10 day Kenya safari

Kenya is known for being the world’s best safari destination and a 10 day safari here will allow you the time to explore the best of country’s 50 epic national parks and reserves that are home to diverse wildlife, including the Big Five – lions, leopards, elephants, rhinos and buffalo

Add simply incomparable game viewing to this list, like the mind-blowing yearly Wildebeest Migration, and it is abundantly clear why Kenya is where safari travel had its origins.

Table of Contents

The best 10 day Kenya Tours 

Price of a 10 day kenya safari.

A 10-day camping tour starts at about $1,200 per person. Mid-range lodge tours start at $2,500 per person whilst luxury tours start at around $3,000 per person. There are many factors determining the price of a 10-day Kenya safari.

Safari packages to Kenya span a wide price range, influenced by several variables. The biggest factor determining the price of a safari is the level of accommodation. This will ultimately categorize tours as being budget, mid-range or luxury. Shared tours are usually cheaper than private tours. 

This is especially the case for single travelers. On a 10 day trip you might want to consider a fly-in safari, but these are considerably more expensive than road safaris. Check out the seasons too; low-season prices can be favorable and while you’ll probably get some rain at this time, it’s when the scenery is at its best.

Tour breakdown for a typical 10 days in Kenya

Safari tour highlights.

  • See the Big Five including the lion, leopard, rhino, elephant and buffalo 
  • Discover the famous Masai Mara and Tsavo East park
  • Private tour guide in English and other languages
  • All-inclusive tours including lodging, entrance fees, meals, and transport
  • Game drives in comfortable, open top safari vehicles
  • Unique accommodation including safari lodges and tented camps
  • Optional activity add-ons including hot air balloon safaris

Tour inclusions

The following details typical tour inclusions and exclusions on the best 10 day Kenya safari package:

Safari essentials and information

Is a 10 day safari in kenya sufficient.

10 days is plenty to see, hear and experience the incredible wildlife and sights of Kenya. The number of days needed to properly do a Kenya safari can range from 1-2 days to 1-2 weeks, depending on how much time and budget a visitor has. 

Each day consists of an early morning game drive and a late afternoon game drive, certainly sufficient time to view the big 5 and incredible scenery. On a 10 day trip you can even break up the drive to Masai Mara with an overnight stay in Lake Nakuru National Park or Lake Naivasha , with the option to visit nearby Hell’s Gate National Park . 

Alternatively you can spend all of your time in the famous Masai Mara . With full days at the reserve, you’ll have plenty of opportunity to explore this iconic safari destination including a full-day dusk-to-dawn game drive that will include lunch at one of the picnic spots. 

Morning and evening game drives are rewarding as well, but on a full day you can get further into the reserve, away from the more-crowded areas. Overall, 10 days is a superb amount of time for a safari in Kenya if it is part of a larger tour, but if not, allocating a few more days to your safari would be ideal if possible.

Accommodation offered on a 10 day Kenya safari?

After a long day surveying the incredible Kenyan landscape and wildlife on offer, guests can look forward to the very best safari accommodation Kenya has to offer. The accommodation here is excellent with numerous options from tented camps, luxury lodges to camping grounds. 

From camping in the bush with amenities to mid-range and luxury lodges, there’s something for everyone one here. Of particular note include the renowned Cottar’s 1920s Camp in Masai Mara, a spacious luxury safari camp in a quiet section of the park where the golden age of exploration meets modern-day adventure safaris. 

Go fishing, walking or hot-air ballooning before enjoying an outdoor bath and sundowners and dinner in the bush. 

Must do on a 10 day Kenya safari

The most popular option for a 10 day Kenyan safari is Masai Mara National Reserve . The flight from Nairobi gets you there in about 45 minutes, but a road safari is also feasible. With an early start, you should be in the Mara in time for an afternoon game drive. 

A 10 day safari to Amboseli NP , at the base of Mt Kilimanjaro, is also a good option. While the Mara is best for big cats, you can expect elephant sightings in Amboseli. And on clear days, Kilimanjaro creates a perfect backdrop for your photographs. 

Another option is to head for the highlands of Laikipia Plateau. There are several excellent private reserves worth visiting here, but Ol Pejeta Conservancy is a great choice. It’s home to all the Big Five, and offers easy encounters with both black and white rhino. 

People on a beach holiday around Mombasa or elsewhere on Kenya’s Indian Ocean coastline often opt to add a short safari to their itinerary. The most popular choices for this are Tsavo East or West National Parks, which together form the largest protected area in Kenya. 

Can I combine a 10-day safari in Kenya with a gorilla trek?

A gorilla trek is a popular add-on to a Kenyan safari. You can track mountain gorillas in Rwanda or Uganda. Both offer a similar experience, but the gorilla trekking fee of $1,500 in Rwanda is more than double the fee charged in Uganda.

However, the logistics of visiting Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda are easier. The drive to the park from Kigali, Rwanda’s point of entry, is only a few hours. Coming eye to eye with our close relatives is an incredible experience. 

Many people enjoy the opportunity to get active and spend time in the forest after a classic safari in Kenya where most time is spent on game drives. Time permitting, you can also add a couple of days for forest hikes and other activities that are on offer. 

Animals on a Kenya safari?

You’ll find just about everything in Kenya! The country is home to the Big Five (lion, leopard, rhino, elephant and African buffalo) and visitors will also find Wildebeest, Diceros, Impalas, Dik-diks, Impalas, giraffes, hyenas, African wild dogs and many more.

Endlessly intelligent and iconic, African elephants continue to capture the hearts of travelers to Kenya.In addition to watching the largest land mammals roam the savannah, you can opt to visit the David Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage where they care for young elephants and rhinos before releasing them back to the wild. 

Rhino are more difficult to find. To see rhinos in Kenya, you should consider going to one of the reserves in Laikipia. Amboseli NP is great for elephant, giraffe and buffalo, but big cat sightings are less common here and rhino is absent. 

Whilst Masai Mara is world famous for hosting the epic Great Migration, the Mara welcomes 1.5 million wildebeests onto its sprawling savannahs each July through October. Other wildlife that visitors can expect to find include abundant elephants, buffalo, giraffes, lions and cheetah alongside the migratory animals and zebra. 

How much spending money do I need for a 10 day Kenya safari?

Visitors should budget for approximately $300 for a Kenya safari per person per day, including food and accommodation. Kenya safaris can be more expensive than their continental counterparts due to the higher costs of accommodation and food.

What animals will I see on a 10 day Kenya safari tour?

Visitors on a 10 day Kenya safari will see the Big Five (lion, leopard, rhino, elephant and African buffalo), hyenas, wildebeest, giraffes, cheetah, zebras, endangered black rhinos, hippos, crocodiles and much more.

What is the best time to go on a 10 day Kenya safari?

The best time to go on a 10 day Kenya safari is from June to October when there’s practically no rain and daytime temperatures are not too hot. With an overall moderate climate, Kenya is however considered a great year-round safari and beach holiday destination.

10 Tage Kenia: Ein Komplett-Paket

Ol‘ Pejeta + Samburu + Solio Game Reserve + Lake Nakuru + Lake Naivasha + Masai Mara

Kombination mit Diani Beach möglich.

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Atemberaubende Landschaften, erstaunliche Wildbeobachtungsfahrten und eine Vielzahl von wilden Tieren – diese 10-tägige Safari hat alles zu bieten!

Ihr erster Halt ist das Ol‘ Pejeta Conservancy – ein wunderschöner Park, in dem Sie sowohl Spitz- als auch Breitmaulnashörner sehen können. Anschließend haben Sie zwei Tage Zeit, um die großen Elefantenherden im Samburu Nationalreservat zu bewundern. Als Nächstes besuchen Sie das Nashorn-Schutzgebiet im Solio Game Reserve und genießen dann den faszinierenden Lake Nakuru. Am Naivasha-See unternehmen Sie eine Bootssafari, und zum Abschluss durchstreifen Sie zwei Tage lang das Masai Mara Nationalreservat und können eine Vielzahl von Tieren zu beobachten.

Dies ist eine exklusive, private Safari, bei der Sie in Ihrem eigenen Tempo reisen können . Dies gibt Ihnen zahlreiche Vorteile! Zunächst einmal können Sie sich auf ein privates Safarifahrzeug und einen persönlichen Guide freuen. So können Sie selbst entscheiden, wann Sie morgens losfahren und wann Sie zurückkommen, wobei Ihr Guide Sie selbstverständlich berät. Zweitens können Sie, sobald Sie in einem Nationalpark sind, bestimmte Tiere oder Herden so lange beobachten, wie Sie möchten. Niemand wird Sie drängen, weiterzufahren. Und schließlich kennt Ihr persönlicher Guide Ihre Wünsche und wird Sie entsprechend beraten, damit Ihre Reise zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis wird!

Die unten aufgeführten Hotels sind der Gold-Klasse zuzuordnen. Wenn Sie mehr Luxus bevorzugen, können Sie sich auch für Hotels der Platin-Klasse oder Diamant-Klasse entscheiden.

Unsere Preise

Unser Preis beinhaltet:

  • Abholung vom Jomo Kenyatta International Airport und Transfer zur Unterkunft.
  • Unterkünfte mit Frühstück, Mittag- und Abendessen (Vollpension).
  • Pirschfahrten durch die Nationalparks.
  • Luxuriöses privates 4×4 Safari-Fahrzeug mit hochklappbarem Dach und großen Fenstern, speziell für Pirschfahrten geeignet.
  • Deutschsprachiger privater Guide während der Safari.
  • Parkgebühren für alle Nationalparks.
  • 24/7 Service von unserem Büro in Kenia.
  • Vollständig akkreditiert und SGR-Absicherung (mehr Info)
  • Kosten für Reservierungen.
  • Trinkwasser im Safari Fahrzeug.
  • Transfer von der Unterkunft zum Jomo Kenyatta International Airport.
  • Internationale Flugtickets und eTA
  • Reiseversicherung und Flying Doctors

Tag 1: Ankunft am Jomo Kenyatta International Airport

‚Jambo!‘ Wenn Sie den Jomo Kenyatta International Airport verlassen, begrüßt Sie Ihr persönlicher Afrika Safari Urlaub Guide mit einem breiten Lächeln im Gesicht. Karibu Kenia – willkommen in Kenia!

Ihr Afrika Safari Urlaub Guide bringt Sie direkt vom Flughafen zu Ihrem Hotel und auf der Fahrt dorthin bekommen Sie die ersten Eindrücke von der pulsierenden Stadt Nairobi . Sie sehen die Wolkenkratzer, den dichten Verkehr mit den Motortaxis und den bunten Matatus (öffentliche Verkehrsmittel) und das geschäftige Treiben der Menschen.

Fragen Sie Ihren Guide alles, was Ihnen in den Sinn kommt, denn er weiß so viel über das Leben und die Kultur Kenias. Aber nicht nur das. Er erzählt Ihnen auch gerne alles über die wunderschönen Nationalparks, die Sie besuchen werden.

Sie übernachten im Hotel: Boma Inn Nairobi

Tag 2: ol' pejeta schutzgebiet.

Eine drei- bis vierstündige Autofahrt von Nairobi entfernt befinden Sie sich in dem, was wir als den Himmel auf Erden für Nashornfans bezeichnen. Mit einer Population von 140 Spitzmaulnashörnern ist das Ol‘ Pejeta Schutzgebiet eines der größten seiner Art für diese massigen Tiere in Ost- und Zentralafrika.

Spitzmaulnashörner sind seit 1993 akut vom Aussterben bedroht. Damals gab es weltweit nur noch schätzungsweise 2300 Tiere. Heute ist ihre Zahl wieder auf über 5000 angestiegen. In Ol‘ Pejeta stieg ihre Zahl  von 20 im Jahr 1995 auf heute 140. Außerdem leben hier die letzten beiden nördlichen Breitmaulnashörner der Welt sowie 39 südliche Breitmaulnashörner.

Darüber hinaus beherbergt Ol‘ Pejeta auch eine Auffangstation für missbrauchte Schimpansen, und im Park selbst können Sie die Big Five und viele weitere Tiere beobachten.

Sie übernachten im Hotel: Sweetwaters Serena Camp

Tag 3: halbtages-pirschfahrt am nachmittag im samburu nationalreservat.

Mit seinen wunderschönen Landschaften und Hunderten von Tieren garantiert das Samburu Nationalreservat die Art von Wildbeobachtung, die man sonst nur bei National Geographic erleben kann. Es liegt fünf Autostunden von Ol‘ Pejeta entfernt und besteht aus einer halbtrockenen Wüsten- und Savannenlandschaft, in der die Wildtiere leicht zu entdecken sind!

Der Park ist 165 Quadratkilometer groß und mit über neunhundert Elefanten, die in großen Familien umherstreifen, ist der Besuch dieses Parks spektakulär. An den Ufern des Ewaso Nyiro-Flusses lassen sich die besten Tierbeobachtungen machen. Er ist die einzige Wasserquelle für viele Tiere, besonders in der Trockenzeit. Vier der Big Five (Löwe, Leopard, Elefant und Büffel) sowie die Samburu Special Five sind hier zu Hause: Grevy-Zebra, Gerenuk, Beisa-Oryx, Netzgiraffe und der Somalistrauß.

Sie übernachten im Hotel: Samburu Sopa Lodge

Tag 4: ganztages-pirschfahrt im samburu nationalreservat.

Bei diesem ganztägigen Aufenthalt in Samburu haben Sie die Möglichkeit, wirklich nach den Big Five zu suchen und natürlich die Elefanten zu beobachten. Tagsüber kann es heiß sein, und die Tierbeobachtung ist am besten am Morgen und am Nachmittag möglich. Dazwischen können Sie sich in Ihrem Hotel ausruhen oder das schöne Volk der Samburu besuchen.

Dies ist ein traditionell nomadisch lebender Stamm, der mit den Massai verwandt ist. Sie leben in abgelegenen Bomas, kleinen Dörfern mit einem runden Holzzaun. Ihre Hütten haben runde Dächer aus Kuhdung, denn sie sind Viehzüchter mit überwiegend Kuh-, Schaf- oder Ziegenherden. Vor allem die Samburu-Frauen tragen komplizierte und farbenfrohe Halsketten und Kopfbedeckungen, die sie aus kleinen Perlen selbst herstellen.

Als Unterbrechung zwischen den Safaris ist es möglich, eine ihrer Bomas zu besuchen, um sich mit dem traditionellen Leben der Samburu vertraut zu machen. Sie werden ihre Häuser sehen, etwas über ihre Lebensweise erfahren, wie ihre Halsketten hergestellt werden und was die geheimen Botschaften im Inneren sind.

Tag 5: Solio Ranch

Heute besuchen Sie das Solio Game Reserve , ein privates Schutzgebiet, das sich dem Erhalt der Nashörner verschrieben hat. Das Reservat liegt im Tal zwischen den hohen Hängen des Mount Kenya und den Gipfeln der Aberdare Mountains nördlich von Nairobi und bietet 200 Nashörnern ein Zuhause.

Das Game Reserve war früher eine Rinderfarm, doch 1973 wurde ein Teil des Geländes in ein Wildtierschutzgebiet umgewandelt. Nashörner und andere Wildtiere wurden in das Gebiet zurückgebracht. Die Nashörner leben hier in Harmonie mit anderen Wildtieren wie Büffeln, Zebras, Giraffen, Elenantilopen, Oryxantilopen, Impalas, Wasserböcken, Thompson-Gazellen und Warzenschweinen. Hier ist es keine Seltenheit, bis zu 40 Nashörner auf einmal zu sehen!

Sie übernachten im Hotel: Rhino Watch Safari Lodge

Tag 6: lake nakuru nationalpark.

Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie fahren über die Hügel des Great Rift Valley, biegen um eine Ecke und sehen zwischen den Hügeln einen schimmernden See. Willkommen am Lake Nakuru! Nur drei Autostunden von der Solio Ranch entfernt liegt dieser 45 Quadratkilometer große See am Fuße des Lake Nakuru National Park. Mit seinen 88 Quadratkilometern ist dieser Nationalpark zwar relativ klein, beherbergt aber vier der Big Five.

Der Lake Nakuru Nationalpark ist einer der Sodaseen im Great Rift Valley. Früher gab es hier Millionen von Flamingos, aber vor zehn Jahren veranlasste der steigende Wasserspiegel diese Vögel, in andere Gebiete zu ziehen. Glücklicherweise kehren sie langsam wieder zurück.

Außerdem ist der Lake Nakuru berühmt für seine Population von Spitz- und Breitmaulnashörnern (die in den 1990er Jahren eingeführt wurden), Giraffen, Büffeln, Löwen, Leoparden, Pavianen und über 400 verschiedenen Vogelarten. Es ist besonders einfach, das Breitmaulnashorn am Rande des Sees zu sehen – ein einzigartiger Anblick!

Sie übernachten im Hotel: Lake Nakuru Sopa Lodge

Tag 7: lake naivasha & crescent island.

Der faszinierende  Lake Naivasha  liegt im kenianischen Rift Valley auf 1.884 Metern über dem Meeresspiegel und ist der höchstgelegene See im Great Rift Valley. Heute fahren Sie in vier bis fünf Stunden vom Masai Mara Nationalreservat zu diesem 139 Quadratkilometer großen Süßwassersee.

Zwischen 1937 und 1950 war der Naivasha-See ein Landeplatz für Flugzeuge der Imperial Airways. Sie flogen von Durban nach Dublin, zu einer Zeit, als dies noch mehrere Tage dauerte. Heutzutage ist der See aufgrund seiner Nähe zur Hauptstadt ein beliebtes Ausflugsziel für die Einwohner Nairobis.

Eingebettet zwischen Sümpfen, Wäldern und Felsformationen ist der Naivasha-See der perfekte Ort für eine beeindruckende Bootssafari zwischen Nilpferden und Flamingos! An den Ufern können Sie Zebras, Gnus und Giraffen sehen. Danach können Sie bei einer geführten Wandersafari auf Crescent Island (dem „versteckten Juwel von Naivasha“) in der Mitte des Sees umgeben von Tieren wandern. Es ist ein wahrhaft stimmungsvoller Ort, an dem Sie einige bekannte Schauplätze wiederfinden könnten, da er 1985 der Hauptdrehort für das romantische Drama  „Out of Africa“  war.

Sie übernachten im Hotel: Sawela Lodge

Tag 8: halbtages-pirschfahrt im masa mara nationalreservat.

Heute machen Sie sich auf die fünfstündige Fahrt vom Lake Naivasha durch Kenias Rift Valley zum Masai Mara Nationalreservat . Seien Sie bereit für eine atemberaubende Sensation, wenn Sie in den unglaublich schönen Savannenebenen der Masai Mara ankommen!

Nach dem Mittagessen erhalten Sie einen ersten Eindruck von dieser Savanne mit ihrem Reichtum an Wildtieren. Die Masai Mara grenzt an den Serengeti Nationalpark in Tansania, und gemeinsam beherbergen sie das bekannteste Naturwunder Afrikas: die Große Tierwanderung . Mehr als 2,5 Millionen Tiere durchstreifen gemeinsam die Ebenen der Serengeti und der Masai Mara und folgen dem Regen auf der Suche nach grünen Weiden.

Das Reservat heißt Masai Mara zu Ehren des Volkes der Massai. Die Massai (auch Maasai genannt) leben in dieser Region, seit sie vor Jahrhunderten aus dem Nilbecken eingewandert sind. Mara bedeutet in der Maa-Sprache „gefleckt“ und bezieht sich auf eine Landschaft, die durch viele kurze, buschige Bäume gekennzeichnet ist, die über die gesamte Savanne verstreut sind.

Sie übernachten im Hotel: Zebra Plains Mara Camp

Tag 9: ganztages-pirschfahrt im masai mara nationalreservat.

Die Masai Mara ist bekannt für ihren Reichtum an Wildtieren, und heute haben Sie einen ganzen Tag Zeit, um sie alle zu sehen! Das Nationalreservat beherbergt mehr als 95 Tierarten und über 400 Vogelarten. Von Mitte September bis Mitte Oktober findet hier die Große Tierwanderung / Große Migration statt. Das bedeutet, dass man riesige Herden von Gnus, Zebras, Gazellen, Antilopen und Impalas beobachten kann, die versuchen, den Mara-Fluss zu überqueren.

In den anderen Monaten können Sie in der Masai Mara die berühmten „Big Five“ beobachten, aber auch Geparden, Servale, Hyänen, Löffelhunde, Schabrackenschakale, Flusspferde, Krokodile, Paviane, Warzenschweine, Topis, Elenantilopen, Wasserböcke, Oribis, Schilfböcke und viele, viele mehr… Eine perfekte Art, Ihr Safari-Abenteuer zu beenden!

Tag 10: Bereit für die Heimreise?

Nutzen Sie die Zeit für eine letzte Pirschfahrt in der Masai Mara, denn am späten Morgen des 10. Tages fahren Sie zurück nach Nairobi. Hier bringt Sie Ihr persönlicher Guide zum Jomo Kenyatta International Airport für Ihren Rückflug nach Hause.

Oder haben Sie Lust auf mehr? Anstatt nach Hause zu fliegen, können Sie dieses Programm um weitere Nationalparks erweitern oder Ihren Urlaub mit ein paar entspannten Tagen am Strand beenden!

