horario caribe tours barahona santo domingo

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809-221-4422 ext. 2061, 2062 Y 2064 [email protected]

Horario de Oficina

Lunes a Sábados de: 10:00AM - 6:00PM

Oficina Principal

Dirección: Av. 27 de Febrero, Esq. Leopoldo Navarro; Santo Domingo DN.

horario caribe tours barahona santo domingo

Caribe Tours. 2024

Caribe Tours

Caribe Tours

  • Horarios de Salida
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Horarios de Salida de Autobus desde SANTO DOMINGO

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Conoce nuestros horarios y planifica tu viaje.

Go Barahona

  • Información Importante

La Provincia Barahona comienza en la Punta Martín García, que forma parte del Valle de Neiba, donde desemboca el Río Yaque del Sur. Al sur de esta se encuentra el Mar Caribe, al Oeste, la provincia Pedernales, al norte la Provincia Independencia y al Este, Azua. Perteneció al cacicazgo de Jaragua, bajo el dominio de Anacaona y Enriquillo, éste último, símbolo de la libertad de América.

La ciudad de Barahona, se encuentra ubicada en la costa del Mar Caribe, a 204, Km. de la capital dominicana. Nace en el año 1802 al establecerse algunas familias de comerciantes de madera preciosa, a la orilla del río Birán. Consigue el estatus de provincia en el año 1907, y en el año 1927 la primera compañía de transporte marítimo de Las Antillas establece una ruta entre Saint Croix y Puerto Príncipe, entre otras.

En las actividades productivas prevalecen la agricultura, con los cultivos de café, caña de azúcar, y plátanos. La crianza de bovinos, la pesca y las actividades minerales en la extracción de cal, arena silícea, mármol, sal mineral, yeso, arena coralina y larimar.

La ciudad de Barahona dispone de un patrimonio arquitectónico interesante, representado por sus iglesias del siglo pasado, el palacio del Ayuntamiento, y el mismo parque de la ciudad con la glorieta típica y los edificios que lo rodean.

Muy interesante resulta para ver el edificio de los bomberos municipales, en la proximidad del parque central, los edificios del ingenio azucarero y el batey de casas de madera destinadas en otro tiempo a las familias de los empleados administrativos, y fueron construidas a principios del siglo pasado.

horario caribe tours barahona santo domingo

  • Cómo llegar

Automóvil (autopista)

Carretera Francisco del Rosario Sánchez y/o Autopista 6 de Noviembre: Enlaza la ciudad, Santo Domingo, con la región Suroeste de República Dominicana. De esta se desprenden las ramificaciones:

Azua-Vicente Noble > Vicente Noble-Canoa > Canoa-Palo Alto > Palo Alto-Cabral > Cabral-Barahona > Barahona-Paraíso > Paraíso- Enriquillo > Enriquillo-Oviedo > Oviedo-Pedernales > San Juan- Vallejuelo > Vallejuelo-Jorgillo.

Provincia Barahona

Sindicato de transporte Barahona-Santo Domingo (SINCHOMIBA). Tel. 809-524-2449.

Horario de salida desde la capital: cada hora un expreso, directo, con parada intermedia en un parador. Transporte interurbano con servicio de carga. Conocen la región, organizan excursiones. Aceptan reservaciones. Cada 15 minutos, un directo con paradas en todos los pueblos. Horario de salida para la capital: 6:25, 7:30, y a partir de las 9:00 a.m., uno cada hora, a partir de las las 6:00 AM.

Caribe Tours

Calle Uruguay, Tel. 524-2313 Empresa de transporte interurbano expreso y con carga. Vehículos en buenas condiciones, con aire acondicionado y sanitario.

Horarios de salida: desde Santo Domingo, 6:30; 9:45. En la tarde, 1:30 5:00. Desde Barahona; 6:30; 9:45. En la tarde. 1:30 5:00. Directo sin parada intermedia.

Calle Luis Manuel Caraballo. Autobuses interurbanos para Santo Domingo y viceversa.

Servicios de taxis Provincia Barahona

Sintrataxi: Calle Uruguay #11, Barahona, Tel. 524-3003/4003/4004

  • Cómo moverte

horario caribe tours barahona santo domingo

Transporte público urbano e interurbano en el suroeste

En su mayoría, las carreteras son de dos carriles y entre las ciudades más importantes hay un flujo de vehículos muy fuerte, manejar con precaución. Las guaguas (autobuses) cubren todas las rutas del país y se pueden abordar directamente en la carretera o en las terminales de las empresas, los precios de la transportación son muy buenos pero no todos los vehículos están en buenas condiciones. En los poblados del interior acostumbran a desplazarse en motoconcho (motocicletas que cargan pasajeros), pero no es el sistema más seguro ni el más aconsejable.

