Passport Symphony

Visiting La Rinconada- The Highest Town In The World

Did your curiosity ever make you wonder which is the highest town in the world? If you did, your research will take you high in the Peruvian Andes in the town of La Rinconada. This small mountain mining town lies at 5,100 (16,000 feet) meters above sea level and has a quickly growing population driven by the local golden mind and the rapid rise of gold prices in the early 2000s. Today, despite the harsh living conditions, La Rinconada is the highest inhabited human community on Earth.

One of the most isolated communities in the world

la rinconada mountain

In La Rinconada, you can see enormous glaciers lurking over the town and high mountains surrounding the community from all sides, making La Rinconada one of the most isolated cities in the world . Other Peruvians often refer to the community as the  town above the clouds . The only thing that connects the highest town in the world to the rest of the country are tiny, narrow mountain roads that are closed for a large part of the year.

Before the town was inhabited, there was a general belief that human life is not possible at an elevation higher than 5,000 meters because of the big adaptations a human organism should make in order to survive in such an environment. However, La Rinconada shows that exceptions are always possible.

If you ever tried to climb a mountain higher than 5,000 meters, you know how hard that was on your body and how difficult it is to merely stay at such altitude t and not yet live your whole life there.

But what was it that made people stay in such conditions?

History of La Rinconada

la rinconada

The Andes of South America have always been home to towns and inhabited communities located around 3,500 and 4,000 meters. But these can’t compare to the elevation of Rinconada (5,100 meters). The town was actually inhabited following a Peruvian version of the Gold Rush in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Around this time, a gold mine was discovered high in the Peruvian mountains and a lot of people sold everything they have to go live in the mountain and get rich by mining gold.

The highest town in the world experienced its biggest growth between 2001 and 2009 when the population rose from a small gold prospect camp to 30,000 people. The main reason for this was the fact that during this decade, the price of gold increased by 235%. Today, the town’s gold rush reputation slowly fades away but La Rinconada still has close to 17,000 residents.

This brings us to the next point…

la rinconada people

Today, the town is quite poor with most of the economy relying entirely on local unregulated gold mines. Most people staying here don’t work for a fixed salary but they get to keep all the gold they find on one particular day of each month. Women miners are not allowed so the only choice they have is to do the outdoor work, such as creating metal tools for the miners, cooking, cleaning, etc.

No one expected that the highest town in the world will grow so much which is why La Rinconada has no urban planning or any infrastructure. There’s no running water or a sewage system (good luck building one at this elevation and outdoor conditions), and no waste disposal mechanisms. Most people burn the garbage or bury it outside of the town.

All this combined with the unregulated mining activities contributes to the grounds around the town to be severely contaminated with mercury. Mercury poisoning is one of the most common reasons for death in La Rinconada.

Enjoying this post? Then you may also want to check out our list of the world’s most isolated countries .

How To Get To La Rinconada?

andes mountain roads

The quickest direct bus line to La Rinconada starts from the city of Puno . It’s roughly 200 kilometers away but the journey lasts around six hours because of the bad mountains road. La Rinconada doesn’t have a railway and the nearest international airport is in Juliaca , a thriving city located at an elevation of 3,800 meters above sea level. However, because of the elevation and difficult conditions, the airport is only regional and all flights are operated from Corporación Peruana de Aeropuertos y Aviación Comercial S.A. (CORPAC).

Getting Around The World’s Highest Town

highest town in the road

As you might be guessing, the town has no organized public transportation . It’s also not big enough for one to need a form of organized public transportation but the thin air makes it quite difficult to walk around as you normally might. In addition to this, the town has no hospitals, hotels, or other tourist facilities.

As for tourist attractions, you can visit The Sleeping Beauty, a glacier that overlooks the town, climb nearby mountaintops, such as Vilacota (5,350 meters), and Riti Urmasca (5,215 meters), get to the Chawpi Urqu Range (4,440 meters) at the border with Bolivia or explore some of the nearby mountain lakes surrounding the town (as I could see, none of them were named).

The Local Economy

la rinconada mine

The local economy mainly consists of gold production from nearby gold mines. The biggest mine is owned by Corporacion Ananea; a corporation whose employees work for 30 days without payment but as a reward, they get to keep the gold they find on the 31st day. However, most of the time, the miners are sent to spots where finding large quantities of gold is not common. This is known as the cachorreo system .

The corporation presents the cachorreo system as an informal system that prevailed for centuries in the Peruvian Andes but looking at the conditions, one can’t help but wonder how such arrangements could be legal. However, despite the shady compensation scheme, the population has remained steady in the last few years. The government doesn’t seem very interested in the town’s infrastructural, legal, and especially environmental issues.

This brings us to the next point…  

Does The Town Really Benefit From The Gold?

la rinconada road

Corporacion Ananea is the only company with a government license to exploit the mines near La Rinconada. None of their employees have ever given an interview regarding the inhuman cachorreo system that exploits most of the town’s resources without really bringing any benefits to La Rinconada. A lot of people living here are losing trust in the central government as time passes by, environmental organizations keep warning as the highest town in the world turns into a lawless place.

