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Korsika 11.-18. sep.

Vi har haft en meget fin tur til Korsika 11.-18. sep., Korsika er fantastisk smuk og de to hoteller er helt i top. Biludlejningsfirmaet Sicily By Car virkede helt perfekt, udlevering af bilen tager selvfølgelig tid, når der er mange kunder med samme fly. Ved afrejse fra Pisa Airport blev vi afkrævet 40 euro for en kuffert der var betalt for hjemmefra, det var selvfølgelig træls. Men efter kontakt til GG Tours dagen efter blev beløbet tilbageført, og GG Tours tog kampen med Ryan Air der havde lavet fejlen. Rejser gerne igen med GG Tours. Erik og Hedvig Johannesen

Dato for oplevelse : 23. september 2019

Fantastisk rundrejse i Baltikum

Er lige kommet hjem fra en fantastisk rundtur i Baltikum !! I den forbindelse skal der lyde en stor tak til Gunita og Giovanni for en uforglemmelig tur Alt klappede, transport til tiden , gode centrale hoteller samt interessant guidede ture hvor de begge øste af deres meget store viden om landene , deres kultur samt historie. En fantastisk oplevelse at rejse med at personligt rejsebureau som er med deres kunder fra start til slut !! Vi kan på det varmeste anbefale denne tur Birgitte og Bjarne Lauder

Dato for oplevelse : 30. maj 2018

Besvarelse fra GG Tours ApS

Kære Birgitte og Bjarne tak for den fine anmeldelse og jeres berigende og hyggelige selskab. Det var en sand fornøjelse at møde og rejse med jer. Håber I kom godt hjem og holder jer orienteret om nye lignende ture. Kh Gunita og Giovanni

Spændende rejse med indhold

Spændende rejse til de baltiske lande med to meget vidende guider med blik for både fortid og nutid. Hotellerne lå supercentralt i forhold til de planlagte ture.

Dato for oplevelse : 29. november 2023


KØB IKKE IGENNEM GG TOURS. Vi havde bestilt og betalt en tur til de 3 baltiske hovedstæder i februar - med afrejse den 11/6. Den 3/6 fik vi en mail fra GG Tours - efter vi havde rykket for rejsedokumenter - at vores rejse var aflyst pga de ikke kunne skaffe bus-pladser til mere end 56 passagerer, og da der var 62 passagerer måtte bl.a. vi aflyses. GG tours har vidst længe, at der var 62 passagerer, da vi jo havde betalt vores rejse i start februar. Her stod vi så med en aflyst ferie kun 8 dage før afgang… Vi gjorde GG Tours opmærksom på, at vi har ret til kompensation, når de aflyser så sent, så fik vi en ny mail den 6/6 om at vi godt kunne komme med på turen alligevel. Vi måtte meddele GG Tours, at det kunne vi ikke, da vi jo efter deres aflysning, havde bestilt en anden rejse, så vi ønskede vores tilgodehavende + kompensation udbetalt hurtigst muligt. Efter flere rykkere kom vores indbetalte beløb retur, men de nægter at betale kompensation. SÅ HOLD JER VÆK FRA DETTE REJSEBUREAU.

Dato for oplevelse : 03. juni 2023

De baltiske lande okt. 2019

Vi har i oktober 2019 været med Ggtours til de Baltiske lande, en helt fantastisk tur. God planlægning og begge vore guider øste ud ad imponerende viden omkring historie og samfundsforhold i de tre lande. Kan varmt anbefale turen til de Baltiske lande. Vi har rejst rigtig meget. Det er dog første gang vi har rejst med GG tours, men det bliver bestemt ikke den sidste. Ulla og Tage Mortensen

Dato for oplevelse : 11. oktober 2019

5 dages tur til Malaga(deal)

5 dages tur til Malaga(deal). Julen 2019. Allerede inden start var der problemer med guidet tur. Svarer os gider de heller ikke. Ryanair kaldte alle ud til gate før flyet var landet. Vi stod mast sammen i ca. 1 time. Meget ubehageligt. Vi var forsinket i 2 timer. Da vi endelig nåede hotellet, var det en meget sur receptionist, der ikke sagde noget, men langede en hånd ud, da vi spurgte, hvad vej vi skulle til vores værelse. Umiddelbart et dejligt hotel, indtil vi åbnede døren til den mega smalle balkon. Det var den værst tænkelige motorstøj der kom fra en meget trafikeret vej opad hotellet. Vi kunne næsten ikke snakke sammen, måtte råbe. Den fik vi ingen glæde af. Morgenmaden var ikke noget at skrive hjem om. Tjenerne meget rare. Det samme var rengøringen. Da vi skulle hjem, fik vi ingen opkald fra transportservice. Bad reception om hjælp. Hjemad gik det ikke bedre end derned ad. Det eneste danske der blev sagt, var lodseddelsalget. En tur der kostede alt for meget i forhold til de dårlige oplevelser. ALDRIG mere GGtours

Dato for oplevelse : 30. december 2019

Altid ærgerligt at høre når en kunde ikke er tilfreds, men ofte skyldes det ikke nødvendigvis at der der noget galt med rejsen, men nogle helt andre forhold der gør sig gældende, hvilket er tilfældet med denne anmeldelse. I Malaga benytter vi hotel Soho Las Vegas der overvejende har meget tilfredse kunder. Hotellet har flere tusinde reviews og ligger på 8,1 hos eller 4 ud af 5 stjerner. hos Google, altså langt over middel. Men ja, de er ikke så gode til at tale dansk på det spanske hotel, ligesom de heller ikke taler dansk på Ryanair flyet, som kunden er fortørnet over. Dansk er da et dejligt sprog, men at tro at der tales dansk på alle destinationer og internationale transportmidler er ikke blot naivt. men også fornærmende overfor andre kulturer. Kunden fremhæver også at de ikke fik noget opkald fra transport firmaet på hjemrejsen, selvom det meget tydeligt fremgår af kundens voucher at de selv skal kontakte transportselskabet - men igen det står på engelsk hos det spanske taxi selskab...... Denne rejse er ikke solgt med dansk guide, men som et ophold på egen hånd i Spanien med et Irsk flyselskab og transfer med et spansk taxi selskab. så man må forvente at kunder på den slags rejser er i stand til at kommunikere bare et minimum på engelsk. Vi har ikke solgt nogen dårlig rejse, men kundens egne forudsætninger har ikke været velovervejet i forhold til destination og rejsetype. GG Tours ApS

To meget gode ture med GGTours.

To meget gode ture med GGTours. 1. tur var til Baltikum i maj 2019 og anden tur her i september 2019 til Venedig. Begge ture har været præget af god planlægning og fantastiske fortællinger om samfundsforhold de to steder - både historiske og nutidige forhold. Deres kendskab til disse destinationer er enorm. Alle data præsenteres på en let forståelig måde - og det hele foregår uden manuskript. Noget vi lægger vægt på er også, at spisestederne er omhyggelig udvalgt, så den mad vi får serveret er i topklasse, og alligevel er med et lokalt islæt. Der er ikke tale om såkaldte turistmenuer. Vi kan derfor fuldt ud anbefale GGTours. Ketty og Ove Andersen Aabenraa

Dato for oplevelse : 20. september 2019

Overgik forventningerne.

Turen rundt i de baltiske lande var en stor oplevelse. I særdeleshed fordi guiderne Giovanni og Gunita øste af deres meget store viden om stort set alle forhold i landene. Begge havde en meget behagelig måde at kommunikere på. De informerede som en dialog med gæsterne i velafstemte doser. Alt blev formidlet ud af et ægte engagement og en kæmpe viden. Transport og hoteller var helt i top. Aftaler og tidsplaner blev nøje overholdt. Vi kan på det allervarmeste anbefale denne rejsearrangør og Giovanni og Gunita i særdeleshed. Mogens og Anna-Grethe Bøgh Mortensen

Dato for oplevelse : 03. juni 2016

3 fantastiske ture med GG Tours

For 3. gang rejste vi med GG Tours, og det er altid oplivende. 2 gange Venedig og en gang i de baltiske lande. Giovanni er en fantastisk historiefortæller i og omkring Venedig, og der er altid gode fif at hente på mange områder af den "indfødte" venezianer. Meget fin tur med rundvisning til seværdigheder og passende tid til oplevelser på egen hånd. Giovanni kender altid et sted såvel kulturelt som kulinarisk. Turen til de baltiske lande i seks nætter er en lærerig oplevelse omkring kultur, politik og historie. Her er Gunita som Indfødt "letter" en inspirerende pige med mange fortællinger om, hvad hun selv har oplevet i sin barndom. Giver stof til eftertanke. Vi kan varmt anbefale disse to destinationer med Gunita og Giovanni som rejseførere og ser frem til eventuelle tilbud på nye mål i 2020. Mange hilsener Elli og Ib Hørsholm

Fantastisk service

Fantastisk service. Da min mor blev syg på rejsen hjalp de os flytte flyet, fordi min mor kom på sygehus og kunne ikke udskrives med det samme, så vi kunne ikke tage det planlagte fly, men måtte vente til hun kunne komme hjem. GG tours var så søde og hjælpsomme.

Dato for oplevelse : 24. maj 2022

Har ikke styr på tingene

Bestilte en pakkerejse med bl.a. guided tour rundt i Pisa. Da vi kom frem var der ikke bestilt guided tour, og hotellet vidste ikke hvad vi talte om, så denne måtte vi selv betale, derudover havde vi betalt ekstra for shuttlebus (Pisa/Firenze), men ggtour havde bestilt billetterne til 2 timer før vi ankom med fly og kunne derfor ikke benyttes, hertil kan der tilføjes at vi, inden afrejse, måtte rykke for billetter til shuttlebus for at få disse... sidst men ikke mindst havde vi købt 8 dage kombirejse (Firenze/ Pisa) dette blev reduceret til 7 dage pga flyændring. Det værste ved oplevelsen er at vi gentagne gange har rettet henvendelse til ggtour, både før og under rejsen men de har valgt ikke at svare eller kommenterer vores henvendelse. vi har bl.a. anmodet om tilbagebetaling for shuttlebus og ved ankomst til hotellet bad vi om at ggtour fik bragt vores tourbilletter i orden... absolut et rejseselskab der ikke kan anbefales..

