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What is TravelTime?

Create a Travel Time Map

Travel time map generator & isochrones, i know i can get from a to b by public transport within my selected time, but it's not showing up.

  • Walking to the station platform
  • Waiting for the next available departure
  • Time spent boarding the train
  • Giving enough time to take the A to B journey
  • Depart on the station on the other side.

You can't drive that far / you can drive much further than that"

  • Open another mapping app of your choice and enter an A to B route
  • Select a departure time for tomorrow.

Still not convinced?

About this tool, what is a travel time map, how to create a drive time radius map or other modes.

  • Select a start location
  • Select a maximum travel time limit
  • Select a mode of transport, for example driving
  • Voila! There's your driving radius map

Use cases for consumers

  • Create a commute time map so you can see where to live based on commute time.
  • How far can i travel in a given time: compare transport coverage for different areas.
  • Create a drive time radius map: explore how far you can travel on a road trip.

Use cases for businesses

  • Travel time mapping up to 4 hours & cross reference other data sets in GIS such as population data
  • Site selection analysis: analyse the best location to locate a business by adding thousands of analysis points
  • Create a distance matrix or travel time matrix & calculate travel times from thousands of origins to thousands of destinations
  • Network analysis / travelling salesman problem: use spatial analytics to solve routing problems
  • Commute time map - plot thousands of employee commute times for an office relocation
  • Create up to 3 time polygons visualising where's reachable within 2 hours or less. Our API can create large travel time areas, talk to sales.
  • Calculate travel times from an origin to various points of interest - in this demo we use points from Foursquare Give A to B routing details

Full access

  • Book a demo
  • Trial TravelTime API
  • Trial QGIS Plugin
  • Trial ArcGIS Pro Add-In
  • Trial Alteryx Macros

TravelTime Features

  • See 'How far can I get' in X minutes
  • Create a drive time map or any other transport mode
  • Overlap many shapes & highlight overlap area
  • Search points of interest within the area
  • Get A to B routing details

Speed Distance Time Calculator

Please enter the speed and distance values to calculate the travel time in hours, minutes and seconds.

About Speed Distance Time Calculator

This online calculator tool can be a great help for calculating time basing on such physical concepts as speed and distance. Therefore, in order to calculate the time, both distance and speed parameters must be entered. For the speed , you need to enter its value and select speed unit by using the scroll down menu in the calculator. For distance , you should enter its value and also select the proper length measurement unit from the scroll down menu. You'll receive the result in standard time format (HH:MM:SS).

Time Speed Distance Formula

Distance is equal to speed × time. Time is equal Distance/Speed.

Calculate Time from Distance and Speed Examples

Recent comments.

Going 65mph for 30 seconds how far would you get? None of these formulas work without distance. How would I find the distance from time and speed?

if i travel 0.01 inches per second and I need to travel 999999999 kilometers, it takes 556722071 Days and 20:24:34 WHAT

4. How long does it take to do 100m at 3kph ? No I thought you would just divide 100 ÷ 3 = which 33.33333 so 33 seconds or so I thought. But apparently it 2 mins.

This was the best tool ive ever used that was on point from speed to distance and time Calculator

This was somewhat unhelpful as I know the time and distance, but not the speed. Would be helpful if this calculator also could solve the other two as well.

If a total distance of 2 miles is driven, with the first mile being driven at a speed of 15mph, and the second mile driven at a speed of 45 mph: What is the average speed of the full 2 mile trip?

hi sorry im newly introduced to this and i dont understand how to use it but in need to find the distance if i was travelling in the average speed of 15km/hr in 4 hours how far would i travel

D= 697 km T= 8 hours and 12 minutes S= ?

if a train is going 130 miles in 50 minutes, how fast is it going in miles per hour ??

whats the speed if you travel 2000 miles in 20hours?

How long would it take me to drive to Mars at 100 miles per hour and how much gas would I use in a 2000 Ford Mustang000000/ Also, how much CO2 would I release into the air?

great tool helped me alot

A car can go from rest to 45 km/hr in 5 seconds. What is its acceleration?

Guys how much time will a cyclist take to cover 132 METRES With a speed of 8 km/ph

@Mike Depends on how fast that actually is. For every 10 mph above 60, but below 120, you save 5 seconds a mile. But between the 30-60 area, every ten saves 10 seconds a mile (if I am remembering correctly), and every 10 between 15-30 is 20 seconds. Realistically, it isn't likely isn't worth it, unless it is a relatively straight drive with no stops, in which case you will likely go up a gear for the drive and thus improve gas efficiency for the trip. Only really saves time if it is over long trips 300+ miles (in which case, assuming you were on the interstate) that 5 seconds a mile would save you 25 minutes from the drive, making it go from 4h35m to 4h10m. For me, I have family across the U.S., so family visits are usually 900-1400 miles. Even only driving 5 above usually saves me 90-150 minutes or so (since I often have stretches where I drive on US highways which have 55 mph speed limits)

I would like to know if driving fast is worth it for short trips. If I drive 10 MPH over the speed limit for 10 miles, how much time do i save ? Is there an equation for that ?

it helps me in lot of stuff

awesome, helped me notice how long my taiga (electric seedoo) is going to last.

Very good! This helped me a lot.

Here's how the Drive Time Calculator works and how to use it:

Step 1: Input Values

  • Trip Distance: Start by entering the distance of your journey in kilometres (km) or miles. This is the total distance you'll be covering during your drive.
  • Average Drive Speed: Input the average speed at which you'll be driving in either kilometers per hour (km/h) or miles per hour (mph). This is the speed you expect to maintain during the journey.
  • Total Breaks Time: Estimate the total time you plan to spend on breaks during the drive. This includes rest stops, meal breaks, and any other stops you anticipate making along the way.
  • Departure Time: Enter the time you plan to start your journey. This will help the calculator determine the estimated time of arrival.

Step 2: Calculate Results

  • Once you've entered all the required values, click the "Calculate" button or similar action provided by the calculator.

Plan your road trips with precision using our Drive Time Calculator. Estimate travel time, arrival schedules, and expenses for your car journey. Our user-friendly tool empowers you to make informed decisions and optimize your road trip experience. Explore the Drive Time Calculator at for smarter travel planning.

Drive Time Calculator to Calculate Driving Times, Trip Distances, ETAs, and More!

Drive Time Calculator Sign

This free online Driving Times Calculator will calculate the number of hours and minutes it will take you to arrive at your destination based on the number of miles or kilometers you plan to drive, combined with the average speed (MPH or KMH) you expect to drive and the number and lengths of stops you expect to make.

The calculator also includes an optional Driving Distance Calculator that will calculate the distance between two cities, addresses, or points, plus map your route and give you turn-by-turn directions.

And finally, this car and truck driving time calculator will estimate your fuel costs, tell you what date and time you will arrive at your destination -- including any time zone variations, plus show you what effect driving faster or slower will have on your arrival time.

Also on the page:

  • What Time To Leave Calculator
  • Driving Hours Calculator

Drive Time Calculator

Calculate distance, driving times, ETA, and trip fuel-costs based on average speed and optional stops and time zones.

Selected Data Record:

A Data Record is a set of calculator entries that are stored in your web browser's Local Storage. If a Data Record is currently selected in the "Data" tab, this line will list the name you gave to that data record. If no data record is selected, or you have no entries stored for this calculator, the line will display "None".

Destination address:

Enter the address of the destination location.

After clicking the Get Distance button the address will be added to the dropdown menu and to your web browser's memory (if you browser supports Local Storage) for later use.

Note that the address you enter will be replaced by the address returned by Google Maps.

To clear a previously entered address, select it from the menu and click the Delete (X) button.

To clear all previously entered addresses, tap the Del Delete Delete All Delete All Addresses button in the button row.

Distance Calculator Button Row:

After entering the starting and destination addresses, click the Get Distance button (you may need to click a second time if map fails to appear). Once the map has appeared you can select Show Map, Show Directions, Show Both, or Show Neither.

Note that you can drag the address markers to new locations, at which time the distance, map, and directions should update automatically.

To clear all saved addresses, click the Del Delete Delete All Delete All Addresses button.

Map driving distance:

This is the driving distance according to Google Maps. For your convenience it will be added to the distance field in the Drive Time Calculator.

Map's estimated drive time:

This is the estimated drive time according to Google Maps. You can use this to compare with the results generated by the Drive Time Calculator.

Map's average speed:

This is the estimated average speed according to Google Maps. You can use this to compare with your own estimate.

Trip distance:

If you used the optional Driving Distance Calculator, and it worked correctly, this field should already be filled in. If not, enter the number of units (miles or kilometers) you plan on driving.

