tourist serie france 2

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The Tourist

tourist serie france 2

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tourist serie france 2

Un homme roule tranquillement dans l’Outback australien quand soudain un semi-remorque le prend en chasse et finit par lui faire quitter la route. L’homme se réveille à l’hôpital, miraculeusement en vie mais blessé, et surtout sans le moindre souvenir. Il va alors tout faire pour savoir qui il est et surtout pourquoi quelqu’un voudrait le tuer…

Ex. : Stranger Things , Grey's Anatomy , House of the Dragon , The Walking Dead

The Tourist sur France 2 : que vaut le thriller déjanté avec Jamie Dornan, la star de Cinquante Nuances de Grey ?

Jérémie Dunand

France 2 lance ce soir la série "The Tourist", avec Jamie Dornan ("Cinquante Nuances de Grey") dans le rôle d'un homme amnésique qui cherche à comprendre pourquoi on veut le tuer. Un thriller haletant dans la veine des films des frères Coen.

De quoi ça parle ?

Un homme roule tranquillement dans l’Outback australien quand soudain un semi-remorque le prend en chasse et finit par lui faire quitter la route. L’homme se réveille à l’hôpital, miraculeusement en vie mais blessé, et surtout sans le moindre souvenir. Il va alors tout faire pour savoir qui il est et surtout pourquoi quelqu’un voudrait le tuer…

Les lundis 20 et 27 juin à 21h10 sur France 2 (trois épisodes par semaine).

6 épisodes vus sur 6.

The Tourist

C'est avec qui ?

Vu récemment dans Belfast , Amours irlandaises , ou encore Love Again , Jamie Dornan , alias Christian Grey dans Cinquante Nuances de Grey , fait grâce à  The Tourist un retour remarqué sur le petit écran, qui l'avait révélé aux yeux de nombreux sériephiles avec  Once Upon a Time et The Fall .

Série britanno-australienne en six épisodes, The Tourist a cartonné en début d'année sur BBC One et offre à Dornan le rôle complexe et jouissif de "l'homme", héros amnésique qui va tenter de découvrir qui il est et ce qu'il a bien pu faire à ceux qui cherchent à le tuer.

Face à lui, les téléspectateurs de France 2 retrouveront Danielle Macdonald , la révélation de Patti Cake$ ,  Shalom Brune-Franklin ( Cursed , La Guerre des mondes ),  Damon Herriman ( Justified , Quarry , Mr. Inbetween ),  Ólafur Darri Ólafsson ( Trapped , Lady Dynamite ) et  Alex Dimitriades ( Hartley, coeurs à vif , La Gifle ).

tourist serie france 2

Ça vaut le coup d'oeil ?

Les thrillers sur fond de mémoire et d'amnésie sont légion au cinéma et à la télévision, de  La Mémoire dans la peau à Blindspot , en passant par John Doe . Et sur le papier, The Tourist aurait pu ressembler à s'y méprendre à une pâle copie ensoleillée, et australienne, des aventures de Jason Bourne. Mais c'était sans compter sur le talent des créateurs  Harry Williams et  Jack Williams ( Liar , Baptiste ) et des comédiens impliqués dans cette folle aventure.

Vibrant hommage au film  Duel de Spielberg , la scène d'ouverture de la série, durant laquelle le héros incarné par Jamie Dornan est poursuivi par un camion lancé à toute vitesse, est une réussite totale qui, en plus de nous happer, déploie de belles idées de réalisation qui donnent le ton de The Tourist : une série consciente de ses influences qui, en dépit de références marquées, est bien décidée à nous surprendre.

Dans une ambiance entre polar et comédie se croisent l'homme, en quête de vérité sur son identité et son passé, Helen Chambers, agent de police en formation qui doit également composer avec un fiancé caricature de macho fini qui lui rappelle sans cesse ses kilos en trop, Luci, une serveuse qui en sait plus qu'elle ne veut bien le dire, Billy, cowboy Américain inquiétant, Lachlan Rogers, l'inspecteur en charge de l'enquête sur la tentative d'assassinat survenue sur le héros, et Kosta, un gangster grec surprenant.

tourist serie france 2

Avec cette galerie de personnages tous plus étranges et fantasques les uns que les autres qui évoluent dans une Australie profonde tout ce qu'il y a de plus classique dans laquelle les curseurs de la dangerosité auraient été poussés à l'extrême, on pense évidemment aux films des frères Coen. Et c'est plutôt une bonne chose tant The Tourist se révèle jouissive et complètement barrée.

Même si le rythme faiblit dans la deuxième partie de saison, après trois épisodes de haut vol, la nouvelle série étrangère de France 2 est une très bonne surprise qui doit beaucoup à ses moments de comédie absurde et à ses interprètes.

Etonnant et souvent très drôle, Jamie Dornan trouve certainement ici le plus beau rôle de sa carrière. Et si tous les personnages, ou presque, sont un régal, c'est vraiment le duo atypique et détonnant que forme l'homme avec Helen Chambers - formidable Danielle Macdonald - qui porte l'ensemble et participe grandement à la réussite de The Tourist.

Et si les réponses que l'on attend finissent heureusement par arriver, The Tourist a été un tel succès outre-Manche, avec 12 millions de téléspectateurs pour son lancement en début d'année, que la BBC a d'ores et déjà commandée une saison 2 dont on ignore encore tout à l'heure actuelle. Mais qu'on a déjà hâte de découvrir.

