Chorwacja, 16-21 czerwca 2024, SPEKTAKL ZŁOTO RENU

grand tour 16 czerwca

Podróż z cyklu Świat Opery i Teatru pod patronatem prasowym tygodnika ANGORA

Wyjazd z udziałem dyrektora teatrów operowych w Polsce Sławomira Pietrasa .


ZŁOTO RENU    Richarda Wagnera

CHORWACKI TEATR NARODOWY W RIJECE 16 – 21 czerwca 2024 Pobyt 6-dniowy nad morzem w 4* hotelu Admiral przy nadmorskiej promenadzie w uzdrowisku Opatija. Pokoje z balkonami i widokiem na morze. Pakiet HB z napojami.

Ramowy program imprezy: 16 czerwca 2024 (niedziela)

Spotkanie z przedstawicielem biura „Grand Tour” na lotnisku Warszawa – Okęcie o godz. 9.30. Wylot liniami LOT do Lublany o godz. 11.25. Przylot do Słowenii o godz. 13.00. Transfer autokarowy do hotelu w Chorwacji (ok. 120 km). Przyjazd do Opatii ok. godz. 16.00. Zakwaterowanie w *4 hotelu Admiral. Czas wolny. Obiadokolacja w restauracji hotelowej (od godz. 19.00).

17 czerwca 2024 (poniedziałek)

Po śniadaniu wycieczka z przewodnikiem. Spacer po Opatii połączony z rejsem wzdłuż malowniczego wybrzeża Półwyspu Istria na trasie: Opatija – Mošćenička Draga – Lovran – Opatija. W miejscowości Lovran – przerwa na kawę i spacer po klimatycznej starówce z wąskimi uliczkami i kolorowymi domami. Powrót do hotelu. Czas wolny. Obiadokolacja w restauracji hotelowej (od godz. 19.00) .

18 czerwca 2024 (wtorek)

Po śniadaniu czas wolny na spacery po uzdrowisku oraz relaks przy basenie lub na miejskiej plaży. Lunch w restauracji hotelowej (godz. 12.00 – 14.00). Wieczorem przejazd autokarem (ok. 15 km) do Chorwackiego Teatru Narodowego w Rijece .

Opera Złoto Renu Richarda Wagnera

Powrót autokarem do hotelu.

19 czerwca 2024 (środa)

Po śniadaniu czas wolny na spacery po uzdrowisku oraz relaks przy basenie lub na miejskiej plaży. Obiadokolacja od godz. 19.00 Wieczorem omówienie spektaklu operowego przez dyr. Sławomira Pietrasa przy lampce wina.

20 czerwca 2024 (czwartek)

Po śniadaniu czas wolny na spacery po uzdrowisku oraz relaks przy basenie lub na miejskiej plaży.

Obiadokolacja od godz. 19.00 21 czerwca 2024 (piątek)

Po śniadaniu wykwaterowanie z hotelu i przejazd autokarem w kierunku lotniska w Lublanie. Po drodze postój w Postojnej (Słowenia), gdzie znajduje się największa w Europie i najczęściej odwiedzana jaskinia – Postojnska Jama. Formy krasowe, czyli stalaktyty, stalagmity i stalagnaty eksponowane są poprzez efektowne oświetlenie. Nasza wizyta w jaskini to 30-minutowa podróż kolejką, dzięki której wygodnie i bez wysiłku poznamy piękno i ogrom podziemnego świata. Po zwiedzaniu czas wolny na kawę. Wyjazd z Postojnej ok. godz. 13.45. Przejazd na lotnisko w Lublanie. Wylot do Polski o godz. 17.05. Przylot na lotnisko Warszawa-Okęcie o godz. 18.40.

UWAGA! Program turystyczny ma charakter ramowy, kolejność zwiedzania może ulec zmianie .

Cena dla Stałych Klientów: 7900 zł + 50 euro Cena dla Nowych Klientów : 8300 zł + 50 euro

Dopłata do pokoju 1-osobowego: 700 zł

Cena zawiera:

przelot liniami PLL LOT na trasie Warszawa – Lublana – Warszawa

transfery autokarowe

zakwaterowanie w 4* hotelu Admiral w Opatii .

Hotel zlokalizowany jest bezpośrednio nad morzem, przy jachtowej marinie i nadmorskiej promenadzie (Lungomare), blisko centrum kurortu. Wszystkie pokoje posiadają balkon z widokiem na morze Na terenie hotelu znajdują się: sauna, strefa fitness, basen kryty oraz basen odkryty z leżakami i parasolami, zlokalizowany na tarasie wysuniętym w morze. Najbliższa miejska plaża „Slatina” znajduje się ok. 400 m od hotelu

5 śniadań, 4 obiadokolacje, 1 lunch. Do obiadokolacji i lunchu do wyboru: 0,75 l wody mineralnej, szklanka soku, lampka wina lub mała butelka piwa

bilet na bilet na operę Złoto Renu (I kategoria) w Chorwackim Teatrze Narodowym w Rijece

program zwiedzania z biletami wstępu

opiekę pilota i przewodnika

ubezpieczenie Signal Iduna – KL (koszty leczenia z rozszerzeniem na choroby przewlekłe i nagłe zachorowania na Covid-19 do kwoty 45.000 euro , NNW (następstwa nieszczęśliwych wypadków) do kwoty 20.000 zł, bagaż podróżny do kwoty 1.500 zł i OC do kwoty 35.000 euro Dla zainteresowanych możliwość wykupienia ubezpieczenia od kosztów rezygnacji (KR). Decyzję o zakupie tej polisy należy zgłaszać przy zapisie na wycieczkę.

grand tour 16 czerwca

grand tour 16 czerwca

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grand tour 16 czerwca

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16 czerwca premiera "polskiego The Grand Tour"

Od 16 czerwca na platformie Amazon Prime dostępny jest "polski" odcinek programu motoryzacyjnego "The Grand Tour". Czy dostęp jest płatny?

Czy zamierzasz obejrzeć "polski" odcinek "The Grand Tour"?

Clarkson, May i Hammond nagrywają program w Gdańsku

Premiera 16 czerwca

Kino na co do kina.

