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  • Dr Rateau Jean

Ophtalmologue Tours

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Docteur RATEAU Jean est ophtalmologue à Tours, SELARL EXCELLENCE  est au 13 PLACE GASTON PAILHOU à Tours dans le 37000.

Tarifs et remboursements

Conventionnement Secteur 2 Les praticiens qui exercent en secteur 2 fixent eux-mêmes leurs tarifs : ils sont conventionnés honoraires libres. L'Assurance maladie rembourse le prix de la consultation sur la base du tarif du secteur 1.

Carte vitale Non renseigné

Informations pratiques

Adresse Dr Rateau Jean 13 PLACE GASTON PAILHOU 37000 Tours

Langue parlée français

Accès handicapé Non renseigné

Détails des actes pratiqués

  • Exérèse primitive de ptérygion, avec autogreffe de conjonctive ou de muqueuse Remboursement sécurité sociale : 106 €
  • Ablation d'un corps étranger superficiel de la cornée Remboursement sécurité sociale : 20 €
  • Vidéo-photo-kératographie topographique Remboursement sécurité sociale : 23 €
  • Microscopie spéculaire de la cornée, avec analyse morphométrique et/ou quantitative numérisée de l'endothélium cornéen Remboursement sécurité sociale : 43 €
  • Capsulotomie du cristallin pour cataracte secondaire, avec laser Remboursement sécurité sociale : 83 €
  • Biométrie oculaire par échographie avec mesure des différents paramètres oculaires pour détermination de la puissance d'un implant Remboursement sécurité sociale : 33 €
  • Injection d'agent pharmacologique dans le corps vitré Remboursement sécurité sociale : 83 €
  • Séance de destruction de lésion choriorétinienne par photocoagulation avec laser, à l'aide de verre de contact Remboursement sécurité sociale : 101 €
  • Examen du fond d'œil par biomicroscopie avec verre de contact Remboursement sécurité sociale : 28 €
  • Examen fonctionnel de la motricité oculaire Remboursement sécurité sociale : 26 €
  • Campimétrie ou périmétrie manuelle ou automatisée, avec programmes spécifiques de mesure de seuils Remboursement sécurité sociale : 39 €
  • Examen de la vision binoculaire Remboursement sécurité sociale : 25 €
  • Tomographie unilatérale ou bilatérale de l'œil par scanographie à cohérence optique Remboursement sécurité sociale : 56 €
  • Angiographie du segment postérieur de l'œil, par injection intraveineuse transcutanée de fluorescéine, avec examen à l'ophtalmoscope à balayage laser Remboursement sécurité sociale : 72 €

Praticien(s) à la même adresse

Image de profil de Docteur CHARTIER Jerome

Informations administratives

  • 106 € - Exérèse primitive de ptérygion, avec autogreffe de conjonctive ou de muqueuse
  • 20 € - Ablation d'un corps étranger superficiel de la cornée
  • 23 € - Vidéo-photo-kératographie topographique
  • 43 € - Microscopie spéculaire de la cornée, avec analyse morphométrique et/ou quantitative numérisée de l'endothélium cornéen
  • 83 € - Capsulotomie du cristallin pour cataracte secondaire, avec laser
  • 33 € - Biométrie oculaire par échographie avec mesure des différents paramètres oculaires pour détermination de la puissance d'un implant
  • 83 € - Injection d'agent pharmacologique dans le corps vitré
  • 101 € - Séance de destruction de lésion choriorétinienne par photocoagulation avec laser, à l'aide de verre de contact
  • 28 € - Examen du fond d'œil par biomicroscopie avec verre de contact
  • 26 € - Examen fonctionnel de la motricité oculaire
  • 39 € - Campimétrie ou périmétrie manuelle ou automatisée, avec programmes spécifiques de mesure de seuils
  • 25 € - Examen de la vision binoculaire
  • 56 € - Tomographie unilatérale ou bilatérale de l'œil par scanographie à cohérence optique
  • 72 € - Angiographie du segment postérieur de l'œil, par injection intraveineuse transcutanée de fluorescéine, avec examen à l'ophtalmoscope à balayage laser
  • Consultation au 13 PLACE GASTON PAILHOU à Tours dans le 37000

rateau jean tours

Si votre médecin traitant n'est pas disponible dans un délai compatible avec votre état de santé : Consultation remboursable si le médecin téléconsultant appartient à une organisation coordonnée de votre territoire.