Kenia hat einige fantastische tropische Strände, an denen Sie sich nach Ihrer Safari entspannen können. Wir von Afrika Safari Urlaub mögen besonders die atemberaubenden Strandabschnitte im Süden Kenias, die per Flugzeug oder Zug erreichbar sind. Es gibt den wunderschönen Diani Beach 20 Kilometer südlich von Mombasa und den lebhaften Bamburi Beach nördlich der Stadt. Hier erwarten Sie kristallblaues Meer, weiße Sandstrände, endlose Pools und bunte Cocktails. Außerdem liegt das historische Mombasa gleich um die Ecke!

Wie bekommen Sie ein Angebot für diese Reise?

1. Treffen Sie Ihre Wahl: Gold-, Platin- oder Diamant-Unterkünfte (siehe rechts oben am ersten Tag dieser Reise). 2. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten. 3. Geben Sie Ihr gewünschtes Anreisedatum ein (oder den Monat). 4. Senden Sie uns Ihre Anfrage und wir werden Ihnen so schnell wie möglich antworten.

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Top reiseziele.

  • Masai Mara Nationalreservat
  • Diani Beach
  • Amboseli Nationalpark
  • Tsavo West Nationalpark
  • Tsavo East Nationalpark
  • Lake Nakuru
  • Lake Naivasha


  • Das Klima in Kenia
  • Die beste Reisezeit
  • Nützliche Reisehinweise für Kenia
  • Aktivitäten in Kenia
  • Nachhaltiges Reisen
  • Flying Doctors
  • Über Afrika Safari Urlaub
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  • Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

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safari kenia 10 tage

A 10-Day Safari Itinerary in Kenya.

  • October 31, 2023
  • trek Afrika

safari kenia 10 tage

A 10-day safari itinerary in Kenya is not just a journey; it’s a profound immersion into the heart of Africa. It’s a chance to witness the circle of life in action, from predators on the prowl to the great wildebeest migration across the Mara River. It’s an opportunity to capture stunning photographs of majestic elephants against the backdrop of Mount Kilimanjaro, and to feel the thrill of tracking elusive leopards through the thicket.

Day 1: Nairobi – The Gateway to Kenya

The Journey Begins

Your safari adventure commences in Kenya’s bustling capital, Nairobi. Spend your first day exploring the city’s rich history and vibrant culture. Visit the Karen Blixen Museum, delve into the Nairobi National Museum, and don’t forget to feed the gentle giraffes at the Giraffe Centre. Stay overnight at a charming Nairobi hotel to recharge for the adventure ahead.

Nairobi City-A 10-Day Safari Itinerary in Kenya.

Day 2: Samburu National Reserve – Land of the ‘Special Five’

Kenya Wildife

Depart Nairobi for the Samburu National Reserve, a haven for Kenya’s “Special Five” wildlife species. Witness unique animals like Grevy’s zebra, reticulated giraffe, and the elusive Beisa oryx. Enjoy a game drive and relax in your luxurious lodge overlooking the Ewaso Ng’iro River.

Day 3: Samburu National Reserve – Exploring the Wilderness

Captivating Samburu

A full day of wildlife encounters awaits you. Explore the reserve’s pristine wilderness, capturing iconic images of elephants and lions against the backdrop of the Ewaso Nyiro River. As the sun sets, enjoy a bush dinner under the starlit African sky.

Day 4: Mount Kenya – The Majestic Peaks

Up in the Clouds

Travel to Mount Kenya, Africa’s second-highest peak. Hike through lush forests, spot unique birdlife, and savor the serene beauty of the mountain. Stay in a luxurious lodge with breathtaking mountain views.

Day 5: Ol Pejeta Conservancy

Conservation at its Best

Visit the Ol Pejeta Conservancy, home to the last two Northern White Rhinos on Earth. Enjoy a game drive through the conservancy, where you might also spot the “Big Five.” Spend the night in a luxurious tented camp surrounded by nature. Ol Pejeta is committed to wildlife conservation, and you can visit the Endangered Species Enclosure, which houses endangered species like the northern white rhino. Learn about the conservation efforts and maybe even witness these magnificent animals up close.

Day 6: Lake Nakuru – A Birder’s Paradise

Wings and Waters

Drive to Lake Nakuru, a haven for birdwatchers. The lake is adorned with pink flamingos and a plethora of other bird species. Don’t forget to explore the surrounding parkland, where you may encounter the rare white rhino. Enjoy a comfortable overnight stay at a lodge by the lake.

Lake Nakuru- A 10-Day Safari Itinerary in Kenya

Day 8: Maasai Mara – The Crown Jewel of Safaris

The Grand Maasai Mara

Drive to the iconic Maasai Mara, Kenya’s most famous safari destination. Experience thrilling game drives, seeking the Big Five and the Great Migration. Stay at a luxurious Maasai Mara lodge to savor the wilderness at its best.

Kenya Wildlife Sfari Itinerary

Day 9: Maasai Mara – A Day of Wildlife Marvels

Wild Encounters

Another day in Maasai Mara for unrivaled wildlife viewing. Witness the untamed beauty of the African savannah, and perhaps even a Mara River crossing. Prepare for a farewell dinner under the African stars.

Day 10: Maasai Mara to Nairobi – Farewell Kenya

Bid farewell to Maasai Mara and return to Nairobi, reminiscing about the incredible journey you’ve had. Optionally, explore the Kazuri Beads Women’s Cooperative or visit the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust to see orphaned elephants before departing.

Exploring Kenya’s National Parks in 10 Days

But it’s not just the natural wonders that make this safari exceptional. It’s the warm smiles of the local people, who share their stories and traditions with open hearts. It’s the vibrant colors of the Maasai beadwork and the rhythmic sounds of traditional dances that offer a glimpse into the rich cultural tapestry of Kenya.

As your 10-day Safari itinerary in Kenya comes to a close, you’ll find yourself profoundly changed. The memories etched into your heart will serve as a constant reminder of the fragility and importance of our natural world. You’ll return home with a deeper understanding of the delicate ecosystems that sustain life on Earth and a stronger commitment to conservation and responsible tourism.

In conclusion, a 10-day safari itinerary in Kenya is an adventure that goes beyond the physical boundaries of the country. It’s a spiritual journey that connects you with nature, humanity, and the timeless rhythms of the wild. It’s a transformational experience that leaves an indelible mark on your soul and leaves you yearning to return to Kenya’s wild beauty.

FAQs How much does a 10 day safari cost in Kenya?

1. Budget Safaris: Budget safaris typically involve basic accommodations and may cost anywhere from $1,200 to $2,800 per person for a 10-day safari. These options may involve camping or staying in more modest lodges. 2. Mid-Range Safaris: For mid-range safaris with more comfortable accommodations and services, you can expect to pay anywhere from $3,000 to $6,000 per person. 3 . Luxury Safaris: Luxury safaris in Kenya can range from $6,000 to $10,000 or more per person. These often include high-end lodges, gourmet meals, and additional services.

How many days is enough for a Kenya safari?

The ideal duration for a Kenya safari can vary depending on your interests, budget, and the specific wildlife and experiences you want to encounter. However, here are some general guidelines for the duration of a Kenya safari: Short Safaris (2-4 Days): Short safaris are ideal for travelers with limited time or those looking to focus on a specific area or wildlife.You can enjoy a brief safari experience in a single national park or reserve, such as the Maasai Mara or Amboseli National Park. These shorter safaris are often more budget-friendly. Standard Safaris (5-7 Days): A 5 to 7-day safari is a common choice for most travelers, as it allows you to explore multiple parks and reserves and experience a variety of wildlife and landscapes. This duration allows you to visit different regions of Kenya and increases your chances of seeing a wide range of animals. Extended Safaris (10+ Days): If you have more time and a greater budget, an extended safari of 10 days or more can provide a more comprehensive and immersive experience. You can explore more remote and less-visited areas, spend more time observing wildlife, and include additional activities, such as cultural visits.

Which is the Cheapest Safari in Kenya?

The cost of a safari can vary widely, and the price depends on various factors, including the destination, duration, type of accommodation, level of comfort, and the specific tour operator you choose. If you’re looking for a more budget-friendly safari option, consider the following: 1. Self-Drive Safaris: One of the more cost-effective ways to go on a safari is to plan a self-drive safari in a national park or wildlife reserve where it’s allowed. You can rent a 4×4 vehicle and camping equipment, reducing the cost of accommodations. Keep in mind that this option requires you to have some experience in self-driving in the wilderness. 2. Group Tours: Joining a group safari with a reputable tour operator can often be more cost-effective than a private safari. Group tours allow you to share expenses with other travelers. 3 . Budget or Mid-Range Accommodations: Choose budget or mid-range accommodations like tented camps or lodges rather than luxury lodges. These options can significantly reduce the cost of your safari while still providing comfortable lodging. 4. Shorter Duration: Consider a shorter safari, such as a 2-4 day safari, which can be more budget-friendly than longer trips. 5. Off-Peak Season: Travel during the off-peak or shoulder seasons when accommodations and tour prices may be lower. However, keep in mind that wildlife sightings might not be as abundant during these times. 6. Local Tour Operators: Consider booking your safari with local tour operators based in the destination, as they may offer more competitive prices compared to international tour companies.

What to do in Kenya in 10 days?

Day 1: Arrival in Nairobi Arrive in Nairobi, the capital of Kenya. Explore the city’s attractions, including the Karen Blixen Museum, Giraffe Centre, and David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. Enjoy a traditional Kenyan dinner at a local restaurant. Day 2: Nairobi to Amboseli National Park Drive or fly to Amboseli National Park, known for its stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro. Go on a game drive to spot elephants, lions, zebras, and more. Stay in a lodge or tented camp within the park. Day 3: Amboseli National Park Spend the day exploring Amboseli and capturing photos of the iconic wildlife with Mount Kilimanjaro in the background. Visit Observation Hill for panoramic views of the park. Day 4: Amboseli to Tsavo West National Park Depart for Tsavo West National Park, famous for its scenic landscapes. Visit Mzima Springs, a natural spring with underwater viewing points for hippos and fish. Explore Chaimu Crater and Shetani Lava Flow. Day 5: Tsavo West to Tsavo East National Park Travel to Tsavo East National Park, the largest national park in Kenya. Enjoy game drives in search of diverse wildlife, including the “Red Elephants” of Tsavo. Relax at your chosen accommodation within the park. Day 6: Tsavo East to Mombasa Leave Tsavo East and drive to the coastal city of Mombasa. Explore Fort Jesus, Old Town, and the vibrant markets. Relax on the beautiful beaches or take a dhow cruise. Day 7: Mombasa to Diani Beach Head to Diani Beach, a popular beach destination. Enjoy water sports, relax on the white sandy beaches, and explore the surrounding area. Day 8: Diani Beach Spend a full day at leisure on Diani Beach, taking in the sun and sea. Consider activities like snorkeling, diving, or visiting a nearby marine reserve. Day 9: Diani Beach to Maasai Mara Fly or drive to the world-famous Maasai Mara National Reserve. Go on a game drive to witness the incredible wildlife, including the Great Migration if visiting during the migration season. Stay at a lodge or tented camp within the reserve. Day 10: Maasai Mara Spend the day exploring the Maasai Mara, with morning and afternoon game drives. Experience the unique culture of the Maasai people by visiting a local village. Depart from Maasai Mara and head back to Nairobi for your departure.

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10-day Kenya: The Complete Package - Golden

Ol’ Pejeta + Samburu + Solio Game Reserve + Lake Nakuru + Lake Naivasha + Masai Mara

Combination with Diani Beach possible

No charges on request Best price guarantee Quick response

✓ Great customer reviews

✓ world class safari guides, ✓ great service, great pricing, 10-day kenya: the complete package – golden.

Breathtaking landscapes, amazing game drives and a multitude of wild animals to admire, this 10-day safari has it all!

First stop is the Ol’ Pejeta Conservancy – a beautiful park where you can see both black and white rhinos. Consequently you have two days to admire the big herds of elephants in the Samburu National Reserve. Next you go to the rhino sanctuary at the Solio Game Reserve and you enjoy the mesmerising Lake Nakuru. You pass by Lake Naivasha for a boat safari and finish with an abundance of wildlife while roaming Masai Mara National Reserve for two days.

This is an exclusive, private safari that allows you to travel at your own pace. There are numerous advantages to such a trip. First of all: rejoicing in a private safari vehicle and a personal guide . This allows you to decide what time you leave in the morning and what time you come back, taking into account your guide’s advice. Secondly, once you are in a national park, you can observe specific animals or herds for as long as you like. No one will push you to move along. And lastly, y our personal guide knows your wishes and will advise accordingly, turning your trip into an unforgettable experience… which begins tomorrow morning!

The hotels shown below are Gold  Class . If you prefer more luxury, you can also opt for Platinum- or Diamond Class hotels.

* Prices mentioned above are per person. * Minors (below 16 years of age) travel at a discount. This discount is calculated when you request a personal travel offer. * Prices as shown above are subject to change, due to fluctuating exchange rates and other factors.

Prices above include:

  • Pickup from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and transfer to the lodge.
  • Transfer from the lodge to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport when departing.
  • All accommodations.
  • Game drives in the national parks.
  • Park fees for all national parks.
  • Luxurious, private 4×4 safari Jeep with pop-up roof and big windows, designed specifically for high-end safari game drives.
  • Private, English speaking guide for the duration of your safari.
  • Breakfast, lunch and dinner during your safari (Full Board).
  • Drinking water in our safari jeeps.
  • 24/7 service from our local office in Kenya.
  • Reservation costs.
  • Fully accredited and bonded under SGR.

Prices above exclude:

  • International flight tickets and eTA.
  • Insurances such as a travel- or cancellation insurance or the Flying Doctors insurance.

Day 1: Arrival at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport

‘Jambo!’ As you walk out of Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, your personal Africa Safari Trips guide greets you with a big smile on his face. ‘Karibu Kenya – welcome to Kenya!’

Our Africa Safari Trips guide takes you straight from the airport to your hotel, which gives you the first impressions of the vibrant city of Nairobi. You take in the skyscrapers, the traffic with the motortaxis and colourful matatu’s (local public transport), and the hussle and bussle of people living their every day life…

Ask your guide anything that comes to mind, because he knows all about Kenyan life and culture. But not only that; he also gladly tells you everything about the beautiful national parks you are about to visit. So ask whatever you want – he will do his utmost best to answer all your questions…!

You will stay in hotel: Boma Inn Nairobi

Day 2: ol' pejeta conservancy.

At a three to four hour drive from Nairobi you will find yourself in what we call heaven on earth for rhino fans. With a population of 140 black rhinos the Ol’ Pejeta Conservancy is the largest sanctuary for these massive animals in East and Central Africa.

Black rhinos are critically endangered since 1993. Back then, there were only an estimated 2300 left worldwide. These days their number is up to over 5000 again. In Ol’ Pejeta, their number grew steadily from 20 in 1995 to a population of 140 today. Besides, it’s also home to the last two remaining northern white rhinos in the world and 39 southern white rhinos.

To top it off Ol’ Pejeta also hosts a sanctuary for abused chimps, and in the park itself you can spot the Big Five and many more animals.

You will stay in hotel: Sweetwaters Serena Camp

Day 3: afternoon safari in samburu national reserve.

With beautiful landscapes and hundreds of animals, Samburu National Reserve guarantees the sort of game viewing you otherwise would only experience watching National Geographic. At a five hour drive from Ol’ Pejeta, it has a semi-dry desert and savannah landscape which causes the wildlife to be easy to spot…!

This park is 165 square kilometers big and, with over nine hundred elephants roaming around in large families, this is a spectacular park to visit. Follow the banks of the Ewaso Nyiro River for the best game viewing. It is is the only source of water for many animals, especially during dry seasons. Four of the Big Five (lion, leopard, elephant and buffalo) roam around, as well as the Samburu Special Five: Grevy Zebra, Gerenuk, Beisa Oryx, Reticulated Giraffe and the Somali Ostrich.

You will stay in hotel: Samburu Sopa Lodge

Day 4: full day safari in samburu national reserve.

In this full day in Samburu you get the chance to really search for the Big Five, and of course observe the elephants. During the day it can be hot, and game viewing is best done in the morning and afternoon. In between you can take a rest at your hotel, or visit the beautiful Samburu people.

This is a traditionally nomadic tribe related to the Masai. They live in secluded bomas: little villages with a circular wooden fence. Their huts have rounded roofs made out of cowdung, since they are pastoralists with mostly herds of cows, sheep or goats. Especially the Samburu women wear complicated and colourful necklaces and headwear, that they make themselves out of small beads.

As a break in between safaris, it’s possible to visit one of their bomas to get familiar with the traditional life of Samburu people. You will see their houses, learn about their way of life, how their necklaces are made and what the secret messages are inside.

Day 5: Solio Game Reserve

Today you will visit Solio Game Reserve , a privately owned sanctuary dedicated to rhino conservation. The reserve is located in the valley between the high slopes of Mount Kenya and the peaks of the Aberdare Mountains just north of Nairobi, providing a home for 200 rhinos.

The Solio Game Reserve (or Solio Ranch) used to be a working cattle ranch but in 1973, part of it was turned into a wildlife sanctuary. Rhinos and other wildlife were brought back to the area. Nowadays it’s a 49,000 acre ranch with 19,000 acres of wildlife sanctuary for the black and white rhinos.The rhinos live here in harmony with other wildlife like buffalos, zebras, giraffes, elands, oryxes, impalas, waterbucks, Thompson’s gazelles and warthogs. Here, it is not uncommon to see up to 40 rhinos at a time!

You will stay in hotel: Rhino Watch Safari Lodge

Day 6: lake nakuru national park.

Picture yourself as you drive above the hills of the Great Rift Valley, bend a corner and see a glimmering lake in between the hills. Welcome to Lake Nakuru! At a mere three hour drive from Solio Ranch, this 45 square kilometer big lake lies at the bottom of the Lake Nakuru National Park . With its 88 square kilometers, this national park is relatively small but home to four of the Big Five.

Lake Nakuru National Park is one of the soda lakes in the Great Rift Valley. It used to have millions of flamingos, but ten years ago, rising water levels caused these birds to move elsewhere. Fortunately, they slowly came back again.

Besides, Lake Nakuru is famous for its population of black and white rhinos (introduced in the 1990s), giraffes, buffalos, lions, leopards, baboons and over 400 different bird species. It’s especially easy to spot the white rhino on the edge of the lake – a unique sight!

You will stay in hotel: Lake Nakuru Sopa Lodge

Day 7: lake naivasha & crescent island.

The mesmerizing Lake Naivasha lies in the Kenyan Rift Valley at 1,884 meters above sea level and is the highest lake within the Great Rift Valley. Today you drive in four to five hours from Masai Mara National Reserve to this 139 square kilometres large freshwater lake.

Between 1937 and 1950, Lake Naivasha was a landing place for Imperial Airways planes. They flew from Durban to Dublin at a time when this took several days of flying. Nowadays the lake forms a popular day trip for Nairobi residents due to its proximity to the capital.

Nestled in between swamps, forests and rock formations, Lake Naivasha is the perfect place for an amazing boat safari in between groups of hippos and flamingos! On the shores, you might see zebras, wildebeests and giraffes. After that, you experience walking amongst them as you take a guided walking safari on Crescent Island (the ‘hidden gem of Naivasha’) in the middle of the lake. It is a truly atmospheric place, where you might find some familiar settings as it was the primary filming location for the 1985 romantic drama Out of Africa.

You will stay in hotel: Sawela Lodge

Day 8: afternoon safari masa mara national reserve.

Today you make the beautiful five hour drive from Lake Naivasha through Kenya’s Rift Valley to the Masai Mara National Reserve . Be ready for a  jawdropping sensation when you arrive on the amazingly beautiful savannah plains of the Masai Mara…!

After lunch you will get your first impression of these plains with its abundance of wildlife. The Masai Mara borders Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park and together they are home to Africa’s best known natural wonder: the annual great migration . Over 2,5 million animals roam the plains of Serengeti and the Masai Mara together, following the rains in search of green pastures.

The Reserve is named Masai Mara in honor of the Masai people. The Masai (also spelled Maasai ) have lived in this region since they migrated from the Nile Basin centuries ago. Mara means spotted in the Maa language and refers to a landscape marked by many short bushy trees scattered all over the outstretched savannah.

You will stay in hotel: Zebra Plains Mara Camp

Day 9: full day safari masai mara national reserve..

The Masai Mara is known for its abundance of wildlife, and today you have a full day to try and see it all! The National Reserve is home to more than 95 animal species and over 400 species of birds. From mid September to mid October the great migration arrives here. This means that huge herds of wildebeests, zebras, gazelles, antelopes and impalas can be seen trying to cross the Mara River.

In other months you can spot the famous Big Five in the Masai Mara, as well as cheetahs, servals, hyenas, bat-eared foxes, black-backed or side-striped jackals, hippos, crocodiles, baboons, warthogs, topis, elands, waterbucks, oribis, reed-bucks and many, many more… A perfect way to end your safari adventure!

Day 10: Ready for your flight back home...?

Take the time for some last game drives in the Masai Mara, as in the afternoon of day 10 you drive back to Nairobi. Here your personal guide drops you at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport for your flight back home.

Feel like you want more? Instead of going home it is possible to add more national parks to this program, or to end your holiday on the beach!