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Czy odcinek jest płatny?

Najnowszy odcinek "eurocrash" jest już dostępny..

fot. / primevideouk

Najnowszy odcinek "Eurocrash" jest już dostępny.

Najnowszy odcinek "Eurocrash" jest już dostępny.

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2023-06-16 13:18

Na promie (1)

Miłe zaskoczenie to ujęcia Polferries pływającego do Gdańska - już czekam na kolejny rejs by usiąść przy tym samym stoliku co panowie :)

2023-06-16 15:19

dobrze, że nas nie okradli albo nie sprzedali jak murzynów w afrykańskich koloniach, ale mają za swoje teraz są wykupieni przez Ruskich i Hindusów ... hehehe

2023-06-16 12:03

Najsłabszy odcinek do tej pory.. (16)

Ale co tu się dziwić.. Co można pokazać w Polsce oprócz łysych, otyłych facetów.

2023-06-17 11:29

Wygumiaj na Kreml, albo do Brukseli koński mineciarzu.

2023-06-16 23:21

Z opinia o facetach się zgodze

Ale Polska jest piękna i bezpieczna

2023-06-16 20:23

Witamy Iewackiego neuropka xD

Szanowni Państwo tak to już z nimi jest ze jakoś GT mógł się zachwycić architekturą Gdańska czy Krakowa ale neuropek będzie wam wmawiał ze nasz kraj to dziura pełna otyłych dresów.

2023-06-16 17:34

Cóż za kompleksy wychodzą (1)

Można pokazać piękne Bieszczady, Podkarpacie, góry stołowe, Roztocze, Kaszuby, mamy piękny kraj i nie mamy się czego wstydzić

2023-06-16 20:25

My to wiemy ale on jak na Iewaka przystało musi nam obrzydzac nasz kraj :)

2023-06-16 14:28

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Rzadko spotykana samokrytyka, szacun. Zapomniałeś dodać na końcu, że jeszcze nie za mądry

2023-06-20 05:27

O co wam chodzi? To był słaby odcinek, zgadzam się z nim w 100% a to czy to z Polski czy z Bangladeszu, co za różnica. Wczoraj oglądałem i początek gdy gdansk pokazywali przez chwilkę, super ujęcia ale dalej totalna padaka, dobrze że miałem co robić bo bym wyłączył to.

2023-06-16 15:18

może nie ma co najechac i okraść stąd ta konsternacja

2023-06-16 13:43

jak lubisz facetow to faktycznie, nic ciekawego

2023-06-16 12:25

Marudy piszące takie głupoty. Ich jeszcze więcej (2)

2023-06-16 20:24

Klasyczny drny Iewicowy neuropek.

Nie spodziewaj się po nim merytorycznej dyskusji - kazalibobrzydzac nam PL to się chłopina stara.

2023-06-16 13:11

Grubasy won

2023-06-16 12:21

Hiszpanie, wpadnij kiedyś odwiedzić nasz kraj. (1)

Zobaczysz, że jest sporo atrakcji :)

2023-06-16 13:09

2023-06-16 12:07

Rydzyka w Maybachu - jako skromnego przykładnego pasterza postępującego zgodnie z naukami Jezusa i przykazaniami Boga ... skromnego..

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  • 1 Zmiany w ruchu na północy Gdyni ( 54  opinie)
  • 2 To koniec z konfiskatą aut? ( 169  opinii)
  • 3 Wiadukt na Puckiej: budowa dojazdów ( 97  opinii)
  • 4 Taksówka wbiła się w zakład wulkanizacji ( 333  opinie)
  • 5 3,2 mln zł na nowe przejście dla pieszych ( 282  opinie)
  • 6 Wrak auta został "pomnikiem przyrody" ( 127  opinii)
  • 6 Jedna ulica, różne ograniczenia prędkości ( 110  opinii)
  • 1 To koniec z konfiskatą aut? ( 169  opinii)
  • 2 Zmiany w ruchu na północy Gdyni ( 54  opinie)
  • 4 Jedna ulica, różne ograniczenia prędkości ( 110  opinii)
  • 5 Wrak auta został "pomnikiem przyrody" ( 127  opinii)
  • 6 3,2 mln zł na nowe przejście dla pieszych ( 282  opinie)
  • 1 Taksówka wbiła się w zakład wulkanizacji ( 333  opinie)
  • 2 Pijana zasnęła za kierownicą, zabrali jej auto ( 167  opinii)
  • 3 To koniec z konfiskatą aut? ( 169  opinii)
  • 4 Wrak auta został "pomnikiem przyrody" ( 127  opinii)
  • 5 Rondo prawie gotowe. Otwarcie w maju ( 144  opinie)
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‘The Grand Tour: Eurocrash’ to launch in June – see the first images

Pip Ellwood-Hughes

Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May are back with ‘The Grand Tour: Eurocrash’, coming to Prime Video on Friday 16th June 2023.

The date announcement comes with three first-look images, which you can see in our gallery below:

The Grand Tour: Eurocrash

Jeremy, Richard and James head to Central Europe on a road trip nobody has ever thought of, in cars nobody would ever dream of. 

This epic 1400-mile journey takes them from Gdańsk in Poland, through Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia. They sample some Soviet style Formula 1, are attacked by deadly archers, recruit a famous racing driver and take part in a spectacular Fast and Furious climax.

This special follows their latest release, ‘A Scandi Flick’, and will launch ahead of their next adventure which has recently finished filming in Mauritania.

‘ The Grand Tour: Eurocrash’ will launch Friday 16 th  June 2023 on Prime Video.

Pip Ellwood-Hughes

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  • The Grand Tour: Eurocrash

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Global Film Locations

The grand tour: eurocrash filming locations.

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jeremy and richard at lake bled

In their latest adventure-filled episode, “The Grand Tour: Eurocrash,” renowned presenters Richard Hammond, Jeremy Clarkson, and James May embark on an exhilarating journey across the captivating landscapes of Europe. Starting their epic road trip in the historic city of Gdańsk, Poland, the trio sets off on a high-octane adventure. From the picturesque streets of Długi Targ to the adrenaline-pumping Tor Poznań racing circuit, they experience the diverse beauty and thrilling experiences that Poland and neighbouring countries has to offer.