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Jamie Dornan in The Tourist series two.

The Tourist series two review – Jamie Dornan is hugely charming in this gloriously fun show

This raucous, entertaining thriller is the perfect vehicle for the one-time Fifty Shades star. It’s twisty, funny and unfailingly engaging

W hen Fifty Shades of Grey arrived in cinemas in 2015, Dakota Johnson was its breakout star. She would delight the internet by going on to declare that her No 1 priority was sleeping , rhapsodising about limes and going viral with an awkward Ellen interview , while straddling indie darlings and the odd blockbuster to cement her A-list status.

But things have not been so smooth for her S&M trilogy co-star Jamie Dornan, who has largely been making forgettable action movies, failed awards bait and the utterly dire Wild Mountain Thyme . With the exception of Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar and his chilling turn as a serial killer in The Fall (which was sullied by his admission that he stalked a woman to get into character), his legacy is on shakier ground.

Thankfully, Dornan’s excellent turn in 2022’s twisted BBC thriller The Tourist, which pivoted between nauseatingly tense, blackly comic and surprisingly sweet, turns out not to have been a fluke; its second season is just as joyous a rollercoaster. The first series introduced Dornan as Elliot Stanley, an amnesiac Irishman in the Australian outback trying to piece together his past while a litany of figures tried to lock him up or kill him. His only ally came in the form of people-pleasing Constable Helen Chambers (Danielle Macdonald).

The pair ended the series having formed the beast with two backs and discovered that Elliot was something of a beast himself. We found out that he stole cash from a gangster for whom he used to smuggle heroin, with one of his victims pulling up her shirt in the finale to reveal how his human mules would be sliced open to retrieve the goods.

Evidently, Helen looked past this reddest of red flags. Season two begins with them on a train to Cambodia 14 months later, still blissfully ensconced in the honeymoon phase. But she has been keeping a secret. She reveals to bushy-bearded Elliot that she has kept a letter with a photograph that was sent to the police station from “Tommy”, telling Elliot it is now “time you found out who you really are”. The two travel to Ireland in search of answers, but needless to say this isn’t going to be a typical family reunion. An impressively violent, gloriously fun caper lies ahead.

Danielle Macdonald in The Tourist series two.

The Tourist perfectly nails a tone that is grisly and rambunctious in equal measure. A heart-stoppingly tense chase through the countryside, in which a van threatens to squish our forgetful protagonist, ends on a superbly silly punchline, with him falling down a never-ending hill, each protracted tumble and roll getting more hilarious. Separated from his loving girlfriend, it’s a fight to stay alive as she tries to figure out what the hell is going on and why everyone in this sleepy patch of rural Ireland is bloodthirsty, deranged or both.

Meanwhile, poor Elliot is in a cycle of capture, escape and recapture by a sadistic crew connected to his colourful past. They are having a whale of a time playing Jigsaw-esque games with him, suggesting he saw off his own legs to escape. Dornan finds the humour with a bemused reaction to this gory but befuddling plan.

The twists come thick and fast: some funny, some cruel, almost all ludicrous. The Tourist is tautly plotted and performed with such flourish that it’s always engaging, even in its most implausible flights of fancy. Its no-holds-barred enthusiasm is hugely infectious.

By the time the fourth of the six episodes that were made available for review concludes, it’s hard to recall precisely how or why we ended up here. The creators’ penchant for a plot twist every 12 minutes or so, and a new villain being introduced just about as frequently, means the recaps at the start of each episode do a lot of the heavy lifting. But even if you struggle to follow exactly who wants what and why they are seeking revenge or a big payout, the show skates by on its charms. The Tourist proves that even if every project has not been able to showcase Dornan’s charms, he certainly has an ample supply at his disposal.

  • Jamie Dornan

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The Tourist

Episode list

The tourist.

Episode #2.1 (2024)

S2.E1 ∙ Episode #2.1

Jamie Dornan and Mark McKenna in Episode #2.2 (2024)

S2.E2 ∙ Episode #2.2

Jamie Dornan in Episode #2.3 (2024)

S2.E3 ∙ Episode #2.3

Jamie Dornan and Danielle Macdonald in Episode #2.4 (2024)

S2.E4 ∙ Episode #2.4

Danielle Macdonald in Episode #2.5 (2024)

S2.E5 ∙ Episode #2.5

Jamie Dornan in Episode #2.6 (2024)

S2.E6 ∙ Episode #2.6

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Jamie Dornan and Danielle Macdonald in The Tourist (2022)

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Série : « The Tourist » sur France 2, thriller ensablé et angoissant

Entre enquêtes existentielles et policières, la série britannique The Tourist ne manque pas de suspense et nous transporte dans l’arrière-pays australien. Les trois premiers épisodes sont diffusés lundi 20 juin sur France 2, à partir de 21 h 10, les trois derniers seront proposés la semaine suivante, le 27 juin.

  • Claire Ferragu ,
  • le 20/06/2022 à 10:13

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Série : « The Tourist » sur France 2, thriller ensablé et angoissant

La série britannique suit un homme amnésique (Jamie Dornan).

