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Beginner’s Guide to Identifying a Tripped Circuit Breaker

Key highlights.

  • Understanding the different types of circuit breakers and their functions
  • Common reasons for circuit breaker trips: overloaded circuits, short circuits, and ground faults
  • Steps to troubleshoot and reset a tripped circuit breaker
  • When to call in professional help for persistent tripping or serious electrical issues
  • Tips for maintaining your circuit breaker panel to prevent future trips
  • FAQs: Why does a circuit breaker keep tripping? Can I replace a circuit breaker myself? How to know if a circuit breaker is faulty? What’s the difference between a circuit breaker and a fuse? Why did my circuit breaker trip? What to do when a tripped breaker is found? What causes a circuit breaker to trip? How to prevent frequent tripping? Can frequent tripping indicate a larger electrical issue in the home? When to call a professional to fix a tripped circuit breaker


Hey there! Ever had that moment when all the lights suddenly go out in your home? Yeah, this can be a bit annoying, especially when the big Basketball game is about to start or when you are rushing to get the kids ready for school in the morning! Well, chances are, your circuit breaker decided to take a little break. But don’t worry, it’s actually a safety feature designed to prevent any electrical disasters.

Think of it like your circuit breaker playing superhero, swooping in to save the day when there’s too much electrical action going on. It’s there to protect you from overloads, short circuits, and ground faults, kind of like your own personal electric guardian angel.

Now, I get it, dealing with a tripped circuit breaker can be a bit of a hassle. But fear you’re your Tripp your personal electrical guide from the Doctor Electric Team is here to guide you through the process with some friendly tips and tricks. Consider this your beginner’s guide to tackling those annoying tripped circuit breakers like a pro. So, let’s dive in and get your power back on in no time!

Understanding Circuit Breakers: The Basics

Before we get into finding a tripped circuit breaker, let’s talk about what they are. A circuit breaker is like a traffic cop for electricity in your home’s electrical panel, also called a service panel or breaker box. It controls the electricity flow, keeping your electrical system safe from overloads and problems. If a circuit breaker trips, it’s like it puts up a “stop” sign for electricity to prevent damage or dangerous situations.

What is a Circuit Breaker?

Think of a circuit breaker as your electrical system’s guardian. It’s like a super cool switch that can be turned on or off manually or even flips itself off automatically when it senses weird stuff happening with the electricity.

If the electricity flow gets too intense for the circuit breaker to handle, it does its magic and disconnects the circuit. This way, it prevents the electrical wires and your fancy appliances from getting all hot and bothered or worse, damaged.

Circuit breakers are like the superheroes of your home’s electrical system, making sure everything stays safe and sound, and avoiding those nasty electrical fires and accidents.

Types of Circuit Breakers and Their Functions

Let’s talk about the different types of circuit breakers. Knowing what they do  can help you pick the right one for your electrical needs Here are some common types of circuit breakers:

  • Magnetic Circuit Breakers: Picture this: a superhero with electromagnetism as their superpower! These circuit breakers use electromagnetic force to trip when the electrical current goes above the limit they’re designed for. They’re like the Flash, super-fast in detecting and reacting to electrical surges.
  • Thermal Circuit Breakers: These circuit breakers have metal strips that act as their sensors. When there’s an overload or a fault, the strips heat up, bend, and cut off the power. It’s like a safety valve that keeps the temperature from getting too hot in your electrical system.
  • Thermal-Magnetic Circuit Breakers: Think of these circuit breakers as the ultimate protectors. They combine the powers of both magnetic and thermal circuit breakers, providing double the defense against overloads and short circuits. They’re like the Avengers of the circuit breaker world, ready to tackle any electrical challenge.
  • Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI): GFCIs are the safety experts when it comes to preventing shocks. They’re designed to detect imbalances in electrical current and quickly interrupt the flow of electricity if it’s taking an unintended path, like through water or a person. They’re like invisible shields protecting us from electrical hazards, especially in areas like bathrooms and kitchens.

circuit breaker

Common Reasons for Circuit Breaker Trips

Circuit breakers can sometimes get a little jumpy and trip for various reasons. Let’s explore some of the most common causes and how to prevent them:

Overloaded Circuit: When you cram too many appliances or devices into one outlet, it can cause the circuit to get overloaded and trip the breaker. It’s like a traffic jam in your electrical system. The solution? Spread out your power-hungry friends by using different outlets or try to limit the number of appliances on one circuit.

Short Circuit: Ever seen sparks fly when you plug in a faulty appliance? That’s a short circuit. It happens when the “hot” wire (the one that carries electricity) touches the “neutral” wire (the one that returns electricity). It’s like a shortcut that electricity takes, causing a surge and tripping the breaker. Unplug the faulty appliance and call an electrician if it keeps happening.

Ground Fault: If electricity takes a detour through an unintended path, like a person or water, it’s called a ground fault. It’s like a sneaky escape route for electricity. This can trip the breaker to prevent electrical shocks or fires. If you suspect a ground fault, consult with a qualified electrician for help.

Overloaded Circuits: Recognizing the Signs

An overloaded circuit occurs when you have too many electrical devices or appliances drawing power from a single circuit. This can lead to a tripped circuit breaker and potential hazards. Here are some signs that you may have an overloaded circuit:

  • Frequently tripping circuit breaker: If your circuit breaker trips frequently, especially when using certain appliances or devices, it could be a sign of an overloaded circuit.
  • Flickering or dimming lights: When you turn on multiple appliances or devices, you may notice your lights flickering or dimming. This indicates that the circuit is struggling to handle the power load.
  • Warm electrical outlets: If your electrical outlets feel warm to the touch or emit a burning smell, it could be a sign of an overloaded circuit. This can be dangerous and should be addressed promptly.

To avoid overloading your circuits, distribute the electrical load evenly among different circuits in your home. Consider using power strips with built-in circuit breakers to protect against overloads and ensure that you’re not exceeding the capacity of the circuit. If you frequently experience circuit breaker trips due to an overloaded circuit, it may be necessary to consult a licensed electrician to assess and upgrade your electrical system.

Short Circuits: Identifying and Preventing Risks

A short circuit occurs when a hot wire comes into contact with another hot wire or a neutral wire, causing a surge of electricity. This can be caused by wiring issues, damaged appliances, or faulty electrical connections. Here’s how to identify and prevent short circuits:

  • Signs of a short circuit: If you notice sparks, a burning smell, or a sudden loss of power without tripping the circuit breaker, it could be a sign of a short circuit.
  • Inspect the wiring: Check for any visible signs of damage, such as frayed wires, loose connections, or exposed conductors. Damaged or deteriorating wiring can increase the risk of short circuits.
  • Avoid overloading outlets: Do not plug too many devices into a single outlet, as this can increase the risk of a short circuit. Use power strips with built-in surge protectors to distribute the load evenly.
  • Use proper electrical insulation: Ensure that all wires are properly insulated and protected to prevent contact with other wires or surfaces.
  • Seek professional help: If you suspect a short circuit or are unsure about the safety of the wiring in your home, it is recommended to consult a licensed electrician who can identify and resolve the issue safely.

Preventing short circuits is essential for the safety of your home and family. Regularly inspect your electrical system, address any wiring issues promptly, and avoid overloading outlets to minimize the risk of short circuits.

Ground Faults: Safety Measures and Solutions

Ground faults occur when electricity flows through an unintended path, such as water or a person. This can result in electrical shocks and fires. Here are some safety measures and solutions to prevent ground faults:

  • Install Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs): GFCIs are designed to detect ground faults and quickly interrupt the flow of electricity, protecting against electrical shocks. Install GFCI outlets in areas where water is present, such as bathrooms, kitchens, and outdoor outlets.
  • Test GFCIs regularly: GFCIs have a built-in test button to ensure they are working correctly. Test them monthly by pressing the test button and verifying that the power is cut off. Reset them afterward to restore power.
  • Avoid using electrical devices near water: Keep electrical devices away from water sources to reduce the risk of ground faults. This includes using extension cords and appliances in wet areas.
  • Inspect and maintain electrical wiring: Regularly inspect the wiring in your home for signs of wear, damage, or aging. Replace any damaged or worn-out wiring to minimize the risk of ground faults.
  • Consult a licensed electrician: If you experience frequent ground faults or are unsure about the safety of your electrical system, it is recommended to consult a licensed electrician for professional inspection and repairs.

By implementing these safety measures and solutions, you can protect yourself and your home from ground faults and ensure the electrical system operates safely.

static trip circuit breaker

Beginner’s Guide: Preparing to Troubleshoot Your Circuit Breaker

Before attempting to troubleshoot a tripped circuit breaker, it’s important to prioritize safety. Dealing with electricity can be hazardous, so it’s crucial to take the necessary precautions. Here are some important safety measures to keep in mind when preparing to troubleshoot your circuit breaker:

  • Turn off all appliances and devices connected to the circuit that tripped to prevent power surges or electrical shocks.
  • Identify the location of your electrical panel or breaker box, usually found in the basement, garage, or utility closet.
  • Familiarize yourself with the different circuit breakers in your panel and their corresponding circuits.
  • If you’re unsure or uncomfortable working with electrical systems, it’s always best to contact a licensed electrician for assistance.

