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Flying To Brazil With Dogs

Flying To Brazil With Dogs: A Comprehensive Guide

Brazil is a dog-friendly country that offers plenty of outdoor activities for dogs in cities like Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. However, due to temporary restrictions, flying to Brazil with dogs may be more challenging. The first step is to check Brazil’s requirements for entering the country with pets, including an International health certificate, a valid rabies vaccination, and treatment against internal and external parasites. I recommend that you stay organized, keep copies of all documents, and contact the airline to confirm their pet travel policies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Research Brazil’s pet import requirements before flying with your dog.
  • Ensure your dog has a valid rabies vaccination and necessary parasite treatments.
  • Contact the airline for their pet travel policies and book in advance.
  • Consider in-cabin or cargo travel options based on your dog’s size and airline requirements.
  • Plan ahead, organize documentation, and stay informed throughout the process.

Brazil’s Pet Import Requirements for Flying With Dogs

Traveling to Brazil with your furry friend requires careful planning and compliance with the country’s pet import requirements. To ensure a smooth journey, I would advise that you be aware of the necessary documents and vaccinations your dog needs before flying. Here are the key requirements for bringing your dog to Brazil:

To enter Brazil with your dog, you must obtain an International Health Certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian. This certificate must be endorsed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) no more than 10 days before your departure. Additionally, your dog should have a valid and up-to-date rabies vaccination, and you must provide proof of treatment against internal and external parasites.

Brazil’s pet import requirements may change, so please stay informed about any updates. Contact the local consulate to confirm the current regulations and ensure you have all the necessary documentation. Keep copies of your dog’s health certificate, vaccination records, and parasite treatment receipts in both physical and digital forms for easy access during travel.

By following Brazil’s pet import requirements, you can ensure a hassle-free journey and enjoy exploring the beautiful country with your furry companion.

Choosing an Airline for Your Pet’s Travel

When flying to Brazil with your dog, please choose an airline that prioritizes the comfort and safety of your furry friend. Not all airlines have pet-friendly policies, so I would advise that you do your research and find the right one for your pet’s travel needs. Here are some factors to consider when choosing an airline:

1. Pet Travel Policies

Before making a decision, contact the airlines you’re considering and inquire about their pet travel policies. Ask specific questions about their requirements for flying with dogs , including carrier specifications, health documentation, and any breed or size restrictions. I recommend that you understand and comply with these policies to ensure a smooth travel experience for your pet.

2. In-Cabin or Cargo Travel Options

Determine whether the airline offers in-cabin or cargo travel for pets. In-cabin travel allows your dog to stay with you during the flight, provided they meet size and weight restrictions. Cargo travel is suitable for larger dogs or those that don’t meet the in-cabin requirements. If your dog will be traveling in cargo, confirm that the airline has appropriate facilities and procedures in place to ensure their well-being.

3. Reputation and Reviews

Consider the airline’s reputation and read reviews from pet owners who have traveled with their dogs. Look for airlines that consistently receive positive feedback regarding their pet travel services. Pay attention to reviews that mention helpful and attentive staff, smooth check-in processes, and overall satisfaction with the airline’s handling of pet travel arrangements.

By taking the time to research and choose the right airline, you can ensure a stress-free and comfortable journey for your beloved dog when flying to Brazil. Try to book your pet’s travel well in advance, inform the airline about your pet’s presence, and prepare all necessary documentation required for a smooth travel experience.

In-Cabin Pet Travel Tips

When flying to Brazil with your dog, you may have the option to travel with them in the cabin if they meet the size and weight requirements. In-cabin pet travel can provide a more comfortable and convenient experience for your furry companion. Here are some tips to ensure a smooth journey:

  • Check the airline’s pet travel policies: Before booking your flight, make sure to review the airline’s specific requirements and restrictions for in-cabin pet travel . Some airlines may have limitations on the number of pets allowed in the cabin, so book your pet’s travel in advance.
  • Choose the right carrier: The airline will have specific regulations regarding the size and type of carrier allowed for in-cabin pet travel . Ensure that your pet’s carrier meets these requirements to avoid any issues during check-in. It’s also important to make sure that your dog is comfortable and has enough space to move around inside the carrier.
  • Make a reservation for your pet: As mentioned earlier, airlines often limit the number of pets allowed in the cabin. To secure a spot for your dog, make a reservation for their in-cabin travel as soon as you have finalized your travel plans.
  • Arrive early and be prepared: Arriving at the airport well in advance will give you ample time to complete the check-in process for your pet. Make sure you have all the necessary documentation readily available, including your dog’s health certificate and vaccination records.

By following these tips, you can help ensure a stress-free and comfortable in-cabin travel experience for your dog when flying to Brazil.

in-cabin pet travel

Table: Airlines Pet Travel Policies for In-Cabin Pet Travel

Note: The table above provides a general overview of airlines’ pet travel policies for in-cabin travel. I recommend that you check with your specific airline for their up-to-date requirements and restrictions.

Cargo Pet Travel Tips

When traveling to Brazil with your dog, be prepared for the possibility of your dog needing to travel as cargo. Certain airlines have specific policies and requirements for cargo pet travel , and please familiarize yourself with these guidelines before your trip. Here are some essential tips to ensure a smooth and safe cargo pet travel experience:

Gather all necessary documentation

Prior to your dog’s cargo travel, make sure you have all the required documentation in order. This may include proof of vaccinations, health certificates, and any additional paperwork required by the airline or Brazilian authorities. I highly suggest that you have copies of these documents in both physical and digital formats, as they may be needed for inspection at various points during your journey. Double-check the specific requirements for cargo pet travel with your chosen airline to avoid any last-minute complications.

Choose an appropriate crate

The crate you choose for your dog’s cargo travel should meet the requirements set by the airline. It should be sturdy, well-ventilated, and the appropriate size for your dog to stand, sit, and move comfortably. Proper labeling on the crate, including identification tags with your contact information, is also essential. Additionally, consider adding comfortable bedding and familiar items, such as a blanket or toy, to make your dog feel more secure during the journey.

Provide clear instructions and special care information

When traveling with your dog as cargo, provide clear instructions to the airline regarding any specific care or accommodations your dog may need. This may include dietary restrictions, medication schedules, or any other information that will ensure your dog’s well-being during the flight. Communicate these instructions clearly to the airline staff and double-check that they have been noted and understood.

By following these tips and being well-prepared, you can help ensure a safe and comfortable cargo pet travel experience for your dog when flying to Brazil. Try to always check with the airline for their specific policies and requirements, as these may vary. Your dog’s safety and well-being should always be the top priority when traveling together.

cargo pet travel

Planning Ahead for Traveling to Brazil with Dogs

flying to Brazil with dogs

When it comes to traveling to Brazil with your furry companion, planning ahead is essential. From understanding the requirements for flying with dogs to choosing the right airline, careful preparation will ensure a smooth and stress-free journey for both you and your pet.

