• Romania (RO)
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UsTravel si-a inceput activitatea in 2005 in Timisoara, unde se afla si sediul nostru central. In prezent avem 7 birouri in Romania. La inceput, am derulat programe doar pentru USA, insa treptat, ne-am bucurat sa mai adaugam pe lista noastra inca 8 tari, iar pana in momentul de fata, au beneficiat de serviciile noastre peste 15.000 de tineri.

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Work and Travel in Europe

Work in europe all year round.

Europe is perhaps the most thoroughly explored continent in the world. High standards of living, small geographical areas, ease of transport, and connectivity between a diversity of cultures means that the backpacking trails have been well worn over the years. Europe is, therefore, a good choice for backpackers just getting started in the work and travel lifestyle. But don’t be fooled - there’s plenty of challenges when it comes to work and travelling in Europe - such as the complex web of languages and visas one must navigate through in the process of moving from place to place. An experienced working traveller will still find plenty of opportunities in Europe where their skills give them an upper hand. There’s an infinite amount of travel guides out there that cover Europe, of course. But none of them specifically targets the Working Traveller. Since you’ve landed on this page, we assume you need unique insight into making this lifestyle successful. Read on and we’ll give you the tools you need for working and travelling Europe. 1. Join up with a hostel The concept of a youth hostel was invented more than 100 years ago, in Europe - Germany, to be precise. The concept has flourished and spread across the globe in the decades since, but there’s no better place to get experience in the industry than in Europe. Every single country guide in this European section has at least one hostel in it, and they are constantly in need of skilled and motivated backpackers to perform any number of tasks. These include cleaner, chef, bartender, receptionist, activities coordinator, yoga teacher, musician, painter…the list goes on and on. 2. Work on a farm Europe covers a wide area with a lot of variety in seasonality, but, very generally, the climate is temperate all over. This means late spring, all of summer, and early fall are the best times to work and travel on a farm. From large-scale industrial farms to organic smallholdings, you can find a farm to work on that will suit your interest. Along with farming is fruit picking or harvesting. In almost every country in the continent, a variety of produce must be harvested en masse annually, usually in the summer and fall. This is good entry-level work for a novice working traveller. 3. Become an educator Teaching is a splendid skill to bring with you on the road as a working traveller. You’ll find plenty of opportunities up and down the continent. You’ll be more needed for teaching English in eastern Europe, where literacy in this language is lower than in western and northern Europe. If you know a language such as Japanese, Mandarin, or Arabic, however, your skills may be requested in western European countries where those in the business sector may need to acquire literacy in a second language in order to conduct their work. Tutoring in tech, science, or sports will be skills requested by hosts in all of Europe.


EU citizens don't need visas for other EU countries. Australians, Canadians, New Zealanders and Americans don’t need visas for visits of less than 90 days. Twenty-six European countries are signatories to the Schengen Agreement, which has effectively dismantled internal border controls between them. They are Austria , Belgium , the Czech Republic , Denmark , Estonia , Finland , France , Germany , Greece , Iceland , Italy , Hungary , Latvia , Liechtenstein , Lithuania , Luxembourg , Malta , the Netherlands , Norway , Poland , Portugal , Slovakia , Slovenia , Spain , Sweden and Switzerland . Cyprus , Croatia , Bulgaria and Romania are prospective Schengen members but have yet to officially join. The UK and Ireland , as well as Russia and much of Eastern Europe (such as Ukraine , Croatia , and Serbia ), are not part of the Schengen Agreement. Visitors from non-EU countries will have to apply for visas to these countries separately. Citizens of the US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the UK only need a valid passport to enter Schengen countries (as well as the UK and Ireland). However, other nationals, including South Africans, can apply for a single visa – a Schengen visa – when travelling throughout this region. Non-EU visitors (with or without a Schengen visa) should expect to be questioned, however perfunctorily, when first entering the region. However, later travel within the zone is much like a domestic trip, with no border controls. See HERE for a detailed and frequently updated compendium of current visa/permit requirements for the various European countries.


Spring is the start of the growing season in most of Europe. To experience the full process of yielding a succession of crops in Europe, working travellers need to book up work on farms in late winter, so that they can plan to arrive in early spring, right when crops are going into the ground. Spain is a country with a particularly high percentage of land given over to farms, while Moldova and San Marino are two much smaller countries that may fly under the radar for most backpackers, but are incredibly fertile and rural countries in an otherwise built-up continent.

It pretty much stating the obvious to say that summer is the high season for tourism in Europe. Any country in the northern hemisphere that takes a summer holiday will likely choose a European country as their destination. So there’s no better time to utilize your skills in hospitality or build up new ones. Italy is a great option to work and travel to in summer; you can try working in a hotel, homestay or luxury resort, cleaning and cooking for guests.  Alternately you can work on boats or yachts intended for tourist day trips, learning how to sail and maintain the workings of a sailing vessel. Other than Italy, try any of the Mediterranean countries for this type of work, including Greece and Croatia.

Now is the time for working travellers to head to various locations for picking produce. The autumn grape harvest is huge across swaths of France, Greece, Italy, and Switzerland, while hops, apples, and hard fruits are picked in the UK and Ireland this time of year. Alternatively, head to the cities to utilize your teaching skills at the beginning of the academic semester. Remember, however, that this work will likely require a more formal application which usually will need to take place months in advance.  For work and travel opportunity completely off the beaten path, consider volunteering at a monastery in Macedonia , since the weather conditions are most agreeable in autumn and spring.

Winter will bring some snowfall to most of continental Europe except the Mediterranean, and the ski resort industry is a classic industry for working travellers to get a footing in. The biggest and best ski resorts are in the Alps of France, Switzerland, Monaco, Italy, Liechtenstein, Austria, Germany, and Slovenia. Roles include ski/snowboard instructor, equipment technician, or sales representative in a pro shop. You can also work as a chalet cleaner, chef, or au pair minding the children while parents hit the slopes. Many Europeans celebrate Christmas, so an interesting seasonal industry to get into as a working traveller is booking up roles at holiday markets, selling and wrapping gifts or serving speciality drinks. You can find these markets from London to Munich, and especially in northern European countries such as Sweden and Norway. And finally, if you wish to escape the cold temperature in winter, this is possible in Europe. Just head as far south as you can, to Italian islands like Sicily, where you can find work harvesting citrus fruits from December through February.


There’s probably no other set of countries in the world where foreign backpackers and labourers are a more common sight than in Europe. Many locations in Europe are some of the safest and easiest places for a working traveller to come to practice their craft. Just keep in mind that Europe is by no means a homogenous place, so you do your research at each stop along your journey to identify the unique societal customs of the local people. One more useful piece of advice - several cities in Europe are the most touristy in the world, such as Barcelona, Spain. Believe it or not, it is in places like these that you need to be the most mindful of touts, pickpockets, and date rapists. Oftentimes you are safer in that remote African village than in the downtown quarter of a touristy European city on a Saturday night! With all this in mind, however, you should be starting to get excited about the prospect of working and travelling in the great continent of Europe. Have you started to pack your bags yet?

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  • Edited on Jun 17 2021 by
  • Edited on Sep 12 2016 by Alex webstars

If you have worked in Europe or live here. Instead of saying `That information is not right` Please sign up to Working Traveller by clicking here and update this page with your opinions on the subject and your views on what the barter points should be. If your a host, you will have a SEO link added to the page directly to your own web site so viewers can see who provided the information. If you are a traveller it will link to your profile.



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Cea mai tare experienta din studentie!


1. conditii de participare în programul work & travel usa, e nevoie sa fiu student ca sa pot participa la program.

  • Trebuie sa fii student, masterand sau doctorand la zi, la o facultate acreditata de stat. In acelasi timp, ca sa poti participa in programul Work & Travel USA e nevoie sa ai pana in 30 de ani si sa vorbesti limba engleza cel putin la nivel conversational.

Pot sa ma inscriu chiar daca nu sunt student in Romania?

  • Da, poti participa si daca esti student intr-o alta tara.

Care e data limita pentru inscriere?

  • Te poti inscrie in program atat timp cat sunt locuri disponibile. Din experienta, iti spunem ca cel mai probabil in luna martie vom avea 100% locurile ocupate. Asa ca ideal este sa nu amani decizia, daca vara asta vrei sa te bucuri de experienta in State. In plus, daca te inscrii din timp ai mai multe optiuni: poti alege destinatia si jobul pe care il vei avea pe vara.

De ce sa plec cu voi?

  • American Experience este cea mai mare agentie de Work and Travel din Romania, cu o experienta de 17 ani pe piata. Asta inseamna ca programul nu mai are niciun secret pentru noi si ne vom asigura ca vei avea parte de cele mai bune servicii in USA. Foarte important: avem birouri in aproape toate centrele universitatre din Romania si 2 birouri ce vor functiona pe perioada verii USA. Avem cea mai variata gama de joburi si destinatii unde poti merge, iar in momentul in care optezi pentru o anumita destinatie, garantam ca vei ajunge exact unde iti doresti.

Am nevoie de un nivel avansat de engleza?

  • Nivelul de engleza este important, si determina daca poti participa in program sau nu. Daca nu vorbesti engleza la nivel conversational bun, nu o sa poti aplica pentru joburi front of the house, care presupun sa comunici cu clientii.

Care sunt avantajele programului?

  • Pe scurt: o sa traiesti “Cea mai tare experienta din Studentie” :). Timp de 3 luni si jumatate o sa locuiesti peste Ocean, o sa ai un job, pentru care vei fi platit in $, o sa cunosti oameni din toate colturile lumii si o sa vizitezi locurile la care visezi de cand erai mic.

Cum este impartit programul Work & Travel?

  • Vei putea petrece in USA 4,5 luni in total, impartite astfel: 3,5 luni dedicate programului de lucru (15 iunie – 30 septembrie: WORK) si 1 luna intreaga ca sa calatoresti (30 septembrie – 30 octombrie: TRAVEL). Asta inseamna ca ai drept de munca pe teritoriul american pana pe 30 septembrie si drept legal de sedere (fara drept de munca) pana pe 30 octombrie.

Pot sa merg impreuna cu prietenii mei, chiar daca nu sunt din acelasi oras cu mine?

  • Da, poti sa mergi impreuna cu prietenii tai, indiferent ca sunteti sau nu studenti in acelasi oras/tara. La AMERICAN EXPERIENCE te putem ajuta indiferent cat de mare este grupul tau de prieteni.

Cand ar trebui sa plec in State?