Today, La Rinconada is one of the most dangerous places in Peru. Stealing among the miners is not uncommon and anyone can easily buy a gun in several different shops. The last bastion of authority in La Rinconada is the tiny, unheated police station.

Most people come to the world’s highest town with high expectations and expect to stay until they earn enough to have a good life but most of them leave disappointed. The only businesses except for mining that are thriving in La Rinconada are bars and prostitution.  

So, when NGOs call this modern slavery and warn about the exploitation of people and natural resources, they’re not exaggerating.

Climate And Environmental Issues

highest town in the world

La Rinconada has an alpine tundra climate with temperatures ranging between -12 and 6 degrees Celcius (12°F to 43°F). Due to the high altitude, the climate slightly resembles Greenland. Summers are rainy while winters are harsh and drive. The average temperature throughout the year is 1.3 °C (34.3 °F). Needless to say, life under these conditions isn’t easy, especially without running water and sanitation. 

In addition to this, there’s also mercury pollution because local miners refine the ore by grinding it with mercury. Many of them don’t even wear gloves when they do this. Having all this in mind, along with the fact that the mines produce less gold every year, it’s only a matter of time when the highest town of the world will fade away…

Did you know about La Rinconada? Would you consider visiting the highest town in the world? What do you think about it? Let us know in the comments! 

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la rinconada highest town in the world

Sunday 26th of February 2023

Is camping in Larinconada is the only lodging option? I guess locals would be thankful to have 200 Sol for a night's lodging.

Passport Symphony

Saturday 4th of March 2023

Oh, no, there are a few "hotels" and a couple of other accommodation options too. Perhaps I should make an edit and mention that in the article :)

Tuesday 1st of November 2022

nice article. thanks for sharing.

Monday 21st of November 2022

thank you, Solomon, I'm glad you liked it

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La Rinconada, one of the most hellish places on the planet

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La Rinconada, Perù

La Rinconada,Perù

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  • The Highest City on Earth (and How To Get There)

Published/Updated: Aug 6, 2021 · Sam Wright Fairbanks · 2 minute read

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Last year was the warmest on record by far (and that’s been the case for awhile now). If you're looking to get as far away as possible from rising tides, look no further than the highest city on earth.

But be warned: this is not a tourist destination. Life gets tough on the edge of the earth.

La Rinconada, Peru

At 16,700 feet above sea level in the Peruvian Andes, La Rinconada is the highest city on earth. It's not a place for the faint-of-heart.

Aside from a small police presence at the border, the town is essentially lawless. Most of the 50,000 inhabitants live without electricity, running water or plumbing. There is very little in the way of infrastructure—garbage and waste is dumped by households directly outside of town or in trenches in the street.

Despite these harsh conditions, the population of La Rinconada has grown rather rapidly in recent years. The reason for this? A surge in the price of gold .

The economy of La Rinconada is based mainly in gold mined from beneath La Bella Durmienda glacier in the Cordillera Apolobamba range of the Andes. The mines are unguarded, unregulated and often dangerous. Miners work for 30 days under a cachorreo system where, on the 31st day, they are allowed to take as much ore from the mine as they can carry as a form of payment.

How to get there

Peru issues tourist visas at ports of entry for up to 90 days. Visitors also have to provide proof of return or onward travel. A yellow fever vaccination is recommended.

There is no easy way to get to La Rinconada. To start, international visitors should fly into Alejandro Velasco Astete International Airport (CUZ) in Cusco, Peru. From Cusco, take a train or a bus to Puno—which sits on the shore of Lake Titicaca.

Here's where the trip gets tricky. It seems the only way up to La Rinconada is to hitch or buy a ride up the mountains. There may be a bus every once in awhile, but nothing is routinely scheduled. Travelers could rent a car and try to drive up themselves, but the roads are dangerous and the landscape inhospitable. There is little room for error.

There isn't much to do in La Rinconada itself aside from chatting with locals and getting to know a different way of life. Most visitors are backpackers looking for a night's rest, journalists, volunteer and aid workers along with the occasional government official.

There's always the option to do some mining if you don't mind the incredible risks to life and limb. But the real draw of the region is the adventure: hiking in the untamed Peruvian Andes. It's definitely not something one can do on a whim. Inexperienced backpackers need not apply.

Essential items

A working knowledge of Spanish, Quechua and Aymara .

Your own water. Though La Rinconada sits by a glacier, the runoff is heavily polluted by waste from the town and from mercury used by locals in the gold extraction process.

Sunscreen. At that high an elevation, visitors and locals alike are bombarded with much higher levels of cosmic radiation than at sea level.

Layers upon layers of clothing and a few good pairs of boots (crampons recommended). The average temperature hovers at freezing year round. Expect harsh winds and a butt-load of ice in the world's highest city.

Don't forget to acclimate!

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La rinconada settlement: life in the world’s highest.


