• U.S.S. Voyager
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  • Entaba System
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The Doctor , formally known as the Emergency Medical Hologram Mk 1 , is a sentient holographic male Human . He is best known for his tenure as the U.S.S. Voyager 's Chief Medical Officer while the ship was lost in the Delta Quadrant from 2371 to 2378.

  • 2 Missions involved
  • 3 Other involvement
  • 6 External Links

History [ | ]

In 2371 the Chief Medical Officer of the U.S.S. Voyager was killed when the ship was hurtled 70,000 light years into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker , prompting The Doctor to be activated in his place. Over the following years, he would grow and develop beyond his original programming, becoming an invaluable member of Voyager' s crew.

In 2373, during a temporal incident involving time travel back to 20th-century Earth , The Doctor acquires a mobile emitter , allowing him to leave the confines of Voyager' s sickbay and holodeck and even participate in away missions. In 2378, he returns to Earth with Voyager .

In 2382 , the Doctor sues Starfleet which wants to confiscate the mobile emitter in order to study the device. Based on the " Data -precedent", the Doctor wins the lawsuit as he is considered a sentient being and the loss of the emitter would greatly decrease his quality of life. The following year , the case is re-opened, as the Data-precedent merely clarifies the Doctor not to be Starfleet's property, without implications for him being sentient or not. Around the same time, the Soong Foundation , which is dedicated to promote the rights of artificial lifeforms, announces its plans of creating their own line of mobile emitters.

In 2389 , the Soong Foundation is defending the Doctor. In the hopes of eventually freeing the 600 other EMH Mark Is working in dilithium mines, his lawsuit is expanded to encompass all sentient artificial lifeforms in the Federation. Five years later , the lawsuit is finally concluded, with the Judge Advocate ruling that the Doctor is indeed a sentient being and has the right to choose how he wants to live. None of the other EMHs are freed yet, though.

With the mobile emitter being his approved property, the Doctor accepted a commission as a Lieutenant Commander in Starfleet and took the post of Chief Medical Officer at the research facility on Galor IV in 2395 . Here, he also cooperated with the Starfleet Corps of Engineers, who were allowed to study the mobile emitter.

By 2410 , the Doctor is assisting in the efforts of the Delta Alliance to explore the newly-accessible Delta Quadrant.

Missions involved [ | ]


Other involvement [ | ]

  • Doctor's Orders : Struggling to find his place in the world, Stamets pays a visit to Corridor Seven and meets with the EMH Mk. I .

Images [ | ]

The Doctor as he appears in “Mindscape”.

The Doctor as he appears in “Mindscape” .

The Doctor disguised as a member of the Hierarchy in “Alliances”.

The Doctor disguised as a member of the Hierarchy in “Alliances” .

The Doctor using his Emergency Command Subroutines in “Takedown”.

The Doctor using his Emergency Command Subroutines in “Takedown” .

Notes [ | ]

  • The Doctor is voiced by Robert Picardo , the actor who portrayed the character during Star Trek: Voyager .
  • Although the Doctor holds the Starfleet rank of Lieutenant Commander, he does not wear any rank insignia. While using his command subroutines, however, he does wear Captain rank insignia and the commanding officer variant of the Odyssey uniform.
  • Aside from the duty officer version of Leeta , the [ EMH Mk I ] is the only Duty officer in-game who is based on the likeness of a Star Trek actor. He is also the only one that is freely available to players through normal gameplay.
  • [ Doctor (Bridge Officer) ] , a Bridge Officer based on The Doctor's likeness, has also been made available to players attending Star Trek conventions.

External Links [ | ]

  • The Doctor at Memory Alpha , the Star Trek Wiki.
  • The Doctor at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek Wiki.
  • 1 Playable starship
  • 3 Phoenix Prize Pack

Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

  • Memory Beta articles sourced from comics
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  • Memory Beta articles sourced from games
  • Memory Beta articles sourced from Star Trek Online
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  • Memory Beta articles sourced from novelizations
  • Starfleet personnel
  • Starfleet personnel (24th century)
  • Starfleet personnel (25th century)
  • Starfleet chief medical officers
  • Starfleet medical personnel
  • USS Voyager personnel
  • Time travellers
  • USS Galen personnel

"The Doctor" was the name used to refer to the USS Voyager 's Emergency Medical Hologram .

The EMH Mark I was a computer program with a holographic interface, designed by Doctor Lewis Zimmerman and with his own form, whose role was to act as an emergency doctor should the medical personnel of a starship or facility become disabled. In normal circumstances, the EMH would be used in the short-term until the real doctors could be treated, or replacement medical personnel arrived. However in the Doctor's case, Voyager was sent over 70,000 light years into the Delta Quadrant , and there were no replacement medical personnel.

  • 1.1 Activation and Early Years
  • 1.2 Gaining Freedom
  • 1.3 Renaissance Man
  • 1.4 Life in the Alpha Quadrant
  • 1.5 25th century
  • 2 Alternate timeline
  • 3 Starfleet service record
  • 4.1 Connections
  • 4.2.1 Appearances
  • 4.2.2 References
  • 4.3 External links

Life Aboard Voyager [ ]

Activation and early years [ ].

The Doctor was first activated aboard Voyager on stardate 48308.2 , shortly after Voyager had been flung into the Delta Quadrant by the Caretaker . Upon his activation he learned that the entire medical staff had been killed during the journey to the Delta Quadrant and that he was the only medical officer aboard. ( VOY episode : " Caretaker ")

Shrunken Doctor

The Doctor suffers a malfunction

The Doctor's early days aboard Voyager were difficult for him. With the Doctor only being a hologram in the eyes of the crew, they often treated him as a piece of technology, and because of the Doctor's programming his bedside manner was seen as rude by the majority of the crew. The general attitude shown to him made the Doctor believe he was unimportant to the crew and that he was often left out when it came to important information, such as the arrival of Kes and Neelix aboard Voyager , and the repair of his holographic imaging matrix after Voyager encountered a quantum singularity . ( VOY episodes : " Parallax ", " Time and Again ")

However, the Doctor soon made a friend in Kes, who as well as having an interest in studying medicine, served as a champion for the Doctor's rights to Captain Janeway , which meant that he was treated with respect by the crew, and had control over his own activation sub-routines. Kes also began to tutor the Doctor in the social graces to improve his bedside manner and overall attitude. She also suggested that the Doctor find a real name so that he could feel more like a member of the crew. ( VOY episodes : " Eye of the Needle ", " Heroes and Demons ") Around the time Tutopan pirates robbed Voyager of its main computer, the Doctor had taken the name, Dr. Zimmerman, after his creator, but must have decided against it soon thereafter, returning to simply "the Doctor". ( VOY novel : Violations )

Doctor Heroes

The Doctor on his first away mission

A few months into Voyager 's journey home, the Doctor participated in his first away mission to the holodeck after several officers had been taken from the Beowulf holoprogram . He discovered that they were being held by a being of photonic energy after Voyager took aboard some photonic energy. The crewmembers were released, when the Doctor returned the other being. ( VOY episode : " Heroes and Demons ")

A few weeks later, an accident aboard Voyager while the Doctor was in the holodeck, led him to confuse illusion and reality. He was visited by Lieutenant Reginald Barclay , one of the engineers that worked on his programming, who told him that he was in fact Dr. Zimmerman and was trapped in a holodeck simulation of Voyager at the Jupiter Station . He was convinced by Barclay that the only way to escape was to destroy the holographic Voyager by firing a phaser at the warp core . Thankfully, Chakotay managed to convince the Doctor that he was about to destroy his own matrix, and the Doctor was freed from the holodeck. ( VOY episode : " Projections ")

The Doctor and Pel

The Doctor and Dr. Pel on a date

In mid- 2372 , Voyager received a Vidiian scientist named Dr. Denara Pel , who was near death due to the phage . The Doctor was determined to find a cure for her and placed her body in stasis while he worked on it. Before doing so, he transmitted Dr. Pel's synaptic pathways into a hologram that depicted her as she would look without the phage.

Based on experiments conducted on Lieutenant B'Elanna Torres the previous year, the Doctor took samples of her Klingon DNA as a starting point for his research. As the two worked together on the project, the Doctor became enamored with Dr. Pel and made several additions to his program in order to gain her romantic interest. Unfortunately, the Doctor was unable to develop a cure for the phage, but was able to prolong Dr. Pel's life so that she could return home. ( VOY episode : " Lifesigns ")

The Doctor and Dr. Pel contacted each other a few months later, after Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay were infected by a parasite on an uninhabited Class M planet . Lieutenant Tuvok , while temporarily in command of Voyager , gave in to the crew's demands to contact the Vidiians and discover if they had a cure that would allow Janeway and Chakotay to leave the planet. The Vidiians used the incident as an excuse to attack Voyager , but Dr. Pel contacted the Doctor and beamed the cure aboard. ( VOY episode : " Resolutions ")

In early 2373 , the Doctor played an part in the defeat of the Kazon-Nistrim . After Voyager was captured by the Kazon and the crew marooned on Hanon IV , the Doctor along with Lon Suder helped sabotage the backup phaser couplings . This allowed Tom Paris and a small Talaxian fleet to retake the ship and save the crew, after Paris disabled the main phaser couplings and Voyager was damaged when the Kazon attempted to use the backups. The Doctor was briefly disabled when Seska locked out Starfleet voice commands after turning him off, preventing Suder from reactivating him, but the Doctor left a message for Suder, assuring the former killer that the Doctor had confidence in his abilities to retake the ship. Suder was successful in doing so, but was killed by a Kazon soldier. ( VOY episode : " Basics ")

A few weeks later, the Doctor had reached the limits of his storage capacity due to all the modifications he had been making to his program. He began experiencing amnesia, and during a medical procedure on Tom Paris, he forgot all of his medical skills, and diagnostics revealed that his program was in danger of disintegrating completely. After consulting the holographic Diagnostic Program Alpha-11 , it was decided that the only option was to overlay the Doctor's program with the diagnostic program. While this was successful, the Doctor returned to a state similar to that when he was first activated. However, over time memories began to resurface. ( VOY episode : " The Swarm ")

Gaining Freedom [ ]

Around stardate 50312, Voyager was pulled in orbit around Earth in the year 1996 by the Federation timeship UTS Aeon . Shortly after arrival the crew of Voyager learned that a local businessman named Henry Starling had stolen the Aeon and had used its technology to create the computer age on Earth, and that he intended to use the Aeon to travel to the 29th century .

While trying to stop Starling, the businessman was able to download the Doctor's program from Voyager 's database. Starling was able to alter the Doctor's program using advanced 29th century techniques, so that he could torture him for information. He also gave the Doctor a mobile emitter which would enable him to travel anywhere. When the Doctor was later recovered by Voyager he retained the emitter and a whole new lease of life opened up for him. ( VOY episodes: " Future's End , Parts I & II")

With his new found abilities to feel pain and move freely around the ship, the Doctor worked on other ways to improve his program and quality of life. He experimented with downloading personality subroutines from many historical figures including Lord Byron , Mahatma Gandhi , Socrates , Marie Curie and T'Pau . Unfortunately, this experiment proved a failure when he experienced personality disorder which resulted in a darkly emotional doctor. On an away mission, the dark doctor became jealous when Kes befriended a local named Zahir , and nearly led to the deaths of both Kes and Zahir . ( VOY episode: " Darkling ")

In late 2373, the Doctor decided to create a "perfect" holographic family, Doctor's Family Program Beta-Rho and chose the name Kenneth for himself. For several weeks the Doctor lived a seemingly blissful life, until Lt. Torres visited for dinner and suggested adding randomness and "realism" to the program. As a result, his teenage son Jeffrey became rebellious, he had arguments with his wife Charlene , and lost the formerly close bond he had possessed with his daughter Belle . The family bonded together better shortly after, as a result of Belle's death from a mortal Parrises squares injury. Despite wanting to delete the program, The Doctor was persuaded to continue to run the program by Tom Paris. ( VOY episode : " Real Life ").