Kenya has some amazing tropical beaches to help you unwind after your safari. We at Africa Safari Trips especially like the stunning stretches of beach in the south of Kenya, which are reachable by plane or train . There is the beautiful Diani Beach 20 kilometers south of Mombasa, and lively Bamburi Beach north of the city. Think crystal blue oceans, sandy white beaches, endless pools and colourful cocktails. As a plus, historical Mombasa is just around the corner…!

How to book this safari?

  • Make your choice of Gold, Platinum or Diamond Class lodges at the top of this page.
  • Click on the price button on the bottom of this page.
  • Fill your departure date (approximately).
  • Send…! We will respond with a personal travel offer as soon as possible.

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Top destinations.

  • Masai Mara National Reserve
  • Diani Beach
  • Amboseli National Park
  • Tsavo West National Park
  • Tsavo East National Park
  • Lake Nakuru
  • Lake Naivasha

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  • When to visit Kenya?
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Africa Thrilling Safaris

10 Days Kenya Bush & Beach Safari.

Embark on an unforgettable 10-day adventure in Kenya with our Bush & Beach Safari, taking you on a journey through Amboseli, Masai Mara, and Diani. Witness stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro, spot incredible wildlife on safari, and unwind on picturesque beaches. 

Our 10-day Kenya Bush & Beach Safari takes you on an incredible journey through three of the country’s most breathtaking destinations: Amboseli, Masai Mara, and Diani. Begin your trip with a visit to Amboseli National Park, where you’ll witness stunning views of Mount Kilimanjaro and encounter a variety of wildlife, including elephants, lions, and giraffes. Next, travel to the world-renowned Masai Mara, known for its incredible wildlife and stunning landscapes. Here, you’ll have the opportunity to witness the Great Migration, one of nature’s most awe-inspiring events. Experience the thrill of spotting lions, cheetahs, and leopards in their natural habitat, while also learning about the rich culture of the local Maasai people. Finally, unwind on the picturesque beaches of Diani, where you can soak up the sun and enjoy the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. Indulge in delicious local cuisine, go on a snorkeling adventure, or simply relax on the beach and take in the stunning views.

Day 1: Arrival in Nairobi.

On arrival at the airport, you will be met and briefed by our representative who’ll then transfer you to your hotel where you are booked on bed and breakfast check-in and overnight stay. 

Meal Plan: Lunch & Dinner Accommodation: Sankara Hotel

Day 2: Amboseli .

This morning after breakfast you meet in the lobby for a transfer to Wilson Airport for your flight to Amboseli National Park, departing at 0730hrs and arriving at Amboseli around 0805hrs. On arrival, you’ll be met at the airstrip by your guide and be transferred to your Camp with a game drive en route. Arrive in time for check-in and lunch later in the afternoon. Spend your time relaxing before heading out for your afternoon Game Drive. Return later to your lodge for dinner. 

Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Accommodation: Ol Tukai Lodge

Day 3: Amboseli. 

A wakeup call is given to you on request depending on your plan for the day. You will as well choose to have a cup of coffee /tea/hot chocolate in the room before breakfast or choose to have your breakfast in the main area. Later you can either decide to head out on safari from 0630hrs with picnic breakfast or depart for your morning game drive and later return to your camp for lunch. You can also choose to have a full-day game drive after enjoying your morning breakfast with your picnic lunch before returning to your camp at around 1500hrs. In the evening at around 1700hrs, depart for a walking safari with Maasai warriors, exploring the beautiful Amboseli Ecosystem. This is the best way of getting closer to nature and learning more about our African bush. After your walking safari, you will freshen up and join your guide or any of our hosts or other guests at your camp’s Comfy lounges, well-stocked bar, or Bonfire for evening bush stories with your hosts or your guides. You will be briefed by your guide on the following day’s plan.  A delicious dinner is served. After dinner, you will spend your time in the main area or head straight to your room.

Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Accommodation:   Ol Tukai Lodge.

Day 4: Masai Mara.

Wake Up Call at 0600hrs, Have Breakfast, and leave the camp at the latest 0730hrs for Airstrip. Depart Amboseli Airstrip at around 0900hrs for a flight to Maasai Mara connecting through Nairobi Wilson Airport. You will arrive at Mara Airstrip where you will be met by one of your Camp’s guides who will then transfer you to your camp with a game drive en route. Arrive and check in at your Camp. Lunch will be served at the open restaurant overlooking the open plains of the Masai Mara where you’ll get to enjoy it before relaxing for a bit. Thereafter proceed for your afternoon game drive at around 1600hrs exploring the magic of Mara. Your guide will lead you into one of the pride of lions that resides closer to your camp, spend your time with them as you look for other wildlife like leopards, Hyenas, and hippos. There is a lot to realize in the first safari. Return to your camp at around 1900hrs, freshen up, or head straight into one of the camp’s beautiful Bonfires or lounges as you share safari stories with one of our hosts or guides and enjoy your dinner. 

Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Accommodation: Sarova Mara Camp.

Day 5: Masai Mara.

Wake up Call at around 0530hrs with a cup of coffee/tea or hot chocolate. Meet your guide at around 0615hrs for an early morning game drive with a picnic breakfast. Explore deep into the Masai Mara looking for a lot of wildlife activities, such as lions, cheetahs, and leopards walking, playing, or hunting. These cats are very active early in the morning and late in the afternoon. At around 0900hrs, you will stop at a beautiful private spot where our guide will serve you breakfast. After picnic breakfast, continue with your safari until around 1130hrs where you will get to visit the local tribespeople, the famous Maasai. A cultural visit to Maasai Village is important if you want to learn a lot about their culture and their co-existence with wildlife. At around 1300hrs, you will return to your camp for lunch as you get to enjoy the open views of the plains of the Mara. Your next game drive will begin at around 1530hrs before returning to your camp for evening special moments and dinner at around 1900hrs.

Day 6: Masai Mara.

On this day you will have a morning game drive where you will drive across the plains in search of the big five and other wild animals before returning to the lodge for breakfast. The remainder part of the morning is spent enjoying the lodge or camp facilities. After enjoying your lunch, proceed for your afternoon game drive at round 1600hrs. Finally, your last dinner at Masai Mara will be served under African Stars (If the weather permits). It will be a special moment to cherish.  

Day 7: Diani.

Breakfast at the Camp. Thereafter, spend your morning in Masai Mara before catching your mid-morning flight to Diani connecting through Nairobi Wilson Airport. Arrive at the airstrip in time to catch your flight to Diani. Upon arrival, you will be met at Ukunda Airstrip and transferred to your Beach Resort. On arrival freshen up and relax perhaps go swimming before dinner. After dinner, settle into your coastal room set facing the warm waters of the Indian Ocean. 

Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Accommodation: Baobab Beach Resort.

Day 8: Diani.

Start the day with a tropical breakfast, followed by a morning body massage to help you relax or enjoy some yoga and meditation session. You have a full day of relaxation with an option of a variety of activities and sports offered by the resort. Try out the mini-golf game or a game of tennis. Later head to the ocean. Surrounded by premier diving sites, it is a gateway to an underwater wonderland. After lunch, take a discovery stroll in the coastal town of Diani. Diani opens onto a vast expanse of white sand and it is probably the most picturesque of Kenya’s beaches. 

Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner. Accommodation: Baobab Beach Resort .

Day 9: Diani.

Have an early tropical breakfast and then proceed with your guide on a Dolphin safari to Wasini Island (at an extra cost inquire when booking). The island excursion is done aboard an Arabian-style dhow – a traditional style of sailboat. You will board an Arabic dhow and sail for one hour searching for dolphins. At Wasini Island you will learn more about the Swahili people and the Arabs’ history. Enjoy your meal which mainly consists of seafood and Swahili dishes on the island. After a short siesta, board the Arab dhow to sail back to Diani. Return to the resort for dinner and an overnight stay. 

Day 10: Departure .

Wake up to enjoy a well-prepared late tropical breakfast. The day is yours to fill as you, please. Treat yourself to a soothing massage, and sip champagne on a secluded beach while the gentle waves cool your feet one last time. You will check out in the afternoon for your flight back to Nairobi. Arrive in time for your international flight back home. Bid farewell to Africa, taking with you a lifetime of adventurous memories. 

Meal Plan: Breakfast & Lunch

Rates & Pricing

Usd 4,070 per person sharing.

Our rates for the packages are based on the starting price per person sharing. However, we always strive to provide the best possible promotions and discounts to our valued customers. To get the most updated information on the latest deals and offers, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team of experts who will be more than happy to guide you through the booking process. 

✓ All Airport Transfers ✓ All Domestic Flights ✓ Accommodation ✓ Park Entry Fees ✓ Full Board Meal Plan ✓ Game viewing drives ✓ Maasai Village Visits, Bush Dinner & Walking Safaris ✓ Professional Guide-driver 

Enquire Now

Let’s start planning.

Looking to plan the ultimate safari adventure in the Masai Mara? Look no further than our resident expert, Erick to start planning your Masai Mara safari adventure.

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  • Ten Day Complete Kenya Safari

Short Overview

This ten-day safari takes you through seven of Kenya's top safari destinations to give you the complete overview of this fascinating country.

Each of these seven parks offers something unique: whether it's endemic wildlife not seen elsewhere, dramatic landscapes, or sheer animal variety. It's the ultimate Kenyan safari package for those wanting to maximise their game-viewing opportunities.

Details of Ten Day Complete Kenya Safari

Day one - nairobi - amboseli national park.

After breakfast, you'll depart from Nairobi for Amboseli National Park. Most famous for its stunning views of Africa's highest mountain, Mt. Kilimanjaro, the park offers photographers the rare opportunity to snap photos of elephants, lions, zebras, and giraffes against the startling backdrop of Africa's most famous mountain.

You'll have lunch at your lodge upon arrival before heading out into the park for an afternoon game-drive.


Wake before the dawn for an unforgettable sunrise game drive within the park. Kilimanjaro never looks quite as beautiful as she does first thing in the morning, and you'll also get to see predators such as leopards, lions, and cheetahs out on the prowl in the cooler morning air.

They don't call Amboseli the Royal Court of Kilimanjaro for nothing, and as you take in its large elephant herds and the stunning panorama of Mt. Kilimanjaro, you'll see why this is one of Kenya's most beloved pars.

After your morning game drive and a late breakfast, relax at the lodge for a few hours before heading out into the park again in the afternoon. With the animals largely inactive during the warm midday hours, you can get some rest before catching them out and about in the cooling afternoon air.


With a picnic lunch in hand, you'll depart from Amboseli after an early breakfast for the drive to Ol Pejeta Conservancy, sometimes known as Sweet Waters.

Your drive not only takes you back through bustling Nairobi and then through the beautiful farm country of Kiyuku, but brings you to the very foothills of Mt. Kenya - Kenya's highest mountain.

After arriving at Ol Pejeta, you'll pay a visit to the park's famous chimpanzee sanctuary to meet its adopted residents and then head out into the park proper for an evening game drive.


You'll trade the well-known safari spots for one a little more off-the-beaten-track as you head north to the rugged and semi-arid Samburu.

As famous for its unique landscape as it is for the presence of familiar faces such as leopards, lions, antelopes, and giraffes - the park's real claim to fame is its own "Special Five", a collection of animals found nowhere else in Kenya. These include the Somali ostrich, reticulated giraffe, Grevy's Zebra, the long-necked gerenuk, and the Besia Oryx.

You'll enjoy an afternoon game drive through this unique park.


You'll have a full day to explore the park in search of its rarer inhabitants as well as the likes of leopards, lions, hyenas, cheetahs, antelopes, and more.

While Samburu is smaller than other Kenyan parks and reserves, its diverse wildlife tend to cluster closer together near the life-giving Ewaso Ng'iro River, making it an ideal place to set up camp and do some game-viewing.


You'll set off after breakfast for your trek to Lake Nakuru National Park in the Great Rift Valley.

Formerly famous for its flamingos, the park is now better known for its large herds of buffalo and the presence of both the black and white rhinoceros.

You'll enjoy a hot lunch at your lodge before taking an afternoon game drive along the shores of the lake to spot baboons, buffalo, lions, leopards, eland, waterbucks, and more.


It's a day of lake exploration as you visit two more of Kenya's most beautiful lakes. 

You'll depart from Lake Nakuru after breakfast and head to the hot springs and geysers of Lake Bogoria. The lake itself is also home to almost 2 million flamingoes, and the local spa has both hot springs and swimming pools for your relaxation.

After lunch, you'll head to Lake Naivasha for an afternoon boat safari to see the lake's resident hippos and water birds.

At the end of your day, you'll retire to your Lake Naivasha accommodations. 


You'll depart from Lake Naivasha after breakfast for the drive south to Kenya's most famous park: the Maasai Mara.

Part of the vast Serengeti plains, the Maasai Mara plays host to a chapter of the famous Wildebeest Migration each year as 1.7 million wildebeest and more than 500,000 zebras and antelopes cross the swollen Mara River in hopes of finding safety on the Masai Mara's sweeping plains.  Even when the Wildebeest Migration is not occuring, you'll still have the chance to see the entire Big Five as well as Kenya's largest variety of animal life.

After lunch at your lodge, you'll head out for an afternoon and sunset game drive in search of big cats, elephants, giraffes, and more.


Wake before the dawn for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness a Maasai Mara sunrise. After a quick cup of coffee, you'll head out into the park to watch as the sun sets fire to the savannah and the big cats take advantage of the morning cool to search for a meal.

Alternatively, you can take to the skies with a hot air balloon safari that will see you soar above all of the action before setting down on the plains for a champagne breakfast among the wildlife. Ask your safari expert about adding a hot air balloon adventure to your safari.

You'll then return to your lodge for a late breakfast before packing a picnic lunch and heading back out into the park for a day-long exploration of the Maasai Mara. You may also opt to relax at your lodge in the morning, enjoy lunch on site, and then head out again in the afternoon once the weather has cooled off a bit.


You'll bid farewell to the Maasai Mara after breakfast and return to Nairobi for your onward travel.

How it works

  • 1 Describe your dream trip
  • 2 A travel consultant will help curate your experience
  • 3 Confirm & start packing

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Kenya’s Exclusive Safari (10 days)

On this 10-day trip, encounter Kenya’s most iconic conservancies. From the rugged, unending vistas of Samburu, to the World Heritage plains of Lewa Wildlife Conservancy. All this shadowed by the snow-tipped peaks of Mount Kenya, and the plentiful open grasslands, rivers, and mountains of the Masai Mara, a wonder of the world. Experience the spectacular wildlife and landscapes through game drives and bush walks, and learn how conservation and tourism can really make a difference.

Start Your Journey

Daily Itinerary

Details for today.

Arrive in Jomo Kenyatta, Transfer to Wilson Airport for a flight to Lewa Downs

Lewa Wildlife Conservancy:

  • Enjoying a game drive en route to your hotel
  • Check-in and relax for the day, enjoying Lewa Conservancy’s amenities

Accommodation:  Lewa Wilderness

Meals:  L,D

Game drive, Kenya, Supplier

Upon Arrival at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport, you will be greeted by a vehicle that will transfer you to Wilson Airport for your flight to Lewa Downs. Depart Nairobi’s Wilson airport, arriving in Lewa an hour later.

You are met on arrival and transferred to Lewa Wilderness, enjoying a game drive en route. Enjoy lunch and an afternoon of discovering Lewa Conservancy.

Tonight will include a candle-lit dinner at Lewa Wilderness.

Lewa Wilderness will be your home for the next few nights. This accommodation sits within one of Kenya’s major private conservation success stories; the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy. 62,000 acres of varied African terrain, overlooked by the magnificent Mount Kenya, has as good wildlife experiences as anywhere else in Africa. Lewa Wilderness is one of Kenya’s original private safari experiences and has been the Craig family home since 1972 where they proudly continue to entertain guests giving a truly unique and personal safari experience. Natural springs, home-raised livestock, and a 5-acre organic garden is the source of the healthy and delicious cuisine served against the backdrop of passing herds of wildlife.

Photo by Stevie Mann

  • Enjoy game drives, horseback riding, camel safaris, and bush walks

Accommodation: Lewa Wilderness

Meals:  B, L, D

Lewa Wilderness, Kenya, Supplier

Lewa Wilderness offers a myriad of activities by which to enjoy Lewa Wildlife Conservancy from traditional game drives, to horse riding, and camel safaris, or guided bush walks.

Your meals are served in the lodge while enjoying the picturesque views, or as a picnic outside, enjoying all Lewa Conservancy has to offer.

  • A ‘behind-the-scenes’ visit of the Lewa Conservancy conservation activities
  • Optional: A scenic flight in East Africa’s only open cockpit biplane

Accommodation:  Lewa Wilderness

Lewa Wilderness, Kenya, Supplier

Enjoy breakfast at the hotel and get ready for another action-packed day.

Today take part in activities that bring you closer to the wildlife. A ‘behind-the-scenes’ visit of the Lewa Conservancy conservation activities gives you an insider perspective on protecting this precious eco-system.

Or for a more thrilling experience, enjoy a memorable scenic flight in East Africa’s only open cockpit biplane (at additional cost).

Enjoy dinner at Lewa Wilderness lodge tonight.

Transfer  to Kalama Conservancy

Kalama Conservancy:

  • Experience a game drive in Kalama Conservancy
  • Explore acres of pristine wilderness

Accommodation: Saruni Samburu

Saruni Samburu, Kenya, Supplier

After breakfast, you will take a vehicle transfer from Lewa Wilderness to Samburu, about a two hours drive. Upon arrival at Saruni Samburu, your guide will greet you and lead you to Samburu lodge.

In the afternoon take a game drive in Kalama Conservancy. You will explore over 200,000 acres of pristine wilderness in total privacy while enjoying the breath-taking view.

Enjoy dinner back at Samburu lodge.

Saruni Samburu, where you will be staying for the next 2 nights, is located on top of an enormous red rock in the heartlands of the Kalama Conservancy. It is filled with spectacular views of Kenya’s Northern Frontier District and Mount Kenya in the distance. The lodge is revered for its innovative, eco-chic architecture and interesting design and décor, as well as its Italian-inspired cuisine. Guests can enjoy the vast panoramas from the dining and lounge area, the infinity pool and the Samburu Wellbeing Space. SaruniSamburu is the only lodge in Kalama Conservancy, which borders Samburu National Reserve, with 200,000 acres of unspoiled wilderness to explore and enjoy exclusively.

Samburu National Reserve:

  • Game drive to seek out the ‘Samburu Special Five’, and elephants, lions and leopards
  • Indulge in a relaxing massage at the lodge

Accommodation : Saruni Samburu

Meals : B, L, D

Saruni Samburu, Kenya, Supplier

Enjoy your morning breakfast at Saruni Samburu, and get ready for your early morning game drive into Samburu National Reserve.

Seek out the ‘Samburu Special Five’: the reticulated giraffe, the Grevy zebra, the beisa oryx, the Somali ostrich, and the gerenuk. These are all rare species that are only in this part of the country. Make sure to also keep an eye out for the well-known larger wildlife including elephants, lions, and leopards.

After your game drive, you will enjoy a picnic lunch.

Later, head back to the lodge for a relaxing afternoon. Enjoy a complimentary half hour massage at the Wellbeing Space.

Samburu National Reserve & Kalama Conservancy:

  • Explore the wonders of Samburu with a morning game drive, and nature walk
  • Enjoy an evening game drive in Kalama Conservancy
  • Indulge in a bush dinner under the stars
  • Watch a show performed by the Samburu warriors

Saruni Samburu, Kenya, Supplier

Today you will continue to explore the wonders of Samburu with a morning game drive and a nature walk after lunch. You will be discovering animals, plants and the caves covered with paintings in the local area. This will all be led by your skillful and knowledgeable guide.

In the evening, take part in a night game drive in Kalama Conservancy, the 200,000-acre private wildlife conservancy in which Saruni Samburu is located.

End the day off with a bush dinner under the stars in the middle of the wilderness, and a night drive back to the lodge.

Tonight at the lodge the Samburu warriors will be dancing surrounded by candles and fire under the vast African skies. This makes for a truly magical experience and will be one of the highlights of your stay.

Fly  to Masai Mara

Masai Mara National Reserve:

  • Enjoy a game drive through the less-explored corner of the Mara ecosystem in total privacy
  • Picnic lunch under an acacia tree or by the river next to a pod of hippos

Accommodation:  Saruni Wild / Saruni Mara

Meals: B, L, D

Saruni Wild / Mara Conservancy, Kenya, Supplier

Enjoy breakfast at the lodge.

Today you will be leaving Samburu and heading to Saruni Wild or Saruni Mara. Your flight will be about an hour and a half to Masai Mara.

Upon your arrival, you will have the chance to enjoy a game drive with a picnic lunch under an acacia tree or by the river next to a pod of hippos. You also have the option to head to Saruni Wild or Saruni Mara for some rest and take an exclusive game drive later in the afternoon in Mara North Conservancy. You will have the chance to explore the less-explored corner of the Mara ecosystem in total privacy, brimming with wildlife. Over 30,000 acres of plentiful, protected land bordering the Masai Mara National Reserve.

Saruni Wild is just 40 minutes from its sister lodge Saruni Mara. Saruni Wild is considered the more adventurous options in the Mara Conservancies, it is suited to travelers who like the camping style, camping elegantly and comfortably that is. Surrounded by untouched wilderness, and endless views. Saruni Mara is a terrific choice for the traveler who wants the best of both worlds – surrounded by the hectic pace of the Masai Mara National Reserve, as well as the peace of a private conservancy.