Start by checking Brazil’s pet import requirements to ensure you have all the necessary documentation in place. This includes an International health certificate, a valid rabies vaccination, and treatment against internal and external parasites. I highly suggest that you stay up to date with the current regulations and contact your local consulate for confirmation.

Another important aspect to consider is selecting an airline that is pet-friendly and aligns with your travel needs. Research different airlines that fly to Brazil and contact them to inquire about their pet travel policies. Some airlines have restrictions on the number of pets allowed on board, so please book your pet’s travel in advance and inform the airline about your furry friend’s presence.

Things to Don’t forget:

  • Stay organized and keep copies of all required documents
  • Ensure your pet’s comfort during travel and make necessary arrangements
  • Contact the airline and understand their specific pet travel policies
  • Check Brazil’s current pet import requirements and consult your local consulate for confirmation

By taking these steps and planning ahead, you can ensure a safe and enjoyable journey with your four-legged companion to Brazil.

Endorsing Documents with USDA for Pet Travel to Brazil

When flying to Brazil with dogs , it is essential to ensure that all required documents are endorsed by the USDA to meet Brazil’s pet import requirements. Endorsing the necessary documents involves submitting them to the USDA for review and stamping, which can take time. Therefore, it is good practice to send your documents as soon as possible to allow for any potential delays.

To endorse the documents, you will need to provide the Rabies Certificate, Vaccine Certificate, and Brazilian Health Certificate. Make sure to make copies of all documents before mailing them and keep track of your tracking numbers for reference. It is also advisable to keep digital copies of the documents for easy access during travel.

USDA processing times may vary, so it’s best to initiate the process well in advance. This will help ensure that your documents are endorsed and returned to you in a timely manner, allowing for a smooth travel experience with your dog to Brazil. Be proactive and stay organized by starting the endorsement process as early as possible.

Ensuring that your documents are properly endorsed by the USDA is an important step in complying with Brazil’s pet import requirements. By following the necessary procedures and allowing for adequate processing time, you can travel to Brazil with your dog with confidence, knowing that you have met all the necessary documentation requirements.

Brazil pet import requirements

Traveling to Brazil with Dogs – Arrival and Customs

After a long journey, you and your furry companion have finally arrived in Brazil. As you step off the plane, be prepared for the arrival and customs process with your dog. Upon landing, you will proceed through immigration, where you will present your passport and other necessary travel documents. At this point, your dog will also go through a separate process with a health inspector.

The health inspector will check your dog and review the required documentation, including the International health certificate, rabies vaccination, and treatment against parasites. I highly suggest that you have all your documents readily accessible, organized, and in order to ensure a smooth process. The health inspector may also make copies of the documents if necessary.

Once your dog has been cleared by the health inspector, you will be able to proceed through customs and officially enter Brazil. Try to follow any additional instructions provided by the Brazilian officer and be prepared to answer questions about your dog’s purpose of travel and length of stay in Brazil. I recommend that you remain calm, cooperative, and respectful throughout the process.

Upon completing the arrival and customs process, you and your dog can finally begin your journey in Brazil. Whether you’re exploring the vibrant city streets of Rio de Janeiro or enjoying the beautiful beaches of Florianopolis, Brazil has plenty to offer for both you and your furry companion. So, get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure in this dog-friendly country.

flying to Brazil with dogs

Final Thoughts

To sum it up, flying to Brazil with your dog requires careful planning and adherence to Brazil’s pet import requirements. I recommend that you research and comply with the necessary documentation, including an International health certificate and a valid rabies vaccination. Contacting the airline beforehand to understand their pet travel policies is also crucial.

Choosing the right airline is essential when traveling to Brazil with your pet. Look for airlines with clear pet travel policies and consider their restrictions on the number of pets allowed in the cabin. Booking your pet’s travel in advance and informing the airline about your pet’s presence will help ensure a smooth journey.

Upon arrival in Brazil, you will go through immigration and customs with your dog. The health inspector will review your dog’s documents and perform necessary checks. I recommend that you have all your documents readily accessible and follow any instructions given by the Brazilian officer to enter the country smoothly.

Once you have followed the necessary steps and arrived in Brazil, you can enjoy the dog-friendly environment and explore the country’s many adventures with your furry companion. Whether it’s exploring the beaches of Rio de Janeiro or wandering the vibrant streets of São Paulo, Brazil offers a pet-friendly atmosphere for a memorable trip.

What are the requirements for flying to Brazil with dogs?

The requirements for flying to Brazil with dogs include an International health certificate, a valid rabies vaccination, and treatment against internal and external parasites.

How can I bring my dog to Brazil?

To bring your dog to Brazil, you’ll need an International health certificate issued by a licensed veterinarian and endorsed by the USDA within 10 days of departure. A valid rabies vaccination and treatment against internal and external parasites are also required.

How do I choose an airline for my pet’s travel?

When choosing an airline for your pet’s travel, research different airlines, check if they fly to Brazil, and contact them to inquire about their pet travel policies. Some airlines have restrictions on the number of pets allowed on board.

Can my dog travel in the cabin with me?

If your dog meets the size and weight requirements, they may be able to travel in the cabin with you. Ensure that your pet’s carrier complies with the airline’s requirements and make a reservation for your pet’s in-cabin travel in advance.

What should I do if my dog needs to travel as cargo?

If your dog does not meet the requirements for in-cabin travel, they may need to travel as cargo. Contact the airline to understand their cargo pet travel policies, including crate requirements and any additional documentation needed.

How should I plan ahead for traveling to Brazil with my dog?

Planning ahead is crucial when flying to Brazil with your dog. Check Brazil’s current pet import requirements, make sure your dog is up to date on vaccinations, prepare all necessary documentation, and consider your pet’s comfort during travel.

How do I endorse my documents with USDA for pet travel to Brazil?

To endorse your documents with USDA for pet travel to Brazil, submit the documents to the USDA for review and stamping. Keep in mind that USDA processing times may vary, so send your documents as soon as possible.

What happens upon arrival in Brazil with my dog?

Upon arrival in Brazil, a health inspector will check your dog, review the required documents, and make copies if necessary. Make sure to have all your documents readily accessible and follow any additional instructions provided by the Brazilian officer.

Can you provide a conclusion for flying to Brazil with dogs?

Flying to Brazil with your dog requires careful planning, adherence to Brazil’s pet import requirements, and choosing the right airline and travel method. Stay organized, follow the necessary steps, and ensure your dog’s health and safety throughout the journey.

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How to bring dog and cat to Brazil? Know all the requirements

trazer cão e gato para o Brasil

Do you know the procedures for bringing dogs and cats to Brazil ? 

Although taking pets to some countries is more complex, as is the case with Japan, to return with them to the country you also need to follow a series of requirements and recommendations.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa) has a series of requirements for domestic animals to enter Brazilian territory, including the International Veterinary Certificate (CVI) and the rabies vaccine.

These rules also apply to those who live abroad and intend to return to the country bringing their pets.

So, if you are planning to bring your pets to Brazil, read this article that PETFriendly Turismo prepared to clarify all your doubts.