Las compañías de taxi son seguras, están rotuladas por varias dependencias del Estado y los choferes están reunidos en sindicatos. El precio no es muy elevado y para las excursiones se puede negociar. El carácter amable del dominicano hace de un viaje en taxi, algo muy agradable.

Organiza tu viaje

Rutas aconsejadas de un día en carro y/o 4 x 4..

  • Barahona-Lago Enriquillo:Barahona-Cabral-Neiba-La Asufrada-Lago Enriquillo-La Descubierta (almuerzo) Jimaní-Duvergé-Polo Magnetico-Barahona.
  • Barahona-Hoyo de Pelempito-Pedernales (almuerzo) Bahia de las Aguilas-Barahona. Ruta panorámica Duvergé-Pedernales (4x4), pasando por la comunidades de Puerto Escondido, Alto de las Palomas, El Arroyo, etc.
  • Barahona-Cabral (Laguna de Rincón)-Aguas termales de Canoa o La Zurza de Duvergé. Ruta panorámica Barahona-Polo-El Higüero-Naranjal-Arroyo Dulce-Enriquillo-Barahona. (4x4)
  • Ruta panorámica de la costa, con visita a los balnearios de San Rafael y Los Patos.
  • Barahona-cruce de San Juan de la Maguana, visita de los balnearios del Río Jaque del Sur de la provincia de San Juan.
  • Barahona-cruce de San Juan de la Maguana, Villa Miriam, visita de los balnearios y atractivos ecológicos de la provincia de Elías Piña.

Direcciones útiles

  • Centro médico Jaime Sánchez (IDSS) . Carr. Batey Central, Tel.: 809-524-2536. Con servicio de emergencia.
  • Centro médico Magnolia, Tel. 809-524-2470.
  • Hospital Jaime Mota. Calle C. Damirón #10, Tel.: 809-524-2586
  • Farmacia García. Calle Casandra Damirón. Tel.: 809-524-2355.
  • Farmacia Méndez. Calle Jaime Mota. Tel.: 809-524-2318.
  • Farmacia Ana Isabel. Tel.: 809-524-2034
  • Policía Turística, Tel. 524-3650. Carretera Batey Central, Tel. 1-200-3500 y 524-3573.
  • Policía Nacional. Calle Prolongación Luperón, Tel.: 809-524-24-17.
  • Defensa Civil. Calle María Trinidad Sánchez, #1, Tel.: 809-524-601.
  • Cruz Roja Dominicana. Avenida 27 de Febrero edificio Oficina Públicas, Tel. 524-6201. Asociación de Promotores Turísticos. Calle Dr. José Francisco Peña Gómez #9, Tel.524- 5081.
  • Centro Salud Enriquillo 809-524-2734
  • Sub-centro de salud Enriquillo, T. Sánchez Pérez, Tel.524-8163.
  • Policía Nacional. Calle Libertad. Tel.: 809-243-4004.
  • Sub-centro de salud. Av. Libertad #73. Teléfono: 809-243-9413.
  • Farmacia Oscar Santana. Calle Duarte esq. Presidente Báez. Tel.: 809-243-4080.

Vicente Noble

  • Policía Nacional. Calle Restauración #35, Tel.: 809-527-0670.
  • Hospital Municipal Tamayo. Calle F. Matos, Tel. 809-527-0833.
  • Hospital Vicente Noble. Tel.: 809-527-2212
  • Dónde dormir

Las regiones del Suroeste ofrecen un numero limitado de establecimientos hoteleros y hospedaje modesto y confortables. La clasificación de los hoteles no responde a los estándares internacionales (las estrellas) las tarifas son libres, pero el propietario en algunos casos los coloca en lugares visibles al público. En la recepción pueden preguntar por las condiciones de las habitaciones, y los precios. No siempre es posible encontrar personal que hable otro idioma y no siempre tiene teléfono habilitados para llamar al exterior o internet. Los hoteles en el interior no garantizan el servicio de comidas y de aire acondicionado. En casi todos los casos tienen baño privado y abanico.

Campamentos (Camping)

No existen estructuras para camping en la zona, en los parques nacionales a veces permiten instalar carpas. En la costa de Barahona e dando la vuelta al Lago Enriquillo pueden encontrar las estructuras de los paradores de INFRATUR, ofrecen en algunos casos la posibilidad de acampar con las debidas precauciones. Evitar cuidadosamente los lugares solitarios.

