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Corporate And Business Travel Management Consulting Solutions

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Expert advice to fit your business

Our business travel consultants answer hard questions, so you don’t have to.

Travel Management Consulting

Benchmark your business travel programme

Amex GBT Egencia (Egencia™), offers business travel consulting services to help you build a solid business travel strategy and make the best decisions about your corporate travel program and improve the travel experience for your organization. We deliver data-driven insights and provide recommendations to help you measure your travel program’s efficiency, make your program more sustainable, build or update travel policy, personalise reporting and manage your travel suppliers’ sourcing and proposal processes. In addition, we can implement Egencia’s travel management solution within a week.

Get a clear picture of your business travel program’s performance.

Using industry best practices and our expertise, we can help deliver your travel program data in a visual that addresses your company’s unique challenges. This will give you clarity on where you can find savings, achieve compliance and increase traveler satisfaction.

Tips on assessing your business travel program

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Make RFP planning easy — use the free template

The way businesses approach RFPs has changed. Travel data and reporting have made the RFP process simpler and more streamlined than ever. Find out how you can focus on what’s most important to your business objectives.

Boost the bottom line

Put the knowledge of our expert travel industry consultants to work for you when it comes to managing your supplier relationships.

We know what it takes for you to acquire or improve your organization’s negotiated rates and amenities. Let us help maximize the value of your travel spend with your current suppliers, find new suppliers and assist with proposal management.

Optimize your business travel

We can help uncover savings opportunities using data insights and industry best practices to provide recommendations that will help you get the best return on investment (ROI) for your travel program.

We can also run a diagnostic to assess the level of sustainability of your program versus your objectives and will design the action plan to reach those goals.

We’ll also review your travel policy and recommend solutions to meet your key objectives, whether you want to increase compliance, reduce leakage or achieve one of the many other travel program goals we help our customers reach every day.

Travel Culture

Free download: Reinventing your travel program

2020 changed the way the world does business. It also changed the world of business travel. The BTN Group, in partnership with Egencia, conducted a survey with travel managers and executive-level stakeholders to shed light on how companies are thinking about managed travel today and into the future.

Read the whitepaper to learn more about business travel trends.

Egencia Travel Academy

For travel managers, the Egencia Travel Academy offers informative videos to help you learn about everything from airline yield management and a global distribution system (GDS) to anything in between. We give you what you need to understand the inner workings of a complex, multifaceted industry.

Recommended for you

Strategic Sourcing And The Procurement Process

Want to learn more? Get in touch with one of our business travel experts.

business travel consulting

Business travel consulting services

Elevate your travel program, we help you optimize performance, reduce spend, and influence traveler behavior, traveler engagement, intelligence & analytics , supplier management.

business travel consulting

Uncover Your Savings Opportunities

Procure smarter, stay ahead of the market, and prepare for the future. Contact us to transform your travel program.

Solutions for every business travel program

Solutions by topic.

  • Travel services
  • Connect by BCD Travel
  • BCD Invite – Guest Traveler Services
  • Cost savings
  • Hotel savings
  • Meetings and event management
  • Travel consulting services (Advito)
  • Data and intelligence
  • DecisionSource
  • Travel Risk Management (TRM)
  • Duty of care
  • New Distribution Capability (NDC)
  • Payment solutions
  • Shopping and booking
  • Travel policy compliance
  • Travel experience
  • Trip authorization
  • T&E Spend Management

Solutions by function

  • Human Resources
  • Procurement
  • Senior Management
  • Travel Arrangers
  • Travel Managers

Solutions by industry

  • Aerospace & Defense
  • Energy, Resources, and Marine
  • Life Sciences
  • Media & Entertainment

Specific solutions by company size

  • GetGoing ↗
  • BCD Travel Direct (Europe) ↗
  • Small and mid-sized companies (US) ↗

Travel smart. Achieve more.

Get solutions for business travel that help you save time, money and stress.



Business travel consulting.

Congresses, Conventions & Events

Nuestros números en los últimos 3 años

Años de experiencia, colaboradores, nuestro producto.


We Gather People

Hablemos de verdaderas conexiones humanas, es momento de construir y fortalecer comunidades tecnológicas, de conectar de manera significativa. De escuchar, descubrir, imaginar, crear e inspirar. Sé parte.

BTConnects | meeting STUDIO

Un espacio multifuncional para producciones multimedia, digitales y virtuales. ¡Tus eventos híbridos o virtuales en el siguiente nivel!

business travel consulting

Analizamos tendencias digitales, plataformas y mensajes a la medida de cada audiencia. Con creatividad sustentable, te llevamos a lugares más allá. Construimos imperios y generamos emociones únicas alrededor de un diseño de pensamiento adaptable, multicultural y personalizado. Creamos juntos el futuro. CONOCE MÁS

business travel consulting

Sumérgete en una experiencia digital inmersiva en cada evento con soluciones hechas a la medida que nos permiten abrir nuevas formas de comunicación y medición de cada encuentro. CONOCE MÁS


“La satisfacción de los servicios prestados por Business Travel Consulting ha excedido las expectativas. El equipo de BTC nos brindó un servicio profesional e integral”.

Dra. Ana Flisser Steinbruch , Sociedad Mexicana de Parasitología, A.C.

“Elegimos BTC para nuestros congresos porque sabemos que tienen la experiencia y la capacidad para desarrollar el trabajo de logística. Durante nuestro congreso, su colaboración fue bastante satisfactoria y estamos muy orgullosos de haber trabajado de manera conjunta”.

Dr. Andrés Palomar Lever , Presidente de la Asociación Torácica Latinoamericana (ALAT), Ex Presidente de la Sociedad Mexicana de Neumología y Cirugía Pulmonar

“Fue una experiencia muy satisfactoria ya que cumplimos todos los objetivos que nos habíamos propuesto para el desarrollo del evento. Gracias al trabajo conjunto pudimos ver un aumento en el número de asistentes. Sin duda, trabajar con BTC es una relación de ganar-ganar”.

Dr. Victor Toledo Infansón  , Federación Mexicana de Colegios de Ortopedia y Traumatología A.C.

“BTC es una empresa muy profesional,  seria y comprometida. Toman los proyectos de manera personal, por lo que comparten los mismos objetivos de sus clientes”.

Dr. Mariano Sotomayor de Zavaleta  , Expresidente de Sociedad Mexicana de Urología

"Con ellos hemos realizado el mejor evento de la historia de nuestra compañía”.

Fidel García , Director de Proyectos en ZITRO GAMES (España)

“Tal cual lo imaginé, es como lo vi materializado en mi evento… ¡logística y producción perfecta, son los mejores!”

Bárbara Noé Arriaga , Gerente de Producto Laboratorios Silanes

“ Son los mejores aliados, se ponen la camiseta de la compañía y gracias al gran equipo de trabajo que hemos realizado hemos realizado exitosos eventos, llevamos dos años trabajando y esperamos que sean muchos más”

Berenice Esquivel , Marketing Manager AGS

Nuestro equipo.

business travel consulting

32 años haciendo lo que le apasiona: reunir personas. Logró imprimir el nombre de BTC en las empresas más importantes a nivel global.

business travel consulting

Con una importante trayectoria en la industria de eventos corporativos e incentivos, se ha consolidado en los años recientes por su alta especialización en el segmento de congresos nacionales e internacionales.

business travel consulting

Profesional de la comunicación con una larga trayectoria en la industria de turismo corporativo y estrategias de innovación. Experto en integración de nuevas tecnologías en producción de eventos y medios digitales. Amante del golf.

business travel consulting

Desarrollando, implementando y comercializando tecnología para la industria de turismo desde hace más de 15 años, teniendo como resultado a BTC Technology, siendo proveedor de tecnología líder en el mercado.