  • Programul se desfasoara pe perioada verii si vei ramane in State pana maximum pe 30 Octombrie. Data de plecare pentru tine este stabilita in functie de jobul pe care ti-l alegi. De obicei, studentii pleaca in USA cu 2-3 zile inainte sa inceapa jobul.

Ce sanse sunt sa iau viza?

  • In ultimii ani, aproximativ 98% dintre studentii ce aplica la program au reusit sa primeasca viza. Pentru ca si tu sa fii parte din acest procent, va fi nevoie sa te descurci la un nivel conversational in limba engleza, sa zambesti si sa ai o conversatie sincera si deschisa cu Ofiterul Consular.

Cand o sa merg la viza?

  • Interviurile de viza incep la sfarsitul lunii februarie – inceput de martie. Fiecare student este programat in functie de cat de repede sunt gata formularele necesare pentru interviul de viza.

Pot sa schimb jobul si cazarea dupa ce ajung in State?

  • In mod normal nu, pentru ca formularele de viza sunt emise pe baza jobului pe care l-ai ales din tara. E bine sa stii si ca angajatorul din State va bloca postul pentru tine si nu va angaja pe altcineva. Totusi, daca exista motive intemeiate pentru care vrei sa-ti schimbi jobul, te vei consulta in prealabil cu Sponsorul de viza si cu noi, legat de acest lucru si impreuna o sa incercam sa gasim o solutie.

Cate ore voi munci pe saptamana?

  • Minimul garantat de fiecare angajator o sa fie o medie de 32 ore pe saptamana. Este posibil ca in functie de cum te descurci sau cat de aglomerata o sa fie statiunea, sa fie saptamani in care sa primesti mai putine ore de lucru si saptamani in care o sa primesti mai multe.

Care este perioada in care pot sa muncesc in USA?

  • Cel mai devreme poti sa incepi munca pe 15 iunie, insa data de inceput depinde de disponibilitatea ta si a angajatorului. Poti sa lucrezi maximum pana pe 30 septembrie.

Cum imi aleg un job?

  • In functie de perioada in care te inscrii in program, iti punem la dispozitie o lista de angajatori si joburi care se potrivesc optiunilor tale (loc, tip de job, grup de prieteni). Dintre acestea, vei alege cu cine urmeaza sa sustii un interviu pentru confirmare. Daca totul merge ok, vei primi o oferta de munca. Daca insa nu indeplinesti conditiile angajatorului, atunci revii la prima etapa si te orientazi spre un alt job, fie cu aceleasi optiuni, fie cu unele noi (in functie de preferintele tale).

Ce tipuri de joburi sunt in program?

  • Toate joburile sunt sezoniere. Poti lucra in hoteluri, restaurante, magazine, parcuri de distractii. Nu ai nevoie de experienta, insa in functie de nivelul de engleza poti sa lucrezi “front of the house”, adica direct cu clientii, sau “back of the house” unde esti parte a echipei de lucru, fara sa intri in contact cu clientii.

Cum o sa fie interviul pentru job? E greu? Poate sa ma refuze angajatorul?

  • Interviurile de obicei sunt formale. Angajatorul vrea sa te cunoasca si sa-ti prezinte indatoririle de la viitorul job. O sa fie nevoie sa vorbesti putin despre tine, despre ce asteptari ai si ce te-a facut sa alegi respectivul job. In foarte putine dintre situatii poti fi refuzat: in cazul in care nivelul tau de engleza nu este suficient de avansat pentru job sau daca nu esti disponibil sa ajungi la job la data pe care si-o doreste angajatorul. Nu in ultimul rand, trebuie sa stii ca majoritatea interviurilor sunt online (pe Skype sau Facebook), dar exista si cativa angajatori care vin in Romania la targuri de joburi.

Cum imi gasesc un second job?

  • Odata ce ai ajuns in SUA si dupa ce ti-ai stabilit programul de la primul job, poti incepe sa cauti un 2nd job. Majoritatea studentilor intreaba managerii sau patronii din zona unde sunt, daca au nevoie de extra ajutor. In alte situatii se poate merge pe recomandari, adica un coleg de la cazare sa-ti intermedieze angajarea la locul lui de munca. Se intampla si ca managerul/patronul companiei la care lucrezi sa te angajeze pe un alt post in cadrul unui alt business pe care il are.

Care sunt cele mai bune joburi?

  • Nu exista o lista de joburi bune sau mai putin bune. In general, studentii cu un nivel de engleza ridicat, dornici sa interactioneze cu clientii, se orienteaza spre joburile cu tips (bacsis). Altfel, daca esti la un nivel intermediar cu engleza te poti orienta spre business-uri din locatii populare, in randul studentilor.

Cati bani o sa castig?

  • Trebuie sa stii ca in USA esti platit pe ora. Asta inseamna ca daca lucrezi mai mult, castigi mai mult. Cei mai multi studenti castiga peste 10.000$, insa suma castigurilor difera de la o persoana la alta.

Pot sa calatoresc si in perioada de “work”?

  • Categoric da, si chiar te indemnam sa calatoresti cat de mult ai ocazia. De obicei in perioada de “work” vei avea in general 1-2 zile libere pe saptamana, ca sa mergi la plaja sau sa faci hiking pe munte ori sa calatoresti intr-un oras mai mare, care e in apropierea ta.

Pot sa calatoresc si in afara USA in perioada de travel?

  • Daca alegi sa calatoresti in afara spatiului american, nu vei mai putea sa te reintorci pe teritoriul USA. Perioada de traveling este destinata exclusiv pentru calatorii pe teritoriul USA. Odata ce iesi din acest spatiu, in perioada de traveling, nu vei mai putea reintra inapoi, intrucat ofiterii de la granita iti vor cere pasaportul cu viza si permisul de munca DS-2019. Iar permisul de munca iti va fi deja expirat in perioada de traveling.

Daca totusi te gandesti sa calatoresti in afara USA in perioada de traveling, va trebui sa iti faci planul in avans astfel incat la finalul vacantei sa te intorci direct spre Europa, fara a mai fi nevoit sa treci prin State.

Sunt obligat sa imi iau biletul de avion prin intermediul vostru?

  • Da, insa ce o sa se intample este ca te vom pune in legatura cu o agentie de ticketing si tu iti alegi datele de plecare si intoarcere, compania de zbor si cu cine vrei sa calatoresti. Noi doar supervizam procesul de achizitie al biletului de avion si ne asiguram ca ajungi si te intorci la timp din USA.

COSTURI PROGRAM – variază în funcție de opțiunile alese între 1200$ și 1500$

TAXA CONSULARÃ – 160 $ – Se plãtește în RON cu câteva zile înainte de a susține interviul pentru vizã, conform indicațiilor coordonatorului tãu.

BILETUL DE AVION – de la 750 € – De regulã, îl iei în mai – iunie, dar poți și mai devreme. În funcție de destinație și datele de zbor, costul biletului poate depăși 1000€.

BANI DE CHELTUIALÃ – 700 – 1000 $ – Pentru a te descurca în primele sãptãmâni când ajungi și înainte de a primi primul salariu.

Primesc banii inapoi daca ma retrag din program inainte de interviul de viza?

  • Daca te retragi inainte sa sustii interviul la Ambasada, trebuie sa stii ca prima transa platita nu o poti recupera iar in cazul in care ti s-a emis deja DS – 2019, se retin 450$. Aceasta acopera costurile administrative, ce presupun procesarea dosarului tau imediat dupa inscriere: verificarea documentelor, trimiterea acestora catre partenerii din SUA, alegerea unui job, eliberarea unei oferte de munca.

Cum este cazarea? Cat costa?

  • In general conditiile de cazare sunt asemanatoare celor de camin, adica vei imparti camera cu 2, 3 sau 4 persoane. Cazarea difera insa in functie de zona in care vei merge. Mai multe detalii gasesti in descrierea care insoteste oferta de munca, atunci cand alegi un job.

Încă nu te-ai înscris în program pentru vara viitoare? Nici o problemă, urmează pașii de mai jos și bea o cafea în New York City la vară!

Dacă dorești mai multe detalii despre cum poți avea parte de CEA MAI TARE EXPERIENȚĂ DIN STUDENȚIE dă un click  AICI , alege una dintre datele disponibile și hai să ne cunoaștem să afli cum poți pleca în state la vară!

Tu vei alege din o mulțime de job-uri pe cel care crezi că ți se potrivește mai bine, accesează secțiunea JOB de pe site-ul American Experience să vezi job-uri disponibile în timp real.

Te-ai decis deja și vrei să te înscrii, nimic mai simplu poți face asta printr-un singur click   AICI   și colegii noștri te vor contacta în cel mai scurt timp!

Toți studenții care au aplicat la program pentru Work & Travel 2021 au ajuns în SUA, citește mai mult AICI despre cum a funcționat programul vara trecută.

  • Marea Britanie
  • Tarile nordice
  • Statele Unite
  • Stiri de Acasa

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Work and Travel – conditii de participare si actele necesare la inscriere

work and travel tari

Work and Travel – conditii – Este cel mai popular program de schimb cultural care a fost implementat de catre Departamentul de Stat al SUA. Programul se desfasoara pe perioada vacantei de vara si e special destinat tinerilor studenti care isi doresc sa calatoreasca si sa experimenteze stilul de viata dintr-o tara straina, din SUA. Pentru a intelege mai bine care sunt conditiile si cui ii este destinat acest program de tip Work and Travel, am strans cele mai importante informatii in acest articol si vi le prezentam detaliat, mai jos.

Work and Travel – conditii – Principalele cerinte

Pentru a putea participa in cadrul unui program de tip Work and Travel USA trebuie sa fii student la facultate, la zi, masterand sau doctorand la orice universitate acreditata la noi in tara. O alta conditie a programului este sa ai sub 30 de ani pana in luna mai a anului urmator celui in care te-ai inscris

Work and Travel – conditii si acte necesare

Procesul de participare in programul Work and Travel presupune si cateva masuri mai birocratice, insa nu foarte complicate. Pentru a te putea inscrie la o agentie in programul Work and Travel vei avea nevoie de o copie dupa cartea de identitate sau copie dupa pasaport si o adeverinta de student de la secretariatul facultatii ale carei cursuri le urmezi. Nu uita, varsta maxima pe care o poti avea pentru a te inscrie in program este de 30 de ani. Sunt acceptati atat studentii din primul an de facultate cat si masteranzii sau doctoranzii aflati in ultimul an de studiu.

