TfL 208 bus

Lewisham - orpington, tfl 208 bus stop list and next departures.

The TfL 208 - Lewisham - Orpington bus serves {count_of_stops} bus stops in the London area departing from {first_stop} and ending at {last_stop}. Scroll down to see upcoming 208 bus times at each stop and the next scheduled 208 bus times will be displayed. The full 208 bus schedule as well as real-time departures (if available) can be found in the app .

The TfL 208 - Lewisham - Orpington bus route map is shown above. The route map shows you an overview of all the stops served by the TfL 208 bus to help you plan your trip on TfL. Opening the app will allow you to see more detailed information about the route on a map including stop specific alerts, such as stops that have been closed or moved. You can also see the location of vehicles in real-time on the route map so you know when the 208 bus is approaching your stop.

TfL 208 bus Service Alerts

Open the app to see more information about any active disruptions that may impact the 208 bus schedule, such as detours, moved stops, trip cancellations, major delays, or other service changes to the bus route. The app also allows you to subscribe to receive notifications for any service alert issued by TfL so that you can plan your trip around any active or future disruptions.

TfL 208 bus FAQ

What time does the next tfl 208 bus depart from {first_stop}.

The next 208 bus leaves {first_stop} at {first_stop_first_time}, and arrives at {last_stop} at {last_stop_first_time}. The total trip time for the next TfL 208 bus is {number_of_minutes} minutes.

Is the TfL 208 bus running on time, early or late?

You can track your bus on a map, monitor real-time updates, and see adjustments to the TfL 208 schedule by downloading the app .

When does the next TfL 208 bus arrive?

You can see the next TfL 208 bus times in the app as well as future departure times for the 208 bus.

How many bus stops are there for the TfL 208 bus?

There are {count_of_stops} stops on the TfL 208 bus.

Is the TfL 208 bus usually crowded?

You can find real-time information on TfL 208 bus crowding levels in the app (available in select cities or on select trips). You can also see predictions on how crowded the bus will be when it gets to your bus stop.

Is the TfL 208 bus currently running?

Find out the current status for the TfL 208 bus in the app .

What is the closest TfL 208 bus stop to me?

Open the app to see your location on a map and find the closest 208 bus stop to where you are.

Other TfL bus schedules, routes and maps

  • 209 Mortlake - Barnes Bridge Sta - Barnes Pond - Barnes, Red Lion - Castelnau, Lonsdale Rd
  • 210 Finsbury Park - Archway - Brent Cross
  • 211 Hammersmith - Charing Cross Hosp - Dawes Rd - Fulham Bway - Chelsea & Westminster Hosp - Chelsea - Sloane Square - Victoria - Westminster - Waterloo
  • 212 Chingford Sta - Chingford Hatch - Highams Pk - Church Hill - Walthamstow Central - Watthamstow, St James's St Sta
  • 213 Kingston - New Malden - Worcester Pk - N Cheam - Cheam Village - Sutton Town Ctr - Sutton, Bushey Rd
  • 214 Highgate - Camden Town - Moorgate
  • 215 Lee Val Campsite - Yardley Ln Estate - Sewardstone Rd - Chingford Mt - Crooked Billet - Walthamstow Central
  • 216 Staines - Ashford - Ashford Common - Sunbury (Tesco) - Sunbury Village - Hampton Sta - Hampton Court Green - Kingston
  • 217 Waltham Cross - White Hart Ln - Turnpike Ln
  • 218 Hammersmith - Dalling Rd - Starch Green - Askew Rd - Acton Vale - Acton - Twyford Av - W Acton - N Acton
  • 219 Wimbledon - S Wimbledon - Colliers Wood - Tooting Bway - Tooting Bec - Wandsworth Common - Clapham Jct
  • 220 Willesden Jct - Scrubs Ln - White City - Shepherds Bush - Hammersmith - Putney Bridge - Wandsworth
  • 221 Edgware Sta - Mill Hill Bway - Mill Hill E - Woodside Pk - N Finchley - Friern Barnet - New Southgate - Bounds Green - Wood Green - Turnpike Ln Sta
  • 222 Uxbridge - West Drayton - Hounslow

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London Public Transport Journey Planners

These are the best apps and tools to plan a journey by public transport in London. We recommend using the options listed below instead of Google to plan a journey.