By prioritizing safety and taking the necessary precautions, you can troubleshoot your tripped circuit breaker effectively and minimize the risk of accidents or further electrical issues.

Safety First: What You’ll Need

To ensure a safe and successful troubleshooting process, it’s important to gather the necessary tools and equipment. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Flashlight: A flashlight will help you see clearly in the electrical panel, especially if it’s located in a dimly lit area.
  • Non-contact voltage tester: This tool allows you to check if a circuit is live or if there’s still electricity flowing through it without making direct contact.
  • Screwdriver: You may need a screwdriver to remove the cover of the electrical panel and access the circuit breakers.
  • Safety gloves and goggles: It’s essential to protect yourself from electrical shocks and debris. Wear safety gloves and goggles to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Knowledge of your electrical system: Understand which circuit breakers correspond to specific areas of your home before troubleshooting. If you’re unsure, consult a licensed electrician for guidance.

Keep in mind that electrical work can be dangerous, and if you’re not confident in your abilities or uncomfortable working with your electrical system, it’s always best to consult a licensed electrician to ensure your safety and avoid potential hazards.

Identifying Your Circuit Breaker Panel

Your circuit breaker panel, also known as the breaker box, is the central hub for controlling the electrical circuits in your home. It’s important to locate and identify your circuit breaker panel before troubleshooting a tripped breaker. Here’s how to find it:

  • Look for a metal box: Circuit breaker panels are typically housed in a metal box mounted on a wall. Common locations include basements, garages, utility closets, or other designated electrical rooms.
  • Check for labels or markings: The circuit breaker panel may have labels or markings indicating which breakers correspond to specific areas of your home, such as kitchen, living room, or bedroom.
  • Open the panel cover: Once you’ve located the circuit breaker panel, use a screwdriver to remove the cover and access the circuit breakers.

It’s important to exercise caution when working with your circuit breaker panel. If you’re unsure or uncomfortable, it’s recommended to contact a licensed electrician for assistance in identifying your circuit breaker panel.

Step-by-Step Guide to Resetting a Tripped Circuit Breaker

Resetting a tripped circuit breaker is a simple process that can be done by following a few easy steps. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you reset a tripped circuit breaker safely and effectively:

Step 1: Locating the Tripped Breaker

Step 2: ensuring safety before proceeding, step 3: resetting the circuit breaker, step 4: identifying the cause of the trip.

By following these steps, you can reset a tripped circuit breaker and restore power to the affected circuit. However, it’s important to identify the cause of the trip to prevent further issues and ensure the safety of your electrical system.

The first step in resetting a tripped circuit breaker is to locate the specific breaker that has tripped. Here’s how to do it:

  • Locate your electrical panel or circuit breaker box, usually found in a basement, garage, or utility closet.
  • Open the panel cover using a screwdriver, exposing the circuit breakers.
  • Visually inspect the circuit breakers and look for one that is in the middle position or slightly shifted from the “on” position. This indicates a tripped breaker.

Once you have identified the tripped breaker, make a note of its location and proceed to the next step to ensure safety before resetting it.

Before resetting a tripped circuit breaker, it’s crucial to take safety measures to avoid electrical hazards. Follow these steps to ensure safety before proceeding:

  • Turn off all appliances and devices connected to the tripped circuit to prevent power surges.
  • If there is a power outage in your home, make sure to determine the cause. If it’s only a specific circuit that has lost power, it’s likely due to a tripped breaker.
  • If you’re unsure or uncomfortable working with your electrical system, it’s recommended to contact a licensed electrician for assistance.

By following these safety measures, you can minimize the risk of electrical shocks or accidents while troubleshooting a tripped circuit breaker.

Once you have taken the necessary safety precautions, you can proceed to reset the tripped circuit breaker. Follow these steps to reset the circuit breaker:

  • Locate the tripped breaker, which will be in the middle position or slightly shifted from the “on” position.
  • Firmly push the tripped breaker to the “off” position and then back to the “on” position.
  • If the breaker stays in the “on” position without tripping or feeling loose, it has been successfully reset.

If the breaker does not reset or continues to trip, there may be a more serious issue that requires professional attention. In such cases, it’s recommended to contact a licensed electrician to diagnose and resolve the problem.

After resetting the tripped circuit breaker, it’s important to identify the cause of the trip to prevent future occurrences. Here are some common causes of circuit breaker trips and how to determine the cause:

By identifying the cause of the trip, you can take appropriate measures to address the issue and prevent future circuit breaker trips. However, if you’re unsure or unable to determine the cause, it’s best to consult a licensed electrician for professional assistance.

electrician fixing outlet

When to Call in the Professionals

While resetting a tripped circuit breaker can often be done by homeowners, there are certain situations where it’s best to call in a professional electrician. Here are some instances when you should consider contacting a licensed electrician:

  • Persistent Tripping: If your circuit breaker trips frequently, even after resetting it, there may be an underlying electrical problem that requires professional attention.
  • Serious Electrical Issues: If you notice signs of serious electrical issues, such as burning smells, charred outlets, or flickering lights, it’s important to have a professional electrician assess and address the problem.
  • Lack of Electrical Expertise: If you’re unsure about your electrical knowledge or uncomfortable working with your electrical system, it’s always safer to rely on the expertise of a licensed electrician.

Calling in a professional electrician ensures that the issue is properly diagnosed, resolved, and that your electrical system is safe and up to code.

Persistent Tripping: Knowing When It’s Beyond DIY

If your circuit breaker trips frequently, even after resetting it, it may indicate an underlying electrical problem that requires the expertise of a licensed electrician. Here are some signs that the issue may be beyond DIY troubleshooting:

  • Tripping on Multiple Circuits: If the circuit breaker trips on different circuits throughout your home, it could indicate a more widespread problem in the electrical system.
  • Tripping Without Overloaded Circuits: If the circuit breaker trips even when the electrical load is within the rated capacity, it suggests a fault in the system.
  • Intermittent Tripping: If the circuit breaker trips intermittently or randomly, it can be a sign of a loose connection, damaged wiring, or other electrical faults.

In these situations, it’s best to contact a licensed electrician who has the expertise to diagnose and resolve complex electrical issues. They can ensure the safety of your electrical system and provide appropriate solutions.

Signs of Serious Electrical Issues

Certain signs indicate serious electrical issues that should not be ignored. If you notice any of these signs, it’s crucial to contact a licensed electrician for immediate assistance:

  • Burning Smell: A persistent burning smell, especially around outlets or electrical panels, could indicate overheating or electrical arcing, which can lead to fires.
  • Charred Outlets or Switches: If you find discolored or charred outlets, switches, or wiring, it suggests excessive heat buildup and potential fire hazards.
  • Flickering or Dimming Lights: If your lights flicker or dim without an apparent cause, it may indicate loose connections or faulty wiring, which can lead to electrical failures or fires.
  • Electrical Work: If you’ve recently had electrical work done and experience unusual electrical issues afterward, it’s essential to have a professional electrician inspect the work for potential problems.

Ignoring these signs of serious electrical issues can pose significant safety risks. It’s important to contact a licensed electrician promptly to evaluate and address the underlying problems.

electrician panel box

Maintaining Your Circuit Breaker Panel

Proper maintenance of your circuit breaker panel is essential to ensure its optimal performance and prevent unnecessary trips. Here are some maintenance tips to keep in mind:

  • Regular Checks: Periodically inspect your circuit breaker panel for signs of damage, such as loose connections, corrosion, or overheating. Address any issues promptly.
  • Balancing Loads: Distribute the electrical load evenly across different circuits to avoid overloading and tripping.
  • Updating Old Circuit Breakers: If you have an older home with outdated circuit breakers, consider upgrading them to newer models with higher capacities and enhanced safety features.

By following these maintenance tips, you can prolong the lifespan of your circuit breaker panel, reduce the risk of trips, and ensure the safety of your electrical system.

Regular Checks and Balancing Loads

Regular checks and balancing the electrical load in your home are essential for maintaining the performance and safety of your circuit breaker panel. Here’s what you can do:

  • Regular Checks: Periodically inspect your circuit breaker panel for any signs of damage or wear, such as loose connections, corrosion, or charred components. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage or hazards.
  • Balancing Loads: Distribute the electrical load evenly across different circuits in your home. Avoid overloading a single circuit by plugging in too many appliances or devices. Consider using power strips with surge protectors to distribute the load.
  • Amperage Rating: Understand the amperage rating of your circuit breakers and the maximum load they can handle. Avoid exceeding the amperage rating to prevent tripping and potential damage to the circuit breaker or electrical system.

By performing regular checks and balancing the electrical load, you can ensure that your circuit breaker panel operates efficiently and minimize the risk of trips and electrical hazards.