Si vous n’avez pas de médecin traitant : Consultation remboursable si vous résidez dans une zone avec une offre de soins faible et dépourvue d'organisation territoriale coordonnée. Si, en tant que patient, votre cas ne correspond pas à une des 3 options citées ci-dessus, cela signifie que votre consultation ne sera pas prise en charge et ne donnera pas lieu à l'émission d'une feuille de soins. Pour bénéficier d’un remboursement, nous vous invitons à transmettre la note d’honoraire émise à l’issue de votre téléconsultation à votre mutuelle. En fonction de votre contrat, une prise en charge pourrait être prévue. LEMEDECIN.FR n’est pas un offreur de soins mais un opérateur de mise en relation entre un patient et un professionnel de santé. Aucun lien de subordination n’existe entre les médecins libéraux adhérents de la plateforme et LEMEDECIN.FR. L’émission d’ordonnances, d’arrêt de travail, de feuilles de soins ou de compte-rendus médicaux demeurent de la seule responsabilité du professionnel de santé et en aucun cas, LEMEDECIN.FR ne peut s’immiscer dans la relation entre un patient et son praticien, laquelle fait spécifiquement l’objet d’une protection par l’intermédiaire du secret médical. Un outil est mis à votre disposition pour tester votre éligibilité à une prise en charge par l’assurance maladie.

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Ophtalmologue, selarl excellence.


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13 Place Gaston Paillhou

37000 Tours

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Dave's Wine Cellar

Jean-Claude Rateau: Burgundy’s Biodynamic Pioneer Quietly Delivers Exhilarating, Delicious Wines

Eighteenth century French philosopher Voltaire suggested “ Il faut cultiver notre jardin ”—“We must cultivate our garden”—even in the face of life’s complications and chaos. Burgundy winegrower Jean-Claude Rateau takes Voltaire’s advice to heart. Since graduating from Beaune’s Lycée Viticole in the late 1970’s, he has carefully cultivated his vineyards like a garden using organic and biodynamic methods requiring dedicated manual labor.

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Today his vital soils and sturdy vines render superb grapes. In turn, Rateau produces exhilarating red and white Burgundies with tremendous purity, and freshness and finesse.

Meanwhile as one of the founders and current President of the Groupement d’Étude et de Suivi des Terroirs (“G.E.S.T.”), he is committed to studying and preserving Burgundy’s unique terroirs for future generations. Rateau and other “veterans” readily exchange knowledge with young colleagues. The goal is to continue positive changes by training the new generation on the importance of maintaining organic materials in Burgundy’s precious soils.


On a cool, but brilliantly sunny day in May, Rateau provided a close look at his magnificent vineyards coming into bloom. Up the road from his winery, we stop at Beaune “Les Coucherias” 1er cru , a semi-circular vineyard set on a gentle slope. A quarry formerly operated here. Rateau has special sentiment for this vineyard that faces directly south.

“It has the best exposure in Beaune with early morning sun and the last rays of sunshine each evening,” says Rateau who planted the vineyard after noted French agronomist Claude Bourguignon analyzed the soils.

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“Claude found red clay soils rich in iron and limestone very similar to Le Montrachet Grand Cru,” Rateau recalls. “So I planted Chardonnay on double cordon trellis which creates good air flow in the vines.”

Instead of applying synthetic chemicals, Rateau relies on natural organic composts and biodynamic teas to activate the soils while also nurturing and strengthening the vines. Vital vines sink deep roots, Rateau notes, to pick up nutrients and critical minerality.

“Les Coucherias gives a rich, deep wine with lots ripeness and  freshness,” he adds. “ C’est beau, n’est-ce pas?”

The vineyard is indeed beautiful.


Next, we drive into the hills to the west of Beaune to visit Rateau’s Hautes-Côtes de Beaune vineyards. Deer and wild boar roam the scenic wooded hillsides where black truffles grow in abundance. In recent years increasing numbers of vignerons in the appellation have followed Rateau’s lead by embracing organic viticulture methods. The brown loamy soils of Rateau’s vineyard teems with green grasses and colorful flowers. It stands in stark contrast to the dried out, eroded hard surfaces of neighboring vineyards treated with synthetic chemicals.

“It is possible to make really good wines from the Hautes-Côtes de Beaune , but it takes a lot of careful work,” Rateau notes.

He uses the “U” shaped lyre trellis system developed by Dr. Alain Corbonneau in Bordeaux. The vines stand about one meter tall and then branch onto two cordons.

“In my opinion the lyre is the best method for viticulture,” Rateau says. “The vines have plenty of foliage which is all active.”