The Doctor was then sent to find warehouse on a "medieval europe" type planet to keep the inhabitants from destroying themeselves with the weapons. As he first arrived he came across a knight named sir Koros and his squire Weylyn fighting a dragon-like creature. The doctor was able to stun it. The doctor said that he was a wizard of the order of Starfleet. Unfortunately, the creature destroyed his phaser and his equipment but was saved from it by Weylyn. Weylyn then led the doctor to his liege. ( VOY comic : " Avalon Rising ")

Renaissance Man [ ]

The Doctor activated his command subroutines again in 2377 in an attempt to rescue Captain Kathryn Janeway from the aliens who had kidnapped her. His holographic matrix altered to allow him to pose as various members of the crew, such as Janeway, B'Elanna Torres , and Chakotay , The Doctor was eventually able to evacuate engineering and subsequently activate the ECH program. As the Emergency Command Hologram , The Doctor had the authorization to eject Voyager's warp core ; he then tried to free the captain by exchanging the core as ransom. He was able to rescue Janeway and recover the core but when the excess subroutines inserted by the aliens nearly caused his program to collapse, he made several embarrassing "deathbed" confessions including his love for Seven. Having recovered, he subsequently spent a whole week in sickbay out of sheer embarrassment but was eventually convinced by Janeway to rejoin life on the ship. ( VOY episode : " Renaissance Man ")

Life in the Alpha Quadrant [ ]

When Voyager finally returned to the Alpha Quadrant, the Doctor's rights as a sentient were placed in jeopardy by the "holo-strike" orchestrated by Oliver Baines . After being arrested by Starfleet, he was released, and allowed to join a "think tank" with Seven of Nine . ( VOY novels Homecoming , The Farther Shore )

Having previously been declared a 'person', in 2380 he testified at a hearing to determine the rights of the Soong-type android prototype B-4 . The Doctor's experience as an early version of the Emergency Medical Hologram utility who had grown past his original design parameters was deemed relevant to the case. ( novel Articles of the Federation )

Since he was now free to do whatever he chose, he swiftly resigned from Starfleet and joined the Photon Rights Movement , where he was already recognized as a celebrity. ( VOY novel : The Autobiography of Kathryn Janeway )

He had been working at the Federation Research Institute along with Seven of Nine and a variety of other very intelligent individuals on various projects for the Federation. The Doctor then took up a project with Lewis Zimmerman and Reginald Barclay at Jupiter Station to program and develop the Emergency Medical Vessel , a ship part of Project Full Circle , equipped with quantum slipstream drive and a variety of advanced holograms, with The Doctor serving as chief medical officer, and began exploring the Delta Quadrant. ( VOY novel Full Circle )

When Kathryn Janeway was resurrected by Q and Kes, the Doctor was the first member of Voyager 's crew to meet her, confirming her identity through both his memories of the scans he'd taken of her over the years and testing her by asking about the book she'd been reading when she helped him through his ethical breakdown, the Doctor being nearly moved to tears as he enthusiastically hugged Janeway after confirming her identity. ( VOY novel The Eternal Tide )

When Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadrant to deal with Janeway's return to life and recent events in the Full Circle project, Zimmerman discreetly programmed the Doctor to forget his old feelings for Seven of Nine given her new relationship with Cambridge, Zimmerman reasoning that he was helping the Doctor move on from his old feelings so improve his efficiency, with Janeway and Chakotay unable to legitimately object despite their moral objections to Zimmerman's decision. ( VOY novel Protectors )

A series of unexplained power surges resulted in the Doctor's memories becoming segregated as part of Barclay's attempt to save his existence, but when a mysterious Seriareen, Xolian, attempted to possess Lieutenant Nancy Conlon , the Doctor was only able to save her by tricking Xolian into 'possessing' him and trapping him in the segregated memories of Seven of Nine, deleting those memories to destroy Xolian. ( VOY novel : Atonement )

In 2382 , Starfleet ordered The Doctor's mobile emitter be transferred for research purposes to Galor IV . The Doctor filed a lawsuit to prevent this from happening; the JAG office issued an injunction until further research could be done and a final ruling made. By 2389 , The Doctor had still not been declared a 'person'. In 2395 , The Doctor accepted a commission in Starfleet, gaining the rank of lieutenant commander and an assignment at Galor IV. The Doctor believes that his fight over the mobile emitter was because he, "needed Starfleet to respect me." This was confirmed in an interview he had with the Federation News Service . ( STO website : The Path to 2409 ; STO novel : The Needs of the Many )

25th century [ ]

The Doctor STO

The Doctor in 2410

In 2410 the Doctor returned to the Delta Quadrant to work in humanitarian relief efforts under the auspices of Delta Quadrant Command . His shuttle and a capital ship from the Alpha Quadrant Alliance responded to a distress signal from an Ocampan freighter only to come under attack by the Vaadwaur who had been trying to conquer the region. The attack was ordered stopped by Overseer Gaul , who requested a meeting to discuss peace terms.

At the meeting at Neelix's old space station in the Entaba system it rapidly became clear that by "peace" Gaul meant for the AQA to switch sides. He was rebuffed and in retaliation tried to massacre the Talaxians on-station, but was largely stymied by the combined forces of the Doctor, the AQA admiral present, and the arrival of a Turei battle group and USS Voyager . Afterwards the Doctor reported that the USS Blackwell had boarded the freighter and found it empty, and criticized Gaul for sending a false distress signal. ( STO - Delta Quadrant mission : " All That Glitters ")

Alternate timeline [ ]

In an alternate timeline, the Doctor had been promoted to Admiral after Voyager returned to the Alpha Quadrant. ( DS9 - Millennium novel : The War of the Prophets )

Starfleet service record [ ]

Appendices [ ], connections [ ], appearances and references [ ], appearances [ ].

  • VOY - Myriad Universes - Infinity's Prism novella : Places of Exile

References [ ]

  • PIC novel : Firewall

External links [ ]

  • The Doctor article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
  • 1 Lamarr class
  • 2 Wesley Crusher
  • 3 Ferengi Rules of Acquisition
  • Starfleet personnel (24th century)
  • USS Voyager (NCC-74656) personnel
  • Edit source

" The Doctor " was the USS Voyager 's Mark I Emergency Medical Hologram ( EMH ) who became the ship's chief medical officer .

In 2374 , the Doctor was sent through a subspace relay network from the Delta Quadrant to the Alpha Quadrant to try and make contact with Starfleet . The Doctor arrived on the USS Prometheus , which had been stolen by agents from the Romulan Star Empire . He teamed up with the Prometheus 's EMH, a Mark II, and successfully managed to recapture and return the ship back to Starfleet. He was then able to brief Starfleet on Voyager 's situation before returning to the Voyager with the message that they were no longer alone. ( VOY : " Message in a Bottle ")

External links [ ]

  • The Doctor article at Memory Alpha , the canon Star Trek wiki.
  • The Doctor article at Memory Beta , the non-canon Star Trek wiki.

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Published Jul 12, 2024

Star Trek and Doctor Who Come Together for Inaugural Intergalactic Friendship Day on July 30

Alex Kurtzman and Russell T Davies will kick off the celebration with an exclusive conversation at San Diego Comic-Con; plus, a 'Friendship is Universal' gallery experience in the Gaslamp Quarter!

BBC Doctor Who brand logo x Star Trek brand logo against a nebula background


Through 15 doctors and over a dozen brave captains, sci-fi fans have traveled on journeys spanning the cosmos, and on July 30, fans will rejoice as the Doctor Who and Star Trek franchises come together to celebrate the creation of the inaugural Intergalactic Friendship Day .

The celebration aligns with International Friendship Day, which was established in 2011 with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures, and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities. Throughout both franchises' long histories, there have been numerous on-screen nods to each other that delight fans, and now the two pop culture titans Doctor Who and Star Trek are joining forces to spotlight shared values of friendship, hope, and fandom with fan celebrations, digital activations, and special giveaways.

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Intergalactic Friendship Panel: Star Trek x Doctor Who

Saturday, July 27, 5:30 - 6:30 PM, Room 6A

The collaboration will kick off at San Diego Comic-Con, where Alex Kurtzman, showrunner and executive producer of the Star Trek franchise, and Russell T Davies, showrunner and executive producer spearheading the Doctor Who Whoniverse , come together for an exclusive creator-to-creator conversation about the art of storytelling in alternative universes and to celebrate the power of friendship. The SDCC Intergalactic Friendship Panel: Star Trek x Doctor Who will be on Saturday, July 27, from 5:30-6:30 PM, in Room: 6A, and will be moderated by Keisha Hatchett, staff editor of TVLine. Attendees to the creator conversation will each receive a special Doctor Who X Star Trek poster designed by artist Dusty Abell.

"Friendship is Universal" Gallery Experience

Thursday, July 25 - Sunday, July 28, 226 and 230 5th Avenue in Gaslamp Quarter

Under the banner of "Friendship is Universal," Star Trek and Doctor Who will operate a special celebratory gallery experience at 226 and 230 5th Avenue in the Gaslamp Quarter of San Diego. The gallery experience will feature original costumes and props from across the storied histories of both, highlighting themes of friendship and shared values between the two universes. There will also be photo opportunities for fans as well as special friendship bracelet giveaways. "Friendship is Universal" activation hours of operation are Thursday, July 25 through Saturday, July 27 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM, and Sunday July 28 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Admission is free. No SDCC badge is required.

Be sure to follow along on Social @StarTrek @BBCDoctorWho #IntergalacticFriendshipDay #FriendshipIsUniversal!

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Robert Picardo Reveals Ideal Storyline for the Doctor if Star Trek: Prodigy Gets Renewed


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Star Trek franchise actor Robert Picardo wants to return as The Doctor for Star Trek: Prodigy Season 3. The actor has even shared his ideal storyline for the fan-favorite character he has portrayed since Star Trek: Voyager 's first season.

While speaking with Collider to promote Prodigy Season 2, Picardo addressed the potential for a third season of the animated Star Trek series. After being asked what his ideal Season 3 storyline for The Doctor would look like, the actor shared, "Wow! Probably have a romance. That's the best thing in the world. At the age I'm at now, it's not gonna play in live-action, but how great would it be? I really loved the little shows in the past, the one in real life where he had a holographic family. There was an episode [of Voyager ] in the past, I called it our 'beauty is only skin-deep' episode — I think it was called 'Lifesigns' — where the Doctor fell in love with a hideously deformed Vidiian woman who he was working on and didn't care what she looked like. It's always fun at a certain stage of life to play a character who's acting like he's a 16-year-old on a date, and you can't do that in live-action, but you can certainly do it in voiceover."

Why Does Kathryn Janeway Outrank Jean-Luc Picard?

Despite being the most famous Star Trek ship captain of The Next Generation era, Jean-Luc Picard is outranked by Voyager's Admiral Kathryn Janeway.

Besides getting "to see a personal episode of the Doctor," Picardo mentioned that it "might be fun to sing a little opera again. I think whatever singing I did was only a couple of phrases. I think I sang a couple of notes, but to have a little opera performance, that would be fun. But other than that, the writers have such great imaginations. They'll think of better things than I can."

Star Trek: Prodigy Awaiting Season 3 Renewal

At this time, Netflix has not announced whether it intends to renew Star Trek: Prodigy for a third season. The second season, consisting of 20 episodes, premiered in its entirety on July 1. Picking up after the events of Season 1, the new season finds Admiral Kathryn Janeway ( Voyager 's Kate Mulgrew), as well as the motley crew of young aliens introduced in the first season, aboard the USS Voyager-A and tasked with finding the original crew of the Protostar .