Updating Old Circuit Breakers

If you live in an older home with outdated circuit breakers, it may be necessary to update them to ensure the safety and efficiency of your electrical system. Here’s why you should consider updating old circuit breakers:

  • Enhanced Safety: Newer circuit breakers come with improved safety features, such as arc fault circuit interrupters (AFCIs) and ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs), which provide enhanced protection against electrical hazards.
  • Higher Capacities: Older circuit breakers may have lower amperage ratings and may not be able to handle the electrical demands of modern appliances and devices. Upgrading to higher-capacity circuit breakers can prevent overloading and tripping.
  • Code Compliance: Electrical codes and standards evolve over time. Updating your circuit breakers ensures that your electrical system complies with current codes and regulations, providing peace of mind and safety.

When updating circuit breakers, it’s important to consult a licensed electrician who can assess your electrical system and recommend the appropriate upgrades for your specific needs.

female electrician testing outlet

Remember, safety first when dealing with circuit breakers. Understanding the basics and common reasons for trips can help you troubleshoot effectively. Always prioritize safety and know when to seek professional help. Regular maintenance and updates are key to preventing future issues. If you’re unsure or face persistent tripping, don’t hesitate to get in touch with a professional for assistance. Your home’s electrical system is essential for your safety, so ensure it’s always well-maintained. Stay safe and informed!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my circuit breaker keep tripping.

Circuit breakers can trip due to various reasons, including an overloaded circuit, a short circuit, or a ground fault. These trips are safety measures to protect your electrical system from damage or hazards. Identifying and addressing the cause of the trips can help prevent recurring issues.

Can I replace a circuit breaker myself?

While some homeowners may have the knowledge and skills to replace a circuit breaker, it’s recommended to consult a licensed electrician for safety reasons. Working with electricity can be dangerous, and a professional electrician can ensure that the replacement is done correctly and safely.

How do I know if my circuit breaker is faulty?

If you’re experiencing frequent circuit breaker trips, flickering lights, or other electrical issues, it could indicate a faulty circuit breaker. A licensed electrician can inspect and test the breaker to determine if it needs to be replaced.

What’s the difference between a circuit breaker and a fuse?

Circuit breakers and fuses both protect electrical circuits from overloads and faults. However, while circuit breakers can be reset and reused, fuses need to be replaced after they trip. Circuit breakers are more commonly used in modern electrical panels.

Why Did My Circuit Breaker Trip?

Circuit breakers can trip due to electrical overloads, short circuits, or ground faults. These trips occur to protect your electrical system from damage or hazards. Identifying the cause of the trip can help prevent future occurrences.

What should be done when a tripped breaker is found?

When you find a tripped breaker, it’s important to follow the proper procedure for resetting it. Turn off all appliances connected to the circuit, locate the tripped breaker, reset it by moving the switch to the “off” and then “on” position, and ensure that the cause of the trip is identified and resolved.

What causes a circuit breaker to trip?

Circuit breakers can trip due to various reasons, including an overloaded circuit, loose electrical connections, or electrical faults. These trips occur to protect your electrical system from damage or hazards.

How can you prevent circuit breakers from frequently tripping in the future?

To prevent circuit breakers from frequently tripping, distribute the electrical load evenly across different circuits, avoid overloading circuits, and implement proper circuit management. Consider upgrading your electrical system if necessary.

Can frequent tripping of a circuit breaker indicate a larger electrical issue in the home?

Frequent tripping of a circuit breaker can indicate a larger electrical issue, such as overloaded circuits or faulty wiring. It is advisable to have a licensed electrician conduct an electrical inspection to identify and address any underlying problems.

When should you call a professional to fix a tripped circuit breaker?

You should call a professional electrician if you’re uncomfortable working with your electrical system, if you experience persistent circuit breaker trips, or if you notice signs of serious electrical issues. A professional electrician has the expertise to diagnose and resolve complex electrical problems safely.

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Why Is My Circuit Breaker Tripping? 4 Potential Problems and Solutions

By Glenda Taylor , Bob Vila , Evelyn Auer

Updated on Jun 17, 2024 2:08 PM EDT

6 minute read

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What You Need to Know

  • A tripping circuit breaker could be a sign of an overloaded circuit, a short circuit, a ground fault, or a worn-out breaker.
  • Homeowners will want to hire an electrician to determine the cause of the frequently tripping circuit breaker.
  • Electricians may recommend replacing the circuit breaker, installing GFCI outlets, or rewiring part or all of the home.

Q: Every few hours—sometimes minutes!—my living room and one side of my kitchen lose electrical power. I’ll check the breaker panel and, sure enough, a circuit breaker has tripped…again. Should I call an electrician, or is there a simple DIY fix I can try first?

A: While it’s frustrating when a circuit breaker keeps tripping, they are important safety mechanisms. Designed to shut off the electrical current when something goes wrong, circuit breakers are one of the best ways of protecting a home from an electrical fire. “When a circuit breaker trips, typically it is because we use too much electricity, which causes it to overload and turn off,” says Christopher Haas, expert electrician and owner of Haas & Sons Electric in Millersville, Maryland. For those who need an electrical panels 101 refresher course or aren’t sure how to reset circuit breakers, each breaker has an on/off switch and controls a separate electrical circuit in the home. When a breaker trips, its switch automatically flips “off,” and it must be manually turned back on to restore electricity to the circuit. For those wondering, “Is it dangerous if a circuit breaker keeps tripping?” the answer is that it can be, depending on the source of the problem. An electrician can ultimately deal with the root issue, but a little sleuthing will reveal whether it’s something that’s easily remedied.

In many cases, the cause of a circuit breaking tripping is an overloaded circuit.

A circuit overloads when more electrical current is being drawn through the wires than they can handle, tripping the circuit breaker. If this happens, there may be a few additional signs:

  • Buzzing noises coming from outlets
  • Devices charging slowly
  • Electrical outlets not working
  • Flickering lights
  • Scorch marks on outlets and light switches

If a circuit breaker keeps tripping in one room, homeowners can test for circuit overload by turning off all the switches in the affected area and unplugging all appliances and devices. After the breaker is flipped back on, the devices can be turned back on one at a time, with homeowners waiting a few minutes in between to see if the circuit remains on. If the breaker trips before all the appliances are turned on, the experiment can be repeated, this time turning them on in a different order. It may be necessary to do this several times to find out how many appliances can be operated at once before the circuit overloads.

“As a short-term solution, you can unplug unnecessary appliances to prevent tripping circuit breakers. You may still get some trips, but you can limit them by unplugging devices that you don’t need to use,” advises Dan Mock, vice president of operations at Mister Sparky , an electrical company with 90 locations in the U.S. The best long-term solution, however, is to pay an electrician for the cost to rewire the house and add additional circuits. The cost to replace an electrical panel is about $1,274 on average.

One of the best circuit breakers installed on a wall with green wires coming from it.

Other times, the issue may be caused by a short circuit.

A “short” circuit means that two wires that should not be coming into contact are inadvertently touching, triggering a sudden surge of electricity through the wires. A short can occur in an outlet, a switch, or within an appliance if wires are loose or have been chewed through by mice or pets. Some signs of a short circuit include:

  • Popping sounds
  • Discolored outlets or switches
  • Burning smells

Testing to see if an appliance has a short is similar to testing for an overloaded circuit. When an appliance that has a short in its wiring is turned on, it will immediately trip the circuit. Homeowners can also try plugging it into an outlet in a different room. If the breaker for that room trips, there’s a short in the appliance (if it’s unclear what breaker goes to what room, the breaker can be identified with one of the best circuit breaker finders ). Electrical shorts can be a major fire hazard, so it’s a good idea to call a licensed electrician for this circuit breaker repair. It’s wise to stop using the outlet or appliance until a pro takes care of the problem.

Another potential cause of a circuit breaker tripping is a ground fault.

A ground fault occurs when the electricity running through a home’s wiring diverts from the wiring loop and travels to the ground, usually due to faulty wiring or water infiltration in an outlet or switch box. Water is a conductor, which is why walking through puddles is often listed as something not to do in a power outage in case of downed power lines. Once water makes contact with wires, electricity can jump from the wiring loop and follow the water trail. This creates a surge in electricity leading to a tripped circuit breaker. If a person comes in contact with the electricity that is on its way to the ground, this can result in electrocution. Homeowners may notice a few signs of a ground fault, including:

  • Tripped GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) outlets;
  • A burning smell coming from an outlet; and
  • Lights flickering.

Newer electrical breakers have features designed to protect against the danger of ground faults. According to Haas, “Ground fault breakers sense electricity going to earth as opposed to going through the wires of the circuit. You’ll find [these] for bathrooms, kitchens, garages, exteriors, and basements.” GFCI outlets are another safety feature that shut off the electric current within a fraction of a second of sensing a ground fault.

