
একদিনে শ্রীমঙ্গল ট্যুর প্ল্যান

মৌলভীবাজার জেলার শ্রীমঙ্গল উপজেলা (Sreemangal) বাংলাদেশের চায়ের রাজধানী হিসাবে সুপরিচিত। পাহাড়ের ঢালে চা বাগানের অপূর্ব দৃশ্য ছাড়াও শ্রীমঙ্গল এবং এর আশেপাশে রয়েছে লাউয়াছড়া জাতীয় উদ্যান, গ্র্যান্ড সুলতান টি রিসোর্ট এন্ড গলফ, রাবার বাগান, হামহাম জলপ্রপাত, মাধবপুর লেক সহ আরো বেশকিছু দর্শনীয় স্থান। ঢাকা থেকে একদিনে সহজে ভ্রমণ করা যায় বলে একদিনে শ্রীমঙ্গল ভ্রমণ অনেকের কাছেই জনপ্রিয় গন্তব্য।

একদিনে শ্রীমঙ্গল ট্যুর প্ল্যান (১)

বাসে গিয়ে একদিনে শ্রীমঙ্গল ঘুরে আসতে চাইলে ঢাকার সায়দাবাদ বাসস্ট্যান্ড থেকে রাত ১১ টা থেকে ১২ টার মধ্যে শ্রীমঙ্গলের উদ্দেশ্যে রওনা দিতে হবে। আর ট্রেনে যেতে চাইলে সিলেটগামী রাতের উপবন ট্রেনে যাত্রা করলে সবচেয়ে সুবিধা হবে।

রাতে বাস কিংবা ট্রেনে শ্রীমঙ্গলের উদ্দেশ্যে রওনা দিলে ভোরের দিকে শ্রীমঙ্গল পৌঁছে যাবেন। সকালের নাস্তা সেরে সিএনজি রিজার্ভ নিয়ে বা লোকাল পরিবহণে সকাল সকাল চলে যেতে পারেন মাধবপুর লেক । মাধবপুর লেকে শান্ত শীতল জল এবং চারপাশের অপূর্ব প্রাকৃতিক দৃশ্য সকাল বেলায় নিঃসন্দেহে আপনার মনকে এক অদ্ভুত প্রশান্তিতে ভরিয়ে তোলবে। যাবার পথেই দুইপাশে দেখতে পাবেন চা বাগান ।

মাধবপুর লেকে কিছুটা সময় কাটিয়ে চলে আসুন লাউয়াছড়া জাতীয় উদ্যানে। বনের মধ্যে জীববৈচিত্র দেখার সাথে সাথে চাইলে হালকা ট্রেকিং করতে পারবেন এখানে।

লাউয়াছড়া জাতীয় উদ্যান থেকে শহরে ফিরে পানসী অথবা পাঁচ ভাই হোটেলে দুপুরের খাবার খেয়ে নিতে পারেন। এসব হোটেলে সুলভ মূল্যে অনেক প্রকার সুস্বাদু দেশীয় খাবার পাওয়া যায়।

দুপুরের খাবার খেয়ে শ্রীমঙ্গলের একমাত্র সিতেশ বাবুর চিড়িয়াখানায় কিছুটা সময় কাটিয়ে আসতে পারেন। এরপর নীলকন্ঠ চা কেবিনের সাত রঙের চা খাওয়ার সাথে সাথে চা গবেষনা ইনস্টিটিউটে আড্ডায় মুখর হতে পারেন পড়ন্ত বিকেলে।

যদি বিকেল ৫ টার মধ্যে আপনার ঘুরোঘুরি শেষ হয়ে যায় তবে শ্রীমঙ্গল থেকে ট্রেনেই ঢাকা ফিরতে পারবেন। ট্রেনে আসা সম্ভব না হলে বাসে চড়েই ঢাকায় ফিরতে হবে।

একদিনে শ্রীমঙ্গল ট্যুর প্ল্যান (২)

আপনি যদি এডভেঞ্চার প্রিয় হয়ে থাকেন তবে শ্রীমঙ্গল ভ্রমণে হামহাম ঝর্ণা ঘুরে দেখতে পারেন। ঢাকা হতে ভোরে শ্রীমঙ্গল পৌঁছে সকালের নাস্তা সেরে হামহাম ঝর্ণায় যাওয়ার সিএনজি বা জীপ সারাদিনের জন্য রিজার্ভ করে নিন। খুব সকালে রওনা দিয়ে দুই ঘন্টায় কলাবন পাড়ায় পৌঁছাতে পারবেন। কলাবন পাড়া থেকেই সাথে গাইড নিয়ে হামহাম ঝর্ণা যাবার ট্রেকিং শুরু হয়। হাম হামের প্রকৃত সৌন্দর্য দেখতে হলে বর্ষাকালে যাওয়া উচিত।

হামহাম জলপ্রপাত দেখে শহরে ফিরে পাঁচ ভাই বা পানসীতে দুপুরের খাবার খেয়ে বিকেলে মাধবপুর লেকের উদ্দেশ্যে রওনা দিতে পারেন। লেক আর চা বাগানের সৌন্দর্য দেখে চলে যান নীলকণ্ঠ কুঠিরের সাত রঙের চা পানের জন্য। ভ্রমণ শেষে বাস কিংবা ট্রেনে ঢাকার পথে যাত্রা শুরু করে দিন।

শ্রীমঙ্গল ভ্রমণ ভিডিও ব্লগ

ঢাকা থেকে যেভাবে শ্রীমঙ্গল যাবেন

ঢাকা থেকে ট্রেনে করে শ্রীমঙ্গল যেতে কমলাপুর কিংবা বিমান বন্দর রেলওয়ে ষ্টেশান হতে উপবন, জয়ন্তিকা, পারাবত অথবা কালনী এক্সপ্রেস ট্রেনকে বেছে নিতে পারেন আপনার ভ্রমণ সঙ্গী হিসাবে। শ্রেণী ভেদে জনপ্রতি ট্রেনে যেতে ভাড়া ২৪০ টাকা থেকে ৫৫২ টাকা। ট্রেনে যেতে সময় লাগে পাঁচ থেকে সাড়ে পাঁচ ঘণ্টা।

বাসে করে ঢাকা থেকে শ্রীমঙ্গল যেতে ফকিরাপুল অথবা সায়দাবাদ থেকে ৪৭০ টাকা থেকে ৬০০ টাকা ভাড়ায় হানিফ এন্টারপ্রাইজ, শ্যামলী পরিবহন, সিলেট এক্সপ্রেস, এনা ইত্যাদি নন এসি বাস পাওয়া যায়। বাসে যেতে সময় লাগে ৪ ঘন্টার মত।

একদিনে শ্রীমঙ্গল ভ্রমণের সম্ভাব্য খরচ

  • বাস ভাড়া- ৪৭০ টাকা থেকে ৬০০ টাকা (বাসভেদে)
  • সকালের নাস্তা- ৫০ টাকা
  • সিএনজি রিজার্ভ- ২০০০ টাকা (সারাদিনের জন্য)
  • দুপুরের খাবার- ১৫০ টাকা
  • ফিরতি ট্রেনের টিকেট- ২৪০ টাকা থেকে ৫৫২
  • অন্যান্য- ১০০ টাকা

একদিনে শ্রীমঙ্গল ভ্রমণ পরামর্শ

  • সুলভ মূল্যে খাবার খেতে চাইলে পানসী বা পাঁচ ভাই হোটেলকে বেছে নিন।
  • সিএনজি রিজার্ভ নেয়ার আগে কোথায় কোথায় যাবেন সে সম্পর্কে আগে থেকেই বলে নিন।
  • সিএনজি রিজার্ভ করতে দরদাম করে নিন।
  • হাম হাম যেতে জোঁকের ব্যাপারে সতর্ক থাকুন।
  • ট্রেনে ফিরতে চাইলে সময়ের প্রতি খেয়াল রাখুন।

ভ্রমণ সংক্রান্ত যে কোন তথ্য ও আপডেট জানতে ফলো করুন আমাদের ফেসবুক পেইজ এবং জয়েন করুন আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপে ।

শেয়ার করুন সবার সাথে


Sreemangal—8 Top Things To Do For The Ultimate Experience

8 Top Things To Do in Sreemangal For The Ultimate Experience

Discover the top things to do in Sreemangal, the tea capital of Bangladesh, for the ultimate experience. From birdwatching to tea plantations, explore nature’s wonders.

Sreemangal is a small town nestled in Bangladesh’s lush green tea plantations. This beautiful destination, also known as the “tea capital” of the country, offers an array of activities to cater to every traveler’s interests. Whether you’re a nature lover, adventure seeker, or tea connoisseur, Sreemangal has something for everyone. Read on to explore the top things to do in Sreemangal and why this enchanting destination should be on your bucket list.

Table of Contents

  • Explore The Tea Plantations of Sreemangal
  • Take a Trek Through Lawachhara National Park
  • Watch Birds at Baikka Beel
  • Take a Hike to Hamham Waterfall
  • Visit Madhabpur Lake
  • Shop at Manipuri Tribal Handicraft Market
  • Taste Seven Layers Tea of Sreemangal
  • Enjoy Fresh Pineapples of Sreemangal

Visiting Sreemangal

A beautiful tea estate in Sreemangal

A beautiful tea estate in Sreemangal. © Photo Credit: Raw Hasan.

1. Explore The Tea Plantations of Sreemangal

Sreemangal is renowned as the “Tea Capital” of Bangladesh, with 80% of the country’s tea plantations located in this region. Explore the stunning tea estates of Sreemangal and enjoy the beauty of its verdant surroundings and fragrant tea leaves.

Start your exploration by visiting one of the many tea estates spread across the picturesque landscape. Marvel at the vast expanses of manicured tea bushes that stretch as far as the eye can see. The neatly pruned rows of tea plants create a mesmerizing sight, forming a patchwork of green against the backdrop of rolling hills.

Capture postcard-worthy photographs amidst the tea plantations, with the lush green backdrop providing the perfect setting for memorable shots. The picturesque landscapes and the tranquil ambiance of the tea plantations make for beautiful and serene moments you’ll want to preserve.

When visiting tea plantations, it is important to respect the privacy of the tea workers and follow any instructions given by the tea estate management.

Take a delightful and immersive journey through the tea plantations of Sreemangal to experience the world of tea cultivation. This adventure allows you to connect with the rich heritage and natural beauty of Sreemangal. So, get ready by lacing up your shoes, embracing the lush green surroundings, and embarking on a journey through the tea gardens that will leave you with a deeper appreciation for the art of tea.

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A male Hoolock Gibbon at Lawachara National Park in Sreemangal

A male Hoolock Gibbon at Lawachara National Park in Sreemangal. © Photo Credit: Eric Lynn.

2. Take a Trek Through Lawachhara National Park

One of the top things to do in Sreemangal is embarking on a thrilling trek through the enchanting Lawachhara National Park . Located 8 km from the town center, this pristine forest reserve is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers alike.

As you venture into the park, you’ll be greeted by a dense canopy of trees and a symphony of sounds from the surrounding wildlife. The park is home to various flora and fauna, making it a biodiversity hotspot in Bangladesh. The lush greenery, towering trees, and vibrant orchids create a mesmerizing ambiance that will captivate your senses.

During your trek, you’ll have the opportunity to spot fascinating wildlife, including the endangered Hoolock Gibbons swinging through the treetops. Watch for other primates like the Capped Langur and Slow Loris and a diverse array of bird species, reptiles, and amphibians. The experienced guides accompanying you on the trek will share their knowledge about the park’s ecology and help you identify the species you encounter.

To ensure a safe and enjoyable trek, hiring a local guide familiar with the park’s trails and who can provide valuable insights about the flora, fauna, and conservation efforts is recommended. The guides are well-versed in the park’s history and can share fascinating stories about the indigenous tribes and their relationship with the forest.

Before setting off on your trek, wear comfortable shoes, carry sufficient water and snacks, and apply mosquito repellent. Respecting the park’s rules and regulations, including refraining from littering and maintaining a safe distance from wildlife, is essential.

Exploring Lawachhara National Park is a fantastic opportunity to fully experience the unspoiled splendor of nature. The stunning scenery, peaceful ambiance, and soothing sounds of the forest will create enduring memories and deepen your admiration for the remarkable wonders of the earth.