Dato for oplevelse : 29. august 2015

Fantastisk tur til Færøerne

Jeg rejste med GG tours til Færøerne i april 2017. Det var en pakkerejse købt gennem sweetdeal. Alt fungerede upåklageligt. Jeg fik rejsedokumenter i god tid og hele det planlagte program med bus, dygtig lokal guide der talte dansk og diverse besøg på Færøerne fungerede super godt. Guiden var enormt kompetent og rar, og gav sig tid til at forklare tingene og vi fik oven i købet en ekstra oplevelse som ikke stod i programmet, da vi kom ud og besøge en fåreavler. Hotellet var så lækkert og det hele var i orden. Så jeg vil varmt anbefale GG Tours. Jeg har også lige bestilt en rejse til Spanien med dem, og jeg glæder mig.

Dato for oplevelse : 07. februar 2018

En uforglemmelig tur med professionel…

En uforglemmelig tur med professionel guide! Det kunne ikke gøres bedre! Det føles meget familier når ejern samtidig er guide og har et enormt repertuar som gør oplevelsen ekstraordinært.👏🏻👍

Dato for oplevelse : 27. august 2023

Rejste for 3. gang med GG Tours. Sidste gang 14/9-23 til Venedig. I betragtning af prisen en god ferie. Dog er selskabet stort, hvorfor det kan være svært at høre og alt går meget hurtigt. Har tidligere været med GG Tours til de Baltiske lande. En virkelig god tur med et langt mindre antal medrejsende. Første gang med GG Tours var jeg på Færøerne. Denne rejse vil jeg give 5 stjerner.

Dato for oplevelse : 14. september 2023

Vi har rejst i mange lande med mange forskellige selskaber, men vores tur til Baltikum overgår de fleste af vore rejser. Fantastiske guider der var meget vidende og humoristiske. Det var en stor oplevelse. Tak for det. John Hougaard

Dato for oplevelse : 03. oktober 2018

Tur til Venedig

Tur til Venedig Efter en uheldig start blev det en oplevelse af de store. Turen til Venedig var godt tilrettelagt med god og informativ guidning. Der var passende guidning og tid på egen hånd, og de tilkøbte arrangementer var helt i top. Kan varmt anbefales Kirsten Birk og Nils Munk

Dato for oplevelse : 04. juni 2022

Ualmindelig dårlig tone

Rejsen udskudt pga. Corona, hvilket GG Tours selvfølgelig ikke er herrer over, men endte med at booke tur på egen hånd, som jeg fik GG Tours hjælp til. Ja, det krævede ekstra energi fra GG Tours, men endte også med at betale kr. 6.000 ekstra for turen. Havde fra start af forudbetalt for upgrade på hotelværelse samt indtjekkede bagage, men opdagede ved en tilfældighed dagen før, at det var der ikke bestilt, så der kom en ekstraudgift oveni igen på kr. 1.200. Ville et par dage før ankomst sikre mig, at hotellet var orienteret om vores sene ankomst omkring midnat ved check in, og blev til min store forskrækkelse gjort opmærksom af hotellet på, at der slet ikke var booket værelse til os på trods af GG Tours havde bekræftet i mail til mig. Det endte ud i at hotellet kontaktede GG Tours, og GG Tours efterfølgende mig i en mail, hvor de i en ualmindelig dårlig tone og truende mail, bad mig om ikke at kontakte hotellet igen, samt besked til mig om, at de havde brugt al for meget tid på min sag, og de ikke ville besvare flere henvendelser fra mig.

Dato for oplevelse : 02. november 2021

3 dage før flytter vi til hotel lang væk fra byen...

I marts 2022 bestilte jeg en tur til Rom fra den 12. - 17. juni. Hotellet lå centralt i Trastevere området, tæt på restauranter og caféer osv. Med andre ord, PERFEKT. Ca. 3 dage inden afgangen får vi oplyst at hotellet (som var bestils næste 3 måneder før afgang) var overbooket, så vi skulle bo på et andet 4 stjernet hotel. Det nye hotel lå langt ude for byen; så nu var vi ikke længere i gå afstand til Trastevere mange restauranter, samt den gamle del af Rom. Vi skulle i steden tage 7 metro stationer for at "komme ind" til Rom, og turen tilbage til hotellet ende med en taxa tur med tilhørende omkostninger. I vores oprindelige bestilling havde vi opgraderet til en Junior Suite. Det nye hotel havde ikke ledige suiter; så det kunne ej heller lade sig gøre. Samlet set fik vi en hel anden ferie end det vi var blevet stillet i udsigt. I lyset af dette kan jeg kun fraråde at benytte GG Tours; så hellere selv arrangere fly, hotel osv. Så er der større chance for at få det man (hotel, fly osv.) selv har ønsket oprindeligt. Konklusionen er at GGTours' gæster er de første der bliver "vippet af pinden", når der er overbooket. Også selvom hotelopholdet er bestilt mange måneder forinden.

Dato for oplevelse : 28. juli 2022

Købt en pakkerejse til Island af GG…

Købt en pakkerejse til Island af GG Tours fra d. 8 til 11 maj 2020. Midt april aflyste GG Tours rejsen pga. Corona. GG Tours har endnu ikke betalt vores penge tilbage, trods flere mails og kald til dem. De bliver nu anmeldt til pakkerejseankenævnet. Aldrig mere med GG Tours.

Dato for oplevelse : 30. maj 2020

Super skøn ferie med GG Tours

Vi havde store forventninger om en god tur til Baltikum, og de blev til fulde og mere til indfriet. På forhånd var vi blevet vel informeret om turen med et godt indblik i hvad vi kunne forvente. Da vi ankom til Vilnius lufthavn stod Giovanni og Gunita og ventede på os. Vi blev kørt i Bus til hotellet. Bussen og chaufføren fulgte os på hele turen. Vi fik rigtig meget at vide om de baltiske lande under vores ture, både med bus og byvandringerne. Det er utroligt levende fortalt af Giovanni og Gunita. De ved utrolig meget om landenes kultur, økonomi, historie, befolkning, sprog, økonomi, vækst, religion osv. Meget spændende at høre om. Vi havde nogle fine hoteller, og vi fik nogle skønne oplevelser på diverse spisesteder omhyggeligt udvalgt af Giovanni og Gunita. For vores vedkommende var tingene meget fint afstemt i forhold til ture og på egen hånd. På hele holdet på 51 personer var der en rigtig god stemning og tilfredshed med turen. Vi kan varmt anbefale at rejse med GG Tours og vi vil selv se frem til vores næste rejse med Giovanni og Gunita.

Dato for oplevelse : 14. september 2017

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Five Star Experience with 8 Day Self-Drive Tour

Myself and my stepdaughter recently did an 8 day self drive itinerary with Go Irish Tours. We worked with Ben and the trip was flawless. Ben was very responsive pre trip and while in country, kept in touch and made sure all was well. We had an excellent time and would recommend Go Irish Tours and Ben Kilmurray to anyone interested in visiting the beautiful Emerald Isle.

Date of experience : 04 May 2024

The tour was not what we expected

The tour was not what we expected. We knew that we would be moving around the country, but didnt understand that we would be in a car driving for about 4-5 hours per day. We spent a day or two at the most in one place and spent most of every day in the car. We would drive for 2 hours and then get out and spend less than an hour to experience the place we were going to and then back in the car. There was no time put aside for lunch and so we usually ate at a rest stop on the side of the road. The first Bed and Breakfast in Kinsale was horrible. There was no hot water in the shower and so we were unable to take a shower and their solution was to buy us a drink. They also suggested we ask some others who were traveling with us to use their shower. Not a great solution. By the way when we ordered our free drink, an espresso martini, they told us it was to expensive. All in all, Ireland is beautiful but be prepared to sit in a car and gaze at it, and not experience it.

Date of experience : 06 May 2024

Ben Kilmurey did an amazing job…

Ben Kilmurey did an amazing job organizing our trip for us. I mentioned our interests and he arranged an itinerary and lodgings that allowed for self paced tour withh flexibility. His recommendations and bookings were spot on and we were enchanted. We enjoyed every moment. We were able to enjoy all we asked for and it only whetted our appetite for more of this beautiful country. We will be back and when next we come to Irish shores we will use Goirish tours! Thank you Ben and bless thos beautiful land

Date of experience : 08 May 2024

Great experience overall

Great experience overall. The package we received from Donna and her help regarding some refunds at the end of our trip was very helpful. We will definitely recommend go Irish tours to others and use it again if we come back and visit again. Keep up the great work.

Date of experience : 10 May 2024

The company has figured out everything for you…

The company has figured out every little detail that makes a trip great. Down to the rest stops, the scenic stops for pictures, the guide (ours was Austin). The ring of Kerry. the cliffs of Moher, the Dublin castle, the renaissance dinner all of it was 10/10. This trip was me, my mother, and my sister and we have been planning this trip for years. I am very happy we went with this company. Multiple times we commented that we never would have thought to go the places they took us. The hotels were also really nice, all but the last one. I will definitely be booking with this company again.

Date of experience : 02 May 2024

We just booked our fourth trip and we…

We just booked our fourth trip and we leverages the services of GO IRISH TOURS. At first, we spoke with mark, but he was abruptly promoted. Thats when we were introduced to laura, marks extremely competent and motivation LAURA had immeasurable patience with us and our 1000 questions and went absolutely above and beyond with every infinitesimal detail, and so much more. LAURA is extremely down to earth, personable (and packs a great SENSE of humor) and made the entire traveling process a million times easier. We could not have done it without her; I don't believe you could find a better choice for a travel agent and I will recommend her to everyone. I knew potentially we (meaning me) might be a challenge with how picky we were. Instead of being dismissive or lackadaisical, she took us through the process as if we were her own family, and I will never be able to thank her enough for treating us so well. As far as laura's work effort, she knew exactly when to push, when to back off, and when to say "no absolutely not," for your benefit throughout the process. She is clearly very skilled and absolutely will not let you go through with or book something without vetting first. She was 100% on top and ahead of every decision to be made. Her communication was always consistent and on point. She was always easy to contact (phone, text, email, whatsapp). She stayed in touch from day 1 to the start of the trip and made sure everything was completely perfect. Absolutely winning with team laura " - Chris and Jodi Flynn

Ireland road trip!

Bobby & I just got home from a 2 week self-guided Ireland road trip. We used GoIrishTours and worked with Donna to plan. We told Donna where we wanted to go and she provided us with suggestions for the hotels in each location. We were then able to tweak the plans as we wanted. Perfect plan. We loved all the variety that she gave us from the Brook's Hotel in downtown Dublin, to the family owned Crystal Springs, in Galway and the finale was an 18th century castle in Dalkey. She was easy to work with, professional, and made all of our connections streamlined. We highly recommend GoIrishTours & Donna

Date of experience : 13 April 2024

The costumer service at Go Irish Tours is A1.