If a ground fault is the problem, the cause of the errant water must be discovered and repaired, and any damaged wiring must also be replaced. It’s also a good idea to install GFCI outlets in rooms where water is commonly used. A GFCI outlet costs $210 on average.

Sometimes a bad or worn-out circuit breaker can be the culprit.

In some cases, the circuit breaker itself may be faulty. Breakers that are old, damaged, or were installed incorrectly may trip frequently for no apparent reason. Alternatively, faulty breakers may not trip when they are supposed to, leaving the home at risk of electrical fire. Some signs of a bad circuit breaker include:

  • The circuit breaker getting hot and tripping frequently;
  • The circuit breaker won’t reset;
  • It has been over 10 years since the breaker was last serviced; and
  • The breaker has scorch marks.

An important electrical safety tip to keep in mind is that resetting a breaker over and over again can cause what is called an arc flash, which is a small electrical explosion that can be deadly. If resetting the breaker once does not remedy the issue, it’s a good idea for the homeowner to hire an electrician near them who knows how to replace a circuit breaker safely. Mock warns, “Don’t take any chances with circuit breakers. Instead, call a licensed electrician who knows the safe ways to replace breaker boxes, upgrade circuits, and diagnose potential electrical problems in your home.” Wiring a breaker box is a job to leave to an experienced electrician.

A professional electrician can help determine the specific cause of a frequently tripping circuit breaker.

Most circuit breaker problems—aside from those explained in the sections above—will need to be inspected and addressed by a licensed electrician. According to the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) , each year “thousands of people in the United States are critically injured and electrocuted as a result of electrical fires, accidents, [or] electrocution in their own homes.” While homeowners may be tempted to save on electrician costs by attempting circuit breaker replacement or repair themselves, electrical work is not suitable for casual DIYers. “Yes, you have to pay, but you can save many hours of head-scratching by hiring an electrician. Electricians will also have all the right tools for diagnosing and repairing the circuit,” Haas adds. “Lastly, they will come with a warranty/guarantee should something arise, and they will typically return at no additional cost.”

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1st Electricians

Can Static Electricity Trip a Circuit Breaker?

Static electricity.

It’s a common phenomenon experienced by many, especially during the dry winter months.

It’s a charge imbalance in dry materials.

It can result in powerful shocks if a damaged or unmonitored electrical current or flammable substance is nearby.

But can this static electricity trip a circuit breaker?

This question has intrigued many homeowners and electricians alike, both in the UK and the US.

Let’s delve into this topic.

static trip circuit breaker

Understanding Static Electricity

Before we answer the main question, it’s crucial to understand what static electricity is.

When two objects come into contact, there’s a transfer of electrons, leading to an imbalance of charge.

This imbalance results in one object gaining a positive charge while the other gets a negative charge.

The shock you feel when touching a doorknob or another person after walking on a carpet is a discharge of this static electricity.

Can Static Electricity Cause GFCI to Trip?

Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI) is a safety device designed to protect people from electrical shock.

It is sensitive to the flow of current and can trip when there is an imbalance.

Static electricity, which is a buildup of electric charge on an object, can cause a GFCI to trip.

This is because the GFCI detects the imbalance in the electrical current caused by the static electricity and shuts off the circuit.

This feature is particularly important in areas with high moisture, such as bathrooms and kitchens, where the risk of electric shock is higher .

Does Static Electricity Flow Through a Circuit?

Unlike current electricity, which flows through a conductor, static electricity doesn’t flow.

It is stationary or ‘static’ and remains in one place until it is discharged.

However, if one built up a sufficient static charge on their body and touched a light switch, they could potentially trip the circuit breakers in their house.

This is because the static electricity discharge can create a sudden surge of electricity that can overload the circuit breaker.

Why Does My Circuit Breaker Start Tripping Suddenly?

A circuit breaker can start tripping suddenly due to several reasons.

One of the most common reasons is an overloaded circuit.

If you’re using multiple high-powered devices on the same circuit at the same time, you’re probably just using more power than the circuit is designed to handle.

This is a common issue in households during the holiday season when additional lighting and heating devices are in use.

Other reasons can include a short circuit, a ground fault, or even a faulty circuit breaker.

In some cases, static electricity can also cause a breaker to trip.

However, it’s important to note that this is not a common occurrence and usually requires a significant amount of static electricity.

What are the 5 Examples of Static Electricity?

  • Lightning: The most dramatic example of static electricity is lightning. During a thunderstorm, an imbalance of electrical charge in the clouds can cause a discharge of static electricity known as lightning.
  • Static cling: When clothes are rubbed together in a dryer, they can become statically charged and stick together. This is a common issue during the dry winter months.
  • Hair standing on end: When you take off a woolen hat, your hair might stand on end due to static electricity.
  • Shock from a doorknob: On a dry day, you might get a shock from a doorknob after walking across a carpet due to static electricity.
  • Balloon sticking to a wall: After rubbing a balloon on your hair, it can stick to a wall due to static electricity.

Insights from Online Discussions

Online discussions reveal that static electricity can indeed trip a circuit breaker.

However, this is not a common occurrence and usually requires a significant amount of static electricity.

In most cases, circuit breakers trip due to other reasons such as overloaded circuits, short circuits, or ground faults.

In conclusion, while static electricity can trip a circuit breaker, it is not a common cause.

It’s always a good idea to consult with a professional if your circuit breaker is frequently tripping to ensure there are no serious electrical problems in your home.

This advice holds true whether you’re living in the rainy climate of the UK or the diverse weather conditions of the US.

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Test Static Trip I, II, & III Trip Units with the Siemens PTS-4

  • February 15, 2016
  • Rent Electrical Test Equipment , Secondary Injection Test

Test Static Trip I,   II, & III trip units used on the LA and RL line of low voltage power circuit    breakers with the Siemens PTS-4 (PTS4) Secondary Injection Test Set .

The test set provides a means of testing the magnetic tripping   actuator as well as the trip unit. The portable test set, using power from an   ordinary 120 volt convenience outlet, can provide circuit breaker testing   equivalent to much more expensive and cumbersome primary current testing.  

With the   Siemens PTS-4 , Static Trip III trip devices can be tested by themselves, or on a circuit breaker outside the cubicle, or inside the cubicle with the breaker in the TEST or DISCONNECTED position.A circuit breaker is provided in the PTS4 test set to prevent thermal damage from repeated high current tests.

Siemens PTS-4 (PTS4) Secondary Injection Test Set  features: 

Input power – 120 Volts, 50 or 60 Hz, 15 Amps maximum Output – 0 to 120 Volts, 15 Amps Maximum Maximum continuous current on high scale 1.0 Amps Maximum continuous current on low scale 0.75 Amps DC output for actuator test – 0 to 22 Volts Open Circuit

With offices in Texas, Illinois, New Jersey, Nevada, Georgia,   Protec offers a full stocks of electrical test and measurement equipment , with rental options that work for you.

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Siemens Static Trip III Manuals

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  • Circuit breakers
  • Static Trip III

Siemens Static Trip III Manuals

Siemens Static Trip III Instruction Manual

Siemens Static Trip III Instruction Manual (53 pages)

Table of contents.