Casas de vacaciones

Son alojamientos administrados por entes públicos o Asociación sin fines de lucro. El grupo Jaragua dispone en Oviedo de las estructuras de la fundación, para más informaciones dirigirse a Grupo Jaragua, Inc. Calle el Vergel, #33, Reparto El Vergel, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana. Tel. 809-472-1036, 809-566-2799. Fax. 809-412-1667, e-mail:jara- [email protected]

Cuartos de Alquiler

Son alojamientos en casas particulares, cuyos propietarios alquilan parte de su casa por periodos breves. En la Provincia de Pedernales y en la Descubierta y en La Descubierta, provincia Independencia y en la provincia de Azua y Barahona existen diferentes casas de lugareños que disponen de habitaciones para alquiler, son pequeñas pensiones familiares donde en algunos casos le preparan la comida también. Casi todas las casas se encuentran en la proximidad del parque central o de la entrada al poblado.

horario caribe tours barahona santo domingo

Hotel y Restaurante Daymond Blue Tropical Lodge

Aparta hotel pontavedra, hotel piratas del caribe.

  • enjoybarahona

Realizado con el apoyo

horario caribe tours barahona santo domingo

RECONOCIMIENTO : un especial agradecimientos a Lissette Gil fotógrafa, Rodolfo Henriquez fotógrafo, Centro Cuesta Nacional, Sociedad Ornitológica del Caribe, Killsy Mendez de Larimar Magazine,  Luisa Feliz y Grupo Buen Vivir,  Federación de la Vela Dominicana por el material fotográfico, textos y vídeos publicados en esta pagina web

© Todos los derechos reservados

  • Organza tu viaje
  • Dónde comer

Casa Bonita

Comidas y Bebidas Dónde dormir

Hotel Casa Bonita

  • Qué visitar

Regata Barahona Palito Seco Fiesta del Mar

Parque Eólico

Laguna de Oviedo

Las Caritas

Loma Charco Azul

Laguna Cabral

Hoyo de Pelempito

Laguna Rincón

Senderos del Café

Lago Enriquillo

Artesanía Región Enriquillo

Playa y balneario San Rafael

Cayo de las Iguanas

Monumento Padre Miguel Fuerte

Villa Mirian

Palito Seco la Fiesta del Mar

Feria de Turismo y producción «Descubre Barahona»

Bahía de las Aguilas

Parque Nacional Jaragua

🇩🇴 Hello Caribe Tours

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📷 Excursiones

  • 🔹Excursión Isla Saona nuevo
  • 🔹Excursión Samaná con Isla Bacardí y Cascada El Limón
  • 🔹Excursión Santo Domingo
  • 🔹Tour Buceo en Isla Catalina

🤿 Actividades

  • 🔹Tour Buggies 4x4 Punta Cana
  • 🔹Buggie Quads x 2 VIP nuevo

📍Experiencias más solicitadas

  • 🔹Isla Catalina + Buceo nuevo
  • 🔹Isla Saona
  • 🔹Caribbean Party Boat

🔝Tour Estrella

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Llame gratis al +1 829 321 6205

  • enero 7, 2024
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Barahona: Your Guide to the Dominican Republic’s Untouched Gem

Welcome to Barahona, the hidden gem nestled on the southwestern coast of the Dominican Republic. If you’re looking for an authentic and off-the-beaten-path travel experience, Barahona is the perfect destination for you. With its untouched natural beauty and vibrant culture, this province offers a delightful escape from the typical tourist hotspots. From pristine beaches and crystal-clear waters to lush mountains and cascading waterfalls, Barahona has something for everyone.

Explore the stunning Jaragua National Park , home to diverse wildlife and the mesmerizing Lake Enriquillo , the largest saltwater lake in the Caribbean. Immerse yourself in the local culture by visiting bustling markets and vibrant festivals, where you can indulge in traditional Dominican cuisine and dance to the infectious rhythms of merengue and bachata .

Key Takeaways:

  • Barahona is a hidden gem on the southwestern coast of the Dominican Republic.
  • It offers untouched natural beauty and a vibrant local culture.
  • Barahona is known for its pristine beaches, lush mountains, and cascading waterfalls.
  • Explore Jaragua National Park and Lake Enriquillo for wildlife and stunning landscapes.
  • Immerse yourself in the local culture by visiting markets and experiencing traditional Dominican cuisine and music.

