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西遊記 by Cheng'en Wu

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Journey to the West | Full Story, Summary & Moral Lessons

  • February 19, 2024

“Journey to the West” stands as one of the pinnacles of  Chinese  literature, a riveting blend of mythology, folklore, humor, and  spirituality . 

Authored by Wu Cheng’en in the 16th century during the Ming dynasty, this epic novel has transcended its cultural origins to become a global literary treasure!

The narrative follows the perilous journey of the Buddhist monk Xuanzang, historically known, as he travels to India to obtain sacred Buddhist scriptures. Accompanied by his three disciples— Sun Wukong , Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing—each with their own unique abilities, their quest is filled with divine interventions, battles with demons, and moral lessons.

Many of which we will be getting to know today!

Table of Contents

Historical Context

The “Journey to the West” is deeply entwined with the real-life travels of Xuanzang (602-664 CE), whose  pilgrimage  to India and back took 17 years, a journey undertaken to obtain authentic Buddhist scriptures. 

Wu Cheng’en’s fictionalized account, however, does more than narrate a religious quest; it weaves a rich story of Chinese myths,  Taoist  and  Buddhist  philosophy, and satirical commentary on the social issues of his time, making it a multifaceted work of art.

If you’re interested in watching the Journey to the West, I highly recommend the  1986 series  as it’s often lauded as being not only the most accurate but also you can really feel the love and respect given to the adaptation.

Key Characters

Tang Sanzang

Tang Sanzang

Tang Sanzang, also known as Tripitaka , stands at the heart of “Journey to the West” as its protagonist. His mission to retrieve sacred  Mahayana Buddhist  scriptures from India serves as the narrative’s driving force. Tang Sanzang embodies virtues such as humility, compassion, and unwavering dedication to his spiritual quest. 

His portrayal as the epitome of piety and moral integrity offers a rich canvas against which his interactions with disciples and various challenges unfold.

Tang Sanzang’s personality is a blend of devout faith and moral steadfastness. He is the moral compass for his disciples, guiding them not only towards their external goal but also on their internal journeys of growth and  enlightenment . 

Despite his virtues, Tang Sanzang is not portrayed as infallible. His naivety and strict adherence to religious doctrines sometimes lead him into trouble, requiring rescue by his more worldly and powerful disciples. This aspect of his character highlights the novel’s exploration of the balance between innocence and wisdom, as well as the necessity of worldly knowledge in achieving spiritual goals.

Throughout the novel, Tang Sanzang undergoes significant development. His journey is not only a physical one across dangerous terrains but also a spiritual odyssey that tests and refines his character. He learns to balance his strict moral codes with the practicalities of the world, growing in understanding and compassion towards his disciples and the beings they encounter.

Sun Wukong

Sun Wukong , famously known as the Monkey King , is one of the most beloved characters in “Journey to the West.” 

His origins are as magical as his personality; born from a stone egg on the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, Sun Wukong acquires supernatural powers through Taoist practices. 

His abilities include shape-shifting, immense strength, and the ability to travel vast distances in a single somersault. Despite his powers, Sun Wukong’s early journey is marked by rebellion and pride, leading him to challenge the heavens themselves.

His initial defiance against the celestial order and subsequent punishment—being imprisoned under a mountain by the Buddha—sets the stage for his redemption arc. 

His release by Tang Sanzang and commitment to protect the monk on the journey to India is a turning point, marking his transition from a rebellious figure to a devoted disciple. This journey serves as a path of self-discovery and spiritual maturation for Sun Wukong, as he confronts challenges that test his ingenuity, patience, and fidelity.

The Monkey King’s personality is multifaceted; he is cunning and playful, yet capable of profound wisdom and bravery. His loyalty to Tang Sanzang is unwavering, and he becomes the monk’s most powerful protector, using his abilities to overcome demons and obstacles that the pilgrimage encounters. Sun Wukong’s transformation from a mischievous troublemaker to a protector embodies the novel’s themes of redemption and the possibility of spiritual growth regardless of one’s past.

In terms of symbolic significance, Sun Wukong represents the untamed mind and the potential for enlightenment within all beings. His journey from arrogance to enlightenment mirrors the Buddhist path, emphasizing the importance of humility, learning, and devotion. 

Through Sun Wukong, “Journey to the West” explores the idea that even the most unruly spirits can achieve enlightenment through perseverance, guidance, and self-reflection.

Zhu Bajie

Zhu Bajie, often referred to as Pigsy , is known for his complex and somewhat contradictory character traits. Originally a marshal in the celestial army, Zhu Bajie was banished to the mortal realm as a punishment for his indiscretions in heaven, particularly with the Moon Goddess,  Chang’e . 

Transformed into a pig-human hybrid, his appearance reflects his base nature and penchant for indulgence, especially in food and women. Despite these flaws, Zhu Bajie becomes one of Tang Sanzang’s disciples, joining the quest to retrieve the Buddhist scriptures from India.

Zhu Bajie’s personality is marked by a mix of bravery and cowardice, loyalty and self-interest, wisdom and folly. He often provides comic relief in the story through his antics and bumbling mistakes, yet his character also displays moments of insight and bravery. 

His earthly desires and tendencies towards laziness often put him at odds with his more disciplined and spiritually focused companions, particularly Sun Wukong, with whom he shares a rivalry.

While he deeply respects Tang Sanzang and is committed to the pilgrimage, his weaknesses often lead to complications and challenges for the group. However, these shortcomings make his moments of courage and sacrifice all the more significant, highlighting the theme of redemption and the possibility of moral and spiritual growth regardless of one’s past actions or nature.

Zhu Bajie’s character serves as a reflection on human nature, embodying the struggles between base desires and higher aspirations, between selfishness and altruism. His journey alongside Tang Sanzang is as much about his own redemption and transformation as it is about the physical pilgrimage to India.

Sha Wujing

Sha Wujing, or Sandy , is the third disciple who joins Tang Sanzang. Once a celestial general, Sha Wujing was banished to the mortal world as punishment for a transgression in heaven, where he was transformed into a river ogre. 

His frightening appearance belies a kind heart and a steadfast, loyal nature. Recognizing his past mistakes, Sha Wujing seeks redemption through service to Tang Sanzang on the perilous journey to the West.

Characteristically, Sha Wujing is the embodiment of stoicism and reliability. Compared to the more flamboyant Sun Wukong and the often comically flawed Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing’s demeanor is subdued and earnest. 

He is less prone to the antics and disputes that sometimes ensnare his fellow disciples, showcasing a level of maturity and wisdom that stabilizes the group. His role is often that of the peacemaker, bridging gaps between his more temperamental companions and ensuring the pilgrimage remains focused on its spiritual goals.

Armed with a magic staff that he uses to combat demons and other threats, he is a formidable fighter in his own right. His knowledge of aquatic environments also proves invaluable, as many of the journey’s challenges take place near or in water.

