asia tourism statistics

International tourism, number of arrivals - East Asia & Pacific

asia tourism statistics

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East asia & pacific.

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By: Bastian Herre , Veronika Samborska and Max Roser

Tourism has massively increased in recent decades. Aviation has opened up travel from domestic to international. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of international visits had more than doubled since 2000.

Tourism can be important for both the travelers and the people in the countries they visit.

For visitors, traveling can increase their understanding of and appreciation for people in other countries and their cultures.

And in many countries, many people rely on tourism for their income. In some, it is one of the largest industries.

But tourism also has externalities: it contributes to global carbon emissions and can encroach on local environments and cultures.

On this page, you can find data and visualizations on the history and current state of tourism across the world.

Interactive Charts on Tourism

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International tourism, number of arrivals - Country Ranking - Asia

Definition: International inbound tourists (overnight visitors) are the number of tourists who travel to a country other than that in which they have their usual residence, but outside their usual environment, for a period not exceeding 12 months and whose main purpose in visiting is other than an activity remunerated from within the country visited. When data on number of tourists are not available, the number of visitors, which includes tourists, same-day visitors, cruise passengers, and crew members, is shown instead. Sources and collection methods for arrivals differ across countries. In some cases data are from border statistics (police, immigration, and the like) and supplemented by border surveys. In other cases data are from tourism accommodation establishments. For some countries number of arrivals is limited to arrivals by air and for others to arrivals staying in hotels. Some countries include arrivals of nationals residing abroad while others do not. Caution should thus be used in comparing arrivals across countries. The data on inbound tourists refer to the number of arrivals, not to the number of people traveling. Thus a person who makes several trips to a country during a given period is counted each time as a new arrival.

Source: World Tourism Organization, Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Compendium of Tourism Statistics and data files.

See also: Thematic map , Time series comparison

More rankings: Africa | Asia | Central America & the Caribbean | Europe | Middle East | North America | Oceania | South America | World |

Development Relevance: Tourism is officially recognized as a directly measurable activity, enabling more accurate analysis and more effective policy. Whereas previously the sector relied mostly on approximations from related areas of measurement (e.g. Balance of Payments statistics), tourism today possesses a range of instruments to track its productive activities and the activities of the consumers that drive them: visitors (both tourists and excursionists). An increasing number of countries have opened up and invested in tourism development, making tourism a key driver of socio-economic progress through export revenues, the creation of jobs and enterprises, and infrastructure development. As an internationally traded service, inbound tourism has become one of the world's major trade categories. For many developing countries it is one of the main sources of foreign exchange income and a major component of exports, creating much needed employment and development opportunities.

Limitations and Exceptions: Tourism can be either domestic or international. The data refers to international tourism, where the traveler's country of residence differs from the visiting country. International tourism consists of inbound (arrival) and outbound (departures) tourism. The data are from the World Tourism Organization (WTO), a United Nations agency. The data on inbound and outbound tourists refer to the number of arrivals and departures, not to the number of people traveling. Thus a person who makes several trips to a country during a given period is counted each time as a new arrival. The data on inbound tourism show the arrivals of nonresident tourists (overnight visitors) at national borders. When data on international tourists are unavailable or incomplete, the data show the arrivals of international visitors, which include tourists, same-day visitors, cruise passengers, and crew members. Sources and collection methods for arrivals differ across countries. In some cases data are from border statistics (police, immigration, and the like) and supplemented by border surveys. In other cases data are from tourism accommodation establishments. For some countries number of arrivals is limited to arrivals by air and for others to arrivals staying in hotels. Some countries include arrivals of nationals residing abroad while others do not. Caution should thus be used in comparing arrivals across countries.

Statistical Concept and Methodology: Statistical information on tourism is based mainly on data on arrivals and overnight stays along with balance of payments information. These data do not completely capture the economic phenomenon of tourism or provide the information needed for effective public policies and efficient business operations. Data are needed on the scale and significance of tourism. Information on the role of tourism in national economies is particularly deficient. Although the World Tourism Organization reports progress in harmonizing definitions and measurement, differences in national practices still prevent full comparability. Arrivals data measure the flows of international visitors to the country of reference: each arrival corresponds to one in inbound tourism trip. If a person visits several countries during the course of a single trip, his/her arrival in each country is recorded separately. In an accounting period, arrivals are not necessarily equal to the number of persons travelling (when a person visits the same country several times a year, each trip by the same person is counted as a separate arrival). Arrivals data should correspond to inbound visitors by including both tourists and same-day non-resident visitors. All other types of travelers (such as border, seasonal and other short-term workers, long-term students and others) should be excluded as they do not qualify as visitors. Data are obtained from different sources: administrative records (immigration, traffic counts, and other possible types of controls), border surveys or a mix of them. If data are obtained from accommodation surveys, the number of guests is used as estimate of arrival figures; consequently, in this case, breakdowns by regions, main purpose of the trip, modes of transport used or forms of organization of the trip are based on complementary visitor surveys.

