin your virtual walk around the gardens here . 

Van Gogh Museum, Amsterdam

Van Gogh Museum

The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is a must for anyone who is a fan of this tragic, ingenious painter. The Google Arts & Culture app allows you to see his works up close by virtually visiting this museum.

This collection contains the largest number of his artwork, including over 200 paintings, 500 drawings, and over 750 of his personal letters.

Some of the most famous items include:

  • “Almond Blossom”
  • “The Potato Eaters”
  • “Sunflowers”

To begin, first download the Google Arts & Culture app ( iOS , Android ) and then start your virtual tour here . 

Hobbiton, Hinuera

Hobbiton New Zealand

Any Lord of the Rings fans will recognize Hobbiton — it was created as the movie set for the Shire. It is situated on the North Island of New Zealand and the set is around 12 acres large!

On this virtual tour, you will be able to explore many parts of the set, including the Green Dragon Inn, Frodo and Bilbo’s much-loved Bag-End, and more.

Begin your virtual journey here. 

Waitomo Glowworm Caves, Otorohanga

Waitomo Cave New Zealand

The Waitomo Glowworm Caves are located on the North Island of New Zealand. They are known for their population of glowworms found only in New Zealand.

On this virtual tour by National Geographic, you can experience what it is like to take a boat ride under the glowworms.

Float in the caves by clicking here . 

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu takes your breath away. It stands high above the tropical mountain forest and is among the greatest artistic and architectural achievements made by the Inca civilization.

See Machu Picchu without the trek! Explore this UNESCO World Heritage site by seeing the views from multiple outlooks, wandering around the residences and burial grounds, and seeing the current residents — the alpacas!

Explore virtually by starting here . 

Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius, Sergiyev Posad

St. Sergius Lavra Russia

The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is the most important Russian monastery and the spiritual center of the Russian Orthodox Church. It is also home to over 300 monks and serves as an educational center for young priests.

Use Google Earth to explore the entire complex, including many stunning churches, the famous Holy Trinity icon, as well as many important burial sites.

Explore the ornate buildings starting here . 

Gardens by the Bay Cloud Forest

Cloud Forest Dome Gardens By The Bay

The Cloud Forest at Gardens by the Bay is an indoor greenhouse with diverse vegetation and rare plants from all over the globe. The goal of the attraction is to expose visitors to these disappearing plants and discuss conservation efforts underway.

Be amazed as you encounter the world’s tallest indoor waterfall, descend through the surreal mist-filled Cloud Walk, and finish with the Treetop Walk.

Begin walking around the dome here . 

Marina Bay Sands

Marina Bay Sands

Visit Singapore’s most iconic hotel virtually! The Marina Bay Sands hotel has put together a virtual tour so that you can visit from home.

See views from various rooms throughout the hotel, a museum, and get a glimpse into some of the shopping the hotel offers. The main attraction is the Sky Park, which contains the infinity pool overlooking the Supertree Grove at Gardens by the Bay.

Start your virtual tour here .

Domica Cave, Kečovo

Domica Cave

The Domica Cave is made from light limestone and the passages were shaped by the waters of the underground river Styx. The cave is the largest of over 700 in the area.

Venture underground in Slovenia to visit this UNESCO World Heritage site, courtesy of Google Earth.

Walk around the caves starting here . 

Kruger National Park

WildEarth Safari

One of the largest game reserves in Africa, an amazing array of wildlife calls Kruger National Park home, including the “Big Five” of lions, elephants, rhinoceroses, leopards, and Cape buffaloes, as well as zebras, giraffes, hippos, antelopes, cheetahs, crocodiles, and hyenas.

The WildEarth team broadcasts 3-hour-long live safaris daily at sunrise (starting at 11:30 p.m. EST) and sunset (starting at 9 a.m. EST).

Begin your virtual safari here .

Robben Island Museum, Cape Town

Robben Island Museum

Robben Island Museum is an island off the coast of Cape Town. It was fortified and used as a prison from the late 17th century to 1996, after the end of apartheid. Many of its prisoners were political — including Nelson Mandela.

Google Arts & Culture brings you to the former island prison and educates you on the 18 years Nelson Mandela spent there.

Alhambra, Granada

Alhambra Granada

The Alhambra is a palace and fortress complex located in Andalusia. It is one of Spain’s major tourist attractions, exhibiting Islamic architecture together with 16th century and later Christian buildings and gardens due to its many different occupants.

Take a virtual tour of this UNESCO World Heritage Site and visit the following:

  • Charles V Palace
  • Justice Tower
  • Square of Cisterns

Tour the palace and gardens here .

Casa Batlló, Barcelona

Casa Batlló

Casa Batlló is considered one of Antoni Gaudi’s masterpieces. Many things inside (and on top of!) the house were designed by him, including some of the furniture, windows, and even the staircase railings.

There are few straight lines inside, and much of the façade is decorated with a colorful mosaic made of broken ceramic tiles. The roof is arched and the structures have been compared to the back of a dragon. It’s truly a unique house!

Begin your virtual tour inside the house starting here .

Dali Museum, Figueres

Dali Museum

The Dali Museum is dedicated to the artist Salvador Dali in his hometown of Figueres. There are an incredible 96 oil paintings and other artworks displayed in this space.

The virtual tour of this museum is pretty incredible — you can click through the rooms, zoom in on important pieces of art, and learn more about the life of Salvador Dali.

Some of the most outstanding works on display are:

  • “Port Alguer” (1924)
  • “Portrait of Gala with Two Lamb Chops Balanced on Her Shoulder” (1933)
  • “Self-Portrait with l’Humanité” (1923)
  • “The Spectre of Sex-Appeal” (1932)

Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

Sagrada Familia

The Sagrada Familia is considered to be the best example of Modernist architecture. The design developed by Antoni Gaudi was so complex and detailed that it remains unfinished to this day!

On the virtual tour of Gaudi’s famous cathedral, you can walk inside the basilica, see the different façades, and even see the tomb of Gaudi.

Tour inside the church by clicking here .  

Aurora Borealis, Abisko

Aurora Borealis

The northern lights, or aurora borealis, come alive as streaks of pink, green, and purple dancing across the night sky. The best time to visit is during the coldest and darkest months. Still, visitors flock to see the show during the long winter nights.

See the spectacle from home thanks to Lights Over Lapland. The site also has a dog-sledding adventure to experience!

Experience the northern lights here . 

Malmö Street Art Walk

Malmo Street Art

Malmö is Sweden’s third-largest city and home to a variety of street art thanks to the 2014 Artscape Festival, Sweden’s first large-scale street art festival. There are large sculptures and murals hidden around every corner!

Google Street View makes it easy to explore street art in Malmö.

Take a walk through the city to explore some of these gems!

Nature of Sweden

Nature in Sweden

Maybe a quiet escape to the outdoors in beautiful Sweden is more your speed? Visit Sweden has put together a virtual reality tour that you can experience either through your computer or VR device.

There are multiple adventures you can choose from: go for an evening swim, camp in the mountains, or meet the King of the Forest.

Escape to nature here . 

Gombe Stream National Park

Gombe Chimpanzee

The Gombe served as a home for Jane Goodall’s chimpanzee research. It is one of the smallest national parks in Tanzania, and only accessible by boat. Besides chimpanzees, primates inhabiting Gombe include beachcomber olive baboons, red colobus, red-tailed monkeys, and more.

Learn about Goodall’s life, her work with the chimpanzees, and see the beautiful place they call home. You can also experience a “day in the life” of a chimpanzee family.

Start your Street View Trek here . 

Burj Khalifa, Dubai

Burj Khalifa

The Burj Khalifa is the world’s tallest building. The floors are arranged in a unique spiral formation to provide stability from the strong desert winds.

Google Street View allows you to go to different rooms and floors within the building, and the behind-the-scenes section shows you the views from a window washer’s viewpoint on the 80th floor. Learn more interesting facts and figures about this amazing building on this trek.

Start your Street View Trek here .

The British Museum, London, England

British Museum

The British Museum, located in London, has a permanent collection of 8 million works — making it the largest and most comprehensive collection in existence. Many of its treasures were widely sourced during the era of the British Empire.

Google Street View begins the walk outside, but you can click through to experience some of the vast collection. Just a sampling of the objects include:

  • The Book of the Dead
  • Egyptian mummies
  • Parthenon sculptures
  • The Rosetta Stone

Read more about the British Museum in our guide to the best museums in London .

Click here to start your virtual tour.

Buckingham Palace, London, England

Buckingham Palace

Step inside the official residence of the Queen of England. It can be difficult to visit the Royal Palace as it is only open to the public between July and October.

Through this virtual tour, visitors will explore Buckingham Palace’s ornate rooms, garden parties, and famous artwork — available any time of year!

Giants Causeway, Bushmills, Northern Ireland

Giants Causeway

Explore the unique Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland. This is an area of about 40,000 interlocking basalt columns — the result of an ancient volcanic fissure eruption. There is a local myth that a giant named Finn MacCool built the causeway to get to Scotland to battle a rival giant.

The National Trust put together a virtual sunset tour of the Giant’s Causeway, as well as the surrounding areas of Aird Snout headland and Port Noffer.

Access all of the virtual tours here . 

London Walking Tour, London, England


London is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations with millions of visitors annually! There is so much to do and see in London , from history to art to culture and food.

VisitLondon offers a virtual map of the entire city. The tour starts at the top of the London Eye. From there, you can drop down into selected landmarks, like Big Ben or Westminster Abbey, and explore the locations from a street view.

The Roman Baths, Bath, England

Roman Baths England

The Romans built a magnificent temple and bathing complex in Bath on the site of Britain’s only hot spring, which still flows with hot water. The Roman Baths are one of the finest historic sites in Northern Europe.

Enjoy a virtual tour around the steaming Great Bath where people bathed nearly 2,000 years ago. Learn more about the baths and walk through the complex.

Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England


Stonehenge consists of a ring of standing stones, each weighing around 25 tons.  Archaeologists believe it was constructed sometime between 3000 B.C. to 2000 B.C. It is one of the most famous attractions in the U.K., attracting 800,000 visitors a year.

English Heritage has put together an interactive tour around the site. Select various hotspots to find out more. The tour also offers a live view from within the stone circle.

Alcatraz Island, San Francisco, California

Alcatraz Island NPS

Alcatraz Island was developed with facilities for a lighthouse, a military fortification, a military prison, and a federal prison for almost 30 years.

Explore this former prison in San Francisco Bay on an interactive Google Arts & Culture tour where you can learn about notorious inmates and see escape materials and inmate artwork.

Begin your journey to “The Rock” here .

Baseball Hall of Fame, Cooperstown, New York

Baseball Hall of Fame

Die-hard baseball fans regularly make the pilgrimage to see the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. This museum is committed to preserving the history of America’s pastime and celebrating the legendary people who have made the game great.

Examine vintage photos, signed baseballs, programs, posters, videos, and more thanks to Google Street View.

Walk around the museum virtually by clicking here . 

Bryce Canyon National Park, Bryce, Utah

Thors Hammer Bryce Canyon National Park

Bryce Canyon National Park is known for the beautiful, red, white, and orange “hoodoos” surrounding this famous desert landscape.

Take a virtual tour around Sunset Point and view the star-filled night sky from this Dark Sky-certified national park, see the park’s unique rock formations up close, and even take a horseback ride through the canyon.

Begin your virtual explorations of Bryce Canyon here . 

Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Carlsbad, New Mexico

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Carlsbad Caverns National Park is located in the Chihuahuan Desert of southern New Mexico and is home to over 100 caves. The caverns are well-known for their many impressive calcite formations.

On this virtual tour, you can take a walk through some of the caverns, view incredible rock formations, and even experience life as a bat thanks to Google Arts & Culture’s simulation.

Walk into the caverns beginning here .

Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona

Grand Canyon

See the majestic Grand Canyon that was carved over millions of years by the Colorado River below. It’s amazing to see this much geological history revealed before your eyes.

Walk with Google Street View to explore the Bright Angel trail. It will lead you from the South Rim, down the Black Bridge, across the Colorado River, and up to the Phantom Ranch campsite. You can zoom in and click to discover new views of the park.

Begin your virtual descent here . 

Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park

Hawaii Volcano National Park

Hawai’i Volcano National Park is one of the most popular national parks, located on the Big Island of Hawai’i. This park spans from sea level to the summit of 2 of the world’s most active volcanoes — Kilauea and Mauna Loa.