The Journey to the West

Hanuman vs Sun Wukong

The Origins

In the lush, mystical expanse of the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, a stone egg, nurtured by the elements and the heavens, gave birth to Sun Wukong, the Monkey King. This miraculous birth marked the beginning of an extraordinary being destined to leave an indelible mark on the realms of gods and mortals alike. Possessing incredible strength, agility, and a keen intellect from birth, Sun Wukong quickly established himself as the king of the monkeys, securing their loyalty through his bravery and wisdom.

Driven by an insatiable curiosity and the fear of death, Sun Wukong embarked on a quest for immortality. His journey led him to the tutelage of a Taoist sage, from whom he learned the secrets of magical arts, shape-shifting, and the way of immortality. These newfound powers, coupled with his natural cunning and prowess, made Sun Wukong a being of unmatched ability.

However, with great power came a great desire for recognition and respect. Sun Wukong’s ambitions soon turned him against the celestial order. Seeking to claim his place among the gods and immortals, he caused havoc in the heavens, challenging the authority of the Jade Emperor himself. His antics and defiance led to a celestial war between his monkey army and the heavenly forces.

The turmoil caused by Sun Wukong could not go unpunished. Despite his might, he was eventually captured by the combined efforts of the Buddha and the celestial army. To curb his rebellious spirit, Buddha imprisoned Sun Wukong under the Five Elements Mountain, sealing him with a magical spell for five hundred years. This punishment was not just a consequence of his actions but also a pivotal moment of transformation. Under the mountain, Sun Wukong was forced to reflect on his deeds and the consequences of his unchecked ambition.

This period of imprisonment was a crucible, tempering Sun Wukong’s fiery spirit with a newfound understanding of responsibility and the importance of humility. It was here, in the shadow of his actions and under the weight of the mountain, that the foundation was laid for his redemption and eventual role as a protector on the journey to the West.

The Calling of Tang Sanzang

In the empire of the Tang Dynasty, under the watchful eyes of celestial beings, the birth of Tang Sanzang was foretold with a prophecy. He was destined to be no ordinary monk, but one whose journey would mark a pivotal moment in the spiritual fabric of the world. From an early age, Tang Sanzang displayed an uncommon devotion to his Buddhist faith, his heart set on understanding the deepest truths of existence and alleviating the suffering of all beings. His life was filled with piety, scholarship, and an unwavering commitment to the path of enlightenment, setting him apart as a vessel for divine purpose.

The turning point in Tang Sanzang’s life came through a divine revelation, where the  Bodhisattva Guanyin  presented him with a mission of paramount importance. He was to travel to the Western regions of India to retrieve sacred Buddhist scriptures not yet available in  China . These texts held the key to deepening the spiritual understanding and salvation for countless souls in his homeland. This was not just a journey across lands; it was a pilgrimage that would test the limits of his faith, endurance, and spirit.

The gravity of this mission was clear; the scriptures were vital for the propagation of Buddhism in China, promising a new era of spiritual insight and enlightenment. However, the path to the West was fraught with perils beyond imagination—demons, treacherous landscapes, and trials that would challenge the very essence of his being. It was a journey that no one could undertake alone and survive, let alone succeed.

Recognizing the monumental challenges that lay ahead, the Bodhisattva Guanyin promised Tang Sanzang divine assistance in the form of disciples who would protect and guide him through the dangers. These disciples, each with their own paths to redemption and enlightenment, were destined to be united with Tang Sanzang, forming an unlikely fellowship bound by a shared mission.

Thus began Tang Sanzang’s journey, a quest that was not only his own but one that carried the hopes and spiritual aspirations of the entire Buddhist community. With the divine mandate bestowed upon him, Tang Sanzang set forth, stepping into the annals of legend.

Journey to the West Characters

Assembling the Disciples

As Tang Sanzang began his perilous journey to the West, the first to join him was none other than Sun Wukong, the Monkey King. Freed from his five-century imprisonment under the Five Elements Mountain by Tang Sanzang himself, Sun Wukong was bound to him by a vow. This vow, forged in the fires of redemption (and the head-tightening band), was Sun Wukong’s promise to protect Tang Sanzang throughout the journey. The release symbolized not only Sun Wukong’s second chance but also the formation of an unbreakable bond between the disciple and his master. With his unparalleled martial prowess and magical abilities, Sun Wukong was a formidable protector, one whose loyalty and dedication to Tang Sanzang’s mission were beyond question.

The next to join this celestial mission was Zhu Bajie, once a marshal in the heavens, now living as a half-human, half-pig being as punishment for his lascivious behavior in the celestial realm. Encountered by Tang Sanzang and Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie was persuaded to join the pilgrimage, seeking redemption for his past misdeeds.

Sha Wujing, the third disciple, was once a celestial general who, due to a grave mistake, was banished to a river, taking the form of a fearsome water ogre. His encounter with Tang Sanzang and the promise of redemption through service transformed Sha Wujing from a feared monster into a loyal disciple.

Together, these three disciples, each with their unique strengths, weaknesses, and backgrounds, formed the core of Tang Sanzang’s entourage. Their assembly was no mere coincidence but a divinely orchestrated gathering of souls seeking redemption, enlightenment, and the fulfillment of a sacred mission.

Trials and Tribulations

As Tang Sanzang and his newly assembled disciples embarked on their journey to the West, they were soon met with a series of trials that tested their resolve, unity, and individual capabilities. These challenges served not only as obstacles to be overcome but also as crucibles for character development and bonding among the pilgrims.

One of the first major trials they faced was the Black Wind Mountain, where a fierce demon known for capturing and eating travelers threatened their mission. It was here that Sun Wukong’s prowess and quick thinking were first put to the test, showcasing his ability to protect Tang Sanzang against seemingly insurmountable odds.

Another significant challenge came in the form of the White Bone Demon, a creature capable of changing its form to deceive and capture Tang Sanzang. This trial tested not only the physical strength of the disciples but also their wisdom and ability to see through deception.

These early trials also brought to the forefront the dynamics and interactions among the disciples. Sun Wukong’s impulsive nature and readiness to use force were often at odds with Tang Sanzang’s more compassionate and pacifistic approach, leading to tensions within the group. Zhu Bajie and Sha Wujing, each with their distinct personalities and strengths, found themselves navigating the complex dynamics between their desire for redemption and the often chaotic leadership of Sun Wukong.

Journey to the West Sun Wukong

The Final Challenges

As Tang Sanzang and his disciples neared the end of their epic quest to retrieve the sacred scriptures from the West, they encountered the Fiery Mountain, a vast barrier of flames that seemed insurmountable. This natural obstacle was a metaphor for the burning trials of the spirit, a test of their resolve and unity. To pass, they needed the fan of the Princess Iron Fan, a task that proved to be as much about diplomacy and wisdom as it was about strength and courage. The quest for the fan was marked by deception and challenges that tested their patience and ingenuity, especially for Sun Wukong, whose confrontations with the Princess pushed him to find non-violent solutions.