Aggregation method: Gap-filled total

Periodicity: Annual

Note: This page was last updated on December 28, 2019

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Asia-Pacific travel and tourism statistics in 2023

trends in travel and tourism

By Kevin Tjoe — 20 Oct 2022

studies   travel statistics

Updated February 2023 – With countries heavily impacted by harsh border restrictions, the Asia-Pacific region was no exception. Countries such as Australia, New Zealand, and Indonesia closed their borders to international travelers and limited domestic movement, causing the tourism industry within these regions to be heavily affected.

Fortunately, in 2023 the APAC region has started to see a positive trend.From digital trends in tourism to the rise in sustainable travel, in this article, we will identify the most prominent trends in travel and tourism in 2022 within the Asia-Pacific region. These statistics will provide tour and activity operators with valuable insight to adapt their business to the latest trends.

The tourism and travel statistics below were gathered from a survey conducted by Rezdy.

The behaviors of travelers in the Asia-Pacific

tourism trends 2022

With the close proximity between Asian-Pacific countries, it’s no surprise that travelers within this region love to travel. And with traveling in 2023 becoming a whole lot easier, find out how Asia-pacific travelers are exploring the world in 2023.

  • According to recent Australian tourism statistics , Australian travellers spend 16% more time on average booking a trip in 2022 than they did in 201 9. ( Tripadvisor )
  • Australians devote 60% of their time to planning trips ( Tripadvisor )
  • Travelers in Singapore spend 68% of their time researching local travel review sites ( Tripadvisor )
  • 6 in 10 Singaporeans are planning to travel as most countries’ restrictions have eased, with 40% have booked a trip ( Traveldailynews )
  • 50% of Singaporean travelers are planning to take one trip while 30% are planning to take two trips during the summer ( Traveldailynews )
  • Almost 1 in 2 (46%) would like to have a trip that lasts at least 6 days
  • Travelers aged between 18-25 are also most keen on taking trips that last 6-9 days (31%), or a trip of 4-5 days (29%) ( Traveldailynews )
  • Travelers aged between 26-35 are also most keen on taking trips that last 4-5 days (37%), or a trip of 6–9-days (32%) ( Traveldailynews )
  • 42% of travelers said international travel is a high-priority spending area for the coming year, far higher than domestic travel, fashion, and eating out ( Traveldailynews )

The road to recovery

There’s no doubt that the tourism industry within the Asia-pacific region faced many downfalls as a result of countries enforcing strict travel restrictions. This was especially prevalent in countries such as Australia and New Zealand and popular tourist destinations like Bali, Indonesia. Fortunately, tourism has started to pick up once again in 2023 and the APAC experiences industry is finally on its road to recovery.

  • New Zealand was the largest source country, accounting for 24% of all visitor arrivals in Australia. ( ABS )
  • There were 1,191,830 visitor arrivals in Australia, almost 8 times higher than the previous year. ( ABS )
  • Revenue in the Travel & Tourism market is projected to reach US$10.84bn in 2022. ( Statista )
  • In the Travel & Tourism market, 75% of total revenue will be generated through online sales by 2026. ( Statista )
  • The APAC travel industry is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.4% between 2021 and 2024 – when it’s expected to hit 500 million arrivals by 2024 ( Euromonitor )
  • APAC travel sales forecast by 2024 ( Euromonitor )

travel and tourism statistics

  • APAC attractions and experiences sales forecast by 2024 ( Euromonitor )

travel trends

  • In the first two months of 2022, Southeast Asia has welcomed more than 580,000 international visitors in total, a substantial +102% increase year-on-year ( Hospitalitynet )
  • Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) projected that international visitor arrivals into Asia will grow by 100% between 2022 and 2023 ( Traveldailynews )
  • The Asia-P acific region (APAC) has the highest growth potential in the online travel booking industry – with China and India leading the way. This growth can be attributed to the growth of the middle-class income group, increase in disposable income, and wider access to the internet ( GBTA )

Inbound & outbound travel in 2022

As travel begins to resume within the Asia-Pacific region, find out which countries and destinations have been the most popular.

