• Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Achievements
  • Digitize Me! achievement

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

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Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Claptastic Voyage and Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2

Claptastic Voyage and Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2

Digitize Me! achievement in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Digitize into Claptrap's Brain.

Digitize Me!

How to unlock the Digitize Me! achievement


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Claptrap décédé Borderlands 3 : Soluce complète

Découvrez notre soluce complète, expliquant comment retrouver tous les Claptrap décédés, de l'univers Borderlands 3, dans le but de construire une nouvelle amie à Claptrap.

Claptrap décédé Borderlands 3 : Soluce complète

Claptrap, le robot qu'on ne présente plus lorsque'on parle de Borderlands, se sent bien seul à bord du Sanctuary 3 . Alors, dans Borderlands 3 , vous allez devoir accéder à sa requête, qui est la suivante : récolter des pièces détachées, sur d'autres modèles "Claptrap" mort, pour qu'il puisse se construire une nouvelle amie, comme lui. Un peu glauque comme défi d'équipage , mais pas étonnant venant de ce personnage haut en couleur. Vous n'avez plus qu'à suivre ce guide pour rendre le petit robot jaune heureux.

claptrap voyage achievements

Claptrap décédé : Soluce complète

claptrap voyage achievements

Les Claptrap décédés

Alors que vous avez tout juste rejoint votre nouveau vaisseau, Claptrap fera déjà appel à vos services de "sbire". Oui, pour ce robot fort sympathique, vous n’êtes encore et toujours qu'un sous-fifre. Cette fois, vous devrez récolter toutes les carcasses de Claptrap présentes dans Borderlands 3. Le but est de récupérer certaines pièces pour recréer une nouvelle amie à Claptrap. Rien que ça.

Cela peut paraître compliqué, mais en réalité, il vous suffira d’interagir avec la touche "E" sur n'importe quel Claptrap croisé dans la Galaxie. Votre chef composera lui-même avec les pièces que vous lui ramenez.

Il n'y a pas vraiment de secret pour trouver tous les Claptrap disséminés dans le jeu, il faut fouiller partout. Une fois proche d'eux, une icône apparaît sur votre carte, comme tous les défis d'équipage. Pour vous faciliter la tâche, cette soluce complète répertorie tous les Claptrap de Borderlands 3, et ce, planète par planète. Alors que demander de plus ?

Un Claptrap décédé - Borderlands 3


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claptrap voyage achievements

à découvrir

claptrap voyage achievements

  • Tales from the Borderlands characters
  • Borderlands 3 characters
  • Tiny Tina's Wonderlands characters
  • Appears in Borderlands
  • Appears in Borderlands 2
  • Appears in Tales from the Borderlands
  • Appears in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
  • Appears in Borderlands 3
  • Appears in The Secret Armory of General Knoxx
  • Appears in Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt
  • Appears in Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep
  • Appears in Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary
  • Appears in Claptastic Voyage
  • Appears in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
  • Crimson Raiders
  • 1.1 Borderlands
  • 1.2 Claptrap's New Robot Revolution
  • 1.3 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel
  • 1.4 Claptastic Voyage
  • 1.5 Borderlands 2
  • 1.6 Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt
  • 1.7 Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep
  • 1.8 Tales from the Borderlands
  • 1.9 Commander Lilith & The Fight For Sanctuary
  • 2 Appearances
  • 7 External Links

Claptrap is a CL4P-TP general purpose robot manufactured by Hyperion . It has been programmed with an overenthusiastic personality, and brags frequently, yet also expresses severe loneliness and cowardice.

Claptrap Fragtrap intro

Claptrap intro in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel , as a playable character


  • Borderlands

When the Vault Hunters leave the bus at the very beginning of Borderlands they are met by Claptrap, [1] who introduces them to Dr. Zed . [2] It later takes them to the Fyrestone gate in the mission Claptrap Rescue , where it is damaged by bandits. The Guardian Angel then says to get a repair kit and perform the first Claptrap rescue. [3] Claptrap later hangs around as an alert system to offer notifications of available missions, both in Fyrestone and later at T-Bone Junction .