Following this, the pilgrims faced the ordeal of the Tenfold Maze, a bewildering labyrinth that tested their mental endurance and faith. The Maze, crafted by powerful magic, represented the inner confusions and doubts that can lead one astray from the path of enlightenment. Each turn and dead end forced the disciples to rely not just on Sun Wukong’s strength or Zhu Bajie’s might, but on Tang Sanzang’s unwavering faith and Sha Wujing’s quiet determination. It was their unity and collective wisdom that eventually led them through the maze, symbolizing the triumph of shared purpose over individual despair.

Perhaps the most significant trial came in the form of a spiritual challenge directly from the Buddha. Before granting them the scriptures, Buddha tasked Tang Sanzang and his disciples with a final test of their virtues and understanding of the Buddhist teachings. This trial was not about battling demons or overcoming physical barriers but confronting their inner selves and the essence of their journey. Each disciple, including Tang Sanzang, faced manifestations of their past errors, fears, and desires, challenging them to apply the lessons of compassion, humility, and perseverance they had learned on their journey.

The confrontation with their inner demons was a profound moment for the pilgrims, especially for Sun Wukong, whose journey from rebel to protector had been fraught with pride and anger. For Zhu Bajie, it was a moment to transcend his baser instincts and desires, while Sha Wujing confronted the solitude and obscurity of his existence with newfound peace. For Tang Sanzang, it was the ultimate test of his faith and his commitment to his mission, proving his worthiness to receive the sacred texts.

Arrival in the West

After overcoming the final, daunting challenges set before them, Tang Sanzang and his disciples reached their sacred destination in the West. It was here, in the presence of the Buddha, that they were finally granted the sacred scriptures.

The attainment of the sacred scriptures was an achievement of monumental significance. For Tang Sanzang, it represented the fulfillment of a divine mission entrusted to him, affirming his unwavering faith and dedication. The scriptures themselves were not just texts but beacons of wisdom, destined to enlighten countless generations to come. Their acquisition symbolized the bridging of divine knowledge from the West to the East, promising an era of spiritual awakening and understanding for Tang Sanzang’s homeland.

For the disciples, the journey to the West and the acquisition of the scriptures were transformative. Sun Wukong, once a rebellious figure driven by pride and the desire for immortality, emerged as a being of enlightenment, his actions tempered by wisdom and compassion. The journey refined his character, turning his immense power and cunning into instruments of protection and service to a cause greater than himself. 

Upon their return to the Tang Empire, the pilgrims were received with reverence. The sacred scriptures were translated and spread, seeding the growth of Buddhism and its teachings throughout the land. The disciples, each awarded divine recognition for their service, achieved a form of enlightenment that transcended their former selves ( Both Sun Wukong and Tang Sanzang were turned into Buddhas .)

Journey to the West Monkey King

Summary of the Journey to the West

“Journey to the West” is a chronicling of the pilgrimage of the Buddhist monk Tang Sanzang and his quest to retrieve sacred scriptures from India. Alongside him are his three disciples: Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, with his unparalleled martial prowess and magical abilities; Zhu Bajie, the gluttonous and lecherous pig demon with a heart of gold; and Sha Wujing, the steadfast and reliable river demon. Each disciple, once celestial beings now seeking redemption for past transgressions, brings unique strengths and weaknesses to the journey, creating a dynamic and sometimes volatile mix of personalities.

The narrative begins with the birth and rise of Sun Wukong, who, after acquiring magical powers and challenging the heavens, is imprisoned under a mountain by the Buddha for his arrogance. Meanwhile, Tang Sanzang, chosen by the  Bodhisattva Guanyin , embarks on a mission to the West to obtain Buddhist sutras that will enlighten the East. Along the way, he liberates and recruits Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing, who vow to protect him in exchange for their spiritual redemption.

Their journey is fraught with peril, encountering a series of demons and monsters intent on capturing Tang Sanzang for their own gain. Each challenge tests the group’s resolve, faith, and unity, with Sun Wukong’s quick wit and might often saving the day. Despite their differences and the difficulties they face, the pilgrims learn valuable lessons in compassion, patience, humility, and perseverance. These trials serve not only as physical obstacles but as spiritual tests, refining each disciple’s character and strengthening their bonds.

The pilgrimage is marked by significant trials, from battling the fiery Red Boy and outsmarting the cunning Spider Demons to navigating the treacherous Flaming Mountain and the illusion-filled Tenfold Maze. Each ordeal brings them closer together, teaching them the importance of teamwork, sacrifice, and the pursuit of enlightenment.

Upon reaching the West and passing the final tests set by the Buddha, Tang Sanzang and his disciples are granted the scriptures. Their return to the Tang Empire is triumphant, with each disciple achieving enlightenment and recognition for their service. The sacred texts they bring back promise a new era of spiritual awakening for their homeland.

  • Loyalty and Devotion:  The loyalty of Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing to Tang Sanzang is a central theme that underscores the importance of fidelity in the face of adversity. Their unwavering commitment to protect their master and ensure the successful retrieval of the sacred scriptures speaks to the value of loyalty in achieving a higher spiritual purpose.
  • Perseverance through Trials:  The pilgrims’ journey is fraught with challenges that test their resolve, faith, and endurance. Each trial, whether it be a confrontation with demons or overcoming natural obstacles, symbolizes the inner struggles individuals face on their path to enlightenment.
  • The Quest for Enlightenment: At its heart, “Journey to the West” is a spiritual odyssey that mirrors the Buddhist path to enlightenment. The journey to retrieve the scriptures symbolizes the pursuit of wisdom and understanding, essential for  liberation  from suffering and the cycle of rebirth. The transformations of the characters, especially the disciples, reflect the individual’s journey toward enlightenment, marked by self-discovery, repentance, and spiritual growth.
  • The Battle between Good and Evil: The frequent encounters with demons and the celestial trials faced by Tang Sanzang and his disciples embody the eternal struggle between good and evil. This theme is not only external, in the battles with literal demons, but also internal, representing the moral and spiritual conflicts within each character.

Journey to the West History

  • Characters as Symbolic Archetypes: The main characters of “Journey to the West” are rich in symbolic significance. Sun Wukong, with his rebellious nature and transformative journey, symbolizes the untamed mind and the potential for enlightenment through discipline and self-cultivation. Zhu Bajie represents human desires and flaws, highlighting the struggles and potential for redemption despite one’s imperfections. Sha Wujing embodies steadfastness and humility, qualities essential for spiritual progress.
  • Events as Metaphors for Spiritual Lessons: Many of the events and trials encountered by the pilgrims are metaphors for spiritual lessons. For example, the crossing of the Flaming Mountain can be seen as a metaphor for overcoming the burning passions and attachments that hinder spiritual growth. The encounters with various demons can represent the overcoming of personal obstacles on the path to enlightenment.
  • The Journey Itself: The journey to the West is symbolic of the Buddhist path towards enlightenment. It is fraught with difficulties and distractions, much like the spiritual journey of an individual.