Thanks to Google Arts & Culture, you can access a virtual tour to explore the Nahuku Lava Tube, enjoy the stunning view from the volcanic coastal cliffs, fly over an active volcano, and see the effects of an eruption from 1959.

Begin your tour through a lava tube starting here . 

Kenai Fjords National Park, Seward, Alaska

Kenai Fjords

Experience the Kenai Fjords National Park virtually. The national park was established to preserve the fjord and rain forest ecosystems, Harding Icefield, abundant wildlife, and historical and archaeological remains.

Google Arts & Culture offers a guided tour through the park. Climb down a crevasse on Exit Glacier, watch a glacier melt, and kayak through a Bear Glacier lagoon. You might even encounter some wildlife along the way!

Start your virtual journey here . 

Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida

Kennedy Space Center

The John F. Kennedy Space Center is 1 of 10 National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) field centers. It currently serves as NASA’s primary launch center for human spaceflight.

Google Street View Treks allows you to experience a tour of the Kennedy Space Center virtually. Take a virtual walk through the transfer aisle of the cavernous Vehicle Assembly Building, stand at the top of Launch Pad 39A, and more.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, New York

Metropolitan Museum of Art New York

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, also known as the Met, is located in New York City and is the largest art museum in the U.S.

The Met 360° Project developed videos covering 6 of the Met’s most popular attractions and spaces, including:

  • The Charles Engelhard Court
  • Gothic Cloisters in Fort Tryon Park
  • Neo-Classical Grand Hall
  • Temple of Dendur

You can experience the museum through your computer, smartphone, on Google Cardboard, or with a VR headset.

For all of the details, click here . 

Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California

Monterey Bay Aquarium

If you are missing the ocean, the Monterey Aquarium is here to help! This aquarium is known for its regional focus on the marine habitats of Monterey Bay and was the first to exhibit a living kelp forest when it opened.

Experience the stunning Monterey Bay Aquarium in real-time. It has several live cams broadcasting including a aviary cam , a  jelly cam , a  shark cam , and an  adorable penguin cam .

See all of the live stream options here . 

National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C.

Smithsonian Natural History

The National Museum of Natural History is one of the largest natural history museums in the world. Science lovers can experience permanent , current , and past exhibitions online.

This includes exhibits such as:

  • The Butterfly Pavilion
  • The Hall of Fossils
  • The Hall of Geology, Gems, and Minerals (featuring the Hope Diamond)
  • The Hall Human Origins

Access all the exhibits here . 

Redwood National and State Parks, Crescent City,  California

Redwood National and State Parks

The Redwood National and State Parks hold some of the world’s tallest trees. In this series of short VR interpretive talks produced by the NPS, Ranger Greg takes you on your own ranger-led walk. Learn about habitats, rivers, ecosystem restoration, and historical figures, and understand some of the amazing adaptations that redwood trees have.

NPS suggests using a VR device for full immersion, however, it notes that you can also move the video/photo in any direction on your mobile device or PC.

Start your virtual hike here . 

Driving Route 66

Route 66 is one of the most famous roads in the U.S. It originally ran from Chicago, through many states in the Southwestern U.S., ending in Santa Monica. Because this road wound through so many tiny towns, hundreds of odd little trading posts, motels, and attractions popped up along the way — many still available to explore.

Take a virtual drive along the historic highway and get an up-close-and-personal look at 10 different sites along the way.

Begin your journey down Route 66 here . 

San Diego Zoo, San Diego, California

San Diego Zoo

The San Diego Zoo is one of the best out there. Its innovative animal habitats provide natural settings for animals, often with different species living amongst one another. The 100-acre facility features a variety of settings and wonderful exhibits.

The San Diego Zoo has several live streams on throughout the day focusing on various animals. The streams include an  ape cam , elephant cam , a  koala cam , and more.

Access all of the live cams here .

Statue of Liberty, New York

Statue of Liberty

The Statue of Liberty is located on Liberty Island in New York Harbor. Interestingly, it was built by Gustave Eiffel, the creator of another item on our list — the Eiffel Tower. The statue became an icon of freedom and the U.S. to immigrants arriving by sea.

The NPS has created a 360-degree tour that allows you to virtually see the views from the torch, crown, inside the copper statue, and elsewhere on Liberty Island.

Visit Lady Liberty by clicking here . 

Walt Disney World Rides, Orlando, Florida

Star Wars Rise of the Resistance Disney

If you’re waiting on a visit to Walt Disney World , you can still experience a little of that Disney pixie dust from home.

Virtual Disney World has put together an astounding number of videos riding some of the famous rides throughout all of the parks.

Check out the main YouTube page here , which is divided by park. 

The White House, Washington, D.C.

White House

The White House is the official residence of the president of the U.S. Located in Washington, D.C., and every U.S. president since 1800 has lived here. Tours are not easy to come by as public tour requests must be submitted through your member of Congress.

Luckily, you can take a virtual tour thanks to Google. This tour offers tons of history and interesting facts while you see the following highlights:

  • The Oval Office
  • The Secretary of War Suite
  • Vice President’s Ceremonial Office
  • The White House Library

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone was the first national park in the U.S. and is known for its many geothermal features, especially the popular Old Faithful geyser. You can also expect to see bison roaming around!

There are many video walks available thanks to the U.S. National Park Service (NPS). You take a map-based our of the park and you can also tag along for virtual walks to:

  • Canary Spring
  • Dragon’s Mouth Spring
  • Lookout Point

To start your virtual tour, click here . 

Yosemite National Park, Yosemite, California

Yosemite National Park

See the stunning Yosemite National Park , internationally recognized for its granite cliffs, waterfalls, clear streams, giant sequoia groves, and diverse wildlife. On average, about 4 million people visit Yosemite each year — primarily within Yosemite Valley.

Virtual Yosemite allows you to see the valley and beyond! Some of the places you can explore include:

  • Bridal Veil Falls
  • Glacier Point
  • Nevada Falls
  • Summit of Half Dome
  • Yosemite Falls

Start your virtual exploration here .

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is one of the most spectacular attractions in Africa. This waterfall was created by the Zambezi River that suddenly plummets into a narrow, 100-meters deep chasm. Its roar can be heard from 40 kilometers away — locals called even call it “The Smoke Which Thunders.”

Watch a series of 2 360-degree interactive videos to see these majestic falls from above and multiple vantage points on both the Zambia and Zimbabwe sides.

Start Part 1 , then continue to Part 2 . 

International Space Station

International Space Station

Would you like the chance to view Earth from above and learn what it feels like to live in space? Now you can, thanks to a virtual tour of the International Space Station (ISS) created by the European Space Agency.

Get station tours from some of the crew who live there. Through various video clips, learn what it’s like to eat, work, and even bathe onboard. And don’t forget to look outside to get a glimpse of Earth from space!

Access all the tours here . 

Outer Space

Outer Space

Even the nearest planets outside of our solar system are light-years away, so actually visiting remains a distant dream.

However, on NASA’s Exoplanet Exploration website, you can explore an imagined surface of alien worlds via 360-degree interactive visualizations. Explore the blood-red sky of TRAPPIST-1d , or stand on the imagined moon of Kepler-16b .

This tour works on desktop and mobile, but is optimized for VR devices such as Oculus and Google Cardboard.

Start exploring here . 

While we’ve listed over 100 of the very best virtual tours out there, we know there are even more! Use this list as a jumping-off point to explore even more. Google Earth, Google Arts & Culture, official websites for attractions, and national park websites have a treasure trove of fabulous content.

While viewing these attractions virtually isn’t quite the same as being there in person, it’s still very possible to explore and learn about the world around us from the comfort of your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much do virtual tours cost.

All of the tours we’ve linked above are completely free, though they may require downloading free apps to experience. Some tours may be amplified by having a VR headset, but this isn’t necessary.

What virtual tours are available?

We’ve included over 100 of the very best tours out there, but there are countless more! Google Earth, Google Arts & Culture, national parks, and the official sites for attractions you are interested in are all great places to start looking for more options.

How do you do a virtual tour?

Depending on the tour, you may need to click on a link or download an app to experience your tour. Then, you will simply enjoy the experience! Each tour is different — so decide whether you prefer a virtual walking tour, a tour you click through, or even a VR tour so you can fly above the city or site!

Where can I watch virtual tours?

There are infinite possibilities of where you can experience a virtual tour. You can find virtual tours on Google Arts & Culture, go directly to the site’s website, or even find a great virtual tour on YouTube.

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About Christy Rodriguez

After having “non-rev” privileges with Southwest Airlines, Christy dove into the world of points and miles so she could continue traveling for free. Her other passion is personal finance, and is a certified CPA.

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25 Incredible Ways To Experience Virtual Travel Without Leaving Your Home

We may all be grounded for now, but thanks to the miracle of the internet, we can tour the world from pretty much anywhere. Here are some wonderful ways to experience virtual travel.

Let’s face it, travelling is an irreplaceable experience, and while staycations might be the norm now, it doesn’t mean you can’t bring the outside world into your homes. If you’re asking yourself if you can really travel without travelling , the answer is YES. It’s become easier than ever to “travel” without leaving your home , and experience virtual travel with such travel experiences and tours popping up all over the internet. 

While there is no shortage of movies or television shows to fill every waking minute, sometimes we want more. From museum tours to cooking classes, these virtual experiences will make the ultimate staycation. Think of these virtual tours as guided meditations. You can zone out for an hour as your cursor escorts you through museum halls, forests, palaces, and rivers. Here are some amazing ways to experience virtual travel . 

Here Are 25 Virtual Reality Travel Experiences To Get You Started

Virtual tours of famous landmarks  .

Experience virtual travel of the Sistine chapel

Experience the world’s most famous landmarks without the crowds. Thanks to live streams, virtual tours, and 360-degree videos, you can see amazing sights from your home. 

Sistine Chapel : Marvel at the intricately painted ceilings of this iconic religious landmark in Vatican City on this virtual tour. 

CN Tower : Look over downtown Toronto from anywhere in the world with this live stream from the top of the 1,815-foot-tall architectural wonder. It’s one of the most stunning things to do on virtual travel.

Buckingham Palace : Perhaps the most famous palace in the UK, this is the Queen’s official residence. You’ll have many public rooms all to yourself with these virtual tours.

Palace Of Versailles : You can walk through France’s Palace of Versailles, including the famous Hall of Mirrors, from your own home at any time. In addition to the lavish architecture, the palace includes canvas art and beautiful murals. 

The Eiffel Tower : This iconic structure has three different levels for visitors to see, all with amazing views of Paris. You can now experience these from anywhere in the world right here on a virtual tour of the landmark you can take from home.


The Metropolitan Museum of Art, featured in Gossip Girl

Museums around the world are offering virtual tours of their collections, along with interactive experiences, and many more ways to experience virtual travel ; perfect for history buffs and art lovers.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art : The Met Gala may have been cancelled, but you can still get your fix of elaborate costumes with the online collection at The Costume Institute , as well as 26 other virtual tours the Met has for you to explore.

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History : You can spend days exploring the Smithsonian collections of over 150 million items related to American history and culture. From current and permanent exhibitions to a tour of the Smithsonian Castle, there are virtual tours for everything.

Grammy Museum : Browse the newly released curated content at this museum, all accompanied by a specially curated Spotify playlist so you can actually listen in on this virtual reality travel experience .

The Dalí Museum : Browse the four online exhibits of the works of surrealist painter Salvador Dalí; or for something more interactive, download the Dreams of Dalí virtual reality experience.

The National Palace Museum : Visit Taipei’s National Palace Museum and go treasure hunting for Chinese artifacts that date back as far as the Neolithic age on this 720-degree virtual tour, complete with an audio guide.

Read More: 22 Virtual Tours Of Museums And Heritage Sites – So You Can Travel From Home


Mirror Lake Yosemite National Park California

If the view from your window is starting to get old, why not virtually explore the great outdoors instead? Many of our planet’s best national parks, hiking trails, and natural wonders can be seen online for those looking for new ways to experience virtual travel.

Yosemite National Park : Google Earth just launched 31 virtual tours of national parks throughout the United States. Why not pick one of the most visited and check out Yosemite’s majestic waterfalls and stunning cliff faces, all set against the backdrop of California’s Sierra Nevada mountains?