Citymapper is the most comprehensive public transport planning app for London.

It’s available online or as a free app for ios or android . The online version is now rather limited. The app is much better.

The route planner shows all transport options including cycling, walking and local trains.

The adult Pay as you go Oyster card/contactless fares for each journey are also shown. This make it easy to find the cheapest route.

Transport for London’s TfL Go app is a sleek design and easy to use . It’s the easiest app to find and live departures for underground trains and buses.

It also has a route planner showing options for

  • fastest route
  • an alternative route (usually bus)

Select ‘Status’ for delay information. You are then able to see if there are any problems on a particular train or underground line.

It defaults to an excellent live tube map, which finds your closest tube station. Click on the underground station, then the name of the station to get the times of the next tube trains.

Click on ‘bus stops’ to see times of the next buses from bus stops near you.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t give fare information. But it’s recommended if you don’t need to know the fare.

Transport for London’s online journey planner

Transport for London’s online Journey Planner shows the quickest way from A to B.

It’s possible to choose bus/tube/train only routes. It also gives you the Pay as you go Oyster peak/contactless and off-peak fares.

Do bear in mind that the default is the quickest route, which is not always the cheapest. For example, to Heathrow Airport:

  • under ‘Edit preferences’ deselect ‘National Rail’ to exclude the expensive Heathrow Express train.
  • Deselect ‘Elizabeth line’ if you want to exclude that as well.

Early morning or late-night journeys

To be somewhere at a specific time, especially if it’s in the morning or late at night, use the TfL Journey Planner

Mobility issues

If you have mobility issues, you can narrow down your search options to find the best route with:

  • Escalators but not stairs
  • Stairs but not escalators
  • Step-free access to platforms
  • Full step-free access

If you just need a tube map and don’t want to use an app, download a pdf tube map to your device.

Related pages

  • How to get around by bus
  • How to get around by underground
  • Walking in London

Getting around London

  • How to use the London underground
  • How to use London buses
  • London cycle hire scheme
  • London trains
  • London taxis & minicabs

Useful information

  • Plan your journey
  • London transport zones

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TFI Live App

The TFI Live App makes accessing live departure information and planning your journey across on TFI buses, trains and trams as seamless as possible.

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TFI Leap Card Top-Up App

TFI Leap Top-Up App allows you to instantly top-up your TFI Leap Card, check your balance, collect tickets and check how close you are to reaching your daily and weekly cap values.

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TFI Driver Check App

TFI Driver Check App allows users to check that the vehicle they are about to hire has been registered correctly and that the driver has the appropriate license to operate the vehicle.

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TFI Go app allows you to buy tickets for public transport services in Ireland directly from your phone. Your ticket is downloaded to the app and can be used to travel straight away. No need for printing, just activate and show your driver while boarding.

tfl journey planner 208

One Stop Source of idea

TFL Journey Planner

TFL Journey Planner: Your Ultimate Guide to Navigating London’s Transportation System

Table of Contents


Navigating through a bustling city like London can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to planning your journeys. Fortunately, Transport for London (TFL) offers a comprehensive journey planner that simplifies the process of getting around the city. In this article, we will explore the features and benefits of the TFL journey planner and how it can enhance your travel experience in London.

1. Understanding the TFL Journey Planner

The TFL journey planner is an online tool provided by Transport for London that helps commuters and travelers navigate the city’s extensive transportation network. It provides accurate and up-to-date information about various travel options, including buses, trains, trams, the London Underground (commonly known as the Tube), and even river services.

