(CT:LOG-396;   04-11-2024) (Office of Origin:  A/LM)


14 FAM 581.1  Travel within Workweek

(CT:LOG-376;   05-30-2023)

5 U.S.C. 6101(b)(2) establishes the U.S. Government-wide policy that, to the maximum extent practicable, the head of an agency should schedule the time an employee spends in official travel status within the employee's regularly scheduled workweek.

14 FAM 581.2  Routing

(CT:LOG-396;   04-11-2024)

a. Travel on official business must be by the method of transportation that results in the greatest advantage to the U.S. Government, considering cost and other factors.  In selecting a particular method of transportation, consider energy conservation and the total cost to the U.S. Government.

b. Travel by common carrier (air, rail, or bus) generally results in the most efficient use of energy resources and in the least costly and most expeditious performance of travel.  Therefore, this method must be used whenever reasonably available.  Other methods of transportation may be authorized as advantageous only when the use of common carrier transportation would seriously interfere with the performance of official business, impose an undue hardship upon the traveler, or cost more than another method of transportation.  The determination that another method would be more advantageous to the U.S. Government than common carrier transportation must not be based on personal preference or avoiding minor inconvenience to the traveler resulting from common carrier scheduling.

c.  Selecting the most advantageous method of common carrier transportation:

(1)  Contract air service:  The use of discount fares offered by contract air carriers between certain cities (city pairs) is considered advantageous to the U.S. Government ( 14 FAM 543 , paragraph a);

(2)  Rail or bus service:  Rail or bus service may be used when advantageous to the U.S. Government (cost, energy and other factors considered) and when compatible with the requirements of the official travel.  The use of contract or other discount fares offered to the U.S. Government by rail or bus carriers between selected cities (city pairs) is considered advantageous.  Whenever these discount fares are offered and the accompanying service will fulfill mission requirements, they should be used to the maximum extent possible;

(3)  Surface transportation or a combination of air and surface is authorized, subject to the provisions of 14 FAM 581.4 and 14 FAM 581.3 ;

(4)  Use of vessel (watercraft) transportation is authorized when the use of air transportation by the traveler would be detrimental to the traveler's health or well-being ( 14 FAM 582.2-3 );

(5)  Alternatively, travel by vessel may be permitted, provided travel expenses (including per diem, incidental expenses, fare, and travel time) are limited to those which would accrue by authorized air travel.  Leave is charged for excess travel time;

(6)  Ferry travel is authorized when expedient and necessary to the mission; and

(7)  Travel by privately owned vehicle is governed by 14 FAM 566 .

14 FAM 581.3  Using U.S.- and Foreign-Flag Vessels

In accordance with the Merchant Marine Act of 1936, all travel and transportation of effects must be on vessels registered under the laws of the United States where such vessels are available unless the necessity of the mission requires the use of vessels under a foreign flag.  Exceptions to the use of U.S.-flag vessels are provided in 14 FAM 582.2 .

NOTE :  Although Executive Order 11223 dated May 12, 1965, exempts USAID from section 901 of the Merchant Marine Act of 1936, this exemption must not be exercised by USAID in connection with this regulation.

14 FAM 581.4  Using U.S.-Flag Air Carriers

a. The Fly America Act, 49 U.S.C. 40118, establishes a legal requirement that all U.S. Government-financed air travel be performed on U.S.-flag air carriers unless such travel on foreign air carrier is a matter of necessity as defined in 14 FAM 583.2 or when U.S.-flag carrier air service is not available within the guidelines of 14 FAM 583.1 .  The relevant Comptroller General Guidelines for implementing this Act are found in B-138942, March 31, 1981 ( 14 FAM 583.7 for travel between two points abroad).

b. A code-share flight is one in which a U.S. carrier has been approved by the Department of Transportation (DOT) to fly between two points, and the U.S. carrier has chosen to lease seats from a foreign carrier rather than put its own airplane on the route.  Code-share flights in most cases qualify as available U.S.-flag air carrier service (see 14 FAM 583.9 for more information).

c.  In the case of travel between two points abroad, Section 706 of the Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1979 (Public Law 95-426, 92 Stat. 992), provides that notwithstanding Section 1117 of the Fly America Act (49 U.S.C. 40118), U.S. Government-financed air travel by employees of State, USAID, their eligible family members, and accompanying baggage may be performed on foreign-flag air carriers between two places, both of which are outside the United States.

    NOTE :  The provision under paragraph c of this section does not apply to employees of the Department of Commerce and their eligible family members and accompanying baggage.

14 FAM 581.5  Authorities

In addition to the authorities listed in 14 FAM 511.4 , 14 FAM 580 refers to the following authorities:

(1)  Merchant Marine Act of 1936;

(2)  Fly America Act, 49 U.S.C. 40118;

(3)  49 U.S.C. 40101;

(4)  5 U.S.C. 6101(b)(2); and

(5)  Comptroller General Decisions:

(a)  B-118904 of 6/29/54, Certification of Voucher Payment for Excess Baggage Transportation by Air;

(b)  B-181352 of 10/8/74, Travel Expenses;

(c)  B-202413 of 11/16/81, Medical Necessity for Use of Foreign Air Carrier;

(d)  B-218819 of 10/30/85, Entitlement of USDA Employee to Reimbursement for Dependent Travel Incident to Change of Station; and

(e)  B-138942 of 3/31/1981, Revised Guidelines for Implementation of the Fly America Act; and

(6)  The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2024 (H.R. 2670 SEC 6224), dated December 22, 2023 .


14 FAM 582.1  Policy

In accordance with the provisions of the Merchant Marine Act of 1936, travel and transportation of effects must be on vessels registered under the laws of the United States where such vessels are available unless the necessity of the mission requires use of a vessel under a foreign flag.

14 FAM 582.2  Foreign-Flag Vessels

14 FAM 582.2-1  When Permissible

a. See 14 FAM 581.2 .

b. When travel by vessel is authorized or permitted under 14 FAM 581.2 , paragraph b, a foreign-flag vessel may be used only if:

(1)  U.S.-flag vessels do not operate between the ports servicing the points of origin and destination which are reasonably accessible by adequate surface transportation; or

(2)  U.S.-flag vessels do operate, but space or service is unavailable and the traveler would be delayed more than 15 days awaiting available U.S.-flag service, or a period of time deemed inadvisable for medical or safety reasons.

c.  When possible, make payment by using excess foreign credits or currency owned by the United States or from USAID trust funds.

14 FAM 582.2-2  Routing

When use of a foreign-flag vessel is permissible under the conditions stated in 14 FAM 582.2-1 , such use should be limited to the maximum extent possible by:

(1)  Using an available U.S.-flag vessel to the farthest interchange point from which a foreign-flag vessel provides service to complete the journey; or

(2)  Using a foreign-flag vessel to the nearest interchange point from which an available U.S.-flag vessel provides service to complete the journey.

14 FAM 582.2-3  Documentation

a. In circumstances covered by 14 FAM 582.2-1 , an authorizing officer or traveler will certify to the facts involved and a copy of such certification must also be included with the travel voucher (Form DS-3093, Justification Certificate for Use of a Foreign-Flag Air Carrier or Vessel).

b. When travel by vessel is authorized under 14 FAM 581.2 , the Medical Director of the Department of State (MED) must certify to the fact that use of air transportation would be hazardous or detrimental to the traveler's (employee's or family member's) health or well-being.  Travelers departing from the United States must obtain the required certification directly from MED.  Travelers departing from a post abroad will submit a request for the required certification to MED with a recommendation by the post medical officer or medical adviser.  The Medical Director's certification must be included with the employee's travel voucher.

14 FAM 582.2-4  Accompanying Family Members

If the employee or any member of the employee's family is authorized or permitted to travel by vessel under the conditions stated in 14 FAM 581.2 , all members of the family accompanying the employee or accompanying such family member are also permitted to travel aboard the foreign-flag vessel.

14 FAM 582.3  Use of Freight Vessels

Employees and family members are not required to travel by freight vessels.  However, when freight vessels are used, the rules pertaining to travel on U.S.- and foreign-flag passenger vessels must apply.