  • Table of Contents 3
  • General Information 4
  • Product View 4
  • LCD Targets 4
  • Functions 4
  • Communications and Metering 4
  • Extended Protective Re Aying 4
  • Short Time Delay 4
  • Overcurrent Protection Configurations 5
  • LCD Targets 5
  • Communications and Metering Functions 5
  • Extended Protective Relaying 5
  • Logging Functions 6
  • Alarm Output 6
  • Remote Open/Close/Trip 6
  • Functional Characteristics Summary 6
  • Principles of Operation 7
  • Functional Circuit Description 7
  • User Control 8
  • Current Sensors 8
  • Protective Fault Operation 8
  • Tripping Actuator 8
  • External Power Supply 9
  • PT Module 9
  • BDU Breaker Display Unit 9
  • Shadow Protection 9
  • Installation and Adjustments Instructions 10
  • Removing and Replacing the Trip Unit's Transparent Cover 11
  • Setting the Overcurrent Protection Adjustments 11
  • Trip Unit Current Shaping Adjustment 12
  • Long Time Setting 13
  • Long Time Fault Protection 13
  • Long Time Delay 14
  • Thermal Memory 14
  • Short Time Fault Protection 14
  • Short Time Pickup 15
  • Short Time Delay 15
  • Instantaneous Fault Protection 16
  • Instantaneous Pickup 16
  • Ground Fault Protection 17
  • Ground Fault Pickup 17
  • Ground Fault Delay 18
  • Ground Fault Memory Circuit 18
  • Constructing a Time-Current Curve 18
  • Current in Multiples of Long Time Setting 19
  • Ground Fault Sensing Diagrams 20
  • Circuit Breaker Current Sensor Wiring Diagrams 21
  • Zone Interlocking 22
  • Metering and Extended Protective Relaying 23
  • Metering Functions 23
  • Measured Parameters Specifications 23
  • Power Flow Sign Conventions 24
  • Extended Protective Relay Functions 24
  • Current Unbalance 24
  • Voltage Unbalance 25
  • Under Voltage 25
  • Over Voltage 25
  • Under Frequency / over Frequency 25
  • Reverse Power 26
  • Trip Long 26
  • Trip Log Stored Parameters 26
  • Alarm Functions 26
  • Unbalance Alarms 27
  • Power Factor Alarm 27
  • Under Range Alarms 27
  • Over Range Alarms 27
  • Power Factor Scale 28
  • Recalibration and Reprogramming 28
  • Password Protection 28
  • Event Log / Alarm Log 28
  • Fundamental Configuration Parameters 29
  • Phase Sensor Rating 29
  • Ground Sensor Rating 29
  • Comm Trip/Comm Close/Comm Open 29
  • Default Values 30
  • Source for Configuration Parameters 30
  • Ten-Position Rear Connector/Four-Position Rear Connector 30
  • Programmable Settings Integrity Protection 30
  • Test Connections 31
  • Long Time Pickup Test 31
  • Secondary Current Testing 31
  • Long Time Delay Test 32
  • Short Time Pickup Test 32
  • Ground Pickup Test 32
  • Instantaneous Trip Test 32
  • Thermal Memory Test 33
  • Short Time Delay Test 33
  • Ground Time Delay Test 33
  • Zone Interlock Test 33
  • Load Indicator Output Test 34
  • Tripping Actuator Test 34
  • Current Sensor Test 34
  • Connections/Continuity Checks 34
  • Exitation Test 35
  • Sensor Polarity 35
  • Primary Current Testing 35
  • High Potential and Megger Testing 37
  • Reading Metering Data 38
  • Breaker Display Unit 38
  • Data Mode 38
  • Selecting Operating Mode 38
  • Data Mode Scrolling Sequence 39
  • Reading Maximum and Minimum Values 39
  • Reading an Alarm (ALRM) Log 39
  • Alarm Log Cause and Parameters Displayed 40
  • Trip Log Cause and Parameters Displayed 40
  • Reading the Trip Log 40
  • Program Mode / Entering the Password 40
  • Program Mode Main Scrolling Sequence 41
  • Changing the Password 41
  • Viewing Configuration Parameters and Set-Points 42
  • Setting Configuration Parameters and Set-Points 43
  • Clearing Min/Max and Kwhr/Kvarhr Values 44
  • LED Display Brightness Control 44
  • BDU Self-Test Function 44
  • BDU Error Messages 45
  • Accessories 46
  • Zone Interlocking Components 46
  • Zone Interlock Expanders 46
  • Zone Interlock Coupler / Sealable Transparent Cover 46
  • Power Supplies 47
  • Portable Test Set - Type PTS4 47
  • Communications Secondary Disconnects 47
  • Breaker Position Switch 48
  • Interposing Relay 48
  • Potential Transformers 48
  • Single Winding Current Sensors 49
  • Static Trip III Part Numbers 50
  • Static Trip IIIR Part Numbers (Retrofit Version) 50
  • Ordering Information 51
  • Protective Relaying 51
  • Ications 51


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Static Circuit Breakers

Definition : Static Circuit Breakers are circuits that are composed of semiconductor materials and are designed to break the continuously flowing current through a circuit. The interruption offered here exhibit quickness and reliability.

More simply, it is a mechanical switching device that carries and interrupts current in case of normal circuit conditions along with some specified abnormal circuit conditions like a short circuit. Mainly static circuit breakers are classified into two categories, namely,

Static AC Circuit Breakers

Static dc circuit breakers, introduction.

The circuit breakers are known to be devices that exhibit switching capability and are used for the protection of electrical power systems. One of the major reasons for the incorporation of circuit breakers in electrical circuits is that circuits that are present in modern power systems are subjected to handle large currents. Such high currents may cause electrical faults in the system whenever malfunctioning occurs. Thus, safe interruption of the excessively flowing current through the circuit is required and for this purpose, specially designed circuit breakers are used.

Let us now proceed to understand the circuit operation of each type of circuit breaker.

The operation of the static ac switch is similar to that of the static ac circuit breaker. Here we have shown the circuit representation of static ac circuit breaker:

static ac circuit breaker

It is known to us that when supply input is provided to the circuit along with the triggering pulse then the two thyristors in the circuit come into action and the current begins to flow through them. Now, as we have discussed that the aim of the circuit breaker is to break or interrupt the flow of current. Thus, here in order to break the circuit, the triggering pulse which was given to start the conduction is withdrawn.

The current and voltage waveforms for the respective circuit is shown below :

waveforms for static ac circuit breaker

Here suppose at 4π + φ, if gate pulse i.e., i g1 is not provided to thyristor T 1 , then it will not get on and at this instant T 2 is already, it is due to this reason, the conduction stops as circuit continuity gets halted at this instant. Thus, whenever, there is any system fault then a turn-off command is provided and instantly the triggering pulse from T 1 or T 2 is removed and this leads to the breaking of the circuit.

Consider the waveform shown above and assume that the system sends the turn-off command to the circuit at instant 3π + φ, then the load current will take a specific amount of time to stop flowing through the circuit and it will be around 4π + φ when the circuit current will break. This means that there will be a delay of a complete or a half cycle for the turnoff to take place. Even if the turn-off command is received by the circuit between 3π + φ to 4π + φ then also circuit will get turned off at 4π + φ.

Hence the time delay for the circuit to get turned off after getting the command is around one half-cycle i.e., π/ω seconds after the turn-off command is received. The reason for the same is that during operation the circuit will be performing some necessary operations when turn-off command is received thus this leads to the introduction of turn-off delay.

The figure shown here represents the circuit arrangement of static dc circuit breaker :

static dc circuit breaker

One can clearly see that this circuit arrangement is resembling with the circuit used for class-C commutation. We have already discussed in our previous contents that whenever the supply input provided to the circuit is of dc nature then in order to turn the thyristor off forced commutation will be required.

So, when T x is turned on then the supply voltage will appear at the load thus the voltage across the load will be V s . Due to the flow of current, the capacitor C in the circuit starts charging through the path V s – R – C – T x . The charge across the right-side plate of the capacitor is positive. Now, to have forced commutation, the thyristor T y in the circuit i.e., the auxiliary thyristor is turned on.

Due to the polarity of the voltage V c existing across the capacitor, the thyristor T x will get reverse biased and will get turned off. Hence, in this way T x i.e., the main thyristor will be under forced commutation. At the same time, due to the existing polarity of the capacitor, the thyristor T y will come in a forward-biased state and begins to conduct. The direction of flow of current will be from V s – load – C – T y . Now, due to this flow of current, the polarity across the capacitor will get reversed and now the left-hand plate will hold the positive charge once the capacitor gets fully charged.

At this time, the load current will become zero and simultaneously the current flowing through the resistor R will become less than the holding current of the auxiliary thyristor. This leads to turning off of the thyristor T y naturally.

Related Terms:

  • Static Induction Thyristor
  • Class D Commutation of Thyristor
  • Class B Commutation of Thyristor
  • Static Switch
  • Current-Commutated Chopper

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  • Mechanical & Electrical

Basics of low-voltage circuit breakers

A circuit breaker is designed to keep an undesirably large amount of current, voltage, or power out of a given part of an electrical circuit. industrial circuit breaker categories tend to follow voltage classes, which are divided according to magnitude. the ieee divides voltage systems into four classes listed in the table titled "ieee voltage classifications..

A circuit breaker is designed to keep an undesirably large amount of current, voltage, or power out of a given part of an electrical circuit.

Industrial circuit breaker categories tend to follow voltage classes, which are divided according to magnitude. The IEEE divides voltage systems into four classes listed in the table titled “IEEE voltage classifications.”

Circuit breakers found in industrial plants accommodate all voltage levels. However, low and medium-voltage circuit breakers comprise the lion’s share of switchgear used in industrial manufacturing plants. The focus of this article is limited to low-voltage circuit breakers.

The main classifications of low-voltage circuit breakers are “toggle” mechanism and two-step stored energy mechanism circuit breakers. The molded-case circuit breaker (MCCB) (Fig. 1) has a toggle mechanism with a distinct tripped position, which is typically midway between on and off.

The low-voltage power circuit breaker (LVPCB) (Fig. 2) has a two-step stored energy mechanism. This type of mechanism uses an energy storage device, such as a spring, that is “charged” and then released, or “discharged,” to close the circuit breaker. The LVPCB is older technology. Therefore the trend is away from LVPCB and toward insulated case circuit breakers (ICCB) because of reduced maintenance. No dust or contaminants can get into the sealed compartments of the ICCB and components are designed to ensure longer life.

Circuit breaker construction

As shown in Fig. 3, most circuit breakers have five main components:

Frame or molded case

Operating mechanism

Arc extinguishers and contacts

Terminal connectors

Trip bar or element.

