Leonard “Bones” McCoy - “I’m going to take care of you, okay?”

Requested by an anon Pairing: Leonard McCoy x gender neutral reader Word count: 372 Warnings: Mentions of blood and a wound

Bones hovered over you worriedly, eyes wide and brow furrowed. “Y/N, can you hear me?”

You grunted. “I’m bleeding, I’m not deaf.”

He shot you a look. “Just making sure you’re still conscious.”


“You’re not fine, dammit,” he snapped. “Your side is bleeding gallons! If I don’t stop the bleeding you could die, Y/N.”

You sighed slowly, trying your best to ignore the searing pain. “Has anyone ever told you that you have a terrific bedside manner?”

Bones frowned, waving his handheld scanner over your body. Without the proper technology back onboard the Enterprise, he had to make do with the supplies in his small medkit. “No organs were punctured, so that’s good.”

“Great.” Your eyes started to shut.

“No!” he shouted, putting a hand on your cheek. “No, Y/N, I need you to stay awake.”

“Why?” you mumbled. “I might die anyway. Might as well go in my sleep.”

“Stop that,” he said, becoming sullen. “You’re not going to die. I’m going to take care of you, okay? I won’t let you die.”

You opened your eyes slightly and looked to him. “Okay. I’ll try to stay awake. But I don’t know how much longer I can go without passing out.”

Bones nodded curtly, knowing full well you were suffering from severe blood loss and possibly a concussion. “Just focus on me, okay? Keep your eyes open and keep them on me.” He got out the tools necessary for removing the weapon from your side and closing the wound.

“Hey Bones?”

He looked at you questioningly. “Yeah?”

“If I don’t make it—”

“You’re going to make it.”

You shook your head. “If I don’t. I just want to tell you … I love you.”

You saw a tidal wave of emotions rush through his eyes. His mouth tightened and you saw his eyes glaze over. He cleared his throat and blinked quickly. “I … I love you, too, Y/N.”

You smiled softly. “If I make it, you should take me on a fancy date.”

“ When you make it, I’m taking you on the fanciest date you could ever imagine. I’ll show you just how much you mean to me, and how much I love you.”

star trek aos bones x reader

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star trek aos bones x reader

Star Trek Imagines/ One Shots

Star Trek Imagines/ One Shots

Bones x reader.

  • Kirk x Reader
  • Chekov x Reader
  • Spock x Reader
  • Scotty x Reader
  • Chakotay x Reader
  • Sulu x Reader
  • Kirk x Sister Reader!

star trek aos bones x reader


reader inserts for the star Trek characters

# bones # kirk # scotty # spock # startrek

Writer: pepperscott

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You had woken up next to your boyfriend of 3 years,  the only thing different about this morning was that you were stuck on a shuttle on a plant you couldn't even pronounce the name of, without any contact with the Enterprise. 

You had crash landed the day before on your way to a small tribe that had requested your assistance.  You were recruited to go due to you engeering knowledge as well as your piloting knowledge,  and it's pretty obvious why Bones was there, with all of his medical knowledge. 

As your eyes fluttered open you could feel the ache of your bones from the crash the day before.  Bones had been relatively unhurt due to his position in the shuttle when it crashed.  You took the brunt force of it when you crash landed on the planet.  Bones suspected that you had a concussion as well as some possibly broken ribs.  Most of the medical equipment had been broken during the crash including Bones' tricorder, Which he wasn't impressed with. 

"Hey darlin, how are you feeling now?" Bones questioned as soon as you sat up with a hiss of pain.  "Like I've been in a shuttle crash!" Was what you responded with before you slowly stood up.  "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, where do you think your going?" Was Bones' response to your actions.  "I need to start fixing the shuttle so we can get out of here and back on the enterprise" you responded as you fiddled with some wires under the console.  "Alright but no heavy lifting, you leave that to me" he responded.  "Fine" was your reply " why don't you go and see if you can get in contact with the enterprise to beam us up". 

After Bones had left the shuttle you learned against the wall and let a few tears slip through your closed eyes. The pain you were in was immense but you didn't want Bones to know that.  It would only make him worry more. 

"Good news I just talked to Kirk, and they are going to beam us up in a second." Bones said as he walked back into the shuttle.  "Hey why are you crying" was the next thing out of his mouth as he rushed to you in concern.

"I hurt" was all you could say as you tried to keep your emotions in check. With that news Bones gently took you in his arms and lead you to a seat.  "I'm just going to check your ribs, ok (Y/N)" he asked calmly.  You nodded and closed your eyes as he felt your ribs with his gentle hands.  "I definitely think one is broken" he said after a minute of checking them.  "We will get them looked at once we are back on the ship." and as soon as he said that you felt the familiar feeling of being scrambled and then you saw Scotty and the welcoming walls of the enterprise.

Before you knew it you were in med bay with your ribs bandaged with the regenerator working on them.  Bones sat next to you holding your hand as you drifted in and out of a pain medicated sleep.  You heard him whisper an "I love you" during one of your more awake moments.  "I love you too" was your reply as you squeezed his hand and drifted back into your peaceful sleep.

A/N:  Hey guys,  sorry it's been so long,  I finished college and became a volunteer firefighter as well as moved  so as you can imagine I've been pretty busy.  I hope to be able to update more often and I hope you liked this part. 

- Riley 


  1. Star Trek: Schism Chapter One (Bones x Reader)

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  2. Messing With Bones pt 1

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  3. Starlight, Star Bright (Bones x Reader Star Trek

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  4. Anna's Planet

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  5. Anna's Planet

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  6. Star Trek Imagines

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  1. Star Trek || King And Lionheart

  2. Star Trek || McCoy/Kirk, Spock/Kirk

  3. Star Trek || I'll keep coming

  4. Star Trek || Be Still

  5. Star Trek || Rubik's Cube

  6. Centuries || Star Trek


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