Ian Routledge/Two Brothers Pictures & All3Media International

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Victime d’un grave accident de voiture causé par un camion-citerne, un homme (Jamie Dornan) se réveille amnésique et tente de reconstituer son histoire. The Tourist plonge le téléspectateur dans les grandes étendues arides de l’arrière-pays australien et l’embarque dans une course-poursuite haletante. La poussière sableuse des contrées désertiques enveloppe ce thriller aux airs de roadtrip d’un voile de mystère angoissant, tandis que la musique installe une forme de dérision qui invite au second degré.

La tension narrative de cette série britannique s’étoffe progressivement. Le premier épisode prend le temps de minutieusement planter le décor. Les scènes sont longues. Les réalisateurs Jack et Harry Williams installent une atmosphère d’attente, avant de surprendre le téléspectateur par de sanglantes séquences d’action, teintées de sarcasmes.

Une quête d’identité

Jamie Dornan, charismatique et ténébreux, incarne bien son rôle d’homme blessé en quête de vérité. Mais les personnages secondaires, qui apparaissent au fil de l’avancée de la fiction, ne sont pas en reste. Leurs personnalités sont subtiles et travaillées. On s’attache à l’agent de police Helen Chambers (Danielle Macdonald), souriante mais névrosée, qui souffre d’un cruel manque de confiance en elle. Novice, elle apporte à la noirceur de la série un brin de fraîcheur réjouissant. Le lien pudique qui se tisse entre elle et le héros est l’une des réussites du scénario.

L’intrigue mêle deux enquêtes existentielles et policières. Menées séparément, elles distillent les indices au long des six épisodes et se recoupent de temps à autre, procédé qui contribue à l’instauration d’un suspense efficace. La force du récit tient surtout à l’histoire intime du personnage principal, qui compose avec ses failles personnelles et son passé oublié pour renouer les fils de son identité.

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The Tourist season 2: US release date, cast, plot and more

The Tourist season 2 sees Jamie Dornan return as Elliot as the story comes to Ireland.

Jamie Dornan The Tourist season 2

Jamie Dornan fans will be delighted that The Tourist season 2 is finally here, with the whole series now available to watch on BBC iPlayer in the UK and Netflix in the US. 

The Tourist season 2 episode 1 The Tourist season 2 episode 2 The Tourist season 2 episode 3 The Tourist season 2 episode 4 The Tourist season 2 episode 5 The Tourist season 2 ending explained The Tourist season 3 ▶ Watch The Tourist season 2 online

With the action switching from Australia's Outback to Ireland, the landscape looks very different from when we last saw Elliot. But whether he's running away from some mysterious pursuers or covered in blood, his situation doesn't seem to have improved too much!  

Teasing the new series, Jamie says: "For the second series we pick up with Elliot in Ireland where he tries to discover his real family and get some answers on who he is. Whilst Elliot is in Ireland, he also gets caught up in all kinds of craziness with people trying to kill him."

He adds: "Family is a big theme in this series. We're dealing with a guy who has no concept of who he is, and you can only imagine how terrifying that is, but little by little there are these kernels of information revealed to him and he starts to piece his history together and his family history. It's not that pretty, but it's vital and it's a big part of our story."

Screenwriters Jack and Harry Williams — whose previous screenwriting hits include The Missing and One of Us — have penned the scripts of the follow-up series.

The Tourist season 1 was a big hit when it launched on BBC One and the iPlayer last January, with 12 million people watching it in the first 30 days it was available online. It then went on to have similar success on HBO for US fans. Here's everything we know about season 2...

Danielle Macdonald in The Tourist season 2

The Tourist season 2 release date

The Tourist season 2 premiered on BBC One on Monday 1 January 2024 at 9 pm. The second episode follows on Tuesday 2 January on BBC One at 9 pm. Subsequent episodes air on consecutive Sundays throughout January. The whole series is available now as a box set on BBC iPlayer. 

The Tourist season 1 was broadcast on HBO Max in the United States, but it has moved to Netflix for the second season, with all the episodes available to stream from 29 February 2024. 

The Tourist season 2

The Tourist season 2 plot

Jamie Dornan stars in The Tourist season 2

The first series started with "The Man" — whose name was revealed to be Elliot — waking up in Australia with total amnesia before he and Constable Helen Chambers (Danielle Macdonald) became embroiled in a cat-and-mouse game with mysterious figures chasing them across Australia. 

The new series sees Helen accompanying Elliot back to Ireland as he tries to rediscover his roots, where they soon find themselves dragged into the dangerous whirlwind of his past life. An official synopsis reads...

"After their adventure in the Australian Outback, The Tourist’s epic second series follows Dornan and Macdonald’s characters Elliot and Helen as they travel to Ireland together. 

"In an attempt to rediscover Elliot’s roots following his memory loss, they’re dragged into the dangerous whirlwind of his past life and are confronted by friends and foes both old and new, including Niamh Cassidy (Olwen Fouéré) and the McDonnell family – Donal (Diarmaid Murtagh), Orla (Nessa Matthews), Fergal (Mark McKenna), and Frank (Francis Magee). 

"Detective Ruairi Slater (Conor MacNeill) becomes embroiled in the crossfire between the McDonnells and the Cassidys as the secrets of the family rivalry unravel."

Danielle Macdonald in The Tourist season 2

The Tourist season 2 cast

Jamie Dornan ( Fifty Shades of Grey, Belfast ) is back as Elliot, while Australian actress Danielle Macdonald ( Bird Box ) again plays former Constable Helen Chambers.