If the animated series is greenlit for another season, Prodigy co-creator Dan Hageman already knows where to take the series' characters next . Unfortunately for Star Trek fans, "because we're animation, it's going to take, minimum, two years" before the new season would get released. "[But] more likely three," Hageman explained in January 2024.

Wolf Pack Star Among New Recruits for Starfleet Academy Series

Wolf Pack's Bella Shepard is one of the new additions to Star Trek: Starfleet Academy, which will be headlined by Holly Hunter and Paul Giamatti.

Robert Picardo Open to Proper Voyager Reunion Project

Prodigy Season 2 featured a trio of Voyager cast members: Picardo as The Doctor, Mulgrew as Kathryn Janeway, and Robert Beltran as Chakotay. While the mini-reunion will certainly delight longtime Voyager fans, Picardo remains hopeful that Paramount might greenlight a proper reunion project that will allow him to reunite with the rest of his former Voyager co-stars . "You know, of course, that would be great. I think it's unlikely considering the cost and the lead time for those projects. It's unlikely but anything's possible in the world of Star Trek ," he said. "And it was so successful with the Next Gen cast and who knows? Maybe we'll get the shot," he added, referencing the The Next Generation reunion in the third and final season of Star Trek: Picard .

Both seasons of Star Trek: Prodigy are available to stream on Netflix.

Source: Collider

Star Trek: Prodigy

A group of enslaved teenagers steal a derelict Starfleet vessel to escape and explore the galaxy.

Star Trek: Prodigy

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Comic-Con 2024 Schedule: Marvel Studios, ‘Star Trek,’ ‘The Penguin,’ ‘The Walking Dead’ Franchise and More to Headline Annual Fan Convention

By Adam B. Vary

Adam B. Vary

Senior Entertainment Writer

  • ‘Stranger Things’ Season 5 First Look: Nostalgic, Slimy Behind-the-Scenes Footage Reveals New Cast Members 4 days ago
  • Comic-Con 2024 Schedule: Marvel Studios, ‘Star Trek,’ ‘The Penguin,’ ‘The Walking Dead’ Franchise and More to Headline Annual Fan Convention 6 days ago
  • ‘Star Trek’ and ‘Doctor Who’ Showrunners to Appear Together at Comic-Con Panel Celebrating ‘Intergalactic Friendship Day’ (EXCLUSIVE) 7 days ago

Comic-Con Schedule

San Diego Comic-Con has rolled out its schedule for the 2024 convention this week, which runs from July 25–28. For the first time since 2019, SDCC will unfold without a virtual event, pandemic protocols or labor strike cancelations, marking a return to normal of sorts for the largest annual fan gathering in North America.

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2:15 – 3:15pm —  “Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” — Cowabunga! From the studios that brought audiences the “Mutant Mayhem” film, the all-new Paramount+ original series “Tales of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” explores the adventures of everyone’s favorite pizza-loving heroes as they emerge from the sewers and onto the streets of NYC. Join the voices of Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey and special guests, as well as series producers, for an exclusive panel featuring never-before-seen content moderated by host, writer, podcaster and stand-up comedian Claire Lim. (Room 6BCF)

3:00 – 4:00pm —  Behind the Action of Peacock’s Gladiator Epic “Those About to Die” — Dive into the Roman Empire’s explosive intersection of sports, politics, and dynasties as featured in Those About To Die with an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the making of the Peacock series alongside executive producer/director Roland Emmerich and stars Iwan Rheon, Sara Martins, Moe Hashim, Jojo Macari, and Dimitri Leonidas. (Ballroom 20)

3:15 – 4:15pm —  A Conversation with Ronald D. Moore — Join two-time Oscar nominee Mary McDonnell (“Battlestar Galactica,” “The Fall of the House of Usher”) as she leads a conversation with the legendary Ronald D. Moore who will delve into his illustrious career, from his work on “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Battlestar Galactica” to his current projects “Outlander” and “For All Mankind” and their respective upcoming spinoffs, “Blood of My Blood” and “Star City.” (Room 6DE)

4:45 – 5:45pm — Jonathan Frakes Unveils Arthur C. Clarke’s “Venus Prime” TV Series — Be part of the first public discussion of “Venus Prime,” an upcoming TV series adaptation of the bestselling book franchise from sf legend Arthur C. Clarke and author Paul Preuss. The series revolves around an amnesic woman with biomechanically enhanced abilities who must uncover the truth about her past and her purpose while she escapes and evades the deadly forces trying to harness her talents to rule the galaxy. Hear from director/executive producer Jonathan Frakes (“Star Trek: The Next Generation”), co-showrunners David Cormican (“Shadowhunters”) and Dwayne Hill (“Mean Girls”), executive producer Lucas Vivo (“Insânia”), co-CEO of Volume Global Christopher Harrington, and surprise guests as they reveal the intricacies behind making this ambitious scripted series a reality. (Room 6BCF)

6:30 – 7:30pm —  Marvel Studios: The Ultimate “Deadpool & Wolverine” Celebration of Life — No description provided, but in an unusual move, seating is available in advance via an online lottery . (Hall H)

8:15 – 9:45pm — FOX Animation Domination: “Universal Basic Guys” and “Krapopolis” — FOX is bringing Krapopolis back to Comic-Con and introducing “Universal Basic Guys” to Comic-Con fans with a special screening in advance of the series premiere this fall. Co-creators and executive producers Adam Malamut and Craig Malamut (“Game of Zones”) present “Universal Basic Guys,” which centers on two brothers, Mark and Hank Hoagies, who lose their jobs to automation and are given $3,000 a month in a new basic income program. Now they’re using their free time and free money to find purpose in a world where they’re no longer needed. Then, join creator and executive producer Dan Harmon (“Rick and Morty”) as he returns to the Comic-Con stage with some very special guests and new footage from the upcoming season of “Krapopolis.” Set in mythical ancient Greece, “Krapopolis” tells the story of a dysfunctional family of humans, gods, and monsters that try their hand at running the world’s first cities— without trying to kill each other, that is. The series features the voices of Hannah Waddingham (“Ted Lasso”), Richard Ayoade (“The IT Crowd”), Matt Berry (“What We Do in the Shadows”), Pam Murphy (“Mapleworth Murders”) and Duncan Trussell (“The Midnight Gospel”).


11:00am – 12:15pm —  “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” — Join the series’ showrunners and cast as they give an inside look into the highly anticipated second season, premiering August 29, 2024 on Prime Video. Get ready to experience stunning visuals, thrilling surprises, and unique insight into the darkness that has returned to threaten all of Middle-earth this season. (Hall H)

11:15am – 12:30pm —  “Snowpiercer” — Fans will experience an exclusive advanced screening of an all-new episode of Snowpiercer (Season 4, Episode 2 – “The Sting of Survival”) before it debuts on Sunday, July 28 on AMC and AMC+. Afterwards, Grammy and Tony Award-winner Daveed Diggs, Mickey Sumner, Mike O’Malley, and executive producers Paul Zbyszewski and Christoph Schrewe will tease the series’ final season. (Ballroom 20)

12:30 – 1:30pm — Into the Whoniverse: A “Doctor Who” Panel  — Hop aboard the TARDIS with “Doctor Who” stars Ncuti Gatwa (Fifteenth Doctor) and Millie Gibson (Ruby Sunday), along with showrunner and writer Russell T Davies as they discuss the latest season and its game-changing finale episode, which aired on Disney+ and BBC iPlayer. The trio will also share behind-the-scenes stories, fan surprises, and a special sneak peek. Moderated by Josh Horowitz (host, Happy Sad Confused podcast and MTV). (Hall H)

1:00 – 1:45pm —  Adapting Fan Favorites: A Conversation with Prime Video’s Adult Animation Creators — Join executive producers Robert Kirkman (“Invincible”), Vivienne Medrano (“Hazbin Hotel”), Travis Willingham (“The Legend of Vox Machina”), and Kyle Hunter (“Sausage Party: Foodtopia”) as they discuss adapting some of the most popular comic books, crowdfunded gems, films, and more into successful television series, give sneak peeks into upcoming seasons, and share exclusive news from each of their respective series. (Indigo Ballroom)

1:45 – 2:45pm —  Jim Lee and Friends — Jim Lee (DC president, publisher, and chief creative officer) is on hand to bring out a few of his friends for discussions and reveals that will have everyone talking long after the convention is over! (Room 6DE)

1:45 – 2:45pm —  “The Walking Dead: Dead City” Season 2 — The cast and executive producers discuss the upcoming second season of “The Walking Dead: Dead City” alongside the debut of an exclusive asset before the series returns next year on AMC and AMC+, moderated by Chris Hardwick. Confirmed panelists include Eli Jorné (showrunner and executive producer), Scott M. Gimple (The Walking Dead Universe chief content officer and executive producer), Lauren Cohan (executive producer, “Maggie”), Jeffrey Dean Morgan (executive producer, “Negan”), Gaius Charles (“Armstrong”), and Željko Ivanek (“The Croat”). (Hall H)

2:30 – 3:30pm — “Like a Dragon: Yakuza”  — Join series lead Ryoma Takeuchi, producers, and a surprise A-list star from the cast, as they share an exclusive first look and delve into the creation of this adaptation based on SEGA’s iconic game loved by fans globally. Fans will walk away with an exclusive souvenir from the panel. (Room 5AB)

2:45 – 3:45pm — “The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon —The Book of Carol” — The cast and executive producers discuss the upcoming second season of The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon—The Book of Carol alongside the debut of the official trailer before it premieres on Sunday, September 29 on AMC and AMC+, moderated by Chris Hardwick. Confirmed panelists include David Zabel (showrunner and executive producer), Scott M. Gimple (The Walking Dead Universe chief content officer and executive producer), Greg Nicotero (executive producer and director), Norman Reedus (executive producer and “Daryl Dixon”), Melissa McBride (executive producer and “Carol Peletier”), and Louis Puech Scigliuzzi (“Laurent”). (Hall H)

3:00 – 4:00pm —  Marvel Fanfare with C.B. Cebulski and Kevin Feige — Marvel masters collide in an unprecedented meeting of page and screen! Marvel Comics editor-in-chief C.B. Cebulski and Marvel Studios’ president Kevin Feige discuss their mutual love for all things Marvel Comics along with some special surprise creators. With decades of creative storytelling at the House of Ideas between them, there will be no shortage of insider insights and unheard comic book anecdotes that you can’t afford to miss. (Room 6DE)

3:00 – 3:45pm —  “The Great North” — Embark on an exhilarating journey to Lone Moose with “The Great North.” Get an exclusive look behind the scenes of this animated comedy series that follows the quirky Tobin family as they navigate life together. Get to know the creative minds behind the series, including creators and executive producers Wendy Molyneaux, Lizzie Molyneaux-Logelin, and Loren Bouchard, and the voices behind the Tobin family including Dulcé Sloan, Paul Rust, and Aparna Nancherla. Gain fascinating insights into the production of the show, its unique setting, and the colorful characters that inhabit the world of the Tobin family. (Indigo Ballroom)

4:00 – 4:45pm —  “Bob’s Burgers” — Creator and executive producer Loren Bouchard, executive producers Nora Smith and Holly Schlesinger, and supervising director Bernard Derriman will break news about the upcoming “Bob’s Burgers” season, and the always entertaining cast including H. Jon Benjamin, John Roberts, Kristen Schaal, Eugene Mirman, Dan Mintz, and Larry Murphy will have you howling with laughter through exclusive sneak peeks, a lively panel discussion, and audience Q&A. (Indigo Ballroom)

