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Tariffe scuole e oratori

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La Nostra Missione

Conservare e proteggere, aperti tutti i giorni, nessuna prenotazione.

Safari Park è un Parco Zoologico che si dedica alla tutela della biodiversità e alla conoscenza del mondo animale.

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Il Parco accoglie oltre 110 specie, di cui tre a grave rischio di estinzione. Safari Park è infatti centro riproduttivo internazionale.

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Un grande parco fatto di natura, mondo animale e divertimento, in un percorso coinvolgente.


Dei mammiferi, cosa succede a safari park, sempre informati su tutte le novità di safari park.

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Torna Safari Comix

Arriva la 2° edizione del Safari Comix

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Speciale Oktoberfest

Tutte le specialità della tradizione bavarese nei nostri punti ristoro 🍖


Dormire al safari, vivere la natura insieme a noi, safari park: dove ogni attività è emozione..

Esperti, biologi, keeper vi accompagneranno durante percorsi emozionanti alla scoperta di mammiferi, rettili, insetti, rapaci e molti altri protagonisti del mondo animale per conoscere, amare e rispettare la natura intorno a noi.

Magic Dream Show

Non solo animali… Magic Dream, dove lo spettacolo diventa magia. Ad arricchire il vostro viaggio qui al Safari Park, non saranno solo animali e natura, ma anche un pizzico di magia.  

I leoni marini

Simpatici e affettuosi, i Leoni Marini giocano e scherzano con il pubblico. Una dimostrazione del carattere e dell’intelligenza di questi animali molto amati da tutti.

Gli amici pappagalli

Una dimostrazione della straordinaria intelligenza dei pappagalli, capaci di giocare con i loro keeper e con il pubblico…

A spasso tra i lemuri

Originari del Madagascar, oggi si contano oltre 100 specie di Lemuri, classificate in 15 generi: il più piccolo, il Microcebo Pigmeo, pesa appena 30 grammi e il più grande, l’Indri Indri, 10kg…

Il regno acquatico

Lo sapevi che i pesci sono in grado di conservare ricordi per diversi mesi? E che il pesce pietra è il pesce più velenoso al mondo! Oppure che praticamente tutti i pesci non hanno le palpebre…

Un viaggio tra i rettili

l Rettilario è una struttura che ospita rettili, anfibi e invertebrati, con l’obiettivo di aumentare la conoscenza e la tutela di questi animali, molto importanti per il nostro ecosistema …

Conoscere la natura insieme a noi!

La Natura è il bene più prezioso. Solo conoscendola nel profondo possiamo imparare a comprenderla ed amarla

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I Protagonisti dell’Era Giurassica, ricostruiti a grandezza naturale, popolano il parco. Studiare il passato per capire il futuro e vivere appieno il presente. > ENTRA

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Il progetto Safari Park per le scuole stimola l’apprendimento del mondo animale, nel rispetto della biodiversità e della tutela dell’ambiente, con l’obiettivo di fare esperienza e imparare divertendosi.

safari park pombia deutsch


I laboratori educativi per bambini e i corsi per adulti di Safari Park promuovono la sensibilizzazione alla salvaguardia della Natura e al rispetto del mondo animale.


Non solo un fantastico viaggio nel mondo animale ma anche tantissime attrazioni per trascorrere una giornata di puro divertimento

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Parco Divertimenti

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Safari Camping

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Safari Food

Per i possessori di questo tipo di Biglietto Omaggio, la sua validità sarà fino al 31 Dicembre 2022.

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  • Der Safaripark Pombia

Nur etwa zehn Kilometer südlich von Sesto Calande, wo der Lago Maggiore endet, hält der Safaripark Pombia außergewöhnliche Attraktionen für seine Besucher bereit. Und das, so viel sei verraten, beileibe nicht nur für Kinder.