Moral Lessons

  • Redemption and the Potential for Change : The characters of “Journey to the West,” especially the disciples of Tang Sanzang, embody the theme of redemption and the belief in the potential for change. Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing, each banished for their transgressions, find in their journey an opportunity for transformation. Their willingness to protect Tang Sanzang and endure hardships for the sake of obtaining the sacred scriptures illustrates the possibility of redemption, regardless of past misdeeds. This reflects the Buddhist concept of  karma  and the idea that positive actions can counteract negative past actions, leading to spiritual growth and liberation.
  • Virtue and Moral Integrity : Throughout the novel, Tang Sanzang serves as a moral compass, embodying virtue and moral integrity. His compassion, patience, and unwavering commitment to non-violence, even in the face of danger, highlight the importance of upholding one’s principles. Tang Sanzang’s interactions with demons, often opting for understanding and conversion rather than conflict, reinforce the novel’s message that compassion and wisdom are more powerful than force.
  • The Pursuit of Knowledge and Enlightenment : “Journey to the West” places great emphasis on the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment, both as a personal quest and for the benefit of others. The journey to obtain the Buddhist scriptures symbolizes the quest for spiritual knowledge and truth. This quest is not portrayed as easy or straightforward but rather as a path filled with obstacles that require perseverance, sacrifice, and moral fortitude to overcome.
  • Humility and Self-Cultivation : Finally, “Journey to the West” teaches the importance of humility and self-cultivation. The characters, particularly Sun Wukong, learn to temper their pride and recognize their limitations. This humility, coupled with a commitment to self-improvement and spiritual cultivation, is portrayed as essential for growth and enlightenment. The novel thus conveys the moral lesson that true strength and wisdom come from understanding oneself, acknowledging one’s flaws, and striving for self-betterment.


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Journey to the West: Volume I

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85 pages • 2 hours read

The Journey to the West: Volume I

A modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.

Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapters 1-5

Chapters 6-10

Chapters 11-15

Chapters 16-20

Chapters 21-25

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Summary and Study Guide

The Journey to the West: Volume I (1983) , translated and edited by Anthony C. Yu, contains the first 25 chapters of a 100-chapter hero’s epic , an allegory designed to impart knowledge on how to behave and what values to extol. Originally published in the late 16th century during the late Ming Dynasty, this epic is “loosely based on the famous pilgrimage of Xuanzang…the monk who went from China to India in quest of Buddhist scriptures” (1). Xuanzang lived from approximately 596 to the year 664. This journey was part of a movement of pilgrimages to the west for universal truth imparted by Buddha. There are two original components to the text, one attributed to the author Yang Zhihe, the other attributed to the compiler Zhu Dingchen.  

For an abridged translation of Wu Cheng'en's full work, please refer to the study guide for Monkey: A Folk Novel of China (1942), translated by Arthur Waley.

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Plot Summary

Shortly after the formation of the universe, a monkey is born from an immortal stone, possessing the traits of both the Yin and Yang. He becomes a king of other monkeys , and then trains in the Way, a Daoist discipline which earns him the ability to travel great distances with ease and to transform himself. Unfortunately, he angers his master and is cast out, at which point his selfishness and greed take hold of him. He develops an inferiority complex that leads to his offending Heaven. To get him under control, the ruler of Heaven—the Jade Emperor—offers him a fake title and gifts. When the monkey offends Heaven again, he flees to Earth, where a Heavenly army pursues him. 

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Wukong defies this army, until the Emperor’s nephew Erlang and the highest sage, Laozi, work together to trap him. The Jade Emperor sentences Wukong to death. Wukong is captured by the Buddha, Tathāgata , and imprisoned by five mountains on the promise that he can one day redeem himself. Guanyin and Hui’an leave to find the pilgrim that Tathāgata calls for to quest for knowledge, and Guanyin promises three monsters—and Wukong—opportunities for redemption. For Wukong, he will have to serve the pilgrim. The pilgrim, Xuanzang, grows up an orphan named and raised by a monk. He learns the Way, and when he’s 18, he finds out who his parents were and how they were wronged by bandits. He avenges his parents, and after his mother’s suicide, Xuanzang returns to the monastic lifestyle.

Emperor Tang Taizong is supposed to save the Dragon King from execution after the Dragon King ruins a fortune teller, but he fails because the executioner and judge, Wei, kills the Dragon King while dreaming. Taizong dies of sadness, and in the Underworld, promises to send food and hold a mass for the trapped souls so they can be reborn—he’s then sent back to the world of the living because he still has another 20 years to live. Taizong makes good on his promises.

At a mass sanctioned by Taizong and led by Xuanzang, Guanyin shows up and announces the quest to the west; Xuanzang volunteers. Xuanzang, also called Tripitaka, is helped along his journey and in return, saves a man’s father’s spirit. The man then agrees to guide him; when they are on a mountain, they hear Wukong cry out for his master. Tripitaka frees Wukong; they’re attacked, and Wukong kills the bandits attacking them. Tripitaka chides him, and Wukong flees. Guanyin helps Tripitaka control Wukong, who now goes by Pilgrim. Later, they gain control of the dragon that Guanyin promised redemption to when she turns it into a horse. Along their journey, Pilgrim is becoming a better soul, but he still has lessons to learn, such as how to curb his pride and vanity—a lesson he must learn when the abbot at the monastery of Guanyin tries to steal Tripitaka’s holy cassock because Pilgrim wanted to show it off.

Pilgrim and Guanyin work together to subdue a bear monster and regain the heavenly cassock for Tripitaka; Guanyin reminds Pilgrim to be good and not lazy. Despite this, Pilgrim continues to cause trouble for the remainder of Volume I of The Journey to the West , though as the entire epic contains 100 chapters, and Volume I is only the first 25, the monkey still has time to achieve redemption and enlightenment.

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Adaptations of Journey to the West

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1. The Cave of the Silken Web (1927)

59 min | Fantasy

One of the earliest cinematic adaptation of Chinese classic novel Journey to the West. When seeking for food alone, Tang Xuanzang was kept prisoner by seven spider monsters who took the ... See full summary  »

Director: Duyu Dan | Stars: Mingzhu Yin , Wen-Chao Wu , Meikang Jiang , Jiali Zhan

2. Princess Iron Fan (1941)

Not Rated | 73 min | Animation, Fantasy

Three travelers needing to pass through a fiery mountain seek the magical fan of a princess, but she does not wish to part with it.

Directors: Wan Laiming , Guchan Wan | Stars: Guanxiang Liu , Chen Zhengfa , Zhou Jirang , Shi Fengai

3. The Adventures of Sun Wukong (1959)

98 min | Fantasy

The mythical adventures of the legendary Chinese trickster Monkey, who must outwit a variety of wily demons who stand in the way of him and his fellow Buddhist travelers. Though portrayed ... See full summary  »

Director: Kajirô Yamamoto | Stars: Norihei Miki , Fukutarô Ichikawa , Nobuo Chiba , Reiko Dan

4. Havoc in Heaven (1961)

Not Rated | 114 min | Animation, Action, Adventure

Sun Wukong, the King of the Monkeys, sets off on his first adventure to gain a worthy weapon. This earns the attention of the Jade Emperor of Heaven.