2. Key Features of the TFL Journey Planner

The TFL journey planner offers a wide range of features to simplify your travel planning . Some of its key features include:

  • Route Planning: The journey planner allows you to plan your route from your current location to your destination, considering different modes of transport and the fastest or most convenient options.
  • Real-Time Updates: It provides real-time updates on delays, disruptions, and alternative routes, ensuring you stay informed about any changes to your planned journey.
  • Fare Information: The journey planner displays fare information, helping you estimate the cost of your journey and make informed decisions about ticket purchases.
  • Step-by-Step Directions: It offers detailed step-by-step directions, including walking directions to and from stations, to ensure you reach your destination efficiently.
  • Accessibility Options: The journey planner caters to individuals with accessibility needs, providing information on accessible routes, facilities, and services.
  • Points of Interest: You can explore nearby points of interest, such as attractions, restaurants, and landmarks, making your journey more enjoyable and convenient.

3. How to Use the TFL Journey Planner

Using the TFL journey planner is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Step 1: Visit the TFL website or download the TFL Journey Planner mobile app from your app store. Step 2: Enter your starting point and destination in the designated fields. Step 3: Choose your preferred departure or arrival time. Step 4: Select your preferred mode of transport or leave it as default to include all available options. Step 5: Click on the “Plan my journey” button to generate your travel itinerary.

4. Planning Your Route with the TFL Journey Planner

The TFL journey planner takes into account various factors when planning your route, including the distance, estimated travel time, and any disruptions or planned engineering works. It offers different options based on your preferences, allowing you to choose the fastest route or the one with fewer transfers.

To optimize your route planning experience, consider the following tips:

  • Check the peak and off-peak hours to plan your journey accordingly and avoid congestion.
  • Utilize the “Via” option to include specific locations or landmarks in your route.
  • Explore alternative routes to discover hidden gems or avoid crowded areas.
  • Save your frequently traveled routes for easy access in the future.

5. Real-Time Updates and Alerts

One of the significant advantages of using the TFL journey planner is its real-time updates and alerts. London’s transportation network is dynamic, and unexpected disruptions can occur. The journey planner keeps you informed about any delays, diversions, or planned maintenance work, allowing you to adjust your plans accordingly.

6. Accessibility Options for All Travelers

TFL is committed to ensuring accessibility for all travelers. The journey planner provides information on accessible routes, step-free access, and facilities for individuals with mobility challenges or other disabilities. It also highlights stations with elevators, ramps, and other accessibility features.

7. Integrating Other Modes of Transport

London offers a diverse range of transportation options beyond buses and trains. The TFL journey planner integrates other modes of transport, including trams, river services, and even cycling routes. This comprehensive approach allows you to explore multiple options and choose the most suitable one for your journey.

8. Saving Time and Money with the TFL Journey Planner

Efficiency and cost-effectiveness are vital when traveling in a busy city like London. The TFL journey planner not only saves you time by providing accurate and optimized routes, but it also helps you save money. It suggests the most economical ticket options and highlights any available discounts or promotions.

9. Exploring Nearby Points of Interest

London is a city rich in history, culture, and attractions. The TFL journey planner lets you discover nearby points of interest along your chosen route. Whether you’re interested in visiting renowned landmarks, trying local cuisine, or exploring hidden gems, the journey planner provides valuable information to enhance your journey.

10. TFL Journey Planner Mobile App

For seamless travel planning on the go, TFL offers a dedicated mobile app for the journey planner. The app provides all the features and functionality of the web version, allowing you to plan your journeys, receive real-time updates, and access additional travel-related information directly from your smartphone.

11. Tips and Tricks for Using the TFL Journey Planner

To make the most out of the TFL journey planner, consider the following tips and tricks:

  • Check for updates before starting your journey, especially during peak hours or when disruptions are expected.
  • Save your frequently visited locations or routes for quick access.
  • Consider alternative routes to avoid crowded areas or explore different parts of the city.
  • Familiarize yourself with the symbols and icons used in the journey planner for better understanding.