  • Enjoy a morning game drive, looking for big cats and other predators
  • Relax at the Maasai Wellbeing Space
  • See the largest tower of giraffes
  • Optional: Enjoy a game drive at night

Accommodation:  Saruni Wild / Saruni Mara

Saruni Mara / Saruni Wild, Kenya, Supplier

Get ready for an early morning game drive to look for the big cats and other predators of the Mara. After your drive, you will be returning to the camp or the lodge for lunch and treatments at the Maasai Wellbeing Space.

In the afternoon, a game drive will take you to a special area where the largest tower of giraffes can be seen, followed by dinner at the lodge or camp and an optional night game drive.

  • Walk through the valleys and plains surrounding Saruni Mara
  • Game drive up to the top of Kilileoni, the highest mountain in the Serengeti-Masai Mara ecosystem
  • Enjoy a bush dinner in the middle of nature under the vast African sky
  • Watch Maasai warriors perform singing and dancing around the fire

Accommodations:  Saruni Wild / Saruni Mara

Saruni Mara / Saruni Wild, Kenya, Supplier

After breakfast, you will head out on a walking tour through the valleys and plains surrounding Saruni Mara, accompanied by a vehicle, or take part in a game drive up to the top of Kilileoni, the highest mountain in the Serengeti-Masai Mara ecosystem – led by your skillful and knowledgeable guide.

In the afternoon you will discover more of Mara North and its neighboring conservancies. Experience first-hand what makes the Mara one of the most exciting wildernesses in the world.

Weather permitting, enjoy a bush dinner in the middle of nature under the vast African sky, with Maasai warriors singing and dancing around the fire.

Masai Mara:

  • Visit the rhino sanctuary

Fly  back to Nairobi for your international departure

Rhino Sanctuary, Masai Mara, Kenya, Supplier

Today you will say goodbye to your lodge or camp and head to the airport.  On your way to the airport you will visit the rhino sanctuary, and once again admire the hippos and the crocodiles of the Mara River.

Once you have transferred back to Nairobi, you will then transfer to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport with your driver. Depending on the time of your international flight, stop at the Talisman or Carnivore restaurant for dinner.


Lewa Wilderness, Kenya, Supplier

Lewa Wilderness

This accommodation sits within one of Kenya’s major private conservation success stories; the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy. 62,000 acres of varied African terrain, overlooked by the magnificent Mount Kenya, has as good wildlife experiences anywhere else in Africa. Lewa Wilderness is one of Kenya’s original private safari experiences and has been the Craig family home since 1972 where they proudly continue to entertain guests giving a truly unique and personal safari experience. Being the hub of all activities on Lewa, there is an endless list of activities on offer; owning East Africa’s only open cockpit biplane and a stable yard of horses suited to all levels of experience. Guests can also camel ride among the wildlife, game drive, take guided bush walks, visit the local community enhancement projects, and much more.

Natural springs, home-raised livestock, and a 5-acre organic garden is the source of the healthy and delicious cuisine served against the backdrop of passing herds of wildlife. The lodge has nine cottages tucked into the hillside overlooking Lewa’s Eastern Marania Valley, each luxuriously comfortable with the rustic character of a ranch homestead.

Activities and amenities: daily game drives, guided bush walks, scenic flights in the Waco Bi-Plane, horse riding, camel rides, community visits, behind the scenes conservation activities, Ngare Ndare Forest day trips, farm visits, Swimming Pool, tennis/ gym, visits to Lewa Crafts Furniture and Kifuma Weaving project.

Saruni Samburu Kenya, Supplier

Saruni Samburu

Saruni Samburu’s six luxury villas are open and spacious, heralding spectacular views over Kenya’s Northern Frontier District and Mount Kenya in the distance. The warm and welcoming hospitality makes for an intimate and exceptional experience. The lodge is revered for its innovative, eco-chic architecture and interesting design and décor, as well as its Italian-inspired cuisine. Guests can enjoy the vast panoramas from the dining and lounge area, the infinity pool and the Samburu Wellbeing Space. SaruniSamburu is the only lodge in Kalama Conservancy, which borders Samburu National Reserve, with 200,000 acres of unspoiled wilderness to explore and enjoy exclusively. You are guided from start to finish by Samburu warriors who are passionate about their land and their culture, learning first-hand about their fascinating customs and traditions and gaining ancient, local knowledge about the land and the animals – a truly authentic experience.

Activities and amenities: day and night game drives, photographic hide, bush meals, guided walks, birdwatching, Samburu Wellbeing Space treatments (payable extra), picnics, two swimming pools, helicopter excursions (payable extra), Samburu cultural visits (payable extra), Saruni Shop.

Saruni Wild, Kenya, Supplier

Saruni Wild

Saruni Wild is a tented camp elegantly and comfortably furnished with all the necessary luxuries of a wild yet classic safari. The camp is located in the heart of the Masai Mara plains, on the border between Lemek Conservancy and Mara North Conservancy. Surrounded by tens of thousands of acres of pristine, untouched wilderness, the camp has the most classic Masai Mara setting. The wildlife thrives right next to its tents. Enjoy endless views, fire-lit meals under the vast African sky, guided game drives led by Maasai warriors.

Activities and amenities: day and night game drives, bush meals, guided walks, birdwatching, Maasai Wellbeing Space treatments (payable extra), picnics, library, balloon safaris (payable extra), Saruni Shop.

Saruni Wild, Kenya, Supplier

Saruni Mara

Saruni Mara has one family villa, one private villa, and five elegant cottages, and is the only small boutique lodge in the Mara, making it very intimate and exclusive. The beautifully decorated themed rooms have a luxurious and classic safari feel. The lodge is tucked away in a secluded valley in the private Mara North Conservancy, a prime and private game viewing area, which borders the Masai Mara National Reserve – the most renowned wildlife park in Africa. Enjoy the Italian-inspired cuisine and being immersed in nature from your private verandah, the Maasai Wellbeing Space and the open lounge and dining area. Maasai warriors will guide you throughout your stay, sharing their ancient wisdom and local knowledge of the area and the animals, their way of life and their secret corners of the most loved wildlife reserve in Kenya.


Pure Life Experiences - Changing Worlds Since 2015

Itinerary Test

Natural World Kenya Safaris

  • Meet The Team
  • Meet The Guides
  • Traveller Reviews
  • Sustainable Travel
  • Kenya Safaris
  • Kenya/Tanzania Safaris
  • Masai Mara Safaris
  • Nairobi safaris
  • Malindi safaris
  • Mombasa safaris
  • Diani safaris
  • Kilifi safaris
  • Conservancies
  • Tanzania Safaris
  • Gorilla Trekking
  • Jeep Safaris
  • 3-Day Safaris
  • Masai Mara safari
  • Short Stay Safaris
  • Kenya Honeymoon Safaris
  • Tailor-Made Safaris
  • Kenya By Air
  • Cruise ship to Mombasa Safari
  • Hot Air Balloon
  • Maasai Village
  • For Our Friends Over 50
  • Tsavo East National Park
  • Tsavo West National Park
  • Amboseli National Park
  • Nairobi National Park
  • Samburu National Reserve
  • Masai Mara Game Reserve
  • Nyerere National Park
  • Our new Nairobi Airport kiosk
  • Important Travel Information
  • East Africa
  • Kenya Travel Guide
  • Tanzania Travel Guide
  • Uganda Travel Guide
  • Rwanda Travel Guide
  • Zanzibar Travel Guide
  • Nairobi – Mombasa Train Schedule
  • Wildlife of Kenya
  • Masai Mara Lodges
  • Amboseli Lodges
  • Tanzania Lodges
  • 4×4 Jeep Safaris
  • Suggested Packing For a Safari
  • Packing for Mountain Trekking
  • Safari Gallery
  • Booking Terms and Conditions
  • Safari FAQs

Natural Tours and Safaris

  • Travellers' Choice
  • Exclusive Safaris
  • Customised Excursions

Best of Kenya Safari (10 Days): Experience 7 of Kenya’s Finest Parks via Jeep

Best of Kenya Safari (10 Days): Experience 7 of Kenya’s Finest Parks via Jeep

Daily Private Safari by 4x4 jeep

safari kenia 10 tage

Departs from / returns to Nairobi airport / Nairobi area hotels

10 full days of exciting game drives throughout Kenya. This is one of Natural World Kenya Safaris’ most complete tours. 10 days of sighting giraffe, wildebeest, zebra, flamingos, elephants and the big cats!

Listen to an audio version of this introduction. Just press the play button below.

Enjoy this amazing safari in a customized pop-up roof  Natural World 4×4 Safari Jeep  that has: Portable fridge/Cooler Box, 4 Binoculars, long-range high-frequency radio, Sand bags, 4G/LTE broadband WIFI connectivity, Power Outlets AC 230V, First Aid Kit, Safari Guide Books, Baby Seats (on request), Side steps (on request) and above all a  professional multi-lingual safari guide  that will ensure you have a memorable safari experience.

Our 10-day safari features unlimited game drives – you can be as active as you wish. Wildlife sightings, attractions and activities like boat rides and guided walking safaris will round out this total safari adventure.

The first leg of our journey begins at Ol Pejeta Game Conservancy . If it’s rhinos you’re looking to see you’ve come to the right place. Ol Pejeta is famous for its over 100 black rhinos. This is the largest such population in East Africa.

Then we’re off to Samburu National Reserve where you’ll view some different kinds of wildlife. Ever hear of Grevy’s Zebra, Somali Ostrich or a gerenuck? They’re all here. So are hundreds of elephants, leopard, cheetah and 450 species of birds.

Next, Lake Bogoria beckons. The Earth’s molten core erupts along the lake in the form of hot springs and geysers. The other drama here is the flamingos. Season permitting you’ll be treated to a vast pink sea of flamingos by the thousands – an unforgettable sight.

We move on to Lake Naivasha . This is a day for unusual safaris. First up, a water safari that sets off from the lake where we sail by hippos and a variety of bird life. Along the shore you may spot giraffes and zebras.

Then it’s a walking safari at nearby Crescent Island . This is one of the only places you can walk amongst giraffes, zebras, waterbucks and impalas.

Wrapping up our unusual safari day – Hell’s Gate National Park – where you can safari on foot or bicycle! Walk or ride amongst grazing gazelles, impalas, antelope, zebras, giraffes and buffaloes. This is a fun way to experience nature up close and personal.

Our final destination is what Kenya is all about – the Masai Mara – the most exciting game viewing habitat in the world.

The Mara is home to the Big Five as well as the most varied array of wildlife in the region. This acacia dotted savannah is known throughout the world as the very picture of Africa.

Several days of unlimited game viewing will take you across these plains and to the Mara River, where hippos and crocodiles are active. In July through October the great migration fills this crossing with tens of thousands of wildebeests and zebras in an awesome display of nature’s abundance.

All-Inclusive.  Your 10-Day   Ol Pejeta , Samburu , Lake Bogoria   ,  Lake Naivasha ,  Maasai Mara  safari includes park entrance fees, accommodations and meals.  Natural World kenya Safaris  always offers a wide choice of accommodations. Depending on your budget and style choose from economy, comfort or luxury safari lodges or tented camps.

However… please know that whatever level of accommodation you choose, your actual safari adventure with us will always be at our highest standards.

Your Guide . For your entire 10-day trip you’ll be chauffeured, hosted and entertained by your own experienced driver/guide. Your wish is his command (within reason!).

Transportation between parks and game viewing will be in a private pop-top 4 x 4 Land Cruiser Jeep .

If you’d like to customize your safari or have any special desires, please do let us know. We’re here to make your safari wishes come true.

Please read carefully

  • Safari tour departs daily
  • Set and advise on your preferred safari tour dates
  • Safari tour price are indicated in USD.
  • Safari trip  is flexible and can be customized to meet your specifications
  • Sequence of visits / night stops can be adjusted to your preference and also in regards to accommodation availability
  • You can suggest to omit some national parks and extend stays at others
  • Safari can be made in reverse or varied in sequence
  • Driving times during safari in Kenya are estimates and can vary due to narrow roads,density of traffic and general road conditions
  • Safari can accommodate local flights to cut on driving time if required- extra price shall be indicated
  • Safari is private per booking in own pop-top 4 x 4 Land Cruiser Jeep and dedicated driver / guide-not a sharing  tour
  • If you choose to stay at economy accommodation around Olpejeta-there shall be no re-entry on the following morning
  • You may participate by helping in our social responsibility projects under the Pack for a Purpose initiative .
  • Incase you may be interested in our Nairobi city tours and short excursions before or after your safari tour, please choose from our selection here

Tour Highlights:

  • 2 Nights Ol Pejeta Game Sanctuary - Unique species viewing - tree hyrax, white tailed mongoose, black-fronted Duiker & more - Unique species viewing - tree hyrax, white tailed mongoose, black-fronted Duiker & more - Best rhino viewing
  • 2 Nights Samburu Game Reserve - Rare species – Grevy’s Zebra, reticulated giraffe, orynx, gerenuk, Somali Ostrich - Experience local cultures - Views of snow-capped Mt. Kenya - Experience multiple climate zones - Visit with local Samburu tribes, view their homes & culture
  • Lake Bogoria - Geothermal hot springs and geysers - Thousands of pink flamingos (season permitting) - Bird watching
  • 1 Night Lake Naivasha - sailing safari - Guided walking safari at Crescent Island to view waterbucks, impalas & more - Bird watching – hundreds of species
  • 3 Nights Masai Mara Game Reserve - Iconic world-famous game park – unlimited game viewing drives - View the Big Five and numerous other wildlife - Beautiful vast savannah dotted with acacia trees - Masai culture and tribes’ people
  • Masai village visit at Masai Mara (arrange with your driver guide) = $ 25 per person - Optional
  • Hot air balloon ride at Masai Mara (enquire with us) = $ 460 per person - Optional

10 Days Experience Kenya Safari Itinerary

NAIROBI – OL-PEJETA (220km: Approx: 3-4 Hours)

Meal plan: Lunch, Dinner

0730hrs:Pick up from Nairobi airport /Nairobi hotel.

Leave Nairobi for Ol Pejeta Game Conservancy.

Today the safari route shall be via the agricultural zones of central Kenya.

There shall be stops to view tea / coffee plantations and a main local market

Afternoon game viewing drives including opportunities to see Rhino and Chimpanzee.

Overnight at your Ol Pejeta Safari lodge/tented camp.

What you may see / do around Ol Pejeta…..

Elephants, Tree hyrax, white tailed mongoose, black fronted dicker, mole rat, bushbuck, water buck, Elands, rhino, chimpanzee.

Ol Pejeta Game Conservancy

Meal Plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Today shall be a wildlife extravaganza at the conservancy with a rich diversity of wildlife.

Some of the world’s endangered wildlife can be found at Ol Pejeta Game Conservancy like the Wild Dogs, Grevys Zebra, Jackson’s Hartebeest, Cheetah and Lions.

Overnight at your Ol Pejeta Safari logde/tented camp.

OL-PEJETA – SAMBURU (180 kms, Approx: 3 hrs)

Proceed to the Samburu Game Reserve.

The easy scenic drive is via the Kenya highlands and the  semi-arid frontier district .

Along the breath taking drive we shall experience four climatic zones.

Afternoon game viewing drives along the banks of Ewaso Nyiro river.

Overnight at your Samburu safari lodge/ tented camp

Day shall be spent at the Samburu game reserve  with unlimited game viewing drives along the banks of the Ewaso nyiro River.

Lion, grevy’s Zebra,Cheetah, Bufallo, Elephant, Oryx, reticulated  Giraffe, Somali ostrich etc are among the many animal species seen at the Samburu game reserve.

Overnight at your samburu lodge / tented camp.

Samburu – Lake Bogoria (360Kms – 6-7 hrs)

Early morning game viewing drive.

Depart Samburu game reserve for Lake Bogoria.

Visit the Lake Bogoria to marvel at the hot springs, geysers and flamingos viewing (season permitting).

Overnight at Lake Bogoria safari lodge/tented camp.

Lake Bogoria – Lake Naivasha (160Kms – 3hrs)

Tour proceeds to Lake Naivasha.

We take a boat safari and explore Lake Naivasha as you view hippos and exotic birds.

This shall be followed by a walking safari on the crescent Island where you view Buffalo, Waterbuck, Antelope, Giraffes, Zebra among others.

Afternoon we head over to Hell’s Gate National Park where we explore this small park on foot or hire bicycle amid gracefully grazing gazelles, larger antelopes, Zebras and Giraffe is a delightful experience.

Overnight at your Lake Naivasha lodge/tented camp.

LAKE NAIVASHA – MASAI MARA (240km – Approx. 4.5 hrs)

Meal plan: Breakfast , Lunch, Dinner

Proceed to the Masai Mara game reserve on a scenic drive at the floors of the Rift valley.

Arrival at the Masai Mara shall be in time for lunch.

We shall freshen up before proceeding for an afternoon game viewing drive.

Overnight shall be at your Masai Mara safari Lodge or tented camp


Meal plan: Lunch, Dinner.

Today shall be a game viewing extravaganza!

The Mara as popularly known remains the most exciting wildlife eco-system in the Natural world.

It is host to the highest and varied concentration of wild animals than any other park in the region.

The scenic appeal of this tree studded savannah plains, its moderate climate and diversity of wild game species makes it a one stop shop for game viewing activities.

We shall traverse the Masai Mara reserve on a full day of unlimited game viewing encountering the big five and more of the lesser game.

We shall visit the Mara river where we may watch hippos & crocodiles or maybe the great migration (July – October).

Overnight shall be at your Masai Mara safari Lodge or tented camp.


Meal plan: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner.

Extra day shall be spent at the Masai Mara with game viewing drives.

Optional Trip Enhancements

We offer an optional visit to a Masai village at Masai Mara . Please arrange this with your driver/guide. Cost: $20 per person.

Hot air balloon ride at Masai Mara . See vast wildlife herds and landforms below. An unforgettable experience. Please enquire with us. Cost: $420 per person.

Overnight shall be at our Masai Mara safari lodge/ tented camp

MASAI MARA – NAIROBI (265 km – Approx. 5-6 hrs)

Meal Plan: Breakfast

After a leisurely breakfast at your lodge/camp, your dedicated driver guide will assist you with the checkout process and proceed to Nairobi – Kenya’s colorful capital city.

On the way, your guide will point out the Longonot extinct volcano which is a strato volcano located southeast of Lake Naivasha in the Great Rift Valley of Kenya. It is thought to have last erupted in the 1860s and its name is derived from the Maasai word Oloonong’ot, meaning “mountains of many spurs” or “steep ridges “.

You can opt to drive via Naivasha for lunch/excursions at an extra cost or drive straight to Nairobi and pass by Kiambethu farm for the tea farm tour inclusive of a three-course buffet lunch (at an extra cost) OR drive straight back to the capital and later transfer to Jomo Kenyatta International airport for your back home.

Drop off at your Nairobi hotel /Nairobi airport

What you could see/do on a 10 Day, Experience Kenya Safari...

  • Trekking at Hell's Gate
  • Thomson Waterfall
  • Hippopotamus
  • White Pelican
  • Guided Walking Safari
  • Views of Mount Kenya



Tour Price Includes

  • Nairobi airport-hotel pick up / drop off transfers
  • Transport in a customized pop up top 4 x 4 Land Cruiser jeep
  • Services of an experienced English/ other language speaking safari tour guide/driver
  • Stay in economy, comfort, or luxury lodges / tented camps (please choose)
  • Park entrance fees
  • Private game viewing drives in a 4x4 pop up top Land Cruiser jeep
  • Boat safari at Lake Naivasha
  • Hell's Gate visit with bicycle hire/ride/walk safari
  • Guided walking safari at Crescent Island
  • All meals on safari
  • Bottled drinking water in safari vehicle
  • The flying doctors emergency medical evacuation/ rescue insurance cover.
  • Pick up /drop off at Nairobi airport/ Nairobi hotel or residence
  • Government taxes and local levies

Not Included In the Tour Price: - Bottled & Soft Drinks - Items and services of a personal nature - Tips & Gratuities.

Additional Extras

Frequently Asked Questions

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Our Accreditations and Booking Security

We are fully accredited by and proud members of the following industry organizations.

Natural World Kenya safaris is Member No.FA/440 - Kenya Association of Tour Operators (KATO) bonding scheme . The scheme is insured to guarantee your holiday safari in the unlikely event that a bonded KATO member ceases operating.

Natural World Kenya Safaris is Member No.FA/440 Kenya Association of Tour Operators (KATO) bonding scheme . The scheme is insured to guarantee your safari in the unlikely event that a bonded KATO member ceases operations.