5:15 – 6:15pm —  20th Century Studios: “Alien: Romulus” — Director Fede Alvarez (“Don’t Breathe,” “Evil Dead”) and cast Cailee Spaeny (“Civil War”), David Jonsson (“Agatha Christie’s Murder Is Easy”), Archie Renaux (“Shadow and Bone”), Isabela Merced (“The Last of Us”), Spike Fearn (“Aftersun”), and Aileen Wu discuss the terrifying next installment from the iconic and beloved Alien franchise. (Hall H)

5:30 – 6:30pm —  WOW (Women of Wrestling): Bringing WOW Superheroes to Life — Co-owners David McLane and Jeanie Buss are joined by WOW superheroes The Beast, Coach Campanelli, and Kandi Krush to discuss the importance of the rise of female representation in professional sports, the influence of comics on pro wrestling, and the power of the fan. (Room 6DE)

5:45 – 6:45pm —  “Dexter: Original Sin” — The cast, showrunner and executive producers discuss the upcoming prequel to the fan-favorite series “Dexter.” Join showrunner and executive producer Clyde Phillips, executive producer Scott Reynolds and cast members Christian Slater (Harry Morgan), Patrick Gibson (Dexter Morgan) and Molly Brown (Debra Morgan) as they share what to expect from the new series and unveil a few exciting surprises. Moderated by “Dexter: Original Sin” special guest star, Sarah Michelle Gellar. (Ballroom 20)

8:15 – 9:15pm —  “Harley Quinn” & “Kite Man: Hell Yeah!” Panel — Featuring sneak peeks at unreleased “Kite Man: Hell Yeah!” scenes and a look at what’s in store for “Harley Quinn”’s upcoming fifth season, join the cast and creators for a special discussion spanning both Max Original adult animated series from DC and WB Animation. Panelists include Lake Bell (“Poison Ivy”), Matt Oberg (“Kite Man”), James Adomian(“Bane”), Dean Lorey (EP) virtual, Justin Halpern (EP), Patrick Schumacker (EP). (Room 6BCF)


10:00 – 11:00am — “My Adventures with Superman” Screening Presentation and Panel — Executive producers Jake Wyatt, Josie Campbell, and Brendan Clogher and voice cast members Jack Quaid, Alice Lee, and Ishmel Sahid answer your burning questions from season 2. Plus, get the early scoop on all the action, comedy, and romance that await Clark, Lois, and Jimmy in season 3. (Indigo Ballroom)

11:00 – 11:45am — “Futurama” — Neither snow nor rain nor cancellations nor pandemics nor Hollywood strikes can keep “Futurama” from blasting back into existence. Please join Matt Groening, David X. Cohen, Claudia Katz and “Futurama” superstars Billy West, John DiMaggio, Lauren Tom, Phil LaMarr, David Herman and Maurice LaMarche for a LIVE sneak preview of the all-new season premiering July 29 on Hulu. They promise to spill the maximum legal dose of spoilers. (Ballroom 20)

11:15am – 12:15pm — “Superman & Lois” Special Video Presentation and Q&A — For your last “first look” into this iconic series, be on hand for this special video presentation, followed by a Q&A with stars and producers making their Comic-Con debut! Based on the characters from DC created by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, Superman & Lois is from Berlanti Productions in association with Warner Bros. Television, with executive producers Greg Berlanti (“Arrow,” “The Flash,” “Batwoman,” “Supergirl”), Todd Helbing (“The Flash,” “Black Sails”), Brent Fletcher (“Lost,” “Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”), Sarah Schechter (“All American,” “Riverdale”), and Geoff Johns (“Titans,” “DC’s Stargirl”). (Hall H)

12:00 – 12:45pm —  “The Simpsons” — “The Simpsons” creators give an exclusive spooky sneak preview of Treehouse of Horror 35 – the scariest 35th Halloween Special ever. Join panelists Matt Groening, Matt Selman, Rob LaZebnik, Tim Bailey, along with special guest moderator Kevin Smith and surprise terrifying guests for original drawings, prizes and more. (Ballroom 20)

12:30 – 1:30pm —  “Abbott Elementary” Class in Session — Creator, star and executive producer Quinta Brunson and stars Tyler James Williams, Janelle James, Chris Perfetti, Lisa Ann Walter, William Stanford Davis and Sheryl Lee Ralph join executive producers Justin Halpern, Patrick Schumacker, Randall Einhorn and Brian Rubenstein as they take fans back to school with a behind-the-scenes conversation about the award-winning comedy. (Indigo Ballroom)

12:30 – 1:30pm —  “BRZRKR”: The Immortal Saga Unleashed — Since its record-breaking debut in 2021, Keanu Reeves’ BRZRKR has been thrilling readers with its story of the half-mortal, half-god warrior as he battles through the ages, seeking answers to the mystery of his endless blood-soaked existence and how to end it . . . The iconic Reeves and the original BRZRKR creative team discuss the journey so far and reveal new details on the future of the Immortal Saga across comics, a new novel, the upcoming Netflix live-action film, and special surprises! (Hall H)

12:30 – 1:30pm — “The Safe Man” — Best-selling author Michael Connelly teams up with Audible for a riveting supernatural audio thriller featuring an incredible cast. Connelly is joined by “The Safe Man” star Jack Quaid to discuss how the detective story came to life as a hit Audible Original podcast. (Room 6A)

1:00 – 1:45pm —  “American Dad!” — Celebrate the enduring success of “American Dad!” at Comic-Con with hilarity, hijinks and heartfelt moments. Dive into the quirky world of the Smith family and their eccentric friends and foes as this beloved animated series celebrates its ongoing success with stars Wendy Schaal, Scott Grimes, Rachael MacFarlane, Dee Bradley Baker, Jeff Fischer, and executive producers Matt Weitzman, Kara Vallow and Nic Wegener. (Ballroom 20)

1:45 – 3:15pm —  The “Star Trek” Universe — The fan-favorite STAR TREK universe panel returns to San Diego Comic-Con , featuring exclusive back-to-back conversations with cast and producers from “Star Trek: Strange New Worlds,” “Star Trek: Lower Decks,” “Star Trek: Starfleet Academy” and “Star Trek: Section 31,” plus reveals and surprises you won’t want to miss! Moderated by award-winning filmmaker, director and executive producer Justin Simien. “Strange New Worlds” cast members scheduled to appear include Anson Mount, Rebecca Romijn and Ethan Peck, alongside executive producers Alex Kurtzman, Akiva Goldsman and Henry Alonso Myers. “Lower Decks” will feature voice cast members Jack Quaid, Tawny Newsome, Noël Wells and Jerry O’Connell, along with creator and executive producer Mike McMahan and executive producer Alex Kurtzman. “Starfleet Academy” will feature executive producers and co-showrunners Alex Kurtzman and Noga Landau. “Section 31” will have its Hall H debut with cast members Omari Hardwick, Sam Richardson and Kacey Rohl, along with executive producer Alex Kurtzman and director Olatunde Osunsanmi. (Hall H)

1:45 – 2:45pm —  “Family Guy” — Celebrate 25 years of laughter, satire and iconic moments with “Family Guy” at this must-attend Comic-Con panel. This milestone event will bring together fans, the iconic cast including Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Jennifer Tilly, Gary Cole and Mike Henry, and executive producers Rich Appel, Alec Sulkin, Steve Callaghan and Kara Vallow to honor a quarter-century of hilarity, irreverence and unforgettable moments in Quahog. Whether a long-time fan or new to the Griffin family’s antics, this is the ultimate event to honor one of television’s most beloved and enduring animated series.  (Ballroom 20)

2:45 – 3:45pm —  “Batman: Caped Crusader” — Join executive producer Matt Reeves and cast members Hamish Linklater, Jamie Chung, and Minnie Driver for the world-premiere screening of the upcoming and highly anticipated series followed by a moderated Q&A where they will discuss their characters and tease key storylines in the upcoming season. (Room 6BCF)

3:00 – 3:45pm —  Critical Role: Fireside Chat and Cast Q&A — Enjoy a chat with the founders and cast members of Critical Role, including Ashley Johnson (“The Last of Us”), Marisha Ray (“Fallout 76”), Taliesin Jaffe (“World of Warcraft”), Matthew Mercer (“Bauldur’s Gate 3”), Laura Bailey (“The Last of Us: Part II”), Travis Willingham (“Marvel’s Avengers”), and Liam O’Brien (“Marvel’s Avengers”), moderated by Krystina Arielle. (Ballroom 20)

4:00 – 4:45pm —  “Silo” — A conversation around what fans can look forward to in the highly anticipated second season of “Silo” on Apple TV+ featuring star and executive producer Rebecca Ferguson, star Common, creator and showrunner Graham Yost and executive producer Hugh Howey, plus surprise special guests. (Ballroom 20)

4:00 – 5:00pm —  DreamWorks Animation’s “The Wild Robot” — The filmmakers and stars of DreamWorks Animation’s breathtaking new feature film, based on the bestselling literary phenomenon by Peter Brown, unveil the groundbreaking artistry and creativity behind the adaptation of this beloved story. Attendees are invited to discover the wild places inside themselves during this in-depth panel conversation with Oscar Award–nominated writer and director Chris Sanders, Oscar Award winner Lupita Nyong’o, and “Heartstopper”‘s Kit Connor. (Room 6BCF)

4:45 – 5:45pm —  “The Penguin” Panel — The HBO Original limited series, from Warner Bros. Television and DC Studios, continues Matt Reeves’ “The Batman” epic crime saga and centers on the character played by Colin Farrell in the film. The series debuts on HBO in September. Panelists include Colin Farrell—virtually (Oz Cobb aka “The Penguin” / EP), Cristin Milioti (Sofia Falcone), Rhenzy Feliz (Victor Aguilar), Matt Reeves (EP), Lauren LeFranc (Showrunner / EP), and Dylan Clark (EP). (Hall H)

5:00 – 6:15pm — “Anne Rice’s Interview with the Vampire” and “Anne Rice’s Mayfair Witches” — Over two seasons, Interview has attracted a loyal base of passionate fans and widespread critical acclaim, with the rare distinction of receiving 98-point scores for both its first and second seasons on Rotten Tomatoes. The panel will feature Mark Johnson, who oversees the Anne Rice Immortal Universe, Showrunner and Executive Producer Rolin Jones, Production Designer Mara LePere-Schloop and cast members Sam Reid, Assad Zaman and Delainey Hayles. They will discuss the recent explosive second season and tease the recently announced third season.

Immediately following, the “Mayfair Witches” cast and creatives will take the stage to discuss their highly anticipated second season, returning early next year. Based on Anne Rice’s “Lives of the Mayfair Witches,” season two continues the journey of Rowan Mayfair (Alexandra Daddario) after she has unwittingly given birth to the demon Lasher (Jack Huston). She is determined to understand what he has become – human or monster? – and to use him to fulfill her purpose as a healer, but when tragedy strikes, she must put aside her own desires and fight to protect her family. Joining the panel are Johnson, Showrunner Esta Spalding and cast members Daddario, Harry Hamlin, Tongayi Chirisa, Huston, Ben Feldman and Alyssa Jirrels. (Ballroom 20)

6:45 – 7:45pm —  “From” — MGM+’s “From” unravels the mystery of a nightmarish town that traps all those who enter. As the unwilling residents fight to keep a sense of normalcy and search for a way out, they must also survive the threats of the surrounding forest – including the terrifying creatures that come out when the sun goes down. Join executive producers Jeff Pinkner, Jack Bender, John Griffin and the stars of the series Harold Perrineau, Elizabeth Saunders, Catalina Sandino Moreno, Eion Bailey, and David Alpay for a sneak peek at the new questions and threats that await the townsfolk in Season 3. (Indigo Ballroom)

7:30 – 9:00pm —  A Panel with Kevin Smith — Kevin Smith wants to use his mouth on you at Comic-Con! As “Clerks” celebrates its 30th anniversary, the writer/director and pop culture loudmouth returns to Hall H with an exclusive sneak peek at his newest flick, “The 4:30 Movie”! Once he’s done hawking his wares, get ready to have your Q’s elaborately A’d by a guy who loves the sound of his own voice! Attendees can also expect to get some inside dirt on the next “Jay & Silent Bob” movie, “That 90’s Show,” Smodcastle Cinemas, Secret Stash Press, and Chronic Con—the inaugural IRL convention this fall that’s devoted to all things Askew! (Hall H)

10:00 – 11:00pm —  A Celebration of “Hazbin Hotel,” Hosted by Hot Topic — It’s a happy day in Hell! Join Hot Topic for a helluva fun celebration of Prime Video’s “Hazbin Hotel” with exclusive merch reveals, trivia and prizes, sing-along, and more! Dressing up as your favorite demon is highly encouraged. Plus, special guest appearances you do not want to miss. (Room 6BCF)

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The doctors of star trek, ranked by likability.


