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Install browser drivers.

Through WebDriver, Selenium supports all major browsers on the market such as Chrome/Chromium, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, and Safari. Where possible, WebDriver drives the browser using the browser’s built-in support for automation.

Since all the driver implementations except for Internet Explorer are provided by the browser vendors themselves, they are not included in the standard Selenium distribution. This section explains the basic requirements for getting started with the different browsers.

Read about more advanced options for starting a driver in our driver configuration documentation.

Four Ways to Use Drivers

1. selenium manager (beta).

Selenium v4.6

Selenium Manager helps you to get a working environment to run Selenium out of the box. Beta 1 of Selenium Manager will configure the drivers for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge if they are not found on the PATH . No extra configuration is needed. Future releases of Selenium Manager will eventually even download browsers if necessary.

Read more at the blog announcement for Selenium Manager .

2. Driver Management Software

Most machines automatically update the browser, but the driver does not. To make sure you get the correct driver for your browser, there are many third party libraries to assist you.

  • Import WebDriverManager
  • Call setup() :
  • Import WebDriver Manager for Python
  • Use install() to get the location used by the manager and pass it to the driver in a service class instance:

Important: This package does not currently work for IEDriverServer v4+

  • Import WebDriver Manager Package
  • Use the SetUpDriver() which requires a config class:
  • Add webdrivers gem to Gemfile:
  • Require webdrivers in your project:

There is not a recommended driver manager for JavaScript at this time

  • Import WebDriver Manager
  • Call the setup method before initializing the driver as you normally would:

3. The PATH Environment Variable

This option first requires manually downloading the driver (See Quick Reference Section for links).

This is a flexible option to change location of drivers without having to update your code, and will work on multiple machines without requiring that each machine put the drivers in the same place.

You can either place the drivers in a directory that is already listed in PATH , or you can place them in a directory and add it to PATH .

To see what directories are already on PATH , open a Terminal and execute:

If the location to your driver is not already in a directory listed, you can add a new directory to PATH:

You can test if it has been added correctly by starting the driver:

To see what directories are already on PATH , open a Command Prompt and execute:

If your PATH is configured correctly above, you will see some output relating to the startup of the driver:

You can regain control of your command prompt by pressing Ctrl+C

4. Hard Coded Location

Similar to Option 3 above, you need to manually download the driver (See Quick Reference Section for links). Specifying the location in the code itself has the advantage of not needing to figure out Environment Variables on your system, but has the drawback of making the code much less flexible.

Quick Reference

Note: The Opera driver no longer works with the latest functionality of Selenium and is currently officially unsupported.

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Below is where you can find the latest releases of all the Selenium components.

You can also find a list of previous releases, source code, and additional information for Maven users.

Selenium Clients and WebDriver Language Bindings

In order to create scripts that interact with the Selenium Server (Remote WebDriver) or create local Selenium WebDriver scripts, you need to make use of language-specific client drivers.

While language bindings for other languages exist , these are the core ones that are supported by the main project hosted on GitHub.

Stable: 4.21.0 (May 16, 2024)

Selenium Server (Grid)

The Selenium Server is needed in order to run Remote Selenium WebDriver (Grid).

Latest stable version 4.21.0

To use the Selenium Server in a Grid configuration see the documentation .

The Internet Explorer Driver Server

This is required if you want to make use of the latest and greatest features of the WebDriver InternetExplorerDriver.

Please make sure that this is available on your %PATH% in order for the IE Driver to work as expected.

Download version for:

32 bit Windows IE (recommended)

64 bit Windows IE

Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE is a Chrome, Firefox and Edge plugin which records and plays back user interactions with the browser. Use this to either create simple scripts or assist in exploratory testing.

Download latest released version for Chrome or Firefox or Edge . View the Release Notes.

Download previous IDE versions .

Selenium Nightly Builds

If you need a bug fix or a feature that just landed on the codebase, or if you wish to test the next release before it is out, check the Selenium Nightly Builds.

While we always strive to keep code in a releasable state, bugs or undocumented changes might be present when you use a nightly build.

Selenium.WebDriver & Selenium.Support

You will need to authenticate to the GitHub NuGet registry, instructions can be seen at the GitHub documentation .

WebDriver & DevTools

You will need to authenticate to the GitHub RubyGems registry, instructions can be seen at the GitHub documentation .

Nightly builds are pushed to TestPyPI .


You will need to authenticate to the GitHub npm registry, instructions can be seen at the GitHub documentation .

WebDriver & Grid

Nuget latest release is 4.21.0 Released on May 16, 2024.

WebDriverBackedSelenium (Final version 4.1.0 Released on November 22, 2021)

RC (Final version 3.1.0 Released on February 16, 2017)

Previous Releases

Release date: june 18, 2024.

