Solo Traveler

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The Ultimate Solo Travel Guide: Travel Alone & Love It

Janice Waugh

January 4, 2024 by Janice Waugh

image, solo traveler, travel alone and love it

What is solo travel? After 15 years of traveling solo, I've concluded that it is two things. Solo travel can be done independently or on a group tour. Essentially, solo travel is when you leave behind everyone you know and embark on a trip. Independent solo travel is when you plan and navigate the travel yourself. Group solo travel is when you join a tour or cruise alone. Both provide the unique experience of exploring the world without family and friends who have expectations of you. It's about discovering who you are when no one (that you know) is looking.

Traveling alone delivers access to the world in ways that other forms of travel don't. It is an essential mode of travel, at least some of the time.

However, not everyone takes to it naturally. Some worry about traveling solo. There are concerns around loneliness, safety, and more.

While we have hundreds of articles on the site that get into the details of how to travel solo, here, in one place, is the ultimate guide for those who want to travel alone. The tips in this post will help you have the best experience possible. They will help you travel alone and love it.

If you are traveling independently, read on.

If you plan to go on an organized tour, don't miss our page of tours with no or low single supplement . It's updated at least once a month and if you'd like to receive it via email you can sign up here .

image, travel alone backpacker

Table of Contents

Why You Will Love Solo Travel

When you travel alone, you travel on your terms. You get to do what you want, when you want. You can connect with people if you wish or avoid them completely. Those are the obvious benefits for going solo as a traveler.

But there are many benefits of solo travel that affect your whole life. The experience encourages you to stretch and grow as a person. You gain confidence and get better at problem solving. You understand yourself better, become more independent, and become a more interesting person.

For more, read Why Travel Solo? 15 Reasons Going Alone Makes Travel Better . Now, let's get on to the ultimate solo travel guide.

image, solo traveler takeing cooking class

Your Guide for Planning to Travel Alone

Planning a solo trip takes a bit of time and thought. To cover everything, this would be an extremely long article. Instead, I'm pointing you to some of the basic planning posts on Solo Traveler. There over 600 posts on Solo Traveler. This just takes you to the ones that cover the fundamentals.

  • Solo Travel Planning Guide with Trends, a Checklist, and Insider Tips
  • Solo Travel Safety: 50+ Proven Tips to Keep You Safe
  • Carry-On Packing List That Makes Sense: Traveler Tested
  • Best Accommodation for Solo Travelers
  • A Complete Guide to Travel Insurance for Solo Travelers
  • Eating Alone Is Easy When You Know How

image, solo travel, walking tour

Ultimate Tips to Travel Alone and Love It!

Let's get into the experience of traveling alone.

For some people, enjoying a solo trip comes naturally. Others have to work at how to travel alone. Most who do, fall in love with it. Here are a few things you can do to ensure a great solo adventure.

1. Visualize the trip you want. It's all about you.

Start thinking about the opportunities that are present when you travel alone long before you leave. Is it down time you really want? Build that into the plan. Are you after a creative travel experience ? Research the opportunities before you go and then dream on them until you get there.

2. Gather firsthand knowledge before you go. Personal stories tell you more.

Talk to people who have already traveled to your destination. Doing this was so incredibly helpful when planning my trip to Patagonia. At the time, no amount of research helped me plan the logistics. Talking to people who had made a similar trip gave me insight into the travel options and tips on how to avoid the mistakes they had made. Use your social network to find people. Join online meetup groups based in your destination. Find expat groups at your destination. By talking to people you will learn more about things to do as well as things that are not really for you.

3. Learn to chat with strangers.

Starting conversations with strangers can be a challenge, especially when you're an introvert like I am. However, these conversations can be trip-changing, if not life-changing. There are many skills that can be developed for this and one is never too old to learn them. In fact, it was only when traveling alone after my husband passed away that I learned how much I had grown and taken on the techniques of an extrovert. I learned that I could talk to strangers easily.

4. Tap the experience of the people you meet. Get current information.

As a solo traveler, you'll meet more travelers and locals than those who travel with a partner. Ask a traveler about the best thing they've done so far or a local for the best hidden gem restaurant in the area. The people you meet and the advice they offer will greatly enrich your trip.

5. Be flexible with your plans. Opportunities arise!

When suggestions or opportunities arise from these chance encounters, be flexible enough to act on them. There are times when flexibility must reign and the schedule should be thrown away. I do this most often on road or rail trips.

6. Don't over-plan. You will absolutely need relaxing time.

Managing your travels yourself takes more energy than if you are with someone else. It is important to have extra time in your itinerary to wander a market leisurely, linger over a coffee at an outdoor café, or take that trip into the mountains you hadn't considered.

7. Be patient. Take time to settle in and learn how the city works.

It can be difficult arriving in a new city alone. Take your time. Take a day to relax, watch the city function, and settle in. Read Solo Travel Confidence: How to Be Strong, Capable, and Safe .

8. Explore your destination at different levels. Gain different perspectives.

In London, it's natural to take the Tube. However, riding on the top of a double-decker bus gives you another perspective on the city. But you still wouldn't want to miss the Tube as it's an experience unto itself. My point is, explore the city in as many ways as possible: on foot, by bicycle, via public transit. Take a taxi and talk to the driver. Rent a car and learn what it's like to park or drive on the opposite side of the road. Every mode of movement offers new perspectives.

9. Take in local events. Get to know the daily life of a culture.

Whether it's a street festival or a sporting event, these are opportunities to rub shoulders with locals, offering insight into the culture and, potentially, fun conversations. Events made for tourism will not be as successful for this as events created by and for locals.

10. Be proactive if you’re unsure of yourself.

Ask for help. Standing around looking dazed will not get you where you want to go and it may get you noticed by the wrong people. Go ahead, smile, and ask for help. It's one of the fundamentals of staying safe as you travel solo .

11. Eat locally! Discover the culture through food.

There is nothing like exploring the local cuisine. It gives you a new path into your destination's culture, history, and geography. There is always a reason, historical or geographic, for a specific cuisine that can be explored through your tastebuds and your mind.

12. Shop where the locals shop.

Are you into home renovations? Then a hardware store in another country could be quite interesting. Are you a foodie? Go to the grocery store or the street where all the specialty vendors are located. Are you into fashion or interior decorating? Again, explore (you don't have to buy) where the locals shop.

13. Know which way is up. An old-school map is your friend.

Study a map of your destination. Get to know it. Get a sense of direction using major landmarks like Central Park in New York City or the CN Tower in Toronto. This will help you explore cities happily, with greater confidence. Read How to Navigate a New City Solo .

13. Find people who share your passion.

Whether it's chess or poetry or badminton or books, there will be hubs or groups that share your passion at your destination. Many destinations have an English bookstore which is typically a great resource for events you will want to attend. Google search or find them on What a great way to combine your love of travel with your love of other things.

14. Take day tours and classes.

There are many benefits to punctuating your independent trip with local tours such as cooking classes . You have new ways to better experience your destination, enjoy some social time (after all, solo travelers are not necessarily loners), and you get to take a break and let the tour company run the logistics and planning of the experience.

15. Have great evenings out.

Just because you're traveling solo doesn't mean you have to stay in at night with a book. There are many options for things to do in the evening. If you're in a country where you don't speak the language, music is a good bet. Read What to Do at Night When Traveling Alone and How to Enjoy Going to a Bar Alone When You Travel .

image, solo travler, relaxing

What If You Don't Love Solo Travel?

Let's face it, not everyone likes the same thing. Some people will travel alone and, for one reason or another, not enjoy it.

The first thing I suggest is that you be patient. You're not going to find your solo travel groove on the first day of your first trip. You need to give yourself some time to settle into your destination and apply some of the many travel alone tips above.

If, then, you're still not loving it, read  What If You Travel and You Don’t Love It ? and the advice of other solo travelers in Feeling Overwhelmed? How to Conquer First-Day Solo Travel Anxiety .

image: travel signs

Round Out Your Guide to Solo Travel with These Resources

Here are a few posts to explore to help you plan your best solo trip.

  • How to Save Money for Travel
  • How to Plan Your Travel Budget: Luxury or Frugal
  • Best Solo Travel Destinations: Real Solo Travelers Love These
  • Feeling the Pinch? Solo Travelers Save Money at The Airport
  • How to Get Through an Airport by Yourself with Ease
  • Carry On Packing List That Makes Sense: Traveler Tested
  • Checked Baggage: Top Planning and Packing Tips.
  • Best VPN for Travel: What, Why, How & New Recommendations
  • Road Trip Alone with Confidence: 10 Tips for a Great Trip

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The content of Solo Traveler and any resources published by Solo Traveler are meant for entertainment and inspiration only. Please note that while we have advertising clients promoting destinations, products, services, trips and tours on Solo Traveler and that we endeavour to only work with companies in which we have confidence, we are not responsible for the delivery or quality of their products or services. Every person and every travel situation is different. Your safety, satisfaction and fun traveling solo are your responsibility alone and not that of Solo Traveler, its publisher, editor and/or writers.