The costumer service at Go Irish Tours is A1. My booking as been taken car by Tinamarie Bennett, Senior Travel Specialist with whom I had two lives meetings and many quick Email responds every time I had a question. She is so nice and friendly, she is like a old friend over sea who's taking care of my traveling. Thank you TinaMarie for your kind and warm personality! Katya, from Québec, Canada. :)

Date of experience : 26 April 2024

What a wonderful experience working with Ben…

What a wonderful experience working with Ben from GoIrish! Everything was perfectly arranged for us and every person he connected us with was top rate. He was in amazing contact with recommendations and support for everything and even sent us treats for our travels. Ben followed up with anything we needed or wanted and made this a memorable first trip to Ireland. Thank you!

Date of experience : 25 April 2024

Exceptional attention to detail!

We are on day 7 of our 10-day Irish adventure and needed to come here to say how impressed we have been with the accommodations Dylan arranged for us. Each hotel has been lovely and perfectly located for all the adventures we've been on, but our very favorite by far is last night's stay at Ballyseede Castle! 🏰 We had a surprise upgrade into the Bridal Suite complete with Prosecco on ice 🍾with white chocolate strawberries 🍓and a personal note from Dylan and Go Irish Tours 💌! Everything was simply perfect! We are now en route to Galway and Dylan is busy working to secure some spa services for us since our Internet efforts haven't panned out. He's been helpful, friendly and professional since the beginning. We highly recommend Go Irish Tours and send a big thank you to Dylan☘️🇮🇪💚

Date of experience : 22 April 2024

Donna has been a tremendous help for my…

Donna has been a tremendous help for my 7 day vacation in 5 different cities to Ireland . She listened to my request for the venture and it’s been incredible with the sites, the food, the drink and lodge has been spot. I will definitely reach out to Donna at Go Irish Tours again there is so much to see in this wonderful country.

Date of experience : 24 April 2024

Great your company!

I would 100% book with go Irish tours again. Our travel agent Dylan Ross was wonderful, responsive and made sure we had the trip we wanted to take. He had at least two personal phone calls with me to ensure we got what we wanted and when we got there it was what we had expected.

Date of experience : 20 April 2024

Dylan, the BEST travel specialist

Dylan is truly the BEST travel specialist!! He is truly determined to make our trip a "one in a lifetime experience". He is personable, knowledgeable, accessible, and great sense of humor. It took us a few tries to get our custom Ireland/Scotland tour as we wanted it but Dylan was more than happy to make changes, address our questions, and really cares about getting it right for us. Ask for Dylan when planning your Irish tour!

Date of experience : 16 April 2024

Aoife Conlon has worked tirelessly to…

Aoife Conlon has worked tirelessly to make our tour exceed our dreams. Her patience is simply without end. All questions and concerns were answered promptly and she anticipated (and eradicated) problems we had not even considered. This lady is magic!

Date of experience : 15 April 2024

Great experience

We worked with Tina Marie at Go Irish tours to develop a completely customized 16 day tour with a private driver. Tina was easy to work with and very responsive to our wishes. She helped us pick hotels and ensured that we had adequate time to sightsee with our driver and on our own in various locations. Our driver Damian was a dream and we were astounded at how knowledgeable he was regarding the history of both Ireland and Scotland. He took us to some off the beaten path locations for some stunning photo opportunities. Tina remained in contact with us throughout the trip to help answer questions and even made some last minute changes for us when we wanted to move on to our next location sooner and do a hotel change at another location. She made it very easy and seamless. All in all a great experience.

Date of experience : 01 April 2024

Thank you Donna and GoIrish

Donna was a great guide in helping plan a trip to Ireland for me and my son. I will highly recommend GoIrish to my friends and family if they would like to visit Ireland.

Date of experience : 14 April 2024

This was the trip of a lifetime

This was the trip of a lifetime! Starting with the excellent service during the booking process and the wonderful tour that was provided made for a great experience, the tour guide was very knowledgeable kind and funny. Looking forward to coming back! 🇮🇪

Date of experience : 05 April 2024

Ireland is beautiful, very green, and so friendly.

We hada wonderful time in Ireland. Aoife from GoIrish was so patient and helpful. We saw almost everything we wanted to see on our self drive tour. The people are so nice everywhere. If we asked for directions they would sometime walk us there. Our hotels all had a made to order hot breakfast. Three of the hotels were fantastic and the fourth, The Copper Kettle B&B I would definitely not recommend. We had some rain and a lot of wind, but we still had a great time. I would recommend GoIrish tours.

Date of experience : 09 April 2024

Lack of cost breakdown and transparency

Improve communication between tour company and each member of the group not just one person

Date of experience : 01 May 2024

Excellent experience

Planning for my 50th birthday trip in 3 years has been an absolute breeze with GoIrish Tours. Our agent, Mark, has been so easy to work with, even when we decided to change our arrival location from Belfast to Dublin. He has also made excellent suggestions for our itinerary. 10/10 would recommend!

Date of experience : 29 March 2024

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G Adventures Review – Adventure Travel Tours [Tour Styles, Destinations, Reviews]

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Stella Shon

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G Adventures Review – Adventure Travel Tours [Tour Styles, Destinations, Reviews]

Table of Contents

Who are g adventures tours good for, g adventures tour types and destinations, g adventures top tours, g adventures reviews, g adventures vs. contiki, g adventures vs. intrepid, final thoughts.

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Most of us have a travel bucket list, but there are some destinations that you may feel more confident exploring with a guided tour. Maybe you’re concerned about language barriers , or you’d rather not have to worry about navigating public transport yourself. It’s natural to feel both excited and apprehensive when visiting somewhere new, and booking an escorted tour can alleviate any concerns you may have, especially if you’re traveling solo.

G Adventures has been providing small group tours for over 20 years and consistently listens to customer feedback to provide authentic and life-changing experiences. The G stands for “Good,” which doesn’t just refer to the good time that you’ll have on a tour — it also applies to the impact G Adventures strives to have on the local communities that it encounters along the way.

All G Adventure tours have 100% guaranteed departures , which some operators can’t provide. This avoids the disappointment of having to move to another date or destination just because the number of participants is not viable to run the tour.

Solo Travelers

Solo Travel

Group tours are perfect for those that are itching to get away but can’t find a travel buddy. As tour prices are based on a solo rate , you needn’t factor-in expensive single supplements, as you’ll often have the option to upgrade to a private room if you choose. You’ll find that adventure tours attract like-minded individuals, and many G Adventurers have made life-long friends on their trips.

Although socializing is not compulsory on a tour, it does help if you enjoy the company of others. You could be spending weeks with the same people on your tour bus, group trips, and activities, so if you hate being around strangers, then this type of tour probably isn’t for you.

Hot Tip:  If you’re thinking about the iconic sights you might want to explore on a tour, check out these virtual tours of popular tourist attractions around the world , including Angkor Wat and the Great Wall of China. 

Friends or Groups

Group Travel

Friends often book onto tours as no 1 person needs to be responsible for arranging or coordinating the itinerary or managing payments. 1-on-1 travel can be an intense experience, especially if you’re not used to spending that much time together, so joining a tour can alleviate the pressure.

Family Travel

Just because you start a family, doesn’t mean that you can’t explore new and exotic destinations. If your children are 12 years or older, they are welcome on most standard tours when accompanied by an adult, and dedicated family tours are suitable for families with children aged 7-17. A family tour can broaden horizons for many children and educate them in different cultures and languages.

Touring Skeptics

You may have embarked on many solo trips and love the thrill of independent travel, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that a small group tour isn’t for you. There are a few destinations, such as some southern African countries, where public transport isn’t the most reliable. The prospect of being driven the vast distances while getting some shut-eye along the way can be quite appealing.

With a small group tour, you’ll have a permanent tour guide that will be an expert in the destination and will be able to answer any questions you have along the way. With tried and tested itineraries , you can rest assured that you’re exploring the highlights of that destination and can often immerse yourself more in the local culture and communities due to the connections the tour company has established.

G Adventures recognizes that not everyone likes the same kind of travel, so it offers various styles of tours that cater to most.

18-to-Thirtysomethings Tours

18 to Thirtysomethings Tours

These tours are a little larger in capacity (up to 22) to allow you to meet more people , and let’s face it, if you’re on an 18-to-Thirtysomethings Tour, you’re likely open to the opportunity of meeting some new pals. Tours have a good balance of culture and free time, so you can be exploring temples by day and the local bars and restaurants by night.

Active Tours

Active Tours

Active Tours allow you to explore new destinations through hiking, biking, and other activity sports, such as kayaking and rafting. Each tour has an activity rating to let you know how physically demanding a tour is, and they have a maximum of 16 people (but an average of 10).

Hot Tip:  G Adventures recommends bringing a backpack on your tour rather than a suitcase, as it’s easier to transport than a suitcase. Check out the best hiking and backpacking backpacks for your trip and don’t forget your other adventure travel essentials .

Classic Tours

Classic Tours

Classic Tours offer the perfect blend of cultural experiences, must-see highlights, and free time . If you discover something amazing and unscheduled along the way, the G Adventures Chief Experience Officers (CEOs) can adjust the itinerary accordingly to ensure you don’t miss out on those spontaneous, once-in-a-lifetime experiences.

Family Tours

Family Tours

Organizing a family holiday can be stressful, but with a G Adventures Family Tour, you have the comfort and security of your knowledgeable guide, family-friendly accommodations, and specially-designed itineraries. Family tours usually include 3 or 4 families from all over the world with children around the same age. To ensure everyone has a great time, all family tours have a recommended age ranking indicating how suitable the activities are for children.

Hot Tip:  Traveling with the kids can be a little overwhelming at times, especially to an unknown destination. Read these tips for amazing family travel with your kids .

Local Living Tours

Local Living Tours

If you’re not a fan of moving from hotel to hotel on a busy tour, but you’re keen to experience a local’s way of life, then a Local Living Tour could be just the ticket. Most tours involve unpacking only once at your home-from-home , including a Tuscan farmhouse or remote village in the Amazon. Live like the locals and do as little or as much as you like with flexible itineraries.

Marine Tours

G Adventures Sailboat

From river cruises to ocean expeditions, traveling by water can provide a unique way of exploring some of the world’s most magnificent aquatic destinations. Traveling onboard smaller ships than cruise liners allows you to get closer to extraordinary marine wildlife and enjoy more meaningful encounters with local people and communities.

National Geographic Journeys

National Geographic Journeys

National Geographic Journeys with G Adventures offers a range of unique tours that delve deeper into the communities and habitats than on a Classic Tour. Your CEO will have specialized National Geographic training for more in-depth, local knowledge on your destination, and tours feature more inclusions and hands-on exploration than standard tours.