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Active foliage delivers better photosynthesis to ripen fruit consistently which traditionally has been a big challenge in the Hautes-Côtes. And since the grape bunches hang below the leaves, Rateau says the foliage helps protect the fruit from sunburn. In addition, the lyre system exposes the bunches to more wind which helps combat mildew and fungus.

“It is a very intelligent way to grow grapes, and I like it very much,” Rateau adds. “It optimizes the health of the grapes. But it a demanding mode, requiring a lot of care, especially to control the yield. And it is difficult to work manually since the vine leans outwards. But it is the most beautiful method.”

The lyre system has detractors. Grape yields can be high if left unchecked. Plus the vine density is lower than permitted under bureaucratic rules. But with Rateau’s attentive biodynamic approach, his high quality Hautes-Côtes de Beaune white and red wines offer terrific, easy drinking pleasure that speaks for itself.

Meanwhile as President of “G.E.S.T.” , Rateau collaborates with other winegrowers in exploring new methods for training vines.

“We are working towards a  high-vine, high-density system with spacing at two meters similar to Alsace,” Rateau says. “For the regional Bourgogne appellation and Hautes-Côtes appellations, this could eventually replace restrictive low vines and very wide vines on lyres. The goal is to have a more ergonomic system with better quality, lower yields, lower cost, and more ecological balance.”


On the way to see Rateau’s premier cru vineyards, we pass another important “G.E.S.T.” project, the Mont Battois Vine Conservatory northwest of Beaune. In collaboration with the Association Technique Viticole de Bourgogne which owns the parcel, Rateau and his colleagues envision planting fifty-two ancient vine varieties. These include the well known Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Aligoté and Gamay plus more obscure vines such as César, Tressot Blanc, Tressot Panaché, and Troyen. The first twenty-two plantings occurred in April 2016.

“These vines are our heritage and history,” Rateau says. “They are rustic varieties more resistant to diseases. The plantings provide a genetic reservoir if anybody wants to recreate grape varieties close to those of today. These varieties produce less alcohol and have more acidity which today has potential importance in relation to global warming.”


Next we stop at the beautiful Beaune “Les Bressandes” 1er cru, a steeply sloping vineyard facing directly to the East . The vineyard has numerous owners, but Rateau cultivates a sizeable holding with vigorous Pinot Noir vines toiling in the clay and limestone. The soils feature interspersed grèzes litées , a scree of limestone pebbles formed by the erosion of an ancient rocky cliff.

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“This is a very warm vineyard. When it snows, it melts first here,” Rateau notes.”The vine roots decent very deeply here, and the terroir creates red wines with lots of depth.”

Rateau holds a scoop of the rich soil to his nose. The sweet, earthy aromas and texture brings a bright smile to his face as he exhales.

“ Ah, c’est du vrai sol! ,” he notes.

It’s “true soil” resulting from over thirty years of working by hand without synthetic chemicals.  ECOCERT certifies all of his vineyards as organically cultivated, and Rateau is seeking Biodyvin’s certification of his biodynamic vineyard practices.


“When I started I was virtually alone in pursuing organic farming,” he recalls. “Today over fifteen percent of Burgundy growers in the Côte-d’Or are biologique and that’s a great change and progress.”

To encourage more growers to focus on preserving vital, lively soils, each October, Rateau and other experienced winegrowers taste wines from younger growers under forty years old.

‘We taste the wines “blind” without knowing who made each bottle, and then we give our comments,’ he notes. “It’s the best way to discover and encourage promising new growers. If you search, you can still good wines and good value in Burgundy because of the positive changes happening these days in our vineyard soils.”

rateau celler

In the cellar, Rateau minimizes interventions during fermentation and élevage . He relies only on wild yeasts, and, depending on the vintage and terroir, he ferments his red wines with whole grape bunches including stems. Then the wines–both whites and reds–age in used barrels ranging from three to ten years old. Bottling occurs with minimal additions of sulfites.

Because Rateau sells seventy five percent of his wines to French caviste shops and to restaurants in Paris and around France, he is not well known in the United States. But Cham bers Street Wines in Manhattan consistently offers a good selection each year. And Rateau’s prices offer terrific value for the quality.

His wines faithfully reflect each terroir and have purity of fruit, freshness. Across the board. the wines offer unforced, charming personality. These “old school,” elegant Burgundies favor finesse and juicy, drinking pleasure over extreme concentration and showy power. Every passionate Burgundy should seek them out. The following wines were tasted from bottles in Rateau’s cellar in May, 2017:

White Wines: 2015 Jean-Claude Rateau, Hautes-Côtes de Beaune Blanc: Made from Chardonnay growing on Lyre trellises in clay and limestone soils on the sunny, east facing hillsides over the hill from Beaune. The wine has fresh citrus and pear aromas and earthy touches.The pure, fruity flavors balance with racy acidity and fresh minerality through the long, dry finish. Delicious!