Joining them for the second series are Conor MacNeill  (Industry, The Fall) , Olwen Fouéré  (Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Northman),  Francis Magee  (Justice League, Then You Run) , Mark McKenna  (Sing Street, One of Us is Lying) , Diarmaid Murtagh  (Vikings, Outlander),  and Nessa Matthews  (Neon, HEN) . 

Series two also sees Greg Larsen reprise his role as Ethan Krum.

The Tourist season 2 trailer

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Sean Marland

Sean is a Senior Feature writer for TV Times, What's On TV and TV & Satellite Week, who also writes for He's been covering the world of TV for over 15 years and in that time he's been lucky enough to interview stars like Ian McKellen, Tom Hardy and Kate Winslet. His favourite shows are  I'm Alan Partridge, The Wire, People Just Do Nothing  and  Succession  and in his spare time he enjoys drinking tea, doing crosswords and watching football. 

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When Does ‘The Tourist’ Season 2 Premiere on Netflix?

Where to stream:.

  • The Tourist

Netflix Basic

  • Jamie Dornan

Where Was ‘The Tourist’ Season 2 Filmed? Top Filming Locations

‘the tourist’ season 2 ending explained: what did elliot’s file say, jamie dornan “wasn’t pleased” with the ballet scene in ‘the tourist’ season 2 finale, stream it or skip it: ‘the tourist’ season 2 on netflix, where jamie dornan’s amnesia-riddled character returns home to ireland.

Everybody’s latest obsession The Tourist is returning to Netflix for a second season.

Created by Fleabag  producers Harry and Jack Williams, the show follows a car crash victim who wakes up in a hospital with amnesia and goes on a journey to figure out his past after suspecting that dangerous people are trying to kill him.

At the end of the first season, the man, played by Jamie Dornan , is informed that his name is Elliot and he has deep connections to a major drug trafficking.

The show premiered Jan. 1, 2022 on BBC in the United Kingdom, and aired months later on Max (a co-producer) in the United States. Amid production for Season 2,  Deadline  reported that Max removed the show from the platform and Netflix was picking it up.

Netflix re-released Season 1 in the U.S. on Feb. 1, 2024. Since then, the show has spent four weeks on the streamer’s Global Top 10 TV chart.

Season 2 aired Jan. 1, 2024 on BBC for UK viewers, but when will it be made available for U.S. viewers? Here’s everything you need to know about the Netflix release of The Tourist Season 2.

When Does The Tourist Season 2 Premiere on Netflix?

The Tourist  Season 2 is set to premiere Feb. 29, 2024 on Netflix, roughly two months after its UK release.

What Time Does Netflix Release New Shows/Movies?

Netflix typically releases new television shows and movies at 3 AM ET/12 AM PT.

How Many Episodes Are In The Tourist Season 2?

Like the first season, The Tourist Season 2 consists of six hour-long episodes written by Jack and Harry Williams.

What Is The Tourist Season 2 About?

The synopsis for  The Tourist  Season 2 reads, “Elliot and Helen ( Danielle Macdonald ) travel to Ireland to find answers about Elliot’s identity, but instead, they are forced to face the dangerous consequences of his past actions.”

How to Stream The Tourist Season 2

The Tourist is streaming exclusively on Netflix in the U.S., therefore the series will only be available on that platform. Need a subscription? No problem, Netflix has plans starting at $6.99 per month. Additional plans are offered between $15.49-$22.99 per month.

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Screen Rant

The tourist season 2 trailer: stephen king-approved netflix drama continues tense mystery.

The trailer for The Tourist season 2 continues the Jamie Dornan-led mystery, which has received the endorsement of legendary writer Stephen King.

  • Stephen King recently deemed The Tourist as " flat-out terrific " on social media.
  • Season 2 will drop on Netflix on February 29, which will have six episodes.
  • The upcoming season follows Elliott and Helen's journey to Ireland uncovering past secrets, including a family feud.

The trailer for The Tourist season 2 continues the Jamie Dornan-led tense mystery, which has been endorsed by legendary writer Stephen King. The influential horror novelist recently shared his views of The Tourist on social media, calling the Netflix series “ flat-out terrific .” The story follows Dornan's character, known only as The Man, who wakes up in an Australian hospital after a horrific accident with no memory of who he is or his past.

Now, Netflix has unveiled the trailer for The Tourist season 2, which premieres on February 29 and consists of six episodes .

The trailer picks up The Man's story, following the ending of The Tourist season 1 . The mystery drama was originally a BBC One show, which was licensed to Max in 2022. Netflix picked up the series once Max declined to stream the already-completed season 2.

What To Know About The Tourist Season 2

By the finale of the mystery dramedy, it turns out that The Man is a drug smuggler named Elliot. Confronted by Lena Pascal (Victoria Haralabidou), a woman Elliot consistently has visions of, it's revealed that Elliot’s actions smuggling heroin inside people’s bodies led to the painful deaths of two women. It also led to Lena’s disfigurement, all of which she details in a searing monologue that makes plain how awful Elliot was before the accident and why someone would want him dead. This also leads Elliot to the same conclusion, as he attempts to take his own life.

Elliot is saved by Helen Chambers (Danielle Macdonald), and the two begin a romantic relationship. In the upcoming episodes of The Tourist , Elliot and Helen take a trip to Ireland to find out more about Elliot's past. But not too long after their journey begins, The Tourist character is abducted. This proves to be a game-changer in a long-standing family feud that is ready to boil over.