Selenium 4.21.0

Release date: May 16, 2024

Selenium 4.20.0

Release date: April 24, 2024

Selenium 4.19.0

Release date: March 27, 2024

Selenium 4.18.0

Release date: February 19, 2024

Selenium 4.17.0

Release date: January 23, 2024

Selenium 4.16

Release date: December 6, 2023

Selenium 4.15

Release date: November 1, 2023

Selenium 4.14

Release date: October 10, 2023

Selenium 4.13

Release date: September 25, 2023

Selenium 4.12.0

Release date: August 31, 2023

Selenium 4.11.0

Release date: July 31, 2023

Selenium 4.10.0

Release date: June 7, 2023

Selenium 4.9.0

Release date: April 20, 2023

Selenium 4.8.0

Release date: January 23, 2023

Selenium 4.7.0

Release date: December 1, 2022

Selenium 4.6.0

Release date: November 4, 2022

Selenium 4.5.0

Release date: September 28, 2022

Selenium 4.4.0

Release date: August 9, 2022

Selenium 4.3.0

Release date: June 23, 2022

Selenium 4.2.0

Release date: May 27, 2022

Selenium 4.1.0

Release date: November 22, 2021

Selenium 4.0.0

Release date: October 13, 2021

Selenium 4.0.0 RC3

Release date: October 8, 2021

Selenium 4.0.0 RC2

Release date: September 30, 2021

Selenium 4.0.0 RC 1

Release date: September 1, 2021

Selenium 4.0.0 Beta 4

Release date: June 4, 2021

Selenium 4.0.0 Beta 3

Release date: April 13, 2021

Selenium 4.0.0 Beta 2

Release date: March 16, 2021

Selenium 4.0.0 Beta 1

Release date: February 15, 2021

Selenium 4.0.0 Alpha 7

Release date: November 10, 2020

Selenium 4.0.0 Alpha 6

Release date: May 28, 2020

Selenium 4.0.0 Alpha 5

Release date: March 17, 2020

Selenium 4.0.0 Alpha 4

Release date: January 9, 2020

Selenium 4.0.0 Alpha 3

Release date: September 26, 2019

Selenium 3.150.0

Release date: August 22, 2019

Selenium 4.0.0 Alpha 2

Release date: July 1, 2019

Selenium 4.0.0 Alpha 1

Release date: April 18, 2019

Selenium 3.141.59

Release date: November 14, 2018

Selenium 3.141.5

Release date: November 6, 2018

Selenium 3.141.0

Release date: October 30, 2018

Selenium 3.14.0

Release date: August 1, 2018

Selenium 3.13.0

Release date: June 25, 2018

Selenium 3.12.0

Release date: May 8, 2018

Selenium 3.11.0

Release date: March 11, 2018

Selenium 3.10.0

Release date: March 2, 2018

Selenium 3.9.1

Release date: February 7, 2018

Selenium 3.9.0

Release date: February 5, 2018

Selenium 3.8.1

Release date: December 1, 2017

Selenium 3.8.0

Release date: November 28, 2017

Selenium 3.7.1

Release date: November 6, 2017

Selenium 3.7.0

Release date: November 2, 2017

Selenium 3.6.0

Release date: September 22, 2017

Selenium 3.5.3

Release date: August 29, 2017

Selenium 3.5.2

Release date: August 21, 2017

Selenium 3.5.1

Release date: August 16, 2017

Selenium 3.5.0

Release date: August 10, 2017

Selenium 3.4.0

Release date: April 21, 2017

Selenium 3.3.1

Release date: March 10, 2017

Selenium 3.3.0

Release date: March 7, 2017

Selenium 3.2.0

Release date: February 23, 2017

Selenium 3.1.0

Release date: February 15, 2017

Selenium 3.0.1

Release date: October 18, 2016

Selenium 3.0.0

Release date: October 13, 2016

Selenium 3.0.0-beta-4

Release date: September 29, 2016

Selenium 3.0.0-beta-3

Release date: September 1, 2016

Selenium 3.0.0-beta-2

Release date: August 2, 2016

Selenium 3.0.0-beta-1

Release date: July 29, 2016

Selenium 2.53.1

Release date: June 30, 2016

Selenium 2.53.0

Release date: March 15, 2016

Selenium 2.52.2

Release date: March 7, 2016

Selenium 2.52.1

Release date: February 23, 2016

Selenium 2.52.0

Release date: February 11, 2016

Selenium 2.51.0

Release date: February 5, 2016

Selenium 2.50.1

Release date: January 29, 2016

Selenium 2.50.0

Release date: January 27, 2016

Selenium 2.49.1

Release date: January 21, 2016

Selenium 2.49.0

Release date: January 13, 2016

Selenium 2.48.2

Release date: October 9, 2015

Selenium 2.48.1

Release date: October 8, 2015

Selenium 2.48.0

Release date: October 7, 2015

Selenium 2.47.1

Release date: July 30, 2015

Selenium 2.47.0

Release date: July 29, 2015

Selenium 2.46.0

Release date: June 4, 2015

Selenium 2.45.0

Release date: February 26, 2015

Selenium 2.44.0

Release date: October 23, 2014

Selenium 2.43.1

Release date: September 10, 2014

Selenium 2.43.0

Release date: September 9, 2014

Selenium 2.42.2

Release date: June 2, 2014

Selenium 2.42.1

Release date: May 29, 2014

Selenium 2.42.0

Release date: May 22, 2014

Selenium 2.41.0

Release date: March 27, 2014

Selenium 2.40.0

Release date: February 19, 2014

Selenium 2.39.0

Release date: December 16, 2013

Maven information.

If you're using Maven or Gradle, you will find more information on MVNRepository . When the most recent version of Selenium is not there yet, you can also check the Selenium Maven repository .

Over the last decade, a large ecosystem of Open Source projects have sprouted up around Selenium. Check them out at the Ecosystem page .

Platforms Supported by Selenium

GeckoDriver is implemented and supported by Mozilla, refer to their documentation for supported versions.

Internet Explorer

Only version 11 is supported, and it requires additional configuration .

SafariDriver is supported directly by Apple, for more information, check their documentation

OperaDriver is supported by Opera Software, refer to their documentation for supported versions.

ChromeDriver is supported by the Chromium project, please refer to their documentation for any compatibility information.

Microsoft is implementing and maintaining the Microsoft Edge WebDriver, please refer to their documentation for any compatibility information.

Operating Systems

Microsoft Windows

Most versions of MS Windows that are currently still supported by Microsoft should work with Selenium. Although we use the latest MS Windows to troubleshoot things, it does not mean Selenium won't attempt to support different versions of Windows. This only means we don't continually run tests on other particular version of Windows.

We currently do not use any version of macOS in our automated tests against the Selenium project. However most developers on the project are using a recent version of macOS and we'll continue to support the current stable release and often the previous release.

We test mainly on Ubuntu, but other variations of Linux should also work where the browser manufacturers support them.

Source Code

You can also find a list of the Selenium source code at our GitHub repository .

Development Partners

Selenium level sponsors, support the selenium project.

Learn more or view the full list of sponsors.

  • ✔️ Verifying drivers

⚙️ Downloading drivers

Installing webdrivers ¶.

To run web automation, you'll need webdrivers for each browser you plan on using. With SeleniumBase, drivers are downloaded automatically as needed into the SeleniumBase drivers folder.

