CAPS 123

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Grade 12 Tourism Overview

Term 1: overview of the tourism industry, topic overview.

  • Main Concept/Theme: Understanding the structure and functioning of the tourism industry.
  • Key Learning Objectives:
  • Understand the components and sectors within the tourism industry.
  • Analyze the economic significance of tourism.
  • Evaluate the roles of various organizations within the tourism industry.

Key Terms and Definitions

  • Tourism Industry: The sectors that provide services to travelers, including accommodation, transport, attractions, and support services.
  • Economic Impact: The effect of tourism on the economy, including job creation and foreign exchange earnings.
  • Sustainable Tourism: Tourism that is environmentally responsible, socially equitable, and economically viable.

Main Content Sections

Components of the tourism industry.

  • Accommodation : Hotels, guest houses, Airbnb, etc.
  • Transport : Airlines, railways, car rentals.
  • Attractions : National parks, museums, cultural sites.
  • Tour Operator Services : Package tours, guided tours.
  • Support Services : Travel agencies, information centers.

Economic Impact of Tourism

  • Tourism contributes to GDP.
  • It generates employment.
  • It affects balance of payments through foreign exchange.

Organizations in Tourism

  • UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization) : Promotes tourism development globally.
  • National and Provincial Tourism Organizations : Develop and regulate tourism within regions.
  • Private Sector Companies : Hotels, airlines, and other private entities.

Example Problems or Case Studies

  • Case Study: Impact of Tourism in Kruger National Park – Analyze how tourism boosts local economic growth and the measures taken to maintain sustainability.

Summary or Review Section

  • The tourism industry is multifaceted, involving several sectors that contribute significantly to the economy. Organizations at various levels aim to promote sustainable and effective tourism practices.

Self-Assessment Questions

  • List the main components of the tourism industry.
  • Explain how tourism can impact a country’s economy.
  • Name any two major organizations involved in the tourism industry and their roles.

Connections to Other Topics/Subjects

  • Geography: Understanding the geographical distribution of major tourist destinations.
  • Economics: Economic principles applied in tourism revenue and expenditure analysis.

Term 2: Marketing in Tourism

  • Main Concept/Theme: Understanding tourism marketing strategies and their implementation.
  • Learn the elements of the marketing mix in tourism.
  • Understand market research and consumer behavior.
  • Develop marketing plans for tourism businesses.
  • Marketing Mix (4 Ps): Product, Price, Place, Promotion.
  • Market Segmentation: Dividing a market into distinct groups with common needs.
  • Consumer Behavior: Study of how individuals make decisions to spend their resources.

The Marketing Mix in Tourism

  • Product : Creating appealing tourism products like package tours.
  • Price : Strategies for pricing tourism products.
  • Place : Distribution channels, online and offline sales.
  • Promotion : Advertising, public relations, sales promotion.

Market Research in Tourism

  • Methods of collecting data (surveys, interviews).
  • Analyzing market needs and preferences.

Developing a Marketing Plan

  • Setting objectives.
  • Targeting specific market segments.
  • Budget allocation for marketing activities.
  • Case Study: Marketing Strategies of South African Tourism – Discuss the promotional campaigns and their effectiveness in attracting tourists.
  • Effective marketing in tourism involves understanding the market, creating attractive products, and utilizing the right channels and strategies to reach potential consumers.
  • What are the four elements of the marketing mix?
  • Why is market research important in tourism?
  • Outline the basic steps in developing a marketing plan for a tour operator.
  • Business Studies: Marketing principles and strategies.
  • Psychology: Understanding consumer behavior and decision-making processes.

Term 3: Sustainable and Responsible Tourism

  • Main Concept/Theme: Promoting tourism that benefits local communities and preserves the environment.
  • Understand the principles of sustainable tourism.
  • Evaluate the impact of tourism on the environment and local cultures.
  • Develop strategies for responsible tourism practices.
  • Ecotourism: Tourism directed towards exotic, often threatened, natural environments.
  • Carrying Capacity: The number of visitors a site can accommodate without causing damage.
  • Conservation: Protection and management of natural resources.