When visiting Sreemangal, exploring Lawachhara National Park through a trek is highly recommended. This adventure offers a deeper connection with nature and a sense of wonderment by encountering rare wildlife, admiring breathtaking waterfalls, and embracing the tranquility of the forest. Therefore, put on your hiking boots and embark on a trekking expedition to let Lawachhara National Park’s natural splendor captivate your soul.

Migratory birds at Baikka Beel in Sreemangal

Migratory birds at Baikka Beel in Sreemangal. © Photo Credit: Eric Lynn.

3. Watch Birds at Baikka Beel

If you’re a passionate birdwatcher, you should visit Baikka Beel in Sreemangal. This sanctuary, also known as Baikka Beel Wetland Sanctuary, is a paradise for birdwatching enthusiasts and migratory birds. It’s located 18 km from the town center and attracts various avian species, including rare and endangered birds.

Grab your binoculars and venture into the sanctuary to spot various winged wonders. Keep an eye out for the majestic Oriental Pied Hornbill, colorful Kingfishers, elegant Egrets, and the graceful Purple Swamphen, among others. The tranquil environment of Baikka Beel provides an ideal setting to observe these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat.

During winter, Baikka Beel becomes a temporary home for numerous migratory birds, including the Siberian Rubythroat, Baikal Teal, and the Greater Painted-Snipe. Witness the spectacular sight of flocks of birds descending upon the wetlands, creating a vibrant tapestry of colors and sounds.

Baikka Beel is not just a treat for birdwatchers; it also offers opportunities for photography enthusiasts. Capture stunning images of the birds in flight, nesting, or foraging in their natural surroundings. The vast expanse of the wetlands and the rich biodiversity make for compelling photographic compositions.

Baikka Beel also offers boat rides, allowing visitors to explore the wetlands from a different perspective. Drift along the tranquil waters, admiring the scenic beauty and observing the birds up close. The boat rides provide a unique opportunity to navigate through the marshy landscape and experience the serenity of Baikka Beel.

It is important to note that Baikka Beel is a protected area, and visitors are expected to adhere to responsible tourism practices. Ensure that you maintain a respectful distance from the birds and their habitats, avoid littering, and follow any guidelines provided by the sanctuary authorities.

If you’re interested in birdwatching or simply enjoy nature, a visit to Baikka Beel is a fantastic opportunity to see the variety of birds in Sreemangal. The wetland sanctuary is guaranteed to leave you in awe. So grab your binoculars and prepare for a birdwatching adventure that will showcase the mesmerizing world of birds at Baikka Beel.

Hamham Waterfalls in Sreemangal

Hamham Waterfalls in Sreemangal. © Photo Credit: Raw Hasan.

4. Take a Hike to Hamham Waterfall

A great addition to your Sreemangal itinerary would be a hike to the stunning Hamham Waterfall. This popular tourist attraction is mesmerizing and is nestled deep inside the Rajkandi Reserve Forest.

To begin your adventure, you need to arrive at the starting point of the trail in Rajkandi Reserve Forest, located 38 km from the town center. From there, it will be a 2-3 hour hike to the waterfall through the hills and streams. The tranquil atmosphere and fresh air will invigorate your senses, making the hike an enjoyable experience in itself.

As you arrive at Hamham Waterfall, you’ll be amazed by its breathtaking beauty. The waterfall flows down, creating a stunning view and a calming sound of flowing water. The clear water drops into a pool beneath, providing a refreshing break from your walk. Take some time to enjoy the natural setting, relax in the cool mist, and let the waterfall’s rhythmic sound alleviate your stress.

For the more adventurous souls, swimming in the pool beneath the waterfall is a delightful option. The refreshing waters provide the perfect opportunity to cool off and rejuvenate. Be cautious of the water’s depth and follow safety guidelines to ensure a safe and enjoyable swim.

It is recommended to wear comfortable hiking shoes, carry sufficient water and snacks, and apply sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun’s rays. Before embarking on the hike, check the weather conditions and ensure that you have a knowledgeable guide to lead the way. It is essential to prioritize safety and respect the natural environment by refraining from littering and leaving only footprints behind.

Hiking to Hamham Waterfall is an adventure that allows you to connect with nature, appreciate its wonders, and create lasting memories. The combination of a picturesque hike, the captivating waterfall, and the tranquil surroundings make it a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and adventure lovers.

Include a hike to Hamham Waterfall in your Sreemangal itinerary for an unforgettable experience. Put on your hiking boots, take in the stunning scenery, and be amazed by the natural beauty of Hamham Waterfall.

Madhabpur Lake in Sreemangal

Madhabpur Lake in Sreemangal. © Photo Credit: Raw Hasan.

5. Visit Madhabpur Lake

If you’re searching for natural beauty and tranquility, don’t miss out on visiting Madhabpur Lake while exploring Sreemangal. This serene lake is surrounded by captivating landscapes of lush green hills and tea gardens, making it the perfect peaceful retreat away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

As you approach Madhabpur Lake, you’ll be greeted by breathtaking vistas of calm waters reflecting the surrounding hills and the clear blue sky. The tranquil ambiance and serene surroundings make it ideal for relaxation, picnics, and connecting with nature.

Enjoy a peaceful walk by the lake and let the tranquil surroundings soothe you. The beautiful scenery, with its tall trees and vibrant flowers, creates a charming atmosphere. Don’t forget to watch for the different types of birds that inhabit the area. It is home to the great white-bellied heron, the only confirmed site in Bangladesh.

As you explore the lake, you may come across small islands dotting their expanse. These islands are often covered with lush vegetation and provide a scenic backdrop for photographs or moments of solitude. They add to the overall charm and visual appeal of Madhabpur Lake.

The lake is also surrounded by tea gardens, enhancing the area’s beauty. The green tea bushes create a picturesque contrast against the serene waters, making it an ideal setting for nature photography.

To make the most of your visit to Madhabpur Lake, consider packing a picnic lunch and enjoying a meal amidst the natural beauty. Find a cozy spot along the lakeside, spread out a blanket, and savor the tranquility while relishing the region’s flavors. The combination of good food, beautiful scenery, and soothing ambiance will create a memorable experience.

When planning your visit to Madhabpur Lake, check the weather conditions and consider visiting during the early morning or late afternoon for the best lighting and fewer crowds.

Madhabpur Lake is a serene and captivating destination located in the heart of Sreemangal’s natural landscapes. Visitors can enjoy the tranquil waters, picturesque surroundings, and activities like boating and picnicking. If you visit Sreemangal, spending an evening in Madhabpur Lake should be on your list.

A Manipuri lady at her shop

A Manipuri lady at her temporary shop at Raas Festival in Sreemangal. © Photo Credit: Raw Hasan.

6. Shop at Manipuri Tribal Handicraft Market

Experience the vibrant cultural heritage of Sreemangal by visiting the Manipuri Tribal Handicraft Market. This bustling marketplace offers a treasure trove of traditional crafts, textiles, and artworks created by the talented artisans of the Manipuri tribe.

The Manipuri people are renowned for their intricate craftsmanship and ability to preserve cultural traditions through their artistic creations. As you explore the handicraft market, you’ll discover a wide array of handmade products that showcase the rich cultural heritage of the Manipuri community.

From colorful textiles and intricately woven fabrics to beautifully crafted bamboo and cane products, the Manipuri Tribal Handicraft Market offers a diverse range of items for you to peruse and purchase. Admire exquisite embroidery on traditional garments, such as shawls, saris, and scarves, reflecting the Manipuri culture’s unique aesthetic.

The market is also a great place to find unique and authentic souvenirs to take back home. Look for hand-carved wooden figurines, pottery, jewelry adorned with traditional motifs, and decorative items made from natural materials. Each piece tells a story and carries the essence of Manipuri heritage. The vibrant atmosphere of the market, filled with colors, textures, and the sounds of bargaining, adds to the charm of the shopping experience.

When visiting the Manipuri Tribal Handicraft Market, it is advisable to bring cash for transactions, as the vendors do not accept electronic payments. Don’t forget to practice your bargaining skills to secure the best deals while respecting the artisans and their craftsmanship. By supporting local artisans and purchasing their products, you contribute to preserving their cultural heritage and sustainable livelihoods.

Explore the Manipuri Tribal Handicraft Market in Sreemangal to experience the cultural heritage of the Manipuri community. This dynamic marketplace offers a range of beautiful textiles and handicrafts, as well as the opportunity to engage with skilled artisans. Take home authentic handmade souvenirs and gain a deeper appreciation for the artistic traditions of Sreemangal. Don’t miss out on this unique experience, and make sure to carve out some time in your itinerary to visit the market.

Seven Layers Tea of Srimangal

Seven Layers Tea of Sreemangal beside a regular milk tea. © Photo Credit: Janice Friend.

7. Taste Seven Layers Tea of Sreemangal

No visit to Sreemangal would be complete without tasting the famous Seven Layers Tea, a unique and flavorful beverage that has become synonymous with the region. This delightful concoction is a must-try for tourists.

The Seven Layers Tea is a tea preparation that combines seven different flavors and layers, creating a harmonious blend of tastes and aromas. Each layer represents a distinct ingredient, carefully brewed and stacked to create a visually appealing and flavorful experience.

The first layer has a strong, robust black tea base forming the beverage’s foundation. The tea leaves are steeped in hot water, releasing their flavors and infusing the brew with a rich and aromatic profile.

The second layer introduces a hint of sweetness with the addition of condensed milk. This creamy layer provides a smooth and velvety texture, balancing the boldness of the black tea.

Next comes the aromatic layer of freshly ground spices, including cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, and nutmeg. These spices impart a warm and fragrant essence to the tea, elevating its taste and creating a comforting sensation.

The fourth layer introduces the flavors of mint leaves, adding a refreshing and cooling element to the beverage. The mint leaves provide a burst of freshness that complements the other layers and adds a touch of herbal delight.

Moving up, the fifth layer features a subtle touch of lemon zest or lemon juice. This tangy addition brings a zesty twist to the tea, awakening the taste buds and providing a citrusy kick.

The sixth layer introduces the floral notes of rose water or rose syrup. The delicate essence of rose adds a hint of sweetness and a romantic aroma, making the tea a truly sensory experience.

Finally, the seventh layer is a thin film of oil, usually derived from roasted sesame seeds. This unique addition adds a nutty flavor and a silky texture to the tea, creating a distinct finishing touch.

To truly experience the flavors of the Seven Layers Tea, it is best enjoyed hot. The layers gradually blend together as you sip, revealing a harmonious taste medley that unfolds on your palate.

Several tea stalls and cafes in Sreemangal specialize in serving this iconic beverage. Visit one of these establishments and taste a cup of the Seven Layers Tea while soaking in the local ambiance. The tea is served in glasses, further enhancing the authentic experience.

Don’t miss the opportunity to engage with the café owners, who can share insights into the preparation and significance of the Seven Layers Tea. They may also have their own variations or secret recipes, adding a personal touch to your tea-tasting experience.

Tasting the Seven Layers Tea in Sreemangal is essential to experience the local culture and culinary delights. This unique beverage showcases the artistry and craftsmanship that goes into tea preparation in the region. So, take a sip, savor the layers of flavors, and let the Seven Layers Tea leave a lasting impression on your taste buds.

Pineapple orchards in Sreemangal

Pineapple orchards in Sreemangal. © Photo Credit: Raw Hasan.

8. Enjoy Fresh Pineapples of Sreemangal

In addition to its renowned tea plantations and unique Seven Layers Tea, Sreemangal is also known for its delicious pineapples. If you’re a fruit lover, make sure to indulge in the luscious and juicy fresh pineapples that grow abundantly in this region.

Sreemangal’s favorable climate and fertile soil provide the perfect conditions for cultivating high-quality pineapples. Known for their exceptional sweetness and tangy flavor, the pineapples of Sreemangal are a treat for your taste buds.

You’ll find pineapples in different shapes and sizes as you explore the local markets or roadside fruit stalls. The options are plenty, from small and compact varieties to larger, juicy ones. The small one is the signature variety of Sreemangal and is more delicious.

When tasting the fresh pineapples of Sreemangal, you’ll experience a burst of tropical sweetness with a hint of acidity. The succulent flesh of the pineapple is juicy and refreshing, making it a perfect treat to beat the heat and quench your thirst.

To fully enjoy the flavors of the pineapple, it is recommended to taste it fresh and ripe. Look for pineapples with a firm texture, a vibrant color, and a fragrant aroma. A ripe pineapple should yield slightly to gentle pressure when squeezed. This tropical fruit of Sreemangal will leave a sweet and refreshing impression on your palate.