14 FAM 582.4  Penalty for Failure to Comply

Failure to comply with the provisions of 14 FAM 582 will subject the employee to personal financial responsibility.  Section 901(a) of the Merchant Marine Act of 1936 also vests in the Comptroller General of the United States special enforcement responsibilities.


14 FAM 583.1  General Rule

The Fly America Act generally requires use of a U.S. air carrier even if the cost of a ticket is less on a foreign air carrier and even if a foreign air carrier's service is preferred by, or more convenient for, the agency or the traveler.

14 FAM 583.2  State/USAGM/USAID Officers, Employees and Eligible Family Members on State/USAGM/USAID-Funded Travel between the United States and Another Country and Travel between Two Points Abroad

For State, USAGM, and USAID-funded travel of Department of State and USAID officers, employees, and their eligible family members:

(1)  A U.S. air carrier must be used if the trip is between the United States and a foreign country and the U.S. air carrier offers nonstop or direct service (no aircraft change) from origin to destination unless such use would extend travel time (scheduled departure to scheduled arrival, including delay at origin) by 24 hours or more; or

(2)  If the trip is between the United States and a foreign country and a U.S. air carrier does not offer nonstop or direct service (no aircraft change) from origin to destination, then a U.S. air carrier must be used if it provides service for the leg of the trip that is between the United States and another country, unless using a U.S. air carrier would:

(a)  Increase the number of aircraft changes abroad by two or more; or

(b)  Extend travel time (scheduled departure to scheduled arrival) by 6 hours or more; or

(c)  Require a connecting time of 4 hours or more at an interchange point abroad; and

(3)  A foreign air carrier may be used for official travel between two points abroad.  This includes travel between two points abroad that is part of a trip to or from the United States (i.e., the foreign leg of a trip to or from the United States).

14 FAM 583.3  Non-State/Non-USAGM/Non-USAID-Funded Travel between the United States and Another Country

Non-State/non-USAGM/non-USAID travelers must use U.S. air carriers for travel between the United States and another country unless:

(1)  Use of a U.S. air carrier offers nonstop or direct service (no aircraft change) from origin to destination, but such use would extend travel time (scheduled departure to scheduled arrival), including delay at origin, by 24 hours or more; or

(2)  A U.S. air carrier does not offer nonstop or direct service (no aircraft change) between origin and destination.  In such cases, a U.S. air carrier must be used on every portion of the route where U.S. air service is provided.  Exceptions can be made when such use, as compared to use of a foreign air carrier, will:

(b)  Extend travel time (scheduled departure to scheduled arrival) by at least 6 hours or more; or

(c)  Require a connecting wait time of 4 hours or more at an exchange point abroad.

14 FAM 583.4  Non-State/Non-USAGM/Non-USAID-Funded Travel Solely Outside the United States

Non-State/non-USAGM/non-USAID travelers must use U.S. air carriers for travel between two points abroad that is solely outside of the United States unless, when compared to using a foreign air carrier, such use would:

(1)  Increase the number of aircraft changes made outside the United States by two or more; or

(2)  Extend travel time (scheduled departure to scheduled arrival) by at least 6 hours or more; or

(3)  Require a connecting time of 4 hours or more at an exchange point abroad.

14 FAM 583.5  All Travelers - Agency Mission or Necessity

Use of a foreign air carrier by all travelers is authorized when the authorizing official (bureau executive officer, post management officer , or USAID executive officer at post) determines that:

(1)  A U.S. air carrier cannot accomplish the agency's mission (as stated in the travel orders); or

(2)  Use of a foreign air carrier is necessary because a U.S. air carrier cannot provide the needed air transportation.  Necessity includes, but is not limited to, the following circumstances:

(a)  Medical reasons:  Use of a foreign air carrier is necessary for medical reasons, including the need to reduce the number of connections and possible delays when transporting people in need of medical treatment.  This includes arrangements to protect the traveler's health and to facilitate emergency visitation travel or a medical evacuation.  Travel of medically authorized attendant(s) is also authorized, if the need is certified by MED or a regional medical officer; or

(b)  Traveler's safety:  On a case-by-case basis, use of a foreign air carrier is required to avoid an unreasonable risk to the traveler's safety.  This includes ensuring that unaccompanied children (16 years of age or younger at the time of travel) are not required to change airports at interchange points abroad or are otherwise hindered in their safe and speedy passage.  An agency determination and approval of use of a foreign air carrier based on a threat against a U.S. air carrier must be supported by a travel advisory notice issued by the Federal Aviation Administration and the Department of State.  An agency determination and approval of use of a foreign air carrier based on a threat against U.S. Government employees or other travelers must be supported by evidence of the threat(s) that forms the basis of the determination and approval; or

(c)  A ticket is not available in the required class of service:  When there is no ticket available in the authorized class of service on a U.S. air carrier and a seat is available in the authorized class of service on a foreign air carrier.

14 FAM 583.6  Other Exceptions

Use of a foreign air carrier for all travelers is authorized in the following exceptional circumstances:

(1)  Treaty:  The transportation is provided under the terms of a bilateral or multilateral air transportation agreement to which the U.S. Government and the government of a foreign country are parties, and which the Department of Transportation has determined meets the requirements of the Fly America Act; or

(2)  No service:  No U.S. air carrier provides service on a particular leg of the route, in which case a foreign air carrier must be used, but only to and from the nearest interchange point on a usually traveled route to connect with a U.S. air carrier service; or

(3)  Involuntary routing:  The U.S. air carrier involuntarily reroutes a traveler on a foreign air carrier; or

(4)  Three-hour trip or less:  Travel time (scheduled departure to scheduled arrival) on a foreign air carrier would be 3 hours or less, and use of the U.S. air carrier would double the travel time; or

(5)  Costs paid by third party:  The costs of transportation are reimbursed in full by a third party, such as a foreign government, international agency, or other organization; and

(6)  State Only:  Travel with Pets:  Department of State employees and their eligible family members (EFMs) may be ticketed on a foreign-flag air carrier when no U.S. air carriers are available to transport domestic animals in cabin as carry-on, as accompanied excess baggage, or as checked cargo on the same flight as the traveler.  This applies to Permanent Change Station (PCS) and evacuation travel only and is limited to three cats or dogs (total) per employee.

      NOTE:  When pet movement is the determining factor for use of the foreign air carrier, the traveler is responsible for any airfare exceeding the authorized U.S. air carrier cost and for the actual cost of moving the pet(s).  (See H.R. 2670 SEC 6224).

14 FAM 583.7  Documentation

a. A traveler must request approval to use a foreign flag carrier based on any exception in 14 FAM 583 , except 14 FAM 583.2 , subparagraph (3).  For State, travelers must complete and submit Form DS-3093, Justification Certificate for Use of a Foreign-Flag Air Carrier or Vessel through MyData .  Form DS-3093 must be approved and signed by the Travel Management and Policy Division (A/LM/OPS/TMP) prior to use of the foreign-flag carrier.  In an emergency (travel must commence within 72 hours), the management officer at post may approve the Form DS-3093.

b. State only:  For pet exception travel, see 14 FAM 583.6 , subparagraph (6):  travelers must include the cost of the authorized U.S. carrier airfare without the pet(s) and the cost of the requested foreign-flag carrier airfare on the Form DS-3093.  Additionally, all pets of U.S. mission personnel transported under this provision must be registered in Pet Tracker.  Pet Tracker can be found in myServices under the Travel, Transportation, and Shipping request tab. 

c.   The traveler must submit the agency's required justification form to the travel management center before the ticket is issued and must attach a copy to the travel voucher upon completion of travel.

14 FAM 583.8  Traveler's Liability and Financial Responsibility for Improper Use of a Foreign Air Carrier

Financial responsibility for unauthorized travel on foreign air carriers lies with the traveler.  The traveler will be held financially responsible for any portions of travel carried out on a foreign-flag carrier when such travel was neither permitted nor authorized under this regulation.  The traveler will not be reimbursed for any improperly used foreign air carrier service.