Tiger im Safaripark Pombia

Nein, auch die „großen“ Gäste weiß die Anlage in jedem Fall zu überzeugen, und das mit Sicherheit auch aus dem Grund heraus, dass Erwachsene den eigenen Wagen durch den Park steuern dürfen. Im Safaripark muss man nämlich nicht auf Jeeps umsteigen, die von Parkhütern durch die Populationen wilder Tiere hindurch gelenkt werden – nein, eine Fahrt durch das Gelände ist ein echtes, unverfälschtes Erlebnis für die Familie, die gemeinsam im eigenen Auto die Fauna erkunden kann.

Jede Menge Exoten die die Fahrt durch den Safaripark Pombia zu etwas Besonderem machen

Natürlich sind es in Safarianlagen zumeist die wilden Tiere, die die Besucher so faszinieren, und zum Glück gibt es hier in Pombia jede Menge Exoten, die die Fahrt durch das Gelände zu etwas Besonderem machen. Da wären etwa die Raubtiere wie Löwen, Alligatoren, Schlangen und Krokodile, die es hier in freier Wildbahn bzw. im Reptilienhaus zu bewundern gibt. Doch es sind sicher nicht nur die Fleisch fressenden Tiere, die den menschlichen Gästen des Safariparks Respekt einflößen, auch Zebra, Giraffe und Vogel Strauß sind schließlich Gattungen, die man ansonsten bestenfalls in Tierdokus im Fernsehen so gut zu sehen bekommt wie hier in Pombia. Mit dem Unterschied, dass hier, südlich des Lago Maggiore, alles „echt“ ist, was sich nicht zuletzt an dem fremdartigen Geruch der Wildnis äußert, den die Tiere aus aller Welt verbreiten.

Nach der Rundtour empfiehlt es sich, aus dem Wagen auszusteigen und die so genannte „Babystation“ zu besuchen, in der die Pfleger den Nachwuchs der Wildtiere aufziehen und pflegen. Für Kinder ist das sehr spannend, aber auch für Erwachsene durchaus interessant. Im Aquarium und im Vogelhaus setzt man die Tour schließlich fort, um auch dort jede Menge schillernde und exotische Tiere zu bestaunen. Der Höhepunkt für die kleinen Gäste in Pombia dürfte allerdings erst noch kommen: der Dinopark! Doch auch der Slow River, in dem man mit Reifen durch den Park flitzt, ist einen Besuch wert, ebenso wie die Wasserrutsche. An vielen Tagen finden zudem Shows und andere Darbietungen in Pombia statt. Damit die Besucher den langen und spannenden Tag im Safaripark südlich von Sesto Calende nicht mit leerem Magen verbringen müssen, können sie in eine der Snack Bars oder in eins der Restaurants einkehren, die es im Park gibt. Ein erlebnisreicher Tag für die ganze Familie.

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Safari Park

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Die besten Möglichkeiten, Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Umgebung zu erleben

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Safari Park (Pombia) - Lohnt es sich? Aktuell für 2024 (Mit fotos)

  • So - Sa 10:30 - 15:00
  • (0.41 km) Camping Safari
  • (0.87 km) La Locanda della Staffa
  • (10.17 km) Hotel Osteria Della Pista
  • (6.85 km) First Hotel Malpensa
  • (5.67 km) Casa Violetta B&B
  • (0.58 km) Da Mericanello
  • (0.65 km) Osteria Acqua e Sale
  • (1.34 km) La Locanda Della Staffa
  • (4.81 km) DINAMO Steak House & Music
  • (0.85 km) T2Trenta2
  • (2.00 km) Azienda Vitivinicola e Agriturismo Enrico Crola
  • (7.55 km) Cocoon Wellness Spa Milan
  • (9.77 km) Cantina Fontechiara
  • (1.32 km) Chiesa di San Vincenzo in Castro
  • (6.99 km) Volandia Parco e Museo del Volo Malpensa

Safari Park

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Top ways to experience nearby attractions

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Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as wait time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.