Top 5 countries traveling to Australia

( Traveldailynews )

Top destinations for APAC travelers

  • Jeju Island
  • Kuala Lumpur

The rise in sustainable travel 

sustainable tourism

With the rising awareness surrounding sustainability and the impacts tourism has on the environment, green tourism is a hot topic. Find out what travelers in Asia-Pacific think of sustainable travel. 

  • 93% of Indian travelers affirm that sustainable travel is important to them ( Traveldailynews )
  • 77% of Singaporean travelers show a strong belief in the need to prioritize sustainable travel ( Traveldailynews )

For more support and tips on how to increase sales in your travel business, subscribe to the Rezdy  newsletter .

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Industry News

australia and new zealand travel trends

Australia & New Zealand travel and tourism statistics in 2023

travel and tourism statistics

Global travel & tourism statistics 2023

UN Tourism | Bringing the world closer

  • All Regions
  • UNWTO/GTERC Asia Tourism Trends – 2018 Edition

UNWTO/GTERC Asia Tourism Trends – 2018 Edition

The UNWTO/GTERC Asia Tourism Trends – 2018 Edition , the fifth annual report in the series, highlights the rapidly growing tourism sector in Asia and the Pacific. In recognition of the European Union-China Tourism Year 2018, one chapter examines the international tourism flows between China, the largest Asian economy, and the 28 countries of the European Union. The present edition also features a chapter on the Greater Bay Area, a landmark initiative to merge eleven cities in the Pearl River Delta, and the impact the accompanying infrastructure will have on tourism in the region.

Click here for the extracted Executive Summary of this publication.

ISBN : 978-92-844-2003-2

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Tourism Is Surging in the U.S. and Europe. But in Asia, Many Destinations Are Struggling to Come Back to Life


H uoch Yen worked hard to become a tour guide at Cambodia’s famed Angkor Wat temples. It took the 43-year-old three attempts to pass a test for a license to guide Spanish-speaking tourists around Siem Reap, where the famous monuments are located—to say nothing of the years spent studying the language.

When the COVID-19 pandemic put the brakes on tourism in 2020, Yen decamped to his hometown in Kompong Cham province, a five hour drive away, where he now works as a teacher. But he still dreams of returning to his job as a guide.

“I contact my friend who is living in Siem Reap to ask him about tourism every day,” says Yen. “He still tells me that it’s not going well. There are limited tourists right now—it’s not like before.”

Before coronavirus struck, Angkor Wat was one of the world’s most crowded tourist spots. Throngs of travelers from across the globe would arrive each day before dawn, jostling for a spot across a small pond from the main temple complex. There they would attempt to take photos of the sunrise in an atmosphere resembling a mosh pit.

These days, it’s very different. The Southeast Asian nation is hoping to notch a million international visitors this year—a big increase on the paltry number of visitors it welcomed in 2021, but a huge fall from the 7 million that visited in 2019 .

Cambodia Welcomes Back Tourists With Cultural Shows

As tourists elbow through the crowd to take selfies at Rome’s Trevi Fountain, or swarm the Strip in Las Vegas, many once crowded tourist spots in Asia-Pacific, like Angkor Wat, remain eerily quiet.

In June, the white sand beaches of Boracay—the most popular island in the Philippine archipelago—were largely free of foreigners . Earlier this month, tourist boat operators on Phi Phi —the Thai islands made world famous by Hollywood movie The Beach (2000)—were complaining that visitor numbers were “not even half” their pre-pandemic levels . In nearby Phuket, and in the Thai capital Bangkok, guides and drivers told TIME that they had had no income for over two years.

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A two-and-a-half hour flight away in Hong Kong, there are concerns that the iconic Star Ferry—once rated the world’s “ most exciting ferry ride ”—could go bust for lack of passengers. Japan, which hosted more than 30 million tourists in 2019, welcomed just 1,500 leisure travelers between June and July—normally peak travel season. In April, dive instructors and hotel staff in Palau told TIME that tourists, which accounted for almost 50% of the pristine Pacific nation’s GDP before the pandemic, hadn’t yet returned in meaningful numbers.


Asian tourism’s uneven recovery

According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization, international tourist arrivals in Asia-Pacific, from January to May 2022, were 90% below 2019 levels—making it the worst performing region globally. Many experts predict that it will continue to lag behind.