Imagine a city so high that it’s literally touching the sky; the air is thin, the streets are lined with the dreams of fortune-seekers. Welcome to the La Rinconada Settlemen t, Peru, a place that defies the limits of human endurance and ambition, where the earth meets the clouds.

Panoramic view of La Rinconada.

High above the rest of the world, where the air is as thin as the line between fortune and folly, there lies La Rinconada, Peru . A remarkable city perched at an elevation surpassing 5,000 meters, and holding the title of the world’s highest human settlement— a record that speaks volumes about the extremes humans will go to in pursuit of home. 

In La Rinconada , the allure of precious metal draws thousands to its unforgiving terrain, each person entwined in the intricate dance of survival and aspiration at the edge of the world. 

Here, amid ice-capped peaks and ethereal landscapes, the boundaries of human resilience are not just tested but redefined, offering a glimpse into a life where every breath is a triumph against the odds. With its population surpassing the 30k mark, this city has become a testament to the indomitable human spirit— thriving in conditions where even the basic necessities of life are hard-earned luxuries. 

As we delve into the heart of La Rinconada , we uncover stories not just of gold and greed, but of community, endurance, and the ever-persistent dream of a better tomorrow amidst the clouds.

Discovering La Rinconada: A City Above the Clouds

In the shadow of the towering Andean peaks lies the lesser-known La Rinconada — a city cloaked in the mystique of its extreme altitude and the promise of gold. This settlement, perched daringly at the edge of the world, is a spectacle of human tenacity. As travelers ascend the winding paths leading to La Rinconada , the landscape transforms; verdant valleys give way to rugged, snow-draped horizons. The city itself, a mosaic of corrugated rooftops and narrow alleyways, teems with stories of those who flock here, drawn by the siren call of the mines. 

But amidst this backdrop, the vibrant local markets and the robust community life stand in stark contrast to its harsh environment, offering a glimpse into the daily rhythm that pulses through the highest city on earth.

In this ethereal city, every corner and crevice tells a story of survival and adaptation. The stark beauty of the Andean landscape serves as a constant backdrop to the lives of those who call La Rinconada home . Despite its remote location and the challenges posed by the altitude, the city has developed its own vibrant culture, where traditional Andean customs blend seamlessly with the daily rhythms of mining life.

Miners working in the gold mines in La Rinconada.

The Glittering Allure: Gold Mining in Extreme Conditions

The heart of La Rinconada ‘s allure beats beneath the earth— the gold that has called to adventurers and opportunists alike, shaping the destiny of this remote outpost. The mines—

 gateways to the underground labyrinths, are the lifeblood of the city. 

Here, miners delve into the literal bowels of the earth, embracing the perilous quest for gold in conditions that test the limits of human endurance. The frigid temperatures and thin air are constant companions in their subterranean ventures, creating a work environment as breathtaking as it is unforgiving. 

However, the potential for striking gold fuels a relentless optimism that binds the community in a shared pursuit of fortune amidst the formidable Andean peaks.

Beneath the surface, the mines of La Rinconada are a hive of activity, echoing with the hopes and dreams of those who delve into the earth. The harsh conditions here are a daily reality for miners, who work with the knowledge that their labor in the cold, thin air could lead to a discovery that changes their lives forever. This relentless pursuit of gold continues to drive the city’s economy, shaping its identity and future.

High-Altitude Living: Adaptation and Challenges

At over 16,000 feet, every breath in La Rinconada would seem like a testament to human adaptability. Back then, residents navigated daily life where oxygen was scarce, and the climate unforgiving. Yet, amidst these extremes, these communities thrived. Homes, often built in simple structures, cling to the mountainside, each one a sanctuary against the biting cold. 

Here, the residents have crafted a life that respects the delicate balance between their needs and the environment’s limits, showcasing remarkable resilience in the face of adversity.

Of course, life at such an extreme altitude requires remarkable resilience. The inhabitants of La Rinconada have developed unique ways to cope with the challenges, from their diet, rich in local grains and tubers adapted to high altitudes, to communal practices that ensure survival in such a harsh environment. The spirit of community here is a powerful force, binding residents together in mutual support and shared endeavor.

Community and local market in La Rinconada.

Economic Highs and Lows: The Unique Mining Economy

La Rinconada’s economy , driven by the promise of gold, operates on the brink of modernity and tradition. The ‘Cachorreo’ system, a gamble of labor for the chance at gold, underscores the economic paradoxes here. This high-risk, high-reward scenario creates a dynamic yet unstable economic landscape, reflecting the broader challenges and opportunities within this remote community. It’s a place where fortunes can turn with the discovery of a single gold nugget, painting a complex picture of economic survival at the edge of the world.

The economic fabric of La Rinconada is intricately tied to the fluctuations of the gold market and the unpredictable nature of mining. This creates a dynamic yet precarious economic environment, where the line between prosperity and hardship is as thin as the mountain air. Families and communities navigate this uncertainty with a blend of optimism and pragmatism, their lives inextricably linked to the fortunes of the mines.