12. Common Issues and Troubleshooting

While the TFL journey planner is designed to be user-friendly, you may encounter occasional issues or have questions. Here are some common issues and troubleshooting steps:

  • Clear your browser cache and cookies if the journey planner is not loading properly.
  • Ensure you have a stable internet connection to receive real-time updates.
  • Contact TFL customer support for specific queries or technical difficulties.

13. TFL Journey Planner for Visitors

If you’re visiting London as a tourist, the TFL journey planner is an invaluable tool. It helps you plan your sightseeing adventures, find the most convenient routes to popular attractions, and navigate the city’s public transportation system with ease. Make sure to check for any available visitor passes or discounts to optimize your travel experience.

14. Sustainability and Green Initiatives

TFL is committed to promoting sustainable transportation and reducing the city’s carbon footprint. The journey planner encourages the use of public transport, walking, and cycling as eco-friendly alternatives to private vehicles. By utilizing the TFL journey planner, you contribute to a greener and more sustainable London.

The TFL journey planner revolutionizes the way you navigate London’s vast transportation system. With its user-friendly interface, real-time updates, and comprehensive features, it empowers commuters and travelers to plan their journeys efficiently and with ease. Whether you’re a local resident or a visitor exploring the city, the TFL journey planner is your ultimate companion for seamless travel in London.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • Can I use the TFL journey planner offline? No, the TFL journey planner requires an internet connection to provide real-time updates and accurate information.
  • Is the TFL journey planner available in multiple languages? Yes, the TFL website and mobile app offer language options for international users.
  • Are there any additional charges for using the TFL journey planner? No, the TFL journey planner is a free service provided by Transport for London.
  • Can I plan my journey in advance using the TFL journey planner? Yes, you can plan your journey in advance by selecting your preferred departure or arrival time.
  • Does the TFL journey planner provide information on disruptions during weekends? Yes, the journey planner provides information on disruptions, including planned engineering works, during weekends and other specific periods.

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All the TfL closures that could impact your journey this Easter weekend

Londoners have been warned to check before they travel this Easter weekend with planned closures on the TfL network.

Although roads are already expected to be busy , those using public transport for Easter days out should also plan their journeys.

Most of the Transport for London (TfL) network will be operating as usual, but a handful of services will experience closures to allow for necessary maintenance and improvement works.

Customers are urged to use TfL's Journey Planner or the TfL Go app to stay updated about any closures and navigate any last-minute service changes.

Glynn Barton, TfL's Chief Operating Officer, said: "The majority of our network will be running over the Easter weekend to help everyone make the most of the city.

"However, there will be some closures to allow for essential safety works and service upgrades and we advise customers to plan ahead and check their routes before traveling to ensure a smooth journey."

TfL also added that options like Santander Cycles, rental e-scooters, Victoria Coach Station, taxi services, and private hires will remain available throughout the Easter period.

Elizabeth Line

The Elizabeth line will close through the central section, from Paddington to Abbey Wood and Shenfield.

A reduced service will be run between Paddington and Maidenhead/Heathrow Terminal 4.

Westbound services from Shenfield will terminate at London Liverpool Street station, above ground, and will not stop at Whitechapel station.

These closures are necessary for signalling software updates, aimed at reducing delays and improving the reliability of journeys.

London Overground

The London Overground will not run from Highbury & Islington to New Cross Gate, New Cross, and Clapham Junction during the whole weekend.

This also includes no Night Overground services.

On Sunday, March 31, the line between Sydenham and Crystal Palace will also be suspended.

Replacement buses will be available during the day.

The closures have been scheduled to allow for station improvements at Surrey Quays and improve the signalling on the Crystal Palace branch.

The Overground will also not run from Easter Sunday to Bank Holiday Monday from Liverpool Street to Enfield Town, Cheshunt, and Chingford.

Docklands Light Railway (DLR)

The DLR will not run between Stratford and West India Quay, Westferry and Canning Town, and Tower Gateway and Shadwell.