Average speed (MPH or KPH):

Select the average speed you plan to drive in miles per hour (MPH) or kilometers per hour (KPH).

Or, if you want to estimate travel times for speeds greater than 200 (jet, future commuter rail, Amtrak, high speed trains, etc.), enter the higher speed in the other field on this line.

Or, if one or more segements of your trip have significantly different speed limits, be sure you have entered the Trip distance in the previous row, and then tap the grid icon next to the selection menu to open the Average Speed Calculator . There you can enter up to 6 different distances, each with their own separate speed limits.

Change the distance and speed starting with the first row and working from top row to bottom row. After changing and tabbing out of one distance row, the next row will be filled-in with the total distance remaining to be allocated to a speed limit.

Once you are done allocating distances to speeds, tap the Close button at the bottom to close this mini-calculator. This will automatically set the average speed selection menu to the calculated average speed.

Departure date and time:

If you want to have the drive time calculator calculate your estimated date and time of arrival, select your departure date and time.

Optional Entries & Settings:

Click the plus (+) button to expand the optional settings. These include stop times, time zone, fuel cost, and speed comparison settings.

If you would like to adjust the drive time based on any expected stops, you can:

  • Enter the total number of minutes in the far right-hand field.
  • Select the number of stops and the average hours and minutes for each.
  • Tap the Stops button in this row to open a custom stops form where you can customize each individual stop time (hour and minutes).

Note that changing the average hours and minutes will reset the custom stop fields to the average hours and minutes.

Compare average speed:

The results will include a chart comparing the driving and arrival times at speeds above and below the average speed you entered. Change the select menus in this row if you wish to customize the chart.

Destination time zone (DTZ):

If your trip will cover more than one time zone, select the number of hours the destination time zone is ahead or behind the time zone of the starting location.

Fuel cost factors:

If you would like the calculator to estimate your fuel cost for the trip, enter your vehicle's fuel usage rating and the cost per unit of fuel. Both fields must be filled in for the fuel cost to calculate.

MPG: Miles Per Gallon.

KPL: Kilometers Per Liter.

Drive time:

Based on your entries, this is the estimated number of hours and minutes it will take you to reach your destination.

Arrival date and time:

Based on your entries, this the estimated date and time you will arrive at your destination. If you indicated your destination is in a different time zone, this field will include the Destination Time Zone (DTZ) date and time in parenthesis.

Trip fuel cost:

If you completed the fuel related fields optional entry section of the calculator, this line will show the estimated cost of fuel for the trip.

If you would like to save the current entries and results to the device you are using, tap or click on the Data tab and then tap or click on the Save button. If you upgrade your Basic, Local Storage subscription to the Cloud Storage acess level, you can save multiple sets of entries for this calculator to the secure online database, which makes them accessable from any device.

Related Calculators

Help and tools, what time to leave calculator and a driving hours calculator., what time do i have to leave to get there on time.

Once you have used the travel time calculator on this page to get the hours and minutes of your journey, use the following calculator to estimate what time you will have to leave by to get to your destination by a specified time and date.

Note that for every hour you expect to encounter metropolitan rush hour traffic (6am to 10pm or 4pm to 8pm), you may want to add at least 1 hour to your drive time.

Actual Drive Time Calculator

Use the following calculator to total up your actual driving hours for your trip. You can enter start and stop times using am and pm or using military time (leave am/pm blank), or you can enter just the hours and minutes for each segment between stops.

If you have any suggestions for other bonus calculators for this page, please let me know using the expandable feedback form beneath the Drive Time Calculator.

Adjust Calculator Width:

Move the slider to left and right to adjust the calculator width. Note that the Help and Tools panel will be hidden when the calculator is too wide to fit both on the screen. Moving the slider to the left will bring the instructions and tools panel back into view.

Also note that some calculators will reformat to accommodate the screen size as you make the calculator wider or narrower. If the calculator is narrow, columns of entry rows will be converted to a vertical entry form, whereas a wider calculator will display columns of entry rows, and the entry fields will be smaller in size ... since they will not need to be "thumb friendly".

Show/Hide Popup Keypads:

Select Show or Hide to show or hide the popup keypad icons located next to numeric entry fields. These are generally only needed for mobile devices that don't have decimal points in their numeric keypads. So if you are on a desktop, you may find the calculator to be more user-friendly and less cluttered without them.

Stick/Unstick Tools:

Select Stick or Unstick to stick or unstick the help and tools panel. Selecting "Stick" will keep the panel in view while scrolling the calculator vertically. If you find that annoying, select "Unstick" to keep the panel in a stationary position.

If the tools panel becomes "Unstuck" on its own, try clicking "Unstick" and then "Stick" to re-stick the panel.

Savvy Calculator

Travel Time Calculator


In the fast-paced world of travel and transportation, optimizing the time spent on journeys is essential. The Travel Time Calculator emerges as a handy tool, offering a swift solution to estimate travel durations. Whether planning a road trip, commuting, or scheduling flights, this calculator proves invaluable for individuals seeking accurate and efficient travel time predictions.

The Travel Time Calculator relies on a simple formula to determine the duration of a journey. The formula is expressed as:

Travel Time=Distance Speed Travel Time = Speed Distance ​

Here, the distance represents the length of the journey, and the speed denotes the average speed at which the travel occurs. The result is the estimated time required to cover the specified distance.

How to Use?

Utilizing the Travel Time Calculator is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to obtain quick and accurate travel time estimates:

  • Enter Distance : Input the distance of your journey. This could be in miles, kilometers, or any other relevant unit.
  • Specify Average Speed : Enter the average speed at which you anticipate traveling. This speed should reflect the overall pace of your journey, considering factors such as speed limits and road conditions.
  • Click Calculate or Submit : Most calculators feature a button to initiate the computation. Clicking this button will generate the estimated travel time based on the provided distance and speed.
  • Review the Output : The calculator will display the estimated travel time, allowing you to plan your schedule with precision.

Consider a road trip covering a distance of 300 miles, with an anticipated average speed of 60 miles per hour. Using the Travel Time Calculator, the estimated travel time would be calculated as follows:

Travel Time=300 miles60 mph=5 hours  Travel Time = 60 mph 300 miles ​ = 5 hours

Q: Can the Travel Time Calculator account for variations in speed during a journey? A: The calculator provides an average travel time based on the entered average speed. For more detailed calculations, consider segmenting the journey into different legs with varying speeds.

Q: Is the Travel Time Calculator suitable for air travel? A: While the calculator primarily focuses on ground travel, it can provide rough estimates for air travel based on the average speed of the flight.

Q: Does the calculator consider factors like traffic and stops? A: The Travel Time Calculator offers a basic estimate and may not account for variables like traffic, stops, or delays. It’s advisable to use it as a planning tool and adjust for real-time conditions.


The Travel Time Calculator is a valuable companion for anyone planning journeys, whether for business or leisure. By providing quick and reliable estimates, it facilitates effective time management and helps individuals make informed decisions about their travel schedules. Embracing this calculator empowers travelers to plan their trips with confidence, ensuring they reach their destinations on time and with minimal hassle.

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Speed, Distance & Time Calculator

Use this speed calculator to easily calculate the average speed, distance travelled and the trip duration of a vehicle: car, bus, train, bike, motorcycle, plane etc. Works with miles, feet, kilometers, meters, etc..

Related calculators

  • Speed, Distance & Time Calculation
  • Average Speed formula
  • Distance formula
  • Duration (Time) formula
  • How to calculate the average speed of a car?

    Speed, Distance & Time Calculation

In order to use the above speed, distance & time calculator, or do such math on your own, you will need to know two out of three metrics: speed, distance, time. You will need to convert the metrics to the same time and distance units, e.g. miles, kilometers, meters, yards, feet, and hours, minutes or seconds. For example, if you have speed in mph (miles per hour), time should also be in hours. If you have distance in kilometers, then speed should also be in km/h (kilometers per hour).

The unit of the result will depend on the units you input, but our speed calculator will conveniently display additional units where appropriate.

    Average Speed formula

The formula for average speed, also called average velocity in physics and engineering, is:

where v is the velocity, d is the distance, and t is the time, so you can read it as Speed = Distance / Time . As noted above, make sure you convert the units appropriately first, or use our speed calculator which does that automatically. The resulting unit will depend on the units for both time and distance, so if your input was in miles and hours, the speed will be in mph. If it was in meters and seconds, it will be in m/s (meters per second).

Example: If you took a plane from New York to Los Angeles and the flight was 5 hours of air time, what was the speed of the plane, given that the flight path was 2450 miles? The answer is 2450 / 5 = 490 mph (miles per hour) average speed. If you want the result in km/h, you can convert from miles to km to get 788.58 km/h.