Directors: Wan Laiming , Cheng Tang | Stars: Yue-Feng Qiu , Run-Sheng Fu , Hans Alfredson , Ke Bi

Votes: 2,391

5. The Monkey King and Fruit of Immortality (1981)

45 min | Animation, Fantasy

The second part of the trilogy about adventures of the Monkey King.

Director: Ding Xian Yan

6. The Monkey King Conquers the Demon (1985)

89 min | Animation, Adventure, Drama

The Monkey King fights and kills the Skeleton Demon during the journey he protects Tang monk going to the west for Buddhist scriptures.

Directors: Wei Te , Lin Wen Xiao , Ding Xian Yan | Stars: Ke Bi , Zhào Bing , Weiqi Chang , Zhàn Che

7. Alakazam the Great (1960)

Not Rated | 84 min | Animation, Adventure, Family

A monkey king who learns the secrets of magic goes on a spree and causes no end of aggravation for the gods, who finally imprison him. In order to make up for all the trouble he's caused, ... See full summary  »

Directors: Daisaku Shirakawa , Taiji Yabushita , Osamu Tezuka | Stars: Kiyoshi Komiyama , Noriko Shindô , Hideo Kinoshita , Setsuo Shinoda

8. The Monkey Goes West (1966)

112 min | Adventure, Fantasy, Musical

16th-century novel recounting the efforts of a Buddhist monk and his magical companions to travel to India and bring back Buddhist sutras.

Director: Meng-Hua Ho | Stars: Diana Chung-Wen Chang , Fan Ho , Hua Yueh , Pao-Shu Kao

9. Princess Iron Fan (1966)

77 min | Adventure, Fantasy, Musical

The Monkey King and his gang are confronted by the evil Princess Iron Fan, Madam White Bone and her two sexy sisters.

Directors: Wan Leming , Guchan Wan | Stars: Pat Ting Hung , Fan Ho , Hua Yueh , Pei-Pei Cheng

10. The Cave of the Silken Web (1967)

82 min | Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy

Cave of Silken Web is the third installment in Shaw Brothers series from the Chinese classic tale Journey to the West. The monk Tripitaka and his three protector/companions, Monkey, Pigsy, ... See full summary  »

Director: Meng-Hua Ho | Stars: Angela Yu Chien , Liang Hua Liu , Meng Tien , Shirley Huang

11. The Land of Many Perfumes (1968)

82 min | Adventure, Fantasy, Musical

The Monk, Monkey and Pigsy find themselves in the title realm, where women can only give birth to women.

Director: Meng-Hua Ho | Stars: Yin Fang , Hsiang Chun Li , Fan Ho , Peng Peng

12. Battles with Red Boy (1972)

80 min | Adventure, Fantasy

Director: Chia-Chun Wu | Stars: Niu Tien , Hsiao-Ping Yang , Kuang-Chao Chiang , Chien-Kuo Lung

13. The Fantastic Magic Baby (1975)

96 min | Fantasy, Musical

In The Fantastic Magic Baby, director Chang Che weaves a wild and woolly yarn about how the legendary Monkey King and Goddess of Mercy battle and defeat the child god Hung Hai-erh then point him down the road to righteousness.

Director: Cheh Chang | Stars: Hua-Chung Ting , Chuan-li Chang , Chin Hu , Shao-Chun Chang

14. Monkey King with 72 Magic (1979)

90 min | Adventure, Fantasy

Directors: Ching-Hua Fu , Gozo Matsui | Stars: Hua-Chung Ting , Tan-Feng Fan , Lei Zhao , Pei-Yu Chao

15. Doraemon: Nobita's Version of Saiyuki (1988)

90 min | Animation, Adventure, Family

Nobita and his friends go an adventure to save the future from monsters that come out from doraemon's gadget.Will nobita be able to capture all of them and help a monk in his journey to the west?

Director: Tsutomu Shibayama | Stars: Nobuyo Ôyama , Noriko Ohara , Michiko Nomura , Kaneta Kimotsuki

16. New Pilgrims to the West (1982)

99 min | Adventure, Fantasy

The story of the Monkey King and his half man/half pig companion and their travels towards the Western Paradise.

Director: Chun-Liang Chen | Stars: Kuan Tai Chen , Sung-Young Chen , Yu-Hsin Chen , Ching-Feng Chiang

17. Monkey War (1982)

Monkey, Pigsy, and Sandy come across a group of people forced to build massive palatial structures for the local warlord under the auspices of a pair of Taoist wizards. The wandering Pilgrims decide to find out what the Taoists are about.

Director: Chun-Liang Chen | Stars: Shang-Chien Liu , Fang-Fang Fong , Yueh Sun , David Tao

18. A Chinese Odyssey: Part One - Pandora's Box (1995)

87 min | Action, Adventure, Comedy

A Monkey King is reincarnated in the un human form as Joker, a highwayman oblivious to his original identity and the fact that 500 years earlier, he and his master, the Longevity Monk, were punished and made to stay human.

Director: Jeffrey Lau | Stars: Stephen Chow , Man-Tat Ng , Kar-Ying Law , Kit Ying Lam

Votes: 8,402

19. A Chinese Odyssey: Part 2 - Cinderella (1995)

98 min | Action, Adventure, Comedy

The convoluted continuation of the adventures of the time-traveling, now-human Monkey King, who attempts to fulfill his divine destiny.

Director: Jeffrey Lau | Stars: Stephen Chow , Man-Tat Ng , Athena Chu , Ada Choi

Votes: 8,531

20. A Chinese Odyssey: Part Three (2016)

93 min | Action, Adventure, Comedy

The third chapter of the cult-classic fantasy saga : A Chinese Odyssey.

Director: Jeffrey Lau | Stars: Yibo Wang , Jing Wu , Yan Tang , Karen Mok

21. Heavenly Legend (1999)

89 min | Action, Crime, Fantasy

Based loosely on the Monkey King legend, the movie mainly focuses on the affairs of The Dragon Princess Of The West Sea who rebels against her father by refusing to marry the Dragon Prince of The East Sea.

Director: Chi-Hwa Chen | Stars: Ashton Chen , Shao-Wen Hao , Vivian Hsu , Xiaonan Zhan

22. A Chinese Tall Story (2005)

Not Rated | 106 min | Action, Comedy, Drama

A love story between an alien and a monk.

Director: Jeffrey Lau | Stars: Nicholas Tse , Charlene Choi , Bingbing Fan , Chen Bo-lin

Votes: 1,123

23. Fire Ball (2005)

95 min | Animation, Adventure

The story is about the Chinese Tang monk called Tripitaka who leads his fairy animal neophytes Monkey, Pigsy, Sandy, and Horse on a long journey to India in search of the "Script of Wisdom ... See full summary  »

Director: Toon Wang | Stars: Han-Ya Liu , Kuei-Mei Yang , Matthew Yen-Shen Tsai , Chia-Chia Peng

24. Monkey Magic (2007)

120 min | Adventure, Fantasy, History

On the way to India to get some holy scrolls, priest Tripitaka and his followers are led by Monkey and implored by a princess to protect her people from a warlord and his brother. They've ... See full summary  »

Director: Kensaku Sawada | Stars: Shingo Katori , Teruyoshi Uchimura , Atsushi Itô , Eri Fukatsu

25. Monkey King vs. Er Lang Shen (2007)

Star: Jason Tolhurst

26. The Forbidden Kingdom (2008)

PG-13 | 104 min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy

A discovery made by a kung fu obsessed American teen sends him on an adventure to ancient China, where he joins up with a band of martial arts warriors in order to free the imprisoned Monkey King.