14 FAM 583.9  Code-Share Flights

a. Code-share flights reflect an agreement between U.S. carriers and foreign carriers that allows U.S. carriers to lease seating space on aircraft belonging to (and operated by) foreign carriers.  Code-share flights comply with the Fly America Act.

b. A code-share flight qualifies as U.S. certificated-service flag air service provided the ticket identifies the U.S. carrier’s code and flight number.  The U.S. carrier is identified by the carrier code written on the ticket.  Carrier codes of major U.S. airlines are listed below:

·          AMERICAN          AA

·          DELTA               DL

·          JET BLUE            B6

·          SOUTHWEST       WN

·          UNITED              UA


14 FAM 584.1  Interrupted Travel on a Usually Traveled Route

Direct travel may be interrupted for the convenience of the traveler.  The employee is charged annual leave, if available, or approved leave without pay for excess time spent, and will receive no per diem for periods of leave.  The traveler bears any extra expense caused by the interruption.

14 FAM 584.2  Time Limitations on Performance of Travel and Transportation

14 FAM 584.2-1  Appointment, Transfer, or Leave at U.S. Government Expense

a. The actual departure date of an employee under a travel authorization will be determined in accordance with the needs of both the losing and gaining posts.  Eligible family members and effects may accompany, precede, or follow the employee.  However, after the employee completes travel pursuant to the authorization, unless the time limit on the authorization is extended, the actual departure of all eligible family members and the shipment is extended, the actual departure of all members of the family and the shipment of all effects are not deferred more than 12 months from the employee's first day at the new duty station for both international and domestic travel.  Travel authorizations may be extended up to an additional 6 months for a maximum of 18 months.  Requests for extensions must be supported by a justification acceptable to the Bureau of Global Talent Management, Office of the Executive Director.

b. Unless waived by the appropriate officials in the headquarters agency, any employee appointed for a 12-month tour of duty abroad must have eligible family members travel and shipment of effects commence within 3 months.  If the agency extends this 3-month time limitation for eligible family members to travel or to ship effects, the employee's tour of duty is extended so that the employee and eligible family members remain at post for at least 1 year after the eligible family members’ arrival.  A repayment agreement is required of the employee in accordance with 14 FAM 532.3-4 .  For liquidation or refund of repayment, see 14 FAM 532.3-6 .

14 FAM 584.2-2  Separation from the Foreign Service

a. When an employee is separated from the Foreign Service and qualifies for travel and shipment of effects in accordance with 3 FAM, the actual departure of the employee, the departure of the employee's family, and the transportation of all effects must not be deferred more than 12 months from the employee's last day in pay status, for both international and domestic travel.  Separation travel orders may be extended for up to an additional 6 months for a maximum of 18 months.  Requests for extensions must be supported by a justification acceptable to the Bureau of Global Talent Management, Office of the Executive Director.

b. If travel or transportation of effects is interrupted for personal convenience in connection with a separation, the final departure of persons and effects from any point(s) of interruption must take place within the time limitation specified in the separation order.

c.  When only domestic travel is involved, it may require issuance of a new travel authorization in the subsequent fiscal year, even within the 6-month period.

14 FAM 584.2-3  Limitation on Interrupted Travel and Transportation

When travel or transportation of effects is interrupted for the convenience of the traveler for an aggregate period in excess of 12 months, expenses for travel or transportation must be allowable only to the last point of interruption unless additional delay is specifically authorized.  For separation, see 14 FAM 584.2-2 .

14 FAM 584.3  Return to Post before Completion of Temporary Duty Assignment

Transportation expenses to an employee's designated post of duty and per diem en route are allowable whenever the employee becomes incapacitated due to illness or injury, and not due to any employee misconduct, while en route to or while at the temporary duty station before completion of temporary duty assignment (see 14 FAM 574.5-3 for per diem payable during illness or injury).

14 FAM 584.4  Rest Stop or Day Pass for Business-Class Lounge

a. Unless specifically disallowed elsewhere in the regulations, any scheduled flights in excess of 14 hours on a usually traveled route, including scheduled stopovers when traveling by less than premium-class accommodations, may be interrupted for a rest period of up to 24 hours.  Per diem and necessary miscellaneous expenses are authorized.  When the U.S. Government provides lodging and authorizes per diem, this break in travel constitutes a rest stop.  Alternatively, the traveler may be reimbursed for the cost of a day pass to a business-class lounge for the intermediate point on the authorized itinerary.  If this option is selected the traveler is no longer authorized an overnight rest stop and will be expected to continue travel on the next available flight to the traveler’s destination.

b. Travelers are responsible for requesting approval of either an overnight rest stop or a business-class lounge day pass from the authorizing office, prior to travel.

c.  The point of interruption for a rest stop should be at any normally scheduled transit point or stop along the direct route ( 14 FAM 585.1 ) between the authorized origin and destination.

d. The traveler may choose to take an authorized rest stop at the destination provided that the destination is not the traveler’s permanent duty station.

e. Rest stops or day passes to a business-class lounge are not authorized when indirect travel is performed.

f.  Rest stops or day passes to a business-class lounge are not authorized for travelers using premium-class accommodations, or an upgradeable fare ( 14 FAM 567.2-4 c), except when certified as necessary by competent medical authority.  Employees authorized to travel in premium-class accommodations may use a business-class lounge, if the service is offered free of charge by the airline but are not authorized reimbursement separately for the cost of a day pass to the lounge.

g. Under no circumstances will the traveler be eligible for both a U.S. Government-funded rest stop and a U.S. Government-purchased day pass to the business-class lounge.

    NOTE 1 :  Official travel which exceeds 14 hours on the usually traveled route and which is not authorized a rest stop includes:  R&R, travel of children of separated families, family visitation travel, emergency visitation (EVT) travel, periodic travel under educational allowance, educational travel, and any instance of official travel where the traveler is authorized, and actually travels in business class.

    NOTE 2 :  For U.S. Department of Agriculture/Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA/FAS) personnel, this provision only applies to personnel stationed abroad.

14 FAM 584.5  Time Zone Dislocations

a. Travelers flying on a direct route, without interruption, except for flight connections, with a difference of five or more time zones between authorized points of travel should, whenever possible, arrange departure to allow arrival at destination a full day before commencing duty.

b. When the flight is of such duration that it includes an authorized rest stop, as provided in 14 FAM 584.4 , the same efforts should be made to allow arrival at destination a full day before commencing duty, provided there is a difference of five or more time zones between the rest stop and the destination point.

c.  When the flight is of such duration that it is authorized extended economy seating, as provided in 14 FAM 567.2-6 , the same efforts should be made to allow arrival at the destination a full day before commencing duty, provided there is a difference of five or more time zones between the origin and destination points.

d. In cases meeting the criteria in paragraphs a, b, or c of this section, excused absence without charge to leave will be granted for any part of the 24-hour adjustment period following arrival at the duty point which happens to fall within working hours.

e. Per diem during the adjustment period is payable to temporary duty travelers, including eligible family members authorized to travel at U.S. Government expense when accompanying employees to temporary duty points, in accordance with 14 FAM 532.7 .


14 FAM 585.1  Direct Travel

All official travel must be by a usually traveled route, referred to as "direct travel” or “direct route" (see these definitions under 14 FAM 511.3 ).  A usually traveled route is one or more routes that are essentially the same in travel time and cost to the U.S. Government ( 14 FAM 511.1 lists types of official travel).

14 FAM 585.2  Indirect Travel

See definition under 14 FAM 511.3 .

14 FAM 585.2-1  Personal Financial Responsibility

When a traveler deviates from a usually traveled route for personal convenience, the traveler must bear the extra expense for the portion of the journey that is by an indirect route or for accommodations superior to those authorized.

14 FAM 585.2-2  Reimbursement Limitations

a. Reimbursement for costs incurred on that portion of the journey traveled by an indirect route is limited to the total cost of per diem, incidental expenses, and transportation by less than premium-class air accommodations (regardless of mode of travel used in indirect travel, except as provided in paragraph e of this section), which would have been incurred by traveling on a usually traveled route.

b. In no case may reimbursement for indirect travel exceed the allowable costs actually incurred for such indirect travel.

c.  Leave is charged for any excess travel time (see 14 FAM 550 requiring use of round-trip tickets, through tickets, etc.).

d . When travel is authorized and actually performed by privately-owned vehicle, reimbursement is limited to the total cost of per diem and mileage that would have been incurred by direct travel ( 14 FAM 566.3-1 ).