Environmental Footprints: The Cost of Gold

The pursuit of gold in La Rinconada comes with environmental implications that extend beyond its immediate borders. The mining practices, essential for the town’s survival, also pose challenges to the pristine Andean landscapes . Efforts to balance the economic lifeline provided by the mines with environmental conservation are ongoing, highlighting a global conversation about sustainable practices in some of the world’s most delicate ecosystems. La Rinconada stands as a poignant example of the environmental costs intertwined with human ambition.

The environmental impact of mining in such a pristine ecosystem is a topic of increasing concern. As La Rinconada strives for economic growth, the need for sustainable practices becomes ever more critical. Efforts to mitigate the environmental footprint of mining are emerging, driven by both local initiatives and global awareness, highlighting the delicate balance between human endeavor and environmental stewardship in one of the world’s most extraordinary settings.

Aerial shot of La Rinconada.

A Summit Beyond the Peaks: The Enduring Spirit of La Rinconada

In the narrative arc from La Rinconada ‘s dizzying heights to its gold-laden depths, we’ve journeyed through a landscape where human tenacity meets nature’s extremities. This city , perched above the clouds, serves as a poignant reminder of the lengths to which humanity will go in search of prosperity, often against formidable odds. La Rinconada ‘s story is one of contrast— between the allure of gold and the stark reality of life at high altitude, between economic dreams and environmental concerns. It encapsulates a broader dialogue about the balance we must strike between exploiting natural resources and preserving our planet’s fragile ecosystems.

As we reflect on La Rinconada , let’s also consider our own place within the natural world. The city’s tale urges us to think about how we interact with our environment and the footprints we leave behind in our quest for progress. It’s a call to action for each of us to contribute to sustainable practices in our communities and beyond.

 Whether it’s through supporting responsible tourism, advocating for environmentally friendly policies, or simply being more conscious of our daily choices, you can make a difference with . 

With La Rinconada as you inspiration, let reach new heights in the collective effort to live harmoniously with our planet, ensuring that its wonders endure for generations to come.


Cher, driven by her passion for travel, spins stories as if she's journeyed everywhere yet remains enchanted by the world's secret spots. Her captivating narratives and thoughtful recommendations reveal the hidden gems of cities, encouraging readers to venture into the wide array of destinations with renewed curiosity and an adventurous heart.

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La Rinconada

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La Rinconada is a small city in Altiplano , Peru . It is known for being the highest permanent city of the world at a height of 5,100 m (16,700 ft). La Rinconada has about 50,000 inhabitants, an increase of over 200% since 2000. It is located near a gold mine and most of the locals work at the mine.

From Puno it's a six-hour bus ride on unpaved roads to La Rinconada.

Walking is the only way of getting around within the town. Roads are not paved and are generally very muddy, so make sure you have proper boots.

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The town suffers from mercury and cyanide poisoning due to the mining activities and there is no sewerage system.

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La Rinconada, Peru: Highest City in the World

La Rinconada Peru highest city in the world

Exactly how high is the highest city in the world? How about over 3 miles? La Rinconada Peru is a rare case: an old gold-mining camp in a remote location that has grown to ‘major city’ status, and stayed there.

Over 50,000 people live in this mountainous city located in the Peruvian Andes. At an altitude of 16,732 feet (5,100 m), it lays claim to the title of “highest city in the world.”

la rinconada tourism

La Rinconada’s economy is fueled almost entirely by the nearby gold mine. Tens of thousands of workers have emigrated to the remote location hoping to secure work and stake their claim in the riches.

Employment at the nearby Corporación Ananea gold mine is through a unique system called Cachorreo. Employees work for 30 days without payment, and on the 31st day they are allowed to take as much ore from the mine as they can carry. Whatever the miners are able to extract from that ore is theirs.

Despite the companies utilizing such a non-traditional system of payment, miners continue to flock to the region. The population of La Rinconada has skyrocketed over 230% in the last decade.

(Click thumbnails to enlarge)

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Permanently Temporary

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It was also temporary, with no designs for permanent infrastructure or city services. As such, “La Rinco” (as it’s known) has no plumbing, sanitation, or heating services, and the ground is heavily contaminated with mercury from the mining operations. The city was built, and continues to expand, haphazardly on a permanently-frozen glacier.

La Rinconada is accessible only by truck, the several-day journey made via treacherous winding mountain roads.

The town sits higher than any point in England, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, and the contiguous United States. The tip of the highest peak in the Alps range – Mont Blanc – is 1,000 feet lower than La Rinconada, Peru. The only place in Europe higher than La Rinconada is approaching Eurasia: Shkhara in Georgia (only 100m higher), and Mount Ararat in Turkey (37m higher).

Female miners working high above La Rinconada

La Rinconada Peru

There is no trash service. Disposal of waste is the responsibility of each individual resident; many just leave trash where they last used it.

Those that bother to dispose of their trash either bury it outside of town or burn it in the street.