Member of ASTA

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  • Nairobi Safari Center (Click here) ,
  • 204 Sports Road,Westlands, Nairobi
  • +254 704 00 11 22
  • +254 758 499 507 (Operations)
  • +254 720 894 288 (Emergency)
  • Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (Click here) ,
  • Parking Garage, Level 0
  • +254 759 982 498 (24 Hours Hotline)
  • Diamond Trust Bank Building
  • Moi Avenue - Mombasa
  • +254 412 226 715
  • Natural.World1
  • Galaxy Building / Chinese Restaurant
  • Diani Beach Road, Ukunda
  • +254 758 499 503

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Accommodation Category*: Please select accommodation category Luxury Superior Comfort Comfort Economy

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(e.g.Accommodation preferences,additional experiences, special meals, travel preferences, special occasions, travellers details e.t.c)

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  • Kenya / Tanzania Safaris
  • Tailor Made Safaris
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Home / Tours / View All African Budget Safari Trips / View all African Overland Tours Tented & Lodge options / Kenya & Tanzania Safari – 10 Day Highlights

Kenya & Tanzania Safari – 10 Day Highlights

Tour Map

  • Tour Details
  • What You'll Experience
  • Masai Mara National Park
  • Serengeti National Park
  • Lake Manyara National Park
  • Ngorongoro Conservation - Ngorongoro Crater
  • Loita Hills - Maasai Village Visit
  • Karatu - Soda Lake

View Inclusions →

View Activities →

View Itinerary →

  • Why You'll Love this Tour

Experience the Highlights of Kenya and Tanzania on this 10 day journey exploring East Africa's wildlife region. Relish multiple game drives in the Masai Mara National Reserve and the Ngorongoro Crater with the ultimate highlight of camping in the Serengeti National Park , a once in a lifetime experience. Engage with local tribes of the Maasai and learn about their culture and modern day life. Appreciate the beauty of an African sunrise while enjoying the view from a hot-air balloon , breathtaking to say the least. This safari is a mixture of accommodation styles: Hotel (3 nights), Lodge (2 nights), Permanent Tented Basic Lodge (2 nights), Camping with basic facilities (2 nights)

Currency conversion estimated. Base currency is South African Rand (ZAR)

R 63,525

+ Single Supplement 17135

Price disclaimer: tour is priced at zar 63525 - zar 81445 (price fluctuates based on seats available, confirm with your consultant). currency fluctuations may occur, next year's price.

From: 71035

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Currency estimated. Base currency is South African Rand (ZAR)

  • Meals - 9 Breakfasts, 6 Lunches, 5 Dinners
  • Accommodation - Hotel (3 nights), Lodge (2 nights), Permanent Tented Basic Lodge (2 nights), Camping with basic facilities (2 nights)
  • Transport - Overland vehicle, 4x4 safari vehicle
  • Masai Mara National Reserve - Full Day 4x4 Game Drive
  • Serengeti National Park - Overland Vehicle Game Drive
  • Ngorongoro Crater - 4x4 Game Drive
  • Serengeti National Park - Overland Vehicle Game drive
  • Lake Eyasi - Hadzabe Bushmen Visit
  • Lake Eyasi - Soda Lake
  • International Flights
  • All optional activities
  • Personal taxes (including departure and border taxes)
  • Alcoholic and soft drinks
  • Personal spending money
  • Restaurant meals (other than those listed)
  • Travel insurance ( Get Adventure Travel Insurance )

Expert Advice and Guidance

African Overland Tours Consultants Are Here to Help You Plan Your Adventure

  • We'll give you first-hand knowledgeable advice about this tour.
  • We'll answer any of your questions and guide you every step of the way.

Some of the activities you can take part in on this tour.

Included in the Tour Price

Other activities.

  • Masai Mara National Reserve - Balloon ride (from price) - USD500
  • Serengeti National Park - Balloon Ride (from price) - USD745
  • Karatu - Village Visit - USD20
  • Karatu - Coffee Tour - USD25
  • Ngorongoro Forest - Elephant Cave Trek - USD80
  • Lake Manyara Game drive - USD100

Day 1: Nairobi, Kenya

Nairobi is the world’s only major city with a game reserve and today you will be introduced and welcomed to this incredible city. You will usually be introduced to your group at about 18h00 but if you arrive early, you could try one of the Nairobi Urban Adventure to pass the time.  Feel free to join your new travel companions for an optional dinner, alternately you can venture out on your own.

Accommodation : Hotel (1 night) Meals: No meals included

Day 2: Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

The famous Masai Mara, one of the finest game reserves in Africa, is a short transfer away from Nairobi. While driving through Loita Hills, you’ll stop at a traditional Maasai village in a remote region. There is still a lot of traditional Maasai life practiced, with little influence from the outside world. Take a trip to Tepesua Village, which promotes the education and health of Maasai women. The Maasai Warriors will perform traditional songs and dances to welcome you. Enjoy a fascinating discussion about this ancient and fascinating culture with your Maasai hosts. During your walk, stop by the community village that was built for widows who had lost their cows to drought and could never remarry. Tepesua Widows Income Project provides support, safety, and economic growth to the widows in the village. Tourists and locals can purchase eco-friendly handbags, washable sanitary pads, and backpacks made here by the women. Get an insight into Maasai life and a glimpse of their cattle enclosures, as well as a tour of a traditional Maasai home. Your permanent tented camp is located on the outskirts of the Masai Mara.

Accommodation: Permanent tented camp (1 night) Meals: Breakfast Included Activities: Loita Hills – Maasai Village Visit

Day 3: Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya

Enjoy morning and afternoon game drives in 4WD safari vehicles in the Masai Mara. An African safari will be a lifelong memory for you, full of sparse open plains, dramatic skies, and some of the world’s most impressive animals. A few of the animals you may see include wildebeest, lions, leopards, antelope and giraffes.

Accommodation: Permanent Tented Camp Meals: Breakfast, Dinner Included Activity: Masai Mara National Reserve – Full Day 4×4 Game Drive Optional Activity: Masai Mara National Reserve – Balloon ride (from price) – US$500

Day 4: Lake Victoria, Kenya

As you travel to Musoma on the shores of Lake Victoria, you should prepare for a long travel day. It’s the largest tropical lake in the world, extending across Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Besides being the largest lake in Africa, it’s also the largest tropical lake in the world. If you want to make the most of your afternoons and evenings in the wilderness, stock up at the local market, get cash from the town’s ATM, and kick back with a cold drink in the evening.

Accommodation: Hotel (1 night) Meals: Breakfast,  Lunch, Dinner Included Activity: Serengeti National Park – Overland Vehicle Game Drive

Day 5: Serengeti National Park

Visit Serengeti National Park after Lake Victoria and enjoy a picnic lunch at the park’s entrance. Take your first Serengeti game drive and keep an eye out for hoofed animals and predators on your way to your campsite. Your camping experience tonight will be a true African safari, right in the middle of the animal action at an unfenced campsite within the national park. Once you arrive, you will receive a full safety briefing from your leader.   

Accommodation: Camping (with basic facilities) (1 night) Meals: Breakfast; Lunch, Dinner

Day 6: Serengeti National Park

In the Serengeti, the day begins with another glorious sunrise. Explore the campsite for a relaxed brunch after an early morning game drive to find animals at their most active. Relax in camp during the hottest part of the day – don’t worry, the animals will be doing the same – then take a drive through the park again in the afternoon. After dinner, relax under the stars at the Serengeti campsite.   

Accommodation: Camping (with basic facilities) Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Included Activity: Serengeti National Park – Overland Vehicle Game Drive Optional Activity: Serengeti National Park – Balloon Ride (from price) – USD745

Day 7: Karatu

Visit the crater floor of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area for a 4WD excursion before crossing over to the Serengeti for a final game drive through the Serengeti. During this trip, you’ll get to see some, if not all, of the Big Five animals that live in this area since the vehicle has an open roof. The animals are less wary of humans and vehicles here, so it’s easier to observe them up close. As you take in the spectacular views, visit the crater’s lake, rivers, woodlands, and hills. Wildlife such as wildebeest, lions, zebras, cheetahs, buffalo, gazelles, and the endangered black rhino are commonly seen near the lake.

The Ngorongoro Crater will be our final stop of the day before we drive to Karatu, the small town that will serve as our base camp for the next two nights.

Accommodation: Lodge (1 night) Meals: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner Included Activity: Ngorongoro Crater – 4×4 Game Drive, Serengeti National Park – Overland Vehicle Game drive

Day 8: Karatu

Your first stop today will be Lake Eyasi, a huge seasonal soda lake. In one of the few places in Africa where traditional tribal life continues unaffected by modern influences, Lake Eyasi has been home to the Hadzabe people for more than 10,000 years. We will have the opportunity to learn about their way of life today during our visit to the Hadzabe lands today, an opportunity to gain insight into an ancient culture. Among the activities you can participate in are hunting, gathering, and traditional dance. You will get the chance to meet members of the community and participate in daily activities. They also speak a unique language called ‘click’, which is thought to be one of the oldest still spoken today. Afterwards, return to your Karatu lodge for a relaxing evening.

Accommodation: Lodge (1 night) Meals: Breakfast, Lunch Included Activity: Lake Eyasi – Hadzabe Bushmen Visit, Lake Eyasi – Soda Lake

Day 9: Arusha

Your base in Karatu offers a wide variety of optional activities today, so feel free to relax or take advantage of one of them. If you’re interested in a game drive in Lake Manyara National Park or a coffee plantation, you might like to consider going there.

Alternatively, you could take an expert local guide and armed ranger on a hike through Ngorongoro Reserve Forest to Elephant Caves. After a few days of overland travel, this is the perfect way to stretch your legs. Hiking through the Ngorongoro rainforest with your local guide and discovering interesting animal tracks and footprints will give you a better understanding of this area. Watch the beautiful birdlife as you walk through the wild landscape.

Our last night will be spent in Arusha in the afternoon.

Accommodation : Hotel Meals: Breakfast, Lunch Included Activities: Karatu – Village Visit – USD20, Karatu – Coffee Tour – USD25, Ngorongoro Forest – Elephant Cave Trek – USD80, Lake Manyara Game drive – USD100

Day 10: Arusha (or Nairobi)

After breakfast today, your adventure comes to an end. At an additional cost, transfers from Arusha Airport to Kilimanjaro Airport (JRO) can be arranged. Our crew can also take you to Nairobi if you prefer. For more information, please see ‘Special Information’ below.

Meals: Breakfast

PLEASE NOTE: There is an option to make your way back to Nairobi. Flights out of Nairobi should not be booked any time before 9pm. We highly recommend booking a post nights accommodation after your tour has come to an end. Please speak to your consultant to arrange a post nights accommodation.

Onward Travel Plans

Due to circumstances beyond our control while on tour (such as border crossings, traffic, breakdowns and delays, etc), the end time on the last day cannot be guaranteed. Therefore we strongly recommend you stay the night and fly out the next day. Please consult with your booking consultant.

  • Pre Departure

What are adventure tours?

If you’re a traveller that loves adventure, and you want to immerse yourself in African nature and heritage, our camping and exploration tours are what you need. You will see the beauty of the African landscape and enjoy the hospitality of local residents while travelling on our trips. You will also meet a fantastic group of people who go with you on your tour groups. If your fitness level is excellent, and you are attracted to trekking through dense forests to see mountain gorillas and travelling long distances with nothing to see but a never-ending landscape, then an adventure tour is for you.

What does a typical day look like?

Every day on an adventure tour will give you a new and exciting experience. You will learn fantastic things, like cooking scrumptious meals over a campfire and setting up camp if you don’t know how to do so already.

What you can expect from a camping or accommodated overland tour is an early morning wake up call. You’ll enjoy the breathtaking sights of an African sunrise while sipping on a warm cup of tea or coffee. You’ll have some breakfast before packing up the campsite or checking out of your accommodation if you’ve chosen the comfort traveller package. We’ll then hit the road as a tour group, where you can see the best of nature that Africa has to offer.

On short travel days, we usually arrive at the campsite in the afternoon to enjoy lunch and a planned afternoon activity, such as hiking or a guided nature walk. You can choose to either rest and have a relaxed afternoon or take part in the scheduled activity, which could be a nature walk or a hike. A fantastic aspect of short days is enjoying the sunset – a sight you will find quite memorable. As soon as evening comes, we sit around the campfire as a group to enjoy a hearty dinner and great conversation.

We do our best to arrive at a scheduled destination on time. However, delays can happen. These delays could be caused by wet weather conditions or slow travel as we navigate through tough terrain. Your safety is top of mind for us, so if we delay travel time, we do so to ensure the safety of everyone. Our overland safari vehicles are comfortable and spacious, with enough space for your luggage. All you need is a high level of stamina to power through the long and often bumpy drives from one location to the next.

What type of vehicles do we use?

We drive custom-built and self-sufficient overland trucks on our tours. They are spacious, being able to accommodate your luggage, and safe to navigate through rough and rugged terrain. Our vehicles have large glass windows and comfortable seats with ample leg room. When we need to drive through narrow terrain or on uneven roads, we use smaller 4×4 vehicles.

Distances and road conditions

We want you to enjoy the beautiful natural surrounds of Africa, with nothing but blue skies, warmth and a never-ending landscape while on vacation with us. We do this by covering long distances on our tours, often spending many hours on the road. You can expect a drive of between 350 kilometres and 650 kilometres a day. Bear in mind that we will be travelling mainly on gravel roads or fairly poor tar roads and these will ultimately define the pace.

More detail about our overland vehicles, 4×4 safari vehicles, ferries, minibuses, and mokoros

We have an array of safari vehicles to suit specific group sizes and tours. Our vehicles range from large overland tour trucks to 4×4 safari vehicles and minibuses.

We make sure to maintain our vehicles at our workshops regularly to minimise breakdowns on the road as a safety precaution. We aim to avoid breakdowns at all costs; however, the occasional breakdown can happen while en-route on a trip.

Our overland trucks do not have an air-conditioning system, but they have windows that you can open for fresh air. Each seat in the vehicle has a power socket with a UK/Kenyan 3-prong outlet to charge your electronic devices.

We spend long hours on the road, so when you book your tour, we’ll provide you with the approximate time and distance of the journeys we cover. This information will help you to choose a tour that you would be comfortable doing. Please bear in mind that wet conditions will increase the travel time.

Travelling on a group trip

We understand that group travel is exciting for some while daunting for others. You can be sure that you’ll enjoy an overland safari tour with travellers of different ages and nationalities. Think of it as expanding your social network to make it a memorable experience.

Please note that for privacy reasons, we cannot provide you with details of your group members before departure.

A group will have different personality types, preferences and needs, so please be mindful of navigating the social dynamics with respect and an open mind.

Please make sure that you arrive on time to start the itinerary of the day. Punctuality is respectful to your group members and the tour crew, and it ensures that the tour moves as scheduled.

We design our group trips for shared accommodation, which don’t involve a compulsory single supplement. Same-gendered single travellers will share accommodation, including twin rooms or multi-share dormitories. Accommodation on some of our group trips is booked on a shared mixed gender basis. If you are unsure, please ask your sales consultant for details of accommodation on your chosen tour.

Some trips allow you the option to get private accommodation by booking and paying a single supplement if it is available. The single supplement option only applies during the tour. We will reserve a single room for your pre-trip and post-trip accommodation.

What about children on tour?

The minimum accepted age on our overland tours is 18. We will consider travellers between the ages of 12 and 17 depending on the tour, time of travel and tour availability. Age limits for privately-arranged charter tours will also be assessed based type of tour you choose and the route.

We offer family departures on selected tours, and these are better suited for children aged 12 to 17. The age limit for gorilla trekking tours is 16.

General rules

For the safety of all travellers, we will not tolerate any form of violence (verbal or physical) or sexual harassment between or from travellers or involving our partners, crew or local residents.

We don’t tolerate the use or possession of illegal drugs on our trips. We encourage you to drink responsibly should you choose to consume alcohol during your trip. Please abide by local laws governing alcohol consumption.

We strictly forbid any sexual relations between members of our tour crew and travellers.

We do not tolerate the patronising of sex workers on our tours as this exploits vulnerable communities and undermines the development of sustainable tourism in Africa.

Please note that you agree to adhere to these rules if you travel with us. The tour leader has the right to remove any group member for non-adherence to any of these rules, with no right of refund.

Please let your tour leader know should you feel that any group member is misbehaving while on a trip. You can also contact our emergency number provided in the “problems and emergency contact” list.

Responsible travel

We believe that it is crucial to minimise the negative aspects of tourism on the local communities and environments that we visit. We always strive to highlight positive aspects and contribute in a meaningful way to the communities and habitats we interact with. Our website has more details on how you can be a responsible traveller.

Important touring tips

  Please take note of these essential touring tips:

  • The itinerary is subject to change as we go through the tour, please view the itinerary as a guide ONLY.
  • Each tour has a vibrant mix of people of different nationalities, heritage and age.
  • Please ensure that you carry light luggage as space in our trucks is limited.
  • We create the tours in a circular route, meaning that where one journey ends, another begins.
  • You won’t have high-end, 5-star luxuries on these tours – you will have an experience of living and working with basic necessities.
  • Most countries in Africa, including Kenya, Uganda and Botswana, have banned plastic bags. Please don’t pack these with your luggage to avoid receiving a fine from authorities.
  • If you are booking 45 days ahead of the departure date, we will need to confirm the availability of a gorilla permit.
  • We can only offer a single supplement if it is available. Please speak to your consultant if you have queries on booking single supplements.
  • The Table Mountain cable car in Cape Town, as well as the facilities and shops at the top of the mountain, will be closed from 8 July to 18 August 2019 for maintenance. If you would like to go to the top of the mountain, you can do so by hiking a steep trail with a local guide. If you’d like to arrange this hike, please chat with your tour leader or book at the hotel reception.

Cape Town water shortage

Cape Town has experienced water shortages due to a severe drought. The city’s municipality reduced the daily water quota to 50 litres. There is a sufficient amount of water for travellers’ essential daily needs, such as personal hygiene and using the toilet.

According to the city’s guidelines, shower times should be no longer than 2 minutes, and using baths is discouraged. Some hotels are using ocean water in their swimming pools, and restaurants have removed meals that require the use of lots of water during preparation from their menus.

Please consider the shortage when planning laundry days within your itinerary. We advise that you follow the water usage instructions of our local suppliers in the city.


Camping tours.

If going on an African safari adventure to get the full experience of Mother Nature is high on your bucket list, you need to come on a journey with us to enjoy a night’s rest under the stars while listening to the sounds of nature. Don’t underestimate the strength and stamina that you’ll need for a camping safari – an excellent level of fitness will keep you going.

Our camping safaris are better suited for travellers who may prefer to travel in a younger group with an age range of between18 and 39. You can also choose to travel in a mixed group aged between 18 and 60. We’re more than happy to help you decide on the best tour to book.

During your tour, you will stay in sizeable two-person dome canvas tents which are spacious and can accommodate each person’s luggage. You can also opt to have a private tent, including the single supplement, which is valid on select camping tours.

Your tour leader will teach you how to put up and take down your tent if you’re unsure how to do so. All tents have a door and a window for ventilation. They also have a mosquito net covering and a fly-sheet for the rain. Most camping safaris include a sleeping mat, but please check with us to make sure of this inclusion. Items that you will need to bring include; a sleeping bag, pillow and towel.

The campsites are basic and comfortable, and you will be able to upgrade your accommodation at most of the places we cover if this option is available. Some campsites have flushing ablution and showering facilities, while others offer natural ablutions and makeshift showers. A temporary shower is usually a hosepipe that spurts out cold water. It’s also common for most ablution facilities to not offer toilet paper.

Each tour route is different, so the type and variety of accommodation will be dictated by the route. Some routes have a mixture of campsites and wild camps, while city and town routes have hotels. When we stay in cities and towns, we enjoy local cuisine at the surrounding establishments.

We occasionally stop for a night’s stay in the grounds of a hotel or at a campsite where rooms or cabins may be available. In this case, you could have a choice of camping or upgrading to a room, but please bear in mind that a room cannot be pre-booked. Rooms costs range from US$60 to US$120 per room per night for a twin room. The standards of these rooms vary, so we recommend that you view the room before purchasing the night’s accommodation. The day-by-day itinerary offers advice when upgrades may be possible. These upgrades are subject to availability. Please keep in mind that if we are staying in dormitory accommodation, you’ll need to share these rooms with other travellers of the same sex.

Your tour crew will do most of the work, including driving, cooking and making sure that the trip runs as smooth as possible. We will require you to help with chores on the campsite. Chores will be assigned to group members based on a roster that you and your tour leader create. These chores include helping with food preparation, grocery shopping, washing the dishes, setting up the campsite and your tent, and cleaning out the truck.

Accommodated Tours

If you want to have extra comforts while experiencing the best of African wildlife, then an accommodated safari tour is for you. On these safaris, you can enjoy the surrounds of vast landscapes and the sights of wildlife roaming at your door-step.

We use a variety of accommodation located at each destination for these safaris, including hotels, lodges and permanent safari camps along with more basic accommodations such as bungalows, traditional huts or chalets .

If you’re travelling in pairs, we book a twin room for you. Single travellers get single rooms, including a single supplement. Most of the time in the Southern African region, we stay in one to three-star properties with en-suite bathrooms. Properties in this region are more established and comfortable. Eastern Africa accommodation has en-suite bathrooms and shared bathrooms. Properties in this region range from basic to reasonable and convenient. Overall, accommodation choices are limited because of the remote nature of our tours. This limitation means that you can expect an authentic outback experience.

What will you eat on safari?

Our safari tours will allow you to be creative with food shopping and preparation. You can also learn how to cook great tasting food over an open fire or on the gas stove supplied in the truck.

We stock our vehicles with dry goods at the start of each tour and buy fresh fruits and vegetables daily while on tour. Fresh produce might not always be available during the hot summer months. During this time, we become creative with what we have, like substituting potatoes for rice.