Inca Trail : Take the long trek to Peru’s iconic Machu Picchu in under one hour with this virtual journey. Experience the breathtaking mountain views and rugged trails (almost) firsthand, and the best part is — you won’t even be sore after!

Grand Canyon : One of the most popular places to visit in the world, this awe-inspiring canyon is known for its rugged sprawling sandstone landscape. Now you can visit virtually whenever you want.

Northern lights : Watch the ongoing live stream of the wondrous northern lights from Churchill, Canada. You might even feel like crossing this natural phenomenon off your bucket list.

Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park : Escape to this park in Australia’s Northern Territory with this virtual tour. Apart from the stunning red-sand landscapes, the tour includes stories and songs from Anangu, the traditional owners of the land.


Shows, live concerts, and music festivals have been cancelled for the time being. But now, musicians, clubs, and more are bringing entertainment to you. Around the world, people are holding free live online performances to help fill your time while you stay at home and think of ways to experience virtual travel .

Together at Home : This campaign features lots of big-name artists, from Niall Horan to John Legend performing over social media for fans to help promote social distancing. 

BroadwayHD : From Broadway shows to Shakespeare, this service has more than 300 productions for you to binge-watch. They offer a free seven-day trial, after which you can either pay for more content or cancel your account.

The Metropolitan Opera : If you’re craving a night at the opera, while you can’t leave the house, you’ll love this. The New York institution is sharing a performance every night for free if you’re still wondering how to travel virtually .

Seattle Symphony : If you’re looking for even more classical music, the internet has your back. This esteemed symphony is posting free broadcasts on social media for you to watch from home.

Disney Rides : While Disney may have announced a closure of its parks, you can still revisit iconic rides like Space Mountain and Splash Mountain and even kid-friendly favourites like It’s A Small World or Snow White’s Scary Adventure .


If you want more ways to experience virtual travel, we’ve got you covered. With several food experts, chefs, and restaurants dishing out their top tips and tricks online (and for free!), now’s your chance to do all that cooking you’ve always dreamed of. 

Food Network Kitchen : On this Facebook page chefs share recipes and tips every day. Try Mark Bitman’s shrimp and rice, or Michael Symon’s delicious pot roast. 

Borough Market cooking classes : Join the daily cooking classes live-streamed on this London market’s Instagram account. They also have the Borough Market Community on Facebook for foodies to share recipes and cooking tips.

Pasta-making with Nonna Neria : This 84-year-old Italian grandma is live-streaming her cooking classes direct from Italy. Learn all about Italian comfort food and even try some out yourself. 

Also Read: Sharpen your culinary skills with these virtual food tours


experience virtual travel of outerspace

And if our planet just isn’t enough for you, why not take your social distancing to a whole new level and travel to outer space?

The Houston Space Center : Download this special app to journey into space via the space centre’s Location-Aware Audio Tour and its thrilling virtual reality experience of the moon (with fun facts along the way). 

Access Mars : Finally, finish your space expedition with an exciting 360-degree virtual tour of the red planet.

How Is Virtual Reality Transforming The Tourism Industry?

There are hundreds of ways to experience virtual travel . While travelling in person will always be an irreplaceable experience, virtual reality has brought us tons of ways to travel without travelling. We may all be grounded for now, but thanks to the miracle of the internet, we can tour the world from pretty much anywhere – with the added bonus of not having to deal with long lines and large crowds. So, which of these exciting tours are you going to take next?

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Love to travel and can’t travel due to Covid-19? Travel and explore virtual tours from the comfort of your home and immerse yourself in the scenic beauty of the Irish landscape with Trek Ireland with your loved ones.

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Virtual Tours: 17 Incredible Places Around The World You Can Visit For Free

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The world’s most iconic landmarks, famous museums and attractions you can visit — from your living room 😉

P.S. Travel Virtually with us on a 21-day itinerary around the world for $0 ! For 21 days, we’ll be exploring a new destination through immersive POV videos, online discussions with our travel community , and surprises along the way!

The only travelling I’ve done since 2020 started is a thorough exploration of my fridge. Since the COVID-19 pandemic has caused numerous countries to go on lockdown and airlines to ground their fleets , it’s safe to say none of us will be travelling for a while.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t continue exploring the world!

Forget about flight deals for a moment, teleport yourself around the world with these 17 incredible virtual tours!

Wonders Of The World

1) machu picchu, peru.

Machu Picchu Guided Tour - Virtual Tours

Photo credit: You Visit

Machu Picchu is a stunning UNESCO World Heritage Site nestled between the Andes and the Amazon Basin. This grand complex of around 200 structures was thought to have been built during the height of the Inca Empire, which ended in the 1500s.

For all you Indiana-Jones-wannabes, you don’t have to book a trip to Peru just to see Machu Picchu. With a virtual tour offering 360-degree views of the stunning landscape and a helpful narrator sharing the history behind it, you’ll feel like you’re touring the grounds yourself!

Explore Macchu Picchu now.

2) Walking Tour of the City, Japan

Credit: Visit Japan

Fans of Japan and all things Japanese are bound to love this tour. It’s a 3-minute 360-degree video taking you through some of the country’s most popular sights — Kyoto ‘s bamboo forest, Nara Deer Park , and even a sumo exhibition!

*Pro-tip: Order in some sushi, plug in your headphones and watch it on a desktop to truly immerse yourself in the experience!

Save these references for future trips to Japan: 10-Day Japan Itinerary — Tokyo to Osaka With The JR Pass for S$1.1k & 8-Day Japan Winter Itinerary For Less Than S$1.2k — Fox Village, Snow Monkey Park, Gassho Houses

3) Petra, Jordan

Petra Jordan - Virtual Tours

Photo credit: Google Maps

Known as the rose-red city because of the rock colour, Petra is Jordan’s beloved national treasure. Hailed by many as “a must-see before you die”, the ancient city draws in around 500,000 tourists each year.

The virtual tour follows a detailed route that begins at Bab Al Siq (Gateway to the siq in Arabic) and ends at Al Dier, one of Petra’s largest monuments. 360-degree views and little audio nuggets of knowledge sprinkled along the journey makes the tour truly immersive.

Explore Petra .

4) Great Wall of China, China

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Photo credit: The China Guide

During our two-week-long trip to China last year, seeing the Great Wall in all of its grandeur was definitely one of the highlights. While visits to China are off the table for now, we can still take a virtual trip to one of the seven wonders of the world!

The best part of the tour? You don’t have to fight with crowds for unobstructed views 😏

Explore the Great Wall of China .

Read also: Ultimate First-Timer’s Guide to China: 14 Exciting Things To Do In Beijing

5) Taj Mahal, India

as is virtual tour country

Photo credit: Air Pano

The crown jewel of India , the Taj Mahal is a grand mausoleum complex built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in the 1600s in memory of his wife. It’s one of the world’s most iconic architectural monuments and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1983.

See the Taj Mahal for yourself from different angles via this 360-degree tour ! It includes soothing music and insane helicopter views of the complex — something you won’t get even when you visit the place for real.

If you’re tempted to see India for yourself after this virtual tour, check out our one-week India itinerary for first-timers and also 10 of the most beautiful cities to visit on your first trip !

Explore the Taj Mahal .

Read also: First-Timer’s Guide to India — Everything you need to explore India like a pro

6) Khumbu Valley, Nepal

Khumbu Valley, Nepal - Virtual Tours

Khumbu Valley is a sacred valley situated on the Nepalese side of Mt. Everest . It’s one of the most famous treks amongst mountaineers and is home to breathtaking views of the world’s tallest mountain.

Khumbu Valley, Nepal, Navigation Page - Virtual Tours

Check out the awesome animated navigation page! Photo credit: Google Maps

This tour takes you on a journey through the Everest region and showcases snippets of local life — you can even step inside the classroom of a Himalayan primary school or the home of a traditional healer!

Explore Khumbu Valley .

7) Angkor Wat, Cambodia

Angkor Wat Cambodia - Virtual Tours

Photo credit: Virtual Angkor

Angkor Wat means “temple city” in the Khmer language and its name speaks for itself — it’s said to be the largest religious monument in the world. This enriching virtual tour brings you back to Angkor Wat during the Khmer Empire, giving you a truly unique experience of the magnificent temple complex during its hayday.

Explore Angkor Wat .

Read also: 7-Day Cambodia Itinerary Under S$600 — An Epic Journey of History, Adventure and Tranquility

8) Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, USA

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Washington DC - Virtual Tours

Photo credit: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C. was thrust into the Hollywood spotlight in Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian . Since then, I’ve been dying to make a trip there myself.

This virtual tour not only includes 360-degree views, it covers every exhibit room-by-room. The quality is also phenomenal — you can see the creases on the T-rex bones! My favourite part of the tour? You can zoom in and read the exhibit descriptions — something not all virtual tours allow!

Explore the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History .

9) The Vatican, Italy

The Vatican Rome Italy - Incredible Online Experiences

Photo credit: Musei Vaticani

Vatican City, the world’s smallest fully independent nation-state, is usually crawling with international visitors on a regular day. So it was highly unusual to see Pope Francis giving a solitary prayer service to an eerily empty St Peter’s Square.

Fret not, you can still enter the Vatican and be with the Pope in spirit. Make sure to check out the Sistine Chapel, Raphael’s Rooms and the New Wing!

Explore the Vatican .

10) National Museum of the United States Air Force, USA

as is virtual tour country

Photo credit: National Museum of the United States Air Force

If you were crazy about planes growing up (and possibly still are), this is the tour for you. The National Museum of the United States Air Force is the world’s largest military aviation museum and houses aircraft and other relics from the Korean War and World War Two.

It’s a self-guided tour that allows you to navigate the various galleries — you can even click on the screens on display to watch the videos!

Explore the National Museum of the United States Air Force .

11) National Gallery of Art, USA

National Gallery of Art Washinton USA - Virtual Tours

Photo credit: National Gallery of Art

For the uninspired, this virtual tour featuring the National Gallery of Art in Washington is a visual feast for you art lovers!

This dynamic tour allows you to explore the gallery room-by-room, giving you access to the museum’s current exhibitions. View the gallery via the top-view floor plan, and zoom in to specific pieces!

Explore the National Gallery of Art .

12) The British Museum, England

The British Museum London England - Virtual Tours

Photo credit: British Museum

This virtual tour is truly one-of-a-kind! Instead of a room-by-room layout, The British Museum displays its exhibits in a timeline format. The sleek interface organises exhibits by category, region as well as year.

The British Museum Exhibits London England - Virtual Tours

Select an exhibit and you’ll be able to read all about the history of the artefact!

Explore The British Museum .

Mountains and Animals

13) georgia aquarium, georgia, usa.

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Photo credit: Georgia Aquarium

This aquarium in Georgia has allowed its scaly residents to continue bringing joy to its patrons despite being closed. Check out the adorable African penguins and cheeky Beluga Whales via the aquarium’s live streams!

*Update: Georgia Aquarium now offers guided virtual tours from S$12.95.

Explore the Georgia Aquarium .

14) Mt. Fuji, Japan

Mt Fuji Japan - Virtual Tours

Ever wanted to hike up Japan’s tallest mountain but lacked the fitness to do so? Then you should check out our 8-minute full body workout !

In the mean time, get motivated by taking a virtual hike up Mt. Fuji using google maps — you can “walk” up the path by simply clicking arrows in the direction you want to go.

Explore Mt. Fuji .

Visiting Japan after COVID-19? Check out our Japan itineraries and guides for inspiration!

Read also: 7-Day Tokyo and Mount Fuji Itinerary Under S$1.3k

15) San Diego Zoo, USA

San Diego Zoo USA - Virtual Tours

Photo credit: San Diego Zoo Kids

If you prefer land animals over creatures of the sea, check out San Diego Zoo’s live streams instead. Rather than exploring the entire park on foot, you can switch between the elephant cam, koala cam and panda cam — all in a matter of minutes. Nothing like watching a few furry critters going about their day to brighten up yours!

Explore the San Diego Zoo .

16) Houston Zoo, USA

as is virtual tour country

Photo credit: Houston Zoo

Houston Zoo is another cool option for live streams of different animals! Check-in on the friendly giraffes, mighty western lowland gorillas or leaf cutter ants — it’s oddly therapeutic!

The live feed is from 7AM to 7PM CST which is 8PM to 8AM SGT. Just in time for you to tune in after work to wind down after a day of working from home .

Explore the Houston Zoo .