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business travel consulting

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business travel consulting


business travel consulting

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Aviso de privacidad

AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD En cumplimiento con la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares, ponemos a su disposición el presente aviso de privacidad integral, y al respecto le informamos lo siguiente:Business Travel Consulting, S.A de C.V. (en lo sucesivo denominado “BTC”), con domicilio para oír y recibir notificaciones en Av. Río Mixcoac No. 69, Col. Crédito Constructor, Del. Benito Juárez, C.P. 03940, Ciudad de México, CDMX, es responsable del tratamiento y protección de los datos personales que recabemos de usted. Nuestro oficial de privacidad es la persona al interior de BTC que, en cumplimiento con el artículo 30 de la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares, ha sido formalmente designado para: 1) Atender las solicitudes de los titulares para el ejercicio de sus derechos. 2) Fomentar y velar por la protección de los datos personales que tenemos en nuestra posesión. Para todo lo relacionado con el tratamiento y protección de sus datos personales, usted podrá contactarse con nuestro oficial de privacidad enviando un correo electrónico a la siguiente dirección: [email protected]. Para realizar las finalidades señaladas en el numeral 4 (cuatro) del presente aviso de privacidad, con relación a su participación o asistencia al congreso, convención o evento (en lo sucesivo denominado “Congreso”), recabaremos las siguientes categorías de datos personales: (i) Identificación; (ii) contacto; (iii) laborales; (v) académicos; y (v) financieros. No recabamos datos personales sensibles ni de menores de edad. En caso de que nos proporcione datos personales de terceros acompañantes, usted deberá contar previamente con el consentimiento del titular de dichos datos, e informarle que podrá conocer el presente aviso de privacidad en nuestra página web. Los datos personales son recabados para las siguientes finalidades primarias y secundarias, con relación al Congreso al que usted asistirá: a) Primarias. Finalidades que dan origen y son necesarias para la relación jurídica entre usted y BTC: 1) Identificarlo y contactarlo. 2) Inscribirlo al Congreso al que usted asistirá. 3) Organización, administración, desarrollo y supervisión del Congreso. 4) Proporcionarle información sobre el Congreso, así como opciones de hospedaje y actividades relacionadas con el mismo. 5) Brindarle los servicios y/o beneficios que ofrecemos para los participantes y asistentes al Congreso. 6) Permitirle acceder a las instalaciones del Congreso. 7) Ofrecerle y, en caso de que usted lo desee, venderle los servicios de empresas aéreas, de transporte terrestre, hospedaje y/o turísticas, para facilitarle la logística de su asistencia al Congreso. 8) Organizar, informar y, en caso de que usted lo desee, venderle actividades sociales en el marco del Congreso. 9) Atender sus solicitudes de, y/o realizarle: cotizaciones, reservaciones, ventas, cancelaciones, modificaciones, reembolsos, devoluciones, expedición de boletos. 10) Atender sus consultas, aclaraciones y quejas. 11) Monitorear la calidad de la atención telefónica que le brindemos, para lo cual podremos grabar las llamadas atendidas. 12) Cumplir con las disposiciones legales y/o contractuales que nos sean aplicables con relación a los beneficios y servicios que le proporcionemos. b) Secundarias. Finalidades distintas y que no dan origen a la relación jurídica entre usted y BTC, pero que nos son de suma importancia y utilidad para brindarle un mejor servicio y promocionarnos: 1) Invitarlo a los siguientes congresos o eventos que organicemos. 2) Evaluar la calidad de los servicios y/o beneficios que le brindamos. 3) Mercadotecnia, publicidad y prospección comercial. En caso de que no desee que sus datos personales sean tratados para las finalidades secundarias mencionadas, o alguna(s) de ellas, puede negarnos su consentimiento desde este momento enviando su solicitud a nuestro oficial de privacidad, quien le indicará el procedimiento a seguir para ejercer su derecho. Su negativa en este sentido no podrá ser motivo para que le neguemos los servicios que solicita o contrata con nosotros. Para el cumplimiento de las finalidades primarias señaladas en el numeral 4 (cuatro) del presente aviso de privacidad, los datos personales podrán ser transferidos a las siguientes personas físicas y/o morales, sin que legalmente se requiera su consentimiento en términos del artículo 37 de la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares: 1) Empresa o institución a la que pertenezca el Congreso en el que usted participará o asistirá, para todos los propósitos relacionados con el Congreso. 2) Empresas o instituciones con las que tengamos un contrato celebrado o por celebrar que sea en su interés, con la finalidad de brindarle servicios u otorgarle beneficios. 3) Empresas aéreas, de transporte terrestre, hospedaje y turísticas, en caso de que usted desee que le vendamos servicios de dichas empresas para facilitarle la logística de su asistencia al Congreso. 4) Autoridades, con la finalidad de cumplir con las disposiciones legales correspondientes, así como para el esclarecimiento de incidentes o ejercicio de algún derecho. 5) Sociedades del grupo corporativo al que pertenece BTC, que operen bajo nuestros mismos procesos y políticas internas, con la finalidad de brindarle un mejor servicio y cumplir con nuestra normativa interna. 6) Médicos, paramédicos o prestadores de servicios sanitarios, en caso de que ocurriera algún accidente, emergencia médica o situación de salud, con la finalidad de poderlo asistir. No efectuaremos transferencias que requieran su consentimiento. En los términos de la normativa aplicable, usted tiene derecho a conocer qué datos personales tenemos de usted, para qué los utilizamos y las condiciones del uso que les damos (Acceso). Asimismo, es su derecho solicitar la corrección de su información personal en caso de que esté desactualizada, sea inexacta o incompleta (Rectificación); que la eliminemos de nuestros registros o bases de datos cuando considere que la misma no está siendo utilizada adecuadamente (Cancelación); así como oponerse al uso de sus datos personales para fines específicos (Oposición). Estos derechos se conocen como derechos ARCO. Para el ejercicio de cualquiera de los derechos ARCO, usted deberá presentar la solicitud respectiva a través de un correo electrónico dirigido a nuestro oficial de privacidad, quien le informará sobre el procedimiento y requisitos para el ejercicio de esos derechos, plazos de respuesta, la forma en que haremos efectivo su derecho, y atenderá cualquier duda, queja o comentario que tenga al respecto. En los términos de la normativa aplicable, usted puede revocar el consentimiento que en su caso nos haya otorgado. Sin embargo, es importante que tenga en cuenta que no en todos los casos será procedente su solicitud o podremos concluir el uso de forma inmediata, ya que es posible que por alguna obligación legal requiramos seguir tratando sus datos personales. Para revocar su consentimiento deberá presentar su solicitud a través de un correo electrónico dirigido a nuestro oficial de privacidad, quien le informará sobre el procedimiento y requisitos para el ejercicio de este derecho, plazos de respuesta, la forma en que haremos efectivo su derecho, y atenderá cualquier duda, queja o comentario que tenga al respecto. Además del procedimiento y ejercicio de los derechos contemplados en los numerales 6 (seis) y 7 (siete) del presente aviso de privacidad, usted puede limitar el uso o divulgación de los datos personales de las siguientes formas: 1) Para los correos electrónicos que le enviemos con fines promocionales, mercadotécnicos y/o de publicidad, usted podrá dejar de recibirlos ingresando a la liga para cancelar suscripción que se acompañará a cada uno de dichos correos. 2) Asimismo, usted puede inscribirse en el Registro Público para Evitar Publicidad de la Procuraduría Federal del Consumidor. Respecto de esta última opción, puede obtener información contactándose directamente con la PROFECO o ingresando a la siguiente liga: Hacemos de su conocimiento que contamos con tecnologías electrónicas (cookies y web beacons), que nos permiten recabar datos de su actividad de manera automática y simultánea al tiempo que usted hace contacto con nosotros a través de nuestra página de internet: Los datos que recabamos son los siguientes: 1) Información del tipo de explorador que utiliza. 2) Información del horario y tiempo que permaneció en nuestra página. 3) Secciones consultadas en nuestra página. 4) Información de las páginas que visitó previo de ingresar a: 5) Información de las páginas que visitó posterior a haber ingresado a: 6) Su dirección IP. Los datos recabados no son necesarios para cumplir con las finalidades primarias señaladas en el presente aviso de privacidad, sin embargo, nos son de utilidad para fines de mercadotecnia y publicidad. Los datos recabados serán para uso exclusivo de BTC, por lo tanto, no serán objeto de transferencias nacionales o internacionales. En todo momento usted puede deshabilitar el uso de estas tecnologías. Para conocer cómo hacerlo, consulte la información técnica del navegador que esté utilizando. En las siguientes ligas se encuentran ejemplos de cómo hacerlo para estos tipos de navegadores: Desde Internet Explorer (en Windows) Firefox Google Chrome Safari en Mac Nos reservamos el derecho de efectuar en cualquier momento modificaciones o actualizaciones al presente aviso de privacidad atendiendo a novedades legislativas, políticas internas o nuevos requerimientos para la prestación u ofrecimiento de nuestros servicios. La versión actualizada se la informaremos a través de cualquiera de los siguientes medios: 1) En nuestra página de Internet, la cual sugerimos visite frecuentemente. 2) Se la podremos hacer llegar al último correo electrónico que nos haya proporcionado. El procedimiento con relación a la notificación vía Internet es el siguiente: (i) Ingrese a nuestra página de Internet En caso de haber modificaciones o actualizaciones al presente aviso de privacidad, habrá una notificación que se lo haga saber; (ii) acceda a la liga de aviso de privacidad; (iii) ahí encontrará la versión vigente con la fecha de la más reciente actualización. Si usted considera que su derecho a la protección de los datos personales ha sido lesionado por alguna conducta u omisión de nuestra parte, o presume alguna violación a las disposiciones previstas en la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares, su Reglamento y demás ordenamientos aplicables, podrá interponer su inconformidad o denuncia ante el Instituto Nacional de Transparencia, Acceso a la Información y Protección de Datos Personales (INAI). Para más información, le sugerimos visitar su página oficial de Internet Otorgo mi consentimiento, inequívocamente, para que mis datos personales sean tratados de conformidad con los términos del presente aviso de privacidad. Fecha de la actualización más reciente: 05 de junio de 2018.

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Travel consulting services

Extracting value for you

business travel consulting

Lead innovation and change

Helping you build a more balanced travel program

business travel consulting

Access state-of-the-art technology combined with business travel experts. Drive value and growth that reach every part of your business.

Bring your T&E program to the next level

Travel and expense strategy

CWT Solutions Group provides expertise and insights to design effective travel and expense strategies. Work closely with our consultants to align travel with your business goals and drive results through your T&E program.

Make data work harder

Data insights

Unlock trends in your travel and expense data. Using AI-driven technologies and our expertise, you can consolidate data from many sources, run advanced data analytics and harness predictive modeling to achieve change.

Get more from supplier relationships

Supplier management

Innovative supplier relationship management puts you in a prime position for negotiations. We help you create RFP strategy, sourcing approach and on-going contract management around the Responsible Travel pillars. Check out our indexes using client benchmarks and market metrics.