    Distance formula

The formula for distance, if you know time (duration) and the average speed, is:

Example: If a truck travelled at an average speed of 80 km per hour for 4 hours, how many miles did it cover in that time? To find the miles covered, first, calculate 80 * 4 = 320 km, then convert km to miles by dividing by 1.6093 or by using our km to miles converter to get the answer: 198.84 miles.

    Duration (Time) formula

The time, or more precisely, the duration of the trip, can be calculated knowing the distance and the average speed using the formula:

where d is the distance travelled, v is the speed (velocity) and t is the time, so you can read it as Time = Distance / Speed . Make sure you convert the units so both their distance and time components match, or use our trip duration calculator above which will handle conversions automatically. For example, if you have distance in miles and speed in km/h, you will need to convert speed to mph or distance to kilometers. The time unit of the result will match the time unit of the speed measure, so if it is measured in something per hour, the result will be in hours. If it is measured in some unit per second, the result will be in seconds.

Example: If a train can travel 500 miles with an average speed of 50 miles per hour, how long it would take it to complete a 500-mile route? To find the answer, use the formula and substitute the values, resulting in 500 / 50 = 10 hours.

    How to calculate the average speed of a car?

Say you travelled a certain distance with a car or another vehicle and you want to calculate what its average speed was. The easiest way to do that would be by using the calculator above, but if you prefer, you can also do the math yourself. Either way, you need to know the distance to a satisfactory approximation, for which you can use a map (e.g. Google Maps) to measure the distance from point to point. Make sure you measure closely to the path you took, and not via a straight line, unless you travelled by air in which case that would be a good approximation. Of course, having a GPS reading of the distance would be more precise. Then you need to know the travel time. Make sure you subtract any rests or stops you made from the total trip duration.

If the total distance travelled was 500 miles and the time it took you was 5 hours, then your average speed was 500 / 5 = 100 miles per hour (mph). If the distance was 300 kilometers and it took you 5 hours to cover it, your speed was 300 / 5 = 60 km/h (kilometers per hour).

Cite this calculator & page

If you'd like to cite this online calculator resource and information as provided on the page, you can use the following citation: Georgiev G.Z., "Speed Distance Time Calculator" , [online] Available at: URL [Accessed Date: 19 Apr, 2024].

     Transportation calculators

  • Travel Time
  • Coordinates
  • Flight Distance
  • Flight Time
  • Route Elevation

travel time in car

Travel Time Calculator

Travel time calculation.

  • Q) I am driving from one city to another city and need to know how long it will take me to get there, where can I find this information?
  • Q) I am traveling cross country and need to know whether I should drive or take a plane, how can I figure out approximately how long it will take to get there by car?
  • Q) I am planning a trip and plan to make a stop along the way... I need to know the time it would take me to get to these 2 locations, how can I get this info?

A) The travel time calculator can give you a good estimate of how long it would take you to get to your destination.

Additionally, you can calculate the time it would take you to drive to your destination and compare that to how long it would take you to fly to your destination.

If you plan on stopping at a particular location along the way, you can calculate how long it would take you to get to and from that stop to your final destination.

Travel Time Information

Knowing the time it takes you to travel to a place is in many cases the deciding factor of which means of travel to take. Cost is usually the other factor.

With the travel time calculator you can figure out whether it's worth driving to your destination or whether you'll get there on time.

Now while driving may often seem like the right choice, certain delays along the way can make your trip take longer.

Delays such as stopping for gas, food or sleep can add to the time it takes you to get there. Poor whether conditions, road work and traffic can also cause delays along the way.

While the travel time calculator can't predict many of these things, it can prepare you for the road and give you an estimate of how long it would take you to get where you need to go.

Additionally, you can also view a road map so that you can see why the trip takes as long as it does.

Get it on Google Play

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Distance Calculator Between Cities for Precise Driving Distances

Efficiently find the distance between cities, including driving distances, estimated travel times, and detailed route maps for any journey in the USA, from cross-country adventures to short drives.

This distance calculator, covering the United States, North America, and worldwide, simplifies your travel planning. Enter your start and end points in the "From" and "To" fields — accepting city names, addresses, or GPS coordinates — and click "Calculate" to get started.

Customize your journey with "Fuel consumption" and "Fuel price" for cost estimates, and use the crosshair icon for map selections. Dive into "Advanced options" to add stops or adjust speeds, tailoring the trip to your pace and ensuring accurate travel time predictions.

Driving Distance Between Two Cities: US Route Examples

  • Distance from Dallas to Houston
  • Distance from Austin to Houston
  • Distance from Seattle to Portland
  • Distance from Dallas to San Antonio
  • Distance from San Francisco to Sacramento
  • Distance from San Francisco to San Diego
  • Distance from Dallas to Chicago
  • Distance from Houston to New Orleans
  • Distance from Denver to Chicago
  • Distance from New York to Chicago

Route Planner for Estimating Distance Between Two Points

Family Vacation Planning : Families planning summer vacations can use the distance calculator to plan their route, estimate fuel costs based on their car's fuel consumption, and calculate budget needs, ensuring a cost-effective and enjoyable journey.

Business Travel Optimization : Professionals can plot the most efficient routes for their business trips, incorporating distance calculations to manage time effectively and budget for travel expenses accurately.

Logistics and Freight Management : Long-haul truckers and freight forwarders can utilize the tool to map out routes between cities, estimate mileage, and calculate transportation costs based on company tariffs, optimizing delivery schedules and pricing.

Meeting Halfway : Friends living in different cities can find a central meeting point by calculating the halfway distance between their locations, making it easier to arrange reunions and share new adventures together.

Explore Functions of the City-to-City Distance Calculator

City distances evolve annually with the construction of new roads, highways, and bridges.

Our online Distance Between Cities Calculator complements your preferred GPS navigator by allowing you to map out your route in advance, while your GPS assists during the drive.

The calculator utilizes OSM data and incorporates key Google Maps functionalities, including:

  • Viewing distances and routes on a map for a comprehensive journey overview.
  • Interactive map features like zoom, drag-and-drop, and full-screen mode.
  • Route customization by adjusting markers directly on the map or adding stops via addresses.
  • Distance calculations in either kilometers or miles, with unit preferences adjustable in the menu.

Exclusive features of our calculator include:

  • The ability to print, save as PDF/PNG, or export routes to GIS and GPS formats such as GPX, KML, and GeoJSON .
  • A route scheme offering a sequence of cities and timing for passing intermediate cities, an efficient alternative to detailed turn-by-turn directions for long distances.
  • Fuel cost estimation adaptable to various fuel types. Just input your vehicle's fuel efficiency.
  • Capability to generate distance matrices, savable in Excel format, for comprehensive planning.

USA, North America, and Worldwide Coverage

138,192 localities covered in United States. 1,971,411 localities worldwide.

This service measures the distance between cities around the world and is available in several languages:

  • English Canada Mileage Calculator
  • Spanish Traza tu ruta por México
  • Portuguese Calculadora de distância entre cidades do Brasil
  • English Aussie Distance Calculator
  • English UK Road Distance Calculator
  • Spanish Calcular ruta entre ciudades españolas
  • Spanish Calcular distancia entre ciudades argentinas
  • Spanish Calcular distancia entre ciudades colombianas
  • Spanish Calcular distancia entre ciudades de EE. UU.
  • Spanish Calcular km entre ciudades chilenas
  • Spanish Distancia entre dos puntos en Perú
  • Spanish Distancia entre dos puntos en Venezuela
  • Spanish Distancia entre ciudades brasileñas
  • Portuguese Calculadora de distância entre cidades em Portugal
  • French Calculateur de distance France
  • French Calculateur de distance Canadien
  • German Routenplaner Deutschland
  • Polish Kalkulator odległości drogowych w Polsce
  • Czech Kalkulačka vzdálenosti mezi českými městy
  • Italian Calcola distanze chilometriche in Italia
  • Malay Pengiraan jarak antara bandar di Malaysia
  • Dutch Afstand meten in Nederland
  • Turkish Türkiye şehirler arası mesafe hesaplama
  • Dutch Afstand berekenen tussen Belgische steden
  • German Routenplaner Belgien Auto
  • French Calculateur de distance belge
  • French Calculateur de distance Suisse
  • German Routenplaner Schweiz
  • German Routenplaner Österreich

How Driving Distance Is Calculated Between Two Locations

Algorithm for calculating driving distances between cities.

This route calculation tool harnesses the power of shortest path search algorithms within a weighted road graph, employing sophisticated algorithms like Dijkstra, A-Star, and Contraction Hierarchies . Unlike conventional calculators that use distance or travel time as the graph weight, our system optimizes drive time for vehicles, favoring routes on higher-class roads for a smoother journey.