2015 Jean-Claude Rateau, Hautes-Côtes-de-Beaune Pinot Blanc:  Made from Pinot Blanc, a variety that Rateau notes is more widely planted in Burgundy than most consumers may realize. It also has fresh, clean aromas of pears, peaches and apples opening in to round, ripe fruity flavors balanced with Rateau’s trademark acidity and minerality..

2015 Jean-Claude Rateau, Beaune “Clos des Mariages” Blanc: This is made from an unique blend of late harvested Chardonnay (75%), Pinot Blanc (10%) and Beurot (a.k.a., Pinot Gris) (15%) grown near Rateau’s home in Beaune. The wine has fresh aromas of grapefruit with notes of brown spices, and on the palate it has more concentration than the first two white wines. Clean, fresh finish.

2015 Jean-Claude Rateau Beaune “Les Coucherias” 1er Cru: The wine has complex aromas of pears and citrus with floral notes and a decided touch of earthiness. The rich, ripe flavors of citrus, melon and honey layer in pronounced acidity and a mineral laden dry finish. Age for 3 to 5 years before drinking.


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Rateau Jean-Claude

2008 rateau jean-claude bourgogne hautes côtes de beaune blanc.

By billn on August 12, 2010

Hmm, interesting. This young wine already has a nutty, slightly oxidised aroma that dovetails with a little pineapple. There is some fat and there’s also lots of acidity. The mid-palate flavours hang around very well and show no sense of oxidation.

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Burgundy Report

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Elden Selections Jean-Claude Rateau

Everyday burgundy, bourgogne and village, premier cru.

  • Biodynamic/Organic
  • Virtual Tastings

Juicy, Floral

Earthy-wood, complex, structured, full bodied, crisp, flinty, limestone, full bodied chardonnay.

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  • Jean-Claude Rateau
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rateau jean tours


Bourgogne Hautes Cotes de Beaune Cote de Beaune ‘La Grande Chatelaine’ Beaune ‘Clos des Mariages’ Beaune 1er Cru ‘Les Coucherias’

Bourgogne Bourgogne Hautes Cotes de Beaune Beaune ‘Clos des Mariages’ Beaune ‘Les Prévoles’ Beaune ‘Les Beaux et Bons Beaune 1er Cru ‘Les Bressandes’ Beaune 1er Cru’ Les Reversées’

Jean-Claude Rateau, who has arguably the most famous mustache in Burgundy, is incontestably the godfather and guru of biodynamic wine farming here in the region. When, in 1979, Jean-Claude converted his then 5 acres of vines to biodynamic production, he was the first. And his neighbors thought he was nuts. Nearly 40 years later, the proof is before your eyes, and there are dozens of biodynamic producers, and many more who use the methods without claiming accreditation. If you see Jean-Claude’s vines today, after all these years of loving care and (some would still say ‘voodoo), you can easily see where his rows end and his neighbors’ begin. The life of the soil and the vitality of the vine is that obvious. Wine making was in Jean-Claude’s blood from the earliest age. His family were part-time vignerons, owning a couple of acres and making wine for a family of land owners (with whom Jean Claude still works).  After his studies at the Lycee Viticole (the wine high school in Beaune), Jean -Claude did what so many young vignerons do today, he set off on a tour of other wine regions.  And it was in Brouilly, in the Beaujolais, that he first encountered biodynamics. On his return to Burgundy in 1979, he set up his domain and made his first trials with biodynamic methods in a Beaune vineyard called ‘Clos des Mariages’, making the very first biodynamic wine in Burgundy. His association with the land owners that his family had worked with developed fruitfully, and Jean-Claude’s domain grew over the next decade to over 20 acres and 14 different wines.  His early work and collaboration with such notables as Claude Bourguignon (a soil microbiologist who in the ‘80s famously said that the soils in Burgundy’s vineyards had about as much microbiological activity as the Sahara) and Yves Herody (who has done the soil analysis for our plantation at Domaine de Cromey) brought Jean-Claude into the inner circle of those who pioneered the study of ‘terroir’ in Burgundy, and to the foundation of an association of which he remains the president. Today, on 15 parcels, in 12 different ‘terroirs’, Jean-Claude proposes a comprehensive selection of Beaune ‘terroirs’ in white and red: 4 regional appellations; 7 different village appellations and 3 premier crus. His vineyard work is entirely based on this notion of ‘terroir’. The extraordinary potential of Beaune’s brown limestone soil for producing deep, concentrated wines that age well has been his life’s study.  Each soil type demands a different approach, and each period of the year has its tasks. In winter, the soil is dug deep to allow frost to crumble what has hardened during the previous year. Springtime means aeration to stimulate the microbiologic life and break down what is left of any compost.  And at the end of summer, the vineyard goes back to wildflower meadow. In the cellar, Jean-Claude uses a minimum of sulfur, leaving the wine on its lees until bottling.   The harvest can be partially de-stemmed, or not at all, depending on the vintage and the ‘terroir’.