Borrow our experts to meet your business needs

Travel services outsourcing

In a fast-changing business landscape, use the agility of one of our experts for long and short-term projects. It is the best way to get resources and expertise for your travel program, targeted exactly where your business needs it.

Get started

Case studies

Responsible Airline Sourcing

Responsible airline sourcing

Aerospace & Defense Industry

Align with like-minded partners

Travel services outsourcing

Resources support urgent OBT implementation

Raising awareness of carbon emissions

Raising awareness of carbon emissions

CO₂ reporting and communication


Meet the experts who make it happen

We know that success comes from more than just one person. It comes from our teams sharing specialized expertise across many areas. That is why for over 20 years we have brought together a global perspective with unique industry knowledge.

Get to know us

Industry insights

Trends shaping business travel.

What is the next wave in business travel? Get up-to-the minute trends reports, industry insights and an inside glimpse at how new technologies are reinventing travel data. Stay ahead of the curve!

Read the latest trends

Find out how we can help you

To reach out to CWT Solutions Group - just complete our form. We'll get in touch with you.


Travelers: manage your travel here . The below form is for inquiries about our travel consulting services.

To reach out to CWT to learn more and also receive communications (email or phone) on our products and services, please complete the form below. You can unsubscribe at any point in the future from our mailing list using the ‘unsubscribe’ link on any of our emails.

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With kind regards,


Travel and Tourism

As the travel and tourism industry emerges from the shock of the pandemic, companies have a clear opportunity to reset their business model and ways of working. Our tourism consulting experts help companies craft the right strategy for success.

COVID-19 challenged travel and tourism companies to think more boldly than ever. As these companies navigate continued changes to the industry, those that remain flexible and adaptive stand to gain significant market share and security. And fundamentals—like managing pricing and customer relationships—coupled with innovation will be key to a strong post-crisis performance.

Our Travel and Tourism Services

Airline Industry

Digital Transformation

Business Transformation

Social Impact and Sustainability

How BCG Helps Travel and Tourism Companies

We currently work with the top travel and tourism companies across the globe.

business travel consulting

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business travel consulting

Over the past five years, we have collaborated on more than 1,100 travel and tourism initiatives, working closely with airlines, railways, the hotel industry, the cruise industry, theme parks, gaming and casinos, government tourism organizations, and more.

We treat travel and tourism as its own unique entity, not an offshoot of adjacent industry topics. Airlines and railroads look very different when seen through a travel and tourism lens versus a logistics and transportation lens. The difference is stark—and now more than ever, travel and tourism needs a highly customized approach. That’s what we offer at BCG.

Our Client Work in Travel and Tourism

Our travel and tourism consulting teams work with clients on a wide variety of topics, including strategy , people and organization , sales and distribution, post-merger integration , travel operations, digital operations, business transformation , digital transformation , pricing and revenue management, and social impact and sustainability . Here are just a few examples of our impact in travel and tourism and the hospitality industry.

45 percent improvement

A low-cost carrier with 75% to 80% load factor had a 45% improvement in their forecasting accuracy, using BCG’s state-of-the-art Machine Learning demand forecasting approach.

750 million US dollars in expense reduction

While working with BCG to identify and eliminate hidden costs, a US airline reduced expenses by $750 million , with no layoffs or involuntary moves.

25 times the return on investment

A multibillion-dollar global hotel chain needed to enhance its loyalty program. After working with BCG to redesign the loyalty program and build up marketing capabilities, the organization achieved a 20 to 25 times return on investment over five years.

25 percent profit improvement

Our travel and tourism consulting team worked with an underperforming online travel agency to define a profitable growth strategy focused on specific consumer segments, creating a plan to improve profits by 20% to 25% .


In 2000, during a period of slow growth for airlines, five major US carriers—American, Continental, Delta, Northwest, and United —joined forces to create the travel portal Orbitz. BCG was involved in designing, building, and launching the startup from the beginning. Five managers from BCG oversaw operations, finance, IT, corporate development, and HR, and helped build a company that sold in 2004 for $1.25 billion. More recently, in partnership with Jeff Katz, the founding CEO of Orbitz Worldwide, BCG cofounded Journera , an industry-wide platform that provides secure, real-time data exchange to help companies create more seamless travel journeys. When it comes to big ideas, we don’t simply consult. We co-create.

BCG on Consumer LI Showcase

BCG on Consumer

Follow us on LinkedIn for the latest insights and news on consumer products, retail, fashion, and travel.

Meet Our Travel and Tourism Consultants

Learn more about travel and tourism.

" "

Can Rising Borrowing Costs Create Unexpected Opportunity for Hotels?

Uncertainty, inflationary fears, and elevated interest rates have a chilling effect on investment. But strong demand for rooms makes hotels one of the few sectors that enjoy pricing flexibility in a broader economic downturn.


To Uncertainty and Beyond in the Travel Industry

In this episode of The So What from BCG, Jason Guggenheim, BCG’s global leader of travel and tourism, explains how companies can sharpen their ability to sense shifts in demand.

Subscribe to read our latest insights on Travel and Tourism.

KesselRun Corporate Travel Solutions


Business travel consulting.

KesselRun provides business travel consulting support to organizations in a variety of industries and sizes. Our team of travel consultants has deep experience with regional and multi-national companies and suppliers across the entire corporate travel supply chain.

Our business travel consultants come from backgrounds with traditional management consulting organizations as well as from all disciplines in the business travel space. Having both wide-ranging and specialized travel industry viewpoints, KesselRun understands that travel is both a significant spend category and one that is very personal.  Our goal is to provide flexible engagement options that provide return on investment while taking into account the great variance, unique to each organization, in ability to enact change in its travel program.  We take into account our client’s corporate culture as well as their spend profile and adapt our approach to best suit the client for each project we engage in.

Our Business Travel Consulting Services

KesselRun’s business travel consulting practice can optimize any aspect of your company’s business travel program.  Our goal is to provide flexible, custom tailored engagements that carry a clear and strong return on investment.

Contact us to learn how KesselRun’s business travel consulting services can help your organization.

Click on the services listed below to expand and learn more about each business travel service we offer. 

Corporate Travel Program Audit

KesselRun will engage in a comprehensive review of your entire travel program. Our audit will review current processes, vendors, and spending habits, and based on our findings, provide a strategic roadmap for optimization.  KesselRun specializes in fast, low-cost results, that will enable organizations to make impactful changes to their programs that save money and increase traveler satisfaction.

Preferred Supplier Negotiations

KesselRun’s  travel consultants  will benchmark your air, car, and hotel program and provide pertinent financial analysis and recommendations to establish and optimize preferred vendor programs. KesselRun handles all RFP and supplier negotiation strategy.

Category Management Services

KesselRun provides a comprehensive program outsourcing model where we become the organization’s  category manager . Under this model, KesselRun handles all relevant internal work dealing with managing the travel program. We act as point between the client and all travel vendors, including the travel management company, as well as serving as a resource to travelers, on a day-to-day basis.

Risk Management

KesselRun can  assess your current risk program  to determine if your organization is taking sufficient steps to meet present corporate risk standards. Following review, we help establish best practices around people tracking, duty of care, export control, and travel authorization processes.

  • Expense Management

KesselRun can source, implement, and support expense management solutions. In many cases, organizations seek to seamlessly align corporate travel purchase receipts to expense and reimbursement processes.  KesselRun is adept at providing consulting services to clients looking to establish an automated procure to pay strategy.

Payment Solutions

KesselRun can source, implement, and support all types of corporate payment solutions including corporate card, P-Card, ghost cards, and e-Pay solutions across the entire organization.

Supplier Benchmarking & Rate Auditing

KesselRun utilizes the best available data found in the industry to benchmark air, car, and hotel rates. Based on the data and spending habits of the client, KesselRun makes recommendations for supplier contracting and internal share requirements.  We also ensure that the rates we negotiate on the client’s behalf are actually available to travelers through best-in-class auditing technology.

Meetings Management

Our corporate travel consultants can help build an internal meetings management strategy or optimize an existing structure. Corporate meetings require a unique skill set and can be optimized by meeting specific technology and best practices.  KesselRun can help with strategy development to category support including sourcing, logistics, and meeting spend budgeting and reconciliation.


Why kesselrun.

KesselRun brings deep experience to every aspect of your corporate travel program. After 20 years in business, we still believe that every consulting engagement is as unique as our client’s business.

20+ Years in Business

Custom solutions, industry experts, excellent client references, executive team.

Our Executive Team has decades of experience across the entire corporate travel supply chain. We come from both Big 5 management consulting firms and from corporate travel supplier and client sides of the business. We provide flexible, thoughtful, and independent solutions. Our goal is always to increase traveler satisfaction while optimizing corporate spend and supplier leverage. Most importantly, we all love what we do.

Brandon Strauss

Brandon Strauss

Michael Brennan

Michael Brennan

Krissy Herman | KesselRun

Krissy Herman

erik woodfolk

Erik Woodfolk

Latest news.