How to bring dog and cat to Brazil safely?

travel to brazil dog

The safest way to bring your pets to Brazil is to follow the rules of Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply and the chosen airline.

In addition, it is important to assess whether your pet will adapt to the trip.

After all, it will be stuck in the shipping crate for quite some time. Therefore, the most recommended thing is, if possible, to take direct flights.

Finally, consult a veterinarian before starting to plan bringing dogs and cats to Brazil and analyze their behavior in situations where he needs to be closed for a long time.

What are the main difficulties to bring dogs and cats to Brazil main difficulties to bring dogs and cats to Brazil

If you go traveling abroad taking your pets I need to be aware of the rules required for their return to Brazil.

The same goes for Brazilians who live abroad and intend to return to the country and bring their pets.

In addition to the health requirements, it is necessary to pay attention to the rules of each airline and the documents required. See below.

1. Sanitary requirements of Brazil

The main requirement for bringing a dog and cat to Brazil is the presentation of the International Veterinary Certificate. 

He must certify that the animal has not had any contagious disease in the 40 days prior to the day of travel.

The CVI is valid for 10 days from the date of issue in the country of origin.

The rabies vaccine is another health requirement for animal imports. 

If your pet is over 90 days old, it must be immunized against rabies in the country of origin at least 30 days before departure.

However, if your dog or cat has already received the first two doses of the vaccine and its boosters, the vaccine cannot be expired. It is valid for one year from the last vaccination performed.

Now, if your pet is less than 90 days old, it can only enter Brazil if it has not been in a place where there has been an urban rabies case in the last 90 days. 

Thus, the CVI must contain the owner’s declaration and/or official epidemiological information.

Rules for issuing the CVI

travel to brazil dog

One of the requirements for pets to enter Brazil is that they do not have any parasites, such as worms, fleas and ticks.

Therefore, it will be necessary to subject the animals to an effective treatment against parasites within 15 days before issuing the CVI.

In addition, they will also have to undergo a clinical examination, within 10 days of the issuance of the international document, to certify that they are healthy. (Veterinary Health Certificate)

The CVI must include not only the personal information of the animal and its owner, but also:

  • Data on current immunizations against diseases not considered mandatory;
  • Applied veterinary treatments
  • Application date, name and laboratory of the rabies vaccine;
  • Data on the antiparasitic treatment, such as vaccine name, date of application, active ingredient of the product and name of the laboratory;
  • Complete information on the application of other vaccines;
  • If the animal has undergone treatment within three months prior to issuance of the CVI, this information must also appear on the document.

A Normative Instruction No. 5, of 02/07 /2013 regulates all these sanitary requirements.

2. Time to plan the trip

The planning time for traveling with pets to Brazil will depend on the requirements of the country of origin to issue the CVI.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the period necessary to carry out the treatment against parasites and the clinical examination, as well as the application of the rabies vaccine.

In other countries, such as Japan, animals must pass an export inspection at the Animal Quarantine Service at least seven days prior to travel.

So the sooner you start planning for your trip, the better. After all, each country has its specific rule not only for the entry of animals, but also for the exit.

3. Ideal airline

travel to brazil dog

Before deciding on the airline for your trip, it is important to check the requirements of each one. 

After all, the rules for transporting animals vary greatly from company to company.

Factors such as pet size, breed, destination, travel connections affect the rules of each company, as well as the model of the plane.

In addition, the amount charged by the airline to transport the animals is another factor that must be taken into account.

4. Transport box

To bring dogs and cats to Brazil it is necessary to pay attention to the rules related to transport boxes, known as kennels.

Each airline has specific requirements on the size of the box, as well as weight and details.

However, in general, they need to be sturdy, well ventilated and the ideal size for the animal. In addition, they must have locks that make it impossible for the dog or cat to get out.

The following are the main requirements of international airlines:

  • KLM : The transport box must have a maximum of 46cm x 28cm x 24cm, and the weight must be a maximum of 8 kg.
  • Tins : The dimensions of the box cannot exceed 36cm in length x 33cm in width x 19cm in height and the weight (sum of the animal and the crate) is up to 7kg. 
  • Lufthansa : The transport crate must be a maximum of 55cm x 40cm x 23cm and the total weight cannot exceed 8kg.

5. Hiring a customs broker

You don’t need to hire a customs broker if your pet is traveling with you, even if it’s in the hold. (Excess Baggage)

This professional clears goods that pass through customs, being responsible for making the customs declaration of pets for import or export.

Therefore, it will only be necessary to hire them when the animal travels alone, or is sent as Live-load . In that case, speak to one of our dispatchers to help you with the process.

Where can the dog or cat travel to arrive in Brazil?

travel to brazil dog

Animals can travel in the cabin of the plane, along with their owner. However, your carrier must go under the seat in front of you. 

However, they will also be able to go in the hold of the aircraft.

To travel in the cabin, the weight of the animal and its transport box cannot exceed the stipulated maximum weight, which varies according to the airline. In the basement, the total weight can be up to 45 kg.

There is a limit of animals inside the plane (in the cabin), which is normally 3 animals, one per passenger. 

In the aircraft hold, the number of pets varies depending on the aircraft model and the chosen airline.

For this reason, Lufthansa allows two animals to travel per person, as long as they are of the same species and are in the same crate. (varies by airline and only for hold trips)

Adapt in the transport box to bring your dog or cat to Brazil

It is common for pets to be uncomfortable during their first experiences with the carrier.

For this, the trip with the pet must be programmed in advance so that the animal has time to adapt and get used to the crate.

Never force the animal into the kennel as this can cause psychological trauma and block the animal.

This step is crucial to ensure the adaptation and well-being of your 4-legged child in the carrier.

So, if the animal doesn’t enter the kennel on the first contact, don’t despair, this is common.

If you have doubts about how to bring your PET to Brazilian territory, the best option is to contact our team of specialists.


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Dachshund and French Bulldog on the beach

Dog-friendly travel in Brazil

Brazil is a fantastic country for dogs, with plenty of dog-friendly travel options to explore. In these post-pandemic times, it feels like more and more, people are taking their dogs on holidays. Our dogs are part of the family, and they got used to spending time with us during lockdown. With so many dog-friendly travel options available, it feels natural to want to take them on holiday with us. So if you’re planning an epic trip across Brazil, should you bring your dog too?

travel to brazil dog

Should I bring my dog to Brazil on holiday with me?

This is fundamentally a question you will need to answer yourself, but there are a few big things to consider.