La Rinconada Peru

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La Rinconada, Peru: A Brief History of an Extremely Undervalued Paradise

  • March 6, 2022
  • 3 minutes read
  • 2 years ago

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This article provides a brief history of the town of La Rinconada, and some of the amazing things that they have done to make it one of the most extreme towns in the world.

A Brief History of La Rinconada

The La Rinconada region of Peru is a unique and beautiful place that’s almost criminally undervalued. The area, which spans about 5,000 square kilometers, is nestled between the Andes and the Amazon rainforest. It’s home to some of Peru’s most dramatic mountains, including Huascaran and Machu Picchu. La Rinconada has also been called the “Paradise of the Incas.” The area was first settled by the Quechua Indians in the 12th century, and it was later conquered by the Spanish in the 16th century. It remained under Spanish control until it was acquired by the Peruvian government in 1881. At that time, La Rinconada was part of the Department of Ayacucho. It wasn’t until 1932 that La Rinconada became a separate department, and it wasn’t until 1982 that it became a national park. Today, La Rinconada is one of Peru’s most popular tourist destinations, with more than two million visitors each year.

What To Do In La Rinconada

La Rinconada is one of the most underrated destinations in Peru. With stunningly clear waters and a wealth of natural beauty, this little-known corner of the country has something for everyone. Whether you’re looking to soak up some sun, explore some amazing hiking trails, or simply relax in a secluded setting, La Rinconada has something to offer. Here are a few ideas on what to do while visiting: -Take a hike down to the crystal clear waterfalls at El Ruiz waterfall. It’s an easy hike that takes about 30 minutes and is well worth it for the beautiful views at the bottom. -Visit the small but charming town of San Antonio de los Cobres and take a walk around its winding streets. There’s plenty of shops and restaurants to enjoy in this small town, as well as stunning views from atop the local hill. -Drive or cycle along the many miles of stunning coastline that make up La Rinconada’s coastline. You can find sandy beaches, rocky cliffs, and beautiful tropical rainforest all within a short drive from town. Whatever you do in La Rinconada, be sure to enjoy the stunning natural beauty that makes this

Where to Stay in La Rinconada

La Rinconada is one of the most underrated and overlooked places in Peru. The small town sits high in the Andes, overlooking the Urubamba Valley. La Rinconada is known for its cold, clear waterfalls and stunning scenery. There are many lodging options in La Rinconada, but the two that we recommend are Casa San Francisco and Los Andes Lodge. Both offer excellent value for your money and will make sure that you have an unforgettable stay in this beautiful town.

How to Get There

If you’re looking for a place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, La Rinconada is definitely the place for you. The small town located in the Andes Mountains in Peru is home to some of the most incredible natural beauty that you’ll ever see. From its serene lakes to its awe-inspiring mountain ranges, La Rinconada has everything that you could possibly want or need. To get to La Rinconada, you’ll first need to take a bus or fly into Lima. From there, it’s a simple 2-hour drive up into the mountains. Once you arrive at your destination, be sure to book your stay in advance as La Rinconada is known for being extremely popular. As much as we love this beautiful place, it’s important not to forget that La Rinconada is still an extremely remote location and can be quite dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing.

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html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} Kathedrale von Sevilla

Hiking Highlight

The cathedral houses one of the largest high altars in the world. I can only be amazed.

la rinconada tourism

html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} Plaza de España

The Plaza de España is a spectacle of light and majesty. Framed in the Parque de María Luisa, this square was designed by the great Sevillian architect Aníbal González as an emblematic space of the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929.

la rinconada tourism

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The Torre del Oro is now a Maritime Museum.

la rinconada tourism

html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} Setas de Sevilla - Parque Metropol Parasol

The Metropol Parasol project, also officially called "Setas de Sevilla" since its opening, is a pergola-shaped structure made of wood and concrete located in the central Plaza de la Encarnación … read more

html.ReactModal__Html--open{overflow:hidden;}html.ReactModal__Html--open:not(.fullsize){scrollbar-gutter:stable;}html.ReactModal__Html--open.ReactModal__Html--panel #pageMountNode:before{content:'';position:fixed;width:100%;height:100%;} La Giralda y la catedral

A huge building that seems even bigger on the inside.

Explore the most popular Tours around La Rinconada

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Road Cycling Routes around La Rinconada

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Cycling around La Rinconada

la rinconada tourism

MTB Trails around La Rinconada

la rinconada tourism

Gravel biking around La Rinconada

la rinconada tourism

Hiking around La Rinconada

la rinconada tourism

Running Trails around La Rinconada

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Incredible photos show what it's like to live in the highest inhabited town on Earth, 16,000 feet above sea level

  • La Rinconada, Peru, the highest permanently inhabited settlement in the world, is a place where only the hardest can survive.
  • The settlement is more than 16,000 feet above sea level,  perched atop Mount Ananea in the Peruvian Andes. It spends much of the year in sub-zero temperatures.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

Insider Today

La Rinconada is the highest human habitation in the world, and it is home to some of the most brutal living conditions known to man. It's also an unregulated goldmine.