Westerplatte, Gdańsk, Poland (Starting point)

Google Maps Co-ordinates: 54.404939, 18.674144

meeting point in gdansk

Długi Targ 14-20, 80-828 Gdańsk, Poland

Google Maps Co-ordinates: 54.348216, 18.654491

gdansk town

Tor Poznań, Wyścigowa, Przeźmierowo, Poland

Google Maps Co-ordinates: 52.417036, 16.809261

jeremy and richard at tor poznan

Pomnik Chrystusa Króla, Sulechowska, Świebodzin, Poland

Google Maps Co-ordinates: 52.236967, 15.546491

jeremy and richard driving to the jesus statue

GRAPE TOWN HOTEL, aleja Wojska Polskiego, Zielona Góra, Poland

Google Maps Co-ordinates: 51.942754, 15.453917


Stalag Luft III, Żagań, Poland

Google Maps Co-ordinates: 51.600425, 15.308769

harry tunnel

Polonia Wax Museum Figury Woskowe, Floriańska, Kraków, Poland

Google Maps Co-ordinates: 50.063869, 19.942598

james jeremy and richard parked in krakow

ARP Piestany Airport , ICAO

Google Maps Co-ordinates: 48.627610, 17.829378

piestany aerodrome

Nordijski center Planica, Rateče, Rateče Planica, Slovenia (Nigel drives down a ski slope)

Google Maps Co-ordinates: 46.475635, 13.723440

Nigel drives down a ski slope

Lake Bled, Bled, Slovenia

Google Maps Co-ordinates: 46.369150, 14.107946

jeremy and richard at lake bled

Official Trailer

Release: 16th June, 2023

Watch on Amazon Prime

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The Grand Tour

Episode list

The grand tour.

Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond in The Grand Tour (2016)

S1.E1 ∙ The Holy Trinity

The Grand Tour (2016)

S1.E2 ∙ Operation Desert Stumble

The Grand Tour (2016)

S1.E3 ∙ Opera, Arts and Donuts

Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond in The Grand Tour (2016)

S1.E4 ∙ Enviro-mental

James May and Richard Hammond in The Grand Tour (2016)

S1.E5 ∙ Morroccan Roll

Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond in The Grand Tour (2016)

S1.E6 ∙ Happy Finnish Christmas

Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond in The Grand Tour (2016)

S1.E7 ∙ The Beach (Buggy) Boys - Part 1

The Grand Tour (2016)

S1.E8 ∙ The Beach (Buggy) Boys - Part 2

The Grand Tour (2016)

S1.E9 ∙ Berks to the Future

Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Richard Hammond in The Grand Tour (2016)

S1.E10 ∙ Dumb Fight at the O.K. Coral

The Grand Tour (2016)

S1.E11 ∙ Italian Lessons

The Grand Tour (2016)

S1.E12 ∙ [censored] to [censored]

The Grand Tour (2016)

S1.E13 ∙ Past v Future

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The Grand Tour w Polsce. Nowy odcinek już jutro

The Grand Tour w Polsce

Już jutro swoją premierę będzie miał długo wyczekiwany odcinek The Grand Tour, który był nagrywany w Polsce. Zobacz zwiastun nowego programu i sprawdź, co tym razem Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond i James May przygotowali dla widzów.

Choć Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond i James May mają w Polsce rzesze fanów, to do tej pory w swoich programach omijali nasz kraj – zarówno wcześniej w Top Gear , jak i obecnie w The Grand Tour . W końcu jednak to się zmieni, bowiem najnowszy odcinek motoryzacyjnego show, który od jutra będzie dostępny na platformie Amazon Prime Video, był kręcony w Gdańsku, Krakowie i na Torze Poznań .

W nowym programie zobaczymy, jak wyglądała podróż Clarksona, Hammonda i Maya przez Polskę, Słowację, Węgry i Słowenię . Brytyjczycy mieli do przejechania aż 2200 kilometrów w trzech nietypowych autach – Mitsuoce Le-Seyde, Chevrolecie SSR oraz Crosleyu Convertible. Po drodze producenci jak zwykle przygotowali dla nich serię wyzwań.

Odcinkowy pomiar prędkości na DK88. Gdzie jest w Gliwicach i Zabrzu?

Zwiastun opublikowany na oficjalnym kanale programu na YouTube daje nam przedsmak tego, co obejrzymy w jutrzejszym odcinku . Jak wynika z opublikowanego materiału, Clarkson, Hammond i May odwiedzili pomnik Jezusa w Świebodzinie i słynne muzeum figur woskowych w Krakowie, ścigali się w zabytkowych bolidach na Torze Poznań, a także mieli za zadanie wjechać do ładowni samolotu kołującego po pasie startowym lotniska.

Jeśli jesteście ciekawi, co jeszcze wydarzyło się w najnowszym odcinku, to na szczęście nie musicie długo czekać. The Grand Tour: Eurocrash będzie miał premierę w piątek 16 czerwca na Amazon Prime Video.

Przeczytaj także:

The Grand Tour – historia programu i lista odcinków

GORĄCY TEMAT: Chińskie samochody

Nowa bateria. zasięg ponad 500 km, 15 min ładowania, problem z ubezpieczeniem chińskich aut, chińczycy idą na całość. to auto nie będzie miało konkurencji, baic beijing 5 (2024). opis wersji i cennik.

The Grand Tour Presents: A Scandi Flick

  • Jeremy Clarkson
  • Richard Hammond
  • The Grand Tour

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The Grand Tour: A Scandi Flick – Everything You Should Know About The Norway Special

The Grand Tour : A Scandi Flick is here after months of waiting and rumours, the latest episode of the show is now released to be watched on Prime Video. Filming in Norway, Jeremy Clarkson , Richard Hammond, and James May explore the world of rally cars after filming together at the beginning of 2022.