Tasting the fresh pineapples of Sreemangal is a delightful experience that allows you to relish the tropical flavors of this region. The juicy sweetness and tangy notes make the pineapples an ideal treat for fruit enthusiasts. Therefore, ensure to include a taste of Sreemangal’s fresh pineapples in your itinerary and indulge in the natural abundance of this enchanting destination.

Sreemangal is beautiful with natural beauty, rich culture, and delicious food. You can explore the lush tea gardens, trek in national parks, experience the vibrant tribal culture, and indulge in aromatic tea. Sreemangal has something for every traveler. So, pack your bags, embark on a journey to Sreemangal, and create memories that will last a lifetime in this enchanting corner of Bangladesh.

Planning to visit Sreemangal? We can help organize a memorable holiday in Sreemangal for you to experience the best of it. We are an award-winning local tour operator in Bangladesh specializing in organizing tours and holidays in Bangladesh for Western travelers, with 375+ reviews on TripAdvisor with an average rating of 5/5. Check out our Sreemangal tour packages to see what we can organize for you there. Contact us now for your memorable Sreemangal holiday!

Check out our 1-7 days Bangladesh tour packages and 8-28 days Bangladesh holiday packages to visit Bangladesh with comfort.

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Raw Hasan ( র. হাসান )

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Sreemangal: Explore Madhabpur Lake, Lawachora & Baikka Beel

About this experience.

  • Experience the Madhobpur Lake and Tea Estate.
  • Get a reserved Jeep for the day with an experienced tour guide.
  • Discover the most sensational spots of Sreemangal.
  • Witness the serene beauty of Madhouppur Lake & the exotic rain forest of Lawachora.
  • Explore the exotic wetland of Baikka Beel

Inclusion / Exclusion

What to expect.

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A whole day tour guide and Jeep

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A daylong tour of Sreemangal's excellent spots

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All-day hassle-free travel experience

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Rent a Jeep - 2 Spot

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Rent a Jeep - 3 Spot

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Complete Travel Guide about Sreemangal: Uncover the Hidden Gems of Bangladesh

  • Post author: The Traveler
  • Post category: Travel Guide
  • Post last modified: June 5, 2024

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If you’re looking for a peaceful retreat into nature, Sreemangal in Bangladesh is a perfect place to visit. It is known as the tea capital of Bangladesh and has the largest tea gardens in the country, attracting thousands of tourists every year. But when is the best time to visit Srimangal’s natural wonders?

Sreemangal experiences a tropical monsoon climate with temperatures ranging from 12°C to 33°C throughout the year. The best time to visit Srimangal is during the winter months from November to February when the weather is pleasant and the humidity is low. The temperature is around 12°C to 20°C, making it ideal for exploring tea gardens and other natural wonders.


Sreemangal is a small town located in the Sylhet Division of Bangladesh, and it is known as the tea capital of Bangladesh. The place is surrounded by lush green tea gardens and is famous for its production of black tea. Sreemangal is not only famous for its tea gardens but also for its natural beauty, including rolling hills, beautiful waterfalls, and diverse wildlife. This complete travel guide about Sreemangal will help you uncover the hidden gems of this beautiful town and make your trip a memorable one.

The Beauty of Sreemangal: A Hiker’s Paradise:

The rolling hills of Sreemangal make it a hiker’s paradise. If you’re an adventure lover, you’ll love the scenic trails that lead you through the tea gardens and into the hills. Some of the popular hiking trails in Sreemangal include the Madhabpur Lake trail, the Baikka Beel Wetlands trail, and the Lawachara National Park trail.

sreemangal tour plan

HamHam Waterfall Trekking

Top Tourist Places:

Discover the beauty of baikka beel wetlands:.

This sanctuary is a bird watcher’s paradise, with over 200 species of birds to observe. For more details about Baikka Beel

Explore the Lawachara National Park:

This park is a haven for nature lovers, with its lush green forest, hills, and streams. You can take a trekking tour through the park and spot various species of flora and fauna. For more details about Lawachara National Park

Madhabpur Lake: A Perfect Place for a Picnic:

A serene and peaceful lake that’s perfect for a picnic. You can enjoy a boat ride, try fishing, or just sit by the lake and enjoy the view. For more details about Madhabpur Lake

The Seven-Color Tea Estate:

This tea estate is famous for its unique seven-layer tea, which is a must-try for every visitor to Srimangal. For more details about Seven Color Tea

Hum Hum Waterfall:

A stunning waterfall that’s surrounded by dense forest and hills. You can take a dip in the cool water and enjoy the scenic beauty. For more details about Hum Hum Waterfall

The Best Time of Year to Visit Sreemangal, Natural Wonders:

Sreemangal, a town located in the northeastern part of Bangladesh, is known for its lush tea gardens, natural beauty, and wildlife. The best time of year to visit Sreemangal is during the winter months of November to February.

During this time, the weather is mild and pleasant, with an average temperature of around 15-20 degrees Celsius. The skies are clear, and there is minimal rainfall, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities such as hiking and birdwatching. The winter months also coincide with the tea harvest season, and visitors can witness the tea-picking process and even try freshly brewed tea.

Visiting Sreemangal during the monsoon season, which lasts from June to September, is not recommended as heavy rainfall can cause flooding and make travel difficult. The summer months of March to May are also not ideal as the weather is hot and humid, and there is a higher chance of rainfall.

In summary, the best time of year to visit Sreemangal is during the winter months of November to February when the weather is mild and pleasant, and outdoor activities can be enjoyed to the fullest.

Srimangal is famous for its tea, but the town also offers a wide range of delicious food. Here are some of the must-try dishes:

  • Pitha: A traditional Bangladeshi dish made of rice flour, sugar, and coconut. It’s often served during festivals and special occasions.
  • Tandoori Chicken: This dish is made by marinating chicken in yogurt and spices, then roasting it in a tandoor oven.
  • Shatkora Curry: A unique dish that’s made with a citrus fruit called shatkora. It’s often served with rice or naan bread.
  • Cha: Srimangal is famous for its tea, which is served with milk and sugar. You can try different varieties of tea, such as green tea, black tea, and seven-layer tea.

Srimangal has several hotels and resorts that offer comfortable accommodations to visitors. Here are some of the best options:

Grand Sultan Tea Resort & Golf: Grand Sultan Tea Resort & Golf is a luxurious resort located in Srimangal, a town in the northeastern part of Bangladesh. The resort is nestled amidst lush tea gardens and offers a unique blend of modern amenities and natural beauty.

Accommodation options at Grand Sultan Tea Resort & Golf include deluxe rooms, suites, and villas, all of which are elegantly furnished and equipped with modern amenities such as air conditioning, Wi-Fi, and satellite TV. The resort also features an outdoor swimming pool, a fitness center, a spa, and a golf course.

The resort’s dining options include a restaurant serving local and international cuisine, a café offering freshly brewed tea and coffee, and a bar serving a range of cocktails and mocktails. The resort also offers 24-hour room service for guests who prefer to dine in the comfort of their rooms.

Grand Sultan Tea Resort & Golf is a popular destination for weddings, conferences, and other events. The resort features a ballroom that can accommodate up to 500 guests, as well as smaller meeting rooms for more intimate gatherings.

In summary, Grand Sultan Tea Resort & Golf is a luxurious resort in Srimangal, Bangladesh, that offers modern amenities and natural beauty amidst lush tea gardens. The resort is an ideal destination for relaxation, recreation, and events.

Chader bari eco-resort: Chader bari eco-resort is a unique accommodation option located in Sreemangal, a town in the northeastern part of Bangladesh. The resort offers a sustainable and eco-friendly approach to hospitality, with an emphasis on preserving the natural environment and promoting responsible tourism.

Accommodation options at Chader bari eco-resort include eco-cottages and treehouses, all of which are designed to blend in with the surrounding natural environment. The cottages and treehouses are equipped with modern amenities such as electricity, fans, and private bathrooms, while still providing a rustic and immersive experience.

The resort features a restaurant serving local and international cuisine, using locally sourced and organic ingredients wherever possible. The resort also has a garden where guests can learn about organic farming and participate in farm-to-table experiences.

Chader bari eco-resort offers a range of activities and experiences for guests, including guided tours of the nearby Lawachara National Park and tea gardens, birdwatching, cycling, and trekking. The resort also offers workshops and classes on topics such as sustainable living, organic farming, and traditional handicrafts.

In summary, Chader bari eco-resort is a unique and sustainable accommodation option in Sreemangal, Bangladesh. The resort offers eco-friendly cottages and treehouses, locally sourced and organic cuisine, and a range of activities and experiences for guests interested in responsible tourism and immersive cultural experiences.

Tea Heaven Resort: Tea Heaven Resort is a luxurious resort located in Srimangal, a town in northeastern Bangladesh. The resort is situated amidst lush tea gardens and offers a peaceful and serene environment for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Accommodation options at Tea Heaven Resort include deluxe rooms, suites, and villas, all of which are elegantly furnished and equipped with modern amenities such as air conditioning, Wi-Fi, and satellite TV. The rooms are spacious, and clean, and provide stunning views of the tea gardens.

The resort features a restaurant serving local and international cuisine, a café offering freshly brewed tea and coffee, and a bar serving a range of cocktails and mocktails. The resort also offers 24-hour room service for guests who prefer to dine in the comfort of their rooms.

Tea Heaven Resort has a range of facilities and activities for guests, including an outdoor swimming pool, a fitness center, a spa, and a golf course. The resort also offers guided tours of the nearby tea gardens, as well as cultural activities such as traditional music and dance performances.

Tea Heaven Resort is an ideal destination for weddings, conferences, and other events. The resort features a ballroom that can accommodate up to 250 guests, as well as smaller meeting rooms for more intimate gatherings.

In summary, Tea Heaven Resort is a luxurious and tranquil resort in Srimangal, Bangladesh, that offers modern amenities and stunning views of the tea gardens. The resort is an ideal destination for relaxation, recreation, events, and cultural experiences.

Sreemangal Tea Resort and Museum: Sreemangal Tea Resort and Museum is a popular tourist attraction located in Sreemangal, Bangladesh. It is a tea estate and resort that offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience the tea culture of Bangladesh. The resort is situated in the midst of lush green tea gardens and offers guests comfortable accommodations in cottages and bungalows. The rooms are equipped with all the modern amenities and provide a perfect retreat for travelers seeking relaxation and tranquility. The Tea Museum, located within the resort, is a popular attraction among visitors. It houses various artifacts and memorabilia related to the tea industry in Bangladesh, providing insight into the history and culture of tea production in the country. Visitors can learn about the various processes involved in tea cultivation and production, and sample some of the best teas from the region. In addition to the Tea Museum, the resort also offers various activities and tours for visitors, including guided tours of the tea estate, cycling tours, and visits to nearby national parks and wildlife sanctuaries. Visitors can also indulge in various recreational activities, such as swimming, fishing, and hiking. Overall, Sreemangal Tea Resort and Museum is an ideal destination for tea lovers and nature enthusiasts. It offers a unique blend of tea culture, natural beauty, and relaxation, making it a perfect getaway for those seeking a break from the hustle and bustle of city life.

The Taste of Sreemangal: Enjoy the Delicious Tea:

Sreemangal, located in the northeastern part of Bangladesh, is known as the tea capital of the country. The town is surrounded by lush tea gardens and is home to some of the best tea estates in the world. For tea lovers, a visit to Sreemangal is a must-visit destination to enjoy the delicious taste of tea.

The tea gardens of Sreemangal produce a variety of tea, including black tea, green tea, and white tea. The most famous tea produced in Sreemangal is the “two leaves and a bud” tea, which is made from the youngest tea leaves and is considered to be of the highest quality.

Visitors to Sreemangal can enjoy the taste of tea at the many tea stalls and tea houses located throughout the town. These tea houses serve a variety of teas, including local blends and international brands, as well as snacks and sweets to complement the tea.

One of the must-visit tea houses in Sreemangal is the Nilkantha Tea Cabin, which is located in the middle of a tea garden and offers stunning views of the surrounding hills and valleys. Another popular tea house is the Finlay Tea Estate, which offers guided tours of the tea gardens and tea factories, as well as tea-tasting sessions.