Per Diem: Tailored To Each Traveler's Needs?

  • Last updated Jul 23, 2024
  • Difficulty Beginner

Susan Meyers

  • Category Travel

does per diem go by each traveler

Per diem is a daily allowance that covers expenses incurred by employees while travelling for work. The phrase comes from Latin, meaning by the day or for each day, and is used to reimburse employees for costs such as meals, lodging, transportation and other incidental expenses. Per diem rates are set by individual companies, which can choose to follow federal guidelines set by the US General Services Administration (GSA). The GSA publishes a per diem rate guide each year, outlining rates for various cities in the US. These standard rates are designed for federal employees, but private companies can use the information as a starting point.

What You'll Learn

Per diem is a daily allowance for business-related travel expenses, per diem covers meals, lodging, transportation, and incidental costs, per diem rates are set by the company, based on location and purpose of travel, per diem reimbursement: employees claim an allowance for each travel day, per diem is non-taxable if it's within federal guidelines and used for business expenses.


Per diem, derived from the Latin for "per day" or "for each day", is a daily allowance paid to employees to cover expenses incurred while travelling for business. It is a convenient alternative to submitting itemised expense accounts, and is beneficial for both the employer and employee.

Per diem covers expenses related to business travel, including accommodation, meals, and incidental costs. Incidental expenses include fees and tips for services, laundry, dry cleaning, and room service. Per diem rates are usually set by each company, but in the case of government employees, these rates are set by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). The GSA breaks down per diem rates into two categories: meals/incidental expenses (M&IE) and lodging.

The meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) category covers all meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), room service, laundry, dry cleaning, pressing of clothing, and fees and tips for service providers, such as food servers and luggage carriers. The lodging category covers accommodations for overnight stays, such as hotels, motels, inns, resorts, and apartments. A separate per diem rate is set for both M&IE and lodging for each location.

Per diem rates are based on the cost of living in a particular location. For example, per diem rates in large cities like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles are higher than in non-metropolitan areas, as goods and services are generally more expensive in larger cities.

Per diem payments are not considered wages and are therefore non-taxable, provided that certain conditions are met. If the per diem payment exceeds the allowable federal per diem rate, or if the employee does not file an expense report, the payment will be subject to income tax withholding and payroll taxes.

Per diem allowances offer several advantages. They help companies budget future expenses more accurately and reduce the need for reviewing and managing receipts. They also minimise paperwork for both companies and employees, and streamline the tax-deduction process. Additionally, per diem ensures that employees are not taxed on allowances that serve as reimbursements.

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Per diem is a daily allowance that covers expenses incurred by an employee while travelling or on official business. These expenses include meals, lodging, transportation, and incidental costs.

Meal expenses cover breakfast, lunch, dinner, and any incidental snacks or refreshments consumed during the day. The per diem rate for meals can vary depending on the time of day and the specific location.

Lodging covers the cost of a hotel or other accommodation. The cost is usually based on the average price of accommodation in the area.


Per diem can also cover transportation costs, such as rideshares, taxis, or public transit.

Incidental Costs

Incidental costs refer to small miscellaneous expenses such as tips for service providers, baggage handlers, and hotel staff. They can also include transportation to and from the airport or local business-related transportation expenses.

Calculating Per Diem

The per diem rate is calculated based on several factors, including the location of travel, the purpose of the trip, and the standard cost of living in the area. Per diem rates are typically higher in cities or areas with a high cost of living, and they can also be influenced by seasonal variations in travel demand.

The total per diem amount is the sum of the Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) rate and the lodging rate. For example, if the M&IE rate for a specific location is $60 per day and the lodging rate is $100 per day, the total per diem for that location would be $160.

Reimbursement and Tax Implications

Employees can claim an allowance for each day they are away, and the total reimbursement is calculated by multiplying the per diem rate by the number of days spent on the trip. Partial days, such as arrival and departure days, may be prorated based on the time spent on the trip.

It is important to note that any unused per diem funds are typically expected to be returned to the employer. Additionally, per diem payments may become taxable income if the employee does not submit an expense report within a certain deadline, usually 60 days.

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Per diem is a daily allowance paid to employees to cover expenses incurred while travelling for business. The term comes from Latin, meaning "by the day" or "for the day", and is used in many languages. Per diem rates are usually set by the company and are based on the location and purpose of travel.

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) publishes a per diem rate guide each year, which outlines rates for various cities in the United States. These standard rates generally apply to federal employees, but private companies can use this information as a starting point and set their own per diem rates. The GSA rates are based on an area's cost of living, with rates in large cities like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles being higher than those in rural areas. The GSA sets rates for travel within the 48 contiguous states and Washington, D.C., while the Department of Defense determines rates for Alaska, Hawaii, and U.S. territories, and the State Department sets rates for foreign destinations.

Companies may choose to follow the GSA guidelines or set their own rates. If a company sets rates lower than the GSA guidelines, employees can claim the difference as tax-deductible travel expenses on their annual income tax filings. Per diem rates can be broken down into categories such as lodging, meals, and incidental expenses. Lodging covers the cost of hotels or any place the employee stays while travelling on business. Meals and incidental expenses include all meals, room service, laundry, dry cleaning, pressing of clothing, and fees and tips for service providers.

Some companies choose to give a fixed per diem or a set daily allowance to their employees, regardless of how much they spend. This gives employees the flexibility to decide how they want to spend their per diem amount. For example, they might choose to upgrade their accommodation, order room service, or save money by choosing more affordable meal options.

Per diem rates are an important aspect of business travel management. They can vary across companies, and company leaders are responsible for determining the set per diem available to their business travellers. By setting a fair or generous per diem amount, companies can improve the business travel experience for their employees and ensure their safety and productivity while on the road.

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Per diem is a daily allowance paid to employees to cover costs incurred while travelling for business. It is a fixed amount that reimburses employees for expenses such as lodging, meals and other incidental costs. Per diem rates are set annually by the General Services Administration (GSA) for destinations within the continental US. The GSA outlines its own table of per diems by state to standardize travel per diem payment amounts.

The GSA per diem rates are calculated based on several factors, including location. Per diem rates are primarily calculated based on the cost of living in a particular destination, which varies by state and county. The GSA sets rates for travel within the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia. The US Department of Defense determines rates for Alaska, Hawaii and US territories, while the US Department of State sets rates for travel in foreign areas.

The GSA combined per diem rate is calculated based on two different categories: lodging and meals and incidentals. The per diem rate for meals and incidental expenses includes all meals, room service, laundry, dry cleaning or clothes pressing and fees and tips for service providers, such as food servers and baggage handlers. The IRS also states that someone who is self-employed can only use per diem for meal costs.

The per diem amount is paid above an employee's salary or hourly rate to compensate for out-of-pocket expenses while travelling. Unused per diem funds are expected to be returned to the employer. Per diem rates may change annually, and per diem tax laws can be complicated, so it is recommended to consult a qualified tax specialist if you have questions or concerns about your company's per diem policy.

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Per diem is a daily allowance paid to employees to cover their expenses when travelling for business. This can include meals, accommodation, laundry, transportation, and other incidental expenses. Per diem is intended to simplify the process of reimbursing employees for their travel expenses, and it can also reduce the administrative burden of tracking and managing individual expenses.

In terms of taxation, per diem payments are not considered wages and are therefore non-taxable, provided that they meet certain conditions. Firstly, the per diem rate provided by the employer should match the standard rates set by the General Services Administration (GSA) or be lower. If the employer offers a higher rate than the GSA guidelines, the excess amount may be treated as taxable income for the employee. Secondly, employees must file an expense report within 60 days of the trip, detailing the date, time, place, amount, and business purpose of the expense. If these conditions are not met, the per diem payment may be subject to income tax withholding and payroll taxes.