At a height of over 16,000 feet, it's a place where only the hardest can carve a living. About 30,000 people live in the settlement, perched atop Mount Ananea in the Peruvian Andes. It spends much of the year in sub-zero temperatures.

This is what it's like to spend your life above the clouds.

The photos in this article were provided by Walker Dawson. You can check out more of his work on  his Facebook page  or email him at  walkermanchesterdawson@gmail. com .

La Rinconada is one of the most isolated communities in the world.

la rinconada tourism

The settlement was built at an astonishing height of 16,700 feet and lies in the shadow of Bella Durmiente — or Sleeping Beauty — an enormous glacier that lurks over the town.

la rinconada tourism

The town is accessible only by braving a precarious mountainside road covered in grass, rocks, dirt, and often ice. The journey can take several days.

la rinconada tourism

Tourists avoid the town, which has no hotels or hospitals, and the government has little to no presence in the town.

la rinconada tourism

The air in La Rinconada is difficult to breathe for tourists and other outsiders. At such a great altitude, the air is dangerously thin. This is because gravity holds oxygen close to the surface of Earth, and people begin feeling altitude sickness at around 10,000 feet. Residents of La Rinconada have adapted to the harsh conditions.

la rinconada tourism

The town is extremely poor, but its residents are hardened. The town’s economy relies almost entirely upon the unregulated gold mines carved into the surrounding mountain-face.

la rinconada tourism

Between 2001 and 2009, the price of gold rose 235%. As the price skyrocketed, so too did the population — to over 30,000 people. With gold showing no signs of slowing down, the population grew to about 50,000 people by 2012.

la rinconada tourism

Much of the population is made up of optimistic Peruvians who fancied their luck striking it rich in the gold mines. Miners here don't receive a traditional paycheck. Instead, they can lay claim to any gold they find on the last day of each month.

la rinconada tourism

Gold has been mined in the Andes for centuries, with mining activity dating as far back as the Incas. People in La Rinconada hike for 30 minutes every day to reach the mines, which are filled with hazardous gasses, mercury, cyanide, and a lack of oxygen.

la rinconada tourism

Women aren’t allowed to enter the mines, so they do the outdoor work. This woman is creating the metal parts required to prop up the mining tunnels.

la rinconada tourism

Those who founded the small mining camp never anticipated the population to grow to the size it did, and thus its infrastructure is almost nonexistent​.

la rinconada tourism

The town has no running water, and building a sewage system has proved impossible. Waste disposal is the responsibility of residents.

la rinconada tourism

Some people choose to burn their rubbish or bury it outside the town.

la rinconada tourism

Others simply toss it wherever there is space.

la rinconada tourism

The lack of sanitation and the unregulated mining operations mean the ground in La Rinconada is heavily contaminated with mercury, resulting in many of the residents suffering from mercury poisoning, which affects​ the nervous system and causes itching, burning, and skin discoloration.

la rinconada tourism

Locals have to find old-fashioned ways of entertaining themselves and often meet in cafés built for the miners. This picture taken by Walker Dawson shows the local soccer team put together by the miners.

la rinconada tourism

The lake you see in the background of this picture is also heavily contaminated with mercury and cyanide, which flows through the town.

la rinconada tourism

Following his visit, photographer Dawson told Business Insider in 2015 that La Rinconada was a startling exhibit of the extreme lengths people will go in search of wealth and a better life.

la rinconada tourism

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Tourism on the Edge

Highest City in the World: La Rinconada, Peru


As we were searching for unusual, remote places on the planet, we ran into Rinconada , said to be the highest city in the world . Located in the Peruvian Andes . at a height of 5,100m (16,732.28 feet) above sea level, La Rinconada is filled with stories that willprobably get you meditating.

la rinconada tourism

“It’s on Earth, but yet not a part of our world”.

  • Population: 30 000 inhabitants
  • Economy mostly based on near-by gold mines exploitation;
  • No running water or sewage system

La Rinconada is not you average tourist city, nor is it a city you would probably like visiting. For hikers, it is a good place to rest while in the Peruvian Andes; for people all over the world it should be an example of surviving in a harsh environment.

Here’s an informational movie on the location. A pretty shocking one as well:

If you have more information about this location- from a tourist’s point of view, feel free to leave a comment below.

picture via

' src=

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Rinconada, La

Rinconada, La

Village located to the north of Seville. on the left bank of the Guadalquivir River, in the midst of fertile farmland. Its most important monuments are the Chapel of the Dolores, the Church of the Nieves and the Casa Consistorial (Town Hall).

Over a thousand species of plants draw the Parque de El Majuelo, nine hectares of which run parallel to the waters of the Guadalquivir River where it passes through the town. The charm of the Mediterranean flora and the forest gallery, very cozy picnic areas, extensive children's play areas and a greenhouse with all the vegetation. This green also returned to La Rinconada a heritage, allowing the enjoyment of other types of entertainment: the marina.