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Star Trek Reveals the Future for Worf's Son Alexander, & It's the Perfect Character Change

Star trek confirms the 1 hivemind stronger than the borg, 9-1-1: lone star season 5 synopsis teases an original character's exit, release date revealed.

In the Star Trek universe, the glory often goes to the captain, whose life-and-death decisions are what the multiple series’ narratives usually revolve around. However, it’s often the doctors who are the unsung heroes of these missions, researching the means to eliminate the numerous medical threats that routinely seem to plague their various crews.

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Although they’ve all taken the same Hippocratic Oath, not all of Star Trek ’s doctors are cut from the same mold. Sure, some are beloved, but some of their bedside manners and general personalities leave much to be desired.

Katherine Pulaski

Trekkers are a vocal fandom and have never let their dissatisfaction with a character remain unvoiced, which is why Dr. Pulaski is so universally reviled. Replacing Dr. Crusher for season 2 of Star Trek: The Next Generation , Pulaski’s channeling of the gruff and curmudgeonly ways of The Original Series' Dr. McCoy completely missed the mark with fans.

Perhaps her antipathy towards artificial life forms, personified by Lieutenant-Commander Data , added fuel to the fire of viewers’ hatred. After all, Data was a beloved and popular character on the show and having Pulaski constantly undercut him probably didn’t endear her to viewers.

Leonard McCoy (Original Timeline)

There’s no doubt that good old Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy is the standard by which all other doctors in Star Trek are measured, but by all accounts, he’s a pretty cranky guy. In general, he’s rather gruff and downright cantankerous with everyone from Captain Kirk to Nurse Chapel and is never shy with his sarcasm or biting observations.

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Although he’s a great doctor, his bedside manner is passable at best in some situations. Perhaps his greatest failure is his inability to respect Vulcans for their adherence to the discipline of logic, which he constantly chides Mr. Spock for. That seems weird for a man who has chosen to work for an organization that preaches understanding and acceptance of all life forms and their customs!

Julian Bashir

Dr. Bashir was introduced as a fresh-faced, enthusiastic-though-somewhat-naive young man ready to make a difference on the far reaches of known space. In desperate need of some life experience to make interactions with his colleagues less awkward, Dr. Bashir received some much-needed “schooling” from people like Commander Sisko , Major Kira, and Odo.

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There’s nothing immanently detestable about Dr. Bashir, but his doe-eyed comportment and transparent charm with the ladies were somewhat grating to watch. An attempt to make the character more interesting by revealing him to be genetically engineered fell flat, much like his character.

Leonard McCoy (Kelvin Timeline)

Star Trek fans met the announcement that the Original Series would be rebooted on the big screen with new actors with both excitement and trepidation. For the most part, the films have been met with a lukewarm response by fans, but one thing everyone can agree on is that the characterizations are spot-on .

Leading the pack in the new cast is Karl Urban’s portrayal of Dr. McCoy. Urban has managed to channel DeForest Kelly’s cantankerous curmudgeon to a tee but has also infused him with a sense of compassion and humor that requires less digging to see than in the Original Series .

When Voyager ’s Chief Medical Officer was killed in transit to the Delta Quadrant, the Emergency Medical Hologram was activated to tend to those wounded from the journey . Abrupt, somewhat snarky, and lacking a sympathetic bedside manner, the EMH bore more than a passing resemblance in character and appearance to its creator, Lewis Zimmerman.

When it became apparent that Voyager would be stuck in the Delta Quadrant indefinitely, the EMH took over the ship's medical duties as The Doctor. Gradually, his program adapted itself to become more human and infinitely more likable, making him one of the more sympathetic characters on the ship.

Christine Chapel

Played by Gene Roddenberry’s real-life wife, Majel Barrett, Nurse Chapel was a compassionate, fan-favorite character who cared for her patients with all her heart and ability. During her tenure as a nurse aboard the original Enterprise , she worked under Dr. McCoy and harbored some not-so-hidden romantic feelings for Mr. Spock.

Eagle-eared fans will realize that Chapel had become a doctor herself by the time Star Trek: The Motion Picture was released, and she was seen trying to care for the injured at Starfleet Headquarters in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home .

Casual fans may not know that William Shatner’s James Kirk wasn’t the first (televised) captain of the USS Enterprise - that honor fell on Jeffrey Hunter’s Christopher Pike. Aside from a certain pointy-eared bridge officer , Pike’s Enterprise looked very different from Kirk’s in terms of personnel, including the resident CMO, Phil Boyce.

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Boyce was immediately endearing in his first real scene, acting more like a counselor to the troubled Captain Pike than a doctor. Calm, patient, attentive, and compassionate, Dr. Boyce had the practiced bedside manner of a seasoned veteran. Although the logic of carrying a mini-bar in a satchel rather than medical equipment needs to be questioned, there’s no doubt Dr. Boyce was immediately likable.

Hugh Culber

Being one of the first openly gay regular characters on a Star Trek series notwithstanding, Dr. Culber was one of the easiest characters to root for. Knowledgeable, compassionate, passionate, and driven, Dr. Culber was not just committed to his patients, but to the pursuit of truth no matter what the cost.

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His death at the hands of Ash Tyler/Voq was as heartwrenching as it was visceral. His return as a conflicted and scarred survivor of the mycelial network was ingenious but threatened to overturn his previous characterization with a “dark and edgy” new persona. Thankfully, Dr. Culber has embraced his roots, and is his imminently likable self!

Beverly Crusher

When Dr. Crusher was first introduced in Season 1 of Star Trek: The Next Generation , she seemed rather cold and aloof and was quickly written out of Season 2. Her return in Season 3 seemed to accompany the writers’ attempt to flesh out her character a little more fully, and Dr. Crusher quickly became one of the series’ more quietly endearing characters.

Dr. Crusher was a brilliant and passionate doctor, concerned with her patients’ well-being even above her own. After all, she’d have to be to advocate bringing a Borg drone onboard the Enterprise for humanitarian reasons. She was also fearless in following her passions and defending what she thought was right, as her frequent butting of heads with Captain Picard stands testament to.

Star Trek: Enterprise may have the ignominious distinction of being the least-favored Star Trek series to air to date , but there were some laudable aspects of the show that bear mentioning. Aside from being daring enough to show the Trek universe in its infancy, Enterprise presented some interesting and compelling characters that added to the overall fabric of Trek lore.

Dr. Phlox was just such a character. A Denobulan in origin, Phlox represented the best in a doctor and an individual: he was passionate, learned, and open to new ideas- the very traits that make for excellent Starfleet officers!

NEXT:  Star Trek: 10 Reasons Why The Kelvin Timeline Should Continue

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The Surprising Connections Between Star Trek And Doctor Who

Book looking started

In the world of science fiction television, "Star Trek" and "Doctor Who" represent the best that the United States and the United Kingdom have to offer, respectively. The long-running, time-traveling English series got a head start, launching in 1963 with William Hartnell as the titular Doctor — a mysterious space-time adventurer. The series' famous "regeneration" trope has allowed new actors to come in and out of the role over the decades, helping the series to last for a whopping 26 consecutive years before leaving the air in 1989. 

In 1966, "Star Trek" similarly dazzled American audiences, though the original series ran for just three seasons. Cancellation couldn't kill it, however, and the franchise was brought back as a series of feature films just as the 1980s were dawning. Then in 1987, the franchise exploded, spawning four new series over a decade and a half: "Star Trek: The Next Generation," "Deep Space Nine," "Voyager," and "Enterprise." Oddly enough, just as "Enterprise" was ending in 2005, "Doctor Who" returned.

Both franchises have thrived in different eras, and both have experienced modern-day renaissances. Despite being produced on different continents, the two legendary franchises have also shared a number of actors. From small parts to lead roles, here's every performer who's featured in both "Star Trek" and "Doctor Who." 

You've most likely seen or heard character actor Guy Siner before. He played a harbormaster in "Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" and twice has voiced the supervillain Man-Ray in "Spongebob Squarepants." He's also provided voice work for a number of "Star Wars" video games and appeared in guest roles in shows in the U.K. and America, including "Diagnosis Murder" and "'Allo 'Allo!" But before all of that, he appeared as Ravon in two parts of the "Doctor Who" story "Genesis of the Daleks" in 1975. Ravon was a Kaled officer who served during the Thousand Year War and oversaw the construction of the very first Daleks built by the mastermind Davros.

Hop forward nearly 30 years, and Siner would appear in an episode of "Star Trek: Enterprise." There he played Stuart, the father of Malcolm Reed, the ship's security officer. In the Season 1 episode "Silent Enemy," Stuart Reed is contacted over subspace by Captain Archer in an attempt to learn more about Malcolm, as the officer's birthday is coming up and they are hoping to throw him a surprise party. Though a small role, it cemented him as one of the few to be part of both sci-fi franchises .

Best known for his collaborations with director Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg's roles in "Hot Fuzz," "Shaun of the Dead" and "The World's End" have made him a British comic legend. But it was his co-starring role in "Mission Impossible III" that brought him to the attention of Hollywood, and director J.J. Abrams would bring him back when he was tasked with recasting the roles of Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock, and the crew of the starship Enterprise for his 2009 reboot of the "Star Trek" franchise. Pegg would come onboard as Scotty, the overworked, exasperated, and brilliant chief engineer, and he played the role for three films. At a time when Chris Pine's star had yet to fully rise, Pegg's presence brought some name recognition to the project.

But his tenure on the Enterprise wasn't the first time Pegg found himself in a sci-fi relaunch. In 2005, Pegg starred alongside Christopher Eccleston in an episode of the first season of the "Doctor Who" revival series. Brought back after almost two decades, the new series recruited Pegg to play the villain in the seventh episode, "The Long Game." Set in the year 200,000, Pegg played a malevolent media magnate called the Editor who uses his power and influence to manipulate the people of future Earth by controlling the news.

Barrie Ingham

The second season of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" is  generally considered to be pretty rough , but for all its faults, it still includes a number of notable guest stars including Billy Campbell, Mick Fleetwood, and Mitch Ryan. While Barrie Ingham may not have been as big of a name as those others at the time, he's the only one who had previously appeared on "Doctor Who." In the episode "Up The Long Ladder," two separate groups of colonists come aboard the Enterprise looking for relocation: one is a highly advanced people who've embraced cloning as a means of reproduction, while the Bringloidi are Luddites who eschew technology in all forms. Ingham plays the Bringloidi leader Odell, whose daughter he wishes to marry off. The two groups eventually solve their mutual problems by forming a new colony together.