Claptrap's New Robot Revolution

Claptrap undergoes a radical shift in programming at some point after the opening of the Vault and is transformed into the Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap.

Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

Sometime after its programming is restored at the end of Claptrap's New Robot Revolution , [4] the Fyrestone Claptrap encounters Jack and whilst opening a door for Jack, informs it of its time as an assassin, which inspires Jack to subsequently reprogram and upgrade Claptrap. The upgrade removes its ability to open doors, but adds a full range of combat programming, as well as a stair-climbing wheel, turning it into the "Fragtrap," one of the character classes in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel .

  • Claptastic Voyage

Bltps claptastic claptraps consciousness

Helloooo, digitized traveler!

During the Claptastic Voyage DLC of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel , the Vault Hunters (including Claptrap itself) enter a simulation of Claptrap's mind, where they encounter Claptrap as "Claptrap's Consciousness," who interacts with them as they navigate its mind.

At the end of the Claptastic Voyage story, Jack eliminates the Claptrap product line, destroying all of them except for Fragtrap. Jack shoots it, rips off its stair-climbing wheel, and dumps it with other destroyed claptraps in Windshear Waste . The remains of the Fragtrap coding within Claptrap manage to keep it barely active until it was discovered by Sir Hammerlock , who repairs it, turning it back into an ordinary Claptrap.

Borderlands 2

Following Hyperion's takeover of Pandora and the deactivation of every other Claptrap unit at the hands of Handsome Jack, Claptrap, the last active robot of its product line wished to exact revenge upon Jack, but without its combat capabilities (and without a way to climb stairs), it was unable to do so.

Sometime before the new Vault Hunters' arrival, it was held captive by Captain Flynt and tortured for his amusement. [5] Claptrap escaped by staging a mutiny on The Soaring Dragon before the Southern Shelf flash-freeze. [6]

It finds the new Vault Hunters from the train wreckage outside its place in Windshear Waste, accompanying them and calling them its "minions". They fought their way through Southern Shelf, killing Flynt and his men before stealing a boat and sailing for Three Horns - Divide . In Sanctuary , Claptrap settles in a messy area away from the town center, where it gives several optional missions.

Roland later requests a software upgrade for Claptrap so that Claptrap can deactivate the Competitor Deterrence Field surrounding The Bunker . This is obtained from Bloodwing at the end of the mission Wildlife Preservation . At the start of the mission Where Angels Fear To Tread , the Vault Hunters convince Claptrap to help and find it waiting in Thousand Cuts, spraying graffiti. It deactivates the barrier, allowing the Vault Hunters to proceed while it retreats in cowardice.

In the final story mission , Claptrap helps the Vault Hunters gain access to Hero's Pass . It hacks the door while the Vault Hunters defeat the Loaders sent after them. Claptrap was ready to aid further in the assault on Hero's Pass but is confronted by a massive staircase. With no other way up, Claptrap stays to cry while cloaked.

  • Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt

Sometime after Handsome Jack's defeat, Claptrap decides to go on a vacation by stowing itself on the H.S.S. Terminus . However, the ship crashes on the primitive continent of Aegrus when Claptrap disengages the ship's autopilot . When the Vault Hunters first encounter Claptrap on Aegrus, it is being worshipped by savages due to its Hyperion manufacture. However, Claptrap accidentally angers the savages when it insults Handsome Jack and needs to be saved. After defending Claptrap from the savages, Claptrap informs the Vault Hunters that Professor Nakayama is trying to clone Handsome Jack and orders the Vault Hunter to destroy Jack's DNA samples .

  • Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep

When Brick, Lilith and Mordecai were playing Bunkers and Badasses with Tiny Tina, Claptrap appeared in the game as the Grand Wizard, assisting in reaching the Handsome Sorcerer. It also gives them several quests in order to make it more powerful, such as forging it a beard and making it a powerful wand. After the four of them finish their game, Claptrap joins them and the Vault Hunters at Roland's memorial statue. After Tina says her farewell to Roland, Claptrap blurts out "I love you guys" which ruins the heartwarming moment and upsets everyone.

Tales from the Borderlands

During the events of The Vault of the Traveler , if the player has enough money, they can hire the "Mystery Vault Hunter" in the fight against the Traveler , which happens to be Claptrap. The player has to get enough money by warning Felix about the bomb in Zer0 Sum and choosing Felix for the final fight in The Vault of the Traveler . Felix does not join, but gives enough money to hire Claptrap.

Note that the condition of picking Felix can be bypassed if the player edits the game files to give maximum money (over $9,999) before loading the NPC selection stage.

Claptrap is notably much snarkier than usual during the events of the episode and is a general nuisance throughout the battle. However, it does ultimately assist in the fight if chosen. When inside Gortys , Claptrap's attack will consist of a clumsy rapid-fire missile strike.

Commander Lilith & The Fight For Sanctuary

Sometime after the defeat of the Traveler, Sanctuary is attacked and when Lilith evacuates the flying city, Claptrap is transported to the Dahl Abandon . There it learns of some crystals in a nearby mine and decides to dub them "BECHO wafers," tasking the Vault Hunters to gather them for it. Believing that the BECHO wafers will make it rich, Claptrap tells Lilith that it doesn't need her or the Crimson Raiders anymore and is going to strike out on its own, to which Lilith reacts with disinterest. As soon as the BECHO wafers are delivered to it, Claptrap suddenly realizes that they are worthless and begs Lilith to allow it back into the Raiders, to which she agrees with the same disinterest as when it left the Raiders moments before.

Claptrap then leaves the Dahl Abandon and takes up residence in The Backburner with the other Crimson Raiders, still carrying the BECHO wafers. In Chief Executive Overlord , Vaughn asks for its opinion on leadership, and expects it to reply with gibberish. Claptrap proceeds to speak, with Vaughn interrupting the nonsense a few moments after, much to Claptrap's dismay.


  • The Secret Armory of General Knoxx
  • Commander Lilith & the Fight for Sanctuary
  • The Vault of the Traveler
  • Borderlands 3
  • Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
  • In Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel , as a robot, Claptrap does not consume oxygen in a vacuum and will not suffocate even with a depleted oz kit.
  • "Claptrap" is a word synonymous with drivel or babble, which is intentionally referenced in-game, as all claptraps ramble on and are rarely not speaking.*
  • Claptrap was born from a random sketch in a low-level assignment made by the JIRA project-management software system [7] .
  • In the German version, the initial Claptrap introduces itself as "CLP4P-TP", even though the subtitles read "CL4P-TP".
  • Claptrap is the only Claptrap that has been designated with an actual name, Claptrap P. Claptrappington [8] .
  • Claptrap appears as an Easter Egg in Torchlight II . It offers a socketable item called Claptrap's Nut or Claptrap's Bolt.
  • In bounty rounds, Claptrap bids with its Spike Video Game Awards Best New Character award. If the Borderlands inventory is unlocked, it wears a top hat and has a tuxedo decal. If the Portal inventory is unlocked, its design and paint job reflect the sleek white coloration and general design of Aperture Science's cores and turrets. It also has a (very one-sided) attraction to Portal's GLaDOS.
  • Claptrap mentions that all Claptraps are equipped with 8th Generation Emotive Resonators, allowing them to mimic a wide range of emotions.
  • Claptrap expresses excruciating pain when its eye is ripped out in Borderlands 2 , but later when it is beaten by bandits it states that it cannot feel pain. The Claptrap unit featured at the start of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel however, states that robots feel pain "in slow-motion with great intensity".
  • In Borderlands 2 , Claptrap breaks the fourth wall in the mission Claptrap's Secret Stash when it addresses players directly and advises them that they can use the stash to twink their characters.
  • Claptrap's color scheme, yellow with a white stripe in the middle, matches that of a green quality Hyperion weapon, while the Jakobs claptrap has a color scheme that matches a purple-quality Jakob's weapon.
  • In Borderlands: The Pre Sequel , Claptrap shows jealousy when it meets a regular Claptrap, as the other Claptrap doesn't have to fight and just opens doors.
  • In addition, if one creates a new Fragtrap, the game will give out several warning prompts against playing as it.
  • Claptrap has a brief cameo in Ready Player One . The character Parcival walks past a small booth with Claptrap in it after a big race near the beginning of the film.
  • Claptrap, Athena and Timothy Lawrence are the only Vault Hunters from Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel that are currently alive. Wilhelm , Nisha , and Aurelia are killed over the course of Borderlands 2 and Borderlands 3 .
  • Claptrap's tendency to become a nuisance to everyone resulted in it becoming one of the most hated characters in the entire Borderlands series for in-game characters.
  • The front of the box features a short binary code "010001001", which translates to "D". This is presumably meant as vitamin D, which is commonly infused into real-life cereals.
  • It is mentioned in-game that as part of the upgrade package for the playable Claptrap in the Pre-Sequel, he was given the ability to climb stairs.
  • Clatrap is available in Fortnite: Battle Royale as a Gaming Legends Series Pet added for the Tiny Tina's Wonderlands crossover promotion, simply called Claptrap .
  • Claptrap Web Series
  • Interplanetary Ninja Assassin Claptrap