Where Was The Tourist Filmed? Jamie Dornan Thriller's Filming Locations Explained

Written by Harry and Jack Williams, the mystery drama's first installment already has the distinction of being the most-watched drama of the year in the UK. Considering Stephen King's positive The Tourist review, the series is poised to continue performing well on Netflix's charts.

Source: Netflix

The Tourist

The Tourist is a dramatic action-thriller series created by Harry and Jack Williams. It was initially released on BBC One in the UK before being released in the US on HBO Max. The series follows Elliot Stanley, an Irish man who wakes up in an Australian hospital with amnesia and must piece together his identity before those pursuing him find him first.

Netflix Scoops Up Jamie Dornan's 'The Tourist'

Jamie Dornan as Elliot Stanley lying in the road in 'The Tourist Season 2

Jamie Dornan as Elliot Stanley in 'The Tourist' Season 2

To the surprise of just about nobody, The Tourist is moving house for Season 2. The Jamie Dornan -starring BBC series debuted to such high numbers in the U.K. that it landed a Season 2 despite most of the cast being killed off in the finale. However, in America, it was yet another British series lost in the wilds of "HBO Max" (now rechristened "Max") along with other brilliant gems the streaming service criminally failed to market like It's A Sin , I Hate Suzie , The Girl Before , Starstruck , Our Flag Means Death , and of course, The Great Pottery Throwdown . The fact is, Max deserves to have all these shows taken away and put somewhere people will watch them. For now, we must settle for The Tourist getting out and heading to Netflix.

When Season 2 was announced, it was evident that Max wasn't automatically picking up Season 2. The BBC announcement did not mention Warner Brothers Discovery co-producing the new season; it merely noted who was handling the international distribution rights as if it was not a settled matter. However, that did not mean the show wouldn't return to Max; it just meant nothing had been decided yet. The series also could have landed anywhere, from BritBox to Acorn TV to Sundance Now, where it would have only reached a modest viewership, even with an actual marketing campaign.

However, Netflix is a different story. At this current juncture, it is leagues ahead of the competition regarding the streaming wars, and head and shoulders above the rest in surfacing content to create hits . The list of shows that were flops, or merely modest hits on other streaming services, that blew up upon hitting Netflix is almost comical at this point, from You to Suits to the original Netflix bump shows that are still bumping like Breaking Bad . If there is any service that can turn The Tourist into a hit by snatching Season 1 from Max, where nobody saw it the first time, and debuting Season 2 after it premieres on the BBC, this is where it will happen.

Here’s the official synopsis for Seasons 1 and 2 via Netflix, which will be streaming both seasons:

In Season 1, Elliot woke up in the Australian outback with no memory and had to use clues to discover his identity before his past caught up with him. Season 2 sees Elliot travel to Ireland to find answers about his identity with Helen, but instead, they are forced to face the dangerous consequences of his past actions.

Season 1 of The Tourist starred Jamie Dornan  ( Belfast ) as “The Man,” aided by  Shalom Brune-Franklin ( Great Expectations ) and  Danielle Macdonald ( BirdBox ) in a search for his identity. The first season also co-starred Greg Larsen ( How Not To Behave ), Ólafur Darri Ólafsson ( The Missing ),  Alex Dimitriades  ( The Cry ), and Damon Herriman ( Mindhunter ). Season 2 sees Dornan return, now in possession of a name, “Elliott Stanley,” but little else. MacDonald and Larsen also reprise their roles alongside a new raft of characters, including Conor MacNeill ( Industry ), Olwen Fouéré ( The Northman ), Diarmaid Murtagh ( Outlander ), Nessa Matthews ( Fair City ), Mark McKenna ( One of Us is Lying ), and Francis Magee ( Kin ). 

Jack and Harry Williams ( Baptiste ) wrote all episodes; directors Fergus O’Brien ( Happy Valley ), Lisa Mulcahy ( Years and Years ), and Kate Dolan ( You Are Not My Mother ) split helming duties. The Williams brothers executive produce via their Two Brothers Pictures studio alongside Doran, Sarah Hammond, and Daniel Walker . Nawfal Faizullah executive produces for the BBC; Warner Brothers helped produce Season 1.

The Tourist Season 2 debuts on New Year’s Day in the U.K., Monday, January 1, 2024, on BBC One. Season 1 is expected to debut on Netflix at the beginning of February; Season 2 will arrive with all episodes on Thursday, February 29, 2024.

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Ani Bundel has been blogging professionally since 2010. A DC native, Hufflepuff, and Keyboard Khaleesi, she spends all her non-writing time taking pictures of her cats. Regular bylines also found on MSNBC, Paste, Primetimer, and others. 

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  • The Tourist
  • The Tourist Season 2
  • Jamie Dornan

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'the tourist' season 1 is a smooth ride down under.

Thanks to a nifty balance between sincere emotion and not-to-be-taken-tremendously-seriously thriller plotting The Tourist 's first season is reliably entertaining and a smooth, pleasurable watch. 

Jamie Dornan as Elliot Stanley in 'The Tourist'

'The Tourist' Heads to Ireland in the First Images from Season 2

Jamie Dornan and Helen Macdonald have packed their bags and are heading for Ireland in the first images from The Tourist Season 2.