Things to Do in Barahona

Barahona, a hidden gem on the southwestern coast of the Dominican Republic, offers a plethora of attractions and activities for visitors to enjoy. Whether you’re a beach lover, nature enthusiast, or cultural explorer, Barahona has something to suit every interest. From picturesque beaches to majestic national parks, here are the top things to do in Barahona :

  • Explore the Stunning Beaches

Barahona is renowned for its stunning beaches that offer breathtaking views and crystal-clear waters. Some of the must-visit beaches include:

  • Playa San Rafael: With its turquoise waters and powdery white sand, Playa San Rafael is a haven for swimming, sunbathing, and snorkeling.
  • Playa El Quemaito: This picturesque beach is known for its clear waters and unique multicolored pebbles, making it a perfect spot for relaxation and beachcombing.
  • Playa Los Patos: Situated near the longest river in the Caribbean, Playa Los Patos offers a tranquil setting for fishing, snorkeling, or simply enjoying the scenic beauty.
«The beaches in Barahona are not only beautiful but also offer a serene and unspoiled experience away from the crowded tourist areas.»
  • Discover Natural Beauty

Barahona boasts stunning natural landscapes that are sure to captivate visitors. Here are some of the top natural attractions in Barahona:

  • Sierra de Bahoruco National Park: Immerse yourself in the lush beauty of the Sierra de Bahoruco National Park . Hike the trails, spot exotic wildlife, and take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys.

![Barahona Beach](https://seowriting.ai/32_6.png)

«Sierra de Bahoruco National Park offers a perfect playground for outdoor enthusiasts, with its hiking trails and panoramic vistas.»
  • Experience Local Culture

Barahona is rich in history and culture, offering visitors a chance to immerse themselves in the vibrant Dominican way of life. Here are some recommendations for experiencing the local culture:

  • Stroll through the City: The city of Barahona itself showcases colonial architecture and colorful buildings. Don’t miss the Catedral de Santa Cruz, an iconic landmark.
  • Visit Local Markets: Explore bustling markets and get a taste of the local flavors and produce.
  • Engage in Festivals: Attend vibrant festivals where you can indulge in traditional Dominican cuisine , dance to lively merengue and bachata music, and immerse yourself in the energetic atmosphere.
«Barahona’s culture is best experienced through its markets, festivals, and delicious traditional cuisine.»
  • Embark on Adventurous Activities

For adrenaline junkies and adventure enthusiasts, Barahona offers a range of thrilling activities:

  • Jeep Safari: Hop on an exhilarating jeep safari to explore the off-the-beaten-path attractions of Barahona.
  • Zip-lining: Get an adrenaline rush by soaring through the treetops on a zip-line adventure.
  • Boat Tours: Take a boat tour along Barahona’s coastline to discover hidden gems, secluded coves, and picturesque fishing villages.
«Adventure awaits in Barahona, where you can embark on exciting activities like zip-lining, jeep safaris, and boat tours.»

Recommended Activities in Barahona

With its diverse range of activities and attractions, Barahona promises an unforgettable experience for travelers seeking an authentic Dominican Republic getaway.

Barahona Beaches

Barahona is renowned for its pristine beaches that offer a serene and unspoiled experience away from the crowded tourist areas. Whether you’re a sun-worshipper, a swimmer, or an avid snorkeler, these beaches have something for everyone.

Playa San Rafael

Playa San Rafael features turquoise waters and powdery white sand, making it an idyllic spot for swimming and sunbathing. The picturesque beauty of this beach will leave you mesmerized, providing a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Playa El Quemaito

If you’re looking for a unique beach experience, head to Playa El Quemaito . This hidden gem offers clear waters and multicolored pebbles, creating a stunning contrast against the vibrant blue sea. Take a leisurely stroll along the shoreline or simply relax with the sound of the waves as your backdrop.

Playa Los Patos

Located near the longest river in the Caribbean, Playa Los Patos is a popular spot for fishing and snorkeling. Immerse yourself in the underwater world and discover the vibrant marine life that thrives in the crystal-clear waters. With its natural beauty and tranquil atmosphere, Playa Los Patos offers a perfect setting to unwind and reconnect with nature.

Comparison of Barahona Beaches

These beautiful beaches in Barahona offer a chance to unwind and absorb the breathtaking natural surroundings. Whether you prefer lounging on the soft sand, exploring the vibrant underwater world, or simply immersing yourself in the tranquility of the coastline, Barahona’s beaches provide an unparalleled experience.

Natural Beauty in Barahona

Barahona is a destination that showcases the breathtaking natural beauty of the Dominican Republic. With its diverse landscapes and stunning attractions, Barahona offers visitors a chance to immerse themselves in nature and explore its wildlife-rich wonders.

Jaragua National Park: Biodiversity at its Best

At the heart of Barahona lies Jaragua National Park , a paradise for nature enthusiasts. This expansive park is home to a wide range of flora and fauna, including vibrant flamingos, mesmerizing reptiles, and captivating birds. As you explore the park’s trails, be prepared to encounter the rich biodiversity that thrives within its boundaries. From the rustling of leaves to the harmonious symphony of bird songs, Jaragua National Park offers an unforgettable experience.

Lake Enriquillo: A Natural Wonder

Within Jaragua National Park, Lake Enriquillo awaits, beckoning visitors with its grandeur. As the largest saltwater lake in the Caribbean, Lake Enriquillo is a sight to behold. Surrounded by awe-inspiring landscapes, this lake offers panoramic views that will leave you in awe.

jaragua national park

Sierra de Bahoruco National Park: Nature’s Playground

If you’re a fan of mountains, waterfalls, and the wonders of the natural world, Sierra de Bahoruco National Park is a must-visit destination in Barahona. This expansive park is characterized by its stunning landscapes, picturesque trails, and an abundance of flora and fauna. As you hike through its trails, you’ll discover hidden waterfalls, encounter unique plant species, and marvel at the diverse wildlife that calls this park home. Sierra de Bahoruco National Park is a haven for adventurers and nature lovers alike.

Cultural Immersion in Barahona

When visiting Barahona, immerse yourself in the vibrant local culture and experience the true essence of this captivating destination. From exploring bustling markets to indulging in traditional Dominican cuisine, there are plenty of ways to connect with the rich heritage of Barahona. Dance to the infectious rhythms of merengue and bachata , the iconic music genres of the Dominican Republic, and admire the colonial architecture and colorful buildings that lend a charming atmosphere to the city.

One of the best ways to immerse yourself in Barahona’s culture is by exploring the local markets . These bustling hubs of activity offer a glimpse into the daily life of the residents as you browse through a myriad of goods, from fresh produce and spices to handmade crafts and artworks. Engage in friendly conversations with the vendors and learn about the significance of the local products.

«The local markets in Barahona are a treasure trove of cultural experiences. The energy, colors, and aromas create an unforgettable sensory experience that truly immerses you in the local rhythm.»

And speaking of flavors, don’t miss the opportunity to savor traditional Dominican cuisine. Indulge in mouthwatering dishes like plantains, seafood, and mangu, a delicious breakfast dish made from mashed plantains topped with sautéed onions. Sample the tantalizing flavors and embrace the culinary traditions that have been handed down through generations.

No cultural immersion in the Dominican Republic would be complete without dancing to merengue and bachata. These vibrant music genres are an integral part of the country’s identity and will have your feet tapping and hips swaying in no time. Join in the lively festivities during local festivals and dance the night away, embracing the rhythms and joyous spirit of the Dominican culture.

Colonial Architecture and Colorful Buildings

The city of Barahona itself is a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the region. Stroll through the streets and admire the colonial architecture and colorful buildings that line the picturesque avenues. Each corner unveils a blend of history and charm, with vibrant facades and ornate details that reflect the unique identity of Barahona.

Best Time to Visit Barahona

When planning your visit to Barahona, it’s important to consider the best time to experience the region’s natural beauty and outdoor activities. The optimal period to explore Barahona is during the dry season, which runs from December to April. During this time, the weather is warm and sunny with minimal rainfall, creating ideal conditions for enjoying the stunning beaches, exploring national parks, and immersing yourself in the local culture.

With pleasant temperatures and clear skies, the dry season allows you to fully appreciate the outdoor wonders that Barahona has to offer. Whether you want to relax on the beach, hike through scenic trails, or embark on adventurous excursions, you’ll find the weather favorable for all kinds of activities.

During this peak season, you can enjoy long days filled with sunshine and comfortably explore both the natural and cultural attractions that make Barahona so special. The absence of heavy rainfall ensures that you can make the most of your beach visits and outdoor adventures without any interruptions from the weather.

As you plan your trip to Barahona, be sure to check the weather forecast to make the most of your visit. Pack sunscreen, a hat, and lightweight clothing to stay comfortable during your outdoor explorations. And don’t forget your camera to capture the picturesque landscapes and memorable moments.

Highlights of Visiting Barahona During the Dry Season:

  • Warm and sunny weather
  • Minimal rainfall
  • Ideal conditions for outdoor activities
  • Opportunity to enjoy the beautiful beaches
  • Easy exploration of national parks and wildlife
  • Immerse yourself in the local culture and festivals

best time to visit Barahona

With favorable weather and a wealth of activities to enjoy, the dry season is the perfect time to visit Barahona. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, adventure, or a cultural immersion, this hidden gem in the Dominican Republic will exceed your expectations.

Finding Accommodation in Barahona

Barahona offers a range of accommodation options to suit every traveler’s needs and preferences. Whether you’re looking for budget-friendly hotels or luxurious resorts, you’ll find the perfect place to stay in this picturesque destination. Here are some of the best areas to consider when choosing your accommodation:

City Center

The city center of Barahona is a popular choice for many travelers. It provides easy access to shops, restaurants, and local attractions. There is a wide range of hotels available, from budget-friendly options to upscale resorts, ensuring that you can find accommodation that fits your budget. Staying in the city center allows you to immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere and experience the local culture.

If you prefer a beachfront location, Playa El Quemaito is an excellent choice. This area offers a few beachfront hotels and guesthouses, allowing you to wake up to stunning ocean views and enjoy direct access to the beach. It’s the perfect place to relax and unwind, basking in the beauty of the Caribbean Sea.

For nature enthusiasts seeking a peaceful and secluded setting, Paraiso is the ideal area to stay in Barahona. Surrounded by lush greenery and breathtaking landscapes, Paraiso offers a tranquil retreat away from the bustling city. Choose from eco-lodges and rustic accommodations that blend harmoniously with the natural surroundings.

If you’re interested in exploring the river and nearby waterfalls, consider staying in Los Patos. This area is known for its proximity to the longest river in the Caribbean and offers a range of accommodation options, including hotels and guesthouses. Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature while enjoying activities like hiking, swimming, and river exploration.

Adventure seekers will find their paradise in Bahoruco. This area is located near the Sierra de Bahoruco National Park, offering rustic cabins and eco-resorts nestled in the heart of nature. Explore the park’s trails, waterfalls, and diverse flora and fauna, and retreat to your cozy accommodation surrounded by the beauty of the natural world.

No matter where you choose to stay in Barahona, you’ll be immersed in the region’s stunning beauty and vibrant culture. Plan your trip and book your accommodation in advance to ensure a memorable and comfortable stay.

Getting to Barahona

To get to Barahona, the nearest airport is Las Americas International Airport in Santo Domingo. From there, you have several options for transportation.

  • Taxi: You can take a taxi directly from the airport to Barahona. The drive is approximately 3 hours and provides an opportunity to enjoy the scenic beauty of the Dominican Republic’s countryside.
  • Car Rental: Another option is to rent a car at the airport. This gives you the freedom to explore Barahona and its surrounding areas at your own pace.
  • Bus: If you prefer public transportation, there are bus services available from Santo Domingo to Barahona . This is a budget-friendly option, although the travel time may be longer compared to a taxi or car rental.

Leaving the Resorts | Barahona, Dominican Republic

Whether you choose to take a taxi, rent a car, or use the bus, the journey to Barahona will provide you with a glimpse of the beautiful landscapes that await you in this hidden gem of the Dominican Republic.

Barahona Travel Tips

When visiting Barahona, it is essential to respect the environment and local communities. Travel responsibly and leave no trace. Consider hiring local guides to enhance your experience and support the local economy. Pack mosquito repellent and sunscreen, as well as comfortable shoes for hiking and walking. It is also recommended to have a basic understanding of Spanish, as English may not be widely spoken.

Barahona is a hidden gem in the Dominican Republic, offering untouched natural beauty, vibrant culture, and a wide range of activities. Whether you’re seeking relaxation, adventure, or a cultural immersion, Barahona has something for everyone. The province boasts pristine beaches with crystal-clear waters and picturesque mountains that provide breathtaking views. In addition, you can experience the local culture by visiting bustling markets and vibrant festivals where you can indulge in traditional Dominican cuisine and dance to the infectious rhythms of merengue and bachata.

Barahona is a destination that truly offers an authentic and unforgettable experience. From the stunning Jaragua National Park to the breathtaking Lake Enriquillo, there is no shortage of natural wonders to explore. The Sierra de Bahoruco National Park is a paradise for hiking enthusiasts, with its scenic trails and diverse flora and fauna. For beach lovers, Playa San Rafael, Playa El Quemaito, and Playa Los Patos offer serene and unspoiled settings away from the crowds.

Whether you’re planning a solo getaway, a romantic escape, or a family vacation, Barahona has it all. Immerse yourself in the local culture, relax on pristine beaches, or embark on exciting outdoor adventures. Plan your trip to Barahona today and discover the untouched beauty of this hidden gem in the Dominican Republic.

What is Barahona?

Barahona is a province located on the southwestern coast of the Dominican Republic, known for its untouched natural beauty and vibrant culture.

What are some things to do in Barahona?

Some popular activities in Barahona include visiting pristine beaches, exploring national parks, immersing in the local culture, and participating in outdoor adventures.

What are the best beaches in Barahona?

The best beaches in Barahona include Playa San Rafael, Playa El Quemaito, and Playa Los Patos.

What are some natural attractions in Barahona?

Barahona is home to attractions like Jaragua National Park, Lake Enriquillo, and Sierra de Bahoruco National Park.

How can I experience the local culture in Barahona?

You can experience the local culture in Barahona by visiting bustling markets, indulging in traditional Dominican cuisine, and dancing to merengue and bachata music.

What is the best time to visit Barahona?

The best time to visit Barahona is during the dry season, which runs from December to April.

Where can I find accommodation in Barahona?

Accommodation in Barahona can be found in the city center, Playa El Quemaito, Paraiso, Los Patos, and Bahoruco.

How can I get to Barahona?

The nearest airport to Barahona is Las Americas International Airport in Santo Domingo. From there, you can take a taxi or rent a car to reach Barahona.

What should I know before traveling to Barahona?

Before traveling to Barahona, it’s important to respect the environment and local communities, pack essentials like mosquito repellent and sunscreen, and have a basic understanding of Spanish.

What is there to do in Barahona?

In Barahona, you can enjoy a range of activities such as beach visits, national park exploration, cultural immersion, and outdoor adventures.

Is Barahona worth visiting?

Yes, Barahona is a hidden gem in the Dominican Republic that offers untouched natural beauty, vibrant culture, and a wide range of activities for travelers to enjoy.

Source Links

  • https://blog.ilp.org/barahona-in-the-dominican-republic
  • https://dominicanmaps.com/dominican-republic/hidden-gems/
  • https://travopo.com/travel-guides/dominican-republic/barahona/

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Excursion a Barahona desde Santo Domingo Tours

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Excursion a barahona republica dominicana.

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horario caribe tours barahona santo domingo


Laboramos 363 días anualmente en todas nuestras oficinas, Nuestros Horarios son:

Nuestros Horarios: Lunes a Viernes 8:00 am a 6:00 pm Sábados 8:00 am a 6:00 pm Domingos 8:00 am a 2:00 pm Días feriados de 8:00 am a 6:00 pm Horario en Supermercados: Lunes a Viernes 8:00 am a 8:00 pm Sábados 8:00 am a 8:00 pm Domingos 8:00 am a 4:00 pm Días feriados de 8:00 am a 6:00 pm


Caribe Express es la empresa de envío de remesas (en República Dominicana) que pone a su disposición la red de distribución de mayor calidad, eficiencia y tecnología.

  • Av. 27 de Febrero esq. Leopoldo Navarro, Plaza Caribe Tours, Suite 302 (3er Nivel)
  • Santo Domingo, República Dominicana

Teléfono: +1 809 221 5418

Fax: +1 809 689 7240

RNC: 101 50208 8

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  2. Caribe Tours

    Caribe Tours. Inicio; Horarios de Salida; Reservar Viaje; Caribe Pack; Transp. Turístico; ... Horarios de Salida de Autobus desde SANTO DOMINGO. Conoce nuestros horarios y planifica tu viaje. VER MÁS. Reserve su viaje. Desde: Hasta: Fecha: ... Esq. Leopoldo Navarro; Santo Domingo DN. SÍGUENOS Facebook

  3. Horarios de Salida de Autobus desde SANTO DOMINGO

    Caribe Tours. Inicio; Horarios de Salida; Reservar Viaje; Caribe Pack; Transp. Turístico; ... Horarios de Salida de Autobus desde SANTO DOMINGO. Conoce nuestros horarios y planifica tu viaje. Navegación de entradas. ... Esq. Leopoldo Navarro; Santo Domingo DN. SÍGUENOS Facebook

  4. Autobus de Santo Domingo a Barahona

    Autobus de Santo Domingo a Barahona. Toda la información de transporte desde Santo Domingo hasta Barahona. Precios de pasajes de autobús de Santo Domingo a Barahona ... Caribe Tours Barahona Calle José Francisco Peña Gómez: 09:45 AM RD$350 Caribe Tours Barahona Calle José Francisco Peña Gómez: 01:45 PM ...

  5. Información Importante

    Horario de salida para la capital: 6:25, 7:30, y a partir de las 9:00 a.m., uno cada hora, a partir de las las 6:00 AM. Caribe Tours. Calle Uruguay, Tel. 524-2313 Empresa de transporte interurbano expreso y con carga. Vehículos en buenas condiciones, con aire acondicionado y sanitario. Horarios de salida: desde Santo Domingo, 6:30; 9:45.

  6. Santo Domingo to Barahona

    The cheapest way to get from Santo Domingo to Barahona costs only $22, and the quickest way takes just 2 hours. Find the travel option that best suits you. ... Caribe Tours operates a bus from Santo Domingo to Barahona 4 times a day. Tickets cost $5 - $8 and the journey takes 3h. Bus operators. Caribe Tours Phone (809) 221 - 4422

  7. Barahona: Your Guide to the Dominican Republic's Untouched Gem

    🔹Excursión Santo Domingo; 🔹Tour Buceo en Isla Catalina; 🤿 Actividades. ... Bus: If you prefer public transportation, there are bus services available from Santo Domingo to Barahona. This is a budget-friendly option, although the travel time may be longer compared to a taxi or car rental. ... Contacta con Hello Caribe Tours +1 (829 ...