Each camping and accommodated tour includes meals as per the itinerary. We offer breakfast, lunch and dinner, and you have the opportunity to enjoy some local cuisine at available markets or restaurants. Tea is served along with coffee and fruit juice with meals, and you can buy alcohol, soft drinks and bottled water at the campsite bar or local stores we find en-route.

We cater for most dietary requirements, including allergies, vegetarian, and lactose intolerance. Other requirements such as gluten-free may be more challenging on remote routes in destinations where starch is a staple food. Please inform us about your specific dietary requirements so that we can advise.

We prepare our meals over an open campfire or on the overland vehicle’s gas stove. All cooking equipment is provided, including pots, pans, cutlery and crockery. We maintain excellent hygiene standards at all times during food preparation and when washing up kitchen equipment. Your tour cook will provide you with a separate washing basin filled with warm, soapy water so that you’re able to wash your hands before and after each meal.

For breakfast, you will enjoy some toast with spreads, cereal, or eggs, pancakes, and tea and coffee. Lunch consists of a sandwich with a healthy salad and assorted fillings, sometimes fruit. There are also opportunities to enjoy local cuisine while on a trip.

Dinner consists of a BBQ, rice dish or a pasta dish, or local cuisine from a market or restaurant.

Treated water that’s safe to drink is available on our overland trucks. We would prefer if you use this water over buying bottled water to minimise plastic waste. Your crew leader will use this treated water for cooking and providing drinks such as tea and coffee at meal times.

When you choose to book an overland trip, this includes your participation in a camping tour. On this tour, you and your group members will be assisting the crew leader with meal preparations. You will also help with grocery shopping. Your designated crew leader will come up with meal ideas and quantities needed for large groups. Your crew leader will draw up a duty roster so that everyone in the group rotates based on the different chores that need to be done. This chore rotation is mainly for groups with 5 to 6 people.


Pre-tour accommodation.

Please arrive a day before the start day of your tour to catch all the pre-departure meetings. We cover the essential information that you need to know about your trip. Please let us know beforehand of your pre-tour arrival so that we can make the best possible hotel reservation for you.

Packing for your tour

Packing for your tour depends on the trip style you have chosen, the countries you are visiting and seasonal times you are travelling. In general, we recommend that you pack as lightly as possible. Make sure that you can carry and lift your luggage, as well as walk with it for short distances.

We recommend that you carry your luggage in a backpack or an overnight bag that has a shoulder strap. These types of bags are convenient to carry. You’ll also need a smaller day bag to take things like a water bottle and your camera.

Each overland vehicle has a passenger safe where you can keep essential items such as money, passports, flight tickets, and credit cards. Your tour leader holds the keys for safekeeping, and they will advise of safety requirements that are in place concerning the safe.

Below are more helpful tips on what you need for your trip.

Essentials to bring include:

  • A sleeping bag and a travel pillow: we recommend that you bring a 3 – 4 season sleeping bag as temperatures dip at night during the winter months in desert and mountainous regions. You can also hire sleeping bags with us. Please contact us 14 days before your departure if you wish to hire one.
  • Closed shoes: we go bushwalking during the trip, so we recommend that you pack comfortable and closed shoes, such as hiking boots. These shoes will help to protect your feet from cuts and scratches when walking through bush and grasslands. They will also act as a protective barrier from the bites and stings of dangerous insects and animals found in this environment.
  • Lightweight and warm clothing: you’ll need a mixture of lightweight and warm clothing, as well as long shirts and trousers to help protect you against mosquitoes in malaria areas. Make sure that your clothes are easy to wash and dry, and instead opt for cotton clothing over nylon and other synthetics. Cotton clothing is a lot more comfortable to wear, especially in hot weather. Please do not bring ex-military or military-style clothing and equipment. You can pack jeans, but please bear in mind that they are tough to dry, and you should avoid wearing them when trekking.
  • A waterproof or windproof jacket: This is great to bring for wet days and early morning, or evening game activities when temperatures tend to be low.
  • You can also pack in a warm beanie for morning and evening game drives, as well as sun protection, including a hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, and towels for personal use.

Recommended items to bring include:

  • A waterproof toiletry bag: it will be useful to bring one that you will be able to hang on a nail on the back of a door.
  • A good quality, high-beam headlamp or torch: these are useful for when there is no power on the campsite, and you need to navigate your way around it. Our trucks carry lamps for meal times.
  • A personal medical kit: your tour leader will have an extensive medical kit, but we recommend that you bring a private medical kit with items such as mild pain killers, electrolytes, antidiarrheal medication, antibacterial gel, wet wipes, insect repellent and bandaids or plasters.
  • A water bottle: we recommend a water bottle that has a capacity of 1.5 litres. Carrying a water bottle helps to decrease the amount of plastic from bottled water.
  • Tech equipment: you can bring a camera with a spare battery or power bank, as well as binoculars.

Optional items to pack include:

  • A sleep sheet: this will increase your level of comfort, especially if you are travelling during the hot months.
  • Thermarest: this you can bring should you want extra comfort in addition to the basic camping mattress provided.
  • Earplugs: this helps if you have a tent mate that snores.
  • A book to read, or a journal to write down your thoughts and experiences during long drives.
  • We would also recommend you bring a small bottle of biodegradable laundry soap if you’re planning on washing your clothes during the tour.

Luggage limit

We limit the weight of luggage to 20 kilograms due to the size of individual lockers available on our trucks. The size of these lockers are 26 inches long, 18 inches wide and 10 inches high.

Your main luggage will go into these lockers, which is why we recommend that you pack light in a backpack or an overnight bag. Your luggage shouldn’t be larger than the locker dimensions. You’ll be able to keep your day bags at your feet or on the overhead shelf. We also recommend that you bring a 20-30mm sized padlock to secure your locker. If you feel that the luggage limitation will be a challenge for you, please get in touch with your booking consultant.

We advise that you keep flashy and expensive jewellery and other valuables at home to avoid unwanted attention and loss of these items. You can use your hotel safe and the safe on the overland truck to store your money and essential travel documents. You can also buy a money belt or pouch, which you can hide behind a jacket or jersey. We recommend that you have photocopies of all essential documents. Even though they’re not valid, a photocopy makes it much easier to obtain replacements if necessary.

We have UK socket power outlets at each seat in our safari trucks. You can use these to charge your electronic devices while travelling. We recommend that you bring a power bank and multi-country power converters as you might need them for your electronic devices. Some campsites will have adequate electricity.

Conservative dress for women

Please note that women are expected to dress in a certain way in different locations across Africa according to the cultural customs of a specific country. In general, women travellers should opt for shorts or skirts that reach the knees and tops that cover the shoulders. If you are visiting a coastal area, it is advisable to cover up when you are off the beach.

Gorilla trek

You can expect conditions to be wet, muddy and uncomfortable most of the time when trekking through dense forests to see gorillas. You will need a pair of waterproof and robust hiking boots to prevent your feet from getting wet, and to prevent scratches from prickly foliage. We recommend that you bring protective gear for your hands, such as gardening gloves so that you will find it easier and less painful to grab onto trees and bushes when pulling yourself up the hillside. Please also pack pairs of long socks. You’ll be able to tuck your trousers into them to avoid any ants or insects getting to your ankles while we trek through forests.

Zambia dress code

Zambia has a specific dress code for both men and women that you will need to follow. Clothing items the country has listed as indecent include leggings, skirts and short that do not reach the knees, crop tops, sagging trousers, lace clothing, skinny jeans and tight-fitting dresses. If you are found wearing these clothing items, you could be fined a hefty fee or face arrest and deportation.

Plastic bag bans across Africa

Many countries across Africa have banned plastic bags. In Namibia, anyone found with a plastic bag when entering game parks is liable for a fine of N$500 or imprisonment. Botswana’s plastic ban makes the importing, trading and commercial use of plastic bags a criminal offence. The country makes exceptions for plastics that are essential for health and hygiene.

These two countries join many other African countries, including Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda, who have banned the use of plastic bags. South Africa only imposed a levy on plastic bags in 2004 and not a ban. The countries enforcing this ban are conducting luggage searches for plastic at border posts, so please ensure that you do not pack plastic bags in your luggage. Instead pack waterproof reusable bags, which you can buy at camping stores before you leave for your tour.

Climate and seasonal information

In general, African has warm and pleasant weather conditions. However, temperatures do dip during the winter months, so it’s essential to bring a warm sleeping bag and warm clothes to cater to these low temperatures. Please check weather reports before travel.

Essential information on passport and vaccination requirements, and safety on the tour

In general, most countries expect your passport to have a minimum of six months’ validity when travelling. Your airline ticket and booking should have the same names listed on your passport. Your booking consultant will contact you as they will need your passport details to complete your reservation.

As a general rule of safety, ensure that you take a copy of the main passport pages and other essential documents with you, and leave another copy at home with family or friends.

Obtaining a visa is your responsibility, so please visit the relevant consular website of the country or countries you’re visiting for up-to-date visa information specific to your nationality. Please apply timeously for your visa to prevent any hiccups in your booking process. Should you need any help with further advice on visas, you’re more than welcome to contact your consultant.

South Africa

Many nationalities do not need to get a visa to visit South Africa as a tourist for up to three months. Please ensure that you check with the South African Department of Home Affairs for detailed and up-to-date visa requirements.

New Zealand passport holders

All visitors from New Zealand coming to South Africa need to obtain their visa at the South African High Commission located in Wellington or Auckland before departure. Travellers may need to apply for a visa in person. In cases where in-person applications are not possible, travellers can use Travcour NZ. If you need more information about the application process and all documents required for the visa application, please visit the South African Department of Home Affairs here . You can also request supporting documentation via your booking agent.

Entry requirements – passports

Please note that South Africa does not accept non-machine readable passports. You will need a machine-readable travel document (e-passport) if you’re planning to visit the country. Immigration officers will refuse for you to enter into the country if you’re unable to present an e-passport. If you are a traveller with a valid visa that is issued in a non-machine readable passport, immigration officers will handle this on a case-by-case basis, but you will still be liable for a fine.

Entry requirements – yellow fever certificate

All travellers of one year of age and above who arrive or are transiting through South Africa from a region or country infected by yellow fever, as per the list by the World Health Organization, need a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate. Immigration officers will deny you entry into the country if you fail to present a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate issued at least ten days before arrival in the country. There is no option to receive a vaccination on arrival if you don’t have a valid vaccination certificate. This requirement is also applicable to travellers transiting through an infected country or region.

Entry requirements – travelling with children

When you travel with a child under the age of 18, you will need to produce an original unabridged birth certificate. The South African government put this regulation in place to protect children from being abducted, kidnapped and trafficked.

The country’s Department of Home Affairs has urged all parents to apply for unabridged certificates for their children. Immigration officers may need further documentation, including permission to travel, if only one parent is travelling with a child or children. These requirements are from the immigration regulation 6 (12)(a) for parents travelling with children. Please read more here .

Most nationalities are not required to obtain a visa to enter Namibia as a tourist if travelling for a maximum period of 90 days. For up-to-date information on visa requirements, please contact the local consulate or embassy.

Most nationalities require a Zambian visa, including those from the EU, U.S. and Australia. For other nationalities, Zambian visas are available at the point of entry. Please check with the Zambia embassy in your country for current visa requirements. You will need US$50 in cash if you plan on obtaining your visa on arrival. Please check with the Zambian Embassy for more information.

The Kaza visa

When travelling between Zambia and Zimbabwe, you will need to obtain a Kaza visa at the cost of US$50. It is valid for 30 days as long as you stay within Zimbabwe and Zambia. You can get it at land borders at Livingstone (Zimbabwe border) and Kazungula (Botswana border).

Please check with the Botswana embassy in your country if your nationality requires a visa to enter the country. For travellers needing a visa to Botswana, application forms can be downloaded here .

Tourism development levy: effective 1 June 2017

You will need to pay a compulsory tourism development levy of US$30 when visiting Botswana. You’ll need to pay this levy, either by cash or credit card, at your first port of entry into the country. The tourism levy is valid for 30 days and can be used for multiple entries.

Entry requirements for Botswana – a yellow fever certificate

All travellers of one year of age and above who arrive or are transiting through Botswana from a region or country infected by yellow fever, as per the list by the World Health Organization, need a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate. Immigration officers will deny you entry into the country if you fail to present a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate issued at least ten days before arrival in the country. There is no option to receive a vaccination on arrival if you don’t have a valid vaccination certificate. This requirement is also applicable to travellers transiting through an infected country or region.

Children travelling to Botswana

When you travel with a child under the age of 18, you will need to produce a certified copy of the child’s full unabridged birth certificate. Without it, officers will deny you entry into the country. The unabridged birth certificate should list the child’s details and the details of both parents. A short birth certificate, which only contains the child’s details, won’t be accepted.

If one parent only is travelling with the child, or the child is travelling with neither biological parents or is unaccompanied, you’ll need to provide an affidavit of the consent of the parent(s) as proof that the parents of the child permitted you to travel with them. Should you have questions about the documents you need to travel with children, please contact the Botswana embassy.

Most nationalities require a Zimbabwean visa, including those from the EU, U.S. and Australia. For other nationalities, Zimbabwean visas are available at the point of entry. You will need between US$30 and US$45 in cash if you’re planning to obtain your visa on arrival. Please visit the Zimbabwean embassy in your country for up-to-date information on visa requirements.

If you are a tourist from a country that requires a visa before arrival, you can get more information and apply for your visa here .

If you are a tourist from the UK, U.S., Canada, the Schengen member states, Australia and New Zealand, you will have to pay US$75 upon arrival in Malawi to get a visa.

Some nationalities will need to get a visa before arrival at the nearest Malawi Diplomatic Mission. If you’re unable to get a visa before you arrive in Malawi, you can obtain one when you enter into the country if you have received prior authorisation in the form of a visa letter from the Malawi Immigration Department. Please contact [email protected] to apply for visa letters.

You can obtain a single entry tourist visa for US$50 in cash at these below main entry points in Tanzania if you fulfil all of the country’s immigration and health requirements. Due to new regulations, obtaining a visa on arrival is a lengthy process which requires you stand in 3 queues which may take up to 2 hours:

  • Julius Nyerere International Airport in Dar es Salaam
  • Abeid Amani Karume International Airport on Unguja Island in the Zanzibar Archipelago
  • Kilimanjaro International Airport located in northern Tanzania
  • The Namanga border point between Tanzania and Kenya
  • Tunduma border point between Tanzania and Zambia

You can also obtain an e-visa 4 weeks before departure via Tanzania visa Application – note this application can take 2-3 weeks but this is the recommended process to ensure you have your visa before arrival. There are some nationalities who are expect from visas – please see the list and guidelines HERE .

Currently, you don’t need a multi-entry visa to enter Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. These three countries have an agreement to navigate entry from tourists. Should your tour require you to exit Kenya into Tanzania, you can re-enter Kenya on the same visa. However, if you will need to enter Tanzania twice after visiting a country that is not Kenya or Uganda, you may need to obtain two visas.

East Africa tourist visa

The East Africa tourist visa is a multiple-entry visa that is valid for 90 days. It allows for travel between Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda with the same multiple-entry visa. The visa costs US$100 and is the best option for visitors travelling to all three of the listed countries.

If Kenya is your first country of arrival, you will receive the East Africa tourist visa at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport on arrival. It is the only type of visa to obtain. You will need to complete the visa form and pay US$50 in cash for the East African visa. Please ensure that the immigration officers that process your visa provide you with all three visas.

If you are starting your trip in Rwanda, you can apply for your visa through the Rwanda Online Visa Application System. If you’re only visiting Kenya and Uganda and arriving at Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in Kenya to cross into Uganda by land, we advise that you apply for an e-visa for Kenya, and get your Ugandan visa on arrival. You will need to pay cash for your Ugandan visa.

You can get a visa either on arrival into Kenya or via e-visa Kenya before arrival. Single-entry visas (business or tourism) cost US$50, €40, or £30, and a transit visa, which is valid for three days, is US$20. You can only pay in cash for your visa if you’re obtaining it on arrival.

You can enter into Kenya multiple times for a period of 90 days with a single entry visa. This allowance is only valid if you don’t leave the East African region.

You can complete the four-step e-visa process through the immigration website here . You will need to submit an application form and passport-sized photo as part of the application process. The processing duration for e-visas is up to seven working days. You will need to present to immigration officers your printed e-visa upon entry to Kenya.

Please ensure that you have multiple copies of your e-visa to present at each border crossing.

We advise that you get your Ugandan visa on arrival at a cost of US$50 in cash if you are arriving into Uganda by land. Alternatively, you can obtain an East Africa visa on arrival at the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. Unfortunately, there are no appropriate facilities at Ugandan land borders to process the e-visas.

When paying in cash, please have U.S. dollar bills that are in excellent condition, and that are dated 2006 and newer. These are the only bills that Ugandan immigration will accept.

If you are flying into Uganda, you can apply for your visa here . The application process requires you to upload a clear copy of your current passport, your yellow fever vaccination certificate and a passport photo. You can either pay for your e-visa online or when you arrive in Uganda. The amount you’ll need to pay is US$50. If you want to pay for your visa on arrival, you will receive a barcoded email notification that you can print to present to immigration officers. You’ll need to pay for your visa in cash.

Travel insurance

It is compulsory for you to have comprehensive adventure travel insurance on all overland tours. At a minimum level, we need you to be covered for medical expenses, including personal liability, emergency repatriation, curtailment, cancellation, and loss of luggage and personal effects.

Medical insurance is also compulsory for you to have when going on an overland tour. You won’t be allowed on a trip if you do not have it. Medical insurance is for your safety should anything happen while on tour, especially when in a remote location.

We will need your travel insurance details when booking your vacation. We will include these details on the traveller list. Please bear in mind that most travel insurance policies do not include cover for adrenaline sports and adventure activities. These activities include white-water rafting, skydiving and bungee jumping. We advise that you go through your policy to see for details on what it covers.

You will need to present your travel insurance documents and the insurer’s 24-hour emergency contact number to your tour leader, who will then allow you to join the travel group. Unfortunately, we cannot permit travellers who don’t have travel insurance to join any tours.

For travellers with credit card insurance, you will need to provide your group leader with the below details:

  • The name of the insurer or underwriter
  • The level of coverage
  • The policy number of the credit card insurance
  • The emergency contact number of the insurer

Your bank will provide you with these details.

Please note: some Namibian hospitals do not recognise some travel insurance policies, so please check with your insurer. Please seek alternative coverage if it is necessary.

WorldNomads Insurance offers adventure travel insurance and cancellation insurance. As we mentioned above, we recommend that you choose travel insurance that includes cancellation and curtailment insurance. The majority of tour departures are confirmed to depart, but in the unlikely event that we cancel a tour departure due to unforeseen circumstances, you would be protected.

Many credit card companies offer standard credit card insurance, so please check your insurance policy to see what it includes and excludes in its cover. If you opt to use your credit card insurance, you will need to contact your bank to get your policy details. Here are instructions on how to do so:

  • Contact your bank – they will ask you for your bank card number
  • Complete their account verification steps which they will give you on the call
  • Ask for the insurance company name and your policy number
  • Store the contact number that you dialled in your contact list

Money matters

Every traveller’s budget is different on a trip. We recommend that you bring a bit more money than you think you’ll need as a budget buffer. Please include amounts for things like meals not included, drinks, shopping, optional activities, tipping and laundry in your budget.

Please also ensure that you’ve read your trip details thoroughly to make sure that you know what’s included and excluded in the trip price. Doing this should make budgeting a little easier.

The recommendations we’ve made for additional costs are in U.S. dollars, so to have a better idea of the expenses for your budget, we advise that you convert these amounts to your local currency.

Meals not included

Food is one of the most fantastic ways to learn about the heritage and culture of a new destination. We do encourage you to try the local cuisine of the different locations that we will be visiting during the tour. Doing this will give you a comprehensive cultural experience and an opportunity to mingle with local residents.

We give you a chance to enjoy local cuisine on the occasion that we don’t include lunch or dinner. Your tour leader will recommend food options, markets and restaurants where you can safely have local cuisine. You can budget between US$10 and US$15 per meal for lunch, and between US$12 and US$25 for main meal dinner options. Please note that these are indicative prices only.

Giving gratuity is a great way to show your appreciation to service providers for their excellent service. It makes a significant difference to service providers in the local tourism industry, and it inspires a motivation on the part of service providers to keep a high quality of service. Tipping is optional, and should you choose to tip, the average amount is between US$7 and US$10 per person, per day.

We’ve put together this concise tipping guide using the feedback we’ve received from past travellers and our staff on the ground. This guide will help you with budgeting for tipping as you go on a tour:

  • Please consider tipping your tour crew members, including tour leaders, drivers and cooks if you feel that they provided you with outstanding service throughout your trip. It is not compulsory to give a tip, and the amount you choose to give is up to you. In general, a tip of US$3 or US$4 each staff member per day will be great. You can give each staff member their tip at the end of your tour.
  • Local guides: on occasion, a local tour guide will join the group to work with your tour leader. If you would like to tip the local tour guide, we suggest an amount of US$2 or US$3 per local guide, per day.
  • At restaurants: if your bill includes the 10% service fee, you won’t need to tip further. If the restaurant does not add the service fee to your bill, you can tip a minimum amount of 10% of your total bill.