Back in 1965, Ingham appeared twice in the "Doctor Who" franchise. In the series, Ingham played Paris, the son of King Priam of Troy in the adventure serial "The Myth Makers." In the episode, it's Paris who finds the TARDIS and brings it into Troy, and he befriends companion Steven Taylor during the tale. Ingham would get another turn in the non-canonical "Dr. Who and the Daleks" feature film starring Peter Cushing, where he played an alien called Alydon whose people were being hunted by the Doctor's mortal foes. Ironically, Ingham's character discovers the TARDIS and befriends the Doctor's companion again in the movie.

You may recognize actress Orla Brady from her work outside both "Star Trek" and "Doctor Who." Whether it's from her recurring role as Elizabeth Bishop in "Fringe" or Dr. Karen Hopple in "American Horror Story," Brady has had a variety of major roles in her career. But her most recent is starring opposite Patrick Stewart in dual roles on "Star Trek: Picard." In the first season, she's introduced as Laris, a Romulan refugee and former Tal Shiar agent who comes to live on Picard's vineyard after the destruction of her homeworld. In Season 2, she returns as Laris, but she also plays the role of Tallin, an enigmatic "Watcher" tasked with monitoring events on Earth in the 21st century. 

Prior to her appearance in "Star Trek," Brady made a single but important appearance in "Doctor Who." Right around the franchise's 50th anniversary, Brady showed up in the episode "The Time of the Doctor," one of the show's many Christmas specials . There she played the villain Tasha Lem, an old friend of the Doctor's who calls him to the planet Trenzalore after a mysterious signal from the lost Time Lords begins emanating from the planet. Lem is ultimately revealed to be an agent of the villainous Daleks, having been converted by the robot race.

With a long career in science fiction and fantasy films, Deep Roy has done and seen it all. He's played the Oompa Loompas in Tim Burton's "Willy Wonka" remake, performed as Droopy McCool and Yoda in the "Star Wars" franchise, and appeared in such classics as "Return To Oz," "The Neverending Story," "Planet of the Apes," and "The X-Files." But after featuring in so many major franchises, Roy still hadn't appeared in "Star Trek." That is, not until the 2009 reboot from J.J. Abrams. There he played Keenser, the small alien friend to engineer Scotty (Simon Pegg) when he was stationed at a remote outpost. Keenser would later accompany Scotty to the Enterprise after his recruitment by Kirk, appearing in all three films in the series.

Deep Roy often played fantasy creatures and outer space aliens. That would again be the case in "Doctor Who," where he made appeared in the classic 1977 serial "The Talons of Wein Chiang." In the story, Roy plays Mr. Sin, a robotic servant to magician Li H'sen Chang, who turns out to be much more than he appears.

Mark Sheppard

One of the few actors on this list to appear first as a part of the "Star Trek" franchise before taking a role in "Doctor Who," Mark Sheppard's connection to the British series is closely connected to that of his actor father, W. Morgan Sheppard. In the "Star Trek: Voyager" episode "Child's Play," the younger Sheppard played Leucon, the father of former Borg drone Icheb. Captain Janeway and the crew meet Leucon when they attempt to send Icheb home to his parents, but they soon discover that he and his wife have bio-engineered their son to be a living weapon against the Borg. When they send Icheb to die against the cybernetic invaders, it's up to the Voyager crew to save him.

More than a decade after appearing in "Voyager," Sheppard would play FBI agent Canton Everett Delaware III in the "Doctor Who" episode "Day of the Moon." Delaware helps investigate a series of mysterious phone calls made to U.S. President Richard Nixon in 1969, not long before the first moon landing. The Doctor, Amy, Rory, and River Song arrive at the White House to investigate themselves, believing they could be tied to a possible alien incursion. Together, they uncover a plot by a sinister race of aliens called the Silence, who nobody can remember unless they're looking at them.

William Morgan Sheppard

William Morgan Sheppard has made multiple major guest appearances in the "Star Trek" franchise. He was first featured in the "Next Generation" episode "The Schizoid Man" as a reclusive scientist named Ira Graves. Graves meets Commander Data on his deathbed and is able to transfer his consciousness to the android's body before his passing. In the 1991 feature film "Star Trek: The Undiscovered Country," Sheppard played a Klingon overlord on the penal colony Rura Penthe who tormented Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy. Later, in "Star Trek: Voyager," Sheppard guest-starred as alien monster hunter Qatai in "Bliss," who's engaged in a hunt for a massive space-borne life form that's feeding off of Voyager. A decade after that appearance, Sheppard would play a Vulcan official overseeing Spock's application to the Science Academy in the 2009 "Star Trek" reboot.

Sheppard's one appearance on "Doctor Who" is closely tied to his son, Mark Sheppard. In "Day of the Moon," the action of the episode takes place in 1969, where the younger Sheppard plays FBI agent Canton Everett Delaware III. In a bookend to that story, we meet a much older Canton in 2011 played by William Morgan Sheppard. At the conclusion of their adventure together in 1969, the Doctor gives him instructions to meet him, River, Amy, and Rory at Lake Silencio in Utah, where they'll burn the remnants of his body after his death at the hands of a mysterious astronaut.

John Franklyn-Robbins

Appearing in the "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Season 7 episode "Pre-Emptive Strike," John Franklyn-Robbins plays Macias, a sagely old man and member of the group of renegade freedom fighters known as the Maquis. Macias is the person in charge of the resistance on the colony of Juhraya, which was abandoned after the Federation signed a treaty with the Cardassians. Ro Laren, assigned to go undercover and gather intelligence on the Maquis, grows close to Macias, eventually seeing him as a father figure. Macias is killed during a raid by Cardassians, however, spurring Ro to defect from Starfleet and join the rogue faction of anti-Cardassian militants.

In "Doctor Who," Franklyn-Robbins appears in the classic serial "Genesis of the Daleks" as an unnamed Time Lord messenger with an important role to play. In the story, it's Franklyn-Robbins' character who kicks off the action by informing the Doctor of the danger the Daleks pose. Learning that the race of robots is going to one day wipe out all life in the universe, the messenger instructs the Doctor to travel back and stop their creation from ever occurring.

Daphne Ashbrook

The only American actor on this list, Daphne Ashbrook had serious potential to become a major player in the "Doctor Who" franchise. She appeared in the 1996 "Doctor Who" TV movie co-produced by the BBC and Fox. The film was intended to spark a whole new series that would have brought the British icon to American shores. As such, the cast was a mix of British and American talent, with Ashbrook starring as the Eighth Doctor's companion, an actual doctor named Grace Holloway who attempts to save the life of the Time Lord after he's attacked by a street gang in 20th-century San Francisco. The movie wasn't a success in the ratings, but it has its bright spots, and Ashbrook is definitely one of them.

Three years before her role as Holloway, Ashbrook appeared in an episode of "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine"  Season 2. In the episode "Melora," she plays the title character, an alien scientist and Starfleet officer who visits the Deep Space Nine station. Ashbrook's character falls in love with the station's resident physician Julian Bashir. Melora is wheelchair-bound thanks to the unusual properties of her homeworld, but Bashir comes up with a new treatment that could allow her to walk at the expense of never being able to return home.

David Ajala

Prior to his stint on "Star Trek: Discovery," English actor David Ajala may have been best known to American audiences for his role as Manchester Black on the CW superhero drama "Supergirl." Before that, though, he was a mainstay on British TV, with roles in "Law & Order: UK," "The Bill," and "Black Mirror." It was in 2010 that Ajala would appear in "Doctor Who" in just the second episode of the Tenth Doctor's tenure, "The Beast Below." There he played a sinister enforcer named Peter aboard Starship U.K. in the 33rd century. Part automaton, Peter was the leader of the Winders, mechanical men who punished rule-breakers aboard the ship and were duty-bound to protect the secrets of their home.

A decade after his role in "Doctor Who," Ajala would join the "Star Trek" franchise as a mysterious renegade named Cleveland "Book" Booker. With the U.S.S. Discovery catapulted into the 32nd century, Michael Burnham is lost and crash-lands on the planet Hima, where she encounters Book. Over the course of the season, Book and Burnham become romantically involved, and when Burnham takes command of Discovery, Book joins her aboard the ship for good. 

Christopher Neame

In 1995, British actor Christopher Neame appeared in the "Star Trek: Voyager" episode  "Heroes And Demons." In the story, he played a warrior named Unferth in a holodeck simulation of "Beowulf" run by Harry Kim. Oddly enough, Unferth is encountered by the ship's doctor when Kim goes missing within the virtual world. Later, in "Star Trek: Enterprise," Neame pops up again as a German general during World War II. But this is no holodeck recreation, as the NX-01 Enterprise had found itself transported back in time. An alien race had altered Earth's history to assist the Third Reich in its plans for global domination

Neame's role in "Doctor Who" is a bit less straightforward, and certainly one of the most unique appearances featured on this list. He played the role of Skagra, an alien engineer in the infamous serial "Shada," written by Douglas Adams. The story became infamous because, due to a number of reasons, production was halted halfway through and wouldn't be completed for decades. A combination of animation and newly filmed sequences were eventually used to finish things up. Neame himself would take part in the completion of the story, including providing commentary on the 2013 home video release.

Steven Berkoff

Excellent at playing sly villains, character actor Steven Berkoff appeared in the "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" episode "Business As Usual." One of the show's many Ferengi-centric episodes and centered on the unscrupulous bartender Quark, the story features Berkoff as Hagath, a ruthless arms dealer who hires Quark to wine and dine his high-class clients. When Quark realizes that his work, though lucrative, might be aiding in the deaths of millions in a galactic war, he has a change of heart and must go against the vicious Hagath, as well as his own cousin Gaila. 

Fifteen years after appearing in "Star Trek," Berkoff would show up on "Doctor Who." In the 2012 Series 7 episode "The Power of Three" — which also featured an appearance by Mark Williams, of "Harry Potter" fame — Berkoff would play Shakri, the holographic image interface of an alien vessel. Shakri is encountered by Matt Smith's Doctor — along with Amy, Rory, and Rory's father Brian — when Earth is invaded by mysterious alien cubes.  

Noel Clarke

Actor Noel Clarke is the first "Star Trek" actor to have joined the sci-fi franchise after playing one of the Doctor's companions on "Doctor Who." Debuting in the first episode of the "Doctor Who" revival series in 2005, Clarke played Mickey, who at first is portrayed simply as Rose Tyler's boyfriend, and who stays behind on Earth when Rose joins the Doctor to travel space and time. But eventually, Mickey would join Rose as a full-time companion and travel across the universe with her and the Doctor. All told, Clarke would appear in 15 episodes of the show, returning to say goodbye to David Tennant's Doctor in his final episode, "The End of Time."

A few years after his final appearance on "Doctor Who," Clarke would show up in the 2014 film "Star Trek Into Darkness." There he played a man named Thomas Harewood, whose daughter is dying of an incurable disease. Harewood is approached by a mysterious man calling himself John Harrison, who offers him a cure that will save his daughter's life. In exchange, Harrison asks him to destroy a secret Starfleet facility. Harrison of course turns out to be the notorious "Star Trek" villain Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch), and it's Harewood's act of terrorism that jumpstarts the action of the film.

Maurice Roëves

The "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Season 7 episode "The Chase" is a divisive one among Trekkies, with a story that rewrites universal history and the "Star Trek" canon (per Den of Geek ). In the episode, it's revealed that a race of ancient aliens is responsible for species throughout the franchise all being bipedal humanoids. Throughout the story, the Enterprise, a Klingon captain, and a Cardassian scientist compete to uncover the secrets of an ancient computer program. At the episode's climax, actor Maurice Roëves  plays a Romulan commander who's been shadowing them all, hoping to steal the secrets for himself.