Principles of Sustainable Tourism

  • Minimizing environmental impact.
  • Supporting local economies.
  • Preserving cultural heritage.
  • Ensuring visitor satisfaction.

Environmental Impacts of Tourism

  • Positive and negative impacts.
  • Examples: Wildlife conservation vs. habitat destruction.

Strategies for Responsible Tourism

  • Implementing eco-friendly practices.
  • Encouraging community-based tourism.
  • Education and awareness programs.
  • Case Study: Sustainable Tourism in Cape Winelands – Analyze initiatives taken to balance tourism development and environmental conservation.
  • Sustainable and responsible tourism aims to create a balance between tourism development, environmental conservation, and the well-being of local communities.
  • Define ecotourism and give an example.
  • What is carrying capacity and why is it important?
  • Discuss two strategies to promote responsible tourism.
  • Life Sciences: Biodiversity and conservation.
  • Social Studies: Cultural preservation and local community benefits.

Term 4: The Tourism Economy

  • Main Concept/Theme: Understanding the macroeconomic aspects and global trends in tourism.
  • Analyze the global tourism trends and their implications.
  • Understand the relationship between tourism and economic development.
  • Evaluate the role of governments and international bodies in tourism.
  • Global Trends: Patterns and shifts in tourism activities worldwide.
  • Economic Development: Progress in an economy’s productivity and living standards.
  • Policy-making: The process of formulating policies to regulate and promote tourism.

Global Trends in Tourism

  • Increase in international travel.
  • Growth of niche markets (adventure, health, etc.).
  • Technological advancements in travel and booking.

Tourism and Economic Development

  • Contribution to GDP and employment.
  • Tourism multiplier effect.

Role of Governments and International Bodies

  • National tourism policies.
  • International tourism agreements.
  • Global initiatives for tourism growth.
  • Case Study: Impact of Global Trends on South African Tourism – Examine how international trends influence local tourism strategies.
  • Tourism is a major driver of economic development globally, influenced by various trends and governed by policies aimed at maximizing benefits while minimizing negative impacts.
  • Identify two global trends in tourism.
  • How does tourism contribute to economic development?
  • What role do governments play in promoting tourism?
  • Economics: Principles of economic development.
  • Information Technology: Impact of technology on travel and tourism.

These comprehensive study notes are designed to guide Grade 12 students through the key topics in Tourism as outlined in the CAPS curriculum . Use these notes to deepen your understanding, prepare for exams, and connect what you learn to real-world applications. Always explore additional resources and seek help when needed to ensure thorough comprehension.

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Support Document Grade 12 - Tourism Grade 12 Study Guide

Ncs (caps) learner support document grade 12 tourism step ahead programme 2021, understanding and interpreting the time zone map, steps used to calculate time across time zones.

Activity 1 – Spot Test on Concepts

Activity 3 – Jetlag

  • Travel documents
  • Map of Europe

Content: Professional image in the tourism industry

Factors contributing to a professional image in the tourism industry.

Conditions of Employment

Purpose and value of a code of conduct.

This support document serves to assist learners on how to deal with curriculum gaps and learning losses as a result of the impact of COVID-19 in 2020. It also captures the challenging topics in the Grade 11 and 12 work. The lesson plans should be used in conjunction with the 2021 Recovery Annual Teaching Plan. Activities should serve as a guide on how to assess topics dealt with in this document. It will cover the following:

The section on Time Zones is covered under the Map work and Tour Planning Section. The topic is made up of two parts:

  • The theory behind Time Zones including concepts and related aspects to the way in which time is calculated across the world
  • The actual calculation of time across the globe as is used by people who travel one place to another.