  • Cost: Flying internationally with dogs is not cheap. Not only will you have to pay for the airline tickets, but you’ll also need to pay for vet visits beforehand, any tests and treatments required, as well as fees for a reputable pet travel agency to manage all the paperwork involved. Once you’re in the country, there will be ongoing costs and considerations. These include paying for additional bus tickets and accommodation fees for your pet.
  • Potential stress for your dog: Flying internationally can be tough on your pets. We can’t explain to them where we’re going, or how long it will take, or what will be involved. So being stuck inside a cargo container for a long-haul flight can be a scary, stressful experience.
  • Breed and size considerations: One thing to keep in mind is that Brazil is not a good place for internal travel if you have a brachycephalic dog (like a Pug or a Bulldog). These flat-faced breeds can struggle with breathing issues. They can also have trouble regulating their temperature sometimes. Because of this, no airlines within Brazil will take them as passengers.
  • Bureaucracy: There’s a lot of paperwork and expense involved with getting your dog into Brazil. You’ll also need to get them back home. If money is no object for you, you can use a pet travel agency to manage the process for you, but be prepared for some hefty costs.
  • Time spent in the country: You’ll need to weigh up the pros and cons alongside the length of time you’ll be spending in Brazil. If you’re coming to spend a year or two in Brazil, then the hassle and cost is definitely worth it. If you’re only coming for a short time, it may be best to leave them at home.

Two dogs on sand dunes

What are the rules for entering Brazil with a dog?

To bring your dog or cat to Brazil, you must present an International Veterinary Certificate or Pet Passport. It must be issued or endorsed by an official veterinarian from your country’s veterinary authority. Brazil accepts official pet passports only from countries that reciprocally accept the Brazilian Pet Passport. Currently, the European Pet Passport is not valid for entry.

While a pet microchip is not required, the International Veterinary Certificate/Pet Passport must adhere to Brazilian sanitary requirements, including a rabies vaccination for animals 90 days or older, with the trip occurring 21 days post-vaccination for the first shot. Animals under three months may enter without the rabies vaccine under certain conditions. The certificate is valid for 60 days from the issuance date, contingent on the rabies vaccination’s validity. Animals can return with a Brazilian Pet Passport if all requirements are met and endorsed by an official veterinarian from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply. For additional details, contact [email protected] or visit the Brazilian government website about International Animal Transport .

Two dogs on a chair on the beach

Flying with your dog

You may be able to fly with your dog in the cabin with you, depending on their breed and size. Speak to a pet travel agency about how to manage this, as this normally requires your dog to be recognised as an emotional support animal by the airline in question.

Otherwise, animals can travel as live cargo (special flights that only transport animals, not people) or in the hold (underneath the plane in a special area designed for animals).

As mentioned earlier, brachycephalic breeds (breeds with flat faces, like French bulldogs) cannot fly on any internal flights in Brazil. Given what a big country Brazil is, it can take a long time to travel by land, so keep this in mind when deciding on your itinerary. For instance, travelling from Rio de Janeiro to Florianópolis (an hour or so by plane) will take over 14 hours by car or bus.

Finding dog-friendly hotels and Airbnbs

The good news is that Brazil offers a broad range of pet-friendly accommodation. From hotels to Airbnbs, it’s easy to add ‘pet-friendly’ as an option and explore the results. One thing to keep in mind is that there’s usually a fee for bringing a pet, and some hotels have a limit on how many pets can stay per room. Before you book, it’s good to check what these fees are beforehand. Airbnb usually factors this into the price before you book, but other hotel booking sites add these fees on later once you arrive.

Traveling on buses with dogs

We had a French Bulldog (named Piauí) while living in Brazil, and that meant we couldn’t fly anywhere internally with him. But we didn’t let that stop us. We took him all over the country, from Barra Grande in Piauí to Jericoacoara , over to Pipa and to Brasilia and Pirenópolis in the heart of the country. We even took him as far south as São Paulo and Florianópolis .

And yes, we did it all on buses!

French bulldog on the bus

You’d be surprised how easy it was to travel on a bus with dogs. Of course, you need to be organised, but it was definitely worth it.

We’ve travelled all over the country with Expresso Guanabara . Their rules are fairly simple. Dogs should be 10kg or less, they need to have an ‘atestado’ (health certificate) from the vet, and you need to buy a ticket for them. They also can’t bother any other passengers, or they may be asked to get off the bus. Your need to prearrange all of this before you travel, so take your dog to the rodoviaria (bus station) so they can be weighed and looked at before tickets are issued. You may also need to fill out a form as well, with their details, etc.

We are very lucky in that our dogs love hopping in their travel bags and they could happily sleep all day without complaint. Long-haul bus journeys in Brazil usually stop every few hours for a meal and a bathroom break. It’s usually a half-hour stop, so that gives you time to give your dog something to eat, a short walk and a toilet stop. It’s much easier if you’re travelling with someone, so you can tag team – one of you can stay with the dog while the other grabs snacks, uses the bathroom, etc. and then you can swap.

Not all locations where buses stop will be dog friendly. There may also be loads of stray dogs hanging around these places for food scraps. So keep that in mind…

Dachshund on a swing in Brazil

Brazil is perfect for fun dog-friendly day trips

Our dogs joined us on so many fantastic adventures in Brazil, and they adored every minute. We took them on a rollercoaster in Pirenópolis, on speedboats in Bahia, on dune buggies in Lençóis Maranhenses. We spent many lazy days in Pipa sitting by the sea, drinking caipirinhas while our pups splashed and sniffed around. So many great memories!

Things to be aware of

While Brazil is accommodating to pets, there are a few things to keep in mind. Some nature spots, like national parks, do not accept dogs – so plan ahead to avoid disappointment. For example, when we took our dogs to Pirenópolis, only one nature park was dog friendly – Salto Corumbá . We had a great time there, but without that park, we would have struggled to find anywhere else to enjoy the waterfalls and nature of the area.

Most restaurants and bars are accommodating, particularly if they have outdoor areas, but again, be prepared for some places to turn you away.

As mentioned, you’ll normally have to pay extra for hotels and buses if you’re bringing a dog. Also, some Ubers won’t take you if you have a pet – we used to get around this by always bringing their carry bags with us. If they were inside their bags, most drivers were happy with that.

Fundamentally, travelling with a pet requires more work and planning. But given how much joy dogs bring to our lives, we definitely think it’s worth it.

If you’re looking for a pet agency to help you make plans for travel in or out of Brazil, we highly recommend Pet Friendly Turismo . Honestly, when we took our dogs from Brazil to the UK, we couldn’t have done it without them. They speak English, they know the rules and regulations and they took care of everything, so we could enjoy the trip without worrying about making bureaucratic mistakes. We can’t recommend them highly enough.

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Moving to Brazil with a pet


If you're planning to travel or relocate to Brazil , the Brazilian government allows you to bring your dog or cat into the country, and there's no quarantine period. However, you'll need to supply the proper documentation. Also, you'll need to make arrangements with your airline. The importation of animals other than cats and dogs must be approved in advance by Brazil's Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply.


For your dog or cat to be allowed entry into Brazil , you must produce the following two documents:

  • A certification of vaccination against rabies. Pets under three months old don't need a rabies vaccination, and neither do pets that come from a country that's considered rabies-free.
  • An International Health Certificate for Personal Pets. Many countries have such certificates. If the country you are departing from does not, here's an example from the US Department of Agriculture, Animal, and Plant Health Inspection Service .