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Domaine Jean-Claude Rateau

Jean-Claude RATEAU

Jean-Claude and his father started in 1979 with only 2 hectares in the Côtes de Beaune appellation on the hills just outside of Beaune, above the prestigious Première Cru vines ; he now has 10 hectares. Jean-Claude is a pioneer of organic and biodynamic methods in the region. He has worked in consultation with microbiologists and is considered an expert in soil management. His philosophy is respect for the soil, the vines, and the surrounding natural diversity. The domaine is certified organic and biodynamic. With his big mustache and a ready smile, Jean-Claude has the look of an archetypal French Gaulle. No matter what the climate conditions, he remains philosophical about his wine production. « Some years are great, some years not so good, but that is part of nature and part of life . » He has a small team of dedicated viticulteurs working with him and a loyal group of people that return year after year to help at harvest time.

Featured Wines

Rateau Grande Chatelaine 2018

Côte de Beaune blanc

La Grande Chatelaine 2018

26.00 € / bottle

All photos credit of Les Caves GV unless indicated otherwise.

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Jean-Claude Rateau

Having been introduced to biodynamics during a stage with Xavier Morin, an agronomist and early pioneer in the field, Jean-Claude Rateau became the first vigneron in Burgundy and the fourth in the whole of France to adopt these principles when taking over 1.5ha of family vines in 1979. As one can imagine, resources on the subject were scarce at the time so a few producers (including Emmanuel Giboulot and Dominique Derain) pulled together to share their experience and learn from one another.

In the early eighties, they met soil expert and microbiologist Claude Bourguignon (his first profile of a living soil was done in one of Jean-Claude’s vineyards) who helped them with the elaboration of their compost among others. They were also part of the creation of the ‘Groupement d’Etude et de Suivi des Terroirs’ in 1995 - the GEST is formed of more than 100 producers, mostly Burgundians, whose mission is to research to better understand the functioning of the soil and how to manage it sustainably.

Nowadays, aided by a team of three who are involved at every stage, JC farms about 20 parcels in and around Beaune - where most vineyards are owned by the négoce, a fact that possibly explains why Beaune is not as renowned as the quality of its vineyards indicates that it should be. JC has a high proportion of old vines on each terroir (many of them over 100yo) which he replaces favouring sélection massale to preserve biodiversity and reproduce the rare quality of these ancient pinot fins. As regards to viticulture he adapts his fastidious biodynamic methods to the specificity of each climat in each vintage, observing and almost connecting with his vines, he helps them find their natural balance so that they can defend themselves against potential diseases.

In the cellar, he aims to do as little as possible while making sure everything goes as it should. For the reds, the cuvaison varies from 15 to 20 days, with pigeage by hand or by foot, before an 11 to 20 months élevage on fine lees in 3 to 10yo 228ltr barrels. Jean-Claude is very sensitive to the colour and brilliance of his wines, two intrinsic qualities of both chardonnay and pinot noir according to him, so he carries out a very gentle filtration prior to bottling. He also likes to experiment with small batches, be it a late harvest or ageing under flor, to deepen his understanding of the various terroirs he works with.

Jean-Claude’s wines have such clarity, they are some of the most subtle and nuanced burgundies we’ve had the chance to drink over the years. The extraction is always pitch-perfect, and given that he never chaptalizes, his wines rarely reach above 12.5% alcohol, an extremely rare feat in Burgundy nowadays. A true pioneer in the world of biodynamics, and a very fine vigneron with a big heart.

30yo vines on the Hautes-Côtes limestone plateau that give a ripe, floral example of the variety. This is very finely chiselled with a hint of green tea. Vinified and aged in older barrels for six months.

The vineyard, once a quarry that supplied stone for Les Hospices de Beaune, is completely protected on all sides, and tilts slightly south, with a subsoil of quarry debris. The roots grow deep and bring a coolness and minerality to the warm fruit. A rich, complex and layered wine of lovely balance.