There are certain aspects of this section that you need to master in order to answer the questions asked in exam papers. This section will be tested in all tests and exams in your Grade 12 year as it is taught in Term 1. It makes up Section B (Question 2) of your exam papers. Many learners believe that this section is difficult because there are calculations involved. There are in fact a few steps that you will need to master in order to get all your calculations correct. We will come to that in a little while. The following is a checklist of what you should know in this section:

  • Understand how to use the 24-hour clock when completing time zone calculations
  • Understand the given terms and how they impact on world time zones 
  • Be able to read, interpret and use the Time Zone Map to complete your calculations.
  • Use the concepts of longitude and latitude to locate destinations on the Time Zone Map
  • Understand the practice of Daylight Savings Time and how it impacts on travel
  • Understand how travelling across time zones lead to Jetlag and Jet Fatigue (including the symptoms, causes and prevention).
  • Each time zone is 15º(degrees) apart.
  • There is a 1-hour time difference between each time zone.

The earth is round and therefore measures 360º. There are 24 hours in a day. The movement around the earth around the Sun, in 24 hours is called Rotation. The earth rotates from WEST to EAST.

360º ÷ 24 = 15 = the earth moves 15º every 1 hour.

All places to the East of the GM are ahead in time All places to the West of the GM are behind in time. The (+) and the (-) indicates direction.

  • When crossing over the IDL, there is a change in the calendar day. 
  • When one travels West over the IDL (E.g. Japan to Canada), the date will change from today to yesterday.
  •  When one travels East over the IDL (E.g. Canada to Japan), the date will change from today to tomorrow.
  • Cool hours in the morning could be used more productively rather than the warmer hours later on in the afternoon. This will increase productivity and hence lead to the growth of the economy.
  • This practice is actually a green practice because it encourages energy saving because less lights and air conditioners are used.
  • It can lead to a reduction in crime as more people return home well before dark.
  • There will be reduced road deaths as the evening rush hour would now have more daylight.
  •  There will be more time for recreation, leisure, family time for both parents and children.
  • Recreational areas and tourism establishments make money as they can open for longer hours.

Time zones and Daylight savings time will have an impact on tourists travelling outside of their country, especially across different time zones and hemispheres. Tourists need to know how the times will change as they move across the globe, i.e. if they move East they are going ahead in time and if they move West they are going behind in time. If their host country is practicing Daylight Savings Time, they will need to change their watches according and this will also impact on how they plan their itineraries. The times to visit attractions or participate in activities will be impacted by the time being used by the host country. Changes in time either due to the impact of time zones or DST will also impact on other travel arrangements including flight times and changes, boarding times for trains and cruises, checking into to accommodation, etc. Tourists will also have to be informed about the business hours for establishments such as banks, foreign exchange bureaux’s, etc. There is also an impact on how the tourist feels when they are travelling. The tourist physical and mental health can be affected by two aspects, namely: Jetlag which is a tiredness that one feels when travelling across time zones Jet Fatigue which is a tiredness that one feels from being confined to a space for a prolonged period of time. The cause of jet fatigue is not restricted to the crossing of time zones. A person can feel this even if they have not crossed over time zones.

Step 1: Write down all the given information.

  • Identify time zones of countries in question.
  • In problems where flying time is needed, note the departure time and point as well as the flying time.

Step 2 : Find out if the places are in the same or in different hemispheres.

  • If they are in the same hemisphere SUBTRACT, if they are in different hemispheres, ADD
  • Same Signs Subtract (SSS) and Different Signs ADD(DSA) to find the time difference in time.

Step 3: Is a country with a question mark AHEAD or BEHIND

  •  If a country with a question mark is AHEAD you ADD difference. 
  • If a country with a question mark is BEHIND you SUBTRACT the difference. 
  • Always start with the place in question, in your statement.

Step 4: When dealing with flight time:

  •  You Always ADD the flight time when calculating the ARRIVAL.
  • You Always SUBTRACT the flight time when calculating the DEPARTURE.

Step 5: When dealing with DST:

  • When calculating the ARRIVAL TIME you ADD 1hr of DST if the country in question is practising DST at that time.
  • When calculating the ARRIVAL TIME you SUBTRACT 1hr of DST if the country with time (departure country) is practising DST at that time.
  • When calculating the DEPARTURE TIME you SUBTRACT 1hr of DST if the country in question is practising DST at that time.
  • When calculating the DEPARTURE TIME you ADD 1hr of DST if the country with time is practising DST at that time.
  • Some problems include transit time between destinations
  • Past papers have also asked for learner to calculate the departure time rather than the arrival time.


Examples Using the Steps Sandile is travelling from Johannesburg to New York. His flight will leave O.R. Tambo at 17:00 on the 12 June. His elapsed time from O.R. Tambo to John F Kennedy International is 16hrs 30mins. Give his arrival time in New York

Step 1: Write down all the given information

  • Johannesburg (30ºE) +2             New York (75ºW) -5 17:00, 12 June                                        ? Flying time = 16hrs30mins

Step 2: Are both places in the same or different hemispheres

  • Johannesburg = 30°E => Eastern hemisphere New York = 75°W => Western Hemisphere

Rule: Both places are in different hemispheres, therefore you will ADD (2+5 = 7HRS) There are 7 hours between both places.

Step 3: Is the place in question East or West of the known place?

  • New York (place in question) is West of Johannesburg, therefore you will SUBTRACT

Step 4: Calculate time difference

  • 17:00 – 7hrs = 10:00 -> When it is 17:00 in Johannesburg it is 10:00 in New York

Step 5: Add flight time

  • 10:00 + 16hrs 30 mins = 02:30 13 June: arrival time

You need to master this kind of problem before your teacher shows you other kinds of time zone problems. You may use your textbooks to examine other examples related to calcualtions.

Learner Activities: Time Zones

QUESTION 1: Match the term in Column A with the description in Column B. Write only the letter of the correct term.

QUESTION 2: Correct the following statement by replacing the incorrect term/concept

2.1. GMT is the temporary change in a country’s standard time. 2.2. Latitudes divide the Earth into the Eastern and Western hemisphere. 2.3. South Africa has two standard time zones. 2.4. IDL stands for International Data Link. 2.5. The world is divided into 12 time zones 2.6. The International Date Line is also known as Greenwich Meridian.

Read the following article before answering the questions that follow Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Saving Time (or Summertime as it is called in many countries) is a way of getting more light out of the day by advancing clocks one hour during the summer. During Daylight Saving Time, the sun appears to rise one hour later in the morning, when people are usually asleep anyway, and sets one hour later in the evening, seeming to stretch the day longer. The reason DST works is because its saves energy due to less artificial light needed during the evening hours - clocks are set one hour ahead during the Spring, and one hour back to standard time in the Autumn. Many countries observe DST, but many do not. Benjamin Franklin first suggested Daylight Saving Time in 1784, but it was not until World War I, in 1916, that it was adopted by several counties in Europe that had initially rejected the idea. Note: Between March-April through September-November, it is summer in the northern hemisphere, where many countries may observe DST, while in the southern hemisphere it is winter. During the rest of the year the opposite is true; it is winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern.


  • What is the abbreviation for Daylight Savings Time?
  • Explain why Canada adopts this practice in March.
  • Briefly describe the process of Daylight Savings Time.
  • “that it was adopted by several counties in Europe that had initially rejected the idea.” Determine TWO reasons why many European countries may have decided to adopt Daylight Savings Time.
  • There are arguments on the idea that daylight saving time reduces electricity usage and promotes energy efficiency. Why is the above statement not completely true? Justify your answer with a good reason.
  • Identify reasons why there are many countries who choose not to use Daylight Savings Time.
  • Explain the difference between jet lag and jet fatigue.
  • Refer to the picture and identify symptoms of jet lag that this tourist could be feeling.

Using the World Time Zone Map, answer the following questions.

  • San Francisco
  • Johannesburgh
  • India is +5,5 on the Time Zone Map. What does this mean?

Using your Time Zone Map, complete the following calculations. Show all workings.

  • Zandile is working late in her Johannesburg (30ºE) office. She needs to make a phone call to her colleague Jane in Canada (105ºW). She will make the call at 16:00 SAST. Is this call possible?
  • A businessman flies from Hong Kong (120ºE) to Johannesburg. He leaves Hong Kong at 12:30 on Sunday. What time and day will he arrive in Johannesburg, if he takes a 13-hour flight.
  • Skhumbuzo will be departing from OR Tambo International Airport (30ºE) for Auckland (180ºE). He will leave at 18:00, Tuesday. His flight time is 18hrs. Auckland is practicing Daylight Savings Time.
  • Peter leaves Paris (15ºE) on Friday at 08:00. He travels to New York (75ºW) on a 9-hour flight. What is his arrival time in New York?
  • Keshnee who is studying in Lima, Peru (75ºW) makes a phone call to her parents who are living in Riyadh (45ºE). If she makes the call at 06:00, at what time will they receive the call? Lima is practicing DST.
  • A group of educational tourists travel from Sao Paulo(45ºW) to Namibia (15ºE). They leave Sao Paulo at 05:00 on Wednesday and take a 6 hour flight to New York. The will remain in transit in New York for 4 hrs before flying to Namibia. The flight from New York to Namibia is 16 hours.
  • Ayanda flew from San Francisco (120ºW) to Dallas (90ºW). She arrived in Dallas at 08:00 on Wednesday. Calculate her departure time from San Francisco if the flight was 3 hours long.


Travel documents.

  • The passport is issued by the Department of Home Affairs
  • Valid for 10 years’ adult
  • Requirements: A completed Application from
  • Proof of identity
  • Two size electronic photographs will be taken inside the DHA
  • Required fee
  • Valid passport
  • Specific visa fee
  • Return air ticket
  • Two passport sized photographs
  • Proof of sufficient financial means
  • Saves money because you only pay for one visa.
  • Saves time because you don’t visit different embassies to apply for the different visas.
  • Health Certificate / Yellow Fever certificate A health certificate is a statement signed by a health-care provider (such as a registered travel doctor) that proves the health of the bearer of the certificate. Health certificate can be obtained from TRAVEL CLINICS
  • Valid driver’s Licence,
  • 2 photographs, Fees,
  • Identity document,
  • Application form,
  • Proof of residence.
  • Helps the tourist to rent a vehicle in another country and obtain travel insurance.

Four options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose the answer and write ONLY the letter (A–D) e.g. 1.1.21 A. 1.1.1This type of visa applied for when travelling to European Union Countries.

1.1.2. An IDP is required to …

  •  participate in local cultural activities.
  • fly an light aircraft in a foreign country.
  • hire a vehicle at certain foreign destinations
  • participate in white water rafting activities.

1.1.3 A South African applying for this travel document needs to submit a South African identity document, a completed application form and pay a fee.

  • Health certificate
  • International driving permit

1.1.4 A South African outbound international tourist who wants to visit China will apply at the … for a holiday visa.

  • Department of Home Affairs
  • National Department of Tourism
  • Asian Embassy
  • Chinese Embassy

1.1.5 A South African outbound international tourist would apply to the …for a transit visa when changing flights at Heathrow International Airport in London.

  • Department of Economic Affairs
  • British Embassy
  •  American Embassy


2.1 Choose a service from COLUMN B that matches the service provider in COLUMN A. Write only the letter (A–F) next to the question number

Study the information below and answer the questions that follow.

3.1 Differentiate between a passport and a visa. (2 × 2) (4) 3.2 Give ONE reason why John would require a Schengen Visa for the race. (2)

3.3 Name the place where John will hand in an application to obtain a passport (1) 3.4. Suggest ONE reason why visa applicants are required to provide the US Embassy or Consulate with supporting documents in order to obtain a visa. (2)

Topic: Tourism Sectors

Professional image in the tourism industry

  • When working in the tourism industry it is important that professional image is portrayed at all times.
  • Company and staff image are important when dealing with tourists from different countries and backgrounds.
  • They contribute to the professional image in the tourism industry.

Factors contribute to a professional image in the tourism industry.

Examples of aspects to consider include:

  • A company’s identity is expressed by its logo and the colour thereof. The logo (or symbol or trademark) is the recognisable feature of the brand or company.
  • The logo is used on most visible features of the company, such as uniforms, stationery, marketing material and signage.
  • All of this together is called a company’s branding and is what establishes its corporate identity.
  • A slogan is a short phrase that communicates a brand’s core values.
  • Slogans should be printed on all the company’s promotional items, including its website, stationery, marketing material and merchandise.
  • Marketing material is all printed material with information about a company’s products, such as flyers, brochures, maps, business cards, leaflets, fact sheets, postcards, and posters as well as videos.

Product packaging

  • Product packaging refers to the way in which product features and benefits are combined to appeal to consumers.

Physical appearance of the business

  • The physical appearance – exterior and interior elements of a company – also portrays an image.
  • Exterior elements include signage, the parking area and landscaping, and interior elements include the design, layout and equipment.

Environmental policies

  • An environmental policy is a written statement that outlines a company’s aims and principles with regards to managing (limiting) the effect it has on the environment.
  • Consumers are increasingly choosing to do business with companies that are committed to protecting the environment.

Customer service policies

  • Contains a statement to the customer about the levels of service they can expect

IMAGE OF THE STAFF What is a staff image?

  • Staff image refers to the presentability of employees when dealing with tourists and when carrying out their duties.

Professional appearance

  • A professional appearance is key to making a good impression and creating a professional image of yourself and your company
  • If employees are not required to wear a uniform, they will still have to adhere to a dress code that specifies what they may or may not wear.

Personal hygiene

  • Staff should be free of body odour and avoid strong fragrance. 

Personal grooming

  • Staff should be neatly groomed.
  • Women should wear little make- up.

Interaction with customers

  • Staff must be always polite and courteous to guests.
  • Excellent service can enhance a company’s image; poor service will damage a company’s image and business.

Communication Skills

  • Whenever staff deals with customers, they are communicating, whether it is face to face, over the telephone, in writing or non-verbally (through body language).
  • The way in which an employee speaks, presents information in person or in writing and/or their body language determines the impression that employee makes personally and of the company.
  • Communicate confidently and honestly.

The Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997

  • It refers to the terms under which employer has employed a person.
  • The Department of Labour is the South African Government responsible for matters related to employment.
  • The Act applies to all employees and employers.
  • The Act protects employees and employers by outlining the minimum basic working conditions.
  • The Act gives effect to the right to fair labour practices.
  • The basic conditions of employment contained in the Act form part of the employment contract between the employer and employee.

The Contract of Employment

  • A contract of employment is a signed agreement between an employer and an employee.
  • Signing a job contract signifies an agreement between the employer and employee.
  • The contract of employment has rules that the employee should abide by when working for the company that has issued it.

Information Contained in The Contract of Employment. Employer and employee details

  • Employer’s full name and address
  • Employee’s full name and address

Employment details

  • Place of work
  • Date on which employment starts
  • A brief description of the job including core duties
  • Working hours

Remuneration and deductions

  • Agreed minimum salary or wage
  • Rate for overtime
  • Frequency of payment (daily, weekly, monthly)
  • Any deductions (UIF, medical aid, pension fund, trade union membership fees, home loan and tax e.g. PAYE)

Notice and contract period

  • Period of contract
  • otice period required from the employee as well as the employer, should either wish to terminate the contract

Leave details

  • Any leave to which the worker is entitled
  • This includes, but it is not limited to sick leave, annual leave, study leave, maternity leave, family responsibility leave

Uniform allowances

  • Depending on the company policy, the employer could provide one uniform, more than one uniform, seasonal uniforms or the policy may stipulate that employees are entitled to a uniform allowance

Travel benefits

  • This is a decision of the employer
  • Some airlines provide discounted flight travel benefits to employees
  • Some hotels may agree to a travel allowance for employees
  • National Parks grant travel benefits to employees for the performance of official duties

Fringe benefits

  • Fringe benefits are benefits in addition to an employee's wages.
  • Any benefit offered to employees in exchange for their services (not including salary) is a fringe benefit
  • Examples include: pension fund, medical scheme, unemployment insurance, disability insurance, vehicle allowance, study loans and bursaries

Professional accountability and responsibility

  • The obligation/requirement to fulfil duties and accept responsibility for the consequences of actions and decisions, be they positive or negative.

Service ethics

  • The moral principles that govern a company's conduct with its customers, potential customers and ex customers.
  • They are based on a set of values relating to the question of what is “right” or “wrong.”

Disciplinary and grievance procedures

  • A disciplinary procedure is used by an employer to address an employee's conduct or performance
  • The aim of a disciplinary procedure is to encourage and maintain standards of conduct and ensure consistent and fair treatment for all e.g. verbal warning, written warning, firing an employee
  • A grievance procedure is used to deal with a problem or complaint that an employee raises.
  • Signature of the employer
  • Signature of the employee.

Code of conduct

  •  A code of conduct is a set of rules that provides guidance to all staff on what is acceptable behaviour.
  •  It contains procedures to follow in certain situations and requires certain behaviour.

The purpose of a code of conduct

  •  It spells out the expected conduct of staff in their performance of duties. 
  • Offers guidance for staff with ethical challenges.
  • Guides behaviour.
  • Acts as a public statement providing the customers of a business with an understanding of the ethics of the company.

The value of a code of conduct

  • Creates a cooperative, collaborative atmosphere.
  • Promotes integrity in the workplace.
  • Creates agreed upon behaviours and methods of operation for the business. 
  • Leads to improved company performance if linked to the aims and objectives of the company.
  • States the company’s unique set of values and beliefs.
  • Can be used to create publicity and attract new customers, thus helping the organisation to grow.


  • It’s logo (2)
  • The name of the business (2) 
  • The physical appearance of the business (2)
  • The special attraction for parents with young children (2)
  • State TWO advantages of the Steak Beef Ranches having a recognizable, positive image. (4)
  • Refer to the photographs above and discuss TWO points that can form part of the dress code for waiters working at a Steak Beef Ranches restaurant. (4)[16]

Study the web designs underneath and rates them according to the criteria provided and the information in the extract:

4.1. Study the picture below and answer the question that follows.

 4.1.1. Professional image is very important in ensuring the success of a business. What do you understand by the term professional image? (2) 4.1.2. In the extract, discuss two ways in which the African Sky Hotel Spas and Resorts motivate its employees. (4) 4.1.3. The employees play a huge role in attracting customers to their business. Suggest two ways in which employees can maintain the professional image of a business. (5) 4.1.4. Define the following conditions that are included in a contract of employment.

  • Fringe benefits (2) 
  • Remuneration (2) [15]
  • State the document that the company should have in place in order to prevent what is happening in the pictures shown above. (1)
  • Explain the purpose of the document mentioned above. (2) [15]

Topic: Tourist attractions

Content: Famous world icons and attractions


1.1.1 The Black Forest is located in …

  • Switzerland

1.1.2 This world icon is one of the seven new wonders of the world:

  • Machu Picchu
  • Eiffel Tower

1.1.3 … is the ruined remains of a large, ancient Mayan city 

  • Vatican City
  • Chichen Itza

1.1.4 An example of universal accessibility at an attraction:

  • The restaurant offers kosher dishes
  • Toilet facilities are provided for people in wheelchairs
  • Staff members are able to communicate with visitors in a variety of international languages
  • All of the above

1.1.5 Gondolas and canals are associated with this city:

  • Johannesburg

1.1.6 A factor that contributes to Machu Picchu being a successful tourist attraction:

  • Machu Picchu limits the number of tourists visiting the attraction.
  • Tourists to Machu Picchu are offered free accommodation.
  • Tourists on wheelchairs are not allowed to visit Machu Picchu.
  • Machu Picchu does not advertise their tourist packages.
  • What other icon is found in Australia other than the one mentioned in the case study? (1)
  • Why is Sydney Opera House regarded as a failed project? (2) 
  • From the extract identify two problems hindering the success of Sydney Opera House project. (4) 
  • For each of the above mentioned problems hindering the success, recommend the solutions for them. (4)[11]
  • From the case study above identify the name of the icon and the continent it is located (2)
  • From the extract above identify the problem that is threatening the sustainability of the above mentioned icon (2)
  • Advise the Egyptian authorities on two measure that would ensure the continuity success of the above attraction(4)