The backbone of this tool is built on OpenStreetMap data, ensuring our road graphs are accurate and up-to-date. We calculate distances between road segments with the haversine formula , using precise GPS coordinates to measure the Great Circle Distance. This formula is pivotal for calculating "air distance" or "straight line distance" between two points, taking into account the curvature of the Earth.

Road distances, however, diverge from straight line distances due to the natural curvature and layout of roads . To address this, roads are represented as segmented lines, and the haversine formula is applied to each segment, allowing for precise calculation of the journey length between any two points.

Recognizing that cities encompass large areas, our tool selects a central point within each city for distance calculations between cities. For personalized route planning, users can specify exact addresses or select points on the map. Additionally, the route's start and end points can be adjusted directly on the map for enhanced customization.

Travel time calculations break down the route into segments, evaluating the maximum permitted speed for each segment to estimate the fastest possible travel time.

It’s important to note that while our route calculation relies on advanced computer modeling for accuracy, no model is perfect. We encourage users to plan with a margin for adjustment to ensure a reliable and efficient journey.

Alternative Methods for Distance Calculation Between Two Addresses

One simple way to measure distance is by using a highway atlas. By tracing a route with your eye and rolling a curvimeter along it, you can gauge the distance. Estimating travel time involves assuming an average speed of 50 miles/hour on major intercity roads. Although this method provides rough estimates, it's straightforward.

In the absence of a curvimeter, a ruler can serve as a substitute. Start by aligning the ruler's zero mark with your route's beginning and follow the road's bends closely. Then, translate the measured length into kilometers or miles using the map's scale, which is typically provided in the atlas.

For those seeking a more streamlined approach, pre-calculated distance tables specifically for the USA are available on websites, atlases, and guidebooks. Particularly useful for journeys between major cities, these tables streamline planning, although they may omit smaller locales.

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The .gov means it’s official. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you’re on a federal government site.

The site is secure. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.

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Travel Time

Time spent traveling during normal work hours is considered compensable work time. Time spent in home-to-work travel by an employee in an employer-provided vehicle, or in activities performed by an employee that are incidental to the use of the vehicle for commuting, generally is not "hours worked" and, therefore, does not have to be paid. This provision applies only if the travel is within the normal commuting area for the employer's business and the use of the vehicle is subject to an agreement between the employer and the employee or the employee's representative.

Webpages on this Topic

Handy Reference Guide to the Fair Labor Standards Act - Answers many questions about the FLSA and gives information about certain occupations that are exempt from the Act.

Coverage Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) Fact Sheet - General information about who is covered by the FLSA.

Wage and Hour Division: District Office Locations - Addresses and phone numbers for Department of Labor district Wage and Hour Division offices.

State Labor Offices/State Laws - Links to state departments of labor contacts. Individual states' laws and regulations may vary greatly. Please consult your state department of labor for this information.

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Average travel time in public transport from the MRR to the Moscow center 2020

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  • Public urban transportation fuel use in the United Kingdom (UK) 1990-2020
  • Breakdown of public transport passengers in urban China 2021, by type
  • Bike rental station count in Moscow 2013-2021
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  • COVID-19 cases, recoveries, and deaths in Russia 2023, by region
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  • Revenue of the transportation and storage industry in Italy by sector 2013-2019
  • Number of passenger journeys on the London Underground (UK) 2000-2023
  • Europe: passenger cars' share of total passenger transport by land 2021, by country
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  • Colombia: taxi unit sales 2017-2019
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  • Passenger transportation tariff indices in Russia 2022, by type transport
  • Transportation related injury accidents in Russia 2020-2022, by transport mode
  • Passengers transported by coach and bus in Russia 2006-2020
  • Satisfaction rate of car sharing services Russia 2020
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About the industry

  • Premium Statistic Number of public transport trips in Paris and Île-de-France, by mode 2019-2020
  • Premium Statistic U.S. household expenditure on public transportation 2007-2020
  • Premium Statistic U.S. household expenditure on ferry fares 2007-2020
  • Premium Statistic Annual revenue of FirstGroup 2009-2021
  • Premium Statistic Annual revenue of FirstGroup by business segment 2021
  • Premium Statistic Opinion on the quality of public transport services in Italy 2018
  • Premium Statistic Most used means of public transport in Italy 2018
  • Premium Statistic Combined number of bus, tram and subway passenger kilometers in Netherlands 2014-2021
  • Premium Statistic Public urban transportation fuel use in the United Kingdom (UK) 1990-2020
  • Premium Statistic Breakdown of public transport passengers in urban China 2021, by type

About the region

  • Premium Statistic Bike rental station count in Moscow 2013-2021
  • Premium Statistic Number of rental bikes in Moscow 2013-2021
  • Premium Statistic Average monthly car sharing trips per user in Russia 2020, by location
  • Premium Statistic Monthly transportation costs of office workers in Moscow 2020
  • Premium Statistic Mobility service online bookings in Russia 2023
  • Basic Statistic COVID-19 cases, recoveries, and deaths in Russia 2023, by region
  • Premium Statistic Hotel occupancy rate in Moscow 2023, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Average daily hotel rate in Moscow 2023, by segment
  • Premium Statistic Change in hotel room stock in Moscow 2017-2027
  • Basic Statistic Russian regions with most weekly new COVID-19 cases 2023

Other regions

  • Premium Statistic Revenue of the transportation and storage industry in Italy by sector 2013-2019
  • Premium Statistic Number of passenger journeys on the London Underground (UK) 2000-2023
  • Premium Statistic Europe: passenger cars' share of total passenger transport by land 2021, by country
  • Premium Statistic Chile: top transport companies in the reputation index 2020
  • Basic Statistic Average distance travelled for commuting purposes in England 2019, by mode
  • Premium Statistic Transportation travel time share for youth commuting in Hyderabad India 2018
  • Premium Statistic U.S. household expenditure on airline tickets 2007-2020
  • Basic Statistic Public transit - average weekday ridership in Vancouver by type 2015
  • Premium Statistic Colombia: taxi unit sales 2017-2019
  • Premium Statistic Domestic and international tourism in the Netherlands 2018, by transport

Related statistics

  • Premium Statistic Taxi usage frequency in Russia 2022
  • Premium Statistic Prime office rental prices in Moscow 2020-2022
  • Premium Statistic Number of car sharing vehicles in Russia 2023, by major operator
  • Premium Statistic Volume of passengers in Russia 2022-2023, by transportation mode
  • Premium Statistic Passenger turnover in public transport in Russia 2022-2023, by transportation mode
  • Premium Statistic Passenger transportation tariff indices in Russia 2022, by type transport
  • Basic Statistic Transportation related injury accidents in Russia 2020-2022, by transport mode
  • Basic Statistic Passengers transported by coach and bus in Russia 2006-2020
  • Premium Statistic Satisfaction rate of car sharing services Russia 2020
  • Premium Statistic Survey on car sharing usage in Russia 2020

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Taxi travel time from Moscow city center to Sheremetyevo - Moscow Forum

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This post has been removed at the author's request.

' class=

If you leave center at 12 you will be at SVO at 13 or even earlier

the hotel receptionist may help you to choose the best time

' class=

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Transfer between Moscow airports

There are four airports in Moscow: Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Vnukovo and Zhukovsky. They are located in four different and distanced ends of the city. The airports are distanced not only from each other but from the city center as well. Therefore, the problem of getting quick and cheap transport to travel between airports is predominant. You should know two main means of transport to get from one airport to another or to the city center.

If your transfer in Moscow is between two airports, you should obtain Russian visa .

Transfer during the day (2 to 3 hours)

Aeroexpress train in Sheremetyevo

Three of four airports (Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo and Vnukovo) are connected to the city centre with Aeroexpress trains. Travel time to rail terminals is from 35 to 55 minutes. Both Aeroexpress and Moscow Metro work from 05:30 AM to 01:00 AM. Free Wi-Fi is available both inside the Aeroexpress train and in the Metro. To travel between Aeroexpress terminals you need to choose circle line (brown). All three terminals are connected with that line. Journey takes about 15 minutes.

You may also want to use a taxi between Aeroexpress terminals. All three Rail Terminals situated in the city center and the Garden Ring road ties them together, so traveling between most often should take no more than 20 minutes.

Transfer at night (1 hour)

Mostaxi car

Driving between airports takes nearly 1 hour at night. You may ask the driver to go through the city centre. The journey will take a little longer, but it’s a worth thing since Moscow looks stunning at night.