This is an assemblage of Jean-Claude’s best lieux-dits in Beaune – Clos des Mariages, Les Prévoles, Les Bons Feuvres, and Les Beaux Fourgets – which he normally bottles individually but couldn’t in 2016 due to low yields. Cuvée Ronde is delicious, with sappy wild strawberry and red berry fruits, and a lifted, fresh, cool-toned succulent finish. Not a bruiser, there’s loads of charm and detail here. Old-fashioned in the best sense and a vibrant expression.

Jean-Claude’s Les Beaux et Bons comes from two tiny vineyards running into each other – Les Bons Feuvres where there is an iron-rich soil and Les Beaux Fougets with fine clay soil. The 25yo vines planted at 10,000 vines/ha give a very elegant wine (destalked 80%), with a soaring perfume, mineral backbone and fine-grained tannins.

Les Reversées is a wine from a parcel of 25 to 100yo vines planted in a deep soil of clayey brown limestone on a gentle east facing slope. It has a very pretty pale colour, also showing a touch of pepper and liquorice on the nose. On the palate its class is immediately apparent – silky mouthfeel, spicy raspberry fruit with good weight and energy. An age-worthy wine that feels detailed and very harmonious. For drinking now to 2030.

From a steep, due east facing slope that easily ripens the pinot noir and gives structure and depth as well as elegance, Rateau’s Les Bressandes is from a 1ha parcel of young and 50yo vines on prime terroir. More substantial than Les Reversées, the lovely weight of red fruit and spices is no less elegant and finishes very long. For drinking now to 2035+.

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Rateau, Jean-Claude 2022 Beaune 1er Cru "Les Reversees"

Rateau, Jean-Claude 2022 Beaune 1er Cru "Les Reversees"

From vines grown in the calcareous clay soils of "Les Reversées" premier cru, toward the bottom of the hill in the center of the slope next to "Les Teurons," and below "Clos de la Mousse," exposed east and slightly north (hence "reversées" - wrong side of the hill.) Mostly young vines, massale selection from the Clos des Epenaux. The 2022 shows generous black cherry, boysenberry, notes of cherry pit and anise on the nose. Ripe mid-weight palate, lighter than "Bressandes," with ripe black fruits, hints of iodine and iron and other soil beneath supple structure. Succulent acidity and savory mineral notes offset the ripeness and lend energy and drive on a balanced and mineral palate-coating finish. The purity of fruit and earth notes are finely balanced and this is an excellent Burgundy for the mid-term.

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Domaine Jean-Claude Rateau Beaune, Burgundy, France

Jean-Claude started with the family vines estate on 2 hectares, in 1979. From the start, his choices were made towards techniques that respect the environment, by setting up at Clos des Mariages, the first Burgundian biodynamic trials. With its 15 plots, located in 12 different terroirs, the estate now offers a complete range, in white and red, of Beaune terroirs: 4 regional wines, 7 village appellation cuvées, and 3 premier crus. According to Jean-Claude, to make the best wine, we must already get the best from the grapes. All the care that has been given to the vines, at every moment of the year, will continue in the same spirit in the cellar. The grapes are picked by hand, at the time chosen according to the maturity of each plot, and transported delicately to the pressing room. Then the grapes are squeezed  as gently as possible, slowly letting the juice drip into a receiving tank.  The grape juice is then fermented in oak barrels. There, no selected yeast or addition of foreign substance to the grape. They let the natural grape yeasts start their slow work, at their own pace, and transform the grape sugars. After alcoholic fermentation, they beat the lees, these rich deposits of yeast, to give the wine richness and finesse. It is the Burgundian technique by excellence..  It’s in this slowness and respect for natural processes that the wine develops all its complexity and gives each year the unique characters of each of the terroirs of the domain.



J.Claude Rateau

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13 Jul J.Claude Rateau

About J.Claude Rateau

rateau jean tours

Jean Claude Rateau is a pioneer of biodynamic viticulture in the Burgundy wine region. He was the first winegrower in Bourgogne (and the fourth in the whole of France) to convert vines to biodynamic. In those early years his neighbors thought he was nuts – just like how people mocked at Lalou Bize-Leroy later.

Wine making was in JC’s blood from the earliest age. His family were part-time vignerons, and after studied at a wine school in Beaune JC had a tour to Beaujolais where he first encountered biodynamics.

JC set up his domain in 1979 and made his first trials with biodynamic methods, producing the very first biodynamic wine in Bourgogne. The estate has a high proportion of old vines – many of them over 100 year-old. Vineyard works are entirely based on “terroir”. JC studied hard and deep of his soils with the help of soil experts and microbiologists. He also was one of the founders of the “Groupement d’Etude et de Suivi des Terroirs” aiming at researching and understanding better the functioning of the soil and how to manage it sustainably.