The closures aim to replace parts of the track, an essential step to ensure safety, reliability, and a smoother ride for customers.

London Trams

London Trams will not run from East Croydon to Beckenham Junction, Elmers End, and New Addington, from Good Friday all the way until Wednesday, April 24.

This is to allow critical works to take place at East Croydon and Sandilands Junction.

Tram replacement bus services, as well as more regular buses in the local areas, will be available.

London Underground and the rest of the TfL network

TfL has confirmed that the remaining parts of the network, including all Tube, Bus, Cycle and Cable Car services are expected to run smoothly this Easter weekend with no planned engineering works in place.

There will be closures on different parts of the TfL network across the Easter weekend (Image: James Manning/PA Wire)

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TFL Journey Planner app.


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A simple SwiftUI cross-platform app using the Transport For London Journey Planner API.

See for the API client, generated using Apple's Open API tools.

Note if the build fails first time due to errors from the Open API tools, building again generally fixes this.
  • Swift 100.0%

London Transport: TfL Live 4+

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Live bus and train times, step-by-step navigation, stop announcements, service alerts and more - all in one app. ► Live directions – plan your trip with up to five ways to your destination ► Share your journey details with friends and family - they don't even need the app! ► Get Off Alerts – we'll let you know when it's time to transfer ► Live countdown boards for buses and trains ► See exactly where you bus or train is on the map right now ► Service Alerts - Find out about delays and diversions before you leave ► Save your favorite stops and stations ► Full seven-day schedules ► Schedule alarms and get reminders before your bus or train arrives. ► Quickly see the last train or bus arriving tonight ► Live and offline route maps ► One-tap ‘get me home’ journey planning ► Simple and clean - we only show you what you need to know We love feedback! Get in touch with us at [email protected] or follow us on Twitter at @TalkToWhiz. Please note that the app requires data access and works best with GPS / location on. Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life. Background GPS is only used when you have a Get Off Alert turned on. Check out our Privacy Policy at and our Terms of Use at

Version 2024.2.9

Your needs are evolving, and so is this app. We make a point of providing regular updates and bug fixes to accompany you on your commute. Your feedback means a lot - if you have any suggestions, or run into any issues, just tap on the Settings button and get in touch with us. If you can spare a moment, we'd love it if you could leave a review on the App Store - it means so much to us to hear from you, our customer. Thanks for using the app!

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The developer, Transit Now ltd , indicated that the app’s privacy practices may include handling of data as described below. For more information, see the developer’s privacy policy .

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  • Identifiers
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  1. 208 bus route

    Transport for London. Search the site. Fares; Help & contacts; Maps; Plan a journey; Status updates; ... 208 Lewisham Station ... Journeys Plan a journey and favourite it for quick access in the future. Places Choose postcodes, stations and places for quick journey planning.

  2. Plan a journey

    TfL fares frozen until March 2025. Find out more about fares. Plan your journey across the TfL network. Journey planner for Bus, Tube, London Overground, DLR, Elizabeth line, National Rail, Tram, River Bus, IFS Cloud Cable Car, Coach.

  3. 208 bus timetable

    Bus timetable. 208 Towards Lewisham Station. High Street / Market Square. Stop: Z. Edit. Please select a time period to view off-peak journey times in minutes. First Bus - 04:28. 04:58 to 05:00. 04:58.

  4. TfL 208 bus

    TfL 208 bus Service Alerts. Open the app to see more information about any active disruptions that may impact the 208 bus schedule, such as detours, moved stops, trip cancellations, major delays, or other service changes to the bus route. The app also allows you to subscribe to receive notifications for any service alert issued by TfL so that you can plan your trip around any active or future ...

  5. Tube Map

    Uses the official TfL iconic Harry Beck London Underground map design. Includes additional map views for the TfL Night Tube and Rail Network. Plus a bonus map that we have created that is more geographical. An easy to use journey planner that works with and without an internet connection. Check line status for delays, closures and service changes.