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Discovering La Rinconada: The highest town in the world

Times of India TIMESOFINDIA.COM / TRAVEL TRENDS , PERU / Created : Mar 23, 2024, 10:00 IST

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Discover La Rinconada, Peru's highest town at 16,700 ft, known for its mining history, stunning landmarks like Ananea Glacier, and the traditional Andean lifestyle. Explore Huayna Potosí Mountain, engage in cultural exchanges, and … Read more

Discover La Rinconada, Peru's highest town at 16,700 ft, known for its mining history, stunning landmarks like Ananea Glacier, and the traditional Andean lifestyle. Explore Huayna Potosí Mountain, engage in cultural exchanges, and savor Peruvian cuisine. Read less

Discovering La Rinconada: The highest town in the world

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Discovering La Rinconada: The highest town in the world

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Discovering La Rinconada: The highest town in the world

Discover La Rinconada, Peru's highest town at 16,700 ft, known for its mining history, stunning landmarks like Ananea Glacier, and the traditional Andean lifestyle. Explore Huayna Potosí Mountain, eng...

la rinconada tourism

la rinconada tourism

The Highest City on Earth: La Rinconada, Peru

So, hmmm, I have a lot more to say and a lot more to write about La Rinconada – the world’s highest city , but what I have to work through, is how terrible, horrible and exploitative it is / was, is just not quite the hell we were expecting.

Notice the altitude (over 5000 meters). This is the Plaza de Armas, in the centre of Rinconada. It was 5 degrees celcius outside – warm! So people were sitting around, enjoying the weather, reading the paper and playing with their kids. The broken window in the police headquarters has not been fixed in two years!

As always, I need to tread lightly around such themes as (and in no particularly order): prostitution, dangerous working conditions, environmental degradation, high-attitude living, lack of governance, underfunded and disempowered police, limited sanitation and violent highway robberies … so far not a pretty picture. However – wages far beyond anything typical in Peru, vibrant Quechua culture, community efforts for garbage management, proper mining equipment and uniforms, managed work hours and clearly friendly with the engaged sort of humour among residents one rarely encounters.

We went over-protected and over worried. Two armed guards, an armed and well know journalist, myself and my American friend Rafael. The journey was three hours from Juliaca, not six and the narrow road mostly paved. The environment en route is spectacular, though I had to focus on driving due mostly to the unbelievably volume of new four-wheel drive vans racing around the bends, loaded with miners, service workers and presumably of-age prostitutes.

The local police told us to leave before dark, but I really would have preferred to stay the night. At least it gave us the opportunity to visit other informal and slowly formalizing mining areas … as well an awesome and terrifying 3000 meter decent into the jungle, dodging every form of smuggling vehicle possible.

For now, please let me leave you with few words and several photos, as I gather my thoughts. I leave Cusco this weekend (for a little more climbing) and have at least one more essay to write about this city and something much more in depth to produce about La Rinconada…

Have a look at this excellent and well written article from the New Yorker about La Rinconada:  Tears of the Sun

This is where the mercury is cooked off and the gold purchased. Rinconada has at least 50 of these stores.

la rinconada tourism

These ladies are hoping for 2-3 grams (about $100) of gold a day in old killings. The ore is mixed with mercury to bond the gold.

Miners – well dress, but extremely difficult conditions.

A quick photo of the many prostitutes

Miners hanging around the central square. Due to altitude temperatures are rarely above freezing and the snow can be a meter deep

Alpacas living off the trash…

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La rinconada.

Photo by Mahfoud Al-Shikh

Visit La Rinconada

Where to stay in la rinconada.

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Be sure to enjoy the bars and monuments while you're in Tarazona, and make a trip to Aquopolis if you have time to see some sights in the nearby area.

  • La Rinconada Hotel Deals
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Hotel Alfonso XIII, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Seville

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Hotel Silken Al Andalus Palace

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Hotel Giralda Center

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Aquitania Home Suites

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Iberflat Vega De Triana

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  • Cities near La Rinconada

Plaza de Espana which includes a castle, heritage architecture and night scenes

Alcala de Guadaira

Seville showing heritage architecture, a marina and boating

San Jose de La Rinconada

  • Places of interest
  • Seville Cathedral
  • Plaza de Armas Shopping Center
  • Plaza de España
  • Isla Magica Theme Park
  • Metropol Parasol
  • Giralda Tower
  • Olympic Stadium
  • Maria Luisa Park
  • Torre del Oro Watchtower
  • Ramon Sanchez Pizjuan Stadium
  • Plaza Nueva
  • Alameda de Hércules
  • Triana Bridge
  • Fibes Conference and Exhibition Center
  • University of Seville
  • Seville Town Hall
  • Museum of Fine Arts
  • Benito Villamarin Stadium
  • La Cartuja Monastery
  • Basilica of the Macarena
  • Calle Sierpes
  • Virgen del Rocio University Hospital
  • Pilate's House
  • Paseo de Cristóbal Colón
  • University of Pablo de Olavide
  • Nervion Mall
  • Plaza de la Encarnación
  • Triana Market
  • Palacio de las Duenas


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  3. How To Travel to La Rinconada

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  5. La Rinconada, Peru

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  6. La Rinconada

    La Rinconada. La Rinconada is a small city in Altiplano, Peru. It is known for being the highest permanent city of the world at a height of 5,100 m (16,700 ft). La Rinconada has about 50,000 inhabitants, an increase of over 200% since 2000. It is located near a gold mine and most of the locals work at the mine.