Domestic and international traffic within Asia-Pacific this year is expected to reach only 68% of 2019’s figures. Travel is not forecast to hit pre-pandemic levels until 2025, a year behind the rest of the world, according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA). For some destinations, the rebound may take even longer. Tourism in India won’t fully recover until 2026, according to a report by National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER).

Asia’s slower recovery is due to myriad factors like the staged opening of markets, the phased restoration of routes and capacity, and the “consumer misperception” that traveling to the region is complex because of ongoing COVID restrictions, says Liz Ortiguera, the CEO of the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA).

But there is no denying that Asia’s pandemic rules can spoil the vacation mood. Bhutan is closed to visitors until September. Singapore still requires people to wear masks indoors. Vietnam requires masks in public places, as does Hong Kong, where a self-funded three-day hotel quarantine is required for all arrivals, followed by several days of medical surveillance at home. The latter involves twice-daily temperature checks, uploading daily RAT test results to a government website, and taking three PCR tests in a five-day period.

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Japan is currently requiring tourists to join organized tours. That’s been difficult for Kyoto tour guide and taxi driver Hiroshi Yano , who has depended on government subsidies, and ferrying locals around instead of tourists, to make ends meet during the pandemic. He says there’s much less work without the millions of tourists that used to flock to Kyoto each year, walking from temple to temple to take photos dressed in rented kimonos. “Not only I, but other small-scale businesses, like small hotels and restaurants, are still suffering,” he tells TIME.

The absence of Chinese travelers is a particularly big problem for the region. Thirteen Asian countries relied on China as their top source of visitors, and they were the second-largest source for another six economies, according to the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Travel-ready Index for 2022 . But fearing that its citizens may return home with the virus, Beijing has been restricting “unnecessary” overseas travel as part of its draconian pandemic measures . The recent stranding of thousands of domestic travelers in China’s resort island Hainan, after a COVID outbreak there, will also make many reluctant to risk travel within China itself.

Once Overcrowded Kyoto Now Longs for Foreign Tourists

Some destinations are faring better than others. The Maldives, which receives a big portion of its tourists from nearby India , is among places seeing a quicker rebound. Steven Schipani, a principal tourism industry specialist at the Asian Development Bank, says that the Maldives’ international visitor arrivals are now close to pre-pandemic levels, thanks to a rapid vaccination campaign, good air connectivity with large source markets, and streamlined entry requirements.

June arrivals in Fiji were meanwhile 73% of the same month pre-pandemic. And even though COVID restrictions remain in Indonesia, Andrew Roberts, who owns the Padang Padang surf camp in Bali, tells TIME that he’s seen a steady flow of tourists coming back to surf the island’s world-class breaks, such as the towering waves of Uluwatu. Accommodation at the camp has been at pre-pandemic occupancy levels for some weeks now.

Asia-Pacific travel is “a sleeping dragon that is waking up in stages,” says Ortiguera. “Recovery is highly uneven right now, but domestic tourism has developed, travelers have been attracted from new source markets and more lesser-known destinations are being marketed.”

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She argues that this is a pivotal time for a shift towards a healthier, more sustainable travel industry—and indeed, many see this moment as a chance to do away with over-tourism.

“Over-dependence on international tourism and the need for some Asia-Pacific countries to diversify their economies was an issue even before the pandemic,” Schipani says. “Now, many countries are redoubling their economic diversification efforts.”

Tourism workers on the front line, though, are pinning their hopes on a quick rebound. Yen, in Cambodia, plans to go back to Angkor Wat to work as a tour guide as soon as he can. “I can earn much more as a tour guide than as a teacher,” he says. “I can meet many people around from around the world and get new experiences.”

In Hong Kong, 32-year-old Carrie Poon, misses her old life. Before the pandemic, she led food tours, taking mostly American and European visitors to off-the-beaten track neighborhoods to try local delicacies like fish balls and rice rolls—even snake soup for the more adventurous. But when Hong Kong sealed its borders, she lost her income and decided to open a small restaurant.

“I loved my tour guide [life] so much,” she says. “If I could choose I would definitely pick the tour guide job but it’s, like, what can you do?”

— With reporting by Aidyn Fitzpatrick/Phi Phi, Thailand

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Write to Amy Gunia/Hong Kong at [email protected]

Tourist Arrivals | Asia

This page displays a table with actual values, consensus figures, forecasts, statistics and historical data charts for - tourist arrivals. this page provides values for tourist arrivals reported in several countries part of asia. the table has current values for tourist arrivals, previous releases, historical highs and record lows, release frequency, reported unit and currency plus links to historical data charts.,   trade,   markets,   gdp,   labour,   prices,   money,   government,   business,   consumer,   housing,   taxes,   energy,   health,   climate.