You can also download drivers manually with these commands:

After running the commands above, web drivers will get downloaded into the seleniumbase/drivers/ folder. SeleniumBase uses those drivers during tests. (The drivers don't come with SeleniumBase by default.)

If the necessary driver is not found in this location while running tests, SeleniumBase will instead look for the driver on the System PATH. If the necessary driver is not on the System PATH either, SeleniumBase will automatically attempt to download the required driver.

  • You can also download specific versions of drivers. Examples:

(NOTE: sbase is a shortcut for seleniumbase )

If you plan on using the Selenium Grid integration (which allows for remote webdriver), you'll need to put the drivers on your System PATH. On macOS and Linux, /usr/local/bin is a good PATH spot. On Windows, you may need to set the System PATH under Environment Variables to include the location where you placed the driver files. As a shortcut, you could place the driver files into your Python Scripts/ folder in the location where you have Python installed, which should already be on your System PATH.

Here's where you can go to manually get web drivers from the source:

For Chrome, get Chromedriver on your System PATH.

For Edge, get Edge Driver (Microsoft WebDriver) on your System PATH.

For Firefox, get Geckodriver on your System PATH.

For Safari, get Safari Driver on your System PATH.

macOS shortcuts :

  • You can also install drivers by using brew (aka homebrew ):

You can also upgrade existing webdrivers:

Linux shortcuts :

If you still need drivers, these scripts download chromedriver and geckodriver to a Linux machine:

To verify that web drivers are working, follow these instructions .

selenium safari driver linux


  • 3 Dependencies
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Selenium is a browser automation library. Most often used for testing web-applications, Selenium may be used for any task that requires automating interaction with the browser.


Selenium may be installed via npm with

You will need to download additional components to work with each of the major browsers. The drivers for Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft's IE and Edge web browsers are all standalone executables that should be placed on your system PATH . Apple's safaridriver (v10 and above) can be found at the following path – /usr/bin/safaridriver. To enable automation on safari, you need to run command safaridriver --enable .

The sample below and others are included in the example directory. You may also find the tests for selenium-webdriver informative.

Using the Builder API

The Builder class is your one-stop shop for configuring new WebDriver instances. Rather than clutter your code with branches for the various browsers, the builder lets you set all options in one flow. When you call Builder#build() , all options irrelevant to the selected browser are dropped:

Why would you want to configure options irrelevant to the target browser? The Builder 's API defines your default configuration. You can change the target browser at runtime through the SELENIUM_BROWSER environment variable. For example, the example/google_search.js script is configured to run against Firefox. You can run the example against other browsers just by changing the runtime environment

The Standalone Selenium Server

The standalone Selenium Server acts as a proxy between your script and the browser-specific drivers. The server may be used when running locally, but it's not recommend as it introduces an extra hop for each request and will slow things down. The server is required, however, to use a browser on a remote host (most browser drivers, like the IEDriverServer, do not accept remote connections).

To use the Selenium Server, you will need to install the JDK and download the latest server from Selenium . Once downloaded, run the server with

You may configure your tests to run against a remote server through the Builder API:

Or change the Builder's configuration at runtime with the SELENIUM_REMOTE_URL environment variable:

You can experiment with these options using the example/google_search.js script provided with selenium-webdriver .


API documentation is available online from the Selenium project . Additional resources include


Contributions are accepted either through GitHub pull requests or patches via the Selenium issue tracker .

Node Support Policy

Each version of selenium-webdriver will support the latest semver-minor version of the LTS and stable Node releases. All semver-major & semver-minor versions between the LTS and stable release will have "best effort" support. Following a Selenium release, any semver-minor Node releases will also have "best effort" support. Releases older than the latest LTS, semver-major releases, and all unstable release branches (e.g. "v.Next") are considered strictly unsupported.

For example, suppose the current LTS and stable releases are v14.20.0 and v18.8.0, respectively. Then a Selenium release would have the following support levels:

Support Level Definitions

supported: A selenium-webdriver release will be API compatible with the platform API, without the use of runtime flags.

best effort: Bugs will be investigated as time permits. API compatibility is only guaranteed where required by a supported release. This effectively means the adoption of new JS features, such as ES2015 modules, will depend on what is supported in Node's LTS.

unsupported: Bug submissions will be closed as will-not-fix and API compatibility is not guaranteed.

Projected Support Schedule

If Node releases a new LTS each October and a new major version every 6 months, the support window for selenium-webdriver will be roughly:

Please report any issues using the Selenium issue tracker . When using the issue tracker

  • Do include a detailed description of the problem.
  • Do include a link to a gist with any interesting stack traces/logs (you may also attach these directly to the bug report).
  • Do include a reduced test case . Reporting "unable to find element on the page" is not a valid report - there's nothing for us to look into. Expect your bug report to be closed if you do not provide enough information for us to investigate.
  • Do not use the issue tracker to submit basic help requests. All help inquiries should be directed to the user forum or #selenium IRC channel.
  • Do not post empty "I see this too" or "Any updates?" comments. These provide no additional information and clutter the log.
  • Do not report regressions on closed bugs as they are not actively monitored for updates (especially bugs that are >6 months old). Please open a new issue and reference the original bug in your report.

Licensed to the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The SFC licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

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Need to run selenium tests under Safari browser

Is it possible to run selenium tests with Safari under CircleCI? I have a selenium framework with python, I don’t have a mac but I need tests to be run in Safari besides Chrome. I already got a workflow that runs tests in chrome. I’d need to do this without using emulators like suacelabs or browserstalk. Thanks

Hello Ashea,

In the same way you can run tests in Linux containers, you can also make use of our MacOS fleet. These are true Mac machines, with safari installed.

Plan details:

How to write your config for MacOS:

Selenium example using Linux:

This should contain everything you need to get going! Please let us know if you have any further questions we can assist with.