SAFARI PARK: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

  • Sun - Sat 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM
  • (0.41 km) Camping Safari
  • (0.87 km) La Locanda della Staffa
  • (10.17 km) Hotel Osteria Della Pista
  • (6.85 km) First Hotel Malpensa
  • (5.67 km) Casa Violetta B&B
  • (0.58 km) Da Mericanello
  • (0.65 km) Osteria Acqua e Sale
  • (1.34 km) La Locanda Della Staffa
  • (4.81 km) DINAMO Steak House & Music
  • (0.85 km) T2Trenta2
  • (2.00 km) Azienda Vitivinicola e Agriturismo Enrico Crola
  • (7.55 km) Cocoon Wellness Spa Milan
  • (9.77 km) Cantina Fontechiara
  • (1.32 km) Chiesa di San Vincenzo in Castro
  • (6.99 km) Volandia Parco e Museo del Volo Malpensa

Safari Park

safari park pombia deutsch

Top ways to experience nearby attractions

safari park pombia deutsch

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.


SAFARI PARK: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

  • Sun - Sat 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM
  • (0.41 km) Camping Safari
  • (0.87 km) La Locanda della Staffa
  • (10.17 km) Hotel Osteria Della Pista
  • (6.85 km) First Hotel Malpensa
  • (5.67 km) Casa Violetta B&B
  • (0.58 km) Da Mericanello
  • (0.65 km) Osteria Acqua e Sale
  • (1.34 km) La Locanda Della Staffa
  • (4.81 km) DINAMO Steak House & Music
  • (0.85 km) T2Trenta2
  • (2.00 km) Azienda Vitivinicola e Agriturismo Enrico Crola
  • (7.55 km) Cocoon Wellness Spa Milan
  • (9.77 km) Cantina Fontechiara
  • (1.32 km) Chiesa di San Vincenzo in Castro
  • (6.99 km) Volandia Parco e Museo del Volo Malpensa

Safari Park

A4 toll motorway (Milan-Turin), Novara Est exit, continue in the direction of Lake Maggiore for about 20 km and A26 toll motorway, Castelletto Ticino exit, continue in the direction of Novara for about 10 km

Going on safari is an idea that excites both children and parents. The chance is offered by the Pombia Zoo Safari Park near Novara.

The park is located not far from Lake Maggiore and, within the limits of local “nature” lets you drive for kilometres across a sunny hillside where animals roam in total freedom. Fearless and curious, the park animals frequently wander up to inspect the passing columns of cars. Close contact is an everyday occurrence, especially in the first section of the park, in the herbivore area.

Ostriches, gnus, zebras, camels, dromedaries and a beautiful giraffe go about their business quite unperturbed by the fact that they are being observed by curious visitors. The ostriches in particular take every chance to roam among the lines of cars, hoping for titbits to eat. Feeding the animals is of course strictly forbidden and potentially dangerous.

As you drive up the hill you enter the realm of the immense hippopotami, followed by an area inhabited by antelopes and huge rhinos. This is followed by two carefully fenced in areas, the first inhabited by "tranquil" lions and the second by magnificent tigers. Leaving these areas and the woodland behind you, you descend to the section that contains the park’s pride and joy: a pair of superb white lions!

The way down is also populated by a variety of animals, including impressively large buffaloes. After a final glance at the monkey cage you finally reach the car park from where you can go on to visit various areas on foot. You are almost spoiled for choice: there is a reptile house, children’s amusement areas, various shops and an entertainment area with a cycle of daily shows.

The Zoo Safari Park provides a unique and fascinating experience in many ways, thanks also to the efforts of its management to develop an attractive idea in the most effective way possible.

More details

Reservation : only for guided tours

Safari Park

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Top ways to experience nearby attractions

safari park pombia deutsch

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.


SAFARI PARK: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

  • Sun - Sat 10:30 - 15:00
  • (0.26 mi) Camping Safari
  • (0.54 mi) La Locanda della Staffa
  • (6.36 mi) Hotel Osteria Della Pista
  • (4.28 mi) First Hotel Malpensa
  • (3.55 mi) Casa Violetta B&B
  • (0.36 mi) Da Mericanello
  • (0.41 mi) Osteria Acqua e Sale
  • (0.84 mi) La Locanda Della Staffa
  • (3.01 mi) DINAMO Steak House & Music
  • (0.53 mi) T2Trenta2
  • (1.25 mi) Azienda Vitivinicola e Agriturismo Enrico Crola
  • (4.72 mi) Cocoon Wellness Spa Milan
  • (6.11 mi) Cantina Fontechiara
  • (0.82 mi) Chiesa di San Vincenzo in Castro
  • (4.37 mi) Volandia Parco e Museo del Volo Malpensa

Safari Park

safari park pombia deutsch

Top ways to experience nearby attractions

safari park pombia deutsch

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.