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Travel solo, travel smart, travel well.

Traveling Alone? Here’s How to Plan the Ultimate Solo Trip

Traveling Alone? Here’s How to Plan the Ultimate Solo Trip

Embarking on a solo adventure is not only empowering, but it allows you to fully embrace the freedom of traveling at your own pace and on your own terms. But planning a solo trip can be daunting for even the most seasoned travelers. Fear not! In this blog post, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know to plan the ultimate solo trip that will leave you feeling confident, inspired, and ready to take on the world – all by yourself. So pack your bags and get ready for an unforgettable journey filled with self-discovery and new experiences!

Table of Contents

Introduction: Why Traveling Alone is a Great Experience

Traveling alone can be an intimidating thought for many people. The idea of exploring unfamiliar places without the comfort and familiarity of friends or family may seem daunting. However, solo travel has become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people are realizing the numerous benefits it offers. In this section, we will discuss why traveling alone is a great experience and how it can enrich your life.

Freedom to Make Your Own Choices

One of the biggest advantages of solo travel is having complete freedom to make your own choices. When you travel with others, there are always compromises that need to be made when it comes to planning activities and making decisions. However, when you are on your own, you have the flexibility to do whatever you want, whenever you want. This gives you the opportunity to truly immerse yourself in the destination without any external factors influencing your experience.

Self-Discovery and Personal Growth

Traveling alone also allows for a deeper level of self-discovery and personal growth. Without the distractions of companionship, you have more time to reflect on your thoughts and feelings while exploring new cultures and environments. You may discover hidden passions or gain a new perspective on life during moments of solitude.

Meeting New People

Contrary to popular belief, solo travel does not mean being alone all the time. In fact, being on your own can actually make it easier for you to meet new people from different backgrounds. As a solo traveler, people are often curious about your story and may strike up conversations with you as they see you navigating through their city or country by yourself.

Pushing Yourself Out of Your Comfort Zone

Solo travel also provides ample opportunities for personal growth by pushing you out of your comfort zone. From navigating unknown transportation systems to trying new foods or even just striking up conversations with strangers, every aspect of solo travel requires some level of courage and adaptability.

Increased Confidence and Independence

Traveling alone can greatly increase your confidence and independence. By planning and executing a trip on your own, you are proving to yourself that you are capable of taking care of yourself in new and unfamiliar environments. This sense of accomplishment can have a positive impact on other aspects of your life as well.

Traveling alone may seem daunting at first, but the benefits it offers make it an incredibly worthwhile experience. From the freedom to make your own choices to personal growth and increased confidence, solo travel has the potential to be truly transformative. So if you’re considering embarking on a solo trip, don’t hesitate – the rewards are well worth it!

Historic Memphis Walking Tour

Choosing the Right Destination for Solo Travel

Choosing the right destination for solo travel can be a daunting task, especially if it is your first time traveling alone. But with some careful planning and research, you can find the perfect destination that suits your needs and preferences.

Firstly, consider what type of traveler you are. Are you an adventure seeker looking for thrills or a laid-back traveler who prefers relaxing on a beach? Knowing your travel style will help narrow down your options and make it easier to choose a destination that aligns with your interests.

Next, think about the purpose of your solo trip. Is it to disconnect from the world and spend some quality time alone, or do you want to meet new people and immerse yourself in different cultures? This will also influence the type of destination you choose.

Savannah Walking Tour

Budget is another crucial factor in choosing a solo travel destination . Consider not only the cost of accommodation but also transportation, food, activities, and other expenses. Some destinations may seem affordable at first glance but could end up being expensive once you factor in additional costs.

Solo travelers usually prefer places where they can easily navigate around without getting lost or feeling overwhelmed. Look into public transportation options like buses or trains that can take you to different parts of the city safely and conveniently.

If it’s your first time traveling alone, consider choosing a destination where there are plenty of things to do during the day as well as at night. This way, you won’t feel bored or lonely during evenings spent by yourself. Places with vibrant nightlife scenes or organized tours are ideal for solo travelers looking to socialize.

Also, keep in mind any cultural differences between your home country and potential destinations. Research local customs, laws, dress codes, and any other cultural norms to avoid unintentionally causing offense or getting into trouble.

Trust your instincts. If a destination doesn’t feel right for you, don’t force yourself to go there. Solo travel is all about personal growth and enjoyment, so choose a place that resonates with you and makes you excited to explore.

Remember, the perfect solo travel destination will vary for each person. Take your time in researching and considering different options until you find the one that feels like the best fit for your ultimate solo trip.

Safety Precautions for Solo Travelers

Solo travel can be an exhilarating and life-changing experience, but it also comes with its own set of potential risks. As a solo traveler, it is important to prioritize your safety above all else. Here are some valuable precautions that you should keep in mind when planning your ultimate solo trip.

1. Research your destination: Before embarking on any trip, it is crucial to research the destination thoroughly. This includes learning about the local culture, customs, laws, and any potential safety concerns. Make sure to check if there are any high-risk areas or scams to be aware of.

Historic Downtown Walking Tour

3. Choose safe accommodations: When traveling alone, opt for reputable and secure accommodations such as hotels or hostels rather than Airbnb rentals or couchsurfing stays. Look for places that have good reviews regarding their safety measures and location.

4. Stay connected: Make sure to have a working phone with international roaming so that you can stay in touch with your loved ones back home or call for help in case of an emergency.

5. Be cautious with strangers: While meeting new people is one of the joys of solo travel, it is important to exercise caution when interacting with strangers. Don’t give out too much personal information and trust your instincts if something feels off.

6. Blend in: Try not to stand out as a tourist by dressing conservatively and avoiding flashy jewelry or expensive-looking items that may make you a target for theft.

7. Keep copies of important documents: It’s always wise to keep copies of important documents like your passport and visa separately from the originals while traveling. In case of theft or loss, you will have a backup to help with the replacement process.

8. Be aware of your surroundings : Pay attention to your surroundings at all times and be mindful of any suspicious behavior or potential danger.

9. Avoid traveling alone at night: It’s best to avoid walking around alone at night, especially in unfamiliar places. If possible, stick to well-lit and busy areas.

10. Trust your instincts: Last but not least, trust your gut instincts. If something doesn’t feel right, don’t hesitate to remove yourself from the situation and seek help if needed.

By following these safety precautions for solo travelers , you can ensure a more enjoyable and worry-free trip. Remember to always prioritize your safety and stay alert while exploring on your own.

Budgeting and Planning for a Solo Trip

Solo travel can be an incredibly rewarding and liberating experience. It allows for complete freedom and the opportunity to fully immerse oneself in different cultures and experiences without having to compromise with others. However, planning a solo trip can also be daunting, especially when it comes to managing expenses. That’s why budgeting and careful planning are essential for a successful solo trip.

The first step in budgeting for a solo trip is determining your overall budget. This will depend on various factors such as the duration of your trip, the destinations you plan on visiting, and your personal spending habits. Once you have a rough estimate of your overall budget, it’s time to break it down into categories such as flights, accommodation, transportation, food, activities, and emergencies.

Miami Beach History, Art Deco, Crime & Scandals Walking Tour

When it comes to accommodation, there are many affordable options available for solo travelers such as hostels or Airbnb rentals. These options not only save money but also provide an opportunity to interact with other travelers from around the world.

Transportation costs can add up quickly, especially if you’re moving between multiple destinations during your trip. Consider purchasing local transportation passes or using ride-sharing services instead of taxis. Walking or biking is also a great way to explore new places while saving money on transportation.

Food is another significant expense when traveling alone. To avoid overspending on food while traveling solo, consider cooking some meals at your accommodation or buying groceries instead of eating out every meal. You could also try local street food which tends to be more affordable than restaurants.

Activities and excursions are often an essential part of any trip but can also quickly drain your budget if not planned carefully. Prioritize the must-do activities that align with your interests and research for free or low-cost alternatives. Many cities offer free walking tours or have museums with discounted admission on certain days.

It’s essential to budget for emergencies. Set aside a portion of your budget for unexpected expenses such as lost luggage, medical costs, or any other unforeseen circumstances.

Budgeting and planning for a solo trip may require some extra effort but will ultimately make your journey more enjoyable and stress-free. With careful planning and smart spending, you can have the ultimate solo trip without breaking the bank.

Packing Tips and Essentials for Solo Travelers

Packing for a solo trip can be both exciting and daunting. On one hand, you have the freedom to pack whatever you want without having to consider anyone else’s needs or preferences. On the other hand, it’s easy to go overboard and end up with a heavy and disorganized suitcase. To help make your packing process as smooth as possible, here are some essential tips that every solo traveler should keep in mind.