Group kitty for tipping

We’ve found that some groups prefer putting money together for tips to overcome challenges such as not having the correct amount of small change to pay a tip.

Your tour leader might suggest a group kitty for tipping, where all members of the tour group contribute an equal amount of money to pay for tips. They will keep a running record of all monies spent, except for restaurant tips. Group members can check the running record at any time, and any remaining amounts will be returned to group members at the end of the tour. Group members exclude tips for the tour crew from this group kitty.

Emergency funds

Emergency funds are essential for dealing with unforeseen circumstances that we can encounter while travelling, such as natural disasters or a medical emergency. Please add US$500 to your travel budget to cater for emergencies. When unexpected circumstances occur, we will need to implement immediate changes to our itineraries, and these changes might involve extra costs.

Credit cards, ATMs and money exchange

In general, tourist shops and some restaurants across Africa accept credit cards. The preferred cards are Visa and Mastercard. If you have American Express and Diners, we suggest that you opt for the preferred options to lessen your payment worries. Most of Africa is cash dominant, so we recommend that you carry cash, especially for making purchases at small restaurants and local markets. You can exchange foreign currency at exchange bureaus, which usually offer the best rates.

With the increased availability of ATMs in many major towns, cities and campsites, you can access money conveniently using debit or credit cards. Please check the withdrawal limits and international bank charges with your bank as these amounts vary from country to country.

Please remember to notify your bank about the countries you’ll be visiting before your departure. Banks may freeze cards which show sudden transactions in other countries as a safety measure against fraud.

Your tour leader will give you an estimate of the amount you’ll need while travelling on a multi-country tour. Please remember that you will need U.S. dollar bills that are in excellent condition, and that are dated 2006 and newer when you pay in cash. Most businesses and banks, especially in East Africa, may refuse any old or damaged notes.

Accessing cash in Zimbabwe

Please bear in mind that obtaining money in Zimbabwe is difficult due to the current cash crisis. We advise that you bring enough cash in U.S. dollars to support your stay while you’re in the country. If you have any queries about accessing cash in Zimbabwe, please chat with your consultant. Your tour leader will be able to assist while travelling.

Departure tax

Various countries, including Zimbabwe, require you to pay an airport departure tax when departing on an international flight. You can expect to pay between US$10 and US$60, depending on the departure time.

Personal health and vaccinations

You will need excellent fitness levels to deal with the strenuous nature of our overland tours. Great fitness levels will also help you to enjoy the planned activities. We urge you to assess your fitness level when reading the itinerary to make an informed choice about your ability to cope with our tours.

If any traveller is unable to complete the itinerary without significant risk to themselves and other group members, the tour leader or local guide has the right to exclude them from part or all of a trip. If you are excluded from a part or all of the itinerary, please note that you will not be refunded. It is for this reason that we encourage you to access your fitness level when selecting a tour.

Please consult your doctor before departure for up-to-date medical travel information, including any necessary vaccinations and anti-malarial requirements. We encourage you to have a personal first aid kit that includes your specific medication.

Yellow fever

All travellers of one year of age and above need to present a valid yellow fever vaccination certificate on arrival at the airport or border crossing. If you don’t have one, immigration officers will deny you entry into the specific country. You might also need to present a valid vaccination certificate at the airport in your home country when you return from your vacation. Please make sure that you check all yellow fever requirements with a travel doctor.

Please ensure that your Typhoid vaccinations are up to date if you are travelling to Harare. Parts of the city have experienced a typhoid outbreak, with over 1,500 cases reported since 2011. Please seek advice from your travel doctor.

While travelling on safari, please avoid wearing blue, black and other dark coloured clothing as they attract the tsetse fly. A bite from the tsetse fly can cause sleeping sickness, with the chronic form of the illness being trypanosomiasis. Symptoms of sleeping sickness include fever, abnormal behaviour, headaches and swollen lymph nodes.

Drinking water

In general, we encourage you not to drink local tap water as you might fall ill. Your body will react adversely to a different region’s water standards. Falling ill, even if it’s an upset stomach, will spoil a day or two of your vacation. Many lodges and hotels provide safe drinking water, while bottled water is another alternative. We recommend that you include rehydration salts, painkillers, motion sickness medication, and diarrhoea blockers in your private first aid kit.

Crew and guides

A tour crew, consisting of a tour leader, a cook and a driver, will accompany a group. Regardless of the country of origin, we choose our crew members for their leadership skills and excellent service delivery. They are fantastic ambassadors for our company and our beautiful continent and its people. We include experienced and new crew members in our team, so there may be occasions where you travel with a new crew member or one that is undergoing training.

Your tour leader manages trip logistics to ensure that the tour runs smoothly, safely and timeously. They help with setting up camp and drawing up the chore roster for the group. On some occasions, they may drive. They will be able to give you historical, environmental, cultural, religious and social insight into the various destinations covered during the tour. The local guide will have in-depth knowledge of these various aspects.

Tour cooks handle the preparation and cooking of meals during a tour. They make sure that high hygiene standards are kept at all times while camping. Grocery shopping and meal preparation times are fantastic for bonding together as a group. Your cook will enjoy a great conversation with you while sharing in the task of preparing meals.

Getting to the next location on the itinerary safely and timeously is the responsibility of the driver. They also ensure that our safari trucks undergo regular maintenance for roadworthiness.

Everyone is expected to participate and carry their share of camp duties. The duties Rota system ensures that all members share a load of general camp duties. This includes cooking, shopping, and washing up. If the whole group participates in doing chores, it will be quicker and more fun to get through all of them.

Safety on tour

We go to great lengths to make sure that our tours are as safe as possible. These include maintaining our vehicles to ensure maximum roadworthiness and checking local travel advisories for up-to-date safety information. With safety being a primary priority for us, group tour leaders have the authority to change or cancel any portion of the trip itinerary should safety concerns arise. Please make sure to cooperate with them and adhere to their advice.

Please ensure that you check your government’s latest travel information before departure. We urge you to verify that your travel insurance covers you for all areas your itinerary covers.

We advise that you keep valuable documents and money in a money pouch that you can hide in a jacket. Many of the hotels that we use have secure safety deposit boxes if you prefer to use them for storing your valuable documents. Getting a safety lock to secure your luggage is also a great safety precaution. Please remember to leave your expensive jewellery at home for safety reasons.

You will have some free time during your trip to explore a given location at your leisure. Should you choose to do an activity that isn’t part of the itinerary, please bear in mind that we are not liable for the safety standards of the activity and the standard of operators running them. Please use your discretion when selecting optional activities to do during your free time. You can ask your tour leader for advice on optional exploration activities to do – they will be more than happy to help.

Fire precautions

Not every accommodation facility that we use has a fire exit, fire extinguishers or smoke alarms. We will advise on what to do should an emergency arise at the facilities on tour.

Many accommodation facilities in Africa are basic. Expect to either have a facility with a small balcony or a facility that doesn’t have a balcony.

Details about traffic and driving

The different countries that we visit on our tours drive on different sides of the road. For example, Kenya and South Africa drive on the left, and Rwanda drives on the right. Before you cross the road, please remember to look left and right. Traffic may be busier than what you’re used to in your home country.

Please bear in mind that local laws governing transportation safety may differ from those in your home country. Not all the transport we use provides seat belts.

Pick pocketing  and personal safety

In order to safeguard as much as possible against pick pocketing, especially in touristy cities, please be cautious when walking at night. We encourage you to walk in groups and only on main, well-lit areas. Please also be careful when using public transport. Simple protection measures for your belongings include carrying your day pack on your front and only carry the things you’ll need for the day. It’s best to leave valuables stored in safety boxes in your hotel room or the overland truck.

Water safety

Waves and currents in the ocean, river or open water bodies can be unpredictable. Please be cautious when taking in any water activities, and please ensure that you can swim. If you want to partake in swimming activities, please ask for local advice before entering the water.

Unfenced campsites

Please note that we will be staying in unfenced camp sites located inside national parks on some trips. Here, you will experience nature in its most authentic form. We ask that you adhere to any advice given to you by our tour leaders and the park rangers. Their guidance will ensure your safety and that of the entire group.

Homosexuality in Tanzania

Please note that homosexuality is illegal in Tanzania, including Zanzibar.  In June 2017, the Tanzanian government announced that it was unlawful for LGBQTI rights advocates to operate in the country and that these actions will result in arrest and imprisonment. Public displays of homosexuality, such as hand-holding, could lead to arrest and up to 30 years’ imprisonment. If you are affected by this law, please see your country’s current travel advisory for further information.

Bilharzia is caused by parasitic worms found in fresh water that has been contaminated by animal and human waste. Symptoms include a skin rash, vaginal bleeding, body aches, fatigue and blood in the stool. Please be mindful of shallow reedy waters in the vicinity of villages.

Price Disclaimer: Tour is Priced ZAR 63525 - ZAR 81445 (Price fluctuates based on seats available, confirm with your consultant). Currency fluctuations may occur

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Kenia & Tansania – Faszination Ostafrika

  • Kleinstgruppenreise
  • Tented Camps & Lodges
  • Safariliebhaber
  • Naturliebhaber
  • auch Deutschsprachige

10 Tage Kenia Safari

Auf dieser großen Ostafrika Safari besuchen Sie die beliebtesten Nationalparks der Region und einen Geheimtipp für Nashornsichtungen, das Solio Game Reserve. In Kenias Masai Mara und Laka Nakuru und Tansanias Serengeti und Ngorongoro Krater warten spektakuläre Wildtiererlebnisse auf Sie. Sie reisen in unserem 4×4 Toyota Land Cruiser und in einer Kleinstgruppe von nicht mehr als sieben Gästen. An zehn Tagen haben Sie genug Zeit, jeden Moment Ihrer Safari zu genießen, ohne in Eile zu sein. Auf dieser Safari verbringen Sie sieben der insgesamt neun Nächte in exklusiven und persönlichen Tented Camps. In Tented Camps genießen Sie den Luxus einer Lodge und gleichzeitig eine ganz besondere Nähe zur Natur.

The mountains of Uganda are home to the endangered mountain gorillas. The spectacular moment when you can observe these friendly primates only a few meters away is an experience that is hard to beat.

ab 4.670 EUR im DZ

Die reise in bildern.

Kenia Safari 10-Tage Nakuru


„Erst wenn man Teil dieser wunderschönen Landschaft und Tierwelt war, weiß man, was reines Glück bedeutet – Danke!“

Jeanette und Rebekka

Highlights auf dieser reise.

10 Tage Kenia Safari Gruppenreise

Diese Reise buchen

Deutschsprachige, auch einzelreisende, unser expertentipp.

„Wer die beiden TOP Safaridestinationen auf einer Reise verbinden möchte, der ist auf dieser Tour genau richtig. Man erlebt die absoluten Highlights beider Länder: die weltbelkannte Masai Mara in Kenia und die Serengeti, wie das Naturschutzgebiet auf tansanischer Seite der Grenze heißt. Die Tiere stört die nicht zu sehende „Grenze“ nicht und sie wandern ungehindert zwischen Masai Mara und Serengeti hin und her. Mein Geheimtipp ist eine Ballonsafari entweder in der Masai Mara oder der Serengeti, bei der man sich bei Sonnenaufgang in die Lüfte erhebt und beinahe lautlos über die Tiere der Savanne hinwegschwebt. Dies alles erlebt man noch bevor alle anderen aus den Unterkünften ihre Pirschfahrten starten. Unglaublich schön!“

Stephan Schuff

Detaillierter Tourverlauf

Fahrstrecke: ca. 200 km; reine Fahrzeit ca. 3-4 Stunden

Heute beginnt Ihre 10-tägige Safari zu den beliebtesten Nationalparks in Kenia und Tanania. Wir treffen Sie in Nairobi für eine kurze Vorbesprechung über die kommenden zehn Tage. Nachdem Sie Ihren Guide getroffen haben, geht es zum außergewöhnlichen Solio Game Reserve in der Aberdare Region. Dieses private Naturschutzgebiet ist Vorbild für den erfolgreichen Schutz von Nashörnern – es ist wahrscheinlich der beste Ort in ganz Ostafrika, um zahlreiche Nashörner zu sehen. Und das Beste: Es ist ein gut gehütetes Geheimnis und Sie werden auf Ihrer Pirschfahrt durch dieses exklusive Game Reserve nur wenigen anderen Reisenden begegnen. Solio ist auch Heimat von Löwen, Büffeln, Wasserböcken und vielen Vogelarten, die in den wunderschönen Gelbfieberakazienwäldern leben. Ihre erste Nacht unterwegs verbringen Sie in der familiären Rhino Watch Safari Lodge. Mit etwas Glück sehen Sie sogar den Mt. Kenya in der Ferne. Willkommen in Kenia!

Mittagessen | Abendessen

Fahrstrecke: ca. 185 km; reine Fahrzeit ca. 4-5 Stunden

Auf Safari beginnt der Tag früh. Nach einem leckeren Frühstück fahren Sie Richtung Lake Nakuru Nationalpark. Unterwegs machen Sie einen kurzen Stopp an Kenias höchsten Wasserfällen in Nyahururu und schauen zu, wie das Wasser 72 Meter in die Tiefe stürzt. Vorbei geht es an kleinen Dörfern, bis Sie am Nachmittag am Lake Nakuru ankommen und auf Pirschfahrt gehen. Dieses Paradies für Vogelliebhaber ist besonders bekannt für seine großen Flamingokolonien, die den See je nach Wasserstand und Jahreszeit rosa erstrahlen lassen. Lake Nakuru ist auch Heimat der seltenen Rothschild’s Giraffe und den gefährdeten Breit- und Spitzmaulnashörnern. Wenn die Sonne langsam untergeht, ist es Zeit, sich im Flamingo Hill Tented Camp zu entspannen. Hier verbringen Sie die Nacht.

Frühstück | Mittagessen | Abendessen

Fahrstrecke: ca. 245 km; reine Fahrzeit ca. 7 Stunden

Lassen Sie sich verzaubern! Heute geht es Richtung Süden, Ihr Ziel ist die Masai Mara. Auf Ihrem Weg durch das Great Rift Valley kommen Sie am Lake Naivasha vorbei, der Blumenhauptstadt Kenias, und am Mt Suswa, einem inaktiven Vulkan. Sie fahren tiefer in das Land der Masai, bis Sie an einem der besten Orte für Wildtierbeobachtungen des Kontinents ankommen. Ihre erste von vielen Pirschfahrten durch die Mara beginnt am Nachmittag. In der Heimat der Big Five – Elefant, Nashorn, Büffel, Löwe und Leopard – und vieler anderer Tierarten verbringen Sie die nächsten Tage damit, gemeinsam mit Ihrem Guide Tiere zu erspähen und zu beobachten. Ihr Zuhause für die nächsten beiden Nächte ist Julia’s River Camp, ein persönliches Tented Camp an den Ufern des Talek Rivers. Tiere stören sich nicht an Parkgrenzen, deshalb können Sie sie immer in nächster Nähe erwarten.

Fahrstrecke: Pirschfahrt im Park

Früh brechen Sie auf und haben so den ganzen Tag Zeit, das Masai Mara Game Reserve zu erkunden. Wenn Sie während der Great Migration reisen, wenn hunderttausende Gnus und Zebras dem Regen folgen und aus Tansanias Serengeti nach Kenia wandern, dann machen Sie einen Stopp am Mara River. Hier können Sie mit etwas Glück ein „crossing“ beobachten, wenn die Tiere den Fluss überqueren und dabei versuchen, den hungrigen Krokodilen nicht zu nah zu kommen. Das Schöne am heutigen Tag: Sie haben Zeit. Sie sind nicht in Eile und können jeden Moment in vollen Zügen genießen. Wenn Sie einmal die Big Five gesehen haben, wendet sich Ihre Aufmerksamkeit den anderen Tieren zu: Hyänen und Geparden durchstreifen die Savanne, Wasserböcke und Zebras kommen zum Fluss, um ihren Durst zu stillen, während Flusspferde im trüben Wasser ihre empfindliche Haut vor der Sonne schützen. Kehren Sie zurück zu Julia’s River Camp und teilen Sie Ihre Geschichten mit den anderen Gästen beim Essen und einem weiteren Abend im Busch.

Ein weiterer Tag voll spannender Erlebnisse unter Wildtieren erwartet Sie in der Mara. Heute erkunden Sie den westlichen Teil des Game Reserves. So bekommen Sie einen tiefen Einblick in das Mara Ökosystem. Sie werden überrascht sein, wie viel Sie jetzt schon über Kenias Flora und Fauna wissen. Neben Ihrem Guide sehen Sie Ihre Umgebung durch die Augen eines Locals und sehen mehr als perfekte Sonnenuntergänge und stolze Löwenmähnen. Sie lernen die Strukturen und die Zerbrechlichkeit des Ökosystems kennen. Die heutige Nacht verbringen Sie im abgelegenen Mara West Camp. Von hier genießen Sie die Panoramaaussicht über die Masai Mara und können sich an die Erlebnisse erinnern, die Sie mit dieser Gegend verbinden werden, während um Sie herum Bushbabies von Ast zu Ast springen.

Fahrstrecke: ca. 270 km; reine Fahrzeit ca. 6-7 Stunden

Auch Ihr letzter Morgen in Kenia startet früh. Lassen Sie Ihren Blick noch einmal über die Weiten der Mara schweifen, bevor Sie sich auf den Weg nach Isebania zur Grenze nach Tansania machen. Nach den Einreiseformalitäten geht es zum Ziel des heutigen Tages: dem Lake Victoria. Entlang der Ufer des größten Sees Afrikas können Sie den Nachmittag in der Speke Bay Lodge verbringen, wie Ihnen der Sinn steht. Klopfen Sie sich den Staub der vergangenen abenteuerlichen Tage aus der Kleidung, entspannen Sie etwas oder checken Sie Ihre E-Mails, damit Sie sich darüber in den kommenden Tagen keine Gedanken machen müssen. Aber vor allem: Genießen Sie den Ausblick auf den Lake Victoria. In der Speke Bay Lodge werden Sie auch übernachten. Willkommen in Tansania!

Fahrstrecke: ca. 190 km; reine Fahrzeit ca. 4-5 Stunden

Ihr erster Morgen in Tansania beginnt mit einer Kanufahrt auf dem Lake Victoria. Gemeinsam mit einem lokalen Fischer fahren Sie über den größten See Afrikas, während er Ihnen die Methoden des traditionellen Fischfangs erklärt. Zurück im Fischerdorf können Sie den Fang der letzten Nacht bestaunen. Nun ist es an der Zeit – es geht zurück in den Busch. Nach einer knappen Stunde Fahrt erreichen Sie die Tore der Serengeti und Ihre Pirschfahrt beginnt. Gemeinsam mit der Masai Mara ist die Serengeti Schauplatz der Great Migration, der großen Wanderung der Gnus und Zebras. Wenn Sie die Herden in Kenia verpasst haben, haben Sie vielleicht in Tansania die Gelegenheit, dieses Naturwunder zu sehen. Der Name Serengeti bedeutet übersetzt „endlose Weiten“ und Sie werden schnell sehen, warum: scheinbar endlos erstrecken sich Graslandschaften bis zum Horizont – Ihnen wird es den Atem verschlagen. Die weiten Flächen sind unterbrochen von Kopjes, den großen Felsformationen und bevorzugten Plätzen für Löwen, die ein Nickerchen halten wollen. Am späten Nachmittag kommen Sie im Kati Kati Tented Camp an. Mitten in der Serengeti bringt Sie dieses exklusive und nicht eingezäunte Camp so nah an die Wildnis wie kaum ein anderes.

Erwachen Sie zum Vogelgezwitscher und der aufgehenden Sonne und genießen Sie ein herrliches Buschfrühstück in der Central Serengeti. Gemeinsam mit Ihrem Guide können Sie den ganzen Tag lang die Serengeti erkunden. Fahren Sie links, wenn andere rechts fahren und Sie werden ganz private Momente unter Tansanias Wildtieren erleben. Die Serengeti ist für ihre großen Löwenrudel bekannt, die Sie in vielen Lebenslagen beobachten können. Schauen Sie auch in die Äste der Bäume, wo sich Leoparden beim Verputzen ihrer Beute verstecken. Kein Tag auf Safari ist wie der andere und Sie werden überrascht sein, wie viele neue Dinge Sie an diesem achten Tag Ihrer großen Ostafrika Safari entdecken. Kehren Sie zurück ins Kati Kati Tented Camp und gesellen Sie sich zu den anderen Gästen vor den „Busch Fernseher“, dem prasselnden Lagerfeuer.

Fahrstrecke: ca. 225 km; reine Fahrzeit ca. 5-6 Stunden

Wenn Sie die Serengeti heute Morgen verlassen, nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit und halten nach Raubkatzen Ausschau – wenn die Temperaturen kühler sind, sind die Katzen aktiver und gehen auf Jagd. Am späten Morgen erreichen Sie die Ngorongoro Conservation Area und fahren noch vor dem Mittagessen hinab in den Ngorongoro Krater für eine letzte spektakuläre Pirschfahrt. Diese inaktive Kaldera ist saisonal Heimat von mehr als 25.000 Tieren. Große Zebraherden, Büffel und Löwenrudel streifen über den Kraterboden. Die steilen Kraterwände sind mit dichtem Bergwald bewachsen und stets sichtbar; so zeigen sie die Umrisse dieses Wildtierparadieses ganz genau auf – ein wirklich einmaliger Ort. Nach Ihrer Pirschfahrt fahren Sie nach Karatu Im Ngorongoro Hochland, wo Sie Ihre letzte Nacht der Reise in einer der drei wunderschön gelegenen Tanganyika Wilderness Adventure Lodges verbringen.