Taxi between airports costs about 2300 rub. (€23.09). If you finally decided to take a taxi, you should avoid touts operating in front of every arrival terminal. Better book or even prebook a car from the official taxi company listed here . Free Wi-Fi in alsmost every official taxi car.

Moscow Airports and Aeroexpress Terminals Locations

Please note that euro prices next to rouble ones in our guide are always based on today's rates.

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10 Things You Must Do Every Time You Rent a Car

Posted: November 14, 2023 | Last updated: November 14, 2023

<p>Have you started to <a href="">go on more vacations</a> now that the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us? If so, chances are good that you've booked a rental car at some point.  </p> <p> Before you slide behind the wheel of your next rental, there are a few things you should consider. Make sure to check these things off your list before planning another trip. </p> <p>  <a href="">Compare the best travel credit cards for nearly free travel</a>   </p>

Have you started to go on more vacations now that the COVID-19 pandemic is behind us? If so, chances are good that you've booked a rental car at some point.

Before you slide behind the wheel of your next rental, there are a few things you should consider. Make sure to check these things off your list before planning another trip.

Compare the best travel credit cards for nearly free travel

<p> Even if your car insurance doesn’t cover rentals, many <a href="">top credit cards</a> do offer coverage. </p> <p> Check with your credit card provider to see if rental car insurance is included as a perk for card members. Ensure you clearly understand what is and is not covered and how much coverage you have.  </p><p class="">  <p class=""><a href="">Get expert advice on making more money - sent straight to your inbox.</a></p>  </p>

Talk to your credit card company

Even if your car insurance doesn’t cover rentals, many top credit cards  do offer coverage.

Check with your credit card provider to see if rental car insurance is included as a perk for card members. Ensure you clearly understand what is and is not covered and how much coverage you have.

Get expert advice on making more money - sent straight to your inbox.

<p>You might be able to add insurance coverage to your rental car through the car rental agency, but this protection can be expensive.  </p> <p> So, before you book the car, ask your auto insurance company if it covers rental cars. If it does, you probably don’t need to spend the extra cash on additional coverage.</p>

Check your insurance coverage

You might be able to add insurance coverage to your rental car through the car rental agency, but this protection can be expensive.

So, before you book the car, ask your auto insurance company if it covers rental cars. If it does, you probably don’t need to spend the extra cash on additional coverage.

<p> Using a rental agency at an airport can be convenient. However, you might pay more when renting a car at the airport.  </p> <p> Price out different options before you go and see if it might be cheaper to take a cab or Uber to a rental agency a little bit farther away, where cars are often cheaper to rent.  </p> <p>  <a href="">10 brilliant ways to build wealth after 40</a>  </p>

Try to avoid rental agencies at the airport

Using a rental agency at an airport can be convenient. However, you might pay more when renting a car at the airport.

Price out different options before you go and see if it might be cheaper to take a cab or Uber to a rental agency a little bit farther away, where cars are often cheaper to rent.

10 brilliant ways to build wealth after 40

<p> Before renting a car, you should know the specific makes and models the agency offers and which are good options for you.  </p> <p> The last thing you want is to get stuck with a small car for your big family.  </p>

Make sure you're familiar with the models

Before renting a car, you should know the specific makes and models the agency offers and which are good options for you.

The last thing you want is to get stuck with a small car for your big family.

<p>Before you take possession of the vehicle, make sure you and a rental car company representative walk around the car and check for any dings, scratches, or other minor issues.  </p> <p> Pay close attention and make sure the representative notes anything that looks even slightly suspicious. Take photos of anything that looks amiss.  </p>

Inspect your car

Before you take possession of the vehicle, make sure you and a rental car company representative walk around the car and check for any dings, scratches, or other minor issues.

Pay close attention and make sure the representative notes anything that looks even slightly suspicious. Take photos of anything that looks amiss.

<p> When looking for a rental, do some comparison shopping to get the right car at the best rate.  </p> <p> Costs can vary significantly from company to company, so it is foolish not to see what is available.  </p> <p>  <a href="">Will you be able to retire early? Take this quiz to find out.</a>  </p>

Do some comparison shopping

When looking for a rental, do some comparison shopping to get the right car at the best rate.

Costs can vary significantly from company to company, so it is foolish not to see what is available.

Will you be able to retire early? Take this quiz to find out.

<p> Are you going on a group trip or traveling with extra family members? Designate drivers before you book the rental car. </p> <p> Adding extra drivers to the rental agreement can result in additional fees that add up, however. So, limiting drivers to just one or two people might save you money.  </p>

Don't add too many drivers

Are you going on a group trip or traveling with extra family members? Designate drivers before you book the rental car.

Adding extra drivers to the rental agreement can result in additional fees that add up, however. So, limiting drivers to just one or two people might save you money.

<p> Things can happen when you rent a car, including accidents, running out of gas, or even locking the keys in the car. </p> <p> So, remember to ask the rental car company for contact information in case you need to contact a representative about issues that arise while driving the vehicle.  </p>

Get a contact number in case you have issues

Things can happen when you rent a car, including accidents, running out of gas, or even locking the keys in the car.

So, remember to ask the rental car company for contact information in case you need to contact a representative about issues that arise while driving the vehicle.

<p> One of the great things about renting a car is you can try out a vehicle that is different from the one you own. Perhaps you want to try a convertible or electric vehicle, for example.  </p> <p> But if you plan to drive a new car, familiarize yourself with it before you put it in drive. You don’t want to end up fiddling with the climate control or sound system while driving.  </p> <p>  <a href="">9 nearly secret things to do if you fly Southwest</a>  </p>

Familiarize yourself with the car

One of the great things about renting a car is you can try out a vehicle that is different from the one you own. Perhaps you want to try a convertible or electric vehicle, for example.

But if you plan to drive a new car, familiarize yourself with it before you put it in drive. You don’t want to end up fiddling with the climate control or sound system while driving.

9 nearly secret things to do if you fly Southwest

<p> A rental car company might have specific rules about how much gas should be in the car when you return it. In many cases, this is a full tank.  </p> <p> If you ignore these rules, you might have to pay an extra fee more than the cost of filling up the tank yourself.  </p>

Review the gas policy

A rental car company might have specific rules about how much gas should be in the car when you return it. In many cases, this is a full tank.

If you ignore these rules, you might have to pay an extra fee more than the cost of filling up the tank yourself.

<p> Before you rent your next car, do the things on this list. That way, you'll increase the odds of having a good rental experience.  </p> <p> Also, consider paying for your rental and other vacation expenses with a credit card that lets you <a href="">earn cash back</a> or other perks.  </p> <p>  <p class=""><b>More from FinanceBuzz:</b></p> <ul> <li><a href="">6 genius hacks Costco shoppers should know.</a></li> <li><a href="">Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.</a></li> <li><a href="">7 things to do if you're scraping by financially.</a></li> <li><a href="">9 simple ways to make up to an extra $200/day</a></li> </ul>  </p>

Bottom line

Before you rent your next car, do the things on this list. That way, you'll increase the odds of having a good rental experience.

Also, consider paying for your rental and other vacation expenses with a credit card that lets you earn cash back or other perks.

More from FinanceBuzz:

  • 6 genius hacks Costco shoppers should know.
  • Can you retire early? Take this quiz and find out.
  • 7 things to do if you're scraping by financially.
  • 9 simple ways to make up to an extra $200/day

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  • Emirates FA Cup semi-final weekend supporters guide

Emirates FA Cup semi-final weekend: supporters guide

Emirates FA Cup Semi- Final weekend Saturday 20 April 2024 Manchester City v Chelsea 17.15 KO Sunday 21 April 2024 Coventry City v Manchester United 15:30 KO Joining us under the arch for the Emirates FA Cup semi-finals this weekend? We want all supporters travelling to the game to have the best experience possible. Below, is a comprehensive guide of everything you need to know to ensure Wembley Stadium is a safe environment for all visitors on the day. Tickets Anyone without a ticket should not travel to the game. All tickets are strictly non-transferable and are not available to distribute to other supporters.  Click here  to see the full ticket guide. Fans with tickets are advised to check they are seated in the appropriate area of the stadium. Any supporter who is identified in opposition areas will be ejected from the stadium for breaching the FA’s ground regulations and be subject to each club’s own sanctions process. NOTE : Additional ticket checks will be in operation at points in and around the stadium prior to entry. Please have your tickets ready to show match day stewards when asked. Stadium access The fixture between Manchester City and Chelsea kicks-off at 17.15. General admission to the stadium will be available from 15.15. Doors for hospitality will open one hour earlier at 14.15. The fixture between Coventry City and Manchester United kicks-off at 15:30 General admission to the stadium will be available from 13:30. Doors for hospitality will open one hour earlier at 12:30. Make sure you arrive at the stadium in good time to assist with security protocols. Children (14 years and under) must be accompanied by an adult. Children under the age of two will not be permitted into the stadium. Please refer to your ticket for your turnstile colour zone. The quickest route to your turnstile entry point is by following the signage for the colour zone. Please ensure you enter via the correct turnstile. Stadium Security