Choose the Right Luggage

The first step to efficient packing is choosing the right luggage. For solo travelers, a backpack or a carry-on suitcase is usually the best option as it allows for easy mobility and avoids extra baggage fees. It’s also important to invest in high-quality luggage that is durable and has enough compartments for organized packing.

Make a Packing List

Before you start throwing things into your bag, create a list of all the essential items you will need on your trip. This includes clothing, toiletries, electronics, documents, medication, etc. Having a list will not only ensure that you don’t forget anything important but also help avoid overpacking.

Pack Versatile Clothing

When traveling alone, it’s important to pack practical and versatile clothing that can be worn multiple times and mixed and matched easily. Stick to neutral colors that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. Also consider the weather of your destination when choosing what to pack.

Pack Travel-Sized Toiletries

Instead of lugging around full-sized bottles of shampoo and body wash, opt for travel-sized containers or invest in reusable silicone bottles that can be refilled with your favorite products. This will save space in your luggage while still allowing you to maintain your skincare routine during your trip.

Don’t Forget Your Essentials

Some items are crucial for any trip but are often forgotten in the rush of packing such as chargers/adapters for electronics, sunscreen/bug spray, a first aid kit, and any necessary medication. Make sure to pack these items in an easily accessible place in your luggage.

Leave Room for Souvenirs

One of the best parts of traveling alone is having the freedom to bring back unique souvenirs without worrying about fitting them into someone else’s suitcase. To leave room for these treasures, pack light and avoid overpacking.

Double Check Your Documents

As a solo traveler, it’s important to have all your documents organized and easily accessible. Make sure you have copies of your passport, visa (if needed), travel insurance, flight/hotel reservations, etc. Keep these in a secure but easily reachable place such as a travel document organizer.

Packing for a solo trip may seem overwhelming at first, but by following these tips and being mindful of what you really need versus what you want to bring along, you can make the process much easier and more enjoyable. Remember to also leave some space for spontaneity and new experiences – after all, that’s what solo travel is all about!

Ways to Meet People and Make Friends while Traveling Alone

Traveling alone can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling experience, but it can also be a bit daunting. One of the biggest concerns for solo travelers is how to meet people and make friends while on their journey. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to connect with others and form meaningful relationships, even when traveling by yourself.

Columbia Heights and Adams Morgan Walking Tour

Stay in Hostels or Shared Accommodations

One of the easiest ways to meet other travelers is by staying in hostels or shared accommodations. Not only are these options often more budget-friendly, but they also provide opportunities to socialize with fellow travelers from all over the world. Many hostels have common areas where guests can hang out and connect with each other, as well as organized activities or events like pub crawls or group tours.

Join Group Tours or Activities

Another great way to meet people while traveling alone is by joining group tours or activities. This could be anything from a walking tour of the city to a cooking class or adventure excursion. These types of experiences not only allow you to discover new things about the place you’re visiting, but they also bring together like-minded individuals who share similar interests.

Attend Local Events or Meetups

Do some research before your trip and see if there are any local events or meetups happening during your stay. This could include music festivals, cultural celebrations, sports games, or even language exchange groups. Attending these types of events will give you a chance to interact with locals and other travelers who are just as eager to explore and make connections.

Utilize Social Media

Social media can be a powerful tool for meeting people while traveling alone. Join travel-related groups on Facebook or follow hashtags on Instagram related to your destination. You may come across fellow solo travelers looking for someone to explore with, join forces with them! Additionally, many cities have specific Facebook groups for expats or travelers where you can ask for recommendations or even meet up with others.

Be Open and Friendly

Sometimes the simplest way to make friends while traveling alone is by being open and friendly. Strike up a conversation with your seatmate on a flight, chat with locals at a cafe, or simply smile and say hello to someone you pass on the street. You never know who you might connect with by just being open to new experiences and interactions.

Traveling alone doesn’t mean you have to be lonely. By staying in social accommodations, joining group activities, attending local events, utilizing social media, and being open-minded, you can easily meet people and make friends while on your solo trip. Embrace the opportunities that come your way and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone – you might just end up making long-lasting connections from all over the world.

Embracing the Freedom and Challenges of Solo Traveling

Traveling alone can be a daunting thought for many people. The idea of exploring new places without the comfort and security of friends or family can be intimidating. However, solo traveling also offers a unique sense of freedom and independence that cannot be experienced when traveling with others. It allows you to fully immerse yourself in your destination, make your own decisions, and step out of your comfort zone.

Ultimate Times Square, Empire State, and Midtown Manhattan NYC Walking Tour

Solo traveling also pushes us out of our comfort zones and forces us to embrace new challenges. Being on our own in an unfamiliar environment can feel scary at first, but it ultimately helps us grow as individuals. Whether it’s navigating through a foreign city using public transportation or trying out local cuisine by yourself, these experiences help build confidence and adaptability. Additionally, solo travel allows for more meaningful interactions with locals who may not have approached a group but are willing to connect with a lone traveler.

Another advantage of solo travel is self-discovery. Without familiar faces around us, we can reflect on ourselves more deeply and learn about our likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. We often surprise ourselves by how capable we are when faced with unexpected situations while traveling alone.

Of course, there will be challenges along the way when traveling alone – from getting lost to feeling lonely at times – but these hurdles only add to the overall experience. They teach resilience and problem-solving skills while providing opportunities for personal growth.

Embracing the freedom and challenges of solo traveling can be a life-changing experience. It allows you to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, build self-confidence, and create unforgettable memories. So if you’re considering embarking on a solo trip, don’t let fear hold you back. Embrace the opportunities that come with traveling alone and allow yourself to grow in ways you never thought possible.

Conclusion: Why Everyone Should Experience Solo Travel

Solo travel may seem daunting and intimidating at first, but it is an experience that everyone should have at least once in their lifetime. It may not be for everyone, but the benefits and personal growth that come with traveling alone are undeniable. As mentioned earlier in this article, solo travel allows you to take control of your own journey and truly immerse yourself in the destination without any distractions or compromises.

Flavors of Icon Park Foodie Walking Tour

Solo travel also offers a unique opportunity for self-discovery and introspection. With no one else to rely on for entertainment or company, you have time to reflect on your thoughts, goals, and aspirations. You may even discover new passions or hobbies along the way as you try new things independently. This can lead to a better understanding of oneself and increase confidence levels.

Another advantage of solo travel is the chance to meet new people from all walks of life. When traveling with others, we often tend to stick within our group or with people we already know. But when traveling alone, we are forced out of our comfort zones and open ourselves up to interactions with strangers who can offer unique perspectives and insights into their culture or experiences.

Traveling alone also allows for flexibility in planning your itinerary according to your preferences rather than trying to compromise with others’ interests or schedules. This gives you the freedom to change plans last minute or stay longer in a place that captures your heart.

Solo travel teaches valuable life skills such as budgeting , time management, and problem-solving. These skills are transferable to everyday life and can help in personal and professional growth.

Solo travel may seem daunting at first, but it is an experience that everyone should have. It offers a chance for self-growth, independence, and discovery while creating unforgettable memories. So if you are thinking about taking the plunge into solo travel, do not hesitate any longer. With proper planning and an open mind, it can be the ultimate trip of a lifetime.

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Solo vacations: the 36 best places to travel alone in 2024.

These fun destinations make traveling on your own simple and spectacular.

Young woman overlooking beautiful valley, Molladalen, Norway.

(Getty Images) |

From beach retreats to artsy escapes, take your next solo trip to somewhere spectacular.

Waterfalls in Norway.

Perth, Australia

Aerial of Beaver Creek at night.

Beaver Creek, Colorado

Diver observing Southern stingrays as they glide over the sand in search of buried crustaceans on the Sandbar, Grand Cayman Island.

Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

The Eiffel Tower and River Seine in Paris, France.

Santa Fe, New Mexico

Flowers and greenery in the Blue Ridge Mountains, North Carolina, in the summer.

Asheville, North Carolina

Road through green hills of Tuscany, Italy.

Tuscany, Italy

Boats in harbor of Santa Barbara, California.

Santa Barbara, California

Man paddleboarding in Iceland glacier lagoon.

New York City

Toronto skyline across the water.

Seville, Spain

Beach in Naples, Florida.

Naples, Florida

Aerial of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Ljubljana, Slovenia

Seattle skyline with Mt. Rainier in the background at sunset.

Portland, Oregon

Lake Quill and Sutherland Falls in the mountains of New Zealand.

New Zealand

Souvenirs on the Jamaa el Fna market in old Medina, Marrakesh, Morocco.

Galápagos Islands

Colorful buildings in Charleston, South Carolina.

Charleston, South Carolina

Aerial of the Sydney Opera House.

Athens, Greece

Beignets and a cup of coffee.

New Orleans

Aerial of river and greenery with Austin skyline in the background.

Austin, Texas

Elephants crossing a river in Sri Lanka.

San Francisco

Crown Alley in Dublin, Ireland.