Fahrstrecke: ca. 165 km; reine Fahrzeit ca. 3-4 Stunden

Nach einem entspannten Frühstück begeben Sie sich auf den Weg nach Arusha, wo Sie gegen Mittag eintreffen werden. 10 Tage sind wie im Flug vergangen – hier endet Ihre erlebnisreiche Safari in der Stadt oder an einem der Flughäfen (Arusha/Kilimanjaro).

Frühstück | Mittagessen

Gerne schlagen wir Ihnen auch ein passendes Angebot für einen Strandurlaub auf Sansibar oder an einem der Strände Mombasas vor. Kontaktieren Sie hierzu gerne unser Team .

Unterkünfte auf dieser Reise

Rhino Watch Lodge 10 Tage Kenia Safari

Rhino Watch Safari Lodge

Julia’s River Camp

Julia’s River Camp

Speke Bay Lodge Safari

Speke Bay Lodge

Kati Kati Camp Serengeti

Kati Kati Tented Camp

Kenia Tansania Faszination Ostafrika

Daten & Preise

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Best of Tansania Safari: Serengeti, Ngorongoro Krater & mehr

Zebraherde auf 7-tägiger Tansania Safari

  • Kleinstgruppe
  • Tansania-Neulinge
  • auch Einzelreisende

Südafrika Trekkingreise entlang der Wild Coast

Trekkingreise Südafrika

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  • Outdoorfreunde

Botswana Entdecken

Rundreise Botswana Simbabwe

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Kenia Safaris

Finden und buchen Sie Ihre Traum-Safari im zauberhaften Kenia. Sie haben die Wahl zwischen 857 Safaris in der Masai Mara, dem Amboseli oder vielen weiteren Nationalparks mit einer Länge zwischen 1 und 21 Tagen. Der beliebteste Monat für eine Safari durch Kenia ist Oktober.

250+ Kenia Safaritouren (inkl. 1.299 Erfahrungsberichte)

Kenia Höhepunkte Safari ab Nairobi - 6 Tage Rundreise

  • Familienreise
  • Wildlife Tour
  • Big Five Safari
  • Weihnachts- & Silvesterreise

Kenia Höhepunkte Safari ab Nairobi - 6 Tage

  • Nur €150 Anzahlung an manchen Reiseterminen Spartipp: An manchen Reiseterminen fällt eine niedrigere Anzahlung an.

Faszination Afrika - Nairobi (11 Tage) Rundreise

Faszination Afrika - Nairobi (11 Tage)

Kenia Safari in der Luft und am Land 9 Tage Rundreise

Kenia Safari in der Luft und am Land 9 Tage

Kenia Safari ab Nairobi - 12 Tage Rundreise

Kenia Safari ab Nairobi - 12 Tage

5 Sterne ++++ Das war eine tolle Erfahrung. Großartige Kommunikation von Bryan, bevor ich ging, beantwortete alle Fragen, die ich hatte, innerhalb von Stunden. Mein Guide Dennis, was soll ich sagen, dieser Mann kennt die Parks und weiß, wo die Tiere zu finden sind. Ich glaube nicht, dass es ein Tier gibt, das ich nicht gesehen habe, er hat sich mehr als nur Mühe gegeben und dafür gesorgt, dass ich alles gesehen habe und das richtige Foto geschossen oder sogar Fotos für mich gemacht. Wir hatten einige lange Fahrten im Van, nur er und ich, wir sprachen über das kenianische und irische Leben, hörten kenianische Musik, blieben im Schlamm stecken, weil es stark regnete, und jeder half jedem, sich aus dem Schlamm zu befreien - all das war Teil der Erfahrung. Ich war eine weibliche Alleinreisende und fühlte mich während der gesamten 12 Tage sicher, was sicherlich viel bedeutet, so dass ich die Aussicht auf die Tiere usw. genießen konnte. Kenia ist ein wunderschönes Land, mit wunderbaren, freundlichen Menschen. Ich kann diese Tour nicht genug empfehlen ?

Kenia Highlights Rundreise

Kenia Highlights

Masai Mara, Lake Nakuru und Amboseli Budget Safari - 7 Tage Rundreise

  • Tierwanderung

Masai Mara, Lake Nakuru und Amboseli Budget Safari - 7 Tage

Die klimatischen Bedingungen waren wunderbar, der Empfang durch den Rezeptionisten war einfach beeindruckend, es war ein wirklich herzlicher Empfang, der mir Freude bereitet hat. Es war anders als alle anderen Orte, an denen ich je war, denn ich durfte mich frei bewegen, im Gegensatz zu anderen Orten, an denen es viele Einschränkungen und Unfreundlichkeit gibt. Ich bin jetzt nur noch ein Werbeträger, der jede Minute von diesem Ort spricht. Es ist in der Tat ein fantastischer, ausgezeichneter und wunderbarer Ort der Erfrischung ????????????
  • Nur €99 Anzahlung an manchen Reiseterminen Spartipp: An manchen Reiseterminen fällt eine niedrigere Anzahlung an.

Beeindruckende Kenia Safari - 4 Tage  Rundreise

Beeindruckende Kenia Safari - 4 Tage

Einfach das Beste! die ganze Tour plus unser Guide war erstklassig, vielen Dank East Africa Safari Bookers Team für eine wunderbare Reise organisiert.

Kenia: Big Five Wildtier private Safari - 6 Tage Rundreise

Kenia: Big Five Wildtier private Safari - 6 Tage

Ich hatte kürzlich das Privileg, eine 6-tägige private Luxussafari mit Big Five Kenya zu unternehmen, und ich muss sagen, es war ein unvergleichliches Erlebnis, das alle meine Erwartungen übertroffen hat. Von der Ankunft bis zur Verabschiedung wurde jeder Aspekt der Expedition einwandfrei durchgeführt, und unser sachkundiger und sympathischer Reiseleiter Medison trug wesentlich zu meiner Zufriedenheit bei. Die 6-tägige private Luxus-Safari mit Big Five Kenya war ein unvergessliches Erlebnis, das mir eine tiefe Wertschätzung für die Wunder der afrikanischen Tierwelt vermittelt hat. Die Kombination aus fachkundiger Führung, luxuriösen Unterkünften und dem Engagement für den Naturschutz machen Big Five Kenya zu einer erstklassigen Wahl für jeden, der ein einmaliges Safari-Abenteuer erleben möchte. Ich empfehle sie von ganzem Herzen anderen Reisenden und Tierliebhabern und freue mich schon auf meine nächste Expedition mit diesem hervorragenden Unternehmen.

Kenia: Vom Busch zum Strand 9 Tage Rundreise

Kenia: Vom Busch zum Strand 9 Tage

6 Tage Vogelbeobachtungs-Safari (Masai Mara & die Seen) Rundreise

6 Tage Vogelbeobachtungs-Safari (Masai Mara & die Seen)

Beste Tour-Erfahrung

Masai Mara Safari zur Gnu-Wanderung - 8 Tage Rundreise

Masai Mara Safari zur Gnu-Wanderung - 8 Tage

Masai Mara, Lake Naivasha, Lake Nakuru &Amboseli - 7 Tage Rundreise

  • Camping Reise

Masai Mara, Lake Naivasha, Lake Nakuru &Amboseli - 7 Tage

Tolle Reise in Kenia Ich habe eine 7-tägige Kenia-Safari gemacht und Ernest hat alles gut geplant. Shadrack, der Reiseleiter, war einfach fantastisch. Ich werde auf jeden Fall wiederkommen.

Kenya Highlights, Private Tour Rundreise

Kenya Highlights, Private Tour

Vom Kilimandscharo nach Mombasa Rundreise

Vom Kilimandscharo nach Mombasa

So wunderschön! Die Landschaften dieser Tour sind verrückt!

Unvergessliches Kenia private Safari - 6 Tage Rundreise

Unvergessliches Kenia private Safari - 6 Tage

Die 6-tägige Safari war mehr als nur ein Urlaub; sie war eine transformative Reise in das Herz der berühmtesten Wildtierreservate Afrikas. Die Kombination aus unglaublichen Landschaften, fachkundigen Führern und einer reibungslosen Logistik machte dieses Abenteuer zu einem absoluten Vergnügen. Ich kann anderen Reisenden, die die Naturwunder Tansanias auf beeindruckende Weise erleben möchten, diese Safari nicht genug empfehlen. Ein großes Lob an das gesamte Team von professional-safari-africa.com, das diese Reise zu einem wirklich unvergesslichen Erlebnis gemacht hat!
  • Wildlife Tour (373)
  • Big Five Safari (174)
  • Tierwanderung (68)
  • Flugsafari (13)
  • Flitterwochen Safari (7)


  • Masai Mara (121)
  • Lake Nakuru (76)
  • Amboseli (55)
  • Amboseli (34)
  • Samburu (12)

Destinationen in Kenia

  • Masai Mara (127)
  • Masai Mara (118)
  • Lake Nakuru (79)
  • Amboseli (56)
  • Amboseli (35)
  • Mount Kenya (15)
  • Zentralkenia (15)

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  • 7 Days The Perfect First Safari
  • 6 Days The Complete Northern Circuit Safari
  • 6 Days Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater & Lake Manyara
  • 5 Days Tarangire National Park, Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara
  • 3 Tage in der Serengeti
  • 4 Days Tarangire National Park, Serengeti & Ngorongoro Crater
  • 4 Days Serengeti & Ngorongoro Crater
  • 4 Days Lake Manyara National Park, Serengeti & Ngorongoro Crater
  • 3 Days Tarangire National Park, Ngorongoro Crater & Lake Manyara
  • 3 Days Serengeti & Ngorongoro Crater
  • 3 Days Tarangire National Park, Ngorongoro Crater & Maasai Village
  • 2 Days Tarangire National Park & Ngorongoro Crater
  • 10 Days Tanzania Kenya Safari
  • 9 Days Arusha National Park, Tarangire, Lake Natron, Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Eyasi & Lake Manyara
  • 8 Days Arusha National Park, Tarangire, Lake Natron, Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater & Lake Manyara
  • die Juwelen Tansanias
  • 9 Days Machame Route
  • 8 Days Machame Route
  • 9 Days Lemosho Route
  • 10 Days Lemosho Route
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  • 8 Days Marangu Route
  • 7 Days Marangu Route
  • 8 Days Rongai Route
  • 9 Days Rongai Route
  • 8 Days Umbwe Route
  • 6 Days Mount Meru Trekking
  • 5 Days Mount Meru Trekking
  • 6 Days Usambara Mountains
  • 4 Days Monduli Juu Trek
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  • Tarangire National Park
  • Mount Kilimanjaro Day Hike
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  • Marangu Day Trip
  • Moshi Bike Tour
  • Maasai Village Overnight Trip
  • 18 Days Kilimanjaro Safari Zanzibar
  • 16 Days Kenya Tanzania Zanzibar
  • 14 Days Safari Zanzibar
  • 14 Days Kilimanjaro Safari
  • 12 Days Mount Meru Kilimanjaro
  • 11 Days Kilimanjaro Zanzibar
  • 4 Days Zanzibar Beaches


Tansania Kenia Safari

Jetzt buchen

Tarangire, Serengeti, Ngorongoro Krater, Amboseli, Naivasha & Masai Mara

Enthaltene leistungen.

  • Alle Fahrten in einem Safari-Van mit Hubdach (Kenia) und Allrad-Safarifahrzeug (4x4 Land Cruiser) mit Hubdach (Tansania)
  • 1 Nacht im Rafiki Backpackers & Guesthouse
  • 2 Nächte im Mara Explorers Camp
  • Camping & Parkgebühren
  • Zelt & Matratzen
  • Englischsprachiger Safari-Guide und Koch
  • 9 x Frühstück; 10 x Mittagessen; 9 x Abendessen
  • Naturwanderung ausserhalb der Masai Mara
  • Bootssafari auf dem Naivashasee
  • Halbtagesausflug nach Marangu

Nicht enthalten

  • Reiseversicherung
  • Persönliche Sachen
  • Abendessen in Moshi (optional buchbar für 15 USD pro Person)
  • Erhöhung von Parkgebühren
  • Trinkgelder für Safari-Guide und Koch
  • Soda und alkoholische Getränke
  • Optionale Aktivitäten (Ballonfahrt in Masai Mara $450pp; Maasai Dorf $10pp)

1. Tag: Moshi zum Tarangire Nationalpark nach Mto wa Mbu

2. tag: mto wa mbu zum serengeti nationalpark, 3. tag: serengeti nationalpark zum ngorongoro krater, 4. tag: ngorongoro krater nach moshi, 5. tag: moshi zum amboseli nationalpark, 6. tag: amboseli nationalpark, 7. tag: amboseli nationalpark zum naivasha see, 8. tag: naivasha see zur masai mara, 9. tag: masai mara, 10. tag: masai mara nach nairobi.

Simba Camp Ngorongoro Crater-3


safari kenia 10 tage


safari kenia 10 tage

  • 3 wunderschöne & kontrastreiche Reiseziele
  • Hervorragende Tierbeobachtungen
  • Erholung pur an Sansibars weißen Sandstränden

safari kenia 10 tage

  • Arusha Nationalpark
  • Tarangire & Lake Manyara Nationalpark
  • Serengeti & Ngorongoro Krater

safari kenia 10 tage

  • Über Viva Africa Tours
  • Alle Reisen
  • Tagesausflüge
  • Tansania Reiseblog
  • Reiseinformationen
  • Shuttle Service
  • Buchungsbedingungen
  • Häufige Fragen
  • Agentur-Anfrage

VIVA AFRICA TOURS Postfach 7292, Moshi, Kilimanjaro, Tansania

[email protected]

+255 758 555 554


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Kenya From Within

Showcasing Kenya to the World

Maasai Mara Kenya Safari

Kenya Safari Destinations – 10 Must Visit National Parks and Reserves

Kenya , known as the jewel of East Africa, is a country blessed with diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife, making it a premier destination for safari enthusiasts. From vast savannahs to lush forests, Kenya offers a captivating array of safari experiences.

Kenya Safari Destinations

1. maasai mara national reserve, 2. amboseli national park, 3. samburu national reserve, 4. tsavo east and west national parks, 5. lake nakuru national park, 6. aberdare national park, 7. mount kenya national park, 8. hell’s gate national park, 9. meru national park, 10. chyulu hills national park.

In this article, we’ll explore 10 must-visit safari destinations that showcase the rich biodiversity and natural beauty of this African gem.

safari kenia 10 tage

The Maasai Mara is perhaps the most iconic safari destination in Kenya, renowned for its breathtaking annual wildebeest migration. This vast expanse of savannah is home to the Big Five (lion, elephant, buffalo, leopard, and rhinoceros) and offers exceptional opportunities for game viewing. The Mara River, cutting through the reserve, is a spectacle of drama during the Wildebeest migration season .

safari kenia 10 tage

Located at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro, Amboseli National Park provides a unique safari experience with the stunning backdrop of Africa’s highest peak. Famous for its large elephant herds, the park offers fantastic views of wildlife against the backdrop of Kilimanjaro. The swamps and lakes within the park attract a variety of bird species, adding to the overall charm.

safari kenia 10 tage

For a taste of Kenya’s northern frontier, Samburu National Reserve is a must-visit. This arid landscape is home to unique wildlife such as the Grevy’s zebra, Somali ostrich, and the reticulated giraffe. The Ewaso Ng’iro River flowing through the reserve sustains diverse flora and fauna, creating a striking contrast to the surrounding aridity.

safari kenia 10 tage

Known for their sheer size, Tsavo East and West National Parks collectively form one of the largest wildlife conservation areas in the world. Tsavo East is characterized by vast plains and the iconic Yatta Plateau, while Tsavo West boasts diverse landscapes including volcanic craters and Mzima Springs, a freshwater oasis that attracts a variety of animals.

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This compact yet remarkable park is famous for the vast flocks of flamingos that transform the shores of Lake Nakuru into a sea of pink. Beyond flamingos, the park is a haven for rhinos, both black and white, as well as lions, leopards, and a myriad of bird species. The picturesque landscapes surrounding the lake provide a serene setting for safari adventures.

safari kenia 10 tage

For a safari experience in the highlands, Aberdare National Park offers lush forests, waterfalls, and diverse wildlife. The park is renowned for its tree lodges, providing a unique opportunity to observe animals at close range from elevated vantage points. Elephants, buffaloes, and various primates are among the inhabitants of this scenic park.

safari kenia 10 tage

A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Mount Kenya National Park is centered around Africa’s second-highest peak. The park is a haven for hikers and climbers, but it also offers an opportunity for a unique safari experience in the foothills. The lower slopes are home to a variety of wildlife, including elephants, buffaloes, and the elusive bongo antelope.

safari kenia 10 tage

For a change of scenery, Hell’s Gate National Park is a geothermal wonderland featuring hot springs, geysers, and towering cliffs. This unique park allows visitors to hike and cycle amidst the wildlife, including zebras, giraffes, and baboons. The dramatic landscapes served as the inspiration for Disney’s “The Lion King.”

safari kenia 10 tage

Immortalized in Joy Adamson’s “Born Free,” Meru National Park offers a quieter, off-the-beaten-path safari experience. The park is known for its diverse habitats, including riverine forests, grasslands, and swamps. Visitors can explore the park’s hidden gems, such as the Elsa’s Kopje, named after the famous lioness from “Born Free.”

safari kenia 10 tage

Tucked between Amboseli and Tsavo West, Chyulu Hills National Park is a hidden gem known for its rolling green hills and ancient lava tubes. The park provides a serene setting for walking safaris, offering a chance to spot a variety of wildlife, including elephants, giraffes, and a range of bird species.

safari kenia 10 tage

Kenya’s safari destinations offer a tapestry of landscapes and wildlife experiences that make it a dream destination for nature lovers and adventure seekers. Whether witnessing the Great Migration in the Maasai Mara or exploring the geothermal wonders of Hell’s Gate, each destination contributes to Kenya’s reputation as a safari paradise. Go on a journey through these 10 must-visit Safari destinations and immerse yourself in the raw beauty of Kenya’s wilderness.

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Lake Nakuru National Park

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Safaris Designed For You

Willkommen bei DM Tours , Ihrem erfahrenen und lizenzierten Spezialisten für unvergessliche Safari-Erlebnisse in der atemberaubenden Wildnis Kenias.

Seit dem 1. August 2023 leiten wir, Nadine und Aaron, als die neuen Eigentümer von DM Tours, das Unternehmen in eine aufregende neue Ära. Unser Gründer Denis ist zwar in den wohlverdienten Ruhestand getreten, bleibt uns jedoch mit seiner unermesslichen Erfahrung und Weisheit als Mentor treu.

Mit mittlerweile 11 erstklassigen Toyota LandCruisern und einem Auge auf zukünftige Safari-Destinationen, rüsten wir uns für die Abenteuer die vor uns liegen. Wir sind mehr als bereit DM Tours auf eine glänzende Zukunft vorzubereiten, und dabei jeden Schritt mit Ihnen zu teilen.

Erleben Sie mit uns die Magie Kenias: Faszinierende Landschaften, unvergessliche Nächte am Lagerfeuer unter einem Sternenhimmel, der heller funkelt als irgendwo sonst, das eindrucksvolle Trompeten der Elefanten am Wasserloch und die majestätischen Rufe der Löwen in der Ferne. Bei DM Tours ist keine Safari wie die andere, aber jedes Erlebnis verspricht unvergessliche Eindrücke, die bei jedem Naturfreund tief in Erinnerung bleiben.

Freuen Sie sich auf neue, spannende Safari-Destinationen und die unzähligen kostbaren Glücksmomente, die nur eine echte Kenia-Safari bieten kann. Ihr Abenteuer beginnt hier – mit DM Tours

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Warum DM Tours?

Reiseexperten, 24/7 auf safari support, beste preise garantiert, beliebte safaris, governor's camp, höhepunkte:.

Luxuriöse Safari-Zelte

Erstklassige Tierbeobachtung


  • Maasai Mara

Ab 2,079€ PP


4 National Parks 

Große Elefanten Herden

Einzigartige Landschaften

Eine Woche voller unvergesslicher Abenteuer

  • Lake Naivasha


Oloololo Escarpment

Privates Nashorn-Schutzgebiet

Panorama Blick auf das Mara Triangle

Erstklassiger Service 

DM Tours ist das renommierte deutsche Safari-Unternehmen in Diani Beach, Kenia mit langjähriger Erfahrung. Ihr lizenzierter Spezialist für die kostbaren Glücksmomente einer Safari in Kenia!

Wir erfüllen die hohen Ansprüche an Ihre perfekte Safari mit Verantwortung, Leidenschaft, über zwanzigjähriger Erfahrung und großer Sorgfalt.


Beatrix van der Linden


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Wichtige Mitteilung: Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitzuteilen, dass DM Tours und Safaris Ltd ab sofort DAN Magical Tours Ltd heißt. Unsere Verpflichtung zu außergewöhnlichen Safari-Erlebnissen bleibt unverändert. Entdecken Sie die Magie Kenias unter unserem neuen Namen. Karibu!

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