Please note, additional safety and security measures will be in place at Wembley Stadium for both semi-finals. Full details can be found here. The safety and security of fans at Wembley Stadium is of paramount importance, and we always have robust and thorough security measures in place before, during and after each event. We work closely with the Police, the Safety Advisory Group and the relevant authorities to ensure that the stadium’s security protocols meet the highest standards. We will have multiple ticket checks and security searches in place on the day, including on the perimeter of the stadium and near the turnstiles, so we encourage fans to arrive at the stadium 60-90 minutes before kick off to allow enough time to assist with the security protocols. Anyone attempting to tailgate or gain illicit access to the stadium will be apprehended and reported to the Police. All events at Wembley Stadium have a strong Police presence, and search dogs with handlers will also be patrolling around the stadium to identify and apprehend anyone with illegal or prohibited items, including pyrotechnics and banned substances. Offensive Chanting Wembley Stadium has a zero-tolerance policy on any form of anti-social, offensive and discriminatory conduct, and anyone found guilty of this behaviour will be ejected from the stadium and reported to the authorities. Offensive tragedy-related chanting, gesturing and displaying of abusive messages is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. People who are found to have committed offences face stadium bans and potential criminal prosecution. No-street-drinking zone Brent Council have enforced a no-street-drinking zone on Olympic Way and the surrounding area for ALL events at Wembley Stadium. This is part of the current Public Space Order Protection in place around the stadium on event days. More information on the order can be  found here. Fans drinking on Olympic Way and the surrounding streets ahead of the Emirates FA Cup semi-finals will be asked to hand over their alcohol and enforcement action may be considered. Supporters wanting alcohol before the game should head for the licensed bars or restaurants in the  area  or make their way to the dedicated fan zones outside the stadium. Fan Zones All teams will have dedicated Fan Zone areas where supporters have the chance to join fellow fans to enjoy a drink, including alcohol, food and a DJ. They are an ideal place to soak up the pre-match party atmosphere. On Saturday, the  Manchester City  fan zone is located on the East Concourse area of the stadium and the  Chelsea  fan zone is located at Arena Square (on the West stadium). On Sunday, the Coventry City fan zone is located at Arena Square (to the West of the stadium) and the Manchester United fan zone is on the East side of the stadium. The fan zones will be open from 11.00 and stop serving alcohol one hour before kick-off. Supporters will need to present a valid stadium ticket to enter the area which has a limited capacity. The stadium’s bag policy (see below) also applies to anyone visiting the fan zone. Pyrotechnics The use of pyrotechnics, flares and smoke devices inside or outside Wembley Stadium is illegal and prohibited. Anyone caught carrying or using pyrotechnical equipment inside the stadium will be immediately ejected from the stadium, banned from future events and dealt with by police. Those caught using pyrotechnic equipment anywhere outside of the stadium will be in breach of the PSPO order and face enforcement action. More information  here . TRAVEL ADVICE Rail / London Underground Wembley Stadium benefits from easy access to three rail / London Underground stations. These are: Wembley Stadium station Wembley Central station Wembley Park station Supporters are encouraged to plan their journeys in advance to avoid disappointment or delay to their travel. All those travelling by rail should plan to arrive at Wembley stations no later than one hour prior to kick-off, to allow sufficient time to walk to and enter the stadium. Post-match, fans are asked to leave the ground promptly and avoid opting for the last train of the day. Please allow for longer journey times from Wembley Stadium to London Euston station due to crowd safety controls for safe station access. Please check the  National Rail Enquiries  and  TfL  websites to plan your travel in advance and to be notified of real-time travel information and status updates on match day. By Car Event day parking at Wembley Stadium is limited and must be booked in advance via the  Wembley Official Parking  website. Please book early to avoid disappointment. Any vehicles which do not pre-book will not be granted access to the stadium car parks. Customers are advised to park via the official car parks only. Blue badge parking is available for ticketholders with accessibility needs and this can also be booked directly through the  Wembley Official Parking  website. For any further accessibility requirements, please review Wembley Stadium’s  Access Information  page, or visit the  Guest support portal . By Coach National Express  is the official coach partner to Wembley Stadium. National Express drop off at the stadium from over 50 locations around the UK making it the easiest and most convenient way to travel to Wembley. To book a National Express service for the Semi-Final visit the  National Express website  or call 08717 81 81 81. Disabled supporters Wembley Stadium is a welcoming and inclusive venue for all guests with access requirements. There are 310 places for wheelchair users, each with a personal assistant/companion seat. The stadium also provides a range of services for guests with specialist access requirements including a shuttle service from Wembley Park Station. More information can be  found here . Stadium access Hospitality (Club Wembley) turnstiles will open three hours before kick-off and general admission turnstiles will open two hours before kick-off. Please arrive early at the stadium to allow enough time for necessary security checks, including enhanced searches and bag checks. Children (14 years and under) must be accompanied by an adult. Children under the age of two will not be permitted into the stadium. Restricted bag policy Wembley Stadium operates a restricted bag policy. Each person can only bring one small bag into the stadium, and it must not be bigger than A4 size: Height – 297mm (11.7 inches) - Width – 210mm (8.27 inches) - Depth – 210mm (8.27 inches) Please note, this means the overall bag size – bags that are half-full and folded over to reduce their size will not be accepted. Anyone carrying bags that do not meet the criteria above will not be allowed into the stadium. A full list of prohibited items can be found  here . Persistent standing Persistent standing during a match at Wembley Stadium is strictly forbidden (unless with a ticket for the safe standing area) and may result in ejection from the ground. Persistent standing not only compromises crowd safety, but also affects the matchday experience of fellow spectators, especially children and elderly people. Anti-social and discriminatory behaviour Wembley Stadium operates a zero-tolerance policy on any form of anti-social and discriminatory behaviour. If you witness any anti-social or discriminatory behaviour on the day, text HELP to 66566 or contact your nearest steward. Food and Drink Wembley Stadium offers an extensive range of food and drink options inside the stadium – more information is  available here . New for 2024 On level one the stadium has introduced a new frictionless  Tap Bar , allowing guests to access refreshments quicker and more conveniently. The bar deploys the latest technology to enable customers to simply tap their card on entry, pick up what they need and then walk out – without the need to queue or pay at a dedicated paypoint. Stay up to date with all of the latest matchday information by following @wembleystadium on X, Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.

Travel could be a good deal this summer. Here's when plane ticket prices will peak.

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Spring is springing, and according to Hopper, it’s time to start thinking about your summer vacation plans.

New data from the online booking site shows some favorable trends for travelers in the next few months, including slightly lower airfares compared with 2023 and hotel and car rental prices that are more or less flat year-over-year.

Here’s what you need to know as you prepare to book, whether you’re looking for a domestic getaway or go on an overseas adventure. It’s also not too late to take advantage of deals on some last-minute trips.

How much are spring and summer plane tickets?

According to Hopper, the best deals right now are on domestic airline tickets. Round-trip flights within the U.S. are averaging $290 in April, but prices are expected to rise in the months ahead.

Hopper’s data shows prices for domestic flights will peak between May and June at $315 on average, then will gradually fall through the summer, reaching a low of $264 on average in September.

On a call with investors discussing first-quarter earnings Wednesday, Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian said summer travel demand has been pushed forward in recent years in part because schools, especially in the South, are finishing their summer breaks earlier in the year.

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This summer also will be a good time to travel internationally; Hopper data shows fares to most destinations abroad are down compared with last year. 

“Airfare to international destinations continues to improve following two years of bloated prices due to quickly recovering demand, high fuel prices and supply constraints. Airfare to most major regions of the world has dropped compared to last year with the exception of trips to Canada,” Hayley Berg, Hopper’s chief economist, said in the report. “International fares remain higher than pre-pandemic levels to most regions, as higher fuel prices persist and airlines continue to rebuild capacity to many regions.”

How much will a hotel room for the spring and summer cost?

Hotel prices remain mostly flat compared with the same time last year. Rooms in the U.S. are averaging $206 a night; better deals are available in some trending international destinations like Osaka, Japan, and Istanbul, Turkey.

According to Hopper, Las Vegas, New York and Chicago remain popular destinations in the U.S.

Will car rental prices rise this summer?

Car rental prices also haven’t increased much since last year and average $42 a day, according to Hopper.