Safari Park - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024) - Tripadvisor

  • Sun - Sat 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM
  • (0.41 km) Camping Safari
  • (0.87 km) La Locanda della Staffa
  • (10.17 km) Hotel Osteria Della Pista
  • (6.85 km) First Hotel Malpensa
  • (5.67 km) Casa Violetta B&B
  • (0.58 km) Da Mericanello
  • (0.65 km) Osteria Acqua e Sale
  • (1.34 km) La Locanda Della Staffa
  • (4.81 km) DINAMO Steak House & Music
  • (0.85 km) T2Trenta2
  • (2.00 km) Azienda Vitivinicola e Agriturismo Enrico Crola
  • (7.55 km) Cocoon Wellness Spa Milan
  • (9.77 km) Cantina Fontechiara
  • (1.32 km) Chiesa di San Vincenzo in Castro
  • (6.99 km) Volandia Parco e Museo del Volo Malpensa

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Elektrostal Localisation : Country Russia , Oblast Moscow Oblast . Available Information : Geographical coordinates , Population, Area, Altitude, Weather and Hotel . Nearby cities and villages : Noginsk , Pavlovsky Posad and Staraya Kupavna .


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Sovremennik" cinema square, Elektrostal Live Cam

Sovremennik" cinema square, elektrostal.

Live webcam shows the square in front of the cinema «Sovremennik» in real time. The camera is installed on the house number 18 on Mir Street in the city of Elektrostal, Moscow Region, Russia. The live camera is aimed at the monument to I.F. Tevosyan, which is located on the square of the Sovremennik cinema. The intersection of Tevosyan Street and Mir Street is in the field of view of the web camera. Therefore, this live camera can help assess the workload of this section of the road and the presence of congestion at the intersection. The main entrance of the school №13 and the pedestrian crossing in front of it also on the broadcating.

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Webcam on the map and the nearest, nearest webcams.

Nosovikhinskoe highway, Balashikha, Moscow

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  1. Home

    Safari Park è un Parco Zoologico che si dedica alla tutela della biodiversità e alla conoscenza del mondo animale. 400 ANIMALI ... Pombia Park S.r.l. Via Larino 3, 28050 Pombia (NO) T. +39 0321 956431 - M. +39 3911838028 - [email protected]. C.F. e P.iva 02384680035

  2. Der Safaripark Pombia

    Der Safaripark Pombia. Nur etwa zehn Kilometer südlich von Sesto Calande, wo der Lago Maggiore endet, hält der Safaripark Pombia außergewöhnliche Attraktionen für seine Besucher bereit. Und das, so viel sei verraten, beileibe nicht nur für Kinder. Tiger im Safaripark Pombia. Nein, auch die „großen" Gäste weiß die Anlage in jedem ...

  3. Safari Park (Pombia)

    Oktober da. Wetter Top und auch die Safaritour mit dem Auto fanden wir toll. Leider war der ganze Park geschlossen. 2 Shows (Papagai und Greifvögel) haben statt gefunden. Die Kids waren super entäuscht und wir auch. 70 Euro für einen Eintritt und alles war zu.

  4. Pombia Safari Park

    Pombia Safari Park is a safari park, zoo and amusement park in Pombia, Piedmont, northern Italy, created by Angelo Lombardi in 1976; extending over an area of 400,000 square metres. After the gradual decline of the old structure, acquired by Orfeo Triberti, owner since 1999, the park has undergone a remarkable recovery and expansion in the years ahead, it is presented as a reality more ...