Danielle Macdonald as PC Helen Chambers has her backpack and is ready to travel in The Tourist Season 2

'The Tourist' Season 2 To Tour Ireland

After a successful first season of Jamie Dornan 's character being lost in the Australian outback, The Tourist Season 2 will move the action to Ireland, with filming underway in Dublin.

Danielle Macdonald as Helen and Jamie Dornan as Elliot in 'The Tourist' Season 1 Finale

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The Tourist season 2 potential release date, cast, plot and everything you need to know

Will Jamie Dornan return?

preview for Jamie Dornan Transformation Timeline

The Tourist spoilers follow.

Jamie Dornan's latest show was far twistier and way more riveting than your average BBC thriller, which is why we really hoped it would be renewed for a second season. And now, it has been !

Clearly, we were not alone in wanting more. At the start of 2022, the BBC revealed that The Tourist pushed iPlayer to its biggest festive day yet with 22 million streams across the service . That's a new record for the BBC.

In March, it was confirmed by Charlotte Moore, BBC’s Chief Content Officer, that there will be more adventures for us to get stuck into.

"In its first 30 days, 12 million people watched The Tourist – that's twice as big as the largest show, Stay Close , on Netflix," she said. "The power that the BBC has to reach millions of people is far greater than we perhaps realise."

With that in mind, here's everything you need to know about The Tourist season two on BBC.

warning embargoed for publication until 000001 on 23122021   programme name the tourist   tx na   episode episode 1 no 1   picture shows  the man jamie dornan   c two brothers pictures   photographer ian routledge

The Tourist season 2 potential release date: When will it air?

While we do know that season two is at the very least on its way, they're going to test our patience on this one.

We know it will be back for six new hour-long episodes, and the Emmy-winning producers and screenwriters Harry and Jack Williams (who created Baptiste, The Missing and Liar ) will be back as well. But apart from that, we know nothing.

Taking into consideration the series dropped on New Year's Day 2022, and at the time of the announcement in March no filming had commenced, it's unlikely we'll see anything for a while yet.

We'd hasten to guess at some point in 2023 at the earliest.

shalom brune franklin, jamie dornan, the tourist

The Tourist season 2 cast: Who's in it?

The Tourist's first season revolved almost entirely around Jamie Dornan's amnesiac "hero", but his fate was left up in the air by the end of that truly depressing finale .

After all, The Man (now with his name reinstated as Elliot) made several attempts on his own life after discovering that, pre-amnesia, he was involved in a drug cartel and was directly responsible for the lives of two women he forced into trafficking for him.

That'll do a number on anyone if they truly believed they were a good person.

Dornan had previously told RadioTimes that The Tourist was originally set up to be a limited, one-off series. But, after 12 million people tuned in to watch within the first 30 days, the Fifty Shades of Grey actor discussed the possibility of him reprising the role for a second time.

"I guess it's a little bit open-ended with the end, people still have questions," he said. "Obviously we had good plans for it, wanted it, but the response to it, as you know, has been insane and the amount of people [who have] watched it, and the love for it is very real.

"I saw something the other day that they said that there's talk of... they'd be looking into how they could do a second series of it if there is a want, and it seems there is a want," he added. So who knows, the plan was only ever to play The Man once, but we'll see."

Dornan recently admitted he had never played a character before who didn't know who he is, so he had to pull on experiences where he felt "lost or afraid" to inspire him in his performance.

"I've never had to approach a character before who doesn't know who he is, so it was almost like a total opposite process for me of not allowing yourself a backstory and accepting every single discovery he has as something new," he told Variety .

"I often tried to consider myself in my most vulnerable moments, where I've felt lost or afraid, and draw on those."

"I think the way it plays with tones, often so abruptly swinging from drama to comedy," he added. "Just when you think you have a handle on what's going on, you're proven wrong."

So, if Elliot does survive and make a return, then we can probably assume that Dornan will be joined in season two by Shalom Brune-Franklin as Luci and Danielle Macdonald in the role of Helen Chambers.

During an interview with Phillip Schofield and Rochelle Humes on This Morning (via The Express ), Danielle was asked if she would ever return for a second season. To which she replied: "Would I do another season of this? I would, of course!

"I loved the writing, I loved the character [and] I loved the world, I would hands down do it again but I have no idea if there is even any intention of that."

In terms of the other cast members, all of the following could also return for season 2:

Genevieve Lemon as Sue, Danny Adcock as Ralph, Damon Herriman as Detective Inspector Lachlan Rogers, Alex Andreas as Dimitri Panigiris, and Maria Mercedes as Freddie Lanagan.

Of course, it's not likely that Ólafur Darri Ólafsson and Alex Dimitriades will be back as their characters died in season one.

the tourist danielle macdonald in the australian desert

The Tourist season 2 plot: What will happen?

At the end of season one, viewers watched Elliot find out that he was a drug trafficker before losing his memory, subsequently sending him into a spiral in which he drinks a bottle of vodka and swallows a whole lot of pills in an attempt to end his life.

Meanwhile, a disgusted Helen has had time to think about who he is and is advised by a friend to accept him for who he is now. As Elliot lies dying, she messages him an emoji of a burrito, which was previously said to be Elliot's 'happy place'. After seeing the message, we see Elliot smile before the credits roll.