Visitors to Sreemangal can also take part in tea plucking and tea processing activities, where they can learn about the traditional methods of tea production and experience the joy of plucking tea leaves in the midst of a lush green tea garden.

In summary, Sreemangal is a paradise for tea lovers, offering a variety of tea blends and tea houses to enjoy the delicious taste of tea. Visitors to Sreemangal can also learn about the traditional methods of tea production and take part in tea plucking and tea processing activities to have an immersive and unforgettable experience.

Q. What is Sreemangal known for?

A. Sreemangal is known as the tea capital of Bangladesh and is famous for its production of black tea.

Q. Is Sreemangal a good place for adventure lovers?

A. Yes, Sreemangal is a good place for adventure lovers, with its rolling hills and scenic trails.

Q. What are some of the popular tourist attractions in Sreemangal?

A. Some of the popular tourist attractions in Sreemangal include Baikka Beel Wetlands, Lawachara National Park, Madhabpur Lake, and the tea gardens.


Sreemangal is a small town located in the Sylhet Division of Bangladesh, and it is one of the hidden gems of the country. This complete travel guide about Sreemangal will help you discover the beauty and diversity of this town. Whether you’re a nature lover, an adventure enthusiast, or a tea connoisseur, Sreemangal has something to offer everyone. From scenic hiking trails to diverse wildlife, from delicious tea to beautiful waterfalls, Sreemangal is a place that will leave you mesmerized. So, pack your bags and head to Sreemangal for a journey that you’ll never forget.

BTA Holidays

Family Tours in Budget

Srimangal Tour

Dhaka - Srimangal - Dhaka

Srimangal Tour Package

Enjoy the beauty of the endless tea gardens of Srimangal on an overnight tour from Dhaka. Explore Lawachhara National Park in search of Hulluck Gibbins. Visit the naturally beautiful Madhabpur Lake, and taste the famous 7 Layers Tea of Srimangal. A Srimangal Tour with BTA Holidays would be a once in a lifetime experience for your family! 

Table of Contents

Srimangal tour highlights, srimangal tour itinerary, srimangal tour price, srimangal tour includes, tour does not include.

  • How To Book
  • Cancellation Policy
  • Important Notes
  • Food Menu on Srimangal Tour
  • Visit the endless tea gardens of Srimangal.
  • Explore Lawachhara National Park in search of the Hulluck Gibbons.
  • Visit naturally beautiful Madhabpur Lake surrounded by hills.
  • Taste the famous 7 Layers Tea of Srimangal.
  • Visit the Manipuri market where you can buy tribal handicrafts.

sreemangal tour plan

Day-1: Dhaka – Srimangal

  • Board the bus at Fokirapul Bus Counter and start for Srimangal at 8:00 am (180 km / 4 Hours) (Budget & Relax Package) / Pick-up from the residence at 7:00 am and drive to Srimangal (Luxury Package).
  • Arrive at Srimangal around 12:00 pm, meet our guide, and check in to the hotel/resort. Visit the Tea Girl Statue on the way (Luxury Package Only).
  • After freshen up, go for lunch at a local restaurant.
  • Visit some beautiful tea gardens, pineapple gardens, and lemon orchards the rest of the day.
  • Taste the famous 7 Layers Tea of Srimangal (not included) and visit the Manipuri Tribal Market in the evening.
  • Dinner at a local restaurant.
  • Overnight at Srimangal.

Day-2: Srimangal – Dhaka

  • Pick up at 8:30 am after breakfast, and visit Lawachhra National Park. Trek inside the forest in search of Hulluck Gibbons.
  • Return to the hotel/resort, freshen up, and check out by 11.00 am.
  • Visit some other tea gardens, and go for lunch.
  • Spend time in Madhabpur Lake – a natural lake surrounded by beautiful hills.
  • Board the bus and start for Dhaka at 4:45 pm (180 km / 4 Hours) (Budget & Relax Package) / Drive to Dhaka at 4:00 pm (Luxury Package).
  • Arrive in Dhaka around 9:00 pm.
  • End of the tour.

Map of Srimangal Day Tour with BTA Holidays

Back to Table of Contents

Budget package, relax package, luxury package, honeymoon package, price for children.

  • Dhaka – Srimangal – Dhaka Non-AC bus tickets (Budget & Relax Package).
  • Sightseeing inside Srimangal by CNG (4 People + Guide in 1 CNG) (Budget & Relax Package).
  • Dhaka – Srimangal – Dhaka transfer and sightseeing inside Srimangal by an air-conditioned microbus/minibus/sedan car (Luxury Package).
  • 1 Night accommodation at a hotel/resort in Srimangal.
  • 1 Breakfast, 2 Lunches, and 1 Dinner at a local restaurant in Srimangal (Budget Package Only).
  • Complimentary breakfast from the resort (Relax & Luxury Package).
  • All entrance tickets.
  • An accompanying guide in Srimangal.
  • 7 Layers Tea.
  • Any food or drinks other than mentioned.
  • Any personal item.
  • Fill-up the booking form and submit to start the booking process.
  • After that, pay 50% of the total tour price as a deposit. You can send the payment by bKash (bKash charge applicable), deposit on our City Bank account, or pay in cash by coming to our office physically.
  • Booking will be confirmed only after getting a 50% deposit. The rest of the payment has to be paid one week before the tour.
  • Booking will be automatically canceled if the tour’s full price is not paid one week before the tour.
  • We’ll also need a copy of the National ID or passport of everyone on the tour, and the children’s birth certificate as proof of age.
  • Cancellation procedure: If you want to cancel any confirmed booking, you need to do that by replying to the booking email of the tour. No cancellation will be accepted without a written email. The time of receiving the email will be considered as the time of cancellation.
  • Cancellation before 7 days of the tour: 25% of the tour price will be deducted, and the rest of the deposit will be refunded.
  • Cancellation between 7 days and 48 hours before the tour: 50% of the total tour price will be deducted, and the rest of the deposit will be refunded.
  • Cancellation between 48 hours and 24 hours before the tour: 75% of the total tour price will be deducted, and the rest of the deposit will be refunded.
  • Cancellation in less than 24 hours before the tour: No refund will be provided. Also, it will not be possible to move the tour to another date.
  • Cancellation by BTA Holidays: If we cancel the tour because of bad weather or any national emergency, or any other unavoidable circumstances, 100% of your deposit will be refunded.
  • Pick-up and drop-off will be from the residence in Dhaka for the Luxury Package.
  • You need to collect the bus tickets from us and board the bus by yourself (Budget & Relax Package).
  • The itinerary inside Srimangal is a general outline and not fixed. We’ll adjust it during the tour based on the traffic situation. But we’ll cover all the places mentioned on the itinerary.
  • You need to wear shoes suitable for walking a lot on the tour. Do not wear high-heel or formal shoes.
  • Wear light and comfortable clothes suitable for traveling for a long time. It will be better to avoid formal clothes.

Food Menu (Budget Package Only)

  • Lunch: Plain rice + Fish or Chicken Curry + Bhorta + Vegetable + Daal + Water.
  • Dinner: Parata + ¼ Grilled Chicken + Vegetable + Salad + Soft drinks + Water.
  • Breakfast: Parata + Vegetable + Egg + Tea + Water.

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Tour details.

  • Tour Summery
  • Tour Highlights
  • Detailed Itinerary
  • What is Included
  • What is not included

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  • Tea Gardens
  • Sylhet City Tour
  • Restaurants

sreemangal tour plan

  • Map / Directions

Sreemangal Tourist Spot

Sreemangal is known as the tea capital of Bangladesh. Sreemangal’s tea gardens can be seen for miles and miles. The town is surrounded by more than 40 tea gardens, lakes, lofty hills, dense jungles, lemon and pineapple gardens and rubber gardens. Sreemangal’s lush greenery and beautiful trees promise to create a unique impression on all visitors. The impressive green shade of the majestic trees, coupled with the azure sky, is truly breathtaking.

Sreemangal’s highlights include the Tea Gardens, Lawachara National Park, Madhabkunda Waterfall, Madhabpur Lake, and Sitesh Babur Zoo, among others.

How to Reach Sreemangal

Sreemangal is located 190 km from Dhaka and 83 km from Sylhet. Visitors have the option of taking a bus, train or renting a car. In addition, public transit connections exist from Sylhet City as well.

Best Time to Visit Sreemangal

Sreemangal can be visited in both rainy season and winter. Sreemangal is famous for pineapples and lemons, as well as lychees and bananas. To enjoy fresh pineapples, visit Sreemangal in the middle of May. In fact, the weather during this time is very hot. To buy fresh pineapples from local gardens, it is recommended to wait for local farmers on Radhanagar Road around 6 AM. In fact, they do not sell fewer than 100 pieces. Otherwise, you can visit the Pineapple Bazaar in Sreemangal town near the railway station.


What to do in Sreemangal?

Here is list of main attractions:, 1. visit the sreemangal tea gardens :.

Known as the "Tea Capital of Bangladesh," Sreemangal is home to numerous tea estates. Take a tour of the lush green tea gardens, learn about the tea production process, and enjoy the scenic beauty.

2. Explore Lawachara National Park

Lawachara National Park’s main attraction is its biodiversity. About 460 types of rare plants and different wild animals can be seen here, including various types of birds, deer, monkeys, pythons, mountain moths, and doves. With the help of trained guides, travellers can easily trek through the many forest trails inside Lawachara National Park.

The park is located only 8 km from Sreemangal city. Tourists can visit the park by renting tourist jeep, auto-rickshaws or cars.


3. Enjoy the Madhabkunda Waterfall

Madhabkunda Waterfall is one of the main attractions in the Sylhet area for waterfall lovers. The immense water streams, large boulders and surrounding green forest make Madhabkunda truly unique. Tourists can lounge or swim in the peaceful water. Madhabkunda Waterfall is best experienced during rainy season.

4. Visit the Tribal Villages - Manipuri and Khasia Villages

Experience the unique cultures of the local ethnic communities. Visit Manipuri villages to see traditional dance performances and handicrafts, and Khasia villages to learn about their betel leaf cultivation.

5. Experience the Seven Layer Tea

Nilkantha Tea Cabin : Famous for its unique seven-layer tea, where each layer has a distinct color and flavor. It's a must-try for tea enthusiasts visiting Sreemangal.

6. Explore the Baikka Beel Wetland Sanctuary

Baikka Beel Wetland : A haven for bird watchers, especially during the winter months when migratory birds visit. The wetland is home to a variety of fish and aquatic plants as well.

7. Visit the Madhabpur Lake

Located within a tea estate, this serene lake is surrounded by hills and tea gardens. It's a perfect spot for a peaceful boat ride and to enjoy the natural beauty.

8. Trek to Ham Ham Waterfall

An adventurous trek through dense forests and hilly terrain leads to this stunning waterfall. It's a challenging hike but rewarding with its breathtaking views.

9. Visit the Tea Research Institute

Bangladesh Tea Research Institute : Learn about the history, research, and development of tea in Bangladesh. The institute offers insightful tours and exhibits.

10. Experience the Traditional Markets

Local Markets : Visit the bustling local markets to buy fresh produce, handicrafts, and souvenirs. The markets are a great place to experience the local culture and interact with friendly locals.

Where to Eat in Sreemangal

Panshi Restaurant Sreemangal is highly recommended. There are many other quality restaurants available in Sreemangal.

Where to Stay in Sreemangal

Many hotels and luxury resorts are available in Sreemangal. Accommodations in a variety of price ranges are available.

1) Paragon Hotel and Resort

Paragon Hotel and Resort is a luxurious yet affordable hotel located in Radhanagar, Sreemangal (opposite road of Hotel Grand Sultan). Prices range from BDT 5,500 to BDT 6,500 plus on average, including a complimentary breakfast. Book now online .



  • Rooms and Suites : The hotel offers a range of comfortable rooms and suites equipped with modern amenities such as air conditioning, flat-screen TVs, Wi-Fi, locker, and en-suite bathrooms.
  • Views : Many rooms offer stunning views of the surrounding tea gardens and lush landscapes.
  • Restaurant : The in-house restaurant serves a variety of local and international cuisines.
  • Coffee Shop : A cozy spot for enjoying a cup of tea or coffee along with light snacks.
  • Swimming Pool : A well-maintained outdoor pool for guests and a separate swimming pool for kids.
  • Spa and Wellness Center : Offers a range of treatments and massages to help guests rejuvenate.
  • Fitness Center : Equipped with modern exercise equipment for those who wish to maintain their fitness routine while traveling.
  • Conference and Banquet Facilities : Suitable for business meetings, conferences, and social events.
  • Front Desk : Available to assist guests with any queries or needs throughout their stay.
  • Room Service : Offers a convenient option for in-room dining.
  • Laundry and Dry Cleaning : Provides cleaning services to ensure guests' comfort.
  • Free Parking : Available for guests who are traveling by car.

Click here to book a room online .

2) Balishira Resort

Balishira Resort is located on Ispahani Road, Radhanagar in Sreemangal, opposite Paragon Hotel and Resort. Book online now .


  • Rooms and Suites : Each room is equipped with modern amenities such as air conditioning, flat-screen TVs, free Wi-Fi, and en-suite bathrooms.
  • Restaurant : The on-site restaurant serves a selection of local and international dishes.
  • Café : A relaxing spot for enjoying coffee, tea, and light snacks.
  • Swimming Pool
  • Spa and Wellness Center
  • Fitness Center
  • Conference and Event Facilities
  • Room Service
  • Laundry and Dry Cleaning
  • Free Parking

Click here to book online.

3) Grand Sultan Tea Resort

Grand Sultan Tea Resort near Lawachara features five-star quality service. Amenities include swimming pools, a golf club and various entertainments. It is a very expensive resort, with prices starting from 16,000 BDT per night.

Grand Sultan Tea Resort

4) Tea Resort and Museum

Part of the Bangladesh Tea Board, Tea Resort and Museum is located on more than 25 acres of rolling hills and features modern interior design and architecture. Each cottage can accommodate 4-8 people. Tea Resort and Museum is located on Sreemangal - Bhanugach road.

5) Novem Eco Resort

Novem Eco Resort is located in the Radhanagar of Sreemangal and includes various cottages with modern amenities and views. Accommodation is available in wooden houses, family villa homes, and tents. Novem Eco Resort features business areas, WIFI, swimming pools, and a restaurant facility.

শ্রীমঙ্গলে করণীয়

শ্রীমঙ্গল বাংলাদেশের চায়ের রাজধানী হিসেবে পরিচিত। শ্রীমঙ্গলের চা বাগানগুলো মাইলের পর মাইল দেখা যায়। শহরটি ৪০ টিরও বেশি চা বাগান, হ্রদ,উঁচুপাহাড়, ঘন জঙ্গল, লেবু এবং আনারস বাগান এবং রাবার বাগান দ্বারা বেষ্টিত। শ্রীমঙ্গলের সবুজ আর সুন্দর গাছ সব দর্শনার্থীর মনে এক অনন্য ছাপ তৈরি করে।  নীল আকাশের সাথে মিলিত বিশাল বিশাল গাছের চিত্তাকর্ষক সবুজ ছায়া, সত্যিই শ্বাসরুদ্ধকর।

শ্রীমঙ্গলের দর্শনীয় স্থান গুলোর মধ্যে রয়েছে চা বাগান, লাউয়াছড়া জাতীয় উদ্যান, মাধবকুণ্ড জলপ্রপাত, মাধবপুর লেক এবং সিতেশ বাবুর চিড়িয়াখানা।

কিভাবে পৌছাবেন শ্রীমঙ্গল

শ্রীমঙ্গল ঢাকা থেকে ১৯০ কিলোমিটার এবং সিলেট থেকে ৮৩ কিলোমিটার দূরে অবস্থিত। দর্শনার্থীরা বাস, ট্রেন অথবা গাড়ি ভাড়া করে এখানে আসতে পারেন। এছাড়াও সিলেট শহর থেকেও পাবলিক ট্রানজিট সংযোগ বিদ্যমান।

শ্রীমঙ্গল দেখার সেরা সময় শ্রীমঙ্গল বর্ষা ও শীত উভয় সময়েই ঘুরে আসা যায়।

প্রধান আকর্ষণ

লাউয়াছড়া জাতীয় উদ্যান

লাউয়াছড়া জাতীয় উদ্যানের প্রধান আকর্ষণ এর জীববৈচিত্র্য। এখানে প্রায় ৪৬০ ধরনের বিরল গাছপালা এবং বিভিন্ন বন্য প্রাণী দেখা যায়, যার মধ্যে রয়েছে বিভিন্ন ধরনের পাখি, হরিণ, বানর, অজগর, পাহাড়ি পতঙ্গ এবং ঘুঘু।  প্রশিক্ষিত গাইডের সাহায্যে, ভ্রমণকারীরা লাউয়াছড়া জাতীয় উদ্যানের অভ্যন্তরে অনেকগুলি বনের পথ অতিক্রম করে সহজেই ভ্রমণ করতে পারে। উদ্যানটি শ্রীমঙ্গল শহর থেকে মাত্র 8 কিলোমিটার দূরে অবস্থিত। পর্যটকরা অটোরিকশা বা গাড়ি ভাড়া করে উদ্যানটি ঘুরতে পারেন।

নীলকণ্ঠ চা কেবিন- সাতরং চা (সাত রঙের চা)

নীলকণ্ঠ টি কেবিন তার সাত রঙের চায়ের জন্য বিখ্যাত। এই অনন্য চায়ের প্রতিটি স্তরে আলাদা রঙ এবং স্বতন্ত্র স্বাদ রয়েছে। শ্রীমঙ্গল থেকে কালীঘাট রোড পর্যন্ত রিকশা ভাড়া করে সেখানে যাওয়া যায়।

মাধবকুন্ড জলপ্রপাত

মাধবকুন্ড জলপ্রপাত জলপ্রপাত প্রেমীদের জন্য সিলেট অঞ্চলের অন্যতম প্রধান আকর্ষণ। বিশাল জলের স্রোত, বড় বড় পাথর এবং চারপাশের সবুজ বন মাধবকুণ্ডকে সত্যিই অনন্য করে তুলেছে। পর্যটকরা শান্ত জলে সাঁতার কাটতে পারেন। মাধবকুন্ড জলপ্রপাত ভ্রমনে বর্ষাকাল সবচেয়ে ভালো সময়।

মাধবপুর লেক

মাধবপুর লেকের ঝলমলে জল আর শাপলা ফুল কোনোভাবেই মিস করা যাবে না। উঁচু পাহাড়ের মাঝখানে অবস্থিত লেকটি একটি চা বাগানে অবস্থিত। এ ছাড়া লেকের আশেপাশের বেশিরভাগ পাহাড়েই চা জন্মে। লেকের সৌন্দর্য উপভোগ করতে, দর্শকদের পাহাড়ের চূড়ায় উঠতে উৎসাহিত করা হয় |

শ্রীমঙ্গলে কোথায় খাবেন

পানশী রেস্টুরেন্ট শ্রীমঙ্গলে খেতে যেতে পারেন এছাড়াও শ্রীমঙ্গলে আরও বিভিন্ন মানের রেস্তোরাঁ পাওয়া যায়।

শ্রীমঙ্গলে কোথায় থাকবেন

শ্রীমঙ্গলে অনেক হোটেল এবং বিলাসবহুল রিসোর্ট পাওয়া যায়। মূল্যের উপর ভিত্তি করে বিভিন্ন রেঞ্জের থাকার ব্যবস্থা পাওয়া যায়।

গ্র্যান্ড সুলতান টি রিসোর্ট

লাউয়াছড়ার কাছে গ্র্যান্ড সুলতান টি রিসোর্টে পাঁচ তারকা মানের হোটেল পরিষেবা রয়েছে। সুবিধার মধ্যে রয়েছে সুইমিংপুল,গলফ ক্লাব এবং বিভিন্ন ধরনের বিনোদন।

টি রিসোর্ট এবং যাদুঘর

বাংলাদেশ চা বোর্ডের অংশ, টি রিসোর্ট এবং জাদুঘরটি ২৫ একরেরও বেশি ঘূর্ণায়মান পাহাড়ের উপর অবস্থিত এবং আধুনিক অভ্যন্তরীণ নকশা এবং স্থাপত্যের বৈশিষ্ট্য রয়েছে। প্রতিটি কটেজে ৪-৮ জন লোক থাকতে পারে। টি রিসোর্ট অ্যান্ড মিউজিয়াম শ্রীমঙ্গল-ভানুগাছ সড়কে অবস্থিত।

নভেম ইকো রিসোর্ট

নভেম ইকো রিসোর্ট শ্রীমঙ্গলের রাধানগরে অবস্থিত এবং এতে আধুনিক সুযোগ-সুবিধা সম্বলিত বিভিন্ন কটেজ রয়েছে। কাঠের ঘর, পারিবারিক ভিলা বাড়ি এবং তাঁবুতে থাকার ব্যবস্থা রয়েছে। নভেম ইকো রিসোর্টে ওয়াইফাই, সুইমিং পুল এবং রেস্তোরাঁর সুবিধা রয়েছে।

Looking for a hotel in Sreemangal? Book Online:

Dhaka to sreemangal road map.

Photos of Sreemangal

Lawachara National Park

Hotels in Sylhet

sreemangal tour plan

Hotel Rose View

5-Star Hotel in Shahjalal Uposohor / 2.1 km Meter from Zindabazar WiFi / Restaurant / Parking / Swimming Pool / Spa / Gym / Conference & Banquet Hall

sreemangal tour plan

Hotel Supreme

3-Star Hotel in Mirabazar / 1.5 km Meter from Zindabazar WiFi / Restaurant / Parking / Conference & Banquet Hall

sreemangal tour plan

Hotel Valley Garden

3-Star Hotel in Subhanighat / 2.7 km Meter from Zindabazar WiFi / Restaurant / Parking / Conference & Banquet Hall

sreemangal tour plan

Hotel Noorjahan Grand

4-Star Hotel in Dargah Gate / Near Hazrat Shahjalal (R) Mazar WiFi / Restaurant / Parking / Gym Fitness center / Conference & Banquet Hall

sreemangal tour plan

Hotel Mira Garden

3-Star Hotel in Mirabazar / 1.1 km Meter from Zindabazar WiFi / Restaurant / Parking / Conference Hall & Banquet Hall

sreemangal tour plan

Hotel Grand View

3-Star Hotel in Baruthkhana / 300 Meter from Zindabazar WiFi / Restaurant / Parking

sreemangal tour plan

Hotel Star Pacific

4-Star Hotel in East Dargah Gate / Near Hazrat Shahjalal (R) Mazar WiFi / Restaurant / Swimming Pool / Parking / Conference & Banquet Hall

sreemangal tour plan

Hotel Dallas

3-Star Hotel in North Jail Road / 550 Meter from Zindabazar WiFi / Restaurant / Parking

sreemangal tour plan

Hotel Nirvana Inn

3-Star Hotel in Mirza Jangal Road / 650 Meter from Zindabazar WiFi / Restaurant / Parking / Swimming Pool / Conference & Banquet Hall

sreemangal tour plan

Tea Gardens – চা বাগান

sreemangal tour plan

Madhabkunda Waterfall – মাধবকুন্ড

sreemangal tour plan

Sylhet City – সিলেট শহর

Online hotel booking, online resort booking, travel sylhet, 32 best hotels in sylhet.


Ultimate Sylhet Travel Guide

Information on tourist places in sylhet.

sreemangal tour plan

Places to Visit in Sylhet

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Home » Packages » Sreemangal & Sylhet Tour

Sreemangal & Sylhet Tour

Sylhet & Srimangal are the tea capital of Bangladesh also called green carpet or tea mountain. There are over 163 tea estates in this region, including the largest one in the world. The terraced tea garden, pineapple, rubber, and lemon plantations form a beautiful landscape. The last remaining tropical rainforest is Lawachara. The small tract of dense forests is heaven for birdwatchers, naturalists, and adventure seekers.  Explore the tea gardens, Cruise on Lala Khal, and make adventures in the rainforest and Ratargul Swamp forest to make your holiday perfect. Watching birds on Baikka Beel, Photography on Jaflong zero point, and Shrines of the city and the tribal communities are interesting for this visit.