17) Yosemite National Park, USA

Yosemite National Park California USA - Online Tours

Photo credit: Virtual Yosemite

Yosemite National Park is one of the most popular national parks in America , and a must-see when you visit California. It was definitely high up on our to-do list during our 11-Day USA Road Trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles (under S$1.8K!)!

Explore Yosemite National Park .

Read also: 7 Once in a lifetime road trips to take in USA

Explore the world through exciting virtual tours

as is virtual tour country

This lockdown period has been a damper for everyone, especially those who enjoy regular hikes and the great outdoors. While there’s nothing like experiencing these in real life, I dare say these virtual tours are a worthy substitute for the time being.

Let’s make the most of our time at home and maybe even start planning your post-COVID-19 adventures!

Read also: Travel Virtually with us on a 21-day itinerary around the world for $0

What are your travel plans for post-COVID-19? Share with us in the comments below!

For more travel inspiration, follow us on  Instagram ,  YouTube ,  Facebook , and  Telegram !

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I am not surprised that Nepal is on the list of virtual tours. It’s good to know that Everest Skydive trip runs twice a year, in March and in October. Asian Trekking can also provide a jump cameraman at an additional charge. After all, the trip may only be a few days, but the memories of your Himalayan skydive will last a lifetime!

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16 Virtual Tours in Europe You Can Take Right Now

Updated: Mar 20, 2023

This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission from the discount codes used or when a link/ad is clicked. All purchases made will come at no extra cost to you, and I only include products and services that I have personally used and would recommend.

Have you ever thought about taking some virtual tours in Europe? I know I hadn't, until I came across some fantastic online tours that took me back to some of my favourite travel destinations, as well as many places that are still on my bucket list. Virtual tours are a great way to explore destinations that you may not otherwise be planning to visit any time soon. Not only that, but they also give you that all important wanderlust feeling and get your travel engines running again.

I've put together 16 virtual tours in Europe that you can easily take either from the comfort of your own home, or even on the go. Most of these virtual tours are free and self-guided, but some are run by authentic tour companies who want to give you the experience of a live tour even if you aren't there in person so having a good internet connection is essential. There are some great optimum internet plans to choose from now if you're looking to upgrade so don't worry. Keep reading to find out which famous European attractions you can go on a virtual tour of from anywhere in the world!

Virtual Tours in Europe

View of the Hermitage across the river in St Petersburg, Russia

1. If you haven't been to St Petersburg in Russia yet then you're really missing out. I had the opportunity to visit St Petersburg last summer, and took one of the many river cruises on offer to see the city from a different perspective. Anglotourismo is now offering an off the beaten track walking tour of St Petersburg, which focuses on one of the oldest neighbourhoods in the city - Vasilievsky Island . Not many tourists travel to this part of St Petersburg, so this virtual tour is a great way to see a unique part of the city, and be introduced to some pretty interesting historical sites along the way too. All you need to do is book the tour online , download Zoom, sit back and enjoy the tour. There's no set price for this virtual tour, so you can determine how much you want to tip your tour guide.

Catherine Palace in St Petersburg Russia photo from the gardens showing the colourful palace

2. St Petersburg is known for its abundance of palaces, so I had to throw in one of my favourite ones - Catherine Palace . Using Google Arts & Culture , this virtual tour allows you to move around the palace grounds in a street view mode, and get up close to the details of this stunning historical site. For those of you who have visited here before, you'll know that the queue is enormous most of the time, so this virtual tour is a great way to be introduced to the palace and a bit of Russian history without spending hours waiting to purchase a ticket. Of course, nothing beats the real thing, but if you're unable to travel to Russia or are trying to plan a trip to St Petersburg in the near future, this is a great introduction to one of the city's main tourist attractions.

View of Acropolis and Parthenon in Athens, Greece

3. As a major history lover, one city in the top part of my bucket list is Athens . I came across this virtual tour of the Acropolis while researching things to do in Athens, and loved that you could click on the different areas of it, and then explore it in more detail using a street view. The Acropolis has played an important role throughout human history for thousands of years, and still stands tall overlooking the city of Athens. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world, so if you can't be there in person yet, you may as well as practice online first!

Inside the Paris catacombs showing bones and skulls, France

4. One attraction I still need to visit in Paris are the Catacombs . It's a very unique site to explore, not only in France but also in the whole of Europe. The official website offers a great virtual tour of the Catacombs , which works like a panoramic photo. It's a completely free tour, and allows you to look at various rooms in HD. The Catacombs hold the remains of over 6 million Parisians from the 18th century, which was meant to lower the risk of diseases spreading from the overcrowded cemeteries. The bones themselves are arranged in a variety of decorative shapes, in order to make the whole experience a bit more attractive for tourists. But if you can't make it there in person, a virtual tour of Paris and the Catacombs are good second options.

Palace of Versailles main building from the courtyard in France

5. The Palace of Versailles is a phenomenal historic site to visit just outside of Paris, and is a great option for a day trip . It's one of my favourite palaces in Europe to visit, so I was really pleased to stumble upon a virtual tour of Versailles . This is another free virtual tour in Europe which offers a glimpse into what you would see if you were there in person. The tour takes you around the grounds, and at each location there is a text box providing some historic background and interesting facts. So, if you find yourself longing for a French aristocratic escape and can't get to Paris, take a few minutes to virtually walk around the world-famous gardens at Versailles. You never know, maybe you'll see something you missed on a previous trip!

Neuschwanstein Castle view from afar in Germany

6. Who doesn't love a fairytale castle? Neuschwanstein Castle is probably on everyone's radar, and is now open to the public once again following lockdown. It may look like a medieval castle, but it was actually built in the 19th century as a retreat for King Ludwig II of Bavaria. Neuschwanstein Castle is at the top of my list of castles to visit in Europe, but for now I decided to take an aerial virtual tour instead. With this tour, you get to experience the castle from a helicopter's point of view, which is pretty unique and something I probably wouldn't have been able to do in person. Castle tours in Europe don't come much better than this, and I can't wait until I eventually visit and get to see it with my own eyes.

View of Windsor Castle in England from the walkway

7. Windsor Castle is not only the oldest occupied castle in the world, it's also the largest. It was founded in the 11th century by William the Conqueror, and today is one of the Queen's main residences. If you find yourself in London or the surrounding area, Windsor Castle makes for a great day trip by train. If you don't want to ruin your planned trip too much, you can take a quick look inside the castle at a few of the more elaborate rooms by taking a virtual tour . This is another panoramic tour, but you get to see a lot of great detail, including a State Banquet set up in St George's Hall.

View of the Palace of Holyrood in Edinburgh Scotland from the courtyard

8. Edinburgh is filled with incredible historic attractions to visit, and one of the most popular attractions is the Palace of Holyroodhouse . It sits at the end of the Royal Mile, and is the official Scottish residence of the Queen. It's most famous for being the home of Mary Queen of Scots in the 16th century. On a regular tour of the castle, you'd be treated to 14 State Apartments as well as the grounds and a 12th century abbey. But for now, virtual tours of palaces are what a lot of people will have to put up with. The virtual tour of Holyrood Palace is similar to that of Windsor castle, with a panoramic view of three parts of the palace for you to explore. Once again, this is a free virtual tour and takes almost no time at all to do.

View of Edinburgh Castle from below on a sunny day in Scotland

9. Of course, you can't do a virtual tour of Edinburgh without stopping by Edinburgh Castle . This Scottish hot spot is one of the most popular castles in the world, and seen by many as one of the most iconic. The oldest part of the castle dates back to the 12th century, and you can catch a glimpse of the Scottish crown jewels within the walls as well if you happen to be able to visit in person. Thanks to Google Arts & Culture , visitors can now take a virtual tour of the castle from anywhere in the world. This is one of the lesser detailed virtual castle tours I've come across, but it's still worth a quick browse if you're missing the charm of Scotland. Travel tip : If you're visiting Scotland and want to explore its many medieval castles, I would recommend purchasing the Explorer Pass to save a lot of money.

View of the city of Florence over the rooftops on a cloudy day.

10. For those of you longing to go to Italy, Virtually Live Tours offer a variety of tours that you can join online. All of the tours are live, and can be joined from anywhere in the world. For example, you can go on a bike tour of Florence and the Tuscan countryside, drop in on a cooking class, or see the illuminated fountains of Rome! They are all definitely very unique virtual tours in Italy to join in on, and the fact that they are done live makes you feel like you're really there - even if you're sitting at home with your feet up. NOTE: This tour is no longer running and the website is no longer available. I hope you were able to take advantage of it while it was live!

Aerial view of Bled Castle along the lake in Slovenia

11. One castle that I can't wait to explore in eastern Europe is Bled Castle . It sits on a steep cliff overlooking Lake Bled and is the oldest Slovenian castle on record, dating back to the 11th century. Even if you aren't a castle lover (shame on you), judging from photos I've seen, the walk to the top of the hill is worth it for the incredible views of the lake and the surrounding landscape. There are a lot of virtual tours in Europe you can take, and Bled Castle is no exception. The panoramic virtual tour of Bled Castle that I came across is a bit of a strange one, since it's done at night so you can't really see much detail or any of the beautiful views either, but it's still interesting to take a look at.

Bran Castle from the outside in Romania

12. Bran Castle was brought into the limelight due to its ties with Dracula, and is now one of the biggest (if not the biggest) draws for tourists in Transylvania. The castle itself was completed in the late 14th century, and was used as a defense against the Ottoman Empire. The virtual tour of Bran Castle is a series of 4 videos, each showing a different aspect of the castle. The videos are only short, so if you're feeling curious about this castle, you can easily fit this tour into your daily schedule. I've read a lot of interesting historical facts about Bran Castle, so I can't wait to visit Romania some time in the near future and walk around this incredible castle.

View of Prague Castle and St Vitus Cathedral, Prague

13. For those of you who have been to Prague before, you'll know what a charming European city it is. The medieval streets are breathtaking, and for me there's nothing better than feeling like you're walking through history. Prague Castle is one of the top tourist attractions in the city, and was founded over 1000 years ago. It's a very unique European castle to explore, because it's made up of various palaces and ecclesiastical buildings, which is why it holds the world record for the largest coherent castle complex in the world. Prague Castle's virtual tour offers a glimpse at various parts of the castle, and there is also an option to view some great photos as well.

Malbork Castle from across the water, Poland

14. Poland is an amazing country to visit, with lots of great historical sites to see and national parks to sink your teeth into. One attraction that really catches my eye is Malbork Castle . This UNESCO World Heritage Site dates back to the 13th century and is the largest castle in the world based on land area. It's also considered to be the largest brick structure ever built by hands during this time period. You can now take a virtual tour of Malbork Castle , which is a great option if you want to see if this is the type of castle you'l be interested in visiting. Or maybe you've already visited it and want to reminisce about your time there. Either way, it's a fun historic virtual tour in Europe to go on!

Schonbrunn Palace from the gardens in Vienna, Austria

15. One city that really impressed me when we visited it earlier this year was Vienna . It's known for being one of the more expensive cities to visit in Europe, but we found that it's definitely doable on a budget, and there are a number of free historic sites to visit as well. Schonbrunn Palace was one of my favourite spots in the city, and it's free to walk around the grounds too which was great. We didn't have time to go inside and take a guided tour, so I was really pleased to come across this online virtual tour of the palace instead. Google Arts & Culture lets you see quite a lot when compared to other virtual tours, so it's well worth checking out, especially if you haven't seen the inside before.

Sacre Coeur in Paris from the bottom of the hill, France

16. In my opinion, one of the best ways to explore a city is by taking a food tour. When we visited Dublin , we had the opportunity to join Secret Food Tours and eat our way through some Irish dishes. They're now offering virtual tours for just $10 in a number of cities across Europe, as well as New York City. For each tour you go on, you'll receive $50 back in tour vouchers which are valid for 2 years! I don't know about you, but I think this is a great way to start saving for your next trip, all while helping the tourism sector bounce back after months of people being in lockdown. I'll be taking part in their virtual tour of Paris and can't wait.

Machu Picchu view with alpacas in Peru

BONUS : Yes, I know Machu Picchu in no way counts as a virtual tour in Europe, but if you're like me and are itching to travel here then you'll take what you can get. If you aren't familiar with this phenomenal historic site, it dates back to the Incan Empire in the 15th century, and sits 7000 feet above sea level in the Andes Mountains. It was once a royal estate visited by emperors, but following military campaigns and the plague brought along in the 16th century by Spanish explorers, the Incan royal line came to an end. The virtual tour of Machu Picchu allows you to explore a large portion of the ruins, and see it from different angles, all while not having to take the long hike up to the top.