Japan sees record 17.78 million visitors in first half of 2024

East Asian country sees tourism burst past pre-pandemic levels as weak yen draws record visitors.


Japan welcomed a record 17.78 million foreign visitors in the first half of 2024, the country’s tourism agency has said, as the weak yen helped drive tourist numbers above pre-pandemic levels.

The January-June figure announced by the Japan National Tourism Organization on Friday is more than one million more people than the previous high of 16.63 million in 2019.

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Japan is experiencing a tourism boom as a slump in the yen boosts the spending power of foreigners who receive their earnings in stronger currencies.

South Koreans were the biggest visitor group, totalling 4.4 million arrivals, followed by Chinese, Taiwanese and Americans.

The influx of visitors has delivered a much-needed boost to Japan’s economy, which has struggled with stagnant growth for decades, but also prompted grumbles from some locals.

In May, authorities in Fujikawaguchiko, Yamanashi prefecture erected a barrier to stop tourists from swarming a popular viewing spot for Mount Fuji.

Kyoto’s local council has also banned tourists from entering alleyways in the traditional district of Gion following reports of visitors harassing geishas.

Last month, the mayor of Himeji, Hideyasu Kiyomoto, caused a stir when he said he would consider charging foreigners six times as much as locals to enter the city’s UNESCO-listed castle.

Travel, Tourism & Hospitality

  • Total travel and tourism GDP contribution Southeast Asia 2015-2033

In 2022, the travel and tourism industry contributed just over 241.7 billion U.S. dollars to the GDP in Southeast Asia. Comparatively, this value was 379.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2019. GDP contributions from this industry in Southeast Asia saw consistent increases throughout the past decade until they halved in 2020 due to the global pandemic.

Tourism in Southeast Asia is recovering

The number of tourists in Southeast Asia increased significantly in the last decade. While the COVID-19 pandemic affected the tourism sector heavily, the Southeast Asian region is recovering the fastest by international tourist arrivals to the Asia-Pacific region . Southeast Asia was also the Asian subregion with the highest year-on-year change in the monthly number of international tourist arrivals , especially from January to March. 

Importance of the tourism industry in Southeast Asia

As tourism in Southeast Asia contributes highly to the GDP, many countries are dependent on tourism to stimulate their newly emerging economies. In addition to the monetary value, the tourism industry contributes significantly to employment in Southeast Asian countries. Indonesia falls into the top five leading countries with the highest total contribution of travel and tourism to employment worldwide . To maintain and even encourage the growth of the tourism sector, both regarding domestic and international tourists, many Southeast Asian countries are initiating programs such as easier visa attainment and the establishment of low-cost airlines to stimulate the tourism industry.   

Total contribution of travel and tourism to the GDP in Southeast Asia from 2015 to 2022, with forecasts for 2023 and 2033 (in billion U.S. dollars)

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2015 to 2022

*Does not include Timor-Leste. **Forecast.

Other statistics on the topic Tourism industry in the Asia-Pacific region

  • Travel and tourism: share of global GDP 2019-2034
  • Tourist arrivals SEA 2022, by country

Leisure Travel

  • Number of international tourist arrivals APAC 2013-2022, by subregion
  • Inbound visitor growth APAC 2021-2025, by subregion
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Statistics on " Tourism industry in the Asia-Pacific region "

  • Total travel and tourism GDP contribution APAC 2022-2033, by country
  • Outbound visitor growth APAC 2021-2025, by subregion
  • Travel and tourism's direct contribution to employment APAC 2022, by country
  • Travel services share of service exports APAC 2022, by country
  • Travel services share of service imports APAC 2022, by country
  • Online travel market scale APAC 2023, by country
  • Value of international tourism spending APAC 2022, by country
  • Value of domestic tourism spending APAC 2022, by country
  • Value of domestic tourism expenditure Southeast Asia 2013-2022
  • Most expensive cities for business travel APAC Q4 2022, by daily cost
  • YoY change in monthly international tourist arrivals APAC 2023, by subregion
  • Tourist arrivals ASEAN 2013-2022
  • Tourist arrivals ASEAN 2021, by country or region of origin
  • Monthly travel accommodation occupancy rate APAC 2020-2023
  • YoY change in monthly number of hotel bookings APAC 2023, by subregion
  • YoY change in monthly international seat capacity APAC 2023
  • YoY change in monthly domestic seat capacity APAC 2023
  • Usage of online travel agencies Asia 2023, by country
  • Usage of online travel agencies for package holidays Asia 2023, by country
  • Usage of online travel agencies for transportation Asia 2023, by country
  • Usage of online travel agencies for accommodation Asia 2023, by country
  • Usage of online travel agencies for car rental Asia 2023, by country
  • Most used online travel agencies Asia 2023, by country