The report shows most travelers rent a car for about four days, and warm-weather destinations like Orlando and Los Angeles remain popular pickup points.

Zach Wichter is a travel reporter for USA TODAY based in New York. You can reach him at [email protected].

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Middle East conflict

April 11, 2024 - Israel-Hamas war

By Heather Chen , Antoinette Radford, Tori B. Powell , Aditi Sangal and Elise Hammond , CNN

Our live coverage of Israel's war on Hamas in Gaza has moved  here .

UN committee fails to reach consensus on full Palestinian membership, Security Council president says

From CNN’s Richard Roth and Michael Rios

A specialized UN committee failed to reach a consensus Thursday on Palestinian membership in the United Nations, according to the president of the UN Security Council.

Two-thirds of the committee members were in favor of moving on with membership, with many countries arguing that “Palestine fulfills all the criteria that are required” to be granted full state member status, Malta's Ambassador and Security Council President Vanessa Frazier said. 

She added that no one explicitly objected to the membership qualifications.

Frazier also said she would circulate a draft report on the deliberations as soon as Friday. If the committee doesn’t agree on the report, it could hold another meeting to iron out any differences.

Asked whether the process of deliberating Palestinian membership in the committee is now over, Frazier said, “Unless the next step of agreeing (to) the report of the committee warrants another meeting to iron out the differences, it’s not foreseen that there would be any further committee action.”

But she noted that any UN Security Council member can still table a resolution to vote on Palestinian membership at any time, regardless of the committee's report.

The US and Middle East brace for a possible Iran attack that could escalate the conflict. Here's the latest

From CNN staff

People attend the funeral procession for seven Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps members killed in a strike in Syria, which Iran blamed on Israel, in Tehran on April 5.

Concerns about a possible Iranian attack against Israel has prompted many diplomatic conversations around the globe.

Here are some developments on diplomacy around the threat of an attack:

  • Iran's statement: The imperative for Tehran to "punish" Israel for the deadly strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus last week might have been avoided if the attack had been condemned at the United Nations, Iran’s Mission to the UN said Thursday.
  • US and UK diplomacy: US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke with the foreign ministers of Turkey, China and Saudi Arabia on Wednesday night and Thursday morning to tell them that countries should be urging Iran not to escalate the conflict in the Middle East after  threats made by Tehran against Israel,  according to a State Department spokesperson. The top US general for the Middle East is also in Israel . Additionally, Britain's foreign secretary warned his Iranian counterpart on Thursday that Tehran “must not draw” the Middle East into a wider conflict .
  • Israel receives US support: Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant spoke with Blinken and US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. The US officials expressed the country's support for Israel against Iranian threats. Gallant warned that such an attack could lead to a regional escalation.
  • Travel restrictions: The US State Department restricted the travel of US government personnel in Israel in the wake of public threats against Israel by Iran. “The security environment remains complex and can change quickly depending on the political situation and recent events,” the alert noted. US officials  are on high alert  for a potential retaliatory strike by Iran or its proxies against Israel.

Meanwhile, here's some other updates:

  • Hamas on hostages: A member of Hamas' political bureau said   a prisoner-hostage exchange is being discussed as part of larger ceasefire negotiations. "Part of negotiations is to reach a ceasefire agreement to have enough time and safety to collect final and more precise data" on the hostages held in Gaza, Basem Naim said in a statement on Thursday. "Because they (hostages) are in different palaces, (being held) by different groups, some of them are under the rubble killed with our own people, and we negotiate to get heavy equipment for this purpose."
  • Updates on aid to Gaza: It is clear that Israel is working to ramp up humanitarian aid to Gaza, but it has not yet implemented all of the measures it has announced, a top United Nations humanitarian official said. Aid coming in trucks from Israel has to be "segregated from water, from food, from medical items" before it goes into Gaza, said Jamie McGoldrick, the UN’s humanitarian coordinator in Jerusalem. “Getting 400 trucks from Kerem Shalom doesn't mean 400 trucks go into Gaza,” he said, adding that the logistical complications are numerous, and take time to resolve. He also said Israel’s restrictions on movement inside the strip complicate matters.

Anera charity resumes work in Gaza after pausing when Israeli strike killed 7 World Central Kitchen staff

From CNN's Tala Alrajjal and Mohammed Tawfeeq

American Near East Refugee Aid (Anera) has resumed Gaza operations "after a temporary pause" following an airstrike that killed seven World Central Kitchen (WCK) aid workers on April 1.

"As you know, the decision to temporarily pause our operations was not an easy one. We followed the direction of our staff in Gaza, who've faced death, loss, and destruction since the start of the war," Sean Carroll, the president and CEO of Anera, said in a statement on Thursday. "After the killing of Anera staff member Mousa Shawwa , followed by the attack that killed seven aid workers from World Central Kitchen, we made the difficult but necessary decision to pause aid operations on April 2," Carroll added in the statement.

Carroll said Israeli authorities informed him during a meeting Thursday that "certain measures would be taken to protect humanitarian aid workers in Gaza – including Anera's staff."

"With the full support of our Gaza team, we have determined that the circumstances have changed sufficiently to resume our vital humanitarian work in Gaza," Carroll said. 

Anera on Thursday resumed "full operations in Gaza to deliver meals, food parcels, hygiene kits, tents, medical treatments, and more to families in dire need," according to the statement.

Iran says its imperative to punish Israel could have been avoided had UN Security Council condemned attack

From CNN’s Natalie Barr and Adam Pourahmadi

Emergency services work at a building hit by an air strike in Damascus, Syria, on April 1.

The imperative for Tehran to "punish" Israel for the deadly strike on the Iranian consulate in Damascus last week might have been avoided if the attack had been condemned at the United Nations, Iran’s Mission to the UN said Thursday.

“Had the UN Security Council condemned the Zionist regime’s reprehensible act of aggression on our diplomatic premises in Damascus and subsequently brought to justice its perpetrators, the imperative for Iran to punish this rogue regime might have been obviated," the  mission said on X.

The UN Secretary-General António Guterres condemned the attack on April 1, according to a statement from the UN spokesperson Stephan Dujarric. A Security Council discussion was held on April 2 to discuss the attack, but differences among members prevented any formal action or condemnation from taking place.

The United States is on high alert and actively preparing for a “significant” attack by Iran targeting Israeli or American assets in the region  in response to the strike in Damascus  that killed top Iranian commanders.

UK foreign secretary warns Iran not to draw Middle East into wider conflict

From CNN's Natalie Barr

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron speaks during a joint press conference with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Washington, DC, on April 9.

Britain's foreign secretary warned his Iranian counterpart on Thursday that Tehran “must not draw” the Middle East into a wider conflict following a series of escalating threats made by Iran toward Israel.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron told Iran's Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian that the United Kingdom was "deeply concerned about the potential for miscalculation leading to further violence. Iran should instead work to de-escalate and prevent further attacks," according to a post on X .

Iran's state-aligned Tasnim news agency on Thursday reported that Amir-Abdollahian had told Cameron that the silence from the UK and the United States following Israel’s attack on the Iranian consulate in Damascus last week only served to encourage Israel to continue waging war in Gaza and expand its conflict in the region.

US and Israeli defense leaders discuss fears of Iranian attack

From CNN’s Michael Conte in Washington, DC, Tamar Michaelis in Jerusalem and Larry Register in Atlanta

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant today to “reaffirm the US ironclad commitment to Israel’s security against threats from Iran and its proxies,” according to a Pentagon spokesperson.

The call comes a day after Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Israel " must be punished and it will be" following a strike on an Iranian embassy compound in Syria that killed seven Iranian officials.

Israel “will not tolerate an Iranian attack on its territory,” the statement read, adding that the two defense leaders also discussed detailed preparations “for an Iranian attack against the State of Israel.”

Gallant said an Iranian attack on Israel could lead to a regional escalation.

It is the second discussion held between Gallant and Austin over the past week, according to the statement. Gallant expressed his appreciation for Austin’s personal commitment to the security of the State of Israel and for the deepening cooperation between the defense establishments of both countries, as well as between the Israel Defense Forces and US CENTCOM.

State Department restricts personnel travel in Israel amid concerns over Iranian threats

From CNN's Jennifer Hansler

The US State Department has restricted the travel of US government personnel in Israel in the wake of public threats against Israel by Iran.

“Out of an abundance of caution, U.S. government employees and their family members are restricted from personal travel outside the greater Tel Aviv (including Herzliya, Netanya, and Even Yehuda), Jerusalem, and Be’er Sheva areas until further notice,” a  security alert  posted by the US Embassy Thursday said. “U.S. government personnel are authorized to transit between these three areas for personal travel.” “The security environment remains complex and can change quickly depending on the political situation and recent events,” the alert noted.