Once you have the Health Certificate, you should immediately go to the Brazilian Consulate serving your jurisdiction to get it validated. There will be a small fee for this. Don't lose any time getting this done, as the Health Certificate will only be valid for ten (10) days after the exam was performed by the veterinarian. So you need to plan to handle all of the necessary steps in the days immediately before your departure.

You should visit the official Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture website for current details and alerts. Note that information is provided both for entry into Brazil and for departure from Brazil. The site is currently available only in Portuguese, so enlist assistance if needed.

Read also Relocating to Brazil

Travel conditions

Different airlines have different rules for how pets are handled. For example, some may accept only cats and dogs, and certain breeds may be excluded. There will also be specifications regarding the accepted type of carrier, which usually corresponds with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) standards. Smaller pets may travel in the cabin as hand luggage, while other pets must travel with the checked baggage. You're advised to speak with the airline directly before confirming your flight arrangements and booking yourself online. Be sure that you understand all the applicable rules to avoid any unpleasant surprises on your departure day.

Offer your pet food and water before the flight. The airline may ask you to attest that you have. And make sure that water's also available in your pet's carrier.

Read also Travelling around in Brazil

Returning home with your pet

If you'll be returning to your home country with your pet, you should inquire as to what documentation will be required to accomplish this. Obviously, different countries will have different regulations, so you'll need to verify what your home country will require when you wish to repatriate with your pet.

In fact, it'd be a good idea to make these inquiries before departing for Brazil, to ensure that there will be no unpleasant surprises down the road. In particular, ask what type of certification might be required and if there will be a quarantine period when you return. Also, ask if there might be restrictions on where your pet may travel while in Brazil.

Formal regulations pertain only to the importation of cats and dogs. If you have any other type of pet, you must contact the Ministry of Agriculture in advance for approval. Your nearest Brazilian Consulate may also be able to assist you.

Useful links:

Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, and Food Supply

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Brazil has a lot to offer for those of you wishing to move to the area. One third of the world’s species can be found in the country. There is a huge amount of cultural diversity, with people from all over the world making Brazil their home. With vibrant festivals, beautiful beaches and amazing scenery it could be the perfect new home for you and your pet.

Brazil Pet Import

For pet entry into Brazil your pet needs to have up to date rabies vaccinations at least 30 days before the flight and no more than 11 months and a certificate of health issued by a government vet within 72 hours of the flight.

Your pet will need to have a vaccination certificate to confirm that they have had a rabies vaccine. This vaccination needs to be valid for at least a year.

On arrival in Brazil, pets attract very large customs fees. Unless you are a returning Brazilian national or you have a work visa to work in Brazil. You are very highly advised to use the services of an agent in Brazil, who will be able to advise and negotiate these customs fees down as far as possible, but also negotiate the clearance of your pet as quickly as possible. At Petair UK. We work with agents all over the world and we can advise an agent for you or we can work with your own agent.

If you are looking to move your pet to Brazil, then contact us today. We have flown over 15,000 pets worldwide and have extensive experience in completing the required paperwork to ensure your journey goes smoothly.

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Brazil Pet Import Rules and Requirements

What to know about bringing dogs & cats to brazil, key requirements for importing pets to brazil.

Are you planning to relocate your furry friend to Brazil? Whether you're traveling for work, leisure, or a new adventure, it's essential to understand Brazil's pet import rules and requirements.

Our PetRelocation team is here to guide you through the process and ensure a seamless journey for your pet.

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Regulations for Importing Pets to Brazil

Attention: This information is to be used as general guidelines and may not be updated to meet the current requirements. Before you travel, be sure to contact the appropriate authorities in Brazil.

  • Microchip: All pets must have a microchip that complies with ISO Standard 11784 or Annex A to ISO Standard 11785. Brazil currently accepts AVID 9 and AVID 10 in addition to ISO. The microchip must be implanted before the rabies vaccine is administered.
  • Rabies Vaccination and Certificate: Pets must have an original Rabies Certificate that states the microchip number, date of inoculation, and validity of the vaccine (1, 2, or 3 years). The vaccine must be administered at least 30 days and less than one year before departure.
  • Additional Vaccines: Dogs require vaccinations for Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza, Parvovirus (DHLPP), and Bordetella. Cats require Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia (FVRCP). These should be administered no less than two weeks before export for maximum effectiveness.
  • Parasite Treatment: Internal and external parasite treatments (Drontal and Frontline are recommended). Include treatment details on the Brazilian Health Certificate.
  • Vet Health Certificate: Obtain a Brazilian Health Certificate from a USDA-accredited veterinarian within 10 days of the flight.
  • USDA Endorsements: Rabies Certificate, Vaccine Certificate, and Brazilian Health Certificate must be endorsed by the USDA.

Additional Documents for Customs Clearance

  • Copy of pet owner's passport
  • Copy of pet owner’s Brazilian Visa (if available)
  • Copy of Tax Payer's Card / CPF (if available)
  • Copy of Brazilian Temporary Residence Card (if available)
  • Copy of Pet Owner's Boarding Pass for Trip to Brazil
  • Power of Attorney (must be notarized and can be prepared in Brazil)

At PetRelocation, we offer personalized services to ensure a stress-free experience for you and your pet. Our expertise and dedication to pet travel ensure that your pet's journey to Brazil is smooth and successful.

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Bringing a Dog From Brazil to the USA: A Step by Step Guide

After living in Rio de Janeiro for 15 months, it was time to say goodbye.

We were headed back to the United States with our family of pets two dogs and one cat. If you’re bringing a cat to the United States, this guide is for you too! 

Although traveling internationally with three pets sounds difficult, it’s actually not that bad. 

Flying with your dog (or cat) to the United States is totally doable, and doesn’t actually include that much stress or hassle. 

We wrote this Guide to International Pet Travel that covers everything about flying internationally with your pet. Important tips to keep in mind include:

  • Start early – Timing is everything. Start the process early so you can get all of your ducks in a row and don’t have to panic. 
  • Be organized – Keep copies and screenshots of all of your documents, including airline policies and country requirements. They should be easy to access should you need them (and you will!). 
  • Double check – When flying internationally always double-check, if not triple-check, airline pet policies. Policies are constantly in flux, and rules are constantly changing.

If you’re traveling from Brazil to the USA with a dog or cat, this guide is for you! See each step to bring your pet from Brazil to the USA.

Goodbye Brazil, hello United States. Here we go! 

Related:  If you’re going the opposite way, and bringing a dog from the USA to Brazil, check out how to do that here . 

Boogie and family at Ipanema beach.

Article Contents

Step 1: Country Requirements

In order to enter the United States, our dogs would need the following:

  • A valid Rabies certificate* 
  • To have been inspected for screwworm within five days prior to departure to the United States** (for dogs only)
  • For their fur and bedding to be free of excessive dirt or natural bedding such as hay or straw – no problem! We haven’t spent much time near any horses or stables…
  • Must appear healthy

* Regarding the Rabies Vaccine: 

  • All dogs vaccinated against rabies  for the first time must be vaccinated at least four weeks (28 days) before traveling.
  • Puppies  must NOT be vaccinated against rabies  before they are three months (12 weeks or 84 days) old. The rabies certificate must include the puppy’s age or date of birth.
  • Adult dogs (15 months or older) must show a history of previous rabies vaccinations (with the first given after three months old) and have a record of all booster rabies vaccinations. With this record, adult dogs don’t need to wait four weeks before traveling.