Please check here frequently for informative and timely information covering all aspects of the corporate travel industry.

what we learned about corporate travel last year

Discover new destinations with Travel

The travel industry is no stranger to disruption. And in the post-pandemic world, travel companies must continuously reinvent to outwit unforeseen circumstances, while providing cohesive, elevated experiences for customers.

of consumers plan to travel for leisure in the next 12 months

of travel managers expect more or the same amount of business trips in 2023

of travelers find their travel experiences unauthentic

of travel executives interviewed agree that technology plays a critical role in all current and future reinvention strategies

of travel companies state that legacy technology is the main barrier in delivering their reinvention strategy

business travel consulting

Travel past the competition

As travel continues to rebound, evolving trends pose new challenges to the industry. What’s best-in-class today will be lagging before tomorrow arrives – unless companies are able to access continuous reinvention that keeps them ahead of their competition.

How to reinvent travel

Offer more in your traveler experience, equip your people with the technology needed to compete in the new era of travel, bring together people and technology to transform your business.

business travel consulting

Define your pathway to sustainability

Build a post pandemic growth strategy that creates revenue streams fit for future growth, cultivate the skills needed to deliver world-class traveler experiences.

Give customers the seamless, end-to-end experience they’re craving, and solve their travel challenges, with automation, data and AI. Improve their retail interactions, customer service and loyalty programs — all while diversifying your revenue streams.

of consumers having at least one trip this year will “treat themselves” with meaningful experiences.

Inspire travelers to go big

Reclaim leisure demand through new sources of inspiration. Grow the corporate traveler segment by thinking holistically about the experience. Proactively capture demand signals and fuel lead generation and booking with an AI-powered growth engine.

Accelerate your business with retailing

Develop a retailing strategy with new offer and order capabilities. Offer differentiated products and seamless booking experience that surpass any third-party proposition.

Meet new traveler needs

Staying close to the travelers’ changing needs and expectations will allow you to anticipate and meet new demands and create relevant experiences and personalized customer service.

Improve your technology foundations

Focusing on new technologies such as cloud, data and AI will transform the way your company interacts with travelers and enable them to deliver a seamless end-to-end experience.

Shift your focus from legacy to transformative technology and deliver change faster

Embark on a transformation journey to modernize the technology landscape, bringing forth agility, innovation and resilience, underpinned by cloud.

of travel companies say legacy technology is the main barrier in delivering their reinvention strategy.

Shorten the timeline from concept to launch

Accelerate innovation, from idea to execution, to bring travelers the products and experiences they want, faster than ever.

Break down siloes across your organization

Free your organization from legacy technologies and processes that don’t talk to each other, getting in the way of real-time collaboration and long-term growth.

Collaborate closer with ecosystem partners

The cloud and technology transformation can help you connect with airports, customs, online travel agencies and all your partners — seamlessly, in real time.

Transform your organizational culture

Build a future-focused, customer-centric organization that not only empowers employees with innovation — it becomes more attractive to new talent.

Redirect your budget to fuel business growth

Cloud-based tools and processes cut costs on IT infrastructure, allowing you to focus spending on innovation that drives recovery and business growth.

Deliver on your commitment to sustainability

By migrating to the cloud with a partner committed to sustainability, you can reduce carbon emissions and improve energy efficiency.

Employ cross-organizational data and insights to improve performance, lower costs and make faster decisions.

of travel organizations call their operations future-ready, while 58% believe they are on their way to becoming future-ready because they have some predictive operations capabilities today.

Lead with data to create an insight-rich organization

With intelligent operations, data is behind the strategies and approaches for complex commercial decisions, and it automates operational decision-making.

Increase your revenue

Optimize your fixed asset base by automating deployment analytics, augmenting revenue management, marketing and corporate sales processes.

Improve your operational efficiency

Identify opportunities for continuous improvement, so your assets and people can deliver exceptional experiences without adding cost or effort.

Build a future-ready culture

Support your people with consistent access to strategic insights — and become an efficient, flexible company that is focused on growth.

You’ll reap tangible benefits by prioritizing responsible practices, as customers, investors, employees and regulators expect companies to reduce their impact on the climate. But that’s not the only reason to act — it’s the right thing to do.

of consumers say the environment is their second biggest concern after the national economy — and well ahead of their personal financial situation.

Grow your customer base

When 59% of people say they would switch to a sustainable travel provider, sustainability has clearly become a growth opportunity.

Reduce costs

Save money by implementing sustainable business operations, such as using fewer resources and building smarter supply chains.

Mitigate risks

As regulations become stricter and implemented at a faster pace, companies that put sustainability practices into place now minimize their exposure to risk.

Ensure access to funding

Investors are putting sustainability at the center of their decisions, so companies without clear sustainability plans risk losing access to capital.

Strengthen brand reputation

Positive sustainability actions result in positive brand reputation. Social media on this hot-button issue can build or destroy a company‘s reputation in minutes.

Increase workforce retention

Hiring and retaining employees in the travel industry is a challenge. Employees want to work for companies that protect the planet.

Segments we support

business travel consulting

Hospitality companies

Tap into data-driven insights with industry expertise that drives growth and propels you ahead of the competition.

business travel consulting

Aviation companies

Discover new operational efficiencies for airlines and airports that streamline the traveler experience.

business travel consulting

Travel services

Boost revenue, improve operations, and optimize customer experience through digital transformation.

What’s trending in travel

business travel consulting

How can Gen AI improve the end-to-end travel experience? In this blog we explore the quick wins and long-term bets to ensure that the industry can start getting the most out of Gen AI across the value chain.

business travel consulting

Accenture explains how the aviation industry can prepare for disruption and achieve operational transformation by leveraging data and AI assets.

business travel consulting

Accenture & American Hotel & Lodging Association launched a survey on sustainability in the hospitality industry examining environmental initiatives.

business travel consulting

How resilient consumers are adapting in an era of volatility.

business travel consulting

Transforming the passenger experience.

business travel consulting

Five imperatives the C-suite must address to reinvent in the age of generative AI.

business travel consulting

The travel industry is on the cusp of a new era. Companies that understand and prioritize investments in the big innovations—cloud, metaverse, AI and data—are going to play the biggest part in shaping the future of travel.

Our travel leaders

business travel consulting

Emily Weiss

Senior Managing Director – Global Industry Sector Lead Travel

business travel consulting

Liselotte de Maar

Managing Director – Strategy, Travel, North America

business travel consulting

Sofiane Baffoun

Managing Director – Products, EMEA Travel Industry Lead

business travel consulting

Mike Tansey

Managing Director – Strategy & Consulting, Travel, Growth Markets

business travel consulting

Bring your ingenuity, curiosity and big ideas - work with us at the heart of change.

How to Start a Business Travel Consultancy

If thoughts of long journeys and exploration excite you, perhaps you'd like to become a business travel consultant. Businesspeople often travel great distances, and it's rarely a simple process. In addition to reserving hotel rooms and rental cars, they have to purchase airline, bus, or train tickets. It can take many hours to compare all of the options. They typically need to arrive on time for important events, so it's crucial to have carefully planned itineraries. 

An expert can ensure everything goes smoothly and arrange trips more efficiently. Consultants usually offer greater customization than the average travel agent.

Learn how to start your own Business Travel Consultancy and whether it is the right fit for you.

Ready to form your LLC? Check out the Top LLC Formation Services .

Business Travel Consultancy Image

Start a business travel consultancy by following these 10 steps:

  • Plan your Business Travel Consultancy
  • Form your Business Travel Consultancy into a Legal Entity
  • Register your Business Travel Consultancy for Taxes
  • Open a Business Bank Account & Credit Card
  • Set up Accounting for your Business Travel Consultancy
  • Get the Necessary Permits & Licenses for your Business Travel Consultancy
  • Get Business Travel Consultancy Insurance
  • Define your Business Travel Consultancy Brand
  • Create your Business Travel Consultancy Website
  • Set up your Business Phone System

We have put together this simple guide to starting your business travel consultancy. These steps will ensure that your new business is well planned out, registered properly and legally compliant.

Exploring your options? Check out other small business ideas .

STEP 1: Plan your business

A clear plan is essential for success as an entrepreneur. It will help you map out the specifics of your business and discover some unknowns. A few important topics to consider are:

What will you name your business?

  • What are the startup and ongoing costs?
  • Who is your target market?

How much can you charge customers?

Luckily we have done a lot of this research for you.

Choosing the right name is very important. Read our detailed guide on how to name your business . We recommend checking if the business name you choose is available as a web domain and securing it early so no one else can take it.

Want some help naming your business travel consultancy?

Business name generator, what are the costs involved in opening a business travel consultancy.

You can work at home, so startup expenses largely depend on whether or not you already have a home office. Consultants spend many hours using computers and phones; an ergonomic chair and desk are essential. Quality new furniture will probably cost at least $300. You ought to have the equipment necessary to print, copy, and fax documents. Some travel-oriented decorations might help inspire you. Think about adorning the walls with scenic photos, maps, or clocks that show the current times in different cities.

What are the ongoing expenses for a business travel consultancy?

You'll need to pay for office supplies, promotional campaigns, and electricity. Dependable internet and phone service also hold importance. It's helpful to stay informed about the hospitality industry; consider buying a Lonely Planet membership or subscribing to a magazine like Travel + Leisure. This costs around $30 to $40 per year. You can obtain travel management software for less than $10 a month.

There's always a chance that a mistake could lead to serious problems and trigger losses for a business. To minimize the financial risks, obtain professional liability insurance with errors and omissions coverage. The premiums add up to about $400 annually.

Who is the target market?

You'll serve organizations with staff members who attend conferences, exhibitions, grand openings, and other events. Executives may want to visit properties before buying or renting them. Relatively high-end clients can afford consultants.