Munich, Germany

Solidão Beach (Loneliness Beach) in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil.

Florianópolis, Brazil

Whangarei Falls in New Zealand.

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£1,579 pp

Discover Sicily - Solo Traveller

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Flights & Transfers

The Algarve Coast & Country - Solo Traveller

£1,019pp £959 pp

The Algarve Coast & Country - Solo Traveller

Tenerife Coast & Country - Solo Traveller

£999pp £969 pp

Tenerife Coast & Country - Solo Traveller

Cape Town, the Garden Route & Winelands - Solo Traveller

£3,519pp £3,429 pp

South Africa

Cape Town, the Garden Route & Winelands - Solo Traveller

Lake Garda, Venice & Verona Solo Traveller

£1,379 pp

Lake Garda, Venice & Verona Solo Traveller

India - Splendours of Delhi, the Taj Mahal & Rajasthan - Solo Traveller

£2,299pp £2,199 pp

India - Splendours of Delhi, the Taj Mahal & Rajasthan - Solo Traveller

Classic Tuscany including Florence and Pisa - Solo Traveller

£1,259 pp

Classic Tuscany including Florence and Pisa - Solo Traveller

Costa Brava & Barcelona - Solo Traveller

£929pp £909 pp

Costa Brava & Barcelona - Solo Traveller

Prague City Break - Solo Traveller

£529 pp

Czech Republic

Prague City Break - Solo Traveller

Discover Dubrovnik - Solo Traveller

£1,189 pp

Discover Dubrovnik - Solo Traveller

French Riviera Short Break - Solo Traveller

£1,249 pp

French Riviera Short Break - Solo Traveller

Discover Alentejo including Evora and the Algarve - Solo Traveller

£1,479pp £1,449 pp

Discover Alentejo including Evora and the Algarve - Solo Traveller

Beijing, Xi'an & Shanghai - Solo Traveller

£3,519 pp

Beijing, Xi'an & Shanghai - Solo Traveller

Rhine River Cruise Solo Traveller (Trier - Cologne)

£2,049pp £1,939 pp

Luxembourg, Germany

Rhine River Cruise Solo Traveller (Trier - Cologne)

Danube Taster River Cruise - Solo Traveller (Passau-Passau)

£1,899 pp

Danube Taster River Cruise - Solo Traveller (Passau-Passau)

Cape Town, the Garden Route & Winelands - Solo Traveller incl. Dubai extension

Cape Town, the Garden Route & Winelands - Solo Traveller incl. Dubai extension

India - Splendours of Delhi, the Taj Mahal & Rajasthan Solo Traveller incl. Dubai extension

£2,819 pp

India - Splendours of Delhi, the Taj Mahal & Rajasthan Solo Traveller incl. Dubai extension

Egypt - Nile River Cruise including Cairo & Hurghada - Solo Traveller

£2,879pp £2,819 pp

Egypt - Nile River Cruise including Cairo & Hurghada - Solo Traveller

Treasures of Southern Spain Solo Traveller - Unique Small Group

£1,499 pp

Treasures of Southern Spain Solo Traveller - Unique Small Group


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Egypt - Nile River Cruise including Cairo & Hurghada

€2,649pp €2,529 pp

Egypt - Nile River Cruise including Cairo & Hurghada

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Lake Garda, Venice & Verona

Lake Garda, Venice & Verona

Danube Rhapsody River Cruise (Passau - Passau)

€2,429pp €2,199 pp

Germany, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia

Danube Rhapsody River Cruise (Passau - Passau)

Highlights of the Montenegro Riviera

Highlights of the Montenegro Riviera

Classical Danube River Cruise 4 Star (Budapest - Passau)

Classical Danube River Cruise 4 Star (Budapest - Passau)

Rhone River Cruise including Lyon

€2,399pp €2,359 pp

Rhone River Cruise including Lyon

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Solo Holidays And Tours

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Explore Croatia - 8 Days

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  • Group size: 12

Explore Colombia - 10 Days

Explore Colombia - 10 Days

  • Cartagena to Bogotá

Explore Vietnam - 11 Days

Explore Vietnam - 11 Days

  • Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City
  • Group size: 16

Explore Jordan - 8 Days

Explore Jordan - 8 Days

  • Amman to Madaba
  • Group size: 14

Explore Jordan - 8 Days

  • Amman to Amman
  • Age range: 12 - 100

Explore Egypt - 15 Days

Explore Egypt - 15 Days

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Explore Taiwan - 11 Days

Explore Taiwan - 11 Days

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Explore Northern Thailand - 8 Days

Explore Northern Thailand - 8 Days

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Call or email our expert team to find out more and help with ideas and planning.

Solo Traveller Holidays

Over half of our customers travel on their own and almost all our tours are geared up for solo travellers and solo adventure holidays. There are no better getaways than adventure holidays for singles and solo travellers

We have thousands of epic adventures that are perfect for solo travellers, including exploring Vietnam, kayaking through Croatia and trekking the Inca Trail. There’s no need to worry about convincing a friend to join you, you can head off and explore the world with The Adventure People instead! 

Hassle-free adventures

Our aim is to make it as easy and enjoyable as possible to experience unique trips at the best price, no matter if you travel on your own or as part of a group. You will be able to socialise, meet new people but also have some time to yourself throughout the holiday.  

Accommodation made easy

We try to make this part as simple as possible. You will be paired with another traveller of the same sex to share a room during your adventures so you won’t have to pay anything extra. If you prefer your own room you can pay a little extra (we work hard to keep this as little we can) which we can arrange after making your booking, just let us know. 

Authentic and affordable trips

We try to work with as many local providers as possible. It means we can offer you the biggest range of adventures and it enables you to see countries in a more unique and authentic way. Plus, we can keep the cost of the trip down by cutting out the middle man! 

We work hard with our suppliers to minimize extra costs like single room supplements for solo travellers.

Like-minded travellers

Most trips are guided in small groups, usually made up of between 10 and 15 people. In these groups, half or more will be fellow solo travellers. You get to meet like-minded people who all have the same sense of adventure and thirst for exploring. You'll have a local tour leader to look after all of the group’s needs and logistics and ensure you have the best experience while you are away.

Independent travel

If you like to travel a bit more independently, we have a selection of tours that are self-guided. We will equip you with all the things you may need for your adventure and you can explore at your own pace. Again, we try to keep any single supplements as low as possible by working closely with our local partners.  

Adventure Holidays For Singles

If you're single this type of holiday is fantastic, we would say that but they really are. We have loads of trips for different age ranges and interests. The small group adventures offer a social holiday for singles which provide an immediate group (or squad) to explore with. You'll certainly make friends for life. 

How does room-sharing work?

If you are happy to share, the rooms will be allocated based on gender and age. So, you'd be paired with someone of the same gender and as close to your age as possible.

Now, you might be thinking, 'suppose I don't like my roomie?'. Well, although very rare, this does of course happen. This is a good example of why having a guide is a good idea. If you let your guide know they'll be able to find a solution which works and you can enjoy your holiday. We must stress, this situation is very rare!

If you would prefer your own room then in many cases you can pay a little extra during the checkout process to secure on your booking. Alternatively, we can request your own room from the operator and we try to keep the cost as low as possible for you.

What is the age of other travellers?

This can vary hugely depending on the trip. Take a look on our website for the age range of the tours you are interested in, some providers specialise in particular age groups and that will be listed here. Remember you can also ask our experts.

In general terms though the average age is around 39. However, we have some adventures with an age limit of 18-29 and the average age here is 24. Other adventures have an age range from 18-39 and the average age here is around 30. Then to consider are the tours themselves, some adventure tours just appeal more to a younger or older demographic.

We can always find out the mix of people booked onto any tour.

How social is it?

Most tours have a good mix of time as a group and time alone. In the evenings, for example, you may have dinner all together but you can choose not to join if you prefer to do your own thing. There will also be free time built into the itinerary for you to explore independently.  

You can make the holiday as sociable as you like and the choice is really yours.

Can I get my own room?

Yes, on most adventures you're able to pay a little extra for your own room.

Are other solo travellers on the trips?

Yes, typically each group is made up of around 50% solo travellers and the rest a mix of friends and couples.

How many people are in each group?

Groups sizes range from 1 or 2 up to typically 16 as a maximum but check the adventure details to be sure.

Solo Female Travel & Holidays

Small group travel is a great way not only to get to enjoy a holiday but to explore, meet others and have a great time. For anyone, safety in numbers is a good thing as is the back up of a good guide! We have quite a lot of people book with us for whom it is their first time travelling alone. 65% are people who book with us are female by the way!

To find out more about our tours and holidays please do speak to our team who can give far more information than you can find here!

We have some tours that are for females only and they are becoming more popular. These get booked up very quickly so best to plan ahead and speak to our team about what is available depending on when and where you are headed. 