In the cellar, JC uses minimal sulphur and does not use cultured yeasts or chemicals or non-grape substances. Chaptalization is not happening so his wines rarely reach above 12.5% alcohol. He uses old barrels (3 – 10 years) and only filters the wines very gently before bottling. JC’s philosophy is to do as little as possible.

Jean Claude Rateau is a true pioneer in the biodynamics world, and is a very fine vigneron with a big heart.

Official Website:

J.Claude Rateau

Les Bressandes Beaune 1er Cru 2017 750ml

J.Claude Rateau

Gevrey Chambertin 2019 750ml

J.Claude Rateau

Clos des Mariages Rouge Beaune 2020 750ml

J.Claude Rateau

Blanc Bourgogne Hautes Côtes de Beaune 2020 750ml

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Jeanne Lanvin’s apartment, designed by Armand-Albert Rateau, 1924-1925

This room, created by the designer Armand-Albert Rateau for Jeanne Lanvin’s private apartment, is a perfect illustration of Rateau’s innovative style combining classical art, an original bestiary and a taste for precious materials.

In 1920, the great fashion designer Jeanne Lanvin bought the mansion that formerly belonged to the Marquise Arconati-Visconti at 16, Rue Barbet-de-Jouy in Paris. She added a reception wing whose rooms (hall, library, gallery and dining room) were furnished by the designer Armand-Albert Rateau from 1921 to 1924. The pair of copper vases and screen by Jean Dunand, presented here, came from the dining room.

In the 1920s, Armand-Albert Rateau developed a highly innovtive style inspired by his interest in classical art and embellished with creatures from an original bestiary. The three rooms (bathroom, bedroom and boudoir) in Jeanne Lanvin’s apartment, which he decorated in 1924-1925, reflect a highly personal sense of luxury with furniture in patinated bronze, oak and gilt wood.

The bathroom

The boudoir, the bedroom.

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Linkin Park Book Three More Tour Dates, Two Viral Bands Opening

Linkin Park fans now have three more opportunities to catch the band before the calendar hits 2025. The band just announced a trio of new dates, added on to their previously revealed limited world tour.

The stops include La Defense Arena in Paris, France on Nov. 3, Globe Life Field in Dallas, Texas on Nov. 8 and Allianz Park in Sao Paulo, Brazil on Nov. 15. Bad Omens, Helmet and Jean Dawson have been confirmed as support for the Dallas show . Sleep Token will open in Paris . The opener in Sao Paulo has not been announced.

READ MORE: The Moment That Kickstarted New Linkin Park Music

Having already played several of the initially announced dates, the new stops join the previously revealed performance tonight (Sept. 24) at London's O2, the Sept. 28 date at INSPIRE Arena in Seoul, South Korea and the Nov. 11 stop at Coliseo Medplus in Bogota, Colombia.

All ticketing details for Linkin Park's "From Zero" world tour can be found through the band's website .

The new tour dates come as Linkin Park have just debuted another new song. The track is called " Heavy Is the Crown " and the group just dropped a new animated video after previewing the track earlier this week during a performance in Germany .

"Heavy Is the Crown" served as the penultimate song in a 27-song set, giving fans a nice surprise during the encore. Armstrong delivers a huge scream in the back half of the song, too!

Linkin Park have since revealed that "Heavy Is the Crown" will serve as the official anthem for the  League of Legends  world championship .

Linkin Park From Zero World Tour 2024 Remaining Dates

Sept. 24 - London, U.K. @ The O2 Sept. 28 - Seoul, South Korean @INSPIRE Arena Nov. 3 - Paris, France @ La Defense Arena *NEW DATE* Nov. 8 - Dallas, Texas @Globe Life Field *NEW DATE* Nov. 11 - Bogota, Colombia @ Coliseo Medplus Nov. 15 - Sao Paulo, Brazil @ Allianz Park *NEW DATE*

The Most (and Least) Played Song Live Off Every Linkin Park Album

Gallery Credit: Rob Carroll

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Stop Overreacting, Linkin Park Fans!


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  1. PRENDRE RENDEZ-VOUS: DR RATEAU JEAN ophtalmologue à Tours

    Docteur RATEAU Jean est ophtalmologue à Tours, SELARL EXCELLENCE est au 13 PLACE GASTON PAILHOU à Tours dans le 37000. Vous souhaitez remercier votre médecin Cliquez ici pour lui laisser un avis. Tarifs et remboursements.