Hi @KyleTryon ,

We finally switched to free trial macos plan. I’m trying now to get selenium tests running with Safari but it seems Safari browser in container requires allowing Automation Remote or safari driver enabling… tried different commands but I still get error message: “WebDriverException: Message: Service /usr/bin/safaridriver unexpectedly exited. Status code was: 1”

I included following command on config already: sudo /usr/bin/safaridriver --enable

do you know what could be missing here? Maybe I need admin access?

Are you trying to test an iOS app, or a MacOS app? If I recall correctly, Automation Remote is a permission needed for MacOS apps UI testing and is something we can’t support, but I’d love to be remembering wrong.

MacOS app, it’s a website that I want to test with selenium using Safari browser. What is not supported?

UI testing for a Mac app, so not related. Can you share the full log from Selenium? That may help us determine why it’s exiting.

Sure, here it is:

Also here are commands I use in config.yml file in case you need it:

Huge Thanks!


One thing that may help is to try troubleshooting with VNC and SSH

That will allow you to view the tests and may give insight into what’s happening.

Thanks @drazisil will try that, in the meantime if you come up with any other idea that could fix this will be very much appreciated. Thanks

Hi @drazisil , I see that steps are all for a case accessing linux containers, but in this case I need to access to a Mac.

Do you know if there are proper instruccions for that? For example which is the username in Mac? ssh -p PORT ubuntu@IP_ADDRESS -L 5902:localhost:5901 what should I use instead of Ubuntu?

Thanks in advance!

The instructions will be mostly the same. The SSH login info is provided when you choose SSH build, under the enable SSH step.

Hi, I managed to ssh connect to the mac container build. Thing now is, I need VCN server running on the host, apparently from what I read it is already included on MacOS builts since 10.4 version so it should be there … BUT I’ve read you need to enable it from preferences tab… so do I need somehow to do that in the remote mac build or is just automatically enabled together with the ssh connection?

Also following step here is: ubuntu@box159:~$ vncserver -geometry 1280x1024 -depth 24

Again… how this command could work for mac? tried replacing ubuntu with my username but no luck, maybe I still need vnc server enabling…

Please let me know how to proceed, I’ve got only couple of days with trial macos plan to figure this out and it won’t be worth switching to macos plan if we are not sure about this working.


That step should be run once you are logged into an SSH build, so the ubuntu@box159:~$ is a prompt, and not part of the command. The command you would run on the box is vncserver -geometry 1280x1024 -depth 24

Ok makes sense, thanks. I tried vncserver -geometry 1280x1024 -depth 24 command being ssh connected to the build but it is not recognizing vncserver command… so back to my first question, how do I enable vncserver on remote host?

@ashea did you find out how to get selenium to work on safari? I’m facing the same issue…

Hi @dbrgn , no… I’m trying now to view remotely what’s going on in macos container connecting by ssh but still couldn’t even get to Safari to see why it is giving that error.

were you able to get a desktop connection to a macos container? I am trying to login to see if I can debug an issue I am having


It’s possible that VNC isn’t an option on OSX and it was wishful thinking on my part. I’m going on vacation so I can’t look into this for a while, but can I ask you to open a ticket so our support team can look into this please?

We have a support center article here

Apparently it’s not nearly as easy to do this on OSX as it is on Linux.

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RemoteWebDriver shows Linux not supported with safari #7068


lukeis commented Mar 4, 2016

Sorry, something went wrong.


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How to Run Safari Driver in Selenium Using Java?

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  • How to Run Gecko Driver in Selenium Using Java?
  • How to Run Internet Explorer Driver in Selenium Using Java?
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Selenium is a well-known software used for software testing purposes. Selenium consists of three parts. One is Selenium IDE, one is Selenium Webdriver and the last one is Selenium Grid. Among these, Selenium Webdriver is the most important one. Using Webdriver online website testing can be done. There are three main Webdrivers present. For the Chrome browser, ChromeDriver is present. For the Firefox browser, Gecko Driver is applicable and for Microsoft Edge, there will be MSEdgeDriver present. Excluding these, many more drivers are present for other browsers. In this article, the process of running SafariWebdriver is implemented. It is useful for those who use Mac OS. This simple Java program can be run.


  • For running SafariDriver, the Java jdk version must be installed in the machine previously.
  • The latest version of Safari should be installed.
  • It is preferable to install Eclipse IDE on the machine so that running this code will be easier.
  • The most important prerequisite is latest SafariDriver should be downloaded on the machine.
  • Here, using SafariDriver, the home page of Google is going to open. For, that some methods need to be imported.
  • First, the Google home page link is to be stored in a string.
  • Then in the program, the property of the browser is to be set. setProperty() method is going to be used here.
  • In the setProperty() method, the first argument is to be the Webdriver that is to be going to use. Here, using SafariDriver specifically that argument have to be passed. And in the second argument, the location of the SafariDriver.exe is to be passed.
Note : In this case, SafariDriver.exe is stored in Eclipse, so maybe the location seems different. But also, a complete File Explorer path can also be passed.
  • Then a new object called driver should be implemented which is a type of WebDriver. Here, in this case, it will be SafariDriver.
  • Then using that driver object, the get() method will be used. This get() method of WebDrivers helps to open some URLs provided. Here the home page of Google is going to be opened. So, only the string where the URL has been stored will be passed. Executing this method will go to open a new Chrome window.
  • Then the sleep() method is going to be implemented. This delays the programs for some time. So that the output can be visible easily.
  • At last, the opened Safari window has to be closed. For that reason, the quit() method is going to be implemented.

Below is the complete implementation of the above approach:

If the above code is run, then a new Safari Window will be opened. This open window will be controlled by SafariDriver.exe.


Hence, the program runs successfully.

Setting up SafariDriver, making sure the Safari browser is installed and configured on your Mac, and using Selenium’s WebDriver interface to automate browser actions are all necessary when using Java to run Safari Driver in Selenium. You may efficiently create and run automated tests for Safari by initializing SafariDriver and importing the required Selenium libraries.

FAQs on How to Run Safari Driver in Selenium Using Java?

Can i use safaridriver to conduct headless tests.

No, headless mode is not supported by SafariDriver. A visible Safari browser window will open during the test.