Srimangal Bangladesh

  • Tea gardens
  • Lawachara rain forest
  • Madhabpur dam
  • Baikka Beel
  • Jaflong Zero Point
  • Ratargul Swamp Forest
  • Shrines of Hazrat Shah Jalal & Shah Paran  
  • Manipuri - Khasia Community
  • Pineapple, Lemon & Rubber Garden
  • Lalakhal Cruise

Tour Highlights:

  • Visit the tea capital Srimangal & Sylhet covered by around 163 tea gardens.
  • Walk through the tea, rubber, pineapple & lemon gardens.
  • Enjoy famous seven-layer tea on traditional tea stall ‘Neel Kantha’.
  • Adventure on Lawachara rain forest, the national reserved forest with lots of birds, animals, and rare trees.
  • Make an adventure in Ratargul Swamp forest. Experience the floating forest and the wild snakes.
  • Visit the Madhabpur dam covered by small hills,  Meet Manipuri & Khashia people
  • Visit Hazrat Shahjalal & Hazrat Shah Pran Shrine, two famous Sufi Muslim figures in the region.
  • Enjoy a wonderful cruise on Lala Khal.

Tour Itinerary

  • Around 7:00, our responsible guide will meet you.  We will start a drive toward Srimangal  for 4:30 hrs approximately.
  • On arrival, visit the nearest tea gardens . If we get the chance will visit the tea factory where you can see the processing of making drinkable tea.
  • We will drive to visit the Madhabpur dam (lake ) covered by small hills and tea gardens. We will stop at some pineapple and rubber gardens on the way back.
  • We will go to the Manipuri Tribal community village. Learn their present lifestyles and weaving method of their own traditional clothes. Mostly they are living a modern lifestyle nowadays.
  • Taste the famous ‘ 7 layer tea’ in a tea stall called Neel Kantho in the evening. We will stop for the day in Sreemangal.
  • Early in the morning, get ready to visit the  Lawachara National Park. It is the last remaining tropical rainforest in this country. Also, home to a large variety of rare and endangered species, the most prominent of which are the Hallock Gibbons.
  • After, we will drive to Baikka Beel wetland  for watching birds. This is the place of thousand of migrated birds in winter.
  • Spending some time, have lunch and drive to Sylhet. On the way, you’ll see many tea gardens, rubber plantations, and wetlands (Hoar)
  • In the evening, we will be in Sylhet city. Visit the Shrines of two Muslim Sufis, Kean Bridge on the Surma river before sunset.
  • Overnight in Sylhet.
  • Today, we will start with a wonderful cruise on Lala Khal.  Two hours of a refreshing cruise on blue water will let us see the Indian border.
  • We will drive to J aflong Zero Point - a border part of Bangladesh with India. The small hills and water flow from the Himalayas create a beautiful landscape. Apart from that, this is a place for stone collecting. Thousand of workers collect stones from the river which is an ideal place for photography.
  • After lunch, we will Tamabil  and  Jainta area to meet Khasia tribals.
  • Overnight in Sylhet City.
  • Today we will make a boat ride to explore Ratargul Swamp Forest. The flooded trees and the wild snakes are adventurous. This place is beautiful during the rainy season.
  • After visiting Lakkaura Tea garden, we will drive towards Dhaka.
  • Arrive in Dhaka and finish your holiday.

Price for the tour (Per Person)

  • All transportation like an air-conditioned car and other vehicles or ride for the entire trip.
  • All Accommodation in 3 stars hotels or resorts on a twin share basis. (Upgrades of hotels and single supplement is available)
  • All meals at local standard restaurants and mineral water for drinking.
  • English-speaking accompanied guide for the entire trip.
  • All entrance fees during the trip.
  • Personal expenses.
  • Timing and assembling for the places are flexible; We could change them because of traffic during the tour.
  • Bengali local food is spicy. Biriyani & Khichuri made of rice, lentil, meat, and special spices is the famous food of old Dhaka and are available in other cities. (Non-spicy food is also possible to order at most of the restaurants).
  • The short dresses are not a problem in the Srimangal area.

What is the best time to visit Bangladesh?

The best time to visit Bangladesh depends on your preferences and the type of experience you’re seeking. Bangladesh has a tropical monsoon climate with distinct wet and dry seasons. October to March is generally considered the best time to visit Bangladesh.  The weather is cool and dry, making it comfortable for travel and outdoor activities. It’s an excellent time to explore cultural and historical sites, as well as natural attractions.

Why is your Sundarbans trip different from everyone else?

We are very sincere in making each of your trips special. Sundarbans is a place where you should be very careful to get it’s best.  Get the idea by following the information.

     Forest friendly Itinerary:

  • Our itinerary is made by experiences of 30 years. There are many things you should follow like tide, time, wildlife timing & silence.

     Off-the-Beaten-Path Exploration:

  • Explore lesser-known areas of the Sundarbans to have a more unique and less crowded experience.
  • There are many tourist boats & ships in the forest. We seek an empty spot in our activities.

     Specialized Activities:

  • Participate in specialized activities such as bird watching, canal cruises, or guided nature walks to enhance your experience.
  • Consider exploring the Sundarbans from a different perspective, such as a silent boat trip through the creeks.

     Responsible Tourism:

  • Our boats are eco-friendly and silent at night. We follow responsible tourism options to minimize your impact on the environment and support sustainable practices.

     Small Private Group:

  • Our group is private and smaller to experience the best of Sundarbans.

Why book a trip with Pathfriend?

The experience of decades in inbound travel with honesty is our capital. Apart from that, our hospitality and care are priceless you get. We always believe that you are on holiday and it’s our job to make your days memorable. Our realistic and comfortable travel plan is prior to serving you at a reasonable price.

Is a visa on arrival available in Bangladesh? What is the visa policy?

Yes. VOA is available at international airports. The citizens of  All   European Countries, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Russia, China, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait & Oman   can get Visa on Arrival (VOA) for the official duty, business, investment and tourism regardless of the Bangladeshi mission status.   Check eligibility, requirements, fees, duration & all other information from our website link.

Link:  https://pathfriend-bd.com/bangladesh-visa-on-arrival/

What about the permission of Chittagong Hill Tracts?

You must get permission to visit Chittagong Hill Tracts and it’s included in our package. Separate permission is required for Rangamati and Bandarban. We are an authorized company and you must not worry about that.

What kind of meals are included? Is customization possible?

Our Package includes complimentary breakfast at the hotels and lunch-dinner at good-quality restaurants. Bengali local food is spicy. Plain rice, vegetables, fish & meat are available in restaurants. Biriyani & Khichuri made of Rice, lentils, meat, and special spices are the famous food of old Dhaka also available in other cities. Non-spicy food is possible to order at most of the restaurants if you like. In Sundarbans, we have a special chef to make your food. We offer food for vegetarians. But there are limitations of items at some restaurants in remote areas.

If you want to exclude food, that’s fine. We will take you to the best restaurants.

All Tour Packages

  • Dhaka City & Around
  • Sylhet & Srimangal
  • Khulna & Barisal
  • Chittagong & Cox’s Bazaar
  • North Bengal - Rajshahi & Rangpur
  • Holiday packages
  • Festival package
  • Overnight trips
  • Weekend trips
  • 4 days packages
  • 5 days packages
  • 6 days packages
  • People & Culture Tours
  • Hill tracts Tours
  • Adventure Tours
  • Archaeological Tours
  • Wild Life Tours
  • Beach & Island Tours
  • Photography Tours
  • River Cruise Tours

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Adventure Trip to Sreemangal for 7 Days

  • Information

$880 tour starting at

An adventure trip to Sreemangal brings you into the depths of Sreemangal , and you will explore every inch of this area in detail. This seven-day trip to Sreemangal is a great combination of all the possible activities one can expect in this area. Relaxing in the most picturesque green hilly areas covered by the tea leaves. Trekking through the Lawachara Rain Forest , Remakalenga Reserve Forest, and Satchori Reserve Forest. Exploring various wildlife and bird sanctuaries, hiking through the dance forest, and up & downhill to the renowned Hum Hum waterfall. Village homestay with the tribal and local families. Boating on Baikka Beel Haor (marshy land), cycling through the green hill valleys. Meeting the locals and tea workers, and learning about the local lifestyle and culture will enrich your knowledge and give you a different perception of life. Homestays and hiking routes have made this trip very special and unique.

Srimongal, about 75 km south of Sylhet and 150 km northeast of Dhaka, is the tea capital of Bangladesh. This slightly hilly, massive area covered by a green carpet of tea leaves is one of the most picturesque sights. Occasionally, the presence of lemon orchards, pineapple plantations, and rubber plantations makes this a perfect place for a visit. Also, the tropical forests, wildlife, bird sanctuaries, waterfalls, and lakes are the attractions that keep you busy every day. This is a perfect holiday destination to enjoy nature and tranquility.

The average rainfall in this part is higher than in the rest of Bangladesh, a fact that the British tea planters realized in the 18th century and started to cultivate tea in this part.

The area is temperate and cool, with clean, crisp, fresh air in winter and moderately warm in summer, but has an annual rainfall of 5000mm, the highest in the country.

price starts from

Destination, departure time, not included, from our gallery, be our guest and see it for your self, day 1: train journey to sreemangal, walking around tea estates, fruits garden, day 2: lawacharra national park, khashia tribal village, bird watching trip to baikka beel, day 3: adventurous trekking to ham ham waterfall, day 4: daylong cycling or walking through the tranquillity, day 5: remakalenga wildlife sanctuary and homestay with a local family, day 6: satchori wildlife sanctuary, drive back to sreemangal for night stay. satchhari national park, day 7: enjoy your morning of relaxation and take the early afternoon train to dhaka., tour location, leave a reply cancel reply.

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  • Cox’s Bazar
  • Nijhum Dwip
  • Khagrachhori
  • Visit Floating Market
  • North Bengal
  • Philippines
  • Europe Tour
  • Fodang Thang Resort

Sreemangal: Two Leaves and A Bud

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Tour Details

Departure & return location.

Dhaka – Sreemangal – Dhaka

Sreemangal ( Google Map )

Departure Time

30 Minutes Before Bus Time

Price Includes

  • Reserved transport for sighting AC Noah /Jeep.
  • 04-Night stay
  • 04 Breakfast, 04 lunch, 04 dinner
  • Pick up and drop in Sylhet
  • All entry fee, parking, boating
  • Experience tour guide
  • Driver announce and toll

Price Excludes

  • Any food During journey and not mentioned in package.
  • Any Private Expenses
  • Tips, Mini bar, Entry Fees etc. is not included in the cost.
  • Any travel insurance
  • Child will share Bed with Parents. If Extra bed require, price will be charged.
  • Minimum 50% advance required
  • Without advance, booking is NOT Confirmed
  • Rest of the payment should be cleared before the journey date


  • Portable Charger
  • Sun-burn lotion
  • Windbreaker

DAY 1 Dhaka- Sylhet - Sreemangal

Upon arrival at the airport meet and greet with tour guide and transfer to your designated cottage. On the way have lunch. Late afternoon exploring tea garden, lemon garden and 7 color tea. In the evening return to the cottage. Overnight stay at the cottage in Sreemangol.

DAY 2 Sreemangal -Garo village- Madhabpur lake- Sreemangal

After breakfast start a journey towards Garo tribal village. It takes around one and a half an hour journey and exploring tribal people’s lifestyles and have lunch in a village if you would like to. On the way visit Madhabpur lake and back to the hotel through hilly Teagarden and seeing the panoramic view. In the evening return to the hotel. Overnight stay at a hotel in Sreemangal.

DAY 3 Sreemangal - Lawacherra Wetland.

After breakfast exploring tropical rain forest known as Lawacherra National Park which famous for Hoolock gibbon, Capped langur, Phayre’s leaf monkey, Pig-tailed macaque and visiting Khasi tribal village. After visiting the forest back to the city for lunch and taking some rest in the hotel. In the late afternoon boating in the wetland. In the evening return to the hotel. Overnight stay at a hotel in Sreemangal.

DAY 4 Sreemangal -Sylhet- Jaflong- Lalakhal- Sylhet.

After breakfast start journey towards journey Jaflong on the way visit stone crushing center, Tamabil border, and have lunch in Jaflong. After lunch exploring Lalakhal nature park known as Bengali Nillnod. In the evening return hotel. Overnight stay at hotel in Sylhet.

DAY 5 Sylhet- Ratargul- Airport- Dhaka.

After breakfast starts a journey towards Ratargul swamp forest. After reaching take and exploring the hidden beauty of forest. After boating transfer airport. Tour end.


Dhaka-Sylhet-Sreemangal Package

Booking Last Date : Minimum 05 days before traveling

Bonus: Cultural Program Manipuri Dance specially for your family

Tour starts from Dhaka by bus or train towrds Sreemangal. It takes around 5 hours to reach Sreemangal.