How does a business travel consultancy make money?

Clients pay fees to compensate you for the expertise and effort involved in arranging trips. Business travel occurs throughout the year but peaks in the autumn.

Fees differ based upon the complexity of a trip. You could charge $30 just to book a room that the client will reach by car. On the other hand, a traveler might pay you $200 to plan a long journey involving multiple flights, hotels, and vehicle rentals. Keep in mind that remote business travel consultants generally earn $34,000 to $122,000 per year, according to ZipRecruiter .

How much profit can a business travel consultancy make?

Compared to other entrepreneurs, these professionals have comparatively low expenses but find it somewhat hard to gain clients. Customers have many options, such as in-house travel planners, agencies, and self-serve bookings. This limits how much you can charge. Business-oriented agencies attain profit margins of around 7%. The greater personalization offered by consultants may yield somewhat higher margins.

How can you make your business more profitable?

You'll probably qualify for home office tax deductions as long as you don't become an employee. Reevaluate your phone service; consider switching providers or calling plans in an effort to minimize the per-minute cost of international and out-of-state calls.

  • Prioritize referrals rather than costly media or search engine advertising.
  • Reduce your printing costs by using a monochrome laser printer for most purposes.
  • Selling travel insurance is often quite lucrative and adds valuable protection.

Want a more guided approach? Access TRUiC's free Small Business Startup Guide - a step-by-step course for turning your business idea into reality. Get started today!

STEP 2: Form a legal entity

The most common business structure types are the sole proprietorship , partnership , limited liability company (LLC) , and corporation .

Establishing a legal business entity such as an LLC or corporation protects you from being held personally liable if your business travel consultancy is sued.

Form Your LLC

Read our Guide to Form Your Own LLC

Have a Professional Service Form your LLC for You

Two such reliable services:

You can form an LLC yourself and pay only the minimal state LLC costs or hire one of the Best LLC Services for a small, additional fee.

Recommended: You will need to elect a registered agent for your LLC. LLC formation packages usually include a free year of registered agent services . You can choose to hire a registered agent or act as your own.

STEP 3: Register for taxes

You will need to register for a variety of state and federal taxes before you can open for business.

In order to register for taxes you will need to apply for an EIN. It's really easy and free!

You can acquire your EIN through the IRS website . If you would like to learn more about EINs, read our article, What is an EIN?

There are specific state taxes that might apply to your business. Learn more about state sales tax and franchise taxes in our state sales tax guides.

STEP 4: Open a business bank account & credit card

Using dedicated business banking and credit accounts is essential for personal asset protection.

When your personal and business accounts are mixed, your personal assets (your home, car, and other valuables) are at risk in the event your business is sued. In business law, this is referred to as piercing your corporate veil .

Open a business bank account

Besides being a requirement when applying for business loans, opening a business bank account:

  • Separates your personal assets from your company's assets, which is necessary for personal asset protection.
  • Makes accounting and tax filing easier.

Recommended: Read our Best Banks for Small Business review to find the best national bank or credit union.

Get a business credit card

Getting a business credit card helps you:

  • Separate personal and business expenses by putting your business' expenses all in one place.
  • Build your company's credit history , which can be useful to raise money later on.

Recommended: Apply for an easy approval business credit card from BILL and build your business credit quickly.

STEP 5: Set up business accounting

Recording your various expenses and sources of income is critical to understanding the financial performance of your business. Keeping accurate and detailed accounts also greatly simplifies your annual tax filing.

Make LLC accounting easy with our LLC Expenses Cheat Sheet.

STEP 6: Obtain necessary permits and licenses

Failure to acquire necessary permits and licenses can result in hefty fines, or even cause your business to be shut down.

STEP 7: Get business insurance

Just as with licenses and permits, your business needs insurance in order to operate safely and lawfully. Business Insurance protects your company’s financial wellbeing in the event of a covered loss.

There are several types of insurance policies created for different types of businesses with different risks. If you’re unsure of the types of risks that your business may face, begin with General Liability Insurance . This is the most common coverage that small businesses need, so it’s a great place to start for your business.

Another notable insurance policy that many businesses need is Workers’ Compensation Insurance . If your business will have employees, it’s a good chance that your state will require you to carry Workers' Compensation Coverage.

STEP 8: Define your brand

Your brand is what your company stands for, as well as how your business is perceived by the public. A strong brand will help your business stand out from competitors.

If you aren't feeling confident about designing your small business logo, then check out our Design Guides for Beginners , we'll give you helpful tips and advice for creating the best unique logo for your business.

Recommended : Get a logo using Truic's free logo Generator no email or sign up required, or use a Premium Logo Maker .

If you already have a logo, you can also add it to a QR code with our Free QR Code Generator . Choose from 13 QR code types to create a code for your business cards and publications, or to help spread awareness for your new website.

How to promote & market a business travel consultancy

Utilize highly targeted advertising; contact companies in sectors that regularly engage in long-distance travel, such as banking, insurance, and manufacturing. You may have better luck with new firms that don't already have consultants or agents. Send sales letters to executives, and advertise in business-oriented publications. You could also write a blog about relevant travel destinations. Promote your service at events and places frequented by commercial travelers, such as trade shows. Engage in business networking and think about rewarding clients for referrals.

How to keep customers coming back

You can appeal to new clients by highlighting the value of a well-planned trip; businesses save time and spend money efficiently. Experienced consultants reduce labor costs by developing optimal itineraries much more quickly than the average staff member.

Don't forget to point out specific added benefits that clients gain by using your services, such as special upgrades and bonuses. To retain customers, deliver comprehensive solutions by considering every detail. Recommend the best taxi or restaurant in a certain locale. Supply travelers with all of the information they should know about the trip and destination. Reward loyal clients with retail or dining gift cards. These actions will encourage them to recommend you when they discuss travel with fellow businesspeople.

STEP 9: Create your business website

After defining your brand and creating your logo the next step is to create a website for your business .

While creating a website is an essential step, some may fear that it’s out of their reach because they don’t have any website-building experience. While this may have been a reasonable fear back in 2015, web technology has seen huge advancements in the past few years that makes the lives of small business owners much simpler.

Here are the main reasons why you shouldn’t delay building your website:

  • All legitimate businesses have websites - full stop. The size or industry of your business does not matter when it comes to getting your business online.
  • Social media accounts like Facebook pages or LinkedIn business profiles are not a replacement for a business website that you own.
  • Website builder tools like the GoDaddy Website Builder have made creating a basic website extremely simple. You don’t need to hire a web developer or designer to create a website that you can be proud of.

Recommended : Get started today using our recommended website builder or check out our review of the Best Website Builders .

Other popular website builders are: WordPress , WIX , Weebly , Squarespace , and Shopify .

STEP 10: Set up your business phone system

Getting a phone set up for your business is one of the best ways to help keep your personal life and business life separate and private. That’s not the only benefit; it also helps you make your business more automated, gives your business legitimacy, and makes it easier for potential customers to find and contact you.

There are many services available to entrepreneurs who want to set up a business phone system. We’ve reviewed the top companies and rated them based on price, features, and ease of use. Check out our review of the Best Business Phone Systems 2023 to find the best phone service for your small business.

Recommended Business Phone Service: is our top choice for small business phone numbers because of all the features it offers for small businesses and it's fair pricing.

Is this Business Right For You?

This occupation may suit someone who pays close attention to details and has a knack for finding low prices without compromising quality. In-depth knowledge about the hospitality and transportation industries will prove useful. Hotels and other businesses might reward you with free or discounted services, so this business appeals to people who enjoy traveling. You should communicate in an efficient, clear, and friendly manner. Consultants have flexible schedules but may need to work irregular hours.

Want to know if you are cut out to be an entrepreneur?

Take our Entrepreneurship Quiz to find out!

Entrepreneurship Quiz

What happens during a typical day at a business travel consultancy?

You can expect to spend many hours conducting research, communicating with clients, and setting up itineraries. Customers want you to choose and purchase services for them. Among other things, you'll have to select flights and book rooms. Keep work-related needs in mind; pick hotels with business centers and suitable internet access. Clients may ask for assistance during their trips if problems arise. You can negotiate with service providers to find fair solutions.

What are some skills and experiences that will help you build a successful business travel consultancy?

Ideally, consultants are excellent researchers who have traveled to faraway destinations. It helps if you can speak a major foreign language like French, Portuguese, Spanish, or Chinese. This profession doesn't require any specific credentials, but you'll find it easier to attract clients with a two-year tourism or travel degree . Computer expertise holds considerable value as well.

What is the growth potential for a business travel consultancy?

While the COVID-19 pandemic recently forced many companies to cancel trips, Statista reports that global spending on commercial travel increased by over 200% between 2000 and 2019. If you decide to expand a profitable firm, you could create an agency with multiple consultants. Another option is to develop a franchise. For example, a UK company known as Travel Counsellors offers a franchising opportunity that includes training, support, bonding, and supplies.

TRUiC's YouTube Channel

For fun informative videos about starting a business visit the TRUiC YouTube Channel or subscribe to view later.

Take the Next Step

Find a business mentor.

One of the greatest resources an entrepreneur can have is quality mentorship. As you start planning your business, connect with a free business resource near you to get the help you need.

Having a support network in place to turn to during tough times is a major factor of success for new business owners.