Does SafariDriver need me to establish a system property, just like other browsers (like ChromeDriver) do?

It’s not necessary to set a system property for SafariDriver.

In order to utilize SafariDriver, which version of Safari is required?

SafariDriver is compatible with Safari versions 10 and up.


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Eugene Dorfling

Posted on Oct 21, 2020

Installing the Firefox web driver on Linux for selenium

I found this cool Python tutorial for beginners on web scraping using the selenium module. However, in the book, there is a part where the author says "If you encounter the error message: "'geckodriver' executable needs to be in PATH" you will have to manually install the webdriver to get selenium working".

I was one of the lucky ones that got to learn how to install the driver manually, hence this guide was born.

In this guide, I will explain the steps I took to manually install the Firefox webdriver on Linux(Debian) and configure the PATH to get selenium working correctly.

Specifically, I will explain the following steps:

  • Downloading the Firefox web driver

Understanding the PATH environmental variable

  • Configuring the webdriver to work with selenium
  • Testing selenium with Python.


  • You have the Firefox web browser installed. (If you don’t you can download it for free from .)
  • You have Python installed.
  • You have selenium installed. (You can install selenium by running pip install --user selenium from the command line terminal.)

Downloading the Firefox webdriver

Go to and scroll down to assets. There you will find the gecko driver for the different operating systems. Click on "geckodriver-v0.27.0-linux64.tar.gz" to download the Linux 64bit driver. Choose the directory where you want to save the zipped file and start the download.

In order for selenium to execute the webdriver successfully, it needs to know where the executable file “geckodriver” is located. To accomplish this there is an environmental variable called PATH in which your program looks for the address of executable files.

PATH is an environmental variable in Linux that tells the shell in which directories to search for executable files in response to commands given through the command line or shell scripts. This is also the reason you can type a command like ls (list) without having to specify its directory /bin/ls .

PATH (upper case letters) is different from path (lower case letters) where the latter refers to the address of a file or directory. ie. /home/user/file.txt

Next, I will explain two ways that you can set up the webdriver to work with the PATH variable. The first is a permanent solution where you place the executable within a directory already in the PATH variable. The second is a temporary solution where you add the directory of the webdriver executable to the PATH variable. With the latter, the PATH resets when a new session is started.

Unzip to the directory in PATH

The easiest method is to unzip the geckodriver.tar into the /usr/local/bin directory, which is already in the PATH by default. To achieve this enter the following command into your command line from within the directory where the geckodriver.tar file is located. Note the name of your file should match that of which you downloaded.

This places an unzipped copy within the /usr/local/bin folder that is already listed in the PATH variable. You will now be able to run the geckodriver command to test it out.

This change will remain in place even after the session is restarted.

Add the chosen geckodriver directory to PATH

To temporarily add the geckodriver, add the directory where the geckodriver executable is located to the PATH variable. Enter the following command where YourDirectory is the directory of the geckodriver executable:

export PATH=$PATH:/YourDirectory

This adds the directory where the executable is located to the PATH variable. You can check this by looking at the PATH variable values. Enter the following command:

This will show all the directories that are currently listed within the PATH variable separated by semicolons. You will now also see your geckodriver directory listed there and will be able to run the geckodriver command to test it out.

Open a web page with Python

Now you will be able to use selenium from within Python. You can test it out by opening a web page from the interactive Python shell. Type python3 to open the python interactive shell then enter the following commands:

Note webdriver.Firefox() opens up the Firefox web browser and the next line opens up the webpage

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How to Setup Selenium with ChromeDriver on Ubuntu 22.04, 20.04 & 18.04

This tutorial will help you to set up Selenium with ChromeDriver on Ubuntu, and LinuxMint systems. This tutorial also includes an example of a Java program that uses a Selenium standalone server and ChromeDriver and runs a sample test case.

Read This: Setup Selenium with Firefox on Ubuntu

Step 1 – Prerequisites

Execute the following commands to install the required packages on your system. Here Xvfb (X virtual framebuffer) is an in-memory display server for a UNIX-like operating system (e.g., Linux). It implements the X11 display server protocol without any display. This is helpful for CLI applications like CI services.

Also, install Java on your system. Let’s install Oracle Java 8 on your system or use the below command to install OpenJDK.

Step 2 – Install Google Chrome

Now install Latest Google chrome package on your system using the below list commands. Google chrome headless feature opens multipe doors for the automation.

Step 3 – Installing ChromeDriver

You are also required to set up ChromeDriver on your system. ChromeDriver is a standalone server that implements WebDriver’s wire protocol for Chromium. The WebDriver is an open-source tool for the automated testing of web apps across multiple browsers.

Find out the Google chrome version installed on your system.

Next, visit the Chromedriver download page and download the matching version of chromedriver on your system.

In my case, Google Chrome 94 is running on my system. So download the following file. You must make sure to download the correct version of a file:

You can find the latest ChromeDriver on its official download page . Now execute below commands to configure ChromeDriver on your system.

Step 4 – Download Required Jar Files

The Selenium Server is required to run Remote Selenium WebDrivers. You need to download the Selenium standalone server jar file using the below commands or visit here to find the latest version of Jar file.

Also, download the testng-6.8.7.jar file to your system.

Step 5 – Start Chrome via Selenium Server

Your server setup is ready. Start Chrome via a standalone selenium server using the Xvfb utility.

Run Chrome via Selenium Server

Use -debug option at end of the command to start the server in debug mode.

You can also Start Headless ChromeDriver by typing the below command on the terminal.

Your Selenium server is now running with Chrome. Use this server to run your test cases written in Selenium using the Google Chrome web browser. The next step is an optional step and doesn’t depend on Step 5.

Step 6 – Sample Java Program (Optional)

This is an optional step. It describes running a single test case using a Selenium standalone server and ChromeDriver. Let’s create a Java program using the Selenium server and Chrome Driver. This Java program will open a specified website URL and check if a defined string is present on the webpage or not.

Create a Java program by editing a file in a text editor.

Add the below content to the file.