After reached, we will transfer you to your booked hotel as per tour plan for freshen up and taking lunch.

In the afternoon we wil visit Hilly Tea garden and enjoy the view. We will visit Madhabpur lake through tea garden.

We also visit Pineapple Garden, Lemon Garden adn Tripura Village. In the evening, we will return to Hotel for refreshment. At Dinner we will serve BBQ. Overnight stay at Hotel in Sreemangal.

In the early moring, we will visit Tropical Rain Forest as Lawacherra National Park home of holock gibbon. 

There are so many rare spices, animals and birds in this forest. We will hike as much as you want. Our guide will discuss with you before staring to hike.

We will visit Kasia ethnic people lifestyle and seeing how to grow battle leaf on trees inside the forest then we will return to hotel and check out and will take our lunch.

After lunch we will visit Baikkabil wetland, famous for bird lover. In winter season migratory birds come from other coutries in this wetland santuary.

In the afternoon, we will visit Monipuri para and drink 7 colours tea, bird breeding center, mini zoo.

In the evening, we will return to Sreemangal city and there will arrangements for you to fresh up and dinner. 

After dinner, we will catch bus to return Dhaka. Overnigh Bus Journey

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the payment procedure.

Right now, We accept bKash and Bank Payment.

You can pay via bKash here 01841497987 and Rocket Here 018414979878

And Bank Account details: Account Name: Md Harunur Rashid Account number:2101924636001 Mouchak Branch

Will you plan larger groups?

Fees are based on groups of 12 people. We can arrange a tour plan for 100 People maximum and we will provide a discount for groups on the base price

Tell me about tour cancellation policy?

Payment options.

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Sreemangal Tour Guides

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Eyasin Papon

Eyasin Papon

I am Eyasin Papon a tour guide of Bangladesh since 2003. I had born in a tourism family. I am ...

Tahleem Siddiqui Deep

Tahleem Siddiqui Deep

I can give you the real taste of Dhaka. If you want the real local experience of Bangladesh you can ...

Hasan Jahid

Hasan Jahid

Hello travellers,I am Jahid from Sreemangal. It's a small town in the northern part of ...


Hello travellers,I am from Sreemangal. It's a small town in the northern part of ...



Tour operator since 1995 in Bangladesh. In my long experince in this feild have guided many ...

Razbe Sr

I am Razbe as Eco-Tour Guide and Tour Manager I have been working in tourism sector since 2001 for ...

Md Abul Kashem

Md Abul Kashem

We are a licensed tour guide and tour operator in Bangladesh, and we love it because it is ...

Sourav Deb

Hello dear travellers. I was born in Sreemangal from Bangladesh.I am a student.Besides my studies, ...

MD. Kawsar  Ahmed

MD. Kawsar Ahmed

I have started to work as an English speaking guide since 2017. I have completed my graduation and ...

Tanij Mahamud Rakin

Tanij Mahamud Rakin

Hello, I'm Rakin a professional tour guide Dhaka based in Bangladesh with 6 years of experience ...

Obaidul Haque

Obaidul Haque

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Abdullah Al-Mamun

Abdullah Al-Mamun

I am an English speaking expeditional tour guide for sundarbans, Dhaka, Sonargaon, village home ...

Tanim Mahmud

Tanim Mahmud

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Raihan Tuhin

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Wanderlust will be the word to define me. I have been travelling since last four years. I do budget ...

Mintu  Ratna

Mintu Ratna

Bangladesh’s answer to Assam and Darjeeling across the border, Sreemangal is home to sweeping valleys of tea plantations that colour in countless shades of green under the Asian sun. Found in the extreme east of the country on the edge of the Tripura ranges, swathes of pineapple plantations and lemon orchards encompass it on all sides, along with the tea of course. Travellers head in to taste some of the freshest and finest teas on the planet, at the likes of the Sreemangal Tea Factory and the Tea Research Institute where they can even rub shoulders with tea pickers for an initiation into the tea experience. Sreemangal tour guides also offer visitors the chance to explore the attractions in the vicinity; the Hakaluki Haor wetland where countless migratory birds stop-off as the seasons pass, the 61-meter high Madhabkunda Waterfall, the Monipuri and Kashia tribal villages. For nature lovers, the Lawachara National Park next-door, and the Rema-Kalenga and Shatchari Forests beckon with wildlife aplenty. Here, trekking trails wind their way through primeval woods trodden by gibbons, langurs and pygmy woodpeckers alike!

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Orient Tourism Channel Logo

Since 2001 for Foreign Tourists

Welcome to Srimongol. It is a sub district of Moulvibazar district from where you can visit many places. Tour to Sreemangal is the best for nature lover, jungle lover and green sightseeing. There is good transport communication with Sylhet, Dhaka and Chittagong city by train and bus. You can use private car to go to Sreemangal. Besides, you can fly to Sylhet and take a reserved car to go there. What you can visit when you are in Sreemangal are Lawachara National Park known as tropical rain forest, tea garden, Hum Hum waterfall, tribal village, lake, golf field, second world war cemetery, rubber factory, perfume factory, landlord house, temple, oldest mosque and so on. Better to hire a local tour guide or tour operator from Sreemangal so that you can get proper information of the places and travel easily. In this website, you can find  Srimangal  tour package and local tour guide. Below there are attractive places to visit from Srimangal / Sreemangal town.

Here are links to know about car rental service to reserve any transport to go to the attractive places, local tour guide to make your tour easy and tea factory visit .

Green Hilly and Flat Tea Garden in Srimongol


When you enter in Sreemangal area by road, tea gardens welcome you to lush green. Withing your eyesight you will see tea garden for miles like a green carpet and somewhere green valley of tea. The appearance of the greenest view is seen from April to September. It is famous for one of the largest tea gardens of the world which covers with lush green carpet. Most of the tea estates of Bangladesh are in   Sreemangal . That’s why this town is called the land of two leaves and a bud.

It is also called the tea capital of Bangladesh because of many tea estates. The terraced tea garden, pineapple, rubber and lemon plantations form a beautiful landscape. Just entering the garden area will lead you long way in fresh air of tea, fruits, green flat and valley. Visiting Srimangal is a plus to your Bangladesh tour. You can hire a private tour guide to get all Srimangal tour information. Cycling tour is a joyous tour if you find a tranquil area. We have mapped already several zigzag trails, beaten path and hilly road in Srimangal . For cycling tour in  Bangladesh Sreemangal is the best place. But you have to find the undiscovered area to do long tour or half day tour. During cycling, you will see green valley and local people in remote area.

Seven Color Tea – Seven Layers Tea in One Glass – First Invention in Srimongol

Seven Color Tea

Seven color tea or seven layer tea stall in Srimangal which is another inquisitive matter to tourists. Because one glass has seven layers of tea with seven different tastes. Visitors can feel the taste of this amazing tea. This is natural, just the technique that tea maker apply to keep layers one after another. The invention of seven color tea was firstly in Srimangal. If you don’t like to taste, you can take a photo of it. It is amazing to see. Remember there are many seven color tea shops now in Sreemangal. The best seven color tea shop is in Lawachara national park . Only this shop makes clear layer of seven color tea in Srimangal. If you go to other seven color tea shops, you will lose your money buying unclear layer of tea.

Tour to Pineapple Plantation, Lemon Garden and Rubber Garden in Srimangal

sreemangal tour plan

As this is hilly area, you can find pineapple plantation on the hills everywhere. This plans is grown in line on the hills. It looks very nice. You will be fascinated seeing this from the top of the hill.

Lawachara National Park known as Tropical Rain Forest

sreemangal tour plan

Lawachara Tropical Rain Forest (Lawachara National Park) is a well preserved forest in Bangladesh where there are endangered species Gibbon Ullock and other animals such as clouded leopard, fishing cat, jungle cat, barking deer, wild boar, monitor lizard and Bengal lizard, several kinds of monkeys, many kind of snakes as rock python, king cobra. The forest is mainly with wood trees, botanical trees and plants. There is only one tree named African teak/ African Oak here in Bangladesh.

sreemangal tour plan

There are some trails to hike or trek in the jungle to see wildlife, sometimes turning to off trails becomes adventure walk through nature, but you must need a trained up local Eco guide to accompany you. This is a right place to have a jungle walk. A trail line through the forest makes awesome view. The British constructed during that period. A scene of the movie named ” Around the World in Eight Days” was taken here on the train line.

Madhab Pur Lake – A lake of Lotus and Water Lilly

sreemangal tour plan

Madhobpur lake is of lotus and pink waterlily. Lush green tea gardens surround this lake. Here you can walk around. From the top of the hill, you can see the Indian view in excellent image. This lake in Srimangal tour brings much attraction to tourists. Of  Sreemangal tour, you should not miss when you are here.

Khasia Tribe, Monipuri Tribe, Tea Worker – Tribal People

Another attraction is that there are five tribal villages living separately traditionally in remote areas as in the forests and on hills. In Srimongol ethnic communities have also increased the attraction of this place with their traditional cultures.

sreemangal tour plan

Khasia is famous for their betel leaf cultivation as their main source of income. This tribe mostly lives in Sylhet Division along the Megalaya state in India. Their own dress up and custom in life are unlike other ethnic groups. Khasia tribal people live in deep forest with different culture far from town. Their traditional houses are made of bamboo or wooden stage. They look like Chinese and Mongolian. Local tour guide also manages accommodation facilities in this community to enjoy their culture and the time.

sreemangal tour plan

Monipuri tribal people lives in countryside. You can find their living only in Sylhet division and Monipuri state in India. This tribe is famous for their enriched cultural program, dancing, singing and life style. The tribal community is familiar across the world for its famous traditional dance and weaving cloths. They weave their clothes for their personal uses and sell to people. At present, Monipuri cloths become popular to people for use and some people buy it as souvenir. During your Srimangal tour, tribal community visiting is a worth. They look like Japanese.

Garo and Tripura Tribal community – Tribal People

Garo is a tribe which has some similarity to Tripura. They have own culture too.

sreemangal tour plan

Tripura is another tribal community. Their life style is also apart from city life, it is a hilly life but faces look like Burmese and Chinese. Women are active in daily work. You can enjoy their life style staying with them. They have own traditional food. The house below was built 100 years ago owned by Tripura queen.

sreemangal tour plan

Cultural program in ethnic community is a real tribal life style that you can enjoy by staying with them to experience the culture.  You can join their activities to learn more. We manage  the program whenever tourists require.

Baikka Beel – A Wet Land

sreemangal tour plan

Biakka beell is a part of wetland. Haor means wet land. Baikka bill is a sanctuary where millions of birds take shelter in winter coming from Siberia and Antarctica. But it is mostly in winter. This is a suitable place for bird watchers. In rainy season, you can travel by boat in wetland and see fishermen catching fish with different kinds of method. It is a place to see the sun setting in glittering mode.

Pottery Village in Srimongol

sreemangal tour plan

Pottery village  where you can see people making clay pots for uses. You can see how people make earthen pots and utensils. Once upon a time people used clay pots to cook food and eat with earthen plates. It is going out dated now. They just hold their cultural activities.

HumHum Waterfall for Adventure Tour

sreemangal tour plan

Humhum waterfall is a vast waterfall in Bangladesh near Indian boarder. To reach this it needs to trek about five kilometers through the hilly jungle. Obviously that it is an adventure tour. This is only one trekking place in Sylhet division. Although it is really a pleasant but not for incapable persons.

Rubber Garden Visit

sreemangal tour plan

In your Srimangal trip, you can visit rubber garden. Rubber garden is mostly in Sreemangal and Sylhet. This tree grows in flat and hilly land. All the trees are grown in line which makes a phenomenon view.

Hindu Temple

sreemangal tour plan

There are many Hindu temples in and around Sreemangal. You can also visit them.

Madhab Kundu Waterfall – Highest Waterflal in Bangladesh

Madhabkundu waterfall  which is the unique highest waterfall in Bangladesh that is good to visit in rainy season. That waterfall has little water in other seasons which does not attract tourists. Sreemangal tours and Sreemangal sightseeing will please you.

Sathchori National Park and Rema Kalenga National Park

Satchori national park  which is another national park having not so big area little similarity to Lawachara forest. This provides flora and fauna of nature, a network of walking trails with trees and plants. Animals are monkey, Indian black bear, snakes and other common animals. There is an adventure hanging bridge for walking. You need an Eco tour guide to visit the trails in the forest.