So, here’s what you need to know:

Table of Contents

Episode Summary

In the first episode of season 5 and their first post-pandemic road trip, Jeremy, Richard and James head for the icy wastes of the Scandinavian Arctic Circle.  At the wheel of their three favourite rally cars the boys embark on a catastrophe-filled adventure that takes in Cold War submarine bases – frozen lake racetracks, crashes and ski resort chaos as they drag their homemade houses from the coast of Norway to the Russian Border.

Where Does The Norway Special Begin?

The first hint that The Grand Tour was filming came from Jeremy Clarkson’s Instagram account as he posted a video from Norway.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Jeremy Clarkson (@jeremyclarkson1)

Making a football joke (that I’d happily let someone explain to me in the comments), he didn’t hint at any filming. But another post from the same location gave us plenty of information.

This photo introduced us to two of the cars that will feature in the episode, as well as the location.

Where Was The Norway Special Filmed?

The photo above was shot from the Henningsvaer Football Stadium on Norway near the village of Henningsvaer. This village sits on a small fishing island which has a population of only 500 people. But while it’s small, thousands of tourists visit each year because of its incredible views and, of course, the football pitch.

This pitch is one of the most recognisable in the world, but the area boasts several other enticing places such as a caviar factory turned art museum, and a coast that’s steeped in history.

The mountain range is the Festvågtind mountains, which tower 541 metres into the sky. People enjoy hiking the 1.5km trail, but unfortunately, cars aren’t able to get up there… as far as we know.

As we’ve seen from the trailer, they later visit a ski resort and an ice track over a frozen lake.

What Are The Cars?

The trailer gives us plenty to chew on, including the run-up to James May’s huge crash . But for us gearheads, we now know what cars they’re driving in the show, and who’s driving them.

Obviously, hence the name, the episode will likely revolve around the world of rally racing, and each of these three cars have a strong tie to, and history in the sport.

Let’s dig in.

Jeremy Clarkson in the Audi RS4 B7

grand tour 16 czerwca

Jeremy had already revealed that he’d bought an Audi RS4 for the show many, many months ago, but before seeing behind the scenes photos of the filming of this episode, we didn’t know it would be for this.

Obviously, the connection to rally here is the Quattro term that Audi now uses for its all-wheel drive system. But let’s explore this car a little further.

It was released in 2005 by Audi, and while the look of the car didn’t blow people away, the 4.2-litre V8 engine did with direct fuel injection and maximum revs of a shrieking 8500rpm. It produced 414 horsepower, with these horses being delivered to all four wheels. There was only one gearbox available, but surprisingly it was a manual with six speeds and, once you pressed the sport button, the throttle response would make this delicious powertrain even more exciting and bypass valves would make it sound as good as it went.

grand tour 16 czerwca

The exterior still felt very sedate, but now offered wider arches over the standard A4 as well as aluminium front wings and bonnet. And a bit later on, the RS4 badge was placed onto the wagon version, too.

grand tour 16 czerwca

As you can see form the trailer, Jeremy’s RS4 eventually gets wrapped in Quattro colours, fitted with Cibbies at the front, and somehow gets completely frozen over, resulting in Jeremy setting it on fire. Poor thing.

Richard Hammond in the Subaru Impreza WRX

grand tour 16 czerwca

We first saw the Subaru WRX in an Instagram post by Jeremy Clarkson, but it’s confirmed that it’s being driven by Richard Hammond who has driven one of these cars before in the Africa special of Top Gear .

These cars are pure rally inspired and burble as much as a cat trapped in a corner thanks to its Boxer engine. Many Subaru fans weren’t completely taken with the looks of the ‘Blobeye’ Impreza, but since its release it has become motoring legend thanks to its connection to rally and its insane performance.

grand tour 16 czerwca

Its engine is a 2.0-litre, 4-cylinder Boxer engine with help from a single turbo. It’s low on weight and has a low centre of gravity, and gives it the car its iconic sound as well as 261 horsepower. It’s not quite as potent as Jeremy’s RS4, but with its trick all-wheel drive system and a bit of talent behind the wheel, it could well keep up with it in the corners.

In this episode it’s been given the Martini colours, but we can see later on that the ‘I’ at the end of ‘Martini’ has been coloured in.

James May’s Mitsubishi Evo 8

grand tour 16 czerwca

The car of the hour, this Mitsubishi Evo 8 driven by James May has had quite a life according to reports. It was crashed by the presenter at a high speed, so we’re not sure if it makes it to the end of the episode. It’s also the only car that doesn’t undergo any visual modification during the episode.

The Evo 8 was launched in 2003 in Japan and saw immediate success thanks to its potent turbocharged 4G63 4-cylinder engine. This produced 289 lb ft and 276 horsepower, but its excellent all-wheel drive system pushed its performance high enough to battle with supercars of that era.

grand tour 16 czerwca

Its chassis was stiffer than the outgoing Evo7, and the car was treated like it was going to hit a rally stage at any moment with the chassis being spot welded, suspension mounts upgraded, and the suspension itself having an improved MacPherson strut front and multi-link rear suspension setup.

The new bodywork also allowed for better cooling and higher performance aerodynamics.

grand tour 16 czerwca

James crashed this at such a high speed, I’d be surprised if this car isn’t written off during the show, which would be very sad.

It also gets submerged in water, so…

What Happened Along The Way?

James may crashed.

The  news was leaked of James May’s crash . The host was travelling at 75 mph when he crashed into a wall. He was rushed to hospital for tests including a brain scan. Lucky for  May , it has been reported that he was only left with a broken rib after the scary collision.

It is believed that May had the crash and then carried on to film  James May: Our Man In Italy , so thankfully he was alright to continue with his travel show.

The former  Top Gear  host has taken to his Twitter to acknowledge the reports. There has been a huge amount of support spread for May over social media since the news was announced. He said in his post:

“Thank you for all your kind comments and funny jokes re my crash, but it was a while back, not that bad, and I’m perfectly OK. Apologies to Evo fans for binning the VIII.”

May was joined by co-hosts  Jeremy Clarkson  and  Richard Hammond  for the latest special of The Grand Tour. The trio were spotted  travelling around Norway  in three rally cars. Clarkson in an Audi RS4 B7, Hammond in a Subaru Impreza WRX and May in the Mitsubishi Lancer EVO VIII, which is what he crashed in.