External Links

  • ↑ Fresh Off The Bus
  • ↑ The Doctor Is In
  • ↑ Claptrap Rescue
  • ↑ Operation Trap Claptrap Trap, Phase Four: Reboot
  • ↑ Cleaning Up the Berg/Transcript
  • ↑ Best Minion Ever/Transcript
  • ↑ gamespot.com
  • ↑ Gearbox to honor late fan as an NPC in Borderlands 2 – Destructoid
  • 2 Borderlands 3
  • 3 Add-on content


  1. Achievement guide for the Claptastic Voyage DLC

    323 ratings. Achievement guide for the Claptastic Voyage DLC. By inter. This guide will help you to get all the achievements in the latest DLC for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! Award.

  2. Claptastic Voyage and Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 Achievements

    Full list of achievements and guides for the Claptastic Voyage and Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2 DLC pack in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. The pack has 10 Achievements worth 245...

  3. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

    Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel - Claptastic Voyage DLC Trophy Guide. By zR_DoWnLiNkZ • Published 19th August 2016 • Updated 10th March 2022. The H-Source has been located! Travel to the insides of your fellow Claptrap and find out what really makes him tick in this surprisingly emotional DLC addition to the Pre-Sequel.

  4. Claptastic Voyage

    Ultimate Vault Hunter Upgrade Pack 2: Claptastic Voyage is a downloadable content pack for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. It adds a new story campaign, new locations, a new weapon rarity and a customizable, repeatable slaughterdome arena. As a final addition, the level cap is increased by 10...

  5. Communauté Steam :: Guide :: Achievement guide for the Claptastic

    This guide will help you to get all the achievements in the latest DLC for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!...

  6. Achievement Guide & Roadmap

    Digitize into Claptrap's Brain. Story related, cannot be missed. This achievement is unlocked during the very first mission, 'Enter the Claptrap'.

  7. Borderlands: The Pre Sequel! Achievement Guide

    The achievements are very easy to get in this game. DLC is required to get all of the achievements though, if you want to get all of them then you will need The Holodome expansion and Claptastic Voyage.