In the 1984 "Doctor Who" story "The Caves Of Androzani," Roëves appeared as Stotz, an illegal arms dealer hired by the villain Morgus to get weapons into the hands of renegade Sharaz Jek. The ensuing war on Androzani Minor draws in the Fifth Doctor (Peter Davison), who, along with his companion Peri, becomes poisoned by a dangerous substance called Spectrox, which is at the heart of the conflict. 

Chris Obi plays a small but important role in the "Doctor Who" episode "Closing Time." In the story, the Doctor is drawn back to Earth and zeroes in on a department store called Sanderson And Grainger, where something fishy is going on. He takes a job in the store, where Obi plays George, a security guard who becomes friendly with him. In the end, the Doctor's investigation leads him to uncover yet another Cyberman plot to invade Earth. 

In 2017, Obi would snag the coveted role of the lead villain on the first new "Star Trek" series in more than a decade. In "Star Trek: Discovery," Obi plays the Klingon leader T'Kuvma, who succeeds in uniting the many warring Klingon houses in a fight with the Federation. Unlike most actors who've crossed between the two sci-fi franchises, Obi actually became a main cast member in one franchise after appearing in the other.

Hugh Culber

Commander Hugh Culber was a Human male Starfleet officer who lived during both the mid- 23rd and late 32nd centuries . He served as a physician and counselor aboard the USS Discovery . ( DIS : " Choose Your Pain ")

  • 1 Early life
  • 2.1.1 Federation-Klingon war
  • 2.1.2 Resurrection
  • 2.2 32nd century
  • 3.1 Appearances
  • 3.2 Background information
  • 3.3 External links

Early life [ ]

At the age of sixteen, Culber was injured in a fall while hiking on the cliffs of Cabo Rojo , on Earth . Culber was rescued by a Doctor Kashkooli , who stitched and closed a puncture wound on his shoulder , which gave him a "very sexy scar" as described by Paul Stamets . The experience inspired Culber to go to medical school . ( DIS : " The Sound of Thunder ")

Wilson Cruz indicated on his Facebook page that his character was referring to Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico . [1]

Sometime after Culber completed his medical training , his tío Cesar died. Culber was angry, and determined that nothing would make him feel better at the funeral . His family posed Cesar at a poker table as part of el muerto parado , after which Culber and his cousins accidently snapped off Cesar's thumb and index finger , leaving Culber to use his training to reattach them. The experience left he and his cousins laughing the whole funeral long. ( DIS : " All Is Possible ")

Starfleet career [ ]

23rd century [ ], federation-klingon war [ ].

During the war in 2256 , Culber served with his husband, Lieutenant Paul Stamets , aboard the USS Discovery .

In 2256, Culber treated Stamets after he was injured in an unsuccessful test of the Discovery 's spore drive . ( DIS : " The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry ")

In December 2256, Specialist Michael Burnham introduced Culber to " Ripper ", a tardigrade , after coming to believe that Ripper was experiencing pain during the starship 's spore jumps . Culber agreed to run some tests. Scans of Ripper's frontal lobe showed significant cumulative deterioration every time Discovery went to black alert . The next time Discovery went to black alert, Ripper collapsed into a state of extreme cryptobiosis , reducing water content levels to one percent. Culber could barely detect Ripper's vital signs , and neurological tests indicated Ripper was possibly sentient. Acting Captain Saru ordered Culber to re-hydrate Ripper for more spore jumps. Culber refused the order, stating that he would "not be party to murder." Saru then ordered Lieutenant Stamets to carry out the order. Unbeknownst to Commander Saru, Lieutenant Stamets injected himself with Ripper's DNA and operated the spore drive in place of Ripper. Stamets rationalized to Culber that he knew he would leave him if he allowed anything else to happen to Ripper. ( DIS : " Choose Your Pain ")

Following the Battle at Pahvo , when Stamets entered a state of catatonia , Culber believed his moments of lucidity were merely insane ramblings. ( DIS : " Despite Yourself ")

Tyler snaps Culber's neck

Tyler snaps Dr. Culber's neck

After Ash Tyler experienced nightmares of having undergone surgery following Klingon imprisonment, he asked Culber to perform an examination on him. Culber discovered that Tyler's skeletal structure and organs had been surgically altered and that the Tyler personality had been overlaid over that of someone else. This led him to try to ground Tyler, which triggered a reaction in Tyler, who broke Culber's neck , killing him. ( DIS : " Despite Yourself ") It was later discovered that Culber had been correct and that Ash Tyler 's personality had overlaid that of Voq , a Klingon. ( DIS : " The Wolf Inside ")

For his service during the Federation-Klingon War , Culber was posthumously awarded the Starfleet Medal of Honor . Paul Stamets accepted the award on Culber's behalf. ( DIS : " Will You Take My Hand? ")

Unbeknownst to anyone, when Stamets had cradled Culber after his death in one of his moments of lucidity, he had unknowingly drawn Culber's essence into the mycelial network where the jahSepp regarded Culber as a "monster" as he inadvertently killed many of them while defending himself as the network began attacking Culber as a foreign body. ( DIS : " The Wolf Inside ", " Saints of Imperfection ")

Resurrection [ ]

Hugh Culber in mycelial space

Part of Hugh Culber that survived in mycelial space

In 2257 , during a mission into the mycelial network to rescue Sylvia Tilly , Culber was found by Stamets, Burnham, Tilly and the jahSepp incarnation of May Ahearn who had sought out Tilly's help to deal with the "monster" in the network. After Culber's DNA was added to the jahSepp cocoon in the outside universe, May and the jahSepp were able to rebuild Culber's body through the cocoon, resurrecting him.

After his resurrection, Culber was subjected to extensive scans. ( DIS : " Saints of Imperfection ") Doctor Tracy Pollard ran every scan or test she could think of on Culber, to the point that Culber thought there wasn't a scan or test that she had not performed. While the scans showed his new body was healthy, Culber's body was completely new, with even the old scar on his shoulder gone. Pollard advised Culber that it would take time for him to get used to his new body and that, while she would continue to monitor his condition, he could resume a normal life. ( DIS : " The Sound of Thunder ")

Culber was reinstated in his post by Captain Christopher Pike , and helped in an operation on Essof IV to capture the Red Angel . ( DIS : " The Red Angel ")

Culber decided to transfer to the USS Enterprise , but he eventually changed his mind, when he realized that his place was with Stamets on the Discovery . He was among multiple crewmembers who volunteered to stay on board when Burnham took the ship forward into the 32nd century , to elude Control , with no chance of coming back. Along with the rest of the volunteering crew, Culber was presumed dead by Starfleet , based on the testimonies of the Enterprise senior officers. ( DIS : " Such Sweet Sorrow ", " Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 ")

32nd century [ ]

After Discovery arrived in the year 3189 , Culber helped the crew adjust to their new lives in a time in which everyone they had known had died centuries earlier. In particular he helped Keyla Detmer deal with her guilt at being the one who piloted Discovery through the wormhole to the future. ( DIS : " Forget Me Not ")

Following Discovery 's finding of Federation Headquarters , Culber was interrogated and debriefed by a security hologram about his "death". He was then part of the away team that boarded the USS Tikhov to retrieve a seed sample from Urna to help a group of Kili refuges with a prion infection. Culber then helped the doctors treat the refugees. ( DIS : " Die Trying ")

He also treated Philippa Georgiou for a unique condition which arose from her travelling across universes as well as through time. ( DIS : " The Sanctuary ", " Terra Firma, Part 1 ")

During an investigation into the Burn, Culber was beamed down to wreckage of the KSF Khi'eth in the Verubin Nebula with Burnham and Saru. During this time, a holoprogram disguised him as a Bajoran in an outfit that hid his medical supplies and away mission gear. When Osyraa attacked the USS Discovery , he elected to stay behind with Saru and Su'Kal on Theta Zeta . Culber, along with Saru, Adira , and Gray Tal were able to convince Su'Kal to turn off the holo-program. He promised Gray that he, Adira and Stamets would help him be seen again by all. Culber and the others were then beamed aboard Discovery . Culber and Adira were then reunited with Stamets upon their return to Federation Headquarters. Culber, like the rest of crew, updated their uniforms and accepted Burnham as Discovery 's new captain. ( DIS : " Su'Kal ", " That Hope Is You, Part 2 ")

Five months later, Culber was present for the re-opening ceremony of Starfleet Academy , and had the chance to voice appreciation to Federation President Laira Rillak . Following the recovery of the Deep Space Repair Beta Six escape vessel's second trip, Culber found Commander Nalas deceased. During this time, Culber also served as Discovery 's counselor in addition to medical officer. ( DIS : " Kobayashi Maru ", " Choose to Live ")

Culber kept his promise to Gray and Adira, utilizing the Soong Method combined with a zhian'tara performed by Guardian Xi to resurrect Gray in the body of a golem . ( DIS : " Anomaly (DIS) ", " Choose to Live ")

In 3191 , Culber volunteered to host the consciousness of Jinaal Bix through zhian'tara so that Discovery could find Jinaal's piece of the clue to the Progenitors ' technology. This event had a profound impact on Culber, triggering a spiritual awakening when he couldn't find any scientific way to explain his experiences. ( DIS : " Jinaal ", " Mirrors ", " Whistlespeak ")

After Moll and L'ak were captured by the USS Locherer , Culber attempted to treat L'ak's injuries, but he was hampered by his lack of knowledge of Breen physiology. Culber eventually found a solution amidst tense negotiations with Primarch Ruhn , but L'ak injected himself with an overdose of tricordrazine as part of an escape plan. Unfortunately, L'ak misjudged the dose and even with the help of a Breen medic , Culber was unable to save his life. ( DIS : " Erigah ")

During the dangerous mission to stabilize the portal to the Progenitors' technology, Culber volunteered to go with Cleveland Booker , feeling a drive that he was unable to explain. Culber unexpectedly gained access to one of Jinaal's memories which provided him and Booker with vital information, but he couldn't explain how it had happened as Culber had never before had access to any of Jinaal's memories after zhian'tara . However, Culber found that he didn't need an explanation for once and simply embraced it. ( DIS : " Life, Itself ")

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • " The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry "
  • " Choose Your Pain "
  • " Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad "
  • " Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum "
  • " Into the Forest I Go "
  • " Despite Yourself "
  • " The Wolf Inside " (body)
  • " Vaulting Ambition "
  • " What's Past Is Prologue " (archive footage)
  • " Brother " (holographic recording)
  • " Saints of Imperfection "
  • " The Sound of Thunder "
  • " If Memory Serves "
  • " The Red Angel "
  • " Perpetual Infinity "
  • " Through the Valley of Shadows "
  • " Such Sweet Sorrow "
  • " Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2 "
  • " Far From Home "
  • " Forget Me Not "
  • " Die Trying "
  • " Scavengers "
  • " The Sanctuary "
  • " Terra Firma, Part 1 "
  • " Terra Firma, Part 2 "
  • " That Hope Is You, Part 2 "
  • " Kobayashi Maru "
  • " Anomaly (DIS) "
  • " Choose to Live "
  • " All Is Possible "
  • " The Examples "
  • " Stormy Weather "
  • " ...But to Connect "
  • " Rubicon "
  • " The Galactic Barrier "
  • " Rosetta "
  • " Species Ten-C "
  • " Coming Home "
  • " Red Directive "
  • " Under the Twin Moons "
  • " Face the Strange "
  • " Mirrors "
  • " Whistlespeak "
  • " Labyrinths "
  • " Lagrange Point "
  • " Life, Itself "

Background information [ ]

Culber is portrayed by Wilson Cruz . He stated about the character, " It was important for me, when we were developing Doctor Culber, that he had this big heart, but he was also someone who was formidable, who could stand up to authority, who, you know, had no problem voicing his opinions and insisting on going the right way. So, I think we achieved that. " ( AT : " Despite Yourself ")

External links [ ]

  • Hugh Culber at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • 2 Star Trek: Prodigy

"The Doctor" was the primary alias of a renegade Time Lord from Gallifrey who journeyed through time and space with various companions in his obsolete and "borrowed" Type 40 TARDIS. Though largely a believer in non-violent conflict resolution, he was at times a great warrior. Indeed, some civilisations in the universe translated the word doctor as warrior, whilst others saw him as a compassionate benefactor, worthy of their admiration and compassion.