Director: Rob Minkoff | Stars: Jackie Chan , Jet Li , Michael Angarano , Juana Collignon

Votes: 109,505 | Gross: $52.08M

27. Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons (2013)

PG-13 | 110 min | Action, Adventure, Comedy

Tang Sanzang, an aspiring Buddhist hero tries to protect a village from three demons. He develops complex feelings for Miss Duan, the demon hunter who repeatedly helps him, and finally quests to meet the legendary Monkey King.

Directors: Stephen Chow , Chi-Kin Kwok | Stars: Zhang Wen , Shu Qi , Huang Bo , Show Lo

Votes: 13,972 | Gross: $0.02M

28. Journey to the West: The Demons Strike Back (2017)

PG-13 | 109 min | Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy

A monk and his three disciples continue on their journey to battle demons.

Director: Hark Tsui | Stars: Kris Wu , Kenny Lin , Chen Yao , Yun Lin

Votes: 3,565 | Gross: $0.88M

29. The Monkey King: Havoc in Heaven's Palace (2014)

Not Rated | 90 min | Action, Adventure, Family

A monkey born from heavenly stone acquires supernatural powers and must battle the armies of both gods and demons to find his place in the heavens.

Director: Soi Cheang | Stars: Donnie Yen , Chow Yun-Fat , Aaron Kwok , Yitian Hai

Votes: 5,368 | Gross: $0.71M

30. The Monkey King 2 (2016)

Not Rated | 119 min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy

When a travelling monk is stranded in a wasteland, The Monkey King must escort him across the land to retrieve sacred scriptures and protect him from an evil demon.

Director: Soi Cheang | Stars: Aaron Kwok , Gong Li , Shaofeng Feng , Shenyang Xiao

Votes: 3,461 | Gross: $0.71M

31. The Monkey King 3 (2018)

Not Rated | 114 min | Action, Adventure, Family

A travelling monk and his followers find themselves trapped in a land inhabited by only women.

Director: Soi Cheang | Stars: Aaron Kwok , Shaofeng Feng , Zanilia Zhao , Shenyang Xiao

Votes: 1,743 | Gross: $0.19M

32. Monkey King: Hero Is Back (2015)

PG | 89 min | Animation, Action, Adventure

The all-powerful Monkey King was imprisoned by the Gods for 500 years, but when a child releases him from his curse, the Monkey King must now save an innocent village from the evil Mountain Lord and his monstrous army.

Director: Xiaopeng Tian | Stars: Lei Zhang , Zijie Lin , Wenlun Wu , Zirong Tong

Votes: 4,716

33. Spark: A Space Tail (2016)

PG | 91 min | Animation, Action, Adventure

Spark, a teenage monkey and his friends, Chunk and Vix, are on a mission to regain Planet Bana, a kingdom overtaken by the evil overlord Zhong.

Director: Aaron Woodley | Stars: Jace Norman , Jessica Biel , Patrick Stewart , Hilary Swank

Votes: 1,349 | Gross: $0.19M

34. The Monkey King: Reborn (2021)

Not Rated | 95 min | Animation, Action, Fantasy

A long, long time ago, devils were rampant in East-land. Master Tang, who was second apprentice of Buddha Rulai in his previous life, swore to Leiyin Temple in West to fetch scriptures to purify East-land.

Director: Yunfei Wang | Stars: Yenni Ann , Xuecen Bai , Zhongyang Baomu , Jiang Bian

35. Dream Journey (2016)

92 min | Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy

Directors: Yun Ma , Qiao Tan | Stars: Miao Xie , He Zhang , Na Jiao , Sophie Zhang

36. Dream Journey 2: Princess Iron Fan (2017)

91 min | Adventure, Fantasy

There's a volcano wreaking havoc in the Monkey King Sun Wukong's world, sapping the magic Banana Leaf Fan of its power. To set things right he'll have to travel five centuries into the past... See full summary  »

Directors: Yun Ma , Qiao Tan | Stars: Miao Xie , Yilin Huang , Kung-Wei Lu , Yong Chen

37. Dream Journey 3: The Land of Many Perfumes (2017)

99 min | Action, Adventure, Comedy

The film tells that after the slaughter of the daughter country, the souls are full of grievances are unwilling to reincarnate. Under the conspiracy of the old Beiming Kun, they are trapped... See full summary  »

Director: Qiao Tan | Stars: Junni Cao , Xuetao Chen , Yan Du , Rui Fan

38. Dream Journey 4: Biography of Demon (2018)

Not Rated | 99 min | Adventure, Fantasy

On their journey to the west, Tang Seng and Sun Wukong have a falling out and set out a challenge for each other. Sun Wukong agrees to give Tang Seng his magical powers in exchange for Tang... See full summary  »

Director: Zhongxuan Ma | Stars: Miao Xie , Sheng Nan , Thomas Price , Junni Cao

39. Dream Journey 5: Legendary Treasure (2019)

93 min | Adventure, Comedy, Romance

Dream Journey 5: Legendary Treasure" is a creative reimagining of the classic tale "Journey to the West." This installment, the fifth in the series, follows the adventures of Sun Wukong, ... See full summary  »

Directors: Zhongxuan Ma , Cong Wang | Stars: Jack Tu , Yun Jiang , Tieying Zhao , Yiming Chen

40. Immortal Demon Slayer (2017)

Not Rated | 123 min | Action, Adventure, Family

A giant rebelled against the heavens. It was declared a devil and defeated. The immortal heart evolved into Sun Wukong. The heavens found him, and ravaged his home. He enters the heavenly kingdom, disguised as a human, seeking retribution.

Director: Chi-Kin Kwok | Stars: Eddie Peng , Shawn Yue , Ni Ni , Xiao Bai

Votes: 1,952

41. Buddies in India (2017)

Unrated | 99 min | Action, Comedy

In an effort to save his house, a man accompanies the son of a recently deceased CEO to India to recover his will.

Director: Baoqiang Wang | Stars: Baoqiang Wang , Yan Liu , White-K , Vikramjeet Virk

Votes: 402 | Gross: $0.29M

42. The Journey to the West: Demon's Child (2021)

73 min | Action, Comedy, Fantasy

500 years ago, Monkey King caused a ruckus in the Heavenly Palace and accidentally kicked the Eight Trigrams Furnace, causing the Heavenly Fire to fall into the mortal world. In order to ... See full summary  »

Director: Xiong Chen | Stars: Ji Hao , Shiu-Hung Hui , Ximen Piaopiao , Raquel

43. The Monkey King (2023)

PG | 97 min | Animation, Action, Adventure

Inspired by an epic Chinese tale, translated into an action-packed comedy, a Monkey and his magical fighting Stick battle demons, dragons, gods and the greatest adversary of all - Monkey's ego.