These are just a handful of the many virtual tours of Europe you can take. Many popular museums are now hosting incredible virtual tours which are growing in popularity as well, which are worth clicking on if you want to add a bit of culture to your day. Don't forget to check out my blog post covering 18 Incredible Places to Visit in Europe After Lockdown for some further travel inspiration, and follow me on my travels on Instagram as well. I would love to hear if anyone else has been taking virtual tours recently, so please drop me a comment below!

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Best virtual tours that you can take without leaving home

Need to get out of the house and go on vacation, but finances, health, or other circumstances have you staying at home? Virtual tours are the next best thing. They allow you to travel to exotic locations, including space, without ever leaving home. Here are some of the best ways to take a staycation getaway using virtual tours.

Best virtual tour app for Android

Best virtual tour app for iphone, best virtual tours online, best virtual space tours, best virtual tours of us national parks, best way to take a random tour, best global virtual tour, best zoo virtual tours, best aquarium virtual tours, best fine art virtual tours, best history museum virtual tours, best virtual nature walks.

The Seven Wonders app allows you to travel to the seven wonders of the world from your phone. The app supports the use of Google Cardboard but you don’t have to use it. You can just hold your phone up to your face — as you move the phone, you’ll see a 360-degree view of whatever location you’re visiting.

With the Sites in VR app, you can take tours around the world using a virtual reality headset or just your phone or iPad. You can choose from cities or countries to visit, or you can go inside famous landmarks, like the pyramids. There are even space panoramas for a little out-of-this-world entertainment.

AirPano is a free site that allows you to wander beautiful locations all over the world. The best features of these virtual tours are choosing to take a helicopter view over the landscape or a walking trail through the area. The site also has articles about the location you are visiting and allows visitors to leave comments. If you really like a tour, you can choose to buy it as a download.

Sometimes you just want to leave this planet behind. That’s where virtual space tours come in handy. The Exoplanet Travel Bureau , powered by NASA, is here for you. You can choose an exoplanet and travel around its alien surface. Of course, the planets are artist renderings, since we haven’t actually traveled there yet, but they’re fascinating just the same. NASA at Home has many more space-themed virtual and augmented reality tours, too.

The Hidden Worlds of the National Parks is a Google project that lets you explore five different U.S. parks, including Florida’s Dry Tortugas, Hawaiian volcanoes, the Kenai Fjords in Alaska, New Mexico’s Carlsbad Caverns, and Utah’s Bryce Canyon. Each tour starts with a little history lesson about the area, and then you can dive into the 360-degree landscape. There are also audio tour guides that help you along your journey, explaining what you’re looking at and a little of its history.

Sometimes you don’t know where you want to go, and that’s OK. The Random Street View generator (powered by Google Maps ) is the answer. It will take you on a virtual stroll down a random street somewhere in the world. Be careful, though. Exploring random locations is a bit addicting. One minute you may be virtually walking down a highway in Michigan, and then with a click, you could be in an alleyway in Romania. The best part is that you get to see places that other virtual tour sites and apps don’t offer.

With Google Earth , you can go anywhere on our planet, from your hometown to the other side of the earth. You can use the website to take your journey, or use the app together with VR equipment to enhance your experience. Other than the awesome street views and ability to travel just about anywhere, you can also enhance Google Earth with your own videos and photos of places you have been in person.

If you’re an animal lover, there are many great virtual zoo exhibits that you can visit from your home. The San Diego Live Cams , for example, let you watch live footage of a wide range of animals, from baboons to penguins. Some other great animal cams can be found at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo & Conservation Biology Institute , The Houston Zoo , and EarthCam .

There are plenty of ways to visit our fishy friends, too. The Monterey Bay Aquarium, The Georgia Aquarium, and The National Aquarium all have fantastic live webcams that allow you to watch sharks, jellyfish, stingrays, and much more.

When it comes to fine art, it’s hard to do better than a virtual tour of the Louvre . The website has a variety of tours you can take throughout the gallery, including The Galerie d’Apollon, Louvre’s Petite Galerie, and the east side of the Sully wing. When you’re finished at the Louvre, check out the virtual tours of the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art in South Korea , the Musée d’Orsay in Paris , and the Museu de Arte de São Paulo in Brazil .

There are also virtual tours that can take you back in time, sort of. You can see amazing exhibits of curiosities from the past, like dinosaurs, Egyptian relics, Stone Age tools, and more at The Natural History Museum in London ,  The Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History , and The British Museum .

Longing for a walk in the woods or a tour through habitats that rarely see a human? No problem. There are plenty of virtual tours to satisfy you. Conservation International, for example, has a 360-degree tour through the Amazon that is narrated by an indigenous guide. Other virtual hikes you might enjoy include a trip through the redwoods at Muir Woods National Park , a stroll through the Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve, and a tour of New Zealand’s Great Walks .

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Alina Bradford

As rival Apple is rumored to be eyeing an entrance into the metaverse, Microsoft, an early proponent of mixed and augmented reality applications, is criticized for its blurry vision behind the company's own HoloLens strategy. While HoloLens notched big early wins, including scoring a U.S. Department of Defense contract, subsequent delays, project cancellations, and high-profile executive departures may have resulted in the death of the HoloLens 3. Still, despite a scathing profile by Business Insider, it appears that Microsoft remains, at least publicly, committed to its HoloLens endeavors for now. The company has gone on record to refute the publication's reporting that HoloLens 3 has been killed.

There are a number of factors that may be causing Microsoft to pivot from its early bet on HoloLens, but the Microsoft profile cited internal divisions and the lack of a unified strategy among the top reasons for concern. As a result of the chaos, it appears that the largest collateral damage to Microsoft's infighting is the cancellation of its next-generation HoloLens 3 hardware.

Actronika, a startup company known for its HD haptics technology has a futuristic new product. Expected to be on display at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January 2022 is Skinetic, a haptic vest that should make virtual reality experiences feel a lot more realistic.

Skinetic works much as you'd expect. The wearable vest makes VR feel more immersive by bringing life-like sensations and touch-like experiences to areas of the body like the chest when paired with a compatible headset. As reported by Business Wire, the technology "works with 20 patented vibrotactile voice-coil motors, capable of generating a wide range of vibrations that cover 100% of human vibrotactile perception."

It seems that virtual reality may be about to become even more real than ever before -- all thanks to a new VR headset. Pimax, a company that manufactures VR equipment, announced the upcoming release of a new 12K QLED VR headset that will feature technologies such as eye tracking, full-body tracking, and refresh rates of up to 200Hz. The headset, dubbed Pimax Reality 12K QLED, is part of the company's venture into the metaverse and a step toward bringing true realism to using VR.

During today's Pimax Frontier event, the company's representatives talked at length about the goals behind the product -- naturalness, self-awareness, and freedom. Pimax wants to bring these qualities into virtual reality and the metaverse, allowing people from all over the world to interact and explore virtual worlds together. While VR technology already allows for some of that to happen, Pimax wants to take it to the next level with its new invention -- the Reality 12K QLED VR headset.

Lombard Street

Welcome To The Wide World Of VR Travel

Vr travel apps are taking off. here are the ten best..

World travel can be expensive. But you can experience exotic locales in immersive virtual reality for little or no cost at all. With Samsung Gear ($99) or Google Cardboard ($8), any iPhone or Android smartphone can be turned into a virtual reality device.

Content for tourism is one of the first categories to really take off in VR, allowing you to experience being there without really going there. VR travel apps can both help you experience a place—or a specific resort, city, museum, hotel or cruise ship—before you take the plunge. Or, it can replace actual travel altogether if you'd rather experience a place vicariously.

Here are our favorites for where to take your first virtual trek.

Want to experience a sailboat cruise off the coast of Croatia? YouVisit is one of the best-designed apps dedicated specifically to virtual reality tours. In addition to thousands of travel destinations, they also feature college campuses, businesses, hotels and restaurants. The tours include 360-degree video as well as 360-degree interactive panoramic photos. Navigate by looking, no buttons or controllers necessary.

Free on Android , iOS and Gear VR

Google Street View

This VR app supports both iOS and Android devices, which means you can literally go pretty much anywhere in the world—though, unfortunately, you have to take off the headset to interact with the app. Plus the app is free on both Android and iOS. There's also an unofficial StreetView VR app, also free, for the Gear VR , by YoutopiaVR, which pulls in Google Street View data. The app has a great navigation interface: You just tap to skip ahead to the street you're on, or do a long tap to bring up the map. You can zoom in and out and jump to anywhere in the world, or click on the microphone and say the name of a place and you are there. Say "Eiffel Tower," for example, and you're transported to the spot, above Paris, looking down. It's awesome.

The app also has a voice-enabled group functionality, so you can virtually visit places with your friends. Now if I only had a friend with a Gear VR, I could try it out.

Discovery VR

The virtual reality studio from Discovery Networks specializes in you-are-there extreme experiences such as scuba diving in shark-infested wrecks and and flying through a remote canyon on a zipline. The app itself isn't available on Gear VR, but some of the content can be found on Gear VR's Milk VR and Hulu VR video apps.

Free on Android and iOS .

One of several VR studios to emerge over the past few years, Jaunt VR has a selection of incredibly high-quality travel VR videos including Nepal, Machu Picchu, Syria and Jerusalem. Travel is just the beginning at Jaunt, which also includes VR films, music and sports.

Free on Android , iOS and Gear VR.

Ascape Virtual Travel & Tours

Ascape is all about finding inspiration for travel. The service has more than 100 virtual tours of gorgeous destinations around the world including resorts, cities and experiences. Navigate by touching the screen, so be prepared to access the phone frequently. If you're a virtual auteur, you can become a producer for Ascape, and make money from your own videos.

Samsung Milk VR

Primarily a movie app, Milk VR also offers immersive video tours, such as Chicago, romantic Italy, New York's Times Square and many more. However, only the Gear VR version of the app works with a headset, specifically the Gear VR headset. Unfortunately, the standard Android version does not support Google Cardboard viewers, but simply shows a video that allows you to look in different directions by turning the phone or swiping the screen.

Free on Android and Gear VR.

All YouTube videos are playable in immersive virtual reality on Android phones – search for your destination and "360" or "vr" or filter for "360 videos." Then look for the cardboard symbol at bottom right or behind the three dots setting symbol at top right. Traditional videos are shown on giant private movie screens, while 360-degree videos are shown in immersive virtual reality. On Gear VR, the work-around is to use the Samsung Internet browser app and surf over to the YouTube site. There is no iOS support yet.

Free on Android .

Combines crisp 360-degree panoramic images with sound loops to create a "frozen moment in time" effect. Orbulus videos include the ability to experience New Year's fireworks on Hong Kong Harbor, a view of the Northern Lights and even the ability to stand on Mars. Navigate by looking, no buttons or controllers necessary.

Sites in VR

Panoramic photos of of landmarks from Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Morocco, Kuwait, Yemen, Macedonia, Holland, Belgium and France. Very user-friendly interface but the photos themselves are not interactive. Navigate by looking, no buttons or controllers necessary.

Experience 360-degree Flickr photos in immersive virtual reality on your Gear VR headset. Not yet available for iPhones or Androids yet, but you can check out the Orbulus app instead.

Free on Gear VR.

Single destination apps

In addition to the apps above, many developers are releasing virtual reality tours for individual destinations. You can see Tokyo , London , Cyprus and even Paris . Maybe a trip to the Big Apple is something you've dreamed of—or the Caribbean is more your speed. To find others, search for the name of your destination and the keyword "VR" in your app store. Plus, here are a few more to get you started for your next virtual escape:

United Arab Emirates

Liege Cathedral , in Belgium

Neon Museum in Las Vegas, NV

(Free for Android too)

Museo Maya de América

Toumanian Museum in Armenia

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Would you go to a virtual rave? New film about acid house party movement begins UK tour

The director of a new virtual reality movie about Birmingham's acid house party movement hopes to shed a light on the region's role in pioneering music.

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Technology correspondent

Saturday 20 July 2024 05:51, UK

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Virtual rave

A new film that uses virtual reality (VR) technology to immerse users in the acid house party movement in 1989 has started its tour of the UK in Birmingham. 

