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  • Mirror Universe

USS Defiant (NCC-1764)

The USS Defiant (NCC-1764) was a 23rd century Federation Constitution -class starship operated by Starfleet . It was the first of three known Federation starships to bear the name Defiant .

  • 1 Service history
  • 2 Mirror universe
  • 3 Personnel
  • 4.1 Appearances
  • 4.2.1 Origins
  • 4.2.2 Studio model
  • 4.2.3 Props
  • 4.3 Apocrypha
  • 4.4 External links

Service history [ ]

Built at Tranquility Base , Luna , the Defiant was named in honor of the British warship HMS Defiant . ( ENT : " In a Mirror, Darkly " set decoration )

In 2256 , the Defiant was assigned to patrol Sector 006 during the Federation-Klingon War . ( DIS : " Despite Yourself ")

In 2268 , the Defiant responded to a distress call in the unexplored Tholian sector , which was claimed by the Tholian Assembly . Shortly after entering the region, the Defiant 's crew began experiencing sensory distortion, and insanity quickly spread throughout the ship. The ship's chief medical officer was unable to determine what was happening, and eventually the insanity induced by the phenomenon led the crew to kill each other.

USS Defiant NCC-1764 plaque

The Defiant 's dedication plaque

USS Defiant (NCC-1764) bridge, behind-the-scenes

Main bridge of the Defiant (2268)

Three weeks later, Starfleet ordered the USS Enterprise to mount a search and rescue mission to locate the Defiant . On stardate 5693.2 , the Enterprise located the Defiant , only to find it trapped between universes in a space warp. The Enterprise 's instruments recorded that space itself was literally breaking up, the result of a previously unknown phenomenon known as a spatial interphase . An Enterprise boarding party beamed aboard the Defiant and discovered signs of mutiny and insanity – the captain 's neck was broken and his crew was dead.

At that time the Defiant was visible in the "prime universe" while in the interphase. Later, as a result of a phaser exchange between the Enterprise and the Tholians , a hole was created through the spatial interphase. The Defiant was pushed through the hole to parts unknown and in the process trapping Captain James T. Kirk between universes. Captain Kirk was eventually saved when the Enterprise , encased in a Tholian web , entered the interphase and, upon utilizing full power, was thrown clear of the region while Kirk was locked in the transporter beam. ( TOS : " The Tholian Web ")

Mirror universe [ ]

USS Defiant in Tholian drydock, 2155

The Defiant being held by the Tholians

During the 22nd century , the Tholians of the mirror universe created an interphasic rift by detonating a tri-cobalt warhead within the gravity well of a dead star , and sent the distress call which lured the Defiant from its native universe to the "mirror" Tholians' own universe—the ship traveling not just from one universe to another but backwards in time as well. Soon after, the Tholians took the Defiant to a drydock built into an asteroid - moon in orbit around a gas giant in the Vintaak system and began a salvage operation. This operation was reported to Commander Jonathan Archer of the ISS Enterprise NX-01 through his contacts shortly thereafter. Archer and the ISS Enterprise were eventually ordered by Admiral Black to investigate. ( ENT : " In a Mirror, Darkly ")

Arriving in the system, Enterprise was destroyed by a Tholian web shortly after beaming an away team over consisting of Archer, Commander T'Pol , Commander Tucker , Lieutenant Reed , and Sergeant Travis Mayweather . They were able to escape by restoring the partially-deconstructed Defiant 's shields and weapons, and destroyed the drydock.

At first, the Defiant could only reach impulse speeds because a Tholian slavemaster , a Gorn named Slar , had stolen a plasma regulator , one of the key components of the warp engines. After Archer trapped and killed the Gorn, Tucker was able to restore warp drive.

USS Defiant (NCC-1764) at warp

The Defiant at warp

The USS Defiant then rendezvoused with the remnants of a Terran assault fleet still engaged with rebel forces . Two Andorian battle cruisers , one Vulcan D'kyr -type cruiser , and one Tellarite cruiser disabled the Terran ship ISS Avenger NX-09 . Boasting 23rd-century technology from its native universe that outclassed the 22nd-century capabilities of the opposing force, Defiant easily destroyed all the rebel ships except one Andorian cruiser, which Archer intentionally allowed to escape.

After seeing how Archer had treated the rebel Vulcans, and learning of the existence of the United Federation of Planets in the other universe, T'Pol and Crewman Soval tried to sabotage the Defiant with Doctor Phlox 's help. When Phlox disabled main power, the Defiant was left defenseless, and Avenger , commandeered by Soval and other non-Terrans, began firing at her. The Defiant received heavy damage until Tucker was able to stop Phlox and restore main power. Archer then ordered the destruction of Avenger . The Defiant 's phasers and photon torpedoes caused heavy damage to Avenger , with the second barrage of photon torpedoes breaching Avenger 's warp reactor, destroying the ship with all hands.

USS Defiant orbiting Earth, 2155

The Defiant in Earth orbit

The Defiant arrived at Earth , now under the command of the self-proclaimed Empress Hoshi Sato . She ordered Admiral Gardner to surrender and stand by for instructions, or she would open fire on Earth. ( ENT : " In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II ")

USS Defiant Terran

Recovered Defiant data with slight variations

Due to its potentially incendiary nature, the exact circumstances of the Defiant 's arrival in the mirror universe (and the universe it came from) remained highly classified . ( DIS : " Vaulting Ambition ")

However, information about the Defiant and its origin in another universe was stolen by rebels fighting the Terran Empire in the early 23rd century . The data was then stored in a computer core aboard a Klingon vessel which was later destroyed in battle and recovered by the crew of the USS Discovery after they crossed over. ( DIS : " Despite Yourself ", " The Wolf Inside ")

Because the Defiant was known to be patrolling sector 006 of Federation space in 2256, the crew of the Discovery correctly theorized that a temporal anomaly may have resulted in the Defiant 's presence in the mirror universe. Captain Gabriel Lorca learned that information pertaining to the Defiant was classified to starship captains and above in the Imperial Starfleet and planned to infiltrate the ISS Shenzhou with Michael Burnham posing as her counterpart , who was captain of the Shenzhou . There they hoped to discover how the Defiant crossed over to the mirror universe and then to utilize that method to return to the prime universe without the use of the Discovery 's spore drive . ( DIS : " Despite Yourself ")

Burnham was able to retrieve some information on the Defiant 's crossover from the Shenzhou , however the information she had access to was heavily redacted. She was able to get the information back to Discovery , where Saru was able to determine from the available data that the Defiant had crossed over due to some sort of interphase. Emperor Philippa Georgiou was the only person in the Empire who had access to all of the data. After Burnham explained what she was looking for and why, Georgiou insisted that the information on the Defiant couldn't help them and revealed to Burnham that the Defiant's crossing through interphasic space not only resulted in a temporal anomaly, but it drove the crew insane, making them tear each other apart. Georgiou expressed surprise that the same fate didn't befall the Discovery crew, but Burnham told her that they had come through a different method. ( DIS : " Vaulting Ambition ")

Personnel [ ]

  • See : USS Defiant (NCC-1764) personnel

Appendices [ ]

Appearances [ ].

  • TOS : " The Tholian Web "
  • " In a Mirror, Darkly "
  • " In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II "
  • DIS : " Despite Yourself " (display graphic)

Background information [ ]

Origins [ ].

The USS Defiant was originally named the "USS Scimitar " in an early draft of the script for "The Tholian Web." ( Star Trek Compendium , et al.) This had been confirmed previously by Greg Jein , who owned all the script drafts written for Star Trek: The Original Series . [1]

The registry number NCC-1764 was originally conceived by Jein in his influential " The Case of Jonathan Doe Starship " article, published in the April 1973 issue 27 of the T-Negative fanzine . It was subsequently adopted by Bjo Trimble in her Star Trek Concordance , FASA 's Star Trek: The Role Playing Game , and ultimately propagated by Michael Okuda 's in his subsequent reference book writings, most notably his Star Trek encyclopedias ( Star Trek Encyclopedia , 1st ed., p. 72, and beyond ). Jein's until-then conjectural ship's registry was elevated to canon for the "In a Mirror, Darkly" episodes in 2005, reaffirmed one year later when the remastered version of the Original Series started its release and where Okuda, then visual effects producer for the project, made use of the opportunity to retcon the registry again onto the ship in the remastered version of "The Tholian Web", after its earlier retcon in "In a Mirror, Darkly" in concordance with the books previously written by Okuda.