  5. Safari Park

    Attractions near Safari Park: (1.25 mi) Azienda Vitivinicola e Agriturismo Enrico Crola (4.72 mi) Cocoon Wellness Spa Milan (6.11 mi) Cantina Fontechiara (0.82 mi) Chiesa di San Vincenzo in Castro (4.37 mi) Volandia Parco e Museo del Volo Malpensa; View all attractions near Safari Park on Tripadvisor

  6. SAFARI PARK: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

    Attractions near Safari Park: (7.57 km) Cocoon Wellness Spa Milan (2.16 km) Azienda Vitivinicola e Agriturismo Enrico Crola (9.70 km) Cantina Fontechiara (1.23 km) Chiesa di San Vincenzo in Castro (7.00 km) Volandia Parco e Museo del Volo Malpensa; View all attractions near Safari Park on Tripadvisor

  7. Safari Park

    The safari park has lots of animals and its safe because there are a good number of guards. The park where children can play is good too, offering a variety of rides and games. The shows are entertaining and the performers are good, especially the parrot and magician shows. Read more. Written August 3, 2013.

  8. SAFARI PARK: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

    Skip to main content. Review. Trips Alerts

  9. Pombia Safari Park

    Deutsch; Ελληνικά ... Pombia Safari Park is a safari park, zoo and amusement park in Pombia, Piedmont, northern Italy. It was created by Angelo Lombardi in 1976. It has an area of 400.000 square metres. References. ↑; This page was last changed on 24 July 2023, at 20:28. ...

  10. Safari Park

    Going on safari is an idea that excites both children and parents.The chance is offered by the Pombia Zoo Safari Park near Novara.. The park is located not far from Lake Maggiore and, within the limits of local "nature" lets you drive for kilometres across a sunny hillside where animals roam in total freedom. Fearless and curious, the park animals frequently wander up to inspect the ...

  11. SAFARI PARK: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

    Safari Park. 2,017 reviews. #1 of 4 things to do in Pombia. Zoos. Open now. 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM. Write a review. About. Duration: More than 3 hours.

  12. Safari Park

    Safari Park, Pombia, Italy. 919 likes. La nostra filosofia: IL BENESSERE DEGLI ANIMALI Gli zoo svolgono un ruolo molto importante nel campo della conservazione, dell'educazione e della ricerca nel...

  13. Safari Park Map

    Safari Park is a zoo in Pombia, Province of Novara, Piedmont located on Via Larino. Safari Park is situated nearby to Santuario della Madonna delle Grazie. NW Italy. Piedmont ... Deutsch; Español; Français; Português; About Mapcarta. Thanks to Mapbox for providing amazing maps.

  14. Safari park

    Giraffes at the Safaripark Beekse Bergen, Netherlands White rhinoceros at Pombia Safari Park, Italy White Rhinoceros at San Diego Safari Park, US Grant's zebras at Africam Safari, Mexico. A safari park, sometimes known as a wildlife park, is a zoo-like commercial drive-in tourist attraction where visitors can drive their own vehicles or ride in vehicles provided by the facility to observe ...

  15. Chudo Park (Elektrostal, Moscow, Russia)

    Looking for statistics on the fastest, tallest or longest roller coasters? Find it all and much more with the interactive Roller Coaster Database.

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  17. Caterpillar

    Looking for statistics on the fastest, tallest or longest roller coasters? Find it all and much more with the interactive Roller Coaster Database.

  18. Elektrostal, Moscow Oblast, Russia

    Elektrostal Geography. Geographic Information regarding City of Elektrostal. Elektrostal Geographical coordinates. Latitude: 55.8, Longitude: 38.45. 55° 48′ 0″ North, 38° 27′ 0″ East. Elektrostal Area. 4,951 hectares. 49.51 km² (19.12 sq mi) Elektrostal Altitude.

  19. Live Webcam Sovremennik" cinema square, Elektrostal

    Sovremennik" cinema square, Elektrostal. Live webcam shows the square in front of the cinema «Sovremennik» in real time. The camera is installed on the house number 18 on Mir Street in the city of Elektrostal, Moscow Region, Russia. The live camera is aimed at the monument to I.F. Tevosyan, which is located on the square of the Sovremennik ...