** Regarding Screwworm: 

  • Screwworms are larvae found in your pet’s fur or on their skin. An inspection for them can be done visually by your vet. All your vet has to do is write down that your pet is free of screwworm. Easy! 
  • In the event that your dog does have screwworms, they must be held in quarantine, and treated until free from screwworm prior to leaving the region.

But hold on there. Did you know that Brazil has requirements in order for your animal to  leave  the country?

That’s right. In a bizarre move, Brazil is requesting even more documentation just to allow your pet to exit the country. 

Your pet needs to show treatment against internal and external parasites.

Internal parasites are heart worms, while external parasites include fleas, ticks, lice and mites. 

If you give your pets parasite preventatives already (heart worm medications, etc.) you’re good to go. If not, pick some up at your vet visit and administer them. 

Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro.

Step 2: Make Travel Arrangements

Remember – country requirements and airline requirements are different. You will have to ensure that you can meet both sets. 

We purchased a direct flight from Rio de Janeiro to New York City. We then called the airline to notify them that we would be flying with pets. 

Be sure to specify if your pet will be flying in cabin  or  in cargo – there will be different requirements for each. 

We flew with two dogs in cabin and one cat in cargo. The specifications for cargo had to do with the kennel we used, and the same goes for in cabin. You can read about our cats journey in cargo here . 

The paperwork was the same for both the dogs and the cat, with the exception of the screwworm bit – you don’t need to include anything about screwworms for cats.

Rio de Janeiro Christ

Step 3: Call the Vet

Your vet visit and Ministry of Agriculture endorsement have to be within a period of ten days before your departure.

This works for cats. However, if you’re flying with dogs, your dog has to have been inspected for screwworm within five days prior to departure.

That means you have only five days before the day you’re leaving to get in your vet visit and endorsement. It’s a smaller window than usual, but it can be done!

We were flying out on a Monday. We made an appointment at the local vet for the Thursday before, got all of our paperwork filled out, and sent it to the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture that night. Keep reading for more details. 

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Step 4: Vet Visit

Many pet stores in Brazil have in house vets. We speak Portuguese, so going to the vet at our local pet shop was easy. 

It’s important for you to be clear with the vet on what is needed, in case they are unaware of the process. Arrive with all of the necessary paperwork printed, copies of your rabies vaccinations and your anti-parasite information. 

We had the vet fill out this form . In the open space towards the end of the form, she wrote that our dogs did not have screwworm, in both Portuguese and English. 

Unbeknownst to us, the vet was having a sale that day, so we were given a hefty discount on the visit (as long as we paid in cash). Lucky us!

Our vet saw all three pets and filled out all of the necessary paperwork. 

We paid R$165 total for the three vet appointments, and R$22,15 for two anti-parasite pills for Kitty. The total came out to R$187,15, which is roughly $39 USD. 

Is Rio de Janeiro safe? Here are must read tips on safety in Rio de Janeiro and how to avoid unwanted incidents. 

Step 5: Ministry of Agriculture Endorsement

A few years ago, when bringing my pets back to the United States, I had to travel to Brazils Ministry of Agriculture office at the airport to get my pet’s health certificates stamped.

Today, that system has changed. Now, everything is online. Going in person is no longer an option – it’s not eve allowed.

Instead, you have to scan all of the required documents and upload them to the Ministry of Agriculture website. Here’s how to do that:

1. After your vet visit, scan copies of all of your documents. We did not have access to a scanner at home, so we took photos of each document using our phone. 

2. Visit the Ministry of Agriculture website and register. You will be sent a confirmation email with a link to activate your account. 

IMPORTANT: The website is in Portuguese and you will need to enter a Brazilian CPF number in order to start the process. A CPF is similar to a State ID or Social Security number for Brazilians. A Ministry of Agriculture representative advised us that if you don’t have one, you can ask a friend for theirs, or ask the vet for help. 

3. Sign in to the website and go to the Portal de Servicos. Type “CVI” in to the search bar, and it should be the first hit. It’s a link to  Viajar para outro país com seu cão ou gato , which translates to, Travel to another country with your dog or cat .

Open the link and click on “solicitar.” It begins! 

4. The online application is five pages long. It will ask you to include the following information:

  • Flight information
  • Animal information (DOB, sex, breed, color microchip number)
  • Your information (name, address, phone number, e-mail)
  • Space to import your pet’s health certificate and rabies vaccine
  • Vaccination information (rabies)
  • Anti-parasite treatment information (external and internal)

For those  not  traveling with your pet, and sending them solo via cargo, there is a space to include information about who is sending/receiving the pet. 

Anti-parasite treatment –  For those wondering, the anti-parasite medication we gave each pet was the following:

Boogie and Marcelo (dogs): Frontline Plus and Endogard.

Kitty (cat): Frontline Plus and Vermivet, gatos.

5. Once you have submitted the online application, you will receive an email confirming that it was received that includes a protocol number. 

6.  Luckily, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture has quick turn around times. Less than an hour after submitting our documents, we were asked for revisions to all three. Here were the issues:

  • Boogie – His rabies certificate had my mother-in-law’s name on it. 
  • Marcelo – His rabies certificate did not include the name of the location that administered it and the card was not fully filled out. 
  • Kitty – His rabies certificate did not include the name of the location that administered it and the card was not fully filled out. 

Marcelo and Kitty’s issues were easy to solve. Their rabies certificate was on a card with a front and back. We took photos of the back side, which included the name of the location that administered the vaccine, and we filled out the missing information (their microchip numbers) and we were good to go.

Boogie’s issue was a bit more complicated. His rabies certificate, issued in the United States, was in my mother-in-law’s name because we went to her vet and they filed it under her account. Not a big deal, it was still a valid certificate, but the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture wanted it to be in our name, since we were the one’s traveling with him.

We emailed the vet’s office that night and had them send us a .pdf of the certificate edited to include our name. We submitted, and were given the green light. 

7. Once you get all of your approval documents, save them and print them out. 

Flying with your dog can be both exciting, and overwhelming. Here are a few tips to use on flight day that will help you both stay calm and happy.

Step 6:  Flight Day

Be sure to arrive at the airport early. Check-in will take longer than normal when you have a pet with you.

The gate agent will have to go over all of your pet’s paperwork and ask you to pay. They’ll also check out your kennel and/or pet carrier. 

We like to have a phone screenshot on hand of the airline’s official rules. If you have to refer to them or if something is unclear with the agent, you can always pull them up for reference. 

Always be polite and smile. 

Dog at airport.

Step 7: Arrival Check

Here’s the scoop. We arrived in New York City, went through immigration and customs, and no one looked at our paperwork. We breezed through the airport without notice. 