"After I finished the series, I called Shalom [Brune-Franklin] instantly," Danielle MacDonald told us before the finale aired. "And I was like, 'I can't talk to anyone about this, because no one's read it, and I'm not allowed to say anything, so I need you to talk to me about it. We just need to talk about this whole situation.'"

Before the final episode was made available to us, Digital Spy asked Dornan and Brune-Franklin if they felt like season one tells a complete story or whether they would want to return one day.

The pair joked : "The whole series ends with Armageddon, so life doesn't exist anymore." But now that we have seen the finale, it's clear that there's at least some truth to this when it comes to the fate of Dornan's character. To read more on that and his chances of survival, check out our piece about the ending right here .

But what do the creators of The Tourist think? While chatting with RadioTimes , Harry Williams said : "I would love to make this show again with these people. I'm not entirely sure it's possible. I love the tone, I love the world. It's been our lives for three years and we've been very, very involved with it, more so than any other show."

"We've loved every minute. Normally you're sick of it by this point having watched 900 cuts of one episode but I still love it and I'd love to do it again."

Co-creator Jack Williams added that they are "talking about how we could return to this world", adding: "Yeah, this world and this tone. I feel like we're not done with that. In terms of the story, we'll see how it goes if people like it."

Leading man Jamie Dornan explained in March 2022 that he wouldn't be against a return, but noted to Entertainment Weekly : "That wasn't the plan, to be honest. We all signed up for one."

However, he's not against the idea of going back to Elliot's life and uncovering more, explaining it's a similar situation to The Fall , the beloved crime show in which he starred alongside Gillian Anderson. " The Fall was meant to be one series," he said. "There was big demand for The Fall, obviously, and we did a couple more [seasons].

"In the UK and Ireland and Australia, and anywhere it's been so far, people seem to love The Tourist , so who knows? I know conversations are being had. So we'll see what we get to, but I would love to."

So, taking into account the finale now we've seen it, there are two ways this show could go. The first would be to make it some kind of anthology, where the entire cast is wiped out and everything is reset, with a new 'tourist' to focus on with as much trouble as Jamie Dornan before them.

The second would be to allow the character of Elliot to survive and try and make peace with what he's done in his past in some way. Guess we'll find out either way soon enough.

shalom brune franklin, jamie dornan, the tourist

The Tourist season 2 trailer: When can I watch it?

A trailer for The Tourist season two isn't available just yet, but when the series does get a release date, then we'd expect the trailer in the month leading up to the premiere.

When it does arrive, then, don't forget to come back here and check it out on Digital Spy .

Even suffering from amnesia is no excuse at this point!

The Tourist series 1 is streaming on BBC iPlayer and available on DVD and Blu-ray . Series 2 has been officially announced.

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Headshot of David Opie

After teaching in England and South Korea, David turned to writing in Germany, where he covered everything from superhero movies to the Berlin Film Festival. 

In 2019, David moved to London to join Digital Spy , where he could indulge his love of comics, horror and LGBTQ+ storytelling as Deputy TV Editor, and later, as Acting TV Editor.

David has spoken on numerous LGBTQ+ panels to discuss queer representation and in 2020, he created the Rainbow Crew interview series, which celebrates LGBTQ+ talent on both sides of the camera via video content and longform reads.

Beyond that, David has interviewed all your faves, including Henry Cavill, Pedro Pascal, Olivia Colman, Patrick Stewart, Ncuti Gatwa, Jamie Dornan, Regina King, and more — not to mention countless Drag Race legends. 

As a freelance entertainment journalist, David has bylines across a range of publications including Empire Online, Radio Times , INTO, Highsnobiety, Den of Geek , The Digital Fix and Sight & Sound . 

Headshot of Tilly Pearce

Freelance writer, Digital Spy Tilly is Gold-Standard NCTJ accredited journalist with eight years of experience in entertainment journalism. 

She has been heard giving her insight on the latest TV stories on BBC Radio across the country and on BBC News. 

Previously working with The Sun Online , Yahoo , and Independent IE amongst others, she joined the Digital Spy team from 2021-2023 as Deputy TV Editor (Maternity cover). 

With a speciality in TV drama and true crime, Tilly has been praised for her exclusive content with A-list stars ranging from Sir David Attenborough to the lawyers behind Making A Murderer . 

She’s happy to report her mum now takes her seriously as a journalist as she got to interview George Clooney once.

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  3. Avis et audience The Tourist (série France 2) : Une saison 2 déjà

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  4. Série : « The Tourist » sur France 2, thriller ensablé et angoissant

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  5. THE TOURIST Series 2 Release Set for 2023 by BBC: Jamie Dornan

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  6. The Tourist

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  1. The Tourist

    Les vidéos et les replay - The Tourist sur France 2 - voir et revoir toutes les émissions et programmes de france-2 sur passer au contenu principal passer à la recherche . Chaînes. ... Série étrangère (6x60min) | Alors que l'homme doit faire la lumière sur son passé, il doit aussi s'interroger sur son présent. ...

  2. The Tourist sur France 2 : que vaut le thriller déjanté avec Jamie

    France 2 lance ce soir la série "The Tourist", avec Jamie Dornan ("Cinquante Nuances de Grey") dans le rôle d'un homme amnésique qui cherche à comprendre pourquoi on veut le tuer. Un thriller ...