The film, In Pursuit Of Repetitive Beats, sees the user become a character in a scene where, before mobile phones were available, party-goers listened to pirate radio for a number to call to find the secret location for a warehouse rave on the outskirts of the West Midlands.

Users are fitted with a VR headset and a haptic suit which allows them to feel vibrations.

The film, In Pursuit of Repetitive Beats, sees the user become a character in a scene using VR

They have two hand-held controllers that allow them to hold and pick things up in the virtual environment.

Interviewees who contributed to the project include pirate radio DJs, ravers, MCs and police officers who were tasked with identifying where the warehouse parties were taking place in order to shut them down.

Lee Fisher, who was a pirate radio DJ who performed at some of the parties, said that the search for the locations was one his strongest memories of the events.

"I guess my memory of those warehouse parties, first of all, was finding out about them," he says in the film.

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He continues: "Then the kind of excitement of finding the location, then is the party going to happen, or is the party going to get closed down?

"And then going through that kind of that whole cycle of anxiety to finally getting into this space and then there's just a release of adrenaline."

Tim Godwin, a retired West Midlands police officer, was seconded to the force's acid house squad in the late 1980s.

"The responsibility of the squad was to gather intelligence, disrupt activity and try and gather evidence to prosecute individuals involved," he says in the piece.

He adds: "We would have a radio set… we would be listening to the same messages that people who wanted to attend the event would be listening for, so we would be listening for locations or phone numbers, or indications of meeting points."

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"Sometimes they would give a false location so you could get to the other location without the police attending," says Vicky Dixon, one of the film's contributors.

The film aims to shine a light on the West Midlands as a key part of the emergence of British dance music culture, according to its director, Darren Emerson.

"A lot of people are celebrated when it comes to the emergence of acid house and rave culture. You hear a lot about London, you hear a lot about Manchester and even places like Blackburn. But actually the West Midlands is a real important place, a real pioneering place for this type of music," he said.

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The experience is one of a range of VR films that create a 360-world around the user to try and bring imaginary environments, or memories, to life.

Using VR technology to recreate environments in history raises questions about accuracy but there are ways around this, according to Sylvia Xueni Pan, professor of virtual reality at Goldsmiths, University of London.

"There are different ways to actually recreate history, and obviously, if you actually recreate anything from your memory or from reading material from pictures, you are doing it with your own subjectivity," she said.

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She added: "But technically, there are ways to actually scan some real objects or find data that you have stored historically and try to recreate those objects more realistically.

"You're really trying to simulate from real data rather than trying to recreate it. So there might be a compromise between both methods."

In Pursuit Of Repetitive Beats, which was produced by East City Films, will be available to experience in a number of cities across the UK over the next year, including Belfast, Cardiff and Brighton.

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Taylor Swift Celebrates ‘Amazing’ and 'Thoughtful' German Fans After Her Eras Tour Shows in the Country

The singer performed three shows in Gelsenkirchen this week

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Andreas Rentz/TAS24/Getty

Taylor Swift 's fans in Germany have showered the star with kindness beyond her wildest dreams!

The “Fortnight” singer, 34, thanked her supporters in a post on Instagram on July 20 for their enthusiasm surrounding her Eras Tour concerts in the city of Gelsenkirchen — located just north of Cologne.

“Those 3 Gelsenkirchen crowds were AMAZING, and so thoughtful???” Swift wrote in her caption alongside a carousel of photos from the sold-out concerts.

“There were signs and paper hearts, the ‘Betty’ wave, and tons of DIY 'willow' orbs made out of balloons + phone flashlights. Thank you!!! 🫶🫶🫶,” she added of the unique things the crowd brought to the shows.

The Grammy winner went on to also express her gratitude for everyone who has “supported” her new album The Tortured Poets Department amid its recent release.

“I am completely blown away by what you’ve done - [the album] stayed at #1 for the first 12 weeks of its release and that’s never happened to an album of mine before, not even close!!,” Swift wrote. “You’re just the greatest.” 

“Anyway, now that we’ve officially kicked off our shows in Germany, I can’t wait to see you all in Hamburg next!" she said, concluding the post. 

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Swift had never performed in the German city before. Amid her concert series, one local Swiftie, Aleshanee Westhoff, started a petition for Mayor Karin Welge to rename the city to “Swiftkirchen” during the star’s visit there.

The ask caught Welge’s attention, and the city unveiled a new town entrance sign with Swift’s face on it, along with the words “Swiftkirchen." It was captured in an Instagram post shared by the city’s official account .

Swift's recent Eras Tour stops in Germany were special for another reason, given that the singer's boyfriend Travis Kelce also made an appearance at two of the shows — including one that marked his 13th appearance at one of her concerts — before heading to the Kansas City Chiefs' training camp.

Swift is next scheduled to perform in the German cities of Hamburg and Munich, before moving on to Poland.

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10 Virtual Travel Ideas That Will Transport You to Another Place

Travel to the destinations you love—or would love to visit—from the comfort of your couch..

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10 Virtual Travel Ideas That Will Transport You to Another Place

Explore world landmarks from the comfort of home.

Photo by Shutterstock

Although there’s no true replacement for getting on a plane or in a car and visiting a place in real life, many travel industry professionals and digital creatives have banded together to create some remarkable virtual travel experiences. We’ve been sharing many of these with the AFAR audience over the past few weeks as many Americans shelter in place at home , using them to fulfill our wanderlust.

These virtual travel experiences are proof that even while at home, you can still learn something new about a place, meet and interact with the locals who live there, and see some of the world’s most incredible natural wonders. If you, like us, are feeling the travel urge but unable to go anywhere IRL, use some of these 10 virtual travel ideas to explore, learn, and connect with a new (or old favorite) destination.

Visit a museum without the crowds

From the Musée d’Orsay to the MoMA, Google’s Arts and Culture has collaborated with some of the world’s most famous museums to digitize their galleries so you can still visit and tour galleries while their doors are (physically) shut. Outside of Google’s initiative, other museums are also offering their own virtual tours. Five of our favorite virtual museum tours include:

  • The Louvre Museum in Paris
  • Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.
  • Museo Frida Kahlo in Mexico City
  • The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam
  • The San Diego Museum of Art in California

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You can take a virtual tour of Bryce Canyon National Park.

You can take a virtual tour of Bryce Canyon National Park.

Photo by Joyce Marerro/Shutterstock

Explore and learn about a U.S national park

While you normally wouldn’t want to go on a hike in your slippers, The Hidden Worlds of the National Parks series lets you explore several of the United State’s national parks without lacing up your boots. A collaboration between Google Arts & Culture and the National Park service, these interactive, 360-degree virtual national park tours immerse viewers in an awe-inspiring, yet educational, tour of the parks. Through Hidden Worlds, you can watch the sunset and go stargazing in Utah’s Bryce Canyon or swim through the corals in Florida’s Dry Tortugas —all while learning about each one with a park ranger by your side.

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Learn more about this school of sweetlips in the Great Barrier Reef with David Attenborough.

Learn more about this school of sweetlips in the Great Barrier Reef with David Attenborough.

Photo by Tracey Winholt/Shutterstock

Travel to the Great Barrier Reef with David Attenborough

As one of the most incredible yet at-risk natural wonders of the world, the Great Barrier Reef sits high on the list of many travelers’ must-see lists. While we can’t go there in person right now, David Attenborough’s Great Barrier Reef: An Interactive Journey gives the next best thing: a virtual, multimedia experience aboard the Alucia research expedition vessel in which viewers can see, hear, and learn about the unique underwater ecosystem with the acclaimed Planet Earth host.

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Explore Venice virtually with I Love Venice's live cams.

Explore Venice virtually with I Love Venice’s live cams.

Photo by Dimitry Anikin/Unsplash

Wander around Venice’s canals

Venice may not be inviting outside visitors back to the city yet, but you can still tour the city’s streets and canals virtually through 19 live streams on YouTube channel, I Love You Venice . From the Rialto Bridge to Campo Santa Maria Formosa, the channel lets viewers explore some of the city’s most scenic areas—without bumping elbows with the crowds that normally frequent them.

Read more: Live Streams of Cities, Beaches, and Wildlife for Virtual Travel

Meditate with monks or learn how to make ricotta cheese with dairy farmers through Airbnb Experiences and Indagare's Global Classroom.

Meditate with monks or learn how to make ricotta cheese with dairy farmers through Airbnb Experiences and Indagare’s Global Classroom.

Courtesy of unsplash

Connect with locals in other countries

While virtual tours and livestreams let you see places around the world from home, there is one part of travel they miss: meeting and connecting with the people who live there. Fortunately, travel companies such as Indagare and Airbnb have created online opportunities that foster these experiences.

Recently, Airbnb launched an online version of Experiences, which is hosted over Zoom so travelers can still connect with local hosts around the globe during quarantine. Sign up for a 90-minute session to learn how to make ricotta cheese with Sonoma dairy farmers, or spend an hour meditating with Buddhist monks in Japan , all without leaving the house.

Similarly, Indagare Travel, a luxury travel agency, has launched a Global Classroom series where you can join virtual lectures, such as “Behind the Scenes at Changing of the Guards with Andrew Wallis,” or more hands-on courses, such as an Irish soda bread baking class—all for free. They also have additional, paid offerings .

Read more: Airbnb Launches Online Experiences Via Zoom

Missing Rome? Recreate a day in the Italian city with a virtual travel itinerary.

Missing Rome? Recreate a day in the Italian city with a virtual travel itinerary.

Photo by Cosmin Serban/unsplash

Recreate a day in your favorite destination

If you need more than just a quick fix, use one of these creative at-home travel itineraries to recreate a day in another destination. AFAR editors have curated hour-by-hour guides that take you through virtual tours, sightseeing adventures, recipes to help you whip up a taste of each destination, and recommendations for music, books, and films that will make you feel like you’re there.

Spend a full day recreating a trip to one of these popular destinations at home:

  • Explore a food-and-art filled day in Paris
  • Take an urban adventure in Tokyo
  • Tour Rome ’s streets, history, and food
  • Experience Honolulu ’s island flavors
  • Dive into New York City ’s music, theater, and food
  • Drink and learn about Napa Valley ’s wine
  • Get to know New Orleans ’s history, culture, and Creole cuisine
  • Go from jungle to dance floor in Puerto Rico

Trade in the safari jeep for a couch and tag along on a game drive online.

Trade in the safari jeep for a couch and tag along on a game drive online.

Photo by Hendrik Cornelissen/unsplash

Go on a safari game drive

If you’ve always dreamed of seeing the Big Five, you can now trade a bumpy jeep for a cushy couch and tag along with world-class safari guides through Singita’s virtual game drives in countries like Tanzania, Zimbabwe, and South Africa. Tune in to see if you’re lucky enough to catch a rare glimpse of a leopard climbing a tree or family of lions feasting on freshly caught prey, all while learning about wildlife and conservation efforts in sub-Saharan Africa .

Read more: 5 Virtual Travel Ideas You Can Do Right Now

Watch a film or TV show set in another country

For a more classic virtual travel experience, watch a movie or TV show that takes place in a location you love—or would love to visit. To help you out, the AFAR editors listed their favorite films set in Paris , movies based in New York City , and flicks that will take you to Rome (figuratively, of course) that you can stream right now.

Read more: The Best Travel Shows to Stream Right Now

You can order NYC's famed bagels from Zucker's with Goldbelly.

You can order NYC’s famed bagels from Zucker’s with Goldbelly.

Courtesy Goldbelly

Eat an iconic dish from another city

Whether you’re a home cook or not, there are lots of options for bringing some of the world’s most iconic drinks and dishes to your home—just try your hand at one of these cocktail or meal recipes from around the globe.

Not in the mood to cook? No problem. Food delivery service, Goldbelly , delivers some of the United States’ most iconic dishes nationwide . With just a few clicks, you can have authentic Charleston biscuits or pastrami from New York City shipped to your door.

No matter which way you choose, don’t forget to order yourself a bottle of wine (or three)—delivered straight to your door—to enjoy with your global delicacy.

Read more: You Can Get America’s Most Iconic Foods Shipped to You, Wherever You Are

Turn your home into a wellness retreat

If you’re craving rest and rejuvenation more than adventure, consider turning your home into the world’s most exclusive wellness retreat. We reached out to several experts at spas and hotels around the world to learn how to create an at-home wellness retreat . Here are their top tips, as well as some of their favorite little luxuries (all under $50) to give your place a touch of that authentic spa mood.