Usually, an official is supposed to review your animal’s health records and make sure they seem healthy.  No one did. This was perhaps because we flew home during the COVID-19 pandemic, and officials were preoccupied with other things. Who knows. 

Regarding the rabies vaccination, Marcelo and Kitty received their last rabies vaccines in Brazil, so the paperwork was in Portuguese. The CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) states on their website that “Any documents must be in English or have an English translation.” 

We did not have our vaccination paperwork translated. It was fine. 

Welcome to the United States!

Have you ever flown with your pet to the United States? We’d love to hear about your experience below. 

For more information on flying with your pet, click here . , for more information on traveling in brazil with a pet, click here . .

Pin for later!

If you're traveling from Brazil to the USA with a dog or cat, this guide is for you! See each required step to bring your pet to the USA.

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I just rescued two dogs in Serra do cipó but unfortunately I am going home Saturday. My dad is going to assist in getting all the documents ready for them to fly home. I am nervous and heartbroken that I can’t take them with me. One question, what is screwworm in Portuguese? I asked the local vet and he didn’t have a clue. Thanks a bunch!

Barbara, I am in the same boat here… I don’t think i’ll be able to bring my dog Gus with me in November… Has your dad been able to get any of the documents for them?

Hi Barbara. In Brazil they call screwworm as “Bicheira”. Good luck!

I just want to say I tried to get the Brazilan Agriculture to work, at the time their system was down and way behind. I called the USA about it, they said they did not need the Brazilian okay, just the vet health certificate not the Brazilian one. Here I had been cancelled a flight and rebooked when I did not need to. Cost me extra. I just needed the CDC paperwork and the vet health certificate from my local vet. Since my dog was vaccinated in the USA with a 3 year rabies, the USA had no problem and neither did the airline. I don’t know if you still have to have CDC approval, but check incase you do.

Hey! Can you share what airline you traveled with? I have a medium dog that I would prefer to travel in cabin with, but I’m unsure she will be because of her size.

Hi! We usually fly American Airlines because they offer a direct flight.

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Heartbreaking moment man finds out his dog has died on airplane journey gone wrong

Heartbreaking moment man finds out his dog has died on airplane journey gone wrong

The airline was responsible for the tragic death of the pooch.

Joshua Nair

Joshua Nair

A man went through any pet-owner's worst nightmare when he found out his beloved dog had died at an airport terminal after going for hours without water.

João Fantazzini was in Sinop, a city in the west-central Brazilian state of Mato Gross, separated from his pooch , who was in São Paulo, over 1600km (994 miles) away.

The loving owner paid to have his five-year-old emotional support dog flown on a Gol Airlines flight over, which should have been a straight forward journey from São Paulo/Guarulhos International Airport to Sinop Municipal Airport on Monday, 22 April.

The Golden Retriever was named Joca, and instead of flying straight to his owner, the airline mistakenly put him on a separate flight to Fortaleza International Airport, in the northeast of the country.

Joca was meant to be on a straight-forward flight from Sinop to Sao Paulo. (Media Drum World)

Flying for three and a half hours, the dog was given some water while he waited to be put on another flight back to São Paulo, as he spent almost 90 minutes on the runway in the scorching South American heat .

Joca then went another three and a half hours without water in the air before landing back in São Paulo.

Fantazzini was waiting there to meet his beloved dog where a manager told him about their error and that the dog had fallen ill.

But by the time that a manager had brought the man to the waiting area, he claimed that Joca was already dead, as a heartbreaking video showed him stroking the loyal pet as it laid behind the kennel door.

According to Joca's death certificate, he had died due to cardiac arrest .

Fantazzini mourned in an Instagram post, writing: "My love was murdered, my best choice, love of my life. You were very young!!

"I remember the day I got you and our connection was momentary! My son, forgive me for being selfish in wanting you by my side!"

By the time the owner saw his dog, he had tragically died. (Media Drum World)

He emotionally concluded: "You are the love of my life forever! I will miss you daily! I miss giving you your apple every morning, taking you to the pool and taking care of yourself daily! Thank you for everything my friend!"

Since the tragic event, Airline Gol said in a statement to Metropoles that an 'operational failure' caused the dog's death.

They stated: "GOL sympathizes with the suffering of Joca's guardian and his family. We understand his pain and are deeply sorry for the loss of your pet.

"The Company is offering all necessary support to the tutor and his family from the outset. The investigation of the details of what happened is being carried out with total priority by our team."

Gol has since suspended the transportation of animals in the cargo section, which Joca was, but is allowing them to fly in the cabin alongside their owners.

Fantazzini loved his dog dearly. (Media Drum World)

The head of the Ports and Airports Ministry in Brazil, Silvio Costa Silva, said that his department joined the National Civil Aviation Agency during the investigation.

The matter became so big, in fact, that the President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, brought it up during a press conference while wearing a tie with prints of a dog to show his support.

He said: "The dog died because he spent eight hours without drinking water, trapped inside the plane.

"I think Gol has to be accountable. I think ANAC (National Civil Aviation Agency) has to monitor this, and I think we cannot allow this to continue happening in Brazil."

LADbible has contacted Gol Airlines for further comment.

Topics:  Dogs , Travel , Health

Joshua Nair is a journalist at LADbible. Born in Malaysia and raised in Dubai, he has always been interested in writing about a range of subjects, from sports to trending pop culture news. After graduating from Oxford Brookes University with a BA in Media, Journalism and Publishing, he got a job freelance writing for SPORTbible while working in marketing before landing a full-time role at LADbible. Unfortunately, he's unhealthily obsessed with Manchester United, which takes its toll on his mental and physical health. Daily.

@ joshnair10

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  1. 5 Brazilian Dog Breeds You Need to Know • I Heart Brazil

    travel to brazil dog

  2. 7 Brazilian Dog Breeds (with Pictures)

    travel to brazil dog

  3. Flying to Brazil with Dogs: A Step by Step Guide

    travel to brazil dog

  4. We spent six weeks in Rio de Janeiro with our dogs, and can't wait to

    travel to brazil dog

  5. Traveling In Brazil With A Dog

    travel to brazil dog

  6. 12 Tips on How to Travel Better with Your Dog (Updated 2023)

    travel to brazil dog


  1. Pet travel from the United States to Brazil

    The date of departure from the United States. Whether the pet will be traveling alone, as cargo, or with a person in the cabin of the plane. Note: If you're traveling with a pet bird or exotic animal, you may need to work with additional agencies, such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1.41 MB) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  2. Flying to Brazil with Dogs: A Step by Step Guide

    Update: Effective July 14, 2021, the CDC temporarily suspended (stopped) dog imports from countries classified as high-risk for rabies. Unfortunately Brazil is on the list of countries classified as high-risk for rabies. This will make things much more difficult if you're planning to travel to/from Brazil with your dog.

  3. PDF How to Bring Your Dog or Cat to Brazil

    the Brazilian Pet Passport. At this moment, the European Pet Passport is not valid to enter Brazil. A pet microchip is not required to enter Brazil. The International Veterinary Certificate/Pet Passport must comply with the Brazilian sanitary requirements: - Animals 90 (ninety) days older must have a rabies vaccination approved by the

  4. Taking Your Cat or Dog Abroad and Bringing It into Brazil

    2.1. Print and fill out the Application for the Inspection of Pets in order to request the International Veterinary Certificate (CVI). Application for the Inspection of Pets. 2.2 Ask your private veterinarian to issue a Health Certificate, complying with the expiry date and the health requirements of the country of destination. 3.

  5. Brazil Pet Quarantine and Travel Regulations

    Complete the following entry requirements to travel to Brazil with your pet: Brazil is a high risk country for rabies. Before receiving an import permit, travelers must obtain 2 pictures of their pet's front teeth, a CDC Rabies Vaccination and Microchip Record (attached), a serologic titer from an approved laboratory and a passport photo of the owner.

  6. Pet Travel Guidance for Pets Traveling to Another Country from the

    Pet Travel to a foreign country can be complex and time-consuming. Before you start the process, you will need to know the following: the type of animal traveling, the destination country, the date of departure from the United States, and whether or not the pet will be traveling alone, as cargo, or with a person in the cabin of the plane ...

  7. Flying To Brazil With Dogs: A Comprehensive Guide

    Brazil is a dog-friendly country that offers plenty of outdoor activities for dogs in cities like Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. However, due to temporary restrictions, flying to Brazil with dogs may be more challenging. The first step is to check Brazil's requirements for entering the country with pets, including an International health certificate, a valid rabies vaccination, and treatment ...

  8. How to bring dog and cat to Brazil? Know all the requirements

    See below. 1. Sanitary requirements of Brazil. The main requirement for bringing a dog and cat to Brazil is the presentation of the International Veterinary Certificate. He must certify that the animal has not had any contagious disease in the 40 days prior to the day of travel. The CVI is valid for 10 days from the date of issue in the country ...

  9. Flying to Brazil with Dogs: A Step by Step Guide

    Update: Effective July 14, 2021, the CDC temporarily suspended (stopped) dog imports from countries graded as high-risk for raynaud. Unfortunately Brazil is on the print of countries classified as high-risk since rage. This will make things much more difficult if you're planning to travel to/from Brazil with your dog.

  10. Dog-friendly travel in Brazil

    To bring your dog or cat to Brazil, you must present an International Veterinary Certificate or Pet Passport. It must be issued or endorsed by an official veterinarian from your country's veterinary authority. Brazil accepts official pet passports only from countries that reciprocally accept the Brazilian Pet Passport.

  11. Traveling In Brazil With A Dog

    Brazil is a great country to travel in with a dog. There's favorable weather, plenty of nature and colorful cities. We love spending time here, and our dogs love it too! Whether you're road tripping throughout the country, city hopping or just sticking to one location, these tips will come in handy for both you and your four-legged friend.

  12. Moving to Brazil with a DOG: The Traveling Yorkie BARKS All

    As it was an international route, in-cabin dog fees cost $125 one-way for each dog, which is NOT bad considering it includes a stop in Panama City. Not to bark, domestic pet fees with airlines in the U.S. are usually already around $100 - again, for domestic travel (which Copa only charges $25!!!).

  13. Taking Your Dog to & from South America: READ THIS Before You Go!

    Brazil - Sniff out my comprehensive guide on what you need to travel to Brazil with a dog HERE. Chile - International Health Certificate and veterinarian examination within 10 days of travel. Your dog must be found free of infectious diseases and parasites with no clinical signs of Leishmania. Rabies vaccination is required as well as ...

  14. Traveling with Pets

    Your pet travels safe and sound with GOL. Cats and dogs up to 10 kg (including the transport kennel) are able to travel on the passenger cabin on all of our aircrafts. With your pet at your side, your flight is much more pleasant and peaceful. Bigger pets can also travel peacefully and safely.

  15. Moving with your pets to Brazil

    1. If you're planning to travel or relocate to Brazil, the Brazilian government allows you to bring your dog or cat into the country, and there's no quarantine period. However, you'll need to supply the proper documentation. Also, you'll need to make arrangements with your airline. The importation of animals other than cats and dogs must be ...

  16. Taking Pets to Brazil

    Brazil Pet Import. For pet entry into Brazil your pet needs to have up to date rabies vaccinations at least 30 days before the flight and no more than 11 months and a certificate of health issued by a government vet within 72 hours of the flight. Your pet will need to have a vaccination certificate to confirm that they have had a rabies vaccine.

  17. Temporary Suspension of Dogs Entering the U.S. from High-Risk Rabies

    Secretary Blinken's Travel to Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro, and Buenos Aires; ... (CDC) announced a temporary suspension for dogs imported from countries the CDC considers high risk for canine (dog) rabies, including from Brazil. The policy is effective July 14, 2021. This suspension also applies to dogs arriving from countries NOT at high risk ...

  18. Brazil Pet Import Rules and Requirements

    Copy of Pet Owner's Boarding Pass for Trip to Brazil; Power of Attorney (must be notarized and can be prepared in Brazil) At PetRelocation, we offer personalized services to ensure a stress-free experience for you and your pet. Our expertise and dedication to pet travel ensure that your pet's journey to Brazil is smooth and successful.

  19. Pet Travel

    Find out if your pet qualifies to travel. Your animal doesn't qualify for pet travel and is subject to different import regulations and export regulations if you: Don't see your pet listed below. Are exporting semen or embryos from any animal. Have a pet that's considered livestock or poultry, like pigs or chickens.

  20. Pets transportation service

    Travel with your pet and continue creating memories together. Take it in the cabin or checked, and know the conditions to do it.

  21. Returning to the U.S. with Pets

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has implemented a temporary suspension for dogs entering the United States, specifically those that do not have a current U.S. rabies vaccine and are returning from 113 high-risk rabies countries, as designated by the CDC. Check the summary of most recent changes.

  22. Bringing a Dog From Brazil to the USA: A Step by Step Guide

    3. Sign in to the website and go to the Portal de Servicos. Type "CVI" in to the search bar, and it should be the first hit. It's a link to Viajar para outro país com seu cão ou gato, which translates to, Travel to another country with your dog or cat. Open the link and click on "solicitar.".

  23. How to Bring a Dog from Brazil to USA: Avoid 10 Mistakes!

    OK, now that you have a flight - let's bark out all the requirements to bring a dog from Brazil to USA. - Valid Rabies Certificate: Your dog must be vaccinated against rabies at least 30 days before entry. - Screwworm Inspection by a veterinarian within five days of departure to the U.S. - Your dog must be free from screwworm.

  24. Heartbreaking moment man finds out his dog has died on ...

    The matter became so big, in fact, that the President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, brought it up during a press conference while wearing a tie with prints of a dog to show his support.

  25. Corgi´s Travel para Nintendo Switch

    Compre Corgi´s Travel e encontre outros excelentes produtos da Nintendo online na My Nintendo Store oficial Brazil.