It is important to note that per diem rates vary depending on the location of travel and are typically higher in large cities with a higher cost of living. Employers can refer to the GSA website to find the applicable per diem rates for specific cities or regions. Additionally, per diem rates for non-foreign areas such as Alaska, Hawaii, and Guam are set by the Department of Defense, while the State Department establishes rates for foreign destinations.

By using per diem rates, employers can create a more predictable travel budget and streamline the tax reporting process. Per diem eliminates the need for employees to collect and submit detailed receipts for reimbursement, allowing them to focus more on their business objectives during travel. However, it is important to be mindful of potential drawbacks, such as the possibility of undercompensating or overcompensating employees due to the varying nature of travel expenses.

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Frequently asked questions.

Per diem, derived from the Latin for "by the day" or "per day", is a daily allowance that covers expenses incurred while travelling for business. This includes meals, lodging, transportation, and incidental costs.

Organisations set per diem rates based on the location of travel and the purpose of the trip. Employees can spend up to this daily limit without needing detailed expense approval. This simplifies reimbursement as there is no need to submit individual expense receipts.

Per diem rates are calculated based on the location of travel, the purpose of the trip, and the standard cost of living in the area. The calculation takes into account meals and incidental expenses, as well as lodging costs.

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What Is Per Diem?

What does per diem cover, per diem rates by location, employer use of gsa rates.

  • Per Diem for Business Expenses

Taxes on Per Diem Reimbursements

Per diem as a salary alternative, per diem vs. stipend.

  • Pros and Cons

The Bottom Line

  • Personal Finance

Per Diem Rates by Location, How Taxes Work, and Pros and Cons

state department travel per diem

Lea Uradu, J.D. is a Maryland State Registered Tax Preparer, State Certified Notary Public, Certified VITA Tax Preparer, IRS Annual Filing Season Program Participant, and Tax Writer.

state department travel per diem

Yarilet Perez is an experienced multimedia journalist and fact-checker with a Master of Science in Journalism. She has worked in multiple cities covering breaking news, politics, education, and more. Her expertise is in personal finance and investing, and real estate.

state department travel per diem

Getty Images, Halfpoint

"Per diem" or day rate is a fixed amount of reimbursement paid to employees for daily lodging, meals, and incidental expenses incurred during business-related travel. The rates are set each year by the General Services Administration (GSA) for destinations within the Continental U.S.; non-foreign rates (e.g., Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Guam) are set by the Department of Defense and foreign rates (anywhere outside the U.S. and its territories) are established by the State Department.

If you travel for business or have employees who travel, it is important to understand per diem, which offers an alternative to reimbursement based on detailed expense records and requires less elaborate bookkeeping. Here, we answer questions you might have about per diem, how it works, and what it involves tax-wise.

Key Takeaways

  • Per diem is a fixed dollar amount established to reimburse employees for various types of charges.
  • Per diem rates can be tied to daily lodging, meals, miles driven, or incidental expenses.
  • Per diem rates for meals and lodging are based on geographical location.
  • Per diem rates for mileage are set by the IRs; for 2023, the mileage rate is $0.655 per mile, and for 2024, $0.67 per mile.
  • Companies may prefer per diem for its simplicity and equity, though it often results in the company overcompensating or undercompensating employees.

The GSA breaks down per diem rates into two categories: meals/ incidental expense (M&IE) and lodging.

Meals and Incidental Expenses

The meals and incidental expenses (M&IE) category covers all meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), room service, laundry, dry cleaning, pressing of clothing, and fees and tips for the people who provide services, such as food servers and luggage carriers.

Major cities typically have the maximum per diem tier of $79 per day, such as New York City and Boston; smaller cities that host substantial business-related travel have per diems that fall between lower tiers ($59 to $74), such as Tampa and Cleveland, which have per diems of $69.

These daily expenses are segmented into breakfast, lunch, dinner, and incidental expenses.

Lodging Expenses

The lodging category covers accommodations for overnight stays, such as hotels, motels, inns, resorts, and apartments. A separate per diem rate is set for both M&IE and lodging for each location. For example, for the 2024 fiscal year, the per diem rate for Atlanta is $173 for lodging and $74 for M&IE.

For Chicago, lodging rates range between $213 and $233, depending on the month, and the M&IE per diem is $79.

The GSA stipulates different rates for the first and last day of travel. Though the full per diem for meals for a Tier 1 location is $59, the starting and ending daily rate is $44.25. For a Tier 5 location, only $59.25 can be claimed (as opposed to a maximum of $79).

Per diem rates are based on an area's cost of living . Per diem rates in large cities, such as Chicago, New York, and Los Angeles are higher than non-metropolitan areas because goods and services in larger cities are generally more expensive. Lodging rates can also vary by month in response to supply and demand .  

The highest lodging per diem in New York City, for example, coincides with autumn, the season that attracts the most tourists and business travelers. Per diem rates are updated annually and become effective October 1, the first day of the federal government’s fiscal year.  

Finding Rates for Each Location

Ask your employer's human resources or accounting department for specific rates, or look up the information by visiting the GSA website , where you can search by city, state, or zip code for the current fiscal year (October 1 through September 30). 

If you want to view the next fiscal year or any other year since 1997, search by state and select the appropriate year from the drop-down menu. Click "Find per diem rates" to view the results, which are broken down by primary destination, county, maximum lodging by month, and meals and incidental expenses (M&IE).

If you search for an area that isn't covered by GSA tables (e.g., Hawaii, which is not part of the Continental U.S.), two links will appear that will direct you to the appropriate website: the Department of Defense for non-foreign travel (Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Guam) and the State Department for all foreign destinations.

While most businesses use the per diem rates set by the GSA, they can use alternative reimbursement methods. For example, employers can use the IRS high-low method, which establishes one flat rate per diem for high-cost locations (e.g., New York, Chicago, and the District of Columbia), and one flat rate for all other locations. 

Employees are often expected to use the per diem rate to cover their expenses and to keep receipts for any expenses that exceed the per diem rate. In some cases, employees may be required to return any excess funds to the employer.

Lastly, employers use GSA rates to help budget for travel; by understanding where certain employees may be traveling in the upcoming year, the company can forecast what their daily expenditure will be once the per diem rates are set early in the year.

Per Diem for Business Expenses (Mileage)

Per diem mileage rates for taxes are the rates established by the IRS that taxpayers can use to calculate deductible travel expenses for tax purposes. These rates are used to determine the standard mileage deduction that taxpayers can take for business-related travel using their personal vehicle.

For the tax year 2024, the IRS established a standard mileage rate of 67 cents per mile for business miles driven.

The purpose behind this per diem mileage rate is to reimburse employees for costs incurred driving their personal vehicle for costs they are not otherwise reimbursed for.

In addition, it may be unfeasible to calculate the exact amount of depreciation, gas use, oil use, and other overhead cost for every trip. Instead, eligible users can simply use the fixed rate for every eligible mile driven.

The standard privately owned vehicle mileage rate for 2024 is 67 cents per mile for business use.

Per diem payments are not considered wages — and are therefore non-taxable — as long as they meet certain conditions. You will be subject to taxes if any of the following are true:

  • Payment is more than the allowable federal per diem rate
  • You did not file an expense report with your employer
  • Your expense report did not include the date, time, place, amount, and business purpose of the expense
  • Your employer gave you a per diem and didn't require an expense report.

If any of the above situations are true, your per diem will be considered wages and will be subject to income tax withholding and payroll taxes. The amount will be reported by your employer on your W-2 form . If it is just that your per diem was above the allowable federal per diem rate, only the excess amount will be considered wages.

To substantiate your travel and related expenses, you will be required to maintain a log that includes the days you traveled for business, where you went, and the business purpose of the trip.

Note: if your business-related travel lasts longer than a year in one location—even if it involves two or more separate assignments—you may not be eligible for tax exemption under the per diem tax rules. To avoid unfavorable tax consequences, consult with your tax advisor before embarking on an extended business trip.  

Because per diem payments are non-taxable, some people may raise the question, "Can I accept a lower salary with per diem instead of a higher salary with no per diem?" The answer is "no." Per diem policies cannot be created in a manner that allows what should be waged to be labeled as something else—in this case, per diem.

This is because the intention of per diem is not additional compensation but for a reimbursement of expenditures. It's assumed that those traveling will need to eat multiple meals per day and spend money on incidentals while they are away from home. These expenses are not meant to incentivize a worker but rather ensure a safe, healthy standard of living while traveling for work.

Per diem refers to a daily allowance that an employer pays to an employee to cover their expenses while on a business trip or assignment.

In a very similar manner, a stipend is a fixed amount of money that an employer pays to an employee. A stipend may be paid on a regular basis, such as monthly or weekly, or it may be a one-time payment for a specific project or assignment.

Stipends are often used in academic and research settings. They're usually paid to students or researchers to support their living expenses while they conduct their studies or research.

Although both per diem and stipends may be used to cover living expenses, per diem is more commonly used for expenses away from a home. In addition, a stipend is often a less rigidly calculated amount that simply awards a broad amount to be used for more generic purposes.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Per Diem

There are many reasons companies and individuals may prefer per diem over actual expense reimbursement.

By using per diem rates, employers can establish a predictable travel budget and avoid unexpected expenses that may arise during business travel. This is especially true for travel set further into the future as per diem may be set for the entire upcoming year.

Per diem eliminates the need for employees to keep track of and submit receipts for individual expenses.

This reduces the administrative burden on both the employee and the employer. Because employees do not have to keep track of individual expenses, they can spend more time focused on their business objectives during the trip.

Also by using per diem rates, the tax reporting process for both the employee and employer can be simplified. Instead of potentially being in non-compliance with non-allowable actual expenses having been reimbursed, it is simply safer and more straightforward.

Per diem can be seen as a more equitable method of reimbursing employees for their travel expenses. Per diem eliminates the need for employees to pay out-of-pocket expenses and wait for reimbursement. In addition, all employees get reimbursed the same amount (assuming they are traveling to the same location).


Unfortunately, there are also plenty of reasons companies and employees would prefer getting reimbursed for actual costs incurred.

First, per diem rates may not cover all expenses incurred during business travel. This means that employees may need to cover expenses out-of-pocket for anything not covered by per diem but still necessary for their trip.

Companies may not prefer per diem because rates are set based on the location of the business travel. Because the nature of each employee's travel will be different, companies risk overpaying or underpaying employees as actual costs incurred will rarely if ever be exactly the same as the per diem amount.

Though per diem rates reduce risk in some areas, they increase risk in others. Employers must ensure that their per diem rates comply with tax regulations and are reasonable based on industry standards. Failure to do so could result in penalties or fines from tax authorities.

Creates more predictable travel budget

May reduce administrative burdens

May increase employee satisfaction due to simplicity and time savings

Promotes equity by reimbursing everyone the same amount (assuming travel to the same location)

May result in employees needing to pay for non-per diem expenses out of pocket

May put companies at risk if incorrect rates are paid

Often overpays or underpays employees as actuals likely do not exactly match rates

Is Per Diem a Salary?

No, per diem is a variable expense companies pay to employees for expenses incurred away from their homes. It's usually only incurred when workers are traveling or on assignment. Per diem is not a fixed amount, especially considering that different geographical areas will have different per diem rates.

What Is the Maximum Per Diem Allowed?

The IRS will stipulate special per diem rates for travel or expenses incurred in high-cost areas. For example, the 2024 special per diem rates included a maximum of $309 for travel to high-cost localities.

Is Per Diem Reported to the IRS?

Per diem in excess of federally accepted per diem rates is treated as taxable income and is reported to the IRS as part of normal income reporting. Normal per diem paid under an accountable plan is not included in an employee's W-2.

Do I Need to Collect Receipts If I Receive Per Diem?

Consult your company's receipt policy to best understand whether receipts are required. In many cases, companies try to avoid requiring employees to maintain receipts. Instead, they agree to simply pay government-approved rates for meals and travel-related costs. By doing so, employees can simply focus on their travel-related work and not need to collect receipts.

Is Per Diem Paid Out on Weekends?

Again, it might be best to consult your company's specific policy around per diem. In general, companies often have policies in place to cover meals and lodging for days worked, even on weekends. It may be necessary for workers to attend a weekend conference; in this case, per diem would be incurred over the weekend.

Per diem payments provide reimbursement to employees who travel for business purposes . Rates vary by location and time of year and are broken down into two categories: lodging and meals and incidental expenses (M&IE). 

As long as your payments do not exceed the maximum federal per diem rate, they are non-taxable; if per diem payments exceed federal limits, any excess will be taxed as ordinary income .

Per diem rates may change annually, and per diem tax laws can be complicated. Consult a qualified tax specialist if you have questions or concerns about your company's per diem policy.

U.S. General Services Administration. " Frequently Asked Questions, Per Diem ."

National Archives, Code of Federal Regulations. " § 300-3.1 What do the Following Terms Mean? "

U.S. General Services Administration. " M&IE Breakdown ."

U.S. General Services Administration. " FY 2024 Per Diem Rates for Atlanta, Georgia ."

U.S. General Services Administration. " FY 2024 Per Diem Rates for Chicago, Illinois ."

U.S. General Services Administration. " Factors Influencing Lodging Rates ."

U.S. General Services Administration. " FY 2024 Per Diem Rates for New York City, New York ."

Internal Revenue Service. " Per Diem Rates ."

Internal Revenue Service. " IRS Issues Standard Mileage Rates for 2024; Mileage Rate Increases to 67 cents a mile, up 1.5 cents from 2023 ."

Internal Revenue Service. " Frequently Asked Questions: Per Diem Payments ." Pages 2-3.

Internal Revenue Service. " Topic No. 511 Business Travel Expenses ."

Internal Revenue Service. " 2023-2024 Special Per Diem Rates ."

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Washington state per diem rates

Current rates - as of oct. 1, 2023 (pov mileage rate effective january 1, 2024).

  • Color map of rates by county [PDF]
  • Black & white map of rates by county [PDF]

Oct. 2022–Sept. 2023 (POV mileage rate Jan. 2023–Dec. 2023)

  • 2022 – 2023 color map of rates by county
  • 2022 – 2023 black & white map of rates by county
  • 2022–2023 per diem rate tables

Oct. 2021–Sept. 2022 (POV mileage rate Jan. 2022–Dec. 2022)

  • 2021 – 2022 color map of rates by county
  • 2021 – 2022 black & white map of rates by county
  • 2021–2022 per diem rate tables

Oct. 2020–Sept. 2021 (POV mileage rate Jan. 2021–Dec. 2021)

  • 2020 – 2021 color map of rates by county
  • 2020 – 2021 black & white map of rates by county
  • 2020–2021 per diem rate tables

Travel resources

These resources help state agencies fulfill travel requirements in Chapter 10 of the State Administrative & Accounting Manual (SAAM).

  • Frequently used travel internet sites [PDF]
  • Helpful hints for Good to Go! transponder accounts [PDF]
  • Lodging: Staying within the allowable maximum lodging rate [PDF]
  • Mileage reimbursement examples [PDF]
  • Risks associated with peer-to-peer property rentals [PDF]
  • State-owned or publicly owned facilities resource [PDF]
  • Travel advance process example [PDF]
  • Travel advance reconciliation [.XLSX]
  • Travel do's & don'ts [PDF]
  • Quick reference guide: Required agency internal policies for travel, transportation, and related policies [PDF]
  • Per diem map in Color or Black & White - As of Oct. 1, 2015 (POV mileage rate effective Jan. 1, 2016)
  • Per diem map in Color or Black & White - As of Oct. 1, 2014 (POV mileage rate effective Jan. 1, 2015)
  • Per diem map in Color or Black & White - As of Oct. 1, 2013 (POV mileage rate effective Jan. 1, 2014)
  • Per diem map in Color or Black & White - As of Oct. 1, 2012 (POV mileage rate effective Jan. 1, 2013)
  • Per diem map in Color or Black & White - As of Oct. 1, 2012 (POV mileage rate effective Jan. 1, 2011)
  • Per diem map in Color or Black & White - As of Oct. 1, 2011 (POV mileage rate effective Jan. 1, 2011)
  • Per diem map in Color or Black & White - As of Oct. 1, 2010 (POV mileage rate effective Jan. 1, 2011)
  • Per diem map in Color or Black & White - As of Oct. 1, 2010 (POV mileage rate effective Jan. 1, 2010)
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Federal Labor Laws on Travel Time & Expenses

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Travel Expense Deductions for Sole Proprietors

Do expense reimbursements need to be reported as income, do you have to reimburse mileage according to irs mileage rates.

  • Wage and Hour Laws on Time Cards
  • Travel Expense Management for a Small Business

The Fair Labor Standards Act (FSLA) is the basis for federal wage and work hour rules that are enforced by the Department of Labor. Whether travel time is considered work time is a question that applies to employees who are paid by the hour, commonly referred to as nonexempt employees, and who are protected by the FSLA’s minimum wage and overtime pay rules. With regard to reimbursement for travel expenses, federal law does not require employers to reimburse employees for travel expenses, but employers generally do so.

Commuting vs. Work Travel Time

FSLA rules require that a nonexempt employee be paid for traveling during work time, but not for time commuting to and from work. However, if the travel is required before or after usual working hours, some of the time spent traveling to the office may be compensated as work time. For example, if you require an employee to travel to another location on the way to work to perform a task, such as purchasing office supplies, from the time the employee arrives at the office supply store until he travels to the office is compensable work time.

Out-of-Town and Overnight Trips

When nonexempt employees travel out of town or overnight for work purposes, some portion of the travel time is usually compensable as work time. If your employee must travel to an airport for a flight, the travel time from home to the airport is treated as commuting time; however, the time spent at the airport and traveling to the business location is compensable work time. The same is true when the employee travels back. In situations where flight travel times require the employee to travel before and after usual working hours, she is entitled to pay for all travel time between airports and may be entitled to overtime pay depending on the total number of compensable travel time hours.

Reimbursement for Travel Expenses

The FSLA does not have any rules regarding an employer's obligation to reimburse an employee for business-related travel expenses. No federal law requires reimbursement. However, because IRS regulations allow employers to take tax deductions for legitimate employee travel expenses, as a practical matter, it make sense for employers to reimburse employees for travel expenses.

The important issues in this area tend to focus on whether the travel expenses have a business purpose and that the expenses are adequately documented. For example, IRS rules require all deductions for business travel expenses over $75 be backed up by a receipt. The IRS also has alternative rules that allow employers to use a per diem rate plan for travel expenses.

Other Considerations

Many states have labor laws that give employees greater rights than federal labor law. If your business is located in one of these states, you must follow the state labor laws.

For example, although federal law does not require reimbursement for employee travel expenses, California law does have such a requirement. California Labor Code section 2802 mandates that employers indemnify employees for all necessary expenditures and losses that are work related. Sections 13700 through 13706 of the California Code of Regulations provides a detailed list of expenses covered by the law, as well as provisions regarding record keeping for expenses and the manner in which reimbursement must be made.

  • U.S. Department of Labor: Travel Time
  • Nolo: Paying Employees Who Are On Call or Traveling for Business
  • Office of Personnel Management: Pay and Leave - Work Schedules
  • Internal Revenue Service: Publication 463 (2017), Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses
  • Travel Pay for the Traveling Employee in Texas
  • IRS: Travel, Entertainment, Gift, and Car Expenses
  • California Department of Industrial Relations: California Code of Regulations -- Travel Expense Reimbursements

Joe Stone is a freelance writer in California who has been writing professionally since 2005. His articles have been published on LIVESTRONG.COM, SFgate.com and Chron.com. He also has experience in background investigations and spent almost two decades in legal practice. Stone received his law degree from Southwestern University School of Law and a Bachelor of Arts in philosophy from California State University, Los Angeles.

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  • 1 Guidelines for Paying Hourly Staff for Out of Town Travel Under the Fair Labor Standards Act
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  • 4 Labor Laws & Per Diem

Foreign Per Diem Rates by Location DSSR 925

You may use the dropdown box below to select a country. Entering the first letter of the country name will jump to that portion of the listing. Clicking "Go" will display Per Diem data for all locations within the country selected.

You may use the input field below to enter all or part of a post name. The percent sign "%" serves as a wildcard character. Clicking "Go" will display a list of posts matching the name entered with links to the Per Diem data.

ATTENTION: *DEA, FBI and U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) receive danger pay and adjusted post differential at additional locations listed in footnote "u". **To view DOD imminent danger pay see footnote "v".

state department travel per diem

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FY24 (Virtual) PPMS Familiarization Trng - 7/23/2024 - 1PM (EST)

Greetings Personal Property Officials;

GSA Personal Property Management is hosting a series of virtual training sessions on various aspects of the program. The topic of this FREE virtual training will be on PPMS Familiarization directly from the GSA Central Office. 

This training will provide you with information as to how to use the new system called PPMS.gov, which has been established and active since July 24, 2023. You will learn about the site and its parts, such as the User Guides and Training, Contact Links, PPMS Helpdesk, Frequent Questions and Answers (FQ&A), how to get the PPMS User Id, the link to the Access Forms Required, how to Login Using the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), and more.  

This FREE virtual training will be held on Tuesday, July 23, 2024 @ 1:00 PM (EST).

Once you complete the training, you will acquire (1) one Continuous Learning Point credit.

Be reminded that customers can look for different virtual training sessions from week to week on GSA Events. 

I am looking forward to seeing your participation in this training, and please feel free to pass it on to any other personal property officials that you may have in your network.

As always, thank you and please be safe.

If you have any questions, contact: Juan Cruz, Phone # 857-472-2052 , Email: [email protected]

Online Virtual


1 choose a location.

Error, The Per Diem API is not responding. Please try again later.

No results could be found for the location you've entered.

Rates for Alaska, Hawaii, U.S. Territories and Possessions are set by the Department of Defense .

Rates for foreign countries are set by the State Department .

2 Choose a date

Rates are available between 10/1/2021 and 09/30/2024.

The End Date of your trip can not occur before the Start Date.

Traveler reimbursement is based on the location of the work activities and not the accommodations, unless lodging is not available at the work activity, then the agency may authorize the rate where lodging is obtained.

Unless otherwise specified, the per diem locality is defined as "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city, including independent entities located within those boundaries."

Per diem localities with county definitions shall include "all locations within, or entirely surrounded by, the corporate limits of the key city as well as the boundaries of the listed counties, including independent entities located within the boundaries of the key city and the listed counties (unless otherwise listed separately)."

When a military installation or Government - related facility(whether or not specifically named) is located partially within more than one city or county boundary, the applicable per diem rate for the entire installation or facility is the higher of the rates which apply to the cities and / or counties, even though part(s) of such activities may be located outside the defined per diem locality.


  1. U.S. Department of State

    Find per diem rates for official travel to foreign locations by country or post name. Select a country from the dropdown box or enter a post name with a wildcard character to see the rates.

  2. Per diem rates

    GSA establishes the rates that federal agencies use to reimburse their employees for lodging and meals and incidental expenses incurred while on official travel within the continental United States (CONUS). A standard rate applies to most of CONUS. Individual rates apply to about 300 non-standard areas (NSAs).

  3. 14 FAM 570 PER DIEM

    The maximum per diem rates, based on the worldwide lodgings-plus system, for travel in parts of the United States outside of the continental United States (see definition in 14 FAM 511.3), are those established by the Per Diem, Travel and Transportation Allowance Committee of the Department of Defense. These maximum per diem rates are listed in ...

  4. 14 Fam 560 Allowable Travel and Miscellaneous Expenses

    Involuntary: If a traveler is involuntarily denied a transportation seat, the traveler enters an onward travel status for per diem and miscellaneous travel expense reimbursement. Any monetary compensation (including meal and/or lodging vouchers) for the denied seat belongs to the U.S. Government. ... The Under Secretary for Management (M) per ...


    The authorizing official must assure that the number of attendees from the Department is necessary and justified. In addition, the need for conference and meetings for which the total travel and per diem estimate exceeds $5,000 must be authorized by an Assistant Secretary, executive director, or equivalent. 14 FAM 533.4-2 Conference Site


    Per diem and necessary miscellaneous expenses are authorized. When the U.S. Government provides lodging and authorizes per diem, this break in travel constitutes a rest stop. Alternatively, the traveler may be reimbursed for the cost of a day pass to a business-class lounge for the intermediate point on the authorized itinerary.

  7. Per Diem: Tailored To Each Traveler's Needs?

    The US Department of Defense determines rates for Alaska, Hawaii and US territories, while the US Department of State sets rates for travel in foreign areas. The GSA combined per diem rate is calculated based on two different categories: lodging and meals and incidentals.

  8. Per Diem Rates by Location, How Taxes Work, and Pros and Cons

    What Is Per Diem? "Per diem" or day rate is a fixed amount of reimbursement paid to employees for daily lodging, meals, and incidental expenses incurred during business-related travel.

  9. Prepaid Expense Cards help Texas Christian University tackle post

    University seamlessly issues funds for 100+ cards during back-to-back travel. ... Before switching to CommercePayments® Prepaid Expense Cards in 2016, the department used to provide per diem payments in cash - a practice that was not only tedious, but ripe for risk and fraud. The process included receiving a coach's funds request ...

  10. DFAS Travel Pay Improvements

    Continuous updates are being made to the TDY page on DFAS.mil to include guidance specific to soldiers deployed to Europe, and assist with completing travel vouchers upon return from deployment. We are working with Army 230th FMSU to update redeployment briefing slides to be distributed to the S1 Community who will be trained to brief soldiers ...

  11. Comptroller Lander's Report Offers Overview of Per Diem Hotel and

    The combination of the non-emergency DHS service per diem and the average HANYC hotel rate, for a total of $306 per day, likely represents a floor for the provision of shelter in hotels, still 24% less than the current estimated cost for the non-DHS emergency shelters - a significant savings opportunity. Read the full report here. ###

  12. TAC Outreach Call 07/23/2024: Debt Management > Defense Travel

    A .mil website belongs to an official U.S. Department of Defense organization in the United States. Secure .mil websites use HTTPS. A lock ... Per Diem Rate Lookup Meal Rates. Archived Meal Rates ... Outreach Calls are designed to inform and educate the DoD travel community on issues and topics related to Defense travel and DTS. Calls are ...

  13. Travel Information

    Travel Information. These are the policies which state employees must adhere when traveling on official state business. The Commissioner of Finance & Administration will establish and maintain the maximum rates of reimbursement. State Travel Regulations. Per Diem Rates. Standard Mileage Rates.

  14. Travel

    Washington state per diem rates Current rates - as of Oct. 1, 2023 (POV mileage rate effective January 1, 2024) Color map of rates by county [PDF] Black & white map of rates by county [PDF] Per diem rate tables Past rates Oct. 2022-Sept. 2023 (POV mileage rate Jan. 2023-Dec. 2023) 2022-2023 color map of rates by county 2022-2023 black & white map of rates by county 2022-2023

  15. Average Per Diem / PRN Pharmacy technician Salary by State & Nationally

    Find out the average salary for a Per Diem / PRN Pharmacy technician by state based on actual Vivian Health job data. ... The average salary for a Travel Pharmacy technician is $1,521 per week. This is 55% lower than the practicing US average of $2,356. Last updated on July 19, 2024. Based on 8 active jobs on Vivian.com in the last 7 days.

  16. Comparing Per Diem Hotel and Service Costs for Shelter for Asylum

    The average service per diem of $176 for services, combined with the average HANYC daily rate of $156, yields a combined per diem of $332. This is lower than the City's overall reported daily average per diem for asylum seeker shelter of $377 as of May 2024, but significantly higher than DHS's non-emergency shelter rates of $136 for singles ...

  17. Average Per Diem / PRN Emergency Department LPN Salary by State

    The average salary for a Travel Emergency Department LPN is $1,457 per week. This is 4% lower than the nursing US average of $1,516. Last updated on July 19, 2024. Based on 8 active jobs on Vivian.com in the last 7 days.

  18. Federal Labor Laws on Travel Time & Expenses

    The Fair Labor Standards Act is the basis for federal wage and work hour rules that are enforced by the Department of Labor. Find out how federal labor laws affect reimbursement for travel time ...

  19. Us State Department Per Diem Rates 2024au

    Us State Department Per Diem Rates 2024 Usa Jade Jerrilee, You may use the dropdown box below to select a country. Use this table to find the following information for federal employee travel: Source: larkqverena.pages.dev. Us State Department Per Diem Rates 2024 Usa Jade Jerrilee, Foreign per diem rates by location dssr 925. Washington ...

  20. Us State Department Per Diem Rates 2024-2024

    Us State Department Per Diem Rates 2024-2024. General services administration (gsa) released the fiscal year 2024 continental united states (conus) per diem. The per diem rates shown here for lodging and m&ie are the exact rates set by the gsa for the month of july, 2024. Use this table to find the following information for

  21. Us State Department Per Diem Rates 2024 Chart

    The us state department updated foreign per diem rates. Us state department per diem rates 2024 uk. Gsa Releases Fy 2024 Per Diem Rates, This Rate Has Risen To $230 From June 2024. Foreign per diem rates by location dssr 925. Washington — Today, The U.s. Excel versions of per diem : Us State Department Per Diem Rates 2024 Chart Images ...

  22. Foreign Per Diem Rates by Location

    Foreign Per Diem Rates by Location DSSR 925. You may use the dropdown box below to select a country. Entering the first letter of the country name will jump to that portion of the listing. Clicking "Go" will display Per Diem data for all locations within the country selected.

  23. Us State Department Per Diem Rates 2024

    Us State Department Per Diem Rates 2024. We establish the per diem rates for the continental united states (conus), which includes the 48 contiguous states and the district of columbia. Use this table to find the following information for federal employee travel: We establish the per diem rates for the continental united states (conus), which

  24. Us State Department Per Diem Rates 2024 Calendar

    Us State Department Per Diem Rates 2024 Usa Shina Dorolisa, Government per diem rates 2024 international news dawn deirdre, use this table to find the following information for. Incidentals rate (m&ie rate) of $69.00 is intended to cover the costs of a single days' worth of meals and.

  25. FY24 (Virtual) PPMS Familiarization Trng

    Per diem rates look-up Allowances for lodging, meal and incidental costs while on official government travel. Mileage reimbursement rates Reimbursement rates for the use of your own vehicle while on official government travel.

  26. Per Diem Rate 2024 Texas

    Sayreqcynthie.pages.dev us state department per diem rates 2024 usa jade jerrilee ,. For fy 2024, the maximum lodging allowance rates in some existing per diem localities will increase, and the standard conus lodging rate will increase from $98 ... GSA Releases FY 2024 Per Diem Rates, For travel to areas within texas that do not have specified ...

  27. Us State Department Per Diem Rates 2024-2024

    Us State Department Per Diem Rates 2024-2024. 43 rows foreign per diem rates in. This notice, which announces the special per diem rates for 2024, is set to take effect on october 1, 2023. ... Use This Table To Find The Following Information For Federal Employee Travel: Gsa per diem rates 2024. The Commissioner Of Finance &Amp; Administration ...

  28. Us State Department Per Diem Rates 2024 Usa

    Us State Department Per Diem Rates 2024 Usa. Foreign per diem rates by location dssr 925. Use this table to find the following information for federal employee travel: Foreign travel is required to be allocated to local funds. Us state department per diem rates 2024 usa jade jerrilee, the per diem rates shown here for

  29. Irs Per Diem Rates 2024 International

    Irs Per Diem Rates 2024 International. Foreign per diem values for more than 100 locations, including manila, jakarta, and rio de janeiro, were updated by the us state department and take effect. Foreign per diem rates in u.s. Gsa per diem rates for international corporate travel. Any per diem allowance in excess of these acceptable