  7. La Rinconada, Peru: Highest City in the World

    La Rinconada Peru is a rare case: an old gold-mining camp in a remote location that has grown to 'major city' status, and stayed there. Over 50,000 people live in this mountainous city located in the Peruvian Andes. At an altitude of 16,732 feet (5,100 m), it lays claim to the title of "highest city in the world.". *.

  8. La Rinconada

    La Rinconada is a small city in Altiplano, Peru. It is known for being the highest permanent city of the world at a height of 5,100m. La Rinconada has about 60,000 inhabitants, an increase of over 200% since 2000. It is located near a gold mine and most of the locals work at the mine.

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    Plan Your La Rinconada Holiday: Best of La Rinconada. Explore La Rinconada. Revenue impacts the experiences featured on this page, learn more. La Rinconada Tourism: Tripadvisor has reviews of La Rinconada Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best La Rinconada resource.

  12. La Rinconada, Peru: A Brief History of an Extremely Undervalued

    At that time, La Rinconada was part of the Department of Ayacucho. It wasn't until 1932 that La Rinconada became a separate department, and it wasn't until 1982 that it became a national park. Today, La Rinconada is one of Peru's most popular tourist destinations, with more than two million visitors each year. What To Do In La Rinconada

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    The Real Parroquia de Santa Ana de Sevilla is a Gothic-Mudejar style parish church, declared an Asset of Cultural Interest, whose construction began at the end of the 13th century. …. Explore the most beautiful places to visit around La Rinconada. Plan your next hike or cycling adventure to one of the 20 top attractions.

  14. Amazing Photos Show Life 16,000 Feet Above Sea Level in La Rinconada

    La Rinconada is the highest human habitation in the world, and it is home to some of the most brutal living conditions known to man. It's also an unregulated goldmine. At a height of over 16,000 ...

  15. Highest City in the World: La Rinconada, Peru

    Located in the Peruvian Andes. at a height of 5,100m (16,732.28 feet) above sea level, La Rinconada is filled with stories that willprobably get you meditating. "It's on Earth, but yet not a part of our world". Population: 30 000 inhabitants. Economy mostly based on near-by gold mines exploitation;

  16. La Rinconada

    If you travel by car from Seville, take the A-8009 for about 20 minutes until you reach La Rinconada. If you travel by train, take the C1 and C3 Cercanías lines from Santa Justa Station in Seville. You can also take the M-111, M-112, M-115 and M-124 bus lines run by Seville's Transport Consortium from Plaza de Armas station.

  17. Rinconada, La

    Rinconada, La. Village located to the north of Seville. on the left bank of the Guadalquivir River, in the midst of fertile farmland. Its most important monuments are the Chapel of the Dolores, the Church of the Nieves and the Casa Consistorial (Town Hall). Over a thousand species of plants draw the Parque de El Majuelo, nine hectares of which ...

  18. Discovering La Rinconada: The highest town in the world

    Discover La Rinconada, Peru's highest town at 16,700 ft, known for its mining history, stunning landmarks like Ananea Glacier, and the traditional Andean lifestyle. Explore Huayna Potosí Mountain ...

  19. The Highest City on Earth: La Rinconada, Peru

    Notice the altitude (over 5000 meters). This is the Plaza de Armas, in the centre of Rinconada. It was 5 degrees celcius outside - warm! So people were sitting around, enjoying the weather, reading the paper and playing with their kids. The broken window in the police headquarters has not been fixed in two years!

  20. THE BEST Things to Do in La Rinconada

    Things to Do in La Rinconada. 1. Cervezas Mond. 2. Hacienda Guzman. It is a beautiful property where you can see the olive trees, the production facilities (current and antique), orange... Top Things to Do in La Rinconada, Spain: See Tripadvisor's 75 traveller reviews and photos of La Rinconada tourist attractions.

  21. Plan Your Trip to Elektrostal: Best of Elektrostal Tourism

    A mix of the charming, modern, and tried and true. See all. Apelsin Hotel. 43. from $48/night. Apart Hotel Yantar. 2. from $28/night. Elektrostal Hotel.

  22. Visit La Rinconada: 2024 Travel Guide for La Rinconada, Andalusia

    Hotel Alfonso XIII, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Seville. San Fernando 2, Seville, Seville. $332. $365 total. includes taxes & fees. Jul 19 - Jul 20. Stay at this 5-star luxury hotel in Seville. Enjoy 2 restaurants, breakfast (surcharge), and 24-hour room service. Our guests praise the helpful staff and the ...