The frame provides an insulated housing and is used to mount the circuit breaker components. The frame determines the physical size of the circuit breaker and the maximum allowable voltage and current. The operating mechanism provides a means of opening and closing the breaker contacts. In addition to indicating whether the breaker is open or closed, the operating mechanism handle indicates when the breaker has opened automatically (tripped) by moving to a position between on and off. To reset the circuit breaker, first move the handle to the “off” position, and then to the “on” position.

The arc extinguisher confines, divides, and extinguishes the arc drawn between contacts each time the circuit breaker interrupts current. The arc extinguisher is actually a series of contacts that open gradually, dividing the arc and making it easier to confine and extinguish (Fig. 4). Arc extinguishers are generally used in circuit breakers that control a large amount of power, such as those found in power distribution panels. Small power circuit breakers, such as those found in lighting panels, may not have arc extinguishers.

Terminal connectors are electrically connected to the contacts of the circuit breaker and provide the means of connecting the circuit breaker to the circuit. The trip element is the part of the circuit breaker that senses the overload condition and causes the circuit breaker to trip or break the circuit. Some circuit breakers use solid-state trip units, which use current transformers and solid-state circuitry.

Trip elements

The thermal trip element circuit breaker, like a delay fuse, protects a circuit from a small overload that continues for a long time (Fig. 5). The larger the overload, the faster the circuit breaker trips. The thermal element also protects the circuit from temperature increases. A magnetic circuit breaker trips instantly when the preset current is present. In some applications, both types of protection are desired. Rather than use two separate circuit breakers, a single trip element combining thermal and magnetic trip elements is used.

A magnetic trip element circuit breaker uses an electromagnet in series with the circuit load. With normal current, the electromagnet does not have enough attraction to the trip bar to move it; the contacts remain closed. The strength of the magnetic field of the electromagnet increases as current through the coil increases. As soon as the current in the circuit becomes large enough, the trip bar is pulled toward the magnetic element (electromagnet), the contacts are opened, and the current stops.

The amount of current needed to trip the circuit breaker depends on the size of the gap between the trip bar and the magnetic element. On some circuit breakers, this gap, and therefore the trip current, is adjustable.

In the thermal-magnetic trip element circuit breaker, a magnetic element is connected in series with the circuit load, and the load current heats a bimetallic element. Thermal-magnetic trip element operation is detailed in Fig. 6a and 6b.

Trip-free and nontrip-free circuit breakers

Circuit breakers are classified as being trip free or nontrip free. A trip-free circuit breaker is a circuit breaker that trips even if the operating mechanism is held in the “on” position. A nontrip-free circuit breaker can be reset and/or held “on” even if an overload or excessive heat condition is present. In other words, a nontrip-free circuit breaker can be bypassed by holding the operating mechanism “on.”

Trip-free circuit breakers are used on circuits that cannot tolerate overloads and on nonemergency circuits. Examples of these are precision or current sensitive circuits, nonemergency lighting circuits, and nonessential equipment circuits. Nontrip-free circuit breakers are used for circuits that are essential for operations. Examples of these circuits are emergency lighting, required control circuits, and essential equipment circuits.

Circuit breaker maintenance

Circuit breakers that can be accessed for maintenance require careful inspection and periodic cleaning. Before you attempt to work on circuit breakers, check the applicable technical manual carefully. Remove power to the circuit breaker before you work on it. Tag the switch that removes the power from the circuit breaker to ensure that power is not applied while you are working.

Manually operate the circuit breaker several times to ensure the operating mechanism works smoothly. Inspect the contacts for pitting caused by arcing or corrosion. If pitting is present, smooth the contacts with a fine file or number 00 sandpaper.

Be certain the contacts make proper contact when the operating mechanism is in the “on” position.

Check the connections at the terminals to ensure the terminals and wiring are tight and free from corrosion. Check all mounting hardware for tightness and wear. Check all components for wear. Clean the circuit breaker completely.

When you have finished working on the circuit breaker, restore power and remove the tag from the switch that applies power to the circuit.

PLANT ENGINEERING magazine extends its appreciation to Eaton | Cutler-Hammer, E-T-A Circuit Breakers, Rockwell Automation, Schneider Electric, and Siemens Energy & Automation, Inc., for the use of their materials in the preparation of this article.

IEEE voltage classifications

Low-voltage systems.

&1000 Vac

Medium-voltage systems

>1000 Vac to

100,000 Vac*

High-voltage systems

>100,000 Vac to

230,000 Vac

Extra-high voltage systems

>230,000 Vac to 800,000 Vac

*Most medium-voltage systems are rated at 38000 Vac or less.

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Solid-State Circuit Breaker

Semiconductors that provide more than just protection.

While relays are remote on/off switches, circuit breakers typically respond to overloads or short circuit in the load path to protect wires but also to keep hazards and damage away from people and equipment. The characteristics of semiconductors used in solid-state circuit breaker systems provide reasonable arguments for replacing electromechanical approaches. To name some of the advantages:

  • Fast trip switching
  • Adjustable/scalable trip characteristics
  • No arc/no tripping noise, no mechanical components, no arc chamber wear
  • Excellent detection, diagnostics, monitoring and predictive maintenance
  • Intelligent remote control and connectivity
  • Superior EMC performance
  • Longevity/highest reliability

System solutions from sensing, control, communication to next level of connectivity and security Our system approach for solid-state circuit breakers ranges from power switches and corresponding gate drivers to sensors, microcontrollers, and memories, as well as to communication and safety devices. Our scalable offering can be adapted to individual system requirements in terms of the power to be interrupted, the tripping characteristics, and the embedding of the solid-state circuit breaker in a hybrid system. Power MOSFET s and   IGBT s as discrete devices or in module packages give designers flexibility in their system architecture. Latest Silicon Carbide based solutions offer performance and cost optimized options. Matching isolated/non-isolated gate drivers complete our portfolio of power devices for solid state circuit breakers. For remote control, diagnostics, monitoring and maintenance purposes, discover Infineon’s 32-bit industrial microcontroller XMC™ family or AURIX™ family when functional safety aspects need to be considered. Take a look at Infineon’s wide range of volatile and non-volatile memories, including types such as SRAM , SEMPER ™  Secure NOR Flash , F-RAM or non-volatile SRAM to complement system microcontrollers. For one of the best-embedded security products on the market, choose the  OPTIGA™ Trust  product family. And consider Infineon’s USB or Wi-Fi controllers to meet the latest IoT networking needs. To minimize galvanic isolation efforts, circuit breakers communicate with all other systems compensation the control cabinet via our AIROC ™  Bluetooth devices .

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1200 V, and 1700 V CoolSiC™ MOSFET discretes are ideally suited for static switching circuit breaker applications. Infineon's CoolSiC™ MOSFETs are based on a state-of-the-art trench semiconductor process optimized to provide both the lowest losses in "always ON" mode and the highest reliability in operation.

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EiceDRIVER™ gate driver ICs

Every switch needs a driver – the right driver makes a difference. Power electronics applications employ power device switches. And power device switches require optimum gate drive solutions. That’s why we offer more than 500 EiceDRIVER™ gate driver IC solutions suitable for any power switch, and any application

XMC4000 Industrial Microcontroller

XMC4000 Industrial Microcontroller

All XMC4000 devices are powered by Arm® Cortex®-M4 with a built-in DSP instruction set. The Single Precision Floating Point Unit, Direct Memory Access (DMA) feature and Memory Protection Unit (MPU) are state-of-the-art for all devices – even the smallest XMC4000 runs with up to 80 MHz in core and peripherals. It comes with a comprehensive set of common, fast and precise analog/mixed signal, Timer/PWM and communication peripherals.

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500 V-950 V CoolMOS™ N-channel Power MOSFET

500V-950V CoolMOS™ N-Channel Power MOSFET

The S7 family of high-voltage superjunction MOSFETs sets a new benchmark for power density, by uniquely fitting a 22 mOhm chip into an innovative small TO-leadless (TOLL) SMD package. It is an ideal fit for applications where MOSFETs are switched at low frequency, such as active-bridge rectification, inverter stages, in-rush relays, PLCs, power-solid-state relays, and solid-state circuit breakers.

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static trip circuit breaker

Every switch needs a driver, and the right driver makes a difference. Infineon offers different isoalted gate driver families, such as the EiceDRIVER™ Compact and the EiceDRIVER™ Enhanced. Each family has different features to protect the switch and application.