Ask our Experts

If you have questions or are feeling unsure about travelling on your own we recommend speaking to our travel team in London. Our experts have all travelled on their own throughout the world so understand the challenges and apprehension you may have about booking a solo trip.

They can give you lots of information about the best tours for solo travellers, different destination ideas, suggest when to travel and share their tips and advice for travelling solo. 

We know that it can feel intimidating travelling solo, especially for the first time. Take look at this blog post where we answer some of our customers most commonly asked questions.  

Why book with The Adventure People?

You may be thinking ‘why should I book with The Adventure People?’. Here are just some of the reasons we stand out:

The Best Value

Not only are our prices usually the best in the market but our leading service coupled with the financial protections we offer mean you won’t find better value anywhere else.

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Our travel team is the best in the business and we’re not just saying that. The moment you make an enquiry we’ll pair you with your own dedicated expert who is on hand to answer your questions, look after your booking and make sure you have a fantastic time.

No Waiting Times

We only have one phone number with no automated services. When you contact us you’re straight through to a member of our team and a human! 

Financial Protection

We are ATOL certified, members of ABTA and run a Trust account for our packages ensuring you’re fully financially protected. 

Flexible Payments

We offer low deposits and monthly payment plans at no extra cost. 

We can add flights to any trip you book with us and we’re happy to help with Round The World tickets!


We work with wonderful accommodation providers and our team can quote almost any hotel in the world at the best prices.

Transfers & Extras

We can easily add airport transfers or extras to any booking. Our team will always quote the best possible price and be able to update your booking.

Solo Holidays And Tours

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The tour that I booked with The Adventure People met all my expectations. The local agent in Vietnam kept in regular contact with me during my trip. All of the connections worked perfectly. The hotels were all of a good standard and comfortable as well as being in a good location. Would definitely use them again

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Home » Europe » Portugal » ULTIMATE Guide to Solo Travel in Portugal | Destinations & Tips for 2024

ULTIMATE Guide to Solo Travel in Portugal | Destinations & Tips for 2024

Traveling Portugal on your ace might just be the best decision you will make this year.

Seriously, there is not much negative to say about the country. Portugal offers a tapestry of experiences for the solo traveler. From the historic cobblestone streets of the capital to flakey pastei de nata’s in Cascais to the honey-lit coastline of The Algarve, you’re in for a real treat for the senses.

It’s also one of the region’s more affordable countries, with good quality accommodation and food that will make sure your hard-saved cash goes a long way. It’s also considered relatively safe and is packed with friendly locals practically yearning for you to visit. Basically – it’s a win-win-win.

That said, planning a solo trip through this large and diverse country can be daunting. You might ask yourself: ‘ Where to go, at what time of year, and what places should be avoided? ’ But don’t fret; this is where I come in – providing you with the ultimate guide to traveling solo in Portugal – you’re welcome.

Follow along as I help you craft the perfect itinerary, plan out the necessities, and avoid any obstacles, with a dose of hype and excitement to motivate you…

A person looks out over the rocky cliffs of Portugal

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5 Things to Do in Portugal When Traveling Solo

5 best solo destinations in portugal, the best travel apps for solo travel in portugal, safety tips for solo travelers in portugal, tips for solo traveling in portugal, how to meet people when solo traveling in portugal, final thoughts on your solo trip to portugal.

Backpacking Portugal is NEVER a bad idea. The country is overflowing with gorgeous natural scenery, dynamic cities, a wealth of culture and history, and some of the most welcoming locals in Europe. 

With this, here are some indoorsy and outdoorsy activities I recommend checking out as you make your way through the country as a solo traveler…

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1. Sip on Portuguese Port Wine in The Duoro Valley

The Duoro Valley is one of the most beautiful parts of the Duoro River. While traveling solo in Portugal , take a trip to the winding terraced vineyards that produce the country’s beloved sweet port wine. The only place in the world where port is legally produced, there is a lot to learn about this generations-old grape blend and fermentation process.

Visit the valley for a day tour and wine tasting , but make sure to stroll through the sleepy countryside villages and towns that line the river, too.

2. Unwind in a Natural Geothermal Pool in The Azores

You have to visit The Azores , a series of islands in the heart of the Atlantic that belong to Portugal. While this might be considered an entirely different trip to the Portuguese mainland, a guide to exploring Portugal would be incomplete without it.

Sete Cidades Azores Portugal

Other than lounging on beaches and enjoying the adrenaline-packed adventures the islands are known for, soaking in a natural hot spring is a must-do here. The Poca da Dona Beija is a hot springs facility with five thermal pools set amongst a tropical landscape. Sign me up!

4. Kayak Under the Benagil Sea Cave

One of Portugal’s most exquisite natural phenomena, Benagil Sea Cave, is a massive cave along the rugged Algarve coastline. Only accessible from the water, you can swim or rent a kayak and paddle into the cave from the shore, passing through a natural opening.

Secret Algarve Benagil Caves

Once in the cave, you’ll be rewarded with otherworldly scenery made up of a massive natural domed ceiling opening up into a near-perfect skylight of blue sky.

4. Experience the Magic of Fado Music in Alfama, Lisbon

You’re undoubtedly going to visit Lisbon if you head to Portugal solo and there are so many things to do here.

trams crossing paths on a steep street in Lisbon, Portugal

The faint sound of Fado music can be heard in just about any big city in Portugal, but the traditional music genre traces back to the 1820s in the capital of Lisbon. Head to the Alfama district to soak up the bittersweet sounds typical of the sorrowful musical genre. 

There are plenty of restaurants and bars that organize performances of the melancholic music in the Alfama neighborhood, where it was supposedly born. 

5. Cruise Through Aveiro on a Moliceiro Boat

The historical Aveiro is known as the Venice of Portugal, for good reason. The west-coast city is set along a lagoon called the Ria de Aveiro, which is known for its intricate network of canals and colorful boats. 

Exploring the city from a traditional Moliceiro boat tour is an incredible way to absorb the colorful pastel-hued buildings and unique art nouveau architecture that dominates the city. Just across the lagoon, the Sao Jacinto is a nature reserve that will make you feel a world away from the historic city.

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One of the most important things in life is to be happy spending time alone. I’ve often found that I spent less time alone than expected when traveling solo in Portugal. 

Whether alone or with a new friend you’ve made along the way, here are five places you just can’t miss as you journey around Portugal:

Going to Porto was one of the best experiences I’ve had as a solo traveler. It’s safe (even as a solo female), accommodation is affordable, and the food scene is off the charts. It’s also super walkable, which, in my eyes, takes any city to the next level of awesome.

The city has a unique vibe that sets it apart from other Portuguese cities. The historic center is dotted with authentic Portuguese buildings, tiled buildings, and winding cobblestone streets, with a different hipster coffee shop or rooftop terrace around every corner. 

Porto historic city

First on your agenda, stroll along the Ribeira, which is the historical center and a well-earned UNESCO World Heritage Site. The riverside streets adjacent to the Duoro River are home to beautiful, colorful homes, street tapas, and authentic streetside restaurants.

While painted tiles scatter the country, Porto is the best place to check out the Azulejos. Check out the Igreja do Carmo and Igreja de Santo Ildefonso churches for some epic blue and white tile art. Some even date back as far as the 16th century.

Decked out with art and surrounded by galleries and museums, Gallery Hostel Porto is the place to stay for budget culture vultures. Mingle with other guests on the summer terrace or winter garden and dig into nightly Portuguese family-style meals.

A few days in Lisbon will leave you head over heels in love with the city. Trust me, this is one of those cities you could visit year after year and never tire of. The colorful city is friendly and welcoming and has a unique history packed with beautiful buildings and parks to show for it. Not to mention, the lively art and culture scene. 

Best of all, Lisbon is safe AND one of the most affordable cities to travel in Europe. Here, Portugal solo travelers can really experience the lifestyle, food, and culture without breaking the bank. 

A tram coming down a street in Lisbon, Portugal

First things first, spend some time wandering the narrow alleyways and hilly cobblestone streets. You never know what cute cafe or magnificent church might await you beyond every corner.

Take a ride on the iconic Tram 28, which passes through the historic neighborhoods of Alfama and Graca. Grab a bite to eat at one of the stalls at Time Out Market Lisbon, and end your day with cocktails on one of the city’s many rooftop terraces.

I’ve had more fun at YES! Lisbon Hostel than I can remember at any other hostel. One of the most social backpackers in the city, it’s also super central and fitted with comfortable and clean rooms. Highly recommend!

Faro, The Algarve

Traveling around the Algarve alone is a dream come true. It’s safe, welcoming, and packed with adventures. Most specifically, the city is a sanctuary for nature lovers and adventure-seekers, but that isn’t to say there isn’t something for the culture fan and history buff, too.

Faro is the capital of the Algarve and one of the biggest cities in the area. Make time for all the best things to do and places to explore such as indulging in local seafood restaurants and visiting the historical side of the city.