In his article incidentally, Greg Jein had already concluded that Defiant must have been a recent class addition in canon as of 2268. Since Jein used the Starbase 11 mission chart seen in TOS : " Court Martial " and the production ship naming memos used by the producers at the start of the Original Series second season as basis for his name/registry pairings, he had to come up with a higher registry for Defiant as that name had not been foreseen yet by the producers at that point in time. Taking both this and Kirk's 2267 "there are only twelve like it in the fleet" remark in TOS : " Tomorrow is Yesterday " into account, this strongly suggested two things according to Jein; firstly, Starfleet changed its nomenclature from Starship-class to Constitution -class during the run of the TOS era (nicely tying in with Scotty keeping abreast by reading Constitution -class technical updates for the ship he is working on in TOS : " The Trouble with Tribbles ", and actually confirmed in canon with the introduction of the Defiant plaque in "In a Mirror, Darkly", which was obscured in its original appearance due to deliberate camera angles as it was, obviously, USS Enterprise 's, then still Starship-class), and secondly, the Defiant belonged to a later batch of Constitutions (supported by the fact she has the highest registry number of all the visually established original configuration Constitutions ). Commissioned somewhere during the TOS era, her career was therefore unfortunately short, at least in Star Trek 's prime universe , or as Jein had succinctly put it, " Tough break ". [2] Defiant being mentioned operational as early in the prime universe Pike-era therefore constitutes a continuity error, if one is to follow Jein's reasoning.

Producer Ted Sullivan has stated on his Twitter account that the Defiant was modified by the Terran Empire and that these changes were reflected in the wireframe model as featured in "Despite Yourself". [3]

Studio model [ ]

USS Defiant undergoing interphase

Original Defiant footage

The footage of the Defiant in the original airing of "The Tholian Web" episode was stock footage of the original Enterprise studio model , adapted in post-production. [4] The CGI model of the Defiant used in Star Trek: Enterprise was wholly built by Koji Kuramura . Nacelles, lighting and certain textures were "tweaked" by Rob Bonchune . The work was done at Eden FX , with reference help from Doug Drexler . [5] In the final draft script for "In a Mirror, Darkly," a note read, " We'll suggest the Defiant is a slightly newer vessel than Kirk’s ship; the exterior shows slightly more detail... intricate hull plating patterns can be visible in reflected light, etc. ", which was reflected as such in Eden's model, and in the process actually subscribing to Jein's theories regarding the later class addition status of the ship.

According to Bonchune, the location of the aft torpedo launcher on the CGI model of the Defiant was " the little round port right between the impulses engines. We tried to make it logical with what existed so we didn't have to make a new hole on the ship. Everyone agreed, except that apparently if you frame by frame it, they actually come from the hangar bay phaser mounts. Someone in the chain either decided against it or didn't know. Even one of the writers was surprised it hadn't been done as discussed. " [6]

Star Trek: Enterprise teleplay writer Michael Sussman noted in his "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II" audio commentary that the aft phasers and torpedoes that the Defiant possessed indicated a variation from its Constitution -class sister ship, the USS Enterprise , as that ship apparently lacks or at least does not make on-screen usage of those weapons. It should be noted, however, that in the original series episodes " Arena ", " Friday's Child ", and " The Doomsday Machine ", verbal reference to the Enterprise 's aft phasers can be heard in a stock voice loop. Additionally, reference to starboard banks is made in " Balance of Terror ", as well as the port weapons mentioned in " Mirror, Mirror ".

Ironically, it was not Eden's model for the Defiant that was used for the 2007 remastered version of the Original Series source episode "The Tholian Web," but rather Petri Blomqvist 's CBS Digital version .

The Defiant 's mission patch was an insignia similar to the pennant on the sides of TOS starships, and seen as a set decoration on starbases of that era. A stylized version of this shape makes up the 2150s Earth Starfleet insignia. Three Defiant insignia badges; one command, one science and one engineering were sold in the 40 Years of Star Trek: The Collection auction for US$550 (US$660 with premium). [7]

A busy box shown on the Defiant in " In a Mirror, Darkly, Part II " was sold in week 1 of the It's A Wrap! sale and auction for US$394.99. [8]

Apocrypha [ ]

USS Defiant AR

A pre-textured version of the alternate reality USS Defiant

During the events of the Glass Empires anthology, the Defiant acted as the flagship for the Terran Empire. It would also serve as the prototype for many other Constitution -class vessels, as well as newer, more advanced designs.

In the Star Trek: SCE novellas Interphase, Book One and Interphase, Book Two, the crew of the USS da Vinci ( β ) rescue the damaged starship Defiant from interphase and the Tholians in the year 2376 ; the novellas were written before "In A Mirror, Darkly" was produced.

In the DC Comics Special #2 (published late 1994 ), the story "Raise the Defiant" tells of the USS Enterprise -A working to recover the Defiant from the Tholian rift during the 2280s to recover a classified phase-inverter capable of detecting cloaked vessels.

On the Star Trek DVD, the special features reveal that the USS Defiant of the alternate reality caused by Nero 's arrival in the 23rd century, while maintaining the same registry, is a Mayflower -type starship.

The 2013 virtual collectible card battle game Star Trek: Rivals has the Defiant on card #91: "NCC-1764 USS Defiant. "

The video game Star Trek Online brings in the Defiant in the Agents of Yesterday mission "Painful Omens." In it, the Defiant is caught up in a two-way battle between the Tholians and the Na'kuhl before the player character enters the fray. When the Tholian Queen, mad with grief and rage, opts to ram her ship into the Na'kuhl dreadnought, the Defiant is caught up in the two ships' destruction, trapping them in the spatial interphase. It is later revealed in the mission "Ragnarok" that the Temporal Liberation Front ( β ) left a message in the Defiant 's computers to contact Admiral Leeta and make her join their cause against the Galactic Union ( β ).

External links [ ]

  • USS Defiant (NCC-1764) at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works
  • USS Defiant at the Star Trek Online Wiki
  • 1 Daniels (Crewman)
  • Cast & crew
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Star Trek: Picard

Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Patrick Stewart, Jeri Ryan, Michelle Hurd, Todd Stashwick, and Ed Speleers in Star Trek: Picard (2020)

Follow-up series to Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) that centers on Jean-Luc Picard in the next chapter of his life. Follow-up series to Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) that centers on Jean-Luc Picard in the next chapter of his life. Follow-up series to Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) and Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) that centers on Jean-Luc Picard in the next chapter of his life.

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Episodes 30

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Gates McFadden

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Stellar Photos From the "Star Trek" TV Universe

Nichelle Nichols and Sonequa Martin-Green at an event for Star Trek: Discovery (2017)

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Did you know

  • Trivia The first season is set in 2399, 20 years after the events of Star Trek: Nemesis (2002) (which was set in the year 2379). Using the Stardate format established in Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987) , this would place the start of the series just after Stardate 76000.
  • Goofs Commodore Oh often wears sunglasses. Star Trek lore establishes that Vulcans have an inner eyelid to protect against harsh sunlight on their desert planet. Oh's shades are a fashion statement, not a protective measure.
  • The first season features a Borg cube and the planet Romulus.
  • The second season features a Borg ship, a wormhole and hourglass, and the Borg Queen's silhouette.
  • The third season does not have an opening titles sequence.
  • Connections Featured in Half in the Bag: Comic Con 2019, The Picard Trailer, Streaming Services, and Midsommar (2019)

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  • January 23, 2020 (United States)
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  • Official site
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  • The Sunstone Villa and Vineyard, Santa Ynes, California, USA (Château Picard)
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Technical specs

  • Runtime 46 minutes
  • Dolby Digital

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Michael Dorn, Jonathan Frakes, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Brent Spiner, LeVar Burton, Patrick Stewart, Jeri Ryan, Michelle Hurd, Todd Stashwick, and Ed Speleers in Star Trek: Picard (2020)

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The Star Trek Story Bridging the Gaps Between Deep Space Nine and Picard

Exclusive: We talked to writer Christopher Cantwell about Star Trek: Defiant, the new series that sends Worf, Ro Laren, and Lore on a dangerous, pre-Picard mission.

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Star Trek: Defiant Comic Cover

When Worf makes his entrance into the third season of Star Trek: Picard , he does so in a flurry of bat’leth and blood. Brutally killing the Ferengi Sneed to rescue Picard’s associate Raffi, Worf enters in a manner becoming of a Klingon warrior. But then, his mood suddenly changes from one of bloodlust to one of enlightened calm, even going so far as to offer Raffi a cup of tea. Clearly, a lot has happened to the Son of Mogh since his time on The Next Generation and Deep Space Nine . And while the penultimate episode of Picard hints toward some of those years (“That was not my fault”), many questions remain.   

A new comic book series from IDW gives us a glimpse of Worf’s life directly after the Dominion War. Star Trek: Defiant is a spin-off from the Star Trek universe comics at IDW, spearheaded by editor Heather Antos and writers Jackson Lanzing and Colin Kelly. The mainline comics follow the USS Theseus, under the command of Captain Ben Sisko , who’s sent back from the Bajoran wormhole by the Prophets to deal with the threat of Kahless II, a clone of the Klingon god. Hoping to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor, Kahless leads a group of followers called the Red Path to destroy the many (many, many) gods and god-like beings in the Trek universe, an action that will surely throw the galaxy into all-out war. 

In Defiant , writer Christopher Cantwell (Marvel’s Iron Man , and co-creator of Halt and Catch Fire ) sends Worf on an unsanctioned mission to deal directly with the threat of Kahless, a decision that comes after finding that his son Alexander has joined the Red Path. With the help of Ambassador Spock, Worf steals the Defiant and goes rogue from Starfleet, joined by an unlikely crew consisting of two characters who recently showed up in Picard — Maquis defector Ro Laren , and Lore, Data’s duplicitous positronic twin —as well as B’Elanna Torres from Voyager .

“What’s great about Picard season three is that we’re able to maybe bridge some of the ‘what was up with so-and-so’ in between,” Cantwell tells Den of Geek . Working with artist Ángel Unzueta, colorist Marissa Louise, and letterer Clayton Cowles, Cantwell gets to “fill in the middle” for Worf, Lore, and Ro before they hit their endpoints in Picard . 

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Most notably, Defiant lays out the earliest moments of Worf’s captaincy in Starfleet, a captaincy that is, in Cantwell’s words, “frayed.” Cantwell points out that Worf’s future in Starfleet was always in question during TNG and DS9 , thanks to his “insubordination and his record versus his loyalty and duty.” Although Sisko goes so far as to tell Worf that his actions mean that he will never be a captain in Starfleet, Defiant gives him that chance. 

And even though he knows Worf doesn’t always make the best decisions, Cantwell remains confident in the Son of Mogh. “Ultimately, my thesis statement for this book is that Worf is an awesome captain,” he says. “The biggest hurdle I think he’s got to overcome is himself.” So while Defiant will show some of Worf’s “missteps” on his way to earning his pips and becoming a Captain , there’s no question about his eventual destination for Cantwell. 

He gets some help along the way from an unlikely ally in Ambassador Spock. Like Worf, Spock is a man of two worlds, a fellow Ambassador struggling to bring together two antagonistic peoples, the Vulcans and the Romulans. But while Spock may have a reputation for impeccable logic and an unimpeachable record in Starfleet, Cantwell wants to remind readers that he’s not nearly as stoic as he likes to portray himself. 

“Spock’s logic is not necessarily, at this point, empirical logic, but Spock’s logic,” says Cantwell. “It’s like a world according to Spock,” who is “so smart that he can maybe justify anything to himself and others.” We see that in Defiant when Spock encourages Worf to defy Starfleet and Sisko to go after Khaless, and to align himself with shifty characters like Ro and Lore. 

And yet, there’s no question that Spock’s influence helps Worf become the man we see in Picard . “Worf has read Spock’s book, The Many and the One ,” Cantwell reminds us. “Worf has studied Spock.” It’s from that perspective that Worf can recognize that his emotions about Alexander’s involvement with Kahless may be clouding his judgment, showing hints of the self-awareness he exhibits in Picard . 

Despite the fact that Defiant fills in certain gaps before Picard , Cantwell is adamant that he did not write the comic with an eye toward the live-action series. He credits Star Trek line editor Heater Antos with serving as the “Section 31” between the comic writers and the live-action writers, making sure that everything lines up. So while it was Cantwell’s idea to add Ro and Lore to Defiant , unaware that they would show up in Picard season three, Antos provided encouragement and direction, allowing the comics to become an unofficial prequel to the series. 

As a result, Defiant not only tells an exciting continuation of Worf’s journey, but also serves as something of a prequel for Picard . By showing how this motley crew of outcasts and opportunists deal with a galaxy-wide threat, Defiant adds shades to characters we thought we knew so well, making their live-action appearances all the more rich and satisfying. 

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Star Trek: USS Defiant, Explained


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At the heart of Star Trek is the will of Starfleet officers to defy the odds when they’re stacked against them, and nothing symbolizes this fighting spirit quite like the USS Defiant. Ships are pivotal to the lofty goals of the Federation. The first crew couldn’t have set out to boldly explore the galaxy without one. Starfleet would never have made First Contact if they lacked the means to even leave Earth in the first place. From scientific missions to duking it out in space for the very soul of galactic democracy, there is no feat that cannot be accomplished with a good engine and an even better warp factor.

But the USS Defiant holds a special place in the heart of many. William T. Riker (Jonathan Frakes) once called it a “tough little ship,” which is both accurate and the understatement of the century. The USS Defiant was indeed tough despite its small size, or maybe even because of it. However, it was also pivotal in various battles fought by the Deep Space 9 crew. It may have been built to withstand all manner of attack, but it was also built to last, and it’s done so long enough to create quite the legacy.

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The USS Defiant Versus the Borg

These days, the USS Defiant is known among Star Trek fans as having been vital during the Dominion War of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . Season 7, episode 8, “The Siege of AR-558,” was only one example of the small ship being taken out on relief missions by officers like Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks), Dr. Julian Bashir (Alexander Siddig), Lt. Commander Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell), and Ensign Nog (Aron Eisenberg).

Despite its successful career, though, the USS Defiant had a rather rocky beginning. It was designed to defend itself in battle after the Borg attacked Federation space. Instead, features provided to make it dangerous to enemies of the Federation only made it a threat to those unfortunate enough to be inside of it when the engines were first tested. This must have been before Chief Miles O’Brien (Colm Meaney) got his capable hands on them.

Features of the USS Defiant

The USS Defiant is designed with a circular body and an elongated front. The battleship is introduced in the season 3 premiere of Deep Space Nine as needing of a lot of internal work. It initially only possesses the basic features, such as deflector shields, photon torpedoes, and a warp drive.

What makes the USS Defiant such a uniquely combat-capable ship , though, is that it's later updated with Ablative armor coating and a cloaking device. The armor coating acts like a shield, but is more able to withstand direct attacks. The cloaking device is a little more controversial, as it was loaned to Starfleet by the Romulan government and its use was limited to the Gamma Quadrant. To be the best, the USS Defiant needed some pretty wicked features, and it got them exactly when the crew needed them most.

The USS Defiant Versus the Maquis

Deep Space Nine wasn’t afraid of hijinks, but it was even less afraid of dealing with complex issues and involving the USS Defiant in the process. The Maquis were determined to remain in their established settlements located in Cardassian-controlled systems.

That’s where the USS Defiant comes in. Season 5, episode 13, “For the Uniform,” marks one of the first times in Star Trek history that a captain is willing to sacrifice living beings to defeat an enemy. Captain Sisko threatens to launch biochemical weapons at a Maquis settlement from the helm of the USS Defiant. Ex-Security Officer / Maquis leader Michael Eddington (Ken Marshall) calls his bluff. But the captain isn’t lying, and he proceeds to follow through. The plan works exactly as Captain Sisko planned, and the leader turns himself in. But one has to wonder if the results of saving Cardassian lives was worth the method.

The USS Defiant Saves the Day

Questionable use aside, the USS Defiant really showed what it could do in the heat of the moment. In season 6 of Deep Space Nine , the chips are down and the Dominion War is continuing to rack up an already-high body count in one of the bloodiest battles in Star Trek . In season 6, episode 6, “Sacrifice of Angels,” Captain Sisko takes the USS Defiant into the Celestial Temple in a desperate attempt to convince the Prophets to provide protection from a Dominion attack. He pleads:

“You want to be Gods? Then be Gods! I need a miracle – Bajor needs a miracle. Stop those ships!”

The Prophets eventually agree but vaguely allude (as they do) to a price he’ll have to pay later on. Before Sisko can find out what that is, he’s transported back to the USS Defiant and then later greeted by grateful Bajorans back on Deep Space 9. This miracle turns the tide of the war in favor of the Federation and its allies, though a full surrender from Dominion forces is a long way coming.

The USS Defiant has played an iconic role in Star Trek history. Its first appearance officially marked the Federation’s willingness to prioritize the needs of a battle over its scientific goals. It has saved lives, and taken them. It has been beaten and defeated almost as much as it’s emerged victorious from bloody battles. The USS Defiant was introduced in Star Trek: First Contact , but earned its pips for its service throughout Deep Space Nine . Star Trek: Prodigy brings the USS Defiant back into action, while Picard sees it finally docked at the Starfleet Fleet Museum run by Commodore Geordi La Forge (LeVar Burton).

The Defiant will probably continue to make appearances for as long as it may be needed, whether it's active among the stars or laid to rest for new generations to learn of its importance in the survival of the Federation. After all these years, it seems like Star Trek just can’t let the USS Defiant go.

MORE: Star Trek: The Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, Explained

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For World Music Day, let's look at how Picard's final score stretches across the entire final frontier, from familiar themes to deep sonic cuts.

Illustration of headphones attached to a music player, both adorned with Star Trek deltas

The music of the Final Frontier is one of the most grounding aspects of the entire Star Trek phenomenon. Rather than sounding overtly futuristic, the musical world Trek has always been the opposite — old-fashioned and classic. When Nicholas Meyer hired James Horner to compose the music for The Wrath of Khan , he asked for a score that was "nautical, but nice." This single phrase perhaps best describes a large swath of famous Star Trek scores; the music is rooted in an antique style, combined with a buoyant sense of optimism. The music of Trek looks forward, partly, by looking back. In real life, Star Trek scores have been played at the commissioning of space shuttles, at least one U.S. Presidential Inauguration , and on March 11, 2024, Jerry Goldsmith's themes from Star Trek: First Contact were played during a ceremony in which Sweden was inducted into NATO.

Sometimes, it seems the classical music of Star Trek is oddly more pervasive in everyday life than Star Trek itself. Yes, there have, of course, been examples of non-classical music in Star Trek ; from Steppenwolf's "Magic Carpet Ride," to Enterprise 's "Faith of the Heart," Kirk blasting The Beastie Boys' "Sabotage," and, in 2023, musical theater and pop stylings throughout " Subspace Rhapsody " in Strange New Worlds . But, for almost six decades, classical scores have been the sonic glue binding the Trek universe together. From Original Series composers like Alexander Courage and Sol Kaplan, to Jerry Goldsmith and James Horner in the classic films, to Dennis McCarthy in The Next Generation era, Michael Giacchino 's scores for the Kelvin Universe films, to Jeff Russo in Discovery and Chris Westlake in Lower Decks , Nami Melumad on Strange New Worlds and Prodigy , each Trek score often contains a piece of another. But, perhaps more than any orchestral Star Trek event to date, the soundtrack for Star Trek: Picard Season 3 bridges various eras simultaneously, but also created edgy, new directions for Trek scores that had never been tried before.

The Picard Season 3 score — composed by Stephen Barton and Frederik Wiedmann— is a rosetta stone of nearly all of Star Trek music, ever. Here's your guide to why this 2023 score is so unique, how it's the perfect place to start your Star Trek musical education, and why, if you haven't already, consider spinning this one on vinyl .

"All Good Things…Must Come To An End"

The original Enterprise-D crew (Deanna, Riker, Picard, Beverly, Worf, Geordi, and Data) sit around the poker table while raising a glass in 'The Last Generation'

"The Last Generation"

While it's somewhat obvious that Star Trek: Picard Season 3 is a direct follow-up to Picard Season 2, a huge thrust of the series is also a coda to the era of The Next Generation TV series and four feature films. So, throughout this score, there are various musical references to the hugely famous main theme from Star Trek: The Next Generation composed by Jerry Goldsmith. But, within this musical cue, there's an Easter egg to 1979. As many fans know, the immortal TNG main theme was actually first composed by Goldsmith for the film Star Trek: The Motion Picture . And while the bombastic march opens that film, and every episode of TNG, a slower more ballatic version of the theme was created for the classic track "The Enterprise ," in which Scotty and Kirk view the newly refitted ship for the first time.

Riker looks over his shoulder to the left towards Picard aboard a shuttlecraft in 'The Next Generation'

'The Next Generation'

In Picard Season 3, this dreamy arrangement of the TNG/TMP theme is on full display in the back-to-back tracks "Hello, Beautiful" and "Leaving Spacedock," in which Picard and Riker take a shuttle to the U.S.S. Titan -A, and we hear the gentle strings of "The Enterprise " from 1979. However, as this musical moment continues, and Commander Seven takes the Titan out of spacedock, a new musical theme emerges, which showrunner Terry Matalas has called " The Titan Theme, " since it plays in many instances in the series that focus on the scrappy starship itself. And yet, by the end of Picard Season 3, the Titan becomes a new version of the Enterprise . So, when Riker and Picard roll-up on the Titan and hear the TNG/TMP main theme, it's not just a neat Easter egg, the music becomes a foreshadowing element that helps tell the story.

Deep Cuts Reveal Myriad Star Trek Legacies

Beverly Crusher at the command center of her medical shuttlecraft in 'The Next Generation'

"The Next Generation"

Just as Beverly Crusher sends Picard a transmission as a myriad codec, the Picard Season 3 soundtrack contains a myriad of references to all sorts of other Star Trek music. Some of these cues are somewhat obvious. The end-credits for the series borrows from the First Contact main themes, first introduced in 1996, while Jeff Russo's arrangement of the TNG main theme, crafted for Picard Season 1 and Season 2, still exists as part of the brief title card at the top of each episode. But, once you start digging into the episode-by-episode tracks, deeper cuts start to reveal themselves, ever so slowly.

In "Old Communicator," ominous woodwinds play as Picard riffles through his stuff, to find his TNG-era red uniform. These notes are reminiscent of Ron Jones' music for " The Best of Both Worlds " in The Next Generation , reminding us of that time Jean-Luc lost a uniform just like this when he was assimilated by the Borg. But, for composers Barton and Wiedmann, this is just the first of many musical cues from the past.

On the bridge of the Titan-A, Jack Crusher and Seven of Nine go through the starships housed at the Fleet Museum in 'The Bounty'

"The Bounty"

When the Titan arrives at the Fleet Museum in the sixth episode, " The Bounty ," we get a track called "Legacies," which has rapid-fire sonic Easter eggs like no other piece of Star Trek music before or since.

As Seven and Jack observe the various ships in the museum, each one gets his own theme; for the Defiant , we hear Dennis McCarthy's main theme for Deep Space Nine , for the movie-era Enterprise -A, an arrangement of the Alexander Courage TOS theme, and as Seven waxes nostalgic about the U.S.S. Voyager , a triumphant and bittersweet rendition of the Jerry Goldsmith main title from Star Trek: Voyager plays. Impressively, these musical cues are packed into three minutes and fifteen seconds, meaning "Legacies," tells the story of four starships, through music, in a very short amount of time.

Did we say four ships? Yes! Because in addition to the Defiant, Enterprise -A, and Voyager , the medley of "Legacies" eventually concludes with Leonard Rosenman's 1986 themes from Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home . And that's because Jack realizes that the captured Klingon Bird-of-Prey, which Bones christened the H.M.S. Bounty all those years ago, has a cloaking device that the crew of the Titan can use. And so, this wonderful nod to Rosenman's music not only references The Voyage Home , but also moves the present tense of the story forward.

That Cinematic Feeling

A Musical Legacy: Scoring the Final Season of Star Trek: Picard

On the liner notes to Picard Season 3, Terry Matalas specifies that the score for this season was designed to remind fans of the big, epic music from the films. Even though this was a season of a TV series, the sound of Picard Season 3 is cinematic. "I knew early on that Picard Season 3 needed to sound like the great Trek film scores that came before it," Matalas writes in the liner notes. "[When] I was five…the track 'The Enterprise ' was imprinted onto my brain."

And so, in collaboration with composers Barton and Wiedemann, Matalas steered the music of Picard Season 3 into a massive tribute to the entirety of previous Star Trek film scores. This was accomplished by the sonic Easter eggs we've just pointed out, but this feeling also exists more broadly throughout the entire soundtrack. The dark track "Dominion" isn't one that contains any sonic Easter eggs, but is unique to this soundtrack, as is the heroic hero theme for the Titan , heard in "Leaving Spacedock" and throughout the all ten episodes of the season.

Seven of Nine sits in the captain's chair of the Titan-A, renamed Enterprise-G, in 'The Last Generation'

But, the brilliance of the Picard Season 3 soundtrack isn't that it simply checks-off various Star Trek musical boxes. Instead, it seamlessly blends the old with the new. In "Legacy and the Future," longtime fans will be reminded of Denis McCarthy's tender music from 1994's Star Trek Generations , but as the track builds, we move from the immortal Alexander Courage fanfare, and into the new , future-facing music created for the Titan , which is destined to become Captain Seven's ship, the Enterprise-G , boldly headed into the future.

And so, the Picard Season 3 soundtrack isn't just a series of nostalgia hits. Its music allows us to revisit stories from across the whole timeline of Star Trek , but, also, imagine an unfolding new future, full of wonder, hope, and adventure.

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Ryan Britt is the author of the nonfiction books Phasers on Stun! How the Making and Remaking of Star Trek Changed the World (2022), The Spice Must Flow: The Journey of Dune from Cult Novels to Visionary Sci-Fi Movies (2023), and the essay collection Luke Skywalker Can’t Read (2015). He is a longtime contributor to Star and his writing regularly appears with Inverse, Den of Geek!, Esquire and elsewhere. He lives in Portland, Maine with his family.

In addition to streaming on Paramount+ , Star Trek: Picard also streams on Prime Video outside of the U.S. and Canada, and in Canada can be seen on Bell Media's CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave. Star Trek: Picard is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

Graphic illustration of Book and Rayner side by side against a textured background

Why Star Trek: Picard Teamed The Borg Up With The Changelings

Star Trek: Picard The Last Generation

In the "Star Trek: Picard" episode "Võx" (April 13, 2023), Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis) used her empathic abilities to reach into the mind of Jack Crusher (Ed Speleers) to explain the mysterious, brief psychic spells he periodically and uncontrollably falls under. Jack had revealed that he possessed martial arts skills he never knew he had, can occasionally read people's thoughts, and even invade the brains of others, taking control of their bodies. Nothing is known about Jack's powers, other than he was being murderously pursued by Vadic (Amanda Plummer), a vengeful Changeling who hoped to unlock their secrets.

It seems that years ago, the Federation kidnapped several Changelings, including Vadic, and performed cruel medical experiments on them. Vadic only wants revenge for the Federation's unacknowledged war crimes. Jack has something to do with her plan.

In "Võx," it was revealed that Jack's powers came from, rather unexpectedly, the Borg. It seems that Picard (Patrick Stewart), Jack's father, unwittingly passed a Borg gene (!) into his son's brain, giving him latent Borg superpowers. Jack, upon learning of his Borg genetics, flees distraught to a nearby Borg ship, where Vadic's true mastermind is revealed: a dying Borg Queen (Jane Edwina Seymour, voice of Alice Krige). She reveals the Borg were in cahoots with the Changelings this whole time, and that their plot was ... well, read below for a fuller explanation.

In 2023, "Picard" season 3 showrunner Terry Matalas  took to Reddit to answer questions from fans . During his Q&A, Matalas revealed why he paired up the Changelings with the Borg, stating that he felt the two notorious "Star Trek" antagonists have a lot in common.

The Borg cut a deal

Matalas didn't explain how the Changelings and the Borg first came into cahoots, or how they were able to form their partnership, so Trekkies have to take it for granted that the two groups of villains met at some point, compared grievances with the Federation, and hatched a mutually beneficial plot. The Borg revealed to the Changelings that the corpse of Admiral Picard was being held at a Federation black site, locked up in a vault. Picard's consciousness was shunted into an android body at the end of "Picard" season 1, so his dead organic body was fair game for storage.

The Borg also revealed that a deadly brain ailment embedded in Picard's gray matter was actually the aforementioned Borg gene, only mistaken for a disease. It was left behind from when the Borg assimilated Picard several decades before. The Changelings stole Picard's dead body, extracted the gene, and then infiltrated dozens of Federation ships. Using many, many Federation transporters, the Changelings were able to implant the Borg gene into the brains of anyone who beamed anywhere. A wrinkle: the implanting only worked on anyone under the age of 25, as they were more susceptible to brain gene manipulation.

Once infected with the Borg gene, the Borg Queen could "activate" the Federation's youth, assimilating them all at once, and forcing them to attack their commanders. The Changelings and the Borg would get to see the Federation fall.

The team-up is odd from the outside, but Matalas felt it was organic, writing:

"The Changelings/Founders and The Borg have a lot in common. They both have had Starfleet attempt to wipe them out with weaponized viruses. 'DS9' and 'Voyager.' They both are kind of like a Hive. It seemed like the perfect Team-up."

Perfect? Hm...

The common history of the Founders and the Borg

The weaponized virus Matalas referred to is a morphogenic virus implanted in the Changelings during the seventh season of "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine." The changelings were said to be the founders of the Dominion, a powerful, warlike empire from the Gamma Quadrant of the galaxy, hence Matalas' reference to them as Founders.

The Borg virus was a neurolytic pathogen that Captain Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) deliberately infected herself with. She then allowed herself to be assimilated by the Borg, spreading the disease through their cybernetic network. This was the plot of the final episode of "Star Trek: Voyager," titled "Endgame" (May 23, 2001).

Matalas was well-versed in "Star Trek" to recognize the similar plights suffered by both the Borg and the Founders and decide that they should team up. He clarified that Vadic had been talking to the Borg Queen for the entire season; when Vadic retired to her quarters, she severed her own hand and watched it grow into a weird, goopy face that she could communicate with. This was, Matalas clarified, the face of the Borg Queen, somehow able to used Vadic's own body as a communication device:

"The Gelatinous Head was the Borg Queen speaking to Vadic via a long-range communications device. If you look at the face and the Queen, they are the same."

It seems out of character for the Borg to outsource their villainy; they have historically been more like cyborg zombies, marching relentlessly forward, sharing a group mind and only thinking of assimilating others. Some Trekkies wondered how a deal might have been struck.

Did the dying Borg Queen meet Vadic at a coffee shop to brainstorm plans? Perhaps not, but that's an amusing visual.

defiant star trek picard

10 Most Important Star Trek Time Travelers

  • Time travelers in Star Trek alter history with precision, facing high stakes to save the Federation and all sentient life in the galaxy.
  • Important time travelers like Admiral Janeway and Lt. La'an shape the Prime timeline with their actions, ensuring continued Federation existence.
  • Time travel remains risky but essential in Star Trek, from the 31st century Federation tech to Kirk's slingshot effect, impacting the galaxy's fate.

Star Trek 's most important time travelers have made a lasting impact on the Star Trek timeline. Time itself is a different kind of final frontier for Star Trek characters, so time travel stories have been a staple of Star Trek since the beginning of the franchise . Temporal anomalies, chroniton particles, Klingon time crystals, and encounters with all-powerful beings like Q (John de Lancie) can send characters all over the Star Trek timeline . Intentional time travel is also possible with the slingshot effect perfected by Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and the USS Enterprise crew in Star Trek: The Original Series, and the Federation's own technology in the 31st century.

Before time travel becomes commonplace in Star Trek 's future, it's still considered incredibly risky, and the Vulcans even consider it "unfair," according to Star Trek: Enterprise 's Subcommander T'Pol (Jolene Blalock). When time travel does become as convenient as warp drive, the ability to alter history in any one faction's favor creates the conditions of Star Trek 's Temporal Cold War , which inadvertently makes time a relatively malleable construct. To that end, most of Star Trek 's important time travelers take on desperately high stakes , where time travel is often the only answer to save the Federation, the people of Earth, or even all sentient life in the galaxy.

20 Best Star Trek Time Travel Episodes & Movies, Ranked

The Star Trek franchise has done a lot of time-travel stories in various shows and movies, and some have been undeniably better than others.

Admiral Kathryn Janeway

Star trek: voyager season 7, episodes 25 & 26 - "endgame".

In an alternate future, the USS Voyager's journey back to the Alpha Quadrant is not without terrible hardship, so Vice Admiral Kathryn Janeway (Kate Mulgrew) discovers a way to bring the USS Voyager home much sooner, avoiding over 22 casualties and Lt. Commander Tuvok's (Tim Russ) slow mental decline. With a stolen Klingon Chrono-deflector, Admiral Janeway returns to her own past to provide Captain Janeway with future technology designed to succeed in a battle against the Borg , which will give the USS Voyager access to a Borg transwarp hub, and a near-immediate way home.

Admiral Janeway's sacrifice in Star Trek: Voyager's series finale keeps the Alpha Quadrant Borg-free for decades.

Admiral and Captain Janeway manage a compromise that will satisfy both of them. Admiral Janeway's wish for Voyager's faster return is granted when the Captain agrees to use the hub to get home, and Captain Janeway's desire to destroy the hub is fulfilled when Admiral Janeway infects herself with a neurolytic pathogen before sacrificing herself to the Borg , who assimilate the pathogen. Admiral Janeway's sacrifice in Star Trek: Voyager' s series finale keeps the Alpha Quadrant Borg-free for decades.

Release Date May 23, 1995

Streaming Service(s) Paramount+

Cast Jennifer Lien, Garrett Wang, Tim Russ, Robert Duncan McNeill, Roxann Dawson, Robert Beltran, Kate Mulgrew, Jeri Ryan, Ethan Phillips, Robert Picardo

Network UPN

Franchise(s) Star Trek

Writers Kenneth Biller, Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Brannon Braga

Showrunner Kenneth Biller, Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Brannon Braga

Where To Watch Paramount+

Lt. La'an Noonien-Singh (Christina Chong)

Star trek: strange new worlds season 2, episode 3 - "tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow".

In Star Trek: Strange New Worlds season 2, episode 3 , "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow", Lt. La'an Noonien-Singh is handpicked by a dying Federation time agent (Christopher Wyllie) to complete an important mission that ensures the preservation of Star Trek 's Prime timeline. Before heading back to the past, however, Lt. Noonien-Singh is transported to an alternate timeline where Starfleet is at war, and accidentally takes the United Earth Fleet Enterprise's Captain James T. Kirk (Paul Wesley) with her to the early 21st century.

La'an and Jim's love story is pivotal to La'an's character growth in Strange New Worlds , but La'an's greater impact on the overall timeline comes after discovering Sera (Adelaide Kane), a time-traveling Romulan, is also in 21st century Toronto. Sera intends to kill a young Khan Noonien-Singh (Desmond Sivan) and prevent the rise of the Federation , but La'an takes matters into her own hands to thwart the Romulan plot after Sera kills Kirk in cold blood. Lieutenant Noonien-Singh's key mission shakes La'an to her core, but is ultimately a success for the Federation.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds

Cast Bruce Horak, Celia Rose Gooding, Jess Bush, Melissa Navia, Ethan Peck, Babs Olusanmokun, Rebecca Romijn, Paul Wesley, Christina Chong, Anson Mount

Writers Bill Wolkoff, Akiva Goldsman, Henry Alonso Myers

Directors Amanda Row, Valerie Weiss, Jonathan Frakes, Chris Fisher

Showrunner Akiva Goldsman, Henry Alonso Myers

Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) & La Sirena Crew

Star trek: picard season 2.

In 2401, a dying Q asks for help from Admiral Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) to correct the mistakes that Q made in the past. With his power reserves depleting, Q transports Picard into an alternate timeline, where Earth is ruled by the xenophobic Confederation, in a complete reversal from the hopeful Federation that Picard knows well. From their alternate present, Picard and the La Sirena crew travel back to 2024 Los Angeles, where they have to prevent the incident that altered the timeline .

Jean-Luc Picard has to make sure that his ancestor, Renée Picard (Penelope Mitchell), launches a historic mission to Europa, despite past Q meddling and the alternate timeline's Borg Queen (Annie Wersching) trying to reconstruct her Borg Collective in the 21st century. Renee Picard's mission becomes a load-bearing event in constructing the hopeful timeline of Star Trek 's future , in addition to being an important part of Jean-Luc's own history, so Picard's involvement is instrumental.

Cast Orla Brady, Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton, Brent Spiner, Jonathan Frakes, Jeri Ryan, Patrick Stewart, Alison Pill, Isa Briones, Evan Evagora, Marina Sirtis, Amanda Plummer, Whoopi Goldberg, Gates McFadden, Todd Stashwick, Santiago Cabrera, Michelle Hurd, John de Lancie, Ed Speleers

Network Paramount

Writers Akiva Goldsman, Terry Matalas, Michael Chabon

Directors Terry Matalas, Jonathan Frakes

Showrunner Akiva Goldsman, Terry Matalas, Michael Chabon

Admiral James T. Kirk (William Shatner) & the USS Enterprise Crew

Star trek iv: the voyage home.

When a mysterious probe shuts down everything in its path and threatens to destroy Earth unless it can communicate with long-extinct humpback whales, Admiral James T. Kirk (William Shatner) and the USS Enterprise crew must go back to a time before the whales' extinction . Spock (Leonard Nimoy) makes the calculations to use a slingshot effect that takes the crew's stolen Klingon bird-of-prey , renamed the USS Bounty, back to the 20th century. There, marine biologist Dr. Gillian Taylor (Catherine Hicks) helps Kirk and Spock by introducing them to two of her whales, George and Gracie.

The USS Enterprise crew used the Slingshot Effect method to time travel on two earlier occasions: Star Trek: The Original Series season 1, episode 21, "Tomorrow is Yesterday"; and Star Trek: The Original Series season 2, episode 26, "Assignment: Earth".

The danger to Earth that precipitates Admiral Kirk and his crew's journey through time is underscored in Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, which shines as a comedic time-travel story that sees the Enterprise crew interact with the then-present 1980s. Spock's idea to physically retrieve the humpback whales from the past ensures the survival of Earth in the 23rd century , since there was no other way to call off the powerful probe.

10 Star Trek Movies Ranked By Kirk's Crimes

Starring in ten films across two timelines, Admiral or Captain James T. Kirk breaks all the rules and frequently disobeys direct orders to save lives.

Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) & The DS9 Crew

Star trek: deep space nine season 5, episode 6 - "trials and tribble-ations".

With the Bajoran Orb of Time aboard the USS Defiant, Captain Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) and the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine crew find themselves nearly a century in the past, at Space Station K-7 with Kirk's USS Enterprise. While trying to find a way back to their own time, Sisko's crew discover Klingon Arne Darvin (Charlie Brill) means to kill Captain James T. Kirk with an explosive tribble , and search through the rapidly multiplying critters to find and disarm the bomb. Although the trip back in time seems accidental, the Prophets work in mysterious ways, suggesting that Sisko's crew were always present to ensure Kirk's safety in the 23rd century.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine season 5, episode 6, "Trials and Tribble-ations" expertly weaves in archival footage from Star Trek: The Original Series season 2, episode 13 "The Trouble With Tribbles", in celebration of Star Trek 's 30th anniversary.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Cast Terry Farrell, Cirroc Lofton, Rene Auberjonois, Nicole de Boer, Michael Dorn, Andrew Robinson, Nana Visitor, Avery Brooks, Colm Meaney, Armin Shimerman, Alexander Siddig

Writers Ira Steven Behr, Michael Piller, Ronald D. Moore

Showrunner Ira Steven Behr, Michael Piller

Captain Chakotay (Robert Beltran)

Star trek: prodigy.

On a return mission to the Delta Quadrant, Captain Chakotay (Robert Beltran) and the original crew of the USS Protostar were pulled into a temporal anomaly that opened above the planet Solum in the 25th century. Solum had suffered a bloody civil war resulting from the planet's First Contact with Starfleet, which had occurred between the time Chakotay left and the Protostar's arrival. The people of Solum, the Vau N'Akat, called for vengeance on Starfleet, and installed a weapon called the Living Construct on the USS Protostar, which would destroy Starfleet from the inside. Rather than endanger Starfleet, Chakotay sends the Protostar back in time, kicking off the events of Star Trek: Prodigy .

Streaming Service(s) Netflix

Cast Robert Beltran, Kate Mulgrew, John Noble, Jason Mantzoukas, Brett Gray, Angus Imrie, Jameela Jamil, Robert Picardo, Jimmi Simpson, Ella Purnell, Dee Bradley Baker

Network Netflix

Writers Kevin Hageman, Dan Hageman

Showrunner Kevin Hageman, Dan Hageman

Captain Jean-Luc Picard & USS Enterprise Crew

Star trek: first contact.

Against Starfleet's orders, Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) elects to engage the Borg near Earth, and follows a Borg Sphere through a temporal vortex to 2063, just days before humanity's first warp flight and subsequent contact with the Vulcans. With the intent of assimilating Earth in the past, the Borg pose an existential threat , and Picard reckons with the trauma that feeds his singleminded vengeance against the Borg. Commander William Riker (Jonathan Frakes) leads the away team in Montana that helps Zefram Cochrane (James Cromwell) to keep history's historic warp flight on track. Both storylines in Star Trek: First Contact are integral to the survival of Earth.

10 Best Quotes From Star Trek: First Contact

Star Trek: First Contact is not just the best Star Trek: The Next Generation movie, it's also one of the most quotable Star Trek movies.

Commander Michael Burnham

Star trek: discovery season 2 & 3.

The Red Angel in Star Trek: Discovery season 2 creates a compelling mystery for the USS Discovery crew to decode. The bursts of red light signal important people and places for the Discovery to visit and gather resources to battle against Section 31's Control A.I. before Control goes rogue and eliminates all sentient life in the galaxy. The stakes are high, but Commander Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) is dedicated to the mission that Burnham is destined to undertake -- even when Burnham must lead Discovery 900 years into the future to win against Control.

Commander Burnham's actions as the Red Angel are important, but Burnham has the most impact on the Star Trek universe in the 32nd century. Being relics of the 23rd century gives the Discovery crew a unique perspective, and Burnham embraces the chance to show the future that reconnection is possible after the Burn devastated interstellar travel . Starfleet begins to rebuild in a brighter future that wouldn't have been possible without Discovery's reminder of Starfleet's heyday and Michael Burnham's optimistic convictions.

Cast Blu del Barrio, Oded Fehr, Anthony Rapp, Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Wilson Cruz, Eve Harlow, Mary Wiseman, Callum Keith Rennie

Writers Alex Kurtzman

Directors Jonathan Frakes, Olatunde Osunsanmi

Showrunner Alex Kurtzman

Ambassador Spock (Leonard Nimoy)

Star trek (2009).

Ambassador Spock (Leonard Nimoy) intended to use red matter to create a singularity that would prevent the destruction of Romulus in the 2387 Romulan supernova . Too late to save Romulus, Spock creates a red matter black hole to stymie the supernova's further damage, which pulls Spock back in time to 2258 . Spock is pursued by a surviving Romulan captain, Nero (Eric Bana), who swears vengeance on Ambassador Spock for failing to save Romulus. Nero's actions in the past create an alternate reality, where history plays out much differently from Spock's memories.

Unable to return to the future or the Prime Timeline, Spock helps the USS Enterprise crew in the Kelvin Timeline when it's logical to do so, and becomes a mentor to the younger Spock (Zachary Quinto). Ambassador Spock lives the rest of his life in the Kelvin Timeline that he is ultimately responsible for creating, and which continues on after his death.

Star Trek's Kelvin Timeline Movies, Ranked

J.J. Abrams' Star Trek movies introduced the Kelvin Timeline into the franchise, and here's the film trilogy ranked from worst to best.

Agent Daniels (Matt Winston)

Star trek: enterprise.

Star Trek: Enterprise 's Agent Daniels hails from the 31st century, when time travel has become common enough to be weaponized, and the Temporal Cold War is well underway. At least once a season, the ever-secretive Daniels appears to Captain Jonathan Archer (Scott Bakula) with missions designed to keep the Federation's enemies from playing havoc with the timeline . Federation time travel technology protects Daniels' life after his apparent death, as well as Daniels' knowledge of the future, which remains intact despite the Cold War's temporal incursions.

In the 32nd century, Agent Daniels continues working for the Federation under the code name of Dr. Kovich (David Cronenberg), where he takes a special interest in the crew of the USS Discovery. Kovich's modus operandi and wealth of knowledge about past and future events fit in perfectly with the explanation that Kovich is Daniels.

As an agent dedicated to preserving the United Federation of Planets, Agent Daniels' importance to the timeline can't be understated . Daniels takes Archer with him to the USS Enterprise-J in the 26th century , revealing the impact that Archer's present actions have on the future. When Daniels himself can't take the mission, Daniels enlists Archer's help instead. Each of Agent Daniels' Star Trek: Enterprise stories has the same goal of making sure Star Trek 's United Federation of Planets doesn't cease to exist.

Cast Dominic Keating, Connor Trinneer, Linda Park, John Billingsley, Scott Bakula, Jolene Blalock, Jeffrey Combs, Anthony Montgomery

Writers Rick Berman, Manny Coto, Brannon Braga

Showrunner Manny Coto, Brannon Braga

Creator(s) Rick Berman, Brannon Braga

10 Most Important Star Trek Time Travelers

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  • June 19, 2024 | First Ships Revealed For New Star Trek Starship Collection Of Die-Cast Models Launching This Fall
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First Ships Revealed For New Star Trek Starship Collection Of Die-Cast Models Launching This Fall

defiant star trek picard

| June 19, 2024 | By: Staff 41 comments so far

Last year it was revealed that Fanhome would be picking up the baton of making new die-cast Star Trek ship models, after Eaglemoss went out of business in 2022. This morning Fanhome revealed their first releases and more details on the collection coming out later this year.

New Star Trek Die-Cast Collection

Fanhome is launching their new official Star Trek Starships model collection in November, with a new die-cast model starship being released every month. The collection will cover all the modern Star Trek series including Picard , Strange New Worlds , Discovery , Lower Decks and Prodigy . They have confirmed that the first three ships will be…

U.S.S. Titan NCC-80201-A

Captain Shaw’s Constitution III-class ship from Star Trek: Picard .

defiant star trek picard

USS Titan (Fanhome)

U.S.S. Stargazer NCC-82893

Rios’s Sagan-class ship, which featured in season 2 of Star Trek: Picard .

defiant star trek picard

USS Stargazer (Fanhome)

U.S.S. Farragut NCC-1647

The ship that a young James T. Kirk is serving on during the Strange New Worlds era.

defiant star trek picard

USS Farragut (Fanhome)

All the ships will be crafted from a combination of die-cast metal and high-quality resin, and the typical model will be between 7” and 9” (180-225 mm) long. Fanhome are working with Paramount Global to ensure the models are as accurate as possible and they will all be based on the original visual effects models that were used to make the effects for the show.

Each model will come with a 16-page magazine that provides an in-universe profile of the ship and explores the design process with exclusive art and brand new interviews with the production team. The project is being supervised by Ben Robinson, who previously oversaw Star Trek ship models and products for Eaglemoss.

defiant star trek picard

The first three ships from the new Star Trek Starship Collection (Fanhome)

The ships are exclusively available from individually and via a subscription program. Individually the ships are priced at $64.99 each, discounted to $54.99 as part of a subscription, with an extra discount for the first issue. Subscribers will also get a unique variant ship and other exclusive gifts.

There will also be regular, higher-priced XL-sized models for major ships that will be approximately 11” (280 mm) long.

To register your interest visit to sign up for updates including the exact release date and when you’ll be able to pre-order.

Keep up with all the Star Trek collectables in TrekMovie’s collectibles category

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It’s a shame that they aren’t making these in Eaglemoss’ original standard size.

True, but to be fair, those weren’t all to scale to each other. Not that these will either. Still a smaller scale, closer to the original Eaglemoss size would have been nice too, especially for those on a tighter budget or less space to display their ship collection. The bigger the ships the more space you need. Hopefully, Fanhome will only make ships that are more desirable versus trying to make almost every single ship ever seen on screen that a lot of people don’t care too much for. From the original Eaglemoss line, I only ever bought Starfleet ships.

Scale is important. It doesn’t make sense to display the Enterprise-E next to the Defiant when the models are of comparable size whereas in “reality” the E is 4 times larger…

As any kid who collected plastic animals knows, scale consistency will price you out pretty fast — or leave you with a little tiny fox or whatever so you can afford a blue whale. It does “make sense” to display them together b/c you know they’re models. You just have to let them be models. If you’re going to be doing realistic photography than you will have to digitally alter them to be in scale.

If I did buy these ship models (and I don’t), I would not consider them as models per se, but rather my own miniature Starfleet… So the scale would be an issue for me. For practical reasons though, you make a valid point and maybe it’s my view that doesn’t “make sense”.

Same, I have almost every Starfleet ship and shuttle from Eaglemoss, especially thanks to the recent blowout sale

Well they did go bankrupt.

At least they are starting with the ships that we didn’t get as oppose to another TOS USS Enterprise NCC-1701 and TNG USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D, which I am sure that they will make new versions of too, but I imagine that most collectors will want to get these new ships first.

Just a shame the new ships are ugly af compared to the classic designs of TOS/TNG/DS9 era Trek.

I agree, I really am not a big fan of most things Nu Trek, particularly the ships. That Farragut is so ugly, very strange nacelle struts. The Titan is an abomination frankly, which Junkball Media on YouTube called an “ugly duckling” of almost kitbashed parts, but it has grown on me the more I see of it. I do appreciate a general consistency among the fleet in terms of the nacelles themselves, though. Picard S3 gave us a lot of interesting variant classes that might be worth seeing together on a shelf…

Great point! While I’m not a huge fan of these newer designs, it’s good to see them getting proper treatment.

Hope Fanhome makes a USS Enterprise-A from the end of Star Trek: Beyond. I’m not a big fan of the new movies and new ship designs, but Beyond was actually a personal favorite of mine and I actually liked the new Enterprise-A design over the original Kelvin Enterprise designs.

The new A was an interesting design from the little we saw. I was bummed that Eaglemoss never did it.

The ‘A’ actually came off reasonably well in the few seconds of screen time allotted to it — but, man, before getting too excited check out Sean Hargreaves’ side profile artwork sometime. One word: ugh!

Yeah, it’s definitely bulky. Not my favorite, but it’s an interesting permutation on the classic Enterprise model.

I agree I think it’s very oddly proportioned, not a huge fan of the nacelle struts. I really liked the Kelvinprise personally, especially the first 2 movies and less so the refit from Beyond with smaller swept back nacelles.

Also, TREKMOVIE, did you see that is selling pre-orders for new bendy FleXfigs Star Trek action figures of Captains Benjamin Sisko (seasons 6 & 7 of DS9 uniform), Jean-Luc Picard (TNG seasons 3-7 uniform), James T. Kirk (TOS), and Christopher Pike (SNW)? The figures are made by The Canadian Group and are for sale at $10.99 USD on the BigBadToystore website.

why start not even one ship that would get people interested in the line?

Are you kidding? The Titan is literally the one ship I have been waiting to get a model of.

Oh yeah sure, let’s start another model line with the same constitution and galaxy-class models that every single company makes.

I literally gasped aloud seeing the Titan. I don’t even collect these! I’m getting my first one, an Enterprise-D, from a giveaway — and even I’m like “I might need that Titan”. Like, dude, just b/c YOU feel a certain way doesn’t mean everyone else does. I wish fans would learn to just speak for themselves.

i mistyped the original comment and can’t fix. I meant to say, why start the line without at least one of the more well-known ships to get more casual, first timers interested. The Titan is cool but without a bigger name ship, I’d be concerned that it will fizzle.

Also – I would take it as an axiom that of course I’m just speaking for myself. Just like you are…. eyeroll

I see your point, but don’t rule out the popularity of the Titan-A and the Stargazer with fandom and ‘new’ fandom.

Well at least you can tell who the intended audience is for these. It makes sense to be that they’re sort of “taking the baton” so to speak from Eaglemoss who didn’t stick around long enough to make these newer ships. I’m just frustrated they have to come in the larger size and with the larger price tag. I got no room for these behemoths.

These are the wrong ships to be launching with. I’ll get the Titan if the quality is good enough.

I remember getting the Enterprise A XL from Eaglemoss and looking at it in disbelief. It was so badly made.

Yeah, I read an article describing all the mistakes on that ship. There was just no excuse for them at all, especially at that price.

The Diamond Select ship was far far better.

and now the A XL goes for 250 to 500 on ebay. Masterreplicas didnt find anymore before removing the ships but interestingly real merch had them in stock shortly for like 80 bucks, after everyone thought there arent any left.

also does the A XL look so bad from 12 ft away?

I don’t look to bad from 12 feet away, but you don’t want a close up. Trust me.

No, it’s fine. It’s just that there are some blatant details, especially on the saucer, that are all wrong and there’s no reason for them to be.

It’s the awful seams that I hate.

Hello Beautiful. Love that Titan.

They have a Dutch website as well, but nothing about the new Trek ships on there yet.

They only can be shipped to US, UK and Germany. To other countries shipment is not possible.

The Constitution III-class and the Farragut look pretty cool.

These are just not in the price range I am looking for. Why can’t we get a return of Star Trek MicroMachines or better yet something like the Jazzwares Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron ships?

The Fanhome website shows the Enterprise F as well. YES!!!

I’d buy the titan. I don’t collect post modern trek items, but I’d make an exception for Captain Shaw’s ship.

When wasn’t Trek postmodern, I wonder? The TNG era was a textbook exercise in postmodern art. In my head I call that the “reverent Trek” era – the time when the franchise took itself seriously and honored its roots. Everything post Kelvin to me is the “irreverent Trek” era – let’s just blow sh*t up and do our own thing without any respect for what came before.

Generally speaking I’m a huge starship geek, and thanks to the recent Master Replicas sale of Eaglemoss overstock I have a model of just about every Starfleet ship. I’m not the biggest fan of the ships we’ve seen on screen since Discovery premiered – there were a few from Disco’s 23rd century that grabbed me, but we didn’t get a good look at most of them anyway thanks to the terrible VFX shots. Picard’s 24th century ships were a lot better looking imo, and I might pick up a Titan even though I consider it a shameful nostalgia bait-y design that makes zero sense in universe.

My only concern is that, like with the Disco and Picard Eaglemoss ships which were so unpopular (cuz the series were so unpopular), they’re making these things too large. Who at this point has room for more 8 inch models on their shelves? I loved how Eaglemoss made XL versions of classic “hero” starships, but never made us fork over 60 bucks for, say, an 8 inch Freedom class. But that’s exactly what they did with the Nu Trek designs, and that’s why I didn’t buy them, and it’s why I’m very skeptical of this new line making such third rate designs like the Farragut in the same size class as the Titan. These ships just aren’t that good or important to justify it, and I doubt they’ll ever sell in quantity.

I would love a collection of enterprises all in the same scale. I’m sure many others would too, but I also understand how it might not work so well in the bigger marketplace.

Perhaps they could consider doing a Kickstarter like circumstance, where we pre-pay, and they base the manufacturing and volume based on that. Kind of like Tomy didwith their big Enterprise. I wonder if that would be viable?

Great news! Especially Ben Robinson’s involvement…

But dang it, they’re going to make us wait to get the Titan with 1701-G labels aren’t they…

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Tricia o'neill's 3 star trek roles explained.


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Rachel Garrett: Star Trek’s Most Tragic Enterprise Captain Explained

25 best star trek: tng episodes of all time, michael dorn thought 1 star trek: tng episode made worf "a murderer".

  • Tricia O'Neill played multiple Star Trek characters, including the memorable Captain Rachel Garrett in TNG.
  • She auditioned for other TNG roles before landing the captain role, showcasing her dedication to appearing in Star Trek.
  • O'Neill also portrayed a Klingon scientist in TNG and a Cardassian spy in DS9, highlighting her versatility.

Best known for playing Captain Rachel Garrett in Star Trek: The Next Generation , Tricia O'Neill has actually played three characters in the Star Trek franchise. An actress with a prolific career as a stage performer and TV guest star, Tricia O'Neill has appeared in hit 1980s TV shows like Dynasty , Murder, She Wrote , and The A-Team . When O'Neill later appeared in two episodes of TNG , she didn't have any scenes with her former A-Team co-star Dwight Schultz as Lt. Reginald Barclay . However, Tricia O'Neill did share scenes with her The Fall Guy co-star, Marc Alaimo, in her one-and-only appearance in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine .

Interestingly, Tricia O'Neill was considered to play the recurring Star Trek: DS9 character , Kai Opaka in season 1, but the role went to Camille Saviola instead . Perhaps because O'Neill was so recognizable as the captain of the USS Enterprise-C, it was decided that a Bajoran nose ridge wouldn't be enough to hide Kai Opaka's physical resemblance to Captain Rachel Garrett. This could also be the reason why Tricia O'Neill's subsequent roles after Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3, episode 15, "Yesterday's Enterprise", required heavy alien prosthesis .

Rachel Garrett was the first female captain of the starship Enterprise, whose tragic fate secured a peaceful future for Star Trek's Federation.

Captain Rachel Garrett in "Yesterday's Enterprise"

Star trek: tng, season 3, episode 15.

Tricia O'Neill played the first female captain of the starship Enterprise in Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3, episode 15, "Yesterday's Enterprise". Captain Rachel Garrett was the captain of the USS Enterprise-C, which was lost in battle defending a Klingon colony from Romulan attack. When the starship fell through a temporal anomaly and caused a dark alternate timeline, Garrett and her crew bravely make the decision to sacrifice themselves by returning to the past to meet their fate. Garrett was briefly honored with the Red Lady statue in Star Trek: Picard season 3, until it was destroyed by terrorists.

Star Trek: The Next Generation

*Availability in US

Not available

Star Trek: The Next Generation is the third installment in the sci-fi franchise and follows the adventures of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the crew members of the USS Enterprise. Set around one hundred years after the original series, Picard and his crew travel through the galaxy in largely self-contained episodes exploring the crew dynamics and their own political discourse. The series also had several overarching plots that would develop over the course of the isolated episodes, with four films released in tandem with the series to further some of these story elements.

According to the Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion , Tricia O'Neill had been a big Star Trek fan prior to being cast as Captain Garrett. This is presumably why, in an interview with , O'Neill states that she'd auditioned for a handful of TNG roles prior to "Yesterday's Enterprise" . It was those auditions that ultimately led to the TNG team calling Tricia O'Neill and outright offering her the role of Captain Rachel Garrett. In the same interview, O'Neill reflected on the experience of being captain of the Enterprise, saying:

"Everything becomes very real and, if you let go of not believing, you can sail right into a whole world. Sitting in that chair as captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise, that’s who I was for a week or so. It was an extraordinary experience."

Kacey Rohl has been cast as a younger Rachel Garrett in the upcoming streaming-exclusive movie, Star Trek: Section 31 .

Kurak in "Suspicions"

Star trek: tng, season 6, episode 22.

Tricia O'Neill returned to Star Trek: The Next Generation , although audiences would be forgiven for not recognizing her. In Star Trek: TNG season 6, episode 22, "Suspicions", O'Neill played a Klingon warp field specialist, Kurak, who had been invited aboard the USS Enterprise-D to observe a metaphasic shield test. Kurak is a fascinating character, who provides insight into how Klingon scientists are regarded in the wider Star Trek universe. Watching her scenes in "Suspicions", it's clear that Tricia O'Neill relishes the chance to play such a complex character; a great scientist that also has the fiery temper of a Klingon warrior .

Discussing the role with back in 2013, Tricia O'Neill reflected on these conflicting aspects of Kurak's character. It was clear that the role of a Klingon scientist was something that greatly appealed to O'Neill, despite the hours spent in make-up to become Kurak. Read Tricia O'Neill's quote below:

" The makeup was difficult, but once I saw it, it was such a support to believe the world, to get into character [....] I knew the difficulty this particular Klingon was involved in because she was advancing. She had the great weight on her shoulders of being intelligent, of being a scientist, and she was crossing barriers. But she was still a Klingon, so she was very… not savage, but physical..."

Star Trek: The Next Generation produced some of the best and most beloved science fiction television of all time. Here is TNG's best of the best.

Korinas in "Defiant"

Star trek: ds9, season 3, episode 9.

Having appeared together in an episode of The Fall Guy , Tricia O'Neill reunited with Marc Alaimo in Star Trek: DS9 for the season 3 episode, "Defiant". O'Neill played Korinas, a member of the Obsidian Order, who was assigned to observe Commander Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) and Gul Dukat (Alaimo) as they led the search for the stolen USS Defiant. It was revealed that Tricia O'Neill's DS9 character had a lot to lose if the rogue Thomas Riker (Jonathan Frakes) unearthed the Obsidian Order's plans to build a new fleet of Cardassian warships.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, also known as DS9, is the fourth series in the long-running Sci-Fi franchise, Star Trek. DS9 was created by Rick Berman and Michael Piller, and stars Avery Brooks, René Auberjonois, Terry Farrell, and Cirroc Lofton. This particular series follows a group of individuals in a space station near a planet called Bajor.

Having previously played a Klingon in Star Trek , Tricia O'Neill was still surprised by the oppressive feeling of the Cardassian make-up required to play Korinas. In her interview, O'Neill revealed that it was " hard breathing " in the " rigid " Cardassian costume. However, despite this, Tricia O'Neill turns in an engaging performance as the enigmatic Cardassian spy, further proving the versatility she's shown as an actor throughout her career before and since Star Trek: The Next Generation .


Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987)


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  2. Obtaining an ICON

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    During the latest episode of Star Trek Picard, the USS Defiant is seen at the Starfleet Fleet Museum. The ship is stationed there under the watch of Commodore Geordi La Forge who is the head of the museum. While the Defiant does not play an active role in the episode, Star Trek Picard season 3 episode 6 does give audiences the first chance to ...

  2. USS Defiant

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