Other statistics that may interest you Tourism industry in the Asia-Pacific region

  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism: share of global GDP 2019-2034
  • Basic Statistic Total travel and tourism GDP contribution APAC 2022-2033, by country
  • Basic Statistic Total travel and tourism GDP contribution Southeast Asia 2015-2033
  • Premium Statistic Inbound visitor growth APAC 2021-2025, by subregion
  • Premium Statistic Outbound visitor growth APAC 2021-2025, by subregion
  • Premium Statistic Number of international tourist arrivals APAC 2013-2022, by subregion

Economic impact

  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism's direct contribution to employment APAC 2022, by country
  • Premium Statistic Travel services share of service exports APAC 2022, by country
  • Premium Statistic Travel services share of service imports APAC 2022, by country
  • Premium Statistic Online travel market scale APAC 2023, by country

Tourism expenditure

  • Basic Statistic Value of international tourism spending APAC 2022, by country
  • Basic Statistic Value of domestic tourism spending APAC 2022, by country
  • Basic Statistic Value of domestic tourism expenditure Southeast Asia 2013-2022
  • Premium Statistic Most expensive cities for business travel APAC Q4 2022, by daily cost
  • Premium Statistic YoY change in monthly international tourist arrivals APAC 2023, by subregion
  • Premium Statistic Tourist arrivals ASEAN 2013-2022
  • Premium Statistic Tourist arrivals SEA 2022, by country
  • Premium Statistic Tourist arrivals ASEAN 2021, by country or region of origin

Occupancy rates

  • Premium Statistic Monthly travel accommodation occupancy rate APAC 2020-2023
  • Premium Statistic YoY change in monthly number of hotel bookings APAC 2023, by subregion
  • Premium Statistic YoY change in monthly international seat capacity APAC 2023
  • Premium Statistic YoY change in monthly domestic seat capacity APAC 2023

Online travel

  • Premium Statistic Usage of online travel agencies Asia 2023, by country
  • Premium Statistic Usage of online travel agencies for package holidays Asia 2023, by country
  • Premium Statistic Usage of online travel agencies for transportation Asia 2023, by country
  • Premium Statistic Usage of online travel agencies for accommodation Asia 2023, by country
  • Premium Statistic Usage of online travel agencies for car rental Asia 2023, by country
  • Premium Statistic Most used online travel agencies Asia 2023, by country

Further related statistics

  • Basic Statistic Economic contribution of tourism in Northern Ireland 2013
  • Basic Statistic Tourism sector contribution to GDP by nation in the UK 2013
  • Premium Statistic Italy: areas to improve for a better promotion of national tourism in 2017
  • Premium Statistic Expected challenges from tourism in Norway in 2019
  • Premium Statistic Opinions about the tourism industry in Norway in 2019
  • Premium Statistic Wishes about the development of the number of tourists in Norway 2019
  • Premium Statistic Wishes about the development of the number of tourists in Norway 2019, by region
  • Premium Statistic Impact of tourism on jobs in Poland 2018
  • Premium Statistic Direct contribution of tourism to GVA NSW, Australia FY 2023, by industry
  • Basic Statistic Total tourism contribution to GDP in Denmark 2019-2021
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism's contribution to GDP in Norway 2017, by type
  • Premium Statistic Uruguay: number of tourism employees 2019, by industry
  • Premium Statistic Tourism establishments in Mexico 2020, by industry
  • Premium Statistic Seniors' tourism in comparison with younger people in Poland 2018
  • Premium Statistic Revenue of companies in the tourism industry in Romania 2019-2020, by type
  • Basic Statistic Direct contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in Qatar 2012-2028
  • Basic Statistic Main nationalities of tourist arrivals in Angola 2021