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US4788620A - Static trip circuit breaker with automatic circuit trimming - Google Patents

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static trip circuit breaker


  • H02H3/00 — Emergency protective circuit arrangements for automatic disconnection directly responsive to an undesired change from normal electric working condition with or without subsequent reconnection ; integrated protection
  • H02H3/006 — Calibration or setting of parameters


  • Calibration is also required with static trip circuit breakers containing electronic trip circuits. This calibration is undertaken upon computerized test equipment wherein circuit trimming is automatically achieved in response to computerized determinations.
  • the primary sources of errors within electronic trip units are the current transformers and the analog-to-digital conversion circuits.
  • a further source of error lies in the gain set resistors used with operational amplifiers contained within the signal processor network within the trip circuit. Since the transfer characteristics of each trip unit module must meet the specification requirements set by industry standards, some means of adjustment of the gain set resistors must be externally employed without deterring from the automatic assembly of the module during its final stages of assembly.
  • U.S. Pat. No. 4,649,455 entitled “Rating Plug for Molded Case Circuit Breaker” describes a rating plug for electronic circuit breakers wherein the rating of the circuit breaker is adjusted by means of electrical tap connection.
  • U.S. Pat. No. 4,703,389 entitled “Static Trip Circuit Breaker with Automatic Circuit Trimming” describes a trimming network for electronic circuit breakers which includes a plurality of fusible links. Both of the aforementioned U.S. patents are incorporated herein for reference purposes.
  • One purpose of the instant invention is to provide means for automatic circuit trimming of the gain set resistors to calibrate an electronic trip unit of the type employing a digital logic circuit without a digital processor.
  • An electronic trip unit having automatic calibration is provided by a resistive network interconnected by fusible links.
  • a test computer in feed-back connection with the trip unit provides accurate determination as to which of the links must be severed to provide the required response.
  • a removable rating plug allows for adjusting the breaker ampere rating along with selection of overcurrent pickup options.
  • FIG. 1 is a schematic representation of an electronic trip unit circuit employing a trimming circuit according to the invention
  • FIG. 2 is a diagrammatic respresentation of the trimming circuit used within the trip unit circuit of FIG. 1;
  • FIG. 3 is a flow chart representation of the process steps used for calibrating the trip unit circuit depicted in FIG. 1.
  • FIG. 1 An electronic trip unit is shown in FIG. 1 wherein current sampling transformers 23-25 are arranged on the separate phases A, B, C of a three phase power bus.
  • the current sampling transformers comprise primary windings 11-13, transformer cores 14-16 and secondary windings 17-19.
  • Metal oxide varistors 20-22 are arranged across each of the secondary windings to protect the current transformers against excess voltage surges.
  • Bridge rectifiers 26, 27, 28 are connected between the current transformers and the rating plug 33 by means of three separate conductors 30-32 and a separate conductor 29, which comprises the positive bus.
  • the bridge rectifiers are also connected to pins P 12 -P 14 on integrated circuit signal processor 50 by means of conductors 53-55 to provide the signal inputs.
  • the input signals are provided to pins P 1 -P 3 on the rating plug for generating representative voltage signals across three burden resistors R 1 -R 3 , one for each separate phase, and from there by common connection over conductor 38 to pin P 6 which connects with the negative reference bus 40 over conductor 39, as indicated.
  • the rating plug module 33 is removably connected with the trip unit by means of pin connectors P 1 -P 6 so that various resistance values for the burden resistors R1-R3 can be selectively provided to set the circuit breaker ampere rating. Also selectable within the rating plug are the circuit breaker trip options such as long time delay, short time delay, and instantaneous trip by the selective arrangement of the terminals 34, 35 with the connectors 36 and 37.
  • the rating plug removably connects with the signal processor pins P 10 , P 11 via conductors 51, 52.
  • Ground connection between the negative bus 40 and the signal processor is made by means of pins P 15 , P 16 and conductors 56, 57.
  • the instantaneous trip network 59 comprising switches S1-S3 is connected with the negative bus over conductor 58 and with the signal processor by means of pins P 17 -P 19 .
  • Reference voltage is supplied to the signal processor at pin P 20 which connects to conductor 60 by common connection with the cathode of a band gap reference diode D 3 and the reference bias resistor R 13 .
  • the trip output signal from the signal processor is transmitted from pin P 21 to FET 63, which acts as a non-latching switch to the circuit breaker trip relay 64 which includes relay coil 65 and diode D 4 .
  • a ceramic resonator 66 connected across pins P 22 , P 23 provides the clocking reference for the signal processor.
  • the pickup code generated by the signal processor at pin P 24 is applied to pin P 30 where it is available to the automated test equipment.
  • the power supply bias resistors R 14 , R 15 connect between the positive bus and the signal processor at pins P 25 , P 26 and provide the power supply bias to the signal processor circuit.
  • the power supply voltage to the signal processor is controlled by FET 45, operated as a shunt switching regulator placed across the positive bus 29 and the ground bus 40.
  • Control of the FET 45 gate is provided via connection 47 from pin P 28 of the signal processing IC 50.
  • Test pins P 7 , P 8 allow for in-situ testing of the signal processor trip response and connect with the test input to the signal processor pin P 27 over conductor 49 and with the positive bus to diode D 2 .
  • Diode D 1 with filter capacitors C 1 and C 2 and resistor R 12 remove undesirable noise frequency from the positive bus prior to connection with the signal processor. Filter capacitors C 1 and C 2 also provide the energy source for drive coil 65 of the actuator during tripping.
  • the default burden resistors R 4 -R 6 connect back to the bridge rectifiers over conductors 30-32 and with the negative bus over conductor 42 to present the lowest rated resistor value to the signal processor when the rating plug 33, with the higher burden resistors R 1 -R 3 attached, is disconnected from the circuit.
  • the trimming circuit 43 electrically connects with the signal processor over conductor 48 at pin P 29 and with the positive bus through resistor R 11 and conductor 44.
  • the purpose of the trimming circuit is to allow for calibration of the signal processor pickup response by selection of the trimming resistors R 8 -R 10 electrically connected in parallel with base resistor R 7 . This is conveniently accomplished by means of selectable fusible links L 1 -L 3 connecting between pins P 31 -P 36 .
  • the precise calibration afforded to the signal processor by the trimming circuit is an important feature of the instant invention.
  • the components of the signal processor 50 are found within the integrated circuit board described within the earlier referenced U.S. Pat. No. 4,589,052 to John Dougherty and referenee should be made for a good description of the specific circuit components therein.
  • the operation of a trimming circuit for selecting the pickup characteristics of a circuit breaker trip unit by the selection of binary-weighted resistors to provide calibration logic to the trip unit circuit is found within an earlier-filed U.S. patent application Ser. No. 760,224, filed July 29, 1985 and entitled "Electronic Circuit Breaker Trip Function Adjusting Circuit"; in the names of Graham Scott et al., now abandoned. Whereas the earlier Application describes the selection of the circuit breaker trip response settings, the instant invention discloses the calibration of the pickup subcircuits contained within the trip unit signal processor circuit.
  • the effective calibration for the signal processor pickup signals can be determined.
  • the resultant resistance value as measured between reference points A, B which is inputted to the signal processor circuit in parallel with resistor R 11 is listed in Table I under "Resistance Value”.
  • Each of the trimming resistors R 8 -R 10 is assigned a predetermined binary value as indicated and the percent variation from the predetermined value is determined for each resistance value as indicated.
  • the fusible links L 1 , L 3 allow for the insertion or deletion of the binary combination of the trimming resistors by the application of heat to melt the selected combination of links and thereby remove the associated trimming resistors electrically connected in series therewith.
  • a low DC voltage in the order of 50-60 millivolts is applied to conductor 30 to provide an input to the signal processor at pins P 12 -P 14 .
  • the pickup value (Binary 1 or Binary .0.) is then read at pin P 30 and a comparison is made to a stored reference value to determine whether the input voltage level applied to pin P 30 is of a sufficient magnitude to cause the trip unit to enter pickup.
  • the input signal is increased until the level received at pin P 30 indicates that pickup has been reached.
  • test computer such as an IBM PC type AT wherein the information listed in Table I is stored in ROM memory as a "look-up" table.
  • a programable controller such as a SIGNA-Series, manufactured by Summation Systems is activated to selectively apply a potential across the selected ones of pins P 31 -P 36 to melt the links or, alternatively, a high power laser is activated and directed to the specific links to thermally melt the links by high temperature radiation.
  • the calibration program within the test computer is indicated in flow chart format in FIG. 3 and operates as follows. A test signal is applied to phase A (67) and a determination is made as to whether the pickup code went high (68) and, if not, the test signal is incremented by a discrete amount (69).
  • the pickup code is high, the difference between the test signal and a precalibrated response is determined (70), the difference digitized, a correction obtained from the look-up tables (71) and the appropriate link pattern is obtained (72). An auxiliary power supply unit is then activated and applied to melt the predetermined fusible links (73) and the pickup response is retested for confirmation (74). The confirmation procedure is then repeated for phase B and phase C to confirm that variances between the three phases are within acceptable tolerances.
  • the required resistance value across reference points A, B is 1,000 ohms.
  • the measured resistance across A, B is found to be 1045 ohms, which represents a 4.50% error.
  • the look-up table shows binary values 0, 1, 1 for a 0.50% minimum error and thereby determines that fusible link L 1 should be opened.
  • the test computer auxiliary power supply (not shown) is then activated across pins P 31 , P 34 and a sufficient voltage is applied to melt fusible link L 1 and thereby effectively remove resistance R 8 from the trimming network.
  • the rating plug 33 multifunctionally allows resistors R 1 -R 3 to be selected for setting the circuit breaker ampere rating and also allows the various trip options to be selected. Referring to Table II, it is seen that four possible trip options are obtainable by use of only two connectors 36, 37. A user could therefore select any or all of the possible options by removing either one or both of these connectors for the selected trip function option.
  • Emergency Protection Circuit Devices ( AREA )
  • Breakers ( AREA )
  • Design And Manufacture Of Integrated Circuits ( AREA )
  • Electronic Switches ( AREA )
  • Measurement Of Current Or Voltage ( AREA )


Claims ( 6 ), priority applications (5), applications claiming priority (1), publications (1), id=22379439, family applications (1), country status (5), cited by (23), families citing this family (2), citations (7), family cites families (2).