>> Next: How to Recreate Your Canceled Europe Trip at Home

A projection show called Hogwarts Always at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, displaying fireworks igniting behind the Hogwarts castle

Virtual Walking Tour

Select a city to walk in:.

Don't want to walk? Click here to drive, fly or view live cams!

Berlin, Germany is the central technolgical, cultural and tourist center within the nation of Germany.

Milan resides in the Lombardy region of Italy. Enjoy it's nature, fashion, views, parks and much more.

San Francisco is the tech hub of California and currently has amassed a population of 800,000 people.

Moscow is the capital of Russia, as well as the most densely populated region within Russia's border.

Barcelona is one of the most densely populated regions within Spain, it sits just behind Madrid.

Beijing is the most populated region within China. In 1949, the name was reverted to "Peking".

Damscus, Syria has a population of 1.7M+ and is the most dense location within Syria.

New York is the most populous city within the United States, with a 8.3M population.

Filled with interesting monuments, Barcelona is the capital of the Catalonia region.

As the most populated in Illinois, it is situated by Lake Michigan, one of the great lakes.

Seoul is the capital of South Korea and is the most populous, ahead of Busan. Busan tour coming soon.

Helsinki is the capital of Finland. It sits on a penninsula and is the most populous and dense city within Finland.

As the State Capital of Hawaii, it is situated on one of the five islands. The island it is on is named Oahu. (2nd Largest)

Paris is the most populated city in France, and is famed for its Seinne River, coffeeshops, and architecture.

The Golden Gate Bridge connects San Francisco County and Marin County. It was completed on April 19th, 1937.

Venice is famed for it's canals and powerful Italian Culture & Cuisine. Is Rome or Venice better?

Tokyo Japan is famous for it's neon advertisements, capsul hotels, and fast bullet trains. (300MPH+)

Tehran is the capital of Iran. Previously, it was the center of power for the famed Qajar Dynasty.

Right over Tokyo, Osaka is the second most known city. It is also known for it's bright billboards!

Montreal Canada is famed for it's cold weather and green roofs that once previously used to be golden!

Toronto, home of the NBA's Toronto Raptors is one of the largest cities within the nation of Canada!

Reykjavik is famous for it's hard to spell name and cold weather. Did we mention it's Icelands's Capital?

Some say that Naples is one of the most beautiful cities in Italy? Start walking and see if you agree with them!

The Louvre in Paris is basically a glass pyramid. Also, a famous painting is stored within it! Come check it out!

New Delhi is the capital of India. It remains as a center for international trade, commerce, and business in India.

Mumbai is one of the coolest cities in India! It's famed for it's street life, motor bikes and fast moving scooters!

The Republic of Singapore is a city-state located just under Malaysia. It boasts a population of nearly 6 millon.

London is the capital of the United Kindgom! If you every stop by, ask a local for some tea. Hopefully no tax!

The city of angels they call it! Take a walk through and you'll know why they call it the "city of angels!"

Bangkok is the capital of Thailand. You'll enjoy viewing some Bangkok Streetlife and Night Life!

Click the button below to head to the homepage. After that, you'll be prompted to view more modes of travelling. We currently support, walking, driving, flying and live video. Choose wisely! The choice is yours!

Take a Sunday Drive in the city of your choice! As you take in the scenery, try to think admire the cultures of each location. See how the leadership and culture directly corelate into the prosperity of their people and lands.

Monument Explorer lets you experience the wonders of monuments around the world. For example, take a walk across the Golden Gate Bridge. Or even experience a 1,070 foot skyscraper building!

View the city of your choice from above and enjoy a magnificent sightseeing adventure. As you watch, think of the differences in culture, wealth, and prosperity in each country you view from above. Each skyline tells it's own story.

Click the box to view live footage from around the world. While viewing, you'll be able to see the true face and culture of people around the world. Have fun and admire the scenery!

What is TGL? Follow along Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy's new golf league journey

In August of 2022, a new vision for golf was born.

Backed by TMRW Sports, golf legends Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy headed the creation of Tomorrow's Golf League, an interactive league that fuses the traditional sport and advanced technology in an indoor arena.

The Palm Beach Gardens-based league was originally set to launch in January of this year but was pushed back due to arena damages caused by a windstorm and power outage back in November.

Now, the league's first match is just around the corner, set to begin Jan. 7, 2025. Follow along Woods and McIlroy's journey to tee time.

New Tiger Woods golf arena at PBSC campus in Palm Beach Gardens could be metal

Will  Tiger Woods' new tech golf league  get a metal arena on Palm Beach State College land in  Palm Beach Gardens ?

The PBSC Board of Trustees is scheduled to meet soon to discuss further a proposal to rebuild the indoor golf arena on the school's campus off PGA Boulevard with prefabricated metal instead of an air-inflated dome.

Read full story here: Decision on Tiger Woods' golf arena in Gardens could be decided soon

The Dirt: Tiger Woods'-led golf league opts for metal structure after inflatable dome gets shredded

Tiger Woods' TGL golf league wins OK for permanent arena at PBSC Palm Beach Gardens campus

The Palm Beach State College Board of Trustees will allow  TMRW Sports to construct a permanent arena for an interactive golf league  led by stars such as  Tiger Woods  and Rory McElroy on their  Palm Beach Gardens  campus — just as long as the company pays it hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.

TGL, as the league is known, was supposed to start play this year in an inflatable dome on a 3-acre site along PGA Boulevard. In November, when work on the dome was nearly done, fierce winds and rain ripped apart the dome, forcing TMRW Sports to change plans.

Read full story here: PBSC OKs permanent arena for Tiger Woods' TGL golf league in Gardens

TGL, the Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy interactive golf league, announces launch dates for January 2025

TGL, the interactive golf league headed by Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy, has announced the first three dates for its inaugural 2025 season after receiving approval from Palm Beach State College last Friday to construct a permanent arena.

The league, backed by TMRW Sports, will play its first three matches the first three Tuesdays in January, debuting Jan. 7. The prime-time matches will be televised by ESPN. The remainder of the schedule was not revealed.

Read the full story here: TGL will launch in January inside 1,500-seat venue in Palm Beach Gardens

Exclusive: Tiger Woods talks TGL with Palm Beach Post: 'I couldn’t be more excited for January'

TGL, the Palm Beach Gardens-based interactive golf league, is "full steam ahead" according to one of its co-founders, Hall of Famer Tiger Woods.

Woods, the Jupiter Island resident, answered questions via e-mail exclusively for The Palm Beach Post about his team, Jupiter Links GC, and the league that has overcome the setback of the roof on its original building collapsing in November due to a power outage and wind storm. The incident  forced the start date to be pushed back one year.

Read the full story here: Tiger Woods says he has right mix for TGL team: 'If I compete, I want to win'

Tiger Woods' TGL team includes top 10 player in the world, rising PGA Tour star

Max Homa called it "a dream" to play in  Tiger Woods ' group the first two days of the Masters. When asked following Friday's competition what he will remember from his round, he said just "a lot of Tiger stuff."

Now, Homa will build on those memories going forward.

Read the full story here: Max Homa played with Tiger Woods in Masters. Now he's on his TGL team

Max Homa's take on why he believes he's on Tiger Woods' TGL team will surprise you

Max Homa gave a quick lesson Tuesday when it comes to  TGL,  the interactive golf league headed by Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy.

And he kept coming back to one word: fun.

"It should be fun," he said. "I think you're going to have to see it to fully get it for everybody like it's a lot bigger than playing simulator golf."

Read the full story here: Max Homa on playing on Tiger Woods' team in TGL: 'It should be fun'

Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy-led TGL rosters for all six teams in interactive golf league

TGL, the interactive golf league headed by Woods and Rory McIlroy, is preparing for its inaugural season,  which starts Jan. 7.  The league will be played in Palm Beach Gardens at a venue to be built on the campus of  Palm Beach State College .

Here are the rosters. Boston and San Francisco each will add a fourth player. Although San Francisco's team officially has not been revealed, its roster will include those remaining players who joined TGL.

Read the full story here: Rosters for Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy TGL; who has the best team?

Logos for all six teams making up TGL, the Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy interactive golf league

The rosters are set, with the exception of one spot. The shovels are in the ground, again. Time slots have been booked on ESPN.

TGL, the Palm Beach Gardens-based interactive golf league headed by Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy and owned by TMRW Sports Group, is inching closer to its inaugural season of high tech, live-action golf in a custom built arena with many of the greatest players in today's game showing their skills... while mic'd up.

Read the full story here: Tiger Woods' Jupiter Links GC logo emphasizes South Florida lifestyle

Tiger Woods, Rory McIlroy golf league fills out final roster spot with another top 15 golfer

With less than seven months before TGL launches in Palm Beach Gardens, the interactive golf league headed by  Tiger Woods  and Rory McIlroy has filled its final roster spot.

Japanese legend  Hideki Matsuyama  was announced Tuesday as the fourth member of Boston Common Golf, joining Jupiter's McIlroy, Keegan Bradley and Adam Scott. Matsuyama, ranked No. 12 in the world, replaces Tyrrell Hatton, who  vacated his spot on the team  after joining LIV Golf.

Read full story here: TGL adds Japanese legend Hideki Matsuyama to Boston Common Golf team

Related: Bizarre, emotion-filled week of Rory McIlroy (divorce, US Open loss) ends with turtles at Florida beach

How Palm Beach Gardens is growing: Tiger Woods' golf arena towers over PBSC campus

The  indoor golf arena  rising on the Palm Beach State College campus in  Palm Beach Gardens  now towers over nearby homes, neighborhood buildings, passing delivery trucks and neighboring trees at around 75 feet tall.

Crews have finished building the SoFi Center's foundations. And the steel and walls and roof panels are on site. Roof work began this month, and crews are working six days a week for 10 hours per day, said a spokesperson for TGL, the interactive golf league that will call the center home. That league is being led by golf legends Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy, who both have homes in the region.

Read full story here: Tiger Woods' indoor golf arena towers over PBSC campus in Gardens

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Biden-Harris Administration Announces Preliminary Terms with GlobalWafers to Significantly Increase Production of Silicon Wafers in U.S.

Proposed chips investment would establish the first domestic source of 300mm silicon wafers for advanced chips and expand production of silicon-on-insulator wafers, strengthening the domestic supply chain for key semiconductor components.

Square with rounded edges. Fill of square looks like American flag. Coming off the sides of the square are lines with unfilled circles at end. Words underneath: CHIPS for AMERICA

Media Contact: Madeline Broas, madeline.broas [at] ( madeline[dot]broas[at]chips[dot]gov ) .

Today, as part of the Investing in America tour, the Biden-Harris Administration announced that the U.S. Department of Commerce and GlobalWafers America, LLC and MEMC LLC (“MEMC”), subsidiaries of GlobalWafers Co., Ltd. (“GlobalWafers”), have signed a non-binding preliminary memorandum of terms (PMT) to provide up to $400 million in proposed direct funding under the CHIPS and Science Act to help onshore critical semiconductor wafer production and advance U.S. technology leadership. President Biden signed the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act, a key component of his Investing in America agenda, to usher in a new era of semiconductor manufacturing in the United States, bringing with it a revitalized domestic supply chain, good-paying jobs, and investments in the industries of the future. The proposed CHIPS investment would support the construction of new wafer manufacturing facilities and the creation of 1,700 construction jobs and 880 manufacturing jobs. This proposed investment will support projects with total capital expenditures of approximately $4 billion across both states.

“President Biden is restoring our leadership in the entire semiconductor supply chain – from materials to manufacturing, to R&D. With this proposed investment, GlobalWafers will play a crucial role in bolstering America’s semiconductor supply chain by providing a domestic source of silicon wafers that are the backbone of advanced chips,” said U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo . “As a result of this proposed investment, the Biden-Harris Administration is helping to secure our supply chains, which will create over 2,000 jobs across Texas and Missouri and ultimately lowering costs and improving economic and national security for Americans.”

“President Biden is taking historic action to bring semiconductor manufacturing back in the United States,” said Arati Prabhakar, Assistant to the President for Science and Technology and Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy . “The semiconductor wafers that will come from today’s announcement will be the foundation for the complex chips we need to compete in the global economy. We’re bolstering our national security, advancing our clean energy transition, and creating good jobs that support families in Texas and Missouri.”