Further Content: You might find this interesting as well

  • Economic contribution of tourism in Northern Ireland 2013
  • Tourism sector contribution to GDP by nation in the UK 2013
  • Italy: areas to improve for a better promotion of national tourism in 2017
  • Expected challenges from tourism in Norway in 2019
  • Opinions about the tourism industry in Norway in 2019
  • Wishes about the development of the number of tourists in Norway 2019
  • Wishes about the development of the number of tourists in Norway 2019, by region
  • Impact of tourism on jobs in Poland 2018
  • Direct contribution of tourism to GVA NSW, Australia FY 2023, by industry
  • Total tourism contribution to GDP in Denmark 2019-2021
  • Travel and tourism's contribution to GDP in Norway 2017, by type
  • Uruguay: number of tourism employees 2019, by industry
  • Tourism establishments in Mexico 2020, by industry
  • Seniors' tourism in comparison with younger people in Poland 2018
  • Revenue of companies in the tourism industry in Romania 2019-2020, by type
  • Direct contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in Qatar 2012-2028
  • Main nationalities of tourist arrivals in Angola 2021


  1. Tourism industry in the Asia-Pacific region

    Find the latest statistics and facts about tertiary education in Asia Pacific. ... However, international tourism in the Asia-Pacific region is still significantly lower than pre-pandemic levels.

  2. International tourism, number of arrivals

    International tourism, number of arrivals - East Asia & Pacific. World Tourism Organization, Yearbook of Tourism Statistics, Compendium of Tourism Statistics and data files. License : CC BY-4.0. LineBarMap. Also Show Share Details. Label. 1995 - 2019.

  3. Tourism Statistics

    Tourism Statistics. Get the latest and most up-to-date tourism statistics for all the countries and regions around the world. Data on inbound, domestic and outbound tourism is available, as well as on tourism industries, employment and complementary indicators. All statistical tables available are displayed and can be accessed individually ...

  4. APAC: international tourist arrivals by subregion 2022

    Number of international tourist arrivals in Asia-Pacific region from 2013 to 2022, by subregion (in millions) [Graph], World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism), September 20, 2023. [Online].

  5. The UN Tourism Data Dashboard

    International Tourism and COVID-19. Export revenues from international tourism dropped 62% in 2020 and 59% in 2021, versus 2019 (real terms) and then rebounded in 2022, remaining 34% below pre-pandemic levels. The total loss in export revenues from tourism amounts to USD 2.6 trillion for that three-year period. Go to Dashboard.

  6. 145 key tourism statistics

    145 key tourism statistics. Data are collected from countries by UN Tourism through a series of yearly questionnaires that are in line with the International Recommendations for Tourism Statistics (IRTS 2008) standard led by UN Tourism and approved by the United Nations. The latest update took place in 31 January 2024. Access the data by ...

  7. Tourism on Track for Full Recovery as New Data Shows Strong ...

    The second UNWTO World Tourism Barometer of the year shows that the sector's swift recovery has continued into 2023. It shows that: Overall, international arrivals reached 80% of pre-pandemic levels in the first quarter of 2023. An estimated 235 million tourists travelled internationally in the first three months, more than double the same ...

  8. UNWTO/GTERC Asia Tourism Trends

    The UNWTO/GTERC Asia Tourism Trends - 2020 Edition is the seventh report in this series. In light of the severe impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the tourism sector, the first chapter provides an analysis on the socioeconomic environment in Asia and the Pacific, supported by the latest international tourism trends for the region.

  9. UNWTO/GTERC Asia Tourism Trends

    Abstract: The UNWTO/GTERC Asia Tourism Trends - 2020 Edition is the seventh report in this series. In light of the severe impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the tourism sector, the first chapter provides an analysis on the socioeconomic environment in Asia and the Pacific, supported by the latest international tourism trends for the region.

  10. ASEAN Visitor Arrivals Dashboard

    Datasource: © ASEANstats 2018 | Terms and Conditions of Use. About; Contact Us; Help

  11. Industry Data

    Comprehensive Tourism Data for Better Decision-Making. Developed in partnership with leading consultants, PATA's research reports, tools and initiatives allow travel professionals to stay up-to-date with international visitor data and overall travel trends shaping the industry. In addition to in-house reports, PATA also reviews, endorses, and ...

  12. APAC: international tourist arrivals by country or region

    World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism), Number of international tourist arrivals in the Asia Pacific region in 2019, by country or region (in millions) Statista, ...

  13. Tourism Recovery Halfway to Pre-Pandemic Levels

    The speed of tourism recovery in Asia & Pacific in 2023 faces both upside and downside risks. The reversal of zero-COVID policy and easing of travel restrictions for inbound and outbound tourists in China could boost overall tourist inflows in the Asia & Pacific region in 2023 and make tourism recovery more broad-based.