  8. horario caribe tours barahona santo domingo

    Información Importante; La Provincia Barahona comienza en la Punta Martín García, que forma parte del Valle de Neiba, donde desemboca el Río Yaque del Sur. Al sur de esta se e

  9. Caribe Tours

    Desde Santo Domingo a Barahona: RD$350: Desde Santo Domingo a Cabrera: RD$400: Desde Santo Domingo a Castañuelas: RD$400: Desde Santo Domingo a Castillo: RD$300: ... ¿Cuál es el número de teléfono de Caribe Tours? Teléfono Caribe Tours Santo Domingo: +1 809-221-4422; Teléfono Caribe Tours Santiago: +1 809-576-0790; Teléfono Caribe Tours ...

  10. Barahona Tours

    Tour Isla Saona. Reserva Online tu excursion Barahona Tours Desde USD48 al mejor precios con Atención Personalizada y acompañado con Experto para el tours de dia completo en Republica Dominicana. con Salida Garantizada Privada y confirmacion Inmediata con transporte desde su hotel o Localidad en santo domingo, punta cana, boca chica, bayahibe ...

  11. Santa Cruz de Barahona a Santo Domingo Terminal Caribe Tours

    Viaja fácilmente desde Santa Cruz de Barahona a Santo Domingo Terminal Caribe Tours con Rome2Rio. Rome2Rio es un motor de información para organizar viajes de puerta a puerta y hacer reservas, que te ayuda a llegar desde y hasta cualquier lugar del mundo" Encuentra aquí todas las opciones de transporte para tu viaje desde Santa Cruz de Barahona a Santo Domingo Terminal Caribe Tours.

  12. Caribe Tours DR

    Caribe Tours DR, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. 2,248 likes · 6 talking about this. Somos una empresa de servicios de transporte interurbano, urbano, empresarial y turístico. Caribe Tours DR | Santo Domingo

  13. Caribe Tours

    Caribe Tours · October 4, 2022 ... Pésimo, en santo domingo, había pagado con tarjeta con dirección a San Francisco de Macoris, y de vuelta para Santo Domingo, no me permitieron tomar la guagua porque no cobran con tarjeta, tuve que salir corriendo a buscar un cajero, al final me dejó la guagua ... Hay que actualizar el visor de horario ya ...

  14. De Santo Domingo a Barahona en 2 horas: precios y horarios ...

    Viaja fácilmente desde Santo Domingo a Barahona con Rome2Rio. Rome2Rio es un motor de información para organizar viajes de puerta a puerta y hacer reservas, que te ayuda a llegar desde y hasta cualquier lugar del mundo" Encuentra aquí todas las opciones de transporte para tu viaje desde Santo Domingo a Barahona. Rome2Rio dispone de horarios al día, mapas de ruta, tiempos de viaje y precios ...

  15. Santo Domingo Terminal Caribe Tours a Santa Cruz de Barahona

    Viaja fácilmente desde Santo Domingo Terminal Caribe Tours a Santa Cruz de Barahona con Rome2Rio. Rome2Rio es un motor de información para organizar viajes de puerta a puerta y hacer reservas, que te ayuda a llegar desde y hasta cualquier lugar del mundo" Encuentra aquí todas las opciones de transporte para tu viaje desde Santo Domingo Terminal Caribe Tours a Santa Cruz de Barahona.


    Servicio a Domicilio. Ofrecemos servicio a domicilio gratis en todo el territorio nacional, garantizamos la entrega de su remesa de puerta a puerta en menos de 2 horas, también puedes recibir tu dinero en cualquiera de nuestras oficinas y puntos de pagos en todo el país.

  17. Autobus de Barahona a Santo Domingo

    Autobus de Barahona a Santo Domingo. Toda la información de transporte desde Barahona hasta Santo Domingo. Precios de pasajes de autobús de Barahona a Santo Domingo ... Caribe Tours Barahona Calle José Francisco Peña Gómez: 09:45 AM RD$350 Caribe Tours Barahona Calle José Francisco Peña Gómez: 01:45 PM ...

  18. Horario de servicios

    Caribe Express es la empresa de envío de remesas (en República Dominicana) que pone a su disposición la red de distribución de mayor calidad, eficiencia y tecnología. Av. 27 de Febrero esq. Leopoldo Navarro, Plaza Caribe Tours, Suite 302 (3er Nivel) Santo Domingo, República Dominicana; Teléfono: +1 809 221 5418. Fax: +1 809 689 7240. RNC ...