Director: Anthony Stacchi | Stars: Jimmy O. Yang , Bowen Yang , Jolie Hoang-Rappaport , Jo Koy

Votes: 6,263

44. Monkey (1978–2004)

Action, Adventure, Comedy

An adaptation of a Chinese folktale about a pilgrimage to the West undertaken by a monk and his divine guardians.

Stars: Masaaki Sakai , Shirô Kishibe , Masako Natsume , Miriam Margolyes

Votes: 2,132

45. Journey to the West (1986–2000)

45 min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy

An account of the legendary pilgrimage of the Tang dynasty Buddhist monk Tang Shen who traveled to the "Western Regions", that is, Central Asia and India, to obtain Buddhist sacred texts (... See full summary  »

Stars: Liu Xiao Ling Tong , Dehua Ma , Huaili Yan , Shaohua Xu

Votes: 1,731

46. Journey to the West (1996– )

Sun Wukong the Monkey King, monk Tang Sanzang, humanoid pig Zhu Bajie and river demon Sha Wujing embark on a perilous journey to retrieve holy scriptures from the west, as an act of ... See full summary  »

Stars: Dicky Cheung , Wah Kong , Yiu-Cheung Lai , Cheung-Ching Mak

47. Journey to the West 2 (1998)

45 min | Action, Adventure, Comedy

The Monkey King conquers the fantasy world of monsters and demons with his brotherhood team, led by his Master Tang Sanzang.

Stars: Benny Chan , Wah Kong , Yiu-Cheung Lai , Cheung-Ching Mak

48. Journey to the West: Legends of the Monkey King (1995–1999)

TV-PG | 24 min | Animation

The legend of the Monkey King and his fellow companions traveling west.

Stars: Hanyu Zhang , Lihong Li , Jie Qi , Li Lao

49. The Monkey King (2001– )

Unrated | 150 min | Adventure, Fantasy

American journalist Nick Orton is caught up in the world of Chinese gods and monsters while on a search for the long lost manuscript to 'Hsi Yu Chi' (The Journey to the West) by Wu Ch'eng ... See full summary  »

Stars: Thomas Gibson , Bai Ling , Russell Wong , Ric Young

Votes: 1,795

50. Monkey King and City of Demons (2018)

90 min | Action, Adventure, Comedy

Sun Wukong and Brother Pig arrive at a demon village on the way to rescue their master, Tang Seng.

Directors: Hesheng Xiang , Qiuliang Xiang | Stars: Benny Chan , Zhao Ziluo , Meng Fan , Tze-Chung Lam

51. Journey to the West (2006– )

Action, Adventure, Drama

The drama is a modern adaptation of the famous Chinese story Journey to the West. It follows the monk Sanzo Hoshi and her three disciples--the monkey king Son Goku; the half-man, half-pig ... See full summary  »

Stars: Shingo Katori , Teruyoshi Uchimura , Atsushi Itô , Eri Fukatsu

52. Journey to the West (2010– )

45 min | Action, Adventure, Drama

A new version of the Journey to the West. The series features a scenic setting across China as it follows the Monk and his disciples on their quest for the scriptures and towards enlightenment.

Stars: Zhenxiang Fei , Victor Chen , Ning Xie , Fengbin Mou

53. Journey to the West 2000 (2000– )

45 min | Adventure, Fantasy, Romance

A tribute to the most famous children story of the Monkey King since 1986. Li Pong Lung return as the crazy monkey to find their western journey.

Stars: Xiao'ou Deng , Benben Guo , Xu Shao Hua , Li Po Lung

54. Journey to the West (2011– )

45 min | Action, Adventure

The legendary pilgrimage of the Tang dynasty Buddhist monk Xuanzang who traveled to the "Western Regions", to obtain Buddhist sacred texts and returned after many trials and much suffering.

Stars: Shi Lei , Ke Hu , Yong You , Chun-Chung Tong

55. Journey to the West (2011)

Action, Sport, War

Science activism for health in sports, medicine, and tiger team research and development from Canada and International open collaboration to help anti-radiation material Borax to Japan.

Directors: Brendon Culliton , Joe Hatoum | Stars: Brendon Culliton , Joe Hatoum

56. Into the Badlands (2015–2019)

TV-14 | 42 min | Action, Adventure, Drama

Journey to the West - Chapter 13 Part 2 Journey to the West - An Audio Drama Series

Did you hear someone calling from the bottom of the mountain? Bringing China's most influential fantasy adventure to your ears, with an original translation right from its source text. The Fifth Monkey is an independent, multinational team dedicated to this project. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Become a subscriber⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to access the latest episode: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thefifthmonkey/subscribe For subtitles, please visit ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠our Youtube Channel⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Shop at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠our Patreon⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ store for transcripts and become a paid member for more exclusive content. We are also on ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Ko-fi⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠, ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠X⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠, ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Bilibili⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠, ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Tumblr⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ & ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Weibo⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠.

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  1. Journey to the West 32: Lady Whitebone (西游记 32:白骨精)

    journey to the west 32

  2. Watch U.S. Trailer For Stephen Chow's JOURNEY TO THE WEST

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  3. Journey to the West (TV Series 2011-2012)

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  4. Journey To The West 4k Ultra HD Wallpaper and Background Image

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  5. Journey to the West

    journey to the west 32

  6. Journey to the West: The Demons Strike Back (2017)

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  1. Journey West by Renee Schwab

  2. The Journey West. Day 8

  3. The Journey West. Day 6

  4. The Journey West. Day 3

  5. The Journey West. Day 1

  6. Journey To The West 1986 စွန်းဝူခုန်း Ep11


  1. Journey to the West 32: Lady Whitebone (西游记 32:白骨精)

    Subscribe and watch new contents uploaded every week.YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/littlefoxchineseSun Wukong, the 'Monkey King' with amazing power...

  2. Journey to the West 32: Lady Whitebone

    Journey to the West 32: Lady Whitebone. Lady Whitebone sat by the road and sniffed the air again. The Tang Monk has some powerful companions she said I need a disguise. * * *. Bajie dropped the bags I'm tired and hungry Let's stop for lunch. Using his magic sight Wukong saw a peach orchard thousands of miles away. I'll be back in a minute he said.

  3. 西游记 29-32 (西遊記

    Subscribe and watch new contents uploaded every week.YouTube Channel:https://www.youtube.com/littlefoxchineseSun Wukong, the 'Monkey King' with amazing power...

  4. [2011] Journey to the West 32 [ENG SUB]

    Journey to the West is a Chinese television series adapted from the novel of the same title. Production for the 66 episodes long series started on 12 Septemb...