  14. Tourism

    Tourism has massively increased in recent decades. Aviation has opened up travel from domestic to international. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of international visits had more than doubled since 2000. Tourism can be important for both the travelers and the people in the countries they visit. For visitors, traveling can increase their ...

  15. Countries ranked by International tourism, number of arrivals

    International tourism, number of arrivals - Country Ranking - Asia. Definition: International inbound tourists (overnight visitors) are the number of tourists who travel to a country other than that in which they have their usual residence, but outside their usual environment, for a period not exceeding 12 months and whose main purpose in visiting is other than an activity remunerated from ...

  16. Asia-Pacific travel and tourism statistics in 2023

    Fortunately, in 2023 the APAC region has started to see a positive trend.From digital trends in tourism to the rise in sustainable travel, in this article, we will identify the most prominent trends in travel and tourism in 2022 within the Asia-Pacific region. These statistics will provide tour and activity operators with valuable insight to ...

  17. UNWTO/GTERC Asia Tourism Trends

    The UNWTO/GTERC Asia Tourism Trends - 2018 Edition, the fifth annual report in the series, highlights the rapidly growing tourism sector in Asia and the Pacific.In recognition of the European Union-China Tourism Year 2018, one chapter examines the international tourism flows between China, the largest Asian economy, and the 28 countries of the European Union.

  18. Asia's Tourist Destinations Struggle to Come Back to Life

    Tourism Is Surging in the U.S. and Europe. But in Asia, Many Destinations Are Struggling to Come Back to Life. H uoch Yen worked hard to become a tour guide at Cambodia's famed Angkor Wat ...

  19. Tourist Arrivals

    This page displays a table with actual values, consensus figures, forecasts, statistics and historical data charts for - Tourist Arrivals. This page provides values for Tourist Arrivals reported in several countries part of Asia. The table has current values for Tourist Arrivals, previous releases, historical highs and record lows, release frequency, reported unit and currency plus links to ...

  20. Travel & Tourism

    The Travel & Tourism market in in Asia is projected to grow by 4.47% (2024-2029) resulting in a market volume of US$363.60bn in 2029.

  21. Tourism Authority of Kiribati: TAK Releases 2024 First Quarter Tourism

    Kiribati - 2 July 2024 - The Tourism Authority of Kiribati has published its Quarter 1 Tourism Industry Review for 2024, revealing exciting growth in the sector. ... is a not-for-profit membership association that acts as a catalyst for the responsible development of travel and tourism to, from, and within the Asia Pacific region. Youth ...

  22. Japan sees record 17.78 million visitors in first half of 2024

    Japan welcomed a record 17.78 million foreign visitors in the first half of 2024, the country's tourism agency has said, as the weak yen helped drive tourist numbers above pre-pandemic levels.

  23. Mass protest on Spanish island Mallorca calls for 'limits on tourism'

    Around 50,000 people took part in the protest on Sunday, which began at around 7 p.m. local time time (1 p.m. ET) according to organizers Menys Turisme, Mas Vida (Less Tourism, More Life ...

  24. SEA: tourist arrivals by country

    Value of domestic tourism expenditure Southeast Asia 2013-2022 Most expensive cities for business travel APAC Q4 2022, by daily cost The most important statistics

  25. The Greek islands are grappling with a water crisis as tourist season

    The Greek Islands, known for their idyllic towns, rugged landscapes and sun-baked beaches, are in the grip of a serious crisis. Many are running alarmingly low on water — a problem set to get ...

  26. Charting a New Course for Qatar's Economic Diversification ...

    Visitor arrivals in 2023 were nearly twice pre-pandemic levels, and tourism this year reached new heights. Hosting the World Cup has accelerated Qatar's economic diversification into non-hydrocarbon sectors as its massive public infrastructure investment program since 2011 built out everything from ports and roads to metro and airports.

  27. ASEAN: tourist arrivals

    Value of domestic tourism expenditure Southeast Asia 2013-2022; Most expensive cities for business travel APAC Q4 2022, by daily cost; The most important statistics.

  28. Southeast Asia: travel and tourism GDP contribution 2033

    Total travel and tourism GDP contribution Southeast Asia 2015-2033. In 2022, the travel and tourism industry contributed just over 241.7 billion U.S. dollars to the GDP in Southeast Asia ...