James May On His Crash

“It was a strange lapse of ­character on my part. I don’t know what I was thinking. I was trying to win, but I don’t normally care about that either. Maybe it was too much reindeer meat. Or air pressure.

“But it’s still going to be mainly Richard Hammond. When I have a crash, I destroy a car that’s worth £15,000.

“When Hammond has a crash he writes off a £1million ­prototype. That’s the difference — I know not to overdo it.

“I must have left ­braking a fraction too late. As soon as I knew I needed to stop, I realised I wasn’t going to do it.

“I think you can see from the footage that I should try to hit (the wall) sideways and not hit any ­people or cameras on tripods. I knew I’d f***ed it up.”

Jeremy Clarkson On James May’s Crash

“It was a massive accident. You know when Hammond has an accident, he keeps going after the accident has begun.

“And this is what people need to remember with accidents: you can roll down a road upside down and on fire for as long as you like, and it’s very unlikely you’ll get hurt.

“What hurts you is coming to a sudden stop. And that’s what happened to James.

“Richard, when he went upside down, didn’t come to a sudden stop. That’s why he’s still here today.

“I’m not entirely certain how fast James hit that rock face, but I’m going to say 40 miles an hour. And from 40 miles an hour to a dead stop is more dangerous than rolling down a hill.

“I was standing right next to him when he crashed. I mean, 10 feet away. And I couldn’t believe how fast he was going.”

Richard Hammond on James May’s Crash

“It is interesting that James is ­taking up the crashing, because when he joined Top Gear I was always wearing really vibrant loud shirts.

“And then James joined and did the same and I thought, ‘Well, we can’t both do that.’ So I stopped. I just wore ordinary shirts.

“And then he’s recently grown a little goatee.

“And now he’s taken the only thing I had left, which was crashing.

“It’s very flattering that he would consider that level of impersonation, but I’ll let him have that.

“I might keep my little beard, even though he’s now got one. He can have the crashing.”

Executive producer Andy Wilman on James May’s Crash

“Jeremy and James both raced down to the scene of the crash as soon as it happened. When they saw the wreckage on fire they thought Richard was dead. It was really bad.

“They were staggered he had got out of it alive, because there was just nothing left. Everyone is so relieved. If Richard had been a few seconds slower getting out, he would have been incinerated.”

Jeremy Clarkson On James May’s Second Crash

“In the latest episode of  The Grand Tour   there’s a big and alarming crash.

“There’s always a big and alarming crash in  The Grand Tour   of course, but this one was different because the person who was gingerly lifted from the wreckage by paramedics and carefully driven to hospital in the back of an ambulance was not  Richard Hammond . It was the slowest driver in the history of motoring –  James May .”

“Having expressed his displeasure at being left in the field, so to speak, he crashed again. This time not into a cliff face but through the ice and into a frozen lake.

“It’s strange, and it’s something the three of us talk about quite a lot. How, when we are travelling individually or with our families, do we get from A to B without incident – but as soon as we are all together, all hell breaks loose and there are fires and smashed ribs and headlines in the  Daily Mail ?”

The rest of the trip

The cast were lucky enough to see the Northern Lights.

“He crashed the Evo while they were in Tromsø… I did not ask were he was,” a fan told The Grand Tour Reddit page .

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Grand Tour Nation (@grandtournation)

Jeremy Clarkson Reveals Subtle Tribute To Ukraine As Grand Tour Episode Filming Begins In Norway

Is There A Release Date For This New Episode?

Yes, the release date 16th September as confirmed in the trailer. It is now available to watch on Prime Video.

Will There Be More Episodes?

Yes, Richard Hammond has confirmed that the trio is filming yet another episode outside of the UK:

Richard Hammond ( @RichardHammond ) on filming another Grand Tour episode: “We’re ready to go off and do another, and they are huge missions to go and do." More at: — Grand Tour Nation (@GrandTourNation) May 3, 2022
“We’ve already filmed one – we’re not long back from that,” he said referencing the Arctic Circle special. “We’re ready to go off and do another, and they are huge missions to go and do,” he said. “Lockdown was a bit tricky for that, but I think the great thing is I’ve managed to keep busy with other stuff, and we’ll continue to do that. “The joy for me 30 odd years into a broadcasting career, I’m able to do shows at all ends of the spectrum whether being massively costly, complicated, big ones or smaller, quicker, more light and nimble. So they’re all great fun to make. “I’ve been lucky enough to sort of cherry pick and do the shows I really want to do. So you’ll never see me there doing something I’m not really engaged in. They’re all things I want to make.”

We’re very excited to see what comes from The Grand Tour over the next year or so. And as we find out more, we’ll of course keep you updated on GTN.

Frequently Asked Questions

Has the grand tour ended.

No. The Grand Tour has changed its format to special-only episodes. Since this change, there have only been two episodes released per year, and this trend is looking to continue.

When will the next episode of The Grand Tour be released?

The next Grand Tour episode set in Europe doesn’t yet have a release date. The Grand Tour A Scandi Flick, is available to watch now on Prime Video.

What cars did they drive in Norway?

Jeremy Clarkson drove an Audi RS4 B7, Richard Hammond drove a Subaru Impreza WRX, and James May drove a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo XIII.

Photo of Alex Harrington

Alex Harrington

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"The Grand Tour" to return for farewell episode in 2024

C larkson, Hammond, and May are set to officially bid farewell to their program, "The Grand Tour," broadcast on Amazon, as reported by the BBC.

There's good news and bad news for fans. Good news: "The Grand Tour" will return in 2024. Bad news: this will be its final episode. The trio, who rose to fame through the BBC's "Top Gear," have continued their antics on "The Grand Tour," which has been available on Amazon since 2016.

While the initial seasons of "The Grand Tour" boasted a similar number of episodes to its predecessor “Top Gear," the series has recently been limited to sporadically published special productions. It appears that this was the beginning of the end for "The Grand Tour".

According to the BBC, which cited internal sources, a  special episode documenting a trip to Zimbabwe will be released in 2024 , marking the official end of "The Grand Tour".