Rema Kalenga wild life sanctuary is a forest situated at Indian boarder for which some featured animals are here such as barking deer, Samber, Indian bear, wild boar, leopard and more common animals that form wild life diversity. It is a wildlife sanctuary, a part of the trapping hill reserved forest, the largest remains of up-land natural forest in the country.

The sanctuary encompasses several hills of different hill elevations and low laying valley. The forest is a mixed evergreen forest with tall trees are deciduous and it is home to wild variety of plants,animals, and provide best moment to experience bird life watching and ethnic community here. You can hire an Eco tour guide In Sreemangal to visit this forest.

Uncommon Places to visit in Sreemangal tour

Uncommon place to visit in Srimangal tour. These are (1) second world War cemetery (2) Golf field (3) rubber factory (4) tea factory (5) Red Hill (6) Offing Hill (7) Orange garden (8) Historical big pond (9) 100 years old house (10) 500 years old temple (11) Ator Factory (12) King House (13) Swamp Village in wetland.

Frequently asked questions about Srimongol are below with answers.

  • How big is this town and its popularity?
  • It is a small town but it has much popularity in Bangladesh because of there are one of the largest tea gardens in the world, only one rare African tree of Bangladesh is in tropical rain forest, unique and vast waterfall.
  • What is the correct spelling of this town?
  • Pronunciation is same with every word- Srimangal/Srimongol/ Sreemangal. But Sreemangal is used in government offices.
  • How to go to Srimangal?
  • You can go there by bus, train or reserved car.  There is no air port but there is helipad at luxury hotels.
  • How long does it take to reach there?
  • It takes about 5 hours from Dhaka.
  • Is it safe to visit?
  • Yes, people are friendly.
  • When is the time to visit?
  • You can visit round the year. From April to October, everywhere is green. As it is summer, it becomes warm. From November to February is winter that it is the best time to feel cool weather.
  • What about accommodation?
  • There are many hotels in Srimangal from budget to luxurious category.
  • Is there tour service provider in Srimangal?
  • Yes. There are tour guide in Srimangal, tour operator in Srimongol, tour company in Sreemangal and local tour guide known as Eco tour guide to provide service.
  • Are there tour package?
  • Yes, there are tour packages. 2 days tour is common. You can find   Srimangal one day tour  ,  Srimangal tour for 3 days, cycling tour in Srimangal and  Lawachara trekking tour .    Orient Tourism Channel

Authentic Experience

Srimangal Tour

Srimangal is famous for having the biggest tea gardens in Bangladesh along with reserve forest and waterfalls. Covered by the lush green carpet of tea plants, it is known to be Tea Capital of Bangladesh. In Srimangal Tour, traveler can have a look at the terraced tea garden along with pineapple, rubber and lemon plantations. There are a number of resorts in Srimangal established in recent times and the traveler choose from a 5 star resort to eco resorts in Srimangal. About four(4) hours drive from Dhaka and connected by road and rail Srimangal, is getting popularity as a quick gateway destination and it is also perfect for a weekend escape. The increasing number of quality accomodation in Srimangal also signifies the trends. A visit to a tea garden in Srimangal would surely be a refreshing one.

Itinerary of Srimangal Tour

Day-1: Reaching Srimangal

  • Pick up at 7.00 am from the hotel/residence, transfer to Bus stop which will take you to Srimangal. It is a 4-5 hours journey from Dhaka. We will provide private vehicle for a group of 3 person or more.
  • Check into the eco-resort in Srimangal. You may also ask us to book resort in tea garden which might be confirmed up on availability.
  • After lunch, explore nearby tea gardens in Srimangal by Riding Cycle.
  • After returning to the hotel and freshen up, go for dinner on a local restaurant.
  • Overnight stay at Srimangal.

Day-2: Exploring wildlife at Lawachara National Park, Srimangal

  • Start early morning for a rewarding wildlife trek through the Lawachara National Park. We take the 3 hours trail for the maximum opportunity to see wildlife, specially the Hollock Gibbons for which is this forest famous for.
  • You may experience another unique activity by enjoying a tea of 07 layers of different color and taste in the Lawachora Forest.
  • You will get back to hotel before lunch
  • The evening will be passed in the beautiful Madhabpur lake.
  • Dinner at a local restaurant. Overnight stay at srimangal.

Day-03: Hiking at Hamham / Madhabkunda Waterfalls or Baikkar Beel

Srimangal is the place where the highest rain fall happens in Bangladesh. Depending on weather, we will take decision which activity we will be doing on the last day of our tour. It could be either of  the following:

  • Start early morning and drive toward Rajkandi Reserve Forest on a old model 4×4 car through a broken muddy road. Arrive at Kalabanpara village in the edge of the forest in 1.5 hours, and start laborious trekking through the Rajkandi Reserve Forest to discover Hamham Waterfalls. You need to track 3 hours through the up and down hills to reach the waterfalls. If the Hamhum waterfall in not accessable on the date of your travel, you will be taken to Madhabkunda waterfall and explore the area around.
  •  Early in the morning, you will be taking to a place named Baikkar Beel for bird watching. You will find thousands of birds chanting your name and moving around freely in an open valley. We will walk through the bush and ride watch tower to have a close look at the birds life.
  • After lunch you will start return journey to Dhaka leaving back tea garden in the evening.
  • Drop at your hotel/residence at late evening and our Srimangal tour will come to an end.
  • Solo Traveler: USD 480 Per Person
  • 2 Pax: USD 400 Per Person
  • 3 Pax: USD 390 Per Person
  • 4 Pax: USD 375 Per Person

* Upgrade hotel to 5 Star with additional USD 120 Per 02 Person

Inclusion in Service

  • Travel Fair (Bus/Launch/Boat)
  • Lodging in Eco-Resort
  • All meals with one Bar-B-Q Dinner for group
  • Unlimited Snacks & Coffee
  • Well-trained English spoken guide
  • All Govt. Taxes, Entry Fee, Tickets etc
  • Activities like cultural program, fishing, ethnic village tour etc. based on group size, condition, time and availability

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  3. THE 10 BEST Things to Do in Sreemangal

    7. Parasailing & Paragliding. COMMUNITY ECOTOURISM is a private tour operating Services with concentration on Nature & Responsible Tourism. 9. Discover the Enchanting Charms of Sreemangal. Multi-day Tours. Sreemangal, a district in Sylhet Division, Bangladesh, is known for its tea gardens, forests, and wildlife.

  4. Sreemangal Day Tour From Dhaka —Experience Its Highlights

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  6. THE 10 BEST Places to Visit in Sreemangal (UPDATED 2024)

    Really lovely location with an observation post and walking... 5. MB Legacy Shopping Mall. 6. Green Leaf Eco Tourism. Green Leaf Eco Tourism started in Sreemangal & Sylhet. Over the last 14 (Fourteen) years, our tour operations have expanded to offer tour services across Bangladesh. A core value of Green Leaf Eco….

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  8. 3-Day Srimangal Tour 2024

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  9. 2-Day Srimangal Adventure Tour from Dhaka 2023

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  10. Sreemangal Tour

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  11. Complete Travel Guide about Sreemangal

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  12. Srimangal Tour Package On Any Budget For Families

    2 Days / 1 Night From 4,500 TK/Person Download Tour Details in Bangla. Srimangal Tour Package. Enjoy the beauty of the endless tea gardens of Srimangal on an overnight tour from Dhaka. Explore Lawachhara National Park in search of Hulluck Gibbins. Visit the naturally beautiful Madhabpur Lake, and taste the famous 7 Layers Tea of Srimangal.

  13. Sreemangal Tourist Spot

    1) Paragon Hotel and Resort. Paragon Hotel and Resort is a luxurious yet affordable hotel located in Radhanagar, Sreemangal (opposite road of Hotel Grand Sultan). Prices range from BDT 5,500 to BDT 6,500 plus on average, including a complimentary breakfast. Book now online.

  14. THE 10 BEST Sreemangal Multi-Day Tours

    6. 4-Days Srimangal Adventure Tour with Cycling Excursion. 1. Rail Tours. 3+ days. Sreemangal is the undoubted star of this region, and a few days spent cycling around its tea estates, Bangladesh Tea Research…. Free cancellation. from. $300. per adult.

  15. Sreemangal & Sylhet Tour

    Visit Sreemangal & Sylhet, the tea capital and the land of natural scenic beauty. It is covered by a lot of tea estates, including the largest one in the world. Explore the terraced tea plantations. The gardens of pineapple, rubber, and lemon are worth visiting. Madhabpur dam, Jaflong zero point, and adventures in the Rainforest & Ratargul will make a perfect holiday. If you want to have a ...

  16. Adventure Trip to Sreemangal for 7 Days

    This seven-day trip to Sreemangal is a great combination of all the possible activities one can expect in this area. Relaxing in the most picturesque green hilly areas covered by the tea leaves. Trekking through the Lawachara Rain Forest, Remakalenga Reserve Forest, and Satchori Reserve Forest. Exploring various wildlife and bird sanctuaries ...

  17. Sreemangal: Two Leaves and A Bud

    Tour starts from Dhaka by bus or train towrds Sreemangal. It takes around 5 hours to reach Sreemangal. After reached, we will transfer you to your booked hotel as per tour plan for freshen up and taking lunch. In the afternoon we wil visit Hilly Tea garden and enjoy the view. We will visit Madhabpur lake through tea garden.

  18. Plan Your Trip to Sreemangal: Best of Sreemangal Tourism

    Nishorgo Lichibari Ecoresort. 15. Hermitage Guest House. 11. Green View Rest House. 12. Sreemangal Inn Hotel & Restaurant. 5. from $25/night.

  19. Trip to Sylhet and Sreemangal for 3 Days

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  20. Private Local Guides & Guided Tours in Sreemangal

    Sreemangal tour guides also offer visitors the chance to explore the attractions in the vicinity; the Hakaluki Haor wetland where countless migratory birds stop-off as the seasons pass, the 61-meter high Madhabkunda Waterfall, the Monipuri and Kashia tribal villages.

  21. Srimongol, Srimangal tour, Sreemangal tour attractions

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  22. 3 Awesome Days in Srimangal Tour

    Srimangal Tour - Explore a refreshing 3 days in the green valley of Srimangal with DeshGhuri, The Best company for Srimangal Tour. Book now & get refreshed +8801712919532, +8801715131464 [email protected]

  23. Eagles Live at Sphere Tickets Oct 12, 2024 Las Vegas, NV

    Ends Wed, Oct 2 @ 10:00 pm PDT. SET REMINDER. Official Platinum Onsale. Starts Fri, Jun 21 @ 10:00 am PDT. Ends Sat, Oct 12 @ 08:30 pm PDT. SET REMINDER. Show All Presales. Availability and pricing are subject to change. Resale ticket prices may exceed face value.

  24. 2024 3-Day Srimangal Tour provided by Deshghuri

    Did a 6-day custom tour with Deshghuri tour, visiting Dhaka, Sonargaon and Sreemangal. Bangladesh is not an easy destination for foreign travelers, and this was not the best time to visit due to the heat (up to 38°C) and Ramadan (I did this tour after visiting Bhutan). I had the same guide throughout the tour and three different drivers.

  25. Zedd: Telos Tour Tickets Oct 13, 2024 San Francisco, CA

    Check that your payment info is current so you can breeze through checkout. Event details can vary. Check for important details like ticket limits before the sale. Just tap More Info next to the event name, top of page. Buy Zedd: Telos Tour tickets at the Bill Graham Civic Auditorium in San Francisco, CA for Oct 13, 2024 at Ticketmaster.

  26. David Gilmour: LUCK and STRANGE Tour

    Buy David Gilmour: LUCK and STRANGE Tour tickets at the Intuit Dome in Inglewood, CA for Oct 25, 2024 at Ticketmaster. David Gilmour: LUCK and STRANGE Tour More Info. Fri • Oct 25 • 7:30 PM Intuit Dome, Inglewood, CA. Close Menu. Search Artist, Team or Venue. Clear search term. Submit Search. We're Here to Help.

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    By purchasing tickets to this event you agree to abide by entry requirements in effect at the time of the event. Check the venue website leading up to your event for the latest protocols. Availability and pricing are subject to change. Resale ticket prices may exceed face value. Learn More. Find and buy Dan + Shay: Heartbreak On The Map Tour ...