Work and Travel – conditii si pasi de urmat

Exista cativa pasi de urmat in cadrul acestui program, pentru a te inscrie, a initia aplicatia ta, depunerea actelor, obtinerea vizei. Ia in calcul si faptul ca acesti pasi includ cheltuieli destul de importante pe care trebuie sa le suporti. Chiar inainte de a pleca din tara vei avea un loc de munca dupa ce vei aplica la targurile de joburi. Se pot face interviuri via Skype pentru obtinerea anumitor locuri de munca. 1 In primul rand trebuie sa vorbesti cu reprezentantul unei agentii care se ocupa cu program de tip Work and Travel. 2 Dupa ce acesta iti va da toate informatiile de care ai nevoie, daca te decizi sa mergi mai departe va fi nevoie sa semnezi un contract de mediere cu agentia respectiva. 3 Vei avea de platit o rata din costul programului 4 Urmeaza obtinerea jobului pe care il doresti prin aplicarea la diferite targuri de joburi spre care te va indrepta agentia in cauza 5 Dupa acest pas urmeaza plata integrala a costului programului 6 Aplicarea pentru permisul de munca 7 Urmeaza si un interviu pentru viza cu Ambasada SUA de la Bucuresti 8 Cumpararea biletului de avion din banii tai si apoi plecarea catre Statele Unite

Work and Travel – conditii si agentii unde poti aplica

Pe piata exista din fericire multe agentii cu care poti aplica la programul Work and Travel pentru Statele Unite, pe perioada vacantei de vara. Unele dintre agentii ofera programe asemanatoare si pentru tari din cadrul Uniunii Europene. Studiaza ofertele lor si vezi care te avantajeaza pe tine cel mai mult. Noi iti recomandam cateva de la care poti obtine informatii foarte bune: Student Travel , American Experience , W ork-Travel  sau StudentsExperience sunt doar cateva dintre cele mai cunoscute.


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GTS * GoToSUA - Work and Travel USA


Avem o experiență de peste 20 de ani pe piața din România pentru programe de schimb cultural pentru studenți. Colaborăm cu cel mai mare sponsor de programe din SUA. An de an, peste 7000 de studenți aleg să călătorească în SUA prin intermediul programului Work & Travel și ne aleg pe noi datorită experienței și transparenței pe care o oferim pe piața din România. Echipa noastră este formată din foști participanți ai programului, iar asta ne ajută să vă oferim vouă o experiență reală a programului.

5  Motive să descoperi SUA cu programul Work and Travel

VEI TRĂI APROAPE 4 LUNI ÎN STATELE UNITE – Destul timp cât să vizitezi cele mai tari destinații şi să trăieşti aşa cum o fac localnicii.

VEI CÂŞTIGA BANI – Destui cât să îţi acopere costurile programului, să călătoreşti, să faci cumpărături şi să îți îndeplinești cele mai mari dorințe.

VEI OBŢINE VIZA PENTRU SUA MAI UŞOR – Eşti sponsorizat de o organizaţie americană desemnată de Departamentul de Stat American şi participi într-un program coordonat de aceeaşi autoritate.


ÎŢI VEI ÎMBOGĂŢI CV-UL CU EXPERIENŢĂ VALOROASĂ – experienţa dobândită prim programul Summer Work and Travel va fi cu siguranță apreciată de către angajatori. De asemenea, îţi vei îmbunătăţi abilităţile de comunicare în limba engleză și de leadership.

5 MOTIVE SĂ descoperi sua CU GTS GoToSUA

Avem experiență de peste 20 de ani în derularea programelor Work and Travel.

 Principalul nostru partener este cel mai mare sponsor de programe din SUA.

Nu avem taxa de zonă, indiferent de locația în care alegi să mergi în State.

Acum și mai multe opțiuni de alegerea jobului: locații exclusive doar prin CIEE Connect, fără costuri suplimentare.

Transparență: știi din momentul înscrierii care va fi costul complet al programului.



work and travel tari

Ce este programul Work and Travel?

Care sunt beneficiile de a participa în program cu GTS?

Care este rolul echipei GTS?

Care este sponsorul meu din SUA?

work and travel tari


Cine poate participa în programul Work and Travel?

Dacă studiez în străinătate, pot participa?

Pot călători cu prietenii?

Pot să particip dacă sunt în primul an de studii?

Pot să particip dacă sunt în ultimul an de studii?

Când pot să plec?

Cum aplic la viză?

work and travel tari

Cum să găseşti un job de vară în SUA?

Ce fel de job-uri pot să am?

Cum sunt plătite job-urile în SUA?

Care sunt cele mai noi job-uri pe care le oferiţi?

work and travel tari

Cât costă programul?

Cum pot să plătesc?

Pot să plătesc când mă întorc din SUA?

  Cum mă înscriu?

  Când este cel mai bine să mă înscriu?

Încă nu știi de unde să începi? Noi te ajutăm!

Înscrie-te acum pentru o prezentare online a programului și noi îți vom răspunde la toate întrebările tale.

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Narom Travel Albania

Student's first choice for lifetime experiences

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Work and Travel USA

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Kurse gjuhësh

work and travel tari

Whether you’re seeking a temporary place to stay upon arrival to the U.S. or during your travel period, you’ll want to make your housing arrangements in advance. We’ve compiled a list of affordable hostels and special discounts in the United States that Narom Travel Albania in cooperation with InterExchange has arranged for program participants. We …

work and travel tari

Culture Shock

What is Culture Shock? As a Work & Travel USA participant, you’ll have an incredible opportunity to experience American culture by living and working in the U.S. and interacting with many different people. What you may find surprising is how diverse the United States is! We encourage you to embrace the diversity and make an …

work and travel tari

Estimated Costs and Budget

Congratulations on joining the Narom Travel Albania Work & Travel USA program! The majority of our participants spend between $1500 and $2000 throughout their stay in the United States. We suggest participants budget at least $900 to $1200 to cover their initial costs and deposits when they arrive in the U.S., and to cover any …

work and travel tari

Your Housing Guide

Once you’ve confirmed that you’ll be visiting the U.S. on our Work & Travel USA program, you’ll need to find a place to live. Make sure you’ve read your job offer agreement closely to understand whether your host employer has arranged housing for you. If your employer doesn’t arrange housing, you’ll be responsible for finding …

0753 555 516     [email protected]   |  ALUMNI

Vacante Speciale pe Facebook


Work and Travel USA este un program de schimb cultural international al Departamentului de Stat al Statelor Unite ale Americii

Ce trebuie sa faci tu?

Suna sau vino in agentie Inscrie-te in program Participa la targuri de joburi Obtine viza pentru SUA Petrece-ti vacanta de vara in SUA Spune prietenilor “Am fost in State”

Ce oferim noi?

Iti povestim experienta noastra in USA Iti prezentam oferte de job Cursuri de limba engleza Organizam interviul cu reprezentantul locatiei gazda din SUA Programam interviul pentru viza Biletele de avion

Ce ai nevoie ?

Carnet de student Cartea de identitate Limba engleza la nivel conversational Flexibilitate cand iti alegi jobul Sa iti respecti contractul Sa iti definitivezi studiile

– Taxa SEVIS 35 USD – Taxa interviului pentru viza 185 USD – Biletul de avion dus-intors – Bani de buzunar

Site Hanalei Bay Resort

Locatie gazda: Hanalei Bay Resort 23.00 usd/ora Oras: Kauai (Hawaii) Date plecare: 15 iunie - 31 iulie Date revenire: 15 aug. - 30 sept. Descriere: A Front Desk Representative is a professional who is the first point of contact for all customers of a business. They greet customers, answer phones, receive and deliver mail, and assist with maintaining and ordering office supplies;

Talk to us: 0753.555.516 0732.947.700 [email protected]

Shore Lodge Housekeeper

Room Attendant

Locatie gazda: Shore Lodge Whitetail Club 22.5 $/ora + tips Oras: McCall (ID)

Date plecare: 15 iunie - 31 iulie Date revenire: 15 aug. - 30 sept.

Descriere: Responsible for keeping guest rooms in a hotel clean.

Shore Lodge Whitetail Club

Culinary Kitchen Rotation

Locatie gazda: Shore Lodge Whitetail Club 24 usd/ora Oras: McCall (ID) Date plecare: 15 iunie - 31 iulie Date revenire: 15 aug. - 30 sept. Descriere: Responsible to assist in the preparation of meals by chopping vegetables, making salads, and putting together entrees.

Fairmont Orchid Hawaii

Locatie gazda: Fairmont Orchid 22.88 usd/ora Oras: Kohala (Hawaii) Date plecare: 15 iunie - 31 iulie Date revenire: 15 aug. - 30 sept. Descriere: Accurately and efficiently cook meats, fish, vegetables, soups and other hot food products. Complies consistently with company standards on portion sizes, cooking methods, quality standards and kitchen rules, recipes, policies and procedures.

Mai multe job-uri


Dreams come true if you have the courage to pursue them

Despre Work and Travel​

Work and Travel USA este un program de schimb cultural international al Departamentului de Stat al Statelor Unite ale Americii, care permite studentilor la zi din diverse tari ale lumii sa mearga in vacanta de vara in Statele Unite. Principalul scop al programului este acela de a familiariza studentii straini cu viata si cultura Americii moderne si de a da posibilitatea locuitorilor Statelor Unite ale Americii sa inteleaga alte culturi.

Cui ii este adresat?

Work and travel prin cnd management solutions.

Work & Travel Group

  • Conditions for participation
  • Special loan
  • Full Exclusive Program price
  • 5 biggest misleads
  • Job Locations
  • Interviews With Employers
  • Job Positions
  • Hilton Head Island
  • Amelia Island
  • Traverse City
  • Lake George
  • Cedar Point Experiences
  • Free English Language Course
  • SERFSAFE course
  • Health Insurance
  • DS 2019 form
  • Social Security Number
  • I-94 formular
  • About Program
  • Types and prices of the program
  • Types of camps
  • Necessary documentation
  • Living in the camp
  • Program Offer
  • Full Program Price
  • Self Program Price
  • Pay 0$ for the program
  • Program payment
  • Employer for Full Exclusive Program
  • Location for Full Exclusive Program
  • Job positions for Full Exclusive Program
  • Accommodation for Full Exclusive Program
  • About the program
  • Necessary Documentation
  • Campus Locations
  • Accommodation


  • Job locations

work and travel tari

There is no such a place in the world such as Hawaii. Natural beauties of the island are breath taking. They are the place of the beginning of the modern surfing. There are some of the most active volcanoes and they represent one of the youngest geological formations in the world.

Hawaii consists of 8 main islands: Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lanai, Maui, Hawaii, Niihau and Kahoolawe.