Rail Tours

It’s as much about the journey as it is about the destination with a Rail Tour. Cruise through some of the world’s most remote areas while enjoying a window view and a glass of wine. Not only is rail travel an authentic and exciting mode of transport, but it also leaves a smaller carbon footprint compared to coaches and airplanes , if responsible travel is important to you.

Hot Tip:  There are many ways that you can become a greener traveler, from taking reusable water bottles to being selective with your toiletries. To do your bit for the environment, take a look at our green travel tips . 

Wellness Tours

With a G Adventures Wellness Tour, you’ve got the perfect combination of rejuvenating practices such as yoga or mediation and an incredible location. Experience ancient restorative practices and ceremonies and explore cultural sights and awe-inspiring scenery. Most tours include wellness moments such as a daily yoga session or spa treatment, and tours focus on healthy food experiences to nourish the mind and body.


G Adventures operates tours to over 100 destinations across the following continents, countries, and areas:

  • Australia and New Zealand
  • Central America and the Caribbean
  • North Africa and the Middle East
  • North America
  • Polar regions
  • South America

G Adventures Antarctica

Antarctica Small Group Tour

The Antarctic is a destination that many adventurers dream of visiting. Colossal icebergs, gigantic glaciers, and jagged mountains make up the beautiful but barren landscape, and it’s a wonder how the brutally cold conditions create a home for such a variety of wildlife.

You’ll be on board the G Expedition that can sleep up to 134 passengers and has many communal areas such as the Penguin Library and Polar Bear Pub. All rooms are  en suite with either a porthole or a window view so that you can spot humpback and minke whales breaching in the surrounding waters.

  • Includes accommodation, most meals, Zodiac excursions, educational programs, waterproof boots, and parka

Hot Tip:  There are a couple of optional extras available on the G Expedition that are worth considering. Sleep out under the stars with a camping experience or upgrade from the Zodiac excursions to kayaking to get the closest you can be to your surroundings.

G Adventures Cuba

Cuba Small Group Tour

Go beyond the beach with a G Adventures tour to Cuba. This vibrant Caribbean island has only recently opened up to non-traditional travel, so you can explore more than just the beautiful beaches. Stay in a local homestay for an immersive Cuban experience , tour a tobacco plantation, or see the sights of bustling Havana from the comfort of a classic car.

G Adventures offers Classic, Active, Marine, and 18-to-Thirtysomethings tours to Cuba.

  • Includes transfers, excursions, accommodation, and breakfast

G Adventures Costa Rica

Costa Rica Small Group Tour

Costa Rica is a tropical paradise with one of the highest densities of biodiversity of any country. Magnificent volcanoes emerge from the lush landscapes, and mysterious cloud forests are home to exotic flora and fauna, including the red-eyed tree frog and the white-faced Capuchin monkey . You’ll need your camera on hand at every moment exploring Costa Rica’s incredible scenery.

G Adventures offers Classic, Active, National Geographic Journeys, Family, Wellness, and 18-to-Thirtysomethings tours to Costa Rica.

  • Includes transportation and accommodation

G Adventures Galápagos

G Adventures Galapagos

Located 600 miles off the coast of Ecuador, the Galápagos Islands are accessible by flying in to either 2 of the larger islands of Santa Cruz or San Cristóbal . You’ll then spend your trip sailing through the archipelago, spotting whales and dolphins, and snorkeling amongst sea lions. It’s nature’s paradise! You can choose between a small ship adventure where you’ll sleep on board, or if you prefer to spend your nights on dry land, you can opt for a tour with land-based accommodation.

G Adventures offers Classic, Marine, Active, and 18-to-Thirtysomethings tours to Galápagos.

  • Includes basic accommodation, some meals, transportation, and some excursions

Hot Tip:  If you combine a Peru tour with a Galápagos tour, G Adventures will pay for your flight between Peru and Ecuador. 

G Adventures India

India Small Group Tour

India can be chaotic, mesmerizing, and an intense sensory experience with so many colorful sights, sounds, and smells to absorb. Taking a tour with G Adventures can offer a more organized travel experience. You can spend more time savoring the sights without worrying about the sometimes confusing logistics of navigating this vibrant country. Marvel at the majestic Taj Mahal, cruise along the Kerala backwaters, or relax on the wild beaches of Goa.

G Adventures offers Classic, Wellness, Rail, National Geographic Journeys, and 18-to-Thirtysomethings tours to India.

  • Includes transportation, accommodation, excursions, and some meals

G Adventures Japan

Japan Small Group Tour

Japan is a captivating city with a charming blend of ancient traditions and cutting-edge technology. One minute you’ll be wandering around a sacred Buddhist temple, and the next, whizzing between cities on the high-speed Shinkansen bullet train. Visit in spring to see the famous cherry blossom trees , relax in a traditional onsen, or learn about samurai culture. Nothing about Japan disappoints.

G Adventures offers Classic, Active, Rail, National Geographic Journeys, and 18-to-Thirtysomethings tours to Japan.

Hot Tip:  For a limited stay trip, Americans do not currently need a visa to enter Japan, so that’s 1 thing less to worry about. 

G Adventures Morocco

Morocco Small Group Tour

From stunning beaches to bustling cities and rolling sand dunes to mountainous Berber villages, if you’re looking for a diverse destination, Morocco ticks all the boxes. If you’re a little unsure about exploring the bustling medinas and labyrinthine alleyways independently, a G Adventures tour can give you confidence and security, while still allowing an authentic experience .

G Adventures offers Classic, Active, National Geographic Journeys, and 18-to-Thirtysomethings tours to Morocco.

G Adventures Peru

Peru Small Group Tour

Peru is an active adventurer’s paradise , with the wild and rugged landscapes providing endless hiking opportunities and enormous sand dunes begging to be boarded down. Many hike the famous Inca Trail to Machu  Picchu , while others opt for a less strenuous journey to marvel at the magnificent ancient ruins. Kayak on Lake Titicaca or visit the floating island communities of Uros.

G Adventures offers Classic, Active, National Geographic Journeys, Marine, Wellness, and 18-to-Thirtysomethings tours to Peru.

  • Includes transportation, accommodation, excursions, and most meals

G Adventures Thailand

Thailand Small Group Tour

Foodies will love sampling the culinary delights of the charming market stalls and seafood beach shacks, while others will enjoy tasty home-cooked meals while spending the night with a hill tribe family. With scenery so spectacular, it’s no wonder Thailand has featured in many blockbuster movies, with limestone rocks protruding from crystal-clear waters. Gleaming temples, a vibrant capital, and spectacular beaches make Thailand a well-rounded destination that offers something for everyone .

G Adventures offers Classic, Active, National Geographic Journeys, Marine, Family, and 18-to-Thirtysomethings tours to Thailand.

  • Includes transportation, accommodation, excursions, and breakfast

G Adventures is a highly reviewed tour company with the following overall ratings:

  • Trustpilot : 4.4 out of 5
  • Facebook : 4.5 out of 5
  • TourRadar : 4.6 out of 5

To give you a flavor of the feedback G Adventures receives, these are some testimonials from some of its most popular trips.

Antarctica Classic Tour “This was the MOST amazing trip of my life (and I have traveled a lot). The experience of seeing this vastly untouched continent is something I won’t ever forget. The penguins were adorable, and the staff was excellent in giving the passengers a full and knowledgeable trip. Highly recommended!” — Stacie C, United States

Cuba Libre Tour “I had a fabulous time. I visited towns and sites that I would not have found on my own. I also enjoyed meeting other tour participants from various European countries who appreciate traveling just as much as I do.” — Sondra W, Canada

Costa Rica Quest Tour “Our guide was exceptional. Her knowledge of each area and unwavering commitment to ensure that we all had the most positive experience did not go unnoticed. This was the best trip I have ever taken, and I would not hesitate to travel with her again. There were plenty of activities to choose from, so we could take advantage of as little or as much as we liked. The drivers were friendly and accommodating.” — P. Victoria Anne W, Canada

Comfort Galápagos 10 Day Tour “I had an amazing experience like no other. Never have I been so much in contact with wildlife. The trip was very memorable and gave me a very good impression of the place and its people. I have to admire the people at G Adventures in Ecuador, in which they made my travel experience as smooth as possible without any hassle. My trip there was not a luxury trip, but I felt I was treated with first-class service. I was delighted and enjoyed myself a lot. Even though I traveled alone, I felt very comfortable and had one of the best times in travel adventures.” —  Lemuel D, United States

Rajasthan Adventure “This was an impressive tour. We saw a lot of sights and experienced a vast range of Indian cultures. Our tour guide, Narendra Pal Singh, was excellent. A great character to be around. Thank you. The accommodations were incredible; the most impressive for me was the hotel in Ranakpur, that was surrounded by lush vegetation.” — Jamahl M, United Kingdom

Discover Japan Tour “Where else in the world, except Japan, can you go to experience the traditional mixed with the modern, and while not speaking the language and still feel completely at home. Mix in a group of people with different backgrounds, traveling together to places they have never seen and who realize at the end they could not have imagined or understood these places without being there, and you receive 15 perceptions of a place which absorbs you. The tour brought you the opportunities to explore on your own and as a group and the confidence to step out of what you thought was your comfort zone. A great experience which went by way too fast, as they say, time flies when you’re having fun.” — Janelle A, Australia

Highlights of Morocco Tour “This is my 2nd G Adventures tour, so I knew that everything would be well organized and planned. It really showed the diversity of Morocco from cities, mountains, and desert. The local guides were really informative. The level of accommodation was very good.” — Janet C, Australia

Inca Empire Tour “The G Adventures tour far exceeded my expectations, and I would recommend G Adventures to anyone when considering a tour group option. Everything was taken care of, and a special mention to our tour leader Caroline who did a tremendous job from chasing down lost luggage, to taking us to the best restaurants every night! The high point of the trip was when our group made it first to the Sun Gate at Machu Picchu and watched an awesome sunrise over the Inca City. A big mention also to G Adventures for outsourcing their treks to tremendous companies.” — David T, Australia

Northern Thailand: Hilltribes & Villages “The tour was excellent! I was a little apprehensive about embarking on a tour, but this type of tour enabled lots of freedom to do what I wanted, but with the convenience of a guide to helpfully offer advice and make arrangements.” — Sandra F, Canada

Contiki is a tour company that caters to travelers that are 18 to 35 years old only  and quite often has larger group sizes than G Adventures . Some destinations can have up to 50 people — quite a lot compared to G Adventures’ more intimate tour groups of up to 16. If you’re looking to meet lots of people, then you might like the idea of a larger tour group. G Adventures offer young person tours with a permitted age bracket of 18 to 39 but also caters to families and travelers of any age.