Learn from other business owners

Want to learn more about starting a business from entrepreneurs themselves? Visit Startup Savant’s startup founder series to gain entrepreneurial insights, lessons, and advice from founders themselves.

Resources to Help Women in Business

There are many resources out there specifically for women entrepreneurs. We’ve gathered necessary and useful information to help you succeed both professionally and personally:

If you’re a woman looking for some guidance in entrepreneurship, check out this great new series Women in Business created by the women of our partner Startup Savant.

What are some insider tips for jump starting a business travel consultancy?

Take notes on each client's habits and priorities so that they don't have to remind you. For instance, one traveler might enjoy trying new eateries each day while another prefers a convenient hotel restaurant.

Try to use the same services for multiple clients. If you send numerous travelers to a specific hotel chain or airline, it might provide your customers with free upgrades. Sometimes you can trigger bonuses by using the right technique, such as entering a promo code or booking rooms on a certain website.

Always consider the total expense. Clients won't save cash by staying at a slightly less expensive motel if it costs more to travel there. At times, it's worth staying an extra night to pay significantly lower airfare the next day. Early booking can also cut expenses.

Don't let a service provider's incentives distort your judgment. The client's interests should always come first. To create the optimal experience, strive to minimize waiting times, traffic, and crowds. Remember that companies are responsible for employee safety; avoid potentially risky routes.

How and when to build a team

You don't really need any employees to run this business. Nonetheless, you could hire a secretary or virtual assistant if you develop a profitable consultancy and need help answering phone calls or performing research. These individuals frequently earn around $12 to $25 per hour.

Have a Question? Leave a Comment!

Mongolia Tourism Assn. Trainings 2001 & 2002

Travel Business Consulting and Marketing Fact:

  • You are so busy trying to start, run or grow your travel business, travel agency, lodge, B&B, tourism board or association, that many opportunities that increase bookings, arrivals, profits and a successful exit are missed or overlooked…
  • Or maybe you don’t have expertise or the passion for travel marketing, sales, publicity, social media, or operations, management and planning…

Can you relate to any of these two travel business facts? If so our travel business consulting can help !

What Are Travel Professionals Success Secrets?

Sir Richard Branson & Tourism Tim Warren

Successful travel professionals know that development of your travel business and marketing skills, resources and staff’s knowledge is one of the best returns on investments you can make. Without professional development and a good actionable plan, your travel business can stagnate and your dreams turn into nightmares…

We work in partnership with you, and independently, to create profitable results, help you avoid costly mistakes, and keep you on the path to achieve your short and long-term travel business goals.

Since 1994, “Tourism Tim” Warren has a proven track record of helping adventure travel, ecotourism and nature-based tour operators, travel agents, travel destinations, tourism associations and tourism board professionals increase bookings, arrivals and profits while improving their quality of life as travel professionals.

Don’t just take our word for it.

Check out the comments from many new and seasoned travel, tourism, and hospitality below and on the “ Who We Are ” page plus look at the many critical travel business consulting areas below we can help you launch, grow and prosper in.

Your consultation has helped me better understand the secrets of marketing.

I can now plan a marketing strategy that will achieve the best return on time and money.”

business travel consulting

Nancy & Terry Prichard ,   Co-Founders, Sea Kayak Adventures

Let’s face it. Without enough bookings or arrivals, your travel, tourism or hospitality business or destination will struggle and lose money. So 100% of our travel business consulting usually starts with helping you with your marketing and sales, especially your online marketing and travel website since that is where 95% or more of your prospect are finding you, or not…

But a successful travel business is SO MUCH more than just your marketing and sales. That’s why – unlike many other travel business consultant – we also can help you with Business Operations, Strategic Planning, Management & Leadership Development and more. Here’s a list below of the online marketing we focus on.

Travel Internet Marketing

  • Travel website: design, copy writing, lead generation and promotion
  • E-mail newsletters and databases
  • Search engines optimization: key words strategies, link building campaign, ranking & traffic enhancement.

Social Media Travel Marketing

  • How to increase your social media reviews, website traffic and quality leads from TripAdvisor, Facebook, Google+ and more
  • How to get your best clients recommending you more in social media
  • How to increase social engagements & “Likes” without a lot of effort  

Sales Enhancement – How to Convert Shoppers into Buyers

I define marketing as “getting your phone to ring or email inquiries to come in”. Sales is “making the booking and getting the money or increasing arrivals” for your destination. Here’s some of the sales areas we can help you in:

  • Phone and customer service skills training
  • Travel trade show selling that generate leads and bookings
  • How to creating win/win relations with booking agents or quality adventure travel operators or lodge
  • How to turn your operations staff into great sales associates too.  

Travel Marketing That Generates Quality Leads and Revenues

  • Travel Marketing Success Online Course
  • Public speaking & presentations as a marketing tool
  • Special event – creation and coordination
  • Advertising – strategy, design, copy writing and placement
  • Copy writing / editing – letters, brochures, articles, websites and more
  • Direct Mail – creation, implementation and mailing lists
  • Marketing “action plans” – local, regional and international
  • Trade shows – exhibits, marketing strategy and presentation skills
  • Referral marketing promotion- get your clients to do your selling for you

Publicity That Radically Increases Inquiries & Bookings

  • How to work with travel writers
  • Media & feature story promotion
  • Getting the attention of media professionals with press releases
Thank you for working with us. We appreciate your time, honesty, sincerity and creativity

Norman & Carolyn Vaughan, Owners, Adventure Quest

No matter how good your marketing and sales efforts, without quality operations, your business will struggle and your dream can turn into a “nightmare”.

When your travel business operates well, you will:

  • Have a more fun
  • Make more money
  • Increase sales and lower marketing costs
  • More positive “word of mouth” advertising
  • Have better customer service and a great brand
  • Reduce staff turnover and management problems
  • Sell your travel business for more money

Below are some core travel business operations for adventure travel, ecotourism and nature travel we can help you with.

Operations: Office, Field and Lodge

  • Customer service training
  • Find, hire and train key staff
  • Insurance and liability guidance
  • Product development – itineraries, pricing, diversification
  • Safety and security program development and communication
I have no doubt that our joining of forces will bea truly beneficial move for both of us

business travel consulting

Sergio A. Ballivian, President, Explore Bolivia

Way too often travel business consulting on strategic planning is either not done or is so unrealistic, nothing moves forward.  Or a huge business plan that sits on your shelf and never get used…This will hurt your business. And cause more struggle.

business travel consulting

I hate struggle and know it doesn’t have to be that way.

I believe in creating a concise “Action Plans” that are unique based on your current and near future needs, budget, and human resources and skills. An action plan that is simple, easy and prioritized to give you the step by step guidance to improve ALL aspects of your tourism business.

  • Goals – creating, coaching and tracking
  • Competitive Research to know how to best compete
  • Actionable demographics, market analysis and trends
  • Business plans – assessment, creation, and tracking
  • Business analysis – the written road map for your success
  • Financial analysis – budgets, projections, cash flow, improving profits
  • International business – business and alliances in and outside the United   States
  • Non-profit companies – putting the profit into “non-profit”

Management & Leadership Development

Tourism Tim Warren & Sabrina Braham management consulting in Dominican Republic for USAID

At the end of the day, it all comes down to people. Both your guests, clients, staff and yourself.  Success and strength here is critical. And it is a skill you CAN learn and improve This is another huge benefit of working with Travel Business Success with our over 50 years’ collective expertise in leadership development and management for small to medium sized businesses.  Focus areas include:

  • Communications training
  • Conflict resolutions
  • Customer service – theory, training and practice
  • Goal setting that keep you and the team on track
  • Human resources – policies, procedures, hiring and quality standards
  • Staff training – motivation, sales, safety, and customer service
  • Management – performance improvement, teamwork, dealing with change
Tim’s advice and his direct actions have given me greater clarity of our company goals, created new services to sell and seriously enhanced our revenues  

 Kevin Warren, President, Baja AirVentures & Las Animas Ecolodge, Baja Mexico #1 Tripadvisor Specialty Lodging in Baja California

Here are your 3 steps towards more travel & tourism sales, increased arrivals and reaching your goals with travel business success consultants ., step # 1:    comprehensive business/marketing analysis with action plan.

Our travel consulting services start off with a comprehensive business/marketing analysis of your business (or future business) followed by a written game plan/outline. You’ll receive a detailed action plan that’s reviewed personally with “Tourism Tim” Warren covering your areas of biggest opportunities, answers to your greatest challenges, as well as our guidance in how to achieve your goals.

business travel consulting

In additions to the areas mentioned above, your personalized “action plan” will also include:

  • Summary of what you need to focus on – Our deep analysis will uncover your key problems and concerns, create prioritized strategies to solve them and help keep you on track.
  • Financial analysis & suggestions – Our analysis is unique and will give you the information you need to control your finances. Let us help you solve cash flow challenges, pricing, costs, under capitalization, as well as prepare your tourism business for expansion, acquisitions and diversification. Learn what makes you profits and how-to avoid that, which doesn’t.
  • And much more! – If you are ready to create greater success and satisfaction in your tourism profession and want help, give us a call. Your investment with Adventure Business Consultants will be one of the best things you ever did to increase your profits and arrivals while lowering costs. Our goal is to increase the quality of your life through a more successful tourism business.  