State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller said he would not “speak to the specific assessments that led to us to restrict our employees and family members’ personal travel, but clearly we are monitoring the threat environment in the Middle East and specifically in Israel.”

“We have seen Iran making public threats against Israel in the past few days,” Miller said. “Israel is in a very tough neighborhood and we have been monitoring the security situation. You saw us slightly adjust for travel warnings at the beginning of this conflict and we conduct ongoing assessments all the time about the situation on the ground.”

US officials are on high alert for a potential retaliatory strike by Iran or its proxies against Israel.

Hamas says ceasefire with Israel is essential to collect data on hostages held in Gaza by different groups

From CNN's Abeer Salman and Mohammed Tawfeeq

A member of Hamas' political bureau said   a prisoner-hostage exchange is being discussed as part of larger ceasefire negotiations.

"Part of negotiations is to reach a ceasefire agreement to have enough time and safety to collect final and more precise data" on the hostages held in Gaza Basem Naim said in a statement on Thursday. "Because they (hostages) are in different palaces, (being held) by different groups, some of them are under the rubble killed with our own people, and we negotiate to get heavy equipment for this purpose," he added.

Naim's statement was in response to questions from media outlets about whether Hamas has been rejecting the latest proposal, which was made in Cairo over the weekend, because it can not release 40 hostages in the first phase of a three-stage ceasefire deal.

According to an Israeli official and a source familiar with the discussions, Hamas indicated it is currently unable to identify and track down those 40 Israeli hostages, raising fears that more hostages may be dead than are publicly known. 

CNN's record of the conditions of the hostages also suggests there are fewer than 40 living hostages who meet the proposed criteria.

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    Here's how the Drive Time Calculator works and how to use it: Step 1: Input Values. Trip Distance: Start by entering the distance of your journey in kilometres (km) or miles. This is the total distance you'll be covering during your drive. Average Drive Speed: Input the average speed at which you'll be driving in either kilometers per hour (km ...

  6. Drive Time Calculator to Calculate Driving Times and ETAs

    Optional: If your trip will cover more than one time zone, select the starting and ending time zones. Step #6: Optional: If you'd like to know the fuel cost for the trip, enter your vehicle's fuel consumption rating and the cost of one unit of fuel (Gallon or Liter). Step #7: Click the "Calculate Drive Time" button.

  7. Travel Time Calculator

    The Travel Time Calculator relies on a simple formula to determine the duration of a journey. The formula is expressed as: Travel Time=Distance Speed Travel Time=Speed Distance. Here, the distance represents the length of the journey, and the speed denotes the average speed at which the travel occurs. The result is the estimated time required ...

  8. Speed, Distance & Time Calculator

    Speed, distance, time calculator - calculate the average speed, or the distance travelled, or a trip duration given the other two. Calculate travel speed, distance and trip duration / travel duration for any vehicle: car, bus, train, bike, motorcycle, etc. in miles, feet, kilometers, meters, km/h, mi/h, and more.

  9. Travel Time Calculator

    A) The travel time calculator can give you a good estimate of how long it would take you to get to your destination. Additionally, you can calculate the time it would take you to drive to your destination and compare that to how long it would take you to fly to your destination. If you plan on stopping at a particular location along the way ...

  10. Distance Calculator Between Cities & Maps USA

    Family Vacation Planning: Families planning summer vacations can use the distance calculator to plan their route, estimate fuel costs based on their car's fuel consumption, and calculate budget needs, ensuring a cost-effective and enjoyable journey.. Business Travel Optimization: Professionals can plot the most efficient routes for their business trips, incorporating distance calculations to ...

  11. Mileage Calculator

    Mileage Calculator. Use the following mileage calculator to determine the travel distance, in terms of miles, and time taken by car to travel between two locations in the United States, disregarding traffic conditions. From: To: This mileage calculator estimates the number of driving miles between two locations in the United States.

  12. Travel Time

    Time spent traveling during normal work hours is considered compensable work time. Time spent in home-to-work travel by an employee in an employer-provided vehicle, or in activities performed by an employee that are incidental to the use of the vehicle for commuting, generally is not "hours worked" and, therefore, does not have to be paid. This provision applies only if the travel is within ...

  13. Road Trip Planner

    Keep exploring with the Roadtrippers mobile apps. Anything you plan or save automagically syncs with the apps, ready for you when you hit the road! Plan your next trip, find amazing places, and take fascinating detours with the #1 trip planner. Every trip is a road trip.

  14. Your road trip calculator

    Travel tips. Best Time to Travel. Trips. KAYAK for Business. NEW; English Your trip calculator ... are based on an analysis of current and historical minimum roundtrip flight prices for one traveler and average car rental prices in the past 31 days. Actual prices may vary. Always check current prices and routes before booking.

  15. Travel Time calculator

    Estimate time required to travel between two addresses. Calculates the total time for a round trip or a multi-city trip between cities or locations. Direction Map Travel Time LatLong Flight D Flight T HowFar Route TripCost. Inverse percentage calculator; CO2 Emission. Calories. Planner; Trip Cost;

  16. Average travel time in public transport from the MRR to the Moscow

    Annual car sales worldwide 2010-2023, with a forecast for 2024 ... "Average travel time on public transport from the Moscow Ring Road to Moscow center between 2010 and 2020 (in minutes)." Chart.

  17. Taxi travel time from Moscow city center to Sheremetyevo

    Answer 1 of 5: How much time does it take to reach Sheremetyevo airport from Moscow city center by taxi on a Sunday. Flight is at 15:20 pm. With traffic it is reported to take up to3-4 hours.

  18. Transfer between Moscow airports

    Travel time to rail terminals is from 35 to 55 minutes. Both Aeroexpress and Moscow Metro work from 05:30 AM to 01:00 AM. Free Wi-Fi is available both inside the Aeroexpress train and in the Metro. To travel between Aeroexpress terminals you need to choose circle line (brown). All three terminals are connected with that line.

  19. 10 Things You Must Do Every Time You Rent a Car

    Even if your car insurance doesn't cover rentals, many top credit cards do offer coverage. Check with your credit card provider to see if rental car insurance is included as a perk for card members.

  20. [4K] Walking Streets Moscow. Moscow-City

    Walking tour around Moscow-City.Thanks for watching!MY GEAR THAT I USEMinimalist Handheld SetupiPhone 11 128GB for Street https://...

  21. Emirates FA Cup semi-final weekend: supporters guide

    Please check the National Rail Enquiries and TfL websites to plan your travel in advance and to be notified of real-time travel information and status updates on match day. By Car Event day parking at Wembley Stadium is limited and must be booked in advance via the Wembley Official Parking website. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

  22. Hopper data shows travel price trends for the spring and summer

    Hopper's data shows prices for domestic flights will peak between May and June at $315 on average, then will gradually fall through the summer, reaching a low of $264 on average in September.

  23. Save 25% Now

    Terms and conditions. Book a Southwest ® flight on or using your Rapid Rewards® points from April 12 through April 15, 2024 (the "Booking Period") and receive 25 percent off when you fly between April 12-September 30, 2024 with travel blacked out May 23, May 24, May 27, July 7, July 14, July 21, and July 28, 2024 (the "Travel Period").

  24. Driving Distance Calculator

    Driving distances between two cities. Travelmath helps you find driving distances based on actual directions for your road trip. You can get the distance between cities, airports, states, countries, or zip codes to figure out the best route to travel to your destination. Combine this information with the fuel cost tool to find out how much it ...

  25. April 11, 2024

    The top US general for the Middle East is in Israel as the region braces for a possible Iranian retaliation to Israel's strike last week in Damascus, Syria.

  26. Orlando: Caribe Royale Orlando Limited-Time Package ...

    Orlando: Caribe Royale Orlando Limited-Time Package with Walt Disney World® Tickets. Caribe Royale Orlando is set on 60 acres and is centrally located 1.5 miles from the Walt Disney World® Resort and offers fully renovated one-bedroom suites and two-bedroom, two-bath Villa Suites with a full kitchen, living and dining room, laundry and balcony.

  27. Travel Cost Calculator

    Travelmath provides an online cost calculator to help you determine the cost of driving between cities. You can use this data to figure out a budget for a road trip. The driving calculation is based on the average fuel efficiency of your vehicle, and you can change the gas mileage in mpg or L/100 km to match your exact make and model.

  28. Rabbi Ari Liberow offers daily prayers, comfort to travelers leaving

    'It's a blessing. It's a big mitzvah.' Rabbi Ari Liberow offers comfort, prayers to those traveling to Israel by volunteering his time at LAX.