  2. M. Jean RATEAU, Ophtalmologue à Tours

    M. Jean RATEAU n'est pas sur Doctolib. Ophtalmologue. 13 Place Gaston Pailhou, 37000 Tours. 02 47 66 27 27. Ce praticien n'est pas réservable en ligne sur Doctolib. Recommander Doctolib. Accéder à la recherche.

  3. Ophtalmologue Jean RATEAU à 37200, Tours

    Prenez RDV en ligne avec Jean RATEAU, Ophtalmologue au 13 PLACE GASTON PAILHOU pour vous ou vos proches à son cabinet. ... 13 PLACE GASTON PAILHOU 37200 Tours. Voir l'itinéraire avec Maps. Vous êtes Jean RATEAU ? Modifier vos informations. Vous êtes professionnel de santé ?


    You could be the first review for Rateau Jean. Filter by rating. Search reviews. Search reviews. Phone number. 02 47 66 27 27. Get Directions. 13 Place Gaston Paillhou 37000 Tours France. Suggest an edit. Near Me. Christian Psychiatrist Near Me. Other Psychiatre Nearby. Find more Psychiatre near Rateau Jean. About. About Yelp; Careers;

  5. Rateau Jean, Tours

    Rateau Jean, Tours . Appeler. 02 47 66 27 27. Itinéraire. Site Internet. Rateau Jean . 13, Place Gaston Pailhou, WESTOTEL, 37000 Tours. 02 47 66 27 27 . 02 47 66 10 55 . Modifiez les informations affichées dans cette zone. Horaires d'ouverture .

  6. Jean-Claude Rateau: Burgundy's Biodynamic Pioneer Quietly Delivers

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  7. Rateau Jean : Ophtalmologue Tours 37000 (adresse, horaire et avis)

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  8. Profile: Domaine Jean-Claude Rateau (Beaune)

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  9. Rateau Jean-Claude

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    Beaune 1er Cru' Les Reversées'. Jean-Claude Rateau, who has arguably the most famous mustache in Burgundy, is incontestably the godfather and guru of biodynamic wine farming here in the region. When, in 1979, Jean-Claude converted his then 5 acres of vines to biodynamic production, he was the first. And his neighbors thought he was nuts.

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  12. Domaine Jean-Claude Rateau

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  13. Jean-Claude Rateau

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  14. Domaine Jean-Claude Rateau

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  16. 2020 Jean Claude Rateau Beaune Les Beaux et Bons

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  17. Rateau, Jean-Claude 2022 Beaune 1er Cru "Les Reversees"

    Rateau, Jean-Claude 2022 Beaune 1er Cru "Les Reversees" Availability: 12 In stock Style: Red $54.99 From vines grown in the calcareous clay soils of "Les Reversées" premier cru, toward the bottom of the hill in the center of the slope next to "Les Teurons," and below "Clos de la Mousse," exposed east and slightly north (hence "reversées ...

  18. Domaine Jean-Claude Rateau

    8 ha. Jean-Claude started with the family vines estate on 2 hectares, in 1979. From the start, his choices were made towards techniques that respect the environment, by setting up at Clos des Mariages, the first Burgundian biodynamic trials. With its 15 plots, located in 12 different terroirs, the estate now offers a complete range, in white ...

  19. Domaine Jean Claude Rateau

    Domaine Jean Claude Rateau, Beaune, Bourgogne, France. 755 likes. Domaine Viticole en agriculture biologique à Beaune

  20. J.Claude Rateau

    About J.Claude Rateau . Jean Claude Rateau is a pioneer of biodynamic viticulture in the Burgundy wine region. He was the first winegrower in Bourgogne (and the fourth in the whole of France) to convert vines to biodynamic. ... His family were part-time vignerons, and after studied at a wine school in Beaune JC had a tour to Beaujolais where he ...

  21. Jeanne Lanvin's apartment, designed by Armand-Albert Rateau, 1924-1925

    This room, created by the designer Armand-Albert Rateau for Jeanne Lanvin's private apartment, is a perfect illustration of Rateau's innovative style combining classical art, an original bestiary and a taste for precious materials. In 1920, the great fashion designer Jeanne Lanvin bought the mansion that formerly belonged to the Marquise Arconati-Visconti at 16, Rue Barbet-de-Jouy in Paris ...

  22. Linkin Park Book Three More Tour Dates, Two Viral Bands Open

    Bad Omens, Helmet and Jean Dawson have been confirmed as support for the Dallas show. ... Linkin Park From Zero World Tour 2024 Remaining Dates. Sept. 24 - London, U.K. @ The O2