Despite saying goodbye to "The Grand Tour," it doesn't mean that this popular trio will completely vanish from our screen. Each presenter has their own shows on Amazon's platform. As of now, these productions are set to continue.

It's worth noting that "Top Gear," the precursor to "The Grand Tour," is also seeing its end. Following Clarkson, May, and Hammond's departure, the BBC carried on with the series, introducing new presenters. However, this came to a halt in 2022, when one presenter, Freddie Flintoff, sustained serious injuries in an on-set incident. Nearly a year following the accident, the broadcaster announced its decision to discontinue the program.

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The Grand Tour: Eurocrash


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GrandTour 16

Premium high gloss cargo box.

SKU: # 8007394

UPC: 736745073947

For those who like to travel in style, GrandTour elevates cargo box design with a premium, sleek look that doesn’t sacrifice superior functionality or exceptional capacity. It offers best-in-class features like a torque knob that takes the guesswork out of a safe and secure attachment to your vehicle. That same knob is also fully removable, helping to take full advantage of the flattened interior floor for maximum internal usable space. The beautiful shape and automotive finish that compliments your vehicle make GrandTour the perfect addition to your next grand tour.

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Product Details

  • Installation
  • Accessories
  • Spare Parts
  • 16 cubic feet of cargo space
  • Removable torque limiting knob ensures a safe and secure installation
  • Market-leading internal usable space with an unobstructed flattened floor provides more space for your gear
  • Universal mounting hardware fits all Yakima StreamLine™ crossbars and factory or aerodynamic crossbars
  • Optimized hatch clearance for better vehicle fit
  • Internal lid stiffeners for durability and easy open and close
  • Dual-sided opening for easy access on either side of your vehicle
  • Integrated interior tie-down points
  • SKS Locks included for added security
  • Distinctive automotive badging
  • Hauls gear for up to 3 campers; fits snowboards and skis up to 185cm
  • Made in the USA
  • Yakima cannot ship the GrandTour 16 to Alaska or Hawaii – please contact a local dealer.

Product Specs

  • Weight: 51.50 lbs.
  • Dimensions: L 79.00 in x W 35.00 in x H 18.00 in
  • Minimum Crossbar Spread 24.00in
  • Maximum Crossbar Spread 36.00in
  • Limited Lifetime Warranty

Installation Details

Resources / manuals.

  • Download the Instructions
  • Download the Hatch Clearance

Add Accessories to Your Rack

Don't worry, we have a spare.

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Customer Reviews

Bought a cargo box - used only two ski season and the lock fell apart . Trying a few weeks to get the problem solved. Customer service keeps on giving me a new hoop to jump through- first I had to hunt down serial numbers that were impossible to find, then pictures, and now we need video. Their fix - “we will sen you new lock cores - and you do have lock that works” . THE LOCK FELL APART!!!!!

This is by far the best cargo box we have ever owned. First of all, it looks amazing on our VW Alltrack. Super easy install and very quiet - barely notice the roof box is there on the highway. It is actually so quiet that we rock it all summer and store beach chairs, our toddler's strider bike, etc. up there. We are mostly in love with how easy it is to open/close compared to the Thule we used to own. It also fits a TON of stuff. We usually pack it with 2-3 pairs of adult skis, 2 pairs of kids skis, poles, and if we are on a longer road trip to a ski area, boots, etc. It has served us well for two winters now and we hope it will last many years to come!

Just back from 4 days in the Catskills. Love everything about it so far: super easy to mount, holds a ton of stuff, and looks great. One thing that would make life easier is a detailed diagram showing the dimension of the box at different points along its length. Loading it can be a challenge because the shape makes it difficult to identify which piece of cargo is preventing it from closing. The OCD in me wants to buy different sized duffle bags to fit along the length of the box. It's a minor quibble, but definitely pay attention to the shape and pack the box accordingly. I was considering cheaper alternatives but I'm really glad I decided on the Grand Tour 16. Oh and it fits perfectly on an Outback with room to raise the rear hatch fully. It's really a game changer for my wife and our two big dogs. Thanks, Yakima.

User picture

The GrandTour 16 is a very nice cargo box, super easy to install!. It is very large and does require two people to get it on the roof initially, then one person can easily mount it to the cross bars. Mine is on a 2012 Honda Odyssey. My only concern is that the shiny finish will easily scratch or dull over time. The GrandTour 16, while not cheap, looks and feels like a quality product. It can hold a pretty decent amount of gear. For the price, I wish it came with two tie down straps (bought two at Home Depot for $8) for the inside. I hear zero wind noise and the box stays solid in place on my roof. I can't wait to take it on a long road trip. Another quality Yakima product for sure.

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Shipping Notice

Express Shipping orders will be shipped same-day if received before 11:00 am PT Monday - Friday. Otherwise, all Express Delivery orders will ship the next business day.

FedEx Ground & FedEx SmartPost w/ USPS may take up to 5-10 business days to ship and may take up to 2 weeks to be delivered depending on your distance from our warehouse.

Orders with Cargo Boxes and Rooftop Tents must ship via a Truck carrier and cannot be expedited.

Orders will not be shipping on weekends or holidays.

Hawaii and Alaska: we are unable to ship Cargo Boxes and Rooftop Tents to Hawaii or Alaska. Shipments to Hawaii and Alaska should expect one additional day delay for all deliveries.

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  • Cargo Boxes

Yakima GrandTour 16 Review

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  • Ease of Use - 40% 8.0
  • Security - 30% 7.0
  • Quality - 20% 7.0
  • Appearance - 10% 8.0

Our Verdict

Compare to similar products, our analysis and test results.

The GrandTour is an impressive cargo box with a mostly flat interior floor, with no bulky knobs or other attachments for your gear to get hooked on when loading or unloading.

Performance Comparison

yakima grandtour 16 cargo box review - the yakima grandtour is one of our favorite roof boxes that we have...

Ease of Use

Our first set of tests and evaluations for these roof-mounted cargo boxes focuses on how easy they are to install or remove from a typical vehicle and how convenient it is to store and load your favorite travel bag and gear. The GrandTour took top marks in this metric, delivering on each point.