  3. The Tourist (TV Series 2022-2024)

    The Tourist: Created by Harry Williams, Jack Williams. With Jamie Dornan, Danielle Macdonald, Greg Larsen, Victoria Haralabidou. When a man wakes up in the Australian outback with no memory, he must use the few clues he has to discover his identity before his past catches up with him.

  4. The Tourist series two review

    The Tourist series two review - Jamie Dornan is hugely charming in this gloriously fun show This article is more than 3 months old This raucous, entertaining thriller is the perfect vehicle for ...

  5. The Tourist : la série de France 2 aura-t-elle une saison 2

    The Tourist est une série diffusée sur France 2 les 20 et 27 juin 2022. Si vous avez raté certains épisodes, ceux-ci seront disponibles en replay streaming au lendemain de leur diffusion sur ...

  6. The Tourist (TV Series 2022-2024)

    S2.E3 ∙ Episode #2.3. Thu, Feb 29, 2024. Elliot returns to the hotel to find Helen missing, but Ethan is on hand to help retrace her steps. Helen must balance the peril she now finds herself in, with her desire to get the answers she needs. 7.0/10 (327)

  7. The Tourist (final) : une saison 2 pour Jamie Dornan sur France 2

    Dès le lundi 4 juillet, France 2 proposera en prime la série Major crimes . En revanche, une saison 2 pour The Tourist a été actée en mars 2022 et pourrait donc être diffusée au cours de l ...

  8. Série : « The Tourist » sur France 2, thriller ensablé et angoissant

    Entre enquêtes existentielles et policières, la série britannique The Tourist ne manque pas de suspense et nous transporte dans l'arrière-pays australien. Les trois premiers épisodes sont ...

  9. The Tourist

    Regarder les bandes-annonces et en savoir plus.

  10. The Tourist

    Série de Harry Williams et Jack Williams · 2 saisons (En cours) · 57 min · 20 juin 2022 (France) Diffuseur : Max Genres : Drame, Thriller, Mini-série Pays d'origine : ... 1 membre a ajouté The Tourist à son top 10 série. Critiques : avis d'internautes (9) Écrire une critique. 7.

  11. BBC announces launch date for series two of hit thriller The Tourist

    The Tourist series two is a Two Brothers Pictures (an All3Media company) production for the BBC, in association with Stan, ZDF and All3Media International created and written by Harry and Jack ...

  12. Watch 'The Tourist' Season 2 Trailer

    Watch 'The Tourist' Season 2 trailer starring Jamie Dornan and Danielle Macdonald

  13. The Tourist season 2: US release date, cast, plot and more

    The Tourist season 2 premiered on BBC One on Monday 1 January 2024 at 9 pm. The second episode follows on Tuesday 2 January on BBC One at 9 pm. Subsequent episodes air on consecutive Sundays throughout January. The whole series is available now as a box set on BBC iPlayer. The Tourist season 1 was broadcast on HBO Max in the United States, but ...

  14. When Does 'The Tourist' Season 2 Premiere on Netflix?

    The show premiered Jan. 1, 2022 on BBC in the United Kingdom, and aired months later on Max (a co-producer) in the United States. Amid production for Season 2, Deadline reported that Max removed ...

  15. The Tourist Season 2 Trailer: Stephen King-Approved Netflix Drama

    The trailer for The Tourist season 2 continues the Jamie Dornan-led tense mystery, which has been endorsed by legendary writer Stephen King. The influential horror novelist recently shared his views of The Tourist on social media, calling the Netflix series "flat-out terrific."The story follows Dornan's character, known only as The Man, who wakes up in an Australian hospital after a ...

  16. The Tourist (TV series)

    The Tourist is a drama thriller television series. It stars Jamie Dornan as the victim of a car crash who wakes up in a hospital in Australia with amnesia.. The series premiered on 1 January 2022 on BBC One in the UK, the next day on Stan in Australia, and on 3 March on HBO Max in the US. It is distributed internationally by All3Media.. In March 2022, the series was renewed for a second series ...

  17. 'The Tourist' Seasons 1 & 2: Where to Watch & Stream

    Nawfal Faizullah executive produces for the BBC; Warner Brothers helped produce Season 1. The Tourist Season 2 debuts on New Year's Day in the U.K., Monday, January 1, 2024, on BBC One. Season 1 is expected to debut on Netflix at the beginning of February; Season 2 will arrive with all episodes on Thursday, February 29, 2024. Ani Bundel Netflix.

  18. The Tourist season 2 potential release date, cast and plot

    Genevieve Lemon as Sue, Danny Adcock as Ralph, Damon Herriman as Detective Inspector Lachlan Rogers, Alex Andreas as Dimitri Panigiris, and Maria Mercedes as Freddie Lanagan. Of course, it's not ...

  19. The Tourist Season 2: Release Date, Plot, Cast, Ending Explained

    The Tourist Season 2: Release Date, Plot, Cast, Ending Explained - Netflix Tudum. Jamie Dornan leads Australian thriller The Tourist. Here's everything you need to know about the series' plot, cast, and ending.

  20. The Tourist Series 2

    Set against the striking backdrop of Ireland, The Tourist Series 2 sees Elliot (Jamie Dornan) and Helen (Danielle Macdonald) confronted by friends and foes. ...

  21. BBC One

    2 / 6 Elliot seeks help from an unlikely ally, while Helen learns more about Elliot's family. Episode 1 1 / 6 Elliot and Helen travel to Ireland in the hope of finding answers about Elliot's past.