Important facts:

Population – 1.4 million people.. Language: English, Hawaiian 10 million of tourists visit the island yearly One of the most popular tourist destinations in the USA! Hawaii are the only federal state which has a tropical rainforest on its territory. Iolani Palace in Honolulu, is the only royal palace in the USA Hawaii is the only federal state which consists exclusively of islands and the youngest federal state (they have been the part of the USA since 1959 Hawaii is the only federal state which grows coffee, cocoa, vanilla.

The Westin Hotel & Resorts

Famous hotel chain established in 1930. Today it counts over 190 luxurious hotels worldwide. It is owned by je kompanije Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide.

Westin Hotel is situated on Maui Island in Lahaina city, former capital of Hawaii in 19th century. This city is a modern tourist destination with over 200 restaurants, numerous hotels, bars, shops…

work and travel tari


It is a worldwide famous chain of fast food restaurants, which owns over 35000 objects in the world. It was established in 1940. Today, it has over 1.9 million of employees worldwide.

Lokacija McDonald’s restorana je Maui,Hawaii.

work and travel tari

  • O kolačićima
  • Striktno neophodni kolačići
  • 3rd Party Cookies

Ovaj veb sajt koristi kolačiće kako bismo vam pružili najbolje moguće korisničko iskustvo. Informacije o kolačićima se čuvaju u vašem pretraživaču i obavljaju funkciju prepoznavanja kada se vratite na naš veb sajt i pomažu našem timu da razume koje delove veb sajta smatrate najzanimljivijim i najkorisnijim.

Striktno neophodni kolačići treba da bude omogućeni u svakom trenutku kako bismo mogli da sačuvamo vaša podešavanja kolačića.

Ako onemogućite ovaj kolačić, nećemo moći da sačuvamo vaša podešavanja. To znači da ćete svaki put kada posetite naš veb sajt morati ponovo da omogućite ili onemogućite kolačiće.

Ova veb sajt koristi Google Analitiku za prikupljanje anonimnih informacija kao što su broj posetilaca sajta i najpopularnije stranice.

Omogućavanje ovog kolačića nam pomaže da poboljšamo našu veb sajt.

Molimo prvo omogućite strogo neophodne kolačiće da bismo sačuvali vaše postavke!

work and travel tari

The US Ambassador presented the visa to an Integral client

Our first customers received visas for america for summer'24, everything important for the wat program, 2024 wat booklet is here, great news for all participants, work and travel'24 enrolments just started, congratulations to andrijana aleksovska, integral participant wins in the us, current job offers.

work and travel tari

Type of interview

Through an online platform

Guest Services Crew

Aramark denali park village, starting dates, ending dates.

work and travel tari

Fast Food Crew

Couto dunkin', massachusetts.

work and travel tari

JLH Rivers Edge Resort

work and travel tari

Piezanos Pizza North

work and travel tari

Dining Room Attendant/ Event

Glacier park inc grouse mountain lodge, dining room attendant, glacier park by pursuit st mary village.

work and travel tari

Breakfast Attendant

Witham family hotels bar harbor motel.

work and travel tari

In-Person Interview

HAP McKinley Princess Wilderness Lodge

work and travel tari


Eddies cafe and gifts.

work and travel tari

Grand Beach and Sugar Beach Resort Hotel

work and travel tari

Food and Beverage Assistant

Newport hotel group - 2024 summer.

work and travel tari

Hospitality Crew

work and travel tari


Chatham bars inn, stein eriksen lodge.

work and travel tari

Sales Ambassador

Seaworld orlando.

work and travel tari

Aquatica Orlando Water Park

work and travel tari

Busser - Food Runner

Sunset grille.

work and travel tari

Grocery Store Clerk

Stop and shop supermarket at nantucket 2415, boardwalk guest services, santa cruz seaside company.

work and travel tari

For more than 30 years Integral helps high school and university students from Bulgaria to accomplish their dreams.

work and travel tari

students travelled on the Work and Travel USA program with Integral

One of the best Quality-Price ratio

work and travel tari

Huge variety of verified and secure job offers

work and travel tari

We are assisting you during the whole process

work and travel tari

One of the easiest and quickest ways to apply

work and travel tari

We are preparing the entire visa application

work and travel tari

Travel Assistance

work and travel tari

Student internships

work and travel tari

Acquire professional experience in the USA for your field of study with the Internship USA program.

work and travel tari

Team up with a friend - save $30 each

work and travel tari

Sign up with a friend and get gifts from Integral

Wat program.

work and travel tari

  • What is Work and Travel USA?
  • What are the benefits in participating in a WAT program?
  • Who may participate?
  • How long does the WAT program lasts?

Program Fees

work and travel tari

  • Self-arranged job offers
  • Job offers arranged by Integral
  • Additional costs and fees
  • Pay after you come back
  • Pay with your american taxes
  • Payout without cost

The Journey

work and travel tari

  • Organizing your trip
  • Travel and arrival
  • Luggage Insurance

Federal Taxes

work and travel tari

  • Types of taxes
  • Check Cashing
  • Tax Advantage
  • Types of documents

News and offers via email

  • | 0755.99.77.88 | 0725.97.76.50



work and travel tari

$18.00 per hour

work and travel tari

$17.00 per hour

work and travel tari

$16.00 per hour

work and travel tari

$12.00 per hour

work and travel tari

$15.00 per hour


Informatii despre program.

work and travel tari

  • Kriterijai WT pretendentams
  • Daug darbų JAV
  • Reikiamos investicijos WT
  • Pretendavimo seka
  • Verta WT USA per mus!
  • Išsamiau apie WT USA
  • DUK apie WT USA
  • WT-USA in English
  • Registracija (preliminari)
  • Laiko biure rezervacija
  • CIEE information
  • Participants' Experiences
  • Types of Camps
  • Skills Desired
  • Qualities - Counselor
  • Read to Apply
  • Praktikos JAV
  • About Teach USA
  • Why Teach USA
  • Eligibility Teach USA
  • Positions Teach USA
  • Documents Teach USA
  • Apply Teach USA
  • Support on Teach USA
  • FAQ Teach USA
  • Investicijos
  • Praktikos Europoje
  • Praktikos Kanadoje
  • Assistance Services
  • New Zealand Working Holiday
  • Dalyvių patirtis
  • Au Pair USA
  • JAV H2B vizos programa
  • JAV H1B vizos programa
  • TEFL kursai, darbas
  • Virtual Internship USA
  • Studies Online
  • Virtual Volunteering
  • JAV žaliai kortai
  • Privatumo politika

work and travel tari

Vietų (dalyvių) skaičiai "Work and Travel USA" programoje, kuriuos JAV Valstybės Departamentas skiria programos rengėjams / sponsoriams - griežtai limituoti  ir   jau artėjama prie limitų!

Kviečiame peržiūrėti mūsų 2023 m. gruodžio 7 d. „Zoom“ renginio „Work & Travel USA - Your Lifetime Opportunity“ įrašą:

https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/-21jh50Lx5rhA5upDnSBiBH9PlgCcK9nl6eKC3_iSYb_U-KSJdiEMGJXEN3Wu31o.GpS5W1EFdCMl9gtc . Passcode: 0$$uDZuK Dėkojame JAV Konsului gerb. M.W. Scranton , maloniai sutikusiam pasisakyti šiame mūsų renginyje. Dėkojame Vaidai - mūsų WT 2023 m. programos dalyvei, renginyje pasidalijusiai savo patirtimi.

Kviečiame peržiūrėti mūsų 2023 m. spalio 18 d. Zoom renginio „Work and Travel USA 2024“ įrašą: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/ERG9VlNW6RUksq9DcPuM04naaQzFJz-Wx0gDZSid40BZP38QZ1sVfaq3VKqMkt_f.lhUmBiMTPjo24WZ7 . Passcode: FP=7ZW%D   Dėkojame Agnei ir Lukui , renginyje  pasidalijusiems savo patirtimi apie 2023 m. vasaros „Work and Travel USA“ programą.

Programa " Work and Travel USA " - itin gera galimybė studentams iš arti pažinti JAV, įgyti naujų draugų, parsivežti daug įspūdžių, kurie liks ilgam. Tik studentai (įskaitant baigsiančius studijas pavasario semestru prieš pat programą) gali pretenduoti į "Work and Travel USA". Baigus studijas nebebus šios galimybės! Tad kol esi studentė / studentas - nepraleisk progos sudalyvauti ir Tu!

"Work and Travel USA" ("Summer Work Travel") programa - pati populiariausia ir skaitlingiausia programa jaunimui JAV,  vykdoma jau daugiau kaip 50 metų. Apie 100.000 programos "Work and Travel USA" dalyvių per metus iš daugelio pasaulio šalių  dirbdavo ir keliaudavo JAV po kelis mėnesius savo vasaros atostogų laikotarpiu.

Užsiregistravę mūsų Centre, galite:       a) sumokėję tik 20 EUR programos mokesčio dalį, bandyti gauti darbo pasiūlymą savarankiška komunikacija su JAV darbdaviais, pasinaudodami ir dideliu sąrašu firmų JAV, kurios ankstesniais metais priėmė WT dalyvius (sąrašas ir patarimai - mūsų Centro Klientų sektoriuje) - "WT-Self" programos variantui (su mažesniu programos mokesčiu);      b) jei po kelių savaičių pasirodys, kad trūksta laiko ar sėkmės savarankiškoje komunikacijoje - galėsite pretenduoti į darbo pasiūlymus per mūsų partnerius JAV - "WT-Premium" programos variantui (sumokėję antrą programos mokesčio dalį - registracijos "WT-Premium" atrankai įmoką - planuotina 200 EUR);      c) arba galite iškart rinktis kelią pretenduoti į darbo pasiūlymus per mūsų partnerius JAV - "WT-Premium".

Užsiregistravusius informuojame apie galimas „WT-Premium“ programos varianto atrankas. „WT-Premium“ privalumai:      - nereikia gaišti daug laiko siuntinėjimui laiškų šimtams JAV firmų, laukti atsakymų (nusiteikiant, kad daug firmų gali nieko neatsakyti), susirašinėjimui su atsakiusiomis firmomis;      - gavus darbo pasiūlymą, sumokėjus visą programos mokestį ir perdavus paraišką programos rengėjui / sponsoriui JAV, nereikia laukti, kol sponsorius tikrins darbovietę, darbo pasiūlymą ir nuspręs, ar tinka / netinka WT programai (jei netinka - reikėtų arba greitai savarankiškai gauti kitos firmos darbo pasiūlymą, tinkamą "WT-Self", arba pretenduoti "WT-Premium", didėtų programos mokestis);      - „WT-Premium“ programos varianto atrankose skelbiami darbo pasiūlymai, darbovietės - jau iš anksto aprobuoti WT programai;      - programos mokestis „WT-Premium“ yra šiek tiek didesnis (priklauso ir nuo partnerių JAV), bet tą skirtumą (apie 200 - 300 USD) įmanoma JAV užsidirbti ir per kelias darbo dienas;      - populiariausioje - InterExchange sponsoriaus sistemoje ( https://app.interexchange.org/cooperators/29706c28/job_listings ) būna (nuo spalio - lapkričio) tūkstančiai "gyvų" - realių darbo pasiūlymų, o anksčiau pretenduojantiems ir priimantiems darbo pasiūlymą - galima ženkli nuolaida nuo standartinio „WT-Premium“ programos mokesčio tarifo.