You can change the URL “” with any other URL of your choice, Then also change the search string like “I’m Feeling Lucky” used in the above Java program. Save your java program and execute it. First, you need to set the Java CLASSPATH environment variable including the selenium-server-standalone.jar and testng-6.8.7.jar . Then compile the java program and run it.

You will see the results below. If the defined search string is found, You will get the message “Pass” and if the string is not found on the webpage, you will get the “Fail” message on the screen.

Selenium test case results

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selenium safari driver linux

Hello, thank you for the tutorial but the chrome browser didn’t start for me, it seems like it I started in headless mode when I run this command : “xvfb-run java -jar selenium-server-standalone.jar” I got this : 11:52:18.535 INFO [GridLauncherV3.parse] – Selenium server version: 3.141.59, revision: e82be7d358 11:52:18.615 INFO [GridLauncherV3.lambda$buildLaunchers$3] – Launching a standalone Selenium Server on port 4444 2022-03-01 11:52:18.659:INFO::main: Logging initialized @324ms to org.seleniumhq.jetty9.util.log.StdErrLog 11:52:18.900 INFO [WebDriverServlet.] – Initialising WebDriverServlet 11:52:18.984 INFO [SeleniumServer.boot] – Selenium Server is up and running on port 4444

No errors no crash but chrome didn’t start.

selenium safari driver linux

cool. Worked like a charm

selenium safari driver linux

Thanks so much for making this guide on setting up selenium, chrome and chromedriver on linux.

selenium safari driver linux

with this command: sudo curl -sS -o – | apt-key add

I was getting this error: E: This command can only be used by root. curl: (23) Failed writing body (1313 != 1396)

This was the fix: sudo curl -sS -o – | sudo apt-key add

Adding ‘sudo’ before apt-key add

selenium safari driver linux

Hello , thank you for the tutorial but the chrome browser didn’t start for me , it seems like it i started in headless mode, when i run this command : “xvfb-run java -jar selenium-server-standalone.jar” I got this : 11:52:18.535 INFO [GridLauncherV3.parse] – Selenium server version: 3.141.59, revision: e82be7d358 11:52:18.615 INFO [GridLauncherV3.lambda$buildLaunchers$3] – Launching a standalone Selenium Server on port 4444 2022-03-01 11:52:18.659:INFO::main: Logging initialized @324ms to org.seleniumhq.jetty9.util.log.StdErrLog 11:52:18.900 INFO [WebDriverServlet.] – Initialising WebDriverServlet 11:52:18.984 INFO [SeleniumServer.boot] – Selenium Server is up and running on port 4444

No errors no crash but chrome didn’t start

selenium safari driver linux

Thanks for the excellent tutorial, I finished the Selenium project I was working on. I am using WSL and it used to launch my desktop browser (Brave) when running the AWS CLI SSO login, for example, but now the AWS CLI SSO login launches a Chrome window which doesn’t have any of my data saved in it like Brave does. Do you have any idea how I can reset so that WSL launches Brave again like before rather than Chrome? I deleted the chromedriver but that made no difference. Any advice is much appreciated 🙂

Turns out it was as simple as setting an environment variable named BROWSER with the value being the path to my Brave exe 🙂

selenium safari driver linux

This command is incorrect:

sudo echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list

It uses sudo which means it’s designed for non-root accounts, but the way it’s written the redirection happens before sudo or echo are run, which means it’s run as the current user, resulting in a “Permission denied” error. That command would only work if it’s run by root, but then you wouldn’t need sudo.

For it to work for non-root accounts, the entire command has to be wrapped in a shell that is invoked with sudo:

sudo bash -c "echo 'deb [arch=amd64] stable main' >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list"

selenium safari driver linux

Hello Rahul,

Its not working yet

I run this cmd ——– xvfb-run java -jar selenium-server-standalone.jar

I got this ——Error: Unable to access jarfile selenium-server-standalone.jar

Regards V –

selenium safari driver linux

Use Version of selenium-server -standalone jar files.

For eg: xvfb-run java iver=/usr/bin/chromedriver -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar

selenium safari driver linux

its working 🙂 thnx man

selenium safari driver linux

I don’t see browser running when I execute below command xvfb-run java -jar selenium-server-standalone3.13.0.jar Users your inputs please..

selenium safari driver linux

Browser will open, once you run the test case. In the given example, remove “chromeOptions.addArguments(“–headless”);” from script to launch a web browser.

selenium safari driver linux

Worked with few changes on Ubuntu 20. sudo curl -sS -o – | apt-key add => curl -sS -o – | sudo apt-key add

xvfb-run java -jar selenium-server-standalone.jar => xvfb-run java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.13.0.jar

Thanks for your post.

selenium safari driver linux

Thanks for Post

selenium safari driver linux

very nice tutorial . Thanks

selenium safari driver linux

Input xvfb-run java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar

Output Command ‘xvfb-run’ not found, but can be installed with: apt install xvfb

Input apt install xvfd

Output E: Unable to find xvfd package

Very sorry. I’ve found my mistake – d

selenium safari driver linux

thank you so much! I use this tutorial for python3 with selenium google driver

selenium safari driver linux

I am executing my automation scripts on oneops cloud application. To execute these automation scripts we need to have chrome driver. In the oneops application we have Linux64 bit OS is available. For this OS, i downloaded the relevant chrome driver and placed in a specific path. In my automation script I gave this specific path. I developed a jar file with all my automation scripts using looper\jenkins. Now I am executing this jar file in the putty(linux) machine. However an error message chromedriver is not present in the specified path is displaying though the driver is present in the specified path.

This chrome driver for Linux is of file type (not .exe ) and placed this driver in a path.

I developed these automation scripts using selenium testng.

Please let me know why this error message of chrome driver not present is displaying.

Also if any one knows how to install chrome driver in oneops cloud application for Linux OS, please do let me know.

Regards K.Radhakrishna Reddy

selenium safari driver linux

Hello! Thanks for the great article. However I am quite stuck with the error below.