  8. Claptastic Voyage mission flow

    Claptastic Voyage mission flow. All missions available in the Claptastic Voyage DLC for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. There are 19 missions in total. Missions. Enter the Claptrap. File Search. The Psychology of a Claptrap. Corrosion of Dignity. Spyware Who Came in from the Cold. Rose Tinting. Chip's Data Mining Adventure. 1D-TP. 3G0-TP. END OF LINE.

  9. Claptastic Voyage achievement list : r/Borderlands

    Claptastic Voyage achievement list. Steam database just recently updated the list of achievement for TPS, and now we have the name, as well as image for the 10 achievements for the new DLC pack (scroll down to the bottom to see the new achievements): https://steamdb.info/app/261640/stats/

  10. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Achievement Guide & Road Map

    Step 5 DLC - Claptastic Voyage: Welcome to the magical world of Claptrap's mind. In Claptastic Voyage you will be sent into the mind of Claptrap tasked with retrieving valuable code...

  11. Enter the Claptrap

    Enter the Claptrap is a main storyline mission in the Claptastic Voyage DLC from Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel. Meet Jack in Deck 13½ Enter digistruct pad Pick up admin password Initiate CL4P-TP...

  12. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel DLC Achievements

    List of all the Achievements for the DLC packs in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, including their rarity and guides to getting them

  13. The three secret Claptrap Voyage achievements : r/Borderlands

    The three secret Claptrap Voyage achievements. The three are: Sociopathic Networker - talk to all of claptrap's holographic projections. The gift the keeps on giving - play all 9 game modes & modifiers of the mutator. Wheely Fast - Outrun the wheel in Temple of Boom.

  14. Claptrap DLC achievements : r/Borderlands

    Claptrap DLC achievements. Hey guys I've set out to 100% Borderlands GOTY and I'm almost done. For the Claptrap DLC missions The Lubricator, What a Party & Bobble-trap, would it be best for me to get all these items by farming at MINAC or is there a much faster method?

  15. Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!

    To unlock this achievement you will need to first complete a precursor side mission called "The Voyage of Captain Chef" that you can find in Triton Flats after the story mission "Let's Build A Robot Army". Then later on in the game when you are able to travel to an area called "Vorago Solitude" you can find the mission "Return of ...

  16. Digitize Me! achievement in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

    How to unlock the Digitize Me! achievement in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel: Digitize into Claptrap's Brain. This achievement is worth 15 Gamerscore.

  17. Tourist

    Borderlands. This is an achievement that is earned by visiting statues located throughout Claptrap's New Robot Revolution. Check the plaque on each statue for the achievement to register. For each, the plaque is located on the lower front of the statue.

  18. Steam Community :: Guide :: 100% BL:TPS Achievement Guide

    100% BL:TPS Achievement Guide - Descriptions, Details and Hints included. With this guide, you'll be able to get the 63 achievements in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel!, including both The Holodome and Claptastic Voyage DLCs.

  19. Spybug Achievement in Claptrap DLC

    Killed 10 Spybugs before they took you photo. Area: The Nexus. I'm not entirely sure how early you can do this in this area, but I had the entire DLC and sidequests finished. The area in the video ...

  20. Claptrap décédé Borderlands 3 : Soluce complète

    Découvrez notre soluce complète, expliquant comment retrouver tous les Claptrap décédés, de l'univers Borderlands 3, dans le but de construire une nouvelle amie à Claptrap. Claptrap, le robot...

  21. Category:Claptastic Voyage missions

    Claptastic Voyage missions. Category page. 1. 1D-TP (mission) 3. 3G0-TP (mission) 5. 5UP4-3G0-TP (mission) A.

  22. Claptrap

    During the Claptastic Voyage DLC of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, the Vault Hunters (including Claptrap itself) enter a simulation of Claptrap's mind, where they encounter Claptrap as "Claptrap's Consciousness," who interacts with them as they navigate its mind.

  23. Question about clap trap revolution achievements? : r/Borderlands

    So I know there are achievements for collecting the different things dropped from the claptrap's like fish in a bag, panties, pizza, oil cans, and bobbleheads.