  • Doctor Who and the Enterprise
  • Assimilation²

Incarnation of the Doctor

  • First Doctor
  • Second Doctor
  • Third Doctor
  • Fourth Doctor
  • Fifth Doctor
  • Sixth Doctor
  • Seventh Doctor
  • Eighth Doctor
  • Ninth Doctor
  • Tenth Doctor
  • Eleventh Doctor
  • Twelfth Doctor
  • Thirteenth Doctor
  • The Watcher
  • The Valeyard
  • Meta-Crisis Tenth Doctor
  • The Curator


  1. The Doctor

    star trek wiki the doctor

  2. Robert Picardo as The Doctor in Star Trek Voyager

    star trek wiki the doctor

  3. The Doctor

    star trek wiki the doctor

  4. The Doctor

    star trek wiki the doctor

  5. The Doctor

    star trek wiki the doctor

  6. The Doctor

    star trek wiki the doctor


  1. Star Trek Online

  2. Star Trek: The Original Series

  3. “Yes I do, Doctor!” (Star Trek: The Motion Picture

  4. Star Trek Online

  5. Star Trek Universes Beyond! Predictions and Theory Crafting!

  6. Star Trek vs Star Wars Supercut


  1. The Doctor

    "The Doctor" (also known as just "Doctor" or "Doc") was USS Voyager's Emergency Medical Holographic program (or "EMH") and chief medical officer during the ship's seven-year journey through the Delta Quadrant. The EMH Mark I, of which The Doctor's life began as an iteration, was a computer program with a holographic interface in the form of a Human male Doctor. Although his program was ...

  2. The Doctor (Star Trek: Voyager)

    The Doctor, an Emergency Medical Hologram (EMH), is a fictional character portrayed by actor Robert Picardo in the television series Star Trek: Voyager, first aired on UPN between 1995 and 2001. He is an artificial intelligence manifest as a holographic projection, and designed to be a short-term adjunct to medical staff in emergency situations.However, when the USS Voyager is stranded on the ...

  3. The Doctor

    The Doctor, formally known as the Emergency Medical Hologram Mk 1, is a sentient holographic male Human. He is best known for his tenure as the U.S.S. Voyager's Chief Medical Officer while the ship was lost in the Delta Quadrant from 2371 to 2378. In 2371 the Chief Medical Officer of the U.S.S. Voyager was killed when the ship was hurtled 70,000 light years into the Delta Quadrant by the ...

  4. The Doctor

    "The Doctor" was the name used to refer to the USS Voyager's Emergency Medical Hologram. The EMH Mark I was a computer program with a holographic interface, designed by Doctor Lewis Zimmerman and with his own form, whose role was to act as an emergency doctor should the medical personnel of a starship or facility become disabled. In normal circumstances, the EMH would be used in the short-term ...

  5. Leonard McCoy

    Admiral Leonard H. McCoy, MD was a male Human Starfleet officer of the 23rd and 24th centuries. He was an accomplished surgeon, physician, psychologist, and exobiologist, and was also considered an expert in space psychology. As chief medical officer, he served aboard the USS Enterprise and USS Enterprise-A for a combined twenty-seven years. (Star Trek: The Original Series; Star Trek II: The ...

  6. The Doctor

    "The Doctor" was the USS Voyager's Mark I Emergency Medical Hologram who became the ship's chief medical officer. In 2374, the Doctor was sent through a subspace relay network from the Delta Quadrant to the Alpha Quadrant to try and make contact with Starfleet.The Doctor arrived on the USS Prometheus, which had been stolen by agents from the Romulan Star Empire.

  7. Star Trek's Janeway Finally Sees Voyager's Doctor As A Hero

    Star Trek: Prodigy finally confirms that Star Trek: Voyager's Captain Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) saw the Doctor (Robert Picardo) as a hero, but with a smart twist. In Prodigy season 2, the Doctor is a vital member of Admiral Janeway's crew aboard the USS Voyager-A, tasked with mentoring Dal R'El (Brett Gray), Gwyndala (Ella Purnell) and the rest of the young Starfleet hopefuls.

  8. Doctor (Star Trek)

    The Doctor is a character on the American television show Star Trek: Voyager. He is a hologram with a database of medical knowledge and is the chief medical officer on Voyager This page was last changed on 15 October 2018, at 03:42. ...

  9. Star Trek and Doctor Who Come Together for Inaugural Intergalactic

    Intergalactic Friendship Panel: Star Trek x Doctor Who Saturday, July 27, 5:30 - 6:30 PM, Room 6A. The collaboration will kick off at San Diego Comic-Con, where Alex Kurtzman, showrunner and executive producer of the Star Trek franchise, and Russell T Davies, showrunner and executive producer spearheading the Doctor Who Whoniverse, come together for an exclusive creator-to-creator conversation ...

  10. Robert Picardo Reveals Ideal Storyline for the Doctor if Star Trek

    Star Trek franchise actor Robert Picardo wants to return as The Doctor for Star Trek: Prodigy Season 3. The actor has even shared his ideal storyline for the fan-favorite character he has portrayed since Star Trek: Voyager's first season.. While speaking with Collider to promote Prodigy Season 2, Picardo addressed the potential for a third season of the animated Star Trek series.

  11. List of Star Trek: Prodigy characters

    Star Trek: Prodigy is an American animated television series created by Kevin and Dan Hageman for the streaming service Paramount+ and the cable channel Nickelodeon.It is the tenth Star Trek series and debuted in 2021 as part of executive producer Alex Kurtzman's expanded Star Trek Universe.It follows a group of young aliens in the 24th century who find the abandoned starship Protostar.

  12. Katherine Pulaski

    Dr. Katherine Pulaski is a fictional medical doctor in the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation. She served a rotation as the chief medical officer aboard the Federation starship USS Enterprise -D. During her time on the ship, her medical skills saved the lives of both Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Commander ...

  13. Phlox

    Star Trek. Doctor Phlox was the Denobulan chief medical officer of Enterprise NX-01 during its historic voyage. Phlox was born sometime in the late 21st century on Denobula, in the Denobula Triaxa system. As a child, he was informed about the "evil Antarans" by his grandmother.

  14. 16 Star Trek Doctors Ranked Worst To Best

    1 Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) - Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Picard. As Chief Medical Officer of the USS Enterprise-D, Dr. Beverly Crusher is an excellent general physician and leader of the medical staff, capable of handling both routine medical procedures and emergency situations with equal professionalism.

  15. San Diego Comic Con Schedule: Best Panels in Hall H and More

    1:45 - 3:15pm — The "Star Trek" Universe — The fan-favorite STAR TREK universe panel returns to San Diego Comic-Con, featuring exclusive back-to-back conversations with cast and ...

  16. Star Trek: The Original Series

    Star Trek: The Original Series (referred to as Star Trek prior to any spin-offs) is the first Star Trek series. The first episode of the show aired on 6 September 1966 on CTV in Canada, followed by a 8 September 1966 airing on NBC in America. The show was created by Gene Roddenberry as a "Wagon Train to the Stars". Star Trek was set in the 23rd century and featured the voyages of the starship ...

  17. The Doctors Of Star Trek, Ranked By Likability

    Replacing Dr. Crusher for season 2 of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Pulaski's channeling of the gruff and curmudgeonly ways of The Original Series' Dr. McCoy completely missed the mark with fans. Perhaps her antipathy towards artificial life forms, personified by Lieutenant-Commander Data , added fuel to the fire of viewers' hatred.

  18. Real Life (Star Trek: Voyager)

    "Real Life" is the 64th episode of Star Trek: Voyager and the 22nd episode of the third season. This episode revolves around the Doctor dealing with his holographic family program. Robert Picardo plays a holographic AI aboard the starship USS Voyager in the 24th century.. This episode was written by Jeri Taylor with the story by Harry Doc Kloor; it was directed by Anson Williams.

  19. The Doctor

    "Note: In-game quote" "Note: In-game quote" See also: The Doctor on Memory Alpha Traits: Note: list those for variant only. Ship Bonuses: Note: Attack, Accuracy, Evasion, Crit Bonus Ship Skill: NAME (STAT Up) Traits: Note: list those for variant only. Ship Bonuses: Note: Attack, Accuracy, Evasion, Crit Bonus Ship Skill: NAME (STAT Up)

  20. The Surprising Connections Between Star Trek And Doctor Who

    Actor Noel Clarke is the first "Star Trek" actor to have joined the sci-fi franchise after playing one of the Doctor's companions on "Doctor Who." Debuting in the first episode of the "Doctor Who ...

  21. Leonard McCoy

    Dr. Leonard H. McCoy, known as "Bones", is a character in the American science-fiction franchise Star Trek. McCoy was played by actor DeForest Kelley in the original Star Trek series from 1966 to 1969, and he also appears in the animated Star Trek series, in six Star Trek films, in the pilot episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and in numerous books, comics, and video games.

  22. Hugh Culber

    Commander Hugh Culber was a Human male Starfleet officer who lived during both the mid-23rd and late 32nd centuries. He served as a physician and counselor aboard the USS Discovery. (DIS: "Choose Your Pain") At the age of sixteen, Culber was injured in a fall while hiking on the cliffs of Cabo Rojo, on Earth. Culber was rescued by a Doctor Kashkooli, who stitched and closed a puncture wound on ...

  23. The Thaw (Star Trek: Voyager)

    The Doctor explains that Janeway is prepared to provide the clown a simulated brain in exchange for Kim and the aliens. However, the clown reads from his captives' minds that a simulated brain will not be the same as a real one, and refuses. ... In 2012, Den of Geek ranked this the seventh best episode of Star Trek: Voyager, but calling it ...

  24. The Doctor

    "The Doctor"was the primary alias of a renegade Time Lord from Gallifrey who journeyed through time and space with various companions in his obsolete and "borrowed" Type 40 TARDIS. Though largely... Doctor Who and Star Trek Wiki

  25. Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation²

    J.K. Woodward. Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 is an eight-issue limited series comic book written by Scott and David Tipton, assisted by Tony Lee on issues 1 to 4, with art by J.K. Woodward. The series is published by IDW Publishing with the first issue released in May 2012. These were collected in two graphic novels ...

  26. The Cage (Star Trek: The Original Series)

    Contents. The Cage ( Star Trek: The Original Series) " The Cage " is the first pilot episode of the American television series Star Trek. It was completed on January 22, 1965 (with a copyright date of 1964). The episode was written by Gene Roddenberry and directed by Robert Butler.

  27. Star Trek: The Original Series

    Star Trek is an American science fiction television series created by Gene Roddenberry that follows the adventures of the starship USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) and its crew. Before deciding on the name Star Trek, it had originally used the name Starship 2266.It acquired the retronym of Star Trek: The Original Series (TOS) to distinguish the show within the media franchise that it began.

  28. List of Star Trek: The Next Generation cast members

    Star Trek: The Next Generation first-season cast photo. Six of the main actors appeared in all seven seasons and all four movies. Star Trek: The Next Generation is an American science fiction television series that debuted in broadcast syndication on September 28, 1987. The series lasted for seven seasons until 1994, and was followed by four movies which were released between 1994 and 2002.