  • Itinerary – is a detailed plan of the tourist’s journey.
  • Tourist profile – is an indication of the tourists’ wants and needs.
  • Name, Gender, Age, Budget, Nationality, Location, Occupation, Purpose of visit, Type of tourist, Special needs
  • It saves time, so that they can spend less time on travelling and more time on activities and attractions.
  • It is logical and easy to follow
  • Its economical
  • To be able to know all the different costs that they will have when they embark on their journey.
  • A budget will help the tourist plan their trip effectively.
  • Accommodation
  •  Attractions and activities
  • Number of people travelling
  • Route to be taken
  • Time of year
  • No. of days
  • The type of tour
  • The tour group
  • Sundry expenses
  • Travel clinics
  • Travel agencies
  • Tourism Information offices
  • Travel magazines
  • Travel websites
  • Do not display your valuables.
  • Do not accept lifts from strangers.
  • Use credit cards or carry small amounts of cash.
  • Do not give lifts to strangers.
  • Never display your valuables in the car.
  • Drive within the speed limit of the road.
  • Do not leave your luggage unattended.
  • Keep your room door locked at all times.
  • Check who is at the door before opening it.
  • Check your credit card if you use it in the hotel.
  • Always keep your bags where you can see them.
  • Make sure all your bags have locks.
  • Do not allow anyone to check your bags except for designated security officers.
  • Don’t carry goods through customs of a stranger.
  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Become familiar with the local police services.
  • Ensure you use registered qualified guides.
  • Avoid isolated places at night.
  • Always travel in groups.
  • Use well-known public transport.
  • Ensure that your cell phone is charged.

When travelling it is important to research the health requirements of one’s destination, as well as the precautions one should take. Safety is an important factor to consider when travelling. These factors play an important part in the decisions that tourists take when travelling.


QUESTION 1 1.1 Four options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose the answer and write only the letter (A-D) next to the question number (1.1.1-1.1.20) in the ANSWER BOOK, e.g. 1.1.21 A. 1.1.1 When planning an itinerary a tour planner should take into account that travellers on international flights must check in for their flight ... prior to departure.

  • 2 to 3 hours
  • 1 to 2 hours

1.1.2 A disease contracted in the same way as HIV Aids:

  • Hepatitis A
  •  Hepatitis B 

1.1.3 The disease caused by drinking contaminated (polluted) water:

  • Yellow fever

1.1.4 The... virus, found mainly in South America, caused panic in the tourism industry in 2016. 

  • Informs tourists about health regulations
  • Informs tourism role-players about global tourism statistics
  • Regulates air travel in the aviation industry
  • Regulates trading in endangered species

1.2 Choose a concept provided in the list that best completes the sentences below. You may only use each of the concepts given ONCE. Write only the concept next to the question number (1.2.1-1.2.4) in the ANSWER BOOK

 Yellow fever, TB, HIV AIDS, Bilharzia, Malaria, Hepatitis B, visa, Hepatitis A, HIV, Cholera

1.2.1 Use of insect repellent on exposed skin, staying indoors, spraying an aerosol insecticide in the sleeping area or burning of mosquito coils and mosquito mats are precautionary measures against contracting ... 1.2.2 Transmitted by a bite of a female mosquito in South America and Northem Africa 1.2.3 Prolonged coughing, difficulty in breathing and chest and joint pain are symptoms of 1.2.4 Avoiding potentially contaminated rivers and not drinking or washing in contaminated water are precautionary measures against contracting (4 x 1) (4) 1.3  It is important to compile a client profile before developing an itinerary for a tourist 1.3.1 Give ONE reason why it is important to compile a profile for Mr Jackson before developing his itinerary. (2)

Mr Jackson wants to take biltong (dried meat) to Germany as a Proudly South African gift for his German friend. He was informed that meat products are prohibited from being taken into Germany.

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