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase_WebDriverException: Expected browser binary location, but unable to find binary in default location, no ‘moz:firefoxOpti ons.binary’ capability provided, and no binary flag set on the command line

I got both geckodriver and chromedriver on usr/bin/* .

selenium safari driver linux

Thank you, your guide comes up first in google search results! congratulations! however, after following your steps, command “xvfb-run java -jar selenium-server-standalone.jar” gives me an error: “Error: Unable to access jarfile selenium-server-standalone.jar”

I have managed(I think so) to run it using line from comments below: “xvfb-run java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.13.0.jar” but now I get new problems. When I try : “java TecAdminSeleniumTest” I get the error messages: “ error: package org.openqa.selenium does not exist import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver”

selenium safari driver linux

any updates?

selenium safari driver linux

Hi, Thanks for the great article.

Couple of corrections needed: 1. Switch to root user from Step1 2. Step 5: xvfb-run java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.13.0.jar (version number missed out) 3. Step 6: export CLASSPATH=”.:selenium-server-standalone-3.13.0.jar:testng-6.8.7.jar” (Selenium Server version number missed out)

Could you please make this changes to your article?

selenium safari driver linux

Thanks for this shared setup.

selenium safari driver linux

Thank you for very helpful post!!!!

selenium safari driver linux

thanks rahul..

selenium safari driver linux

HI , I am trying to start chromedriver from linux server. Please help me on how to run command prompt. Getting exception like below ———————————– /usr/bin$ ./chromedriver Starting ChromeDriver 2.41.578700 (2f1ed5f9343c13f73144538f15c00b370eda6706) on port 9515 Only local connections are allowed. ————————————————-

As per the command output, it looks chromedriver is started properly on port 9515.

selenium safari driver linux

Getting error :

(The process started from chrome location /usr/bin/google-chrome is no longer running, so ChromeDriver is assuming that Chrome has crashed.) (Driver info: chromedriver=2.41.578700 (2f1ed5f9343c13f73144538f15c00b370eda6706),platform=Linux 4.4.0-1072-aws x86_64) (WARNING: The server did not provide any stacktrace information)

selenium safari driver linux

Or just use `sudo apt-get install chromium-browser chromium-chromedriver`

selenium safari driver linux

A lot thanks

selenium safari driver linux

So So Great, thank you.

selenium safari driver linux

I’m glad it was useful to me. Thanks for your work. Ill be in touch

selenium safari driver linux

Good work Rahul. Very well explained.

selenium safari driver linux

Thx buddy for the great support

selenium safari driver linux

One note: At step 5 , to start the server, I had to include the version… xvfb-run java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.13.0.jar

selenium safari driver linux

Just wanna say this was really helpful. Although, for whatever reason, I needed to use ‘sudo -i’ before step 2, and sudo as a prefix for some commands.

selenium safari driver linux

Thank you. This helped me out immensely.

selenium safari driver linux

Excelent post! Working at first shot.

Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge.

PD: Last chromedrive version is 2.41

Please update for others => wget

selenium safari driver linux

Why you do not show users comment on your website. Thanks, by the way, I will try this selenium installation guide.

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  • ChromeDriver

Mobile emulation

Chrome allows users to emulate Chrome on a mobile device (such as a "Nexus 7" tablet or an "iPhone 5") from the desktop version of Chrome, by enabling the Mobile Emulation feature in Chrome DevTools . This feature speeds up web development, allows developers to quickly test how a website will render in a mobile device, without requiring a real device. ChromeDriver can also enable Mobile Emulation, via the "mobileEmulation" capability, specified with a dictionary value.

Just as in the DevTools Emulation panel, there are two ways in ChromeDriver to enable Mobile Emulation: by specifying a known device, or by specifying individual device attributes. The format of the "mobileEmulation" dictionary depends on which method is desired.

Specifying a Known Mobile Device

To enable Mobile Emulation with a specific device name, the "mobileEmulation" dictionary must contain a "deviceName." Use a valid device name from the DevTools Emulation panel as the value for "deviceName."

Screenshot of Devices setting

Specifying Individual Device Attributes

It is also possible to enable Mobile Emulation by specifying individual attributes. To enable Mobile Emulation this way, the "mobileEmulation" dictionary can contain "deviceMetrics" and "clientHints" dictionaries and a "userAgent" string. The following device metrics must be specified in the "deviceMetrics" dictionary:

  • "width" - the width in pixels of the device’s screen
  • "height" - the height in pixels of the device’s screen
  • "pixelRatio" - the device’s pixel ratio
  • "touch" - whether to emulate touch events. The value defaults to true and usually can be omitted.
  • "mobile" - whether the browser must behave as a mobile user agent (overlay scrollbars, emit orientation events, shrink the content to fit the viewport, etc.). The value defaults to true and usually can be omitted.

The "clientHints" dictionary can have the following entries:

  • "platform" - the operating system. It can be either a known value ("Android", "Chrome OS", "Chromium OS", "Fuchsia", "Linux", "macOS", "Windows"), that exactly matches the value returned by Chrome running on the given platform, or it can be a user defined value. This value is mandatory.
  • "mobile" - whether the browser should request a mobile or desktop resource version. Usually Chrome running on a mobile phone with Android sets this value to true. Chrome on a tablet Android device sets this value to false. Chrome on a desktop device also sets this value to false. You can use this information to specify a realistic emulation. This value is mandatory.
  • "brands" - list of brand / major version pairs. If omitted the browser uses its own values.
  • "fullVersionList" - list of brand / version pairs. It omitted the browser uses its own values.
  • "platformVersion" - OS version. Defaults to empty string.
  • "model" - device model. Defaults to empty string.
  • "architecture" - CPU architecture. Known values are "x86" and "arm". The user is free to provide any string value. Defaults to empty string.
  • "bitness" - platform bitness. Known values are "32" and "64". The user is free to provide any string value. Defaults to empty string.
  • "wow64" - emulation of windows 32 on windows 64. A boolean value that defaults to false.

ChromeDriver is capable to infer "userAgent" value from "clientHints" on the following platforms: "Android", "Chrome OS", "Chromium OS", "Fuchsia", "Linux", "macOS", "Windows". Therefore this value can be omitted.