  6. TfL Go: Live Tube, Bus & Rail 4+

    The app is built around our iconic Tube map. To get started: • Touch the map or search to plan your journey. • See the status of all lines. • Check how busy each London Underground station is right now. • Re-route as you travel - we'll suggest alternatives. • Switch to the step-free map for accessible journeys.

  7. TfL Go app

    Get in touch via the TfL Go app through the 'Report an issue' link or in the Settings area. Or call 0343 222 1234 ( Charges may apply) or textphone 0800 112 3456. We'll share our open data with other transport apps that you might already be using. Using TfL Go for step-free journeys. Plan your London journey safely and securely.

  8. London Public Transport Planners

    The route planner shows all transport options including cycling, walking and local trains. The adult Pay as you go Oyster card/contactless fares for each journey are also shown. This make it easy to find the cheapest route. TfL Go app. Transport for London's TfL Go app is a sleek design and easy to use. It's the easiest app to find and live ...

  9. Plan A Journey

    Use our Journey Planner online or download the TFI Journey Planner App to plan your journey around Ireland using train, bus, tram, car, taxi or bicycle.

  10. Buses status updates

    Transport for London. Search the site. Fares; Help & contacts; Maps; Plan a journey; Status updates; ... Showing disruptions on route 208 towards Lewisham Station Clear route. Major works & events. Close map panel. ... Journeys Plan a journey and favourite it for quick access in the future.

  11. Your Journey Starts Here

    The TFI Live App makes accessing live departure information and planning your journey across on TFI buses, trains and trams as seamless as possible. Download free on. We bring together information and services to help make public transport across Ireland a little easier for you to use. Plan your journey here.

  12. Bellingham Road

    Live arrivals for Bellingham Road stop.

  13. TFL Journey Planner: Your Ultimate Guide To Navigating London's

    Here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started: Step 1: Visit the TFL website or download the TFL Journey Planner mobile app from your app store. Step 2: Enter your starting point and destination in the designated fields. Step 3: Choose your preferred departure or arrival time.

  14. TfL Go: Live Tube, Bus & Rail 4+

    TfL Go: Live Tube, Bus & Rail. The app is built around our iconic Tube map. To get started: Most recently we've: Our simple and clear layout is designed to make using the app easy for everyone. Planning your journey: We'll suggest multiple ways to get to your destination - you pick the one that suits you best.

  15. All the TfL closures that could impact your journey this Easter ...

    Customers are urged to use TfL's Journey Planner or the TfL Go app to stay updated about any closures and navigate any last-minute service changes. Glynn Barton, TfL's Chief Operating Officer ...

  16. SimonHLawrence/JourneyPlanner: TFL Journey Planner app.

    Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly

  17. TfL Go: Live Tube, Bus & Rail 4+

    The app is built around our iconic Tube map. To get started: • Touch the map or search to plan your journey. • See the status of all lines. • Check how busy each London Underground station is right now. • Re-route as you travel - we'll suggest alternatives. • Switch to the step-free map for accessible journeys.

  18. TfL confirms bus changes in London this Easter weekend

    Route 262 will have a new timetable on all days of the week with minor changes to times. Route 262 will be operated by Go Ahead London from this date. A temporary timetable will be introduced on ...

  19. London Transport: TfL Live 4+

    Live bus and train times, step-by-step navigation, stop announcements, service alerts and more - all in one app. Live directions - plan your trip with up to five ways to your destination. Share your journey details with friends and family - they don't even need the app! Get Off Alerts - we'll let you know when it's time to transfer.

  20. Journey Planner API parameters

    Hi all, does anyone know what parameters to use for the Journey Planner API to get the same results as the Journey Planner website? In particular, I'd like to get the time to transfer to the station included in the travel time. For example when I search for a journey from Camden Town to Highgate on the website, I see that it takes 21 minutes, including transfer time and a 7 minute journey on ...

  21. PDF Large Print Tube Map

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