Silicon wafers are critical components in the semiconductor ecosystem as they are a foundational input used in all chips. There are five leading companies, including GlobalWafers, that currently hold over 80% of the global 300mm silicon wafer manufacturing market and approximately 90% of silicon wafers are sourced from East Asia today. As a result of this proposed CHIPS investment, GlobalWafers would build and expand facilities in:

  • Sherman, Texas: Establish the first 300mm silicon wafer manufacturing facility for advanced chips in the United States. Of note, 300mm silicon wafers are a key input used by foundries and integrated device manufacturers to manufacture leading-edge, mature-node, and memory chips.
  • St. Peters, Missouri: Establish a new facility to produce 300mm silicon-on-insulator (“SOI”) wafers. Importantly, SOI wafers allow for significantly improved performance in harsh environments and are commonly used in defense and aerospace end uses.

Further, as part of the PMT, GlobalWafers plans to convert a portion of its existing silicon epitaxy wafer manufacturing facility in Sherman, Texas to silicon carbide (“SiC”) epitaxy wafer manufacturing, producing 150mm and 200mm SiC epitaxy wafers. SiC epitaxy wafers are a critical component for high-voltage applications, notably including electric vehicles and clean energy infrastructure.

Supporting the development of a local semiconductor workforce in Texas, GlobalWafers is a member of the Southern Methodist University-led Texoma Tech Hub and is involved in the North Texas Semiconductor Workforce Development Consortium led by the University of Texas Dallas. GlobalWafers is also part of an innovative partnership with Sherman High School, Denison High School, and Grayson College to establish an electronics lab at the schools that provide targeted training towards technician certifications required for new hires in the semiconductor industry. In St. Peters, MEMC is likewise developing an apprenticeship program for Maintenance Technicians with the National Institute for Industry and Career Advancement (NIICA) and local high schools. Further, MEMC is collaborating with St. Charles Community College on a program named MegaTech, which supports dual-enrolled high school students as they step into careers involving advanced manufacturing and automation.

As explained in its first Notice of Funding Opportunity , the Department may offer applicants a PMT on a non-binding basis after satisfactory completion of the merit review of a full application. The PMT outlines key terms for a potential CHIPS incentives award, including the amount and form of the award. The award amounts are subject to due diligence and negotiation of award documents and are conditional on the achievement of certain milestones. After the PMT is signed, the Department begins a comprehensive due diligence process on the proposed projects and continues negotiating or refining certain terms with the applicant. The terms contained in any final award documents may differ from the terms of the PMT being announced today.

About CHIPS for America CHIPS for America has announced up to $30.1 billion in proposed funding across thirteen preliminary memoranda of terms to revitalize America’s semiconductor industry. These proposed CHIPS for America investments are already delivering significant results, including unlocking more than $300 billion in public and private investment between now and the end of the decade – far and away the most investment in new production in the history of the U.S. semiconductor industry.

Earlier this year, Secretary Raimondo announced that we anticipate that America will produce 20% of the world’s leading-edge chips by the end of the decade, meaning our innovation capacity will no longer be as vulnerable to supply chain disruptions as it is today. The Semiconductor Industry Association released a report saying that America is on track to triple its domestic semiconductor manufacturing capacity from 2022 – when the CHIPS and Science Act was enacted – to 2032.

With these announcements, America now has four of the world’s five leading-edge companies making significant efforts to expand on our shores. No other economy in the world has more than two of these companies producing leading-edge chips on its shores.

The Department has received more than 670 statements of interest, more than 230 pre-applications and full applications for NOFO 1, and more than 160 small supplier concept plans for NOFO 2. The Department is continuing to conduct rigorous evaluation of applications to determine which projects will advance U.S. national and economic security, attract more private capital, and deliver other economic benefits to the country. The announcement with GlobalWafers is the thirteenth PMT announcement the Department of Commerce has made under the CHIPS and Science Act, with additional PMT announcements expected to follow throughout 2024.

CHIPS for America is part of President Biden’s economic plan to invest in America, stimulate private sector investment, create good-paying jobs, make more in the United States, and revitalize communities left behind. CHIPS for America includes the CHIPS Program Office, responsible for manufacturing incentives, and the CHIPS Research and Development Office, responsible for R&D programs, that both sit within the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) at the Department of Commerce. NIST promotes U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve our quality of life. NIST is uniquely positioned to successfully administer the CHIPS for America program because of the bureau’s strong relationships with U.S. industries, its deep understanding of the semiconductor ecosystem, and its reputation as fair and trusted. Visit to learn more.


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  3. Best virtual tours to explore the world from home

    Free virtual museum tours, national park explorations and even digital safaris are a great way to see the world from home. ... How to hike the Jordan Trail, a cross-country trek in the Middle East. Jun 11, 2024 • 5 min read. Hiking. 6 of the best hikes in Utah. Apr 23, 2024 • 9 min read.


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  5. The 12 Best Virtual Vacations You Can Take From Your Home

    You can view the Grand Canyon via 360-degree photographs on an archeology virtual tour, go on a virtual hike past layers of earth to the famous Phantom Ranch, or float down the Colorado River on a rafting trip ... New York City's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum is one of the most stunning Frank Lloyd Wright-designed structures in the country ...

  6. 60 Virtual Tours To Travel The World For FREE From Home

    Virtual Tours of Top Natural Wonders and Attractions. All these natural attractions are on our travel bucket list! 30. Niagara Falls, Canada - see live video feeds of these world famous falls on EarthCam. 31. The Northern Lights, Canada - another great live webcam to catch a glimpse of the Northern Lights. Remember to watch this in the ...

  7. Bucket List Travel: The World's Best Virtual Tours

    An image from the virtual tour of Baalbek Reborn. Flyover Zone. Flyover Zone. If history is your thing, you can't miss one of Flyover Zone's teletours—virtual visits to some of the world's ...

  8. Can't Travel? Here are 45+ of the Best Virtual Tours ...

    The Louvre - Paris, France. Based in Paris, the Louvre is the world's most famous museum and one of the most important, if not the most important, art museums in the world.. There you can see several masterpieces like the Mona Lisa, Venus de Milo, the Winged Victory of Samothrace, the Virgin of the Rocks, The Coronation of Napoleon, and many more.

  9. Why virtual tours are the future of travel

    Virtual tours are quickly becoming the antidote to wanderlust and the answer to questions about how the travel industry can weather the pandemic. Connecting people around the world Before the ongoing health crisis upended global tourism, virtual reality (VR) gained traction as both a marketing tool for travel companies and a way to vacation ...

  10. Virtual travel: The online experiences that let you see the world

    Another example is Google Arts & Culture, which has compiled virtual tours of hundreds of the world's best museums and galleries - from MoMA in New York and Florence's Uffizi to the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg and Tate Britain. It works on desktops but the tablet/smartphone app is best - and for those who have a Google ...

  11. Top 10 virtual tours: see the world without leaving home

    If you're amazed by architecture, the Royal Academy of Arts has a virtual tour that will make you go "ooo" and "ahh" for hours. The Sensing Spaces exhibition uses high-quality 360-degree ...

  12. 18 Virtual Tours Worth Taking

    The Best Virtual Tours to Help You Explore the World. Below you'll find a list of some of the best virtual tours. Our team of in-house travel experts has scoured the globe (and the internet!) to find the best virtual tours. ... In a country that's famous for its art and history, the Uffizi Gallery in Florence stands head and shoulders above ...

  13. 100+ Virtual Tours of Popular Tourist Attractions [2024]

    Start your virtual tour here or you can follow directions on how to download the app. Guatemala Tikal. Image Credit: Jimmy Baum via Unsplash. Tikal was once the capital of one of the most powerful kingdoms of the ancient Maya. The site is part of Guatemala's Tikal National Park and in 1979 it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

  14. 25 Incredible Ways To Experience Virtual Travel

    Here Are 25 Virtual Reality Travel Experiences To Get You Started VIRTUAL TOURS OF FAMOUS LANDMARKS The Sistine Chapel. Experience the world's most famous landmarks without the crowds. Thanks to live streams, virtual tours, and 360-degree videos, you can see amazing sights from your home.

  15. Virtual Tours: 17 Incredible Places Around The World You Can Visit For Free

    Credit: Visit Japan Fans of Japan and all things Japanese are bound to love this tour. It's a 3-minute 360-degree video taking you through some of the country's most popular sights — Kyoto's bamboo forest, Nara Deer Park, and even a sumo exhibition! *Pro-tip: Order in some sushi, plug in your headphones and watch it on a desktop to truly immerse yourself in the experience!

  16. 16 Virtual Tours in Europe You Can Take Right Now

    3. As a major history lover, one city in the top part of my bucket list is Athens.I came across this virtual tour of the Acropolis while researching things to do in Athens, and loved that you could click on the different areas of it, and then explore it in more detail using a street view. The Acropolis has played an important role throughout human history for thousands of years, and still ...

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  18. Best virtual tours that you can take without leaving home

    The best features of these virtual tours are choosing to take a helicopter view over the landscape or a walking trail through the area. The site also has articles about the location you are ...

  19. 10 Brilliant FREE Virtual Tours: Travel the World from Home

    For ease, we've arranged our list of free virtual tours in alphabetical order by ISO country code. A gorgeous beach in the Bahamas Bahamas. This free virtual tour seems a bit limited to begin with, but once you start clicking around, the number of things to click on increases and the tour improves. The beauty of the Bahamas certainly helps to ...

  20. What is CrowdStrike, the company linked to the global outage?

    The global computer outage affecting airports, banks and other businesses on Friday appears to stem at least partly from a software update issued by major US cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike ...

  21. VR Travel: 10 Ways To See the World From Your Living Room

    Ascape Virtual Travel & Tours. Ascape is all about finding inspiration for travel. The service has more than 100 virtual tours of gorgeous destinations around the world including resorts, cities and experiences. Navigate by touching the screen, so be prepared to access the phone frequently. If you're a virtual auteur, you can become a producer ...

  22. Would you go to a virtual rave? New film about acid house party

    A new film that uses virtual reality (VR) technology to immerse users in the acid house party movement in 1989 has started its tour of the UK in Birmingham. The film, In Pursuit Of Repetitive ...

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    Take a virtual tour of the Great Wall of China. Getty. 4. Great Wall of China: Explorers can jet off to the Great Wall of China and learn insider facts about this amazing feat of architecture ...

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    Taylor Swift thanked her supporters in a post on Instagram on July 20 for their enthusiasm surrounding her Eras Tour concerts in the German city of Gelsenkirchen — located just north of Cologne.

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    First Lady Jill Biden will host a fundraiser while she's in Paris leading the US delegation to the Olympic Games opening ceremony in Paris later this month, the Biden-Harris campaign says.

  26. 10 Virtual Travel Ideas You Can Do From Home

    Explore and learn about a U.S national park. While you normally wouldn't want to go on a hike in your slippers, The Hidden Worlds of the National Parks series lets you explore several of the United State's national parks without lacing up your boots. A collaboration between Google Arts & Culture and the National Park service, these interactive, 360-degree virtual national park tours ...

  27. Virtual Vacation

    Virtual Vacation Home . Travel Hub . ... Walking Tour . Take a stroll in over 50 cities around the worold! As you watch, admire and celebrate the differences of each culture. ... a magnificent sightseeing adventure. As you watch, think of the differences in culture, wealth, and prosperity in each country you view from above. Each skyline tells ...

  28. Virtual Walking Tour

    Virtual Walking Tour . Select a city to walk in: ... As you watch, think of the differences in culture, wealth, and prosperity in each country you view from above. Each skyline tells it's own story. Begin Flying. LIVE Footage and Camera . Click the box to view live footage from around the world. While viewing, you'll be able to see the true ...

  29. Tiger Woods' TGL golf league timeline: season start, arena, rosters

    Tiger Woods' TGL team includes top 10 player in the world, rising PGA Tour star. Max Homa called it "a dream" to play in Tiger Woods' group the first two days of the Masters. When asked following ...

  30. Biden-Harris Administration Announces Preliminary Terms with

    Media Contact: Madeline Broas, madeline.broas [at] (madeline[dot]broas[at]chips[dot]gov). Today, as part of the Investing in America tour, the Biden-Harris Administration announced that the U.S. Department of Commerce and GlobalWafers America, LLC and MEMC LLC ("MEMC"), subsidiaries of GlobalWafers Co., Ltd. ("GlobalWafers"), have signed a non-binding preliminary memorandum ...