  5. List of Journey to the West characters

    Antagonists Demon King of Confusion. The Demon King of Confusion (混世魔王) is a demon king who seizes control of the Water Curtain Cave (水簾洞) when Sun Wukong left to learn magic from Subhuti.He chases away the primates and occupies the cave with his minions. Many years later, Sun Wukong returns, defeats the demon king and takes back the cave.

  6. Little Fox Readers

    Journey to the West 1 - 55; Journey to the West 56 - 108; Printable Book; Journey to the West 1 - 10; Journey to the West 11 - 20; Journey to the West 21 - 30; ... Journey to the West 32: Lady Whitebone: v v v v. Select an LF Reader. v. Journey to the West 33: Bajie Takes a Nap: v v v v. Select an LF Reader. v.

  7. Journey to the West 32: Lady Whitebone

    Journey to the West 32: Lady Whitebone. 서유기 32: 백골부인. * 원문 숨기기 (보기)를 클릭하면 원문을 숨기거나 보이게 할 수 있습니다. Lady Whitebone sat by the road and sniffed the air again. "The Tang Monk has some powerful companions," she said. "I need a disguise." Bajie dropped the bags. "I'm tired and hungry.

  8. Journey to the West

    Journey to the West (Chinese: Xiyou ji 西遊記) is a Chinese novel published in the 16th century during the Ming dynasty and attributed to Wu Cheng'en.It is regarded as one of the greatest Classic Chinese Novels, and has been described as arguably the most popular literary work in East Asia. Arthur Waley's 1942 abridged translation, Monkey, is known in English-speaking countries.

  9. 西遊記 by Cheng'en Wu

    Journey to the West Alternate Title: 西游记 Alternate Title: Xi you ji Language: Chinese: LoC Class: PL: Language and Literatures: Languages and literatures of Eastern Asia, Africa, Oceania: Subject: Folklore -- China Subject: Legends -- China Subject: Xuanzang, approximately 596-664 -- Fiction Subject: Chinese fiction -- Ming dynasty, 1368 ...

  10. Journey to the West (1986 TV series)

    1 October 1986. ( 1986-10-01) Journey to the West is a Chinese television series adapted from the classic 16th-century novel of the same title. The first 11 episodes of the series were first broadcast on CCTV in China on 1 October 1986. The series became an instant classic in China and was praised for being one of the most original and faithful ...

  11. Journey to the West

    Unit 7 Journey to the West. The powerful and mischievous Stone Monkey King brings chaos to heaven and earth. Freed from a mountain prison in order to guard a Chinese monk on his journey to retrieve the Buddhist scriptures from India, Monkey seeks his own spiritual transformation. Modern performance, contemporary art, and Buddhist philosophers ...

  12. Journey To The West

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  13. The Journey to the West Summary

    Wu Cheng'en's Journey to the West is a meandering, fictionalized account of an actual seventh-century pilgrimage to India made by Xuanzang, a Chinese Buddhist monk searching for sacred texts ...

  14. Journey to the West (Monkey: Folk Novel of China)

    Chapter. Summary. Chapters 1-3. In the small country of Ao-lai, a rock splits open to reveal a stone egg that transforms into a living stone monkey. M... Read More. Chapters 4-7. The Spirit of the Planet Venus takes Monkey to Heaven, where he is assigned to the stables. At a feast celebrating his...

  15. 《西游記│Journey To the West》第32集 官方高清版(张纪中版 吴樾,聂远,臧金生,徐锦江领衔主演)

    歡迎訂閱【特工皇妃楚喬傳 Princess Agents】:https://bit.ly/3AxJCyb 看趙麗穎演繹酷颯女將軍~楚喬傳專欄:《楚喬傳 | Princess Agents ...

  16. PDF Journey to the West

    Read Difficulties Resolved on the Journey to the West. In the arithmetic of the universe, 129,600 years make one cycle. Each cycle can be divided into twelve phases: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI and XII, the twelve branches. Each phase lasts 10,800 years.

  17. Journey to the West

    The "Journey to the West" is deeply entwined with the real-life travels of Xuanzang (602-664 CE), whose pilgrimage to India and back took 17 years, a journey undertaken to obtain authentic Buddhist scriptures.. Wu Cheng'en's fictionalized account, however, does more than narrate a religious quest; it weaves a rich story of Chinese myths, Taoist and Buddhist philosophy, and satirical ...

  18. Journey to the West

    Journey to the West, foremost Chinese comic novel, written by Wu Cheng'en, a novelist and poet of the Ming dynasty (1368-1644). The novel is based on the actual 7th-century pilgrimage of the Buddhist monk Xuanzang (602-664) to India in search of sacred texts. The story itself was already a part of Chinese folk and literary tradition in the form of colloquial stories, a poetic novelette ...

  19. List of media adaptations of Journey to the West

    Depiction of the Forbidden Temple's Sun Wukong as depicted in a scene in a Beijing opera. The pilgrims Sun Wukong, Tang Sanzang, Zhu Bajie, and Sha Wujing at Western Paradise in production The Monkey Sun (Theatre Esence, 1984). Journey to the West, one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature, was written in the 16th century and attributed to Wu Cheng'en. Stories and characters ...

  20. "Monkey King: Journey to the West" by Wu Ch'eng En: Analysis

    Nov 24, 2023 11:32 AM EST. Journey to the West Analysis. The tale of Monkey and his journey deep into the Buddhist heartland of India is an elaborate tale filled with adventure, allegory, and spiritual insight. Monkey tricks his way in and out of many stressful situations. He is a deviant, mischievous little fellow who can never be trusted.

  21. Journey to the West

    Journey to the West is a fictionalized account of the legends surrounding the 16-year pilgrimage of the Buddhist monk Xuánzàng (602-664) to India during the Táng dynasty, to obtain Buddhist religious texts (sutras).Xuánzàng reached India after experiencing innumerable trials and hardships. He lived there for more than a decade, studying classics of Buddhism and Indian culture at Nalanda ...

  22. The Journey to the West: Volume I

    The Journey to the West: Volume I (1983), translated and edited by Anthony C. Yu, contains the first 25 chapters of a 100-chapter hero's epic, an allegory designed to impart knowledge on how to behave and what values to extol. Originally published in the late 16th century during the late Ming Dynasty, this epic is "loosely based on the famous pilgrimage of Xuanzang…the monk who went from ...

  23. Adaptations of Journey to the West

    A Chinese Odyssey: Part 2 - Cinderella (1995) 98 min | Action, Adventure, Comedy. 7.8. Rate. The convoluted continuation of the adventures of the time-traveling, now-human Monkey King, who attempts to fulfill his divine destiny. Director: Jeffrey Lau | Stars: Stephen Chow, Man-Tat Ng, Athena Chu, Ada Choi.

  24. Journey to the West

    Journey to the West - Chapter 13 Part 2 Journey to the West - An Audio Drama Series Drama Did you hear someone calling from the bottom of the mountain? Bringing China's most influential fantasy adventure to your ears, with an original translation right from its source text. The Fifth Monkey is an independent, multinational team dedicated to ...