Right off the bat, we love how there is essentially no assembly required to get the GrandTour ready for installation. You just need to locate the keys taped to the exterior of the box, open the lid, then use the included torque wrench to loosen each clamp.

yakima grandtour 16 cargo box review - the included torque wrench with the yakima grandtour.

Once the clamps are loosened sufficiently to clear your crossbars, you can lift them up and onto your rack — with the help of a friend — and then use the same tool to tighten them. This wrench will click to alert when you have applied enough torque to the clamps, helping to prevent under or over-tightening them. With plastic attachments employed ubiquitously among cargo boxes, over-tightening can potentially stress or break the attachments. We like that Yakima incorporated this design detail to help prevent such breakage, as well as prevent the box from shifting around due to being too loose. The entire installation process usually only took us 5-10 minutes, making this a great option if you are someone who is planning on frequently installing and removing your cargo box.

We also like that these clamps have a wider range of crossbar compatibility than some of the other models, wrapping around the third-party square crossbars we used for testing much more completely than some of the other models we have tested. We feel confident that this model will fit more crossbars than most.

yakima grandtour 16 cargo box review - this cargo box uses a single-piece clamp that fits a wide range of...

The GrandTour is also convenient and hassle-free when it comes to loading your gear. The 16 cubic foot model we tested can fit items up to 185 cm in length (fitting the most common ski lengths). The 18 cubic foot model can hold items up to 210 cm — more than enough for the majority of alpine skis on the market. The dual-side opening container lets you access your belongings from both sides of the car — a huge plus in our minds. The box floor is much more flat, unlike the competition with knobs and other attachments sticking up from their floors.

yakima grandtour 16 cargo box review - the relatively flat bottom makes it much easier to load or unload...

This relatively flat bottom makes packing the box more efficient and reduces items getting caught on knobs and snagged. It also makes it easier to slide your cargo around and adjust the position. The more we used this cargo box, the more we appreciated this design feature. There are also integrated spots to secure straps to keep your items from shifting while in transit, and you have the option of replacing the locking cores to allow a single key to lock or unlock all of your Yakima products. All in all, we think this is a fantastic option for anyone who doesn't want a lot of hassle when it comes to their roof box.

Our next round of tests looked at the security of each cargo box, rating and ranking how resistant to theft we felt they were. While a determined thief could access the contents of these boxes with enough force or specialized tools, there are differences between how much effort would be required to open each box and how secure they feel. The GrandTour feels like one of the more solid options of the group.

The GrandTour has the standard Yakima locking core that, as we mentioned above, can be replaced if you want to rekey your cargo carrier to match your crossbars or if you lose the keys. A sturdy handle opens the lid, with clear visual indicators showing if the box is unlocked or locked. On top of that, the key also can't be removed if the box is unlocked, making it much more difficult to accidentally drive off with the cargo carrier unlocked. We also like that the clamps cannot be loosened unless the box is opened, aiming to prevent someone from undoing the clamps from the outside and taking off with the entire cargo box and the gear within.

yakima grandtour 16 cargo box review - we like the larger handle on this cargo box.

For this metric, we rated and compared how sturdy and well-built each box felt to our experts, who have assessed dozens of cargo boxes over several years. We focus primarily on how floppy the lid feels, as well as looking at any wear and tear that these cargo boxes might have sustained throughout our testing process.

The lid on the GrandTour is quite rigid and opens and closes smoothly. The locking lever is ergonomic and easy to turn, with a heft to it that makes us confident that it is built to last. The clamps have sliding seals to keep moisture or dust out, and we never had any problems with water intrusion during heavy rain or snowstorms.

However, we do have one concern about the GrandTour when it comes to durability. While it didn't sustain any noticeable wear and tear during testing, we are mildly concerned that the extremely glossy finish will show scratches and scuffs much more readily than some of the textured matte cargo boxes.

yakima grandtour 16 cargo box review - unfortunately, the glossy finish is more prone to scuffs and...

Our last set of evaluations looked at the appearance of each cargo carrier, focusing on the color, finish, shape, and overall look of each product. The GrandTour — in our minds — is one of the better-looking cargo carriers of the group.

The GrandTour is an exceptionally sleek and stylish roof box that we think will complement the appearance of most cars. However, it is only available in a high gloss black finish and is also a large box, so it can look a bit out of place on some smaller cars.

yakima grandtour 16 cargo box review - the classy yakima grandtour has an almost mirror-like finish.

The GrandTour is a solid value. While it isn't the cheapest roof box, it offers a surprisingly good price per cubic foot and a top-tier performance overall. There are cargo boxes that cost considerably more, but we don't think they add more performance advantages. The price here is fair compared to the other cargo boxes on the market, and the performance is top-notch, proving strong value in a built-to-last product.

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How to Choose the Right Cargo Box for Your Vehicle


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  2. [Wideo] Premiera odcinka The Grand Tour "Euro Crash" realizowanego

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  1. Chorwacja, 16-21 czerwca 2024, SPEKTAKL ZŁOTO RENU

    Ramowy program imprezy:16 czerwca 2024 (niedziela) Spotkanie z przedstawicielem biura „Grand Tour" na lotnisku Warszawa - Okęcie o godz. 9.30. Wylot liniami LOT do Lublany o godz. 11.25. Przylot do Słowenii o godz. 13.00. Transfer autokarowy do hotelu w Chorwacji (ok. 120 km). Przyjazd do Opatii ok. godz. 16.00.

  2. Prime Video: The Grand Tour: Piaskowanie

    S5 O2 - The Grand Tour: Eurocrash. 15 czerwca 2023. 1 h 45 min. 16+. Jeremy, Richard and James head to Central Europe on a road trip nobody has ever thought of, in cars nobody would ever dream of. This epic 1400-mile journey takes them from Gdańsk in Poland, through Slovakia, Hungary and Slovenia.