Step # 2:   Long-term Travel Business Consulting and Project Management

Once we have reviewed the analysis and marketing suggestions together, you have the option of taking the suggestions and implementing them yourself or hiring us to help implement them.

business travel consulting

If you see value in what we have done for you and want assistance in creating a more profitable tourism operation, we then compare priorities and further develop action/cost and time-line plans that we can implement on your behalf.

Long-term project management and public relations is a commitment that will allow your tourism board or tourism business to make significant improvements in the key areas that effect tourism profits or arrivals. We will coach and be in partnership with you on a step by step process that achieves results. Like anything, more concentrated efforts over time, yields more results.

Step #3: Short Term Travel Marketing, Business and Management Coaching

Some people don’t need an action plan or long term help. They just want a regular professional guidance and assistance to start or grow their business. Short-term coaching is customized to your needs based on where you are at with your business and where you would like to go.

Tim is the best consultant we have worked with in the industry…

His analysis was thorough and insightful. His holistic approach put all the pieces together in a focused, easy to understand format. And most of all, his suggestions were actionable, not just theoretical.”

Nichole Smaglick, Executive Director Another Land

All correspondences and interviews, analysis of your travel business plan or concept, review of all marketing material and web site, analysis of your current needs, written recommendations plus my verbal feedback and advice range from US$6,000 – US$30,000 or more depending on size, status, and number of elements in your travel project. We’ll give you a quote with deliverables after an initial phone consultation/interview, online questionnaire and reviewing your website to determining your specific needs and the scope of your travel business consulting project.

Travel business consulting with Team Travel Business Success

Project Management  & Executive Coaching

We work on a project by project basis or can implement an entire plan over time. A written project management quote with priorities outline will be given as part of your travel marketing/business analysis and action plan. 1 on 1 Executive Coaching is available on a limited basis and requires a minimum of a three-month commitment. We are dedicated to helping you have profitable progress of your most pressing problem or most important goals. Call or email us today to see if you qualify and if we have coaching space available.

To insure maximum return on your investment, Travel Business Success Consultants and our associates limit the quantity of clients we will work with at one time. We also will not work with directly competing travel companies concurrently.

We hope that this information has helped answer your questions. We look forward to assisting you and your teams build a solid foundation for long-term tourism profit and fun.

Call today,  +1 (707) 867-1496 or e-mail us for an INITIAL CONSULTATION and find out how you can start improving your tourism profits and success!

Discover the alternative in business travel

Welcome to the place where clients are truly partners. As an extension of your team, FCM Travel is the travel management company that brings agility to your corporate travel program, driving value and creating simplicity.

With a unique approach to building technology and talented teams that go above and beyond, together we can do more than tick boxes and book tickets.

How we add value to business travel programs

Business travel programmes need a consistent experience | FCM Travel

Consistent experience

Business travel programmes need data that influences | FCM Travel

Data that influences

Business travel programmes need best-in-market content | FCM Travel

Best-in-market content

Business travel programmes need a collaborative-partner | FCM Travel

A collaborative partner

Explore what we do

Collaborating on travel programs with

Haeco is a client of FCM Travel

Technology built with you in mind

FCM Platform, technology built around your woes | FCM Travel

Craving a smoother way to book and manage business trips, with quick access to support, 24/7? Yearning to easily search and pull reports for travel insights, and view safety & risk alerts in one place?  

Our customers felt the same way. That’s why we built the FCM Platform, a business travel platform that’s designed to transform travel programs.  

With the FCM Platform, you get: 

  • Global consistency  
  • Personalized user experience 
  • Alternative approach to innovation 
  • Actionable insights  

Explore FCM Platform

Corporate travel services that work for all

Gestores de viajes | FCM Travel

Travel Managers

Responsables de las reservas | FCM Travel

Travel Bookers

Viajeros de negocios | FCM Travel

Business Travelers

Company travel strategy that keeps everyone….

Company travel strategy that keeps everyone Safe & Productive

Safe & Productive

Company travel strategy that keeps everyone on Budget

Thinking ahead

Resources hub.

From The Th!nk Series to FCM Consulting’s Quarterly Trends Reports, to practical travel advice and insights to elevate programs. Explore the Resource Hub .


2024 Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Report

Make meaningful impact in your travel programme. | FCM Travel

Ready to reveal your travel program’s value? This is the guide for you.


FCM Meetings & Events launches global venue finder platform

“Not only did FCM provide comprehensive, customized materials and sessions, they consistently took the time to listen and understand our culture, and then flexed to align with our needs”.

That's what the travel manager of a well-known Fortune 100 insurance company said about implementing FCM Travel, after 10 years with their incumbent TMC. Discover how agility and partnership-focused goals were a perfect match for this global business travel program.

Read case study

Services and culture, certified

Discover the awards and accreditations we’ve collected as a travel management company over our 20-year history.

View our trophy cabinet

Ready to discover a new travel management company? Let’s talk.

  • Apartment Rental
  • Hotels On Map
  • Recommended Hotels
  • Most Popular Hotels
  • History of Moscow Hotels
  • Package Tours
  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Tours of Golden Ring
  • River Cruises
  • Business Travel
  • Free Visa Support
  • Conference Services
  • Incentive and Business Travel
  • Guide and Interpreter services
  • About Moscow
  • Sightseeing in Moscow
  • Museums of Moscow
  • Theaters of Moscow
  • Visitor Information on Moscow

Travel Services

  • Business travel
  • Conference Services in Moscow

Incentive and Business Travel to Moscow

  • Transfers in Moscow

We offer you a wealth of business services, including business travel support services, organizing conferences, business meetings and presentations in Moscow and other Russian cities. You won't have to worry about transportation services and how to choose the best restaurant. We will take care of every detail, starting with tickets and ending with special programs for VIP clients.

Basing on the requirements of our clients and many years of successful cooperation with properties, we offer corporate clients the following services:

  • Travel service for foreign visitors, delegations and business partners in Russia
  • Hotels reservation in Moscow and other Russian towns
  • Transportation services
  • Guide service
  • International conference, seminar, or business meeting solutions in Moscow and St. Petersburg
  • Picking up and rent of premises for holding conferences, congresses, exhibitions, presentations
  • Leasing of conference equipment and facilities
  • Arranging business events for our clients in Russia and abroad
  • Interpreter services, consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. Individual and group interpreter support.
  • Catering services, including coffee breaks during sessions, business lunches, dinners, banquets, buffet tables, exit buffets.
  • Special programs for VIP clients
  • Safety of business events
  • Working out of optimum routes
  • Air- and railway tickets booking and delivery
  • Organization of individual and group business trips abroad
  • Medical insurance
  • Passport registration service
  • Visa support
  • VIP service at the airports of Moscow

Optima Tours offers you the development of Travel Policy, the plan of budget optimization for business trips and events. We will work out a special offer, provide free-of-charge consulting and give recommendations how to reduce business trip expenses.

We will be glad to sign an agreement for arranging travel services for your company and to become your long-term partner.

The Moscow Hotels Russia provides travelers with the most useful and up-to-date information on the best hotels of Moscow. With the help of our website you can easily reserve a room in any hotel of Moscow through our online reservation system. In addition to hotel reservations, we offer a full range of travel services. We serve both corporate and leisure clients and strive to satisfy every customer.



Aeroclub issues gift certificates for all kinds of travel services and provides consulting services. You can choose the gift certificate value and the tour destination. read more


Aeroclub offers a Business Travel Account (BTA) financial product which is specifically designed for the business travel industry. American Express BTA card allows to increase payment terms, provides free accident insurance for company's employees during a business trip, optimizes accounting processes and much more. read more



Aeroclub facilitates issuing visas to foreign countries, travel passports and visas for foreign nationals to enter, exit and stay in Russia. read more


Aeroclub provides TIME - an online business trip booking tool. TIME is a corporate client tool which is convenient to use, saves travel management time and optimizes travel budgets. read more


Aeroclub presents the first business travel mobile application on the Russian market. The main functions of the mobile application are informational support for the current trip and handling future trip orders by offering a vast range of possibilities. read more

ATOM Interactive Platform is designed for data analysis and forecasting

Sign in to your account

Advantages of ATOM interactive platform:

  • Provides instant access to analytics
  • Contains over 20 templates of TMC reports
  • Allows to design and customize reports
  • Analyzes expense structure in any dimension and of any depth
  • Identifies potential savings
  • What-if analysis of hypotheses
  • Industry and market benchmarks

How does it work?

Schedule a meeting.

St. Petersburg


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The Ugandan Jobline

  • No Experience Customer Service Jobs –  Travel Consultant – Tio Tours and Travel

Job Title:   Travel Consultant (No Experience Customer Service Jobs)

Organisation:  Tio Tours and Travel

Duty Station:   Kampala, Uganda

Tio Tours and Travel is a leading travel company dedicated to providing seamless and exceptional travel experiences.

Job Summary:  This is a full-time on-site role for a Travel Consultant located in Kampala. The Travel Consultant will be responsible for handling travel arrangements, managing travel itineraries, providing customer service, making reservations, and offering travel consulting services.

  • Bachelor’s degree in Hospitality, Tourism, Business, or a related field
  • Travel Consulting, Travel Management, and Travel Arrangements skills
  • Customer Service and Reservations skills
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks effectively
  • Detail-oriented and organized
  • Knowledge of travel industry trends and destinations
  • Experience in the tourism or hospitality industry is a plus

How to Apply:

All candidates should send their applications and updated CVs to [email protected] and copy [email protected]

Deadline: 25th April 2024

For more of the latest jobs, please visit or find us on our facebook page

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2 No Experience Waiting Staff/Server – Bakery and Gelato Jobs – Sweetly Defined Restaurant

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3 No Experience Cashier Jobs – Sweetly Defined Restaurant

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For employers, please send your adverts and inquiries to [email protected]

  • Accounting Jobs in Uganda (8,197)
  • Administration Jobs in Uganda (6,081)
  • Agriculture Jobs in Uganda (2,401)
  • Audit Jobs in Uganda (1,361)
  • Aviation Jobs in Uganda (287)
  • Banking Jobs in Uganda (4,914)
  • Bids and Tenders (8)
  • Business Administration Jobs in Uganda (23,980)
  • Communications Jobs in Uganda (2,499)
  • Customer Service Jobs (768)
  • Economics Jobs in Uganda (4,791)
  • Education Jobs in Uganda (3,310)
  • Embassy and Foreign Mission Jobs in Uganda (873)
  • Engineering Jobs in Uganda (5,286)
  • Finance Jobs in Uganda (21,722)
  • Fresh Graduate Jobs in Uganda (1,298)
  • Government Jobs in Uganda (7,039)
  • Health Jobs in Uganda (6,636)
  • Human Resources ( HR ) Jobs in Uganda (2,527)
  • Information Technology (IT) and Data Jobs in Uganda (6,336)
  • Law Jobs In Uganda (2,688)
  • Management Jobs in Uganda (11,170)
  • Medicine and Pharmacy Jobs in Uganda (3,931)
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Jobs in Uganda (2,612)
  • NGO – Non-Government Organisations Jobs in Uganda (26,796)
  • Oil Petroleum and Gas Jobs in Uganda (1,236)
  • Other Jobs in Uganda (3,483)
  • Procurement and Logistics Jobs in Uganda (3,676)
  • Sales and Marketing Jobs in Uganda (5,558)
  • Social Sciences Jobs in Uganda (12,485)
  • Telecommunication Jobs in Uganda (985)
  • Training and Consultancy (292)
  • Transport and Driver Jobs in Uganda (1,837)
  • Uncategorized (42,424)
  • United Nations Jobs in Uganda (212)

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  • Lead, Engineering – FLYHUB Jobs – Stanbic Bank Uganda Limited
  • Fresher Store Clerk Job Opportunities – Asili Farms
  • Quality Controller Jobs – Asili Farms
  • No Experience Social and Behavioral Change Communication (SBCC) Executive Jobs – MAAD McCANN
  • Jobs in Uganda

Download our PDF

Email Address:

  • Testimonials
  • Project Sheet

Trafalgar FM is an independent specialist Facilities Management Consultancy, founded on a team of leading professionals, with over 20 years experience of the Facilities Management profession, and a reputation for high quality service delivery.

Our experience in Facilities Management enables us to provide our clients with a bespoke solution that is driven by each client’s individual requirements and one which meets their aspirations of being both workable and affordable.

Our approach as facilities management consultants is based upon the development of a detailed understanding of our clients’ culture and aspirations in arriving at an optimum solution for each commission, which is robust, and resolves their specific project and facilities management issues, whilst maintaining a best value approach.

We are establishing a reputation for ‘facilitating excellence’ and building long term relationships with our clients, who value the expertise and difference we can bring to their business, across a wide range of sectors and within both the Traditional and PFI/PPP markets.

If you are looking for support with your Facilities Management strategy, or need the specialist assistance of a consultant for your FM projects, then please send us your enquiry online or contact us directly to discuss your details further.


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Everton Free School – Building Excellence Awards


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  5. day in the life of a management consultant

  6. RECAP JULIO 2023


  1. Business Travel Consulting Services

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  2. Corporate And Business Travel Management Consulting Solutions

    Benchmark your business travel programme. Amex GBT Egencia (Egencia™), offers business travel consulting services to help you build a solid business travel strategy and make the best decisions about your corporate travel program and improve the travel experience for your organization. We deliver data-driven insights and provide ...

  3. Business Travel Consultants

    Insights & strategy. Our business travel consultant services can also help you better manage, track, and predict your travel spend using research, reporting, and insights. Our business travel consultants are experts in streamlining operations, improving the traveler experience, reducing risk, & increasing savings. Learn more.

  4. Business Travel Consultants

    KesselRun Corporate Travel Solutions is a management consulting firm that specializes in developing, managing, and optimizing corporate travel programs. Contact 800-420-6687

  5. Business travel consulting services from Advito

    Business travel consulting services. Elevate Your Travel Program. LEARN MORE. We help you optimize performance, reduce spend, and influence traveler behavior. Advito is a leading corporate travel consultancy that's modernizing travel management. We believe that to maintain high levels of program performance you must evolve the way you source ...

  6. Business Travel Consulting

    BUSINESS TRAVEL CONSULTING. Reinventamos la industria de reuniones: generamos transformación a través de conexiones con audiencias por medio de experiencias auténticas. Son ya más de 33 años llevando inspiración a otras partes del mundo. Sabemos que ningún proyecto es igual a otro y esta adaptabilidad de la industria nos apasiona.

  7. Corporate Travel Management Consultants

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  8. Travel and Tourism Industry Consulting Services

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  9. What is a Business Travel Consultant? Do I Need One?

    A business travel consultant is not a travel agent. Travel agents book flights, hotels, and other travel arrangements for clients. While a business travel consultant doesn't actually do the booking, he or she has the expertise to help companies negotiate supplier point of sale discounts and ensure all business travel operations run smoothly.

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  11. Business Travel Consulting

    Congresses, Conventions & Events. © Business Travel Consulting 2024 - All rights reserved. Privacy Policy

  12. Travel, Airline, & Hospitality Consulting

    Offer more in your traveler experience. Give customers the seamless, end-to-end experience they're craving, and solve their travel challenges, with automation, data and AI. Improve their retail interactions, customer service and loyalty programs — all while diversifying your revenue streams. 84%.

  13. How to Start a Business Travel Consultancy

    STEP 2: Form a legal entity. The most common business structure types are the sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company (LLC), and corporation. Establishing a legal business entity such as an LLC or corporation protects you from being held personally liable if your business travel consultancy is sued.

  14. Corporate Travel Management For Business

    We're here to help whether you're first considering business trips or you already have a travel program. Fill in your email below and we'll get back to you to answer any questions you have. Let's Talk. by Amex GBT provides end-to-end corporate travel management services, meetings, and booking solutions. Explore our programs for business ...

  15. Travel Business Consulting Services & Training

    Call today, +1 (707) 867-1496 or e-mail us for an INITIAL CONSULTATION and find out how you can start improving your tourism profits and success! Tourism marketing & travel business consulting services with over 75 years combined experience. The Adventure travel business specialists.

  16. Corporate Travel Management Services and Travel Platform

    Our customers felt the same way. That's why we built the FCM Platform, a business travel platform that's designed to transform travel programs. With the FCM Platform, you get: Global consistency. Personalized user experience. Alternative approach to innovation. Actionable insights. Explore FCM Platform.

  17. FROSCH: Global Business Travel Management & Luxury Travel Agency

    who we are. FROSCH is a travel management company co-headquartered in New York City and Houston, with offices in more than 40 locations worldwide. Known for our exceptional service in global travel management and luxury vacation planning, FROSCH has been ranked as one of the top fifteen travel management companies in the world.

  18. Apply for Business Travel Consultant Jobs Today

    Senior Business Consultant. ISI. Las Vegas, NV. $100,000 - $125,000 a year. Full-time. Monday to Friday. Easily apply. A minimum of 10 years of: successful business management experience and/or business ownership is required. This is a 100% travel position.

  19. How to Start a Travel Consulting Business: A Guide

    4. Create your brand. Be the first to add your personal experience. 5. Market your business. 6. Here's what else to consider. Be the first to add your personal experience. If you love traveling ...

  20. Business travel to Moscow, Russia

    Business travel. Travel services for corporate clients. part of . Moscow +7-495-505-63-25. St. Petersburg +7-812-309-57-60. All Hotels. ... Tours will be pleased to develop a budget optimization plan for your corporate trips and events, provide free-of-charge consulting, and offer recommendations for reducing expenses for your ...

  21. Incentive and Business Travel. Business Travel to Moscow

    Optima Tours offers you the development of Travel Policy, the plan of budget optimization for business trips and events. We will work out a special offer, provide free-of-charge consulting and give recommendations how to reduce business trip expenses.

  22. ATOM

    Advantages of ATOM interactive platform: Provides instant access to analytics. Contains over 20 templates of TMC reports. Allows to design and customize reports. Analyzes expense structure in any dimension and of any depth. Identifies potential savings. What-if analysis of hypotheses. Industry and market benchmarks. Get a presentation.

  23. No Experience Customer Service Jobs

    The Travel Consultant will be responsible for handling travel arrangements, managing travel itineraries, providing customer service, making reservations, and offering travel consulting services. Qualifications, Skills and Experience: Bachelor's degree in Hospitality, Tourism, Business, or a related field; Travel Consulting, Travel Management ...

  24. Facilities Management Consultants

    WELCOME. Trafalgar FM is an independent specialist Facilities Management Consultancy, founded on a team of leading professionals, with over 20 years experience of the Facilities Management profession, and a reputation for high quality service delivery. Our experience in Facilities Management enables us to provide our clients with a bespoke ...