"Work and Travel USA" programoje vietų (dalyvių) skaičius griežtai ribotas. "WT-Self" vietos paprastai užpildomos per sausio mėnesį, tad norintiems pretenduoti į "WT-Self" vietas, rekomenduotina registruotis mūsų Centre kuo anksčiau. Pretendavimo į „Work and Travel USA“ programą procesai trunka kelis mėnesius ( https://lwc-wt.lt/wtusa/seka/ ).  Ilgiau atidėliojant pretendavimo veiksmų pradžią, būtų rizika nespėti, netilpti į programos kvotas, ypač – į „WT-Self“. 

Nuoširdžiai dėkojame JAV ambasadai Lietuvoje už intensyvų darbą 2023 metais nuo vasario mėnesio iki birželio mėnesio su „Work and Travel USA“ programos pretendentų dokumentais, pokalbiais dėl vizos! Džiaugiamės, kad visi mūsų 2023 m. „Work and Travel USA“ programos pretendentai sėkmingai gavo JAV J-1 vizas ir kad 2023 m. vasarą daug daugiau mūsų studentų (lyginant su 2022 m., tuo labiau lyginant su 2021 m. ir 2020 m.) praleido JAV su „Work and Travel USA“ programa!

Jei svarstote, ar verta dalyvauti programoje "Work and Travel USA" :      Peržvelkite mūsų 2023 m. sausio 17 d. Zoom renginio "Work and Travel USA - Neprasnausk savo vasaros!" transliacijos įrašą: https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/bynOy3VQIVA05ShzXWX5Khd2rNBXLak61my8WNiVyi3CjvI94rPNv0DnF4Rr5BqY.7ziS2QWXyUnlrBM5 (Passcode: 1?9ENqZJ) . Dėkojame Teresei, renginyje pasidalijusiai savo patirtimi gaunant darbo pasiūlymą 2022 m. vasaros WT programai, pretenduojant 2023 m. vasaros WT programos darbo pasiūlymams ir įspūdžiais iš JAV.      Peržvelkite mūsų 2022 m. lapkričio 16 d. Zoom renginio "Work and Travel USA - kaip gauti darbą JAV" transliacijos įrašą: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/20221116_WTUSA_kaip_gauti_darbus_Recording.mp4 . Dėkojame Saulei, Ugnei, Ievai, renginyje pasidalijusiomis savo patirtimi gaunant darbo pasiūlymus 2022 m. vasaros WT programai ir įspūdžiais iš JAV.      Peržvelkite mūsų  2022 m. spalio 26 d. Zoom renginio „Work & Travel USA 2023“ transliacijos įrašą: https://us.lwc-wt.lt/data/files/20221026_WTUSA_2023_Recording.mp4 . Dėkojame Justinai, Ievai, renginyje pasidalijusiomis savo įspūdžiais ir patirtimi iš 2022 m. vasaros JAV.      Pažiūrėkite 2021 m. WT dalyvio Kristijono, dirbusio „Southwestern Advantage", video „ My Summer in USA 2021 ": https://youtu.be/mpdwsvnQe5s .      Pažiūrėkite videofilmą („Arena HD TV“) su mūsų „Work and Travel USA“ dalyvių įspūdžiais: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1PzPRKAnOM&feature=youtu.be .      P erskaitykite informaciją šios mūsų svetainės puslapiuose.      Peržiūrėkite kitų programos dalyvių video bei foto įspūdžius ("YouTube" - dar 3 video nuorodos - šio puslapio "meniu" dešinėje ar žemiau, kt., "Facebook").      Pasikalbėkite su tais, kas jau dalyvavo „Work and Travel USA“ programoje .

Kodėl į „Work and Travel USA“ verta per mūsų Centrą Kriterijai programos pretendentams Daug darbo pasiūlymų JAV!   Planuotinos investicijos Work Travel USA programai

Mūsų Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lithuanianworldcenterwesa/

Ar jau buvote JAV?

  Ne, bet noriu!   Taip, ir dar noriu!   Taip, jau pakaks.   Ne, nenoriu.

work and travel tari

WORK AND TRAVEL USA | It's closer than you think!

Ne gasesti online sau fizic in bucuresti, constanta, craiova si galati, vino cu un prieten si aveti fiecare cate 50 de dolari discount, job-uri work & travel usa, live the real american experience.

Work and Travel USA permite studentilor din intreaga lume sa lucreze si sa traiasca in America in timpul vacantei de vara. Programul este cunoscut ca cel mai simplu si mai sigur mod de a merge si de a lucra legal in Statele Unite. 

Studentii din program lucreaza, se odihnesc, calatoresc, exploreaza, castiga experiente noi, cunosc oameni si culturi noi si creeaza amintiri de povestit!

In timpul programului si in cadrul job-ului Work&Travel, este posibil sa castigi suficienti bani pentru a acoperi toate cheltuielile care au precedat plecarea in SUA, in timp ce restul castigurilor pot fi folosite pentru calatorii, aventura, cumparaturi de calitate sau economii.

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Optiunea PLACEMENT te ajuta sa gasesti angajatorul perfect pentru tine! Te conectam cu angajatorii americani care cauta J-1 pentru o serie de pozitii. Avem o abordare personalizata: gasim angajatorul care sa se potriveasca tuturor criterilor tale, fie ca este vorba de o pozitie de munca, de orarul dorit, de un stat anume, etc. Pretul programului include asigurari de sanatate pe toata durata programului. Pretul programului NU include o taxa SEVIS de 35 USD, biletul de avion, cazare si o taxa de viza a Ambasadei SUA. 


Ai deja o oferta de munca? Foarte bine! Optiunea Self-Arrange ofera costuri mai mici, dar in acelasi timp implica depunerea unui efort suplimentar pentru a gasi un angajator. Odata ce ne furnizezi o oferta de job completa, te inscriem in program si incepem procesul de aprobare a angajatorului.

Nota: luati in considerare faptul ca acest proces dureaza cel putin 12 zile lucratoare! Pretul programului include asigurari de sanatate pe toata durata programului. Pretul programului NU include o taxa SEVIS de 35 USD, un bilet de avion, cazare si o taxa de viza a Ambasadei SUA.


De ce sa te alaturi programului work and travel america.

De ce sa te alaturi programului Work and Travel America?

Participarea la programul Work&Travel in America este o experienta valoroasa, precum si o referinta excelenta in CV-ul dvs. Angajatorii americani sunt primitori atunci cand vine vorba de recomandari si puteti conta pe ajutorul si sprijinul lor odata ce deveniti parte a pietei fortei de munca.

Programul va ofera posibilitatea de a lucra in pozitii mult mai bine platite decat orice loc de munca pentru studenti din Romania. Este suficient sa spunem ca unii studenti, la intoarcerea din programul Work & Travel, pe langa faptul ca nu au avut nicio problema sa acopere toate costurile programului, au calatorit in toata SUA si apoi s-au plimbat si prin Europa.


Cea mai mare provocare pentru toti participantii este distanta fata de prieteni, familie si cei dragi mii de kilometri, timp de luni de zile. Dar este, de asemenea, o oportunitate de a iesi din zona ta de confort si in viitor sa accepti cu usurinta toate provocarile!


Pe parcursul catorva luni de vara, veti lucra cot la cot cu americani din toate colturile Statelor Unite, dar si cu studenti din alte parti ale Europei si ale lumii. Prin urmare, veti intalni multe persoane noi si potentiali prieteni.

Work and Travel USA va ofera o oportunitate unica de a vedea unele dintre cele mai renumite locuri din America, sa va bucurati de natura impresionanta, de a face parte din vacantele si festivalurile americane - toate acestea si multe altele fac parte din experienta unui job Work&Travel USA!  





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  • sa aiba (cel putin) cunostinte de baza de limba engleza.
  •  iti asigura restituirea aproape integrala a costului de program (mai putin a primei transe achitata la inscriere) in caz ca nu mai poti pleca din anumite motive (medicale, deces in familie) 
  • Cost: 109 USD

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  • Cost: 149 USD.

Stim ca angajamentele dumneavoastra de la facultate sunt pe primul loc. Nu iti face grij!

Procesul de inscriere in program nu va dura prea mult din timpul tau. Aproape toti pasii de aplicare au fost digitalizati, iar cu ajutorul nostru veti gasi angajatorul perfect pentru vara dumneavoastra in SUA!


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For Baltimore-area residents, bridge collapse means longer commutes, uncertain prospects

Laurel Wamsley at NPR headquarters in Washington, D.C., November 7, 2018. (photo by Allison Shelley)

Laurel Wamsley

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Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed after being hit by the Dali container vessel, as seen from Riviera Beach, Md., on Tuesday. Carol Guzy for NPR hide caption

Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed after being hit by the Dali container vessel, as seen from Riviera Beach, Md., on Tuesday.

For Marylanders like Becky Grimes, who works at an Amazon warehouse near the eastern end of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, the bridge's sudden collapse immediately changed the shape of her day — and many days ahead.

She normally takes the Key Bridge to and from work, but it now takes an extra half hour each way to drive through the city of Baltimore instead of around it.

What we know and don't know about Baltimore's Key Bridge collapse

What we know and don't know about Baltimore's Key Bridge collapse

"I'm not looking forward to it," she says. "There's a lot of people that already want to transfer out."

The collapse of the bridge and the closure of the Port of Baltimore is upending life for countless people in the Chesapeake region.

For many residents, it's the bridge closure that will shake up their daily lives, lengthening commutes and clogging the city's tunnels.

But for the regional economy, the far bigger blow is that the fallen bridge and the container ship Dali are blocking the Port of Baltimore .

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A sign warns drivers heading to Baltimore that the Francis Scott Key bridge is closed and to use alternate routes. Laurel Wamsley/NPR hide caption

A sign warns drivers heading to Baltimore that the Francis Scott Key bridge is closed and to use alternate routes.