  3. 16 czerwca premiera "polskiego The Grand Tour"

    16 czerwca premiera "polskiego The Grand Tour". mJ. 16 czerwca 2023, godz. 11:00. Słuchaj. Opinie (48) Od 16 czerwca na platformie Amazon Prime dostępny jest "polski" odcinek programu motoryzacyjnego "The Grand Tour".

  4. The Grand Tour (TV Series 2016-2024)

    The Grand Tour: With Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May, Abbie Eaton. Jeremy, Richard and James embark on an adventure across the globe, driving new and exciting automobiles from manufacturers all over the world.

  5. 'The Grand Tour: Eurocrash' to launch in June

    'The Grand Tour: Eurocrash' will launch Friday 16 th June 2023 on Prime Video. Pip Ellwood-Hughes Pip is the owner and Editor of Entertainment Focus, and the Managing Director of Piñata Media.

  6. List of The Grand Tour episodes

    The Grand Tour is a British motoring television series for Amazon Prime Video, presented by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May.The programme focuses on conducting reviews of various models of car, new models and vintage classics, as well as tackling motoring-styled challenges and races, and features the use of studio segments between pre-recorded films.

  7. The Grand Tour: Eurocrash Filming Locations

    In their latest adventure-filled episode, "The Grand Tour: Eurocrash," renowned presenters Richard Hammond, Jeremy Clarkson, and James May embark on an exhilarating journey across the captivating landscapes of Europe. Starting their epic road trip in the historic city of Gdańsk, Poland, the trio sets off on a high-octane adventure. From the picturesque streets of Długi […]

  8. The Grand Tour (TV Series 2016-2024)

    Fri, Nov 18, 2016. The Grand Tour kicks off in California, USA, when Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May take their famous studio tent to Dry Rabbit Lake. Hundreds of fans from across the U.S. traveled to the desert, near Lucerne Valley, outside of Los Angeles, California to be part of the first ever episode of Jeremy, Richard and ...

  9. The Grand Tour

    The Grand Tour is a British motoring television series, created by Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, James May and Andy Wilman, made for Amazon exclusively for its online streaming service Amazon Prime Video, and premiered on 18 November 2016. The programme was conceived in the wake of the departure of Clarkson, Hammond, May and Wilman from the BBC series Top Gear and was originally contracted ...

  10. The Grand Tour: Eurocrash

    The boys are back! Richard Hammond, Jeremy Clarkson and James May take to the roads of Europe in their latest episode The Grand Tour: Eurocrash.» SUBSCRIBE: ...

  11. The Grand Tour w Polsce. Nowy odcinek już jutro

    Nowy odcinek już jutro. 15 czerwca 2023. Mateusz Łubiński. Już jutro swoją premierę będzie miał długo wyczekiwany odcinek The Grand Tour, który był nagrywany w Polsce. Zobacz zwiastun nowego programu i sprawdź, co tym razem Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond i James May przygotowali dla widzów. Choć Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond ...

  12. The Grand Tour

    The Grand Tour, an Amazon Prime original series, delivers a high-octane, globe-trotting adventure featuring the charismatic trio of Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May.Launched in 2016, The Grand Tour quickly became an audience favorite, carrying the torch after the presenters left BBC's Top Gear.. At the heart of The Grand Tour lies the undeniable chemistry among the three hosts ...

  13. The Grand Tour returns 16 June with new special through central Europe

    The Grand Tour returns next month, with Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May travelling through Central Europe. The special, called Eurocrash, will stream on Amazon Prime Video on Friday, 16 June. Amazon has shared very few details about the special, but a trio of teaser images provides a peek at what the boys will be driving.

  14. F1 Polska Discord on Twitter: "16 czerwca premiera kręconego w Polsce

    "16 czerwca premiera kręconego w Polsce odcinka The Grand Tour ze słynnym tercetem Clarkson, Hammond, May #viaF1 #f1pl"

  15. The Grand Tour release date: When is the next episode out?

    Published: Friday, 16 February 2024 at 9:58 am. Subscribe to Radio Times magazine and get 10 issues for £10. Save. The boys are back with a brand new episode of The Grand Tour. This time, they ...

  16. Grand Tour Release Date: When's The Next Episode Coming Out?

    The Grand Tour is one of the most popular car shows on television, featuring three of the world's most famous car enthusiasts, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May.The show has been on hiatus for some time, but last year they filmed the next episode in Eastern Europe. In this article, we will discuss the release date, story, and cars featured in the Grand Tour Season 5 Special ...

  17. The Grand Tour: A Scandi Flick

    The Grand Tour: A Scandi Flick is here after months of waiting and rumours, the latest episode of the show is now released to be watched on Prime Video.Filming in Norway, Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond, and James May explore the world of rally cars after filming together at the beginning of 2022. So, here's what you need to know:

  18. "The Grand Tour" to return for farewell episode in 2024

    Schlepp twins spent $21,000 to look like Brad Pitt. Clarkson, Hammond, and May are set to officially bid farewell to their program, "The Grand Tour," broadcast on Amazon, as reported by the BBC ...

  19. The Grand Tour Eurocrash 16

    Welcome to the official YouTube channel of TG Extra! Watch the full The Grand Tour - Eurocrash. Prepare for an adrenaline-fueled adventure as the Grand Tour ...

  20. GrandTour 16

    Product Details. 16 cubic feet of cargo space. Removable torque limiting knob ensures a safe and secure installation. Market-leading internal usable space with an unobstructed flattened floor provides more space for your gear. Universal mounting hardware fits all Yakima StreamLine™ crossbars and factory or aerodynamic crossbars.

  21. Grand Tour

    The interior of the Pantheon in the 18th century, painted by Giovanni Paolo Panini.. The Grand Tour was the principally 17th- to early 19th-century custom of a traditional trip through Europe, with Italy as a key destination, undertaken by upper-class young European men of sufficient means and rank (typically accompanied by a tutor or family member) when they had come of age (about 21 years old).

  22. Yakima GrandTour 16 Review

    Credit: David Wise. The GrandTour is also convenient and hassle-free when it comes to loading your gear. The 16 cubic foot model we tested can fit items up to 185 cm in length (fitting the most common ski lengths). The 18 cubic foot model can hold items up to 210 cm — more than enough for the majority of alpine skis on the market.