  • 1987-11-09 US US07/118,574 patent/US4788620A/en not_active Expired - Fee Related
  • 1988-10-28 FR FR8814116A patent/FR2623012A1/en not_active Withdrawn
  • 1988-11-02 DE DE3837192A patent/DE3837192A1/en not_active Withdrawn
  • 1988-11-09 JP JP63281526A patent/JPH01202115A/en active Pending
  • 1988-11-09 IT IT8822559A patent/IT1229862B/en active

Patent Citations (7)

Non-patent citations (2), cited by (48), also published as, similar documents, legal events.


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  1. The Basics Of Circuit Breaker Tripping Units

    The thermomagnetic trip unit consists of two parts: The thermal trip unit - Made up by a bimetal thermal device which actuates the opening of a circuit breaker with a delay depending on the overcurrent value. This trip unit is intended for the protection against overloads. The magnetic trip unit - Made up by an electromagnetic device, with ...

  2. Siemens Static Trip Iii Circuit Breaker Instruction Manual

    15.5kv, 25.8kv and 27.6kv power circuit breaker (47 pages) Circuit breakers Siemens GMSG-GCB Instruction Manual 5 kv to 15 kv vacuum circuit breakers (68 pages)

  3. How To Find What Is Tripping Your Circuit Breaker and Fix It

    If you suspect a short circuit, unplug your appliances and check the wires for melted coverings. You might also notice a burning smell coming from the outlet. Call in a professional electrician to find the source of the problem. 3. Circuit Overload. Circuit overloads are the most common reason that a breaker trips.

  4. Tripped Circuit Breaker: Beginner's Identification Guide

    Resetting a tripped circuit breaker is a simple process that can be done by following a few easy steps. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you reset a tripped circuit breaker safely and effectively: Step 1: Locating the Tripped Breaker. Step 2: Ensuring Safety Before Proceeding. Step 3: Resetting the Circuit Breaker.

  5. Why Is My Circuit Breaker Tripping? 4 Potential Problems and Solutions

    Devices charging slowly. Electrical outlets not working. Flickering lights. Scorch marks on outlets and light switches. If a circuit breaker keeps tripping in one room, homeowners can test for ...

  6. Siemens-Allis Static Trip II Instructions Manual

    View and Download Siemens-Allis Static Trip II instructions manual online. OVERCURRENT TRIP DEVICES USED WITH TYPE LA POWER CIRCUIT BREAKERS. Static Trip II industrial equipment pdf manual download.

  7. How To Fix a Circuit Breaker That Keeps Tripping

    Find out the cost to replace an electrical panel. On every breaker, there will be an "On" and "Off" position. On a tripped breaker, the handle will be in the middle, neither On nor Off. To reset, flip the handle to Off first, then to On. Stand to the side of the panel and turn your face away when flipping breakers.

  8. Can Static Electricity Trip a Circuit Breaker?

    Insights from Online Discussions. Online discussions reveal that static electricity can indeed trip a circuit breaker. However, this is not a common occurrence and usually requires a significant amount of static electricity. In most cases, circuit breakers trip due to other reasons such as overloaded circuits, short circuits, or ground faults.

  9. PDF Static Trip III

    Static Trip IIIC/CP/CPX trip units can be wired to open and/ or close an electrically operated circuit breaker on command from a Power MonitorTM unit or other master device using the RS-485 communications port. The alarm output is used for the "open" command, thereby restricting use for other alarm functions.

  10. PDF Microprocessor-based Tripping SystemStaticTripIII

    The Static Trip III Advantage. Finally, there's a sensible to power system management. you can monitor, evaluate and your power distribution system— by circuit — with the new generation Static Trip III trip units from Siemens. Siemens has harnessed of sophisticated microprocessors create a new family of "smart" units.

  11. The essence of LV circuit breakers

    The electronic trip unit makes many possible trip settings available for Function L, more precisely, a bundle of parallel lines. Each line is identifed by a time t1 (the long time delay) which represents the trip time of the protection, in seconds, in correspondence with a multiple of I1.. For example, this multiple depends on the trip unit and is equal to 3 × I1 for ABB's breaker type ...

  12. Test Static Trip I, II, & III Trip Units with the Siemens PTS-4

    Test Static Trip I, II, & III trip units used on the LA and RL line of low voltage power circuit breakers with the Siemens PTS-4 (PTS4) Secondary Injection Test Set. The test set provides a means of testing the magnetic tripping actuator as well as the trip unit. The portable test set, using power from an ordinary 120 volt convenience outlet, can provide circuit breaker testing equivalent to ...

  13. 6 Adjustable Tripping Settings of a Circuit Breaker You MUST ...

    Short-time pickup is adjustable from 1.5 to 10 times the trip unit ampere setting (Ir). For example, a 1000 ampere frame can be adjusted to trip anywhere from 1500 to 10,000 amps. The switch also has an "OFF" position to eliminate short-time pickup and short-time delay. Short-time pickup used for selective tripping.

  14. Download Siemens Static Trip III Instruction Manual

    Circuit breakers; Static trip iii; Instruction manual; Download; ... Cabinet modules. option l34. parameterizing the output-side circuit breaker. Circuit breakers Siemens Sentron WL Operating Instructions Manual 374 pages. Circuit breakers ...


    When the static trip device senses a circuit condition that requires the circuit breaker to open, it produces an output that is fed to the tripping actuator. The actuator then causes the circuit breaker contacts to open and -isolate the circuit. • a. Figure 3. - Tripping Actuator Mounted on the circuit breaker. the tripping actuator


    When the static trip device senses a circuit condition that requires the circuit breaker to open, it produces an output that is fed to the tripping actuator. The actuator then causes the circuit breaker contacts to open and isolate the circuit. Figure 3. - Tripping Actuator Mounted on the circuit breaker, the tripping actuator

  17. PDF Static Trip III® Microprocessor-based Tripping System

    The trip units of the Static Trip III family are microprocessor controlled overcurrent protection devices for application with Siemens Type RL series of low voltage power circuit breakers and can also be refitted to other manufacturer's circuit breakers. The Static Trip III trip unit can be used as a field level device

  18. Siemens Static Trip III Manuals

    We have 1 Siemens Static Trip III manual available for free PDF download: Instruction Manual Siemens Static Trip III Instruction Manual (53 pages) Brand: Siemens | Category: Circuit breakers | Size: 43.08 MB

  19. Static Circuit Breakers

    Definition: Static Circuit Breakers are circuits that are composed of semiconductor materials and are designed to break the continuously flowing current through a circuit.The interruption offered here exhibit quickness and reliability. More simply, it is a mechanical switching device that carries and interrupts current in case of normal circuit conditions along with some specified abnormal ...

  20. The Basics Of Molded Case Circuit Breakers You MUST Know

    Shunt trips are used to trip a circuit breaker electrically from a remote location and consist of a momentary-rated solenoid tripping device mounted inside a molded case. The shunt trip can remotely trip the breaker, but cannot remotely reclose the breaker. To reclose the breaker, the breaker handle must first be moved to the reset position and ...

  21. Basics of low-voltage circuit breakers

    Circuit breakers are classified as being trip free or nontrip free. A trip-free circuit breaker is a circuit breaker that trips even if the operating mechanism is held in the "on" position. A nontrip-free circuit breaker can be reset and/or held "on" even if an overload or excessive heat condition is present. In other words, a nontrip ...

  22. Solid-State Circuit Breaker

    Silicon Carbide MOSFET Discretes. 1200 V, and 1700 V CoolSiC™ MOSFET discretes are ideally suited for static switching circuit breaker applications. Infineon's CoolSiC™ MOSFETs are based on a state-of-the-art trench semiconductor process optimized to provide both the lowest losses in "always ON" mode and the highest reliability in operation.

  23. Static trip circuit breaker with automatic circuit trimming

    the rating plug module 33 is removably connected with the trip unit by means of pin connectors P 1 -P 6 so that various resistance values for the burden resistors R1-R3 can be selectively provided to set the circuit breaker ampere rating. Also selectable within the rating plug are the circuit breaker trip options such as long time delay, short time delay, and instantaneous trip by the ...