Carvoeiro Beach Algarve

The city is set amongst some of the country’s most spectacular coastal scenery, with steep, colorful cliffs, neverending beaches, and calm, warm seas. Oh, and Faro has over 300 days of sunshine each year. As you might expect, beach days are a must, and I could have easily spent days on end exploring different beaches, coves, and rocky outcrops. 

A traditional Portuguese villa in the heart of The Algarve’s capital, there are few places as atmospheric as Casa d’Alagoa . With organized sangria and BBQ nights and world-class local hospitality, you’ll walk away with plenty of new besties after traveling solo in Portugal’s Faro.

Lagos, The Algarve

A thriving town in The Algave’s western region, Lagos is a sanctuary for surfers, kayakers, and stand-up paddleboarders. It’s an ocean lovers’ dream, with coastal sites and gorgeous views from just about every point in town. 

If possible, Lagos comes even more alive at night. A huge nightlife scene and a calendar always packed with social events, music shows, live sports, and theatrical performances – there is always something to do once the sun sets.

Lagos Portugal

Driving is the best way to get around The Algarve, but if you don’t feel comfortable renting a car and navigating foreign roads alone, there are also plenty of bus and train options to get from A to B. Take note: accommodation is slightly pricier in Lagos, but that isn’t to say you can’t visit here on a budget.

Made for the solo traveler who likes to party, Cloud 9 Hostel is located right in the heart of Lagos’s historic center, close to the beaches and the revered city nightlife we love Lagos for. Enjoy sundowners overlooking the sea from the rooftop terrace, prepare a family meal with new friends in the kitchen, and enjoy movie nights together.

Just a short drive or train ride from Lisbon, Cascais is a small beach town with an exciting history. Sure, the coastal town is known for its sandy beaches, picturesque fishing port, and perfectly maintained buildings, but it’s also home to the medieval Nossa Senhora de Luz Fort and the Citadel Palace.

Between beach days, spend your time exploring the iconic forts, palaces, and museums. Throw in some freshly caught local seafood, and we have ourselves a winning location for solo travel in Portugal.

Boca do Inferno in Cascais Portugal

Visit the Boca do Inferno for a slice of natural heaven, and grab a bite to eat at the Mercado da Vila – the perfect day in Cascais. Another great thing about this town is that it’s just a short distance from Sintra, where you can visit multiple palaces, castles, and medieval ruins on a day trip.

Designed to feel like home away from home, Ljmonade Hostel is nestled in a residential street in the heart of the old city. Other than the grand house, the hostel organizes hikes, surfing, paddling, yoga, diving, and horseriding adventures, along with family dinners. You won’t even need to try to be social here, and you will still leave with new friends.

Having the right apps for travel makes your life a whole lot easier. Here are some of my personal favs.

  • Hostelworld : The top accommodation application for finding hostels
  • Couchsurfing : To connect with locals renting out cheap (or even free) accommodation. Not advised for solo female travelers in Portugal .
  • and Airbnb : Your go-to apps for finding hotels, bed and breakfasts, and self-catering rentals
  • GetYourGuide and Viator : Tour applications to find tours and experiences in the area. Make sure to check the reviews
  • Tinder, Bumble, Hinge : Dating apps with a ‘friend mode’ to help you meet people in your vicinity
  • Travello : To connect with other travelers visiting the same place as you
  • TravelSmart : A safety precaution with relevant embassy information, national holiday alerts, and other safety features
  • Bolt : Portugal’s equivalent to Uber
  • DeepL : Translate: Break the language barrier between Portuguese and English
  • The Fork : For finding the best-reviewed restaurants and to make reservations
  • Too Good To Go : Reduces food waste by filling your tummy with discounted restaurant food
  • Holafly : An e-SIM application that allows you to download a data-only SIM card without installing a physical card. Learn more about the best SIM card deals for Portugal .

If meeting like-minded travellers is your goal, check out the current popular Facebook groups for travellers in Portugal.

photo of a person holding a smartphone with Holafly logo

Stop stressing about your phone service when you travel abroad.

Holafly is a digital SIM card that works smoothly like an app — you simply pick your plan, download it, and voilà!

Roam around Europe, but leave the roaming charges for the n00bies.

Maintaining a good awareness of your surroundings is essential when traveling solo. It’s always better to be safe and cautious rather than sorry. Learning how to travel safely is of paramount importance – wherever you go!

As always, busy tourist centers are often the target of petty crime. Hold onto your bags and use a money belt when using public transport. Always keep your valuables out of sight (or leave them at home altogether).

There are a few scams around. Make sure to use well-marked bank-affiliated ATMs and be aware of accommodation scams while traveling solo in Portugal. 

As a solo female traveler in Portugal, try to stay in a group at night or stick to well-lit areas that are considered safe. Remember – there is safety in numbers. Keep an eye on your drinks, and never accept anything from a stranger. Use marked official cabs or Bolt. You know the drill – trust your instincts.

Old town Lisbon view

  • Book yourself into hostels for at least half of the nights you plan to spend in Portugal. This is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to meet other tourists.
  • Sun Lovers Hostel in Albufeira has all the luxuries of a hotel, with the vibe of a hostel. It’s just a short stroll from the party street and hosts BBQ nights, pizza nights, and beer pong events. One of the most vibey hostels in Faro, Casa Da Madalena is a rebuilt authentic Portuguese house with a staff made up of well-traveled locals and ex-pats. Making friends has never been so easy.
  • Sure, group tours might not be your thing, but there is no denying the benefits of meeting other travelers on a tour.
  • Plan your trip yourself. While others’ advice, online itineraries, and local knowledge provide a good guideline, you should always make sure to design your itinerary based on what you want to see and how you want to spend your time.
  • Take the time to understand the local religion and culture. Locals are always appreciative and more open with those who are respectful. A top Portuguese solo travel tip is to learn a few Portuguese words.
  • Prepare for all weather conditions. Depending on where you are and the time of year, the weather in Portugal can change quickly.
  • Socialise, but appreciate your own space and time. Traveling alone can be lonely at times and rewarding at others. Make the most of this alone time to spend learning about yourself.
  • Organise travel insurance. Make sure you have insurance to cover injuries, illness, lost baggage, and flight cancellations and delays.

ALWAYS sort out your backpacker insurance before your trip. There’s plenty to choose from in that department, but a good place to start is Safety Wing .

They offer month-to-month payments, no lock-in contracts, and require absolutely no itineraries: that’s the exact kind of insurance long-term travellers and digital nomads need.

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SafetyWing is cheap, easy, and admin-free: just sign up lickety-split so you can get back to it!

Click the button below to learn more about SafetyWing’s setup or read our insider review for the full tasty scoop.

Portugal peak

  • Go on a pub crawl or food tour : Whether organized by your hostel or externally, I’ve always found pub crawls and food tours to be one of the best ways to socialize. Let’s be honest: is there a better way to meet and mingle with new friends than over an ice-cold beer or plate of food?
  • Stay in a hostel : As mentioned, this is a sure way to meet other travelers, those traveling solo, in particular . Most hostels have common areas like bars and restaurants and also organize tours for guests to join in on.
  • Use social media for what it was designed for : Open yourself up to new friendships (in a safe environment) using connections from mutual friends you know from home. Facebook groups and Instagram pages often advertise events and festivals happening in each city.
  • Attend local cultural events : Check the calendar for any Portuguese festivals or celebrations. An important Portugal solo travel tip: these events are usually attended by locals and tourists and can be a great way to meet people while also learning a thing or two about the local culture.
  • Volunteer : Not only will you be making a tangible change and giving back to a community, but volunteering in Portugal is one of the best ways to meet other travelers. Why not try teaching English in Portugal !?
  • Commit to a membership at a club : Especially if you’re in a place for more than a week, join a gym, yoga studio, or shared office space to meet people with similar interests in the area.
  • Take advantage of shared spaces : Open yourself up to new communities by spending time in social bars and coffee shops. This is especially convenient if you’re a digital nomad.

Portugal is one of my favorite places in the world. It’s a dream come true for all types of travelers but is particularly wonderful for solo female adventurers. 

Why is it such a top contender for solo travel, you ask? Well, other than an exquisite natural landscape and a history spanning millennia, it’s also relatively safe. Oh, and it’s an incredibly affordable option compared with the rest of Western Europe. 

Speak no Portuguese? No worries, English is super widely spoken, and friendly locals will almost always be willing to help you when needed. It’s this kindness and local warmth that makes it easy to navigate the country solo. Even as a solo traveler, you’ll never truly be alone while traveling Portugal. 

The combination of cultural heritage, exciting history, and natural wonder make it the perfect location for solo travel in Portugal . Hopefully, this guide will help you plan your itinerary, have a good idea of where you want to go and what you want to see, and understand basic safety advice. 