Contiki’s range of tour types offers volunteering trips, ski and snowboarding, and festivals , whereas G Adventures has a slightly more mature offering of local living, wellness, and rail tours. G Adventures offers a wider choice of destinations , while Contiki focuses on those typically popular with younger travelers. When it comes to cost, Contiki can be slightly cheaper than G Adventures, but this can depend on the accommodation included and the quality of excursions included in the tour.

G Adventures and Intrepid both offer the same levels of trip styles for their tours, including basic, standard, and comfort (upgraded), so you have the choice depending on your budget and requirements . The group sizes are also very similar for both companies, including 12-16 people on most tours. You won’t be charged a single supplement with either company as you’ll be paired up with a traveler of the same gender to room-share.

All G Adventures tours offer guaranteed departures, as do the majority of Intrepid tours, although these are marked with a “guaranteed departure” flag on the tour page so you can be sure. G Adventures offers around 700 itineraries, whereas Intrepid has over 1,000 , so if you’re looking for the company with the most variety, Intrepid could be your answer.

G Adventures provides responsible, sustainable tours and supports local communities, so you can take comfort knowing that you’re giving back as much as you’re taking away from the experience. Overall, its booking process and customer service are very good, but it’s the ground CEOs (Chief Experience Officers) that are the shining stars. These passionate and knowledgeable guides are with you every step of the way and are there to introduce you to the amazing destination.

G Adventures has completely revolutionized group touring. Instead of following a standard itinerary, you can now choose how you want to discover a new destination, whether that’s exploring by bicycle on an active tour or in the company of like-minded families.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are g adventures any good.

G Adventures is a well-review tour company that scores well-above average for TourRadar and Trustpilot. Many reviewers are repeat customers, which shows that the quality of service is consistent across various destinations.

What does the G stand for in G Adventures?

The G stands for “Good,” which doesn’t just refer to the good time that you’ll have on a tour — it also applies to the impact G Adventures strives to have on the local communities that form part of its tours.

Which is better, Intrepid or G Adventures?

G Adventures and Intrepid both offer the same levels of trip styles for their tours, including basic, standard, and comfort (upgraded). Group sizes are also very similar for both (12-16 people on most tours) and you won’t be charged a single supplement with either.

All of G Adventures tours offer guaranteed departures, as do the majority of Intrepid tours. G Adventures offers around 700 itineraries, whereas Intrepid has over 1,000 .

Is G Adventures a Canadian company?

G Adventures was founded in Toronto, Canada and has 28 offices worldwide.

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About Amar Hussain

Amar is an avid traveler and tester of products. He has spent the last 13 years traveling all 7 continents and has put the products to the test on each of them. He has contributed to publications including Forbes, the Huffington Post, and more.


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Rundrejse i de 3 baltiske lande

gg tours trustpilot

Oplev de 3 baltiske lande i selskab med dansktalende lettisk rejseleder. Oplev Vilnius, Riga og Tallinn, baltisk kultur, øl og gastronomi, storke og smukke landskaber, middelalderborge, russiske zarpaladser, mystiske korshøje og meget mere.

  • Sådan køber du
  • Aftalepartner

Oplev vore nabolande mod øst, dette spændende mødested mellem øst, vest og Skandinavien. Det er lande, som næsten altid har været underlagt henholdsvis tysk, skandinavisk eller russisk herredømme, og alligevel har de formået at bevare deres helt egne sprog og stærke kultur. Umiddelbart efter murens fald i 1991 fik de baltiske lande deres selvstændighed tilbage fra det tidligere Sovjetunionen, og er i dag fuldgyldige medlemmer af EU, euroen og Nato. Oplev hvad der er sket på blot 28 år på denne spændende 7 dages rejse, som starter tæt på grænsen til Hviderusland og slutter helt oppe i den Finske bugt.

Rejsen inkluderer:

  • Fly fra København, Billund eller Aalborg til Vinius og retur fra Tallinn
  • 1 kuffert á 20-23 kg bagage (til to personer - deles med medrejsende) og 8-10 kg håndbagage
  • Transfer lufthavnen-hotellet t/r
  • 6 overnatninger på 3-4 stjernede hoteller i centrum af Vilnius, Riga og Tallinn (2 nætter i hver by)
  • Morgenmad alle dage
  • To 3-retters frokoster på slot og slotskro samt en 3-retters middag m/kaffe
  • Alle guidede turer som beskrevet med dansk/lettisk rejseleder
  • Transport i privat bus under hele rejsen
  • Diverse entreer.

Pris pr. person ved 2 personer i delt dobbeltværelse:

København 02. - 08. juni 2020: SPOTpris 5.990 kr. Normalpris 9.104 kr. Spar 34 % 18. - 24. juni 2020: SPOTpris 5.990 kr. Normalpris 9.104 kr. Spar 34 %

Billund 02. - 08. juni 2020: SPOTpris 6.290 kr. Normalpris 9.560 kr. Spar 34 % 18. - 24. juni 2020: SPOTpris 6.090 kr. Normalpris 9.256 kr. Spar 34 %

Aalborg 02. - 08. juni 2020: SPOTpris 6.590 kr. Normalpris 10.017 kr. Spar 34 % 18. - 24. juni 2020: SPOTpris 6.790 kr. Normalpris 10.321 kr. Spar 34 %

Der er et begrænset antal til salg!

Tilkøb (bestilles og betales til GG Tours):

  • Eneværelsestillæg - 1.450 kr.
  • Afbestillingsforsikring - 395 kr.
  • Operabilletter på Rigas Nationalopera - fra 325 kr., Mozart Opera "Don Giovanni" (afrejse 2.- 8.6 2020) 
  • Børnepriser - forhør hos GG Tours.
  • Alle tilkøb kan bestilles, når I efterfølgende registrerer jeres bestilling hos GG Tours.

Flytider København Afrejse København kl. 11:50 - Ankomst Kaunas kl. 14:15 (Ryanair) Hjemrejse Tallin kl. 11:30 - Ankomst København kl. 12:25 (Airbaltic)

Billund Billund d. 02/06 - 08/06 (Hjemrejse over Riga) Afrejse Billund kl. 15:00 - Ankomst Vilnius kl. 17:45 (Wizzair) Hjemrejse Tallinn kl. 16:45 - Ankomst Billund kl. 19:05 (Airbaltic)

Billund d. 18/06 - 24/06 (Udrejse/hjemrejse over Riga) Afrejse Billund kl. 08:55 - Ankomst Vilnius kl. 13:15 (Airbaltic) Hjemrejse Tallinn kl. 16:45 - Ankomst Billund kl. 19:05 (Airbaltic)

Aalborg  Aalborg d. 02/06 - 08/06 (Udrejse/hjemrejse over Kastrup) Afrejse Aalborg kl. 10:20 - Ankomst Vilnius kl. 15:25 (SAS) Hjemrejse Tallinn kl. 11:30 - Ankomst Aalborg kl. 18:15 (SAS/Airbaltic)

Aalborg d. 18/06 - 24/06 (Udrejse/hjemrejse over Kastrup) Afrejse Aalborg kl. 10:20 - Ankomst Vilnius kl. 15:25 (SAS) Hjemrejse Tallinn kl. 16:35 - Ankomst Aalborg kl. 19:50 (SAS)

Der tages forbehold for ændringer af flytiderne.

Om rejsen Hertugdømme, Nordens Jerusalem og fristad Rejsen starter med fly til Litauen i syd, som i renæssancen var et hertugdømme med besiddelser i Tyskland, Østeuropa og helt ned til Sortehavet og som i modsætning til sine baltiske naboer mod nord er en katolsk by, hvilket afspejles i den øst- og centraleuropæiske arkitektur. Den gamle bydel i Vilnius er en af de fineste og bedst velvarende Nord- og Østeuropa og huser flere end 1200 renæssance og barokbygninger og 48 kirker, hvoraf I besøger flere.

Historiske Vilnius var en multikulturel storby med en blandet befolkning af Krimtatarer, kairaiter, polakker, tyskere, russere, ukrainere og en stor jødisk befolkning på over 200.000 mennesker. Intet under, at Napoleon navngav byen "Nordens Jerusalem".  En af byens interessante seværdigheder, som vi besøger er den tidligere jødiske bydel Uzupis, som er overtaget af kunstnere og intellektuelle og erklæret som fristad med eget parlament. Korshøje og barokslotte På vejen nordpå mod Letland er der stop i Kryziu Kalnas 'Korshøjen', som er et nationalt katolsk pilgrimssted i det nordlige Litauen. Stedet har fået sit navn efter de ca. 100.000 kors, som er placeret på en 60 meter lang høj. Korshøjen er en af de mest specielle seværdigheder i Litauen. Dens historie går helt tilbage til det 14. århundrede og er flere gange uden held forsøgt ødelagt af bl.a. de sovjetiske tropper.

Lige på den anden side af den lettiske grænse besøger I det fantastiske Rundale Slot, Katrines den II’s sommerresidens, opført af Francesco Rastrelli, som er arkitekten bag vinterpaladset i Skt. Petersborg. I ankommer til Riga sent om eftermiddagen.

Lille Paris og Art Nouveau Riga, Letlands hovedstad med kælenavnet 'Lille Paris', er en af Østersøområdets allersmukkeste byer. Byen er grundlagt i 1201 af den tyske biskop Albert og blev sidenhen en af de mest betydningsfulde byer i Hanseforbundet.

Riga er på UNESCOs Verdensarvsliste på grund af sin verdensberømte samling af Art Nouveau-arkitektur. I skal her opleve det middelalderlige og gotiske Riga, frihedsmonumentet og så naturligvis den fantastiske Art Nouveau-arkitektur, som byen er særlig berømt for.

Riga er en levende, dynamisk by med over en million indbyggere og et rivende kultur- og caféliv, hvor nyt mødes med gammelt. Der indgår guidede ture i den fantastiske by, hvor I besøger alle de største seværdigheder.

Nordisk natur og middelalderborge Der er et par overnatninger i Riga, inden kursen går nordover mod Estland. På vejen er der stop i Sigulda, der også er kaldet for Letlands 'Schweiz' på grund af sit kuperede terræn og storslåede natur. Her oplever I Gauja Naturpark, en af Baltikums smukkeste naturparker med uspoleret nordisk natur, mystiske korsriddermiddelalderborge og fæstninger som Turaida Castle”, som besøges.

Dernæst går turen mod Birinu slot og Østersøen. I nyder en lækker 3-retters slotsfrokost på Baron von Pistohlkors' Birinu slot i smukke omgivelser og sætter kursen nord på mod den estiske grænse, er der luft i programmet gøres der et kort stop i den smukke estiske kurby Pärnu i den nordlige del af Rigabugten. Vi ankommer i Tallinn om aftenen ca. kl. 19:00.

Her faldt Dannebrog I Tallinn, Estlands hovedstad, som oversat fra estisk betyder 'Danskerbyen', faldt Dannebrog ifølge legenden ned fra himlen i 1219. Tallinn var under dansk herredømme i næsten 100 år, og det vidner bl.a. byens fæstningsanlæg 'Danskerborgen', verdens ældst bevarede middelalderrådhus, om.

Byen er en af Europas ældste hovedstæder, grundlagt i år 1154 og berømt for sin smukke velbevarede middelalderbykerne, som er på Unescos liste over Verdensarv. I har guidede ture i byen og besøger Peter I’s sommerslot Kardiorg og den berømte sangfestivalplads med plads til 30.000 sangere. Undervejs på turene nyder I lokale delikate egnsspecialiteter og oplever baltisk folklore, historie og kultur under kyndig vejledning af lettisk dansktalende rejseleder.

Rejseplan Dag 1 - Vilnius ankomst, fælles middag og intro til gruppen I flyver fra København og ankommer til Vilnius om eftermiddagen. I bliver modtaget af guiden og kørt til hotellet og indlogeres. Der er arrangeret fælles 3-retters middag og intro til deltagere. Dag 2 - Guidet tur i Vilnius og Fristaden Uzipis Den guidet tur starter kl. 09:30 fra hotellet og byder på 3 timers rundtur i den gamle by. Vilnius har i dag ca. 500.000 indbyggere og er en fantastisk smuk by med mulighed for mange oplevelser.

På turen lægger I vejen forbi Vilnius Katedral og grundlæggeren af Vilnius; Storfyrste Gediminas' slot fra det 14 århundrede, Vilnius Universitet, det ældste universitetet i de baltiske lande og den gotiske Sankt Anna kirke, der er så smuk, at Napoleon ville flytte den til Frankrig og meget, meget mere. I besøger nogen af de jødiske bydele og ghettoer og slutter turen i fristaten Uzupis ’Nordens Montmartre’. Herefter er der tid på egen hånd til frokost og nyde forårsstemningen i Vilnius. 

Dag 3 - Mod Letland – Korshøjen – og Rundale barokslot – Riga m/frokost I forlader Vilnius tidligt om morgenen. På vejen nordpå stoppes der ved Kryziu kalnas ”Korshøjen”, som er et nationalt katolsk pilgrimssted i det nordlige Litauen. Stedet har fået sit navn efter de ca. 100.000 kors, som er placeret på en 60 meter lang høj. I krydser den lettiske grænse tidligt på eftermiddagen og nyder en frokost, inden turen går mod Rundale slot, som er et af de smukkeste barokslotte i Nordeuropa og opført af arkitekten bag Vinterpaladset i Sankt Petersborg. Slottet blev beboet af den russiske Zarinde Katharina og hendes ”Darling” Ernst Biron. Der indgår entré til slottet samt mulighed for at se forskellige særudstillinger og gå tur i den fantastisk smukke franske barokhave. Herefter går turen mod - Baltikums midtpunkt og Metropol Riga med forventet ankomst ca. kl. 18:00. Indlogering på hotellet og en kort intro til nærområdet

Dag 4 - Rundvisning i Riga - om aftenen mulighed for Mozart opera m/afrejse 2. juni 2020 Efter morgenmaden kl. 9.30 står den på guidet tur i det historiske ”Gamle Riga”, hvor I skal opleve det middelalderlige og gotiske Riga med domkirken, House of Blackheads, Gilderne, Præsidentpaladset, den Svenske Port og et smut længere frem i tiden til Nationalteatret, Nationaloperaen, Richard Wagners gade, frihedsmonumentet og alt den fantastiske Art Noveau/Jugend style arkitektur, der kendetegner en stor del af bygningerne i det centrale Riga.

Riga er en levende, dynamisk by med over en million indbyggere og et rivende kultur- og cafeliv, hvor det nye mødes med det gamle. Riga har bl.a. Europas største markedshaller, der siden Sovjettiden ikke har forandret sig. I har hele eftermiddagen og aftenen til at opleve denne spændende by på egen hånd.  Rejser du d. 2. juni har du mulighed for at opleve den store Mozart opera "Don Giovanni" på Rigas smukke nationalopera fra 1863. Dette skal bestilles i forvejen - se mere under tilkøb. Dag 5 - Mod Estland – Sigulda – Birinu – Pärnu – Tallinn m/frokost I forlader Riga om morgenstunden med kurs nordpå mod Letlands hjerte ”Sigulda”, også kaldet for Letlands ”Schweiz” på grund af sit kuperede terræn og storslåede natur. I finder her Gauja Naturpark; en af Baltikums smukkeste naturparker. Vi besøger her et korsridderslot fra det 13. århundrede - det fantastiske velbevarede Turaida slot bygget af teutonerne i 1214. I kan her opleve ”gudernes have” og nyde udsigten til den smukke naturpark. Næste stop er Birinu slot, opført i 1857 neo-gotisk stil og som var ejet af den tyske Baron Von Pistholhors. Vi nyder en lækker slotsfrokost i aristokratiske omgivelser og den smukke slotspark. Herefter sættes kursen mod den estiske grænse og den fine kurby Pärnu – sidste stop før Tallinn, hvor forventet ankomst er ca. kl. 19:00. Herefter indlogering og aftenen på egen hånd.

Dag 6 - Guidet tur i Tallinn Dagen startes med en guidet tur i det gamle Tallinn med middelalderbymuren,Toompea Højen, og slottet bygget af danskerne i 1219, Den Danske Kongens Have, hvor Dannebrog faldt ned samme år, Rådhuset, der er et af Nordeuropas bedst bevarede middelalderrådhuse, Olav Kirken, der var Europas højeste bygning i middelalderen, Helligåndskirken, Katarinas Kloster, Jomfrutårnet, den smukke Russiske Katedral; ”Alexander Nevsky”, Gilderne og meget mere. Om aftenen kan der evt. arrangeres koncertbilletter, ellers tid på egen hånd.

Dag 7: Hjemrejse  Morgenmad og transfer til lufthavnen mod billund og København om morgenen og eftermiddagen.

Anmeldelser GG Tours har tidligere arrangeret en rundrejse i de baltiske lande. Læs de gode anmeldelser herunder: 

"Vi har rejst i mange lande med mange forskellige selskaber, men vores tur til Baltikum overgår de fleste af vore rejser. Fantastiske guider der var meget vidende og humoristiske. Det var en stor oplevelse. Tak for det." Offentliggjort oktober 2018.

" Er lige kommet hjem fra en fantastisk rundtur i Baltikum!! I den forbindelse skal der lyde en stor tak til Gunita og Giovanni for en uforglemmelig tur. Alt klappede, transport til tiden , gode centrale hoteller samt interessant guidede ture hvor de begge øste af deres meget store viden om landene , deres kultur samt historie. En fantastisk oplevelse at rejse med at personligt rejsebureau som er med deres kunder fra start til slut!! Vi kan på det varmeste anbefale denne tur " Offentliggjort maj 2018.

Lige hjemkommet fra en dejlig rundrejse i Baltikum vil vi gerne sige tak til de to kompetente turledere/guider : Gunilla og Giovanni , som med deres store viden gav os en grundig indsigt i de tre landes forskellige historier, kulturer og problemer gennem tiderne.  En godt tilrettelagt tur. Bus til tiden, gode hoteller i centrum, fine spisesteder med dejlig mad og drikke.  Tak for en dejlig tur, som vi varmt kan anbefale til andre.  Offentliggjort 14. september 2017

Vi havde store forventninger om en god tur til Baltikum, og de blev til fulde og mere til indfriet. På forhånd var vi blevet vel informeret om turen med et godt indblik i hvad vi kunne forvente. Da vi ankom til Vilnius lufthavn stod Giovanni og Gunita og ventede på os. Vi blev kørt i Bus til hotellet. Bussen og chaufføren fulgte os på hele turen. Vi fik rigtig meget at vide om de baltiske lande under vores ture, både med bus og byvandringerne. Det er utroligt levende fortalt af Giovanni og Gunita. De ved utrolig meget om landenes kultur, økonomi, historie, befolkning, sprog, økonomi, vækst, religion osv. Meget spændende at høre om. Vi havde nogle fine hoteller, og vi fik nogle skønne oplevelser på diverse spisesteder omhyggeligt udvalgt af Giovanni og Gunita. For vores vedkommende var tingene meget fint afstemt i forhold til ture og på egen hånd. På hele holdet på 51 personer var der en rigtig god stemning og tilfredshed med turen. Vi kan varmt anbefale at rejse med GG Tours og vi vil selv se frem til vores næste rejse med Giovanni og Gunita.  Offentliggjort 14. september 2017

Er lige hjemkommet fra en dejlig og veltilrettelagt tur til Baltikum. Ikke mindst nød vi vores 2 dygtige og imødekommende guider. Selv det gode vejr havde I sørget for.  Vi kan varmt anbefale at rejse med ggtours. Selv vil vi ikke være i tvivl.  Offentliggjort 13. september 2017

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Én unik kode gælder for én person. Prisen pr. person ved to personer i delt dobbeltværelse. Rejsen inkluderer:

  • 6 overnatninger på 3-4 stjernede hoteller i centrum af Vilnius, Riga og
  • Tallinn (2 nætter i hver by)
  • Operabilletter på Rigas Nationalopera - fra 325 kr., Mozart Opera "Don Giovanni" (afrejse 2.- 8.6 2020)

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Vi henviser i øvrigt til vores generelle vilkår og betingelser, som du finder på .

Sidste chance: 31. oktober 2019 kl. 23:59

Rundrejse i de 3 baltiske lande med GG Tours

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Extranomical Tours   Reviews

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Reviews 4.6.

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Stunning Yosemite tour but bus uncomfortable

The tour was great. The guides went out of their way to show us the best views and take photos. The only I had was the bus, it didn't seem like it was designed for a long trip: the air conditioning didn't work in the back and the seats weren't very comfortable. We felt every bump - my fitness watch celebrated, on a number of occassions, the stairs I was climbing while sitting on the bus.

Date of experience : May 17, 2024

Reply from Extranomical Tours

Glad to hear you had a great time on our tour! At Extranomical Tours, we continuously strive to serve you better. Looking forward to taking you on another trip 🙂

Muir Woods and Winery Tour

Our tour driver/guide was very informative, friendly, and funny. Muir Woods is breathtaking and the redwoods are amazing and beautiful. We enjoyed the wineries we visited (Jacuzzi, Ru Vango, & Mayo) and our lunch stop at Sonoma Plaza was very nice. However, if I ever returned to the area, I would definitely select a tour with longer times at the wineries. We barely was at each winery an hour so it felt like we were being rushed the entire day. Other than that, the tour was wonderful.

Date of experience : May 16, 2024

Glad to hear you had a great time on our tour! Looking forward to taking you on another trip 🙂

When the driver Gino😊 pulled up to pick…

When the driver Gino😊 pulled up to pick us up he was friendly from the start he was telling us all the history along the way to the park😊😊 the only thing that I didn't like🤔wasn't enough food place to choose from🫤🫤 and not much time to eat🤔over all great day😊😊😊😊

Date of experience : May 11, 2024

Glad to hear you had a great time on our tour! We'll pass your compliments on to Gino. Thank you for touring with us 😀

Good your but the transportation was…

Good your but the transportation was uncomfortable for this long tour. No fridge for the water

Dustin, our driver and guide was very professional and understanding. He made the entire stress free and we didn’t feel any strain despite travelling almost 14 hours. Overall, excellent experience. Keep it up ! To add, the USB charge ports are not working. Pls have them checked up. Thanks

Date of experience : May 14, 2024

Thank you for leaving a 5-Stars review. 👏 At Extranomical Tours, we continuously strive to serve you better. Glad to hear you had a great time on our tour!

Great day out

Had a fantastic but very long and tiring day. Our driver Rob was great. There's a couple of brief stops at tunnel view and bridgeview falls (the latter you need to be quick! 10 mins, I suggest a brief jog for some great pics). 2 hours at Yosemite then on to see the Sequoia trees. Word of warning, food stops are short. Breakfast is more grab and go at a Safeway and dinner is choose a fastfood outlet. We're easily pleased so didn't matter to us. Nice touch at the end before we got into the bay bridge. Last photo op with a great view of the bridge and San Francisco skyline. Overall a great day

Thank you for leaving a 5-Stars review. 👏 Glad to hear you had a great time on our tour!

Ben was a great guide

Ben was a great guide. Really enjoyed the information he shared as well as tips about the SF region. Loved Muir Woods- could have stayed there longer. Mayo Winery as well as Sonoma Plaza were Great stops. Not as thrilled with Ru Vango or Jacuzzi. Overall fantastic tour.

Thank you for such an excellent review! We will pass your kind words to Ben and consider your recommendation 😊

Dustin was our tour guide & he was fun

Dustin was our tour guide & he was fun, enthusiastic & informative. We loved our day & we would highly recommend it. On reflection Ru Vango was our favourite winery for great pours by Paul, the behind the scenes tour and the venue was stunning. The venue & surroundings were insta worthy.

Date of experience : May 12, 2024

Glad to hear you had a great time on our tour! We'll pass your compliments on to Dustin. Thank you for touring with us 😀

Dustin was our guide and we had a…

Dustin was our guide and we had a fabulous time! He was so informative and the trip itself packed so much into such a short time. Skip the optional lunch and check out the restaurants along Sonoma Plaza! The wineries were fantastic — each brought a different vibe and the selection was impeccable.

Thank you for leaving a 5-Stars review. 👏 Glad to hear you had a great time on our tour! We'll pass your compliments on to Dustin.

Thank you Randall to make this…

Thank you Randall to make this experience so interesting by your comments and your advices ! It was an amazing day, with amazing views. And even the voice map didn’t worked I know Randall has tried everything to help me. (only « bips » at the beginning, after I had to try to download again the files (i had already done previously but didn’t worked) and finally it was in German to finally never be able to download again the good files) The only thing I will remember is it was amazing 🤩

Date of experience : May 13, 2024

Yosemite National Park and Giant Siquoia

This was an amazing experience. I loved everything about this tour. I would definitely do it again. Our tour guide Andy was very knowledgeable. Andy gave us a history class, sang his lungs away, and took our group to the back of the waterfall. Andy also provided Panchos for us so we would not get wet, it was very sweet of him to do so. I can’t leave out our bus driver Glenda she definitely a good driver, she made us feel safe. This two make a great team. Thank you! #Phoenix#Love

Glad to hear you had a great time on our tour! We'll pass your compliments on to Andy and Glenda. Thank you for touring with us 😀

Our experience

From booking, getting information, and organizing our tour, this has been a fantastic experience. I appreciated being able to ask questions in the chat and get answers directly from a real person. Besides this, our tour guide was amazing! Shout out to Dustin! Thank you so much for exceeding our expectations with this experience.

Thanks for leaving a review, and we are glad that you enjoyed your experience with us. Dustin would be thrilled to know that you enjoyed his tour!

It was wonderful

It was wonderful. The tour guide has given us proper directions to explore the Yosemite valley and rest of the areas. Even explained us in detail about everything as well

Don was an amazing and very…

Don was an amazing and very informative. We had a great trip and would definitely recommend this tour. I can’t imagine that any other tour could be better. Thank you!

Glad to hear you had a great time on our tour! We'll pass your compliments on to Don. Thank you for touring with us 😀

Yosemite and Giant Sequoias in a Day from SF

Gino was a friendly and efficient tour leader and driver, who worked hard to make the trip the best possible experience for us all. He interspersed our journey with much interesting commentary - although his rather staccato and sometimes broken English was not always easy to follow. Apart from our 2 hours in the Yosemite Valley at lunchtime, we had breakfast and supper stops and adequate restroom stops en route, and a number of well-chosen photostops in the Yosemite Park. The Yosemite Falls were only a short walk from our midday stop in the park and, having followed Gino's advice to buy food for lunch at Trader Joe's at our breakfast stop, we enjoyed a picnic lunch beside the stream from the base of the falls. Perhaps trying to protect themselves in a litigious environment, Extranomical Tours made, it seems to me, far too much of the difficulties of the trek to the Tuolumne Grove of Giant Sequoias. Although at a modest gradient in places, the trail seemed well surfaced and easy walking throughout. Nearer 80 than 70 years of age, a little overweight and without the habit of much walking, and with some tendency to breathlessness since Covid, I thought it wise to follow their advice for the uphill return, but, in so doing, I allowed myself too little time at the grove and found myself with far too much time to spare on my return, time that would have been better spent exploring and enjoying the grove. A long day with a very early start but well worth it.

Thank you for leaving a 5-Stars review. 👏We will pass your kind words to Gino, looking forward to taking you on another trip 😊

Wow- Yosemite trip was incredible

Wow- Yosemite trip was incredible. 10/10. Dave was off the charts amazing. He was the perfect balance of knowledgeable & fun and knew all the hot spots.

Glad to hear you had a great time on our tour! We'll pass your compliments on to David. Thank you for touring with us 😀

Redwoods and wineries

Good tour. Great guided. Really enjoyed the redwoods and Sonoma. Wineries were ok, the best probably being the Mayo, but everyone seemed to have a great time. Ate lunch on our own at Sunflower Cafe, and it was wonderful! Overall a wonderful way to spend a day! Arrived back in city around 6ish.

Date of experience : May 03, 2024

Hello Krystal, a big thank you for your great review of our Redwoods and California Wine Country Tour. We’ve passed your kind words on to our team. The Extranomical Tours team are passionate about providing all of our customers with outstanding experiences and they’ll be delighted to know they hit the mark with you. 👏

Yosemite is a must see

The park is amazing, I'm so glad we took the day to make the full tour. The driver provided lots of stops and breaks, the only thing that prevented a 5 star review is his tardiness from picking us up after lunch. Other than that, David was a good guide.

Glad to hear you had a great time on our tour! We will do our best to improve on everything you've mentioned by the time you tour with us next time 👏

We had a lovely day but

We had a lovely day, really enjoyed Muir Woods & the Mayo winery. I did not care for the Ru Vango winery or their wines . The Jacuzzi winery was also very nice. I was somewhat disappointed that the tour did not include any wineries in Napa itself and thought that the description of the tour misrepresented this.

Date of experience : April 25, 2024

Highly Recommended!

So glad to be able to explore the whole thing within a day and return to SF not overly exhausted. The tour guide was amazing!

Date of experience : May 07, 2024

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A wonderful experience

A wonderful experience. Will definitely recommend it!

Date of experience : 04 September 2023

Hero billede.

Ørestads Boulevard 59 2300 København

26 24 49 35

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Russia is open for international travelers regardless their citizenship/country of residence. Tourist visas are being issued in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the UK, EU, Japan, and worldwide. Electronic visas (up to 16 days of stay, single entry) are available for the following nationals: Austria, Andorra, Bahrain, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Croatia, Cyprus, China, Czech Republic, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Monaco, Myanmar, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Philippines, Romania, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Taiwan, Turkey, Vatican, Vietnam.

You can bring foreign currency and exchange money freely in Russia. You can open a bank account and g et a debit card in one hour time, once you will have arrived, we assist.

Medical insurance is available for international travelers through Russian insurance companies.

International flights to Moscow and St Petersburg are available via Tbilisi (Georgia), Yerevan (Armenia), Baku (Azerbaijan), Istanbul (Turkey), Belgrade (Serbia), Dubai & Abu-Dhabi (UEA), Doha (Qatar), Algiers (Algeria),Tehran (Iran), Muscat (Oman), Cairo (Egypt), Astana & Almaty (Kazakhstan), Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing, Shenzhen, Qingdao & Xian (China), Delhi (India), Colombo (Sri-Lanka), Male (Maldives). Information changes frequently, please inquire.

Trans-Siberian travels can fly in/out Vladivostok via Beijing (China), Harbin (China), Bangkok (Thailand), Tashkent (Uzbekistan).

Trans-Siberians taking off in Irkutsk/Lake Baikal, fly to Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan), Dushanbe (Tadjikistan), Namangan (Uzbekistan), Osh (Uzbekistan), Beijing Daxing (China), Bangkok (Thailand), Ulaaanbaatar (Mongolia).

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Moscow Vacation Packages

Moscow vacations are always a great idea when it comes to traveling in Russia. Plan your trip to Moscow with a leading tour operator for Russia and enjoy the ease and pleasure that comes from it. You will stay at the centrally-located hotels, enjoy guided tours to Moscow's best sights with charming local guides, and, most importantly, feel relaxed and immersed in the Russian culture at all times. Wondering what the ideal way to see the best of Moscow is? Well, with a private tour to Moscow, of course! We will listen to your travel preferences and prepare a custom Moscow itinerary just for you. Let's start talking about your upcoming vacation to the gorgeous capital city of Russia.

Moscow Tour Highlights

Explore the capital of the largest country in the world, Russia.

Learn about the most visited sights in Moscow that are worth adding to your Russian itinerary. Create a fantastic tour to Moscow with a destination, choosing your wished activities.

Moscow Tour Highlights

  • Moscow walking tour
  • The Red Square
  • St Basil's Cathedral
  • Moscow Subway ride
  • Tretyakov Gallery
  • The Red Square in Moscow
  • The Bolshoi Theater
  • Cathedral of Christ the Savior
  • Moscow's Kremlin exploration
  • 'Seven Sisters' Skyscrapers

Tips for Moscow Travel

Take a look at the good-to-know tips before visiting Moscow and have a fantastic time in the capital.


What to pack

Make sure to check the weather prognosis before your trip and pack accordingly.

When to travel

Moscow is beautiful all around the year. Choose traveling time according to preferred activities.

We suggest to always have some cash with you. You will need Rubles (RUB) for Russia.

How much to tip

Tipping is not required in Russia, but it's considered good etiquette, tip 10%-15% of your bill.

The average summer temperature is approx 18°C (64°F), and winter is around -6°C (22°F).

Some of the most popular souvenirs from Moscow are caviar, Krasnaya Moska perfume.

Best Moscow Sights

One of the highest points in Moscow and one of its most breathtaking places - the Sparrow Hills.

See the 344-feet Cathedral of Christ the Savior - the tallest Orthodox church in the world.

Enjoy masterpieces of Russian opera and ballet in Moscow's legendary Bolshoi Theater.

Being the most recognizable symbol of Russia in the world, Red Square is an absolute must see when in Moscow. 

The famous GUM is a large department store in the Kitai-gorod part of Moscow facing Red Square.

St. Basil’s Cathedral is Moscow’s most famous artistic work of architecture set in the romantic Red Square.

History and luxury is revealed inside the Kremlin as the Armoury Chamber displays treasures like Faberge Eggs.

The symbol of Moscow and entire Russia, the Kremlin is often described as the 8th Wonder of the World.

Moscow Metro is like a whole underground city that holds the world's largest collection of Stalinist Art.

I am very satisfied.

I have been using the Firebirds (Travel All Russia) services for a while. I am very satisfied.

WOW. From the choice of hotels to...

WOW. From the choice of hotels, an itinerary that ran to plan, the amazing Guides and drivers, and of course the stunning cities of Moscow and St Petersburg. No long queues for entry to museums, churches, and palaces.  I would gladly recommend using Firebird Tours (Travel All Russia) to anyone.

THANK YOU for making this happen for me !!!

I must say from the day I started to book my tip till the day I got home I had one GREAT trip and experience I always felt safe and cared for help was seconds away not that I needed any I will defiantly highly recommend your company to any traveler to Russia WELL DONE to the Whole team THANK YOU for making this happen for me !!!

We enjoyed the whole trip a lot

Overall we enjoyed the whole trip a lot. Moscow is beautiful and clean. Thank you very much for your patience and excellent organization of this tour. Everything ran very smoothly and according to schedule. The guides met us on time at hotels or at our train carriage on arrival. They all spoke good English, had a good local knowledge and were very kind and helpful.

The tour lived up to all expectations

I’m most pleased with Travel All Russia in arranging our ‘Volga Dream’ Russia tour, I would recommend using your services again as every aspect of our tour went off without a hitch. The communication between our tour representative was excellent as we required additional days on both ends of our tour. The visa process and the logistics were flawlessly implemented.

We had a great time in Moscow!

Everything was perfect and we are very satisfied with services and accommodations.

Loved my time in Russia

The trip was great. Especially want to mention the guides I had on the extra days were exceptional. Both guides and drivers worked out well. Thanks again for all your help and attention. Loved my time in Russia, and still haven’t stopped talking about it.

Exploring Magnificent Russian Capitals, June 2017

Just want to say that our guide in St Petersburg was really outstanding. You really felt like someone was looking after you. Very observant - knowledgeable. We really enjoyed time spent with her.

Exploring Vibrant Moscow, June 2017

The experience was great!!! We had an excellent guide. The hotel was fabulous.

Thank you for your help !!! was an unforgettable trip.

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  1. GG Tours ApS Anmeldelser

    Det dårlige : Kommunikationen med GG Tours inden afgang helt elendig, alt for lang svartid og en ubehøvlet tone. Vi kunne først tjekke ind på hotellet kl.15 det havde været rart at vide når man tror det er ved ankomst kl.9. Dato for oplevelse: 25. august 2023. kunde.

  2. GG Tours ApS Anmeldelser

    Se venligst, at GG Tours, kun har nedladende svar på kritik i andre 1* anmeldelser. - Det skulle jeg have gjort, inden jeg betalte ca. 9.000 kr. for en tur til Island gennem Sweetdeal... - Og denne anmeldelse får sikkert de samme grimme bortforklaringer. - Se efterfølgende anmeldelse af trusselsmail modtaget fra GG Tours...

  3. GG Tours ApS Anmeldelser

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  4. Read Customer Service Reviews of

    The tour had an excellent itinerary and activities, giving a broad overview of Peru - we loved it. Accommodations (with one exception) were great, and all had an included breakfast buffet. The tour's included activities (e.g. cooking class, pisco tour and tasting, potato park, boat tour of Isla Ballestas) were terrific.

  5. Read Customer Service Reviews of

    The costumer service at Go Irish Tours is A1. My booking as been taken car by Tinamarie Bennett, Senior Travel Specialist with whom I had two lives meetings and many quick Email responds every time I had a question. She is so nice and friendly, she is like a old friend over sea who's taking care of my traveling.

  6. Gigs and Tours Reviews

    I am over the moon… I have to say that I am over the moon with Gigs and Tours. They emailed me a week before the held back Foo Fighters tickets became available and although their ticket page refreshed it's self every 20 seconds, once a space was available for me to select tickets, it kept my place and allowed me to get a ticket for the event I wanted.

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  8. GG Tours

    GG Tours ApS er rejsebureau med københavnske og europæiske rødder. Vi tilbyder rejser til såvel single rejsende som til par og hele familien samt tilbyder skræddersyede rejser til større grupper og virksomheder. Vore primære rejsedestinationer er Norden, Europa og USA. Vi arbejder primært med høj klasse 4 og 5* hoteller og resorts som ...

  9. About Us

    GG Tours ApS was established in 2014 to meet an increased demand on quality travel products in Scandinavia and Europe. We have partnered with some of the best incoming agencies and hotel chains in Europe allowing us to offer high-quality tours to most European destinations and at some at the best market prices. Our primary travel destinations ...

  10. Om os

    Om os. GG Tours ApS er rejsebureau med københavnske og europæiske rødder. Ejerne af GG Tours har arbejdet med rejser siden 2002 og besluttede i 2012 at oprette selskabet GG Tours ApS for at Imødekomme større efterspørgsel på kvalitets rejseprodukter i Danmark, Skandinavien og Europa. Gennem særaftaler med nogen af de bedste incoming ...

  11. G Adventures Review

    G Adventures offers Classic, Active, Rail, National Geographic Journeys, and 18-to-Thirtysomethings tours to Japan. 6 days from $1,110 per person. Includes transportation and accommodation. Hot Tip: For a limited stay trip, Americans do not currently need a visa to enter Japan, so that's 1 thing less to worry about.


    Eneværelsestillæg - 1.450 kr. Afbestillingsforsikring - 395 kr. Operabilletter på Rigas Nationalopera - fra 325 kr., Mozart Opera "Don Giovanni" (afrejse 2.- 8.6 2020) Børnepriser - forhør hos GG Tours. Alle tilkøb kan bestilles, når I efterfølgende registrerer jeres bestilling hos GG Tours. Flytider. København.

  13. GG tours ApS

    GG Tours ApS Is a travel agency with Copenhagen and European roots found by Giovanni and Gunita Orio in 2013. We offer sun tours, city breaks, luxury breaks and explorer tours to European destinatons for individuals and groups.

  14. Extranomical Tours Reviews

    The driver provided lots of stops and breaks, the only thing that prevented a 5 star review is his tardiness from picking us up after lunch. Other than that, David was a good guide. Date of experience: May 03, 2024. Useful.

  15. Guided tours

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  16. Praktisk info

    Praktisk info. Gælder som supplement til GG Tours' handelsbetingelser, men erstatter ikke disse. Bestilling af rejser: Bestilling af rejser foregår via vor hjemmeside, på mail [email protected] eller ved telefonisk henvendelse på tel. +45 26 24 49 35. Nogle af vore produkter kan også bestilles via dealpartnere såsom ...

  17. Goirishtours Reviews

    We here at Go Irish Tours are the Ireland experts and are here to help. Contact. [email protected]; 00353 1 905 3955; Area B - Forest Park; Mullingar; Westmeath; Ireland; ... Anyone can write a Trustpilot review. People who write reviews have ownership to edit or delete them at any time, ...

  18. Kontakt

    Kontakt. Arbejdstider mandag til fredag 09:00 - 17:00, lørdag 10:00 - 13:00, søndag og helligedage lukket. Nb. ved meget vigtige forespørgsler uden for ordinære arbejdstider send venligst en mail eller SMS og vi vil svare hurtigst muligt.

  19. GG Tours

    Information om rejsebureauet GG Tours. Danske Rejsebureauer er en uafhængig hjemmeside der ikke er knyttet til et bestemt rejsebureau.

  20. Tours

    Afgang fra København og Billund - maj og sept. 2024 er udsolgt - NY AFGANG 2025. DKK. RIGA M-OPERA ELLER BALLET /FORÅR 2024 Oplev smukke og kulturrige Riga foråret 2024. Rejsen er inkl. fly, 3-4 overnatninger på 4-stjernet hotel i centrum med morgenmad samt billet til nationaloperaen.

  21. Best Russia Tours and Travel Packages 2024/2025

    Explore the best travel destinations in Russia with our wide range of sightseeing tours to Moscow, St Petersburg, Golden Ring, Kazan; Northern Lights viewing tours; wildlife & nature tours to Lake Baikal tours, Altai, Kamchatka tours, Trans-Siberian train tours, and more. Find the best guided trips and expert planned Russian holidays 2023-2024.

  22. Moscow Tours

    Moscow Vacation Packages. Moscow vacations are always a great idea when it comes to traveling in Russia. Plan your trip to Moscow with a leading tour operator for Russia and enjoy the ease and pleasure that comes from it. You will stay at the centrally-located hotels, enjoy guided tours to Moscow's best sights with charming local guides, and ...

  23. Adventure Travel & Tours

    G for Good. When you travel with us, you experience first-hand our commitment to making travel a force for good is in everything we do. The official site of the world's greatest adventure travel company. We offer a wide selection of small-group tours, safaris and expeditions. Start exploring.