"Because of the port being suspended, we don't have any traffic yesterday, today, at least for the next week or a week and a half," says Brent Howard, president of the Baltimore County Chamber of Commerce. "That's money that we're losing every day because those ships are being redirected to other ports. Norfolk, Newark, Philadelphia are getting that revenue on a daily basis that was already slotted for Baltimore."

And the Key Bridge is a toll bridge that last year generated 7% of the total revenue for the state's transportation authority, according to an analysis by Moody's.

Mercedes, GM, Stellantis scramble; Port jobs are at risk after Baltimore disaster

Mercedes, GM, Stellantis scramble; Port jobs are at risk after Baltimore disaster

Howard says getting the port and bridge running again is pivotal to the region , both economically and emotionally.

"We're the Chesapeake," he says. "Baltimore is really connected to the port and connected to water and connected to ships and vessels. That's something that's always been intrinsic to Baltimore's history, going back to our inception."

A bustling port, now in limbo

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Brenda Cotsairis has seen the area weather its ups and downs. On Tuesday, she joined others at a lookout in Dundalk, Md., where the collapsed bridge was visible. Laurel Wamsley/NPR hide caption

Brenda Cotsairis has seen the area weather its ups and downs. On Tuesday, she joined others at a lookout in Dundalk, Md., where the collapsed bridge was visible.

As a little girl in the 1970s , Brenda Cotsairis's father brought her to a sandy beach to see the Key Bridge under construction.

She works at a local grocery store and has seen the area weather its ups and downs.

"For a lot of years, good jobs were gone and then things started to come back," she says. "And now we have Tradepoint Atlantic and we have the port bustling — it's a very, very busy port and it's thriving for Baltimore. And now it's devastated."

Baltimore's Key Bridge was built in the '70s, but has a deep and patriotic history

Baltimore's Key Bridge was built in the '70s, but has a deep and patriotic history

Daraius Irani, an economist at Towson University, estimates that the port's closure is costing between $10 million and $15 million a day in lost economic activity. And at least another $1 million a day in state and local taxes won't be collected while the port is closed.

Still, Irani says the port — which last year had its best year ever — should fully rebound. That's in part because Baltimore's port is about a day further inland than many others on the Eastern seaboard, putting it closer to points in the Midwest.

More from WYPR in Baltimore:

  • No immediate public health hazards from Dali, Maryland gets $60M for cleanup
  • Maryland lawmakers want to expand state of emergency powers in wake of bridge collapse
  • Baltimore Orioles Opening Day now, 'Reopening Day' to come, governor promises
  • Shipping closure at Port of Baltimore could have worldwide economic impacts

For the latest from member station WYPR in Baltimore head to wypr.org

He says if the port remains closed for months, there could be some furloughs, but he doesn't expect layoffs among workers there. And Irani says the bridge's collapse will likely create some jobs.

"You hate to say this, but in any kind of disaster, there's obviously the opportunity for the rebuild. So new construction jobs will likely come up because they need to build a new bridge," he says.

Businesses near the bridge could see fewer customers

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The town of Dundalk is among the Maryland communities near the Key Bridge likely to see less traffic while the bridge is down. Laurel Wamsley/NPR hide caption

The town of Dundalk is among the Maryland communities near the Key Bridge likely to see less traffic while the bridge is down.

The bridge's absence will almost certainly have a longer impact on the small businesses located near its entrances on either side of the Patapsco River.

Joe Gold is the general manager of Key Brewing, a craft brewery in the town of Dundalk. Like the bridge, the brewery was named after Francis Scott Key, who wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner."

"We're not shut down I mean, it's not like that," Gold said Wednesday. "It's just ... the community is going to have to readjust."

With the Key Bridge closed, the traffic that would have passed by to get on I-695 is now taking alternate routes — routes that don't pass by Key Brewing's taproom.

"When I came to work this morning, past 95 to our office, it was the least amount of traffic that I've ever seen on my commute," Gold says.

He says that's a sign that people aren't coming that direction anymore, at least during their daily commutes.

Loss of ship's power and stiff current may have led to bridge collision, experts say

Loss of ship's power and stiff current may have led to bridge collision, experts say

Is he worried about his business surviving? Not just yet.

"It's still too early," he says. "It's still too fresh to kind of know how deep of an impact this is going to have."

It all depends on how long it takes to clear the port — and rebuild a very long bridge.

  • Francis Scott Key Bridge
  • Baltimore bridge collapse
  • Small Businesses

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Denver,25 Jun - 30 Sep

Halycon - a hotel in cherry creek.

Room Attendant

Room Attendant

Room attendants perform routine cleaning and servicing of guest rooms

Wisconsin Dells,15 Jun - 30 Sep

Pizza ranch.

Crew Member

Crew Member

Will be responsible for bussing tables, operating cash registers, giving change, cleaning the...

Ocean City,15 Jun - 30 Sep

Dead freddies island grill.

Kitchen Worker

Kitchen Worker

Preparing cold foods, slicing vegetables, meats, preparing menu items in accordance to recipes


Sunny California

Stefania Sandulea

Brașov - ocean city.


Karina Polk

Timișoara - new england.

Karina Polk

Stefania Sanda

București - ocean city.

Stefania Sanda

Izabela Sabau

Cluj-napoca - wisconsin dells.

Izabela Sabau

Cristina Stefan

Cristina Stefan

Andra Ghilan

Iași - cody, wyoming.

Andra Ghilan

Tibor Ritner

Oradea - ocean city.

Tibor Ritner

Iulian Radu

Iulian Radu

Steliana Cosareanu

Steliana Cosareanu

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Sau, daca vrei, cu unul dintre cei care au fost si s-au intors "la fel, dar nu tocmai la fel".

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I wanted to make quick money and travel the world — so I moved to Australia and became a FIFO worker

  • Cal Mcilwaine gets flown in to Pilbara, Australia to work 12-hour days for three weeks straight.
  • So far he's made around $80K before taxes, has no living expenses on-site, and travels on his week off. 
  • After a year of working, Mcilwaine plans to use the money he made to go on a 10-month trip.  

Insider Today

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with  Cal Mcilwaine , a 29-year-old FIFO worker in Australia. This essay has been edited for length and clarity. Insider verified his identity, employment, and salary.

I'm the lone wolf of my friend group.

Back in Ireland , all of my friends were getting married, buying houses, and having kids. I wanted to set off on an adventure and travel the world.

I started to research different career opportunities that would allow me to make good money that I could spend on travel . I always had an interest in visiting Australia and I had heard about mining jobs years ago.

I figured if I did that for a couple of months, I would have a piggy bank for traveling. So in June 2023, I left Ireland and moved to Perth, Australia to become a FIFO worker, which stands for "fly in, fly out."

Landing a FIFO job in a new country wasn't easy

FIFO is an industry that largely exists only in mining fields in Australia, Canada, and Alaska. Mining companies in Australia extract iron ore along with other minerals and send it to crushers and refineries. Then, it goes to Port Hedland , which is the main port in Australia, and cargo ships send it to China.

Australia is one of the most mineral-rich countries in the world, so there are a ton of mining projects and FIFO jobs available here.

But that doesn't mean it was easy to land one.

I found some YouTube videos about FIFO work, but there was no how-to guide on what to do if you want to enter the industry from a foreign country.

I had to come up with my own game plan, which included applying for a working Visa. I had no experience in mining and I had never driven a truck or bulldozer — I also didn't have a license in Australia. It wasn't going to be easy moving to another country and landing one of these jobs, but I was determined.

After arriving in Australia, I spent about three days exploring tourist sites before I turned to the job hunt process. In Australia, you need to get tickets, which are like qualifications. I spent two and a half weeks at a training center getting certified in CPR and working on an elevated platform, along with a heavy rigid license to drive big trucks.

Once I did that, I paid a company called W1n W1n to do my résumé and absolutely hammered job pages and applied to as many FIFO jobs as I could for about 10 days. Within a month of arriving in Australia, I secured a FIFO job.

Now, I help others get into the industry with videos on social media and a guide I made for foreign workers interested in FIFO.

I work 12-hour days for three weeks straight

I get flown in from Perth to work in Pilbara, a northwest region of Australia that's rich in iron ore.

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I wake up around 4 a.m. to get ready for work, which starts at 5:30 a.m., and I spend the next 12 hours in the mining field.

The conditions are physically strenuous and the average temperature during the day is 95 degrees Fahrenheit. In peak summer time, it hits about 113 degrees.

As a serviceman, I maintain a fleet of 45 or 50 machines, including dump trucks, diggers, dozers, scrapers, and other mining equipment. Throughout the day, I fill them up with fuel, grease them up, top up fluids, and blow out their air filters.

Then I pack everything back into my truck and drive to the next machine. I usually end work at 5:30 p.m., and the ride back to the site takes about 40 minutes so I usually get home at 6:10 p.m.

Normally, when I get back I try to shark down food and organize lunch for the next day. I aim to go to bed at 9:30 p.m. so that I can get as much sleep as possible for the next day.

During my week off, I get flown back out to Perth. The flight takes about two hours. Some people go on weekend trips to Bali. I like to go on road trips around Australia.

I also have the flexibility to go on breaks during the year. I took seven weeks off around Christmas and went to Esperance, which is on the southwest coast of Australia.

I've made around $80,000 so far this year pre-tax, and my expenses on-site are paid for

As a FIFO worker, companies pay for employee flights to and from the mining field. They also pay for housing accommodations and offer amenities like a food court and gym at the housing site.

@calmcilwaine What is my FIFO Room like? 👀 This will give everyone an idea of what the typical FIFO room is like. #fifo #FIFO #fifolife #fifoworker #fifoworkers #fifoaustralia #fifojob #fifojobs #fifojobsaustralia #fiforoom #fifocamp #fifocamplife #roomtour #fifomining #fifominingaustralia #flyinflyout #flyinflyoutlife #flyinflyoutjobs #australia #westernaustralia #miningwa #miningaustralia #pilbara #pilbaraliving #pilbaralife #pilbaramining #australiajobs #miningindustry #fifogirls #fifoedition #fifouze #whv #work #worklife #workingholidayvisa #workingholidayvisaaustralia #workingvisa #workvisa #417 #417visa #88days #regionalwork #regionalworkaustralia #miningtok #irishtiktok #irishinoz #irishinoz🇮🇪🇦🇺 #irishinaustralia #irishinaus #irishinperth #irishinsydney #irishinmelbourne #backpacker #backpackers #backpackerjobs #highpayingjobs #highwages #wealth #flyin #movetoaus #movetoaustralia #movetoaustraliawithme #movingtoaus #movingtoaustralia #newtofifo #fifotiktok #fifotips ♬ original sound - Cal McIlwaine

My room is dorm-like and it's nothing special but it has everything I need and I use it for sleep.

There's a big workout culture among FIFO workers and the gym is well-equipped to satisfy those needs. The gym has a strength room, a cardio room, an outdoor gym, a CrossFit room with classes offered, and a female-only gym. I usually walk about 25,000 steps a day on the job but still try to work out about two or three times a week.

As someone completely new to the industry, I make $5,329 Australian Dollars per week before taxes, which is around $3,477 USD — but I also don't work every single week of the month. So far, I've made around $80,000 before taxes working the last nine months, including a seven-week break I took to travel around Australia.

During my week off, I fly back to Perth and either go away for a week or pay a friend to stay with him for the week. My expenses during my week off usually come out to around $1,300 USD.

I'm getting the adventure I was searching for

I originally planned to work this job for three or fourth months at most.

But now I've been here for nine months and I plan to stick it out for the rest of the year. Once I learned about the machines, became a part of the crew, and started making good money, I didn't see a point in leaving.

I'm enjoying learning new skills and my bank account just keeps growing. Once I wrap up the year, I'm going on a 10-month trip to Vietnam, Thailand, New Zealand, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

I won't have to worry about working and I'll get to experience the adventure I've been craving.

Once I'm done, I plan to get right back into FIFO work for my second year and do it all over again.

Watch: Inside the floating tin mines that host one of the most dangerous jobs

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April Fools' Day pranks: Apps to translate baby stoner sayings, a ghostbuster at Tinder

Every april 1, brands and companies want to get some laughs – and attention – with goofy new 'product' launches. here are some ideas from companies such as sweetgreen, welch's and omaha steaks..

If you don't like Mondays, this one may especially be grating. It's April Fool's Day , when you should trust no one and question everything.

The roots of April Fools' Day may date back before to before the 15th century. But the modern-day April Fools' Day has become a day to prank a friend, family member, co-worker − or your customers.

Even though some companies have had April Fools' pranks backfire , marketers continue to issue spoof products in attempts to get some laughs and attention.

Already ahead of April Fools' Day, 7-Eleven has hinted at a possible prank product: In addition to new Lemon Lime, Green Apple and Sweet Orange flavored 7-Select sparkling waters, out now with partner Miracle Seltzer, there's a fourth flavor coming April 1: Big Bite Hot Dog.

The hot dog-flavored water "combines the mouthwatering experience of 7-Eleven’s iconic Big Bite Hot Dog into one refreshing beverage – ketchup and mustard included," the convenience chain says in a press release . "Say goodbye to the days of alternating bites of a hot dog with sips of a beverage, now those on the go can swap the bun for bubbles."

Krispy Kreme: A special doughnut deal for April Fools' Day

Will Big Bite Hot Dog sparkling water be sold? Its availability will be announced April 1. However, some reporters were sent a can of the drink. USA TODAY can confirm that it definitely smells like hot dog water and has a smoky aftertaste.

If you are interested in trying it, both 7-Eleven and Miracle Seltzer have hinted at having some to give away on their Instagram pages. (If you get a can, share with a friend as it's 16 ounces.)

Here's a roundup of many of the brand-related April Fools’ gag announcements. You've been warned.

Sour cream & onion flavored soda

Despite the proliferation of crazy-flavored products including Peeps-flavored Pepsi , Frank's RedHot sauce-flavored Vlasic pickles and Doritos Nacho Cheese-flavored liquor , healthy soda brand OLIPOP and Pringles are not really teaming up to bring to market a Sour Cream & Onion soda.

The product would have been "a match made in heaven … to bring the delicious, tangy flavor of Pringles’ Sour Cream & Onion flavor to life in liquid form with prebiotic benefits," the companies said.

Stoner lingo translation app

Another dream team prank product: Rosetta Stoned, a mobile app from Rosetta Stone and medical marijuana company Fluent , that "bridges the conversational gap between novice users and seasoned stoners in any social setting."

Da da decoder

Infant equipment site BabyQuip has its own language-bridging lark: the “Baby Translator” app, to decode your baby's secret language.

"Say 'goodbye' to restless nights as you decode your baby's coos and cries instantly, providing you with the understanding you need as a parent, all in one convenient app," it promises.

An AI-powered plush doll

Custom stuffed animal maker Budsies already makes selfie plush dolls with a built-in voice recorder. Its April Fools' spoof: Artificial intelligence-enabled dolls that "come programmed to learn everything about you and to become your new best friend."

A 50-pound Bearabuddy

Sorry to the 3,500 or so who have already signed up to buy Bearaby's Jumbo Benji plush toy, which is four times the size of its regular weighted plush toys and twice as heavy as its heaviest weighted blanket . This isn't actually going to be sold. But it is real and will be making its home in the lobby at The Child Mind Institute in Harlem to welcome children and their families. More weighted plushies are due the day after April Fools' Day, the company says.

A sleeping bag to go bananas over

The Dole Banana Peel Sleeping Bag, conveniently promoted as being available on April Fools' Day only, is made from actual banana fiber and "allows parents to escape into their own cocoon of sensory deprivation."

A full-body cleaning suit

Outrageous clothing company Tipsy Elves has a special product for April Fools' Day: The Mopsie. You don't need paper towels anymore, you can use your body to clean up those messes, with this "innovative, wearable microfiber towel jumpsuit" for "effortlessly soaking up spills and messes with ease." There's also a Baby Mopsie for "hard to reach places."

Korean BBQ deodorant

Kevin's Natural Foods , which has paleo- and keto-certified ready-to-cook and easy-prep entrées, is touting a new line of personal care products inspired by its food dishes including Korean BBQ Deodorant, Cilantro Lime Toothpaste, Lemongrass Basil Shampoo and Tikka Masala Sunscreen.

"These new face, body and hair care essentials will help fans prioritize self-care inside and out," the company says. 

Omaha Steaks' meaty sprays

Omaha Steaks has its own personal care prank product: Meaty Spritz sprays with flavors such as Omaha Fog, Hog Haze, and Cock-a-Doodle-Dew.

"The world’s first protein-infused, flavor-packed, portable pump spray … (to) enjoy all the mouthwatering flavors of your Omaha Steaks gourmet favorites no matter how far away from the kitchen you are!" the company says.

Sriracha toothpaste

Asian sauce maker Lee Kum Kee , which makes Sriracha Chili Sauce and Sriracha Mayo Dressing, is introducing – not – its Siracha Mayo Toothpaste. It's "fiery and creamy goodness … is sure to spice up your morning dental routine."

Post-salad dental kit

Need some less powerful toothpaste? Sweetgreen offered these fanciful personal hygiene products as part of its Sweetgreen After Salad Kit, which is "designed with your pearly whites in mind … offering everything you need to freshen up post-meal."

Choose from Miso Ginger Toothpaste, Spicy Cashew Mints, Lime Cilantro Dental Floss, and Sweetgreen Toothbrush and Floss Picks.

Fruit juice lip gloss

More personal care prank products: Welch’s Juicyfuls Juicy Fruit Lip Gloss – now available in five flavors: grape, orange, peach, strawberry and raspberry – made with real juice from Juicefuls fruit snacks so "you get that irresistible sweet flavor you love, all in a lip gloss that's as fun as it is nourishing."

Protein-powered seasonings

Quest Nutrition , maker of protein powder, snacks and other products, has a prank product line of seasonings including All Purpose, Lemon Pepper, and Garlic Herb, each of which deliver "21g of protein, 2g of net carbs and less than 1g of sugar."

If you want to try Quest's real products, you can use code NOJOKE for free shipping on online orders over $49 April 1-3.

Superpowered Superfeet?

These would certainly come in hand on a run, but – sorry – it's a jogging joke. Superfeet SuperBoost Power E-Soles gives you 8 hours of continuous battery-powered boost, for almost Iron Man-like propulsion. "All the comfort and support of Superfeet , now with electrifying performance," the company says in a video about the prank product. "It's like having a powerful electric motor in your shoes."

Scotch tape-branded Scotch?

This shenanigan seems like a blend that could stick: Scotch Whisky by Scotch Brand. The whisky "features a nose of cherry wood and a delightfully smooth finish that hits like a well-wrapped gift."

Who you gonna call when ghosted? This new title at Tinder

Dating app Tinder announced a new April Fools' Day hiring quest for a Vice President of Ghost Hunting to help combat "one of dating culture’s most prevalent vices – ghosting," a practice inflicted on 78% of singles already in 2024 (an untrue fact from Tinder).

Patrón's bringing back a beloved liqueur. No kidding.

Patrón patrons get some good news today. The premium tequila maker chose April Fools' Day to announce the return of its Patrón XO Cafe tequila-based coffee liqueur, which was discontinued in 2021. Since production ceased, devotees took to social media and signed a petition asking parent company Bacardi to bring it back.

Made with Patrón Silver tequila and Arabica bean coffee – the dry liqueur can be sipped straight, in cocktails and as dessert topping – Patrón XO Cafe will begin arriving in stores again later this month.

Say it with dead flowers

Don't forget to put roses on your April Fools' Day list. UrbanStems has this "special" delivery, The Dead Inside Collection, "an assortment of dead flower bouquets, dead plants, half empty vases, and more for the pessimist in your life." But, for real, check UrbanStems' social media accounts including Instagram for how to get 20% off an order of real flowers.

Cheesecake Factory's real deals

The Cheesecake Factory  also has a deal that's no joke: Sign up for the chain's Cheesecake Rewards loyalty program on April 1 to get an Any Slice, Half Price reward, redeemable for 50% off any slice of cheesecake or layer cake, with any food or beverage purchase (no gift cards).

Those who were members before April 1 will find something special in their account on Monday, too: either a free slice of cheesecake each month for a year, a free whole cheesecake, a free slice of cheesecake, $5 off $25 purchases, or $10 off $40 purchases. (All rewards redeemable by April 16; can be redeemed for dine-in, to-go and DoorDash.)

New merch from Dunkin', bonus points in app

Dunkin' announced it is going back to its roots and rebranding to just "Donuts'" on Monday, April 1. To celebrate the rebrand, the company is selling "Donuts'" merch, including sweatshirts that read "DONUTS," on ShopDunkin.com .

Additionally, Dunkin' Rewards members will receive 3x bonus points on any donut order through the mobile app on April 1.

Urban Outfitters launches 'Name Three Shirts' movement

Urban Outfitters said it is launching a global movement to "stand in solidarity against band-tee-shaming" by launching a new collection called "Name Three Shirts."

The t-shirt line "playfully mocks the gatekeeping attitudes of older generations who insist that band-shirt wearers should be required to name songs by those artists," the company said in a news release.

The line, which features revamped logos from bands such as The Grateful Dead, Joy Division and Led Zeppelin, is a "playful jab at the attitudes of older generations, and fights back against the misogynistic undertones of the infamous ‘name three songs’ line of questioning," Urban Outfitters said in the news release.

The collection of shirts is available online and in select Urban Outfitters stores starting April 1. You can shop the collection online here .

Auntie Anne's, Frontier Airlines collaborate on Pretzel Plane

Auntie Anne's pretzels and Frontier Airlines announced they have collaborated on the newest addition to Frontier's fleet: the Pretzel Plane.

According to a news release, the plane includes new in-flight entertainment featuring Auntie Anne's pretzels rolled seat-side, the "luxurious" smell of hot, fresh pretzels throughout the cabin and airplane-shaped pretzels if you're feeling hungry.

Moe's Southwest Grill, Sonic team up to introduce a Queso Slush

Two popular fast food chains announced a collaboration that is sure to be polarizing.

Moe's and Sonic announced a new beverage, the Queso Slush, a queso-flavored slushie. "The frozen goodness of a Sonic Slush meets the delicious flavor of Moe's queso."

Follow Mike Snider on X and Threads:  @mikesnider  & mikegsnider .

Gabe Hauari is a national trending news reporter at USA TODAY. You can follow him on X  @GabeHauari  or email him at [email protected].

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Teri Ijeoma

Trade & Travel

See how hundreds of students from around the world are earning supplementary income with trading. They’re living their best life, and so can you!

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Teri Ijeoma’s VIP Trade and Travel Program is a self-paced course with over 100 hours of training, that helps everyday people trade stocks for income!

This is a day-trading course like no other. As a member of the TRADE AND TRAVEL family, students are well supported throughout every step of their learning journey. It includes seven classes of education accompanied by bonus group coaching calls.

Best of all, students from around the world join a robust personal finance community with access to expert resources that expedite their learning.

Teri’s proprietary strategies remove the stress and reduce risk, with an easy-to-follow curriculum, trading tips and strategies that see students paying back their course investment within 8-10 weeks.

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  • 7 classes of education
  • Easy to follow curiculum
  • Over 100 hours of training
  • Trading tips
  • Bonus group coaching calls
  • Expert resources
  • Proprietary strategies that reduce risk
  • Vibrant & supportive community of students from around the world

The Trade & Travel Program shares a 7-Step Trading Roadmap, guiding students to:

  • Open a trading account and learn the basics of getting started (even if a rank beginner with no prior trading experience)
  • Get strategic and plan their way to success, minimizing risk (practising skills on a Simulator, i.e. trading with fake money, building confidence before making the leap to live trading).
  • Create a comprehensive trading plan and an exit strategy that are aligned with  income goals (for advanced traders).
  • Make trading for income a reality.


  • Retire in peace without financial anxiety
  • Pay bills without taking on a side hustle
  • Quit the 9-5 and do what they love
  • Make more than their current income

Yes, these outcomes are totally within reach for Trade and Travel students (whether starting from scratch or have been trading for a while).

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Metro Boomin Reacts to LeBron James Rapping Kendrick Lamar's "Like That" Verse Ahead of 40-Point Performance

Metro highlighted LeBron's performance after the Laker star was seen rapping along to the fiery 'We Don't Trust You' track.

The Los Angeles Lakers beat the Brooklyn Nets 116-104 on Sunday, March 31, and Metro Boomin is happy to partially take credit for LeBron James' impressive performance in the game.

"Bro was warming up to Like That then went 9/10 from 3 and 13/17 for 40 points," Metro tweeted after video circulated of LeBron rapping along to Kendrick Lamar's "Like That" verse prior to the game. As you can see by the stats below, LBJ went off, hitting nine of ten three-pointers en route to a 40-point performance.

Tweet showing a graphic of LeBron James' basketball stats with a fan's caption praising his performance

Future and Metro Boomin's new collaborative album We Don't Trust You has had quite an impact since its debut. But the song everyone is talking about is "Like That," which features that fiery guest verse from Kendrick that takes aim at Drake and J. Cole . LeBron was certainly feeling it on Sunday.

LeBron raps Kendrick Lamar’s verse from “Like That” pic.twitter.com/lEByzsKVys — Omar Raja (@OmarESPN) April 1, 2024

LeBron rapping along to "Like That" could sting for Drake, who has a tattoo of the Los Angeles Laker on his left arm. He did, however, like the video of LeBron when Elliott Wilson shared the clip on his Instagram.

Basketball player warming up on court before a game, focusing on technique

In an interview on The Shop in 2018, Drake and LeBron spoke about the infamous Pusha T beef. "I said, 'I want you to know one thing, we're family, you're a brother of mine, you could never let me down, ever,'" LeBron said, indicating the level of bond between him and Drake. "I left it at that."

Drake said at the time that he made a response track to Pusha T's "The Story of Adidon," but decided not to release it because it wasn't something he wanted to be remembered for. Perhaps with Kendrick and "Like That," things will be different.

"You said I ... I .. you said I, like could never let you down" pic.twitter.com/BkOnFoOppa https://t.co/LvbVxzsC2q — Cawb. (@CAWBBBB) April 1, 2024

Kendrick's "Like That" verse has sparked speculation that Drake is also beefing with Future and Metro, while Rick Ross has seemingly shared his approval of the track by sharing a video of himself listening to it. While this potential rap civil war is brewing, the artist formerly known as Kanye West has declared himself the GOAT and suggested he "washed" both Drake and Kendrick in the past.


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Kodak and his lawyer allege that the travel company was intentionally running up the bill, leading to the amount in question.


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Sexyy and Drake have been pretty intertwined lately, with Drizzy most recently popping up in the music video for "Get It Sexyy."


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The collaborative album hit No. 1 on Billboard's 200 chart and had the biggest streaming week of 2024.


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How to travel around the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore: A look at the traffic impact and alternate routes

By Rohan Mattu

Updated on: April 1, 2024 / 8:13 AM EDT / CBS Baltimore

BALTIMORE -- The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore early on the morning of March 26  led to a major traffic impact for the region and cut off a major artery into and out of the port city. 

Drivers are told to prepare for extra commuting time until further notice.

Locator map showing the typical traffic routes of cargo vessels passing beneath the bridge and the trajectory Dali followed before the collision.

Alternate routes after Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse

Maryland transit authorities quickly put detours in place for those traveling through Dundalk or the Curtis Bay/Hawkins Point side of the bridge. The estimated 31,000 who travel the bridge every day will need to find a new route for the foreseeable future. 

The outer loop I-695 closure shifted to exit 1/Quarantine Road (past the Curtis Creek Drawbridge) to allow for enhanced local traffic access. 

The inner loop of I-695 remains closed at MD 157 (Peninsula Expressway). Additionally, the ramp from MD 157 to the inner loop of I-695 will be closed. 

Alternate routes are I-95 (Fort McHenry Tunnel) or I-895 (Baltimore Harbor Tunnel) for north/south routes. 

Commercial vehicles carrying materials that are prohibited in the tunnel crossings, including recreation vehicles carrying propane, should plan on using I-695 (Baltimore Beltway) between Essex and Glen Burnie. This will add significant driving time.    


Where is the Francis Scott Key Bridge? 

The Key Bridge crosses the Patapsco River, a key waterway that along with the Port of Baltimore serves as a hub for East Coast shipping. 

The bridge is the outermost of three toll crossings of Baltimore's Harbor and the final link in Interstate 695, known in the region as the Baltimore Beltway, which links Baltimore and Washington, D.C. 

The bridge was built after the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel reached capacity and experienced heavy congestion almost daily, according to the MDTA. 

Tractor-trailer inspections

Tractor-trailers that now have clearance to use the tunnels will need to be checked for hazardous materials, which are not permitted in tunnels, and that could further hold up traffic. 

The MDTA says vehicles carrying bottled propane gas over 10 pounds per container (maximum of 10 containers), bulk gasoline, explosives, significant amounts of radioactive materials, and other hazardous materials are prohibited from using the Fort McHenry Tunnel (I-95) or the Baltimore Harbor Tunnel (I-895).  

Any vehicles transporting hazardous materials should use the western section of I-695 around the tunnels, officials said. 

  • Francis Scott Key Bridge
  • Bridge Collapse
  • Patapsco River

Rohan Mattu is a digital producer at CBS News Baltimore. Rohan graduated from Towson University in 2020 with a degree in journalism and previously wrote for WDVM-TV in Hagerstown. He maintains WJZ's website and social media, which includes breaking news in everything from politics to sports.

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  15. Teri Ijeoma

    Teri Ijeoma began her professional career working in education and non-profits. When she started trading stocks eleven years ago, she initially saw it as an opportunity to simply supplement her income. However, she was so successful with this side hustle that in 2017, she decided to quit her job, travel the world, and begin trading full-time.

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  18. Work and Travel USA

    EXPERIENTA. Participarea la programul Work&Travel in America este o experienta valoroasa, precum si o referinta excelenta in CV-ul dvs. Angajatorii americani sunt primitori atunci cand vine vorba de recomandari si puteti conta pe ajutorul si sprijinul lor odata ce deveniti parte a pietei fortei de munca.

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  20. The bridge collapse in Baltimore is disrupting work and travel for

    The Key Bridge collapse is upending life for countless people in the Chesapeake region. Residents say it's not just infrastructure — it's their identity as people who live close to the water.

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  27. Trade & Travel

    Teri Ijeoma's VIP Trade and Travel Program is a self-paced course with over 100 hours of training, that helps everyday people trade stocks for income! This is a day-trading course like no other. As a member of the TRADE AND TRAVEL family, students are well supported throughout every step of their learning journey. It includes seven classes of ...

  28. Metro Boomin Reacts to LeBron James Rapping Kendrick Lamar's ...

    Metro highlighted LeBron's performance after the Laker star was seen rapping along to the fiery 'We Don't Trust You' track.

  29. Biden to Visit Baltimore as Crews Prepare to Clear Fallen Bridge

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  30. How to travel around the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse in Baltimore

    The estimated 31,000 who travel the bridge every day will need to find a new route for the foreseeable future. The outer loop I-695 closure shifted to exit 1/Quarantine Road (past the Curtis Creek ...