A person looking out over Lisbon, Portugal

Darren Griffiths

Solo Travel in Portugal Pinterest Image

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Experts Say This is the Safest City in Mexico for Travelers in 2024

I ’ve lived in Mexico since 2018, and have traveled to more than half the states in the country — and I’m about to share my knowledge of the safest city in Mexico with you.

It’s Merida, Mexico, which is located in the Yucatan Peninsula. As I lived in Merida for many years , you’re getting my first-hand knowledge here, in addition to stats and facts from expert sources.

This article will highlight everything you need to know about Merida, from the Merida crime rates and statistics, to how to get there, and some things to do in Merida once you arrive.

Think of this as your Ultimate Guide to the Safest City in Mexico — so let’s get to it!

What you need to know about the safest city in Mexico

Located in the Yucatan Peninsula, one of the safest parts of Mexico, Merida consistently ranks as the safest place to travel in Mexico — and has for some time.

In fact, Merida is considered the safest place in Mexico to vacation in the entire peninsula.

It is the capital of Yucatán State, which is one of the only two Mexico states that seems to never have any U.S. State Department travel warnings .

Furthermore, many say Merida is definitively the safest place to live in Mexico (or one of the safe places to live in Mexico).

As I lived in Merida for many years, I know this to be true first-hand — but so do many others.

  • In 2019, CEOWorld Magazine declared it the second safest city on the entire Americas Continent.
  • In 2019, Merida was named the Best Small City in the World in the Condé Nast Traveler’s Readers’ Choice Awards.
  • In 2021, CEOWorld Magazine readers also voted Merida #3 on their Best Small Cities in the World list.
  • In 2022, Merida was named the #4 Best City in the World in the Condé Nast Traveler’s Readers’ Choice Awards.

What are the crime rates in Merida Mexico?

Wondering, What city in Mexico is considered safest with the lowest crime rate?

When it comes to bigger cities in Mexico with a population of one million-plus, it’s Merida, hands down!

Merida is known as many things, including the Cultural Capital of Yucatan , and the safest Mexican city.

It consistently ranks as both the safest city to visit in Mexico, and safest place for expats to live in Mexico.

As you can see in the infographic above, there’s not much crime in Merida — though of course, crimes of opportunity and petty crimes do happen from time to time.

You’ll want to be mindful of your belongings at all times, just as you would anywhere else. In crowded places, things like pickpocketing can happen, though it’s rare.

Is there a U.S. State Department travel advisory for Merida right now? 

For the most accurate answer, visit the U.S. State Department website to see if they have any current Merida travel warnings.

They usually don’t, but this site is the best way to stay up-to-date with the most accurate information possible regarding Mexico travel advisories.

Merida Mexico Travel Warnings

On the U.S. State Department site , you’ll see each of the 32 Mexico states ranked in one of these four categories:

  • 🛑 Level 4 (Highest Level): Do Not Travel (Highest Level)
  • ⚠️ Level 3: Reconsider Travel
  • ⚠️ / ✅ Level 2: Exercise Increased Caution When Traveling
  • ✅ Level 1 (Lowest Level): Exercise Normal Precautions When Traveling

What state is Merida located in?

Merida is in Yucatan State , which is generally at a Level 1 Warning.

This is the lowest warning level the U.S. State Department issues, and it means “Exercise Normal Precautions When Traveling” — which is what you’d do anywhere.

For perspective, some other Level 1 travel destinations include Australia, Japan, Iceland and Fiji.

Now ask yourself: Would I be scared to travel to Fiji?  How about Australia or Japan?

Of course you wouldn’t — and you might have even laughed at those questions.

So what’s the verdict on Merida Mexico travel safety? In general, Merida is a popular region in Mexico for Americans, as it’s a clean and safe city in the Yucatan.

As with any major tourist town, you will need to exercise some level of caution in Cancun, Mexico — but nothing major.

If you remain aware of yourself, your surroundings and your belongings, you can easily have a safe Cancun trip like the many other visitors just like you.

Where is Merida Mexico located?

Merida is located in Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula. This is a three-state region in the southeastern part of the country.

It includes Quintana Roo State (home to Cancun, Tulum and Playa del Carmen), Campeche State, and Yucatan State. Merida is the capital city of this state.

Is there an airport in Merida Mexico?

Yes — Manuel Crescencio Rejón International Airport, better known as Merida International Airport (code: MID), is located near downtown.

The best, safest and most hassle way to get from the airport to your hotel is by booking this Private Merida Airport Shuttle .

  • Merida Airport to Downtown Distance : 5 miles (8 km); 25 minutes
  • Merida Airport to North Merida Distance : 13 miles (20 km); 40 minutes

What are the best things to do in Merida?

There are so many amazing things to do in Merida , which is a great city to explore Mexico’s rich Mayan history and traditions.

Just outside of the city, you have numerous Merida day trips to places like Valladolid and Izamal (two Mexico pueblos magicos ), as well as beaches, ruins and cenotes.

Here are a few articles that will help you discover the must see Merida sites, located both in the city and just outside of it:

  • 15 Amazing Mayan Ruins Near Merida
  • 30 Best Merida Cenotes You Must Visit
  • Best Merida Mexico Beaches in the Yucatan
  • 11 Best Merida to Chichen Itza Tours
  • 12 Top Rated Tours in Merida Mexico
  • Best Museums in Merida Mexico

Ready to book your Merida trip?

Head here to get your FREE DOWNLOAD — 6 Things You Need to Know Before You Go to Merida — and here are some helpful tips and guides to the safest town in Mexico:

  • Book the Best Merida Hotels here
  • Find the Best Merida Tours here
  • For even more info on safety, check out Is Merida Mexico Safe for Travelers?

Given the negative perception of Mexico as a whole, I hope this article was able to shine a light on the safest city in Mexico.

However, from my personal experience living in Mexico since 2018, there are MANY other safe places in Mexico too.

Wondering, What's the safest city in Mexico? This article tells you what it is, how to get there, and what to do when you go to this safest Mexico city.

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Solo holidays.

Solo holidays are a great way to explore the world and meet new friends in the process. If your friends and family are unable to join you on your dream holiday, don’t let that stop you. This is what Travel Department’s solo holidays have been designed for.

Escorted Holidays for Single Travellers

Our escorted holidays for single travellers enable you to experience the countries you want to whilst removing the stress of planning. We take care of all the organising, including return flights, transfers, accommodation and excursions in the company of an expert local guide; so, you can spend more time enjoying the destination.

Solo travel doesn’t mean you have to be alone. There's nothing like globetrotting for breaking down barriers and bringing people together. As part of our solo travel groups, you will tour with a like-minded group of people, sharing wonderful experiences, creating memories that will last forever.

For our independent female travellers, you will have peace of mind that wherever in the world we visit. Safety is paramount, and our local guides will be there to help should you need any assistance.

From European favourites to curated city breaks , further afield to China or a cultural haven like Barcelona, we provide a variety of solo travel tours for you to choose from. If the dates for our solo holidays from the UK do not suit, we have many solo travellers joining us on our regular tours, so do check them too. If you have any queries regarding Travel Department solo holidays, see our FAQs below for more information.

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Why join one of our solo holidays.

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Travel Solo, But Not Alone

There's nothing like travel for breaking down barriers and bringing people together. On our group holidays , you can travel solo, but you will never be alone. You’ll travel with a group of like-minded people, sharing wonderful experiences and creating memories that will last forever. At the start of our trip, a ‘welcome’ drink or meal is always included, so you’ll be able to meet people straight away. We’ll also have plenty of leisure time to venture out with our newfound friends to see more incredible sights.

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The Best Locations

We offer escorted tour holidays for solo travellers holidays to some of the world’s best destinations including European favourites Italy and Germany as well as exotic locations like China. Whether you’re looking for a City Break to Prague , a getaway to the Algarve Coast or a River Cruise along the Nile , we’re sure to have something that suits your taste. Join us as we explore the Taj Mahal on a solo trip to India or take in the highlights of Salvador Dali’s artwork on our escorted tours for single travellers to Barcelona .

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Perfectly Planned Holidays For Over 50s

We’ve been planning holidays for solo travellers for over 25 years, so it’s safe to say we know what makes a great tour. We’ll do the thinking, the planning and the checking, letting you skip the search for the best routes or accommodation and focus on what really matters, embarking on the trip of a lifetime. Whether you’re interested in taking a River Cruise on the Danube, a trip to the vineyards of South Africa or a beach holiday to Malta, we’ll take care of all the arrangements.

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Insights From Expert Guides

On each of our solo holidays, you'll be accompanied by a local, expert guide who is ready to help uncover a wealth of knowledge at your chosen destination. Offering unique insights that aren’t found in a guidebook; our local experts will help enrich the journey and unlock some hidden gems as well as the iconic sights. Our guides will also provide tips and recommendations based on individual interests for what to do during any free time.