If "clientHints" dictionary is omitted (legacy mode) ChromeDriver does its best to infer the "clientHints" from "userAgent". This functionality does not work reliably though due to internal ambiguities of "userAgent" value format.

The phones and tablets that are available under the Mobile Emulation panel can be found in the DevTools source code .

Example of full blown mobile emulation configuration:

Differences between mobile emulation and real devices

Testing a mobile website on a desktop using mobile emulation can be useful, but testers should be aware that there are many subtle differences such as:

  • entirely different GPU, which may lead to big performance changes;
  • mobile UI is not emulated (in particular, the hiding url bar affects page height);
  • disambiguation popup (where you select one of a few touch targets) is not supported;
  • many hardware APIs (for example, orientationchange event) are unavailable.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License , and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License . For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies . Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2024-01-08 UTC.

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  1. Safari specific functionality

    These are capabilities and features specific to Apple Safari browsers. Unlike Chromium and Firefox drivers, the safaridriver is installed with the Operating System. To enable automation on Safari, run the following command from the terminal: safaridriver --enable.

  2. How to Run Selenium Tests on Safari using SafariDriver

    Let's assume the use of Selenium with Java for the upcoming examples. Talk to an Expert. Let's consider a simple test scenario with three steps: Launch Safari browser. Visit Enter the search query "BrowserStack". Click on the search button. Close the browser. A Java program for the above test scenario is as follows:

  3. Testing with WebDriver in Safari

    Choose Safari > Preferences, and on the Advanced tab, select "Show Develop menu in menu bar.". For details, see Safari Help. Choose Develop > Allow Remote Automation. Authorize safaridriver to launch the XPC service that hosts the local web server. To permit this, manually run /usr/bin/safaridriver once and follow the authentication prompt.

  4. How can I run selenium on Linux?

    Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Explore Teams Create a free Team

  5. Browser Options

    Strategy Ready State Notes; normal: complete: Used by default, waits for all resources to download: eager: interactive: DOM access is ready, but other resources like images may still be loading

  6. Install browser drivers

    Four Ways to Use Drivers. 1. Selenium Manager (Beta) Selenium v4.6. Selenium Manager helps you to get a working environment to run Selenium out of the box. Beta 1 of Selenium Manager will configure the drivers for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge if they are not found on the PATH. No extra configuration is needed.


    Selenium IDE is a Chrome, Firefox and Edge plugin which records and plays back user interactions with the browser. Use this to either create simple scripts or assist in exploratory testing. Download latest released version for Chrome or Firefox or Edge. View the Release Notes. Download previous IDE versions.

  8. Using Safari Driver

    Run safaridriver --enable once in a terminal to enable Safari's WebDriver. (If you're upgrading from a previous macOS release, you may need to prefix the command with sudo .) Now you can use --safari to run your SeleniumBase tests on Safari. A complete framework for end-to-end testing with Python, pytest, behave-BDD, and WebDriver.

  9. SafariDriver: How to Run Selenium Tests in Safari

    The "Develop" menu now visible in Safari. Then click the "Allow Remote Automation" option. This short drill gets your Mac ready to run Selenium tests without any downloads. This process would be more complex on Chrome and Safari as their corresponding drivers don't come installed by default. A few things to know when running tests: 1 ...

  10. ⚙️ Downloading drivers

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  13. python

    1. If you are using safari version 12 and later and Mac version High Sierra and later just make sure Safari's executable is located at /usr/bin/safaridriver and Run once safaridriver --enable in terminal and start running selenium scripts os safari. answered May 14, 2019 at 10:06. Jlearner.

  14. RemoteWebDriver shows Linux not supported with safari #7068

    1. I am Using RemoteWebDriver(Grid in configuration) on Linux + TestNG +safari with Page Object Factory Patterns.When I am running test cases on Linux,Remote WebDriver says "Linux platform not supported" 2.Hub and Nodes are running on Linux machine .

  15. How to Run Safari Driver in Selenium Using Java?

    First, the Google home page link is to be stored in a string. Then in the program, the property of the browser is to be set. setProperty () method is going to be used here. In the setProperty () method, the first argument is to be the Webdriver that is to be going to use. Here, using SafariDriver specifically that argument have to be passed.

  16. Installing the Firefox web driver on Linux for selenium

    Click on "geckodriver-v0.27.-linux64.tar.gz" to download the Linux 64bit driver. Choose the directory where you want to save the zipped file and start the download. Understanding the PATH environmental variable

  17. How to Setup Selenium with ChromeDriver on Ubuntu 22.04, 20. ...

    Let's create a Java program using the Selenium server and Chrome Driver. This Java program will open a specified website URL and check if a defined string is present on the webpage or not. ... Thanks so much for making this guide on setting up selenium, chrome and chromedriver on linux. Reply . Derek Hendricks on March 24, 2022 9:51 pm. with ...

  18. Selenium not connecting to Safari Web Driver

    In order to use Safari, you need to check the Allow automation remote option for the browser, to do that follow these steps: 1. Open Safari. 2. Go to Safari > Preferences. 3. Go to Advanced and in the bottom, there is an option "Show Develop menu in menu bar". 4. Check that option.

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    Productivity; Create the best experience for your users with the web's best tools.

  21. How to implement chromedriver in selenium in Linux platform

    To get set up, first download the appropriate prebuilt server. Make sure the server can be located on your PATH or specify its location via the system property. Finally, all you need to do is create a new ChromeDriver instance: WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();

  22. Selenium Tutorial

    Selenium supports automation across different browsers, platforms and programming languages. Selenium can be easily deployed on platforms such as Windows, Linux, Solaris and Macintosh. Moreover, it supports OS (Operating System) for mobile applications like iOS, windows mobile and android.

  23. selenium

    Docker containerisation is limited to Linux OS containers only. This means no OS X nor Windows. So you can't run Safari nor Edge. But you can add a vagrant vm browser (running Windows or OS X), and then connect them to your Selenium hub. answered Sep 3, 2019 at 12:54.