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Experience one of our solo holidays for over 50s

Don’t worry if you don’t have a travel companion, you aren’t the only one! Our solo holidays are created to ensure you have an unforgettable experience in the company of like-minded people. At the start of our guided holiday, a ‘welcome’ drink or meal is always included, so we’ll be able to meet our fellow travellers from the outset.

On our solo holidays, we’ll see so much more with the help of local, expert guides who will be with us throughout our entire trip.

They’ll also offer suggestions and tips based on your interests, so we get the most out of our leisure time. Many of our solo travellers become friends and travel together again on another one of our holidays. So, if you like the idea of a group shared experience and want to explore some of the most incredible places, our solo holidays may be the perfect option for you.

Solo Travel Holiday FAQs

Is there a single supplement.

On our solo tours the advertised price is inclusive of the single supplement. For our regular tours, where solo travellers are always welcome to join, a single supplement will be applied.

Do I need to share a room?

During your holiday, you will have privacy, as we understand that it is just more convenient and comfortable to have your own hotel room.

Is a solo traveller holiday expensive?

It’s a more economical way to travel as being on a group tour is usually cheaper than travelling on your own, as costs are shared, and we can negotiate special group deals on hotels or attractions.

Is it lonely being on a solo traveller holiday?

No, group travel is ideal for solo travellers. It gives them the opportunity to meet a group of like-minded independent travellers interested in exploring their chosen destination.

What kind of people go on solo traveller tours?

People travel independently for various reasons and a popular misconception is that solo travel is only for single people. Solo travellers have different backgrounds and interests, but they all share the same interest - a passion to explore the world.

What is the average age group of a Travel Department solo holiday?

The average age range of the group is usually people in their 50s upwards.

Where are the best destinations for solo travellers?

The best destinations for single travellers over 50 can be anywhere when you take a holiday with us! You’ll be accompanied by an experienced guide with local contacts and insider knowledge, which will give peace of mind, particularly when travelling to more exotic destinations where the tourist infrastructure is less developed.

What if there is an emergency?

We have local representatives in all of our destinations who are available 24/7 as well as an emergency contact number for our offices in Ireland should you ever need it.

Reviews, Travel Tips & Advice To Inspire Your Next Solo Travel Holiday

Special interests, why you should take a solo traveller holiday.

  • Georgina Willcox
  • 26 April 2021


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Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

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At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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  1. Solo Holidays 2023

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  2. Ten Safety Tips for Solo Travelers

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  3. Solo Holidays 2024

    travel department solo

  4. Everything You Need to Know About Solo Travel

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  5. The Ultimate Guide To Solo Travel

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  6. Top 6 Benefits of Solo Travel

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  1. Solo Holidays 2024

    If you have any queries regarding Travel Department solo holidays, see our FAQs below for more information. Read More Less. Rated Excellent 4.7 out of 5. Based on over 4,000 reviews on . Select one of our escorted holidays for single travellers. From. €1,799pp. Italy. Discover Sicily - Solo Traveller

  2. Solo Holiday to Tuscany with Flights, Transfers & 4* Hotel

    4. Half Board. Flights &. Transfers. Discover Tuscany on a guided solo traveller holiday & uncover Italy's most famous region. Meet other like-minded solo travellers & enjoy the comfort of your very own hotel room. Spend 7 nights in Montecatini, a scenic town surrounded by natural thermal springs. Visit the capital of the Renaissance on a day ...

  3. Malta Short Break

    Malta Short Break - Solo Traveller. Visit Malta for a sightseeing & relaxing escape on our 4-night guided s olo traveller holiday. Experience a full day guided tour of Malta & discover the island's highlights. Discover Malta's capital by water on a half day cruise through Valletta's two natural harbours. Enjoy free time at leisure to see ...

  4. Why you should take a solo traveller holiday

    Enjoy Time for Yourself. You will have the comfort and convenience of staying in your very own hotel room during your holiday. For those looking for some 'me-time,' our solo tours typically offer plenty of free time to go it alone. During your time at leisure, you have the freedom to do your own exploration, see the sights you want to see ...

  5. The Ultimate Solo Travel Guide: Travel Alone & Love It

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    Be aware of your surroundings: Pay attention to your surroundings at all times and be mindful of any suspicious behavior or potential danger. 9. Avoid traveling alone at night: It's best to avoid walking around alone at night, especially in unfamiliar places. If possible, stick to well-lit and busy areas. 10.

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    Santa Fe, New Mexico. Solo travelers seeking clear skies and a laid-back trip should consider visiting Santa Fe. Offering more than 320 days of sunshine per year and plenty of things to do, this ...

  8. Solo Holidays

    Book Solo Holidays Online, Singles Holidays from Ireland & UK. Explore the world with likeminded people. Enjoy 'me' time with your own hotel room. From Nice to Cape Town. Perfectly planned itineraries. Holiday Types. Solo Travel.

  9. Top 10 Solo Holidays and Solo Travel Tips

    Adult-only hotels or hostels are a great way to meet solo travellers. If it is your first time to travel solo, choose a hotel or apartment with cooking facilities. While I recommend getting outside your comfort zone and dining in a restaurant alone, if you want a night in, a kitchen can be handy. 2. Check local events.

  10. Solo holidays in 2024 & 2025

    Solo holidays Holidays for singles & solo travellers in 2024 & 2025. There are many reasons to recommend holidays for singles, not least the fact that you can easily join a small group which will likely have a number of other people travelling solo as well.

  11. Travel Department

    Every holiday is accompanied by a passionate local guide and designed to offer authentic, unique experiences. Visit TD active Holidays. Yoga Retreats. Active Holidays. Photography Holidays. Walking Holidays. Tailored Groups. Camino Tours. With over 25 years' experience designing holidays for the curious, we are Travel Experts in guided group ...

  12. Solo Adventure Holidays 2024/25

    Stay Your Way. We now offer two ways to stay on our Solo Traveller Holidays: on your own or with a fellow solo traveller. Choose our Solo Twin Share option to share a room with a fellow solo traveller of the same gender. This option provides great value as you can say goodbye to compulsory single supplements.

  13. Travel for Solo Travellers

    Solo Travel To Thailand Solo Travel To Croatia Solo Travel To Japan Solo Travel To Costa Rica Solo Travel To Australia. Speak To Our Team. Anna; Livvy; Callum; Speak To Our Team. Call or email our expert team to find out more and help with ideas and planning. Enquire Now +44 (0)208 004 8886.

  14. EPIC Guide to Solo Travel in USA

    The Best Travel Apps for Solo Travel in the USA. Solo traveling can feel hectic, but with a few good travel apps, getting around will be easy, breezy, and beautiful. Here are my top apps for traveling solo in the USA…. - Hostels aren't extremely popular in the US, so I highly recommend using to book your travels.

  15. TD active Holidays

    TD a ctive Holidays is a collection of adventure holidays full of amazing activities. Irish Owned and Operated, our holidays range from walking, yoga and photography to our Explore range of exciting small group tours. We take all the stress out of planning your adventure, taking care of everything from flights, transfers and accommodation to ...

  16. Solo Travel in Portugal

    1. Sip on Portuguese Port Wine in The Duoro Valley. The Duoro Valley is one of the most beautiful parts of the Duoro River. While traveling solo in Portugal, take a trip to the winding terraced vineyards that produce the country's beloved sweet port wine.The only place in the world where port is legally produced, there is a lot to learn about this generations-old grape blend and fermentation ...

  17. Solo travel, US State Department's Reconsider Travel Warning

    Reply to: Solo travel, US State Department's Reconsider Travel Warning. Your message. Read our community guidelines. Get notified by e-mail when a reply is posted. Preview. Jamaica forums . Jamaica forums . All forums . Get answers to your questions about Jamaica . Ask a question Recent Conversations.


    Elektrostal Hotel, Elektrostal: See 25 traveler reviews, 44 candid photos, and great deals for Elektrostal Hotel, ranked #1 of 2 B&Bs / inns in Elektrostal and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  19. THE BEST Things to Do in Monino

    Things to Do in Monino, Russia: See Tripadvisor's 294 traveler reviews and photos of Monino tourist attractions. Find what to do today, this weekend, or in September. We have reviews of the best places to see in Monino. Visit top-rated & must-see attractions.

  20. Experts Say This is the Safest City in Mexico for Travelers in 2024

    Story by Travel Mexico Solo • 2d I 've lived in Mexico since 2018, and have traveled to more than half the states in the country — and I'm about to share my knowledge of the safest city in ...

  21. Solo Holidays

    The Best Locations. We offer escorted tour holidays for solo travellers holidays to some of the world's best destinations including European favourites Italy and Germany as well as exotic locations like China. Whether you're looking for a City Break to Prague, a getaway to the Algarve Coast or a River Cruise along the Nile, we're sure to ...


    Alliance, Zheleznodorozhny: See traveler reviews, candid photos, and great deals for Alliance, ranked #1 of 2 B&Bs / inns in Zheleznodorozhny and rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  23. Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

    Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar ...